32995 dated 20.12.2024

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National Highways Authority of India
(Mlnistry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of lndia)
qRqtqrr arqtqq< q6I{/ prolect tmptementation Unit
iErrETrqin. qlr€ grc. ft-6e Bgdr dhra. rrrr<tft-zzsoor (souo)
{rdtasd Kamla Bhawan, Hanumant Puram, NearTripula Chauraha, Raebareli-229001 (U.p.)
({rIFf/ nhone 0s33-29rs212
{id/ E-fiail : odpiuraebareillv@nhai-orq; [email protected] t{: nrww.nhai.gov.in

NHAI/PlU-RBLY/Tree Ptantation I 2024 I 329 9S Datet 20.12.?024


1 Authorized Signatory, 2. Authorized 3 Authorized 4. Authorized

M/s Kaluwala Signatory, Signatory, Signatory,
Construction M/sR&C M/s P.P Pandey M/s SKS lnfra
Pvt. Ltd. lnfraengineers lnfrastructure Pvt. Projects Pvt.
Haryana. (NH-30) Pvt. Ltd. Ayodhya Ltd. Lucknow. Ltd., Agra.
5 Authorized Signatory 6. Authorized 7 Authorized 8 Authorized
M/s PNC Gomti Signatory M/s Signatory, M/s Signatory M/s
Highway Pvt. Ltd. PNC Raebareli Kaluwala DPS Contractor
Ayodhya. Highways Pvt. Construction Pvt. Pvt. Ltd.,
Ltd. Raebareli. Ltd. Haryana Raebareli.

Sub: Specifications of Saptings for Avenue and Median Plantations. reg.

Ref: NHAI/Policy Guidelines/ Environment/2024 policy circular no 7.4.1612024 dated 19.12.2024.


Ptease find enctosed herewith NHAI, HQ Policy Guidelines/Environment 12024 policy

circular no 7.4.1612024 dated 19.12.2024, regarding Specifications of Saplings for Avenue and
Median Plantations in al[ upcoming ptantation projects including ongoing projects on National

2. ln this regard, it is requested to ensure compliance of NHAI-HQ policy circular dated


0y. lrtanager (Tech. )
Copy to:

'l . Authorized Signatory, M/s G-Eng Advisory SeMces Raebareti.

2. Authorized Signatory, M/s MSV lnternational lnc. (NH-30 and NH-330A)
3. Authorized Signatory M/s Bloom Companies LLC, Raebareli.
4. Authorized signatory, M/s Lion Engineering Consuttants Pvt. Ltd, Ayodhya
5. Authorized Signatory M/s K&J Projects Pvt. Ltd. Raebareli.
6. Authorized Signatory M/s MSV lnternational lnc, Fatehpur.

cfcrcq efu
Tr.Jrqrt slnerfisr
11-qqFt {ard'q, lT;ar v6r;1)
National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of lndia)
@{ a-qt fr-5 \ni 6, t.r.t-t O, arro, q{ Rd - ttO OZs. G-5 & 6, Sector10. Dwarka. New Delhi-11007s
qO q/Phone :91-11-25074100 I 25074200

NHAI/ Poliry Guidelines/ Environment/ 2024

Policy Circular No.7.4.16/2024 dated 19th December,2O?4
{Decision taken on E-Offjce Fite No. EG HDIV- 1 2030/ 38 / 2024-ENV & GHD Division (Comp. No. 267282)}

Sub: Specifications of Saplings for Avenue and Median plantations - reg.

644th Executive Committee lteeting hetd on 13.12.2024 took cognizance of lmportance
of Quatity of Ptanting Materiat in raising a successful Avenue and Median Ptantations along
the National Highways. Accordingty, the Committee has approved fol.l.owing specifications
for saptings to be planted in avenue and Median Ptantations:

A. Specifications of Saplings for Avenue Plantations.

1. Height - Minimum 2 m
2. Co[tar Girth - 6 cm (that means collar thickness 2 cm)
3. Potybag Size - 23 cm x 30 cm
4. Potting Mixture - 1:2:4 (Sand: FYM: Soit Mix)
5. Hatf of the length of the seedting shoutd have branches and teaves
6. The seedtings should be minimum 1.5 years otd. Such seedtings would
be having adequate root system to estabtish as a tree in future.

B. Specification for Saplings for l(edian Plantations,

1. .Height - Around 60 cm
2. Coltar Girth - 4 cm
3. Potybag Size - 15 cm x 25 cm
4. Potting Mixture - 1:2:4 (Sand : FYM: Soit Mix)
5. Hatf of the tength of the seedting shoutd have branches and leaves
2. Att Officers of NHAI are requested to ensure above specifications of Ptanting Material
in a[[ upcoming Ptantation Projects including the ongoing Projects.

3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

I5 Itzlel
(CS. Sanjay Kumar Patel)
GeneraI Manager (Coord.)
All Officers of NHAI HQ/ ROs/ PlUs/ CMUS/ Site Offices

c op v to:
1. Hindi Division for transtation in Hindi.
Z. Library for hosting the circutar on library site.
3. Web Admin for circulation.

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