HRM 2013 Project (CLO 3)

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Title: HR Practices in Malaysia - Adapting to Current Needs

Assignment Description: Analyze recent updates and adaptations in HR practices within Malaysia, exploring
their impact on employees and organizations. Identify challenges and opportunities, and suggest further
improvements or future trends.
In a group of 4 – 5 members, choose two specific areas of HR in Malaysia to focus on:
1. Recruitment: Explore changes in talent sourcing, diversity & inclusion initiatives, and employer
branding strategies.
2. Training and Development: Analyze trends in upskilling & reskilling programs, digital learning tools,
and career development opportunities.
3. Compensation and Benefits: Investigate salary adjustments, minimum wage changes, and innovative
employee benefits practices.
4. Performance Management: Examine the shift towards flexible performance frameworks, feedback
tools, and data-driven assessments.
5. Employee Wellness and Engagement: Analyze mental health initiatives, flexible work arrangements,
and strategies to boost employee engagement.
Report Writing:
Identify recent updates and adaptations:

• Analyze and explain relevant government regulations (e.g., Employment Act amendments, Minimum
Wage Order revisions) or industry reports and news articles on HR trends in Malaysia.
Analyze the impact:

• How do these changes affect employee satisfaction, motivation, and productivity?

• What are the benefits and challenges for organizations in implementing these updates?
Discuss challenges and opportunities:

• Identify limitations or barriers in implementing these adaptations (e.g., technology access, cultural
resistance, budget constraints).
• Explore potential opportunities for further improvement and innovation.
(Conclusion) Suggest future trends and improvements:

• Based on your analysis, predict potential future directions in HR practices for your chosen area in
• Recommend improvements or best practices organizations can implement to stay ahead of the curve.
a) Your paper should be between 10-15 pages in length (1.5 spacing), excluding Title page,
b) References pages or Appendix pages.
c) In-text citations and references should be in latest APA format.
d) Use Times New Roman, 12 points.
e) Presentation Preparation: Create a set of presentation slides and ensure your presentation is well-
organized, clear, and engaging. Use visual aids (such as images, graphs, or diagrams) if they enhance
Allocation of marks:
Participation in class: 5%
Report Writing: 15%
Presentation: 10%
Total: 30%

Assignment Deadline: 29thFebruary 2024 (Thursday) before 12:00 am

Assessing Student Overall Participation

Criteria 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark Marks

Frequency The student initiates The student initiates The student initiates The student initiates
of contributions more than once contributions more than once contributions more than once contributions more than
participation in each recitation. The in each recitation. The student in each recitation. The once in each recitation. The
in class student initiates a initiates a contribution once in student initiates a student initiates a
contribution once in each each recitation. The student contribution once in each contribution once in each
recitation. The student initiates contribution at least in recitation. The student recitation. The student
initiates contribution at least half of the recitations Student initiates contribution at least initiates contribution at least
in half of the recitations does not initiate contribution in half of the recitations in half of the recitations
Student does not initiate and needs the instructor to Student does not initiate Student does not initiate
contribution and needs an solicit input. contribution and needs the contribution and needs the
instructor to solicit input. instructor to solicit input. instructor to solicit input.
Quality of Comments are always Comments are mostly Comments are sometimes Comments are
comments insightful and constructive; insightful and constructive; constructive, with occasional uninformative, and lacking
use appropriate terminology. mostly use appropriate signs of insight. The student in appropriate terminology.
Comments balanced between terminology. Occasionally does not use appropriate Heavy reliance on opinion
general impressions, opinions comments are too general or terminology; comments are & personal taste, e.g., “I
& specific, thoughtful not relevant to the discussion. not always relevant to the love it”, “I hate it”, “It’s
criticisms, or contributions discussion. bad” etc.
Listening Student listens attentively Student is mostly attentive The student is often Does not listen to others;
Skills when others present when others present ideas, and inattentive and needs regularly talks while others
materials, and perspectives, materials, as indicated by reminders of the focus of speak or do not pay
as indicated by comments comments that reflect and build class. Occasionally makes attention while others speak;
that build on others’ remarks, on others’ remarks. disruptive comments while detracts from discussion;
i.e., the student hears what Occasionally needs others are speaking. sleeps, etc.
others say and contributes to encouragement or reminder.
the dialogue.
Total (12 marks)

Report Writing

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Poor Marks

5 marks 4 marks 3 marks Improvement 1 mark
2 marks
Structure & The report is exceptionally The report is well- The report is The report's The report is
Organization well-structured, with a clear structured, with a clear structured but may structure is disorganized and
and logical flow. It includes flow, including all lack some clarity in confusing, with lacks a clear structure,
all essential sections (e.g., essential sections. the flow or fail to significant issues in making it challenging
introduction, methodology, Paragraphs and include all necessary the flow, or it is to follow.
results, discussion, sections are logically sections. missing several
conclusion, references, and organized. essential sections.
appendices). Paragraphs and
sections are well-connected.
Content & The report provides The report provides The report contains The report lacks The report provides
Information comprehensive, accurate, accurate and detailed satisfactory detailed or accurate little to no relevant or
and in-depth information on information on the information, but there information on the accurate information
the topic. It includes relevant topic, with relevant may be gaps in detail topic, with on the topic.
data, evidence, and data and evidence. Key or relevance. Some significant gaps in
examples. All key points are points are adequately key points may be data, evidence, or
covered thoroughly. addressed. insufficiently key points.
Clarity & The report is exceptionally The report is clear and The report is mostly The report is often The report is
Conciseness clear, concise, and easy to concise, with minimal clear but may unclear or overly extremely unclear and
understand. It avoids jargon jargon or complexity. occasionally use wordy, making it overly verbose,
and unnecessary complexity. Sentences are generally unclear language or challenging to hindering
Sentences are well- well-constructed and overly complex follow and comprehension.
constructed, and language is precise. sentences. understand.
Style & The report is exceptionally The report is well- The report is mostly The report's writing The report's writing
Language well-written with a written with a well-written, but style is inconsistent style is inconsistent,
consistent style and tone. consistent style and there may be or inappropriate for inappropriate, or
Language is engaging, and tone. Language is occasional the audience, and offensive, and
vocabulary is varied and engaging, and inconsistencies in vocabulary is vocabulary is severely
appropriate. vocabulary is generally style or tone, or limited. limited.
varied and appropriate. limited vocabulary
Citations & The report includes accurate The report includes The report includes The report lacks The report does not
References and properly formatted accurate citations and citations and proper citations and include any citations
citations and references references but may references, but there references, or they or references.
following a recognized have minor formatting may be significant are mostly
citation style (e.g., APA, issues or include some formatting issues or inaccurate or
MLA, Chicago). All sources less relevant or less multiple irrelevant or irrelevant.
are relevant and credible. credible sources. unreliable sources.
Overall The report is exceptionally The report is well- The report is mostly The report's The report is poorly
Report well-presented, with presented, with good well-presented but presentation lacks presented, with severe
Presentation attention to detail in attention to formatting, may have minor attention to detail, issues in formatting,
formatting, graphics, and graphics, and issues in formatting, with noticeable graphics, or
overall aesthetics. It aesthetics, graphics, or issues in formatting, aesthetics.
demonstrates a high level of demonstrating aesthetics. graphics, or
professionalism. professionalism. aesthetics.
Total (30 marks)

Rubric for Presentation

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Poor

5 marks 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark Marks
Content Demonstrates an Displays a strong Shows a solid Demonstrates a Lacks an
Knowledge exceptional understanding of understanding of the limited understanding of
understanding of the the subject matter, subject matter understanding of the the subject matter;
subject matter, providing accurate content, with some subject matter, with information
presenting significant presented is highly
comprehensive, and detailed minor inaccuracies inaccuracies and inaccurate or
accurate, and insightful information. or omissions. omissions. irrelevant.
Presentation Presents with Presents with Presents with Presents with limited Fails to present with
Skills exceptional clarity, a clarity, logical acceptable clarity, clarity and clarity or
logical structure, and structure, and but there may be organization, organization; the
engaging delivery. engaging delivery. occasional issues making it somewhat content is disjointed
Maintains excellent Maintains good eye with organization or difficult for the and lacks
eye contact, and contact and uses engagement. Shows audience to follow. engagement. Eye
gestures, and uses visuals effectively. reasonable eye Eye contact and contact is minimal,
visuals effectively. contact and visuals. visuals are lacking. and visuals are
absent or entirely
Question Provides exceptional Provides proficient Provides acceptable Provides limited Fails to provide
Responses responses to questions,responses to responses to responses to meaningful
demonstrating a deep questions, questions but may questions, with responses to
understanding of the demonstrating a lack depth or clarity inaccuracies or questions;
subject matter and strong in explanations. omissions in responses are highly
offering insightful
understanding of explanations. inaccurate or
explanations. the subject matter irrelevant.
Time Adheres to the Stays within the Slightly exceeds the Significantly Fails to adhere to
Management specified time limit time limit with time limit but stays exceeds the time the time limit
precisely, minor deviations, close to it, indicating limit, with significantly,
demonstrating showcasing good some time noticeable issues in showing poor time
excellent time time management. management time management. management.
management skills. challenges.

Total (20 marks)

Total (Out of 10%)

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