Annotated Bibliography: Primary Sources
Annotated Bibliography: Primary Sources
Annotated Bibliography: Primary Sources
Primary Sources Apollo 11 Lunar Mission Logo. 16 July 1969. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Collection. NASA Images, Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <;lc: NVA2~25~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2~57~57,NVA2~31~31,NVA2~60~60,NVA2~33~33, NV>. This image is the flight insignia, or logo, for the Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar landing mission. It has a bald eagle, which is our nations emblem, landing on the moon which represents how America landed on the moon overshadowing all the other space programs with the same goal. This image was be used in my project to represent the American achievement of landing our own men on the moon and this logo represents that historical mission. Apollo-Soyuz. 1 July 1975. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Collection. NASA Images, Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <;lc:NVA2~25~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2~57~57,NVA2~31~31,NVA2~60~60,NVA 2~33~33,NVA2~26~26,NVA>. In this photograph, astronauts Donald Slayton and Thomas Stafford chat with cosmonaut Alexei Leonov during their visit to the Soyuz Orbital Module. This Apollo-Soyuz Test Project was an important mission where US and Russia finally began to have peaceful international relations with each other. This picture will be incorporated into my project by displaying a message of peacefulness from both countries where they actually worked together on one Space Exploration project. Armstrong, Neil. Buzz Aldrin during the Apollo 11 moonwalk. 20 July 1969. NASA Honors Buzz Aldrin with Exploration Award. NASA, 30 Nov. 2007. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <>. This photograph was taken by Neil Armstrong during the historic Apollo 11 mission on putting two men on the man. This picture of Edwin Buzz Aldrin on the moon shows American strength as they were behind in the Space Race, but their motivation and hard work paid off when this nations people could see one of their own walking on the moon and saying America is first in space exploration. This picture will be used in my project by symbolizing Americas strength with one of their most famous missions, Apollo 11.
Astronaut Charles Conrad discusses x-rays with medical team at Cape Kennedy. 17 Aug. 1965. NASA Johnson Space Center Collection. NASA Images, 1 Nov. 2006. Web. 7 Feb. 2012.;lc:NVA2~25~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2~57~57,NVA2~31~31,NVA2~6> This photograph of Astronaut Charles Conrad discusses x-rays with medical team at Cape Kennedy. The research done by NASA has been put into helping society and a great invention like the x-ray machine was innovated from NASA research. This picture will be used in my project as it will show the many innovations that NASA is responsible for and how they advance Americas medical industry. Bolden, Charles. Whats Next for NASA? About NASA. NASA, 1 July 2011. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. < f>. This source tells me that NASA has stopped future shuttle missions, since funding is down, but new projects are being built so that when the time come, they are ready to launch. NASAs first mission after the end of the space shuttle era is that theyve sent a rover named Curiosity to investigate life on Mars. This source will be in my project and show how NASA missions benefited the many inventions we use today and more missions are being made to advance society in the future. Celebrating Explorer I. 31 Jan. 1958. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Collection. NASA Images, Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <;lc:NVA2~2 5~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2~57~57,NVA2~31~31,NVA2~60~60,NVA2~33~33,NVA2~2 6~26,NVA2~74~74,NVA>. This is a photograph of Dr. James Pickering, Dr. James van Allen, and Dr. Wernher von Braun triumphantly display a model of the Explorer I, Americas first satellite. This was Americas first step into Space Exploration in their effort to catch up with Russias Sputnik 1. This picture will be used in my project an a visual aid to show an example of one of the most important Space Exploration missions for NASA since it was their first satellite in space. The Decision to Go to the Moon: President John F. Kennedys May 25, 1961 Speech before a Joint Session of Congress. 25 May 1961. NASA History Office. NASA, 10 Jan. 2012. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <>. 2
This photograph of President Kennedy giving his famous speech on landing a man on the moon by the end of the decade symbolizes the start of the America determination of launching the famous Apollo 11 missions that inspired many great benefits to follow. This picture will be used in my project by displaying a powerful message on showing the main motivation of John F. Kennedy and how he started the historic Apollo 11 mission to actually happen. Dr. von Braun at His Desk. 1 Jan. 1960. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Collection. NASA Images, Web. 6 Feb. 2012. < %2Bdesk;lc This image of Dr. Wernher von Braun shows him at his desk with his many rocket models. He was one of the most important people when planing for the Apollo 11 and making the actual rocket, Saturn V, for lifting the module off the ground and breaking Earths gravity. This image will be used in my project for showing how this famous rocket engineer looked like and how successful he was with his many rocket models. 40 Years Later. The Apollo Missions. Ed. Yvette Smith. NASA, 20 July 2011. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <>. This article discusses a 40 year anniversary of the famous Apollo 11 mission when America proved its excellence against other countries space programs during the Space Race that Americans were the only and still are the only humans to land on the moon, a great accomplishment. The photograph used in this article will be incorporated into my project by a showing a visual example of another great American moment in history for Space Exploration. Griffin, Michael. The Space Economy. NASA Lecture Series. NASA, 17 Sept. 2007. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <>. This source showed me understand the role of space exploration and how it helped improve global economy. Today there are funding cuts from NASA, but many benefits come out of NASA from Space spin-offs to creating new technologies that create new jobs for engineers, scientists, and even marketing. This source will be incorporated in my project as it will show the impact that NASA research has on society and especially through advancing technology.
Gonzalez, Robert. "Neil deGrasse Tyson to Jon Stewart: 'Your Earth is Spinning the Wrong Direction.'" Io9, 28 Feb. 2012. Web. 9 Mar. 2012. < neil-degrasse-tyson-to-jon-stewart-your-earth-is-spinning-the-wrong-direction>. This source includes a video and some quotes about an astrophysicist, Neil Tyson, on the Daily Show talking about his own book called Space Chronicles. He discussing the impact the Space Age had to the America Culture to think ahead. This source will be incorporated into my project as it will be in the philosophy page talking about how the Space Age changed the mindset of people. Hubble Against Earths Horizon. 1997. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Collection. NASA Images, Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <;lc:NVA2~25~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2 ~57~57,NVA2~31~31,N>. This is a photograph of the Hubble Space Telescope nearing Earth on its mission in 1997 observing and takes images from far distance galaxies. This photograph will be used in my project by displaying one of the many missions that NASA was able to successfully accomplish by gathering more observatory information about our universe. International Acad. of Astronautics; European Space Agency. The Impact of Space Activities upon Society. By Kofi Annan, et al. 2006. PDF file. This source taught me the main points of the importance of space activities having a positive effect on society. There are educational, exploration, technological, and commutative benefits that come out of space exploration despite the high cost to operate. This source will be incorporated into me project by the important quotes listed that shows how space exploration applies to many field of our daily lives. John F. Kennedy Space Center. The GOES-K weather satellite lifts off from Launch Pad 36B at Cape Canaveral Air Station. 25 Apr. 1997. Kennedy Media Gallary. NASA, 6 Mar. 2009. Web. 7 Feb. 2012. <>. This photograph of the GOES-K weather satellite is one of the many satellites launched by NASA that are in Space for communication, weather, etc. purposes. By having a weather satellite in Space, it allows weather forecasters to predict upcoming weather with radar images given by the satellite and an accurate weather report can then be given. This picture will be incorporated into my project by showing how different types of satellites
that NASA launches affects our daily lives with simple weather reports that could not be made without a weather satellite. Johnson, Amy. Dynae Fullwood in Rcichmond. 31 Jan. 2011. Bolden Visit Follows Presidents Call to Make Education a National Priority. NASA, 1 Mar. 2011. Web. 7 Feb. 2012. <>. This photograph shows Langley education specialist teaching a group of middle-school students how to create a paper rocket and explain its forces. This type of STEM education teaching as well as more experienced teachers are the goal of the NASA to supply to schools that need the information or the experienced teachers as it is Obamas priority to provide the same as well. This picture will be used in my project by showing how STEM education is a priority for NASA as the youth of America will soon be the future and NASA Administrator Charles Bolden will follow the same path that President Obama is making to have STEM learning and experienced teachers in every American school. Kennedy, Chuck. Obama at White House Science Fair 1. 18 Oct. 2010. The White House Blog. White House, 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 7 Feb. 2012. <>. This photograph shows President Barack Obama grabbing the steering wheel as Tristan Evarts, of Londonderry, N.H., explains how their invention can detect distracted driving as he tours science projects on display in the State Dining Room of the White House. This picture will be incorporated into my project as it shows how even the President of US enforces the need of STEM education by having his own White House science fair to set an example for the rest of America to follow by schools taking part in STEM learning. NASA takes a big part of STEM education as this program from the Obama administration is impacting the youth of America. Kennedy, John Fitzgareld. Special Message to the Congress on Urgent National Needs. Selected Speeches of John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy Presidential Lib. and Museum, 25 May 1961. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. <>. This source showed all the ups and downs of the American Space revolution by catching up to Russians by launching the Explorer 1. This powerful speech by President John F. Kennedy was the first inspiration and movement into the driving sprit behind American Space Exploration. This source will be incorporated into my project by being one of the many powerful quotes explaining how space exploration revolutionized society. 5
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. Remarks to staff at NASA Launch Operations Center. NASA Launch Operations Center. Cape Canaveral, FL. 11 Sept. 1962. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <>. This source is a speech from John F. Kennedy discussing his visit to the Launch Operations Center (soon to be named after Kennedy himself) as he recalls the success of American Space Exploration in relation to the Soviets. This source will be incorporated into my project by giving my a primary source showing information about how John F. Kennedy motivated America to pursue Space Exploration as in this speech talks to Americans all over the nation about how we can still be number one in Space worldwide. MSFC History Office. Man Enters Space. 1961. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Collection. Praise Is Heaped on Major Gagarin. Huntsville Times [Huntsville, Alabama] 12 Apr. 1961: n. pag. NASA Images. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <;lc:NVA2~25~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2~57~57,NVA2~31 ~31,NVA2~60~60,NVA2~33~33,NVA2>. This photograph from the Huntsville Times shocked the whole world as Russia was the first space program to get a human in space. This and many other Russian missions have sparked the motivation for America to catch up with the Soviets take control of Space Exploration. This photograph and newspaper was an important part of history in Space Exploration especially for Russian achievement, as this will be incorporated into my project representing just that. NASA. Flight Day 10. 25 Nov. 2009. STS-129 Gallery. NASA Images, 30 Nov. 2009. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <;lc:NVA2~25~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2~57~57,NVA2~31~ 31,NVA2~60~60,NVA2~33~33,NVA2~26~26,NVA>. This is a picture of the International Space Station after the Space Shuttle Atlantis undocks from it. This photograph shows that even though this is a worldwide space research station, the US made it showing its supreme power in Space Exploration being the honorable country making a worldwide space station for all countries on Earth to visit. This image will be used in my project by giving a visual photograph of what other amazing things that NASA has made in Space Exploration has this Space Station had benefited the whole world as they can research in station and not in a shuttle all the time.
NASA/Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio. Twenty Million New Jobs (for White House). 3 Dec. 1999. NASA Scientific Visualization Studio Collection. NASA Images, 3 Dec. 1999. Web. 7 Feb. 2012. <;lc:NVA2~25~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2~57~57,NVA2~31~31,NVA2~60~60 ,NVA2>. This image is a map of America, with yellow dots marking the location of the 20,043,000 new jobs created between 1993 and 2000. This substantial amount of new jobs was created around the same time when the technological advancement effects from the Space Age began to impact America. This picture will be incorporated into my project by showing how the high amount of new employment of engineers, scientists, etc. is and how it has revolutionized America to make it a place of innovation. NASA Kids Science News Network, prod. What Do Astronauts Do If They Get Sick? NASA Educational Videos, 2009. NASA Educational Materials. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <>. This video lists examples of how certain technologies that NASA research got innovated in are used in the medical field today. The x-ray machine, blood pressure mechanism, etc. are all used in modern society as this was all innovated from NASA information and research. This source will be incorporated into my project by showing how the medical technologies made today were influenced first from NASA and their inventions have revolutionized the medical field. Obama, Barack Hussein. Strategy for American Innovation: Catalyze Breakthroughs for National Priorities. Statements and Releases. White House, 25 Jan. 2011. Web. 5 Feb. 2012. <>. STEM education is enforced heavily on the future generations as even the Obama Administration enforces it nationwide. The topics (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are the future of todays education for the younger generation to excel in. This source will be used in my project by showing how the information collected from NASA has a direct impact toward the American education. Obama, Barack Hussein, Jr., perf. Educate to Innovate. Educate to Innovate. White House, Web. 1 Feb. 2012. <>.
This source was about how President Obama and his government experts see how education is a substantial part to the youth of America and Job economy of the nation. This source can be incorporated into my project by showing how NASA impacted the education of America and how it still today is revolutionizing the youth of America and increases employment in our nations job market. Since NASA has a lead role in STEM education, a video being used in my project from this source with government experts explaining the beneficence of STEM education and how it contributes to the revolutionizing effect education has on Americans. Siddiqi, Asif. Sputnik 1. Fall 1957. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Collection. NASA Images, Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <;lc:NVA2~25~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2~57~57,NVA2~31~31, NVA2~60~60,NVA2~33~33,NVA2~>. This is a photograph of the Sputnik 1, the first orbiting satellite in Space made by the Soviets. This great historic event caused a chain reaction making America pursue Space Exploration and prove its strength against the rival country Russia during the Cold War. This picture will be used in my project as it which show a visual demonstration on how the the worlds first successful Space Exploration project looked like and how this sparked an American motivation to pursue these types of missions as well. V-2 Rocket at White Sands. 1 Jan. 1946. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Collection. NASA Images, Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <;lc:NVA2~25~25,NVA2~81~81,NVA2~57~57,NVA2~31~31,NVA2~60~ 60,NVA2~33~33,NVA2~26~26,NVA>. This picture of a V-2 liquid-fuel rocket is one of the many war rockets made by Russia for usage in the Cold War as weapon toward attacking the US. This idea of making rockets was one of the first major discoveries in Space Exploration inspiring the US to add on to this idea to make the first American rocket in Space, Explorer 1. This image will be incorporated into my project by showing a visual feature discussing one of the most important discoveries during the Cold War as the use of the liquid-fuel rocket was a weapon for the Soviets and an idea to build on for NASA. Von Braun, Wernher. Letter to Lyndon Johnson. 29 Apr. 1961. The Vice President of the United States. Huntsville, Alabama: Marshall Space Flight Center, N. pag. PDF file. This source showed the passion that Dr. Wernher von Braun had for beating the Russians to the moon by addressing the needs of NASA funding to the vice president ensuring him 8
the landing on the moon. This source will be incorporated into my project by showing how important Dr. Braun was to NASA and how his rocket group along with other engineers to make NASA such a high level of achievement. This letter shows how determined he is about the space race and how U.S can come first in it. Secondary Sources Apfel, Necia. Voyager of the Planets. New York, New York: Clarion, 1991. Print. This source showed me the importance of the Voyager Spacecraft and how it collected data and photos like no other satellite. Also it showed me that the American Space Program is responsible for this amazing research and information found from the Voyager 1 and 2, as no other countrys space program could get this knowledge. This can be incorporated into my project by explaining one of the most successful NASA missions in which revolutionized society and we see our solar system today. Benefits from Apollo: Giant Leaps in Technology. Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. NASA, July 2004. Web. 1 Feb. 2012. This source has shown me the specific research done by one of the many NASA centers and how their research was innovated into many some technological products we use in our daily lives. From solar panels and revolutionizing athletic footwear, to developing easier and more effective surgical tools are just some of the many technological advancements NASA has been able to create. This source will be incorporated into my project by showing how NASA has advanced society technological which pictures of specific space spin-offs and beneficence to revolutionizing America overall. Clay, Rebecca. Space Travel and Exploration. Ed. Arthur Upgren. New York, New York: Twenty-First Century, 1997. Print. Secrets of Space. This source made me understand that the whole world during the 1900s had lots of determination for Space Exploration. As technology developed and our knowledge increased, many scientific theories were disproved and many are still being made today. NASAs incredible missions have allowed the whole world to explore. This source will be used in my project as it will show how the many successful NASA missions were started by motivation by American during the Space Age. Couper, Heather, and Nigel Henbest. Observing the Universe; Exploring Space. Encyclopedia of Space. Ed. Jenny Finch, et al. 2009 ed. New York, New York: Dorling Kindersley, 2009. 16-33, 46-56, 70. Print. 9
This source showed me lots of information concerning the many discoveries made by NASA and how it incorporated into the technologies we use today. This source can show how the research done by NASA has helped us observe our Earth and Universe, communicate (cell phones, telephones, GPS, etc.), and in use of transportation (airplanes, jets, etc.) on Earth. Dick, Steven. Project Apollo: A Retrospective Analysis. Apollo: A Retrospective Analysis Key Apollo Source Documents. NASA History Office, 22 Oct. 2004. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <>. This source taught me the whole background information about the revolutionizing Space Age era. When the Soviets had their share of success with lots of Space Exploration missions, Kennedy set a goal for America to put man on the moon within a year. US and Russia were in competition while the Cold War was going on. After the historic Apollo 11 mission was accomplished, benefits such as peaceful international relations and power to America was accomplished as well. This source will be incorporated into my project be providing information on some of the background information that will show how the Apollo mission benefited many parts of our society and revolutionized it as well. Harris, Joseph. Space Exploration. Pleasantville, New York: Arcturus, 2009. Print. This source debates how space exploration has innovated science and technology for how we live today. It examines both positive and negative components of the impacts that the American Space Program has on our society, health, environment, and the economy. This source will be incorporated in my project by showing the many advancements of technology (space-spinoffs, inventions, etc.) in which NASA was responsible for and showing the downsides for their expensive missions. Hodges, Jim. Aerospace Days: Jobs for Virginia. Langley Researcher News. NASA, 4 Feb. 2010. Web. 6 Feb. 2012. <>. This source was about how space aviation in a town in Virginia would create hundreds of jobs in a long run boosting the economy in small places like Virginia that could be soon booming with additional funding as well as an overload in engineers and scientists. Pursuing space exploration, just like in this specific example, shows how space aviation can boost the economy of even a small town or a whole nation. This source will be incorporated into my project by showing information and statistics on the projected
amount of employment and income a place like Virginia would get if they pursued space exploration which will show how space aviation can boost an economy. Kalamaras, Mary, and William Burrows, eds. The Infinite Journey. New York: Discovery, 2000. Print. This source has taught me that not only NASA has improved our lives, it has has inspired us and fulfilled our dream of space travel. Space Exploration is the future of civilization as it has a direct impact upon our society. This source will be incorporated into my project by helping me show how space exploration from NASA has revolutionized how society is and how we see our world today. Kuhn, Besty. The Race for Space. Minneapolis, Minnesota: First Century, 2007. Print. This source shows me the that the American first and only country that went to the moon (major accomplishment) and did a lot a missions and research that other countries couldnt come to conducting. This source will be used in my project by showing how the American Space Program was very important foundation in history. NASA overpowers the whole world in space exploration and societal beneficence. McGroary, Jim, and Sammy Nabors. Inventors Help Make Life Better on Earth Through SpaceAge Technology. Student Features. NASA, 13 Nov. 2003. Web. 1 Feb. 2012. <>. This source has helped understand some of the advances in technology that NASA is responsible for and how they slowly advance society. From simple things like a knee brace to a new stronger aluminum foil. These daily inventions are ones that which people use everyday and are innovated from high level organizations like NASA. This source will be incorporated into my project by how it educated me on the effects that NASA research has on society and how important it can be to America in total. NASA Chief Technologist. NASA Technologies Enhance Our Lives. Spinoff 2010. NASA, 2010. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. <>. This source showed me the importance of NASAs ideas and research and how they are connected to our daily lives. The research done by NASA advanced technology in fields like transportation, health, etc. This source will be used by showing how these discoveries impact our society in a positive way as NASAs funding should still be applied for more boosts to our community.
Ross-Nazzal, Jennifer, Shannon Lucid, and Helen Lane. Social, Cultural, and Educational Legacies. Space Shuttle History and Contributions. Ed. Helen Lane. Washington. 459484. PDF; file. This source showed me the various impacts NASA has on American society, culture, and education. Specifically, the education standards in America have dropped, and NASA is now making and sponsoring programs in which promote STEM education to the youth. This source will be incorporated into my project by explaining the many benefits NASA has to the American education acquiring advanced knowledge and information. Sadeh, Eligar. Societal Impacts of the Apollo Program. PDF file. This source talked about the many fields in which the Apollo Program positively impacted our society. From economics to educational purposes, the advancements of science and technology have really changed America in a substantial way. This source will be involved in my project by providing information on how the American Space Program impacted and revolutionized many parts of our society. Sagdeev, Roald, Susan Eisenhower, and John Logsdon. United States-Soviet Space Cooperation during the Cold War. 50th Magazine. NASA, 28 May 2008. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <>. This source showed me the competition between the Soviets and the Americans in Space Exploration and how they soon made cooperation with the historic Apollo-Soyuz mission. This source will be incorporated in my project by stating the influence that the Cold War and Russia had to NASA and how their competition and peace advanced the missions they conducted with each other. Smith III, Carter. One Giant Leap for Mankind. 1985. Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett, 1989. Print. This source showed me the many important people involved in the American Space Program that helped propel the research that was conducted for the future generations of people to learn across the world. People like John F. Kennedy, who was initially the motivation for pursuing Space Exploration, and other important people will be incorporated into my project from this source.
Space Shuttle Program: Spanning 30 Years of Discovery. Space Shuttle. NASA, 2 Feb. 2012. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. <>. This source showed me one of the most important missions, Apollo 11, that impacted our society and world. Our lives would be very different without NASAs efforts that are put towards advancing our knowledge. This knowledge and information that came out of the historic Apollo 11 mission in this source in my project will show how its revolutionized America and the world. Spangenburg, Ray, and Kit Moser. The History of NASA. Canada: Scholastic, 2000. Print. This source told me all about the NASA missions and the research collected that was most beneficial to American History and our society. It also taught me the important people like Dr. Wernher Von Braun and Goddard that made beneficial contributions to our community. This source will be used in my project by showing the historical background of NASA explaining all its missions, importance, and what coming up next. Technological Spin-offs. Space Exploration. Ed. Francesca Baines, et al. 2010 ed. New York, New York: Dorling Kindersley, 2010. 38-51, 56-57. Print. This source helped me understand science, educational, medical, and technological spinoffs that benefited society in which NASA created. From the information I gathered, NASA has made some vital contributions to our daily lives that have revolutionized our community in things that we take for granted, such as weather predictions. This source will be incorporated into my project by showing the technological terms in which NASA discovered and show which specific missions help contribute to the effort. Universities Space Research Association. Why We Explore Space. How Space Research Affects Us. USRA, Jan. 2007. Web. 7 Dec. 2011. <>. This source shows how Space exploration done by NASA provides a boost in innovation and economic progress. It also engages the public, society, and inspires students to be ready for the high-tech work field of tomorrow. This source will be incorporated by showing how NASA extensive research gave information to teachers and administrators to include in their curriculum and teach the youth of America.
Wilson, J.R., and Howard Ross. Space Program Benefits: NASAs Positive Effect on Society. 50th Magazine. NASA, 27 Aug. 2008. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. <>. This source talks about the different research that NASA has conducted that has made our whole world change their understanding of our Universe. Most importantly, the research has impacted the future generations to learn more. This source will be included into my project by giving specific details of where NASA incorporated technologies have really saved our lives through safety, health, etc. Wright, Mike. Wernher von Brauns Support for the Imaginary Arts. Marshall Space Flight Center History Office. NASA, Web. 1 Feb. 2012. <>. This source showed me some information on Dr. Wernher von Braun and initially provided me with some background knowledge about where he came from, what he did, and how he was important to NASA. He first started off leading a successful rocket group in Russia make V-2 liquid rockets. Then when he came to NASA, he was apart of the team that made Americas first rocket , Explorer 1, orbit in space. This source will be incorporated into my project as i can use it to showcase some background information about Dr. Braun and his main contributions to NASA, ultimately advancing America.