Question Bank BAS-101

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Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology

1, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida – 201 306 (UP) INDIA

Question Bank of Engineering Physics (BAS-101)

Unit-I (Quantum Mechanics)
CO1: Understand the concepts of quantization at atomic scale and the need of quantum mechanics. (K2)


1. What was the main conclusion of Davison-Germer Experiment?

2. Summarize the assumptions of Planck’s hypothesis for blackbody radiation.
3. Give the physical significance of wave function.
4. Explain the concept of phase velocity and group velocity.


1. State de-Broglie hypothesis of matter waves? Derive the expression of de-Broglie

wavelength for a material particle.
2. Solve the Schrodinger wave equation for a particle in one dimensional box. Obtain energy
eigen value and normalized wave function for the particle.
3. Derive time independent and dependent Schrodinger’s wave equation for a particle.
4. Explain Compton Effect. Derive an expression for Compton shift.
5. An electron has a de-Broglie wavelength of 2x10-12m. Calculate its kinetic energy.
6. Find the ground state energy of a particle confined in a box of length 1Å. Also calculate the
probability of finding the particle for the ground state in the region from 0.45L to 0.55L.

Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology
1, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida – 201 306 (UP) INDIA

Question Bank of Engineering Physics (BAS-101)

Unit-II (Electromagnetic Field Theory)
CO2: Understand the electromagnetic waves in different medium with the use of Maxwell’s equations. (K2)


1. Outline the concept of displacement current.
2. What is Poynting vector? Write its unit.
3. Define skin depth. Write the expression of skin depth for good conductor.
4. Write the expression for continuity equation and give its physical significance.


1. Write Maxwell’s equation in free space and show that plane electromagnetic waves move
with the velocity of light in free space.
2. State and deduce Maxwell’s equations differential form.
3. Describe Work energy theorem for the flow of energy in electromagnetic waves.
4. Prove that electromagnetic wave is transverse in nature in free space.
5. Assuming that all the energy from a 1000-watt lamp is radiated uniformly, calculate the
average values of the intensities of electric and magnetic fields of radiation at a distance of
2m from the lamp.
6. The permeability, permittivity and conductivity of aluminium are µr=1, ϵr=1 and
𝜎=3.54107s/m. Find the skin depth if the wave enter in aluminium with frequency 72 MHz.

Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology
1, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida – 201 306 (UP) INDIA

Question Bank of Engineering Physics (BAS-101)

Unit-III (Wave Optics)
CO3: Describe the different phenomena of light and its applications. (K1)


1. What are coherent sources?
2. What are thin films? Give examples.
3. What do you understand by grating?
4. Give Rayleigh’s criterion of resolution. Discuss dispersive power of plane transmission


1. Describe the phenomenon of interference in parallel thin film due to reflected light and find
the conditions for constructive and destructive interference.
2. Find the expressions for the dark and bright rings in Newton’s ring arrangement. How can
this experiment be used to find the wavelength of the unknown light.

3. Find an expression for Resolving power of diffraction grating.

4. Show that for diffraction at a single slit the relative intensities of successive maxima fall in
the ratio 1:1/22: 1/61: 1/121.

5. A soap film of refractive index 1.65 is illuminated by white light incident at an angle of 60º.
The refracted light is examined by a spectroscope in which dark band corresponding to the
wavelengths 3700 Å is observed. Calculate the thickness of the film.

6. A diffraction grating is just able to resolve two lines of wavelengths 5140.34Ȧ and 5140.85Ȧ
in the first order. Will it resolve the lines 8037.20 Ȧ and 8037.50Ȧ in the second order?

Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology
1, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida – 201 306 (UP) INDIA

Question Bank of Engineering Physics (BAS-101)

Unit-IV (Fiber Optics & Laser)
CO4: Comprehend the concepts and applications of fiber optics and LASER. (K2)


1. Define metastable state and population inversion.

2. What do you mean by acceptance angle and acceptance cone for an optical fiber?

3. Summarize dispersion in optical fibers.

4. Why is it impossible to achieve two-level laser?


1. Describe the absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission of the radiation
by matter and find the relation between Einstein’s Coefficients related to three

2. Illustrate the construction and working of He-Ne Laser? Discuss important applications
of laser.

3. Derive expressions for the acceptance angle and numerical aperture of a fiber.

4. Discuss the classification of optical fibers on the basis of refractive index profile. Explain
attenuation in fiber.

5. (a) Calculate relative population of two states of the laser that produces light of
wavelength 5461 Å at 300K. (Boltzmann constant K= 8.6x 10-5 eV/K). (b) A certain ruby
laser emits 1.00 J pulses of light whose wavelength is 6940 Å. What is the minimum
number of the Cr3+ ions in the ruby?

6. (a) A step index fiber has µ1=1.466 and µ2 =1.46 where µ1 and µ2 are refractive indices of
core and cladding respectively. If the operating wavelength of the rays is 0.85µm and
diameter of the core= 50µm, calculate the cut off parameters and the number of modes
which the fiber will support. (b) The optical power, after propagation through a fiber that
is 700m long is reduce to 25% of the original value. Calculate the fiber loss in dB/km.
Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology
1, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida – 201 306 (UP) INDIA

Question Bank of Engineering Physics (BAS-101)

Unit-V (Superconductor and Nano-Materials)
CO5: Understand the properties and applications of superconducting materials and nano-materials. (K2)


1. Define superconductivity. Give example of two superconducting material with their critical
2. Explain the concept of critical temperature and critical magnetic field in superconductors.
3. Write down any two applications of the nano materials.
4. Explain persistent current in superconductors.


1. What is Meissner effect? Compare Type I and Type II superconductor with its
2. Discuss high temperature superconductors and give some practical applications of
superconducting materials.
3. What are Nano materials? Explain briefly the basic concept of Quantum Dots, Quantum
wires and Quantum well.
4. Explain Fabrication of nano-material with top-down and bottom-up approach.
5. The transition temperature for Pb is 7.2K. however, at 5K it loses the superconducting
property subjected to a magnetic field of 0.33x104 A/M. Find the maximum value of H
which allow the metal to retain its superconductivity at 0K.
6. Calculate the critical current and critical current density for a sample of lead of diameter
1mm of 4.2K. The critical temperature for lead is 7.18K and critical magnetic field at 0K is
6.5×104 A/m.


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