Humility Guidelines VDS 2023
Humility Guidelines VDS 2023
Humility Guidelines VDS 2023
Topic: The student must choose one of the 20 topics presented below.
Paper Board: The student must create a cardboard presentation that visually depicts their chosen topic. The
presentation should be creative and engaging, and it should be able to effectively communicate the student's
understanding of the topic. The paperboard must contain the following requirements:
1. Introduction:
• A catchy and attention-grabbing title.
• Definition of humility and its significance in personal growth and relationships.
• Engaging quote related to the topic given.
3. Benefits of Humility:
• Highlight the positive effects of humility on individuals and society.
• Examples of how humility fosters personal growth, strengthens relationships, and promotes collaboration and empathy.
• Personal stories or quotes that demonstrate the transformative power of humility.
7. Conclusion:
• Summarize the main points covered on the board.
• Encourage viewers to embrace humility and its positive impact on their lives.
• Inspiring closing statement or call to action related to humility.
8. Additional Resources:
• List recommended books, articles, or websites for further exploration of humility.
• Include QR codes or links to relevant online resources for continued learning.
Remember to use visually appealing fonts, colors, and images throughout the paper board to make it engaging,
and visually appealing. Also, consider including interactive elements like sticky notes or a feedback section
where viewers can share their thoughts and engage in a dialogue about humility.
Figure 1 Paperboard Example
Paperboard Rubric
Requirements 5 4 3 2
Behavior in class Consistently demonstrates Usually demonstrates Occasionally demonstrates Rarely demonstrates
respectful and attentive respectful and attentive respectful and attentive respectful and attentive
behavior, actively engages in behavior, engages in behavior, inconsistently behavior, rarely engages in
discussions and activities, and discussions and activities, and engages in discussions and discussions and activities, and
supports a positive learning contributes to a positive activities, and may frequently disrupts the
environment. learning environment. occasionally disrupt the learning environment.
learning environment.
Responsibility Takes full responsibility for Mostly takes responsibility for Partially takes responsibility Rarely takes responsibility for
individual contributions to the individual contributions to the for individual contributions to individual contributions to the
project, meets all deadlines, project, meets most deadlines, the project, occasionally project, frequently misses
and actively collaborates with and collaborates with group misses deadlines, and deadlines, and does not
group members. members. inconsistently collaborates collaborate with group
with group members. members.
Neatness The paper board is The paper board is mostly The paper board is generally The paper board is messy,
exceptionally neat, well- neat, well-organized, and neat and organized but lacks disorganized, or lacks
organized, and visually visually appealing with minor consistency or has a few areas attention to detail.
appealing with attention to areas for improvement. that require improvement.
Following Instructions Demonstrates a thorough Demonstrates a good Demonstrates a partial Demonstrates a limited
understanding of instructions understanding of instructions understanding of instructions understanding of instructions
and follows them accurately and mostly follows them and occasionally deviates from and frequently deviates from
and effectively. accurately and effectively. them. them.
Materials Effectively and creatively Utilizes a good range of Utilizes some materials to Utilizes limited materials or
utilizes a variety of materials materials to enhance the enhance the presentation but fails to incorporate them in a
to enhance the presentation, presentation, incorporating lacks variety or could have meaningful way.
incorporating them seamlessly them into the paper board with incorporated them more
into the paper board. minor room for improvement. effectively.
Requirements 5 4 3 2
Writing Consistently uses an Mostly uses an appropriate Uses an inconsistent font size Uses an inappropriate or
appropriate font size that is font size that is clear and that may be too small or too inconsistent font size that
clear and legible from a legible from a distance, with large in some areas, affecting significantly hampers the
distance, enhancing the minor inconsistencies. the readability of the paper readability of the paper board.
readability of the paper board. board.
Content Presents highly relevant, Presents relevant and well- Presents partially relevant Presents limited or irrelevant
comprehensive, and insightful developed content that content with some gaps in content with significant gaps
content that demonstrates a demonstrates a good understanding or development in understanding or
deep understanding of the understanding of the topic and that may partially engage the development that fail to
topic and engages the viewer. effectively engages the viewer. viewer. engage the viewer.
Visual Aids Utilizes a variety of visual Utilizes visual aids that Utilizes some visual aids but Uses limited or ineffective
aids, such as images, charts, enhance the presentation and lacks variety or could have visual aids that do not enhance
and diagrams, effectively engage the viewer with minor incorporated them more the presentation or engage the
enhancing the presentation and areas for improvement. effectively. viewer.
engaging the viewer.
Punctuality Consistently completes tasks Mostly completes tasks and Occasionally completes tasks Frequently fails to complete
and meets deadlines meets deadlines punctually and meets deadlines tasks or meet deadlines
punctually. with minor exceptions. punctually with some delays. punctually.
Presentation: The student must give a presentation on their cardboard presentation. The presentation should be clear
and concise, and it should be able to answer any questions that the teacher or other students may have.
Here are some additional tips for creating a successful cardboard presentation:
• Start early: Give yourself plenty of time to plan, create, and practice your presentation.
• Work with a partner: Working with a partner can help you to brainstorm ideas, share responsibilities, and
provide support.
• Use visuals: Visuals can help to make your presentation more engaging and memorable.
• Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice, the more confident you will be when giving your
Exposition Rubric
Requirements 5 4 3 2
Time Management Manages time effectively, Mostly manages time Partially manages time, Poorly manages time,
staying within the allocated effectively, staying close to the occasionally exceeding or frequently exceeding or falling
time limit and pacing the allocated time limit and falling short of the allocated significantly short of the
presentation appropriately, maintaining a reasonable pace time limit and may have allocated time limit and has
allowing for a well-balanced throughout the presentation. uneven pacing during the inconsistent pacing throughout
delivery. presentation. the presentation.
Engagement Actively engages the audience Mostly engages the audience Partially engages the audience, Fails to engage the audience
through confident and through interactive with limited interactive effectively, lacks interactive
interactive communication, communication, responds communication, inconsistent communication, fails to
effectively responding to adequately to questions or response to questions or respond to questions or
questions or comments, and comments, and encourages comments, and minimal comments adequately, and
fostering participation some participation during the participation during the does not encourage
throughout the presentation. presentation. presentation. participation during the
Topics for the assignment
1. Model humility yourself. Students learn by watching the adults in their lives. If you want them to be humble, make sure you are
modeling that behavior yourself.
2. Talk about the importance of humility. Explain to your students that humility is a virtue that can help them in all areas of their
3. Provide opportunities for your students to practice humility. This could involve setting up situations where they must work
together with others, or where they must admit that they don't know something.
4. Celebrate your classmates ‘successes, but also help them to see their own limitations. This will help them to develop a healthy
sense of self-awareness.
5. Encourage your classmates to be open to feedback. This will help them to learn and grow.
6. Help your classmates to be gracious in victory and defeat. This will show them that humility is not about being weak, but about
being strong enough to accept both success and failure.
7. Teach your classmates the importance of listening to others. This is an important part of being humble.
8. Help your classmates to be respectful of others, even when they disagree with them. This is another important part of being
9. Encourage your classmates to be willing to admit when they are wrong. This is a sign of strength, not weakness.
10. Help your classmates to be willing to forgive others. This is a sign of humility and compassion.
11. Teach your classmates the importance of helping others. This is a way to show humility and gratitude.
12. Help your classmates to be humble in their achievements. Don't let them get too full of themselves.
13. Encourage your classmates to be humble in their failures. Don't let them beat themselves up.
14. Help your classmates to see the big picture. Remind them that they are not the only ones in the world.
15. Teach your classmates the importance of perspective. Help them to see that their problems are not always as big as they seem.
16. Help your classmates to be grateful for what they have. This will help them to stay humble.
17. Encourage your classmates to be kind to others. This is a sign of humility and compassion.
18. Help your classmates to be forgiving of themselves and others. This will help them to move on from mistakes and to build
stronger relationships.
19. Teach your classmates the importance of service. Help them to see that they can make a difference in the world.
20. Be patient. It takes time to develop humility. Keep modeling the behavior and providing opportunities for practice.