And the primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and
help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and
empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. According to
To increase access to quality healthcare for people in the formal sector, mostly rural and low
income groups.
C.To examine alternative ways on how to reduce challenges facing ICHF user's in mbambua
An evaluation of the operation of this fund has shown that its implementation faces a variety
of challenges that arise from problems with its design and operating system. www.chf-
As in our project we were interested to perfom this project because mbambua village is the
one of village with low number of people joining ICHF due to different reasons as we
decided to conduct project so as to asses challenges facing ICHF user's in mbambua village
so as to not be interested in joining that fund.
Lack of awareness, people of mbambua village were not aware of their rights concern
health services which increased discrimination.
Poor service in health sector: The poeple which can use these insurance they can not get good
health service to the hospital as they don't get priority in in receiving services like people
with cash.
Lack of medicine: Also the people can say sometime the insurance can not help them because
if theres no medicine after checkup it must going to the dispensary and to buy a medicine
with the money.
Through discussion with community members and ICHF coordinator we came with different
ways which can help to reduce those challenges facing ICHF user's
To bring strict laws to health working who are tend to discriminate patients rights.
To advise authorities in charge to reduce bureaucracy and formulate good policy
which will support this fund.
To rise awareness to Community members to understand that they should not silent
when they are facing discrimination or charging while they have this ICHH card and
report it to specific authority.
During our project there are different people who were cooperate with so as to make sure our
project is successed.
Community leader-was the one who introduce us and helped us to meet with community
ICHF coordinator-he was the one who give us all information concerning ICHF.
Mbambua village community member-these was the key people in our project as it concerns
about challenges facing ICHF users in mbambua village.
Nurse-she helped us getting different information about challenges facing them in job setting
concerning ICHF.
Plenary discussion: Also we can discuss with leader about challenges of NCHIF insurance
and how we can over come those challenge.
While conducting this project we used different social work skills , roles,values,principle and
ethics as the followings;
Education is both the act of teaching knowledge to others and the act of receiving knowledge
from someone else. and is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of
knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. As social workers we play a role of
educator to educate society importance of joining ICHF.
The social worker is involved in the process of making referrals to link a family or person to
needed resources. Social work professionals do not simply provide information. We played
this role as we link health officer with society for more information about iCHF.
Importance of human relationships (Ethical principle: Social workers recognize the central
importance of human relationships)
There is an understanding that facilitating healthy, solid human relationships can lead to the
long-term success of communities. Social workers connect people who need help with
organizations and individuals who can assist them.
Competence (Ethical principle: Social workers practice within their areas of competence and
develop and enhance their professional expertise)
Social workers must continue to strive to expand their knowledge, but always be realistic and
practice within their scope of understanding.As social workers we study alot about ichf to
know more so as to be able to educate well people of mbambua village about joining that
ethical standards:
Professionals within the social work field should promote the general welfare of society –
from local to global levels – and the development of communities.As Social workers we
should continue to advocate for efforts to fulfill basic human needs, as well as promote all
aspects of social justice.
Social workers should treat their colleagues with respect. They should also protect the
confidential information shared by their colleagues in their professional relationships. When
working in collaboration with colleagues in other fields, as an interdisciplinary team,
professional and ethical obligations should be clearly established. As Social workers we were
also consult with other professionals for the best interest of the client. An important note is
that when social workers are speaking with their colleagues about clients, they should
disclose the least amount of information possible. Similarly, social workers are encouraged to
take all necessary measures to discourage, prevent or expose (and correct) the unethical
conduct of their peers.
A. We recommend that government should modify it's system regarding ICHF as are many
negative concerns about ICHF services.
B.we recommend that instute should bring favorable environment for students to perform
project as there places which are far that if possible cost put in fees