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Information technology

Business plan
Our vision Our process
To be the world’s leading provider of high qual- Our standards are developed by experts
ity, globally relevant International Standards all over the world who work on a volunteer
through its members and stakeholders. or part-time basis. We sell International
Standards to recover the costs of organizing
this process and making standards widely
Our mission available.
ISO develops high quality voluntary Please respect our licensing terms and
International Standards that facilitate interna- copyright to ensure this system remains
tional exchange of goods and services, support independent.
sustainable and equitable economic growth,
promote innovation and protect health, safety If you would like to contribute to the devel-
and the environment. opment of ISO standards, please contact the
ISO Member Body in your country:

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ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology
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ISO/IEC JTC 1 Business Plan

Executive summary
ISO/IEC JTC 1 (JTC 1) is the standards development environment where experts come together
to develop worldwide Information and Communications Technology (ICT) standards for business
and consumer applications. Additionally, JTC 1 provides the standards approval environment
for integrating diverse and complex ICT technologies. These standards rely on the core infra-
structure technologies developed by JTC 1 centres of expertise complemented by specifications
developed in other organizations.
This document establishes a strategic business plan (SBP) for JTC 1 for a planning period of
three to five years. It also addresses the topic of monitoring the implementation of the plan and
measuring the success of actions taken.
The objective of this plan is to elaborate, communicate and gain support for the vision of JTC 1
and for new key areas of work with associated actions. This ensures the vibrancy, relevance and
on-going expansion of JTC 1.

The SBP:
— Positions JTC 1 in its operating environment (includes vision, benefits, value proposition)
and analyses strengths and weaknesses of JTC 1.
— Identifies new areas of work that JTC 1 wants to become active in (shown in the yearly
special working group (SWG) on planning JTC 1 Plenary report).
— Lists strategic topics (scanning process for the identification of new work, development
time lines, cooperation with other standard setting organizations1), marketing and brand-
ing, testing and trialling of standards, involvement of JTC 1 subgroups in overall business
— Identifies actions needed for achieving these goals (and points out risks and dependencies
that might prove to be obstacles).
— Gives criteria for evaluating success or failure of measures taken.

1) Standards Setting Organizations is used in this document as a generic term comprising formal stand-
ards bodies/SDOs as well as consortia and fora.

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Contents Page

Our vision.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Our mission................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Our process.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Copyright protected document..............................................................................................................................................................................2
Executive summary............................................................................................................................................................................................................3
Purpose of the document.............................................................................................................................................................................................5
SBP audience............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
SBP time horizons................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
SBP distinction from regular business plans................................................................................................................................. 5
SBP relationship environmental scan.................................................................................................................................................. 5
SBP review cycle.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Overall positioning of JTC 1.......................................................................................................................................................................................6
JTC 1’s scope and vision statements..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Benefits of formal standardization........................................................................................................................................................ 8
JTC 1 value proposition.................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
JTC 1 and its collaborative cross-organizational environment...................................................................................... 9
Business environments in which JTC 1 operates....................................................................................................................... 9
Analysis....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Strategies.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Actions......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Risks/Dependencies..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Success factors and measurements............................................................................................................................................................... 13

4 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved


Purpose of the document

This sectioin discusses the audience for the SBP, the timelines as they relate to the SBP, its rela-
tionship to, and difference from, regular Business Plans and the Environmental Scan initiative
(see Standing Document 4 on the JTC 1 Planning Process), and the review cycle for the SBP. The
intent is to address topics that have not yet entered the programme of work of Subcommittees
(SCs) nor their study periods, and to anticipate topics that might well do so.

SBP audience
The SBP is written for the consumption of a specific set of audiences. These audiences include
the National Bodies of ISO/IEC JTC 1, the SCs of JTC1, liaison organizations of JTC 1 (both at the
JTC 1 level and at the SC level), and stakeholders of JTC 1 such as PAS submitters and the user of
JTC 1 standards. In addition, the SBP is also written with external stakeholders in mind, includ-
ing those who have not yet established a relationship with JTC 1, such as fora and consortia and
developing countries.

SBP time horizons

The SBP is written to cover the period from three years from its date of publication to a period
of five years from its date of publication. The SBP will be updated yearly.

SBP distinction from regular business plans

JTC 1’s SC business plans1) address current activities, standards development projects and study
periods for topics that might well result in standards development projects. As the average
development cycle for a project is three years, the regular Business Plans have a time horizon of
approximately three years in the future. Thus, it is the intent of the SBP to project beyond that
period into the immediate future and to anticipate the work that might be required and topics
to be considered. The SBP will not cover aspects that are included in the regular Business Plans.
In addition, it is the intent of the SBP to identify topics that fall outside the current specific work
areas of existing SCs that might be covered by existing or perhaps by new SCs.

SBP relationship environmental scan

The SWG on planning Environmental Scan activity 2)will provide the source of many of the
“Strategy Items” that form the core of the SBP strategies and actions. Thus, work on these activities
will support the development of the content for the SBP. The time horizon for these activities is
beyond the normal planning cycle of JTC 1 and its SCs; proposed standards work resulting from
these activities should start within two years from the recommendation, standards delivery
should be within a five year time frame, which is also the time horizon of the SBP.

1) The JTC SC business plans, as well as additional business information on JTC 1, can be found at http://
2) A detailed description of the ‘environmental scanning’ activity can be found in the Standing Document
4 for the JTC 1 Planning Process. See the collection of all JTC 1 Standing Documents: http://isotc.iso.

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 5


SBP review cycle

The SBP will be reviewed and maintained on an annual basis. This task will be performed by the
JTC 1 SWG on planning. The result and any related recommendations will be sent to the JTC 1
Plenary for approval.

Overall positioning of JTC 1

Using different approaches to properly respond to the needs of the marketplace, JTC 1 will
position itself so that it can address new areas in an efficient and value-added way while also
maintaining the required standards activities in traditional areas that are necessary for the
global ICT market.

JTC 1’s scope and vision statements

The title of JTC 1 is “Information technology” and its scope is “International standardization in
the field of information technology”3).
Information technology includes the specification, design and development of systems and tools
dealing with the capture, representation, processing, security, transfer, interchange, presenta-
tion, management, organization, storage and retrieval of information.
JTC 1 has endorsed the following vision statement:
JTC 1 is the standards development environment where experts come together to develop world-
wide Information and Communication Technology (ICT) standards for business and consumer
Additionally, JTC 1 provides the standards approval environment for integrating diverse and com-
plex ICT technologies. These standards rely upon the core infrastructure technologies developed
by JTC 1 centres of expertise complemented by specifications developed in other organizations.
JTC 1 centres of expertise are defined by the JTC 1 work program and by participation in JTC 1
working structures such as Special Working Groups (SWGs), Subcommittes (SCs) and their
Advisory Groups (AGs), Working Groups (WGs) and Joint Working Groups (JWGs) (see Standing
Document (SD) 10 on Advisory and Ad Hoc Groups available here from the collection of all JTC 1
SDs: http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink/open/9384365).
The concept of ICT takes into account the impact of digital techniques towards the convergence
of various domains and technologies into a more global domain called ICT. Convergence is occur-
ring in two dimensions:
— The three basic technologies – information technology (IT), consumer electronics and
telecommunications - converge in the sense that the same fundamental technologies
are applied in all three areas. This can be termed horizontal convergence; the resulting
technology is often called ICT. The advent of ICT demands a closer overall cooperation, in
the standardization arena, among the three key international standards organizations:
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) and International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

3) See JTC 1 website: http://www.jtc1.org

6 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved


— Simultaneously, ICT progresses into all aspects of life (business, industry, home, admin-
istration, education, charity, etc.) with conventional processes and applications now
exploiting the capabilities offered by ICT. This may be termed vertical convergence. New
ICT applications are characterized by the involvement of different technologies and high
complexity; in general, they cannot be covered by a single standard, but are of an inter-
disciplinary nature. This demands a closer cooperation between technology-oriented and
application-oriented experts, both in product and in standards development.
ICT includes the specification, design and development, integration and interoperability of sys-
tems, tools and applications dealing with the capture, representation, accessibility, processing,
security, transfer, interchange, presentation, management, organization, storage and retrieval
of information, and their related cultural, linguistic adaptability and societal aspects. JTC 1
standardization activities naturally contribute to the overall ICT field and take into account the
additional elements included in the ICT definition (vs. IT definition).
In development of ICT standards, JTC 1 recognizes the importance of addressing environmental
concerns including climate change, energy conservation and impact on the environment. JTC 1
further recognizes that the ICT sector has a responsibility to minimize impact on the environ-
ment, but the ICT sector also has an opportunity to encourage application of ICT technology to
other sectors to encourage reduction in environmental impact by those sectors.
Societal aspects include a broad range of topics for standardization in which society in general
has an interest and input; for example, implications and impacts of security, privacy, accessibil-
ity, identity, monitoring, and may include digital divide, computing in emerging markets, eCrime
prevention, etc.
JTC 1 will work towards eliminating barriers from accessing or participating in JTC 1 activities
and its body of work, especially for people with disabilities and older users.
JTC 1’s current strength lies in core technologies, providing the foundation for ICT applications
and services: coded character sets, cultural and linguistic adaptability, biometrics, IC cards, secu-
rity, multimedia, database interface, etc. The work of JTC 1 in these fields also includes proper
maintenance of its previous existing standards to secure the investment in products, processes
and applications implementing those specifications.
JTC 1 is the place where basic building blocks of new technologies are defined and where the
foundations of important ICT infrastructures are laid. JTC 1, in a number of technology areas,
has been a source of innovation.
In addition to this well-established focus of work, JTC 1 positions itself as a system integrator
to complement its current program of work, especially in areas of standardization where many
consortia/fora are active. JTC 1 recognizes and appreciates the diversity and range of standards
setting organizations in the ICT sector.
In fulfilling its role as system integrator, JTC 1 seeks to:
— Reach out to other standards setting organizations, including referencing of relevant
— Share information with relevant standards setting organizations, for example about mar-
ket requirements and inventories of relevant standards.
— Establish relationships that facilitate collaboration with external organizations.

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 7


— Encourage development of international standards that respond to market needs.

— Provide a mechanism for standards developed outside JTC 1 to be quickly approved as
international standards [Fast Track and Publicly Available Specification (PAS) processes].
— Develop profiles as appropriate to cope with the needs of specific applications.
— Address the particular needs of developing countries.
Examples where JTC 1 has fulfilled its role as a system integrator include the following:
— The Web Services Study Group, which evolved into SC 38 (sharing information on web
services standards)
— SWG-Accessibility, which has examined accessibility issues and raised topics for consid-
eration in several bodies.
— SC 37 activity in support of the International Labour Organization’s requirement for
worldwide interoperability of “Biometrics-based verification and identification of seafar-
ers” (ISO/IEC 24713-3:2009), which is based on SC 17, SC 27 and SC 37 standards.
Integrating technology components from various sources provides significant added value to
the work of such sources.

Benefits of formal standardization

As a joint technical committee of ISO and IEC, JTC 1 has the qualities and strengths of ISO and
IEC standardization (see http://www.iso.org/iso/about/about for ISO and http://www.iec.
ch/about/ for IEC).
As stated in the ISO Code of Ethics (http://www.iso.org/iso/codeethics_2004.pdf ), JTC 1 work
is organized in a democratic way to develop voluntary, market-driven and globally relevant
standards which reflect an agreed consensus of all contributing parties. JTC 1 has developed
and successfully implemented additional processes and methodologies to address the specific
needs of the ICT community.
JTC 1 standards:
— are globally recognized;
— provide global interoperability; and
— provide sustained development and retention of investment.
JTC 1 National Body participation includes representatives from producers, governmental and
public agencies, academia, businesses and other users, ensuring broad-based, open and balanced
representation in the standards development process, thus taking into account the relevant
societal aspects.

JTC 1 value proposition

The ICT domain relates to a fast moving market. The market that JTC 1 addresses is no longer
as homogeneous as it used to be. Hence, JTC 1 has had to take stronger account of the needs of
the various market segments and offer tailored solutions for each of the segments.

8 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved


JTC 1 is the standards development environment where experts come together to define basic
building blocks of new technologies and to build the foundations of important ICT infrastructures.
JTC 1’s strength comes from its scope, which allows for synergy among diverse areas of ICT
standardization. This synergy leads to better and more consistent standards, less overlap and less
duplication. JTC 1 provides consortia/fora with an effective vehicle to progress their specifica-
tions into international standards. JTC 1 has been and will continue to be a leader in identifying
and developing significant ICT standards.

JTC 1 and its collaborative cross-organizational environment

ICT standardization is a complex ecosystem. Many globally accepted, market driven standards
are conceived and developed in other standards development organizations, outside the ISO/IEC
JTC 1 International Standards process.
JTC 1 recognizes the value of the work of these other organizations and the contribution they make
to international ICT standardization. JTC 1 is able to complement its work programs through a
variety of collaborative activities with the objective of providing the best set of worldwide ICT
Through appropriate liaison relationships at both the SC and WG levels, JTC 1 seeks to coordinate
standards development with external organizations such that duplication of work is minimal
and scarce standards development resources are appropriately applied.
When well-received external standards have been developed in external groups, JTC 1 has
developed processes to give these standards appropriate recognition at the ISO/IEC level – this
is often very important when world-wide adoption is sought. These approaches not only lever-
age these existing standards but also avoid duplication of work and provide a consolidated and
consistent set of standards.
The processes JTC 1 uses to engage, cooperate and collaborate with other Standards Developing
Organizations (SDOs) in the adoption of their standards include the JTC 1 Fast Track (FT) and the
JTC 1 PAS Transposition Processes, as well as the ISO Partner Standards Developing Organization
(PSDO) agreements with certain SDOs.
In these situations as well as in the internal development of ISO/IEC International Standards,
JTC 1 has additionally laid out clear procedures for the normative referencing of appropriate
material in international standards. JTC 1 recognizes that the community of world-wide stand-
ards developers evolves significantly each year, and continues to expand and improve ways to
relate to this community.

Business environments in which JTC 1 operates

JTC 1 has to deal with a number of challenging trends:
— trends in technology,
— trends in the global IT market,
— trends in the IT ‘standards environment’ (fora, consortia, etc.).
In its efforts to contribute significantly to the formation of the information society, JTC 1 pro-
actively seeks areas of new work. In 2008, JTC 1 replaced its Technology Watch with an on-going

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 9


Environmental Scan program4), the purpose of which is to identify, at an early stage, technological
trends and the impact standardization may have on those trends. This function will also take
into account relevant societal aspects as they may be affected by future technologies.
In addition, JTC 1 will continue its effective working relationship with ITU-T, coordination/cooperation
with relevant ISO or IEC TCs, and support to consortia/fora interested in obtaining a formal
international standard status for their technical specifications.
In this context, JTC 1’s ability to act as a system integrator appears to be of the utmost importance
in providing value added services to all parties using ICT standards.

JTC 1 is unique in the world of standardization activities from several viewpoints.
The approval of JTC 1 International Standards by considerable numbers of National Bodies gives
these documents a significant, world-wide advantage over standards created in local or smaller
standards setting organizations.
In addition, though National Bodies are the principal members carrying out JTC 1 activities, through
strong liaison activities and technical expert cross memberships with SDO and consortia/fora,
JTC 1 benefits from the rapid, market-driven work of these groups. This is amplified by having
many technical experts participate not only in local national standardization bodies but also in
key SDOs and consortia/fora.
As the only joint technical committee, JTC 1 activities can relate to, and take advantage of, the
focus of both ISO and IEC technical scopes – and through an active relationship with ITU, crea-
tively work with that key organization. Few other organizations have this wide scope.
JTC1 has developed a strong history of consensus building across a wide variety of technical top-
ics, and has a strong reputation of quality standards that are widely implemented. Further, JTC 1
develops standards using a process that is neutral with respect to any particular region, business
sector or technical area, and this process does not favour any particular culture or jurisdiction.
After approval, JTC 1 standards are usually supported by stable implementations that reduce
the possibility that the standard will change in any significant way over time. This increases
the value of JTC 1 standards.
As a worldwide standardization body representing many interests, JTC 1 has the ability to address
societal aspects when they truly represent global and not parochial interests.
National Body interests that wish to ensure that globally relevant standards are used in local
procurement activities can easily and confidently cite JTC 1 standards.
On the other hand, some aspects of JTC 1 have caused concern and JTC 1 should examine these
topics for improvement during the 3 to 5 year planning horizon:
— International standardization, including JTC 1, is challenged to accelerate its processes to
match the speed of market-driven product cycles, and to be viewed as competitive with
other standardization organizations in the ICT sector.

4) See the collection of all JTC 1 Standing Documents: http://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink/open/9384365

10 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved


— The need to establish National Body consensus before achieving JTC 1 approvals can also
cause standards development delays, even though it will often be seen as an advantage to
have such consensus before seeking international standardization.
— The business models for ISO and IEC still rely significantly on the sale of International
Standards (and the protection of copyright interests), which is a challenge for JTC 1 in the
face of freely-distributed standards from other groups.
— Although the use of electronic collaboration tools (e.g. teleconferencing techniques) is ris-
ing, the travel costs required to participate in international standards development can
be burdensome to some participants. Improved participation and development models are

Strategies are the broad, theme-based activities that show how JTC 1 will achieve its goals out-
lined for the 3 to 5 year planning horizon. They fall into two areas: those related to the technical
work areas undertaken by JTC 1, and those that relate to improving both the JTC 1 processes
and the usefulness/acceptance of JTC 1 work products.
1) Strategy 1 (S1) Exploration of New Work Areas. The annual Environmental Scan process
(further described in the Standing Document 4 on the JTC 1 Planning Process) culminates
in recommendations to JTC 1 to propose NPs in new technical areas, which would either
be added to existing SC plans or result in the creation of a new JTC 1 SC.
2) Strategy 2 (S2) Liaising and Cooperating with other Standards Setting Organizations.
This function extends the expertise of JTC 1’s SCs and provides feedback on how JTC 1
standards are being used. It also helps identify any gaps or inconsistencies that need to be
addressed. By working with other standards setting organizations, JTC 1’s ability to serve
an integration function is enhanced.
To ensure that global ICT requirements can be met, related works from National Bodies or
Category A liaisons as well as publicly available specifications from ISO/IEC JTC 1 Publicly
Available Specification Submitters are held to the same thorough technical review and
National Body approval process. These coordinated efforts result in additional interna-
tional standards that contribute to a total ICT framework for implementation.
3) Strategy 3 (S3) Marketing and Branding. The appropriate JTC 1 subgroups should con-
sider how to evolve further the valuable market brand associated with JTC 1 developed
standards and externally developed specifications. This will require further discussions
with ISO and IEC on their overall brand improvement program and the unique role JTC 1
can play. Sharing the value of each SC’s program of work with National Bodies and the
ICT community will further demonstrate the broad interests that are met through JTC 1
standardization. SC outreach to the general public will be presented in a coordinated way
through the use of integrated websites and up-to-date wikis.
4) Strategy 4 (S4) Active Involvement of JTC 1 SCs. The SCs provide a key function in a bot-
tom-up planning process. In order to make the decision making process at the JTC 1 level
relevant to all participants, the JTC 1 SCs are encouraged to contribute more actively in
the overall planning and working processes of JTC 1.
5) Strategy 5 (S5) Engage Developing Countries. JTC 1 seeks to increase Developing
Country participation in JTC 1. Developing countries can benefit from the adoption

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 11


and development of International Standards. Developing countries that adopt ISO/IEC

Standards created in JTC 1 can remove market barriers through the use of these widely-
adopted standards. By participating in the development of such standards in JTC 1, those
countries can help ensure that the standards address their needs and at the same time,
build internal technical capacity by working with experienced JTC 1 professionals from
around the globe.
JTC 1 benefits by expanding its reach and improving the market relevance of its standards
by addressing the needs of developing countries.

Actions in the context of the JTC 1 SBP are concrete activities assigned to a specific owner, who
is responsible to conclude the activity before, or at, the ‘due date’. A specific action could poten-
tially relate to one or more of the strategies listed in the previous chapter. Any strategy must
have at least one, but can have multiple, associated actions.
As an example, a strategy to increase the visibility of JTC 1 could result in the following activities
or actions: broadly distribute “The force multiplier for ICT innovation: ISO/IEC Joint Technical
Committee 1 – JTC 1 Information technology standards” (a ‘glossy brochure’ to advertise JTC 1),
maintain web sites and wikis with current, market relevant information, prepare PR news articles
on a regular basis, present JTC 1 at fairs related to the work of JTC 1’s SCs, etc.
SWG on planning proposes the following activities related to the strategies defined above:
1) Collect necessary information (see Standing Document on JTC 1 Planning Process refer-
enced above) as input for the yearly environmental scanning activity by March/April/May.
Owner: SWG on planning, relates to Strategy 1 (S1).
2) Identify leaders for the technology areas listed above in S1, establish Study Groups to
investigate the situation and find standardization opportunities for JTC 1. Prepare a
report for decision to the next JTC 1 Plenary.
Owner: SWG on planning, relates to Strategy 1 (S1).
3) In order to achieve coordinated JTC 1 SC Business Plans, SC officers need to participate in
the SWG on planning work and analysis process.
Owner: JTC 1 Chair, relates to Strategy 4 (S4).
4) SWG on planning will organize face-to-face meetings at each JTC 1 Plenary (if time per-
mits) to allow for better communication with SC chairs.
Owner: SWG on planning, relates to Strategy 4 (S4).
5) JTC 1 will develop an annual Outreach Plan that reaches out to developing countries. This
plan will highlight new and important areas of standardization and be tailored for spe-
cific developing countries to discuss adoption of standards and/or participation in JTC 1
Owner: JTC 1 Chair and the SWG on planning, relates to Strategy 5 (S5).

12 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved


JTC 1, like any other organization, is dependent on multiple factors that inter alia arise from the
external environment such as the global economic and political situation. The influences of such
factors on the performance of JTC 1 are not covered in this SBP. This clause will list those actions
which cannot be handled/solved by JTC 1 alone, without the active support of organizations
outside of JTC 1 or which require a decision from JTC 1’s parent organizations, ISO and/or IEC.
Such activities that depend on external support or decision making are always associated with
the risk that JTC 1 may not be able to finish the activity. Such actions need, therefore, specific
attention to resolve the dependencies.

Success factors and measurements

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the long term planning activity of JTC 1, the following
criteria will be used to measure success or failure.
— An individual strategy is successful if:
— it leads to a new work item taken up by existing SCs/WGs;
— a new SC/WG or an Incubator Group is created to work on the proposed strategy;
— the strategy influenced existing standards.
— An individual strategy has failed if no SC/WG shows any interest or no progress has been
made after a maximum of three planning cycles.
— The quality of the planning process itself is successful if 2/3 of the strategies proposed are
successful using the above criteria.
— The JTC 1 planning process has failed if sufficient active participation by SCs cannot be

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