Hipofisis 7
Hipofisis 7
Hipofisis 7
END0010.1177/1179551420932921Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and DiabetesAlMalki et al
ABSTRACT: Non-functioning pituitary adenomas (NFPAs) are benign pituitary tumours that constitute about one-third of all pituitary adenomas.
They typically present with symptoms of mass effects resulting in hypopituitarism, visual symptoms, or headache. Most NFPAs are macroadeno-
mas (>1 cm in diameter) at diagnosis that can occasionally grow quite large and invade the cavernous sinus causing acute nerve compression
and some patients may develop acute haemorrhage due to pituitary apoplexy. The progression from benign to malignant pituitary tumours is not
fully understood; however, genetic and epigenetic abnormalities may be involved. Non-functioning pituitary carcinoma is extremely rare account-
ing for only 0.1% to 0.5 % of all pituitary tumours and presents with cerebrospinal, meningeal, or distant metastasis along with the absence of
features of hormonal hypersecretion. Pituitary surgery through trans-sphenoidal approach has been the treatment of choice for symptomatic
NFPAs; however, total resection of large macroadenomas is not always possible. Recurrence of tumours is frequent and occurs in 51.5% during
10 years of follow-up and negatively affects the overall prognosis. Adjuvant radiotherapy can decrease and prevent tumour growth but at the cost
of significant side effects. The presence of somatostatin receptor types 2 and 3 (SSTR3 and SSTR2) and D2-specific dopaminergic receptors
(D2R) within NFPAs has opened a new perspective of medical treatment for such tumours. The effect of dopamine agonist from pooled results
on patients with NFPAs has emerged as a very promising treatment modality as it has resulted in reduction of tumour size in 30% of patients
and stabilization of the disease in about 58%. Despite the lack of long-term studies on the mortality, the available limited evidence indicates that
patients with NFPA have higher standardized mortality ratios (SMR) than the general population, with women particularly having higher SMR
than men. Older age at diagnosis and higher doses of glucocorticoid replacement therapy are the only known predictors for increased mortality.
Keywords: Non-functioning pituitary adenomas, hypopituitarism, pituitary apoplexy, immunohistochemistry, trans-sphenoidal surgery,
perioperative management, postoperative outcomes, radiosurgery, pituitary carcinomas, temozolomide, mortality, quality of life
RECEIVED: May 14, 2020. ACCEPTED: May 18, 2020. Declaration of conflicting interests: The author(s) declared no potential
conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Type: Review Article
CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Salem A Beshyah, Department of Medicine, Dubai Medical
Funding: The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or College for Girls, Al Muhaisanah 1, Al Mizhar, P.O. BOX: 20170, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
publication of this article. Email: [email protected]
Introduction and hypophysitis which are more likely to have CDI at the
Non-functioning pituitary adenomas (NFPAs) are benign presentation.9 Non-functioning pituitary adenomas are classi-
pituitary tumours that arise from the adenohypophyseal cells, fied according to their size as micro or macroadenomas.
accounting for one-third of all pituitary adenomas.1 Widespread Surgery, radiotherapy (RT), pharmacological therapy, or careful
use of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance monitoring is among the management options available at pre-
imaging (MRI) for various clinical disorders has led to a surge sent.10,11 This article presents a review on the literature on the
in pituitary lesions being diagnosed incidentally, so-called pitu- epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of NFPAs.
itary incidentalomas.2 The clinical presentation of NFPAs var-
ies from an incidental finding to life-threatening apoplexy. Epidemiology
Non-functioning pituitary adenomas are diagnosed in the Pituitary adenomas are common brain lesions that are being
absence of clinical and biochemical evidence of tumour-related diagnosed with increasing frequency. Based on radiologic and
hormone hypersecretion.3 Typically, patients with NFPAs pre- autopsy studies, the prevalence of pituitary adenomas in the gen-
sent with symptoms of mass effect more often than insidiously eral population is estimated to be around 15%.12 In fact, pituitary
developing pituitary dysfunction.4-8 Central diabetes insipidus adenomas are the third most common central nervous system
(CDI) at the time of diagnosis is rare and should alert the phy- neoplasms following meningiomas and gliomas.13,14 Non-
sician to consider other diagnoses such as craniopharyngioma functioning pituitary adenomas represent around one-third of all
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2 Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes
pituitary adenomas and three quarters of all pituitary macroad- from acute haemorrhagic or an ischaemic event.29 Typically,
enomas. NFPAs are the second most common type of pituitary patients present acutely with sudden severe headache, vomiting,
adenomas after prolactinoma,1 with an estimated prevalence of 7 and visual impairment with or without altered level of con-
to 41.3 cases and standardized incidence rate of 0.65 to 2.34 sciousness.30 Acute hormonal insufficiency is common, in par-
cases per 100 000 population, respectively, in most of the epide- ticular, central adrenal insufficiency, which may occur in up to
miological studies.15-17 Non-functioning pituitary adenomas are 70% of the patients.31 Non-functioning pituitary adenomas are
commonly diagnosed after the fourth decade of life with women the most common type of pre-existing adenomas in which apo-
presenting at an earlier age compared with men.16 Data regard- plexy occurs and accounts for approximately 45% to 82% of the
ing sex distributions are discordant.9,16,18 cases of apoplexy.32-34 It is possible that NFPAs are overrepre-
Most of pituitary adenomas arise sporadically19 but might sented in the pituitary apoplexy cohorts as functionality of the
also occur as part of hereditary endocrine syndromes. Among tumour is not evident at the time of evaluation due to the dam-
patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type-1 (MEN 1), age caused by pituitary apoplexy.30 While the pathophysiology
NFPAs constituted around 14.7% and 42.3% of all patients of pituitary apoplexy is not completely understood, intrinsic
with pituitary adenomas, respectively, in 2 different studies.20,21 factors with mismatch between tumour perfusion and metab-
In a large retrospective multicentre study of 138 cases of famil- olism and its blood supply could influence the occurrence of
ial isolated pituitary adenomas (FIPAs), 28 cases were NFPAs, apoplexy.35 Surgery, RT, dynamic pituitary stimulation tests,
representing almost a fifth of patients with FIPAs.22 dopamine agonist (DA) therapy, coagulopathy, and use of
Interestingly, a 30-year-old man with NFPA was diagnosed in anticoagulation agents are recognized precipitating factors.29
the setting of germ-line SDHA mutation.23 Compared with However, most of the patients (around 75%) might present with
the sporadic types, familial NFPAs were diagnosed at an aver- apoplexy without any precipitating factors.36 Male sex, mac-
age of 8 years earlier and were more invasive.22 roadenomas, and cavernous sinus invasion are observed more
often in patients with pituitary apoplexy.37,38 Patients may have
Clinical Presentations spontaneous resolution of the adenoma following apoplexy.29
The clinical presentation of NFPAs varies across a spectrum However, long-term follow-up is essential as some patients may
spanning from asymptomatic patients at one end to life-threat- develop regrowth of the tumour, especially those with residual
ening pituitary apoplexy at the other end. Diagnosis is usually tumour or in the absence of RT.39 Among hormonal dysfunc-
incidental and often delayed by 1.96 ± 2.9 years due to the lack tions caused by NFPAs, mild hyperprolactinaemia is commonly
of hormonal over secretion features.4 Patients typically present encountered due to stalk effect as the growing mass blocks
with symptoms of mass effect such as headache, visual loss, oph- dopamine inhibition of lactotrophs but it rarely exceeds 95 ng/
thalmoplegias, or those related to hypopituitarism.1 Irrespective mL.40 Hypopituitarism develops insidiously and often goes
of the pituitary adenoma size, headache is common and is one undetected. Partial hypopituitarism develops in around 37% to
of the most frequent reasons to perform imaging studies that 85% of the NFPA cases,4-6 whereas panhypopituitarism is
has led to the detection of incidental NFPAs in around one- reported in around 6% to 29% of the cases.7,8 Growth hormone
fifth of the cases.24,25 Increased intrasellar pressure, dural mem- (GH) axis is the most commonly affected one, with 61% to
brane stretching, and trigeminal pain pathways activation are 100% of the patients showing biochemical evidence of GH defi-
among the proposed mechanisms of headache.26 Visual field ciency. Gonadal axis is affected in 36% to 96% of the patients;
defects are features of mass effect, caused by compression of central hypothyroidism is seen in 8% to 81% of the cases, whereas
optic chiasma by the tumour. The typical visual defect is bitem- central adrenal insufficiency is observed in around 17% to
poral hemianopia but different patterns of visual field loss are 62%.41-44 Although most of the NFPAs are macroadenomas at
seen with different sites of compression ranging from complete diagnosis, CDI is rarely seen.9 The presence of CDI should
to partial and unilateral to bilateral. Chronic severe compression alert the physician to consider other sellar pathologies such as
may lead to papilledema, optic atrophy, decreased visual acuity, craniopharyngiomas, hypophysitis, or malignancy. Gonadal axis
and pupillary abnormalities which may be of insidious onset. is affected in 30%, central hypothyroidism occurs in 28%, adre-
Cavernous sinus invasion due to parasellar extension affects cra- nal insufficiency occurs in 18%, whereas GH axis is affected in
nial nerves and may result in ophthalmoplegia, ptosis, diplopia, 8% of the patients.45-47 Partial hypopituitarism is seen even with
or strabismus. Most commonly affected cranial nerves are occu- microadenomas as well, with 30% to 42% of the patients having
lomotor followed by abducens, whereas trochlear or trigeminal at least one axis affected.48
nerve involvement is less common. Invasion of brain paren-
chyma, dural membranes, and other surrounding structures Diagnosis and Evaluation
may cause temporal lobe epilepsy, intracranial hypertension, Pituitary adenomas are classified by their size as either mac-
and obstructive hydrocephalus,27 whereas inferior extension roadenomas (⩾ 10 mm) or microadenomas (<10 mm) in
of the tumour may cause erosion of sellar floor leading to cer- diameter. Magnetic resonance imaging is the gold standard
ebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhoea.28 Pituitary apoplexy com- modality of investigation for the evaluation of sellar and par-
plicating NFPA is a life-threatening clinical event resulting asellar masses and its differential diagnosis. It is noteworthy
AlMalki et al 3
Serum IGF1, cortisol (09:00 am), prolactin, FSH/LH, oestradiol (females)/testosterone (males), TSH, and FT4
Additional appropriate screening and follow-up investigations are needed in patients with personal or family history of multiple endocrine
that other lesions can be found in sellar area and may mimic Workup for familial subtypes such as FIPA with germ-line
a pituitary adenoma. In the case of erosion of the sella, CT aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein mutations should
scan is necessary to assess the bony anatomy of the sella. be considered with the occurrence of large pituitary adenomas
Patients with macroadenomas and those with symptoms of at a younger age, in patients who lack clinical evidence of
mass effects need careful eye and visual field examinations. MEN1 syndrome or Carney complex.53
The Congress of Neurological Surgeons has published guide
lines for preoperative eye evaluation which may provide Pathogenesis
prognostic factors for recovery as well as helping in docu- Most of pituitary adenomas are sporadic.19 The pathological
menting postoperative changes. Older patients and those mechanisms involved in adenohypophyseal cell tumorigenesis
with visual loss for more than 4 months have less chances of include activation of oncogene, inactivation of tumour suppres-
postoperative visual recovery and they need to be counselled sor gene, epigenetic changes, and deregulation of microRNAs.54
appropriately.49 It is estimated that 80% of pituitary adenomas demonstrate
NFPA is a diagnosis of exclusion. Therefore, it is of para- alterations in at least one cell cycle regulator.55 Mammalian
mount important to exclude hormonal hypersecretion before sterile-20-like kinase (MST4), which has been shown to be
labelling a pituitary mass as an NFPA (basic investigations upregulated in NFPAs of gonadotroph origin, stimulates p38,
included 8 am serum cortisol, IGF1, T4, thyroid-stimulating AKT, and HIF1, which are known tumorigenic factors in pitui-
hormone). Full laboratory evaluation for both hormonal tary adenomas.56 Non-functioning/silent somatotroph adeno-
hypersecretion and hyposecretion for all patients with pitui- mas lack sporadic mutations of the GNAS gene coding for the
tary incidentaloma or NFPA is shown in Table 1. It is espe- Gsα protein occurring in around 40% of functioning somato-
cially important to exclude prolactinoma beyond any degree troph adenomas.57 While the ubiquitin-specific protease 8
of doubt as it is the only pituitary tumour that can be man- (USP8) was known to be frequently mutated in functioning
aged medically. Accordingly, prolactin measurement should corticotroph adenomas, nonetheless this has not been the case
be made in dilution when values are not as high as expected with not in non-functioning/silent corticotroph adenomas.58
in a patient with a large pituitary macroadenoma, in which Germ-line mutations are rare in NFPAs and mutations in the
the case the serum prolactin levels should be re-measured succinate dehydrogenase genes (SDHx) cause a group of syn-
after a 1:100 serum sample dilution to exclude the possibility dromes in which NFPAs can occur.59
of falsely low value due to the high dose hook effect (before
providing a label of NFPA).51 Histopathological Classification
Furthermore, laboratory findings can indicate high prolac- The principles of the classification and grading of NFPAs are
tin levels in the absence of typical symptoms of hyperprolacti- outlined in the recently published fourth edition of the World
naemia. Therefore, it is important to assess for the presence of Health Organization (WHO) classification of endocrine
macroprolactin to avoid clinical confusion and inappropriate tumours which established a more precise and cell lineage–
management.52 specific system.50,60 This novel approach is based on the expres-
Physiological and pathological causes of hyperprolactinaemia sion of anterior pituitary (adenohypophyseal) hormones and
and their implications for interpreting prolactin results should pituitary-specific transcription factors.50 Another change in
not be confused with true tumorous hyperprolactinaemia. the latest WHO classification is the elimination of the term
4 Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes
Table 2. Classification of non-functioning pituitary adenomas, transcription factor, hormonal content, and tumour behaviour.
Table 3. Management options/strategies and rationales (indications) for each choices.
Conservative (no treatment) Microadenomas, no pressure effects, low probability of tumour growth over time
Surgery Pituitary surgery has been the treatment of choice for NFPAs
Medical therapy Total resection of tumour was not possible leaving ample room for medical therapy
Radiotherapy Symptomatic patients with incomplete resection or recurrence of tumour after surgery should
be managed with second surgery and/or radiotherapy
‘atypical adenoma’ and introduction of ‘high-risk pituitary ade- Whereas out of the 229 patients with microadenomas, 23 (10%)
nomas’ including tumours with specific histological subtypes, had an increase in tumour size, 189 (83%) had no change and
elevated cellular proliferation assessed by mitotic rate, and 17(7%) showed reduction in tumour size18,45-47,63. Solid tumours
Ki-67 labelling index and evidence of invasive growth evalu- showed greater growth tendency than cystic tumours. Seven out
ated by imaging and/or histology60 (Table 2). of the 8 cases of pituitary apoplexy occurred in macroadenomas
group, whereas only 1 case was reported in a microadenoma.
Management New pituitary hormone deficiency occurred at a rate of 2.8 per
Treatment options available for NFPAs include observation, 100 patient-years and was detected exclusively in enlarging
surgery, RT, and medical therapy.10,11 Non-functioning pitui- macroadenomas.11 Enormous variability was reported in the
tary adenomas can be complex and should be discussed in a rate of tumour enlargement as tumour size doubling duration
multidisciplinary team (MDT) ideally in specialized centres ranged from 0.8 to 27.2 years. No correlation was seen between
with extensive experience in the management of pituitary ade- tumour size doubling and initial tumour size.63 Of prospective
nomas. The most appropriate option needs to be considered randomized controlled studies, the observational approach, and
rationally for each patient on individual basis (Table 3). its recommendations are based on expert opinions.
Observation Surgery
As NFPAs are diagnosed in symptomatic as well as asympto- The main goal in managing NFPAs is to decompress the
matic patients, the probability of tumour growth over time is mass effect caused by the enlarging adenoma making surgery
the main rationale for watchful monitoring; therefore, under- the first choice of treatment, however, preserving the normal
standing the natural history of the tumour is important because pituitary gland is a very important outcome as well. Although
it gives insight into which tumour can be observed over time. gross tumour resection is a goal, the benefits of complete
In a review of 14 observational series including 648 patients resection must be balanced with the risks associated with
with NFPAs, 65% had macroadenomas and 35% had microad- aggressive surgical approach. Even when surgery is not cura-
enomas.18,45,61,62 Tumour size enlargement on MRI during tive, it leads to considerable debulking and volume reduction
follow-up over 1 to 8 years was related to initial tumour size (96 in nearly all patients.64 Generally, indications to operate
out of 419 patients with macroadenomas, 96 [23%] had increase include symptomatic patients presenting with visual loss,
in tumour size, while 272 patients [65%] had stable tumour in neurological deficits, and hormonal deficiencies and in lately
size and 51 patients [12%] showed decrease in tumour size). presenting p cases an obstructive hydrocephalus. In
AlMalki et al 5
asymptomatic patients, surgery will be considered if signs of Table 4. Drugs and classes of medical agents used for NFPAs.
impending visual loss are visible anatomically. In acute pitui-
Classes of medications References
tary apoplexy, specific indications of surgery in pituitary apo-
plexy have changed in the current practice such as unlikley Dopamine agonists (DA) 62, 76-80
previously indicated, surgical intervention is not recom- Somatostatin receptor ligands (SRLs) 81-85
mended in all cases, but only in those patients with visual
Combination treatment with SRLs plus DAs 85
deficits and a deteriorating level of consciousness.65,66
Preservation of normal pituitary function could be achieved Temozolomide (TMZ) 86-89
intra-operatively by careful extra-capsular dissection of Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) 86, 90-93
tumours from normal pituitary gland and surrounding dura
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) 62
matter with minimal manipulation of the gland, thus avoiding receptor agonists and antagonists
damage to neurovascular structures. Many considerations are
taken intra-operatively as well to minimize the likelihood of Octreotide-mediated tumour-targeted cytotoxic 94, 95
drug delivery
CSF leak including CSF diversion methods and dura closure
using autologous fat or fascia lata graft placement.67 Folate receptor-mediated drug targeting 32, 96-98
For many years, microscopic trans-sphenoidal surgery Targeting of PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway 99, 100-104
(TSS) has been the standard of care. However, with the recent
on-going advances in endoscopic visualization, endoscopic
technology has been considered a major alternative. radiological and symptomatic progression in 61% and 17%,
Limited illumination and smaller field of vision are minor respectively, compared with patients with complete resection of
disadvantages of the microscopic approach, whereas better illu- tumour where only 12% had tumour recurrence.65 Loss of
mination and visualization with a panoramic view with endo- vision, hypopituitarism, CDI, and rarely injury to carotid vas-
scopic approach yet at the cost of two-dimensional images culature were the commonest complications with overall rate of
instead of three-dimensional; the latter approach allows a better 9.1% as reported by Penn et al. Persistent postoperative CSF
extent of resection and bony exposure by endoscopic approach leak can lead to meningitis, pneumocephalus, and intracranial
in the theory.68 Nonetheless both approaches are equally safe bleedings. Epistaxis, crusting, and septal perforations are some
and effective regarding outcomes and extent of resection. other complications.62 Recurrence of tumours after surgery is
Moreover, a personalized approach based on multiple factors is an issue and there might be a need to manage symptomatic
crucial in determining the optimal treatment strategy.69 patients with a second surgery and/or RT.75
In all surgical approaches, tumour size and cavernous
sinus invasion were found to be the factors adversely impact- Medical Treatment
ing the rate of gross total resection. Transcranial approach is Unfortunately, total resection of tumour is not always possible
less frequently used such as when the trans-sphenoidal leaving ample room for medical therapy (Table 4) and RT
approach is not appropriate; however, in selected case with (Table 5). Residual as well as recurrent tumours are frequent
an important suprasellar extension, transcranial surgery and this affects the overall prognosis. During 5 and 10 years of
becomes mandatory.70 A combined transcranial and trans- follow-up, the recurrence rates reported are as high as 24.4%
sphenoidal approach is recommended in selected patients.71,72 and 51.5%, respectively.106 Adjuvant RT can decrease and pre-
Penn et al have recently reviewed the outcomes of surgical vent tumour growth but at the cost of significant side effects.107
management and reported improvement in vision in 56.4% to The demonstration of somatostatin receptor types 2 and 3
90.0% of the patients presenting initially with visual fields and (SSTR3 and SSTR2) and D2-specific dopaminergic receptors
acuity deficits, whereas headache improved in around 89.7% of (D2R) within NFPAs has opened a new perspective of medical
the patients.65 Although studies specific to NFPAs are limited, treatment for such tumours.76,108 Several case reports and small
recovery of hypopituitarism has been reported in 16% to 48% prospective studies using agents that modulate these receptors
of the patients with all types of adenomas. Interestingly, Alfio have been published. Although large placebo-controlled clini-
et al reported the surgical outcomes of PAs in the elderly cal trials are lacking, these studies have shown the efficacy of
patients, who have been considered at a higher risk compared medications indicated for functional pituitary tumours in
with younger counterparts, found no statistical differences in NFPAs as well after incomplete resection.
surgical outcomes compared with younger patients, demon-
strating that TSS is a safe and effective treatment option for
Dopamine agonists
PAs in elderly patients. Furthermore, they found no difference
in visual outcomes after surgery in older patients.74 The role of DA arises from the fact that irrespective of their
The probability of tumour recurrence during 5 years of fol- cell lineage of origin, most of pituitary adenomas express dopa-
low-up was directly affected by the extent of the tumour resec- mine receptors and over the past 3 decades, several studies have
tion as patients with subtotal tumour resection showed documented the presence and functionality of dopamine
6 Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes
Table 5. Summary of the clinical indications and radiotherapy techniques in the context NFPAs.
2. Patient declined or not eligible for surgery or medical treatment 3. Volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT)
receptors in NFPAs.76 Bromocriptine and quinagolide were patient with NFPAs. Octreotide LAR showed stability of
the agents of choice in earlier studies. However, cabergoline, postsurgical tumour remnant in 81% of patients with NFPA
the more potent and specific D2R agonist, has been used in while having limited effect on tumour shrinkage and without
recent studies. The outcome of a small study using bromocrip- any effect on visual field deficits or pituitary functions.82
tine with mean follow-up of 40 months showed tumour control Another study on patients with NFPA not cured by surgery
achieved in about 78.8% of patients, in comparison with 33.3% reported an improvement of visual field defects with use of
in the untreated patients. Of note, control rate reached 90% high-dose octreotide (1200 μg/daily) for 3 to 6 months in 3
when DA was initiated before evidence of enlargement of rem- out of 4 patients without any significant change in tumour
nant tumour in comparison with 61.5% if DA treatment was remnant volume.83 Similar data were obtained from another
initiated later in the course of the disease.77 study which showed 50% improvement of visual field defects
The clinical experience with DA use in NFPAs was analysed in the absence of change in tumour volume after 1 month of
by Colao et al62 where the cumulative evidence for tumour size subcutaneous octreotide treatment.84 Findings from a longer
reduction in patients treated with DA was reported in 27.6% of follow-up study with up to 12 months’ octreotide therapy in
cases and the rate of tumour stabilization was reported in more patients with NFPAs described a significant increase in
than 90% of the cases, whereas the tumour regrowth was only tumour volume in only 2 out of 9 patients (22%).85 Pasireotide
seen in 8.5% of the patients. In another larger study, 55 patients has not been studied so far in patients with NFPA. Therefore,
received cabergoline as preventive therapy for tumour regrowth, it should not be used till further studies are done to explore its
whereas 24 patients were given cabergoline only when tumour safety and efficacy. In summary, SRL therapy has limited
regrowth was evident and this study showed that preventive effect on tumour shrinkage in NFPAs; nonetheless, it has the
therapy was effective in tumour control in 87.3% of patients potential effect in stabilizing and preventing tumour remnant
compared with 46.7% in the control group.78 Factors associated regrowth in most of the patients, but long-term studies are
with poor response to treatment were male sex, younger age, and needed to assess its place in the management algorithm of
large preoperative tumour size.79 However, we cannot predict at patients with NFPA.
this point which NFPA will respond to therapy based on analy-
sis of D2R expression in the surgical specimen.80
Combination treatment with SRLs plus DAs
Based on the available data, DAs could be used in patients
with NFPAs for prevention of regrowth of postoperative resid- Colao et al85 reported remarkable decrease of residual tumour
ual tumour which subsequently can reduce the requirement of volume and improvement in mean defects at visual perimetry
a second surgery or RT. However, further research in this area among 10 patients, who previously had unsuccessful pituitary
is needed to confirm their effectiveness. surgery, when they were treated with combination of lanreotide
plus cabergoline for 6 months. However, clinical experience is
very limited. At present, the use of such combination therapy is
Somatostatin receptor ligands
not evidence based due to paucity of data and studies. Therefore,
Anti-proliferative and anti-secretory effects of somatostatin further studies are needed to confirm the role of combination
are mediated by binding to 5 different subtypes of somatosta- treatment in patients with NFPAs.
tin receptors (SSTR). They are broadly expressed on NFPAs,
particularly SSTR3 being the most abundant subtype, fol-
lowed by SSTR2.81 For this reason, somatostatin receptor
ligands (SRLs), such as octreotide and lanreotide, have been Temozolomide (TMZ) is an oral alkylating agent which has
studied and used over the past 3 decades for treatment of been used mainly in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme
AlMalki et al 7
but also for the treatment of pituitary carcinoma and aggressive Folate receptor–mediated drug targeting
pituitary adenomas since 2006.86 The effectiveness of TMZ in
Exploration of FRα-targeted therapeutic approaches has led
aggressive pituitary adenomas and pituitary carcinomas is
to emergence of FRα-specific monoclonal antibodies and
about 55% and 58%, respectively.87 Recently, data on the effi-
conjugates of folic acid with anticancer agents, which are in
cacy of TMZ have been reported in about 100 patients with
early stages of clinical trials for lung and ovarian cancer. FRα
pituitary adenomas and the response in NFPAs was 22% (6/27)
overexpression is seen in NFPAs, both at the messenger RNA
with a further 48% (13/27) reported to have stable disease, but
(mRNA) and protein levels but not in normal pituitary tissue
it has to be noted that the response rate was somewhat lower
or secretory pituitary adenomas.96 Invasive and large tumours
for NFPA as compared with other secreting pituitary adeno-
with high Ki-67 proliferation index have shown much higher
mas with higher rate of recurrence after TMZ treatment in the
expression.97 In primary cell cultures derived from patients
range of 50%.88,89
with NFPA, anti-proliferative, anti-invasive, and pro-apop-
Temozolomide remains an important treatment option for
totic activity shown by FRα-targeted liposomal doxorubicin
aggressive and recurrent pituitary adenomas and carcinomas,
was encouraging and is of potential value in management of
but large-scale studies are needed to determine the effective-
aggressive pituitary tumours.32 Detection of FRα-expressing
ness, proper doses, and duration of treatment.
NFPA with 99mTc-Folate SPECT-CT helps in identifying
tumours amenable to FRα-targeted therapy as demanded by
Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy the concept of personalized/precision cancer therapy which
Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy with radio-labelled requires selection of patients for a specific targeted therapy
somatostatin analogues represents an alternative therapeutic based on molecular characterization of the tumour and its
option by which focused and precise therapy is given by specifi- microenvironment.98
cally targeting tumours that express these receptors and is used
routinely for metastatic neuroendocrine tumours of gut.86 Targeting of PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway
However, the clinical experience with this modality in pituitary
Non-functioning pituitary adenomas have high AKT and cyc-
adenomas is limited to few case reports.90-93
lin D1 mRNA expression levels compared with other pituitary
adenomas and this is associated with early recurrence.99,100,109
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone receptor agonists Positive correlation has been seen between tumour size and
and antagonists invasiveness and expression level of RAPTOR and RICTOR,
The clinical experience with gonadotrophin-releasing hor- which are regulatory proteins of the mTOR pathway. Thus,
mone (GnRH) analogues’ uses in NFPAs was analysed by inhibition of PI3K signalling came naturally as a valuable ther-
Colao et al62 where no beneficial effects on tumour volume as apeutic target for pituitary tumours and NFPA.101 Significant
well as on visual field defects have been reported. reduction in cell viability along with enhanced apoptosis in
NFPA primary culture is reported with everolimus.100 In
patients with NFPA, anti-proliferative effects were reported
Octreotide-mediated tumour-targeted cytotoxic
with NVP-BEZ235, a dual inhibitor of PI3K-AKT-mTOR,102
drug delivery
and in cells resistant to rapamycin monotherapy, decreased
A recent method of targeted anticancer drug delivery is by protein kinase B (AKT) phosphorylation by octreotide combi-
coupling potent chemotherapeutic agents with SSTR2- nation regimen restored sensitivity and enhanced the anti-pro-
preferential somatostatin analogues. This allows drug delivery liferative effect in rapamycin-sensitive cells.103 Despite all this
at receptor specific sites, reduces systemic side effects, and optimism, the results of everolimus-octreotide combination
increases their anti-tumour efficacy. Doxorubicin, methotrex- therapy were discouraging in ACTH-secreting pituitary carci-
ate, and paclitaxel are being used in this way.94 Although noma,104 and its role in management of NFPA needs further
effective in vitro, their clinical use is limited due to hydrolysis research.
of the delicate ester bond linking cytotoxic drug to the SRL,
in vivo. Using a cleavable disulfide-intercalating linker, a dox- Radiotherapy
orubicin-octreotide bioconjugate has been developed and was Routine use of RT postoperatively is no longer indicated in
found to suppress adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) the management of NFPAs and should only be considered if
secretion in AtT20 mouse pituitary cells. Cytotoxicity to there is cavernous sinus involvement not amenable to surgical
pituitary, pancreatic, and breast cancer cell lines was also excision and/or if significant postoperative residual tumour is
reported.95 Although being apparently promising, further present.75 As per the Congress of Neurological surgeon
studies are needed to establish the clinical value of this modal- guidelines, symptomatic patients with incomplete resection
ity of treatment for patient with cancer and with aggressive or recurrence of tumour after surgery should be managed
pituitary tumours. with a second surgery and/or RT.75 Despite good efficacy, RT
8 Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes
Figure 1. Pituitary adenoma IMRT planning pictures: (A) axial image, (B) coronal image, (C) sagittal image, (D) dose volume histogram (DVH) showing
dose received per volume by targets and organs at risk.
Pink continuous line represents gross target volume (GTV) and dark blue line shows planning target volume (PTV).
Red radiation dose cloud shows 100%, whereas dark blue cloud at edges shows 50% of prescribed dose.
had limited use in past due to potential risk of long-term twice daily fraction sizes of 1.2 Gy with 6 hours apart are used
radiation adverse effects such as radiation-induced hypopitui- to deliver total dose of 55.2 Gy. The SRS/SRT dose fractiona-
tarism and neurological damages. Recent advancement in tions use a single fraction of 12 to 20 Gy. Alternatively, 25 Gy
imaging technologies, software systems, and radiation dose can be delivered in 5 daily sessions. Caution should be used for
delivery has markedly improved the overall outcome.110 lesions >2.5 to 3 cm in size and/or involving the anterior optic
Clinical contexts and techniques for RT in the context of pathways. Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy dose fraction-
NFPAs are summarized in Table 5. Treatment outcomes are ations are 25 to 28 daily fractions of 1.8 to 2.0 Gy with a total
similar among all the techniques listed in Table 5. However, dose of 45 to 50 Gy.111
exposure of healthy tissue around the pituitary gland to RT
and duration of treatment may be different, which may impact Conventional RT
on treatment-related side effects and patient convenience.
Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy requires simpler Minniti et al105 reviewed and analysed efficacy of conventional
treatment planning, whereas intensity-modulated radiother- RT in NFPAs from 13 large series, where 10- and 20-year’s
apy (Figure 1), volumetric-modulated arc therapy, and stereo- tumour control rates were 80% to 90% and 75% to 90%, respec-
tactic radiosurgery/stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS/SRT) tively. Hypopituitarism was the most common long-term com-
need relatively advanced treatment planning. Linear accelera- plication occurring in around 20% to 30% cases at 5 years and
tor unit is the most commonly used way to deliver the above- the rate increases with time. Risk of optic pathway and cranial
mentioned RT techniques. Other treatment units used are as nerve injury were reported in 1% to 5% cases.112,113 Regarding
follows: TomoTherapy, CyberKnife, Gamma Knife, Proton, the risk of secondary brain tumours, cumulative risk was found
and other charged particles. Cone beam CT, megavoltage to be 2.0% and 2.4% at 10 and 20 years, respectively.105 Higher
voltage CT, and orthogonal films are often used to verify the incidence of cognitive decline and cerebrovascular disease has
position of patient during treatment.105 been observed but the role and contribution of radiation is not
clear so far.114,115
RT doses
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Standard dose fractionations commonly use doses between 45 Results from several large retrospective series on SRS for
and 55 Gy, in 1.8 to 2.0 Gy daily fractions. Thus, 25 to 28 frac- NFPAs had revealed tumour control of 90% to 95% at 5 years
tions are required to deliver the full dose which is completed as analysed by Minniti et al. Tumour shrinkage was observed
over 5 to 6 weeks with 5 daily fractions per week. Sometimes, in 20% to 60% of the cases along with improvement in ocular
AlMalki et al 9
motility and visual functions in around 25% patients. The mean follow-up period of more than 7 years, with mean QoL
most commonly used technique was Gamma Knife.103 A mar- scores for patients with NFPAs that were only marginally
gin dose of 12 to 20 Gy was found to be as effective as a dose lower than controls with lack of statistical significance. The
more than 20 Gy; however, a dose less than 12 Gy was found patients with NFPA had significantly poor scores on sexual
to be associated with worse outcomes. Larger tumour volume, activity and vision, depression and distress with speech, vital-
suprasellar extension, and low radiation doses were associated ity, usual activities, discomfort, and symptoms, whereas no
with poor tumour control outcomes.116 Hypopituitarism again difference was observed regarding dimensions of hearing,
is the most common long-term side effect observed with fig- movement, sleeping, eating, excretion, and mental function.
ures of 10% to 40% at 5 years.105 Visual disturbances and cra- Hypopituitarism has been found to be an independent pre-
nial nerve dysfunctions were seen in 1% to 4% of the patients, dictor of impaired QoL. Patients on hydrocortisone and tes-
whereas radiation-induced necrosis of the brain and other cra- tosterone replacement had a higher mean score, whereas those
nial nerve neuropathies were rarely observed. Compared with with repeat surgery and on thyroxine replacement had poorer
conventional RT, the risk of secondary brain tumours has not scores.119 Furthermore, surgical intervention can be an effec-
been precisely determined with SRS.117 For NFPAs located tive way of restoring visual defects as well as improving the
close to optic pathways, alternative practice is to deliver SRS QoL to older patients.74 Impairment of body pain, mental
dose of 18 to 25 Gy over 2 to 5 fractions. A tumour control health, and general health perception was reported more fre-
rate of 98% was reported at 3 years with side effects observed quently in patients with NFPAs with GH deficiency com-
in 5% of the cases.118 pared with GH-sufficient subjects, which improved after
optimum replacement with GH. Patients treated with crani-
Fractionated stereotactic RT otomy reported more impairment in QoL compared with
those who underwent TSS. It was also observed that com-
In a recent review of several large series with fractionated ste- pared with male patients, female patients with NFPAs had
reotactic radiotherapy (FSRT), Minniti et al reported tumour more physical and emotional problems, lower energy levels,
control rate of 95% at 5 years. Reduction in tumour size was and poorer health perception.122 Although the health-related
found in 20% to 50% with improvement in visual symptoms QoL in patients with NFPA is improving as shown in recent
in around 30% cases. Hypopituitarism was the most com- studies, disease-specific questionnaire is needed to identify
monly observed complications with new onset pituitary hor- more sensitive or specific impairments in this population.
mone deficiency in 10% to 48% over mean follow-up duration
of 30 to 75 months, whereas optic neuropathy occurred in 1% Malignant Transformations
of the patients. Other complications observed with conven- Patients with NFPAs have higher rates of various types of neo-
tional RT were rarely seen with FSRT but larger studies with plasms, the reason for which remains unknown; the hypothesis
long-term follow-up are needed before reaching to final of genetic and/or epigenetic predisposition is still being
conclusion.105 studied.124
Although most of NFPAs are benign, around 45% to 55%
Health-Related Quality of Life are locally invasive and may show aggressive features.17
Quality of life (QoL) might be affected by a number of fac- Proliferative markers such as Ki-67, mitotic rate, and p53
tors such as effects of surgery, RT, deficiency of one or multi- immunoreactivity are commonly used for assessment for
ple pituitary hormones along with various comorbidities.119 aggressive behaviour potential; at the same time, higher SSTR3
The published data regarding the health-related QoL in and low MGMT expression are also associated with more
patients with NFPAs are diverse and conflicting. Fewer stud- aggressive NFPAs.125,126 Non-functioning pituitary carcino-
ies have shown that compared with normal population, mas (NFPCs) are very rare entity defined as tumours of adeno-
patients with NFPAs were found to have impaired QoL with hypophyseal origin with cerebrospinal, meningeal, or distant
significant impairment in mental and physical measures dur- metastasis along with the absence of features of hormonal
ing active disease which remained unchanged even after suc- hypersecretion.127 Fortunately, it is very rare and accounts for
cessful treatment,120,121 whereas others did not find any only 0.1% to 0.5% of all pituitary adenomas.128,129 To date,
significant difference in QoL between patients with NFPAs approximately 38 cases of NFPC have been reported.130
and control populations.122,123 Recent advances in the man- Ki-67 is the most reliable marker of proliferation with val-
agement of NFPAs such as centralization of pituitary surgery ues between 1.3% and 10% and more than 10% being associ-
to specialized centres, availability of SRS and FSRT, and hor- ated with tumour recurrence and malignancy, respectively,
monal replacement therapies for hypopituitarism have whereas values more than 3% are a reliable prognostic marker.
improved the treatment outcome in general and have been Increased p53 immunoreactivity is another proliferation
reflected in QoL outcome studies as well. A recent study from marker; however, the lack of reliable methods of quantification
Finland found that the overall QoL was near-normal over a has led to its removal from WHO 2017 classification. Similarly,
10 Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes
a mitotic rate more than 2 per 10 high power fields is seen Conclusions
commonly with pituitary carcinoma and is associated with Clinically, non-functional pituitary adenomas are benign
increased recurrence rate.58,131 tumours of the pituitary gland that commonly present with
The progression from benign to malignant pituitary tumours symptoms related to mass effect. Although multiple patho-
is not fully understood and largely remains unknown; however, logical subtypes of NFPAs exist the first-line treatment for
there is general acceptance that it is associated with genetic and symptomatical lesions is surgical after detailed hormonal,
epigenetic abnormalities.127,132 Activation of classical oncogenes ophthalmologic, and radiographic assessment. Surgical resec-
such as Ras and mutation of p53 are a common event in other tion, most commonly through a transnasal trans-sphenoidal
cancer types but are rarely seen in pituitary carcinomas.127,133 approach, is the preferred treatment option with adjunctive
The benign nature of most pituitary tumours, according to RT used sometimes for symptomatic patients with incom-
Lenders and McCormack,127 is thought to result from onco- pletely resected tumours or those with recurrence of the
gene-induced senescence, with upregulation of cell cycle regula- tumour after surgery. Perioperative care should include neuro-
tor genes such as p53, p21, and p16. Other factors that may play logical evaluation and monitoring for symptoms and signs of
a role in the malignant transformation of benign NFPA include diabetes insipidus and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
chromosomal instability with chromosomal gains involving hormone. Although surgical complications can be devastating,
14q, 5p, and 7p.134 Furthermore, increased nuclear expression of surgery can be performed safely with low morbidity and mor-
pituitary tumour transformation gene (PTTG) has been linked tality in experienced hands. Therefore, multidisciplinary team
with tumours aggressiveness135; upregulation of certain microR- approach including endocrinologists, neurosurgeons, and oph-
NAs has been shown to play a role in NFPCs, with no evidence thalmologists, is mandatory for the comprehensive manage-
of overexpression in the primary tumour.136 ment of patients with NFPAs and for long-term follow-up.
Non-functioning pituitary carcinomas cannot be reliably
differentiated from benign tumours by any clinical, biochemi- Author Contributions
cal, or radiological features.128 As reviewed by Lenders et al,127 The authors were assigned specific sections to draft; these were
out of 38 cases of NFPC seen, 23 of them were females with developed into a single manuscript which was reviewed and
median age at diagnosis being 48 years. Non-functioning pitui- approved by all the authors.
tary carcinoma usually evolves from aggressive macroadenomas
with mean latency period of 6.6 years between primary tumour ORCID iD
diagnosis and metastasis and presents initially with features of Mussa H AlMalki https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4068-5465
mass effects128; however, 5 cases showed extremely rapid pro-
gression where metastasis occurred within 1 month only from
the initial presentation.127 Cerebrospinal metastases were com- References
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