Psl Oscar Full Course Leak

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I have access to PSL oscars skool community, I will be leaking the whole thing bit by bit.




Welcome - Start Here

(Just welcome info, skipping this module)

The Renaissance Mindset (Skip this, its BS)

A simple quote that says it all.

You were not put onto this planet to live of life of small ambition, of half-heart attempts
or of subdued potential. Within you, exists the cosmos, providing an infinite source of
abundance and energy. You have everything you need to achieve greatness, and yet you
have confined yourself to a life of conformity and comfort. That vast, limitless potential,

Yet, remember this: one day, you will die. It feels like an abstract concept now, but your
time here as this physical you, is finite, fleeting. After you’re gone, the world will move
on. Friends, family, and acquaintances, everyone will eventually stop talking about you.
Memories will blur, and you will fade into the background of the universe, as each of us

So, why hold yourself back? Why play small? Every moment you have is an invitation to
embrace your universal energy, to act with purpose and intention, and to leave behind a

The choice truly is yours. You have FULL control over how you live this life. No matter
what anyone has ever told you, you can do anything. You have the complete power to
create the life that you desire and more. It all exists within already.

You are here to go all in, to act big and to let the force within you unfold. When you live
in alignment with your potential, the universe waits, ecstatic, to see you in motion...

With this in mind, it is now time to begin your journey in this course. We will guide you
through the core principles of creating the life that you truly desire and living life to the
fullest with vitality, purpose, and fulfillment.

Let's begin.
Introduction: The Importance of Developing the Mind

Your lifestyle will never exceed your levels of mental development.

Shut your eyes, and imagine the highest version of you. The version of you that has
achieved everything you desire. Get very clear on what this version of you looks like, and
start to build up a clear picture of everything from their traits, achievements, behavior,
etc. Let this version inspire you. Know that if you develop yourself enough, you will
reach this vision - it is inevitable with the correct action and has already been brought
into existence by the universe.

To reach this highest self and vision, your mindset must first equate to theirs before the
reality shift can occur. Before you can experience their life externally, you must first
think, believe, and act as they would. It is in this truth, that the importance of personal
growth lies. As the initial quote alludes to, you must develop yourself, specifically your
mind, into one that is capable of achieving your desires. As you will learn, everything in
your external reality is a mere reflection of your mind. We must therefore cultivate a
mind that is completely aligned and purposeful, fully resilient to struggle and the pull to
comfort, fears no obstacle, has sufficient wealth consciousness and flows with the

You will learn to do all of this here in Mindset Mastery, starting with the basic guide
Universal Laws
The All

The All, The Source, God, whatever you would like to call it. Fundamentally, there is a
source for all existence. This All, Source, God, its the infinite source of energy and
consciousness from which everything comes, and to which everything returns. It is
completely outside of our comprehension, without a physical form, yet it embodies
everything that exists and is the underlying fabric of reality. Everything that exists is an
expression of The All, and it is the energy behind every thought, living thing and atom in
the universe. As a result of this, we are all connected, all part of a unified force that is

This means you are not separate from the universe, but an expression of it. You carry
the perfect essence of The All within you. We each hold a piece of this infinite power
within us. Once you realize this fundamental principle, only then can you truly begin to
change your life.

With this understanding of The All, you begin to see that life is not a series of random
events but a structured reality governed by universal laws. Simply by aligning with and
understanding these principles, you act with The All, accessing its true power.

The Seven Hermetic Principles:

It is these very principles that have been practiced for centuries that govern out
existence. Suspend any disbelief and simply open your mind to this knowledge. It is
crucial that you truly understand these principles. Read them as many times as it takes
to truly internalize them. In case you are in disbelief, quantum physics has proved every
one of these principles as true...

● The Principle of Mentalism

"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." The Principle of Mentalism teaches that
everything originates in the mind. Reality is not just experienced but created by
thought. Your reality is merely a physical expression of your mind and the
quality/vibration of your thoughts. By mastering your mind, you gain control over
your life and surroundings. Thoughts are not passive. It is easy to believe that
your thoughts have little physical impact. False. They are forces/instructions to
The All that form your existence. To know this is to understand that your mind
holds the power to manifest, reshape, and direct your reality.
Quantum physics supports this by showing that particles only take on definite
forms when observed, meaning that consciousness actively shapes physical
reality. Your focused thoughts are not just reflections but influence the energy
around you.
● The Principle of Correspondence
"As above, so below; as below, so above." Everything in existence reflects itself
across different levels. The same patterns, structures, and dynamics that operate
in the universe at large also operate within us and in our daily lives (and vice
versa). What transpires on one level of reality is reflected on others. The
microcosm and macrocosm are bound together, each an expression of the same
truths and forces, simply manifesting at different scales. By understanding this,
you can see that our mental and emotional states mirror what’s happening in our
outer world, and our outer reality mirrors our inner beliefs and thoughts. By
studying one realm, we may gain knowledge of another, for each is but a
Quantum theory shows that similar patterns appear across different scales in
nature, from atoms to galaxies, affirming that reality mirrors itself across levels.
● The Principle of Vibration
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." Everything is vibrating, in
constant motion. From your thoughts to physical objects, everything vibrates at a
given frequency. The different “levels” or “planes” of existence (the physical,
mental, and spiritual) are each distinguished by their respective vibration
frequencies. The denser the matter, the lower the vibration, and the more refined
the spirit, the higher the vibration.
When you understand vibration, you can grasp that emotions, thoughts, and
intentions carry an energy and resonate at specific frequencies, leading to effects
in the inner and outer worlds. Negative thoughts or emotions vibrate at lower
frequencies, while positive states, like gratitude or peace, resonate at higher
ones. When you learn to consciously raise your energy, by changing your
thoughts and state of being, you become a magnet for good things. You open
yourself more to the universe's flow of abundance and will notice an improved
life very quickly. Those who master their vibration hold the key to transforming
their reality.
Quantum physics shows that all matter, down to subatomic particles, vibrates at
specific frequencies. This supports the concept that our own vibrations (through
thoughts and emotions) interact with the quantum field, affecting what we attract
or repel.
● The Principle of Polarity
"Everything is dual; everything has poles." Life is full of opposites: love and hate,
hot and cold, success and failure. Despite these things being seemingly polar,
they are actually both exactly the same in essence, the only 'difference' being in
their degrees. Hot and cold are the same, they are merely varying degrees of the
same scale. This should give you hope. Simply by changing your perspective and
vibration, you are always able to reach the positive opposite of every state. If you
are in a state of depression, you hold the power to simply transmute along the
spectrum and transform your state of being by raising your vibration to align with
the higher degree.
Quantum mechanics reveals that particles can exist in “dual” states until observed,
embodying different possibilities. This supports the idea that opposites coexist
along a spectrum, and that by adjusting our vibration or perspective, we can shift
toward the positive pole of any experience, thus allowing us to attract better things
into our lives.
● The Principle of Rhythm
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides." The Principle of Rhythm
says that life moves in cycles, constantly changing between highs and lows,
growth and rest. Understanding rhythm allows you to embrace life’s cycles rather
than resist them.
During low points, you can trust that an upward swing is on its way, and during
high points, you can stay grounded, knowing change is natural. If you can align
with this principle of rhythm, you will become more resilient and patient, allowing
life to flow and ultimately you will recognize that each phase has a purpose. This
principle becomes fundamental in the mindset mastery section...
In quantum physics, waves exhibit natural cycles of peaks and troughs, mirroring
life’s rhythms. It proved that everything in life is contingent, and thus there is a
wave/pendulum movement to all things.
● The Principle of Cause and Effect
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause." Nothing happens by
chance. Every action, thought, and event has a ripple, and thus an effect. We live
in an ordered and connected universe where events are all shaped by a web of
influences, as opposed to just coincidences. As a result, we can shape the
outcomes we desire, simply by choosing our actions and intentions wisely. You
can consciously create a life aligned with your goals and values, knowing that
each cause we set in motion will eventually bring about an effect that reflects
your intentions.
Quantum entanglement shows that particles can influence each other
instantaneously across vast distances, suggesting an interconnected reality where
actions have far-reaching effects. This reinforces the idea that our choices and
intentions ripple outward, influencing outcomes in our lives.
● The Principle of Gender
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles."
This principle speaks not of physical gender but of the two fundamental energies
of masculine and feminine. The masculine drives action, focus, and expansion,
while the feminine embodies intuition, receptivity, and creation. Mastery arises
when you balance both of these energies and combine them. In doing so, you will
create a wholeness about you and better harmonize you with the world, allowing
you to live more fully.
Quantum duality shows that particles can behave as both waves (receptive,
expansive) and particles (focused, defined), reflecting the balance of masculine
and feminine energies.

To truly live these truths and manifest their potential, the mind must first be
primed, and beliefs must align with action. In the next section, we’ll dive into the
mindset essential to embodying the Renaissance Blueprint and truly
transforming your life...
Mindset Mastery: The Importance of Purpose, How to Find Yours...

Purpose transforms life from simply moving through the actions, to living with true
intention. The fulfillment and success you seek come from having a purpose because it
aligns your actions with what genuinely matters to you. Without it, achievements feel
hollow, and life loses its vibrancy. When you live with purpose, you’re no longer
passively reacting to life. Instead, you become an active creator that is driven by
something greater than momentary decisions. For a man, purpose strengthens
confidence and decisiveness, two qualities of masculinity. When you know why you do
what you do, your actions carry weight and consistency. You’re no longer swayed by
distractions or driven solely by ego or social approval.

Most importantly however, purpose naturally aligns you with the universe. It mirrors
many of the Seven Universal Laws, acting as the bridge between your inner intention
and its manifestation in outer reality. For example, purpose allows you to harness The
Principle of Mentalism, which states that "The All is Mind." When your thoughts are filled
with purpose, they create a mental blueprint that causes it to manifest into your life.
Focusing your mind on purpose is the first step in making it a reality, as purpose-driven
thoughts become tangible outcomes. Your outer reality is merely a mirror of your inner
mind. So, fill it with purpose.

The Principle of Vibration states that everything in existence vibrates at a certain

frequency, including our thoughts and emotions. When you live with purpose, you
elevate your personal vibration and resonate with higher energies that therefore attract
people and experiences aligned with your goals. Purpose creates an energy that draws
others who are on similar paths or who can support your journey which will help
accelerate progress.

Finally, purpose brings you into alignment with The Principle of Rhythm and the natural
cycles and flows of life. Life has ups and downs and cycles of growth and rest. By living
purposefully, you enter into harmony with these natural rhythms, allowing you to adapt
to life’s fluctuations with resilience. Purpose enables you to navigate these cycles with
faith, as you trust that each phase is a necessary step on your path.

As you can see, purpose is crucial for living a life of fulfillment and impact...

How to Find Purpose:

Finding purpose isn’t always straightforward. It requires self-discovery, trial and error,
and patience. Here are some practical strategies to help you get started on finding

1. Reflect on What Resonates: Take some time to think about the things that truly
resonate with you. Think about the activities that you do that make you lose track
of time, put you into a complete flow state of presence and joy, and constantly
occupy your headspace.
2. Identify What You Stand Against: Purpose is often found not only in what you're
drawn to but also in what you oppose. Reflect on the issues, situations, or types
of work that bother you or feel wrong. Often, the opposite of what you stand
against can help illuminate what you stand for and should take on as your
3. Listen to Your Intuition. It Knows: Instead of overanalyzing, try to connect with
that deeper voice within you. The soul and your deepest consciousness know
what your purpose is already, due to its connection with The All. Meditation,
journaling, or even just sitting in silence can bring clarity on what feels right
versus what feels forced. Try just sitting in a room, no distractions for a couple of
hours and just think with a piece of paper at the ready. It will come.
4. Experiment and Explore: Finding purpose is rarely a single, defining moment.
Often, it’s shaped by trying new things and stepping into unfamiliar territory. Start
experimenting and exploring new areas of life.
5. Seek Inspiration from Others: Listen to stories of people who live with purpose
through books, interviews, and podcasts. If you understand what drives others it
helps you better understand your own inclinations and values.
6. Remember That Purpose is Layered: Purpose is not a one-time discovery - it has
layers. As you grow, your purpose will reveal new depths and layers, often calling
you to change directions as you progress throught your potential. You must
embrace these layers. They will allow you to meet the evolving needs of both
your inner self and the world around you.
7. Be Patient: Finding purpose is a process, and there’s no need to rush it.

Knowing When You’ve Found It: Signs and Feelings That Indicate Alignment with Your
True Purpose

When you’re aligned with your purpose, you’ll notice certain feelings or signs that tell
you you’re on the right path...

1. A Deep Sense of Fulfillment: Purpose isn’t always glamorous, but there’s a quiet
satisfaction that comes with it. You’ll find yourself more content with each step,
not just at the end of a task or goal. You truly enjoy the process.
2. Clarity and Focus: When you know your purpose, distractions have less of a pull
on you. You feel clearer about what you need to do and are less swayed by
temporary desires or outside opinions. You will feel completely present with the
task at hand, engrossed in it fully.
3. Resilience in Difficult Times: Living with purpose doesn’t remove obstacles, but
it drives you to endure them. When setbacks arise, you’ll find you can push
through them much more because you have a reason behind your efforts.
4. Flow and Timelessness: Being on purpose often puts you in a state of “flow,”
where time seems to disappear. You’re fully engaged, present, and enjoying the
moment because it aligns with something deeper.
5. Feeling of Alignment with Something Greater: Purpose gives you a feeling of
being part of something beyond yourself. You’re not just working for yourself but
for a larger, meaningful reason.

Module 3: Foundations
The Full Clear Skin Guide

Naturally radiant and glowing skin is arguably the first step towards becoming more
attractive. It is a subconscious indicator of one's health, and thus an indicator of their
attractiveness. It is also, however, an area that lots of misinformation is spread about,
especially in the looksmaxxing and social media space. As a result of this, acne rates
are higher than ever, and no one can figure out why...

The methods people go about to fix skin never fix the root cause of bad skin and involve
adding more products, buying more prescriptions, and seeing more clueless
dermatologists. This is not the approach to fixing your skin and merely masks the root

The Root Problem: Why You Have Acne.

Imagine a perfectly healthy human. Notice that the person you're envisioning doesn't
have acne. This highlights a key point, that acne is merely an external reflection of poor
health. Whether it is a nutrient deficiency, poor gut health, systemic inflammation, or a
hormone imbalance, all acne is signaling is a disequilibrium state in your body. This is
why modern dermatology is such an issue. Instead of focusing on the inside state, fixing
the gut microbiome and trying to balance one's hormones, they simply prescribe
antibiotics for example, which may calm the skin itself down, but obliterates even
further one's gut health and hormonal panel (what you want for clear skin in the first
place). This worsens the root problem further and creates a negative spiral of ever-
worsening skin. In short, to fix your bad skin, we must look to remove more than we are
adding, and ultimately fix your inner state and health.

Remove and Avoid:

If you currently have acne, chances are that you have given into the skincare industry's
propaganda and invested in a full-blown skincare routine. This is not conducive to clear
skin at all. Take the average mainstream skincare product for example, and read the
ingredients list. You will notice 30+ ingredients you can't even pronounce, many of
which are absorbed into your body, disrupt your hormonal balance, and trigger
inflammation. Common culprits like parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances
mimic estrogen in the body, binding to estrogen receptors and sending false signals
that there is an excess of estrogen in the body to the hypothalamus. This excess
estrogen then causes the skin’s sebaceous glands to heighten in activity, producing
more sebum (oil), clogging pores, and causing acne. The solution to this is to eliminate
your mainstream products. Even if it doesn't have these three ingredients, there will still
be unnatural chemicals within the product that cause similar outcomes.

The Only Skincare Products You Actually 'Need':

Once you've eliminated harmful products, the next step is to include nature's
equivalents. In terms of a cleanser, opt for simple lukewarm filtered water or ice, and for
a moisturizer, opt for beef tallow. Lukewarm water will assist your pores in their natural
cleaning out cycle, without stripping away vital oils from the skin barrier. The same
applies to ice, but with added anti-inflammatory effects. This is superior to traditional
cleansers as these strip the skin barrier of its protection, being the oils, leading it to
overproduce these to compensate, causing acne. Our preferred method of washing the
face is in the shower, but crucially, with a shower head filter. In regular tap water, there
are hundreds of contaminants and heavy metals that will destroy your skin and cause
acne, so it is paramount you purchase a high-quality filter.

Similarly, we suggest beef tallow as a moisturizer because it closely matches the

composition of our skin's natural barrier. It contains no harmful additives and is
abundant in vitamins A, D, E, and K that support skin health and it has amazing
moisturizing properties due to its high non-comedogenic saturated fat content which
locks in moisture, making your skin look more radiant. Another product that can be used
to improve wound healing is putting a little bit of honey on any blemishes. Honey
exhibits anti-bacterial and anti-microbial benefits and so assists in your skin barrier's
natural process of getting rid of blemishes.

The Sacred Skincare Products:

As well as the products just mentioned above, there are a couple in particular that must
be singled out that are particularly good at improving your skin. The products are the
following, all of which are available online: Sulfur Cream, The Masque (containing
Diatomaceous Earth) and The Gel.
Sulfur cream is an absolute game-changer for acne. It is a powerful element that works
overnight at eliminating any cystic acne. Sulfur has an incredible ability to dive deep into
the pores, drying out excess oil and neutralizing the bacteria that cause breakouts.
Ancient civilizations revered sulfur for its mystical healing properties and for good

The Masque from Gagnon Essentials is a masterpiece of skincare, in that it contains an

ingredient called bentonite clay. Bentonite clay, formed from volcanic ash, has a deep
connection with the earth's energetic fields. When applied to the skin, it works like a
magnet for impurities, pulling toxins, heavy metals, and pollution out from deep within
the pores. It’s the strongest possible detox for your skin, leaving it completely in sync
with its natural rhythm. It also contains Diatomaceous earth, another sacred product.
This fine powder, composed of fossilized algae, soaks up oil and sebum (that cause
acne and blemishes) incredibly and thus leaves the skin purified and mattified. It pulls
toxins and impurities out of your pores and resets your skin's natural balance whilst
exfoliating dead skin cells

The Gel from Gagnon Essentials is the pinnacle of our three sacred products, featuring
a powerful blend of homeopathic and energetic ingredients that work miracles on the
skin. This formula is enriched with Caesium Salts, which harmonize skin pH, ward off
bacteria, and support natural healing. Calendula soothes irritation, reducing redness and
promoting recovery, making it perfect for sensitive skin. With ingredients like Rhus Tox
and Ledum, it calms inflammation, while Apis further reduces redness with its anti-
inflammatory properties. Ruta enhances skin strength and elasticity, leaving it smooth
and resilient. Finally, Carbomer creates a luxurious texture, ensuring every ingredient is
evenly applied for a seamless, deeply effective skincare experience.

Address Your Gut Health and Deficiences:

The Importance of The Gut-Skin Axis:

There is a very strong connection between the health of your gut and the appearance of
your skin, a relationship known as the 'gut-skin axis'. Essentially, if your gut is
imbalanced due to issues like dysbiosis (an imbalance of good and bad bacteria), leaky
gut, or chronic inflammation, this can lead to increased systemic inflammation and
trigger your acne. Your gut is also very responsible for eliminating toxins from the body.
If your gut is not healthy, it will struggle to do this, causing these toxins to accumulate
and escape through the skin, via clogged pores and acne. Finally, the gut is where all of
the nutrients you consume are absorbed into the body, and so if the gut is dysfunctional,
it could lead to nutrient deficiencies, many of which are linked to worsened skin (more
on that later).

The Steps to Improving Gut Health:

You can find a very in-depth full guide to gut health in the healthmaxxing courses, but
the essential jist of it is the following (taken from The Basic Guide to Gut Health):

● Practice fasting: Fasting gives the gut a break, allowing it to repair itself, reduce
inflammation, and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. Fasting triggers
autophagy, which helps clear out damaged cells in the gut lining, improving the
gut barrier health.
● Chew Your Food Properly: Proper chewing aids digestion by breaking down food
into smaller particles and mixing it with digestive enzymes, improving nutrient
absorption. Chew food thoroughly (20-30 times per bite).
● Consume Probiotics: Eating probiotic-rich foods like raw yogurt, raw kefir, raw
sauerkraut, and bone broth helps improve gut health by boosting beneficial
bacteria and improving the gut lining. Try to get these foods in their raw,
unpasteurized forms to preserve beneficial microbes and immunoglobulins,
which support a healthy gut.
● Manage Stress and Sleep: Stress disrupts the gut-brain connection, leading to
inflammation and skin issues. Manage stress through practices like meditation,
time grounded in nature with sunlight, social interaction, supplementing
adaptogens like ashwagandha, and prioritizing quality sleep.

Nutrient Deficiencies: Another Hidden Cause of Bad Skin.

As we've mentioned, poor skin is simply a manifestation of poor health, something that
often comes about due to deficiencies. Within the body, there are many key nutrients
that many are deficient in, but that also play a key role in healthy skin. See the list below,
why these nutrients are crucial for skin, and how to incorporate more of them into the
*if you are following our diet guide, you will have sufficient levels of these nutrients

● Sunlight (yes, its a nutrient)

● Vitamin D3
● Zinc
● Vitamin A
● Vitamin C
● Omega-3 Fatty Acids
● B Vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12)
● Selenium
● Vitamin E

Vitamin D3 is the first on the list as it is essential. It promotes skin cell growth and
repair and helps maintain the skin barrier whilst reducing inflammation. A lack of
vitamin D causes o a weakened immune system, which leaves the skin more vulnerable
to acne. The best sources of vitamin D3 that we recommend include sunlight, egg yolks,
and wild-caught cod liver oil. Despite Vitamin D being high in these foods and abundant
in the sun, it is important to still consider supplementing. We don't often recommend
supplementing vitamins, as most are obtained through our diet methods, but Vitamin D
is one of the exceptions. Consider getting a Vitamin D blood test if you are unsure as to
what your levels are as this is worth knowing. Aim for 4-8000iu of Vitamin D per day.

Zinc is involved in collagen production, wound healing, and controlling oil production,
making it great for preventing acne and clearing your skin. Foods we recommend that
are rich in zinc include oysters, beef, and lamb. In this case with zinc, it is important to
prioritize zinc consumption through food, as most commercial zinc supplements are
not bioavailable and hence will just pass straight through your body. Aim for 30mg from
food per day.

Vitamin A regulates your skin cell turnover and reduces the buildup of the dead skin
cells that clog your pores and give you acne. Similarly, there is a compound called
Retinol that your body derives from Vitamin A that has benefits to skin, such as
improved skin clarity and texture. Liver, egg yolks, and full-fat dairy are rich sources of
vitamin A. Other plant-based sources of Vitamin A such as carrots are inferior, as they
are not as bioavailable. For example, to get the same amount of bioavailable Vitamin A
found within 1 ounce of liver from carrots, you would need to consume 1 lb of carrots.
Be cautious, however, as having too much vitamin A is easy. As a result, liver shouldn't
be consumed in too large of quantities. Aim for 5-10,000iu per day.

Vitamin C is vital in collagen synthesis, the primary protein that makes up around 75% of
your skin. Having proper collagen intake will help maintain the firmness of your skin and
improve wound healing, making things like acne less prevalent. Vitamin C is also a
strong antioxidant, reducing free radical skin damage, and it is anti-inflammatory, with
inflammation being a key cause of bad skin. A tactic for getting even more out of your
Vitamin C is pairing it with an essential amino acid called L-lysine. The two work
synergistically in boosting collagen and reducing inflammation. Aim for 300 to up to
1000mg per day. (may require supplementation)

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA

(docosahexaenoic acid), again help reduce inflammation in the body by inhibiting the
production of cytokines and eicosanoids which are a common cause for acne flares and
blemishes. Another way they inhibit inflammation is by balancing your omega ratio,
specifically with omega-6 fatty acids. These are more unstable and oxidize more easily
(causing inflammation), so to minimize this, we must ensure a good ratio of omega-
3:omega-6. Essentially, consume more omega-3 (from high-quality, wild-caught fish oil
supplements and pasture-raised animal products) and consume much less omega-6
(found in seed oils and even grain-fed meat/eggs). Finally, omega-3s help control the
size of the sebaceous glands, leading to more controlled sebum production, preventing
pore-clogging and thus acne. Aim for 500-1000mg of Omega 3's per day for general skin
health and 1000-3000mg per day for stronger anti-inflammatory effects. Both should be
in a 2:1 ratio, favouring EPA.

The B vitamins, particularly B3 (niacinamide), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B7 (biotin) are

also very important for your skin. The first two on this list will help reduce inflammation,
control sebum production, and also enhance wound healing. The final of the three,
biotin, helps generally support the skin's ability to regenerate via boosting skin cell
growth, hydration, and skin barrier resistance, all of which inhibit and provide a better
complexion. These nutrients are all very prevalent in the diet approach that we take, so
be sure to follow that section if skin clarity is something you seek.

Finally, being deficient in selenium or vitamin E could be a reason for worsened skin,
and certainly incorporating them will make a difference. Firstly, selenium reduces
oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals, which damage skin cells and increase
inflammation. It also supports the immune system, enhancing the skin's ability to
defend against acne-causing bacteria like Propionibacterium. Similarly, Vitamin E also
protects the skin from oxidative damage, whilst also strengthening the skin barrier by
maintaining lipid integrity.

The Full Hair Guide

Hair is such a crucial aspect of improving our appearance. The health and thickness of
your hair an immediate indicator of your vitality, and can seriously enhance your
attractiveness if it is maximized. The three metrics within hair that we want are; strong
hair growth, thick + healthy hair, and versatility for styling. Everything within this hair
guide will lead to exactly this, but it does involve some embracing of some slightly
esoteric ideas...

Nutrition for Hair Health

Like with most aspects of looksmaxxing, it all starts from within and what you put into
your body. Healthy hair's foundations start with the nutrients you feed your body
because hair itself is literally just a protein called keratin. As a result, we must try to
maximize the key pro-hair nutrients.

Sufficient Protein:
Because hair is made up of keratin (protein), your diet must get sufficient amounts of
this important macronutrient. Certain amino acids found in protein like cysteine and
methionine, are directly involved in making the hair shaft stronger and more resilient.
Getting enough protein in your diet is pretty foundational stuff, and the good news is,
that if you are following our diet principles, this base should already be covered. Aim for
around 2.2g per kg/1g per lb of bodyweight in protein per day.

Here are some high-quality protein sources we recommend for improved hair (see diet
section for in-depth information):

● Pasture-raised eggs - bioavailable protein, rich in biotin (more on this later)

● Animal Meat from Ruminant Animals like Cows - is extremely nutrient-dense and
has a good amino acid profile that supports hair growth.
● Grass-Fed A2 Dairy Products - again, a good source of bioavailable protein and
contains biotin.

The Importance of Biotin for Lustrious Hair:

As we have discussed, Keratin is the main structural protein that makes up our hair.
Consuming enough biotin will upregulate our body's production of keratin, which
strengthens hair and makes it appear smoother and shiner. If you are deficient in biotin,
you will struggle to maintain good levels of keratin production, leading to hair that is
more damaged, thinned, and prone to splitting. Similarly, because biotin supports the
metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose, we get benefits to our hair follicles
because these nutrients are crucial for proper hair growth. In short, Biotin will increase
your hair growth and quality exponentially, so ensure you're getting enough.

Here are the best sources of biotin that we recommend:

● Egg Yolks - when it comes to biotin, egg yolks are your best friend. A single egg
yolk can provide 10–25 micrograms of biotin. Raw egg whites, however, contain
a protein called avidin, which can interfere with biotin absorption, so it’s best to
consume egg whites fully cooked, with the yolks as untouched as possible.
● Grass-Fed Beef Liver
● Grass-Fed A2 Dairy

The Importance of Vitamin D:

You have probably noticed a common thread by now having read the clear skin guide.
Vitamin D is crucial in general. It is involved in countless different actions within the
body, including in the growth cycle of your hair, and so so must get sufficient amounts if
you're after improved hair growth and quality. This is because it regulates the growth of
hair follicles, aids in the production of new hair follicles, reduces inflammation (which
worsens hair growth), and increases the absorption of calcium which we need for
stronger hair shafts.

Vitamin D is something that many choose to supplement, in which case, aim for 4-
10,000iu per day. If not, here are the best natural sources that we recommend:

● Natural Sunlight
● Organic Wild-Caught Cod Liver Oil
● Egg Yolks
● Beef Liver

The Best Products for Improving Your Hair

Using traditional modern hair care products in hopes of improving your hair is not a
good idea. These products are filled with harsh chemicals that strip your hair's key
nutrients and damage your hormonal function. When it comes to hair growth, we must
guard our hormones with our lives, because glands such as the thyroid are directly
involved in the growth of your hair. Similarly, it is important to start this section and let
you know that we do not recommend the use of shampoo and conditioner. By simply
letting your hair return to its natural state and avoiding both of these, it will begin to self-
regulate and become far healthier. If this is not possible for you, find a
shampoo/conditioner with the lowest amount of unnatural chemicals and use it
sparingly. If you do embrace the 'no poo' route, it may involve a few weeks of grease, but
you will just have to put up with that. It's worth it.

None of this does not mean to say we should ignore hair care, but it does mean we
must embrace the solutions to hair care found in nature. Below see our tried and tested
products that will increase the growth and quality of your hair, whilst being rooted in
nature and health.

Below are the following hair products you can use:

● Egg Yolks (applied topically)

● The Tri-Oil Hair Mask - A blend of...
○ Emu Oil
○ Castor Oil
○ Argan Oil
● Organic Sea Salt Spray

Egg Yolks - How to Use:

First up on this list is egg yolks. As discussed, these are very high in some key nutrients
we need for better hair, and so applying them topically used as a hair mask can have
great effects. Here is the method:

1. Wet your hair

2. Apply egg yolk to hair - break the yolk in your hands, quickly transferring it to your
3. Massage into hair for 60 seconds.
4. Leave in hair for 10 minutes.
5. Rinse with lukewarm water, ending with cold.

The Tri-Oil Hairmask - Info and How to Use:

● Castor Oil - stimulates hair growth and balances scalp pH due to high amounts of
ricinoleic acids.
● Emu Oil - rich in essential fatty acids and can penetrate deep into the scalp. It
reduces inflammation and promotes growth.
● Argan Oil - packed with fatty acids and vitamin E, it hydrates hair and reduces

The benefits of these oils by themselves are great, but when combined they create a
synergy that significantly improves the quality of your hair. Here is how to create the
mask, bearing in mind a little goes a long way:

1. In your hands, add 2-3 drops of argan oil.

2. Then add 4-5 drops of castor oil
3. Then add 2-3 drops of emu oil
4. Mix them in your hands
5. Massage into your hair for around a minute
6. Leave for 20 minutes
7. Rinse with lukewarm water, ending with cold.

Sea Salt Spray - Styling and Texture

The final step to perfecting hair is actually styling it or improving it further by texturizing
it. Doing so gives the hair more depth and will improve your appearance. Whilst it
doesn't have the strongest hold per se, we recommend using sea salt spray to achieve
this. It creates a very natural, beachy look and adds significant texture. Salt causes the
keratin fibers in your hair to contract slightly, leading to accentuated waves or curls, and
because sea salt is hygroscopic, it attracts moisture from the environment, therefore it
absorbs moisture from the hair strands, causing the cuticle to lift and dehydrate slightly
which is what allows for that textured look. It is another good example of a product
from nature that is highly effective.

It is important that the sea salt spray that you do get however is high quality. Most of
the products out there on the market are simply a hair spray (laden with all of the other
harmful ingredients and fragrances), with a bit of salt. This is not what we want. Aim for
a sea salt spray with 2-4 ingredients only, being water, sea salt, and maybe a couple of
other natural ingredients like proteins. The best case scenario is to collect some clean
seawater when you have access, as all of the minerals and compounds in the water will
be most active. If your hair requires a stronger hold to achieve the style that you desire,
again, it is very important to choose a product that will not harm your body or hormonal
health. Look for a simple ingredients list, whereby all ingredients are derived from
nature. The brand we recommend is on the products page of our community.

Other Tips for Perfect Hair

Beyond the way that you eat and the products that you use, there are actually even more
practices that can seriously improve your hair. See the list below:
1. Use a Microfibre Towel: This is a game changer. They are much more gentle on
the hair than regular towels and will significantly reduce your frizz and hair
2. Daily Scalp Massage (using scalp scrub or fingertips): Healthy hair starts with the
scalp, and daily massage will improve the blood flow to the scalp, allowing for
more nutrient delivery to the hair follicles, leading to more growth and higher
quality hair. Do so for 5-10 minutes daily. This can be combined with one of the
two hair masks for even more benefit.
3. End All Showers With Cold: The opposite of this, ending with hot water, leaves the
cuticles open, making your hair more likely to become frizzy and damaged. By
ending on cold, the hair cuticles seal, helping lock in moisture and prevent
frizz/damage. This is particularly important if you have just done something like
an egg yolk mask, as we want to lock in as many nutrients as possible.
4. Use a Silk Pillowcase: Not only is this beneficial for skin, but it will minimize hair
damage and breakage whilst you sleep.
5. Use a Shower Filter: These remove harmful chemicals found in our tap water
such as chlorine, heavy metals, and sediments. Chlorine in particular is literally a
disinfectant designed to kill bacteria. If this touches your hair, it will strip it of its
natural oils which leads to significant reductions in hair quality.

Hair Loss Guide: How to Prevent and Stop

A common issue that many face is premature balding. Signs of this can come in
as early as adolescence, and so catching it early and starting preventative
measures is important.
Hair loss often begins with subtle signs, such as a receding hairline, thinning at
the crown, and increased shedding that leaves more hair on pillows, in the
shower, or in brushes. The primary culprit in hair loss is the hormone
dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which binds to androgen receptors in hair follicles,
causing them to shrink over time. As the follicles miniaturize, they produce
thinner, weaker hair until eventually, they cease functioning altogether. However,
there are effective, natural strategies to halt this process and promote regrowth.
Reducing DHT:
The first way to reduce hair loss can be to reduce DHT. Before this point, it is
important to note the importance of DHT. Whilst this does cause dreaded hair
loss, this hormone is crucial for masculine gene expression and becoming
properly dimorphic and attractive, and so whilst we may want to reduce it to
reduce hair loss, we don't want to completely tank it. Hair loss normally only
comes due to unbalanced DHT, so all that is needed are some reductive
measures to bring it back to equilibrium and not completely plummet it.
*We only recommend using DHT inhibitory methods once you are past the age
of 21, because DHT is simply too important for masculine development. See the
other methods for reducing hair loss below*
*If you are above the age of 21, still be careful to only use a few of these
measures, as too much DHT inhibition will lead to negative side effects to your
attractiveness, especially if you start these measures young.*
Supplements and treatments that Reduce DHT: Saw palmetto is one of the most
well-known natural supplements for reducing DHT, as it works by blocking the
enzyme 5-alpha reductase, similar to pharmaceutical treatments like finasteride,
but without the synthetic side effects. It can be taken as a supplement or through
saw palmetto berry extracts. Another rather potent DHT blocker is stinging nettle
(use more sparingly), which inhibits both types of 5-alpha reductase enzymes
(Type I and II). Stinging nettle can be combined with saw palmetto in natural
supplements and is available as a tea or in supplement form. Pumpkin seed oil
also reduces DHT’s harmful effects by containing delta-7-sterine, which
competes with DHT for receptor sites in the hair follicle; it can be consumed as a
supplement or applied topically. Green tea, particularly its polyphenol EGCG, has
been shown to inhibit 5-alpha reductase and reduce DHT levels while also
providing antioxidant benefits that reduce scalp inflammation.
Adaptogens and Micronutrients that Reduce DHT: Lycopene, an antioxidant
found in tomatoes, watermelon, and pink grapefruit, helps lower DHT by
modulating hormone levels and reducing oxidative stress. Reishi mushrooms
also inhibit 5-alpha reductase and reduce scalp DHT levels. Pygeum, derived
from the bark of the African cherry tree, lowers DHT levels in the bloodstream
and prevents DHT from binding to hair follicle receptors. This substance is often
paired with saw palmetto. Lastly, fenugreek seeds contain compounds that lower
DHT, balance hormones, and reduce inflammation. Fenugreek can be consumed
as a supplement or brewed into tea.

Physical Stimulation Methods:

Physical stimulation of the scalp can make a significant difference in reducing
hair loss as well. This is where we recommend that you start if you are below 21.
Firstly, let us talk about microneedling. All that this involves is creating micro-
injuries to the scalp using a derma roller or derma pen, a process that promotes
collagen production, enhances blood circulation, and activates dormant hair
follicles through a wound-healing response. Simply apply your microneedling
device to the areas that are experiencing hair loss, ensuring to press hard enough
to draw blood. To further results, combining microneedling with scalp massages
using a scalp scrup, ideally using the oils from the tri-oil hair mask mentioned,
will offer further boosts circulation and nutrient delivery to hair roots. These oils
also contain anti-inflammatory properties and may help with hair follicle

More Natural Interventions:

Normally, part of our philosophy is to avoid any form of traditional doctor or
traditional healthcare, as the system is twisted. However, there is a good
procedure that you can have done, called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. In
PRP, the patient’s own blood is drawn, processed to concentrate your natural
growth factors and platelets, and then reinjected into the scalp. These growth
factors stimulate the stem cells within the hair follicles, encouraging regrowth
and increasing hair thickness.
Another technique is red light therapy. You can buy a red light therapy panel
online, and these are very effective at treating hair loss, as backed by years of
scientific literature. They use low-level lasers or LED lights to enhance cellular
energy production within the hair follicles by boosting mitochondrial function. For
10-30 minutes a day, use one of these panels and concentrate it on the areas you
are trying to promote growth.
Finally, reducing hair loss also involves managing inflammation and ensuring
detoxification. Avoid harmful chemicals commonly found in shampoos and hair
products, such as sulfates and parabens, and switch to natural alternatives like
we have mentioned above.

The Full Teeth Guide

Having both white teeth and a healthy oral microbiome are some of the lowest hanging
fruit for becoming more attractive. This is one of the hallmarks of vitality and aesthetics
in our society, and can offer a pretty significant boost in your appearance. However, like
with most areas we have discussed, it is very important that we go about this area
naturally, without falling into the traps of modern dental products which are laden with
disruptive chemicals and microplastics.

The Oral Microbiome: The Mouth is the Gateway

The mouth is arguably where the gut microbiome begins, and so we must ensure it is
kept healthy. This however is difficult today. Traditional toothpaste and mouthwash
contain chemicals that disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria. This is an issue
because you will develop bad breath, cavities and also worsen digestion (key for
appearance - more on that in the healthmaxxing section).

Avoid Fluoride and Traditional Toothpaste

Fluoride is one of the main active ingredients in the majority of toothpastes on the
market today. It is has been marketed to us as crucial to oral health. Some dentists will
genuinely tell you that if you don't have fluoride, you can't have good teeth. This is
completely false. Not only is fluoride not even that beneficial for teeth, it is also
incredibly toxic. It interferes with brain development and hormonal health significantly
by lowering thyroid function, leading to worsened metabolic health and energy, and
lower secretion testosterone aswell. It calcifies in the pineal gland, which is the key area
in your body responsible for secreting the sleep hormone melatonin. This causes
worsened sleep and further hormonal disruptions. Traditional toothpastes are also
packed with synthetic chemicals and foaming agents that can disrupt your hormones
and harm your gut health and so instead you should opt for natural, fluoride-free
alternatives, like baking soda or a non-toxic, fluoride-free toothpaste. Finally, we have
discovered an alternative active ingredient to fluoride which will offer further benefits to
your teeth. This ingredient is called nano-hydroxyapatite, and it's formed from a
naturally occurring mineral (hydroxyapatite) that makes up about 97% of tooth enamel
and 70% of dentin. Nano-hydroxyapatite is a smaller, synthetic version of this mineral,
which means it can better bond to the enamel and remineralise. Look for a non-toxic,
fluoride-free toothpaste that contains this ingredient and you're golden. You can find the
product we recommend in the products page.

Ditch Plastic Toothbrushes

Plastic toothbrushes are horrible for your hormonal health and thus your appearance.
They contain BPA and other microplastics in their bristles, which can leach into your
mouth and mimic estrogen in the body (which has a whole host of issues that we
discuss throughout the courses later). Instead, switch to a bamboo toothbrush with
natural bristles. This will help protect your oral microbiome and hormonal function.

Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

The best natural method for improving oral health and whitening teeth is oil pulling with
coconut oil. This removes harmful bacteria, improves your breath, and whitens your
teeth. It contains an ingredient called lauric acid, with very strong anti-microbial
properties. To get the full benefits, simply swish coconut oil in the mouth for 10-15
minutes, 3 times per week, and you will notice better oral hygiene, breath and whiter

Chewing Mastic Gum

Chewing mastic gum not only increases the size of your masseter muscle, it also has
significant oral benefits. It’s been used for centuries and strengthens the gums, and
naturally clean out the mouth (due to increased salivation). Another key benefit is that it
combats harmful bacteria due to it containing a strong antimicrobial compound called

Use a Tongue Scraper

This is the best tool for better breath. Using it twice daily as it helps to remove bacteria
and debris from the surface of your tongue, which when left, will leave an odour that will
reduce your attractiveness.

Consume High-Quality Dairy

Incorporate A2, grass-fed dairy into your diet. If your following the diet section, this goes
without saying, but this step is crucial for your oral health because it provides your body
with the best source bioavailable calcium, which our bodies need to build and maintain
our teeth. As we go onto discuss, this type of dairy also supports proper hormonal
function and overall health, unlike conventional dairy, which is inflammatory and far less

Natural Teeth Whitening

To whiten your teeth, coconut oil pulling alone can be your best friend. However, some
require added whitening power. If this is you, you can opt for a natural, chemical-free
whitening strip, like the one we recommend in the products section. These strips are
very effective without harming your teeth or overall health.

If you want an even more noticeable whitening effect, hydrogen peroxide whitening
strips are an option. However, we don’t recommend these unless absolutely necessary,
as they can weaken your enamel, damage your teeth’s integrity, and also disrupt your
Foundations - EXPANDED


Foundations - EXPANDED: Even more detail on improving the foundations of your

appearance, this time looking at the Nose, Brows + Lashes, and Lips. Expect to learn
actionable methods to improving all of these areas, allowing you to further unlock your

The Eyebrow and Lash Guide

Eyebrows and eyelashes are both defining facial features for men, and can make or
break the masculinity of your appearance. Thick, dense, and well-shaped eyebrows
bioilogically indicate more dimorphism and with that, strength, dominance, and
maturity. Ideally, they should be positively tilted (slightly higher towards the outer edge)
and positioned as close to the eyes as possible. This combination enhances the brow
ridge's prominence, which is a key facial feature that determines attractiveness for
males. Its not just the eyebrows however, as the lashes add further depth to the eye are
and make them stand out.

1. How to Improve Eyebrows

1. Microneedling Pen: To stimulate eyebrow growth, use a microneedling pen a few

times per week. The alternative to this would be something like a derma roller,
however this is the best option for maximum growth. Essentially, it creates micro
injuries in the skin around the hair follicles, promoting blood flow and more
growth. We recommend using a needle depth between 0.25mm to 0.5mm,
ensuring that the needle is a fresh, sterile one every time. Each eyebrow should
be microneedled for about 2-4 minutes, 3x per week.
2. Castor Oil and Emu Oil: As discussed in the previous section, these oils have
amazing hair growth properties. Apply a few drops of castor oil and/or emu oil
overnight to the brows. If your skin is overly red or irritated after microneedling,
wait 10-15 minutes before applying the oil to let your skin calm down slightly.
3. Enhance with Pencil or Dye: Darkening the eyebrows is key. Use an eyebrow
pencil to fill in sparse areas or even dye them. It is important not to overdo this
however because subtle changes go a long way. If you suddenly have eyebrows
that went from blonde to black, it is slightly too obvious and so you must ensure
you're darkening gradually over time.
4. Shape with Tweezers: Shaping your eyebrows is essential to maintain that shape
and positive tilt. Use tweezers to remove stray hairs without over-plucking.

How to Improve Eyelashes:

1. Oils for Growth: Just like eyebrows, castor oil and emu oil are effective in
nourishing and promoting eyelash growth. Apply these oils overnight to
encourage fuller, healthier lashes.
2. Eyelash Curler: To make your eyelashes stand out even more, use an eyelash
curler to create a slight upward lift, adding to the intensity of your eyes.

Thyroid Health for Hair Growth

Both eyebrow and eyelash health are closely tied to the thyroid gland, which regulates
hair growth. To ensure your thyroid is functioning optimally, it's essential to follow our
diet guide, and ensure enough consumption of key nutrients like iodine and selenium.
Another key factor for thyroid function is including adequate carbohydrates, eating
regularly enough (around every 4 hours). Finally, avoid over-fasting, as it can negatively
impact thyroid function over time.

The thyroid is a very complex gland and there is much more to boosting it than just this.
It is mentioned throughout the courses in this community, so expect to continue
learning about it.

The Lip Guide

The appearance of your lips provide valuable insights into your overall health and is
therefore also crucial for attractiveness. From dryness to discoloration, the condition of
your lips can reveal nutrient deficiencies and lifestyle factors that may need adjustment.
This guide will go through common lip issues, their causes, and exactly how to resolve
Lip Health Essentials

1. Nose Breathing

Why It's Important: Mouth breathing, along with having so much other importance is the
number one cause of dry lips. Switching to nose breathing can significantly reduce lip

2. Hydration

Hydration Max: To maintain well-hydrated lips, drink 2 liters of water evenly throughout
the day, preferably enhanced with coconut water and Celtic salt for optimal hydration.

The Importance of the Maxilla for Lips

A well-developed maxilla is essential for better-looking lips as it provides the structural

support that enhances lip projection, fullness, and symmetry. It creates a better lip
shape by positioning the upper lip outward, maintaining an ideal nasolabial angle, and
reducing lip tension. Learn more about the maxilla and how to develop it in the key
techniques section.

Common Lip Issues and How to Fix Them:

1. Dry Lips

Cause: Dry lips often indicate a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids or an

overconsumption of omega-6 acids, typically found in seed oils.

Solution: Increase your intake of omega-3-rich foods such as wild-caught salmon and
grass-fed lamb. Avoid seed oils at all costs as well.

2. Chapped Lips
Cause: Chapped lips can be a sign of vitamin D deficiency, common during the winter
months, or it could be a zinc deficiency.

Solution: Avoid using products like Carmex or Vaseline, which contain mineral oil that
can extract fat-soluble vitamins and dry out the lips. Instead, use the lip balm type we
recommend (see below), get plenty of sun exposure for vitamin D and consume grass-
fed red meat and oysters, for zinc.

3. Grey Lips

Cause: Grey lips may indicate a deficiency in vitamin B12, iron, or copper.

Solution: Consume liver and grass-fed red meat to boost these nutrients. Additionally,
cut out grains, as these can block the body's ability to absorb iron.

4. Cracked Corners of the Mouth

Cause: Cracked corners of the mouth are usually due to a vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
deficiency, often caused by consuming too many refined carbohydrates.

Solution: Incorporate eggs and raw cheese, to boost your B2 intake and thus support
overall lip health.

Recommended Products

Use Tallow with Beeswax for Moisturizing: Tallow is an excellent natural moisturiser as
we have discussed in the skin guide. It hydrates the lips amazingly and provides a good
source of fat-soluble vitamins. Certain companies make a beef tallow and beeswax lip
balm, providing even further benefit due to beeswax’s protective effects. You can find
the product we recommend on the products page.

Use a Lip Scrub: Lip scrubs are the hidden gem of looksmaxxing. They provide an
instant ascension after use by boosting blood flow the the lips, which improves the
colouring of your lips significantly. It also exfoliates the lips making them appear
smoother. You look instantly more vibrant and healthy with the use of this one simple
product. In terms of the product you should buy, many lip scrubs contain toxic
ingredients. We actually recommend making your own. Simply combine a Celtic sea salt
with a carrier oil such as castor oil or emu oil.

The Full Nose Guide

Everyone thinks that you can't change your nose, but that is completely wrong. You can.

Maxillary Development and Nasal Morphology

Your nasal shape is directly correlated to the development of your maxilla. If you have
proper palatal inclination and counterclockwise rotation of the maxilla, I can almost
guarantee you wouldn’t have a dorsal hump. However, note that having an upturned
nose doesn't necessarily mean you have a well-developed maxilla.

Further development of your maxilla will significantly alter the appearance of your nose,
especially if you are under 21. As your jaw becomes more upwardly and outwardly
developed, your nose’s relative appearance will change, which is crucial to improving
nasal aesthetics.

The rest of this course in other areas will explain in detail how to counter maxillary
retrognathia (recession) through other techniques, including:

● Chin tucks
● Thumbpulling
● Tongue chewing
● Myofunctional exercises
● Chewing, swallowing, breathing techniques
● Posture
● Hormonal optimization

Developing the Nasion Bone for a Temporary Fix

While proper maxillary development will fix a dorsal hump and nasal protrusion over
time (especially if you're younger and your bones are still developing), there is a
temporary solution. By developing the nasion bone, you can create the illusion of a
straighter nose and balance the appearance of your dorsal hump.

To do this:

● Use a gua sha tool and with medium pressure, tap the spot between your dorsal
hump and your forehead (the nasion bone).
● This will temporarily swell the cartilage, making the nose appear straighter.
● Over time, consistent practice can help develop the bone itself.

Even though the cartilage swelling is temporary, it is still worth it. Do this for 2 minutes
every night before bed for the best results.

Reducing the Size of Your Nose

You can also reduce the size of your nose. While getting leaner and reducing bloating
will help, there's a more effective method:

● Use a microneedling pen with a 1mm length on your nose for a few minutes.
● After that, apply The Masque (from Gagnon Essentials), which contains
diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, and collagen. This will tighten the skin,
decrease excess sebum, reduce water retention, and make your nose appear

For a more drastic solution, you can use lipo gel to burn fat around your nose. However,
this goes against the holistic principles of the rest of this course, as lipo gel contains
harmful "forever chemicals" that can negatively impact your progress in other areas.

Nasal Lifting Technique

This final technique is temporary but can be linked to maxillary development through
the vomer bone. Here's how to do it:

● Use your index finger to push the entirety of your nose upwards (starting from the
bottom part).
● Smile as widely as you can while continuing to push your nose upwards.
● Repeat this 10 times every night after thumbpulling.
While this technique is less scientific, it has been effective for me personally and is
worth mentioning for those looking to improve nasal morphology.

Diet 🍖: Learn how to fuel your body the right way, with a focus on both aesthetics and
health. Expect to learn what it means to eat like your ancestors, the exact foods you
should be eating, as well as how to source and prepare it all. By the end of this course,
you will have a comprehensive understanding of to eat your way to beauty...

Eat Like Your Ancestors

One of the core ideas in this community is that health = beauty. This is so foundational,
and could'nt be more true. With diet and what you put in your mouth being the
fundamental principle of health, it is crucial that your eating is dialed in if you want to

The diet of the average human in the 21st century is miles away from what it was when
we were thriving as a species. The food industry has become an evil and profit-driven
machine that is poisoning humans on a global scale, with endocrine-disrupting
chemicals, toxic seed oils and pesticides lurking in everything we eat.

It is important to know though, that this was not always the case. Your ancestors had
health markers twice as good as yours, just by eating according to nature and the true
biology of our bodies. Similar to general health, the second our diets stepped away from
nature and what our ancestors/biology have evolved to eat, society became infertile,
ugly, and obese.

There is, however, hope. The human body does have a preferred way of eating, that,
when adhered to, will cause you to thrive in all aspects, notably in your appearance. In
this section, expect to learn what this way of eating is, as well as the key methodologies
that will unlock that ascension you've been working for...

The Elite Foods List: Eat These to Mog

The fundamental rule of our diet protocol is this:

● Protein and fat from animal products

● Carbohydrates from fruit, honey and dairy.

It is as simple as that, but below is the list of all the foods you should be consuming and

The ELITE Foods

● Grass-fed Beef, Bison, Lamb (Mince, Ribeye, Fillet, Sirloin, Rump, etc.): Rich in
essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and bioavailable iron (heme iron).
These meats provide high-quality protein for muscle repair and growth and fat-
soluble vitamins like vitamin A (retinol) and vitamin K2, which are crucial for
bone growth and overall health.
● Liver, Heart, Bone Marrow: Organ meats are incredibly nutrient-dense, being a
source of vitamin A, vitamin B12, choline, iron, and zinc, which all support cellular
metabolism, energy production, and immune function. Liver, in particular, has a
high concentration of retinol, which is critical for your skin health.
● Tallow: Rendered animal fat from grass-fed sources is high in saturated fatty
acids (SFAs) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which improve hormone
production, including testosterones'. Tallow is also rich in stearic acid, a
saturated fat shown to support mitochondrial function.
● Pasture-Raised Eggs: Eggs from pasture-raised chickens are a complete protein
source and provide a wealth of nutrients, including choline, lutein and zeaxanthin.
The important egg yolk also contains vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, critical
for inflammatory balance and bone density
● Bone Broth: Rich in collagen, glycine, proline, and glutamine. Bone broth
promotes gut health by supporting the strength of the intestinal lining and
reducing gut permeability ("leaky gut"). These amino acids are also crucial for
tissue repair and supporting skin, joint, and bone health through collagen
● Celtic Sea Salt: A rich source of essential minerals such as sodium, magnesium,
and potassium, which are vital for maintaining electrolyte balance (see section in
● Raw Honey: Contains natural sugars, antioxidants, enzymes (such as glucose
oxidase), and polyphenols. These bioactive compounds support immune
function and act as antioxidants which protect cells from oxidative damage and
provide a quick-access energy source through fructose and glucose.
● Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Maple Syrup: Royal jelly and bee pollen are rich in
vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Maple syrup, while a carbohydrate source,
contains polyphenols and manganese, which aid in antioxidant defense and
energy production.
● Fruits (Avocado, Bananas, Apples, Blueberries, etc.): Fruits provide essential
vitamins like vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and phytonutrients like flavonoids and
polyphenols. These compounds are again antioxidants and have anti-
inflammatory effects. This leads to improved metabolic health and reduced
oxidative stress.
● Raw Dairy (Milk, Cheese, Yogurt/Kefir, Colostrum from Goat/Sheep/Cow): Raw
dairy from A2-casein animals contains bioavailable calcium, phosphorus, and
vitamin K2 for bone health, along with probiotics and enzymes such as lactase,
which assist in digesting lactose and improving gut flora.
● Some Vegetables (Only To Be Eaten Seasonally): Foods such as Winter Squash,
Carrots, Turnips, Zucchini, Pumpkin and Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes are really the
only ones that we would recommend. Whilst they are plants which we generally
avoid in this diet, eating these when in season (winter in this case) can be highly
beneficial for aligning your body with the natural seasons, improving digestion,
and giving your body the energy it needs to live in colder conditions. They are rich
in vitamins A and C, which support immune function, skin health, and eye health.
They are also packed with complex carbohydrates and fiber, providing sustained
energy and aiding digestion, while their antioxidant properties help reduce
inflammation. It is important that if you do decide to eat these, that you prepare
them properly. Peel off skin where possible, wash fully (you can even soak them
overnight) and ensure that they are fully cooked before consumption.

Why the Meat, Fruit, and Dairy Approach?

It comes down to the fundamental principle of maximizing the most nutrient-dense

foods, (the list above) and minimizing the toxic foods such as plants and PUFA's (seed
oils) that, despite what modern 'big' food tells you, are making you ugly. Below is more
information on why this approach works.

Nose to Tail: Our Approach to Meat

Meat is the foundation for this diet. Meat contains most of the vital micronutrients that
the body needs and in abundance. It's high in vital micronutrients, omega-3 fatty acids,
SFA's, and a great source of bioavailable protein. With this in mind, there is further detail
needed on how to go about consuming meat in the most effective way. There is a
specific way of approaching this diet that will lead to the highest health and
performance. This is that you should be aiming to consume to whole animal or ‘nose to
tail’. This creates a sort of ‘nutrient synergy’ that replicates how our ancestors would
have eaten. The way to do this is to pair the ‘muscle meats’ or ruminants (steaks, lamb
chop etc) with other parts of the animal such as bone broth ,bone marrow etc. Muscle
meats contain the high-quality protein we’re after (plenty of essential amino acids,
various vitamins and minerals) but lack certain nutrients like collagen, glycine, and other
non-essential (but still important) amino acids found abundantly in connective tissues
and bones. As a result, the combination of both ruminants and connective parts will
lead to the most well-rounded nutrient profile on the planet, allowing you to operate at
maximum capacity and peak health.
*Despite what many advocates may say online, you don’t need bone broth every day
however. 3-4 days per week with 500ml of the highest quality bone broth you have
access to is plenty.

Fruit and Honey as Primary Carb Source – Why?

Our emphasis on fruits and honey as primary carbohydrate sources derives from their
nutrient-rich composition and historical relevance in ancestral diets. Fruits, such as
bananas, apples, blueberries, and oranges, offer a plethora of essential vitamins,
including vitamin C, potassium, and various phytochemicals like flavonoids and
polyphenols, which exert antioxidant properties. These compounds play pivotal roles in
combating oxidative stress and inflammation within the body, thereby contributing to
overall health and disease prevention. Furthermore, the natural sugars present in fruits,
predominantly fructose, provide a readily available energy source while mitigating the
adverse metabolic effects associated with refined sugars. Similarly, raw honey, apart
from being a source of carbohydrates, harbours bioactive compounds like enzymes,
phenolic acids, and flavonoids, which confer antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-
inflammatory properties. The inclusion of fruits and honey in ancestral diets is rooted in
their unprocessed nature and the avoidance of plants containing defensive chemicals,
aligning with evolutionary adaptations. Fruits should be your main source of
carbohydrates as they are the most nutrient-dense method of getting carbohydrates
and avoid the issues of consuming starches and processed/refined sugars.

The opposite to this approach would be consuming vegetables and other starches such
as rice or grains for carbohydrates. We strongly argue against this because consuming
vegetables and other carbohydrates poses certain challenges rooted in their
biochemical composition and evolutionary considerations. Vegetables contain various
defence chemicals, such as lectins, phytates, and oxalates, evolved to deter insects and
herbivores from consumption (more on this in the healthmaxxing section). Think about
it, plants are stationary and rooted in the ground, and so cannot defend themselves
other than by containing these ‘poisons’ to damage the health of their prey. These
compounds can interfere with nutrient absorption and disrupt gastrointestinal health.
Lectins, for instance, may bind to the gut lining, leading to inflammation and gut
permeability issues, while phytates can chelate essential minerals, hindering their
absorption. Similarly, oxalates may contribute to the formation of kidney stones and
interfere with calcium metabolism which is crucial for developing the masculine
characteristics we discuss in this course. Our ancestors likely avoided these defensive
chemicals by favouring fruits and honey, which offer a more favourable nutrient-to-anti-
nutrient ratio. By prioritizing fruits and honey over vegetables and other carbohydrates,
we can minimize exposure to potentially harmful compounds while maximizing nutrient
intake and still accessing the crucial macronutrient that is carbohydrates.

Primary Dairy Source from Goats and Sheep, ALL RAW - Why?

The modern food industry has villanized dairy. It feels like everyone is now trying to cut
it out for supposed health benefits, not realizing the micronutrients they are leaving
behind. Animal dairy products contain the crucial nutrients for your height growth,
calcium and vitamin K2 and so cutting them out will leave you weakened and brittle.
However, there is one thing all of those 'FAD' followers are right about. Certain types of
dairy are inflammatory and thus subpar for your health. The types of dairy that the
average person consumes, being ultra-pasteurized, grain-fed, A1 Cows dairy, does
wreak havoc on your health. When A1 proteins are consumed, it signals the release of a
peptide in the body called BCM-7. Once released, this peptide causes an auto-immune
response, an increase in gut permeability and can cross the blood-brain barrier. All of
these cause heightened inflammation and thus a worsened appearance. Another issue
with traditional cow's dairy is its fatty-acid length and fat globule size. With longer fatty-
acid chains and larger fat globule sizes, people have a hard time digesting and thus
absorbing the nutrients in cow's dairy.

The solution to this is to always only consume A2 types of dairy, found in sheep and
goats. Whilst certain cows do produce A2 protein, there are more benefits to dairy from
sheep and goats, which is why we recommend it. Not only is Sheep and Goat dairy all
A2, but they both have much smaller fat globules, making it easier to digest. Both are
higher in most key micronutrients and electrolytes, including calcium and will give you
all of the benefits of dairy, without the inflammation from 'big' food's version of dairy,
containing A1 protein.

Finally, the dairy products you do consume should ideally be raw. As briefly alluded to in
the health section, raw or unpasteurized dairy has significant health benefits compared
to its pasteurized counterpart. Just to give you an idea of the nutrient supremacy of raw
milk, see the list below:

● Vitamin A:
Pasteurized Milk: 35% reduction
Raw Milk: 100% active
● Vitamin C:
Pasteurized Milk: 25-77% reduction
Raw Milk: 100% active
● Vitamin E:
Pasteurized Milk: 14% reduction
Raw Milk: 100% active
● Iron:
Pasteurized Milk: Reduced
Raw Milk: 100% active
● Zinc:
Pasteurized Milk: 66% reduction
Raw Milk: 100% active
● B-Complex Vitamins:
Pasteurized Milk: 38% reduction
Raw Milk: 100% active
● Calcium:
Pasteurized Milk: 21% reduction
Raw Milk: 100% active
● Enzymes:
Pasteurized Milk: 100% destroyed
Raw Milk: 100% active
● Immunoglobulins:
Pasteurized Milk: Damaged
Raw Milk: 100% active
● Whey Protein:
Pasteurized Milk: Denatured
Raw Milk: 100% active


The saying 'what you put in is what you get out' couldn't be more correct here. The
foods that you put into your body define how you look. Many people try to make up for a
poor diet appearance-wise, but you cannot run forever. Your diet should be the priority
when trying to ascend, and the diet above is the best place to start.

Food Sourcing and Preparation

As well as eating the right foods, there is more nuance to consider when trying to create
the perfect diet for your ascension. You must consider where your food comes from
and how you prepare it. You could be eating some of the elite foods, but ignoring these
two aspects of diet will undermine your efforts in maximizing nutrients and minimizing

Food Sourcing – "Pay the Farmer Now or the Doctor Later"

When it comes to sourcing your food, the key principle to remember is this: buy as close
to the source as possible. Find the best quality local farmers you can and make them
the primary source of your food. Because the modern food industry compromises on
quality to produce things on a mass scale, the animals themselves are never the priority,
leading to reduced nutrients.
Why Organic Matters for Fruits and Meats:

As well as sourcing your food as close to the source as possible from farmers, it is also
crucial to buy organic. Non-organic fruits for example are sprayed with pesticides,
herbicides, and fungicides. These chemicals are endocrine disruptors, interfering with
your hormonal balance, which is crucial for maintaining optimal masculine gene
expression and metabolic health. Organic fruits, on the other hand, are grown without
synthetic chemicals and in healthier soil, resulting in more nutrient-dense produce.
Sourcing meat, eggs, and dairy from organic, pasture-raised animals is equally
important. It ensures that the livestock has been fed a natural diet free from harmful
substances like antibiotics, growth hormones, and GMO grains. Organic meat from
grass-fed animals contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, CLA (conjugated
linoleic acid), and fat-soluble vitamins. Consuming non-organic meat means you're
ingesting not only the hormones and antibiotics the animal was treated with but also
harmful fats (Omega-6) and inflammatory compounds from unnatural diets.

Food Preparation – The Hidden Dangers in Your Kitchen

Food preparation is just as crucial as the quality of the food itself. Having now bought
all of this high-quality produce, we want to preserve as many nutrients as possible and
minimize the foods' exposure to harmful chemicals in the process. There are many
ways that chemicals could be sneaking into your food and impeding your progress, so
you must consider the list below.

1. Cookware:
Stop using non-stick cookware immediately. Non-stick surfaces are coated with
chemicals known as PFAS, known as "forever chemicals" They do not break down in
your body and so wreak havoc on your hormones and can even cause cancer. Opt for
cast-iron or stainless steel cookware.

2. Fats for Cooking:

This goes without saying, but cooking with the wrong fats can turn a healthy meal into a
toxic one. Seed oils (like canola, rapeseed, soybean, or sunflower oil) are highly
processed and rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and are prone to oxidation
which leads to inflammation in the body. You should always cook with saturated fats
such as tallow, ghee, or coconut oil, which remain stable under high heat. Similarly, a
common mistake people make is cooking with olive oil. Whilst olive oil is not toxic and
contains nutrients like polyphenols and antioxidants, it is higher in omega-6 fatty acids
and is a poor choice for cooking. Firstly, all of its nutrients break down when cooked
with any way, but more importantly, olive oil has a low smoke point (160-190 degrees
Celsius). This means olive oil starts to break down and release harmful free radicals
that damage cells and cause inflammation. These more saturated fats like tallow and
ghee fats have been consumed by our ancestors for millennia and are aligned with the
way our bodies evolved to function.

3. Cooking Methods and Temperatures: AGEs...

The temperature at which we cook our food also plays a role in its nutrient profile. With
certain foods such as steak for example, overcooking can reduce its nutrient profile, as
certain nutrients like B vitamins break down under too much heat. As a result, it is
crucial to cook your steak rare. Similarly, when preparing eggs, it is important to keep
the yolk as uncooked as possible. The yolk is where all of those key nutrients are held,
and so cooking the yolk (scrambled eggs for example) will reduce their nutrient content.
With this in mind, don't be afraid of having these things raw. If you are sourcing your
food from farmers and it is high-quality produce, you can have your ribeye steak raw
with a couple of raw egg yolks. You will undoubtedly get more nutrients this way, but not
all like this approach.

Not only does the way we cook our food affect the nutrient profile, but it is crucial to
cook the correct way, to minimize AGEs. Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) are
harmful compounds that form when proteins or fats combine with sugars (the Maillard
reaction) in a process known as glycation. This combination occurs during high-
temperature cooking techniques such as frying and grilling. AGEs accumulate in the
body and contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation, which is not ideal for our
health and attractiveness. AGEs have been shown to impair cellular function, disrupt
insulin signaling, and promote tissue damage by increasing free radical production. As a
result, it is crucial to try and minimize the formation of AGEs during cooking. Using
methods like steaming, boiling, or slow cooking at lower temperatures are
recommended, as they minimize the high heat and dry conditions that promote
glycation. We recommend using a pressure cooker like an instapot, as these are the
quickest way to cook food, whilst not producing many AGEs.

4. Avoiding Plastics and Microwaves:

Eliminate all plastic from your kitchen. Simple. If there is any plastic being exposed to
your food, it is leaching endocrine-disrupting chemicals into that food, and reducing
your ability to ascend. Be especially wary of your plastic cutting boards, spatulas and
tupperware, as these are probably causing you the most microplastic exposure. After
eliminating these, it is also important to avoid using the microwave. Microwaving food
exposes it to electromagnetic radiation that causes the molecules in the food to vibrate,
leading to significant nutrient degradation, especially for water-soluble vitamins and
antioxidants, both of which are crucial to your health. Similarly, heating fats in a
microwave causes fat oxidation, leading to the formation of harmful compounds like
aldehydes and advanced glycation end products. These compounds cause
inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which go directly against your ascension.

5. Avoid Dish Soap:

Most conventional dish soaps yet again contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Even in
the smallest of dosages, this stuff will interfere with your hormonal health. These
chemicals can leave residues on your cookware and plates and contaminate your
otherwise clean food. Instead, opt for a more natural cleaning method, like baking soda,
or switch to an all-natural dish soap brand.

The Core Techniques 🔑: This module introduces essential techniques for appearance
improvement, including:

● Bonesmashing 🦴
● Chin Tucks 🧠
● Thumb Pulling 👃
● Mewing 👅
● Neck Training

The Full Chin Tuck Guide

The McKenzian chin tuck is an essential foundational postural technique for improving
your facial structure. Not only do chin tucks promote optimal neck and head alignment,
they also allow for proper development of the lower third and a symmetrical face. Most
importantly of all, however, learning to chin tuck is key to mewing properly. See below
the in-depth explanation of the sheer importance of this technique, and also a step-by-
step guide on actually doing it.

The Importance of the Chin Tuck: What to Expect

Fixes FHP: One of the first key areas that Chin Tucks will solve for you is Forward Head
Posture (FHP). This is a key contributor to a recessed jawline and poor facial aesthetics,
and it occurs when the head is positioned too far forward relative to the spine. FHP
places excessive strain on the cervical spine, leading to a cascade of musculoskeletal
imbalances. The head's center of gravity shifts forward, resulting in overstretching of
the posterior neck muscles (such as the suboccipital group) and shortening of the
anterior neck muscles (like the sternocleidomastoid). The McKenzian chin tuck corrects
this dysfunction by promoting cervical retraction, reducing the compressive forces on
the cervical spine. By realigning the head and neck, the chin tuck allows the muscles
and skeletal structures to return to their natural, more functional state, allowing for long-
term changes to be made in the jaw and neck profile with myofunctional therapy (see
our section on that). Essentially, the chin tuck and thus fixing FHP allows for
myofunctional therapy (the main process we use to improve facial aesthetics) to be
effective. Similarly, The McKenzian chin tuck directly targets the deep cervical flexors
which are often weakened in those with FHP. Weakness in these muscles leads to
forward displacement of the head, which leads to elongation of the neck and a less
defined lower face. Strengthening the deep cervical flexors through chin tucks improves
head and neck posture, which in turn affects the positioning of the mandible (jawbone).
As the head is pulled backward into proper alignment, the mandible is encouraged to sit
more prominently, improving the appearance of your jawline.

Improves Submental Region and Hyoid Bone - The McKenzian chin tuck also has a
large effect on the hyoid bone, being the bone that is suspended between the mandible
and the thyroid cartilage. In individuals with FHP, the hyoid bone is often low, which can
lead to drooping in the submental region (the area beneath the chin) and a double chin
appearance, something we want to avoid for facial aesthetics. Chin tucks help
reposition the hyoid bone by retracting the head and neck, tightening the soft tissues in
the submental region. This repositioning creates a lifted appearance under the chin and
improves the aesthetics of the neck and jawline.

Improves Forward Growth and Tongue Posture - The McKenzian chin tuck is also a
pivotal exercise in promoting mandibular advancement/forward growth, particularly for
individuals with a retrognathic mandible or underdeveloped chin. The action of training
posterior neck muscles and engaging deep cervical flexors with chin tucks advances
the mandible into a more anterior position, as the mandible is freed from the backward
displacement caused by forward head posture (FHP). By creating mandibular
advancement, the chin tuck contributes to the realignment of the temporomandibular
joint (TMJ), enhancing jaw projection and improving the definition of the lower third. In
conjunction with its effects on the mandible, the chin tuck also plays a critical role in
myofunctional therapy, particularly in promoting proper tongue posture. Mewing, or the
maintenance of the tongue against the hard palate (see mewing guide), is central to
facial growth and development of the maxilla (arguably the most important bone for
facial aesthetics, learn more in later sections). The McKenzian chin tuck optimizes the
positioning of the tongue relative to the maxilla and means the tongue is more likely to
maintain its proper posture against the palate. This synergy between cervical retraction
and tongue posture stabilizes the orofacial muscles and stimulates balanced
craniofacial development, encouraging forward growth of both the maxilla and
mandible, thus improving overall facial harmony and symmetry. Finally, another
structural impact of the chin tuck is the improvement in the cervicocranial angle (crucial
for aesthetics), being the angle between the cervical spine and the base of the cranium.
The chin tuck, by pulling the head backward into alignment with the cervical spine,
sharpens the cervicocranial angle, enhancing the distinction between the neck and
jawline. This creates the appearance of a longer neck and a more angular, masculine

How to Chin Tuck - Step-by-Step Guide:

More of the benefits of chin tucks lie in their simplicity. Performing this exercise does
take up more than 5-10 minutes of your day, whilst still getting all of the benefits
discussed above. Here is the step-by-step guide:

1. Initial Positioning

● Sit or Stand Upright: Begin by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with

your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Ensure your feet are flat on the
floor if you’re sitting.
● Align Your Spine: Imagine a string pulling the crown of your head upward,
creating length in your spine. Your ears should be in line with your shoulders, and
your shoulders should not be slouched or rounded forward.
● Neck Neutral: Keep your neck in a neutral position, which means your gaze is
forward, not looking up or down. Your chin should naturally point forward, not

2. Roll Your Shoulders Back

● Roll your shoulders up toward your ears, then back and down to create a neutral
shoulder position. This helps prevent slouching and opens up your chest,
ensuring optimal alignment for the exercise.
3. Chin Retraction

● Retract the Chin: Without tilting your head up or down, slowly pull your chin
straight back. Imagine you’re trying to make a “double chin” by pulling your chin
toward your throat. This movement should be horizontal—avoid lifting or
dropping the chin.
● Keep Eyes Level: As you retract your chin, make sure your eyes stay level and
don’t tilt downward or upward. Focus on keeping your gaze forward as your head
moves back.

4. Engage the Deep Cervical Flexors

● You should feel a subtle contraction in the muscles at the front of your neck
(deep cervical flexors) as they engage to pull the head into alignment.
Simultaneously, you might notice a gentle stretch in the back of your neck,
indicating that you’re pulling your head backward properly.
● Avoid moving your shoulders; they should remain stable while your neck and
head perform the movement.

5. Hold the Position

● Once you’ve retracted your chin to a comfortable but firm point, hold this position
for 5 to 10 seconds. Ensure you are maintaining the contraction in the front of
your neck and the gentle stretch in the back without allowing your head to drift
forward or your chin to jut out.

6. Release Slowly

● After holding the position, slowly release the retraction and return your chin to the
starting position in a controlled manner. Ensure you return to neutral posture
rather than allowing the head to fall forward again.

7. Repeat

● Perform 10 to 15 repetitions of the chin tuck, focusing on maintaining proper

form throughout. For best results, practice this exercise 2 to 3 times per day,
gradually increasing the hold time as your muscles strengthen.
● To further enhance the effects, focus on maintaining proper tongue posture by
pressing the tongue against the roof of your mouth (mewing) while performing
the chin tuck.

The Full Mewing Guide

1. The Importance of Mewing: Why It’s Foundational for Facial Aesthetics

If you have had any internet presence over the last year or so, you probably have heard
of this technique by now. This is not just some internet trend, however, as mewing (a
technique named after Dr. Mike Mew) originates in myofunctional therapy and
orthodontics and is probably the most crucial step towards proper facial development.
At its core, mewing is about maintaining proper tongue posture, swallowing mechanics,
and chewing habits. If these three areas are taken care of, you can expect to have
significantly improved facial aesthetics.

The concept of functional matrix theory, developed by Melvin Moss, suggests that
bones grow in response to the functional demands placed on them by muscles and soft
tissue. This is closely related to Wolff’s Law, which states that bone adapts to
mechanical stresses by growing stronger where force is applied. Mewing capitalizes on
these principles by promoting the correct tongue posture that encourages forward and
upward growth of the maxilla, the key to all facial development.

Why is mewing foundational for facial aesthetics?

Maxillary Expansion and Forward Growth: The maxilla is the foundation to facial
aesthetics, as you will continue to discover throughout this course. Correct tongue
posture exerts continuous upward pressure on the maxilla, encouraging forward
development. This process of forward maxillary development is known as counter-
clockwise rotation (CCW), and is the primary movement pattern that improves facial
aesthetics. Proper CCW from mewing leads to a well-defined jawline and high
cheekbones, both attractive features. The opposite, where the maxilla fails to develop
properly (due to mouth breathing, poor oral posture etc.), known as clockwise rotation
(CW) is where there is a downward and backward movement of the maxilla and thus
mandible, leading to facial elongation and a recessed chin, both unattractive.
Facial Symmetry and Harmony - The Sphenoid: The sphenoid is another critical part of
optimal facial development and is highly responsible for your facial symmetry as well. It
maintains the positioning of surrounding bone structures, including the zygomatic
arches and the orbital bones and houses key foramina through which the trigeminal
nerve (cranial nerve V) passes. This nerve controls sensation and motor function in the
face, and so if the sphenoid is misaligned, it can lead to asymmetrical tension in these
nerve pathways, contributing to facial asymmetry through altered muscle tone and
development. More generally speaking, however, it serves as an anchor for lots of
different structures in the face, so we must bring it into alignment for proper facial
aesthetics. This can be done via correct tongue posture. Because the maxilla is
connected to the sphenoid bone via the pterygomaxillary suture, as the maxilla expands
and develops under correct tongue posture, the sphenoid experiences forward forces
aswell. Similarly, mewing encourages proper myofunctional habits, such as engaging
the tongue and avoiding overuse of the lips and cheeks (more on this momentarily).
This helps to develop symmetry in the facial musculature and bone structure, leading to
improved aesthetics.

Airway and Breathing Efficiency: Tongue posture is closely related to developing and
maintaining a wide, stable airway. In myofunctional therapy, the tongue acts as a natural
expander of the palate and airway, promoting nasal breathing, which is critical for
proper craniofacial growth. Nasal breathing, in turn, enhances facial structure by
improving forward maxillary growth, creating a sort of self-fulfilling cycle.

Muscle Tone and Bone Remodeling: The muscles of the face, particularly the masseter
and buccinator muscles, play an essential role in defining jawline structure. Consistent
correct engagement of these muscles, paired with correct tongue posture, stimulates
the underlying bones to remodel and become more defined. This increases overall facial

2. How to Practically Implement Mewing

Step 1: Correct Tongue Posture

Proper Positioning: Firstly, the tongue should rest entirely against the palate (roof of the
mouth) when at rest. This includes the posterior (back) third of the tongue, which is
essential for maintaining upward pressure on the maxilla. The front of the tongue
should rest behind the upper incisors without touching them. Constant upward pressure
from the tongue helps to stimulate bone remodeling and forward growth of the maxilla,
which, as mentioned, is the crucial bone for enhanced facial structure.

Creating Suction: For mewing to be even more successful, we must utilize the
mechanics of suction to ensure that our tongue stays in the correct position. This is
done by swallowing. As you swallow, feel the tongue move upward and backward,
creating a tight seal with the roof of your mouth. You can swallow multiple times
(obviously with sealed lips) to strengthen this suction as well. This motion pulls the
tongue upward and naturally adheres to proper tongue posture. Over time, this will build
muscle memory and help you naturally maintain the suction posture without having to
think about it. You will also naturally strengthen the back third of the tongue, which
many find difficult to engage, specifically improving the palatoglossus and styloglossus
muscles. The improvements in these muscles helps maintain the forward position of
the maxilla, reinforcing the upward and forward forces needed for optimal facial

Step 2: Correct Swallowing Mechanics.

Tongue-Led Swallowing: Swallowing is a critical function that directly affects facial

development. During swallowing, the tongue should press firmly against the roof of the
mouth, particularly the posterior part, avoiding any force against the teeth. Improper
swallowing patterns, such as tongue thrusting (where the tongue pushes against the
teeth), can lead to malocclusion and distort facial growth.

Sequential Activation: Engage the muscles in a coordinated manner during swallowing.

The back of the tongue should initiate the swallowing motion, propelling food or saliva
backward toward the throat, while the cheeks and lips remain relaxed. This ensures that
the muscles of the face and neck are used correctly, but more specifically the digastric
and mylohyoid muscles. These elevate the hyoid bone and contribute to the
stabilization of the jaw and throat muscles. This coordinated muscle activation
reinforces maxillary positioning, helping to maintain proper CCW.

Lip Posture and Facial Tension: Avoid overuse of the lips or cheeks when swallowing. If
you engage these muscles too frequently it can distort the balance of facial muscles,
leading to unwanted tension and asymmetry.

Step 3: Chewing Habits

Hard Chewing for Maximal Growth: Chewing hard foods is a foundational aspect of
myofunctional therapy. Chewing stimulates the masseter muscles and promotes bone
remodeling in the mandible (lower jaw), contributing to the development of a well-
defined jawline. Chewing places stress on the bones, encouraging them to grow
stronger in response to the increased mechanical demand. This principle is
foundational, however, it is important to note that the portions of the mouth you use to
chew are also very important (see final bullet point of Step 3).

Even Bilateral Chewing: Chewing should be evenly distributed across both sides of the
mouth to prevent asymmetric muscle and bone growth. If chewing is focused on one
side, it leads to imbalanced muscle development and worsened facial symmetry.

Frequent, Purposeful Chewing: Regularly engaging the jaw in hard chewing (e.g., with
tougher foods like fibrous vegetables, meats, or gum) strengthens the masseter and
temporalis muscles, which enhances overall facial structure. Using gum like mastic
gum can provide a consistent resistance for chewing practice, helping to maintain
muscle engagement throughout the day. As mentioned however, the part of the mouth
this chewing is done needs to be considered aswell.

Chewing to Correct Bite Misalignment: Issues such as an overbite (where the front
teeth overlap excessively with the lower teeth) cause maxillary retrognathia or maxillary
hypoplasia, where the maxilla (upper jaw) is underdeveloped or positioned too far
backward relative to the mandible (lower jaw). This backward positioning reduces the
forward projection of the midface, leading to an imbalanced jaw relationship and a
protrusive lower face and recessed upper jaw. One of the key factors that contribute to
this maxillary retrognathia is poor chewing habits, specifically, relying too much on the
molars for chewing rather than engaging the front teeth (incisors). When the molars are
overused, the posterior maxilla and mandible receive excessive stimulation, leading to
downward and backward growth patterns or CW, which cause the upper jaw to remain
underdeveloped in a forward direction and lead to a more pronounced overbite. Since
molars primarily activate the muscles responsible for grinding at the back of the mouth,
they do not stimulate forward maxillary growth. and so neglecting the front incisors
deprives the anterior maxilla of necessary mechanical stimulation, causing the midface
to collapse and a "long face" appearance. Chewing with the front incisors corrects this,
however, by applying direct mechanical forces directly to the anterior maxilla,
stimulating bone growth and remodeling in line with Wolff's Law, which drives CCW or
forward and upward maxillary development. By engaging the front teeth, you activate
facial muscles such as the orbicularis oris and levator labii, which also help encourage
the forward expansion of the maxilla, which again, helps to stop the clockwise rotation
or negative maxillary growth that worsens our aesthetics.

Step 4: Practical Exercises

Tongue Strengthening Exercises: Practicing exercises such as tongue presses, where

you press the tongue against the roof of your mouth as hard as possible for 5-10
seconds, can help develop the strength needed to maintain proper tongue posture
throughout the day.

Swallowing Practice: Deliberate, slow swallowing with the tongue in the correct position
can be practiced by drinking water. Ensure that the tongue presses against the roof of
the mouth during each swallow to reinforce proper function.

Chewing Mastic Gum: Chew for 20-30 minutes daily to help build up the masseter
muscles and reinforce positive chewing habits, remembering to chew evenly and also
with the front teeth.
Important Caveat: Just Mewing Is Not Enough

Mewing is crucial for proper facial development. Without it, your maxilla would be
underdeveloped, your mandible recessed, and your airways constricted leading to
mouth breathing and a whole host of other issues. However, it is not the best method
for causing the most maxillary movement, especially in shorter periods. Some
drawbacks with mewing are that, it must be done 24/7 for results to be most effective,
something that many will be unable to do, and also, the tongue only exerts 2-4
kilopascals of pressure on the upper palate. Whilst this is enough to make gradual
changes to your facial development, it is exactly that, gradual. As a result of this, we
must practice mewing in conjunction with other key techniques, to get the most results
possible. The first of these key practices is known as thumb pulling, which is a much
more forceful and mechanical expansion of the internal surface area of our palate.
Learn about this in the next section...

The Full Thumbpulling + Reflexology Guide

Why Thumpulling Works and The Importance of the Maxilla.

Fundamentally, thumbpulling expands the palate. The palate (roof of your mouth), is a
part of the maxilla (upper jaw bone), but more specifically, the palate is made up of two
halves of the maxilla, called palatal bones, both of which meet at the mid-palatal suture.
(a suture just being a fibrous joint that connects bones). By exerting upward and
outward pressure on these palatal bones, via thumbpulling, we can physically widen and
push forward the palate, and thus the maxilla. A wider and more forward-grown maxilla
is foundational to facial aesthetics, and unlocks an insane amount of aesthetic
potential. Here's how:

Here are all of the ways a wider and more forward maxilla (achieved by them pulling)
improves facial development and aesthetics:
1. Improves Mid-face, Smile, and Cheekbones - A wider and more forward-grown
maxilla creates a broader and more proportionate mid-face, widens your smile,
and pushes the zygomatic (cheek) bones forward and outward. All three of these
changes are crucial for attractiveness and achieving a more masculine look.
2. Improves Lower Jaw Forward Growth - A wider and more forward maxilla
promotes better lower jaw development via widening the dental arch. This
widening allows the upper teeth to be better aligned and provides more space for
the teeth to sit naturally. Proper alignment of the upper teeth ensures that the
lower teeth meet them correctly (called proper occlusion). The opposite of proper
occlusion is called malocclusion (when the upper and lower jaw are misaligned),
and this is caused by a recessed maxilla. This leads to a recessed lower jaw
because it is forced into a retracted position by the recessed maxilla. When the
bite is well-aligned however (as a result of a sufficiently wide and forward-grown
maxilla), the lower jaw is no longer forced into a retracted position, allowing it to
develop properly and improving your mandibular forward growth. Similarly, a
widened and more forward maxilla increases the space in the nasal cavity,
facilitating better nasal breathing. This is significant for facial structure and lower
jaw forward growth because increased nasal breathing leads to better tongue
posture and mewing. This upward pressure encourages further maxilla forward
growth, creating even more space for the jaw to grow forward.
3. Improves Facial Harmony Through Symmetry - A wider maxilla ensures that
both sides of the face are evenly supported, which reduces asymmetry in the
cheeks, lips, and jaw. A more forward maxilla also allows for the upper and lower
facial third to be aligned, which is very important. A recessed maxilla can make
the nose look overly prominent or the lower jaw appear weak, but a more forward
maxilla however brings the midface in line with the forehead and chin, which
means improved facial harmony and thus appearance.

Reflexology - Thumbpulling 2.0:

Having now discussed the theory of thumb pulling, things start to get a little bit more
esoteric from here on, with Chinese reflexology. Essentially, within the mouth, there are
many energetically interconnected areas called reflex points. By stimulating these reflex
points, we release energetic blockages and align the flow of Qi through the meridians,
harmonizing bodily systems. By applying pressure to, and massaging specific intraoral
points, we promote the mechanotransduction that stimulates osteoblast activity, which
is the key for changes in bone structure. As opposed to thumb pulling which is more of
a direct expansion through mechanical force, reflexology is different, and instead of
acting on facial structure mechanically, it acts energetically, creating a stimulus that
causes the bone remodeling.
So, to get the best results possible, we must combine both of these approaches. The
way to do this is simple. We use reflexology techniques first to cause an initial stimulus
and loosen the fascia mechanically and energetically. We then proceed to thumb-pull
after this, leading to exponentially better results.

How to Perform Thumbpulling 2.0:

Step 1 - Firstly, you will want to perform the reflexology point stimulation, called a palate
fascia release. Using the thumbs or fingers, apply firm pressure and massage the
palate, moving from the center towards the sides. Start at the front at the incisive
papilla (area just behind the front teeth) and hold this for 30 seconds. Then, release and
take 6 breaths deep into the diaphragm, focusing on the movement of the breath in the
lower dantian (lower belly). Similarly, you must imagine that the breath is a wave of light
or energy that is enriching your body, and acting directly on the area of the face you're
trying to improve. Repeat this process three times, one for each third of the palate.

Step 2 - Next, we must stimulate the lingual frenulum (the strip of tissue under the
tongue that connects it to the mouth floor). Using your finger, simply massage this area
for 30 seconds. Once completed, remember to again take 6 deep breaths into the lower
dantian, imagining energy entering that part of the body with each breath.

Step 3 - Having now performed the reflexology stimulations, it is important to continue

to loosen other areas to allow for more effective thumb pulling. So, start by loosening
the fascia around the maxilla. On either side of your nose, press outward towards the
cheekbones, moving the fingers in small circular motions to release tension. Make sure
to cover the entire upper jaw area.

Step 4 - It is also important to loosen the fascia around the TMJ and jawline. Do so by
pressing into the masseter muscles in circular motions, loosening tightness or knots.
Slowly move the fingers along the jawline toward the chin, loosening any tension.
Step 5 - We can now begin thumpulling. In the chin tuck position, place your thumbs at
the desired point of the mouth (see below), ensuring they rest on the palate and do not
touch the teeth.

Step 6 - Apply equal sideways/upward force, whilst resisting downward with the chin-
tuck to create an even greater resultant force. If you break the chin-tuck, reset and go
again, as it is crucial to maintain correct postures.

Step 7 - Use your full strength for 1 minute - you should hear creaking sounds in the
upper palate.

Repeat at least two-three times daily - but can be repeated up to once every few hours
for increased results.

Targeted Thumbpulling - Affect Different Areas of the Face.

Thumb pulling on different parts of the palate leads to changes in specific areas of the
face. Above we have discussed the general effects of thumb pulling, however by
targeting specific parts of the palate, we can more directly influence certain areas of the
face. Because the different areas of the palate correspond to different bones or facial
regions, by applying pressure to specific areas of the palate, we can actually target
changes in certain facial features.

Pulling the Front of the Palate (Near the Incisive Papilla)

Thumbpulling here affects the premaxilla (the area that houses the front teeth). This
changes the positioning of the upper teeth and the area just beneath the nose, affecting
nasal prominence and the projection of the upper lip. Expansion or forward movement
of this area improves the alignment of the upper teeth and leads to a more defined
philtrum (the groove under the nose).

Pulling the Middle of the Palate

This is the typical type of thumb pulling and leads to the widened maxilla and the
discussed benefits that come along with that. To go over it again, the mid-palate is
largely linked with the zygomatic bones (cheekbones) and the maxillary sinus area.
Applying pressure here expands the maxilla laterally, leading to a broader midface and
more prominent cheekbones.This type of expansion reduces the appearance of a
narrow or sunken midface.

Pulling the Back of the Palate (Near the Soft Palate)

The posterior part of the palate is more connected to the mandible (lower jaw) and the
muscles of the neck and throat. Pulling on this area changes the downward and
backward positioning of the maxilla, indirectly affecting the jaw and chin. This leads to
better alignment of the lower jaw, improving the appearance of a receding chin or
underdeveloped jawline by helping the entire structure sit more forward.

The Full Tongue Chewing Guide

What is Tongue Chewing?

Tongue chewing is another technique rooted in myofunctional therapy that can further
stimulate the CCW or forward and outward expansion of the maxilla. It involves
pressing a piece of gum onto the hard palate using the tongue, followed by repetitive
chewing and flattening motions against the palate. This exercise is essentially a
stronger version of mewing and will add further stimulus to those key muscles we need
to exert adequate pressure on the maxilla. (the genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus,
and palatoglossus).

How Does it Work?

The method of action through which tongue chewing works is exactly the same as it is
with mewing, the only difference being that a larger force is being applied in a shorter
amount of time. The tongue's pressure on the palate stimulates the periodontal
ligament and activates osteoblasts, the cells responsible for forming new bone tissue.
When the palate experiences this pressure, the deposition of new bone from
osteoblasts causes the maxillary arch to expand anteriorly and laterally over time. It
also works by slowly expanding the mid-palatal suture, leading to a physical widening of
the palate. This also results in the widening of the maxillary arch, allowing for better
alignment of the teeth and increased space for proper tongue posture, both of which
have immense benefits on facial aesthetics as we have discussed in previous sections.

How to Tongue Chew: Step-By-Step Guide.

Step 1: Get a Natural Gum

● Select a natural, non-artificial gum like mastic or xylitol gum. These types of gum
are free of harmful chemicals and can withstand prolonged chewing without
breaking down.

Step 2: Place the Gum on the Palate

● After chewing the gum to soften it, use your tongue to press it upwards,
positioning it just behind the upper front teeth on the roof of your mouth.

Step 3: Flatten the Gum

● Flatten the gum onto your palate using the tip and middle of your tongue. The
goal is to spread the gum evenly across the hard palate, applying hard and
consistent pressure.

Step 4: Perform Chewing Movements

● While keeping the gum pressed against the palate, chew with your tongue by
alternately pressing and flattening the gum onto the roof of your mouth. This
should engage the full surface of your tongue, particularly the middle and
posterior regions, in the process.

Step 5: Maintain Proper Tongue Posture

● Ensure that your tongue remains in contact with the roof of your mouth during
the exercise. This will help reinforce good tongue posture, which, as we know, is
vital for maxillary development and overall facial aesthetics.

Step 6: Duration and Repetitions

● Start with 5-10 minutes of tongue chewing each day, gradually increasing to
longer sessions as your tongue muscles adapt.

The Full Neck Training Guide

The Importance of Neck: Attractiveness and Functionality.

A thick and well-developed neck is one of the key markers of masculinity and
is a highly dimorphic trait. It makes a profound impact on your appearance, as
shown in the two pictures above. It makes the jawline and chin appear sharper
and is a subconscious indicator of health and strength to women. Not only
does training neck have appearance benefits, but it also has many functional
benefits that foster proper facial development. The muscles that we
strengthen when training the neck (including the sternocleidomastoid and
deep cervical flexors) play a crucial role in maintaining proper head
positioning. As discussed regarding chin tucks, forward head posture is one
of the key causes of worsened facial development and the root cause of this
FHP is an underdeveloped set of neck muscles.
How to Train Neck

1. Warm up your neck muscles

● Slowly rotate your neck 360 degrees. Repeat until, neck feels more
mobile and flexible
● Stretch your neck muscles by tilting your head gently until you feel a
stretch, hold for 15 seconds and release, do on both sides.

● Lie down as presented above and stretch the sternocleidomastoid muscles.

2. Step 1: Training the Sternocleidomastoid Muscles (frontal neck muscles)
● From this stretching position, slowly raise your head so that you can look at your
feet, once at full concentric contraction. Hold this position and squeeze for 3
● On the eccentric part of the motion. Slowly lower your head until it is in the initial
stretching position.
● Repeat this process until near muscle failure is reached (point at which you can
do no more repetitions), this should take around 15 to 30 reps. Repeat for 3 sets.
● The goal is to reach a high rep range. Low repetition training for the neck is not
advised as that would involve larger amounts of weight, which, when applied to
the neck, leads to increased injury risk. Keep the resistance under control, and
make up for this hypertrophically by increasing the reps to 15-30. If this is a
struggle to begin with, you can assist yourself with your hand.
● Once 30+ repetitions are consistently being reached, increase the weight by
adding a weighted plate by holding it gently on your forehead. If you cannot do
more than 15 repetitions with added weight, remove the weight until neck is
strong enough to use the weight for 15 repetitions at least.
3. Step 2: Training the Rectus Capitis Anterior and Rectus Capitis Lateralis
(Lateral Neck Muscles)

● Above represents how to lie on the bench in order to train the

rectus capitis anterior and rectus capitis lateralis muscles.
● Just as with the sternocleidomastoid muscles, begin in the
stretching position and tilt your neck upwards until full
concentric contraction is attained, followed by 3 seconds of
holding at the top, followed by a slow 5 second eccentric motion
back to the stretching position.
● Do 3 sets of 15 - 30 reps. Increasing the weight once 30 reps are
completed without enough resistance
● Increase the weight by using a plate as represented in the photo
4. Step 3: Training the Splenius Sapitis and Splenius Cervicis
(Rear Neck Muscles)
● Above represents the position in order to train the splenius
capitis and splenius cervicis muscles
● Rotate neck backwards until full concentric contraction is
reached. Hold this position for 3 seconds and slowly tilt head
back down to the starting position
● Same procedure as the precious two neck exercises, 3 sets of 15
- 30 reps. Increase the weight using a plate.

The Full Zygopulling Guide

Zygopulling is another important myofunctional technique to our course, and is

designed to improve the prominence of the zygomatic bones (cheekbones), which are
crucial for a more masculine appearance and improved attractiveness. This technique
aims to apply pressure to these bones and the surrounding soft tissues, encouraging
upward and outward remodeling of the midface. This, like many other of the key
techniques, is based on the principle of mechanotransduction, where mechanical stress
and tension on bones and tissues trigger adaptive remodeling.

Benefits of Zygopulling
● Enhanced Facial Structure: Zygopulling helps accentuate the zygomatic bones,
giving the face a more chiseled and defined appearance, providing a more
attractive mid-face and the appearance of hollow cheeks
● Imroved Facial Symmetry: Regular zygopulling can also actually balance out the
left and right sides of the face, improving symmetry and facial harmony.
● Support for Overall Facial Development, Link to Maxilla: When combined with
other myofunctional techniques like proper tongue posture and thumb pulling,
zygo pulling can further encourage forward growth patterns and Counter
Clockwise Rotation. This is partly because the maxilla is connected to the
zygomatic bones, and so applying tension to the zygomatic region may indirectly
help support the maxilla, which we now know is so vital for proper facial
development and attractiveness.

Practical Guide and Routine

1. Positioning: Sit or stand in front of a mirror. Keep your posture upright with your
head in a neutral position. Relax your facial muscles, ensuring that your jaw is not
2. Thumb Placement: Place your thumbs on the inside of your mouth, positioning
them behind the upper lip but below the cheekbones. Your thumbs should be
touching the inside surface of your upper cheeks, right behind the zygomatic
3. Finger Placement: Place your index fingers on the outside of your face, directly
over the zygomatic bones.
4. Applying Pressure: Using your thumbs inside your mouth and your index fingers
outside, apply pressure upward and slightly outward. You should feel a stretch,
but it should not cause severe pain. The goal is to gently lift and stimulate the
zygomatic bones and surrounding tissues.
5. Hold: Maintain this pressure for about 10–15 seconds, ensuring consistent
upward movement. You can vary the angles slightly to target different areas of
the zygomatic bones.
6. Repetition: Perform this technique 3–5 times in a session, and this can be done
2-3 sessions per day. Consistency really is key here if you want the results.
Changing one's bone structure is a long-term process, so patience is key. It will

The Full Bonesmashing Guide

What is Bonesmashing - How does it work?

Bonesmashing is essentially just applying repetitive stimulus to areas of the face to

elicit increased bone growth.
It causes this increased bone growth through the phenomenon known as “Wolff’s law”.
Developed by a German anatomist in the 19th century, which stated “Bones will adapt to
the degree of mechanical loading”. Essentially, our bones become thicker and stronger
over time to resist forces placed upon them and thinner and weaker if there are no
forces to act against, due to the activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. When
microfractures are created in the bones via bone smashing, it signals to the osteoblasts
to start depositing material at the site of stimulus, causing bone growth. This law
makes perfect sense when applied to nature, a bone that is constantly damaged has no
choice but to adapt and strengthen and therefore would prevent further breakages
meaning better survival.

*It is important to note however that bone smashing should only be practiced secondary
to the key functions such as tongue posture, chewing, and swallowing, as well as more
foundational techniques such as the chin tuck. Whilst bone smashing has its benefits,
they are not as significant as what you can achieve with the key functions.

Why Bonesmash?

Bonesmashing gives one a more rigid facial structure and more pronounced facial
features such as more prominent cheekbones and a more defined brow ridge. Having
boor bone structure in the face could be the cause of a soft, round and unmasculine
facial structure which is a significant flaw. To remedy this, bonesmashing must be
implemented. Bonesmashing to the area of the cheekbones is necessary for achieving
the “hollow cheek” look. The hollow cheek look is achieved when buccal fat (cheek fat)
is separated with a prominent cheekbone and a large masseter muscle/ jaw bone.

To achieve this prominent cheek look through bonesmashing (also combined with
thumb pulling and zygo pulling) is vital for attaining hollow cheeks. Hollow cheeks
create a robust looking face and presents extreme leanness which is highly attractive
and radiates health, giving you a “model look”.

How to Bonesmash?
DISCLAIMER: Do Not Use a Hammer

It has been portrayed online that the way to bonesmash is to use a hammer or a stone
and bang it against your face. This is not only too overkill of a force and is dangerous.
But it will also ruin your appearance. Since both of these tools have a lot of force
concentrated into a small area, bonesmashing with these tools will result in
assymetrical results and will look very uncanny, similar to the affects of bad plastic
surgery. Instead, use your fingers. Point your middle, ring and index finger towards your
face and place them on the cheekbone (make sure nails are trimmed to prevent hurting
your skin). Relax your fingers and move your writs back and forth so that the tips of your
fingers continuously tap your cheekbones with some amount of force, not too hard but
not too soft. Repeat until the area feels slight sore and has a reddish appearance on the
skin. You must stop here in order not to damage your skin. Do this a few times a week,
not more. This allows time for the bone to grow back stronger and larger.


Training and Functional Patterns : A comprehensive guide to Oscar’s unique training
methods. Expect to learn the best ways to train for hypertrophy, as well as all about
functional training. You will learn to develop a physique that looks great, but is also
mobile, functional and dynamic.

Importance of Hypertrophy Training

1. The Importance of Hypertrophy Training:

Hypertrophy training focuses on building muscle mass, and developing a well-

proportioned and sizeable physique that stands out. Having a great physique via
hypertrophy training is highly attractive and aesthetic, in the fact that it is a distinctly
masculine trait that is naturally attractive and respected. A good physique also benefits
significant areas of your health. Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, which means it
helps burn calories even at rest making staying lean become effortless, boosting insulin
sensitivity, reduces inflammation, and supports testosterone, which we know is crucial
for improving our overall vitality and appearance.

With these benefits in mind, many go about hypertrophy training in the wrong way...

The Issues With Traditional Hypertrophy Training

2. The Issues with Bodybuilding/Traditional Hypertrophy Training:

Traditional hypertrophy training, modeled after classic bodybuilding routines, involves

high-volume sessions with 20+ sets per muscle group each week, training six days out
of seven. This method is time-consuming and requires recovery resources that only
yield results for those using performance-enhancing drugs. For the average male who
trains naturally, following this approach leads to chronic undercovery and overtraining,
both of which are harmful.

This overtraining puts the body in a state of chronic stress, which elevates cortisol
levels. Elevated cortisol we know is detrimental to testosterone, and competes for
testosterone's precursors in steroidogenesis. Testosterone is crucial for muscle growth,
recovery, masculinity, and overall vitality and so we must do all that we can to optimize

For most men, the end result of traditional bodybuilding is subpar. Most experience
slower progress, chronic fatigue, and an inability to maximize their physique's potential.
Rather than enhancing your vitality and appearance, the excessive volume and
frequency with this training method drains the body, leading to mediocre results and
leaves you with low testosterone.

Oscar's Training Philosophy

3. Our Philosophy: Superior

To achieve a peak physique, our overall belief is that you should prioritize your health
because an aesthetic, well-proportioned physique will simply follow as a by-product.
When it comes to training specifically, however, we take a distinct approach. Our
training is grounded in efficiency: short, high-intensity sessions that align with our
biology by leveraging the principle of pulsatile stimulation. This is the idea that short
bursts of output are far more effective for generating results than traditional prolonged
training because, by nature, humans are designed for intermittent, high-intensity efforts.
Think of your ancestors’ brief sprints or intense physical challenges. We weren’t evolved
to do something at 50% intensity for 2 hours straight—it was either 100% output or 10%.
By training in alignment with the principle of pulsatile stimulation, we maximize the
body’s anabolic hormone response while minimizing unnecessary stress.

Our emphasis on hormonal health is critical because hormones like testosterone and
growth hormone are what really drive muscle growth, repair, and recovery. Traditional
training wreck hormonal balance, as it keeps cortisol elevated, leading to disrupted
anabolic processes. Instead, pulsatile stimulation promotes quick, intense spikes in
testosterone and growth hormone, enabling effective muscle growth while maintaining
a low-stress baseline that supports hormonal health. This is far more biologically
efficient, aligning with natural rhythms for peak adaptation and sustained muscle

Additionally, we focus heavily on bodyweight movements, which work in sync with

natural movement patterns, supporting joint integrity and enhancing strength without
the strain often seen with excessive weight or machine use. This approach ensures
longevity in training, preserving joint health while promoting balanced muscle

Now that we have discussed our overall philosophy and approach to hypertrophy
training, lets now look to the practical side of things, and how you can start taking
action on this training method and boost your results.
Core Principles, Exercises and Tips

Our Hypertrophy Training Principles:

● High Intensity TRAIN TO FAILURE: Each set must taken to failure, ensuring that
all muscle fibers, and the high-threshold motor units, are recruited. Training to
failure maximizes muscle fiber activation and pushes the muscle to adapt and
grow and activates the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which have the highest
potential for growth. Think about it – your body’s main priority is survival. Every
system in your body is wired to keep you alive and functioning. So, if the stress
you’re putting on your muscles isn’t particularly intense, your body doesn’t see
any reason to adapt by adding extra muscle. It doesn’t see this as a threat, so it
won’t spend valuable energy creating new muscle tissue.
But when you take a set to absolute failure, pushing your muscles to their limit,
your body recognizes that as a serious stressor. To your body, this kind of stress
signals that something intense just happened, something challenging enough to
potentially threaten survival. In response, it triggers a much bigger adaptation
because it "believes" that, next time, you’ll need to handle this level of intensity to
survive. In this case, that adaptation is muscle growth, as your body sees larger
and stronger muscles as a way to be better prepared for this challenge in the
● Short Rest Periods: Shorter rest periods between sets are key for enhancing
androgen receptor density, and make the body sensitive to testosterone, which
drives muscle growth. Short rests stimulate a release of growth hormone, which
mobilizes fat and boosts recovery. This principle of ours overall increases tissue
exposure to anabolic hormones, leading to better recovery and biological
adaptation, boosting muscle growth.
● Supersetting: Supersetting involves training opposing muscle groups back-to-
back, such as biceps and triceps or chest and back. This maximizes efficiency
and allows for a higher training density by cutting down on rest between
exercises. Supersetting also increases blood flow and nutrient delivery to each
muscle group, creating a more profound stimulus, leading to more adaptation
and thus growth. It also provides a fantastic pump, which means more blood
flow to the muscles, and thus delivery of nutrients and anabolic hormones to
muscle tissue.
● Lower Volume: We recommend limiting your training volume to around 12 sets
per muscle group per week. If you are training with all-out intensity, this is all that
you need.
Our lower volume approach is key for balancing effective stimulus with adequate
recovery. Many tend to forget that the hypertrophy you desire actually occurs
after the gym, in the recovery period before your next session. Well, higher
volume training significantly impedes recovery, and does so in a variety of ways:
it lowers testosterone due to the prolonged elevation cortisol levels, which
competes with testosterone for resources in steroidogenesis. This keeps the
body in a catabolic/muscle breakdown state, whilst putting excessive stress on
the body’s recovery systems, increasing inflammation and straining the overall
endocrine system. By controlling volume, however, we avoid these issues,
keeping testosterone elevated, inflammation controlled (some is needed initially
for adaptation), and protecting your overall recovery capacity, boosting muscle
● Emphasize Eccentrics: Emphasizing the eccentric (lowering phase) of each
movement enhances mechanical tension (the key principle that causes
hypertrophy), as the muscle is stronger during eccentric contractions and can
handle more load. Controlled eccentrics increase time under tension, which is
crucial for muscle growth as it maximizes both metabolic stress and muscle
fiber engagement.
● Progressive Overload: The goal of each workout is to increase strength by either
adding reps, improving form or tempo, or increasing weight. Progressive
overload is essential because it increases mechanical tension each session. This
means the muscle is constantly faced with higher loads and increased stimulus,
creating constant demand for adaptation, and thus muscle growth.
● Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training: BFR training involves restricting venous
blood flow while allowing arterial flow by using BFR using bands or cuffs. This is
most effective for smaller muscle groups like the arms for example. The
restricted blood flow creates a hypoxic environment, which increases lactate
build-up and triggers greater growth hormone release. BFR also enhances
nutrient delivery of substances like amino acids to the muscle, supporting growth
and recovery postworkout.

Exercise Selection and Basic Hypertrophy Tips :

This section is simple. Essentially, just train using the following exercises:
See the Routines and Splits Sections for Exact and Personalised Workout Routines

The Basic Tips:

● Sufficient Protein each day (0.8-1g/lb of body weight) | Follow our diet guide
● 7-9 hours of High-Quality Sleep | Follow our sleep guide
● Sufficient glycogen replenishment postworkout
● Controlling Cortisol | Follow our Cortisol Guide
Core Upper Body Movements:
1. Weighted Dips: Great for building chest, triceps, and shoulders, especially
when performed with an added weight for increased resistance.
2. Weighted Pullups: Focuses on the back, particularly the lats, while also
engaging biceps and core.
3. Weighted Chinups: Targets both the biceps and back with more emphasis
on the biceps due to the supinated grip.
4. Incline Dumbbell Press: Upper chest-focused movement that also
engages shoulders and triceps.
5. Decline Paralette Push-Up: Another upper chest-focused movement, this
time using the body weight. The paralettes allow for a greater range of
motion and stretch, boosting hypertrophy.
6. Military Press: A compound shoulder exercise that also involves the
triceps and stabilizes the core.
7. Lateral Raises: Isolates the lateral deltoids for shoulder width.
8. Rear Delt Dumbbell Fly: Strengthens the posterior deltoids and upper
back, helping with shoulder stability and posture.
9. (Optional) Horizontal Row: Cable Row, Barbell Row, DB Row etc. Can be
used to further stimulate the lats or the upper back depending on grip
(vertical/neutral grip, rowing close to the body = lats | horizontal/pronated
grip, flaring elbows at 45-90 degrees = upper back)
10. (Optional) Bicep/Tricep Movements: Include exercises like curls and
tricep extensions for additional arm development.
● Core Lower Body Movements:
1. Pistol Squats: Intense, unilateral movement that challenges balance and
targets quads, glutes, and stabilizer muscles.
2. Sissy Squats: Emphasizes quad development and knee stability.
3. Nordic Hamstring Curls: Excellent for hamstring strength and resilience
4. Bulgarian Split Squat: Primarily targets the quads, glutes, and hamstrings,
with emphasis on balance and stability
Core Principles, Exercises and Tips

Our Hypertrophy Training Principles:

● High Intensity TRAIN TO FAILURE: Each set must taken to failure, ensuring that
all muscle fibers, and the high-threshold motor units, are recruited. Training to
failure maximizes muscle fiber activation and pushes the muscle to adapt and
grow and activates the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which have the highest
potential for growth. Think about it – your body’s main priority is survival. Every
system in your body is wired to keep you alive and functioning. So, if the stress
you’re putting on your muscles isn’t particularly intense, your body doesn’t see
any reason to adapt by adding extra muscle. It doesn’t see this as a threat, so it
won’t spend valuable energy creating new muscle tissue.
But when you take a set to absolute failure, pushing your muscles to their limit,
your body recognizes that as a serious stressor. To your body, this kind of stress
signals that something intense just happened, something challenging enough to
potentially threaten survival. In response, it triggers a much bigger adaptation
because it "believes" that, next time, you’ll need to handle this level of intensity to
survive. In this case, that adaptation is muscle growth, as your body sees larger
and stronger muscles as a way to be better prepared for this challenge in the
● Short Rest Periods: Shorter rest periods between sets are key for enhancing
androgen receptor density, and make the body sensitive to testosterone, which
drives muscle growth. Short rests stimulate a release of growth hormone, which
mobilizes fat and boosts recovery. This principle of ours overall increases tissue
exposure to anabolic hormones, leading to better recovery and biological
adaptation, boosting muscle growth.
● Supersetting: Supersetting involves training opposing muscle groups back-to-
back, such as biceps and triceps or chest and back. This maximizes efficiency
and allows for a higher training density by cutting down on rest between
exercises. Supersetting also increases blood flow and nutrient delivery to each
muscle group, creating a more profound stimulus, leading to more adaptation
and thus growth. It also provides a fantastic pump, which means more blood
flow to the muscles, and thus delivery of nutrients and anabolic hormones to
muscle tissue.
● Lower Volume: We recommend limiting your training volume to around 12 sets
per muscle group per week. If you are training with all-out intensity, this is all that
you need.
Our lower volume approach is key for balancing effective stimulus with adequate
recovery. Many tend to forget that the hypertrophy you desire actually occurs
after the gym, in the recovery period before your next session. Well, higher
volume training significantly impedes recovery, and does so in a variety of ways:
it lowers testosterone due to the prolonged elevation cortisol levels, which
competes with testosterone for resources in steroidogenesis. This keeps the
body in a catabolic/muscle breakdown state, whilst putting excessive stress on
the body’s recovery systems, increasing inflammation and straining the overall
endocrine system. By controlling volume, however, we avoid these issues,
keeping testosterone elevated, inflammation controlled (some is needed initially
for adaptation), and protecting your overall recovery capacity, boosting muscle
● Emphasize Eccentrics: Emphasizing the eccentric (lowering phase) of each
movement enhances mechanical tension (the key principle that causes
hypertrophy), as the muscle is stronger during eccentric contractions and can
handle more load. Controlled eccentrics increase time under tension, which is
crucial for muscle growth as it maximizes both metabolic stress and muscle
fiber engagement.
● Progressive Overload: The goal of each workout is to increase strength by either
adding reps, improving form or tempo, or increasing weight. Progressive
overload is essential because it increases mechanical tension each session. This
means the muscle is constantly faced with higher loads and increased stimulus,
creating constant demand for adaptation, and thus muscle growth.
● Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training: BFR training involves restricting venous
blood flow while allowing arterial flow by using BFR using bands or cuffs. This is
most effective for smaller muscle groups like the arms for example. The
restricted blood flow creates a hypoxic environment, which increases lactate
build-up and triggers greater growth hormone release. BFR also enhances
nutrient delivery of substances like amino acids to the muscle, supporting growth
and recovery postworkout.

Exercise Selection and Basic Hypertrophy Tips :

This section is simple. Essentially, just train using the following exercises:
See the Routines and Splits Sections for Exact and Personalised Workout Routines

The Basic Tips:

● Sufficient Protein each day (0.8-1g/lb of body weight) | Follow our diet guide
● 7-9 hours of High-Quality Sleep | Follow our sleep guide
● Sufficient glycogen replenishment postworkout
● Controlling Cortisol | Follow our Cortisol Guide
Core Upper Body Movements:
1. Weighted Dips: Great for building chest, triceps, and shoulders, especially
when performed with an added weight for increased resistance.
2. Weighted Pullups: Focuses on the back, particularly the lats, while also
engaging biceps and core.
3. Weighted Chinups: Targets both the biceps and back with more emphasis
on the biceps due to the supinated grip.
4. Incline Dumbbell Press: Upper chest-focused movement that also
engages shoulders and triceps.
5. Decline Paralette Push-Up: Another upper chest-focused movement, this
time using the body weight. The paralettes allow for a greater range of
motion and stretch, boosting hypertrophy.
6. Military Press: A compound shoulder exercise that also involves the
triceps and stabilizes the core.
7. Lateral Raises: Isolates the lateral deltoids for shoulder width.
8. Rear Delt Dumbbell Fly: Strengthens the posterior deltoids and upper
back, helping with shoulder stability and posture.
9. (Optional) Horizontal Row: Cable Row, Barbell Row, DB Row etc. Can be
used to further stimulate the lats or the upper back depending on grip
(vertical/neutral grip, rowing close to the body = lats | horizontal/pronated
grip, flaring elbows at 45-90 degrees = upper back)
10. (Optional) Bicep/Tricep Movements: Include exercises like curls and
tricep extensions for additional arm development.
● Core Lower Body Movements:
1. Pistol Squats: Intense, unilateral movement that challenges balance and
targets quads, glutes, and stabilizer muscles.
2. Sissy Squats: Emphasizes quad development and knee stability.
3. Nordic Hamstring Curls: Excellent for hamstring strength and resilience
4. Bulgarian Split Squat: Primarily targets the quads, glutes, and hamstrings,
with emphasis on balance and stability
Issues With Hypertrophy Training Alone
Issues with the Alternatives on Their Own: Hypertrophy/Strength Training

Traditional strength/hypertrophy training often emphasizes isolated muscle work, like

bicep curls or leg presses, that don't necessarily align with natural human movements.
While this approach can be effective for specific muscle development which does have
benefits, it frequently ignores the body’s interconnected systems and how various
muscles work in synergy during real-life activities. If you just focus solely on isolated
muscle strength, you will develop muscular imbalances, where certain muscles become
overly developed while others, especially stabilizers, are neglected.

These imbalances cause joint strain, reduced mobility, and eventually chronic pain.
Additionally, the linear, repetitive motions of traditional training (like heavy squats or leg
presses) may place excessive stress on joints and connective tissue without addressing
underlying postural or movement dysfunctions.

Functional Patterns takes a different approach by emphasizing exercises that improve

the way muscles work together, focusing on dynamic movement patterns that resemble
real-life actions. This enables more fluid and coordinated movement, and again, creates
versatile muscle tissue.

Our Approach and Exercise Selection

Our Approach to FP Training: Dynamic Stability and Multi-Planar Movement

The first specific principle that we advocate for is 'dynamic stability', and incorporating
movements that take advantage of this. This principle is the overarching idea of FP
training, and describes the training of your body to stay stable and strong through
complex, real-world movement scenarios. The main movements that allow for this are
called multi-planar, meaning they emphasize multiple planes at once (e.g - sagittal,
frontal and transverse). Through use of multi-planar movements, this is where we get
the benefits of increased functionality. They significantly improve your coordination,
nervous system and neuromuscular control, as the body learns to stabilize and move
across varied directions.

To build a physique that's both highly functional and aesthetic, it’s crucial to focus on
integrating these movements, improving your 'dynamic stability'.

What exactly are these movements, however?

Exercise Selection: The Key Movements

Below is a list of core FP movements. If more clarification is needed on execution, there

a more detailed guides online.

1. Lateral Lunge with Reach

● Purpose: Builds dynamic stability in the lower body, improves hip mobility,
strengthens glutes, quads, and hamstrings, and enhances coordination.
● Execution:
○ Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
○ Step your right foot out wide, sinking into a lunge while keeping your left
leg straight.
○ As you lunge, extend both arms forward, reaching toward the floor.
○ Push off the right foot to return to standing.
○ Tip: Keep your torso upright to encourage proper alignment and core

2. Rotational Step-Up

● Purpose: Engages glutes, hamstrings, and core while training rotational stability,
enhancing movement in the transverse plane.
● Execution:
○ Stand beside a low box or bench with your left foot on top.
○ Step up while rotating your torso to the left, engaging the obliques.
○ At the top, lift your right knee to hip height.
○ Reverse the movement to step down and repeat on the opposite side.
○ Tip: Maintain a controlled rotation, preventing overextension.

3. Cable Chop with Lateral Movement

● Purpose: Engages core, improves rotational power, and stabilizes the body while
moving laterally.
● Execution:
○ Stand side-on to a cable machine with the handle at shoulder height.
○ Grab the handle with both hands and pull diagonally across your body
while stepping to the side.
○ Control the movement back to the starting position.
○ Tip: Engage your core to prevent excessive twisting.

4. Single-Leg Deadlift with Reach

● Purpose: Builds stability, balance, and strength in the posterior chain, including
hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.
● Execution:
○ Stand on one leg with a slight bend in the knee and the opposite hand
holding a dumbbell.
○ Hinge at the hips, lowering the weight towards the floor while extending
the opposite leg straight behind.
○ Return to the standing position.
○ Tip: Keep your core engaged to prevent tipping, focusing on hip stability.

5. Reverse Lunge with Rotation

● Purpose: Enhances hip and thoracic mobility, strengthens lower body, core, and
rotational muscles.
● Execution:
○ Hold a medicine ball or weight with both hands.
○ Step back into a lunge and rotate your torso toward the lead leg.
○ Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite leg.
○ Tip: Control the rotation to engage the core without over-rotating.

6. Single-Arm Overhead Press with Side Step

● Purpose: Strengthens shoulder stabilizers and core while improving dynamic

stability with lateral movement.
● Execution:
○ Hold a dumbbell in one hand at shoulder height.
○ Press the weight overhead while stepping to the side, keeping your core
○ Lower the weight and step back to the starting position.
○ Tip: Ensure your spine stays neutral to avoid arching.

7. Walking Lunge with Twist

● Purpose: Engages the legs, glutes, core, and obliques, improving balance and
● Execution:
○ Step forward into a lunge, twisting your torso toward the leading leg.
○ Step forward with the back leg into another lunge while twisting in the
opposite direction.
○ Tip: Keep your torso upright to avoid leaning forward.

8. Plank with Shoulder Tap

● Purpose: Enhances core stability and anti-rotational strength while working the
shoulder stabilizers.
● Execution:
○ Start in a plank position with hands under shoulders.
○ Lift one hand to tap the opposite shoulder, minimizing hip sway.
○ Alternate sides.
○ Tip: Squeeze your glutes to maintain hip alignment.

9. Rotational Medicine Ball Slam

● Purpose: Develops rotational power, core strength, and upper body

● Execution:
○ Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a medicine ball.
○ Rotate your torso, bringing the ball over one shoulder.
○ Slam the ball to the ground by rotating to the opposite side.
○ Tip: Engage your core throughout and use controlled power.

10. Reverse Wood Chop with Dumbbell

● Purpose: Trains rotational movement in the transverse plane, targeting obliques,

shoulders, and core stability.
● Execution:
○ Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell with both hands low on
one side.
○ Rotate and lift the dumbbell diagonally across your body, finishing high on
the opposite side.
○ Tip: Engage your core and avoid twisting the hips.

11. Single-Arm Row with Rotation

● Purpose: Strengthens upper back and core while adding a rotational element for
functional stability.
● Execution:
○ Hold a dumbbell in one hand and assume a staggered stance.
○ Row the dumbbell, rotating your torso slightly towards the lifting arm.
○ Control the movement back down.
○ Tip: Keep the opposite foot planted to maintain stability.

12. Lateral Bound with Stick

● Purpose: Improves lateral power, hip stability, and coordination.

● Execution:
○ Stand on one leg and push off to jump laterally.
○ Land on the opposite leg and “stick” the landing by balancing.
○ Tip: Focus on stability and control upon landing.

13. Anti-Rotation Band Press

● Purpose: Trains anti-rotational core stability, engaging obliques, glutes, and

● Execution:
○ Attach a resistance band to an anchor and hold it with both hands at chest
○ Step away from the anchor to create tension, then press the band straight
out in front.
○ Maintain tension and avoid twisting as you press.
○ Tip: Keep your stance firm to resist rotation.

14. High-Knee Cable Pull Through

● Purpose: Trains hip stability, core strength, and coordination.

● Execution:
○ Attach a low cable behind you and hold the handle between your legs.
○ With knees slightly bent, pull the cable through while lifting one knee to hip
○ Alternate lifting knees while maintaining control of the cable.
○ Tip: Focus on driving through the hip, not arching the back.

15. Turkish Get-Up

● Purpose: Builds full-body strength, mobility, and stability, targeting core,

shoulders, and hips.
● Execution:
○ Lie on your back with one kettlebell extended over the shoulder.
○ Drive through the opposite hand and foot to come up to a seated position.
○ Continue by pushing into a lunge and then standing, reversing the steps
back down.
○ Tip: Focus on each transition, maintaining control of the kettlebell.
16. Macebell Swings
Purpose: The macebell swing is designed to develop rotational strength, grip
endurance, shoulder mobility, and overall core stability. It emphasizes fluid, circular
movements that improve coordination and functional power in the upper body and core,
while simultaneously training the muscles of the posterior chain and improving posture.


● Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding the macebell with both hands near
the end of the handle, thumbs pointing toward the macebell head.
● Start with the macebell in front of your body, perpendicular to the floor.
● Swing the macebell in a circular motion behind your head, keeping your core tight
and elbows close to your ears.
● Allow the weight of the macebell to arc naturally as you engage your shoulders
and core to control the movement.
● Bring the macebell back in front of your body and repeat the swing motion,
alternating directions if desired.

Tip: Focus on maintaining a controlled swing and avoid letting the macebell pull you out
of alignment. Keep your core engaged to stabilize your torso, and don’t rush the
movement. Let the macebell’s momentum guide you, while you stay in control of the
movement arc.

Healthmaxxing - Foundations 🧱: This module covers the basic information on the
essential aspects of health. Expect to learn the basics of aligning with nature and
improving gut health, how to get the perfect night of sleep, how to perfect your
digestion, and all of the basic supplements you may need along the way.

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