MSJ0010.1177/1352458520949986Multiple Sclerosis JournalNG Caldito, A Shirani
Natalia Gonzalez Caldito , Afsaneh Shirani , Amber Salter and Olaf Stuve
lance studies need to be performed to better characterize differences in the AE profile in B-cell-depleting Olaf Stuve
Department of Neurology
therapies. & Neurotherapeutics,
Immunology Graduate
Program, University of
Texas Southwestern Medical
Keywords: Rituximab, ocrelizumab, CD20, adverse event profile, FAERS, multiple sclerosis Center, Dallas, TX, USA/
Neurology Section, VA
North Texas Health Care
Date received: 22 May 2020; revised: 18 May 2020; accepted: 23 July 2020. System, Dallas, TX, USA
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Clinical trial efficacy and safety data suggest a favora- Study procedure
ble benefit-to-risk profile for anti-CD20 mAb in MS. Input data were obtained from the FAERS public
Infusion-related reactions were the most common AEs dashboard which is an interactive web-based tool for
reported with both HERMES and OLYMPUS trials. querying the FAERS database.15 A filter was applied
There was no difference in infection rates between the to only include reports in which the “suspect drug”
rituximab and placebo groups.10,11 Subsequent post- causing the AE was exclusively rituximab or ocreli-
marketing observational studies have corroborated a zumab, and the “indication for drug use” was exclu-
similar adverse event (AE) profile.14 Regarding ocre- sively MS (including all subtypes). All eligible reports
lizumab, OPERA I and II showed a similar AE profile included in the FAERS database since 1968 until the
for ocrelizumab as previously reported with rituxi- last quarter of 2019 were exported. Based on the
mab. However, in OPERA (I and II) and ORATORIO, MedDRA terminology,16 each AE is classified auto-
the frequency of infections was higher with ocreli- matically into an AE category in the FAERS database.
zumab compared to placebo and IFNβ-1a, respec- The AEs related to off-label use, product administra-
tively. The most common infections were upper tion, MS diagnosis, and pregnancy were excluded
respiratory tract infections. Of note, across both from the analysis.
OPERA (I and II) and ORATORIO trials, the fre-
quency of herpesvirus associated infections was
higher in the ocrelizumab arm than the comparison Statistical analysis
arm. Demographic data differences between rituximab
and ocrelizumab groups were studied using chi-
While much has been learnt about the efficacy and square test and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests in STATA
safety profile of rituximab and ocrelizumab in MS in version 13 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA).
phase II and III trials, there is paucity of studies on Differences between rituximab and ocrelizumab AE
comparative real-world safety profile of rituximab and categories were studied using chi-square test. For
ocrelizumab. The purpose of this study is to investi- signal detection, disproportionality analyses were
gate AEs reported for these agents using the Food performed. In pharmacovigilance, disproportionality
and Drug Administration’s Adverse Event Reporting analysis is a validated method that has been devel-
System (FAERS) database in the real-world practice oped to identify statistical associations between drugs
setting. and AEs (drug–AE associations or signals). Such
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example, the AE pneumonia was classified in the Drug-adverse event associations (signals) with
infections category. There were a total of 1466 AEs rituximab
for rituximab and 23,613 AEs for ocrelizumab. The For this analysis, all the 623 reports associated with
total number of AEs for each drug was higher than rituximab were considered. A total of 321 unique
the total number of reports because a report could AEs were reported. The AEs included in this analysis
include more than one single AE. Of the 623 reports required to have a minimum frequency of 0.5%.
with rituximab, 496 had more than one reported AE, Table 3 summarizes the results of the disproportion-
and of the 7948 reports for ocrelizumab, 4832 had ality analysis.
more than one reported AE.
Of the AEs studied, despite a frequency of 0.8%, ear
There were several differences noted between rituxi- pruritus revealed the strongest signal with a PRR,
mab and ocrelizumab (Table 2). A pie chart for each ROR025, and IC025 of 113.88, 47.53, and 6.66, respec-
drug showing all the AEs distributed into AE catego- tively. This was followed by infusion-related reaction
ries is displayed in Figure 1. Ocrelizumab was asso- (4.82%) with a PRR, ROR025, and IC025 of 34.02,
ciated with an almost two times higher proportion of 24.73, and 5.08, respectively. In addition, throat irrita-
AEs in the infections category as compared to rituxi- tion (4.01%) and throat tightness (1.44%) demon-
mab (21.93% vs 11.05%, respectively, p < 0.001). strated a high signal. For throat irritation, PRR,
On the contrary, rituximab was associated with a sig- ROR025, and IC025 were 28.7, 20.01, and 4.83, respec-
nificant higher percentage of AEs in the blood and tively, and for throat tightness, PRR, ROR025, and
lymphatic system category as compared to ocreli- IC025 were 15.03, 7.89, and 3.86, respectively.
zumab (2.86% vs 0.91%, respectively, p < 0.001).
Rituximab was also linked to over three times higher Other AEs to highlight were malignant melanoma
proportion of AEs in the neoplasms category as com- (0.8%) and breast cancer (1.77%). Both revealed a
pared to ocrelizumab (4.02% vs 1.28%, p < 0.001, signal across the three methods. Malignant melanoma
respectively). Rituximab was associated with two demonstrated a PRR, ROR025, and IC025 of 18.28,
times higher frequency of AEs in the immune system 7.64, and 4.06, respectively, whereas breast cancer
category as compared to ocrelizumab (2.66% vs had a PRR, ROR025, and IC025 of 9.8, 5.49, and 3.28,
1.12%, p < 0.001, respectively). respectively. Another interesting AE was neutropenia
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Figure 1. A pie chart for each drug displays the relative contribution of the different AE categories. The AE categories
have been automatically generated by the FAERS database and each AE has been automatically classified in its
correspondent AE category.
AE: adverse event.
(2.57%) which showed a signal across the three meth- respectively, for urinary tract infection, and 18.11,
ods as well (PRR, ROR025, and IC025: 6.75, 4.20, and 18.54, and 4.15, respectively, for nasopharyngitis.
2.80, respectively).
Among non-infection-related AEs, infusion-related
reaction (4.76%) showed one of the highest signals
Drug-adverse event associations (signals) with with a PRR, ROR025, and IC025 of 34.02, 32.15, and 5,
ocrelizumab respectively, followed by throat irritation (3.08%)
A total of 7948 reports associated with ocrelizumab with a PRR, ROR025, and IC025 of 22.22, 20.15, and
were considered in this analysis. There were 1271 4.39, respectively. Interestingly, MS relapses (4.1%)
unique AEs. Only a total of 42 AEs with a frequency demonstrated a high signal with a PRR, ROR025, and
higher than 0.5% were included in the analysis. IC025 of 16.78, 15.62, and 4.02, respectively.
Table 4 outlines the disproportionality analysis
results. Oral herpes with a reported frequency of
2.21% revealed the strongest signal across the three Discussion
different methods, with a PRR, ROR025, and IC025 of The results of this study using the FAERS database
44.35, 38.99, and 5.27, respectively. Supporting these suggest that rituximab and ocrelizumab have signifi-
results, herpes zoster (2.89%) showed one of the cant differences in reported AE profiles in the real-
highest signals, with PRR, ROR025, and IC025 of 16.39, world setting. When classified by AE categories, the
14.77, and 3.97, respectively. In addition, urinary tract frequency of AEs in the infections category was
infection (10.52%) and nasopharyngitis (9.79%) nearly two times higher with ocrelizumab as com-
showed high signals among non-herpetic infections. pared to rituximab. In addition, signals or drug-
PRR, ROR025, and IC025 were 20.11, 20.81, and 4.3, adverse event associations were identified between
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different infections such as oral herpes, nasopharyn- mAbs are categorized as Type I or Type II according
gitis, or urinary tract infection whereas none of these to their mode of CD20 binding and their primary
signals were seen with rituximab. Although specula- mechanism for depleting CD20-positive cells. The
tive, this might suggest that ocrelizumab—as a second- mechanism of B-cell depletion with type I anti-CD20
generation anti-CD20 mAb—may deplete B cells mAbs is mostly due to CDC activation as compared to
more extensively or differently, perhaps increasing type II anti-CD20 mAbs, which mediates direct cell
the risk for infections. However, the less frequent death through homotypic adhesion.23 Although rituxi-
serious reactions noted with ocrelizumab indicate mab and ocrelizumab have mainly CDC activity, ocre-
that these infections may be mild or moderate. lizumab is thought to have stronger antibody-dependent
cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and relatively
Second-generation anti-CD20 mAb were primarily weaker CDC activities.22 Another characteristic that
developed to (1) decrease their immunogenicity, and rituximab and ocrelizumab share is that they interact
to (2) improve their efficacy and tolerability over with a very similar epitope on the CD20 tetramer mol-
first-generation anti-CD20 mAbs.22 Immunogenicity ecule. Specifically, both drugs bind to the large extra-
is often negatively correlated with efficacy and toler- cellular loop of CD20, and they share a very similar
ability, and the humanized molecular structure of the core epitope and contact region.23
newer generations of anti-CD20 mAbs is thought to
be a key factor in achieving these goals.3,22 Despite The higher efficacy of these second-generation anti-
their molecular differences, rituximab and ocreli- CD 20 mAbs has been proved in vitro although to
zumab share pharmacological properties. Anti-CD20 date it has not been confirmed in humans in vivo.24
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On average, studies have revealed that by week 2 for oral herpes and herpes zoster infections with
after infusion, rituximab achieved a CD19 B-cell ocrelizumab. This is corroborated by ORATORIO
depletion rate in peripheral blood of >95% whereas and OPERA I and II trials which showed a higher
ocrelizumab achieved a slightly higher rate of >99% frequency of herpes virus-related infections with
by week 2 after infusion.10,25 In addition to revealing ocrelizumab.12,13 Neither the results of our study nor
a more potent effect in B-cell depletion, by 6 months prior trials with rituximab in MS have reported oral
20% of patients with MS who received rituximab herpes or herpes zoster as an AE.10,11 In this study, the
started to repopulate as compared to 5% of the patients older age of patients treated with ocrelizumab
who received ocrelizumab.26 In addition to a postu- (48.76 years old as compared to 43.89 years old in
lated more potent effect, rates of immunogenicity those treated with rituximab) could potentially explain
appear to be lower in the newer anti-CD20 mAbs as the increased risk for infections that occurs with age,
evidenced by the lower incidence of human anti- in particular with herpes zoster.31 However, patients
human antibodies compared to that of rituximab.10,27 in the ocrelizumab arm of OPERA I and II trials had
Interestingly, in our study the reported frequency for a younger mean age of 37.1 years old, similar to the
infusion-related reaction was similar for rituximab rituximab studies; therefore, age cannot entirely
and ocrelizumab (4.82% vs 4.76%, respectively), but explain the association. It should be taken into
the proportion of AEs in the immune reactions cate- account that B cells are thought to be critical in the
gory was significantly higher for rituximab. This can immune responses against herpes simplex virus and
be explained because infusion-related reaction is clas- varicella zoster virus.32,33
sified into the injury, poisoning and procedural com-
plications rather than the immune system category in The immune system plays an important role in cancer
MedDRA. The AEs included in the immune system pathogenesis34 and with the development of more
category included hypersensitivity and anaphylactic effective disease modifying therapies, concerns may
shock which could indicate a more severe allergic arise for an increased risk of cancer over time in
reaction to the rituximab infusion.10,26 Another impor- patients with MS.35 There are scarce case reports sug-
tant immune system AE that anti-CD20 mAbs can gesting a possible relationship between increased risk
cause is hypogammaglobulinemia as low IgG levels of melanoma with rituximab.36 However, long-term
have been linked to an increased risk for infections.28 safety studies have not revealed any increased risk of
This is potentially pertinent to our observation of an invasive cancers with rituximab.35 On the contrary,
increased risk of reported infections with these agents. OPERA I and ORATORIO trials revealed a higher
Prior studies with rituximab have shown that the risk frequency of malignancies with ocrelizumab as com-
of developing hypogammaglobulinemia was directly pared to IFNβ-1a and placebo arms, respectively.12,13
related to a cumulative dose and lower baseline IgG Interestingly, the results of this study showed a drug-
levels.28 Remarkably, the rates of patients reaching a adverse event association between malignant mela-
IgG levels below lower limit of normal varied from noma and breast cancer with rituximab, but no signal
9% to 38% with rituximab28,29 as compared to 5.7% was observed with ocrelizumab. This may be partially
with ocrelizumab.30 Interestingly, our study did not explained due to over-reporting, although these find-
reveal any signals between rituximab or ocrelizumab ings warrant further evaluation in the context of can-
with the AE “hypogammaglobulinemia.” Very likely, cer epidemiology.
these data are not captured in current clinical practice
settings.28 Neutropenia is a less common but relevant AE that has
been reported with both rituximab and ocrelizumab.37,38
Prior clinical trials have demonstrated a favorable The classic presentation is neutropenia with a delayed
safety profile of rituximab and ocrelizumab, with infu- onset, usually >4 weeks since the last infusion.38 This
sion-related reaction and infections being the most is not an intuitive AE, as neutrophils lack the CD20
common AEs.10–13 It is important to note that in prior receptor.37 In order to explain neutropenia induced by
trials, the frequency of infections was significantly anti-CD20 mAbs, several theories such as immune-
higher in ocrelizumab as compared to placebo mediated mechanisms, silent infection, or neutrophil
whereas there was not a significant difference in the apoptosis triggered by the FAS/FAS ligand pathway
frequency of infections with rituximab as compared have been postulated.39 Our study found a signal for
to placebo.10,11,13 This finding is supported by the neutropenia as a drug–AE association with rituximab
results of our real-world analysis which showed a sig- and ocrelizumab, although the signal was not as
nificantly higher frequency of infections reported with strong with ocrelizumab as compared to rituximab
ocrelizumab as compared to rituximab. In addition, (PRR of 6.75 for rituximab vs 1.72 for ocrelizumab).
this study identified a signal (drug-AE association) Our observations are consistent with reported rates of
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late onset neutropenia with rituximab (4.5%–6.5%) or drug–AE association with ocrelizumab. Although
and ocrelizumab (1%).13,40 speculative, a potentially more robust B-cell deple-
tion by ocrelizumab leading to more profound
Strengths and limitations of this study mainly include immunosuppression could explain these findings.
those associated with disproportionality analysis Additional pharmacovigilance studies are needed
studies.41 Some of them are intrinsic to the FAERS to explore and further characterize these findings.
database.17 In general, AEs are underreported in spon- Furthermore, these observations suggest that the
taneous reporting systems,42 and not all the AEs asso- AE profile of other second-generation anti-CD20
ciated with a specific drug are reported to the FDA. If mAb may also differ from those of rituximab and
a specific AE was not reported in a clinical trials pro- ocrelizumab.
gram, prescribers may initially not attribute it to that
agent. Furthermore, FAERS can contain duplicate Declaration of Conflicting Interests
reports for the same event and in certain occasions, The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts
misspelling and miswording may occur. Thus, given of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/
the lack of a denominator, the incidence of a specific or publication of this article: Dr Afsaneh Shirani is cur-
AE cannot be accurately estimated. For the same rea- rently funded through a Physician Scientist Training
son, FAERS is not universally suitable to prove cau- Program Award by the University of Nebraska Medical
sality between a reported AE and a pharmacological Center and a Clinician Scientist Development Award
agent. Furthermore, limitations of a disproportional- by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (USA). Dr
ity analysis compared to formal epidemiological stud- Olaf Stuve serves on the editorial boards of Therapeutic
ies include the limited detailed demographic data, Advances in Neurological Disorders. He has served on
duration of exposure, risk factors, and comorbidities. data monitoring committees for Genentech-Roche,
Therefore, these measures should be considered as Pfizer, and TG Therapeutics without monetary com-
exploratory to detect signals of unexpected or pensation. He has advised EMD Serono, Celgene,
unknown AEs that would warrant further investiga- Genentech, TG Therapeutics, and Genzyme. He cur-
tions. Another limitation of this study is that most of rently receives grant support from Sanofi Genzyme
the AEs in the FAERS database were reported in the and EMD Serono.
United States; therefore, generalization should be
done with caution. Furthermore, it is important to Funding
note that there could also be differences in AEs report- The author(s) received no financial support for the
ing between rituximab and ocrelizumab. For example, research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
it is possible that AEs associated with rituximab were
not reported to the FDA, as it was not an FDA- Informed Consent
approved medication. In addition, an overreporting of Data were obtained from a publicly available de-iden-
AEs with ocrelizumab is conceivable, given the atten- tified and HIPAA complaint database; therefore, no
tion it received after its FDA approval. Another rele- informed consent was required.
vant factor to consider is the different dosages of
rituximab that have been administered to patients ORCID iDs
with MS, whereas ocrelizumab is given at the same Natalia Gonzalez Caldito https://orcid.
approved dosage. Consequently, it is not possible to org/0000-0002-5265-3404
accurately ascertain whether the reported AEs with Afsaneh Shirani https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8866
rituximab are dosage-dependent. Another aspect to -6426
consider is that insurance coverage or socioeconomi- Amber Salter https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1088
cal status may have influenced the differences in AEs -110X
between both drugs. The smaller number of rituximab Olaf Stuve https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0469-6872
reports as compared to ocrelizumab may limit gener-
alization. Ultimately, each report can have more than Supplemental Material
one AE, and the magnitude of effect of an AE of inter- Supplemental material for this article is available
est is difficult to precisely determine. online.
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