Panyam Cements - CFO & HWA VR

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Regional Office, 1st Floor, Shankar Shopping Complex,Krishna Nagar Main Road, Kurnool – 518 002

K. RAVI KUMAR., Phone No. 08518 - 235800.

Environmental Engineer. Fax No. 08518 – 233619
E-mail: [email protected]

Lr. No. 32-R-1037/PCB/RO/KNL/CFO & HWA/2008 Date: -06-2008

The Senior Environmental Engineer (CFO), The Joint Chief Environmental Scientist (HWM),
A.P. Pollution Control Board, A.P. Pollution Control Board,
Board Office, Hyderabad. Board Office, Hyderabad

Sir ,
Sub: PCB – RO – KNL - M/s Panyam Cements & Mineral Industries Ltd. Cement Division,
Cement Nagar(V), Betamcherla(M), Kurnool Dist. – Applications for Water and Air
Consents and HW Authorisation for Renewal – Submission of inspection report –

Ref: 1) CFO Order No. APPCB/KNL/73/HO/W&A/2007 – 1189, dt: 28-08-2007

2) HWM Athorisation No. APPCB/KNL/KNL/73/HWM, dt: 28-08-2007
CFO & HWA applications dt. 11-03-2008, received on 24-03-2008
4) T.O.Lr.No.32-R-1037/PCB/RO/KNL/CFO/2007-1584, dt: 26-03-2008
5) Industry’s letter received on 26-04-2008 & 07-05-2008
The details of the industry and inspection report are submitted as below:

General Details:
1 Name and Address of the industry M/s Panyam Cements & Mineral Industries Ltd.
Cement Division, Cement Nagar, (V),
Betamcherla(M), Kurnool dist.

With Tel. No,

08516 – 274638, 23, 32, 25, 44
[email protected]
2 Status of Consent and HWA.
I Fresh / Renewal Renewal
(Copy of CFE / CFO and HWA orders
shall be enclosed).
II Date of receipt of application / 24-03-2008 / additional information received on
Additional information if any. 07-05-2008
III Details of Consent Fee paid. The industry has paid Rs.83,000/- towards
consent fee for one year i.e., upto 31-03-2009.
(Period upto)
The industry had addressed a letter to process
the application for one year only.
3. Project cost. Rs. 41,35,34,037/-
(including modification / expansion without
(Auditor certificate enclosed)
depreciation, as per balance sheet)
Total investment on pollution control Rs. 50 Lakhs
measures and recurring cost and percentage.
Latitude & N 1503003.7 N 15029’57.1
E 78026’07.7 E 078012’37.9
Total Area of the plant: 37.21 acres
Extent of Greenbelt 10.0 acres ( approx.)
Surroundings of the Industry East : Hillock
West : Railway line
North : Cement Nagar,
South : Railway track and hillock
4. Date of commissioning. Kiln – I 1958, Kiln – II – 1964 & Kiln-III – 1968
The industry had become sick and the new
management has taken over on September
5 Status of E.C
I Line of Activity as per EIA Notification. Cement Manufacturing
II Environmental Clearance order No. and Not obtained as the unit was established during
date the year 1958. The industry has proposed for
expansion of clinker production for which they
(Copy shall be enclosed).
have submitted an acknowledgement from
MoE&F which was filed for TORs.
III Violations of EIA Notification, If any. The industry is operating mines without having
MoE&F Clearance.
6 I Inspection conducted by E.E & A.E.E-I
II Representative of Industry present Sri P.J.Reddy, VP (Works)
Sri Nagaraju, D.G.M
III Date of Inspection 30-04-2008

CFO Details
7 Raw materials / Fuels required for production at Consented capacity per Day / Month.
Note : Should not be mentioned as “ enclosed with the application “
S.No Name of the Major Raw material / (Per / Month ) for each product
material used in the Activity
1 Lime stone 2100 to 2400 TPD
2 Bauxite 100 to 150 TPD
3 Gypsum 60 to 80 TPD
4 Iron ore 25 to 40 TPD
5 Coal 400 TPD

8 Products & By Products manufactured / Storage capacity of Petroleum products / Mining

capacity etc per Day / Month.
S.No Products / Line of Activity Consented capacity Applied
as per CFO order dt.
(as per the
1 Ordinary portland cement 1550 TPD
2 Pozzolona Portland Cement --- 1550 TPD

9 Water consumption.
I Source of water supply
(River / Bore wells / Public supply)
S. Purpose Quantity in KLD
1. Process 130 KLD (for ESP conditioning tower)
2. Washings ---
3. Boiler Feed ---
4 Industrial Cooling (Makeup) / 95 KLD
Humidification / Water spraying).
5 Gardening / Irrigation. ---
6 Others (to be specified) ---
7 Domestic 380 KLD
Total: 605 KLD
II. Status of Functioning of Water Meters

10 Waste Water Generation:

S.No Effluents Quantity in KLD

1. Process & Washings ---
(specify stream wise i.e., LTDS, HTDS, High COD
etc.--- brake up shall be given)
2 Boiler Blow Down - ---

3 Cooling Blow Down - ---

4 Others (Please Specify) ---
5 Domestic 315 KLD
Total: 315 KLD

11 Out let – as per CFO order dt:28-08-2007

Outlet No. Outlet Description Max Daily Discharge Point of Disposal

1 Domestic Effluents 315 Septic tank followed
by soak pit

12. a) ETP Details & Mode of Disposal:

I. Outlet No. 1
a. Stream Details:
b. Treatment units details. ---
c. Point of disposal
ii. Outlet No. 2 :
a. Stream Details:
b. Treatment units details. ---
c. Point of disposal
iii. For Domestic waste water: Septic tank followed by soak pit

b) Standards as per CFO / Board Monitoring Data

--- ---

13 Water Cess
I Returns filed upto (Month & Year) 31-03-2008
II Assessment issued upto (Month & Year) 30-09-2007
III Assessment paid upto (Month & Year) 30-09-2007
IV Assessment amount due (In Rs.) ---

14 Air pollution:

S.No. Source of Pollution Control equipment Flow rate in Stack height in

( Boiler / Furnace / Kiln / provided m3/hr. Mts - above GL
Cupola / Incinerator /
Process emissions with
Characteristics / Fugitive
emissions with
Characteristics / DG set )
Capacity should be
mentioned for each unit
1 Kiln-I (under dismantling) --- --- ---
2 Kiln – II ESP 126878 45.72
3 Kiln – III ESP 196278 55.97
4 Cement mills – I, II & III ESP (Common) 320086 12
5 Kiln-II cooler (clinker) Multi-cyclones --- 15
6 Kiln-III cooler (clinker) Multi-cyclones 48094 15
7 Primary crusher / Secondary Water sprinklers --- ---
crusher /
8 Double Deck storage & Reverse jet Bag filters --- ---
Blending silos I & II
9 Blending Silos II & IV Reverse jet Bag filters --- ---
10 Raw mill-I Reverse jet Bag filters --- 15
11 Raw mill-II Reverse jet Bag filters --- Not in operation
12 Raw mill-III Reverse jet Bag filters 12667 24
13 Coal mill-III Reverse jet Bag filters --- 24

14 Coal mill-IV Reverse jet Bag filters 13246 41

15 Cement silos / Reverse jet Bag Filters --- ---
Rotary packer
16 Clinker yard Clinker outlets of kiln- II --- ---
and III are provided
with closed ducts
17 Iron ore crusher Reverse jet Bag Filters --- ---
18 Attached to 4750 KVA D.G set Silencers provided Dismantled & It was also
sold out informed that
19 Attached to 2 x 1250 KVA D.G Silencers provided --- they are not
sets operating the
20 Attached to 1944 KVA D.G set Silencers provided --- D.G sets and
there is no
proposal to
operate in future
21 Raw material storage like lime Open yard storage --- ---
stone, Iron, coal, gypsum etc.

15. Emissions from chimneys – as per CFE order dt. 28-08-2007

Chimney Description of Chimney Quantity of Limiting Board Monitoring Data

No. Emissions at Standard mg/Nm3
peak flow mg/Nm3
1 Attacked to Kilns – I & II 70266 115 350.79
2 Attached to Kiln – III 115033 115 179.62
3 Attached to Cement Mill 33373 115 314.58
4 Attached to Raw Mill – II 31900 115 ---
5 Attached to Raw Mill – III 26845 115 183.33
6 Attached to Coal Mill – III 17909 115 ---
7 Attached to Coal Mill – IV 35051 115 ---
8 Attached to 4750 KVA D.G -- 115 ---
9 Attached to 2 x 1250 KVA -- 115 ---
D.G sets
10 Attached to 1944 KVA D.G -- 115 ---
11 Clinker cooler-II Multicyclones 115 259.66
12 Clinker cooler –III Multicyclones 115 ---

16 Hazardous chemicals used and their storage facilities: The industry is having one
High speed Diesel oil – 350 KL capacity storage tank and one Heavy furnace oil – 400 KL
capacity storage tank. The industry provided dyke walls and fencing around the tankers. At
present these tanks are not in use.

17 Inspection Officer’s Remarks:

This industry is very old cement manufacturing industry, established in the year 1958.
The industry generating waste water from domestic sections from both industry and colony. The
industry partially treating the sewage in septic tanks followed by soak pits. The sullage water is
being let-out through open drain near railway track

The main source of air pollution from this industry are Kiln-I (dismantled) & II, Kiln - III,
Raw Mill-I, II & III. Coal Mill – III & IV (the industry had dismantled the coal mill No.I & II) , Kiln
cooler- II & III, rotary packer and D.G sets. The air pollution control equipment provided by the
industry are not functioning properly and exceeding the standards of the Board . The industry is
operating the mining without valid CFO and Environmental Clearance.
I Maintenance of ETP / APC : No ETP / Not satisfactory
II Records Maintained
• ETP Log Book. – N.A
• Stack Monitoring Report. – Submitting 3rd party monitoring reports
• Ambient Air Quality Monitoring report. – Submitting 3rd party monitoring reports
• Energy consumption records. – Not maintained
• Water meter readings.- ----

18 Compliance of the industry on CFE (Schedule- A & B) Conditions for Fresh CFO / Schedule – B
conditions for renewal.
Consent order no.APPCB/KN/KNL/73/HO/W&A/2007-1189, dt: 28-08-2007
Condition Compliance
1 : It was informed that the industry is restricting
The industry shall take steps to reduce water
the water consumption as per the consent
consumption to the extent possible and
order quantities.
comsumption shall NOT exceed the
quantities mentioned below
S.No. Purpose Quantity
1 Process 130 KLD
2 Cooling 95 KLD
3 Domestic 380 KLD
Total 605 KLD

2 The industry shall file the water cess returns : The industry is filing water cess returns in
in Form-I as required under section (5) of Form-I regularly. The industry has not
Water (P & C P) Cess Act, 1977 on or before provided water meters so far.
the 5th of every calendar month, showing the
quantity of water consumed in the previous
month along with water meter readings. The
industry shall remit water cess as per the
assessment orders as and when issued by

3 The emissions shall not contain constituents : All the main stack emissions were exceeding
in excess of the prescribed limits mentioned the Board standards.
Chimney Parameters Emission
No. Parameters Emission
No. Standards
(mg/Nm 3
1 to 10 SPM 115mg/Nm

4 The industry shall comply with ambient air : Not complied. The SPM concentration are
quality standards of TPSM – 200 µg/m3, exceeding near the plant
RSPM – 100 µg/m3, SO2 - 80 µg/m3, Nox –
80 µg/m3, Date Main Register Guest
security office house
Noise levels: gate
Day time (6AM t0 10 PM) – 75 dB(A) 27/01/07 823.29 476.64 196.73
Night time (10 PM to 6 AM) – 70 dB(A)A 24/04/07 637.36 233.34 177.78
30/05/08 563.59 637.82
Near Iron ore crusher

5 The industry shall not increase the capacity : Complied. But, during the inspection it was
beyond the permitted capacity mentioned in observed that the industry had started
this order, without obtaining CFE / CFO of construction works for expansion and
the Board modernization of kiln-I without obtaining CFE /
6 The industry shall not undertake any : Not complied and started construction and
construction work pertaining to expansion / modernization of Kiln-I
moderkization of Kiln-I without obtaining CFE
/ Environment Clearance

7 The industry shall obtain Environment : Not complied

Clearance from MoE&F, GOI and consent for
operation of the Board for Limestone Mines.

8 The industry shall provide continuous : Not complied

monitoring system for particulate matter to
Kiln stacks with data recorder facility and
report the compliance to RO, Kurnool within
3 months

9 Vide letter dt: 23-07-2007, the industry has : The industry has not submitted the
reported that various air pollution control performance
equipments are up-graded / modified to
comply with the emissions standards
stipulated by the Board. The industry shall
evaluate the performance of these control
equipments and shall furnish report to the
RO, Kurnool within a month along with
performance guarantee equipment supplier

10 The details of kiln ESP tripping’s shall be : Not complied

recorded and shall furnish the consolidated
records to the RO, Kurnool regularly for
every three months

11 The industry shall maintain and operate the : Not complied

Air pollution control equipments provided at
various process and fugitive emissions to
comply with Board emission standards at its
best efficiency

12 The industry shall comply with Task Force : Not complied

directions dt: 18-04-2007 and submit the
compliance to RO, Kurnool within a month

13 The industry shall comply with Task Force : Not complied

directions dt: 18-04-2007 and submit the
compliance to RO, Kurnool within a month

14 Under no circumstances raw materials, semi- : Not complied

finished, finished products and solid waste
shall be stored openly.

15 The industry shall ensure control of fugitive : Not complied

emissions during conveying and handling of
various raw materials and finished products.
The details of control measures and time
bound action plan shall be submitted to the
RO, Kurnool within a month

16 The applicant shall submit Environment : Not complied

statement in Form V before 30th September
every year as per Rule No.14 of E(P) Rules,
1986 and amendments.

19 Compliance of the industry on EC Special conditions

EC order no._____________ Date: ________
Condition Compliance
--- ---

20 Compliance of the industry on Task Force Directions

Task Force order no607/PCB/TF-HYD/2007-97, dt: 18-04-2007
Directions issued upto 17-05-2007
Condition Compliance
I The industry shall rectify all the defects : During the inspection, the following
observed by the Board within a period of one observations were made.
1 The industry had not improved the : During the inspection it was observed that the
performance of the air pollution control representative of the unit informed that they
equipment attached to the Kiln-II & raw have replaced 100Nos. of electrodes for kiln-II
mill – III, clinker cooler II & III and they ESP, installed SQ-300 Voltage controllers for
were not functioning thereby causing lot Kiln-III, 400 new bags were replaced for raw
of air pollution in the surrounding area. mill-III, for clinker cooler II & III strengthen and
replaced 204 bags were replace for coal mill-IV
and installed bag house for iron ore and
bauxite crusher. Even though lot of emissions
were observed from all the point sources and
also the fugitive emissions were observed near
by coal crusher, iron ore, bauxite crusher &
lime stone stacker.
2 Lot of fugitive emissions were observed : Not complied. The industry had erected bag
near Iron Ore Crusher, coal mill, raw mill, filter for Iron Ore crusher provided water
while unloading fly ash clinker droppings, sprinklers, provided bag filters for coal mills
over head crane droppings and on the and the industry is constructed silo for storage
roads. The industry had not taken any of fly ash, even though the part of fly ash has
measures to control the fugitive emissions. been stored in the open area. The clinker is
storing in a partially closed shed.
3 Lot of dust was accumulated all around the : Not complied.
unit and on the roads due to inefficiency
and not regularly functioning of air
pollution equipment .
4 The fugitive emissions were observed from : Not complied
lime stone stock pile and clinker stock pile
which is causing dust nuisance in the
surrounding area.
5 All the raw materials, fly ash and clinker : Not complied. Coal, Iron ore, fly ash have
were stored openly thereby causing lot of been stored in the open area.
dust nuisance during the wind.
6 No air pollution control equipment were : Provided water sprinklers
observed to the primary & secondary
7 No water meters and energy meter : No water meters provided. But, the industry is
provided to the air pollution control having energy meters for ESP-II & III.
8 Operating the mining activity without : The industry had applied for CFO of the Board
obtaining CFO / Environmental Clearance and the verification report forwarded to Board
from the Board / MoE&F, GOI. Office on 20-07-2006, but the Board had not
issued CFO. The industry had informed that
they have obtained the renewal of the mine
leases from Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and they
are under progress to obtain TORs from
MoE&F for expansion of clinker & lime stone

21 Compliance of the industry on CREP Recommendations.

CREP Recommendations Compliance
1 Cement plants, which are not complying with : Not complied. Industry had installed common
notified standards, shall do the following to ESP for Kiln-I & II and one ESP for Kiln-III.
meet the standards: Multi-cyclones installed for clinker coolers,
• Augmentation of existing Air Pollution common ESP installed for Cement mills –
Control Devices – by July, 2003 3Nos. and bag filters for coal mill and raw
• Replacement of existing air Pollution mills. The industry had dismantled Kiln-I for
control Devices – by July, 2004 modernization / expansion.

2 Cement Plants located in critical polluted or : ---

urban areas (including 5Km distance outside
urban boundary) will meet 100mg/Nm3 limit
of particulate matter by December, 2004 and
continue working to reduce the emission of
particulate matter to 50mg/Nm3.

3 The new cement kilns to be accorded : ---

NOC/Environmental Clearance w.e.f. 01-04-
2003 will meet the limit of 50mg/Nm3 for
particulate matter emissions.

4 CPCB will evolve load based standards by : ---

December, 2003

5 CPCB and NCBM will evolve SO2 and NOx : ---

emission standards by June, 2004

6 The cement industries will control fugitive : Not complied

emissions from all the raw material and
products storage and transfer points by
December, 2003. However, the feasibility for
the control of fugitive emissions will be
decided by the National Task force (NTF).
The NTF shall submit its recommendations
within three months.

7 CPCB, NCBM, BIS and Oil refineries will : ---

jointly prepare the policy on use of petroleum
the policy on use of petroleum coke as fuel in
Cement Kiln by July, 2003

8 After performance evaluation of various : Not complied

types of continuous monitoring equipment
and feed back from the industries and
equipment manufactures, NTF will decide
feasible unit operations / sections for
installation of continuous monitoring
equipment. The industry will install the
continuous monitoring systems (CMS) by
December, 2003

9 Trippings in Kiln ESP to be minimized by July : Not complied

2003 as per the recommendations of NTF.

10 Industries will submit the target date to : The industry is producing PPC by using fly
enhance the uitilisation of waste materials by ash.
April 2003.

11 NCBM will carry out a study on hazardous ; ---

waste utilisation in cement kiln by December,

12 Cement Industries will carry out feasibility : ---

study and submit target dates to CPCB for
co-generation of power by July, 2003.

22 Recommendation (Specific comment whether to issue consent or not).: The renewal of CFO of
the Board may considered after complying the Task Force directions issued on 28-08-2007.
23. HWA Details:

i) Particulars of Authorisation obtained under HW(M&H) Lr.No.APPCB/KNL/KNL/73/HWM,

Rules, 2003 (No. & Validity date) DT: 28-08-2007
Valid upto 31-03-2008.

ii) Authorization issued for Collection, reception, storage and

(Transportation, reception, storage, treatment and transportation

*remarks shall be furnished if the industry is receiving

Haz.Waste at the site and using as a raw material.

iii) Process in which the industry is covered (Please give 5.1 & 5.2
Sl. No of process as per HW Rules)
iv) Description of Hazardous waste with quantities and As follows
Stream No. as per HWM Rules, 2003

Sl. Name of the Stream Quantity of Mode of disposal

No. Hazardous waste Hazardous
waste per
1. Hy-chrome Forged 21 of Schedule-IV 2 MTs Agencies authorized
Grinding Media by APPCB
2 Used lead acid 22 of Schedule-IV Informed Return to dealer
batteries that it varies manufacturer or buy
from 10- back basis (or) to
15Nos. per authorized recyclers.
3 Lube oil 5.1 of Schedule-I 20 KL Sold out to authorized

v) Particulars of on-site Secured Storage (Capacity with The grinding media has been
dimensions) and mention period for which secured stored in a secured area.
storage is sufficient.

vi) Quantity of Haz Waste stored on-site presently. ---

*Furnish specific remarks on the storage of

Haz.waste for more than 90 days.
vii) Quantity of Hazardous waste disposed for last six ---
months as per the following break-up:

Common TSDF –
Common HW Incinerator –
For recycle / reused -
viii) Whether industry has submitted annual returns, date No
of latest submission.
ix) Whether industry has installed incinerator or sending No
to common HW Incinerator
x) Particular of own incinerator (if applicable) N.A
xi) Whether log books are maintained for incinerator. (if N.A
xii) Whether industry has taken adequate steps to N.A
prevent contaminated runoff from storage areas of
Hazardous Waste.
xiii) Steps taken by industry towards waste minimization ---
and cleaner production.
xiv) Future plan for waste minimization. ---
xv) Facilities available with, industry for waste ---
xvi) Overall House Keeping within the factory premises. Needs improvement

xviii) Details of disposal of lead acid batteries along with ---

nos and agencies to whom they are disposed

24 Compliance of the industry on previous Hazardous Waste Authorisation conditions.

HW Authorisation /common Order No. APPCB/KNL/KNL/73/HWM, DT: 28-08-2007.

Condition Compliance
1 Industry shall give top priority to Waste : It was informed that they are not operation
Minimisation and Cleaner Production the D.G set and no waste oil was generated
practices. from the last 2 years.
2 The industry shall not dispose waste oils / : ---
Non-ferrous metal scrap and used lead acid
batteries to the traders and the same shall
be disposed to the agencies authorized by
3 The industry shall store used / waste oil and : It was informed that previously they were
used lead acid batteries in a secured way in sold the waste oil to authorized re-
their premises till its disposal. processors only.
4 Industry shall take practical steps for : Complied
prevention of spillages of oil and waste oils
at all application handling and storage areas.
5 Industry shall maintain good house keeping : Complied
& proper records for Hazardous Wastes
stated in Authorisation (Form-II).
6 The industry shall maintain 6 copy manifest : Complied
system for transportation of waste generated
and a copy shall be submitted to Board
Office and concerned Regional Office
7 The unit shall submit the condition wise : ---
compliance report of the conditions
stipulated in Schedule B and Schedule C of
this order on half yearly basis to Board
Office, Hyderabad and concerned Regional

(Signature of the Inspecting Officer)

25 Regional Officer’s Remarks:

I Compliance of the industry with
reference to Notifications under E(P)
Act & Rules.
a) Fly Ash Notification.
The fly ash of about 80 to 100 TPD is being
utilised for manufacturing of
b) PLI Act Policy.
Not complied
c) Environmental Statement in
Form – V. Not submitted
d) Other if any.
II Complaint / Legal action taken against the industry.:
As the industry is not meeting the standards of the Board, a details report was
submitted to the S.E.E(TF), Hyderabad on 19-12-2006 with a recommendation to initiate
necessary legal action against the unit for non-compliance of CFO conditions and for
operating the mining without CFO of the Board. The above issue was reviewed during
the legal hearing held on 07-04-20087 and issued directions for both mining activity &
cement plant combinedly with a direction to rectify all the defects observed by the Board
with one month. Vide letter dated: 11-05-2007 this office has submitted compliance report
to the Board directions. Vide letter dated: 22-04-2008 the industry has submitted
compliance to the direction duly intimating the improvements made by the industry.
During inspection on 30-05-2008 it was observed that the improvement made by the
industry are not significant and still the industry is not complying with the Board
standards. The point wise compliance was mentioned at para No.20.

III. Mitigation Measures (Where significant adverse effects are identified, description of the
measures to be taken to avoid, reduce or remedy those effects). : The industry is located
at an elevated place and this is an old establishment, the industry had provided air
pollution control equipments like ESP. bag filters, multi-cyclone dust collectors etc. at
various dust generating sources. But, they were not functioning properly and there by
creating air pollution in the surrounding area. The air pollution control equipments
provided by the industry are to be evaluated for efficient performance. The industry has
not upgraded the air pollution control equipment provided to clinker coolers. The industry
is proposed to modernize the kiln-I for which they have dismantled and started the civil
construction works without obtaining CFE of the Board. Hence, a notice was issued to
the industry on 25-04-2007. The industry is operating cement plant with out obtaining
Environmental Clearance from MoE&F, GOI, New Delhi. During inspection, the
representative of the industry informed that they have submitted application for
Environment Clearance for lime stone production from 0.6 to 3.0 MTPA and clinker
production from 0.45 to 2.0 MTPA (cement production from 0.5 to 2.25 MTPA). The copy
of the acknowledgement issued by the MoE&F on the covering letter is herewith

Recommendations: In view of the above, the issue of CFO to this unit may be
considered after complying the Task Force directions issued on 18-04-2007.

This is submitted for favour of kind information and taking necessary action.

Check List for CFO Enclosures:

1. CFO applications along with enclosures Y

2. CFE/ CFO order copy Y
3. Effluents analysis report N
4. Stack Emissions analysis reports Y
5. Ambient Analysis reports Y
6 Ground water monitoring reports N

Check List for HWA Enclosures:

1. Hazardous waste authorization application in Form-I. Y

2. Analysis reports of the Hazardous Wastes (for individual streams). N
3. Details of Hazardous waste generated and their method of disposal. N
4. Details of hazardous waste sent to common TSDF, common incinerator during N
the previous year.
5. List of agencies to whom recyclable waste disposed along with quantities during ---
the previous year.

Yours faithfully,

- Copy submitted to the JCEE (Cess & Planning) APPCB, Board Office, Hyderabad for favour
of kind information and for taking necessary action.

- Copy submitted to the Joint Chief Environmental Engineer, Zonal Office, Kurnool for
information and taking necessary action.

- Copy submitted to the Sr. Environmental Engineer(TF), Zonal Office, Hyderabad for
information and to take necessary action u/s 31(A) of Air (P&C) of P Act, 1987 against the
industry in the interest of Public Health & Environment.

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