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0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION The history of the department of SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT dates back even before independence citizens of Tanzania had lots of economic, social, political and cultural, health and education problems. The department of community development were introduced and called SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT with the intention of empowering and helping women in the process of writing, reading, cooking and handcraft, different women groups were initiated. After independence (1961)the department of community development looked at the entire society at large and changed its name to Department of rural development with the purpose of transforming all the citizens so that they can do away with their big enemy ignorance and diseases at the family level, community and national at large, this was a result of the late father of the nation, the first president of United Republic of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere Uhuru ni Kazi where he believed That to achieve development of our nation and planning for development, as great emphasis in human development, people must participate in thinking, identifying some problems, come up with the strategies to solve them, implement and evaluate their development. History of department of community development Tabora(1961-1971), the department were initial under the Tabora town council and its responsibilities and targets were to conscientize citizens trough adult education, teaching handcraft works, cooking, and balanced diet for children sewing and knitting so that they do away from ignorance and increase their income The organization of this department was head of department who by that time was Mr. Apolinali Macha, the assistant head of department Mrs. Maria Shija and community development officers, and concientizing and harmonizing the community in different angles of development.

9.1 DESCRIPTION OF DEPARTMENT (SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT KANYENYE WARD) Kanyenye ward is found at the centre of Tabora municipality and it is surrounded by different wards in all its directions In the east zone of kanyenye ward there is Cheyo ward, in the west zone there is Chem Chem ward in the north part there is Gongoni ward and in the south there are two wards that of Kitete and the other one of Ngambo.


Kanyenye ward is currently having thirteen streets which are; 1. Kazembe Street 2. Kombo Street 3Kakola Street 4. Kanisani Street 5. Msikitini Street 6. Mkunazini Street 7. Madrasa Street 8. Maua Street 9. Uhindini Street 10. Kahama Street 11. T.T.C Street 12. VETA Street 13. Uhazili Street The ward has a total of about 10962 citizens from which 6260 are females and 4702 are males. 9.2 actual work/ training done at social development department (kanyenye ward)

Forming different women and youth groups at the ward with development purposes Make follow up on how these small formed groups at the ward level obtain loans from different financial institutions as well as find out about their capabilities in repaying their debt Attending different street meetings together with Mitaa Executives Officers (MEOS) and motivating different development activities to the citizens at the street level. Supervising different development projects undertaken within the ward. Collaborate with Ward Development Committee in initiating different committees within the streets like those of health committee, economic committees etc


Provide youth skills development and entrepreneurship skills development as well as increasing their awareness to have their own other alternative means of generating their incomes as well as saving mobilization Collaborate with different civil societies organizations like EGPAF and NGO CLUSTER in supporting the vulnerable children as well as those people living with HIV aids within the ward. Collaborate with Nola in giving and providing legal assistances especial to women in different aspects as those of domestic violence and inheritance Visiting different organizations like those serving the elders, orphans, street children, vulnerable peoples and disabled as well as the day care centers available within the ward. Collaborate with the ward health officer and different mitaa executives in the environment inspections

10. TOPIC; WHY MOST OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS INITIATED IN THE WARD LEVEL DO NOT SUSTAIN FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME Although the government of united republic of Tanzania had recognized the importance of this department even before independence and this department have been operating ever since the department faces a number of challenges that acts as a hindrance factors for effective implementation of their day to day activities in spite of its clear objectives The following are the factors to be considered Insufficient project stuffs, at the ward level there is only one community development officer and the coverage is sometimes large enough that one can not be able to cover it all in time; they should have assistances that will help them to cover those area taking example of kanyenye ward which is having thirteen streets. The attitude of the community toward department, the community associates this department at the ward level with women. They think that this department is there to help out more women that men in the community as a result most men do not participate much on its operations and activities. The witchcraft beliefs, people in this ward also believes much on witchcraft as a result in some streets they dont even bother into establishing any income generating activities fearing tat they will bewitched by their neighbors, this was the case for example in mkunazin street were we went in their street meeting and most people said witch craft was something that hinders their development


The attitude of other financial institutions, in the ward there are some financial institutions that offers financial assistances the ward dwellers as a loans for them to use it as capital for their development activities especial the income generating activities. These non governmental financial institutions which are SEDA and BRAC for the case of Kanyenye ward to not wand to work with these community development at the ward. Insufficient expertise, most of these community development officers at the ward level are not well equipped to go with the current changing world of technology as a result they under operate. They should be given on jobs training every now and then so that they can cope with the world we living in.

11. PROFFESIONAL EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS ACQUIRED During my field practical training period (which started from 09/July/2012 to 30/08/2012) at the department of community development at kanyenye ward I learned a number of things that helped me a lot in understanding different theoretical issues that I have been taught during my class sessions. The followings are among the things that I have learned.

11.1 Teamwork and cooperation Team work had been a vital element in the accomplishment of different tasks assigned to the community development department. During my field practical training it was very clear that there were teamwork from within the department staff as well as from other staffs from different department. Community development staffs had been working with other people like a family in its day to day activities like working with Mitaa executives as well as the ward health officers. 11.2 Hardworking To accomplish any job we have to be very committed and know what is expected of us and as we are aware of this we therefore had to work as hard as possible so that we fulfill our duties and responsibilities. 11.3 Creativity I also had an opportunity to create a lot of things that I had once learned in theoretical way but through my field practical training I had a chance to create some programs and seeing those programs being implemented and showing some progress.


11.4 Punctuality For any job to be successful proper use of time and assets should be taken into account with all the offices stuff, through punctuality I have been able to observe that those staffs that can not adhere to time and proper planning they are less successful in their day to day activities compared to those officers adheres to time

11.5 Business plan preparation During my field practical training I have been able to put into practice what I have been learning into classes into theoretical perspectives. Together with my supervisor we had a task of preparing a business plan for a certain women group called Kanyenye Upendo Group for which I only used to learn about it during classes. On top of the above skills that I have been able to acquire from my field practical station I am sure that I also have imparted some kind of knowledge to the office staffs since we all had to learn from each other at some point

12.0 RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 12.1 RECOMMENDATION To my observation I think the department of community development at the ward level plays an important role in the development of the entire community as it has an opportunity to deal with citizens at the local level compared to the municipal, regional and central government at large. Because of this love community development play at the local level special attentions should be given to this department so as to attain sustainable development. The following are some of the recommendation that if implemented it will lead to a great of both social and economic changes at the local level which will eventual trigger the development of the national at large,

The community development officer at the ward level should be given an assistant to help them implement their responsibilities as I have personally observe that its not easy to cover an entire ward for a single person Education should also be provided to the entire community about the availability of the community development offices at the ward level and as to how these offices could be of great help for their social and economic lives so that they live a quality life and attain sustainable development in the long run.


There should also be frequent programs initiated at the ward level to enhance both individuals and groups of peoples entrepreneurial skills so that they would be equipped with a better means of allocating their resources The Non Governmental Organization, International Non Governmental Organization and other stakeholders should work hand in hand with the community development department as the community development officers knows the people at the ward better The government has recognized the importance of these community development offices at the ward level as they are the initiator of most development activities but much effort are not directed to this sector. I think its time now the government increases their support to this sector Training and development programs should be provided to the community development officers at the ward level every now and then so that they are equipped with necessary knowledge that will help them cope with the uncertainty and the changing world we living in. The community development officers at the ward level should be given necessary equipment that will facilitate their daily activities like that of transportation to survey throughout the ward as well as computers so that they can store and process different data. 12.2 CONCLUSION

generally I have learned a lot of things when I was in my field practical station that it would not be possible to be learn in class in class rooms and link a lot of things with different concept and theories that I have learn in class. Im glad that I had this chance to work with Kanyenye ward offices.


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