Qustions Bank

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Engineering Physics

Questions Bank

Unit 1 LASER and Fibre Optics

1) What is LASER? Explain characteristics of LASE

2) Explain a) Pumping, b) Population Inversion, C) Resonant Cavity
3) Explain principle, construction and working of CO2 laser.
4) Explain principle, construction and working of Hetro-junction Diode laser.
5) What are the different applications of laser?
In this they can also ask about Holography
6) What is attenuation? explain different type of attenuation possible in fibre or Factors
Affecting on attenuation
7) Difference between a) Step index fibre and Graded index fibre, b) Single mode Fibre and
Multimode fibre
8) Numerical on a) Numerical aperture, b) Angle of Acceptance, c) Attenuation

Unit 2 Quantum Physics

1) What is wave function ψ? Explain physical significance short & Write mathematical
conditions of well-behaved wave function.
2) Debroglies hypothesis
3) Derive Schrodinger’s time dependent wave equation
4) Derive an equation for energy of a particle enclosed in 1D rigid box or in an infinite
potential well.
5) Explain tunneling effect. Explain in brief how this is used in scanning tunneling micro
scope (STM)
6) What is quantum computing? Explain Potential applications of quantum computing.
7) Difference between a) classical computing & quantum computing
8) Numerical on, a) Debroglies hypothesis (4 formulas), b) E n

Unit 3 Wave Optics

1) Obtain an expression for interference pattern in a thin uniform film.

2) State and explain Malus Law?
3) State and explain Huygen theory of double refraction?
4) Explain a) Anti-Reflective coating (ARC), 2) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), c) 3-D
5) Numerical on a) interference pattern in a thin uniform film, b) Malus Law

Unit 4 Semiconductor Physics and Ultrasonics

1) Classify solids on the basis of band theory (Conductor, Semiconductor, Insulator)

2) Show that Fermi energy in an intrinsic semiconductor lies at the center of the forbidden
energy gap.
3) What is the photovoltaic effect? Draw IV characteristics of solar cell? Define Open
Circuit voltage (Voc), Short Circuit Current, fill factor, Efficiency? What are the factors
affecting on solar cell efficiency?\
4) What is Hall Effect? Derive the equation of Hall voltage and Hall coefficient.
5) What is the inverse piezoelectric effect? Explain how ultrasonic waves are produced with
this effect?
6) Explain ultrasonic testing technique for flaw detection?
7) Numerical on a) inverse piezoelectric effect, b) d= VT/2

Unit 5 Physics of Nanoparticles and Superconductivity

1) What is nanotechnology? Explain applications of nanotechnology in detail

2) Explain optical, electrical, Magnetic and mechanical properties of Nanoparticles
3) Explain synthesis of nanoparticles by a) ball milling Method, b) Physical Vapour
deposition Method
4) What are the different applications of Superconductor?
5) Explain the following a) Meissner effect b) AC & DC Josephson effect, c) SQUID
6) Numerical on a) Critical Magnetic field

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