Atomic Structure

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The atomic structure of an element refers to the constitution of its nucleus and the arrangement of the electrons
around it. Primarily, the atomic structure of matter is made up of protons, electrons and neutrons.
The protons and neutrons make up the nucleus of the atom, which is surrounded by the electrons belonging to
the atom. The atomic number of an element describes the total number of protons in its nucleus.

Neutral atoms have equal numbers of protons and electrons. However, atoms may gain or lose electrons in order
to increase their stability and the resulting charged entity is called an ion.
Atoms of different elements have different atomic structures because they contain different numbers of protons
and electrons. This is the reason for the unique characteristics of different elements.

Subatomic Particles


 Protons are positively charged subatomic particles. The charge of a proton is i.e. which corresponds to
approximately 1.602 × 10-19
 The mass of a proton is approximately 1.672 × 10-24
 Protons are over 1800 times heavier than electrons.
 The total number of protons in the atoms of an element is always equal to the atomic number of the


 The mass of a neutron is almost the same as that of a proton i.e. 1.674×10-24
 Neutrons are electrically neutral particles and carry no charge.
 Different isotopes of an element have the same number of protons but vary in the number of neutrons
present in their respective nuclei.

 The charge of an electron is -1e, which approximates to -1.602 × 10-19

 The mass of an electron is approximately 9.1 × 10-31.
 Due to the relatively negligible mass of electrons, they are ignored when calculating the mass of an

In the 18th and 19th centuries, many scientists attempted to explain the structure of the atom with the help of
atomic models. Each of these models had their own merits and demerits and were pivotal to the development
of the modern atomic model. The most notable contributions to the field were by the scientists such as John
Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr.

Dalton’s Atomic Theory

The English chemist John Dalton suggested that all matter is made up of atoms, which were indivisible and
indestructible. He also stated that all the atoms of an element were exactly the same, but the atoms of different
elements differ in size and mass.
Chemical reactions, according to Dalton’s atomic theory, involve a rearrangement of atoms to form
products. According to the postulates proposed by Dalton, the atomic structure comprised atoms, the smallest
particle responsible for the chemical reactions to occur.

The following are the postulates of his theory:

 Every matter is made up of atoms.

 Atoms are indivisible.
 Specific elements have only one type of atoms in them.
 Each atom has its own constant mass that varies from element to element.
 Atoms undergo rearrangement during a chemical reaction.
 Atoms can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another.
Dalton’s atomic theory successfully explained the Laws of chemical reactions, namely, the Law of conservation
of mass, Law of constant properties, Law of multiple proportions and Law of reciprocal proportions.

Demerits of Dalton’s Atomic Theory

 The theory was unable to explain the existence of isotopes.

 Nothing about the structure of atom was appropriately explained.
 Later, the scientists discovered particles inside the atom that proved, the atoms are divisible.
The discovery of particles inside atoms led to a better understanding of chemical species, these particles inside
the atoms are called subatomic particles. The discovery of various subatomic particles is as follows:

Thomson Atomic Model

The English chemist Sir Joseph John Thomson put forth his model describing the atomic structure in the early
He was later awarded the Nobel prize for the discovery of “electrons”. His work is based on an experiment
called cathode ray experiment. The construction of working of the experiment is as follows:

Cathode Ray Experiment

It has a tube made of glass which has two openings, one for the vacuum pump and the other for the inlet through
which a gas is pumped in.

The role of the vacuum pump is to maintain “partial vacuum” inside the glass chamber. A high voltage power
supply is connected using electrodes i.e. cathode and Anode is fitted inside the glass tube.

 When a high voltage power supply is switched on, there were rays emerging from the cathode towards
the anode. This was confirmed by the ‘Fluorescent spots’ on the ZnS screen used. These rays were called
“Cathode Rays”.
 When an external electric field is applied, the cathode rays get deflected towards the positive electrode,
but in the absence of electric field, they travel in a straight line.
 When rotor Blades are placed in the path of the cathode rays, they seem to rotate. This proves that the
cathode rays are made up of particles of a certain mass, so that they have some energy.

 With all this evidence, Thompson concluded that cathode rays are made of negatively charged particles
called “electrons”.
 On applying the electric and magnetic field upon the cathode rays (electrons), Thomson found the
charge to mass ratio (e/m) of electrons. (e/m) for electron: 1.758820 × 1011 C/kg.
From this ratio, the charge of the electron was found by Millikan through oil drop experiment. [Charge of e– =
1.6 × 10-19 C and Mass of e– = 9.1093 × 10-31 kg].
Based on conclusions from his cathode ray experiment, Thomson described the atomic structure as a positively
charged sphere into which negatively charged electrons were embedded.
It is commonly referred to as the “plum pudding model” because it can be visualized as a plum pudding dish
where the pudding describes the positively charged atom and the plum pieces describe the electrons
(According to this model, the atom is a sphere of positive charge, and the negatively charged electrons are
embedded in it to balance the total positive charge. The electrons are like plums in a pudding).


Thomson’s atomic structure described atoms as electrically neutral, i.e. the positive and the negative charges
were of equal magnitude.
Limitations of Thomson’s Atomic Structure: Thomson’s atomic model does not clearly explain the stability of
an atom. Also, further discoveries of other subatomic particles, couldn’t be placed inside his atomic model.

Rutherford Atomic Theory

Rutherford, a student of J. J. Thomson modified the atomic structure with the discovery of another subatomic
particle called “Nucleus”. His atomic model is based on the Alpha ray scattering experiment.
Alpha Ray Scattering Experiment

 A very thin gold foil of 1000 atoms thick is taken.

 Alpha rays (doubly charged Helium He2+) were made to bombard the gold foil.
 ZnS screen is placed behind the gold foil.

 Most of the rays just went through the gold foil making scintillations (bright spots) in the ZnS screen.
 A few rays got reflected after hitting the gold foil.
 One in 1000 rays got reflected by an angle of 180° (retraced path) after hitting the gold foil.

 Since most rays passed through, Rutherford concluded that most of the space inside the atom is empty.
 Few rays got reflected because of the repulsion of its positive with some other positive charge inside the
 1/1000th of rays got strongly deflected because of a very strong positive charge in the center of the atom.
He called this strong positive charge as “nucleus”.
 He said most of the charge and mass of the atom resides in the Nucleus
Rutherford’s Structure of Atom
Based on the above observations and conclusions, Rutherford proposed his own atomic structure which is as

 The nucleus is at the center of an atom, where most of the charge and mass are concentrated.
 Atomic structure is spherical.
 Electrons revolve around the nucleus in a circular orbit, similar to the way planets orbit the sun.

Limitations of Rutherford Atomic Model

 If electrons have to revolve around the nucleus, they will spend energy and that too against the strong
force of attraction from the nucleus, a lot of energy will be spent by the electrons and eventually, they
will lose all their energy and will fall into the nucleus so the stability of atom is not explained.
 If electrons continuously revolve around the ‘nucleus, the type of spectrum expected is a continuous
spectrum. But in reality, what we see is a line spectrum.

Bohr’s Atomic Theory

Neils Bohr put forth his model of the atom in the year 1915. This is the most widely used atomic model to
describe the atomic structure of an element which is based on Planck’s theory of quantization.


 The electrons inside atoms are placed in discrete orbits called “stationery orbits”.
 The energy levels of these shells can be represented via quantum numbers.
 Electrons can jump to higher levels by absorbing energy and move to lower energy levels by losing or
emitting its energy.
 As longs as, an electron stays in its own stationery, there will be no absorption or emission of energy.
 Electrons revolve around the nucleus in these stationery orbits only.
 The energy of the stationary orbits is quantized.

Limitations of Bohr’s Atomic Theory:

 Bohr’s atomic structure works only for single electron species such as H, He+, Li2+, Be3+, ….
 When the emission spectrum of hydrogen was observed under a more accurate spectrometer, each line
spectrum was seen to be a combination of no of smaller discrete lines.
 Both Stark and Zeeman effects couldn’t be explain using Bohr’s theory.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle: Heisenberg stated that no two conjugate physical quantities can be
measured simultaneously with 100% accuracy. These will always be some error or uncertainty in the
Drawback: Position and momentum are two such conjugate quantities that were measured accurately by Bohr
Dual Nature of Matter
The electrons which were treated to be particles, the evidence of photoelectric effect shows they also have wave
nature. This was proved by Thomas young with the help of his double slit experiment.
De-Broglie concluded that since nature is symmetrical, so should be light or any other matter wave.

Quantum Numbers

 Principal Quantum number (n): It denotes the orbital number or shell number of electron.
 Azimuthal Quantum numbers (l): It denotes the orbital (sub-orbit) of the electron.
 Magnetic Quantum number: It denotes the number of energy states in each orbit.
 Spin Quantum number(s): It denotes the direction of spin, S = -½ = Anticlockwise and ½ = Clockwise.

Electronic Configuration of an Atom

The electrons have to be filled in the s, p, d, f in accordance with the following rule.
1. Aufbau’s principle: The filling of electrons should take place in accordance with the ascending order of
energy of orbitals:

 Lower energy orbital should be filled first and higher energy levels.
 The energy of orbital α(p + l) value it two orbitals have same (n + l) value, E α n
 Ascending order of energy 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, . . .
2. Pauli’s exclusion principle: No two electrons can have all the four quantum numbers to be the same or if two
electrons have to be placed in an energy state they should be placed with opposite spies.
3. Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity: In the case of filling degenerate (same energy) orbitals, all the
degenerate orbitals have to be singly filled first and then only pairing has to happen.

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