Extended-Release Oral Capsule of Carbidopa-Levodopa in Parkinson Disease

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TAN0010.1177/1756285617737728Therapeutic Advances in Neurological DisordersJ Margolesky and C Singer

Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders Review

Extended-release oral capsule of

Ther Adv Neurol Disord

2018, Vol. 11: 1­–12

carbidopa–levodopa in Parkinson disease DOI: 10.1177/


© The Author(s), 2018.

Reprints and permissions:
Jason Margolesky and Carlos Singer http://www.sagepub.co.uk/

Abstract:  Motor fluctuations complicate the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease
receiving levodopa. Extended-release carbidopa–levodopa has a pharmacokinetic profile that
provides a more continuous levodopa serum concentration. Patients taking this formulation
can expect longer duration of action and fewer doses per day, similar clinical improvement
when compared to other levodopa formulations, and with a theoretically lower risk of
developing motor fluctuations. Several studies, including three randomized control trials
provide evidence for the efficacy, safety and tolerability of extended release carbidopa–
levodopa in patients with both early and advanced Parkinson’s disease are reviewed here. Also
provided is guidance for dosing of and conversion to extended release carbidopa–levodopa as
well as a discussion of its place in the clinical practice.

Keywords:  extended release carbidopa–levodopa, Rytary, Parkinson’s disease

Received: 25 July 2017; revised manuscript accepted: 25 September 2017.

Introduction extended-release (ER) capsules (IPX066 in clinical Correspondence to:

Carlos Singer
Carbidopa–levodopa (CD/LD) is the workhorse trials, Impax Laboratories, Hayward, California), University of Miami School
in the medical treatment of Parkinson’s disease an ER formulation of CD/LD for patients with of Medicine, 1150 NW 14th
St, Suite 609, Miami, FL
(PD). However, as PD progresses, levodopa asso- PD.7 ER CD/LD (to be marketed as Numient) was 33136-1015, USA
ciated motor and non-motor fluctuations may also approved by the European Medicines Agency [email protected]

develop.1 Motor fluctuations include early wear- (EMA), with recommendations from the agency’s Jason Margolesky
University of Miami School
ing off with exacerbation of motor symptoms and Committee for Medicinal Products for Human of Medicine, Miami, FL,
“on time” or peak dose dyskinesia; and non-motor Use in November 2015.8 Despite its approval, USA

fluctuations include neuropsychiatric, autonomic Numient is not currently commercially available in

and sensory manifestations.1 After 5 years of levo- the European Union. The capsules contain both
dopa therapy 75% of patients have drug related immediate release (IR) and ER beads with the
complications including troublesome fluctuations intention to provide rapid onset of effects, albeit
and dyskinesia in more than 50%.2 To address with a more sustained duration than the IR formu-
wearing off the frequency and strength of levo- lation alone. With a more favorable pharmacologi-
dopa doses are increased with subsequent increase cal profile than its IR counterpart, ER CD/LD
in plasma and striatal dopamine concentrations, allows for reduced dose frequency and reduction in
which perpetuates dyskinesia. Such medication levodopa-associated fluctuations while delivering
regimens can also negatively impact patient com- stable levodopa plasma concentrations.9 The for-
pliance. Pulsatile levodopa administration and mulation has proven efficacious in early, moderate
higher doses of levodopa are key factors in the and advanced PD.10
development of motor fluctuations.3–5 Continuous
dopaminergic delivery has been shown to mini- ER CD/LD has been tried against IR CD/LD11
mize motor complications in PD.6 Oral pharma- and CD/LD plus entacapone (E) [a catechol-O-
cotherapy has aimed, not always successfully, to methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor].12 The
approximate such delivery. pharmacokinetic properties of ER CD/LD have
been compared with other CD/LD formulations
In January 2015, the US Food and Drug [IR, controlled release (CR), and with the addi-
Administration (FDA) approved Rytary tion of entacapone].13–15 CR CD/LD was

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(http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission
provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

developed to provide more sustained levodopa transport into the central nervous system where
plasma concentrations than IR CD/LD,12 but its therapeutic potential can be realized.23 Active
results in unpredictable (and often incomplete) amino acid transporters mediate the small bowel
absorption and delayed clinical benefit.2,14–17 The intestinal absorption and blood brain barrier
addition of entacapone to IR CD/LD prolongs (BBB) penetration of levodopa into the central
the half life (t1/2) of levodopa13 and reduces ‘off’ nervous system. Iterations of CD/LD, including
time but with large fluctuations in levodopa CR CD/LD and CD/LD/E, involved modifica-
plasma concentrations.18,19 Both CR CD/LD and tions with a goal towards increased duration of
the addition of entacapone to CD/LD (as a sepa- effect and minimizing the potentiation of motor
rate tablet or combined as Stalevo, Novartis, fluctuations by providing more stable levodopa
Basel, Switzerland) extend the patient’s clinical concentrations. ER CD/LD is another step
benefit only modestly beyond the response to IR towards this goal.
CD/LD.13 Neither option decreases the incidence
of motor fluctuations.13 In the STRIDE-PD ER CD/LD is packed into a capsule and is avail-
study, patients were randomized to receive CD/ able in four dose strengths. Each capsule contains
LD or CD/LD plus entacapone (CD/LD/E) and four components: IR, ER component 1, and ER
followed for 134 weeks.20 Counter intuitively, component 2 (all of which contain both LD and
patients in the CD/LD/E group had a higher inci- CD as active ingredients), plus a functional excip-
dence of dyskinesia at the end of the study and a ient component, which contains tartaric acid as
shorter time to developing dyskinesia. an acidifying agent designed to facilitate the
absorption of LD.23 The combination of compo-
Additional options with a goal of providing con- nents creates an initial increase in plasma concen-
tinuous dopaminergic delivery include rotigotine tration (with the IR component) and provides a
patch, ER pramipexole and ER ropinerole.21 The more sustained concentration (with the two ER
dopamine agonists have longer plasma t1/2 than components).23 Theoretically, the acidifying
levodopa and cause less pulsatile stimulation of agent facilitates the maximal utilization of LD
dopamine receptors, but their use is often limited through more rapid absorption of LD prior to the
by side effects. Surgical options to ameliorate drug travelling beyond the proximal expanse of
fluctuations include percutaneous gastrojejunos- the small intestine (where the bulk of LD absorp-
tomy placement with use of CD/LD enteral sus- tion takes place) and by improving the absorption
pension (levodopa–carbidopa intestinal gel, of LD beyond the duodenum and jejunum. The
LCIG) via pump infusion as well as deep brain plasma concentration of LD over 12 h after
stimulation (DBS).22 The dopamine agonists and ingesting the IR and both ER components indi-
surgical options have not been formally tested vidually as well as after ingesting a complete ER
against ER CD/LD. CD/LD capsule is shown in Figure 1.23 The phar-
macokinetic profiles of each individual compo-
Here we will review the pharmacological proper- nent and of a complete ER CD/LD capsule seen
ties, therapeutic efficacy as well as safety and tol- in the figure correspond to a single dose of 390
erability of ER CD/LD. Guidance for the initial mg (two 195 mg capsules).
dosing of ER CD/LD and its conversion from
other formulations of CD/LD is included. In healthy adults, the single-dose pharmacokinet-
ics of ER CD/LD (two 48.75/195 mg capsules)
was compared with IR CD/LD (25/100 mg), CR
Pharmacological properties CD/LD (25/100 mg) and CD/LD/E (25/100/200
Levodopa (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) is the mg).15 Hsu and colleagues15 reported, after a sin-
metabolic precursor of dopamine and is com- gle ER CD/LD dose, LD plasma concentrations
bined with carbidopa [an aromatic amino acid reached an initial peak at 1 h, with a mean time to
decarboxylase (AADC) inhibitor] to form IR CD/ maximum concentration (Tmax) occurring around
LD. After enteral absorption, levodopa is con- 4.5 h, and at 10 h the LD concentrations were
verted into dopamine by AADC and into less than 10% of the peak concentration. The ini-
3-O-methyldopa by COMT. The addition of car- tial increase in LD concentration in both the ER
bidopa to levodopa partially suppresses the and IR CD/LD formulations was comparable.
peripheral metabolism of levodopa, reducing side LD concentration was sustained in the ER for-
effects such as nausea (Sinemet = Sine-Emesis = mulation for 1.9–2.5 h longer than in the other
Without Vomiting), and maximizing levodopa products. Following ER CD/LD doses, less

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J Margolesky and C Singer

Figure 1.  The graph depicts the pharmacokinetic profiles of each individual component and of a complete ER
CD/LD capsule. CD/LD, carbidopa–levodopa. Reproduced from: Mittur et al.23; http://creativecommons.org/

variability in LD plasma concentrations was seen 11% took three doses over 12 h. In the IR CD/
compared with the IR, CR and CD/LD/E formu- LD cohort, 37% took one or two doses, 26%
lations and the decline in LD concentrations over three doses, and 37% four or more doses. They
time was less steep after ER CD/LD doses.15 The calculated a fluctuation index for the ER and IR
smoothness of the LD concentration–time curve CD/LD, which correlated with the magnitude of
mirrors the continuity of LD administration and the rise and fall of LD plasma concentrations rel-
theoretically imparts a reduced risk of motor ative to the average concentration. A lower fluc-
complications in patients with PD. tuation index implies an improved
pharmacodynamics profile that may minimize
In a 2011 open-label phase II study of ER CD/ Cmax (maximum concentration) related adverse
LD in patients with advanced PD, Hauser and effects. The fluctuation index for ER and IR CD/
colleagues24 reported comparable single-dose LD was 1.5 and 3.2 respectively.
pharmacokinetic results to those reported by Hsu
and colleagues15 in healthy participants. ER CD/ Mittur and colleagues23 reported that on a dose-
LD allowed for rapid attainment and prolonged normalized basis, the Cmax values and area under
maintenance of therapeutic LD concentrations. the concentration–time cure (AUC) values for
ER CD/LD and IR CD/LD had a similar initial ER CD/LD are approximately 30% and 70% of
absorption rate with time to reach 50% Cmax of the values for IR CD/LD. The mean duration of
0.78 and 0.76 h respectively.24 LD plasma con- time (in hours) that the LD concentrations are
centrations were sustained above 50% of Cmax for sustained above 50% of Cmax after a single dose of
4 h with ER CD/LD and 1.4 h with IR CD/LD,24 ER CD/LD was 4.9 and 4 in healthy subjects and
providing a more durable effect. The LD bioa- patients with PD respectively. Compared with
vailability of ER relative to IR CD/LD was 74.5%. other CD/LD formulations, ER CD/LD has
In a phase III crossover study, Stocchi and col- lower intrasubject variability in Cmax and AUC
leagues13 assessed the efficacy and safety of ER values.
CD/LD against CD/LD/E in patients with
advanced PD and reported the LD bioavailability The effect of food on the pharmacokinetics of ER
of ER CD/LD relative to CD/LD/E to be 47%. CD/LD has been evaluated.23,25 The sustained-
release beads in the ER CD/LD capsule are
Hauser and colleagues24 also reported multidose designed to maintain integrity and minimize drug
pharmacokinetics of ER CD/LD compared with release when exposed to a pH below 7. These
IR CD/LD in patients with advanced PD. This beads were mixed with Jell-O (pH 6.5) and Kozy-
assessment was carried out over 12 h after 8 days Shack Flan Crème Caramel Pudding (pH 6.1);
of dose titration to maximize efficacy with mini- the beads were washed after 30 min and then the
mal side effects. Over this assessment period 89% amounts of remaining LD and CD were deter-
of patients took one or two ER CD/LD doses and mined. Less than 4.5% of LD was lost in the

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Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

process.23 Yao and colleagues25 compared the and colleagues14 characterized the pharmacoki-
pharmacokinetics of a ER CD/LD dose (two cap- netic–pharmacodynamic relationship of ER CD/
sules of 245 mg LD) under fasting conditions and LD with finger tapping, Unified Parkinson’s
when taken after a high-fat, high-calorie meal. Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) part III score, and
The meal delayed the initial increase in LD con- the incidence of dyskinesia in patients with
centration by approximately 2 h, reduced the advanced PD. Their results were reported as Emax
Cmax by 21% and increased the AUC by 13% (describing the effect size) and as the half maximal
compared with the fasting state. High-fat meals effective concentration (EC50) of LD to improve
may also lengthen the duration of benefit. Yao finger tapping speed and UPDRS score or to
and colleagues25 also reported that sprinkling the induce dyskinesia. For finger tapping improve-
contents of the ER CD/LD capsule onto apple ment the EC50 was 1590 ng/ml, for improved
sauce before ingestion did not affect the pharma- UPDRS score (Emax 63%) it was 812 ng/ml, and
cokinetics. Similar to all LD products, a proteina- for dyskinesia it was 601 ng/ml. ER CD/LD and
ceous meal may interfere with the absorption of IR CD/LD have a similar concentration–effect
LD by competing for binding sites on the intesti- relationship based on UPDRS III scores and fin-
nal, and probably more so, the BBB amino acid ger tapping rate. Mao and colleagues26 report a
transporters.23 similar effect on the natural history of disease pro-
gression in PD with exposure of LD-naïve patients
The effect of intrinsic factors, such as race, sex, with PD to ER CD/LD compared with previous
age, body weight and renal function, on the phar- studies of other formulations, with a progression
macokinetics of ER CD/LD can be extrapolated of 11.6 UPDRS units per year. UPDRS combined
from prior studies.23 In the PD population with part II and III scores were reduced by up to 76.7%
pharmacokinetic data about 95% are white, thus (Emax) with an ED50 of 450 mg of LD per day.26
no assessment can be made on the effect of race
in the PD population. In the healthy population,
Cmax and AUC values were 10–17% higher in Therapeutic efficacy
black compared to white subjects. The median The therapeutic efficacy of ER CD/LD has been
time to peak LD concentration and the t1/2 (hours) measured in 3 phase-III, double-blind, rand-
of LD were similar in the two race groups. In omized control trials (RTCs),12,13,27 which cor-
healthy subjects and patients with PD, women roborated evidence from an earlier open-label
had higher plasma concentration of LD com- randomized crossover study.24 A 9-month open-
pared with men. In healthy women the dose-nor- label extension study was completed to further
malized Cmax and AUC values were respectively assess the longer-term safety and efficacy of ER
25% and 38% higher than in men. In women CD/LD.28 The results of these studies are further
with PD the Cmax and AUC values were 35% and detailed in the following section and are summa-
37% higher than in men. In the healthy and PD rized in Table 1.
populations, men and women had comparable
median time to peak LD concentration and t1/2 of In ADVANCE-PD,12 Hauser and colleagues
LD. Age affected the pharmacokinetic data in the compared ER CD/LD with IR CD/LD in a phase
healthy and PD populations, with more AUC III randomized, double-blind trial. A total of 368
variability in older patients. In patients with PD patients with PD and motor fluctuations com-
increased Cmax and AUC values (27% and 52% pleted the trial. The mean age of participants was
higher) were seen in those older than 65 years of 63.2 years and the mean duration of PD was 7.7
age compared with those younger than 50 years of years. At the time of trial entry the mean daily ‘off
age. Increased weight correlated with reduced time’ experienced by participants was 5.97 h.
Cmax and AUC values and accounted for a sub- Patients underwent a 3-week open-label IR CD/
stantial portion of the variability of these values in LD dose-adjustment period, followed by a 6-week
healthy and PD populations, with no difference in open-label ER CD/LD dose conversion period,
t1/2 noted. Decreased creatinine clearance and then were randomized into a 13-week treat-
increased AUC values in all subjects and ment period with either ER CD/LD or IR CD/
accounted for some of the variability in Cmax and LD. They showed that ER CD/LD could be given
AUC values in all subjects. less frequently; mean 3.6 doses per day compared
with 5 doses in the IR group. In post hoc analysis,
Pharmacodynamics have the final word in the dis- at the end of the 6-week dose conversion period
cussion of the pharmacology of ER CD/LD. Mao from IR to ER CD/LD the ER dosage had

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Table 1.  Summarizes the efficacy results reported in trials of extended release carbidopa-levodopa.

Study Design Study participants Efficacy findings

Hauser et al.12 Phase III, randomized, No. included in 13.06% reduction in ‘off time’
double-blind study; ER analysis: 368 0.8 h more ‘on time’ without
versus IR CD/LD Mean age: 63.2 troublesome dyskinesia
Mean duration PD: 7.7 UPDRS I, II, III scores reduced
by 4.05
Improved PGI-C, CGI-C, PDQ-
39, mRS scores
Stocchi et al. 13 Phase III, randomized, No. included in 8.5% less ‘off time’
double-blind, double- analysis: 84 1.4 h less ‘off time’
dummy, crossover Mean age: 64 No difference in ‘on time’ with
treatment trial; ER versus Mean duration PD: 10 troublesome dyskinesia
CD/LD+E 2.4 less points UPDRS II+III
Pahwa et al.27 Multicenter, No. included in Improved UPDRS II+III scores:
multinational, analysis: 381 11.7, 12.9 and 14.9 points in the
randomized, double- Mean age: 64–65 145 mg, 245 mg and 390 mg
blind, parallel-group, Mean duration PD: 2 three times daily groups
fixed-dose, placebo- Improved PDQ-39, PGI-I, CGI-I
controlled, 30-week study scores
Waters et al.28 9-month open-label No. included in UPDRS scores maintained from
extension trial with ER analysis: 567 (254 early prior studies’ completion
CD/LD and 313 advanced) PGI scale: about 80% of
Mean age: 64.1 patients were satisfied with
Mean duration PD: 2.7 their ER CD/LD
(early), 7.9 (advanced)
Tetrud et al.34 Open-label study, No. included in PGI-C, 68.8% with at least
conversion for CR plus IR analysis: 33 minimal improvement
CD/LD to ER CD/LD Mean age: 58.4 CGI-C, 75% with at least
Mean duration PD: 8 minimal improvement
CD/LD, carbidopa–levodopa; CGI-C, Clinician Global Impression of Change; E, entacapone; ER, extended release;
IR, immediate release; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; PD, Parkinson’s disease; PDQ-39, 39-item Parkinson’s Disease
Questionnaire; PGI-C, Patient Global Impression of Change.

increased from the recommended starting dosage amount in the ER CD/LD group (4.03 point dif-
by a mean of 21%.29 Despite the lower dose fre- ference compared with the IR group). The
quency, mean daily LD dose was higher in the ER between-group difference in UPDRS part IV
CD/LD group (1630 mg) compared with the IR scores was not significant. Statistically significant
group (814.5 mg). At the end of the study, the ER improvement was noted in the Patient Global
group had a 13.06% reduction in ‘off time’ per Impression of Change (PGI-C) and Clinician
day compared with 6.21% reduction in the IR Global Impression of Change (CGI-C) scales,
group. This corresponded to 1.17 h greater the modified Rankin Scale (mRS), and in the
reduction in ‘off time’ in the ER (2.18 h) com- total score on the 39-item Parkinson’s Disease
pared with the IR group (1.01 h). Patients Questionnaire (PDQ-39) in the ER compared
reported 0.8 h more ‘on time’ without trouble- with the IR group.
some dyskinesia (0.78 h without any dyskinesia)
in the ER compared with the IR group. Mean ‘on In ASCEND PD, Stocchi and colleagues13 com-
time’ with troublesome dyskinesia did not differ pared ER CD/LD with IR CD/LD+E or CD/
between groups. Post hoc subgroup analysis of LD/E in patients with advanced PD in a phase
ADVANCE-PD showed that improvements in III, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy,
motor symptoms with ER CD/LD were not crossover treatment trial. A total of 84 patients
accompanied by increased ‘on time’ with trouble- (83 were analyzed for diary-related endpoints),
some dyskinesia.30–32 Mean scores on UPDRS with mean age of 64 years and mean disease dura-
parts I, II and III were improved by a greater tion of 10 years, completed the study. Participants

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Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

underwent a 6-week dose conversion from CD/ included UPDRS parts I–IV in various combina-
LD/E or CD/LD+E to ER CD/LD, followed by tions, PGI-I, CGI-I and PDQ-39 scores.
two 2-week double-blind crossover periods (one Improvement in UPDRS parts II and III scores
to ER CD/LD and one to CD/LD+E). The pri- compared with baseline were significant in all
mary efficacy endpoint was mean percent ‘off treatment groups compared with placebo (p <
time’ based on patient diaries. The median daily 0.0001). Mean improvements were 11.7, 12.9
LD dosage was 1495 mg in the ER CD/LD group and 14.9 points in the 145 mg, 245 mg and 390
and 600 mg in the CD/LD+E group. The median mg three times a day groups respectively. Mean
daily number of doses was three for ER CD/LD, improvement in the placebo group was 0.6 points.
five for IR CD/LD and four for entacapone Changes in scores of individual UPDRS parts
(median daily dose of 800 mg). Patients in the ER (except in part IV) were significantly improved
group had a significantly lower mean percent ‘off from baseline in all treatment groups at all time
time’ compared with the CD/LD+E group, 24% points compared with placebo (p < 0.05). Total
versus 32.5% respectively (p < 0.0001). This cor- PDQ-39 scores as well as PGI-I and CGI-I scales
responded to a decrease from baseline of 34% in all treatment groups were significantly
versus 10%. ER CD/LD was favored over CD/ improved compared with placebo. PDQ-39
LD+E in secondary endpoints, including mean scores were reduced by a mean of 4.4 (p = 0.02),
‘off time’ which decreased from 5.9 to 3.8 h per 3.8 (p = 0.03) and 6 (p = 0.0008) in the 145 mg,
day and mean increase in ‘on time’ without trou- 245 mg and 390 mg three times a day groups
blesome dyskinesia from 9.8 to 11.4 h per day. respectively. The percentage of patients reporting
This corresponded to 1.4 h less daily ‘off time’ in improvement ranged from 70.3% to 73.5% in the
the ER CD/LD compared with the CD/LD+E treatment groups compared with 33.7% in the
group. No difference between groups was noted placebo group; and the percentage of physicians
in ‘on time’ with troublesome dyskinesia. The reporting improvement in the patients ranged
sum of UPDRS part II and III scores during the from 70.8% to 72.6% in the treatment groups
‘on’ state averaged 29.3 in the ER CD/LD group compared with 27.2% for the placebo group (p <
and 31.7 in the comparator group. Patient- 0.0001).
reported preferences favored ER CD/LD over
CD/LD+E, with 52.4% of patients preferring ER Waters and colleagues28 completed a 9-month
CD/LD, 27.4% preferring CD/LD+E and 20.2% open-label extension trial with ER CD/LD com-
expressing no preference. posed of participants from ADVANCE-PD,12
APEX-PD27 and Hauser and colleagues’24 open-
In APEX-PD, Pahwa and colleagues27 evaluated label crossover study. Patients had individualized
the safety and efficacy of ER CD/LD in LD-naïve dosing regimens of ER CD/LD. A total of 254
patients with early PD. This was a multicenter, patients with early PD (from APEX-PD27) and
multinational, randomized, double-blind, paral- 313 patients with advanced PD (from
lel-group, fixed-dose, placebo-controlled, ADVANCE-PD12 and Hauser and colleagues24)
30-week study. A total of 381 patients with mean completed the extension study. In patients with
age of 64–65 years and mean disease duration of early PD, at the end of the 9 months the median
2 years were randomized to four treatment total daily dose of LD from ER CD/LD was 720
groups. Patients received ER CD/LD 36.25/145 mg, with correction for 70% relative bioavailabil-
mg, 61.25/245 mg, 97.50/390 mg or identical ity, corresponding to about 500 mg per day of IR
placebo tablets three times a day. During the LD. Seventy-eight percent of the patients in the
titration period, all treatment groups were initi- early PD group maintained three times a day dos-
ated on 23.75/95 mg three times a day. On day 4, ing. In patients with advanced PD, at the end of
the dose of all treatment groups was increased to the extension period the median daily dose of ER
36.25/145 mg three times a day. On day 8, the LD was 1450 mg, corresponding to about 1015
two groups destined for higher doses received mg per day of IR LD. The mean increase dose in
48.75/195 mg three times a day; and on day 15 the group over the 9-month period was 10%. At
this was increased to 61.25/245 mg three times a the end of the study, among patients with
day. On day 22, the third treatment group’s dos- advanced disease, 45.2%, 42.5% and 10.6% were
age was increased to 97.50/390 mg three times a taking ER CD/LD three times daily, four times
day. The primary outcome of APEX-PD was the daily and five times daily respectively.
change from baseline to week 30 in the sum score Approximately 80% of patients with advanced
of UPDRS parts II and III. Secondary measures disease completed the extension study without

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changing their dosing frequency. UPDRS and dose frequency after conversion from IR CD/LD
PGI results showed sustained improvement to ER CD/LD.
throughout the extension period. In patients with
early PD previously receiving placebo, mean Dhall and colleagues33 evaluated the efficacy of
UPDRS scores were similar at the end of the ER CD/LD in the subgroup of patients from
extension study to those achieved by patients who ADVANCE-PD with troublesome dyskinesia at
received ER CD/LD in the antecedent APEX-PD baseline. In this cohort, ER CD/LD provided sig-
study. At 9 months, mean sum of UPDRS parts nificant improvement in the sum of UPDRS part
II and III scores were 24 and 24.9 in patients who II and III scores and reduced ‘off time’ compared
previously received ER CD/LD and placebo with IR CD/LD. These improvements were not
respectively. In patients with advanced PD, again accompanied by an increase in ‘on time’ with
similar mean sum scores were attained for patients troublesome dyskinesia.
who previously received IR or ER CD/LD in the
ADVANCE-PD study, 28.1 and 28.2 respec- Tetrud and colleagues34 completed an open-label
tively. On the PGI scale, about 80% of patients study in which 43 patients underwent conversion
were satisfied with the ER CD/LD therapy at of a drug regimen from CR and IR CD/LD to ER
each extension time point. CD/LD. Thirty-three patients completed the
conversion and efficacy was reported as improved
Data from post hoc subgroup analysis from the PGI-I and CGI-I findings in this cohort. At least
ADVANCE-PD and ASCEND-PD studies are minimal improvement was reported in 68.8% per
available. Espay and colleagues30 evaluated the PGI-I and 75% per CGI-I at the end of the con-
influence of baseline disease severity on the effi- version period. Twelve patients comprised a
cacy of ER CD/LD. Subgroups were dichoto- smaller cohort assessed more objectively. At 4
mized to ‘more’ or ‘less’ severe based on median and 5 h after receiving a dose of ER CD/LD,
baseline ‘off time’ (5.67 h in ADVANCE-PD and UPDRS part III score improvements were signifi-
5.0 h in ASCEND-PD) and median combined cantly different in the ER compared with the CR
UPDRS parts II and III score (32 in CD/LD group. Mean ‘on time’ with troublesome
ADVANCE-PD and 30 in ASCEND-PD). dyskinesia was not significantly different between
Improvements in baseline UPDRS scores and ‘off treatments.
time’ were seen in ER CD/LD compared with IR
or CD/LD/E in both disease severity subgroups.
In ADVANCE-PD, improvements in ‘off time’ Safety and tolerability
were greater with ER compared with IR CD/LD The above reviewed studies report on adverse
in the more severe ‘off’ subgroup and in both events (AEs) associated with the administration
UPDRS subgroups. Across disease severity sub- of ER CD/LD and its comparators. The results
groups, ER CD/LD improved UPDRS part II suggest that ER CD/LD is similarly, if not better,
and III scores and ‘off time’ compared with IR tolerated than its IR CD/LD counterpart, but
CD/LD or CD/LD/E without significantly wors- more AEs were reported with ER CD/LD com-
ening troublesome dyskinesia. pared with CD/LD+E. It should be noted that
patients in these studies may be taking other
LeWitt and colleagues31 evaluated the influence PD-related medications including MAO-Is,
of concomitant PD medications on the efficacy of dopamine agonists, amantadine and anticholiner-
ER CD/LD using post hoc subgroup analysis of gic agents, which may confound reported AEs
the ADVANCE-PD and ASCEND-PD cohorts. unless subgroup analysis is mentioned. The AEs
The concomitant use of amantadine, monoamine reported in these studies are detailed in Table 2.
oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibitors, or dopamine ago-
nist did not diminish the efficacy or increase trou- To summarize, in early PD, the most common
blesome dyskinesias when ER CD/LD was AE associated with ER CD/LD (with incidence
compared with IR or CD/LD+E regimens. Gupta greater than 5% of the study populations and
and colleagues32 also reported the consistent effi- greater than placebo) are nausea, dizziness, head-
cacy without worsening troublesome dyskinesia ache, insomnia, abnormal dreams, dry mouth,
of ER CD/LD in patients taking amantadine, dyskinesia, anxiety, constipation, vomiting and
dopamine agonists or MAO-B inhibitors. They orthostatic hypotension. In advanced PD the
added that the use of adjunctive PD medications most common side effects (incidence greater than
did not affect the final mean levodopa dose or 5% and greater than IR CD/LD) are nausea and

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Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

Table 2.  Summarizes the adverse events reported in trials of extended release carbidopa-levodopa.
Study Adverse events Treatment-related Dropout due to adverse event
serious adverse

Hauser ER dose conversion period ER dose conversion ER dose conversion period

et al.12 46% reported an AE period 5%
n = 368 Dyskinesia (6%) Gait disturbance Double-blind treatment period
Nausea (5%) (n = 2) n=3
Headache; dizziness (4%) Dyskinesia (n = 2)
On/off phenomena; fall (3%) Overdose (n = 1)
Dry mouth; anxiety; insomnia; constipation (2%) Psychosis (n = 1)
Double-blind treatment period Double-blind
43% of those taking ER reported an AE treatment period
Insomnia, nausea, fall (3%) Anxiety and
Dizziness, dyskinesia, diarrhea, peripheral psychosis (n = 1)
edema, URI, UTI, sleep disorder, weight loss (2%)
Back pain, arthralgia (1%)
Vomiting, depression (<1%)
ICD (n = 3)
Stocchi et al. ER dose conversion period No serious AEs Dose conversion period
(2014) 30.9% reported an AE were attributed to n = 1 (dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting)
n = 84 Nausea (7.3%), fall (2.7%), URI (2.7%), vomiting ER treatment Open-label period
(2.7%), dyskinesia (0.9%), insomnia (0.9%) n = 1 (dyskinesia)
Randomized crossover period
20.2% reported an AE
Dyskinesia (4.5%), insomnia (3.4%),
confusional state (3.4%)
Nausea, vomiting, fall (1.1%)
Pahwa 68.5% reported AE None reported 10.2% dropout due to AE
et al.27 145 mg three times daily (56.3%) Nausea, dizziness, vomiting,
n = 381 245 mg three times daily (72.1%) diarrhea, dyskinesia (n ⩾ 2)
390 mg three times daily (71.4%)
Nausea (15.7%)
Headache (12.1%)
Dizziness (11.8%)
Insomnia (5.2%)
145 mg three times daily (2.3%)
245 mg three times daily (3.8%)
390 mg three times daily (5.1%)
Waters 57.2% report at AE 7% reported 2.6% dropout due to AE
et al.28 Total population serious AEs Nausea, hallucinations, dizziness (n
n = 567 Fall (5.2%) Femoral neck = 2)
Dyskinesia (4.7%) fracture (n = 3)
Nausea (4.1%) Fall, atrial
Insomnia (3.9%) fibrillation,
Early PD gastritis,
Fall (3.4%) hyponatremia,
Dyskinesia (1.9%) spinal column
Nausea, insomnia (5.6%) stenosis, spinal
Advanced PD osteoarthritis (n
Fall (6.6%) = 2)
Dyskinesia (6.9%)
Nausea (2.9%)
Insomnia (2.6%)
Hsu et al.15 Nausea (20.8%) None N/A
n = 22 Vomiting (8.3%)
Headache (8.3%)
Tetrud 81.4% reported an AE Orthostatic 16.3% dropout due to AE
et al.34 >10% reported: UTI, nausea, anxiety and fall hypotension (n = 1) Nausea (n = 3)
n = 33 9.3%: dyskinesia, URI Anxiety (n = 1) Abdominal pain, agitation, anxiety,
Exacerbation of confusional state, diarrhea,
parkinsonism (n dyskinesia, dystonia, hallucination,
= 1) headache, nausea, orthostatic
hypotension, vision blurriness,
vomiting (n ⩽ 2)

AE, adverse event; ER, extended release; N/A, not applicable; PD, Parkinson’s disease; URI, upper respiratory infection; UTI, urinary tract

8 journals.sagepub.com/home/tan
J Margolesky and C Singer

Table 3.  Conversion from immediate-release carbidopa–levodopa to Rytary.

Total daily dose Recommended starting dosage of Rytary

of levodopa in
immediate-release Total daily dose of Rytary dosing regimen
carbidopa–levodopa levodopa in Rytary

400–549 mg 855 mg 3 capsules Rytary 23.75 mg/95 mg taken three times daily
550–749 mg 1140 mg 4 capsules Rytary 23.75 mg/95 mg taken three times daily
750–949 mg 1305 mg 3 capsules Rytary 36.25 mg/145 mg taken three times daily
950–1249 mg 1755 mg 3 capsules Rytary 48.75 mg/195 mg taken three times daily
⩾1250 mg 2340 mg or 4 capsules Rytary 48.75 mg/195 mg taken three times daily or
2205 mg 3 capsules Rytary 61.25 mg/245 mg taken three times daily
Reproduced from the Rytary Prescribing Information with permission from Impax Laboratories Incorporated.

headache. Discontinuation of ER CD/LD should 23.75 mg/95 mg tablets, 1 tablet three times daily
be considered in patients who develop excessive for 3 days, and may be increased to 35.25 mg/145
daytime sleepiness or sleep attacks. ER CD/LD is mg tablets three times daily, if clinically indicated,
associated with an increased risk of dyskinesia, on day 4. In fact, the usual ER CD/LD mainte-
impulse control disorders, hallucinations or psy- nance dose in drug-naïve subjects in the pivotal
chosis and cardiovascular ischemic events. APEX-PD study was 145 mg LD three times
Patients with psychosis or history of myocardial daily.27
infarction or cardiac arrhythmia should be treated
with caution. For patients switching to ER CD/LD from other
CD/LD formulations, the recommended starting
dose can be determined using a dose-conversion
Dosing and conversion table based on the total daily LD dose35 (Table
ER CD/LD is available in four doses of CD and 3). This table was used for initial dose conversion
LD at a ratio of 1:4. The doses are: 23.75/95, from IR CD/LD to ER CD/LD during the clini-
36.25/145, 48.75/195 and 61.25/245 mg CD/ cal trials, followed by titration according to clini-
LD.23 Based on the pharmacokinetic properties of cal response, with patients tending to require
ER CD/LD, when converting a patient from IR to twice the daily LD dosage from ER compared
ER CD/LD approximately twice the total daily with the IR formulation.
dose of LD would be required.21 The peak LD
concentration is not expected to be higher than fol- Hauser37 describes a more mathematical approach
lowing the patient’s prior IR CD/LD dose, despite that one could take in converting IR CD/LD or
the higher total dose of LD. When converting a CD/LD/E to ER CD/LD. This approach utilizes
patient from CD/LD plus entacapone, the initial knowledge of ER CD/LD pharmacokinetics. The
ER CD/LD dose may need to be increased com- goal is to match the Cmax of LD from one formula-
pared with conversion from IR CD/LD without tion to the other to provide the same motor benefit
entacapone.35 The initial dosing frequency of ER without increasing dyskinesia. The Cmax of ER
CD/LD is three times daily, but a maximum dos- CD/LD is about 30% of IR CD/LD, thus about
ing frequency of five times daily, if tolerated, is three times the LD dosage should be administered
suggested to maximize symptomatic control.34 per dose when converting from IR to ER formula-
The maximum recommended daily dose of ER tions. The total LD dose for ER compared with
CD/LD is 612.5/2450 mg.35 Rapid dose reduction IR CD/LD is expected (per clinical trials) to be
or abrupt discontinuation is not recommended to twice as much. Therefore, if each dose adminis-
avoid potential withdrawal effects, including ters three times as much LD, then doses can be
hyperpyrexia, confusion and a neuroleptic malig- administered two thirds as often. This is a less
nant-like syndrome in severe cases.35,36 conservative approach to dose conversions.

The official recommendation35 for starting ER Hauser37 also offers guidance for the conversion
CD/LD in a LD-naïve patient is to start with of CR CD/LD or CD/LD/E to ER CD/LD. CR

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Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 11

CD/LD has 70% bioavailability compared with smooth out the patient’s day. The ER formula-
IR CD/LD, thus the initial ER CD/LD dose tion provides a more simplified drug regimen for
could be 30% less than the starting dose sug- the patient with less dosing frequency. The addi-
gested by the IR to ER conversion table or by cal- tion of medications such as dopamine agonists
culation based on pharmacokinetics. The and MAO-B inhibitors can be avoided (as can
conversion for CD/LD/E to ER CD/LD (without their potential AEs). The use of ER CD/LD also
entacapone) will likely require higher doses of ER negates the need for the addition of IR to CR CD/
CD/LD to obtain patient satisfaction. Based on LD in patients with delayed onset. A patient may
ASCEND-PD,13 a conversion ratio of 2.5 is sug- find more overnight relief from motor and non-
gested. This is a 25% increase over the suggested motor symptoms with ER CD/LD compared with
conversion from IR to ER CD/LD. IR and CR formulations. A given patient may
find ER CD/LD more tolerable in terms of
Tetrud and colleagues34 studied the conversion LD-related side effects compared with alternative
from CR CD/LD (in addition to IR CD/LD) to formulations. The institution of ER CD/LD may
ER CD/LD. The mean LD conversion ratio was delay the need for surgical options such as DBS
1.8 in patients taking CR plus IR CD/LD (n = and intestinal LCIG therapy. It is not known
30); and the mean LD conversion ratio was 1.5 in whether starting ER CD/LD early in patients with
patients taking CR CD/LD alone (n = 3). The PD will cause less dyskinesia in the future com-
mean ER CD/LD dosing frequency was 3.5 times pared with other formulations. Consensus posi-
per day compared with 2.6 times per day of CR tions among 11 movement disorder specialists on
CD/LD plus 4.6 times per day of IR CD/LD (and the optimization of ER CD/LD in PD have been
4.7 times per day for patients previously taking reported.38
CR CD/LD alone). Based on the CGI ratings
patients had improved clinical benefit on their
new regimens with less frequency of doses. Conclusion
ER CD/LD is the newest iteration of CD/LD and
To maximize continuation of ER CD/LD, it is has a favorable pharmacokinetic profile compared
suggested that patients be informed prior to con- with other CD/LD formulations. This profile cre-
version that further dose adjustments will likely ates a smoother LD concentration–time curve
be implemented (possibly in the near future).37 In and theoretically less pulsatile stimulation of stri-
clinical trials about 60% of patients converted atal dopamine receptors. It is thought that motor
from IR to ER CD/LD required higher doses fluctuations are caused by nonphysiologic fluctu-
than the conversion table suggested. Patients sen- ations in LD plasma concentration.39 We know
sitive to changes in LD doses may report being that high-fat, high-calorie meals can negatively
under or over dosed, with worse parkinsonism or impact the pharmacokinetic profile of ER CD/
with dyskinesia respectively within days (or even LD, and that if the need arises, the capsule can be
one dose) of formulation conversion.37 If a single opened and its contents swallowed with apple
dose does not provide a satisfactory therapeutic sauce with no decrement in effect. An individual’s
response, then it should be increased; if the dura- intrinsic factors can influence the pharmacokinet-
tion of each dose is not satisfactory, then the fre- ics of ER CD/LD.
quency of dosing should be increased.37 One
could consider switching from IR to ER CD/LD ER CD/LD was approved for use by the FDA
one dose per day at a time.37 Each dose can be and EMA based on these studies demonstrating
assessed for magnitude and duration of effect its safety and efficacy in early and advanced PD.
before a complete transition takes place.37 This The reviewed studies involving pharmacokinetic
should improve tolerability and maximize com- and pharmacodynamics properties as well as ran-
pliance with a full conversion. domized clinical trials assessing therapeutic effi-
cacy and safety and a 9-month safety and efficacy
study support ER CD/LD as an efficacious and
ER CD/LD in the clinic well tolerated treatment for patients with PD. It
ER CD/LD is finding its place in clinical practice. may have benefits over other CD/LD formula-
If a patient with PD is having motor (or nonmo- tions by minimizing fluctuations in LD plasma
tor) fluctuations while taking alternative formula- concentrations throughout the day, which may
tions of CD/LD (IR, CR or with entacapone), equate to less motor (and possibly nonmotor)
then ER CD/LD can be offered in an attempt to symptomatic fluctuations. It has been proven to

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