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Exciting Career Opportunities

H alliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited with Head Office
in Victoria Island is seeking for quali ed Nigerians with
experience in Drilling, Completions and Production
safety, service excellence, and customer satisfaction. Regularly uses
performance data to identify opportunities for performance
improvement. Monitors on-site eld performance assessments (JSA
– Job Safety Assessment). Involved in internal audits of PSL
operations. Responsible for promoting safety awareness in all
drivers, the effective delivery of technical sales presentations, and
developing and maintaining personal relationships to effectively sell
tailored cement solutions. This position functions as a technical
specialist, with expert knowledge of cementing operations and
engineering. Liaises with customers on technical issues, including
General Requirements aspects of location operations. Interfaces with the customers to performance review and process improvements to better support
Ÿ Completion of an undergraduate degree or its equivalent in answer technical questions regarding current operations or planned the needs of the customer. Follows the Business Acquisition Process.
Engineering preferred for operations positions or combination activity. Involved in development and completion of local PSL HSE Prepares tender submissions and develops Per formance
of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform and SQ plans. Coordinates and assists with Correction, Prevention, Optimization Plans (POP) for each customer, including the
the essential functions of the job. and Improvement (CPI) process for the PSL. Responsible for deployment of new technology and processes. Is responsible for
Ÿ All candidates are expected to have practical knowledge in the investigating accidents, injuries and incidents within the PSL. selling, and ensuring the cementing team also sells, the new
eld applied for with a minimum years' of experience as stated in Participates in new technology development initiatives within the technology and processes identi ed in the POP plans to maximize
the respective job description. PSL. Assists employees with human resource development, human pro tability and / or market share. In accordance with Halliburton's
Ÿ Experience in oil and gas deep-water operation will be an added resources issues, and performance management. Job role Management System and the Cementing strategy, provides
advantage for applicants. contributes directly to value creation and directly impacts a revenue cementing job designs for complex isolation problems, operational
center's viability or its quality of service via personal contributions. expertise, and post job analysis to customers in designated area.
Job Title: Operations Leader - DD Requires a high school diploma and minimum of 12 years of Ensures improvements identi ed from previous jobs are
Job Ref No. K501/ESG/19 experience working in a related operations implemented and learning shared with the cementing team and
Job Description/Requirements: advertises success by writing, publishing and presenting case
Provides job design, wellsite technical support, and post job analysis Job Title: Technical Advisor II-GBA histories and industry papers (for example SPE). Collaborating with
to customers. Functions as a communications link with the Solutions Job Ref No. TU17/ESG/19 customer office based drilling and / or production engineers, tailors
Team. Develops and maintains a personal relationship with the Job Description/Requirements: barrier solutions to meet their requirements and Halliburton's
technical customers in assigned area. Integrates multiple PSLs in job Under broad direction is responsible for planning, directing, and commercial expectations, considering both the price of the solution
design. Documents EVC practices to the Solutions Team. Consults coordinating engineering efforts in drilling operations on location. to the customer, including consideration for solutions and pricing
with PSLs regarding equipment needs and speci cations. Provides This position functions as a technical specialist who makes decisions offered by competitors, as well as the total cost to Halliburton to
technical training as required. Typical incumbents have a minimum and recommendations that are recognized as authoritative and have deliver it. Performs technical investigations of irregular jobs and
of 7 years' experience with an average experience of 10-15 years. a far-reaching impact on extensive engineering and related activities initiates, reviews, and closes CPIs (Correction, Prevention,
of the company. Understands drilling metrics and drilling Improvement) pertaining to job design and technology. Assists PSL
Job Title: Tech Advisor-Prevention technology. Assures that drilling operations are cost effective and managers, using available performance metrics, to identify ways to
Job Ref No. BC410/ESG/19 consistent with overall strategy. Has expert knowledge of drilling improve materials, equipment and personnel utilization, reduce
Job Description/Requirements: optimization. Negotiates critical and controversial issues with mid to costs and increase service efficiency. Recruits technical staff.
Under broad direction, supervises assigned staff and is also upper level engineers and officers of other organizations and Establishes development plans for the cementing technical team.
responsible for performing calculations and making assessments on companies. Encounters problems characterized by their lack of Mentors junior members of the cementing team, ensuring they
well control problems both onsite and from the office. Also, works on scienti c precedents and source material, or lack of success of prior follow their development plans. Ensures Technical Team are
special international and domestic projects that involve well control research and analysis so that their solution would represent an following all applicable HMS processes. Communicates and
and prevention activities. Assists with troubleshooting involving well advance of great signi cance and importance. Performs advisory manages the implementation of applicable PSL / Regional initiatives.
control and prevention. Maintains appropriate reports and and consulting work for the organization as a recognized authority Performs applicable performance and competency assessments,
documentation of well site activities. Supports team members and for broad program areas or in an intensely specialized area of and disciplinary activities as necessary up to and including
ensures that deadlines are met. Provides technical support on considerable novelty and importance. At this level, the individual termination proceedings with collaboration from Human Resources.
location as required by the customer or Product Service Line (PSL). generally will have contributed inventions, new designs, or With minimal supervision, independently applies advanced
Assignments require sufficient professional experience involving techniques, which are of material signi cance in the solution of engineering techniques, makes decisions on engineering problems
well control, prevention and well construction to assure competence i m p o r t a n t p ro b l e m s. Ty p i c a l re q u i re m e n t s i n c l u d e a n and methods, and represents the organization to resolve important
as a fully trained professional. Must be able to work independently. undergraduate degree in Engineering and a minimum of 10 years' questions or to negotiate with key engineers and officials of other
This is the lead position responsible for job execution and overall experience, with average experience of 15+ years. Incumbents at this organizations. At this level, individuals will have demonstrated
performance. Responsible for company assets on location. Ensures level will usually hold a certi cation as a Licensed/Chartered creativity, foresight, and mature engineering judgment in
that adequate supplies and equipment are present at well site at all Professional Engineer, with 5 years Underbalanced drilling anticipating and solving engineering problems in the most efficient
times. Offers advice on equipment capabilities. Keeps management experience. Possession of a Well Control Certi cate required. and economical manner. They will be expected to contribute to
informed of signi cant problems, possesses good communication inventions, patents, and new designs or techniques which lead to
skills. Complies with safety regulations and has full understanding of Job Title: Sr Technical Professional Mgr improved services to our customers. Must be able to work
HSE management systems and emergency response planning. Job Ref No. MTP/ESG/19 independently. Completion of an undergraduate degree in a
Completion of an undergraduate degree in mechanical or petroleum Job Description/Requirements: Science, Technology, Engineering or Math discipline required.
engineering or related discipline and a minimum of 15 years of This is a management level position with full responsibility for hiring Typically requires 10 years' experience in cementing and requires
experience in wellsite operations required. Must have an decisions, staffing levels, budgets, salary administration, and career completion of the required cementing competencies.
understanding of Company operations and needs. Must have strong development of assigned personnel within an engineering
k nowledge of engineering concepts. Must have strong discipline. Managerial responsibilities include establishing and Job Title: Technical Advisor-Response, Sr.
understanding of Halliburton Engineering and Response maintaining the technical standards within the discipline. Job Ref No. BC411/ESG/19
departments' processes and concepts, and a good working Responsible for setting strategic and tactical direction with regard to Job Description/Requirements:
knowledge of the Halliburton Management System (HMS). policy/procedures, work force staffing, and budgeting. Employees in Under broad direction, supervises assigned staff and is also
this position participate in decisions regarding the acquisition and responsible for performing calculations and making assessments on
Job Title: Well Control Spec-Response, I execution of contracts. May supervise several subordinate well control problems both onsite and from the office. Also, works on
Job Ref No. BC401/EGS/19 supervisors or team leaders. Typical requirements include an special international and domestic projects. Assist with
undergraduate degree in Engineering and a minimum of 10 years' troubleshooting. Maintains appropriate reports and documentation
Job Description/Requirements:
experience, with average experience of 15+ years. Certi cation as a of well site activities. Supports team members and ensures that
Under general supervision, monitoring of oil well blowout and
Licensed/Chartered Professional Engineer is desirable deadlines are met. Provides technical support on location as required
emergency conditions, re ghting, well-killing and other blow out
by the customer or Product Service Line (PSL). Assignments require
procedures in emergency drilling situations. Has knowledge of basic
Job Title: Fld Svc Mgr-Wireline and Perf sufficient professional experience to assure competence as a fully
oil eld terminology, communicates effectively verbally, in writing
Job Ref No. LP12/ESG/19 trained professional. Must be able to work independently. This is the
and in illustration. Demonstrates understanding of what is required
Job Description/Requirements: lead position responsible for job execution and overall performance.
on internal reports as well as what is required on customer reports
Under broad direction, the Wireline Field Service Manager supervises Responsible for company assets on location. Assures that adequate
per job scope. Demonstrates fundamental understanding of
multiple Wireline and Perforating crews, who on a daily basis execute supplies and equipment are present at well site at all times. Offers
hydraulic power and basic understanding of re ghting pumping
services at the well site. This includes hiring members of the crews, advice on equipment capabilities. Keeps management informed of
operations and uid hydraulics. Must demonstrate basic
disciplining and terminating crew members. Provides input into the signi cant problems. Complies with safety regulations. Completion
understanding of uid storage. Understands procedures to
development of personnel and uses competency data to improve of an undergraduate degree in mechanical or petroleum
determine hazards and responsibilities of working in domestic and
job performance metrics. With past eld experience, serves as an engineering or related discipline required and a minimum of 15 years
foreign countries. Has understanding of key Health, Safety and
assessor to assess crew competence. Regularly uses performance of experience in wellsite operations. Understanding of Company
Environmental (HSE) issues as related to activities on project site.
data to identify opportunities for performance improvements. operations and needs. Strong knowledge of engineering concepts.
Able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of well control
Knowledgeable of and actively promotes the application of Strong understanding of RMS department's processes and concepts.
equipment and well control operations. Demonstrates knowledge
Halliburton Management System (HMS) to work methods and Strong knowledge of engineering concepts. Strong understanding
and understanding of response plans and how they are utilized
processes. Coordinates and assists with the Correction, Prevention, of Response department's processes and concepts
during a well control operation. Understands the need for well
control and is familiar with basic well control principles. Assists in and Improvement (CPI) process for the PSL. Investigates and
repair and maintenance of equipment. Completion of an performs follow-up activities on irregular/unplanned events and/or Job Title: Well Control Spec-Response, V
undergraduate degree in engineering preferred or an equivalent jobs. Is accountable for compliance with Health, Safety and Job Ref No. BC405/ESG/19
combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully Environmental (HSE) Standards & actively promotes and uses Job Description/Requirements:
perform the essential functions of the job. Minimum of 5 years of Halliburton tools related to safe working conditions, such as Job Under broad direction, provides on-site consulting and monitoring
experience in well site operations. Must work under hazardous Safety Analysis (JSA) & Hazard Observation Programs (HOC). of oil well blowout and emergency conditions and assists in drilling
conditions including high pressure, high temperature, loud noise, Involved in the process of investigating accidents, injuries, and operations, as well as, re ghting, well-killing and other blow out
re, chemical and gas exposures, moving machinery, etc. Attention incidents within assigned PSL using the appropriate investigative procedures in emergency drilling situations. Confers with customer,
to detail, quality orientation required. Must be able to organize tools (Taproot). Drives the implementation of new technology within as needed, to ensure that company interests are protected and that
multiple projects. Excellent communication skills. Strong problem Wireline and Perforating at client's location. Job role contributes project completion goals are met. Ensures that well-site activities are
solving abilities. Strong PC computing skills preferred, including MS directly to value creation and directly impacts a revenue center's well managed, coordinated, and completed in accordance with
Office and engineering software. Good communication and viability and its quality of service via personal contributions. Requires Company policies, procedures, quality standards, and safety
effective working relationships exist with other departments. completion of an undergraduate degree in engineering, business regulations. Advises on speci c ser vicing problems and
administration or similar disciplines and a minimum of 3 years of recommends use of specialized tools, techniques, and services.
Job Title: Field Service Manager experience in Wireline & Perforating eld operations Assists in supervising repair and maintenance of equipment.
Mentors and develops others in pro ciency levels 1-4. Consistently
Job Ref No. FSM/ESG/19
Job Title: Fld Svc Mgr-Wireline and Perf communicating effectively verbally, in writing and by illustration.
Job Description/Requirements:
Job Ref No. ZZ20/ESG/19 Generates post job analysis report(s) including procedures that were
Under broad supervision, provides a level of management for
Job Description/Requirements: successful and techniques that could be used to improve procedures
multiple service specialists and equipment at a district level to
Under broad direction, working closely with Business Development, that were not as successful as planned. Job history of effectively
perform at the worksite. In collaboration with higher management,
matches Halliburton's technical, commercial and operational evaluating project requirements and determining applicability of
manages the full spectrum of people activities - e.g. hiring, training
capabilities to customer needs through developing a clear downhole tools. Is able to demonstrate knowledge and operation of
and development, ring, etc. - involving shop and eld (Service
understanding of customer's business and technical issues and hydraulic equipment, operation, troubleshooting, repair or
Specialists) employees. This eld job is responsible for improving
replacement of re ghting equipment. Effectively evaluates project all operating conditions in the region. Works closely with acquired through 5 years of experience as an operator. Must meet the
requirements and recommends appropriate uid handling systems. engineering, applications engineering and service coordinators to minimum competencies for Operator Assistant II, Service Operator I,
Implements special personnel safety provisions, regulatory prepare, review or approve comprehensive deployment and testing and Service Specialist I and II.
requirements, obligations or deviations from normal operating procedures for execution. Typically acts as jobsite lead and may
procedures. Champion's safety and Halliburton Management System supervise up to eight (8) employees while performing the same work. Job Title: Business Segment Manager
ser vice quality leadership and team building. Identi es, Acts as Halliburton- WellDynamics representative on location and Job Ref No. K143/ESG/19
communicates and addresses barriers to achieving project promotes good customer relations at the well site to ensure customer Job Description/Requirements:
objectives. Consistently using good judgment to demonstrate satisfaction. Performs system integration and/or other tests required Under broad direction, leads operations within a speci ed segment
leadership in adherence to HSE and HMS service quality policies and by engineering or the customer which require in-depth knowledge of the Company for the purpose of ensuring the delivery of quality
procedures. Demonstrates knowledge, operation, troubleshooting, of system characteristics, operation and performance. Assists in customer service, world-class safety, and business segment growth
repair or replacement of jet cutter equipment and systems. reviewing the job design and con rms that the job packet includes that maximizes shareholder value. Maintains customer contacts for
Supervises the delivery of appropriate B&C well control services for the proper equipment and processes to achieve the job purpose. the purpose of assessing local needs and service quality. Serves as a
customers on complex projects. Demonstrates understanding and Applies technical knowledge and skills to facilitate or troubleshoot liaison for Halliburton Energy Services Business Development.
application of Well Control, identifying cause and effect of well operations regarding software, electrical interfaces, communications Collaborates with Hallibur ton Energy Ser vices Business
control events, and analyzing and managing risks. Consistently or completion techniques to solve unanticipated situations. Takes Development and Technology managers to develop and implement
executes, manages and designs solutions for customers. Ensures that responsibility for commissioning/testing or specialized deployment local product and service pricing strategies and technology
appropriate work agreements are executed with customers. Is able to of Smartwell® completion equipment. Chairs pre- and post-job initiatives. Job role directly effects the pro tability and reputation of
perform surface interventions. Is able to demonstrate appropriate equipment and service activities. Oversees the maintenance of the organization. Skills are typically acquired through the completion
and successful well control procedures. Capable of troubleshooting, service equipment and ensures compliance with safety regulations of an undergraduate degree in a related Engineering discipline and a
repairing and replacing wellheads and wellbore components. and procedures. Interacts with third parties whose activities could minimum 8 years of progressive experience in the energy services
Supervises extraordinary well control situations (i.e.: shallow gas, gas impact the installation process. Mentors and assesses service industry.
ow after cementing, lost circulation, off bottom kicks, underground operators and/or service specialists in all areas. Conducts and
blowouts, etc.). Completion of an undergraduate degree in documents all Halliburton HSE related activities at the well site Job Title: Financial Controller
engineering preferred or an equivalent combination of education including site assessments, risk analysis, safety huddles and Job Ref No. A325/ESG/19
and experience sufficient to successfully perform the essential meetings, selection and use of PPE, etc. Oversees the completion of Job Description/Requirements:
functions of the job. Minimum of 15 years of experience in well site all well site and post-job paperwork. Job role directly impacts quality Analyzes and recommends alternative sources of capital that the
operations. Must work under hazardous conditions including high of service through personal contributions. Consequences of error are company should use to meet its needs. Maintains relationships with
pressure, high temperature, loud noise, re, chemical and gas normally detectable and are often recoverable. Promotes safety those parties necessary to gain knowledge of new capital products
exposures, moving machinery, etc. Must be able to maintain awareness and environmental consciousness, and complies with all on the market and how they might t the company, such as
professional relationships with customers. Well organized with applicable HSE procedures and regulations. Promotes and takes an investment bankers and rating agencies. Responsible for the control
strong planning and project management skills required. Attention active part in the quality improvement process including assisting process to maintain compliance with debt covenants or similar
to detail, quality orientation required. Must be able to organize with the review, validation and revisions to local HMS processes. restrictions and company policy covering such related areas as lease-
multiple projects. Excellent communication skills. Strong problem Demonstrates superior customer service, negotiation and leadership buy decisions. Provides leadership in arranging nancial services that
solving abilities. Strong PC computing skills, including MS Office and skills. Develops his/her knowledge and skills to be able to run the expand the business relationship with company customers, such as
engineering software. Good communication and effective working most complex of SmartWell® and/or HCT product offerings in his/her credit approval, trade nancing through special terms or arranged
relationships exist with other departments. geographic area under the most challenging conditions. Develops through third par ties, letters of credit, guarantees, or
and demonstrates ability to run new SmartWell® technology as it performance/bid bonds. Maintains relationships with banks,
Job Title: Senior-Consulting Manager becomes available. governmental sources of trade nance, and other credit sources.
Job Ref No. LG131/ESG/19 Works closely with the Project Finance group to provide innovative
Job Description/Requirements: Job Title: Country/Area - PSL Operations Manager options to customers. Responsible for reviewing proposals and/or
Under broad direction, has good knowledge and understanding of Job Ref No. R453/ESG/19 contracts as appropriate for credit and/or contracts as appropriate for
applicable science and technology and the oil and gas industry, Job Description/Requirements: credit and other nancial issues.
gained through formal education and work experience. Under broad direction, leads operations for a country/area's Product
Demonstrates expert knowledge in at least one technical area, Service Line (PSL) for the purpose of ensuring the delivery of quality Job Title: Service Supervisor Cementing
business domain or within project management. Communicates to customer service, world-class safety, and PSL growth that maximizes Job Ref No. ZZ10/ESG/19
individual clients how they should use technology and improve work shareholder value. Develops annual business plan and ongoing Job Description/Requirements:
processes to be more productive. Understands, can articulate and forecasts of business performance for the country/area. Responsible Under general supervision, coordinates and oversees cementing
create or modify mainstay process for assignment delivery. Has the for pro t/loss/ROI and corrective actions. Develops and maintains service line work at the well site handling the more complex,
ability to lead practices (or large teams) and can be a direct point of customer contacts for the purpose of assessing local needs and hazardous, and/or high pro le jobs while providing quality service to
contact for clients. Effectively plans and manages work of assigned service quality. Serves as a liaison for Halliburton Energy Services the customer. Job role may include sales, job design, execution, and
teams to meet desired service level targets. Maintains a consistent Business Development. Collaborates with Halliburton Energy follow up activities. Cross trains and active participates in one or more
client-focused approach with clients and/or individuals. Actively Services Business Development and Technology managers to product service lines. Provides the planning necessary for the job
engaged in business development activities, frequently support develop and implement local product and service pricing strategies including instructions to the crew and equipment used, including
sales teams for both services and software, and looks for new areas for and technology initiatives. Responsible for development of future dispute resolutions to approved levels. Ensures customer satisfaction
revenue growth. Maintains a consistent client-focused approach business leaders and succession planning within applicable PSL. Job with work performed. Coordinates and directs the activities of service
with clients and/or individuals. Drives the development and role directly affects the pro tability and reputation of the operators. Coordinates the clean up, repair, and preparation of
execution of the practice strategy, service delivery oversight, and organization. Skills are typically acquired through the completion of equipment for the next job. Plans and performs necessary
career development for the practice. Known within the industry at an undergraduate degree in a related Engineering discipline calculations for the total job at the well site as needed. Leads the site
large for one or more areas of expertise. Skills are typically acquired (discipline may vary by PSL) and a minimum 10 years of progressive crew comprised of Halliburton and/or non-Halliburton employees.
through completion of an undergraduate degree in geo-science, experience in the energy services industry including experience Evaluates individual performance levels of the crew and trains
engineering, computer science or business and 17 or more years of managing the work and activities of others. Job level may be operators to improve their job performance. Job role has budgetary
experience. responsible for more than a single PSL or multiple smaller PSLs within type of accountabilities or directly impacts a revenue center's
a country/area. viability or its quality of service via personal contributions. Skills are
Job Title: Princ Tech Prof - Log Analysis typically acquired through a high school diploma, or similar
Job Ref No. K665/ESG/19 Job Title: Country/Area – Manager, Senior education and 2 years of experience as Service Supervisor-
Job Description/Requirements: Job Ref No. R450/ESG/19 Cementing, II. Licensure to drive commercial equipment may be
Identi es and develops markets for new or existing well log products Job Description/Requirements: required. Given the nature of oil eld service work, the ability to
(Well Analysis Products) and services. Responsible for analyzing well Under broad direction, manages all activities for the country/Area. communicate effectively with others is necessary. Promotes safety
logs and making recommendations to customers for well completion Develops annual business plan and ongoing forecasts of business awareness and environmental consciousness, and complies with all
or new well sites. Responsible for analyzing well logs and making performance for the country/Area. Responsible for pro t/loss/ROI applicable safety and environmental procedures and regulations.
recommendations to customers for well completion or new well and corrective actions. Responsible for coordinating performance Ensures compliance with Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE)
sites. Devises new approaches to problems encountered. Plans, improvement initiatives and procurement and logistics oversight. regulations and guidelines. Promotes and takes an active part in the
schedules, and conducts work requiring judgment in the Accountable for country/Area activities including support services Quality Improvement Process. Must meet the minimum
independent evaluation, selection, and adaptation of engineering management and identifying resource needs (people and assets). developmental standards for this job classi cation. Demonstrates
techniques, procedures, and criteria. Maintains an awareness of new Develops and promotes excellent customer communications and pro ciency in the operation and maintenance of each type of
technologies. Responsible for monitoring the quality of tool and log liaisons with the community. Assures consistent implementation of equipment/unit/tool normally used in the product service line. Has
response based upon hole conditions, geology, and reservoir uid company policies and service quality across PSL's. Responsible for the exceptional skills within the service line and speci c knowledge and
properties within a NWA/Country. Typical requirements include an development of future business leaders. Champion for new business understanding of other service functions.
undergraduate degree in Engineering and a minimum of 7 years' opportunities, grow/outper form geomarket competitors.
experience, with a minimum of 4 years' experience as a Technical Responsible for implementation of business strategies for the Job Title: Account Manager, Sr
Professional in Logging and Perforating. Certi cation as a country/Area. Job role directly affects the pro tability and reputation Job Ref No. R437/ESG/19
Licensed/Chartered Professional Engineer is preferred of the organization. Skills are typically acquired through completion Job Description/Requirements:
of an undergraduate degree in production and operations With general autonomy, leads a multi-PSL team that develops
Job Title: Tech Advisor-Directional Driller management, industrial engineering, or similar disciplines and 15 strategies and nancial targets for a designated high pro le client
Job Ref No. K059/ESG/19 years of progressive experience in Product Service Line (PSL) eld within a District, Country or Region with a revenue scope typically in
Job Description/Requirements: operations, which includes management experience. the range of $150 - 300 M. Recommends appropriate resources,
This position functions as a technical specialist within the assigned personnel and pricing levels for business planning. Develops
discipline and sub-PSL. Possesses in-depth knowledge of product or Job Title: Svc Spec III-TCP strategies for maximizing the account's pro tability while creating,
service speci cations and applications, including operation and Job Ref No. TP07/ESG/19 implementing, and managing an account plan in conjunction with
maintenance. Monitors and reports on local product/service Job Description/Requirements: the business plan. Directs con ict resolution and facilitates contract
performance in terms of MTBF and cost. Coordinates local CPI process Under general supervision, routinely works in more than one type of negotiations. Facilitates the development and implementation of
including product/service failure investigation and reporting to well site and base camp as assigned by Service Coordinator. new technologies in both the client's and ESG PSL organizations.
customer. Serves as liaison between Delivery and Technology, Coordinates and oversees Tubing Conveyed Perforating (TCP) PSL Serves as management interface and is responsible for Halliburton's
providing input to new product design, service, and application functions at the well site and base camp. Provides the planning communication within the account organization as well as account
requirements. Working with Technology, coordinates, monitors, and necessary for the job including equipment set up, well site direction, communication within the Halliburton organization. Responsible for
reports on eld testing of new products/services. May serve as local and customer-related support activities. Responsible for the developing relationships and positioning the PSLs at high level with
commercialization coordinator for introduc tion of new activities relative to maintaining, setting up, testing, and operating the client. Serves as a direct liaison with other Account Managers, BD
products/services into local market. As required, participates in equipment at the customer location and eld camp. Promotes and Managers and with the Global Account Managers. May lead a staff of
customer presentations covering area of expertise. Provides well-site takes an active part in the Quality Improvement Process. Ensures account management personnel. Skills typically acquired through
support to Company and customer personnel, including equipment compliance with HSE regulations and guidelines. Promotes safety completion of an undergraduate degree in Business administration,
trouble-shooting. Offers advice on equipment capabilities and awareness and environmental consciousness, and complies with all engineering, science, or similar disciplines and minimum 8-12 years
advises eld personnel on technical complexity and operation. applicable safety and environmental procedures and regulations. of experience in Product Service Line (PSL) eld operations, Business
Typical requirements include an undergraduate degree in May help train service operators in areas of expertise. May monitor Development, or Engineering
Engineering or equivalent operations experience. Typical instruments and perform necessary calculations to assure quality of
incumbents have a minimum of 4 years experience with an average data/job. Consults with customers concerning services and products, Job Title: Mgr, Sales
experience of 7-10 years. promotes good customer relations at the well site, and assures Job Ref No. R442/ESG/19
customer satisfaction with results. Properly maintains assigned Job Description/Requirements:
Job Title: Svc Spec III-Well Dynamics equipment and monitors compliance with safety regulations and Leads, directs, develops and aligns the resources of the sales
Job Ref No. CW07/ESG/19 procedures. Confers with Service Coordinator on major decisions. organization to implement the unit's business plan. Recruits and
Job Description/Requirements: Job tasks, correctly performed, impact indirectly on cost deploys technical sales resources for the area. Develops account
Under general supervision, oversees the installation of the complete containment, efficiency, pro tability or operations. Consequences of plans with Account Leaders and technical advisors. Communicates
range of Smartwell® and potentially HCT completion products under error are easily measured and can be con ned. Skills are typically
with Business Development Team regarding pricing, technology, provides cementing job designs for complex isolation problems, Job Title: Tech Advisor-Completions
new business relations, and customer and competitor activity. Job operational expertise, and post job analysis to customers in Job Ref No. R415/ESG/19
role is responsible for measurable assets such as department designated area. Ensures improvements identi ed from previous Job Description/Requirements:
budgets, equipment, and staff. Skills typically acquired through jobs are implemented and learning shared with the cementing team Responsible for planning, directing, and coordinating engineering
completion of an undergraduate degree in Business Administration, and advertises successes by writing, publishing and presenting case efforts in the delivery of Tools & Testing and Tubing Conveyed
engineering, science, or similar disciplines and 8-10 years of histories and industry papers (for example SPE). Collaborating with Perforating products and services. Provides engineering expertise to
experience in Product Service Line (PSL) eld operations, Business customer office based drilling and/or production engineers, tailors external customers. Negotiates critical and controversial issues with
Development, or Engineering. Revenue scope typically in the range barrier solutions to meet their requirements and Halliburton's top-level engineers and officers of other organizations and
of $25 - 100 M. commercial expectations, considering both the price of the solution companies. Problems are characterized by their lack of scienti c
to the customer, including consideration for solutions and pricing precedents and source material, or lack of success of prior research
Job Title: Mgr Sr, Operations Finance offered by competitors, as well as the total cost to Halliburton to and analysis so that their solution would represent an advance of
Job Ref No. OF21/ESG/19 deliver it. Performs technical investigations of irregular jobs and great importance. Job role functions as a technical specialist who
Job Description/Requirements: initiates, reviews, and closes CPIs (Correction, Prevention, makes decisions and recommendations that are recognized as
Under broad direction, provides leadership and directs nance and Improvement) pertaining to job design and technology. Assists PSL authoritative and have a far-reaching impact on extensive
accounting functions for a large or more complex de ned managers, using available performance metrics, to identify ways to engineering and related activities of the company. Skills typically
geographic or divisional business area. Responsible for managing the improve materials, equipment and personnel utilization, reduce acquired through completion of an undergraduate degree in
recruitment, training, and development of nance personnel within costs and increase service efficiency. Recruits technical staff. Petroleum or Mechanical Engineering and 10-15 years of oil eld
the assigned area. Provides nancial reporting information, business Establishes development plans for the cementing technical team. service experience including experience in business development
analysis, and interpretation of trends and presents and Mentors junior members of the cementing team, ensuring they and experience managing the work of others.
communicates ndings and recommendations, using diverse tools, follow their development plans. Communicates and manages the
to senior operations and nance management consistent with a large implementation of applicable PSL / Regional initiatives. Performs Job Title: Technical Services Advisor
or complex eld operations or division accounting environment. applicable performance and competency assessments and Job Ref No. S407/ESG/19
Plans, directs, and coordinates business analysis, report preparation, disciplinary activities as necessary up to and including termination Job Description/Requirements:
and operating/ nancial performance measures. Coordinates proceedings with collaboration from Human Resources. With Under broad direction, is recognized as subject matter expert and
business processes and procedures to ensure consistency and minimal supervision, independently applies advanced engineering provides application expertise and any special technical data to
accuracy of nancial data and business information. Coordinates techniques, makes decisions on engineering problems and methods, Operations, Business Development, Application Engineering,
nancial reporting and forecasting, budgeting, and annual plan and represents the organization to resolve important questions or to Training and External Customers to support product and service
preparation. Maintains performance standards that ensure negotiate with key engineers and officials of other organizations. At applications globally. Mentors to less experienced personnel. Writes,
compliance with internal management reporting requirements and this level, individuals will have demonstrated creativity, foresight, and revises, uses, and refers users to appropriate Technical Content of
business practices and maintains strong internal control mature engineering judgment in anticipating and solving Product /Services. Reviews content for accuracy and creates and
environment. Responsible for ensuring statutory reporting complies engineering problems in the most efficient and economical manner. approves revisions as needed. Reviews responses and articles of less
with accounting principles and government regulations. Participates They will be expected to contribute to inventions, patents, and new experience personnel. Assist in design of and supervises the initial
in balance sheet management of items such as inventory, accounts designs or techniques which lead to improved services to our application ( eld tests) of new products or services or tests and
receivable, and property. Applies technical nancial skills typically customers. Must be able to work independently. Completion of an evaluates operational software products/product releases from
acquired through completion of an accounting, nance, or business undergraduate degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math Software Technology resources. Responsible for all formal
university degree and ten (10) years of progressive experience in discipline required. Requires 4 years experience in cementing and communication for situations involving: Cautions and or warnings,
Support Services which includes experience in nance, accounting, requires completion of the required cementing competencies. design/product/service changes, Required Field Action, Interim
and management. University degree required; professional procedures and reference information using a Technology Bulletin.
certi cation or advanced degree preferred. Familiarity with common Job Title: Project Manager-PPS, Prin Responsible for the maintenance of Operational Manuals. Reviews
office environment and key business systems including SAP, Job Ref No. PP23/ESG/ communication drafted by less experienced personnel. Incorporates
Hyperion, contract management applications, and similar Job Description/Requirements: Reliability, HSE, and Quality standards into job activities. Job role
applications. Demonstrates advanced levels of pro ciency with Under broad direction, this position manages the execution and directly impacts revenue center's viability or its quality service via
business, industry, and company acumen, as well as cultural delivery of large and/or complex project(s), including day to day personal contributions. Job role contributes directly to value
awareness, performance management, and leadership skills gained contact and communication with the client at a senior level. Is creation. Skills acquired through the completion of an associate
through diverse experience and multiple roles within nance and responsible for the nancial and technical success of the project(s). degree in STEM discipline and 14 years of directly related work
accounting. May require working understanding of roles attributed Serves as the Focal Point within Halliburton; to the client and any 3rd experience.
to Support Services supporting eld operations including tax, Parties involved in the project(s). Controls resources assigned to the
statutory, and treasury concepts. Primary member of the de ned project(s), as dictated by the terms & conditions of the contract. Job Title: Svc Leader-Coiled Tubing
geographic or divisional business area management team. Responsible for ensuring the delivery of quality customer service; Job Ref No. PC11/ESG/19
personnel, property and environmental safety. Plans, organizes, Job Description/Requirements:
Job Title: Country/Area PSL Oper Mgr, Sr coordinates, and controls domestic and international projects in Under broad direction, supervises assigned staff for Coiled Tubing
Job Ref No. R452/ESG/19 accordance with the established policies, procedures, systems, and Product Service Line (PSL) within a Natural Work Area (NWA) (District).
Job Description/Requirements: requirements approved by the company. Resolves disputes and Supervises employees engaged in delivery of the PSL's services and
Under broad direction, leads operations for a country/Area's Product problems of one or more projects. Collaborates with Halliburton products. Supervises multi-shift CT projects and technically
Service Line (PSL) for the purpose of ensuring the delivery of quality Product lines and Third Party Service providers to develop and demanding well intervention projects. Leads employees behavior
customer service, world-class safety, and PSL growth that maximizes implement project plans and strategies. Recognizes and exploits the and role based competency by mentoring and developing to achieve
shareholder value. Develops annual business plan and ongoing talents of personnel assigned to projects and demonstrates excellence in PSL Service Quality and HSE performance. Assists the
forecasts of business performance for the country/Area. Responsible commitment to developing their skills, competencies and Field Service Quality Coordinator (FSQC) and Performance
for pro t/loss/ROI and corrective actions. Develop and maintains application of expertise. Possesses a strong working knowledge of Development Coordinator (PDC) in Progressive Discipline for non-
customer contacts for the purpose of assessing local needs and speci c PPS service lines and client / operator operational practices. performing personnel. Completes performance evaluations of
service quality. Serves as a liaison for Halliburton Energy Services The job role has budgetary accountabilities and directly impacts the assigned staff under the direction of the FSQC/PDC. Champions
Business Development. Collaborates with Halliburton Energy pro tability and reputation of the organization. Supervises Halliburton and Customer Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE).
Services Business Development and Technology managers to engineering support and tech professionals. Supervises project Engages employees in Production Solutions and all other PSL
develop and implement local product and service pricing strategies personnel through subordinate leaders. Develops business initiatives in the eld. Assists in implementation of new technology.
and technology initiatives. Responsible for development of future management skills and may serve as a proposal manager. Typically Evaluates service quality within assigned NWA with the goal of
business leaders and succession planning within applicable PSL. Job requires 10 plus years as a PPS Technical Professional / Technical improving performance. Provides technical expertise and solutions
role directly affects the pro tability and reputation of the Advisor, or 15 years in PPS operations and projects. to the customer. Performs follow-up activities regarding job
organization. Skills are typically acquired through the completion of performance. Skills are acquired by completing the Competencies
an undergraduate degree in a related Engineering discipline Job Title: Svc Leader-Completion Tools required for this job role. Must possess exceptional skills within the
(discipline may vary by PSL) and a minimum 10 years of progressive Job Ref No. CC11/ESG/19 service line and a general understanding of other service functions.
experience in the energy services industry including experience Job Description/Requirements: Given the nature of oil eld service work, the ability to communicate
managing the work and activities of others. Job level may be Under broad direction, coordinates and oversees shop and eld effectively with others is necessary. Promotes safety awareness and
responsible for more than a single large PSL or multiple PSLs in a activities regarding Product Service Line (PSL) work with the goal of environmental consciousness. Ensures compliance with Health,
country/Area or multiple countries. ensuring customer satisfaction through compliance with Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) standards, practices and guidelines.
Safety, Environment (HSE) and Halliburton Management System Must possess exceptional knowledge of Halliburton Management
Job Title: Account Leader, Sr (HMS) guidelines and requirements. Employees under the System (HMS) standards, work methods and processes. Completion
Job Ref No. R501/ESG/19 supervision of the Service Leader are Service Specialists, Service of an undergraduate degree required. With a minimum of 5 years of
Job Description/Requirements: Operators, and Tool Technicians. Observes employees in the eld and management experience.
Under broad direction, optimizes account potential by directing maintenance shops for SQ/HSE adherence to policy and provides
activity of the account team. Maximizes and sustains pro tability of training as necessary for the continued enhancement of skill levels.
the client and market penetration/share by matching the total array Ensures the timely completion of training courses, including yearly Job Title: Tech Advisor-DD
of the company's technical, commercial and operational capabilities HSE refresher-training, and maintenance of required levels of Job Ref No. K059/ESG/19
to the client's needs. Develops working relationships with client's competency as required for the employees under their supervision. Job Description/Requirements:
management. Identi es and accesses resources required to serve Provides a supervisory presence on customer job sites as needed This position functions as a technical specialist within the assigned
client's domestic and international current and future needs. Is an during various phases of complex, high-pro le jobs. Aids the service discipline and sub-PSL. Possesses in-depth knowledge of product or
integral member of the BD team. The Account Leader will work closely coordinator(s) in managing day-to-day operations as needed. service speci cations and applications, including operation and
with District/Country/Area Sales Manager and Account Manager in Participates in the investigation of unsatisfactory and/or unplanned maintenance. Monitors and reports on local product/service
developing a comprehensive business and/or Account Plan. Skills job results. A minimum of 5 years of experience as Service Specialist is performance in terms of MTBF and cost. Coordinates local CPI process
typically acquired through completion of an undergraduate degree required. including product/service failure investigation and reporting to
in business administration, marketing, engineering, or similar customer. Serves as liaison between Delivery and Technology,
disciplines and 8-12 years of related sales experience. Revenue scope Job Title: Account Rep, Bus Dev providing input to new product design, service, and application
typically in the range of $75 - 150 M. Job Ref No. R504/ESG/19 requirements. Working with Technology, coordinates, monitors, and
Job Description/Requirements: reports on eld testing of new products/services. May serve as local
Job Title: Tech Prof-Cementing, Prin Under broad direction, utilizes subject matter expertise and commercialization coordinator for introduc tion of new
Job Ref No. K940/ESG/19 established client relationships to sell Company products and products/services into local market. As required, participates in
Job Description/Requirements: ser vices and achieve maximum pro tability and market customer presentations covering area of expertise. Provides well-site
Under broad direction, working closely with Business Development, penetration/share. Matches the Company's technical, commercial support to Company and customer personnel, including equipment
matches Halliburton's technical, commercial and operational and operational capabilities to customer needs through developing a trouble-shooting. Offers advice on equipment capabilities and
capabilities to customer needs through developing a clear clear understanding of customer's business & technical issues and advises eld personnel on technical complexity and operation.
understanding of customer's business and technical issues and drivers and effective delivery of technical sales presentations and Typical requirements include an undergraduate degree in
drivers, effective delivery of technical sales presentations, and personal working relationships. Calls on assigned and non-assigned Engineering or equivalent operations experience. Typical
developing and maintaining personal relationships to effectively sell accounts to effectively promote and sell the Company's products and incumbents have a minimum of 4 years experience with an average
tailored cement solutions. Liaises with customers on technical issues, services. Plays an active role in the business planning process. Job role experience of 7-10 years
including performance review and process improvements to better directly create value via personal relationships. Skills typically
support the needs of the customer. Prepares tender submissions and acquired through completion of an undergraduate degree in Job Title: Elec/Mech Geopilot Tech IV
develops Performance Optimization Plans (POP) for each customer, business administration, marketing, engineering, or similar Job Ref No. K059/ESG/19
including the deployment of new technology and processes. Is disciplines and 3-8 years of related sales experience. Revenue scope Job Description/Requirements:
responsible for selling, and ensuring the cementing team also sells, typically in the range of $5 - 50 M. Under general supervision, diagnoses, repairs and performs
the new technology and processes identi ed in the POP plans to maintenance on down-hole tool electronics and other equipment
maximize pro tability and/or market share. In accordance with used in the application for down-hole operations. Areas of
Halliburton's Management System and the Cementing strategy, specialization within Product Service Line (PSL) speci c shop
operations may include: electronics aptitude, computer skills, country/area. Promotes and encourages safety and service quality. recommendations internally and to Operator personnel to ensure
soldering, surface equipment repairs, and performing major repairs. Responsible for pro t/loss/ROI and corrective actions. Champions that the objectives of geosteering optimization projects are met.
Assembles and disassembles all down-hole tools. Assist in making the implementation of new technology within Product Service Line Ensures the pre-well data is properly collected, documented, and
evaluations and recommendations for improvements on equipment (PSL). Coordinates and assists with the Correction, Prevention, and accurately loaded into the geosteering software. Presents complete,
based on maintenance history. Mentor and assist lower level tool Improvement (CPI) process for PSL. Investigates and performs detailed, accurate and professional reports to the customer as
technicians. Job tasks, correctly performed, impact indirectly on cost follow-up activities on unplanned events and/or jobs. Investigates required, and maintains an updated standard well summary le
containment, efficiency, pro tability or operations. Consequences of accidents, injuries and incidents within assigned PSL. Handles the during the well to assist in writing the end-of-well report. Assists with
error are easily measured and can be con ned. Skills are typically employee life cycle process (including hiring/ ring, employee pre-well modeling and creation of the decision matrix for the real-
acquired through an Associates degree or similar education and 5 development, evaluation, promotion/demotions) for assigned PSL time geosteering operations. Acts as a third-hand on more
years experience as a Downhole Electrical/Mechanical Tech III or in conjunction with Human Resources. Manages and coaches Service complicated and difficult geosteering projects by presenting
equivalent tool repair experience or an equivalent combination of Leaders, Performance Development Coordinators (PDC) and Field interpretation results to be included in the nal analysis by the
education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the Service Quality Coordinators (FSQC) to effectively develop and geosteering team. Supports real time communication tools used to
essential functions of the job. Basic computer skills are required. evaluate employees in eld operations. Requires completion of an provide visualizations of available interpreted geological data to the
Given the nature of oil eld service work, the ability to communicate undergraduate degree in production and operations management, customer. Requires an undergraduate degree in Geoscience,
effectively with others is necessary. The ability to perform basic engineering, or similar disciplines and a minimum of 6 years of Petroleum Engineering or other STEM degree and a minimum of 2.5
mathematical calculations involving addition, subtraction, experience in Halliburton Product Service Line (PSL) eld operations. years of relevant industry experience.
multiplication, and division is required. Basic reading
comprehension and writing skills are required. Promotes safety Job Title: Field Prof, General-L&P Job Title: Svc Leader-Coiled Tubing
awareness and environmental consciousness, and complies with all Job Ref No. L030/ESG/19 Job Ref No. PC11/ESG/19
applicable safety and environmental procedures and regulations. Job Description/Requirements Job Description/Requirements
Ensures compliance with Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) Under general supervision, applies knowledge of Halliburton's Open Under broad direction, supervises assigned staff for Coiled Tubing
regulations and guidelines. Promotes and takes an active part in the Hole Wireline technologies to independently provide all wireline Product Service Line (PSL) within a Natural Work Area (NWA)
quality improvement process services and tool operation to customers at the well site. Responsible (District). Supervises employees engaged in delivery of the PSL's
for most complex drilling scenarios, highly visible clients and special services and products. Supervises multi-shift CT projects and
Job Title: Svc Supv III-Slickline projects with high complexity. Applies engineering, mechanical and technically demanding well intervention projects. Leads employees
Job Ref No. CL10/ESG/19 geological principles to articulate complex data interpretations to behavior and role based competency by mentoring and developing
Job Description/Requirements clients from proprietary software and coaches clients fully through to achieve excellence in PSL Service Quality and HSE performance.
Under general supervision, leads a crew in providing the complete expected outcomes of various drilling scenarios independently. Assists the Field Service Quality Coordinator (FSQC) and
range of slickline services in a geographic area under all operating Integrates understanding of Halliburton business, operational Performance Development Coordinator (PDC) in Progressive
conditions. Consults with customers concerning products and procedure and serves as a liaison in collaborations with other service Discipline for non-performing personnel. Completes performance
services, promotes good customer relations at the well site, and lines to provide guidance to customers. Provides guidance to junior evaluations of assigned staff under the direction of the FSQC/PDC.
insures customer satisfaction. Reviews the job design and con rms wireline eld professionals on delivering less complex services and Champions Halliburton and Customer Health, Safety and
that the job packet includes the proper equipment and processes to tool operations to customers. Completion of an undergraduate Environmental (HSE). Engages employees in Production Solutions
achieve the job purpose. Con rms that unit, WPCE and downhole degree in Engineering, Science or other technical discipline is and all other PSL initiatives in the eld. Assists in implementation of
tools are ready, complete and correct for the job. Performs all aspects preferred or equivalent combination of education and experience new technology. Evaluates service quality within assigned NWA with
of the job in compliance with HMS processes. Applies technical sufficient to successfully perform the essential functions of the job. the goal of improving performance. Provides technical expertise and
knowledge to solve unanticipated situations, and consults with HES Minimum of 3.5 years of experience in Open Hole Wireline eld solutions to the customer. Performs follow-up activities regarding
operations base as needed. Per forms onsite emergency operations required. job per formance. Skills are acquired by completing the
unit/equipment maintenance as needed. Demonstrates knowledge Competencies required for this job role. Must possess exceptional
of pre and post-job product and service activities (employee's Job Title: Mgr, Country/Area Reliability skills within the service line and a general understanding of other
ongoing participation in these pre and post-job processes will vary Job Ref No. R490/ESG/19 service functions. Given the nature of oil eld service work, the ability
by location). Properly maintains assigned equipment and ensures Job Description/Requirements to communicate effectively with others is necessary. Promotes safety
compliance with safety regulations and procedures. Interacts with With general autonomy, responsible for driving culture of Right awareness and environmental consciousness. Ensures compliance
third parties whose activities could negatively impact slickline job People (competency and development), Right Process and Right with Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) standards, practices
execution process to assure proper coordination. Mentors and Equipment in operations. Accountable for participating in and for and guidelines. Must possess exceptional knowledge of Halliburton
assesses service operators and operator assistants in areas of planning Self audits in all the locations within the area of Management System (HMS) standards, work methods and
expertise. Recognizes possible sales opportunities for additional HES responsibility. Responsible for review and reporting of all Service processes. Completion of an undergraduate degree required. With a
products and services and communicates them to appropriate HES Quality (SQ) matters within a given area or country. Assists minimum of 5 years of management experience.
personnel. Promotes safety awareness and environmental Country/Area Manager with planning and execution of new start-
consciousness, and complies with all applicable health, safety and ups in country/area of responsibility. Reviews and audits data Job Title: Tech Prof-Completions, Sr
environmental procedures and regulations. Conducts and accuracy in online systems to include but not limited to CPI and Job Ref No. K949/ESG/19
documents all Halliburton HSE related activities at the well site - site SUMMIT/ORION. Completion of an undergraduate degree in any Job Description/Requirements
assessments and risk analyses, onsite safety meetings, PPE use, etc. engineering discipline. Minimum of 7 years of experience in Under broad direction, provides Completion, Products & Services
Completes all well site and post-job paperwork. Participates in post- Halliburton Product Service Line (PSL) eld operations which (CPS) job design, well support, and post job analysis to customers in
job review with his/her supervisor. Promotes and takes an active part includes experience in the energy services industry and designated area. Develops and maintains personal relationships
in the quality improvement process. Develops and demonstrates the management experience. Good interpersonal and problem solving with the technical customer base. Provides technical support on
ability to run new technology as it becomes available. Assists with skills are required to ensure efficient eld operations. Job role location as required by the customer or PSL. Interprets well site data
the review, validation and update of local HMS processes. requires subject matter expertise in the eld operations of the PSL in in real time using complex technologies such as software simulators
which work is performed and the ability to understand PSL and the latest electrical and mechanical equipment, calculations,
Job Title: Svc Supv II-Slickline operations at the area level. and modeling. Solve on the spot issues remotely and occasionally at
Job Ref No. CL09/ESG/19 the well site. Assignments require sufficient professional experience
Job Description/Requirements Job Title: Field Prof-DD, I to assure competence as a fully trained professional. Must be able to
Under general supervision, leads a crew in providing a wide range of Job Ref No. DV04/ESG/19 work independently. Functions as a communications link between
slickline services in a geographic area. Consults with customers Job Description/Requirements customer, Business Development and Operations. Develop and
concerning products and services, promotes good customer Under general supervision, provides on-site supervision of the mentor Associate Technical Professionals and Technical
relations at the well site, and insures customer satisfaction. Reviews Directional Drilling (DD) process including projection of well path to Professionals. Undergraduate degree required – acceptable degrees
the job design and con rms that the job packet includes the proper predetermined target coordinate. Serves in a subordinate role on any are: all engineering, Engineering Technology, Geology, Mathematics,
equipment and processes to achieve the job purpose. Con rms that job. Understands principles of Bottom Hole assembly (BHA) selection Physics, & Chemistry with 3 yrs industry experience. Certi cation as a
unit, WPCE and downhole tools are ready, complete and correct for and aspects of DD performance and ensures that BHA's are Licensed/Chartered Professional Engineer is preferred.
the job. Performs all aspects of the job in compliance with HMS assembled as planned including correct make-up torque, doping
processes. Applies technical knowledge to solve unanticipated and handling. Pro cient in the use of DD computer software and able Job Title: Svc Leader-Cementing
situations, and consults with HES operations base as needed. to assist in provision of advice and analysis to the client Job Ref No. ZZ11/ESG/19
Performs onsite emergency unit/equipment maintenance as representative at the well site. This shall include all survey Job Description/Requirements
needed. Demonstrates knowledge of pre and post-job product and calculations and well path projections. Pro cient in updating well Under broad direction, supervises assigned staff for Coiled Tubing
service activities (employee's ongoing participation in these pre and pro le plots and providing client representative with accurate Product Service Line (PSL) within a Natural Work Area (NWA)
post-job processes will vary by location). Properly maintains directional survey data. Aware of client's requirements with regards (District). Supervises employees engaged in delivery of the PSL's
assigned equipment and ensures compliance with safety regulations to surveying procedures. Assists in the completion of a daily DD services and products. Supervises multi-shift CT projects and
and procedures. Interacts with third parties whose activities could report, BHA performance report for each BHA run, completion of all technically demanding well intervention projects. Leads employees
negatively impact slickline job execution process to assure proper service tickets and relevant paperwork (well data spreadsheet, behavior and role based competency by mentoring and developing
coordination. Trains service operators and operator assistants in lesson learned/best practice, End of Job Customer Survey (EJCS) and to achieve excellence in PSL Service Quality and HSE performance.
areas of expertise. Recognizes possible sales opportunities for Key Performance Indicator (KPI) forms). Familiar with the DD aspects Assists the Field Service Quality Coordinator (FSQC) and
additional HES products and services and communicates them to of the client's approved drilling program. Assists in the inspection of Performance Development Coordinator (PDC) in Progressive
appropriate HES personnel. Promotes safety awareness and all DD company equipment delivered on the work site. Interfaces Discipline for non-performing personnel. Completes performance
environmental consciousness, and complies with all applicable with the MWD engineer to ensure BHA compatibility, planned evaluations of assigned staff under the direction of the FSQC/PDC.
health, safety and environmental procedures and regulations. operating parameters are within speci cation and correct tool face Champions Halliburton and Customer Health, Safety and
Conducts and documents all Halliburton HSE related activities at the references are applied. Maintains records of all DD equipment at well Environmental (HSE). Engages employees in Production Solutions
well site - site assessments and risk analyses, onsite safety meetings, site including dimensional data and condition. Ensure that all and all other PSL initiatives in the eld. Assists in implementation of
PPE use, etc. Completes all well site and post-job paperwork. equipment is laid out after use in accordance with company new technology. Evaluates service quality within assigned NWA with
Participates in post-job review with his/her supervisor. Promotes and procedures and manifested for backload at the end of the job. the goal of improving performance. Provides technical expertise and
takes an active part in the quality improvement process. Develops Participates in performance improvement initiatives. Bachelor's solutions to the customer. Performs follow-up activities regarding
his/her knowledge and skills to be able to run the most complex, or degree in a STEM discipline is required with 2 or more years of eld job per formance. Skills are acquired by completing the
complete range of, slickline services under the most challenging experience in Directional Drilling, L/MWD or SDL. Competencies required for this job role. Must possess exceptional
conditions. Develops mentoring and competency assessor skills. skills within the service line and a general understanding of other
Job Title: Field Prof-Geosteering, II service functions. Given the nature of oil eld service work, the ability
Job Ref No. ST03/ESG/19 to communicate effectively with others is necessary. Promotes safety
Job Title: Country/Area PSL Service Mgr Job Description/Requirements awareness and environmental consciousness. Ensures compliance
Job Ref No. R454/ESG/19 Under general supervision, performs as a second-hand geosteering with Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) standards, practices
Job Description/Requirements geologist by providing logging data analysis and geological and guidelines. Must possess exceptional knowledge of Halliburton
With general autonomy, promotes service excellence and customer interpretation resulting in modi cation of the well plan to make Management System (HMS) standards, work methods and
satisfaction by providing training and guidance to individuals accurate and safe drilling recommendations to the customer for processes. Completion of an undergraduate degree required. With a
engaged in well site service work for an assigned PSL in a designated o p t i m u m p l a c e m e n t o f t h e w e l l b o r e. C o m m u n i c a t e s minimum of 5 years of management experience.

Quali ed and interested applicants are required to forward their CVs and application letter clearly stating their position of interest to
[email protected] not later than 5 days from the date of this publication.
Please note:
Ÿ Your mail subject must indicate the job title and the reference number of the position you are applying for.
Ÿ All positions are for experienced personnel only. Only candidates with the required level of experience for the position applied for will be considered.

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