By Nur Anisa Fariha Abdul Fatah 2 Setia 2010

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By Nur Anisa Fariha Abdul Fatah
2 Setia 2010
10.1 Developments in Field of
Astronomy and Space Exploration
1. Astronomy is the field of study about natural
objects in the sky.
2. Ancient astronomers from the Middle East,
China and India had made observations about
the movements of the Sun, stars and Moon.
3. Ancient astronomers like the Greeks had tried
to explain the movements of planets and
ͻ By Ptolemy,an egyptian astronomer
'th century
ͻ Earth is the center of the Universe &
B.C the Sun & stars revolved around it.

ͻ Aristole put forward Ptolemy͛s belief

2nd century
ͻ By Copernicus , a Polish astronomer
ͻ Sun is the center of the Universe &
16th century planets(include Earth) orbited the Sun.

ͻ Discovery of Sedna
Developments in Space Exploration

11th century :
The Chinese invented
gunpowder & used 1957: 1st satellite ʹ
primitive rockets in battles USSR Sputnik

1961: 1st human

in orbit-Yuri
Gagarin aboard
USSR Vostak 1
1969: 1st human 3 astronaunts died in a fire
footstep on the during a test on an Apollo
moon- US Apollo 11 flight
1973: 1st Jupiter
flyby ʹ US Pioneer 1
1970: An explosion
occurred in Apollo 13.
Astronaunts used lunar
lander as lifeboat to return
to Earth

198': 1st in- 1981: 1st of US space shuttle -

orbit repair Colombia
by space
1986: Space shuttle
Challenger 1989: 1st Neptune flyby- 1990: US launched
US Voyager 2 Hubble Space
exploded Telescope from
space shuttle

2000: Malaysian 1st

microsatellite TiungSAT-1

MEASAT 1 & 2
2006: Proposed completion of the
satellites launched
International Space Station
Applications of Technology Related to
Space Telescope

An astronomical Telescope by
Galileo Gelilei
-to measure the
altitude of stars
Reflecting Refracting X-ray
telescope telescope telescope

Hubble Space Telescope

-placed in an orbit 500 km above Earth
ong March 2 Discovery Saturn V
Uses rockets(engines in which fuels can burn
without air)
As the fuel in a rocket burns,hot gases are
released at high speed from the nozzle of the
These produce a force that pushes the rocket
An object that revolves around another object.
1st-Sputnik 1 (1957)
1996-M͛sia lauched 2 satellites
-Malaysia East Asia Satellite(MEASAT 1)
Designed for broadcasting & communication services.
Allow transmission of video,data & voice transmitted
26.09.2000-M͛sia launched its 1st microsatellite
Fitted with cameras which are used for remote sensing
Gathering & recording of information from a distance
Remote sensors are fitted on the TiungSAT-1 receive or
detect visible light,ultraviolet light & even infrared rays given
out by distant objects .
Pictures taken from remote sensing cameras are used in:
-geology for mapping locations of mineral resources
-agriculture for mapping regions of agricultural development
-disaster management for identifying pollution & open fires
-national security management for identifying the intrusion of
enemy ships,aircraft & other vehicles .
2 stations that received data from TiungSAT-1 are the
Planetarium Negara Ground station ,K & Mission Control
Ground Station(MCGS), Bangi.
A spacecraft that gathers information & sends
it back to Earth.
Travel far into the Solar System & even out of
Solar Systems .
It carry cameras & other remote sensing
equipment, radio transmitters & receivers that
allow them to communicate with scientists on
Space Probes
 
Has living rooms,work & exercise areas,& all the
equipment & support systems needed for human
to live & work in space.
Skylab & Mir are examples of space stations
But , both of it fell out of orbit & burned up as
they entered the Earth͛s atmosphere in 1979 &
Now, International Space Station which involves
16 countries is expected to be completed in 2006
„   „

Reusable spacecraft such as Discovery have

made space travel less expensive & less
Can make multiple trips from the Earth to
outer space & back .
20.07.69-Neil Armstrong became the 1st
human on the Moon
͞That͛s one small step for man, one giant leap
for mankind,͟was the 1st words from Neil
Other space missions to the Moon have been
carried out & hundreds of kilograms of moon
rocks have been brought back to the Earth for
scientific analysis
July 20.1969 ,the p  space flight landed
the first humans on Earth's Moon.
carried out by the United States.
aunched from Florida on July 16
was crewed by Commander Neil Alden
Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael
Collins, and unar Module Pilot Edwin Eugene
"Buzz" Aldrin, Jr
Armstrong and Aldrin landed in the Sea of
Tranquility and became the first humans to walk
on the Moon.
V  † 

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