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What do you want to achieve?

 Short-term goal:

 Long-term goal:

 Why is this important to you?

2. Reality
What is happening right now? What is the current situation?

 Where are you now in relation to your goal?

 What resources or strengths do you already have?

 What obstacles or challenges are you facing?

3. Options
What are the possible options or actions you could take to move forward?

 Option 1:

 Option 2:

 Option 3:

 What are the pros and cons of each option?

4. Way Forward
What will you do to move forward?
 Action steps:

 What is the first step you will take?

 What is your timeline for each step?

 How will you track your progress?

 What support or resources will you need?


 Who will hold you accountable for your actions?

 When will you check in with them about your progress?

Expanded GROW Model Form

1. Goal

Define your goal in clear and specific terms.

 What do you want to achieve?

 Why is this goal important to you?

 What will success look like? (Be as specific as possible – consider SMART goals)

 Is this a short-term, medium-term, or long-term goal?

 How will achieving this goal positively impact your life?

2. Reality

Examine where you are right now in relation to your goal.

 What is your current situation? (e.g., personal, professional, emotional, financial, etc.)

 What resources (skills, knowledge, time, relationships, etc.) do you currently have?

 What are your strengths or advantages in this situation?

 What challenges, obstacles, or barriers are you facing?

 What actions or behaviors have you taken so far toward this goal?

 How do you feel about your current progress or lack of progress?

 What have you learned from past attempts or experiences related to this goal?

3. Options

Explore the various options and alternatives available to you to reach your goal.

 What are your potential options or approaches to achieving your goal?

o Option 1:

o Option 2:

o Option 3:

 What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option?

 What skills, resources, or support would each option require?

 What other possibilities might you be overlooking?

 What are the potential consequences of taking no action or maintaining the current course?
 What advice would you give someone else facing a similar situation?

4. Way Forward

Plan your next steps and create a clear action plan to move forward.

 What are the most important actions you can take right now to move toward your goal?

o Action 1:

o Action 2:

o Action 3:

 What is the first step you will take to get started?

 When will you take this first step? (Include specific dates/times)

 How will you measure progress? (e.g., milestones, check-ins, feedback)

 What obstacles might you face while implementing your action plan?

 How will you overcome these challenges?

 Who can you involve to help or support you in reaching your goal? (e.g., a mentor, coach, friend, accountability partner)

 What can you do to stay motivated during the process?

5. Commitment

Ensure you are committed to the plan and ready to take action.

 How committed are you to taking action toward your goal? (Rate on a scale of 1-10)

 What motivates you to achieve this goal?

 What will you do if you start to feel discouraged or distracted?

 What consequences might you face if you don’t follow through?

 How will you hold yourself accountable to your plan?

 How will you celebrate or reward yourself when you achieve milestones or complete actions?

6. Review

Set up a process for ongoing reflection and evaluation.

 How will you track your progress over time?

 When will you review your progress? (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly)

 What key indicators or markers will help you assess whether you're on track?

 If things aren't progressing as planned, what adjustments can you make?

 What will you do if you encounter a setback or failure?

 How will you recognize success along the way? (Milestones, personal satisfaction, external validation, etc.)

7. Accountability & Support

Who will support you in reaching your goal?

 Who will you tell about your goal to help keep you accountable?

 How often will you check in with this person or group?

 What kind of support or feedback will you seek from them?

 Who else might be affected by your goal or actions? (Consider family, colleagues, etc.)
 What resources or tools can they provide to help you succeed?


 What have you learned about yourself through this process?

 What is your biggest takeaway from reflecting on your current situation?

 What surprised you most during this exercise?

 What will you do differently based on this reflection?

GROW Model Table Form

Stage Questions / Prompts Your Responses

1. Goal What do you want to achieve?

Why is this goal important to you?

What will success look like? (Specific, measurable, realistic)

Is this a short-term, medium-term, or long-term goal?

How will achieving this goal impact your life?

2. Reality What is your current situation? (Where are you now?)

What resources do you currently have? (skills, knowledge, support, etc.)

What are your strengths in relation to this goal?

What challenges or obstacles are you facing?

Stage Questions / Prompts Your Responses

What actions have you taken so far toward this goal?

How do you feel about your current progress?

3. Options What are the possible options or actions you can take?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option?

What skills or resources would each option require?

What other options might you be overlooking?

What would happen if you chose no action or continued on your current path?

4. Way Forward What actions will you take to achieve your goal?

What is the first step you will take? (Be specific)

When will you take this first step? (Date/time)

How will you measure progress? (Milestones, check-ins, etc.)

What obstacles might you face in implementing your plan?

How will you overcome these challenges?

Who will support you or hold you accountable?

How will you stay motivated and committed to your plan?

5. Commitment How committed are you to achieving this goal? (Rate 1-10)

What motivates you to pursue this goal?

Stage Questions / Prompts Your Responses

What will you do if you feel discouraged or distracted?

How will you stay accountable to yourself or others?

What consequences might you face if you don't follow through?

How will you celebrate milestones or successes?

6. Review How will you track your progress? (Timeline, indicators)

When will you review your progress? (Weekly, monthly, etc.)

What adjustments will you make if things are not going as planned?

What will you do if you encounter setbacks or failures?

What does success look like for you?

7. Accountability & Support Who will support or hold you accountable?

How often will you check in with them?

What kind of feedback or support do you need?

Who else might be affected by your goal or actions?

What resources or tools can others provide to help you succeed?

How to Use This Table:

 Stage 1 (Goal): Clarify what you want to achieve and why it matters to you.

 Stage 2 (Reality): Assess where you are right now, your strengths, challenges, and what actions you’ve taken so far.
 Stage 3 (Options): Brainstorm possible actions or strategies to move forward, evaluating the pros and cons of each.

 Stage 4 (Way Forward): Create a clear action plan with specific steps, timelines, and methods for measuring progress.

 Stage 5 (Commitment): Gauge your level of commitment and identify the motivation and accountability structures you need.

 Stage 6 (Review): Set a plan for ongoing reflection, tracking progress, and adjusting as needed.

 Stage 7 (Accountability & Support): Identify who will support you and how you’ll stay accountable.

This table helps you break down each part of the GROW model clearly, making it easier to document, analyze, and track your goals. You can print or fill it in
digitally as you work through your coaching or goal-setting process.

TATING – A Framework for Personal Growth or Goal Setting

T – Think
Pause to reflect and think deeply about your goals, actions, and the broader vision of what you want to achieve. This stage is about assessing your starting
point and clarifying your intentions.

A – Assess
Evaluate your current reality, strengths, weaknesses, and available resources. Understand where you are right now in order to make informed decisions
going forward.

T – Target
Set clear, focused goals that are aligned with your values and vision. Ensure that your targets are specific, measurable, and attainable.

I – Initiate
Take action. Begin moving toward your goals with purpose and momentum. The key here is to start, even if it means taking small, manageable steps.

N – Nurture
Support and cultivate your progress. Stay committed, seek feedback, adjust when needed, and nourish the relationships and habits that will sustain your

G – Grow
Reflect on your progress, learn from challenges, and expand your capabilities. Continually refine your approach and celebrate your growth, knowing that
each step brings you closer to your full potential.
This framework could be useful for goal-setting, personal development, or coaching sessions. The TATING model emphasizes a thoughtful approach to goal
progression, from reflection and assessment to action and ongoing growth.

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