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1. 1 Meditate. Take some time throughout the day to just sit and relax.

Listen to your thoughts, and ask yourself questions. Listen for the answers. When the answers begin to flow naturally, do some checking afterwards. Were they correct? The more time you spend in this form of meditation, the more you will be able to control your mind, and have self awareness. 2. Step 2 Notice how your present intuition affects your daily life. Everyone has some psychic ability, to some degree. Intuition can guide you, and help make your psychic powers stronger. Follow it. Allow your intuition to help you make choices, take note of how these decisions turn out. 3. Step 3 Pay attention to your dreams, do they come true? Or do they help you with the answers you need to get you through life's challenges? This is your psychic knowledge trying to guide you. Let it. 4. Step 4 Let your feelings guide you. If something doesn't feel right or just gives you a bad feeling, don't do it! If driving doesn't feel right, don't drive. If you have a strong urge to see someone, do it! The way you feel about something can be your strongest supernatural power. This power can help you make important decisions that can change your future. It may not feel like psychic power, but it may effect a situation in days to come. 5. Step 5 Trust that you have a supernatural power that just may not be conditioned yet. If you don't trust in yourself, your feelings, and your intuition, it will be impossible to develop the powers. The more you allow yourself to trust that your knowledge is accurate, the more you will see that the answers that come to you are correct!

Before you read further, I'd like to mention that the word "supernatural" may to some people seem to refer to something that goes against nature. Nothing could be further from truth. All abilities are developed in accord with natural laws. However, the natural laws do go beyond the world of Newtonian physics and move into the realm of quantum physics. These natural laws are laws of mind and spirit and these can and do over-ride the known laws of physics - as they relate to the physical dimension of experience. There are two ways of living in this world - at-one with the Infinite or separate from the Infinite. When you experience yourself at-one with the Infinite, it is said that you are God-Realized being; when you experience yourself separate from the infinite, it is said that you are still in mortal consciousness. The entire difference is in what do you choose to identify yourself with. If you identify yourself with your physical body, you are in mortal consciousness and as long as you are in mortal consciousness, whatever you can accomplish will be in some way limited. Since the vast majority of people on this planet are in "mortal consciousness", they consider as "natural" only that which their mortal (physical) senses can behold.

If you identify yourself with Infinite Spirit, then you are in spiritual consciousness, merged with the Ocean of Infinite Love, Power and Wisdom, with the infinite ocean of energy. When you are in that state of consciousness, supernatural abilities appear spontaneously and without asking for them. They are merely a natural expression of the Infinite. There are also many people - spiritual seekers - who go around "seeking" this state of consciousness. It is not something you "seek", but rather something you accept and then live it, because it is already what you are. Seeking it is pretty much like a fish in water, swimming madly around trying to figure out where is water. While this Spirit is not limited to the air- it is in the air and in absolutely every spark of creation - the closest element I could use to describe it is air. You don't go around looking for air to breathe - you just breathe it. And together with the air, you breathe in the spirit, the life-force. There are some people who embark upon the spiritual path and then they hear from someone that it doesn't matter whether they do any spiritual practice or they don't because they are already It. But there is a big difference between being It and truly knowing that you are It, experiencing yourself as It. This would compare to having all the treasure of the world, yet not having a clue how to access it, how to use it and how to do with it, and most importantly how to live in harmony with It, how to express It. If they struggle to make a living, if they are unhappy, if they are not feeling truly fulfilled, then they have not yet gotten acquainted with It. They may know Spirit as an idea, but not as a real, living experience. When you truly KNOW IT, then you LIVE IT. In order to get anywhere with your development of supernatural powers, you have to leave the world of physical dimension - in your consciousness - and to begin looking at a world from the perspective of energy, consciousness and spirit. The entire practice is summed up beautifully in "Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East":

"Stop for a moment and just think of the allness of God or Primal Cause with no beginning or end, with universal scope, and surround yourself in this. As you become faithful and worship this, and this alone, ONE GOD, ONE ALMIGHTY PRESENCE - you will find that the vibrations of your body will change from the human to the God or Primal vibration. As you think, live, move and become one with this vibration, you do worship; and what you worship, you idealize, you become."
There are many ways and methods of practice to help you to get into the correct mind-set, and one of the books that can help you in this respect is A Course in Miracles. If you wholeheartedly work with A Course in Miracles, your perception of the world will completely change. This brief excerpt that follows regarding the development of supernatural powers is extracted from Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. All supernatural powers are developed through the practice of concentration, meditation and absorption. Concentration consists of holding the mind fixed upon the Inner Light and the power/ability you desire to attain. To do this, you can imagine yourself standing in the center of the sphere of dazzling, brilliant white Light, allowing everything else to fade from your awareness. Meditation is a prolonged concentration. Ordinarily a thought-wave arises, remains in the mind for a moment, and then subsides, to be succeeded by another wave. In the practice of meditation, a succession of identical waves are raised in the mind; and this is done so quickly that no wave is allowed to subside before another rises to take its place. The effect is one of perfect continuity. After your mind has been focused on a single thought through meditation for some time, you'll reach the stage of absorption. At this point you'll feel that you have completely merged with the object of your focus, that there is no longer separation between you and what you are contemplating, but instead that you have become the very idea you have been focused on.

It has been said that if the mind can be made to flow uninterruptedly toward the same object for 12 seconds, this may be called concentration. If the mind can continue in that concentration for 12 x 12 seconds (2 minutes and 24 seconds), this may be called meditation. If the mind can continue in that meditation for 12 x 2 minutes and 24 seconds, (28 minutes and 48 seconds) this may be called lower absorption. And if this absorption can be maintained for 12 times that period (5 hours, 45 minutes, and 36 seconds) this may be called total absorption. By completing the above process on any specific ability or strength, one obtains that ability or strength. All these and many other powers of knowledge may also come to one whose mind is spontaneously enlightened through purity. The more specific list of powers is listed in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In simple words, all that this excerpt from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali says is to sit down and focus upon that (the ability) you desire to express, until you become it within you, in your inner world. While all these powers may be impressive in the worldly sense, they are considered obstacles on the spiritual path, or rather, attachment to these powers is considered an obstacle, as is attachment to anything else. As I mentioned above, all the powers you desire and even some you might not even have dreamed of will emerge spontaneously if you sit down in meditation and pretend that you already are ALL THERE IS, until the realization flashed into your conscious awareness from within you. This, too, does not require struggle, but rather a childlike playful spirit. The more lighthearted your approach, the faster will you make progress. If you open your heart completely to the Infinite, you will progress at a lightning speed, simply because through love you will demonstrate that you are completely willing and ready to KNOW YOUR TRUE NATURE now.

NEXT ! Well, a supernatural power beleive it or not is not a learned behavior, it's a born behavior. It's been passed on throught ages, and if you have them you are not the only person in your family who has had them. Some people beleive that the base of your supernatural powers go back as far as 5000 BC. But your powers branch from either your mom or your dad. like, my powers... well I still don't know who mine come from. I think either my dad can read what your feeling and then make a extrememly accurate suggestion on what you are thinking, almost like mind reading. Or my mom has a power and she can make anyone near her infuriated, even without saying or doing anything, and this power becomes weaker on people the older you get. which brings me to the next topic, if you have a supernatural power, how do you dig it back up from the grave? the answer is simple, be aware that you have a power and EMBRACE it! if you have a hint that you may have a super natural power, you have to find the base of it, and exactly what it is. Then, you have to embrace it, practice it, and never doubt that you have it. The more that you are aware you have it and you practice it, the easier it will be to find out EXACTLY what your power is and to practice it. Because, though you are born with it, if you don't know you have it and you never find out, then it goes away forever. that's why there are so few people who have powers, everyone has them in them somewhere, but if they don't beleive they have them, then they go away and they just lost a chance of a lifetime, to become a supernatural witch. And last, what do you do once you are pretty sure you have it? Well, it's said that there was a group of so called "witches". There was three of them that were together. they lived in 1502, that was when the first group of witches lived. when they died, basiclly, they're powers were passed on to the next generation, and the next and the next and so on. after about 200 years, people didn't beleive in this anymore, and the powers were not embraced. but there were still the sisters living, no matter if they used they're powers or not. It was written in a witches prophecy that only the witches of Hazel creek down

in Minnisota, (or at least used to be) or "Witches Hazel" it was called. It said, "Of those who have the power three, in 100 fold the prophecy." No one ever found out exactly what it meant or when it was written. Some beleive it means that the sisters in 300 years from when that was written were going to have to do something doing with the prophecy. If you are pretty dang sure you have powers, you need to do some research on the sisters. wait, don't try that. I 4got, it doesn't work! LoL. this is all I know about the sisters. I HOPE THAT THIS WILL HELP YOU TREMENDOSLY!!!!!!!! PEACE OUT MY SOUL SISTER! NEXT !

Seven Supernatural Powers

Do You Have These 7 Supernatural Powers?

Clairvoyance Precognition

Healing Astral projection Mediumship Channeling

Clairvoyance is a psychic flash, a vision or a feeling about something that is not physically present and occurs in the minds eye. Often these are attributed to an overactive imagination until a coincidence occurs such as seeing someone in danger and then finding out it has happened. Clairvoyance has many forms including auditory or hearing a voice, and a gut feeling where the person knows something is wrong or has occurred.

Read more in Paranormal Spider Gates Cemetery A Real Life U.F.O Story Precognition is the same as clairvoyance but seeing something in advance. This often comes in the form of dreams, a vision, or a psychic flash. For example, people with this ability will experience high anxiety or extreme pain in advance of a catastrophic event much like birds do when the weather changes.

Telepathy is the ability to read minds or see into the minds of others. This is common among certain families and groups as their perceptions are open and receptive to the way people they know thinks and behave. The theory is that thoughts are electrical and can be transmitted.


Psychic healing or faith healing is the ability to channel the spirit or universal energies to heal oneself or another and often this is the foundation of many forms of prayer and meditation. There is also the laying on of the hands, where the healer transmits healing energies through their palms to direct healing to anothers body.

Astral Projection
Astral projection or astral traveling is the ability to leave the physical body and fly to another location by means of spirit. It is sometimes called mental traveling and can occur during dream states. It also occurs during traumatic events and near death experiences when the body is injured, as when someone says they have an outof-body experience.

Psychic mediums are people who have the ability

to communicate with spirits or the dead such as the characters portrayed on the television shows, The Ghost Whisperer, Medium, and the movie , Ghost. Mediums can receive messages from the dead or spirits that are teach or instruct receptive people who need guidance or healing.

Channeling or trancing is a form of mediumship where a person is inhabited by the spirit of either a dead person or a supernatural being but may not be fully conscious while doing so and is confused with possession. The theory is that humans are electromagnetic in nature and can receive and transmit through channels of energy. These people are also known as psychics or psychic sensitives, and are open to spiritual or universal energies. Many people experience psychic phenomena on occasion and although it is classified as a pseudoscience by the scientific community, the common experiences shared by so many must have some validity which cannot be measured. Some notable people who believed they possessed these talents include Winston Churchill, Abraham

, St. Joan of Arc, and St. Francis of Assisi.

recite: Here my cry in this darkest hour, Multiply and strengthen my greatest power. Power of us witches rise, To evil we bring a horrific demise, Please light a red candle when chanting, if the candle goes out we have received your power. You will not lose your power, but this enables the elders to copy it. Please be on the look out. Till we meet again. Blessed be.

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