This is the Day 25 of learning Terraform
This is the Day 25 of learning Terraform
This is the Day 25 of learning Terraform
- Purpose: Define a reusable variable of type list(string) to store a sequence of IP address ranges
for a virtual network's address space.
- Technical Details: The list type in Terraform represents an ordered sequence of values, where
each value is of the same type (in this case, string).
- A variable block (variable "virtual_network_address_space") is defined with a type
constraint (type = list(string)), ensuring only a list of strings is accepted.
- The default value is specified as a list of IP CIDR blocks.
- Example Code:
variable "virtual_network_address_space" {
description = "Virtual Network Address Space"
type = list(string)
default = ["", "", ""]
This ensures that if no value is passed, a default sequence of IPs will be used.
- Purpose: Create subnets within the virtual network. While the example hardcodes an
address_prefix, it can be similarly parameterized.
- Technical Details:
- The subnet name dynamically incorporates the virtual network name for clarity.
- Subnet address prefixes are explicitly provided as a list.
Step-06: Executing Terraform Commands
1. Initialization: terraform init initializes the Terraform working directory and downloads
provider plugins.
2. Validation: terraform validate checks syntax and configuration correctness.
3. Formatting: terraform fmt standardizes file formatting.
4. Plan & Apply:
terraform plan previews resource changes.
terraform apply -auto-approve executes the changes.
- Purpose: Demonstrates how to reference individual elements in the list using index-based
- Technical Details:
- Indexing allows selective usage of list elements.
address_space = [var.virtual_network_address_space[0]]
- This sets the virtual network address space to the first CIDR block only, useful for testing
or specific configurations.
Step-09: Observations
- Changing the address_space to a single value results in only one address space being
associated with the virtual network.
- This can be verified through the Azure Management Console after applying changes.
Step-10: Cleanup
address_space = var.virtual_network_address_space
Technical Highlights:
1. Type Constraints: Enforce strong typing for variables to ensure predictable behavior.
2. Dynamic Resource Configuration: Use variables to make resources reusable and
3. Terraform Commands: Essential steps for managing resources effectively.
This modular and parameterized approach is essential for infrastructure as code (IaC) best
practices, making configurations flexible and scalable.
Terraform Manifest-v1: -
Explanation: - The code provided represents a typical Terraform configuration file that defines
a Terraform block, a provider block, and a random string resource. Below is a detailed
explanation of each section:
1. Terraform Block
The Terraform block is used to configure the version of Terraform and the required providers
for the configuration.
terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.0.0"
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = ">= 2.0"
random = {
source = "hashicorp/random"
version = ">= 3.0"
1. required_version:
- random: Generates random values (used here for creating random strings).
- source: The random provider from hashicorp.
- version: Ensures the provider version is >= 3.0`.
2. Provider Block
The provider block specifies the configuration for the Azure Resource Manager (azurerm)
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
1. Provider:
- Defines the Azure Resource Manager (azurerm) provider.
2. features {}:
- A mandatory block (even if empty) that enables features specific to the Azure provider.
- Leaving it empty means default settings are applied.
3. Random String Resource
The random_string resource generates a random string, which can be used for naming or other
dynamic configuration purposes.
1. Resource Type:
-random_string: A resource provided by the random provider to create random strings.
2. Resource Name:
- myrandom: The local name of this resource within the configuration.
3. Arguments:
- length = :
- Specifies the length of the generated string (6 characters in this case).
- upper = false:
- Excludes uppercase letters from the string.
- special = false:
- Excludes special characters from the string.
- number = false:
- Excludes numbers from the string.
Overall Purpose
1. Ensures the environment is set up with the required Terraform version and provider plugins.
2. Configures the Azure provider (azurerm) for managing Azure resources.
3. Generates a random lowercase string (without special characters or numbers) that can be
used dynamically in other resources, such as naming conventions for Azure resources.
Usage Example
- You could use the generated string from random_string.myrandom as part of a resource name:
- This would create a resource group with a name like example-rg-abcdef, ensuring unique
names when re-deploying.
Terraform Manifest: -
Explanation: - This Terraform code defines input variables that are used throughout the Terraform
configuration to make it dynamic and reusable. Input variables allow users to customize the values for
a Terraform module without hardcoding them in the configuration.
- Input Variables: These are placeholders for values that can be passed into a Terraform module. They
- Increase flexibility by making the configuration reusable for different environments or scenarios.
variable "variable_name" {
2. "variable_name": The name of the variable, which will be referenced in the code as
3. description: Describes the purpose of the variable. Helps users understand what the variable is used
4. type: Specifies the data type of the variable, such as string, number, list, or map.
5. default: (Optional) Provides a default value. If no value is supplied during execution, Terraform uses
this default.
3. Variables in the Code
variable "business_unit" {
type = string
default = "hr"
2. Environment Name
variable "environment" {
type = string
default = "dev"
- Default: "dev".
variable "resource_group_name" {
type = string
default = "myrg"
- Purpose: Represents the name of the Azure Resource Group.
- Default: "myrg".
variable "resource_group_location" {
type = string
- Purpose: Specifies the Azure region where the Resource Group will be created.
variable "virtual_network_name" {
type = string
default = "myvnet"
- Default: "myvnet".
6. Extensibility
The section titled YOU CAN ADD LIKE THIS MANY MORE argument values" lists additional resource
names that can be parameterized using variables:
- Examples of potential variables:
3. Network Interface Name: Name for network interfaces attached to virtual machines.
6. ...and more.
5. Benefits
- Reusability: The module can be reused for different environments by simply changing variable values.
- Clarity: Descriptions provide clear documentation for anyone using the configuration.
- Customization: Default values can be overridden during runtime using a terraform.tfvars file or CLI
6. Example Usage
- A terraform.tfvars file:
business_unit = "finance"
environment = "prod"
resource_group_name = "rg-finance-prod"
virtual_network_name = "vnet-prod"
- CLI arguments:
7. Example Scenario
- Location: East US
Terraform Manifest: -
Explanation: - This Terraform code block defines an Azure Resource Group using the
azurerm_resource_group resource. A resource group in Azure is a container that holds related
resources for an Azure solution.
- azurerm_resource_group: The type of resource being created, which is an Azure Resource Group in
this case. It uses the AzureRM Terraform provider.
- "myrg": The unique name given to this resource within the Terraform configuration. You use this
name to reference the resource in other parts of your code.
2. Properties/Attributes
name = "${var.business_unit}-${var.environment}-${var.resource_group_name}"
- The value is dynamically constructed using variables. Here's what each part means:
- ${}: Denotes string interpolation in Terraform, allowing you to insert variables or expressions into
- var.environment: Refers to another variable, typically used to denote the environment, such as dev,
test, or prod.
- var.resource_group_name: A variable that represents a specific part of the resource group's name.
When these variables are defined, the resulting name could look like:
location = var.resource_group_location
- Specifies the Azure region where the resource group will be created.
name = "my-rg1"
name = var.resource_group_name
- name = var.resource_group_name: Demonstrates a simpler use of a variable for the resource group
name, without string interpolation.
These comments provide alternatives for how the name can be defined.
4. Usage
variable "business_unit" {
default = "finance"
variable "environment" {
default = "prod"
variable "resource_group_name" {
default = "my-rg"
variable "resource_group_location" {
default = "eastus"
If these variable values are used, the created resource group will have:
- Name: finance-prod-my-rg
- Location: eastus
Terraform Manifest: -
Explanation: - This Terraform code creates an Azure networking setup involving a virtual
network, subnet, public IP addresses, and network interfaces.
1. Virtual Network
1. Resource Type:
- azurerm_virtual_network: Used to create a virtual network in Azure.
2. Resource Name:
- myvnet: A logical identifier to reference this virtual network resource in the code.
3. Arguments**:
- name: Specifies the name of the virtual network (myvnet-1).
- address_space: Defines the IP range of the virtual network as a CIDR block (
- location: Uses the location of the associated resource group
- resource_group_name: Refers to the name of the resource group
4. Purpose:
- Provides an isolated network environment to host resources securely.
2. Subnet
1. Resource Type:
- azurerm_subnet: Used to create a subnet within a virtual network.
2. Resource Name:
- mysubnet: A logical name for referencing the subnet resource.
3. Arguments:
- name: Specifies the name of the subnet (mysubnet-1).
- resource_group_name: Associates the subnet with the resource group
- virtual_network_name: Associates the subnet with the virtual network
- address_prefixes: Defines the IP range of the subnet (
4. Purpose:
- Creates a smaller segment within the virtual network for resource allocation and
3. Public IP Addresses
1. Resource Type:
- azurerm_public_ip: Creates a public IP address.
2. for_each Loop:
- Uses toset(["vm1", "vm2"]) to create a public IP for each key (vm1, vm2).
- Each key allows distinct public IP configuration for separate VMs.
3. Arguments:
resource "azurerm_network_interface" "myvmnic" {
for_each = toset(["vm1", "vm2"])
name = "vmnic-${each.key}"
location = azurerm_resource_group.myrg.location
resource_group_name =
ip_configuration {
name = "internal"
subnet_id =
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
public_ip_address_id = azurerm_public_ip.mypublicip[each.key].id
1. Resource Type:
- azurerm_network_interface: Creates network interfaces for VMs.
2. for_each Loop: - Similar to the public IP block, it uses toset(["vm1", "vm2"]) to create one
network interface for each key.
3. Arguments:
- name: Generates unique names (vmnic-vm1, vmnic-vm2).
- location: Inherits the location of the resource group.
- resource_group_name: Links the network interface to the resource group.
4. ip_configuration Block:
- Defines the network settings for the interface.
- name: A logical identifier for the IP configuration (internal).
- subnet_id: Connects the network interface to the subnet (
- private_ip_address_allocation: Specifies dynamic private IP allocation.
- public_ip_address_id: Attaches the associated public IP
5. Purpose:
- Connects VMs to the virtual network and assigns them public/private IP addresses for
internal and external communication.
Flow of Resources
2. Subnet (mysubnet):
- Segments the virtual network for specific resource grouping and IP management.
Real-World Application
This configuration sets up the foundational network infrastructure for deploying multiple VMs
with distinct network interfaces and public IPs. It's common in scenarios like:
- Hosting web applications.
- Setting up a cluster of VMs for load balancing.
- Providing isolated environments for testing or development.