Panyam Cements - CFO & HWA VR
Panyam Cements - CFO & HWA VR
Panyam Cements - CFO & HWA VR
Regional Office, 1st Floor, Shankar Shopping Complex,Krishna Nagar Main Road, Kurnool – 518 002
The Senior Environmental Engineer (CFO), The Joint Chief Environmental Scientist (HWM),
A.P. Pollution Control Board, A.P. Pollution Control Board,
Board Office, Hyderabad. Board Office, Hyderabad
Sir ,
Sub: PCB – RO – KNL - M/s Panyam Cements & Mineral Industries Ltd. Cement Division,
Cement Nagar(V), Betamcherla(M), Kurnool Dist. – Applications for Water and Air
Consents and HW Authorisation for Renewal – Submission of inspection report –
General Details:
1 Name and Address of the industry M/s Panyam Cements & Mineral Industries Ltd.
Cement Division, Cement Nagar, (V),
Betamcherla(M), Kurnool dist.
CFO Details
7 Raw materials / Fuels required for production at Consented capacity per Day / Month.
Note : Should not be mentioned as “ enclosed with the application “
S.No Name of the Major Raw material / (Per / Month ) for each product
material used in the Activity
1 Lime stone 2100 to 2400 TPD
2 Bauxite 100 to 150 TPD
3 Gypsum 60 to 80 TPD
4 Iron ore 25 to 40 TPD
5 Coal 400 TPD
9 Water consumption.
I Source of water supply
(River / Bore wells / Public supply)
S. Purpose Quantity in KLD
1. Process 130 KLD (for ESP conditioning tower)
2. Washings ---
3. Boiler Feed ---
4 Industrial Cooling (Makeup) / 95 KLD
Humidification / Water spraying).
5 Gardening / Irrigation. ---
6 Others (to be specified) ---
7 Domestic 380 KLD
Total: 605 KLD
II. Status of Functioning of Water Meters
I. Outlet No. 1
a. Stream Details:
b. Treatment units details. ---
c. Point of disposal
ii. Outlet No. 2 :
a. Stream Details:
b. Treatment units details. ---
c. Point of disposal
iii. For Domestic waste water: Septic tank followed by soak pit
13 Water Cess
I Returns filed upto (Month & Year) 31-03-2008
II Assessment issued upto (Month & Year) 30-09-2007
III Assessment paid upto (Month & Year) 30-09-2007
IV Assessment amount due (In Rs.) ---
14 Air pollution:
16 Hazardous chemicals used and their storage facilities: The industry is having one
High speed Diesel oil – 350 KL capacity storage tank and one Heavy furnace oil – 400 KL
capacity storage tank. The industry provided dyke walls and fencing around the tankers. At
present these tanks are not in use.
The main source of air pollution from this industry are Kiln-I (dismantled) & II, Kiln - III,
Raw Mill-I, II & III. Coal Mill – III & IV (the industry had dismantled the coal mill No.I & II) , Kiln
cooler- II & III, rotary packer and D.G sets. The air pollution control equipment provided by the
industry are not functioning properly and exceeding the standards of the Board . The industry is
operating the mining without valid CFO and Environmental Clearance.
I Maintenance of ETP / APC : No ETP / Not satisfactory
II Records Maintained
• ETP Log Book. – N.A
• Stack Monitoring Report. – Submitting 3rd party monitoring reports
• Ambient Air Quality Monitoring report. – Submitting 3rd party monitoring reports
• Energy consumption records. – Not maintained
• Water meter readings.- ----
18 Compliance of the industry on CFE (Schedule- A & B) Conditions for Fresh CFO / Schedule – B
conditions for renewal.
Consent order no.APPCB/KN/KNL/73/HO/W&A/2007-1189, dt: 28-08-2007
Condition Compliance
1 : It was informed that the industry is restricting
The industry shall take steps to reduce water
the water consumption as per the consent
consumption to the extent possible and
order quantities.
comsumption shall NOT exceed the
quantities mentioned below
S.No. Purpose Quantity
1 Process 130 KLD
2 Cooling 95 KLD
3 Domestic 380 KLD
Total 605 KLD
2 The industry shall file the water cess returns : The industry is filing water cess returns in
in Form-I as required under section (5) of Form-I regularly. The industry has not
Water (P & C P) Cess Act, 1977 on or before provided water meters so far.
the 5th of every calendar month, showing the
quantity of water consumed in the previous
month along with water meter readings. The
industry shall remit water cess as per the
assessment orders as and when issued by
3 The emissions shall not contain constituents : All the main stack emissions were exceeding
in excess of the prescribed limits mentioned the Board standards.
Chimney Parameters Emission
No. Parameters Emission
No. Standards
(mg/Nm 3
1 to 10 SPM 115mg/Nm
4 The industry shall comply with ambient air : Not complied. The SPM concentration are
quality standards of TPSM – 200 µg/m3, exceeding near the plant
RSPM – 100 µg/m3, SO2 - 80 µg/m3, Nox –
80 µg/m3, Date Main Register Guest
security office house
Noise levels: gate
Day time (6AM t0 10 PM) – 75 dB(A) 27/01/07 823.29 476.64 196.73
Night time (10 PM to 6 AM) – 70 dB(A)A 24/04/07 637.36 233.34 177.78
30/05/08 563.59 637.82
Near Iron ore crusher
5 The industry shall not increase the capacity : Complied. But, during the inspection it was
beyond the permitted capacity mentioned in observed that the industry had started
this order, without obtaining CFE / CFO of construction works for expansion and
the Board modernization of kiln-I without obtaining CFE /
6 The industry shall not undertake any : Not complied and started construction and
construction work pertaining to expansion / modernization of Kiln-I
moderkization of Kiln-I without obtaining CFE
/ Environment Clearance
9 Vide letter dt: 23-07-2007, the industry has : The industry has not submitted the
reported that various air pollution control performance
equipments are up-graded / modified to
comply with the emissions standards
stipulated by the Board. The industry shall
evaluate the performance of these control
equipments and shall furnish report to the
RO, Kurnool within a month along with
performance guarantee equipment supplier
10 Industries will submit the target date to : The industry is producing PPC by using fly
enhance the uitilisation of waste materials by ash.
April 2003.
22 Recommendation (Specific comment whether to issue consent or not).: The renewal of CFO of
the Board may considered after complying the Task Force directions issued on 28-08-2007.
23. HWA Details:
iii) Process in which the industry is covered (Please give 5.1 & 5.2
Sl. No of process as per HW Rules)
iv) Description of Hazardous waste with quantities and As follows
Stream No. as per HWM Rules, 2003
v) Particulars of on-site Secured Storage (Capacity with The grinding media has been
dimensions) and mention period for which secured stored in a secured area.
storage is sufficient.
Common TSDF –
Common HW Incinerator –
For recycle / reused -
viii) Whether industry has submitted annual returns, date No
of latest submission.
ix) Whether industry has installed incinerator or sending No
to common HW Incinerator
x) Particular of own incinerator (if applicable) N.A
xi) Whether log books are maintained for incinerator. (if N.A
xii) Whether industry has taken adequate steps to N.A
prevent contaminated runoff from storage areas of
Hazardous Waste.
xiii) Steps taken by industry towards waste minimization ---
and cleaner production.
xiv) Future plan for waste minimization. ---
xv) Facilities available with, industry for waste ---
xvi) Overall House Keeping within the factory premises. Needs improvement
Condition Compliance
1 Industry shall give top priority to Waste : It was informed that they are not operation
Minimisation and Cleaner Production the D.G set and no waste oil was generated
practices. from the last 2 years.
2 The industry shall not dispose waste oils / : ---
Non-ferrous metal scrap and used lead acid
batteries to the traders and the same shall
be disposed to the agencies authorized by
3 The industry shall store used / waste oil and : It was informed that previously they were
used lead acid batteries in a secured way in sold the waste oil to authorized re-
their premises till its disposal. processors only.
4 Industry shall take practical steps for : Complied
prevention of spillages of oil and waste oils
at all application handling and storage areas.
5 Industry shall maintain good house keeping : Complied
& proper records for Hazardous Wastes
stated in Authorisation (Form-II).
6 The industry shall maintain 6 copy manifest : Complied
system for transportation of waste generated
and a copy shall be submitted to Board
Office and concerned Regional Office
7 The unit shall submit the condition wise : ---
compliance report of the conditions
stipulated in Schedule B and Schedule C of
this order on half yearly basis to Board
Office, Hyderabad and concerned Regional
III. Mitigation Measures (Where significant adverse effects are identified, description of the
measures to be taken to avoid, reduce or remedy those effects). : The industry is located
at an elevated place and this is an old establishment, the industry had provided air
pollution control equipments like ESP. bag filters, multi-cyclone dust collectors etc. at
various dust generating sources. But, they were not functioning properly and there by
creating air pollution in the surrounding area. The air pollution control equipments
provided by the industry are to be evaluated for efficient performance. The industry has
not upgraded the air pollution control equipment provided to clinker coolers. The industry
is proposed to modernize the kiln-I for which they have dismantled and started the civil
construction works without obtaining CFE of the Board. Hence, a notice was issued to
the industry on 25-04-2007. The industry is operating cement plant with out obtaining
Environmental Clearance from MoE&F, GOI, New Delhi. During inspection, the
representative of the industry informed that they have submitted application for
Environment Clearance for lime stone production from 0.6 to 3.0 MTPA and clinker
production from 0.45 to 2.0 MTPA (cement production from 0.5 to 2.25 MTPA). The copy
of the acknowledgement issued by the MoE&F on the covering letter is herewith
Recommendations: In view of the above, the issue of CFO to this unit may be
considered after complying the Task Force directions issued on 18-04-2007.
This is submitted for favour of kind information and taking necessary action.
Yours faithfully,
- Copy submitted to the JCEE (Cess & Planning) APPCB, Board Office, Hyderabad for favour
of kind information and for taking necessary action.
- Copy submitted to the Joint Chief Environmental Engineer, Zonal Office, Kurnool for
information and taking necessary action.
- Copy submitted to the Sr. Environmental Engineer(TF), Zonal Office, Hyderabad for
information and to take necessary action u/s 31(A) of Air (P&C) of P Act, 1987 against the
industry in the interest of Public Health & Environment.