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Chief Secrerary to Govr.
IT,flglr,onal ,"3I"r:
Pubric works @Aiii il,Jii.:;*:';;,ffi::?

'/The Engineer-in-Chief,
prrblicfr;11r.r1ffi6lpurt*.nt, TR \ ce (*c> | se. +carrr
tTaryarn, Chandigarh

ken 6 p-2:, Clq*t, b lr.s.lr

Subject: -
widening/strengthening oo
oJ-"ori jnrylr"ri a-iir?,"fKhendola
Naurangpur km 0.00 t;7.001;
c;;;"" road via
frt. nistrict rnr.oir 3037).

Reference your U'o' No 237-RIi-itrroor, 2/Rrrdated

24.05.2orgon the subject
noted above.
2' The Governor of Haryana is pleased
to accord administrative approval
to Rs' 794'85lakh (Rs' Seven
crore Ninety Four Lakh and Eighty Five
Thousand onry) for
rough cost estimate by providing
widening/strengthening on DJ road
(Rampura) to Kota
Khendola road via Naurangpur km
0.00 to 7.00in Gurgaon District (Road
rD 3037).
3' The expenditure involved is chargeable
to the Major Head ..5054-R&B(plan)-04-
oDR-337-98-99-51-16 constn. stg./wdg
& a bye pass road for state scheme,, and total
expenditure under it should not exceed the amount that has been placed
at your disposal during
the financial year 20lg-19.

4' The technical sanction of this work shall precede

actual execution. No work shall
be allowed to be taken up in anticipation
of technical sanction. The competent authority
to issue
technical sanction shall be responsible in case
of violation of this clause g.5.1 of the Haryana
PWD code.

5. Estimate is returned herewith in original.

Special Secretary to Govt.
Public Works (B&R) & Architecture Oefirtment
Ednst. No. 09/250t20t8-38&R (W) q.-
Dated, Chandigarh, the
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and;;r;"ction:-
1. The Accountant General, (A&E) Haryana, Ctranaigartr
2. Director Research Laboratory, HaryinapwD, B&ft.
Br., Hisar.
He is requested to take steps to carry out quality controliesias
per prescribed procedure.

- AdditionalSuperintendent
B&R (W)
Chief Secretary to dovt. Haryana,
Public Work (B&F.) & Architicture Department

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