Penna Cement - Expansion - 08!18!04-08

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Regional Office, 1st Floor, Shankar Shopping Complex,Krishna Nagar Main Road, Kurnool – 518 002

K. RAVI KUMAR ., Phone No. 08518 - 235800.

Environmental Engineer. Fax No. 08518 – 233619
E-mail: [email protected]

Lr. No. 33-R-1023/PCB/RO/KNL/CFO & HWA/2008 Date: -04-2008

The Joint Chief Environmental Engineer The Joint Chief Environmental Scientist
A.P.Pollution Control Board, (HWM)
Zonal Office, Kurnool A.P.Pollution Control Board,
Board Office , Hyderabad.-

Sir ,

Sub: PCB – RO – KNL – CDCC - CFO application of M/s Penna Cement Industries
Ltd, Talaricheruvu(v), Tadipatri(M), Anantapur District – Verification report –

Ref: 1) CFE Order No. APPCB/KNL/KNL/193/CFE/HO/2007-1699, dt: 26-10-2007

2) Lr.No.12-2-7-2143-3383-ID, dated: 10-12-2007 from Commissioner of
Industries, Hyderabad received on 13-12-2007
3) Clarification sought on 18-12-2008
4) T.O.Lr.No.32-R-1023/PCB/RO/KN/CFO/2007 – 1476, dt: 21-02-2008
5) Industry resubmitted application on 02-04-2008
The details of the industry and inspection report are submitted as below:

General Details:
1 Name and Address of the industry M/s Penna Cement Industries Ltd,
Talaricheruvu(V), Tadipatri(M), Anantapur Dt.

With Tel. No,

08558 – 286055, 286066
[email protected]
2 Status of Consent and HWA.
I Fresh / Renewal Fresh (expansion)
(Copy of CFE / CFO and HWA orders
shall be enclosed).
II Date of receipt of application / 13-12-2007 & resubmitted on 02-04-2008
Additional information if any.
III Details of Consent Fee paid. 66,000/- vide D.D. NO.253340, dt:19-11-07
(Period upto)
The industry has Paid consent fee for the
period of one year i.e., upto 30-11-2008 for an
investment of Rs.22.0 crores.
3. Project cost. Rs.22.0 crores.
(including modification / expansion without
depreciation, as per balance sheet)
Total investment on pollution control Rs. 2.2 Crores
measures and recurring cost and
Latitude & E 78003’50” - E 78008’50”
Longitude N 15056’00” & N 15059’00”
Total Area of the plant: 100.95 Acres (plant & Township including
Extent of Greenbelt 50.0 acres
Surroundings of the Industry East : Agricultural lands
West : Neem garden
North : Mines
South : Colony

4. Date of commissioning. Yet to commission

5 Status of E.C
I Line of Activity as per EIA Notification. Cement Plant
II Environmental Clearance order No. Lr.No. F-No.J-11011/819/2007-IA-II(I), dt: 13-
and date 03-2008
(Copy shall be enclosed).
III Violations of EIA Notification, If any. ---
6 I Inspection conducted by A.E.E-II
II Representative of Industry present Sri M.Subba Reddy, Manager
III Date of Inspection 08-02-2008

CFO Details
7 Raw materials / Fuels required for production at Consented capacity per Day / Month.
Note : Should not be mentioned as “ enclosed with the application “
S.No Name of the Major Raw Existing Million Tonnes Total (TPD /
material / material used in the Per Annum KLD)

1 Lime stone 1.35 MTPA 0.75 MTPA 2.10 MTPA

2 Coal 0.158 MTPA 0.0092 MTPA 0.25 MTPA
3 Iron ore 0.022 MTPA 0.028 MTPA 0.850 MTPA
4 Gypsum 0.074 MTPA 0.036 MTPA 0.06MTPA
5 Slag 0.524 MTPA 0.308 MTPA 0.850 MTPA
6 Bauxite 0.022 MTPA 0.038 MTPA 0.06 MTPA

8 Products & By Products manufactured / Storage capacity of Petroleum products / Mining

capacity etc per Day / Month. As per CFE order dt: 26-10-2007
S.No Products / Line of Activity Consent Consent Total Applied
capacity capacity capacity
(as per the
(Existing) (Expansi MTPA
MTPA on)
1 Clinker 0.85 0.6 1.45 ---
2 Cement (OPC + PPC + PSC) 1.5 0.7 2.2 2.2

9 Water consumption.
I Source of water supply Borewell
(River / Bore wells / Public supply)
S. Purpose Quantity in KLD
Existing Proposed Total
1. Process / Scrubbing --- --- ---
2. Washings --- --- ---
3. Boiler Feed --- --- ---
4 Cooling 176 KLD 50 KLD 225 KLD
5 Gardening / Irrigation. --- --- ---
6 Others (to be specified) --- --- ---
7 Domestic 280 KLD --- 280 KLD
II. Status of Functioning of Water Meters Provided
10 Waste Water Generation:
S.No Effluents Quantity in KLD
Existing Proposed Total
1. Process --- --- ---
2 Washings --- --- ---
3 Boiler Feed --- --- ---
4 Cooling 10 KLD 3 KLD 13.0 KLD
5 Domestic 225 KLD --- 225 KLD

11 Out let – as per CFE order dt.26-10-2007

Outlet No. Outlet Description Max Daily Discharge Point of Disposal
1 Cooling 13 KLD Re-used
2 Domestic 215 KLD On land for
gardening after
treatment in STP.

12. a) ETP Details & Mode of Disposal:

I. Outlet No. 1
a. Stream Details: Cooling
b. Treatment units details. ---
c. Point of disposal Re-used

ii. Outlet No. 2 :

a. Stream Details: Domestic
b. Treatment units details. Existing STP – Bar screen, grit chamber, equalization,
aeration, clarifier, Aerobic digestor & filteration

c. Point of disposal Proposed for on land for gardening

b) Standards as per CFO / CFE. Board Monitoring Data

--- Not yet commissioned

13 Water Cess
I Returns filed upto (Month & Year) February 2008 for the existing plant
II Assessment issued upto (Month & 31-10-2007
III Assessment paid upto (Month & Year) ---
IV Assessment amount due (In Rs.) ---

14 Air pollution:
S.No. Source of Pollution Control Flow Stack height
( Boiler / Furnace / Kiln / Cupola / equipment rate in in Mts -
Incinerator / Process emissions with provided m3/hr. above GL
Characteristics / Fugitive emissions with
Characteristics / DG set )
Capacity should be mentioned for each
1 Attached to lime stone crusher bag house Bag house --- ---
2 Attached to coal mill – I & II house Bag filter --- 40mts
3 Attached to Kiln-I and Raw mill ESP ESP 334980 74mts
4 Attached to Kiln-II and Raw mill Bag house Bag house 322500 74 mts
5 Attached to vertical Roller mill bag house Bag house --- 30mts
6 Attached to Cooler – I ESP ESP 220000 30mts
7 Attached to Cement Mill – I ESP ESP 70000 36mts
8 Attached to packing plant bag house Bag filter --- 32mts
9 Attached to Coal mill – II Bag house Bag filter --- 40mts
10 Attached to cooler – II ESP ESP 220000 30mts
11 Attached to 2 x 1250 KVA D.G set --- --- ---

1 Raw mill – III Bag house 1,00,000 34mts

15. Emissions from chimneys – as per CFE order dt. 26-10-2007 for expansion

Chimney Description of Chimney *Quantity of Limiting Board Monitoring

No. Emissions at Standard Data
peak flow
1 Raw mill – III 1,00,000 50mg/Nm3 ---

16 Compliance of the industry on CFE (Schedule- A & B) Conditions for Fresh CFO /
Schedule – B conditions for renewal.
CFE Order No. APPCB/KNL/KN/184/CFE/HO/2007-1699, dt: 26-10-2007

Compliance on Schedule – A conditions

Condition Compliance
1 Progress on implementation of the project : ---
shall be reported to the Regional Office,
Kurnool, A.P Pollution control Board one in
six months
2 Separate energy meters shall be provided : Not Complied
for Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and Air
pollution Control equipments to record
energy consumed.
3 The proponent shall obtain Consents for : Complied
operation from APPCB, as required under
Sec. 25/26 of the Water (P&CP) Act, 1974
and under sec. 21/22 of the Air (P&C of P)
Act, 1981, before commencement of the
4 Not withstanding anything contained in this : ---
conditional letter or consent, the Board
hereby reserves its right and power Under
Sec.27(2) of Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and under
sec. 21(4) of Air (P & C of P) Act, 1981 to
review any or all the conditions imposed
herein and to make such alternation as
deemed fit and stipulate any additional
conditions by the Board.
5 The consent of the Board shall be : Complied
exhibited in the factory premises at a
conspicuous place for the information of
the inspecting officers of different
6 Compensation is to be paid for any : ---
environmental damage caused by it, as
fixed by the Collector and District
Magistrate as civil liability.
7 Floor washing shall be admitted into the : ---
effluent collection system only ad shall not
be allowed to find their way in storm drains
or open areas. The industry shall maintain
a good housekeeping.
8 Rain Water Harvesting structure(s) shall : Complied
be established on the plant site. The
proponent shall esure that effluent shall not
enter the Rain Water harvesting structure.
9 The rules and regulations notified by : ---
ministry of Law and Justice, GOI,
regarding the Public liability insurance Act,
1991 shall be followed
10 This order is valid for period of 5 years : ---
from the date of issue

Compliance on Schedule – B conditions

Condition Compliance
1 The source of water is bore-wells and mine pits : ---
and the maximum permitted water consumption
after expansion is 506.0 KLD.
2 Air Pollution control equipment shall be installed : Complied
along with the commissioning of the activity. All
the units of the ETP shall be impervious to
prevent ground water pollution
3 The effluents shall be treated to the on land for : Complied
irrigation standards, stipulated under
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, notified
and published by Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India as specified in
schedule VI vide G.S.r.422(E), dt.19.05.1993
and its amendments thereof, and additional
standards / conditions stipulated by APPCB.
4 The maximum waste water generation after : Industry not yet commissioned
expansion shall not exceed the following
S Description Qty Mode of final
l.N disposal
1 Cooling 13 Reused
2 Domestic 215 Onland for
gardening after
treatment in STP
5 Separate meters
Total with 228
necessary pipe-line shall : Not complied
be provided for assessing the quantity of water
used for each of the purposes mentioned below:
a) Spraying in mine pits
b) Domestic purposes
Air: : Industry not yet commissioned
6 The existing control equipment shall be
upgraded to control air pollution even after
expansion to meet the standards prescribed by
he Board.
7 The proponent shall comply with the following : Complied
for controlling air pollution

Source Control Equipment

Raw mill – III Bag filters followed by 34m

Details of fugitive emissions :

Water sprinklers not provided
Source Control Equipment
Coal yard, lime stone Bag filters shall be
stock pile, transfer provided at transfer
points, vehicular points, cement road laid
movement down in the premises.
Material handling Dust suppression by
water sprinklers
8 SPM Concentration in emission from the Kiln : Not yet commissioned
including grinding units shall not exceed
50mg/Nm3. SPM concentration from all the
sections shall not exceed 250 mg/Nm3.
9 A sampling port with removable dummy of not : ---
less than 15 cm diameter shall be provided in
the stack at a distance of 8 times the diameter of
the stack from the nearest constraint such as
bends etc. A platform with suitable ladder shall
be provided below 1 meter of sampling port to
accommodate three persons with instruments.
A 15 AMP 250V point shall be provided on the
10 The proponent shall provide interlocking system : ---
for air pollution control equipments provided with
raw material feeding system so that the feeding
of raw material would be stopped incase the air
pollution control equipments fail.
11 The generator shall be installed in a closed area : Complied
with a silencer and suitable noise absorption
systems The ambient noise level shall not
exceed 75dB(A) during day time and 70dB(A)
during night time.
Solid Waste:
12 The proponent shall comply with the following: : ---

Sl. Solid waste Quantity Method of

No. generated from disposal
1 D.G sets mill 7 TPA Oil & oil
gears & gear sludge is
boxes fired in the
kiln and
used for
wheel and
2 STP 5 TPM Used as

3 Dust collected in 2 TPA Recycled

air pollution in the
control process

13 Provisions shall be made in the kiln to burn high Complied

calorific hazardous waste
14 The following rules and regulations notified by : ----
the MoE&F, GOI shall be implemented
a) Hazardous Waste (Management &
Handling) Rules, 1989
b) Manufacture, storage and import of
hazardous chemicals Rules, 1989.
Other conditions:
15 Green belt shall be maintained along the : Partially complied
boundary of the industry and in all vacant
16 The recommendations / commitments made : ---
during the Public Hearing held on 06-05-2007 at
Talaricheruvu(V), Tadipatri(M), Anantapur Dist.
shall explicitly be followed from pollution control
point of view.
17 The proponent shall obtain Environmental : Complied
Clearance from MoE&F, GOI as per EIA
Notification, 2006.
17 Compliance of the industry on EC Special conditions : N.A
Condition Compliance
1 The stack emissions from various sources shall : Partly complied
not exceed 50mg/Nm3.
2 Bag house / filters shall be provided to control : Complied
the fugitive emissions during loading and
unloading. The project authorities shall store all
the raw materials except limestone in the
covered sheds to control fugitive emissions
3 The locations of ambient air quality monitoring : complied
stations shall be set up as per statutory
requirements in consultation with the
A.P.Pollution Control Board (APPCB) and
additional stations shall be installed, if required,
in the down wind direction as well as where
maximum ground level concentrations are
4 Total ground water requirement shall not exceed : Complied
505 m3/day and prior ‘Permission’ for the drawl
o ground water shall be obtained from the
SGWB/ CGWA and copy of the permission shall
be submitted to Ministry’s Regional Office at
Bangalore within 3 months from the date of
receipt of this letter. The project authorities shal
install sewage treatment plant for minimum 225
m3/day capacity to treat domestic sewage and
treated sewage shall be utilized for the green
development. No waste water shall be
discharged outside the premises and ‘zero’
discharge shall be ensured.
5 The project authorities shall make all out effort to : Complied
use high calorific value hazardous waste in the
kiln and accordingly, necessary provision in the
kiln shall be made.
6 The project authority shall transport the raw : Complied
material and the product in covered means
7 Out of total 40.40 Ha, 14.14 Ha shall be : Complied
developed as greenbelt as per the guidelines of
Central Pollution Control Board to mitigate the
effect of fugitive emission
8 The project authorities shall provide a health : Complied
centre with all emergency medicines and
ambulance along with full time doctor.
Occupational health surveillance of the workers
shall be carried out on regular basis and records
shall be maintained as per the Factories Act.
9 The project authorities shall obtain all other : Complied
necessary statutory clearances from the
concerned departments including ‘No Objection
Certificate’ from the A.P.Pollution Control Board
(APPCB) prior to commencement of
10 All the recommendations mentioned in the : ---
CREP guideline shall be followed and complied
11 Measure shall be taken to prevent impact of : ---
particulate emission / fugitive emission, if any,
from the proposed plant on the surrounding
reserve forests viz., Dobbudaballe & Dhodiyam
which is located within 10 Km radius of the
project. Further, Conservation Plan for the
conservation of wild fauna in consultation with
the State Forest Department shall be prepared
and implemented.
B. General Conditions
1. The project authorities shall strictly adhere to the : ---
stipulations of the SPCB / state Government or
any other Statutory body
2. No further expansion or modifications in the : Complied
plant shall be carried out without prior approval
of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. In
case of deviations or alterations in the project
proposal from those submitted to this Ministry
for clearance, a fresh reference shall be made to
the Ministry to assess the adequacy of
conditions imposed and to add additional
environmental protection measures required, if
3 The gaseous emissions (SO2, NOx) and : ---
particulate matter levels from various process
units shall conform to the standards prescribed
by the concerned authorities from time to time.
At no time, the emissions shall exceed the
prescribed limits. In the event of failure of any
pollution control system adopted by the unit, the
unit shall be immediately put out of operation
and shall not be restarted until the desired
efficiency has been achieved.
4 The company shall undertake following Waste : Complied
Minimization measures
• Reuse of by-products from the process
as raw materials or as raw material
substitutes in other processes.
• Use of “Closed pneumatic” system for
transport of fine material
• All venting systems shall be connected
with dust arresting equipments
• Dust collect in pollution control
equipments shall be reused.
5 Fugitive emissions in the work zone : ---
environment, product, and raw materials storage
area shall be regularly monitored. The
emissions shall conform to the limits imposed by
the State Pollution control Boards / Central
Pollution Control Board.
6 The overall noise levels in and around the plant : Complied
area shall be kept well within the standards by
providing noise control measures including
acoustic hoods silencers, enclosures etc. on all
sources of noise generation. The ambient noise
levels shall conform to the standards prescribed
under Environment (Protection Act, 1986 Rules,
1989 viz., dBA (day time) and 70 dBA (night
7 The project authorities shall strictly comply with : Complied
the rules and guidelines under manufacture,
storage and import of hazardous chemicals
rules, 1989 as amended and hazardous waste
(Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 as
amended from time to time. Authorization from
the SPCB shall be obtained for collection,
treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous
8 Rainwater harvesting shall be done within the : Complied
premises Ground water recharge structures
shall be installed around the plant area in
consultation with local authorities to contain the
ground water table
9 The company shall undertake eco- : Complied
developmental measures including community
welfare measures in the project area for the
overall improvement of the environment. The
eco-development plan should be submitted to
the SPCB within three months of receipt of this
letter for approval.
10 As proposed, the project authorities shall : Complied
earmark Rs.30.00 Lakhs to implement the
conditions stipulated by the Ministry of
Environment and Forests as well as the State
Government along with the implementation
schedule for all the conditions stipulated herein.
The funds so provided shall not be diverted for
any other purpose. The cost of environmental
protection measures for expansion wil be Rs.30
11 A separate Environmental Management Cell : Complied
equipped with full fledged laboratory facilities
shall be set up to carry out the Environmental
Management and Monitoring functions
12 The implementation of the project vis-à-vis : Complied
environmental action plans shall be monitored
by he concerned Regional Office of the Ministry /
SPCB / CPCB. A six monthly compliance status
report shall be submitted to monitoring agencies
and shall be posted on the website of the
13 The project proponent shall inform the public : Complied
that the project has been accorded
environmental clearance by the Ministry and
copies of the clearance letter are available with
the SPCB and may also be seen at Website of
the Ministry at This shall be
advertised within seven days from the date of
issue of the clearance letter, at lest in two local
newspapers that are widely circulated in the
region of which one shall be in the vernacular
language of the locality concerned and a copy of
the same shall be forwarded to the concerned
Regional Office of the Ministry
14 The project authorities shall inform the Regional : ---
Office as well as the Ministry the date of
financial closure and final approval of the
project by the concerned authorities and the
date of start of the project.

18 Compliance of the industry on Task Force Directions : N.A

Condition Compliance
--- ---

19 Compliance of the industry on CREP Recommendations. N.A

CREP Recommendations Compliance
1 Cement plants who are not complying the : N.A
notified standard shall do the following to
meet the standards;
• Augmentation of existing APCD – by
July 2003
• Replacement of existing APCD – by
March, 2004
2 Cement Plants located in critically polluted : Industry designed APCE for 50mg
or urban areas (Including 7 Km distance proposed
outside urban boundary) will meet 50mg/
Nm3 limit of particulate matter by
December 2004.
3 For new cement plants and expansion : Industry designed APCE for 50mg
cases, the limit of particulate matter proposed
emission will be 50mg/Nm3
4 CPCB will evolve load-based standards . : ---
5 CPCB and NCBM will evolve SO2 and : ---
NO2 emission standards.
6 Cement Industries will control fugitive : Partly complied
7 CPCB, NCBM, BIS and Oil refineries will : ---
jointly prepare the policy on use of
petroleum coke as fuel in cement kiln by
July, 2003
8 After performance evaluation of various : Not complied
types of continues monitoring equipment,
Industries will install the continuous
monitoring equipment by December 2003.
9 Tripping in Kiln ESP to be minimized by : ---
July, 2003.
10 Industries will submit the target date to : ---
enhance the utilization of waste material
by April 2003.
11 NCBM will carryout a study on hazardous : ----
waste utilization in cement Kiln by
December 2003.
12 Cement Industries will reduce CO2 : ---
emission to 0.75 t/t of cement production
by July, 2004
13 Cement Industries will carryout feasibility : ---
study and submit target dates to CPCB for
co-generation of power by July, 2006.

20 Hazardous chemicals used and their storage facilities:Existing facility is having CFO

21. HWA Details:

i) Particulars of Authorisation obtained under N.A
HW(M&H) Rules, 2003 (No. & Validity date)
ii) Authorization issued for N.A
(Transportation, reception, storage, treatment and

*remarks shall be furnished if the industry is

receiving Haz.Waste at the site and using as a raw
iii) Process in which the industry is covered (Please ---
give Sl. No of process as per HW Rules)
iv) Description of Hazardous waste with quantities and ---
Stream No. as per HWM Rules, 2003

v) Particulars of on-site Secured Storage (Capacity ---

with dimensions) and mention period for which
secured storage is sufficient.
vi) Quantity of Haz Waste stored on-site presently. Nil

*Furnish specific remarks on the storage of

Haz.waste for more than 90 days.
vii) Quantity of Hazardous waste disposed for last six N.A
months as per the following break-up:

Common TSDF –
Common HW Incinerator –
For recycle / reused -
viii) Whether industry has submitted annual returns, N.A
date of latest submission.
ix) Whether industry has installed incinerator or Not submitted
sending to common HW Incinerator
x) Particular of own incinerator (if applicable) ---
xi) Whether log books are maintained for incinerator. ---
(if applicable)
xii) Whether industry has taken adequate steps to ---
prevent contaminated runoff from storage areas of
Hazardous Waste.
xiii) Steps taken by industry towards waste ---
minimization and cleaner production.
xiv) Future plan for waste minimization. ---
xv) Facilities available with, industry for waste ---
xvi) Overall House Keeping within the factory premises. ---
xviii) Details of disposal of lead acid batteries along with ---
nos and agencies to whom they are disposed

22 Compliance of the industry on previous Hazardous Waste Authorisation conditions. : N.A

23 Inspection Officer’s Remarks:

M/s Penna Cement Industries Ltd, has applied CFO for expanded capacity of 2.2million
TPA by increasing the capacity from 1.5million TPA to 2.2million TPA through optimization and
upgradation of existing unit by installing one more raw mill –III with project cost of Rs.22.0
Crores for which the industry has obtained CFE vide order dated: 26-10-2007 and also
obtained E.C vide order dated: 13-03-2008 (copy enclosed). The industry has installed bag
filters as a control equipment followed by stack of height 34mts.

In this regard it is to submit that the industry had applied CFO for existing capacity of
OPC 1060 TPD, PSC – 30303TPd & PPC – 455TPD (1.5million TPA ) vide application dt:13-
11-2007 and 22-12-2007 for which the inspection report was forwarded to the SEE (CFO),
Hyderabad on 22-12-2007. The industry has applied CFO for expanded capacity of 2.2million
TPA on 13-12-2007 duly paying fee of Rs.66,000/- for the investment of Rs.22.0 Crores i.e.,
investment made for expansion without submitting copy of the E.C. The industry was directed
to submit the copy of E.C and the application was returned as the industry has not submitted
the E.C within 30days and informed not to operate the plant without valid consent of the Board.
The industry vide letter dated: 02-04-2008 resubmitted the applications duly submitting the E.C
and compliance to the CFE & E.C.

I Maintenance of ETP / APC : Industry not yet commissioned the expanded project.
II Records Maintained
• ETP Log Book.: ---
• Stack Monitoring Report.: Stack monitoring of the existing plant is herewith
• Ambient Air Quality Monitoring report.: AAQ monitoring of the existing plant is
herewith enclosed.
• Energy consumption records.: ---
• Water meter readings.: ---

(Signature of the Inspecting Officer)

24 Regional Officer’s Remarks:

I Compliance of the industry with ---

reference to Notifications under E(P)
Act & Rules.
a) Fly Ash Notification.
b) PLI Act Policy.
c) Environmental Statement in
Form – V.
d) Other if any.
II Complaint / Legal action taken against ---
the industry.
III. Mitigation Measures (Where significant ---
adverse effects are identified,
description of the measures to be
taken to avoid, reduce or remedy
those effects).
25 Remarks(He may remark on case history of illegal dumping of hazardous waste) : M/s
Penna Cement Industries Ltd has increased its production capacity by optimization and
upgradation of existing unit by installing one more raw mill –III with project cost of Rs.22.0
Crores for which the industry has obtained CFE for expansion from existing clinker - 0.85
MTPA to 1.45 MTPA, blended cement(OPC, PSC & PPC) – 1.5MTPA to 2.2MTPA. The
industry has obtained E.C vide letter dated: 13-03-2008 (copy enclosed). The latest
monitoring report of the existing plant are herewith enclosed. The representative of the
industry informed that they will start production for the expanded capacity within one or two
26 Recommendation (Specific comment whether to issue consent or not).
The issue of CFO to the expanded capacity of clinker - 0.6million TPA, blended
cement (OPC, PSC & PPC) – 0.7million TPA may be considered upto 30-11-2008 duly
stipulating necessary conditions.

This is submitted for favour of kind information and taking necessary action.

Yours faithfully,


- Copy submitted to the JCEE (Cess & Planning) APPCB, Board Office, Hyderabad for favour
of kind information and for taking necessary action.

- Copy submitted to the GIS Section, APPCB, Board Office, Hyderabad for favour of kind
information and for taking necessary action.

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