Ali Pacs
Ali Pacs
Ali Pacs
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ALI UltraPACS® 3.0
Revision History ......................................................................................................................... iii
1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
3.0 AE Specifications................................................................................................ 3
3.1 Storage AE ......................................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 Association Establishment Policies..................................................................... 4
3.1.2 General ............................................................................................................... 4 Number of Associations ...................................................................................... 5 Asynchronous Nature ......................................................................................... 5 Implementation Identifying Information ............................................................... 5
3.1.2 Association Initiation by Real-World Activity ....................................................... 5
3.1.3 Real-World Activity - User requests image transmission..................................... 5
3.1.4 Associated Real-World Activity ........................................................................... 5 Proposed Presentation Contexts ........................................................................ 6 SOP Specific Conformance Storage .............................................................. 7
3.1.3 Association Acceptance Policy ........................................................................... 7 Real-World Activity - External system requests storage of images ..................... 7 Associated Real-World Activity ........................................................................... 7 Presentation Context Table .............................................................................. 10 SOP Specific Conformance Verification ....................................................... 11 SOP Specific Conformance Storage ............................................................ 11 Presentation Context Acceptance Criteria ........................................................ 11 Transfer Syntax Selection Policies.................................................................... 12
3.2 Query/Retrieve AE ............................................................................................ 12
3.2.1 Association Establishment Policies................................................................... 13 General ............................................................................................................. 13 Number of Associations .................................................................................... 13 Asynchronous Nature ....................................................................................... 13 Implementation Identifying Information ............................................................. 13
3.2.2 Association Initiation by Real-World Activity ..................................................... 14 Real-World Activity - Scheduled Examinations (Worklist) Requested by
ALI UltraPACS .................................................................................................. 14 Associated Real-World Activity ......................................................................... 14 Proposed Presentation Contexts ...................................................................... 14 SOP Specific Conformance - Modality Worklist ................................................ 14 Real-World Activity - User submits query or requests image retrieval............... 14 Associated Real-World Activity ........................................................................ 14 Proposed Presentation Contexts ...................................................................... 15 SOP Conformance - Find SOP Classes ........................................................... 15 SOP Conformance - Move SOP Classes.......................................................... 15
3.2.3 Association Acceptance Policy ......................................................................... 15 Real-World Activity - External system queries ALI UltraPACS .......................... 16 Associated Real-World Activity ......................................................................... 16
Revision History
1.0 Introduction
This document is the DICOM 3.0 Conformance Statement for ALI UltraPACS 1 3.0.
ALI UltraPACS is a self-contained networked computer system used for capturing, storing, and
displaying diagnostic medical images. The system conforms to the DICOM 3.0 standard to
allow the sharing of medical information with other digital imaging systems.
External system
queries worklist,
Local database demographics, and
queried to process requests images
external system’s
External system
receives images
satisfying query
The Storage AE can both send and receive Storage Image objects. As an SCU, it receives
requests from an ALI UltraPACS user to transmit a list of images to a specific DICOM
destination. As an SCP, the AE can respond to external Storage Requests which are either
unsolicited or a result of DICOM C-MOVE requests.
The querying capabilities of ALI UltraPACS are bi-directional. It can query for information from
external sources and allow external systems to query it. Worklists, patient and study
demographic queries, and image retrievals can be initiated and serviced by ALI UltraPACS.
Users can initiate an association with a DICOM-compliant printer to print a list of selected
ALI UltraPACS contains three local Application Entities (AE’s): Storage, Query/Retrieve, and
Print Management. These run as either a Service Class User (SCU); a Service Class Provider
(SCP); or both an SCU and SCP. AEs run as background Unix processes.
The Storage AE acts as an SCU and SCP and implements the Storage Service Class
operation. It can transmit images captured as frame grabs from external devices or images
received from external DICOM transmissions.
The Query/Retrieve AE runs as both an SCU and SCP which implement the Query/Retrieve
Service Class. It can act as a client to retrieve worklists, patient and study demographics, and
images from external DICOM Query/Retrieve SCPs. As an SCP, ALI UltraPACS can receive
requests from external devices to query the database and retrieve images.
The Print Management AE implements the Print Management Service Class as an SCU. It
supports both the Basic Grayscale Print Management and Basic Color Print Management
Not applicable.
3.0 AE Specifications
3.1 Storage AE
The Storage AE provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 SOP Classes
as an SCU:
Table 1: SOP Class Conformance as SCU
SOP Class Name SOP Class UID
US Image Storage (Retired) 1.2.840.10008.
US Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
US Multi-frame Storage (Retired) 1.2.840.10008.
US Multi-frame Storage 1.2.840.10008.
Computed Radiography Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
CT Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
MR Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
NM Image Storage (Retired) 1.2.840.10008.
NM Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
Visible Light Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
Visible Light Multi-frame Storage 1.2.840.10008.
Secondary Capture Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
XA Single-Plane Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
RF Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
RT Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
PET Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
ALI UltraPACS can be configured to use the retired US Image objects (US Image Storage,
1.2.840.10008., and US Multi-frame Storage, 1.2.840.10008. rather than
the current US objects.
ALI UltraPACS can generate and transmit US Image, US Multi-frame, and the Secondary
Capture Image objects if the image was originally captured from an external device. However,
all the other classes listed in Table 1 can be transmitted only if they were originally captured
from an external DICOM device (e.g. when ALI UltraPACS receives a DICOM CT object, this
object is stored locally in DICOM format and can be transmitted in the form in which it was
received). These are the default SOP Classes support. By altering the configuration it is
possible to support additional or fewer SOP Classes
ALI UltraPACS always uses a frame capture board.
The Storage AE provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 SOP Classes
as an SCP:
These are the default SOP Classes support. By altering the configuration it is possible to
support additional or fewer SOP Classes.
3.1.2 General
The Storage AE will initiate a new association when the user requests the transmission of a
study. Also, ALI UltraPACS can be configured to automatically initiate an association when a
study is being performed. In this case, when an image is captured from an examination that is
in progress, it will be automatically sent to a named destination. An attempt will be made to
transmit all the images in the study in a single association. The association will be released
when all the images have been sent. If the association is broken or some other association
related error is detected, the association will be aborted and an attempt will be made to
transmit the unsent images in a new association.
An association will be accepted with an external SCU if the requesting SCU provides valid
parameters. Valid parameters include a valid presentation context. The Storage AE can be
configured to allow only associations with specified hosts. It does not check the caller’s AE
Title when accepting an association.
Each time the Storage AE accepts an association, a child process is spawned to complete the
transfer of the medical image data or service the verification request. The maximum number of
child processes is set by configuration. Once this number has been reached, no more
associations will be accepted until one of the active child processes exits.
The Storage AE does not provide asynchronous behavior. All association requests must be
completed and acknowledged before a new operation can be initiated.
An association is initiated when an ALI UltraPACS user requests the transmission of images.
If an error occurs during transmission, the current association is released, and a new
association will be initiated in order to continue image transmission. The maximum number of
retries for a study to be sent is configurable.
In the case of a successful C-STORE response from the SCP, the Storage AE will continue to
send any unsent images belonging to the same study. The association will be properly
released after all relevant images have been sent.
If ultrasound objects are transferred, all the mandatory modules of the Ultrasound Image
Information Object Definition are provided. No non-mandatory modules are provided (e.g.
Frame of Reference, US Region Calibration, Overlay Plane, etc.). Of the mandatory modules,
all Type 1 and Type 2 data elements are provided. No optional data elements (elements of
Type 3) are provided.
If the image was originally acquired through a DICOM device, the entire set of tags received
with the image will be saved in ALI UltraPACS. When the object is selected for transmission
from ALI UltraPACS, the content of these objects will be as they were originally received.
Thus, the set of optional tags contained in DICOM objects going out from ALI UltraPACS
depends on the information that was received.
The Storage AE accepts associations only if they have valid presentation contexts. It can be
configured to accept only associations with certain hosts. The Storage AE places configurable
limitations on the number of simultaneous connections it will support. Once the Storage AE
accepts an association, a spawned child process will receive any images transmitted on that
association and store them on the hard disk in a format required by the ALI UltraPACS system.
The Real-World Activity is the transfer of medical images from an external storage SCU to the
Storage AE on the ALI UltraPACS system.
The associated Real-World Activity with the C-STORE service is the storage of medical image
data on a designated hard disk. The Storage AE will return a failure status if it is unable to
store the images on to the hard disk.
The Storage AE expects that all images related to a single DICOM Study will be sent over the
same Association. If this is not the case, and images belonging to the same DICOM Study are
sent over different DICOM Associations then the Storage AE will attempt to add all images to
the same directory on the ALI UltraPACS workstation. If this is not possible because some
other process has a write-lock on an existing directory then the images will have to be added
to a different directory on the ALI UltraPACS workstation. Because ALI UltraPACS displays
images on a directory basis this will have the visible effect of presenting the user with two
Study “folders” for the same DICOM Study.
The Storage AE can be configured in two different modes. In one mode, it is configured to
retain the original DICOM data in DICOM Part 10 compliant file format. In the other mode, it
A.L.I. Technologies Inc.
A.L.I. Imaging Systems Corp. 7
ALI UltraPACS 3.0 © 1997 A.L.I. Technologies Inc.
DICOM Conformance Statement 12/01/97 Document Version 1.0
converts all incoming images to TIFF format thus losing all elements whose values are not
stored to the database.
The following elements are either stored to the permanent ALI UltraPACS database or those of
particular importance in the received images:
For the purposes of display the aforementioned photometric interpretations are supported.
Currently there is no support for overlay information, either embedded in a DICOM Image
Object or as a separate Stand-Alone Overlay DICOM Object.
It is preferred that optimal Window Center and Width values be specified in the DICOM Image
Objects if they have greater than 8 bits of image data stored per sample. If optimal Window
Center and Width values can not be provided then it is preferred that none are included as ALI
UltraPACS is capable of estimating values.
Any of the Presentation Contexts shown in Table 4 are acceptable to the Storage AE for
receiving images.
Table 5 : Proposed Presentation Contexts
The Storage AE provides standard conformance to the Verification SOP Class as an SCP.
The Storage AE is capable of providing two different levels of conformance depending on how
it is configured:
If it is configured to leave incoming images in DICOM format then it has Level 2 conformance to the
Storage SOP Class. A successful storage operation means that the entire original DICOM Image Object
has been written to the internal storage on the ALI UltraPACS system. In addition, a subset of the Image
Attributes as defined in have been stored to the database. Thus, all elements have been stored
and may be accessed.
The Storage AE returns one of the following status codes if the C-STORE operation was unsuccessful:
The Storage AE will only accept the Presentation Contexts specified in Table 4. The Storage
AE can be configured to reject valid Presentation Contexts if the external DICOM host is not
listed in a local configuration file. In addition, a valid Presentation Context can be rejected if the
maximum limit on the number of simultaneous processes has been reached.
The Storage AE does not check for and will accept duplicate presentation contexts.
A.L.I. Technologies Inc.
A.L.I. Imaging Systems Corp. 11
ALI UltraPACS 3.0 © 1997 A.L.I. Technologies Inc.
DICOM Conformance Statement 12/01/97 Document Version 1.0
The Storage AE only supports the Implicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax. Any proposed
Presentation Context which includes the Implicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax will be
accepted with the Implicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax. Any proposed Presentation Context
that does not include the Implicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax will be rejected.
3.2 Query/Retrieve AE
The Query/Retrieve AE provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 SOP
Classes as an SCU:
Table 5: SOP Class Conformance as SCU
SOP Class Name SOP Class UID
Patient Root Q/R Information Model - FIND 1.2.840.10008.
Patient Root Q/R Information Model - MOVE 1.2.840.10008.
Study Root Q/R Information Model - FIND 1.2.840.10008.
Study Root Q/R Information Model - MOVE 1.2.840.10008.
Patient Study Only Information Model - FIND 1.2.840.10008.
Patient Study Only Information Model - MOVE 1.2.840.10008.
Modality Worklist Information Model 1.2.840.10008.
US Image Storage (Retired) 1.2.840.10008.
US Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
US Multi-frame Storage (Retired) 1.2.840.10008.
US Multi-frame Storage 1.2.840.10008.
Computer Radiography Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
CT Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
MR Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
NM Image Storage (Retired) 1.2.840.10008.
NM Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
VL Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
VL Multi-frame Storage 1.2.840.10008.
Secondary Capture Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
XA Single-Plane Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
RF Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
RT Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
PET Image Storage 1.2.840.10008.
The Query/Retrieve AE provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 SOP
Classes as an SCP:
Table 6: SOP Class Conformance as SCP
SOP Class Name SOP Class UID
Patient Root Q/R Information Model - FIND 1.2.840.10008.
Patient Root Q/R Information Model - MOVE 1.2.840.10008.
Patient Root Q/R Information Model - GET 1.2.840.10008.
Study Root Q/R Information Model - FIND 1.2.840.10008.
Study Root Q/R Information Model - MOVE 1.2.840.10008.
Study Root Q/R Information Model -GET 1.2.840.10008.
Patient Study Only Information Model - FIND 1.2.840.10008.
Patient Study Only Information Model - MOVE 1.2.840.10008.
Patient Study Only Information Model - GET 1.2.840.10008.
Modality Worklist Information Model 1.2.840.10008. General
The Query/Retrieve AE will initiate associations to retrieve worklists, to submit queries, and to
retrieve images.
The Query/Retrieve AE will accept associations for C-FIND, C-GET, and C-MOVE requests,
and in the case of C-MOVE, will initiate an association with a DICOM AE to send images as
specified by the originator of the C-MOVE.
Every time an ALI UltraPACS user submits a DICOM query, the Query/Retrieve AE initiates an
association with a named DICOM Query/Retrieve SCP.
ALI UltraPACS can also poll an external system for worklists. The Query/Retrieve AE will
initiate an association with an external system when such a poll request is received.
Each time the Query/Retrieve receives an association, a child process will be spawned to
process the query and to handle any possible image retrieval C-STORE sub-operations. The
maximum number of child processes, and thus the maximum number of simultaneous
associations that can be processed, is set by configuration.
When an updated worklist is requested, either by the ALI UltraPACS user or through a polling
mechanism, the Query/Retrieve AE initiates an association with a named DICOM source.
The Query/Retrieve AE does not request matching on Optional Matching Key Attributes.
When an ALI UltraPACS user submits a query or requests to retrieve images from an external
DICOM Query/Retrieve SCP, the Query/Retrieve AE initiates an association with the named
DICOM source.
The Query/Retrieve AE does not support any Optional Keys and does not generate Relational-queries.
If more than one information model is negotiated on an association, and it is possible to use
more than one of the negotiated information models to form a query, the following information
model will be used (in order of preference):
The Query/Retrieve AE accepts associations only if they have valid presentation contexts. It
can be configured to only accept associations with certain hosts. The Query/Retrieve AE
places configurable limitations on the number of simultaneous connections it will support. Once
the Query/Retrieve AE accepts an association, a spawned child process will receive any
images transmitted on that association and store them on the hard disk in a format required by
the ALI UltraPACS system.
The Query/Retrieve AE supports hierarchical queries and not relational queries. No optional
keys are supported, except for the Operators’ Name attribute, (0008,1070), on the series level.
The Operators’ Name attribute is supported on an existence basis and not on a matching
basis, i.e. the value specified to be matched for the Operators’ Name is ignored but a value
may be returned. The Study ID attribute (0020,0010) is not properly supported as it is not
stored in the ALI UltraPACS database. If query identifiers contain this attribute its value will be
ignored. All query responses will leave this attribute empty if its value is queried for.
External Query/Retrieve SCU’s should be aware that when a DICOM object is sent to the ALI
UltraPACS Storage AE, that object can later be queried with a C-FIND operation down to the
image level, but information on the series and image levels will be coerced by ALI UltraPACS.
Thus, if an external DICOM device sends an object to ALI UltraPACS and then later queries for
that object, the series and image level information returned by the query may be different than
the information contained in the original object sent to ALI UltraPACS. The received DICOM
objects are, however, stored with their original content off-line in archive.
0000 (Success)
Matching is complete.
FF00 (Pending)
Matches are continuing and current match is supplied.
FF01 (Pending)
Matches are continuing but one or more Optional Keys were not supported.
The Query/Retrieve AE will try to establish an association with a DICOM Application Entity
named by the external C-MOVE SCU (through a MOVE Destination AE Title) to perform C-
STORE operations on requested images. One or more of the Image Storage SOP Classes
listed in Table 5 will be negotiated.
The Query/Retrieve AE will return a response to the C-MOVE SCU after each image has been
sent. This response reports the number of remaining images to transfer, as well as the
number of images transferred having a successful, failed, or warning status.
0000 (Success)
Matching is complete. No failures.
FF00 (Pending)
Sub-operations are continuing.
The supported Storage Service Class SOP Classes used to perform the C-STORE sub-
operations are listed in Table 5. The appropriate presentation context must be negotiated by
the Query/Retrieve SCU in order for the requested images to be retrieved. This presentation
context must be negotiated when the C-GET SCU initiates the association to query the
Query/Retrieve AE.
The Query/Retrieve AE will return a response to the C-GET SCU after each image has been
sent. This response reports the number of remaining images to transfer, as well as the number
of images transferred having a successful, failed, or warning status.
0000 (Success)
Matching is complete.
FF00 (Pending)
Sub-operations are continuing.
The Query/Retrieve AE will only accept the Presentation Contexts specified in Table 9. The
Query/Retrieve AE can be configured to reject valid Presentation Contexts if the external
DICOM host is not listed in configuration. In addition, a valid Presentation Context can be
rejected if the maximum limit on the number of simultaneous processes has been reached.
The Query/Retrieve AE only supports the Implicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax. Any
proposed Presentation Context which includes the Implicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax will
be accepted with the Implicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax. Any proposed Presentation
Context that does not include the Implicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax will be rejected.
The Print Management AE provides Standard Conformance to the following Meta SOP
Classes as an SCU: General
Every print job will initiate an association. The general order in which operation will be made is
as follows:
Association Negotiated
N-GET of Printer SOP Instance to determine printer status
N-CREATE of Film Session SOP Instance
For each film box in job
N-CREATE of Film Box SOP Instance
For each image in film box
N-SET of Image Box SOP Instance
N-ACTION of Film Box SOP Instance
N-DELETE of Film Box SOP Instance
Release Association
The implementation class UID used is “1.2.840.113711.2”. The implementation version name
is set at installation time through configuration.
An association is initiated with the named DICOM printer when an ALI UltraPACS user selects
images to be printed and submits the list of images to the Print Management AE.
Standard conformance is provided to the Basic Grayscale and Basic Color Print Management
Meta SOP Classes as an SCU. All mandatory elements for film sessions, basic film boxes,
and basic Grayscale image boxes are provided. The User Optional attributes that can be set
are listed below:
Table 13: Optional Attributes Set for Film Sessions
Name Tag Possible Values
Number of Copies (2000,0010) Any non-negative integer
Print Priority (2000,0020) HIGH, MED, LOW
Medium Type (2000,0030) PAPER, CLEAR FILM, BLUE FILM
Film Destination (2000,0040) MAGAZINE, PROCESSOR
ALI UltraPACS’ DICOM AEs provide DICOM 3.0 TCP/IP Network Communication Support as
defined in Part 8 of the DICOM Standard.
4.2 TCP/IP
ALI UltraPACS’ DICOM AEs inherit their TCP/IP stack from the UNIX system upon which they
ALI UltraPACS’ DICOM AEs are indifferent to the physical medium over which TCP/IP
executes as they inherit this support from the UNIX system upon which they execute.
5.0 Extensions/Specializations/Privatizations
Not applicable.
6.0 Configuration
The mapping from AE Title to TCP/IP addresses and ports is configurable and set at the time
of installation by ALI Installation Personnel.
The AE Title, ports of SCPs, implementation class UID, implementation version name.