OWC Question bank
OWC Question bank
OWC Question bank
Module -1
10. Explain the various types of chromatic dispersion which results from the finite
spectral line width of the optical source.
11. Explain the material absorption losses by sketching the various loss mechanism
at different lamdas.
12. What is material dispersion? Starting from the expression for the group delay
derive the expression for material dispersion.
1) Derive the expression for quantum efficiency and output power for an LED.
2) Derive the expression for lasing condition and hence for optical gain in LASERS.
4) Explain with the help of a neat diagram Distributed Feed Back [DFB] laser diode.
5) Compare the operating characteristics of Si, Ge and InGaAs with the PIN and APD
9) ST the optical power coupled into a step index fiber from an LED with Lambartain
distribution is P=PS(NA)2 for rs <= a with usual notations.
12)What is quantum efficiency? How responsivity and quantum efficiency are related.
14)Explain the need of isolators in optical network. Give its principle of operation
17)Draw and explain the operation and design of i) Optical isolators ii) MEMS
21) Explain the concept and basic tuning option of a tunable lasers and depicit the
relation between tuning range, channel spacing and source spectral width.
24)With a neat schematic explain 2x2coupler and list the various losses for
specifying the performance of an optical coupler.
29)Explain with the help of relevant diagrams of various application of fiber Bragg
34) Explain the importance of following active optical components used in WDM
based on MEMS i) Variable optical attenuators. Ii) Tunable optical filters.
35)What are Tunable optical filters? Explain how the wavelength can be adjusted in
Tunable optical filters.