Tender Narmada FR

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.

Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


Bid Document

Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply project for providing

FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR water
supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission
mains, Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system and civil,
mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works including Geo-tagging
complete job as per scope & specifications on Single Point Responsibility
Basis Turnkey Contract including necessary Design and Operation &
maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under
Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)

NIT No.20/2023-24

Estimated Cost: Rs. 432.15 Cr


Chief Engineer (Project)

Public Health Engineering Department,
Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Tel : 0291-2651700 (O) Email:[email protected]

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

ol-qfmq T€q srfuq-f,r qfutrn{r
q"r ENeq orfuqrBot fuTm Gl)qg( {5ffi

r{qqT w wr e.w-d fttarmq
q-qg{ I

fuqq:- Keva Choudhary

orgorfiq eH Gilq-rq r{qcT, Nrs rrsr zo ,/ zozt-24 qffqr{ ri n fr-fr-ql
gcnRFr OTi erqq t

wt-ff l,iffio {fl q, d rlq erqorfi-q qffi qTriilT v{qrT, Nrs sst zo/zozt-zq fr
qfr Tq sT,qe oifr ft-sqTor frt<-{ t m qqqT v-s{erFr dt-f, Bqrqq qT{ffiirT orBftqq 2012 \rq
ftqq zors d orgrrx ftqEsn frefRri rrqqrq c-+ n qqr-rvFi osri mr aaq a-nri gs kf, {s
olqfdq o) nBo o-Eri or +rq o-Edi | :-
1. \_6 U@ fftq tF-f, rlflarq qa ei-q qqrcr Eqr{ or e-rrt GrD.o qfui d qRild{ qreil yo
ql'q r<-fl-q gc< tB-o rfll.4r{ q-r, *q
2. T6d qR-qrdl qror ym" orfu-f, ,il{fru w{ o-r 3tffi tfuf, v+qrqR e-r

tl-dr{ :- ard gq rr.lme oifr

dU rPe*)
gq oTfufiilr qRdq-{T
cr=r ET. orft. fdqr.r ftg{
ry16^- gg oR1*o st /d/ o$ qTft /zozt-z+/?SS-ytll ft-qT6 Vl-S@C
q'frftrft:- frq G enqrco otffi fu t ' t
o'r rlamei nR--o B
1 yw etMm (mo-66, gq ilo-ffi qI({rr, GrRsq \-fl.q.q.vq,ff, qqg{
2. frfu"q lsdr{f,N Tq gq Mffir, uxvq Ts.q.s.\'q.fr, q-qgy
3 Ts orftzrdT $oq-5 srrq/qrftqZ eT6fr 1.q 1'{erxsq/fr qR), q=r EN€-s erftulBr+t
E"rrrT, q-qg{ / (frrq.qfr) q.ir
4. GIRR-ff gw otMm (v..r.r. fu. qM-qqT/fe qam,/A-a Ffiu), q;r {qnes erffi
furilrT, ai)qgi
5. G{frR-dfl 5w uMm, q;r rqxaq efirqBrot frqrT, qM-s-{r e}d eTG+i
6. GTsfte1q orftq-dT, q=r aqNaq G{ffi furTq, qMo-qT gd dqgq/ Ers+{ /qTfr Zel-q}-i
/ do{sT /d--f,e-{
7. GTfieTrr orft-qnT, qq lqxaq erffi fuTFT, Ta qrfrrzfutr-frZur-d"q/ qrsiy
/ffi-i/TrR Ta dqgq/fu-mT go dugi
B. qffi 3IRqdT, qq WT. oIft. frt'TIIT, qmqqT E;rs qelrt / Ffiq
qTdYZfi-rqdTwalv t

e Gfffi Grfrq-ar, qq wr. orts frqFr, qm-sqT su-s-.......... (wu-r<)

r o qlBs eN, orqfaq aror

sf,rq '- qH otTriilT T{qrT

cFr FrT. uft. fq.Trrr ftg{

TeL. O29l-2651700 E-mail : ri [email protected]

No. CE(P)/PHED/Ju /Ar. Sanchorel23-241 -fqS- g\, Date: gt I slz.oz3

Short Term Notice Inviting Bid (NIB No. 2Ol2023-241
Bid for Execution of works related to "Drinking water supply proJect for providing
FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR watei
supply project" viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRS, PILIJ of Transmission
mains, Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system and civil,
mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete
job as per scope & specifications on Single Point Responsibitity Basis Turnkey
Contract including necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 1O years
(upto VTCI after 1 year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) are
invited from interested bidders up to 19l06l2023, 18:00 Hrs. Other particulars of the
bid and subsequent amendments/corrigendum issued (if any) may be visited on the
procurement portal (http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in, http: llsppp.raj.nic.in) of the state;
and http: llphedwater.rajasthan.gov.in. The estimated value of procurement is Rs.
432.t5 Cr,

Chief Engineer Project
PHED Jodhpur
Tel. Q29I-2651700 E-mail : rj-cejod@nic'in


Online Bids are hereby invited on behalf of the Honble Governor of Rajasthan for the
following work on Singie Responsibility Turnkey Basis (Design, Build, Operate & Maintain)
from eftble enlisted. "AA' class contractors of PHED, Rajasthan and meeting eligibility
criteria. Contractors enlisted with other departments of Government of Rajasthan and
enlisted with CpWD/ postal/ Telecom/ Railways/ MES/ other State Government/ Central
Government undertakings/ organizatton in class equivalent to "AA" class of Rajasthan and
meeting prescribed etfruiuty- criteria may also apply after depositing prescribed Bid
Securit!. betails of this Uia notin"ation and pre-qualification criteria can also be seen in NIB
exhibited on web site qww.dipr.rqia,qthan.eoy.in, hltp:l/phedwater.rajasthan.gov.in,
online elecironic format on web site httP:/ /eproc.rajasthan.gov.in.
1 NIB No 2012023-24
2. Work Description Execution of works related to "Drinking water supply
project for providing F'HTCs in 277 villages of Distt'
iatore through Narmada Canal based FR water supply
project" viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRS, P/L/J
of Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system,
Village distribution system and civil, mechanical,
electiical & instrumentation works including Geo-
tagging complete Job as Per scope & specifications on
Singte Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract
including necessary Design and Operation &
maintenance for 1O years (upto VTCI after 1 year
defect liability period under
3. Estimated Cost Rs 432.15 Crore
4. Bid Security Rs 8,64,30,000 (@ 2oh of NIB cost for enlisted contractors
rutside their zone of enlistment) or Rs. 2,16,07,500 (@
).Soh of NIB cost for enlisted contractor in class "AA" with
PHED Rajasthan within their zone of enlistment) or as pel
5. Cost of Bid ffr.Co"t of Bid document (Rs. 30,000/-) and RISL /
Documents, RISL Processing Fee (Rs. 2,500l-) shall be deposited through
Charges and Bid Single e-GRASS Challan (Website http: / /egras.raj'nic'in 1n
DMSION JALORE (DDO Code LL234l" in the followin1
budget heads of account. For this purpose bidder shal1
have to qenerate their profile on @'in'
Cost of Bid 075-00-800- 52-0 1 -Nivida
document shulk ki praptiya
RISL / processing fee 8658-00- lO2- 16 -O2- Nirman
Bid Security 8443-00- 108-00-00- Lok
Nirman karya iama
@ also be given in the form of banker's
cheque or demand draft or Bank Guarantee of a
nationatized/scheduled bank in the specified format. The
bank guarantee or electronic bank guarantee (e-BG] for bid
securily must be valid for thirty days beyond the original or
.*terrd"d ,alidity period of the bid. The e'Gras challan and
Original banker's cheque or demand draft or Bank
Guarantee or electronic bank guarantee (e-BG) shall be
physically submitted in the oflice of Chief Engineer
Project, PHED, JodhPur.
The scanned copy of e-Gras challan and banker's cheque
or demand draft or Bank Guarantee or electronic bank
guarantee (e-BG) (if applicable) is required to be uploaded
with the technical bid in envelope-A.
6. Additional As per RTPP Rules amended uP to date
7. Completion Period 20 months
8. Defect Liability 12 Months
9. Operation & tO yeats (After completion of 12 Months Defect Liability
Maintenance Period) upto VTC.
ed plan, complete specifications, the schedule
of quantities of the various classes of work to be done and the set of conditions of
contract to be complied with by the persons whose bid may be accepted, which will
also be printed in tfre form of bids, can be seen & downloaded from website
http:/ /eproc.rajasthan.gov.in, http:/ /phedwater.rajasthan.gov.in and
http : / / sppp.rajasthan. gov.in.
(b) Th; of lia document is to be to be deposited through e-GRAS challan (Website
irttp://eeras.rai.nic.in) in Favour of "EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, PHED, PROJECT
Dn[sIoN jel,onB tpDo Code Ll,zg4l" Budget Head frko gw ff eIfrvi' (0075-0-800-52-
S. No. Events Date & Time Location
a Availability of bid Ot106l2O23 at website
documents on Web Site 18:00 Hrs to uP to http : / f eproc.r ajasthan. gov.in
19l06l2023, 18:00
b Joint site visit 07 l06l2023 at Office of Executive Engineer,
11:00 Hrs PHED, Project Division Jalore
C Pre-bid Meeting 08l06l2023 at Office of Chief Engineer
15:00 Hrs Project, PHED Jo44Pt!
d Last Date & time for up to 79 l06 12023, website
online submission of Bic 18:00 Hrs http: / I eproc.raiasthan. gov.in
e Submission of Bid Fee, up to 20l06l2023, Office of Chief Engineer
RISL charges and Bid 14:00 Hrs Project, PHED JodhPur
Security (physical) and
other mandatorY
f Date of opening of Pre- 2010612023 at Office of Chief Engineer
Orralification bid. 16:00 Hrs Proiect, PHED JodhPur
C Date of opening of Price Will be intimated to OfIice of Chief Engineer
bid all pre- qualified Project, PHED JodhPur
e submissions shall remain
case of holiday on the date
fixed (as detailed above) and for all other activities, in
mentioned above, the activities assigned on that date shall be carried out on the
Compliance Requirements Submission
Qualiflcation Criteria Requlrements
s. Joint Venture
No. Single
Factor Requirement Entity All partles Each One
combined Member member
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 O Financial Criteria
1.1 Average Average Annual Must meet Must meet Must meet Lead Certificate
Annual Turnover of the requireme requiremen at least partner of CA with
Turnover bidder during the nt i.e. Rs. t i.e. Rs. looh of must meet audited
last 3 year shall not Rs. Rs. requiremen at least balance
be less than Rs. 2,59,29,OO 2,59,29,O0, t. i.e. Rs. 51% of the sheets.
2,59,29,OO,OOO ,000 000 25,92,90,O requiremen F'orm FIN 1
00 t i.e. Rs. with
t,32,23,79, attachments
t.2 Net Worth Net worth of the Must meet Must meet Must meet Must meet Certificate
bidder should be requireme requiremen requiremen requiremen of CA with
t t audited
positive as on the nt t
last date of sheets.
previous financial Form FIN 1
year; calculated as with
the difference attachments
between total
assets and totai
1.3 Credit Limit Credit limit (fund Must meet Must meet Must Lead
meet Letter from
based and non- requireme requiremen at least partner must Bank(s) in
fund based) nt t looh of meet at least attach Form
unutilized and i.e. Rs. Rs. requiremen il% of the FIN-2 for
t -equirement. Credit limit
available with the 64,82,25,O 64,82,25,O
Bidder shall not be 00 00 i.e. Rs. i.e. facility.
less than l5o/o of 6,48,22,50 Rs.
the estimated cost 0 33,05,94,7
i.e. Rs. 432.15 Cr. 50
x l5o/o = Rs.
1.4 Bidding Bidding Capacity of Must meet Must meet Must meet Lead partner Calculation
Capacity the bidder requireme requiremen at least must meet of Bidding
calculated as below nt t look of at least Capacity
requiremen 51% of the and Liability
on the last date of i.e. Rs. i.e. Rs.
t. i.e. Rs. requirement. (commitmen
submission of NIB 4,32,r5,00 43,21,50,O i.e. t) of present
shall not be less ,000 00 Rs.2,20,39,6 works in
than estimated cost 5,000 hand
of the work i.e. Rs. affidavit on
432.15 Cr. Stamp
Bidding Capacity = paper of Rs.
3xAxN-B s00/-
Where Attach Form
Maximum FIN.3
annual turnover of
the bidder in last
three linancial
years (Weighted to
present year)
N= Stipulated
period ol execution
of contract under
bid in years.
(commitment) of
present works in
hand during the
Compliance Requirements Submlssion
Qualification Criteria Requirements
s. Joint Venture
Single One
No. Factor Requirement Entity All parties Each
combined Member member
3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2
period of execution
of contract to be
Note: Bidder shall
submit calculation
with details of all
works in hand as
on bid submission
date with affidavit.
The bidder have to
inlorm the
department if there
is any change in
calculation up to
last date ol bid
otherwise the
information shall be
deemed to be on
last date of bid
If any work is
awarded under JV
then liability of the
bidder firm in work
to be considered in
the proPortion of
the stake/share of
firm under JV
agreement in that
Vlust meet \llust meet Must meet Affidavit &
1.5 Financial The Bidder(s) shall VIust meet
lacing 'equirement "equirement :equirement requirement Certificate
Stability not be lrom CA 1n
recovery f enclosed
insolvency Form FIN 4
proceedings from &FIN1
institutions (FIsf /
Corporate Debt
(CDR)/ National
Company Law
Tribunal (NCLT)
under InsolvencY
and BankruPtcY
Code (IBC| or Debt
Recovery Tribunal
(DRT) or facing anY
winding up
proceedings in the
last 3 financial
years and uP to the
date of bid
Bidder/all JV
partners must bq
Compliance Requirements Submission
Qualification Criterla Requirements
s. Joint Venture
No. Factor Requirement All parties Each One
combined Member member
4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3
prolit making in at
least any 3 years in
last 5 financial
General Notes:
'v"v""'b requirements:

1. Joint Venture (JVf shall be allowed for thls bid with thev following I

i) Number of JV members shall not exceed two' I

ii) AII JV entities shall be Indian firms/companies' ^^.I 3"1

iii) All other provisions of Rule 39 of *The Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement
Rules, 20
shall be aPPiicable.

2. Prescribed Time for considering Experience of works:


., bel
The works completed by bidders in last 7 financial years and up to date of bid submission

considered for Project and Key Component Experience' I

3. Additional weightage in turnovers of previous years:

the same
a) An additional weighta ge @lO"h per year shall be given to turnovers of previous years to bring
escalation the AS illustrated below:
Year Annual Turnover Effective Annual TO at prese{glggleygl
20t9-20 A 1.33 x A
2020-21 B l.2l xB
2021-22 C ].lxC
2022-23 D 1.00 xD
a tf'" 1'""rs immediately preceding the year
for instance, for bids received ""
in FY 23-24, the 3 preceding -ri-- - years
--^^-^ ^L- il be
during which bids are received;
bidder is permitted
^^.--:+1^l to
+^ -,'1-
2O2O-21 to 2022-23.If audited Balance Sheet of 2022-23 is not available,
audited balance sheets of 3 years preceding 2022-23 i.e. 2OL9-20,2020-21 & 2021-22
b) Additional welghtage on cost of works completed in previous yeafs:
An additional weightage @lo% per year shall be given to the cost (capital and O&M) of
to current price ievel to account lor
projects/ schemes/works during previous years to bring the same
price escalation over the years, as illustrate
Year Cost of Project Eff""ti"" of executed project at Present price level
"."t 1.77 x D
2016-17 D
2017-18 E 1.61 x E
2018-19 F 1,46 x F
2019-20 G 1.33 x G
2020-21 H l.2l xH
2021-22 I 1.10 x I
2022-23 J 1.00 x J
preceding the
Note: The Seven preceding FinancialI Years shall be considered as the years immediately
year during which bids are received; for instance, for bids received in FY 2023-24, til.e Preceding Years
shall be 2016-17 to 2022-23.
The works which have been completed and commissioned during the last 7 years
up to the date of
earlier, shall be considered for experience purposes'
submission of bid, though may have commenced
net worth shall be as per certificate from CA based on audited balance
The average annual turiover and
gears shall be
sheets of immediate preceding last 3 Iinancial years. The three preceding financial
bids are receiued; for instance, for
considered as the gears immediatelg preceding thi gear during which
i""ii If audited Batance strcet of
,i;;';;;;;;; zi z+, the 3 precedins s"i" sniu be 2020-21 to 2022-23.

2019-20. 2020-21 & 2021-22.

5. The certihcat. of li*it i"sued by bank shall be of period within 3 months from date of opening of pre-
qualification bid. ".ilit
All the Bidders shall submi t a notarized affidavit on Rs 500/ - non
judicial stamp paper for financial
stability along with certilicate from the Bidder's chartered Accountant.
(UDIN) mentioned on it'
7. The certificate from CA shall have Unique Document Identification Number
considered ir
B. The successful experience period of o&M under Defect Liability Period shall also be
during liability period (DLP) are mentioned ir
qualifying experiente of o&M. If no charges for o&M defect
with ar
qualifying contract, then o&M charges or olp can be counted towards qualifying experience
estimated value of 90 ok of OA
Compliance Requirements Submisslon
Qualification Criteria Requirements
s. .Ioint Venture
Single One
No. Factor Requirement All parties Each
Entity member
combined Member
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.O Technical Experience Criteria:
The bidder should have experience of the following works related to water supply schemes/projects durinS
last 7 years up to the date of submission of bids :
2.1 Project Execution and Must meet Must meet N/A Lead Certificate
Execution successful requirement requirement partner from client
(Contract of commissioning/ of must meet Copy of
similar one of the following: requlreme work order
nature) ,a) Three similar nt
;rorks each costing
not less than 4Ooh of
[he estimated cost of
bid i.e. Rs.
+,32,15,00,000 x
IOo/o =
Rs 1,72,86,00,OOO

[b) Two similar works

each costing not less
[han SOoh of the
estimated cost of bid
Rs.4,32,15,00,000 x
SOV> = Rs

(c) One similar work

costing not less than
8Oo/o of the estimated
cost ol bid i.e. Rs
4,32,15,00,000 x 807o
= Rs 3,45,72,00,000
@issioned water supply scheme/project
A. pipeline component olminimum 1O7o value of total scheme/project cost olwhich experience certilicate
is being submitted by the bidder.
B. The bidder is required to have experience of pipeline as per above point A and any one additional
component out oikey components i, tfre
2.2 Construction Experience of Key Components
2.2.1 Pipe Line Should have Must meet Must meet N/A Lead Certificate
experience of requirement requirement partner from client
laying, jointing, must meet copy of
testing and requireme work order
commissioning of nt
pipeline in a
drinking water
supply project/
(il of minimum
150mm nominal
dia pipeline for
minimum length
of 414m.
(ii) of minimum
length of pipeline
of all types and
diameters (min.
nominal dia. 75
mm) of 5O0Km.
Compliance Requirements Submission
Qualification Criteria Requirements
s. Jolnt Venture
Single One
No. Factor Requirement All parties Each
Entity member
combined Member
4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3
2.2.2 Pumping Should have Must meet Must meet N/A Must meet Certificate
minimum requirement requirement the from client,
experience of requiremen I Copy of
installation/ t work order
replacement and
commissioning of
including EMI
works (cumulative
in KW), in a single
pump house of 73
O&M for minimum
2 years pumPing
sets ol equal to or
more than 742 KW
in a single contract
Shoutd have Must meet Must meet N/A Must meet Certificate
2.2.4 CWR/GLSR
minimum requirement requirement the from client,
/GLR requiremen Copy of
experience of
t work order
execution and
commissioning of
structure of
capacity equal to
167 KL of any
Should have Must meet Must meet N/A Must meet Certificate
2.2.5 OHSR
requirement requirement the from client,
experience of requiremen Copy of
execution and t work order
commissioning ol
one RCC OHSR oi
capacity equal to
100KL of OHSR
3.O O&M Experi,ence
Successlul Must meet Must meet N/A Lead Certificate
3.1 O&M of from client
completion of O&M requirement requirement Partner
of one (1) similar Must meet Copy of
/ Project the work order
work for at least
two (2) years with t
actual contract
value (Capital +
O&M) not less than
2O'h of
Rs. 4,32,15,00,000
(i.e. Rs. 86,43,00,000)
completion of O&M
of one (1) similar
work for at least
two (2) years having
contract value of
O&M per annum
not less than
O.25% of Rs.
(i.e. Rs. 108,03,750)
Compliance Requirements Submission
Qualification Criteria Requirements
s. Joint Venture
Single Each One
No. Factor Requirement All parties
Entity member
combined Member
4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3

ieneral Notes:
l. Criteria of experience of 'Project Execution'as per 2.1 'similar work(s)'means an executed, completed and
commissioned water supply scheme/project having: (A) Pipeline component of minimum 107u value of
total scheme/project cost of which experience certificate is being submitted by the bidder. (B) Il there are
2 key components in the work being put to bid (key component as defined in point no. 5 of Part A), then
the bidder is required to have experience of at least one component as per above point A i.e'
pipeline' (C) If
there are more than 2 key components in the work being put to bid, then the bidder is required to have
experience of pipeline of pipeline as per above point A and any one additional component out of key
components in the work put to bid. (Pumping Machinery, CWR, OHSR)'
2. Criteria of 'Construction Experience of Key Components' as per 2.2, shall be applicable for only those
components of the project/scheme which are included in the list mentioned in explanatory note
as per
applicable criteria.
3. For Experience of pipeline work as per 2.2.1 , the experience of specific size pipeline criterion(ii)no' 2'2'l(il
of total length of pipeline criterion no.2.2.1 can be in
sha11 be in a single contract, but the experience
specilic size/length and total length can be met from
two contracts. The requirement of the component's
the same OR dilferent contracts.
4. Criteria of ,Experience of o&M of scheme/project' as per (3.0) shall be appliable for schemes/projects
Similar work for
execution with O&M of 5 years or more and bid cost of work more than Rs. 100 Crore'
the experience of O&M of scheme / project means, O&M ol a drinking water supply scheme/project
having at least 2 components similar to those included in the scope of the tender (Pumping
5. Each member of the JV should have qualifying construction experience ol at least one key
under different contracts of execution and
6. Experience of execution and o&M may be in same contract or
7, For considering experience of a bidder for any work executed under JV; Bidder shall submit relevant
document/ certificates for evidence'
g. Experience certificate shall be considered only if, it is issued by an officer not below the
rank of Executive
Engineer or equivalent for the work u*uid"d by State Governments/Central Government or their
undertakings and autonomous bodies'
9. For project Execution experience the works which have been completed and commissioned
during the last
7 years up to the date oi submission ol bid, though may have commenced earlier, shall be considered for
experience purPoses.
orders, then both
10. If single NIB for a work has been invited and work order has been given in two splitted
tn" orders shall be considered jointly for experience purposes' Bidder shall submit relevant
documents/certificate for evidence.
f f erp..i""ce ol O&M of 2 years in an ongoing contract with scope of more than 2 years shall also be
(l{)Ilsl(lElcu. ^-,^.^ +L^,,^L
gvgll lrruu<rr -^t
rrvL l,,ll',
rurr) nnmnlefed

4.0 Historical Contract Non-Performance:

History of Must Meet Must Meet Must Must Meet tlldaut on

I t'he prospectivt
non- Requiremen Requiremen Meet the tamp Paper of
>idder should no
Requirem Requiremen s. 500 in
rave been undet t. nclosed FORM
contracts ent.
)ategory o IN-5
:lacklisted / debarred
br non-performancr
rr due to other breact
rf contract / RTPI
lules / Unde
'WF&AR Rules on thr
ast date o
rubmission of bid
was over ruled b1
(i) Non-performance shall include all contracts except where Employers decision
the comPetent authoritY.
by the Bidder
(ii) Parameters of History of Non-Performing Contract also applies to Contracts executed
mentioned at
S. Bids submitted online will be opened on the scheduled date at specified time
committee in the office of Chief Engineer
Serial No. 3 (f) in the Table above by bid opening
Project, PHED JodhPur.
6. Before electronically submitting the Bids, it should be ensured that all theand Bid papers
including conditions of contract and e- grass challans are properly uploaded digitally
signed ty tfre Bidder. Bidders shall submit their offer online in electronic format on above
mentioned website at time and date mentioned herein above.
7. The work is to be completely finished to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge within work.
months from the 10th day after the date of written/e-mailed order to commence the
g. Bid Security is @ 0.5% of Bid cost for contractors enlisted in Class "AA" or above in PHED,
Rajasthan u. p-.. rules and @ 2.0 % of Bid cost for eligible contractors participating
outside their enlistment zone but the amount to the extent of full bid security shall be
liabletobeforfeitedintheeventof circumstancesexplainedatclause 17.7 of ITB'
g, Bids received without bid security will not be opened and shall be rejected'
10. Bid document cost, RISL charges and Bid Security shall be deposited through e-Challan
in respective head as mentioned in table above for general details of bid. The Bid Security
may also be deposited in the form of a banker's cheque or demand draft or Bank
Guarantee or el,ectronic bank guarantee (e-BG). Scanned copy of the e-challan
Bank or electronic bank guarantee (e-BG)
banker,s cheque or demand draft or Guarantee
(if applicable), as a proof, shall be uploaded at the time of submission of Bid and in
original Bank Guarantee towards Bid Security (if applicable) shall be deposited
date and time for its
office of the chief Engineer Project, PHED Jodhpur before the due
(e-BG) or any
11. The contractor has to furnish bank guarantee or electronic bank guarantee Performance
acceptable form of security for an amount equal to the full amount
amount, before or at the time of executing agreement' In
Security @ lO% of work order
as above'
that case Bid Security may be refunded only after furnishing of bank guarantee replace
During execution of work- or after completi,on of the work also a contractor (e-BG) for
the security deposit by furnishing bankguarantee or electronic bank guarantee
as shown
an equal a-or.rt. However, during .".",itio., of the work if cost of work exceeds
shall be deducted from
at the time of furnishing bank guarantee, balance security deposit
the Running Account Bills.
may submit
L2. A contractor may, however, at the time of signing of contract agreement
option for deduciion of Performance Security from iach running and final bill @ looh of
of the contract
the amount of the bill, which shall be refunded as per rules on completion
be adjusted while
as per terms and conditions. The Bid Security deposited shall however
deducting security deposit from first running bill of the contractor' There will be no
maximum limit of security deposit.
13. All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to theofGovernment
under the terms of his contract may be dLducted from or paid by the sale a
part of his performance Security, or from interest arising there from, or from any sums,
which may be due or may become due to the Contractor by the Government on any
being reduced by reason of
account whatsoever, and in the event of his security Deposit
any such deduction or sale as aforesaid, the contractor shall within ten days thereafter,
make good in cash or bank guarantee -tfo..=.id, or electronic bank guarantee (e-BG) of
Nationa-iized/Scheduled bank ," any sum of sums which may have been
deducted from or raised by sale or his Performance Security or any part thereof'
14. The bidder should have valid GST Registration at the time of submission of bid from the
concerned department authorities, without which the bids may not be entertained'
1S. The bid for works shall remain open for acceptance for the period of 90 days from the date
of opening of pre-qualification/ technical bid or up to such period as detailed out in bid
16. If any bidder withdraws his bid prior to expiry of validity period as mentioned above of the
mutually extended period o. makes modificalions in the rates, terms and conditions
or fails to
bid within the said validity period, which are not acceptable to the department,
commence the work in the specified period/ fails to execute the agreement' the
liberty to forfeit
department shall without prejudice to anyother right or remedy be at
amount of Bid Security glri., i.t "rry io.- absotutely. If any contractor, not complete
who having
submitted a bid does not execute the agreement or start the work or does
debarred from
the work and the work has to be p,it to re-bidding, he shall standand other action
participating in such re-bidding in adiition to forfeiture of Bid Security
under agreement, If there is strong justification of believing that the bidder or his
authorized has been guilty of mal-prattices such as submission of forged
influencing individually or politically, his offer wilt be liable to rejection and in such case
his Bid Security shall be forfeited.
17. Enlisted contractors will be required to pay Bid Security @ O.5% of the estimated cost of
work put to tender, while bidding within the jurisdiction of enlisting authority under Rules
for Enlistment of Contractors, but the amount to the extent of full Bid Security shall be
liable to be forfeited in the event of circumstances explained as above.
18. All bids, in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or which have been
vitiated by errors in talculations, totaling or discrepancies in figures or words or other
discrepancies, will be liable to rejection.
19. No conditio.r"l bids shall be accepted and such bids will be rejected summarily forthwith.
20. The acceptance of the bid will rest with the competent authority who does not bind itself
to accepi the lowest bid, and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids
received without assigning any reason.
21. No refund of bid fee is claimable for bids not accepted or forms not submitted.
22. All other conditions shall be prevailing as detailed out in the departmental bid document
(in the respective sections/ volumes).
28. The bidders who are interested in bidding can download bid documents from
http: // eproc. rajasthan. gov. in.
24. Bidders who wish to participate in this bid will have to register on
http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in.To participate in online bids, bidders will have to procure
digital signaturi certificates (Typo- II or III) as per IT act- 2000 using which they can sign
their eleitronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any CCA approved certifying
agency, i.e. TCS, Safe crypt, code etc. or they may contact E-procurement cell Dept' of
& C GoR for further assistance. Bidders who already have a valid digital certificate need
not procure a new Digital Certificate. Contact No. 014l-4022688 (Help desk 1O AM to 6
pM on all working diys) email.: [email protected] Address: E- Procurement Cell'
RISL, Yojana Bhawan, Tilak Marg, C- Scheme, Jaipur
25. Bidder shall submit their offer online in Electronic formats both for technical &Financial
proposals with bid fees, bid processing fees and Bid Security. However the Original Bank
Guarantee or electronic bank guaranGe (e-BG) towards Bid Security (if opted) should
submitted manually in the oifice of bidding Authority (Chief Engineer Project, PHED
Jodhpur) before prescribed date and time and scanned copy of e-Challans should also be
uploaded along with the online bid.
26. Bidder shall ensure that scanned copy of all the certificates required and mentioned in
Volume-l of bid document are attached with bid'
27, Tne bidder shall ensure that scanned copy of all the schedules as asked in bid document
have been filled up(where ever required) ind attached with the bid submitted in
29. The department will not be responsible for any delay on account of late submission of bid
due to online submission.
29. All original documents, Stamp papers, Bank guarantee etc, uploaded must be submitted
prior to scheduled date of opening of technical bid'
BO. Before electronically submitting the Bids, it should be ensured that all the Bid
including conditions of contract are digitally signed by the Bidder'

Chief E)lgineer ProJect

PHED, Jodhpur
Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I



1 General 1.1 BID COST (Bid Document fee, RISL/Processing fee, Bid
Informatio Security)
n Bid document cost, Bid security and RISL charges shall be
deposited through e-Gras Challan in respective head as per
details given in NIB and copy of the e-Gras Challan, as a
proof, shall be uploaded at the time of submission of Bid.
Bid received without bid fee, RISL/processing fee, bid
security or with part bid security shall be rejected out-
The Executing Agency of this project is the Public Health
Engineering Department (PHED) Rajasthan through the Chief
Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur (as Engineering In
Charge of Work), Superintending Engineer, PHED, Project
Circle-Sanchore (as member of DWSM) and EXECUTIVE
concerned VWSC (Village Water and sanitation
The works described in this tender document are considered
to be a Single responsibility Contract. The bidder shall quote
his rates on Percentage premium basis, ie % above/below
BoQ. The Contractor is responsible for the entire site
reconnaissance, field investigations, design, drawing,
implementation, testing & commissioning, operation &
maintenance of the work as described in the bid documents.
The name of the work under this contract is "Execution of
works related to “Drinking water supply project for
providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through
Narmada Canal based FR water supply project” viz. Pump
Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission mains,
Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system
and civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works
including Geo-tagging complete job as per scope &
specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis
Turnkey Contract including necessary Design and
Operation & maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after 1
year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

1.4 All works, proposed for execution under the Contract, are
notified in the bid document under the headline “Scope of
work” and “Technical Specifications”.
1.5 The Bidder shall read the specification and study the
conceptualand other bid drawings carefully before submitting
the bid.
1.6 The Bidder is required to study all instructions, forms, terms
& conditions and other details in the bid documents. Failure
to furnish information required by the bid documents or
submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the bid
documents in every respect will be at the Bidder's risk and
may result in rejection of its bid.
1.7 The bidder shall sign a declaration under the official Secrets
Act for maintaining secrecy of the bid documents, drawings or
other records connected with the work given to him in form
given below.
“I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the bid documents,
drawings and other records, connected with the work, as
secret confidential documents and shall not communicate
information derived there from to any person to whom I/We
am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the
information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the
Failure to observe the secrecy of the bids will render bids of
the Bidders, liable to summary rejection.
1.8 The sitefor execution of the work will be made availableas
soon as the work is awarded. In case, it is not possible for the
Department to make the entire site available after the award
of the work in one goal, the Bidder shall arrange his working
program accordingly. No claim, whatsoever, for not giving the
site in full on award of the work or for giving the site
gradually in parts will be tenable. The Bidder may satisfy
himself regarding site, acquisition of land approach roads etc.
1.9 Bidders shall submit only unconditional bids. Conditional
bids are liable to be rejected summarily. The bid documents
show already the specific terms and conditions on which bids
are required by the Department, Hence all bids should be in
strict conformity with the bid documents and should be
fulfilled in, wherever necessary, and initialed. Incomplete bid
is liable to be rejected. The terms and conditions of the bid
documents are firm; as such conditional bids are liable to be
1.10 The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the
Apprenticeship Act 1961 and the rules and orders issued
there under from time to time. If he fails to do so his failure

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

will be a breach of the contract and the original sanctioning

authority in his discretion may cancel the contract. The
contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability
arising on account of violations by him of the provisions of
the act.
The Bidder shall comply with the provisions of Labour
Laws/Contract labour laws 1970 and 2014 and Employees
Provident fund rules 1952.
1.11 If it is found that the tender is not submitted in proper
manner, or contains too many corrections and or
unreasonable rates or amounts, it would be open for the
competent authority not to consider the tender, forfeit the
amount of bid security and /or de-list the contractor.
1.12 The quantity and estimated cost of work shown in NIB is
approximate and subject to variation. The supplies shall have
to be arranged according to the requirement, so as to
complete the work on or before the expiry of the contract
1.13 General directions and descriptions of work and materials
given in the Specification or shown on the Drawing are not
necessarily repeated in the Price Schedule and reference is to
be made to the Specification and the Drawings for this
2 Address 2.1 All communications in reference to this bid are to be made to
for Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur.
3 Time for 3.1 Total completion period for execution of works, including
Execution testing, commissioning and trial run shall be as mentioned in
3.2 Definitions
3.2.1 Facilities
Facilities Shall mean all works and its equipment(s),
components which have been supplied and /or installed or
designed, and/or constructed in the contract for the
“Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply
project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt.
Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR water supply
project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of
Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system, Village
distribution system and civil, mechanical, electrical &
instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete
job as per scope & specifications on Single Point
Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract including
necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 10
years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)” with associated civil,electrical,

mechanical and instrumentation works as per given scope of
work including selected part design, survey, soil investigation,
testing, trial run, commissioning and defect liability period of
the system as a whole etc. as described in this Biddocument.
3.2.2 Clause
Unless otherwise mentioned, the reference to “clause” made
in any section of the document, it shall mean referenced
clause of that section.
3.2.3 Bid & Tender or Bidder & Tenderer
The word 'Bid' and 'Tender' or word 'Bidder' & 'Tenderer'
used in the tender/bid document be treated as
synonymous. Similarly, “Earnest Money” and “Bid Security"
shall be synonymous and “Security Deposit” and
“Performance Security” shall be synonymous.
4 Defect 4.1 The defects liability period shall be of 12 months from the
Liability date of issue of the certificate for completion of works. The
Period Contractor shall be responsible for operation, maintenance
and satisfactory performance of all the works executed by
him, under all design & operation condition for the duration
of the defects liability period.
However, the work of in-village infrastructure of a particular
village is completed in all respect and commissioned, it’s the
defect liability period shall commence and after completion of
1 year defect liability period the in-village infrastructure of
that particular village shall be handed over to the VWSC for
4.2 No payment shall be made to the Contractor for O&M
during defect liability period.
5 O&M 5.1 O&M period shall be of 10 years (After completion of 12
Period Months Defect Liability Period) upto VTC and shall commence
after the completion of defect liability period. Defect liability
period will start from the next day of completion of project
including trial run & commissioning as reported in the
completion certificate issued by the department.
6 Eligibility 6.1 As given in Detailed NIB
and Pre- Note: The bidder should provide all the pre qualification
Qualificat information in the Prescribed formats along with supporting
ion documents, satisfactory work completion certificates from an
Criteria officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or
equivalent duly Self Attested / Notary attested.
7 Content 7.1 The facilities required, bidding procedures, contract terms
of and technical requirements are prescribed in the bid
Bidding documents. The bid documents include the following
CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal
Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Documen sections, and addendum’s issued till the date of submission

t of the bid:
Volume I
(a) Notice inviting Bids
(b) Instruction to Bidders
(c) Qualification and Evaluation Criteria
(d) Bidding Forms and Schedules
(e) Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms
(i) General Conditions of Contract
(ii) Special Conditions of Contract
(f) Any other document as may be necessary
(g) All Addenda issued
Volume II
Scope of Work and Technical Specifications
Volume III
Bid Drawings
Volume IV
Preamble to Price Schedule
Schedule of Prices (BOQ)
8 Cost of 8.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the
Bidding preparation and submission of its bid, and the Department
will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding process
8.2 It shall be obligatory on the successful bidder (as per order) to
pay stamp charges including cesson the contract for
preparation of contract agreement, as ruling on date of
execution of the contract agreement.
9 Site Visit 9.1 The Joint site visit will be organized by the department on
Before date mentioned in Bid Notice. The time & venue is as
Bidding indicated in the NIB. But the Bidder and its personnel will be
responsible for personal injury, loss of or damage to property
and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses incurred as a
result of the site visits if any.
The Bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to all
the conditions and circumstances affecting the Contract
price, as to the general circumstances at the site of the work,
as to the general labour position at the site, as to the
availability of construction material, water, electricity, as to
the transport conditions, as to availability of approach road,
as tothe climatic and meteorological conditions and to have
fixed his prices according to his own view of these. Bidders
are invited to visit the site with prior appointment with the
Public Health Engineering Department.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

The Department will not be responsible for the personnel of

the Bidder and for all acts in relation with the site inspection.
No claims except as otherwise expressly provided will
afterwards be accepted due to non-inspection of the site. The
Bidder shall be responsible for any misunderstanding or
incorrect information however obtained except the
information given in writing by the Department.
Omissions, 9.3 Bidders shall carefully examine the scope of work and
Errors specifications and fully inform themselves as to the
and conditions and matters, which may in any way affect the
Clarification work or the cost thereof. Should a Bidder find discrepancies
; Pre-Bid or omissions in the documents or should he be in doubt as to
Meeting their meaning he should notify the Department in writing not
later than one week before the pre-bid meeting or present his
request in written form during the pre-bid meeting. The
Department will respond to any request which is made prior
to or during the pre-bid conference. sNo such request after
the pre bid meeting shall be entertained.
Any resulting interpretation or modification of the bid
documents shall be issued to all bidders as an addendum,
which will become a part of the bid documents. The bidders
shall acknowledge in writing the receipt of each addendum.
No claims except as otherwise expressly provided will
afterwards be accepted due to non-understanding or
misinterpretation of the bid documents.
9.4 The bidders designated representative (having authority
letter) is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting which will take
place at the venue and on specified date & time mentioned in
bid notice.
9.5 Inan effort to bring all terms and conditions and
specifications of works on a common platform, before the
submission of pre-qualification and financial bids, and for
any explanation that is desired in reference to the document
mentioned in ITB clause, a pre-bid meeting shall be held.
The bidders are invited to participate in the pre-bid meeting
at the date mentioned in clause. They may conduct the site
visit prior to this meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to
clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that
may be raised at that stage. The bidders are requested to
submit any questions in writing to the department not later
than one week before the meeting.
The bidders are requested to analyze the terms and
conditions, specifications, design, drawings, quotation sheets
etc. of the document. The deviations thought necessary, along

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

with clarifications required mustbepointed out.

9.6 Bidder is requested, to submit all clarifications in writing or
by email, to reach the Department not later than one week
before the meeting or give the clarifications desired in pre- bid
meeting in writing. Request for any clarification by Bidder,
after pre-bid meeting shall not be entertained.
9.7 Any modification of the bid documents listed in ITB Sub-
Clause, which may become necessary as a result of the pre-
bid meeting, shall be made by the Department exclusively
through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to ITB Clause
10 and not the minutes of the pre-bidmeeting.
10 Amendme 10.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the
nt of Department may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative,
Bidding or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective
Documen Bidder, amend the bid documents.
10.2 The amendment will be notified on the web site
http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in and
http://sppp.rajasthan.gov.in will be binding on them.
Bidders are required to immediately take care of any such
amendment, and it will be assumed that the information
contained therein will have been taken into account by the
Bidder in its bid.
10.3 In order to provide prospective Bidders reasonable time in
which to take the amendment into account in preparing their
bid, the Department may, at its discretion, extend the
deadline for the submission of bids, in which case, the
Department will notify/ publish the extended deadline, for
submission of bids on website http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in
and http://sppp.rajasthan.gov.in as per publication rules.
11 Language 11.1 The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and
of Bid documents related to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and
the Department shall be written either in Hindi or English
provided that any printed literature furnished by the Bidder
may be written in another language, as long as such
literature is accompanied by a translation of its pertinent
passages in the language herein, in which case, for purposes
of interpretation of the bid, the translation shall govern.
12 Alteratio 12.1 No principal deviations and exceptions are allowed, in the
n of specifications and in the basic requirements of the total
designed scheme, (including effect due to addendums), such as:
components (i) Pipe material, diameter of pipe, capacity of reservoirs,
not type of pumpsetc.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

acceptable (ii) Design flow and design capacity of various components.

(iii) Number of pumps in clear water pumping station
(iv) Capacity of reservoirs
(v) All other basic requirement and capacities of systems.
However apart from such deviation other minor deviations
such as those for the material of construction of valves,
pumps, etc., made in the provisions of the technical and
financial bids submitted to provide better specifications of
material than those asked in the specifications, a statement
of deviations and exceptions to the provisions in Volume II
shall be given in Volume I. The Bidders shall enclose no price
information with respect to these deviations in Envelope A
(Pre- Qualification Bid)
The Bidder may substitute other authoritative standards,
brand names or catalogue numbers in its Bid, provided that it
demonstrates to the Department’s satisfaction that the
substitutions are equivalent or superior to those designated
in the Specifications, except if theSpecifications specially
provide otherwise (as in case of pipe material, type of pumps
12.2 Bidders, which propose any alteration in the basic
requirement, as specified in Volume I and II and its
addendum if any, or which contain any other conditions of
any sort will be liable to rejection.
12.3 Inclusion of additional equipment, civil work or other plant
and material which in the Bidder's opinion is required to
satisfy the scope of work will not constitute a deviation.
and It is expected that the Bidder will quote with a view to supply
Origin of equipment of best makes and conforming to highest
the standard. Bidder has to consider for his financial offer, only
Equipmen makes given in the list of approved makes in Volume-I of Bid
t Document. For the items not specified in the list, Bidder
should consider for his financial offer of reputed
manufacturers of equipment corresponding to the state of art
technology and to the latest Indian standards. Bidder has to
consider for his financial offer document or of any superior
make if makes are not prescribed of the items, conforming to
prescribed specifications indicated in the Volume II - “Scope
of Work & Technical specifications”. The Bidder shall quote
only one Percentage premium for all items mentioned in
Schedule of Prices Volume IV, irrespective of the finally
selected make. The Department reserves the right to reject
the offer if the makes given in Bid Document are not accepted
and alternative makes are offered. By signing his offer, the
CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal
Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Bidder agrees to supply any one make given in thebid

document and/or accepted by the Department for the price
quoted in Schedule ofPrices.
13.2 Whichever equipment is proposed in the bid or considered by
the Bidder for the financial offer, the equipment to be finally
provided in case of award shall correspond to the
specifications of the bid documents and shall be subjected to
the approval of the Engineer in Charge.Incase, the Bidder
proposes to use any imported equipment/part of
equipment/material he shall indicate so clearly in his bid and
shall be responsible for arranging import license etc. for the
same. All expenses to be incurred by the Contractor in
connection with such Importincluding customs duty shall be
included in the prices quoted.
14 Bid Form 14.1 The Bidder shall submit the Schedule of Prices - Bill of
andSched Quantities (BOQ) online on e-procurement website furnished
ule of in the bid documents as indicated therein. The terms and
Prices conditions for payments shall be in accordance with the
(BOQ) provisions of the conditions of contract(s) in Volume-I and vol.
IV of bid document referred in ITB (Instruction to Bidder)
15 Bid Prices 15.1 The Contract shall be for the complete Work, based on the
Schedule of Prices (BOQ) submitted in Volume IV.
15.2 The contractor shall satisfy himself regarding the
availability of man and the material required for execution
within the time frame prescribed for the work and if desired
shall take into account the cost of superior material to be
used as its replacement.
15.3 The Percentage premium quoted by the Bidder shall allow
for all costs including labour, materials, construction plant
and equipment, transport charges, insurance, supervision,
profit, any other expenses to fulfill the obligations towards
any clause of the bid document referred in the ITB
Clause,GST, labourcessand any other duties, levies, taxes,
cessor charges whatsoever payable to the State or Central
Department or to the Local Bodies on the components or the
completed Worksor the operation and maintenance works
and any other costs for satisfactory performance of the
Bidder’s obligations under this contract (including O&M
contract). The cost of water and power shall be payable as per
the provisions of General conditions and Special Conditions
of contract.
15.4 The BoQ rates are inclusive of all Taxes. Any variation in
taxes shall be governed under the GCC Clause 36 E.The
Bidder should online quote his Percentage premium

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

(above/ below)in prescribed Cell given in BOQ of the bid

document uploaded for online bidding.
15.5 For all imported equipment(s) or components, the Bidder
under this Contract must provide a copy of the duties paid for
the record of the department.
16 Bid 16.1 All prices shall be quoted in the Indian Rupee. The
Currency department will not arrange any foreign currencies for import
of any type of material/plant/spares etc.
17 Bid 17.1 Bid Security shall be Rs 8,64,30,000 @ 2% of NIB cost for
security enlisted contractors while bidding outside the jurisdiction of
enlisting authority or Rs 2,16,07,500 @ 0.5% of NIB cost for
contractors enlisted in Class ‘AA’ with PHED Rajasthan while
bidding within the jurisdiction of enlisting authorityunder
Rules for Enlistment of Contractors.
If a bidder participates in a bid process as a joint venture
entity, where one or more partners may be enlisted in
department individually but not listed as a joint venture
entity in the department, then the JV shall have to deposit
bid security equivalent to 2% of estimated cost of the work
The Bid Security may be given in the form Bank Guarantee in
the specified format, of a nationalized / scheduled bank or
deposit through single eGrass Challan as mentioned above.
The bank guarantee for bid security must be valid thirty days
beyond the original or extended validity period of the bid.
17.2 The Bidder should upload scanned copy of Bid Security
Deposit / Bank Guarantee along with his bid on website
http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in and shall also submit the
original Bank Guarantee (if opted) in the Office of the
Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur before the last
date and time mentioned in NIB.
17.3 Bids received without Bid-Security or with part Bid
Security shall be rejected out-rightly.
17.4 The format of the bank guarantee for Bid Security shall be in
accordance with the form of Bid Security included as
Annexure 2 to ITB in Volume I of the bid documents. The
bank guarantee for bid security must be valid for thirty days
beyond the original or extended validity period of the bid.
17.5 The receipt of official, not authorized to receive such
amount/document, will not be considered as an
acknowledgment of payment to the Chief Engineer or other
duly authorized Engineer.
17.6 The Bid security, lodged by the successful bidder, will be
adjusted towards Security Deposits. The remaining Security
Deposits may be furnished in the form of Bank Guarantee or
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in any other approved form of security in lump-sum or the

Contractor may choose to allow deduction from running
account bills to be made on account of the gross work done,
as detailed in Clause 1 of General Conditions of Contract.
17.7 The Bid security may be forfeited
(a) If the Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid
(b) If the Bidder fails within the specified time limit to sign
the Contract Agreement, in accordance with ITB Clause.
(c) If a bidder reduces the rates voluntarily or modifies his
offer voluntarily after opening of the financial bids/
negotiations, his offer shall stand cancelled
automatically, his bid security shall be forfeited and
action for debarring him from business shall be taken as
per enlistment rules.
(d) If a non-bidder offers lower rates after opening of
tenders, action for debarring him from business shall be
taken as per enlistment rules.
(e) For any other act of the bidder detailed herein, forfeiture
of Bid security.
17.8 Enlisted contractors, will be required to pay Bid Security @
0.5% of the estimated cost of work put to tender, while
bidding within the jurisdiction of enlisting authority under
Rules for Enlistment of Contractors, but the amount to the
extent of full Bid Security shall be liable to be forfeited in the
event of circumstances explained atITB Clause 17.7 above.
18 Period of 18.1 The Bid for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a
Validity period of 90 days or mutually extended period from the date
of Bid of opening of the Pre - Qualification and Technical bid. A bid
valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the department
as being non-responsive.
If any bidder withdraws his bid prior to expiry of said validity
period or mutually extended period or makes modification in
the rates, terms and conditions of the bid within the said
period, which are not acceptable to the department, or fails to
commence the work in the specified period/fails to execute
the agreement, the department shall, without prejudice to any
other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the amount of bid
security given in any form absolutely. If any Bidder, who
having submitted a bid does not execute the agreement or
start the work or does not complete the work and the work
has to be put to re-bidding, he shall stand debarred from
participating in such re-bidding in addition to forfeiture of Bid
security/Security Deposit and other action under agreement.
18.2 In exceptional circumstances, the Department may seek the

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Bidder’s consent to an extension of the bid validity period.

The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing or
by email or by fax. If a Bidder accepts to prolong the period
of validity, the Bid security shall also be suitably extended.
19 Format 19.1 The Bidder shall submit their bid in electronic format
and Digitally signing the same. Bidders who wish to participate in
Signing of this bid will have to register on
Bid http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in.Further Bidders who wish to
participate in online bids, shall procure digital certificate as
per requirement of IT Act -2000 using which they can sign
their electronic bids.
19.2 In the event of the bid being submitted by a firm, it
must be signed separately by each partner, thereof, or in the
event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on
his behalf by a person holding a power of Attorney,
authorizing him to do so Such power of Attorney will be
submitted with the bid and it must disclose that the firm is
duly registered under the Indian Partnership Act, By
submitting the copy of registration certificate. In case of a
Company, the duly authorized representative of the company
holding a valid power of attorney on the date of respective
19.3 The bid documents listed in ITB clause 7.1can be seen and
downloaded from website http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in and
http://sppp.rajasthan.gov.in. The bid documents along with
addendum’s issued till the date of bid submission, shall be
filled by the bidder and must be uploaded on website
http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in, with all enclosuresto bind the
bidder to contract.
19.4 The uploaded document of the bid shall contain no
alterations, or additions, unless notified. In case the bidder
makes any addition or correction, the provisions written in
the original document, read with the addendum or
corrigendum issued, shall prevail.
19.5 All bids, in which any of the prescribed conditions are not
fulfilled or which have been vitiated by errors in calculations,
totaling or other discrepancies or which contain over writing
in figures or words or corrections not initialed and dated, may
be liable to rejection.
19.6 The bid to the work shall not be witnessed by a bidder or
bidders who himself / themselves has / have not bided or
who may not and has / have not bided for the same work.
19.7 Before electronically submitting the bids, it should be
ensured that all the bid papers including conditions of
contract are digitally signed by the bidder.
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20 Sealing & 20.1 Bidder shall submit their bid along with all addendums as
Marking downloaded from website in electronic format digitally signing
of Bids each page/document on website
http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in up to the time & date specified
in NIB. Online offers, which are not digitally signed, will not
be accepted.
21 Submissio i) The bid shall be submitted/ uploaded online on website
n of Bids http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in with their Digital Signature.
ii) The Bid is to be submitted in 2 Covers which shall comprise
iii) Envelope-A (Pre Qualification and Technical Bid) shall
contain the pre-qualification documents & related
documents as detailed in Clause 22.1 and
iv)Envelope-B (Financial Bid) shall contain the Financial Offer
as detailed in Clause 22.2 .
v) PHYSICAL SUBMISSION: In addition to online submission
the bidder should submit the following original documents
in the office of Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur and
up to time specified in NIB. The envelope shall be
addressed to Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur
bearing the contract name, and number and date of NIB as
indicated in the NIB:
vi)Copy of Egras Challan towards deposition of cost of Bid
document, RISL processing fee
vii) Bid Security (if opted to deposit through eGRAS) and
Original Bank Guarantee towards Bid Security (if opted for
Bank Guarantee) (in case of BG, it should be on stamp
purchased from Rajasthan and should be of the value as
notified by Registration and Stamp Department, Govt of
viii) Power of attorney on Rs 100.00 stamp paper
(Annexure-3). (In original)
ix) Affidavit as per para I.19 of Appendix XVI of PWF&AR Part
II on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs 100/- (Annexure-3A).
(In original)
x) Bankers / financial institutions sanction letters for desired
fund & non-fund-based credit facilities available (shall be of
period within 3 months from (before) the date of opening of
pre-qualification bid as per form FIN-2.
xi) Form FIN-3: Available Bidding Capacity Information
anddeclaration on Rs 500/- non-judicial stamp paper (In
xii) Affidavit Form FIN-4 : Financial Stability on Rs 500/- non-
judicial stamp paper.

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xiii) Affidavit Form FIN-5: Historical Contract Non-Performance

on Rs 500/- non-judicial stamp paper (In original)

22 Submissio 22.1 Contents of Envelope-A (Pre Qualification and Technical

n of Bids Bid)
This shall contain SCANNED COPIES of pre qualification
documents and related documents as detailed below
exclusively in “pdf” format:
(a) Scanned copy of eGRAS Challan of Bid Document fee, e-
procurement processing fees/RISL fee and Bid Security
and Scanned copy of Bank Guarantee towards Bid
Security (if opted) (in case of BG, it should be on stamp
purchased from Rajasthan and should be of the value as
notified by Registration and Stamp Department, Govt of
(b) Certified copy of valid registration/ enlistment issued by
the competent authority of the department,
(c) Scanned copy of GST registration,
(d) Annexure-1 Bid Letter
(e) Annexure-3 Power of Attorney on Stamp of Rs 100.00
(f) Annexure-3A on Stamp of Rs 100.00
(g) Annexure-4 Undertaking by Bidder
(h) Annexure-5 Declaration
(i) Annexure-6 Declaration under the official secret Act
(j) Annexure-7 Declaration by the bidder regarding
(k) Annexure-8 Bid for Works
(l) Pre Qualification Schedules – Preamble to Schedules
(m) Schedule-1 : 1 Bid Forms
(n) Schedule-1 : 2 Statement having read the bid
(o) Schedule 2 Form FIN-1 along with following
I. Audited Balance Sheets & profit and loss accounts
II. Certificate of Chartered Accountant stating the
Annual turnover for last three financial years and
net worth of the firm/company as on the last date of
previous financial year (of which audited balance
sheet is available)
III. Banker certificate for credit facility as per schedule
Form FIN-2
IV. Calculation for bidding capacity as per schedule
Form FIN-3 along with affidavit on Rs 500/- Stamp
V. Affidavit on Rs 500/- Stamp Paper to demonstrate
Financial Stability in Schedule Form FIN-4 along
with Certificate of Bidder’s Chartered Accountant
with UDIN mentioned on its

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(p) Schedule 2.1 Technical Experience Crtieria along with

Client’s Certificate and copy of work order
(q) Schedule 2.2 Technical Experience Crtieria along with
Client’s Certificate and copy of work order
(r) Schedule 2.3 Technical Experience Crtieria along with
Client’s Certificate and copy of work order
(s) Form FIN-5 on Rs 500/- Stamp
(t) Schedule 3.1 Undertaking
(u) Schedule 3.2 Deviations from Technical Specifications
(v) Schedule 3.3 Deviation from Conditions of Contract
(w) Copy of Certificate of registration under Labour
Laws/Contract labour laws 1970 and 2014, Employees
Provident fund rules 1952. If the bidder is exempted
from these under rules than he should submit an
Undertaking in this regard. If the bidder who has
submitted such undertaking is declared successful than
he has to submit an affidavit on non judicial stamp of Rs
100/- that if during the course of execution of contract
such registration becomes essential than he shall got
such registration done and submit the copy of same to
the procuring entity.
(x) Bid document Vol. I, Vol-II and Vol-III and all
Addendums / Amendments / Corrigendums issued till
the date of submission of bid each page digitally signed.
(y) Preamble to Price Schedule in Volume IV of bid
document signed and stamped.
22.2 Contents of Envelope-B (Financial Bid/ Price Bid)
Financial bid (BOQ) Volume IV in .xls format digitally signed
23 Deadline 23.1 Bids shall be submitted online on website
for Bid http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in, in separate envelopes for the
Submissio Technical and Pre-qualification Bid and Financial Bid duly
n signed digitally by the authorized signatory before the
scheduled date and time for submission prescribed or
extended date thereof for on line submission.
24 Late Bids 24.1 The web site doesn’t accept electronic submission of bid after
the due date and time.
25 With- 25.1 A bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its bid online,
drawal, after it has beensubmitted but before the last date and time
substituti for submission of Bids
on and
modificat 25.2 No bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified after the
ion of last date and time for submission of Bids
26 Opening 26.1 The Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Committee will
of Bids by open the bids online on website in the presence of Bidder(s)

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Department or their authorized representative(s) who may choose to be

present at the time of bid opening. The bids shall be opened
in two stages. In first stage the technical part of the bid shall
be opened and evaluated. The financial part shall be opened
in respect of responsive bidders at a later date, which will be
informed to all responsive bidders.
26.2 In first stage, Envelope-A (Pre - Qualification & Technical
Bids) of the bids, as per clause will be online opened. The
bidders’ names, the presence (or absence) of Bid document
fee, Processing fee, Bidsecurity, and other detailsetc. such as
deviations proposed in Covering letter as per clause12, will be
announced by the Bid Opening Committee at the opening.
The bid opening committee shall prepare a list of the bidders
or their representatives attending the opening of bids and
obtain their signatures on the same. The list shall also
contain the representative’s name and telephone number and
corresponding bidders’ names and addresses. The authority
letters brought by the representatives shall be attached to the
list. The list shall be signed by all the members of bid opening
committee with date and time of opening of the bids.The
submission shall be downloaded for further examination.
27 Prelimina 27.1 The contents of the Envelope-A of the individual bids will be
ry examined summarily in order to assess their formal
Examinat conformity and agreement with the instructions and guidance
ion of to the Bidders and the completeness. Any bid not conforming
Bids to any of these requirements may be disqualified forthwith at
the discretion of Department.
Confidential 27.2 The bid will be evaluated by the Department. Information
Treatment relating to the examination, clarification and comparison of
the bidders and recommendations for the award of the
Contract shall not be disclosed to bidders or to any other
person not officially concerned with the evaluation process
until the award to the successful -Bidder has been
announced. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the evaluation
process or the recommendations and decisions for award may
result in the rejection of its bid.
Substantial 27.3 Notwithstanding the preliminary, the Department will
Bid determine the substantial bidder. Substantial bids are those
which meet the following requirements:
• Properly signed,
• Bid security declaration, Bid Fee and RISL/Processing
Fee submitted in the required form as per ITB Clause
• Responsive to all requirements of the bid documents and
the instructions to bidders,
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• Clarification and substantiation required to assess the

quality of the offer,
• No deviations and reservations affecting the scope and
quality of the work, limiting the rights of the Department
or the bidders obligations, or whose rectification would
affect the competitive position of the other substantial
27.4 If a bid is not substantially responsive it will be rejected by
the Department and will not be used for further evaluation.
The financial offers of insubstantial bidder will not be opened.
The Department’s determination of a bid’s responsiveness is
to be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse
to extrinsic evidence.
It is expressly stated that the information contained in the
Envelope A of the bid will be used to define whether a bid is
substantial or not. The Bidders are, therefore, advised to
submit complete bids only.
28 Pre- 28.1 The Department will carry out a detailed evaluation of the
Qualificat bids previously determined to be substantially responsive as
ion and per Clause 27.3 in order to determine whether the firm is
Technical qualified in accordance with the requirements set forth in the
Evaluatio bid documents. In order to reach such a determination, the
n Department will examine the information provided in the
schedules and submitted supporting document on the basis
of information supplied by the bidders.
28.2 The firms qualified will be informed by the department in due
course of time.
28.3 The Department reserves the right not to consider any
deviation that in the sole discretion of the Department is
found unacceptable. The Department shall require such
deviations to be withdrawn, for the unaccepted deviations.
The evaluation subsequently will be made on the rates quoted
for such items in original offer.
28.4 The Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur or other duly
authorized Engineer reserves the right to ask for submission
of the source of procurement for the materials for which the
bidder has quoted his rates before the bid can be considered
for acceptance. If the bidder, who is called upon to do so,
does not submit within a reasonable time of written order to
do so, the Department shall be at liberty to forfeit the said bid
security absolutely.
29 Financial 29.1 The original financial offer or the revised financial offer, as the
Evaluatio case may be, of the Pre qualified bidders whose bids are
n determined responsive will be opened at a date as notified by
the department.
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29.2 The Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Committee will

open the bids online on website in the presence of any
Bidder(s) or their authorized representatives who choose to be
present at the time of opening of financial bids, and will enter
the rate/amount of all bids in the register of Opening of Bids.
The comparative statement by default generated by web site
shall also form part of opening of bids.
29.3 The evaluation shall include all costs and all taxes and
duties applicable to the bidder as per law of the Central/State
Government/Local Authorities, and the evaluation criteria
specified in the bidding documents shall only be applied.
29.4 The financial evaluation shall be done on the quoted
rates/ percentage premium and the Bids shall be ranked on
increasing order of the bid price (Percentage rate).
30 Award 30.1 Subject to ITB Clause 31, the Department will award the
Criteria contract normally to the lowest evaluated offer of the bidder.
31 Departme 31.1 The acceptance of the bid will rest with the Department who
nt’s Right does not bind itself to accept the lowest bid and reserves to
to Accept itself the authority to reject any or all of bids receivedat any
Any Bid time prior to award of contract, without assigning any reason.
and to 31.2 The Department’s right to accept or reject any or all bids at
Reject any time prior to award of contract, will not incur any
Any or All liability, to the affected Bidder(s) or any obligation to inform
Bids the affected Bidder(s), of the grounds for the Department’s
32 Notificati 32.1 Prior to the expiry of the period of bid validity, the
on of Department will notify the successful Bidder in writing by
Award registered letter or by fax, to be confirmed in writing by
registered letter, that its bid has been accepted. The
notification of award will constitute the formation of the
contract, for all legal purposes.
33 Additiona As per Finance (G&T) Department Notification dated 22.10.2021,
l the following new rule 75A is inserted after the existing rule 75
Performa and before the existing rule 76 in RTPP Rules 2013: -
nce 33.1 In addition to Performance Security as specified in rule 75 of
Security RTPP Rules, an Additional Performance Security shall also be
taken from the successful bidder in case of unbalanced bid.
The Additional Performance Security shall be equal to fifty
percent of Unbalanced Bid Amount. The Additional
Performance Security shall be deposited in lump sum by the
successful bidder before execution of Agreement. The
Additional Performance Security shall be deposited through e-
Grass, Demand Draft, Banker's Cheque, Government
Securities or Bank Guarantee.

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Explanation: For the purpose of this rule,-

(i) Unbalanced Bid means any bid below more than fifteen
percent ofEstimated Bid Value.
(ii) Estimated Bid Value means value of subject matter of
procurementmention in bidding documents by the Procuring
(iii) Unbalanced Bid Amount means positive difference of
eighty five percentof Estimated Bid Value minus Bid Amount
Quoted by the bidder.
33.2 The Additional Performance Security shall be refunded to the
contractor after satisfactory completion of the entire work.
The Additional Performance Security shall be forfeited by the
Procuring Entity when work is not completed within
stipulated period by the contractor.
34 Signing 34.1 Within ten (10) days of department’s notice, the successful
the bidder shall sign the contract agreement. Main Agreement
Contract would be signed between concerned Chief Engineer Project,
Agreemen PHED, Jodhpur and Contractor on Stamp Paper. Value of
t Stamp would be as per rules prevailing at that time.
34.2 The following, duly filled in and signed documents, shall form
the contract agreement:
a) Form of Agreement (format enclosed)
b) Letter of award and any pre-award correspondence
between department and the Bidder
c) Bid documents contained in;
• Vol.-I : Instruction to Bidders, Pre-Qualification Criteria
and Schedules, Conditions of contract, Annexure
• Vol-II : Scope of Work and Technical Specification,
• Vol-III : Bid Drawings
• Vol.-IV : Preamble to Price Schedule, BOQ
• All addenda issued
d) The Bid Offer (as accepted by the Department)
34.3 Another “Tri-partite agreement” shall be signed for each
village separately on stamp paper of Rs. 500.00 amongst
➢ Concerned Executive Engineer PHED or authority as
authorized by DWSM
➢ Executing Agency (Contractor)
➢ If available, ISA shall also be made part of agreement.
34.4 The cost of stamp paper shall be borne by the contractor.
34.5 On acceptance of the bid, the name of the accredited
representative(s) of the Bidder (with a photograph and

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signature attested), who would be responsible for taking

instructions from the Department / Engineer in charge, shall
be communicated to the Engineer-in-charge.
34.6 After acceptance of the bid, the Bidder or all partners (in the
case of partnership firm) or the authorized representative of
the firm with a valid power of attorney will append
photographs and signatures duly attested, at the time of
execution of Agreement.
34.7 Receipts for payments, made on account of a work when
executed, by a firm must also be signed by the several
partners, except where the contractors are described in their
bid as a firm, in which case the receipts must be sighed in
the name of the firm by one of the partners or by some other
person having authority to give effectual receipts for the firm.
34.8 GST or Income Tax or any other tax in respect of the contract
or material shall be governed by provisions given in the
Conditions of Contract Deduction of Tax at source will be
made as per provisions of the Act and rules in force from time
to time.
34.9 If any Bidder, who having submitted a bid does not execute
the agreement or start the work or does not complete the
work and the work has to be put to re-bidding, he shall stand
debarred from participating in such re-bidding in addition to
forfeiture of Bid security/Security Deposit and other action
under various clauses of agreement.
35 Corrupt 35.1 The Department defines, for the purposes of this provision,
or the terms set forth below as follows:
Fraudulen i) “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or
t soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a
Practices public official in the procurement process or in contract
execution; and
ii) “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts
in order to influence a procurement process or the
execution of a contract to the detriment of the
Department, and includes collusive practice among
bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to
establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and
to deprive the benefits of free and open competition.
35.2 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Department in the
Department’s bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract
award decisions may result in rejection of the Bidder’s bid.
35.3 The Department will reject a proposal for award if it
determines that the Bidder recommended for award has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for
the contract in question.
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36 Criteria 36.1 The requirement for DI/ HDPE Pipe manufacturer for the
for pipes to be supplied under this contract shall be as per of
manufact Special Conditions of Contract and corresponding
urers of specifications
37 QA & QC 37.1 Department has issued Quality Assurance and Quality
Manual Control (QA&QC) Manual vide Order no. F(
)/CE(QC)/PHED/QC MANUAL/21-22/4026-4378 dated
02.07.2021. Contractor has to adhere to the provisions,
procedures and parameters specified in the Manual. This
QA&QC Manual shall be the part of this Bid document. In
case of award this QA&QC Manual shall be part of the
Contract agreement. Bidders are advised to go through this
Manual before bidding. Soft copy of the same can be
downloaded from PHED Rajasthan website
38 Standard 38.1 Department has issued standard drawings/designs for ESRs,
Drawings CWRs and GSRs. Standard drawings/designs of other
/Designs structures are also in process of finalization. The finalized
drawings/designs, as available during currency of contract
will be part of agreement and execution of such structures
under the contract shall be as per those drawings/designs.
However, the contractor shall re-examine such
drawings/designs and may propose modification for
additional strengthening, without any extra cost. Such
modified drawing/design shall be got vetted from any
IIT/NIT/MBM Engineering college. Final responsibility of
structural stability and safety shall be on part of contractor.
39 Payment 39.1 On request for release of running payment from the executing
to agency/contractor, a combined inspection of site
contracto (a) Up to village boundary / VTC in case of Multi Village
r Schemes will be undertaken by i.) PHED and ii.) Third
party inspection agency (if appointed).
(b) After village boundary / VTC in case of MVS and
complete scheme in case of SVS will be undertaken by i.)
VWSC ii.) PHED and iii.) Third party inspection agency (if
39.2 The agreed discussion points will be recorded and signed in a
separate 'works register' created for this purpose with VWSC.
Based on this, PHED will record the measurements in
Measurement Book (MB) and process further for making
39.3 Executive Engineer PHED will process for the release the

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payment as per JJM guideline/ direction of DWSM. Payment

advice generated through treasury mode.
RULES 2013
40 RTPP The bidder shall be abide with “The Rajasthan Transparency in
Rules Public Procurement Act, 2012” and “The Rajasthan Transparency
2013 in Public Procurement Rules 2013” and Finance Department
notification No. F.1(8)/FD/GF&AR/2011 dated 19.11.2011 and
amendments up to date.

Rule 4 State Inaddition to information specified in clause (a) to (g) of sub-

Public section (3) of section 17, the department shall provide access to
Procurement such other information as may be specified by the State
Portal Government, from time to time. Procuring entity shall upload and
publish the required information on State Public Procurement
Portal maintained by the State Procurement FacilitationCell.

Section 46 A Bidder debarred under section 46 of the Rajasthan Transparency

Debarment in Public Procurement Act 2012 shall not be eligible to participate
from in any procurement process of any procuring entity for a period not
Bidding exceeding three (3) years commencing from the date on which he is

Rule 80 (1) All the officers or employees of the procuring entity shall,-
Code of (a) maintain an unimpeachable standard of integrity both
Integrity inside and outside theiroffice;
(b) act in accordance with the provisions of the Act, these
rules, guidelines issued under the Act andinstructions;
(c) not allow any bidders to have access to information on a
particular procurement, before such information is
available to the public atlarge;
(d) not intentionally use unnecessarily restrictive or
“tailored” specifications, terms of reference or statements
of work that can discouragecompetition;
(e) not solicit or accept any bribe, reward or gift or any
material benefit of any directly or indirectly promise
offuture employment from anyone, who has sought or is
seeking procurement from the procuring entity;
(f) not have a financial interest in any bidder(s) responding
to a procuring entity’s bidding process and any person
having financial interest in any bidder shall not
participate in that procurementprocess;
(g) not disclose proprietary and source selection
information, directly or indirectly, to any person other
than a person authorized to receive suchinformation;

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(h) treat all bidders in a fair and equitable manner in line

with the principle of fairness, integrity and transparency
in the procurementprocess;
(i) provide all bidders identical information at the same
time, during the biddingprocess;
(j) apply the same criteria of evaluation as specified in the
bidding documents, bidder registration documents or
pre- qualification documents and under no
circumstances new evaluation criteria shall be
introduced during the evaluation process;
(k) not entertain any favour, recreation, presents, services,
etc. from the bidders or prospectivebidders;
(l) protect the interests of the procuring entity under all
circumstances while dealing with information and
information sources;
(m) maintain confidentially of allbids;
(n) ensure that the selection of bidder is as per the bidding
documents and is not influenced by personal reasons
attributable to concerned officials in any manner;and
(o) Disclose conflict of interest, ifany.
(2) Any person participating in procurement process shall,-
(a) not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit
either directly or indirectly in exchange for an unfair
advantage in procurement process or to otherwise
influence the procurementprocess;
(b) not misrepresent or omit information that misleads or
attempts to mislead so as to obtain a financial or other
benefit or avoid anobligation;
(c) not indulge in any collusion, bid rigging or
anticompetitive behavior to impair the transparency,
fairness and progress of the procurementprocess;
(d) not misuse any information shared between the
procuring entity and the bidders with an intent to gain
unfair advantagein the procurement process;
(e) not indulge in any coercion including impairing or
harming or threatening to do the same, directly or
indirectly, to any party or to its property to influence the
(f) not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement
(g) disclose conflict of interest, if any; and

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

(h) Disclose any previous transgressions with any entity in

India or anyothercountry during
thelastthreeyearsoranydebarment by any other procuring

Rule 81 (1) A conflict of interest for procuring entity or its personnel and
Conflict bidders is considered to be a situation in which a party has
of interests that could improperly influence that party’s
Interest performance of official duties or responsibilities,
contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws
and regulations.
(2) The situations in which a procuring entity or its personnel
may be considered to be in conflict of interest includes, but
not limited to, following: -
(a) A conflict of interest occurs when procuring entity’s
personnel’s private interests, such as outside
professional or other relationships or personal financial
assets, interfere or appear to interfere with the proper
performance of its professional functions or obligations
as a procurementofficial.
(b) Within the procurement environment, a conflict of
interest may arise in connection with such private
interests as personal investments and assets, political or
other outside activities and affiliations while in the
service of the procuring entity, employment after
retirement from the procuring entity’s service or the
receipt of a gift that may place the procuring entity’s
personnel in a position of obligation
(c) A conflict of interest also includes the use of procuring
entity’s assets, including human, financial and material
assets, or the use of procuring entity’s office or
knowledge gained from official functions for private gain
or to prejudice the position of someone procuring entity’s
personnel does notfavour.
A conflict of interest may also arise in situations where
procuring entity’s personnel is seen to benefit, directly or
indirectly, or allow a third party, including family,
friends or someone they favour, to benefit from procuring
entity’s personnel’s actions or decisions.
(3) A Bidder may be considered to be in conflict of interest with
one or more parties in a bidding process if, including but
not limited to:-
(a) they have controlling partners incommon;
(b) they receive or have received any direct or indirect
CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal
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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

subsidy from any ofthem;

(c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of
the bid;
(d) they have a relationship with each other, directly or
through common third parties, that puts them in a
position to have access to information about or influence
on the bid ofanother;
(e) A bidder participates in more than one bid in the same
bidding process. However, this does not limit the
inclusion of the same sub-contractor, not otherwise
participating as a bidder, in more than one bid;or
(f) A bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a
consultant in the preparation of the design or technical
specifications of the subject matter of procurement of the
bidding process. All bidders shall provide in Qualification
Criteria and Bidding Forms, a statement that the bidder
is neither associated nor has been associated directly or
indirectly, with the consultant or any other entity that
has prepared the design, specifications and other
documents for the subject matter of procurement or
being proposed as Project Manager for thecontract.
Rule 82. Without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter IV of the Act, in
Breach of case of breach of any provision of the code of integrity by a
code of bidder or prospective bidder, as the case may be, the procuring
integrity entity may take appropriate action in accordance with the
by the provisions of subsection (3) of section 11 and section 46.
Rule 83. As per Section 38 of Rajasthan Transparency in Public
Form of Procurement Act 2012 subject to Section 40, if any Bidder or
Appeal prospective bidder is aggrieved that any decision, action or
omission of the Procuring Entity is in contravention to the
provisions of the Act or the Rules or the Guidelines issued there
under, he may file an appeal to such officer of the procuring
entity, as may be designated by it for the purpose, within a
period of ten days from the date of such decision or action,
omission, as the case may be, clearly giving the specific ground
or grounds on which he feels aggrieved:
Provided that after the declaration of a Bidder as successful in
terms of Section 27 of the Rajasthan Transparency in Public
Procurement Act 2012, the appeal may be filed only by a Bidder
who has participated in procurement proceeding:
Provided further that in case a Procuring Entity evaluates the
Technical Bids before the opening of the Financial Bids, an
appeal related to the matter of Financial Bids may be filed only
by a Bidder whose Technical Bid is found to be acceptable.
(1) An appeal under sub-section (1) or (4) of section 38 of the

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RTPP Act 2012 shall be in Form along with as many copies as

there are respondents in theappeal.
(2) Every appeal shall be accompanied by an order appealed
against, if any, affidavit verifying the facts stated in the appeal
and proof of payment offee.
(3) Every appeal may be presented to First Appellate Authority or
Second Appellate Authority, as the case may be, in person or
through registered post or authorizedrepresentative
(4) First appeal authority shall be Special Secretary/ Joint
Secretary/Deputy Secretary, PHED, GoR and if changed
then as per prevailing government order at the time ofappeal.
(5) Second appeal authority shall be Additional Chief Secretary
/ Principal Secretary / Secretary, PHED GoR and if
changed then as per prevailing government order at the time

Rule 84. (1) Fee for first appeal shall be rupees two thousand five
Fee for hundred and for second appeal shall be rupees ten thousand,
filing which shall benon-refundable.
(2) The fee shall be paid in the form of bank demand draft or
banker’schequeofaScheduledBankpayableinthenameof Appellate
Authority concerned

Rule 85. (1) The First Appellate Authority or Second Appellate Authority,
Procedure as the case may be, upon filing of appeal, shall issue notice
for accompanied by copy of appeal, affidavit and documents, if
disposal any, to the respondents and fix date ofhearing.
of appeal
(2) On the date fixed for hearing, the First Appellate Authority or
Second Appellate Authority, as the case may be, shall-
(a) hear all the parties to appeal present before him; and
(b) peruse or inspect documents, relevant records or copies
thereof relating to the matter.
(3) After hearing the parties, perusal or inspection of documents
and relevant records or copies thereof relating to the matter,
the Appellate Authority concerned shall pass an order in
writing and provide the copy of order to the parties to appeal
free of cost
(4) The order passed under sub-rule (3) shall also be placed on
the State Public Procurement Portal.

Rule 86. All rules, regulations, orders, notifications, departmental codes,

Repeal manuals, by-laws, official memoranda or circulars relating to

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and procurement of goods, services or works provided for in these

savings rules, which are in force on the date of commencement of these
rules, in relation to the matter covered by these rules are hereby
repealed to the extent they are covered by theserules:
Provided that such repeal shall not affect the previous operation
of rules, regulations, orders, notifications, departmental codes,
manuals, by-laws, official memoranda or circulars, so repealed
and the procurement process commenced before the
commencement of these rules shall continue as per the
provisions of rules, regulations, orders, notifications,
departmental codes, manuals, by-laws, official memoranda or
circulars, sorepealed.

Signature of authorized representative ……………………………………………………..

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
To pay Cost of tender document, processing fee (RISl fee) and Bid security through
EGRAS Challan (electronic government receipt accounting system website
https://egras.raj.nic.in), Bidder has to adopt the following process:

EGRAS : Home
Profile: : Service Challan
Department : 64 Public Health Engineering Department
Service : Tender fee (eproc)
Press continue button
District : Jodhpur
(DDO Code 11234)” "
Amount :
1. NirmanVibhag (8658-00-102-16-02)
2. Nivida Shulk ki Praptiya (0075-00-800-
3. Lok Nirmankaryajama (8443-00-108-
Total (Net :
Payment Details : Manual E-Banking Payment gateway/Credit/Debit Card

Budget Heads for filling amount:

For Bid document Fee: 0075-00-800-52-01 Nivida Shulk ki Praptiya

For RISL/ Processing Fee: 8658-00-102-16-02 NirmanVibhag
Bid Security: 8443-00-108-00-00- Lok Nirmankaryajama

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(As per Finance (G&T) Department Govt. Of Rajasthan Circular No. 3/2013 dated 04.02.2013
in reference to Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act 2012 and Rajasthan
Transparency in Public Procurement Rules 2013)
Annexure “A” to “D” as per Rajasthan Transparency in
public procurement rule, 2013

Annexure A : Compliance with the Code of Integrity and No Conflict of Interest

Any person participating in a procurement process shall –
(a) not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit either directly or
indirectly in exchange for an unfair advantage in procurement process or to
otherwise influence the procurement process
(b) not misrepresent or omit that misleads or attempts to mislead so as to
obtain a financial or other benefit or avoid an obligation;
(c) not indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or anti-competitive behavior to
impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the procurement process;
(d) not misuse any information shared between the procuring Entity and the
Bidders with an intent to gain unfair advantage in the procurement process.
(e) not indulge in any coercion including impairing or harming or threatening
to do the same, directly or indirectly, to any party or to its property to
influence the procurement process.
(f) not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement process;
(g) disclose conflict of interest, if any; and
(h) disclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in India or any other
country during the last three years or any debarment by any other
procuring entity.
Conflict of Interest:-
The Bidder participating in a bidding process must not have a Conflict of
A Conflict of Interest is considered to be a situation in which a part has interests
that could improperly influence that party’s performance of official duties or
responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and
i. A Bidder may be considered to be in Conflict of Interest with one or more
parties in a bidding process if, including but not limited to :
a. have controlling partners/ shareholders in common; or
b. receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or
c. have the same legal representative for purposes of the Bid, or

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

d. have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third

parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or
influence on the Bid of another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the
Procuring Entity regarding the bidding process; or
e. the Bidder participates in more than one Bid in a bidding process.
Participation by a Bidder in more than one Bid will result in the
disqualification of all Bids in which the Bidder is involved. However, this
does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not otherwise
participating as a Bidder, in more than one Bid; or
f. the Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the
preparation of the design or technical specifications of the Goods, Works or
Services that are the subject of the Bid, or
g. Bidder or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by
the Procuring Entity as engineer-in-charge/ consultant for the contract.

Company Seal Bidder’s Authorised Signature

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Annexure – B : Declaration by the Bidder regarding Qualifications

Declaration by the Bidder

In relation to my/ our Bid submitted to ………………………… for

procurement of ……………………. in response to their Notice Inviting Bids No. .. .
… .. . . . Dated .. . . . . . I / We hereby declare under Section 7 of Rajasthan
Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012, that :

1. I/ we possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and

managerial resources and competence required by the Bidding Document
issued by the Procuring Entity;
2. I/ We have fulfilled my/ our obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to
the Union and the State Government or any local authority as specified in
the Bidding Document.;
3. I / we are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not
have my/ our affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have
my/ our business activities suspended and not the subject of legal
proceedings for any of the foregoing reasons;
4. I / we do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been convicted
of any criminal offence related to my/ our professional conduct or the
making of false statements or misrepresentations as to my/ our
qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a period of three
years preceding the commencement of this procurement process, or not
have been otherwise disqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings;
5. I / we do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and the
Bidding Document, which materially affects fair completion;

Date: Signature of bidder

Place: Name :
Designation :

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Annexure C: Grievance Redressal during Procurement Process

The designation and address of the First Appellate Authority is Special Secretary/ Joint
Secretary/Deputy Secretary, PHED, GoR
The designation and address of the Second Appellate Authority is Additional Chief Secretary /
Principal Secretary / Secretary, PHED GoR
(1) Filing an appeal
If any Bidder or prospective bidder is aggrieved that any decision, action or omission of
the Procuring Entity is in contravention to the provisions of the Act or the Rules or the
Guidelines issued there under, he may file an appeal to First Appellate Authority, as
specified in the Bidding Document within a period of ten days from the date of such
decision or action, omission, as the case may be, clearly giving the specified ground or
grounds on which he feels aggrieved:
Provided that after the declaration of a Bidder as successful the appeal may be filed only
by a Bidder who has participated in procurement proceedings;
Provided further that in case a Procuring Entity evaluates the Technical Bids before the
opening of the Financial Bids, an appeal related to the matter of Financial Bids may be
filed only by a Bidder whose Technical Bid is found to be acceptable.
(2) The officer to whom an appeal is filed under para (1) shall deal with the appeal as
expeditiously as possible and shall endeavor to dispose it of within thirty days from the
date of the appeal.
(3) If the officer designated under para (1) fails to dispose of the appeal filed within the period
specified in para (2), or if the Bidder or prospective bidder of the Procuring Entity is
aggrieved by the order passed by the First Appellate Authority, the Bidder or prospective
bidder or the Procuring Entity, as the case may be, may file a second appeal to Second
Appellate Authority specified in the Bidding Document in this behalf within fifteen days
from the expiry of the period specified in para (2) or of the date of receipt of the order
passed by the First Appellate Authority, s the case may be.
(4) Appeal not to lie in certain case
No appeal shall lie against any decision of the Procuring Entity relating to the following
matters, namely:-
(a) determination of need of procurement;
(b) provisions limiting participation of Bidders in the Bid process;
(c) the decision of whether or not to enter into negotiations;
(d) cancellation of a procurement process;
(e) applicability of the provisions of confidentiality.
(5) Form of Appeal
(a) An appeal under para (1) or (3) above shall be in annexed Form along with as many
copies as there are respondents in the appeal.
(b) Every appeal shall be accompanied by an order appealed against, if any, affidavit
verifying the facts stated in the appeal and proof of payment of fee.

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(c) Every appeal may be presented to First Appellate Authority or Second Appellate
Authority, as the case may be, in person or through registered post or authorized
(6) For the filing appeal
(a) Fee for first appeal shall be rupees two thousand five hundred and for second appeal
shall be rupees ten thousand, which shall be non-refundable.
(b) The fee shall be paid in the form of bank demand draft or banker’s cheque of a
Scheduled Bank in India payable in the name of Appellate Authority concerned
(7) Procedure for disposal of appeal
(a) The First Appellate Authority or Second Appellate Authority, as the case may be, upon
filing of appeal, shall issue notice accompanied by copy of appeal, affidavit and
documents, if any, to the respondents and fix date of hearing.
(b) On the date fixed for hearing, the First Appellate Authority or Second Appellate
Authority, as the case may be, shall-
(i) hear all the parties to appeal present before him; and
(a)peruse or inspect documents, relevant records or copies thereof related to the matter.
(c) After hearing the parties, perusal or inspection of documents and relevant records or
copies thereof relating to the matter, the Appellate Authority concerned shall pass an
order in writing and provide the copy of order to the parties to appeal free of cost.
(d) The order passed under sub-clause I shall also be passed on the State Public
Procurement Portal.

Company Seal Bidder’s Authorised Signature

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
FORM No. 1
(See rule83)
Memorandum of Appeal under the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act,
Appeal No. ................. of.......................
Before the.............................................. (First/Second Appellate Authority)
1. Particulars of appellant :
(b)Name of the appellant :

Official address, if any:

Residential address:

2. Name and address of the respondent

(s) :

3. Number and date of the order

appealed against and name and
designation of the officer/ authority
who passed the order (enclose copy),
or a statement of a decision, action or
omission of the Procuring Entity in
contravention to the provisions of the
Act by which the appellant is
4. If the Appellant proposes to be
represented by a representative, the
name and postal address of the
5. Number of affidavits and documents
enclosed with the appeal:
6. Grounds of appeal :
...........................................................................(Supported by an

7. Prayer :

Date................................... Appellant’s Signature

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Annexure D : Additional Conditions of Contract

1. Correction of arithmetical errors

Provided that a Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity will correct
arithmetical errors during evaluation of Financial Bids on the following basis:
i. if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained
by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total
price shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of the Procuring Entity there is an
obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total
price as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;
ii. if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of
subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and
iii. if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall
prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in
which case the amount in figures shall prevail subject to (i) and (ii) above.
If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not accept the corrections of
errors, its Bid shall be disqualified and its Bid Security shall be forfeited or its’ Bid
Securing Declaration shall be executed.
2. Procuring Entity’s Right to Vary Quantities

i. If the Procuring Entity does not procure any subject matter of procurement or
procures less than the quantity specified in the Bidding Document due to change in
circumstances, the Bidder shall not be entitled for any claim or compensation
except otherwise provided in the Conditions of Contract.
3. Dividing quantities among more than one Bidder at the time of award (In case of
procurement of Goods)

As a general rule all the quantities of the subject matter of procurement shall be procured
from the Bidder, whose Bid is accepted. However, when it is considered that the quantity
of the subject matter of procurement to be procured is very large and it may not be in the
capacity of the Bidder, whose Bid is accepted , to deliver the entire quantity or when it is
considered that the subject matter of procurement to be procured is of critical and vital
nature, in such cases, the quantity may be divided between the Bidder, whose Bid is
accepted and the second lowest Bidder or even more Bidders in that order, in a fair,
transparent and equitable manner at the rates of the Bidder, whose Bid is accepted.

Company Seal Bidder’s Authorised Signature

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

The Chief Engineer Project
Public Health Engineering Department
Jodhpur (Raj).

Subject: Bid for “Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply project for
providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada Canal based
FR water supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of
Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system
and civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works including Geo-
tagging complete job as per scope & specifications on Single Point
Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract including necessary Design and
Operation & maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability
period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)”
Ref: Your NIB No. 20/2023-24
Dear Sir,
1. Having carefully examined all the parts of the tender documents and the addenda (if any)
for the execution of the above mentioned works, having obtained all requisite information
affecting this bid, having visited the site and being aware of all conditions and difficulties
likely to affect the execution of the contract, we, the undersigned, hereby offer to execute
the work as described in the Bid Documents as Single responsibility Contract on
Percentage premium basis and to hand over the whole of the said works in conformity
with the drawings, conditions of contract, technical conditions and scope of work, for the
sum indicated in the financial offer and such other sum as may be ascertained in
accordance with the Contract.
2. We declare that we have read and understood and that we accept all clauses, conditions,
descriptions, drawings of the tender documents Vol. I to IV, and subsequent addenda (if
any) without any change, reservations and conditions. If any change, reservation or
condition has been made in our tender we herewith withdraw it.
3. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to commence the work within 10 days of the work
order and to complete the work in the stipulated time for completion.
4. If our bid is accepted we will provide a security deposit in the required form in the sums
as stipulated in the Bid documents.
5. Unless and until the formal agreement is prepared and signed, this bid, together with your
written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract between us.
CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal
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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
6. We agree to abide by this bid for the period of 90 days from the date of opening of the pre-
qualification and technical bids and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted
by you at any time before the expiry of that period, and not to make any modifications in
its terms and conditions which are not acceptable to you.

7. Together with the bid we submit the bid security of Rs1) ......................... as
2) ..........................................................................

Dated this ................................................. day ..................................... 2023

3) .............................………….. in the capacity of 4) ..............................................

duly authorized to sign the tender for and on behalf of 5) ...............................……

1 Amount of Bid security

2 Indicate the form in which it is provided.
3 Signature of the authorized Representative of the firm
4 Designation
5 Name of Bidder
CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal
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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
RTPP Rule 42(6)

The Governor of the State of Rajasthan
Through Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur
Whereas the Governor of the State of Rajasthan through Chief Engineer Project, PHED,
Jodhpur, (here-in-after called “the Department”) has called for bids for “Execution of works
related to “Drinking water supply project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt.
Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR water supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC
CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system, Village
distribution system and civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works including
Geo-tagging complete job as per scope & specifications on Single Point Responsibility
Basis Turnkey Contract including necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for
10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)”
vide his NIB No. 20/2023-24 , Bid security is to be deposited along with the bid, and
whereas, the Rules of the State Department permit deposit of Bid security, in the form of
Bank Guarantee.
1) In consideration of the Governor of State of Rajasthan having made such a stipulation
in Rule 42(6) of Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013, and M/s
……………….. (name of contractors) are desirous of depositing Bid security i.e. Rs.
………… (Rupees……………. only) in the form of Bank Guarantee as Bid security in
order to participate in the tender for work above mentioned as per said Rules, and
will be so permitted on production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs………………. (Rupees
……………. only), We ……………………. (Indicate name of the “Bank”), here-in-after
referred to as the “Bank” at the request of M/s …………, contractor(s), do hereby
undertake to pay to the Department an amount not exceeding Rs. …………….
(Rupees……………. only) on demand.
2) We…………………………… (Indicate the name of Bank), do hereby undertake to pay Rs.
……………. only) the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any
demur or delay, merely on a demand from the Department. Any such demand made
on the bank by the Department shall be conclusive and payable by the Bank under
this guarantee. The Bank Guarantee shall be completely at the disposal of the
Department and We …………….. (Indicate the name of Bank), bound ourselves with
all directions given by Department regarding this Bank Guarantee. However, our
liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding
Rs……………. (Rupees………….. only).
3) We ……………. (Indicate the name of Bank), undertake to pay to the Department any
money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the
contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal or

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
Arbitrator etc. relating thereto, our liability under these presents being absolute,
unequivocal and unconditional.
4) We……………… (Indicate the name of Bank) further agree with the Department that the
Department shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in
any manner our obligations, hereunder to extend the date of receipt of such tenders
for the work as aforesaid or to vary any other terms and conditions of the Notice
Inviting Bids or the tender, extend the validity of tenders, or time for completion of
the work, etc. We shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such
variation or extension or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the
Department or any indulgence by the Department, to the said contractor(s) or by any
such matter or thing whatsoever which would but for this provision, have the effect of
so relieving us.
5) The liability of us………………… (Indicate the name of Bank), under this guarantee will
not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
6) We …………… (indicate the name of Bank), lastly undertake not to revoke this
guarantee except with the previous consent of the Department in writing.
7) This Guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect, until it is decided to be discharged
by the Department. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against
this guarantee is restricted to Rs.…………… (Rupees ………………….. only).
8) It shall not be necessary for the State Department to proceed against the contractor
before proceeding against the Bank and the guarantee herein contained shall be
enforceable against the Bank notwithstanding any security which the State
Department may have obtained or obtain from the contractor.
9) The Bank Guarantee shall be payable at the headquarters of the Division, or the
nearest District Headquarters. If the last date of expiry of the Bank Guarantee
happens to be a holiday of the Bank, the Bank Guarantee shall expire on the close of
the next working day.

Dated …….. day of ………….. For and on behalf of the Bank (indicate the

Signature & Designation

The above Guarantee is accepted by the Department of the State of Rajasthan

For and on behalf of the Governor of State of Rajasthan

Note: Guarantee to be made on stamp paper purchased by the bank only.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


The firm M/s………………………………………………....authorize the following Representative to

sign and submit the tender document, negotiate terms and conditions for the contract, to sign
the contract, to deal with the PHED, to issue and receive correspondence related to all matters
of the tender for “Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply project for
providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR water
supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission mains,
Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system and civil, mechanical, electrical
& instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete job as per scope &
specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract including
necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year
defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)” against NIB No. 20/2023-24 of
Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur. We / M/s ______________________ undertake the
responsibility due to any act of the representative appointed hear by.
For Partnership Firm’s

S. No. Name of the All Partner Signature of Partner with Seal

3 Name and Designation of the person
4 Attested Signature of the Authorized
For Limited Firm’s
Name and Designation of the person Authorized

Telephone No.
Fax No.
Telex No.
Authority By which the Powers is delegated
Attested Signature of the Authorized
Name and Designation of person attesting the

• To be Prepared on Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested by Notary

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
For Proprietorship firm
1. The firm M/s……………………………………………….... is a Proprietorship firm and I am
the only Proprietor of this firm.
2. I hereby declare with oath that none of our near relative as stipulated in para I.19 of
Appendix XVI of PWF&AR Part II is/are working under the jurisdiction of PHED
I, the above-named deponent solemnly affirm and verify that the contents of my above
affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge. Nothing has been concealed therein and no
part of it is false. SO HELP ME GOD.
For Partnership / Private limited / Limited firm
1. I am the authorized Representative of the Partnership / Private limited / Limited firm
2. I hereby declare with oath that none of the near relatives of the Partners/ Owners/
Directors of our firm as stipulated in para I.19 of Appendix XVI of PWF&AR Part II is/
are working under the jurisdiction of PHED Rajasthan
I, the above-named deponent solemnly affirm and verify that the contents of my above
affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge. Nothing has been concealed therein and no
part of it is false. SO HELP ME GOD.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


I/We undertake and confirm that “for modifications/deviations to Conditions of Contract /

Technical Specifications no price information is indicated in Envelope A.
I/We understand that if this Undertaking is found to be incorrect, our tender may not be
considered for Evaluation in future for financial evaluation, for which I/WE shall be liable for
all consequences and / or damages.

With Seal
Full Name ________________
Address _______________

(Authorized representative)

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

I/We _____________________________ the undersigned, hereby certify that I/We have read,
understood all the terms and conditions given in the bid document, including those in the
addenda issued by the Department and the same are acceptable to us without any
I/ We have carefully noted that my/ our offer, if contain any counter condition or additional
conditions in the bid document/ price bid/ forwarding letter or any other enclosure of bid
document will be liable for rejection by the department. I/ we shall have no claim whatsoever
against this rejection of offer. It is certified that I have not given any condition in price bid. If
any condition is found the same may be treated as withdrawn.
If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action
that may be taken, my/our security may be forfeited in full & the bid, if any to the
extent accepted may be cancelled.

With Seal
Full Name ________________
Address _______________

(Authorized representative)

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


“I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other
records, connected with the work, as secret confidential documents and shall not
communicate information derived there from to any person other than a person to whom
I/We am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner
prejudicial to the safety of the same”.
I/We understand that failure to observe the secrecy of the tenders will render the tender,
liable to summary rejection.

With Seal
Full Name ________________
Address _______________

(Authorized representative)

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
In relation to my/our Bid submitted to Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur for
procurement of “Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply project for
providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR water
supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission mains,
Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system and civil, mechanical,
electrical & instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete job as per scope &
specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract including
necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year
defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)” against NIB No. 20/2023-24 .
I/we hereby declare under Section 7 of Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act,
2012, that:
1. I/we possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and managerial resources
and competence required by the Bidding Document issued by the Procuring Entity;
2. I/we have fulfilled my/our obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to the Union and
the State Government or any local authorities as specified in the Bidding Document;
3. I/we are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have my/our
affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have my/our business activities
suspended and not the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing reasons.
4. I/we do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been convicted of any criminal
offence related to my/our professional conduct or the making of false statements or
misrepresentations as to my/our qualifications to enter into a procurement contract
within a period of three years preceding the commencement of this procurement process,
or not have been otherwise disqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings;
5. I/we do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and the Bidding
Document, which materially affects fair competitions.

Date: Signature
Place: With Seal
Full Name ________________
Address _______________
(Authorized representative)

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
I/We hereby bid for the Execution for the Governor of the State of Rajasthan of the work of
“Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply project for providing FHTCs in
277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR water supply project” viz.
Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission mains, Cluster distribution
system, Village distribution system and civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation
works including Geo-tagging complete job as per scope & specifications on Single Point
Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract including necessary Design and Operation &
maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under Jal
Jeevan Mission (JJM)” specified in the underwritten memorandum within the time
specified in such memorandum at the rates (in figures) ………………. % (as well as in words)
………………………………….percent below/ above the amount, entered in the schedule G
attached and on the item rates as specified in price bid in all respect in accordance with the
specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in rule 1 in all respect
with such conditions so far as applicable. I/We have visited the site of work and am/are fully
aware of all the difficulties and conditions likely to affect carrying out the work. I/We have
fully acquainted myself/ourselves about the conditions in regard to accessibility of site and
quarries/kilns, nature and the extent of ground, working conditions including stacking of
materials, installation of tools & Plant, conditions effecting accommodation and movement of
labour etc. required for the satisfactory execution of contract.
(a) General description of work: “Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply
project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt.
Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR water supply
project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of
Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system, Village
distribution system and civil, mechanical, electrical &
instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete
job as per scope & specifications on Single Point
Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract including
necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 10
years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under
Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)” as per details in “Scope of Work”
and Specification for Works.
(b) Estimated cost Rs. 432.15 Cr
(c) Bid security Rs 8,64,30,000 @ 2% for enlisted contractors outside their
zone of enlistment and Rs 2,16,07,500 @ 1/2% in Class ‘AA’
with PHED Rajasthanwithin their zone of enlistment.
(d) Performance Security / Security Deposit:
CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal
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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
(i) “The security deposit @ 10% of the gross amount of the running bill shall be
deducted from each running, and shall be refunded as per rules on completion of
the contract as per terms and conditions. The bid security deposit shall however be
adjusted while deducting security deposit from first running bill of the contractor.
There will be no maximum limit of security deposit.
A contractor may, however, elect to furnish bank guarantee or any acceptable form
of security for an amount equal to the full amount of security deposit @ 10% of the
work order, before or at the time of executing the agreement. In that case bid
security may be refunded only after furnishing of the bank guarantee as above.
During the execution of the work or after completion of the work also a contractor
may replace the security deposit by furnishing bank guarantee for an equal
amount. However, during execution of the work if cost of work exceeds as shown at
the time of furnishing bank guarantee, balance security deposit shall be deducted
from the Running Account Bills."
If the contractor during the course of execution of the work or after completion of
the work desires to replace the security deposit paid in cash or deducted from
running bills by bank guarantee, he may be allowed to furnish a bank guarantee in
the prescribed form for the required amount and period and after accepting of such
bank guarantee the amount of such security deposit earlier deposited/deducted
may be refunded.
(ii) Bank Guarantee shall in all cases be payable at the headquarter of the Division or
the nearest District Headquarters.
(e) Time allowed for the completion of work (to be reckoned from the 10th day after the date
of written order to commence the work) is 20 months. Should this tender be accepted in
whole or in Part, I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and provisions of
the conditions of contract annexed hereto and of the detailed notice for technical and
financial bids, or in default thereof, to forfeit and pay to the Governor of Rajasthan or his
successors in office, the sum of money mentioned in the said conditions.
A sum of Rs. ……….…..lacs is forwarded herewith in the form of Cash, Bank Draft, Bankers
Cheque or Bid Securing Declaration as Bid security. This amount of bid security shall
absolutely be forfeited to the Governor of Rajasthan or his successor in office without
prejudice to any other right or remedies of Governor of Rajasthan or his office, should I/We
fail to commence the work specified in the above memorandum.
Signature of Witness Signature of Contractor

Witness's address & occupation Address of Contractor

The above Bid is hereby accepted by me on behalf of the Governor of Rajasthan
Dated _____________ Engineer-in-charge

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


HIS Agreement made the _______ day of ________20_____ between the Chief Engineer Project,
PHED, Jodhpur (hereinafter called PHED) on behalf of the Governor of Rajasthan of the one
part and _____________________ of ________________ (hereinafter called Contractor) of the other
WHEREAS the PHED is desirous for “Execution of works related to “Drinking water
supply project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada
Canal based FR water supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of
Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system and civil,
mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete job as
per scope & specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract
including necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after
1 year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)”
WHEREAS the PHED has accepted a Bid by the Contractor for the execution, completion and
operation & maintenance of such work,
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement, viz.:
a) Form of agreement
b) Letter of award and any pre-award correspondence between Department and the
c) Bid documents contained in;
• Vol.-I : Instruction to Bidders, Pre-Qualification Criteria and Schedules,
Conditions of contract, Annexure
• Vol-II :Scope of Work and Technical Specification, Annexure
• Vol-III :Bid Drawings
• Vol.-IV :Preamble to Price Schedule, BOQ
• All addenda issued
d) The Bid Offer (as accepted by the Department)
3. The signed and initialed Tender Documents shall be deemed to form and be read and
construed as part of this Agreement.
4. In consideration of the payments to be made by the PHED to the Contractor as
hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the PHED to provide,
execute, and to complete the work, remedy the defects, commission the work and
maintain it in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
5. The PHED hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the provisions,
execution, completion of the works, remedying of the defects therein and operate and
maintain the work, the Contract Price or that sum as may become payable under the
conditions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
6. The following are the salient data of the agreement:
• Contract sum: Rs ______________
➢ Execution Part: Rs ______________
➢ Operation & maintenance Rs ______________
• Security Deposit: Rs ______________(As per rule)
• Time for execution: 20 months
• Defect Liability Period: 12 months after the successful
completion and commissioning of
• Operation & maintenance Period: 10 years (After completion of 12
Months Defect Liability Period) upto
IN WITNESS thereof the parties to these present have hereto set and subscribed their
respective hands the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED for and on behalf of PHED

Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Witness


SIGNED for and on behalf of the Contractor

Authorized representative Witness

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

On Stamp Paper of Rs 500/-


THIS Agreement made the _______ day of ________20_____ between the Executive Engineer,
PHED, Project Division ______________ (hereinafter called PHED) on behalf of the Governor of
Rajasthan of the one part, the Village Water & Sanitation Committee of village ______ and
________________ (hereinafter called Contractor) of the other part.
WHEREAS the PHED and the VWSC are desirous for “Execution of works related to
“Drinking water supply project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore
through Narmada Canal based FR water supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC
CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system, Village
distribution system and civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works including
Geo-tagging complete job as per scope & specifications on Single Point Responsibility
Basis Turnkey Contract including necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for
10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)”
WHEREAS the PHED has accepted a Bid by the Contractor for the execution and completion
of such work, including defect liability of 12 months ,
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement, viz.:
a) Form of agreement
b) Letter of award and any pre-award correspondence between Department and the
c) Bid documents contained in;
• Vol.-I : Instruction to Bidders, Pre-Qualification Criteria and Schedules,
Conditions of contract, Annexure
• Vol-II :Scope of Work and Technical Specification, Annexure
• Vol-III :Bid Drawings
• Vol.-IV :Preamble to Price Schedule, BOQ
• All addenda issued
d) The Bid Offer (as accepted by the Department)
e) Contract Agreement between Department and Contractor

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
3. The signed and initialed Bid Documents shall be deemed to form and be read and
construed as part of this Agreement.
4. In consideration of the payments to be made to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned,
the Contractor hereby covenants with the PHED and VWSC to provide, execute, and to
complete the work, remedy the defects, commission the work. The contractor shall also
operate and maintain it in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract
during one year of defect liability period when work of in-village infrastructure of village
under consideration is completed in all respect and commissioned.
5. The PHED hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the provisions,
execution, completion of the works, release of water connections to individual
household/PSPs/Cattle trough on the advice of VWSC, remedying of the defects therein
and operate and maintain the work (during one year of defect liability period), the
Contract Price or that sum as may become payable under the conditions of the Contract
at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
6. After completion of one year of Defect Liability Period, O&M of the works inside the village
and dhaniesi.e. in-village distribution network, valves, FHTCs shall be done by VWSC.
VWSC agrees to collect from the villagers and deposit with the Department, as community
contribution, an amount equal to 5% of the cost of in-village works, which is Rs
_________________ as per contract and subject to vary as per execution and Final bill.
Duties and responsibilities of PHED and VWSC are enumerated in a separate annexure
given below. These shall form part of this agreement.
IN WITNESS thereof the parties to these present have hereto set and subscribed their
respective hands the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED for and on behalf of PHED

_______________________________ __________________________
EXECUTIVE Engineer Witness
Public Health Engineering Department
Project Division __________________

SIGNED for and on behalf of VWSC

Head/ Secretary, VWSC __________________________
SIGNED for and on behalf of Contractor

_______________________________ __________________________
Authorized Representative Witness

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Annexure to the Tri-partite Agreement between PHED, VWSC & Contractor

f=i{kh; vuqcU/k

1- dk;Zdze % Hkkjr ljdkj dk ty thou fe'ku ¼jk"Vªh; xzkeh.kis;ty dk;Zdze½
2- iapk;r % lacfU/kr xzke iapk;r
3- i'kqukn % eosf'k;ksa gsrq ikuh ihus dh [ksyh
4- ih ,lih(PSP)% lkoZtfud uy
5- ifj;kstuk%
6- foHkkx % tu LokLF; vfHk;kaf=dh foHkkx] jktLFkku
7- oh-Vh-lh(VTC) % foyst Vªkl a Qj pSEcj tks fd xkWao ds ckgj fLFkr gksrk gS tgkWa ls lEcfU/kr xkWao rFkk
mldh <kf.k;ksa dh vkUrfjd ty forj.k iz.kkyh izkjaHk gksrh gS ,oa oh-Vh-lh ls xzke esa izfrfnu forfjr
fd;s tkus okys is;ty dh ek=k dks ekius ds fy, ehVj vkfn Lfkkfir gksrs gSA
8- ,Q,pVhlh (FHTC) % izR;sd xzke esa gj ?kj dks ihus ds ikuh vFkkZr~ is;ty forfjr djus gsrq fn;k tkus
okyk ty laca/kA
9- oh MCY;w ,l lh (VWSC) % vFkkZr~ xzke ty ,oa LoPNrk lfefr

;g f=i{kh; vuqcU/k izR;sd xzke ftlesa ty thou fe'ku dk;ZØe ds rgr ?kj&?kj ty lac/a k tkjh
fd;s tkus gS dh xzke ty ,oa LoPNrk lfefr ¼izFkei{k½] tu Lok- vfHk- foHkkx jktLFkku ¼f}rh; i{k½ ,oa
dk;Zdkjh ,tsUlh Bsdsnkj ¼r`rh; i{k½] ds e/; fnukad ------------------------ dks lEikfnr fd;k tkrk gSA

Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk ?kksf"kr ty thou fe'ku dk;ZØe ds rgr- -------ftys esa rglhy----------------- esa jktLFkku
ljdkj ds lg;ksx ls is;ty gsr qLohd`r fo'ks"k ifj;kstuk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ds varxZr
fdz;kUo;u vfr- eq[;] vfHk;Urk tu Lok0 vfHk0 foHkkx] {ks= -------------ds ek/;e ls djok;k tk jgk Gsa ifj;kstuk
dk eq[; mn~ns'; -------- ftys ds xkWaoksa ,oa <kf.k;ksa dks LoPN is;ty nh?kZ dky rd ?kj&?kj ty lac/a kksa ds
ek/;e ls miyC/k djkuk gS] rkfd vke ukxfjdksa dk fo'ks"k dj vkfFkZd ,oalkekftd :i ls fiNMs ifjokjks]a
efgykvksa ,oa cPpksa dk LokLF; mRre jgs ,oa mudh dk;Z {kerk esa o`f) gksA
foHkkx }kjk ikuh dks 'kq) djus ds i'pkr mldks ikbi ykbZuksa ls ifjogu dj] forj.k iz.kkyh ds
ek/;e ls ftys ds izR;sdxzke dh ^oh-Vh-lh- (VTC) rd i;kZIr ,oa leqfpr ncko ls is;ty miyC/k djkuk
izLrkforgSA ^oh-Vh-lh- (VTC) ds cknikuh dk forj.k] jktLo olwyh] forj.k iz.kkyh dk lapkyu ,oa la/kkj.k
bR;kfn dk dk;Z Hkkjr ljdkj ds ty thou fe'ku dk;Zdze ds fn'k funsZ'kksa ds vuqlkj lkeqnkf;d lgHkkfxrk
ds vk/kkjij xzke ty ,oa LoPNrk lfefr }kjk lEikfnr fd;k tk;sxkA ftlds rgr xzkeokfl;ksa }kjk xzke dh
lhek ds varxZr is;tyO ;oLFkk gsrq fd;s x;s dk;ksZa dh ykxr dk ikap izfr'kr lg;ksx djuk gksxkA

2&xzke ty LoPNrklfefr dk xBu

xzke ty LoPNrk lfefr ds xBu dk eq[; mn~ns'; xzke esa is;ty gsrq Lohd`r ifj;kstuk ds fdz;kUo;u] xzke
dh vkUrfjd forj.kO ;oLFkk ds lapkyu ,oa la/kkj.k esa izR;sd xzkeoklh dh lfdz; Hkwfedk dk fuoZgu djukgSA
lfefr esa dqy 10 ls 15 lnL; gks ldrs gSftueas ls v/;{k xzkeiapk;r ds ljiap vFkok okMZiap gksaxAs 50
CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal
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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

izfr'kr lnL; fL=;ka gksxhaA 'ks"k 5 lnL; vuqlwfpr tkfr vFkok tutkfr ds O;fDrgksaxAs blds vfrfjDr xzke
fodkl vf/kdkjh] tu Lok- vfHk- foHkkx ds dfu"B@lgk;d vfHk;ark] gSMiai feL=h vkfn Hkh lfefr ds lnL;
a As mDr lfefr xzkeesa is;ty ,oaLoPNrk ds eqn~nksa ij xzke iapk;r dh ^LFkkbZlfefr^ ds :i esa
dk;ZdjsxhAlwphcn jktLo xkao ds p;fur lnL; Hkh lfefr ds lnL; gksxaAs
lfefr dk xBu ,oa dk;Zdkfj.kh dk vuqeksnu xzke lHkk }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA lfefr dk dk;Zdky 2 ls 3 o"kZ
dk gh gksxk ijUrq fo'ks"k ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa xzkelHkk 3 o"kZ ls iwoZ Hkh lfefr ds v/;{k @ lnL;ksa dks
vko';drkuqlkj inP;qr dj uohu lnL;ksa dks p;u dj ldrh gSA
3& vuqcU/k ds eq[; mn~ns';
3-1 foHkkx }kjk ifj;kstuk ds ek/;e ls ;Fkk laHko ihus] Hkkstu cukus ,oa i'kq/ku ds ihus bR;kfn
gsrqvf/kdre 55 yhVj izfrO;fDr izfrfnu ds vuqlkj i;kZIr ncko ij oh-Vh-lh- ij is;ty miyC/k
3-2 xzke esa ty thou fe’ku ds fn’kk funsZ’kksa ds vuq#i is;ty gsrq ?kjsyw ty laca/k fn;s tk;saxsA
3-3 lfefr }kjk is;ty dh miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij ,oa foHkkxh; ekin.M ds vuqlkj lHkh ukxfjdksa dks
LOPN is;ty miyC/k djkukA le;&le; ij jkT; ljdkj@ foHkkx }kjk tkjh uohure fn'kkfunsZ'kksa
ds vuqlkj dk;Z esa lg;ksx o is;ty O;oLFkk lqfuf'pr djukA
3-4 lfefr }kjk oh-Vh-lh- ds mijkUr xzke dh vkUrfjd is;ty forj.k iz.kkyh dk mfpr :i ls lapkyu
,oa la/kkj.k djukA
3-5 is;ty ;kstuk ds lqxe lapkyu ,oa la/kkj.k gsrq xzke iapk;r }kjk vko';d lg;ksx ^lfefr^ dks
fu;fer :Ik ls miyC/k djkukA
3-6 lfefr }kjk miHkksx fd, x, is;ty dh jktLo olwyh djukA
3-7 lfefr }kjk oh-Vh-lh- ijLFkkfir ehVj iBu vuqlkj miHkksx fd, x, is;ty dh ek=k dk fu;fer ,oa
ekfld :Ik ls foHkkx dks Hkqxrku djukA
3-8 is;ty ds nq:Ik;ksx dks jksduk rkfd ,d gh mPp tyk'k; vFkok ifEiax LVs'ku ls tqMs gq, vU; xzkeksa
dks Hkh Ik;kZIr ek=k esa is;ty dh miyC/krk lqfuf'pr dh tk ldsA
3-9 xzke dh forj.k iz.kkyh ls is;ty ds voS/k miHkksx dks jksdukA
3-10 lkoZtfud uyksa ,oa i'kqukn ls ikuh ds viO;; dks jksdukA
3-11 ?kjksa ls fudyus okys xans ikuh dh fudklh gsrq xzke iapk;r }kjk i;kZIr ukfy;ksa ds fuekZ.k gsrq izcU/ku
djukA ih,lih ds ikl lks[kurk xM~Ms dk fuekZ.k djukA
3-12 xzke esaxans ikuh ds VªhVesVa vkSj@ vFkok iquZmi;ksx gsrq vko';d dk;Zokgh dj ukrk fd dk;Zdze ds
vuqlkj xzke dks fueZy xzke dh Js.kh esa yk;k tk ldsA iapk;r }kjk bl dk;Z ds fy, lfefr dks
vko';d lg;ksx djukA
3-13 lfefr ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh dh vU; ?kjsyw dk;Z ;Fkk ugkus] crZu /kksus] diMs /kksus] ?kj dh lQkbZ
bR;kfn dk;ksZa gsrq ifj;kstuk ls miyC/k ikuh dk mi;ksx ugha fd;k tk;sA mDr dk;ksZa gsrq vko';d
ty dh vkiwfrZ xzke okfl;ksa dks ekStwnk ty L=ksrksa ls ,oa ,df=r o"kkZ ty ds fefJr miHkksx ds
ek/;e ls djuh gksxhA
3-14 iapk;r }kjk i'kq/ku gsrq ihus ds ikuh ds fy;s xzke esa i'kqukn@ [ksyh ds fuekZ.k ds fy;s vko';d Hkwfe
miyC/k djkukA
3-15 xzke dh is;ty forj.k iz.kkyh ds varxZr fdlh Hkh xzkeh.k ifjokj }kjk xzke dh ikbZi ykbZu ij voS/k
rjhds ls ty laca/k ys fy;k tkrk gS vFkok fdlh Hkh rjhds ls is;ty dk nq:i;ksx fd;k tkuk ik;k
tkrk gS rks mlds fo:) v/;{k] xzke ty LoPNrk lfefr iqfyl dk;Zokgh djsxhA ,slh dk;Zokgh u
fd;s tkus ij iwjs xzke dk oh-Vh-lh- ls is;ty forj.k foHkkx }kjk can fd;k tk ldrk gS ftldh
leLr ftEesnkjh v/;{k] ohMCY;w,llh dh gksxhA
4& ?kjsyw ty laca/k
4-1 ifj;kstuk vf/kdkjh }kjk xzke esa is;ty forj.k gsrq oh-Vh-lh- ls vkxs ikbZi ykbZu Mkyus] tksM+us] VsLV
djds is;ty izkjaHk djds ,oa ?kj&?kj ty lac/a k nsus dk dk;Z djok;k tkosxkA
CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal
Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

4-2 tu Lok- vfHk- foHkkx esa orZeku eas izpfyr ekunaMksa ds vuqlkj ;kstuk ds xzkeksa esa ?kj&?kj ty lac/a k
tkjh fd;s tkosaxAs
4-3 u;s ty laca/kks gsrq lqj{kk jkf'k xzke ty ,oa LoPNrk lfefr }kjk ,d= dh tkossxh rFkk mls lfefr ds
MsfMdsVsM cSad [kkrs esa tek djkuk gksxkA u;s ty lEc/kksa ds fy, yh tkus okyh ekfld jktLo jkf'k
dk fu/kkZj.k xzke ty ,oa LoPNrk lfefr }kjk fd;k tk ldsxkA
4-4 xzke ty ,oa LoPNrk lfefr ?kjsyw ty lEcU/kksa dk ?kj ds vUnj tkdj Hkh fujh{k.k dj ldrh gSA
4-5 xzke esa izR;sd miHkksDrk dks ?kjsyw ty lEcU/k tkjh djokus ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vkosnu izi= Hkjdj
gLrk{kj dj] vk/kkj&dkMZ ,oa jk'ku&dkMZ lfgr iw.kZ dj xzke ty ,oa LOPNrk lfefr ds ikl tek
djkuk gksxk rFkk lkFk esa lfefr@xzkelHkk }kjk fu/kkZfjr ,deq'r ty laca/k 'kqYd tek djokuk gksxkA
mlds i'pkr~ lfefr }kjk vkosnu djus ij foHkkx }kjk ty lac/a k ml miHkksDrk dks tkjh fd;k tk
4-6 lfefr xzke ds lHkh miHkksDrkvksa ls mDr jkf'k izkIr dj jlhn nsxh rFkk miHkksDrkvksa dh lwph ,oa jlhn
dk fooj.k tu Lok- vfHk- foHkkx ds vf/kdkfj;ks dks izLrqr djsx a h rRi'pkr~ xzke esa ty laca/k tkjh gks
4-7 xzke ty LoPNrk lfefr xzke esa ?kj&?kj ty lac/a k nsus dk dk;Z izkjaHk djokus ls iwoZ miHkksDrkvksa dh
leLr fiNyh cdk;k jkf'k olwydj foHkkx eas tek djok;sxh rHkh ubZ ;kstuk dk ykHk fn;k tkuk izkjaHk
5& foHkkx ds mRrjnkf;Ro
5-1 ifj;kstuk ds ek/;e ls ;Fkk laHko ihus] Hkkstu cukus ,oa i'kq/ku ds ihus bR;kfn gsrq vf/kdre 55 yhVj
izfr O;fDr izfrfnu ds vuqlkj eq[; ty forj.k ikbZi ykbZu ls oh-Vh-lh- rd ;Fkk laHko Ik;kZIr ncko
ls ,oa fu/kkZfjr ek=k esa is;ty miyC/k djkukA
5-2 lfefr ,oa iapk;r dks tutkx:drk ,oa lgHkkfxrk dk;Zdze dks lQy fdz;kUo;u gsrq rduhdh
5-3 rduhdh vko';drkvksa ds vuqlkj xzke esa lkoZtfud uy ,oa Ik'kq [ksyh gsrq vkUrfjd forj.k iz.kkyh
dk fuekZ.kA
4-4 lfefr }kjk fpfUgr ,oa vuqeksfnr LFkkuksa ij lkoZtfud uy ,oa Ik'kq [ksyh dk fuekZ.kA
5-5 lfefr dh vuq'ka"kk ij xzke ds p;fur O;fDr;ksa dks ikbZi ykbZu yhdst dh ejEer ,oa uylkt dk
dk;Z djus gsrq izf'k{k.k nsukA
5-6 ikbZi ykbu ,oa vU; midj.kksa dh ejEer o j[k j[kko esa iz;qDr lkexzh dk fujh{k.k ,oa vuqeksnuA
5-7 lfefr }kjk la/kkfjr LVkWd jftLVj] dk;Z jftLVj ,oa vU; i=kofy;ksa dk fujh{k.k ,ao vads{k.kA
5-8 oh-Vh-lh- ij cYdehVj ds ekfld iBukuqlkj ty 'kqYd dk fcy cukdj lfefr dks r; le; esa
miyC/k djkukA
5-9 lfefr }kjk okafNr vU; rduhdh lg;ksx miyC/k djkukA
5-10 is;ty ;kstuk dh okf"kZd cMh ejEer ugj canh vFkok vkdfLed cMh ejEer ds dkj.k is;ty vkiwfrZ
ckf/kr gksus dh fLFkfr esa foHkkx }kjk lfefr dks iwoZ lwpuk nh tk;sxh rkfd lHkh ukxfjd is;ty dh
oSdfYid O;oLFkk dj ldsaA
6& iapk;r ds mRrjnkf;Ro
6-1 ^lfefr^ dks ty forj.k ls lEcfU/kr dk;ksZa gsrq l{ke djus o fu/kkZfjr dk;ksZa o mRrjnkf;Roksa ds fuoZgu
esa lg;ksx iznku djukA
6-2 ^lfefr^ dks xzke dh vkUrfjd forj.k iz.kkyh ds lapkyu ,oa la/kkj.k gsrq lg;ksx djukA
6-3 ^dk;Zdze^ ds vuqlkj ^lfefr^ is;ty ls mRlftZr xans ikuh ds fudkl gsrq ukfy;ksa dk fuekZ.k rFkk dk;Z
esa vko';d lg;ksx djukA
6-4 foHkkx ds vuq'ka"kk mijkUr forj.k iz.kkyh ds foLrkj gsrq lfefr dks vko';d lg;ksx djukA
6-5 lkoZtfud uy] i'kqukn ,oa oh-Vh-lh- fuekZ.k ds fy, foHkkx dks fu'kqYd Hkwfe dk vkoaVu djkukA

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

6-6 xzkeesa ifj;kstuk dh forj.k iz.kkyh ls voS/k miHkksx dks jksdus gsrq dk;Z ;kstuk cukuk ,oa voS/k ty
laca/k dkslfefr ds lg;ksx ls gVokus ds fy, vko';d dnemBkukA
7& ^lfefr^ ds mRrjnkf;Ro
7-1 xzke dh vkUrfjd forj.k iz.kkyh] ;Fkk ikbZi ykbZu] lkoZtfud uy] i'kqukn ,oa vU; lEcfU/kr
midj.kksa dk lapkyu ,oa la/kkj.k dk iw.kZ mRrjnkf;RoA le;&le; ijjkT; ljdkj@ foHkkx }kjk
tkjh uohure fn'kkfunsZ'kksa dh ikyuk lqfuf’pr djukA
7-2 lfefr dks leLr xzkeokfl;ksa ds lg;ksx ls lkoZtfud uyksa o i'kquknksa ds LFkkuksa dk p;u] foHkkx }kjk
fu/kkZfjr ekin.Mksa ds vk/kkj ij djuk gksxkA lkoZtfud uyksa o i'kquknksa ds LFkkuksa ds p;u ds le;
vuqlwfpr tkfr@ tutkfr ckgqy {ks=ksa dks izkFkfedrk nh tkuh pkfg, o efgykvksa }kjk fn;s x;s
lq>koksa dk lEeku fd;k tkosxkA lHkh lkoZtfud uyksa o i'kquknksa ds LFkku dk p;u lkoZtfud LFky
ij gh fd;k tkosxkA
7-3 lfefr }kjk is;ty dh miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij foHkkxh; ekin.Mksa ds vuqlkj lHkh ukxfjsdksa dks LoPN
is;ty miyC/k djokukA
7-4 lfefr }kjk izfrekg miHkksx fd;s x;s is;ty dh jktLo olwyh djuk o foHkkx dk sfu;fer o ekfld
:i ls Hkqxrku djukA
7-5 ^lfefr^ }kjk fd, x, [kpksZa ,oa dk;Ziz.kkyh dh foRrh; o"kkZuqlkj okf"kZd fjiksVZ 15 vizsy ls iwoZ foHkkx
dks izLrqr djukA
7-6 is;ty ds nq:Ik;ksx dks jksduk rkfd ;kstuk ls tqMs vU; xzkeksa dks Hkh Ik;kZIr ek=k esa is;ty dh
miyC/krk lqfuf’pr dh tk ldsA
7-7 xzke dh forj.k iz.kkyh ls is;ty ds voS/k miHkksx dks jksduk voS/k dusD’ku ik;s tkus ij voS/k
dusD'ku djus okyksa ds f[kykQ dkuwuh dk;Zokgh djukA
7-8 lkoZtfud uyksa o i'kqukn ls ikuh ds viO;; dks jksdukA
7-9 lfefr lks[krs xM~<s ds fuekZ.k o o`{kk jksi.k gsrq xzkeh.kksa dks izkRs lkfgr djsxh rkfd lkoZtfud uyksa o
i'kquknksa ds ikl fuLrkfjr ty dh otg ls fdlh izdkj dh vLoLFkk dh leL;k u mRiUu gksA
7-10 forj.k iz.kkyh ds lapkyu ,oa la/kkj.k gsrq O;fDr;ksa dks izf’k{k.k gsrq vuqeksnu ,oa ukfer djukA
7-12 forj.k iz.kkyh ds la/kkj.k esa iz;qDr lkexzh ;Fkk lh-vkbZ-Mh TokbaV] jcjfjax] ih-ch-lh- ikbZi] uy]
xkLdsV bR;kfn dk foHkkxh; ekudksa ds vuqlkj dk;Z ,oa Hk.Mkj.kA
7-13 forj.k iz.kkyh ds la/kkj.k gsrq vko';d Vh ,.M ih lkexzh ;Fkkxsrh] QkoMk] rxkjh] fjap] ikuk bR;kfn
dk leqfpr ek=k esa dz; ,oa la/kkj.kA
7-14 la/kkj.k esa iz;qDr leLr lkexzh ,oa Vh ,.M ih lkefxz;ksa gsrq vyx&vyx jftLVj dk la/kkj.kA
7-15 yhdst ejeer ,oa vU; dk;ksZa dk jftLVj esa frfFk vuqlkj bUnzkt djrs gq, fooj.k ntZ djukA
7-16 lfefr }kjk ty 'kqYd ds Hkqxrku gsrq loZekU; vko';d ekWMy rS;kj fd;k tk;sxk] ftlds vk/kkj ij
foHkkx }kjk tkjh fd;s x;s ty chtd ds ty 'kqYd dks xzkeh.kksa esa foHkkftr dj izkIr fd;k tkdj
fu/kkZfjr frfFk rd foHkkx esa tek fd;k tk ldsA
7-17 forj.k iz.kkyh la/kkj.k dk;ksZa esa iz;qDr lkefxz;ksa ds dz; ls iwoZ foHkkx ls muds ekudksa ,oa fodz;
nkrkvksa dk vuqeksnu djokuk rkfd mPp xq.koRrk dh lkefxz;ksa dk dz; lqfuf'pr fd;k tk ldsA
7-18 dz; ds mijkUr lkefxz;ksa dk foHkkx ls fujh{k.k dj vuqeksnu djokukA
8& foHkkx ds vf/kdkj ,oa ty 'kqYd
8-1 xzke dh vkUrfjd lEiw.kZ ty forj.k iz.kkyh dk LokfeRo xzke lHkk ds ek/;e ls jktLFkku ljdkj dk
gksxk rFkk xzke ty ,oa LokLF; lfefr dh gSfl;r iV~Vk /kkjd dh gksxhA
8-2 foHkkx lkoZtfud uy] i'kqukn ,oa xzke dh vkUrfjd ty forj.k iz.kkyh ds fujh{k.k] ejEer gsrq funsZ’k
nsus] ikuh ds nq:Ik;ksx dks jksdus] ty lEcU/k esa ikuh ds cgko dks flfer djus gsrq vksfjfQl IysV
yxkus rFkk ?kjsyw ty lEcU/k dks mfpr dkj.kksa ls foPNsn djus gsrq ty ,oa LokLF; lfefr dks funsZ'k
nsus dk iw.kZ vf/kdkj gksxkA le;&le; ijjkT; ljdkj @ foHkkx }kjk tkjh uohure fn'kk funZs'kksa ds

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

vuqlkj ;kstuk esa vko';d lao/kZu@ p;fur <kf.k;ksa esa is;ty O;oLFkk gsrq dk;Z djokus ds fy,
Lora= gksxkA
8-3 tu LokLF; vfHk;kf=dh foHkkx ds vkWfMVj@ vkWfMV desVh ds }kjk fu;ekuqlkj@ vko';drkuqlkj
le;&le; ij lfefr ds ys[kksa dk fujh{k.k o vkWfMV gsrq vko';d fn'kk funsZ'k tkjh dj ldrh gSA
8-4 izR;sd xkWao dh eq[; ikbZi ykbZu ij fufeZr ty ekid d{k esa ty ekid ehVj LFkkfir fd;k tk;sxkA
ekfld ty 'kqYd fcy] ty ekid ehVj ds iBu ,oa jkT; ljdkj ds vkns’kkuqlkj izpfyr
rRdkyhu@ uohure la/kksf/kr njksa ds vk/kkj ij rS;kj fd;k tkosxkA
8-5 ty ,oa LokLF; lfefr muds xkWao ds vUnj lkoZtfud uyks]a ikbZi ykbZu bR;kfn ls fdlh Hkh izdkj ds
voS/k ty laca/kksa dks jksdus gsrq mRrjnk;h gksxhAxkWao ds vUnj voS/k ty laca/k ik;s tkus dh n'kk esa
foHkkx }kjk vfxze lwpuk ds foyst Vªkl a Qj psEcj ls xzke dk ty lac/a k foPNsn djus dk vf/kdkj
8-6 lfefr }kjk ,d ekg dh vof/k mijkUrHkh ;fn is;ty dk fcy tek ugha djok;k tkrk gS rks foHkkx
dks vfxze lwpuk i'pkr oh-Vh-lh- ij ty lac/a k foPNsn djus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA
8-7 lEiw.kZ xzke dks ,d miHkksDrk bdkbZ ds :i esa ekuk tk;sxkA jkT; ljdkj dh izpfyr orZeku esa ?kjsyw
ty 'kqYd dh njksa ls lfefr dks mi;ksx fd;s x;s ty dk ekfld Hkqxrku foHkkx dks djuk gksxkA
jkT; ljdkj }kjk le;&le; ij ifjofrZr ty 'kqYd ykxw fd;k tk;sxkA
lfefr }kjk ty 'kqYd ds Hkqxrku esa nsjh vFkok Hkqxrku ugha djus ij foHkkx }kjk fuEu dk;Zokgh dh
tk ldrh gS %&
;fn lfefr }kjk ,d ekg ds vkSlr fcy ds leku ns; jkf’k dk ty 'kqYd tek ugha djk;k tkrk gS
rks foHkkx }kjk lfefr ds v/;{k dks fyf[kr uksfVl fn;k tk;sxk] ftldh izfrfyfi lacaf/kr xzke iapk;r
vFkok ljiap dks nh tk;sxhA
Lkfefr }kjk pkywekg ds ty 'kqYd ,oa vU; lHkh cdk;k] ;fn gks]a fyf[kr uksfVl dh fnukad ls ,d
ekg dh le;kof/k esa foHkkx esa tek djok;sxhA ,slk ugha djus ij xzke dh ty laca/k foPNsn dj fn;k
Xkzke dh is;ty vkiwfrZ iqu% vkjEHk rHkh dh tk;sxh tc fiNys lHkh cdk;k ,oa 1000 :i;s iqu;ksZtu
'kqYd foHkkx esa tek dh jlhn iqu;ksZtu ds izkFkZuk i= ds lkFk layXu dj izLrqr dh tk;sxhA

9& ^lfefr^ ds fof'k"B dk;Z

9-1 vkarfjd is;ty forj.k O;oLFkk dk lapkyu ,oa la/kkj.kA
9-2 ty 'kqYd ds Hkqxrku gsrq loZekU; lfefr }kjk vko’;d ekud rS;kj fd;k tkosxk] ftlds vk/kkj ij
foHkkx }kjk tkjh fd;s x;s ,d eq'r ty chtd dh ty 'kqYd jkf’k dks xzkeh.kksa esa foHkkftr dj izkIr
fd;k tkdj] fu/kkZfjr frfFk rd foHkkx esa tek djk;k tk ldsA
9-3 lHkh izdkj ds ys[kk tks[kk ds vfHkys[kksa dk la/kkj.k lfefr djsxh rkfd bls izR;sd o"kZ xzke lHkk dh
cSBd esa izLrqr dj vuqeksnu djok;k tk ldsA
9-4 ty ,oa LokLF; lfefr xkWao ds vUnj lkoZtfud uyksa] ikbZi ykbZu bR;kfn ls fdlh Hkh izdkj ds voS/k
ty laca/kksa dks jksdus gsrq mRrjnk;h gksxhA xkWao ds vUnj voS/k ty laca/k ik;s tkus dh n'kk esa foHkkx
}kjk vfxze lwpuk Ik'pkr~] foyst Vªkl a Qj psEcj ls xzke dk ty laca/k foPNsn djus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA
9-5 tc dHkh ;kstuk esa okf"kZd cMh ejEer vFkok ugjcanh vk;sxh rks ,slh vof/k ds fy, foHkkx }kjk
is;tykiwfrZ esa dqN dVkSrh dh tk ldrh gSA lfefr rnuq:Ik vko';d rS;kjh j[ksxh@djsxhA
9-6 vkUrfjd is;tykiwfrZ ds lapkyu ,oa la/kkj.k dk nkf;Ro xzke ty ,oa LokLF; lfefr dk gksxkA ,slk
dksbZ O;fDr tks forj.k iz.kkyh dks fdlh rjg dh {kfr igqWapkrk gS mlds fo:) xzke lfefr vius Lrj
ij Fkkus esa ,Q-vkbZ-vkj- ntZdjokus dk ;k vU; dkuwuh dk;Zokgh djus ds fy, vf/kd`r ,oa Lora=
10& vuqca/k dh lekfIr o fookn dk fuiVkjk

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

10-1 foHkkx dks ubZ ty ,oa LokLF; lfefr ds xBu gsrq xzke iapk;r dks funsZ'k nsus vFkok mfpr fu.kZ; ysus
dk vf/kdkj gksxkA vuqca/k dks fuEu dkj.kksa ls lekIr@Hkax fd;k tk ldrk gSA
¼v½ xzke ty ,oa LokLF; lfefr o xzke iapk;r }kjk foHkkx dks lwpuk,a xyr vfHkizk; ls izLrqr dh
xbZ gksA
¼c½ ty ,oa LokLF; lfefr vius mRrj nkf;Ro dk fuoZgu djus esa vlQy jgsA
¼l½ ty dks"k dk nq:Ik;ksx gksuk ik;k tk,A
10-2 ;fn bl vuqcU/k ds ykxw gksus ds mijkUr fdlh rjg dk dksbZ fookn mRiUu gksrk gS rks ,sls fookn dk
fuiVkjk eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh] ftyk ifj"kn~ --------- ,oa v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk o`r------------ dh la;qDr lfefr
ds }kjk fd;k tk;sxk] ftldk fu.kZ; lHkh i{kksa dks ekU; gksxkA
10-3 ;g vuqca/k ewyr% ,d fn'kkfunsZ'k gS] ftlesa iwjh O;oLFkk dh xbZ gS fd xkWao ds fy;s tykiwfrZ gj n`f"V
ls dke;kc gks] ysfdu bl vuqca/k dks gj n`f"V ls ifjiw.kZ gksus dk nkok ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj
rhuksa i{k tgkWa Hkh tks Hkh mfpr le>s ikjLifjd lgefr ls dksbZ Hkh cnyko tykiwfrZ dks lqn`< djus ds
mn~ns'; ls dj ldrs gSAa
11& ys[kk ijh{k.k
foHkkx }kjk p;fur vads{k.k ny xzke ty ,oa LokLF; lfefr ds vk; O;; dk ys[kk ijh{k.k dj ldrs
gSaA bl lanHkZ esa lfefr dks vk;&O;; lacfa /kr nLrkost vads{k.k ny ds le{k izLrqr djuk gksxkA
leLr i{k ;g Hkyh HkkWafr le>rs gSa vkSj iw.kZ:is.k voxr gSa fd jkT; ty fufr ftlds ty ds
nq:Ik;ksx jksdus ,oa laj{k.k ij fo’ks"k tksj fn;k x;k gS] leLr i{k dk;Zdze dks HkyhHkkWafr vaxhdkj
djsxa s rFkk bls Lo;a ij ,oa nwljksa ij ykxw djus dk lrr~ iz;kl tkjh j[ksx a sA bl fo"k; esa tc Hkh
dksbZ u;k igyw] /kkjk] dkuwu] fu.kZ; jkT; ljdkj }kjk cuk;k tkosxk] ekU; gksxk rFkk vuqcU/k ds rgr
leLr i{kksa ijrqjUr izHkko ls ykxw gksxkA
bl vuqcU/k esa la’kks/ku vko’;drkuqlkj fd;k tk ldrk gS ftldk vf/kdkj tu LokLF; vfHk;af=dh
foHkkx ds ikl lqjf{kr gSA

izFkei{k f}rh; i{k

Xkzke ty ,oa LoPNrk lnL;ksa ds gLrk{kj tu LokLF; vfHk;kaf=d foHkkx
uke %
uke %
in %
in %
gLrk{kj %
gLrk{kj %
fnukad %
fnukad %
LFkku %
LFkku@ xkao dk uke %

¼dk;kZy; eksgj½
¼lfefr eksgj½

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

r`rh; i{k
dk;Zdkjh ,tsUlh Bsdsnkj] -----------

uke %

in %

gLrk{kj %

fnukad %

LFkku %

¼dk;kZy; eksgj½

layXu% Xkzke ty ,oa LoPNrk lnL;ksa dh lwph ,oa muds }kjk mijksDr vuqcU/k ij gLRkk{kj djus gsrq vf/kd`r
dk nLRkkostA

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

RPWA 88 A(Rules 338 & 595(iii) c)



The Governor of the State of Rajasthan
Through Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur
Whereas the Governor of the State of Rajasthan through Chief Engineer
Project, PHED, Jodhpur (here-in-after called “the Department”) having entered into
an agreement No___ dated ____ with M/s _______ (herein after called the contractor) for
“Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply project for providing
FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR water
supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission
mains, Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system and civil,
mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete
job as per scope & specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey
Contract including necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 10 years
(upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)”
herein after called “the said Agreement” under which the contractor(s) M/s
______________________________ have applied to furnish Bank Guarantee to makeup the
full Security Deposit.

1. In consideration of the Governor of State of Rajasthan having made such

a stipulation in agreement. We ______________ (indicate name of the “Bank”), here-in-
after referred to as the “Bank” at the request of M/s _____________, contractor(s), do
hereby undertake to pay to the Department an amount not exceeding Rs. ____________
(Rupees _______________ only) on demand.

2. We ______________ (indicate the name of Bank), do hereby undertake to

pay Rs. __________________ only) under this guarantee without any demur or delay,
merely on a demand from the Department. Any such demand made on the bank by the
Department shall be conclusive and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. The
Bank Guarantee shall be completely at the disposal of the Department and We
___________ (indicate the name of Bank), bound ourselves with all directions given by
Department regarding this Bank Guarantee. However, our liability under this
guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs______________
(Rupees_______________ only).

3. We _________________ (indicate the name of Bank), undertake to pay to

the Department any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
raised by the contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or
Tribunal or Arbitrator etc. relating thereto, our liability under these presents being
absolute, unequivocal and unconditional.

4. We_________________ (indicate the name of Bank) further agree that the

guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that
would be taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue
enforceable till all the dues of the Department under or by virtue of the said Agreement
have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the Department
certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and
properly carried out by the said contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this

5. We____________________ (indicate the name of Bank) further agree with

the Department that the Department shall have the fullest liberty without our consent
and without affecting in any manner our obligations, hereunder to vary any of the
terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the
said contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time
any of the powers exercisable by the Department against the said contractor(s) and to
forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and
we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension
being granted to the said contractor(s) or for any forbearance act of omission on the
part of the Department or any indulgence by the Department to the said contractor or
by any such matter or thing whatsoever which would but for this provision, have effect
of so reliving us.

6. The liability of us__________________ (indicate the name of Bank), under

this guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank
or the Contractor(s).

7. We ____________________ (indicate the name of Bank), lastly undertake not

to revoke this guarantee except with the previous consent of the Department in

8. This Guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect, until it is decided to
be discharged by the Department. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our
liability against this guarantee is restricted to Rs__________________ (Rupees
__________________________ only).

9. It shall not be necessary for the State Department to proceed against the
contractor before proceeding against the Bank and the guarantee herein contained
shall be enforceable against the Bank notwithstanding any security which the State
Department may have obtained or obtain from the contractor.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
10. The Bank Guarantee shall be payable at the headquarters of the Division,
or the nearest District Headquarters. If the last date of expiry of the Bank Guarantee
happens to be a holiday of the Bank, the Bank Guarantee shall expire on the close of
the next working day.

Dated ………….. day of ………….. For and on behalf of the Bank (indicate the

Signature & Designation

The above Guarantee is accepted by the Department of the State of Rajasthan

For and on behalf of the Governor of State of Rajasthan

Note: Guarantee to be made on stamp paper purchased by the bank only.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I




Sn Name of Father/H Address Adhar Narega Mobile Date Date of Consent

House usband No. Card No No of release of from
Owner/ Name etc (If Birth Connection Beneficiary
Head Of available) for use of
Family Adhar No for
identity for

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Bidders are required to provide complete information asked in the schedules. No schedule or
item of schedule is to be left blank. In case, a particular schedule or item in schedule is not
applicable, the same should be clearly indicated. The information provided in the schedules
shall be used for pre qualification evaluation of the tenders to assess the suitability and
conformity of the firm/ offer. However, it is clarified that, whatever technical particulars are
proposed or considered by the Bidder for his financial offer, all the equipment to be finally
provided, in case of award, shall correspond to the specifications of the tender documents
and shall be subject to the approval of Engineer In charge as stipulated in Special Conditions
of Contract in Vol.-I of the tender documents. No claim for additional payments shall be
entertained during the course of the approval process or thereafter on this account.
It is expected that the Bidder will quote with a view to supply equipment of best makes and
confirming to the highest standards. Bidder has to consider for his financial offer, makes
specified in the document. For items not covered by the list of equipment for which makes are
specified or if the specifications are not specified in the Bid document, only makes of reputed
manufacturers of equipment corresponding to the state of art technology and / or to the
latest Indian standards shall be supplied after approval of Engineer in Charge.
Information provided by the Bidder in the schedules is for preliminary assessment of the
offer. However, these details are subject to approval of the Engineer-in-Charge based upon
the detailed drawings / designs / data-sheets / specifications to be submitted by the Bidder
in conformity with the Bid documents.

Signature of authorized representative........................................

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

The Bidder has to fill in all bid forms (if applicable) in this document and to submit them duly
signed and stamped. They shall be used for the evaluation of his offer, the assessment
whether his bid is substantial and for his pre-qualification.
The Bidder shall neither add nor delete the texts of the forms. This might lead to the rejection
of the bid. The papers shall remain bound in the bid document issued to the Bidder, in the
same order as they appear hereafter.
Bid forms and supporting papers required
Designation What to do? Supporting papers
Bid Letter to be filled in, signed
and stamped
Statement having read to be filled in, signed
TD and addenda and stamped
Generalinformation to be filled in, signed • Powers of attorney, attested by
about theBidder and stamped notary on stamp paper of Rs500;
• Bid Security, Bid document fee &
processing fee in required form;
• Certificates of GST Registration

Bid Letter, Letter for to be filled in, signed

Bid for Work, and stamped
Pre Qualification to be filled in, signed • Audited balance sheets and profit
and stamped and loss statements;
• Certificate from a Charted
Accountant regarding the Annual
Turnover and net worth.
• Credit limit available with the
bidder as asked in Bid Document;
• Evidence of experience of firm as
required in pre-qualification

Signature of authorized representative.......................................................

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


I / We declare that I / we have read and understood and that I / we accept all clauses,
conditions, descriptions, drawings of the Bid documents and subsequent addenda (if any)
without any change, reservations and conditions.
Bid documents purchased from PHED

Section Part Total pages*

Notice of Invitation to Bidders (NIB)
Instructions and guidance to Bidders,

Volume I Pre-Qualification Schedules

General Conditions of Contract
Special Conditions of Contract – Part A

Special Conditions of Contract – Part B

Volume II Scope of work &Technical Specifications
Volume III Bid Drawings

Volume IV Preamble to Price Schedules and Schedule of

Prices (Bill of Quantities)

Addenda issued by PHED*

Addendum Dated


Signature of authorized representative.......................................................

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I




(Each Bidder and Member of a JV must fill this Form)

Financial Data for Previous Years (INR Equivalent)

Year 1: 2022-23 Year 2: 2021-22 Year 3: 2020-21
Information from Audited Balance Sheet
Total assets (TA)
Total Liabilities (TL)
Net Worth = TA - TL
Current Assets (CA)
Current Liabilities (CL)
Working Capital =
Information from Income Statement
Total Revenues
Profits Before Taxes
Profits After Taxes
Other Information
Annual Turnover

Signature of authorized representative.......................................................

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I




(To be submitted by a Reputed Bank on Bank’s Letter Head)

Date: [Insert Date]
Subject: Letter for credit limit facility

We ------------------------------------- (name of Bank) of -------------------------------- (name of

Country) having our registered office at ----------------------------------------- (address of
registered office) certify that M/s ----------------------------------------- (name of Bidder firm) is
having its office at ------------------------------------------------------ (address of Bidder firm),
having total exposure of credit facility is of Rs --------------------------- (in words Rupees --------
------------------------------------------------------------------ ) as detailed below:

S.No. Type of Credit Limit Amount Rs Amount Rupees in words

1 Cash Credit Limit _______________ (_______________________________)
2 Bank Guarantee Limit _______________ (_______________________________)
------- _______________ (_______________________________)
Total _______________ (_______________________________)

Against, total credit limit as detailed above, unutilized credit limit as on date of issuance of
this certificate is Rs --------------------------- (in words Rupees --------------------------------------
------------------------------------ ).
Operation of account is satisfactory.

SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank on the ----- day of ---------- 2023.

Date: --------------------------- Signature of Bank: ---------------------------------

Witness: ----------------------- Seal: ---------------------------------------------------

(Signature, name and address)

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
(To be submitted by Bidder through Affidavit on Stamp Paper of Rs 500/-)
Bidder shall submit calculation with details of all works in hand as on bid submission date
with affidavit. The bidder have to inform the department if there is any change in calculation
up to last date of bid submission, otherwise the submitted information shall be deemed to be
on last date of bid submission.
If any work is awarded under JV then liability of the bidder firm in work to be considered in
the proportion of the stake/share of firm under JV agreement in that work.
I/ We …….. (Name of firm) confirming that the details of all such works have been provided
either being executed in their name or being executed as joint venture within India or abroad
(bidder’s share)

S. Name of Employer’s Likely Remaining Outstanding Value of

No. Contract Contact Contract Contract Contract Existing
(Address, Completion Period in Value Commitment,
Tel, Fax) Date months (B)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TOTAL INR_________
Note: If Remaining Contract period is less than the completion period of the proposed work
then Value of B will be equal to outstanding contract value as per Col. 6 otherwise, Value of B
will be calculated from the formula as (Col.6 / Col.5) x N x 12
Availability of Bidding Capacity should be at least equal to bid cost of work.
Available Bid Capacity to be evaluated from following formula:
Bidding Capacity = 3 x A x N - B
A= Maximum annual turnover of the bidder in last three financial years taking into account
the completed as well as works in progress (updated / weighted to the present level, rate of
inflation shall be 10% per year).
N= Number of years prescribed for completion of works for which bid has been invited.
B= Value of existing commitments of works in hand and likely to be completed during next
period equivalent to execution of work under bid.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I




(To demonstrate their financial stability, the Bidder shall submit an Affidavit in the
following format on Rs 500/- non-judicial stamp paper along with the certificate
from the Bidder’s Chartered Accountant with UDIN mentioned on it)

I/We ______________________________________, having my/our registered office at
________________, submitting my/ our Bid for the work of “Execution of works related to
“Drinking water supply project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore
through Narmada Canal based FR water supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC
CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system, Village
distribution system and civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works
including Geo-tagging complete job as per scope & specifications on Single Point
Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract including necessary Design and Operation &
maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under Jal
Jeevan Mission (JJM)” certify that my/ our firm is not facing recovery / insolvency
proceedings from Financial Institutions (FIs)/ Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) OR
National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) OR
Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) OR facing any winding up proceedings in last 3 financial
years (--------------- to -----------------) and up to the date of Bid submission.
Information from Profit & Loss Account/ Income & Expenditure statement for
last 5 preceding years

Year 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

Proft/ Excess of income
over expenditure after

Signature of the Authorized Signatory to the Bidder

Name of the Authorized Signatory of the Bidder

Name & Address of the Bidder


CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I



The bidder should have experience of
Execution and successful commissioning/ of one of the following:
(a) Three similar works each costing not less than 40% of the estimated cost of bid i.e. Rs.
4,32,15,00,000 x 40% = Rs. 1,72,86,00,000

(b) Two similar works each costing not less than 50% of the estimated cost of bid i.e. Rs.
4,32,15,00,000 x 50% = Rs 2,16,07,50,000

(c) One similar work costing not less than 80% of the estimated cost of bid i.e. Rs
4,32,15,00,000 x 80% = Rs 3,45,72,00,000
The detail of the qualifying work(s) shall be submitted in the following
format along with the technical bid.
Details of works
Date of Reference of
completed under
Work Comple documentary proof
Amount the project
Name of Order Date of tion &
Name of of Work Size
Sn Project/ No/ start of commi Completion
Client complet Order / Qty
Contract date/ Project ssionin certificate
ed work (enclosed Item Dia/ execu
amount g of (enclosed at
at page Cap ted
project page No)
No) acity


Note: ‘Similar work(s)’ means an executed, completed and commissioned water supply
scheme/project having:
• Pipeline component of minimum 10% value of total scheme/project cost of which
experience certificate is being submitted by the bidder.
• The bidder is required to have experience of pipeline as per above point A and
any one additional component out of key components in the work put to bid
(Pumping Machinery, CWR, OHSR).
• The Bidder shall keep original certificates with him for verification and will
present, if required, at a short notice of 3 days to the department.

Company Seal Bidder’s Authorised Signature

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I



The bidder should have experience of laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of pipeline
in a drinking water supply project/ scheme:
(i) of minimum 150 mm nominal dia pipeline for minimum length of 414 meter.
(ii) of minimum length of pipeline of all types and diameters (min. nominal dia. 75 mm) of 500 Km.
S.N Name Name Work Date of Date of Amoun Completi Reference of Detail of work completed
of of Order start of Compl t of on documentary proof under the project
Project Client No/ Project etion comple certificat
Work Completio Pipe Dia Type Length
/ date/ of ted e issuing
Order n in MM (DI (metre)
Contra amount project work authorit
(enclosed certificate /
ct y
at Page (enclosed AC/
/ no/ MS
date No) at Page No)
PSCC etc)
& class

• Experience of Drinking Water pipeline shall only be considered.
• Experience certificate issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer
or equivalent for the work awarded by State Governments/ Central Government or their
undertakings and autonomous bodies shall only be considered for the purpose of
experience of work.
• The Bidder shall keep original certificates with him for verification and will present,
if required, at a short notice of 3 days to the department.

CompanySeal Bidder’s Authorised Signature

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I
Schedule 2.2.2 Experience of Pumping Machinery :

The bidder
Should have minimum experience of installation/ replacement and commissioning of
pumping machineries including EMI works (cumulative in KW), in a single pump house of
73 KW.
Should have experience of O&M for minimum 2 years pumping sets of equal to or more than
742 KW in a single contract
S.N Name Name Work Date Date Amou Comple Reference of Detail of work
of of Client Order of of nt of tion documentary completed under
Project No/ start Compl compl certifica proof the project
/ date/ of etion eted te Work Completi Item Capacity
Contra amount Projec of work issuing Order on
ct t projec authori (enclosed certificat
t ty at Page e
/ no/ No) (enclose
date d at
Page No)
• Experience certificate issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or
equivalent for the work awarded by State Governments/ Central Government or their
undertakings and autonomous bodies shall only be considered for the purpose of
experience of work.
• The Bidder shall keep original certificates with him for verification and will present, if
required, at a short notice of 3 day to the department.

Company Seal Bidder’s Authorised Signature

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Schedule 2.2.4 Experience of CWR/GLSR/GLR:

The bidder should have minimum experience of execution and commissioning of one RCC
CWR /GLSR /GLR structure of capacity equal to 167 KL of any structure (CWR/GLSR/GLR).

S.N Name Name Work Date Date Amou Comple Reference of Detail of work
of of Client Order of of nt of tion documentary completed under
Project No/ start Compl compl certifica proof the project
/ date/ of etion eted te Work Completi Item Capacity
Contra amount Projec of work issuing Order on
ct t projec authori (enclosed certificat
t ty at Page e
/ no/ No) (enclose
date d at
Page No)

• Experience certificate issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or
equivalent for the work awarded by State Governments/ Central Government or their
undertakings and autonomous bodies shall only be considered for the purpose of
experience of work.
• The Bidder shall keep original certificates with him for verification and will present, if
required, at a short notice of 3 day to the department.

Company Seal Bidder’s Authorised Signature

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Schedule 2.2.5 Experience of OHSR:

The bidder should have minimum experience of execution and commissioning of one RCC
OHSR of capacity equal to 100KL of OHSR.

S.N Name Name Work Date Date Amou Comple Reference of Detail of work
of of Client Order of of nt of tion documentary completed under
Project No/ start Compl compl certifica proof the project
/ date/ of etion eted te Work Completi Item Capacity
Contra amount Projec of work issuing Order on
ct t projec authori (enclosed certificat
t ty at Page e
/ no/ No) (enclose
date d at
Page No)

• Experience certificate issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or
equivalent for the work awarded by State Governments/ Central Government or their
undertakings and autonomous bodies shall only be considered for the purpose of
experience of work.
• The Bidder shall keep original certificates with him for verification and will present, if
required, at a short notice of 3 day to the department.

Company Seal Bidder’s Authorised Signature

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO.20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Schedule 3.1 Experience of O&M :

The bidder should have experience of
Successful completion of O&M of one (1) similar work for at least two (2) years with actual contract value
(Capital + O&M) not less than 20% of Rs. 4,32,15,00,000 (i.e. Rs.86,43,00,000)
Successful completion of O&M of one (1) similar work for at least two (2) years having contract value of O&M per
annum not less than 0.25% of Rs. 4,32,15,00,000 (i.e. Rs. 108,03,750)

Contra Reference of
Details of O&M works
ct documentary
under the project
Date of Actual Value proof
Work Date of
Name of Name Completion Contract of Work
Order No/ start of
Sn Project/ of of 2 years of Value O&M Order Completion
date/ O&M of Size/ Qty
Contract Client O&M of (Capital + per (enclos certificate
amount Project Item Dia/ execute
Project O&M) Annum ed at (enclosed at
Capacity d
page page No)


• Experience certificate issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer
or equivalent for the work awarded by State Governments/ Central Government or
their undertakings and autonomous bodies shall only be considered for the purpose
of experience of work.
• The Bidder shall keep original certificates with him for verification and will present, if
required, at a short notice of 3 day to the department.

Company Seal Bidder’s Authorised Signature

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I



(The Bidder (Each Partner firm in case of JV) shall submit an Affidavit
in the following format on Rs 500/- non-judicial stamp paper to
demonstrate the historical contract non-performance)


I/we _____________________, having my/our registered office at

__________________________, submitting my/ our Bid for the work
of “Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply
project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore
through Narmada Canal based FR water supply project” viz.
Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission
mains, Cluster distribution system, Village distribution
system and civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation
works including Geo-tagging complete job as per scope &
specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey
Contract including necessary Design and Operation &
maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect
liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)”, certify that
my/ our firm has / have not been under category of
blacklisted/debarred for non-performance or due to other breach
of contract/ RTPP rules/ PWF&AR Rules on the last date of
submission of bid.

Signature of authorized representative of the Bidder

Name of authorized representative of the Bidder

Name and Address of the Bidder


CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I



Undertaking in respect of the Bid for “Execution of works related to

“Drinking water supply project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of
Distt. Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR water supply project” viz.
Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission mains, Cluster
distribution system, Village distribution system and civil, mechanical,
electrical & instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete job as
per scope & specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey
Contract including necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 10
years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan
Mission (JJM)” As per NIB No. 20/2023-24 (to befilled by the bidder)

I/We hereby agree to all terms and conditions, scope of work, specifications
except to the deviation given in schedule 3.2 and 3.3. We undertake that the
contents of the submitted bids, the write-up given, the designs attached herein
and the figures/components shown in the drawings submitted with the bid, do
not provide any deviations from the terms and conditions, scope of work and
I/we agree to withdraw all such deviations which indicates any deviation from
the terms and conditions, scope of work and specifications other than those
given in Schedule 3.2 and 3.3, which can be interpreted from the write up,
attached designs, schedules, drawings etc. given in the submitted bid

I/we also agree to provide the equipment/material specified in the approved

vendor list / bid document without any additional cost for completion of the

I/We understand that the Department can ask us to provide any additional
equipment as shown in the drawings or as written in the bid document without
any additional cost.
I/We also understand that the department may also opt to provide any of the
equipment of other makes/ specifications quoted by us in the bid document
without providing us any opportunity to change the financial offer, without
having any effect on the Department right to ask us to supply material of
specifications and makes as per the bid document.
I/We also agree that irrespective to the designs and drawings given in this bid
offer, we shall execute the work as per the designs and drawings approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge during execution, in consideration to the provisions of
the Bid Document.

Signature of authorized representative.......................................................

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


All deviations from Technical Specifications shall be filled in by the Bidder,

clause by clause, in this Schedule. It may be noted that the Specifications given
in the Vol.-II of Bid Document are the minimum acceptable; the bidders are
free to quote standards that are better / higher than the ones referred to in the
Bid Document.

Clause Specification Deviation Standard to

Ref. of which offered
Vol-II material/

The bidder hereby certifies that the above mentioned are the only deviations
from Technical Specifications of the Bid and he accepts all the remaining scope
and specifications contained in Vol.-II of the Bid document.

Signature of authorized representative.......................................................

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


All deviations from the Conditions of Contract (General Conditions of Contract

and Special Conditions) shall be filled in by the Bidder, clause by clause in this

Clause Ref. of Vol. – I Deviation

The Bidder hereby certificates that the above mentioned are the only deviations
from the Conditions of Contract of Vol.-I and he agrees with all remaining

Signature of authorized representative.......................................................

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


OFFICE OF THE ------- District -------
No.: Date:
Certified that M/s --------------------------------- has successfully executed and
commissioned the work awarded vide work order no. -------------- dated ------
------- against NIT no. ------------- dated ----------- of ------------------------------
-- (Name of authority) as per following details:

1. Name of work
2. Stipulated date of commencement
3. Stipulated date of completion
4. Actual date of completion
5. Work order amount
6. Actual amount of work done as per
final bill
7. Components executed in the work
S.No. Name of Component Size/ Quantity/ Capacity of
components executed

The work was found satisfactory.



Signature & Seal of Engineer In Charge

(Not below the rank of Executive Engineer)

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

(“Copy of appendix XI of PWF&AR, Govt. of Rajasthan effective from 01.07.99 amended up to

31.12.2012 and other amendments up to date. In case of any typographical error or omission
or alteration the original version of the same shall be valid.”)
All works, proposed for execution by Contract, will be notified in a form of invitation to tender
pasted on public places and on a board hung up in the office of and signed by the Chief
Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer.
1. The form of invitation to tender will state the work to be carried out, as well as the date of
submitting and opening of tenders and the time allowed for carrying out the work, also the
amount of Bid security to be deposited with the tender and the amount of the Security
Deposit to be deposited by the successful tenders and the percentage, if any, to be deducted
from bills. Copies of the specifications, designs and drawings and estimated rates/
scheduled rates and any other document required in connection with the work signed for
the purpose of identification by the Executive Engineer shall be open for inspection by the
Contractor at the office of the Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer during
office hours. .
2. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each
partner, thereof, or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his
behalf, by a person holding a Power of Attorney, authorizing him to do so. Such power of
Attorney will be submitted with the tender and k must disclose that the firm is duly
registered under the Indian Partnership Act, by submitting the copy or registration
3. Receipts for payments, made on account of a work when executed, by a firm must also be
signed by the several partners, except where the contractors are described in their tender as
a firm, in which case the receipts must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the
partners or by some other person having authority to give effectual receipts for the firm.
4. Any person, who submits percentage rate tender, shall fill up the usual printed form stating
at how much percent above or below the rates specified in Schedule G. he is willing to
undertake the work. Only one rate of percentage, more or less, on all the estimated
rates/scheduled rates shall be mentioned. Tenders, which propose any alteration in the
work, specified in the said form of invitation to tender, or in the time allowed for carrying
out the work, or which contain any other conditions of any sort, will be liable to rejection No
single tender shall include more than one work, but Contractors, who wish to tender for two
or more works, shall submit a separate tender for each work. Tenders shall have the name
and number of work, to which they refer, written outside the envelope.
5. The Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer will open the tenders in the presence
of-any contractor(s) or their authorized representatives who may be present at the time, and
will announce-and enter the rates/amounts of all tenders in the Register of Opening of
Tenders, (Form RPWA 20A). In the event of the tender being accepted, a receipt for the Bid
security deposited shall be given to the Contractor, who shall sign copies of the
specifications and other documents mentioned in Rule 1. In the event of a tender being
rejected, the Bid security forwarded with such i accepted tenders shall, be returned to the
Contractor making the same.
6. The Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer shall have the right of rejecting all or
any of the tender without assigning any reason
7. The receipt of an Accountant, Cashier or any other official, not authorized to receive such
amount, will not be considered as an acknowledgment of payment to the Chief Engineer or
other duly authorized Engineer.
8. The memorandum of work tendered for memorandum of materials and of tools and plant to
be supplied by the Department and their rates, shall be filled in and completed in the office
of the Chief Engineer or duly authorized Engineer before the tender, form is issued.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

9. If it is found that the tender is not submitted in proper manner, or contains too many
corrections and or unreasonable rates or amounts, it would be open for the Engineer-in-
charge not to consider the tender, forfeit the amount of bid security and/or de-list the
10. The tenderer shall sign a declaration under the Official Secrets Act for maintaining secrecy
of the tender documents, drawings or other records connected w\£h the work given to him
in form given below. The unsuccessful bidders shall return all the drawings given to them.
“I/We hereby declare*that I/We shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other records,
connected with the work, as secret and confidential documents, and shall not communicate
information derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are
authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the
safety of the same.”
11. Any percentage rate tender containing item-wise rates, and any item rate tender containing
percentage rate below or above estimated/scheduled rates, will be summarily rejected.
However, if a bidder voluntarily offers a rebate for payment within a stipulated period, this
may be considered.
12. On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the Contractor
(with a photograph and signature attested), who would be responsible for taking instructions
from the Engineer in charge, shall be communicated to the Engineer- in-charge.
13. Sales tax or any other tax on materials, or Income Tax in respect of the contract shall be
governed by Clause 36 A, B and C and D of the Conditions of Contract. Deduction of
Income Tax at source will be made as per provisions of the Income Tax Act, in force from
time to time.
14. The tender to work shall not be witnessed by a Contractor or Contractors who himself
themselves has/have tendered or who may and has/have tendered for the same work. Failure
to observe the secrecy of the tenders will render tenders of the contractors, tendering as well
as witnessing the tender, liable to summary rejection.
15. If on check there are discrepancies the following producer shall be followed
(i) Where there is a difference between the rates in figures and words, lower of the two
rates shall be taken as valid and correct rate.
(ii) When the rate quoted by .the contractor in figures and in words tallies, but the
amount is not worked out correctly, the rate quoted by the contractor shall be taken
as correct and not the amount worked out.
(iii) While quoting rates, if rate/rates against any item or items are found to be omitted,
the rate given in the Schedule ‘G’ by the department for such items will be taken into
account while preparing comparative statement and contractor shall be-bound to
execute such item on ‘G1 Schedule rates.
(iv) In case where percentage is given but the ‘above’ or •below’ not scored, the Tender
will be non-responsive.
16. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprenticeship Act, 1961, and the
rules and orders issued, there under, from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will be
a breach of the contract and the original sanctioning authority in his discretion may cancel
the contract. The Contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account
of violations by him of the provisions of the Act.
17. The Contractor shall read the specifications and study the working drawings carefully before
submitting the tender.
18. The site for execution of the work will be made available as soon as the work ;,s awarded. In
case, it is not possible for the Department to make the entire site available on the award of
the work, the Contractor shall arrange his working program accordingly. No claim,
whatsoever, for not giving the site in full on award of the work or for giving the site gradually

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

in parts will be tenable. The contractor may satisfy himself regarding site, acquisition of
land, approach roads etc.
19. The tender documents show already the specific terms and conditions on which tenders are
required by the Government. Hence, all tenders should be in strict conformity with the
tender documents and should be fulfilled in, wherever necessary, and initiated. Incomplete
tenders are liable to be rejected. The terms and conditions of the tender documents are firm,
as such conditional tenders are liable to be rejected.
20. The tenderer, while submitting tender, must provide adequate information regarding his
financial,, technical and organizational capacity and working experience to execute the work
of the nature and magnitude.
21. The Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer reserves the right to ask for
submission of samples as in respect of materials for which the. Tenderer has quoted his
rates before the tender can be considered for acceptance. If the tenderer, who is called upon
to do so, does not submit within seven days of written order to do so, the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be at liberty to forfeit the said bid security absolutely.
22. The Contractor shall submit the list of the works, which are in hand (progress). In the
following form:
Name and particular of the Position of
Name of Sub Division/Division, Amount Remar
works in
work where work is being of work ks
1 executed
2 3 4 5

23. The Contractor should quote his rates only in one language i.e. either in Hindi or English.
Rates should be quoted in figures as well as in words. In case a Contractor has quoted rates
in both the languages, and the rates so quoted differ, then the lower of the two shall be
treated as the rate quoted by the Contractor.
24. All additions, deletions, corrections and overwriting, must be serially numbered and attested
by the Contractor at every page, so also by the officer opening the tenders, so as to make
further disputes impossible on this score.
25. After acceptance of the tender, the Contractor or all partners (in the case of partnership
firm), will append photographs and signatures duly attested, at the time of execution of
26. If any contractor, who having submitted a tender does not execute the agreement or start
the work or does not complete the work and the work has to be put to re-tendering, he shall
stand debarred from participating in such re-tendering in addition to forfeiture of Bid
security/Security Deposit and other action under agreement.
27. The tender documents shall be issued to those contractors only having valid enlistment as
on the date of issue of documents.
28. (A) If a bidder reduces the rates voluntarily after opening of the tenders/ negotiations, his
offer shall stand cancelled automatically, his bid security shall be forfeited and action for
debarring him from business shall be taken as per enlistment rules.
(B) If a non-bidder offers lower rates after opening of tenders, action for debarring him from
business shall be taken as per enlistment rules.
29. Contractors shall submit only unconditional tenders. Conditional tenders are liable to be
rejected summarily.

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Clause 1: Security Deposit
“The security deposit @ 10%1 of the gross amount of the running bill shall be deducted
from each running bill and shall be refunded as per rules on completion of the contract as
per terms and conditions. The bid security deposited shall however be adjusted while
deducting security deposit from the first running bill of the contractor. There will be no
maximum limit of security deposit.
A contractor may, however, elect to furnish bank guarantee or any acceptable form of
security for an amount equal to the full amount of security deposit @ 10%2 of the work
order before or at the time of executing the agreement. In that case bid security may be
refunded only after furnishing of the bank guarantee as above. During the execution of the
work or after completion of the work also a contractor may replace the security deposit by
furnishing bank guarantee for an equal amount. However, during execution of the work if
cost of work exceeds as shown at the time of furnishing bank guarantee, balance security
deposit shall be deducted from the Running Account Bills.”
If the contractor during the course of execution of the work or after completion of the work
desires to replace the security deposit paid in cash or deducted from running bills by bank
guarantee, he may be allowed to furnish a bank guarantee in the prescribed form for the
required amount and period and after accepting of such bank guarantee the amount of
such security deposit earlier deposited/deducted may be refunded.
All compensation or other sums of money payable by the Contractor to Government under
the terms of his contract may be deducted from or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of his
Security Deposit, or from interest arising there from, or from any sums, which may be due
or may become due to the Contractor by the Government on any account whatsoever, and
in the event of his Security Deposit being reduced by reason of any such deduction or sale
as aforesaid, the Contractor shall within ten days thereafter, make good in cash or Bank
Guarantee of Nationalized/Scheduled bank, as aforesaid, any sum or sums which may
have been deducted from or raised by sale of his Security Deposit or any part thereof.
In case of Bank Guarantee of any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank is furnished by the
Contractor to the Government, as part of the Security Deposit and the bank goes into
liquidation or, for any reason is unable to make payment against the said Bank Guarantee,
the loss caused thereby shall fall on the Contractor and the Contractor shall forthwith, on
demand, furnish additional security to the Government to make good the deficit.
The liability or obligation of the bank under the Guarantee Bond shall not be affected or
suspended by any dispute between the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor, and the
payment, under the Guarantee Bond by the bank to the Government shall not wait till
disputes are decided. The bank shall pay the amount under the Guarantee, without any
demur, merely on a demand from the Government stating that the amount claimed is
required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the Contractor. The demand, so
made, shall be conclusive as regards to amount due and payable by the bank, under the
guarantee limited to the amount specified in the Guarantee Bond. The guarantee will not be
discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor.
The Bank Guarantee shall remain valid upto the specified date unless extended on demand
by the Engineer-in-Charge which shall include the period of completion of the contract and
the defect removal period as per terms of the Agreement. Bank’s liability shall stand
automatically discharged unless a claim in writing is lodged with the Bank within the
period stated in the Bank Guarantee including the extended period. After satisfactory
completion of the contract and clearance of all dues by the Contractor, the Chief Engineer
or duly authorized Engineer will discharge the Bank Guarantee after expiry of the original
or the extended period, as the case may be. In case the date of expiry of the Bank
Guarantee is a holiday, it will be deemed to expire on the close of the next working day.

3 % of payments as per Notification dated 18.12.20 and dated 12.1.2022 of Finance Department, Govt of Rajasthan
3 % of payments as per Notification dated 18.12.20 and dated 12.1.2022 of Finance Department, Govt of Rajasthan

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Government is not concerned with any interest accruing to the Contractor on any form of
Security (primary or collateral) lodged by him with the bank or any sums payable to
sureties obtained by the Bank as counter guarantee to secure its own position. These will
be the matters between the Bank and the Contractor.
Clause 2: Compensation for delay
The time allowed for carrying out the work, as entered in the tender, shall be strictly
observed by the Contractor and shall be reckoned from the 10th day after the date of written
order to commence the work is given to the Contractor. If the Contractor does not
commence the work within the period specified in the work order, he shall stand liable for
the forfeiture of the amount of Bid security and Security Deposit. Besides, appropriate
action may be taken by the Engineer-in-Charge/competent authority to debar him from
taking part in future tenders for a specified period or black list him. The work shall,
throughout the stipulated period of completion of the contract, be proceeded with all due
diligence, time being essence of the contract, on the part of the Contractor. To ensure good
progress during the execution of work, the contractor shall be bound, in all cases in which
the time allowed for any work exceeds one month (save for special jobs), to complete 1/8th
of the whole of the work before 1/4th of the whole time allowed under the contract has
elapsed, 3/8th of the work before ½ of such time has elapsed and 3/4th of work before 3/4th
of such time has elapsed. If the contractor fails to complete the work in accordance with
this time schedule in terms of cost in money, and the delay in execution of work is
attributable to the contractor, the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation to the
Government at every time span as below: -
A. Time Span of full 1/4th 1/2th 3/4th Full
stipulated period

B. Work to be 1/8th 3/8th 3/4th Full

completed in
terms of money (Rs. …….) (Rs. …….) (Rs. …….) (Rs. …….)
C. Compensation Delay up to one fourth period of the prescribed time span – 2.5% of
payable by the the work remained unexecuted
contractor for Delay exceeding one fourth period but not exceeding half of the
delay prescribed time span – 5% of the work remained unexecuted.
attributable to Delay exceeding half of the prescribed but not exceeding three
contractor at the fourth of the time span – 7.5% of the work remained unexecuted
stage of : Delay exceeding three fourth of the prescribed time span – 10% of
the work remained unexecuted
Note:- In case delayed period over a particular span is split up and is jointly attributable to
Government and contractor, the competent authority may reduce the compensation in
proportion of delay attributable to Government over entire delayed period over that span
after clubbing up the split delays attributable to Government and this reduced
compensation would be applicable over the entire delayed period without paying any
Following illustrations is given:-
(i) First time span is 6 months, delay is of 30 days which is split over as under:-
(c) days (attributable to Government) + 5 days (attributable to contractor) + 5 days (attributable
to Government) + 5 days (attributable to contractor) + 5 days (attributable to Government) +
5 days (attributable to contractor)
Total delay is thus clubbed to 15 days (attributable to Government) and 15 days
(attributable to contractor).
The normal compensation of 30 days as per clause 2 of agreement is 2.5% which can be
reduced as 2.5*15/30-1.25% over 30 days without any escalation by competent authority.
Note : The compensation, levied as above, shall be recoverable from the Running Account
Bill to be paid immediately after the concerned time span. Total compensation for delays
shall not exceed 10 percent of the total value of the work.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

The contractor shall, further, be bound to carry out the work in accordance with the date
and quantity entered in the progress statement attached to the tender.
In case the delay in execution of work is attributable to the contractor, the spanwise
compensation, as laid down in this clause shall be mandatory. However, in case the slow
progress in one time span is covered up within original stipulated period, then the amount
of such compensation levied earlier shall be refunded. The Price escalation, if any,
admissible under clause 45 of Conditions of Contract would be admissible only on such
rates and cost of work, as would be admissible if work would have been carried out in that
particular time span. The Engineer-in-Charge shall review the progress achieved in every
time span, and grant stagewise extension in case of slow progress with compensation, if the
delay is attributable to contractor, otherwise without compensation.
However, if for any special job, a time schedule has been submitted by the Contractor
before execution of the agreement, and it is entered in agreement as well as same has been
accepted by the Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor shall complete the work within the said
time schedule. In the event of the Contractor failing to comply with this condition, he shall
be liable to pay compensation as prescribed in forgoing paragraph of this clause provided
that the entire amount of compensation to be levied under the provisions of this Clause
shall not exceed 10% of the value of the contract. While granting extension in time
attributable to the Government, reasons shall be recorded for each delay.
Clause 2A Incentive for early completion:
In the event that the Project (cost more than Rs 50 Crore) Completion Date occurs prior to
Scheduled Completion Date (after taking into account any time extension approved by the
competent authority for delays not attributable to the Contractor), the Contractor shall be
entitled to receive a payment of incentive equivalent to 0.03% (zero point zero three percent)
of the Contract Price for each day by which the Project Completion date precedes the
Scheduled Completion Date, but subject to a maximum of 3% (three percent of the Contract
Price). Provided, however, that the payment of incentive, if any, shall be made only after
issue of the Completion Certificate.
Note: Contract Price for calculation of above incentive means Original Cost of Work, plus
cost of Additional and Extra items if any, but excluding price variation / escalations
granted, if any.
Clause 3: Risk & Cost Clause
The Engineer-in-charge or the Competent Authority defined under rules may, without
prejudice to his rights against the Contractor, in respect of any delay or inferior
workmanship or otherwise, or any claims for damages in respect of any breaches of the
contract and without prejudice to any rights or remedies under any of the provisions of this
Contract or otherwise, and whether the date for completion has or has not elapsed, by
notice in writing, absolutely determine the Contract in any of the following cases:
(i) If the Contractor having been given by the Engineer-in-charge, a notice in writing to
rectify, reconstruct or replace any defective work or that the work is being performed
in any inefficient or otherwise improper or un-workman like manner shall omit to
comply with the requirements of such notice for a period of seven days, thereafter, or
if the Contractor shall delay or suspend the execution of the work so that either in
the judgment of the Engineer-in-charge (which shall be final and binding) he will be
unable to secure completion of the work by the date for completion or he has already
failed to complete the work by that date,
(ii) If the Contractor, being a company, shall pass a resolution or the court shall make
an order that the company shall be wound up or if a receiver or a manager, on behalf
of a creditor, shall be appointed or if circumstances shall arise, which entitle the
court or creditor to appoint a receiver or a manager or which entitle the court to
make a winding up order,
(iii) If the contractor commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract,
(iv) If the contractor commits any acts mentioned in, clause 19 thereof.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

When the Contractor has made himself liable for action under any of the cases aforesaid,
the Engineer-in charge on behalf of the Governor of Rajasthan shall have powers: -
(a) To determine or rescind the contract, as aforesaid (of which determination or rescission
notice in writing to the Contractor under the hand of the Engineer-in charge shall be
conclusive evidence), upon such determination or rescission, the bid security, full security
deposit of the contract shall be liable to be forfeited and shall be absolutely at the disposal
of Government.
(b) To employ labour paid by the Department and to supply materials to carry out the
work or any part of the work, debiting the Contractor with the cost of the labour and the
price of the materials (of the amount of which cost and price certified by the Engineer-in-
charge shall be final and conclusive against the contractor) and crediting him with the
value of the work done in all respects in the same manner and at the same rates, as if it
had been carried out by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract. The certificate of
the Divisional Officer, as to the value of the work done, shall be final and conclusive
evidence against the Contractor provided always that action under the sub-clause shall
only be taken after giving notice in writing to the Contractor. Provided also that; if the
expenses incurred by the Department are less than the amount payable to the Contractor
at his agreement rates, the difference shall not be paid to the Contractor.
I After giving notice to the contractor to measure up the work of the contractor and to take
such part thereof, as shall be unexecuted out of his hands, and to give it to another
contractor to complete, in which case any expenses which may be incurred in excess of the
sum which would have been paid to the original contractor, if the whole work had been
executed by him (of the amount of which excess, the certificate in writing of the Engineer-
in-charge shall be final and conclusive) shall be borne and paid by the original Contractor
and may be deducted from any money due to him by Government under this contract or
on any other account whatsoever, or from his Bid security, Security Deposit, Enlistment
Security or the proceeds of sales thereof, or a sufficient part thereof, as the case may be. In
the event of any one or more of the above courses being adopted by the Engineer-in-charge,
the Contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by
reason of his having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any engagements
or made any advances on account or with a view to the execution of the work or the
performance of contract. And, in case action is taken under any of provisions aforesaid, the
Contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid, any sum for any work thereof or
actually performed under this contract unless and until the Engineer-in-charge has
certified, in writing, the performance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof,
and he shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified.
Clause 4: Contractor remains liable to pay compensation, if action not taken
under clause 3
(i) In any case in which any of the powers conferred by clause 3 hereof, shall have
become exercisable and the same shall have not been exercised, the non-exercise, thereof,
shall not constitute waiver of any of the conditions hereof, and such power shall, not
withstanding, be exercisable in the event of any future case of default by the Contractor for
which, by any clause or clauses hereof, he is declared liable to pay compensation
amounting to the whole of his Security Deposit /Bid security/Enlistment security and the
liability of the Contractor for past and future compensation shall remain unaffected.
Powers to take possession of, or require removal, sale of Contractor’s plant
(ii) In the event of the Engineer-in-Charge putting in force, powers vested in him under
the preceding Clause 3 he may, if he so desires, take possession of all or any tools, plants,
materials and stores, in or upon the works or the site, thereof or belonging to the contractor
or procured by him and intended to be used for the execution of the work or any part
thereof, paying or allowing for the same in account, at the contract rates or, in case of these
not being applicable, at current market rates, to be certified by the Chief Engineer or duly
authorized Engineer (whose certificate thereof, shall be final and conclusive), otherwise the

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Engineer-in-Charge may, by notice in writing to the contractor or his clerk of the works,
foreman or other authorized agent, require him to remove such tools, plant, materials or
stores from the premises (within a time to be specified in such notice), and in the event of
the contractor failing to comply with any requisition, the Chief Engineer or other duly
authorized Engineer may remove them at the contractor’s expenses, sell them by auction or
private sale on account of the Contractor and at his risk in all respects, and the certificate
of the Chief Engineer or other duly authorized Engineer, as to the expense of any such
removal, and the amount of the proceeds and expense of any such sale shall be final and
conclusive against the Contractor.
Clause 5: Extension of time
If the contractor shall desire an extension of the time for completion of the work on the
ground of his having been unavoidably hindered in its execution or on any other grounds,
he shall apply, in writing, to the Engineer-in-Charge within 30 days of the date of the
hindrance, on account of which he desires such extension as aforesaid, and the Authority
Competent to grant extension under the rules/delegations of power or other duly
authorized Engineer shall, if in his opinion, (which shall be final) reasonable grounds be
shown therefore, authorize such extension of time, if any, as may, in his opinion, be
necessary or proper, if the period of completion of contract expires before the expiry of the
period of one month provided in this clause, the application for extension shall be made
before the expiry of the period stipulated for completion of the contract. The competent
authority shall grant such extension at each such occasion within a period of 30 days of
receipt of application from contractor and shall not wait for finality of work. Such
extensions shall be granted in accordance with provisions under clause (2) of this
Clause 5 A: Monthly Return of Extra Claims
Contractor has to submit a return every month for any work claimed as extra. The
Contractor shall deliver the return in the office of the Executive Engineer and obtain
Receipt Number of the Receipt Register of the day on or before 10th day of every month
during the continuance of the work covered by this contract, a return showing details of
any work claimed as extra by the contractor which value shall be based upon the rates and
prices mentioned in the contract or in the Schedule of Rates in force in the District for the
time being. The contractor shall be deemed to have waived all claims, not included in such
return, and will have no right to enforce any such claims not included, whatsoever be the
Clause 6: Final Certificate
On completion of the work, the contractor shall send a registered notice to the Engineer-in-
charge, giving the date of completion and sending a copy of it to the officer accepting the
contract, on behalf of the Governor and shall request the Engineer-in-charge to give him a
certificate of completion, but no such certificate shall be given nor shall the work be
considered to be complete until the contractor shall have removed from the site on which
the work shall be executed, all scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish and cleared off
the dirt from all wood work, doors, walls, floors, or other parts of any building in, upon or
about which the work is to be executed or of which he may have possession for the
execution thereof, he had filled up the pits. If the contractor shall fail to comply with the
requirements of this Clause as to removal of scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish and
cleaning off dirt and filling of pits on or before the date fixed for completion of the work, the
Engineer-in-charge may, at the expense of the contractor, remove such scaffolding, surplus
materials, and the rubbish and dispose of the same, as he thinks fit, and clean off such dirt
and fill the pits, as aforesaid, and the contractor shall forthwith pay the amount of all
expenses, so incurred, and shall have no claim in respect of any such scaffolding or
surplus materials, as aforesaid, except for any sum actually realized by the sale thereof. On
completion, the work shall be measured by the Engineer-in-charge himself or through his
subordinates, whose measurements shall be binding and conclusive against the contractor.
Provided that, if subsequent to the taking of measurements by the subordinate, as

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aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge had reason to believe that the measurements taken by
his subordinates are not correct, the Engineer-in-charge shall have the power to cancel the
measurements already taken by his subordinates and acknowledged by the Contractor and
to take measurements again, after giving reasonable notice to the Contractor, and such re-
measurements shall be binding on the Contractor.
Within thirty days of the receipt of the notice, Engineer-in-charge shall inspect the work
and if there is no visible defects on the face of the work, shall give the Contractor, a
certificate of completion. If the Engineer-in-charge finds that the work has been fully
completed, it shall be mentioned in the certificate so granted. If, on the other hand, it is
found that there are certain visible defects to be removed, the certificate to be granted by
Engineer-in-charge shall specifically mention the details of the visible defects along with the
estimate of the cost for removing these defects. The final certificate of work shall be given
after the visible defects pointed out as above have been removed.
Clause 7: Payment on Intermediate Certificate to be regarded as advance
No payments shall be made for works estimated to cost less than rupees twenty five
thousand, till after the whole of the works shall have been completed and a certificate of
completion given. But in the case of works estimated to cost more than rupees twenty five
thousand, the Contractor shall on submitting the bill therefore, be entitled to receive a
monthly payment proportionate to the part, thereof, then approved and passed by the
Engineer-in-charge, whose certificate of such approval and passing of sum, so payable,
shall be final and conclusive. Running Account Bill shall be paid within 15 days from
presentation. But all such intermediate payments shall be regarded as payments by way of
advance against the final payment only and not as payments for work actually done and
completed, and shall not preclude the requiring of bad, unsound and imperfect or
unskillful work to be removed and taken away and re-constructed or re-erected, or
considered as an admission of the due performance of the contract, or any part thereof, in
any respect, or the accruing of any claim, nor shall it conclude, determine, or effect in any
way the powers of the Engineer-in-charge under these conditions or any of them to the
final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise or in any other way vary or
affect the contract. The final bill shall be made/submitted by the Contractor within one
month of the date fixed for completion of the work, otherwise the Engineer-in-charge’s
certificate of the measurement and of the total amount payable for the work accordingly
shall be final and binding on all parties.
Clause 7A: Time Limit for Payments of Final Bills
The final bill shall be paid within 3 months on presentation by the contractor after issuance
of final completion certificate in accordance with clause 6 of the conditions of contract. If,
there shall be any dispute about any item(s) of the work, then the undisputed item(s) only,
shall be paid within the said period of 3 months. If a final bill (which contains no disputed
item or disputed amount of any item) is not paid within the period of three months from
presentation of final bill or 6 months from the date of receipt of registered notice regarding
completion of work in accordance with clause 6 of the conditions of the contract, the
defects, if any, shall be brought to the notice of the higher authority. The period of 3
months shall commence from the date of rectification of the defects. The higher authority
shall ensure that in no case final bill should be left unpaid after 9 months from the receipt
of registered notice regarding completion of work. The contractor shall submit a
memorandum of the disputed items along with justification in support within 30 days from
the disallowance thereof, and if he fails to do so, his claims shall be deemed to have been
fully waived and absolutely extinguished.
Clause 8: Bills to be submitted monthly
A bill shall be submitted by the Contractor each month on or before the date fixed by the
Engineer-in-charge for all work executed in the previous month and the Engineer-in-charge
shall take or cause to be taken the requisite measurement for the purpose of having the
same verified and the claim, as far as admissible, authorized or paid, if possible, before the
expiry of ten days from the presentation of the bill. If the Contractor does not submit the

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Bill within the time fixed, as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge may depute a subordinate to
measure up the said work in the presence of the Contractor, whose signature in the
Measurement Book will be sufficient warrant and the Engineer-in-charge may prepare a bill
from such Measurement Book, which shall be binding on the contractor in all respects.
In case of lump sum contracts, bills will be submitted by the contractor on completion of
various stages of work as specified in the contract document. The claim as far as
admissible, authorized or paid, if possible, before expiry of 10 days from the presentation of
the bill. The claims for additional and alterations, if any, may also be included in the bills if
their measurements have been recorded and checked.
Clause 8A: Contractor to be given time to file objection to the Measurements
recorded by the Department
Before taking any measurement of any work, as have been referred to in preceding Clauses
6, 7 & 8, the Engineer-in-charge or a subordinate, deputed by him, shall give reasonable
notice to the Contractor. If the Contractor fails to be present at the time of taking
measurements after such notice or fails to sign or to record the difference within a week
from the date of measurement in the manner required by the Engineer-in-charge, then in
any such event, the measurements taken by the Engineer-in-charge or by the subordinates
deputed by him, as the case may be, shall be final and binding on the Contractor and the
Contractor shall have no right to dispute the same.
Clause 8B: Recovery of Cost of Preparation of the Bill
In case of contractor of class A and AA donot submit the bill within time fixed, the Engineer
in Charge may prepare the bill as per the provision of clause 8 of the general conditions of
the contract but @ 0.5 % of amount of such a bill shall be made and credited to the general
revenue on account of preparation of bill.
Clause 9: Bills to be on printed forms
The Contractor shall submit all bills on the printed forms, to be had on application, at the
office of the Engineer-in-charge and the charges in the Bills shall always be entered at the
rates specified in the tender or in the case of any extra work ordered in pursuance of these
conditions, and not mentioned or provided for in the tender, at the rates hereinafter
provided for such work.
Clause 9A: Payments of Contractor’s Bills to Banks
Payments due to the Contractor may if so desired by him, be made to this Bank instead of
direct to him, provided that the contractor has furnished to the Engineer-in-Charge(I)an
authorization in the form of a legally valid document, such as a Power of Attorney
conferring authority on the Bank to receive payments, and (ii) his own acceptance of the
correctness of the account made out, as being due to him, by Government, or his signature
on the bill or other claim preferred against
Government before settlement by the Engineer-in-Charge of the account or claim, by
payment to the Bank. While the receipt given by such bank shall constitute a full and
sufficient discharge for the payment, the Contractor should, whenever possible, present his
bill duly receipted and discharged through his Banker. Nothing, herein contained, shall
operate to create in favour of the Bank any rights vis-a-vis the Governor.
Clause 10: Stores supplied by Government
If the specification or estimate of the work provides for the use of any special description of
material, to be supplied from Engineer-in-charge’s stores, or if, it is required that contractor
shall use certain stores to be provided by the Engineer-in-charge, specified in the schedule
or memorandum hereto annexed, the contractor shall be bound to procure and shall be
supplied such materials and stores as are, from time to time, required to be used by him for
the purpose of the Contract only, and the value of the full quantity of materials and stores,
so supplied, at the rates specified in the said schedule or memorandum, may be set off or
which may be deducted from any sum, then due or thereafter become due, to the
Contractor under the Contract or otherwise or against or from the Security Deposit or the
proceeds of sale, if the same is held in Government securities, the same or sufficient

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portion thereof being in this case, sold for this purpose. All materials supplied to the
contractor, either from Departmental stores or with the assistance of Government, shall
remain the absolute property of Government. The Contractor shall be trustee of the Stores/
Materials, so supplied/ procured, and these shall not, on any account, be removed from the
site of work and shall be, all times, open to inspection by the Engineer-in Charge. Any such
material, unused and in perfectly good condition at the time of completion or determination
or rescinding of the contract, shall be returned to the Divisional officer’s Stores, if, by a
notice in writing under his hand, he shall so require, and if on service of such notice, the
contractor fails to return the materials, so required, he shall be liable to pay the price of
such materials in accordance with provision of clause 10 B ibid. But the contractor shall
not be entitled to return any such materials, unless with such consent, and shall have no
claim for compensation on account of any such materials, so supplied to him as aforesaid
being unused by him, or for any wastage in or damage to any such materials. For the stores
returned by the contractor, he shall be paid for, at the price originally charged excluding
storage charges, in case of materials supplied from departmental stores and actual cost
including freight, cartage, taxes etc., paid by the Contractor, in case of supplies received
with the assistance of Government, which, however, should in no case exceed market rate
prevailing at the time the materials are taken back. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge,
as to the price of the stores returned, keeping in view its condition etc., shall be final and
conclusive. In the event of breach of the aforesaid condition, the Contractor shall, in
addition to throwing himself open to account for contravention of the terms of the license or
permit and/or for criminal breach of trust, pay to the Government, all advantages or profits
resulting, or which in the usual course, would result to him by reason of such breach.
Provided that the Contractor shall, in no case be entitled to any compensation or damage
on account of any delay in supply, or non–supply thereof, all or any such materials and
Clause 10A: Rejection of materials procured by the Contractor
The Engineer-in-Charge shall have full powers to require the removal from the premises of
all materials which in his opinion, are not in accordance with the specifications and, in
case of default, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be at liberty to employ other person(s) to
remove the same without being answerable or accountable for any loss of damage, that may
happen or arise to such materials to be substituted thereof, and in case of default,
Engineer-in-Charge may cause the same to be supplied and all costs, which may attend
such removal and substitution, are to be born by the Contractor.
Clause 10B: Penal rate in case of excess consumption
The Contractor shall also be charged for the materials consumed in excess of the
requirements calculated on the basis of standard consumption approved by the
department, at double of the issue rate including storage and supervision charges or
market rate, whichever is higher. A Material Supply and Consumption Statement, in
prescribed Form RPWA 35A shall be submitted with every Running Account Bill,
distinguishing material supplied by the Government and material procured by the
Contractor himself. The recovery for such material shall be made from Running Account
Bill next after the consumption and shall not be deferred. Certificate of such nature shall
be given in each Running Account Bill.
Clause 10 C: Hire of Plant and Machinery
Special Plant and Machinery, required for execution of the work, may be issued to the
Contractor, if available, on the rates of hire charges and other terms and conditions as per
departmental Rules, as per Schedule annexed to these conditions. Rates of such Plant &
Machinery shall be got revised periodically so as to bring them at par with market rate.
Clause 11: Works to be executed in accordance with specifications, Drawings,
Orders etc.
The Contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial
and satisfactory manner and both as regards materials and otherwise in every respect, in
strict accordance with the Specifications. The Contractor shall also conform exactly fully

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and faithfully to the designs, drawings (either designed by department or designed by

contractor and approved by Engineer-in-charge during additional execution) and
instructions in writing relating to the work signed by the Engineer-in-charge and lodged in
his office and to which the Contractor shall be entitled to have access at such office or on
the site of the work for the purpose of inspection during office hours and the Contractor
shall, if he so require, be entitled, at his own expense, to make or cause to be made copies
of specifications and of all such designs, drawings and instructions, as aforesaid. A
certificate of executing works as per approved design, specifications etc. shall be given on
each Running Account Bill.
The specifications of work, material, methodology of execution, drawings and designs shall
be signed by the Contractor and Engineer-in-charge while executing agreement and shall
form part of agreement.
Clause 12:
The Engineer–in–charge shall have power to make any alterations, omissions or additions
to or substitutions for the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions, that
may appear to him to be necessary during the progress of the work and the contractor shall
carry out the work in accordance with any instructions which may be given to him in
writing signed by the Engineer–in-charge and such alterations, omission, additions or
substitutions shall not invalidate the contract and any altered, additional or substituted
work, which the contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of
the work, shall be carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on
which he agreed to do the main work. The time for the completion of the work shall be
extended in the proportion that the altered, additional or substituted work bears to the
original contract work, and the certificate of the Engineer-in-charge shall be conclusive as
to such proportion. The rates for such additional, altered or substituted work under this
clause shall be worked out in accordance with the following provisions in their respective
(i) If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are specified in the
contract for the work, the contractor is bound to carry out the additional, altered or
substituted work at the same rates as are specified in the contract for the work.
(ii) If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are not specifically
provided in the contract for the work, then such rates will be derived from the rates
for a similar class of work as are specified in the contract for the work.
(iii) If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work cannot be determined in
the manner specified in the sub-clauses (i) to (ii) above, then the rates for such
composite work item shall be worked out on the basis of the concerned Schedule of
Rates of the District/area specified above minus/plus the percentage which the total
tendered amount bears to the estimated cost of the entire work put to tender.
Provided always that if the rate for a particular part or parts of the item is not in the
Schedule of Rates, the rate for such part or parts will be determined by the
Engineer-in-Charge on the basis of the prevailing market rates when the work was
(iv) If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work item can not be
determined in the manner specified in sub-clauses (i) to (iii) above, then the
contractor shall within 7 days of the date of receipt of order to carry out the work,
inform the Engineer- in – Charge of the rate which it is his intention to charge for
such class of work supported by analysis of the rate or rates claimed and the
Engineer-in-Charge shall determine the rate or rates on the basis of prevailing
market rates, and pay the contractor accordingly. However, the Engineer-in-Charge,
by notice in writing, will be at liberty to cancel his order to carry out such class of
work and arrange to carry it out in such manner as he may consider advisable. But
under no circumstances, the contractor shall suspend the work on the plea of non-
settlement of rates on items falling under the clause.

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(v) Except in case of items relating to foundations, provisions contained in sub-

clauses(i ) to (iv) above shall not apply to contract or substituted items as
individually exceed the percentage set out in the tender documents under
For the purpose of operation of clause 12 (v) the following works shall be
treated as work relating to foundations :-
(a) For buildings, compound wall plinth level or 1.2 meters (4 ft.) above ground level
whichever is lower, excluding items above flooring and D.P.C. but including base
concrete below the floors.
(b) For abutments, piers, retaining wall of culverts and bridges, walls of water reservoir
and the bed of floor level.
(c) For retaining walls, where floor levels is not determinate 1.2 metres above the
average ground level or bed level.
(d) For roads, all items of excavation and filling including treatment of sub base and
soling work.
(e) For water supply lines, sewer lines underground storm water drains and similar
work, all items of work below ground level except items of pipe work for proper
masonry work.
(f) For open storm water drains, all items of work except lining of drains.
(g) Any other items of similar nature which Engineer-in-Charge may decide relating to
The rate of any such work, except the items relating to foundations, which is in excess of
the deviation limit shall be determined in accordance with the provisions contained in
Clause 12A.
Clause 12A:
The quantum of additional work for each item shall not exceed 50% of the original quantity
given in the agreement and the total value of additional work shall not exceed 20% of the
total contract value, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Engineer-in-charge and the
Contractor. This limit shall not be applicable on items relating to foundation work, which
shall be executed as per original rates or provision of clause 12 (i) to (iv).
In case of contract substituted items or additional items, which results in exceeding the
deviation limit laid down in this clause except items relating to foundation work, which the
contractor is required to do under clause 12 above, the contractor shall within 7 days from
the receipt of order, claim revision of the rate supported by proper analysis in respect of
such items for quantities in excess of the deviation limit notwithstanding the fact that the
rates for such items exist in the tender for the main work or can be derived in accordance
with the provision of sub clause (ii) of clause 12 and the Engineer-in-Charge, may revise
their rates having regard to the prevailing market rates and the contractor shall be paid in
accordance with the rates so fixed. The Engineer-in-Charge shall, however, be at liberty to
cancel his order to carry out such increased quantities of work by giving notice in writing to
the contractor and arrange to carry it out in such manner, as he may consider advisable.
But under no circumstances, the contractor shall suspend the work on the plea of non-
settlement of rates of items failing under this Clause.
All the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall equally apply to the decrease in rates of
items for quantities in excess of the deviation limit notwithstanding the fact that the rates
for such items exist in the tender for the main work or can be derived in accordance with
the provisions of sub-clause(ii) of the preceding clause 12 and the Engineer-in-Charge may
revise such rates having regard to the prevailing market rates unless otherwise mutually
agreed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor..
Clause 13: No compensation for alteration in or restriction of work to be carried
If, at any time after the commencement of the work the Government shall, for any reason,
whatsoever, not require the whole work, thereof, as specified in the tender, to be carried

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out, the Engineer-in-charge shall give notice, in writing, of the fact to the Contractor, who
shall have no claim to any payments or compensation, whatsoever, on account of any profit
or advantage, which he might have derived from the execution of the work in full but which
he did not derive in consequence of the full amount of the work not having been carried
out. Neither, shall he have any claim for compensation by reason of alterations having been
made in the original specifications, drawings, and design, and instructions, which shall
involve any curtailment of the work, as originally contemplated. Provided, that the
Contractor shall be paid the charges for the cartage only, of materials actually brought to
the site of the work by him for bonafide use and rendered surplus as a result of the
abandonment or curtailment of the work or any portion thereof, and taken them back by
the Contractor, provided however, that the Engineer-in-charge shall have, in all such cases,
the option of taking over all or any such materials at their purchase price or at local market
rates whichever may be less. In the case of such stores, having been issued from
Government Stores, charges recovered, including storage charges, shall be refunded after
taking into consideration any deduction for claim on account of any deterioration or
damage while in the custody of the contractor, and in this respect the decision of the
Engineer-in-charge shall be final.
Clause 14: Action and compensation payable in case of bad work
If, it shall appear to the Chief Engineer or any authorized authority or the Engineer-in-
charge or his subordinates in-charge of the work, or to the committee of the retired
officers/officers appointed by the State Government for the purpose that any work has been
executed with unsound, imperfect or unskillful workmanship, or with material of any
inferior description, or that any materials or articles provided by him for the execution of
the work are unsound or of a quality inferior to that contracted, or otherwise not in
accordance with contract, the Contractor shall on demand in writing from the Engineer-in-
charge, specifying the work/materials or articles complained of, notwithstanding that the
same may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for, will rectify or remove and
reconstruct the work, so specified, in whole or in part, as the case may be, remove the
materials or articles, so specified, and provide other proper and suitable materials or
articles at his own cost, and in the event of his failing to do so, within a period to be
specified by the Engineer-in- Charge in his demand as aforesaid, then the Contractor shall
be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one percent, on the tendered amount of work
for every week not exceeding ten percent, while his failure to do so shall continue, and in
the case of any such failure, the Engineer-in-Charge may rectify or remove and re-execute
the work or remove and replace with others, the materials or articles complained of as the
case may be, at the risk and expense, in all respects of the contractor.
Clause 15: Work to be open to inspection: Contractor or his responsible Agent to
be present
All work, under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract shall, at
all times, be opened to inspection and supervision of the Engineer-in-charge and his
superior officers e.g. Superintending Engineer, Additional Chief Engineer, Chief Technical
Engineer, Chief Engineer, and his subordinates and any other authorized agency of the
Government and the contractor shall, at all times during the usual working hours, and at
all other times at which reasonable notice of the intention of the Engineer-in-charge or his
subordinate and any other authorized agency of Government or committee of retired
officers/officers appointed by the State Government for the purpose to visit the works shall
have been given to the Contractor, either himself be present to receive orders and
instructions or have a responsible agent duly accredited in writing, present for the purpose.
Orders given to the Contractor’s agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they
had been given to the Contractor himself.
Clause 16: Notice to be given before any work is covered up
The Contractor shall give not less than 7 days notice, in writing, to the Engineer-in-charge
or his subordinate-in-Charge of the work, before covering up or otherwise placing beyond
the reach of measurement, any work in order that the same may be measured, and correct

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dimensions there of, be taken before the same is so covered up or placed beyond the reach
of measurement and shall not cover up or place beyond the reach of measurement any
work without the consent in writing of the Engineer-in- Charge of the work, and if, any
work shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach of measurement without such notice
having been given or consent obtained, the same shall be uncovered at the Contractor’s
expense or in default, there of, no payment or allowance shall be made for such work, or for
the materials with which the same was executed.
Clause 17: Contractor liable for damage done and for imperfections
If the Contractor or his work people or servants shall break, deface, injure or destroy any
part of a building, in which they may be working or any building, road, fence, enclosure, or
cultivated ground contiguous to the premises on which the work or any part of it is being
executed, or if any damage shall happen to the work, while in progress, from any cause,
whatsoever, or any imperfections become apparent in it, within a period specified in clause
37, after a certificate, final or otherwise of its completion, shall have been given by the
Engineer-in-charge, may cause the same to be made good by other workmen and deduct
the expense (of which the certificate of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final) from any sums
that may be then, or at any time thereafter, may become due to the Contractor, or from his
security deposit, or the proceeds of sale thereof, or of a sufficient portion thereof.
Clause 18: Contractor to supply plant, ladders, scaffolding etc.
The Contractor shall arrange and supply, at his own cost, all material (except such special
materials, if any, as may, in accordance with the contract, be supplied from the Engineer-
in-charge’s stores), plants, tools, appliances, implements, ladders, cordage, tackle,
scaffolding and temporary works requisite or proper for the proper execution of the work,
whether original, altered, or substituted, and whether included in the specification or other
documents, forming part of the Contract, or referred to in these conditions, or not, or which
may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying with the requirements of the
Engineer in- Charge, as to any matter as to which, under these conditions, he is entitled to
be satisfied or which he is entitled to require, together with carriage thereof, to and from
the work. The Contractor shall also arrange and supply, without charge, the requisite
number of persons with the means and materials, necessary for the purpose of setting out
work and counting, weighting and assisting in the measurement or examination at any
time and from time to time of the work, or materials. Failing his so doing, the same may be
provided by the Engineer-in-charge, at the expense of the Contractor, and the expenses
may be deducted from any money due to the Contractor under the Contract, or from his
Security Deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof, or a sufficient portion thereof. The
Contractor shall also provide all necessary fencing and lights required to protect the public
from accident and shall be bound to bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action or
other proceeding at law, that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to
neglect of the above precautions, and to pay any damages and costs which may be awarded
in any such suit, action proceeding to any such person or which may, with the consent of
the Contractor, be paid to compromise any claim by any such person.
Clause 19: Work not to be sub-let, Contract may be rescinded and Security Deposit
and Performance Forfeited for sub-letting, bribing or if Contractor
becomes insolvent.
The Contractor shall not be assigned or sublet without the written approval of the Chief
Engineer, and if the contractor shall assign or sublet his contract or attempt so to do, or
become insolvent, or commence any insolvency proceedings or mark any composition with
his creditors, or attempt so to do, or if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, requisite reward or
advantage, pecuniary or otherwise, shall either directly or indirectly, be given, promised or
offered by the Contractor or any of his servants or agents to any public officer or person, in
the employ of Government, in any way, relating to his office or employment, or if, any such
officer or person shall become, in any way, directly or indirectly, interested in the contract,
the Chief Engineer may, thereupon, by notice, in writing, rescind the contract and Security
Deposit of the Contractor shall, thereupon, stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal

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of Government and the same consequences shall ensure as, if the contract had been
rescinded under Clause 3 hereof, and in addition the Contractor shall not be entitled to
recover or be paid for any work therefore, actually performed under the Contract.
Clause 20: Sums payable by way of compensation to be considered as reasonable
compensation without reference to actual loss
All sums payable by way of compensation under any of these conditions shall be considered
as reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of Government without reference to
the actual loss or damage sustained and whether or not any damage shall have been
Clause 21: Changes in constitution of firm
Where the Contractor is a partnership firm, the previous approval, in writing, of the
Engineer-in-charge shall be obtained before any change is made in the constitution of the
firm. Where the Contractor is an individual or a Hindu undivided family business concern,
such approval, as aforesaid, shall likewise be obtained before the Contractor enters into
any partnership agreement there under the partnership firm would have the right to carry
out the work thereby undertaken by the Contractor. If, previous approval, as aforesaid, is
not obtained, the Contract shall be deemed to have been assigned in contravention of
Clause 19 hereof, and the same action may be taken, and the same consequences shall
ensure, as provided in the said clause 19.
Clause 22: Work to be under direction of Engineer-in-charge
All the works, to be executed under the contract, shall be executed under the direction and
subject to the approval, in all respect, of the Engineer-in-charge of the Government of
Rajasthan for the time being, who shall be entitled to direct, at what point or points, and in
what manner, they are to be commenced, and from time to time, carried on.
Clause 23: Standing Committee for Settlement of Disputes
If any question, difference or objection, whatsoever shall arise in any way, in connection
with or arising out of this instrument, or the meaning of operation of any part thereof, or
the rights, duties or liabilities of either party then, save in so far, as the decision of any
such matter, as herein before provided for, and been so decided, every such matter
constituting a total claim of Rs. 50,000/- or above, whether its decision has been otherwise
provided for and whether it has been finally decided accordingly, or whether the Contract
should be terminated or has been rightly terminated, and as regards the rights or
obligations of the parties, as the result of such termination, shall be referred for decision to
the empowered Standing Committee, which would consist of the followings:-
i) Administrative Secretary concerned.
ii) Finance Secretary or his nominee, not below the rank of Deputy Secretary.
iii) Law Secretary or his nominee, not below the rank of Joint Legal Remembrancer.
iv) Chief Engineer-cum-Addl. Secretary of the concerned department.
v) Chief Engineer concerned (Member-Secretary).
The Engineer-in-charge, on receipt of application along with non-refundable prescribed fee,
(the fee would be two percent of the amount in dispute, not exceeding Rs. One Lac) from the
Contractor, shall refer the disputes to the committee, within a period of three month from
the date of receipt of application.
Procedure and Application for referring cases for settlement by the Standing Committee
shall be, as given in Form RPWA 90.
Clause 23A: Contractor to indemnify for infringement of Patent or design
Contractor shall fully indemnify the Governor of Rajasthan against any action, claim or
proceeding, relating to infringement or use of any patent or design, or any alleged patent or
design, rights, and shall pay any royalties, which may be payable in respect of any article or
part thereof, included in the contract, in the event of any claims made under or action
brought against Government. In respect of any such matters, as aforesaid, the Contractor
shall be, immediately, noticed thereof, and the Contractor shall be at liberty, at his own
expense, to settle any dispute or to conduct any litigation, that may arise there from

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provided that the Contractor shall not be liable to indemnify the Governor of Rajasthan, if
the infringement of the patent or design or any alleged patent or design, right is the direct
result of an order passed by the Engineer-in-Charge in this behalf.
Clause 24: Imported Store articles to be obtained from Government
The contractor shall obtain from the stores of the Engineer-in-charge, all imported store
articles which may be required for the work or any part thereof, or in making up articles
required thereof, or in connection therewith, unless he has obtained permission, in writing,
from the Engineer-in-charge, to obtain such stores and articles from else-where. The value
of such stores and articles, as may be supplied to the Contractor by the Engineer-in-
charge, will be debited to the Contractor, in his account, at the rates shown in the schedule
attached to the contract, and if they are not entered in the schedule, they will be debited at
cost price, which for the purposes of this contract, shall include the cost of carriage and all
other expenses, whatsoever, which shall have been incurred in obtaining delivery of the
same at the stores aforesaid plus storage charges.
Clause 25: Lump-sums in estimates
When the estimate, on which a tender is made includes lump sums, in respect of parts of
the work, the Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the item of work
involved, or the part of the work in question at the same rates, as are payable under the
contract for such items or if the part of the work in question is not, in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-charge, capable of measurement, the Engineer-in-charge may at his discretion
pay the lump sum amount entered in the estimate and the certificate in writing of the
Engineer-in-charge shall be final and conclusive with regard to any sum or sums payable to
him under the provisions of this clause.
Clause 26: Action where no Specification
In case of any Class of work for which there is no such specification as is mentioned in the
contract document referred in Technical Specifications Clause 5.1, such work shall be
carried out in accordance with the detailed specification of the department and also in
accordance with the instructions and requirement of the Engineer-in-charge.
Clause 27: Definition of work
The expression “works” or “work” where used in these conditions, shall, unless there be
some thing either in subject or context, repugnant to such construction, be construed and
taken to mean the works by or by virtue of the contract contracted to be executed, whether
temporary or permanent, and whether original, altered, substituted or additional.
Clause 27A: Definition of Engineer-in-charge
The term “Engineer-in-charge” means the Divisional officer who shall supervise and be
incharge of the work and who shall sign the contract on behalf of the Governor.
Clause 28:
It cannot be guaranteed that the work will be started immediately after the tenders have
been received. No claims for increase of rate will be entertained, if the orders for starting
work are delayed.
Clause 29: Payments at reduced rates on account of items of work not accepted
and not completed to be at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge
The rates for several items of works, estimated to cost more than Rs. 1,000/-, agreed
within, will be valid only when the item concerned is accepted as having been completed
fully in accordance with the sanctioned specifications. In cases, where the items of work are
not accepted, as so completed, the Engineer-in-charge may make payment on account of
such items, at such reduced rates, as he may considers reasonable, in the preparation of
final or on account bills, and his decision in the matter shall be final and binding.
Clause 29A: Payments at part rates
The rates for several items of works may be paid at part rates provisionally in running bills
in proportion to the quantum of items executed at the discretion of Engineer-in-charge. In
case of item rates, if the rate quoted for certain items are very high in comparison to the

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average/overall tendered premium, then the payment at running stages shall not be made
more than the average sanctioned premium. The deferred payment, will however be
released after successful completion of the work.
Clause 30: contractor’s percentage, whether applied to net or gross amount of
The percentage referred to in the “Tender for works” will be deducted/ added- from/ to the
gross amount of the bill before deducting the value of any stock issued.
Clause 31: Contractor to adhere to labour laws/regulation
The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements of the Workmen’s Compensation Act and
Labour Legislation in force from time to time and be responsible for and shall pay any
compensation to his workmen which would be payable for injuries under the Workmen’s
Compensation Act, here-in-after called the said Act. If such compensation is paid by the
State as Principal employer under Sub Section (1) of section 12 of the said Act, on behalf of
the Contractor, it shall be recoverable by the State from the Contractor under Sub Section
(2) of the said section. Such compensation shall be recovered in the manner laid down in
clause 1 of the Conditions of Contract.
All contracts with Government shall require registration of workers under the Buildings and
other construction workers (regulation of employment and condition of services) Act 1996
and extension of benefit to such workers under the Act.
Clause 32: Withdrawal of work from the Contractor
If the Engineer-in-charge shall at any time and for any reasons, whatever, including
inability to maintain prorate progress, think any portion of the work should not be executed
or should be withdrawn from the Contractor, he may, by notice in writing to that effect,
require the Contractor not to execute the portion of the work specified in the notice, or may
withdraw from the Contractor the portion of work, so specified, and the Contractor shall
not be entitled to any compensation, by reason of such portion of work having been
withdrawn from him. The Engineer-in-charge may supplement the work by engaging
another agency to execute such portion of the work at the cost of the original contractor,
without prejudice to his rights under clause 2. He shall also be competent to levy
compensation for delay in progress. The recovery of excess cost shall be made from next
available running bill or any other claim and shall not be deferred.
Clause 33:
The Contract includes clearance, leveling and dressing of the site within a distance of 15
meters of the building on all sides except where the building adjoins another building.
Clause 34: Protect works
The Contractor shall arrange to protect, at his own cost, in an adequate manner, all cut
stone work and other work, requiring protection and to maintain such protection, as long
as work is in progress. He shall remove and replace this protection, as required by the
Engineer-in-Charge, from time to time. Any damage to the work, so protected, no matter
how it may be caused, shall be made good by the Contractor free of cost.
All templates, forms, moulds, centering, false works and models, which in the opinion of
the Engineer-in-Charge, are necessary for the proper and workman like execution of the
work, shall be provided by the Contractor free of cost.
Clause 35: Contractor liable for settlement of claims caused by his delays
If the progress of the work has fallen so much in arrears as to prevent other contractors on
the work, from carrying out their part of the work within the stipulated time, he will be
liable for the settlement of any claim, put in by any of these contractors for the expenses of
keeping their labour unemployed, to the extent considered reasonable by the Engineer-in-
Clause 36A:
The liability, if any, on account of quarry fees, royalties, Octroi and any other taxes and
duties in respect of materials actually consumed on public work, shall be borne by the

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Clause 36B:
The cost of all water connections, necessary for the execution of work, and the cost of water
consumed and hire charges of meters and the cost of electricity consumed in connection
with the execution of work, shall be paid by the Contractor, except where otherwise
specifically indicated.
Clause 36C: Payment of Sales Tax, and any other Taxes
Royalty or other tax on materials, issued in the process of fulfilling contract, payable to the
Government under rules in force, will be paid by the Contractor himself.
Clause 36D:
In respect of goods and materials procured by the Contractor, for use in works under the
contract, sales tax will be paid by the Contractor himself. But in respect of all such goods
manufactured and supplied by the Contractor and works executed under the contract, the
responsibility of payment of sales tax would be that of the Engineer-in-charge.
Clause 36E:
If any rates of Tax are increased or decreased, a new tax is introduced in India only, an
existing Tax or any change in interpretation or application of any Tax resulting from a
change or Introduction in India only due to any National or State Statute, Ordinance,
Decree or other law or any regulation or bye-law of any local or other duly constituted
authority in India only, in the course of performance of contract, which was or will be
assessed on the Contractor, in connection with the performance of the Contract, an
equitable adjustment of the Contract price shall be made to fully take into account any
such change by addition to the Contract Price or deduction there from, as the case may be.
However, these adjustments would be restricted to direct transactions between the Owner
and Contractor only those items which are included in bid. Further, no adjustment of the
Contract Price shall be made on account of variation in deemed export benefits, if any. Any
increase or decrease which is included in price variation formula incorporated in the
contract shall not be accounted for this purpose.
Such increase including GST shall not be made in the extended period of contract for which
the contractor alone is responsible for delay as determined by authority for extension of
Clause 37: Refund of Security Deposit
The Security Deposit will be refunded after the expiry of the period, as prescribed below: -
(a) In case of contracts relating to hiring of trucks and other T&P, transportation including
loading, unloading of materials, the amount of Security Deposit is refundable along
with the final bill.
(b) Supplies of material: As per provisions of G.F.& A.R.
(c) Ordinary repairs: 3 months after completion of the work provided the final bill has been
(d) Original works/special repairsworks: Security deposit will be refunded six months
after completion or expiry of one full rainy season or after expiry of defect liability period
as defined in the special conditions of agreement, whichever is later, provided the final
bill has been paid.
(e) In case of PWDOriginal works/special repairs works costing more than 10 lacs:
partial amount of security deposit will be refunded during the defect liability period @
10% of SD amount after lapse of one year of completion and thereafter 10% of original
amount of SD at the end of each subsequent year. The remaining amount of SD be
refunded after expiry of defect liability period.
Clause 38: Fair Wage Clause
(a) The Contractor shall pay not less than fair wages/minimum wages to laboures
engaged by him on the work as revised from time to time by the Government, but the
Government shall not be liable to pay any thing extra for it except as stipulated in
price escalation clause (clause 45) of the agreement.
Explanation: “Fair Wage” means minimum wages for time or piece work, fixed or

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revised, by the State Government under Minimum Wages Act, 1948.

(b) The Contractor shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any contract to the contrary,
cause to be paid fair wages to labourers indirectly engaged on the work, including
any labour engaged by his sub-contractors in connection with the said work as if the
labourers have been immediately or directly employed by him.
(c) In respect of all labourers immediately or directly employed on the work, for the
purpose of the Contractor’s part of this agreement, the Contractor shall comply with
or cause to be complied with the Public Works Department Contract’s Labour
Regulations made, or that may be made by the Government, from time to time, in
regard to payment of wages, wages period, deductions from wages, recovery of wages
not paid, and unauthorized deductions, maintenance of wages register, wage card,
publication or scale of wages and other terms of employment, inspection and
submission of periodical returns and other matters of a like nature.
(d) The Engineer-in-charge shall have right to deduct from the money due to the
Contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss
suffered by a worker or workers, by reasons of non-fulfillment of the conditions of
the contract, for the benefit of the worker or workers, non-payment of wages or of
deductions made therefrom, which are not justified by the terms of the contract, or
as a result of non-observance of the aforesaid regulations.
(e) Vis-a-Vis the Government of Rajasthan, the Contractor shall be primarily liable for
all payments to be made and for the observance of the regulations aforesaid, without
prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from his sub-contractors.
(f) The regulations, aforesaid, shall be deemed to be part of this contract and any
breach, thereof, shall be deemed to be breach of the Contract.
Clause 39: Contractor to engage technical staff
The Contractor shall engage the technical staff, as follows, on the contract works:
(a) For works costing Rs. 100 Lac and above – One Graduate Engineer
(b) For works costing between Rs. 50 Lac to Rs. 100 Lac – One qualified diploma holder
having experience of not less than 3 years.
(c) For works costing between Rs. 15 Lac and Rs. 50 Lac – One qualified diploma holder
The technical staff should be available at site, whenever required by Engineer-in-charge to
take instructions.
Clause 39 A:
The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprenticeship Act, 1961, and the
Rules and Orders issued, there under, from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will
be a breach of contract. The Contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability
arising on account of any violation by him of the provisions of the said Act.
Clause 40: Safety code
The Contractor shall follow the safety code (s) of the department and as specified in special
conditions of contract.
Clause 41: Near Relatives barred from tendering
The Contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in Circle, in which his near
relative is posted as Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the
grades of the Superintending Engineer and Assistant Engineer (both inclusive). He shall
also intimate the names of persons, who are working with him in any capacity, or are
subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the
Organization/Department. Any breach of this condition by the Contractor would render
him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of the Department. If such
facts is noticed (a) before sanction of tender, his offer shall be declared invalid and bid
security shall be forfeited, (b) after sanction of the tender then the tender sanctioning
authority may at his discretion forfeit his bid security, security deposit and enlistment
deposit and work/remaining work may allot to any registered contractor on the same rates
as per rules.

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Note: By the term “near relative” is meant wife, husband, parents, and grandparents,
children and grand children, brothers and sisters, uncles and cousins and their
corresponding in-laws.
Clause 42: Retired Gazetted Officers barred for 2 years
No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted officer, employed in Engineering or
Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of Rajasthan, is
allowed to work as a Contractor for a period of 2 years of his retirement from Government
service without the previous permission of Government of Rajasthan. This contract is liable
to be cancelled, if either the Contractor or any of his employee is found, at any time, to be
such a person, who had not obtained the permission of Government, as aforesaid, before
submission of the tender or engagement in the contractor’s service, as the case may be.
Clause 43: Quality Control
The Government shall have right to exercise proper Quality Control measures. The
Contractor shall provide all assistance to conduct such tests.
Clause 43 A:
The work (whether fully constructed or not) and all materials, machines, tools and plant,
scaffolding, temporary buildings and other things connected therewith, shall be at the risk
of the contractor until the work has been delivered to the Engineer-in-charge, and a
certificate from him, to the effect, obtained.
Clause 44: Death of Contractor
Without prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under the contractor, if the Contractor
dies, the legal heirs of the Contractor or the Chief Engineer or duly authorized Engineer
shall have the option of terminating the contract without any compensation.
Clause 45: Price Variation Clause
If, during the progress of the contract of value exceeding Rs. 50.00 Lac (accepted tendered
amount minus cost of material supplied by the department), and where stipulated
completion period is more than 3 months (both the conditions should be fulfilled), the price,
of any materials/ bitumen/diesel/petrol/cement and steel incorporated in the works (not
being materials to be supplied by the department) and / or wages of labour- increases or
decreases, as compared to the price and / or wages prevailing at the last date of
submission of bids, the amounts payable to contractors for the work shall be adjusted for
increase or decrease in the rates of materials (excepting those materials supplied by the
department)/ bitumen/diesel/petrol/cement and steel.
Increase or decrease in the cost of labour/material/diesel and petrol/cement and steel
shall be calculated quarterly and cost of bitumen shall be calculated on monthly basis in
accordance with the following formula:-
(d) Labour

PL (IL1 – IL0)
VL = 0.75 x x R
100 IL0
VL = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under
consideration due to change in rates for labour.
R = The value of the work done in rupees during the quarter under
consideration excluding the cost of materials supplied by the
department and excluding other items as mentioned in this clause.
IL0 = The average consumer price index for industrial workers (whole sale
prices) for the quarter corresponding to the last date of submission of
bids (as Reserve Bank of India Journal/Labour Bureau Simla, for the

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IL1 = The average consumer price index for industrial workers (whole sale
prices) for the quarter of a calendar year under consideration (as
published in Reserve Bank of India Journal /Labour Bureau Simla,
for the area).
PL = Percentage of labour components.
Note: In case of revision of minimum wages by the Government or other competent
authority, nothing extra would be payable except the price escalation permissible under
this clause.
(B) Material(excluding material supplied by the department).
PM(LM1 – LM0)
VM = 0.75 x x R
100 LM0
VM = Increase or decrease in the cost during the quarter under
consideration due to change in rates of material.
R = The value of the work done in rupees during the quarter under
consideration excluding the cost of materials supplied by the
department and excluding other items as mentioned in this clause.
LM0 = The average wholesale price index (all commodities) for the quarter
corresponding to the last date of submission of bids (as published in
Reserve Bank of India Journal/Economic Adviser to Government of
India, Ministry of Industries, for the area).
LM1 = The average wholesale price index (all commodities) for the quarter
under consideration (as published in Reserve Bank of India
Journal/Economic Adviser to Government of India, Ministry of
Industries, for the area).
PM = Percentage of material components (excluding materials supplied by
the Department).

Pb (Bi - B0 )
Vb = 0.85 x x R
100 B0
Vb = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the month under
consideration due to change in rates for bitumen.
R = The value of the work done in rupees during the month under
consideration excluding the cost of materials supplied by the
department and excluding other items as mentioned in this Clause.
B0 = The official retail price of bitumen at the IOC depot at nearest
centreontheday 28 days prior to the last date of submission of bids.
Bi = The official retail price of bitumen at the IOC depot at nearest centre
for the 15th day of the month under consideration
Pb = Percentage of bitumen component of the work.
(f) Petroleum

Pf ( Fi – F0)
Vf = 0.75 x x R
100 F0
Vf = Increase or decrease in the cost of the work during the quarter under
consideration due to change in the rates for fuel and lubricants.
R = The value of the work done in rupees during the quarter under

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consideration excluding the cost of materials supplied by the

department and excluding other items as mentioned in this clause.
F0 = The average wholesale price Index of High speed Diesel (HSD) as
published by the Economic Adviser to Govt. of India, Ministry of
Industry on the day last date of submission of bids.
Fi = The average wholesale price Index of H.S.D. for the quarter under
consideration as published weekly by the Economic Adviser to the
Government of India, Ministry of Industry for the quarter under
Pf = Percentage of fuel and lubricants component excluding fuel and
lubricants supplied by the departments (Specified in the sanctioned
estimate for the work).
R = Total work done during the quarter as prescribed under this clause.
Note: For application of this clause price of HSD is chosen to indicate fuel and lubricant

(E) Cement
Pc ( Lci – Lco)
Vo = 0.75 x x R
100 Lco
Vo = Increase or decrease in the cost of the work during the quarter under
consideration due to change in the rates of cement.
R = The value of the work done in rupees during the quarter under
consideration excluding the cost of cement supplied by the
department and excluding other items as mentioned in this clause.
Lco = The average wholesale price Index for the quarter corresponding to
last date of submission of bids (as published by the Economic Adviser
to Govt. of India, Ministry of Industry).
Lci = The average wholesale price Index for the quarter under
consideration (as published weekly by the Economic Adviser to the
Government of India, Ministry of Industry).
Pc = Percentage of cement component excluding cement supplied by the
(F) Steel
Pc ( Lsi – Lso)
Vs = 0.75 x x R
100 Lso
Vs = Increase or decrease in the cost of the work during the quarter under
consideration due to change in the rates of Steel.
R = The value of the work done in rupees during the quarter under
consideration excluding the cost of steel supplied by the department
and excluding other items as mentioned in this clause.
Lso = The average wholesale price Index for the quarter corresponding to
last date of submission of bids (as published by the Economic Adviser
to Govt. of India, Ministry of Industry).
Lsi = The average wholesale price Index for the quarter under
consideration (as published weekly by the Economic Adviser to the
Government of India, Ministry of Industry).
Ps = Percentage of steel component {excluding steel supplied by the

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Clause 45A: Price Variation in installation of elevators, supply/installation of

Central Air Conditioning and Central Evaporating Cooling Works
In all cases of contracts for installation of elevators, supply/installation of Central Air
Conditioning and Central Evaporating Cooling Works, the price quoted shall be based on
the Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers Association (IEEMA) price variation
clause based on the cost of raw materials/ components and labour cost as on the last date
of submission of bids, and the same is deemed to be related to wholesale price index
number of metal products and All India Average consumer price index number of industrial
workers as specified below. In case of any variation in these index numbers, the prices shall
be subject to adjustment up or down in accordance with following formula:
Po MP Wo(D) Wo(1)
P = 15 + 55 + 15 + 15
100 MPoWoWo

P = Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above price
variation formula.
Po = Price quoted/confirmed
MPo = Wholesale Price Index Number for metal products as published by
the office of the Economic Adviser, Ministry of Industry,
Government of India, in their weekly bulletin. Revised Index
Number of Wholesale Prices (Base: 1981-82=100) for the week
ending first Saturday of the relevant calendar month. The relevant
month shall be that in which price was offered or negotiated
whichever is later.
Wo = All India Average Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial
workers (Base: 1982=100), as published by Labour Bureau,
Ministry of Labour, Government of India, for relevant calendar
month. The relevant month shall be that corresponding tothe last
date of submission of bids.
The above index number MPo&Woare those published by IEEMA as
prevailing on the first working day of the calendar month FOUR
months prior to the date of tendering.
MP = Wholesale Price Index Number of Number of Metal Products as
published by the office of Economic Adviser, Ministry of Industry,
Government of India, in their weekly bulletin, Revised index
Number of wholesale prices (Base: 1981-82=100). The applicable
wholesale price Index Number for Metal Products as prevailing on
1st Saturday of the month covering the date FOUR months prior to
the date of delivery and would be as published by IEEMA.
Wo(D) = All India Average Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial
workers prevailing for the month covering the date FOUR months
prior to the date of delivery of manufactured material and would be
as published by IEEMA.

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Wo(1) = All India Average Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial
workers (Base: 1982=100) as published by labour Bureau, Ministry
of Labour Government of India. The applicable All India Consumer
Price Index Number of Industrial workers prevailing for the FOUR
months prior to the date of completion of installation/ progress
parts of installation and would be as published by IEEMA. The date
of delivery shall be the date on which the manufactured material is
actually supplied at site. The date of completion of installation (or
progress part of installation) shall be the date on which the work is
notified as being completed and is available for inspection/ duly
tested. In the absence of such notification, the date of completion is
not intimated, such completion shall be considered by the
Engineer-in-charge which shall be final.
Note 1. The Wholesale Price Index Number for Metal Products is published weekly by the
office of the Economic Adviser, but if there are any changes, the same are incorporated in
the issue appearing in the following week. For the purpose of this Price Variation Clause,
the final index figures shall apply.
Note 2. The sole purpose above stipulation is to arrive at the entire contract under the
various situations. The above stipulation does not indicate any intentions to sell materials,
under this contract as movables.
Note 3. The indices MP &Wo are regularly published by IEEMA in monthly basic price
circulars based on information bulletins from the authorities mentioned. These will be used
for determining price variation and only IEEMA Circulars will be shown as evidence if
General Conditions for admissibility of Escalation
1. The exact percentage of labour/material (excluding materials to be supplied by the
department)/bitumen/diesel and petrol/cement/steel component for the work shall be
approved by the authority while sanctioning the detailed Estimates.
2. The break-up of components of labour/materials (excluding materials to be supplied by
the department)/bitumen/diesel and petrol/cement/steel as indicated in Clause 45
have been predetermined as below:
SN Particulars
(a) Labour 30%
(b) Bitumen -
(C) Petroleum -
(d) Steel 35%
(e) Cement 5%
(f) Material (excluding other items mentioned at SN (b), 30%
(c), (d) & (e))
3. While allowing price escalation the following shall be deducted from the value of work
done I:
(a) Cost of material supplied by the Department.
(b) Cost of services rendered as per clause 34.
(c) Secured Advance/any advance added earlier but deducted now after work is
(d) Cost of extra items, the rates for which have been worked out based on market
rates/mutually agreed rates.
4. The first statement of escalation shall be prepared at the end of three months in which
the work was awarded and the work done from the date of start to the end of this period
shall be taken into account. For subsequent statement, cost of work done during every
quarter shall be taken into account. At the completion of work, the work done during
the last quarter or fraction, thereof, shall be taken into account.
5. For the purpose of reckoning the work done during any period, the bills prepared during

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the period shall be considered. The dates of recording measurements in the

Measurement Book by the Assistant Engineer shall be the guiding factor to decide the
Bills relevant to any period. The date of completion, as finally reordered by the
competent authority in the Measurement Book, shall be the criterion.
6. The index relevant to any quarter, for which such compensation is paid, shall be the
arithmetical average of the indices relevant of the calendar month.
7. Price adjustment clause shall be applicable only for the work that is carried out within
the stipulated time, or extension thereof, as are not attributable to the contractor.
8. If during the progress in respect of contract works stipulated to cost Rs. 50 Lac or less,
the value of work actually done excluding cost of material supplied by the Department,
exceeds Rs. 50 Lac and completion period is more than 6 months, then escalation would
be payable only in respect of value of work in excess over Rs. 50 Lac from the date of
satisfying both the conditions.
9. Where originally stipulated period is 6 months or less but actual period of execution
exceeds beyond 6 months on account of reasons not attributable to contractor,
escalation amount would be payable only in respect of extended period if amount of
work is more than Rs. 50 Lac.
10. In case the contractor does not make prorata progress in the first or another time span
and the short fall in progress is covered up by him during subsequent time span within
original stipulated period then the price escalation of such work expected to be done in
the previous time span shall be notionally give based upon the price index of that
quarter in which such work was required to be done.
11. No claims for price adjustment other than those provided herein, shall be entertained.
12. If the period of completion including extended period attributable to Government
exceeds six months but cost does not exceeds more than Rs. 50 Lac, no escalation is
13. Similarly, if cost of works increases more than Rs. 50 Lac but completion period
including extended period attributable to government is less than 6 months, no
escalation is admissible.
14. No provisional escalation is payable on the basis of indices of the previous quarter in
absence of non publication of indices for concerned quarter by the RBI.
15. Escalation is always payable quarterly and no provisional escalation is payable monthly
for fortnightly.
16. In case at the time of executing agreement, both the conditions (completion period 6
months and amount of work Rs. 50 Lac) for admissibility of price escalation are not
fulfilled and subsequently due to additional work and extension of time attributable to
Government, both the conditions become fulfilled, in that case the escalation shall be
payable from the date of satisfying both the conditions and only for work done beyond
Rs. 50 Lac and in period of work beyond 6 months.
17. The contractor shall for the purpose of this conditions keep such books of account and
other documents as are necessary to show the amount of any increase climbed or
reduction available and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized
representative of Government and further shall at the request of the Engineer-in-charge
furnish, verified in such a manner as the Engineer-in-Charge may require any
documents so kept and such other information as the Engineer-in-Charge may require.
18. Price Variation Clause shall be applicable in case of lump sum contracts estimated to
more than Rs 200 Crores with stipulated completion period of more than 18 months
19. The component of operation and maintenance (O&M) cost included in the contract price
shall not be subject to price variations. The price may be adjusted by the use of
prescribed formula (or formulae) which breaks down the total price into components
20. The amount of price variation, in case of lump sum contracts will be made by adding or

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deducting, as the case may be, from the payments made at the stages of work specified
in the contract document.
Clause 46: Force-Majeure
Neither party shall be liable to each other, for any loss or damage, occasioned by or arising
out of acts of God such as unprecedented floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquake or other
invasion of nature and other acts.
Clause 47: General Discrepancies and Errors
In case of percentage rate tenders, if there is any typographical or clerical error in the rates
shown by Department in the “G” Schedule, the rates as given in the Basic Schedule of
Rates of the Department for the area shall be taken as correct.
Clause 48: Post payment Audit & Technical Examination
The Government shall have right to cause an audit and technical examination of the works,
and the final bills of the contractor, including all supporting vouchers, abstracts, etc., to be
made within 2 years after payment of the final bill, and if, as a result of such audit and
technical examination, any sum is found to have been over paid in respect of any work
done by the Contractor under the contract, or any work claimed by him to have been done
by him under the Contract and found not to have been executed or executed below
specifications, the Contractor shall be liable to refund the amount of over payment, and it
shall be lawful for Department to recover the same from him in the manner prescribed in
Clause 50 or in any other manner legally permissible, and if it is found that the Contractor
was paid less than what was due to him under the contract in respect of any work executed
by him under it, the amount of such under-payment shall be duly paid by the Government
to the Contractor.
Clause 48A: Pre Check or Post Check of Bills
The Government shall have right to provide a system of pre-check of Contractor’s bill by a
specified Organization, and payment by an Engineer or an Accounts Officer/sr. Accounts
Officer/ chief Accounts Officer/ financial Advisor, as the Government may in its absolute
discretion prescribe. Any over-payments excess payments detected, as a result of such pre-
check or post-check of Contractor’s bills, can be recovered from the Contractor’s bills, in
the manner, herein before provided, and the Contractor will refund such over/excess
Clause 48B: Check Measurements
The department reserves to itself, the right to prescribe a scale of check measurement of
work, in general, or specific scale for specific works, or by other special orders (about which
the decision of the department shall be final). Checking of measurement by superior officer
shall supersede measurements by the subordinate officer, and the former will become the
basis of the payment. Any over/excess payments detected, as a result of such check
measurement or otherwise at any stage up to the date of completion and the defect removal
period specified elsewhere in this contract, shall be recoverable from the Contractor, as any
other dues payable to the Government.
Clause 49: Dismantled materials
The Contractor, in course of the work, should understand that all materials e.g. stone,
bricks, steel and other materials obtainable in the work by dismantling etc. will be
considered as the property of the Government and will be disposed off to the best advantage
of the Government, as per directions, of the Engineer-in-charge.

Clause 50: Recovery from Contractors

Whenever any claim against the Contractor for the payment of a sum of money arises out of
or under the contract, the Department shall be entitled to recover such sum by
appropriating, in part or whole of the Security Deposit, Security Deposit at the time of
enlistment of the Contractor. In the event of the security being insufficient, or if no security
has been taken, then the balance or the total sum recoverable, as the case may be, shall be
deducted from any sum, then due or which at any time, thereafter, may become due to the

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Contractor, under this or any other contract with the Governor of Rajasthan. Should this
sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the Contractor shall pay to the
Department on demand the balance remaining dues.
The department shall, further, have the right to effect such recoveries under Public
Demand Recovery Act.
Clause 51: Jurisdiction of Court
In the event of any dispute arising between the parties hereto, in respect of any of the
matters comprised in this agreement, the same shall be settled by a competent Court
having jurisdiction over the place, where agreement is executed and by no other court, after
completion of proceedings under Clause 23 of this Contract.
Note: The standard format as given above is as per PWF&AR and the provisions of
Special Conditions shall overrule the provisions of these General Conditions of

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Schedule of Materials to be supplied by the Department, if available

(Referred to in clause 10)
S. Quantity, Rates Place of
No meters Unit Rupees Delivery

Schedule of Machinery/T&P to be supplied by the Department

The following Machinery/T&P shall be supplied by the Department, if available, to the
Contractor, on hire as per “Rules of the Department for supply for machinery and T&P to
the Contractor on hire”
(Referred in Clause 10 C)
Place of Delivery and
S. No. Item Rate

Progress Statement referred to in Clause 2 of Conditions of Contract

Date from which Date by which
Monthly rate of
Name of Work the work should the work should
be commenced be completed
1 2 3 4

The contractor has been informed that his tender has been accepted

Dated Signature of Engineer- in –charge Dated signature of Contractor

Notes:- For Filling in the Progress Statement Form

1. Columns 2,3, and 4 must be initialled and dated by the Contractor
2. Column 4 must be initialled and dated by the Chief Engineer or other duly
authorized Engineer also.
3. The date in column 2 should correspond to the date on which the order to
commence work is given to the contractor read with Clause 2 of the conditins of
4. The date in column 3 must correspond to the period stated in Sub clause(e) of the
Memorandum below “Tender for works”.
5. Column 4. This will ordinarily be worked out proportionately; thus if Rs. 24,000/- is
the cost of the whole or portion of work tendered for, and six months period of
completion, then the monthly rate of progress should be Rs. 4,000. If necessary,

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quantities may also be specified in this column at the discretion of the Chief
6. The Certificate as to intimation of acceptance of tender printed at the foot of the
form, must be signed and dated both by the Chief Engineer or other duly authorized
Engineer and the Contractor.

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Annexure to Appendix XI
1. Short Title: These regulations may be called “The Rajasthan public Works
Department Contractors- Labour Regulations.”
2. Definition : In these regulations unless otherwise expressed or indicated, the
following words and expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them
respectively, that is to say :-
(i) “Labour” means workers employed by a Rajasthan P.W. Department
contractors directly or indirectly through a sub contractor or other person by
an agent on his behalf
(ii) Fair Wage” means minimum wages for time or piece work fixed or revised by
the state Government under the minimum wages Act 1948
(iii) “Contractor” shall include every person whether sub-Contractor or headman
or Agent employing labour on the work taken on Contract.
(iv) “Wages” shall have the same meaning as defined in the payment of Wages Act
and includes time and price rate wages.
3. Display of Notice regarding wages etc. : The contractor shall (a) before he commences
his work on contract, display and inconspicuous places on the work notices in
English and the correctly maintain in Hindi by the majority of the workers giving the
rate of wages which have been certified by the Executive Engineer, Superintending
Engineer, the Chief Engineer or Labour Commissioner, as fair wages and the hours
of works for which such wages are earned, and (b) send a copy of such notices to the
Certifying Officers.
4. Payment of Wages :
(i) Wages due to every worker shall be paid to him direct.
(ii) All wages shall be paid in current coin or currency or in both
5. Fixation of wage periods :
(I) The contractor shall fix the wage periods in respect of which the wages shall be
(II) No wage period shall exceed one month
(III) Wages of every workman employed on the contract shall be paid before the
expiry of ten days the last day of the wage period in respect of which the wages
are payable.
(IV) When the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the
contractor, the wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the day
succeeding the one on which his employment is terminated.
(V) All payments of the wages shall be made on a working day except when the
work is completed before the expiry of the wage period, in which case, final
payments shall be made within 48 hours of the last working day
Note: The term “working day” means a day on which the labour is employed in

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6. Wage Book and Wage Slips etc.

(I) The Contractor shall maintain a Wage Book of each worker in such form as
may be convenient but the same shall include the following particulars:-
(a) Rate of daily or monthly wages.
(b) Nature of work on which employed
(c) Total number of days during wage period
(d) Total amount payable for the work during each wage period
(e) All deductions made from the wages with an indication in each case of the
ground for which the deduction is made
(f) Wages actually paid for each wage period
(II) The contractor shall also main in a wage slip for each worker employed on the
(III) The Executive Engineer may grant an exemption from the maintenance of the
wage books and wages slips to a contractor who, in his opinion, may not
directly or indirectly employ more than 50 persons on the work.
7. Fines and deductions which may be made from wages:
(I) The wages of a worker shall be paid to him without any deductions of any kind
except those authorized, namely the following
(a) Fines.
(b) Deductions for absence from duty i.e. from the place or places where, by
the terms of his employment, he is required to work. The amount of
deduction shall be in proportion to the period for which he was absent
(c) Deductions for damages to or loss of goods expressly entrusted to the
employed person for custody or for loss or any other deductions of money,
which he is required to account where such damages or losses are directly
attributable to his neglect or default.
(I-a) The Rajasthan Government may, from time to time, allow deductions other
than those specified in clause I above.
(II) No fines shall be imposed on a worker and no deductions for damage or loss
shall be made until worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause
against each fine or deductions.
(III) The total amount of fines, which may be imposed in any one wage period on a
worker, shall not exceed an amount equal to three paise in rupee of the wage
payable to him in respect of that wage period.
(IV) No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by installments or
after the expiry of 60 days from the date on which it was imposed.
8. Register of fines etc.: The contractor shall maintain a register of fines and of all
deductions for damage or loss. Such register shall mention the reasons for which
fine was imposed or deduction for damage or loss was made. The contractor shall
maintain both in English and local Indian Language, a list approved by the» Labour,
Commissioner clearly stating the acts and omission for which penalty of fine may be

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imposed on a workman and display it in a good condition in conspicuous place on

the work.
9. Preservation of Register: The wage registers the wage card and the register fines
deduction; required to be maintained under these regulations, shall be preserved for
6 months after the date of the first entry made in them.
10. Powers of Labour Welfare Officer to make investigation of enquiry: The Labour
Welfare Officer or any other person, authorized by the State Government on their
behalf, shall have power to make enquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing
due and proper observance of the fair wage clauses and provisions of the regulations.
He shall investigate into any complaint regarding default made by the Contractor or
Sub-Contractor in regard to such provisions
11. Report of Labour Welfare Officer: The Labour Welfare Officer or other person,
authorized as aforesaid, shall submit report of the result of his investigation or
enquiry to the Executive Engineer concerned indicating the extent, if any. To which
the default has been committed with a note that necessary deductions from the
contractors bill be made and the wage and other dues be- paid to the labour
concerned in case an appeal is made by contractor under clause 12 of these
regulations, actual payment to Labors will be made by the Executive Engineer after
the Labour Commissioner had given decision on such appeal.
12. Appeal against the decision of Labour Welfare Officers : Any person aggrieved by the
decision and recommendation of the Labour Welfare Officer or other persons, so
authorized, may appeal against Such decision to the Labour Commissioner within 30
days from the date of decision forwarding simultaneously a copy of his appeal to
Executive Engineer concerned but subject to such appeal the decision of the Officer
shall be final and binding upon the contractor
12-A. No party shall be allowed to be represented by a lawyer during any investigation,
enquiry, appeal or any other proceedings
13. Inspection of Wage Books and Slips : The contractor shall allow inspection of the
wage books and wage slips and register of fines and deductions to any of his workers
or to his agent at a convenient time and place after due notice is received or to the
Labour Welfare Officer or any other person authorized by the State Government on
his behalf
14. Submission of Returns : The Contractor shall submit periodical returns, as may be
specified from time to time
15. Amendments. The State Government may, from time to time, add to or amend these
regulations and on any questions as to the application, interpretation effect of these
regulations, the decision of the Labour Commissioner to the Government of
Rajasthan or any other person authorized by the State Government in that behalf,
shall be final.

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1. Willful insubordination or disobedience whether alone or in combination with

2. The fraud or dishonesty in connection with the contractor’s business or property of
the Rajasthan P.H.E.D.
3. Taking or giving bribe or any illegal gratification.
4. Habitual late attendance.
5. Drunkenness, fighting, riot or disorderly or indecent behavior.
6. Habitual negligence.
7. Smoking near or around the area where combustible or other materials is stacked.
8. Habitual indiscipline.
9. Causing damage work Ii progress or to property of the Rajasthan P.H.E.D or the
10. Sleeping on duty.
11. Malingering or sowing down work.
12. Giving of false information regarding name, age. Father’s name.
13. Habitual loss of wage cards supplied by the employers.
14. Unauthorized use of employer’s property or manufacturing or making of
unauthorized articles at the work place.
15. Bad workmanship in construction and maintenance by skilled workers which is not
approved by the department and for which contractors are compelled to undertake
16. Making false complaint and or misleading statement.
17. Engaging in trade within the premises of the establishment.
18. Any delinquency of business affairs of the employers.
19. Collection or canvassing for the collection of any money within the premises of an
establishment unless authorized by the employer.
20. Holding meeting inside the premises without previous sanction of the employer
21. Threatening or intimidating any workman or employee during the working hours
within the premises.

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Schedule showing (approximately) materials to be supplied from the Public Works

Store for work contracted to be executed and the rates of which they are to be
charged for
Particulars Rates which the materials Place of Rs.
will be charged to the Delivery

Note : The person or firm submitting the bid should see that the rates in the above
schedule are filled up by the Engineer-in- Charge on the issue of the form prior to the
submission to the bid.

(Signature of Contractor) (Signature of Engineer)

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Progress Statement referred to in Clause 3 of Conditions of Contract

Name of Date from which Date by Which the Monthly Rate of
Works work should be work should be progress
commenced completed
1 2 3 4

The contractor has been informed that his tender has been accepted.

Date: Date

Engineer-in-charge Contractor

1. Columns 2,3 and 4 must be initialled and dated by the contractor.
2. Column 4 must be initialled and dated by the Chief Engineer or other duly
authorized Engineer also
3. The date in column 2 should correspond to the date on which the order to commence
work is given to the contractor, specified in line 3, clause 2, page 3 of the “condition
of contract”.
4. The date in column 3 must correspond to the period stated in clause (f) page 2 of the
5. Column 4. This will ordinarily be worked out proportionately; thus if Rs. 24,000/- is
the cost of the whole or portion of work tendered for, and six months period of
completion, then the monthly rate of progress should be Rs. 4,000/-. If necessary
quantities may also be specified in this column at the discretion of the Chief
6. The certificate as to intimation acceptance of tender printed at the foot of the form,
must be signed and dated both by the Chief Engineer or other duly authorized
engineer and the contractor.

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“Department” meansthe Public Health Engineering Department of the Government of
Rajasthan. It is the Executing Agency of the Project.
“Chief Engineer” means Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur.
“Materials” means things of all kinds (other than equipment) intended to form or forming
part of the permanent works, including the supply of materials to be supplied by the
contractor under the contract.
“Equipment” means the apparatus, machinery, articles and things of all kinds to be
provided under the contract or intended to form or forming part of the permanent works.
“Contractor’s Documents” means the calculations, computer programs and other
software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of the technical nature supplied
by the contractor under the contract; as described in sub clause 8.2 [Contractors
“Specifications” means the specifications according to which the works are to be executed
as referred to in the agreement documents and any other specifications agreed thereon.
“Contract Price” means the Sum quoted and approved as in the Volume-IV Price Schedule
of Bid including Percentage premium subject to such additions thereto or deduction there
from as may be made under the provisions contained in the contract or as due to change in
scope of work for pipeline & reservoirs etcas defined in Bid Document.
Notices with legal and contractual issues shall be addressed to the “Chief Engineer Project,
PHED, Jodhpur” or any changed address. Notices with technical issues shall be addressed
to the respective Executive Engineer and copy to all concerned officers including “Chief
Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur”
Any notice given by the Contractor to the Chief Engineer or the Engineer in Charge under
the terms of the Contract shall be sent by post, courier, cable, telex, or fax to or left at the
office of the Chief Engineer or the Engineer in Charge only or the addresses as he shall be
indicated for this purpose only.
All certificates, notices or instructions to be given to the Contractor by the Chief Engineer
or the Engineer in Charge under the terms of the Contract shall be sent by post, courier,
email to or left at the Contractor’s principal address or the address as the Contractor shall
indicate for this purpose only.
It shall be essential for the contractor to obtain a receipt of authorized officer otherwise the
notice shall be treated as “null & void”

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Work is to be done on Single responsibility Contract and on Percentage premiumbasis. The

works described in this Bid document is “Execution of works related to “Drinking water
supply project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada
Canal based FR water supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of
Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system and
civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete
job as per scope & specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey
Contract including necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 10 years (upto
VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)”. The
Contractor is responsible for Site reconnaissance, survey, soil survey, design, drawings,
implementation, testing and commissioning, trial-run, operation & maintenance of the
work as described in the Bid documents.
The documents forming part of the agreement are to be taken as mutually explanatory
documents of one another. In case of discrepancies they shall be explained and adjusted by
the Engineer in Charge. The priority of the Contract documents shall be as follows:
(i) Letter of award
(ii) Special Conditions of Contract Part A & Part B.
(iii) Instructions to Bidders
(iv) General Conditions of Contract
(v) Scope of Work and Technical specifications
(vi) Drawings
(vii) Schedule of pricesincluding Preamble to price schedule, letter of price proposal and
the BOQ (as accepted by the department)
The addenda issued in the tender document in relevant above sections shall be read with
the respective sections while giving priority.
The work shall be implemented by the Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur (as
Engineering In Charge of Work), Superintending Engineer, PHED, Project Circle-Sanchore
and concerned VWSC (Village Water and sanitation Committee) Executive Engineer
concerned act as Representatives and shall carry out such duties or any authority as
decided by the Government. Representative of VWSC shall also be involved in supervision
as per direction and guidelines of DWSM.
They may also authorize consultants or institutions as Assistants. Such Assistants shall
have no authority to issue any instructions to the Contractor in sofar as they are necessary
and to secure their acceptance of materials, Equipments and workmanship as being in
accordance with the Contract. Any instructions given by them for those purposes shall be
deemed to have been given by the Engineer in Charge as the Engineer’s Representative.

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Representative of VWSC and Implementation Support Agency (ISA) shall also be involved in
supervision as per direction and guidelines of DWSM.
Monthly progress reports shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the
Department in six copies. The first report shall cover the period up to the end of the first
calendar month following the commencement date. Reports shall be submitted monthly
thereafter, each within 7 days after the last day of the month to which it relates.
Reporting shall continue until the contractor has completed all work, which is known to be
outstanding at the completion date.
Each Report shall include the issues desired by the Engineer-in-Charge which shall be any
of the following:

• charts/detailed descriptions of progress, including each stage of design Contractor’s

Document, procurement, manufacturing, delivery to site of construction, direction,
testing, commissioning and the trialoperation;

• photographs showing status of manufacture and of progress on thesite with actual

drone high quality image preferably for head-works, CWR and OHSR.;

• for the manufacture of each main item of equipment and materials, the name of the
manufacturer, manufacture location, percentage progress, and the actual or expected

• commencement ofmanufacturing;
• contractor inspections,

• testsand

• shipment and arrival at thesite;

• copies of quality assurance documents, test results and certificates of materials;

• Comparisons of actual and planned progress, with the details of any events or
circumstances which may jeopardize the completion in accordance with the contract,
and the measures being (or to be) adopted to overcomedelays.

• Any other issues deemed necessary by the Engineer-in-Charge

Meetings shall be held in the office of Chief Engineer or at other places as mutually fixed in
advance, with prior notice given by Engineer-in-Charge. The proposed agenda for the
meetings shall be exchanged at least 1 week in advance. It is required that a decision-
maker of the Contractor is present at the meetings so that binding decisions can be taken
about outstanding issues. Generally, the following issues shall bediscussed:

• Progress of the work,difficulties

• revision of timeschedule

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• Paymentissues

• Disputes

• Claims

• Any other issue deemed necessary by contractor ordepartment

The Department shall give the contractor right of access to all parts of the site. The site for
execution of the work will be made available as soon as the work is awarded. In case, it is
not possible for the Department to make the entire site available on the award of the work,
the Bidder shall arrange his working program accordingly.
However, if and to the extent that the Department’s failure was caused by any error or
delay by the contractor, including an error in, or delay in the submission of, any of the
contractor’s documents, the contractor shall not be entitled to such extension of time.
(a) Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Contractor shall
undertake the survey, design, engineering, procurement, installation / fixing/laying,
testing and commissioning of pipeline and other components and observe, fulfill,
comply with and perform all its obligations set out in this Agreement or arising
(b) The Contractor shall comply with all Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits
(including renewals as required) in the performance of its obligations under this
(c) Save and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or Applicable Laws, as the
case may be, the Contractor shall, in discharge of all its obligations under this
Agreement, conform with and adhere to Good Industry Practice at all times.
(d) The Contractor shall remedy any and all loss or damage to the Project, occurring on or
after the Date of commencement of Work and until the date of Completion Certificate
and during the Defects Liability Period, at its own cost, save and except to the extent
that any such loss or damage shall have arisen from any default of the Department or
on account of a Force Majeure Event.
(e) The Contractor shall remedy any and all loss or damage to the Project during the
Defects Liability Period at its own cost.
(f) The contractor is also required to confirm the availability of the material required for
the contract in the time schedule given herein after, so as to complete the job within
the prescribed time. If required under such circumstances, the contractor after prior
approval of department shall be allowed to use superior type of material so as to
complete the job within the prescribed time.
(g) The contractor shall be submit the detailed work plan to complete the scheme and
same shall be got approved from Chief Engineer . The Contractor shall undertake all

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necessary superintendence to plan, arrange, direct, manage, inspect and test the
(h) The Contractor shall provide the equipment and Contractor’s Documents specified in
the contract, and all Contractor’s personnel, goods, consumables and other things
and services, whether of a temporarily or permanent nature, required in and for this
design, execution, completion and remedying of defects during defect liability period.
(i) The Contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy, stability and the safety of all site
operations, of all methods of construction and of all the works.
(j) The Contractor shall provide all facilities including conveyance required for verification
of survey data, supervision, quality control tests, tests for material,
equipment and equipment(s), and/or all other facilities otherwise referred in the
conditions of contract(s) and/or otherwise necessary to complete the works with due
supervision of Engineer-in- charge. The testing of material, quality control tests, etc.
may be got done through NABL accredited labs after approval of Engineer-in-charge.
All the charges and expenses for these shall be borne by the contractor.
(k) The contractor shall design, execute and complete the works in accordance with the
contract, and shall remedy any defects in the works. The contractor shall conduct
survey & verify the levels of the proposed system(s) and lengths of the mains. The
Contractor shall verify already laid distribution pipelines in the village to connect
PSPs, review the department’s hydraulic designs for the villages and satisfy him about
the soundness and the safety of the designs. Finally the contractor shall be
responsible for the safety & soundness of the hydraulic system & structures built,
pipeline laid and FHTCs made under the contract so as to provide required daily
design demand(s).If required, pumping head; discharge of pumps etc. shall be revised
by the contractor so as to achieve the objective of the work to deliver water.
(l) The contractor shall also confirm the feasibility of the system proposed by the
department. The confirmation of the feasibility of the system proposed by the
department is necessary as the final responsibility to provide designed demand(s)
shall be of contractor and if required he shall provide additional equipment / material
/ systems to achieve the objective of the work.
(m) If desired, in considerations of the survey data; the hydraulic requirement and other
field limitations, the contractor so as to achieve the objectives of the work, can
propose change in alignment (deviations to avoid structures etc., or position of pipes
above or below ground etc.), etc. No additional payments shall be made on account of
use of superior quality material, on this account.
(n) The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Department, submit details of the
arrangements and methods, which the contractor proposes to adopt for execution of
the works. No significant alteration to the arrangements and methods shall be made
without this having previously been notified to the Department.
(o) The Contractor shall, at its own cost and expense, in addition to and not in
derogation of its obligations elsewhere set out in this Agreement:

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(i) make, or cause to be made, necessary applications to the relevant

Government Instrumentalities with such particulars and details as may be
required for obtaining Applicable Permits and obtain and keep in force and
effect such Applicable Permits in conformity with Applicable Laws;
(ii) procure, as required, the appropriate proprietary rights, licences, agreements
and permissions for Materials, methods, processes, know-how and systems
used or incorporated into the Project;
(iii) always act in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and
not cause or fail to do any act, deed or thing, whether intentionally or
otherwise, which may in any manner be violative of any of the provisions of
this Agreement;
(iv) make reasonable efforts to maintain harmony and good industrial relations
among the personnel employed by it or its Sub-contractors in connection with
the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;
(v) support, cooperate with and facilitate the Department in the implementation
and operation of the Project in accordance with the provisions of this
(vi) ensure that the Contractor and its Sub-contractors comply with the safety
and welfare measures for labour in accordance with Applicable Laws and
Good Industry Practice in the performance by them of any of the Contractor’s
obligations under this Agreement;
(vii) cooperate with other contractors employed by the Department and personnel
of any other public authority;
(viii) keep, on the Site, a copy of this Agreement, publications named in this
Agreement, the Drawings, Documents relating to the Project, and Change of
Scope Orders and other communications sent under this Agreement, and
provide access to all these documents at all reasonable times to the
Department’s Engineer and its authorised personnel; and
(ix) not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with the convenience of the public,
or the access to and use and occupation of all the existing facilities,
irrespective of whether they are public or in the possession of the Department
or of others.
If the Contractor has formed a Joint Venture of two or more entities for implementing the
(a) It shall be governed by Rule 39 of RTPP
(b) These entities shall, without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement, be deemed
to be jointly and severally liable to the Department for the performance of the
(c) All parties to the Joint Venture shall sign the bid and they shall be jointly and
severally liable; or

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(d) A Joint Venture shall nominate a representative (lead partner) who shall have the
authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any or all the parties of the
Joint Venture during the bidding process. In the event the bid of Joint Venture is
accepted, either they shall form a registered Joint Venture company/firm or otherwise
all the parties to Joint Venture shall sign the Agreement.
(e) The Contractor shall ensure that no change in the composition of the Consortium is
effected without the prior consent of the Department.
Without prejudice to the joint and several liability of all the members of the Consortium,
the Lead Member shall represent all the members of the Consortium and shall at all times
be liable and responsible for discharging the functions and obligations of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall ensure that each member of the Consortium shall be bound by any
decision, communication, notice, action or inaction of the Lead Member on any matter
related to this Agreement and the Department shall be entitled to rely upon any such
action, decision or communication of the Lead Member. The Department shall have the
right to release payments solely to the Lead Member and shall not in any manner be
responsible or liable for the inter se allocation of payments among members of the Joint
The contractor shall appoint the Contractor’s Representative and shall give them all
authority necessary to act on the contractor’s behalf under the contract.
Unless the Contractor’s Representative is named in the Contract, the Contractor shall, prior
to the Commencement Date, submit to the Department for consent the name and
particulars of the person the Contractor proposes to appoint as Contractor’s
Representative. If consent is withheld or subsequently revoked, or if the appointed person
fails to act as the Contractor’s Representative, the Contractor shall similarly submit the
name and particulars of another suitable person for such appointment.
The Contractor shall not, without the prior consent of the Department, revoked the
appointment of the Contractor’s Representative or appoint a replacement.
The Contractor’s Representative shall, on behalf of the Contractor, receive instructions.
The Contractor’s Representative may delegate any powers, functions and authority to any
person, and may at any time revoke the delegation. Any delegation or revocation shall not
to take effect until the Department has received prior notice signed by the Contractor’s
Representative, naming the person and specifying the powers, functions and authority
being delegated or revoked.
Whenever services of contractor staff are found / noticed unsatisfactory by the department,
they shall be removed / terminated by the contractor immediately as per direction of
Engineer in Charge.
The contractor shall set out the works in relation to original points, lines and levels of
reference specified in the contract. The contractor shall be responsible for the correct
positioning of all parts of the works, and shall rectify any error in the positions, levels, the
dimensions or alignment of the works. He shall be responsible for effective working of the

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The contractor shall:

(a) Comply with all applicable safety regulations,
(b) Take care for the safety of all person’s entitled to be on the site,
(c) Choose reasonable efforts to keep the site and work clear of unnecessary obstruction so
as to avoid danger to these persons,
(d) Provide fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the works until completion and its
taking over by the department at end of O & M period as defined in Special Conditions
(e) Provide any temporary works (including roadways, footways, guards and fences) which
may be necessary, because of the execution of works, for the use and protection of the
public and of owners and occupy a server adjacent land.
Design made by the department is of preliminary in nature. However the designs made by
the department, and investigations carried out by department can be seen during the
execution of the contract for referencepurpose.
The contractor shall be responsible for verifying and interpreting all site data. The
department shall have no responsibility for accuracy, sufficiency or completeness of such
data, irrespective of its use by the department while making preliminary designs.
(a) The contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risk,
contingencies and other circumstances that may influence or affect the works;
(b) by signing the contract, the contractor accepts the total responsibility for having
sustained all difficulties and costs of successfully completing the works: and
(c) the contract price shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties
or costs.
The Contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special and/or temporary rights of Way,
which he may require, including those for access to the site. The contractor shall also
obtain, at risk and costs, any additional facilities outside the site which he may require
further purposes of the works.
The contractor shall not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with:
(a) the convenience of the public, or
(b) In the access to and use and occupation of all roads and other land, irrespective of
whether they are public or in the possession of the Department or others.
(c) The contractor shall indemnify and hold the Department harmless against and from
all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) resulting from
any such unnecessary or improper interference.
Unless otherwise stated in particular conditions the contractor shall be responsible for:

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(a) Keeping unauthorized person’s off the site, offices, campus etc. within the scope of
work and
(b) Authorized person’s shall be limited to the Contractor’s personnel and the
Department’s personnel; and to any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by (or
on behalf of) the Department, and
(c) Providing adequate manpower for the security of the material brought to the site for
which payment has been made to the contractor.
The Contractor shall confine his operations to the site, and to any additional areas, which
may be obtained by the Contractor and agreed by the Department as working areas. The
Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to keep Contractor’s equipment and
Contractor personnel within the site and these additional areas, and to keep them off
adjacent land.
During the execution of the works, the Contractor shall keep the site free from all
unnecessary obstruction, and shall store or dispose of any Contractor’s equipment or
surplus materials. The Contractor shall clear away and remove from the site any wreckage,
rubbish and temporary works which are no longer required.
The land or the land rights for the sites of the permanent work will be provided by PHED
according to the progress of work.
For the purpose of constructing Contractor’s yard, godown, site office etc. the contractor
may utilize the land and existing buildings / structures allocated to him by PHED after
obtaining requisite permission from the Engineer in Charge. All expenses in connection
with purchase or construction or maintenance or removal etc. of such items shall be borne
by the Contractor.
PHED may allocate the land and buildings for use by the Contractor according to its
possibilities only. If the land or buildings are not sufficient for the purposes of the
Contractor’s establishment, additional land or buildings will have to be procured/rented by
the Contractor himself at his own cost and expenses.
Recovery of rent towards the use of building by contractor for office/store/residence
provided by the department shall be done on fair rent assessment basis.
In addition to the provisions of clause 43 of General conditions of contract, the contractor
shall institute a quality assurance system to demonstrate compliance with requirements of
the contract. The system shall be in accordance with the details stated in the contract. The
Departments shall be entitled to audit any aspect of the system.
The Contractor shall ensure that the Construction, Materials and workmanship are in
accordance with the requirements specified in this Agreement, Specifications and
Standards and Good Industry Practice.
The Contractor warrants that all Materials shall be new, unused, not reconditioned and in
conformity with Specification and Standards, Applicable Laws and Good Industry Practice,

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and that the Contractor shall not use any materials which are generally recognized as being
deleterious under Good Industry Practice.
The Contractor shall establish a quality control mechanism to ensure compliance with the
provisions of this Agreement (the “Quality Assurance Plan” or “QAP”).
Quality Assurance Plan shall include the following:
(a) organization, duties and responsibilities, procedures, inspections and
(b) quality control mechanism including sampling and testing of Materials, test
frequencies, standards, acceptance criteria, testing facilities, reporting, recording
and interpretation of test results, approvals, check list for site activities, and
proforma for testing and calibration in accordance with the Specifications and
Standards and Good Industry Practice.
(c) internal quality audit system
Details of all procedures, if adopted other than those laid down in the Bid document, and
compliance documents shall be submitted to the Departments for information before each
design and revocation stage is commenced. When any document of a typical nature is
submitted to the Department, evidence of the prior approval by the contractor himself shall
be apparent on the document itself.
Compliance with the quality assurance system shall not relieve the contractor of any of his
duties, obligations or responsibilities under the contract.
The Contractor shall have an office(s) near the site(s), and shall during office hours on all
working days have a clerk or some other authorized person always present at such office,
upon whom a notice may be served. Service of any notice left with such clerk or authorized
person shall be deemed good, served upon the Contractor.
The contractor shall also provide reasonable office facilities for the supervisory staff of
department at the site.
The Contractor shall employ for the execution of work only such persons as are skilled and
experienced in all activities required for the completion of the Works, from reconnaissance,
design, manufacturing, execution and testing to commissioning. The Engineer in Charge
shall be at liberty to object to and require the Contractor to remove from the Work any
person who in the opinion of the Engineer in Charge misconducts himself or is incompetent
or negligent in the proper performance of his duties. Such person shall not again be
employed without permission of the Engineer in Charge.
The Contractor shall employ labour in sufficient number to maintain the required rate of
progress and quality to ensure workmanship of the degree specified in the Contract.
For the purpose of quick communication between the Engineer in Charge and the
Contractor, site books shall be maintained at all sites, where work is being carried out, so
as to be readily available. Any instructions or order which the Engineer in Charge may like

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to issue to the Contractor may be recorded by him in the site book and two copies thereof
taken by him for his record.
He shall be person deployed by the contractor as an overall in-charge for the Contract. He
shall be delegated with Power of Attorney to sign on behalf of the Contractor on all issues
related to contract and payments. He should be a senior level staff member of the
The Standard Drawings of ESR, CWR etc. prepared by the department are part of Tender
Document. Same are available at Department’s website
https://phedwater.rajasthan.gov.in; however, the contractor shall be fully responsible for
structural safety of the structure if the contractor desire any change in the drawing for
safety / site issues he can modify the departmental design and drawings but on stringent
site including proof checking from MNIT, BITS Pilani, MBM Engg college or any IIT. No
separate payment of such design and drawings shall be made. The structural drawing
which are not available with the department, shall be prepared and submitted by the
contractor, duly proof checked from MNIT, BITS Pilani, MBM Engg College or any
IIT,for which no separate payment shall be made.
The Contractor shall collect and review distribution network designs, carry out
required/necessary survey and design distribution network for entire village (taking into
account already laid pipelines) to deliver water @ 55 lpcd through FHTCs.The Contractor
shall be responsible for the correctness, accuracy of all designs and for safety & soundness
of all structures constructed under this contract. For in villages and other distribution
system, existing and new pipeline and other components shall be shown separately. No
separate payment shall be made for these survey and designs.
The Contractor shall be deemed to have scrutinized, prior to submission of bid, the
Department's requirements (including design criteria & drawings & calculations, if any) for
their correctness, accuracy, structural safety and soundness. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the correctness, accuracy of all designs and for safety & soundness of all
structures constructed under thiscontract.
The department shall not be responsible for any error, in accuracy or permission of any
kind in the Department’s requirements as originally included in the contract. Any data or
information received by the Contract, from the department or otherwise, shall not relieve
the Contractor from his responsibility for the design and execution of the works.
The details of materials indicated in the Bid document are the minimum requirement, and
no reduction/alteration shall be permissible unless the Engineer-in-charge is satisfied that
such changes are necessary.
Standard QAPs – Standard QAPs of DI and HDPE pipes have been issued by the
Department and are enclosed at the end of this chapter. The inspection of pipes shall be
carried out as per these Standard QAPs.

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The Contractor’s Documents shall comprise the Technical Documents specified in the
Departments requirements, Documents Requirement to satisfy all regulatory approvals and
As Built Documents. The Contractor’s Documents shall be written in the language for
communications defined in contract.
If errors, omissions, ambiguity, inconsistencies, inadequacies or other defects are found in
the Contractors Documents, these and the works shall be corrected at the Contractor’s
cost, notwithstanding any consent for approval under this clause.
Various standard drawings of CWR, ESR, GSR etc. as issued by the department and
hydraulic designs pertaining to this project are available with the department which can be
seen by the prospective bidder in the office of the Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur
during office hours in working days. Their .pdf copy may be provided on request by bidder/
prospective bidder in their pen drive etc. Some drawings / conceptual drawings are given in
the bid document in Vol-III.However the contractor may check to ensure soundness of the
designs & successful completion of the project. The contractor is required to carry out the
detail survey of the construction sites and pipe line alignments and the same shall be
submitted to department for approval. The contractor is required to carry out the soil
investigation for ESR/CWR/Pump House and other important structure and to submit the
detailed structural designs and execution drawings (wherever required) all civil, mechanical
and electrical engineering works. He will also submit the detailed system and working
drawings as well as performance curves and data for all hydraulic, mechanical, electro-
mechanical and electrical equipment.
Survey for verification of hydraulic design of proposed system shall be got done by the
contractor and village map and design of village distribution network shall be submitted for
approval. If any changes are made in the given designs & drawings, such changes, duly
done in the drawings shall be submitted for approval. No work shall be commenced on site
on the basis of designs & drawings not approved by department and/or those not accepted
by the contractor. Department will provide distribution designs of already laid network upto
PSPs. The contractor may check them to ensure soundness and correctness of the designs
&drawings. The contractor is required to carry out the survey to prepare village index plan
indicating already laid pipelines and then submit the detailed designs of the complete
distribution network to provide water @ 55 lpcd through FHTCs with minimum residual
pressure of 7 mts at each FHTC. Detailed requirements are given in the scope of work.
If any changes are desired by him in the given designs & drawings, such changes, duly
done in the drawings with a detailed note justifying the proposed changes, shall be
submitted for approval. No work shall be commenced on site on the basis of designs &
drawings not approved by department and/or those not accepted by the contractor. The
drawings shall be sufficient in details and the scale has to be chosen accordingly in co-
ordination with the Engineer-in-charge.
If required, the changes in design and the execution drawings proposed by the contractor
shall be submitted only after verification by an institute or agency approved by the
Engineer-in-charge or any authorised representative of the Department.
The submission of designs, working drawings and documents etc., done as per the
requirement of the Bid documents, is to be made to the competent authority or his

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authorized representative. The contractor shall make presentation of thedesigns, working

drawings and documents etc and shall resubmit if any changes or modifications are noted
by the department. The date when contractor submits the designs, working drawings
quarries are replied satisfactorily. The schedule should be such so as not to obstruct the
actual construction work.
The following shall be the procedure for submission and approval of design, execution
drawings & contractor’s documents:
➢ The Contractor shall submit two copies of design/drawings/contractor’s documents
to the Executive Engineer. All the submitted papers are to be signed by the
Contractor or his authorized representatives. If desired by the EIC, he shall submit
the relevant IS codes / manuals. For hydraulic designs, calculations of design in soft
copy shall be on excel sheet with formulas, various assumptions, calculations etc. to
arrive at results of design.
➢ Structural design & drawing of CWR / ESR / WTP / RCC Framed PH etc. shall be
got vetted from MNIT Jaipur / MBM Engg College/ BITS Pilani /any IIT and all
charges towards such proof checking shall be borne by the contractor and no extra
payment shall be admissible to Contractor.
➢ The Engineer in Charge will review the submissions and if found fit for approval, will
approve themand return one copy to the Contractor within 15 days duly signed in
token of approval.
➢ In case the design/drawings etc. are not found fit for approval, the Engineer in
Charge will mark the comments on them and return two copies to the Contractor
within 15 days and the same shall be repeated till the submissions are finally
approved as per scope of work & specifications. The contractor in such cases shall
submit the revised and corrected submissions within 15 days to the receipt of
comments from Engineer-In-Charge.
➢ On request of the Engineer in Charge, the Contractor shall depute the design
engineer responsible for the particular submission to discuss with the Engineer in
Charge or his Representative.
➢ On receipt of approved submissions, the Contractor shall submit six (6) additional
copies of the approved submissions (designs, drawings, data sheets etc.) to the PHED
for reference and records.
➢ No designs / drawings with corrections made after taking the prints will be accepted.
➢ The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining necessary clearances from central,
state & PSUs, wherever required. The department shall provide necessary assistance
for the purpose.
➢ The approval along with alterations in drawings/designs by the Engineer in Charge
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility in terms of the Contract for
soundness of the designs. The Contractor shall be responsible for the structural
safety of all the components of the Work.
In case of discrepancies between drawings and specifications or data sheets arising from
the meaning, dimensions or quality of the materials and equipment for the due and proper

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execution of the Work, the discrepancy shall be explained by the Engineer-in-Charge. His
explanation shall be the final decision and the Contractor shall execute the Work
accordingly without any extra payment.
The design, the Contractor’s Documents, the execution and the completed works shall
comply with the relevant standards, building, construction and environmental laws, law as
applicable to the product being produced from the works, and other standards specified in
the “Scope of Work & Specifications” applicable to the works, or defined by the applicable
All these laws, in respect of the works shall be, the laws prevailing at the time of letter of
invitation. References in the contract to published standards shall be understood to be
references to the edition applicable on the date of supply / execution as the case may be.
Whenever there are contradictory provisions in applicable Indian Standards, the most
stringent of the provisions shall apply unless specifically mentioned otherwise.
All material required for the execution of the work, testing, commissioning, trial run,during
the entire defect liability period, operation, routine and preventive maintenance and
repairs/replacement/, if any necessitated, during the entire Contract & Operation and
Maintenance period shall be borne and arranged by the Contractor himself including all
required chemicals for treatment & chemical regents for quality testing laboratory etc.
except electric charges to be paid to electric company (former electricity board). No material
will be supplied by PHED.
List of make, as approved by TM, RWSSMB including latest amended, isannexed in this Bid
The contractor shall have to give a written commitment of the vendor with respect to
delivery schedule that the vendor offers to commit for the present project. The vendor has
to declare its production capacity and order in hand for different project to substantiate his
claim for the proposed delivery schedule. The contractor shall have to countersign and
agree to the delivery schedule. In case there is some difficulty from the contractor/ vendor
side with the approved vendor and the contractor wishes to change the vendor, the EIC
shall consider the same request subject to conditions that original delivery schedule as
approved at the time of agreement with vendor shall not disturb and the contractor shall
ensure timely supply of material as agreed. At the time of submission of vendor approval for
all type of material, the contractor shall have to submit the proof of satisfactory
performance of material in past either used by PHED/other departments/states. EIC shall
approve the vendor based on the twin consideration of vendor suitability in terms of
appropriate quality and production capacity along with financial capacity and commitment
of timely supply of material for the projectcompletion.
The contractor shall submit samples for their inspection and testing is to be carried out at
the factory or prior to dispatch etc. to the Department, for review in accordance with the
procedure for Contractor’s Documents described in relevant sub clause, as specified in the
Contract and at the Contractor cost. Each sample should be labeled as to origin and
intended use in the works.

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However, in case of pipes, samples from a lot received at site, may be sent to a laboratory
for further confirmatory testing at contractor’s cost.
Samples of rubber rings used in pipes shall also be got tested from NABL accredited
laboratory as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge.,the cost of which shall be borne by the
The Department’s Personnel or authorized representative shall at all reasonable times:
(a) have full access to all parts of the site and to all places from which natural materials
are being obtained, and
(b) during production, an effective and construction (at the site and, to the extent
specified in the contract, elsewhere), be entitled to examine, inspect, measure and
test the materials and workmanship, and to take the progress of manufacture of
equipment and production and manufacture of materials.
The Contractor shall give the Department’s personnel full opportunity to carry out these
activities, including providing access the facilities, premises and safety equipment. No such
activities shall relieve the Contractor from any obligation or responsibility.
The department intends that in addition to above,third party inspection shall be carried out
for the material supplied under this contract. All charges and expenses shall be borne by
the contractor.
Equipment of similar kind to be used in the contract shall be of same make unless
specifically approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Unless specific approval of the Engineer-
in-Charge is obtained, all equipment of one kind, to be used in the project, shall be offered
for inspection in one lot. If such equipment are offered in different piece meal lots, the cost
of inspection of material in smaller lots shall be on contractor part, and the delay caused to
the project on this ground, shall solely be attributed to the account of the contractor.
For all Equipment(s) and material(s) required for execution of the work, Pre-dispatch
inspection shall be carried out by the (i) Team of departmental officers (ii)any Third Party
Inspection Agency (TPIA) or both, as decided by the Engineer In-charge. All arrangement for
lodging,boarding and transportation including local transportation shall be done by the
contractor, in case of inspection done by the departmental officers, however the expenses
of TPIA is not in the scope of contractor. Contractor may have to pay the fee initially, which
will be reimbursed in next bills. However; if due to any reason Contractor requests for
inspection by Third Party Inspection Agency (TPIA) than all costs and arrangements shall
be the responsibility of the Contractor and department will not pay or reimburse any such
During execution of work EIC or Quality wing of PHED may inspect the materials and
he may be asked to test the materials from approved national level testing labs. Inspection
charges will be borne by contractor. In case of non satisfactory test results the contractor
has to replace the materials at his own cost and any payment regarding such materials will
be recovered.
The Contractor shall provide all apparatus, assistance, documents and other information,
electricity, equipment, fuel, consumables, estimates, labour, materials, and suitably

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

qualified and experienced staff in relation to supply of material and are necessary to carry
out the specified test efficiently. The Contractor shall agree, with the Department, the time
and place for the specified testing of any equipment, materials and other parts of the works.
The contractor shall set up a laboratory at his site office with equipment and facilities to
carry out regular tests like sieve analysis, strength of concrete cubes,strength of cement
sand mortar cubes, etc required for road repair works. In addition to tests being carried out
at this site lab, few samples may also be sent to outside government / private labs
approved by EIC. The costs of these tests shall be borne by the contractor
The Department may, vary the location or details of specified test, or instruct the
Contractor to carry out additional tests. If these varied or additional tests show that
the tested equipment, materials or other workmanship is not in accordance with the
contract, that cost of carry out in this variation shall be borne by the contractor,
notwithstanding other provisions of the contract.
The Contractor shall promptly forward to the Department duly certified reports of the tests.
When the specified test has been passed, the Department shall endorse the Contractor’s
test certificate, or issue a certificate to him, to that effect.
If as a result of an examination, inspection, measurement or testing, any equipment,
materials, workmanship is found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the
contract, the Department may reject the equipment, materials, designs or workmanship by
giving notice to the Contractor, with reasons. The Contractor shall then promptly make
good that effect and ensure that the rejected items compliance with the contract.
If the rejection and re-testing cause the Department to incur additional costs, the
Contractor shall pay these costs to the Department.
The fact that the Contractor has agreed to provide the material prescribed in the Bid
Documents does not release him to ask for the final approval of the equipment and material
to be used for the Work. The specifications and drawings of each item to be supplied shall
be individually scrutinized and the Engineer in Charge shall verify its conformity with the
technical specifications and the standards.
Prior to ordering any material and equipment such as pipes, specials, measuring
equipment’s, mechanical and electro-mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, material
for civil works and interior decoration, paints, etc. the Contractor has to supply the detailed
specification, drawings, performance curves and data, operation instructions, samples etc.,
to the Engineer in Charge. If the Contractor has any doubts about the required
specifications as prescribed in the Contract, he has to clarify them with the Engineer in-
The procedure for the submission of documents, verification, re-submission if necessary
and approval of these items is the same described in relevant clause, If equipment or
material which the Contractor submitted first is refused in the approval process he has to
submit documents of such equipment which corresponds to the specifications of the Bid
Documents and which is likely to beapprovedby Engineer-In-Charge.

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Only after approval of the material and equipment, the Contractor can place the order or
start the manufacturing or purchasing procedures.
Two weeks prior to packing and shipping the Contractor must inform the Engineer in
Charge when the material/equipment is ready for inspection and testing. At this date, the
Contractor shall supply the results of all manufacturer’s own tests made during or after
manufacturing and his own quality control certificates. The Engineer-in-charge will decide
whether he or his representative or Third party will inspect and test the material/
Inspection of bought out itemsas specified in Chapter “Pre-dispatch Inspection” of Vol-II of
this bid document, shall be done by department representative(s) and / or a third party
appointed by the department. The inspection charges shall be as per the provision in clause
10.2 above.
The Engineer in charge will provide an authorization for packing and shipment after
inspection and/or approval of the material/equipment.
If the Contractor packs and ships material/equipment without approval or authorization of
the Engineer-in-Charge, it can be refused if it is not matching with the specifications of the
Contract. All costs resulting from this are to be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor
has then to provide the material/ equipment, which is matching with the Contract.
Only manufacturers of DI (Ductile Iron) pipes are eligible to apply for enlistment/
Vendor approval.
Manufacturers have to submit following documents for enlistment/ Vendor approval
in PHED Rajasthan.
(a) Registration Certificate of Firm (Registered in INDIA) - Company registration
certificate and Memorandum & Article of Association issued by Registrar of
Company / Partnership deed / Sole proprietorship deed issued by competent
(b) Registration of Manufacturing unit (situated in India):- Registration Certificates of
manufacturing unit, issued by DIC / ministry of commerce & Industries, govt. of
India or any other competent authority clearly mentioning type of unit, such as
Micro/ Small/ Medium / Large scale industrial unit OR Udyog Aadhaar OR Factory
License issued by competent authority.
(c) Valid BIS license for manufacturing of DI pipes available with the Vendor clearly
mentioning the type (K7, K9 etc) and size licensed for manufacturing
(d) ISO 9001:2015 Certificate. Quality Management System.
(e) ISO 14001:2004 Certificate. Environment Management System.
(f) ISO 18001:2004 Certificate (OHSAS)/ ISO 45001, Occupational Health & Safety
Management System.
(g) GST Registration Certificate.
(h) Income Tax Permanent Account No.
(i) Import & Export License issued by Ministry of Commerce & Industry – Government
of India.
(j) Turnover of the firm in last FY (Minimum Rs 250.00 Cr.) Relevant portion of audited

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balance sheet must be submitted.

(k) In-house Furnace Facility - Induction Furnace
(l) In-House testing facilities available for Routine tests for the product as per
applicable BIS code. (Sample routine test reports should be enclosed)
(m) Potable water compliance certificate for the material used for inner lining of the
(n) Potable water compliance certificate for Rubber Gasket used in Push-on-joints or
any mechanical joints of the pipe, come in contact with drinking water.
(o) Manufacturer have to submit an undertaking on Non-Judicial stamp paper worth
Rs. 100/- that :
i) (a) The firm have not been Black listed by any department of the Central
Government / any State Government in last 2 years.
(b) The firm has not been debarred by any department of Government of Rajasthan
in last two years.
(c) The firm has not been convicted of an offence – under the prevention of
Corrupition Act, 1988 (Central Act No. 49 of 1988).
(d) The firm has not been convicted of an offence – under the Indian Penal
Code,1860 (Central Act No. 45 of 1860) or any other law for time being in force,
for causing any loss of life or property or causing a threat to public health as part
of execution of a public procurement contract.
ii) Their BIS licence has not been put on STOP marking/ suspension/
cancellation on the date of submission of application.
iii) The Department will be freee to de-list the firm for minimum period of one
year. If the firm is found to have given false particulars at the time of
enlistment/ approval.
Important Note (not part of undertaking)
If the firm is found to have breached the condition(s) of undertaking after
submission of application or approval/ enlistment, the application will not be
considered for enlistment OR delisted from empanelment respectively.
(p) An Affidavit has to be submitted on non- judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- for
After sales service support and Customer complaints resolution promptness.
(i) Only manufacturers of HDPE pipes are eligible to apply for enlistment/ Vendor
(ii) For Firms Registered in India-Company registration certificate and Memorandum &
Article of Association issued by Registrar of Company / Partnership deed / Sole
proprietorship deed issued by competent authority.
(iii) For Manufacturing unit situated in India:- Registration Certificates of
manufacturing unit, issued by DIC / ministry of commerce & Industries, govt. of
India or any other competent authority clearly mentioning type of unit, such as
Micro/ Small/ Medium / Large scale industrial unit OR Udyog Aadhaar OR Factory
License issued by competent authority.
(iv) Valid BIS license for manufacturing of HDPE pipes available with the Vendor as [er
IS:4984:2016 for manufacturing.
(v) ISO 9001:2015 Certificate. Quality Management System.
(vi) GST Registration Certificate.
(vii) Income Tax Permanent Account No.
(viii) Import & Export License issued by Ministry of Commerce & Industry – Government
of India.

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(ix) Manufacturer should have minimum installed production Capacity of 2000 MT per
annum of HDPE pipes for potable water as per IS:4984:2016.
(Assessment report from CIPET shall be submitted as supporting document).
(x) Manufacturer should have to submit following certificates/ test certificates of raw
material (HDPE resin) used for manufacturing of HDPE pipes as per relevant BIS
code from manufacturers of raw material that :
i) Percentage of anti-oxidant stabilizer content.
ii) Certificate that anti-oxidant used is physiologically harmless and is from the
list given in IS:10141:1982
iii) Certificate that raw material used is non-toxic i.e. physiologically harmless;
should not support microbial growth and is not imparting any taste, odour or
colour to water being used for human consumption.
iv) Density test
v) MFR test
vi) Percentage of carbon black content and satisfactory carbon dispersion.
(xi) Raw material to be used for manufacturing of HDPE pipes shall be 100% virgin as
per latest provisions of relevant IS. Manufacturers of HDPE pipes have to submit
details of purchase of raw material from its manufacturer (HDPE resin
manufacturer), its Usage- size wise quantity manufactured along with payment
details in the undertaking on Rs 100/- stamp paper, in last financial year (i.e. FY
2021-2022) or effective period of production for new plants, as per table below.

E-bill/ Payment Pipe manufactured

purchase Bill Details
Name of manufacturer of raw material

Qty of Raw material Consumer

Description of raw material

Payment transaction detail

Quantity of raw material

Remarks (If any)

Amount (INR)

Amount (INR)

Qty of Pipe


S No


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Note: Details to be submitted on Rs 100/- stamp paper in undertaking.

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(xii) All extruders should have PLC controller to maintain the temperature, pressure &
uniform wall thickness of HDPE pipe during manufacturing process.
(xiii) In-House testing facilities available for Routine tests for raw material and finished
product as per applicable BIS code. (sample routine test reports should be enclosed)
(xiv) Type Test reports from CIPET / Shri Ram laboratory or any equivalent NABL
accredited lab for each pressure rating and grade of pipe of max. size manufactured
in last 2 years, shall be submitted by the manufacturer as per IS:4985:2016. This
report shall not be older than 2 years from date of application.
(xv) Manufacturer have to submit an undertaking on Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.
100/- that :
i) Their firm have not been Black Listed or De-barred by any of the Centre
government / State government / PSU's/ Government Bodies/ Local self
Bodies etc. in last 2 years.
ii) Their BIS licence has not been put on STOP marking/ suspension/
cancellation in last 2 years.
(xvi) An Affidavit has to be submitted on non- judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- for
After sales service support and Customer complaints resolution promptness.
(a) For Firms Registered in India- Company registration certificate and Memorandum &
Article of Association issued by Registrar of Company / Partnership deed / Sole
proprietorship deed issued by competent authority.
(b) For Firms Registered Outside India- Company registration certificate and
Memorandum & Article of Association issued by competent authority.
(c) For Manufacturing unit situated in India – Registration Certificates of
manufacturing unit, issued by DIC/ ministry of commerce & industries, govt. of
India or any other competent authority clearly mentioning type of unit, such as
Micro/ Small/ Medium/ Large scale industrial unit OR Udyog Aadhar OR Factory
license issued by competent authority
(d) For Manufacturing unit outside India:- Registration Certificates of manufacturing
unit, issued by competent authority clearly mentioning type of unit OR Factory
License issued by competent authority of respective country where unit is situated.
(e) ISO 9001: 2015 Certtificate. Quality Management System
(f) GST Registration Certificate
(g) Income Tax Permanent Account No.
(h) Manufacturing of all components of Integrated saddle piece including FCV should
be In-House
(i) In-House testing facilities available for Routine tests such as Hydrostatic pressure
test, Leak tightness test, Flow rate measurement of FCV, NRV testing of FCV,
Resistance to sliding on pipe etc. (sample routine test reports should be submitted)
(j) Potable water compliance certificate for PP material used for manufacturing of
Integrated saddle (approved by WRAS as per BS 6920 or any other equivalent
institution/ agency certifying for suitability of non-metallic products for use in
contract with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on
quality of water)
(k) Experience of manufacturing of PP mechanical Integrated saddle piece: (Min. 2
(l) Turnover of the firm in last FY: (Min. Rs 5.0 Cr)
(m) Satisfactory performance certificates of supplies made in last two (2 yrs.) years, on
different projects, to Central government/ State government / PSU’s/ Government
Bodies/ Local self Bodies/ Public Ltd. Co. Etc (at least 3 Nos.)
(n) Service Support and after sales services network in India.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


The work is to be executed on Single responsibility Contract basis. The name of work under
this Contract is Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply project for
providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore through Narmada Canal based FR
water supply project” viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission
mains, Cluster distribution system, Village distribution system and civil,
mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete job
as per scope & specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract
including necessary Design and Operation & maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC)
after 1 year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) The whole of the
workincluding mobilization, reconnaissance, survey, design, manufacturing, testing,
commissioning& trial run and demobilization has to be completed within a period of 20
months calculated from the commencement date, which is 10 days after the written order
to commence the Work.The duration of the trial runs and tests is included in the
completion period.
The work shall be treated as physically complete when all the works as envisaged in the
contract and essential as per site conditions are completed in all respects to the satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-charge and all the structures, electro-mechanical equipments, pipe line
network along with service pipelines are tested and commissioned successfully.
The part of work or section thereof shall be treated as physically completed when the work
or part of work or section thereof as envisaged in the Contract and essential as per site
conditions, is complete and has been successfully tested sectionally or entirely under non-
operation conditions to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge. He shall issue a
Sectional Completion Certificate to the Contractor in which he shall certify the date on
which the work, part of work, or section thereof has been physically completed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Certificate for Total Physical Completion shall be issued when all the works as envisaged in
the contract and essential as per the site conditions are completed in all respect to the
satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge and the pipeline, pumping stations and all other
ancillary systems are sectionally tested successfully, test gaps are closed and
interconnections/connectivity made asrequired.
The issuance of the Sectional Completion Certificate or Total Physical Completion does not
release the Contractor from his duties to maintain the work in the condition as on dates of
these sectional or total physical completion, until the end of the defect liabilityperiod.
Immediately after the physical completion, the work of testing and commissioning the
entire system on design conditions as per the procedure of test given in Volume II “Scope of
Work & Technical Specifications” shall be taken up. Once the entire system has been
successfully tested and commissioned as per the conditions of tests of commissioning
referred in Volume II “Scope of Work & Technical Specifications”, the trial run period shall
commence. After successful completion of the trial run period of one month, and removal of

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all visible defects to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge, the work shall be treated as
Unless otherwise provided in the contract, after the successful completion of the testing for
the entire system, the Engineer-in-charge shall issue a certificate of “Completion of Work”.
The date of Certificate notifying “Completion of Work” will be used for the final payment as
per clause 6 and 7 of General Conditions of Contract. From this date of certificate for
“Completion of Work”, the Defect Liability period shall commence.
The defect liability period shall be of 12 months, from the next day of completion of project
including trial run & commissioning as reported in the completion certificate issued by the
department. However, the work of in-village infrastructure of a particular village is
completed in all respect and commissioned, it’s the defect liability period shall commence
and after completion of 1 year defect liability period the in-village infrastructure of that
particular village shall be handed over to the VWSC for O&M.The Contractor shall operate
& be responsible for satisfactory performance & maintenance of the under all design and
operation conditions for the duration of the defects liability period, except for damage due
to unprecedented natural calamities. During the defect liability period the contract has to
provide for additional training of the department staff and have to carry out the operational,
maintenance and repair activities.
Constructional defect such as defects due to premature use of materials, works not
executed in accordance with the Contract, hidden faults in material and equipment not
discovered during inspection and testing, fault in design, manufacturing, erection and in
construction shall be pointed out by the EIC and shall have to be rectified by the contractor
during this period. The cost for repair material, spare parts, transport, repairs, tests and
repair staff shall have to be borne by the contractor. If the Contractor fails to rectify the
defect within a period of 15 days after aforesaid notice, the Engineer in Charge may forfeit
the security deposit/performance security or an amount thereof required for the
rectification through a third party without prejudice to any other right the Department may
have against the Contractor in respect of his failure to remedy such defects.
In the case of delayed “Completion of Work” not caused by the Contractor, the defects
liability period shall be extended accordingly but not more than two (2) years after the total
physical completion of the entire Work, whichever is earlier. However; for in-village
infrastructure, the Contractor shall be responsible for all the Defects and deficiencies,
except usual wear and tear, till the expiry of period of 12 months from the date of issue of
Completion Certificate of particular village.
During the defect liability period, the Contractor shall also operate and maintain the
complete Project including in-village infrastructure and provide training to the local
villagers for which no extra payment shall be given to him.
The Engineer in Charge shall be entitled to operate any section or sections after Total
Physical Completion but before Completion of work and thereupon the Engineer-in- Charge
shall issue a certificate in respect thereof to the Contractor. The defect liability period in
such a case shall start from the date of start of operation and shall be extended and
governed by Clause d.

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In this case, the Department at any appropriate time may ask the contractor, to perform
the required test for “Completion of Work” as above during the defect liability period. If the
Contractor fails to perform the test for “Completion of Work”, he will be liable for action as
per General Conditions of Contract.
For all sectional testing(s) & water tightness testing of CWR/OHSRetc, in the contract, the
contractor shall make all arrangement for such testing(s), including the water and
electricity at his own. If contractor wishes to utilize water & electricity if available with
department, that shall be provided on payment basis on commercial rates. The contractor
shall make necessary arrangements such as installation of meter etc. for measurement of
water/ electricity.
Water and Electricity for the tests of “Completion of Works” shall be arranged by the
department. The water and power charges for this test(s) will be provided free of cost. All
other charges for the chemicals, lubricants, operational and maintenance staff or any other
direct or indirect charges incurred by the Contractor for such test shall not be paid by the
Department and if the test is performed during O & M period in operation, no deduction
shall be made on this account.
The submission of the as-built drawings for all the works under this contract is the
precondition for the final payment. For in village distribution system, the details of existing
and new pipeline shall be shown separately. The final drawings shall be submitted in one
reproducible set and 3 copies on linen bound in an album of an approved size. The
contractor shall submit all the completion drawings and approved design calculations on
pen drive in two copies with proper directory structure. The drawing/maps of all village
distribution pipe line networks are supposed to be submitted on CAD/ GIS reading
manner. The major component of project like Intake, WTP,CWRs, Juction points and
Transmission main is to be link with the department web site (GIS mapping).
The contractor shall prepare, and keep up to date, a complete set of “as built” records of the
execution of the works, showing the exact as built locations, sizes and details of the works
as executed. The records shall be kept on the site and shall be used exclusively for the
purpose of this sub clause. Two copies shall be supplied to the Department before the
commencement of the tests on completion.
In addition, the contractor shall supply to the Department as built drawings of the works,
showing all works as executed, and submit them to the Department for review under sub
clause [Contractors Documents]. The Contractor shall obtain the consent of the
Department as to their size, the references system, and other relevantdetails.
Prior to the issue of Completion of works certificate, the contractor shall provide to the
Department the specified numbers and types of copies of the relevant as built drawings, in
accordance with the Department’s requirements. The Completion of works shall not be
considered until the Department has received the As Built Drawings. All the assets created
under the contract shall be Geo tagged by the contractor and no separate payment shall be
made for this.

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Prior to the commencement of the tests on completion, the contractor shall supply to the
department provisional operation & maintenance manuals in sufficient detail as specified in
Vol II ‘Scope of work & Technical Specifications’, of the bid document.
The works shall not be considered to be completed for the purposes of completion of works
until the department has received final operation & maintenance manuals in such detail.
All components of works shall ensure a logical sequence of execution, construction, supply,
installation, testing, and commissioning. If any supply / construction of a material / unit is
made, not in conformity to the logical sequencing of the work component, no payments will
be entitled against such supplies, construction and installations.
There has to be a continuous chain of work to ensure that pipes / material supplied by the
contractor are laid / installed promptly and those laid / installed are sectionally tested in
the field without any delay.
If however, the progress of the work is hampered unavoidably, due to reasons beyond the
control of the contractor, payment against supply shall be admissible against submission of
appropriate Bank Guarantee of any scheduled bank. However such circumstances for not
testing the pipes/reservoir shall be subjected to verification of the reasons, in the progress
of the work, not being attributable to the contractor by an officer not below the rank of
Superintending Engineer of the circle under whom the jurisdiction is vested.
It will be the responsibility of contractor to maintain simultaneous pro-rata progress of
The contractor shall submit the following documents in duplicate along with the
✓ Copy of Purchase invoice or other document indicating details of material
manufactured, supplied and installed or work carried out, and amount claimed.
✓ Inspection reports/ test reports/reports certifying completion of activity with
acceptable results as per PHED or any other agency representing PHED.
✓ Report/certificate of inspections /tests carried out by the supplier of the contractor
or by the contractor himself.
✓ Any other such details/documents as may be reasonably specified by the Engineer-
in-Charge from time to time during execution of the contract.
✓ Proof of insurance of equipments, as required.
✓ Certificates, as prescribed, regarding payment of Tax, duties etc. levied on supplies
✓ Colour photographs of the work executed during the period for which the invoice
has been raised.
✓ Other documents required by the Engineer-in-charge.
The terms of payment shall be as per BOQ of the document. All payments due under this
contract shall be subjected to the following limitations:

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Sequence of event in case of supply of material: Sequence of events shall be decided in the
monthly review meetings, and material requirement for subsequent 3 months shall be
decided and made part of the monthly reports.
In view of completion of objectives of the Project may likely need some payments like;
deposition of supervision/inspection fees or any other charges payable to any
Government/Semi Government/Non-Government agency or discharge of any other
unforeseen statutory requirement, like cases of utility shifting/crossing that may be
required for completion of works targeted under this project. The contractor shall collect all
necessary data and details of such permissions required for completion of the Package
works and accordingly inform EIC in reasonable time. The contractor is also required to
assist the department in obtaining all necessary clearances from the concerned agencies.
EIC will inform the contractor within a reasonable time to process applications and
expediting applications in the concerned offices. The department /EIC will arrange to make
payments against all such works from the sums available under the Project.
Payment for supply of items in consonance with the agreed sequencing of material will only
be made, so that material does not remain unutilized for more than 3 months, for which
payment of supply has been made.Payment of material and equipment shall be done as per
the price quoted for respective items in the volume IV “Schedule of Prices (BOQ)” of the bid
document and as per following breakup:


(A) For all materials and Equipment except pipe such as pumps, motors, power
cables, flow meters, valves, specials, actuators, electrical equipment, mechanical
equipment, instrumentation equipment, etc. which are required to be supplied
and installed under this contract shall be paid as per the following breakup,
subjected to the deductions as per the general and special conditions of contract:
(a) 70% Payment on receipt of material in good condition at site after all the tests
required in the manufacturer premises, acceptance of the inspection report, other
papers/warranties, required as per the special conditions of contract.
(b) 20 % Payment after installation and erection of material at site.
(c) 5 % Payment on successful testing of material/ equipment at site
(d) 5% Payment on complete commissioning of system and final site clearance and
complete trial run.
(B) For Pipes, pipe appurtenances which are required to be supplied and laid under
this contract shall be paid as per the following breakup, subjected to the
deductions as per the general and special conditions of contract.
i. For Metallic Pipes
(a) 75% of quoted price on receipt of pipes and specials in good condition at site, after
conducting all the required tests at the manufacturer premises, acceptance of
the inspection and testing reports, other papers/warranties, required as per the
conditions of contract. But no payment shall be made for the gap between supply
and laying of each size & type of pipes as following:

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(I) MS/DI pipes sizes up to 250mm dia.: 25km length or 20% of pipeline quantity
of each size & type (whichever is more)
(II) MS/DI pipes sizes above 250mm dia.: 15km length or 20% of pipeline
quantity of each size & type (whichever is more)
(b) 17% of the quoted price on prorata progress, after excavation and laying and
jointing of pipes in trench with specials. But no payment shall be made for the gap
between laying & sectional testing of more than 10 Km or 20% of Pipeline qty
(whichever is more) of each size & types of pipes.
(c) 5% of the quoted price on prorata progress, after sectional testing, refilling of
trench & site clearance of the pipeline and complete road restoration work (Road
restoration is having separate item for payment purpose)
(d) 3% of the quoted price on prorata progress, after complete commissioning, final
site clearance and complete trial run.
ii. For HDPE Pipes
(a) 70% of quoted price on receipt of pipes and specials in good condition at site, after
conducting all the required tests at the manufacturer premises, acceptance of
the inspection and testing reports, other papers/warranties, required as per the
conditions of contract. But no payment shall be made for the gap between supply
and laying of each size & type of pipes as following:
(I) HDPE pipes sizes up to 110mm dia.: 50km length or 20% of pipeline quantity
of each size & type (whichever is more)
(II) HDPE pipes sizes above 110mm dia.: 25km length or 20% of pipeline
quantity of each size & type (whichever is more)
(b) 20% of the quoted price on prorata progress, after excavation and laying
and jointing of pipes in trench with specials. But no payment shall be made
for the gap between laying & sectional testing of more than 25 Km length or
20% of pipeline quantity of each size & type (whichever is more).
(c) 5% of the quoted price on prorata progress, after sectional testing, refilling of
trench & site clearance of the pipeline and complete road restoration work
(d) 5% of the quoted price on prorata progress, after complete commissioning, final
site clearance and complete trial run.
Payment of earthwork for pipe laying work shall be made as per following trench sections.

Size Width
SN Material Strata Depth (m) below
mm (m)
pipe (m)
1 DI All Soil OD+0.4 1.0+OD -
2 DI All OD+0.4 1.0+OD+0.1 0.1
/ Rock
3 HDPE 75-110 Soil 0.3 1.0+OD -
4 HDPE 75-110 0.3 1.0+OD+0.1 0.1
/ Rock
5 HDPE Soil OD+0.3 1.0+OD -
6 HDPE 125- Gravel OD+0.3 1.0+OD+0.1 0.1

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Above / Rock
OD – Outer dia of Pipe/Depth – It is depth of trench including bedding

NOTE: There has to be a continuous chain of work to ensure that pipes provided are laid
promptly and those laid are sectionally tested in the field without any delay. However, in
case the progress of the work is hampered unavoidably, due to reasons beyond the control
of the contractor, payment against additional supply without laying, shall be permissible
after submission of appropriate Bank Guarantee of any scheduled bank. Such
circumstances for not laying / testing the pipes and / or erection of equipment shall be
subject to verification of the reasons not being attributable to the contractor by an officer
not below the rank of Superintending Engineer of the circle under whom the jurisdiction is
(C) For all materials and Equipment does not require installationsuch as furniture,
portable meters etc. shall be paid as per the following breakup, subjected to the
deductions as per the general and special conditions of contract:
100% Payment on receipt of material in good condition at site and receipt of invoice
with all the necessary documents.
For tools & tackles, spare parts
100% Paymentafter inspection at store & receipt of material in goodcondition.
(a) 80 percent after making functional household water connection and repairing of
(b) 20 percent after 7 days of water supply being available through the connection and
making entry of consumer in IMIS website and verification by VWSC and third party
(if available).
After SBC test by contractor at his own cost, the work will be executed, and the
breakup of payment shall be as under
(a) 5% of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completion of earth work & P.C.C workas
per approved design &drawings.
(b) 10% of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completing RCC works up to ground level
as per approved design &drawings.
(c) 20% of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completing RCC works up to bottom of
ring beam below bottom dome as per approved design & drawings.
(d) 15 % of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completing RCC work upto conical wall
and balcony as per approved design &drawings
(e) 10% of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completing RCC works up to ring beam
below top dome as per approved design &drawings
(f) 5% of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completing RCC works of top dome as per
approved design &drawings.
(g) 15% of the quoted cost for the reservoir on supply of all material to be used for
piping, equipments etc.

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(h)10% on installation of all equipments, completion of all piping work, plinth

protection work, interconnections and other ancillary works
(i) 5% on successful completion of leakage test
(j) 5 % on successful pre-commissioning of the system.
After SBC test by contractor at his own cost, the work will be executed, and the
breakup of payment shall be as under
a. 5 % of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completion of earth work & P.C.C work.
b. 20 % of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completing RCC works up to ground level
as per approved design & drawings.
c. 20 % of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completing vertical wall as per approved
design & drawings.
d. 20 % of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completing RCC works of top dome as
per approved design & drawings.
e. 15 % of the quoted cost for the reservoir on supply of all material to be used for
piping, equipment etc.
f. 10% on installation of all equipment, completion of all piping work, plinth protection
work, interconnections and other ancillary works.
g. 5 % on successful completion of leakage test.
h. 5 % on successful pre-commissioning of the system.
(a) 15% of the quoted cost on completion of earth work &P.C.Cwork.
(b) 15% of the quoted cost on completing uptoplinthlevel.
(c) 10% of the quoted cost on completing up to lintellevel
(d) 15% of the quoted cost on completing up to roof level including roof slab
(e) 10 % of the quoted cost on completing flooring andplastering
(f) 10 % of quoted cost on completing doors &windows.
(g) 10 % of quoted cost on completion of electrical &sanitary work.
(h) 15 % of quoted cost on completion of painting & miscellaneous items as per
scope of work.
(a) 15% of the quoted cost on completion of earth work &P.C.Cwork.
(b) 15% of the quoted cost on completing uptoplinthlevel.
(c) 20% of the quoted cost on completingsuperstructure
(d) 20% of the quoted cost on completing plasterwork
(e) 20% of the quoted cost on supply & fixing of railing andcoping
(f) 10% of quoted cost on supply & fixing of gate &paintingwork.
(I) For Construction of RWR
a. 25% of the quoted cost for the reservoir on completion of site clearance,
Jungle cutting and earth work
b. 5% of the quoted cost for reservoir on completion of supply and laying of

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LDPE film
c. 40% of the quoted cost for reservoir on completion of sleeper and CC works
d. 5% of the quoted cost for reservoir on completion of riprap stone pitching
e. 5% of the quoted cost for reservoir on completion of toe wall, ramp &steps in
reservoir, road work and electrification work etc.
f. 10 % of the quoted cost for reservoir on completion of Intake well works
g. 5% on successful completion of leakage test
h. 5% on successful commissioning of the system.

a. CC Road in Campus: Stage wise Break-up of payment for this work is not to be
considered. payment shall be released on completion of work in all respect for the actual
length of CC Road constructed/ executed in each Campus as per BOQ.
b. Construction of Drainage system: Stage wise Break-up of payment for this work is
not to be considered. Payment shall be released on completion of work in all respect for the
actual length of Open drain constructed/executed in each Campus as per BOQ. The drains
are to be constructed as per the specifications and provisions contained in the PWD BSR.
c. Construction of Security Cabins and fixing of Steel Gates: Stage wise Break-up of
payment for this work is not to be considered. The Schematic Drawing and Sample Unit
Estimate, for construction of Security Cabin and Fixing of steel gate, are annexed with the
Volume-II of Tender Document. The Contractor is required to execute the work as per
details of items in the Unit estimate. The dimensions as mentioned in the drawing and
items taken in the Unit estimate are to be complied with. Payment to the contractor shall
be released on completion of work, in all respect/execution of items detailed in the Unit
estimate, for each campus.
d. Horticulture and Gardening works: The Contractor is required to execute
Horticulture and Gardening works as per items contained in the BOQ for each Campus.
Payment of Horticulture and Gardening works shall be released for individual item
executed at each Campus Site.
e. Campus Lighting Works: Stage wise Break-up of payment for this work is not to be
considered. The Detailed Specification for Campus Lighting Work item shall be as
mentioned in the Tender Document Volume-II, under Electrical works. The Contractor is
required to complete the lighting work including and up to commissioning of system which
includes all costs towards materials, labours, tool and tackles etc. Payment for Each
Campus shall be considered after completion of works as per specifications and schedule
annexed as above.
f. Construction of Rain water Harvesting Structures:
The Contractor is required to execute Rain water Harvesting Structures works as per items
contained in the BOQ for each Campus. Payment of Rain water Harvesting Structures
works shall be released for individual item executed at each Campus Site. The Rain water
harvesting structures shall collect the roof top water of Pump house, Clear water reservoir
and other buildings and discharge the run off to ground as per detailed specifications.

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The contractor is required to execute the above-mentioned power supply and electrical
system works in individual lot for each Pump House. The detailed Specifications of work
shall be as mentioned in the Tender Document Volume-II, under Electrical works. Payment
shall be released for each Pump House after completion of work as per scope and
specifications of work
(L) Break up of Payment for Any other item:
I. Payment of Civil Works shall be released as per practice of General civil Works
for actual works executed.
II. Successful bidder shall submit breakup of payment for other different
units/components of the work for approval of the department. The breakup
shall not have more than 10 stages.
(M) Payment of and any other item not covered in classification of items as above:
Successful bidder shall submit breakup of payment for different units/components of
the work or approval of the department. The EIC will approve the breakup of payment
in case of any other item requires break up.
The items and quantities mentioned in the work order issued are tentative and arrived at in
good faith. However, at the time of execution, the actual items/quantities may vary in order
to achieve the main objectives set out for the work. Therefore, the contractor shall be bound
to execute any quantity of extra/excess work at the rate determined in accordance with
clause 12 and 13 of the General Condition of Contract which is permissible under RTPP as
50% of the original quantity given in the agreement and the total value of additional work
not exceeding 50% of the total contract value. The excess work (additional quantities) will
be executed on quoted premium only. The extra work (Item not included in BoQ) shall be
payable at the quoted premium on BSR of BoQ or on market rate as may be decided by
EIC. The BSR applicable in this case is PHED BSR 2021, PWD BSR 2018 & 2019, RUIDP
BSR 2017.
This will be released, after successful completion of defect liability period as per clause 11.3
of special condition of contract (Part-"A") provided final bill has been paid (as per clause 37
Refund of Security Deposit of General Conditions of Contract) and after submission of
Security Deposit for O&M work.
The Department is required to make statutory deductions at source from all running bills
and final bill as in force through relevant statutes in force from time to time at the rates
prescribed therein.

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Any other deductions to recover any reduction in rates or any other Department’s claims
accrued as per the contract or in respect to any other liabilities arising, shall be deducted
from subsequent interim payments or final payments or from the securities with the
All taxes (Including GST which will be applicable from 1stJuly 2017), duties, levies
applicable by any act of the Government of India and/or State of Rajasthan and/or of the
local bodies on the company or its personnel shall be borne by the Contractor. Labourcess
as applicable shall also be deposited by the contractor. All taxes, duties etc. shall be
included in the rates quoted by Bidder.
All goods manufactured/procured and supplied by the contractor and the work executed
under this contract, responsibility of payment of GST, surcharge, octroi, labour Cess and
any other tax and levies in force, responsibility of payment of all such taxes, duties, levies,
cess shall be of the contractor.
In respect of goods and materials procured by the Contractor, for use in works under the
contract, GST will be paid by the Contractor himself. But in respect of all such goods
manufactured and supplied by the Contractor and works executed under the contract, the
responsibility of payment of GST if is of the Engineer-in-charge as per the statutory
provisions, than the GST for such cases shall be paid by the Engineerin Charge on behalf of
the contractor and the amount so paid shall be deductedfrom the intermediate payments of
the contractor.
Any variation in taxes during currency of contract shall be governed by GCC Clause
The bidder shall guarantee that the performance of each pump set, motor, electrical;
mechanical; electro-magnetic and automation & instrumentationequipments shall comply
with the requirements given in the specifications and that the equipments will operate
satisfactorily at the time of commissioning, thereafter during the defect liability period and
at the time of handing over, at the desired level of efficiencies.
The Department retains the right, at the cost of Contractor, to perform any of these
materials or work obligations on default of the Contractor.
The Equipment(s) used by the bidder for the project shall be one of the following makes
given for each equipment, in Annexure “A” to this section of the special conditions of
contract & as approved by the Technical Committee of RWSSMB, Jaipur. Makes as
approved up to date of submission should not be binding. Any other makes approved
subsequently by the department during the execution of contract can be adopted after
approval of EIC. Whenever there are more than one make available, effort would be to
choose a make with mutual consent but decision of EIC in favour of superior make for
better quality of material shall be binding.

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For completion of the job in the prescribed time it is essential to maintain a time bound
construction schedule linking with physical progress and financial progress and logical
sequencing of the contract activities. In view of the above the contractor shall submit a plan
for approval of department.
To adhere to the execution schedule approved by the department, the contractor shall also
deploy the required T&P as directed by Engineer in Charge. The time schedule so provided
and approved by competent authority shall have no bearing on clause 2 of General
Conditions of Contract.
The contractor shall have to provide a minimum insurance of man power and equipments.
This insurance cover should start from the date of starting of work and should be valid up
to end of execution period. The responsibility of timely payment of the premium as well as
that of lodging claims as and when situation arises will be that of contractor.
The PHED shall not be liable for, or in respect of any damages or compensation payable by
law in respect of, or in consequence of any accident or injury to any person in the
employment of the contractor (other than accident or injury as may be attributable to the
PHED or its employees) & the contractor shall indemnify the PHED against all such
damages and compensations and against all actions, suits, claims, cost or expenses arising
there from. The contractor shall insure against such liabilities and shall continue such
insurance during the whole of the time that any persons are employed by him on the
Before commencing the execution of the work, the contractor shall insure and indemnify
the PHED against all damages, loss or injury and any actions, suits, claims, demands,
costs and expenses arising there from which may occur to any property including that of
PHED) by, or arising out of the exhibition of any work for which shall be occasion by the
negligence of the contractors’ employees or by defective design, materials or workmanship,
or from any other cause for which the contractor may be held liable under the contract.
Such insurance shall be unlimited during any period of insurance and to Rs. 1000000/- in
respect to any one claim.
All insurances which the contractor requires to enter into the contract shall be effected with
an insurer or insurers and in terms approved by the engineer in charge, (which approval
shall not be unreasonably with held), and the contractor shall automatically produce to the
engineer in charge the policies of insurance and receipts of the payments of the premiums.
If the contractor fails to effect on keep in force the insurances referred to or any of the
insurance which he may be required to effect under the term of the contract then and in
any such case the PHED may effect and keep in force any such insurance and pay such
premium or premiums as may be necessary for the purpose, and from time to time deduct
the amount so paid by the PHED as aforesaid, from any moneys due or which may become
due to the contractor or recover the same as a debt due from the contractor.
As per the orders passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court on dated 18.01.10 in the civil writ
petition no. 318/2006, the contractor is required to get registration of workers under the

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Act and extension of benefits to such workers under the “The building and other
construction workers (Regulation of Employment and conditions of service)” Act, 1996.
Contractor should give preference to local labourer as per the spirit of JJM. Identification of
these labourers shall be done with the help of VWSC or GP or any other agency approved or
authorized by Government.
The work shall be started in village only after consent of the VWSC as per guidelines of
Following two agreements needs to be executed as per the provisions of JJM guidelines.
a) After awarding work(s) to contractor (s), “Main Agreement” would be signed between
Chief Engineer Project, PHED, Jodhpur and contractor on Stamp Paper. Value of
Stamp would be as per rules prevailing at that time.
b) In addition to above agreement, a “tripartite contract agreement” would be required
to be entered into for each village separately on a Stamp Paper of Rs. 500 amongst
the following: -
i. Concerned Executive Engineer or authority as authorized by DWSM
ii. VWSC
iii. Executing Agency (Contractor).
For the inspection of material to be used in execution and execution of work under JJM,
third party inspection agancies (TPIA) may be appointed by department. The TPIA shall be
paid and controlled under different contract of department. For release of payment to the
contractors following process shall be followed.
On request for release of running payment from the executing agency/contractor, a
combined inspection of site
a) Up to village boundary / VTC in case of Multi Village Schemes will be undertaken by
i.) PHED and ii.) Third Party Inspection Agency (if available).
b) After village boundary / VTC in case of MVS and complete scheme in case of SVS will
be undertaken by i.) VWSC ii.) PHED and iii.) Third party inspection agency (if
c) In case, VWSC does not comment within a period of 10 days after request for the
same by PHED, VWSC shall be deemed to have agreed on the inspections carried by
the PHED and Third-party inspection agency (if available).
d) The agreed discussion points will be recorded and signed in a separate ‘works
register’ created for this purpose with VWSC. Based on this, PHED will record the
measurements in Measurement Book (MB) and process further for making payment.
Executive Engineer PHED will process for the release the payment as per JJM
guideline/ direction of DWSM. Payment advice generated through treasury mode
e) Compliance of provisions of JJM guidelines shall be ensured during execution.

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If requested by the Contractor, Department will make mobilization advance payment to the
Contractor (at 9% per annum interest compounded annually basis) to assist in defraying
the initial expenses that necessarily be incurred by the Contractor for mobilization. The
total of such abvance payments and the number & timing of installments is stated here
The total amount of Advace shall not be more than 10% of the Capital work. Payment of
Mobilization Advance shall be made in two equal installments, out of these first installment
shall not be more than 5% of the Capital work and on compliance of the requisite
conditions as stated herein after, the remaining amount of 5% of Capital work shall be in
second installment.
On recommendation of the Engineer-in-charge, Mobilization Advance shall be released, as
(1) Execution of the Agreement by the parties thereto.
(2) Submission by the Contractor of an unconditional and irrecoverable bank guarantee
in amounts and currencies equal to the advance payment being requested. Such
bank guarantee shall be issued either by a Nationalized or Scheduled Bank as
declared by the RBI, should be encashable in Rajasthan and acceptable to the
Department. The guarantee shall remain effective until the full recovery of the
advance payment with total interest payable thereon. If the advance payment has
not been repaid by the date 28 days prior to expiry date of B.G. the contractor shall
extend the validity of B.G. until the advance payment been repaid.
(3) The mobilization advance payments shall be made in two installments as stated
above, subject to the conditions described below. The advance payments shall be
used by the Contractor exclusively for mobilization expenses, as per the program
approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
(4) For this purpose, the Contractor shall open a dedicated Contract Bank Account in a
bank located at divisional office headquarter or in case of non-functioning of bank's
branch at divisional office headquarter then at the nearest place to divisional office
headquarter in Rajasthan and the Contractor will not be permitted to use these
funds for any purpose other than for expenditures under the Contract and the
Department will be entitled to verify that the transactions from this account are used
exclusively for the purposes for which they are intended. In case, the advance
payment is not utilized by the Contractor as per the approved program and within
the stipulated period to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge, default
proceedings as per the relevant clause of Contract, shall be initiated against the
The Department will make, payment of the first installment of the mobilization advance
only after the Contractor has fulfilled the following conditions: -
a) Contractor has executed the agreement with department.
b) Requisite Bank Guarantee has been deposited by the contractor.
c) Established the dedicated Contract Bank Account.
d) Submitted the proposed “Submission and Anticipated Approval Program” for
construction documents/ drawings for approval by the EIC.
e) Submitted the proposed construction programme for approval by the EIC.

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f) Submitted, for approval by the EIC, mobilization/ deployment schedules.

g) Submitted for the approval by the EIC (i) Contractor’s key personnel required for
managing, executing and supervising the works, (ii) Contractor’s Plant, Machinery
and Equipment required for executing the works.
h) Submitted a Cash Flow Forecast for approval by the EIC.
After the first installment of the advance payment has been utilized as per the approved
program, substantiated by relevant document and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
charge, the Contractor may then apply for the second installment after complying the
conditions stated in the bid. The department will make payment of the second installment
after the Contractor has successfully fulfilled the following conditions:
a) Actual deployment of (1) such Personnel (2) Machinery and Equipment, as per the
approved deployment scheduled.
b) Established the fully furnished Site Office(s), as stated in bid document.
c) Mobilized the survey, design and subsoil investigation crews to the Site and
commenced the surveys and subsoil investigations.
d) Established and staffed, with qualified personnel, completely equipped testing
laboratory (s) at Site for quality control purposes, as stated in bid document.
e) Placed confirmed orders for supply of major items of material and equipment, which
is to be incorporated into the permanent works as per the approved procurement
schedule, as approved by EIC.
f) Commenced construction work at the site in accordance with the approved
construction program, as approved by EIC.
g) The second Installment of Mobilization Advance would be released after submission
of utilization certificate by contractor for the first Installment of advance released
h) Requisite Bank Guarantee has been deposited.
The Advance Payment shall be repaid through percentage from the running bill as under
a) deductions shall commence in the first running bill.
b) deductions shall be made at the rate of 15% (fifteen percent) of each running bill such
time as the advance payment has been repaid along with interest thereon; provided
that the advance payment shall be completely repaid prior to the time when 75%
(seventy five percent) of Payment of works or 13 months from the date of first
installment of Advance, whichever is earlier."
Department has issued Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA&QC) Manual vide Order
no. F( )/CE(QC)/PHED/QC MANUAL/ 21-22/4026-4378 dated 02.07.2021. Contractor has
to adhere to the provisions, procedures and parameters specified in the Manual. This
QA&QC Manual shall be the part of this Bid document. In case of award this QA&QC
Manual shall be part of the Contract agreement. Bidders are advised to go through this
Manual before bidding. Soft copy of the same can be downloaded from PHED Rajasthan
website https://phedwater.rajasthan.gov.in

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Department has issued standard drawings/designs for ESRs, CWRs and GSRs.
Thesestandard drawings/designs, are part of agreement and execution of such structures
under the contract shall be as per those drawings/designs. However, the contractor shall
re-examine such drawings/designs and may propose modification for additional
strengthening, without any extra cost. Such modified drawing/design shall be got vetted
from any IIT/NIT/MBM Engineering college. Final responsibility of structural stability and
safety shall be on part of contractor.
The price variation shall be as per clause 45 of GCC. However, Price variation clause
shall be applicable in case of estimated cost more than Rs. 200 crores with
stipulated completion period of more than 18 months.


Break up of items has been specified at Clause 45 of GCC for Price variation.
The following further sub-breakup shall be used for making payment against
price variation in Steel articles:
Indices to be
% of Steel adopted for Indices published
Component payment against in
price variation
1 85 Pig Iron Office of Economic
Advisor, Department
Mild Steel Long
2 15 for promotion of
industry & Internal
3 0 HR Coils Trade, GOI

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Annexure “A”: List of Approved Makes

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Any other makes approved subsequently by the department during the execution of contract
can be adopted after approval of EiC. Whenever there are more than one make available effort
would be to choose a make with mutual consent but decision of EiC in favour of superior
make for better quality of material shall be binding.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


(These are standard SCC of O&M. Only those Clauses shall be applicable, work of
which are covered in scope of work)
The period, during which clear water and/or electricity (wherever applicable)at desired
Offtake point / OHSR / Pumping Station (Starting Points of this Contract)arenot provided
by the department.
Consumption Norms for other consumables and man power, for the period during which
Alternative Output Standards prevail.
The alternative flow rates at the Offtake point / OHSR / Pumping Station that are
determined by an authorized authority/committee of the department after consideration
the reasonable courses of event forcing alternative output standard.
Billing Period means each calendar month, except:
For the first Billing Period shall begin on the Date commencement of contract as defined in
clause 1.5 below and shall continue till the last day of the respective month;
The last Billing Period shall start on the first date of the month of expiry of contract and
end on the date of expiry of contract as defined in clause below.
However, no payment, against O&M, shall be made during the 12 month Defect
Liability Period,
Any computation made on the basis of a Billing Period shall be adjusted on a prorata basis
to take into account any Billing Period of less than the actual number of days in the month
to which such Billing Period relates.
O&M Period of 10 years (After completion of 12 Months Defect Liability Period) upto
VTC)shall start after completion of 12 months defect liability period. The defect liability
period shall start from next day from the date of Completion of works as per clause 11.4, or
any other date notified after total physical completion as per clause 11.4, respectively, of
Special Conditions of contract Part ‘A’.
O&M of villages commissioned during execution period, shall be done by the
contractor, for which no separate payment shall be made. The contractor shall
incorporate all charges thereof in the offer.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I


O&M Period shall be for 10 year which shall start after completion of 12 month defect
liability period.
After the completion of Period, for contract as per clause 1.6above provided that the
contractor has fulfilled the provision of this contract.
In respect of the Contractor, its subcontractors, and all other such third party agents of the
Contractor, practices, methods, techniques and standards, as changed from time to time,
that are generally accepted for use internationally for water treatment facility, pump house
along with its electrical &-mechanical equipment(s), all type of pipe line and pipe
appurtenances, all type of meters and control equipment(s), power sub-stations, and all
other facility during construction, development, operations and maintenance, taking into
account conditions in India. Good engineering practice shall also mean attaining qualitative
parameters of treated water as well as its disinfections including use of chemicals in
consideration to the quality of raw water and norms for availability of residual; chlorine at
the end point. In this regard water supply manual and directions of EIC with respect to any
contingency shall also be applicable.
Any occasion on which the flow rates of clear water desired by department are not achieved,
shall construe a Non-conformance Event.
As defined in Clause 2.2 of this section.
All Services which are the responsibility of the Contractor and are required to fulfill the
obligation as detailed in “scope of work” given in Vol. II of bid document and/or in
theapproved operation and maintenance manual and as defined in any other clauses of this
2.1.1 The Operations & Maintenance Period can be extended upto another period of 5years
based on such terms as acceptable to both Parties (“The Contractor” and the
2.1.2 In such an event, either Party (“The Contractor” or the “Department”) shall notify its
intention to extend the Operations & Maintenance Period at least six months before
its expiry and commence discussions with the other Party to arrive at a mutually
agreed basis of terms and conditions for the extended period.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

2.2.1 Six months prior to the expiry period, the Department will notify the contractor, the
maintenance required for the facilities including all structures and road, plants,
materials and equipment(s) therein, so that the facilities may be taken over in an
acceptable physical conditions (physical conditions in reference to the initial physical
condition at the start of O&M period, after accounting reasonable wear and tear
during operation) and in operation conditions.
2.2.2 Notwithstanding to the notification done by department, the contractor shall repair,
maintain and operate the facilities as per the terms and conditions of this contract,
till 12.00 Noonupto the date of expiry of contract period.
2.2.3 The contractor, shall be liable for all defects, faults, break downs etc occurred or
noticed prior to the 12.00 Noon, upto the date of expiry of contract, even if the
facilities are taken over by the department subsequently, due to expiry of contract
period,. However, the Department has to notify all such defects/liabilities of
contractor within 30 days of taking over of facilities.
2.2.4 Till the date of expiry of contract period, the contractor shall do all routine and
periodic maintenance as prescribed in the O&M manual, in force, at the time of
expiry of contract.
2.2.5 On expiry of contract, the contractor shall hand over all spares, tools and for which
he has been paid.
2.2.6 After, expiry of the contract, the contractor shall provide 12 copies of the updated
O&M manual. The components of communication system used during O&M period
in operating condition, the T&P required for maintenance of facilities. The log books
and all the other records prepared during the O&M period shall be handed over to
the Department, in acceptable electronic formats and in hard copies, within 15 days
of expiry of contract. Copy of the log books related to performance of units shall be
provided every month.
2.2.7 If the contractor does not comply with any of the provisions above or any other
requirement in pursuance of Good Industrial Practices, the Engineer–In-charge shall
estimate the cost of liabilities due to violation of any of the provisions of this
contract. Such estimates made by Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and binding for
the contractor. However in a reasonable endeavor, such estimates shall be
communicated to the contractor, within 30 days of expiry of the contract. The
contractor shall be given an opportunity to rectify the damages through his
staff/agents, or for supply of required material provided such rectification of defects
on maintenance do not require any shut down of the system, within 60 days of such
notification of estimates by department.
2.2.8 Within 120 days of expiry of the contract period as per clause 2.2, the Department
shall prepare the final estimates for recovery from the contractor and shall prepare
the final bill for the work.
2.2.9 If the recoveries to be done by Department are more than the final bill to be paid, the
contractor shall deposit the required amount (to be recovered from him) or this
amount shall be recovered from the securities/guarantees etc. available with the
department as deemed suitable.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

2.2.10 After the date of expiry of contract and recoveries of all dues payable by the
contractor, the Engineer-In-Charge shall issue a "Certificate of Taking over."
3.1.1 The Basic Service Charges shall comprise all expenses for operation and maintaining
the Facilities, as provided in the scope of work for O&M in Volume – II of “Scope of
Work and Technical Specifications” of bid document. In addition to the cost of
material/equipment spares, replacement of equipment, all other expenses such as
expenses for administration and management, permanent & temporary staff,
running office, maintenance of all structures, updating of operation and
maintenance manual, etc. and all other incidental and indirect expenses for the
works detailed in “Scope of Work for O&M” in Vol-II or for works otherwise required
as per good engineering practices for Operation and maintenance of the entire
system, (except for the cost of electricity) are included in this Basic Service Charges.
The Basic Service Charge shall be as per rate quoted by Contractor at the time of
bidding in Schedule of prices in Volume IV of bid document.
Commencing with the first Billing Period of the Operations & Maintenance period and for
each Billing Period thereafter during the Operations & Maintenance Period, the Department
shall pay the Contractor a Service Fee for the services provided by the Contractor under the
terms of this Conditions of Contract for Operation and Maintenance. The Contractor shall
prepare and submit to the Department, for each Billing Period, invoice for payments
receivable by the Contractor with all supporting documents. Billing by the contractor for
services rendered shall be done on monthly basis. Monthly charges shall be calculated on
the basis of annual O&M cost of contract proportionately for one month. The calculations
shall be submitted between the first and fifth working day of the month for the preceding
The payment shall be in accordance with the following formula: SF = BS - RR
SF = ServiceFee
BS = Basic Service Charges, as per clause 3.1.
RR = Reduction in Rates or any other deduction as per terms and conditions ofcontract
The Fee payable shall be computed in accordance with this Clause and shall be adjusted
from time to time. The Service Fee is and shall be considered to be a Single Fee payable for
O&M of the system. The Department shall pay the Contractor the Service Fee with respect
to each Billing Period during the Operations & Maintenance Period, but shall have no
obligation to pay the Service Fee till the commencement of O&M period The Service Fee
constitutes the entire compensation of the Contractor for performing the Operation &
Maintenance Services, as per the scope of work and other obligations due to this contract.
The Department shall pay to the Contractor the Basic Service Charge, whether and

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

irrespective of the availability of Water, electricity and chemicals to the Contractor for
transmission hereunder.
During O&M, along with O&M bill, printout of PLC/SCADA report / Flow meter reading
report (in a format decided by EIC) is required to be submitted
3.3.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for paying all taxes/duties including GST,
labourcess or any other levies imposed by the State or Central Government or
Local bodies and assessed asdue and payable by the Contractor associated with the
carrying out of the services. Notwithstanding the provisions of any Clause of this
Conditions of Contract for Operation and Maintenance, the Department shall be
entitled to withhold or deduct from payment to the Contractor any amount
demanded by the competent authority.
3.3.2 All statutory deductions shall be made from all the payments done to the contractor.
The provisions of Clause 1 of General Conditions of Contract shall apply for the deductions
to be made in reference to the Security Deposit.
The Security Deposit of O&M work shall be released after issue of certificate for successful
taking over of O&M work in pursuance of clause 2.2 of Special conditions of contract (Part-
3.6.1 General
The contractor shall have to provide a minimum insurance of man power and
equipments. This insurance cover should start from the date of starting of work and
should be valid up to end of execution period. The contractor shall have to provide a
minimum insurance of man power and equipments during O & M period of 10 years
also. The responsibility of timely payment of the premium as well as that of lodging
claims as and when situation arises will be that of contractor.
The PHED shall not be liable for, or in respect of any damages or compensation payable by
law in respect of, or in consequence of any accident or injury to any person in the
employment of the contractor (other than accident or injury as may be attributable to the
PHED or its employees) & the contractor shall indemnify the PHED against all such
damages and compensations and against all actions, suits, claims, cost or expenses arising
there from. The contractor shall insure against such liabilities and shall continue such
insurance during the whole of the time that any persons are employed by him on the
All insurances which the contractor requires to enter into the contract shall be effected with
an insurer or insurers and in terms approved by the engineer in charge, (which approval

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

shallnot be unreasonably withheld), and the contractor shall automatically produce to the
engineer in charge the policies of insurance and receipts of the payments of the premiums.
Contractor should submit the proof of insurance prior to submission of R.A. bill. Failure to
this no any type of payment shall be made to contractor for which the contractor himself
shall be fully responsible.
4.1.1 Variation in Clear Water Quantity required by Department
The Department may alter its demand requests made pursuant to this Clause for any
reason whatsoever by giving the Contractor a written notice.
Regardless of the quantity of Clear Water demanded by the Department (within the design
capacity of the system), if the contractor is not supplying any water due to non-availability
of the water at Pump House / OHSR, the Department shall be liable to pay to the
Contractor the Basic Service Charge as defined in Clause 3.1.
4.1.2 Due to contractor’s own inability
If the contractor fails to provide 90% of the required water as notified by the department
which shall be limited to the maximum design flow as asked in the scope of work &
specifications, the contractor shall be liable to compensation, as per clause 5.3.
4.1.3 Adverse Operating Conditions: Non availability of Clear Water at Offtake /
OHSR / Pump House (Starting Points for this Contract)
Throughout the Term of this Condition of Contract, the Department shall be responsible to
ensure water availability at various Offtake / OHSR / Pump House (Starting Points for this
Contract) defined for project.
Notwithstanding the above, inability of the Department to supply Water shall not construe
default by Department.
During such period when the Department supplies no water, the Department shall be liable
to pay to the Contractor the Basic Service Charge.
The Contractor shall appoint the minimum staff defined in scope of work of O&M in Volume
- II, before the date of issue of Certificate for Completion of work under clause 11.3 of
special condition of contract part “A”. The appointed staff must have the minimum
qualification and experience as defined in the Chapter of “Specifications for Operation and
Maintenance” of Volume-II. The names along with the qualifications and experience of the
minimum staff to be provided as per the conditions of contract shall be got approved from
the Department. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed by the
Department. If during the O&M period any personals earlier approved by Department are
required to be changed, the bidder shall provide CV’s of personals of similar or more
experience than that of the person to be replaced for approval of Department. Only after
such approvals, the bidder shall appoint the person on job.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

The Contractor’s Representative shall be authorized and empowered to act for and on
behalf of the Contractor on all matters relating to the rights and obligations of the
Contractor during the O&M Period. In all such matters, the Contractor shall be bound by
the written communications, directions, requests and decisions given or made by the
Contractor’s Representative.
The Contractor’s Representative will direct and manage the Contractor’s resources and
have full responsibility for the operation, maintenance and administration of the Facility.
The Contractor shall identify, interview and hire sufficient number of qualified and trained
(and if required, licensed) personnel to perform its obligations during the O&M Period.
All Contractor’s personnel employed at any time during the O&M period will be provided by
the Contractor. The Department is not liable for personnel in any way and cannot be held
responsible in the event of litigation of any sort between the Contractor and members of
plant personnel or their representatives or non performance of obligations due to any strike
or other industrial action by the Contractor’s workmen (including those of its
subcontractors, suppliers etc).
The Contractor undertakes to comply with applicable legislation and the code of labour law
on matters of health, hygiene and safety, and shall assume responsibility for works
required in the event of any change in applicable regulations and shall also require its
subcontractors to comply with this clause.
If the Contractor fails to provide the minimum personnel responsible for O&M of the
Facility as defined in scope of work, given in volume-II, the Basic Service Charge payable for
each year may be reduced proportionately to the scheduleof deployment of personnel
proposed by the contractor or as per the actual expenditure incurred by the Department to
fulfill the duties and liabilities of the Contractor under this contract, whichever is more, at
Department’s discretion.
4.3.1 Maintenance, Repairs and Replacements
The Contractor at its own cost and expense shall maintain and repair the Facility in good
working condition, in a neat & orderly way including the cleanup of litter and debris on a
daily basis or more frequently, shall maintain a spare parts inventory necessary to
performance maintenance required as per the Operation and Maintenance Manual and/or
scope of work, and shall maintain the aesthetic quality of the Facility as originally
constructed and in accordance with the Technical Specifications, with due allowance for
reasonable wear and tear and depreciation. The Contractor shall provide or make
provisions for all labour, materials, and equipment which are necessary for the normal
operation and maintenance of the Facility and shall conduct the required predictive and
preventive maintenance of the Facility consistent with the Operation and Maintenance
Manual and/or scope of work. The Contractor shall maintain maintenance logs in
accordance with the preventive maintenance plan set forth in the Operations and
Maintenance Manual and as defined in scope of work and shall produce monthly copies of
the same to department.
4.3.2 Additions/Modifications to the Facility

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

Any additions to the Facility sought by the Department, over and above those required to
meet the Contractor’s obligations under this Contract, including but not limited to
expansion of the Facility, shall be carried out by the Contractor at the expense of the
Department on mutually agreed terms and conditions. Such agreement will cover the costs
of maintenance of the additional facilities also. The Department shall also bear any
incremental expenses (along with the percentage fee for the Contractor) required to
maintain such additions during the O&M Period. The Department may opt for other
sources for construction and maintenance for such additions.
4.4.1 Inspection
The Department may periodically check the operation of the Facility or designate an
organization of its choice at the cost of Department to carry out inspections of the Facility
to satisfy itself that the Contractor is performing its obligations with due diligence.
Any assistance required for such inspection of the Facility shall be provided by the
Contractor at its own cost.
The Department representative can inspect the facility at any moment during the O&M
4.4.2 Water Audit
There are considerable losses in the water produced and distributed which leads to
reduction in the income of the utility. Some of these losses are physical leakage of water
and some are revenue losses. Hence a water audit will berequired to be done to get fairly
accurate figures of the following - Water production, Water assessed, Losses both Physical
and revenue. Contractor should carry out the water audit during O&M period as per norms
& specifications, fixed by the department time to time. All cost toward this shall be borne
by the contractor.
4.4.3 Technical Audit
The Department has the right to conduct a technical audit of the Facility and to perform
any analysis or inspection it deems necessary. Before any such inspection, the Department
shall give a prior written notice of three days to the Contractor. The Contractor shall at the
Contractor’s sole cost and expense provide all assistance the Department requires to
complete these inspections. Such audits may cover all or any of the obligations of the
Contractor, including but without limitation to,
a) Verification of the system capacity save for normal wear and tear during the
b) Verification of the performance standards and useful life of the individual assets of
the Facility, save for normal wear and tear during the O&MPeriod
c) Testing and verification of the waterlosses
d) Efficiency at which pumps are being operated to ascertain energy consumption
4.4.4 Facility Visits

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

At the end of each twelve-month period, or at the initiative of the Department, a visit shall
be organized so that both Parties can check the condition of the installations at theFacility.

• A report shall be drawn up to record the opinions of both Parties. The Department
reserves the right to call in equipment manufacturers or specialized technicians for

• These visits shall provide an opportunity for examining maintenance programs and
operating procedures and improvements requiring additionalinvestments.
The Department willprovide:

• Water availability at various Offtakes / OHSRs / Pump Houses defined for the project.

• Power supply to the Facility as per the requirement of the Contractor. Power shall be
supplied to the Contractor solely for the purpose of pumping of water, treatment of
water and for other utilities within the RW pumping station, treatment plant pumping
station, treatment plant campus and in other campuses of pumping station(s) and for
the other utilities desired by the Department and not for any other purpose
The Contractor shall not delegate its responsibilities hereunder nor subcontract any part of
the services to be provided by him hereunder without the prior written consent of the
Department. If the Contractor subcontracts its responsibilities hereunder or subcontracts
any part of the services to be provided by him hereunder with the consent of the
Department, the Contractor shall not berelieved from any liability or obligation under this
Contract and the Contractor shall continue to be responsible for the act, defaults or
negligence of any sub- contractor as fully as if it were the acts, defaults or negligence of the
Contractor, its officers, employees or agents.
The period of validity of any contractual commitment for provision of services or material or
personnel to the Facility or any subcontract entered into by the Contractor with any party
shall not and shall not extend beyond the Termination Date.
All such contractual commitments to be entered into by the Contractor should be freely
assignable to the Department or to any other contractor, at the discretion of the Contractor.
The Contractor cannot create a charge on any assets of the Department or the assets
purchased under the Contract.
In event of break down, resulting in suspension of supplies and also endangering life and /
or property, the contractor shall take such action as may be reasonable and necessary at
his cost and expenses, to prevent, avoid, or mitigate injury damage and / or loss as soon as
possible and rectify the defects / repair the facilities at his own cost, so as to commence the
supplies at the earliest possible. The contractor must report all such incidences, indicating
the cause and contractor's response thereto, to the Department.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

The contractor shall utilize its personnel and all his resources to take such action as may
be reasonable and necessary in the event of a break down. The contractor must incur all
expenditure and take all measures, which are necessary (in accordance with good
industrial practice) in case of break down, effecting the facilities and / or to safeguard lives
or property.
The contractor shall be liable to pay all type of claims arising and raised for any loss of lives
/ property attributed to such break down, unless such break down has resulted due to
force majeure.
Not limiting to any events listed below the contractor shall be charged for delayed
commissioning of the system, after a break down. The reduction in rates for delayed
commissioning of events listed below, shall generally be applicable, but can be condoned by
the Chief Engineer after considering the grounds for delay. For events not listed below, the
Chief Engineer shall decided the reduction in rates on the merit of case and after
considering the action taken by the contractor, The decision of Chief Engineer, shall be
binding on the contractor.
In case of any leak which otherwise could be repaired by a clamp or during routine
maintenance, the contractor shall not be allowed to shut down the system for these repairs.
In case, where the transmission of water is impossible,without the repair of pipeline and
when such repairs warrant a shut down, the contractor shall be allowed to have a shut
down for 8 hrs to effect such repairs / charges. If duration of break down is within 8 hrs,
no compensation will be imposed. The delay beyond 8 hrs shall attract a compensation
For this clause, the day shall mean the duration between 12.00 noon of preceding day and
12.00 noon of the day in question
The flow rate for the day in question will be calculated by dividing the total flow during the
day by the duration of operation of system within that day.
For the purposes of payment of Reduction in Rates, Metering is of utmost importance in
this contract. For flow measurements, meters shall be installed in existing Contracts and
for new villages to be connected; meters will be installed in this Contract.
Reading of meters at PS/ ESRs/Distribution Zones, shall be recorded everyday & will be
signed by representatives of Department and Contractor.
If doubt is raised by any of the party, in reference to the correctness of the meters, an ultra
sonic flow meter shall be installed in series and the reading of the meter under question
shall be compared with that of ultrasonic meter (the ultra- sonic meter shall be provided by
the contractor). If the difference is within 4 %, no change of meter will be done. If it is
beyond this limit, the meter must be replaced/repaired within 96 hours by the Contractor.
If any meter is non-functional at terminal points, the flow as per historical trends shall be
calculated by Engineer- in-Charge using PS /Off-takes /ESRs /Distribution Zones meter
readings or logbook data of pumps, his assessment of flow shall be treated final.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB NO. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

At all times, the contractor will ensure that sufficient spares for meters are available, so as
to keep meters functional for the maximum time at each location.
If any of the main meter(s) installed at VTC under this Contract is not functioning for a
continuous period of more than 96 hours, it shall warrant a reduction in rates of Rs. 2000
per day per meter, from 5th day onwards..
The daily flow rates recorded as above shall be totalled for each month and the same shall
be used for calculation of reduction in rates of described clause 5.3.2 below.
In event of Break down or shutdown due to other reasons or due to other circumstance, if
the flow has been maintained for part of the day, then the average flow rate for such “part
day” flows, shall be calculated as referred above.
The meter so repaired will have accuracy as per BIS/ISO/EEC/MID which shall be
witnessed by PHED representative

The total losses in the Rising Main/ Cluster distribution main, estimated on the basis of
flow meters installed, shall be limited to 5% of the total flow released from the pump
house/ ESR. For losses more than 5% of the flow, the reduction in rates @ Rs. 5 per KL of
water in excess of permissible 5%, shall be levied. The rate of reduction i.e. Rs. 5 per KL
shall be increased by 12.5% every year, during the O & M period.
While limiting the total losses in the system to 5%, the contractor is also responsible for
controlling the flow in the system in such a manner that all the village Transfer
chambersare provided with at least 90% of the notified or designed quantity of per day
demand. (The notified demand shall always be less than the designed demand unless
mutually agreed by both parties). Failing to supply 90% of desired quantity shall invite a
token compensation of Rs. 1000/- per village per day if this happens for a period of more
than one day and if complaints are received from respective villagers of getting in-sufficient
If duration of break down is within 8 hrs, no compensation will be imposed. The delay
beyond 8 hrs shall attract a compensation of 0.5 times of daily Basic Service Charges
payable (for material and labour) (Basic Service Charges for the month divided by 30) for
subsequent delay up to 6 hrs or part thereof, the same rate of reduction shall be applicable
for each additional delay of 6 hours or part thereof (e.g. for repair period of 22 hrs. total
compensation shall be 1.5 times the daily basic service charges.
For this clause and other clauses, the duration of break down shall be taken as the
difference of time from the moment the flow rate of receiving water at terminal point
reservoir(s) becomes 10% of the notified flow rate to the moment when flow at terminal
point reservoir(s) is 80% of the notified flow rate, received after repair, provided that the
required flow rate is maintained for subsequent 6 hrs.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

A token compensation of Rs. 1000/- for unattended leakage shall be leviable if the delay in
satisfactory completion of leakage / repair is beyond 24 hours from the time of each notice
by the department. The contractor shall also bear all the direct and indirect loss to the
Government arising due to litigations / claims etc. He shall also be liable for charges of
water wastage as per prevailing rates of commercial use.
PLC/SCADA system installed in the project shall properly run during contract period and
shall generate daily reports. Propermonth wise record shall be maintained for daily report.
A token compensation of Rs. 1000/- per day shall be leviable if PLC/SCADA system is not
running in totality and the delay in satisfactory completion of repair of the system is
beyond 24 hours from the time of fault notice by the department.
Reduction in rates on account of higher energy consumption by pumps - Throughout the
O&M period, the contractor shall ensure operation of the pumping machinery within 5% of
the efficiency of pump, as per its Performance Curve.
Every month, the actual energy consumption of the pumps shall be compared with the
energy consumption based on the pump curve and quantity of water pumped & average
operating pressure during the month.
In case the actual energy consumption by the pumps, during a month, exceeds energy
consumption calculated with efficiency not lower than 5% of efficiency as per performance
curve, the excess energy charges shall be deducted from the monthly O&M charges to be
paid to the contractor.
A token compensation of Rs. 1000/- for unattended quality complaint shall be leviable if
the delay in satisfactory quality improvement as per prescribed quality is beyond 24 hours
from the time of issue of each notice by the department. The contractor shall also bear all
the direct and indirect loss to the Government arising due to litigations / claims etc.
The Department shall be entitled to terminate this Contract for the following reasons
attributable to the Contractor, unless arising as a result of a Force Majeure Event, or any
cause related to the obligations of the Department in clause 4.5.

a) Non-performance of material obligations or failure to perform material obligations

under thisContract.

b) If the treated water quality falls below the Maximum Permissible Output Standard.

c) Repudiation of this Contract by the Contractor or the evidencing of an intention by the

Contractor not to be bound by the terms of thisContract.

d) Appointment of a provisional liquidator in providing for winding up of the Contractor

unless such appointment has been set aside within 45days.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

e) The Contractor is ordered to be wound up by a court or files a petition for voluntary

winding up except for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction provided that
such amalgamation or reconstruction does not adversely affect the ability of the
amalgamated or reconstructed entity to perform its obligations under this Contract,
the successor has assumed in writing unconditional responsibility for the performance
of the Contractor’s obligations and the technical, financial and operating capability of
the successor is satisfactory to theDepartment.

f) The Contractor abandons the operation of theFacility.

g) Under conditions expressly mentioned in any Clause of this Conditions of Contract for
Operation andMaintenance.
If the Department, with reasonable grounds, terminates the contract under clause 6.1
above, the Secured Advances, and any other sums of the contractor with the Department,
shall be fortified and action shall be taken against him as per clause 3 of General
Conditions of Contract, if deemed appropriate.
The Contractor to indemnify the Department against thefollowing:

a) The Contractor shall at its own expense make good any physical loss or damage to the
Facility occasioned by it in the course of the performance of its obligations under this
Contract if and to the extent such loss or damage is caused by the willful misconduct
or failure to follow Good Engineering Practices of the Contractor, any sub-contractor
or their respective agents oremployees.

b) The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Department and its
officers, employees, agents and affiliates against any and all claims of loss, damage
and expense of whatever kind and nature, including all related costs and expenses
incurred in connection therewith, in respect of personal injury to or death of third
parties and in respect of loss of or damage to any third party to the extent that the
same arises out of:

i) Any breach by the Contractor of its obligationshereunder;

ii) Anynegligentactoromission on the part of the Contractor, its subcontractors or
their respective agents or employees;and

iii) Any willful misconduct or breach of statutory duty on the part of the
Contractor, its subcontractors or their respective agents andemployees.

iv) Any other event where such indemnification has been expressly mentioned in
this Conditions of Contract for Operation andMaintenance.

c) The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Department and its,
officers, employees, agents and affiliates against any and all claims of loss, damage
and expense of whatever kind and nature, including all related costs and expenses
incurred in connection therewith in respect of the death or injury to any person

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

employed by the Contractor or its subcontractors in connection with the performance

of the Contractor’sobligations.
The Contractor shall indemnify the Department against all losses and claims in respect of:

a) Death of or injury to any person,or,

b) Loss of or damage to any property (other than the Works).which may arise out of / in
consequence of the Operation and Maintenance of the Facility and the remedying of
any defects therein, and against all claims proceedings, damages, costs, charges and
expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto, subject to the exceptions

i) The permanent use or occupation of land by the Facility, or any partthereof.

ii) The right of the Department to execute the Facility, or any part thereof, on, over,
under, in or through anyland.

iii) Damage to property, which is the unavoidable result of the execution and
completion of the Works, or the remedying of any defects therein, in accordance
with thecontract.
All the provisions of Special condition of contract Part “B” shall also be applicable during 12
month defect liability period. During defect liability period, no payment is payable to
contractor, therefore the compensations applicable during defect liability period shall be
recorded and the same shall be deducted from running 1st bills for O&Mperiod or from the
security deposit available for capital works.
All Intellectual Property conceived, originated, devised, developed or created by the
Contractor specifically for the Facility or the carrying out of the obligations under this
Contract shall vest in the Department as sole beneficial owner and shall be disclosed to the
Department upon its [the Intellectual Properties coming intoexistence.
Source code for computer programmers and associated documentation, storage media shall
be made available to the Department by the Contractor free ofcost
Any Intellectual Property of the Department that is required in connection with the
performance of the obligations of the Contractor shall be made available to the Contractor
free of charge for the purposes of this Contractalone
The Contractor shall, at its own cost and expense, ensure availability at all times during the
Term of this Conditions of Contract for Operation and Maintenance, of any proprietary
spares/consumables/equipment that it may have sourced for purposes of ensuring proper
functioning of the Facility as per this Conditions of Contract for Operation
The Contractor shall, as far as practicable, use its bestefforts
To procure that Intellectual Property owned or developed by third parties and utilized by
the Contractor in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Contract for

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-I

the production of treated water from the Facility and otherwise for the Facility but for no
other purpose on reasonableterms
To ensure that no Intellectual Property of a third party is otherwise used in the
performance of the Contractor’s obligations under this Contract without the approval from
the Department.On Termination of this Conditions of Contract for Operation and
Maintenance, the Contractor shall transfer all such Intellectual Property whatsoever to the
Department and/or to the Successor Operator at the discretion of the Department.

CE Project, PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal


Bid Document
Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply
project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore
through Narmada Canal based FR water supply project”
viz. Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of
Transmission mains, Cluster distribution system, Village
distribution system and civil, mechanical, electrical &
instrumentation works including Geo-tagging complete job
as per scope & specifications on Single Point
Responsibility Basis Turnkey Contract including necessary
Design and Operation & maintenance for 10 years (upto
VTC) after 1 year defect liability period under Jal Jeevan
Mission (JJM)

NIT No. 20/2023-24

Estimated Cost: Rs. 432.15 Crore

Volume- II
(Scope of Work and Specifications)
Chief Engineer (Project)
Public Health Engineering Department,
Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Tel : 0291-2651700 (O)

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

Sn Particulars Salient features of proposed system
1. Survey, Geo- • Survey, design, soil investigation etc., as per bid provisions
& Designs
2. Coverage • 277 habitations (277MH+915OH) of Block-Ahore, Bagoda, Jalore,
Chitlawana Sayla & Sanchore of district-Jalore
3. Source • 277 habitations (277MH+915OH) are proposed through RD 44.22
of Narmada Main Canal (off take point-F) (near Tetrol Village) by
existing WTP.
4. Clear Water Total 6 no. of new clear water reservoirs are proposed to be
Reservoirs constructed for storage & interconnection with existing
• Jodhwas 150 KL
• Meda 200 KL
• Menglawa 100 KL
• Posana 100 KL
• Ahore 500 KL
• Guda Boltan 250 KL
5. Clear Water • The pump set duty conditions are for demand of 15 year. The
Pumping heads and KW are tentative.
Stations • The specified pump discharges & head shall be given 4%
additional margin to account for wear and tear over the years.
And shut off head should be atleast 10% more than upper limit
of operating ranges.
• All systems shall be of 0.415 KV.
• All the LT Motors shall be of minimum IE-2 class.
• Pumping systems shall be in 1 W + 1 St
• Replacement of following Pump Machinery in pump house
(Tentative duty condition)
Pumping Pumping Pump Pump Motor Standard
S. Station set Head discharg (KW) Motor
No. (m) e (lps) (KW)

1 PS1 PS1 80 62.7 95 95

Bagoda Bagoda
PS PS 80 23.10 34.64 35.00
2 Bhadrajo Bhadrajoo
on n
3 PS Oon PS Oon 70 8.08 10.63 12.5
PS PS 90 26.05 44.06 45.00
4 Ummaid Ummaidp
pur ur
5 Ummeda Ummedab 85 43.17 68.95 70
bad PS ad PS
6 PS Nosra PS Nosra 60 52 60 60

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

Sn Particulars Salient features of proposed system

6. Pumping Mains • There are Pumping Mains including Transmission mains
between CW Pump House to Cluster ESR etc.
• The abstract of Total Pumping mains shall be as given:
Dia. Material pipes Length
100 DI K-7 153,320.00
150 DI K-7 85,475.00
• Pipe line from ESR to VTC and VTC to house hold
has been designed for taking peak factor 6 as TC
direction and also has been taken CC, BT and CC
interlocking block road dismantling and making.
S.No. Type of Pipe Line Diameter (mm) Length (m)
1. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 75 1,643
2. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 90 27,123
3. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 110 24,928
4. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 125 9,619
5. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 140 17,463
6. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 160 28,237
7. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 180 43,156
8. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 200 50,543
9. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 225 69695
Total-A 272407

10. DI (K 7) 100 336

11. DI (K 7) 100 311
12. DI (K 7) 150 30
13. DI (K 7) 250 1241
Total-B 1918
TOTAL A+B 274325

Village Distribution
S.No. Type of Pipe Line Diameter (mm) Length (m)
1. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 75 52,35,956
2. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 90 5,04,654
3. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 110 3,25,628
4. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 125 1,90,803
5. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 140 2,35,592
6. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 160 1,17,219
7. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 180 88,059
8. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 200 32,094
9. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 225 25,309
Total A 67,55,314
10. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 110

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

Sn Particulars Salient features of proposed system

11. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 125 1,195
12. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 140 6,110
13. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 160 14
14. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 180 772
Total B 11173
Total C=A+B 6766487
15. DI (K 7) 100 12779
16. DI (K 7) 100 4497
17. DI (K 7) 150 2809
Total-D 20085
TOTAL C+D 67,86,572

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

Sn Particulars Salient features of proposed system

7. RCC INTZE • 95 no. RCC INTZE type Over Head Service Reservoirs & 13 no.
type Over Head RCC flat slab Over Head Service Reservoir (upto 75 KL) shall
Service be constructed for Clusters @ half day capacity.
Reservoir • Demands have been worked out considering existing ESR.
Interconnection with existing Reservoirs will be done in the
• Details of RCC OHSR
S.no. Capacity in kl Staging in m No.
1. 50 20 1
2. 75 18 3
3. 75 20 6
4. 75 22 3
5. 100 18 6
6. 100 20 27
7. 100 22 2
8. 150 18 2
9. 150 20 17
10. 150 22 4
11. 200 20 8
12. 200 22 4
13. 250 18 1
14. 250 20 8
15. 250 22 2
16. 300 18 1
17. 300 20 8
18. 300 22 2
19. 400 20 3
8. Flow Meters (A) Electro Magnetic Flow Meters on each transmission main /
cluster main in pump houses and at discharging end CWR in
flow meter chamber.
(B) Electro Magnetic Flow Meter with remote reading device and
battery back up for flow measurements
S.no. Size in mm No.
1. EFM100 mm 1
2. EFM 200 mm 1
3. EFM 250 mm 2
4. EFM 300 mm 2
9. Bulk Flow (A) Bulk Flow Meters at ESR/VTC and construction of flow meter
Meters hut
Sr.No. Location Nos
1. BFM100 mm 23
2. BFM 150 mm 41
3. BFM 200 mm 60
4. BFM 250 mm 58
10. Pipe Crossings Various Crossings across alignment of pipelines are assessed as:
• Railway Crossings for pipeline (Total-1 Rly.) at ESR

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

Sn Particulars Salient features of proposed system

• NH -2 Crossings
• Above nos. are as per pre-award survey. Actual number of
crossings (i.e NH/SH/MH/ Oil & Gas Pipeline Crossing) will be
as per finalization of alignment after post award survey.
• The rivers in the project area are not perennial.
• Apart from the rivers, there may be many small nallah/drains
along the alignments, as the project area.
• Permission charges of railway & NH crossing shall be done
11. Electric Feeder Power line & sub station works shall be made done by JdVVNL at
each respective Head Works.
12. Solar (a) Construction, testing and commissioning of total 17 RCC (Flat
photovoltaic slab type) Clear Water Reservoir/sump of required given
(SPV) water capacities (25 KLx1, 30 KLx2, 50 KLx5, 75 KLx6 & 100 KLx3)
pumping having storage of full day demand
system (b) Construction of pumping/Panel room (4m x 3 m) x 14 no. having
consists of a a total mimimum area of 168 sqm. near proposed
PV array, a AC CWRs/Sumps/ESRs.
motor pump
set a. Providing, erection, testing & commissioning of solar
photovoltaic (SPV) water pumping system consists of a PV
array, AC submersible motor pump set, electronics, if any,
interconnect cables and an “On-Off” switch installed based on
CWR as follows:
• 1HPx 3 no. (3 W + 3 S)
• 2 HPx 2 no. (2 W + 2 S)
• 3 HPx 4 no. (4 W + 4 S)
• 5 HPx 5 no. (5 W + 5 S)
a. Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of total 3 no.
Centrifugal Monoblock pump set of 7.5 HP (2 no.) & 15 HP (1
no. operated on electric power supply.
b. Construction of Pump room (5m x 5 m) x 3 no. having a total
mimimum area of 75 sqm. near proposed Online/CWRs/
Sumps/ ESRs
(e) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of MNRE
approved off Grid Solar Panels (having total minimum capacity of
37760 watts) at 13 no. AC submersible pumping sets at CWR &
1 no. at OHSRs for running of motor pumps with 25 years of
Linear Generation warranty, Work includes designing of solar
panel area and MS fabricated structure 120 micron hot dip
galvanized iron, showing arrangement of panel in available space
and installation of PV module on frame structure.
13. Ancillary civil • Staff Quarter – 20m x 30m - 3 Nos
works • Office Building – 30m x 50m - 3 Nos
• VTC-18 no.
• Sluice valve/ Air Valve/Scour Valve Chamber, Thrust Block,
Encasing etc will be constructed in the pipeline work.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

Sn Particulars Salient features of proposed system

• Construction of Boundary wall, around Head work at 17 no.
CWR/PS and proposed 108 no. ESR sites
• Crop compensation & forest clearance for construction of
different head works, laying of Pipe line etc.
• Provision for National Highway/State Highway/Oil & Gas
pipeline Crossing by trenchless technology.
14. House •
FHTCs, 123699 nos with service level of 55 lpcd by using PP
connections mechanical Integrated saddle with inbuilt flow control valve
15. SCADA work i. Installation of SCADA Master Control Station at
Tetrol/Bhainswara headwork and Local Control Stations at
ii. SCADA to monitor and control flow in the system, including
providing lease line, VSAT/GSM/GPRS facilities.
iii. Data acquisition from VTCs (Flow & Pressure) and ESRs (Level)
for monitoring.
iv. OPC Compatible with State Control Room/Mobile/Web Portal.
v. Provision of SCADA having Local control station at Clear Water
pumping station at 6 NOS HW & Remote reading device at 108
Nos. OHSRs including Supply, erection, testing and
commissioning of RTU/PLC cum IC panel with adequate
number of analogue/digital I/O’s plus 20% spare I/O’s for
recieving level, flow, pressure & energy data from instruments
at pumping station with 6 pumps, 15" coloured HMI display, 4G
modem installed in control cabin including all external
connections to power the instruments at six pumping stations &
SITC of Ultrasonic Level Transmitter suitable for measuring
water level in CWR & OHSR.
vi. Supply & installation of level sensors at CWR & OHSRs with
transmitter system.
16. O & M for 10 After completion of defect liability period of one year, contractor
years shall maintain the whole system for next ten years upto VTC.
During defect liability, contractor has to perform O&M of whole
executed work (upto household). Agency will be responsible to
provide all required manpower, tools & spares for smooth operation
& maintenance of the system. Agency will responsible for
a) O & M of complete system constructed / developed under
the contract including all CWRs, Pump Houses & ESRs (upto
VTCs) etc
b) Maintenance of rising/ distribution pipe lines
c) Metering & billing, M.I.S. & water auditing report
d) Comperhensive Operation & maintenance of automation
The Government of India (GoI), on 15thAugust, 2019, has announced to make potable
drinking water available to every household in next 5 years, i.e. by 2024. During a
meeting held on 26.08.19 in New Delhi, the Department of Drinking Water &
Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shakti indicated allocation of Rs. 856 Crores for JJM, to be

CE(Project),PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

issued in 2 equal installments. The GoR is required to provide its matching share in
50:50 ratio.
a. Background of Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
I. At national level, 18.33 % rural households out of an estimated 17.87
crore households, have access to tap water.
II. At Rajasthan State level, 12.38 % rural households out of estimated
92.84 lacs households, have access to tap water. That means taking
FHTC from present level of 11.49 lacs to 92.84 lacs in next four and half
b. Goal of Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
I. As announced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 15th August 2019, every
rural household is to be provided a Functional Household Tap
Connection (FHTC), in next 5 years up to 2024.
II. Mandatory emphasis on source sustainability.
III. To provide potable drinking water to the rural population at the service
level of 55 lpcd, with special emphasis on quality affected
IV. Capacity building of villagers to finance and manage O & M of village
level water supply infrastructure at their level, with active community
c. Other features of JJM
I. Funding share between GoI:GoR is 50:50
II. Monitoring and fund flow shall be through SWSM/ DWSM/ VWSC.
III. Mandatory third-party inspection for all components and delivery
outcomes. Third party functionality assessment to be done-linked with
future releases.
IV. Funding is linked to outcomes
V. 5% of annual allocation shall be reserved for Support & WQMS.
VI. 10% of Capital cost for “in village infrastructure” to be borne by the
VII. All assets to be geo tagged.
VIII. Community also to manage grey water
The primary objective of works to be carried out under this bid document is to
provide Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTCs) in each household of the
villages to be benfitted BY 2024.
Habitation – A group of minimum 20 households and/ or 100 persons (it should be
as per present population). However, in hilly/ tribal and forested areas, and SC/ ST
dominant habitations having lower number of households and/ or persons, are also
to be covered.
Habitation less than 20 households and/or 100 persons which are part of a revenue
village, in hilly/tribal and forested areas, SC/ST dominant villages, and in water
stressed, drought prone and desert area, may also be taken up under Jal Jeevan
Mission to provide tap water connections to all such households.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

• Functional Household Tap Connection [FHTC] – A tap connection to a rural
household for providing drinking water in adequate quantity of prescribed
quality on regular basis.
• Functionality – Functionality of a tap connection is defined as having
infrastructure, i.e. household tap connection providing water in adequate
quantity, i.e. at least 55 lpcd, of prescribed quality, i.e. BIS:10500 standard, on
regular basis, i.e. continuous supply in long-term.
• In-village water supply infrastructure – The piped water supply
infrastructure of a new scheme/ retrofitting of existing scheme/ augmentation
of existing water source(s) and its necessary components including ESR, sump,
rain water harvesting, artificial recharge structures, greywater management
infrastructure, washing/ bathing place, cattle troughs, etc. In desert, drought-
prone, hilly and water-stressed areas, cluster storage is also part of in-village
water supply infrastructure.
• Distribution network – Pipelines carrying raw/ treated water from source to
village level sump on one hand and within the village, pipelines carrying water
to households on the other.
• VTC (Village transfer chamber) - It is a point where the distribution system of
village will start. It may be a civil structure or a sluice valve point. (VTC are
applicable in multi village schemes)
1.1.4 Contractor Reponsiblity
• Contractor to carry out O&M of Internal Village Distribution Network & FHTCs
during defect liability period and train local villagers for O&M.
• The internal village distribution network after VTC is to be handed over to
VWSC for O&M after completion of defect liability period. Contractor will carry
out O&M of works upto VTC for 10 years.
• As far as possible, contractor is to employ local villagers for O&M during defect
liability period.
• Explore the possibility of engaging labour through MGNREGA for excavation
and laying –jointing of pipeline inside village.
• Guideline for Jal Jeevan Mission issued by Government of India and State
Government of Rajasthan is to be followed by the contractor.
1.2 Budget Announcement 2021-22
This project has been included in the state government Budget
Announcement year 2021-22. Hon’ble Chief Minister Rajasthan, during
his budget speech on 24.02.2021 made announcement related to
drinking water supply project at para-171, reproduced as below:
वर्ष 2021-22 में जल जीवन ममशन के तहत हर घर जल कनेक्शन के कार्ष हेतु नमषदा एफआर
क्लस्टर (अहोर, बगोडा, जालोर, चितलावारा, सार्ला और साांिोर) जजला जालोर की DPR तैर्ार
की जार्ेंगी।

1.3 A&F sanction for Survey & DPR

• A&F sanction of this project on forecast estimate has been issued in
20th meeting of SLSSC held on dt. 11.02.2021 (Proposal no. 7) for
cost of Rs 332.05 Cr under Budget head JJM (Center Share) of Rs
150.30 Cr and State share of Rs 181.75 Cr.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

• Due to change in PHED BSR and estimation based on actual field

survey, the revised A&F sanction was submitted for consideration
and approval of SLSSC.SLSSC in its 29th meeting held on dt.
09.11.2021 accorded revised A&F sanction for cost of Rs 535.88 Cr.
under Budget head JJM (Center Share) of Rs 260.59 Cr and State
share of Rs 259.01 Cr, Community Contribution Rs. 16.28 Cr.
1.4 Technical Sanction of the Project
• Technical Sanction was issued by Technical Committee of RWSSMB in its
725th held 29.07.22 for Rs 434.66 Cr. (based on PHED BSR 2021)

2.0 Project Area

Jalore is one of the important Districts in the state of Rajasthan. Jalore is
the district headquarters. Project location lies in in 277 main & 915 other
habitations of Block-Ahore, Bagoda, Jalore, Chitlawana Sayla & Sanchore of
Jalore district.
The Project Area is characterized by low and undependable rain, no source of
drinking water supply during times of drought.
3.0 Present Scenario
Presently, these 277 villages (277MH+915OH) are being feeded from the
existing filter plant (100 mld) at Tetrol headwork
4.0 Projected Populations
As per 2011 census, total population of 277 villages (277MH+915OH)
proposed to be covered under the project is 1239348 souls for designed
year 2054.
Projected population for the villages proposed under the project is shown

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief


The village wise design population & design demands for cluster are as tabulated below:-
The population of the villages covered in this proposal has been taken on the basis of 2011 census. The growth rate of rural
Jalore district is 25.24% per decadal. Rate of growth is taken 25.24 % up to present year 2021. Growth rate is taken 18%
and 32% for design year 15 & 30 (2039 & 2054) respectively as per JJM guide line. Rate of water supply is taken 55 lpcd for
rural population. The total demand of water is calculated with including 15% Un accounted For Water and 10% institutional
demand as per departmental guidelines.

ALL Population Demand

MH Block
& Village Name Habitation Name
S.NO. Name 2011 2024 2039 2054 2024 2039 2054
1 1 Ahore Agwari Agwari 3833 5136 6060 6780 365.56 431.33 482.58
2 2 Ahore Chhangari Chagadi 982 1316 1553 1737 93.67 110.54 123.63
3 3 Ahore Vedia Mamaji Ka Than 314 420 496 554 29.89 35.3 39.43
4 Ahore Vedia Vedia 1673 2242 2646 2959 159.58 188.33 210.61
4 5 Ahore Sarana Meghwalon Ki Dhani 177 237 280 313 16.87 19.93 22.28
6 Ahore Sarana Sarana 2447 3278 3868 4327 233.32 275.31 307.98
5 7 Ahore Bala Bala 4264 5713 6741 7541 406.63 479.8 536.74
6 8 Ahore Motisari Motisari 477 639 754 843 45.48 53.67 60
7 9 Ahore Govindla Govindla 524 702 828 927 49.97 58.93 65.98
8 10 Ahore Peeparla Ki Dhani Piprla Ki Dhani 747 1001 1181 1321 71.25 84.06 94.02
9 11 Ahore Devgarh Devgarh 443 594 701 784 42.28 49.89 55.8
10 12 Ahore Selri Rebariyo Ki Dhani 268 360 425 475 25.62 30.25 33.81
13 Ahore Selri Selari 1047 1402 1654 1851 99.79 117.73 131.75

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11 14 Ahore Baori Bavadi 1969 2638 3113 3482 187.76 221.57 247.84
12 15 Ahore Sandan Sandan 1794 2404 2837 3173 171.11 201.93 225.84
13 16 Ahore Bhadrajoon Bhadrajoon 1694 2269 2677 2995 161.5 190.54 213.17
17 Ahore Bhadrajoon Bhadrajune Ki Dhani 3852 5162 6091 6814 367.41 433.54 485
14 18 Ahore Kuarda Kuarada 544 729 860 962 51.89 61.21 68.47
15 19 Ahore Bhavrani Bala Fata 116 156 184 206 11.1 13.1 14.66
20 Ahore Bhavrani Bhavrani 6318 8465 9989 11174 602.51 710.98 795.33
21 Ahore Bhavrani Bheel Basti 140 187 221 247 13.31 15.73 17.58
22 Ahore Bhavrani Choudhariya Ka Goliya 129 173 204 228 12.31 14.52 16.23
23 Ahore Bhavrani Harijan Basti 121 162 191 214 11.53 13.59 15.23
24 Ahore Bhavrani Harijano Ki Dhani 212 283 334 374 20.14 23.77 26.62
25 Ahore Bhavrani Raithal Fata 145 194 229 256 13.81 16.3 18.22
16 26 Ahore Bhainswara Bhainswara 3943 5283 6234 6974 376.03 443.71 496.38
27 Ahore Bhainswara Madhopura 1378 1847 2179 2438 131.46 155.09 173.53
17 28 Ahore Bhooti Bhooti 2613 3501 4131 4621 249.19 294.03 328.91
18 29 Ahore Bhorda Bhorda 3222 4317 5094 5698 307.27 362.57 405.56
19 30 Ahore Neelkanth Neelkanth 1451 1944 2294 2566 138.37 163.28 182.64
20 31 Ahore Chandrai Chandrai 3479 4661 5500 6153 331.75 391.47 437.95
21 32 Ahore Pratap Garh Pratap Garh 489 655 773 865 46.62 55.02 61.57
22 33 Ahore Ukarda Ukarda 435 583 688 770 41.5 48.97 54.81
23 34 Ahore Mandla Mandla 542 726 857 958 51.67 61 68.19
24 35 Ahore Akora Padar Akora Padar 562 753 889 994 53.6 63.28 70.75

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25 36 Ahore Rundmal Ki Dhani Rundmal Ki Dhani 1192 1597 1884 2108 113.67 134.1 150.04
26 37 Ahore Valdara Valdara 1581 2118 2499 2796 150.75 177.87 199.01
27 38 Ahore Charli Charli 3238 4339 5120 5727 308.83 364.42 407.63
28 39 Ahore Sanwara Sanwara 1962 2629 3102 3470 187.12 220.79 246.98
29 40 Jalor Bhagli Purohitan Bhagli Purohitan 1037 1389 1639 1833 98.86 116.66 130.47
30 41 Ahore Budtara Budtara 1155 1548 1827 2043 110.18 130.04 145.41
31 42 Ahore Cheeparwara Cheeparwara 1582 2120 2502 2798 150.89 178.08 199.15
32 43 Ahore Dayalpura I Dayalpura I 1906 2554 3014 3371 181.78 214.53 239.94
33 44 Ahore Dayalpura Ii Dayalpura Ii 398 533 629 704 37.94 44.77 50.11
34 45 Ahore Gangawa Gangawa 1184 1586 1871 2094 112.89 133.17 149.04
35 46 Ahore Madri Madari 2292 3071 3624 4054 218.58 257.94 288.55
36 47 Ahore Alawa (c) Alawa ( C) 727 974 1149 1286 69.33 81.78 91.53
37 48 Ahore Dodiyali Dodiyali 607 813 959 1073 57.87 68.26 76.37
38 49 Ahore Pachanawa Pachanawa 349 468 552 618 33.31 39.29 43.99
39 50 Ahore Barwan Barwa 1361 1824 2152 2408 129.83 153.17 171.39
51 Ahore Barwan Bhambhiyo Ki Dhani 587 787 929 1039 56.02 66.12 73.95
52 Ahore Barwan Bhatiyo Ki Dhani 597 800 944 1056 56.94 67.19 75.16
40 53 Ahore Ghana Ghana 3458 4633 5467 6116 329.76 389.12 435.32
41 54 Ahore Beejli Beejali 1335 1789 2111 2361 127.33 150.25 168.05
42 55 Ahore Gura Balotan Guda Balotan 4897 6562 7743 8662 467.06 551.12 616.53

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56 Ahore Gura Balotan Khalda Basti 92 123 145 162 8.75 10.32 11.53
57 Ahore Gura Balotan Mandla Piyau 71 95 112 125 6.76 7.97 8.9
43 58 Ahore Kamba Kamba 2413 3233 3815 4268 230.11 271.54 303.78
44 59 Ahore Khara Khara 1470 1970 2325 2600 140.22 165.49 185.06
45 60 Ahore Chawrda Chavarada 356 477 563 630 33.95 40.07 44.84
46 61 Ahore Kawla Kanwala 3657 4900 5782 6468 348.76 411.54 460.37
47 62 Ahore Sugaliya Sindhlan Sugalia Singhlan 269 360 425 475 25.62 30.25 33.81
48 63 Ahore Kawrada Kavarada 2187 2931 3459 3869 208.62 246.2 275.38
64 Ahore Kawrada Rebariyo Ki Basti 68 91 107 120 6.48 7.62 8.54
49 65 Ahore Manpura Manpura 253 339 400 447 24.13 28.47 31.82
66 Ahore Manpura Rebario Ki Dhani 52 70 83 92 4.98 5.91 6.55
67 Ahore Manpura Swamiyo Ki Dhani 29 39 46 51 2.78 3.27 3.63
50 68 Ahore Narwana Narvana 641 859 1014 1134 61.14 72.17 80.71
51 69 Ahore Padarli Bhilo Ki Dhani 153 205 242 271 14.59 17.22 19.29
70 Ahore Padarli Padarli 3316 4443 5243 5865 316.24 373.18 417.45
52 71 Ahore Thoomba Thumba 1367 1832 2162 2418 130.4 153.88 172.1
53 72 Ahore Panchota Panchota 2485 3330 3929 4396 237.02 279.65 312.89
54 73 Ahore Paota Nathu Meena Ki Dhani 154 206 243 272 14.66 17.3 19.36
74 Ahore Paota Paota 1628 2181 2574 2879 155.24 183.21 204.92
75 Ahore Paota Sc/st Basti 147 198 234 261 14.09 16.66 18.58
55 76 Ahore Rasiyawas Khurd Rasiyawas Khurd 1173 1572 1855 2075 111.89 132.03 147.69
56 77 Ahore Alawa (a) Alawa (a) 284 381 450 503 27.12 32.03 35.8
57 78 Ahore Alawa (b) Alawa (b) 111 149 176 197 10.61 12.53 14.02

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58 79 Ahore Raithal Balwara Fata 301 404 477 533 28.76 33.95 37.94
80 Ahore Raithal Choudhariyo Ka Oran 180 241 284 318 17.15 20.21 22.63
81 Ahore Raithal Kalgi Fata 162 217 256 286 15.45 18.22 20.36
82 Ahore Raithal Kathri Fata 198 265 313 350 18.86 22.28 24.91
83 Ahore Raithal Mahadev Mandir Basti 222 298 352 393 21.21 25.05 27.97
84 Ahore Raithal Mokal Ka Fata 192 257 303 339 18.29 21.57 24.13
85 Ahore Raithal Purothiton Ki Dhaniya 240 322 380 425 22.92 27.05 30.25
86 Ahore Raithal Raithal 3630 4863 5738 6419 346.13 408.41 456.88
59 87 Ahore Naya Rama Naya Rama 1525 2043 2411 2697 145.41 171.61 191.96
60 88 Ahore Rama Rama 3581 4798 5662 6333 341.5 403 450.76
61 89 Ahore Guraindrapura Guda Indrapura 1515 2030 2395 2680 144.49 170.47 190.75
62 69 Ahore Sedariya Balotan Bhilo Ki Dhani 64 86 101 114 6.12 7.19 8.11
91 Ahore Sedariya Balotan Sedariya Balotan 2033 2724 3214 3596 193.88 228.76 255.95
63 92 Ahore Sankhwali Shankhwali 3420 4582 5407 6048 326.13 384.85 430.48
64 93 Ahore Thanwala Thanwala 3554 4762 5619 6286 338.94 399.94 447.42
65 94 Bagoda Bagora Bagoda 6003 8044 9492 10618 572.54 675.61 755.75
69 Bagoda Bagora Bhilo Ki Dhani 294 393 464 519 27.97 33.03 36.94
96 Bagoda Bagora Bhilo Ki Dhani Ii 94 126 149 166 8.97 10.61 11.82
97 Bagoda Bagora Hatoda Nadi 224 301 355 397 21.42 25.27 28.26
98 Bagoda Bagora Kuda Sat. 95 127 150 168 9.04 10.68 11.96
99 Bagoda Bagora Naya Kheda 746 1000 1180 1320 71.18 83.99 93.95
100 Bagoda Bagora Sindhiyon Ki Dhani 187 251 296 331 17.87 21.07 23.56
101 Bagoda Bagora Veerma Kd 262 351 414 463 24.98 29.47 32.95
66 102 Bagoda Bali Bali 1560 2091 2467 2760 148.83 175.59 196.45

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103 Bagoda Bali Bhilo Kd -i 104 139 164 183 9.89 11.67 13.03
104 Bagoda Bali Bhilo Kd -iv 232 311 367 411 22.14 26.12 29.25
105 Bagoda Bali Bhilo Kd-ii 314 421 497 556 29.97 35.37 39.57
106 Bagoda Bali Bhilo Kd-iii 311 417 492 550 29.68 35.02 39.15
107 Bagoda Bali Choudhariyo Kd 385 516 609 681 36.73 43.35 48.47
108 Bagoda Bali Dhorba Dhora Kd 530 710 838 937 50.54 59.65 66.69
109 Bagoda Bali Jawaharji Kd 328 439 518 579 31.25 36.87 41.21
110 Bagoda Bali Mochi Basti 433 580 684 766 41.28 48.68 54.52
111 Bagoda Bali Purohito Kd 346 463 546 611 32.95 38.86 43.49
112 Bagoda Bali Sawamiyon Kd 374 501 591 661 35.66 42.07 47.05
67 113 Bagoda Nai Bali Ka Goliya Goliya 1297 1738 2051 2294 123.7 145.98 163.28
68 114 Bagoda Naibali Kalbiyon Kd 78 104 123 137 7.4 8.75 9.75
115 Bagoda Naibali Kalbiyon Kd -ii 78 104 123 137 7.4 8.75 9.75
116 Bagoda Naibali Meghwalo Kd 90 120 142 158 8.54 10.11 11.25
117 Bagoda Naibali Mukhram Choudhry Kd 71 95 112 125 6.76 7.97 8.9
118 Bagoda Naibali Nai Bali 646 865 1021 1142 61.57 72.67 81.28
119 Bagoda Naibali Sawji Choudhary Kd 97 130 153 172 9.25 10.89 12.24
69 120 Bagoda Bhalni Baga Manju Kd 130 174 205 230 12.38 14.59 16.37
121 Bagoda Bhalni Banewal Goliya Jagroop Kedi 202 271 320 358 19.29 22.78 25.48
122 Bagoda Bhalni Bhalni 1673 2242 2646 2959 159.58 188.33 210.61
123 Bagoda Bhalni Bhil Mali Moylo Ki Dhani 76 102 120 135 7.26 8.54 9.61
124 Bagoda Bhalni Bhura Kd 144 193 228 255 13.74 16.23 18.15
125 Bagoda Bhalni Damra Guru Kd 62 83 98 110 5.91 6.98 7.83
126 Bagoda Bhalni Hido Kd 171 229 270 302 16.3 19.22 21.5
127 Bagoda Bhalni Jagrup Kd 253 338 399 446 24.06 28.4 31.74
128 Bagoda Bhalni Jhutamali Kd 126 169 199 223 12.03 14.16 15.87
129 Bagoda Bhalni Kalumbera Kd 140 187 221 247 13.31 15.73 17.58
130 Bagoda Bhalni Lumbaniyon Kd 165 221 261 292 15.73 18.58 20.78
131 Bagoda Bhalni Mangal Singh Kd 198 265 313 350 18.86 22.28 24.91
132 Bagoda Bhalni Padmaniyo Banewal Dhani 190 255 301 337 18.15 21.42 23.99

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

133 Bagoda Bhalni Sadhuo Kd 255 342 404 451 24.34 28.76 32.1
134 Bagoda Bhalni Sukhram Kd 134 180 212 238 12.81 15.09 16.94
70 135 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Athamani Dhani 179 240 283 317 17.08 20.14 22.56
136 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Bhuraniyon Kd Dhora 67 89 105 117 6.33 7.47 8.33
137 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Bishnoi Kd 44 59 70 78 4.2 4.98 5.55
138 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Daro Kd 94 126 149 166 8.97 10.61 11.82
139 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Hapu Ki Dhani 292 391 461 516 27.83 32.81 36.73
140 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Kalu Meghwal Kd 73 98 116 129 6.98 8.26 9.18
141 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Kojaniyon Kd 73 98 116 129 6.98 8.26 9.18
142 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Sajan Khelari Kd 96 128 151 169 9.11 10.75 12.03
143 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Sauo Kd -i 90 121 143 160 8.61 10.18 11.39
144 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Sauo-ii 90 121 143 160 8.61 10.18 11.39
145 Bagoda Hapu Ki Dhani Sawmi/surjan Kd 73 98 116 129 6.98 8.26 9.18
71 146 Bagoda Chhajala Bagariyon Kd 89 119 140 157 8.47 9.96 11.17
147 Bagoda Chhajala Chajjala 959 1285 1516 1696 91.46 107.9 120.72
148 Bagoda Chhajala Jal Goliya 58 77 91 102 5.48 6.48 7.26
149 Bagoda Chhajala Khemisa Kd 76 101 119 133 7.19 8.47 9.47
150 Bagoda Chhajala Meeraniyon Kd 181 242 286 319 17.22 20.36 22.71
151 Bagoda Chhajala Musa Khan Kd 159 213 251 281 15.16 17.87 20
152 Bagoda Chhajala Nemli Nadi 73 98 116 129 6.98 8.26 9.18
153 Bagoda Chhajala Ragdo Pao Kd 78 105 124 139 7.47 8.83 9.89
154 Bagoda Chhajala Rahim/abede Khan Ki Dhani 65 87 103 115 6.19 7.33 8.19
155 Bagoda Chhajala Umeda Kd 132 177 209 234 12.6 14.88 16.66
72 156 Bagoda Bijaliya Bhilo Kd 346 463 546 611 32.95 38.86 43.49
157 Bagoda Bijaliya Bijaliya 949 1271 1500 1678 90.47 106.76 119.43
158 Bagoda Bijaliya Jagmalaniyiyo Kd 76 101 119 133 7.19 8.47 9.47
159 Bagoda Bijaliya Mularam Kd 106 142 168 187 10.11 11.96 13.31
160 Bagoda Bijaliya Narsi Bhill Kd 196 263 310 347 18.72 22.06 24.7
161 Bagoda Bijaliya Suban Khan Kd 214 287 339 379 20.43 24.13 26.98
73 162 Bagoda Sobrawas Bhatiya Meghwal Ki Dhani 255 342 404 451 24.34 28.76 32.1

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

163 Bagoda Sobrawas Bhiyaji Danoon 216 290 342 383 20.64 24.34 27.26
164 Bagoda Sobrawas Holika Than 249 333 393 440 23.7 27.97 31.32
165 Bagoda Sobrawas Kumaro Ki Dhani 301 403 476 532 28.68 33.88 37.87
166 Bagoda Sobrawas Rawat Singh Ki Dhani 188 252 297 333 17.94 21.14 23.7
167 Bagoda Sobrawas Sobrawas 884 1184 1397 1563 84.27 99.43 111.25
168 Bagoda Sobrawas Togariya Nada 227 304 359 401 21.64 25.55 28.54
169 Bagoda Sobrawas Vananee Kumbharo Kd 179 240 283 317 17.08 20.14 22.56
74 170 Bagoda Doongarwa Arjiya Kd 269 361 426 477 25.69 30.32 33.95
171 Bagoda Doongarwa Dhaka Peesarji Kd 208 279 329 368 19.86 23.42 26.19
172 Bagoda Doongarwa Dheterwalo Kd 89 119 140 157 8.47 9.96 11.17
173 Bagoda Doongarwa Dola Rabari Kd 89 119 140 157 8.47 9.96 11.17
174 Bagoda Doongarwa Dongarwa 654 877 1035 1158 62.42 73.67 82.42
175 Bagoda Doongarwa Godaro Kd 95 127 150 168 9.04 10.68 11.96
176 Bagoda Doongarwa Gordhan Kd 187 251 296 331 17.87 21.07 23.56
177 Bagoda Doongarwa Hudmath Kd 214 287 339 379 20.43 24.13 26.98
178 Bagoda Doongarwa Kachhiya Kd 88 118 139 156 8.4 9.89 11.1
179 Bagoda Doongarwa Keshra Kd 141 190 224 251 13.52 15.94 17.87
180 Bagoda Doongarwa Magana Kumbar Kd 201 269 317 355 19.15 22.56 25.27
181 Bagoda Doongarwa Malaniyo Kd 140 187 221 247 13.31 15.73 17.58
182 Bagoda Doongarwa Rabriyon Kd 169 227 268 300 16.16 19.08 21.35
183 Bagoda Doongarwa Raja Nadi 241 323 381 426 22.99 27.12 30.32
184 Bagoda Doongarwa Rawo Kd 121 163 192 215 11.6 13.67 15.3
185 Bagoda Doongarwa Sargaro Kd 203 272 321 359 19.36 22.85 25.55
186 Bagoda Doongarwa Siyko Kd 221 296 349 391 21.07 24.84 27.83
187 Bagoda Doongarwa Sutharo Kd 161 215 254 284 15.3 18.08 20.21
188 Bagoda Doongarwa Takeriyon Gopi 79 105 124 139 7.47 8.83 9.89
189 Bagoda Vada Naya Bdo Kd 58 77 91 102 5.48 6.48 7.26
190 Bagoda Vada Naya Bhagwana Dhaka Kd 160 214 253 282 15.23 18.01 20.07
191 Bagoda Vada Naya Bunkaro Kd 175 234 276 309 16.66 19.64 21.99
192 Bagoda Vada Naya Jato Kd 117 157 185 207 11.17 13.17 14.73

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

193 Bagoda Vada Naya Madwaniyo Kd 83 111 131 147 7.9 9.32 10.46
194 Bagoda Vada Naya Misra Bhil Kd 170 228 269 301 16.23 19.15 21.42
195 Bagoda Vada Naya Rabariyo Kd 412 552 651 729 39.29 46.34 51.89
186 Bagoda Vada Naya Siyko Kd 86 115 136 152 8.19 9.68 10.82
197 Bagoda Vada Naya Thananiyo Kd 275 369 435 487 26.26 30.96 34.66
198 Bagoda Vada Naya Vada Naya 925 1240 1463 1637 88.26 104.13 116.52
75 199 Bagoda Vada Naya Athamni Kd 268 359 424 474 25.55 30.18 33.74
76 200 Bagoda Dhumbariya Bag Singh Kd 344 461 544 609 32.81 38.72 43.35
201 Bagoda Dhumbariya Bedala Nadi 190 255 301 337 18.15 21.42 23.99
202 Bagoda Dhumbariya Bhakardi Nadi 207 278 328 367 19.79 23.35 26.12
203 Bagoda Dhumbariya Dhumbariya 3132 4197 4952 5540 298.73 352.47 394.32
113 Bagoda Dhumbariya Goliya 1268 1699 2005 2243 120.93 142.71 159.65
205 Bagoda Dhumbariya Jawahar Singh Kd 174 233 275 308 16.58 19.57 21.92
206 Bagoda Dhumbariya Maniyon Kd 194 259 306 342 18.43 21.78 24.34
207 Bagoda Dhumbariya Manroop Devaniyo Kd 124 167 197 220 11.89 14.02 15.66
208 Bagoda Dhumbariya Materiya Mamaji Ka Than 203 272 321 359 19.36 22.85 25.55
209 Bagoda Dhumbariya Mool Singh Kd 157 210 248 277 14.95 17.65 19.72
210 Bagoda Dhumbariya Narsa Raja Kd 139 186 219 246 13.24 15.59 17.51
211 Bagoda Dhumbariya Parkha Nadi 672 900 1062 1188 64.06 75.59 84.56
212 Bagoda Dhumbariya Partap Singh Kd 203 272 321 359 19.36 22.85 25.55
213 Bagoda Dhumbariya Rakuniyon Bhill Kd 139 186 219 246 13.24 15.59 17.51
214 Bagoda Dhumbariya Ravaniyon Bhilo Kd 263 352 415 465 25.05 29.54 33.1
215 Bagoda Dhumbariya Sawaiji Ka Than 150 202 238 267 14.38 16.94 19
216 Bagoda Dhumbariya Siradiyon Kd 172 231 273 305 16.44 19.43 21.71
217 Bagoda Dhumbariya Veeda Nadi 563 754 890 995 53.67 63.35 70.82
77 218 Bagoda Jaisawas Duoga Prabu Ki Dhani 166 222 262 293 15.8 18.65 20.85
219 Bagoda Jaisawas Jaisawas 1742 2334 2754 3081 166.13 196.02 219.29
220 Bagoda Jaisawas Jalnadi 501 672 793 887 47.83 56.44 63.13
221 Bagoda Jaisawas Joga Meghwal Ki Dhani 180 241 284 318 17.15 20.21 22.63
222 Bagoda Jaisawas Kalu Bhill Kd 190 254 300 335 18.08 21.35 23.84

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

223 Bagoda Jaisawas Khutali Nadi 247 330 389 436 23.49 27.69 31.03
224 Bagoda Jaisawas Magana Bhill Ki Dhani 146 195 230 257 13.88 16.37 18.29
225 Bagoda Jaisawas Meghwalo Ki Dhani 164 219 258 289 15.59 18.36 20.57
226 Bagoda Jaisawas Sawla Kalbi Kd 324 434 512 573 30.89 36.44 40.78
78 227 Bagoda Kori Dhavecha Gadvi Nadi 296 396 467 523 28.19 33.24 37.23
228 Bagoda Kori Dhavecha Jatto Kd 260 348 411 459 24.77 29.25 32.67
229 Bagoda Kori Dhavecha Kori Dhavecha 1936 2594 3061 3424 184.63 217.87 243.71
230 Bagoda Kori Dhavecha Mandaniyo Kd 260 348 411 459 24.77 29.25 32.67
116 Bagoda Kori Dhavecha Meghwalo Kd 245 328 387 433 23.35 27.55 30.82
232 Bagoda Kori Dhavecha Murid Khan Kd 252 338 399 446 24.06 28.4 31.74
233 Bagoda Kori Dhavecha Musa Khan Ki Dhani 171 229 270 302 16.3 19.22 21.5
234 Bagoda Kori Dhavecha Rah Khan Kd 177 237 280 313 16.87 19.93 22.28
187 Bagoda Kori Dhavecha Sutharo Kd 164 220 260 290 15.66 18.51 20.64
79 236 Bagoda Nandiya Bhiloka Kheda 676 905 1068 1195 64.41 76.02 85.06
237 Bagoda Nandiya Charawas 1018 1364 1610 1800 97.08 114.59 128.12
238 Bagoda Nandiya Himta Bhill Kd 232 311 367 411 22.14 26.12 29.25
239 Bagoda Nandiya Kheti Ki Dhani 255 342 404 451 24.34 28.76 32.1
240 Bagoda Nandiya Nandiya 2649 3549 4188 4685 252.61 298.09 333.46
241 Bagoda Nandiya Ramsa Peer Kd 220 295 348 389 21 24.77 27.69
80 242 Bagoda Kura Dhavecha Kuda Dhvecha 1758 2356 2780 3110 167.69 197.87 221.36
243 Bagoda Kura Dhavecha Ridma Haji Kd 270 362 427 478 25.77 30.39 34.02
244 Bagoda Kura Dhavecha Tulsa Meghwal Kd 272 364 430 480 25.91 30.61 34.16
81 245 Sayla Narwara Aradwa Fanta 274 367 433 484 26.12 30.82 34.45
246 Sayla Narwara Narwara 326 437 516 577 31.1 36.73 41.07
247 Sayla Narwara Punaram Choudhary Ki Dhani 263 353 417 466 25.13 29.68 33.17
248 Sayla Narwara Shyamsingh Ka Than 137 184 217 243 13.1 15.45 17.3
82 249 Bagoda Daman Bhadra /vagtaji Rebari 187 250 295 330 17.79 21 23.49
250 Bagoda Daman Daman 1290 1728 2039 2281 122.99 145.13 162.35

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116 Bagoda Daman Meghwalo Kd 123 165 195 218 11.74 13.88 15.52
252 Bagoda Daman Moda Kd 162 217 256 286 15.45 18.22 20.36
253 Bagoda Daman Sanikra Tagaji Nai Kd 251 336 396 444 23.92 28.19 31.6
254 Bagoda Daman Sardara Kd Moriya 199 267 315 352 19 22.42 25.05
255 Bagoda Daman Surtha Kd 839 1124 1326 1484 80 94.38 105.63
83 256 Bagoda Kaleti Dheera Bhill Kd 165 221 261 292 15.73 18.58 20.78
257 Bagoda Kaleti Ghidhari Hakma Kd 414 555 655 733 39.5 46.62 52.17
258 Bagoda Kaleti Kaleti 1356 1817 2144 2398 129.33 152.6 170.68
259 Bagoda Kaleti Kumbharo Kd 232 311 367 411 22.14 26.12 29.25
252 Bagoda Kaleti Moda Kd 137 184 217 243 13.1 15.45 17.3
261 Bagoda Kaleti Sawa Kumbhar Kd 159 214 253 282 15.23 18.01 20.07
84 262 Bagoda Khokha Abde Khan Kd 178 238 281 314 16.94 20 22.35
263 Bagoda Khokha Hajitalab Kd 206 275 325 363 19.57 23.13 25.84
264 Bagoda Khokha Hanif Kd 68 91 107 120 6.48 7.62 8.54
265 Bagoda Khokha Hasam Kd 115 154 182 203 10.96 12.95 14.45
266 Bagoda Khokha Husan Kd 90 121 143 160 8.61 10.18 11.39
267 Bagoda Khokha Jadhwaniyo Kd 357 478 564 631 34.02 40.14 44.91
268 Bagoda Khokha Jalaniyon Kd 281 377 445 498 26.83 31.67 35.45
269 Bagoda Khokha Khmasa Rathoryo Kd 105 141 166 186 10.04 11.82 13.24
270 Bagoda Khokha Khokha 1802 2415 2850 3188 171.89 202.85 226.91
271 Bagoda Khokha Markhaniyon Ki Dhani 220 295 348 389 21 24.77 27.69
272 Bagoda Khokha Randhro Kd 221 296 349 391 21.07 24.84 27.83
85 273 Bagoda Meerganj Puniya Kd 1549 2075 2449 2739 147.69 174.31 194.95
86 274 Bagoda Kooka Bappo Kd 63 85 100 112 6.05 7.12 7.97
275 Bagoda Kooka Bharniyon Kd 92 123 145 162 8.75 10.32 11.53
276 Bagoda Kooka Godha Kd 278 373 440 492 26.55 31.32 35.02
277 Bagoda Kooka Jandari Kd 278 373 440 492 26.55 31.32 35.02
278 Bagoda Kooka Jeta Ram Delidate Kd 63 85 100 112 6.05 7.12 7.97
279 Bagoda Kooka Kalu Singh 409 548 647 723 39 46.05 51.46

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

280 Bagoda Kooka Karnaji Kd 59 78 92 103 5.55 6.55 7.33

281 Bagoda Kooka Kooka 54 72 85 95 5.12 6.05 6.76
282 Bagoda Kooka Laharo Kd 306 410 484 541 29.18 34.45 38.51
116 Bagoda Kooka Meghwalo Kd 63 84 99 111 5.98 7.05 7.9
284 Bagoda Kooka Naiyo Kd 63 85 100 112 6.05 7.12 7.97
285 Bagoda Kooka Nimbali Nadi 245 328 387 433 23.35 27.55 30.82
286 Bagoda Kooka Pama Kd 63 85 100 112 6.05 7.12 7.97
111 Bagoda Kooka Purohito Kd 278 373 440 492 26.55 31.32 35.02
288 Bagoda Kooka Saktta Ka Oran 132 176 208 232 12.53 14.8 16.51
289 Bagoda Kooka Sarno Kd 63 85 100 112 6.05 7.12 7.97
290 Bagoda Kooka Sutharo Ki Dhani 130 174 205 230 12.38 14.59 16.37
87 291 Bagoda Kherapuriya Kheda Puriya 116 155 183 205 11.03 13.03 14.59
88 69 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Bhilo Ki Dhani 129 173 204 228 12.31 14.52 16.23
293 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Chattra Vang Kd 223 299 353 395 21.28 25.13 28.11
294 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Dawel Nadi 386 517 610 682 36.8 43.42 48.54
295 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Doula Kd 72 96 113 127 6.83 8.04 9.04
296 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Goba Purohit Kd 72 96 113 127 6.83 8.04 9.04
297 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Meda Bharmana 578 775 915 1023 55.16 65.13 72.81
298 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Meetha Rabari Kd 160 214 253 282 15.23 18.01 20.07
116 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Meghwalo Kd 142 190 224 251 13.52 15.94 17.87
300 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Nai Basti 142 190 224 251 13.52 15.94 17.87
301 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Raiko Kd 72 96 113 127 6.83 8.04 9.04
302 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Rugnath Kd 72 96 113 127 6.83 8.04 9.04
303 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Uda Purohit Kd 72 96 113 127 6.83 8.04 9.04
304 Bagoda Meda Brahmnan Umeda Purohit Kd 185 248 293 327 17.65 20.85 23.27
89 305 Bagoda Gaonri Ganori 243 326 385 430 23.2 27.4 30.61
306 Bagoda Gaonri Gayno Kd 190 255 301 337 18.15 21.42 23.99
307 Bagoda Gaonri Maloyon Kd 265 355 419 469 25.27 29.82 33.38
308 Bagoda Gaonri Muglaniyon Kd 262 351 414 463 24.98 29.47 32.95
309 Bagoda Gaonri Pangariyon Ki 322 432 510 570 30.75 36.3 40.57
310 Bagoda Gaonri Paradiyon Kd 322 432 510 570 30.75 36.3 40.57

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

311 Bagoda Gaonri Rana Meghwalo Kd 265 355 419 469 25.27 29.82 33.38
312 Bagoda Gaonri Samraniyo Kd 474 636 750 840 45.27 53.38 59.79
313 Bagoda Gaonri Saran Meghwalo Ki Dhani 363 486 573 642 34.59 40.78 45.7
289 Bagoda Gaonri Sarno Kd 228 305 360 403 21.71 25.62 28.68
90 315 Bagoda Roopa Ki Dhani Roopa Kd 840 1125 1328 1485 80.07 94.52 105.7
91 316 Bagoda Lakhni Khet Singh Kd 180 241 284 318 17.15 20.21 22.63
317 Bagoda Lakhni Lakhani 728 976 1152 1288 69.47 82 91.68
3 Bagoda Lakhni Mamaji Ka Than 371 497 586 656 35.37 41.71 46.69
319 Bagoda Lakhni Munga Kd 170 228 269 301 16.23 19.15 21.42
320 Bagoda Lakhni Rajputo Kd 227 304 359 401 21.64 25.55 28.54
321 Bagoda Lakhni Vishnoiyo Kd 754 1010 1192 1333 71.89 84.84 94.88
92 322 Bagoda Loonawas Babu Bhima Meghwal Kd 89 119 140 157 8.47 9.96 11.17
323 Bagoda Loonawas Bhawra Hema Puri Kd 115 153 181 202 10.89 12.88 14.38
324 Bagoda Loonawas Dhana Ram Kanji Bhil Kd 75 100 118 132 7.12 8.4 9.4
325 Bagoda Loonawas Hansa Ram Bhimaji Kd 97 131 155 173 9.32 11.03 12.31
326 Bagoda Loonawas Juttji Choudhary Kd 121 162 191 214 11.53 13.59 15.23
327 Bagoda Loonawas Khawala Kd 180 241 284 318 17.15 20.21 22.63
328 Bagoda Loonawas Lunawas 841 1127 1330 1488 80.22 94.66 105.91
329 Bagoda Loonawas Pratapa Bhillo Ka Bas 75 100 118 132 7.12 8.4 9.4
330 Bagoda Loonawas Purohito Ki Dhani 108 145 171 191 10.32 12.17 13.59
331 Bagoda Loonawas Sodo Kd 411 551 650 727 39.22 46.26 51.75
332 Bagoda Loonawas Surtha Amba Meghwal Kd 102 136 160 180 9.68 11.39 12.81
93 333 Bagoda Mindawas Danaram Megwal Kd 154 206 243 272 14.66 17.3 19.36
334 Bagoda Mindawas Durgaram Hemji Rebari 130 174 205 230 12.38 14.59 16.37
335 Bagoda Mindawas Hahja Ram Dharmaji Kd 157 211 249 279 15.02 17.72 19.86
238 Bagoda Mindawas Himta Bhill Kd 167 223 263 294 15.87 18.72 20.93
337 Bagoda Mindawas Itawaya Nadi 196 263 310 347 18.72 22.06 24.7
338 Bagoda Mindawas Kori Nadi 256 343 405 453 24.41 28.83 32.24
339 Bagoda Mindawas Kotwalo Kd 194 260 307 343 18.51 21.85 24.41
340 Bagoda Mindawas Lacha Suthar Kd 246 330 389 436 23.49 27.69 31.03

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

341 Bagoda Mindawas Mindawas 398 534 630 705 38.01 44.84 50.18
342 Bagoda Mindawas Pataji Navaji Kd 111 148 175 195 10.53 12.46 13.88
343 Bagoda Mindawas Suban Khan Ki Dhani 356 477 563 630 33.95 40.07 44.84
94 344 Bagoda Batera Batera 823 1103 1302 1456 78.51 92.67 103.63
345 Bagoda Batera Batera Ka Dhora 624 836 986 1104 59.5 70.18 78.58
346 Bagoda Batera Bhillo Kd 85 114 135 150 8.11 9.61 10.68
347 Bagoda Batera Kangara Kd 80 107 126 141 7.62 8.97 10.04
348 Bagoda Batera Tarniyo Kd 165 221 261 292 15.73 18.58 20.78
95 349 Bagoda Deoda Ka Goliya Choudhariyo Ki Dhani 318 426 503 562 30.32 35.8 40
350 Bagoda Deoda Ka Goliya Devada Ka Goliya 1798 2409 2843 3180 171.46 202.35 226.34
351 Bagoda Deoda Ka Goliya Meghwal Basti 229 307 362 405 21.85 25.77 28.83
96 352 Bagoda Nawapura Keva Choudhary 195 261 308 345 18.58 21.92 24.56
353 Bagoda Nawapura Navapura 1659 2223 2623 2934 158.23 186.7 208.83
354 Bagoda Nawapura Suetaniyo Kd 173 232 274 306 16.51 19.5 21.78
97 355 Bagoda Narsana Kharli Nadi 146 195 230 257 13.88 16.37 18.29
356 Bagoda Narsana Khawi Kd 721 966 1140 1275 68.76 81.14 90.75
3 Bagoda Narsana Mamaji Ka Than 1065 1427 1684 1884 101.57 119.86 134.1
116 Bagoda Narsana Meghwalo Kd 163 218 257 288 15.52 18.29 20.5
359 Bagoda Narsana Nagaji Kd 780 1045 1233 1379 74.38 87.76 98.15
360 Bagoda Narsana Narsana 1184 1586 1871 2094 112.89 133.17 149.04
361 Bagoda Narsana Narsana Gol 208 279 329 368 19.86 23.42 26.19
362 Bagoda Narsana Rajputo Mamaji Ka Than 110 147 173 194 10.46 12.31 13.81
363 Bagoda Narsana Ramaram Choudharyo Kd 173 232 274 306 16.51 19.5 21.78
364 Bagoda Narsana Ramji Bhill Kd 693 928 1095 1225 66.05 77.94 87.19
365 Bagoda Narsana Sardara Purohit Kd 73 98 116 129 6.98 8.26 9.18
112 Bagoda Narsana Sawamiyon Kd 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
98 367 Bagoda Bagoti Bagoti 703 942 1112 1243 67.05 79.15 88.47

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

368 Bagoda Bagoti Mangnityo Kd 112 150 177 198 10.68 12.6 14.09
369 Bagoda Bagoti Powala Piou 107 143 169 189 10.18 12.03 13.45
370 Bagoda Bagoti Sindhiyo Kd 101 135 159 178 9.61 11.32 12.67
99 371 Bagoda Bichhawari Bichhawari 340 456 538 602 32.46 38.29 42.85
372 Bagoda Bichhawari Bichhawri And Bagoti Fanta 59 79 93 104 5.62 6.62 7.4
100 156 Bagoda Chainpura Bhilo Kd 466 625 738 825 44.49 52.53 58.72
374 Bagoda Chainpura Bhomiyon Kd 330 442 522 583 31.46 37.15 41.5
375 Bagoda Chainpura Chainpura 769 1031 1217 1361 73.38 86.62 96.87
376 Bagoda Chainpura Namimey Kd 184 247 291 326 17.58 20.71 23.2
377 Bagoda Goojarwara Goojarwara 338 453 535 598 32.24 38.08 42.56
101 378 Bagoda Goojarwara Deva Nadi 43 58 68 77 4.13 4.84 5.48
102 379 Bagoda Naya Chainpura Bhilo & Narmikar Kd 326 437 516 577 31.1 36.73 41.07
69 Bagoda Naya Chainpura Bhilo Ki Dhani 242 324 382 428 23.06 27.19 30.46
381 Bagoda Naya Chainpura Kamaniyo Ki Dhani 189 253 299 334 18.01 21.28 23.77
382 Bagoda Naya Chainpura Narsi Meghwal Ki Dhani 168 225 266 297 16.01 18.93 21.14
383 Bagoda Naya Chainpura Naya Chainpura 695 931 1099 1229 66.27 78.22 87.48
384 Bagoda Naya Chainpura Sindhiyo Ki Dhani 331 444 524 586 31.6 37.3 41.71
103 156 Bagoda Kharwa Bhilo Kd 212 284 335 375 20.21 23.84 26.69
386 Bagoda Kharwa Kharwa 494 662 781 874 47.12 55.59 62.21
387 Bagoda Kharwa Palaniyon Purohito Kd 214 287 339 379 20.43 24.13 26.98
104 69 Bagoda Morseem Bhilo Ki Dhani 428 574 677 758 40.86 48.19 53.95
389 Bagoda Morseem Bhopaniyon Ki Dhani 353 473 558 624 33.67 39.72 44.41
390 Bagoda Morseem Kalma Bhill Kd 415 557 657 735 39.65 46.76 52.31
391 Bagoda Morseem Kardo Ki Dhani 345 462 545 610 32.88 38.79 43.42
392 Bagoda Morseem Morseem 2320 3108 3667 4103 221.22 261 292.04
393 Bagoda Morseem Ratan Singh Kd 189 253 299 334 18.01 21.28 23.77
105 394 Bagoda Naya Morseem Bhamyon Kd 85 113 133 149 8.04 9.47 10.61
156 Bagoda Naya Morseem Bhilo Kd 134 179 211 236 12.74 15.02 16.8
396 Bagoda Naya Morseem Madaniyon Kd 215 288 340 380 20.5 24.2 27.05
397 Bagoda Naya Morseem Nai Morseem 2274 3047 3595 4022 216.87 255.88 286.27

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

398 Bagoda Naya Morseem Pahar Singh Kd 1862 2495 2944 3293 177.59 209.54 234.38
399 Bagoda Naya Morseem Peeraniyon Kd 226 303 358 400 21.57 25.48 28.47
400 Bagoda Naya Morseem Pipli Nadi 79 105 124 139 7.47 8.83 9.89
106 401 Bagoda Dabli Rathoran Dabli Nadi 1119 1499 1769 1979 106.69 125.91 140.86
107 402 Bagoda Rah Bheeru Kha Allahre Kha 96 129 152 170 9.18 10.82 12.1
403 Bagoda Rah Chalaram Meghwal Kd 92 123 145 162 8.75 10.32 11.53
404 Bagoda Rah Chhoniyo Kd 113 152 179 201 10.82 12.74 14.31
405 Bagoda Rah Gaji Khan Rajar Kd 80 107 126 141 7.62 8.97 10.04
113 Bagoda Rah Goliya 199 266 314 351 18.93 22.35 24.98
407 Bagoda Rah Haji Khan Kd 191 255 301 337 18.15 21.42 23.99
408 Bagoda Rah Ibrahim Shah Kd 80 107 126 141 7.62 8.97 10.04
409 Bagoda Rah Jawa Haji Kd 117 157 185 207 11.17 13.17 14.73
410 Bagoda Rah Kalro Kd 141 188 222 248 13.38 15.8 17.65
411 Bagoda Rah Kanaram/dharma Ram Kd 101 135 159 178 9.61 11.32 12.67
412 Bagoda Rah Karna Ram /dharma Ram 101 135 159 178 9.61 11.32 12.67
413 Bagoda Rah Loharo Kd 316 423 499 558 30.11 35.52 39.72
414 Bagoda Rah Meghji Deda Kd 154 207 244 273 14.73 17.37 19.43
415 Bagoda Rah Punam Singh Dharam 103 137 162 181 9.75 11.53 12.88
416 Bagoda Rah Rah 823 1103 1302 1456 78.51 92.67 103.63
417 Bagoda Rah Rajdo Kd 436 585 690 772 41.64 49.11 54.95
418 Bagoda Rah Shera Kha Kd 412 552 651 729 39.29 46.34 51.89
419 Bagoda Rah Sonaram/ Teja Rabari Kd 96 129 152 170 9.18 10.82 12.1
108 420 Bagoda Lumba Pata Ki Dhani Rampaliyon Ki Dhani 934 1251 1476 1651 89.04 105.06 117.51
109 421 Bagoda Rangala Botto Kd 170 227 268 300 16.16 19.08 21.35
422 Bagoda Rangala Daukiyon Kd 93 125 148 165 8.9 10.53 11.74
423 Bagoda Rangala Dhera Khan Kd 165 221 261 292 15.73 18.58 20.78
424 Bagoda Rangala Rangala 1226 1642 1938 2167 116.87 137.94 154.24
425 Bagoda Rangala Somaniyon Kd 92 124 146 164 8.83 10.39 11.67
110 426 Bagoda Maiya Ki Dhani Mayon Kd 956 1281 1512 1691 91.18 107.62 120.36

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

111 349 Bagoda Pata Ki Dhani Choudhariyo Ki Dhani 75 101 119 133 7.19 8.47 9.47
428 Bagoda Pata Ki Dhani Pata Ki Dhani 721 966 1140 1275 68.76 81.14 90.75
429 Bagoda Pata Ki Dhani Sc Basti 75 101 119 133 7.19 8.47 9.47
112 430 Bagoda Rauta Hanumanji Ka Than 231 309 365 408 21.99 25.98 29.04
431 Bagoda Rauta Juna Rauta 1169 1566 1848 2067 111.46 131.53 147.12
432 Bagoda Rauta Kumbahro Kd 120 161 190 213 11.46 13.52 15.16
433 Bagoda Rauta Mahdeo Ka Mandir 95 127 150 168 9.04 10.68 11.96
116 Bagoda Rauta Meghwalo Kd 137 183 216 242 13.03 15.37 17.22
111 Bagoda Rauta Purohito Kd 80 107 126 141 7.62 8.97 10.04
436 Bagoda Rauta Rauta 1835 2458 2900 3245 174.95 206.41 230.97
437 Bagoda Rauta Vari Nadi 217 291 343 384 20.71 24.41 27.33
113 438 Bagoda Vada Bharvi Bhilo Kd Kalu Nadi 612 820 968 1082 58.36 68.9 77.01
69 Bagoda Vada Bharvi Bhilo Ki Dhani 312 419 494 553 29.82 35.16 39.36
440 Bagoda Vada Bharvi Chandaji Ka Dhora 364 487 575 643 34.66 40.93 45.77
441 Bagoda Vada Bharvi Chima Jani Kd 131 175 207 231 12.46 14.73 16.44
442 Bagoda Vada Bharvi Kisna Sona Ram Kd 95 127 150 168 9.04 10.68 11.96
443 Bagoda Vada Bharvi Sawri Mataji Ka Dhora 977 1309 1545 1728 93.17 109.97 122.99
444 Bagoda Vada Bharvi Vada Bhadavi 1725 2312 2728 3052 164.56 194.17 217.23
101 Bagoda Vada Bharvi Veerma Kd 253 339 400 447 24.13 28.47 31.82
114 446 Bagoda Vishnu Nagar Virar Nadi 549 736 868 972 52.39 61.78 69.18
115 447 Bagoda Janiyon Ki Dhani Janiyo Kd 1492 1999 2359 2639 142.28 167.91 187.83
116 448 Chitalwana Sahu&daukiyaon Ki Dha Indra Colony 118 158 186 209 11.25 13.24 14.88
447 Chitalwana Sahu&daukiyaon Ki Dha Janiyo Kd 137 184 217 243 13.1 15.45 17.3
450 Chitalwana Sahu&daukiyaon Ki Dha Megwalo Kd 98 132 156 174 9.4 11.1 12.38
451 Chitalwana Sahu&daukiyaon Ki Dha Sau Daukiyonki Dhani 1432 1919 2264 2533 136.59 161.14 180.29
117 452 Chitalwana Tetrol Rathoran Ala Rebari Ki Dhani 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
453 Chitalwana Tetrol Rathoran Bhatka Rebari Dhani 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
454 Chitalwana Tetrol Rathoran Gila & Dhayala Ki Dhani 267 358 422 473 25.48 30.04 33.67
351 Chitalwana Tetrol Rathoran Meghwal Basti 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

456 Chitalwana Tetrol Rathoran Rabariyo Ka Goliya 311 416 491 549 29.61 34.95 39.08
457 Chitalwana Tetrol Rathoran Radi Sutagijd 233 312 368 412 22.21 26.19 29.32
458 Chitalwana Tetrol Rathoran Tetrol 735 984 1161 1299 70.04 82.64 92.46
118 459 Chitalwana Saili Megwalo Ki Dhani 112 150 177 198 10.68 12.6 14.09
460 Chitalwana Saili Rabariyo Ki Dhano 150 200 236 264 14.24 16.8 18.79
461 Chitalwana Saili Seli 599 803 948 1060 57.15 67.48 75.45
119 462 Chitalwana Jaton Ka Goliya Siyayo & Jato Ki Dhani 1057 1416 1671 1869 100.79 118.94 133.03
120 69 Chitalwana Deora Bhilo Ki Dhani 196 263 310 347 18.72 22.06 24.7
464 Chitalwana Deora Bhrmano Ki Dhani 703 942 1112 1243 67.05 79.15 88.47
465 Chitalwana Deora Dar Nadi 140 188 222 248 13.38 15.8 17.65
466 Chitalwana Deora Darar Nadi 53 70 83 92 4.98 5.91 6.55
467 Chitalwana Deora Deora 1489 1995 2354 2633 142 167.55 187.41
468 Chitalwana Deora Gola Bhil Ki Dhani 140 188 222 248 13.38 15.8 17.65
469 Chitalwana Deora Guro Ki Dhani 169 226 267 298 16.09 19 21.21
470 Chitalwana Deora Jakhado Ki Dhani 703 942 1112 1243 67.05 79.15 88.47
471 Chitalwana Deora Jato Ki Dhani 423 567 669 748 40.36 47.62 53.24
472 Chitalwana Deora Kalbiyo Ki Dhani 140 188 222 248 13.38 15.8 17.65
473 Chitalwana Deora Khawa Ki Dhani 282 378 446 499 26.9 31.74 35.52
474 Chitalwana Deora Meghwalo Guro Ki Dhani 351 470 555 620 33.45 39.5 44.13
459 Chitalwana Deora Megwalo Ki Dhani 185 248 293 327 17.65 20.85 23.27
476 Chitalwana Deora Naya Bass 140 188 222 248 13.38 15.8 17.65
477 Chitalwana Deora Ratara Kalbiyo Ki Dhani 197 264 312 348 18.79 22.21 24.77
478 Chitalwana Deora Ratoram Ki Dhani 165 222 262 293 15.8 18.65 20.85
121 479 Chitalwana Bagli Bagali 595 797 940 1052 56.73 66.91 74.88
480 Chitalwana Bagli Bagali Ka Golia 194 260 307 343 18.51 21.85 24.41
481 Chitalwana Bagli Bishnoiyo Ki Dhani 256 343 405 453 24.41 28.83 32.24
482 Chitalwana Bagli Kalbiya Ki Dhani 257 344 406 454 24.48 28.9 32.31
483 Chitalwana Bagli Vishnoyo Ki Dhani 128 171 202 226 12.17 14.38 16.09
122 484 Chitalwana Mooli Batala Nadi 171 229 270 302 16.3 19.22 21.5

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

485 Chitalwana Mooli Dopariya Nadi 212 283 334 374 20.14 23.77 26.62
486 Chitalwana Mooli Meghwa Kd Baiyan Ka Than 282 378 446 499 26.9 31.74 35.52
487 Chitalwana Mooli Mooli 623 834 984 1101 59.36 70.04 78.37
488 Chitalwana Mooli Rajput Kalbiya Kd 845 1132 1336 1494 80.57 95.09 106.34
489 Chitalwana Mooli Rebariya Kd Ii 72 96 113 127 6.83 8.04 9.04
490 Chitalwana Mooli Rebariyo Kd 212 285 336 376 20.29 23.92 26.76
123 491 Chitalwana Bhadoo & Goyton Ki Dh Ananiyo Kd 186 249 294 329 17.72 20.93 23.42
492 Chitalwana Bhadoo & Goyton Ki Dh Bhadi Goyaton Ki Dhani 242 324 382 428 23.06 27.19 30.46
493 Chitalwana Bhadoo & Goyton Ki Dh Bhadurno Kd 98 131 155 173 9.32 11.03 12.31
175 Chitalwana Bhadoo & Goyton Ki Dh Godaro Kd 108 144 170 190 10.25 12.1 13.52
447 Chitalwana Bhadoo & Goyton Ki Dh Janiyo Kd 148 198 234 261 14.09 16.66 18.58
496 Chitalwana Bhadoo & Goyton Ki Dh Moti Bhadu Ki Dhani 148 198 234 261 14.09 16.66 18.58
124 497 Chitalwana Gura Hema Baniyano Kd I 207 277 327 366 19.72 23.27 26.05
498 Chitalwana Gura Hema Baniyon Kd Ii 69 93 110 123 6.62 7.83 8.75
499 Chitalwana Gura Hema Bhilo &chadriyo Kd 138 185 218 244 13.17 15.52 17.37
500 Chitalwana Gura Hema Guda Hema 1306 1750 2065 2310 124.56 146.98 164.42
501 Chitalwana Gura Hema Hemaguda Palyo 246 330 389 436 23.49 27.69 31.03
448 Chitalwana Gura Hema Indra Colony 166 223 263 294 15.87 18.72 20.93
503 Chitalwana Gura Hema Madaniyokd 102 136 160 180 9.68 11.39 12.81
504 Chitalwana Gura Hema Savani Kabi Kd 201 270 319 356 19.22 22.71 25.34
505 Chitalwana Gura Hema Vidaron Kd 138 185 218 244 13.17 15.52 17.37
506 Chitalwana Gura Hema Vishnoinkd 275 369 435 487 26.26 30.96 34.66
125 507 Chitalwana Ridiya Dhora Ridiya Dhora 511 685 808 904 48.76 57.51 64.34
126 508 Chitalwana Dharnawas Bhambiyon Ki Dhani 185 248 293 327 17.65 20.85 23.27
509 Chitalwana Dharnawas Dharanawas 286 384 453 507 27.33 32.24 36.09
510 Chitalwana Dharnawas Luharon And Kumharon K Dhani 330 443 523 585 31.53 37.23 41.64
511 Chitalwana Dharnawas Sanpura 332 445 525 587 31.67 37.37 41.78
512 Chitalwana Dharnawas Sutharon Ki Dhani 222 298 352 393 21.21 25.05 27.97

127 513 Chitalwana Vamal Bhand Kd 190 255 301 337 18.15 21.42 23.99

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514 Chitalwana Vamal Vamal 761 1019 1202 1345 72.53 85.55 95.73
128 515 Chitalwana Rampura Boko Ki Dnani 50 67 79 88 4.77 5.62 6.26
516 Chitalwana Rampura Rabari & Megwalo Ka Goliya 63 85 100 112 6.05 7.12 7.97
517 Chitalwana Rampura Rampura 892 1195 1410 1577 85.06 100.36 112.25
518 Chitalwana Rampura Rebari Ki Dnani 63 85 100 112 6.05 7.12 7.97
129 519 Chitalwana Itada Bhaduu Kd 177 238 281 314 16.94 20 22.35
520 Chitalwana Itada Bheelo Ki Megwalo Kd 129 173 204 228 12.31 14.52 16.23
107 Chitalwana Itada Choudhariyo Kd 189 253 299 334 18.01 21.28 23.77
522 Chitalwana Itada Itada 661 886 1045 1170 63.06 74.38 83.28
523 Chitalwana Itada Samiyo Kd 217 291 343 384 20.71 24.41 27.33
524 Chitalwana Itada Vishnieo Kd 166 223 263 294 15.87 18.72 20.93
130 525 Chitalwana Tatra Bramanko Ki Dhani 306 411 485 543 29.25 34.52 38.65
526 Chitalwana Tatra Bramano Kd 306 411 485 543 29.25 34.52 38.65
527 Chitalwana Tatra Meghwal Kd 214 286 337 378 20.36 23.99 26.9
528 Chitalwana Tatra Tatra 433 581 686 767 41.35 48.83 54.59
131 195 Chitalwana Shakti Nagar Rabariyo Kd 176 236 278 312 16.8 19.79 22.21
132 530 Chitalwana Amba Ki Goliya Amba Ka Golia 701 939 1108 1239 66.83 78.86 88.19
156 Chitalwana Amba Ki Goliya Bhilo Kd 224 300 354 396 21.35 25.2 28.19
527 Chitalwana Amba Ki Goliya Meghwal Kd 190 255 301 337 18.15 21.42 23.99
533 Chitalwana Amba Ki Goliya Megwal & Vishnoi Kd 190 254 300 335 18.08 21.35 23.84
133 534 Chitalwana Jhab Ankhol Roads Chor Rasta 223 299 353 395 21.28 25.13 28.11
535 Chitalwana Jhab Jhab 3065 4107 4846 5421 292.32 344.92 385.85
472 Chitalwana Jhab Kalbiyo Ki Dhani 153 205 242 271 14.59 17.22 19.29
116 Chitalwana Jhab Meghwalo Kd 192 257 303 339 18.29 21.57 24.13
538 Chitalwana Jhab Megwalo Ki Dhani Ii 218 292 345 385 20.78 24.56 27.4
539 Chitalwana Jhab Rebariyo Ka Goliya 178 239 282 315 17.01 20.07 22.42
540 Chitalwana Jhab Thumba Kadhora 319 428 505 565 30.46 35.94 40.21
134 541 Chitalwana Borli Borli 163 219 258 289 15.59 18.36 20.57
542 Chitalwana Borli Gumansingh Kd 83 112 132 148 7.97 9.4 10.53
543 Chitalwana Borli Kisturpura Kd 211 282 333 372 20.07 23.7 26.48

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

544 Chitalwana Borli Man Singh Kd 110 148 175 195 10.53 12.46 13.88
300 Chitalwana Borli Nai Basti 221 297 350 392 21.14 24.91 27.9
546 Chitalwana Borli Rava Kd 99 132 156 174 9.4 11.1 12.38
135 547 Chitalwana Ankhol Aankhol 172 231 273 305 16.44 19.43 21.71
548 Chitalwana Ankhol Bhil Kd 284 380 448 502 27.05 31.89 35.73
111 Chitalwana Ankhol Purohito Kd 447 599 707 791 42.63 50.32 56.3
550 Chitalwana Ankhol Rabariyon Kd 495 664 784 876 47.26 55.8 62.35
551 Chitalwana Ankhol Rebari & Padiya Kd 211 282 333 372 20.07 23.7 26.48
552 Chitalwana Ankhol Santa Ka Dhara 298 400 472 528 28.47 33.6 37.58
553 Chitalwana Ankhol Valaniya Kd 212 284 335 375 20.21 23.84 26.69
136 554 Chitalwana Jodhawas Bhatiya Kd 284 380 448 502 27.05 31.89 35.73
555 Chitalwana Jodhawas Bhiyoniy Lala Kd 269 361 426 477 25.69 30.32 33.95
556 Chitalwana Jodhawas Jedha Vali Nadi 450 602 710 795 42.85 50.54 56.59
557 Chitalwana Jodhawas Jeejawalo Kd 599 803 948 1060 57.15 67.48 75.45
558 Chitalwana Jodhawas Jodhawas 576 772 911 1019 54.95 64.84 72.53
559 Chitalwana Jodhawas Johawas Pyoon Kd 302 404 477 533 28.76 33.95 37.94
560 Chitalwana Jodhawas Khmas Khan 269 361 426 477 25.69 30.32 33.95
561 Chitalwana Jodhawas Padiyar Kd 225 302 356 399 21.5 25.34 28.4
562 Chitalwana Jodhawas Rebariya Ka Goliya 302 405 478 535 28.83 34.02 38.08
563 Chitalwana Jodhawas Suthara & Kalbiya Kd 249 333 393 440 23.7 27.97 31.32
137 69 Chitalwana Nimbau Bhilo Ki Dhani 133 178 210 235 12.67 14.95 16.73
192 Chitalwana Nimbau Jato Kd 133 178 210 235 12.67 14.95 16.73
566 Chitalwana Nimbau Meghwal & Kalbiya Kd 397 532 628 702 37.87 44.7 49.97
527 Chitalwana Nimbau Meghwal Kd 396 531 627 701 37.79 44.63 49.89
568 Chitalwana Nimbau Nimbau 1282 1717 2026 2266 122.21 144.2 161.29
138 472 Chitalwana Vapa Kalbiyo Ki Dhani 371 497 586 656 35.37 41.71 46.69
570 Chitalwana Vapa Vapa 422 565 667 746 40.21 47.47 53.1
139 571 Chitalwana Ranodar Bhaduo Ki Dhani 82 109 129 144 7.76 9.18 10.25

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572 Chitalwana Ranodar Godaro And Daro Ki Dhani 71 96 113 127 6.83 8.04 9.04
573 Chitalwana Ranodar Jatoki Dhani 217 291 343 384 20.71 24.41 27.33
574 Chitalwana Ranodar Jodhariyon Ki Dhani 220 295 348 389 21 24.77 27.69
575 Chitalwana Ranodar Kapasiyon Ki Dhani 356 476 562 628 33.88 40 44.7
576 Chitalwana Ranodar Kheru Jani Yon Ki Dhani 149 199 235 263 14.16 16.73 18.72
577 Chitalwana Ranodar Kurado Ki Dhani 104 139 164 183 9.89 11.67 13.03
578 Chitalwana Ranodar Loloki Dhani 162 216 255 285 15.37 18.15 20.29
579 Chitalwana Ranodar Maghwal Kalbi 109 146 172 193 10.39 12.24 13.74
580 Chitalwana Ranodar Meethri Dhani 71 96 113 127 6.83 8.04 9.04
225 Chitalwana Ranodar Meghwalo Ki Dhani 209 280 330 370 19.93 23.49 26.34
582 Chitalwana Ranodar Neemda Ki Dhani 184 246 290 325 17.51 20.64 23.13
583 Chitalwana Ranodar Ranodar 817 1095 1292 1445 77.94 91.96 102.85
584 Chitalwana Ranodar Sarno Ki Dhani 146 195 230 257 13.88 16.37 18.29
585 Chitalwana Ranodar Suronihyon Ki Dhani 82 109 129 144 7.76 9.18 10.25
586 Chitalwana Ranodar Udani Arjnani 125 168 198 222 11.96 14.09 15.8
140 587 Chitalwana Amarpura Amarapura 324 434 512 573 30.89 36.44 40.78
472 Chitalwana Amarpura Kalbiyo Ki Dhani 194 260 307 343 18.51 21.85 24.41
589 Chitalwana Amarpura Rabariyo Ki Dhani 218 293 346 387 20.85 24.63 27.55
590 Chitalwana Amarpura Susharo Ki Dhani 259 347 409 458 24.7 29.11 32.6
141 591 Chitalwana Dhaneriya Bharthaniyon Ki Dhani 112 150 177 198 10.68 12.6 14.09
592 Chitalwana Dhaneriya Bherani Rabariy Dhani 114 153 181 202 10.89 12.88 14.38
593 Chitalwana Dhaneriya Chadiwa Ka Goda 127 170 201 224 12.1 14.31 15.94
594 Chitalwana Dhaneriya Dhaneriya 998 1338 1579 1766 95.23 112.39 125.7
595 Chitalwana Dhaneriya Dharawalo Suthar Ki Dhani 168 225 266 297 16.01 18.93 21.14
596 Chitalwana Dhaneriya Naglo Ki Dhani 112 150 177 198 10.68 12.6 14.09
589 Chitalwana Dhaneriya Rabariyo Ki Dhani 85 113 133 149 8.04 9.47 10.61
598 Chitalwana Dhaneriya Rajputo Ka Goliya 57 76 90 100 5.41 6.41 7.12
142 599 Chitalwana Padaradi Bhakhra Bishnoi Kd 135 181 214 239 12.88 15.23 17.01
600 Chitalwana Padaradi Dungarji Kalbiyo Ki Dhani 98 131 155 173 9.32 11.03 12.31
601 Chitalwana Padaradi Ghayalo Ki Dhani 47 63 74 83 4.48 5.27 5.91

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

602 Chitalwana Padaradi Hirani Meghwal Basti 94 125 148 165 8.9 10.53 11.74
603 Chitalwana Padaradi Jariyo Ki Dhani 110 148 175 195 10.53 12.46 13.88
604 Chitalwana Padaradi Kalbi Ki Dhani 124 167 197 220 11.89 14.02 15.66
605 Chitalwana Padaradi Loharo Ki Dhani 32 43 51 57 3.06 3.63 4.06
606 Chitalwana Padaradi Meghalo Satyo Ki Dhani 198 265 313 350 18.86 22.28 24.91
225 Chitalwana Padaradi Meghwalo Ki Dhani 124 167 197 220 11.89 14.02 15.66
608 Chitalwana Padaradi Padardi 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
609 Chitalwana Padaradi Sukharamji Godara Dhani 80 107 126 141 7.62 8.97 10.04
143 610 Chitalwana Sheraniyon Ki Dhani Sarnayo Ki Dhani 1418 1900 2242 2508 135.24 159.58 178.51
144 611 Chitalwana Siwara Bhortanio Ki Dhani 83 111 131 147 7.9 9.32 10.46
612 Chitalwana Siwara Godarot Dhani 72 96 113 127 6.83 8.04 9.04
613 Chitalwana Siwara Gurgo Ka Goliya 70 94 111 124 6.69 7.9 8.83
614 Chitalwana Siwara Guruo Ki Dhani 49 66 78 87 4.7 5.55 6.19
615 Chitalwana Siwara Isrando Ki Dhani 48 64 76 84 4.56 5.41 5.98
616 Chitalwana Siwara Jodhakji Khalkra Ki Dhani 76 101 119 133 7.19 8.47 9.47
617 Chitalwana Siwara Lakhanio Ki Dhani 69 93 110 123 6.62 7.83 8.75
618 Chitalwana Siwara Manjoo Via Maniyor Kidhani 75 100 118 132 7.12 8.4 9.4
619 Chitalwana Siwara Panwaro Ki Dhani 54 73 86 96 5.2 6.12 6.83
620 Chitalwana Siwara Prajapati Ka Goliya 90 120 142 158 8.54 10.11 11.25
589 Chitalwana Siwara Rabariyo Ki Dhani 54 73 86 96 5.2 6.12 6.83
622 Chitalwana Siwara Samrathni On Ki Dhani 70 94 111 124 6.69 7.9 8.83
623 Chitalwana Siwara Sarno & Banguro Ki Dhani 77 104 123 137 7.4 8.75 9.75
624 Chitalwana Siwara Sauki Dhani 70 94 111 124 6.69 7.9 8.83
625 Chitalwana Siwara Sawai Sarno Ki Dhani 54 73 86 96 5.2 6.12 6.83
626 Chitalwana Siwara Sivara 235 315 372 416 22.42 26.48 29.61
627 Chitalwana Siwara Suthanon Ki Dhani 70 94 111 124 6.69 7.9 8.83
628 Chitalwana Siwara Swamiyon Ki Dhani 103 138 163 182 9.82 11.6 12.95
145 629 Jalor Akoli Aakoli (j.) 1991 2668 3148 3522 189.9 224.06 250.68
630 Jalor Akoli Baldiyali Dhani 61 82 97 108 5.84 6.9 7.69
146 631 Chitalwana Khirodi Bheelo Ki Dhani 188 251 296 331 17.87 21.07 23.56

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

632 Chitalwana Khirodi Bishnoi Ki Dhani 247 331 391 437 23.56 27.83 31.1
633 Chitalwana Khirodi Khirodi 2313 3100 3658 4092 220.65 260.36 291.25
634 Chitalwana Khirodi Khirodi Ka Goliya 309 415 490 548 29.54 34.88 39
635 Chitalwana Khirodi Rajputo Ki Dhani 186 249 294 329 17.72 20.93 23.42
75 Chitalwana Khirodi Sc/st Basti 157 210 248 277 14.95 17.65 19.72
147 637 Jalor Badanwari Badanwari 2693 3608 4257 4763 256.8 303 339.01
148 638 Jalor Debawas Choudhary Ka Oran 157 210 248 277 14.95 17.65 19.72
639 Jalor Debawas Debawas 2820 3779 4459 4988 268.98 317.38 355.03
640 Jalor Debawas Dhanel Pati 140 187 221 247 13.31 15.73 17.58
641 Jalor Debawas Purohiton Ki Dhani 139 186 219 246 13.24 15.59 17.51
149 642 Jalor Bokra Bokda 1222 1637 1932 2161 116.52 137.51 153.81
643 Jalor Bokra Saragaro Ki Dhani 247 331 391 437 23.56 27.83 31.1
150 644 Jalor Dechhoo Bhomiya Ka Meghwalo 188 251 296 331 17.87 21.07 23.56
645 Jalor Dechhoo Dechhu 975 1306 1541 1724 92.96 109.68 122.71
646 Jalor Dechhoo Rayadval Ki Dhani 145 194 229 256 13.81 16.3 18.22
151 225 Jalor Sapni Meghwalo Ki Dhani 81 109 129 144 7.76 9.18 10.25
648 Jalor Sapni Sapni 158 211 249 279 15.02 17.72 19.86
152 649 Jalor Sarupura Mahadev Basti 214 286 337 378 20.36 23.99 26.9
650 Jalor Sarupura Sarupara 456 612 722 808 43.56 51.39 57.51
153 651 Jalor Deoki Devaki 980 1313 1549 1733 93.45 110.25 123.35
154 652 Jalor Hanwant Garh Hanwantgarh 290 389 459 513 27.69 32.67 36.51
155 653 Jalor Sedariya Kupawatan Ramchodji Ka Goliya 94 125 148 165 8.9 10.53 11.74
654 Jalor Sedariya Kupawatan Sedria Kupawatan 455 610 720 805 43.42 51.25 57.3
156 655 Jalor Meethri Meethari 1963 2630 3103 3472 187.19 220.86 247.12
656 Jalor Meethri Meno Ki Dhani 281 377 445 498 26.83 31.67 35.45

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

157 657 Jalor Godan Godan 2843 3809 4495 5028 271.11 319.94 357.88
658 Jalor Godan Meeno Ki Dhani 240 322 380 425 22.92 27.05 30.25
589 Jalor Godan Rabariyo Ki Dhani 166 222 262 293 15.8 18.65 20.85
158 660 Jalor Leta Leta 2586 3465 4089 4574 246.63 291.04 325.56
661 Jalor Leta Modhav Nagar 222 298 352 393 21.21 25.05 27.97
662 Jalor Leta Mohan Ji Ki Payoo 73 98 116 129 6.98 8.26 9.18
663 Jalor Leta Panchoti Ki Dhani 506 678 800 895 48.26 56.94 63.7
664 Jalor Leta Ramdeva Mandir 37 50 59 66 3.56 4.2 4.7
665 Jalor Leta Sagtali Ki Dhani 73 97 114 128 6.9 8.11 9.11
159 69 Jalor Ratanpura Bhilo Ki Dhani 69 92 109 121 6.55 7.76 8.61
667 Jalor Ratanpura Ratanpura 426 571 674 754 40.64 47.97 53.67
160 668 Jalor Odwara Bhawrani Fata 165 220 260 290 15.66 18.51 20.64
669 Jalor Odwara Choudhriyoon Ka Orn 130 175 207 231 12.46 14.73 16.44
670 Jalor Odwara Debawas Pata 134 180 212 238 12.81 15.09 16.94
671 Jalor Odwara Mahadeo Mandir 112 151 178 199 10.75 12.67 14.16
672 Jalor Odwara Odwara 1515 2030 2395 2680 144.49 170.47 190.75
673 Jalor Odwara Purohitoon Ka Goliya 112 151 178 199 10.75 12.67 14.16
161 21 Jalor Panwa Bheel Basti 137 183 216 242 13.03 15.37 17.22
675 Jalor Panwa Choudharyo Ka Goliya 150 201 237 265 14.31 16.87 18.86
676 Jalor Panwa Panva 1055 1414 1669 1866 100.64 118.79 132.82
677 Jalor Panwa Purohiton Goliya 160 215 254 284 15.3 18.08 20.21
162 678 Jalor Samooja Samuja 1812 2428 2865 3205 172.82 203.92 228.12
163 679 Jalore Bagotra Bagotra 192 257 303 339 18.29 21.57 24.13
164 680 Jalor Beechhawari Beechawari 660 884 1043 1167 62.92 74.24 83.06
681 Jalor Beechhawari Sutharon Ka Goliya 137 184 217 243 13.1 15.45 17.3

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

165 682 Jalor Sankarna Meena Ki Dhani 139 186 219 246 13.24 15.59 17.51
683 Jalor Sankarna Meghwal Ki Dhani 230 308 363 407 21.92 25.84 28.97
684 Jalor Sankarna Sankarana 3092 4143 4889 5469 294.88 347.98 389.26

166 685 Jalor Kaniwara Kaniwara 821 1100 1298 1452 78.29 92.39 103.35
167 686 Jalor Oon Oon 2490 3336 3936 4404 237.44 280.15 313.46
330 Jalor Oon Purohito Ki Dhani 438 587 693 775 41.78 49.33 55.16
168 688 Jalor Pandgara Jetaji Ki Dhani 192 257 303 339 18.29 21.57 24.13
689 Jalor Pandgara Pandagara 886 1187 1401 1567 84.49 99.72 111.53
169 690 Jalor Rajanwari Rajanwari 348 466 550 615 33.17 39.15 43.77
170 691 Sanchore Bhadroona Balvani Nadi 266 357 421 471 25.41 29.97 33.52
692 Sanchore Bhadroona Bhadruna 1005 1347 1589 1778 95.87 113.1 126.55
693 Sanchore Bhadroona Bhagwana Ki Dhani 182 244 288 322 17.37 20.5 22.92
694 Sanchore Bhadroona Bhilo Ki Dhani I 242 325 384 429 23.13 27.33 30.53
96 Sanchore Bhadroona Bhilo Ki Dhani Ii 221 295 348 389 21 24.77 27.69
696 Sanchore Bhadroona Gochara Nada 254 340 401 449 24.2 28.54 31.96
697 Sanchore Bhadroona Gochari Nadi 242 325 384 429 23.13 27.33 30.53
698 Sanchore Bhadroona Jeru Pa Ki Dhani 244 327 386 432 23.27 27.47 30.75
699 Sanchore Bhadroona Jojadi Nadi 242 325 384 429 23.13 27.33 30.53
700 Sanchore Bhadroona Jojardi Nadi 242 324 382 428 23.06 27.19 30.46
701 Sanchore Bhadroona Kola Ki Dhani 182 244 288 322 17.37 20.5 22.92
702 Sanchore Bhadroona Kumbaro Ki Dhani 242 325 384 429 23.13 27.33 30.53
703 Sanchore Bhadroona Poonma Ki Dhani 321 430 507 568 30.61 36.09 40.43
12 Sanchore Bhadroona Rebariyo Ki Dhani 208 278 328 367 19.79 23.35 26.12
171 705 Sayla Anwloj Aanwloj 1720 2304 2719 3041 163.99 193.53 216.45
706 Sayla Anwloj Mabawal Bera 309 415 490 548 29.54 34.88 39
707 Sayla Anwloj Mundeshwar Mandir Basti 795 1065 1257 1406 75.8 89.47 100.07
172 708 Sayla Thalunda Anwloz Thalunda 481 645 761 851 45.91 54.17 60.57

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

709 Sayla Thalunda Thalunda 527 706 833 932 50.25 59.29 66.34
710 Sayla Thalunda Virmani Nadi Basti 149 199 235 263 14.16 16.73 18.72

173 711 Sayla Asana Amar Singh K.d 310 415 490 548 29.54 34.88 39
712 Sayla Asana Asana 1541 2064 2436 2724 146.91 173.39 193.88
713 Sayla Asana Bera Dedawa 434 581 686 767 41.35 48.83 54.59
714 Sayla Asana Chalar Basti 219 294 347 388 20.93 24.7 27.62
715 Sayla Asana Gudariya Bera Basti 130 174 205 230 12.38 14.59 16.37
716 Sayla Asana Hariyali 143 192 227 253 13.67 16.16 18.01
717 Sayla Asana Maliyon Ki Wari 802 1075 1269 1419 76.51 90.32 101
718 Sayla Asana Mirasi Meghwal Basti 171 230 271 304 16.37 19.29 21.64
719 Sayla Asana Nimbari Megh Basti 247 331 391 437 23.56 27.83 31.1
720 Sayla Asana Ramdeo Ji Basti 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
721 Sayla Asana Sadli 143 192 227 253 13.67 16.16 18.01
174 722 Sayla Borwara Balar Nadi 448 600 708 792 42.71 50.39 56.37
723 Sayla Borwara Borawada 880 1179 1391 1556 83.92 99.01 110.75
724 Sayla Borwara Borwara Vadlidhanta 168 225 266 297 16.01 18.93 21.14
725 Sayla Borwara Chandmata Mandir 79 106 125 140 7.54 8.9 9.96
726 Sayla Borwara Chaudhari Basti 65 87 103 115 6.19 7.33 8.19
727 Sayla Borwara Pantheri Marg 102 137 162 181 9.75 11.53 12.88
728 Sayla Borwara Raja Choudhari Ki Dhani 142 190 224 251 13.52 15.94 17.87
729 Sayla Borwara Salera Nadi 135 181 214 239 12.88 15.23 17.01
730 Sayla Borwara Shitalamata Mandir 103 138 163 182 9.82 11.6 12.95
175 731 Sayla Alasan Aalasan 2550 3417 4032 4510 243.21 286.98 321.01
732 Sayla Alasan Choudhariyon Ki Dhani 145 194 229 256 13.81 16.3 18.22
401 Sayla Alasan Dabli Nadi 121 162 191 214 11.53 13.59 15.23
734 Sayla Alasan Dhandlal Nadi 426 571 674 754 40.64 47.97 53.67
735 Sayla Alasan Pagtala Dhora 285 382 451 504 27.19 32.1 35.87
736 Sayla Alasan Reshma Ki Dhani 252 338 399 446 24.06 28.4 31.74

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

176 737 Sayla Katarasan Katarasan 523 700 826 924 49.82 58.79 65.77
738 Sayla Katarasan Nagaji 232 310 366 409 22.06 26.05 29.11
739 Sayla Katarasan Rebariyon Ka Goliya 445 596 703 787 42.42 50.04 56.02
177 740 Sayla Alwara Aalwara 1136 1523 1797 2010 108.4 127.9 143.06
69 Sayla Alwara Bhilo Ki Dhani 136 183 216 242 13.03 15.37 17.22
742 Sayla Alwara Lad Ki Nadi 420 563 664 743 40.07 47.26 52.88
225 Sayla Alwara Meghwalo Ki Dhani 204 273 322 360 19.43 22.92 25.62
744 Sayla Alwara Vajjar Nadi 435 583 688 770 41.5 48.97 54.81
178 745 Sayla Khetlawas Bhilo/meghwalo Ki Dhani 269 360 425 475 25.62 30.25 33.81
746 Sayla Khetlawas Goga Ji Than Ki Dhani 459 615 726 812 43.77 51.67 57.8
747 Sayla Khetlawas Kakadi Nadi 419 561 662 741 39.93 47.12 52.74
748 Sayla Khetlawas Khetalawas 1190 1595 1882 2105 113.53 133.95 149.83
749 Sayla Khetlawas Lalukhan Ki Dhani 129 173 204 228 12.31 14.52 16.23
750 Sayla Khetlawas Near Ajar Nadi 198 265 313 350 18.86 22.28 24.91
179 751 Sayla Balwara Balwara 4028 5397 6368 7124 384.14 453.25 507.06
752 Sayla Balwara Balwara Fanta 148 198 234 261 14.09 16.66 18.58
753 Sayla Balwara Balwara Raithal Marg 229 307 362 405 21.85 25.77 28.83
754 Sayla Balwara Balwara-basan Marg 124 167 197 220 11.89 14.02 15.66
755 Sayla Balwara Balwara-bishangarh Marg 284 380 448 502 27.05 31.89 35.73
21 Sayla Balwara Bheel Basti 154 206 243 272 14.66 17.3 19.36
757 Sayla Balwara Ranwdi Basti 239 320 378 422 22.78 26.9 30.04
180 758 Sayla Basan Basan 613 822 970 1085 58.51 69.04 77.23
759 Sayla Basan Basan-anwloz Marg 289 387 457 511 27.55 32.53 36.37
760 Sayla Basan Dharwshwar Mandir Basti 205 274 323 362 19.5 22.99 25.77
181 761 Sayla Babtara Akle Khan Ka Bera 452 606 715 800 43.13 50.89 56.94
762 Sayla Babtara Babtara 2271 3043 3591 4017 216.59 255.59 285.92
763 Sayla Babtara Batha Bera 300 402 474 531 28.61 33.74 37.79
764 Sayla Babtara Buti Nadi 488 654 772 863 46.55 54.95 61.43

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

765 Sayla Babtara Dedwalonki Dhani 150 202 238 267 14.38 16.94 19
766 Sayla Babtara Doli 160 215 254 284 15.3 18.08 20.21
767 Sayla Babtara Gopal Nade (taliyana) 167 223 263 294 15.87 18.72 20.93
768 Sayla Babtara Gopal Nadi 443 594 701 784 42.28 49.89 55.8
769 Sayla Babtara Jabranada 289 387 457 511 27.55 32.53 36.37
770 Sayla Babtara Katha Nadi 456 611 721 807 43.49 51.32 57.44
771 Sayla Babtara Kekara Nadi 452 606 715 800 43.13 50.89 56.94
772 Sayla Babtara Pauka Khejara 456 611 721 807 43.49 51.32 57.44
773 Sayla Babtara Purohitan Ki Dhani 414 555 655 733 39.5 46.62 52.17
774 Sayla Babtara Raila Nada 451 605 714 799 43.06 50.82 56.87
775 Sayla Babtara Rajori Nada 338 453 535 598 32.24 38.08 42.56
776 Sayla Babtara Shakti Dh Dhora 300 402 474 531 28.61 33.74 37.79
777 Sayla Babtara Sutharaon Ki Dhani 462 619 730 817 44.06 51.96 58.15
182 778 Sayla Mokni Khera Bhansari Piay 176 236 278 312 16.8 19.79 22.21
779 Sayla Mokni Khera Durag Singh Ki Dhani 317 424 500 560 30.18 35.59 39.86
780 Sayla Mokni Khera Mamaji Ka Oran 310 416 491 549 29.61 34.95 39.08
781 Sayla Mokni Khera Mokhni Khera 809 1083 1278 1430 77.08 90.96 101.78
782 Sayla Mokni Khera Rabari Bhmbi Basti 88 118 139 156 8.4 9.89 11.1
777 Sayla Mokni Khera Sutharaon Ki Dhani 144 193 228 255 13.74 16.23 18.15
183 784 Sayla Bhundwa Amritya Bera 190 255 301 337 18.15 21.42 23.99
785 Sayla Bhundwa Bhala Jawana Choudhary Ki Dhani 383 513 605 677 36.51 43.06 48.19
69 Sayla Bhundwa Bhilo Ki Dhani 205 274 323 362 19.5 22.99 25.77
787 Sayla Bhundwa Bhoondwa 930 1247 1471 1646 88.76 104.7 117.16
788 Sayla Bhundwa Bhur Singh/son Singh Ki Dhani 254 340 401 449 24.2 28.54 31.96
789 Sayla Bhundwa Mandir Ke Pass Ki Dhani 316 423 499 558 30.11 35.52 39.72
790 Sayla Bhundwa Nadi Ke Pass Ki Dhani 253 339 400 447 24.13 28.47 31.82
791 Sayla Bhundwa Ram Singh Ki Dhani 254 340 401 449 24.2 28.54 31.96
792 Sayla Bhundwa Rupeshwar Mandir Ki Dhani 463 620 732 818 44.13 52.1 58.22
184 69 Sayla Punawas Bhilo Ki Dhani 205 275 325 363 19.57 23.13 25.84
794 Sayla Punawas Fatedan Ki Dhani 128 171 202 226 12.17 14.38 16.09

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

795 Sayla Punawas Mana Ki Dhani 266 356 420 470 25.34 29.89 33.45
796 Sayla Punawas Punawas 272 365 431 482 25.98 30.68 34.31
797 Sayla Punawas Punawas Bhundwa Marg 141 190 224 251 13.52 15.94 17.87
798 Sayla Punawas Surana Punawas Marg 192 258 304 341 18.36 21.64 24.27
799 Sayla Punawas Tara Ram Bhil Ki Dhani 128 171 202 226 12.17 14.38 16.09
185 800 Sayla Bishangarh Balawara Phanta 351 470 555 620 33.45 39.5 44.13
801 Sayla Bishangarh Bishangarh 2809 3764 4442 4968 267.91 316.17 353.6
802 Sayla Bishangarh Choudhariyoon Ka Goliya 213 285 336 376 20.29 23.92 26.76
803 Sayla Bishangarh Ramdew Mandir Balwara Road 234 313 369 413 22.28 26.26 29.4
804 Sayla Bishangarh Samshangth Balwara Road 116 156 184 206 11.1 13.1 14.66
805 Sayla Bishangarh Sati Mata Than Debawas Road 351 470 555 620 33.45 39.5 44.13
186 21 Sayla Mudi Bheel Basti 156 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
732 Sayla Mudi Choudhariyon Ki Dhani 170 228 269 301 16.23 19.15 21.42
808 Sayla Mudi Moodi 1085 1454 1716 1919 103.49 122.14 136.59
809 Sayla Mudi Rebariyon Ki Dhani 246 329 388 434 23.42 27.62 30.89
187 810 Jalor Sardargarh Sardagarh 2207 2957 3489 3903 210.47 248.33 277.8
188 811 Sayla Chonchawan Chanchwa 1978 2650 3127 3498 188.62 222.57 248.98
189 812 Sayla Khari Bhicharo Ki Dhani 334 448 529 591 31.89 37.65 42.07
813 Sayla Khari Jinjani Nadi 208 279 329 368 19.86 23.42 26.19
814 Sayla Khari Khari 1110 1487 1755 1963 105.84 124.91 139.72
815 Sayla Khari Phakon Ki Dhani 170 228 269 301 16.23 19.15 21.42
290 Sayla Khari Sutharo Ki Dhani 169 227 268 300 16.16 19.08 21.35
190 817 Sayla Dabli Bhikharam Jat Ki Dhani 14 19 22 25 1.35 1.57 1.78
818 Sayla Dabli Dablee 1705 2284 2695 3015 162.57 191.82 214.6
819 Sayla Dabli Naina Ram Jakhad Ki Dhani 38 51 60 67 3.63 4.27 4.77
191 820 Sayla Sirana Anantpura Ki Dhani 103 138 163 182 9.82 11.6 12.95
821 Sayla Sirana Bhakro Ki Dhani 166 222 262 293 15.8 18.65 20.85

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822 Sayla Sirana Captan Sahib Ki Dhani 106 142 168 187 10.11 11.96 13.31
823 Sayla Sirana Chhoti Dabli 172 231 273 305 16.44 19.43 21.71
824 Sayla Sirana Dhadiyo Ki Dhani 134 180 212 238 12.81 15.09 16.94
825 Sayla Sirana Durga Bhil Ki Dhani 145 194 229 256 13.81 16.3 18.22
826 Sayla Sirana Fafariyon Ki Dhani 195 261 308 345 18.58 21.92 24.56
827 Sayla Sirana Ganglo Ki Dhani 119 159 188 210 11.32 13.38 14.95
828 Sayla Sirana Gila Kumhar Ki Dhani 95 128 151 169 9.11 10.75 12.03
829 Sayla Sirana Harji Bhil Ki Dhani 192 257 303 339 18.29 21.57 24.13
830 Sayla Sirana Jawara Bhil Ki Dhani 191 256 302 338 18.22 21.5 24.06
831 Sayla Sirana Khamdiwalon Ki Dhani 237 318 375 420 22.63 26.69 29.89
832 Sayla Sirana Meghwalo K.d. Iii 113 152 179 201 10.82 12.74 14.31
225 Sayla Sirana Meghwalo Ki Dhani 150 201 237 265 14.31 16.87 18.86
834 Sayla Sirana Meghwalo Ki Dhani Ii 96 129 152 170 9.18 10.82 12.1
835 Sayla Sirana Menuon Ki Dhani 116 155 183 205 11.03 13.03 14.59
836 Sayla Sirana Nagnachiya Ki Dhani 144 193 228 255 13.74 16.23 18.15
330 Sayla Sirana Purohito Ki Dhani 96 129 152 170 9.18 10.82 12.1
838 Sayla Sirana Ramju Khan Ki Dhani 186 249 294 329 17.72 20.93 23.42
839 Sayla Sirana Rawta Guru Ki Dhani 123 165 195 218 11.74 13.88 15.52
840 Sayla Sirana Ropadiuo Ki Dhani 134 179 211 236 12.74 15.02 16.8
841 Sayla Sirana Sirana 2929 3924 4630 5180 279.3 329.55 368.69
842 Sayla Sirana Siyagon Ki Dhani 166 222 262 293 15.8 18.65 20.85
192 843 Sayla Sajanpura Sajjanpura 1231 1649 1946 2177 117.37 138.51 154.95
193 844 Sayla Dadal Dadal 4136 5541 6538 7314 394.39 465.35 520.58
845 Sayla Dadal Dadal Fanta 261 350 413 462 24.91 29.4 32.88
846 Sayla Dadal Luharo Ki Dhani 295 396 467 523 28.19 33.24 37.23
847 Sayla Dadal Meghwalo Ka Goliya 327 438 517 578 31.18 36.8 41.14
225 Sayla Dadal Meghwalo Ki Dhani 263 352 415 465 25.05 29.54 33.1
849 Sayla Dadal Panchinadi & Mandir Ki Dhani 522 699 825 923 49.75 58.72 65.7
850 Sayla Dadal Thakur Ji Ka Than 153 206 243 272 14.66 17.3 19.36
194 851 Sayla Dangara Dangara 1649 2209 2607 2916 157.23 185.56 207.55

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

852 Sayla Dangara Dangara Pata Abadi 540 723 853 954 51.46 60.71 67.9
853 Sayla Dangara Dangra Keshwana Marg 296 397 468 524 28.26 33.31 37.3
854 Sayla Dangara Dangra Mandawla Marg 138 185 218 244 13.17 15.52 17.37
195 855 Sayla Nimblana Choudhriyon Ka Was 164 220 260 290 15.66 18.51 20.64
856 Sayla Nimblana Meghwalon Ka Vas 147 197 232 260 14.02 16.51 18.51
857 Sayla Nimblana Nimblana 1428 1913 2257 2525 136.16 160.65 179.72
858 Sayla Nimblana Nimblana Fanta 341 456 538 602 32.46 38.29 42.85
859 Sayla Nimblana Nimblana Telwara Marg 264 354 418 467 25.2 29.75 33.24
860 Sayla Nimblana Rebariyon Ka Vas 148 198 234 261 14.09 16.66 18.58
196 861 Sayla Ratunja Ratuja Mandawla Marg 197 264 312 348 18.79 22.21 24.77
862 Sayla Ratunja Ratunja 836 1121 1323 1480 79.79 94.17 105.34
197 863 Sayla Deta Kalan Detakalan 1529 2049 2418 2705 145.84 172.1 192.53
864 Sayla Deta Kalan Kotwal Megwal Basti 101 136 160 180 9.68 11.39 12.81
865 Sayla Deta Kalan Kumaraon Ki Dhani 227 304 359 401 21.64 25.55 28.54
866 Sayla Deta Kalan Magron Ka Bera 178 238 281 314 16.94 20 22.35
867 Sayla Deta Kalan Menglawa Sarhad 136 183 216 242 13.03 15.37 17.22
868 Sayla Deta Kalan Rohinwara Sarhad 136 183 216 242 13.03 15.37 17.22
869 Sayla Deta Kalan Velaji Ki Dhani 339 454 536 599 32.31 38.15 42.63
198 870 Sayla Deta Khurd Detakhurd 1102 1476 1742 1948 105.06 123.99 138.65
871 Sayla Deta Khurd Ghanchiyon Ki Dhani 153 205 242 271 14.59 17.22 19.29
872 Sayla Deta Khurd Kolar Area 305 409 483 540 29.11 34.38 38.44
866 Sayla Deta Khurd Magron Ka Bera 171 230 271 304 16.37 19.29 21.64
199 874 Sayla Dahiva Arjun Singh Ki Dhani 228 305 360 403 21.71 25.62 28.68
875 Sayla Dahiva Dahiwa 270 361 426 477 25.69 30.32 33.95
876 Sayla Dahiva Dahiwa Ki Dhani 143 192 227 253 13.67 16.16 18.01
877 Sayla Dahiva Hukiyo Ki Dhani 215 288 340 380 20.5 24.2 27.05
770 Sayla Dahiva Katha Nadi 249 333 393 440 23.7 27.97 31.32
879 Sayla Dahiva Kerli Nadi 215 288 340 380 20.5 24.2 27.05

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

330 Sayla Dahiva Purohito Ki Dhani 194 259 306 342 18.43 21.78 24.34
881 Sayla Dahiva Talasa Purohit Ki Dhani 215 288 340 380 20.5 24.2 27.05
882 Sayla Dahiva Towards Sindhiyo Ki Dhani 143 192 227 253 13.67 16.16 18.01
200 883 Sayla Jeeyana Bhawaru Khan Ki Dhani 233 312 368 412 22.21 26.19 29.32
884 Sayla Jeeyana Chand Khan Ki Dhani 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
885 Sayla Jeeyana Dhela Bera 80 107 126 141 7.62 8.97 10.04
886 Sayla Jeeyana Dhokal Nadi 170 228 269 301 16.23 19.15 21.42
887 Sayla Jeeyana Dhokal School Abadi 158 212 250 280 15.09 17.79 19.93
888 Sayla Jeeyana Jeevana 2162 2896 3417 3823 206.13 243.21 272.11
889 Sayla Jeeyana Jogmaya Ke Pass Ki Dhani 240 322 380 425 22.92 27.05 30.25
846 Sayla Jeeyana Luharo Ki Dhani 118 159 188 210 11.32 13.38 14.95
891 Sayla Jeeyana Meghwalo Bhilo Ki Dhani 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
892 Sayla Jeeyana Motu Ki Dhani 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
66 Sayla Jeeyana Rebario Ki Dhani 170 227 268 300 16.16 19.08 21.35
894 Sayla Jeeyana Sawamiyo Ki Dhani 155 208 245 275 14.8 17.44 19.57
384 Sayla Jeeyana Sindhiyo Ki Dhani 235 315 372 416 22.42 26.48 29.61
201 896 Sayla Jalampura Antiya Nada 183 245 289 323 17.44 20.57 22.99
897 Sayla Jalampura Chhapriya Nadi 122 163 192 215 11.6 13.67 15.3
898 Sayla Jalampura Dhani School 338 453 535 598 32.24 38.08 42.56
899 Sayla Jalampura Dundla Nada 180 241 284 318 17.15 20.21 22.63
900 Sayla Jalampura Ganesh Nathji Ki Samadi 206 276 326 364 19.64 23.2 25.91
901 Sayla Jalampura Jalampur 1069 1432 1690 1890 101.92 120.29 134.52
902 Sayla Jalampura Sedriya Nada 242 325 384 429 23.13 27.33 30.53
903 Sayla Jalampura Sipayon Ki Dhani 386 517 610 682 36.8 43.42 48.54
904 Sayla Jalampura Varlinadi 122 163 192 215 11.6 13.67 15.3
202 905 Sayla Keshwana Bhanduria Dhani 153 205 242 271 14.59 17.22 19.29
906 Sayla Keshwana Keshawana 3963 5310 6266 7009 377.95 445.99 498.88
907 Sayla Keshwana Maliyon Ki Dhani 119 160 189 211 11.39 13.45 15.02
908 Sayla Keshwana Rabariyon Ki Dhani 1303 1745 2059 2303 124.2 146.55 163.92
909 Sayla Keshwana Ralpa Dhani 130 174 205 230 12.38 14.59 16.37

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

203 910 Sayla Komta Bera Dudhawa 486 652 769 861 46.41 54.73 61.28
911 Sayla Komta Dabli Area 386 518 611 684 36.87 43.49 48.68
912 Sayla Komta Dedawa Area 195 261 308 345 18.58 21.92 24.56
913 Sayla Komta Gogunda Area 386 517 610 682 36.8 43.42 48.54
914 Sayla Komta Kaltar Area 512 686 809 906 48.83 57.58 64.49
915 Sayla Komta Komta 2210 2962 3495 3910 210.82 248.76 278.3
916 Sayla Komta Madakwana Ki Dhani 257 345 407 455 24.56 28.97 32.39
917 Sayla Komta Punrau Ki Dhani 898 1203 1420 1588 85.63 101.07 113.03
918 Sayla Komta Sayar Area 194 260 307 343 18.51 21.85 24.41
204 919 Sayla Punrau Bhilon Ki Dhani 128 171 202 226 12.17 14.38 16.09
920 Sayla Punrau Goglo Ki Dhani 93 124 146 164 8.83 10.39 11.67
921 Sayla Punrau Jabara Nadi 123 165 195 218 11.74 13.88 15.52
922 Sayla Punrau Lunara Nada 51 68 80 90 4.84 5.69 6.41
923 Sayla Punrau Punrau 705 945 1115 1247 67.26 79.36 88.76
924 Sayla Punrau Sagowala Area 187 250 295 330 17.79 21 23.49
205 925 Sayla Mandwala Jhuni Bheel Basti 525 703 830 928 50.04 59.08 66.05
926 Sayla Mandwala Mandawala 4478 5999 7079 7919 426.99 503.86 563.65
927 Sayla Mandwala Mandawala Sayla Marg 274 367 433 484 26.12 30.82 34.45
928 Sayla Mandwala Mandawla Balwara Marg 479 642 758 847 45.7 53.95 60.29
929 Sayla Mandwala Mandawla Bishangarh Marg 549 736 868 972 52.39 61.78 69.18
930 Sayla Mandwala Mandawla Dangra Marg 233 312 368 412 22.21 26.19 29.32
931 Sayla Mandwala Mandawla Thikhi Marg 212 284 335 375 20.21 23.84 26.69
932 Sayla Mandwala Nimblana Ki Dhani 274 367 433 484 26.12 30.82 34.45
206 933 Sayla Mengalwa Baori Mandir Ki Dhani 239 320 378 422 22.78 26.9 30.04
69 Sayla Mengalwa Bhilo Ki Dhani 96 128 151 169 9.11 10.75 12.03
935 Sayla Mengalwa Chhagana Purohit Kd 178 239 282 315 17.01 20.07 22.42
936 Sayla Mengalwa Dhibra Bas Ji Ki Dhani 179 240 283 317 17.08 20.14 22.56
937 Sayla Mengalwa Harizano Kd 250 335 395 442 23.84 28.11 31.46
938 Sayla Mengalwa Kushal Singh Ka Bera 120 160 189 211 11.39 13.45 15.02

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

939 Sayla Mengalwa Lachharam Meghwal Kd 107 143 169 189 10.18 12.03 13.45
940 Sayla Mengalwa Ladu Singh Ki Dhani 178 239 282 315 17.01 20.07 22.42
941 Sayla Mengalwa Lakh Singh Ki Dhani 178 239 282 315 17.01 20.07 22.42
942 Sayla Mengalwa Maliyo Ki Dhani 185 248 293 327 17.65 20.85 23.27
225 Sayla Mengalwa Meghwalo Ki Dhani 367 491 579 648 34.95 41.21 46.12
944 Sayla Mengalwa Meghwalo Ki Dhani I 121 163 192 215 11.6 13.67 15.3
945 Sayla Mengalwa Mengalwa 1640 2197 2592 2900 156.37 184.49 206.41
946 Sayla Mengalwa Pipaliya Dhani 121 163 192 215 11.6 13.67 15.3
12 Sayla Mengalwa Rebariyo Ki Dhani 214 287 339 379 20.43 24.13 26.98
948 Sayla Mengalwa Tara Ram Bhil Kd 178 239 282 315 17.01 20.07 22.42
207 949 Sayla Narsana Choudharyon Ka Goliya 184 246 290 325 17.51 20.64 23.13
950 Sayla Narsana Narasana 2009 2692 3177 3553 191.61 226.13 252.89
208 951 Sayla Otwala Otawala Sayla Marg 260 348 411 459 24.77 29.25 32.67
952 Sayla Otwala Otwala 3784 5069 5981 6691 360.79 425.71 476.24
809 Sayla Otwala Rebariyon Ki Dhani 223 299 353 395 21.28 25.13 28.11
209 954 Sayla Patheri Atharawia Ki Dhani 390 522 616 689 37.15 43.84 49.04
955 Sayla Patheri Chensingh Ki Dhani 205 274 323 362 19.5 22.99 25.77
956 Sayla Patheri Devar Nadi 337 451 532 595 32.1 37.87 42.35
957 Sayla Patheri Dhangaro Ki Dhani 272 364 430 480 25.91 30.61 34.16
958 Sayla Patheri Jasdot Ki Dhani 253 339 400 447 24.13 28.47 31.82
959 Sayla Patheri Jawana Ki Dhani 170 228 269 301 16.23 19.15 21.42
960 Sayla Patheri Jojarlai Nadi 213 285 336 376 20.29 23.92 26.76
961 Sayla Patheri Kevada Ki Dhani 257 345 407 455 24.56 28.97 32.39
940 Sayla Patheri Ladu Singh Ki Dhani 423 567 669 748 40.36 47.62 53.24
963 Sayla Patheri Laxman Singh Ki Dhani 203 272 321 359 19.36 22.85 25.55
964 Sayla Patheri Maghwalo Ki Dhani 455 610 720 805 43.42 51.25 57.3
965 Sayla Patheri Muthon Ki Dhani 175 235 277 310 16.73 19.72 22.06
966 Sayla Patheri Pantheri 2098 2811 3317 3711 200.08 236.09 264.14

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

967 Sayla Patheri Surata Uka Ki Dhani 289 387 457 511 27.55 32.53 36.37
968 Sayla Patheri Vagta Ki Dhani 506 679 801 896 48.33 57.01 63.77
210 969 Sayla Posana Benada 303 406 479 536 28.9 34.09 38.15
970 Sayla Posana Bera Dhoro Wala 361 484 571 639 34.45 40.64 45.48
971 Sayla Posana Bomadas Abadi 482 646 762 853 45.98 54.24 60.71
972 Sayla Posana Dodap Nada 494 662 781 874 47.12 55.59 62.21
973 Sayla Posana Golhar Kolar 363 486 573 642 34.59 40.78 45.7
974 Sayla Posana Posana 2779 3724 4394 4916 265.06 312.75 349.9
211 975 Sayla Rohinwara Pakki Sadak Abadi 179 240 283 317 17.08 20.14 22.56
976 Sayla Rohinwara Rohinwara 949 1271 1500 1678 90.47 106.76 119.43
977 Sayla Rohinwara Rohinwara Fanta 241 324 382 428 23.06 27.19 30.46
212 919 Sayla Rewatra Bhilon Ki Dhani 245 328 387 433 23.35 27.55 30.82
979 Sayla Rewatra Jalandhar Nath Basti 247 331 391 437 23.56 27.83 31.1
980 Sayla Rewatra Leelawala Bera Basti 375 503 594 664 35.8 42.28 47.26
809 Sayla Rewatra Rebariyon Ki Dhani 212 284 335 375 20.21 23.84 26.69
982 Sayla Rewatra Reotra 5548 7434 8772 9813 529.13 624.36 698.45

213 21 Sayla Sanphara Bheel Basti 219 293 346 387 20.85 24.63 27.55
984 Sayla Sanphara Bheel Bhasti 153 205 242 271 14.59 17.22 19.29
225 Sayla Sanphara Meghwalo Ki Dhani 113 152 179 201 10.82 12.74 14.31
986 Sayla Sanphara Safada 3299 4420 5216 5834 314.6 371.26 415.24
214 987 Sayla Sangana Aroun Borli Nadi Ki Dhani 1382 1852 2185 2445 131.82 155.52 174.03
988 Sayla Sangana Bhikh Singh Ki Dhani 210 282 333 372 20.07 23.7 26.48
989 Sayla Sangana Bhiyen Khan Ki Dhani 210 282 333 372 20.07 23.7 26.48
990 Sayla Sangana Daheewa Ke Tarf Ki Dhani 182 244 288 322 17.37 20.5 22.92
991 Sayla Sangana Haji Khan Hakim Ki Dhani 587 787 929 1039 56.02 66.12 73.95
992 Sayla Sangana Jhujhar Singh Ki Dhani 197 264 312 348 18.79 22.21 24.77
993 Sayla Sangana Jive Khan Adarim Ki Dhani 170 228 269 301 16.23 19.15 21.42

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

994 Sayla Sangana Jive Khan Khanu Ki Dhani 197 264 312 348 18.79 22.21 24.77
995 Sayla Sangana Muse Khan Ki Dhani 280 375 443 495 26.69 31.53 35.23
996 Sayla Sangana Nazir Khan Ki Dhani 155 207 244 273 14.73 17.37 19.43
997 Sayla Sangana Sangana 1488 1994 2353 2632 141.93 167.48 187.34
998 Sayla Sangana Sankar Khan Ibram Ki Dhani 418 560 661 739 39.86 47.05 52.6
999 Sayla Sangana Talsa Kuba Ji Ki Dhani 182 244 288 322 17.37 20.5 22.92
1000 Sayla Sangana Teyab Khan Ki Dhani 233 312 368 412 22.21 26.19 29.32
215 1001 Sayla Sayla Ada Marg 381 511 603 675 36.37 42.92 48.04
969 Sayla Sayla Benada 265 355 419 469 25.27 29.82 33.38
910 Sayla Sayla Bera Dudhawa 345 463 546 611 32.95 38.86 43.49
1004 Sayla Sayla Digiyali 260 348 411 459 24.77 29.25 32.67
1005 Sayla Sayla Gurauo Ki Kejari 265 356 420 470 25.34 29.89 33.45
747 Sayla Sayla Kakadi Nadi 375 503 594 664 35.8 42.28 47.26
1007 Sayla Sayla Kherala Dhora Ada Marg 395 529 624 698 37.65 44.41 49.68
1008 Sayla Sayla Kumariyo Bera 492 659 778 870 46.91 55.38 61.92
1009 Sayla Sayla Lotiya 419 562 663 742 40 47.19 52.81
1010 Sayla Sayla Magsa Ki Dhani 253 339 400 447 24.13 28.47 31.82
1011 Sayla Sayla Maliyo Ki Abadi 995 1333 1573 1760 94.88 111.96 125.27
1012 Sayla Sayla Meghwal Dhora Kagsi Marg 483 647 763 854 46.05 54.31 60.78
1013 Sayla Sayla Mota Khetar 309 414 489 546 29.47 34.81 38.86
1014 Sayla Sayla Petrol Pump Ki Dhani 371 498 588 657 35.45 41.85 46.76
1015 Sayla Sayla Purohito Ki Basti 357 478 564 631 34.02 40.14 44.91
1016 Sayla Sayla Sayla 9568 12820 15128 16922 912.48 1076.76 1204.45
1017 Sayla Sayla Veerana Sarhad 257 345 407 455 24.56 28.97 32.39
216 1018 Sayla Khera Gangawa Khera Gangawa 375 502 592 663 35.73 42.14 47.19
217 1019 Sayla Surana Amritya Dhani 252 338 399 446 24.06 28.4 31.74
1020 Sayla Surana Bagh Nada 190 254 300 335 18.08 21.35 23.84
1021 Sayla Surana Bhil Basti 567 760 897 1003 54.09 63.85 71.39
69 Sayla Surana Bhilo Ki Dhani 128 172 203 227 12.24 14.45 16.16
1023 Sayla Surana Dedlai Dhani 192 258 304 341 18.36 21.64 24.27

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898 Sayla Surana Dhani School 193 259 306 342 18.43 21.78 24.34
1025 Sayla Surana Ghamdola 128 172 203 227 12.24 14.45 16.16
1026 Sayla Surana Hadmat Singh Ki Dhani 252 338 399 446 24.06 28.4 31.74
1027 Sayla Surana Kotwalo Ki Dhani 252 338 399 446 24.06 28.4 31.74
1028 Sayla Surana Lachha Dharma Kd 190 254 300 335 18.08 21.35 23.84
225 Sayla Surana Meghwalo Ki Dhani 253 339 400 447 24.13 28.47 31.82
12 Sayla Surana Rebariyo Ki Dhani 379 508 599 671 36.16 42.63 47.76
1031 Sayla Surana Rupawati Bera 191 255 301 337 18.15 21.42 23.99
1032 Sayla Surana Surana 4971 6661 7860 8793 474.11 559.45 625.85
1033 Sayla Surana Tukariya Dhani 252 338 399 446 24.06 28.4 31.74

218 1034 Sayla Akwa Aakwa 448 600 708 792 42.71 50.39 56.37
1035 Sayla Akwa Jiyaram Kd 384 514 607 678 36.58 43.2 48.26
1036 Sayla Akwa Mansingh Kd 192 257 303 339 18.29 21.57 24.13
1037 Sayla Akwa Modki Nadi 212 284 335 375 20.21 23.84 26.69
1038 Sayla Akwa Sonaram Meghwal Kd 190 254 300 335 18.08 21.35 23.84
1039 Sayla Akwa Towards Alwara Wells 130 175 207 231 12.46 14.73 16.44
1040 Sayla Akwa Towards Jeewana Wells 146 195 230 257 13.88 16.37 18.29
1041 Sayla Akwa Towards Sindhari Wells 220 295 348 389 21 24.77 27.69
219 1042 Sayla Doodhwa Alwadake Tari Ki Dhani 186 249 294 329 17.72 20.93 23.42
1043 Sayla Doodhwa Dudhawa 855 1145 1351 1511 81.5 96.16 107.55
1044 Sayla Doodhwa Dudwa Ki Dhani 519 696 821 919 49.54 58.44 65.41
1045 Sayla Doodhwa Khetlawas Surana Marg Ki Dhani 215 288 340 380 20.5 24.2 27.05
220 1046 Sayla Taliyana Chhel Singh Kd 197 264 312 348 18.79 22.21 24.77
1047 Sayla Taliyana Choudhariyo Rebariyo Ki Dhani 227 304 359 401 21.64 25.55 28.54
1048 Sayla Taliyana Keshar Singh Kd 261 350 413 462 24.91 29.4 32.88
1049 Sayla Taliyana Mamaji Ka Mandir 259 347 409 458 24.7 29.11 32.6
1050 Sayla Taliyana Mataji Ka Oran 259 347 409 458 24.7 29.11 32.6
225 Sayla Taliyana Meghwalo Ki Dhani 391 524 618 692 37.3 43.99 49.25
1052 Sayla Taliyana Nimbli Nadi 197 264 312 348 18.79 22.21 24.77

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1053 Sayla Taliyana Sonaram Chodhary Kd 471 631 745 833 44.91 53.03 59.29
1054 Sayla Taliyana Sutharo & Meghwalo Kd 223 299 353 395 21.28 25.13 28.11
1055 Sayla Taliyana Taliyana 887 1189 1403 1569 84.63 99.86 111.68
221 21 Sayla Khanpur Bheel Basti 126 168 198 222 11.96 14.09 15.8
631 Sayla Khanpur Bheelo Ki Dhani 85 114 135 150 8.11 9.61 10.68
1058 Sayla Khanpur Khanpur 229 307 362 405 21.85 25.77 28.83
222 1059 Sayla Kolar Kolar 502 673 794 888 47.9 56.51 63.2
1060 Sayla Kolar Sayo Ki Dhani 135 181 214 239 12.88 15.23 17.01
223 1061 Sayla Chhipi Chhippee 160 214 253 282 15.23 18.01 20.07
224 21 Sayla Paharpur Bheel Basti 127 170 201 224 12.1 14.31 15.94
1063 Sayla Paharpur Paharpura 2201 2949 3480 3893 209.9 247.69 277.09
225 675 Sayla Teekhi Choudharyo Ka Goliya 177 237 280 313 16.87 19.93 22.28
1065 Sayla Teekhi Mandawla Pata 225 301 355 397 21.42 25.27 28.26
1066 Sayla Teekhi Rebariyoon Ka Goliya 156 209 247 276 14.88 17.58 19.64
1067 Sayla Teekhi Theekhi 1993 2670 3151 3524 190.04 224.28 250.83
1068 Sayla Teekhi Theeki Pata Pyaoo 200 267 315 352 19 22.42 25.05
226 1069 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Bijalaniyo Kd 98 132 156 174 9.4 11.1 12.38
23 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Harijan Basti 115 154 182 203 10.96 12.95 14.45
1071 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Khamiyaniyo Kd 184 247 291 326 17.58 20.71 23.2
1072 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Lachha Ram Kd 173 232 274 306 16.51 19.5 21.78
1073 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Lakh Singh Kd 115 154 182 203 10.96 12.95 14.45
1074 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Lumbha Ki Dhani 373 500 590 660 35.59 41.99 46.98
1075 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Miru Reshmaniyo Kd 115 154 182 203 10.96 12.95 14.45
1076 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Mubiyaniyo Kd 115 154 182 203 10.96 12.95 14.45
1077 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Musaniyo Kd 115 154 182 203 10.96 12.95 14.45
1078 Sayla Lumba Ki Dhani Sedriya Nadi 173 232 274 306 16.51 19.5 21.78

227 1079 Sayla Teja Ki Beri Bus Stand 139 186 219 246 13.24 15.59 17.51

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

1080 Sayla Teja Ki Beri Hasan Khan Kd 181 243 287 321 17.3 20.43 22.85
1081 Sayla Teja Ki Beri Nage Khan Kd 44 59 70 78 4.2 4.98 5.55
1082 Sayla Teja Ki Beri Teja Ki Beri 1966 2634 3108 3477 187.48 221.22 247.48
228 1083 Sayla Tura Aliba Kabristan 62 83 98 110 5.91 6.98 7.83
1084 Sayla Tura Aslainadi 214 287 339 379 20.43 24.13 26.98
1085 Sayla Tura Hakiya Rabari Ki Dhani 153 204 241 269 14.52 17.15 19.15
1086 Sayla Tura Kesharsingh Ki Dhani 110 148 175 195 10.53 12.46 13.88
1087 Sayla Tura Kuba Nadi 153 206 243 272 14.66 17.3 19.36
1088 Sayla Tura Lalsingh Ki Dhani 63 84 99 111 5.98 7.05 7.9
1089 Sayla Tura Rupawadi School 153 204 241 269 14.52 17.15 19.15
1090 Sayla Tura Rupawadi School(new) 184 246 290 325 17.51 20.64 23.13
1091 Sayla Tura Sonariya Bera 146 196 231 259 13.95 16.44 18.43
1092 Sayla Tura Tura 1846 2473 2918 3264 176.02 207.69 232.32
1093 Sayla Tura Veer Singh Guman Singh Ki Dhani 64 85 100 112 6.05 7.12 7.97
1094 Sayla Tura Vishvkarma Mandir 182 244 288 322 17.37 20.5 22.92
229 1095 Sayla Kuaber Kuaber 520 696 821 919 49.54 58.44 65.41
1096 Sayla Kuaber Madariya Ki Dhani 449 602 710 795 42.85 50.54 56.59
1097 Sayla Kuaber Topalsingh Ki Dhani 270 362 427 478 25.77 30.39 34.02
230 69 Sayla Unri Bhilo Ki Dhani 452 606 715 800 43.13 50.89 56.94
1099 Sayla Unri Hari Singh Ki Dhani 259 347 409 458 24.7 29.11 32.6
1100 Sayla Unri Hazi Khan Ki Dargah 259 347 409 458 24.7 29.11 32.6
1101 Sayla Unri Kotwal Basti 259 347 409 458 24.7 29.11 32.6
942 Sayla Unri Maliyo Ki Dhani 123 165 195 218 11.74 13.88 15.52
1103 Sayla Unri Raghunath Pura 773 1036 1222 1368 73.74 86.98 97.37
1104 Sayla Unri Unari 1195 1601 1889 2113 113.95 134.45 150.4
231 1105 Sayla Walera Barali Nada 461 617 728 814 43.92 51.82 57.94
1106 Sayla Walera Mataji Mandir Basti 262 352 415 465 25.05 29.54 33.1
1107 Sayla Walera Sundara Rabari 191 256 302 338 18.22 21.5 24.06

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

1108 Sayla Walera Varana Nadi 460 616 727 813 43.84 51.75 57.87
1109 Sayla Walera Walera 2516 3370 3977 4448 239.86 283.07 316.59
232 1110 Sayla Dhanani Bera Berath 199 266 314 351 18.93 22.35 24.98
1111 Sayla Dhanani Bera Takeriyo 251 336 396 444 23.92 28.19 31.6
1112 Sayla Dhanani Bera-champawatan 275 368 434 486 26.19 30.89 34.59
1113 Sayla Dhanani Dhanani 1348 1806 2131 2384 128.54 151.68 169.68
233 1114 Sayla Lodrau Harmat Singh Ki Dhani 242 324 382 428 23.06 27.19 30.46
1115 Sayla Lodrau Hoti Rabari Ki Dhani 129 173 204 228 12.31 14.52 16.23
1116 Sayla Lodrau Jabar Singh Ki Dhani 98 132 156 174 9.4 11.1 12.38
1117 Sayla Lodrau Lodrau 766 1026 1211 1354 73.03 86.19 96.37
1118 Sayla Lodrau Piraji Mali Ki Dhani 154 207 244 273 14.73 17.37 19.43
234 1119 Sayla Thalwar Amar Singh K.d. 154 207 244 273 14.73 17.37 19.43
1120 Sayla Thalwar Bera Hingotiya 196 263 310 347 18.72 22.06 24.7
1121 Sayla Thalwar Dhawa Rawala 171 229 270 302 16.3 19.22 21.5
907 Sayla Thalwar Maliyon Ki Dhani 227 304 359 401 21.64 25.55 28.54
5 Sayla Thalwar Meghwalon Ki Dhani 196 263 310 347 18.72 22.06 24.7
1124 Sayla Thalwar Moilo Ki Dhani 148 198 234 261 14.09 16.66 18.58
1125 Sayla Thalwar Nariyal Nada 221 296 349 391 21.07 24.84 27.83
791 Sayla Thalwar Ram Singh Ki Dhani 160 215 254 284 15.3 18.08 20.21
1127 Sayla Thalwar Ranchod Mali Ki Dhani 185 247 291 326 17.58 20.71 23.2
1128 Sayla Thalwar Ravli Thumbadi 185 247 291 326 17.58 20.71 23.2
1129 Sayla Thalwar Thalwar 2240 3001 3541 3961 213.6 252.04 281.93
1130 Sayla Thalwar Varniya Nada 74 100 118 132 7.12 8.4 9.4
1131 Sayla Thalwar Vera Jor 245 328 387 433 23.35 27.55 30.82
235 732 Sayla Jor Virana Choudhariyon Ki Dhani 211 283 334 374 20.14 23.77 26.62
1133 Sayla Jor Virana Jodveerana 240 322 380 425 22.92 27.05 30.25
236 1134 Sayla Virana Jogiyonks 197 264 312 348 18.79 22.21 24.77
1135 Sayla Virana Jogmataka Than 114 153 181 202 10.89 12.88 14.38

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

1136 Sayla Virana Megwal Basti 172 230 271 304 16.37 19.29 21.64
1137 Sayla Virana Nimbari Basti 206 276 326 364 19.64 23.2 25.91
1138 Sayla Virana Veerana 1758 2355 2779 3109 167.62 197.8 221.29
237 1139 Sayla Mandakwana Mandakwana 774 1037 1224 1369 73.81 87.12 97.44
238 1140 Sayla Vishala Hem Singh Ki Dhani 223 299 353 395 21.28 25.13 28.11
1141 Sayla Vishala Kana Ki Dhani 189 253 299 334 18.01 21.28 23.77
1142 Sayla Vishala Kora Vishala Piau 191 257 303 339 18.29 21.57 24.13
1143 Sayla Vishala Magra Area 317 425 502 561 30.25 35.73 39.93
1144 Sayla Vishala Mamanadi 275 369 435 487 26.26 30.96 34.66
290 Sayla Vishala Sutharo Ki Dhani 315 422 498 557 30.04 35.45 39.65
1146 Sayla Vishala Vishala 1427 1912 2256 2524 136.09 160.57 179.65
1147 Sayla Vishala Vishala Ka Goliya 315 422 498 557 30.04 35.45 39.65
239 1148 Ahore Ajeetpura Ajeetpura 877 1175 1387 1551 83.63 98.72 110.39
240 1149 Ahore Jaitpura Jaitpura 721 966 1140 1275 68.76 81.14 90.75
241 1150 Ahore Jogawa Jogawa 959 1285 1516 1696 91.46 107.9 120.72
242 1151 Ahore Jogni Khera Jogni Khera 646 866 1022 1143 61.64 72.74 81.35
243 1152 Ahore Kotra Kotra 1170 1567 1849 2068 111.53 131.61 147.19
1153 Ahore Kotra Rajiv Gandhi School Ki Dhani 124 167 197 220 11.89 14.02 15.66

244 1154 Ahore Bagoonda Bagoonda 586 785 926 1036 55.87 65.91 73.74
245 1155 Ahore Nimbla Kalash Ki Dhani 1243 1665 1965 2198 118.51 139.86 156.45
1156 Ahore Nimbla Nimbla 1891 2534 2990 3345 180.36 212.82 238.09
246 1157 Ahore Khera Dhanari Kheda Dhanani 170 228 269 301 16.23 19.15 21.42

247 1158 Ahore Bankli Bankli 1379 1848 2181 2439 131.53 155.24 173.6
248 1159 Ahore Ratanara Ratanara 499 669 789 883 47.62 56.16 62.85
249 1160 Ahore Rewra Kalan Rewra Kalan 677 907 1070 1197 64.56 76.16 85.2

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

250 1161 Ahore Tormi Tormi 546 732 864 966 52.1 61.5 68.76
251 1162 Ahore Chawarcha Chawarcha 1536 2058 2428 2717 146.48 172.82 193.39
252 1163 Ahore Mohiwara Mohiwara 1548 2074 2447 2738 147.62 174.17 194.88
253 1164 Ahore Choonda Choonda 1759 2357 2781 3111 167.76 197.94 221.43
254 1165 Ahore Maheshpura Maheshpura 121 162 191 214 11.53 13.59 15.23
255 1166 Ahore Kishangarh Kishangarh 1571 2105 2484 2779 149.83 176.8 197.8
256 1167 Ahore Doodiya Doodiya 853 1143 1349 1509 81.35 96.02 107.41
257 1168 Ahore Gurarama Guda Rama 938 1257 1483 1659 89.47 105.55 118.08
258 1169 Ahore Khambi Khambi 126 169 199 223 12.03 14.16 15.87
259 658 Ahore Nosra Meeno Ki Dhani 777 1041 1228 1374 74.09 87.4 97.8
1171 Ahore Nosra Natho Ki Dhani 170 228 269 301 16.23 19.15 21.42
1172 Ahore Nosra Nosra 2788 3735 4407 4930 265.84 313.67 350.9
1173 Ahore Nosra Nosra Ki Dhani 413 553 653 730 39.36 46.48 51.96
260 1174 Sayla Firozpura Firozpura 1706 2286 2697 3018 162.71 191.96 214.81
261 809 Sayla Tadwa Rebariyon Ki Dhani 296 397 468 524 28.26 33.31 37.3
1176 Sayla Tadwa Tadava 2504 3354 3958 4427 238.73 281.72 315.1
262 716 Ahore Hariyali Hariyali 1758 2356 2780 3110 167.69 197.87 221.36
263 1178 Ahore Vedana Kalan Bedana Kalan 1686 2259 2666 2982 160.79 189.76 212.25
264 1179 Ahore Vedana Khurd Vedana Khurd 917 1229 1450 1622 87.48 103.21 115.45
265 1180 Ahore Sugaliya Balotan Sugaliya Balotan 685 918 1083 1212 65.34 77.08 86.27
266 1181 Ahore Keral Keral 219 293 346 387 20.85 24.63 27.55
267 1182 Ahore Rodala Rodala 2899 3884 4583 5127 276.45 326.2 364.92

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II Project Brief

268 1183 Ahore Kundli Kundli 211 283 334 374 20.14 23.77 26.62
269 1184 Ahore Norwa Norwa 2932 3929 4636 5186 279.65 329.97 369.12
270 1185 Ahore Malgarh Malgarh 2477 3319 3916 4381 236.23 278.73 311.82
271 1186 Ahore Moolewa Moolewa 1339 1794 2117 2368 127.69 150.68 168.55
272 1187 Ahore Tarwara Tarwara 1328 1779 2099 2348 126.62 149.4 167.12
273 1188 Ahore Sugaliya Jodha Sugaliya Jodha 1079 1446 1706 1909 102.92 121.43 135.88
274 1189 Ahore Kalora Padar Kalora Padar 263 352 415 465 25.05 29.54 33.1
275 1190 Ahore Varni Varni 518 694 819 916 49.4 58.29 65.2
276 1191 Ahore Thoomba Ka Goliya Thoomba Ka Goliya 705 945 1115 1247 67.26 79.36 88.76
277 1192 Ahore Korana Korana 1314 1761 2078 2325 125.34 147.9 165.49
Total 700737 938909 1107927 1239348 66828.1 78858.4 88212.3
Total MH – 277 habitations
OH – 915 habitations
FHTCs- 123699 no.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

The scope of work under this Single Responsibility Contract starts from
Tetrol Head Works. The scope includes construction of all related works,
Interconnection to synchronize the existing & proposed system of 277
villages and 915 other habitations of Block-Ahore, Bagoda, Jalore,
Chitlawana Sayla & Sanchore of district-Jalore under Narmada Canal
based FR water supply project with new system developed under JJM for
providing FHTCs of MH/OH as described in subsequent paras, at design
flow during its operation and other works listed herein or any other works
necessary to achieve the objective to deliver the design demand of water in
safe, effective and reliable manner and complete the system as per good and
acceptable engineering practices. However, the minimum size of pipe will be
as per mentioned in this chapter.
The scope of work under this Single Responsibility Contract includes
construction/execution of all works with related supply of material, for the
water supply schemes for 277 villages and 915 other habitations originating
from respective IPS/VTC of particular village of Narmada Canal based FR
WS Project as described in subsequent paragraphs.
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to design the whole system, and if
required, increase the staging of reservoirs, pumping head as mentioned in
subsequent paras, so that the system is sufficient to deliver the designed
quantity of water to all FHTCs of each habitation and to complete the
system as per good and acceptable engineering practices along with any
other works necessary for easy operation and maintenance of the system.
The designed demand of each village is given in Chapter of this volume of
bid document.
The details of components listed hereinafter are the main components
identified by the department, but the contractor shall be responsible for
installations of all other equipment(s)/construction of other facilities,
required to achieve the objectives defined above within the stipulated
completion period without any extra cost.
The limits of the contract shall be from WTP/offtakes/CWPS/ESRs under
FR water supply project. Presently the raw water from Narmada Canal (RD-
44.22) is collected at existing RWR (2100 ML) through transmission main of
DI/MS line and treated at 100 MLD WTP at Tetrol Head Work.
Village Transfer Chambers shall be constructed as per requirement &
synchronize the existing & proposed system for villages proposed to be
covered under present contract (the list of villages is given in the chapter 1
‘Project in Brief’) at all the flow measuring points (intermediate as well as
end locations) of the proposed system and as per approval of EIC.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

The location of FHTCs in each village shall be decided by the Village Water
Health and Sanitation Committee (VWHSC) of respective village.
The clear water from ESRs shall be supplied to proposed 277 Village
Transfer Chambers (VTCs) for 277 Main Habitation & 915 Other
Habitations through cluster distribution system. After VTCs the clear
drinking water is to be supplied to each house hold through village
distribution system.
The contractor has to operate and maintain the whole executed works for
10 years after one year defect liability period. The operation and
maintenance for village distribution system after VTC shall be done by
VWSC after one year defect liability period. The internal village distribution
network after VTC is to be handed over to VWSC upto full satisfaction for
O&M after completion of defect liability period. Contractor will carry out
O&M of works upto VTC for 10 years. During defect liability period, the
contractor has to operate & maintain the whole water supply system up to
the end of household connections. The contractor has to operate and
maintain water supply system covered during execution period up to the
household connections.
Village Transfer Chambers shall be constructed for all villages proposed to
be covered under present contract at all the flow measuring points of the
respective village under proposed system and as per approval of EIC.
The distribution network in each village (Main and other habitation) shall
be decided by the VWHSC of respective village.
All works shall be executed as described in subsequent paras, at design
flow during its operation and other works listed herein or any other works
necessary to achieve the objective to deliver the design demand of water in
safe, effective and reliable manner and complete the system as per good and
acceptable engineering practices.
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility: to design the whole system, and if
required, increase the staging of reservoirs, pumping head as mentioned in
subsequent paras, so that the system is sufficient to deliver the designed
quantity of water to each village and to complete the system as per good
and acceptable engineering practices along with any other works necessary
for easy operation and maintenance of the system.
The designed demand of each village is given in chapter 1. The Contractor
shall also undertake the operation and maintenance of system for 10 years
after completion of one year defect liability period. Liaison with the local
authorities (VHSC/ Gram Panchayat/ NagarPalika/ PWD/ Forest / WRD/
Telecommunication Department/ Railway / N.H./ Oil and Gas / Revenue /
District Administration / JDVVNL) and other offices to obtain required
clearances shall be the responsibility of the contractor without any extra

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

The details of components listed hereinafter are the main components

identified by the department, but the contractor shall be responsible for
installations of all other equipment(s)/construction of other facilities,
required to achieve the objectives defined above within the stipulated
completion period without any extra cost.
Drawing references as mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs shall be
considered, for conceptualizing the respective items. Wherever reference is
made of the Departmental design, drawings, or concept, it may be
understood that these are concepts of the Department and the
responsibility for correctness of designs, drawings and safety of
equipment/structure shall rest on the contractor. Bidders are advised to
inspect the site for further clarifications and to understand the scope of
work. It is the bidder’s responsibility to carry out all the works required to
complete the scheme under this project whether it has been mentioned or
DI K-7/K-9 internal cement mortar lining pipe lines have been taken for
rising mains up to cluster ESRs. In hard/rocky strata, DI Pipes are to be
used in the work of distribution pipelines from ESRs to VTC. For ordinary
soil strata, HDPE PN-6 & PN-10 pipes are to be used in cluster and village
distribution systems.
The Project will be executed under JJM with norms and guidelines of JJM
published by GoI from time to time. The execution and thereafter operation
of system for clean and safe drinking water to every household will be
monitored by State Government as well as Government of India. It is
mandatory that the contractor shall follow all the requisite parameters to
fulfil the aim of JJM. The quality of execution and O&M will therefore be an
important aspect and will be in constant surveillance of GoI/GoR.
Contractor shall follow all norms/specifications with good engineering
practice and as a working partner of the mission JJM.
➢ Department has issued Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manual
in July, 2021. Contractor has to adhere to the provisions, procedures
and parameters as specified in the Manual. The Manual shall be part of
Agreement of this Contract. Bidders are advised to go through the
Manual before bidding. Soft copy of the same can be downloaded from
PHED Rajasthan website phedwater.rajasthan.gov.in.
➢ Department has issued standard drawings/designs for ESRs, CWRs and
GSRs. Standard drawings/designs of other structures are also in
process of finalization. The finalized drawings/designs, as available
during currency of contract will be part of agreement and execution of
such structures under the contract shall be as per those
drawings/designs. However, the contractor shall re-examine such
drawings/designs and may propose modification for additional
strengthening, without any extra cost. Such modified drawing/design
shall be got vetted from any IIT/NIT/MBM Engineering college. Final

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

responsibility of structural stability and safety shall be on part of


The scope of work under this Single Responsibility Contract starts from
Tetrol Head Work. The scope includes construction of all related works,
Interconnection to synchronize the existing & proposed system of 277
villages and their 915 other habitations of Block-Ahore, Bagoda, Jalore,
Chitlawana Sayla & Sanchore of district-Jalore (pumping and transmission
system including CWR’s, Elevated Service Reservoirs, Ground level service
reservoirs, Ground level reservoirs, Distribution network up to Village
Transfer Chambers/ PSP’s & CWT’s) with new system to be developed
under JJM for providing FHTCs of MH/OH with providing water quality &
quantity as per demand.
The interface with existing Offtake points, Pumping stations, CWRs,
existing service reservoirs & rising main, distribution network, VTC is to be
well taken care of under the contract and is included under scope of the
2.3.1 The contractor shall carryout all works wholly in accordance with the terms
and conditions of the contract to fulfill all the requirements of the project and the
bid documents. All the material used, and the equipment installed shall be as per
the specifications defined in the contract and the work shall be executed with good
engineering practices.
Generally the following activities shall be carried out for each component of this
contract but shall not be limited to:
a) Submission of all documents required according to the Contract (security
money/guarantee, etc.).
b) Submission of Action Plan/Execution Schedule in accordance with the
provisions of Special Conditions Part A for approval of the Engineer in Charge.
c) Conducting survey for the proposed works including drawing and designing of
pumping main, CWR, Pumping Stations, distribution mains, OHSR (ESR) &
VTCs, cluster distribution, village distribution network to provide household
connections, etc. Preparation of L-section survey along the proposed pipeline
alignment and submission of L-section of the proposed pipeline to be laid for
approval of Engineer-in-charge/authorised officer. The L-section shall be taken
along the pipeline alignment with levels at 30 m interval or in between 30 m if
the drop in level in between two consecutive points is more than 0.5 meters. All
drawings of survey along with the marked L-section of proposed pipe line,
location of all types of valves etc shall be submitted on scale approved by
Engineer in Charge in soft as well as hard copies. L-section and plan shall be
submitted in parts so as to take-up the work or laying and jointing of pipes at

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

an early date. The bench marking & levels at each headwork & ESR/GLSR
shall be engraved on permanent pillars with suitable coloring.
d) Conducting required investigations to confirm that the provisions of system
proposed are sufficient to fulfill the required objectives of the work so that the
water can be delivered to fulfill the designed demand of respective villages. For
this, the contractor shall verify the ground levels given by the department and
shall carry out the required designs to satisfy with the design provisions made
available by the department. If, the provisions envisaged by the department are
considered to be inadequate, the Contractor shall provide additional facilities /
systems i.e. pump head. (No lower size change in duty conditions of the pump,
elevated service reservoirs, CWR’s, Pipeline dia. & pump discharge will be
accepted), so that the objective of delivery of designed water demand in
respective villages is achieved. Conducting required soil/strata investigations
for the foundation of CWRs/Pump houses/Service reservoirs and other civil
works in all type of soil conditions.
e) SBC tests shall be got done through an approved agency wherever the strata
on which foundation is to be laid is not rocky. For foundations to be laid on
sandy strata, the structural design and reinforcement drawings shall be
prepared assuming maximum SBC of soil as 7 T/Sqm for RCC
OHSR/CWR/GLSR even if the SBC testing is found to be 7 T/Sqm at
foundation depth. If the SBC testing is found to be less than 7 T/Sqm at
foundation depth, the structure shall be designed on the basis of actual SBC
found on testing for which no extra payment will be made to contractor.
f) The Contractor should make a note that all Data and designs available are
Public Health Engineering Department’s Concept, which are only for the
purpose of information to the Contractor and will have no bearing on the
contractual obligations. The Contractor will have a choice to make use of the
data/designs etc. but the department does not take guarantee or responsibility
of the data / designs/ drawings. The Contractor will be solely responsible for
preparing and submitting required designs/drawings after carrying out
appropriate field surveys, data collection, designs etc. for approval of Engineer-
g) As the responsibility to supply the designed demand to the respective villages is
solely of the Contractor, the Contractor is required to review the design of the
pipe network, the pumps, the surge analysis etc. and the instrumentation
system on his own and if required shall use the appropriate duty conditions of
the pumps, use additional materials/equipment(s) so as to achieve the
objectives of the work as defined in clause 2.1 above. Cost of Surge protection
system, if required in the system as per the expert analysis, should be included
in the offer
h) Getting approval of all design and drawings, material to be used, equipment
specifications and the samples, prior to dispatching / installing
/commissioning of work on site. Unless mentioned otherwise, if for any specific

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

provision, references have been made in more than one specification, the
provision more stringent shall be applicable.
i) Submission of the design/specifications, catalogs and the technical data sheets
of all the equipment, electrical/ instrumentation/ automation system, design of
the electrical components, taking into account the interfaces to the other
project components/packages and the future extensions of the project.
j) Preparation and submission of structural designs and reinforcement drawings
for all civil structures of the work. The structural designs and drawings of
ESRs, CWRs, and Pump Houses shall be got checked and vetted from MBM
Engineering College Jodhpur or MNIT Jaipur or BITS Pilani or IITs, or any
other Government Institution approved by EIC, prior to their submission. All
expenses for this shall be borne by the contractor.
k) Preparation and submission of all detailed working drawings based on
conceptual designs and plans approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
l) To co-ordinate with the VWSC, O&M staff and concerned officers of PHED,
PWD, Railway, Forest, Mining, Electric supply company, District and Local
administrative offices and personnel of local water supply system (for carrying
out the installation of new equipment) and other offices for necessary
m) Manufacturing, shop testing, pre-dispatch inspection, transportation to site,
providing transit insurance, storage, handling at site, installation, sectional
testing, pre-commissioning testing, commissioning and trial runs for all
components of the system and the system as a whole, including the hydraulic,
mechanical, electrical, Electro-Mechanical and instrumentation equipment.
n) Construction of all buildings and water retaining structures, chambers, thrust
blocks, anchor blocks, saddle supports and other civil and engineering
o) Ancillary Civil works, campus development and Buildings as defined herein
p) Rain water harvesting works at all the Head Works for collection of roof top
rain water for storage / recharging the ground water.
q) Construction of chambers for all type of Valves.
r) All lighting work will be of LED type. All the electrical equipments shall be of 5
star rating or equivalent (if such ratings available). Electricity saving shall be
considered at every possible level without compromising objectives of Project.
s) Trenchless crossings for pipeline for crossing the National highway, Mega
Highway, State Highway with MS (IS 3589) casing pipe. The carrier pipe in
crossing shall also be MS (IS 3589) with outer and inner epoxy coating. In case
of other roads (MDR/ODR/WBM/tar/ concrete), minimum 15 cm CC (1:2:4)
encasing of the pipeline along with re-aligning, re-grading, strengthening and
restoring damaged road section and associated lengths. For road crossings,
department will help the contractor in getting sanction from the respective

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

authority. Contractor shall make all his efforts in this regard & shall request to
the concerning department, if any pursuance is required in the matter. For
distribution pipe lines (diameter D) in HDPE PE 80 PN6 material of diameter up to
225 mm, village road crossings can be made by putting MS casing pipe (of
diameter D+50 mm in 6 mm thickness) over the water pipe line, without any
concrete encasement. The cost of complete crossing work, pipe encasing
etc. shall be borne by the contractor including the cost of providing
pipeline and specials and shall be treated part of running length of pipe
line as per the item rate quoted in the “Price Schedule”. Any cost incurred
on utility shifting activities required in course of laying pipe lines under the
contract e.g. LT electrical poles and transformers, existing water
supply/sewerage networks etc. shall be borne by the bidder. The bidder shall
be responsible for redressal of any damage occurred to the telephone lines,
OFC cables, cutting of trees, cables, distribution/rising water mains and gas
pipes, drains while laying clear water pipeline, and shall be liable to pay the
amount levied by respective department(s) for the repair and/ or damages so
t) All crossings, road, NH/State crossing/ railway, gas/oil and canal crossings
with casing shall be done by the contractor himself for which only permission
fees shall be deposited by department. For maintaining the continuity of the
laying, the contractor shall keep close liaison with the PWD, Forest, Railway,
PHED, Gas/Oil Company & Irrigation department or concern authorities for an
early approval of crossing works. The cost of complete job shall be borne by
the contractor and is to be included in the cost of item for running length
of pipe line as a single job in the price bid.
u) One number railway crossing is involved in this cluster work contract as per
details described in subsequent paras. Firm is required to lay the pipes at the
crossing location, in the conduit and make necessary connections at the two
ends of the pipe with sectionalizing valves with dismantling joints. The cost of
complete job shall be borne by the contractor and is to be included in cost for
Railway crossings as a single job in price bid. The railway crossings shall be
done by the contractor himself. All the expenditures of railway crossing works
shall be borne by the Contractor (except permission fees, way leave,
supervision charges shall be paid by department). For maintaining the
continuity of the laying, the contractor shall keep close liaison with the Railway
or concern authorities for an early approval of crossing works. For railway
crossings, department will help the contractor in getting sanction from the
concerned authority.
v) Hiring of consultant for Forest / Wild life clearances. All expenditures,
documentations etc. to be made in the process for approval shall be borne by
w) Providing spares, tools and tackles at the end of the execution of physical
works as per list enclosed.
x) Typical drawings of units/structures/arrangements viz. P&I diagram of
pumping systems, Electrical SLD, Pump House, ESR (OHSR), CWR, VTC, etc.
are shown in the drawings contained in Volume III as indicated in the chapter.

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

y) Village Transfer Chambers for 18 new villages has to be constructed and

balance VTCs have already been constructed under existing contract.
z) Construction of Flow meter Huts 182 no. for OHSRs/CWR/other measuring
aa) The capacities of proposed OHSRs are also described in this chapter.
Locations and land for construction of all Head Works shall be provided by
Department. The land for OHSR shall be decided as per post award surveys
shall be decided as per recommendations by VWSC.
bb) Construction, testing & commissioning of all civil works as per scope of work,
approved drawings & detailed specifications.
cc) The submission of the As-build drawings of the works is the precondition for
the final payment of execution part. The final drawings shall be submitted in
one reproducible set and 5 copies on linen bound in an album of an approved
size. The contractor shall submit all the completion drawings (Autocad & PDF)
and approved design calculations on hard drive/ pen drives in two copies with
proper directory structure.
dd) Operation, routine & preventive maintenance, maintenance and repairs of the
complete system for 10 years after completion of one year defect liability period,
starting from the date as defined in Volume I of bid document, in Special
Conditions of contract.
In addition to the above, the following shall also form a part of the scope of work
under this Contract, for which additional payment will not be made. Contractor
will include cost of these activities in the BoQ Items:
a. All kind of engineering including field surveys, soil investigations, concrete mix
designs, material testing, surge analysis, required designs etc. Preparation of
all documentations, vetting from Institutions etc.
b. Utility shifting and restoration of any damages caused during execution.
c. Liaison for all kind of approvals and permissions from other Agencies. Hiring of
consultant for process of forest and wild life clearances. All such overheads for
getting the clearances and approvals.
d. Arrangement of adequate security, watch and ward of the system during the
execution period to safeguard the equipment and completed section of the work
from any type of mishandling, theft, fire and other hazards, etc. shall be made
in addition to the above requirements.
e. Maintaining the site office(s) with all reasonable office facilities for use of
project staff of the department.
f. Restoration of PHED’s premises/ road and other utilities after completion of
the work shall also be part of the work.
g. The contractor shall provide at least four vehicles during execution and defect
liability period and two during O&M period inclusive of all expenditures
including POL, toll charge, driver and repair charges etc. These vehicles shall

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

be four wheels AC closed body type not more than one-year-old. The maximum
limit of run shall be 5000 km per month per vehicle. In case of failure to
provide satisfactory services department will engage vehicle for which actual
expenditure shall be recovered from next running bill.
h. The Contractor shall provide and upkeep the following facilities for the
Department and Department’s Representative. The cost for these facilities shall
be included in the Contract Price.
i. Three office Buildings for Circle/Division office having total floor area not less
than 4500 square meters, with provision of toilets and pantry shall be provided
as may be directed by EiC
j. Three staff quarters having total floor area not less than 1800 square meters,
with provision of toilets and pantry shall be provided as may be directed by EiC
k. The office building shall be equipped with 3 (all in one, min I-7 configuration, 8
GB RAM, 1TB HDD etc) desktop Computers (27 inch monitor screen) with UPS,
three (three in one features i.e. Print, Scan, Copy, Automatic duplex printing,
wifi/Bluetooth connectivity etc.) laser printers (2 B&W and 1 Colour Printer),
Internet data card, AC, office furniture (at least 3 desks, 6 chairs, necessary
filing and drawing cabinets etc), and shall be provided with electricity. In
addition, Contractor shall provide 2 computer operators, two office attendants
for execution and defect liability period. The office facility shall have minimum
one rest room for staying with Twin Beds, AC etc. The site office will facilitate
discussions and modifications in drawings if required as per site conditions,
before final approval. All computers should have all required engineering and
basic software with latest antivirus as per direction of EiC.
Contractor shall also supply 2 (all in one, min I-7 configuration, 16 GB RAM,
1TB HDD etc.) desktop Computers with UPS, 2 (three in one feature i.e. Print,
Scan, Copy, Automatic duplex printing, wifi/Bluetooth connectivity etc.) laser
jet printers to department at the starting of O&M.
l. Construction of rain water harvesting structures at all the newly constructed
buildings under the contract.
m. Spares and Tools as defined in Scope of Work.
n. All expenditures required for Pre-dispatch Inspection of material and goods as
well as sample taken from sites for testing by labs.
o. Geo tagging of assets.
p. Thrust blocks, CC encasing of pipes wherever required.
q. One computer operator in divisional Office during execution and Defect
Liability Period, who will perform data entry work for FHTC and other
computer-based jobs. The household information like Aadhar details etc. will
also be collected by Contractor at his level.
r. All other contingent minor overheads which may appear during execution.

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

2.3.2 The documents and drawings shall be in sufficient detail for review of the
Employer. The scale of the drawing has to be chosen accordingly in
coordination with the Employer. The drawings shall be of standardized sizes
and as instructed by the Employer. The drawings shall contain the following
basic information in the nameplate:
a. Project name
b. Name and number of the Contract
c. Contractor's name
d. Number and title of the drawing
e. Date and scale
f. Name of the designer and draftsperson responsible
g. Revision Number (R0 for drawing submitted initially and R1, R2, etc., for
drawings submitted subsequently).
A blank space 90 x 50 mm shall be provided immediately above the
title block for the approval stamp. The detailed design and the
execution drawings shall be submitted only after verification by the
agency approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

The Contractor shall be responsible for preparation of working drawings and

the submission and approval of drawings shall be as stated in and the
Contractor’s work program shall include such submission and approval
Synchronization of old/existing and proposed water supply system.
The works under this contract are broadly divided under the following
(a) Construction, testing and commissioning of 6 no. RCC CWRs at various head
works for cluster distribution.
(b) Providing, laying, jointing, testing & commissioning of DI K-7/K-9 Pumping
mains from IPS/offtakes for feeding new/existing ESRs for coverage of villages
(and their Other Habitations) of respective section.
(c) Designing, providing, laying, jointing, testing & commissioning of HDPE PE 80
PN6/DI K-7 distribution pipeline from ESRs to village transfer chamber and
from VTC to village distribution and from village distribution to each household
in 277 main habitations & 915 other habitations as per the pipe network
decided so as to complete the connectivity of all villages with pipes of diameters
as shown in table given in subsequent chapter detailed herein after, with
additional equipment(s) to achieve the objectives set above.
(d) Synchronization of old/existing and proposed water supply system
including SCADA system, electrical systems, etc. Cost of synchronisation
work is included in scope, no extra payment shall be done for this work.
(e) Providing, laying, jointing, testing & commissioning of 20mm MDPE & 15mm
GI pipe to provide 123699 no. of house hold water connections.
(f) Supply, installation, testing & Commissioning of 6+6 sets (1 working & 1
standbye) of Centrifugal Pumping set operated at existing pumping houses for
pumping clear water for replacement as per requirement including all
associated civil works like dry pit, connection to CWR/RWR through inlet pipe,

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

pumping machinery foundation, thrust block in pump house, Flow meters,

control room, supports work for header main, etc. The construction shall
include the cost of civil works for installation of pump and panels, cable
trenches, drainage lines, plinth protection, etc. to complete the scope of work
given in tender document and the work of construction of thrust blocks,
anchors etc., within/outside the pump house and construction of chambers for
electromagnetic flow meters and valves. The dewatering work also includes
drainage piping up to nearest drain outside pump house building.
(g) Construction, testing and commissioning of total 17 no. RCC (Flat slab type)
Clear Water Reservoir/sump of required given capacities ((25 KLx1, 30 KLx2,
50 KLx5, 75 KLx6 & 100 KLx3) having storage of full day demand for boosting
drinking water to other habitations and high elevated areas.
(h) Construction of pumping/Panel rooms 14 no. having a total minimum area of
168 sqm. near proposed CWRs/Sumps/ESRs.
(i) Design & Construction of pump house building in RCC framed structure as per
requirement including all associated civil works like dry pit, connection to
CWR/RWR through inlet pipe, pumping machinery foundation, thrust block in
pump house, Flow meters, control room, supports work for header main, etc.
The construction shall include the cost of providing MS girder for the OHT, civil
works for installation of pump and panels, cable trenches, drainage lines,
plinth protection, etc. to complete the scope of work given in tender document
and the work of construction of thrust blocks, anchors etc., within/outside the
pump house and construction of chambers for electromagnetic flow meters and
valves. The dewatering work also includes drainage piping up to nearest drain
outside pump house building.
a. Providing, erection, testing & commissioning of total 14 no. solar
photovoltaic (SPV) water pumping system (13 through CWRs & 1 through
OHSR) consists of a PV array, a AC submersible motor pump set,
electronics, if any, interconnect cables and an “On-Off” switch installed
based on CWR as follows:
• 1HPx 3 no. (3W+3S)
• 2 HPx 2 no. (2W+2S)
• 3 HPx 4 no. (4W+4S)
• 5 HPx 5 no. (5W+5S)
a. Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of total 3 no. Centrifugal
Monoblock pump set of 10 HP (2W+2S) 15 HP (1W+1S) operated on electric
power supply.
b. Construction of Pump rooms (floor area 25 sqm) x 3 no. having a total
minimum area of 75 sqm. near proposed online/CWRs/Sumps/ESRs
(l) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of MNRE approved off Grid
Solar Panels (having total minimum capacity of 37760 watts) at 13 no. AC
submersible pumping sets at CWR & 1 no. at OHSR for running of motor
pumps with 25 years of Linear Generation warranty, Work includes designing
of solar panel area and MS fabricated structure 120 micron hot dip galvanized

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

iron, showing arrangement of panel in available space and installation of PV

module on frame structure.
(m) Providing, erection, testing & commissioning of total solar photovoltaic (SPV)
water pumping system consists of a PV array, a AC submersible motor pump
set, electronics, interconnecting cables and an “On-Off” switch.
(n) Providing, Laying, jointing, testing & commissioning of duly encased (min 15
cm CC 1:2:4) MS/DI pipes (for distribution pipeline in canal, Nallah or culvert
/ submerged areas, crossing & sections for distribution mains in populated or
rocky area, as per instructions of Engineer in Charge along with the rubber
rings as per specifications. All specials for pipes shall also be supplied by the
(o) Cost for dismantling & re-construction of CC/Bitumen/CC block roads & all
types of road for laying of proposed DI/MS/HDPE/MDPE pipelines are
included in cost of pipe line work. Cutting of road shall be done with best
available technology for minimum damage to existing roads. For CC road
cutting shall be done by CC cutting/machine.
(p) Providing, laying, jointing, testing & commissioning all the pipes to be laid in
pump houses for pumping manifold and those used for reservoir inlets; outlet;
wash out & overflow pipes and their connections. The pipe work in Pump
Houses shall be of MS as per IS 3589.
(q) For all type of pipes, the Contractor shall provide all the necessary specials,
valves, appurtenances, meters etc. in consideration to the use of special, its
location, type of pipe etc.
(r) Construction of 95 nos. of RCC Intz tank type ESRs and 13 no. of RCC Flat
slab OHSR at different locations and of capacities indicated herein after. For
actual staging after survey and demand of hydraulics is more than the
prescribed staging as per given point of chapter 1 (Project in Brief), no extra
payment will be made.
(s) All the water storage structures shall be painted inside with food grade paints
& outside water proofing paint. The water level indicator on all water storage
structures should be in mm scale with least count is 5 mm, it is engraved on
gauge with night vision reflection.
(t) Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of pumping machinery
with all associated mechanical, electrical & instrumentation works at all the
Pumping Stations.
(u) Construction of boundary walls for Head Works and ESRs campus as required
painted as Headworks similar colour and instructed by EIC.
(v) Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Electromagnetic
Flow meters and their chambers on each rising/transmission main at Pumping
Stations and CWRs.
(w) Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Ultrasonic Level
Transmitter suitable for measuring in proposed new ESRs & CWR.
(x) Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Bulk flow meters at
each proposed ESRs with battery backup. Construction of flow meter huts for
housing these bulk flow meters.
(y) Village Transfer Chambers for 18 new villages has to be constructed and
balance VTCs have already been constructed under existing contract.

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

(z) Construction of Flow meter Huts 182 no. for OHSRs/CWR/VTC/other

measuring points.
(aa) Construction of well-furnished office building (3 no.) having total area of
4500 sqm with all required facilities & staff quarter (3 no.) having total area of
1800 sqm.
(bb) Construction of 12960 m boundary wall & steel grill gates for 108
(cc) Plinth of PH/VTC/civil structures should be 1m above GL.
(dd) Construction of valve chambers for EMF meter at six pumping stations and
valve chambers for housing sluice valves.
(ee) Provision of SCADA having Local control station at Clear Water pumping
station at 6 NOS HW & Remote reading device at 108 NOS OHSRs including
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of RTU/PLC cum IC panel with
adequate number of analogue/digital I/O’s plus 20% spare I/O’s for receiving
level, flow, pressure & energy data from instruments at pumping station with 5
pumps, 15" coloured HMI display, 4G modem installed in control cabin
including all external connections to power the instruments at five pumping
stations & SITC of Ultrasonic Level Transmitter suitable for measuring water
level in CWR & OHSRs, powered by solar panel
(ff) Design and execution of SCADA system. Installation of master Control Station
(MCS) at Tetrol/Bhaisawar H/W and Local Control Stations at proposed Pump
Houses. Supply, design & installation of remote monitoring device with remote
meter reading system. The PLC/RTU based information (frequency for the
relevant data required at least once in 24 Hrs/day) from VTCs, ESRs, GLSRs
shall be brought to Master Control Station at Head Work and respective Local
Control Station through compatible SCADA system for regular operation and
data acquisition. SCADA system should be OPC Compatible with State Control
Room/Mobile/Web Portal and as per requirement of department and site.
(gg) Providing required instrumentation equipment along with all required
cabling etc.
(hh) Commissioning of villages & FHTCs in a phased manner during Execution
(ii) Geo-tagging and coding/marking of all the FHTCs/structures/Assets/sources
constructed in the Project and as per departmental guideline on government
(jj) Operation and Maintenance of the complete system with above components
including rectification of all defects of any kind arising due to any reason
during the entire O&M period (upto VTCs) of 10 years after one year of defect
liability period.
(kk) Department has issued Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manual in
July 2021. Contractor has to adhere to the provisions, procedures and
parameters as specified in the Manual. The Manual shall be part of Agreement
of this Contract. Bidders are advised to go through the Manual before bidding.
Soft copy of the same can be downloaded from Department website
There are, however, several minor items not specifically mentioned in the break-up
but shall be required to complete the job on turnkey basis as per scope and

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

specification of works stipulated in the Bid document. The cost of such items shall
deemed to be included in the quoted rates.
The details of these components are as under:

The work of pumping/distribution mains includes preparatory works, survey,

investigations, hydraulic design of pipeline, manufacturing, testing at factory,
supply, delivery and storage at site, lowering, laying and jointing, sectional
testing, re-filling and commissioning of pipelines of various diameters, along
with supply of specials, pipe appurtenances and associated civil works so as to
achieve the objective of the project.

For transmission / pumping mains up to ESR, DI K-7/K-9 pipes with internal

cement mortar lining shall be used. All the crossings shall however be done
with MS/DI pipes of same diameter, For distribution mains from ESRs to
village transfer chambers, HDPE PE 80 PN6 pipes are to be used, but in rocky
reaches in distribution mains DI K-7 pipelines shall be provided. Sizes &
material of pipelines for connectivity of the villages are detailed below in this
chapter. The pipes shall be as per the specification given in the chapter
"Specifications for Pipeline" in this volume.

2.5.1 Pipe line

All pipes shall be provided by the Contractor. The work includes inspection &
testing at manufacturers works, packing, transportation, supply of pipes, as
per specifications, along with all types of specials, valves and other material to
be used, Stacking and/or storage of material, re-handling, excavation of
trenches, laying and jointing of the pipes as per approved L-section,
construction of pedestals/anchor blocks for pipe support to lay pipes above
ground or by excavation, as per specifications, and carry out sectional testing,
pre-commissioning checks, full commissioning tests and trial runs. For
payment and other purposes, the actual lengths of connected pipes
including specials shall be used.

All specials like bends, tees, reducers, dismantling joints, rubber rings,
flanges, gaskets, nuts & bolts, rubber sheets, etc to be used in the laying and
jointing of all types of pipes shall be supplied by the contractor as per given
specifications. Hydraulic Design
Basic Principles of Hydraulic Design shall be governed by following:
1. The pipe diameters of Pumping / Transmission mains connecting Cluster
ESRs, as given in this TD shall be as specified. However, the class shall be
verified and revised as per hydraulic design based upon field survey data for
the ultimate flows as per year 2054 demand.
2. Hydraulic design shall be done on demand of the year 2039 to decide heads
of pumps to be provided in this contract.
3. The minimum terminal pressure requirement at ESRs/VTCs/Households
etc. shall be checked for year 2039 and year 2054 demands. The minimum
terminal pressures shall be as below.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

• ESR: 2.0 m at inlet.

• VTC : 12 m.
• House hold: 7 m.
• Intermediate point on mains: 5 m.
4. The Cluster Distribution gravity mains from Cluster ESRs to the VTCs shall
be designed on least cost branch analysis for the Design Demand in 2054
and head calculations for the Demand in 2039 would be produced for
reference. The parameters of terminal pressures shall be satisfied for year
2039 & 2054 demands both.
5. Static Head shall be taken with critical conditions i.e. mean water level on
upstream and inlet/maximum on downstream end. Friction head loss shall
be calculated using Hazen William Formula given in the manual on
drinking water supply as issued by CPHEEO of GoI. Actual head losses due
to installations/specials at each of off-take, head works, reservoir end, VTC,
flow control stations shall be calculated and accounted in the Total losses
besides taking 10% of friction head loss to be added to account for
installations/specials on pipeline.
6. Operating hours of total water demand per day in case of rising main shall
be 20 hours. The Distribution mains from Cluster ESRs shall be designed
taking peak factor of 6 multiplied to daily water demand.
7. The hydraulic calculation should derive the necessity of introducing either
stationary or regulatory technique of controlling the flow and pressure on
the branches so as to ensure distribution of water to various outlets at
desired rate and pressure. Head loss due to such devices is also required to
be determined with respect to rate of flow / pressures on u/s for correct
assessment of HGL over the network in the system. Engineering Designs & Drawings
1. Beginning with original submission marked “0”, the revisions as per
requirement would be marked with “Rev. # Number” both on the Designs as
well as Drawings besides denoting date for submission.
2. Readable Designs calculations shall be submitted duly typed on required
size papers preferably A4 Size with all references including copy of IS Code
and soft copy for checking.
3. Till approval is conveyed by the department, all submissions shall be
submitted in single hard copy; but, the approved Designs and Drawings
shall be submitted in six sets of hard copy and soft copy
(Word/Excel/Autocad) on one “CD”/Pen Drive; out of which two sets of
hard copies will be returned back to the contractor duly signed with
approval by the Department. This finally approved set of submission should
be denoted with “GOOD FOR CONSTRUCTION”.
4. Drawing should be colored as instructed by EiC.
5. The Drawings shall be not limited but consists of following:
Plan and L-Section of various sections of Transmission and Distribution
mains with Representative Fraction of 1:3000 H and 1:100 V and plotted on A3

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

size of papers. The Plan should clearly feature vital features surrounding the route
of pipe line especially the cross drainage and similarly L-Section should be
indicated with Chainage, GL, HGL, pressure (both in intermediate 2039 and
ultimate design year 2054), size & type of pipeline, physical character of soil at the
invert level of pipeline, location of air/sectional/scour valve, flow control device,
stretch where crossings with road/rail/drainage is encountered etc.
Head Works Plan along with Contour with RF of 1:2500
Construction and Structural drawings of all civil structure, valve chambers, air
valve shafts, road/rail/cross drainage crossings etc.
General arrangement, P&I, single line electrical & instrumentation drawings of
all pumping stations, flow control stations, SCADA centers etc.
An Index Plan (with due scale & orientation and geo parameter on geo image) of
whole project under the scope of this work indicated with following features
• Offtake, WTP, RWPS and CWPS.
• Transmission and Distribution Mains in different colors duly shown with
section-wise length, size, class and material.
• NH, SH, ODR and CD crossings.
• Source, WTP, Overhead reservoir shown with their capacity.
• Head works shown with capacity of CWR, pump configuration with duty
• VTCs with Daily water Demand in the year 2054.
• Flow meter locations.
• Flow control devices indicated with their type.
• Master and Local Control Stations to be operative under SCADA.
• Name of Places of various installations, strategic levels of each place
including GL
• Sample drawing Village distribution network
2.5.2 Transmission Main and Cluster Distribution Mains
The Pipeline lengths for Transmission and Distribution mains in different
section are listed as herein below. However during execution, the lengths as
mentioned below may vary, for which the adjustment shall be made as
detailed in Volume IV of the bid document. Abstract of Clear Water Main /Cluster Distribution /Internal
Village Distribution System with House Connections
• Total rising main 238.795 km (DI- K7) pipes have been adopted, as it has to
cater demand initially up to year 2054 (Table-1).
• Total Length of cluster distribution mains of DI K-7 is 1.918 km & HDPE
Distribution pipelines is 272.407 km from ESR/GLSR to Village Transfer
Chambers (VTCs) (Table-2).
• Total Length of Internal Village Distribution System with House
Connections (cluster distribution mains of DI K-7 is 20.085 km & HDPE
Distribution pipelines is 6766.487 km from VTC to Village Piped
Distribution Network (Table-3).

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

• The quantities of pipe lengths may vary as per post award surveys
as per site conditions.
• Clear water Pumping Mains has been designed for 20 hours
• ABSTRACT OF RISING MAINS (Details as per Table-1)
Dia. Material pipes Length
100 DI K-7 153,320.00
150 DI K-7 85,475.00


• Pipe line from ESR to VTC and VTC to house hold has been
designed for taking peak factor 6 as TC direction and also has
been taken CC, BT and CC interlocking block road dismantling
and making.
S.No. Type of Pipe Line Diameter (mm) Length (m)
1. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 75 1,643
2. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 90 27,123
3. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 110 24,928
4. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 125 9,619
5. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 140 17,463
6. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 160 28,237
7. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 180 43,156
8. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 200 50,543
9. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 225 69695
Total-A 272407

10. DI (K 7) 100 336

11. DI (K 7) 100 311
12. DI (K 7) 150 30
13. DI (K 7) 250 1241
Total-B 1918
TOTAL A+B 274325

Village Distribution
S.No. Type of Pipe Line Diameter (mm) Length (m)
1. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 75 52,35,956
2. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 90 5,04,654
3. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 110 3,25,628
4. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 125 1,90,803
5. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 140 2,35,592
6. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 160 1,17,219
7. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 180 88,059
8. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 200 32,094

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

9. HDPE PE-80, PN-6 225 25,309

Total A 67,55,314
1. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 110
2. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 125 1,195
3. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 140 6,110
4. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 160 14
5. HDPE PE-80, PN-10 180 772
Total B 11173
Total C=A+B 6766487
10. DI (K 7) 100 12779
11. DI (K 7) 100 4497
12. DI (K 7) 150 2809
Total-D 20085
TOTAL C+D 67,86,572

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK) Rising Main

• The details of rising main under the project is given in Table-1.
S.No. From To Length Pipe Dia. Status KAV Sectional Valve Scour Sluice Valve at
(M) Material (selected) Valve tapping point
Rising Main (mm)
40 50 100 150 200 250 80 100 150 200
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

1 CWPS to Tetrol PS JN1 138 DI K-7 200 E
Paharpura Jn
Paharpura Jn to
2 JN1 JN1A 8159 DI K-7 100 E
Paharpura ESR
Paharpura Jn to Ranodar ESR
3 JN1A 50 DI K-7 100 E
Agar ESR Ex
Ranodar ESR
4 CWPS to Kilawa JN1A 45 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
Hema Guda
5 CWPS to JN 1 6906 DI K-7 150 P 7 2 2 1
Paladar Jn
Paladar Jn to
6 JN 1 JN 2 2935 DI K-7 200 E
TP1 to Virol Bari Tetrol
7 JN 2 47 DI K-7 150 E
ESR Rathoran
Paladar Jn to
8 JN2 JN3 250 DI K-7 200 E
Loniyasar Jn
Loniyasar Jn to
9 JN 3 JN 4 4038 DI K-7 100 E
Loniyasar ESR
Loniyasar Jn to
10 JN 4 Amarpura PR 402 DI K-7 100 p 0 0 0
Nainol Jn
Nainol Jn to
11 JN 4 Saili ESR 2210 DI K-7 100 E
Nainol ESR
Nainol Jn to
12 JN 3 JN 5 3460 DI K-7 200 E
Panchala CWR

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Panchal CWPS
13 JN 5 Akoli ESR 2473 DI K-7 100 E
to Kura Jn
Kura Jn to Kura Khirodi ESR
14 JN 5 7924 DI K-7 150 p 8 2 2 1
Kura Jn to
15 JN 5 JN 7 2500 DI K-7 150 E
Dugawa Jn
Dugwa Jn to
16 JN7 JN 8 542 DI K-7 100 E
Dugwa ESR
Dugwa Jn to
17 JN8 Dhaneriya PR 316 DI K-7 100 p 0 0 0
Bali Khera ESR
Panchal CWPS
18 JN 8 Siwara ESR 965 DI K-7 100 E
to Surawa Jn
Surawa JN to
19 Jhab OT2 JN1 26 DI K-7 200 E
Lachiwar ESR
Pratapura CWPS
20 JN1 Jhab ESR Ex 126 DI K-7 100 E
to JN
JN to
21 JN1 JN2 361 DI K-7 200 E
Pratappura ESR
JN to Valaji ki
22 JN2 JN3 5071 DI K-7 150 E
Dhani ESR
23 JN3 Itada ESR 454 DI K-7 150 E

24 JN3 Vamal ESR Pr 4175 DI K-7 100 P 4 1 1 1

25 JN2 JN4 678 DI K-7 200 E

26 JN4 Jhab ESR pr 119 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0

27 JN4 JN5 4015 DI K-7 200 E

28 JN5 Mooli ESR Pr 1666 DI K-7 100 P 2 0 0 1

29 JN5 JN6 237 DI K-7 200 E

Sarnau CWPS to
30 JN6 Bagli ESR Pr 1341 DI K-7 100 P 1 0 0 1
PD Jn to PD
31 JN6 JN7 2650 DI K-7 200 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

PD Jn to Sarnau
32 JN7 Deora ESR 13 DI K-7 100 E
Sarnau Jn to
33 JN7 JN8 5673 DI K-7 150 E
Sarnau ESR
Sarnau CWPS 1
34 to R Nagar ESR JN8 39 DI K-7 150 E
Sarnau Jn to Bhadroona
35 JN8 48 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
36 JN 1 975 BWSC 250 E
Nimbau Prop
37 JN1 5039 DI K-7 150 P 5 1 1 1
38 JN 1 JN 2 808 BWSC 250 E
39 JN 2 256 DI K-7 150 E
40 JN 2 JN 3 283 BWSC 250 E
Ankhol Pro
41 JN 3 3292 DI K-7 100 P 3 0 0 1
42 JN 3 N4 400 BWSC 250 E
43 JN 4 N5 3200 DI K-7 150 E

44 N5 Bali Ext ESR 101 DI K-7 150 E

Bali Proposed
45 JN 5 121 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

Nai Bali Ka
46 JN 5 3916 DI K-7 150 P 4 0 0 1
Goliya Pro
47 Meda PS JN1 123 DI K-7 200 E
48 JN1 Brahmman 29 DI K-7 200 E
49 JN1 Bhalni ESR 5722 DI K-7 150 E
50 JN1 JN3 6810 DI K-7 150 P 7 2 2 1

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51 JN3 Gaonri Pr 3651 DI K-7 100 P 4 0 0 1

52 JN3 Lakhni Pr 4285 DI K-7 100 P 4 1 1 1
53 JN1 JN4 69 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0

54 JN4 Doongarwa Pr 5199 DI K-7 100 P 5 1 1 1

55 JN4 Vada Naya Pr 6250 DI K-7 150 P 6 2 2 1

56 JN1 1029 DI K-7 200 E
57 JN1 JN2 8372 DI K-7 200 E

58 JN2 Rah Prop ESR 201 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0

59 JN2 2902 DI K-7 200 E
60 JN1 JN3 139 DI K-7 200 E
Narsana Prop
61 JN3 201 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0
62 JN3 JN4 5529 DI K-7 200 E

63 JN4 Sewari ESR 35 DI K-7 150 E

64 JN4 JN5 5057 DI K-7 150 E

Vada Bharvi
65 JN 5 46 DI K-7 150 E
Vada Bharvi 1
66 JN 4 5110 DI K-7 200 p 5 1 1
ESR Prop
67 JN1 192 DI K-7 200 E
68 JN1 JN2 2728 DI K-7 200 E

69 JN2 906 DI K-7 200 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

70 JN2 1236 DI K-7 150 P 1 0 0 1
Prop ESR

71 JN1 JN3 7657 DI K-7 150 E

72 JN3 Daman ESR 48 DI K-7 150 E

Kaleti Prop 1
73 JN3 4713 DI K-7 200 P 5 1 1
74 Bagora PS JN1 332 BWSC 300 E
75 JN1 JN2 661 BWSC 300 E
Bagora Ext
76 JN2 38 DI K-7 200 E
77 JN2 JN3 2905 DI K-7 150 E
Dadal Ext
78 JN3 11 DI K-7 150 E
Dadal Prop
79 JN3 5 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0 1
80 JN1 JN4 972 BWSC 300 E
Bagora Prop
81 JN4 175 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
82 JN4 JN 5 2584 BWSC 300 E
83 JN5 881 DI K-7 150 E
84 JN5 JN6 4877 DI K-7 200 E
85 JN6 JN7 199 DI K-7 150 E
Rauta Prop
86 JN7 402 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0
87 JN7 JN8 3435 DI K-7 150 E
88 JN8 Batera ESR 108 DI K-7 150 E
89 JN8 Dhavecha Pro 4073 DI K-7 100 P 4 1 1 1
90 JN6 JN9 6530 DI K-7 200 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

91 JN9 JN10 1454 DI K-7 200 E

92 JN10 Morseem Prop 819 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0
93 JN9 JN11 666 DI K-7 150 E

94 JN11 Morseem ESR 30 DI K-7 150 E

Deoda ka
95 JN11 3112 DI K-7 100 P 3 0 0 1
Galiya Pro

96 Bagora PS 2 Jaisawas PS 11318 BWSC 400 E

97 JN1 10 BWSC 300 E

98 JN1 Jaisawas ESR 60 DI K-7 200 E

Nandiya Pr
99 JN1 7035 DI K-7 150 P 7 2 2 1
100 JN1 JN2 353 BWSC 300 E
101 JN2 JN3 7403 DI K-7 150 P 7 2 2 1
Narwara Pr
102 JN3 4007 DI K-7 100 P 4 1 1 1
Khetlawas Pr
103 JN3 659 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
104 JN2 JN4 745 BWSC 300 E
105 JN4 JN5 2400 DI K-7 150 E
106 JN5 Dhavecha Pr 206 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
107 JN5 JN6 4198 DI K-7 150 E
Sobrawas Pr
108 JN6 299 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

109 JN6 Chhajala ESR 3100 DI K-7 150 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

110 JN4 JN7 4080 BWSC 300 E

Khokha Pr
111 JN7 228 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
112 JN7 JN8 1200 BWSC 250 E
113 JN8 JN9 2800 DI K-7 200 E
114 JN9 JN10 1708 DI K-7 200 E
Lumba Ki
115 JN10 542 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
Dhani Pr
116 JN10 JN11 3768 DI K-7 200 E
Teja KI Beri
117 JN11 10 DI K-7 100 E

118 JN11 Sangana ESR 3350 DI K-7 200 E

119 JN1 4776 BWSC 300 E
120 JN1 JN2 5174 BWSC 300 E

121 JN2 Rangala ESR 33 DI K-7 200 E

122 JN2 JN3 2500 DI K-7 200 E

123 JN3 JN4 4352 DI K-7 200 E
124 JN2 JN4A 6852 DI K-7 200 E 7 2 2 1

125 JN4A 1053 DI K-7 100 P 1 0 0 1

126 JN4 JN5 3622 DI K-7 200 E

127 JN5 Sirana ESR 311 DI K-7 200 E
128 JN4A 12194 DI K-7 100 P 12 3 3 1
Prop ESR
Surana OT
129 JN1 20 DI K-7 200 E
130 JN1 JN2 1569 DI K-7 200 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Surana ESR
131 JN2 35 DI K-7 150 E
Surana ESR
132 JN2 30 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
133 JN1 JN3 2038 DI K-7 150 E
134 JN3 Tilora ESR 4659 DI K-7 150 E
Surana OT
135 JN1 1068 BWSC 250 E
Rohinwara Pr
136 JN1 241 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
137 JN1 JN2 4478 BWSC 250 E
Deta Khurd
138 JN2 46 DI K-7 150 E
139 JN2 JN3 3542 DI K-7 200 E
140 JN3 Vishala Pr 119 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0
141 JN3 JN4 6179 DI K-7 150 E
142 JN4 Komta EX 6 DI K-7 150 E
143 JN4 Komta Pr 15 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0
Surana OT
144 Punawas Pr 2228 DI K-7 100 P 2 0 0 1
145 JN1 36 BWSC 250 E
146 JN1 45 DI K-7 150 E
147 JN1 JN2 823 BWSC 250 E
148 JN2 JN3 8176 DI K-7 200 E
Babtra ESR
149 JN3 66 DI K-7 200 E
Babtra ESR
150 JN3 109 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
Mokni Khera
151 JN3 4460 DI K-7 100 P 4 1 1 1
152 JN2 JN4 2288 BWSC 250 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

153 JN4 560 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

154 JN4 JN5 580 BWSC 250 E

155 JN5 JN6 3018 DI K-7 100 P 3 0 0 1

156 JN6 AKWA ESR Pr 951 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

157 JN6 1368 DI K-7 100 P 1 0 0 1

158 JN5 JN7 2353 BWSC 250 E

Taliyana ESR
159 JN7 40 DI K-7 100 E
160 JN7 JN8 3776 DI K-7 200 E
161 JN8 429 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
162 JN8 JN9 583 DI K-7 200 E
163 JN9 63 DI K-7 150 E
164 JN9 JN10 201 DI K-7 150 E
Dahiva ESR
165 JN10 4797 DI K-7 100 P 5 1 1 1
166 JN10 3378 DI K-7 150 E
167 Posana OT JN1 20 BWSC 350 E
168 JN1 Posana PS 3287 BWSC 300 E
169 JN1 2685 BWSC 300 E
170 JN1 18 BWSC 250 E
Posana Esr
171 JN1 8 DI K-7 100 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

172 JN1 Posana Esr Pr 7 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

173 JN1 JN2 1436 DI K-7 200 E

Rag Uri ESR
174 JN2 1146 DI K-7 100 P 1 0 0 1
175 JN2 JN3 2180 DI K-7 200 E
176 JN3 Unri ESR 764 DI K-7 100 E
177 JN3 JN4 2100 DI K-7 200 E
178 JN4 JN5 2425 DI K-7 150 E
Pantheri ESR
179 JN5 33 DI K-7 100 E

180 JN5 PANTHERI PR 77 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

181 Sayla CWPS JN1 20 DI K-7 200 E

182 JN1 Sayla ESR 1 37 DI K-7 150 E

183 JN1 JN2 562 DI K-7 200 E
184 JN2 SAYLA ESR 2 65 DI K-7 100 E
185 JN2 SAYLA ESR 3 2828 DI K-7 150 E
Sayla CWPS
186 JN1 372 BWSC 250 E
Walera ESR 1
187 JN1 7187 DI K-7 200 P 7 2 2
188 JN1 JN3 2494 BWSC 250 E
189 JN3 Otwala ESR 5471 DI K-7 150 E
190 JN3 JN4 9101 DI K-7 200 E
191 JN4 JN5 4175 DI K-7 150 E
192 JN5 TURA ESR Pr 10 DI K-7 100 E
193 JN4 JN6 2157 DI K-7 200 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

194 JN6 Dhanani ESR 28 DI K-7 100 E

195 JN6 JN7 3156 DI K-7 150 E

Lodrau ESR
196 JN7 2417 DI K-7 100 P 2 0 0
197 JN7 JN8 1432 DI K-7 150 E
Thalwar ESR
198 JN8 988 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0 1
199 JN1 35 DI K-7 250 E 1
200 JN1 47 DI K-7 200 E
201 JN1 JN2 7408 DI K-7 100 E
202 JN2 Kuaber ESR 700 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
203 JN1 JN3 5066 BWSC 250 E
204 JN3 JN4 2226 DI K-7 200 E
Katrasan ESR
205 JN4 57 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
206 JN4 JN5 3217 DI K-7 200 E
Alasan ESR
207 JN5 499 DI K-7 150 E
208 JN5 JN6 41 DI K-7 200 E
Alasan ESR
209 JN6 670 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
210 JN6 JN7 4377 DI K-7 200 E
211 JN7 Virana ESR 3610 DI K-7 150 E
212 JN7 JN8 305 DI K-7 200 E
Rewtra ESR
213 JN8 15 DI K-7 200 E
Rewtra ESR
214 JN8 18 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Jor Virana
215 JN8 3424 DI K-7 100 E
216 JN1 18 BWSC 350 E
217 JN1 JN2 3420 DI K-7 100 E
Sardargarh Pr
218 JN2 3945 DI K-7 100 P 4 0 0 1
219 JN1 JN3 463 DI K-7 200 E
220 JN3 JN4 5044 DI K-7 150 E
Balwara Ext
221 JN4 135 DI K-7 150 E
Balwara PR
222 JN4 1294 DI K-7 100 P 1 0 0 1
223 JN3 JN5 1520 DI K-7 150 E
224 JN5 264 DI K-7 150 E
225 JN5 JN6 2610 DI K-7 150 E
Pahapura Ext
226 JN6 20 DI K-7 100 E
Paharpura Pr
227 JN6 22 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0
228 JN1 JN7 620 BWSC 350 E
Bishangarh 2
229 JN7 23 DI K-7 150 E
Narsana Pr
230 JN7 2185 DI K-7 100 P 2 0 0 1
231 JN7 JN8 6053 BWSC 350 E

232 JN8 Odwara ESR 497 DI K-7 100 E

233 JN8 JN9 613 BWSC 300 E

234 JN9 JN10 7095 DI K-7 150 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Raithal Ext
235 JN10 27 DI K-7 150 E
Raithal PR
236 JN10 760 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
237 JN9 JN11 1195 BWSC 300 E
Panwa Pr
238 JN11 674 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

239 JN11 Bhavrani PS 8060 BWSC 300 E

240 JN1 18 DI K-7 200 E
241 JN1 Elana ESR 1844 DI K-7 150 E
242 JN1 4577 DI K-7 100 E
243 JN1 JN2 886 DI K-7 100 E
Dangra Ext
244 JN2 865 DI K-7 100 E
Dangra Pro
245 JN2 407 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
246 JN1 15 DI K-7 200 E
Mandwala Pr
247 JN1 67 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0
248 JN1 Anwloj ESR 2520 DI K-7 150 E
249 JN1 37 DI K-7 300 E
Bhavrani ESR
250 JN1 10 DI K-7 200 E
Bhavrani ESR
251 JN1 2110 DI K-7 100 P 2 0 0 1
252 JN1 JN2 375 DI K-7 300 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

253 JN2 JN3 462 DI K-7 300 E

254 JN3 JN4 10658 BWSC 300 E
255 JN4 BALA ESR 595 DI K-7 150 E
256 JN4 JN5 182 BWSC 250 E
257 JN5 Bala ESR Pr 49 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
258 JN5 Bhroda PS 5361 BWSC 250 E
259 JN1 80 BWSC 250 E
260 JN1 JN2 193 DI K-7 200 E
261 JN 2 5523 DI K-7 100 P 6 1 1 1
262 JN2 JN3 9147 DI K-7 200 E
263 JN3 Rama Ex 883 DI K-7 200 E

264 JN3 Naya Rama Pr 1355 DI K-7 100 P 1 0 0 1

265 JN1 JN4 1136 DI K-7 200 E

266 JN4 Bharoda ESR 452 DI K-7 150 E

267 JN 4 JN5 5430 DI K-7 200 E

268 JN5 BEEJLI ESR 27 DI K-7 100 E
269 JN5 GHANA PS 5176 DI K-7 200 E
270 JN1 24 DI K-7 150 E
271 JN1 Ghana ESR 94 DI K-7 100 E
272 JN1 JN2 1661 DI K-7 150 E

273 JN2 Rewara Kalan 2949 DI K-7 150 E

274 JN2 JN3 6950 DI K-7 100 E

Barwan ESR
275 JN3 650 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

276 Khapur OT JN 4765 DI K-7 100 P 5 1 1 1 1

277 Jn Kolar ESR Pr 518 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

278 Sanfada OT Sanphara ESR 166 DI K-7 100 E

Keshwana Keshwana
279 55 DI K-7 150 E

280 JN 1450 DI K-7 150 P 1 0 0 1
281 JN 353 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
Tadwa ESR
282 JN 3249 DI K-7 150 P 3 0 0 1
Debawas Debawas
283 796 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
Offtake Offtake

284 JN1 24 BWSC 350 E
285 JN1 Devki Pr Esr 8 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
286 JN1 JN2 2860 BWSC 350 E
287 JN2 Vedia PS 3763 BWSC 300 E

288 Vedia CWPS JN1 53 BWSC 350 E

289 JN1 Vedia ESR 29 DI K-7 150 E

290 JN1 JN2 1138 BWSC 350 E
291 JN2 Sarana ESR 5625 DI K-7 100 P 6 1 1 1
292 JN2 JN3 3803 BWSC 350 E
293 JN3 JN4 2053 DI K-7 150 E
294 JN4 Baori ESR 61 DI K-7 150 E
295 JN4 Sandan ESR 4300 DI K-7 100 P 4 1 1 1

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

296 JN3 JN5 3215 BWSC 350 E

297 JN5 JN6 87 DI K-7 350 E
298 JN6 Nosra PS 717 BWSC 350 E
299 JN1 20 DI K-7 300 E

300 JN1 Nosra ESR Ex 40 DI K-7 150 E

301 JN1 Nosra ESR Pr 322 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

302 JN1 JN2 3163 BWSC 300 E

303 JN2 Sugaliya ESR 236 DI K-7 100 E

304 JN2 JN3 5222 DI K-7 150 E

Korana ESR
305 JN3 955 DI K-7 150 P 0 0 0 1
306 JN2 Nimbla PS 8236 BWSC 300 E
307 JN1 22 BWSC 250 E
Nimbala ESR
308 JN1 55 DI K-7 100 E
Nimbala ESR
309 JN1 41 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
310 JN1 JN2 65 BWSC 250 E
311 JN 2 Gururam Pr 5218 DI K-7 100 P 5 1 1 1
312 JN2 JN3 3270 DI K-7 150 E
313 JN3 Chonda ESR 4810 DI K-7 150 E
314 JN3 7316 DI K-7 100 P 7 2 2 1
315 JN2 5611 DI K-7 200 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

316 JN1 36 DI K-7 200 E
317 JN1 57 DI K-7 100 E
318 JN1 Kurada ESR 3030 DI K-7 100 E
319 JN1 JN2 1466 DI K-7 150 E
320 JN2 338 DI K-7 150 E
321 JN1 JN3 807 DI K-7 200 E
322 JN3 JN4 2536 DI K-7 100 E

323 JN4 Goindla ESR 103 DI K-7 100 E

324 JN4 Selri ESR 6301 DI K-7 100 P 6 2 2 1

325 JN3 JN5 4500 DI K-7 150 E
326 JN5 JN6 1713 DI K-7 150 E
Norwa ESR
327 JN6 32 DI K-7 100 E

328 JN6 Norwa ESR Pr 43 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

329 JN6 Malgarh ESR 5972 DI K-7 100 E

330 JN1 35 BWSC 250 E
331 JN1 JN2 967 DI K-7 150 E
332 JN2 Methri ESR 3219 DI K-7 150 E
333 JN2 JN3 3262 DI K-7 150 E
334 JN3 Deecho ESR 411 DI K-7 150 E
335 JN3 Bokra ESR 4194 DI K-7 100 P 4 1 1 1
336 JN1 JN4 42 BWSC 250 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

337 JN4 224 DI K-7 100 E

338 JN4 242 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

339 JN4 JN5 3385 DI K-7 150 E

340 JN5 Godan ESR 174 DI K-7 100 E
341 JN5 Oon PS 6237 DI K-7 150 E
342 JN1 675 BWSC 250 E

343 JN1 Sankara ESR 4380 BWSC 250 E

344 JN1 JN2 3774 BWSC 250 E

345 JN2 157 DI K-7 150 E

346 JN2 JN3 158 DI K-7 150 E

347 JN3 Leta ESR PR 6079 DI K-7 150 E
348 Oon CWPS JN1 13 DI K-7 100 E
349 JN1 Oan ESR Ex 66 DI K-7 100 E
350 JN1 Oon ESR Pr 49 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
351 JN1 JN2 3300 DI K-7 100 E
352 JN2 JN3 2888 DI K-7 100 E
353 JN3 28 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
354 Ahore PS1 JN1 4765 DI K-7 450 E
355 JN1 Charli PS 3566 BWSC 400 E
356 Ahore PS2 JN1 128 DI K-7 450 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

357 JN1 Samooja ESR 2405 DI K-7 100 E

358 JN1 JN2 357 DI K-7 450 E

359 JN2 JN3 2919 DI K-7 200 E
360 JN3 Ahore 1 ESR 104 DI K-7 150 E

361 JN3 Sanwara ESR 1905 DI K-7 150 E

362 JN3 JN4 4005 DI K-7 150 P 4 1 1 1

363 JN4 100 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
Pr Esr

364 JN4 Purohitan Pr 1301 DI K-7 100 P 1 0 0 1
365 JN2 JN5 81 DI K-7 450 E
366 JN5 JN6 236 DI K-7 150 E

367 JN6 1420 DI K-7 150 E

368 JN6 68 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

369 JN2 JN7 2808 DI K-7 350 E

370 JN7 Ahore 2 ESR 45 DI K-7 200 E
371 JN7 JN8 6398 DI K-7 200 E
372 JN8 Kamba ESR 62 DI K-7 100 E
373 JN8 JN9 273 DI K-7 150 E
374 JN9 Khara Pr ESR 3836 DI K-7 100 P 4 0 0 1
375 JN9 JN10 4663 DI K-7 150 E
376 JN10 59 DI K-7 150 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

377 JN10 Kotra Pr 4950 DI K-7 100 P 5 1 1 1

378 JN1 84 DI K-7 350 E
379 JN1 Charli Pr 69 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
380 JN1 JN2 11973 DI K-7 350 E
381 JN2 Ukarada Pr 34 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
382 JN 2 JN3 72 DI K-7 350 E
383 JN3 JN4 6033 DI K-7 150 E
384 JN4 Shankwali1 279 DI K-7 100 E
385 JN4 Shankwali2 1159 DI K-7 150 E

386 JN3 Chandrai PS 4864 DI K-7 300 E

387 JN 6112 BWSC 300 E
Guda Balotan
388 JN 1877 BWSC 250 E
389 JN 4503 BWSC 300 E

Goda Boltan
390 JN1 9 BWSC 250 E

391 JN1 JN2 829 DI K-7 150 E

392 JN1 Agwari ESR 1 321 DI K-7 150 E

393 JN1 Agwari ESR 2 2986 DI K-7 100 E

394 JN1 JN3 1871 BWSC 250 E

Gura Boltan
395 JN1 20 DI K-7 100 E
396 JN1 JN4 2218 DI K-7 150 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Dayalpura 1
397 JN1 36 DI K-7 100 E
398 JN1 Madri ESR 1205 DI K-7 100 E

Goda Boltan
399 JN1 5156 BWSC 250 E

400 JN1 Harjee ESR 1 1428 DI K-7 100 E

401 JN1 JN2 515 DI K-7 150 E

402 JN2 Harjee ESR 2 58 DI K-7 150 E

403 JN2 JN3 2383 DI K-7 150 E

404 JN3 JN4 1516 DI K-7 150 E
405 JN4 49 DI K-7 150 E
406 JN4 1478 DI K-7 100 P 1 0 0 1
407 JN3 JN5 1847 DI K-7 150 E
408 JN5 397 DI K-7 150 E
409 JN5 Budtra ESR 2791 DI K-7 100 P 3 0 0 1

410 JN1 17 DI K-7 300 E

411 JN1 72 DI K-7 150 E 1 1
412 JN1 JN2 48 BWSC 300 E 1
413 JN2 JN3 164 BWSC 250 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

414 JN3 JN4 2982 DI K-7 100 E

415 JN4 JN5 3660 DI K-7 100 E

416 JN5 Dodiyali ESR 330 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

417 JN3 JN6 2662 DI K-7 200 E

418 JN6 Veedana ESR 59 DI K-7 150 E

419 JN6 JN7 3406 DI K-7 150 E

420 JN7 56 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
Balotan Pr
421 JN7 Poata ESR 1572 DI K-7 150 E
422 JN1 1261 BWSC 300 E
423 JN1 124 DI K-7 150 E
424 JN1 JN2 1760 DI K-7 150 E
Thoomba Pr
425 JN2 9 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0
426 JN2 Padrali ESR 4530 DI K-7 150 E
427 JN1 JN3 223 BWSC 300 E
428 JN3 JN4 3947 DI K-7 150 E
429 JN4 668 DI K-7 150 E
430 JN4 JN5 1872 DI K-7 150 P 2 0 0 1
Tarwara Pr
431 JN5 18 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0

432 JN5 Moolewa Pr 4802 DI K-7 100 P 5 1 1 1

433 JN3 JN6 6112 BWSC 250 E

434 JN6 Valdara ESR 3764 DI K-7 150 E

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

435 JN6 JN7 289 DI K-7 200 E

436 JN7 321 DI K-7 150 E
437 JN7 Rodla PS 4479 DI K-7 200 E
438 JN1 16 DI K-7 200 E
439 JN1 Radola ESR 220 DI K-7 150 E
440 JN1 JN2 84 DI K-7 200 E
441 JN2 2143 DI K-7 100 E
442 JN2 JN3 4980 DI K-7 200 E
443 JN3 Bhooti ESR 1076 DI K-7 150 E
444 JN3 Kawla ESR 3839 DI K-7 150 E
Chaurau OT
445 JN1 10 DI K-7 150 E

446 JN1 Chaurau ESR 1444 DI K-7 150 E

447 JN1 JN2 1946 DI K-7 150 E

Asana ESR
448 JN2 23 DI K-7 150 E

449 JN2 Asana ESR Pr 30 DI K-7 100 P 0 0 0 1

450 JN2 Borwara Pr 5049 DI K-7 150 P 5 1 1 1

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK) Cluster distribution system (From ESR to VTCs)

• The details of cluster distribution in 171 clusters under the project is given in Table-2.

75 110 125 140 160 180 200 225 100 150 250
90 mm 100 mm 200 mm
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

1 Dhaneriya - - - - - - 69 5,321 74 - - - - -

2 Siwara - - - - - 2,032 - - - - - - - -

3 TETROL - - - - - - 4,567 - - - - - -

4 GUDA HEMA - - 3,114 - - 2,040 - 5,782 16 - - - - -

5 RANODAR - - - - - - - - 29 - - - - -

6 AMARPURA - - - - - 231 - - - - - - - -
7 - - - - - - 9 - 2,293 - - - - -

8 Akoli - - - - - - - - 2,976 - - - - -

9 Vamal - - - - - 9 - 4,699 14 - - - - -

10 Itada - - - - 958 - - - 2,293 - - - - -

11 Jhab - - - - 3,334 12 - - 12,681 - - - - -

12 Deora - - - - - - - - 20 - - - - -

13 Mooli - - - - - - - 632 150 - - - - -

14 BHADURNA - - - - - - - - 18 - - - - -

15 Jodhawas - - - - - - - - 17 - - - - -

16 Ankhol - - - - - - - 20 - - - - -

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

17 Nimbau - - - - - 13 4,486 - 46 - - - - -

18 BALI - - - - - 36 - - 39 - - - - -

19 NAIBALI - - - - - - 1,136 - - - - - - -

20 VADA NAYA - - - - - - - - 46 - - - - -

21 DOOGARWA - - - - - - - - 38 - - - - -

22 Meda Brahmnan - 2,067 17 - - - - - 2,301 - - - - -

23 LAKHNI - - - - - - - 631 - - - - - -

24 GANORI - - - - - 3,169 - 53 24

25 Bhalni - - - - - - 3,632 21 17

26 Vada Bharvi - - - - 227 - 7,386 1,024 64

27 MINDAWAS - - - - - - - 887 11

28 RAH - - - - - 2,112 - 664 -

29 Kaleti - - - - - - 32 - -

30 DAMAN - - - - - 45 - - -

31 NARSANA - - - - - - - - 20

32 Dhumbariya - - - - - - - - 36

33 Bagoda - - - - - - 10 - 9

34 Bichhawari - 13 - 2,405 - - 2,568 3,948 3,075

35 Rauta - - - - - 3,718 - - 616

36 Battera - - - - - - - 11 -

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Deoda Ka
37 Goliya - - - - - - - - 19
38 Dhavecha - - - - - - - 10 -

39 MORSEEM - - - - - - 7,324 1,788 14

40 naya morseem - - - - - - - - 108

41 DADAL - - - - - - - 28 -

42 JAISAWAS - - - - - - - - -
43 DHAVECHA - - - - - - - - 13

44 Nandiya - - - - - - - - - - - - 704

45 NARWARA - - - - - - 12 - 4,589

46 Chhajala - - - - - - - - - - - 14 - -

47 Sobrawas - - - - - - - - 9,748 - - - - -
48 DHANI - - - - - - - 348 - - - - - -

49 TEJA KI BERI - - - - - - - 11 -

50 Khetlawas - - - - - 14 - - 3,075

51 Sangana - - - - - - - - 11

52 RANGALA - - - - 1,570 2,676 462 19 -

53 KHARI - - - - - - - - 4,070

54 Khokha - - - - - - - - 3,321

55 Sirana - - - - - - 4,280 20 -

56 SURANA - - - - - - - - -

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

57 KOMTA - - - - - - - - -

58 VISHALA - - - - - 1,769 32 - 96

59 Deta Kalan - - - - - - - - 1,788

60 Bhundwa - - - - - - - - 549

61 MENGALWA - - - - - - 1,111 - 31 - - - -

62 Punawas - - - - - 169 - - -

63 Taliyana - - - - - - - - 8

64 Akwa - - - - - - - 253 577

65 Jeewana - - - - - 38 - 13 -

66 JALAMPURA - - - - - - - 22

67 Babtara - - - - 35 - 23 18 -

68 Posana - - - - - - 24 - 17

69 Pantheri - - - - - - - 11 9

70 UNARI - - - - - - 18 167 -

71 Asana - - - - - - - - 18

72 BORAWARA - - - - 133 - - - -

73 SAYLA - - - - - - - - -

74 DHANANI - - - - 29 - - - -

75 Thalwar - - - - - 519 - 14 -

76 Tura - - - - - - - - 12

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

77 Otwala - - - - - - - 11 -

78 Walera - - - - - - - - 39

79 Dangara - - - - 20 - - - -

80 Nimblana - - - - - - - 3,259 43

81 Anwloj - - - 19 - - 1,913 - -

82 MANDWALA - - - - - - - - 59

83 PAHARPURA - 1,487 - - - - - - 1,650

84 BALWARA - - - - - - 15 2,639 663

85 BISHANGARH - - - - 13 - 1,330 1,835 28

86 Sardargarh - - - 26 -

87 Narsana - - 14 - - - - - -

88 Raithal - - - - - - - 66 45

89 Odwara - - - - - - - - 12

90 Panwa - 9 - - - - - - 7

91 Bhavrani - - - - - - - 15 43

92 Bala 49 - - - - - - - 8

93 Bhorda - - - - - - - - 12

94 NEELKANTH - - - - 902 - - - - - - -

95 RAMA - - - - - - - - -

96 Naya Rama - - - - - - - - -

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

97 Ghana - - - - - - - - -

98 REWARA KALAN - - 17 - 2,751 - 2,813 389 5,017

99 BARWAN - - - - - - - - 564

100 DEBAWAS - - - - - - - - 832

101 Vedia - - - - - 4,023 - - -

102 SARANA - - - - 127 - - - -

103 BAORI - - 8 - - - - - -

104 Sandan - - 11 - - - - - -

105 GURA RAMA - - 29 - - 3,753 - - -

106 Nosra - - - 16 - - 350 - - - - - - -

107 Sugaliya Jodha - 6,062 1,436 30 - - 12 - -

Thoomba Ka
108 Goliya - - - - 1,794 - 12 - - - - - - -

109 Nimbla - 3,018 1,625 - - - 33 - -

110 CHUNDA - - 3,066 - - - - 4,715 7

111 MOHIWARA - - - - - - 618 - -

112 Bhadrajoon - - - - - - - - 58 - - - - -

113 Govindla - - - - - - - - 14

114 SELRI - - - - - 981 - - -

115 MALGARH - - - - - - - - -

116 Norwa - - - - - - - - 39

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

117 Badanwari 23

118 GODAN - - - - - - 23 - -

119 Meethri - - - - - - - - -

120 DEVAKI - - - - - - - - -

121 BOKRA - - - - - 519 - - -

122 denchoo - 3,152 - 4,986 - - - - -

123 Sankarna - - 2,266 - - - - - 42

124 LETA - - - - - - - - 7

125 Oon - - - - 11 - - - -

126 Pandgara - 2,879 9 - - - - -

127 Charli - - - - - - - - 806

128 BHAINSWARA - - - - - 26 - - -

129 Kotra 1,594 - 421 - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0

130 Ajeetpura - 24 - - - - - 1,312 4,503 0 0 0 0 0

131 Kamba - - - - - - - - 12

132 Khara - - - - - - - - 36

133 Samooja - - 12,884 - - - - - 16

134 Purohitan - - - - 690 - - - - - - - - -

135 sanwara - - - - - - - 23 - 0 0 0 0 0

136 cheeparwar - - - - - 243 - - -

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

137 sankhwali - - 11 - - - - - 15

138 Agwari - - - - - 14 - - -

139 Dayalpura - - - 8 742 - - - 31

140 Madri - - - - - - - - -

141 Guda Balotan - - - - - - - - -

142 THANWALA - - - - - - - - -

143 Chawarcha - - - - - - - - -

144 BUDTARA - - - - 95 - - - -

145 Paota - - - - - - - - -

146 VEDANA - - - - 1,413 - - - -

147 BALOTAN - - - - - - - - -

148 DODIYALI - 3,410 - 2,089 306 311 -

149 Chandrai

150 Ukarda - - - - 2,564 76 - - -

151 Thoomba - - - - 16 - - - -

152 Panchota - - - - - - - - 14
153 - - - - - - 28 - - 0 0 0

154 Moolewa - - - - - - - 1,638 - 0 0 0

155 Padarli - - - - - - 5 - -

156 Valdara - - - - - - 25 3,577 -

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

157 Kawrada - - - - - - 2,042 82 -

158 Guda Indrapura - - - - - - - - -

159 Rodala - - - - - - - - 22

160 BHOOTI - - - - - - - - -

161 KAWLA - - - - - - - - -

162 VEERANA - - - - - - - - -

163 JOR VEERANA - 23 - - - - - - -

164 REWATRA - - - - - - - - 32

165 Kuaber - - - - - - 26 - -

166 Sanphara - - - - - - 21 - -

167 KOLAR - 4,979 - - - - - - - 30

168 Tadwa - - - - - - 1,237 - - - - - - 537

169 Keshwana - - - - - - 19 - - - - 16 - -

170 Katarasan - - - 40 - - - - -

171 Alasan - - - - 39 - 20 - -

1,643 27,123 24,928 9,619 17,463 28,237 43,156 50,543 69,695 336 311 30 - 1,241

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK) Village distribution system

• The details of village distribution in 171 clusters under the project is given in Table-3.
Details of Clusters distribution (Table-3)
75 mm 90 mm 110 mm 125 mm 140 160 mm 180 200 225 100 100 150 mm
mm mm mm mm mm mm
1 Dhaneriya 1,324 2,353 981 1,572 13 - - - - -
52,922 4,586
2 Siwara 3,186 2,326 - 846 - - - - - -
54,839 1,896
3 TETROL 6,271 1,618 630 - - - - - - -
69,127 1,352
4 GUDA HEMA 5,752 6,375 655 2,616 - - - - -
73,464 2,488 57
5 RANODAR 3,372 3,234 - 1,752 2,033 - - -
44,178 1,281 1,802 609
6 AMARPURA 547 1,199 960 - 68 - - - - - -
7 Saili 3,480 3,032 1,516 - 829 - - - -
31,920 161 1,358
8 Akoli 525 2,613 1,442 45 1,236 2,995 - - -
1,32,851 498 21
9 Vamal - - - 216 - - - 930 -
35,682 449 333
10 Itada 5,584 4,402 - 719 - - - - - -
28,274 3,096
11 Jhab 7,753 1,980 3,794 2,510 859 - - - - -
68,890 7,180
12 Deora 17,760 4,858 837 135 825 - - -
74,255 1,277 2,236 6,190

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

13 Mooli 3,552 1,438 4,986 1,253 3,453 - - -

82,140 3,133 1,336 1,926
14 BHADURNA 4,604 5,555 6,089 3,827 449 - - - - -
68,026 1,136
15 Jodhawas 2,617 2,144 5,030 1,678 2,199 - - - -
35,162 3,280 654
16 Ankhol 1,105 2,348 2,862 649 198 - - - - -
20,279 1,839
17 Nimbau 3,507 984 1,066 396 63 - - - - -
58,527 281
18 BALI 3,312 4,289 5,711 2,567 842 - - - -
43,035 3,879 215
19 NAIBALI - 314 - 31 - - - - - -
46,652 390
20 VADA NAYA 2,189 2,107 747 599 326 - - - -
71,943 4,619 664
21 DOOGARWA 3,757 4,960 - 1,443 405 - - - - -
55,702 2,253
22 Meda 5,635 1,863 1,116 1,410 1,421 - - - - -
Brahmnan 89,534 1,412
23 LAKHNI 2,122 3,285 1,156 - - 312 - - - - -
24 GANORI 3,808 3,436 - 2,255 2,942 - - - -
42,645 1,395 544
25 Bhalni 4,963 3,858 368 1,704 961 - - - -
80,222 3,893 717
26 Vada Bharvi 918 2,988 4,124 1,221 - - - - - -
79,235 5,801
27 MINDAWAS 1,016 2,905 4,114 2,243 2,438 - - - - -
77,528 5,750
28 RAH 5,014 9,878 3,735 1,720 2,061 - - - - -
54,651 935
29 Kaleti 4,150 3,614 781 - - 277 - - - - -
30 DAMAN 5,213 1,015 3,743 - - - - - - - -

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

31 NARSANA 4,452 1,012 1,722 3,076 1,308 - - -

87,373 2,577 626 205
32 Dhumbariya 6,940 4,759 3,276 2,725 190 - - - -
1,12,317 6,162 677
33 Bagoda 9,235 4,531 4,610 1,265 5,840 - - - -
88,610 12,224 10,552
34 Bichhawari 8,136 4,490 1,568 4,304 1,683 - - - -
95,266 2,561 877
35 Rauta 9,082 2,897 2,264 - 1,609 - - - -
69,259 641 2,282
36 Battera 372 - - - 143 - - - - -
35,911 1,042
37 Deoda Ka 405 3,338 2,767 1,604 1,148 - - - -
Goliya 33,986 5,053 1,248
38 Nawapura - - - 266 189 - - - - -
Dhavecha 57,749 2,510
39 MORSEEM 10,439 9,111 2,345 4,463 4,455 - - - -
70,466 2,386 2,238
40 naya morseem 1,747 4,545 1,749 1,960 4,382 - - -
50,033 794 2,732 914
41 DADAL 6,943 6,682 - 3,103 704 - - - - -
88,186 2,121
42 JAISAWAS 4,495 2,793 - - - - - - - -
85,454 4,320
43 KORI 947 601 434 - 1,156 1,024 - - - -
DHAVECHA 67,633 10
44 Nandiya 1,917 1,770 1,343 1,401 649 - - -
1,11,681 555 922 418
45 NARWARA 737 934 1,091 11 - - - - - -
79,627 347
46 Chhajala 4,572 - - - - - - - - 1,243
34,111 286
47 Sobrawas 5,674 6,661 1,575 1,644 505 - - 4,024 - -
92,224 941
48 LUMBHA KI 3,487 1,648 620 83 - - - - - -
DHANI 74,312 580

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

49 TEJA KI BERI 3,403 2,123 - 1,144 208 - - - - -

31,596 2,243
50 Khetlawas 9,882 11,545 2,580 2,920 638 - - - -
1,08,533 6,226 692
51 Sangana 1,922 4,569 3,705 3,671 1,247 - - - -
1,06,514 5,119 88
52 RANGALA 7,024 1,445 391 - - - - - - -
76,955 631
53 KHARI 5,689 4,147 3,596 328 - - - - - -
79,729 619
54 Khokha 1,137 3,944 2,136 - 359 - - - - -
69,002 2,973
55 Sirana 25,179 12,933 13,700 3,977 2,109 - - - - -
2,45,220 5,764
56 SURANA 15,059 6,167 5,439 1,600 2,280 - - -
1,19,235 4,072 399 1,111
57 KOMTA 9,491 3,671 - - 1,348 - - - - -
84,444 351
58 VISHALA 7,095 1,531 282 304 134 - - - - -
40,947 2,913
59 Deta Kalan 2,391 1,603 1,280 - - 447 - - - -
37,976 12
60 Bhundwa 2,161 1,294 1,575 157 1,286 - - - - -
33,670 483
61 MENGALWA 7,057 2,245 1,824 3,100 1,963 - - - - -
55,684 5,198
62 Punawas 5,921 433 - - - - - - - - -
63 Taliyana 16,700 2,985 1,129 1,636 1,995 - - - -
41,007 1,234 7
64 Akwa 4,427 3,318 1,979 132 39 - - - - -
90,832 3,485
65 Jeewana 1,145 3,033 5,662 - 14 - - - - -
91,860 6,623
66 JALAMPURA 7,526 5,832 2,325 - - - - - - -
95,262 1,410

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

67 Babtara 40,578 22,648 14,726 257 795 - - - -

2,10,713 7,442 72
68 Posana 763 2,150 1,256 4,582 1,425 - - - -
96,565 6,825 382
69 Pantheri 945 2,437 761 3,162 2,716 - - - -
38,121 10,271 1,307
70 UNARI 2,194 2,023 683 - 3,022 - - - -
43,944 765 223
71 Asana 5,937 4,946 2,338 2,102 1,378 - - -
68,045 2,334 633 43
72 BORAWARA 4,269 2,631 1,962 - - - - - - - -
73 SAYLA 15,403 8,408 1,961 1,331 676 - - - -
1,15,229 5,738 2,125
74 DHANANI 2,851 581 171 - - - - - - -
21,029 1,123
75 Thalwar 883 2,338 2,847 1,267 316 - - - - -
84,335 3,339
76 Tura 1,394 641 - 6,982 7,678 - - - -
48,082 1,082 355
77 Otwala 5,687 4,191 - - 1,057 - - - -
46,876 4,684 2,731
78 Walera 139 1,656 1,437 1,565 4,319 - - - -
84,156 4,161 3,165
79 Dangara 2,951 1,458 - - - - - - - -
34,542 1,502
80 Nimblana 4,279 2,084 192 - - - - - - -
39,161 35
81 Anwloj 44 2,984 - - - 18 - - - - -
82 MANDWALA 2,620 758 1,322 - - - - - - -
24,476 79
83 PAHARPURA 447 1,380 489 - - - - - - - -
84 BALWARA 3,412 1,192 - 741 357 - - - -
30,219 1,935 20

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

85 BISHANGARH - - - 73 - - - - - - -
86 Sardargarh 5,401 159 194 - - - - - - - -
87 Narsana - 244 - - - - - - - - -
88 Raithal 392 517 1,338 184 - - - -
17,417 685 94 27
89 Odwara 102 - - - - - - - - -
12,311 117
90 Panwa 684 - - - - - - - - - -
91 Bhavrani 1,810 1,271 - 777 242 - - - -
31,849 892 713
92 Bala 1,571 - - - - - - - -
12,825 576 9
93 Bhorda - - - - - - - - - - -
94 NEELKANTH 778 - 485 - - - - - - -
5,364 101
95 RAMA 2,139 4,140 - - - - - - - -
20,195 2,026
96 Naya Rama 11 - - - - - - - - - -
97 Ghana 4,383 - - - - - - - - - -
98 REWARA 1,127 2,307 868 - 26 - - - - - -
KALAN 18,888
99 BARWAN 4,463 3,942 1,629 8,502 110 - - - - -
26,958 1,622
100 DEBAWAS - - - - - - - - - - -
101 Vedia 660 222 - - - - - - - - -
102 SARANA 3,133 278 1,611 - - - - - - -
15,954 1,016

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

103 BAORI 1,606 18 - - - - - - - - -

104 Sandan - 10 - - - - - - - - -
105 GURA RAMA 511 530 228 - - - - - - - -
106 Nosra 2,402 2,472 2,964 - - - - - 1,162 -
15,632 2,118
107 Sugaliya Jodha 848 1,846 495 - - - - - - - -
108 Thoomba Ka 639 1,634 3,562 - - - - 3,001 -
Goliya 18,689 1,829 1,760
109 Nimbla 157 1,100 1,028 - - 98 - - - - -
110 CHUNDA 511 2,330 314 25 - - - - - -
14,369 196
111 MOHIWARA - - - - - - - - - - -
112 Bhadrajoon - - 257 - - - - 246 - 1,230
18,306 302
113 Govindla - - - - - - - - - - -
114 SELRI - - - - 12 - - - - - -
115 MALGARH - - - - - - - - - - -
116 Norwa - - - - - - - - - - -
117 Badanwari 465 - - - 227 - - - - - -
118 GODAN 6,003 1,381 - 223 203 - - - - -
15,775 682
119 Meethri 1,794 521 - - - - - - - - -
120 DEVAKI - - - - - - - - - - -

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

121 BOKRA 1,994 15 - - - - - - - - -

122 denchoo 153 - - - - - - - - - -
123 Sankarna - - - - - - - - - - -
124 LETA 404 - 2,118 1,632 - - - - - -
20,621 2,993
125 Oon - - 205 - - - - - - - -
126 Pandgara - - - - - - - - - - -
127 Charli 2,057 1,909 1,399 - - - - - -
17,000 1,951 22
128 BHAINSWARA 265 - - - 373 113 - - - - -
129 Kotra - - - - - - - - - - -
130 Ajeetpura - 183 - - 258 - - - - - -
131 Kamba 147 200 - 56 - - - - - - -
132 Khara 143 - - - 19 - - - - - -
133 Samooja 184 - - - - - - - - - -
134 Bhagli 34 - - - - - - - - -
Purohitan 3,145 247
135 sanwara - 349 - - - - - - - -
4,607 30
136 cheeparwar 33 - - - - - - - - - -
137 sankhwali 337 36 - - - - - - - - -
138 Agwari - 596 549 - - - - - - -
20,198 118

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

139 Dayalpura 795 154 28 - - - - - - - -

140 Madri 335 - - 23 - - - - - - -
141 Guda Balotan 1,230 - 154 207 - - - - -
25,305 197 364
142 THANWALA 133 64 - - - - - - - - -
143 Chawarcha - - - - - - - - - - -
144 BUDTARA - - - - - - - - - - -
145 Paota - - 1,981 - - - - - - -
23,839 155
146 VEDANA 2,270 120 - - - - - - - - -
147 SEDARIYA 3,725 142 - - - - - - - - -
BALOTAN 11,359
148 DODIYALI 221 298 - - - - - - 2,404 - -
149 Chandrai - 511 - - - - - - - - -
150 Ukarda 84 - - - - - - - - - -
151 Thoomba 543 384 - 7 - - - - - - -
152 Panchota - - - - - - - - - - -
153 Tarwara - - - - - - - - - - -
154 Moolewa 139 370 1,319 - 14 - - - - -
3,880 1,641
155 Padarli - - - - - - - - - - -
156 Valdara - - - - - - - - - - -

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

157 Kawrada - - - - 339 - - - - - -

158 Guda Indrapura - - - - - - - - - - -
159 Rodala 179 427 - - - - - - - - -
160 BHOOTI - - - - - - - - - - -
161 KAWLA - - 552 - - - - - - - -
162 VEERANA 418 - - - - - - - - - -
163 JOR VEERANA 25 - - - - - - - - - -
164 REWATRA 2,653 1,948 618 - 455 - - - -
33,612 234 20
165 Kuaber - 3,030 2,615 813 42 - - - - -
39,972 11,564
166 Sanphara - - 2,637 931 - - - - - -
35,198 2,798
167 KOLAR 98 - - - - - - - - - -
168 Tadwa 15,665 1,963 1,913 - - - - 1,012 - -
78,996 513
169 Keshwana 4,797 1,135 956 - - - - - - - 336
170 Katarasan 251 1,394 426 - - - - - - - -
171 Alasan 3,131 4,493 - 39 - - - - - - -
Grand total 6932599 504654 328710 191998 241702 117233 88831 32094 25309 12779 4497 2809

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK) Crossings
• The details of min. crossings under the project in rising mains:
S.no From To Tentative Pipe Dia Type of Crossing
1 ESR Nai Bali ESR Bali 150 mm DI River
2 ESR Lakhni ESR Bhalni 100 mm DI River
3 ESR Chonchawan ESR Sajanpura 200 mm DI SH-16
4 ESR Chonchawan ESR Sajanpura 200 mm DI SH-16
5 ESR Keshwana ESR Keshwana 150 mm DI SH-16
6 ESR Bishangarh ESR Narsana 100 mm DI SH-38
7 ESR Cheeparwara ESR Ahore 150 mm DI Jawai River
8 ESR Ajeetpura ESR Kotra 100 mm DI SH-64
9 ESR NIMBLA ESR Gura Rama 100 mm DI SH-64
• Min. no. of Cluster distribution crossings
Tentative Type oF
S.no From To Pipe Dia Crossing
VTC Sheraniyon Ki 160 mm
1 ESR Siwara Dhani HD NH-68
ESR (P) 200 mm
2 Dhaneriya VTC Padardi HD CANAL
180 mm
180 mm
ESR 200 mm
5 Bishangarh VTC MUDI HD Railway
110 mm
6 ESR Sankarna VTC Beechhawari HD NH-325
ESR (P) Gura 160 mm
7 Rama VTC Gura Rama HD SH-64
ESR (P) 100 mm
8 Dodiyali VTC Pachanawa MS Jawai River
2.5.3 Section wise/ detail for Crossings:

Such works are to be executed as per approved drawing by the respective agency.
Cost towards the complete job is to be included in the cost of item for running
length of pipe line as a single job in the price bid. Where open excavation is
allowed, CC encased MS pipes shall be used for crossings as per sound
engineering practices. But if open excavation is not allowed, push back system/
micro tunneling or any approved method (for the encasing MS pipe as per
approval) shall be used. It shall be sole responsibility of the contractor to obtain
permission from concern authority by furnishing all details/ drawing / design and
undertaking etc. required for the same time to time. However, department may
assist the contractor.
Type of Crossing (Tentative no.)
SN Gas /
Railway NH SH Canal River
1 1 16

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

• Above nos. are as per pre-award surveys. Actual number of crossings will
be as per finalization of alignment after post award surveys.
• The canal crossings are on minor irrigation channels (water courses). Canal
crossings shall be done as per permission of Irrigation Department (WRD).
• Gas/Oil crossings shall be done as per permission of Gas/Oil Company.
• The NH / SH/Mega Highway crossings shall be done as per permission of
PWD/NHAI and local administration.
• The rivers in the project area are not perennial. The river crossings shall be
done below scour depth with MS pipes (IS 3589) duly encased in minimum
15 cm CC of 1:2:4 grade.
Apart from the rivers, there may be many small nallah/drains along the
alignments, as the project area. Contractor shall carry out all activities to get
permissions and approvals from concerned Department / Agency. Getting
timely permission will be responsibility of contractor. All expenditures required
to execute these crossing works (excluding permission fees, insurance, lease
amount etc.) shall be borne by Contractor. Department will provide necessary
support in the process. The cost of these crossings are included in cost of
pipeline works, no separate payment shall be done to the contractor for
crossing works.

2.5.4 Minimum Pipe Class - The operating pressures for rising mains, as per
department's concept, are indicated in the table. For distribution mains, though
the maximum operating pressures are below 60 m, the pipes to be used shall not
be less than of 6 kg/cm2 working pressure rating.
Pipe Minimum
SN Operating Remarks
Type Class
For operating pressures more than
1 DI K-7 80 m
80 m, K-9 pipes shall be used.
2 PE PN 6/10 60 m To be used in soil strata only.
Thickness shall be as per
As per As per
3 MS “Preferred thickness” specified in
IS 3589 design
IS 3589.
2.5.5 Pipe line Laying Work
Pipe shall be laid, as far as possible, along the roads leading to the villages
on the outer edge of the road boundary. The alignment adopted in this
contract has been taken along the roads. However, during execution of the
works, if a shorter alternate and feasible route to a village is found, the
department may opt to lay pipeline along that shorter route. Expenses on
account of damages field boundaries or any other damages in field or of
private property during laying of pipes shall be borne by the contractor. The
grade (i.e. L-section) in which the pipe shall be laid shall be got approved by
the department. The L-section shall be based on the following principles:
The slopes required shall be such that in normal conditions, the cover over
the laid pipe shall not be more than 1.50 meters. In general the clear cover
should be 1.00 meters. However, in general, the limitation for cover shall be
as given in chapter 3 ‘Specification of pipeline’. In case pipe is laid at
depth less than 1.0 m clear cover, the same will be laid with CC

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

encasing of minimum 15 cm thickness. In no case pipe shall be laid with

less than 0.3 m cover.
The following important activities have been identified for Pumping mains:
i. Selection of class of pipe as per approval to the Designs.
ii. Procurement and supply of pipes after pre-dispatch inspection by EIC or his
authorized engineer or Third Party.
iii. Procurement and supply of required specials after pre-dispatch inspection
by EIC or his authorized engineer or Third Party.
iv. Manufacturing and Testing at works, transportation, packing, supply of all
type of pipes, specials, valves and other material to be used. Stacking
and/or storage of material, re-handling, construction of pedestals/portals
for pipe support to lay pipes above ground or by excavation, and refilling
the trench to ensure minimum cover of 1.0 meter and carry out sectional
testing, pre-commissioning checks, full completion tests and trial runs. For
the pumping mains, contractor shall get the Surge analysis done from IIT
or IISc, Bangalore or any other reputed government institution approved by
EIC, on the basis of actual survey and field data collected by contractor and
based on it, contractor shall submit the surge protection system designs for
approval of Engineer In Charge (the Air Valves shall not be considered in
the analysis). Contractor shall be responsible for manufacturing,
construction, commissioning, testing of surge protection system and shall
take up all the necessary construction work and installation of equipment
for surge protection as per the approval given by the Engineer In Charge.
Contractor shall also be responsible for maintaining this executed system
for 11 years including one year of defect liability period.
v. As stated in Chapter 1, all the transmission main shall be of DI K-7/K-9
and distribution mains of HDPE PE 80PN 6 in soil strata up to 225 mm
size and DI in rocky strata/higher sizes.
vi. Submission of L-section and plan for approval of Engineer In Charge prior
to commencement of work and after approval take up the work and submit
As built drawings after final laying and testing of pipeline.
vii. Setting of works, laying and jointing of pipes and pipe appurtenances at
required levels. The pipeline alignment in general shall be kept on the outer
edge of the existing / proposed road boundaries. Wherever this is not
possible, on approval of Engineer-In-Charge, the pipe can be laid near the
road or within the carriageway. No extra payment shall be made on account
of additional excavation required for placing pipes further away from the
road centres. No additional payment shall be made for excavation of road
surface or any other strata for the approved pipe alignment. The alignment
approved by the Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and binding to the
viii. Excavation for trenches in ordinary soil/ hard dense soil/ hard dense soil
mixed with boulders/decomposed rocks/hard rock/saturated soil. For
laying pipeline below ground a minimum clear cover of 1.0 m shall be
ix. Providing bedding with sand, where pipe is laid below ground in rocky area.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

x. Wherever the pipeline is laid with an embankment to provide minimum

specified cover, the embankment shall be so constructed that it doesn’t
create pounding of water. The slopes of the burrow areas used for
construction of road and the existing ground area shall be re-graded for
easy and unobstructed flow of water to the nearest natural drain.
xi. Providing RCC support structures such as saddle supports for pipe (MS/DI)
laying above ground or in open cut trenches. The saddle supports shall be
provided with minimum 6 mm thick MS plate for support on saddles (for
pipes kept open to sky). The spacing of supports shall be not more than 6m.
xii. Providing a suitable designed and approved scour-proof bed for crossing of
pipeline below the scour depth of nallah, drain, canal or river. For pipe
crossings of drains above ground, the invert level of pipe shall be kept 0.6 m
above H.F.L/FTL/road level, using suitable support structures. The
structures must be protected by suitably planned river training works. The
crossing below the scour depth or above HFL has to be decided in co-
ordination of the EIC. Detailed drawing of crossing arrangements proposed
to be used shall be presented to Engineer-In-charge for approval.
xiii. Providing, installation and testing of on-line sluice valves, of the same
diameter as that of pipeline, at all junction points, on the main incoming
pipe as well on all branch pipes. All valves to be installed at a particular
junction may be housed in one chamber of appropriate size, the drawing of
which shall be approved by the EiC.

xiv. Providing, installation and testing of on-line butterfly/sluice valves, of the

same diameter as that of transmission/rising main, for the purpose of
sectionalizing, at an average spacing of 4 km (for pipe sizes from 100 and
up to 800 mm) in the rising mains and distribution main. In addition to
these sectional valves bidder will also be required to install the suitable size
of Sluice valves on each pipeline at the Junction Points with a valve
chamber, wherever required for system operation & control.

xv. The pressure rating of valves shall be as per the design pressure at the
point of installation but not less than PN 1.6. The locations of sectionalizing
valves shall be proposed as per site conditions and shall be got approved
from Engineer-In-Charge. The sectionalizing valves shall be installed in
chambers with a dismantling joint, D/F pipe and other specials. Minimum
clear dimensions of the chamber shall be as per specifications given in
Chapter 3 of this section of bid documents. The wall, roof and other
structural members of the chambers shall be constructed as per design,
which shall be got approved from the Engineer-In-Charge.

xvi. Scour valve (of suitable pressure rating, not less than PN 1.6) shall be
provided in all rising mains & distribution mains at an average spacing of 4
km (for pipe sizes from 100 and up to 800 mm) i.e. with the same spacing
as adopted for sectionalising valves. At least one scour valve shall be
required for each of the section of pipeline with length more than 2 km for
transmission/rising mains. The locations and size of scour valves in rising
pipe line shall be proposed as per site conditions and shall be got approved
from Engineer-In-Charge. The scour valves shall be installed in chambers
with a dismantling Piece and other specials. Minimum clear dimensions of

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

the chamber shall be as per specifications given in Chapter 3 of this section

of bid documents. The wall, roof and other structural members of the
chambers shall be constructed as per design, which shall be got approved
from the Engineer-In-Charge. The dry pit type scour valve chambers (where
the pipe can be drained in a nearby drain) shall be provided with, NP3 RCC
pipes from RCC scour valve chamber to nearest drain, with pitching works
at the outlet to prevent erosion and settling of pipe.
xvii. Providing, Installation and testing of Tamper proof Kinetic Air Valves and
tamper proof air valves with Isolating sluice valves, at an average spacing of
1.0 Km as specified below on rising mains & distribution mains
respectively, of adequate pressure rating. The air valves shall be provided at
convexities of water mains as per L-section.
xviii. Air valve shall have to install on a pillar type structure with min. height 3.0
m above the ground level or otherwise in a valve chamber as per site
requirement. Typical drawing of general arrangement for installation of air
valve is enclosed in the volume III of the bid document.
xix. Air valves shall generally be installed @ 1.0 Km interval. However,
additional air valves shall be installed at every ridge and trough points to
avoid air locking.
xx. The minimum size of Air valves, Scour Valve, Sectionalizing valves, Flow
meters and chambers shall be governed by the size of pipeline and average
distance. The quantities of pipe lengths may vary as per post award surveys
as per site conditions.
xxi. Providing, testing and installing all materials such as bends, tees, reducers,
dismantling joints, insulating joints, rubber rings, flanges, nuts & bolts,
rubber sheets etc. of required specifications for the installations. All
specials shall be of DI as per the requirements of site conditions desired at
the point of installation as per hydraulic considerations.
xxii. Construction of required structures to cross drains, nallah, ravines etc.
Providing U/s and D/S cut-off walls with apron, retaining walls etc. for
protection of foundation footings of pedestals from erosion due to flowing
nallah or drains of ravines or in front of a road culvert etc. where the soil
cover may erode due to flow.
xxiii. Doing Jungle clearance and tree cutting. Cutting of trees shall be
avoided as far as possible, however if unavoidable than tree may be cut
after obtaining necessary permission from respective Department. For
permission for cutting of trees, the contractor shall apply and deposit
the cost demanded by the respective departments and pursue the
cases for early clearance. However department may provide assistance
as demanded by the contractor whenever required.
xxiv. Providing anchor blocks where necessary.
xxv. Providing support structures such as saddles, etc. for the pipe laid above
xxvi. Providing thrust blocks at vertical and horizontal bends, for the
combination of loads as per site conditions. Thrust blocks shall be provided
at all locations for deflections exceeding 4 degrees in vertical/ horizontal
alignment. The permissible deflection in each pipe length shall be as per the
provisions of relevant standards.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

xxvii. Providing gradient blocks for pipes laid in steep slopes as detailed in
specifications/relevant IS code.
xxviii. Providing a dismantling pipe with flexible joints or dismantling joint with
each valve for easy maintenance.
xxix. Providing sand cushion of 150 mm thickness below pipes whenever the
pipes are laid on rocky strata/boulders & area with black cotton soils as
per given specifications.
xxx. For distribution pipe lines (diameter D) in HDPE/DI material of diameter up
to 160 mm, village road crossings can be made by putting MS encasing pipe
(of diameter D+50 mm in 6 mm thickness) over the water pipe line, without
any concrete encasement.
xxxi. The bidder shall be responsible for any damage occurred to the telephone
lines, distribution/rising main water and gas pipes, drains and irrigation
canal, roads, properties etc. while laying pipeline and shall be liable to pay
the amount levied by respective department for the repair and / or damages
so occurred.
xxxii. All necessary supplies and installations for making inter connections with
inlet, outlet and overflow piping of reservoir; common header of pumping
machinery, VTC chambers, flow control, sectionalizing, scour, air valves &
other appurtenances, flow meters etc.
xxxiii. The pipeline shall be suitably clamped or provided with counter resistance,
to prevent floating of pipes in submerged conditions.
xxxiv. For the length of pipe laid along nallah/river, a retaining wall up to scour
depth or minimum 1 meter in area with rock formation & 2 meters in area
of soil formations, below existing nallah/river bed, which ever is more, shall
be provided by the contractor.
xxxv. The laying of pipe shall not obstruct the flow of water in the natural drains.
The drains may be crossed either from below the bed levels with crown of
pipe below scour depth or pipe invert level above the maximum high flood
levels recorded in the drains. If crossed above the bed level, appropriate
structures at support and in between the nallah must be provided with DI
pipe in the exposed section. If laid below the nallah or river bed, the MS
pipe shall be encased in M 15 grade of concrete with minimum thickness of
cover not less than 15cm. The structures must be protected by suitably
planned river training works, as described above.
xxxvi. The road crossings like MDR, ODR, village BT roads etc, where crossing is
required shall be done with MS pipes (IS 3589) with inner and outer
minimum 250 micron epoxy coating. The pipe shall be encased with
minimum 15 cm thick PCC of min. M-15 grade all around the pipe.
• MS Casing pipe manufactured according to IS 3589:2001 shall be laid by
pushing technique in a length, method and depth as indicated in the
drawing of respective drawing for crossing.
• Similarly MS Carrier pipe of size and length manufactured as per
IS:3589:2001 shall be inserted in casing pipe and stabilized on high density
polythelene spacers.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

• The coatings of casing and carrier pipe shall confirm to the specifications
mentioned in the drawing or minimum 250 micron epoxy coating as per bid
• Two Sluice Valve shall be installed, one each at the two ends of carrier pipe.
These valves shall be provided with circular Valve Chambers. Similarly, two
vents shall be provided on casing, one each at two ends of crossing.
• The pipeline (DI/HDPE) running in this section at the two ends of the
crossing would be joined with the sluice valve through CI/DI specials.
• The work shall be carried out strictly under the supervision and to the best
of satisfaction of the Railway authorities and in the hours& duration as
permissible by them.


1. Jodhwas 150 KL
2. Meda 200 KL
3. Menglawa 100 KL
4. Posana 100 KL
5. Ahore 500 KL
6. Guda Boltan 250 KL
BOOSTING (25 KLx1, 30 KLx2, 50 KLx5, 75 KLx6 & 100 KLx3)
The work includes as described but not limited to followings:
a) Carrying out necessary Topographical survey of site along with complete soil
investigation like S.B.C. type of soil etc. by doing required tests in consultation
with the EIC. The SBC of proposed site will be got approved from competent
authority & design of RWR & CWR shall be based on that approved value of
SBC only.
b) Contractor shall be responsible for proof checking of structural design and
drawing of reservoir from MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur/MNIT
Jaipur/BITS Pilani or any IIT as approved by EIC and submit the same for
approval to the department within 30 days from date of issue of work order.
c) Approval of all designs and drawings, material to be used, equipments
specifications and the samples, prior to commencing of work at site.
d) Preparation and submission of the layout plan, cross-section and conceptual
drawings etc. and all other drawings and details for planning of all components
of the project. The drawings must be to the scale as appropriate subject to the
prior approval of the Employer.
e) Preparation and submission of all detail working drawings on the basis of
conceptual designs and plans approved by the Employer.
f) Providing adequately planned plinth protection/ drainage works for CWR.
g) Manufacturing, shop testing, pre-dispatch inspection, transportation to site,
storage, handling at site, fixing for all relevant components of the system.
h) Submission of “As Built” drawings.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

i) CWR floor/bed shall be up to 1m below ground level.

The scope of work to be carried out under the contract includes following,
but shall not be limited to:-
(i) Preparation of layout plan for the site establishment and work program.
(ii) Carrying out necessary Topographical survey of site along with complete
soil investigation like S.B.C. type of soil etc. by doing required tests in
consultation with the Employer. The SBC of proposed site will be got
approved from competent authority & design of CWR shall be based on
that approved value of SBC only
(iii) Approval of all designs and drawings, material to be used, equipments
specifications and the samples, prior to commencing of work at site.
(iv) Preparation and submission of the layout plan, cross-section and
conceptual drawings etc. and all other drawings and details for
planning of all components of the project. The drawings must be to the
scale as appropriate subject to the prior approval of the EIC.
(v) Preparation and submission of all detail working drawings on the basis
of conceptual designs and plans approved by the EIC.
(vi) Construction of RCC Clear Water reservoir including related earthwork,
construction of foundations, ventilators, sumps overflow chambers etc.
as per design and construction drawings showing detailed
reinforcement details and sizes which shall be submitted by contractor
after getting proof checking of design by MBM Engineering College,
Jodhpur/MNIT Jaipur/BITS Pilani or any IIT.
(vii) Removal of surplus excavated earth from site and dumping at a site
about 2 km away from site.
(viii) Blasting for excavation in hard rock is totally prohibited at the places
permanent structures already exist, otherwise it may be allowed as per
(ix) Providing and fixing G.I./ PVC water bars at construction joints.
(x) Supplying and fixing of level indicator and other necessary fixtures as
required and directed by Employer.
(xi) The scope of work also includes cleaning, washing and disinfections of
inside of reservoirs making it free from any foreign matter, loose
particles, debris, etc. and making it suitable for storage of potable
water, commissioning and handing over the reservoir and piping works
with all other items.
(xii) Providing adequately planned plinth protection/ drainage works for
RWR, CWR, as per directions of EIC.
(xiii) Manufacturing, shop testing, pre-despatch inspection, transportation to
site, storage, handling at site, fixing for all relevant components of the
(xiv) Testing of the Reservoirs for water tightness.
(xv) Submission of “As built drawings”
(xvi) Rectification of defects/ leakages observed during defect notice period.

The Major component of this work as above concept shall be as follows but
shall not be limited to:
i. Construction of RCC CWR as given in Chapter 1 and table above.
ii. Providing & Fixing puddle collars, bends, duck foot bend, flanged DI pipes as
required and shall be of suitable size.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

iii. Providing & Fixing puddle collars, sluice valves (manually operated) with
necessary DI pipes / fittings for washout. The wash water pipe and the
overflow pipe of CWR shall be taken up to a chamber through which it shall be
connected to the drainage system as per site given by engineer-in-charge.
iv. Providing & Fixing puddle collars of adequate size at the bottom of the reservoir
(in the sump) for outlet, Connection of the outlet puddle flange to the MS
suction headers of Pump house with sluice valve. The main suction header size
shall be designed as per requirement given in Chapter for Specification for
Pumping station.
v. The CWR at all H/W and Cluster shall be provided with a mechanical float type
as well as electronic sensor base level indicator with gauge standing along
vertical wall.
vi. The overflow pipe shall have bell mouth with stainless steel wire mesh at inlet.
vii. No separate payment will be made for the reconnaissance survey, laboratory
test, factory and performance tests, testing and commissioning, etc. This shall
be included in the rate quoted by the contractor.
The work consists of construction of circular RCC overhead service reservoirs.
2.7.1 Details of RCC Intze type/flat slab Over Head Service Reservoir
• The capacity of 108 ESR’s of 20/22/24m staging are proposed in this
project and capacity of OHSR have been taken as of half day design
demand of year 2054 demand.

Name of OHSR
Proposed ESR
S.No. Staging
Capacity (KL)

1 Dhaneriya 200 20
2 Hema guda 400 20
3 Ranodhar 100 20
4 Amarpura 75 18
5 Khirodi 200 20
6 Vamal 150 20
7 Jhab 300 20
8 Bagli 100 20
9 Mooli 150 20
10 Bhadroona 150 20
11 Ankhol 150 20
12 Nimbau 200 22
13 Bali 100 18
14 Nai Bali 150 18
15 Doongarwa 250 22

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Name of OHSR
Proposed ESR
S.No. Staging
Capacity (KL)

16 Vada Naya 200 22

17 Gaonri 250 20
18 Lakhni 150 20
19 Vada Bharvi 200 20
20 Rah 300 20
21 Narsana 400 20
22 Kaleti 150 20
23 Dhumbariya 250 20
24 Bagora 50 20
25 Rauta 300 20
Deoda Ka Goliya
26 20
27 22
Dhavecha 150
28 Naya Morseem 300 20
29 Dadal 250 18
30 Narwara 200 20
31 Kori Dhavecha 250 20
32 Nandiya 300 22
33 Sobrawas 300 20
34 Lumba ki dhani 100 20
35 Khetlawas 300 20
36 Khokha 300 22
37 Chonchawan 250 20
38 Sajanpura 75 22
39 Surana 250 20
40 Komta 300 18
41 Vishala 250 20
42 Rohinwara 100 20
43 Punawas 100 20
44 Bhundwa 200 20
45 Akwa 100 20
46 Doodhwa 100 18
47 Dahiva 100 22

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Name of OHSR
Proposed ESR
S.No. Staging
Capacity (KL)

48 Jeewana 150 22
49 Babtra 150 20
50 Mokni Khera 100 20
51 Posana 100 20
52 Patheri 150 20
53 Unri 100 20
54 Asana 75 22
55 Borwara 150 20
56 Lodrau 100 20
57 Ex SR Thalwar 300 20
58 Ex SR Tura 200 20
59 Walera 250 22
60 Dangra 75 18
61 Mandwala 400 20
62 Pahadpur 100 22
63 Balwara 250 20
64 Sardargarh 150 20
Narsana New SR
65 20
66 Raithal 200 22
67 Panwa 100 18
68 Bhavrani 150 20
69 Bala 150 20
70 Neelkanth 100 20
71 Naya Rama 100 20
72 GLR Barwa 150 20
73 Debawas 200 20
74 Sarana 150 20
75 Sandan 100 18
76 Nosra 75 18
77 Korana 150 22
78 Gura Rama 100 20
79 Mohiwara 100 20
80 Nimbla 100 20

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Name of OHSR
Proposed ESR
S.No. Staging
Capacity (KL)

81 Selri 100 20
82 Norwa 100 20
83 Devki New SR 75 20
84 Badanwadi 75 22
85 Bokra 100 20
86 Ex SR Leta 1&2 250 20
87 Oon 150 22
88 Pandgara 100 20
89 Bhainswara 200 22
90 Kotra 100 20
91 Khara 100 18
92 Bhagli Purohitan 75 20
93 Cheeparwara 100 18
94 Charli 200 20
95 Ukarda 100 20
96 Budtara 75 20
97 Sedriya Balotan 150 20
98 Dodiyali 100 20
99 Thoomba 100 20
100 Moolewa New SR 100 20
101 Tarwara 100 20
102 Rewatra 100 20
103 Kuaber 75 20
104 Alasan 100 20
105 Katarasan 75 20
106 Kolar 75 20
107 Tadwa 300 20
108 Keshwana 150 18

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the soundness of the construction,
structural safety & water tightness of the structure based on the specifications,
sound engineering practices, and latest I.S. provisions.
The reservoirs are to be constructed for live storage capacities mentioned in
Chapter 1 “Project in Brief”. The provided capacities and staging are to be
treated as minimum.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

As per department's design, the staging of the OHSRs is as per details given
in Chapter 1; but if required, the contractor may increase the staging of
these OHSR’s, if required to ensure minimum 12 m terminal head at any
VTC or terminating end under the contract. If the envisaged hydraulic
pressure is not made available then the contractor will have to make
suitable measures for achieving the defined water pressure.
The scope of work includes:
i) Supply and installation of puddle collars and duck foot bends for
installation of inlet, outlet, washout and overflow pipes.
ii) Supply and installation of double flanged DI pipes for inlet, outlet,
and washout (scour) and overflow with specials with minimum sizes
as mentioned above.
iii) Interconnection of mains to respective duck-foot bends of reservoirs
to be constructed under this contract using suitable specials.
iv) Interconnection of outlet pipes from the OHSR to the distribution
feeders for villages connected with OHSR with all materials.
v) Providing, Laying & jointing of all inter-connecting pipeline of inlet &
out let DI double flanged pipes, within the campus boundary of the
head works for OHSRs/GLSR. The pipe sizes shall be corresponding
to the incoming or outgoing pipes as the case may be.
vi) Providing & installation of two sluice valve (resilient seated soft
sealing type) on out let, one sluice valve each on inlet, washout pipe
for each reservoirs. The sizes of the valves shall be equal to that of
the main on which they are to be installed.
vii) Providing and installation of a non-return valve with bye-pass
arrangement on each rising main near each SR of the same size as
the rising main. The location of NRV shall be approved by the EiC.
viii) The overflow pipe shall be extended up to outside the campus area
nearby a suitable drainage area with DI double flanged pipes as
decided by EIC.
ix) Providing scour / washout pipes & its interconnection with overflow
pipe including P/F of sluice valve.
x) Providing a bye-pass arrangement to connect the incoming rising
main to the outgoing distribution line for villages so as to enable
supply to the villages through direct pumping in case of shut down
of SR.
xi) Valve chamber for all valves of ESR pipe shall have to be
xii) All ESRs shall be provided with a mechanical float type as well as
electronic sensor base level indicator with gauge standing along
vertical wall. The electronic sensor will be connected to SCADA
xiii) Excavation for all structures including working spaces, trench
excavation for pipes & other ancillary works in all sorts of soils,
refilling & disposal of surplus earth at suitable site & dressing as
per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

xiv) Providing plinth protection works as per specifications and approved

drawings for all reservoirs.
xv) Providing lightning arrester on the top of OHSR.
xvi) Providing access to the top and inside the reservoir as per the
specifications given in the chapter of “Specifications for Civil Works”.
xvii) Providing ventilation for the reservoir as per the specifications given
in the chapter of “Specifications for Civil Works”.
xviii) Providing manhole / headroom for access inside the reservoir.
xix) Providing 25mm diameter GI pipe (Class B) in two rows in
50x50x6mm angle iron railing along the top of reservoir, on the
sides of the staircase and balcony, and at other suitable points for
the requirement of safety of maintenance and execution staff.
xx) All the inside surfaces of the structure below ground level shall be
painted with two coats of epoxy paint conforming to respective
Indian Standards. The paint in contact with the stored water shall
be conforming to the standards of non – toxic paint suitable to be
used in potable water supply systems.
xxi) A multipurpose room shall be constructed in campus of ESR (total-
14 no.) having floor level 100 cm above F.G.L & ceiling height not
less than 2.75 mt. Size of room will be 3.0 mtr. X 4.0 mtr. or more
& it should be constructed as per direction of engineer in charge.
xxii) Testing of tank for water tightness and structural stability by filling
it with water and in accordance to the procedure laid down in bid
document/IS code.
xxiii) Colour washing using cement paint of approved make & quality as
per specifications
xxiv) Painting the metallic surface & putting slogan on tank as per
xxv) The land ESR/GLR shall also be graded and leveled. Scope in regard
Boundary wall/ Gate are to be considered as per Chapter of
ancillary works of this volume.
xxvi) The Overflow pipe of ESR shall be connected to distribution pipeline.
xxvii) The ESR stairs shall start from 4.5m above plinth level. An
aluminum ladder shall be provided for climbing and kept locked in
multipurpose room.
xxviii) The piping at ESR shall be kept below plinth protection work in
trench covered by CC panels.
xxix) Final clearance of site before handing over the work, including
leveling of earth and disposal of surplus earth as per directions of
the Engineer in Charge.
xxx) Submission of 'As Built' drawings.
xxxi) In addition to above, existing ESRs / GSRs in villages shall be
connected with new system. The capacities of ESRs have been
worked out considering existing ESRs/GSRs.

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

The responsibility of the contractor will also include preparation &

submission of drawings and designs, execution & testing of all works
specifications stipulated in the bid document. The structural designs &
drawings shall be got approved from MNIT, Jaipur or MBM Engineering
college, Jodhpur, IITs or any other recognized approved institute before
submitting the same to the department for approval.

The following submissions are required for approval:-

Submission of lay-out plans with site contour plan and site grading levels
and plinth protection works for approval of EIC

Submission of structural designs and working drawings for approval of

Engineer-in-charge. The structural design and reinforcement drawings for
all structures of the Work shall be based on Geo-Tech investigation for
which no extra payment will be made to contractor. SBC tests shall be got
done through an approved agency. The foundation shall only be laid on firm
rock or hard soil bed after removing decomposed rock and all loose
Submission of data sheet and samples of materials proposed for use in the
Submission of Quality Assurance Plan and time schedule for approval of
Submission of samples of material equipment(s) for approval.
Submission of data sheet for equipments for approval.
No separate payments shall be made for the reconnaissance, preliminary
investigations, surveys, inspections, plinth protection, site clearance etc.
They shall be included in the lump sum rates.
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for Technical suitability of design,
soundness of the construction, structural safety & water tightness of the
structure based on the specifications, sound engineering practices, and
latest IS Provisions.

CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)


• The contractor has to construct 14 no. CWR of following minimum capacities for boosting water in various
cluster to serve the drinking water in required & designed pressure with installation of pumping sets
operated by appropriate sizes solar panels. No separate payment shall be made to contractor, in case of any
increased capacity of solar panel/pumping sets.

Storage and pumps for Boosting Station

Total No.
Pump Actual kw
VILLAGE Serving Location of Proposed Pumping Pump POWERED of Wattage
S.No. DIA Discharge HP of for FEED MH OH
NAME habitation Pump CWR Hr. head BY Solar of panel
(LPS) Pump solar
(M) panel
1. BALI PUMP- PUMP- 110 50 4 28 4 3.00 Solar 2 7 2240 SERVING BHILO
2. KHOKHA PUMP- PUMP- 140 30 4 12 2 1.00 Solar 1 3 960 RANDHRO KD
3. PUMP- PUMP- 140 75 4 20 5 3.00 Solar 2 7 2240 MARKHANIYON
4. PUMP- PUMP- 140 100 4 22 7 5.00 Solar 4 12 3840 JADHWANIYO KD

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

5. Dahiva PUMP-AT PUMP-AT 125 75 4 33 5 5.00 Solar 4 12 3840 SERVING-

6. BABTARA PUMP- PUMP- 110 50 4 29 3 3.00 Solar 2 7 2240 SHAKTI DH
7. PUMP- PUMP- 125 75 4 22 5 3.00 Solar 2 7 2240 SHAKTI DH
8. PUMP- 140 4 29 8 7.50 Electrical AKLE KHAN KA
9. MOKNI KHERA PUMP- PUMP- 110 50 4 50 3 5.00 Solar 4 12 3840 SERVING-Rabari
BASTI BASTI Khera),Bhansari
Piay ( Mokni
Khera ),Mamaji
Ka Oran ( Mokni
Khera ),PART OF
Mokni Khera
10. Sayla PUMP-ADA 180 50 4 35 4 5.00 Solar 4 12 3840 Ada Marg (Sayla)

11. At Eisting 110 75 4 46 6 15.00 Electrical Ada Marg

PH Sayla (Sayla),Benada

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

12. RATANARA AT 110 30 4 25 2.2 2.00 Solar 2 5 1600 RATANARA (CL-


13. BANKLI AT AT BANKLI 125 100 4 24 8 5.00 Solar 4 12 3840 BANKLI


14. LETA PMP-5 140 25 4 30 2.4 2.00 Solar 2 5 1600 SERVING

15. PMP-6 140 75 4 41 5 7.50 Electrical SERVING-
16. TADWA TADWA 160 75 8 59 2 5.00 Solar 4 12 3840 TADWA

17. ALASAR PUMP AT 110 4 15 3.7 2.00 Solar 2 5 1600 ALASAN,DHANDL


CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)


The work of designing and constructing pumping station, includes
construction of pumping station with providing and installing all
mechanical, electrical and instrumentation plant and equipment, laying
and jointing and testing of the pipe systems within the limits of contract
and commissioning of the pumping station.
Generally, the scope of work for construction of pump house & supply
/installation of pumping machinery within the defined limits of contract is
as listed below but not limited to:
Detailed survey of pumping station, preparation and submission of the
layout plan, elevation and cross sections for the building, foundation and
associated civil works and pipeline. The Contractor has to provide large
scale coherent drawings for all units to scales of 1:1000 for plan layouts,
1:100 for plans and sections and 1:20 for details and other scales as
appropriate subject to the prior approval of the Engineer in Charge. The
drawings shall be in standard sizes only. The elevation of pump house
should be architecturally attractive with use of decorative stone on the front
Detailed soil survey at site location, the soil characteristics ( bearing
capacity ,chemical analysis, receptivity for earthing) in order to decide the
dimension of the foundation of the building and other structures.
Additionally he has to assess the type of soil, the strata, the level of ground
water and other indicators if any , and establish soil profiles and submit
these to Engineer-in-charge for inspection.
Verification of the proposed designs (pump KW) according to the strategies
and proposals of the department. Hydraulic system designs of the pumping
stations and their equipment; electrical system design of the electrical
components, taking into account the interfaces to the other project
components, preparation and submission of layouts and cross sections of
the proposed station, the equipment, the access roads, the cabling between
the units etc. This design shall be approved by the Engineer in Charge.
Preparation of detailed designs and drawings of all associated civil works,
mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and electro-mechanical equipment
including architectural drawings on the basis of the approved system
design, layout and arrangement. The Contractor shall be fully responsible
for the technical suitability of the design based on the specifications, sound
engineering practices, the relevant latest standard designs and IS
provisions. These designs and drawings shall be submitted for approval to
the Engineer in Charge prior to commencement of the works.
Structural design and reinforcement drawings for all structures of the work
shall be based on Geo-Technical investigation. SBC test shall be got done
by approved agency. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the
structural safety of the building.
Preparation and submission of all detailed working drawings on the basis of
designs and drawings approved by the Department.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

All type of excavation including cutting, grading and filling as required

within the contract boundary upto the required levels, for foundation works
and other ancillary work in all sorts of soil including back filling of
trenches, reinstatement of work areas and disposal of surplus soil with in a
lead specified by the Engineer-in-charge out side the campus etc.
Construction of all buildings, chambers, boundary wall for the headworks
and associated other civil and electrical engineering structures.
Manufacturing, shop testing, transportation to site, providing transit
insurance, storage/handling at site installation and testing of all the
hydraulic, mechanical, electrical, electro-mechanical equipment and
Trial runs and testing of all the units and the complete plant, and
commissioning as a whole working system.
No separate payments will be made for the reconnaissance, survey,
laboratory tests, design, drawings, factory and field tests, inspections,
testing, commissioning etc. They shall be included in the rates and prices of
the physical works included in the Bill of quantities. The payments are to
be made for all supplies and physical works described in these documents
and according to the measured and agreed quantities executed.
2.9.1 - Pumping stations
The main pumping stations are proposed to be constructed under the scope
of work of this contract at various locations pumping stations with supply &
installation of the minimum required pump sets (provision includes for
100% stand bye) with all associates civil work of installation & mechanical
and electrical works including electrical power installation, as shown on the
bid drawings. The details shown in the drawings are indicative only and
shall be finalized based on the designs as per system requirement.
The pump machinery proposed to be installed under the Contract for
different sections are as follows:
• Total 17 RCC framed structure Clear Water Pump Houses (min. area 243
sqm) shall be constructed, in which pumping systems shall be installed as
given below:
• The pump set duty conditions are for demand of 15 year. The heads and KW
are tentative.
• The specified pump discharges & head shall be given 4% additional margin
to account for wear and tear over the years.
• All systems shall be of 0.415 KV.
• All the LT Motors shall be of minimum IE-2 class.
• Pumping systems shall be in 1 Working + 1 Stand bye



CE (Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

2.10.1 Pump Machinery in existing pump houses (replacement/new)

(tentative duty condition)

Pumping Pumping set Tentative Pump Motor Standard

Station Pump discharge (KW) Motor
Head (m) (lps) (KW)

1 PS1 Bagoda PS1 Bagoda 80 62.7 95 95

PS PS 80 23.10 34.64 35.00

Bhadrajoon Bhadrajoon

3 PS Oon PS Oon 70 8.08 10.63 12.5

PS PS 90 26.05 44.06 45.00

Ummaidpur Ummaidpur

5 Ummedabad Ummedabad 85 43.17 68.95 70


6 PS Nosra PS Nosra 60 52 60 60

*The actual head for the pump sets shall be worked out by Contractor after
detailed engineering post award.
The specified pump discharges shall be given 4% additional margin to
account for wear and tear over the years, shut off head should be design
outside range of operation at least 10% from upper limit (+10% - 25% of
The contractor shall guarantee a minimum overall (combined) efficiency as
prescribed below for each clear water pump set in the operating range. Pump and
Motor selection shall be made with this consideration.
The work comprises of construction and supply of:
Pumping station at the above mentioned headworks:
Horizontal split case /mono block (pumps and motors) as detailed herein after
Valves and operating mechanisms
Interconnecting pipe work, specials and accessories
Instruments and controls
PLC System which will envisage water and energy audits. The system should be
able to record continuous readings from flow meters, pressure transmitters and
energy meters so as to enable calculation of efficiency at which the pump sets are
being operated. The system should also be able to arrive at water losses in
different sections and of the scheme as a whole.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Flow metering equipment (Full bore type electromagnetic Bulk water meters for
each rising mains)
LT cables
Bus duct
Earthing system for pump house
Lifting/ handling equipment and supporting structures.
Dewatering pump
Ventilation system for pump house
Internal and external lighting and small power installations.
All civil engineering works including plumbing up to termination points.
All covers and frames, railing, ladders, stairways, cable trays, support and
flooring etc.
The painting of all plant and equipment after erection.
The pumping stations will pump water from the clear water reservoirs to the
elevated service reservoirs at different locations.
Work description
The work as described hereafter is the concept of the Department. The
Contractor may follow this concept in all details after survey,
reconnaissance, verification and detailed designs, or may propose his
solutions for individual elements of the system, without deviating from the
basic principles of the Department concept. These are:
- Location of pumping station.
- Principles for the installation of appurtenances.
- Design philosophy of the instrumentation and control systems.
- General design of civil structures.
- Design philosophy of the electrical systems.
If the Contractor accepts the design of the Department and decides to follow
the proposals, he shall also have the full responsibility for the whole design
and construction and installation work and for the satisfactory functioning
of the pump station systems, including co-ordination with other contractors
for connections and interfaces.
The concept of Department, i.e. the hydraulic design, the vertical and
horizontal alignment, the design of the pumps and related equipment, pipe
work, bends etc and thrust blocks, the locations of all valves and the
electrical design as included in the Bid Documents has been made on the
basis of the limited surveys carried out and the general experience in the
project area.
Pump Type
Single-stage / multi-stage horizontal split casing centrifugal pumps shall be
installed. Preference shall be given to pumps of higher efficiency. For this
purpose, please refer to clause no. 11.1.4 of CPHEEO’s water supply
manual for selection of pumps. The efficiency of pump should be minimum
as calculated from the Fig. 11.1 of the CPHEEO’s water supply manual.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Pump shall conform to specifications and standards furnished in

specifications. For pumps of 15 KW and below ratings, if synchronous
speed of 1500 RPM is not available in approved makes then,
synchronous speed of 3000 RPM may be considered.
Pump Motor
All motors for pump shall be suitable for 0.415 kV, 3 phase, 50 Hz power
supply. All motors shall be of suitable kW ratings and energy efficient. The
motors selected should be as per accepted standards with regard to
energy saving. The LT motors shall be of minimum IE Class-2.
Suction and delivery system details
All suction and delivery piping work in Pump Houses shall be of MS as per
IS 3589. The piping systems outside Pump house i.e from the clear water
reservoir to suction header and from common delivery header to rising main
outside pump hose campus shall be of MS/DI pipes as per IS 3589/IS 8329
with suitable bends and flanges as per respective standards for
interconnections and connections of the pumps and valves. The size of the
valves shall be same as that of piping and no reduction in the size of valves
shall be allowed.
The suction lines of the pumps shall be connected to suction header as
shown in the drawing. The suction header shall be connected to the outlet
flange of the clear water reservoir. Each pump will have a gate valve with a
dismantling joint (BELLOW TYPE) on suction side. On the delivery side, it
will have a DPCV, a sluice valve with dismantling joint (BELLOW TYPE),
butterfly valve and a pressure gauge. On the common delivery header (of
2/4 pumps), a sluice valve with a dismantling joint, kinetic air valve,
pressure switch, full bore electro-magnetic flow meter shall be provided.
The sizes of the suction and delivery header pipes shall be designed by the
contractor as per the velocities prescribed below for the ultimate design
demand (year 2053) and shall submit the same for approval of the
department. The maximum permissible velocities in suction header, suction
pipes and delivery pipes shall be 0.45 m/sec, 0.8 m/sec and 1.8 m/sec
The reading of electromagnetic flow meters shall be required to be displayed
in the control room.
Accessories and specials
All accessories required for the operation and maintenance of the pumping
station system have to be designed, manufactured, installed, tested and
commissioned. The accessories include dismantling pieces, which will be
provided in the piping system to facilitate dismantling of pump and valves
wherever required.
Specials will be required for the installation of the different accessories,
bends, tees etc. Efforts shall be made by the Contractor to reduce the
number of specials by using them in an intelligent manner. Pressure gauges
shall be provided on discharge of each pump and compound pressure
gauges shall be provided on suction of each pump.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Auxiliary equipment
Over head traveling cranes
Manually operated (Longitudinally and traverse) with electric hoist overhead
travelling cranes at each PS of minimum capacity equal to one MT or more
than the double weight of heaviest machinery to be installed or as described
in the specifications Chapter 7 of Volume II, shall be provided in each pump
house to handle the equipment including loading, unloading, installation
and maintenance.
Drain sump pumps
Submersible type dewatering pump with sump (10 cum per hour 10 mtr
head) with level control switch to automatically switch-on the pump & all
necessary electric accessories will be provided. The work also includes
drainage piping upto nearest drain outside pump house building.
The ventilation system for the pump house and electrical switch gear panel
room shall limit the temperature rise to a maximum of 5 degrees Centigrade
above the ambient temperature. The ambient temperature of the area is
taken as 45 degrees Centigrade. Exhaust fans with G.I. cowls and bird
screen will be provided for the exhaust of hot air.
Electrical system
The interconnection with existing electrical system shall be done by the
contractor without any extra cost.

The Power Motor Control Center (PMCC) will be located in the

electrical/control room at pumping stations/ WTP.
The works component included are as defined below but shall not be limited
Providing & installation of main control panel for pumps with starter,
required protection system such as single phase preventor, motor
protection relays and indicating meters such as voltmeter, ampere meter,
multi-function meter, MCCB, cable & other accessories, etc complete. (Refer
to the enclosed SLD)
The starters of motors shall be as per following requirements:
a) Rating 0-5 KW; shall be DOL starters
b) Rating > 5 and up to 30 KW; shall be star delta starters and
c) Rating > 30 KW; shall be Soft Starters
Providing & installation of Energy Meters, to measure electrical power
consumed, with each pump set. The reading of these meters shall be sent to
the PLC System for energy audit.
Providing & installation of HT cable / 0.44KV power cable. All cable shall be ISI
marked and capable to take the starting current of motors.
Providing and installation of APFC Panels with required capacity LV capacitor
banks and APFC relays with capacitor panels to ensure minimum 0.97 power

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Panel for main lighting distribution board for pumping station, outdoor
lighting, building light and allied loads.
Cabling and ducting for entire electrical system. All lighting work will be of
LED. All the electrical equipments shall be of 5 star rating or equivalent (if
such ratings available).
Earthing and lightening protection system at relevant points.
Local push button control
Local push button stations shall be provided on each pump set, for control of
motors and motorized valves, if any. The pump motor LPB shall be provided
with ammeter.

Civil work for the pumping station

The concept of the department with regard to the system design, the
pumping station location and the piping between the units is only tentative.
It shall serve as a guideline to the contractor. He has to use the land
allotted for locating all the units of the package. This land is to be graded to
uniform levels as necessary to meet the hydraulic criteria of the system.
Surplus soil, if any, shall be initially stockpiled on the site and/or disposed
of as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
The following works are to be executed within the boundaries/ limits of the
present contract.
Pumping station
The design considerations, material specifications, workmanship and
testing of materials shall be as per Chapter for “Specifications for Civil
The pumping station buildings are to be constructed at following locations:
This shall be RCC framed structure with plinth beam. The GA drawings, as
per department’s concept are enclosed in the bid. The bidder however shall
submit his own designs & drawings for approval having floor level 100 cm
above F.G.L. The total plinth area shall not be less than as shown in the
table below:
• Total 17 RCC framed structure Clear Water Pump House (243 sqm) shall
be constructed, in which pumping systems shall be installed as given
• The pump set duty conditions are for demand of 15 year. The heads and KW
are tentative.
• The specified pump discharges & head shall be given 4% additional margin
to account for wear and tear over the years.
• All systems shall be of 0.415 KV.
• All the LT Motors shall be of minimum IE-2 class.
The general layout may be as per drawing given in the bid documents. The
areas of the individual units shall not be less than as required under good
engineering practices. The civil works envisaged shall be as following, but not
limited to:

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

a) Construction of the pumping structure suitable to accommodate all pumps,

motors, and its accessories, switch gears, panels, ICP, capacitors and
capacitor control panels, suction & delivery pipes with valves and accessories
and circulation area etc. to cater for the requirement of pumping given herein
and ease during maintenance. Provision for adequate ventilation and fire
extinguishers in the pump house building shall be kept. Provision of
maintenance bay shall be kept in building. The pump house area shall
➢ Area for installation of Switchgear, MCC and allied control equipment.
➢ Construction of control room totally air-conditioned for Local Control
➢ Providing loading/unloading bay with minimum width of 4 meters,
➢ Providing staff sitting/rest accommodation.
➢ One Chowkidar / Security Guard Cabin/Hut near main Gate of each
➢ Providing lavatory for labour and managerial staff along with sewer line and
septic tank / soak pit.
➢ Providing stairs for access to motor/pump floor area for access to roof with
required walkway, railing etc.
➢ Providing Aluminum framed glazed door entrance and windows.
➢ Providing and installation of all safety equipment (fire and electrical shocks)
to ensure safety of the working staff for any eventuality that may occur.
➢ Providing facilities for potable water supply with water cooler and Purifier of
20 liter per hour capacity for drinking purposes.
➢ Associated civil works for suction & delivery pipe work and valves, including
all thrust block, valve chambers etc.
➢ All necessary trenches, ducts, openings, conduits for installation of power,
cable trays, service and signal cables and wiring.
➢ Waste water arrangement along with drainage sump laying of drainage pipe
upto suitable area outside the pump house campus
➢ Providing at least 50 Sq. meters of paved parking space outside the pump
house building separately.
➢ All civil works for trenching & laying of cables.
➢ Earthworks, drainage, foundations, plinth protection etc required for
construction of the structures
b) Providing lighting fixtures along with cabling, distribution boards, switches,
starters, and other accessories for indoor and out door areas of:
• all around the building outer area and the approaches and other areas.
• At respective pump/motor floor areas, switchgear rooms, control room,
battery room, office areas, lobbies, staircases and other areas.
c) Construction of valve chambers for all outside valves, meters, etc. within
the head works.
d) Providing fire hydrants at suitable location.
e) Providing exhaust fan and ventilation system for motor floor area, switch
control rooms and pipe galleries within pump house building.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

f) Providing sump for dewatering pumps for drainage of pump house floor
g) Providing 2 Nos Fire Extinguishers at following locations:
h) (i) indoor electrical room-1 No, (ii) pump room maintenance bay-1 No
i) Providing one First Aid Kit.
Furniture to be supplied for each office building
S. No. ITEM Min. nos. required at each building
1 Tables 2
2 Revolving chairs with arms 1
3 Office chairs 6
4 Steel Almirah 1
5 Steel Almirah 1
1270mmx765mmx440mm with
glass paneled door
6 Filling cabinet 2
7 Desert coolers 2
8 Ceiling fans (as per requirement) 2 Min.
9 Water cooler 1
Instrumentation, Flow Meter
2.9.4 General
It is proposed to have fully automatic and fail safe operation of the complete
system executed under the scope of this work to regularly observe &
monitor various data for water & energy auditing and regulate the
mechanical, electrical & instrumentation devices from control room with
system compatible to SCADA for supplying the water to various
beneficiaries as per the respective demand as well as to be able to notice the
defects in the system instantly for timely rectification. The scope of work
would cover conceptualization, design, pre-dispatch inspections, supply,
installation, pre-commissioning test, commissioning tests, commissioning,
trial run and maintenance of the entire Automation, Communication,
Instrumentation and Control system for 10 years.
Irrespective of the detailed specifications of the respective items detailed in
the chapters of pumping stations, the contractor shall be required to
provide all equipment, accessories, cabling, earthing, providing necessary
transducers/sensors, system hardware/software, programming logic etc. to
achieve the objectives listed below.
In addition to the installation of the above referred equipment(s), it shall be
the responsibility of the contractor to provide suitable equipment(s)/meters
for testing the accuracy of installed meters from time to time, to record;
read and provide reading of the meters installed at remote sites and for
control of flow in different branches so as to achieve the objectives of
providing water equal to the designed demand to each of the individual
village. Pressure gauges shall be installed at suitable locations on the
pumping / gravity main to monitor the system.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

2.9.5 SCADA Management

The project shall be operated through complete automation of all the Head
Works. Main requirements shall be as below.
• Local Control Station (LCS) shall be installed at each Pump House of
Pumping Station, pressure and flow measurement in respective rising main
and for data acquisition from connected CWR, OHSRs and Flow meter
huts/ VTC to monitor the levels, flows, pressure and supplies.
• The HW building at Tetrol Headwork shall house the Master Control
Station (MCS) of system. It shall acquire data from all the LCSs for project
• All the Reservoirs and VTCs shall be the remote stations to generate and
transfer the data to LCS/MCS. Data of Level shall be transmitted from
Reservoirs and Flow & Pressure shall be transmitted.
• Alarm system will be provided at all the LCS for high levels of reservoirs.
• The SCADA system shall be 24 hours operative. To ensure this, redundancy
in SCADA Server at MCS shall be provided.
• All the flow meters of Project will be integrated with SCADA system.
• The data transfer shall be through GPRS Modem or advanced technology.
2.9.6 Flow Meter
(1) Electro Magnetic Flow Meters on each transmission main / cluster
main in pump houses and at discharging end CWR.
(2) Electro Magnetic Flow Meter with remote reading device and battery
back up for flow measurements
S.no. Size in mm No.
1. EFM100 mm 1
2. EFM 200 mm 1
3. EFM 250 mm 2
4. EFM 300 mm 2
(3) Full Bore Electromagnetic flow meters shall be installed on
transmission mains on pumping mains. These shall be equipped with
flow indicator, flow integrator, transmitter, transducers etc. These
shall be of the size suitable to meet requirement of velocity not more
than 3 m/sec for the design flow in the year 2054. Each of flow meter
shall be provided with one dismantling joint and two sluice valve at
each of its’ two ends, besides reducer and enlarger to join the pipeline.
An air valve shall also be placed close to the location of flow meter.
(4) The Flow meters to be installed on rising mains shall be
(5) Besides having facility of digital display of instant rate of flow and
integrated flow; these should be also be attached with Remote
Terminal Unit for polling data to the Local Control Station and Master
Control Station.
(6) Each flow meter on transmission mains shall be provided with battery
backup of at least for 72 hours and would be secured by constructing
RCC chamber. The Flow meters on VTCs shall be battery operated.
(7) All the flow meters shall be integrated with SCADA system through
cable or GPRS network.

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2.9.7 Bulk Flow Meter

(1) Bulk Flow Meters at ESR/measuring points/VTC at new 182 flow
meter hut.
Sr.No. Location Nos
1. BFM100 mm 23
2. BFM 150 mm 41
3. BFM 200 mm 60
4. BFM 250 mm 58
Village Transfer Chambers has to construct for 18 villages proposed covered
under present contract (the list of villages is given in the chapter 1 ‘Project
in Brief’) at all the flow measuring points (intermediate as well as end
locations) of the proposed system.
VTC shall have to be constructed by contractor for measuring flow with
installation of Bulk flow meter, valves, DJ, SCADA system, etc. The cost of
bulk flow meter, valves, DJ, SCADA system, etc. in VTC are included in cost
for SCADA works. O&M works in VTC shall be done by contractor for 10
years after defect liability.
The Location of Village transfer chamber shall be given by EIC.
The scope of work includes:
The Contractor shall to sychronize the existing arrangement for water
supply system by interconnection with proposed pipeline network, VTCs,
and with SCADA system at its own cost. No extra payment shall be done to
the contractor
Remote Meter Reading device will be installed at Flow meter Huts to receive
the reading from the bulk water meter at any fixed movement (as per
requirement) and transfer the same to control room using GSM Network.
The unit shall be water proof (IP 68) and shall be designed to work in harsh
weather conditions. One SIM card per device for GSM Connection shall also
be provided. The device should be such that the data retrieval can be
defined by the department and device should have and automated
mechanism for detecting nonfunctional devices and meters.
2.11.1 Ancillary civil works will include:
• Road crossing by MS pipes
• Trenches for power and control cables
• All required mounting structures for instruments
• Finishing, cleaning etc. to complete the job.


i) Construction of Staff Quarter – 20m x 30m - 3 Nos
ii) Construction of Office Building – 30m x 50m - 3 Nos

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

iii) Campus development works detailed herein shall be taken up for

the campus areas of Headworks of office building
• Internal cement concrete road-3.75m carriage way
• Horticulture
• RCC drain
• Internal Road/Boundary electrification
• Internal Water Supply
• Rain water harvesting
The following works form part of the ancillary civil works at the headworks.
The details of the works to be carried out are as following:
2.11.3 Development at Headworks
The following works shall be taken up for the head works at Pumping
• Preparatory works
• Survey of the Head Works campus at 0.5 m contour interval
• Approval of developmental plans and landscaping and drawings
• Drainage plans & designs
• Other designs / plans required for campus area development
Work Components
The headworks site shall be suitably landscaped once the works are
substantially completed. The landscaping scheme shall be submitted and
got approved from EIC prior to start of actual work.
Landscaping shall include planting of suitable trees and development of
grassed areas. Landscaping in general shall meet ecological and
environmental conditions of site. Trees suitable for local conditions shall be
For tree planting, pits dug a few days in advance of actual planting shall be
allowed to weather and filled with top soil mixed with manure. Only one tree
shall be planted in each pit.
Construction of Boundary wall all along the acquired land with elevation,
section and specifications as per drawing enclosed
Leveling and grading of Head Works area
Providing minimum one main gate with guard hut and cowcatcher at each
head works.
Plantation of minimum 10 trees (Neem, Sheesham and srese will be
preferred) at each of the all seven head works. These trees have to be
developed in the ten years of O&M period and are to be handed over to the
Providing CC internal roads of minimum 150 mm thick M40 grade, with
base course, C.C. kerb stones etc as per standard engineering practices.
Electrification of campus area - electric poles, etc. One pole at each corner
and poles at 30 m interval. All lights shall be LED type.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

Pipe and piping work for potable water and for gardening, in campus area
Electrification all along the boundary, along internal roads, in gardens, at
main gates with provision of ON-OFF switch operation, and in other
operational & utility areas.
Providing drainage system.
2.11.4 Basic Amenities for office location and residential quarter
An Office Building to be constructed is to be provided with basic facilities
for office furniture, almirah, AC, tiolets, water cooler, air cooler, etc as per
direction of EIC.
Providing safe drinking water facilities along with required pipe networking.
The cost of providing water during execution period is to be borne by the
Providing Electrical Connection from Electricity Company for individual unit
(cost of connection to be borne by contractor and power charges shall be
paid by the respective user of the premises during O&M period). However,
the contractor shall pay for electricity used by him during execution period.
(i) The contractor shall have to collect all the required data from village as
per norms of PHED/ Jal Jeevan Mission like number of households,
family units (Ration cards) family head name with ID proof Aadhar Card,
Documents required for issuing the water connection i.e. Panchayat
Patta or registration of land or NOC/ mutation/ revenue record from
tehsil etc. (These documents should be provided by every household and
collected by contractor). This information may also be provided by ISA if
already deployed in the village.
(i) The contractor shall have to get connection form duly filled up and
signed by the consumer. Contractor shall provide hard copies to the
consumer free of cost via VWSC.
(ii) The contractor shall identify the existing Pipe line location with help of
present PHED staff/ O&M Agency staff/ VWSC/ Existing contractor
(iii) Contractor will do the GPS survey and prepare a map of the proposed
area including marking of all households/ streets/ main
infrastructure/land marks/ Crossings (Railway/Road)/ School/ Health
center/ Angan bari/Govt buildings etc.
(iv) Identify and marking the existing Pipe line location with help of present
PHED staff/ O&M Agency staff on the map.
(v) After survey he will submit the design/ drawings for approval to
Executive Engineer.
(vi) Contractor should adopt all the safety measures for working labour as
well as running traffic, residents, children, cattle/ stray animals etc.
(vii) Excavation of earth in all types soil up to required depth and size for
fixing of clamp and ferrule on distribution pipeline as per specifications.
(viii) Dismantling of Cement concrete road/ BT road/ Kharanja/ CC Block
Road in minimum width as required for excavation pit (by manual or
mechanical means)and for laying of service line by only with concrete
cutter machine (in case of CC or bitumen road), including disposal of CC
or BT rubbish as directed by Engineer in Charge. In order to avoid

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

excessive damage to the roads, it is mandatory that the contractor uses

a “concrete cutter machine” to make a jhirri/ narrow trench in the road
to accommodate the service line comprising of 20 mm dia MDPE pipe.
(ix) Providing Household Tap Connection as per technical specification and
approved drawing as per relevant IS code (amended up to date) from
HDPE/uPVC/DI/AC/MS/GI pipe line up to consumer meter/premises
by using PP mechanical Integrated saddle with inbuilt flow control valve
made out of SS316 designed for 5 LPM discharge at 0.5 bar pressure ,
not exceeding the flow of 7 LPM at 2 bar and a compression elbow,
moulded/fused in single piece (Complete job).This job includes digging
out suitable size of pits and trench for laying service line in all kinds of
soil; depositing and refilling of pit & jhiri with watering & ramming
/compacting in layers and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed
with in a lead of 100 meter ; providing & fixing of all fitting duly
approved in accordance with specification for potable water including
electrofusion saddle piece, gunmetal ferrule 4.0 mm , GM Full-way Valve
(IS:778 Mark) or wheel valve valve and specials with 20 mm nominal
dia MDPE pipe PE 80 PN 16 as per ISO 4427 / 20 mm nominal dia
PPR-C (Three layered) pipe PN16 SDR 7.4 (IS:15801:2008) (ISI mark)
and above ground level using PPR-C pipe with standard PPR fittings/ GI
pipes in the premises for fixing a tap / meter box (excluding) ,including
accessories with flushing, cleaning, disinfecting and testing of pipe line
complete required for making of service connection complete in all
respect including labour.
(x) In case the service line is crossing a drain, the service line should be
encased inside a metallic pipe the cost of which is to be borne by the
consumer. The public contribution shall be collected & deposited in the
account given by the dept.
(xi) All material should be as per ISI mark and as per specifications.
(xii) Refilling the pit and trench without using CC or BT rubbish with proper
consolidation and watering.
(xiii) Road should be motorable after refilling the trench until repair of the
road as directed by EIC & as per specifications.
(xiv) Repair of Road as per specification & as directed by EIC with Cement
concrete/ Existing CC block/ Existing kharnja stone wherever required.
(xv) Traffic hindrance should be for minimum period of time.
(xvi) Once the house connection has been completed, name of consumer,
along with other details and Aadhar card number are to be entered in
the IMIS website of GoI. PHED shall provide necessary assistance in the
(xvii) The maximum permissible length of service connection shall be 30
meters subject to the condition that at least 7 m terminal head is
available at the ferrule.
(xviii) Zoning of distribution network is suggested to be done by installation
of valves at suitable places in such a manner that pressure difference
with in a zone shall be minimum. Each zone shall be isolated with
isolation valve similar to DMA methodology in such a manner that
pressure difference should not be more than 2.0 m with in a DMA/ zone.
(xix) Provide a ferrule of 4.0 mm dia at each household connection in order
to control the drawl of water in vicinity of ESR and to ensure sufficient
pressure at tail end consumer. In addition to ferrule, an orifice of 4.0
mm dia should also be provided in the service line at the entry point of

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the consumers property in such a way that it should be accessible to

VWSC/ PHED and any other authority which would be like to inspect as
and when required.
(xxi) Contractor shall provide sign boards at every work site stating the
project detail. Matter to be written on the board shall be finalized by
EIC. The board should be made of minimum 3mm thick MS sheet with
35x35x5mm Angle Iron Frame & support, dully painted as per direction
of EIC Display board (min size 3 feet X 4 feet’s) shall be installed at each
PS, ESR, etc.
(xxii) Contractor shall to be coordinate with VWSC and ISA and follow
guidelines of JJM and State Government.
The contractor shall work out working plan and execute the work in such a
manner that beneficiaries start getting water during execution period. Villages
to be benefited under this contract shall be commissioned in a phased
manner. The department shall provide water. The contractor shall take up
various activities so as to benefit some villages during execution period and
thereafter go on commissioning additional no. of villages on monthly basis.
Coverage of villages shall be on cluster basis so as to wind up the activities
cluster-wise. Contractor shall commission the clusters as per following

Table: Schedule for providing of FHTCs

Cum. No. of
S. No Targeted period for coverage FHTCs to be
1. Within 6 month of execution period 10
2. Within 12 month of execution period 80
3. Within 15 month of execution period 160
4. Within 18 month of execution period 240
5. Within 20 month of execution period 277

Note: Including coverage of all the listed Habitations of respective village.

(Total 277 MH and 915 other Habitations)

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In the event of non-adherence to above targets in no. of villages, non

refundable compensation i.e Rs. 0.1 lacs per villages per month delay
subject to the maximum compensation as per clause 2 of general conditions
of contract of Volume 1, shall be levied. Number of villages to be benefited
in a particular month period shall remain the same. However, contractor
may choose to cover some other villages included in different month period
in lieu of villages proposed to be covered in a particular month period
depending on the progress. Under this contract, work for providing required
quantity of water at village transfer chambers, is only included.


2.15.1 General
The scope of O&M shall include all works executed under this contract
upto the Village Transfer Chamber for 10 years after one year of defect
liability period. During defect liability period, the contractor has to O&M
whole water supply system developed under the contract up to the end of
FHTC. After DLP the contractor shall hand over these works, i.e. pipelines
beyond VTC to (Intra-village Distribution System) to the Village Water,
Health & Sanitation Committees (VWHSCs) at the end of the execution of
project and the committees shall then carry out the O&M of these works
The O&M of the Facilities of the scheme shall be run with a well developed
quality management system as per guidelines of ISO 9001:2008 revised up
to date. The contractor, within 12 months of commencement of O&M, shall
obtain ISO 9001:2008 certification from one of the following firms:
Bureau Veritas India
TUV India of TUV-Nord Group,
DNV (Det Norske Veritas)
Direct Assessment Services, Chennai
SGS India Pvt Ltd, Chennai,
The contractor shall update the O&M Systems and Procedures developed as
per department’s requirements and as per ISO guidelines. The same shall
be submitted to the department for approval along with other O&M
documents like O&M Manuals, Log sheets, Formats, etc. These shall be got
audited annually throughout the O&M period.
Within the framework of the contractor responsibilities given above, the
contractor shall carry out the following activities, but these shall not limit
requirement of other activities, which otherwise are required as per term
and conditions of contract or to fulfill contractors responsibilities or are
essential as per good industrial practices.
The contractor shall be responsible for:
i. Providing designed per day requirement of water to each village with
almost equitable distribution of water at each household connection
with required pressure. System shall be tested for design demand but
shall be run as per actual demand based on population as per directions
of EIC.

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ii. Chlorination of water in CWR, if required.

iii. Providing the minimum specified staff as specified during operation and
maintenance period and additional staff as per requirement during
periodic maintenance and in emergencies.
iv. Providing all required consumables required for functioning / operation
& maintenance of equipment.
v. Metering is of utmost importance in this contract. For flow
measurements of meters at Pumping stations & village transfer
chambers, reading shall be recorded every day & will be signed by
representatives of Department and Contractor every month. The reading
recorded from meters installed at village transfer chamber shall be used
for preparation of water bills.
vi. Preventive / breakdown maintenance of all pumps, electrical,
mechanical & instrument equipment, installed under the contract. All
costs including costs of all material, equipment, etc required for
operation and / or maintenance (preventive and/or breakdown) to be
borne by the contractor.
vii. Maintenance of the lighting fixtures and the lighting system of all areas
and replacement of all non-functional lighting fixtures within 24 hours.
viii. Maintaining repair history of all pipeline, mechanical, electrical and
instrumentation control equipment Logbooks:
ix. Every day power availability, input voltages, kWH meter, power factor
readings at pumping station.
x. Daily Operation of pumps with every hour readings for operating voltage,
amperage and power factor, pressure on the manifold, pressure at outlet
of pumps and flow rate in manifold.
xi. Maintain record of net operating pressure, discharge and energy
consumption of each pump so as to arrive at the operating efficiency.
This record should be logged through the PLC installed in the pumping
xii. Maintaining;
• Repair history of all mechanical, electrical and instrumentation control
equipment in pump houses.
• Last periodic maintenance done for all equipment/buildings of the system.
• Observations made during patrolling of the pipeline.
• Readings of all the meters installed under the scope of this contract on
daily basis
• Hourly recording of Gauge in the CWR
• In addition to maintenance of above logbooks the contractor is required to
maintain one inspection book at each pumping station.
• The complaints entered in the complaint register must be investigated and
remedial measures must immediately be taken.
xiii. Last periodic maintenance done for all reservoirs of the system.
xiv. Observations made during patrolling of the pipeline.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

xv. In addition to maintenance of above logbooks, the contractor is required

to maintain one inspection book at pumping station. The complaints
entered in the complaint register must be investigated and remedial
measures must immediately be taken.
xvi. Providing spares, at the end of the execution period, as per list enclosed
at clause 2.14 and maintaining adequate additional inventory of
spares/accessories or equipment itself for repair of system so that the
electrical, mechanical, pipe and pipe appurtenances, can work efficiently
as per the guarantees given or minimum required efficiencies asked for
in the contract, without any additional costs to department.
xvii. Providing manpower and materials for the required repairs of all
facilities along with the manpower and materials for repair of the
buildings, reservoirs and pipeline built under the contract.
xviii. Maintenance of the stores for the electrical, mechanical and
instrumentation equipment. The maintenance of stores will include but
shall not be limited to:
xix. Loading / unloading of materials received and issued for works.
xx. Proper arrangement of material in stores to ensure its safety and easy
xxi. Maintaining store area neat and tidy.
xxii. Keeping records and Accounting the incoming materials
xxiii. Keeping records and Accounting the consumed materials
xxiv. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety and security of
the goods in the store and its accountability and will be responsible for
any loss or damages in stores for any reason. He may opt for insurance
cover against the value of the goods to be stored without any additional
costs on the Department.
xxv. Patrolling of the water mains laid in the contract, to identify and report
the damages / defects pipe and pipe appurtenances, CD works, en-route
xxvi. Emergency Maintenance / Periodic routine maintenance: Providing a
fleet consisting of suitable hauling machine, sufficient
inspection/patrolling vehicles and material hauling vehicles and any
other vehicles / machinery / equipment for adequate and timely repairs
and/or for routine/periodic maintenance /patrolling of the system.
xxvii. Periodic routine maintenance of buildings & reservoirs built in the
contract. Such maintenance must ensure adequate cleanliness,
ventilation, illumination and structural safety. In addition to this, the
general hygienic standards must be maintained and adequate plantation
should be done.
xxviii. Maintenance of road-cut repairs carried out under the contract.
xxix. Updating and periodic submissions of the operation and maintenance
manual as defined in specifications for O&M works. The contractor shall
take up all periodic maintenance works provided in the approved O&M
xxx. Submission of monthly report.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

xxxi. Co-ordination with other contractors and/ or agencies responsible for

the Execution, operation and maintenance for regional schemes and
Electric Supply Company.
2.15.2 Deployment of Minimum Staff

The minimum permanent staff to be deployed by the contractor for carrying out
the O&M functions shall be as follows:
S.N. Designation Qualification Experience Nos. of staff

1 Project Manager Diploma 5 years 1

2 PLC/SCADA/ Engineer Diploma 5 years 1
3 Electrician ITI (Elect.) 3 years 3
4 SemiSkilled Pump Drivers 8th Pass 1 Year for 56
for Pumping stations pump
5 Fitters ITI 5 years 13

6 Helpers 8th Pass Skilled 56

7 Chokidar - 16
8 Sweeper - 4

(1) The above requirement is minimum only. The contractor will arrange
extra work force, as and when required, so as to smoothly run the
operation and maintenance including preventive maintenance,
repairs etc. and general cleanliness of the installations.

(2) The above staff strength is exclusive of leave/rest reserve required for
different category of staff. The contractor shall ensure, the personnel
given in the above table for all the seven days in a week.

(3) The contractor shall make appropriate arrangements for

maintenance of items like buildings, patrolling and maintenance of
civil structures, vehicle operations and other activities defined to
fulfill its obligations under O&M contract.
2.15.3 Pipeline Works – Contractor is to provide all labour and material for:
i) Repair of leaks, damaged portion of road, embankment, pipe and pipe
appurtenances, CD works and en-route structures identified during
ii) Emergency Repair(s) of burst(s) for maintaining regular supplies.
iii) Operation of all valves quarterly to check its proper functioning.
Maintenance of all valves in leak-less conditions. Quarterly inspection of,
expansion joints and surge protection equipment/system, and to do
repairs, if required. Contractor shall submit quarterly reports of all such
activities done.
iv) Maintenance of inventory for repair of pipe leak(s) and burst(s), valves (air
valve, sluice valves, butterfly valves), expansion joints, surge protection
devices or any other pipe appurtenances or equipment(s) installed.

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v) To maintain the valve chambers along the pipeline in clean and dry
vi) To maintain the cover on the pipe damaged due to rains, runoff or any other
vii) Cleaning of CD works along the pipeline alignment and to do required
regarding works of area between road and pipe to ensure that water is not
impounded near the pipe during rainy season.
2.15.4 Pumping Stations
The scope of maintenance shall be limited to the installations made under
the contract. The Contractor shall provide all labour and material required
and shall be responsible for:
To maintain power factor of 0.97, for the installed pumps failing which the
contractor shall be liable of all type of penalties imposed by the respective
power supply agency.
To maintain the pumping station along with all instruments in working
conditions. The down time of entire control system shall not exceed 12
Routine maintenance of the entire control system and instruments as per
recommendation of the manufacturer.
Replacement of damaged control cables, and power supply cables.
Repair of all instruments such as flow meters, pressure gauges, float levels,
loggers along with all other equipments. The down time of any individual
instrument as referred above shall not exceed 12 hours.
Periodic calibration of all measuring/metering equipment, every 6 month.
To produce and submit monthly customized reports.
Repair / replacement of damaged electrical equipments / parts for proper
functioning of electrical system.
Routine maintenance of the pumps as per recommendation of the
Replacement of bearings, damaged impellers and other damaged parts so
that the operation of pumps ensures the guaranteed efficiencies with
desired noise and vibration levels.
Breakdown maintenance of all electrical, mechanical, instrumentation
2.15.5 Water Reservoirs
i) The Contractor shall provide all labour and materials required and
shall carry out following maintenance work, during O & M period:
ii) Repair of damaged portions of reservoirs.
iii) To operate and check all valves, instruments once in 3 months and
do the required maintenance work to ensure their smooth and
proper functioning.
iv) Cleaning and bleaching of the reservoir once in 6 months as per
direction of Engineer in Charge. The date of cleaning and bleaching
shall be painted on the signboard installed near the reservoir.
v) Repair of the damaged portions of the plinth protection works.
vi) Repainting during the 5th and 10th year of O&M period

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

vii) To maintain the reservoir, its surrounding and the campus in a neat
and tidy manner.
viii) Other activities required for maintaining the tanks and their
surroundings in neat conditions.
2.15.6 PLC System
(i) Maintaining the PLC system installed at various locations
(ii) To provide operator at control room round the clock.
(iii) Replacement of batteries, faulty sets and all other non-functional
equipments to ensure trouble free communication.
• Maintaining gardens and other manpower to maintain the campus area
green, neat and tidy.
• To remove shrubs, grass and unwanted vegetations after each rainy
season from all the Head works area and other compounds of
inspection buildings.
• Maintenance of roads and lighting fixtures and lighting circuits in all
the head works.
• Providing caretaker at field hostel and necessary staff for its complete
security, maintenance, attendance of visitors, maintenance of kitchen
and other facilities.
• Maintenance of lighting fixtures and lighting circuits, water supply
facilities in all the campus areas, offices and other residential
The contractor shall carry out the ordinary repair to building during the O & M
period. The repairs may include but not limited to items: -
(i) Easing of doors and windows, monsoon repairs to roofs, attention to drains,
rain water spouts, attention to plinth protection.
(ii) External white or colour wash, external or internal painting, internal
distempering, renewal of approach roads within the campus.
The frequency of repairs must not be less than as specified below:

Frequency of
Frequency of
S. repair for
Nature of Repair repair for other
No. Residential
1 External finishing (color Once in a year Every two year
washing) after attending
minor repairs such as
damage to plaster etc.
2 Internal finishing (distemper In 3rd year of O&M In 3rd year of O&M
/ painting) after attending
minor repairs such as
damage to plaster etc
(iii) Repairs to other administrative buildings must be carried out during May to
June except for white and colour washing work, which should be done in
September and October inside or outside after monsoon in residential

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

• Following repairs prior to onset of monsoon are essential:

1. Any faults in the electric installation, leakages, earthing, exposed wire ends
and any hazards on this account to the users/inmates of the buildings,
should be taken care of suitably, wiring, which is damaged or outlived,
should be replaced.
2. Damaged/ Sanitary lines should be replaced and choked lines cleared.
3. Proper drainage of the area around the building should be ensured to avoid
stagnation of rain water/ house effluent, in order to prevent malarial
conditions, where courtyards exist in the buildings, their drainage into the
outer drains should be ensured. Any choked drains should be cleared
4. Leaking roofs should be attended to immediately with suitable repairs/
treatment, as the case may be. The rain waterspouts should also be cleared
of blockages, etc. The roof should be swept clean of leaves, debris, and etc.
if any.
5. The plaster on outer walls of the building, which is exposed to weather,
should be repaired before rains in order to prevent dampness inside. Where
plinth protection has been provided, it should be checked and the damaged
portions, if any, should be repaired before rains.
6. Damaged flooring should be repaired/ replaced as per requirement, in order
to prevent dampness inside the rooms, etc. during rains.
7. Periodic repairs of damaged floors, door/window fittings, water taps, water
coolers, furniture, desert coolers, electric circuits, must be taken up on
complaints using the material of same quality as used during construction.
The contractor shall engage ESCO firms for annual detailed energy audit of
all the Pump Houses and WTP. The Energy Audit will include all the Pump
sets. He shall take necessary corrective measures as per the findings. Other
parameters /characteristics of Pump sets shall be maintained as per
approved data sheets/bid specifications.
These visits shall provide an opportunity for examining maintenance
programs and operating procedures and improvements requiring additional
investments. If the contractor do not arrange such audit than the Employer
will arrange for it at contractor’s cost.
2.16.1 Spares for Mechanical Works for each Pumping Station
Item Description Quantity
1 Impellers of all type 2 Nos for each pump installed in contract
of pumps
2 HRC fuse each type 4 sets
3 Motor bearings 2 Nos. for each motor installed in contract
4 Noise meter 1 no.
2.16.2 Spares for Electrical Works for each Pumping Station
S.No. Item Description Quantity
1. MCCB 3 No. of each rating installed in the

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

S.No. Item Description Quantity

2. Voltmeters 1 No. of each rating installed in the
3. Ampere meters 1 No. of each rating installed in the

2.16.3 Spares for Instrumentation Works

S.No. Item Description Quantity

1. Pressure gauge 29 nos
2. Server Module 1 no.
2.16.4 Spares for Pipeline work

S.No. Item Description Quantity

1 Sluice valve rod o 10 No. of each size installed in the contract
(80 to 200 mm)
o 2 No. of each size installed in the contract
(> 200 mm)
2 Air valves’ balls 2 dozens of each size installed in the contract
3 Gaskets for all 2 dozen of each size installed in the contract
4 All sizes of pipes 100 m for each size and class
5 DI specials 2 bends of each size (900, 450 and 22.50), 1 Tee
of each size, 1 reducer of each size, 2 no. tail
pieces of each size (Flanged socket), 10 nos.
mechanical joints of each size
6 HDPE specials 2 bends of each size (900 and 450), 1 Tee of each
size, 1 reducer of each size, 10 nos. double
sockets of each size
7 CID joints for 100 of each pipe size installed in the contract
HDPE pipes except for 200 & 160 mm pipe
8 Rubber rings 200 of each pipe size installed in the contract
except for 200 & 160 mm pipe
9 Rubber sheet 200 kg
10 Nut & Bolt 100kg of each size used for fixing of special,
valves etc.
S. No. Item Description Quantity
3 Single phase Welding Set, 250 amp., 220 Volt, air cooled 1
stud type, wheel mounted with 15 mtr welding cable, 2
mtr. welding cable for earthing, one welding holder, one
welding screen with glass and 3 cable lugs, one pair
hand gloves and one wire brush
4 Portable Hand Drill (Heavy Duty) of capacity 13 mm to 2
23 mm with ½” drill chuck but without drill bits and

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (SCOPE OF WORK)

S. No. Item Description Quantity

drill stand.
5 Pipe wrench 10”, 14”, 18”, 24” and 36” of ISI mark 4
6 Round files of sizes 8”, 10”, 12”, 14” & 16” (medium cut 3
7 Flat Files of sizes 8”, 10”, 12” (medium cut type) 3
8 Screw Driver set 16
9 Insulating Fuse Puller for all types of fuse to be used in 16
Project components
10 Pulley Puller for the Project components 5
11 12” and 18” Hacksaw Frame with 36 blades of ISI mark 16
12 Nose Pliers ISI mark 16
13 Tong Tester, 1000 Amp 16
14 Crimping tool upto 95 sq. mm 3
15 Hydraulic Crimping tool, 25 to 400 sq. mm. 3
16 Hydraulic Jack, 5 Ton capacity 2
17 Pipe dye set ½” to 2” 2
18 Hammer of 200gm, 450gm, 1kg, 5kg & 20kg weight 2
19 Aluminum Folding ladder of 6 meters 6
20 Set of Ring spanners & Fixed spanners (covering all 16
21 Allen keys (As per plant and machines supplied) 16
22 Set of Tommy 16
23 Vacuum cleaner (Industrial type) 2
24 Electrical driven submersible type de-watering pumps of 6
5 kW with 5 meters hose pipe
25 Digital Electronics Megger 6
26 Flexible pipe of 25mm dia for gardening 1000
27 Hand Grinder (Angle 7”) 6
28 Bench Vice No. 6, Apex or equivalent make 6
29 Multi-meter (Digital) 6
30 Noise meter (Digital) 6
31 Set of tools and tackles for repair and maintenance of DI 6
pipes as per relevant BIS/ International standard and as
per recommendations of manufacturer.
32 Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter 2
33 Chloroscope 16
34 Turbidity meter 16

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Survey work)

3.1.1 To create an accurate ‘L’ sections along the route of pipelines and
preparing route plans and ‘L’ sections.
3.1.2 To determine levels of distant points from proposed pipe line alignment in
villages or for transfer of levels to bench marks / permanent structures
such as OHSR, GLR, Pump House etc or any other permanent structure
with the help of Total Station / Auto Level/Dumpy Level.
3.1.3 To prepare contours for specific areas with a view to develop different
units of the project & submitting contour plans on specified parameter
showing details of all existing surface with reference to permanent Bench
Marks with the help of Total Station/ Auto Level/Dumpy Level.
3.1.4 To create an accurate site plan of PHED head works/Campus indicating
SR, CWR, GLR, building works, roads, pipeline arrangement, valve
chambers, power lines, trees, and other permanent features in built-up
3.1.5 To construct permanent Bench Marks so that these can be referred for
leveling work during planning and development of water supply project.
3.1.6 To prepare village index plan showing all permanent features such as
Panchayat Bhawan, Hospital, School, Post office, Temple, Pond, Water
supply structures such as GLR, PSPs, Pumping station, TWs, HPs etc,
power line, Transformer, physical boundary of the village, north etc. to be
used for deciding the alignment of transmission main through the village.
3.2.1 The survey for the area shall be conducted mostly for proposed pipeline
alignments and shall be adequate to provide:
To-the-scale maps showing pipe line alignments in plan and off set
distances as defined in subsequent clauses.
Details of all existing features along the alignments such as roads
crossing, railway crossing, culvert, nallah, pipe line crossing, power line,
buildings and other permanent features.
3.2.2 The survey shall be adequate to provide:
• Reduced Levels as informed by Engineer–in-Charge in Villages or
along the Alignment
• To provide levels on PHED structures viz GLR's, CWR's located at 1.0
km distance & OHSR at 5.0 Km on either side of proposed pipe line
alignment, Also marking of levels should be such that they should
remain intact for a minimum period of 5 Years with its reference
position. The reference position should be above ground level on
permanent structure. All these marked RLs should be reflected in plan
map w.r.t P/L alignment. The RLs location falls within the plan map
scale along with bearings from P/L alignment, however for the

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Survey work)

structures falling beyond the plan map scale the reference bearing
along with indicative distance shall be marked on map.
3.2.3 The Contour survey shall be adequate to provide:
• The scale of maps showing levels at each grid point & all features
existing in the area.
• The surface features shall include power line, road, canal, trees, area
boundary & all other permanent structures etc.
• 'Contour plan marked in the interval indicated in the subsequent
clauses & a grid plan showing levels at every grid point.
• Levels at a spacing of 25 m or less in two mutual perpendicular
directions keeping variation in levels within 1.00 m including taking
levels of bench mark, locating all existing main physical features (road
crossing, culvert, nallah, power line, bench mark, trees, railway line
etc.) leveling w.r.t. permanent BM of survey of India or such other BM
, closing at the end of each day,
3.2.4 Digitized drawing with output on pen-drive/hard disk, hard copy & on
reproducible medium. The survey is to be adequate to provide:
• To-the-scale site plan showing details of all existing features such as
building works, roads, pipelines, valve chambers, sump, SR, CWR,
GLR, diggi, power lines, trees, entrance to the area, approach road and
other permanent features. The pipelines hidden under ground are also
covered under the scope of work. Levels at some important points as
defined subsequently.
3.2.5 The Bench Mark as specified under detailed work shall be
constructed at locations as defined in different survey works or as
decided by the Engineer-In- Charge.
3.2.6 The index plan showing levels of some important points with respect to
some permanent bench mark as per direction of the Engineer-In-
Charge. Submission of four sets of manually prepared ammonia prints
and a reproducible tracing, with original field books filled in ink duly
signed, of village index plan showing all above details on a suitable scale
so as to fit on ‘A2’ size sheets with standard title block.
The detailed work shall be as follows:
• The exact line of survey shall be decided in consultation with the site
• The contractor shall procure BM fixed by Survey of India's office at
Jaipur or other agency that has conducted the original survey work &
to locate & find out the levels of permanent benchmark along
proposed pipeline alignment. These levels shall only be used to work
out reduced level (RL's) .The Cost of procurement of BM level &
description from Survey of India shall have to be deposited by the
contractor. For pipeline alignment at least three BM should be traced

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Survey work)

out one at either end of pipeline & third one at middle point of the
alignment as directed by EIC.
• The original survey shall commence from BM fixed by Survey of India
at head of Pipe line alignment & all RL worked out in level book shall
confirm to BM level (Mean Sea Level) originally. No Relative RL shall be
allowed in Level Book.
• Levels shall be taken at every 50.0 mtr along the alignment. However,
when there is a major variation in levels, extra levels shall be taken.
Variation in level beyond 1 m will be considered as major variation.
• In case there exists a road along the alignment, the offset distances
from center line of road at every 200 m interval from some permanent
object and bearings at every point of change of direction shall be taken
& marked on the L section /route plan.
• Bearing shall be taken along the alignment and at every point where
there is a change in bearing in both horizontal and vertical directions;
the point shall be fixed by taking reference of the nearest two
permanent objects.
• All main physical features 7.0 mtr on either side of alignment of the
pipe line e.g. road crossing, culvert, nallah, pipeline crossing, power
line, OFC cable mutams, Km Stone with identification, trees above
300 mm dia size etc. shall be shown on the plan along with L-section.
• Leveling shall be started from the permanent Bench Mark (BM) of
Survey of India or such other points as directed by the Engineer in
• Closing of traverse from BM to BM for the purpose of making accurate
levels is essential and is the part of survey work. Error in the traverse
shall not be more than 0.01 KM mtr and the levels of BM shall be
corrected for this error. In case the error is more, the work shall be
• The contractor will be required to submit color drawings on A1 size
sheet (594 mm x 841 mm), which shall comprise of the following:
1. L-section of the routes survey with vertical scale of 1 cm=
1.00mt and horizontal scale of1 cm= 50.00mt.
2. In addition firm shall submit a condensed drawing (L section &
Plan) on A0 size sheet for each pipeline alignment.
3. Site plan along the proposed alignment showing the bearing
and physical features along the alignment. The ‘L’ section
should have space for entering the following columns: -
I. Chain
II. Ground level
III. Invert level of pipe
IV. Depth of cutting
V. Size and class of pipe

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Survey work)

The surveyor will fill rows (I) and (II) only.

• Map shall have index showing North direction, symbol used in
drawing, title blocks as approved by Engineer in Charge.
• The Contractor shall submit original field Book duly signed used in
The Contractor shall digitized the final drawing and submit the details in
Pen-drive/hard disk in Auto-CAD format.
Details of Work & Specification:
The detail of work & specification shall be as follows:
• The location of exact point of which the RLs is to be determined shall
be given by Engineer-in-charge.
• The levels are to be taken by using Total station/Auto level. & Survey
work of every day shall be closed daily.
• Leveling shall be started from the BM of Survey of India/PBM
established or such other points as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
• Closing of traverse from BM to BM for the purpose of making accurate
level is essential and is the part of survey work. Error in the traverse
shall not be more than 0.01m per Square Root of KM and the level of
BM shall be corrected for this error. In case the error is more the work
shall be redone.
• The contractor shall submit the original field books used in survey
with duly signed.
• The Contractor to provide the levels in Excel Sheet, on the CD-
rw/magnetic medium and two hard copies.
Details of Work & Specification:
The detail of work & specification shall be as follows:
• Identification of the area to be surveyed in consultation with the Engineer
in Charge & in reference with the permanent objects identified.
• Levels shall be recorded at every grid point at spacing of 25 m in both the
directions & at every boundary points. Extra reading shall have to be
taken (Both levels & distance) where the variation in two subsequent
levels is more than 1.00 m
• All existing main physical features (Pipe line, road crossing, culvert,
nallah, power line, bench mark, trees, railway line etc) shall have to be
identified & shown on maps.
• Leveling shall be started from the permanent bench mark of Survey of
India or such other point as directed by the Engineer In Charge.
• At the end of each day closing of survey work with reference to the
starting point as directed by the Engineer In Charge.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Survey work)

• Permanent Bench Mark if required shall have to be constructed as per

direction of Engineer in charge. The specification for bench marks have
been specified separately.
• Bench mark have also to be left at prominent permanent structures if
available in the area where there are least chances of their getting
• The maps shall be prepared on the scales giving all details such as grid
plan on a scale of 1 cm = 10 m. The Plan shall be on Sheet Size A-1 as
such if the area is more it shall have to be divided in suitable grids &
each grid shall have to be plotted separately. The plan shall show levels at
all grid points & extra points if any, Boundary line of the area, bench
mark, trees all surface features.
Contour plan on the same scale as for grid plan (a). This shall be plotted on
sheet size A-3.Grids in this plan shall be marked at a spacing of 25 m. This
plan shall show contours at an interval of 1.00m indicating boundary line of
the area. Every 5 m contour shall be marked darker than others. Levels of
each contour line shall be marked at least at two points so that its level can
be read easily.
The detailed work shall be as follows:
• All surface features such as power lines, Transformer, roads, canal,
storage reservoirs, pump houses, treatment plant, trees, telephone line,
nallahs, culvert, pipelines (both above and below ground), valve
chambers, etc. shall be identified and to shown on site plan.
• The map should also show plinth levels of existing structures, and ground
levels at suitable spacing such that at least one level is available in an
area of 50 mt x 50 mt
• Leveling shall be started from the permanent bench mark as directed by
the Engineer in Charge.
• When there is abrupt change in ground levels both top and bottom levels
shall be taken.
• Position of all trees with different colors or different symbols shall be
shown under different group of diameters of the tree trunk.
Group 1 Above 75 mm upto 150mm
Group 2 Above 150 mm upto 300mm
Group 3 Above 300 mm
• The site plan shall be prepared on a scale of 1 cm= 5 mt showing all
surface features and levels as defined above.
Permanent Bench marks, if required, shall have to be constructed as per
directions of the Engineer in Charge. The specifications for bench marks
have been specified separately.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Survey work)


The detailed work shall be as follows:
• The Bench Mark pillars shall be constructed in PCC of M 15 grade and
the block size shall be 0.30 mt X 0.30 mt X 1.20 mt with 25 mm dia 50
cm long mild steel bar (ends grounded to plain surface), at centre. The
pillars shall be 0.90 mt deep from the natural ground level. The steel bar
shall be projected 5 cm above top of pillar, the level shall be taken at
upper end of the projected bar.
• The Pillars shall be constructed at firm ground level & should be at least
300 ft away from road or as directed by Engineer in Charge.
• For establishing level at bench marks, the leveling shall be carried out
from a permanent bench mark of Survey of India or such other point as
directed by the Engineer-In- Charge.
• For maintaining accuracy in levels, closing of traverse is essential from
BM to BM and is a part of work. The closing error in levels shall not be
more than (0.01 Km) per mtr. In case the closing error is more, the work
shall be redone.
• Every pillar shall be numbered and level of top of the MS bar shall be
indicated on top of pillar as well as on one side of the pillar in red paint
on yellow base as follows:
BM No ______________
Level _______________
The detailed work shall be as follows:
• The Surveyor should specify the existing pipe line network of the village.
The index plan shall be prepared on the scales giving all details. The
index plan shall be on Sheet Size A-2 as such if the area is more it shall
have to be divided in suitable sheets & shall have to be plotted separately.
The index plan shall also show levels at all important points & extra
points if any, Boundary line of the area, bench mark, trees all surface
features at suitable scale.
3.3.7 Soil Survey
Soil survey shall include all the activities as mentioned in the scope of work
for determination of –
• strata classification along the alignment
• Safe Bearing capacity
• Physical properties
• Chemical properties
• Soil resistivity along the pipeline alignment
All the survey and determination / testing works shall be conducted as per
relevant IS standards.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

These specifications will cover providing & laying of transmission mains, mainly of
DI, MS and HDPE pipes and control of leakage in water supply system. The
selection of pipe class shall be as per the ultimate pumping systems i.e. ultimate
water demand of the year 2054.


The Contractor shall prepare and submit the following:

4.1.1 L-Section

The contractor shall produce the detailed plan and L-section drawings to the
department showing the proposed placement of pipes and HGL for this
package along the approved alignment.

Longitudinal Sections (L- Sections) and the alignment plan in 6 copies.

For the comprehensive overview of the stretch, the comprehensive L-Section

has to be made available for finalizing the alignment of the pipeline.

The following general criteria must be adhered while preparing the plan and
L-section of the pipeline:

Pipelines in general to be laid underground in most of the reaches with

minimum soil cover of 1.0 m for all the pipes.

Throughout the alignment of pipeline if the strata is found rocky, then the DI
pipe in general shall be laid above ground on RCC pedestals as detailed later
in this chapter. If the ground has steep slopes then on each pedestal the pipe
shall also be protected against sliding with facilities to provide free movement
for temperature changes.

If laying of pipe above ground is not possible, to minimise close positions of

bends, small stretches of pipeline may be kept below road, if circumstances
so permits. The pipeline laid below ground shall be provided with grouting,
as specified herein. For long stretches of pipeline i.e. more than 60 meters,
average soil cover of 1.0 meter shall be provided along with cutoff walls to
ensure that the backfilled earth is not eroded during rains.

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Wherever the pipeline is to cross the existing oil and natural gas pipelines or
OFC cables, the contractor shall take necessary permissions of the
concerned authorities and lay the pipeline accordingly with required safety
and structures. The department shall provide assistance to the extent
possible to obtain such permission. The contractor shall be liable to all
damages/ claims / etc. on account of damages or accident caused due to
damages of such lines

The laying of pipes must not obstruct the flow of water in the natural drains.
The pipe must cross the drains either from below the scour levels or above
the high flood levels. If crossed above the bed level, appropriate structures at
support and in between the nallah/ drain/ canal / river must be provided
with DI pipe in the exposed section. The structure must be protected by
suitably planned river training works. If laid below ground, it must have
sufficient cover without change in the existing grade of nallah/river/canal.
The damaged portions of the embankment and the bed must be restored in
portions the pipeline is laid below canal bed levels with proper compaction
and the canal bed and sides must be lined with CC lining at least 40mm
thick in at least a length of 60 meters U/S and D/S portions. If laid with
cover less than 1.0 m, the pipe should be anchored with rock on which it is
laid and shall be encased with minimum 100 mm reinforced cement concrete
all around the pipe.

Wherever the pipeline is laid with an embankment, the embankment must

not create pounding of water. If the conditions are unavoidable, suitable CD
works must be provided.

Wherever road crossing is to be done or when it is placed near the road edge,
sufficient cement concrete encasing as per design has to be provided so that
IRC class AA loading can be applied without any damage to the pipe section
laid at the crossing.

The drawings have to show the G.L., Invert level of pipe, depth of cutting /
filling, H.G.L. for flow corresponding to Ultimate phase flows, design
working/operating pressure in pipes, type of structures for crossing
rivers,/canals,/ nallahs, etc. submitted for approval by the department. They
also have to show the proposed locations of sluice valves, air valves, scour
valves and specials and the proposed locations and types of the water
hammer control devices. No additional cost shall be payable on account of
change in placement of pipeline in pursuant to the given principle herein.

Based on the data of the surveys provided by the department & reproduced
by Contractor and on the hydraulic data of the pipeline system, the

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

Contractor has to prepare the final detailed Drawing according to the Indian
Standards, and subjected to the provisions given in this bid document,

4.1.2 Drawings & Designs

The drawing has to be prepared in close coordination with the Engineer-in-

Charge and shall be subject to his approval. The approval procedures have to
be followed as prescribed in the Special Conditions of Contract.

After the selection and approved L-section of the pipeline, the following
designs must be got approved:

• Hydraulic design of pipelines for selection of pipe size and class.

• HGLs for water demand flows corresponding to year 2039 and 2054.

• The following designs shall be carried out for ultimate phase’s flow

• Design of Pipe Size and Class DI Pipes. The K-7 pipes shall be acceptable
up to 80m working (operating) pressure (as per provisions in relevant BIS)
as per HGL drawn for ultimate flow;

• Design & Drawings of pipe support structures;

• Design & Drawings of Thrust and Anchor Blocks ;

• Design of Surge Protection System;

• Design & Drawings of all CD structures;

• Design & Drawings of allied works;

• Design and Drawing of OFC/road crossing;

• Design the cement mortar lining on inner pipe surface as per relevant IS
codes respectively for DI. The performance with regard to its smoothness
shall be of quality to develop friction losses not more than that calculated
with value Cr=1 as per modified H/W formula as given in CPHEEO


Except as otherwise specified in this technical specification, the

Indian/International Standards and Codes of Practice in their latest version
shall be adhered to for the design, manufacturing, inspection, factory testing,

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

packing, handling and transportation of product. Should any product be

offered conforming to other standards, the equipment or products shall be
equal to or superior to those specified and the documentary confirmation
shall be submitted for the prior approval of the Engineer in Charge.

This specification requires a reference to the following standard specifications

IS: 4984 High Density Polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies
IS: 4985 Unplasticized PVC pipes for potable water supplies
IS: 10151 PVC and its copolymers for its safe use in contact with
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, and drinking water
IS: 10500 Drinking water specification
IS: 12235 Methods of test for unplasticized PVC pipes for potable
water supplies
IS: 4669 Methods of test for PVC resin
IS: 12818 Unplasticized PVC screen and casing pipes for
IS: 3400 Methods of test for vulcanised rubber (part-1 to 22)
IS: 1387 General requirements for the supply of metallurgical
IS: 210 Grey iron casting
IS: 1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipe for water, gas
and sewage
IS: 1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipe for water, gas and sewage
IS: 1538 Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and
IS: 5531 CI specials for Asbestos cement pressure pipes for water
gas & sewage
IS: 1363 Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade A
and B (part:1-5)
IS: 1367 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners
IS: 780 Sluice valve for water works purposes
IS: 2906 Specifications for sluice valves for water works purposes
IS: 318 Leaded tin bronze ingots and casting
IS: 8543 Methods of testing plastics: Determination of density of
solid plastics
IS: 7181 Horizontally cast iron double flanged pipes for water, gas
and sewage.
IS: 8794 CI detachable joints for use with Asbestos cement pressure
IS: 5382 Rubber sealing rings for gas mains, water mains and

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IS: 5531 Cast iron specials for asbestos cement pressure pipes for
water, gas and sewage
IS: 779 Water meters
IS: 3624 Pressure and vacuum gauges
IS: 341 Black japan, types A, B and C
IS: 9862 Ready mixed paint, brushing, bituminous, black, lead free,
acid, alkali, water and chlorine resisting
IS: 1239 Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings
IS: 7328 High density polyethylene materials for moulding and
IS: 4984 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable
water supplies; sewage and industrial effluents
IS: 554 Dimensions for pipe threads where pressure tight joints are
required on the threads
IS: 1592 Asbestos cement pressure pipes - Specifications
IS: 778 Specifications for copper alloy gate, globe and check valves
for water works purposes
IS: 12820 Dimensional requirements for rubber gaskets for
mechanical joints and push on joint for use with cast iron
pies and fittings for carrying water, gas and sewage.
IS: 9523 Specification for DI fittings for pressure pipes for water,
gas, and sewage.
ISO: 2045 Single socket for uPVC and uPVC pressure pipes with
elastic sealing ring type joints - Minimum depth of
ISO: 2507 PVC pipes and fittings- Vicat softening temperature - Test
method and specification
ISO: 3603 Fittings for PVC pipe with elastic sealing ring joints
pressure test for leakproofness
ISO: 1167 Thermoplastics pipes for the transport of fluids -
Resistance to internal pressure - Test method and basic
ISO 3451-5 Determination of Ash: Part-5 - Poly vinyl chloride
ASTM: D Standard test method for degree of fusion of extruded PVC
2152 pipe and moulded fittings by Acetone immersion
MTNL Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited; Technical
specifications for cable ducts.
BS: 4772 Specification for DI fittings
IS: 7634- Code of practice for plastic pipe works for potable water
Parts 1-3 supplies
IS: 8329 Centrifugally cast (spun) ductile iron pressure pipes for
water, gas and sewage.

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IS: 12288 Code of practice for use and laying of ductile iron pipes
CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, III edition,
Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi- May 1999.


4.3.1 Ductile Iron Pipe

The pipes will be centrifugally cast (spun) Ductile Iron pipes for Water and
Sewage confirming to the IS 8329: 2000 and shall be marked with BIS/ISS.
The pipes used will be either with push on joints (Rubber Gasket Joints) or
Flanged joints. The class of pipe to be used shall be of the class K-9/K-7.

The pipes shall be coated with bitumen as per appendix C and have factory
provided cement mortar lining in the inside as per the provisions of Appendix
B of the IS 8329: 2000.

The pipes will be supplied in standard length of 5.50 and 6.00 meters length
with suitably rounded or chamfered ends. Each pipe of the push on joint
variety will also be supplied with a rubber EPDM gasket. Any change in the
stipulated lengths will be approved by the Engineer – in charge. The gaskets
will confirm to the IS 5382:1985.

The gaskets should also be supplied by the manufacturer of the pipes. They
should preferably be manufactured by the manufacturer of the pipes. In case
they are not, it will be the responsibility of the manufacturer of the pipes to
have them manufactured from a suitable manufacturer under it’s own
supervision and have it tested at his/sub contractors premises as per the
contract. The pipe manufacturer will however be responsible for the
compatibility and quality of the products.

The flanged joints will confirm to the Clause 6.2 of IS 8329. The pipe supply
will also include one rubber gaskets for each flange.

4.3.2 Inspection and Testing:

The pipes will be subjected to following tests for acceptance:

• Visual and dimensional check as per Clause 13 and 15 of IS 8329

• Mechanical Test as per Clause 10 of IS 8329
• Hydrostatic Test as per Clause 11 of IS 8329
• The test reports for the rubber gaskets shall be as per acceptance
tests of the IS 5832 and will be in accordance to Clause 3.8

The sampling shall be as per the provisions of the IS 8329

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4.3.3 Marking

All pipes will be marked as per Clause 18 of IS 8329 and show as below:

• Manufacturer name/ stamp

• Nominal diameter
• Class reference
• All pipes should be ISI Marked.
• A white ring line showing length of insertion at spigot end

4.3.4 Packing and Transport:

The pipes should be preferably transported by road from the factory and
stored as per the manufacturer specifications to protect damage.

4.3.5 Specials for Ductile Iron Pipes General

This section covers the general requirements for Ductile Iron (DI) fittings
suitable for Tyton joints to be used with Ductile Iron pipes with flanged and
Tyton jointing system. Types of specials

The following types of DI fittings shall be manufactured and tested in

accordance with IS: 9523 or BS: 4772.

• flanged socket
• flanged spigot
• double socket bends (900, 450, 22 1/2 0, 11 1/4 0)
• double socket branch flanged tee
• all socket tee.
• double socket taper.
• All Flanged Tee.
• All Flanged taper.

4.3.4 Supply

All the DI fittings shall be supplied with one rubber ring for each socket. The
rubber ring shall conform to IS: 12820 and IS: 5382 as described in the
preceding chapter. Flanged fittings shall be supplied with one rubber gasket
per flange and the required number of nuts and bolts.

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4.3.5 Lubricant for ductile iron pipes and specials General

This section covers the requirements for lubricant for the assembly of Ductile
Iron pipes and specials suitable for Tyton push-in rubber ring joints Specification

The lubricant has to have the following characteristics:

• must have a paste like consistency and be ready for use

• has to adhere to wet and dry surfaces of DI pipes and rubber rings
• to be applied in hot and cold weather; ambient temperature 0 - 50 °C,
temperature of exposed pipes up to 70 °C
• must be non toxic
• must be water soluble
• must not affect the properties of the drinking water carried in the pipes
• must not have an objectionable odour
• has to inhibit bacterial growth
• must not be harmful to the skin
• must have a shelf live not less than 2 years Acceptance tests

• They shall be conducted in line with the provisions of the IS 9523

4.3.6 Packing

All the DI fittings shall be properly packed with jute cloth. Rubber rings shall
be packed in polyethylene bags. Rubber rings in PE bags and nuts, bolts etc.
shall be supplied in separate jute bags.

The fittings should preferably be manufactured by a manufacturer of the

pipes. In case they are not, it will be the responsiblity of the manufacturer of
the fitting to provide fitting which commensurate with the supplied DI pipes.
The contractor and special manufacturer will be responsible for the
compatiblity and quality of the products.


4.4.1 Manufacturing Standards

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High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes shall be manufactured from virgin

PE-80 Polyethylene food grade raw material which will comply with the
requirements of ISO / directive of testing material: 9080 with minimum
required strength of 8 kg / sqcm. Minimum class of HDPE pipe shall be PN-
The raw material should be of food grade quality. Pipe shall be manufactured
as per IS: 4984-1995. The nominal pressure of pipes required shall be as
specified in the scope of work. The pipe material shall be suitable for
conveyance of drinking water for which the certificate of recognized institute
shall be provided. The pipes shall conform to the test requirement prescribed
in IS: 4984. The minimum factory test pressure for Hydraulic test shall be as
per relevant IS. No defect / leakage / cracks should be visible after hydraulic
test. Hydraulic characteristic for internal creep rupture and notch impact
test shall confirm to requirements of IS: 4984-1995. Inspection agency may
witness the tests.
Pipes used should be suitable for transmission of drinking water and should
not constitute a toxic hazard, shall not support microbial growth and shall
not give rise to unpleasant taste or odour, cloudiness or discolouration of
water. Re-cycled material shall not be used for manufacturing.
Nominal outside diameters shall conform to Is: 4984. The Dimensions of
pipes for PN-6 rating shall be as under :
Nominal Size Outer Dia. (in Thickness (Minimum-
(in mm) mm) Maximum)
(in mm)
63 63 3.6-4.2
75 75 4.3-4.9
90 90 5.1-5.8
110 110 6.3-7.1
125 125 7.1-8.8
140 140 8.0-9.0
160 160 9.1-10.2
180 180 10.2-11.5
200 200 11.4-12.7
225 225 12.8-14.3
The tolerances on pipes shall be in accordance with relevant IS. Lengths of
straight pipes shall not be less than 6 meters. All pipes of size upto 110 mm
shall be provided in coils of length not less than 20 meters.

4.4.2 Inspection and Testing:

The pipes will be subjected to tests as per IS: 4984 for acceptance. The
manufacturer shall provide a certificate that the requirement of IS: 4984 for
thermal stability of pipes supplied are met. Department shall demand for
manufacturer’s test report for pipes along with pre dispatch inspection by
EiC or his authorized representative. Pipes at works site shall be sample
tested as per IS before laying.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

4.4.3 Marking

All pipes will be marked as per IS: 4984 and subjected to the following
minimum requirements:
• Manufacturer name/ stamp with last two digits of year of
manufacturing i.e. 03,
• PHED ____________ (Name of Project as per directions of EiC)
• The dimensions(Nominal outside diameter & nominal wall thickness)
• Designation of pipe material (PE 100, PE 80, etc)
• Nominal pressure (PN)
• Number of IS Standard

4.4.4 Specials for HDPE Pipes

Unless otherwise mentioned, the specials and the jointing material for HDPE
pipes shall be Electro Fusion / Butt fusion fittings conforming to relevant IS.
Fusion fittings with integral heating element shall be used in general. All
fittings shall be of pressure rating PN-6.

Material Requirements:

The compound from which the body of the fitting is produced shall comply
with relevant IS. Fittings shall be produced from material class PE 80 or PE
100 and the following classification shall apply:
PE 80-minimum required strength of 8.0 MPa. The fittings shall be free from
cracks, voids, blisters, holes, distortion, dents, injurious incisions, inclusions
or any other likely to impair their performance. For each fitting the fusion
time shall be the same.

4.4.5 MARKING:

The following information should be embossed on, or indented to a minimum

depth of 0.15 mm into the fitting:
• The name of the manufacturer
• The size of the fitting in mm
• Year of manufacture
• Fusion time in seconds
• Cooling time in minutes
All marking shall be legible under normal handling, storage and installation


Certified records appertaining to the materials used (traceable to batches of

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

fittings for compound), inspection and testing done by manufacturer shall be

submitted along with the supply of fittings.


• MS pipes shall be used in crossings wherever required by

concerned agency and all river/nallah crossings.
• The MS pipes shall be as per IS 3589 and laying shall be as per
IS 5822.
• All the MS pipes in crossings shall be encased in M20 CC
encasing of min 15cm thickness.
• The MS pipes up to 300mm dia shall be provided with inner food
grade epoxy lining and above 300mm shall be cement mortar
• Minimum thickness shall be as per minimum preferred hickness
as mentioned in IS 3589.
• The MS pipes shall be subjected to tests as per IS 3589 and
shall be put to 100% online/offline ultrasonic test at factory.
20% of field joints shall also be put to ultrasonic tests at site.
Failing which 40% joints shall be tested, failing which 100%
joints will be tested.






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4.6.1 Transportation /storage of pipes and specials

The contractor has to transport the pipes and other materials from
manufacturer to the site stores and from the site stores to the site of laying
as per the instructions given by the engineer-in charge. Pipes should be
handled with care to avoid damage to the surface and the socket and spigot
ends, deformation or bending. Pipes shall not be dragged along the ground or
the loading bed of a vehicle. Pipes shall be transported on flat bed
vehicles/trailers. The bed shall be smooth and free from any sharp objects.
The pipes shall rest uniformly on the vehicle bed in their entire length during
transportation. Pipes shall be loaded and unloaded manually or by suitable
mechanical means without causing any damage to the stacked pipes.

The transportation and handling of DI pipes shall be made as per IS 12288.

All precautions set out shall be taken to prevent damage to the protective
coating damage of the jointing surfaces or the ends of the pipes.

Whatever method and mean of transportation is used, it is essential that the

pipes are carefully placed and firmly secured against uncontrolled movement
during transportation to the satisfaction of engineer in charge.

Damage to the lining must be repaired as per relevant IS code before pipe
laying according to the instructions of the pipe manufacturer after taking
approval of EIC. Pipes shall not be thrown directly on the ground or inside
the trench.

When using mechanical handling equipment it is necessary to employ

sufficient personnel to carry out the operation efficiently with safety. The
pipes should be lifted smoothly without any jerking motion and pipe
movement should be controlled by the use of guide ropes in order to prevent
damage caused by pipes bumping together or against surrounding objects.

Rolling or dragging pipes along the ground or over other pipes already
stacked shall be avoided.

The pipes should be given adequate support at all the times. Pipes should be
stored on a reasonably flat surface free of stones and sharp projections so
that the pipe is supported throughout its length. In storage pipe racks
should be provide continuous support and sharp corners of metal racks
should be avoided. Pipes should not be stacked in large piles for all pipes.
Socket and Spigot pipes should be stacked in layer with sockets placed in
alternate ends of the stack to avoid lop sided stacks.

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Pipes should not be stored inside another pipe. On no account the pipes
should be stored in stressed or bent condition or near the sources of heat.
Pipes should not be stacked more than 1.5 m high and pipes of different
sizes and classes should be stacked separately. The ends of the pipes should
be protected from abrasion. The pipes should be protected from U.V. rays
and excessive heat at all times. Their storage facility should be well

The contractor shall provide proper and adequate storage facility to protect
all the materials and equipments against damage from any cause whatsoever
and in case of any such damage /theft, the contractor shall be held

The contractor will lay the pipelines along the alignments as per the
approved L-sections; layout shall be given by the Engineer-in charge or his
authorized representatives. The layout shall be given keeping in view the
information available regarding existing services like water lines, sewer lines,
telephone and electric lines/cables. In the event some services fall in the
alignment of lines to be laid, the contractor shall have to shift the alignment
or such services. The contractor shall take all due care to avoid damage to
any such services and in case of any damage occurring to them in
progressing the work, the contractor shall make good the same at his own
cost. No additional time and payment shall be allowed on this account.

Rubber rings shall be handled and stored in their original packing, protected
against sunlight and contacts with petroleum products, solvents and paints.

The contractor shall provide suitable lifting equipment for loading, unloading
and laying of the pipes.

4.6.2 Earth Work for PIPELINE General

The Contractor shall furnish all tools, plant, instruments, qualified

supervisory personnel, labour, materials, any temporary works,
consumables, any and everything necessary, whether or not such items are
specifically stated herein for completion of the work in accordance with the
Employer’s Requirements.

The Contractor shall survey the site before excavation and set out all lines
and establish levels for various works such as grading, basement,
foundations, plinth filling, roads, drains, cable trenches, pipelines etc.

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The excavation shall be carried out to correct lines and levels. This shall also
include, where required, proper shoring to maintain excavations and also the
furnishing, erecting and maintaining of substantial barricades around
excavated areas and warning lamps at night.

Excavated material shall be dumped in low lying land, regular heaps, bunds,
riprap with regular slopes within the lead specified and levelling the same so
as to provide natural drainage and avoidance of formation of any puddle of
water near pipe alignment. Rock/soil excavated shall be stacked properly as
approved by the Engineer in Charge. As a rule, all softer material shall be
laid along the center of heaps, the harder and more weather resisting
materials forming the casing on the sides and the top. Rock shall be stacked

Topsoil shall be stock piled separately for later re-use. Clearing

The area to be excavated/filled shall be cleared of fences, trees, plants, logs,

stumps, bush, vegetation, rubbish, slush, etc. and other objectionable
matter. If any roots or stumps of trees are encountered during excavation,
they shall also be removed. The material so removed shall be disposed off as
approved by the Engineer in Charge. Where earth fill is intended, the area
shall be stripped of all loose/ soft patches, top soil containing objectionable
matter/ materials before fill commences. Excavation

Excavation shall be taken out to such widths, lengths, depths and profiles as
are shown on the approved L-section or such other lines and grades as may
be agreed with the Engineer in Charge. Rough excavation shall be carried out
to a depth of 150mm above the final level. The balance shall be excavated
with special care.

Soft pockets shall be removed below the final level and extra excavation filled
up with lean concrete as approved by the Engineer in Charge. The final
excavation should be carried out just prior to laying the blinding course.

To facilitate the permanent works the Contractor may excavate, and also
backfill later, outside the lines shown on the drawings provided by the
Contractor as agreed with the Engineer in Charge. Should any excavation be
taken below the specified elevations, the Contractor shall fill it up with
concrete of the same class as in the foundation resting thereon, up to the
required elevation without any cost to the Department.

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All excavations shall be to the minimum dimensions required for safety and
ease of working. Prior approval of the Engineer in Charge shall be obtained
by the Contractor in each individual case, for the method proposed for the
excavation, including dimensions, side slopes, dewatering, disposal, etc. This
approval shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for
any consequent loss or damage. The excavation must be carried out in the
most expeditious and efficient manner. Side slopes shall be as steep as will
stand safely for the actual soil conditions encountered. Every precaution
shall be taken to prevent slips. Should slips occur, the slipped material shall
be removed and the slope dressed to a modified stable slope. Excavation for Laying pipe along the road

While laying the pipeline below ground along the road side, the contractor
shall observe the following:

➢ The contractor shall not be allowed to take earth from the burrow pits if
excavation required to take additional earth results in side slopes steeper
than 1:1 in clay dominating soil and 1:1.5 in case of silty sand or sandy

➢ If invert of pipe is kept above the existing burrow pit level or part of pipe
is above it, the minimum side slopes of 1:1 in clay dominating soil and
1:1.5 in case of silty sand or sandy soils shall be provided on the side
towards the burrow pit area so as to provide required cover. The side
slopes shall be properly compacted upto 90% of modified Procter density.

➢ If earth is taken for providing required cover to pipe from the burrow pits,
the burrow pits shall be so graded upto the nearest drain, that no
impounding of water is possible in burrow pit area.

➢ If the pipeline is laid just near the road section, as far as practical
minimum cover of 1.0 m shall be ensured. Whenever this requirement of
cover cannot be ensured, concrete casing of deigned thickness as per
considerations given for design in this chapter shall be provided. Excavation by the Use of Explosives

Unless otherwise stated herein, I.S. Specification “ IS:4081: Safety Code for
Blasting and related Drilling Operations” shall be followed. As far as possible
all blasting shall be completed prior to commencement of construction. At all
stages of excavation, precautions shall be taken to preserve the rock below
and beyond the lines specified for the excavation, in the soundest possible
condition. The quantity and strength of explosives used, shall be such as will

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neither damage nor crack the rock outside the limits of excavation. All
precautions, as directed by Engineer in Charge, shall be taken during the
blasting operations and care shall be taken that no damage is caused to
adjoining buildings or structures as a result of blasting operations. In case of
damage to permanent or temporary structures, Contractor shall repair the
same to the satisfaction of Engineer in Charge at his cost. As excavation
approaches its final lines and levels, the depth of the charge holes and
amount of explosives used shall be progressively and suitably reduced.

The contractor shall obtain a valid Blasting License from the authorities
concerned. No explosive shall be brought near the work in excess of quantity
required for a particular amount of firing to be done; and surplus left after
filling the holes shall be removed to the magazine. The magazine shall be
built as away as possible from the area to be blasted. Engineer in Charge’s
prior approval shall be taken for the location proposed for the magazine.

In no case shall blasting be allowed closer than 30 metres to any structure or

to locations where concrete has just been placed. In the latter case the
concrete must be at least 7 days old.

For blasting operations, the following points shall be observed.

i) Contractor shall employ a competent and experienced supervisor and

licensed blaster in-charge of each set of operation, who shall be held
personally responsible to ensure that all safety regulations are carried

ii) Before any blasting is carried out, Contractor shall intimate Engineer in
Charge and obtain his approval in writing for resorting to such
operations. He shall intimate the hours of firing charges, the nature of
explosive to be used and the precautions taken for ensuring safety.

iii) Contractor shall ensure that all workmen and the personnel at site are
excluded from an area within 200 m radius from the firing point, at
least 15 minutes before firing time by sounding warning whistle. The
area shall also be given a warning by sounding a distinguishing whistle.

iv) The blasting of rock near any existing buildings, equipments or any
other property shall be done under cover and Contractor has to make
all such necessary muffling arrangements. Covering may preferably be
done by MS plates with adequate dead weight over them. Blasting shall
be done with small charges only and where directed by Engineer in
Charge, a trench shall have to be cut by chiseling prior to the blasting

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operation, separating the area under blasting from the existing


v) The firing shall be supervised by a Supervisor and not more than 6 (six)
holes at a time shall be set off successively. If the blasts do not tally
with the number fired, the misfired holes shall be carefully located after
half an hour and when located, shall be exploded by drilling a fresh hole
along the misfired hole (but not nearer than 600 mm from it) and by
exploding a new charge.

vi) A wooden tamping rod with a flat end shall be used to push cartridges
home and metal rod or hammer shall not be permitted. The charges
shall be placed firmly into place and not rammed or pounded. After a
hole is filled to the required depth, the balance of the hole shall be filled
with stemming which may consist of sand or stone dust or similar inert

vii) Contractor shall preferably detonate the explosives electrically.

viii) The explosives shall be exploded by means of a primer which shall be

fired by detonating a fuse instantaneous detonator (F.I.D) or other
approved cables. The detonators with F.I.D. shall be connected by
special nippers.

ix) In dry weather and normal dry excavation, ordinary low explosive
gunpowder may be used. In damp rock, high explosive like gelatin with
detonator and fuse wire may be used. Underwater or for excavation in
rock with substantial accumulated seepage electric detonation shall be

x) Holes for charging explosives shall be drilled with pneumatic drills, the
drilling pattern being so planned that rock pieces after blasting will be
suitable for handling without secondary blasting.

xi) When excavation has almost reached the desired level, hand trimming
shall have to be done for dressing the surface to the desired level.

Any rock excavation beyond an over break limit of 75 mm shall be filled

up as instructed by Engineer in Charge, with concrete of strength not
less than M10. Stopping in rock excavation shall be done by hand

xii) Contractor shall be responsible for any accident to workmen, public or

Employer’s property due to blasting operations. Contractor shall also be
responsible for strict observance of rules, laid by Inspector of explosives,

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or any other Authority duly constituted under the State and / or Union
Government as applicable at the place of excavation. Stripping Loose Rock

All loose boulders, detached rocks partially and other loose material which
might move therewith not directly in the excavation but so close to the area
to be excavated as to be liable, in the opinion of Engineer in Charge, to fall or
otherwise endanger the workmen, equipment, or the work shall be stripped
off and removed from the area of the excavation. The method used shall be
such as not to render unstable or unsafe the portion, which was originally
sound and safe.

Any material not requiring removal in order to complete the permanent

works, but which, in the opinion of Engineer in Charge, is likely to become
loose or unstable later, shall also be promptly and satisfactorily removed. Timber Shoring

Wherever required close timbering shall be done by completely covering the

sides of the trenches and pits generally with short, upright members called
'polling boards'. These shall be of minimum 25 cm x 4 cm sections or as
approved by the Engineer in Charge. The boards shall generally be placed in
position vertically side by side without any gap on each side of the excavation
and shall be secured by horizontal walling of strong wood at maximum 1.2
metre spacing, strutted with ballies or as approved by the Engineer in
Charge. The length of the ballie struts shall depend on the width of the
trench or pit. If the soil is very soft and loose, the boards shall be placed
horizontally against each side of the excavation and supported by vertical
walling, which in turn shall be suitably strutted. The lowest boards
supporting the sides shall be taken into the ground and no portion of the
vertical side of the trench or pit shall remain exposed, so as to render the
earth liable to slip out.

Timber shoring shall be 'close' or 'open' type, depending on the nature of soil
and the depth of pit or trench. The type of timbering shall be as approved by
the Engineer in Charge. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to
take all necessary steps to prevent the sides of excavations, trenches, pits,
etc. from collapsing.

Timber shoring may also be required to keep the sides of excavations vertical
to ensure safety of adjoining structures or to limit the slope of excavations, or

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due to space restrictions or for other reasons. Such shoring shall be carried
out, except in an emergency, only under instructions from the Engineer in

The withdrawal of the timber shall be done carefully to prevent the collapse
of the pit or trench. It shall be started at one end and proceeded with,
systematically to the other end. Concrete or masonry shall not be damaged
during the removal of the timber.

In the case of open timbering, the entire surface of the side of trench or pit is
not required to be covered. The vertical boards of minimum 25 cm x 4 cm
sections shall be spaced sufficiently apart to leave unsupported strips of
maximum 50 cm average width. The detailed arrangement, sizes of the
timber and the spacing shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer in
Charge. In all other respects, the Employer’s Requirements for close
timbering shall apply to open timbering.

In case of large pits and open excavations, where shoring is required for
securing safety of adjoining structures or for any other reasons and where
the planking across sides of excavations/pits cannot be strutted against,
suitable inclined struts supported on the excavated bed shall be provided.
The load from such struts shall be suitably distributed on the bed to ensure
no yielding of the strut. Dewatering

The Contractor shall ensure that the excavation and the structures are free
from water during construction and shall take all necessary precautions and
measures to exclude ground/rain water so as to enable the works to be
carried out in reasonably dry conditions in accordance with the construction
programme. Sumps made for dewatering must be kept clear of the
excavations/trenches required for further work. The method of pumping
shall be approved by Engineer in Charge, but in any case, the pumping
arrangement shall be such that there shall be no movement of subsoil or
blowing in due to differential head of water during pumping. Pumping
arrangements shall be adequate to ensure no delays in construction. The
dewatering shall be continued for at least (7) seven days after the last pour of
the concrete. The Contractor shall, however, ensure that no damage to the
structure results on stopping of dewatering.

The Contractor shall study the sub-soil conditions carefully and shall
conduct any tests necessary at the site with the approval of the Engineer in
Charge to test the permeability and drainage conditions of the sub-soil for
excavation, concreting etc., below ground level.

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The scheme for dewatering and disposal of water shall be approved by the
Engineer in Charge. The Contractor shall suitably divert the water obtained
from dewatering from such areas of site where a build up of water in the
opinion of the Engineer in Charge obstructs the progress of the work, leads
to unsanitary conditions by stagnation, retards the speed of construction
and is detrimental to the safety of men, materials, structures and equipment.

When there is a continuous inflow of water and the quantum of water to be

handled is considered in the opinion of Engineer in Charge, to be large, a
well point system- single stage or multistage, shall be adopted. The
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge, details of his well point
system including the stages, the spacing, number and diameter of well
points, headers etc., and the number, capacity and location of pumps for
approval. Rain Water Drainage

Grading in the vicinity of excavation shall be such as to exclude rain/

surface water draining into excavated areas. Excavation shall be kept clean
of rain and such water as the Contractor may be using for his work by
suitably pumping out the same. The scheme for pumping and discharge of
such water shall be approved by the Engineer in Charge. Bench mark

Permanent benchmarks, at least four in every Kilometer shall be fixed before

the contractor in any section starts any work. These benchmarks shall be
fixed away from the field of work so as not to be disturbed during the
execution and shall be securely fixed in concrete. Fencing, Watching and Lightening

The posts of the fencing shall be of timber, securely fixed in the ground not
more than 2.5 m. apart. They shall not be less than 10 cm in dia. or not less
than 1.25 m above the surface of ground. There shall be two rails, one near
the top of the posts and the other about 0.5 m above the ground and each
shall be of 5 cm to 10 cm in dia. and sufficiently long to run from post to
post which they shall be bound with strong ropes. The method, of projecting
rails beyond the posts and tying together where they meet will not be allowed
on any account. All along the edges of the excavated trenches, a bund of
earth about one metre high shall be formed where so required by the
Engineer-in-Charge for further protection. Proper provision shall be made for
lighting at night and watchman shall be kept to see that this is properly done
and maintained. In addition to the normal lighting arrangements, the

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contractors shall provide wherever such work is in progress, battery operated

blinking light (6 volts) in the beginning and end of a trench with a view to
provide suitable indication to the vehicular traffic. The contractor shall
provide and display special boards printed with fluorescent paints indicating
the progress of the work along the road. The contractor shall be held
responsible for payment of all claims for compensation as a result of accident
or injury to any person or property due to improper fencing, inadequate
lighting or non-provision of red flags. The contractors shall at their own cost
provide all notice boards before opening of roads as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge. The contractors shall make arrangements to direct traffic
whenever work in through fare is in progress.

4.6.3 Pipe Laying Below ground Trench excavation

The earth work shall be carried out as specified above

Before excavating the trench the alignment of pipeline and L-section shall be
approved by Engineer-in-charge. The work of trench excavation should be
commensurate with laying and jointing of the pipeline. It should not be dug
in advance for a length greater than 3 days ahead of work of laying and
jointing of pipeline unless and otherwise directed by the Engineer in charge.
It is proposed to ensure the following:-

➢ Safety precautions have to be incorporated in the work progress

➢ Hindrances to the public have to be minimized
➢ The trench shall not be allowed to erode
➢ The trench must not be filled with water.
➢ The trench must not be refilled before laying of the pipes.
➢ The bed for the laying of the pipes has to be prepared according to the L-
section immediately before laying of the pipes.

The trench excavation of pipeline shall be in accordance with IS 12288. Pipe

trenches shall be excavated to the lines and levels shown on the drawings or
as directed by the Engineer. The depth of the excavated trench shall be as
given in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The width of the trench
at bottom between the faces of sheeting shall be such as to provide 250 mm
clearance on either side of the DI pipe except where rock excavation is
involved. No pipe shall be laid in a trench until the section of trench in which
the pipe is to be laid has been approved by the Engineer.

The depth should be sufficient to provide a cover not less than 1000 mm so
that the pipe line will not interfere with the cultivation of land. It may be

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necessary to increase the depth of pipeline to avoid land drains or in the

vicinity of roads, railways or other crossing. Care should be taken to avoid
the spoil bank causing an accumulation of rain water.

The bottom of the trench shall be trimmed and leveled to permit even
bedding of the pipes. It should be free from all extraneous matter, which may
damage the pipe or the pipe coating. Additional excavation shall be made at
the joints of the pipes, so that the pipe is supported along its entire length.

All excavated material shall be stacked in such a distance from the trench
edge that it will not endanger the work or workmen and it will avoid
obstructing footpaths, roads and drive ways. Hydrants under pressure,
surface boxes, fire or other utility controls shall be left unobstructed and
accessible during the construction work. Gutters shall be kept clear or other
satisfactory provisions made for street drainage, and natural water – courses
shall not be obstructed.

To protect persons from injury and to avoid damage to property, adequate

barricades, construction signs, torches, red lanterns and guards, as
required, shall be placed and maintained during the progress of the work
and until it is safe for traffic to use the roadways. All materials, piles
equipment and pipes which may serve as obstruction to traffic shall be
enclosed by fences or barricades and shall be protected by illuminating
proper lights when the visibility is poor.

As far as possible, the pipe line shall be laid below existing services, like
water and gas pipes, cables, cable ducts and drains but not below sewers,
which are usually laid at greater depth. Where it is unavoidable, pipeline
should be suitably protected. A minimum clearance of 150 mm shall be
provided between the pipeline and such other services.

Trees, shrubbery fences, poles, and all other property and surface structures
shall be protected. Tree roots shall be cut within a distance of 50 cm from
pipe joints in order to prevent roots from entering them. Temporary support,
adequate protection and maintenance of all under ground and surface
structures, drains, sewers and other obstructions encountered in the
progress of the work shall be provided. The structures, which will be
disturbed shall be restored after completion of the work.

Wherever necessary to prevent caving, trench excavations in soils such as

sand, gravel and sandy soil shall be adequately sheeted and braced. Where
sheeting and bracing are used, the net trench width after sheeting shall not
be less than that specified above. The sides of the excavation shall be

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adequately supported at all times and, except where described as permitted

under the Contract, shall be not battered.

The Engineer in co-operation with the Contractor shall decide about the
sheeting / bracing of the trench according to the soil conditions in a
particular stretch and taking into account the safety requirements of the
Contractor’s and Engineer – In – Charge’s staff. Generally, safety measures
against caving have to be provided for trenches with vertical walls if they are
deeper than 2.0 m. Trench Excavation to Commensurate With the Laying Progress

The work of trench excavation should be commensurate with laying and

jointing of the pipeline. It should not be dug in advance for a length greater
than 500 m ahead of work of laying and jointing of pipeline unless other wise
defined by the Engineer. The Contractor has to ensure the following:

I. Safety protections as mentioned above have to be incorporated in the

work process

II. Hindrances to be public have to be minimized

III. The trench must not be eroded before the pipes are laid

IV. The trench must not be filled with water when the pipes are laid

V. The trench must not be refilled before laying of the pipes.

The bed for the laying of the pipes has to be prepared according to the L-
Section immediately before laying of the pipes. Bedding of the Pipes:

The DI pipeline shall generally be laid in ordinary sandy soil for which no
extra bedding shall be provided. In such case, while doing the excavation, the
bottom of the trench shall be prepared in a manner so as to match the
curvature of the pipe as far as possible subtending an angle of about 120o at
the center of pipe. Wherever the bottom of the trench is of such a nature (i.e.
any type of rock / hard soil/ boulder) which is likely in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-Charge to cause damage to the pipe or coating or an unsuitable
material is encountered which cannot support the pipe, the contractor shall
excavate the trench to an additional depth below the required depth and
shall refill to required level with suitable material such as loose soil/ sand, to
be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The bedding thickness shall be not
less than 15 cm under the barrel of the pipes. The complete pipe has to be

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covered and surrounded by the same material as used for bedding so that a
total cover of 30cm above the barrel can be achieved. The excavated
hard/dense soil can be refilled after bedding and covering of the pipe with
the loose soil/sand.

The bedding shall be compacted with a light hand rammer. Adding sand
during ramming shall make up any reduction in thickness due to
compaction. For the purpose of the bedding under this item only screened
fine sand of grain size not larger than 2mm shall be used. The sand shall be
a clean, uncoated and free form clay lump, injurious amounts of dust, soft
particles, organic matter, loam or other deleterious substances.

If the sand supplied is unclean it shall be washed. In no case shall sand

containing more than 3.5 % by dry volume or 5% by wet volume of clay, loam
or silt be accepted. Tests specified for determining silt in sand and organic
impurities as described in IS:383 shall apply. Sieved and washed sand shall
be stored on the works in such a manner as to prevent intrusion of any
foreign matter, including coarser particles of sand or any clay or metal or
chips. Tests as indicated above shall be performed if called for by the
Engineer at the expense of the Contractor.

During the work of providing sand bedding and laying the pipeline over it,
loose material from the sides or edges of the trench shall be prevented from
falling inside the trench, by providing shoring and taking other measures.
Also where necessary, trench shall be kept dry by pumping out seepage
water continuously.

4.6.4 Pipe Lying below Ground

Pipes should be lowered into the trench with tackle suitable for the weight of
pipes. For smaller sizes, up to 200mm nominal bore, the pipe may be lowered
by the use of ropes but for heavier pipes suitable mechanical equipment have
to used.

The pipes will be cleaned in the whole length with special care of the spigot
and sockets on the inside / outside to ensure that they are free from dirt and
unwarranted projections. The whole of the pipes shall be placed in position
singly and shall be laid true to profile and direction of slope indicated on
longitudinal sections. The pipes shall be laid without deflection in a straight
alignment between bends and between high and low points. Vertical and
horizontal deflections between individual pipes need the approval of the
Engineer. In no case the deflection shall be more than 75% of those
recommended by the manufacturer.

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Before pipes are jointed they shall be thoroughly cleaned of all earth lumps,
stones, or any other objects that may have entered the interior of the pipes,
particularly the spigot end and the socket including the groove for the rubber

Pipes and the related specials shall be laid according to the instructions of
the manufacturers and using the tools recommended by them.

Cutting of pipes shall be reduced to a minimum required to conform with the

drawings. Cutting has to be made with suitable tools and according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer. The spigot end has to be chamfered
again at the same angle as the original chamfered end. Cutting shall be
perpendicular to the centre line of the pipe. In case of ductile iron pipes the
cut and chamfered end shall be painted with two coats of epoxy paint. If
there is no mark for the insertion depth on the spigot end of the (cut) pipe it
shall be marked again according to the instructions of the manufacturer.

Before pipes are jointed they shall be thoroughly cleaned off all earth lumps,
stones, or any other objects that may have entered the interior of the pipes,
particularly the spigot end and the socket including the groove for the rubber
ring. End caps, if any, shall be removed only just before laying and jointing.

The socket and spigot ends of the pipes shall be brushed and cleaned. The
chamfered surface and the end of the spigot end has to be coated with a
suitable lubricant recommended by the manufacturer of the pipes. Oil,
petroleum bound oils, grease or other material which may damage the
rubber gasket shall not be used as lubricant. The rubber gasket shall be
inserted into the cleaned groove of the socket. It has to be checked for correct

All specials like bends, tees etc. and appurtenances like sluice or butterfly
valves etc. shall be laid in synchronization with the pipes. The Contractor
has to ensure that the specials and accessories are ready in time to be
installed together with the pipes. The designed anchorage shall be provided
to resist the thrusts developed by internal pressure at bends, tees, etc.

At the end of each working day and whenever work is interrupted for any
period of time, the free ends of laid pipes shall be protected against the entry
of dirt or other foreign matter by means of approved plugs or ends caps.

When pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of installed pipe shall be
closed by approved means to prevent entrance of trench water and dirt into
the line.

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No pipe shall be laid in wet trench conditions that preclude proper bedding,
or when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the trench conditions or the weather
are unsuitable for proper installation.

The pipe line laid should be absolutely straight unless planned otherwise.
The accuracy of alignment should be tested before starting refilling with the
help of stretching a string between two ends of the straight stretch of pipes to
rectify possible small links in laying.

Pipes should be lowered into the trench with tackle suitable for the weight of
pipes. For smaller sizes, up to 200mm nominal bore, the pipe may be lowered
by the use of ropes but for heavier pipes suitable mechanical equipment have
to used.

On gradients of 1:15 or steeper, precautions should be taken to ensure that

the spigot of the pipe being laid does not move into or out of the socket of the
laid pipe during the jointing operations. As soon as the joint assembly has
been completed, the pipe should be held firmly in position while the trench is
back filled over the barrel of the pipe.

Where a pipeline crosses a water course, the design and method of

construction should take into account the characteristics of the water course
to ascertain the nature of bed, scour levels, maximum velocities, high flood
levels, seasonal variation, etc. which affect the design and laying of pipeline.

The assembly of the pipes shall be made as recommended by the pipe

manufacturer and using the suitable tools.

The two pipes shall be aligned properly in the pipe trench and the spigot end
shall be pushed axially into the socket either manually or with a suitable tool
specially designed for the assembly of pipes and as recommended by the
manufacturer. The spigot has to be inserted up to the insertion mark on the
pipe spigot. After insertion, the correct position of the socket has to be tested
with a feeler blade. Stringing of pipes along the alignment

The pipes shall be laid out properly along the proposed alignment in a
manner that they do not create any significant hindrance to the public and
that they are not damaged.

Stringing of the pipes end to end along the working width should be done in
such a manner that the least interference is caused in the land crossed.
Gaps should be left at intervals to permit the passing of equipment across
the working area. Pipes shall be laid out that they remain safe where placed

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and that no damage can occur to the pipes and the coating until
incorporated in the pipeline. If necessary, pipes shall be wedged to prevent
accidental movement. Precautions shall be made to prevent excessive soil,
mud etc. entering the pipe.

Generally, the pipes shall be laid within two weeks from the date of their
dispatch from the manufacturer / store. Laying and Jointing of di pipes

Pipes should be lowered into the trench with tackle suitable for the weight of
pipes. For smaller sizes, up to 200mm nominal bore, the pipe may be lowered
by the use of ropes but for heavier pipes suitable mechanical equipment have
to used.

All construction debris should be cleared from the inside of the pipe either
before or just after a joint is made. This is done by passing a pull-through in
the pipe, or by hand, depending on the size of the pipe. All persons should
vacate any section of trench into which the pipe is being lowered.

On gradients of 1:15 or steeper, precautions should be taken to ensure that

the spigot of the pipe being laid does not move into or out of the socket of the
laid pipe during the jointing operations. As soon as the joint assembly has
been completed, the pipe should be held firmly in position while the trench is
back filled over the barrel of the pipe.

The designed anchorage shall be provided to resist the thrusts developed by

internal pressure at bends, tees, etc.

Where a pipeline crosses a water course, the design and method of

construction should take into account the characteristics of the water course
to ascertain the nature of bed, scour levels, maximum velocities, high flood
levels, seasonal variation, etc. which affect the design and laying of pipeline.
The pipe shall be laid accordingly with adequate protection.

The assembly of the pipes shall be made as recommended by the pipe

manufacturer and using the suitable tools.

The socket and spigot ends of the pipes shall be brushed and cleaned. The
chamfered surface and the end of the spigot end have to be coated with a
suitable lubricant recommended by the manufacturer of the pipes. Oil,
petroleum bound oils, grease or other material, which may damage the
rubber gasket, shall not be used as lubricant. The rubber gasket shall be

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inserted into the cleaned groove of the socket. It has to be checked for correct

The two pipes shall be aligned properly in the pipe trench and the spigot end
shall be pushed axially into the socket either manually or with a suitable tool
specially designed for the assembly of pipes and as recommended by the
manufacturer. The spigot has to be inserted up to the insertion mark on the
pipe spigot. After insertion, the correct position of the socket has to be tested
with a feeler blade.

Deflection of the pipes –if any- shall be made only after they have fully been
assembled. The deflection shall not exceed 75% of the values indicated by the
pipe manufacturer. Precautions against Floatation

When the pipeline laid underground or above ground in a long narrow cutting
gets submerged in water collected in the trench of cutting it is subjected to an
uplift pressure due to buoyancy and is likely to float if completely or partly
empty. In the design of pipelines, provision is to be made to safeguard
against floatation providing sufficient overburden or by providing sufficient
dead weight by means of blocks, etc. Pipe shall be protected against
floatation by providing anchor blocks. Factor of safety for calculations for
check against floating shall be taken as 1.5.

In the case of works extending over one or more monsoon seasons, however,
special care and precautions are necessary during the progress of work on
this account. The Contractor shall close down pipe laying operations well in
time for the monsoon. The work of providing blocks, refilling the earth to the
required level, compacting the same, etc. shall always be done as soon as the
pipeline in the cutting has been laid.

The Contractor shall see that the water shall not be allowed to accumulate in
open trenches. Where work is in an incomplete stage, precautionary work,
such as blank-flanging in the open ends of the pipeline and filling the
pipeline with water etc. shall be taken up as directed by the Engineer.

Such works shall be to the Contractor's account and no separate payment

shall be made for the same. The Contractor's rate for pipe laying shall be
deemed to include such precautionary measures against floatation.

Protection of the pipeline against floatation during the Contract Period shall
be the responsibility of the Contractor. Should any section of the pipeline

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

float due to his negligence, etc. the entire cost of laying it again to the correct
line and level shall be to his account. Fill, Backfilling and Site Grading

Trenches shall be backfilled with approved selected excavated material only

after the successful testing of the pipeline. The tamping around the pipe
shall be done by hand or other hand operated mechanical means. The water
content of the soil shall be as near the optimum moisture content as
possible. Filling of the trench shall be carried out simultaneously on both
sides of the pipe in such a manner that unequal pressure does not occur.
Each layer shall be consolidated by watering, ramming, care being taken to
avoid damage to the pipeline.

Fill, Backfilling


All fill material shall be subject to the Engineer in Charge’s approval. If any
material is rejected by Engineer in Charge, the Contractor shall remove the
same forthwith from the site. Surplus fill material shall be
deposited/disposed off as directed by Engineer in Charge after the fill work is

No earth fill shall commence until surface water discharges and streams
have been properly intercepted or otherwise dealt with to the approval of the
Engineer in Charge.


To the extent available, selected surplus soil from excavations shall be used
as backfill. Backfill material shall be free from lumps, organic or other
foreign material. All lumps of earth shall be broken or removed. Where
excavated material is mostly rock, the boulders shall be broken into pieces
not larger than 150 mm size, mixed with properly graded fine material
consisting of murum or earth to fill the voids and the mixture used for filling.

If fill material is required to be imported, the Contractor shall make

arrangements to bring such material from outside borrow pits. The material
and source shall be subject to the prior approval of the Engineer in Charge.
The approved borrow pit areas shall be cleared of all bushes, roots of trees,
plants, rubbish, etc. Topsoil containing foreign material shall be removed.
The materials so removed shall be disposed of as directed by Engineer in
Charge. The Contractor shall provide the necessary access roads to borrow
areas and maintain the same if such roads do not exist.

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Sand Filling

Where backfilling is required to be carried out with local sand it shall be

clean, medium grained and free from impurities. The filled-in-sand shall be
kept flooded with water for 24 hours to ensure maximum consolidation. The
surface of the consolidated sand shall be dressed to required level or slope.
Construction of floors or other structures on sand fill shall not be started
until the Engineer in Charge has inspected and approved the fill.

Refilling of trenches

On completion of the pipe laying operations in any section, for a length of

about 100m and while further work is still in progress, refilling of trenches
shall be started by the Contractor with a view of restricting the length of open
trenches. Pipe laying shall closely follow the progress of Trench Excavation
and the Contractor shall not permit unreasonably excessive lengths of trench
excavation to remain open while awaiting testing of the pipeline. If the
Engineer considers that the Contractor is not complying with any of the
foregoing requirements, he may prohibit further trench excavation until he is
satisfied with the progress of laying and testing of pipes and refilling of
trenches. Only soft earth and murrum of good quality free from stones
boulders, roots, vegetation etc., shall be utilised after the lumps are broken
for filling in around the pipes for atleast 30cm all around for pipes. Filling
shall be done in layers not exceeding 150mm and compacted to 70 to 80% of
max. dry density percent of the maximum dry density as per part VII of
IS:2720. The excavated material nearest to the trench shall be used first.
Care shall be taken during backfilling, not to injure or disturb the pipes,
joints or coating. Filling shall be carried out simultaneously on both sides of
the pipes so that unequal pressure does not occur. Walking or working on
the completed pipeline shall not be allowed unless the trench has been filled
to height of at least 30cm over the top of the pipe except as may be necessary
for tamping etc., during backfilling work.

The remaining portion of the trench may be filled in with a mixture of hard
and soft material free from boulders and clods of earth larger than 150mm in
size if sufficient quantity of good earth and murrum are not available. Filling
in shall be done in layers not exceeding 225mm in thickness accompanied by
adequate, ramming etc., so as to be compacted to 70 to 80% of the maximum
dry density as per part VII of IS:2720. Water contents of the soil shall be as
near the optimum moisture content as possible. The trench shall be refilled
so as to build up to the original ground level, keeping due allowance for
subsequent settlement likely to take place.

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The Engineer in Charge shall, at all times, have powers to decide which
portion of the excavated materials shall be for filling and in which portion of
the site and in what manner it shall be so used.

If any material remains as surplus it shall be disposed of as directed by the

Engineer, which includes loading, unloading, transporting and spreading as
directed within a distance of 1 km. If the Contractor fails to remove the earth
from site within 7 days after the period specified in a written notice, the
Engineer may arrange to carry out such work at the Contractor's risk and
cost or may impose such fine for such omission as he may deem fit.
Particular care shall be taken to keep the trench dry during the entire
refilling operation.

If suitable material for refilling is not available for excavation the Contractor
shall bring earth, murrum of approved quality as directed by the Engineer.

No mechanical plant other than approved compacting equipment shall run

over or operate within the trench until backfilling has reached its final level
or the approval of the Engineer has been obtained.

In case of excavation of trenches in rock, the filling upto a level 30 cm above

the top of the pipe shall be done with fine materials such as earth, murum,
etc. The filling up to the level of the centre line of the pipe shall be done by
hand compaction in layers not exceeding 8 cm whereas the filling above the
centre line of the pipe shall be done by hand compaction or approved means
in layers not exceeding 15 cm. The filling from a level 30 cm above the top of
the pipe to the top of the trench shall be done by hand or other approved
mechanical methods with broken rock filling of size not exceeding 15 cm
mixed with fine material as available to fill up the voids.

Filling of the trenches shall be carried out simultaneously on both sides of

the pipe to avoid unequal pressure on the pipe.

Subsidence in filling: Should any subsidence take place either in the filling of
the trenches or near about it during the maintenance period of 12 months
from the completion of the Contract Works, the Contractor shall make good
the same at his own cost or the Engineer may without notice to the
Contractor, make good the same in any way and with any material that he
may think proper, at the expense of the Contractor. The Engineer may also, if
he anticipates occurrence of any subsidence, employ persons to give him
timely notice of the necessity of making good the same, and the expenses on
this account shall be charged to the Contractor.

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For the purpose of back-filling, the depth of the trench shall be considered as
divided into the following three zones from the bottom of the trench to its top:

Zone A: Back-filling by hand with sand, fine gravel or

other approved material placed in layers of
From the bottom of
150 mm and compacted by tamping. The
the trench to the
back-filling material shall be deposited in the
level of the centre
trench for its full width of each side of the
line of the pipe
pipe, specials and appurtenances
simultaneously. Special care shall be taken
to avoid damage of the pipe and the coating
or moving of the pipe.

Zone B: Back-filling and compaction shall be done by

hand or approved mechanical methods in
From the level of the
layers of 150 mm, special care shall be taken
centre line of the pipe
to avoid damage of the pipe and the coating
to a level 300 mm
or moving of the pipe.
above the top of the

Zone C: Back-filling shall be done by hand or

approved mechanical methods in 15 cm
From a level 300 mm
layers after compacting and carried to the
above the top of the
level necessary to allow for the temporary
pipe to the top of the
restoration of road and path surfaces, and
also for hard-core (if and where ordered) on
roads or to such level as will leave the
requisite space for the top soil, road surface
etc. to be reinstated as directed by the

In case of agricultural or waste land and

after approval by the Engineer back-filling
may be made in thicker layers and with less
compaction up to 200 – 300 mm above the
initial ground level.

Where the excavation is made through permanent pavements, curbs, paved

footpaths, or where such structures are undercut by the excavation, the
entire back-fill to the Subgrade of the structures shall be made with sand in
accordance with IS 12288.

The excavated material may be used for back-fill in the following cases,
provided it complies with IS 12288 Clause 4.11.1:

a) In Zone C: In cases where settlement is unimportant back-fill shall be

neatly rounded over the trench to a sufficient height to allow for
settlement to the required level.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

b) In any zone, when the type of back-fill material is not indicated or

specified, provided that such material consists of loam, clay, sand, fine
gravel or other materials which are suitable for back –filling in the
opinion of the Engineer.

All excavations shall be backfilled to the level of the original ground surfaces
unless otherwise shown on the drawings or ordered by the Engineer, and in
accordance with the requirements of the specification. The material used for
backfill, the amount thereof, and the manner of depositing and compacting
shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, but the Contractor will be
held responsible for any displacement of pipe or other structures, any
damage to their surfaces, or any instability of pipes and structures caused by
improper depositing of backfill materials.

Trenches shall be backfilled with selected material placed in layers not

exceeding 15 cm in thickness after compacting, wetted and compacted to a
density of not less than 90 percent of the maximum dry density at optimum
moisture content for zone A, zone B and zone C of the surrounding material.
Any deficiency in the quantity of material for backfilling the trenches shall be
supplied by the Contractor at his expense. Water for compaction shall be
arranged by the contractor at his cost.

The Contractor shall at his own expense make good any settlement of the
trench backfill occurring after backfilling and until the expiry of the defects
liability period.

Trenches crossing a road shall be backfilled with selected material placed in

layers not exceedin15cm in thickness after compacting wetted and
compacted to a density of not less than 90 percent of the maximum dry
density at optimum moisture content of the surrounding material. Any
deficiency in the quantity of material for backfilling the trenches shall be
supplied by the Contractor at his expenses.

On completion of pressure and leakage tests exposed joints shall be covered

with approved selected backfill placed above the top of the pipe and joints in
accordance with the requirements of the above specifications. The contractor
shall not use backfilling for disposal of refuse or unsuitable soil.

4.6.5 Sequence of Works for ensuring good pipe laying

1 The required fittings, valves and jointing material should be carefully

worked out in beginning. This material should be received in full first of
all on site and stored as pre-directions of manufacturer or as directions
given elsewhere in this manual on standards.

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2 The pipes should be received on site only after the above fittings, valves
and material for joints have been received and all necessary preparation
for laying has been made.

3 The material received should be checked for inspection certification as

per contract and damage during transportation. All damaged should be
separated and not used.

4 The pipes received should be stored strictly as per directions of the

manufacturer or as mentioned elsewhere in this manual in this or

5 The pipes and other material should be again inspected for any damage
before use in the trench.

6 The fittings and valves should be installed in sequence with the laying of
pipes without leaving any gaps.

7 It is desirable to lay the pipelines from the end from where it can be
connected to the water source to enable regular flushing of laid pipes.

8 The entry of dirt or any foreign material in the pipe should be religiously

9 Each joint should be carefully checked for its completeness before

covering up.

10 There should be a commensurate progress in trench excavation, laying

and jointing of pipes, fittings, valves etc and testing of laid pipes in
sections so as to complete testing of all pipes laid in quick follow up of
completing laying and jointing.

4.6.6 General Site Grading

Site grading shall be carried out as approved by the Engineer in Charge.

Excavation shall be carried out as specified in the Employer’s Requirements.
Filling and compaction shall be carried out as specifications and elsewhere
unless otherwise indicated below.

If no compaction is called for, the fill may be deposited to the full height in
one operation and levelled. If the fill has to be compacted, it shall be placed
in layers not exceeding 225 mm and levelled uniformly and compacted as
indicated above before the next layer is deposited.

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To ensure that the fill has been compacted as specified, field and laboratory
tests shall be carried out by the Contractor.

Field compaction tests shall be carried out in each layer of filling until the fill
to the entire height has been completed. This shall hold good for
embankments as well. The fill will be considered as incomplete if the desired
compaction has not been obtained.

The Contractor shall protect the earth fill from being washed away by rain or
damaged in any other way. Should any slip occur, the Contractor shall
remove the affected material and make good the slip.

If so specified, the rock as obtained from excavation may be used for filling
and levelling to indicated grades without further breaking. In such an event,
filling shall be done in layers not exceeding 50 cms approximately. After rock
filling to the approximate level, indicated above has been carried out, the void
in the rocks shall be filled with finer materials such as earth, broken stone,
etc. and the area flooded so that the finer materials fill up the voids. Care
shall be taken to ensure that the finer fill material does not get washed out.
Over the layer so filled, a 100 mm thick mixed layer of broken material and
earth shall be laid and consolidation carried out by a 12 ton roller. No less
than twelve passes of the roller shall be accepted before subsequent similar
operations are taken up.

4.6.7 Damage to Public Utilities

All precautions shall be taken during excavation and laying operations to

guard against possible damage to any existing structure/pipeline of water,
gas, sewage etc. After excavation of trenches, pipe shall not be lowered
unless the dimensions of trenches and bedding for work for pipes at the
bottom of the trenches are approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Pipes and
fittings/specials shall be carefully lowered in the trenches. Special
arrangements such as cranes, tripods with chain pulley block for lowering
the pipes and fittings/specials shall be made by contractor. In no case pipes
and fittings/specials shall be dropped. The contractor has to responsible for
any damages during the laying of pipe line.

4.6.8 Reinstatement of Road/ Footpath

Wherever the road is required to be cut, the contractor has to obtain prior
permission from the concerned authorities and prepare a negotiable
diversion, at his cost, before taking up road cutting. If the necessary charges
for reinstatement of road/foot path shall be deposited by the department, if
demanding by concern department/authority concern authority. After the

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line has been laid and the trench refilled to the original level, the traffic may
be allowed to pass through. After the pipe is laid the road must be properly
re-graded and the damaged portion of road as well as the re-graded portions
must be constructed upto the sub-grade level as per the specifications in the
Chapter for Road Work of this Volume of bid document and requirement of
concern authority.

4.6.9 Clearing the Site

All surplus materials, and all tools and temporary structures shall be
removed from the site as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and the
construction site left clean to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.

4.6.10 Protection against scouring of foundation:

• Providing pitching:

Wherever the pipeline pedestal or portal foundation are located near a

nallaha or are across a nallaha, the bidder shall provide a cut-off wall
upto the scour depth all around the footing/ foundation at a distance
of 2 times the depth of foundations below the existing ground level.
The portion between the cut-off wall and the foundation shall be filled
with compacted soil and 30cm thick stone pitching shall be done with
weight of stone not less than 40 kg. The minimum section of cut-off
wall shall be of 0.3m in width and minimum 2m in depth. The cut-off
wall shall be of RR masonry in cement mortar 1:4 laid on 1:3:6
Cement concrete mix minimum 15cm thickness.

• Providing longitudinal walls and cross walls:

Wherever pipe is laid on pedestal across a nallah/drain or in ravines

with drain flowing across the pipe alignment, longitudinal check wall
or curtain wall shall be provided on both sides of the pipe foundations.
The cut-off wall on the upstream side of nallah/drain shall be taken at
least up to 2m depth from the general ground level or up to the scour
depth whichever is more. The downstream side of cut off wall shall be
taken 2.5 m in depth. The area between two walls shall be filled with
compacted soil and a gentle slope shall be provided for drainage of
water in case of minor drain, but a flexible apron shall be provided for
bigger nallah. The minimum width of cut off walls shall be 0.3m. The
wall shall be of RR stone masonry in cement mortar 1:4 and the
exposed top face shall be provided 25mm cement coping in M-15

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

grade or grade as per IS 456 concrete. The base course shall be of

1:3:6 mix concrete of minimum 15 cm thickness.

4.6.11 Anchoring of the pipeline

Thrust blocks shall be provided at each bend, tee, taper, end piece to prevent
undue movements of the pipeline under pressure. They shall be constructed
as per actual design and approval of Engineer in Charge according to the
highest pressure during operation or testing of the pipes, the safe bearing
pressure of the surrounding soil and the friction coefficient of the soil.
Nominal steel shall be provided as per the provisions of CPHEEO manual
and the construction of block shall be done in M15 grade of concrete.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

4.6.12 Documentation


Contractor shall prepare a special logbook containing all the relevant

data of individual pipe and pipe coating, diameter, length, wall
thickness, defects, pipe number, lot/batch or materials used for each
pipe. Sampling and testing at site test results at manufacturer's plant(s),
tests conducted by independent agency, damages, repairs, rejects and
any other information that Engineer-in-Charge considers to be relevant
and required for all incoming bare pipes and Engineer-in-Charge
approved outgoing coated pipes as applicable.

Contractor shall submit this information in the form of a report at the

agreed intervals.

4.6.13 Field Hydraulic Test

• The Field Hydrostatic test pressure shall be as described in following

related paras & provisions in the IS codes.

• The working pressure and surge pressure shall be calculated for ultimate
flow ie pumping for demand of year 2054.

• Before start of the testing the pipe shall be kept filled at low pressures for
minimum 24 hours to allow absorption of water by lining.

• Pressure building shall be gradual.

• The duration of the test shall be 24 hours after attaining full pressure.

• Rebuilding of pressure up to the testing pressure shall be done after every

fall of 10% from the testing pressure.

• Length of a section for testing preferably shall not be more than 1.5 km
and as per directions of Eic.

• Joints shall be kept open during testing. Adequate anchorages shall be

provided to avoid any movement of pipes.

• All the equipments and water required for field hydraulic test of pipeline
shall be arranged by the contractor for which no additional payment shall
be made.

The contractor shall provide and maintain all requisite facilities,

instruments, for the field testing of the material. All pipes, specials, valves
and civil works shall be replaced by the contractor free of cost if damaged
during testing. All pipes, specials, valves and Civil Works shall be replaced by
the contractor free of cost if damaged during testing being a SPR contract.
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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

4.6.14 Flushing and Disinfection Of Mains

The pipeline shall be disinfected before commissioning for use. After testing
the main, it shall be flushed with water of sufficient velocity to remove all dirt
and other foreign materials. When this process has been completed,
disinfections (using liquid chlorine, sodium or calcium hypo-chlorite) shall be
done as per of IS: 5822.

4.6.15 Testing of the pipelines Sectional tests

After laying and jointing, the pipeline shall be tested for tightness of barrels
and joints, and stability of thrust blocks in sections approved by the
Engineer in Charge. The length of the sections depends on the topographical
conditions. Preferably the pipeline stretches to be tested shall be between two
chambers (air valve, scour valve, bifurcation, and other chamber).

The water required for testing shall be arranged by the contractor himself.
The Contractor shall fill the pipe and compensate the leakage during testing.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain all requisite facilities,
instruments, etc. for the field testing of the pipelines. The testing of the
pipelines generally consists in three phases: preparation, pre-test/saturation
and test, immediately following the pre-test. Generally, the following steps
are required which shall be monitored and recorded in a test protocol if

• Complete setting of the thrust blocks.

• partial backfilling and compaction to hold the pipes in position while

leaving the joints exposed for leakage control

• opening of all intermediate valves (if any)

• fixing the end pieces for tests and after temporarily anchoring them
against the soil (not against the preceding pipe stretch)

• at the lower end with a precision pressure gauge and the connection to
the pump for establishing the test pressure

• at the higher end with a valve for air outlet

• If the pressure gauge cannot be installed at the lowest point of the

pipeline, an allowance in the test pressure to be read at the position of
the gauge has to be made accordingly

• Slowly filling the pipe from the lowest point(s).

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

• the water for this purpose shall be reasonably clear and free of solids and
suspended matter

• Complete removal of air through air valves along the line.

• Closing all air valves and scour valves.

• Slowly raising the pressure to the test pressure while inspecting the
thrust blocks and the temporary anchoring.

• Keeping the pipeline under pressure for the duration of the pre-test /
saturation of the lining by adding make-up water to maintain the
pressure at the desired test level. Make up water to be arranged by
Contractor himself at his own cost.

• Start the test by maintaining the test pressure at the desired level by
adding more make-up water; record the water added and the pressure in
intervals of 15 minutes at the beginning and 30 minutes at the end of the
test period.

• Water used for testing should not be carelessly disposed off on land which
would ultimately find its way to trenches.
The testing conditions for the pipelines are summarized as follows:

• Hydrostatic test pressure shall be 1.5 times of working pressure

for HDPE, MS and DI pipes as per Ph-II (2054) HGL. However,
minimum test pressure shall be 60 m water column (6 Kg/cm2).

• Pre test and saturation period with addition of make-up water

Pressure: normal pressure

Duration: 3 hrs for pipes without cement mortar lining / 24 hrs

for pipes with cement mortar lining

• Pressure test with addition of make-up water

Pressure: Test pressure

Duration: 6 hrs

• Test criteria for DI/MS/HDPE pipes: Q = 0.3 liter per km per 10mm
of dia. pipe per 30 m test pressure per 6

All pressure testing at site should be carried out hydrostatically. The pipes
shall be accepted to have passed the pressure test satisfactorily, if the

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

quantity of water required to restore the test pressure does not exceed the
amount ‘Q’, calculated by the above formula.

The Engineer in Charge shall accept no section of the pipe work until all
requirements of the test have been obtained.

When the field test pressure is less than 2/3 the works test pressures the
period of test should be at least 24 hours. The test pressure shall be
gradually raised at a rate of 0.1 N/mm2 per minute.

If a drop in pressure occurs, the quantity of water added in order to

reestablish the test pressure should be carefully measured. This should not
exceed 0.1-liter/ mm of pipe diameter per km of pipeline per day for each 30
m head of pressure applied.

Failure to pass the test

All pipes or joints which are proved to be in any way defective shall be
replaced or remade and re-tested as often as may be necessary until a
satisfactory test shall have been obtained. Any work, which fails or is proved
by test to the unsatisfactory in any way shall be redone by Contractor. No
payments shall be made against replacement or remade and retested

All pressure testing at site should be carried out hydrostatically. The pipes
shall be accepted to have passed the pressure test satisfactorily, if the
quantity of water required to restore the test pressure does not exceed the
amount ‘Q’, calculated by the above formula.

If it is required to test a section of a pipe line with a free end, it is necessary

to provide temporary support against the considerable end thrust developed
by the application of the test pressure. The end support can be provided by
inserting a wooden beam or similar strong material in a short trench
excavated at right angle to the main trench and inserting suitable packing
between the support and pipe end.

The pipeline stretch will pass the test if the water added during the test
period is not exceeding the admissible limits. No section of the pipe work
shall be accepted b y the Engineer until all requirements of the test have
been obtained.

On completion of a satisfactory test any temporary anchor blocks shall be

broken out and stop ends recover. Backfilling of the pipeline shall be

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE Failure to pass the test

All pipes or joints which are proved to be in any way defective shall be
replaced or remade and re-tested as often as may be necessary until a
satisfactory test shall have been obtained. Any work which fails or is proved
by test to be unsatisfactory in any way shall be redone by the Contractor.

4.6.16 Pre-Commissioning & Commissioning Tests

After successful sectional testing & leakage test, Pre-Commissioning &

commissioning tests shall be performed when the work in the section is
completed in all respect and the gaps / interconnections are made.

Commissioning general

After successful sectional tests after pipe laying and other pre-commissioning
tests after physical completion, the pipeline shall be commissioned by the
Contractor. Dynamic commissioning shall be made in conjunction with or
after the commissioning of the respective system.

During testing/commissioning, the Contractor shall supply all material and

labour to supervise, adjust, test, repair and do all things necessary to
maintain the testing/ commissioning. This shall include labour on a 24
hour-a-day basis during the test period and for such other period of
continuous operation as the Engineer in Charge may consider necessary to
establish the efficient operation of the cluster distribution system.

If any test result shows noticeable variation from the specification

requirements for the system the Contractor shall immediately take steps to
rectify the deficiency without any extra cost to Engineer in Charge.

The Contractor shall test and commission the system for 7 days at a stretch,
from the date of commissioning. On expiry of this period the system shall be
taken over by the Engineer in Charge and a taking-over certificate shall be
issued by the Engineer in Charge, provided all defects and/or deficiencies
noticed are rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge.

Generally, the timing of most of the commissioning tests will depend on the
availability of the respective pumps, the water and power availability at the
pumping station and the completion of the reservoir.

Should the supply of water from the pumping station fail or should any other
event beyond the Contractor's control interfere, the commissioning shall be
during such a number of operational periods as the Engineer in Charge may

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

consider equivalent. Any repairs or replacement required during this period

shall be done by the Contractor at his own cost.

The Contractor shall allow for commissioning to be conducted at any time

during the commissioning period without extra charges under the Contract.

The main indicators for the successful commissioning are:

▪ no leaks in pipes, joints, specials and valves

▪ all valves are properly installed and operational

▪ execution of the entire work including finishing according to the drawings

and the specifications

▪ submission of as built drawings

Dynamic commissioning

The dynamic commissioning shall commence after the work has been
physically completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge. It shall
simulate the design and operation conditions which are as follows:

▪ All branches into existing lines (if already in position) to be shut off.

▪ Pump in operation, pump discharging into the transmission main. This is

for the commissioning of the transmission pipe only.

▪ Water being put into the system through overhead tank or direct pumping
as the case maybe.

▪ Closing of the valves against full static or dynamic pressure.

▪ Operation of all valves including scour valves (open-close-open).

▪ Operation of all air valves.

▪ Operation of all locking arrangements of valve chambers.


It is envisaged that the surge control system shall be so designed such as to

ensure that after installation or construction of requisite surge devices, the
maximum working pressure including instantaneous surge pressure at any
point, in the pipe line is less than 1.1 times the maximum working pressure
of the particular pipe line for the ultimate capacity pumping (demand of year

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

2054). The surge protection system has to be designed for the ultimate flow
characteristics. The design shall be got done using the software developed by
Indian Institute of Science, Banglore / IITs or any other Govt. Institute as
may be approved by EIC. Contractor shall be at liberty to provide any surge
protection system designed by software developed by IISc, Banglore or
approved agency by the department and meeting Tender Specifications
including ZVV-ACV combination, Air Vessel, Surge Towers etc. The detailed
designs and drawings shall be submitted for the approval of the department.
No work related to installation of surge protection devices shall be taken up
without prior approval of the department. All equipment shall be of reputed
manufacture and shall confirm to Indian Standards or equivalent.


The Technical specification provided for, cover only Air Vessels and zero
velocity valves. In case of alternative system of surge protection as
recommended by the designer, the detail specification of the same shall be
submitted by bidder for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.

Air Vessel
General specifications :
Air Vessel should be suitable to take care the water hammer occurring in the
pipe line system of raw/clear water mains on which they are proposed. The
Air Vessel will be manufactured out of MS plates as per IS 2002 or
equivalent. The design and fabrication will be carried out as per latest
version of IS 2825. Air Vessel will be provided with manhole and water outlet
at the bottom, which will be connected to the rising main along with a
isolating valve and a differential orifice. Suitable drain will be provided for
maintenance. Air Vessel will have standard fittings such as pressure relief
valve, visual level indicator, control circuit inlet and outlet etc, with isolating
Two air Compressors shall be supplied along with the vessel.
The Compressor will be operating at slightly higher pressure than the line
pressure, and compressed air will be stored in the receiver from which
requisite supply will be made to Air Vessel.
The Air Vessel and air receiver will be painted internally and externally with
zinc rich food grade epoxy paint.
The following additional equipment will be supplied as standard accessories
to the Air Vessel:
1. Receiver with compressor, with automatic on/off system.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

2. Visual water level indicator, covering full height or length of the air vessel.
3. Isolating and drain valves for maintenance purpose.
Working of automatic level control system:
The automatic control system shall be generally as described below.
Contractor may propose alternative arrangement.
A compressor with receiver shall be provided to get compressed air in
receiver. Compressed air is stored at higher pressure than working pressure
of pumps to avoid frequent ‘on’ ‘off’ of compressor.
To maintain the level in the vessel between the working limits,
electrical/electronic level control system shall be provided.
The system will basically consist of following:
1. Level Sensors:
Level of water is sensed at five levels. Their significance is given below: -
(a) Upper emergency level
(b) Upper working level
(c) Mean working level
(d) Lower working level
(e) Lower emergency level
2. Solenoid Valves with indicator lamps:
(i) Upper emergency level: In case, due to faulty operation or otherwise, water
level rises further to level (b) and reaches level (a), then both the solenoid
valves for entry of air will open to pass on more air in the vessel.
Simultaneously, an alarm is started for operation. Operator should attend
the same by pressing ‘Reset’ and starting manual inlet. When water level
reaches mean level both solenoids valves are off along with indicator lamps
for same.
(ii) Upper working level: Due to dissolution of air, water level rises in the vessel.
When the water level reaches this level, one solenoid valve is on and air is
passed from receiver to Air Vessel, corresponding indicator lamp is on.
When sufficient air is passed and water level reaches ‘Mean’ level then
solenoid valve is off and all lamps are off.
(iii) Mean working level: Water level in the vessel is required to be maintained
around this level and between levels (b) & (d). At this level all control
solenoid valves are in off position.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

(iv) Lower working level: In case of drop in the pressure or excess of air in the
vessel, the level in the vessel drops down, one Solenoid valve for exhaust of
air is on along with indicator lamp and air from vessel is let out. When water
level reaches the mean working level then solenoid valve along with indicator
lamp is put off.
(v) Lower emergency level : In case of faulty operation or otherwise, the level in
vessel drops down then the second solenoid valve along with indicator lamp
is put on to discharge more air from blow off valve provided on the vessel.
When water level reaches ‘Mean’ level, both the solenoid valves are off with
indicator lamps.

Constructional features :
Capacity of Air Vessel As per design/recommendations of
Design Pressure As per design/recommendations of consultant
Installation Vertical / Horizontal
Size of differential orifice As per design/recommendations of consultant
Size of Gate Valve As per design/recommendations of consultant
Pressure gauge (0- 150mm dial size with needle type isolation
16Kg/cm2) valve
Air Compressor
S N Standard Title
1. IS 10431 / Measurement of air flow of compressors and
1994 exhausters by nozzles
2. IS 9242 / Rated pressures of air compressors
3. IS 7938 / Specification for air receivers for compressed air
1976 installation
4. IS 2062 / Steel for general structural purposes
5. IS 2041 / Steel plates for pressure vessels used at moderate &
1992 low temperature
6. IS 11461 / Code of practice for Compressor safety
7. IS 11465 / Technical supply conditions for Reciprocating Air
1985 Compressors for power up to 25kW
Constructional Features
The Compressors shall be Reciprocating type air cooled, electric motor driven
through belt drive. The compressor and motor shall be mounted on common
fabricated steel base plate with suitable belt guard.
The crank shaft shall be precision balance. Bearing shall be adequately sized
for heavy duty. Crank pin bushing shall be replaceable and precision ground.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

Inter cooler shall be made of finned copper tube and provided with safety
valves to prevent over pressurisation.
Connecting rod shall be made in one piece with solid end construction with
integral splash lubrication.
Cylinder shall have large number of radial fins to dissipate heat. Cylinder
bore shall be smoothly machined. Cylinder head shall be easily accessible for
Pistons shall be designed for a smooth running and fitted with compression
rings and oil control rings suitable for high pressure and minimum wear.
Valves shall be made of stainless steel for wear resistance and longer life.

Piston displacement As per design/recommendations of consultant

Maximum working As per design/recommendations of consultant
Method of starting Auto start - Stop with DOL starter set to
Start : As per design/recommendations of
Stop : As per design/recommendations of consultant
No of Compressors 2 Base mounted Compressors with one receiver of
1m3 at each site
Safety System
The compressor unit must be equipped with following safety equipment
(i) Safety valve
(ii) Automatic shut down for high discharge air temp.
The compressor unit shall have following instruments
(I) Air discharge temp gauge
(ii) Air discharge pressure gauge
Out put
The compressor shall be capable of delivering free air at rated discharge and
pressure measured in accordance with IS 5456 - 1969 with modification that
the performance be given at the out let of air receiver.


Zero Velocity Valve
The valve shall have an outer fabricated casing ('Main Body') in which a
'Central Rod' is held by struts. The 'Stationary Central Dome' creating an
annular streamlined passage for smooth flow of water shall be provided.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

Closing Disc shall be mounted on 'Central Rod'. Disc shall be held in closed
position by number of 'Stainless Steel Springs' (as per AISI 304). Two 'Anti
Rotation Guides' shall be provided on the edge of 'Central Disc' with
minimum resistance to flow. 'Anti Rotation Guide' shall be claded with
Stainless Steel Strip (as per AISI304) and 'Guide Fork' with brass liners. A
'Bypass' shall be provided with a 'Valve' connecting upstream and
downstream sides of valve. A 'Man Hole' shall be provided on 'Outlet' cone of
main body, for maintenance and replacement of spring (if required) without
removing the valve from line. The 'Outer Shell', 'Dome' & 'Disc' shall be
fabricated out of M.S. plates as per IS 2062. A stainless steel sleeve (as per
AISI 304) shall be fitted on 'Central Shaft' which moves in brass bush in
'Disc' for free movement. The Valve shall be painted in Zinc Rich Epoxy Paint
from inside and outside.
Air Cushion Valve
The valve shall have of a 'Main Body' and 'Top Housing'. On the side of main
body, two 'Air Inlet Valves' loaded with a light spring shall be fitted. The
'Inlet' shall be protected by a cover. The 'Top Housing' shall have an opening
for air escape. A spring loaded 'Poppet' with a brass seat and Neoprene
'Sealing Ring' shall be provided to covers the top of the opening. The spring
pressure on the valve with adjustable screw (S. S. as per AISI-304) shall be
provided. The 'Housing' shall have a tapered outlet, the opening of which
shall be adjustable by a tapered plug and Screw (S. S. as per AISI-304). The
outlet shall be protected by a cover. On its lower side a cage holding a ball
float shall be fitted. 'Main Body', 'Top Flange', shall be fabricated from MS
(as per I.S.2062/I.S.1239). The 'Top Housing' shall be made from high grade
cast iron. Main body, float ball and air inlet flange shall be tested for
hydraulically pressure. Stems of valves shall be are of stainless steel (as per
AISI-304). Sealing rings shall be of good quality rubber and seats shall be of
brass. The 'Valve' will be painted in Zinc Rich Epoxy Paint from 'Inside and

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE


The road crossings shall be done in such a fashion that no joint comes under
the carriage way and shoulders. The cover below the road surface should be
minimum 0.90 meters otherwise suitably designed concrete encasing in M15
grade of concrete shall be provided. The river and nallah crossings shall be
done by placing pipe below ground level, anchoring the pipe in base rock (if
available) and thereafter providing suitably designed anchor blocks. The work
shall be carried out in confirmation of design requirement of concerned
authorities e.g. PWD/NHAI/Railways/Irrigation Deptt etc.


It is proposed to provide anchorage in the form of “thrust block” at each

deflection in horizontal as well as in vertical alignment of the pipeline as per
requirement of designs, which shall resist the unbalanced pressure at bends.
Gravity type of thrust blocks shall be provided at horizontal and vertical
deflection in pipeline and shall be designed according to the test pressure
and the soil conditions at the site of the thrust block. The thrust shall be
according to the field test pressure of the pipe, acting on the outer diameter
including the compressed rubber gasket. Before designing the thrust block
the Contractor, in coordination with the Engineer-in-Charge shall assess the
stability of the soil considering erosion due to wind and water.

The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456,

cast on site with surface reinforcement of about 5 kg/m2. The thrust block
on pipe diameters less than 150 mm could be non reinforced, subjected to
approval of EIC. The calculations for the dimensioning and the shape of the
thrust blocks have to be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Design of thrust block shall be done in accordance to the provisions laid

down in IS 5330-1984.

The thrust blocks shall be of reinforced cement concrete on site as per design
and drawings to be approved by Engineer. Typical drawings of thrust blocks
are enclosed in the volume III of the tender document. However, these
drawings are for indicative purposes only. The contractor shall submit his
own designs and drawings based on the actual site conditions for the
approval of the Engineer-in-charge.

The thrust blocks shall be cast directly against the undisturbed soil. If this is
not possible, the backfilled soil at the contact surface shall be compacted
well to full satisfaction of Engineer so that anchor block is not displaced
during operation and testing.

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After the completion of chambers and thrust blocks the space between the
structure and the excavation shall be backfilled with compacted material.
Such backfill shall be placed in layers of 15 cm measured before compaction,
wetted, if necessary, to optimum moisture and compacted well as per
instruction of engineer in charge


The installation of valves shall be made according to the instructions of the

manufacturer and the Engineer in Charge. The installation of pressure
reducing valves shall be as per manufacturer’s specifications. The bulk
meters shall be installed as per the manufacturer’s recommendations with a
bye-pass of same size. For isolation of meters and use of the pipeline 3 valves
shall be installed at distance recommended by the manufacturer. For
installation of valves & meters on bye-pass, flanged pipes and specials and
suitable dismantling pipe with detachable joint shall be used. For installation
of different units on a transfer chamber, the arrangements shall be as shown
in the drawing of transfer chamber in Volume III of the tender document.

4.11.1 FIXING:

Loading at store and unloading at site of works shall be done carefully using
suitable mechanical handling devices such as crane, chain pulley etc. The
arrangement for housing of the valves with chambers shall stable & firm
foundations. The chamber and top roof cover with removable lid shall be
provided so that it shall be possible to remove or replace or recondition the
valves seats and to remove the parts without removing the valves from the
pipe work. For this suitable flange adapters may be provided. Butterfly valves
shall be installed in the pipe work in such a manner that they can be
removed from the line for dismantling and replacement of rubber seats.

The tightening of nut and bolts shall be done smoothly in such a way that no
excessive strain occurs on any one side. The nuts shall be tightened on
diametrically opposite site at a time.


Each valve shall be supplied with all necessary joint ring, nuts, bolts and
washers for completing the joints such that it will ensure effective sealing of
large orifice even at low pressures.

The weights of floats, in case of air valves, of the same size and type shall not
differ by more than 2%.The timber, if used in the manufacture of floats shall

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

be seasoned and those provided in large orifice shall be ebonite coated. The
float provided in high pressure chamber, if manufactured from seasoned
wood, shall be coated with “ethylene propylene Rubber” (EPDM)

Sluice or butterfly valves shall be installed between flanges according to the

instructions of the manufacturer.

Valves shall be placed on a support of concrete so that no shear stress is in

the flanges. In case of axial thrust due to closure of a valve against pressure
the valve shall be anchored in the support in a suitable manner to transfer
the thrust into the floor slab of the chamber.

Scour valves shall be installed at the locations specified by the engineer-in-



Specification of material used, workmanship, testing and sampling of

materials shall be in accordance to respective provisions laid down in the
chapter for “Specifications for Civil Works” of this Volume II of bid document.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE


The design of various components of civil works to be provided along the

alignment shall be done for “design loading” as approved by Engineer-In-

The design of anchor blocks, thrust blocks shall be done for as per the
provision of IS codes.

The pipeline paid near the road or placed for crossing the road shall be
suitably encased in M15 cement concrete of design thickness.

Grade of Cement:

For construction of Anchor blocks, pedestal support and thrust blocks, M15
grade of concrete shall be used. The leveling course, wherever provided shall
be of M10 grade.


4.12.1 General

The valve chamber shall be provided to house the different valves. A leveling
course of 100 mm thick PCC (1:3:6) shall be provided at the base.

The general arrangement is shown in the drawing of chambers given in

Volume III of the Tender document. At all important chambers locking
arrangements shall be provided, such locations shall be given by Engineer in
Charge. The walls shall be designed to withstand lateral earth pressures.
Pre-cast removable Ferro cement covers or RCC roof on chamber shall be
provided to provide access within the chamber.

Wherever longitudinal forces can occur due to closing of a butterfly

valve/scour valve, these have to be taken into account by anchoring the
valve either in an anchor block or against the walls of the chamber. The
same applies for reducers and tees installed in chambers. The forces have to
be calculated with the maximum pressure, which can occur due to
hydraulic, static or transient conditions. The minimum force has to
correspond to a pressure of 2 bar. The calculations for the dimensioning and
the type of such anchoring and the clamps have to be approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The backfill of the chambers has to be compacted to
required density.

Air valve chamber shall be constructed with arrangement shown in drawing

enclosed with Tender Document and as per instructions of EIC.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

To house a number of valves, meters etc.. in a common chamber, specially

designed chambers as per the provisions detailed herein can also be
provided. Drawings and designs of such chambers shall be got approved by
the Engineer in Charge.

They shall be constructed in cement concrete of M15 grade and P.C.C in

1:3:6 . The top slab cover shall be pre cast reinforced cement concrete slabs.
The pre cast slabs shall be provided for a length and width which allows
dismantling of the valve without problems. Typical drawings of valve
chambers are enclosed in the volume III of the tender document. However,
these drawings are for indicative purposes only. The contractor shall submit
his own designs and drawings based on the actual site conditions for the
approval of the Engineer-in-charge.

The chambers shall be constructed after the laying of the pipes and the
assembly of specials and valves. The size of the chambers shall be according
to the following criteria as per direction of engineer in charge.

Construction Features

The minimum clear opening of the valve chambers shall be as tabulated


Size of Valve in Minimum Minimum dimensions across

mm dimensions In the direction of flow in mm
direction of flow
in mm
80-100 900 1200
150-300 1200 1200

The valve chambers shall be made of M20 grade of concrete or in stone or

brick masonry as per directions of Engineer in Charge. All valve chambers
on pipe line shall be of RCC in M 20. The thickness of the walls shall be as
per detailed design in consideration to the site conditions. Live load of 150
Kg/ sq. cm shall be considered on the valve chamber roof. The valve
chambers shall be covered with Ferro Cement covers which shall be
constructed to the specifications given herein after. The height of the
chamber shall be taken at least 15 cm above natural ground level and it shall
be ensured that the run off or other flowing water nearby normally does not
enters the valve chamber. Provisions shall be made so that the projections
out of ground of the chamber do not form an obstruction to the road traffic.

The minimum thickness of valve chamber shall be as follows:

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1 RCC Walls : 150 mm

2 Floor M15 grade : 100 mm
3 Reinforced Cement Covers : 100 mm
4 RR Stone wall below Plinth : 450 mm
5 RR stone masonry above plinth : 300 mm
6 Brick Masonry in walls : 250mm
7 Brick Partition Wall : 100mm
8 Plaster on Stone masonry : 25 mm
9 Plaster on Brick masonry : 15 mm

A locking facility shall be provided for all chambers using MS rod, hooks and
a liver. The locking arrangement shall be firmly secured in the valve walls.

Provision shall be kept for access to the roof of the chamber and from roof to
the floor of the chamber through suitable, masonry/RSS/cast iron/
Galvanised MS ladder steps of width not less than 30 cm.

Each Valve Chamber shall be provided with CC floor in M15 grade of

concrete. For drainage of water filled inside the chamber, a 25 mm drain pipe
leading to a soakage pit of diameter 900 mm and minimum depth below floor
as 750 mm shall be provided. The soakage pit shall be filled with boulders.

Minimum 25 mm GI pipe shall be taken above the air valve chamber for
providing necessary ventilation.

Pipes passing through walls should be coated by two layer of soft material
(Hessian felt) to allow for differential settling and longitudinal expansion if
directed by engineer in charge. Only metallic pipes may be cast into the walls
for anchoring purposes.

The work shall include excavation, consolidation, leveling, lean concrete as

per drawing, in foundations, finishing, refilling. It shall include all labour and
material required for the complete chamber.

4.12.2 Side Clearance required for Chambers

Minimum distance of flanges from walls : 30 cm

Minimum distance of sockets from walls : 30 cm

Minimum distance between highest point of equipment : 30 cm

and roof slab

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II SPECIFICATIONS OF PIPE LINE

4.12.3 Special Provision in Scour valve chambers

Scour valve chambers shall be constructed according to the typical drawings

given in Volume III. The chambers for scour valves shall be off-line and
placed on the scour pipe. The provisions shown in the scour valve drawings
are to be provided for wet & dry type of scour valve chambers. NP3 RCC
Hume pipe shall be taken up to the nearest drain and shall be suitably
pitched at the outlet with dry type of scour valve chamber. For wet type of
scour valve chambers, a attached wet chamber shall be constructed with
overflow facilities and pitching on the overflow sides for safety of the

All specifications and constructional details for the valve chambers apply for
the scour chambers accordingly.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

The technical specifications for the Mechanical and Electro-
Mechanical material and equipment(s) are detailed below. All valves,
MS pipes and specials used in the pumping stations shall conform to
the specifications laid down in Chapter for specifications for valves and
Chapter for specifications for pipeline work of this volume of tender
document. The design criteria, material specifications, workmanship
and testing of materials used for all civil works shall confirm to
provisions laid down in Chapter for specifications for civil works. Pre-
dispatch inspection, pre commissioning tests, commissioning and trial
runs shall be as detailed in respective chapters of this volume.
Except as otherwise specified in these technical specifications, the
Indian Standards and Codes of Practice shall be adhered to for the
design, manufacturing, inspection and factory testing, handling,
installation and site testing of all material and equipment used for the
work, or where a IS standard does not exist, to an approved national
or international standards.
Only equipment supplied by reputed manufacturers and approved by
the Engineer in Charge will be accepted.
5.3.1 General
It is not the intent to specify herein all the details pertaining to the
design, drawing, selection of equipment/materials, procurement,
manufacture, installation, testing & commissioning, however, the
same shall be of high engineering standard and shall comply with all
currently applicable standards, regulations & safety codes.
5.4.1 Pump Duty Points
Based on the available survey data the tentative duty conditions of
pumps have been mentioned in Chapter 1 and 2. Contractor shall

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

carry out post award detailed designs to finalise the duty conditions
for the year 2039 demands.
5.4.2 Raw / Clear Water Pumping Stations:
Contractor to design these pump houses complete for Civil,
Mechanical, Electrical & Instrumentation works.
The contractor shall work out the actual head requirements after
confirming field survey for the above requirement and finalizing
suction & delivery levels & other hydraulic parameters.
Contractor has to check this design and modify, if the duty conditions
exceed above minimum requirement. Design requirements
1. The contractor shall select suitable pumps for operation of Raw
/ Clear water pumping in the specified operating range. All the
pumps shall be of similar characteristics at every pumping
station. There shall be minimum one working and one standby
pump to meet the water demand with 20 hours per day
operation, which can be extended up to 23 hours per day
depending upon need, as may be directed by EiC.
2. The type of pumps shall be Horizontal Casing type or mono
block pumps and all the pumps shall be provided with suitable
motors and accessories.
3. The pump shall have a stable head curve, i.e. the total head-
capacity curve shall be continuously rising towards the shut off
head. The shut off head shall be at least 10% more than pump
head at intersecting point of the pump curve with the upper
range system head curve.
4. The contractor shall guarantee a minimum overall efficiency for
each pump corresponding to delivery of flow at middle level of
water in the terminal Clear Water Reservoir and system head
corresponding to Cr value of 1.0.
5. The power characteristic shall be non-overloading and preferably
flat for flows higher than the best efficiency flow (BEF).
6. The required pump NPSH at duty point shall be adequately less
than the available NPSH. The horizontal split casing pumps or
mono block pumps shall be used with positive suction head.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

7. Pump must be suitable for operating in parallel over the entire

operating range. The pump shall operate satisfactorily at any
point between the maximum and minimum system resistance,
or at the end of the pump performance curve with respect to the
NPSH available at the lowest permissible suction water level.
8. The pumps shall be capable of reverse rotation up to 125% rated
full speed of the drive motor, due to back flow of water, without
damage or loosening of threaded components.
9. The first critical speed shall be away from the operating speed
and in no case less than 130% of the rated speed.
10. The specifications for flanges shall be as per the relevant IS
11. Spare parts supplied with the pump shall be identical to
respective pump components and shall be from original
12. Pumps shall run smooth without undue noise or vibration.
Noise levels and velocity of vibrations shall be within acceptable
limits. Noise level shall be limited to 85 dba at a distance of 2 m.
Velocity of vibrations shall be within 4.5 mm/s as per relevant
Hydraulic Institutes Standards and IS.
13. Unless otherwise specified the drive unit power rating shall be
the maximum of the following requirements:
• 15 % margin over the pump shaft input power required for
the flow and head as considered.
• 10 % margin over the maximum shaft input power required
within the “Range of Operation”.
• 30 % margin over the maximum shaft input power required
within the “Range of Operation” for pumps of BHP less than
15 HP.
• The range of operation shall be +10% to -25% of duty point
14. The contractor shall confirm that the pumps shall not be of a
new design and a pump of at least the same size and same type
should be in operation for more than 5000 hours satisfactorily

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

in at least two locations. The details of locations shall be

submitted in schedules. General Features of Pumps
The clear water pumps shall have the following features:
a) Type of Drive: 0.415 KV Squirrel cage induction motors at all
pumping stations.
b) NPSH: The required pump NPSH at duty point shall be at least
0.5 m less than the minimum available NPSH. Codes and standards
The design, manufacture and performance of the pumps specified
herein shall comply with the requirements of the applicable Codes and
Standards, as follows, but not limited to:
No. Standard Title
1 IS 6595 Horizontal centrifugal pumps for clear, cold and
(Part II) fresh water.
2 IS 9137 Code for Acceptance Tests for Centrifugal, Mixed
flow and Axial pumps.
3 IS 13537 Technical specification for centrifugal pumps -
Class 2
4 ISO 5199 Standards of the Hydraulic Institute of USA.
5 ISO 2373 Balancing of impeller.
6 IS 5120 Performance test of pumps
7 IS 11732 Mechanical Balancing Features of construction
The impeller shall be an enclosed impeller, made in one piece and
securely keyed on the shaft. The installation will include means to
prevent loosening of the impeller during operation, including rotating
in the reverse direction. The impeller shall be statically and
dynamically balanced to prevent vibration, as per ISO 2373.
The pump shall be provided with a renewable type casing ring, to offer
wearing resistance. Hardness of the casing ring shall be 50 BHN
(Brinell Hardness Number Units) lower than the impeller ring.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

The pump impeller shall be provided with a renewable type impeller
ring on both ends. The material of construction of these rings shall be
similar to that of impeller and these shall be hot push fit on impeller.
The rings hardness shall be equal to impeller and 50 BHN more than
the casing rings. The impeller ring shall however be provided with
Pumps of more than 250 KW.
Single integral shaft, shall be designed to withstand the torque loads
throughout the whole range of operating conditions, for the selected
particular impeller diameter as well as all the impeller diameters
covered between minimum and maximum impeller diameters when
coupled to the motor shaft through flexible coupling. The shaft design
should also include the possibility of running the pump with an
electric motor of higher power rating meant for future expansion with
increased impeller diameters.
Replaceable shaft sleeves shall be provided to protect the shaft where
it passes through stuffing boxes. The end of the shaft sleeve assembly
shall extend through the packing gland. Shaft sleeves shall be securely
locked or keyed to the shaft to prevent loosening. Shaft and shaft
sleeve assembly shall ensure concentric rotation.
Stuffing boxes at driving end and non-driving end shall be of such
design that they can be re-packed, without removing any part, other
than the gland and lantern ring. An axially split gland should be used
to facilitate changing the gland packing. Sufficient space shall be
available for maintenance purposes.
Pump shall be provided with arrangement of valve to vent air, which
may get accumulated in the pump.
Self sealing water connections should be provided.

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Station (Mech. & Civil)

Flanges shall be machined flat, with flange faces vertical and at right
angles to the pump mounting surface. Cast iron flange drilling and
thickness shall conform to IS 1538, (part IV and VI) for ID up to
1500mm and to IS 6392 for ID greater than 1500mm.
Bearings shall be either grease or oil lubricated and should absorb the
radial and axial thrusts, under all operating conditions. Anti-friction
bearing shall be of standard type and shall be selected to give 20,000
hours continuous operation at rated operating conditions. The rise in
bearing oil/grease temperature with continuous running of the pump
shall be within the allowable limits which shall not exceed 20°C for
grease and 30°C for oil lubricated bearings above ambient
temperature. Cooling arrangements shall be provided if required. Bush
bearings will not be acceptable.
The common base plate for pump and motor shall be fabricated from
mild steel sections and have sufficient rigidity to resist vibration and
distortion. Suitable holes shall be provided for grouting and they shall
be so located that the base will be able to be grouted in place, without
disturbing the pump and motor. All pumps and motors shall be
properly and accurately aligned, bolted and doweled to the base plate.
Adequate space shall be provided between pump drain connections
and base plate for installation of minimum 20 mm diameter drain
pipe. Foundation bolts shall be complete with nuts and flat and shake
proof washers.
A flexible pin bush type coupling shall be provided, duly bored and
keyed to the pump and motor shafts.
The coupling and the pump shafts have to be designed so that the
breaking load of the coupling system is slightly below that of the shaft.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

All specified accessories and any other standard accessories required

for correct and safe operation of the pump shall be furnished with the
pumps. All incidental piping (including valves) required for sealing,
lubrication and cooling of stuffing box packing and/or pump bearing
shall be furnished by the Contractor.
A mild steel fabricated coupling guard shall be provided to provide a
safeguard against the open rotating parts of the pump and motor.
Eye bolts (as many as required for safety), shall be provided for ease of
lifting and installation. Technical particulars
Features & Material of Construction
Casing HSC
Drive Direct
Flange Drilling IS 1538
Prime mover Electric Motor (Refer Electrical section)
Casing Cast Iron IS: 210 – Gr. FG 260 with 2
% Ni
Impeller & impeller SS (CF8M) For clear water pumps
Impeller & impeller SS (CA6NM) For raw water pumps
Shaft SS (AISI 410)
Shaft Sleeve SS (AISI 410)
Casing rings SS (CF8M, CA15)
Glands Bronze grade LTB2 of IS 318
Gland Packing Graphite Asbestos
Lantern Rings CI
Gaskets Manufacturer’s Standard durable.
Fasteners (Bolts) Forged Steel for Pressure Parts and
Carbon Steel for Non-Pressure Parts.
Drive data
1 Motor 0.415 KV motor, TEFC/TETV Squirrel
cage induction motors at all pumping
stations with speed (RPM) suitable for
duty condition.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil) Accessories and services required to be supplied by the

Contractor with pump.
The contractor is supposed to provide at least the following accessories
• Base Plate
• Foundation Bolts
• Coupling
• Coupling guard Drawings and information to be provided
During detailed engineering the Contractor shall submit the following:
• General arrangement, cross-sectional and dimensional
drawings/data pertaining to selected model.
• Complete detailed drawing of the base plate
• Complete performance curve with
(a) H - Q curves for complete range of impellers between
minimum and maximum size of impellers and efficiency curves
super imposed on them, highlighting selected impeller
(b) Shaft Power - Q curves for complete range of impellers.
(c) Efficiency - Q curve for Maximum impeller diameter and
selected impeller diameter.
• Test reports, performance curves and other particulars, as
required by the applicable clauses of this specification.
Instruction Manuals:
• Instruction manual for erection
• Instruction for pre-commissioning check up, operation, abnormal
conditions, maintenance and repair
• Write up on Controls and interlocks provided
• Recommended inspection points and periods of inspection
• Schedule of preventive maintenance
• Ordering information for all replaceable parts

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

• Recommendations for types of lubricants, lubricating points,

frequency of lubrication and lubricant changing schedule.

5.4.3 Specifications of Mono block pumps

The mono block pumps shall conform to the requirements of the
required head and flow as given above. The construction features of
the pump shall conform to IS 9079.
Accessories and services required to be supplied by the contractor with
The bidder is supposed to provide at least the following accessories
• Base Plate
• Foundation Bolts
• Coupling
• Coupling guard
Drawings and information to be provided
During detailed engineering the Bidder shall submit the following:
• General arrangement, cross-sectional and dimensional
drawings/data pertaining to selected model.
• Complete detailed drawing of the base plate
• Complete performance curve with (for pumps of BHP more than 50
(a) H - Q curves.
• Test reports, performance curves and other particulars, as
required by the applicable clauses of this specification.
Instruction Manuals:
• Instruction manual for erection
• Instruction for pre-commissioning check up, operation, abnormal
conditions, maintenance and repair
5.4.4 Dewatering/Drainage and water circulation Pumps

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

The dewatering pumps shall be provided at all pumping stations with

100% stand by units. Pumps, if provided for water circulation for
cooling shall also be provided with 100% stand by units.
These pumps must, comply with following features. General
The dewatering pump shall be of suitable capacity and head. The
pump motor shall be suitable for working with or without
submergence in water. The motor rating shall be more than the
maximum power required by the pump.
The pumps shall be electric motor driven.
The pumps shall be vertical, centrifugal, non-clog type. The impeller
shall be mounted on the extended shaft of the motor.
The fixed set shall operate manually and automatically controlled by
low and high level switches in the drain pit. Features of construction
Impeller Bronze Grade LTB II of IS 318
Casing Cast Iron Grade FG 200 of IS 210/ Aluminium as
per mfg. Standard
Shaft 40C8 of IS 1570
Motor 415 V, 3Ph AC supply, submersible Drawings and information to be provided
During detailed engineering the Contractor shall submit the following:
• Leaflets on dewatering / water circulating pump.
• Cross sectional drawings with performance curves. Instruction Manuals:
• Installation manual for erection
• Instruction for pre-commissioning check up, operation, abnormal
conditions, maintenance and repair
• Recommended inspection points and periods of inspection
• Schedule of preventive maintenance
• Ordering information for all replaceable parts

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

• Recommendations for types of lubricants, lubricating points,

frequency of lubrication and lubricant changing schedule.
• The sizes of manifold pipes shall be as mentioned in the scope of
• All in house pipes shall be of MS as per IS 3589-2001. The
minimum thickness shall be as per the minimum preferred
thickness as mentioned in IS 3589-2001 or as per design
whichever is more.
• All the in house piping shall be provided with internal food grade
epoxy painting and external enamel painting as approved by EIC.
• Pipes shall be welded with companion flanges of respective valves
and dismantling joints etc.
• The suction and delivery pipes shall be designed for year 2054
flows. The limiting velocity of flow in the delivery pipes shall not
exceed 1.8 m/s. The velocity in the suction pipe shall not exceed
0.8 m/s. The velocity in suction manifold shall not exceed 0.45


5.6.1 General
The construction features and other specifications of valves shall be as
defined in chapter for specifications for valves. All valves shall be
provided with the companion flanges.
5.6.2 Pressure Rating
The pressure rating of valves must at least be equal to the maximum
expected pressure at the point of installation with minimum PN1.0 /
PN1.6 as the case may be.
5.6.3 Size
The size of valves must not be less than the size of the respective main
(suction, delivery) pipes.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

The manually operated gantry / monorail crane with electric hoist

shall be provided at each new pumping station. These shall conform to
latest & amended Indian Standards.
Gantry – For HSC and Monoblock sets
Monorail – Where only Monoblock sets required
The ventilation and cooling system of the pump room must be
designed such as to limit the temperature rise to a maximum 5 °
Centigrade above the ambient temperature. The ambient temperature
is to be taken as 45 ° Centigrade for design of ventilation and cooling
system. The contractor shall provide detailed calculations to determine
the temperature of ambient air within the pump room with all pumps
in operation.
5.8.1 Exhaust fans General
Exhaust fans of appropriate rating, in general shall be provided for all
openings at the intake and in suitable numbers as per design of
pumping station buildings at all pumping stations, switchgear rooms,
and at manifold floor levels. The air change ratio by the selected fan
must be provided for the approval of the Engineer–in–Charge, before
the selection of exhaust fans. Technical particulars
1 Fan designation Exhaust duty, 3 Phase.
2 No. of fans and To meet stipulated temperature
design capacity difference and air circulation levels
for limiting temperature rise within
specified limits.
3 Type Wall mounted, centrifugal
1 Impeller Mild steel or Cast aluminium
2 Hub Cast Iron/Die cast aluminium
3 Casing Mild steel
4 Wall cowl Galvanised iron sheet - 22 gauge

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

5 Bird screen 14 gauge galvanised iron with 12

mm bird screen.
6 Motor TEFC IP 54, with speed below 1500
rpm synchronous Drawings and information to be provided
During detailed engineering the Contractor shall submit the following:
Leaflets on exhaust fan. Instruction Manuals:
• Installation manual for erection
• Instruction for pre-commissioning check up, operation, abnormal
conditions, maintenance and repair
• Recommended inspection points and periods of inspection
• Schedule of preventive maintenance
• Ordering information for all replaceable parts
• Recommendations for types of lubricants, lubricating points,
frequency of lubrication and lubricant changing schedule.
5.9.1 General
In general, window air conditioner shall be used, unless the
installations and maintenance requires providing ductile split type air
conditioner installations. The air conditioner shall be of a suitable
capacity to maintain a temperature of 28° C in the control room
considering extreme ambient conditions of temperature and humidity.
The air conditioner must be supplied of a reputed make after approval
of EiC.
5.9.2 Technical particulars Operating conditions
1 Location Two in control room at all
pumping stations having
required capacity.
2 Room size As per approved drawing
3 Outside temperature Ambient 450C
4 Temperature 28° C

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

5 Rating 5 Star Drawings and information to be provided
During detailed engineering the Contractor shall submit the following:
• Outline drawings showing the principal dimensions and weights. Instruction Manuals:
• Installation manual for erection
• Instruction for pre-commissioning check up, operation, abnormal
conditions, maintenance and repair
• Recommended inspection points and periods of inspection
• Schedule of preventive maintenance
• Ordering information for all replaceable parts
• Recommendations for types of lubricants, lubricating points,
frequency of lubrication and lubricant changing schedule.
Pipe fittings of size 50 NB and below shall be forged conforming to IS-
1239 Part-II. Fittings above 50 NB up to 200 NB shall be
welded/seamless conforming to ASTM A-234 Gr. WP and dimensional
standard ANSI B.16.9. Fittings and specials of size 250 NB and above
can be fabricated from MS pipes fabricated as per relevant Indian
All specials such as bends, tees, tapers, etc. must be fabricated from
MS pipes as per provisions of IS codes and specifications. Before
fabrication the detailed drawings of fabrication of each special must be
got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge. All specials must be brought
to site after inner lining and outer coating as specifications and
provisions of IS Codes.
The puddle collars embedded in the wall of size less than 600mm will
be of Ductile Iron.
If flanged DI iron pipes and specials shall be used in the pump houses
and to the limit of both pump station suction and delivery pipelines

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

they shall be manufactured and tested according to IS 1536 and 1537

respectively. Flanges shall conform to IS 1538
All butterfly, sluice valves, Bulk water meters or any other online
valves etc. shall be installed between flanges with a flexible MS
dismantling joint at one side. The joint must allow dismantling of the
valve, meters etc. without causing stress to the joints of the attached
pipes. The minimum clearance of the dismantling joint shall be five (5)
cm. The pressure class of the dismantling joint shall be the same as
that of the pipe. Drawings of the dismantling joint shall be submitted
to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval. The Nuts and Bolts of the joint
shall be galvanized. The joints shall be painted /coated as per
specifications given for exposed pipes.
The contractor may also provide & install bellow type dismantling joint
of with material of construction of bellow & internal sleeve as SS or SA
240 Gr-304. The bellow type-dismantling joint shall be designed as per
EJMA code, USA
5.13.1 Hydrostatic Test
The entire piping with valves and fittings will be site tested for
pressure of 1.5 times the design working pressure. Duration of testing
shall be a minimum of 30 minutes. In case the piping is to be in a
network, isolated portions with overlapping areas shall be tested. No
pressure drop or leakage should be evident
5.14.1 Nuts, Bolts, Studs and Washers
Nuts and bolts shall be of the best quality bright steel, machined on
the shank and under the head and nut. Studs, bolts and nuts shall be
galvanized. Bolts shall be of accurate length so that only one thread
shall show through the nut in the fully tightened conditions. Nuts and
bolts shall conform to IS 1363 and IS 1367.
Washers, locking devices and anti-vibration arrangements shall be
provided where necessary.
Where there is a risk of corrosion, bolts, nuts and studs shall be
designed so that the maximum stress does not exceed half the yield

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

stress of the material under any conditions. All bolts, nuts and screws
which are subject to frequent adjustment or removal in the course of
maintenance and repair shall be made of nickel bearing stainless steel.
The Contractor shall supply all holding down, alignment leveling bolts
complete with anchorages, nuts washers and packing required to fix
the plant to its foundations, bed plates, frames and other structural
The Contractor shall procure and keep at site, reasonable excess
quantities to cover wastage of those materials which will be normally
subject to waste during erection, commissioning and setting to work.
5.14.2 Gaskets
Gaskets shall be of Nitrile rubber and readymade machined cut
gaskets for respective flange shall be used. Gaskets cut out from
rubber sheet are not acceptable.
5.14.3 Support For Pipe work & Valves
All necessary supports, saddles, fixing bolts & foundation bolts shall
be supplied to support the pipe work. Valves and other devices
mounted in the pipe work shall be supported independent of the pipes
to which they connect. Wherever necessary RCC supports shall also be
5.14.4 Galvanizing
Wherever galvanizing has been specified the hot dip process shall be
used. The galvanized coating shall be of uniform thickness. Weight of
zinc coatings for various applications shall not be less than those
indicated below:

Thickness less than 2 mm but not 340 gm/m2

less than 1.2 mm

Thickness 2 mm and above 460 gm/m2.


Up to nominal size M 10 270 gm/m2.

Over M 10 300 gm/m2.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

Galvanizing shall be carried out after all drilling, punching, cutting,

bending and welding operations have been carried out. Burrs shall be
removed before galvanizing. Any site modification of galvanized parts
should be covered well by zinc primer and aluminum Paint.
5.14.5 Painting
Painting of exposed ferrous surface of all items of plant shall be
carried out by the Contractor in accordance with provision in the
“Specifications for Civil Works”.
Immediately on arrival at the site all items of plant shall be examined
for condition of the primer coat/finish paint applied at the
Manufacturer's works and unsatisfactory portions shall be cleaned
down to the bare metal, all rust being removed, and the surface made
good with similar primer/paint.
After erection, such items which are not finish painted shall be finish
painted, items finish painted at the Manufacturer's works shall be
touched up for any damaged paint work.
No painting shall be carried out unless the item has been inspected
and accepted by Engineer in Charge or the person authorized by him.
Shades of finish painting of equipment shall be approved by Engineer-
5.14.6 Lubrication
A complete schedule of recommended oils and other lubricants shall
be furnished by the Contractor in the operation and maintenance
manuals. The number of types of lubricants shall be kept to a
minimum. In case of grease lubricated bearings for electric motors,
lithium base grease is preferred.
The Contractor shall indicate the brand name of indigenously available
equivalent lubricants with complete duty specifications, to enable the
department to arrange procurement in future. The Contractor shall
furnish the schedule of quantities for each fill, frequency of filling and
annual requirement.
Where lubrication is effected by means of grease, preference shall be
given to a pressure system which does not require frequent
adjustment or recharging. Frequent, for this purpose means more
than once in a month.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

Where more than one type of special grease is required, a grease gun
for each special type shall be supplied.
All lubricant systems shall be designed so as not to cause a fire or
pollution hazard.
The contractor shall supply flushing oil for such lubrication system
when an item of plant is ready for preliminary running.
5.14.7 Erection General
The contractor's staff shall include at least one competent erection
engineer who should be at least a graduate Engineer with 2 years
erection experience and who should be permanent employees of the
contractor, to supervise the erection of the works using sufficient
skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour and to ensure completion of
the Works on time. The contractor shall not remove any
representatives, erectors or skilled labour from the site without the
prior approval of the Engineer in Charge
The contractor's erection staff shall arrive on the site on dates to be
agreed by the Engineer in Charge who will give to the contractor
advance notice in writing of the dates on which they will be required.
Before they proceed to the site, however, the contractor shall first
satisfy himself, as necessary, that sufficient material of his supply has
arrived on site so that there will be no delay on this account.
The contractor shall be responsible for setting up and erecting the
equipment to the line and level required. Leveling and Grouting of Machinery
The pumps and motors shall be properly and accurately leveled and
aligned on the concrete plinth by means of tapered metal wedges and
metal packing pieces before any grout is poured. After correct
alignment and leveling the foundation bolts shall be nipped up to hold
the machine firmly in position and it shall be the Contractor's
responsibility to check that the position is maintained after the grout
has been poured but before it sets. The grout which will contain an
approved expanding agent will be mixed and poured by the Contractor.
ACC Shrinkomph (anti- shrinkage), grout mixer or equivalent as
approved by Engineer in Charge, is to be used for grouting.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

The horizontality of base plate top shall be within 0.05 mm/meter. The
base plate top surface and pump motor box are to be blue matched to
get a contact area of at least 80%.
After the grouting mixture has set, the foundation bolts shall be pulled
up hard and the alignment and level rechecked. The Engineer in
Charge shall be informed at all times of the progress of this work and
when any checks on alignment and level are to be carried out so that
he may witness the checks if he so requires. The approval of the
Engineer in Charge or his intimation that the alignment or level of the
machines is to his satisfaction shall in no way relieve the Contract of
his obligation under contract to properly install and align the
machines and Pipe work and shall in no way prejudice the Engineer in
Charge's rights to order rectification of any installation work later
found to be improperly carried out. Name Plates
Each main and auxiliary item to the Plant shall have permanently
attached to it, in a conspicuous position, a name plate and rating
plate, each of weather-resistance and fire-resistance material. Upon
these shall be engraved or stamped the manufacturer's name, type
and serial number of Plant, details of the loading and duty at which
designed to operate.
Details of proposed inscriptions shall be submitted to the Engineer in
Charge for approval before any labels are manufactured.
5.15.1 Pumping Station Buildings
The contractor shall design the pump house for making installation for
pumping machinery designed for ultimate water demand with suitable
space for electromechanical equipments. The design considerations,
material specifications, workmanship and testing of materials shall be
as per Chapter for “Specifications for Civil Works”. The general
requirement of pump house buildings shall be as follows:
5.15.2 Pumping Stations
1. Type of Structure RCC framed Structure
2. Plinth Level Minimum 1.0 meters above
finished ground level.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)


3. Minimum Height of
building above
finished floor Levels
i) At Pump/motor As per the requirement of
floor area installation of pumping
machinery & valves and
specials for ultimate design
water demand for the year of
2054 with suitable space as
per provisions of IS codes and
minimum height below crane.
ii) Areas of 4 meters minimum
iii) 7 meters minimum
/maintenance bays
iv) other areas 4 meters
4. External walls Below RCC curtain wall up to plinth
Ground Level beam with cross section as
approved by the EiC
5. External walls above Brick masonry 345 mm thick
Ground Level in Cement Sand mortar 1:4
6. Internal walls Brick masonry 230 mm thick
in Cement Sand mortar 1:4
7. Partition walls Half Brick masonry in Cement
Sand mortar 1:4
8. Area for Control Area as specified in scope of
Room work / specifications. The area
shall have partitions with
aluminum framed glazed
panel partitions of height up
to lintel level
9. Area for Office Area as specified in scope of
work / specifications.
10. External finish Three sides of the pumping
station shall grit wash in gray
cement with matching colour
grits except back side. (back

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)


side wall shall cement paint
matching with other sides &
as per approval of EiC)
11. Plaster
Interior Plaster 20 mm thick in Cement Sand
mortar 1:4
Plaster on external 12.5 mm thick base plaster for
Walls Grit wash on three sides of the
buildings and back side wall
shall 25 mm thick in Cement
Sand mortar 1:4
Toilet Glazed tiles up to lintel level
and plaster 20 mm thick in
Cement Sand mortar 1:4
above lintel level
12. Flooring
a) Pump/motor floor Floor metallic Hardener
topping with CC base
b) Switchgear floor Kota Stone
c) Battery room/ Kota Stone
Battery Charger
room/Operator office
space/ duty room/
office space/toilets
and other areas
d) Control room Kota Stone.
e) Walk ways MS Chequered plates on MS
structures and Kota Stone on
RCC structures.
f) Corridors and stairs Kota stone
13. Painting
a) Outer building area Cement based paint
b) Inner areas of Oil bound Distemper
pump/motor room,
store, maintenance
bay, and other areas
c) Control room / lobby Acrylic Plastic Emulsion Paint

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)


/ office area
14. Doors
a) Control room Glass paneled Aluminum
Double door shutters with
aluminum frame and single
panel hinged shutters with
door closures. The first gate
shall be provided with air
curtain of appropriate design
to ensure dust proofing.
b) Main Entrance Doors Glass paneled Aluminum door
shutters with aluminum frame
and double panel hinged
shutters with door closures.
c) Switchgear room Glass paneled Aluminum door
shutters with aluminum frame
and single panel hinged
shutters with door closures.
d) toilet and other areas Pressed steel frame with
38mm thick flush doors
15. Windows
a) On Outer Front Walls Glass paneled Aluminum
and other windows shutters with aluminum frame
opening in main & aluminum safety grills to
entrances protect the glass and double
panel shutters. (All windows in
Control room will be fixed
without shutters of same
b) Other Windows Steel section window with wire
mesh and safety grill
16. Cooling Arrangement
a) Entrance lobby Fans
b) Office rooms Fans and Coolers
c) Duty Room Fan and Coolers
d) PLC Control room Air Conditioner

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)


5.16.1 Nameplates, signboards, nomenclature
Each item of the plant shall have permanently attached to it in a
conspicuous position a nameplate, on which shall be engraved or
stamped the manufacturer's name, type and serial number, year of
manufacture, details of the design capacity etc. Such labels shall be of
non-hygroscopic material to be approved by the Engineer in Charge.
Nearby or on each item of the plant, shall be fixed a plate with the
name and nomenclature (code) of the item according to the project
nomenclature. It shall be visible from a distance of several meters.
The contractor shall also provide bilingual signboards and instruction
tables of durable material, throughout the plant, for the purposes of
operation, maintenance and security:
• Danger and caution signs (English and local language)
• Preventive maintenance schedules (local language)
• Operating instructions (local language)
• Unit names (English and local language)
• Nameplates at the doors to the units (English and local
Signboards and plates shall be appropriately sized in relation to the
relevant item and its surroundings. Details of the proposed
inscription, size, material and colours shall be submitted to the
Engineer in Charge for approval before any signboards or plates are
manufactured. They shall be compatible with the instructions in the
operation manual.
All cables shall be provided with clip-on identification numbers on
both ends and at all terminations in between, for identification. The
nomenclature shall correspond to the electrical as-built drawings.
The nomenclature and labeling of the plant shall be decided in close
co-operation with the Engineer in Charge.
5.16.2 Fire extinguishers
The contractor shall provide dry powder type CO2 fire extinguishers (10
kg) for the pumping stations at the locations specified in Scope of
Work after consultation with the Engineer in Charge:

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

5.16.3 First aid kits

Complete first aid kits at all the sites shall be provided for the
maintenance bays of the pump houses. The first aid kit shall consist of
all materials, medicines necessary for treatment of cuts, wounds etc.
Following materials in general in sufficient quantities shall be
• Medical cotton, sterile cotton pads
• Cotton Bandages, elastic bandages
• Pair of scissors, packet of new shaving blades
• Sticking plaster for medical use.
• Band aid stripes
Following chemicals/medicines shall be provided in sufficient
• Tinctures iodine and mercury chrome
• Burnol ointment
• Bottles of spirit and of Dettol
• Toilet soaps
To be procured under medical advice
• Skin lotions and ointments for burns, acid effects
• Eye drops for soothing effects
Fire extinguisher and first aid kits shall be provided for the end of the
commissioning period only.
5.16.4 Rain Water Harvesting Structure :-
Contractor will have to construct a complete RWH system at all Head Works
including all Pumping station locations. System will consists of following
units :-
a) Desilting / Filter Pit :- Excavation pit constructed in 0.75m dia ,
1.50 mtr deep with RCC rings. Fill with stone/brick/ filter media for
water filteration.
b) Collection Tank :- For storage of rain water a 25000 liters capacity
storage tank construct in Stone masonry walls in cement mortar 1:6,
duly plasterd with minimum 20mm thick plaster in 1:4 ratio mortar.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Pumping
Station (Mech. & Civil)

c) Recharge Tank :- To use the overflow water from collection tank a

recharge tank will construct. This tank will construct in a size of 3.00
X 1.50 X 1.00 mtr with 1:6 CM stone masonary walls & RCC roof
covering in M-20 garde containing provision of vent pipes, one opening
covered with manhole cover. Two 0.75 mtr dia , 4 mtr deep from bed
level, construction of recharge shafts in bed with RCC rings filled
with filter media.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment



It is not the intent to specify herein all the details pertaining to the design,
drawing, selection of equipment/materials, procurement, manufacture,
installation, testing & commissioning, however, the same shall be of high
standard of engineering and shall comply with all currently applicable
standards, regulations & safety codes. These specifications cover the equipment
to be installed in switchgear, switchyard, DC supply system at required places
and other allied equipment, cables etc. along with the specifications for
workmanship, laying cables, earthing systems, lightning protection etc.

It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to design the electrical system

based on the selection of the mechanical equipment. The work will be executed
as per the detailed designs and drawings approved during execution.

The electrical equipment and system has to be connected with the

Instrumentation system. The details of the connectivity of the electrical
system/equipment with the Instrumentation system have to be worked out by
the Contractor to be commensurate with the requirement of the Instrumentation
system to be provided. Irrespective of the provisions given in these specifications
for electrical equipment/works, in this chapter, the Contractor shall provide all
necessary accessories with the equipment dealt herein or additional equipment
required for effective functioning of the electrical and Instrumentation systems.

The pre-dispatch inspection and pre-commissioning testing and commissioning

details are provided in respective chapters. The specifications of material and
workmanship of all civil works and lighting fixtures shall be in compliance with
the specifications given in the “Specifications for Civil Works”.

The brief technical specifications of the various electrical equipment are given in
subsequent clauses comprising the following:

• Applicable Indian Standards

• Other considerations (if any)
• Technical parameters supplied by the department

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

• Drawings and documents for review/approval

The various systems covering the installation practices are described separately.

The scope of the Bidder shall cover design and drawing of electrical systems,
selection of the equipment/materials, procurement, expediting, inspection,
packing and forwarding, delivery at site, erection, testing, commissioning,
obtaining the statutory approvals, handing over the complete plant etc.


The proposed power supplies are as follows:

1 33 kV Voltage variation +10 to Three Phase, 50 Hz, effectively

AC -15% Freq. Variation +3 earthed AC System SC. Rating
System to -5% of 1000 MVA

2 11 kV Voltage variation +10 to Three Phase, 50 Hz, effectively

AC -15% Freq. Variation +3 earthed AC System SC. Rating
System to -5% of 500 MVA

3 6.6 kV Voltage variation +10 to Three Phase and neutral, 50

AC -15% Freq. Variation +3 Hz, effectively earthed system,
System to -5% SC. Rating of 300 MVA

4 415V Voltage variation +10 to Three Phase and neutral, 50

AC -15% Freq. Variation +3 Hz, effectively earthed system,
System to -5% SC. Rating of 50 kA

5 240V Voltage variation + 10% Single phase and neutral, 50

AC to -15 % Hz, effectively earthed system
System Freq. Variation + 3% to -

6 110V Voltage variation +/- Unearthed two wire system

DC 15%

The ambient temperature for design of the electrical equipment shall be 50° C.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

6.2.1 Fault Levels

The fault levels of the proposed units in the sub station / pump house shall be
as per IS : 2026 as follows:

33 kV system : 1000 MVA

11 kV system : 500 MVA
6.6 kV system : 300 MVA
415 V system : 20 MVA


6.3.1 Standards

No. Standar Description

1 IS 4237 Switchgear general requirements.
2 IS 5578 Guide for making of insulated conductors
3 IS 8623 Factory built assemblies of Sw Gr & Cont. Gr (for
voltages < 650 V).
4 IS 2147 Degree of protection of enclosure for LV switchgear
and control gear.
5 IS 1248 Electrical Indicating Instruments.
6 IS 722 Integrating AC electric meters.
7 IS 2705 Current transformers.
8 IS 3156 Voltage transformers.
9 IS 10118 Installation and maintenance of switchgear.
10 IS 11353 Guide for uniform system of marking and
identification of conductor and equipment terminals.
11 IS Specification for low voltage switchgear and control
13947/6 gear

6.3.2 Other considerations

This section is applicable for all 415V switchboard panels

Power control centre (PCC)

Power Distribution Board (PDB)

For general arrangement of switchgear components, refer to the SLD.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

The switchboard panel shall be made out of sheet steel in compartmentalized

design and shall be suitable for bottom cable entry on rear side. The horizontal
bus bar chamber shall be on the top whereas vertical bus bars shall be provided
in bus alley at the front.

The minimum clearance on the back and sides of each switchboard panel shall
be 1000 mm and on the front side the same shall be 1500 mm.

At least 2 spare bays of 63 A will be kept in the panel for additional circuits in
future. Indoor ACB’s shall be provided on the in-comer of each transformer in
the panel. All lighting loads shall be taken from bay(s) in LV panel to distribution
board(s). The incoming breaker from auxiliary transformer shall be ACB’s housed
in respective panels.

Additional set of NO – NC contacts shall be provided than the required numbers.

1 Steel Thickness 2.0 mm CRCA
1 Enclosure and Doors 1.6 mm CRCA
Partitions and covers 3 mm HR Sheet
Gland Plate min 3 mm HR Sheet
Base Frame
2 Degree of Protection IP 52
3 Surface Finish Powder coating
4 Shade (Interior & Light Grey, Shade : 631 ( IS : 5 )
5 PVC Heat shrink Black sleeve with coloured tape for
Sleeve R/Y/B
6 Control Connections 1.5 mm2 stranded Copper wire
for PT and other 2.5 mm2 stranded Copper wire
For CT circuits
7 Gasket for Doors Neoprene Gasket shall be provided to
make Panel dust & vermin proof,
conforming to degree of protection IP
8 Earth bus Earth bus of min 50 X 6 mm GI or
suitable for fault level of panel shall
be provided throughout the length of
panels. The horizontal earth bus
shall project out of the panel at
bottom and shall have at-least two

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

holes for earth connections.

9 Door closing All power switches shall be door
arrangement interlocked
10 Space heater Panel space heater shall be provided
in each vertical panel with
thermostat control
11 Cable lugs Cu cable lugs for copper cables shall
be fitted.
12 Cable glands Double compression brass cable
glands shall be provided.
13 Operating Height Operating switches, push buttons
and handles shall not be placed
below 300 mm and above 2000 mm.
14 Cubicle illumination Shall be provided for all cable alleys
15 Live connections Live connections from Bus Bar up to
switches shall be shrouded in order
to avoid accidental touch.

6.3.3 Technical parameters

1 TPN bus bar High Conductivity Al grade E91E for TPN

details bare bus bar, size shall be suitable for
continuous current rating as per the detailed
2 Min. clearance Phase to phase – 25 mm & Phase to earth –
20 mm
3 Power freq. 2.5 kV RMS, 50 Hz for one minute
4 Short Circuit 25 kA (RMS) for 1 second
5 Max. temp. of bus 70 0 C
6 CT details Cast resin, bar primary type, 5 A CT
CT ratio, burden and class shall be as per
the maximum current expected at the point
of installation in the circuit, indicative CT
ratio and burden are shown in respective
7 MCB details Rating shall be as per the maximum current
expected on that circuit. MCB will be with
static release, U/V & current limiting feature
for incomer and with static release for each

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

outgoing MCB
8 Contactor details Rating shall be as per the requirement of the
Duty shall be as per application
9 Relays Releases: All the releases for breakers should
be of Static Release Type.
Over Load Relay (OLR) : It shall be of thermal
type with hand reset PB on module door and
with single phasing preventions
10 Motor control 415/230 V, AC
11 Selector switch AS for Ammeter with R, Y, B, OFF positions.
details VS for Voltmeter with RY, YB, BR, OFF
12 Indicating Meter Moving iron type, 90 0 scale, for AM & VM,
details Suppressed scale in case of AM for motors
AM dial range to suit CT primary current.
VM dial range 0-600 volt.
Size 96mm2 Accuracy Class 1.0
13 Multi-function Shall have built in ammeter, voltmeter, kW
meter meter, kVA meter, PF meter, kWH meter,
kVAH meter
14 Integrating Meter Electronic/Train gear type, calibrated for
details required CT-PT ratio
Accuracy Class 1.0, for other details refer
15 Push button Momentary type, 2 NO & 2 NC contacts
details of 10 A at 240 V AC

16 Indicating lamp LED type with series resistance,


17 Control fuse HRC cartridge type with base & carrier.

details Contactor to select rating.
18 Changeover switch 2 position, on load type
19 Miscellaneous Control terminals shall be of 10 A, 1100 V
details grade, clip on type with din rail mounting.
CT terminals shall be provided with shorting
link and earthing facility
Control wiring – marked with ferrule Nos. at
both ends.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

6.3.4 Drawing and documents required after award of Contract

GA drawing of each panel with foundation details

Single line diagram for each panels

Schematic diagrams for various modules

Instruction manuals – installation, operation and maintenance of switchgear


6.4.1 Standards

No. Standard Description

1. IS 325 Squirrel cage induction motors
2. IS 4691 Type of enclosures
3. IS 6362 Method of cooling
4. IS 4029 Testing of induction motors
5 IS 12075 Mechanical vibrations of rotating electrical
6 IS 12065 Permissible limits of noise level
7 IS 12615 Efficiency levels

6.4.2 Other considerations

Contractor shall select the motor as per the required performance of the pumps
and ascertain the required rating of the motor. Contractor shall also verify the
starting characteristic and acceleration time for motor selection.

The number of permissible restarts (hot & cold) per hour for each motor shall be
informed by the Bidder after obtaining the same from the motor manufacturer.

If cable termination box provided with the motor is inadequate to accept required
no. of cables, then the Bidder shall provide an adopter box for the same. The
cable termination box location shall be as per the layout drawings

6.4.3 Technical parameters

1 Tentative motor details As per System Requirement

2 Type of motors Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) /
TETV Squirrel cage induction motors

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

3 Efficiency Class Min IE-2 as per IS 12615

4 Protection Class min. IP 42
5 Motor duty Continuous, S1
6 Supply voltage & Voltage : 415 V +10% to -15%
frequency conditions
Frequency : 50 Hz +3% to -5%
Combined variation : + 10% to -15%
7 Insulation class Class B
8 Frame Size Frame size should be selected keeping in
view supply voltage and frequency
conditions/hot and cold starts.
9 Syn. speed as per driven equipment
10 Starting Method For motors up to 5 KW DOL Starters,
above 5 KW & up to 30 KW Star Delta
and above 30 KW Soft Starters
11 Starting Current Starting current for the motor in DOL
mode, should not be more than 600 % of
the full load current.
12 Cable termination Cable termination box protection class IP
details 52.
13 Earthing conductor GI strip as per the sizes specified
14 Performance details Efficiency at full load - as per IS 12615
15 Painting details Enamel paint of shade 631 as per IS 5.

6.4.4 Drawing and documents required

GA drawing of the each motor showing dimensional details and terminal box
Motor selection details
Motor Characteristics
Instruction manual for installation, operation and maintenance for motors


6.5.1 Standards

Standard Description

IS 2834 Power factor improvement capacitors

6.5.2 Other considerations

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

The Contractor shall check with manufacturer regarding providing of inductor


The Contractor shall work out the automatic power factor control (APFC) scheme
to achieve a power factor of 0.97. The power factor improving capacitor
requirement shall be as per the power factor of the equipment selected by the

6.5.3 Technical parameters

a) Quantity and output The figures indicated in SLD are tentative,

the quantity and output must be designed
as per the requirement of load to achieve
the above-referred objective.

b) Power factor control Through APFC as per SLD

c) Capacitor type MPP

d) Rated voltage and 415 Volts 3 phase (line to line), 50 Hz


e) Maximum over voltage 105 %

the unit capacitor is
capable of withstanding

6.5.4 Drawing and documents required

GA drawing of the capacitor unit, bank

Instruction manual for installation, operation and maintenance for capacitor


6.6.1 H.T. Cables Standards

No. Indian Standard Description

1. IS 7098 XLPE insulated electric Cables.
2. IS 5831 PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables.
3. IS 3975 Mild steel wires, strips and tapes for armoring
of cables.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

4. IS 1753 Aluminum conductors for insulated cables. Technical parameters

HT Cables 3 core, Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated,

Cable Size As per design Drawing and documents required

Cable catalogue

6.6.2 LT Cables Standards

No. Standard Description

1. IS 1554 PVC insulated electric Cables.
2. IS 8130 Conductors for insulated electric cables.
3. IS 5831 PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables.
4. IS 3975 Mild steel wires, strips and tapes for armouring
of cables.
5. IS 1753 Aluminium conductors for insulated cables. Other Considerations

Power cable shall be of Al conductor, whereas control and lighting cables shall be
of Cu conductor. The minimum size of Al conductor cable shall be 4 mm 2 and
Cu conductor cable of 2.5 mm2.

Power cable sizing shall be based on the various de-rating factors recommended
by cable manufacturer, rated current, temperature rise of conductor and voltage

Control cables of CTs shall be based on the VA burden of CT and relays, meters. Technical parameters

LT Cables PVC insulated, taped PVC inner sheath and outer

sheath 650/1100 V grade, with multi-stranded
aluminum/copper conductor, armoured
Cable Cable shall be selected considering following points
selection 1. Current rating of the load
2. De-rating due to grouping of cables
3. Voltage drop up to 3% in cable due to cable

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

4. De-rating factor due to ambient temperature.

5. De-rating due to depth in case of buried cables
Spare cores Up to 4 cores - nil
for control 5 cores to 9 cores - 1 core
cables 10 cores to 20 cores - 2 core
21 cores to 30 cores - 3 core
More than 30 cores - 4 core Drawing and documents required

Cable catalogue


6.7.1 Standards

No. Standard Description

1. IS 1913 General & Safety requirements for electric lighting
2. IS 1777 Industrial lighting fittings with metal reflector
3 IS 5077 Decorative lighting outfits
4. IS 2149 Luminaries for street lighting
5. IS 6665 Code of practice for Industrial Lighting

6.7.2 Other Considerations

The Lux levels for different areas of the pumping station are defined in the
Chapter of “Specifications for Civil Works”.

In order to have higher illumination for maintenance and repairs in the pump
room area outlets of 16 A SPN shall be provided for the connection of portable
lamps. 16 A SPN switch with socket shall be provided in every bay of the pump
house on the suction and delivery side walls. The flexible lighting fixture shall
be suitable for GLS lamps.

The bidder shall design the lighting system and get approval of the design along
with related drawings and specifications for the fixtures proposed for lighting.


6.8.1 General

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

All the material required for the earthing system shall be supplied and installed by
the Bidder. The hot dip GI strip of 50 x 6 mm size shall be used.

All the material required for making earthing stations, such as electrode, charcoal,
salt/back fill compound for chemical earthing etc. shall be supplied by the Bidder.
Excavation and refilling for laying of earth strip and for earth pit shall also be in
Bidders scope.

The entire earthing system shall fully comply with Indian electricity act and rules.
The Bidder shall carry out all changes desired by the electrical inspector, in order
to make the installation conform to I.E. Rules.

The earthing strips of LAs shall be directly connected to pipe type earth pit
whereas earthing strips of other equipments can be connected to grid.

The main earth grid shall be laid at a depth of 1000 mm below Grade level. In
trenches, earth strip shall be laid along the trench. It shall be protected against
mechanical damage. Joints and tapping in the main earth grid shall be made in
such a way that reliable and good electrical connections are permanently ensured.
All joints except the equipment end shall be welded. All joints buried in ground
shall be suitably protected by applying two coats of bitumen and covering with
Hessians tape.

Conduits in which cables have been installed shall be bonded and earthed. Cable
amours shall be earthed at both ends.

Earth pipe electrodes shall be installed as per IS 3043. Their location shall be
marked on earth pit chamber covers.

The electrodes shall be tested for earth resistance by means of standard earth

A disconnecting facility shall be provided for individual earth pit to check earth

All electrical equipment above 230 V shall be earthed at two points and

230 V and below shall be earthed at one point.

6.8.2 Conductor size for connections to various equipments shall be as per

the following table:

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

Equipment Conductor Size

Motors Up to 11 kW 8 SWG GI wire

11 kW up to 22 kW 4 SWG GI wire
22 kW up to 37.5 kW 25 x 3 mm GI flat
37.5 kW to 90 kW 25 x 6 mm GI flat
90 kW to 200 kW 40 x 6 mm GI flat
Above 200 kW 50 x 10 mm GI flat

PCC 50 x 6 mm GI flat

PDB 50 x 6 mm GI flat

DG & other panel 50 x 6 mm GI flat

Local control station, 8 SWG GI wire

street light pole & its
junction box

All switchyard equipment 50 x 6 mm GI flat

Main earth grid 50 x 6 mm GI flat

Lighting Panel 25 x 3 mm GI flat

Indoor fixtures 14 SWG GI wire

All paint, scale etc. shall be removed before earthing connections are made.

Anchor bolts or fixing bolts shall not be used for earthing connections.

6.8.3 Earthing station - Plate type

The pipe of 40 mm dia. x 3000 mm long GI pipe shall be provided. At the bottom
of the pipe 600 mm x 600 mm x 10 mm plate of GI shall be connected. Salt and
coke shall be filled in layers of 25 mm up to one meter and balance shall be filled
with loose soil. However, care shall be taken that the earth pit does not sink.
The brick chamber (400 x400) shall be made 75 mm above finished ground level
(FGL) and shall have a heavy-duty cast iron frame with hinged cover at top for
inspection. A 40 mm NB GI Watering pipe shall be provided in the
pit./alternatively 50mmx3000mm pipe in pipe earth electrode with back fill
compound may be used for earthing.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment


The cabling/wiring, installation and commissioning of complete illumination

system shall comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations, fire
insurance and safety codes.

Outdoor lighting shall be carried out by using 1.1 kV grade four core cables. The
cabling for the outdoor lighting fixtures will be done in loop-in/loop-out at
respective outdoor fixture mounted junction boxes. The indoor lighting shall also
be carried out by using 2 Core, 2.5 mm2 copper cables. The indoor office area
wiring shall be carried in conduits.

Outdoor cabling shall be buried in ground whereas indoor lighting wiring

(cable/conduit) shall be of exposed type.

6.9.1 General Requirements

Except as specifically approved by the Engineer in Charge in charge, installation

of conduits and lighting fixtures shall be commenced only after all major services
in that particular area have been completed.

Location of lighting fixtures, switches and receptacles shall be shown on the

drawings or indicated by the Engineer in Charge and shall be relocated if
required to suit the site conditions. 5A, 3 pin, 15A, 6 pin receptacles with
switches shall be provided on the light control switchboards.

LP's shall be provided with labels indicating LP number and outgoing circuit
feeder numbers.

LPs shall be provided with cable gland for incoming cable and knockouts for
outgoing conduit termination.

Cable and Conduit supports shall be provided at an interval of 300-400 mm for

horizontal runs and 400-500 mm for vertical runs.

Cables and Conduits shall be kept, wherever possible at least 300 mm away
from pipes, heating devices and other equipment.

For the purpose of calculating connected loads of various circuits, a multiplying

factor of 1.25 will be made to the rated lamp voltage for lamp fixtures to take into
account the losses in the control gear.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

Bidder shall supply junction boxes, pull boxes, terminal blocks, glands, conduits
and accessories (elbows, tees, bends etc.) and supporting/anchoring materials,
to make the installation complete.

In all types of cabling, due consideration shall be given to neatness and good
appearance. The decision of the Engineer in Charge, regarding acceptance of
appearance, shall be final.

The rate for installation, testing and commissioning of the indoor lighting shall
include the mounting of fixtures with necessary materials, laying of cable/conduit,
pulling of wires through conduit and external earth wire, providing all accessories
for cable/conduit installation, including conduit fittings. Providing of light control
switch board with switches, switch board mounted 5A, 3 pin receptacles with
switches etc. The rate shall also be applicable for the lighting fixtures installed
outside the building as perimeter lighting, entrance lighting below canopy etc.

6.9.2 Testing

Lighting installation shall be tested as per the instructions of the Engineer in

Charge and shall include but not be limited to the following:

Measure the insulation resistance of each circuit without the lamps being in
place. It should be not less than 1 M ohms to earth.

Current and voltage of all the phases shall be measured at the lighting panel
busbars with all the circuits switched on with lamps. If required, load shall be re-
balanced on the three phases.

Check the earth continuity for all socket outlets. A fixed relative position of the
phase and neutral connections inside the socket shall be established for all

After inserting all the lamps and switching on all circuits, minimum and
maximum illumination level shall be measured in the area with an approved
industrial lightmeter. Bidder shall supply an approved lux meter for testing at no
extra cost.



Following protection / relays are proposed for incomer, transformers, motors and
other plant feeders.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

Following protection / relays are proposed for incomer, motors and other plant feeders.
(i) 0.415 KV incomers:
• Inverse time definite min. time over-current relay with instantaneous
over current element
• AC instantaneous and IDMT over current & earth fault relay, with
tripping relay and instantaneous restricted earth fault relay.
• Surge Arrester
• ACB / MCCB / MCB / HRC Fuses
(ii) LV Motors
• ACB / MCCB / MCB / HRC Fuses
• Motor Protection Relay
• Sensitive Earth Leakage Relay.
(iii) Capacitor Feeder
• APFC relay with summation CTs
• AC inverse definite min. time over current relay
• AC inverse definite min. time earth fault relay
• AC instantaneous lockout relay
• AC over voltage and under voltage relays.
• Neutral displacement relay
(iv) Other Feeders For 415 V system


6.11.1 Cable glands and lugs

All HT cables shall be terminated with HT cable termination kit of indoor or

outdoor type depending on the application.

All LT cable glands shall be made out of brass and shall be of double
compression type.

All LT cable lugs shall be of tinned copper, crimping type.

6.11.2 Cable trays

Cable carrier system shall comprise of site fabricated ladder type cable trays
made out of structural steel and painted with two coats of red oxide primer and a
final coat of enamel paint. The construction of the cable trays shall be as per the
site requirement and generally in line with the tender drawings.

6.11.3 Lighting panels (LP)/ Fan DB

The panels shall be of 14 gauge sheet metal construction. Panels shall be

equipped with phase and neutral bus bars of adequate capacity and miniature

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

circuit breakers (MCB). The incomer shall be of ELMCB (earth leakage miniature
circuit breaker) and outgoing circuits shall have only MCBs. MCB shall be of 9
kA. Miniature circuit breakers shall be mounted in such a way that operating
levers project outside the front cover plates. A hinged door to cover the
operating knobs shall be provided. Synthetic rubber gasketing shall be provided
between box and cover. The board shall be provided with detachable top and
bottom plates with 25 mm knockouts. All metal surfaces shall be cleaned free of
rust, given powder coating of shade 631 as per IS 5. A 415V danger board and
engraved nameplate shall be fixed on the panel. The lighting panels shall be
marked with the voltage and No. of phases of the supply.

6.11.4 Rubber mats

Electrical grade rubber mats shall be provided in the switchgear room in front of
all panels.

6.11.5 Civil works

The civil works required for electrical installation will also be part of this package.
It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to furnish the necessary design inputs
such as transformer foundation details, foundation details of supporting
structures of CT, CB, DOF, Bus Post Insulators, gantry, etc. to obtain then
necessary approvals. The Bidder shall also co-ordinate all inter-discipline
interfaces between civil and electrical work. Some of the major civil items are
listed below and briefly described in subsequent paragraphs.

Road Crossings by RCC Pipes

• Trench for directly buried cables Road Crossing by RCC Pipes

Wherever required, RCC pipes of required diameter shall be provided across the
road for road crossings. For directly buried cables, the RCC pipe shall extend at
least 500 mm beyond the road edge. The RCC pipes shall be laid at least 600 mm
below road level or at the trench bottom. Trench for directly buried cables

Cables shall be laid directly in trenches, wherever required. The trench shall be
excavated along the cable route and to the depth, as per drawing/directions of
Engineer in Charge. A sand bedding of at least 150 mm shall be placed before
cables are laid. After laying the cables, the remaining portion up to the top

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for
Pumping Stations) Electrical Equipment

surface of cable shall be covered by sand. On top of this, a layer of bricks shall be
placed covering the width of the cables. The remaining portion of the trench shall
backfilled with the excavated soil and cable markers placed at every 50 meters.

All openings made by the Bidder for laying of conduit, cable, earthing strip etc.
shall be made good at no extra cost. Wherever such openings are required, the
Bidder shall work in co-ordination with the civil team to minimise breaking and
openings of walls.

6.11.6 Local Push-button (PB) Stations

Construction Outdoor type weatherproof

Main pump motor On-off with ammeter
Other motors On-off
Valve motors Forward-stop –reverse spring return starter with
indication for full open/close position of valve.


The compulsory spare parts shall be provided as per the list enclosed under
scope of work.

All spare parts shall be packed for long storage under the climatic conditions
prevailing at the site. Each spare part shall be labeled on the outside of its
packing with its description, number and purpose and, if more than one spare is
packed in a single case, a general description of the case contents shall be
shown on the outside and a packing list enclosed.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

This chapter describes the minimum requirements for the provision of Gate
Valves, Butterfly Valves, Check Valves and Air Valves. Prior to the
procurement of valves the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer in charge’s
approval for the materials to be used.

• General applicable Standards to be applied to the Works under this

Section shall be Indian Standards and British Standards or other
approved International Standard.

• As far as practicable all valves of the same type shall be from the same

• Valves for pipeline installation shall comply with the relevant provisions
of the appropriate BS, IS and other international standards.

• A certificate from the manufacturer’s shop testing shall be provided for

review by the Engineer in charge.

• Before delivery to site, all working surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned

and metal protected with grease. The initial charges of oil, grease and
similar materials necessary for the correct setting to work and operation
of valves and penstocks shall be provided by the Contractor. Packing
must be sufficient to ensure complete protection of the fitting during
transit and storage and all valves are to have their openings sealed until

• Resilient seated valves shall be used at following locations:-

1. Pumping Station(s).
2. Treatment plants(s).
3. Supply Control Valve near OHSR/GLSR.
4. Valves of distribution system which will be operated regularly for zonal
supplies, and
5. Valves of all main transmission system(s).

• All valves, gates, operators and appurtenances shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and as per the

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

specifications laid for pipe laying, and to the locations indicated on the

• The installation shall be true to alignment and rigidly supported.

• As soon as installation and operating conditions permit, all valves and

appurtenances shall be given a field test to be witnessed by the Engineer
in charge to demonstrate that they meet all requirements and operating

• Valves shall be PN rating 1.0, 1.6, 2.0 and 2.5 (as required) based on
hydraulic considerations as per the sum of the hydraulic working
pressure and design surge pressure at the point of installation.

• The nominal size and thickness of the flanges shall be as defined for
pressure rating 1.0, 1.6 and 2.5 N/mm2 conforming to IS 6392. The
pressure rating of the flanges shall be equivalent to the valve with which
they are being installed. The selection of the flange out of these three
ratings shall be based on the design pressure at the place of installation.

• Valves shall be flanged and the flange face at right angles to the valve
centerline. Backside of valve flanges shall be machined or spot faced for
proper seating of the head and nut.

• Flanges shall be machined on faces and edges to IS 6392 or BS 4504.

Flange drilling shall conform to IS 1538.

• No new or additional holes shall be drilled on site. Tapped holes are not
acceptable in flanges.

• All sluice valves and butterfly valves on pipeline shall be manually
operated and they shall be provided with suitable hand wheel or key. For
valves greater than 400 mm diameter gear operators shall be used. The
direction of closing shall be clearly indicated on the hand wheel or body
as appropriate. All regulation valves requiring daily operation on pump
house delivery side shall be electrically operated. The valves of more than
400 mm size on delivery/suction side at pump houses shall be electrically

• Sluice valves and butterfly valves in the pumping stations which are
electrically operated shall also have provision of manual operation. The
direction of closing shall be clearly indicated on the hand wheel or body
as appropriate. Valves shall be made electically operated as per
requirement and as approved by EiC.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

• Manual operation of valves shall be such that the torque effort required to
operate the hand wheel manually, lever or chain shall not exceed 8 kg-m
applied by an operator.

• Valves shall be provided with operating hand wheels, caps, extension

spindles and valve boxes as required. Extended valve spindles shall have
spindle guides and operating caps.

• For valves upto 600mm diameter installed in underground chamber or

otherwise not easily accessible, the Contractor shall furnish extension
spindles and/or keys, or chains with extension oil cups or such similar
fittings or appliances as may be required to permit easy access for proper
operation, lubrication etc. Valves shall be suitable for frequent operation
as well as operation after long periods of idleness in either open or closed

• Unless detailed otherwise all hand wheels shall have the words “open”
and “close” cast in English with arrows indicating the direction of
rotation. All hand wheels shall be of a solid cast type.

• The valve stem, thrust washers, screws, nuts and all other components
exposed to the water shall be of a corrosion resistant grade of stainless
steel. Valves shall be free from sharp projections. Butterfly valves shall be
provided with bypass arrangement if required, having rising spindle gate
valves. Bypass may be integral with valve or connected between pipes.
Minimum size of by pass for valves in main is 150 mm.

• Operation must be possible by one man against maximum design working

pressure. For butterfly valves the gearbox shall be provided with self
locking devices. A locking facility shall be provided for the BF valve in
either the fully open, fully closed or intermediate position. Gate valves
and butterfly valves shall be provided with position indicators, to show
whether the valve is in the open or close position.

• Scour valves shall be provided with extension spindle with supports for
operation from operating level / ground level, as required.

• All valves shall be protected against corrosion. Minimum required

application shall be factory applied food grade epoxy system 250 microns

• Provision for indicator tags shall be made for identification / location of

valves. Marking shall be either cast on the bonnet or the body and shall
show the following:
Manufacturer’s name or mark
Year of valve casting

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

Size of valve
Designation of working pressure
Number of turns to open, with the direction of closing clearly indicated on
the handwheel or body as appropriate.
Client’s Name

• Gaskets shall be of Nitrile rubber and readymade matching with

respective flanges. Gaskets cut out from rubber sheets are not acceptable.

• Nuts and bolts shall be of the best quality bright steel, machined on the
shank and under the head and nut. Nuts and bolts shall conform to IS
1363 and is 1367, unless otherwise specified. Nuts and bolts shall be hot
dip galvanized or shall be chromium plated.


7.5.1 Constructional Features
The valves shall be with integral body seat and bubble tight shut-off type,
suitable for ON-OFF & regulated operation.
Butterfly valves shall be of double eccentric and resilient seated type
generally as per BS EN 593, BS 5155 and IS 13095. Valves on transmission
mains which are used for only isolation purposes shall be provided with
stainless steel extension spindle / telescopic arrangement so that valves can
be operated manually or by a portable electric actuator from ground level and
without entering the chamber.
Butterfly valves shall be suitable for mounting in any position. The valve
shall be free from induced vibrations
Butterfly valves shall be suitable for bi-directional pressure testing with
dead-tight shut off even after long period of operation. The valves shall be of
double flanged short body or wafer long type.
The valve seat shall be of replaceable design. When the valve is fully closed,
the seal shall seat firmly. The seat surfaces shall be machined smooth to
provide a long life for the seal. All fasteners shall be set flush so as to offer
the least resistance possible to the flow through the valve.
The shaft shall be stainless steel with Bronze or equivalent seal with self-
lubricating bearings. Disc pins shall be stainless steel. Rings shall be bi-
directional self-adjusting suitable for pressure or vacuum service. Removal
and replacement of seals shall be possible without removing the operating
mechanism, valve shaft and without removing the valve from the pipeline.
Valve shafts shall be a one-piece unit extending completely through the valve

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

disc, or of the "stub shaft" type, which comprises two separate shafts
inserted into the valve disc hubs.
All valve spindles and hand wheels shall be positioned to give good access for
operational personnel. Valve of diameter 450 mm and above shall be
provided with enclosed gear arrangement for ease of operation. The gear box
shall be of worm and worm wheel design type, totally enclosed, grease filled
and weather proof. The operation with gearing shall be such that they can be
opened and closed by one man against an unbalanced head of 1.15 times the
specified rating. Valve and gearing shall be such as to permit manual
operation in a reasonable time and not exceed a required rim pull of 80 N.
The valve disc shall have a 90 degree turn.
The disc shall be designed to withstand the maximum pressure differential across
the valve in either direction of flow. The disc shall be contoured to ensure the lowest
possible resistance to flow and shall be suitable for throttling operation.

It should be possible to open the valve with upstream pipe fully filled and
downstream pipe empty. The shaft shall be designed to withstand the
maximum torque that will be imposed by the operator. It shall be secured to
the discs by tapered stainless steel cotter pins.
Valves shall be provided with a continuous mechanical position indicator to
show the position of the disc, mounted on the driven shaft end.
Rigid adjustable stop mechanism shall be provided within the gear box or
elsewhere on the valve to prevent movement of the disc beyond the fully open
or closed position (i.e. set points).
Valves shall be capable of closing against the maximum flow that can occur
in practice. The breakaway torque under maximum differential head
conditions shall be within the manufacturer’s limits.
All hand wheels shall be arranged to turn in a clockwise direction to close the
valve, the direction of rotation for opening and closing being indicated on the
hand wheels.
All hand wheels shall be provided with an integral locking device to prevent
operation by unauthorised persons.

7.5.2 Features of Construction

The requirement shall be as follow: -
Table 'A'

S.N. Particulars Required specifications

(A) General requirements
1. Conforming to BS 5155 Generally or IS : 13095
2. Fluid handled Clear Water

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

S.N. Particulars Required specifications

3. Rating (PN 1.0,1.6 and 2.5)
As per maximum design pressure at the
point of installation
5. Temperature of fluid 4 to 45 degree Celsius
(B) Service
1. Tight shut off Yes
(C) Modes of operation
1 Direction of rotation of Clock-wise for closing
hand wheel
2 Orientation of hand wheel Perpendicular
w.r. to pipeline
(D) Type of construction
1. Flanged or Wafer Double flanged short body or double
flanged wafer long series
2. Face to face dimension As per BS 5155 or IS : 13095
3. Whether lifting lugs and Yes
mounting feet are required
4. Valve installation Horizontal
(E) Any other Information
a) Limit stops should be provided in open and closed position with
protection against excessive operating force with mechanical
position indicator
b) Locking arrangements should be provided for the valve disc to
facilitate removal of gear box.
(G) Tests to be carried out As per BS 5155 or IS : 13095
7.5.3 Material of Construction
S.No. Item Material of construction
(1) Body (At PS, PN Spheroidal Graphite Iron IS 1865 Gr 400/12
1.6/1.0) Ductile Iron DIN 1693-GGG 40/GGG 50
Body (PN 1.0) CI FG 220 as per IS 210
(2) Disc (At PS, PN Spheroidal Graphite Iron IS 1865 Gr 400/12
1.6/1.0) Ductile Iron DIN 1693-GGG 40/GGG 50
Body (PN 1.0) CI FG 260 as per IS 210
(3) Shaft Stainless steel BS 970 Grade 413 S19
(4) Disc Seal Ring EPDM

(5) Disc Seal Stainless steel ASTM 351-CF8M

Retaining Ring
(6) Body Seat Stainless steel AISI 316/ Nickel weld overlay
micro finished/ integral micro finished seat
with valve body
(7) Shaft Bearing Bronze with EPDM `O’ ring seal

(8) Internal Stainless steel SS 316

(9) Nuts, bolts & High tensile steel hot dip galvanized

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

S.No. Item Material of construction

washers for pipe
(10) Coating Internal and external with powder or liquid
food grade epoxy coating with minimum dry
film thickness of 250 microns.
Soft Seated sluice Valve:-
Manufacturing, supply and delivery of DID/F Sluice Valves (Soft sealing
Sluice Valve/Sluice Valve) with body and bonnet of ductile cast iron of grade
GGG-40, wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM of grade W-270 (approved for
drinking water) and seals of NBR. Stem of Stainless Steel 420 (1.4021) with
rolled threading. The valves should be of vacuum tight under low pressure
condition and 100% leak proof when shut. Face-to-face dimensions as per
BS 5163-89 and flange connections as per BS 4504; resilient seated as per
EN 1171. With replaceable stem nut and all the valves should be with
electrostatic epoxy powder coating both inside and outside with pocket less
straight through uninterrupted body passage.
1) Gate valve will be capable of burried applications without chamber
2) The wedge will have plastic rectangular sliding block at each side
which ensures smooth travelling of the wedge and reduces the torque
and wear and tear during operation.
3) Gate valves will have straight through pocket less body passage
without any wedge sack.
4) Gate valves stem sealing will not be of gland packing type and the
sealing is by 3 O-ring system which ensures 100% leak tightness
under full testing pressure of 1,5 times the rated pressure.
5) As required by the department, the cut models of the valves should be
presented for verification
6) The product shall have three year satisfactory performance certificate
of State / central Government. The certificate shall be issued by
Central / State Government official not below the rank of Executive
Engineer .
7) The manufacturer having testing and manufacturing facilities in India.

Material of Construction:
Body Ductile iron to EN-JS 1030 (GGG-40)

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

Wedge Ductile iron to EN-JS 1030 (GGG-40),

fully vulcanized with EPDM rubber
[Grade-W 270]
Stem Stainless Steel 420 with 13% chromium
Stem Nut Brass
Bonnet Gasket EPDM Rubber grade W-270

Stem Sealing 3 O-rings of NBR

Surface Protection Electro static epoxy powder coating min.

250 microns thickness, color RAL 5005
Conventional Sluice Valves .
Rating PN 1.0
Body CI FG 220 of IS 210
Wedge CI FG 260 of IS 210
Other As per IS 14846 Table 1


7.7.1 General
• The valves shall be as per the scope of work. The valves shall be capable
of exhausting air from pipe work automatically when been filled. Air is
being released at a sufficiently higher rate to prevent the restriction of the
Inflow rate. Similarly the valve shall be capable of ventilating pipe work
automatically when being emptied. The air inflow rate is being sufficiently
high to prevent the development of a vacuum in pipeline. The valve shall
automatically released air accumulating in pipeline work during normal
working condition.

• Single / Double chamber Kinetic Air valves (to be provided on pumping

mains only) shall be tamper proof & of double orifice type with a large
orifice for ventilation for exhaust of air of the pipeline and small orifice for
release of air under working pressure. The valve shall be suitable for
maximum working pressure in the system. All air valves shall be provided
with isolating valve and flanged end connection.

• Single Air valves (to be provided in distribution mains only) generally shall
be of large orifice type. The valve shall be suitable for maximum working
pressure in the system.

• Air valves shall be designed to prevent premature closure prior to all air
having been discharged from the line. The orifice shall be positively sealed
in the close position but float (Ball) shall only be raised by the liquid and

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

not by mixture of air and liquid. The sealing shall be design to prevent the
floats striking after long period in the close position.

• For outlets with above ratio less than three, then the joints will be of plate
reinforcement type.

• The aperture of valves must be properly designed for which the contractor
shall submit design calculations for necessary approvals before the
procurement of valves.

• The air valve should be as per AWWA 512-92/ IS-14845.

• All branched outlets, including air valve, Tees will be provided with one
½”BSP coupling duly plugged for measurement of pressure in due course.
The closing plug will be in Stainless Steel (AISI 304 or equivalent) with
Hex. Head and will be provided with copper washer for sealing.

• Air valves shall thus be designed to automatically operate so that they will
➢ Positively open under internal pressure less than atmospheric
pressure to emit air in bulk during pipeline draining operation;
➢ Exhaust air in bulk and positively close as water, under low head, fills
the body of the valve during filling operation;
➢ Not blow shut under high velocity air discharge; and
➢ Exhaust accumulated air under pressure while the pipe is flowing full
of water.

• All air valves shall be constructed so that internal working parts which
may become necessary for repairs shall be readily accessible, removable
and replaceable without use of special tools and removing the valves from
the line.

• Valves shall have nominal diameters upto DN 200, with working pressure
for air valves shall not be less than PN 1.6.

• The Contractor shall verify with the supplier of the valve that the valves
have the capacity to sustain the pipeline test pressures prior to testing.

• The Contactor shall submit air discharge chart (for outflow and inflow of
air) for approval of make of air valves

• All flanges will be drilled as per I.S. 1538.

• The gaskets shall be of nitrile rubber.

7.7.2 Material of Construction

Item Material of Construction
Body and cover Spheroidal Graphite Iron IS 1865 Gr 400/12 or

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

Ductile Iron DIN 1693-GGG40 / GGG50
Seat ring Dexine (Nitrile Rubber) on bronze seat
Low pressure ball Stainless steel as per IS: 3444
High pressure ball Stainless steel as per IS: 3444
Internal Linkages Stainless steel 304
Sluice Valve Isolating Sluice Valve conforming to IS 14846


7.8.1 General
• The valve shall be of flanged type suitable for mounting on a horizontal

• Valves shall possess high speed closing characteristics and be designed

for minimum slam condition when closing.

• Dual plate check valves conform to API 594 and API 598. They shall have
resilient sealing. The spring action shall optimise the equal closing rates
of each plate especially when the friction coefficients are uneven due to
one plate resting upon one another. The plates shall not drag on the seat
while opening. The plates shall not vibrate under full or partial flow

• The minimum body-wall thickness shall conform to those given in Table

1B of API Standard 594.

• The face-to-face dimensions of valves (including valves with ring-joint

facings) shall conform to those mentioned in Table 2B of API Standard
• The valve body shall be furnished with a clearly visible cat, forged,
machined-in, or die-stamped arrow to indicate the direction of flow
through the valve.
• The spring shall be suitable for one lac spring cycles for long life.
Manufacturer shall have the facility to test the spring for 1 lac cycles. Type
test report of the same shall also be furnished.

7.8.2 Constructional Features

Double Flanged quick closing non slam spring loaded dual plate, generally
conforming to API 594 for pressure rating as per requirement at particular
section, of size equivalent to the delivery pipe, shall be provided with
following material of construction:

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

7.8.3 Materials of Construction

(a) Rating As per requirement at particular
(b) Body CI to IS 210 Gr FG 260 for PN 1.0
and CS/MS for PN 2.0
(c) Plate CS : A 216 Gr WCB
(d) Hinge Pin /Stop Pin SS. AISI 431
(e) Springs SS. AISI 316
(f) Body & Plate Seat 13% Chromium overlay.
(g) Seal EPDM
(h) Retainer Carbon Steel
(i) Body Bearing SS AISC 316
(j) Plate Bearing SS AISC 316


7.9.1 Constructional Features
Non-return valves shall be double flanged and sinstalled on the delivery side
of the pumps, and shall be suitable for installation in a horizontal pipeline.
Rapid natural closing to be non-slam by suitable design of spring return
mechanism, to ensure that the valve will rapidly fully close the moment
forward flow of the water ceases i.e. on pump shutdown, external counter
weights will not be acceptable. To prevent excessive head loss, larger
diameter non-return valves will be provided with several smaller and lighter
flaps in a single bulkhead. In this case stopper to be provided for the upper
door to avoid contact with shell.

7.9.2 Materials of Construction

Body CI to IS Gr FG 200
Door CI to IS Gr FG 200
Spring Spring steel BS:970
Body ring S S. AISI 304
Door ring SS. AISI 304
Hinge pin AISI 410 /431 Hardened and ground


a. The control valves shall be designed for flow control application for
providing precise control over the flow rates/pressure range.
b. The body of the control valve shall be designed and hydro tested for the
applicable pressure rating considering the surge pressure as per provision
in BS-EN-12266-1-2013 or any other equivalent standard.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

c. The control valve shall be designed to cause minimum head loss. The
calculation method confirming to ANSI/ISA-75.01.01-2017 (IS/IEC
60534-2-1 Mod) -2012 for flow control and pressure reducing valve shall
be adopted. This approach allow valve from various manufactures to be
compare using the same approach, thus ensuring that the best valve is
selected for the application. Fisher’s Control valve Handbook latest
international standard/publication may also be referred in the above
d. The seal at seat ring should give like tight assembly. The valve shall pass
seat leakage test as per ANSI/FCI-70-2-2006 Class VI or any other
equivalent standard.
e. The flange to flange (face to face) distance shall be as per ANSI B
16.1/EN558-1 and Flange ends should be as per ANSI B 16.1. Class 150
and Class 300/EN-1092-2.
f. The material of all components valve/internal working parts shall be
corrosion resistant for chlorinated water.
g. Wherever compability with SCADA or RTU local PLC is required, digital
communication port RS 232/485 fiber optic having connectivity as per
industry standard protocol should be provided ( RTU shall be provided by
the contractor and contractor shall also comply with the compability
h. Provision of battery operated option should be there in case of power

A-Plunger Type Flow Control/Pressure Reducing Valve:

In addition to (a) to (h) above-
I. Plunger valve shall be provided with electrical actuators having the
control facility for intermediate valve positioning by connecting external
II. The electric actuator shall be designed to provide the required torque for
operations in the flow and pressure condition of the water transfer
system. Gear assembly shall be provided necessary.
III. The flow path with annual flow cross section in any open position shall be
rotationally symmetric. The movement of piston, Plunger by means of
crank/shaft/spindle drives shall be Axial/Linear along with irreversible
worm gear box including position indicator.
IV. The general design requirement of the valve, Gear assembly and electric
actuators described in the tender will be applicable to the flow control
valve also.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

V. A hand wheel shall be provided for plunger valves so that operations of

the valve can be carried out when the power supply valve has failed. The
torque requirement at the hand wheel shall be such that one person can
operate the valve. Hand wheel shall be positioned to give good access for
operational personnel.
VI. Hand wheel shall be provided with internal locking device to prevent by
unauthorized person.
VII. A selector switch shall be provided on actuator for the remote/local/hand
operation of the valve.

Material of Construction for Plunger type Flow Control Valves


B-Diaphragm Type Flow Control/Pressure Reducing Valves:-

In addition to (a) to (h) above---
I. Diaphragm type flow control/pressure reducing valves shall be of
single/double chambered self-actuated Automobile valves i.e. operated
from line fluid pressure itself. For continuous regulation or an
intermediate positioning the control valves shall be provided with two
solenoid valves with facility of connecting the external signal.
II. Commands/electric signals for positioning of the control valve (for SCADA
Compatibility) will be from RTU.
III. The “Diaphragm” shall be of nylon fabric reinforced (NBR) synthetic
elastomer-Buna-N/EPDM. The center hole for the main valve stem must
be sealed by valcunsation. The stem shall fully guided at a top and

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

bottom to avoid any deflection with a removable stem cap at the top.
IV. The diaphragm must stand a Mullins. Burst Test of a minimum of 25
bars per layer of nylon fabric and shaft shall be cycle tested 100000 times
to insure longevity.
V. The entire actuator assembly (seat disk to top cover) shall be removed
from the value as an integral unit.
VI. The internal value component shall be accessible removable and
repairable without removing the valve body from pipeline.
VII. These valves should be of self-regulating type when power supply is not

Material of Construction for Diaphragm Type Flow Control Valves


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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

7.11 GATES
All the gates on channels and conduits shall be of Stainless Steel as below.
SN Application Type Conforming to
1 Open Wall mounted/ Channel mounted / AWWA C513
Channel Chanel Embedded
2 Pipe Thimble mounted / Wall mounted AWWA C561, BS
(Conduit) 7775
3 Operation Electric / manual

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)


The jointing material such as nuts, bolts, washers, pig lead, rubber packing,
etc. shall be provided by the Contractor.
Nuts and bolts shall be of the best quality bright steel, machined on the
shank and under the head and nut. Studs, bolts and nuts shall be
galvanised. Bolts shall be of accurate length so that only one thread shall
show through the nut in the fully tightened conditions. Nuts and bolts shall
conform to IS 1363 and IS 1367.
Washers, locking devices and anti-vibration arrangements shall be provided
where necessary.
Where there is a risk of corrosion, bolts, nuts and studs shall be designed so
that the maximum stress does not exceed half the yield stress of the material
under any conditions. All bolts, nuts and screws which are subject to
frequent adjustment or removal in the course of maintenance and repair
shall be made of nickel bearing stainless steel.
The Contractor shall supply all holding down, alignment leveling bolts
complete with anchorages, nuts washers and packing required to fix the
plant to its foundations, bed plates, frames and other structural parts.
The Contractor shall procure and keep at site, reasonable excess quantities
to cover wastage of those materials which will be normally subject to waste
during erection, commissioning and setting to work.
Throughout erection, the valves shall be supported properly on wooden
sleepers, etc. and shall be concreted immediately thereafter, as directed.
Before the valves are actually fixed, they shall be cleaned and greased and it
should be seen that all parts are in perfect working condition. In the case of
air valves, the Contractor shall take special care of the dexine joints and the
ebonite and /or vulcanite balls until they are fixed in position. They shall be
kept immersed in water in suitable containers.


Gear box must be self locking type, with a continuous indicator. Travelling
nut and screw type of gear boxes are not acceptable
The gear box of quadrant type or traveling nut type must conform to the
provisions of AWWA C-504. The rated torque capability of each operator shall
be sufficient to seat, unseat and rigidly hold in any intermediate position the
valve disc it controls under the operating conditions specified. Operating
torque must be as per requirements given in clause 5.2.2 and 5.3.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

The operator must essentially be of self locking type with or without

additional spur gear arrangement to ensure that the effort on hand wheel is
limited to the pull specified.
All valve operators shall be equipped with adjustable mechanical stop-
limiting devices to prevent over-travel of the valve disc in the open and closed
positions. Either end of the worm shaft must be provided with needle roller
bearing to take on the lateral thrust.
The housing for the gearing must be enclosed and sealed in such a way that
there is no leakage of oil / grease even after long period of un-use and there
is no ingress of rain water. Operator for valves, which are likely to be
submerged in water for long period during the rainy season, must be water
The hand wheels may be provided with extension for easy grip. The hand
wheels must have a provision for locking with a chain and pad lock. All
operators when fitted to the valve shaft must ensure clock wise closing and
this must be indicated on the housing. A mechanical indicator is to be
provided to show disc travel and end of travel.

8.13.1 Material of Construction:

Housing and Cover : Same as valve body
Quadrant : SG Gr 500-7
Spur Gears : EN-8 with hardened pinions of EN-19
Worm : EN-19, hardened
Bearings : FAG/SKF/Equivalent
“O” rings : Nitrile rubber
Hand wheel : Steel / SG Iron


Actuators shall be suitable for the medium, climatic, environmental and
pressure conditions of the system in which they are to be fitted.
Actuators shall be provided with:
(a) AC Electric Motor.
(b) Reduction gear unit.
(c) Torque switch mechanism.
(d) Limit switch mechanism complete with set of limit switches and
additional two spare sets for suitable position.
(e) Hand wheel, for manual operation.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

(f) Valve position indicator.

(g) Hand-auto lever with suitable locking arrangement.
(h) 10 W single phase space heater in the switch compartment.
(i) Blinking light throughout the valve operation.
(j) Junction box for terminating power and control cables.
(k) With additional accessories for integrating with PLC system.
The actuator shall be suitable for operation on 415V, 3 phase, 50 Hz power
supply. The motor winding insulation shall conform to class B as per
relevant BS and motor shall be protected by suitable thermal overload relays.
The actuator shall be capable of producing not less than 1 1/2 times the
required operator torque at the required time cycle of valve operation. The
transmission shaft connecting the actuator to the valve shall be provided
with 2 bearings one at actuator end and one at valve end with universal
couplings at suitable places. The required number of switch/contacts meets
thes requirements for PLC system.
The electric motors shall be of the squirrel cage type as per IS 325 with
insulation to IS 1271 Class B. The windings shall be impregnated to render
them non-hygroscopic and oil resistant. All internal metal parts shall be
painted. The motor shall be rated for 15 minutes. They shall also be suitable
for operating on the specified electric supply and shall satisfactorily open and
close the valve under variations of electric supply specified.
Motor shall be protected by suitable overload protection device.
The reversing contactor starter and local controls shall be integral with the
valve actuator. The starter shall comprise mechanically and electrically
interlocked reversing contactors of appropriate rating fed from a 110 Volt
control transformer. The common connection of the contactor coils at the
transformer shall be grounded. HRC cartridge type primary and secondary
fuses shall be provided.
Local control shall comprise pushbuttons for open, close and stop operations
and a Lockable Local/Remote/off selector switch. The control schematics
shall be subject to approval.
Internal wiring shall be of 650/1100 volt grade PVC insulated stranded
copper conductor of minimum 1.5 sq. mm for control circuits and of
minimum 4 sq.mm copper for the power circuit. Each wire shall be number
identified at each end. The terminals shall be of stud type. Cable entries shall
be suitable for PVC insulated/ sheathed, armoured cables. A separate
terminal box shall be provided for the heater. A separate terminal box shall
be provided for cabling to control circuits.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

The actuator enclosure shall be fully weatherproof and hose proof to IP 67

and shall be fitted with an anti-condensation heater, which shall be switched
off when the motor is running.
The torque switch mechanism shall function as follows to stop the motor on
closing or opening of the valve, or upon actuation by the torque when the
valve disc is restricted in its attempt to open or close.
The torque switch in the closing direction shall interrupt the control circuit if
mechanical overload occurs during the closing cycle or when the valve is fully
The torque switch in the opening direction shall interrupt the control circuit
if mechanical overload occurs during the opening cycle or when the valve is
fully open.
The mechanism shall facilitate adjustment of the torque at which the
switches are required to operate.
Non-adjustable limit switches shall stop the motor and give indication when
the disc has attained the fully open or closed position.
The adjustable limit switches shall have control rated 2A, 48 V DC for
specified system interlock, at the desired value position in both the opening
and closing directions.
Motor operators shall be provided with clearly visible local valve position
indicators mounted on the operator assembly to give an indication whether
the valve is fully open, fully closed or in an intermediate position.
Settings and emergency operation shall be possible with the use of a hand
wheel. The Hand wheel shall be of stainless steel and the drive mechanically
independent of the motor drive and any gearing should limit the operating
torque at the hand wheel to less than 15 kg and be such as to permit
emergency manual operation in a reasonable time. During electric operation
the hand wheel shall not rotate.
Actuators shall be adjusted at the manufacturer’s works to ensure that they
provide the correct, fully, open position and fully closed position. Mechanical
adjustable stops shall be provided to prevent over-travel of the valve in the
open and closed positions.


The following Inspection and Testing procedures shall be carried out for all
the equipment as applicable:
(a) Visual Inspection.
(b) Material Certificates for all the specified material shall be furnished.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

(c) Welding Qualifications.

(d) Dimension Checking.
(e) Stage Inspections (in process inspection).
(f) Hydrostatic / Leak testing for all pressure parts, Pneumatic Leak Test
wherever applicable.
(g) Operation check.
(h) Liquid penetrating tests or magnetic particle tests for all machined
surfaces of pressure parts.
(i) Ultrasonic test for forging materials viz.,
(j) Spring cycle test for DPCV.
(k) Open end test for Scour valves.
(l) Plates of thickness 20mm and above for pressed / formed parts such
as heads, etc.
(m) Plates, flanges and bars of thickness / diameter 40mm and above
used for fabrication of pressure and load bearing members and
rotating parts.
(n) Radiographic testing for all but welded parts, as per applicable codes.
(o) Hardness tests for all Hardened surfaces.
The Contractor shall maintain proper identification of all materials used,
along with reports for all internal / stage inspection work carried out, based
on the specific job requirement and or based on the datasheets / drawings /
Requirement of shop tests for Valves are listed below:
(a) During testing there shall be no visible evidence of structural damage to
any of the valve components.
(b) Each valve operated actuator shall be shop-operated at least three times
from the fully closed to the fully opened position, and the reverse, under
no-flow condition, to demonstrate that complete assembly is workable.
The tests mentioned below shall be hold points and to be witnessed by a duty
authorized representative of the Employer:
The following tests shall be carried out for butterfly valves in line with IS
(a) Seat leakage test. Seat test shall be carried out in each direction and the
valve shall be drop tight.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications of Valves)

(b) Body hydrostatic test

(c) Disc strength test at body test pressure in each direction.
(d) Valve operation with and without actuator
The following tests shall be carried out for sluice valves in line with IS 14846:
(a) Seat leakage test
(b) Body hydrostatic test
(c) Valve operation
The material certificates, physical properties, heat treatments and shop test
certificates of valve body, disc, wedge and shaft shall be duly approved and
certified by the manufacturer and these shall be subject to review & approval
by the Engineer.
Notwithstanding the above requirement for inspection and quality control,
the following inspection and quality control measures shall be carried out by
(a) Magnetic particle tests on body and disc/door.
(b) Dye penetration tests on metal seats.
(c) Ultrasonic tests on shafts.
(d) Overload Torque Test shall be carried out on the gear boxes of the valves.
The test shall be carried out by applying 1.5 times the rated torque.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

Chapter 8:


The construction of RCC Elevated Service reservoir, Clear water reservoir,

GLR, GLSR and Raw water reservoir shall be carried out in accordance with
the drawings and specifications mentioned herein and relevant IS amended
up to date. The structures are to be constructed as defined in the drawing.
The general arrangement of the piping system shall be as per drawings
enclosed with the tender documents. In cases where the specifications given
below are silent about any aspects in respect of any item, the work shall be
carried out as per the relevant IS code of practice in the latest version and as
per sound engineering practice as decided by the Engineer in Charge.

Some of the important IS codes to be referred during execution of the work

are as follows:

Earth work
- IS 3764 – Safety code for excavation works
- IS 3720 – Methods of tests for soils
Soil Investigation
- IS – 1988 – SBC
Concrete Works
- IS.280 – Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes
- IS.8112 – Portland cement 43 grade
- IS.383 – Coarse and fine aggregate
- IS.432 – Medium tension steel bars and hard drawn steel wire
- IS.456 – Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
- IS.516 – Methods of testing for strength of concrete
- IS.1199 – Method of sampling and analysis of concrete
- IS.1566 – Fabric reinforcement
- IS.1786 – Cold twisted steel bars for concrete reinforcement
- IS. 3370 – Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage
of liquids

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

- IS. 7861 – Recommended practice for hot weather concreting (Part-

- IS. 4082– Recommendation on stacking and storage of
construction material on site.
- IS.875 - Code of practice for structural safety of buildings, loading
- IS.1911 – Dead loads
- IS.1893 – Criteria for earthquake resistant design and structures
- IS.2950 – Design of raft
- IS.1200 – Method of measurements

The scope of work for construction of reservoir includes survey, design,

construction testing and commissioning of partly underground raw and clear
water RCC reservoir having effective storage capacity for locations as
specified in Scope of Work along with all associated works viz: supply,
installation, of DI/C.I pipes, specials, valves etc. for
Inlet/Outlet/Overflow/Interconnection with existing system as described.


(i) The contractor shall be carried out topographical survey of site along
with complete soil investigation like S.B.C. type of soil etc. and submit
to Engineer-in-charge.
(ii) Approval of all designs and drawings, material to be used, equipments
specifications and the samples, prior to commencing of work at site.

(iii) Preparation and submission of the layout plan, cross-section and

conceptual drawings etc. and all other drawings and details for
planning of all components of the project. The drawings must be to
the scale as appropriate subject to the prior approval of the Engineer-

(iv) Preparation and submission of all detail working drawings on the

basis of conceptual designs and plans approved by the Engineer-in-
(v) Providing adequately planned plinth protection works for Reservoirs.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

(vi) Manufacturing, shop testing, pre-dispatch inspection, transportation

to site, storage, handling at site, fixing for all relevant components of
the system.

(vii) Submission of “As Built” drawings.

No separate payment will be made for the reconnaissance survey, laboratory

test, factory and performance tests, testing and commissioning, etc. This
shall be included in the rate quoted by the contractor.


The aggregates and cement shall be proportioned by weight only. The mixing
shall invariably be carried out in mechanical mixer and in such a way so as
to avoid any loss of water or cement. No hand mixed concrete will be
allowed. It should be conveyed, placed in position and compacted by suitable
type of mechanical vibrator as rapidly as practicable but in no case the time
of compaction after mixing shall increase 30 minutes. Standby Concrete
Mixer and Vibrator shall be available at Site.

The concrete shall be cured properly by keeping it moist constantly until end
of three weeks from the date of casting.

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) of minimum 43 grade conforming to IS:

8112 mark shall only be used. Cement manufactured in mini-cement plants
shall not be used.

All reinforcement used shall be of TMT steel (Fe 415) ISI marked and from
reputed manufacturer as approved by Engineer in Charge, shall be clean
and free from loose mill scales, rust and coating of oil or other coatings
which may destroy or reduce bond. Minimum size of reinforcement bars
shall be of 8mm. Only steel shuttering shall be used. Shuttering shall be
new or in good condition without holes or dents. It has to be approved by the
Engineer in Charge. The individual elements should be in the good shape to
ensure a gap free shuttering according to the drawings. The paint used shall
have good bonding and shall not stick to the concrete surface. Suitable
system have to be provided for keeping the surface in place and keeping the
correct distance in case of walls. The construction joints should be minimum
and they have to be executed with most care. Before continuing concreting
the loose material has to be removed and they have to be cleaned properly.
Honey combing has to be avoided by suitable shuttering and proper use of

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

The water used for concreting shall be free from all undesirable salts and
other impurities and shall be fit for concreting as per IS : 456.

It is specifically being mentioned that the ground water available in this area
may not be potable and not fit for concreting; therefore transportation from
nearby safe and acceptable water source has to be made. For the purpose
of concreting and curing only potable water conforming to provisions of IS:
456 is to be used. For this purpose contractor shall make a temporary
masonry/RCC underground water reservoir of 3 days average water
consumption storage capacity. He shall provide a diesel pump set and
necessary piping arrangement to ensure proper curing.

The exposed surface of concrete shall be kept continuously in a wet

condition by pounding or covering with a layer of sackings, canvas, hessain
or similar materials and kept continuously wet for at least 28days from the
date of placing of concrete.

To obtain a dense concrete and to reduce chances of honeycombing

adequate admixture approved by Engineer-in-Charge shall be used as
integral water proofing compound in concrete work. The quantity of the
admixture shall be as prescribed by the manufacturer and as approved by
the Engineer in Charge.


Materials and workmanship shall comply with the relevant specifications as

described in subsequent clauses and in the Rajasthan PWD (B&R)
Specification and Explanatory Notes for Building and House Drainage. Any
material or workmanship not covered by the above specifications shall
comply with the relevant Indian Standard (with up to date amendments).

8.4.1 Material

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge or his representative,

samples of the materials which will form part of the permanent works,
sufficiently in advance of the start of the work, so that necessary tests can
be carried out for the approval of the Engineer In Charge or his
representative, before using any such material on site. Samples for the basic
materials shall be submitted from every supplier and from each
consignment; if materials differ from one consignment to another, the

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

consignment differing from the accepted sample shall be replaced by the

Contractor free of cost. The format will be provided by Engineer In Charge.

The testing of materials to be used in the Works, or of the quality of finished

items shall generally be done in a laboratory approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge or his representative. All testing charges shall be borne by the
Contractor. The following tests shall be carried on a routine basis:

(a) Gradation and specific gravity of coarse and fine aggregate to be used for
concrete work.

(b) Moisture content in fine and course aggregates, bulking of sand of fine

(c) Determination of fines and deleterious materials, organic impurities and

light weight places in course and fine aggregate.

(d) Workability tests on concrete by means of slump cone.

(e) Determination of the crushing strength, absorption and efflorescence of

(f) Concrete cube crushing strength at 7 days and 28 days.

(g) Determination of flakiness index and crushing value for coarse


The above tests (a) to (g) inclusive, shall be done on a routine basis as per
the provisions of the relevant Indian Standards, or as specified by PMC
and explanatory notes shall be kept during the construction period. The
following additional tests of materials and workmanship shall also be
carried out at contractor’s cost, if the Engineer-in-Charge or his
representative require:

(h) Chemical tests of fine and coarse aggregates, to determine the sulphate,
chlorides and other deleterious material present in the aggregate.

(i) Testing of cement (Physical and Chemical), as per IS 8112 or IS 485, as

the case may be.

(j) Tests on steel (Mild and High Tensile (Tor) as per IS 1786 to establish the
Ultimate tensile strength, yield stress, percentage elongation and
chemical composition.
(k) Tests for suitability of water for concrete work.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

In addition to the above tests, the Engineer In Charge or his representative,

may request any other test to be carried out from time to time as per the
Indian Standards or the Rajasthan PWD specification, at contractor’s cost.

8.4.2 Concrete

During the progress of construction sampling, preparation of test specimens,

curing and testing of concrete shall be conducted in accordance with IS
1199 and IS 516, to determine whether the concrete being produced
complies with the strength requirements as specified.

At least one slump test shall be carried out for every compressive strength
test carried out, or as directed by the Engineer in Charge. Six No.15 cm
cubes shall be made for each cubic meter. or portion thereof or for each pour
per grade of concrete. This number may be increased at the discretion of the
Engineer-in-Charge. Six specimens shall preferably be prepared from
different batches, three being tested after 7 days and the remaining three
being tested at 28 days. The Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, all
apparatus, labour and arrange for testing at a laboratory, approved by the
Engineer in Charge.

The concrete tested in accordance with “Testing of Concrete” clause above,

shall be the criteria for acceptance of concrete as per IS 456. The strength of
concrete shall be the average strength of three specimens tested at 28 days
and conform to strength requirements for different grades of concrete. If the
advance 7 days tests show crushing strengths that are too low, corrective
measures shall be taken at once, at the Engineer’s direction, without waiting
for the results of the 28 days tests. Failure to Meet Strength Requirements

In cases where concrete tested fails to meet the test requirements, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to require any one or all the
following additional tests. These shall be carried out by contractor at his own
expense. The Engineer-in-Charge shall be the finally authority for
interpreting the results and shall decide upon the acceptance or otherwise.

✓ Curing and load testing of the concrete member concerned represented

by the test which failed.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

✓ Replacement of any such portions of the structure. No payment shall be

made for the dismantling of the concrete, relevant form work, or
reinforcement. Embedded fixtures and reinforcement of adjoining
structures damaged during dismantling shall be made good by the
contractor at his own expense.

✓ Extended curing of the structure of the concrete represented by the


✓ Collecting and testing of a core specimen from the hardened concrete.

The location number and size of such specimen shall be taken as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

✓ Any Other tests i.e. ultrasonic/ or rebound hammer tests to be decided

by the Engineer-in-Charge, at the contractors own cost. Check of Reinforcement and Concreting

All reinforcement shall be got checked recorded prior to pouring of concrete,

by a representative of the Engineer-in-Charge. Similarly, the entire concrete
pouring work shall be done in the presence of an officer not below the rank
of Junior Engineer. The contractor shall therefore, give a notice of a
minimum three days to the Engineer-in-Charge or his representatives, such
that the work can be checked by him or his representative. No work shall be
covered before inspection and approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Minimum Requirement for all reinforced or plain concrete


a) The minimum grade of concrete for water retaining structures shall be


b) Approved quality water proofing compound (chloride free) shall be

added during concreting of all water retaining structure, in the
proportion specified by the manufacturer/as per design mix or up to
2% (percent) by weight of cement. Precautions to Keep Service Reservoir Free From


CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

As soon as possible after completion of reservoir and after all pipes have
been laid the Contractor shall remove all dirt, debris, materials, tools etc.
from the reservoir and shall wash and brush down with water the whole of
the interior. He shall also if required by the Engineer incorporate a mixture
of chloride of lime in the water wash required.

The greatest care shall be taken to keep the entire reservoir free from any
contamination. Strict supervision shall be maintained over the workmen
entering after first washing down. Provision shall be made to enable
workmen to wash their feet or footwear clean and sterilize them before
entering. Construction joints

As construction joints are week in shear normally construction joints, if

required, shall be provided in location where shear stress is minimum.
However, construction joints should be avoided in the bottom slab of any
water retaining structure. In the walls of the water retaining structures
vertical construction joints should be avoided to the maximum possible
extent. In the event the Contractor solely for his convenience proposes
construction joints in the bottom slab and or vertical construction joints in
the wall of the water retaining structures, then the Contractor shall provide
approved PVC water-stop of 230mm width and 8 mm thick in all such joints.
For the convenience of construction and to avoid segregation of concrete
horizontal construction joints shall be provided in a planned way at a height
not more than 2.0M in case of approved admixture, at his cost, is used by
the contractor in the concrete to increasing the workability of the concrete
without affecting the designed water cement ratio. In case such admixture is
not used the height of such cast shall be restricted maximum up to 1.5M.

All such construction joints should be prepared properly like removing of all
loose materials by wire brush and soaking with rich cement slurry mixed
with approved water-proofing compound in prescribed ratio, before pouring
next concrete. Next pour of concrete in any construction joints in water
retaining structures should be within 24 hours of last pour. Final Finishing

The contractor shall ensure that the entire structures along with all its
installations are in a finished and in new and fully operative condition when
handed over. He shall have repaired and remove all signs of damage that

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

might have been done during the course of installation and fixing of
equipment. He shall also see that the entire exterior finished properly and
the entire site is cleared all extra construction material, debris and
excavated soil. This shall have to be done to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-
Charge. Pipes and Specials

All the pipes and specials shall be of DI conforming to IS-9523.

Sizes of different pipes for inlet, Outlet, Overflow and wash out pipes for
different locations shall be as per scope of work or GA drawing for ESRs &

MS Double flanged Dismantling joints shall be installed in such a manner

that valves can be dismantled without stress to the joints. These shall be for
minimum working pressures of 10 kg/cm2 (1 Mpa) and shall be completely
leak proof with proper gasket arrangement. Flange dimensions shall conform
to latest relevant IS code. Flanged specials shall be supplied with required
nuts, bolts and rubber gaskets. The dismantling joint shall be internally and
externally coated with hot applied (dip) bituminous paint.


The ductile iron flanged specials (all flanged tee, flanged tapers, bends, blank
flanges. Puddle collar) shall conform to IS 9523.

The specials shall be internally and externally coated with hot applied (dip)
bituminous paint.

All flanged specials shall be used for nominal pressure of 25 kg/cm 2 (2.5

Flanged specials shall be supplied with the galvanised bolts, nuts and
rubber gaskets. The galvanised nut & bolts shall be supplied in jute bag;
rubber gasket shall be supplied in polyethylene bags. The rubber gaskets
shall conform to IS 5382.

The length and size of the puddle collars to be fixed at different places of the
structures shall be decided by the Engineer in Charge.


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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

All puddle collars shall be of D.I. The length and size of the puddle collars
shall be as per specifications of tender.


M. S. step ladder 450 mm wide, made up of 50mm x 50mm x 6 mm M.S.

angle iron and steps of suitable width and thickness (as approved by EiC) at
300mm c/c shall be provided outside from the balcony to top dome. MS cage
shall also be provided on this ladder as shown in drawing. The ladder from
top dome to inside platform and from platform to button dome in the
container shall be of aluminum. Its drawing shall be got approved from EIC
before dispatch.


Hand railing around the platforms, Balcony, stairs and landings shall be
consisting of 25mm diameter medium B class GI pipes in two rows (one at
the top and other at middle level) and 1000mm high vertical post 65x65x6
mm angle iron @ 1500mm center to center (At least two vertical angles are to
be provided wherever distance is less) with all accessories like elbows, tees
etc. including welding, threading and embedding in cement concrete floor.
Railing shall be protected against corrosion after welding. The pipe shall
pass through hole in the vertical angle.


Ultra Sonic Water Level Measuring Device :-

This device will be installed in the CWRs and ESRs and read the water level
inside the tank at any moment (as per requirement) and transfer the same to
internet data server using GSM network. Contractor will provide one SIM per
device. Other features are as follows
Flexible operation: The interval for data retrieval will be hourly or as defined
by user.
Power source: Power will not be available at the installation location. The
device shall be battery powered.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

SMS alerts: There should be provision for SMS alerts in case of attaining
predefined levels in the reservoirs.
Level sensor should be Ultrasound type or Hydrostatic pressure type for
water column in the tanks, hydrostatic pressure based sensor should be
Least count: The least count of system should not be more than 3 cms.
The unit should be waterproof (with IP68 protection) and should be able to
work in harsh weather conditions of Rajasthan.
Automated fault detection: The system should have an automated
mechanism for detecting non-functional devices.
Applicable Software specification:
Capable of communicating with the internet data server and should be able
to download the latest data when internet connection is provided.
Compatible with 32bit WinXP and 64bit Windows 7 operating system.
Inbuilt fault detection system to detect faulty devices.
Real-time field data should be displayed.
Graphical analysis of stored data could be done.
Stored data could be exported out in form of graphs and CSV/XLS format
files(Works with MS Excel) for reporting purpose. The report format will be
defined by the department.
GSM Connection and recurring expenses : SIM cards for GSM connection for
each of remote level monitoring devices and the reception device will be
provided by the contractor. The initial license cost and related physical
activity for GPRS GSM connection will be incurred by the contractor and
operational cost/ monthly billing charges shall be paid by the department.
Online data server
Data coming from all the remote level monitoring devices will be stored on an
internet data server which will be maintained by the contractor for the
lifetime of the device at no extra cost.
Reception cum display unit
The role of this unit is to process the data coming from various remote level
monitoring devices and display the same on 16” LCD. One such device must
be installed at all the pump houses responsible for filling the SR. Levels of all

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

the SRs connected to the pump house will be displayed on the display unit.
The SIM card required for communication will be provided by the
INSPECTION: - The devices will be inspected after supply and installation
at site by EIC., or his representative. The bill of the tender will be payable
only after installation & successful working of the devices and overall system
for 7 days after commissioning of the same. If reports generated in the
desired format using the data received from the devices for 7 days
continuously, the system will be called successful.

Mechanical Float Water level Indicator :-

Water level indicator consists of an approved copper float and iron counter
weight and connected by 4 mm thick steel flexible stranded wire passing
over aluminum pulleys 7 cm diameter fixed on GI medium class pipe which
is installed as indicated in the drawing shall have to be provided. The scale
shall be calibrated in centimeters and should consist of MS sheet 20 gauge
fixed over wooden plank with an MS angle iron frame of 35 mm X 35 mm X 5
mm and painted with white enamel bases, letters in black and red. The scale
shall be located and fixed with RCC column at 2.3 m above the ground for
Service Reservoir.

For Ground Level Clear Water Reservoir the water level indicator will be fixed
on outer portion of vertical wall as directed by Engineer.


A ventilator, as shown in the drawings, fixed with 24 gauge square mesh of

14 gauge SS wire around the circumference.


Lighting arrester shall be of copper bar of 25mm dia and 2m. long to be
provided at the top of ESR. This is to be connected by a GI strip of 25 mm
wide & 3mm thick. This conductor strip shall be connected to a 450mm x
450mm x 3mm thick copper plate to be embedded below the average ground
level by digging a pit as shown in drawing. The earthing system shall comply
with Indian Electricity Rules and shall confirm to IS 3043. The pit shall be
refilled by alternate layers of salt and coke as shown in the drawing and

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

balance shall be filled with loose soil. The 40 mm dia GI watering pipe shall
be provided in the pit. Care shall be taken that earth pit does not sink.


If not otherwise stated metallic surfaces shall receive one initial coat at the
manufacturer’s workshop. After arrival of the equipment on site, the same
shall be inspected and damaged portions shall be cleaned and given the
primer and under coat of similar paint. After erection all metal work shall be
painted as follows:

8.12.1 Painting of metallic surfaces

All mild steel railing, gate, frame, MS ladders, ventilator, manholes, cover,
float valves shall receive a coat of primer of red oxide, two under coats and
one finishing coat of an approved enamel paint and of approved shades.


Plinth protection works are to be constructed below the Elevated Service

Reservoir, it shall be extended up to 1m from fall of balcony or edge of raft
slab, whichever is more all around service reservoir. It shall consist of laying
lean concrete 150 mm thick in M15, over compacted soil. Sectional details
shall be as indicated in the drawing included with the document.

The minimum free space between plinth protection and the first bracing of
the ESR shall be 1.60 m.

Plinth protection of similar type of minimum 1 m from the tank wall shall be
provided for CWR/GLR/RWR.


The water stop shall be of plastic compound, the basic resin of which shall
be polyvinyl chloride. The compound shall contain additional resins,
plasticizers, inhibitors or other materials such that when the material is
compounded, it shall meet the requirements given in IS. Water stop bar shall
be of reputed make as approved by Engineer In charge. It shall be 230 mm
wide and 8 mm thick having corrugation strips and central bulb. The water
stops shall be jointed in straight reaches only by experienced trained
personnel using a suitable device as approved by the Engineer In charge.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

GI Water Stop GI Water stop consisting of 150 mm wide GI strip of 18 gauge

(with 150 mm overlap at the ends) shall be provided at construction joints in
walls of water retaining structures as per drawing and as instructed by the
Engineer In charge.


In accordance with clause of IS 3370 (part-I) – 1965, a layer of 125

micron thick polyethylene film will be provided between lean concrete
(100mm thick 1.3.6 concrete) and the base slab. This is provided to reduce
shrinkage cracks in the RCC base slab.


The contractor shall paint a area of 6m x 3m on the vertical wall of the tank
portion by using 3 coats of plastic emulsion paint of shade as approved by
Engineer In Charge to form a base for writing the slogan with 75 mm thick
boarder around the area and logo of “JAL BHI SEEMIT PARIWAR BHI
SEEMIT” in Hindi. For writing the slogan the letters shall be of 30 cm size.
The size of logo shall be 75 cm. The shade for painting the slogan will be
approved and directed by Engineer in Charge.


The clamp shall be 6mm thick 550mm wide MS flat fixed on pipe & column
as shown in drawing.


Square man hole cover 800x800 mm shall be provided. The cover shall be
made of 3 mm thick MS flat. The frame shall be made of MS angle 80 *80*4.
The cover shall be connected to this frame by using two nos. strung hinges.
Arrangement shall be provided as shown in drawings.


The contractor shall carry out a water tightness test for the maximum water
head condition i.e. with the water standing at full supply level. All cost of
testing shall be borne by the contractor. This test shall be carried out in
accordance with the procedure given below:

For water tightness test, before the filling operations are started, the
reservoirs shall be jointly inspected by the Engineer In Charge and the

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

representative of the Contractor and condition of surfaces of wall,

construction joints etc. shall be inspected and noted and it shall be ensured
that jointing material filled in the joints is in position and all openings are
closed. The contractor shall make necessary arrangement for ventilation and
lighting of reservoir by way of floodlights, circulators etc. for carrying out
proper inspection of surface and internal conditions if so desired by the
Engineer in Charge.

The water retaining structures shall be filled with water gradually at the rate
not exceeding 30 cm. Rise in water level per hour and shall extend for a
period of 72 hours. Records of leakages starting at different level of water in
the reservoirs, if any, shall be kept.

The reservoirs once filled shall be allowed to remain filled for a period of 7
days before any readings or drop in water level is recorded again at 7 days.
The total drop in surface level over a period of 7 days shall be taken as
indication of the water tightness of the reservoir, which for all practical
purposes shall not exceed 40mm. There shall be no indication of leakages
around the puddle collars or on the wall and bottom of the reservoir.

If the structure does not satisfy the test requirements, and the daily drop in
water level is decreasing, the period of test may be extended for a further
seven days and if the specified limit is not exceeded, the structure may be
considered as satisfactory.

In case the drop in water level exceed the permissible limit with the
stipulated period of test, the Contractor shall carry out such additional
works and adopt such measures as may be directed by the Engineer In
Charge to reduce the leakage in the permissible limit. The entire rectification
work that shall be carried out in this connection shall be at Contractor’s

If the test results are unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall ascertain the
cause and make all necessary repairs and repeat the water retaining
structure test procedures, at his own cost. Should the re-test results still be
unsatisfactory after the repairs, the structure will be condemned and the
Contractor will dismantle and reconstruct the structure, to the original
specification, at his own cost.


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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

8.20.1 Design Submissions

The contractor shall be responsible for the safety of structures, correctness

of design and drawings, even after the approval of the same by Engineer-in-
Charge. Complete detailed design calculations of foundations and
superstructure together with general arrangement drawings and explanatory
sketches of reservoir shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge for
approval. Separate calculations for foundations or superstructures
submitted independent of each other shall be deemed to be incomplete and
will not be accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.

The design considerations described hereunder establish the minimum basic

requirements of plain and reinforced concrete structures, masonry
structures and structural steel works. However, any particular structure
shall be designed for the satisfactory performance of the functions for which
the same is being constructed.

8.20.2 Design Standards

All designs shall be based on the latest Indian Standard (I.S.) Specifications
or Codes of Practice unless otherwise specified. The design standards
adopted shall follow the best modern engineering practice in the field based
on any other international standard or specialist literature subject to such
standard reference or extract of such literature in the English language
being supplied to and approved by the Engineer-in-charge. In case of any
variation or contradiction between the provisions of the I.S. Standards or
Codes and the specifications given along with the submitted tender
document, the provision given in this specification shall be followed.

8.20.3 Design Life

The design life of all structures and buildings shall be 60 years.

8.20.4 Design Loading

The structure shall be designed to resist the worst combination of the

following loads/ stresses under test and working conditions; these include
dead load, live load, wind load, seismic load, stresses due to temperature
changes, shrinkage and creep in materials, dynamic loads:

Dead Load

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

This shall comprise all permanent construction including walls, floors, roofs,
partitions, stairways, fixed service equipments and other items of machinery.
In estimating the loads of process equipment all fixtures and attached piping
shall be included.

Live Load

Live loads shall be in general as per I.S. 875. However, the following
minimum loads shall be considered in the design of structures:

i) Live load on roofs : 4.00 KN/m2

ii) Live load on all other floors walkways, stairways : 2.00 KN/m2
and platforms

In the absence of any suitable provisions for live loads in I.S. Codes or as
given above for any particular type of floor or structure, assumptions made
must receive the approval of the Engineer-in-charge prior to starting the
design work. Apart from the specified live loads or any other load due to
material stored, any other equipment load or possible overloading during
maintenance or erection/ construction shall be considered and shall be
partial or full whichever causes the most critical condition.

Wind Load

Wind loads shall be as per I.S. 875. Part 3

Earthquake Load

This shall be computed as per I.S. 1893 taking into consideration soil
foundation system, importance factor appropriate to the type of structure
basic horizontal seismic coefficient/ seismic zone factor & average
acceleration coefficient.

8.20.5 Joints

Movement joints such as expansion joints, complete contraction joints,

partial contraction joints and sliding joints shall be designed to suit the

No expansion joints in wall, floor & roof of water retaining structure shall be

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

The positions of construction joints should be specified by the designer &

indicated on the drawings. If there is a need on site to revise any specified
position or to have additional joints, the proposed positions should be agreed
with the designer.

The concrete at the joint should be bounded with that subsequently placed
against it, without provision for relative movement between the two concrete
should not be allowed to run to a feather edge & vertical joints should be
formed against stop edges.

8.20.6 Design Conditions for Underground or Partly Underground

Liquid Retaining Structures

Ground or partly underground liquid containing structures shall be designed

for the following conditions:

▪ Liquid depth up to full height of wall : no relief due to soil pressure from
outside to be considered;

▪ Structure empty (i.e. empty of liquid, any material, etc.): full earth
pressure and surcharge pressure wherever applicable, to be considered;

▪ Structures shall be designed for uplift in empty conditions with the water
table as indicated in geo-technical report & due care should be taken for
seasonal variation on higher side.

▪ Walls shall be designed under operating conditions to resist earthquake

forces from earth pressure mobilization and dynamic water loads;

▪ Ground or partially underground structures shall also be checked

against stresses developed due to any combination of full and empty
compartments with appropriate ground/uplift pressures from below to
base slab. The design shall be such that the minimum gravity weight
exceeds the uplift pressure at least by 20%.

▪ An increase cover of 15 mm is recommended for walls and roof bottom to

account for contract with chlorinated water inside the reservoir. The
increase cover is not proposed for the base slab as cement concrete
screed topping is proposed to provide protection to the RCC Structure.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

8.20.7 Foundations

The minimum depth of foundations for the structures, frame foundations

and load bearing walls shall be as per IS 1904 and suitable for site.

Bearing capacity of soil shall be determined as per IS: 6403.

Care shall be taken to avoid the foundations of adjacent buildings or

structure foundations, either existing or not within the scope of this
contract. Suitable adjustments in depth, location and sizes may have to be
made depending on site conditions. No extra claims for such adjustments
shall be accepted.

A structure subjected to groundwater pressure shall be designed to resist

floatation. The dead weight of empty structure shall provide a factor of safety
of 1.2 against uplift during construction and service.

Where there is level difference between the natural ground level and the
foundations of structure or floor slabs, this difference shall be filled up in the
following ways.

▪ In case of liquid retaining structures, the natural topsoil shall be

removed as described above and the level difference shall be made up
with Plain Cement Concrete not weaker than M 15.

8.20.8 Design Requirements

The following are the design requirements for all reinforced or plain concrete

a) All blinding and leveling concrete shall be a minimum 100 mm thick in

concrete grade M15 unless otherwise specified.

Liquid Retaining Structures:

All structural reinforced concrete shall be of a minimum M30 grade with a

maximum 40 mm aggregate size for footings and base slabs and with a
maximum 20 mm aggregate size for all other structural members.

The reinforced concrete for water retaining structures shall have minimum
cement content of 360 kg/m3 with a maximum 20 mm size aggregate and
330 kg/m3 with a maximum 40 mm size aggregate.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)

The minimum reinforcement in walls, floors and roofs in each of two

directions of right angles within each surface zone shall be as per 7.1 of IS:
3370 part 2.

a) The nominal cover of concrete for all steel, including stirrups, links,
sheathing and spacers shall be as per 7.2 of IS: 3370 Part 2.

b) Structure shall be provided with damp proofing for basement and

floors and water proofing for roofs.

Any structure or pipeline crossing below roads shall be designed for Class A
of IRC loading.

All pipes and conduits laid below the structural plinth and road works shall
be embedded in reinforced concrete of grade M20 of minimum thickness 150

Suitable admixtures may be used with the approval of Engineer in charge.

Construction of floors and walls of Liquid Retaining structures shall be as

per 9.4 & 9.5 of IS: 3370 Part 1.

The following minimum thickness shall be used for different reinforced

concrete members, irrespective of design thickness.

(i) Walls for liquid retaining structures

For OHSR – : 150 mm
For CWR - : 200 mm
(ii) Roof slabs for liquid retaining structures (other : 150 mm
than flat slabs)
(iii) Bottom slabs including roof slabs for liquid : 200 mm
retaining structures
(iv) Floor slabs including roof slabs, walkways, canopy : 100 mm
(v) Wall of cables/ pipe trenches, underground pits : 150 mm
(vi) Column footings : 300 mm
(vii) Parapets, Chhajja : 100 mm
(viii) Pre-Cast trench cover : 75 mm

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specifications for Elevated
Service Reservoirs & Clear Water Reservoir)


Cement concrete (plain or reinforced) shall comply with the requirement of

specifications of Rajasthan PWD (B&R) Specification and Explanatory Notes
for Buildings and House Drainage except in so far as these are not altered or
modified by specific stipulations as given in the specifications herein. The
concrete grades to be used shall not be leaner than following:

Water bearing structure i.e. container, beam platform in the M30

reservoir and roof.

Other concrete M25

Lean concrete in foundation M15

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

This section of specifications defines the general requirement of automation
and PLC/RTU system to be installed at all the Head Works and the
Contractor shall make interlinking of all necessary arrangements for
providing & installation of interlinking system for integrating (connecting)
the whole instrumentation system of the Project to Master SCADA center
main Head Works. For selection of field instruments and control system or
anything related to instrumentation, the Contractor shall follow the
specifications contained herein.

Irrespective of the detailed specifications of the respective items detailed in

the chapters of pumping stations, the contractor shall be required to provide
all equipment, accessories, cabling, earthing, providing necessary
transducers/sensors, system hardware/software, programming logic etc. to
achieve the requirements listed in Clause 10.2 below. The motorised valves
shall be provided with open LS, close LS.


The entire PLC system is required to:

9.2.1 Receive & store the information From

a) Input voltage, amperage
b) Power consumption (kW & kWH) and power factor of all motors at all
Head Works.
c) Status of all LT motors (on/off)
a) Status (on / off / percentage open) of all motorised Butterfly / sluice
Valves, on individual pumps (delivery & Suction), manifold pipe etc.
a) Flow data (instantaneous flow rates and total flow) from the pump
house (through flow meter & transducers installed on water mains) and
b) Level of water in the sump, RWR, CWR, ESR, GLR.
c) Pressures at delivery of each main and VTC.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

9.2.2 Process the above information to Control

o Operation sequences of valves & pump for starting and closing, including
control over the desired opening of valves after due monitoring of the
electrical health of the system.
o Shut down of pumps in case of any non-transient abnormal conditions
such as low/high voltage, high current drawl, thermal over load,
excessive shaft vibrations, earth faults etc.
o Shut down of pumps in case of low levels of water in sumps.
o Generation of reports.
o Any other control logic’s required for smooth operation of system.

9.2.3 Alarm Situations

The alarm schedule is indicative of what is required. The Contractor shall
provide for the annunciation of all alarms necessary in order to achieve
control and monitoring requirements.

▪ Abnormal pressures in manifold.

▪ Motor tripped on over-load.

▪ Pumps failed to start/stop.

▪ Valves unable to open/close.

▪ High/Low levels of water in sump.

▪ Pump start sequence failed to complete

▪ Pump stop sequence failed to complete

▪ Emergency stop operated

▪ Low power factor of motors.


9.3.1 General
a) Instrumentation & Control system shall be designed, manufactured,
installed and tested by an experienced system integrator to ensure
high standards of operational reliability. Instruments mounted in field
and on panels shall be suitable for continuous operation. All electronic
components shall be adequately rated and circuits shall be designed
so that change of component characteristics shall not affect plant

b) All Instrumentation & Control equipment shall be new, of proven

design, reputed make, and shall be suitable for continuous operation.
Unless otherwise specified, all instruments shall be tropicalised. The

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

outdoor equipment shall be designed to withstand tropical rain and

temperature variation from –2 to + 60o C . Wherever necessary, space
heaters, dust and waterproof cabinets shall be provided. Instruments
offered shall be complete with all the necessary mounting accessories.

c) Electronic instruments shall utilize solid state electronic components,

integrated circuits, microprocessors, etc., and shall be of proven

d) For transmitting instruments, output signal shall be 4-20 mA DC

linear having two wire systems.

e) Unless otherwise stated, overall accuracy of all measurement systems

shall be ±1% of measured value, and repeatability shall be ±0.5%.

f) After a power failure, when power supply resumes, the instruments

and associated equipment shall start working automatically.
g) The instruments shall be designed to permit maximum
interchangeability of parts and ease of access during inspection and

h) The field instruments i.e. the instruments mounted outside the

control panel shall be mounted at a convenient height of
approximately 1.5 m above grade platform.
i) Unless otherwise stated, field mounted electrical and electronic
instruments shall be weatherproof to IP-52
j) The instruments shall be designed to work at extremes of the ambient
conditions of temperature, humidity, and chlorine contamination that
may prevail. The instruments shall be given enough protection
against corrosion.
k) Lockable enclosure shall be provided for the field-mounted
instruments wherever required.

l) All field instruments and cabinets/panel-mounted instruments shall

have tag plates/name plates permanently attached to them.

m) The performance of all instruments shall be unaffected for the ±10%

variation in supply voltage and ±5% variation in frequency

n) All wetted parts of sensors shall be made out of non-corrosive

material capable of working with chlorine content of 5 ppm.

o) For all instruments (transmitting analogue signals) installed in the

field (outside pump house), lightning protection units (LPU) shall be

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

provided at both ends of the connecting cable for the protection

against static discharges/lightning and electromagnetic interference.

p) Unless otherwise specified, double compression glands shall be used

for glanding the cable in field instruments and instrument control

q) Pressure transmitters shall be provided with two valve manifold and a

test port, so that in site calibration can be carried out.

r) Two wire transmitters shall be provided with on-line test terminals.


The PLS shall be Expandable mini programmable controller and shall have
following technical specifications:
Certified to UL, CSA, FM, Standards EN 61131-2, CE and shipbuilding
approvals, Radio interference suppression according to limit class A,
programmable in LAD, FBD and STL, Supply voltage 24 V DC, Execution
time (bin.): 0.22µs, Data memory, max. 8KByte, Program memory, max.
12KByte, 1 optional memory sub module, Backup time 100h(min. 70 h at 40
°C), 200 days (type.) with optional battery module, Maintenance-free if no
battery is used, 14 integr. DI 24V DC, 10 integr. DO 24 V DC, 0.75A,
expandable with up to 7 modules, 4 interrupts, 2 analog potentiometers,
sensor power supply 280mA, 32Byte bit memories, 256 counters, 256
timers, 6 high-speed counters, 30kHz, integrated RS 485 interface,
max.187.5kBit/s for connecting other CPUs, PCs, operator control and
monitoring elements, printers, other ASCII devices, Ambient temperature 0
to 55 degrees Celsius,

9.4.1 GSM/GPRS controller:

1. The GSM.GPRS interface controller should operate on 10-30Vdc and
shall be safe from the transients in the LV supply from the transformer.

2. The GSM/GPRS interface and controller shall be of any standard make,

suitable for operation in the range of -5 to +55 degree celcius & relative
humidity 30-95% without condensation.

3. Electromagnetic Compatibility shall confirm to EN55022 Emisiion test (

Class A) and EN 50082-1 Immunity test

4. GSM / GPRS interface & controller should have modbus communication

capability with RS 485 built in serial port for data acquisition from
Modbus devices and preferably Modbus TCP/IP or IEC 608705-104
remote communication protocol.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

5. The GSM / GPRS interface and controller should have provision for
communication to mobile control station /SCADA over GPRS. A pc
executing programming software can be connected to a controller
through GSM/GPRS interface or M2M gateway for transferring
application, objects and commands.

9.4.2 Basic Features:

• Industrial GPRS interface devices
• Firewall and VPN for secure communication
• Mobile independent Static IP
• Should accept IP address from M2M gateway at server or from service
• 1x 10/100 base –T Ethernet port
• 1xRS 232/422/485 serial port
• 1xRS 232 device or console serial port
• should support 11 bit serial data
• should have provision for optional: internal heater, battery backup and
I/O extension
• Automatic re-establishment for communications in case of temporary
failure of wireless link
• Provision of fixed IP addresses needed for two way communications
• Inbuilt security mechanisms to prevent unauthorized entry to system.
• ‘Watchdog to reboot the system
• Industrial grade hardware with -30 to 70 degree celcius

9.4.3 Processor
• 32 bit RISC processor
• 8MB flash memory
• 32 MB SD RAM memory
9.4.4 Power
• 6-26 V dc nominal input voltage
• 1-5 W power consumption
• Resettable fuse and ESD protection
9.4.5 Other
• Built in temperature sensor
• Built in real time clock

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

9.4.6 Enviornment
• -20 to 55 degree( w/o heater)
• -40 to 55 degree ( w/ heater)
• -30 to 85 degree ( storage)
• humidity 5 to 85% RH
9.4.7 Network Interfaces
• Ethernet port
• 10/100 Base –T . Shielded RJ45
• 1.5kV isolation transformer
• Ethernet IEEE 802-3, 802-2
9.4.8 GPRS
• Internal module and SIM card socket
• Compliant to GSM phase 2/2+
• FME external antenna connector (50 ohm)
• Dual band EGSM 900( 2W) and GSM 1800
• GPRS multi slot class10
• GPRS mobile station class B
• 85.6 kbps GPRS downlink speed
• 21.4 kbps GPRS uplink speed
• coding schemes CS1, CS2, CS3 ,CS4
• USSD support
9.4.9 Serial Port #1 console
• RS232 DTE male DB-9 connector
• Full modem and serial signals
• Speed 300-460 800 bps
• Data bits 7 or 8 , stop bits-1 or 2
• Parity – None , Even , Odd
• Flow control – None RTS/CTS
• Protection-15kV ESD and short circuit
• Console RS 232
• 1 stop bit
9.4.10 Serial Port #2 console

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

• RS232 , RS 422, RS 485 selectable

• Full modem and serial signals
• Speed 300-460 800 bps
• Data bits 7 or 8 , stop bits-1 or 2
• Parity – None , Even , Odd
• Flow control – None RTS/CTS
• Protection-15kV ESD and short circuit
• Console RS 232
• 1 stop bit
9.4.11 Software
• Network Protocols



• Tunneling
o SSHv2 server and client
o SSHv1 server and client
o VPN using SSH protocol
o Authentication with 1024 bit RSA key
o Encryption with 3DES
• Management
o WWW, SSH, Telnet and console
o FTP,TFTP and HTTP software update
o Routing related
o Static Routing
o IP masquerading/NAT, firewall
o Serial device connectivity
o Device server application
o AT modem emulation
o Built in webserver and preconfigured pages for diagnostics using
o Network/ remote upgradable software
• Firewall

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

o GPRS to Interface
A PC-based visualization system for use at the pump house is to be installed
in one of the identified pump houses as part of the project. Installation of the
visualization system includes links to various programmable controllers
(PLCs). The PC-based visualization system must be able to implement the
following functions:

1. Visualization via a Windows-compliant operator interface

2. Alarms and messages
3. Archiving of messages and process values
4. Recipes
5. Documentation of process data, events and recipes
6. Flexible expansion of system functions through Visual Basic Script
7. Language support for multilingual projects
8. User-oriented access protection in accordance with the demands of
regularized sectors
9. Link to a wide range of controllers
10. Open communication between HMI systems and with higher-level
11. Remote operation, diagnostics and administration over intranet and
12. Easy plant expandability
The visualization system must correspond in design and function to the
current state-of-the-art as operator system and its hardware and software is
to be future-oriented.
The visualization system must be a modern system with attractive operator
interface, open to the office and process world, fully developed and reliable in
its functions, efficiently configured, and scalable for simple and complex
tasks. It must also be suitable for worldwide use and have international
service support.

Commercially available office or industrial PCs with Microsoft Windows 10 or

Windows 11 must be used as operating and server stations.

To allow the project to grow, a cost-neutral increase in the number of

variables must be possible at any time, i.e. price-optimized entry-level
systems and subsequent expansions must be price-neutral.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

The communication channels and the links to SIMATIC S7 controllers via

diverse communication media must be included in the delivery scope of the
visualization system, e.g. simple drivers for point-to-point links or standard
Ethernet drivers. In addition, communication must be possible with devices
and applications from other manufacturers over the standardized OPC
software interface.

The visualization system must be distinguished by the following system


• PC basis und standard operating system

• executable on all popular PCs equipped with Pentium processor
• 32-bit software designed for the standard Microsoft Windows operating
• direct use of hardware and software from the PC sector (e.g. LAN cards)
• can be used as single-user system
• HMI modules
• Graphics system

For freely configurable visualization and operator control via pixel-graphics

objects (Windows, OLE, OCX and ActiveX objects) with dynamic option.

A block library aids in the generation of displays.

Messaging system
For the acquisition and archiving of events with display and operator input
options; freely selectable message classes, message displays and reports.

Process data archiving

For collecting and archiving of measured values, e.g. for curve displays, etc.

Reporting and logging system

For time-driven or event-controlled documentation of messages, message
archives, recipe data and current data in the form of user reports (process
data) or project documentation (feedback documentation of configuration
data) in flexible, freely selectable layout.

Processing functions
For the configuration of events for objects and the formulation and
editing of scripts with Visual Basic Script.
Open interfaces
Integration of Windows application blocks (ActiveX Controls)

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

Data exchange with other Windows programs over the OPC interface
Interfacing to SIMATIC S5, S7, 505 and controllers from other
(e.g. via native drivers or OPC)
Documentation scope:
• Hardware documentation
• Standard and system software documentation
• Documentation of the data points
• User manual
• Documentation on the system parameterization
• Plant displays in hardcopy form
• Program listings of plant-specific application software
All documents listed above must be collected and arranged in an orderly
fashion in DIN-A4 file folders or on CD, and two copies must be presented to
the customer for inspection, at the latest upon conclusion of the trial run. In
addition, the delivery scope must include one copy of the software system on


9.6.1 General
The instrumentation, Automation, Communication Control Panel shall be
sized to accommodate PLC, GSM/GPRS controller, UPS, Cabling & internal
wiring, receptacles, Digital Panel for parameter to be monitored, space
heaters, power supply etc.

Control Panel shall be CNC machine prefabricated out of CRCA sheet steel of
thickness not less than 2 mm, modular in construction, properly reinforced,
powder coated and having rigid frame structure. Internal mounting plate
including the gland plate shall be 3 mm thick. The control panel shall have
dimensions as per system requirement. However, the control panel height
shall not exceed 2000 mm.
The exterior corners and edges shall be rounded to give a smooth overall
appearance with projections kept to a minimum.

Lifting lugs shall be provided for installation purposes and shall be replaced
with corrosion resistant bolts after installation.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

Control Panel shall be completely metal enclosed and shall be dust, moisture
and vermin proof. Panel enclosures shall provide a degree of protection not
less than IP 52 in accordance with IS:13947 Part-I
Control Panel shall be free standing type. There shall be sufficient
reinforcement to provide level surfaces, resistance to vibrations and rigidity
during transportation and installation.

Metal sills in the form of metal channels properly drilled shall be furnished
along with anchor bolts and necessary hardware for mounting the control
panels. These shall be dispatched in advance so that they may be installed
and leveled when concrete foundations are poured.

Cable entries to the panels shall be from the bottom with fire retardant spray
compound sealing. Control panels shall be provided with louvers along with
washable micron filters AIRIN – AIROUT fans will be provided.

9.6.2 Mounting
All equipments on front of panel shall be mounted flush or semi-flush. In
case of semi-flush mounting, only flange or bezel shall be visible from the

Equipment shall be mounted such that removal and replacement can be

accomplished individually without interruption of service to adjacent
Equipment mounted inside the panel shall be so located that terminals and
adjacent devices are readily accessible without the use of special tools.
Terminal markings shall be clearly visible.

9.6.3 Earthing for Instruments

The panel shall be equipped with an earth bus securely fixed along the
inside base of panel.

All metallic cases of instruments and other panel mounted equipment shall
be connected to the instrument earth bus.
Looping of earth connections which would result in loss of earth connection
to other devices when the loop is broken shall not be permitted. However,
looping of earth connections between equipment to create alternative paths
to earth bus shall be provided.

A separate instrument earth bus will be created which will be floating and all
the cable shields will be terminated onto this bus. This bus will be connected
to an electronic earth pit.

9.6.4 Frame Earthing

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

All metal parts other than those forming part of an electrical circuit shall be
connected to a copper earth bar run along the inside bottom of the panel.
The minimum section of the earth bar shall be 25 mm x 3 mm. A 15 mm
diameter hole is to be provided at each end of the bar. Connection of the
earth bar to the station earth shall be carried out by Contractor.

9.6.5 Space Heater

Strip type space heaters of adequate capacity shall be provided inside
control panels to prevent moisture condensation on the wiring and panel
mounted equipment when the panel is not in operation. The heaters shall
operate on 230 V AC. Heaters inside the panels shall not be mounted close
to the wiring or any panel mounted equipment. The operation of heaters
shall be controlled by thermostats.

9.6.6 Interior Lighting and Receptacles

Each panel shall be provided with a CFL lighting fixture rated for 11 watt,
230V, 1 phase, 50 Hz supply for the interior illumination of the panel during
maintenance. The illumination lamp shall be operated by door switch or
manual switch. Each panel section shall be provided with separate lighting.

Each panel shall be provided with 230V, 1 phase, 50 Hz, combined 5 amps
and 15 amps, 3 pin receptacle with a switch and neon indicating. The
receptacle with switch shall be mounted inside the panel at a convenient
location. If the panel has front and rear doors then maintenance socket shall
be provided at both locations.

9.6.7 Voltage Level and Power Supply Units

Generally, voltage levels for control schemes and power supply for
instruments in the panels, shall be limited to 24 V DC. In case the
instruments require power supply other than 24 V DC, Contractor shall
provide necessary transformers, converters, inverters and other associated
hardware required to generate the requisite power supply. The power supply
distribution board for panel mounted and field mounted instruments shall
be provided. Power supply to all the instruments mounted outside the
control panel shall be provided from the power supply units in the control
panel. The power supply to all the instruments shall be without interruption
and shall be continued even in case of failure of 230 V A.C. power supply.
UPS sizing should take this into consideration.

9.6.8 Labels
All the equipment mounted on the front face of control panel as well as
equipment mounted inside the panels shall be provided with individual

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

labels with equipment designation engraved. The labels shall be mounted

directly below the respective equipment. Also the panel shall be provided at
the top with a label engraved with panel designation.

9.6.9 Switches and Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs)

Each control panel shall be provided with necessary arrangement for
receiving, distributing, isolating and protecting of DC and AC supplies for
various control, signaling, lighting and space heater circuits. The incoming
and sub-circuits shall be separately provided with Miniature Circuit
Breakers (MCBs). Potential circuits for relaying and metering also shall be
protected by MCBs. All such MCBs will be provided with an auxiliary contact
to be used for providing MCB tripped alarm.

9.6.10 Intra-panel (Panel Internal) Wiring

Connections within a panel, between panel mounted devices and terminal
blocks or between two panel mounted devices will be made by 660 volt
grade, stranded copper conductor insulated with PVC and designed for a
minimum conductor temperature of 90 degrees centigrade. The wires shall
be shielded, where necessary.

Panels shall be supplied completely wired internally, with a colour coding

scheme decided mutually between the Department and the Contractor, to
equipment and terminal blocks and ready for external cable connections at
the terminal blocks.

Wires within the panel shall be continuous i.e. without splicing and shall
comprise stranded copper conductors. Internal wiring or wiring between the
two assemblies shall be commensurate with mechanical safety.
Wire termination shall be made with solderless crimping type of tinned
copper lugs which firmly grip the conductor and insulation. Insulated
sleeves shall be provided at all the wire terminations. Engraved core
identification plastic ferrules, marked to correspond with panel wiring
diagram shall be fitted at both ends of each wire. Ferrules shall fit tightly on
the wires and shall not fall off when the wire is disconnected from terminal
blocks. All wires directly connected to trip circuit of breaker or device, shall
be distinguished by the addition of a red coloured unlettered ferrule.

9.6.11 Terminal Blocks

Terminal blocks for power connection shall be 660V grade, 20 amps rated,
one-piece moulded, complete with stud type terminals, washers, nuts and
lock nuts and identification markings. Terminal block design shall include a
white fiber marking strip with clear plastic, hinged terminal covers.

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

Markings on the terminal strips shall correspond to wire numbers on the

wiring diagrams. All control output terminals will be fused type and all other
input signal terminals will be clip on shrouded type.
All spare contacts and terminals of the panel mounted equipment and
devices shall be wired to terminal blocks.

There shall be a minimum clearance of 250 mm between the first row of

terminal blocks and the associated cable gland plate. Also the clearance
between two rows of terminal blocks shall be a minimum 250 mm.

Panel internal wiring shall not be looped directly from instrument to

instrument. The same shall be looped through the panel terminal block only.

If accidental short circuiting of certain wires is likely to result in malfunction

of equipment, such as closing or tripping of a breaker or positive and
negative wires, these wires shall not be terminated on adjacent terminal

9.6.12 Cable Supports

All external cables shall present a neat appearance and shall be suitably
braced, placed in troughing clipped or laced to prevent effects of vibration.

9.6.13 Terminal/Identification
Every terminal and test plug shall be uniquely identified within the terminal
cabinet by means of a terminal number. Appropriate labels shall be used to
permit quick and unambiguous identification of each terminal and test plug.

9.6.14 Painting of Control Panel/ Control Desk

All sheet steel work shall be phosphate in accordance with the following
procedure :

i. The pre treatment shall be hot process with running water for rinsing.

ii. Oil, grease, dirt and swarf shall be thoroughly removed by emulsion
iii. Rust and scale shall be removed by trickling with clean water followed
by final rinsing with dilute dichromate solution.
iv. The control panel shall be powder coated. Thickness of coating of
minimum 60 microns. QA test certificate shall be furnished for
thickness adhesion and hardening of powder coating.


9.7.1 General criteria

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

The design /selection criteria to be applied to instrumentation systems shall

be as follows:

(a) all instruments shall be suitable for continuous operation

(b) all transmitting instruments shall have a 4 - 20 mA linear output

(c) all digital outputs shall be volt free

(d) all instruments shall be designed for the ambient conditions of

temperature and humidity

(e) all wetted parts of instruments sensors shall be non-corrosive and

suitable for use with potable water containing residual chlorine

(f) all instrumentation systems for use out of doors shall be protected to IP

(g) all analogue displays shall be of the digital type with no moving parts

(h) instrumentation shall utilise solid state electronic microprocessor

technology and avoid the use where practical of any moving parts

(i) instruments shall resume operation automatically on application of

power following a power failure


9.8.1 General
Flow measuring system shall consist of flow sensor/ transducers, flow
integrator & flow transmitter, digital flow indicator & integrator and any
other item required to complete the system.
Flow transducers shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for
continuous operation. Flow transducers shall have waterproof construction
and shall be suitable for installation on underground /above ground pipe
lines. Full bore type/removal of flow sensors shall be possible when pipe
lines are pressurized and should be leak proof at 1.5 times the working
pressure at that location. This is not applicable to electromagnetic full bore
flow meter.

To avoid the effects of disturbances in the velocity profile, a straight and

uninterrupted run, upstream as well as downstream from the location of the
flow sensor shall be provided, as required by the flow meter manufacturer.
Contractor shall finalize the exact location of flow transducers in
consultation with Engineer-in-Charge.

The flow transmitter shall be suitable for field mounting and shall accept
input from the flow transducer. It shall process the input signal and provide

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

4-20 mA DC output proportional to flow rate. Flow transmitters shall have

LCD display to indicate instantaneous flow rate. The flow range shall be
adjustable. The flow meters shall be suitable for measuring flow at velocities
of water from 0 to 4 m/sec.

Contractor shall construct a suitable concrete chamber for enclosing flow

transducer to be mounted on underground pipe lines. A concrete cabin shall
be constructed above the chamber for housing the flow transmitter. A
concrete cabin shall be constructed for housing the flow transducer and the
flow transmitter to be mounted on surface pipelines.

The Full bore type/Retraction assembly, head of the flow transducers shall
be made of anti corrosive material.

The flow computer shall be microprocessor based and shall have self
diagnosis facilities.

9.8.2 Electromagnetic full bore type flow meter.

If not provided with the flow meter, the flow indicator and integrator shall be

S. No. Details Parameter

1. Principal of Faradays law of electromagnetic induction


2. Type Full Bore Type with remote flow transmitter

3. Size As per requirement.

4. Signal out put 4-20 mA DC

5. Time contact 1 second to 20 second adjustable

6. Pulse out put 10 – 18000 pulses per hour

a) Out put to drive external

electromagnetic counter of 12 V / 24 V
DC directly

7. Maximum load 1000 Ohm


8. Local display 3.5 Dijet LCB

9. Ingress Protection
Integral type IP 67

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

S. No. Details Parameter

Remote type IP 67 Transmitter, IP 68 Sensor

10. Flow velocity 0.25 m/sec to 10 m/sec

11. Accuracy +/- 2 % of actual flow at reference condition

12. Repeatability + or – .15% of span

13. Power supply Normal 240 Volt AC + or – 15 % 50 Hz

14. Media pressure As per requirement

15. Power consumption Maximum 20 W

16. Materials

a) Liner Neoprene /Polyurethane / Natural rubber

b) Pipe SS316

c) Flanges SS316

d) Coil housing SS

e) Transmitter Cast Aluminum epoxy painted

9.8.3 Specifications for Turbine Type Flow Meters With Data Loggers
For all the off-takes from the transmission main between clear water
pumping station and terminating points, the flow at each off-take point shall
be measured by a turbine type flow meter installed with a bye-pass
arrangement requiring installation of the same size sluice valve, tees, bends
and necessary piping with dismantling joints.

The supplied flow meter must comply with the national/international

specifications and must be suitable for installation of the pulse units of any
logger compatible to the international standards.
The flow meter must be supplied with suitable transmitters, which can be
used in both cases where 240V AC power is available, or where no site power
is available.

The flow meter must comply with the following provisions:

9.8.4 Flow Meter

The flow meter shall consists of :-

(a) Nominal Diameter : As per requirement

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

(b) Class : EEC/ISO/BIS Class B

(c) Accuracy : ± 2%
(d) Maximum Working Pressure : 10 bars
(e) Temperature range : 0o C-60o C
(f) Smallest Reading : 100 litre
(g) Maximum Reading : 107 m3
(h) Totaliser : Magnetic type (Swivel type)
(i) Tantalizer with Cyble sensor connectivity for direct connectivity with
the pulse unit.

S. No. Unit Specifications

1. Main Meter Unit

Material – Metallic
Display – Digital
Accuracy – +2%
Temprature Range – 00 to 600 C
Maximum working Presssure - 10 bars
Smallest reading – 100 liters
Maimum reading - 107 m3

2. Meter Interface Unit - Digital data output.

3. Analyser - Able to collect the data from four points,

with the option of measurement of
pressure sensor and should process the
raw data at metering point itself,
transfers the minimum bit of data to

4. Internal Memory - Should have enough memory to store 60

days data at 15 mintue interval.

5. Output - GSM – short message via GSM Network

GPRS – Data file transmission via GPRS

6. Power supply - Unit should have self reliable power source

i.e. autonomous lithium battery having
minimum five years guaranteed life with
data transmission.

9.8.5 Loggers

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

Flow loggers totally sealed with rugged construction, with inbuilt lithium
battery are required for recording flow in water supply mains. The maximum
expected pressure is 100 meters of water column.
The loggers must be equipped with a note pad area for storing manually
entered information such as location details, site observation, job description
and must be supplied with an application software which may use the node
pad area for storage of scale factors, pulse significance, range settings etc.

The loggers must have communication facility at base or on site to provide

information on the current status (i.e. logging/ stand by, clock setting,
amount of data logged, present input values etc.) and accepting user
commends (start/stop, recording, clear of transfer data etc.) with data
retrieval facilities with the RS232C /432 terminals (Psion organizer, IBM PC
Connecting cables at least 10 meter long with accessories to download data
from loggers to site and connecting cables for communicating with IBM PC of
at least 3 meters is to be provided with all loggers. Each logger will also be
supplied with suitable connectors (Quick release helical pressure hose) to be
installed on pipes and connecting them with loggers must also be supplied
with a wall-mounting bracket.
The loggers must fulfill the following criteria:

Number of channels : Min. 8
Input impedance :>300 kilo-ohms
Input protection : protected against reverse connection and over
Voltage input : Range 0-2 volts, +0.5% accuracy and resolution.
Event input : Switch closure or logic pulse, date and time of event
stored, resolution 10 secs.
State input : Switch closure or logic state.
On state change, date, time and new state are stored
resolution 10 secs.
Count input rate : Switch closures or logic pulse, maximum 10%
Outputs : 2 independent digital outputs for transducer power
control and alarm signaling
Serial port
Type : optically isolated, full duplex, asynchronous.
Command \ data format : ASCII or binary.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

Type : Solid State, Non-volatile.
Size : Minimum 32 Kilobyte.
Data retention : 5 to 10 years (i.e. life of logger).
Type : Crystal controlled calendar clock.
Type : Internally powered by single cell.
Life : 5 to 10 years, dependent on method of use.

Operating temperature : 00 C to +500 C.

Protection classification : IP68 or equivalent NEMA specifications,
Submersible to 2 meters for unspecified period.

Connectors 12-way input, 4-way serial port,


Mounting : Two fixing holes in base, tapped M4.

9.8.6 Flow Indicator and Integrator

1 Type : Microprocessor based

2 Display : Digital, seven segment back lit LCD/LED


3 Digit Height : 14 mm or Higher

4 No. of Digits for

Flow indicator : 5 Digits
Flow integrator : 6 Digits

5 Input : 4-20 mA DC (Isolated) from flow transmitter

through analogue signal multiplier

6 Zero and span : Required


7 Manual Reset : Required (shall be key operated)

Facility for flow

8 Engineering units for

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Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

9 Flow rate indicator : Cum/hr

Flow integrator : ml

10 Battery backup for : Required


Note: Digital flow indicator and flow integrator shall be a combined unit


9.9.1 General
(i) The level transmitter shall be mounted in suitable weatherproof
lockable pedestal enclosures near the level sensor.

(ii) Float and board type level measuring system shall be additionally
provided for level measurement and local display in each sump.
(iii) Level monitoring devices (the level sensor equipment shall be secured to
prevent interference by unauthorized personnel)
(iv) The necessary bracketry to secure the instruments to be mounted near
sump and surge tank.

(v) Ultrasonic type level measuring devices shall comprise of a transducer, a

transmitter, remote level indicator and all other items required to
complete the control system.

(vi) The level sensor and the field-mounted transmitter shall be separate
and interconnected by integral cable of sufficient length.

(vii) The transducer shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as

required and shall be environmentally protected as per IP65. It shall
have ambient temperature compensation and adjustable datum setting

(viii) The design and application of this ultrasonic level meters shall take into
account the vessel or channel construction, the material size, shape,
environment, process fluid or material, the presence of foam, granules,
size etc.

(ix) The installation shall avoid any degradation of performance from

spurious reflections, absorption, sound velocity variations, sensor
detection area, temperature fluctuations, specific gravity changes and
condensation. For application where spurious reflections are
unavoidable the control unit shall be provided with facilities for
spurious reflection rejection.

(x) The transmitter will provided an isolated 4-20mA 2 wire o/p.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

(xi) To remove the effect of water turbulence in reservoirs averaging facility

should be provided in the transmitter unit.

9.9.2 Ultrasonic type Level Measuring System

(a) General
i. Accuracy of measuring loop : ± 0.5% of full scale

(b) Sensor/transmitter Split type

i. Output : 4-20 mA
ii. Mounting : On top of sump
iii Range : As per requirement
Programming facility with Programmer : Required
(c) Remote Display Unit : Digital panel meter with
3½ digit backlit LCD/LED, ±
0.25% accuracy, 4-20 mA high
and low alarm set point, input
4-20 mA D.C.
(d) Analogue signal multipliers isolation : Required with
galvanic and 2
9.9.3 Level Sensors (LS)
Level sensors of capacitance type, suspension mounted shall be provided for
level measurement of water in tanks/ sump/ reservoir. Guide pipe shall be
provided for probe support.

Technical parameters

No Title Description

1 Name of instrument Level sensor

2 Location Out door/indoor on tanks/ sump/ reservoir

3 Application Measurement of water level

4 Mounting Flange /socket mounting

5 Input Level

6 Output DPDT contact rated 5A at 230 V A.C.

7 Accuracy 2.0% FSR

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

8 Required Range To suit the requirement

9 Power Supply 230 V AC or suitable

10 Connection Details 2x1.5 mm2 CYWY cable

9.9.4 Level Transmitter (LT)

Level transmitter shall be provided for continuous level measurement. Level
transmitter shall be of capacitance type with 4-20 mA output. Canopy
arrangement shall be provided for each LT.

No Title Description

1 Name of Instrument Level Transmitter

2 Location Outdoor, Tank Mounted

3 Application Transmission of water level

4 Mounting Direct/Flange Mounted

5 Input Water level

6 Output 4-20 mA

7 Accuracy : 2.0% FSR

8 Required Range To suit the requirement

9 Power Supply 230 V A.C. or suitable

10 Connection Details Single pair screened twisted core cable

11 Enclosure Al Die cast, Weather Proof ,IP52

9.9.5 Level Indicators (LI).

Level indicators shall be digital, flush mounted, 7 segment red LED
indication type and shall be provided on the control panel for continuous
level indication at sump/ tanks/ reservoir. Each level indicator shall have
input of 4 - 20 mA from respective field mounted level transmitter.

No Title Description

1 Name of Instrument Level Indicator

2 Location Control panel

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

3 Mounting Flush mounting

4 Application Water level

5 Input 4-20 mA from Level transmitter

6 Output Digital display

7 Power supply 230 V A.C. or suitable

8 Display 7 segment LED with 3 ½ digit display


9.10.1 General
a) Pressure measuring system shall consist of pressure transducer,
transmitter and digital pressure indicator and any other items required
to complete the pressure measuring system.

b) Pressure transmitter shall be rugged in construction and shall be

suitable for continuous operation. Pressure transmitters shall be
designed for operation over 130% of full range.

c) Pressure transmitters shall be suitable for field mounting. They shall

provide 4-20 mA DC output proportional to pressure. Transmitter
output shall be isolated and shall be suitable for transmitting over long
distance. Pressure transmitters shall have high degree of weatherproof
protection as specified in technical particular.
d) Pressure sensor shall be capable of operating in the range of pumps
discharge pressure, and be of the diaphragm type. It shall be provided
complete with impulse tubings, fittings, two valve manifold with drain
cock/calibration valve. Local and remote display units shall be provided

9.10.2 Pressure Measuring System General

Service : Pressure measurement on discharge header of

pumping station

Accuracy of : ± 0.5% of reading or better

measuring loop Pressure Sensor & Transmitter

Sensor : Diaphragm Sensor 2 wire type

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

Wetted parts material : SS 316

Range : Adjustable over full span

Zero & Span : Required


Output signal : 4-20mA, DC

Enclosure Protection : IP 65 of IS 13947 (Part I) Display Unit

Remote display Unit : Digital panel meter with 3½ digit backlit

LCD/LED, ± 0.25% accuracy, high and low
alarm set point, input 4-20 mA D.C.

9.10.3 Pressure Gauges

a) Pressure gauges shall comply with IS 3624/ BS 1780. Glycerin filled dial
shall be provided where the gauge is subjected to pressure pulsation
and / or vibrations. The internal parts of pressure gauge shall be
stainless steel.

b) Pressure gauges shall be provided on discharge of each pump and

compound pressure gauges shall be provided on suction of each pump.
Pressure gauge shall be bourdon type with a dial size of 200 mm in
diameter and calibrated for the required range. The gauge shall be
supplied complete with impulse tubing, two valve manifold with drain
cock/calibration valve, fittings etc. The pressure gauges shall have an
accuracy of  1% full scale and weather protection class IP 65. All
wetted parts material shall be SS 316.

c) The minimum diameter for round pressure gauges shall be 200 mm

unless specified otherwise or where the gauge forms part of a standard
item of equipment.
d) The zero and span of pressure gauge shall not change by more than ±0.1
% of the span per 0C changes in ambient temperature.


9.11.1 General
a) Microprocessor based alarm annunciators shall be provided for
generating audio visual alarms for each abnormal condition as defined
in scope of work. Alarms shall be initiated by the opening and closing of
volt-free contacts which shall remain unchanged throughout the periods

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

in which the alarm conditions exist. Alarm circuits shall be capable of

conversion from open-healthy to open-alarm or vice versa by a simple
modification after installation requiring no additional parts or special
equipment. Each alarm shall initiate the operation of both visual and
audible devices. The sound intensity of each audible device shall be
suitable for the maximum sound level of its environment. The sequence
of alarm should be user selectable by dip switch.

b) The operation or acceptance of one alarm shall not inhibit the operation
of the audible device or the flashing of the appropriate alarm indicator if
a future alarm condition occurs.

c) Alarm circuitry shall be arranged so that spurious or transient alarm

states persisting for less than 0.5 seconds do not initiate any action.

d) Isolation facilities shall be provided for the hooter using an MCB

e) Alarm annunciator/indicator legends or labels shall be arranged with
three lines of text as follows :

f) The annunciator will be split architecture type and the facia will have

9.11.2 Technical
Alarm annunciator shall be provided on instrument control panel for
annunciation of alarms in control room. The technical particulars of alarm
annunciator are as follows:

(a) Technical Particulars

i. Type : Microprocessor based, split type with alarm

windows mounted on the front door and
electronic modules inside the panel
ii. Mounting : Flush with panel
iii. Construction : Modular
iv. Inputs : Potential free, NO/NC contacts
v. Size of windows : 60 mm X 26 mm
vi. Operating sequences: First up (user selectable dip switch)
vii. Bulbs per channel : 2 (Cluster LEDs)
viii. Push Buttons : For Reset, Accept and Test
ix Hooter : Required, electronic type
x Power supply : 24 V DC/240 V AC
xi. Power supply status: Required indication
xii Weather protection : IP-52 of IS 13947

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

xiii No. of Windows : 120 Nos. min


Two numbers of lightning protection units shall be provided for each signal
loop. The lightning protection unit shall be suitable for withstanding the
surge arising out of high energy static discharge/ lightning strikes and
prevent the instrument from any damage. LPU shall provide three stages of
protection through a gas discharge tube, quick acting semiconductor like
Tranzorb, zener diodes, varistors and an automatic disconnect and reset
circuit. LPU shall be a passive unit and shall require no power for its
operation. During a lightning strike it shall clamp on the allowable voltage
and pass the excess voltage to the ground. LPU shall be of self resetting type
to minimize the down time of the measurement loop. LPU shall have a
weather proof casing and shall be suitable for field/back of panel mounting.
LPU provided shall be suitable for connecting in 24 V / 48 V, 4-20 mA DC
signal lines. There should be total isolation between input, output and
ground terminals. The LPU shall have a minimum surge rating of 10 KA.


Digital Panel Meters (DPM) for pressure and level monitoring shall be
microprocessor based and modular in design. They shall accept 4-20 mA DC
signals from transmitters. The DPM'S shall have backlit LCD/LED display.


Digital Panel Meters (DPM) for electric parameters to be monitored shall be
microprocessor based and modular in design. They shall accept 4-20 mA DC
signals from transmitters. The DPM'S shall have backlit LCD/LED display.
Digital Panel meters shall be as per relevant Indian Standards of any other
equivalent standards as approved by EIC.


The flow, level and pressure signals shall be provided with back of panel
mounted signal multipliers. They’ll provide loop power with option to select
measurement with power and without. The multiplier will provide 2 outputs
of 4-20mA one for the panel mounted indicator and other for connection to
the PLC. There will be total galvanic isolation between field I/Os and also
between the 2 outputs.

9.15.1 IACC Panel Power Supply

a) The IACCP primary power supply shall be derived from the respective LV
switchboard at 240 V AC. Power for the control system shall then be
derived from this source via an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

shall be sized to provide sufficient power to maintain communications

and the instrumentation systems functioning for a period of 1hour. The
estimated load of I & C and communication system must be worked out
and got approved from Department, before procurement of UPS.

b) The UPS shall be a proprietary item and shall be free standing. It shall
incorporate a static bypass switch and maintenance bypass in order to
permit the removal of the UPS from service without interrupting the
power supply to the control system. An AC distribution board shall be
provided for I&C and communication system at each PLC station. This
AC distribution arrangement can be an integral part of the ICP.

c) In case of primary power failure, the input power to UPS shall be

switched automatically to auxiliary power (DG set) and power all critical
elements of the control system. It shall also sense the resumption in
power supply and switch off the power supply.

d) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System General Requirement

(i) The UPS shall be floor mounted; self contained and metal clad and
shall be suitable for supplying a non linear load.
(ii) It shall be possible to open the enclosures front door when the
unit is in use without exposing any live contact touch.
(iii) The UPS shall be on-line type incorporating minimum six pulse
rectifier and pulse width modulation inverter technology with
microprocessor control. It shall incorporate a static bypass switch
that shall operate in event of UPS failure, overload or manual
initiation in order to transfer the output supply to mains without
disturbance to the output supply.

(iv) The UPS shall incorporate a DC under voltage trip circuit to

electromechanically trip the UPS output in order to protect the

(v) The noise level of the unit shall not exceed 60 dB (A) at 1 m from
the UPS cabinet.

(vi) The output of the inverter shall be a sine wave having less than
2% THD for linear loads and less than 4% for 50% non linear
loads. It shall be suitable for load power factors 0.7 lag to 0.9 lead.
(vii) The unit shall have a dynamic response such that 100 % step load
causes an output voltage transient of less than ±4% with a

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

recovery of less than 4ms. The load crest factor shall not be less
than 3:1.

(viii) Indicators shall be provided for the following

• UPS status

• PS alarm conditions

(ix) The UPS shall provide volt free contact outputs for the following
purpose :

• Warning, (viz., low battery voltage)

(x) The UPS shall have an overloaded capacity of 150% for 30 seconds
and shall be protected in the event of a short circuit of the output.
(xi) The batteries shall be housed, within a separate matching battery
cubicle suitable for location adjacent to the UPS. The batteries
shall be of the rechargeable, sealed maintenance free lead acid
type. The battery supply to the UPS shall be via a fused load break
switch disconnecter circuit breaker. The battery recharge time to
90% of full charge shall be approximately ten times the discharge
time at full load.

(xii) Terminals shall be shrouded to prevent accidental contact Technical specifications of UPS

The Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System with SMF Lead Acid
battery shall conform to the minimum following specifications:

A. Input

Input Voltage : 230 V,  5%

Frequency : 50 Hz  5%

Nominal DC input : Bidder to design and

(Battery) submit calculations

B. Output
Output : 230 V,
Regulation mode :  1%
Load power factor : 0.8 to unity
Duty : Continuous
Ripple on DC : < 2%
C. General

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

Principal of operation : Shall be solid state, pulse width

Modulation (PWM)
Cable entry : Bottom
Cooling method : Forced air
Type of Battery : Sealed Maintenance free
1. IACCP System Voltages
The following voltages shall be used for the control system:

Item Voltage

Instrumentation power supplies 240 V AC / 24 V DC

PLC input-output modules 24 V DC

PLC input-output circuits/loops 24 V DC

The 24 V shall be derived from the UPS backed 240 V supply within
the control panel by providing a regulated DC power supply unit. IACCP System Protection

All circuits shall be protected against short circuit by the provision of
adequate numbers of miniature circuit breakers of 10KA sec level.

For ease of maintenance and system security power supplies to each

instrument loop and each PLC module shall be protected with an individual


A Cabinet shall be provided for enclosing instruments and associated
accessories which are mounted outside the control panel such as
transmitter, LPU, terminal blocks etc. at all measurement locations.
It shall be fabricated from cold rolled steel with powder coating sheet of
standard gauge and shall be suitable for wall mounting or pedestal
mounting as required.

The cabinet shall conform to IP-65 protection and shall have built in locking
facility. The cabinet shall be earthed properly. A steel plate/pipe, as per the
requirement, shall be provided in the cabinet for mounting the instrument
and accessories.



CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

Cables shall be capable of satisfactorily withstanding without damage,

transportation to site, installation at site, and operation under normal and
short circuit conditions of the various systems to which the respective cables
are connected when operating under the climatic conditions prevailing at the
site as indicated in this specification.

Cable joints in instrument signals and power supply cables shall not be

Cables shall be capable of satisfactory performance when laid on trays, in

trenches, conduits, ducts and when directly buried in the ground.

Cables shall be capable of operating satisfactorily under a power supply

system voltage variation of ±15%, a frequency variation of ±5.0s%.

9.17.1 Instrumentation Cables Cables for Digital Signals and Power Supply to Instruments
660V/1100 V grade multi-core cables, multi-stranded high conductivity
annealed 1.0 sq.mm stranded tinned copper conductor, extruded PVC
insulated, with aluminum mylar tape, ATC drain wire run continuously in
contact with aluminum tape, inner sheathed with extruded PVC, armored
with galvanized steel wire overall sheathed with extruded PVC conforming to
IS:1554 & IEC:189 Part II. Cables for Analog Signals and Signals from Temperature

660 V/1100 V annealed, tinned, high conductivity 1.0 sq.mm stranded
copper conductor extruded PVC insulated two/three cores twisted into
pair/traid, laid up collectively, individual pair/traid shielded and overall
shielded with aluminum mylar tape, ATC drain wire run continuously in
contact with aluminum side of the tape, inner sheathed with extruded PVC,
armored with galvanized steel wire, overall sheathed with extruded PVC
conforming to IS:1554 & IEC:189 Part II.


A distance of minimum 300mm shall be maintained between the cables
carrying low voltage AC and DC signals and a distance of minimum 600mm
shall be maintained between cables carrying HT and LT signals. In outdoor
areas, the cables shall be directly buried. Each instrumentation and power
supply cable shall be terminated to individual panel/ terminal box.
Identification of each cable shall be by proper ferrules at each junction as
per cable schedule to be prepared by Contractor.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Instrumentation,
Automation, Communication)

Cables shall be laid in accordance with layout drawings and cable schedule
which shall be prepared by Contractor and submitted for Engineer's
Representatives approval.
All cable routes shall be carefully measured and cables cut to the required
lengths, leaving sufficient amount for the final connection of the cable to the
terminals on either end. Various cable lengths cut from the cable reels shall
be carefully selected to prevent undue wastage of cables. A loop of 1 meters
shall be left near each field instrument before terminating the cable.

Cables shall be complete uncut lengths from one termination to the other.

All cables shall be identified close to their termination point by cable

numbers as per cable interconnection schedules. Identification tags shall be
securely fastened to the cables at both the ends.

Cable shall be rigidly supported on structural steel and masonry, using

individually cast or malleable iron galvanized clips, multiple cable supports
or cable trays.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

10.1.1 General
This part of the specification covers the design loads to be considered
specifications of material and workmanship for the civil works. Material used
and workmanship for the civil works of pump house, filter plant, campus
development, repair/new works of Intake pumping station, renovation of
buildings, civil works associated with pipeline laying etc. to be done under
the contract will adhere to the provisions laid down in this chapter.

For materials used other than those specified, the material must conform to
the requirement of respective Indian Standards. The contractor shall get
prior approval of the materials proposed to be used under the contract as
per the provisions of Special Conditions of Contract, from the Engineer-in-

10.1.2 Design Considerations: Design Submissions
The contractor shall be responsible for the safety of structures, correctness
of design and drawings, even after the approval of the same by Engineer-in-
Charge. Complete detailed design calculations of foundations and
superstructure together with general arrangement drawings and explanatory
sketches shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge. Separate calculations
for foundations or superstructures submitted independent of each other
shall be deemed to be incomplete and will not be accepted by the Engineer-

The design considerations described hereunder establish the minimum basic

requirements of plain and reinforced concrete structures, masonry
structures and structural steel works. However, any particular structure
shall be designed for the satisfactory performance of the functions for which
the same is being constructed.

10.1.3 Design Standards

All designs shall be based on the latest Indian Standard (I.S.) Specifications
or Codes of Practice unless otherwise specified. The design standards
adopted shall follow the best modern engineering practice in the field based
on any other international standard or specialist literature subject to such
standard reference or extract of such literature in the English language
being supplied to and approved by the Engineer-in-charge. In case of any

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

variation or contradiction between the provisions of the I.S. Standards or

Codes and the specifications given along with the submitted tender
document, the provision given in this specification shall be followed. Design Life

The design life of all structures and buildings shall be 60 years. Design Loading

All buildings and structures shall be designed to resist the worst
combination of the following loads/ stresses under test and working
conditions; these include dead load, live load, wind load, seismic load, and
stresses due to temperature changes, shrinkage and creep in materials,
dynamic loads: Dead Load

This shall comprise all permanent construction including walls, floors,
roofs, partitions, stairways, fixed service equipments and other items of
machinery. In estimating the loads of process equipment all fixtures and
attached piping shall be included. Live Load

Live loads shall be in general as per I.S. 875. However, the following
minimum loads shall be considered in the design of structures:

i) Live load on roofs 2.00 kN/m2

ii) Live load on floors supporting equipment such as 10.00

pumps, blowers, compressors, valves etc. kN/m2

iii) Live load on all other floors walkways, stairways 5.00 kN/m2
and platforms

In the absence of any suitable provisions for live loads in I.S. Codes or as
given above for any particular type of floor or structure, assumptions
made must receive the approval of the Engineer-in-charge prior to starting
the design work. Apart from the specified live loads or any other load due
to material stored, any other equipment load or possible overloading
during maintenance or erection/ construction shall be considered and
shall be partial or full whichever causes the most critical condition. Wind Load

Wind loads shall be as per I.S. 875. Part 3 Earthquake Load

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

This shall be computed as per I.S. 1893 taking into consideration soil
foundation system, importance factor appropriate to the type of structure
basic horizontal seismic coefficient/ seismic zone factor & average
acceleration coefficient. Dynamic Load

Dynamic loads due to working of plant items such as pumps, blowers,
compressors, switch gears, traveling cranes, etc. shall be considered in
the design of structures Joints
Movement joints such as expansion joints, complete contraction joints,
partial contraction joints and sliding joints shall be designed to suit the
structure. However contraction joints shall be provided at specified locations
spaced not more than 7.5 m in both right angle directions for walls and
Expansion joints of suitable gap at suitable intervals not more than 40 m
shall be provided in walls, floors and roof slabs. No expansion joint in water
retaining structure shall be allowed.

The positions of construction joints should be specified by the designer &

indicated on the drawings. If there is a need on site to revise any specified
position or to have additional joints, the proposed positions should be agreed
with the designer.

The concrete at the joint should be bounded with that subsequently placed
against it, without provision for relative movement between the two concrete
should not be allowed to run to a feather edge & vertical joints should be
formed against stop edges.

Expansion joints for non liquid retaining structures shall be provided as per
IS 3414. Design Conditions For Underground or Partly Underground

Liquid Retaining Structures
All underground or partly underground liquid containing structures shall be
designed for the following conditions:

1 liquid depth up to full height of wall and no relief due to soil pressure
from outside to be considered;

2 structure empty (i.e. empty of liquid, any material etc.): full earth
pressure and surcharge pressure wherever applicable, to be

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

3 partition wall between two compartments : to be designed as one

compartment empty and other full;

4 structures shall be designed for uplift in empty conditions with the

water table as indicated in geo-technical report & due care should be
taken for seasonal variation on higher side.
5 walls shall be designed under operating conditions to resist
earthquake forces from earth pressure mobilization and dynamic
water loads;

6 underground or partially underground structures shall also be

checked against stresses developed due to any combination of full and
empty compartments with appropriate ground/uplift pressures from
below to base slab. The design shall be such that the minimum
gravity weight exceeds the uplift pressure at least by 20%. Foundations
1 The minimum depth of foundations for all structures, equipments,
buildings and frame foundations and load bearing walls shall be
as per IS 1904 & as per site conditions.
2 Bearing capacity of soil shall be determined as per IS: 6403.

3 Care shall be taken to avoid the foundations of adjacent buildings

or structure foundations, either existing or not within the scope of
this contract. Suitable adjustments in depth, location and sizes
may have to be made depending on site conditions. No extra
claims for such adjustments shall be accepted by the Employer.

4 A structure subjected to groundwater pressure shall be designed

to resist floatation. The dead weight of empty structure shall
provide a factor of safety of 1.2 against uplift during construction
and service.

5 Where there is level difference between the natural ground level

and the foundations of structure or floor slabs, this difference
shall be filled up in the following ways.

6 In case of non-liquid retaining structures the natural top soil shall

be removed till a firm strata is reached (minimum depth of soil
removed shall be 500 mm) and the level difference shall be made
up by compacted backfill as per specifications. However the
thickness of each layer shall not exceed 150 mm. The area of
backfilling for floor slabs shall be confined to prevent soil from
slipping out during compaction.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

7 In case of liquid retaining structures, the natural top soil shall be

removed as described above and the level difference shall be made
up with Plain Cement Concrete not weaker than M 15.

8 If pile foundations are used, the contractor shall conduct the

initial routine test as per IS 2911 at his own cost, to determine the
safe load bearing capacity of piles. Design Requirements

The following are the design requirements for all reinforced or plain concrete

1. All blinding and leveling concrete shall be a minimum 100 mm thick

in concrete grade M15 unless otherwise specified.

Liquid Retaining Structures: All structural reinforced concrete shall

be of a minimum M30 grade with a maximum 40 mm aggregate size
for footings and base slabs and with a maximum 20 mm aggregate
size for all other structural members.

2. The reinforced concrete for water retaining structures shall have

minimum cement content as per IS 3370 (Part I):2021 as amended
upto date.

3. The minimum reinforcement in walls, floors and roofs in each of two

directions of right angles within each surface zone shall be as per 7.1
of IS: 3370 part 2.
4. The nominal cover of concrete for all steel, including stirrups, links,
sheathing and spacers shall be as per 7.2 of IS: 3370 Part 2.
5. All buildings shall be provided with damp proofing for basement and
floors and water proofing for roofs.

6. Any structure or pipeline crossing below roads shall be designed for

Class A of IRC loading.

7. The bridges and bridge supporting structures (for clarifiers etc.) shall
be designed to safely withstand the loadings such as loads and torque
transmitted through scrapper blades, motor etc. depending on the
arrangement offered.

8. All pipes and conduits laid below the structural plinth and road works
shall be embedded in reinforced concrete of grade M20 of minimum
thickness 150 mm.

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9. Suitable admixtures may be used with the approval of engineer in


10. Construction of floors and walls of Liquid Retaining structures shall

be as per 9.4 & 9.5 of IS: 3370 Part 1.

The following minimum thicknesses shall be used for different reinforced

concrete members, irrespective of design thicknesses.

(i) Walls for liquid retaining structures 250


(ii) Roof slabs for liquid retaining structures (other than flat 150
slabs) mm

(iii) Bottom slabs including roof slabs for liquid retaining 200
structures mm

(iv) Floor slabs including roof slabs, walkways, canopy slabs 100

(v) Wall of cables/ pipe trenches, underground pits etc. 150


(vi) Column footings 300


(vii) Parapets, Chajja 100


(viii) Pre-Cast trench cover 75 mm

Design requirement of RCC liquid retaining structures / grade of concrete

/minimum cement content and for other provisions, these shall be governed
by the provisions of IS 456 and IS 3370, whichever is more stringent.


The term “materials” shall mean all materials, goods and articles of every
kind whether raw, processed or manufactured and equipment and plant of
every kind to be supplied by the Contractor for incorporation in the Works.

Except as may be otherwise specified for particular parts of the works the
provision of clauses in “Materials and Workmanship” shall apply to materials
and workmanship for any part of the works.

All materials shall be new and of the kinds and qualities described in the
Contract and shall be at least equal to approved samples.

Materials and workmanship shall comply with the relevant Indian Standards
(with amendments) current on the date of submission of the tender.

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Where the relevant standard provides for the furnishing of a certificate to the
Engineer-in-charge, at his request, stating that the materials supplied
comply in all respects with the standard, the Contractor shall obtain the
certificates and forward it to the Engineer-in-charge.

The specifications, standards and codes listed below are considered to be

part of this Bid specification. All standards, specifications, codes of practices
referred to herein shall be the latest editions including all applicable official
amendments and revisions.

In case of discrepancy between two standards the provisions more stringent

shall be followed. In case of discrepancy between the Bid Specification and
the Standards referred to herein, the Bid Specification shall govern.

IS No. Title
Construction Planning and Storage of Materials
4082 : Recommendation on stacking and storage of construction
materials at site (first revision)
7969 : Safety code for handling and storage of building materials
883 : Design of structural timber in building - Code of practice
(third revision)
1498 Classification and identification of soils for general
engineering purposes (first revision) (Amendments 2)
2682 : 1984 Chlordane emulsifiable concentrates (second revision)
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1994)
3764: 1992 Excavation work - Code of safety (first revision)
4081 Safety code for blasting and related drilling operations
6313 (Part 2) Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings:
Part 2 Pre constructional chemical treatment measures
8112 : 43 grade ordinary Portland cement.
432 (Part 1) Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn
steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel and
medium tensile steel bars (third revision)
455 Portland slag cement
456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
(Reaffirmed 2000)
1080 : 1986 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow
foundations on soils (other than raft, ring and shell)
1489 (Part 1) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 1 Fly ash based
1489 (Part 2) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based
1786 High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete
1904 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations
in soils: General requirements
2062 Steel for general structural purposes

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IS No. Title
2950 (Part 1) Code of practice for design and construction of raft
foundations: Part 1 Design
2974 (Part 1) Code of practice for design and construction of machine
foundations: Part 1 Foundations for reciprocating type
2974 (Part 2) Code of practice for design and construction of machine
foundations: Part 2 Foundations for impact type machines
(hammer foundations)
2974 (Part 3) Design and construction of machine foundations - Code of
practice: Part 3 Foundations for rotary type machines
(medium and high frequency)
2974 (Part 4) Code of practice for design and construction of machine
foundations: Part 4 Foundations for rotary type machines
of low frequency
2974 (Part 5) Code of practice for design and construction of machine
foundations: Part 5 Foundation for impact machines other
than hammers (forging and stamping press, pig breakers,
drop crusher and jolter)
3629 Specification for structural timber in building (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1991)
4091 : 1979 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations
for transmission line towers and poles (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1987)
6403 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of
shallow foundations.
6909 Specification for supersulphated cement
8009 (Part 1) Code of practice for calculation of settlement of
foundations: Part 1 Shallow foundations subject to
symmetrical static vertical loads
8009 (Part 2) Code of practice for calculation of settlement of
foundations: Part 2 Deep foundations subjected to
symmetrical static vertical loading.
4138 Safety code for working in compressed air.
8041 Rapid hardening Portland cement
9456: 1980 Code of practice for design and construction of conical and
hyperbolic paraboloidal types of shell foundations.
19556 Code of practice for design and construction of diaphragm
11089 Code of practice for design and construction of ring
12269 53 grade ordinary Portland cement.
13094 Guidelines for selection of ground improvement techniques
for foundation in weak soils.
13301 Guidelines for vibration isolation for machine foundations
SP 36 (Part Compendium of Indian Standards on soil engineering : Part
2) :1988 2 Field testing
Part 1 Mortars
269 33 grade ordinary Portland cement

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IS No. Title
383 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
455 Portland slag cement
456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
1344 Calcined clay pozzolana
1489 (Part 1) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 1 Fly ash based
1489 (Part 2) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based
2116 Stand for masonry mortars
2250 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry
2720 (Parts Methods of test for soils
1 to 41)
3812 Fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture
6452 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use
6909 Specification for supersulphated cement
8041 Rapid hardening Portland cement
8043 Hydrophobic Portland cement
8112 43 grade ordinary Portland cement
12269 53 grade ordinary Portland cement
12600 Low heat Portland cement
SP 20 (S &T) : Handbook on masonry design and construction
SP 21 (S &T) Summaries of Indian Standards for building materials
Part 2 Brickwork
269 33 grade ordinary Portland cement
383 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
455 Portland slag cement
456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
1489 (Part 1) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 1 Fly ash based
1489 (Part 2) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based
2645 Integral cement waterproofing compounds
3812 Fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture
5454 Methods of sampling of clay building bricks
6452 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use
4014 Part 1 Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding
6909 Specification for supersulphated cement
8041 Rapid hardening Portland cement
8042 White Portland cement
8043 Hydrophobic Portland cement
8112 43 grade ordinary Portland cement
9103 Admixture for concrete
12269 53 grade ordinary Portland cement
12600 Low heat Portland cement
SP 20 (S &T) Handbook on masonry design and construction
SP 21 (S &T) Summaries of Indian Standards for building materials
1077 Common burnt clay building bricks
2212 Code of practice for brick work

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IS No. Title
3696 (Part 1) Safety code of scaffolds and ladders: Part 1 Scaffolds
4014 (Part 2) Code of practice for steel tabular scaffolding: Part 2 Safety
regulations for scaffolding
SP 25 (S & Handbook on caused and prevention of cracks in building
1123 Method of identification of natural building stones
1127 Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of
natural building stones for masonry work
1128 Limestone (slab and tiles)
1129 Recommendation for dressing of natural building stones
1130 Marble (blocks, slabs and tiles)
1597 (Part 1) Code of practice for construction of stone masonry: Part 1
Rubble stone masonry
1597 (Part 2) Code of practice for construction of stone masonry: Part 2
Ashlar masonry
1905 Code of practice for structural use of un-reinforced
2250 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry
3316 Specification for structural granite
3622 Specification for sandstone (slab and tiles)
3696 (Part 1) Safety code of scaffolds and ladders: Part 1 Scaffolds
4101 (Part 1) Code of practice for external facing and veneers: Part 1
Stone facing
12440 Pre-cast concrete stone masonry blocks
SP 20 (S & T) Handbook on masonry design and construction
SP 21 (S & T) Summary of Indian Standards for building materials
Plain And Reinforced Concrete
269 33 grade ordinary Portland cement
383 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural resources for
432 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn
(Part 1 & 2) steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel and
medium tensile steel bars. Part 2 Hard drawn steel wire
455 Portland slag cement
456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
516 Method of test for strength of concrete
712 Building limes
875 (Part 1) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)
for buildings and structures: Part 1 Dead loads -Unit
weights of building material and stored materials
875 (Part 2) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)
for buildings and structures: Part 2 Imposed loads
875 (Part 3) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)
for buildings and structures: Part 3 Wind loads
875 (Part 4) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)
for buildings and structures: Part 4 Snow loads

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IS No. Title
875 (Part 5) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)
for buildings and structures: Part 5 Special loads and load
650 Standard sand for testing of cement
3085 Method of test for permeability of cement mortar & concrete
9284 Method of test for abrasion resistance of concrete
5816 Method of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete
8142 Method of test for determining setting time of concrete by
penetration resistance
12600 Low heat Portland cement masonry cement
3466 Masonry cement
3558 Code of practice immersion Vibrator for consolidating
8042 White Portland cement
13620 Fusion bonded epoxy coated reinforcing bars
1343 Code of practice for Prestressed concrete
883 Design of structural timber in building - Code of practice
1199 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
1344 Calcined clay pozzolana
1489 (Part 1) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 1 Fly ash based
1489 (Part 2) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based
1566 Hard-drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement
1786 High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete
1791 Batch type concrete mixers
1946 Code of practice for use of fixing devices in walls, ceilings
and floors of solid construction
2062 Steel and general structural purposes
2386 (Part 1) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 1 Particle
size and shape
2386 (Part 2) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 2
Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities
2386 (Part 3) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 3 Specific
gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking
2386 (Part 4) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 4
Mechanical properties
2386 (Part 5) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 5
2386 (Part 6) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 6
Measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregates
2386 (Part 7) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 7 Alkali
aggregate reactivity
2386 (Part 8) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 8
Petrographic examination
2502 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete

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IS No. Title
2505 Concrete vibrators - Immersion type - General
2506 General requirements for screed board concrete vibrators
2514 Concrete vibrating tables
2751 Recommended practice for welding of mild steel plain and
deformed bars for reinforced construction
3025 Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for
water used in industry
3036 Laying lime concrete for a waterproofed roof finish - Code of
3812 Fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture
4031 (Part 1) Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 1
Determination of fineness by dry sieving
4098 Lime-pozzolana mixture (first revision)
4656 Form vibrators for concrete
4925 Concrete batching and mixing plant
4926 Ready mixed concrete
4990 Plywood for concrete shuttering work
6452 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use
6909 Specification for supersulphated cement
7861 (Part 1) Code of practice for extreme weather concreting: Part 1
Recommended practice for hot weather concreting
7861 (Part 2) Code of practice for extreme weather concreting: Part 2
Recommended practice for cold weather concreting
8041 Rapid hardening Portland cement
8043 Hydrophobic Portland cement
8112 43 grade ordinary Portland cement
9012 Recommended practice for Concreting
9013 Method of making, curing and determining compressive
strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens
9103 Admixtures for concrete
10262 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design
12269 53 Grade ordinary Portland Cement
13330 Sulphate resisting Portland Cement
12600 Low heat Portland cement
13311 (Part Non-destructive testing of concrete - Methods of test: Part 1
1) Ultrasonic pulse velocity
13311 (Part Non-destructive testing of concrete - Methods of test: Part 2
2) Rebound hammer
SP 23 (S & Handbook on concrete mixes (based on Indian Standards)
SP 24 (S & Explanatory handbook on Indian Standard Code for plain
T) and reinforced concrete
SP 33 (S & Handbook on timber engineering
SP 34 (S & Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing
Anti-Termite Measures

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IS No. Title
6313 (Part 1) Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings:
Part 1 Constructional measures
6313 (Part 2) Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings:
Part 2 Pre-constructional chemical treatment measures
(first revision)(Amendments 3)
Door and Windows (Wood And Metal)
208 Door handles
303 Plywood for general purposes
399 Classification of commercial timbers and their zonal
401 Code of practice for preservation of timber
419 Putty, for use on window frames
1003 (Part 1) Timber panelled and glazed shutters: Part 1 Door shutters
1003 (Part 2) Timber panelled and glazed shutters: Part 2 Window and
ventilator shutters
1038 Steel doors, windows and ventilators
1081 Code of practice for fixing and glazing of metal (steel and
aluminium) doors, windows and ventilators
1328 Veneered decorative plywood
1658 Fibre hardboards
1659 Block boards
2191 (Part 1) Wooden flush door shutters (cellular and hollow core type):
Part 1 Plywood face panels
2191 (Part 2) Wooden flush door shutters (cellular and hollow core type):
Part 2 Particle board and hard board face panels
2202 (Part 1) Wooden flush door shutters (solid core type): Part 1
Plywood face panels
2202 (Part 2) Wooden flush door shutters (solid core type): Part 2 Particle
board and hard board face panels
2553 (Part 1) Safety glass: Part 1 General purpose
2835 Flat transparent sheet glass
3087 Wood particle boards (medium density) for general
3097 Veneered particle boards
3129 Low density particle boards
3348 Specification for Fibre insulation boards
3478 Specification for high density wood particle boards
3548 Code of practice for glazing in building
10521 Collapsible gates
6248 Metal rolling shutters & grills
10451 Steel sliding shutters
1361 Steel windows for industrial buildings, ventilation blinds
for windows
4021 Timber door, window and ventilator frames
1826 Venation blinds for windows
1948 Aluminum doors, windows and ventilators
4020 Door shutters, method of test
(Parts 1-16)

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IS No. Title
4351 Specification for steel door frames
4913 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance
of timber doors and windows
4962 Specification for wooden side sliding doors
5187 Flush bolts
5437 Figured, rolled and wired glass
5509 Fire retardant plywood
5539 Specification for preservative treated plywood
6198 Legged, braced and battened timber door shutters
6248 Specification for metal rolling shutters and rolling grills
6534 Guiding principles of grading and inspection of timber
6701 Tungsten filament miscellaneous electric lamps
7316 Decorative plywood using plurality of veneers for decorative
7452 Hot-rolled steel sections for doors, windows and ventilators
10439 Code of practice for patent glazing
10451 Steel sliding shutters
10521 Collapsible gates
10701 Structural plywood
11433 (Part One part grade polysulphide base joints sealant: Part 1
1) General requirements
11433 (Part One part grade polysulphide base joints sealant: Part 2
2) Methods of test
12896 Classification of Indian timbers for door and window
shutters and frames
SP 21 (S & Summarise of Indian Standards for building materials
SP 33 (S & Handbook on timber engineering
Steel Construction
104 Ready mixed paint, brushing, zinc chrome, priming
123 Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing, semi-gloss, for
general purposes to Indian Standard Colours No.445, 446,
448, 449, 451, 473 and red oxide
800 Code of practice for general construction in steel
801 Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel
structural members in general building construction.
806 Code of practice use of steel tubes in general building
811 Cold formed light gauge structural steel sections
814 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of carbon
and carbon manganese steel
816 Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general
construction in mild steel
817 (Part 1) Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc
welders: Part 1 Manual metal arc welding
819 Code of practice for resistance spot welding for light
assemblies in mild steel

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IS No. Title
919 (Part 1) ISO system of limits and fits: Part 1 Bases of tolerances,
deviations and fits
1024 Code of practice for use of welding in bridges and
structures subject to dynamic loading
1030 Carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes
1148 Hot-rolled rivet bars (up to 40 mm dia) for structural
1149 High tensile steel rivet bars for structural purposes
1161 Steel tubes for structural purposes
1182 Recommended practice for radiographic examination of
fusion welded butt joints in steel plates
1261 Code of practice for seam welding in mild steel
4000 Code of practice for high strength bolts in steel
1852 Rolling and cutting laterals for list rolled steel structures
1278 Filler rods and wires for gas welding
1323 Code of practice for oxy-acetylene welding for structural
work in mild steels
1363 (Part 1) Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C:
Part 1 Hexagon head bolts (size range M 5 to M 64)
1363 (Part 2) Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C:
Part 2 Hexagon head screws (size range M 5 to M 64)
1363 (Part 3) Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C:
Part 3 Hexagon nuts (size range M 5 to M 64)
1364 (Part 1) Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grades A
and B: Part 1 Hexagon head bolts (size range M 1.6 to M
1364 (Part 2) Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grades A
and B: Part 2 Hexagon head screws (size range M 1.6 to M
1364 (Part 3) Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grades A
and B: Part 3 Hexagon nuts (size range M 1.6 to M 64)
1367 (Part 3) Fasteners - Threaded steel - Technical supply conditions:
Part 3 Mechanical properties and test methods for bolts,
screws and studs with full loadability
1393 Code of practice for training and testing of oxy acetylene
1477 (Part 1) Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings:
Part 1 Pretreatment
1477 (Part 2) Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings:
Part 2 Painting
1929 Hot forged steel rivets for hot closing (12 to 36 mm
808 Dimensions for hot rolled steel beams, column channels
and angle sections
1398 Placing paper, water proof, bitumen laminated
4353 Recommendations for submerged arc welding of mild steel
and low alloy steel
2595 Code of practice for radiographic testing

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IS No. Title
3935 Code of practice for composite constructions
3658 Code of practice for liquid penetration flow detention
1977 Structural steel (ordinary quality)
2062 Steel for general structural purposes
2074 Ready mixed paint, air drying, red oxide-zinc chrome,
2155 Cold forged solid steel rivets for hot closing (6 to 16 mm
3502 Steel chequered plates
3613 Acceptance tests for wire flux combination for submerged
are welding
3640 Hexagon fit bolts
3757 High strength structural bolts
5369 General requirements for plain washers and lock washers
5370 Plain washers with outside diameter 3 x inside diameter
5374 Taper washers for I-beams (ISMB)
6419 Welding rods and bare electrodes for gas shielded arc
welding of structural steel
6560 Molybdenum and chromium-molybdenum low alloy steel
welding rods and bare electrodes for gas shielded arc
6610 Heavy washers for steel structures
6623 High strength structural nuts
6649 Hardened and tempered washers for high strength
structural bolts and nuts
7205 Safety code for erection of structural steel work
7215 Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures
7280 Bare wire electrodes for submerged arc welding of
structural steels
7307 (Part 1) Approval tests for welding procedures: Part 1 Fusion
welding of steel
7310 (Part 1) Approval tests for welders working to approved welding
procedures: Part 1 Fusion welding of steel
7318 (Part 1) Approval tests for welders when welding procedure
approval is not required: Part 1 Fusion welding of steel
8500 Structural steel - Microalloyed (medium and high strength
9595 Recommendations for metal arc welding of carbon and
carbon manganese steel
12843 Tolerances for erection of steel structures
5334 Code of practice for magnetic practice flow detention of
SP 6(5) Cold- formed, light-gauge steel structures
Floors and Floor Coverings
77 Linseed oil, boiled for paints
269 33 grade ordinary Portland cement
303 Plywood for general purposes

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IS No. Title
383 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
401 Code of practice for preservation of timber
455 Portland stag cement
456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
533 Gum spirit of turpentine (oil of turpentine)
651 Salt glazed stoneware pipes and fittings
653 Linoleum sheets and tiles
657 Materials for use in the manufacture of magnesium
oxychloride flooring compositions
658 Code of practice for magnesium oxychloride composition
712 Building limes
723 Steel countersunk head wire nails
809 Rubber flooring materials for general purposes
1077 Common burnt clay building bricks
1195 Bitumen mastic for flooring
1196 Code of practice for laying bitumen mastic flooring
1197 Code of practice for laying of rubber floors
1198 Code of practice for laying, fixing and maintenance of
linoleum floor
1237 Cement concrete flooring tiles
1322 Bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp-proofing
1443 Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete
flooring tiles
1489 (Part 1) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 1 Fly ash based
1489 (Part 2) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based
1580 Bituminous compounds for water proofing and caulking
1609 Code of practice for laying damp-proofing treatment using
bitumen felts
1661 Code of practice for application of cement and cement-lime
plaster finishes
2114 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazzo floor finish
2116 Sand for masonry mortars
2180 Heavy duty burnt clay building bricks
2386 (Part 4) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 4
Mechanical properties
2571 Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring
3384 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing
and damp proofing
3414 Code of practice for design and installation of joints in
3461 Specification for PVC - asbestos floor tiles
3462 Specification for unbacked flexible PVC flooring
3502 Steel Chequered plates
3583 Specification of burnt clay paving bricks
3622 Specification for sandstone (slabs and tiles)

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IS No. Title
3629 Specification for structural timber in building
3670 Code of practice for construction of timber floors
4441 Code of practice for use of silicate type chemical resistant
4442 Code of practice for use of sulphur type chemical resistant
4443 Code of practice for use of resin type chemical resistant
4456 (Part 1) Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars - Part 1
Silicate type and resin type
4456 (Part 2) Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars - Part 2
Sulphur type
4457 Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tile
4631 Code of practice for laying of epoxy resin floor toppings
4832 (Part 1) Specification for chemical resistant mortars: Part 1 Silicate
4832 (Part 2) Specification for chemical resistant mortars: Part 2 Resin
4832 (Part 3) Specification for chemical resistant mortars: Part 3
Sulphur type
4860 Acid resistant bricks
4971 Recommendations for selection of industrial floor finishes
5318 Code of practice for laying of flexible PVC sheet and tile
5389 Code of practice for laying of hardwood parquet and wood
block floors
5491 Code of practice for laying of in-situ granolithic concrete
flooring topping
5760 Compressed argon
5766 Code of practice for laying of burnt clays brick flooring
6909 Specification for supersulphated cement
7193 Glass fibre base coaltar pitch and bitumen felts
8042 White Portland cement
8374 Bitumen mastic, anti-static and electrically conducting
9077 Code of practice for corrosion protection of steel
reinforcement in RB and RCC construction
9197 Epoxy resin, hardness and epoxy resin compositions for
floor toppings
9472 Code of practice for laying mosaic parquet flooring
10440 Code of practice for construction of RB and RBC floors and
Wall and Ceiling Finishes and Coverings and Walling
269 33 grade ordinary Portland cement
303 Plywood for general purposes
383 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
451 Technical supply conditions for wood screws

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IS No. Title
455 Portland slag cement
459 Corrugated and semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets
710 Marine plywood
712 Building limes
723 Steel countersunk head wire nails
733 Wrought aluminium and aluminum alloy bars, rods and
sections for general engineering purposes
737 Wrought aluminium and aluminum alloy sheet and strip
for general engineering purposes
777 Glazed earthenware wall tiles
883 Design of structural timber in building - Code of Practice
1130 Marble (blocks, slabs and tiles)
1237 Cement concrete flooring tiles
1328 Veneered decorative plywood
1344 Calcined clay pozzolana
1414 Code of practice for fixing wall covering
1489 (Part 1) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 1 Fly ash based
1489 (Part 2) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based
1542 Sand of plaster
1635 Code of practice for field slaking of building lime and
preparation of putty
1658 Fibre hardboards
1659 Block boards
1661 Code of practice for application of cement and cement-lime
plaster finishes
1946 Code of practice for use of fixing devices in walls, ceilings
and floors of solid construction
2095 Gypsum plaster boards
2098 Asbestos cement building boards
2114 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazo floor finish
2116 Sand for masonry mortar
2185 (Part 1) Concrete masonry units : Part 1 Hollow and solid concrete
2185 (Part 2) Concrete masonry units : Part 2 Hollow and solid light
weight concrete blocks
2185 (Part 3) Concrete masonry units : Part 3 Autoclaved cellular aerated
concrete blocks
2402 Code of practice for external rendered finishes
2441 Code of practice for fixing ceiling covering
2547 (Part 1) Gypsum building plaster : Part 1 Excluding premixed
lightweight plaster
2547 (Part 2) Gypsum building plaster : Part 2 Premixed lightweight
2691 Burnt clay facing bricks
2818 Indian hessian : Part 1 General
2849 Specification for non-load bearing gypsum partition blocks
3087 Wood particle boards (medium density) for general

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IS No. Title
3097 Veneered particle boards
3129 Low density particle boards
3348 Specification for fibre insulation boards
3466 Specification for masonry cement
3478 Specification for high density wood particle boards
3629 Specification for structural timber in building
3630 Code of practice for construction of non-load bearing
gypsum block partitions
3677 Unbonded rock and slag wool for thermal insulation
3812 Fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture
4101 (Part 1) Code of practice for external facing and veneers: Part 1
Stone facing
4101 (Part 2) Code of practice for external facing and veneers: Part 2
Cement Concrete facing
4101 (Part 3) Code of practice for external facing and veneers: Part 3 Wall
tiling and mosaics
4407 Code of practice for reed walling
4671 Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation purposes
5390 Code of practice for construction of timber ceiling
5509 Fire retardant plywood
6730 Felt nails
6738 Panel pins and lost head nails
6760 Slotted countersunk head wood screws
7316 Decorative plywood using plurality of veneers for decorative
8041 Rapid hardening Portland cement
12727 Code of practice for no fines cast in-situ cement concrete
Roofs and Roofing
158 Ready mixed paint, brushing, bituminous, black lead-free,
acid alkali and heat resisting
217 Cutback bitumen
269 33 grade ordinary Portland cement
277 Galvanized steel sheet (plain and corrugated)
280 Mild Steel wire for general engineering
383 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
432 (Part 1) Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn
steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel and
medium tensile steel bars
451 Technical supply conditions for wood screws
455 Portland stag cement
456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
459 Corrugated and semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets
723 Steel countersunk head wire nails
725 Copper wire nails
730 Hook bolts for corrugated sheet roofing
805 Code of practice for use of steel in gravity water tanks

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IS No. Title
808 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel beam, column channel and
angle sections
883 Design of structural timber in building - Code of Practice
1077 Common burnt clay building bricks
1120 Coach screws
1199 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
1254 Corrugated aluminium sheet
1322 Bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp-proofing
1343 Code of practice for Prestressed concrete
1344 Calcined clay pozzolana
1489 (Part 1) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 1 Fly ash based
1489 (Part 2) Portland pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based
2098 Asbestos cement building boards
2119 Code of practice for construction of brick-cum-concrete
composite (Madras terrace) floor or roof
2204 Code of practice for construction of reinforced concrete
shell roof
2527 Code of practice for fixing rainwater gutters and down pipes
for roof drainage
2690 (Part 1) Burnt clay flat terracing tiles: Part 1 Machine made
2690 (Part 2) Burnt clay flat terracing tiles: Part 2 Hand made
3007 (Part 1) Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets: Part
1 Corrugated sheets
3007 (Part 2) Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets: Part
2 Semi-corrugated sheets
3629 Specification for structural timber in building
6061 (Part 1) Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with
joints and filler blocks : Part 1 with hollow concrete filler
6061 (Part 2) Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with
joints and filler blocks : Part 2 with hollow clay filler blocks
6061 (Part 3) Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with
joints and filler blocks : Part 3 Precast hollow clay blocks
joints and hollow clay filler blocks
6061 (Part 4) Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with
joints and filler blocks : Part 4 With precast hollow clay
blocks slab panels
6332 Code of practice for construction of floor and roofs using
precast doubly curved shell units
8869 Washers for corrugated sheet roofing
12093 Code of practice for laying and fixing of sloped roof
coverings using plain and corrugated galvanized steel sheet
(ISO 6589-1983)
12506 Code of practice for improved thatching of roof with rot and
fire retardant treatment
Damp - Proofing and Waterproofing
73 Paving bitumen
269 33 grade ordinary Portland cement

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IS No. Title
383 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
702 Industrial bitumen
1195 Bitumen mastic for flooring
1203 Determination of penetration
1322 Bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp-proofing
1346 Code of practice for waterproofing of roofs with bitumen
1580 Bituminous compounds for water proofing and caulking
1609 Code of practice for laying damp-proofing treatment using
bitumen felts
1635 Code of practice for field slaking of building lime and
preparation of putty
1834 Hot applied sealing compound for joint in concrete
2116 Sand for masonry mortars
2508 Low density polyethylene films
2527 Code of practice for fixing rainwater gutters and down pipes
for roof drainage
2541 Code of practice for preparation and use of lime concrete
2645 Integral cement water proofing compounds
2690 (Part 1) Burnt clay flat terracing tiles: Part 1 Machine made
2690 (Part 2) Burnt clay flat terracing tiles: Part 2 Hand made
3036:1992 Laying lime concrete for a waterproofed roof finish
3037 Bitumen mastic for use in waterproofing of roofs
3067 Code of practice for general design details and preparatory
work for damp-proofing and waterproofing of buildings
3370 (Part 1) Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of
liquids: Part 1 General Requirements
3384 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing
and damp proofing
4098 Lime-pozzolana mixture
4365 Code of practice for application of bitumen mastic for water
proofing of roofs
5871 Bitumen mastic for tanking and damp-proofing
6494 Code of practice for waterproofing of underground water
reservoirs and swimming pools
7193 Glass fibre base coaltar pitch and bitumen felts
7198 Code of practice for damp-proofing using bitumen mastic
7290 Recommendations for use of polyethylene film for
waterproofing of roofs
9759 Guidelines for dewatering during construction
9918 Code of practice for application of silicone based water
12027 Silicone-based water repellents
12054 Code of practice for application of silicone based water

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IS No. Title
13182 Waterproofing and damp-proofing of wet areas in building
Joints in Buildings (Control of Cracks In Buildings)
1834 Hot applied sealing compound for joint in concrete
1838 (Part 1) Performed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavements
and structures (non extruding and resilient type): Part 1
Bitumen impregnated fibre
1838 (Part 2) Performed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavements
and structures (non extruding and resilient type): Part 2
CNSL Aldehyde resin and coconut pith
3414 Code of practice for design and installation of joints in
10958 General check list of functions of joints in buildings
11433 (Part One part grade polysulphide based joint sealant: Part 1
1) General Requirements
11817 Classification of joints in buildings for accommodation of
dimensional deviations during construction
11818 Method of test for laboratory determination of air
permeability of joints in buildings
12118 (Part Two parts polysulphide based sealant: Part 1 General
1) requirements
White Washing, Colour Washing and Painting of
Masonry, Concrete and Plaster Surfaces (Calcareous
44 Iron oxide pigments for paints
55 Ultramarine blue for paints
109 Ready mixed paint, brushing, priming, plaster, to Indian
Standard Colour No. 361 and 631 White and off white
133 Enamel, interior: (a) undercoating, (b) finishing
158 Ready mixed paint, brushing, bituminous, black lead-free,
acid alkali and heat resisting
168 Ready mixed paint, air drying, for general purpose
427 Distemper, dry, colour as required
428 Distemper, oil emulsion, colour as required
702 Industrial bitumen
712 Building limes
2395 (Part 1) Code of practice for painting concrete masonry and plaster
surfaces : Part 1 Operation and workmanship
2395 (Part 2) Code of practice for painting concrete masonry and plaster
surfaces : Part 2 Schedule
2547 (Part 1) Gypsum building plaster: Part 1 Excluding premixed
lightweight plaster
2547 (Part 2) Gypsum building plaster: Part 2 Premixed lightweight
2932 Enamel, synthetic, exterior (a) undertaking (b) finishing
2933 Enamel, exterior (a) undertaking (b) finishing
3140 Code of practice for painting asbestos cement building

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IS No. Title
3384 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing
and damp proofing
5410 Cement paint
5411 (Part 1) Plastic emulsion paint: Part 1 for interior use
5411(Part 2) Plastic emulsion paint: Part 2 for exterior use
6278 Code of practice for whitewashing and colour washing
9862 Ready mixed paint, brushing, bituminous, black lead-free,
acid alkali, water and chlorine resisting
Painting, Varnishing and Allied Finishes (Wood And
102 Ready mixed paint, brushing, red lead, non settling,
110 Ready mixed paint, brushing, Grey filler, for enamels for
use over primers
117 Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing exterior, semi-gloss
for general purposes to Indian Standard Colours No. 101 to
104, 169,174,216, 217, 219, 275, 278, 280,281, 283, 352
to 354, 358 to 365, 384 to 388, 397, 410, 442 to 444
124 (Part 3) Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing exterior, semi-gloss
for general purposes: Part 3 (superseding IS 119)
127 Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing exterior, semi-gloss
for general purposes white
128 Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing exterior, semi-gloss
for general purposes black
133 Enamel, interior: (a) undercoating, (b) finishing
137 Ready mixed paint, brushing, matt or eggshell flat,
finishing, interior to Indian Standard colour as required
144 Ready mixed paint, brushing, petrol resisting, air-drying,
for interior painting of tanks and container, red oxide
(colour unspecified)
158 Ready mixed paint, brushing, bituminous, black lead-free,
acid alkali and heat resisting
198 Varnish gold size
207 Gate and shutter hooks and eyes
337 Varnish, finishing interior
348 French polish
401 Code of practice for preservation of timber
423 Plastic wood for joiners filter
524 Varnish, finishing, exterior, synthetic, air drying
525 Varnish, finishing, exterior and general purposes
1477 (Part 1) Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings:
Part 1 Pretreatment
1477 (Part 2) Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings:
Part 2 Painting
2338 (Part 1) Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood based
materials: Part 1 Operations and workmanship
2338 (Part 2) Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood based
materials: Part 2 Schedules
2339 Aluminium paint for general purposes, in dual container

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IS No. Title
2554 (Part Code of practice for painting of non ferrous metals in
1&2) buildings
2524 (Part 1) Code of Practice for painting of non-ferrous metals in
buildings; Part 1 Pretreatment
2524 (Part 1) Code of Practice for painting of non-ferrous metals in
buildings; Part 2 Painting
2932 Enamel, synthetic, exterior (a) undertaking (b) finishing
2933 Enamel, exterior (a) undertaking (b) finishing
3531 Glossary of terms relating to corrosion of metals
3536 Ready mixed paint, brushing, wood primer, pink
3537 Ready mixed paint, finishing interior, for general purposes,
to Indian Standard Colours No. 101, 216, 217, 219, 275,
281, 352, 353, 358 to 361, 363, 364, 388, 410, 442, 444,
628, 631, 632, 634, 693, 697, white and black
3539 Ready mixed paint, undercoating for use under oil finishes
to Indian Standard Colours, as required
3585 Ready mixed paint, aluminium, brushing priming water
resistant, for woodwork
4597 Code of Practice for finishing of wood and wood based
products with nitrocellulose and cold catalysed materials
6005 Code of practice for phosphating of iron and steel
Water Supply And Drainage
Part 1 Water Supply
1172 Code of basic requirements of water supply, drainage and
1239 (Part 1) Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings:
Part 1 Mild steel tubes
1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas
and sewage
1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and
1592 Asbestos cement pressure pipes
3114 Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipes
5822 Code of practice for welded steel pipes for water supply
1626 (Part 1) Asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters
and gutter fittings and roofing fittings: Part 1 (Pipe and pipe
2064 Selection, installation an maintenance of sanitary
appliances - Code of practice
2065 Code of practice for water supply in buildings
2692 Ferrules for water services
3076 Low density polyethylene pipes of potable water supplies;
sewage and industrial effluents
4984 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable
water supplies; sewage and industrial effluents
4985 Specification for unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water
7558 Code of practice for domestic hot water installations

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

IS No. Title
7634 (Part 2) Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water
supplies : Part 2 Laying and jointing polyethylene (PE)
7634 (Part 3) Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water
supplies : Part 3 Laying and jointing of UPVC pipes
12183 (Part Code of practice for plumbing in multi-storeyed buildings:
1) Part 1 Water supply
1916 Steel cylinder pipes with lining and coating
4127 Code of practice for laying of salt glazed stoneware pipes
12709 Glass fibre reinforced plastic pipes, joints and rings for
potable water supply
3597 Concrete pipes-methods of test
7319 Perforated concrete pipes
NBC National Building Code of India
SP 35 (S & Handbook of water supply and drainage with special
T) emphasis on plumbing
Part 2 Building Drainage
277 Galvanized steel sheet (plain and corrugated)
458 Precast concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement)
651 Salt glazed stoneware pipes and fittings
782 Caulking lead
783 Code of Practice for laying of concrete pipes
1230 Cast iron rainwater pipes and fittings
1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas
and sewage
1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and
1592 Asbestos cement pressure pipes
1626 (Part 1) Asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters
and gutter fittings and roofing fittings: Part 1 (Pipe and pipe
1726 Cast iron manhole covers and frames
1742 Code of Practice for building drainage
3006 Specification for chemically resistant glazed stoneware
pipes and fittings
4111 Code of Practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system
(Parts 1 to 5)
4733 Methods of sampling and test for sewage effluents
4984 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable
water supplies; sewage and industrial effluents
4985 Specification for unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water
5329 Code of Practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for
5455 Cast iron steps for manholes
12592 (Parts Precast manhole covers & frames
1 & 2)
4350 Concrete porous pipes for Under drainage

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

IS No. Title
2470 (Parts Code of Practice for installation of septic tank
1 & 2)
784 Prestressed concrete pipes
Special Construction Procedures Earthquake Effects,
1893 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures
4326 Earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings-
Code of practice
13920 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected
to seismic forces - Code of practice
13935 Repair and seismic strengthening of buildings - Guidelines
4991 Criteria for blast resistant design of structures for
explosions above ground
6922 Criteria for safety and design of structures subject to
underground blasts
2190 Selection, installation and maintenance of first-aid fire
extinguishers - Code of practice
3696 (Part 2) Safety code of scaffolds and ladders: Part 2 Ladders
4912 Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings
and toe boards
10005 S.I. units and recommendations for use of their multiples
and of certain other units
6060 Code of practice for day lighting of factory buildings
3103 Code of practice for industrial ventilation
3483 Code of practice for noise reduction in industrial buildings
2440 Guide for day lighting of buildings
1200 (1 to Method of measurement of Building and Civil Engg. Works
7973 Code of practice for architectural and building working
962 Code of practice for architectural and building drawings
13415 Code of safety for protective barrier in and around
4801 Safety code for blasting and related drilling operations
8969 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures
10.2.1 Samples and Tests of Materials
The Contractor shall submit samples of such materials as may be required
by the Engineer-in-charge and shall carry out the specified tests directed by
the Engineer-in-charge at the Site, at the supplier’s premises or at a
laboratory approved by the Engineer-in-charge without any extra cost.

Samples shall be submitted and tests carried out sufficiently early to enable
further samples to be submitted and tested if required by the Engineer-in-

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Approval by the Engineer-in-charge as to the placing of orders for materials

or as to samples or tests shall not prejudice any of the Employer’s powers
under the Contract.

10.2.2 Standards
Materials and workmanship shall comply with the relevant Indian Standards
(with amendments up to date).

Where the relevant standard provides for the furnishing of a certificate to the
Engineer-in-charge, at his request, stating that the materials supplied
comply in all respects with the standard, the Contractor shall obtain the
certificates and forward it to the Engineer-in-charge.

The specifications, standards and codes listed in this chapter are considered
to be part of this Bid specification. All standards, specifications, codes of
practices referred to herein shall be the latest editions including all
applicable official amendments and revisions.

10.3.1 General
The Contractor shall furnish all tools, plant instruments, qualified
supervisory personnel, labour, materials, any temporary works,
consumables, any and everything necessary, whether or not such items are
specifically stated herein for completion of the work in accordance with the
Department’s Requirements.

The Contractor shall survey the site before excavation and set out all lines
and establish levels for various works such as grading, basement,
foundations, plinth filling, roads, drains, cable trenches, pipelines etc. Such
survey shall be carried out by taking accurate cross sections of the area
perpendicular to established reference/grid lines at 8 m in case of buildings
and 30 m in case of roads and pipe lines works intervals or nearer, if
necessary, based on ground profile and thereafter properly recorded.
The excavation shall be carried out to correct lines and levels. This shall also
include, where required, proper shoring to maintain excavations and also the
furnishing, erecting and maintaining of substantial barricades around
excavated areas and warning lamps at night.

Excavated material shall be dumped in regular heaps, bunds, riprap with

regular slopes and leveling the same so as to provide natural drainage.
Rock/soil excavated shall be stacked properly as approved by the Engineer-
in-charge. As a rule, all softer material shall be laid along the centre of

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heaps, the harder and more weather resisting materials forming the casing
on the sides and the top.

Topsoil shall be stock piled separately for later re-use.

10.3.2 Clearing
The area to be excavated / filled shall be cleared of fences, trees, plants,
logs, stumps, bush, vegetation, rubbish, slush, etc. and other objectionable
matter. If any roots or stumps of trees are encountered during excavation,
they shall also be removed. The material so removed shall be disposed off as
approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Where earth fill is intended, the area
shall be stripped of all loose/ soft patches, top soil containing objectionable
matter / materials before fill commences.

10.3.3 Excavation
Excavation for permanent work shall be taken out to such widths, lengths,
depths and profiles as are shown on the approved drawings or such other
lines and grades as may be agreed with the Engineer-in-charge Rough
excavation shall be carried out to a depth of 150 mm above the final level.
The balance shall be excavated with special care. Soft pockets shall be
removed below the final level and extra excavation filled up with material as
approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The final excavation should be carried
out just prior to laying the blinding course.
To facilitate the permanent works the Contractor may excavate, and also
backfill later, outside the lines shown on the approved drawings or as agreed
with the Engineer-in-charge. Should any excavation be taken below the
specified elevations, the Contractor shall fill it up with concrete of the same
class as in the foundation resting thereon, up to the required elevation at no
cost to the department.
All excavations shall be to the minimum dimensions required for safety and
ease of working. Prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge shall be obtained
by the Contractor in each individual case, for the method proposed for the
excavation, including dimensions, side slopes, dewatering, disposal, etc. This
approval, shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for
any consequent loss or damage. The excavation must be carried out in the
most expeditious and efficient manner. Side slopes shall be as steep as will
stand safely for the actual soil conditions encountered. Every precaution
shall be taken to prevent slips. Should slips occur, the slipped material shall
be removed and the slope dressed to a modified stable slope.

10.3.4 Rock Stripping Loose Rock

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All loose boulders, detached rocks partially and other loose material
which might move therewith not directly in the excavation but so close
to the area to be excavated as to be liable, in the opinion of Engineer-
in-charge, to fall or otherwise endanger the workmen, equipment, or
the work shall be stripped off and removed from the area of the
excavation. The method used shall be such as not to render unstable
or unsafe the portion, which was originally sound and safe.
Any material not requiring removal in order to complete the
permanent works, but which, in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge, is
likely to become loose or unstable later, shall also be promptly and
satisfactorily removed.
10.3.5 Fill, Backfilling and Site Grading General
All fill material shall be subject to the Engineer-in-charge’s approval. If
any material is rejected by Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor shall
remove the same forthwith from the site. Surplus fill material shall be
deposited/disposed off as directed by Engineer-in-charge after the fill
work is completed.
No earth fill shall commence until surface water discharges and
streams have been properly intercepted or otherwise dealt with to the
approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Material
To the extent available, selected surplus soil from excavations shall be
used as backfill. Backfill material shall be free from lumps, organic or
other foreign material. All lumps of earth shall be broken or removed
unless otherwise stated. Where excavated material is mostly rock, the
boulders shall be broken into pieces not larger than 150 mm size,
mixed with properly graded fine material consisting of murram or
earth to fill the voids and the mixture used for filling.
If fill material is required to be imported, the Contractor shall make
arrangements to bring such material from outside borrow pits. The
material and source shall be subject to the prior approval of the
Engineer-in-charge. The approved borrow pit areas shall be cleared of
all bushes, roots of trees, plants, rubbish, etc. Top soil containing
foreign material shall be removed. The materials so removed shall be

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disposed of as directed by Engineer-in-charge. The Contractor shall

provide the necessary access roads to borrow areas and maintain the
same if such roads do not exist. Filling in pits and trenches around foundations of structures,
walls, etc.
The spaces around the foundations, structures, pits, trenches, etc.,
shall be cleared of all debris, and filled with earth in layers not
exceeding 15 cm, each layer being watered, rammed and properly
consolidated to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. Earth shall be
rammed with approved mechanical compaction machines. Usually no
manual compaction shall be allowed unless the Engineer-in-Charge is
satisfied that in some cases manual compaction by tampers cannot be
avoided. The final backfill surface shall be trimmed and leveled to a
proper profile to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
The filling shall be done after the concrete or masonry is fully set and
done in such a manner as not to cause undue thrust on any part of
the structure. Plinth Filling
Plinth filling shall be carried out with approved material such as soil,
sand or murram as in layers not exceeding 15 cm watered and
compacted with mechanical compaction machines. When filling
reaches the finished level, the surface shall be flooded with water,
unless otherwise directed, for at least 24 hours, allowed to dry and
then the surface again compacted as specified above to avoid
settlement at a later stage. The finished level of the filling shall be
trimmed to the level/slope specified.
Compaction of large areas be carried out by means of 12 ton rollers
smooth wheeled, sheep-foot or wobbly wheeled rollers. In case of
compaction of granular material such as sands and gravel, vibratory
rollers shall be used. A smaller weight roller may be used only if
permitted by the Engineer-in-charge. As rolling proceeds, water
sprinkling shall be done to assist consolidation. Water shall not be
sprinkled in case of sandy fills.
The thickness of each unconsolidated fill layer can in this be upto a
maximum of 300 mm. The Contractor will determine the thickness of

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the layers in which fill has to be consolidated depending on the fill

material and equipment used and the approval of the Engineer-in-
charge obtained prior to commencing filling.
The process of filling in the plinth, watering and compaction shall be
carried out by the contractor in such a way as not to endanger the
foundation columns, plinth walls etc. already built up. Under no
circumstances Black cotton soil shall be used for plinth in filling.
Rolling shall commence from the outer edge and progress towards the
centre and continue until compaction is to the satisfaction of
Engineer-in-charge, but in no case less than 10 passes of the roller
will be accepted for each layer.
The compacted surface shall be properly shaped, trimmed and
consolidated to an even and uniform gradient. All soft spots shall be
excavated, then filled and consolidated.
At some locations/ areas, it may not be possible to use rollers because
of space restrictions, etc. The Contractor shall then be permitted to
use pneumatic tampers, rammers, etc. and he shall ensure proper
compaction. Sand Filling in Plinth and Other Places
Where backfilling is required to be carried out with local sand it shall
be clean, medium grained and free from impurities. The filled-in-sand
shall be kept flooded with water for 24 hours to ensure maximum
consolidation. The surface of the consolidated sand shall be dressed to
required level or slope. Construction of floors or other structures on
sand fill shall not be started until the Engineer-in-charge has
inspected and approved the fill.
10.3.6 General Site Grading
Site grading shall be carried out as indicated in the approved
drawings. Excavation shall be carried out as specified in the
Department’s Requirements. Filling and compaction shall be carried
out as specified under relevant Clause and elsewhere unless otherwise
indicated below.
If no compaction is called for, the fill may be deposited to the full
height in one operation and leveled. If the fill has to be compacted, it
shall be placed in layers not exceeding 200 mm and leveled uniformly

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

and compacted as indicated in relevant Clause before the next layer is

To ensure that the fill has been compacted as specified, field and
laboratory tests shall be carried out by the Contractor.
Field compaction tests shall be carried out in each layer of filling until
the fill to the entire height has been completed. This shall hold good
for embankments as well. The fill will be considered as incomplete if
the desired compaction has not been obtained.
The Contractor shall protect the earth fill from being washed away by
rain or damaged in any other way. Should any slip occur, the
Contractor shall remove the affected material and make good the slip.
10.3.7 Fill Density
Unless otherwise specified the compaction, where so called for, shall
comply with minimum 90% compaction by Standard Proctor at
moisture content differing not more than 4% from the optimum
moisture content. The Contractor shall demonstrate adequately by
field and laboratory tests that the specified density has been obtained.
10.3.8 Timber Shoring
The provisions of relevant ISS shall apply.
10.3.9 Dewatering
The Contractor shall ensure at his cost that the excavation and the
structures are free from water during construction and shall take all
necessary precautions and measures to exclude ground/ rain water so
as to enable the works to be carried out in reasonably dry conditions
in accordance with the construction programme. Sumps made for
dewatering must be kept clear of the excavations/ trenches required
for further work. The method of pumping shall be approved by
Engineer-in-charge, but in any case, the pumping arrangement shall
be such that there shall be no movement of subsoil or blowing in due
to differential head of water during pumping. Pumping arrangements
shall be adequate to ensure no delays in construction. The dewatering
shall be continued for at least (7) seven days after the last pour of the
concrete. The Contractor shall, however, ensure that no damage to the
structure results on stopping of dewatering.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

The Contractor shall study the sub-soil conditions carefully and shall
conduct any test necessary at the site with the approval of the
Engineer-in-charge to test the permeability and drainage conditions of
the sub-soil for excavation, concreting etc., below ground level.
The scheme for dewatering and disposal of water shall be approved by
the Engineer-in-charge. The Contractor shall suitably divert the water
obtained from dewatering from such areas of site where a build up of
water in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge obstructs the progress
of the work, leads to unsanitary conditions by stagnation, retards the
speed of construction and is detrimental to the safety of men,
materials, structures and equipment.
When there is a continuous inflow of water and the quantum of water
to be handled is considered in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge, to be
large, a well point system-single stage or multistage, shall be adopted.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-charge, details of his
well point system including the stages, the spacing number and
diameter of well points, headers etc., and the number, capacity and
location of pumps for approval.
If any foundation pits are filled due to accumulation of surface flow
during the progress of work or during rainy season, or due to any
other cause all pumping required for dewatering the pits & removing
silt shall be done without extra cost.
10.3.10 Rain Water Drainage
Grading in the vicinity of excavation shall be such as to exclude rain/
surface water draining into excavated areas. Excavation shall be kept
clean of rain and such water as the Contractor may be using for his
work by suitably pumping out the same. The scheme for pumping and
discharge of such water shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right at all times to inspect all
operations including the sources of materials, procurement, layout
and storage of materials, the concrete batching and mixing equipment
and the quality control system. Such an inspection shall be arranged
and the Engineer-in-Charge’s approval obtained, prior to starting of

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

concrete work. This shall, however, not relieve the Contractor of any of
his responsibilities. All materials which do not conform to the
Specifications shall be rejected.
Materials should be selected so that they can satisfy the design
requirements of strength, serviceability, safety, durability and finish
with due regards to the functional requirements and the
environmental conditions to which the structure will be subjected.
Materials complying with codes/standards shall generally be used.
Other materials may be used after approval of the Engineer-in-Charge
and after establishing their performance suitability based on previous
data, experience or tests.
Unless otherwise called for by the Engineer-in-charge, cement shall be
ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 2697, IS: 8112 or IS:
12269. Super Sulphated cement conforming to IS 6909 or super
resistant Portland cement conforming to IS 12330 or Pozzolana
Portland Cement conforming to IS 1489..
Sulphate resistant cement conforming to IS 12330 shall be used for
all cement concrete works below ground level at
1. For RCC works to be done in river or nallah section, below
existing ground level.
2. for all stretches along pipe alignment having soil resistivity
below 1000 ohm-cm for guniting in MS pipe or for support
structures/anchor blocks/thrust blocks to be laid having soil
resistivity below 2000 ohm-cm for MS pipeline above ground,
3. For all RCC works done in foundation (below ground) at head
Only one type of cement shall be used in any one mix. The source of
supply, type or brand of cement within the same structure or portion
thereof shall not be changed without approval from the Engineer-In-
Cement which is not used within 90 days from its date of manufacture
shall be tested at a laboratory approved by the Engineer-In-Charge

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

and until the results of such tests are found satisfactory, it shall not
be used in any work. (General)
It shall comply with requirement of IS 383 and as specified in IS 456-
2000. Aggregates shall consist of naturally occurring stones (crushed
or uncrushed), gravel and sand. They shall be chemically inert,
strong, hard, clean, durable against weathering, of limited porosity,
free from dust/slit/organic impurities/deleterious materials such as
iron pyrites, cod, mica, slate, clay alkali, soft fragments, sea shells
and conform to IS: 383. Aggregates such as slag, crushed over burnt
bricks, bloated clay aggregates, sintered fly ash and tiles shall not be
Aggregates shall be washed and screened before use where necessary
or if directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Aggregates containing reactive silica shall not be used.
The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be as stated on the
drawings but in no case greater than ¼ of the minimum thickness of
the member.
Plums 160 mm and above of a reasonable size may be used in mass
concrete fill where directed. Plums shall not constitute more than 20%
by volume of the concrete when specifically permitted. The plums
shall be distributed evenly and shall not be closer than 160 mm from
the surface. For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of
ribs of main beams the nominal maximum size of aggregate shall be
restricted to 5 mm less than minimum clear distance between the
main bars or 5 mm less than the minimum cover to reinforcement
whichever is smaller. Coarse and fine aggregates shall preferably
batched separately, specially for design mix concrete.
The largest possible size, properly graded should be used in order to
reduce water demand.
Graded aggregate shall confirm to requirements in Table 1, 2, 3 & 4.
All in aggregate shall confirm to requirements in Table 5.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Table 1 : Graded Aggregate Percentage Passing for Normal size of Aggregate

IS Sieve
40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm
80 100 - - -
40 95-100 100 - -
20 30-70 95-100 100 100
16 - - 90-100 -
12.5 - - - 90-100
10 10-35 25-55 30-70 40-85
4.75 0-5 0-10 0-10 0-10
2.36 - - - -

Table 2 Single Sized Aggregate (Ungraded) Percentage Passing for Normal size of Aggregate

IS Sieve 63 40 20 16 12.5 10
Designation mm mm mm mm mm mm
80 100 - - - - -
63 85- 100 - - - -
40 0-30 85- 100 - - -
IS Sieve 0-5 0-20 85- 100 - -
Designation 20 100
16 - - - 85- 100 -
12.5 - - - - 85- 100
10 0-5 0-5 0-20 0-30 0-45 85-
4.75 - - 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-20
2.36 - - - - - 0-5

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Table 3 Making Single Sized to Graded Aggregate

Part of Single Size Aggregate to be
Cement size of
Mixed to Get Graded Aggregate (by
Concrete Graded
Mix Required 50 40 20 12.5 10
mm mm mm mm mm
1:6:12 63 9 - 3 - -
40 - 9 3 - -
1:5:10 63 7.5 - 2.5 - -
40 - 7.5 2.5 - -
1:4:8 63 6 - 2 - -
40 - 6 2 - -
1:3:6 63 4.5 - 1.5 - -
40 - 4.5 1.5 - -
20 - - 4.5 - 1.5
1:2:4 40 - 2.5 1 - 0.5
20 - - 3 - 1
12.5 - - - 3 1
1:1.5:3 20 - - 2 - 1
Note Proportions indicated are by volume. If single sized aggregate
specified is not available, the volume of single sized aggregates
shall be varied with a view to obtain the graded aggregate.
Table 4: Grading of Fine Aggregates Percentage Passing for

IS Sieve Grading Grading Grading Grading

Designatio Zone I Zone II Zone III Zone IV

10 mm 100 100 100 100

4.75 mm 90-100 90-100 90-100 90-100

2.36 mm 60-95 75-100 85-100 95-100

1.18 mm 30-70 55-90 75-100 90-100

600 micron 15-34 35-59 60-79 80-100

300 micron 5-20 8-30 12-40 15-50

150 micron 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-15

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Note For crushed stone sands, the possible limit on 150 micron IS
sieve is increased to 20 percent. This does not affect 5 percent
allowance permitted to other sieves.
Table 5 Percentage Passing All-in-Aggregate Grading of IS Sieve

IS Sieve Designation

mm 40 mm Nominal Size 16 mm Nominal


80 100 -

40 95-100 95-100

20 45-75 95-100

4.75 mm 25-45 30-50

600 micron 8-30 10-35

150 micron 0-6 0-6

Fine aggregates are divided into 4 zones. Typical good sand falls in
Zone II grading, however, finer or coarse sand may be used with
suitable adjustment in the ratio of quantities of coarse to fine
Very fine sands as included in Zone IV grading should not be used
except when the concrete is closely controlled by design mixes. Water
Water used for both mixing and curing shall conform to IS : 456-2000
and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar,
organic materials that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. The pH
value of water shall not be less than 6. Reinforcement
Reinforcement shall be any of the following:
1. Mild Steel and medium tensile bars to IS 432 Part 1.
2. High strength deformed bars and wires to IS 1786.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

3. Rolled steel Grade A made from structural steel to IS 2062.

4. TMT rebars Fe500 grade.
All reinforcement shall be free from loose mill scales, loose rust and
coats of paints, oil, mud or other coatings, which may destroy or
reduce bond. Admixtures
Accelerating, retarding, water reducing and air entraining admixtures
shall conform to IS : 9103 and integral water proofing admixtures to
IS : 2645.
Admixtures may be used in concrete as per manufacturer’s
instructions only with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. An
admixture’s suitability and effectiveness shall be verified by trial mixes
with the other materials used in the works. If two or more admixtures
are to be used simultaneously in the same concrete mix, their
interaction shall be checked and trial mixes done to ensure their
compatibility. There should also be no increase in risk of corrosion of
the reinforcement or other embedment.
Calcium chloride shall not be used for accelerating set of the cement
for any concrete containing reinforcement or embedded steel parts.
When calcium chloride is permitted such as in mass concrete works,
it shall be dissolved in water and added to the mixing water by an
amount not exceeding 1.5 percent of the weight of the cement in each
batch of concrete. The designed concrete mix shall be corrected
10.4.3 Samples and Tests
All materials used for the works shall be tested before use.
Manufacturer’s test certificate shall be furnished for each batch of
cement /steel and when directed by the Engineer samples shall also
be got tested by the Contractor in a laboratory approved by the
Sampling and testing shall be as per IS: 2386 under the supervision of
the Engineer-in-Charge.
Water to be used shall be tested to comply with requirements of IS:

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

The Contractor shall furnish manufacturer’s test certificates and

technical literature for the admixture proposed to be used. If directed,
the admixture shall be got tested at an approved laboratory at no
extra cost.

10.4.4 Concrete General
Concrete grade shall be as designated on approved drawings. In
concrete grade M15, M20 etc. the number represents the specified
characteristic compressive strength of 150 mm cube at 28 days,
expressed in N/sq. mm as per IS: 456. Concrete in the works shall be
concrete works of grade M5, M7.5, M10, and M15 shall be NOMINAL
MIX CONCRETE. Grade M20 can be nominal or design mix as per the
requirement whereas all other grades, above M20 necessarily be
DESIGN MIX CONCRETE. Design Mix Concrete
The mix design shall produce concrete having reduced workability
(consistency) and strength not less than approximate values given in
table below. Workability shall be controlled by direct measurement of
water content and checking it at frequent intervals by method
prescribed in IS 1199.
a) Mix Design and Testing
For Design Mix Concrete, the mix shall be designed according to IS:
10262 and SP 23 to provide the grade of concrete having the required
workability and characteristic strength not less than appropriate
values given in IS: 456. The design mix shall be cohesive and does not
segregate and should result in a dense and durable concrete and also
capable of giving the finish as specified. For liquid retaining
structures, the mix shall also result in water tight concrete. The
Contractor shall exercise great care while designing the concrete mix
and executing the works to achieve the desired result.
The minimum cement content for Design Mix Concrete shall be as per
IS: 456.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

The minimum cement content stipulated above shall be adopted

irrespective of whether the Contractor achieves the desired strength
with less quantity of cement. The Contractor’s quoted rates for
concrete shall provide for the above eventuality and nothing extra
shall become payable to the CONTRACTOR in this account. Even in
the case where the quantity of cement required is higher than that
specified above to achieve desired strength based on an approved mix
design, nothing extra shall become payable to the CONTRACTOR.
It shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility to carry out the mix
designs at his own cost. He shall furnish to the Engineer-in-Charge at
least 30 days before concreting operations, a statement of proportions
proposed to be used for the various concrete mixes and the strength
results obtained. The strength requirements of the concrete mixes
ascertained on 150 mm cubes as per IS: 516 shall comply with the
requirements of IS: 456.

Grade Minimum Specified Characteristic

Compressive Compressive Strength
Strength N/sq. mm at 28 days
N/sq.mm at 7 days
M15 10.0 15.0
M20 13.5 20.0
M25 17.0 25.0
M30 20.0 30.0
M35 23.5 35.0
M40 27.0 40.0

Grades lower than M20 shall not be used for reinforced concrete
(general) Grading lower than M25 shall not be used for reinforced
concrete in liquid retaining structures.
A range of slumps which shall generally be used for various types of
construction unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge is
given below:

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Structure / Member Slump in

Maximum Minimu
Reinforced foundation walls and footings 75 25
Plain footings, caissons and substructure 100 25
Slabs, Beams and reinforced walls 75 25
Pump & miscellaneous Equipment 100 25
Building columns 50 25
Pavements 50 25
Heavy mass construction 50 25

b) Batching & Mixing of Concrete

Proportions of aggregates and cement, as decided by the concrete mix
design, shall be by weight. These proportions shall be maintained
during subsequent concrete batching by means of weigh batchers
capable of controlling the weights within one percent of the desired
Amount of water added shall be such as to produce dense concrete of
required consistency, specified strength and satisfactory workability
and shall be so adjusted to account for moisture content in the
aggregates. Water-cement ratio specified for use by the Engineer-in-
Charge shall be maintained. Each time the work stops, the mixer shall
be cleaned out and while recommencing, the first batch shall have
10% additional cement to allow for sticking in the drum.
Arrangement should be made by the Contractor to have the cubes
tested in an approved laboratory or in field with prior consent of the
Engineer-in-Charge. Sampling and testing of strength and workability
of concrete shall be as per IS: 1199, IS: 516 and IS : 456. Nominal Mix Concrete
Mix Design & Testing
Mix Designing and preliminary tests are not necessary for Nominal
Mix Concrete. However works tests shall be carried out as per IS: 456.
Proportions for Nominal Mix Concrete and w/c ratio may be adopted
as per Table 9 of IS: 456. However it will be the Contractor’s sole

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

responsibility to adopt appropriate nominal mix proportions to yield

the specified strength.
Batching & Mixing of Concrete
The Proportions of materials used for concrete of grades shall be as
given below:
Proportions for Nominal Mix of Concrete

Grade of Total Quantity for Dry Proportion of Quantity of

Concrete Aggregate by Mass per Fine Aggregate Water per
50 kg of Cement to Coarse 50 kg of
(as Sum of Fine and Aggregate Cement,
Coarse Aggregates), in (by Mass) Max in
kg, Max Litres

M 15 350 -do- 32

M 20 250 -do- 30

NOTES 1 The proportions of the fine to coarse aggregates should be

adjusted from upper limit to lower limit progressively as the
grading of the fine aggregates becomes finer and maximum size
of coarse aggregate becomes larger. Graded coarse aggregate
(see Table 5.1) shall be used.
2 Example: For an average grading of fine aggregate (that is, Zone
II of IS 383:1970, Table 4) the proportions shall be 1:1.5, 1:2
and 1:2.5 for maximum size of aggregates 10 mm, 20 mm and
40 mm respectively.
3 This table envisages batching by weight, Volume batching when
done the nominal mixes would roughly be 1:3:6, 1:2:4 and
1:1.5:3 for M 10, M 15 and M 20 respectively.
4 For underwater concreting the quantity of coarse aggregate,
either by volume or mass, shall not be less than 1.5 times and
not more than twice that of the fine aggregate.
Concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer conforming to IS 1791.
The mixing shall be continued until there is uniform distribution of

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

materials and the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. If there

is segregation after unloading, the concrete should be remixed. In beginning, contractor shall prepare at least 30 cubes of each
grade intended to be used for testing at 1,3,7,14 & 28 days and
prepare a graph with their possible deviation to be referred at later
stage. The cube shall be casted & tested as per relevant code in the
presence of EIC.
10.4.5 Formwork
Formwork shall be all inclusive and shall consist of but not be limited
to shores, bracings, sides of footings, walls, beams and columns,
bottom of slabs etc. including ties, anchors, hangers, inserts, false
work, wedges etc.
The design and engineering of the formwork as well as its construction
shall the responsibility of the Contractor, However, if so desired by the
Engineer-in-Charge, the drawings and calculations for the design of
the formwork shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for the
Formwork shall be designed to fulfill the following requirements:
1. Sufficiently rigid and tight to prevent loss of grout or mortar
from the concrete at all stages and appropriate to the methods
of placing and compacting.
2. Made of suitable materials.
3. Capable of providing concrete of the correct shape and surface
finish within the specified tolerance limits.
4. Capable of withstanding without deflection the worst
combination of self weight, reinforcement and concrete weight,
all loads and dynamic effects arising from construction and
compacting activities, wind and weather forces.
5. Capable of easy striking out without shock, disturbance or
damage to the concrete.
6. Soffit forms capable of imparting a camber if required
7. Soffit forms and supports capable of being left in position if

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

8. Capable of being cleaned and/or coated if necessary

immediately prior to casting the concrete; design temporary
openings where necessary for these purposes and to facilitate
and the preparation of construction joints.
The formwork may be of timber, plywood, steel, plastic or concrete
depending upon the type of finish specified. Sliding forms and slip
form may be used with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Timber for formwork shall be well seasoned, free from sap, shakes,
loose knots, worm holes, warps and other surface defects. Joints
between formwork and structures shall be sufficiently tight to prevent
loss of slurry from concrete, using seals if necessary.
The faces of formwork coming in contact with concrete shall be
cleaned and two coats of approved mould oil applied before fixing
reinforcement. All rubbish, particularly chippings, shavings, sawdust,
wire pieces dust etc. shall be removed from the interior of the forms
before the concrete is placed. Where directed, cleaning of forms shall
be done by blasting with a jet of compressed air at no extra cost.
Forms intended for reuse shall be treated with care. Forms that have
deteriorated shall not be used. Before reuse, all forms shall be
thoroughly scraped, cleaned, nails removed, holes suitably plugged,
joints repaired and warped lumber replaced to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall equip himself with enough
shuttering to allow for wastage so as to complete the job in time.
Permanent formwork shall be checked for its durability and
compatibility with adjoining concrete before it is used in the structure.
It shall be properly anchored to the concrete.
Wire ties passing through beams, columns and walls shall not be
allowed. In their place bolts passing through sleeves shall be used.
Formwork spacers left in-situ shall not impair the desired appearance
or durability of the structure by causing spalling, rust staining or
allowing the passage of moisture.
For liquid retaining structures, sleeves shall not be provided for
through bolts nor shall through bolts be removed if provided. The
bolts, in the latter case, shall be cut at 25 mm depth from the surface
and the hole made good by cement mortar of the same proportion as
the concrete just after striking the formwork.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Where specified all corners and angles exposed in the finished

structure shall have chamfers or fillets of 20 mm x 20 mm size.
Forms for substructure may be omitted when, in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-Charge, the open excavation is firm enough (in hard non-
porous soils) to act as a form. Such excavations shall be larger, as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge, than that required as per
drawing to compensate for irregularities in excavation.
The Contractor shall provide adequate props carried down to a firm
bearing without overloading any of the structures.
The shuttering for beams and slabs shall be so erected that the side
shuttering of beams can be removed without disturbing the bottom
shuttering. If the shuttering for a column is erected for the full height
of the column, one side shall be built up in sections as placing of
concrete proceeds or windows left for placing concrete from the side to
limit the drop of concrete to 1.0 m or as approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The Contractor shall temporarily and securely fix items to be
cast (embedments/ inserts) in a manner that will not hinder the
striking of forms or permit loss of grout.
Formwork showing excessive distortion, during any stage of
construction, shall be repositioned and strengthened. Placed concrete
affected by faulty formwork, shall be entirely removed and formwork
corrected prior to placement of new concrete at Contractor’s cost.
10.4.6 Preparation Prior to Concrete Placement
Before concrete is actually placed in position, the inside of the
formwork shall be cleaned and mould oil applied, inserts and
reinforcement shall be correctly positioned and securely held,
necessary openings, pockets, etc. provided.
All arrangements- formwork, equipment and proposed procedure,
shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Contractor shall
maintain separate Pour Card for each pour as per the format agreed.
10.4.7 Check for Reinforcement and concreting
All reinforcement shall be checked and recorded prior to pouring of
concrete by an authorised representative of the engineer in Charge.
Similarly the entire concrete pouring work shall be done in the
presence of authorised representative. The contractor shall therefore

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

give a notice of a minimum three days to the engineer in Charge or his

representative such that the works can be checked by him or his
authorised representative.
10.4.8 Transporting, Placing and Compacting Concrete
Concrete shall be transported from the mixing plant to the formwork
with minimum time lapse by methods that shall maintain the required
workability and will prevent segregation, loss of any ingredients or
ingress of foreign matter or water. During hot or cold weather,
concrete shall be transported in deep containers other suitable
measures to reduce loss of water by evaporation and heat loss in cold
weather may also be adopted.
In all cases concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practicable
directly in its final position to avoid re-handling. To avoid segregation,
concrete shall not be re-handled or caused to flow. For locations
where direct placement is not possible and in narrow forms and
Contractor shall provide suitable drops and “Elephant Trunks”.
Concrete shall not be dropped from a height of more than 1.0 m. Care
shall be taken to avoid displacement of reinforcement or formwork.
Concrete shall not be placed in flowing water. Under water, concrete
shall be placed in position by tremies or by pipeline from the mixer
and shall never be allowed to fall freely through the water.
While placing concrete the Contractor shall proceed as specified below
and also ensure the following:
1. Continuously between construction joints and pre-determined
2. Without disturbance to forms or reinforcement
3. Without disturbance to pipes, ducts, fixings and the like to be cast
in; ensure that such items are securely fixed. Ensure that concrete
cannot enter open ends of pipes and conduits etc.
4. Without dropping in a manner that could cause segregation or
5. In deep pours only when the concrete and formwork designed for
this purpose and by using suitable chutes or pipes.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

6. Do not place if the workability is such that full compaction cannot

be achieved
7. Without disturbing the unsupported sides of excavations; prevent
contamination of concrete with earth. Provide sheeting if necessary
in supported excavations, withdraw the linings progressively as
concrete is placed.
8. If placed directly onto hardcore or any other porous material,
dampen the surface to reduce loss of water from the concrete.
9. Ensure that there is no damage or displacement to sheet
10.Record the time and location of placing structural concrete.
Concrete shall normally be compacted in its final position within
thirty minutes of leaving the mixer. Concrete shall be compacted
during placing with approved vibrating equipment without causing
segregation until it forms a solid mass free from voids thoroughly
worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into all
corners of the formwork. Immersion vibrators shall be inserted
vertically at points not more than 450 mm apart and withdrawn
slowly till air bubbles cease to come to the surface, leaving no voids.
When placing concrete in layers advancing horizontally, care shall be
taken to ensure adequate vibration, blending and melding of the
concrete between successive layers. Vibrators shall not be allowed to
come in contact with reinforcement, formwork and finished surfaces
after start of initial set. Over-vibration shall be avoided; under
vibration is likewise harmful.
The vibrator should penetrate rapidly to the bottom of the layer and
atleast 15 cm into the preceding layer if there is any. It should be held
generally 5 to 15 sec. until the compaction is considered adequate and
then withdrawn slowly at thereof about 8 cm/s.
Concrete may be conveyed and placed by mechanically operated
equipment after getting the complete procedure approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge. The slump shall be held to the minimum
necessary for conveying concrete by this method. When concrete is to
be pumped, the concrete mix shall be specially designed to suit

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

pumping. Care shall be taken to avoid stoppages in work once

pumping has started.
Except when placing with slip forms, each placement of concrete in
multiple lift work, shall be allowed to set for at least 24 hours after the
final set of concrete before the start of subsequent placement. Placing
shall stop when concrete reaches the top of the opening in walls or
bottom surface of slab, in slab and beam construction, and it shall be
resumed before concrete takes initial set but not until it has had time
to settle as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Concrete shall be
protected against damage until final acceptance.
10.4.9 Mass Concrete Works
Sequence of pouring for mass concrete works shall be as approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall exercise great care to
prevent shrinkage cracks and shall monitor the temperature of the
placed concrete if directed.
10.4.10 Curing
Curing and protection shall start immediately after the compaction of
the concrete to protect it from
1. Premature drying out, particularly by solar radiation and wind;
2. leaching out by rain and flowing water;
3. rapid cooling during the first few days after placing;
4. high internal thermal gradient;
5. low temperature of frost;
6. vibration and impact which may disrupt the concrete and interfere
with its bond to the reinforcement
7. After the concrete has begun to harden i.e. 1 to 2 hr. after laying
curing shall be started.
8. All concrete, unless approved otherwise by the Engineer-in-Charge,
shall be cured by use of continuous sprays or ponded water or
continuously saturated coverings of sacking, canvas, hessain or
other absorbent material for the period of complete hydration with
a minimum of 7 days. The quality of curing water shall be the same
as that used for mixing.

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9. Where a curing membrane is approved to be used by the Engineer-

in-Charge, the same shall of a non-wax base and shall not impair
the concrete finish in any manner. The curing compound to be
used shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before use and
shall be applied with spraying equipment capable of a smooth,
even textured coat.
10.When concrete is used as subgrade for flooring, the flooring may be
commenced before the curing period of subgrade is over, but
curing of subgrade shall be continued along with the top layer of
flooring for a minimum period of 7 days.
11.Curing may also be done by covering the surface with an
impermeable material such as polyethylene, which shall be well
sealed and fastened.
10.4.11 Construction Joints and Keys
The position and arrangement of construction joints shall be as
indicated by the contractor in his working drawings dually approved
by the department. Concrete shall be placed without interruption until
completion of work between construction joints. If stopping of
concreting becomes unavoidable anywhere, a properly formed
construction joint shall be made with the approval of the Engineer-in-
Dowels for concrete work, not likely to be taken up in the near future,
shall be coated with cement slurry and encased in lean concrete as
indicated on the drawings or as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Before resuming concreting on a surface which has hardened all
laitance and loose stone shall be thoroughly removed by wire
brushing/hacking and surface washed with high pressure water jet
and treated with thin layer of cement slurry for vertical joints and
horizontal layers.
When concreting is to be resumed on a surface which has not fully
hardened, all laitance shall be removed by wire brushing, the surface
wetted, free water removed and a coat of cement slurry applied. On
this, a layer of concrete not exceeding 150 mm thickness shall be
placed and well rammed against the old work. Thereafter work shall
proceed in the normal way.

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For horizontal joints, the surface shall be covered with a layer of

mortar about 10-15 mm thick composed of cement and sand in the
concrete mix. This cement slurry or mortar shall be freshly mixed and
applied immediately before placing concrete. In the opinion of EIC, if
time lag is sufficiently high/large between old and new concrete
pouring, a suitable epoxy resin of good quality should be used
without any extra cost.
10.4.12 Foundation Bedding
All earth surfaces upon which or against which concrete is to be
placed, shall be well compacted and free from standing water, mud or
debris. Soft or spongy areas shall be cleaned out and filled with either
soil-cement mixture, lean concrete or clean sand compacted as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The surfaces of absorptive soils
shall be moistened.
Concrete shall not be deposited on large sloping rock surfaces. The
rock shall be cut to form rough steps or benches by picking, barring
or wedging. The rock surface shall be kept wet for 2 to 4 hours before
Excavation, in clay or other soils that are likely to be affected by
exposure to atmosphere shall be concreted as soon as they are dry.
Alternatively, unless otherwise mentioned the bottom of the
excavation shall be protected immediately by 8 cm thick layer of
cement concrete not leaner than M10 or in order to obtain a dry hard
bottom, the last stretch of excavation of about 10 cm shall be removed
just before concreting.
10.4.13 Repair and Replacement of Unsatisfactory Concrete
Immediately after the shuttering is removed, all defective areas such
as honey-combed surfaces, rough patches, holes left by form bolts etc,
shall be inspected by the Engineer-in-Charge who may permit
patching of the defective areas or reject the concrete work.
All through holes for shuttering shall be filled for full depth and neatly
plugged flush with surface.
Rejected concrete shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at
no additional cost to the Employer.

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For patching of defective areas all loose materials shall be removed

and the surface shall be prepared as approved by the Engineer-in-
Bonding between hardened and fresh concrete shall be done either by
placing cement mortar or by applying epoxy. The decision of the
Engineer-in-Charge as to the method of repairs to be adopted shall be
final and binding on the Contractor. The surface shall be saturated
with water for 24 hours before patching is done with cement sand
mortar. The use of epoxy for bonding fresh concrete shall be carried
out as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.4.14 Hot Weather Requirements
Concreting during hot weather shall be carried out as per IS 7861
(Part I).
Adequate provision shall be made to lower concrete temperatures
which shall not exceed 40 deg C at time of placement of fresh
Where directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall spray
non-wax based curing compound on unformed concrete surfaces at no
extra costs.
10.4.15 Cold Weather Requirements
Concreting during cold weather shall be carried out as per IS:
7861(Part II).
The ambient temperature during placement and up to final set shall
not fall below 50C. Approved antifreeze/accelerating additives shall be
used where directed.
For major and large scale concreting works the temperature of
concrete at times of mixing and placing, the thermal conductivity of
the formwork and its insulation and stripping period shall be closely
10.4.16 Liquid Retaining Structures
The Contractor shall take special care for concrete for liquid retaining
structures, underground structures and those others specifically
called for to guarantee the finish and water tightness.

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The Contractor shall make all arrangements for hydro-testing of

structure, all arrangements for testing such as temporary bulk heads,
pressure gauges, pumps, pipe lines etc.
The Contractor shall also make all temporary arrangements that may
have to be made to ensure stability of the structures during
Any leakage that may occur during the hydro-test or subsequently
during the defects liability period or the period for which the structure
is guaranteed shall be effectively stopped either by cement/epoxy
pressure grouting, guniting or such other methods as may be
approved by the engineer-in-charge. All such rectification shall be
done by the contractor to the entire satisfaction of the engineer-in-
charge at no extra cost to the department.
10.4.17 Testing Concrete Structures for Leakage
Hydro-static test for water tightness shall be done at full storage level
or soffit of cover slab, as may be directed by the Engineer-in-Charge,
as described below:
In the case of structures whose external faces are exposed, such as
elevated tanks, the requirements of the test shall be deemed to be
satisfied if the external faces show no sign of leakage or sweating and
remain completely dry during the period of observation of seven days
after allowing a seven day period for absorption after filling with water.
In the case of structures whose external faces are buried and are not
accessible for inspection, such as underground tanks, the structures
shall be filled with water and after the expiry of seven days after the
filling, the level of the surface of the water shall be recorded. The level
of water shall be recorded again at subsequent intervals of 24 hrs.
over a period of seven days. Backfilling shall be withheld till the tanks
are tested. The total drop in surface level over a period for seven days
shall be taken as an indication of water tightness of the structure. The
Engineer-in-Charge shall decide on the actual permissible nature of
this drop in the surface level, taking into account whether the
structures are open or closed and the corresponding effect it has on
evaporation losses. Unless specified otherwise, a structure whose top
is covered shall be deemed to be water tight if the total drop in the
surface level over a period of seven days does not exceed 40 mm.

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Each compartment/segment of the structure shall be tested

individually and then all together.
For structures such as pipes, tunnels etc. the hydrostatic test shall be
carried out by filling with water, after curing as specified, and
subjecting to the specified test pressure for specified period. If during
this period the loss of water does not exceed the equivalent of the
specified rate, the structure shall be considered to have successfully
passed the test.
10.4.18 Water stops Material
The material for the PVC water stops shall be a plastic compound with
the basic resin of polyvinyl chloride and additional resins, plasticizers,
inhibitors, which satisfies the performance characteristics specified
below as per IS : 12200. Testing shall be in accordance with IS: 8543.

a) Tensile strength 3.6 N/mm2 minimum

b) Ultimate elongation 300% minimum

c) Tear resistance 4.9 N/mm2 minimum

d) Stiffness in flexure 2.46 N/mm2 minimum

e) Accelerated extraction
i) Tensile strength 10.50 N/mm2 minimum
ii) Ultimate elongation 250% minimum

f) Effect of Alkali 7 days

i) Weight increase 0.10% maximum
ii) Weight decrease 0.10% maximum
iii) Hardness change ± 5 points

g) Effect of Alkali 28 days

i) Weight increase 0.40% maximum
ii) Weight decrease 0.30% maximum
iii) Dimension change ± 1%

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PVC water stops shall be either of the bar type, serrated with centre
bulb and end grips for use within the concrete elements or of the
surface (kicker) type for external use.
PVC water stops shall be of approved manufacture. Samples and the
test certificate shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before
procurement for incorporation in the works.
GI Water Stop GI Water stop consisting of 150 mm wide GI strip of 18
gauge (with 150 mm overlap at the ends) shall be provided at
construction joints in walls of water retaining structures as per
drawing and as instructed by the Engineer In charge. Workmanships
Water stops shall be cleaned before placing them in position. Oil or
grease shall be removed thoroughly using water and suitable
Water stops shall be procured in long lengths as manufactured to
avoid joints as far as possible. Standard L or T type of intersection
pieces shall be procured for use depending on their requirement. Any
non-standard junctions shall be made by cutting the pieces to profile
for jointing. Lapping of water stops shall not be permitted. All jointing
shall be of fusion welded type as per manufacturer’s instructions.
Water stops shall be placed at the correct location/level and suitably
supported at intervals with the reinforcement to ensure that it does
not deviate from its intended position during concreting and vibrating.
Care shall also be taken to ensure that no honeycombing occurs
because of the serrations/ end grips, by placing concrete with smaller
size aggregates in this region. Projecting portions of the water stops
embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of all
mortar/concrete coating before resuming further concreting
operations. The projecting water stops shall also be suitably
supported at intervals with the reinforcement to maintain its intended
position during concreting so as to ensure that it does not bend
leading to formation of pockets. In addition, smaller size aggregates
shall be used for concreting in this region also.
10.4.19 Preformed Fillers and Joint Sealing Compound Materials

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Preformed filler for expansion / isolation joints shall be non-extruding

and resilient type of bitumen impregnated fibres conforming to IS:
1838 Part I or IS 1838 Part 2.
Bitumen coat to concrete/masonry surfaces for fixing the preformed
bitumen filler strip shall conform to IS: 702. Bitumen primer shall
conform to IS: 3384.
Sealing compound for filling the joints above the preformed bitumen
filler shall conform to Grade ‘A’ as per IS: 1834.
Other organic solvents such as Polysulphate based joint sealents to
IS: 433 Part 1 or IS 12118 Part 1 may be used with the approval of
10.5.1 Fabrication General
Steel fabrication as far as possible, should be completed in the shops
where steel work is fabricated. All workmanship and finish shall be of
the best quality and shall conform to the best approved method of
fabrication. All materials shall be finished straight and shall be
machined/ground smooth true and square where so specified. All
holes and edges shall be free of burrs. Shearing and chipping shall be
neatly and accurately done and all portions of work exposed to view
shall be neatly finished. Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures
conform IS 7215. Tolerances for erection of steel structures shall
conform to IS 12843. Minimum thickness of metal - Corrosion Protection
Unless, otherwise specified, the thickness of steel section shall be
governed as below:
a. Steel work exposed to weather
Where steel work is directly exposed to weather and is fully
accessible for clearing and repairing the thickness shall not be
less than 6 mm; and where steel is exposed to weather and is
not accessible for cleaning and painting, the thickness shall not
be less than 8 mm. This shall not apply for hot rolled sections
covered by Indian Standards.

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b. Steel work not directly exposed to weather

The thickness of steel work not directly exposed to the weather
shall be not less than 6 mm. The thickness of steel in secondary
members shall be not less than 4.5 mm. For hot rolled sections
to Indian Standards, the mean thickness of flange be considered
and not the web thickness.
c. The requirements (a) and (b) above does not apply to light
structural work or sealed box section or to steel work in which
special provision against corrosion has been made and also in case
of steel work exposed to highly corrosive fumes or vapour in which
case the thickness shall be as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. Drawings prepared by the CONTRACTOR
The contractor shall prepare all fabrication working and erection
drawings for the entire work. The drawings shall preferably be of one
standard size and the details shown there in shall be clear and legible.
All fabrication drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer-In-Charge
for approval.
No fabrication drawings will be accepted for Engineer-In-Charge’s
approval unless checked and approved by the contractor’s qualified
structural engineer and accompanied by an erection plan showing the
location of all pieces detailed. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that
connections are detailed to obtain ease in erection of structures and in
making field connections.
Fabrication shall be started by the contractor only after Engineer-In-
Charge’s approval of fabrication drawings. Approval by the Engineer-
In-Charge of any of the drawing shall not relieve the contractor from
the responsibility for correctness of engineering and design of
connections, workmanship, fit of parts, details, material, errors or
omissions or any and all work shown thereon.
The drawings prepared by the contractor and all subsequent revisions
etc. shall be at the cost of the contractor for which no separate
payment will be made. Connections
Shop/field connections shall be as per approved fabrication drawings.

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In case of bolted connections, taper washers or flat washers or spring

washers shall be used with bolts as necessary. In case of high
strength friction grip bolts, hardened washers be used under the nuts
or the bolt heads whichever are turned to tighten the bolts. The length
of the bolt shall be such that atleast one thread of the bolt projects
beyond the nut, except in case of high strength friction grip bolts
where this projection shall be at least three times the pitch of the
In all cases where bearing is critical, the unthreaded portion of bolt
shall bear on the members assembled. A washer of adequate
thickness may be provided to exclude the threads from the bearing
thickness, if a longer grip bolt has to be used for this purpose.
All connections and splices shall be designed for full strength of
members or loads. Column splices shall be designed for the full tensile
strength of the minimum cross section at the splice.
All members likely to collect rain water shall have drain holes
provided. Straightening
All materials, shall be straight and, if necessary before worked shall
be straightened and/or flattened by pressure unless required to be
curve linear and shall be free from twists. Heating or forging shall not
be resorted to without the prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge in
writing. Clearances
The erection clearances of cleaned ends of members connecting steel
to steel should not be greater than 2 mm at each end. The erection
clearance at ends of beams without web cleats should not be more
than 3 mm, where greater clearance is necessary suitably designed
seatings shall be provided where black bolts are used, the diameter of
holes shall be 1.5 mm more than the diameter of permanent bolts and
3 mm more than the diameter of erection bolts. Cutting
Cutting may be affected by shearing cropping or sawing. Gas cutting
by mechanically controlled torch may be permitted for mild steel only.
Gas cutting of high tensile steel may be permitted if special care is

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

taken to leave sufficient metal to be removed by machining so that all

metal that has been hardened by flame is removed. Hand flame
cutting may be permitted subject to approval of Engineer-In-Charge.
Except where material is to be subsequently joined by welding no
loads shall be transmitted into metal through a gas cut surface.
Shearing cropping and gas cutting shall be clean, reasonably square
and free from any distortions. Edges shall be ground otherwise. Holding
Holes through more than one thickness of material for members, such
as compound stanchion and girder flanges shall wherever possible be
drilled after the members are assembled and tightly clamped or bolted
together punching may be permitted before assembly, provided the
holes are punched 3 mm less in diameter than the required size and
reamed after assembly to the full diameter. The thickness of material
punched shall not be greater than 16 mm.
When holes are drilled in one operation through 2 or more separate
parts, these parts, shall be separated after drilling and the brush
Holes in connecting angles and plates other than splices, also in roof
members and light framing may be punched full size through material
not over 12 mm thick except when required for close tolerance bolts or
bored hots.
Matching holes for rivets and blade bolts shall register with each other
so that a range of 1.5 mm or 2 mm rivet or bolt more than 25 mm)
less in diameter than the diameter of hole will pass freely through the
assembled members in direction at right angle to such members.
Finished holes shall not be more than 1.5 mm or 2 mm in diameter
larger than the diameter of the rivet or black bolt passing through
Holes for turned and fitted bolts shall be drilled to a diameter equal to
the nominal diameter of the shank or barrel subject to IS tolerance
specified in IS 919 Part1 parts to be connected with close tolerance or
barrel bolts shall preferably be tightly held together through all the
thickness at one operation and subsequently reamed to size. All holes
not drilled through all the thickness in one operation shall be drilled

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to a smaller size and reamed out after assembly. Where this is not
practicable the parts shall be drilled and reamed separately through
hard steel jigs.
Holes for rivets or bolts shall not be formed by gas cutting process. Assembly
The component parts shall be assembled and aligned in such a
manner that they are neither twisted not otherwise damaged and shall
be so prepared that the specified camber, if any are provided. Rolling and forming
Plates, channels, R.S.J. etc. for circular bins, bunkers, hoppers,
gantry girders, etc., shall be accurately laid off and rolled or formed
to required profile/shape as called for on the drawings. Adjacent
sections shall be match-marked to facilitate accurate assembly,
welding and erection in the field. Riveting
Rivets shall be heated uniformly throughout their length without
burning or excessive scaling and shall be of sufficient length to
provide a head of standard dimensions. They shall, when driven,
completely fill the holes and if counter sunk, the counter sinking
shall be fully filled by the rivet; any protrusion of the countersunk
head being dressed off flush if required.
Riveted members shall have all parts firmly drawn and held
together before and during riveting and special care shall be taken
in this respect for all single riveted connections. For multiple riveted
connection, a service bolt shall be provided for every third or fourth
Wherever practicable, machine riveting shall be carried out by using
machines of the steady pressure type. All loose bored or otherwise
defective rivets shall be cut out and replaced before the structure is
loaded and special care shall be taken to inspect all single riveted
Special care shall be taken in heating and riveting long rivets.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works) Bolting
Where necessary, washers shall be tapered or otherwise suitably
shaped to give the heads of nuts and bolts a satisfactory bearing
The threaded portion of each bolt shall project through the nut by
at least one thread.
In all cases where full bearing area of the bolt is to be developed,
the bolt shall be provided with a washer of sufficient thickness
under the nut to avoid any threaded portion of the bolt being within
the thickness of the parts bolted together. Welding
Welding shall be in accordance with IS 816, IS 819, IS 1024, IS
1261, IS 1323 and IS 9595 as appropriate.
Welding procedure shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for
approval. Welding shall be entrusted to qualified and experienced
welders who shall be tested periodically and graded as per IS 817,
IS: 7310 (Part 1) and IS :7318 (Part 1).
For welding any particular type of joints, welders shall give evidence
acceptable to Engineer-In-Charge of having satisfactorily completed
appropriate tests as per IS 817 Part 1, IS 1393, IS 7307, IS 7310
Part 1 and IS 7318 Part 1 as appropriate.
While fabricating plated beams and built up members, all shop
splices in each component part shall be made before such
component part is welded to other parts of the members. Wherever
weld reinforcement interferes with proper fit-up between
components to be assembled off welding, these welds shall be
ground flush prior to assembly.
Approval of the welding procedure by the Engineer-in-Charge shall
not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for correct and sound
welding without undue distortion in the finished structure.
No welding shall be done when the surface of the members is wet
nor during period of high wind.
Each layer of a multiple layer weld except root and surfaces runs
may be moderately penned with light blows from a blunt tool. Care

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shall be exercised to prevent scaling or flaking of weld and base

metal from overpeening.
No welding shall be done on base metal at a temperature below -5
Deg. C. Base metal shall be preheated to the temperature as per
relevant IS codes.
Electrodes other than low-hydrogen electrodes shall not be
permitted for thicknesses of 32 mm and above.
All welds shall be inspected for flaws
The correction of defective welds shall be carried out in a manner
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge without damaging the parent
10.5.2 Tolerances
The dimensional and weight tolerance for rolled shapes shall be in
accordance with IS: 1852 for indigenous steel and equivalent
applicable codes for imported steel. The tolerances for fabrication of
structural steel shall be as per IS: 7215.
Cutting, punching, drilling, welding and fabrication tolerances shall
be generally as per relevant IS codes.
10.5.3 End Milling
Where compression joints are specified to be designed for bearing, the
bearing surfaces shall be milled true and square to ensure proper
bearing and alignment.
10.5.4 Inspection General
The Contractor shall give due notice to the Engineer-in-Charge in
advance of the works being made ready for inspection. All rejected
material shall be promptly removed from the shop and replaced with
new material for the Engineer-in-Charge’s inspection. The fact that
certain material has been accepted at the Contractor’s shop shall not
invalidate final rejection at site by the Engineer-in-Charge if it fails to
conform to the requirements of these specifications, to be in proper
condition or has fabrication inaccuracies which prevent proper
assembly nor shall it invalidate any claim which the employer may

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make because of defective or unsatisfactory materials and /or

No materials shall be painted or dispatched to site without inspection
and approval by the Engineer-in-Charge unless such inspection is
waived in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The Contractor shall provide all the testing and inspection services
and facilities for shop work except where otherwise specified.
For fabrication work carried out in the field the same standard of
supervision and quality control shall be maintained as in shop
fabricated work. Inspection and testing shall be conducted in a
manner satisfactory to the Engineer-in-Charge.
Inspection and tests on structural steel members shall be as set forth
below. Material Testing
If mill test reports are not available for any steel materials the same
shall be tested by the Contractor to the Engineer-In-Charge’s
satisfaction to demonstrate conformity with the relevant specification. Tests on Welds
Radiographic Inspection
All full strength butt welds shall be radio graphed in accordance with
the recommended practice for radiographic testing as per relevant IS
Dimensions, Workmanship & Cleanliness
Members shall be inspected at all stages of fabrication and assembly
to verify that dimensions, tolerances, alignment, surface finish and
painting are in accordance with the requirements shown in the
Contractor’s approved fabrication drawings. Test Failure
In the event of failure of any member to satisfy inspection or test
requirement, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge. The
Contractor must obtain permission from the Engineer-in-Charge
before any repair is undertaken. The quality control procedures to be

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followed to ensure satisfactory repair shall be subject to approval by

the Engineer-in-Charge.
The Engineer-in-Charge has the right to specify additional testing as
he deems necessary, and the additional cost of such testing shall be
borne by the contractor.
The Contractor shall maintain records of all inspection and testing
which shall be made available to the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.5.5 Shop Matching
For structures like, bunkers, tanks, etc. shop assembly is essential.
For other steel work, such as columns along with the tie
beams/bracings may have to be shop assembled to ensure
satisfactory fabrication, obtaining of adequate bearing areas etc., if so
desired by the Engineer-in-Charge. All these shop assemblies shall be
carried out by the Contractor. Shop Assembly
The steel work shall temporarily shop assembled complete or as
arranged with the Authority so that accuracy of fit may be checked
before dispatched. The parts shall be shop assembled with sufficient
numbers of parallel drifts to bring and keep the parts in place.
In case of parts drilled or punched, through steel jigs with bushes
resulting in all similar parts being interchangeable the steel work may
be shop erected in such position as arranged with the Authority. Packing
All projecting plates or bars and all ends of members at joints shall be
stiffened, all straight bars and plates shall be bundled, all screwed
ends and machined surfaces shall be suitably packed; and all rivets,
bolts, nuts, washers and small loose parts shall be packed separately
in cases so as to prevent damage or distortion during transit. Inspection and Testing
The EIC shall have free access at all reasonable times to those parts of
the manufacturers’ works which are concerned with the fabrication of
steel work and shall be afforded all reasonable facilities to satisfy that
the fabrication is being undertaken in accordance with the

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Unless specified otherwise, inspection prior to dispatch shall not

interfere with the operation of the work. Site Erection
Plant and Equipment
The suitability and capacity of all plant and equipment used for
erection shall be to the satisfaction of the EIC.
Storing and Handling
All structural steel should be so stored and handled at the site that
the members are not subject to excessive stresses and damage.
Setting Out
The positioning and leveling of all steelwork, the plumbing of
stanchions and the placing of every part of the structure with
accuracy shall be in accordance with approved drawings and to the
satisfaction of EIC.
Security during Erection
Safety precaution during erection shall conform to IS 7205:1974.
During erection, the steel work shall be securely bolted or otherwise
fastened and, when necessary, temporarily braced to provide for all
load to be carried by the structure during erection including those due
to erection equipment and its operation.
No riveting, permanent bolting or welding should be done until proper
alignment has been obtained. Field Connections
All field assembly by bolts, rivets and welding shall be executed in
accordance with the requirements of shop fabrication excepting such
as manifestly apply to shop conditions only. Where the steel has been
delivered painted, the paint shall be removed before field welding, for a
distance of 50 mm at least on either side of the joint. Painting after Erection
Before painting of such steel which is delivered, all surfaces to be
painted shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned from all loose scale and

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The specified protective treatment shall be completed after erection.

All rivet and bolt heads and site welds after de-slugging shall be
cleaned. Damaged or deteriorated paint surfaces shall be cleaned.
Damaged or deteriorated paint surfaces shall be first made good with
the same type of paint as the shop coat. Where specified, surfaces
which will be in contact after site assembly shall receive a coat of
paint (in addition to any shop priming) and shall be brought together
while paint is still wet.
Where the steel has received a metal coating in the shop, this coating
shall be completed on site so as to be continuous over any welds and
site rivets and bolts; but subject to the approval of Authority,
protection may be completed by painting on site bolts which have
been galvanized or similarly treated are exempted from this
Surfaces which will be inaccessible after site assembly shall receive
the full specified treatment before assembly.
Site painting should not be done in frosty or foggy weather, or when
humidity is such as to cause condensation on the surfaces to be
painted. Connections
As much of the work of fabrication as in reasonably practicable shall
be completed in the shops where the steel work is fabricated.
Rivets, Close Tolerance Bolts, High Strength Friction Grip Fasteners,
Black Bolts and Welding
Where a connection is subject to impact or vibration or to reversal of
stress (unless such reversal is solely due to wind) or where for some
special reason, such as continuity in rigid framing or precision in
alignment of machinery, rivets or close tolerance bolts, high strength
friction grip fasteners or welding shall be used. In all other cases bolts
in clearance holes may be used provided that due allowance is made
for any slippage. Composite Connections

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In any connection which takes a force directly transferred to it and

which is made with more than one type of fastening, only rivets and
turned and fitted bolts may be considered as acting together to share
the load. In all other connections sufficient number of one type of
fastening shall be provided to transfer the entire load for which the
connection is designed. Members Meeting at a Joint
For triangulated frames designed on the assumption of pin jointed
connections, members meeting at a joint, shall, where practicable,
have their centroidal axes meeting at a point; and wherever
practicable the center of resistance of a connection shall be on the
line of action of the load so as to avoid eccentricity moment on the
1. However, where eccentricity of members or if connection is
present, the members and the connections shall provide
adequate resistance to the induced bending moments.
2. Where the design is based on non-intersecting members at a
joint all stresses arising from eccentricity shall be calculated and
this stress within limits specified. Bearing Brackets
Wherever applicable, connections of beams to columns shall
include a bottom bracket and top cleat. Where web cleats are
not provided, the bottom bracket shall be capable of carrying
the whole of the load. Gussets
Gusset plates shall be designed to resist the shear, direct and
flexural stresses acting on the weakest or critical section. Re-
entrant cuts shall be avoided as far as practicable. Lug Angles
Lug angles connecting a channel shaped member, shall as far as
possible, be disposed symmetrically with respect to the section of
the member.
In case of angle members, the lug angles and their connections to
gusset or other supporting member shall be capable of developing a

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strength not less than 20 percent in excess of the force in the

outstanding leg of the angle and the attachment of the lug angle to
the angle number shall be capable of developing 40 percent in
excess of that force.
In the case of channel numbers and the like, the lug angles and
their connections to the gusset or other supporting member shall be
capable of developing a strength of not less than 10 per cent in
excess of the force not accounted for by direct connection of the
member, and the attachment of the lug angles to the member shall
be capable of developing 20 percent in excess of that force.
The effective connection of the lug angle shall, as far as possible
terminate at the end of the member connected, and the fastening of
the lug angle to the member shall preferably start in advance of the
direct connection of the member to the gusset or other supporting
10.5.6 Drilling Holes for other works
As a part of this Contract, holes in members required for installing
equipment or steel furnished by other manufacturers or other
contractors shall be drilled by the contractor at no extra cost of the
department. The information for such extra holes will be supplied by
the engineer-in-charge.
10.5.7 Marking of Members
After checking and inspection, all members shall be marked for
identification during erection. This mark shall correspond to
distinguishing marks on approved erection drawings and shall be
legibly painted and stamped on it. The erection mark shall be stamped
with a metal dye with figures at least 20 mm high and to such
optimum depth as to be clearly visible.
All erection marks shall be on the outer surface of all sections and
near one end, but clear of bolt holes. The marking shall be so stamped
that they are easily discernible when sorting out members. The
stamped marking shall be encircled boldly by a distinguishable paint
to facilitate easy location.

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Erection marks on like pieces shall be in identical locations. Members

having lengths of 7.0 m or more shall have the erection mark at both
10.5.8 Errors
Any error in shop fabrication which prevents proper assembling and
fitting up of parts in the field by moderate use of drift pins or
moderate amount of reaming will be classified by the Engineer-in-
Charge as defective workmanship. Where the Engineer-in-Charge
rejects such material or defective workmanship, the same shall be
replaced by materials and workmanship conforming to the
Specifications by the Contractor, at no cost to the department.
10.5.9 Painting
All fabricated steel material, except those galvanised shall receive
protective paint coating as prescribed in IS 1477 Parts 1 & 2.
All surfaces to be painted, oiled or otherwise treated shall be dry
thoroughly cleaned to remove all loose scale and loose rust.
Shop contact surfaces need not be painted unless otherwise specified.
Surfaces not in contact but inaccessible after shop assembly, shall
receive full specified protective treatment before assembly. This does
not apply to interior of hollow seatings.
Chequered plates shall be painted after the details of painting are
approved by the Engineer-In-Charge.
In case of surfaces to be welded, steel shall not be painted within a
suitable distance of any edges to be welded if paint would be harmful
to the welder or impair the quality of welds.
Welds and adjacent parent metal shall not be painted prior to
slugging, inspection and approved.
Parts to be encased on concrete shall not be painted or oiled. Surface Treatment
All the surfaces of steel work to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned
of all loose mill scale, rust, grease, dirt and other foreign matter. The
type of surface treatment shall be as specified in the respective item of

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work. The workmanship shall generally conform to the requirements

of IS 1477- Part I.
Oil and grease removal shall be carried out either by solvent cleaning
or by using alkali type degreasing agents. To remove grease material
the surface shall be cleaned with solvents containing emulsifier. After
cleaning, the surface shall be washed with water. When the surface
has cement pelts or salts, the cleaning shall be done with strong
alkalis. After cleaning, water rinsing and subsequent passivation by
dilute chromic acid rinsing shall be carried out to ensure that no
traces of alkali are left on the surface. The procedure for cleaning by
above mentioned methods shall be as per manufacturers’
Manual or Hand Tool Cleaning
Loose mill scale, loose rust and loose paint shall be removed by wire
brushing, scrapping, chipping and rubbing with abrasive paper or
steel wool. This method shall not be employed when the surface has
firmly adhering mill scale. After hand tool cleaning, the surface shall
be rubbed with sand paper so as to ensure that no loose material
exists and the surfaces shall be dusted off. Mechanical Cleaning
Power Tool Cleaning
This shall be carried out by employing power operated wire brushes.
Power tool cleaning shall be resorted to only if sand/shot blasting is
not possible/permissible and high quality of surface preparation is
The surface prior to such cleaning shall be cleaned of dust, grease etc.
and heavier layers of rust shall be removed by chipping.
The power tool cleaning shall remove loose mill scale and rust by
adopting very thorough scrapping, grinding and machine brushing.
After the surfaces are cleaned by compressed air, it shall have a
pronounced metallic shine. Flame Cleaning
Hard mill scale and rust shall be removed through Oxy-acetylene
flame. The work shall be carried out by trained workmen to ensure

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that only mill scale is removed without affecting the parent steel. The
work shall be carried out carefully on welded surfaces so that the
strength of weld is not affected due to heating. Sand Blasting and Shot Blasting
i) Sand/shot blasting shall be resorted to only after removal of
grease, oil and other contaminants. The work shall be carried
out by impinging under pressure of air, a jet of sharp sand or
granulated steel (steel grits) on to the metal surface. The process
shall ensure complete removal of rust and firmly adhering mill
scale. Special care shall be taken on weld areas to remove flux
and spatter. Blasting shall ensure an even colour of the surface
and the surface shall have silver gray colour. Precautions shall
be taken when sand or shot blasting of light gauge steel
surfaces to ensure that buckling does not occur to continuous
impingement of sand or steel shots under high velocity.
ii) Sand/shot blasting shall be adopted for structures which are
exposed to corrosive conditions for which superior paint
protection is to be adopted.
iii) As Sandblasting causes dust nuisance necessary clearance
shall be obtained by the contractor from competent authorities
prior to commencing sand blasting. Chemical Cleaning (Pickling)
A. The cleaning shall be done by pickling in sulfuric, hydrochloric
or phosphoric acids, Pickling shall be carried out in accordance
with detailed procedure as given in IS 6005.
B. Washing after pickling shall remove all traces of the acids. All
work pieces shall be thoroughly inspected and in particular in
inaccessible corners. Painting of Ferrous Surface
Unless and otherwise mentioned, all MS fabricated items used in the
project shall be painted with any of the three options given for interior
or external works. The specifications adopted for every component
must be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge, before use.

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Number and
Sr. Finish Finishing
Primer Undercoat Thickness of
No. Require Coat

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


(i) Full gloss IS IS IS For optimum

(enamel 102: 133:1993 133:1993 results, two
gloss) 1962 (B)1) (B)1) coats of primer,
one undercoat,
(see IS IS
and two
Note) 2933:1975 2933:1975
finishing coats
(B, S)1) (B, S)1)
IS are
207:1 recommended.
964 The total film
thickness shall
be not less than
100 microns.

(ii) Metallic Same - IS One coat of

finishes as for 2339:1963 primer and two
(i) (B) finishing coats; if
aluminum paint
is used, three
coats will be
OR necessary.

(iii) Bitumen Same - IS Three coats of

as for 158:1981 bitumen shall be
(i) used.


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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Number and
Sr. Finish Finishing
Primer Undercoat Thickness of
No. Require Coat

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(iv) Full gloss IS IS IS For optimum

102: 2933:1975 2933:1975 results, two
1962 1) 1) coats of primer,
one undercoat,
and two
finishing coats
The total film
thickness shall
be not less than
100 micron.

(v) Oil gloss Same - IS Same as for (vii)

as for 117:1964
(v) OR

(vi) Metallic Same - IS One coat of

finishes as for 2339:1963 primer and two
(v) finishing coats; if
Bituminous aluminum paint
aluminum is used, three
paint coats will be

NOTE – Paint primer conforming to IS 102:1962 may be used only where

special precautions for drying of the primer coat taken and where
satisfactory drying conditions is ensured before application of further
1) Each of these Indian Standards cover both undercoating and
finishing paints, and paints appropriate for the function shall be
used in brushing and in spraying. Materials

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1. All the materials shall be of the best quality from an approved

manufacturer. contractor shall obtain prior approval of the
engineer-in-charge for the brand of manufacturer and the
colour/shade prior to procurement for usage in the works.
2. Primer and finish paints shall be compatible with each other
to avoid cracking and wrinkling. As such it is recommended
that the primer and finish paint shall be from the same
3. The colour and shade shall conform to IS Standards referred
to in Appendix ‘D’ of IS 1477-Part II. To facilitate choosing the
correct shade/number from the alternatives available,
contractor shall adopt trial painting in small patches in
consultation with and as directed by the engineer-in-charge.
4. All paint delivered to the fabrication shop/site shall be ready
mixed, in original sealed containers, as packed by the
manufacturer. Thinner shall not be permitted for usage
unless specifically directed by the engineer-in-charge.
5. Paints shall be stirred thoroughly to keep the pigment in
6. Contractor shall at his own cost arrange for testing of paints
as per relevant Indian Standard laboratory whenever
engineer-in-charge wants the tests to be carried out for each
batch of paints. Test results shall be submitted to the
engineer-in-charge for obtaining approval. Workmanship
1. The type and the number of coats of the primer paint and
finish paint shall be as specified in the respective items of
2. Painting shall be carried out only on thoroughly dry surfaces.
3. No painting shall be done in frosty/foggy weather or when the
humidity is high enough to cause condensation on the
surface to be painted. Paint shall not be applied when the
temperature of the surface to be painted is at 50 0 C or lower.

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4. Primers shall adhere to the surface firmly and offer a key to

the subsequent coats.
5. The application of paint film serve the twin purpose of
protecting the steel from corrosion and giving the decorative
appearance. A paint which gives the steel adequate protection
over a long period together with good appearance shall
therefore be adopted.
6. Workmanship shall generally conform to requirements
specified in IS 1477-Part-II.
7. It is essential to ensure that immediately after preparation of
the surfaces, the first coat of primer paint shall be applied by
brushing and working it well to ensure a continuous film
without “holidays”. After the first coat becomes hard dry a
second coat of primer shall be applied by brushing to obtain a
film free from holidays.
8. Structural steel surfaces shall be given the first coat of primer
at shop and the second coat after it is erected in position.
Further, any abraded surfaces of the first coat during
transport from shop to site and during erection shall be
provided with a touch up coat of the primer.
9. The dry film thickness of each coat of primer shall be not less
than 25 microns.
10. Application of finishing paints shall be carried out within the
shortest possible time interval after primer since the primer
coats are too thin to give adequate corrosion protection to the
steel surface over a long duration.
11. Filler coats shall be applied to fill dents and to obtain a
smooth finish wherever necessary. Only factory prepared filler
suitable for steel work shall be used. Filler prepared by
whiting and linseed oil by craftsmen at site shall never be
used as such fillers may be unbalanced and incompatible
with primer and finishing coats. Application of filler shall be
done with good putty knife and necessary skill. Filler applied
shall be just sufficient to fill the depression or unevenness
and it shall be restricted to the minimum. It shall be applied

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in thin layers. In filling depression or unevenness, as many

coats as are necessary may be applied allowing each layer to
dry hard. The hardened coat shall be cut down by wet
rubbing before the subsequent coat is applied. Where
necessary, filler coats shall be applied over the undercoats
12. Painting shall be carried out either by brushing or by
spraying. The Contractor shall procure the appropriate
quality of paint for this purpose as recommended by the
13. After the second coat of primer is hard dry, the entire surface
shall be wet rubbed cutting down to a smooth uniform
surface. When the surface becomes dry, the undercoat of
paint of optimum thickness shall be applied by
brushing/spraying with minimum of brush marks. The coat
shall be allowed to hard-dry. The under coat shall then be wet
rubbed cutting down to a smooth finish, taking adequate care
to ensure that at no place the undercoat is completely
removed. The surface shall then be allowed to dry.
14. The first finishing coat of paint shall be applied by brushing
or by spraying and allowed to hard dry. The gloss from the
entire surface shall then be gently removed and the surface
dusted off. The second finishing coat shall then be applied by
brushing or by spraying.
15. At least 24 hours shall elapse between the application of
successive coats. Each coat shall vary slightly in shade and
this shall be got approved by the engineer-in-charge.
16. Minimum dry film thickness of each coat of finish paint of
synthetic enamel shall be 25 microns. Minimum dry film
thickness of other finish paints shall be as specified in the
respective item of work.
17. Epoxy primer and epoxy paint shall be applied within the
specified pot life all as per recommendations of the

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18. Surfaces inaccessible after assembly shall receive two coats of

primer prior to assembly.
19. Surfaces inaccessible after erection, including top surfaces of
floor beams supporting grating or chequered plate shall
receive one additional coat of finish paint over and above the
number of coats specified prior to erection.
20. Portion of steel members embedded to be encased in concrete
shall not be painted. Joints to be site welded shall have no
shop paint for at least 50 mm from the welding zone.
Similarly, the steel surfaces shall not be painted in areas
where connection is by use of friction grip bolts. On
completion of the joint, the surfaces shall receive the painting
as specified.
21. Maintenance painting of steel structures will become
necessary if the painting already carried out shows signs of
chalking, hairline cracking, deep checking, fine checking,
peeling, blistering and rusting. The breakdown of a paint film
is progressive from the top finish paint to the primer coat and
the object of maintenance painting is to renovate periodically
to effectively check the breakdown and protect the steel
surfaces from corrosion. It is essential that same quality of
paint as specified earlier need be adopted to ensure
compatibility. The general workmanship for maintenance
painting shall conform as per Clause 7 of IS 1477 - Part II.
22. Contractor shall provide suitable protection as necessary to
prevent paint finishes from splashing on equipment, floors,
walls etc.
10.6.1 Sanitary Installation
All sanitary appliances including sanitary fittings, fixtures, toilet
requisites shall be of size, and design as approved by the Engineer-In-
All porcelain fixtures, such as wash basin, sink drain board, water
closet pan, urinal, ‘P’ trap etc., shall have hard durable glazed finish.
They shall be free from cracks and other glazing defects. No chipped

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porcelain fixtures shall be used. The colour and shades of fixtures

must be got approved from EIC.
Joints between iron and earthenware pipes shall be made perfectly air
and water tight by caulking with neat cement mortar. Indian Type Water Closet
This shall be the long pan pattern with separate footrests made of
glazed earthenware, glazed vitreous china or of glazed fire clay. The
general requirements shall conform to IS : 2556 (Parts III and X). Pans
shall be provided with 100 mm vitreous china trap ‘P’ or ‘S’ type with
a minimum 50 mm water seal and 50 mm dia. Vent horn. Pan shall
be laid at the correct location and level over a bed of cement-sand
admixture. It shall be Ist quality WC, Orissa pan of size 580 mm x 440
mm. European Type Water Closet
Water closets shall be either of glazed earthenware, glazed vitreous
china or glazed fire clay as specified and shall be of “Double Siphonic
type” conforming to IS:2556 (Part VIII). The closets shall be of one
piece construction with approved plastic/bakelite seat and cover.
Each water closet shall have 4 fixing holes having a minimum
diameter of 6.5 mm for fixing to floor and shall have an integral
flushing rim of suitable type. Urinals
Urinals shall be of the bowl pattern, either flat back or angle back type
lipped in front. They shall be of glazed earthenware, glazed vitreous
china or glazed fire clay, and of size 610 x 400 x 80 mm conforming to
IS 2556 (Part VI) with 25 mm dia. GI waste pipe coupling etc.. The
urinals shall be of one piece construction. Each urinal shall be
provided with not less than two fixings holes of a minimum dia of 6.5
mm on each side. Each urinal shall have an integral flushing box rim
of suitable type and inlet or supply horn for connecting the flush pipe.
The flushing rim and inlet shall be of the self-draining type. It shall
have a weep-hole at the flushing inlet of the urinal. At the bottom of
the urinal, an outlet horn for connecting to an outlet pipe shall be
provided. The exterior of the outlet horn shall not be glazed and the
surface shall be provided with grooves at right angles to the axis of the

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outlet to facilitate fixing to the uniform and smooth throughout to

ensure efficient flushing. Flushing Cisterns
The flushing cisterns shall be automatic or manually operated, high
level or low level, as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. For water
closets and urinals high level cistern is intended to operate with
minimum height of 125 cm and a low level cistern a maximum height
of 30 cm between the top of the pan and the underside of the cistern,
They shall be of cast iron, glazed earthenware, or pressed steel
complying iron, glazed requirement of IS 774. Automatic flushing
cistern for urinals shall conform to IS 2326. Wash Basins
1. Wash basins shall be of glazed earthenware, glazed vitreous china
or glazed fire clay as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge and
conforming to IS. 2556.
Type Size
Flat Back 630 x 450 mm
Flat Back 550 x 400 mm
Wash basins shall be of one piece construction, including a
combined overflow. All internal angles shall be designed so as to
facilitate cleaning. Each shall have rim sloping inside towards
the bowl on all sides except skirting at the back. Basins shall be
provided with single or double tap holes as approved. The tap
holes shall be square. A suitable tap hole button shall be
supplied if one tap hole is not required in installation. Each
basin shall have a circular waste hole to which the interior of
basin shall drain. The waste hole shall be either rebated or
bevelled internally with diameter of 65 mm at top and a depth of
10 mm to suit a waste plug having 64 mm diameter. Each basin
shall be provided with nonferrous 32 mm waste fittings. Stud
slots to receive the brackets on the under side of the wash
basins shall be suitable for a bracket with stud not exceeding
13 mm diameter, 5 mm high and 305 mm from the back of
basin to the centre of the stud. The stud slots shall be of depth
sufficient to take 5 mm stud. Every basin shall have an integral
soap holder recess or recesses which shall fully drain into the

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bowl. The position of the chain stay-hole shall not be lower than
the overflow slot. A slot type of overflow having an area of not
less than 5 sq.cm. shall be provided and shall be so designed as
to facilitate cleaning of the overflow. The Department’s
Requirements for waste plug, chain and stay shall be the same
as given for sinks.
2. All the waste fittings shall be chromium plated, Bottle trap shall
conform to IS. 5434. The chromium plating shall be of service
grade No. 2 conforming to IS. 1068. Sinks
The sinks shall be of glazed earthenware, glazed vitreous china or
glazed fire clay as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge conforming to
IS. 2556 (Part V) and shall be of the following sizes.
a. 450 x 300 x 150 mm.
b. 600 x 450 x 200 mm.
They shall be of one piece construction, including a combined
overflow. The floor of the sink shall gently slope towards the outlet.
The outlet shall in all cases be suitable for waste fitting having flange
of 64 mm. diameter and the waste hole shall have a minimum
diameter of 65 mm at the bottom to suit the waste fittings. The waste
hole shall be either rebated or beveled having a depth of 10 mm. Each
sink shall be provided with a non-ferrous 40 mm dia. waste fitting.
The sink shall have overflow of the weir type and the inverts shall be
30 mm below the top edge. Each sink shall be provided with a waste
plug, of suitable dia. chain and stay. The plug shall be of rubber or
other equally suitable material and shall be water tight when fitted.
Plug chains shall be of brass wire chromium plated. It shall have an
overall length from the collar to the stay of not less than 300 mm.
There shall be a triangular or D shackle at each end, one of which
shall be brazed to the plug and the other securely fixed to the stay.
The 150 mm long shank of the waste shall be threaded conforming to
the requirements of IS. 2556 for sinks only. The waste fittings and
plug fittings shall be chromium plated. The chromium plating shall be
of service grade No. 2 conforming to IS. 1068. Stop Cock and Bib Cock

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A bibcock (bib tap) is a draw off tap with a horizontal inlet and free
outlet and stopcock (stop tap) is a valve with a suitable means of
connections for insertion in a pipeline for controlling or stopping the
flow. They shall be of specified size and shall be of the screw down
type. The closing device should work by means of a disc carrying a
renewable non-metallic washer, which shuts against water pressure
on a seating at right angles to the axis of the threaded spindle which
operates it. The handle shall be either crutch or butterfly type securely
fixed to the spindle. The cocks shall open in anti-clockwise direction.
When the bib cocks and stop cocks are required to be chromium
plated, the chromium plating shall be of service Grade No. 2
conforming to IS 1068 in finish and appearance, the plated articles
shall be free from plating defects such as blisters, pits, roughness and
shall not be stained or discoloured.
These fittings shall be of brass heavy class, chromium plated (C.P.)
and of approved manufacture and pattern with screwed of flanged
ends as specified. The fittings shall in all respects comply with the
requirements of IS 781. The standard size of brass fittings shall be
designated by the nominal bore of the pipe to which the fittings are
attached. A sample of each kind of fitting shall be approved by the EIC
and all supplies made according to the approved samples.
All cast fittings shall be sound and free from laps, blow holes and
fittings, both internal and external surfaces shall be clean, smooth
and free from sand etc. Burning, plugging stopping or patching of the
casting shall not be permitted. The bodies, bonnets, spindles and
other parts shall be truly machined and when assembled the parts
shall be axial, parallel and cylindrical with surfaces smoothly finished.
The area of the water way of the fittings shall not be less than the area
of the nominal bore.
The fittings shall be fully examined and cleared of all foreign matter
before being fixed. The fittings shall be fitted in the pipeline in a
workman like manner. The joints between fittings and pipes shall be
made leak-proof. The joints and fitting shall be leak proof when
subjected to a pressure test approved by the Employer’s
Representative and the defective fittings and joints shall be replaced
or redone.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works) Cast Iron Soil Waste and Vent Pipes and Fittings
All cast iron pipes and fittings shall be of uniform thickness with
strong and deep sockets, free from flaws, air holes, cracks, sand holes
and other defects and conform to IS 1536. The diameter approved
shall be internal diameter of pipe. The pipes and fittings shall be true
to shape, smooth and cylindrical and shall ring clearly when struck
over with a light hand hammer. All pipes and fittings shall be properly
cleaned of all foreign material before being fixed.
All plug bends of drainage pipes shall be provided with inspection and
cleaning caps, covers, which shall be fixed with nuts and screws.
Pipes shall be fixed to the wall by W.I. or M.S. holder bat clamps,
unless projecting ears with fixing holes are provided at socket end of
pipe. The clamps shall be fixed to the walls by embedding their hooks
in cement concrete blocks (1:2:4) 10 cm x 10 cm making necessary
holes in the walls at proper places. All holes and breakages shall be
made good. The clamps shall be kept 25 mm clear of the finished face
of the walls to facilitate cleaning and painting of pipes.
C.I. pipes and fittings which are exposed shall be first cleaned and
then painted with a coat of red lead primer. Two coats of zinc paint
with white base and mixed with pigment of required colour to get the
approved shade shall be given over the base primer coat.
The thickness of fittings and their socket and spigot dimensions shall
conform to the thickness and dimensions approved for the
corresponding sizes of straight pipes.
The connection between the main pipe and branch pipes shall be
made by using branches and bends with access for cleaning . Floor
traps shall be provided with 25 mm dia puff pipe where the length of
the waste is more than 1800 mm or the floor trap is connected to a
waste stack through bends.
All cast iron pipes and fittings including joints shall be tested by a
smoke test to the satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge and left in
working condition after completion. The smoke test shall be carried
out as stated under :
Smoke shall be pumped into the pipe at the lowest and from a smoke
machine which consists of a bellow and a burner. The material

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usually burnt is greasy cotton waste which gives out a clear pungent
smoke which is easily detectable by sight as well as by smell if there is
a leak at any point of the pipeline.
Water test and air test shall be conducted as stipulated in IS 5329. Galvanised Mild Steel (G.I.) Pipes
The pipes shall be galvanised mild steel welded pipes and seamless
screwed and sockets types conforming to the requirements of IS 1239,
for medium grade. They shall be of the diameter (nominal bore)
approved. The sockets shall be designated by the respective nominal
bores of the pipes for which they are intended. The pipes and sockets
shall be finished neatly, well galvanised on both inner and outer
surfaces, and shall be free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations and
other defects. All screws, threads shall be clean and well cut. The ends
shall be cut cleanly and square with the axis of the tube.
All screwed tubes and sockets shall have pipe threads conforming to
the requirements of IS 554. Screwed tubes shall have taper threads
while the sockets shall have parallel threads.
The fittings shall be of malleable cast iron or mild steel types
complying with all the appropriate requirements as approved for
pipes. The fittings shall be designated by the respective nominal bores
of the pipes for which they are intended. The fittings shall have screw
threads at the ends conforming to the requirements of IS 554. Female
threads on fittings shall be parallel and male threads (except on
running nipples and collars of unions) shall be tapered.
The pipes shall be cleaned and cleared of all foreign matter before
being laid. In jointing the pipes, the inside of the socket and the
screwed end of the pipes shall be oiled and rubbed over tight white
lead and few turns of spun yarn wrapped around the screwed end of
the pipe. The end shall then be screwed in the socket, tee, etc. with
the pipe wrench. Care should be taken that all pipes and fittings are
properly jointed so as to make the joints completely water tight and
pipes are kept at all times free from dust and dirt during fixing. Burrs
from the joint shall be removed after screwing. After laying, the open
ends of the pipes shall be temporarily plugged to prevent access of soil
or any other foreign matter.

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Any threads exposed after jointing shall be painted or in the case of

underground piping thickly coated with approved anticorrosive paint
to prevent corrosion.
For internal work the galvanised iron pipes and fittings shall run the
surface of the walls or ceiling (not in chase) unless otherwise specified.
The fixing shall be done by means of standard pattern holder bat
clamps, keeping the pipes about 1.5 cm clear of the wall. Pipes and
fittings shall be fixed truly vertical/ horizontal, When it is found
necessary to conceal the pipes, chasing may be adopted or pipes fixed
in the ducts of recesses etc. provided there is sufficient space to work
on the pipes with the usual tools. The pipes shall not ordinarily be
buried in walls or solid floors. Where unavoidable, pipes may be
buried for short distances provided adequate protection is given
against damage, but the joints in pipes shall not be buried. M.S. pipe
sleeve shall be fixed at a place where a pipe is passing through a wall
or floor for reception of the pipe and to allow freedom for
expansion/contraction and the movements/maintenance. In case the
pipe is embedded in walls or floors it should be painted with anti-
corrosive bitumanastic paint of approved quality. The pipe should not
come in contact with lime mortar or lime concrete as the pipe is
affected by lime. Under the floors the pipes shall be laid in layer of
sand filling or as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge.
G.I. pipes with socket and spigot ends shall be provided with lead
caulked joints wherever specified and the joints shall conform to the
requirements of IS 3114.
The work of excavation and backfilling shall be done true to line and
gradient in accordance with general Department’s requirements for
earthworks in trenches for pipes laid underground.
The pipes shall be laid on a layer of 10.0 cm sand and filled upto 15
cm above the pipes. A sand cushion of 15 cm on either side of the pipe
shall also be provided. The remaining portion of the trench shall then
be filled with excavated earth. The surplus earth shall be got rid of as
directed. When excavation is done in rock the bottom shall be cut
deep enough to permit the pies to be laid on a cushion of sand 75 mm

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

The pipes and fittings after they are laid and jointed shall be subjected
to hydrostatic pressure test as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge
and shall satisfactorily pass the test. Pipe line system shall be tested
in sections as the work proceeds, keeping the joints exposed for
inspection. Pipes shall be slowly and carefully charged with water
allowing all air to escape. All draw off taps shall then be closed and
water pressure gradually raised to test pressure. Care shall be taken
to ensure that pressure gauge is accurate and preferably should have
been recalibrated before the test. Pump used having been stopped, the
section of the pipeline shall maintain the test pressure for at least half
an hour. Any joints or pipes found leaking shall be removed and
replaced by the Contractor. Stoneware pipes and fittings
All pipes with spigot and socket ends shall conform to IS 651/3006
and shall be of grade ‘A’. These shall be sound, free from visible
defects such as fine cracks or hair cracks. The glaze of the pipes shall
be free form crazing. The pipes shall give a sharp clear note when
struck with a light hammer.
The following information shall be clearly marked on each pipe and
a. Internal diameter;
b. Grade;
c. Date of manufacture;
d. Name of manufacturer or his registered trade-mark or both
All pipes and fittings shall have ISI mark. Laying and Jointing of GSW
pipes and fittings shall confirm to ISS: 4127 Soak Pit
Soak pit shall be constructed at the location specified by the
Engineer-In-Charge. Earthwork excavation shall be carried out to the
exact dimensions. Brick masonry lining with open joints shall be
constructed in the pit upto 150 mm below the outlet pipeline. Brick in
cement mortar 1:6 shall be constructed above this level up to ground.
Well burnt brick aggregates of nominal size 40 mm to 80 mm and
coarse sand shall be filled within the chamber. Construction of pit
lining and filling of the brick ballast shall progress simultaneously.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works) Manholes
Manholes shall be constructed at places approved by the Engineer-In-
Charge. and Covers
Frame and covers for manholes shall be of required type and
dimensions as per the relevant drawings prepared by the Contractor.
The following information shall be clearly marked on each cover.
a. Year of Manufacture,
b. Identification mark of the purchaser,
c. Sewers/ SWD,
d. Arrow showing direction of flow
e. Cast Iron Frame and Cover
The cast iron frame and cover shall be of gray cast iron as per
IS:1726. The frame and cover shall be coated with black bituminous
composition. Coating shall be smooth and tenacious. It shall not flow
when exposed to temperature of 630C and shall not be brittle as to
chip of at the temperature of 0C. The covers shall have a raised
chequered design to provide an adequate non-slip grip. The rise of the
chequer shall be not less than 4 mm. The locking device for the cover
shall be provided as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. The CI
covers for the load test shall be selected at one for every lot of fifty or
part thereof for each type and size manufactured and as approved by
the Engineer-In-Charge. The frame shall be fixed in cement concrete
of M 15 grade all round and finished with neat cement. The manhole
frame shall have 560 mm diameter clear opening and shall weigh not
less than 208 kg. including cover. In case of rectangular CI frame and
cover of 900 mm x 600 mm clear opening, the total weight shall not be
less than 275 kg. In case of scraper manhole the frame shall have
clear opening of 1200 mm x 900 mm and shall weigh not less than
900 kg including cover. The manhole cover and frame shall be painted
with three coats of anti-corrosive paint after fixing in position.
Ferro Cement Concrete covers with CI Frame

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Supply & fixing of fiber-reinforced ferro-cement drain cover (light duty)

designed for valve chambers for class “B loading” dually marked on
cover with adequate steel reinforcement having thickness 75 mm,
anticorrosive bitumen painted MS plate rim and on MS lifting hooks,
additives and admixtures like plasticizers, shrinkage resistance
compound, abrasion resistant etc. as per approved drawing and
design complete in all respect.
The frame shall be of angle iron of size 80 x 80 x 6 mm duly painted
with anti-corrosive paint having hold fast all along perimeter for fixing
in concrete. Miscellaneous
If any damage is caused to the other services such as water supply
pipeline, sewer, cable, etc. during the construction of manholes and
erection of vent shafts, the Contractor shall be held responsible for the
same and shall replace the damaged services to the full satisfaction of
the Engineer-In-Charge.
The interior of manholes shall be cleared of all debris after
construction and before testing the same for water tightness by the
10.7.1 Brickwork Materials
Bricks used in the works shall conform to the requirements laid down
in IS : 1077, IS 2180, IS 2222, IS 2691, IS 3952, IS 6165. The class of
the bricks shall be as specifically indicated in the respective items of
work prepared by the Contractor.
Bricks shall have following dimensions :

Length mm Width mm Height mm

Non Modular 230 110 70


230 110 30

Common burnt clay bricks are classified on the basis of compressive

strength as given below:

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Class designation 10 7.5 5 3.5

Avg. compressive strength N/ 10 7.5 5 3.5


Bricks shall be sound, hard, homogenous in texture, well burnt in

kiln without being vitrified, hand/ machine moulded, deep red, cherry
or copper coloured, of regular shape and size and shall have sharp
and square edges with smooth rectangular faces. The bricks shall be
free from pores, cracks, flaws and nodules of free lime. They shall
have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be
uniform in colour, tolerance of brick dimension shall be  3% for
designation 10 & above and  8% for lower designation. Hand
moulded bricks shall be moulded with a frog and those made by
extrusion process may not be provided with a frog. Bricks shall give a
clear ringing sound when struck. The sample size for all the tests shall be as follows :

Brick Lot size Sample Size

Class 10 more than 50000 bricks 20 bricks

7.5, 5, 3.5 more than 100000 20 bricks


The sampling shall be at random & samples shall be stored in a dry

place until tests are done. Compressive Strength:
Five bricks shall be tested. The average compressive strength shall be
as per class designation. The compressive strength of individual brick
shall not be less than 20 % of the specified value. Water absorption:
Five bricks shall be tested for water absorption and shall not exceed
20 % by weight upto class 12.5 & 15% by weight for higher classes. Efflorescence:
Five bricks shall be tested for efflorescence. The efflorescence shall be
‘nil’ to ‘ moderate’

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Sample bricks shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for

approval and bricks supplied shall conform to approved samples. If
demanded by Engineer-in-Charge, brick samples shall be got tested as
per IS : 3495 by Contractor. Bricks rejected by Engineer-in-Charge
shall be removed from the site of works within 24 hours.
Mortar for brick masonry shall consist of cement and sand.
Mortar leaner than 1.5 and richer than 1:3 shall not be used. Preparation of Mortar
Water: Water used shall be clean and reasonably free from injurious
or deleterious materials such as oils, acids, alkalis, salts. The pH
value of water shall not be less than 6.
Cement: Cement shall conform to any of the following:

33 Grade Ordinary Portland IS : 2697


43 Grade Ordinary Portland IS : 8112


53 Grade Ordinary Portland IS : 12269


Sand: Sand for masonry mortars shall confirm to IS 2116 Preparation of Mortars:
Mortars shall be prepared and tested as per IS 2250. Mixing of cement
mortar shall be done in mechanical mixers. Workmanship
Workmanship of brick work shall conform to IS : 2212. All bricks shall
be thoroughly soaked in clear water for at least one hour immediately
before being laid. The cement mortar for brick masonry work shall be
as specified in the respective item of work prepared by the Contractor.
Brick work 230 mm thick and over shall be laid in English Bond
unless otherwise specified. 100mm/ 115 mm thick brickwork shall be
laid with stretchers. For laying bricks, a layer of mortar shall be
spread over the full width of suitable length of the lower course. Each

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brick shall be slightly pressed into the mortar and shoved into final
position so as to embed the brick fully in mortar. Only full size bricks
shall be used for the works and cut bricks utilised only to make up
required wall length or for bonding. Bricks shall be laid with frogs
All brickwork shall be plumb, square and true to dimensions shown.
Vertical joints in alternate courses shall come directly one over the
other and be in line. Horizontal courses shall be levelled. The
thickness of brick courses shall be kept uniform. In case of one brick
thick or half brick thick wall, at least on e face should be kept smooth
and plane, even if the other is slightly rough due to variation in size of
bricks. For walls of thickness greater than on e brick both faces shall
be kept smooth and plane. All interconnected brickwork shall be
carried out at nearly one level so that there is uniform distribution of
pressure on the supporting structure and no portion of the work shall
be left more than one course lower than the adjacent work. Where this
is not possible, the work be raked back according to bond (and not
saw toothed) at an angle not exceeding 45 deg. But in no case the level
difference between adjoining walls shall exceed one meter. Brick work
shall not be raised more than one metre per day.
Bricks shall be so laid that all joints are well filled with mortar. The
thickness of joints shall not be less than 6 mm and not more than 10
mm. The face joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 10 mm/ 15
mm by raking tools during the progress of work when the mortar is
still green, so as to provided a proper key for the plastering/ pointing
respectively to be done later. When plastering or pointing is not
required to be done, the joints shall be uniform in thickness and be
struck flush and finished at the time of laying. The face of brickwork
shall be cleaned daily and all mortar droppings removed. The surface
of each course shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt before another
course is laid on top.
During harsh weather conditions, newly built brick masonry works
shall be protected by tarpaulin or other suitable covering to prevent
mortar being washed away by rain.

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Brickwork shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for at least
seven days after 24 hrs of laying. The arrangement for curing shall be
got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge.
Double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be
provided to facilitate execution of the masonry works. The scaffolding
shall be designed adequately considering all the dead, live and
possible impact loads to ensure safety of the workmen, in accordance
with the requirements stipulated in IS : 2750 and IS : 3696 (Part - I).
Scaffolding shall be properly maintained during the entire period of
construction. Single scaffolding shall not be used on important works
and will be permitted only in certain cases as decided by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Where single scaffolding is adopted, only
minimum number of holes, by omitting a header shall be left in the
masonry for supporting horizontal scaffolding poles. All holes in the
masonry shall be carefully made good before plastering/ pointing.
In the event of usage of traditional bricks of size 230 mm x 115 mm x
75 mm, the courses at the top of the plinth and sills as well as at the
top of the wall just below the roof/ floor slabs and at the top of the
parapet shall be laid with bricks on edge.
All brick work shall be built tightly against columns, floor slabs or
other structural members.
To overcome the possibility of development of cracks in the brick
masonry following measures shall be adopted.
For resting RCC slabs, the bearing surface of masonry wall shall be
finished on top with 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 and provided
with 2 layers of Kraft paper Grade 1 as per IS : 1397 or 2 layer of 50
micron thick polyethylene sheets.
RCC/ steel beams resting on masonry wall shall be provided with
reinforced concrete bed blocks of 150 mm thickness, projecting
150mm on either sides of the beam, duly finished on top with 2 layer
of Kraft paper Grade 1 as per IS : 1397 or 2 layers of 50 micron thick
polyethylene sheets.
Steel wire fabric shall be provided at the junction of brick masonry
and concrete before taking up plastering work.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Bricks for partition walls shall be stacked adjacent to the structural

member to predeflect the structural member before the wall is taken
up for execution. Further, the top most course of half or full brick
walls abutting against either a deshuttered slab or beam shall be built
only after any proposed masonry wall above the structural member is
executed to cater for the deflection of the structural element.
Reinforced cement concrete transomes and mullions of dimensions as
indicated in the construction Drawings to be prepared by the
Contractor are generally required to be provided in the half brick
partition walls.
Where the drawings prepared by the Contractor indicate that
structural steel sections are to be encased in brickwork, the brickwork
masonry shall be built closely against the steel section, ensuring a
minimum of 20 mm thick cement-sand mortar 1:4 over all the steel
surfaces. Steel sections partly embedded in brickwork shall be
provided with bituminous protective coating to the surfaces at the
point of entry into the brick masonry.
10.7.2 Uncoursed Random Rubble Masonry, in Foundation Plinth
and Superstructure Materials
Stones for the works shall be of the specified variety which are hard,
durable, fine grained and uniform in colour ( for superstructure work )
free from defects like cracks, sand holes, patterns of soft / loose
materials veins, other defects. Quality and work shall conform to the
requirements specified in IS : 1597 (Part-I). the percentage of water
absorption shall not exceed 5 percent as per test conducted in
accordance with IS : 1124. the Contractor shall supply sample stones
to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval. stones shall be laid with its
grains horizontal so that the load transmitted is always perpendicular
to the natural bed.
Cement-stand mortar for stone masonry works shall be as per IS
2250. Scaffolding
Type of scaffolding to be used shall be as specified in the section of
brick masonry.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works) Workmanship
For all works below ground level the masonry shall be random rubble
uncoursed with ordinary quarry dressed stones for the hearting and
selected quarry dress stones for the facing .
For all R.R. masonry in superstructure the masonry shall be well
bounded, faced with hammer dressed stones with squared quoins at
corners. The bushing on the face shall not be more that 40 mm on an
exposed face and on the face to be plastered it shall not project by
more than 12 mm nor shall it have depression more than 10mm from
the average wall surface.
Face stones shall extend back sufficiently and bond well with the
masonry. The depth of stone from the face of the wall inwards shall
not be less than the height or breadth at the face. The length of the
stone shall not exceed three times the height and the breadth on base
shall not be greater than three-fourths the thickness of wall nor less
than 150 mm. The height of stone may be up to a maximum of 300
mm. Face stones or hearting stones shall not be less than 150 mm in
any direction.
Chips and spalls shall be used wherever necessary to avoid thick
mortar joints and to ensure that no hollow spaces are left in the
masonry. The use of chips and spalls in the herating shall not exceed
20 percent of the quantity of stone masonry. Spalls and chips shall
not be used on the face of the wall and below hearting stones to bring
them to the level of face stones.
The maximum thickness of joints shall not exceed 20 mm. All joints
shall be completely filled with mortar. When plastering or pointing is
not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished
as the work proceeds. Otherwise, the joints shall be raked to a
minimum depth of 20 mm by a raking tool during the progress of the
work while the mortar is still green.
Through or bond stones shall be provided in wall upto 600 mm thick
and in case of wall above 600mm thickness, a set of two or more bond
stones overlapping each other by at least 150mm shall be provided in

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

a line from face to back. Each bond stone or a set of bond stones shall
be provided for every 0.5 sq.m. of wall surface.
All stones shall be sufficiently wetted before laying to prevent
absorption of water from the mortar. All connected walls in a
structure shall be normally raised uniformly and regularly. However if
any part of the masonry is required to be left behind, the wall shall be
raked back (and not saw toothed) at an angle not exceeding 45 deg.
Masonry work shall not be raised by more than one meter per day.
Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering. Masonry
work shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for a minimum
period of seven days for proper curing of the joints.
10.7.3 Coursed Rubble Masonry (First Sort) for Superstructure Materials
The materials specification for the work shall be as specified in the
section of random rubble masonry above. Scaffolding
Type of scaffolding to be used shall be as specified in the section of
brick masonry. Workmanship
All Courses shall be laid truly horizontal and shall be of the same
height in any course. The height of course shall not be less 150mm
and not more than 300mm. The width of stone shall not be less than
its height. Face stones shall tail into the work for not less than their
height and at least 1/3rd the number of stones shall tail into the work
for a length not less than twice their height but not more than three-
fourths the thickness of the wall whichever is smaller. These should
be laid as headers and stretchers alternately to break joints by at least
75mm.The face stones shall be squared on all joints and bed; the bed
joints being hammer or chisel dressed true and square for at least 80
mm back from the face and the side joints for at least 40 mm. The
face of the stone shall be hammer dressed so that the bushing shall
not be more than 40mm on an exposed face and 10mm on a face to
the plastered. No portion of the dressed surface shall show a depth of
gap more than 6mm from a straight edge placed on it. The remaining

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unexposed portion of the stone shall not project beyond the surface of
bed and side joints.
No spalls or pinning shall be allowed on the face. All bed joints shall
be horizontal and side joints shall be vertical and no joints shall be
more than 10mm in thickness. When plastering or pointing is not
required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished as
the work proceeds. Otherwise, the joints shall be raked to a minimum
depth of 20mm by a raking tool, during the progress of the work while
the mortar is still green.
Hearting shall consist of flat bedded stones carefully laid on their
proper beds and solidly bedded in mortar. The use of chips shall be
restricted to the filling of interstices between the adjacent stones in
hearting and these shall not exceed 10 percent of the quantity of the
stone masonry. Care shall be taken so that no hollow spaces are left
any where in the masonry.
The requirement regarding through or bond stones shall be as
specified in clause 0 with the further stipulation that these shall be
provided at 1.5m to 1.8m apart clear in every course but staggered at
alternate courses.
The quoins which shall be of the same height as the course in which
they occur, shall not be less than 450mm in any direction. Quoin
stones shall be laid as stretchers and headers alternately. They shall
be laid square on their beds, which shall be rough chisel dressed to a
depth of at least 100mm from the face. These stones shall have
minimum uniform chisel drafts of 25mm width at four edges, all the
edges being in the same plane.
10.7.4 Damp - Proof Course Materials and Workmanship
All the walls in a building shall be provided with damp-proof course
covering plinth to prevent water from rising up the wall. The damp-
proof course shall run without a break throughout the length of the
wall, even under the door or other opening. Damp-proof course shall
consist of minimum 50mm thick cement concrete of 1:2:4 nominal
mix with nominal reinforcement and approved water-proofing
compound admixture conforming to IS: 2645 in proportion as directed

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by the manufacturer. Concrete shall be with 10mm downgraded

coarse aggregates.
The surface of brick work/stone masonry work shall be levelled and
prepared before laying the cement concrete. Side shuttering shall be
properly fixed to ensure that slurry does not leak through and is also
not disturbed during compaction. The upper and side surface shall be
made rough to afford key to the masonry above and to the plaster.
Damp-proof course shall be cured properly for at least seven days
after which it shall be allowed to dry for taking up further work.
10.7.5 Miscellaneous Inserts, Bolts etc.
All the miscellaneous inserts such as bolts, pipes, plate embedment
etc., shall be accurately installed in the building works at the correct
location and levels, all as detailed in the construction Drawing to be
prepared by the Contractor. Contractor shall prepare and use
templates for this purpose, if so directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
In the event, of any of the inserts are improperly installed, contractor
shall make necessary arrangement to remove and reinstall at the
correct locations/levels all as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.7.6 Wood work in Doors, Windows, Ventilators & partitions Materials
Timber to be used shall be first class Teak wood as per IS: 4021.
Timber shall be of the best quality and well seasoned by the suitable
process before being planed to the required sizes. The maximum
permissible moisture content shall be from 10 to 16 percent for timber
50mm and above in thickness and 8 to 14 percent for timber less than
50mm in thickness for different regions of the country as stipulated in
IS : 287 . Timber shall be close grained, of uniform colour and free
from decay, fungal growth, boxed heart, pitch pockets of streaks on
the exposed edges, borer holes, splits and cracks. Flush door shutters
of the solid core type with plywood face panel shall conform to IS :
2202 (Part-1)
Transparent sheet glass conform to the requirements of IS : 2835 or IS
:2553 (Part-1). Wired and figured glass shall be as per IS: 5437.
Builder’s hardware for fittings and fixtures shall be of the best quality
from approved manufacturers. Each wooden door shutter shall have a

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minimum of three hinges and two fastenings like tower bolt, handle
and tachle mortise lock etc. floor stoppers, handles, kick plates etc.
shall also be provided. Each window shutter shall have minimum of 3
hinges and one fastening like tower bolt and one handle for opening
and closing. Workmanship
The workmanship and finish of wood work in doors, windows,
ventilators and partitions shall be of a very high order. Contractor
shall ensure that work is executed in a professional manner by skilled
carpenters for good appearance, efficient and smooth operation of the
All works shall be executed as per the detailed Drawing prepared by
the Contractor and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
All members of the door, window, and ventilator shall be straight
without any warp or bow and shall have smooth well planed faces.
The right angle shall be checked from the inside surfaces of the
respective members of the frame. Frames shall have mortice and
tenon joints which shall be treated with an approved adhesive and
provided with metal or wood pins. The vertical members of the door
frame shall project 50 mm below the finished floor level. The finished
dimension of frames shall be rebated on the solid for keying with the
plaster and for receiving the shutters. The depth of rebate for housing
the shutter shall be 15 mm. The size of the frames shall be as
specified in the respective items of work prepared by the Contractor.
The workmanship shall generally conform to the requirements
specified in IS : 4021.
The face of the frames abutting the masonry or concrete shall be
provided with a coat of coal tar.
Three hold fasts using 25mm x 6mm mild steel flats 225mm long with
split ends shall be fixed on each side of door and window frames, one
at the centre and the other two at 300 mm from the top and bottom of
the frame, for window and ventilator frames less than 1m in height,
two hold fasts on each side shall be fixed at quarter points. Timber
panelled shutters for doors, windows and ventilators shall be
constructed in the form of framework of stiles and rails with panel
insertion. The panels shall be fixed by either providing grooves in the

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stiles and rails or by beading. glazing bars shall be as detailed in the

Drawing prepared by the Contractor. The stiles and rails shall be
joined by mortice and tenon joints at right angles. All members of the
shutter shall be straight without any warp or bow and shall have
smooth, well planed faces at right angles to each other. The right
angle for the shutter shall be checked by measuring the diagonals and
the difference shall not be more that + 3mm. Timber panels made
from more than one piece shall be jointed with a continuous tongued
and grooved joint, glued together and reinforced with metal dowels.
The workmanship shall generally conform to the requirements
specified in IS : 1003(Parts 1 & 2). The thickness of the shutter,
width/thickness of the stiles/rails/panel type shall be as specified.
Marine plywood panels conforming to IS : 710 shall be used for doors
where specified.
Details of the wooden flush door shutters, solid core type with specific
requirement of the thickness, core, face panels, viewing glazed panel,
venetian louvre opening, teak wood lipping etc. shall be as specified
and approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Panel of shutter shall be of
marine plywood conforming to IS : 710. Flush door shutters shall be
from reputed manufacturers and Contractor shall submit test results
as per IS : 4020, if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Glazing of door, window, ventilator and partitions shall be with either
flat transparent sheet glass, wired or figured glass. Transparent sheet
glass be of ‘B’ quality as per IS : 2835. The thickness and type of
glazing to be provided shall be as specified.
The material of the fittings and fixtures either of chromium plated
steel, cast brass, copper oxidised or anodised aluminum shall be as
specified. The number, size and type of the fittings and fixtures shall
be as specified.
Wood work shall not be provided with the finishes of painting /
varnishing etc. unless it has been approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The type of finish and the number of coats shall be as
stipulated in the respective items of work prepared by the Contractor.
Wooden railing and architraves shall be of the size and shape with the
fixing arrangement as indicated in Drawing prepared by the
Contractor. The framework of the partitions with mullions and

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transomes shall be with the sections of dimensions as specified.

Panels of double/single glazing/plywood shall be fixed as per details
specified. Partitions shall be fixed rigidly between the floor and
structural columns/beams including provision of necessary shims for
wedging etc. Finished work shall be of rigid construction, erected truly
plumb to the lines and levels, at locations as per construction
Drawing prepared by the Contractor.
Any carpentry work which may show defects due to inadequate
seasoning of the timber or bad workmanship shall be removed and
replaced by contractor with work as per Specifications.
10.7.7 Steel Doors, Windows and Ventilators Materials
Hot rolled steel sections for the fabrication of steel doors, windows and
ventilators shall conform to IS : 7452 which are suitable for single
Pressed steel door frames for steel flush doors shall be out of 1.25mm
thick mild steel sheets of profiles as per IS : 4351.
Transparent sheet glass shall conform to the requirements of IS :
2835. Wired and figured glass shall be as per IS : 5437.
Builder’s hardware of fittings and fixtures shall be of the best quality
from the approved manufacturers.
Hot rolled sections shall confirm to IS 7452 Fire check doors shall
conform to IS 3614 Part 1 & 2. Steel windows for industrial buildings
shall confirm to IS 1361. Workmanship
All steel doors, windows and ventilators shall be of the type as
specified in the respective items of work prepared by the Contractor
and of sizes as indicated in the Drawings prepared by the contractor.
Steel doors, windows and ventilators shall conform to the
requirements as stipulated in IS: 1038. Steel windows shall conform
to IS : 1361 if so specified.
Doors, windows and ventilators shall be of an approved manufacture.
Fabrication of the unit shall be with rolled section, cut to correct
lengths and metered. corners shall be welded to form a solid fused

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welded joint conforming to the requirements of IS : 1038. Tolerance in

overall dimensions shall be within + 1.5mm. The frames and shutters
shall be free from warp or buckle and shall be square and truly plain.
all welds shall be dressed flush on exposed and contact surfaces.
Punching of holes, slots and other provision to install fittings and
fixtures later shall be made at the correct locations as per the
requirements. Samples of the units shall be got approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge before further manufacture/purchase by the
Type and details of shutter, hinges, glazing bar requirement, coupling,
locking arrangement, fittings and fixtures shall be as described in the
respective items of work and/or as shown in the drawings prepared by
the Contractor for single or composite units.
For windows with fly proof mesh as per the item of work prepared by
the Contractor, rotor operator arrangement, for the operation for the
glazed shutters from the inside shall be provided.
Pressed steel door frames shall be provided with fixing lugs at each
jamb, hinges, lock strike plate, mortar guards, angle threshold, shock-
absorbers of rubber or similar materials as per the requirements of IS
: 4351. Pressed steel door frames shall be fixed as built-in as the
masonry work proceeds. After placing it plumb at the specified
location, masonry walls shall be built up solid on either side and each
course grouted with mortar to ensure solid contract with the door
frame, without leaving any voids. Temporary struts across the width
shall be fixed, during erection to prevent bow/sag of the frame.
Door shutters of flush welded construction of section size 105 x 60
mm shall be 45mm thick fabricated with two outer skills of 1.25mm
thick steel sheets, 1mm thick steel sheet stiffeners and steel channel
on all four edges. Double shutters shall have meeting stile edge
bevelled or rebated. Provision of glazed panel, louvres shall be made
as per the items of works and/or Drawing prepared by the Contractor.
Shutters shall be suitably reinforced for lock and other surface
hardware and to prevent sagging/twisting including hold fast of 15 x 3
mm MS oxidised fittings such as butt hinges, sliding bolts, handles
tower bolts etc. complete in all respect including applying priming coat
of approved steel primer. Single sheet steel door shutters shall be

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fabricated out of 1.25mm thick steel sheets, mild steel angles and
stiffeners as per the Drawings prepared by the Contractor.
MS sheet single leaf door shutter of 20 SWG in angle iron frame of
35x35x5 mm shall be suitably diagonally braced with 25x3 mm flat
iron above and below lock of size 50x5 mm shall be provided only for
Doors, windows and ventilators shall be fixed into the prepared
opening. they shall not be “build-in” as the masonry work proceeds, to
avoid distortion and damage of the units. The dimensions of the
masonry opening shall have 10mm clearance around the overall
dimensions of the frame for this purpose. Any support of scaffolding
members on the frames/glazing bars is prohibited.
Glazing of the units shall be either with flat transparent glass or wired
/ figured glass of the thickness as specified in the items of works
prepared by the Contractor. All glass panels shall have properly
squared corner and straight edges. Glazing shall be provided on the
outside of the frames.
Fixing of the glazing shall be either with spring glazing clips and putty
conforming to IS: 419 or with metal beads. Pre-formed PVC or rubber
gaskets shall be provided for fixing the beads with the concealed
screws. The type of fixing the glazing shall be as indicated in the items
of work and/or in Drawings prepared by the Contractor.
Steel doors, windows and ventilators shall be provided with finish of
either painting as specified or shall be hot dip galvanised with
thickness of the zinc coating as stipulated all as described in the
respective items of works prepared by the Contractor.
The material of the Builders hardware of fittings and fixtures of
chromium plated steel, cast brass, brass copper oxidised or anodised
aluminum shall be as specified in the items of works prepared by the
Contractor. The number, size and type of fittings and fixture shall be
as in the Drawing / items of works prepared by the Contractor.
Installation of the units with fixing lugs, screw, mastic caulking
compound at the specified locations shall generally conform to the
requirements of IS : 1081. Necessary holes etc required for fixing shall
be made by the Contractor and made good after installation,

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workmanship expected is of a high order for efficient and smooth

operation of the units.
10.7.8 Aluminum Doors, Windows, Ventilators & Partitions Materials
Aluminum alloy used in the manufacturer of extruded sections of the
fabrication of doors, windows, ventilators shall conform to designation
HE9-WP of IS : 733.
Transparent sheet glass shall conform to the requirements of IS :
2835. Wired and figured glass be as per IS : 5437. Type of Openings
Masonry Openings
Masonry opening may either be rebated or flush and in either case,
they may have either external rendering applied or be ‘fair-faced’ (that
is, without external rendering). It is usual for stone or marble masonry
to be fair-faced. Timber Opening
Timber opening are in variably rebated. Steelwork openings

Steelwork opening vary in detailed design but shall be so designed
that the outer frame of the door, window or ventilator frame sections
overlap a steel surface externally or internally. Size of openings
The overall size of both flush and rebated opening to which the units
have to be fixed shall allow a clearance between the frame and
opening and the amount of clearance depends on whether the opening
is extended or fair-faced.
Flush openings
Rendered flush openings shall allow a clearance between frame and
opening equal to thickness of rendering. Fair-faced flush openings
shall allow a clearance of 3 mm between frame and opening.
Rebated openings

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1) Fair - faced masonry openings and timber opening shall allow a

clearance of 3mm between the opening and the outer flange of
the frames. The depth of rebate shall therefore be equal to the
distance between the inner and outer flanges of the frame of the
unit. The rebate shall be 12.5 mm in the case of general
building and industrial windows.
2) Rendered masonry openings shall allow a clearance of 3mm
between opening and the inner flange of the frame and a
clearance equal to the thickness of rendering between the
opening and the outer flange of the frame. The depth of rebate
shall therefore be adjusted accordingly.
3) Steelwork openings shall be designed to allow the outer flange of
the window frame section to overlap the steel surface by 10mm.
The size of the Indian Standard units both for building and industrial
purposes are designed for modular opening s which are largely by
12.5mm all round than these units. This gap of 12.5mm is for fixing
those units. In case of masonry the gap is filled with mastic cement
and plaster after the unit is in position. In the case of steel and timber
openings, extra steel or timber fillets will be necessary to cover this
gap of 12.5mm. Installation of single Unit
Units shall be fixed into prepared openings. They shall not be ‘built-in’
as the walls go up as this practice often results in brickwork being
brought right up to the frame with no clearance allowed and usually
distorts the units and increases the likely hood of damage being done
to the unit during subsequent building work. Placing of scaffolding on
frames or glazing bass shall on no account be done.
The size of the opening shall be checked and cleaned of all
obstructions. Suitable markings may be done to fix the unit in the
proper position, including the fixing hole positions. In case of
masonry, holes for fixing lugs shall be cut 5 cm2 and 5 cm to10cm
deep or to fix raw plugs.
The units shall be checked to ensure that they are square and
working satisfactory before fixing.
The units shall then be put in position and the lugs screwed on tight.

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When fixing to flush surrounds without rendering, 3mm gap shall be

pointed with mastic on the outside before the internal plaster and
rendering; the plaster and rendering shall be applied to the surrounds
after the lugs have firmly set. When fixing to rebated surrounds
without rendering, the frame shall be bedded in mastic. When fixing to
rebated surrounds with rendering, after bedding in mastic, plaster
shall be applied from outside.
In concrete, dressed stone and marble surrounds, the units shall be
fixed with legs.
Wood surrounds are generally rebated and mastic be applied to the
sill of the opening and units placed on it, and screwed on to the
opening. In case of steel opening, special clips may be used to fix the
In case of aluminum frames, the surfaces shall be anchored in direct
contact with the surrounds and shall be protected with two coats of
alkali-resistant paints, to avoid chemical attack from the materials of
surround. Installation of Composite Units
Composite units shall follow the procedures described earlier and in
addition shall conform to the following.
Mullions and transome of composite units shall be bedded in mastic
to ensure weather tightness. Mastic shall be applied to channels of the
outside frame sections before assembly.
If there is a cross joint of mullion and transome, the shorter coupling
unit shall run through unbroken.
Mullion normally project 2.5cm at head and sill into the surround;
transomes also project 2.5cm into surround where appropriate they
shall be cut.
Builder’s hardware of fittings & fixtures shall be of the best quality
from approved manufacturers. Workmanship
All aluminum doors, windows, ventilators and partitions shall be of
the type and size as specified. The doors, windows, ventilators shall

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conform to the requirements of IS : 1948. Aluminum windows shall

conform to IS : 1949; if so specified.
All aluminium units shall be supplied with anodized finish, the
minimum anodic film thickness shall be 0.015mm.
Doors windows and ventilators shall be of an approved manufacture.
Fabrication of the units shall be with the extruded sections, cut to
correct lengths, mitred and welded at the corners to a true right angle
conforming to the requirements of IS : 1948. tolerance in overall
dimensions shall be within + 1.5 mm. The frames and shutters shall
be free from warp or buckle and shall be square and truly plane.
Punching of holes, slots and other provisions to install fittings or
fixtures later shall be made at the correct locations, as per the
Aluminium swing type doors, aluminium sliding windows, partitions
shall be as specified.
IS:1948 and IS :1949 referred to incorporates the sizes, shapes,
thickness and weight per running meter of extruded sections for the
various components of the units. However, new sizes, shapes,
thickness with modifications to suit snap-fit glazing clips etc. are
being continuously being added by various leading manufacturers of
extruded sections, which are available in the market. as such, the
sections of the various components of the unit proposed by the
Contractor, will be reviewed by the Engineer-in-Charge and will be
accepted only if they are equal to or marginally more than that given
in the codes/ad specified.
The framework of partitions with mullions and transomes shall be
with anodised aluminium box sections. Anodised aluminium box
sections shall be in-filled with timber of class 3 (silver oak or any
other equivalent) as per IS : 4021. The outer frame shall be of size
101.6 x 44.45 x 3.11mm rectangular tubular section and the shutter
shall be made out of specially extruded tubular section of size for sill
member shall be 99.2 x 44.45 x 3.18mm including glazing of 5.5 mm
thick plain glass PVC/Neoprene weather stripping screwless
aluminium bidding fixer such as lock, handle, tower bolt and self
closing device of approved make. Panels of double / single
glazing/plywood shall be fixed as per details indicated in the Drawing

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to be prepared by the Contractor. Partitions shall be fixed rigidly

between the floor and the structural columns/beams including
provision of necessary shims for wedging etc. Finished work shall be
of rigid construction, erected truly plumb to the lines and levels, at
locations as per the construction Drawings to be prepared by the
Specific provisions as stipulated for steel doors, windows, ventilators
under clause 8.7.8 shall also be applicable for this item work. glazing
beads shall be of the snap-fit type suitable for the thickness of glazing
proposed as indicated in the items of works prepared by the
contractor. a layer of clear transparent lacquer shall be applied on
aluminium sections to protect them from damage during installation.
This lacquer coating shall be removed after the installation is
10.7.9 Steel Rolling Shutters Materials and Workmanship
Rolled shutters shall be of an approved manufacture, conforming to
the requirements specified in IS : 6248.
The type of rolling shutter shall be self coiling type (manual) for clear
areas up to 12 sq.m, gear operated type (mechanical) for clear areas
up to 35 sq.m and electrically operated type for areas up to 50 sq.m.
mechanical type of rolling shutters shall be suitable for operation from
both inside and outside with the crank handle or chain gear operating
mechanism duly considering the size of wall/column. Electrical type
of rolling shutter shall also be provided with a facility for emergency
mechanical operation.
Rolling shutters shall be supplied duly considering the type, specified
clear width/height of the opening and the location of fixing as
indicated in the Drawings prepared by the Contractor.
Rolling shutters of approved make, made of 80 x 1.25mm MS laths
interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at
the end by end locks mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with
brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking
with mechanical device chain and crank operation for operating
rolling shutters exceeding 10.00 Sqm including spring hooks,

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providing and fixing necessary 25.3 cm long wire springs grade No.2
and MS top cover 1.25 mm thick (RS). Shutters shall be built up of
interlocking laths 75mm width between rolling centres formed from
cold rolled steel strips. The thickness of the steel strip shall not be
less than 0.90mm for shutters up to 3.50m width and not less than
1.20mm for shutters above 3.50m width. Each lath section shall be
continuous single piece without any welded joint.
The guide channel out of mild steel sheets of thickness not less than
3.15 mm shall be of either rolled, pressed or built up construction.
The channel shall be of size as stipulated in IS : 6248 for various clear
widths of the shutters.
Hood covers shall be of mild steel sheets not less than 0.90mm thick
and of approved shape.
Rolling shutters shall be provided with a central hasp and staple
safety device in addition to one pair of lever locks and sliding locks at
the ends.
All component parts of the steel rolling shutter (excepting springs and
insides of guide channel) shall be provided with one coat of zinc
chrome primer conformity to IS : 2074 at the shop before supply.
These surface shall be given and additional coat of primer after
erection at the site along with the number of coats and type of finish
paint as specified in the respective items of works prepared by the
Contractor. Painting shall be carried out as per clause 10.7.28.
In case of galvanised rolling shutter, the lath sections, guides, lock
plate, bracket plates, suspension shaft and the hood cover shall be
hot dip galvanised with a zinc coating containing not less than 97.5
percent pure zinc. The weight of the zinc coating shall be at least 610
Guide channels shall be installed truly plumb at the specified
location. Bracket plate shall be rigidly fixed with necessary bolts and
holdfasts. Workmanship of erection shall ensure strength and rigidly
of rolling shutter for trouble free and smooth operation.
10.7.10 Base Concrete
The thickness and grade of concrete and reinforcement shall be as
specified in items of works prepared by the Contractor.

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Before placing the blinding concrete, the sub-base of rubble packing

shall be properly wetted and rammed. Concrete for the base shall then
be deposited between the forms, thoroughly tamped and surface
finished level with the top edges of the forms. Two or three hours after
the concrete has been laid in position, the surface shall be roughened
using steel wire brush to remove any scum or laitance and swept
clean so that the coarse aggregates are exposed. The surface of the
base concrete shall be left rough to provide adequate bond for the floor
finish to be provided later.

10.7.11 Marble Flooring Material
Marble stone flooring table rubbed with, 18 to 20 mm thick Makarana
Adanga/andhiar/ Marble (up to tile size 1501 to 3600 sq cm) over 20
mm (Av.) thick base of CM 1:4 jointing with white cement mortar 1:2
(1 white cement:2 marble dust) with pigment to match the shade of
the marble slab including grinding , rubbing and polishing shall be
provided. Workmanship
Dressing of Slabs/Tiles
Every stone shall be cut to the required size and shape, fine chisel
dressed on all sides to the full depth so that a straight edge laid along
the sides of the stone shall be fully in contact with it. The top surface
shall also be fine chisel dressed to remove all waviness. All angle and
edges of the marble slabs shall be true, square and free from
chippings and the surface shall be true and plane.
The thickness of the slab/tiles shall not be less than 18 mm to 20 mm
Base concrete or the RCC slab on which the slabs are to be laid shall
be cleaned, wetted and mopped. The bedding for the slab/tiles shall
be with cement mortar 1:4 or with lime mortar (1 lime putty : 1 surkhi
: 1 coarse sand) as given in the description of the item.

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The average thickness of the bedding mortar under the slab shall be
20 mm and the thickness at any place under the slab shall be not less
than 12 mm.
The slab/tiles shall be laid and jointed in the same manner as
prescribed for terrazzo and plain cement tiling work below. Polishing & Finishing
Chequered terrazzo tiles for flooring and for stair treads shall be
delivered to site after the first machine grinding. Machine grinding
and polishing shall be commenced only after a lapse of 14 days of
laying. The sequence and three numbers of machine grinding
operations, usage of the type of carborundum stones, filling up of pin
holes, watering etc up to granite finish shall be carried out all as
specified in IS : 1443.
10.7.12 Terrazzo and Plain Cement Tiling Work Materials
Terrazzo tiles shall generally conform in all respects to standards
stipulated in IS: 1237. Tiles shall be of the best quality manufactured
adopting hydraulic pressure of not less than 14 N/mm2.
The type, quality, size, thickness, colour etc., of the tiles for flooring /
dado / skirting shall be as specified.
The aggregates for terrazzo topping shall consist of marble chips
which are hard, sound and dense. Cement to be used shall be either
ordinary portland cement or white cement with or without colouring
pigments. The bidder mix shall be with 3 parts of cement to 1 part of
marble powder by weight. The proportion of cement shall be inclusive
of any pigments. For every one part of cement -marble powder binder
mix, the proportion of aggregates shall be 1.75 parts by volume, if the
chips are between 1 mm to 6 mm and 1.50 parts by volume if the
chips are between 6 mm to 25 mm.
The minimum thickness of wearing layer of terrazzo tiles shall be 5
mm for tiles with chips of size varying from 1 mm up to 6 mm or from
1 mm up to 12 mm. This shall be 6 mm for tiles with chips varying
from 1 mm up to 25 mm. The minimum thickness of wearing layer of
cement /coloured cement tiles shall be 5 mm. This shall be 6 mm for

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heavy duty tiles . Pigment used in the wearing layer shall not exceed
10 percent of the weight of cement used in the mix. Workmanship
Laying and finishing of tiles shall conform to the requirements of
workmanship stipulated in IS: 1443.
Tiling work shall be commenced only after the door and window
frames are fixed and plastering of the walls/ceiling is completed. Tiles
which are fixed to the floor adjoining the wall shall go 10 mm under
the plaster. Wall plastering shall not be carried out upto about 50 mm
above the level of proposed skirting /dado.
The base concrete shall be furnished to a reasonably plane surface
about 40 to 45 mm below the level of finished floor. Before the tiling
work is taken up, the base concrete or structural slab shall be cleaned
of all loose materials, mortar droppings, dirt, laitance etc. using steel
wire brush and well wetted without allowing any water pools on the
A layer of 25 mm average thickness of cement mortar consisting of
one part of cement to 6 parts of sand shall be provided as bedding for
the tiles over the base concrete. The thickness of bedding mortar shall
not be less than 12 mm at any place. The quantity of water to be
added for the mortar shall be just adequate to obtain the workability
for laying. Sand for the mortar shall conform to IS :2116 and shall
have minimum fineness modulus of 1.5. The surface shall be left
rough to provide a good bond for the tiles. The bedding shall be
allowed to harden for a day before laying of the tiles.
Neat cement slurry of honey like consistency using 4.4 kg of cement
per sq. m. of floor area shall be spread over the hardened mortar
bedding over such an area at a time as would accommodate about 20
tiles. Tiles shall be fixed in this slurry one after the other, each tile
being gently tapped with a wooden mallet till it is properly bedded and
in level with the adjoining tiles. The joints shall be in straight lines
and shall normally be 1.5 mm wide. On completion of laying of the
tiles in a room, all the joints shall be cleaned and washed fairly deep
with a stiff broom/wire brush to a minimum depth of 5 mm. The day
after the tiles have been laid, the joints shall be filled with cement
grout of the same shade as the colour of the matrix of the tile. For this

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purpose white cement or grey cement with or without pigments shall

be used. The freshly laid portions of the tiles shall be prevented from
damage by providing suitable barriers. The flooring should be kept
moist and left undisturbed for 7 days for the bedding /joints to set
properly. After this it may be used for light traffic. Heavy traffic shall
not be allowed on the floor for atleast 14 days after fixing of the tiles.
About a week after laying the tiles, each and every tile shall be lightly
tapped with a small wooden mallet to find out if it gives a hollow
sound; if it does, such tiles along with any other cracked or broken
tiles shall be removed and replaced with new tiles to proper line and
level. The same procedure shall be followed again after grinding the
tiles and all damaged tiles replaced, properly jointed and finished to
match. For the purpose of ensuring that such replaced tiles match
with those laid earlier, it is necessary that the Contractor shall
procure sufficient quantity of extra tiles to meet this contingency.
Wherever a full tile cannot be provided, tiles shall be cut to size and
fixed. Floor tiles adjoining the wall shall go about 10 mm under the
plaster, skirting or dado.
The skirting and dado work shall be executed only after laying tiles on
the floor. For dado and skirting work, the vertical wall surface shall be
thoroughly cleaned and wetted. Thereafter it shall be evenly and
uniformly covered with 10 mm thick backing of 1:4 cement sand
mortar. For this work the tiles as obtained from the factory shall be of
the size required and practically full polished. The back of each tile to
be fixed shall be covered with a thin layer of neat cement paste and
tile shall then be gently tapped against the wall with a wooden mallet.
Fixing shall be done from the bottom of the wall upwards. The joints
shall be in straight lines and shall normally be 1.5 mm wide. Any
difference in the thickness of the tiles shall be evened out in the
backing mortar or cement paste so that the tile faces are in conformity
and truly plumb. Tiles for use at the corners shall be suitably cut with
beveled edges to obtain a neat and true joint. After the work has set,
hand polishing with carborundum stones shall be done so that the
surface matches with the floor finish.
Wall plastering of the strip left out above the level of skirting/dado
shall be taken up after the tiles are fixed.

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Chequered terrazzo tiles for flooring and for stair treads shall be
delivered to site after the first machine grinding. Machine grinding
and polishing shall be commenced only after a lapse of 14 days of
laying. The sequence and three numbers of machine grinding
operations, usage of the type of carborundum stones, filling up of pin
holes, watering etc. shall be carried out all as specified in IS : 1443.
Tiles shall be laid to the levels specified. Where large areas are to be
tiled the level of the central portion shall be kept 10 mm higher than
that at the walls to overcome optical illusion of a depression in the
central portion. Localised deviation of ± 3 mm in any 3 m length is
acceptable in a nominally flat floor.
10.7.13 In -situ Terrazzo Work Materials
Cement shall first be mixed with the marble powder in dry state. The
mix thus obtained shall be mixed with the aggregates in the specified
proportions. Care shall be taken not to get the materials in to a heap
which results in the coarsest chips falling to the edges and cement
working to the centre at the bottom. Materials shall be kept, as far as
possible, in an even layer during mixing. After the materials have been
thoroughly mixed in the dry state, water shall be added, just adequate
to obtain plastic consistency for the desired workability for laying. The
mix shall be used in the works within 30 minutes of the addition of
water to the cement. Workmanship
The thickness, type, quality, size and colour of chips etc. for the in-
situ terrazzo finish for flooring/dado/skirting shall be as specified in
the respective items of works prepared by the Contractor. Laying and
finishing of in-situ work shall conform to the requirements of
workmanship stipulated in IS : 2114.
In-situ terrazzo finish shall be laid over hardened concrete base. The
finish layer consists of an under layer and terrazzo topping. The under
layer shall be of cement concrete of mix 1:2:4 using 10 mm down
graded coarse aggregates. The combined thickness of under layer and
topping shall not be less than 30 mm for flooring and 20 mm for
dado/skirting work.

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The minimum thickness of toppings shall be 9 mm with marble size

chips between 4 mm to 7 mm and 12 mm with chips size between 7
mm to 10 mm.
Both the under layer and later the topping shall be divided into panels
not exceeding 2 sq.m. for laying so as to reduce the possibility of
development of cracks. The longer dimension of any panel shall not
exceed 2 m. Dividing strips shall be used to separate the panels.
When the dividing strips are not provided, the bays shall be laid
alternately, allowing an interval of at least 24 hours between laying
adjacent bays.
Dividing strips shall be either of aluminum, brass or other material as
indicated in the items of works prepared by the Contractor. Aluminum
strips should have a protective coating of bitumen. The thickness of
the strips shall be not less than 1.5 mm and width not less than 25
mm for flooring work.
Concrete base shall be finished to a reasonably plane surface to a level
below the finished floor elevation equal to the specified thickness of
terrazzo finish. Before spreading the under layer, the base concrete
surface shall be cleaned of all loose materials, mortar droppings, dirt,
laitance etc. and well wetted without allowing any water pools on the
surface. Dividing strips or screed strips, if dividing strips are not
provided shall be fixed on the base and leveled to the correct height to
suit the thickness of the finish. Just before spreading the under layer
the surface shall be smeared with cement slurry at 2.75 Kg/sq.m.
Over this slurry, the under layer shall be spread and leveled with a
screeding board. The top surface shall be left rough to provide a good
bond for the terrazzo topping.
Terrazzo topping shall be laid while the under layer is still plastic and
normally between 18 to 24 hours after the under layer is laid. Cement
slurry of the same colour as the topping shall be brushed on the
surface immediately before laying is commenced. The terrazzo mix
shall be laid to a uniform thickness and compacted thoroughly by
tamping and with a minimum of troweling. Straight edge and steel
floats shall be used to bring the surface true to the required level in
such a manner that the maximum amount of marble chips come up
and spread uniformly all over the surface.

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The surface shall be left dry for air-curing for a period of 12 to 18

hours. Thereafter it shall be cured by allowing water to stand in pools
for a period of not less than 4 days. Machine grinding and polishing
shall be commenced only after a lapse of 7 days from the time of
completion of laying. The sequence and four numbers of machine
grinding operations, usage of the type of carborundum stones, filling
up of pinholes, wet curing, watering etc. shall be carried out all as
specified in IS : 2114.
10.7.14 Kota Stone Slab work Materials
The slabs shall be of approved selected quality, hard, sound, dense
and homogeneous in texture, free from cracks, decay, weathering and
flaws. The percentage of water absorption shall not exceed 5 percent
as per test conducted in accordance with IS : 1124.
The slabs shall be machine cut to the required thickness. Tolerance in
thickness for dimensions of tile more than 100 mm shall be ± 5 mm.
This shall be ± 2 mm on dimensions less than 100 mm.
Slabs shall be supplied to the specified size with machine cut edges to
the full depth. All angles and edges of the slabs shall be true and
square, free from any chipping giving a plane surface. Slabs shall have
the top surface machine polished (first grinding) before being brought
to site. The slabs shall be washed clean before laying. Workmanship
The type, size, thickness and colour/shade etc., of the slabs for
flooring/dado/skirting shall be as specified in the respective items of
works prepared by the Contractor and approved by Engineer-in-
Preparation of the concrete base, laying and curing shall be as per
clause 0.
Dado/skirting work shall be as per clause 0. The thickness of the
slabs for dado/skirting work shall not be more than 25 mm. Slabs
shall be so placed that the back surface is at a distance of 12 mm. If
necessary, slabs shall be held in position temporarily by suitable
method. After checking for verticality, the gap shall be filled and
packed with cement sand mortar of proportion 1:3. After the mortar

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

has acquired sufficient strength, the temporary arrangement holding

the slab shall be removed.
Chequered terrazzo tiles for flooring and for stair treads shall be
delivered to site after the first machine grinding. Machine grinding
and polishing shall be commenced only after a lapse of 14 days of
laying. The sequence and three numbers of machine grinding
operations, usage of the type of carborundum stones, filling up of pin
holes, watering etc. shall be carried out all as specified in IS : 1443.
10.7.15 Glazed Tile Finish Materials
Glazed earthenware tiles shall conform to the requirements of IS: 777.
Tiles shall be of the best quality from an approved manufacturer. The
tiles shall be flat, true to shape and free from flaws such as crazing,
blisters, pinholes, specks or welts. Edges and underside of the tiles
shall be free from glaze and shall have ribs or indentations for a better
anchorage with the bedding mortar. Dimensional tolerances shall be
as specified in IS: 777. Workmanship
The total thickness of glazed tile finish including the bedding mortar
shall be 20 mm in flooring /dado/skirting. The minimum thickness of
bedding mortar shall be 12 mm for flooring and 10 mm for
dado/skirting work.
The bedding mortar shall consist of 1 part of cement to 3 parts of
sand mixed with just sufficient water to obtain proper consistency for
laying. Sand for the mortar shall conform to IS:2116 and shall have
minimum fineness modulus of 1.5.
Tiles shall be soaked in water for about 10 minutes just before laying.
Where full size tiles cannot be fixed, tiles shall be cut to the required
size using special cutting device and the edges rubbed smooth to
ensure straight and true joints.
Coloured tiles with or without designs shall be uniform and shall be
preferably procured from the same batch of manufacture to avoid any
differences in the shade.

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Tiles for the flooring shall be laid over hardened concrete base. The
surface of the concrete base shall be cleaned of all loose materials,
mortar droppings etc. well wetted without allowing any water pools on
the surface. The bedding mortar shall then be laid evenly over the
surface, tamped to the desired level and allowed to harden for a day.
The top surface shall be left rough to provide a good bond for the tiles.
For skirting and dado work, the backing mortar shall be roughened
using a wire brush.
Neat cement slurry using 3.3 kg cement per sq. m. of floor area shall
be spread over the hardened mortar bed over such as area as would
accommodate about 20 tiles. Tiles shall be fixed in this slurry one
after the other, each tile being gently tapped with a wooden mallet till
it is properly bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. For skirting
and dado work, the back of the tiles shall be smeared with cement
slurry for setting on the backing mortar. Fixing of tiles shall be done
from the bottom from the bottom of the wall upwards. The joints shall
be in perfect straight lines and as thin as possible but shall not be
more than 1 mm wide. The surface shall be checked frequently to
ensure correct level/required slope. Floor tiles near the walls shall
enter skirting/dado to a minimum depth of 10 mm. Tiles shall not
sound hollow when tapped.
All the joints shall be cleaned of gray cement with wire brush to a
depth of atleast 3 mm and all dust, loose mortar etc. shall be
removed. White cement with or without pigment shall then be used for
flush pointing the joints. Curing shall then be carried out for a
minimum period of 7 days of the bedding and joints to set properly.
The surface shall then be cleaned using a suitable detergent, fully
washed and wiped dry.
10.7.16 In-Situ Cement Concrete Floor Topping Materials
The mix proportion for the in-situ concrete floor topping shall be
1:2.5:3.5 (one part cement : two and half parts sand : three and half
parts coarse aggregates) by volume unless otherwise specified.
The aggregates shall conform for the requirements of IS : 383.

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Coarse aggregates shall have high hardness surface texture and shall
consist of crushed rock of granite, basalt, trap or quartzite. The
aggregate crushing valve shall not exceed 30 percent. The grading of
the aggregates of size 12.5 mm and below shall be as per IS: 2571.
Grading of the sand shall be within the limits indicated in IS: 2571. Workmanship
The thickness of the floor topping shall be as specified in the items of
work prepared by the Contractor. The minimum thickness of the floor
topping shall be 25 mm.
Preparation of base concrete /structural slab before laying the topping
shall be as per clause 10.7.10. The surface shall be rough to provide
adequate bond for the topping.
Mixing of concrete shall be done thoroughly in mechanical mixer
unless hand mixing is specifically permitted by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The concrete shall be as stiff as possible and the amount of
water added shall be the minimum necessary to give just sufficient
plasticity for laying and compacting. The mix shall be used in the
work within 30 minutes of the addition of water for its preparation.
Floor finish shall be laid in suitable panels to reduce the risk of
cracking. No dimension of a panel shall exceed 2 meters and the
length of a panel shall not exceed one and a half times its breadth.
Topping shall be laid in alternate panels, the intermediate panels
being cast after a gap of atleast one day. Construction joints shall be
plain vertical butt joints.
Screed strips shall be fixed dividing the area into suitable panels.
Immediately before depositing the concrete topping, neat cement
slurry at 2.75 kg/sq.m. of area shall be thoroughly brushed into the
prepared surface. Topping shall then be laid, very thoroughly tamped,
struck off level and floated with wooden float. The surface shall then
be tested with a straight edge and mason’s spirit level to detect any
inequalities and these shall be made good immediately.
Finishing of the surface by troweling shall be spread over a period of
one to six hours depending upon the temperature and atmospheric
conditions. The surface shall be trowelled 3 times at intervals so as to
produce a smooth uniform and hard surface. Immediately after laying,

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

the first trowelling just sufficient to give a level surface shall be carried
out avoiding excessive trowelling at this stage. The surface shall be re-
trowelled after sometime to close any pores and to scrap off excess
water or laitance, which shall not be trowelled back into the topping.
Final trowelling shall be done well before the concrete has become too
hard but at time when considerable pressure is required to make any
impression on the surface. Sprinkling of dry cement or cement sand
mixture for absorbing moisture shall not be permitted.
Immediately after the surface is finished, it shall be protected suitably
from rapid drying due to wind/sunlight. After the surface has
hardened sufficiently to prevent any damage to it, the topping shall be
kept continuously moist for a minimum period of 10 days.
It is preferable to lay the topping on hardened base concrete, as
against being laid monolithically with a lesser thickness, since proper
levels and slopes with close surface tolerances is achievable in
practice, owing to its greater thickness. Further, as this would be laid
after all other building operations are over, there will be no risk of any
damages or discoloration to the floor finish which are difficult to repair
10.7.17 In-Situ Granolithic Concrete Floor Topping Materials and Workmanship
The requirements of materials and workmanship shall be all as per
clause 7.7.17 for in situ cement concrete floor topping except that the
mix proportion of the concrete shall be 1:1:2 (cement : sand : coarse
aggregates) by volume.
The minimum thickness of granolithic floor topping on hardened
concrete base shall be 40 mm.
10.7.18 Floor Hardener Topping Materials and Workmanship
Floor Hardener topping shall be provided either as integrally finished
over the structural slab/grade slab or laid monolithically with the
concrete/granolithic floor finish on top of hardened concrete base.
Floor hardener of the metallic or non-metallic type suitable for the
performance of normal/medium /heavy duty function of the floor, the

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quantum of ingredients and the thickness of topping shall be as

specified in the respective items of work prepared by the Contractor.
For monolithic application with the floor finish/slab the thickness of
the layer shall be 15 mm. The topping shall be laid within 2 to 3 hours
after concrete is laid when it is still plastic but stiffened enough for
the workmen to tread over it by placing planks. The surface for the
concrete layer shall be kept rough for providing adequate bond for the
topping. Laitance shall be removed before placing the topping. The
topping shall be screed and thoroughly compacted to the finished
level. Trowelling to smooth finish shall be carried out as per clause
10.7.16. After the surface has hardened sufficiently, it shall be kept
continuously moist for atleast 10 days.
The procedure for mixing the floor hardener topping shall be as per
manufacturer’s instructions.
Surface shall be prevented from any damages due to subsequent
building operations by covering with 75 mm thick layer of sand.
10.7.19 PVC Sheet/Tile Flooring Materials
PVC floor covering shall be of either unbaked homogeneous flexible
type in the form of sheets/tiles conforming to IS :3462 or
homogeneous PVC asbestos tiles conforming to IS : 3461.
The surface of the sheet/tiles shall be free from any physical defects
such as pores, blisters, cracks etc. which affects the appearance and
serviceability. Tiles /sheets shall meet with the tolerance limits in
dimensions specified in the IS. Contractor shall submit the test
certificates, if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Each tile/sheet shall be legible and indelibly marked with the name of
the manufacturer or his trade mark, IS certificate mark, and batch
The adhesive to be used for laying the PVC flooring shall be rubber
based and of the make as recommended and approved by the
manufacturer of PVC sheets/tiles.
The type, size, colour, plain or mottled and the pattern shall be as
specified in the respective items of work prepared by the Contractor.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works) Workmanship
PVC Floor covering shall be provided over an underbed of cement
concrete floor finish over the base concrete or structural slab. It is
essential that the sub-floor and the underbed are perfectly dry before
laying the PVC flooring. This shall be ensured by methods of testing as
stipulated in Appendix -A of IS :5318.
The surface of the underbed shall have trowelled finish without any
irregularities which creates poor adhesion. Surface shall be free of oil
or grease and thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt and wiped with a dry
PVC sheets/tiles shall be brought to the temperature of the area in
which they are to be laid by stacking in a suitable manner within or
near the laying area for a period of about 24 hours. Where air-
conditioning is installed, the flooring shall not be laid on the underbed
until the A/C units have been in operation for atleast 7 days. During
this period, the temperature range shall be between 20 deg. C and 30
deg. C and this shall be maintained during the laying operations and
also for 48 hours thereafter.
Layout of the PVC flooring shall be marked with guidelines on the
underbed and PVC tiles/sheets shall be first laid for trial, without
using the adhesive, according to the layout.
The adhesive shall be applied by using a notched trowel to the surface
of the underbed and to the backside of PVC sheets/tiles. When the
adhesive has set sufficiently for laying, it will be tacky to the touch,
which generally takes about 30 minutes. The time period need be
carefully monitored since a longer interval will affect the adhesive
properties. Adhesive shall be uniformly spread over only as much
surface area at one time which can be covered with PVC flooring
within the stipulated time.
PVC sheet shall be carefully taken and placed in position from one
end onwards slowly so that the air will be completely squeezed out
between the sheet and the background surface and no air pockets are
formed. It shall then be pressed with a suitable roller to develop
proper contact. The next sheet shall be laid edge to edge with the
sheet already laid, so that there is minimum gap between joints. The
alignment shall be checked after each row of sheet is completed and

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trimmed if considered necessary. Tiles shall be laid in the same

manner as sheets and preferably, commencing from the centre of the
area. Tiles should be lowered in position and pressed firmly on to the
adhesive with minimum gap between the joints. Tiles shall not be
slided on the surface. Tiles shall be rolled with a light wooden roller of
about 5 kg to ensure full contact with the underlay. Work should be
constantly checked to ensure that all four edges of adjacent tiles meet
Any excess adhesive which may squeeze up between sheet/tiles shall
be wiped off immediately with a wet cloth. Suitable solvents shall be
used to remove hardened adhesive.
A minimum period of 24 hours shall be given after laying for the
development of proper bond of the adhesive. When the flooring is thus
completed, it shall be cleaned with a wet cloth soaked in warm soap
Metallic edge strips shall be used to protect the edges of PVC
sheets/tiles which are exposed as in doorways/stair treads.
Hot sealing of joints between adjacent PVC sheet flooring to prevent
creeping of water through the joints shall be carried out, using special
equipment as per manufacturer’s instructions.
10.7.20 Acid Resisting Brick / Tiling Work (for lab) Materials
The ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tiles shall conform to the
requirements of IS: 4457. Acid resistant bricks shall conform to the
requirements of IS: 4860.
The finished tile/brick when fractured shall appear fine grained in
texture, dense and homogeneous. Tile/brick shall be sound, true to
shape, flat, free from flaws and any manufacturing defects affecting
their utility. Tolerance in dimensions shall be within the limits
specified in the respective IS.
The tiles/bricks shall be bedded and jointed using chemical resistant
mortar of the resin type conforming to IS: 4832 (Part II). Method of
usage shall generally be as per the requirements of IS: 4443. Workmanship

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The resin shall have viscosity for readily mixing with the filler by
manual methods. The filler shall have graded particles, which permit
joint thickness of 1.5 mm.
The base concrete surface shall be free form dirt and thoroughly dried.
The surface shall be applied with a coat of bitumen primer conforming
to IS:3384. The primed surface shall then be applied with a uniform
coat of bitumen conforming to IS: 1580. Tiles or bricks shall be laid
directly without the application of bitumen, if epoxy or polyester resin
is used for the mortar.
Just adequate quantity of mortar which can be applied within the pot
life as specified by the manufacturer shall be prepared at one time for
bedding and jointing. Rigid PVC/Stainless Steel/chromium plated
tools shall be used for mixing and laying.
For laying the floor 6 to 8 mm thick mortar shall be spread on the
back of the tile/brick. Two adjacent sides of the tile/brick shall be
smeared with 4 to 6 mm thick mortar. Tile/brick shall be pressed into
the bed and pushed against the floor and with the adjacent tile/brick,
until the joint in each case is 2 to 3 mm thick. Excess mortar shall
then be trimmed off and allowed to harden fully. Similar procedure
shall be adopted for the work on walls by pressing the tile/brick
against the prepared wall surfaces and only one course shall be laid at
a time until the initial setting period.
The mortar joints shall be cured for a minimum period of 72 hours
with 20 to 25% hydrochloric acid or 30 to 40% sulphuric acid. After
acid curing, the joints shall then be washed with water and allowed to
thoroughly dry. The joints shall then be filled with mortar to make
them smooth and plane. Acid curing is not required to be carried out
if epoxy or polyester and furane type of resin is used for the mortar.
Resin mortars are normally self curing. The area tiled shall not be put
to use before 48 hours in case epoxy, polyester and furane type of
resin is used for the mortar. If phenolic or cashew nut shell liquid
resin is used for the mortar, the area tiled shall not be put to use for 7
to 28 days respectively, without heat treatment. This period shall be 2
to 6 days respectively, if heat treatment is given with infrared lamp.
10.7.21 Epoxy Lining Work

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The epoxy resin and hardener formulation for laying of joint less lining
work in floors and walls of concrete tanks/trenches etc. shall be as
per the requirements of IS: 9197.
The epoxy composition shall have the chemical resistance to
withstand the following conditions of exposure:
1 Hydrochloric acid up to 30% concentration
2 Sodium hydroxide up to 50% concentration
3 Liquid temperature up to 60 deg. C.
4 Ultraviolet radiation
5 Alternate wetting and drying
Sand shall conform to grading zone III or IV of IS: 383.
The hardener shall be of the liquid type such as aliphatic Amine or an
Aliphatic/Aromatic Amine Adduct for the epoxy resin. The hardener
shall react with epoxy resin at normal ambient temperature.
Contractor shall furnish test certificates for satisfying the
requirements of the epoxy formulation if so directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge. Workmanship
The minimum thickness of epoxy lining shall be 4 mm. It is essential
that the concrete elements are adequately designed to ensure that
water is excluded to permeate to the surface, over which the epoxy
lining is proposed.
The epoxy lining shall be of the trowel type to facilitate execution of
the required thickness for satisfactory performance.
The concrete surfaces over which epoxy lining is to be provided shall
be thoroughly cleaned of oil or grease by suitable solvents, wire
brushed to remove any dirt/dust and laitance. The surfaces shall then
be washed with dilute hydrochloric acid and rinsed thoroughly with
plenty of water or dilute ammonia solution. The surfaces shall then be
allowed to dry. It is essential to ensure that the surfaces are perfectly
dry before the commencement of epoxy application.

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Just adequate quantity of epoxy resin which can be applied within the
pot life as specified by the manufacturer shall be prepared at one time
for laying and jointing.
Rigid PVC/stainless steel/chromium plated tools shall be used for
laying. Trowelling shall be carried out to obtain uniformly the specified
thickness of lining.
Lining shall be allowed to set without disturbance for a minimum
period of 24 hours. The facility shall be put to use only after a
minimum period of 7 days of laying of the lining.
10.7.22 Water -Proofing General
The work shall include waterproofing for the building roofs, terraces,
toilets, floor slabs, walls, and any other areas and at any other
locations and situations as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. The
water proofing shall be done only for flat slabs.
The waterproofing treatment shall be carried out on top of brick bat
coba laid in cement sand mortar 1:4 in square pattern having a
thickness 75 to 100 mm so as to maintain a roof slope of 1 in 60. The
brick bats shall be covered by 25 mm thick finishing coat of cement
sand mortar 1:4 mix including water proofing compound @ 2% of
cement used.
The work shall be carried out by an experienced specialist Sub-
Contractor who shall be appointed only after prior approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge. Modified Bituminous Membrane
Modified Bituminous Membrane shall be “SUPER THERMOLAY” 4 mm
thick weighing 4 Kg/sq.m, manufactured using APP Polymer modified
bitumen with a central core of non-woven polyester reinforcement
(200 gms/sqm) and with top and bottom layers of thermofusible film
(top layer could also be sand finished) of stanoland make, duly
approved by the EIC. Water proofing of Horizontal Surfaces (Pumping Station)
The waterproofing shall be applied as follows:

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Bitumen primer shall confirm to IS:3384. Bitumen felt shall confirm

to IS:1322 & IS:7193. Bonding material for used between successive
felts and between roof surface and felt shall confirm to industrial
blown type bitumen of grade 85/25 or 90/15 confirming to IS:702.
For top dressing bitumen shall be industrial blown type as per IS:702
of penetration note more than 40.
A roll of Modified Bituminous Membrane shall be unrolled over the
primed surface and completely bonded to the substrate by pressing
down even for the full width of the roll using a wooden roller. Torching
shall be done, where recommended by the manufacture and where
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, as the unrolling progresses.
The side overlaps shall be minimum 100 mm whereas the end
overlaps shall be minimum 150 mm; both shall be bonded and sealed
by flame torching.
Care shall be taken that the membrane is lapped with the treatment
along the vertical surface and roof gutter treatment for at least 500
The membrane shall be properly overlapped/terminated at all
openings, rainwater downtakes etc. to ensure that such junctions do
not become sources of leakage.
Top of membrane finally shall be painted with antiglouse reflective
paint. Waterproofing of Vertical Surfaces at Roof Level and Gutters
The waterproofing shall be applied as described in (a) above.
Modified Bituminous membrane shall be unrolled and bonded to the
substrate after applying a coat of bitumen and by pressing down
evenly for the full width of the roll.
Light torching shall be done to ensure complete bonding.
The membrane shall be overlapped with treatment for the horizontal
surface by at least 500 mm.
The membrane shall be taken up to a pre-cut chase anchored and
sealed. Khurras and Rainwater Down Pipes

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Down pipes shall be isolated from RCC work with 6 mm polyethylene

foam fixed with adhesive (Araldite) and sealed with silicone sealant
prior to laying membrane. A water proofing flashing composed of one
layer of Hessain based self finished felt Type 3 Grade 1 and two layers
of aluminium foil of 0.075 mm thickness shall be provided. This
flashing shall be carried into the down take pipes for at least 150 mm
and sealed with hot bitumen. The Contractor shall closely coordinate
the work with the agency providing and fixing the rainwater down take
pipes. Testing
The treated area (flat and horizontal only shall be tested by allowed
water to stand on the treated areas to a depth of 150 mm for a
minimum period of 72 hours.
The treated area (flat and horizontal) shall have continuous slope
towards the rainwater outlets and no water shall pond anywhere on
the surface.
10.7.23 Cement Plastering Work Materials
The proportions of the cement mortar for plastering shall be 1:4 (one
part of cement to four parts of sand). Cement and sand shall be mixed
thoroughly in dry condition and then just enough water added to
obtain a workable consistency. The quality of water and cement shall
be as per relevant IS standards. The quality and grading of sand for
plastering shall conform to IS : 1542. The mixing shall be done
thoroughly in a mechanical mixer unless hand mixing is specifically
permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. If so desired by the Engineer-in-
Charge sand shall be screened and washed to meet the Specifications.
The mortar thus mixed shall be used as soon as possible preferably
within 30 minutes from the time water is added to cement. In case the
mortar has stiffened due to evaporation of water this may be re-
tempered by adding water as required to restore consistency but this
will be permitted only upto 30 minutes from the time of initial mixing
of water to cement. Any mortar which is partially set shall be rejected
and removed forthwith from the site. Droppings of plaster shall not be
re-used under any circumstances.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works) Workmanship
Preparation of surfaces and application of plaster finishes shall
generally conform to the requirements specified in IS : 1661 and IS :
Plastering operations shall not be commenced until installation of all
fittings and fixtures such as door/ window panels, pipes, conduits etc.
are completed.
All joints in masonry shall be raked as the work proceeds to a depth of
10 mm / 20mm for brick/ stone masonry respectively with a tool
made for the purpose when the mortar is still green. The masonry
surface to be rendered shall be washed with clean water to remove all
dirt, loose materials, etc., Concrete surfaces to be rendered shall be
roughened suitably by hacking or bush hammering for proper
adhesion of plaster and the surface shall be evenly wetted to provide
the correct suction. The masonry surfaces should not be too wet only
damp at the time of plastering. The dampness shall be uniform to get
uniform bond between the plaster and the masonry surface.
Interior plain faced plaster
This plaster shall be laid in a single coat of 12 mm thickness. The
mortar shall be dashed against the prepared surface with a trowel.
The dashing of the coat shall be done using a strong whipping motion
at right angles to the face of the wall or it may be applied with a
plaster machine. The coat shall be trowelled hard and tight forcing it
to surface depressions to obtain a permanent bond and finished to
smooth surface. Interior plaster shall be carried out on jambs, lintel
and sill faces, etc. as shown in the drawing and as directed by the
Plain Faced Ceiling plaster
This shall be applied in a single coat of 6 mm thickness. Application of
mortar shall be as stipulated in above paragraph.
Exterior plain faced plaster
This plaster shall be applied in 2 coats. The first coat or the rendering
coat shall be approximately 14 mm thick. The rendering coat shall be
applied as stipulated above except finishing it to a true and even
surface and then lightly roughened by cross scratch lines to provide

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

bond for the finishing coat. The rendering coat shall be cured for at
least two days and then allowed to dry. The second coat or finishing
coat shall be 6mm thick. Before application of the second coat, the
rendering coat shall be evenly damped. The second coat shall be
applied from top to bottom in one operation without joints and shall
be finished leaving an even and uniform surface. The mortar
proportions for the coats shall be as specified in the respective item of
work. The finished plastering work shall be cured for at least 7 days.
Interior plain faced plaster 20 mm thick if specified for uneven faces of
brick walls or for random/ coursed rubble masonry walls shall be
executed in 2 coats similar to the procedure stipulated in above
For external plaster, the plastering operation shall be commenced
from the top floor and carried downwards. For internal plaster, the
plastering operations for the walls shall commence at the top and
carried downwards. Plastering shall be carried out to the full length of
the wall or to natural breaking points like doors/ windows etc. Ceiling
plaster shall be completed first before commencing wall plastering.
Double scaffolding shall be used as specified:
The finished plaster surface shall not show any deviation more than
4mm when checked with a straight edge of 2 m length placed against
the surface.
To overcome the possibility of development of cracks in the plastering
work following measures shall be adopted.
1. Plastering work shall be deferred as much as possible so that fairly
complete drying shrinkage in concrete and masonry works take
2. Steel wire fabric shall be provided at the junction of brick masonry
and concrete to overcome reasonably the differential drying
shrinkage/ thermal movement.
3. Ceiling plaster shall be done, with a trowel cut at its junction with
wall plaster. Similarly trowel cut shall be adopted between adjacent
surfaces where discontinuity of the background exists.
10.7.24 Cement Pointing Materials

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The cement mortar for pointing shall be in the proportion of 1:3 (one
part of cement to three parts of fine sand). Sand shall conform to IS :
1542 and shall be free from clay, shale, loam, alkali and organic
matter and shall be of sound, hard, clean and durable particles. Sand
shall be approved by Engineer-in-Charge and if so directed it shall be
washed/ screened to meet specification requirements. Workmanship
Where pointing of joints in masonry work is specified, the joints shall
be raked at least 15 mm/ 20 mm deep in brick/ stone masonry
respectively as the work proceeds when the mortar is still green.
Any dust/ dirt in the raked joints shall be brushed out clean and the
joints shall be washed with water. The joints shall be damp at the
time of pointing. Mortar shall be filled into joints and well pressed
with special steel trowels. The joint shall not be disturbed after it has
once begun to set. The joints of the pointed work shall be neat. The
lines shall be regular and uniform in breadth and the joints shall be
raised, flat, sunk or ‘V’ as may be specified in the respective items of
work. No false joints shall be allowed.
The work shall be kept moist for at least 7 days after the pointing is
completed. Wherever coloured pointing has to be done, the colouring
pigment of the colour required shall be added to cement in such
proportions as recommended by the manufacturer and as approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.7.25 Water-Proofing Admixtures
Water-proofing admixtures shall conform to the requirements of IS:
2645 and shall be of approved manufacture. The admixture shall not
contain calcium chloride. The quantity of the admixture and method
of mixing etc. to be used for works shall be as per manufacturer’s
instructions and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.7.26 Painting of Concrete, Masonry & Plastered Surfaces Materials
Oil bound distemper shall conform to IS: 428. The primer shall be
alkali resistant primer of the same manufacture as that of the

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Lead free acid, alkali and chlorine resisting paint shall conform to IS:
Colour wash shall be made by addition of a suitable quantity of
mineral pigment, not affected by lime, to the prepared white wash to
obtain the shade/ tint as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
All the materials shall be of the best quality from an approved
manufacturer. Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer-
in-Charge for the brand of manufacture and the colour/ shade. All
materials shall be brought to the site of works in sealed containers. Workmanship
Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge
regarding the readiness of the surfaces to receive the specified finish,
before commencing the work on painting.
Painting of new surfaces shall be deferred as much as possible to
allow for thorough drying of the sub-strata.
The surfaces to be treated shall be prepared by thoroughly brushing
them free from dirt, mortar droppings and any loose foreign materials.
Surfaces shall be free from oil, grease and efflorescence. Efflorescence
shall be removed only by dry brushing of the growth. Cracks shall be
filled with Gypsum. Workmanship of painting shall generally conform
to IS : 2395. White Wash
The prepared surfaces shall be wetted and the finish applied by
brushing. The operation for each coat shall consist of a stroke of the
brush first given horizontally from the right and the other from the left
and similarly, the subsequent stroke from bottom upwards and the
other form top downwards, before the first coat dries. Each coat shall
be allowed to dry before the next coat is applied. Minimum of 2 coats
shall be applied unless otherwise specified. The dry surface shall
present a uniform finish without any brush marks. Colour Wash
Colour wash shall be applied in the same way as for white wash. A
minimum of 2 coats shall be applied unless otherwise specified. The
surface shall present a smooth and uniform finish without any

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

streaks. The finished dry surface shall not show any signs of peeling/
powdery and come off readily on the hand when rubbed. Cement Paint
The prepared surfaces shall be wetted to control surface suction and
to provide moisture to aid in proper curing of the pain. Cement paint
shall be applied with a brush with stiff bristles. The primer coat shall
be a thinned coat of cement paint. The quantity of thinner shall be as
per manufacturer’s instructions. The coats shall be vigorously
scrubbed to work the paint into any voids for providing a continuous
paint film free form pinholes for effective water proofing in addition to
decoration. Cement paint shall be brushed in uniform thickness and
the covering capacity for two coats on plastered surfaces shall be 3 to
4 kg/ sq.m. A minimum of 3 coats of the same colour shall be applied.
A least 24 hours shall be left after the first coat to become sufficiently
hard before the second coat is applied. The painted surfaces shall be
thoroughly cured by sprinkling with water using a fog spray at least 2
to 3 times a day. Curing shall commence after about 12 hours when
the paint hardens. Curing shall be continued for at least 2 days after
the application of final coat. The operations for brushing each coat
shall be as detailed above. Oil bound Distemper
The prepared surfaces shall be dry and provided with one coat of
alkali resistant primer by brushing. The surface shall be finished
uniformly without leaving any brush marks and allowed to dry for at
least 48 hours. A minimum of two coats of oil bound distemper shall
be applied, unless otherwise specified. The first coat shall be of a
lighter tint. At least 24 hours shall be left after the first coat to become
completely dry before the application of the second coat. Broad, stiff,
double bristled distemper brushed shall be used for the work. The
operations for brushing each coat shall be as detailed above. Acid, Alkali Resisting Paint
A minimum of 2 coats of acid/ alkali resisting paint shall be applied
over the prepared dry surfaces by brushing. Primer coat shall be as
per manufacturer’s instructions. Acrylic Emulsion Paint

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Acrylic emulsion paint shall be applied in the same way as for plastic
emulsion paint. A minimum of 2 finishing coats over one coat of
primer shall be provided unless otherwise specified.
10.7.27 Painting & Polishing of Wood Work Materials
0 Wood primer shall conform to IS : 3536
1 Filler shall conform to IS : 110
2 Varnish shall conform to IS : 337
3 French polish shall conform to IS : 348
4 Synthetic enamel paint conform to IS : 2932
All the materials shall be of the best quality from an approved
manufacturer. Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer-
in-Charge for the brand of manufacture and the colour/ shade. All
materials shall be brought to the site of works in sealed containers. Workmanship
The type of finish to be provided for woodwork of either painting or
polishing, the number coats, etc. shall be as specified in the respective
items of work to be prepared by the Contractor.
Primer and finish paint shall be compatible with each other to avoid
cracking and wrinkling. Primer and finish paint shall be from the
same manufacturer.
Painting shall be either by brushing or spraying. Contractor shall
procure the appropriate quality of paint for this purpose as
recommended by the manufacturer. The workmanship shall generally
conform to the requirements of IS : 2338 (Part I).
All the wood surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly dry and free
from any foreign matter. Surfaces shall be smoothened with abrasive
paper using it across the grains and dusted off. Wood primer coat
shall then be applied uniformly by brushing. The number of primer
coats shall be as specified in the item of work to be prepared by the
Contractor. Any slight irregularities of the surface shall then be made-
up by applying an optimum coat of filler conforming to IS: 110 and
rubbed down with an abrasive paper for obtaining a smooth surface

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for the undercoat of synthetic enamel paint conforming to IS: 2932.

Paint shall be applied by brushing evenly and smoothly by means of
crossing and laying off in the direction of the grain of wood. After
drying, the coat shall be carefully rubbed down using very fine grade
of sand paper and wiped clean before the next coat is applied. At least
24 hours shall elapse between the application of successive coats.
Each coat shall vary slightly in shade and this shall be got approved
by the Engineer-in-Charge. The number of coats of paint to be applied
shall be as specified in the item of work to be prepared by the
All the wood surfaces to be provided with clear finishes shall be
thoroughly dry and free from any foreign matter. Surfaces shall be
smoothened with abrasive paper using it in the direction of the grains
and dusted off. Any slight irregularities of the surface shall be made
up by applying an optimum coat of transparent liquid filler and
rubbed down with an abrasive paper for obtaining a smooth surface.
All dust and dirt shall be thoroughly removed. Over this prepared
surface, vanish conforming to IS : 337 shall be applied by brushing.
Varnish should not be retouched once it has begun to set. Staining if
required shall be provided as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
When two coats of varnish is specified, the first coat should be a hard-
drying undercoat or flatting varnish which shall be allowed to dry
hard before applying the finishing coat. The number of coats to be
applied shall be as specified. For works where clear finish of French
polish is specified the prepared surfaces of wood shall be applied with
the polish using a pad of woolen cloth covered by a fine cloth. The pad
shall be moistened with polish and rubbed hard on the surface in a
series of overlapping circles to give an even finish over the entire area.
The surface shall be allowed to dry before applying the next coat.
Finishing shall be carried out using a fresh clean cloth over the pad,
slight dampening with methylated spirit an rubbing lightly and
quickly in circular motions. The finished surface shall have a uniform
texture and high gloss. The number of coats to be applied shall be as
10.7.28 Painting of Steel Work Materials

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1 Zinc chrome primer shall conform to IS : 2074

2 Synthetic enamel paint shall conform to IS : 2932
3 Aluminium paint shall conform to IS : 2339
All the materials shall be of the best quality from an approved
manufacturer. Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer-
in-Charge for the brand of manufacture and the colour/ shade. All the
materials shall be brought to the site in sealed containers. Workmanship
Painting work shall be carried out only on thoroughly dry surfaces.
Painting shall be applied either by brushing or by spraying.
Contractor shall procure the appropriate quality of paint for this
purpose as recommended by the manufacturer. The workmanship
shall generally conform to the requirement of IS : 1477 (Part 2).
The type of paint, number of costs etc. shall be as specified in the
respective items of work.
Primer and finish paint shall be compatible with each other to avoid
cracking and wrinkling. Primer and finish paint shall be from the
same manufacturer.
All the surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of oil, grease, dirt, rust
and scale. The methods to be adopted using solvents, wire brushing,
power tool cleaning etc., shall be as per IS: 1477 (Part - I) and as
indicated in the item of work.
It is essential to ensure that immediately after preparation of the
surfaces, the first coat of red oxide-zinc chrome primer shall be
applied by brushing and working it well to ensure a continuous film
without holidays. After the first coat becomes hard dry, a second coat
of primer shall be applied by brushing to obtain a film free from
‘holidays’. After the second coat of primer is hard dry, the entire
surface shall be wet rubbed cutting down to a smooth uniform
surface. When the surface becomes dry, the under cost of synthetic
enamel paint of optimum thickness shall be applied by brushing with
minimum of brush marks. The coat shall be allowed to hard dry. The
under coat shall then be wet rubbed cutting down to a smooth finish,
taking adequate care to ensure that at no place the undercoat is
completely removed. The surface shall then be allowed to dry.

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The first finishing coat of paint shall be applied by brushing and

allowed to hard dry. The gloss from the entire surface shall then be
gently removed and the surface dusted off. The second finishing coat
shall then be applied by brushing.
At least 24 hours shall elapse between the applications of successive
coats. Each coat shall vary slightly in shade and this shall be got
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.7.29 Plaster of Paris Board False Ceiling Materials
Plaster of Paris Boards
The plaster of Paris boards to be used in the false ceiling shall be of an
approved manufacture of manufactured at site by methods and
materials approved by Engineer-in-Charge. The plaster of Paris shall
be of the calcium-sulphate semi-hydrate variety and shall contain not
less than 35 percent sulfur trioxide and other requirements as per IS:
2547 (Part - I) However, its fineness shall be such that the residue,
after drying, and sieving on I.S. sieve designation 3.35 mm for 5
minutes shall not be more than 1 percent by weight. Initial setting
time shall not be less than 13 minutes. The average compressive
strength of plaster determined by testing 5 cm cubes 24 hours after
removal from moulds and drying in an oven at 40 Deg. C till the
weight of the cubes is constant, shall not be less than 84 Kg per sq.
The plaster of Paris boards reinforced with Hessian cloth or coir shall
be prepared in suitable sizes as shown on the drawings or as directed
by Engineer-in-Charge. Wooden forms of height equal to the thickness
of boards shall be placed on truly level and smooth surface such as a
glass sheet. The edges of the boards shall be truly square. The glass
sheet or surface on which form is kept and the form sides shall be
given a thin coat of non-staining oil to facilitate the easy removal of
the board. Plaster of Paris shall be evenly spread into the form up to
about half the depth and Hessian cloth or coir shall be pressed over
the plaster of Paris layer. The weight of Hessian cloth or coir in the
board shall be 250 gm per sq. m. The ends of the Hessian/ coir
reinforcement shall be turned over at all edges to form a double layer
for a width of 50 mm. The Hessian cloth shall be of an open wed

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texture so as to allow the plaster below and above to intermix with

each other and form an integral board. The form shall then be filled
with plaster of Paris, which shall be uniform pressed and the wire cut
to an even and smooth surface. The board shall then be allowed to set
initially for an hour or so and then removed from the form and allowed
to dry and harden for about a week. The board after drying and
hardening shall give a ringing sound when struck. The boards shall be
true and exact to shape and size and the exposed face shall be truly
plane and smooth. The size of boards shall generally be 600 mm x 600
mm x 12 mm thick. Boards shall be kept dry in transit and stored flat
in a clean dry place and shall not be exposed to moisture. The boards
shall always be carried on edges.
Timber Frame Work
Timber for framework of false ceiling grid and hangers shall be of good
quality and well seasoned. It shall have uniform colour, reasonably
straight and close grains and shall be free from knots, cracks and
sapwood. It shall be treated with approved anti-termite preservative as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Extreme care shall be taken so
that the preservative treatment does not stain the ceiling boards. In
case metal hangers are used, these shall be M.S. flats or bars, having
two coats of red oxide zinc chromate paint primer, as shown on
drawings or as approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
Metal Frame Work
The metal frame work may be made of sections of light metal, such as
anodized aluminium, mild steel or as shown on the drawings. The
shape of cross-section shall be such as to facilitate proper suspension
and proper fixing of the ceiling boards covering them and shall be
structurally sound and rigid.
10.7.30 Construction
Contractor shall ensure that the frame to support the ceiling is
designed for structural strength and the sizes, weight and strength of
ceiling boards to be fixed and other loads due to live load, air-
conditioning ducts, grills, electrical wiring and lighting fixtures,
thermal insulation, etc. as shown on the drawings. Contractor shall
also submit a detailed drawing to show the grid work, sizes of grid

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members, method of suspension, position of openings for air-

conditioning and lighting, access doors, etc.
Structural design of timber member for the frame shall be in
accordance with IS: 883, and metal sections shall be of appropriate
size and thickness and shall be approved manufacture, all as
approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
The false ceiling grid work shall be carried out as per the approved
drawings or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. In case of timber grid
work, the grid shall consist of teak wood runners of minimum size 60
mm deep x 40 mm wide along one direction at 1.2 m centre to centre
and secondary runners of size 50 mm deep to 40 mm wide at 60 mm
centre to centre perpendicular to the main runners.
The timber grid work shall be suspended with the help of wooden
hangers or metal hangers at 1.2 m centre to centre in both the
directions. Wooden hangers shall be adopted for flat R.C. roof slab
structures whereas metal hangers for flat R.C. roof or structural steel
floors/ tresses. Metal hangers shall be fabricated from mild steel/
galvanised flats of 35 mm x 6 mm size or bars of 10 mm dia. Threaded
at the lower end and anchored securely in the roof concrete or welded
to inserts provided on the underside of slabs, beams etc. All M.S.
hangers shall be given two coats of red oxide zinc chromate paint
primer. In case the wood work is of A.C. sheeting supported on purlins
an trusses, hangers shall be suspended from roof steel work. The
arrangement of metal hangers shall be such that the level of false
ceiling can be adjusted during fixing of the ceiling frame work. The
ceiling frame work shall be secured to hangers by means of washers
and nuts. The ends of main runners shall preferably be embedded
into the masonry work.
The metal frame work when it is anodised aluminium false ceiling grid
system shall consist of aluminium main member of special T-Profile of
38 mm x 38 mm x 1.5 mm thick, interlocking with each other to form
frames of various sizes, 600 mm x 600 mm or as shown on the
drawing. The main members shall be suspended from the roof
structures by means of steel hangers as described for timber frame
work and supported at the walls by means of anodised aluminium
wall angles.

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In the case of timber frame work, all the edges of the plaster of Paris
board shall be fixed to frame members by means of counter sunk and
rustless screws of 2.74 mm size, 40 mm long at a spacing of 100 mm
to 150 mm c/c and 12 mm from the edge of the board. Holes for
screws shall be drilled and screws slightly countersunk into the
boards. The boards shall be fixed to wooden framework with a joint
clearance of about 3 mm. The joints shall always be in perfect line and
In case of aluminium grid system, boards shall be just placed into the
frames formed by the main ‘T’ members and the cross members fitted
with the clips for locking boards. Contractor shall take utmost care so
as not to force the boards in position and a slight gap shall be
provided so as not to make a tight joint. The boards shall be cut with
a saw, if required, to any shape and size.
As the work of false ceiling may be inter-connected with the work of
air-conditioning ducts and lighting, Contractor shall fully co-operate
with the other agencies entrusted with the above work, who may be
working simultaneously. Contractor shall provide necessary openings,
in the false ceiling work for air-conditioning, lighting and other
fixtures. Additional framing, if required, for the above opening shall
also be provided at no extra cost to Employer. Removable or hinged
type inspection or access trap doors shall be provided at locations
specified by Engineer-in-Charge. Finishing
It is essential that false ceiling work should be firm and in perfect line
and level and all boards free from distortion, bulge and other defects,
All defective boards and other material shall be removed from site
immediately and replaced, and ceiling restored to original finish to the
satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
The workmanship shall be highest order and all joinery work for
timber work shall be in the best workmanship manner. The joints for
aluminium frame work shall be of be inter-locking type so that when
the cross member is in place, it cannot be lifted out.
The countersunk heads of crews and all joints shall be filled with
plaster of Paris and finished smooth. After filling the joints, a thick
skin of the finishing material shall be spread about 50 mm wide on

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either side of the joint and on to it shall be trowelled dry a reinforcing

scrim cloth about 10 mm wide. If metal scrim is used, a stiffer plaster
will be necessary to enable the trowelling of the scrim down to the
board. Fire Stopping
In case of fire protective ceilings, fire resisting barriers at suitable
intervals shall be provided. These shall completely close the gap
between the false ceiling and soffit of the structural slab. The material
of the barrier shall be as indicated by Engineer-in-Charge. (Reference
may be made to the British Standards Institutions CP 290: Code of
Practice for suspended ceiling and lining of dry construction using
metal fixing system, for guidance). Asbestos Cement Corrugated Sheet Roofing
1. Asbestos cement corrugated sheets: The sheets shall be of the
approved quality and shall conform to IS:459. The sheets shall free
from cracks, chipped edges or corners and other damages.
2. Slope: The roof shall not be pitched at flatter slope than 1 vertical
to 5 horizontal. The normal pitch adopted shall usually be 1
vertical to 3 horizontal.
3. Laying : The sheets shall be laid on the purlins, rafters and other
roof members as indicated in the working drawing approved by the
The maximum spacing of purlins under sheets shall be 1.40 m in the
case of 6 mm thick sheets and these shall in no case be exceeded.
Ridge purlins shall be fixed at 75 mm to 115 mm from the apex of the
The top bearing surfaces of all purlins and of other roof members shall
be in one plane so that the sheets when being fixed shall not require
to be forced down to rest on the purlins. The finished roof shall
present a uniform slope and the line of corrugations shall be straight
and true. The sheets shall be laid with the smooth side upwards.
The sheets shall be laid with the side lap of half a corrugation and end
lap of 15 cm minimum in the case of roofs with a pitch flatter than 1
vertical to 2.5 horizontal or in the case of very exposed situations, the

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minimum permissible end lap shall be 20 cms. Side laps should be

laid on the side facing away from the prevailing monsoon winds.
The free overhang of the sheets at the eaves shall not exceed 30 cm.
Corrugated sheets shall be laid from left to right starting at the eaves.
The last or top row sheets shall all have the bottom right hand corner
cut with the exception of the last sheet which shall be laid uncut. If
for any reason such as on considerations of the direction of prevailing
winds, laying is to be started from the bottom right hand corner, then
the laying procedure should be reversed.
Fixing :
Sheets shall be secured to the purlins and other roof members by
means of 8 mm diameter galvanised iron J or L hook bolts and nuts.
The grip of the J or L hook bolt on the side of the purlin shall not be
less than 25 mm. Each galvanised iron J or L hook bolt shall have a
bitumen washer and a galvanised iron washer placed over the sheet
before the nut is screwed down from above. On each purlin there shall
be one hook bolt on the crown adjacent to the side lap on the either
side. Bitumen washer shall be of approved manufacture.
The GI flat washer shall be 25 mm in diameter, 1.6 mm thick and the
bitumen washer shall be 35 mm in diameter and 1.5 mm thick. The
length of J bolt or crank bolt shall be equal to depth of purlin plus 90
Holes for hook bolts etc. shall be drilled and not punched, always
through the crown of the corrugation and not in valleys, in location to
suit the purlins while the sheet are on the roof in the correct position.
The diameter of holes shall be 2 mm more than the diameter of the
fixing bolts. No hole shall be nearer than 40 mm to any edge of a sheet
or any accessory
10.7.31 Cable Cellar
In case of positive suction centrifugal pumping station, the
pump/motor sets are located at minus level and it is possible to
design a cable cellar just below electrical/instrumentation control
room. This is to facilitate easy cable laying and termination with
sufficient loop of cable and enough height and sufficient bending

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10.8.1 Scope
This part of specifications covers supply and installation of all
equipment necessary for a complete lighting and receptacle systems,
Clear Water Pump House, Filter Plant, and all other building etc. The
type of lighting fixtures and receptacles, illumination level and
approximate quantity required shall be detailed by the contractor
before execution of works so as to achieve the required criteria.
10.8.2 Drawings and Data
The contractor shall furnish relevant descriptive and illustrative
literature on lighting fixtures and accessories dimensioned drawings/
data for the respective lighting fixtures with manufacturer’s catalogue
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to work out a detailed
layouts in order to provide the level of installations as indicated under
Design Criteria and shall be furnished for the approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge before commencement of installation
10.8.3 General Requirements
The Lighting system includes the following items
1. Lighting fixtures complete with Lamps and accessories
2. Lighting system equipment
3. Light control switches, receptacle units with control switch units,
lighting wires, conduits and other similar items necessary to
complete lighting system
4. Lighting fixture supports, street lighting poles and flood light
5. Lighting main distribution board, lighting panels.
6. Multi core cables for street, boundary and flood lighting
7. Provision of automatic on-off road switches through solar system
10.8.4 Design Requirement Lighting Layout
It shall be responsibility of the contractor to work out a detailed
layouts for different units/areas in order to provide the levels of
illumination as indicated in the design requirement above. The

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contractor shall be responsible for measuring the levels of illumination

after installation and establish compliance with the specification. Levels of Illumination
The design, manufacture and performance of equipment shall conform
to the latest Indian standard.
Lighting system shall be designed considering following Lux levels. Pump Houses
- Pump room area 150 Lux
- Mintenance bays 250 Lux
- Elect. control room 250 Lux
- Control Room 250 Lux
- Duty Room 250 Lux
- Area in front of building 50 Lux
- Surrounding areas 10 Lux Filter Plant
- Backwash gallary and other areas
of sump pumps, compressors room250 Lux
- Chemical room 150 Lux
- Chlorination Room 150 Lux
- Control Room 250 Lux
- Duty Room 250 Lux
- Toilets 150 Lux
- Lab 250 Lux
- Stores 250 Lux
- Workshop 200 Lux
- Corridors & Stairs 100 Lux
- Rooms for Offices 250 Lux
- Outer areas of Clariflocculator
& Filter beds 70 Lux
- Garage 70 Lux
- Area in front of building 50 Lux
- Surrounding areas 20 Lux Campus Areas

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- Front gate of campus and

Other main crossings 50 Lux
- Along the campus roads 20 Lux
- Along Campus Boundary 20 Lux Office buildings
- Rooms 250 Lux
- Corridors & Stairs 100 Lux
- Bathroom 100 Lux
- Area in front of building 50 Lux
- Surrounding areas 20 Lux Residential buildings
- Rooms 250 Lux
- Corridors & Stairs 150 Lux
- Bathroom 100 Lux
- Area in front of building 50 Lux
- Surrounding areas 20 Lux
In order to have higher illumination for maintenance and repairs in
the pump room area outlets of 16 A SPN shall be provided for the
connection of portable lamps. 16 A SPN switch with socket shall be
provided in every bay of the pump house on the suction and delivery
side walls. The flexible lighting fixture shall be suitable for GLS lamps.
10.8.5 Lighting System Equipment Main Distribution Boards and Lighting Panels
Constructional Features
Boards and panels shall be sheet steel enclosed and shall be fully
dust and vermin proof, providing a degree protection of IP 52. Outdoor
panels shall in addition be completely weatherproof with a sloping
canopy for protection rain and providing a degree of protection of IP
54. The sheet used for frame, enclosures, doors, covers and partitions
shall be cold rolled 2 mm thick.

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All boards and panels shall be provided with hinged doors for access
to equipment. Doors shall be gasketted all round with neoprene
gaskets. For the main floor mounted distribution boards with the
switch fuse units arranged in tier formation, the hinged door of each
unit shall be interlocked so as to prevent opening of the door when the
switch is ON and to prevent closing of the switch with the door not
fully closed. However, a device for by-passing the interlock shall be
provided to enable the operation of the switch with the door open,
when necessary, for examination \ maintenance. For wall mounting
1phase ways lighting panels when provided with MCBs, a hinged,
latched front door shall be provided with key-locking facility and a
slotted Bakelite sheet shall be provided inside. Only the MCBs
operating knobs or the fuse cap covers shall project out of the Bakelite
sheet slots for safe operation and neat appearance. Incomer to lighting
panels shall be provided with TPN MCB with ELCB.
All accessible live connections \ metals shall be shrouded and it shall
be possible to change individual fuses, switches, MCBs form the front
of the boards \ panels without danger of contact with live metal.
For floor mounting type distribution boards, adequately sized
mounting channels shall be supplied and for wall / column /
structure mounting type panels suitable mounting straps shall be
Adequate interior cabling space and suitable removable cable entry
plates shall be provided for top/ bottom entry of cables through
glands and or conduits as required. Necessary number of glands to
suit the specified cable size shall be provided. Cable glands shall be
screwed on type and made of brass.
Two earthing terminals shall be provided to suit the earthing
All sheet steel parts shall undergo rust-proofing process which should
include degreasing, de-scaling and a recognised phosphating process.
The steel works shall then be painted with two coats of Zinc –
chormate primmer and two coats of final stove-enamelled finish paint
of specified colour. Busbars

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Busbars shall be copper conductor of hard drawn (HD) and high

conductivity. Busbars shall be fully insulated by encapsulation in
epoxy resin with moulded caps protecting all joints of heat shrinkable
PVC sleeves and tapes.
Busbars shall be provided with at least the minimum clearances in air
as per applicable standards for 500V, 3 phase system.
Busbars shall be adequately sized for the continuous current rating
such that the maximum temperature of the busbars, busbar risers /
droppers and contacts does not exceed 85 C under site reference
The busbars, busbars connections and busbar supports shall have
sufficient strength to withstand thermal and electro-mechanical
stresses of the fuse / MCBs let through / cut-off current associated
with the specified short-circuit level of the system.
Busbar supports shall be made from suitable insulating material such
as Hylam sheets, glass reinforced moulded plastic materials, permali
wood or cast resin. Separate supports shall be provided for each
phase of the busbars. If a common support is provided for all three
phases, anti-tracking barriers shall be incorporated.
The neutral bus of the main 3 phase 4 wire distribution board shall be
rated not less than 50% of the phase busbars. The neutral bus of the
1 phase ways lighting panel shall be rated same as the phase busbars.
The neutral bus should have sufficient terminals and detachable links
for full number of single-phase outgoing lighting circuits.
10.8.6 Panels / Boards’ Component Equipment Switches / Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB)
Switches / MCBs shall be hand operated, air break, quick make,
quick break type conforming to applicable standards.
The switch shall be protected by fuses and the MCB shall be provided
with overload / short-circuit protective device for protection under
overload and short-circuit conditions. The minimum breaking capacity
of MCBs shall be 6 kA r.m.s. at 415 V/220 VD.C.
Switch shall have provision for locking in both fully open and closed
position. MCBs shall be provided with locking facility.

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The connections between switch and fuse shall be insulated and all
live connections shall be shrouded. Fuses
Fuses generally shall be of the HRC cartridge fuse-link type having a
certified rupturing capacity of 80 kA at 440 V. Fuses upto 63A for
distribution system of medium short circuit levels may be of HRC
cartridge screw-cap, D type, having a certified rupturing capacity of
not less than 46kA at 440 V and 16kA at 250 V D.C.
Fuses shall be provided with visible indication to show that they have
Cartridge fuses shall preferably be mounted in moulded in moulded
plastic carriers. If fuse-carriers are not provided, insulated fuses
pulling handle shall be provided for each size of fuse for each
switchboard. Indicating Instruments and Meters
Whenever required, instruments and meter shall be of the flush
mounting type. They shall be suitably mounted so as to provide for
easy access to CTs and small wiring.
Instruments shall be of minimum 96 mm square size,, shall have
provision for zero adjustment outside the cover and black numerals
on white dial.
Watt-hour meters shall be of direct reading electro-dynamometer type
complete with cyclometer type dials and reverse running stops.
Ammeter / Voltmeter selector switches having 3 positions and off,
with stay-put contacts rated 10A shall be provided when specified.
Potential fuses shall be provided at the tap-off point from the busbars
for the voltmeters. Instrument Transformers
Current and voltage transformers shall be of the dry type, of metering
accuracy class 1.0. Unless otherwise specified, it shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the VA burden of the
instrument transformer is adequate for the meters connected to it.

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Test links shall be provided in both secondary leads of the CTs to

easily carry out current and phase angle measurement test. Facilities
shall be provided for short-circuiting and grounding the CTs at the
terminal blocks.
Voltage transformers shall be provided with suitably rated primary
and secondary fuses. Indicating Lamps
Indicating lamps shall be of the filament type and low watt
consumption. Lamps shall be provided with series resistors. Internal Wiring
Panels/ boards shall be supplied completely wired, ready for the
external connections at the terminal blocks. Wiring shall be carried
out with 650 / 1100 V grade, PVC insulated, stranded aluminum /
copper conductors of adequate sizes shall be used to suit the rated
circuit current.
Engraved identification ferrules, marked to correspond with the wiring
diagram shall be fitted at both ends of each wire.
Engraved identification ferrules, marked to correspond with the wiring
diagram shall be fitted at both ends of each wire.
All wiring shall be terminated on terminal blocks. Terminal blocks
shall be on piece rated 500 V, of reputed make, preferably stud type
for higher current ratings such that wires are connected by cable-lugs
and complete with nuts and washers. Terminals shall be adequately
rated for the circuit current, the minimum rating shall be 20A.
Terminal for circuit with voltage exceeding 125 V shall be shrouded.
Terminal shall be numbered and provided with identification strip for
identification of the circuit.
Terminals blocks for C.T. secondary lead wires shall be provided with
shorting and disconnecting / earthing facilities. Labels & Diagram Plate
All door mounted equipment as well as equipment mounted inside the
switchboard / panels shall be provided with individual labels with
equipment designation / rating. Also the boards / panels shall be

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provided on the front with a label engraved with the designation of the
board / panel.
Labels shall be made of non –rusting metal, 3-ply lamicoid or
engraved PVC
Inside the door of the 1 phase ways lighting panels a circuit diagram /
description shall be fixed for reference and identifications. Light Control Switches
Light control switches of ratings and types, i.e. decorative / industrial
shall be supplied as required. The switches shall be suitable for use
on 240 V, 1Ph, 50 Hz supply.
Switches shall be of flush type for mounting behind an insulated plate
or incorporated with a switch plate for mounting flush with the
surface or wall or switch box / suitable enclosure. The switch box /
enclosure may be recessed into or mounted on a wall as per the
requirement of project layouts.
The size of enclosure boxes shall be chosen to accommodate the
number or switches to be installed at the particular location. The
enclosures shall be 18 gauge sheet steel galvanised. The enclosures
box shall be covered with perspex / insulating cove. An enclosure
intended for surface mounting shall not have holes or gaps in its sides
other than those expressly provided for cable entry. Receptacle Units
Receptacle units shall consist of socket outlet with associated switch
and plug. The socket outlet and switch or MCB shall be flush
mounted within galvanised 18 gauge steel enclosure with insulation
cover. The box may be recessed into mounted on a wall as per
requirement of project layout.
The receptacle units shall be suitable for 240 V, 1 Ph-N, 50 Hz/415 V,
3 Ph – N, 50 Hz supply as required.
Single phase receptacles shall be associated with a switch / MCB of
same current rating and receptacle shall become live only when the
associated switch / MCB is in “ON” position.

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Three phase receptacles shall be associated with a TPN switch housed

in the same enclosures. The receptacle shall become live only when
the associated switch is in “ON” position.
The plugs shall be provided with cord grips to prevent strain and
damage to conductors / wires at connection and entry points. Lighting Wires
The wires for wiring in lighting system shall be 250 /440 V, 1/ / C,
PVC insulated, unarmoured with stranded copper conductors and
shall be laid in recessed conduit unless otherwise specified..
The minimum area of conductors shall be 1.5 sq. mm for receptacles
rated 15 A and 5 A Receptacles and 2.5 sq. mm for receptacles rated
15 A and above.
The wires shall be coded white for phase / positive of D.C. and black
for neutral / negative of D.C. Conduits
Rigid steel / non-metallic conduits and their associated fittings as
required shall conform to applicable standards. The minimum size of
conduit shall be 20 mm for surface installation and 25 mm for
concealed installation.
Steel conduits shall be seamed by welding and hot dip gavanised.
They shall be supplied in standard lengths of 5 m.
Supply of conduits shall include all associated fitting like couplers,
bends and tees as required for lighting system installation work. Junction Boxes
Junction boxes with terminals shall be supplied for branching and
terminating lighting cables when required for outdoor areas, 3 phase
receptacles etc.
The Junction Boxes shall be dust and vermin proof and shall be
fabricated from 14 gauge sheet steel and shall be complete with
removable cover plate with gaskets, two earthing terminals each with
nut, bolt and washer. Boxes shall be additionally weather proof.

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The boxes shall have provision for wall, column, pole or structure
mounting and shall be provided with cable / conduit entry knock
outs, terminal blocks, HRC fuses as required.
The terminal blocks, with specified number of terminals, shall be
mounted securely on brackets welded to the back sheet of the box.
The terminals shall be 600 V, grade one piece construction complete
with terminals, insulation barriers, galvanised nuts, bolts and
washers and provided with identification strips of PVC. The terminals
shall be made of copper alloy and shall be of box clamp type.
The boxes shall be painted with on shop coat of red oxide zinc
chromate primmer followed by a finishing coat of paint. Lighting Poles and Flood Light Pole Mounting
Lighting poles for street light and flood light shall be of stepped
tubular steel poles construction as per applicable standard. These
poles shall be coated with bituminous preservative paints on the
inside as well as embedded outside surface. Exposed outside surface
shall be painted with one coat of red lead oxide primer. After
completion of installation two coats of aluminium shall be applied.
Poles for mounting flood lights shall be supplied whenever required.
Unless otherwise specified, poles, shall be painted with Red lead oxide
primer and two coats of aluminium paint. A steel ladder shall be
provided. The length of each step of the ladder shall be at least 300
mm and spacing between two adjacent steps not more than 300 mm.
The supply of poles shall be complete with fixing bracket / necessary
pipe reducer for fixing the fitting and also include the necessary
associated pole mounted junction boxes. The required size of poles
and the junction box shall be as per the requirement. Make of material :

All electrical goods/accessories shall be category I as mentioned in

Integrated BSR (PWD)-2012 and it shall be the responsibility of
contractor to get one make approved from EIC, before

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10.8.7 Lighting Fixtures (luminaries)

Luminaries shall be designed for continuous trouble-free operation
without reduction in lamp life or without deterioration of materials
and internal wiring. Outdoor fittings shall be weather-proof and rain-
proof type.
The Luminaries shall be designed so as to facilitate easy maintenance,
including cleaning, replacement of lamps/starters etc.
Connections between different components shall be made in such a
way that they will not work loose by small vibration.
All Luminaries shall be supplied complete with lamps suitable for
operation on a supply voltage and the variation in supply voltage,
frequency and combined voltage and frequency of  10%  5% and 
10% respectively.
Fluorescent type, mercury vapour and sodium vapour type
Luminaries shall be complete with accessories like lamps, ballasts,
power factor improvement capacitors, starters, re-wireble fuse and
fuse base. These shall be mounted as far as possible in the luminaire
housing only. If these cannot be accommodated integral with the
Luminaries then a separate metal enclosed control gear box shall be
included to accommodate the control accessories together with a
terminal block suitable for loop-in, loop-out connections. Outdoor type
fixtures shall be provided with outdoor type weather-proof box.
Fluorescent type Luminaries with more than one lamp shall be
provided with capacitors connected in lead-lag circuit for correction of
stroboscopic effect.
Each luminaire shall have a terminal block suitable for loop-in, loop-
out and T-off connection by 250/400 V, 1 core, PVC insulated
copper/aluminium conductor wires up to 4 sq.mm in size. In outdoor
areas the termination at the luminaire shall be suitable for 1100V,
PVC insulated, copper/aluminium conductor, armoured cables of
sizes up to 6 sq.mm. conductor. Terminals shall be of stud or clamp
type. The internal wiring should be completed by means 2 core,
2.5mm2 copper cable and terminated on the terminal block. Terminal
blocks shall be mounted with minimum two fixing screws.

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Mounting facility and conduit knock-outs for the luminaires shall be

provided. Earthing
Each luminaire shall be provided with an earthing terminal suitable
for connection to the earthing conductor of 12 SWG GI wire.
Where separate control gear box is provided for housing the
accessories the same shall be provided with an earthing terminal
suitable for connecting earthing conductor of 12 SWG GI wire.
All metal or metal enclosed parts of the luminaire/control gear box
shall be bonded and connected to the earthing terminal so as to
ensure satisfactory earthing continuity. Painting/Finish
All surface of the Luminaire/Control gear box housing accessories
shall be thoroughly cleaned and degreased. It shall be free from scale,
rust, sharp edges and burrs.
The luminaire housing shall be stove-enameled/epoxy stove-
enamelled-vitreous enamelled or anodised as indicated under various
types of fittings.
The finish of the luminaire shall be such that no bright spots are
produced either by direct light source or by reflection. Decorative Luminaires
Fluorescent Luminaires
These luminaires shall be generally indoor type provided with cold
rolled cold annealed (CRCA) sheet steel channel/rail cum reflector
housing complete with all electrical control accessories mounted on it.
The finish shall be stove enamelled.
Luminaires shall be suitable for the number of lamps of specified
wattage, direct mounting on ceiling/wall/column pendant mounting
or for recess mounting in false ceiling. Industrial Luminaires
Fluorescent Luminaires
The luminaire shall be provided with CRCA sheet steel mounting, rail
with reflector of minimum 20 SWG thickness and complete with all

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control accessories mounted on it. The finish shall be vitreous

Luminaires shall be suitable for the number of lamps of specified
wattage, direct mounting on ceiling/wall/column/pendent mounting. Incandescent/Mercury Vapour/Sodium Vapour Luminaires
Bulk Head Luminaire
The luminaire shall be of robust construction, with cast
aluminium/vitreous enamelled housing, heat and shock resistant
prismatic or clear glass cover fixed with neoprene gaskets for sealing.
For mechanical protection to the glass cover, round steel wire-guard
with vitreous enamelled finish shall be provided.
The luminaire shall be suitable for incandescent lamp up to 150
watts, for direct mounting to ceiling/wall/column and used for
general purpose indoor lighting.
High and Medium Bay Luminaries
High and medium bay luminaires shall be with cast aluminium
housing, anodised aluminium mirror polished reflector canopy with
eye bolt for suspension, cooling fins and glass cover.
The luminaire shall be suitable for mercury vapour lamps up to 1000
watts and sodium vapour lamps up to 400 watts. The control gear
accessories shall be mounted integral with the luminaire.
High bay luminaires shall be used when the mounting height is above
8 metres while medium bay luminaires shall be used when the
mounting height is around 6 to 8 metres. Flood Light Luminaire
General Purpose flood light luminaire
Flood light luminaires shall be of weather proof construction with cast
aluminium housing, anodised aluminium mirror polished reflector,
heat resistant, toughened glass cover and necessary neoprene gaskets
to prevent ingress of dust.
The housing shall be supported on a cast iron base and capable of
being swivelled in both horizontal and vertical directions and locked in
any desired position.

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The Luminaires shall be suitable for single and dual mercury vapour
or sodium vapour lamps up to 400 watts, incandescent lamps up to
1000 watts or halogen lamps up to 1000 watts. When mercury vapour
or sodium vapour lamps are specified, the same shall be mounted in a
separate sheet metal enclosed/cast aluminium weather proof control
gear box.
The luminaire shall be provided with cable gland on the canopy in
down ward direction for cable connection.
It shall be possible to replace the lamp from the canopy without
opening the front glass. Outdoor Lantern Luminaires
Post Top Lantern
Post top lantern Luminaires shall be generally outdoor weather proof
type for illumination of walkways, gate posts, gardens etc.
The luminaire shall be suitable up to 200 W incandescent lamp, 125
W mercury vapour lamps or 70 W sodium vapour lamp.
Substation Lantern
Sub-station lantern shall be generally outdoor weather proof type for
illumination of switchyard equipment.
The Luminaires shall be suitable up to 200 watts incandescent lamp
125 W mercury vapour lamp or 70 W sodium vapour lamp. Street Lighting Luminaires
Fluorescent Luminaires
Street lighting fluorescent luminaire shall be outdoor weather proof
type for illumination of secondary roads, walkways, peripheral lighting
of buildings etc.
The luminaire shall be of semi-cut off or non-cut off type, with CRCA
sheet steel housing, vitreous enamelled, plain or corrugated clear
acrylic cover, complete with integral mounted control gear, neoprene
gaskets, side pipe entry or top suspension type.
The luminaire shall be suitable for 1x40 watts or 2x40 watts
fluorescent tubes and for mounting heights up to 4 meters Mercury vapour and sodium luminaires

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Street light mercury/sodium vapour luminaires shall be outdoor

weather proof type for illumination of main roads, traffic islands etc.
The luminaire shall be of semi-cut off with cast aluminium housing,
acrylic or prismatic cover, polished aluminium reflectors, complete
with integral mounted gear, neoprene gaskets and with rear pipe
The luminaires shall be suitable up to 400 watts mercury or sodium
vapour lamps and for mounting height from 4 metres to 12 metres . Portable Emergency Light Luminaries
Emergency light of Installite luminaries shall be indoor type for
providing emergency light during failure of normal AC supply.
The luminaire shall be with CRCA sheet enclosure, complete with
metallised mirror reflector, leak proof re-chargeable battery rated for
two hour discharge, battery charger, charge-on lamp, push button
switches , automatic changeover switch/relay , two meter length cord
with plug, mounting pads and other accessories required for
satisfactory operation of the luminaire.
The luminaire shall be suitable for connection to 240 V,50Hz single
phase supply. On failure of normal A.C. supply the luminaire shall
pick-up automatically and on restoration of A.C. supply the luminaire
shall switch off automatically.
The luminaire shall be suitable for incandescent lamp up to 40W or
fluorescent lamp up to 20W
10.8.8 Accessories for luminaires Reflectors
The reflectors shall be made of CRCA sheet steel/aluminium/silvered
glass/chromium plated sheet chromium plated sheet copper as
indicated for above mentioned luminaires.
Reflectors made of steel shall have vitreous enamelled finish .
Aluminium used for reflectors shall be anodized/epoxy stove
enamelled/mirror polished.
Reflectors shall be free from scratches or blisters and shall have a
smooth and glossy surface having an optimum light reflecting

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

coefficient so as to ensure the overall light output specified by the

Reflectors shall be readily removable from the housing for cleaning
and maintenance without disturbing the lamps and without the use of
tools. They shall be securely fixed to the housing by means of positive
fastening device of captive type. Lamp/Starter Holder
Lamp holder shall have low contact resistance, shall be resistant to
wear and shall be suitable for operation at the specified temperature
without deterioration in insulation value. They shall hold the lamps in
position under normal condition of shock and vibration met wit under
normal installation and use.
Lamp holders for the fluorescent lamps shall be of the spring loaded
bi-pin rotor type. Live parts of the lamps holder shall not be exposed
during insertion or removal of lamp or after the lamp has been taken
out. The lamp holder contacts shall provide adequate pressure on the
lamp cap pins when the lamp is in working position.
Lamp holders for incandescent, mercury vapour and sodium vapour
lamps shall be of Edison Screw (E.S.) type.
The starter holders shall be so designed that they are mechanically
robust and free from any operational difficulties. They shall be capable
of withstanding the shocks met wi6thin normal transit, installation
and use. Ballasts
The ballasts shall be designed to have a long service life and low
power loss. The ballasts shall be of the inductive, heavy duty type
copper wire wound, filled with thermosetting, insulating., moisture
repellent polyester compound filled under pressure or vacuum.
Ballasts shall be provided with taps to set the voltage + 10% of 240V.
End connections and taps shall be brought out to a suitable terminal
block rigidly fixed to the ballast enclosure. Ballasts shall be free from
hum and such of those which produce hum shall be replaced by
Contractor free of cost.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Ballasts shall be mounted using self locking, anti-vibration fixings and

shall be easy to remove without demounting the fittings. They shall be
in dust tight, non combustible enclosures.
Separate ballast for each lamp shall be provided in case of multi lamp
luminaires, except in the case of 2x20 Watts luminaires. Starters
Starters shall have bimetal electrodes and high mechanical strength.
Starters shall be replaceable without disturbing the reflector or lamps
and without the use of any tool. Starters shall have brass contacts
and radio interference capacitors. Capacitors
The capacitors shall have a constant value of capacitance and shall be
connected across the supply of individual lamp circuits.
The capacitors shall be suitable for operation at specified supply
voltage conditions and shall have a value of capacitance so as to
correct the power factor of their corresponding lamps circuit to the
extent of 0.95lag or better.
The capacitors shall be hermetically sealed preferably in a metal
enclosure to prevent seepage of impregnate and ingress of moisture. Lamp
Lamps shall be capable of withstanding small vibrations and the
connections at lead in wires and filaments | electrodes shall not break
under such circumstances.
General Lighting Service (GLS) lamps shall be tungsten filament
incandescent type. The filament shall be coiled coil type rated for
230\250 volts, Single phase A.C.
Lamps shall be with Edison Screw type metal lamp caps to prevent
Laps shall be milky white for diffused, soft, glare free lighting and
rated upto 100 watts. Fluorescent Lamps

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

Fluorescent lamps shall be low pressure mercury vapour type with low
wattage consumption and high efficiency and longer burning life
(about 2500 hours).
Lamps shall be of white light type suitable for operation on 240 V,
single phase A.C. in standard lengths of 2, 4 and 5 feet and ratings
upto 65 watts.
Lamps shall be provided with features to avoid blackening of lamp
ends. High intensity discharge lamp
These lamps include high pressure mercury vapour lamps and high
pressure sodium vapour.
High pressure mercury vapour lamps shall be with quartz discharge
tube, internal coated shell quick restrike time (of within 5 minutes)
and with burning life (about 5000 hours) in standard ratings upto
1000 watts.
High pressure sodium vapour lamps shall be with polycrystalline
translucent, coated discharge tube, coated, shell, quick restrike time
(of within 5 minutes) and with burning life (about 10,000 hours) in
standard ratings upto 400 watts
10.8.9 Deserts Coolers
The Deserts Coolers shall be of steel body complete with Fan, Motor,
Filter Pads, Water Pumps etc. suitable for operation 230 or 240 Volts
± 10 % single phase 50 Hz Ac supply confirming to IS-3315/1994. The
pump set shall be confirming to IS 11981/87 with latest amendment.
Technical parameters of components of desert cooler are as follows:

S. Particulars Capacity

4000 cum per 5000 cum per

hour hour

1. Overall Dimensions of the cooler

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

S. Particulars Capacity

4000 cum per 5000 cum per

hour hour

Width(measured along 700 mm 770 mm

discharge grill side)

Height 910 mm 950 mm

Length 600 mm 770 mm

2 Air Grill Dimensions

Inside Dimensions(in mm) 505x505 525x525

Outside Dimension (in mm) 645x645 695x610

Gross area of the grill (in sqm) 0.20 0.30

Net area of the grill (in sqm) 0.20 0.29

3 Filter Pads

Area in (in sqm) 0.9 1.0

Material of the Filter pads Wood Wool Wood Wool

4 Tank Dimensions

Size of tank ( in mm) 700x700x170 770x770x170

Capacity of Tank 80 litres 80 litres

5 Maximum power consumption 280W 350W

of the air cooler with load at
rated voltage at zero static
pressure condition

6 Nominal capacity at zero 4000 5000

pressure (cum per hour)

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

S. Particulars Capacity

4000 cum per 5000 cum per

hour hour

7 Fan

Size/Dia (in mm) 450/500 525/550

Material of Fan Blade MS Sheet/ Aluminium

Speed of Motor ± 10 % Single speed motor 900 rpm, two

speed motor high speed 1300
rpm and low speed 1250 rpm

Horse power 1/8 or 1/7 1/6 or 1/5

Power Factor 0.9 0.9

Type of enclosures of fan Totally enclosed type (TE)


Maximum full load current of 1.3

fan motors (amps)

8 Pump

Type Centrifugal Vertical Type (ISI


Out put (Head) 1 metre

Out put (delivery) 7 litres per metre

Maximum power consumption 45 watts

HP 1/70

RPM± 10 % Minimum 1200 RPM

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

S. Particulars Capacity

4000 cum per 5000 cum per

hour hour

Type of enclosures of pump Totally enclosed type


Make of pump motor ISI

Material of Pump Shaft Stainless steel

10.8.10 Water Coolers

Water cooler shall conform to IS 1475/78 with latest amendment
suitable for operation on 230 volts ±10 %, 50 cycles single phase AC
supply. It shall be supplied with hermetically sealed type suction
cooled compressor with overload protection conforming to IS 10167
(part I/83 with amendment no.1). It shall have cooling capacity of 40
litres per hour with storage capacity as 80 litres. The other technical
parameters are as under:

S. Particulars Parameter

1 Overall Dimensions of


Width 590 mm

Depth 735 mm

Height 1555 mm


Width 485 mm

Depth 455 mm

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

S. Particulars Parameter

Height 485 mm

2 Details of Cabinet

Material of Construction CRCA Sheet/Coated


Thickness 1 mm

Surface Treatment Powder Coated

Type of finish Structural

Dimensions of SS front panel below 410mm X 465 mm

water outlets

3 Details of pedestal

Material of construction Stainless steel

SS conforming AISI 304

Thickness 2.65 mm

Method of securing to the cabinet SS bolts washer and

4 Rated voltage of water cooler 230 ±10 % volts

5 Details of compressor

Capacity of compressor 900 Kcal per hour

Max output of compressor motors 0.25 KW


Current 3.1 (nominal) Amps

Speed 2850 RPM

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

S. Particulars Parameter

Voltage 230±10 % volts

Maximum full current of 3.4 Amps


Warranty of compressor One year

Class of insulation B

Power consumption (max) during 575 watts

operation under capacity rating test


Designing, constructing and maintaining Rain Harvesting structures
at all head works for collection of rain water through roofs of
permanent structures in to an underground tank of capacity sufficient
to store the quantity of water collected over the particular roof as per
the average rain fall intensity in that area. The contractor shall collect
the data of rainfall for last 10 years and than shall design the tank
capacity or RR Unit of WTP incorporating rain water collection as per
the available data and roof area. The contractor shall also install a
Rain water gauge at every headwork and shall transmit the data to
control rooms.
The collection of rainwater along all structural buildings,
clariflocculators, reservoirs shall be done with plinth protection work
with proper drainage arrangement along the plinth protection work as
approved by EIC. To protect berms of roads, drainage work along the
berm shall be done as approved by EIC.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)


This part of the specification covers the construction & rehabilitation of roads and
cross drainage structures, within the project area. Setting of work, procedures for
laying and compaction, and workmanship for the road items and the material and
workmanship of civil construction items of cross drainage structures are to be
carried out as per the general guidelines as below.
a) For the purpose of design specification and quality control. The Rural Road
Specification (PMGY) for Road & Bridge works including particulars
specifications shall form the part of Agreement.
b) Where item is not covered in Rural Road Specification Rural Road Manual(IRC
SP 2002) will be followed.
Where any item does not occurs in Rural Road Specification and Rural Road
Manual than Specification of Road & Bridge works by MoRTH will be followed.
MORTH: means the clauses/sections of the publication no. of Ministry of Surface
IRC13: means Indian Road Congress Special Publication No. 13
Scope of Specifications
This part of the specifications shall apply to all such road and CD works as are
required to be executed under the contract. It shall cover site clearance,
construction/ preparation of earthen embankment, sub grade, sub base ( granular
), base course, semi dense bituminous surfacing, CD works, pipe culverts, shoulder
construction, tack coat, and other associated civil works and maintenance of the
constructed road for 5 (Five) years. Contractor shall provide a Service road of
3.75m wide carriage way and 7.5m total width at specified locations with all
associated CD and other works. In case of any discrepancy or undefined
specification, the MORTH specifications shall prevail. All road structures, if
otherwise not specified shall be constructed in accordance to the provisions and
principals laid down in the IRC publication 13.
The components of road construction work shall include following but not limited
Making excavation for roadwork or Preparation of earthen embankment as per
relevant clause and preparation of sub grade as per relevant.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

The subgrade whether in cut or fill shall be well compacted to utilise its full
strength and to economise thereby on the overall thickness of pavement required. A
top 50 cm portion of the road way shall be compacted upto 100% of standard
proctor density. In water logged areas, the level of formation shall be above flood
level at least by about 0.6 to 1.0 meter.
Sub- base
150 mm thick Sub-base will be laid in two equal layers of 75 mm consisting of
quarry rubbish material (may consist of materials like natural sand, moorum,
gravel, laterite, kankar, brick metal, crushed stone or any other material like
stabilized soil which remain stable under saturated condition) shall be consolidated
/compacted to required grade & camber by power road roller 8-10 tonne weight
including watering to attain 95% proctor density.
Base course
1. 150 mm thick base course of water bound macadam shall be
provided in two layers as follows:
Bottom Layer of WBM 63-45mm Grading-II (Type B, Hand Broken)- 75mm
thick to water bound macadam specification as per clause 404 of 'MoRTH'
specification for road and bridge works (Fourth Revision) including cost of
material & water with all leads, spreading in uniform thickness, hand
packing, rolling with road roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade and
camber applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding material
to fill up the interspaces of coarse aggregate, watering and rolling making
necessary earthern bond to protect edges, lighting, guarding, barricatings and
maintenance of diversions (Compacted thickness as specified to be measured)
b) Top layer of WBM 53-22.5mm Grading-II (Type B, Crusher Broken)- 75mm
thick to water bound macadam specification as per clause 404 of 'MoRTH'
specification for road and bridge works (Fourth Revision) including cost of
material & water with all leads, spreading in uniform thickness, hand
packing, rolling with road roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade and
camber applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding material
to fill up the interspaces of coarse aggregate, watering and rolling making
necessary earthern bond to protect edges, lighting, guarding, barricatings and
maintenance of diversions (Compacted thickness as specified to be measured)
Bituminous Surface Courses
It shall consists
1) Application of primer coat over prepared surface of granular base with
bitumen emulsion as per IS 8887 and manufacturer’s specifications @ 7.5Kg
/10 Sqm with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped
far spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

(including cleaning of road surfaces) as per MoRTH specification clause 502,

2) Application of Tack coat over prepared surface with bitumen emulsion as per
IS 8887 and manufacturer’s specifications @ 2.75Kg /10 Sqm with a self
propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the
material uniformly at specified rates and temperature (excluding cleaning of
road surface) as per MORTH specification clause 502,112
3) Providing and laying 20mm thick open grade premix carpet with specified
graded crushed aggregates for wearing coarse including cost of antis tripping
compound, to bring the stripping value of aggregate within permissible limits
as per specification, including loading of aggregates with F.E. loader, heating
binder and aggregates in hot mix plant 30 to 40 tonne transporting the mix
material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and
grade, rolling with power road roller 8-10tonne but excluding cost of tack
and seal coat with all lead of mix material as per MoRTH specification cl.511.
4) Providing & applying premixed seal coat type-B comprising of thin
application of fine aggregate including cost of antis tripping compound to
bring the stripping value of aggregate with an permissible limits as per
specification, premix with bitumen binder @ 6.8 kg/10sqm in mini hot mix
plant, carriage manually of mixed material and laying and rolling with power
road roller 8-10tonne as per MoRTH specification cl 513
Shoulder Construction
150 mm thick Shoulder for all the roads to be constructed under the scope. The
shoulder width shall be 1.875 m for all roads except for the road on RWR bank,
which shall be provided with shoulders on both sides up to the edge of RWR bank
top after accounting for the dowel wall on inner edge. The shoulders for all roads
and to full widths shall be treated with granular sub-base having proper drainage
CD Works
To provide effective drainage across the road at all natural rivers, Nallahs and in
areas where impounding of water is suspected, the contractor shall design and
provide required cross drainage structures as per specification of IRC -13. The
provided structures must ensure safety of their foundation and protection of
Nallah/river/road banks in embankment.
Preparatory Works
The required survey for preparation and planning of road shall be done along with
the survey for the pipeline works as defined in the "Specification for MS pipeline
work". Survey data, the Contractor shall, submit to the Engineer-in-Charge for his

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for Civil Works)

approval, a profile along the road centerline and cross-sections at intervals as

required by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Along with the L-section, contractor is to decide the locations and type of cross
drainage and road/canal crossing structures. The hydraulic and structural design
of all such works must be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before
execution of works. The approval of the L-sections and location of CD works will
not limit the numbers of CD works to be provided in contract and if found
necessary, during execution or maintenance, the contractor shall provide
additional CD structures as directed by the Engineer In Charge.
Methodology and Sequence of Work
Prior to start of the construction activities at site, the Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer-in-Charge for approval, the detailed construction methodology
including mechanical equipment proposed to be used, sequence of various
activities and schedule from start to end of the work. Programme relating to
pavement and shoulder construction shall be an integrated activity to be done
simultaneously in a coordinated manner. The methodology and the sequence shall
be so planned as to provide proper safety, drainage and free flow of traffic.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Pre-Dispatch Inspections)


The contractor shall submit a Quality Assurance Programme (QAP) for each
item for approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Actual manufacturing shall start
only after approval of QAP.

It is proposed to get the equipment and material listed in the table below,
inspected prior to dispatch for work site through third party/project
consultants/departmental engineer(s).

S. No. Equipment/Material
1. M.S. / D.I. / HDPE Pipes
2. M.S. / D.I. / HDPE specials
3. All Valves
4. Expansion Joints
5. Gear box and Electric Actuators
6. Dual Plate Check Valves
7. Surge Protection Equipment
8. All pumps and motors above 10 KW
9. Manual Gantry/Monorail with Hoist
10. Switch Yard Control Panel
11. All other Electric control panels for LV distribution,
Capacitor panel etc.
12. Battery Charger
13. Chlorinator
14. Reduction Gears
15. Gears and Control Panel of Rotating Arm
16. DI/ C.I./MS Piping and Specials
17. Flow meters all type of
18. Various important equipment for automization system
PLC/SCADA system.
19. Various important equipment for cathodic protection as
decided by EIC.

The Contractor shall notify Engineer-in-Charge at least 4 weeks in advance

for carrying out the Pre-Dispatch inspection, and tests before the dispatch of
materials. Failure to Pre-Dispatch inspection/tests, the contractor shall be
liable for all costs incurred against such dispatches. No material scheduled
or notified for pre-dispatch shall be accepted until inspection/tests have
been successfully carried at manufacturers or other selected premises and
the inspection report has been approved by Engineer-in-Charge and he has
given consent for dispatch of material.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Pre-Dispatch Inspections)

In addition to the pre-dispatch inspections, the Engineer-in-Charge may ask

for additional certificates from manufacturer to satisfy with the quality of
material used and for the compliance to respective standards.

For all materials and equipments not listed above, the contractor shall
produce manufacturers test certificates for material, performance,
efficiencies, workmanship and standard compliance etc. as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge, to satisfy with the quality of the material to be received.

The Engineer-in-Charge may also ask for Pre-Dispatch inspections for any
other item(s) not shown in the list of items requiring pre-dispatch inspection,
for which the contractor shall make necessary arrangements, without any
additional costs to the Department.


The department's representative/representative of third party inspection

agency shall be stationed to witness the manufacturing and all the tests
mentioned in the Chapter of Specifications for DI/HDPE pipeline work. The
pipes or specials will only be dispatched after necessary certification by the
Department's representative. The Engineer-in-Charge may also ask for
repetition of some tests, even after successful testing by the department's
representative in his presence or in front of a third party authorised by the
Department. The contractor in such cases will co-operate and provide all
necessary facilities for re-testing, without any additional costs to the

All pipes will be tested at the factory test pressures in accordance to the
relevant IS codes for respective material.


Provision for pre-dispatch inspection with respective items are given in

Chapter of “Specifications for Valves”.

During testing there shall be no visible evidence of structural damage to any

of the valve component.

a) The following test shall be carried out for butterfly valves:

1. Seat leakage test at rated pressure

2. Body hydrostatic test at 1.5 times the rated pressure

3. Disc strength test at body test pressure

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Pre-Dispatch Inspections)

4. Valve operation with and without actuator

5. For effort Required in manual operation of valve

6. Crack opening test under tension

7. Other tests specified in BS 5155

8. General construction features of gear box as per requirement

given in relevant Chapter.

b) Valves shall be tested with actuators, with a differential head

equivalent to their maximum working pressure, to prove that
the actuators are capable of opening and closing the valves
under maximum unbalanced head condition within the
specified opening or closing period.


During testing there shall be no visible evidence of structural damage to any

of the valve component. Following tests shall be carried out.

a) Seat leakage test at rated pressure

b) Hydrostatic test at 1.5 times the rated pressure

c) Valve operation with and without actuator

d) For effort Required in manual operation of valve

e) Other tests specified in IS 14846

f) General construction features of gearbox as per requirement given in

relevant Chapter.

Valves shall be tested with actuator, with a differential head equivalent to

their maximum working pressure, to prove that the actuators are capable of
opening and closing the valves under maximum unbalanced head condition
within the specified opening or closing period.


During testing there shall be no visible evidence of structural damage to any

of the valve component.

a) Seat leakage test at rated pressure

b) Body hydrostatic test at 1.5 times rated pressure

c) Other tests specified in API 598

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Pre-Dispatch Inspections)


During testing there shall be no visible evidence of structural damage to any

of the valve component.

a) Seat leakage test at rated pressure

b) Operation
c) Dimensions as per GlennField Kennedy Catalogue drawings
d) As per relevant ISS


The performance and hydraulic tests of the clear water pumps shall be made
with their respective duty motors and frequency drive. The following
inspections/tests shall be carried out:

1. Non destructive Casing - Dye penetration test on critical area,

special test
Impeller -Dye penetration test on critical
area, Shaft - Ultrasonic test,

2. Hydrostatic Test 1.5 times the shut-off head

3. Performance Test As per IS 5120 & IS 9137 with job motor.

Head v/s Discharge characteristic -
Power absorbed v/s Discharge -
Efficiency v/s Discharge -.

4. Strip Test Clearances within tolerance limits and no

signs of cavitations evident.

5. Mechanical As per IS: 11723, Gr 6.3 or better.


6. Other Tests i) For Vibration levels of Shafts

ii) For noise levels

7. Visual Inspection Pumps shall be offered for visual inspection

before shipment. The pump components shall
not be painted before inspection.


Hydrostatic Test 1.5 times the shut-off head, or twice the rated
discharge head, whichever is the greater

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Pre-Dispatch Inspections)

Performance Test As per IS: 5120 & IS: 9137 at full speed.
Head v Discharge characteristic
Power absorbed v Discharge
Efficiency v Discharge



Performance Test: 125% overload test, deflection test and speed tests shall
be conducted for crane at manufacturer’s works.


Motors over 10 KW site rating shall be subject to full performance tests,

(including Power factor) which may be witnessed by the authorised person /
agency of the department at the Motor manufacturer’s works. These motors
shall be tested coupled with the actual pump to be supplied. Motors of 5.5
KW to 10 KW site rating shall be subject to performance tests but will not be
witnessed. Motors under 5.5 KW site rating shall be subject to “type test”
standards. Type test certificates that shall include the following shall be
provided for all motors:

a) Motor testing shall be carried out in accordance with the

requirements of IS 325.

b) Acceptance Tests - Full load test to determine efficiency, power factor

and slip shall be conducted on all the motors. No negative tolerance
shall be permitted on the tested motor efficiency

c) All type test certificates conducted on similar motors.


Power transformer – All routine tests as per IS 2026.

All type test certificate conducted on similar transformer to be forwarded for
All routine tests on switchyard control panel.
All type test certificate conducted on similar switchyard control panel to be


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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Pre-Dispatch Inspections)

All Circuit Breakers will be tested as per IS 2516 and:

• Routine tests including H.V. pressure test, milli-volt drop (Ductor) tests;

• To ensure operation of the D.C. closing coil and satisfactory closing of the
circuit breaker with the voltage on the coil down to 80% of its rated
voltage, and that mal-operation does not occur with a voltage on the coil
of 120% of its rated voltage.

• To ensure the satisfactory trip operation of the circuit breaker at no load

conditions with the trip coil energized at 50% of its rated voltage.

• The test figures for heat-run tests performed on identical panel types
shall be made available.


All routine tests on 0.44 KV panel

All type test certificate conducted on similar panels to be forwarded.



All routine tests on all panels.

All type test certificate conducted on similar panels to be forwarded.


Based on the completeness of the circuits in the final manufactured form

within the manufacturer’s works, the following tests shall be carried out:

a. Primary injection tests to ensure correct operation of the current

operated protection relays and direct acting coils over their full range
of settings.

b. Balanced earth fault stability tests by primary current injection. Care

must be taken to reproduce accurately the burdens of interconnecting
cables. A further test to ensure correct polarity must be made after

With differential pilot wire schemes it may not be possible to apply

primary injection testing. In this case the circuits shall be proved by
secondary injection. Current transformer characteristics and

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Pre-Dispatch Inspections)

calculations associated with the above tests shall be available for

inspection by the Engineer.

c. Tests on auxiliary relays e.g. Buchholz auxiliary, at normal operating

voltage by operation of associated remote relays.

d. Correct operation of control circuits at normal operating voltage by

operating voltage by operation of local control switches, and
simulation of operation from remote control positions.


All the items listed below shall be inspected before dispatch for the general
requirement of testing in the standards to which they conform, the
Department’s requirement as given in the specifications, the general
arrangements and for workmanship.

a) Expansion Joints
b) Gear box and Electric Actuators

c) Other Surge Protection Equipment

d) Chlorinator

e) Piping and Specials

f) DI ( K-7 & K-9) pipes and fittings

g) All type of Flow Meters

h) Communication System Equipment

i) Capacitors


In addition to the items listed below, the Department may ask for relevant
certificates of the manufacturer for any item supplied in the contract.

11.17.1 Cables

All cables supplied under the Contract shall be subject to routine tests in
accordance with the relevant Indian ISS. Cables will not be accepted on Site
for installation until certificates giving proof of compliance with the
Specification and details of tests results have been received and approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge. A certificate shall be applicable to each drum. The
tests to be carried out on every drum at manufacturer’s premises shall

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a. High voltage A.C. insulation pressure test between cores, each core to
earth metallic sheath or Armour as applicable;

b. Insulation resistance test;

c. Core continuity and identification;

d. Conductor resistance test.

11.17.2 Process Control and Indicating Instruments

All flow, level and process measurement controllers, transmitters, recorders,

indicators, vacuum and pressure gauges shall be subject to routine tests in
accordance with the relevant ISO/IS. Test Certificates and the copy of the
applicable code of practice shall be provided against each item of equipment.

11.17.3 Electrical Equipments

Tests to ensure the compliance to respective standards shall be provided for
the Isolators, MCB’s, relays, fuses post insulator and lightening arrestor and
other electrical equipments.
11.17.4 Electrical Measuring Instruments and Meters
Tests shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant ISO/IS to ensure
accurate operation of all meters such as Ammeters, Voltmeters, Frequency
Meters, Power Factor Meters, KW, KWh & KVAR meters and multi functional
11.18 SYSTEM
All relevant tests on PLC system shall be carried out in accordance with the
relevant ISO/IS/ or any International code followed in manufacturing and
testing of such type of equipments to ensure their accurate functional
requirements as narrated in the bid specifications/ scope of work

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Trial Run)



In addition to the progressive supervision and inspection by the Engineer-in-

Charge the Contractor shall offer for inspection to Engineer in Charge, the
complete, erected systems under this Project, its Parts on which tests are to
be carried out. After such inspection by Engineer in Charge, each
equipment/subsystem shall be tested by the Contractor in accordance with
the applicable standards in the presence of Engineer in Charge.

It is not the intent to specify herein all details about the commissioning
activities. However the commissioning checks in brief are given as guidance.
The pre-commissioning test results shall be documented for record purposes
and compared with the shop test certificates.


All required test instrumentation, for the performance and efficiency tests,
shall be supplied by the Contractor and shall be retained by him, upon
satisfactory conclusion of all such tests at the site. All costs associated with
the supply, calibration, installation and return of the test instrumentation
shall be included in the contract price. The test instrumentation for the
performance tests shall be in accordance with the code. All test
instrumentation shall be as per Indian Standards as approved by the
Engineer in Charge. All calibration procedures and standards shall subject
to the Engineer in Charge's approval. Batch calibration will not be accepted.


The sectional testing of DI, MS or HDPE pipeline (as the case may be) shall
be done as per provisions laid in the respective Chapters along with the
laying of pipelines. The tested pipeline will be joined by gap pieces to
complete the total physical completion of works. The maximum length for
sectional testing in case of DI & HDPE pipeline shall be 1.5 km and for Ms
pipe line shall be 3Km on the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge, the of
section may be increased/decreased as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

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Trial Run)

The laid pipeline will be joined with respective manifold through valves. Just
before the commissioning the complete transmission main will be checked

a) All the manual/motorised valves in the system will be inspected for

proper lubrication, manual and electrical operation.

b) All air valves shall be inspected for proper fitting and operation of
isolating valves.

c) All flange joints will be checked for tightness of all bolts, clamps, etc.

d) The entire transmission mains shall be checked for proper soil cover.

e) The structures will be checked for any constructional defects.

f) The valve chambers and their surroundings will be checked for its

g) The surge protection devices for their locations and chamber


h) The rectifiers, batteries, battery chargers at all pumping stations,

other relevant locations will be checked for their functioning along
with pipe to soil potentials at every test lead points for proper soil


The erection, piping and wiring of each item shall be checked as per
approved drawings, vendor’s drawings, wiring schematics and cable
terminations. If any minor modifications are noted, they shall be
incorporated in the appropriate “as built” drawings.

12.4.1 Pumps Pre-commissioning Checks

a) Check name plate details

b) Check tightness of all bolts, clamps, etc.

c) Check alignment of the pump and motor

d) Inspect the bearings visually and check that adequate lubrication has
been applied.

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Trial Run)

e) Confirm that the shaft is free and it is possible to easily rotate the
shaft by hand.

f) Check that the pump glands have been filled and tightened

g) Ensure that the driver run tests have been successfully completed
and the direction of rotation of the driver is proper. Pump Commissioning Checks

a) Couple the pump with the driver.

b) Open the suction valve of the pump slowly and allow the pump to
slowly prime. Keep the vent valve/cock open, until all air has been
completely expelled and the pump is flooded with water. If required
the discharge valve of the pump may be slightly opened and then
closed subsequently.
c) After ensuring that the pump has been primed satisfactorily, the
discharge valve is closed and the suction valve is open, start the
pump momentarily and stop it.

d) Check if the pump is making any abnormal sound and that

acceleration and deceleration of the shaft is smooth.

e) If found normal, the pump can be put on an eight hour trial run. For
the trial run make necessary arrangements for the discharge of the
pump. During this trial run, note down regular observations
regarding the discharge pressure, bearing temperature and bearing

f) Check the alignment of the pump and motor.

12.4.2 Valves of all kind Pre-commissioning Checks

a) Check dimensional details and alignment

b) Check tightness of all bolts, joints, etc.

c) Check manual operation; in case of motor driven valves check

electrical operation

d) Check for duration of full closure and opening cycles Commissioning Checks

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Trial Run)

a) Check operation in the starting and stop routine of the related


b) Check for operation from control panel

c) Check for leakage of shaft glands, joints

12.4.3 Sluice Gates Seat Clearance Check

With the gate fully closed, the clearance between seating faces when checked
with the thickness gauge, shall not exceed 0.1 mm. Movement Tests

Each gate shall be shop operated three times from the fully open position to
the fully closed position and return to fully open, under no flow conditions to
demonstrate that the assembly is workable. Leakage Tests

With the gate in closed position design pressure shall be applied for a period
not lesser than 5 minutes to the unseating side of the sluice gate and the
leakage shall not exceed the maximum leakage permissible as per IS 15349. Hydrostatic Tests.

Finally a differential of one and a half times the design pressure shall be
applied to the unseating side of the gate. Under these tests no part shall
show any deflection of deformation.

12.4.4 Manual Gantry crane and Monorail with electric hoist. Pre-commissioning Checks

a) Long travel – Gantry length: Confirm level of both the strands within
+/-2 mm.

b) Check that head clearance between crab and underside of roof is

maintained throughout full length of travel.

c) Confirm/check that column diaphragm plate is bolted properly

d) Check grouting condition, packer plate position.

e) Check tightness of all bolts, clamps etc.

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Trial Run)

f) Check that grounding connections have been properly connected.

g) Check that Bearings are in a good condition and are properly


h) Open the terminal box and check that the connecting terminals are
secure and the clearance between the terminals is adequate.
i) Cross travel to be checked for parallel movement.

j) Rope drum and rope connections; check fixed securely with no kinks
in rope.

k) Check gear box oil level/grease lubrication for all required points.

l) Check movement of hook block.

m) Confirm operation of brakes.

n) Pendant check.

o) Operate crane on “No Load”.

p) Check installation is free of vibrations and brake shudder. Commissioning Checks

a) Standard load test.

b) Standard overload test.

c) All operations through panel and pendant.

d) Manual traveling tests for long travel, cross travel,and electric

hoist, micro-hoist operations.

12.4.5 Inspection and testing of Dewatering Pumps

Routine Tests for performance, including automatic operation with variation

in sump levels.


The contractor shall arrange to carry out all tests are as per IS Specification
to the satisfaction of the EIC. The contractor will ensure that all works
connected with the line and electrical plants have been completed correctly
as per Indian Electricity Rules and procedure. Any extra cost involved due to
incompleteness of work or bad workmanship found but subsequently, shall
be set right forthwith by the contractor at his cost.

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Trial Run)

12.5.1Test on Motors Pre-Commissioning Tests

a) Check that motor name plate details are as per the approved
vendor drawings and factory test reports
b) Check tightness of all bolts, clamps etc.

c) Check that earthing connections have been properly connected.

d) Check that bearings are in a good condition and are properly


e) Open the terminal box and check that the connecting terminals are
secure and the clearance between the terminals is adequate. Commissioning Tests

• Insulation resistance test of motor windings and cables.

• Continuity check for power and control cables.

• Winding resistance measurement in case of motors rated 55 kW and


• Control, interlock and protection schemes.

• Operation and setting of timer, in case of Star Delta starters.

• Phase sequence and rotation.

• No load trial run for observation of vibrations, temperature of bearings


• On load operation, starting and running load current (also observe

vibrations & temperature).

• Operation of timer in case of star delta starters


12.6.1 Pre- Commissioning Checks:

i. Compare nameplate details with the specification.

ii. Check for any physical damage, in particular of bushings and

cleanliness of bushing.

iii. Check for tightness of all bolts, clamps and connecting terminals.

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Trial Run)

iv. Check for oil leakage and oil quantity and quality, positions of valves
in oil lines, removal of trapped air in oil lines and any oil leaks.

v. Breather conditions, check whether breathing line is free, silica gel is

reactivated, oil is available at the bottom.

vi. Check for clearances.

vii. Water tightness of terminal boxes.

viii. Check for all necessary minimum phase to phase and phase to earth
clearances as per the respective voltage level.

ix. Check for breather line, reactivation of silica gel if required and
availability of oil at the bottom of breather, acting as a seal.

x. Earthing of transformer tank and neutral.

xi. Ensure that all cooler and header valves are open.

xii. Check that the transformer is correctly installed with reference to its

12.6.2 Commissioning Tests:

i. Test oil for dielectric strength, tan delta, acidity, resistivity and
dissolved gases, Insulation resistance test of windings.

ii. Capacitance and tan delta test of condenser type bushings, before

iii. Test the transformer for the following :

• Voltage / turns ratio at all the taps.

• Winding resistance at all the taps.
• Short circuit impedance (at low voltage)
• Magnetic balance.
• Core loss at normal tap at low voltage.
• IR and PI.

iv. Vector group test.

v. Phase sequence test.

vi. Test the current transformers for following :

• Continuity test.
• Polarity test.

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Trial Run)

• Insulation resistance test.

• Magnetization characteristics.
• Rough ratio test ( if busing CTs provided prior to mounting of
• Measurement of secondary winding resistance.

vii. Line connection as per phasing diagram.

viii. Winding resistance.

ix. Insulation resistance of control wiring.

x. Buchholz relay operation (for alarm and trip).

xi. OLTC control indicating and alarm circuit.

xii. Operation test of all protective devices (electrical and mechanical) and

xiii. Calibration of temperature indicators (oil and winding) and

temperature relays.


12.7.1 Pre- Commissioning Checks:

• Check nameplate details of every associated equipment according to


• Check for physical damage.

• Check for tightness of all bolts, clamps and connecting terminals.

• Check earthing.

• Switch developments.

• Each wire shall be traced by continuity tests and it should be made

sure that the wiring is as per relevant drawings. All interconnections
between panels / equipment shall be similarly checked.

• All the wires should be meggered to earth

12.7.2 Commissioning Tests:

• Checks on relays.

• Checks on motors.

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Trial Run)

• Setting of relays, other alarms, tripping devices and interlocks as per


• Phase angle checks, measurement of magnitude and phase angle of

current transformer secondary currents and potential transformer
secondary voltage.

• Functional checking of all power and control circuits e.g. closing,

tripping, control, interlock, supervision and alarm circuits including
proper functioning of the component equipment.

12.7.3 Test of Relays: Pre- Commissioning Checks:

• Check nameplate details according to specification.

• Check for any physical damage.

• Check internal wiring.

• Megger all terminals to body.

• Megger AC to DC terminals. Commissioning Checks:

• Check operating characteristics over the entire range by secondary


• Check minimum pick up voltage.

• Check operation of electrical / mechanical targets.

• Relay settings.

12.7.4Tests for Meters: Pre- Commissioning Checks:

i) Check nameplate details according to specification.

ii) Check for any physical damage. Commissioning Checks:

i) Check calibration.

ii) Megger all insulated portions.

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Trial Run)

iii) Check CT and VT connection with particular reference to their

polarities for relevant meters.

12.7.5Tests for Circuit Breakers: Pre- Commissioning Checks:

i) Check nameplate details according to specification.

ii) Check for any physical damage.

iii) Check for tightness of all bolts, clamps and connecting terminals.

iv) Check oil level, air pressure and leakage (wherever applicable).

v) Check earth connections.

vi) Check cleanliness of insulators and bushings.

vii) Check all moving parts are properly lubricated.

viii) Check heaters provide.

ix) Check ground clearances, creepage lengths, cleanliness of

insulator, gas pressure etc. in case of outdoor 33 kV CB.

x) Check CB truck movement, alignment of male and female

connections, fixed type and draw out type control terminals etc

xi) Earthing connection of each pole in case of outdoor CB panel &

scraping earth of CB trolley in case of indoor switchgear

xii) Operating mechanism kiosk for wiring correctness and functional


xiii) Check insulation resistance between phases and also between

phases to earth when CB is closed. Insulation resistance checking
between two ends of each pole when CB is open. Insulation
measurement of control wiring.

xiv) Check alignment of breaker trucks for free movement, check

operation of shutters. Commissioning Test:

i) Check control wiring for correctness of connections, continuity and

IR values.

ii) Manual operation of breaker.

iii) Power closing / operating manually and electrically.

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Trial Run)

iv) Breaker tripping and closing time.

v) Trip free and anti pumping operation.

vi) IR Values, resistance and minimum pick up voltage.

vii) Contact resistance.

viii) Simultaneous closing and mechanical interlocks provided.

ix) Check electrical and mechanical interlocks provided.

x) Checks on spring charging motor, correct operation of limit switch

and time of charging,

xi) Checks on CTs.

xii) All functional tests.

12.7.6 Isolators

a) Check nameplate details.

b) Check all components for any physical damage or signs of.

c) Check tightness of all nuts & bolts.

d) Check the insulation resistance of each pole.

e) Manual operation of phase blades and earth blades for isolators.

f) Check the contact resistance for phase and earth blade for isolators

g) Check cleanliness of insulator and bushings.

h) Check the clearances between blades in open and closed position of


i) Check for simultaneous closing of all phase blades in case of


j) Check earthing of isolator/ DOF structure and operating handle of


k) Check control box with auxiliary contacts of phase blades/ earth

blades for further indication at CP for isolators

12.7.7 Test for Cables: Pre- Commissioning Checks:

i) Check nameplate details according to specification.

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Trial Run)

ii) Check for any physical damage.

iii) Megger test between each core and armour / sheet.
iv) Continuity check.
v) Connections.

12.7.8 Tests for Electrical Installations: Pre- Commissioning Checks:

i) Check all closing, tripping, supervision and interlock of control

ii) Check operation of all alarm circuits.
iii) Earthing:

a) Measure resistance of each earth electrode by isolating the

same from station grid as well as from other earth
b) Check continuity of grid conductors and wires. Commissioning Test:

i) Cable Testing: All cables as per rating of motor installed to be high

voltage tested.

ii) In addition to above, any other tests specified by manufacturer

shall be carried out as per manufacturer’s instruction.

12.7.9 Tests on Cables after Installation

a) Physical checking of cable laying and termination arrangement,

including checking of phase to phase and phase to earth
clearances, cable tag number as per cable schedule etc.
b) Disconnect the cable at both ends and measure the insulation
resistance, continuity of conductor, application of HVDC test
particularly only in case of HT cables.

Check site results against shop test results.

On receipt at site all LT/HT power cables and LT cables shall be checked
for quantity and size of cables, the continuity test between two ends of the
drum wound cable and insulation resistance shall be measured before
accepting the material. These test results shall be documented for record
purposes and compared with the pre-commissioning results.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Testing-Commissioning and
Trial Run)

Witnessed high voltage pressure tests shall not be carried out on

PVC/SWAPVC control cables, but it shall remain the responsibility of the
Contractor to test the insulation of these cables both between cores and
between cores and earth during installation with a ‘Megger’ 500 volt hand
generator. The Contractor shall test all cables after installation to ensure
correct phasing out of cores, continuity of cores sheath and armour over the
whole length of the cable.

12.7.10 Earthing System Tests

The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer that the resistance of the
electrodes to earth and the earth conductor continuity is in accordance with
the Specification. The tests shall be made on completion of the installation.

The test shall be performed from each major item of plant, by using an
‘Earth Megger’ and auxiliary return conductor.

12.7.11 Electrical Installation - General Functional Checking

• Check all operations e.g. open/close/forward/reverse/start/stop etc.

as per block logic diagram.

• Check all indication circuits.

• Check all alarm circuits.

• Check all protective devices and their settings, by primary or

secondary injection method.

• Shorting and earthing of all spare cores of any CT: Earthing System

• Measure earth resistance of individual earth pit when isolated from

other electrodes/grid.
• Check continuity of grid conductor and earth leads.
• Make soil resistivity test.
a) Check the entire earth grid resistance with multiple earth
b) Check for method of connections for buried grid conductor, earth
electrodes with grid, earthing conductor at grid and earthing
conductor at equipment end.

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Trial Run)

c) Check tightness of all bolts, wherever bolt type fasteners are

used. Relays

a) Check for relay Tag No., make, type and supply details etc.

b) Check relay circuit connections, CT core used, CT ratio and other

parameters, ferrules for panel wiring etc.

c) Primary or secondary current injection testing of relays for their

operation such as indication/alarm/ control etc. (In case of Voltage
element of relays, supply the circuit by proper voltage.)
d) Insulation resistance.

e) Tightness of all bolts, terminations etc. Meters

a) Check for Tag No., make, type, dial range, ferrules for panel wiring
and supply details etc.
b) Check wiring circuit.

c) Tightness of all bolts, terminations etc.

d) Insulation resistance. Lighting System

a) Check main circuit connections from Power Distribution Board to

local lighting panels. Also for distribution on emergency or non-
emergency bus as per approved design drawings.

b) Check operation of Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker, located at local

lighting panel (LP).

c) Check all single phase outgoing circuits from lighting panel to

lighting circuits, receptacle circuits etc., for proper wiring and
earthing connections.

d) Check all receptacles are properly connected to their control switch

and are properly earthed.
e) Insulation resistance test on wiring of each individual circuit. Inspection and testing For Valve actuators

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Testing-Commissioning and
Trial Run)

a) Visual Inspection at site for Dimensional check; operational check

minimum 3 operations to be performed.

b) Field Tests at site for satisfactory operation.

12.7.12 Testing of cables

Before energizing, the insulation resistance shall be measured from phase to

phase and phase to ground.

12.7.13 Loop Checking

After completion of installation and termination, loop checking shall be done

by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer in Charge or his
representative. Standard equipment and instruments, such as continuity
tester, multi-meter etc. shall be arranged by the Contractor and one such set
of checking equipment shall be kept spare at the site office. Contractor to
arrange for standard set of tools and tool-kit bag at the time of loop checking.
Loop checking reports shall be made for each individual loop checking and
submitted to the Engineer in Charge and any changes shall be recorded on
reference drawings.

12.7.14 Lighting installation Testing

Lighting installation shall be tested as per the instructions of the Engineer in

Charge and shall include but not be limited to the following:

• Measure the insulation resistance of each circuit without the lamps being
in place. It should be not less than 1 M ohms to earth.

• Current and voltage of all the phases shall be measured at the lighting
panel busbars with all the circuits switched on with lamps. If required,
load shall be re-balanced on the three phases.

• Check the earth continuity for all socket outlets. A fixed relative position
of the phase and neutral connections inside the socket shall be
established for all sockets.

• After inserting all the lamps and switching on all circuits, minimum and
maximum illumination level shall be measured in the area with an
approved industrial lightmeter. Contractor shall supply an approved
luxmeter for testing at no extra cost.


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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Testing-Commissioning and
Trial Run)

12.8.1 Site Calibration

Standard calibration procedures shall be used for calibrating all field

instruments. All reference equipment, used for calibration, shall be certified
from an authorised certifying agency, to be arranged by the Contractor at his
own cost. At the time of calibration, standard calibration norms shall be
adopted and the same will be documented for record purposes.

Calibration shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer in Charge or

his representative. The instrumentation shall be calibrated while being
commissioned. The Contractor will monitor and check the instrument
calibration throughout the Operation and Maintenance period.

12.8.2 Instrumentation Installation & Pre-commissioning Checks

a) Check the exact location of the instrument with reference to the Pipe
& Instrumentation diagram and/or the General Arrangement drawing.

b) Check the model No. and instrument type with reference to the
technical specification requirements.

c) Check all mounting and fixing arrangements and required accessories

such as isolation valve, nuts & bolts, siphon etc.

d) Check that the instrument installation is as per the installation


e) Check the cable type, connections for power supply as well as signal

f) Check the loop continuity for every circuit. While this is being done,
the power supply to the instrument shall be cut-off.

g) Site calibration of the instruments shall be compared with the

manufacturer’s factory test reports.

h) After switching on the instrument/system, it shall be monitored

hourly and the data obtained shall be recorded and compared with
the reference norms to ascertain whether any recalibration is
required. If recalibration is required it shall be carried out using
standard reference equipment/instruments at no extra cost.

12.8.3 Instrumentation Commissioning

a) Each control loop and interlock shall be tested independently, in

manual mode. The operation shall be checked for conformity with the
approved block logic in both modes.

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Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Testing-Commissioning and
Trial Run)

b) Annunciation system shall be checked as performance testing by

simulating the condition and by passing in actual mode and then
individual loop will be checked for annunciation system. All motorised
valves shall be checked in manual mode first, from controls on the
control panel and feed-back from the field for valve on/off shall be
checked on the mimic and panel. All pump control ON/OFF shall be
checked in manual mode first.

12.8.4 Control Panel

a) Check name plate details of every piece of associated equipment for

conformity with the specifications.

b) Check the tightness of all bolts, clamps, connecting terminals.

c) Check for physical damage.

d) Check cleanliness

e) Check earthing

f) Check switch development

g) Each wire shall be traced by continuity tests and it should be

confirmed that wiring is as per the relevant drawings. All
interconnections between panels/equipment shall be checked

h) Megger test on all wires.

i) Check on meters

j) Check that the primary devices are set as per the system

k) Checks on the control circuit for the functional requirements


12.9.1 RCC / Masonry/Earthan Water Retaining Structures

The water tightness test should be done as per specification given in relevant
chapters of the T.D.

Following satisfactory completion of the tests the Contractor shall empty the
structures and dispose of satisfactorily the contents. He shall clean and
disinfect the structures and any equipment therein of all deposits left by the

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Testing-Commissioning and
Trial Run)



Various tests, which are essential to fulfill the contract requirements, shall
have to be carried out upon discussion with EIC or as suggested by expert
agency/ TPI.

12.10.1 Documentation

Set of documents shall be prepared and maintained by the Contractor and

one set of the latest revised documents shall always be kept at site. The
following documents shall be prepared & submitted by the Contractor:

• Data sheets for instrument specification and selection

• Instrument Schedule

• Instrumentation schedule

• Instrumentation cable schedule

• Loop drawings for instruments in the field and control panel

• Instrument test and calibration report

• Instrument installation drawings

• As built drawings and G.A. Drawings for equipment and instrument


The Contractor shall keep on site, two sets of the latest revised Operation,
Maintenance and Calibration manuals for all field instruments and sub
systems, annunciation system, data loggers, indicating controllers and PLC
system etc.


12.11.1 Execution of the tests

As soon as possible after the equipment has been installed and after
physical completion of the work, performance tests shall be carried out as
per relevant test requirements and mutually agreed/specified Codes and
Standards. These tests may repeat the tests carried out at the
manufacturer's works and/or his sub-vendor/sub-contractor's works and
any other tests the Engineer in Charge may require in order to determinate
that the equipment and works are in accordance with the specifications and

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Testing-Commissioning and
Trial Run)

Performance tests for individual items of Equipment, shall be conducted on

all equipment supplied by the Contractor.

Performance test to determine the percentage losses in the filter plant shall
be conducted after performance tests for individual item has been done. The
procedure to carry out the tests shall be got approved from Engineer-in-

A program for conducting the performance tests shall be submitted to the

Engineer in Charge, for approval, at least fourteen days before the
commencement of the tests.
If the Contractor so desires, the equipment may be run for a reasonable
time, immediately before the performance test is conducted. A request for
this run, stating duration and operating point must be made, in writing to
the Engineer in Charge at least three days before the performance test.

During the period of any test, the conditions shall be held as steady as
possible, compatible with safe and effective operation.
The power consumption of all continuously running auxiliary equipment
shall also be measured and recorded during the performance tests.

After the results of the performance tests have been submitted to and
approved by the Engineer in Charge, a summary of the test readings and the
performance calculations shall be incorporated in the final version of the
Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manuals.

12.11.2 Rejection of the system or system components

If the performance tests indicate the computed values of performance

parameters have deviated from the guaranteed values and the Contractor is
unable, within 21 days or such extension of time as may be allowed by the
Engineer in Charge, to remedy/rectify such deficiency, then the Engineer-in-
Charge shall have the right to reject the component or the system.


12.12.1 General

After successful checks and after erection and pre-commissioning tests, the
entire system shall be commissioned by the Contractor.

During commissioning, the Contractor shall supply all material and labour
to supervise, operate, keep in operation, adjust, test, service, repair and do
all the things necessary to keep the System running to the satisfaction of

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Testing-Commissioning and
Trial Run)

the Engineer in Charge. This shall include labour on a 24 hour-a-day basis

during the test period and for such other period of continuous operation, as
the Engineer in Charge may consider necessary to establish the efficient
operation of the System.

Vibration, noise levels and alignments shall be checked and noted for record

If any test results/operations show noticeable variation from the

Specification requirements for the System or any particular item of the
System, the Contractor shall immediately take steps to rectify the deficiency
without any extra cost to Department.

12.12.2 System Commissioning

The Contractor shall be responsible for trial runs, testing and commissioning
of the entire system under design and operating conditions or under
conditions which the Engineer in Charge may define and which in no case
shall exceed the design and operational conditions. The System
commissioning shall commence after the work has been physically
completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge. The design and
operation conditions are as follows:

a) Supply from the HT/LT feeder

b) Design capacity of the pumps
c) Starting of pumps against closed/ open valves
d) Stopping of pumps after closure/ opening of delivery header valves
e) Power cut and sudden stop of all pumps under design flow
f) Closing of the line valves against full static pressure
g) Operation of all valves (manual and motorised/ manual)
h) Operation of all air valves
i) Operation of surge protection devices
j) Operation of level switches
k) Operation of Manual Monorail Hoists
l) Operation of drain sump pump
m) Operation through switchgear
n) Operation of all measuring instruments
o) Operation of the entire system through PLC,s/SCADA/IACCC

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Testing-Commissioning and
Trial Run)

The timing of the commissioning tests will depend on the availability of raw
water and power.

The Contractor shall prepare the entire system for the execution of the tests
complete with all required taps, branches with blank flanges, etc. All these
provisions have to be of a durable nature so that the tests can be repeated
even after several years. He has to provide all the equipment for the
execution of the tests and for the measuring and recording of:

a) Pressure at various points within the pump station and the

pipeline, precision 1 m (0.1 bar)

b) Head losses across different valves and fittings

c) Overall energy efficiency of the pumping system at the prescribed

flow rates

d) Performance of the non-return valves

e) Voltages, currents obtained in various circuits/ prime
movers/variable frequency drives
f) Other tests required for the verification of the performance data of
the pump station system in conjunction with the pipeline system

g) Loss of water in mains

h) Functioning of PLC system/SCADA System

The Contractor may engage an institution for the execution of the required
tests and their monitoring at his own cost. The institution has to be
approved by the Engineer in Charge.

The system shall be treated as commissioned only when the entire system
has been successfully operated over a period of time as follows:

• 36 hours uninterrupted, continuous running for three days, at

design flow/ flow notified by Engineer-in-Charge. or

• Short duration operation of 8 hours with a 8 hour stop and a

further 4 hours pumping totaling 12 hours working per day for a
three day period, at design flow/ flow notified by Engineer-in-
Charge. or

Any repairs or replacement required during this period shall be done by the
Contractor at his own cost.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Testing-Commissioning and
Trial Run)

The Contractor shall allow for commissioning to be conducted at any time

during the O &M Period without extra charges under the Contract.

The operation of the system solely for the purpose of maintaining partial
supply by or on behalf of the Department shall not be taken as evidence that
any work has fulfilled the commissioning tests, or has been taken over
unless the Engineer in Charge specifically states so in writing.


The Contractor shall run and maintain the System for 30 days at a stretch,
or any other stipulated periods and conditions prescribed by the Engineer-
in-Charge, from the date of commissioning. During the trial run all
components of the system must function in a synchronized manner so as to
give all desired outputs at efficiencies guaranteed or as stipulated in the
specifications, failing which the Engineer-in-Charge may extend the period of
trial run, till a date the entire system functions to the complete satisfaction
of Engineer-in-Charge.

Standard test reports shall be compiled at all stages of installation, pre-

commissioning and commissioning. Any modifications or changes shall be
incorporated and marked on the respective reference drawings and the
Engineer in Charge shall be advised.

The necessary protocol must be maintained for record purposes, jointly with
Engineer in Charge and/or the authorised Representative of the


The Department reserves the right to carry out further tests to check the
performance and efficiency of the units at the end of the O&M period. Such
adjustments to the units, as may be considered part of normal operating
routine, shall be carried out prior to these tests.

Should the results of such repeat tests, carried out by the Department,
indicate that performance values deviate from guaranteed values or the
auxiliary power consumption exceeds 1.0% of guaranteed value, then the
Contractor shall be given the opportunity to take corrective measures and
carry out further tests, all at his own expense. Should the test indicate
performance and auxiliary power consumption values below the guaranteed
value then the Contractor’s security deposit may be forfeited.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for O&M)



This section of specifications applies to the specifications of materials used

for operation and maintenance, the workmanship, period for routine
maintenance, maintenance of records, and responsibilities during operation
and maintenance period.

The Contractor shall operate and maintain the entire project package
covering all the units at various headworks/pumping stations and the
transfer mains & distribution pipelines and allied structures / equipment /
structures in different stretches of the Project. This shall broadly include all
pump houses & headworks, rising mains, distribution pipelines, pipe
apputennaces, communication system, SCADA system, PLC, rail /road /
river / nullah crossings, all the civil structures, buildings, campus area, and
all en-route structures, along the conveyance system for the entire period
specified in the Contract. The contractor shall maintain skilled staff and
sufficient inventory of spares and material from the day one of O&M as
specified in this Document and as per good engineering practice to ensure
elimination partial / complete breakdown periods and minimisation of repair
/ replacement periods.


The specification of materials used for repairs shall be the same as used in
the original work during execution. If not used during execution,
specifications for such materials, which were not used during construction
shall be got approved by the department, prior to commencement of
operation and maintenance period and must be incorporated in the O&M
manual. Without being limited by this clause, during O&M period, the
contractor shall use appropriate material for repairs even if the material
required for such repair is not approved earlier, and no delay in repairs shall
be subjected to such limitation. But subsequent to such use of material, the
contractor shall submit proposals for the approval of the specifications of
such material. The submissions and approval of material shall be done in
accordance to clause 10 of special conditions of contract. The approved
material, will subsequently form a part of the O&M manual.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for O&M)


For all operation and maintenance works, the contractor shall provide skilled
staff, who has adequate qualifications and sufficient experience of similar
works. The minimum qualifications and experience required for minimum
staff to be deployed by the contractor is provided in Scope of Work:


A complete schedule of recommended oils and other lubricants shall be

furnished by the Contractor, in the operation and maintenance manuals. The
number of types of lubricants shall be kept to a minimum. In case of grease
lubricated bearings for electric motors, lithium base grease is preferred.

The Contractor shall indicate the brand name of indigenously available

equivalent lubricants with complete duty specification, in the O&M manual.
The Contractor shall also furnish the schedule of quantities for each fill,
frequency of filling and annual requirement in O&M manual.

Where lubrication is effected by means of grease, preference shall be given to

a pressure system, which does not require frequent adjustment or
recharging. Frequent, for this purpose means more than once in a month.

Where more than one type of special grease is required, a grease gun for each
special type shall be used.

All lubricant systems shall be designed so as not to cause a fire or pollution


The Contractor shall supply flushing oil for such lubrication system when an
item of plant is ready for preliminary running.


All spare parts used for the equipment in the maintenance of the system
must be from the manufacturer of the equipment or if the equipment itself
has been made with parts of other manufacturer the parts must be of the
same type & make as used in the equipment shall only be supplied and

All spare parts shall be packed for long storage under the climatic conditions
prevailing at the site. Each spare part shall be labeled on the outside of its
packing with its description, number and purpose and, if more than one
spare is packed in a single case, a general description of the case contents

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for O&M)

shall be shown on the outside and a packing list enclosed.The used spare
part shall be replenished within minimum possible time and this time shall
be decided with Engineer-in-Charge.


The workmanship observed for all repairs and maintenance work must be in
accordance to “Good Engineering Practices”.


The specials, pipe sections used must have thickness as per design
requirement at the point of installation and shall be coated internally and
externally if specified. The rubber gaskets/rings, nut & bolts etc. to be used
shall be as per revelent specifications.

After each repair the damaged coating of pipes must be repaired and if in
trench conditions, the trench must be filled with approved soil so as to
provide requisite cover.

Stretches along pipe alignments as already specified in pipe specification,

fixity /thrust blocks where cover is washed out or removed due to other
reasons must be rehabilitated so that the required cover is always

All cracks in pipe supporting structures, valve chambers and their edges
must be racked, filled and made good with cement sand mortar 1:2.
Damaged outer coating / inner lining shall be repaired as per specifications.
The contractor to ensure daily patrolling of pipe line with maintenance of log
sheet for record of lekage detected and removed ,and recording of hourly flow
data from individual pump at all headworks. These data shall be made
available to all control rooms daily by the incharge patrolling, stationed at
every head work.


The contractor shall carry out the ordinary repair to building during the O &
M period. The repairs may include but not limited to items: -

 Easing of doors and windows, monsoon repairs to roofs, attention to

drains, rainwater spouts attention to plinth protection.

 External white or color wash, external or internal painting, internal

distempering, within the campus.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for O&M)

The frequency of repairs must not be less than as specified below:

S. Nature of Repair Frequency of repair for

No. buildings
1 External finishing (color washing) In the 3rd ,7th & 10th
after attending minor repairs such year of O&M
as damage to plaster/pointing etc.

2 Internal finishing (distemper / In the 3rd ,7th & 10th year

painting) after attending minor of O&M
repairs such as damage to plaster
/pointing etc.
3 Painting of woodwork & steel works In the 3rd ,7th & 10th year
including shutters and GSS of O&M
4 External finishing (Distemper / In the 5th & 10th year of
painting) after attending minor O&M
repairs of all CWRs.

Following repairs prior to onset of monsoon are essential:

Any faults in the electric installation, leakages, earthing, exposed wire ends
and any hazards on this account to the users/inmates of the buildings,
should be taken care of suitably, wiring, which is damaged or outlived,
should be replaced.

Damaged/ Sanitary lines should be replaced and choked lines cleared.

Proper drainage of the area around the building should be ensured to avoid
stagnation of rainwater / effluent, in order to prevent malarial conditions,
where courtyards exist in the buildings, their drainage into the outer drains
should be ensured. Any choked drains should be cleared properly.

Leaking roofs should be attended to immediately with suitable repairs/

treatment, as the case may be. The rain waterspouts should also be cleared
of blockages, etc. The roof should be swept clean of leaves, debris, and etc. if

The plaster on outer walls of the building, which is exposed to weather,

should be repaired before rains in order to prevent dampness inside. Where
plinth protection has been provided, it should be checked and the damaged
portions, if any, should be repaired before rains.

Damaged flooring should be repaired/ replaced as per requirement, in order

to prevent dampness inside the rooms, etc. during rains.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for O&M)

Periodic repairs of damaged floors, door/window fittings, water taps, water

coolers, furniture, desert coolers, electric circuits, must be taken up on
complaints using the material of same quality as used during construction.


The objective of Maintenance Management System is to ensure efficient

O&M, with minimum break down & structure monitoring complete as per
contractual provisions.

The contractor shall compliment web based computerized maintenance

system during the execution and trial maintenance period. The system shall
have following modules:-

a) Asset Register :- For the ready information of all stored assets

(component of capital works) creted by the contractor, under the project
in structural heretical format.

b) Electronic Log Book :- For recording and storing data related to

observations of level pressure, electric parameters, vibrations,
temperature etc and pump & valve operations in structured format.

c) Maintenance Module :- Generate module for Maintenance schedule

and to also record actual maintenance work done. This would include
both preventive as well as break down maintenance with provision for
recording spares/ material used for maintenance work.

d) Spares and consumable Inventory Module :- For recording receipt and

use for recording receipt and consumption spare parts.

e) H.R. Module :- To record attendance and deployment of manpower on

operation and maintenance work.

f) VWHC / VWSC Module :- For recording the data documents related to

Village Water & health/sanitation Committees covered under the project.

g) Reporting Module :- To generate predefined Project Reports on daily /

weekly / monthly / yearly basis for viewing service delivery, operation al
efficiency and contractual compliments .

h) Data input in various service delivery and contractual compliance :-

The data input in various module shall be in real time by the O& M staff
in the web based system so that it can be viewed by authorized person /
officers of department from anywhere.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for O&M)


The comprehensive manual to be submitted before the operation and

maintenance period, i.e. during execution stage as defined in special
conditions, of contract containing the contents as specified in Chapter – 2 of
“scope of work” given in Volume II of bid document, must be updated,
not limited to, on principals listed below:

Up-dating any changes in the procedures existing in the O&M manual,

deemed necessary to be changed due to limitation observed during the
maintenance period and incorporating the procedures for maintenance of
other repairs/break downs not incorporated in the maintenance but faced
during O&M period.

Procedures for repair of leaks/burst in pipes must be provided, with

supporting drawings as provided in the O&M manual must be updated if any
differences are observed during O&M contract.

Frequency of spares used in maintenance of valves (air-valve, sluice valves,

surge control devices and butterfly valves), expansion joints, equipments and
installed for surge protection must be recorded for updating the contents of

Record of trouble shooting points and details of events causing troubles

(break down’s) during maintenance of pumps / motors / measuring
equipment(s), / electric panels and accessories therein must be maintained
and used for updating the contents of manual.

Record of locations and type of damages observed during maintenance of

road which are of recurring nature must be used in updating the manual.

The record of Inventory used must be maintained and the relevant portion of
O&M manual must be updated to list out the requirement of Inventory for
maintaining the system for 10 years.

The record of availability of water quantity at all the CWRs monitored during
every day of the O&M period must be maintained and handed over after the
expiry of contract period.

The provisions in the manual must incorporate every aspect of good

industrial practices even if not elaborated here or in other parts of the bid
documents. The provisions in the approved operation and maintenance
document shall only be valid and binding for both the parties during
operation and maintenance along with the additions and deletions made.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Public Health Engineering Department NIB No. 20/2023-24
Providing FHTCs in 277 villages under FR water supply project Volume-II (Specification for O&M)

The manual so prepared must be updated after the end of every year of
operation and maintenance, giving effect to the experience gained and the
observations made by the Department during the maintenance period.


• Routine and periodical checking of all equipments and structures

installed at switchyard to ensure their normal functioning.

• Regular cleaning of switchyard to ensure no growth of any kind of


• Regular checking of oil levels in all types of transformers and to

supplement as and when required and the contractor to arrange oil
filtration at his level whenever required.

• To keep all joints leads, nut bolts in tightened position.

• To maintain all relays in healthy condition and to recalibrate in 3 rd and

5th year.

• To maintain the required earthing level.

CE(Project), PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Tenderer with Seal


Bid Document


Execution of works related to “Drinking water supply

project for providing FHTCs in 277 villages of Distt. Jalore
through Narmada Canal based FR water supply project” viz.
Pump Houses, RCC CWR/OHSRs, P/L/J of Transmission
mains, Cluster distribution system, Village distribution
system and civil, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation
works including Geo-tagging complete job as per scope &
specifications on Single Point Responsibility Basis Turnkey
Contract including necessary Design and Operation &
maintenance for 10 years (upto VTC) after 1 year defect
liability period under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)

NIT No. 20/2023-24

Estimated Cost: Rs. 432.15 Crore

Volume- III


Chief Engineer (Project)

Public Health Engineering Department,
Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Tel : 0291-2651700 (O)

CE(Project),PHED, Jodhpur Signature of Bidder with Seal

150 KL / 20 M
2054 320.50


100 mm DI

10 69 21
650 m.

0 50 KL

m m D

m .

150 mm DI 0m Rewra Kalan
1661 m. F-32949 m D RL-163.600m
F-711KLD 90 m I 150 KL / 22 M
Ghana J-2 KL . 2054 390.41
RL-165.390m 163.55
200 KL / 22 M
2054 435.32 165.21

46 m I

11 6 D

F- 517 mm

KL .

100 mm DI
94 m. 150 mm DI
F-435KLD 24 m.
J-5 Beejli
159.03 RL-159.100m
200 KL / 20 M
2054 168.05

F- 543 m D
100 mm DI

14 m.
27 m.

13 0

200 mm DI Bhorda 100 mm DI
1136 m. RL-148.450m Selri
147.27 1355 m. RL-185.230m
F-1720KLD 200 KL / 20 M F-192KLD
J-4 100 KL / 20 M
BHORDA PS 2054 405.56
Neelkanth Naya Rama 2054 165.56
RL-144.086m RL-173.630m
RL-146.450m J-2 200

18 3 m DI
100 KL / 20 M 144.81 100 KL / 20 M
150 mm DI 9 D

2 m
F-6 147 m I

3K .
2054 182.64 2054 191.96

55 m
J-1 452 m. 43K .

CWR 144.23 F-406KLD LD Rama

PH RL-185.660m

200 mm DI

200 KL / 22 M


6301 m
193 m. 181.52 2054 450.76

250 mm BWSC

100 m

250 mm BWSC

5361 m.
80 m.

200 mm DI Goindla
100 mm DI 883 m. RL-189.220m
49 m. F-451KLD 100 KL / 22 M
F-298KLD 2054 215.8 190.08
J-4 150 mm DI
Bala Ext. Bala Pro. 1713 m.

100 m6 m.
149.15 F-708KLD

RL-149.560m RL-149.370m 200 mm DI

253 LD
J-5 100 mm DI Norwa
150 KL / 22 M 150 KL / 20 M 103 m. 807 m.
2054 298.00 2054 298.00 F-1089KLD 150 RL-180.340m

m DI
F-216KLD m

J-4 m 100 KL / 22 M
250 mm BWSC 149.28 DI
182 m. Bhadrajoon 189.15 450 2054 198.00.
F -708 0 m
F-2844KLD RL-213.760m J-3 . Norwa
150 mm DI KL J-5
595 m. 200 KL / 18 M Bhadrajoon D 177.38 RL-180.340m
2054 349.00. CWR RL-191.180m 100 KL / 20 M
BW J-2 J-1
PH 200 KL / 22 M
J-6 2054 198.00.
m . 209.46 2054 349.00.
0 m 58 mLD Korana 150 mm DI 190.87 180.78 100 mm DI
30 0 6 2K RL-192.300m 338 m. 150 mm DI BHADRAJOON PS 43 m.
1 14 F-349KLD 1466 m.
150 KL / 22 M RL-191.937m
F-3 196.08 F-349KLD 200 mm DI 100 mm DI
J-3 Kuarda
BAVRANI PS RL-204.050m 36 m. 32 m.

10 59712K
150 mm DI F-1856KLD F-198KLD

25 m I

F- 222 m D
150 KL / 22 M

0 2 LD
Bhavrani Pro. 955 m.

85 m. I
4K .


m m
F-15611 m D
Raithal Pro. 149.69 2054 68.47 Malgarh

RL-148.360m F-254KLD

5 m

m .
RL-140.410m Raithal Ext. J-3 Bhavrani Ext. 100 mm DI RL-204.060m


150 KL / 20 M CWR


RL-149.890m 100 mm DI 57 m.

200 KL / 22 M RL-139.950m 2054 301.00 PH RL-156.510m 100 mm DI NIMBLA PS 150 KL / 22 M
300 KL / 22 M 3030 m. F-349KLD

2054 323.00 150 KL / 18 M 100 KL / 18 M
236 m. RL-189.667m CWR 2054 311.82
2054 323.00 2054 603.00 F-234KLD PH F-68KLD
J-10 J-1 J-2 2054 225.84 Sugaliya Jodha 100 mm DI
100 mm DI 149.56 149.36 55 m. Nimbla Pro. Nimbla Ext. Mohiwara
100 mm DI 140.04 300 mm DI RL-174.100m RL-189.750m RL-190.060m RL-192.810m
2110 m. F-294KLD

10 300 KLD
760 m. 462 m. 150 KL / 22 M 100 KL / 20 M 150 KL / 22 M
150 mm DI F-301KLD 100 KL / 20 M

0m m
F-323KLD F-3142KLD J-2

4 26
Nosra Ext.

27 m. Nosra Pro. S C 2054 294.00 2054 196.00. 2054 194.88


m .
F-323KLD RL-180.300m RL-189.000m B J-1 J-2 1
300 mm DI 300 mm DI mm 189.42 50

200 KL / 22 M 75 KL / 18 M 189.56

46 m SC

30063 m.
00 .

37 m. 375 m.

BW m
3 m 3 m

19 m I
Baori F- 27 m

6 D

40 0 W
150 mm DI

F-3 SC
823 00KL 250 mm BWSC

F-4046KLD F-3142KLD 62 0 D

F- 806 B

40 m. 181.48

5K .
9K m. I

KL .



7095m DI
300 mm BWSC 150 KL / 22 M J-4
F-391KLD J-1 F-3 22 m. LD


F- 316
1195 m. 200 mm DI 2054
163.82 F-3200KLD


10 m.


250 mm BWSC

150 3 m.
F-4235KLD 179.17 J-5 J-3
F-603KLD 100 mm DI

65 m.


CWR 177.14

205 4KLD
150 mm DI J-6 41 m.

PH 100 mm DI F-2710KLD
61 m. 179.21 322 m. F-196KLD

F-2218 m DI

25K .

5 mm
350 mm DI

150 mm DI
146.83 Panwa S RL-181.564m Gura Rama
Sarana BWm.

J-11 J-3 87 m.

4810 m.
RL-149.810m RL-147.270m Moolewa
mm 03 RL-182.820m

RL-157.150m LD 167.63 F-4226KLD
150 KL / 22 M 100 KL / 18 M 50 38 700K 300 mm DI 100 KL / 20 M RL-206.180m
200 KL / 20 M 10 3 20 m.
2054 273.09 2054 189.11 2054 0m F -4 350 mm BWSC 2054 225.49 100 KL / 20 M
Balwara Pro. J-9 330.26 350 mm BWSC F-4226KLD
100 mm DI 5 m 3215 m. 2054 168.55
RL-154.260m 100 mm DI 145.08
674 m. F-3 625 DI 717 m.
497 m. J-8 3 0 m F-4226KLD
250 KL / 20 M F-189KLD KL . F-4226KLD Choonda
2054 497.00 F-273KLD 145.57 D 163.53 350 mm BWSC RL-184.540m
300 mm BWSC Vedia J-2 1138 m. Kotra Kawla
100 mm DI 613 m. RL-164.630m 200 KL / 22 M


F-5 053 mWSC

Balwara Ext. 1294 m. F-5030KLD 2054 434.46 RL-214.330m

4802 m.
F-4880KLD 100 mm DI 300 KL / 22 M 100 KL / 20 M

100 mm
RL-144.000m F-497KLD 200 KL / 22 M

J-4 796 m. VEDIA PS

153 .
2054 373.67 CWR 2054 244.20

6 mB
145.29 Narsana

150 KL / 22 M F-410KLD 2054 539.02
2054 298.00 RL-148.200m 150 mm DI PH RL-165.470m 10 150 mm DI

150 KL / 20 M 29 m. J-1
0 m Valdara
4 1076 m.

150 mm DI Debawas F-2 950 DI

15 504 5KLD
2054 276.02 F-374KLD 164.61 Tarwara RL-199.340m

44 m. F-329KLD

04 BW
23 m. RL-152.730m

0m 4m
RL-200.460m 150 KL / 22 M


F-5 839 m I

30 763

150 mm DI Bishangarh F-361KLD 200 KL / 20 M D 100 KL / 20 M 2054 349.05

KL .
54 m


m .
350 mm BWSC

Ajeetpura J-5

F- m
135 m. RL-147.970m 2054 409.84 RL-186.570m 2054 167.12


53 m. 200.61

Chonchawan RL-177.880m

2185 m.

150 mm DI

200 KL / 18 M F-5404KLD 150 KL / 20 M 100 mm DI Bhooti


376 9KLD

150 mm DI


1872 m.

Anwloj 2054 361.00 DEBAWAS OTP 150 KL / 22 M Shankhwali RL-215.850m

0 Devki J-2 177.79 2054 184.00 18 m.

250 KL / 20 M 154.41 14 m 2054 321.86

RL-140.360m J-7 RL-186.600m

200 mm DI F m RL-162.110m 150 KL / 22 M J-3
2054 499.73 147.83 -2 750 D 162.98 F-167KLD

100 mm DI 200 KL / 22 M 463 m. 350 mm BWSC 58 75 KL / 20 M 200 KL / 22 M Panchota 2054 328.91 211.76

19 m. I 2054 159.86

Sajanpura J-4

620 m. F-5790KLD

04 .
407 m. 2054 501.15 2054 246.00


54 m
F-1814KLD RL-205.690m


200 m80 m.
84.28 RL-118.670m KL 187.96
100 mm DI F-165KLD 350 mm BWSC Bokra 150 mm DI Kawrada

56 m I
F- 2860
J-4 J-4

F- 663 m D
D 150 mm DI 200 KL / 22 M

200 mm DI 150 mm DI

49 KLD
75 KL / 22 M 886 m. BISHANGARH OTP 18 m. 161.95 100 mm DI 201.58 321 m. RL-203.640m

20 3622 5KL
J-4A J-1 1159 m.
311 m. RL-157.370m 59 m. 2054 312.89

6K .
2054 154.95 F-330KLD Dangara Ext. 147.61 Bishangarh F-7882KLD J-1 F-407KLD

84.28 8 m. 200 KL / 22 M

150 mm DI

0m m D

m DI

F-50 20 m.
F-1145KLD 100 KL / 20 M F-322KLD F-184KLD

147.64 J-3 RL-146.620m DEVKI OTP


RL-142.230m F-160KLD 273 m. 100 mm DI 2054 406.63


m .

2054 184.91 161.99 20

100 mm DI 100 KL / 18 M 200 KL / 18 M F-751KLD 15 RODLA PS

RL-136.190m 400 KL / 20 M Meethri 279 m. 150 mm DI 204.32 J-6
44 0 m



F-6447 m.

2054 361.00

150 mm DI

1053 m. 2054 165.00 F-246KLD 668 m. 7 m RL-214.767m

4577 m. I
2054 884.08 RL-165.000m Kamba J-7 F

250 KL / 22 M 6

J-5 100 mm DI 03 m -14 9 m DI

0 m m.
F-500KLD 124 m. 204.52 100 mm DI


41 85K
Sirana 200 KL / 22 M RL-179.060m D

150 m
2054 443.65 147.72 3 51 .

100 mm
14 m. I
92.36 3420 m. m. I F-500KLD Chandrai SC

Dangara Pro. F-
F-14352 m D

350 mm BWSC KL 2143 m.

94 LD

2054 351.61 150 KL / 22 M 43 CWR

J-5 264 m. J-2

RL-134.760m MANDWALA OTP 150 mm DI F-278KLD 24 m. 60 J-9 0K RL-197.320m W D F-191KLD

500 KL / 22 M 150 mm 157.27 0 2054 303.78 .

180.19 Ukarda LD PH

100 KL / 18 M 143.01 1520 m. F-5564KLD 1 m 300 KL / 18 M m m D Rodala J-2

m DI
2054 990.14 J-1 DI F- 25 m m 12 7K L

150 mm DI
2054 165.00 F-1020KLD 16 00 D J-8 RL-194.540m 200 mm DI RL-213.710m 214.98 Gura Indrapura


143.04 0

150 mm DI 2054 499.52

10 3945 KLD
Dahiva F-361KLD Dechhoo 61 220
F-6852 m DI

150 mm DI 02 m I 178.49 289 m. RL-215.750m

3219 m.
100 Paharpura Pro. 100 KL / 20 M 193.27 150 KL / 22 M

10 383 5KL
1844 m. RL-167.370m 162.44 1K . 197.41 J-1

0m m
RL-111.200m -

967 m.

150 mm DI
55K .

mm F-1858KLD 100 KL / 22 M
6 mm

I Sardargarh L 2054 193.75 J-3 J-1 F 2054 392.47

0m 6
J-3 12 DI F-771KLD m D RL-150.290m 150 KL / 22 M J-3 15 D J-2 214.74
800 m 0 m. F-816KLD
F-15194 m. 100 KL / 22 M 133.65 67 m. RL-153.920m 2054 190.75


m .

81.66 J-2 200 mm DI 100 KL / 22 M J-6 32 0 m Bhainswara Ext. Bhainswara Pro. 193.55 CHANDRAI PS

m m.
150 KL / 20 M 2054 279.01 300 mm BWSC

5KL 2054 235.46 J-3


RL-183.530m RL-179.060m RL-198.221m
F-1 500 m DI

D Elana 133.86 15 m. 149.91 62 m

63 2054 188.00 RL-170.086m

6 197.35 Thoomba 223 m. 200 mm DI

-3 D

F-1398 m I
Kuaber F Sanphara F-1385KLD 2054 277.80 m

RL-130.796m ELANA OTP 150 KL / 22 M 200 KL / 22 M Khara
145 .

. I

2 mm

Paharpura Ext. Badanwari Ext. RL-201.320m F-2855KLD 84 m.

RL-171.890m RL-149.620m 100 mm DI CWR CWR 150 mm DI


055 .


100 KL / 22 M 22 m. RL-150.290m 150 mm DI 250 mm BWSC RL-170.280m 2054 287.00 2054 383.00 RL-184.170m F-1059KLD
Jalampura 167.60 PH 100 KL / 20 M

100 mm DI 150 mm DI 75 KL / 20 M 220 m.

Rangala Teja Ki Beri 315 KL / 22 M 100 KL / 22 M 100 KL / 18 M 30 PH

RL-130.610m 2054 771.41 100 mm DI F-188KLD 250 KL / 22 M 411 m. 675 m. J-2 100 mm DI 100 mm DI 2054 172.1

RL-78.170m 542 m. RL-99.840m 201 m. 2054 156.02 250 mm DI 865 m. 2054 476.39 100 mm DI DI F-392KLD
F- 486 mm

200 mm DI 2054 471.00 F-279KLD F-1162KLD 2054 194.00 62 m. 2054 185.06 200 mm DI

150 KL / 20 M 35 m. SANPHARA OTP50 450 mm DI 34 m. J-2

47 5KL

mm .
300 KL / 22 M F-198KLD 100 KL / 22 M F-594KLD F-165KLD 2405 m. 39 4 D
77.63 I 2054 358.00 F-3477KLD 18 m. DI 148.80 0
41 mm 150 mm DI Badanwari Pro. 250 mm BWSC 128 m. F-304KLD 0 m 3 m. D F-194KLD 64 m. I 201.08 100 mm DI 16 m.

97 D
Lumba Ki Dhani 146.57

D 128.68 35 m. F-2215KLD 5

10 -156
2054 457.65 J-2 2054 293.39 F-1545KLD Keshwana m . 5 20 m. RL-170.290m F-252KLD 3 L K F-1451KLD

70 mm LD
m 8 m DI Samooja F-4677KLD 7 LD 9 m.

m m. J-2 250 mm BWSC
RL-89.670m 00 48 m LD 19 88K

I J-11 J-1 F-1 J-1 169.38 350 mm DI


0m D
D m 5 2 F-471KLD 75 KL / 22 M 100 mm DI 1

. RL-176.910m F-172KLD

1 2 3 3774 m. J-4 169.14 5

15 45 7K
100 KL / 20 M 0 78 K 41K F-4 72 m.

20 350 KL
m 98.23 00 RL-128.004m 230 KL / 20 M 6 17 J-1 242 m. 450 mm DI
15 33
0 m5174

0m LD KHANPUR OTP 2054 145.00


0 30 LD
74 mm 28 F-626KLD 150 KL / 22 M Ahore

. I
2054 198.37 . Jeewana Ext. 150 mm DI 2054 432.00 100 mm DI F-4394KLD

167.72 F-145KLD 4765 m.

m m
20 68 m LD 154.11

m m.
J-10 F-1 08 m DI 750 KL / 22 M 42 m. F-194KLD Godan

200 mm DI

3 42
RL-116.700m 166 m. 2054 252.25 RL-181.282m 300 mm BWSC

250 mm BWSC

m .

m m.


K F-10697KLD

33 m. 7 5 2054 1494.69 150 mm DI Maheshpura 224 m.

3 03 5 6K .

250 mm BWSC J-10 F-432KLD F-476KLD 250 mm AHORE PS 700 KL / 22 M 1261 m.

100 KL / 18 M


RL-128.045m 100 mm RL-172.900m RL-205.210m


F-458KLD 88.60 1 Jeewana Pro. 200 mm DI LD 1450 m. RL-162.244m 161.60 150 mm DI

4380 m.
1200 m. F - 2054 211.00 KESHWANA OTP BWSC DI RL-179.742m 2054 1365.00 300 mm BWSC F-3964KLD
66 m. 200 KL / 22 M 200 KL / 22 M

m DI

RL-113.180m 1760 m.

100 mm DI
CWR F-849KLD J-2

250 100 KL / 22 M F-1399KLD
F-1233KLD mm DI J-1

4765 m.
J-9 135.42 6112 m.

50 69 6KL
08 m

D F-710KLD 2054 408.98 200 mm DI F-609KLD 2054 436.74


Sangana 150 KL / 22 M Keshwana



33 m
PH 2054 123.63 CWR179.96
17 0 m

100 mm DI

15 DI LD
RL-101.880m 15063 mm DI 116.52


45 m. F-5701KLD

0 m m. D
75.18 J-8 DI

53 65

85 m
100 mm DI 300 mm BWSC 3 2054 313.00 506 6 m. RL-157.940m J-3 m CHARLI PS


F-1 J-1 PH

3 10 m. m. 113.24 Walera m . 826KLD PH m F-1365KLD

J-7 m m 178.97 J-2 5 0 m. J-7

J-9 D 3

206 m. 2 350 KL / 22 M 161.66

4776 m. 78.00 1 F-211KLD RL-143.740m 0 0 L J-3 150 KL / 18 M 2808 KLD181.54Ahore RL-190.508m 250 mm BWSC


F-293KLD Babtara Pro. Otwala 90 075 06K 200 mm DI 130.62

200 mm DI
148.63 150 mm DI J-5 450 mm DI


F-473KLD F-2257KLD J-8 2054 741.66 Babtara Ext. 133.34 2054 282.00 20 RL-182.262m F-1365KLD 9 m.

3776 m.
RL-137.230m 250 KL / 22 M RL-121.480m 1 42 47 m. J-4 150 mm DI 157 m. 173.99 357 m. 178.57 Charli
75.69 RL-137.230m -5 Katarasan F-4425KLD J-5 450 KL / 22 M CWR Gura Balotan 1871 m. F-1847KLD

150 mm DI
150 KL / 20 M 2054 489.56 250 KL / 22 M F F-1495KLD 158 m. F-124KLD 1 200 mm DI

Kori Dhavecha KHOKHA 5 2054 758.00 RL-190.270m

3249 m.
Sobrawas RL-200.340m 250 mm

75 m. DI
J-1 200 mm DI 350 KL / 20 M 2054 537.02 RL-130.620m F-503KLD 0 J-6 2919 m. PH
Chhajala RL-77.380m RL-80.360m RL-80.870m 583 m. 100 mm DI 2054 304.00 Mokni Khera 200 mm DI 100 mm DI Sankarna 100 mm DI F 62 mm 179.20 J-3 J-1 186.15 F-106 200 KL / 20 M 400 KL / 22 M BWSC

F- 321 mm
2054 710.00 20 m. SAYLA PS Alasan 75 KL / 20 M 353 m. J-1 RL-187.110m -6 37 D KLD 97KLD 250 mm BWSC
RL-92.500m 250 KL / 20 M 200 mm DI J-3 RL-132.910m 174 m. 335 182.71 3 2054 407.63

300 KL / 20 M 300 KL / 22 M F-805KLD 429 m. 100 2054 150.09 51 m I 450 mm DI F-1 400 m 566 m. 2054 636.96 1877 m.

150 F-1988KLD RL-117.063m RL-127.100m F-282KLD 194.87 KL .

150 KL / 22 M 2054 473.26 2054 653.55 2800 m. 135.74 100 KL / 20 M CWR JALOR PS 300 KL / 22 M F-409KLD 81 m. m BW
mm 2054 551.98

16 7

100 mm DI mm Kolar D 150 mm DI Sanwara S C F-3602KLD

150 m
150 87 m D
F-1233KLD 2054 232.18 Sayla 100 KL / 20 M 2054 536.10 Oon Ext. F-670KLD 236 m. J-1 100 mm DI
2054 235.25 3 D 109 m. 4 124.45 100 mm DI Tadwa
F-2 100 m I Akwa 100 mm DI Taliyana F-2 460 DI I RL-205.200m PH RL-160.600m RL-191.840m F-637KLD 20 m. GUDA BALOTAN PS 300 mm BWSC

100 mm DI RL-118.460m 2054 264.00 J-5 RL-185.420m F-670KLD 191.19

6079 LD
32K m. D

71 0KL
35K . 150 mm RL-104.610m F-304KLD Sayla 57 m. RL-163.500m Oon Pro. 150 mm DI 200 KL / 20 M 28K .

mm .
228 m. RL-98.000m 951 m. m . 75 KL / 20 M 100 mm DI Madri RL-202.310m
LD DI 500 KL / 18 M RL-185.420m 100 KL / 22 M 4503 m.

150 mm DI
m DI
LD 1420 m. F-7218 m DI

RL-117.420m m 1 m LD Alasan

250 mm BWSC
200 KL / 22 M F-151KLD 300 KL / 20 M F-383KLD RL-194.340m

F-242KLD 100 mm DI J-6

4005 m.
J-6 F-654KLD 100 KL / 20 M 0 7 2054 135.52 F-287KLD 350 mm DI Agwari
75.22 F-7 98 m.
2054 864.00
15 54 37K RL-126.250m 150 KL / 22 M 2054 189.00 68 m. 2 mm F-2099KLD

400 KL / 18 M

J-5 J-7 124.54 200 mm DI 2054 567.21 100 KL / 22 M


2054 241.71 100 mm DI 670 m. 100 mm DI 150 mm DI 84 m. 50 JN RL-203.990m

87KLD 77.02 104.77 2054 691.00 5 120 KL / 20 M 2226 m. Bhagli Purohitan 1 200.55
2054 283.00.

12 6 m DI
40 m. F-4996KLD
0 m 00 mLD

F-Sayla 2054 288.55

2353 m.
F-264KLD 518 m. CWR F-758KLD 201.25 400 KL / 20 M UMMAIDPUR PS

99 m DI
300 mm BWSC RL-189.820m J-4

94.93 100
100 mm DI Doodhwa F-424KLD 2054 221.00 F-1826KLD 104 m.

F-136KLD 196.87 CWR CWR
24 60K

CWR Leta OON PS 2054 322.00


F- 437 mm
300 mm BWSC 150 mm DI 100 mm DI 100 mm DI

46 .
4080 m. mm 117.06 RL-115.810m PH 75 KL / 20 M 203.01 RL-207.932m

659 m.

RL-92.580m J-6 250 mm BWSC Dayalpura I

Rewatra 150 mm DI RL-170.600m RL-186.356m 1205 m.


KL .
745 m. F-1887KLD F-629KLD DI J-1 PH 2054 130.47 1905 m. 69 m. 100 mm DI RL-196.790m J-2 Ummaidpur
250 KL / 18 M PH PH

100 KL / 18 M 580 m. RL-120.230m 499 m. 187.86

F- 817
301 J-1 F-247KLD F-408KLD F-289KLD

100 mm DI F-3147KLD 500 mm DI 250 KL / 20 M 100 mm DI 36 m.

11 7
J-4 J-2 200 KL / 22 M RL-207.575m
F-46 m 8 100.28 F-2011KLD 2054 432.00 F-211KLD 185.63 100 mm DI J-4 Cheeparwara J-1 200 mm DI

299 m. 76.58 81.41 2054 223.43 118.02 290 KL / 22 M 6030 m. 2054 502.5 49 m. F-439KLD 2054 439.09 100 mm DI CWR
Jaisawas 5K . 150 mm DI J-1 J-2 400 KL / 22 M 2662 m.

LD J-5 250 mm BWSC Chaurau 150 mm DI Virana 2054 620.00 1301 m. RL-188.380m 100 mm DI Thanwala 201.31 Agwari 2986 m.
F-552KLD RL-77.440m JAISAWAS PS 99.61 1444 m. 116.43 2828 m. 200 mm DI F-14098KLD F-283KLD F-130KLD RL-203.440m PH 2054 547.07 F-1340KLD

150 mm DI Khetlawas 823 m. 150 mm DI 1478 m. RL-198.210m

F-1 m. C
200 mm DI

79 m.
Bhundwa J-4 F-2 RL-126.125m RL-118.910m 100 KL / 18 M F-322KLD

RL-77.150m F-665KLD 305 m. 100 mm DI


500 KL / 22 M 7403 m. 419 37 m. F-432KLD 121.08 100 mm DI 100 mm DI F-224KLD 200 KL / 20 M J-2 207.97

RL-85.810m F-3665KLD 41 m. 200 KL / 22 M


515m BW
2 150 KL / 22 M 100 KL / 20 M 100 m. 2054 199.15

F-1 300
250 288 KLD 114.89 F-891KLD 66 m. 207.93 J-1

2054 460.41 J-1 300 KL / 20 M F-691KLD J-7 13 m. 2054 161.00

200 KL / 20 M 2054 665.08 2054 307.99 Rewatra F-1463KLD F-199KLD 2054 224.00. J-3
F-1044KLD mm m. 103.80 F-189KLD 198.39 Vedana



J-3 2054 628.91 100 mm DI 2054 409.00 RL-120.230m Budtara Thanwala 150 mm DI 150 mm DI
Mengalwa BWS J-2

CWR 150 J-2 196.36 321 m. 72 m. RL-212.250m
I 83.84 1368 m. C RL-107.300m 200 mm DI 250 mm BWSC mm DI 100 KL / 20 M 100 mm Pandgara RL-191.760m RL-196.320m 250 mm

PH 300 mm BWSC m D RL-105.720m 10 m. 110.29 150 mm DI 361 D
J-4 F-161KLD F-547KLD 300 KL / 22 M
F-223KLD 0 m. I

10 27945K
353 m. m m. 1946 m. 372 m. 250 mm BWSC J-8 2054 214.00 RL-214.870m 75 KL / 20 M 200 KL / 20 M 150 mm DI 300 mm DI DI BWSC J-6
100 007 CWR CWR 350 mm BWSC F-1473KLD J-1 F-308KLD 2888 m. 212.39 2054 635.33

150 mm DI

15 7KLD
100 mm DI 250 KL / 22 M 2054 224.00 mm D 164 m.

F-2435KLD 829 m. 17 m.

F-4 16 m.
F-4192KLD D F-808KLD 2494 m. 121.00 100 KL / 20 M 2054 145.41

200 101

m 1mD
4 L F- 49 m.

342 m DI
200 mm DI 20 m. 17

K 2054 547.62 PH CHAURAU OTP 100 mm DI 9KLD J-3 F-483KLD F-2099KLD 0 F-1552KLD

m .
PH 10 2KL .
DI F-1946KLD

16 560 m. Asana Pro. 200 mm DI 2054 179.43



200 mm DI Harjee

mm 60 m. 110.03 213.79

F-57 4 m.
F-6019KLD DI

21 m Sedariya Balotan

18 m.


150 Narwara 26 J-1 15 m. RL-199.463m 300 mm DI

mm m.
F-409KLD RL-109.130m

F- 2982

34 04K
300 KL / 22 M 562 m. 193.52 23836KLD

30 F-4
. mm m.




5mD 300 mm BWSC RL-90.620m 250 mm BWSC 85 106.21 F-620KLD 48 m. RL-218.140m

06 LD
J-5 m.

0 75 KL / 22 M

0 21
2054 635.68 0 3
0 50 KL 0 D F-1296KLD Chawarcha 150 KL / 22 M F-1552KLD J-4 150 mm DI

36 m. m J-3 150 mm

m 3
150 KL / 20 M

10 m. 1 100 mm DI

200 KL / 20 M 2054 147.00


39 256 RL-194.530m
F-63 . 107.75 107.82 2054 484.00. 209.22

m KL
F-5288KLD F-4213KLD 65 m. 100 mm DI 195.99 DI 59 m. 2054 264.06
2054 415.53 8

100 KL / 22 M J-2
Punawas 150 mm DI
F-7 Asana Ext. F-864KLD
28 m.
J-1 201.50 10
F-179KLD 2054

RL-98.890m 45 m. 100 mm DI J-2 RL-109.130m Tura 193.39 150 mm DI mm J-7
1131 BWSC

Posana Pro. 30 m. Harjee 3

F-2 660 D 236.21 Dodiyali Paota
200 KL / 22 M

300 C
100 KL / 20 M F-548KLD 109.15 RL-113.770m Jor Virana 58 m.
150 mm DI 12 m. I J-5

BW 87 m.
RL-108.420m F-147KLD RL-201.455m RL-219.630m



2054 167.92 2054 393.00 RL-120.840m F-484KLD
8 m.

SURANA OTP2 100 mm DI 100 KL / 20 M 200 KL / 20 M 397 m. 100 KL / 22 M KL RL-251.600m 200 KL / 22 M


m 150 mm DI

96.05 8 m. m . 2054 419.02 100 KL / 22 M F-193KLD 100 KL / 20 M
100 mm DI


200 mm DI 2054 335.00 0 m 150 mm DI J-5 2054 56.87 515 m. 484.00. 2054 440.37
F-268KLD 15 049 KLD
400 m

Nawapura Dhavecha 2228 m. Posana Ext. 23 m. 114.65 150 mm DI F-1271KLD 100 mm DI 2054 211.89
20 m. 7

F-168KLD Rohinwara RL-108.670m 5 6 F-393KLD 119.68 1847 m. 1428 m.
RL-70.930m F-1870KLD 2 200 mm DI

RL-94.420m 200 KL / 22 M 100 mm DI J-4 F-339KLD

41 19K

150 KL / 22 M 100 KL / 20 M 2054 268.00 10 m. 2157 m. 100 mm DI 150 mm DI

75 LD
93.01 J-1 J-1 Borwara 330 m. 100 mm DI
2054 255.17 SURANA OTP1 F-419KLD F-990KLD 1572 m.

Bagora Pro. 2054 172.45
100 mmm.

250 mm BWSC RL-116.200m

107.99 F-212KLD 56 m.

Surana Ext. 86.46 200 mm DI F-440KLD

RL-71.020m 1068 m. 100 mm DI CWR CWR POSANA PS Lodrau

RL-86.550m 1436 m. 150 KL / 20 M Dhanani F-264KLD

150 mm DI 50 KL / 20 M 86.52 200 mm DI F-2088KLD 7 m. RL-108.735m F-1204KLD 2054 267.12 RL-119.110m RL-121.010m
300 KL / 22 M J-1 PH PH
108 m. 300 mm BWSC 2054 100.00 1569 m. 100 mm DI F-335KLD 100.45 J-2 100 KL / 20 M J-6 350 KL / 22 M
2002180 100 mm DI
447 BWSC

2584 m. 2054 602.00 F-1104KLD Unri


F-224KLD 241 m. 250 mm BWSC 2054 174.87 28 m. 121.36 2054 260.85


85.29 J-3 m m. RL-115.220m

916 .

F-3305KLD Surana Pro. F-172KLD m


100 mm DI I 18 m. F-9 D 100 mm DI F-261KLD

150 mm DI Bichhawari 175 m. m m D RL-86.550m 9 I 100 KL / 18 M 2417 m.
15 38 m. F-1806KLD 5 KL

402 m. RL-67.650m F-100KLD Bagora Ext. 20 KLD 250 KL / 20 M 2054 209.00 F-175KLD 118.96

Vatera Raghunath Pura

150 m


F-599KLD Rauta 350 KL / 22 M RL-70.650m 2054 502.00 J-8

J-2 J-3 102.41 Thalwar

RL-71.290m (Unri) J-7

4659 KLD

F-7 00 DI
RL-65.940m 2054 692.89 J-4 450 KL / 22 M 86.70 Deta Khurd RL-118.800m 119.76
100 KL / 22 M 71.48 Tilora 21
150 mm DI

300 KL / 20 M J-5 2054 896.00 RL-83.110m RL-92.600m 92.64 RL-98.610m 86 m. 100 mm DI 300 KL / 20 M
m DI

2054 223.71 J-8 100 mm DI 3156 m.


71.57 J-2 100 KL / 20 M KL


2054 598.53 450 KL / 22 M 764 m. 2054 554.04


68.45 150 mm DI 200 KL / 22 M 20 1146 m. F-729KLD

200 mm DI 0

2054 209.00 F-209KLD

3435 m. 200 mm DI 70.50 2054 766.16 2054 551.32 3 m F-209KLD
J-7 J-1 CWR 38 m. F-896KLD Dadal Ext. F- 542 m D J-4
F-479KLD 62.26 J-6 100 mm DI 13 150 mm DI
Deoda Ka Goliya
4877 m.
61.10 F-2612KLD
69.30 PH J-2150 RL-75.150m 30 m. 65 m. I 107.99 150 mm DI 150 mm DI
m 150 mm DI KL 2425 m. 988 m.
RL-58.180m 150 mm DI BAGORA PS F-72905 m D 150 KL / 18 M
35 m. F-502KLD 150 mm DI Vishala D Pantheri Pro.
F-786KLD F-554KLD
1432 m.
150 KL / 20 M 30 m. 150 mm DI 150 mm DI 50 m. I 2054 321.00 RL-99.110m RL-109.090m Pantheri Ext. F-554KLD
RL-69.780m KL Dadal Pro. F-602KLD 46 m. 99.04
2054 295.17 F-626KLD 199 m. 881 m. D RL-75.150m F-551KLD 250 KL / 20 M J-3 150 KL / 20 M RL-108.640m

F-1077KLD F-693KLD J-3 2054 506.99 2054 295.00 250 KL / 22 M

661 m. 75.17 250 KL / 18 M
311 5KLD

2054 491.00

150 mm DI I 300 mm BWSC 300 mm 2054 429.00 150 mm DI


D J-5

666 m. m . 972 m. BWSC 100 mm DI 119 m. 109.12


F-921KLD 0 m m LD F-3404KLD F-1646KLD 5 m. F-507KLD


Morseem 20 653034K F-429KLD 100 mm DI

300 mm BWSC

RL-64.810m 15
8K m. I

33 m.
F- 617 m D
1100 mm DI

- Daman 84.43
10950 m.

350 KL / 22 M 64.85 F 332 m. 150 mm DI 2 0 Komta Pro.

RL-85.120m J-3 0 100 mm DI F-491KLD

2054 625.78 J-11 F-5050KLD 11 m. mm RL-106.750m

85 9

77 m.

F-321KLD 150 KL / 20 M 4 7 D I

2054 384.00 F-31 13 m. Kaleti

300 KL / 18 M F-295KLD
Naya Morseem J-9 0KL 2054 572.00
RL-56.880m 57.96 61.30 D RL-86.330m Komta Ext.
J-10 Lakhni
300 KL / 20 M m. 150 KL / 20 M RL-106.750m
54 DI RL-63.570m Dhumbariya Dhumbariya 150 mm DI 2054 310.25
2054 613.47 14 mm LD 150 KL / 20 M RL-72.470m RL-72.850m 48 m. 150 KL / 18 M
200613K 2054 286.00

2054 305.84 250 KL / 20 M 250 KL / 22 M F-384KLD

F- J-4

2054 522.00
4K m.

2054 522.00 106.93

F-3 85 m. I

150 mm DI
42 mm D

69 7

F- 765

819 m.

Gaonri 78.23 200 mm DI 150 mm DI


F-613KLD 6 m. 150 mm DI

RL-64.400m 150 mm DI 906 m.


I 15 m.
20 m.

27 4KL

D 250 KL / 20 M 1236 m.

m . F-522KLD F-572KLD

28 D

100 651 m D 2054 475.32 F-522KLD Mindawas


3 L
59.43 75K 200 mm DI RL-88.500m

Nai Bali J-3 F-4 192 m. 73.97 Narsana 250 KL / 22 M

RL-54.810m Bhalni F-1739KLD J-1 RL-80.000m 2054 576.38
150 KL / 18 M 100 mm DI RL-61.500m CWR 400 KL / 20 M Rah
2054 296.45 121 m. 300 KL / 20 M PH 2054 688.55 RL-86.740m
RL-73.259m J-2
15 F-206KLD 2054 640.80 300 KL / 20 M 85.79
39 0 m 200 mm DI 2054 600.17
J-1 J-3
15 5722 KLD

F- 1 m Bali Ext. 1029 m. I

29 6 Doongarwa 77.25 D 200 mm DI
0m m

RL-52.560m F-3446KLD 75.88

6K m. DI
15 6810 KLD

RL-71.740m m 2902 m.
200 KL / 22 M DI

LD 250 mm BWSC m D
m .
0m m


m F-576KLD

250 KL / 22 M 150 mm DI L
Bali Pro. 2054 413.00 0 m m. 0

808 m. 110 0400 KLD 20


2054 449.67 201 m.


RL-52.660m 7

150 mm DI F-1626KLD Meda Brahmnan 1 491 F-689KLD 11 150 mm DI


100 KL / 18 M 101 m. JODHAWAS PS RL-64.260m I F-8

8 F- 201 m.

2054 206.00 53.18 J-5 F-413KLD RL-55.720m 450 KL / 22 M m m D. 200 mm DI F-600KLD

200 29 m D

Vamal 0 m
15 32 15K

250 mm BWSC 2054 636.66 0

1 51 KL9 9 D 139 m. Sewari
0 00 LD

RL-50.240m 0
55 81KL


283 m. -45

mm .
m m

63.78 64.13

150 KL / 20 M
m .

1100 mm DI J-1 J-4 100 KL / 22 M

2054 254.17

55 50 m. RL-63.730m 2054 761.67

53.93 Vada Naya
250 mm BWSC J-4 J-1 F-91343KLD CWR CWR
F-2 5 m. I

400 m. 54.73
417 mm D

J-3 PH PH J-4
F-915KLD J-2 250 mm BWSC 200 KL / 22 M
I 87.16

56.63 975 m. 200 mm DI mD 2054 343.56
Ankhol 0 m m.

F-2021KLD 29 m. 5
0K m. I

41 7 D

Itada RL-49.020m Jodhawas 0

F-637KLD 625 4KLD
F- 505 mm

1505039 mLD

RL-47.940m 150 KL / 20 M DI RL-58.650m 4

m . F-3

150 KL / 20 M

2054 266.84 m 200 KL / 22 M


0 m
mm .

2054 374.89 10 292 KLD 2054 443.94 200 mm DI 150 mm DI


3 67 123 m.
Vada Bharvi Pro. 35 m.

J-3 F-2852KLD 150 mm DI Vada Bharvi Ext. F-762KLD

I 47.34 69 m. RL-89.980m

150 mm DI D 150 mm DI RL-89.610m

F-793KLD 200 KL / 20 M

Hema Guda 454 m. m . 256 m. 200 KL / 22 M


m 2054 410.00

4K .

m D
36 m

RL-47.300m F-375KLD 0 F-444KLD 2054 410.00

71 KL

93 50

400 KL / 20 M 50 629

Nimbau J-5
F- 7

2054 710.69 - RL-59.120m 89.61

Jhab F
Jhab 200 KL / 22 M 150 mm DI
RL-45.410m RL-48.510m 2054 394.40 46 m.
690 m DI

100 KL / 22 M 47.48 200 mm DI


300 KL / 20 M
F-7116 m.

J-2 237 m. F-410KLD

200 mm DI 2054 206.00 2054 618.00
150 m

Ranodhar Pro. 26 m. 46.18 F-1385KLD

150 mm DI 100 mm DI
RL-37.120m F-3141KLD J-1
119 m. 1341 m.
100 KL / 20 M DI 45.46 46.36 F-618KLD F-180KLD
2054 293.00 1100600 m. 40
15 Bagli
11 05KLD 2
Ranodhar Ext. 5 F- 00 m m. 52.50 RL-56.610m
RL-37.120m 100 mm DI F-96 100 mm DI 200 mm DI 16 m 100 KL / 20 M
45 m. 200 mm DI 126 m. 361 m. 89 D J-5
100 KL / 20 M 2935 m. 200 mm DI K L I 2054 179.93
F-293KLD D
F-206KLD F-2935KLD

2054 98.00 81 F-2262KLD Tetrol Rathoran 678 m. J-6 Deora


59 TETROL PS F-2306KLD 54.06 2 650 m


RL-47.210m 100 mm DI . RL-57.760m


J-1A 0m

m RL-36.829m 22 10 m. F 300 KL / 22 M

-120 m D

37.23 . 200 KL / 20 M Mooli


F-241KLD 5KL I 2054 689.19


2054 478.09 RL-51.250m


100 mm DI CWR

WTP J-4 45.07 Saili 150 KL / 20 M 57.45

50 m. PH RL-41.220m 100 mm DI
J-1 100 mm DI 2054 304.15 100 mm DI PH

39.48 Amarpura 1666 m.

4038 m. RL-45.900m 100 KL / 22 M

13 m.
5673 m.

150 mm

J-2 J-3 F-367KLD 75 KL / 18 M 2054 241.36 F-689KLD

RWR 48.07 43.96
150 mm DI 2054 125.34 100 mm DI
47 m.

F-125KLD Bhadroona PH
200 NAL

200 mm DI
F-1460 m.

200 mm DI RL-60.450m


250 m. Khirodi
138 m. RL-50.200m 100 KL / 18 M

Akoli F-1784KLD
F-3363KLD 2054 309.00

RL-44.780m 200 KL / 20 M

100 KL / 22 M 2054 428.05

J-5 J-8
150 mm DI 2054 258.37
2500 m. 44.65 100 150 mm DI 61.40
F-731KLD mm 79 24 m. Bhadroona
F-22473 DI RL-60.730m
100 mm DI
542 m.
58 m
KL . F-428KLD 150 mm DI 150 KL / 20 M PROPOSED ESR
D 39 m. 2054 206.00
F-731KLD 35.79 Dhaneriya F-309KLD
Siwara J-7 RL-42.450m
RL-37.500m 100 mm DI
150 KL / 20 M
200 KL / 20 M
2054 373.82 48 m. OTMP ESR
2054 357.17 F-206KLD
J-8 100 mm DI
36.43 316 m.
100 mm DI
965 m.


ESR 10
ESR 09 ESR 06 ESR 06 ESR 10 ESR 11 ESR 15
2039 78858.44
2039 2808.40 2039 1806.23 2039 2549.28 2039 4634.68 2039 64052.91 2039 6607.46

2054 88212.26
2054 3141.13 2054 2020.51 2054 2851.85 2054 5184.99 2054 71650.40 2054 7390.46

ad a


RWR WTP CPS 1100 Ø DI-K-9 1100 Ø DI-K-9 CPS CPS 1100 Ø DI-K-9 CPS CPS 1100 Ø DI-K-9 CPS 1100 Ø DI-K-9 CPS 400 Ø BWSC CPS

(11600 m) (11750 m) (5550 m) (10400 m) (10950 m) (11318 m)
36.829 JHAB OTP 55.720 63.730 73.259 69.780 77.150

ESR 05
ESR 04
DEMAND (KLD) 2039 2275.37
2039 1297.19 2054 2545.20
2054 1451.15
RL 149.15
214.76 2039 3777.81 (5361 m)
JN (182 m)
JN 149.28
CPS 200 Ø DI-K-7
(4479 m) JN
2054 4226.47

181.56 2039 1949.82

300 Ø BWSC
(10658 m)
08 2054 2181.12

250 Ø BWSC
181.48 JN (20 m)

(80 m)

200 Ø DI-K-7
2039 3543.30 RL

(289 m)

300 Ø BWSC
DEMAND (KLD) 86.460
2054 3963.75

(3163 m)
2039 582.31
2054 651.40 RL RL JN 149.69 CPS
CHANDRAI CPS 197.41 197.35

350 Ø BWSC
300 Ø BWSC 300 Ø BWSC 250 Ø BWSC RL JN JN 160.60
JN JN JN (1136 m) 147.27

(717 m)
(1261 m) (223 m) (6112 m) 204.32

300 Ø DI-K-9

(462 m)
172.60 144.23

200 Ø DI-K-9
ESR 05

(5430 m)
198.22 DEMAND (KLD)

300 Ø BWSC

500 Ø DI-K-9
RL 2039 2139.07

(8236 m)
179.17 ESR 06 ESR 12

(5369 m)
186.35 ESR 01
2054 2393.04 05
CPS JN 149.36
DEMAND (KLD) 2039 2016.69 2039 3766.17
2039 121.21
2039 2860.43 2054 2256.30 2054 4212.97
RL 2054 135.52 MENGLAWA CPS
300 Ø DI-K-9


350 Ø DI-K-9
207.93 2054 3200.09 RL
(4864 m)

JN 159.03

(87 m)

300 Ø DI-K-9
150 Ø DI-K-9

11 96.050
ESR 154.11

(375 m)
(6237 m)

189.66 CPS CPS


200 Ø DI-K-9

(5176 m)
2039 3535.76 RL
JN 2054 3955.36
300 Ø BWSC

193.27 03
(4503 m)

JN 149.56

250 Ø BWSC
2039 1024.66

1000 Ø DI-K-9

(22 m)
CPS CPS 2054 1146.23
350 Ø DI-K-9

(39500 m)
350 Ø BWSC

(3215 m)
(72 m)

500 Ø DI-K-9
RL 250 Ø BWSC RL 04

300 Ø DI-K-9

(4158 m)
201.25 (1877 m) 202.31 ESR 01 06

300 Ø BWSC

(37 m)

(2685 m)
CPS 2039 3616.83
2039 425.85 2039 1614.51
RL 2054 4045.81
193.55 JN RL JN
RL 2054 476.39 2054 1806.32
150 Ø DI-K-9

ESR 08 189.56 167.63

(3385 m)

300 Ø BWSC

(6112 m)

250 Ø BWSC

2039 1658.62 RL
CPS 107.82
350 Ø DI-K-9

(65 m)

2054 1855.56
(11973 m)



350 Ø BWSC
DEMAND (KLD) (20 m) (3287 m)

(3803 m)
2039 10140.65 149.93 RL
2054 11344.01
169.14 RL 350 Ø DI-K-9
191.19 JN (84 m) CPS 200 Ø DI-K-9

300 Ø BWSC
(5611 m) 163.53

(8060 m)

500 Ø DI-K-9
191.93 RL

(6248 m)
RL 400 Ø BWSC 03
186.15 JN (3566 m)
RL 189.42 ESR 04 ESR
190.50 04
250 Ø BWSC

2039 1144.79 DEMAND (KLD)

350 Ø BWSC

2039 5015.06
(42 m)

(1138 m)

2054 5610.35 JN 146.83

2054 1280.69 2039 1317.13
VEDIA CPS 2054 1472.99
450 Ø DI-K-9

ESR 12
(4765 m)

161.95 162.98 RL
2039 14321.76
350 Ø BWSC 300 Ø BWSC 350 Ø BWSC RL OTP 110.03

300 Ø BWSC
2054 16021.01 JN (2860 m)
JN (3763 m) (53 m)
JN 164.61

(1195 m)
169.38 165.47 RL
RL 350 Ø BWSC 350 Ø BWSC 300 Ø BWSC RL
JN (620 m)
JN (6053 m)
JN (613 m)
JN 145.08

500 Ø DI-K-9
250 Ø BWSC

350 Ø BWSC

(6030 m)
(35 m)

(24 m)
600 Ø DI-K-9
(12500 m)

350 Ø BWSC

ESR 09 ESR 01 ESR 01 ESR 12 ESR 02 ESR 04 ESR 09 ESR 09

(18 m)

2039 3234.27 2039 5157.98 2039 366.35 2039 7046.56 2039 1238.41 2039 1381.48 2039 38037.90 2039 4228.84
2054 3618.08 2054 5770.21 2054 409.84 2054 7881.84 2054 1385.23 2054 1545.18 2054 42549.98 2054 4730.36
166.06 161.99 154.41 147.61 143.01 132.36
(10750 m) TITLE:-
170.08 128.04 117.06
700 Ø DI-K-9 800 Ø DI-K-9
(14750 m) (18250 m)

(A Government of India Undertaking)



VTC Pr-18.60m
VTC Padardi


200 Ø


F-2242.92KL VTC
L-74m D-223.07KL
225 Ø Pr-20.12m
Pr-21.14m RL-42.06m







Pr-20.99m L-74m
J-1 200Ø







225 Ø HDPE / 74M


180 Ø HDPE / 69M

F-1338.42KLD Pr-21.14m
200 Ø HDPE / 5320M








200 Ø HDPE / 74M


200 Ø HDPE / 18M

F-1071.96KLD Pr-20.99m
160 Ø HDPE / 2032M







9.39 M 75Ø /3

9.32 M

7.5 M






P -3

J-370 J-374 KALBIYO KI
7.39 M 75 Ø

7.85 M P-


J-366 /14


7.63P-M M

30 J-371 (DHANERIYA)
7.38 M
11.55 M





75Ø /1





10.92 M



P -3

/1 8
12.29 M


J-223 J-208


12.66 M 13.13 M
13.06 M


13.34 M



13.65 M

J-169 P- 0M
13.94 M
/8 § TBM








14.12 M




75 J-133


15.17 M


8 8M



90Ø (

−– •

ß ß ß ß F




J-227 J-136
12.54 M
15.1 M



15.71 M




13.23 M


Ø /2

J-144 -66 B
14.65 M









15.72 M








15.27 M 75 Ç

Ø J-151 J-70
/1 14.52 M
57 16.46 M NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by
P- M Remark
62 (Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)




/3 9
90 Ø

8 0 J-94 75 01
P- M 15.96 M Ø

4 /16 J-83



J-57 P- 16.15 M P

17.01 M 63 17.12 M REGION, PHED JODHPUR


75Ø /3
75 15.63 M

75 TITLE :-


Ø P-
/20 9



/1 68

30 75


-5 /28


P- (A Government of India Undertaking)

0 5 10 20 30 40



7 05
P -1



9.31 M

13.25 M
P- M 10.87 M KI DHANI




12 3

P- 12




/1 9


75 Ø






J-175 J-332
13.68 M J-309 9.15 M
9.85 M

75 0 11
10.11 M
11 P-
/ 77
7 5Ø






10.92 M



10.96 M









/3 4






10.18 M

P P ß
†( †


−– •
ß ß ß ß F


P- 1M
/ 10
7 5Ø
12 M









NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark

(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)





/2 85



(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 5 10 20 30 40

P -1 06



75Ø /2

16.57 M KI DHANI
P -8 2
1 60Ø J-60
9.31 M
341 M

P -3

200 Ø /1







1M Ç

P -109

160Ø /1


10.69 M


Ø /1 9
4 5M


P-12 4
75Ø /2


13.68 M



P P ß


−– •
ß ß ß ß F

10.9 M






/3 4



/1 2

16.23 M

NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)




0 2M


P-21 1






(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 3.5 7 14 21 28

13.51 M
13.27 M LOHARO






P -1


4M J-213
12.87 M
P -1

75 Ø

P -1

/9 8

75 Ø

13.62 M
12.8 M
12.14 M



P P ß


−– •
ß ß ß ß F


P -1







NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)








(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 3.25 6.5 13 19.5 26

18.97 M
75 J-30 JARIYO
Ø /9
5M 18.42 M KI DHANI






18.49 M

19.14 M

0 9M
75 37
18.68 M



75 38

J-12 75
19.23 M /3

P 15
-3 M


4 0M
16.6 M GOVT.
P- SCHOOL 17.32 M


19.17 M 7M J-47


17.24 M

18 J-23


Ø/ M


7 18.6 M


Ø /2




19.1 M


5Ø /3



-382 TBM

P J-17 §
19 M

Ø /49M
17.55 M Ö

17.57 M 75





P -384
5 4M


Ø /1


P -3
1 40


P P ß

−– •
ß ß ß ß F

160Ø /3

P-37 9

19.51 M 32M

J-61 75Ø/90
17.61 M
Ø /2 0
0M ^
16.74 M
P-3 67
P- 3
72 J-117
15.43 M J-203
P- 3

13.17 M
7 5Ø

J-26 P-380 P

J-45 -3

/2 9

18.64 M
17.35 M 0Ø

75Ø U

/2 20

J-82 15 0Ø


P 16.15 M M /3

P- 0M




8 1M





P -3

13.89 M



NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark

(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)
6M 140
Ø /25 01
Ø/ 0M
75 9 CLIENT :-
P -3 58 33
15.93 M
75Ø /1


59 6
P -3
J-135 TITLE :-


15.1 M PADARDI (CL-01)



P- 3

15.99 M
P- 3


M 7


75 J-123

(A Government of India Undertaking)



15.44 M
1M15.32 M P-340

P -3





Ø /1

0 5 10 20 30 40



75 75

Ø/3 Ø
/7 9

20 2M

75Ø/50 M
71 J-307 -10 0





J-227 P M



9.87 M J-195

15.1 M
12.54 M /3


13.29 M Ø J-108

15.71 M


2M J-162 Ø/


P- 10
Ø /2

J-296 17



14.23 M 4M


J-161 10.39 M P- Ø J-199

/2 7

14.24 M P- P- 64
75 51 4M 13.23 M

Ø J-255

M /6
16 6M 11.86 M











14.65 M

12.22 M

15.72 M


75 J-70





/1 16.46 M

J-126 14.52 M
J-182 57

15.27 M P- M

13.53 M



P- 8

/8 5
J-94 75
Ø/ J-83

9 0Ø
15.96 M 1

J-57 61 16.15 M P -3 2 J-53 JARIYO



17.01 M 17.12 M KI DHANI

75Ø /3 (PADARDI)

J-113 3M

15.63 M KALBI KI
16.02 M











19.56 M 75

/20 9

P -9 6

1 10Ø
16.21 M (PADARDI)





18.01 M /1 1 J-96 (PADARDI)




15.92 M


J-3 57 J-85




19.87 M 16.07 M

/2 9

J-21 75 8 (DHANERIYA)

18.89 M


/8 4M
18.87 M








J-24 0



-9 P-

18.78 M
M 0M

/2 0






P- 16.55 M


75 56

/3 9



18.21 M

/1 08

J-20 J-11

P -5 5
P-22 7

18.91 M


P -8

/1 20M

19.52 M
16.48 M
2 00

75Ø /1



0 6M
25 J-75
J-66 P -2 16.28 M

75Ø /3
16.56 M

P -2 3
/1 0
75 Ø





P -2 37
J-177 -11

75Ø /2
13.62 M
J-4 J-154
19.82 M
Ø 4
75 10
P- 23
34 P- §
J-72 P-2 J-137 9M
J-2 16.44 M
1 4M 14.93 M5Ø /
20.93 M
33 75 Ø/1 7



16.63 M

GOVT. J-142


75Ø/313 M

14.72 M


7 5Ø

P- 2

/1 7

P P ß


−– •
ß ß ß ß F




75Ø /297
J-5 P- 05
19.71 M /7


16.57 M P-82
16.8 M
0 U

9.31 M
160Ø J-197 26


13.25 M




J-291 /12 B

10.69 M 7 5 Ø 3

P-128 12 Ç



P -109




75Ø /215





45 M

J-19 J-175


P-12 4
18.92 M 13.68 M
75Ø /2

9.85 M

3 NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by

P- M Remark

J-274 53

1M Ø/ (Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)

11.25 M 134 J-287 75

P- / Ø 10.9 M 10

0 J-302 -1
75 94 20 10.11 M
/1 01


17 CLIENT :-


-1 M

P-108 J-285
16.23 M P 27




/1 10.92 M

16.08 M 19.34 M
J-33 5Ø





/2 2






18.61 M


Ø 7M



P -85



17.21 M

17.8 M
02 M



17.68 MP DHANERIYA (CL-01)

P -2 11

75Ø /4

/52M 11 10.18 M


P-91 P-


J-251 /1 (A Government of India Undertaking)


7 5Ø

12 M 5Ø


P -8

/ 92




0 12.5 25 50 75 100





J-92 J-71 -3 39

15.99 M 16.45 MP


P -3
75Ø /166M

15.44 M



J-119 J-74
15.4 M 16.29 M

7 5Ø
75 6


/9 1

7 5Ø /1

75Ø /1

14.46 M



14.33 M J-124 (PADARDI)
J-164 15.32 M
14.15 M
14.93 M


15.2 M








15.24 M

7 5Ø /1



13.71 M


P -32

0 7M







15.88 M




13.07 M 14.8 M RABARIYO








16.05 M



15.68 M



P- 3

Ø J-111 J-148


8M 15.64 M 14.6 M

/1 8





7 5Ø

P -3




16.21 M

75 Ø

P -3

/1 9
15.26 M

M 0


14.77 M





14.63 M


75 Ø

P- 3

/1 8

200 Ø/39 80M





15.74 M
P P ß
†( †


−– •
ß ß ß ß F


15.1 M






16.05 M






75Ø /112 M

16.51 M

NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by
P-3 23


M (Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)



J-106 J-54 83 INI. SIG. INI. SIG. INI. SIG. INI. SIG.

15.74 M 75Ø/24M 17.11 M P-
J-102 01
P-318 15.78 M
17.51 M TITLE :-


(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 5 10 20 30 40

/3 0

13.51 M

14.36 M KALBI KI




16.59 M Ç



/4 3



17.48 M


P -2
Ø J-130
/1 15.21 M
P- M
2 44
14.31 M

75Ø § TBM
P-2 J-187
13.46 M

P -2

40 J-210
/3 2
13.04 M


P P ß
†( †


−– •
ß ß ß ß F



16.02 M




P- 2

/2 9



14.53 M


P -2 48

/8 2
/9 0M

P -3
11 0

NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
15.63 M (Consultant) PHED(AEN)
(Consultant) PHED(EE)












15.26 M


P- M (A Government of India Undertaking)


P -3

/5 9

J-166 7 5Ø

14.09 M SCALE:-
0 5 10 20 30 40

P-281 140Ø/ 356M


P-125 - 115J-251


P 1M

75 Ø
91 75Ø/3 46M Ø /1

3M 75

/9 2
P- 8



J-51 1 60
17.18 M
J-52 -3

17.16 M P




/ 13



12.57 M
9 7
P- M J-279
51 11.05 M


P -2 11

75Ø /4
J-1 Dhaneriya
121.14 M
20.12 M KEY PLAN



M 180Ø /6 9M









P-13 J-152
16.18 M 9

14.51 M


P -14
J-245 J-335
J-155 12.11 M 8.91 M


14.37 M P-
13 -1 4
75 J-160 16 9.1 M/44M

14.29 M J-292 75 75

10.62 M J-327 -13 MEGHALO SATYO




14.69 M -1 (PADARDI)


88 18





/1 5


75 Ø




9.22 M

12.63 M J-353


75 6
26 85

75 7


7 5Ø

P -1
8.44 M


9.58 M


60 P -1

/1 J-326 (DHANERIYA)

75 0 90

19 9.27 M Ø/
P- 75


12.42 M J-363 3

7.82 M J-310 -2

J-321 M
8 9 9.84 M 85

9.35 M Ø/

P 5


51 7





8.8 M




12.78 M

12.1 M


J-198 J-341




13.23 M 8.73 M


J-267 75 Ø /113M 1 8.61 M

75 Ø/1

75 3M
16.19 M 11.52 M
P -18 4

P-17 9 1 Ø
00 13.09 M 75 9.87 M

1 M
P -1
68 4
75Ø/10 5M

M 5 2
19 -2 M
P-1 73

J-280 86 /6
11.04 M /1 Ø
Ø 75




P-20 0

10.93 M J-222

12.73 M P-16 J-231


75 Ø /22 9M 0 12.44 M

75Ø/7 7M



10.56 M /1


J-325 U

9.3 M





P P ß


−– •
ß ß ß ß F

12.87 M 75Ø



11.2 M

12.82 M


P -2
75 Ø





/ 42


J-266 P -1
12.01 M J-352
8.33 M


11.54 M Q
70 Ø/ 75Ø/348M
P -1 75 U
6M 4M
Ø /9
11.97 M
Ø /3 8

P -2
09 U






12.35 M
NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
J-218 (Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)
4 12.79 M
36 J-269
Ø/ 11.36 M 01
75 J-282
75 Ø


P -1 M








12.02 M TITLE :-
11.06 M 17
75 P- M



6M /1
J-289 5Ø (A Government of India Undertaking)

P -1

49 7
10.8 M


0 10 20 40 60 80






14.37 M
24 M
P -106
14 0Ø /9

P -2



P -2

16.44 M 14.93 M DHANERIYA







P -2

J-62 / 74
7 5Ø
16.63 M J-142
14.72 M






97 M

75Ø /2




Ø /1

75 M

P P ß
†( †


−– •
ß ß ß ß F







NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)




13.57 M




(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 2 4 8 12 16



18.89 M
18.87 M DHANI

P -2
-9 20
/9 75










16.55 M



18.21 M
Ø /8

P -8

16.91 M





75Ø /1

P-2 26





P P ß
/398 0M

−– •
P -4

ß ß ß ß F

P -2
M J-75
Ø /1 16.28 M
140 Ø/924M







16.56 M







NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark

(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)




16.01 M TITLE :-


(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 3.75 7.5 15 22.5 30




/6 2


/11 3
M J-208
J-223 J-205
13.06 M
12.66 M 13.13 M


75 J-176 KALBI KI

J-253 Ø/

79 13.65 M DHANI

11.97 M

5 J-168

13.98 M




12.59 M

13.88 M KI DHANI







75 /1
Ø /3 P-
P- M 3
P- M
79 12.75 M
Ø/ 2



75Ø/50 M


9.87 M
13.29 M Ç





2M 75

Ø/2 Ø/ 13.23 M

14.23 M J-296
75 17

J-161 10.39 M 4M
14.24 M P7- P-
64 75
Ø /2
P- 20 74
51 0Ø P- M

/6 80
6M J-255

P- M


11.86 M
1 RH


14.65 M

Ø J-242


P- 12.22 M






15.27 M




J-182 J-151
Ø 16.46 M

13.53 M /1

57 14.52 M

P- M

J-94 75


15.96 M 16




J-57 P- 16.15 M


17.01 M
75 Ø /3

3M §
16.02 M 75 /1
15.63 M


68 P P ß
†( †


−– •
J-6 ß ß ß ß F


/2 09
P -96
19.56 M



16.21 M


Ø /14






18.01 M 11 Q

7M J-96



15.92 M

17.24 M 75


J-3 /1


19.87 M J-85 P- M

16.07 M 95

0Ø ║║
P 24


06 B

75Ø /8


NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by



(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)

18.78 M


75 -5
Ø 6



J-20 J-11 TITLE :-




(A Government of India Undertaking)

0M19.52 M



69 7

75 74


75 Ø

P- 1
0 5 10 20 30 40
P -2 9




/1 5
90Ø/4 7.36 MP-31




61 M




P- 3


1 Ø /2

J-120 Ø

15.38 M /1 94
35 M


13.3 M

6M P -4

3 98

86 00 Ø/

11.33 M J-338
8.83 M
P- 3


75 Ø

P -2


11.7 M






9.19 M
11.77 M J-294
10.54 M



1M P -24


75 75Ø /3
/ 39
J-268 75Ø/31 6M KI DHANI













J-125 J-272 J-318
15.3 M 11.3 M 9.42 M



J-257 75Ø/1 13 M


11.84 M

P- 7
15.42 M


9.99 M OHSR


P -1 6
P -1
Ø/ 1
10.27 M M
7.74 M § TBM

J-221 J-243
P- 10

12.73 M 12.15 M


P P ß


−– •
13 ß ß ß ß


MJ-68 P-
/37 21
J-183 75 19
Ø 16.51 M 13.52 M P- M Ø AIR VALVE
08 /1
M J-378 P
/ 12
7.03 M
7.1 M
75 Ø


11.71 M




J-193 ║║

13.32 M



0 M

9.59 M
NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark

/3 (Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)
98 J-320

P- 0M




75 01

23 75 CLIENT :-
10 Ø/
P- 2M




(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 5 10 20 30 40

7.28 M




M J-379
/1 7.06 M
Ø 3
75 28 (PADARDI)




/7 5





7 5Ø /2

P -2 9
7.06 M

4 7M






9.66 M

P -2




/ 11
7 5Ø




P P ß

J-297 (

−– •
10.36 M ß ß ß ß F


P -2
M J-357
Ø / 96 8.02 M







8.57 M


6 Ç

8.34 M
NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)


/4 2

7.31 M




7.6 M




(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 3.5 7 14 21 28


14 25

0Ø 0
M J-150
14.53 M










12.28 M













P P ß
†( †


−– •
ß ß ß ß F


8.7 M

7.06 M

75Ø /247M



/1 8

5Ø -2

7 P


P- /8

7.06 M

J-337 ║║
8.84 M

NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)


2M 01
Ø /15










10.16 M
(A Government of India Undertaking)




0 5 10 20 30 40

Ø /11
71°45'0"E 75









P -3

Ø /2
75 9

16.45 M




P -3
15.99 M



15.44 M



P P ß

−– •
ß ß ß ß F


15.4 M ^

P- 3


Ø/ 9





75Ø /1

P -32
NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)
14.46 M






7 5 J-158 (A Government of India Undertaking)
Ø /14.33 M
P- M
32 SCALE:-
0 3 6 12 18 24
1 Meters


13.17 M




13.89 M

/8 2
P-374 160Ø/ 215M



P -3

13.93 M KI DHANI




75 Ø/
1 40 6M
2 50 30









P -3 10
13.45 M



7 5Ø /65M






Ø /1


P -3


14.61 M


16.29 M
14.64 M


M P -4




Ø /2

J-189 P-

13.44 M 29
P -3


P- 61
75 30 M
3 2M
75 Ø


1 59


14.82 M





15.38 M





13.3 M


P P ß

−– •
ß ß ß ß F


11.33 M J-338
8.83 M




P- 3

P -2

11.7 M
/1 6M



75 Ø/2


J-331 B
11.77 M
9.19 M
10.54 M

P -24 Ç

75Ø /3 NO

89M Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark


J-127 23
P- (Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)

15.26 M

Ø /1 1 INI. SIG. INI. INI.



2 P-14




Ø 75 Ø /3 16

75 (A Government of India Undertaking)

J-2687 5Ø
11.49 M /1 2
0 5 10 20 30 40




11.19 M

11.01 M

Ø 5
75 27 (PADARDI)
11.58 M










10.4 M











J-273 J-277
11.29 MP-266 11.18 M PROPOSED DI PIPE LINE

8.89 M


J-328 5Ø/


9.23 M 8



P -2






8M 8.75 M

11.31 M
P P ß
†( †


−– •
ß ß ß ß F


8.43 M
27 ^

9 J-354

8.3 M




8.58 M













J-362 NO Date Drawn by Checked by

Checked by Approved by Remark
7.83 M
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)


0 7M
11.86 M P-
8.17 M
75 25 TITLE :-




J-230 (A Government of India Undertaking)


12.46 M

0 5 10 20 30 40





75 7

J-256 27

11.86 M

8.17 M

75 25
Ø/ 1




12.46 M


25 11.73 M DHARAWALO
75 2 (PADARDI)















12.24 M
9.21 M Ç




75 26













9.75 M


13.22 M 11.92 M





11.55 M




P P ß

−– •

ß ß ß ß F


P -2
/4 2
0 M ^



13.51 M U

75 2

9 M J-157 J-333
14.36 M 9.15 M Ç

NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by

P -2

Approved by

(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)



Ø 8









7.44 M
8.46 M
(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 5 10 20 30 40


7.06 M











7.06 M

8.84 M P-294

75 5 DHANI
P- J-313
9.66 M




10.16 M


7 5Ø






10.36 M






P -2 J-357 (DHANERIYA)
M 8.02 M


10 M J-346 BHERANI

8.57 M





Ø J-351
2 M 8.34 M


P- 7.31 M

75 6





7.6 M



7.79 M



6.98 M

90Ø /4


7.36 M P P ß
†( †


−– •
ß ß ß ß F






J-381 ^
7.32 M

7.05 M






NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)






7.11 M
(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 5 10 20 30 40



17.23 M

P -3





J-26 0M


17.08 M 75Ø /6 KA GODA
17.79 M P -36 (DHANERIYA)
75Ø /63M





17.62 M



17.05 M
7 5Ø
/59 M

P -3 4
6 Ç

P -3
75 Ø

/3 8

J-9 75Ø J-59


19.46 M 52

16.8 M



18.64 M


/7 RH






/9 5

19.22 M
/7 9M
75Ø J-76
16.24 M
J-40 J-103




/6 8
78 M

7 5Ø
P -357

P- 3
75Ø /1

P -358

75Ø /1
24 M J-95 P P ß

15.93 M

−– •
ß ß ß ß F

15.34 M



/1 4




Ø /8 1

15.74 M


J-97 15.32 M
15.9 M
P- 3M

NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
15.9 M
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)
J-100 1 01
15.88 M P-




(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 3.5 7 14 21 28
75 Ø /1 13

75 Ø


16 J-308

J-267 /10
0M P -

11.52 MP-17 9 3M 9.87 M



16.19 M P- 1
5 9 J-206 5Ø


P -1 7

92 13.09 M
Ø /1

M 95
J-280 -1

P-17 3
11.04 M 86


P-20 0



10.93 M 12.73 M P-16 J-231

75 Ø/22 0
9M 12.44 M
75 Ø/77M
10.56 M 5 0M
75 1






J-214 21

12.87 M 75Ø KALBI KI


/293 DHANI



J-215 -1
12.82 M
Ø /2

12.01 M
Ø /5
P- 38
Ø /9 6 75
12.41 M
75 J-252 09 (DHANERIYA)



15.68 M P



75 13 Ø



6M 14.36 M BHERANI

12.79 M
12.35 M

75Ø/360M J-269
11.36 M
10.98 M

75 Ø

P -1 M



12.02 M
P -2 19

75 Ø/4



11.06 M -1 M
75 P 05 RH

Ø /6
6M /1

J-289 5Ø
P -1
49 10.8 M



15.33 M 67 J-167
P-1 M J-116
M 15.43 M 0
13 21 TBM

Ø/1 P- §
15.21 M 75

P -1




P- 75
/9 3

J-180 19 PUMP

15.51 M

13.59 M 3

75 Ø



13.2 M



12.4 M J-173 P P
13.85 M

−– •

4 ß ß ß ß F

- 16


J-240 P

8M J-211



12.28 M /8
75 Ø

13.02 M

P- 1

/1 0

12.8 M /6
7 5Ø

J-20475Ø J-190 75 53
6M 13.16 M /1 30 13.4 M P AIR VALVE
5 M

/1 J-186 M P-
Ø 81

75 2 Ø/ 9 M
P -1


/6 4

13.46 M

P- Ø/




J-246 75

13.04 M

P- 1



12.11 M


J-101 P-

Ø/ 6M

15.87 M 13 J-178
P -1

75 Ø

P- 8M 7 5Ø 13.61 M



8 J-236 P-
12.33 M 13.19 M J-260 U

11.73 M
P -2

Ø /2




13 M


J-163 75
14.15 M NO Date Drawn by Checked by Checked by Approved by Remark
(Consultant) (Consultant) PHED(AEN) PHED(EE)








(A Government of India Undertaking)

0 12.5 25 50 75 100
P- P- M
12 J-251 01

75 /1
Ø 5 12 M Ø
/3 75



7.92 M

J-226 J-359

7.93 M

12.57 M

11.05 M

P -2


75Ø /9









20 J-343

/5 7



8.69 M





/ 16 / 44 20
J-292 7 5Ø 5Ø P-
10.62 M J-327 -13
47 23
9.23 M 75 (DHANERIYA)
P -1 /1
Ø J-316
5 8M


9.55 M



75 2



9.22 M


12.63 M J-353


5 M Ç

75 Ø/13
7 57

P- 1


/1 0


9.33 M

9.58 M J-317


60 65 9.48 M
P -1


Ø 0 J-326 0M

75 19 9.27 M 5 Ø/9

P- 7

P- 5M


9.35 M 7

J-363 J-310




/ 62


8.8 M



8.16 M









8.73 M


8.61 M

9.87 M



/ 61
4 M
Ø 9.78 M


P P ß
†( †


−– •
ß ß ß ß F



9.3 M







12.87 M

J-275 J-347

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