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TC_New Scan
TC_New Scan
Raxaul l&D and srP Project (Ntr No. -BUtDco ly0-2421./2022-1,1,, Date - 19.06.202a1 d rr o1 .rfi
B'frfl d d6ffq1 q-ilWt of d-q ilrffi crrcn Vs ffiq q-rqet +1 d-q ffiq vrsr ars d
.rff, M frqwff frqcra :- t
1.1 OI qFI To (i) Design and Build two Sewage Treatment plant of installed I
capacity 5 mld and 7 MLD alongwith all appurtenant structures
and allied works, UV disinfection, SCAOA and online monitoring
system (ii) survey, review the designs, redesign where necessary,
and build 3 nos. Pumping station with 685 mtr lnterception and
Diversion of Drain, including screens and mechanically operated
gates facilitating,400 mtr RisinB Maln including effluent channel
disposal of treated effluent through pipeline of 55 mtr (iii)
Operation & Maintenance of the complete works of Sewage
Treatment Plant, SPS, lnterception & Diversion works, rising
main and effluent channel for a period of 15 years in Raxaul
Town , State of Bihar , lndia.
1.2 qETtrqqo,
qla qaMI oT
qq;[q Ts 6r-qJ-d-q
1.4 o1 3TqE 18
1. SKC-EMS-.lV
B-29, RDC Rajnagar, Ghaziabad, U.P-201002
2. M/s KK-R&BIPL
Parsa Bazar, PO & PS- Parsa, Patna, Bihar-804453
fu-qr rrqr t:
z trgrcn qerT,
Sqcs-{g{ gq
rrql \{!g{ur t
2 f,q'ffi ft-s s.frft arr g-ffi'rT t qrq1 frfr'Er d ftFffi ful ol sfier o1 'rff
1 . sKC-EMS-JV
B-29, RDC Rajnagar, Ghaziabad, U.P-201002
2. M/s K(-R&B|PL
Parsa Bazar, PO & PS- Parsa, Patna, Bihar-804453
4 Bid Security
Bid Document d r5un frfuqr+rr t se,gz,ooo.oo sTi q;"I Bid Security:itrTl qrlT t I
. M/s SKC-EMS-JV gtrl HDFC Bank t frrto sa,sz,ooo.oo Eqt q'T BG r1.qffd fu-qr rrqr t, fufldl
validity ft<i6 24.04.2025 ffiF t I
M/s KK-R&B|PL (JU EI{r Bank of Baroda r) ffc Sq,OO,OOo 99 EqA Ot f.O t{qffi-d fu-qr .rqr i.
M maturityfiito ol.oszozs oi Xfr t) € tt
M/s lRoN Triangle Limited ETqT rcro eanr Blfd S3,92,0OO.OO ETi .FT BG rrqffio fr-qr .rqr
rrql t, M vatidity ft<io 30.04.202s aFF t I
JV Partner EMS Ltd. ET{t sfit 3t{di tg U p Jat Nigam (Urban). ETAH OT
3r$]-q !I{M-qT s{ffn fu=ql rrqT t, fu-fl1t 24 MLD STp d Survey, Design, Constructron,
Erection, Testing, commissioning start-up including monitoring and performance run of main
pumping station 61 6rd fuqr rrqt t I {6 3rETq rqM q-{ M/s Technocraft construction pvt. Ltd.-
M/s EMS Limited JV o) tr.T fuqrg .rql t, futri[ M/s EMS i5I s)-dir q JV share
+oz t t :r5rq rlrTuT q-{ d argnw 24 MLD sTp 6r srd R-{io 31.0s2o22 oi 1o1 or fuqr rrol
t t qm g-rtiq T, d uT*m emuent parameter (pH: 5.5 - 8.5, 8OD 5: 200-250 mg/l, coD: 450-
550 mg/1, SS: 400-500 mg/1, VSS: 400450 mg/I, Sutphides: 30€O mg/1, Sutphates: 50-80 mg/1,
Total Nrrtogen (TN): 20-25 mg/1, Fecal Coliform: 107 MPN/1OO mt, photphorus: i0.0 mg/L) t
1uruvfr frfuEl d Ets 317-321 /vo vlso tr
M/s (K-R&BlPf (JV) + JV Partner R&B tnfra project pvt. Ltd. ET(I Sdm 3fidl fu Municipar
Council Bhlnd (MP) 6t 3l5?rq qqrur-q, qqfi-d fu-ql {q B, fu-€.d SBR Technolosy q-r
emnfto tz MLD srp d survey, Design, construction & commissioning or ord fu-qr rqT B I qE
3r$rq lrqrur q-r M/s RBtppL - SRCC (JV) Ot FFtd fu-qr .lql t, fusi M/s RtBppL or dwcr
ii JV snare 7a% t t 3r5qu trIrM q? d sr5vn 12 MLD srp 61 6rd R-{r6 r:.oa.zoz: o)
.F{ fuqr rrqt t t er5.Iq rrtTtrl q.{ d erasn efftuent parameter (BOD < 10 mg/1, COD<S0 mg/1,
TSS<10 mg/l, Fecal Coliform (FC)<230 MpN/100 mt, Total Nitrogen (TN)<10 mg?1, Ammonicat
Nitrogen (NH4-N)< 5mg/1, phosphate (pop-p)<2 mg/1, pH 6.S-9.0) t prqrUfr ft-fuA d je
145-146 /co sftd b t
{6 oryrq rrtTur q-{ M/s Technocraft Construction Pvt. Ltd.-M/s EMS Limited JV 4i ffn fu-ql
rqr t, fufl't M/s EMS Limited tFI d-srT t JV share ao% i I aEqq rrIM qd d erSm za
q-a Hn rri d
MLD STP !ff commissioning filro ar.os.zoz2 o) ftqr trqr t W 3r5Tq crIM
frfd R-rr+ 23.01.2024 do v6 rrld .i oau ot or{ fu-ql .rqr t turqrcFfi Ff}el 6 T{,
2oe-2e2 / eo tf*-o il t
. M/s |(K-R&Btpt (JV) d g1{r {q d-.rffir tg SBR Technology 3IIWRa 51p ftqlu1 rr+rfuo t r lv
partner R&B tnfra Project Pvt. Ltd. gRI e.qf, 3If,df tS Municipal Council Bhind (MP) 61 3ITrq
qql-ur-lrt gqffid ft=qr rtql sBR 3{lqrR-d 12 MLD srP d 6rd fuqilrqr t qt
t, fusi i
3rJqE rqrq q-{ M/s RBtppL - SRCC (JV) -1 pil6 fu-qr .rqr t, M/s RIBPPL or drwcr ffit
ti JV share 74% I 3rJTq qrltq q.l d erasn 12 MLD STP d commissioning d stml'a Rito
1s.03.2023 r) oau or 6r?i lirql qr w dl 3rTrd rqM q, ftrld 6{i ol fdfu k+i+ ts.oa
zozs i r (Erq-cfr frfr'fl A Ys 145-146/c" rf*o b t
hfoErox ENr g?m 3t-6-df tg office of the ceneral Manager, WATCo Project Division-ll, Unnati
Bhawan satyanagar, Bhubaneswar sr5rrq qq[q-q' qqfi-d fu-ql rrqr
6l fut{}i san t'
technology ernnR-o SO MLD STP d commissioning q1 -rtr foarO 2g.06.2021 ,n) Xoi ii,u;rrlr
t t oo srEro trIIM tr.{ M/s lron Triangle Limited - M/s Laxmi Construction (JU oi fu-q[, ffn
:Tqr i,
fu-fi'd M/s tron Triangte Limited iFI qt-q-fl JV share 70% I 3ryrd it
qrlrur q-{ '.}
3f,f{r{ 56 MLD STP qff commissioning S g.Rr< qi st d O&M ft-qr qr g-4;T t | 3l$lcl q-qrul
q, ftrfd 6{i ol ftfU k+ro } 6rroffi ftfu<T dW 164-167 /Yo ql*o *l I
o lRoN Triangle Limited d Arr vm SrEdf tg Office of the General Manager, WATCO Project
Division-ll, Unnati Bhawan Satyanagar. Bhubaneswar 6f 3IftE qrllul-qt Sq-ffi-d fu-ql rl{lf i.
Sen technology qnnR-o sO MLD STp d commissioning +-r ord fi+ro zs.oo.zozr oi Xoi
fu-qr rTqr t t q-6 3rJ,rq IrrIM tl-I M/s lron Triangle Limited -M/s Laxmi construction (JV) 6)
Ftfd fu-qt. rrqT t, fu-si t
M/s tron Triangte Limited cnt d-q-fl JV share 70% * t ergrrq qqm
ra d erSrm 56 MLD STp Qfi commissioning d sq{r< q) s{ d o&M ft-qr ur gor t r cqro
qTnq qe FFk o{i sfl fdfu fuim $jo.zo2s i
toHcfr frfuqT d yE 16a-167zzco ql*a
sqr}ffi sr-{f,f Hft ffi ftft-<ron drir {"f of urff tr
D. Bid Document d 1ifi-I 1.4 (a) a d eflfln
Clause- Annexure-A, Part-H, Qualification Criteria, Section
"The treatment technology proposed for this contract has been adopted (not necessarily built by the
bidder) in at least 3 locations during last 7 years preceding the month of publication of NIT and that
such STP has been operating successfully (meeting the required performance standards of BOD< 10
mgl|, TSS < 20 mg/|, COD < 50mg/1, TN < Lomg/l andTp<2mgll) for a period of minimum 2 years over
a period of last 7 years preceding the month of publication of rutf" drn rfqf t:
. sxc-EMs-Jv d fRr {fl A-s{r & sBR Technology l\\frfu-d d I SBR Technotogy omnfio s srp
d crt t rB61 fi tr torqrqh frfufl d gs 303-308, 3,tr-321 7vo riarr {r r
. IRON Triangle Limited d Am f{r dfoa ig SBR Technotogy C-Fft-d t I SBR Technotogy
3ftTrftd 3 srpd ert n q*4 4 t I turulqfr F.frsT d yv-2e6-3ol /c" {ftf, b I
o SKC-EMS-JV JV partner M/s Satish Kumar dl{t gffi 3ff,df fu U.e lat Nigam, Ayodhya or
?djrrq q-qrq-q: Hqff-a frrql rcl t, ffit bidder Er{T DBOT Mode q{ qd 2 9 km 350 mm
dia 6I rising main lti Sewage Pumping Station 6t 6fd fuql q B t crg"E Cqrur q, d
sryn ord ffio o) Wi fuql rrqr (ulqrcft ftfrEl d yE 370,/co sB-a il r
. IRON Triangle Limited gt{I gfiI 3fE-df ig Office of the General Manager, WATCO Project
Division-ll, Unnati Bhawan Satyanagar, Bhubneshwar Of 3I5qq qrlM-tt { eq'ffid fu-ql {qf t
fuFl}i oiooer EI{I 250mm dia qI g{Ifr erEo 6;3 d pipe tF-l 912 fi-dt * 3{Eo Sewer Line (d
pumping station 6d fuqf .rqr t t Td 3rjl]-q cqfuf qa M/s lron Triangle Limited - M/s Laxmi
Construction (JV) o) ftrld fu-qr, rrqr B. ffit M/s lron Triangle Limited 6l q\-sfl n JV share
70% t I 3rJqE rrlroT q,I d or-gwn 6rd fu6 2s.06.2o21 6\ Wi fuqr .rvr t r 1oroufr frfuo
d ys roa-rozlco {A-fl b I
SKC-EMS-JV JV d Partner M/s Satish Kumar dT{l gffi 3r-6dl fu U.e..rar Nigam. Ayodhya tFI
3I51II qffur-q-{ qqfi-d fu-fl rtql i, fu's'q bidder Er$ lnterceptor Sewer 8oo 85 lMtr (q
Rising Main 2902.25 mtr qd Sewage Pumping Station d o&M ol oT"d fu-ql rrqr d t srgqq
qqrq qa ftci6 ra.os.zozr d Fr.ld fuqr rrqr t, fii-s$ crg*rn od ftqio zo.rz.zors o) f,oi
dri d sqqr< rs qd d o&M li t I crrto \'o s{ d oaM 61 6ff ryf fuu .iut t t
M/s KK-R&BIPL (Jv) JV Partner R&B lnfra Prolect Pvt. Ltd. ET{l s-m erfol t$ Munrcipal
council Bhind (MP) df{I Firfo 3r5rfi trrlTul q7 qqffid ftrqT rtgl t, fu-€'t bidder gRI 250mm
dia qI sw) eifuo ola d pipe 61 912 fi-eY t
3lfu6 Sewer Line qd pumping station ord fu-ql
rrqti r {6 3ryq cqrur qa M/s RBIPPL - sRcc (Jv) d ftrfd fu-qr rqr t. ffi urs
RtBppL 6T qts{ { JV share 7a% t t sr{,rq qfiq qa d er5vn *w<r or ord l{qi+ rs os
zoz: d Xoi 4r{ fuqr rrql t r orgrs vrIM rr,{ d se*e, Network d oau or vdq c-€t i t
M/s |RON Triangle Limited E:t{t Bim 3 6-df f-g Office of the General Manager, WATCO Project
Division-ll, Unnati Bhawan Satyanagar, Bhubneshwar 6f 3[5qs qqTUI-qz
qqffi-d fu-ql tTqf B,
ffii qI g-tld etfuO Oia d pipe 61 912 q-a{ t 3lfufi Server [-ine (<1
Oidder Er{T 250mm dia
pumping station 6rd fusI trqr i t qr 3rJ'1rq FIrsT qa M/s lron Triangle Limited - M/s Laxmr
Construction (JU o1 ftrfA fu-qr, r;q.r t, mi M/s lron Triangle Limited
q;I qiq-fl i JV share
70% * t r5.p trrIM q1 d aryrn 6Id k{r6 23.06.2o2't 6f T,i ftqt rrqt t delr d s{ *
o&M 6r or{ qcT fo-qr rlqr t r e[q-q cEnq trz trn 6{i ol ftfU f-qfo i t
(Jc-+ffi or6nf M/s SKC-M/s EMs (Jv) ilell M/s lRoN Triangle Limited EnI {'f of qrfi t
.rsrT M/s KK-R&B|PL (Ju grtr sc+-6 sr6-dt wf Ts of qrfi t t
5. Financial Capabilities r
A. Bid Document d Clause- Annexure-A, Part-H, Qualification Criteria, Section I OT 1.5 (a)
d er5rn "The Bidder shall demonstrate that it possesses a net worth equivalent to minimum of INR
6.74 Cr. in each of the last lhree financial years preceding the dale of subrnission o66;6 " frrn rlllt $:
SKC-EMS-JV JV drtl 8id Document d l4trd CT, ii Rs. 9.00 Cr. tFI Bank Certificare frqr rrqr
B t go esa-assTqo cq sdri I
M/s KK-R&BIPL (JV) ARr Rs 14.50 Cr 6t Bank Certificate kql arqr t t go zos-zroTvo rr
$a,r i t
. tRoN Triangle Limited trRT Bid oocument d frFo ytre t ns. 7.oO cr. iFT Bank certificate ftqT
rrqr I Yo 190,,/qo qc \Tdrl I
SKC-EMS-JV i fri lV Partner ET{t 2O1s-2O, 2O2O 21. 2021 22, 2022-23 Vq 2023-24 dih 6t
qm qfr or Batance Sheet $Erffid fu-qr .rqr t t
M/s KK-R&Btpt (Jvl q +il JV partner dRt 2o2o- 2,1, 2oz1-22 \s zozz-zs il6 oT dfq qS .i,r
Balance Sheet tlqff-f, frql rrqr t r lirtiri JV panner M/s Kundan Kumar d grqr g{ zots-zo
6l Balance Sheer gqFfd Tfr fu-qT rtrrt i, qqfu JV parrner M/s R&BIpt- d Arr sd
2019 20 s-l Balance Sheel $qffifl fu-qr t f ffi JV partner d arr q{ zozg-24 o-T Balance
sheetsrlffid q'S fu-ql rrqt B r
,r/" IRON Triangle Limited ERI 2019 20. 2O2O 21, 2021 22, 2022-23 \q 2023-24 oo oi qta d,fl
.FT Balance Sheet rrqft-o laqr .tqr t t
\Jq-ifffi or-Ff,f M/s SKc-M/s EMS (JV) iIsIT M/s tRoN Triangte Limited Errr Wf qff qrfi t
iTsrT M/s KK-R&B|PL (JU Ertr sq{tffi otE-df Wf TS of qrfr t r
6 Other Requircments:
Manpower: Bid oocument d Clarse- Annexure- A, Part-H, Qualification Criteria, Section 1 6T 1.6
G tfs-S.: (h) (4) d SrjqR - Civil Engineer. Elecrric Engineer. Civil Supcrr isors.
Project Manager,
Environmental Engineer. Health and Safty Engineer, Social Expert, Mechanical Engineer (4
Instrumentation Engineer 6t p".urg riirft ffi $:
SKC-EMS-JV trl{I 3{14r.t6 Key personal .Fl detail gqtrq .tr{.IT .tqr t I Yo rrqt zos zoz (q
823-858 q{ tJ(,rq I
M/s KK-R&B|PL (JV) fNl 3 .Itqch Key personal tFT detail gqdel 6{rfl rrrlT i t yO tIr+r
166-207, 357 375 q( fldrq I
IRON Triangle Limited fRI 3 q{ftF Key personal .FI detail gqirq 6{IqT T.tT t t go rrc<t zoa il
280 q{ t{irq I
SKc-EMs-Jv gr{T Bid Document t fti .ri format information form (6) and 121 Bh-A d ge
807-867, 875-876, 881-884 q{ €d.rq fu-qr Tqr t I tvy. SrC Technotogy pvt. Ltd. Snr T6
UP Jal Nigam fr debar di o1 aalr sg w stay order d rx{fl A rm A I
M/s KX-R&BIPI. UV) fRI Bid Document n ki .d format information form (6) and (7) ftfuSr d
gE 208, 531-532, 534, 537 q{ {iiTl;l ftrm TlIIr t t
IRON Triangle Limited tl Bid Document q kd .d format informatron form (6) and (7) ft|il(l .1.',
siger ti Mentioned in NIt. fuiIT {ql i I yts zli-zg3 q{ {rf,-{ ftqr .r-qr t r
M/s KK-R&BIPL (JVt dRI Conceptual design and drawing submit fu-fi .rqr t t Yo trst zge szt
w sa.r tr
IRON Triangle Limited dTtT Conceptual design and drawing submit fu-qr .rqr t t 9o trc<t
303 740 q{ { fdrr t I
. M/s KK-R&BIPI (JVl SRr Bid Document d Ctause 1.a (a) 6 TS 1.S (c) O1 q-ndf TS d{i d
orqq g* f,-fiftfr fu t srss-f, s)frd 6{i o1 3E{isr ol qrfi I r
. M/s IRON Triangle Limited EIfl euatification Criteria ol €'fr 36df [rt 6{i d oir"r f€
ilf,{o1 fls i vtn-a dB-o ori +1 3rgsTqr ai wff t r
rBEc o1 sq-0-ff sfr Tff Grgsiwr d sfr R-sqT qr frfrfl qfrfr gr{ fr-fi-frqd fib-qr qqrl
E-qtq-rr< fttrfl sBfd Erir ftq{d ffs ftrn Tn -
. M/s SKC-EMS-JV fRT euatification Criteria iff r]lff 3rndJ {ri 6{i d 6Rvr TBEC ol 3ryfw d
3rra)-6 n n-rffi AB if nm-e oG ol Frul.q fuqr qorr
. M/s KK-R&B|PL Uv) Er{r Bid Document d Ctause 14 (a) 6Tq i 5 (c) +1 or-6-df {0i TS 6_{i d
.FRur TBEC of GEyrE'T d 3Ild)-6 t ilf,ft+i ffs i grffEd 6G 6r frr,iq fufl .rqr I
. M/s lRoN Triangle Limited dItI euatification Criteria d il]m 3rf,d1
{ol 6{i d 6rqut TBEC ol
3rj?rsr d oildro ii ilfifi-+l Os d qm-e rG or ffq fuqr.rqll
o fiffio frfrrd rr*I Bqt-fir ftrn .ri ffqq{ SPMG/NMCG t org+e, qrw 6d or ft,,tq kqr
1}1 t{
o\ a1
tl o \ \I
(ftrs eqri) (trc trqrer Rr€r) 5trr u-<nu fu<r)
r6r*iq-+' (fud). lr6rqii{6'. rercdtro (Tqrdq),
gso) sf,{ fu6n vwrr gvo) gsd -wo-e+w
-s6-{rfl1r. fqfuo qftft r sd-s(s. fqflEr sffir fift-fl {rftfi r
(R.ffi) (ft6) Fnin qqR {FR)
5q rdrcdEr6, gso) gq q-6rltiu-o, (Tqra-q), 3rfttidr cC{i, rqs frtcro.
s6 tr(Rr. fifusr HEfi r
$go)-ffi-rerq. frfuqt qw f+org \.E 3nqrs fuqrq. gsoi-rrs -ertaa,
*+ftfd r -{r6-s{€r. fif+a sBfr r frhsr (frfd r