CosmicConsciouness Part 2. 10 Lectures Feb To April 1948
CosmicConsciouness Part 2. 10 Lectures Feb To April 1948
CosmicConsciouness Part 2. 10 Lectures Feb To April 1948
(Pretoria Series)
Lecture 1 (3rd February 1948)
You must not lose yourselves in philosophies, in questioning
something that can only be realized by oneself. If I begin to
philosophise to you on the wonders of this Reality you only build
up an idea of It. But if through your own awareness you realize
this Life, this Pure Being, then all conduct will ultimately lead
towards that Pure Being. So the question must not only be on
that ultimate Reality, but on the practical way of translating that
Reality into conduct.
The Silent Healing Power is not obtained by your reaction to
things or forms or conditions, but through your understanding of
them. The Silent Healing Power is not obtained through a time or
space factor but through the understanding that Life is one Whole,
is omnipresent in its entirety. Therefore at any moment of time
all Life or Spirit is concentrated at any point in space that you may
choose to fix your consciousness upon.
Pure Being, Life or Spirit, whatever name you may call it to
give the appropriate meaning, must of necessity continually subsist
whether in a corporeal body or not and from It all phenomena
of Being must flow whether in an Angelic, mental or physical
plane. The knowledge of this fact is the basis upon which you
can more easily develop the Silent Healing Power.
You must not approach this question with the idea of how
good a healer you may become for this is seeking something for
yourself which is frustration. If you seek to corner the Infinite Being
for your own welfare you will become antagonistic to others and
this leads to frustration. But if there is affection towards Reality
there is friendship for all those who are approaching Reality.
It is an opening up inwardly towards that Life which is ever
present Love. It is not a looking at something that is external to the
self but to find the self in that “Being” which is behind every other
You will notice if you examine your minds deeply that you
are all seeking Reality separately, individually, as separate entities,
each elbowing the other out. This is the cause of the contradictory
spirit in the world today. It sets up antagonism between religious
groups and individuals who are all approaching the same Reality,
all trying to realize and understand It and instead of affection for
all who are approaching it there is rivalry. But to understand, to
approach and to realize, you must come with affection, not in the
sense of possession or competition as to who is to understand more
or who is to understand less. Reality must become the dominant
factor and not individuals.
Reality must become a living perceptible enthusiastic
realization of Itself in activity, in conduct. In this way you will not
lose yourselves in theories, beliefs or philosophies, but you are
all the time highly concentrated on translating your understanding
into daily action, into conduct. So your conduct in affection does
not need the backing of a highly complicated philosophy or a ritual
to which you have to conform. True conduct is self-realized
conduct through affection and understanding not based on any
philosophy or religious belief but based on one’s own experience.
Hence your conduct becomes the translation of your realization
into activity. You are not judged by your philosophy or by your
beliefs, but by what you are, by the manner of your treatment of
others, the manner of your friendship, the manner of your speech.
If you are loving and kind to all and antagonistic to none then
you are translating Reality into action.
The Presence is never antagonistic to Itself in any individual.
Then what makes you antagonistic, competitive? It is the idea
of your approach in which all your energies are dissipated without
result. If you think that by your philosophy you may be thought
intellectual then you have lost the real and see only the shadow.
As soon as you try to realize the Central Living Reality in
everyone and to which everyone however awkwardly is moving,
then your affection, your thought, your whole enthusiasm is turned
towards It. You cease to be antagonistic towards other individuals
who are also approaching It.
It is difficult for those who are approaching this mighty Reality
for the first time because of the terms used, which are words meant
to convey a meaning. Many terms are used such as Absolute,
Infinite, Universal Mind, Divine Mind, Life, Reality, Ether of
Space, Essence of Substance, Matter, etc., etc.
If the students will keep in mind the wholeness, the oneness
of all there is, seen or unseen, they will realize that the term used is
the most suitable to convey the meaning or kind of manifestation
which is referred to.
When we use Universal Mind or Divine Mind we mean
that which comprehends, that which embodies, and includes all
that we call consciousness, individualized or otherwise. We mean
all that is visible or invisible, all that which is known or unknown,
all that can be seen, touched, handled or sensed, all that can be
apprehended, and all that which is beyond apprehension. All is
God and there is no separation, no division.
If I may put it this way to you the Universal Mind consists of
the manifested and the unmanifested. The manifested portion can
be apprehended by the human mind but that which is unmanifested
cannot be apprehended, yet the manifest is in the unmanifested
and of it, there is no separation.
There is a plus element which is always above and beyond
that which is manifested thus manifestation takes place within
the unmanifested and that something—that plus within—brings
forth the manifested and it is this ineffable, this indescribable this
pure Being that remains within its creation, yet always transcending it,
and it is this Reality which we approach with affection and Love.
And as we realize it more and more we translate it into action
for it is “this” that is behind our own thinking. In this realization
God alone lives, God lives in you, He guides all your actions,
He leads you where He would have you go, to work in you, to
will and to do whatsoever He would have you do. Then let the
external manifestation be what it will, believing that it is just
what Divine Mind would have it for the present, even if it is exactly
opposite to what you have planned. This cessation of struggling
brings true expression and freedom.
Now let us consider the human mind. Much conflict exists
in your world today whether or not the mind is dual in nature,
that is, two separate minds. The difference of opinion is so great
that it prevents the establishing of a true picture of what really
Some say there are two minds, one is conscious and the
other is subconscious, but in reality there is but one mind. There
is an outer and an inner function and the Silent Healing Power
can only be developed by a true understanding of the relation of
each function.
Now the outer is associated with the relative world and
reacts to the condition of the personal environment which is very
much limited. It takes into cognition time and space, events etc
and is influenced by them. Therefore you will understand that this
outer consciousness is limited and reasons from the individual
point of view. That is to say, it draws conclusions from supposed
facts and effects which are seen on the surface, (yet the real
cause is hidden in the inner,) or where a part only is seen while
the whole is not recognised. A good simile here would be the
discernible part of an iceberg, the sparkling pinnacles which are
seen above the water are but a fraction of what is underneath
the surface, but the iceberg is one whole, that which is seen and
that which is unseen is one and the same iceberg. So that which
is seen on the surface is but a limitation by one’s opinion of what
one sees and with a lack of understanding of the seen and being
unaware of the unseen, fear, doubt and apprehension is caused
by assuming that the limited opinions of what is seen on the
surface are actually true while they may be entirely false.
Now I want to place before you the one who is wholly
affected by what he sees, and the other who has actually realized
the Reality and at the same time discerned that which is false
and incomplete or limited.
You will see clearly that it is a state of consciousness or
awareness. When the consciousness becomes aware of Reality
there is a sense of perception that reveals that which is false, or
that which is only partially revealed on the surface and with this
understanding there is at once a doubt, a questioning of what is
seen on the surface, and this leads to reflection and discernment.
On the other hand with the unawakened consciousness there is
an acceptance of what is seen. Therefore what is seen on the outer
is believed in the inner and there is a reproduction of what is seen
faithfully and logically with all the details accurately produced
whether the facts are true or not. Thus it is most important that
you must discern that which is unreal and false before you can
know that which is true. You are what you believe you are.
When the Truth of your true Being is realized and under-
stood—that the eternal Life is ever rejuvenating the mind and
body—that the Presence of the Eternal Presence is your Silent
Partner you begin to understand the power of the Silent Healing
Power. But if your mind is full of falsehood and beliefs which
make you antagonistic to others then you will only create
inharmony. When this inharmony is dealt with by yourself alone
you will then have revealed to your consciousness something
of the real which is “Harmony” (Love, Wisdom, and Healing).
To establish this Truth in your outer consciousness is the solid
foundation upon which to develop the Silent Healing Power.
When we begin to see that the outer is but a state of
consciousness unaware of Reality and that which it is aware of
is but effects of what is created from within, and not knowing the
true facts, we react to what we believe to be true. But immediately
you identify yourselves with the ever-present Intelligent Spirit
which prevails throughout the whole Universe you see clearly that
the inner consciousness is that which is one with the Universal
Consciousness, the Creative Power, throughout all nature. It is this
understanding transferred to the outer that gives you dominion
over all things.
This creative power gives rise to all forms which also give
rise to the outer consciousness as the external manifestation of
that which is within. The Reality is that creative power, that
Love, Wisdom and Healing that is always at work—active,
regardless of time and space, for time and space do not exist in
the Eternal Ever-Present. But if you are lost in the outer and
cannot discern what you see, then you will only create sorrow
and conflict because with your feeling of limitation, your feeling
of insecurity, your feeling of inward poverty, you will crave
and this craving leads to frustration, sorrow and conflict.
To attain to that which is true you must think in the Absolute
and not in the relative which is but a restrictive state of consciousness.
Now a final word to you in the developing of the Silent
Healing Power. Take your realization out of the relative where it is
restricted and surrounded by beliefs and opinions which are false
and transfer it to the Absolute Reality where it is not thus limited
and approach this Reality with Love and Affection so that you will
externalise in conduct this Reality in your daily Living.
The blessing of the Angel of Light is upon your work of the
Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.
Lecture 2 (10th February 1948)
the difficulty at the beginning. It is not easy to throw out from the
mind ideas that have grown since infancy but if you look into your
minds you will see what it is that hinders you from accepting that
Divine Nature that is present in everyone and antagonistic to none.
So first of all concentrate on your heart and see if there is
anything there that in any way separates you from anyone, any
enmity, envy or jealousy, any antagonisms that hinder your
acceptance of this blessed thing that alone can free you. Then
call the power and the Presence of that Love of the Divine to take
its abode and the work of this Divine Love will transform the
You can also concentrate on the head and between the
eyes but for many this is too difficult. When the mind becomes
quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration
intense then there is a beginning of experience. The more the
faith is turned towards the Divine Presence the quicker can you
effect a change. Success at the beginning may be only partial
and chequered by many failures but this should not daunt you.
Be patient and persevering.
To turn all action automatically into Devotion cannot be
done by thought control only, for this is but contraction and not
expansion neither is it understanding. There must be a strong
aspiration in the heart which will bring about realization or feeling
of the Presence, neither must you rely on your own efforts alone
but on the grace and power of the Divine Presence you adore.
The cause of your failures to reach this realization is because
you place too much reliance on your own mind and will, that is
why some of you do not progress. If you could once get the
habit of silent reliance on the power of the Divine Presence not
merely calling it in to support your own efforts, most of the
difficulties would diminish and eventually disappear. You must
come to actually know that it is the Presence that does the work.
When this is thoroughly understood and becomes the habitual
thought behind all your doings a new life will open up for you.
Now all sincere aspiration has its effect and if you are sincere
you will grow into the Divine Life expressing Love, Wisdom
and Healing.
To be entirely sincere means to desire the Divine Presence
only, to surrender yourself more and more to the Divine Presence,
to reject all personal demands and desires other than this one
aspiration to offer every action in Life to the Divine Presence
and do it as work given without bringing in the ego. This is the
basis of the Divine Life.
The Christ Consciousness is not attained all at once but if
you aspire at all times and call up always the aid of the Divine
Presence that is ever-present within you with a true heart and
straightforward will, you will grow more and more into this
You will not find it easy to get rid of the personal effort at
once: gradually the personal effort should be transformed into a
movement of the Divine Force.
The main thing first of all is to look into your minds and
see what is there—hypocrisy is the first thing that must be
uprooted. This may be hard to do because the mind clings to
the personality which is full of defects and pettiness. It delights
itself in social inaccuracies, in vain platitudes and repetitions.
Then first discern your own mind and see what it contains then
you will not be so ready to condemn or criticize others.
The Divine Nature cannot manifest in a mind that is full
of contradiction. Therefore discern your thoughts in the first
place then you will be able to empty your mind and heart of all
that is not of the Divine nature that lies hidden, buried, by your
own falseness and remember that the Divine Presence forgives
and holds nothing against you, so when you have cleansed your
mind and heart the Presence will take its abode of its own free
will for there is its dwelling place. Your personal effort will be
transformed into a movement of the Divine Force, and when you
feel the consciousness of this Divine presence call it in more
and more to govern your effort, to take it up to transform it into
something not yours, but the Presence Itself. There will be a taking
up of the forces at work in the personal self by a transformation
not suddenly complete but progressive until complete. And as
the mental poise and quiet is established then will come peace
and a silence that nothing can change for that which is in itself
complete will be established in its own temple for it is said that
“Ye are the temples of the Living God.”
It is this Presence that is established in the Sanctuary of
the Silent Healing Power and as you get more and more into
the understanding of the great work that is being done you will
all appreciate more and more these instructions that are being
given to you.
The Blessing of the Angel of Light is upon your work of
the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.
Lecture 3 (17th February 1948)
Life alone lives. Life created the body, the brain, the nervous
system through which it could express Itself in the physical
world, then it is Life that lives not you, you live because Life
is living. Life is God and God is Life—the Presence—and it is
this Presence that is omnipresent and is the Presence that is your
Silent Partner and is the greater of the two. When you realize
that it is this Presence alone that has consciousness and is your
Reality then you will discern better that which is false, and when
you discern that which is false you will know that which is
true. I have said this many times to you but I know that the true
significance has not dawned upon you, that is why I am showing
you this gem of Truth in another setting.
Now, if you observe the thoughts that cross your mind and
you stand back and look at them regarding them as things that
come from the outside, you see them as passers-by crossing the
mind-space with whom you have no connection and in which
you take no interest. In this way after a time there comes an
awareness of consciousness and mind being distinctly separate.
The consciousness witnesses and watches while being perfectly
undisturbed and quiet while witnessing the object of observation
in the mind—those thoughts that cross and wander through mind
in space.
There is a third which is the shortest and most powerful
way to silence, but few can do it at the beginning: that is to detect
the thoughts coming, before they enter, knowing these intruders
for what they are and dissolving them away at once. If this can
be done it is swift but much more difficult for beginners.
The cause of most fear in people is the preaching on all sides
about sin and damnation with the result that from infancy this
fear has dominated the lives of millions. There is a fear of something
that they do not understand because they are ignorant of the truth
about things. They accept what others say without question and their
imagination runs rampant with fear and illusion.
Every educated person knows that the main facts about
organic evolution are firmly established and are quite different
from theological outbursts of ignorance propounded from the
pulpit. You are not required to do violence to your reason by
rejecting the assured results of modern Science. If the theology
of religion is to be of any use to humanity it must be simplified
spiritualised and brought up to date, at present it is encumbered
by bad science, caricatured by bad economics, and the more aware
you become of this the less you will be disposed to stake the
existence of your faith on superstitions which are the religion
of the irreligious and the science of the unscientific.
Ninety-five percent of the people are busy attempting to
change effects. Something happens which they do not like and
they try to change the situation. They soon find that they are
simply changing one form of distress for another. The other five
percent which include yourselves are engaged with the causes
and you know now that in order to make any permanent change
it is the cause you must seek, and you soon find that the cause
is within your own control. It is the five percent that are thinking
the other ninety-five percent are merely accepting and conforming
to the thoughts and ideas of others. It is those only who think who
can see and feel a thing before it happens.
These hostile forces are anti-Divine, not merely un-Divine—
they make use of the lower nature, pervert it and fill it with
distorted ideas and movements and by that means, influence man
and even try to enter and possess or control him.
Free yourselves from all exaggerated self-depreciation and
the habit of getting depressed by the sense of sin, difficulty or
failure. These feelings do not really help. On the contrary they are
an immense obstacle and hamper the progress, they belong to the
religious, not to the adept in Truth.
You should look on all the defects of the nature as move-
ments in the Subconscient which are common to all no matter who
they are, the main thing is to observe them, discern them and dis-
solve them calmly, firmly and positively with full confidence in
the Divine Presence—without weakness, fear and depression or
negligence and without excitement, impatience or violence.
The rule I give you is not to let these movements depress
you, to stand back from them, observe the cause and then remove
the cause, for the cause is always within the control of the self.
For all vital defects are within the control of the self through
Sometimes a wrong movement, a petty desire indulged in
causes a recoil—sometimes by its satisfaction and sometimes by its
disappointment. Sometimes a desire is satisfied, sometimes a false
movement given its head, produces very often a worse recoil than
a disappointed desire.
What is needed is for you to become more “aware” in the
inner and less in the outer, even if you live there, for the more
you react to the outer the more you are exposed to its touches.
The Immanent—the Presence—is not oppressed by them. It
stands in Its own closeness to the Divine Omnipresent Eternal Love
and Wisdom and sees the small surface movements as surface
things foreign to the true Being.
My last communication to you on the attitude of Jesus
should be studied with this communication, then you will more
easily conquer your difficulties and the wrong movements that
assail you.
The mistakes you have made in the past are probably
because you are identifying yourself too much with these things
that assail you and regarding them as part of your own nature.
You should rather dissociate yourself from them, regarding them
as movements of the Universal subconscient that try to make
you the instrument of their self-expression. By this discovery
you will be able to live more and more in the Presence that is
Wisdom, Love and Healing, which is not troubled by these
movements and automatically refuses assent to them, the soul
that is turned toward the Divine Force reaches the higher plane
of consciousness.
Now find that part of your being and live in it. To be able
to do so is the true foundation for the Presence to work.
By standing back in the shade of the ever-present Omni-
presence you find a quiet poise in yourself, although witnessing
the surface struggle. You can thus call in the ever-present Presence
to help deliver you.
The Divine Presence, calm, peace, purity, force, light, joy,
wideness are above waiting to descend into you. Find the quie-
tude behind and your mind will also become quiet, for whatever
the consciousness is aware of, so does the mind respond to, and
through the quiet mind you can call down the descent of the purity,
peace and power of the Divine Force. When you feel this peace
and purity descending into you you can then call it in again and
again till it begins to settle. Then you will feel the force working in
you to change the movements, to transmute them and transform
the consciousness.
In this working you will be aware of the Presence, that
Divine Presence that is not disturbed or affected by outward
conditions and effects. Once this is done it is only a question of
time as the progressive unfoldment of the Divine Nature in you
is translated into your daily living.
The idea of tests is not a healthy idea and should not be
considered too far. Tests are applied not by the Divine but by
the Forces of the lower planes, mental, vital or emotional, and
physical, allowed by the Divine because it is part of the soul’s
training, and helps it to know itself, its powers and its limitations
which it has to outgrow. The Presence is not testing you at every
moment but rather helping you at every moment to rise beyond the
necessity of tests and difficulties which belong to the inferior con-
To be always conscious of that help will be your best safe-
guard against all attacks whether adverse movements generated by
your own cravings and desires or those of the subconscient.
If you do not succeed as you would like to succeed do not
be disappointed or doubtful, success is assured. Experiences are
your stairs of progress and when rightly understood aid, your faith.
I could not do better than repeat what the Centurion said to the
Master Jesus: “I am also a man of authority and if I give an order
it is obeyed, but you are of a different realm and if you give a
command it will also be obeyed and my servant will be healed.”
And the Master said, “I have found no greater faith in Israel.”
At that moment the servant was healed. Jesus spoke the word
of true understanding because He knew He and the Father were
one and his word did not return unto him void but completed
that which it was sent forth to do. It was done in the Father’s
Presence by the Father’s Presence.
This will aid you to understand what is possible in the
Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.
I have shown you the mind of Jesus in my last communi-
cation now look into your own and see how near you can come to
the mind of the man of Galilee.
The Blessing of the Angel of Light is upon your work in
the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.
Dressed with Thy Beauty, clean and holy, Thou didst send
me to play in the fields Thou hadst prepared for me.
But I played in the darkness with ignorance and lost myself
in the mire of suffering. I went out clean but came back to Thee
besmirched with the mud of illusion.
O, Divine Presence, wash me with Thy Love and Wisdom
and make me clean and clothe me again. I lost everything while
roaming in the darkness.
O, Divine Presence, Love of my heart, the tiny candle of
light of my remembrance of Thee was not extinguished by the
gusts of disbelief. I loved all things, only to find that I needed
Thee alone.
Come with me, O Beloved—Be with me always.
Lecture 4 (24th February 1948)
the power of mankind but few have grasped it, that is why man is
today impotent in a world of effects which he finds overwhelm
him and to which he succumbs because he has not yet sought
deep enough for the solution, which he will eventually find within
The deep faculties of man’s mind are not limited to the five
senses. The principles of nature are revealed through those who
have developed this gift of intuition through clear thinking, not
accepting what others have said and believed in the past, for this is
but perpetuating the ignorance in the world. When man begins to
see that most of his troubles are created by himself he will find
the solution also within himself for within him lies that eternal
Reality which is responsible for all creation including himself and
within himself he will find also the cause of his miseries for the
cause is never separate from the effect. The effect is only removed
when the cause is revealed and corrected in our own minds by the
Creative Power Itself for man thinks good and evil by the same
It is this deep intuition which has caused us to move
onward and upward side by side with deep logical reasoning
which enables us to see further than those who attribute their
knowledge to the limited sphere of the physical senses. When we
lift our consciousness in thought into the higher things of Life
we are able to obtain much information that cannot be obtained
by mere groping in the mud. One cannot find the secret of the
lotus flower in the mud in which it grows but by understanding
the spiritual cause that forever remains invisible to the senses,
but can be comprehended by a deep thoughtful mind.
Truth is hidden in the words of which St. John spoke. I will
repeat it again to you. “The word was in the beginning and that
very Word was with God and God was that Word. . . .The same
was in the beginning with God. . . .and the Word became flesh. . . .”
St. John also tells us that we cannot understand this until
we can comprehend the mighty truth about ourselves—unless
we become aware that we are not of blood nor of the will of the
flesh nor of the will of man but born of God. No man has ever
seen God but the Father is revealed in the Son, and it was this
that Jesus revealed to us in his great teaching of the truth which
cannot be superseded. Know ye not that I am in the father and
the Father is in me and the things that ye see me do is the Father
who worketh in me. The Father who ever remaineth in me, it is
He who is performing his own deeds. When you have seen me
you have seen the Father. Your Father and my Father—our Father
which is in Heaven. Heaven is that inmost Sanctuary in ourselves
where the Father ever remains waiting for our awareness of Him.
This is not an idea an image or a belief It is the Living Reality and
is the source of our own livingness.
This Truth must become objective as well as subjective
before it means anything to us, and this is brought about by our
awareness of it, so that the inner shall become the outer and the
outer the inner. Now this has nothing to do with ethics which
blinds the consciousness to the Truth of Life and the Ever-
Presence. Ethics is eternally caught up in the relative things,
but this Truth I am revealing to you can never be understood via
ethics or any other things that turn your mind outwardly. Those
whose minds are filled with ethics can never know that warmth,
that joy of living that is attained only by the awareness of the
ever-present Love and Wisdom that is always giving expression
to Itself through those who identify themselves with It. It is
simple, unaffected, always kind, always loving, always generous,
always forgiving, does not make vain display and does not boast.
It is not easily provoked and thinks no evil. It never fails when
put to the test no matter in what situation. Its power lies in the
fact that it is present everywhere, and It knows no opposition,
and is never antagonistic, no matter how irritating others may
be. There is a calmness that nothing can move for it knows Itself
to be the only Reality. This goes beyond the reason of man but
it does not run contrary to that reason. For we know that this
must be so for the Universe to eternally exist. It must have perfect
harmony at the source and that source is also within ourselves.
When one begins to know this Truth one begins to express
that Truth and that is how one knows whether one has the truth
or not. For it is the translation of this ever-Presence into our
daily living that reveals what we know in our hearts. One may
have an intelligent grasp of the Truth but unless one has become
aware of that Reality in oneself as the Living, Loving expression
of harmony, as the Source of his or her own living, they are
like the man who looked into the mirror and saw a reflection of
himself and immediately went away and forgot what he was like.
We all know very well that we do not act up one hundred
percent to that which is real within ourselves because of our
desires, cravings, etc. but as we unfold these things no longer
worry us even if we may become possessive for the things of
this world and for those we love etc. To become aware that we
are possessive to know our cravings to know our weakness is
half the battle and not to struggle with them knowing that they
have no place in Reality. And as we come to know that this world
of ours is but a preparatory school for our immortal existence
so shall we cease to grab all for ourselves and work for the
common good. Yet through our suffering caused by our own
misunderstanding will come the wisdom that will guide us to
As we come to know that the only authority is the Divine
Presence that dwells in each and everyone of us and is not
separate and distinct to that which St. John spoke of we will then
realize that it cannot be antagonistic or in opposition to Itself at
any time and as we identify ourselves with this Presence so shall
we become aware of all the false doctrines that cause strife, sepa-
ration throughout the whole world.
It is because we have failed to realise that we are immortal is
the cause of our ignorant craving for immortality and we are
caught up in the fear of death, which is but an illusion in man’s
mind because he has not realized the eternal ever-Present Life
within himself. And because of his ignorance he is exploited
through his belief in death. So he tries to buy with as little as he
can of his worldly goods a passport to some unknown destination
from those who claim to have the sole right of admission. And
because the paramount longing in the human heart is for the
things desired unaware of that which produces all that is resident
within himself he develops a sense of inward poverty, and to
cover up this sense of inward poverty he surrounds himself with
things, title and rank which he finds a very poor substitute, and
thereby develops a sense of insecurity. So he tries to make himself
secure at the expense of his brothers and all he gains is sorrow
and conflict. So man creates the exploitation by which he is
exploited from every side. When through an enlightened mind
man begins to discern that the cause as well as the remedy is
with himself and that the Truth, Life, God or whatever name
we like to call it is beyond all personal allegiance, he will step
out of his illusion and see how magnificently he will thrive in
the recognition of his oneness with that Presence that one Life
that unites us all as one family, not only on this earth but one
with all inhabitants in the vast Cosmos. For surely within the
one Infinite Mind all must exist and as there is no outside It,
we must also be in It and of It. Then to identify ourselves with
this Infinite Mind develops within ourselves the qualities of
this Mind.
The comprehensiveness of the Cosmos is beyond our human
conception but nevertheless it is a fact that the worlds within
our visible physical senses are but a fraction of the manifested
Universe and that this manifested Universe is but a speck on
the horizon in that Infinite Mind that fills boundless space. We
are told there is something like two thousand million millions
of worlds visible to us and that this is but a fraction of the
manifested Universe. Many of the suns and worlds making up
that visible Universe are thousands of times larger than our sun
and planets. Our earth is but a grain of sand in this panorama of
worlds yet we are linked up with the same substance that same
Mind the same Creative Spirit. Furthermore there are belts of
invisible matter inhabited by spiritual beings that were once
physical like us at one time or another. Although we are incapable
at present of seeing those inhabitants they are not oblivious to
our existence and many are helping and guiding us. To have this
true conception of life we get beyond creeds, dogmas, ethics
and the limited thoughts of the human mind and we soar into
that which we know exists now as it did in the beginning. Some
will say where is your scientific data to explain all this? There is
ample proof by those who have experienced at least a modicum
of its truth to make it evident that there is more in heaven and
earth than man has ever dreamt of.
Physical Science has only yet groped in the dust of the earth
but Cosmic Science will be the Science of the future. Science
has already found out that matter dissolves into energy and we
are told that this energy fills all space—commonly called “ether”.
Out of this ether and in this ether all forms visible must exist.
There are far-reaching powers of the human mind that can
and will in the future reveal intercourse with the inhabitants of the
inner worlds. I have had that opportunity myself of this communi-
cation and what one can do all can do.
The law of gravity which unites all the worlds in the
Universe is one grand system separating man from his kindred
spirits in other planets and interposes an impassable barrier to
his excursions to distant regions.
This is because man is only in the infancy of his being yet
he is destined to a future, an eternal state of existence where the
range of his faculties will be expanded. A few have expanded
these faculties, and these few have been regarded by the masses
with awe and sometimes they have been put to death for fear
that the pet theories and religious beliefs of the blind who lead
the blind would be shattered. But those who acclaimed Barabbas
and put Jesus to death could not destroy that which they could
not see, that which was real and eternal. So after all they did
not destroy anything, nor could they keep that light from coming
into the world and that light is beginning to shine brighter than
A wide boundless prospect lies before us and time will
reveal the numerous order of kindred beings with whom we will
associate in terms of enduring love and friendship. There are other
active spheres which exist superior and interior to our world
system, and to which we are materially bound in our onward
and upward progression. Yet that same Life, that same conscious-
ness that makes us conscious and aware will be the same eternal
birthless and deathless thing that will unfold the beauty of the
Universe. For the whole Universe is within the consciousness
of the Supreme Architect and it is the same consciousness that
makes us living thinking beings now, made in the image and
likeness of our Creator.
That the Infinite is revealed in the finite and that the finite
reveals the Infinite being eternally linked in one whole—it is this
Truth which gives us that freedom from our limited conception
of things in the mortal sense. Oh, could we wing our way with
the swiftness of a Seraph from sun to sun and from world to
world until we have surveyed all the systems visible to the naked
eye which are but a mere speck in the map of the Universe—
could we at the same time contemplate the glorious landscapes
and scenes of grandeur they exhibit—could we also mingle with
the pure and exalted Intelligences which people those resplendent
abodes and behold their humble and ardent adoration of their
Almighty Maker—their benign and understanding deportment
towards one another, each esteeming the other better than himself
and all united in the bonds of purest affection without one haughty
or discordant feeling, what indignation and astonishment would
seize us on our return to this obscure corner of creation. Yet within
ourselves is this grand thing and to know it in our hearts is to
live it.
Some seek health for health alone.
Some seek wealth for wealth alone.
Some seek happiness for happiness itself.
Now seek this Truth and you will find all within yourself.
Lecture 5 (2nd March 1948)
of an interior productive cause invisible which is the Spiritual
essence and the only reality in all things.
We saw that matter was energy commonly called ether of
space which filled all space in which there could be no division.
We also saw clearly that this ether was an expression of the
Infinite Mind that filled boundless space and there was no outside
It and therefore all must be in It and of It. I do not want to repeat
what we have already said, because our time is little enough to
explain the magnitude of the material for our consideration which
is to follow and in this lesson I will use a few diagrams to reveal
some fundamental things which must be grasped otherwise we
will not get the benefit of this wonderful knowledge.
The Bible story of the Creation of the world is a concise
explanation of its creation, but before one can read it with
understanding the fundamentals must be understood, that is
why those who read the story of Creation of the world and man, is
at a loss to understand its significance.
We are told that Life is God and God is Life, therefore
Life is not limited by body or mind but is free and omnipotent
in its omnipresence and the point through which God expresses
Himself through man is the point through which man expresses
the Infinite, but this must be realized by man before it is possible;
this is the Law of our Being.
Therefore we are forced to accept the great truth that God
is all there is.
Now let us take a look at this diagram:
diagram to you:
we must understand that there is pure desire—the will of God,
and personal desire—the will of man, the former brings peace
and happiness while the other often brings the reverse.
Now will power is that force which is the director of all
mental currents not only affecting ourselves but also affecting
persons and things outside ourselves.
In my training with the masters I was shown that will was
the projector of all mental currents and was the basis of all
mental phenomenon, and as I am permitted to reveal to you this
tremendous force I am also advising you to be careful in the
use of it. Let it be tempered with Love and Wisdom to guide it
into constructive and beneficial avenues for yourselves and others.
When used with understanding the results will astonish you and
all who observe it.
The will of a strong conscious awareness reaches out far
beyond the limits of the brain and influences people and things
causing them to be inclined toward the desire expressed by that
will. Many have worked their will upon others far removed
from their immediate surroundings. This power has acted upon
them as a mental influence. Call it mental telepathy, thought
transference or anything you like but it is reality. A mental current
projected by the will works as surely as the sun’s rays affect the
growth of plants and flowers and fruits in accordance with the
power that individual has developed. It is not the purpose of this
lecture to give you specific instruction in the active projection
of this power. What I wish to do is to draw your attention to it,
as a power that is inherent within you and what I want you to
realize is that will is a living force that can be projected and
operated at a distance. It is this force that the Creator uses in
the manifestation of all His Creation.
The Creative Will underlies all Life’s manifestation including
the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdom and is individualized
in man. It acts independently of brains and controls all life and
body functions in man. This mighty force is at its greatest when
directed by our Divine Consciousness, the consciousness of our
Divine Nature. Herein lies the secret of all power in man. This
Universal Power can be used by man, and we must learn to under-
stand its laws as we learn to understand the laws of electricity
to use it to our advantage. But it is just as dangerous as electricity
when we fail to discern its laws and abuse its power.
Desire and will are the primary factors to our thought, they
render thought powerful. The more feeling we have the stronger
is the thought pregnated with the power of will. Yet many people
live only in desire and feeling because they fail to define this
thought. Thought is the arrow that goes forth and according to
its definition, according to its complete form so will it produce.
People who are incapable of thinking are often using this
power but it is dissipated, like the noise of a cracker, there is
nothing to it. Thought is the arrow that goes straight to the target
and the force behind it is will, but unless you begin to think for
yourselves unless you give up conforming to other beliefs and
desires, you will never be able to use this power of thought with
any degree of success. In these lectures I want to give you the
basic foundation upon which to build this power.
A child feels and desires but its thought has not formed
and nothing is accomplished and the majority of people in this
world have still the child-mind, they have not yet grown up.
Will—Desire is a natural force inherent in all and can be
used, controlled and directed just as electricity can. The Masters
have trained and cultivated this will-force to degrees that seem
miraculous to the western mind. By this force they performed
so-called miracles.
Many of the astonishing healings I have performed which
seem to be miracles to many are performed in this way, and many
of the ascended Masters who are working with the Sanctuary
use this power in the many healings that take place through the
Sanctuary. This accounts for the many wonderful results we get.
In the East there are hermits who remain in the mountains
and develop this mental power and influence others at a distance,
while in the West we see this will expressed through men of
action, men of industry and in men like Roosevelt, Churchill and
others as leaders of nations but even in these it is but a futile
effort compared to those who can become aware of their Divine
Nature, linking themselves with the Cosmos and who begin to
think and feel the ever-present Power of Love and Wisdom which
is the impersonal foundation of the Cosmos itself.
Therefore what I wish to show you in this lecture is the
Source of all things and this you must identify yourselves with
otherwise you will never know the omnipresent omnipotent in
your own life.
The Divine Mind is the Mind of God in which all is perfect.
Now the mind of man is a reflection of that Mind and not until
we can comprehend this great truth can we ever be able to make
that reflection real in our own lives.
In my next lecture I will prove to you that matter is not as
it is seen by the senses, and why it becomes visible and how it
can become invisible.
In concluding this lesson I will ask you to contemplate
upon what I have to say which is the only conclusion that all
great thinking minds can come to, that is that God the Infinite
the Eternal “One” timeless, limitless, spaceless, birthless,
deathless, the first Cause, “One,” remember, and still the only
“One” has seemingly individualized Itself and created form for
Its own self-expression, the only “One” expressing Itself in the
many “the One in all and the all in One.”
“My word shall not return unto me void but shall accom-
plish that which it is sent forth to do.” In this is the completeness
of man’s understanding of himself—to become aware of the
unity of God in man. “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is
mighty.” Now also become aware of your relation to people and
things and discern deeply your thought action, how and where
it is moving, then you will be able to free it from limitation.
When your thought is caught up in greed, envy, craving,
imitation, beliefs in conformity to creeds, systems etc., when you
are dependent on things and people you are limited and bound.
Yet freedom comes through self-reliance obtained through your
awareness of your own reality, your oneness with God the Father
of Love, then discerning that which is not real in the world of
the senses which is but an illusion of shadows. Keep reading
these lectures during the week for they contain much help that
will dawn upon you as you get into the Spirit of this Truth.
“But though our outer man perish yet the inward man is
renewed day by day.” 2 Cor. 4: 16.
“As to wisdom and knowledge forsake her not and she
shall preserve thee! Love her and she shall keep thee. Exalt her
and she shall promote thee. She shall bring thee to honour, when
thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thy head an ornament of
grace; a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.”
Prov. 4: 6, 8-9.
Lecture 6 (9th March 1948)
(an expression of consciousness) was pure thought, that kind of
thought that is not uncertain, not wavering or unsteady but is
complete in Itself. It is this fact that makes the Universe enduring
and perfect.
If we examine ourselves we will see that we are the image
and likeness of the Creative Principle and it is quite evident to
the awakened consciousness that very few have realized this,
even those who profess to show us the way for they are busy
formulating religions of sorrows and conflict.
Life is beautiful and for all we know death is just as good,
for Science shows that death is but a form of life and when we
realize the truth we are willing to go or stay. John Calvin1 and
John Knox2 had a lot to do with devising and formulating a
religion of sorrow, and each died old at the age of fifty-seven.
Unfortunately for them they took their selves seriously and were
caught up in the net of their belief and anyone who does this
cannot think clearly and will suffer sooner or later from arterio-
sclerosis of their thinking cells. Life is fluid and there is nothing
permanent but change and if we will think with Life we will
unfold into the continuity of Life, young, yet matured.
When you know the Truth you can live dangerously and
carefree knowing that it is Life that lives yet those who do not
know the Truth live in fear, and this fear attaches itself to every-
thing that is said or done. With Truth nothing matters but living
and knowing that the fundamental Law of Life is Love and
To refute untrue things said about you is an error of judg-
ment for all wrong recoils upon the doer. It is the one who makes
wrong statements about others who is to be pitied. It is better to
be lied about than to lie against another, for no one can harm us
except ourselves. That Presence that is ever-present is your shield.
Mind and matter are interchangeable, convertible, essentially
identical, harmonious and are welded by polarities of Nature’s
forces. In my last lecture I promised that I would prove to you that
matter is not as it is seen by the senses and why it becomes
visible and how it can become invisible.
All one in which there is no separation
Mind Matter
Positive Passive Negative
The most perfect conception
containing Father and Mother, the
underlying Cause in all Creation
Positive Cause Awareness—Ideas Pure thought—certain, steady,
Sphere Power Principles
of Mind Love and Love and Wisdom contain all the
Will Wisdom Impersonal Principles of God.
which is perfect. When we work with the Law we become the
Law. This we see as the forces of Nature.
Essences—the first manifestation of mind as an all-prevailing
solution which is neutral to receive the Ideas, Principles, Laws
in which they become formed. The Substance is the link connecting
the Ideas, Principles, Laws, Forces which represent the perfect
utterances of God and in which they ever remain perfect. This
substance cannot be affected by man’s ideas while ignorant of
his true nature, all imperfect ideas are dissolved away in the
essence. Out of this Substance the ether is produced which is
the Universal medium for the manifestation of Ideas, Principles
and Laws. This ether is the substance that Jesus spoke of as
water, the psychic substance. It is the medium through which
Mind or cause ends and effects begin, the medium of exchange
from one to the other. The essence enables the Ideas, Principles
and Laws of God to become manifest as we see them in matter.
When the Divine Consciousness holds an idea the Intelligence
completes it in detail and it becomes a manifestation under
which lies His eternal Principles and Laws. The outer is but the
expression of the inner and the same Law is inherent in our being.
Thus we are as we think because the Law has individualized
Itself in us. Now in the explanation of the sphere of matter I will
commence with the solids so that you can see how these solids
dissolve into higher phases of itself.
In the solid substance we see the atoms when they are
slowest in motion and coldest in temperature and drop into a
compact body which we call solid form. This matter represents
the gorgeous galaxy visible in the heavens spanning from north
to north-west to south-west, the Milky Way, some of its suns
are more than nineteen thousand million million miles from our
sun and planets yet we belong to this belt of the visible Universe,
the slowest utterance of Ideas, Principles, Laws, Essences, Ethers,
Vapours and Fluids.
Fluid is that solid substance into which has been developed
energy raising it up one degree, the same atom changing its
vibration to a higher state. Solid Substance is porous and energy
passes through it without interruption. Ether supports the gross
substance and interpenetrates it as do all energies that are faster
in motion. Fluid is the first condensation of ideas, the effect of
Ideas, Principles, Laws, Essence and Ether. Man’s body is a
condensation of gases and vapours, everyone of which is floating
around us in the atmosphere. Oxygen which we inhale continu-
ously is a gas without which we could not assimilate any food.
Hydrogen is a gas which unites with oxygen forming fluids in
the body and carbon a gas which combines with oxygen and
hydrogen creating growth and movement. Nitrogen is also a
gas we create which clings to oxygen and neutralizes it, it acts
as a powerful tissue builder with the other elements such as
phosphorus, calcium, sodium, chlorine and other elements, all
possible of liquidity. When we eat our food we are consuming
these elements although we are not aware of it. We are also
continually changing these substances back to liquids and
vapours which we give off again in invisible evaporation and
emanations; these emanations are as material as the body of
man is material, just as material as a drop of perfume which you
perceive in evaporation through the sense of smell.
These human emanations go forth continually in millions
of tons daily into the soils of the Celestial Lands invisible in space
to make up our spiritual homes. How true it is that we make up
our spiritual homes while here on earth. Love and wisdom is
beauty. Selfishness is ugliness. This is the key to our Spiritual
home here and now.
Ethers—Vapours: atoms ascend one degree higher in the
scale and manifest throughout all space in the increase of motion
in the substance called ether. Ether is the basis of matter and
the framework in which matter is built. It responds to mind and
forms according to the image in the mind.
In ether there is form as well as in matter but this is invisible
to the physical eye. Yet these forms are as substantial if not more
so than those we see in the physical.
We see mountains, trees, rivers, real and substantial in the
material Universe, nevertheless they are only images, forms originally
existing in a world which we do not see and from which they are
derived, forms which are as real and material, for nothing exists
except by reason of the Spiritual manifestation that exists in the
world of Spirit or Essence. What we see in the physical or material
world is purely and simply effects. We move in ether and ether
supports all matter in space. Ether, vapours, fluids and solids represent
the sphere of matter in which man lives as human beings.
As Life is God and God is Life this eternal creation called
mankind unfolds the beauty that is within. We recede into the
inner realms which are more glorious and inconceivably beautiful
than our mortal senses can comprehend.
“I go to prepare a place for you for where I am there shall
ye be also.”
Raise your hand and take hold of this truth, the Tree of Life,
and so gain your Divine Birthright. Life alone lives, I am the
Life. The Beginning and the End are one—Eternal and ever-
present. The greatest message that can be given to mankind is
of its Divine and Eternal existence in the Infinite.
This world is still in the womb of its soul essence. The new
heaven and the new earth will come into being for the germ, the
seed is here now at this moment forcing its way through the darkness
of the human mentality, and through humanity it will be brought
into being for humanity is the vehicle the Infinite created for
that purpose.
Let us then broaden our vision beyond the material sense
which is but an effect, into that which is the cause of all Creation and
we will find ourselves one with it. Herein lies the power of the
Master and all can reach it for it is our Birthright. . . “The things
I do greater things shall ye do. . .” Let us cast off all beliefs that
hinder that true expression of the one Presence that lives in all.
“My Covenant I will not break nor alter the thing that is
gone out of my lips.”
“In hope of eternal Life which God, that cannot lie, promised
before the world began.” Titus 1: 2.
Lecture 7 (16th March 1948)
The only difference between a master of nature and your-
selves is the one understands the other does not. Man is only
master when he becomes aware of his true spiritual birthright,
and although I have explained in many ways how you can
arrive at this awareness, I know that you have not yet fully
grasped the great significance of it. Unless you can grasp the
fundamentals of the Universal Law of that which is in the
realm of the invisible as well as that which is in the realm of
the visible, and unless you can understand the facts about your
spiritual nature you will never understand the facts of the
physical nature.
I have shown you how the Spirit is involved in its own
creation. Now this involution preceded evolution and this is
never lost sight of—the perpetual urge onwards of the Spirit for
the self-expression in infinite varieties of form, for it is Spirit
that is continually passing into manifestation and it is always
the same Spirit the only One. This is the fundamental truth that
whatever the variety of form, the Spirit is the only one.
Involution and evolution are one and the same thing, it
shows where cause ends and effects begin, the beginning is not
separate from the end, the end is in the beginning and must
always be so, otherwise there could be no Universal Law. I have
shown you clearly that there is only one substance and there can
be no other substance and this substance is Universal Mind that
fills boundless space.
The Bible says that God created heaven and earth. This is
symbolical. Heaven means a higher state of consciousness and
earth means a lower state of the same consciousness. Jesus made
that very potent statement “the kingdom of heaven is within you”.
I gave you a table in the last lecture showing the oneness
of all from the Spirit to matter, which included Ideas, Principles,
Laws, Essences, Ethers, Vapours, Fluids and solids, showing that
the lower included the higher otherwise there was no possibility of
any creation in the concrete, that the solid form we see must be
the expression of the Ideas, Principles and Laws manifesting in
the form and when I revealed that the form was but the effect
of all the others combined it brought home to you that mankind
must include all of creation which is an undisputed fact.
Masters have arrived at this truth through diligent obser-
vation and study and it is this that has made them Masters, as it
will make everyone, if they will take time to consider the great
truth underlying all creation, that there is only One.
When the mind can grasp this Truth through understanding
it becomes matured, but if you will look into your own minds
you will discern whether it is a reality to you or just a belief or
much less a platitude. Now this can never give you the power
you are seeking for if your beliefs are born of imitation or the
belief of another, all the efforts you make will not bring the desired
results unless you can think it out for yourself and so prove in
your own mind the great truth so as to make it your own.
The consciousness must become aware of its Source, you
have often heard the word “awareness” for I have repeated it so
often to you, yet the acceptance of this word or its meaning cannot
give you its true value, you must become aware yourself. It is
difficult to make you understand this because awareness must
be your own experience and without it you cannot progress, and
the more I show you the truth as the Masters know it and as
I know it myself the more you will begin to become aware and
experience this awareness yourselves. This is so far off to most
people and there is no use trying to reveal this to those whose
minds are filled with beliefs, superstition or platitude, because
they can never understand it.
Certain cells in the brain have to be awakened for this
awareness to be real in this physical plane, and my reason for
teaching you the way I do is to awaken these cells so that this
truth can be made yours in the physical now and not at some
future time to come in your spiritual evolution.
For your enlightenment I have given you another chart of
a different nature but telling the same story of Creation.
“When energy is encased in its smallest space it is then at
its greatest intensity.” This formula was given to me and I had
to think it out for myself to prove its truth to myself. Science
has already proved this to be true but this formula was given
long before Science had any idea of extracting atomic energy
and as this knowledge is common to all I must refer you to the
Science of atomic energy for further information on the subject
as the space and time is not available in this lecture except for a
brief explanation which I will give you ex tempore. Now let us
look at the diagram:
It is well known that matter called solids is a ponderous
substance which is easy to dissolve. It is when the atom is reached
that great force is encountered. The atom is an eddying whirlpool
in ether having positive and negative parts, the negative part
revolves round the positive the nucleus, “electron” is the name
given to the negative part which revolves round its nucleus. There
are many different atoms each of which is judged by the number
of electrons which are revolving round the centre and according to
the number of electrons—the smaller the number the higher the
velocity and the larger the number the slower the velocity.
To separate the electron from its nucleus requires a tremen-
dous force almost inconceivable to the human mind, also when
they can be separated through fission or attraction they create
great devastation as instanced by the atomic bomb. Now I am not
an atomic scientist but my knowledge obtained of this subject
was obtained from the Masters who understood the formation of
matter from an inner viewpoint and not from the outer, which
science is finding out today. But both will meet at the same place,
one operating from within and the other operating from without.
All units of energy when separated are not lost but unite
with other units of a similar nature. This is the Law of Attraction
that is inherent in the formation of the Universe and as Science
goes on separating the units—the smaller the unit the greater the
power until point is reached and when point is reached they will
find that there is no energy external to point but that all energy is
behind point and the greatest potential is concentrated at point.
This is the Father-Mother-God, the Cause behind all Creation and
cannot be separated. This is the Divine Law in action, having all
power within itself, there is no power separate from it. It is all
concentrated at point and point is everywhere yet no one can tell
where point is or point it out.
Now man’s consciousness is the point where the Infinite
expresses himself through man and where man expresses the
Infinite, but man is not aware of this, yet Jesus was, and as were
all the Masters who became aware of this great Truth and could
perform what is known to the world as miracles.
The great riddle of mankind solves at point, the greatest in
the smallest and the smallest in the greatest. “The greatest amongst
you is the servant of all,” Jesus told his disciples. He did not mean the
greatest man amongst them but that which was at point within them
was the greatest, the Source of all Life, Love and Wisdom.
The ancient Sign of the Cross was known by the ancients
as the symbol of creation. The perpendicular lines represent the
Father or the Consciousness and the horizontal line the Mother or
the Intelligence and where they meet is the manifestation, the
Son of God or the Christ, the Living Life, the only Reality of
which the Master was aware. There is more to the Cross than one
would think of but this is not the purpose in this lecture. To
those who understand the inner meaning it is the secret sign of
spiritual manifestation. As man is the finite in the Infinite the
great saying, “Man, Know thyself and thou shalt know thy
creation,” is not a platitude to those who understand, but a living
reality. For man will find within himself the glorious truth of
the immanent God. For God formed man in His own image and
likeness and this does not mean the body which is the temple of
the Living God but that the same principles and creative power
was also inherited by man by virtue of his creation, the only
difference being in the degree of these principles. But as man
grew into the Truth and through the unfolding of the involved
Spirit of God so could he manifest power according to his
awareness and understanding.
The Christ is still the only power on earth and will remain
paramount and when we grasp that the Christ is not a separate
entity but the Father Himself—this Jesus revealed to his disciples
when he said, “Know ye not that I am in the Father and the Father
is in me. . .” “It is the Father who ever remaineth in me is
performing His own deeds.” I am aware that I am the Divine Idea.
I told you in my last lecture that the principles of the Infinite
were Love and Wisdom, therefore a Divine Idea must contain
these principles and when the idea is expressed these Principles
become the Laws. The law then becomes the expression of the
Idea or Principle in the essence which is truth, the Tree of Life,
the only Reality—for this is the highest manifestation of the
Infinite Idea and as man is that Idea, his true state is Divine and
must remain eternal and ever-present, deathless, birthless,
impossible of decay. All change we see taking place is permanent
in Life because Life is ever renewing itself, ever pliable, immortal
and eternal, it is not static but a concentrated essence expressed
in motion, therefore there can be no end. But the Divine Idea must
always remain the same or the blueprint of man himself held in
the mind of the great Architect of the Universe.
Ethers, vapours, fluids and solids are the bridge through
which these ideas are transformed to form in matter and as ether is
electricity—a force—and matter is a modification of ether matter
also must be a force, therefore matter viewed separately from
force does not exist.
Therefore the creation of all forms and the whole world’s
conscious relations is the result of the Spirit’s one mode of action
and that is thought. Let us look at it from this point of view.
1. The Creation
2. Creative thought or thinking.
3. The thought or thinking manifest in form.
The thinker is the first Cause and creates secondary causes,
thought, and this cause must have an effect or manifestation.
Apply this same rule to mankind and you will see that man
becomes what he thinks, so when he thinks evil he creates evil
in his mind and circumstances not knowing his true nature and
he creates his own conditions by his thoughts and reactions
through his senses. Here then is the Tree of Knowledge of Good
and Evil, which we will discuss in our next lecture.
“Lo, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my
voice and opens the door I will come in and sup with him and
he with me. The conqueror I will allow to sit beside me on my
throne, as I myself have conquered and sat down beside my Father
on His throne. Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the
Spirit says.” Rev. 3: 20-22. (Moffatt)
Lecture 8 (23rd March 1948)
We saw in our last lecture the great truth of the “One” the
only One. The saying “the drop is in the ocean and the ocean is
in the drop” is paradoxical nevertheless true. We saw that the
Divine Mind contained Consciousness and Intelligence, Ideas,
Principles, Laws; these were individualized in the Essence and
was the perfect expression of “Divine Mind” and this is how the
Divine Mind saw it “that it was good.” One saw also that the
Essence clothed itself in ether-matter carrying with it the Ideas,
Principles, Laws, therefore becoming form invisible and visible.
And in this ether-matter the individual entity is given free will to
choose and creates Ideas to bring them forth by the same mode of
action as exists in Divine Mind.
It was in this vehicle ether-matter that we saw also where error
in individual consciousness was outpictured because the individual
did not know the truth about himself and about the Universe.
We also saw that the physical senses responded only to
vapours, liquids and solids, and although the Divine had revealed
Itself in the form of man in these, as well as in the higher or
inner mediums of Divine Mind, man was not aware of this.
Consequently man’s senses revealed only effects without under-
standing the Cause which brought about misconceptions, because
man did not realize the cause behind it all and he did not even
recognise what the effects were. His reactions then created in his
mind and circumstances, limitations and chaos.
So the one great lesson in the last lecture was to become
aware of our own reality united in the “One”—that is the primary
factor in all development. It is the secret of our power and brings
about health and happiness in this Life here and now, and we do
not have to wait for it in some future time. Therefore everything
we see and feel is none other than Universal or Divine Mind in
action. So “the drop is in the ocean and the ocean is in the
drop” becomes clear to us when we realize that there is no out-
side Divine Mind and Divine Mind must contain and include
everything—that Divine Mind must be in its Creation no matter
how tiny or how big, also it must be in the Divine Mind for there
cannot be any other substance, force, law or principle outside
Divine Mind. Therefore Divine Mind includes all Creation
including mankind as its special creation on earth.
When we speak of Divine Mind we speak of God’s perfect
creation and there can be no other, for God alone lives and it is
His Life that lives in us. We also saw that for the Infinite to be
Infinite and Absolute, He must include all, and there cannot be
anything except the Absolute. When the student grasps this fact
a change takes place in the consciousness, the consciousness
assumes a totally different attitude to that which it sees and feels.
The consciousness in us being the ruling factor in our lives begins
to create through the understanding of these fundamental Truths,
very often unconsciously, just as the consciousness steeped in
error and fear creates unconsciously through reaction what the
senses reveal when ignorance prevails. With the result that like
conditions are created in the personal life and circumstances and
there can be no freedom until one becomes aware of cause and
effect and this awareness can only come from understanding the
Universe and man and their conscious relation.
The reason I am going over these facts from a different
viewpoint is because it is the only way that you can acquire that
state of consciousness that is necessary for your own freedom
from fear and illusion, which leads to chaos in the mind and
consequently in the personal life.
It will take time for many to free themselves from previous
preconceived ideas which have no foundation in truth when they
have taken hold of the mind as a tree takes root in the ground.
The tree that does not bear fruit must be rebuked so that it
will die away. It was this that the Master showed when he came
upon the fig tree that bore no fruit; he rebuked it, and it withered
and died. It was not fruitful yet it took sap and energy from Life
but produced nothing from it so it is the same with many beliefs
Now if you look into your own minds and see how many trees
have taken root there and are bearing no fruit you will understand
better the works and words of the Master.
The whole world’s conscious relations and the creation of
all form is the result of the Spirit’s one mode of action and that
is thought. Very few are aware of this fact and know less about
its manifestation, so we will explore the following facts:
is these fixtures in the mind that prevent man from unfolding his
true nature, which gives him power and dominion over all things
as stated in Genesis.
For Truth to become of any value, the consciousness must
become aware of it and this is the difference between one who
knows and one who does not know.
The Law of Growth is of the highest importance to the
student who wishes to develop and all of you are here for that
purpose, for without development along the right lines there is
no possibility of giving true service to others. “The blind lead the
blind and they all fall into the ditch.”
The main fact to remember is that Nature is natural. We
may misuse and abuse Nature but it will prevail in the long run.
If we drive it out through the front door it will surely return
through the back door. The Law of Nature is the principle of
growth and this law and vitality is inherent in the thing itself.
If we wish our work to be a success we will not force
things to become that which by their own nature they are not.
“He that believeth shall not make haste.”( Proverbs.)
In Proverbs 8: 22-31* we read, “The Eternal formed me
first of his creation, first of all his works in days of old; I was
fashioned in the earliest ages, from the very first, when earth
began; I was born when there were no abysses, when there
were no fountains full of water; ere he sunk the bases of the
mountains, ere the hills existed, I was born, when earth and
fields were not created, nor the very first clods of the world.
When he set the heavens up, I was there, when he drew the
Vault o’er the abyss, when he made the clouds firm overhead,
when he fixed the fountains of the deep, when he set the
boundaries of the sea, when he laid foundations for the earth; I
was with him then, his foster-child, I was in delight day after
day, playing in his presence constantly, playing here and there
over his world, finding my delight in humankind.”
If you can grasp the significance of this you will see clearly
also in these lessons the same truth about yourselves. The Bible
is the deepest occult Book ever to be printed but you can only
* Moffatt’s translation
extract truth from it when you take truth to it, and that is why
the Bible will always remain a mystery to those who cannot
read it. The Bible also stresses so much upon the power of faith
and the weakening effect of fear and the destructive influence
of unbelief and lack of wisdom. “I wisdom have intelligence in
hand, knowledge and insight I command.” Prov. 8: 12.
As you follow these lectures and read them over and
think about them you will grow naturally, some may think they
are not progressing quickly enough, this is the mistake you
make, you are not acquainted with the Law of Growth and you
fancy you can hasten it by some exertion of your own from
without and are thus led into doubt and anxiety and often employ
grievously wrong methods. Some will fail to understand at first,
but understanding comes with perseverance, faith and patience.
Some crave for truth but if that craving is only to fulfil some
immediate desire then there is no depth to receive the truth that
would set one free, and many fall by the wayside. Nevertheless
one who recognises what the prize is worth will do all in his
power to acquire it; that one will be like the merchant who had
many pearls yet when he found the one priceless pearl he sold
all to acquire the one pearl of great price.
How true this is! When we find this one great pearl of
wisdom we no longer need the others, for with this one pearl
we can do everything and this great pearl is the Tree of Life of
which the Master spoke. When we take hold of it, it would be a
spring of Living Water rising up to eternal Life.
I have so often said to you, unless you understand the
false you will not understand the true and this brings us to the
subject of which I said I would speak to you about—the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The Bible is a book of occult wisdom and was written for
the purpose of freeing man from the illusion of death. It also
shows the way of deliverance from sorrow, sickness, poverty,
ignorance and uncertainty, but unfortunately for mankind this
book has been made the means through which he was forced to
conform to a religious belief which bound and suffocated him.
He was not allowed to think for himself, his thinking was done
for him by those who did not know the truth or if they did they
purposely kept it secret from him for the purpose of control
through ignorance. But that time is fast passing and people all
over the world are beginning to ask questions especially the
younger generation and this thinking for themselves will bring
them freedom and eventually freedom to others.
In this lecture there is just time for a quick review of the
facts relating to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and
we will continue this discussion in the next lecture.
Now let us look at the facts revealed in the Bible.
God is the only One, there is no other. By Him and in Him
all is created and there can be no other source.
“All was created by the Infinite God, the Infinite saw that
it was good.”
“Man is made in the image and likeness of God and so was
man created.”
This likeness with God is the Christ within man, the power
that brings forth everything you need, health, happiness and excel-
lence in Life.
The Principles incarnated in man are the principles and laws
of the Infinite which man inherits as his Divine birthright.
“God saw that which he had made was very good.” Yet man
sees evil—“There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it
The story in the Bible goes on to relate about a Garden of
Eden. This is an allegory and this allegory has been repeated in
many lands throughout the ages: “The Garden of the Hesperides”1
“The Romance of a Rose”2 etc. The meaning of all these stories
is the same.
The Garden is the Garden of the Soul of Man; In that Garden
there are two trees, one is the Tree of Life, the only Reality in
man—his Divine Consciousness—the Creative Principle—Life
itself. Jesus tells us this is the well of water springing up to
everlasting Life to all those who realize it and through this
recognition you have already passed from death across to Life.
1. Hesiod (8th c. B.C.). Greek poet and author. Wrote about the legendary Garden of Hesperydes.
Three, four, or seven nymphs, daughters of Hesperus; they were guardians and with the aid of
a watchful dragon, of the garden in which golden apples grew, in the Islands of the Blessed.
2. Roman de la Rose. A French Middle Ages poetic epic work ( running to 19,000 lines). The author of
the first part (1230) was Guillaume de Lorris (c.1215-c.1278). Forty years later, the work was
completed by Jean de Meun (c.1250-c.1305).
Lecture 9 (30th March 1948)
In our last lecture we saw that there were two trees in the
Garden of Eden (the Garden of the Soul). One was Life itself
the only living Reality and the other was man’s intellect, what
he thought about things. We saw that Life was always the same
but man’s thoughts and beliefs changed according to the change
in his conceptions. And as man was not aware of the Life in
him he was lost in the intellectual illusion of what the senses
revealed to him. But that which the senses revealed to him was
an infinitesimal part of what really exists. So he limited himself
because of his limited concepts. This was the ignorance that led
to his fall from his true Spiritual state to one of darkness where
he found himself, and being unable to extricate himself he
struggled against his self-imposed darkness because he would not
discern the causes of his trouble. With the dimmed sight of the
intellect he was unable to perceive the true state of things so he
called his experiences evil.
It has always been shown by great thinkers, those who
have been able to enter the higher levels of thought, that there
is always an active phase and a passive phase in the Universe,
throughout all creation, from the highest angelic beings to the
human upon earth, and that ‘something’ which is eternal,—call
it Life or any name you like for no one knows what it is, but we
know that It is,—is behind and in all Creation.
There have been many writers of all kinds of scientific
works who have made a guess at what Life is but the secret is
wrapped up in the secret of the “All” which no one knoweth.
And I am not going to indulge in vague speculation of what It is,
yet I know that It is and this Life-Power is ever-present always
expressing Itself in all its creations. And that which exists in
this phenomenal world of ours is a manifestation of It.
There is an indisputable Law of Logic, that whatever is
evolved is the result of that which is involved as a prior interior
cause. You cannot get something out of a thing unless that some-
thing is already in it.
Therefore all creation has two phases, the interior and the
I have told you before that the brain and the body is created
by Life for Life’s own self-expression, the brain is elongated
throughout the whole body, every cell is linked up with the brain
through various plexi which is also brain stuff. Now this brain
which we pride ourselves on is but a transformer for the Life
energy on this plane of action.
The brain cannot create, its function is merely to transform
or convert the Life energy into usable forms and phases, and as
matter is mind materialized and cannot exist apart from energy
we see the active and passive phase of mind and energy in
action. We see the law in operation with electricity. Science tells us
that electricity is never created, it is simply a portion of the
Universal Energy converted or transformed into usable forms and
phases. This same law seems to exist in mental action through
the brain.
Let us examine the action ideas have upon us. When we
hold an idea in the consciousness (consciousness being the
primary factor in life) it sets up an activity in the mind. As
mind interpenetrates the brain so it causes certain cells to become
active because the brain is the physical counterpart and must
respond. So acceptance is the first process then activity and
transformation takes place, creating form. The mind controls the
brain with all its ramification throughout the whole body.
Therefore the brain is the instrument through which physical
contact is made, through the cells in the brain a definite effect
is created upon corresponding parts of the body. The intensity
of the idea is reflected upon the organism. Not only is this action
confined to the body alone, but is transformed into active currents
of thought or vibrations which reach far outside and beyond the
body. I often think of man as a lighthouse with beams which reach
far and wide, and as man thinks so does his influence reach far
beyond him. If the light is weak the light-vibrations will not
travel far, but if the light is powerful the beam is seen in the sky
for miles around and with man it is likewise.
Mind substance interpenetrates the brain substance being
mind in a passive phase, for matter is but mind materialized and
is the mind’s medium of expression.
Consciousness is the agent of awareness and the awareness
of ideas creates impulses which are released throughout the whole
organism. This shows clearly that the saying “mind over matter”
is not merely a platitude to those who understand, but a real active
dynamic truth which we learn often through bitter experience.
So the tissue structure must change according to the idea in the
It is the Life that is the dominant active principle for it
contains as we have already seen—Consciousness, Intelligence,
Substance, and has within it the principles and laws necessary
for manifestation.
When Life individualizes itself in its own substance it
carries with it all these attributes so the brain is the transformer
for these attributes through the Idea held in the consciousness,
“I am the Life.”
If we examine ourselves we will see that this operation is
identical with ourselves therefore what is manifested in us must be
identical in Life for there is no other source of manifestation. Thus
we see the truth which is indisputable “that whatever is evolved
is the result of that which is involved as a prior interior cause.”
When we understand ourselves we will understand more
about our Creator for we are told we are made in His image and
Therefore the brain and nervous system being the passive
phase of mind has no power of its own, it is but the vehicle for
the transforming of Life energy into usable forms.
This shows clearly what the prophets meant when they said,
“Take hold of this Tree of Life and it will be a well of living
water rising up to eternal Life.”
To hold the perfect ideal is the beginning and the end. It
is your reality, and to know this brings forth in form, life and
circumstances the great truth “As a man thinketh in his heart so
is he,” and with this knowledge all is possible.
Now there is a mechanism that is familiar with all the details
of the physical and mental organisms but our knowledge of
their functions is very limited. In fact there are even few who
know where their organs are placed far less understanding the
function; most people know they have a stomach, a liver and
kidneys but where they are situated is very vague. But you will
realize that there is a mental action that is supreme for it must
have created the body as the best means through which it could
express itself. By the proper understanding of the Laws of Life
which are natural, we become natural when we hold off ideas,
desires and emotions that cause a destructive action in our system.
Knowing that life is perfect we no longer worry about a condition
nor hold it to us by fearing it. We release it through understanding,
then that which is in the beginning must be in the end, and what
we propose is realized.
So man has to accept the Tree of Life to make it a reality
in his own Life, and within man himself is proof of this.
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil has taken
strong root in man and Jesus knew this when he said, “If they
would not listen to Moses and the Prophets neither would they
be persuaded though one who rises from the dead.” Man must
raise himself up through the Christ within, for the Christ is the
Tree of Life, the only begotten Son who rests in the bosom of
the Father. This is the Tree that has its roots in God and not the
Tree that has only its roots in man’s conception of things—man’s
Now in the Bible man is warned that death will be the result
of eating the fruit of this Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil,
but this warning is disregarded by Eve and she shares the
forbidden fruit with Adam and they both suffer as a result.
Now it is seen that as the Garden of Eden is the Garden of
the Soul. Adam and Eve are not separate personages but two
principles of the human individuality, the active and the passive
or the inner and the outer; they are also united as to be represented
as a wedded pair.
Paul understood the allegory for he said, “Adam was not
deceived it was Eve that was deceived.” Now here is the key.
Adam and Eve are the two principles, one is capable of being
deceived and is deceived and falls as the result. The other is
incapable of being deceived yet is involved in the fall of the
former, showing the wonderful allegory of the inner and the
outer. The outer man Adam has no power of his own, but what
the inner man sees so is it represented in the outer as a natural
sequence. Thus in Adam we die, but in Christ we live.
Adam is the representative of the material substance, Eve
is called the Mother of Life, this is the soul principle in which
Life creates and produces—Adam and Eve represent the Soul
and Body and Christ represents the Spirit, the Tree of Life. At
the well Jesus said to the woman of Samaria, “This water I give
you you will never thirst again it will be a Spring of Living
Water rising up to Eternal Life.” Eve represents the psychic and
Adam represents the physical, the soul is deceived and the body
must suffer that deception. And since the soul is that which
supports the body the deception which causes wrong thinking on
the part of the intellectual man reproduces itself in the physical
imperfection and in adverse external circumstances.
The Soul—the thinking entity—is the only one capable of
being deceived, the body is not capable of being deceived because
it has no sense or feeling, nor has it consciousness except the
consciousness that the thinking entity gives it. So it must of
necessity fall with the thinking entity—the soul that is ignorant
of the truth of its being. It was this that Jesus and all the prophets
tried to show man and because man would not understand, not
that he could not understand, but he was afraid that if he let go
of what he had he would lose all. Yet Jesus said in other words
He that holds on to this life will lose it, but he who gives up his
life will retain it. He that clings to the limitation of the senses
must eventually lose all, but he who refuses to be lied to by the
senses shall find the real—“as a man thinketh in his heart so is
The story proves that the intellect is wrong because it
believes in evil. It is the intellectual man and not the spiritual
man who has caused all the suffering in the world. Do we not
see in our midst groups of intellectuals without true Spiritual
understanding—religious groups, political groups, ideological
groups etc., use their power for separation which must result in
the ultimate destruction of mankind.
The atmosphere of ill-health, the atmosphere of misery,
mental and physical is due directly to the Tree of Knowledge of
Good and Evil.
Man ignorant of the Divine Law of Creation does not look
beyond secondary causes and because of his creative power he
creates thoughts that are externalizing conditions in exact
representation of his conception. So he becomes more and more
involved in the network of conditions from which he finds no
escape and because he is ignorant of the true Law of Causation he
never suspects the real fact, that the originating power of all
these conditions is himself. So he eats of the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Good and evil are relative terms, the relativity of these
terms changes and is never stable. In fact what is one man’s
medicine is another man’s poison.
Knowledge of itself is good but by thinking that evil
should be studied as knowledge is deadly to the soul because of
the Law of creative thought. The more one dwells on evil the more
is it produced. That is why the Church has never progressed
nor has it done much for humanity. Christianity has existed for
2,000 years yet look at the world today. Christianity as it is
preached today must die before the teaching of Christ can live.
We talk evil, we think evil. Sin is a paying business for many
institutions. As long as man’s mind is caught up in the net of fear
and sin, the longer will he be bound by the Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil which is his downfall.
As long as man gives equal authority to good and evil
with God as some balancing point between them he will never
understand the truth of his Divine Nature. Anyone can see that
this is the stupid and ignorant intellect at work and an intellect
that is very much limited in most people. I am not disposing of
the intellect but when it is used without reason it becomes the
serpent crawling on its belly. When we discern the cause of our
own foolishness and the cause of all the misery in the world we
will see that it is this intellect unaware of the truth of being that
is responsible for all our suffering individually and collectively.
Knowledge of this thought-action is not reached in the
masses nor in the individual until such time as he or she begins
to think deeply, for only by the discerning of our thought-process
can we be freed from all the conditions of the body, mind and
circumstances that hold us in subjection to the Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil. It is only when we have studied this prayer
and made it a reality by transforming it into our daily living can
we truly understand the Master’s words to us, “Know ye not
that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? It is the Father who
ever remaineth in me is performing His own deeds.” “Loving
Father this is Thy Holy Temple, Thy perfect dwelling place
from which radiates Thy Love, Wisdom and Power to all Thy
children. I am filled with Thy Mighty Healing Power, Thy inspired
Wisdom and Divine Love and I am glorified in Thee. My eyes
and ears are open whereby I see and hear, and my mind receives
Thy Eternal Truths, for Thou hast proclaimed me Thy perfect
instrument for Thy great and glorious work, that Thy Will, which
is done in heaven, shall also be done on earth.”
So the great Truth concerning man is that he is made in
the image and likeness of God with mastery over everything.
Man at first is ignorant of this truth and this ignorance is
his fall. By his own creative power he creates self-imposed
conditions from which he suffers because he falls into the error
by seeing a negative power as having a distinctive power of its
own outside the Infinite but there is no outside the Infinite, for
to be Infinite It must include all.
But man at last comes to the perfect understanding of the
truth of his oneness with Life and this understanding is his rising
again, and enables him as he is instructed to do, to overcome
and master all things.
“Return ye unto me, saith the Lord of Hosts, and I will
return unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts.”
Zech. 1: 3. Mal. 3: 7.
Lecture 10 (6th April 1948)
circumstances. Thus mankind is in conflict in a continuous conflict
and confusion in regard to good and evil.
If his experiences were pleasant he would say this was
good and if his experiences were the reverse he would say this
was evil. And because he did not know that he was the creator
of both, he suffered through his reaction to his experience. So
he feared one and clung to the other, but what he feared came
upon him so he ate of the fruit because of his ignorance.
(1)—We also saw that the great truth concerning man was
that he was made in the image and likeness of God having dominion
over everything. Now the point that has not dawned upon most is
that God is the Creator of all things so He must have dominion over
all that He creates and the only power man has is this Creative
Power invested in him.
To be omnipotent must of necessity have all power centred
in that omnipotence. Neither is omnipotence ever by itself, but
is joined in the expression of the omniscience—the all-knowing.
And it is this knowing that is seen in all Creation—the how of
everything. And as man was not aware of this knowing that knows
all, he was lost in his illusion of his fear of the unknown. But
what man creates in fear is just as real to him as what he creates
in faith. So we see the law of our Creative Being is—whatever
the Consciousness is aware of the Intelligence will bring forth,
and according to the intensity of the emotion attached to the
Idea so is it out pictured in the body and circumstances.
(2)—As man was ignorant of this truth this ignorance was
his fall. By his own creative power he creates self-imposed
conditions from which he suffers, because he fears this evil which
he himself creates. His intellect had not yet grown up through
reason to recognise that there cannot be two opposing powers
antagonistic to each other with equal power. This stupid concept
can only arise in the mind that has not yet grasped the significance
of the Tree of Life. There is always an inner and an outer but both
are one. Mind and matter are not different things. Matter is mind
in action—mind materialized—and mind and matter are comple-
mentary to each other, what affects mind affects matter and what
affects matter affects mind and this is our reaction.
Pure thought and reaction are two different things, reaction
is our response to effects and pure thought is thinking from Cause.
With this understanding we realize that our liberty resides in
the Creative Power of our thought. We shall see the immense
importance of recognizing the essence of things as distinguished
from the effects caused from the misplaced order which we
often first become acquainted with. If we let our thoughts dwell
upon an inverted order we perpetuate that order. But if we go
below the surface and then recognise the cause of this misplaced
order and fix our thought on the essential of things, and see that
it is logically impossible for anything to be essentially bad which
is a specific expression of the Universal Good, we will then in
our thought call things good. We will no longer perpetuate the
inverted order of things but will help to bring about joy and liberty
in its place.
The Master’s teaching and works showed the natural out-
come of his perfect recognition of the Divine Principles within
himself. The recognition of these principles in us will bring about
precisely what the Master himself predicted. He enumerated the
signs which would follow those who readily believed and acted
on what He really taught. He made it plain to all that He was
simply making a statement of cause and effect. He never set up
his power as a proof of a nature different from our own, on the
contrary he said that those who learned what he taught would
eventually be able to do still greater things. “The disciple when he
is perfected shall be as his master.”
The Master laid special stress on the perfect naturalness
of all that he taught. When we realize what is accomplished by
the Master we see what is potential in ourselves. And as we have
reached the point where any further evolution can only result
from our conscious co-operation with the principles inherent in
all creation, we realize that our future progress depends on the
potentialities of these Divine Principles contained in our own
individuality and the use of them in our daily living.
It is impossible to separate the Father from ourselves and when
we see this is an impossibility we see that we have immediate
contact with the Father. By accepting this Divine Ideal as our own
we realize the truth which the Master taught, that the Father has
individualized Himself in us and this individualization is capable
of recognizing itself. It is the Spirit of the Father in me who doeth
the work, and this leads us to number three.
(3)—When man at last comes to the perfect understanding
of the truth of his oneness with Life, this understanding is his
rising again. With this understanding it is evident to all who
recognise it that we must become aware of our individualization
as the Tree of Life. And when the truth of Being becomes a
conscious Reality then are we able to do as we are instructed to
do, to overcome and master all things. “If ye have faith as a
grain of mustard seed ye shall say unto this mountain ‘Remove
hence to yonder place’ and it shall remove and nothing shall be
impossible to you.” Matt. 17: 20.
As we focus our attention upon faith and take it into conscious
consideration it appears to have a very inconsistent nature; we
find that the state of mind varies with different people and under
different circumstances. It moves in natural sequence, determined
and affected by the kind of understanding which appears on the
plane of consciousness and this determines the degree and quality
of faith. “It shall be done unto you.” If your faith depends upon
a platitude, a belief then “according to your belief so shall it be
unto you.” But if you have grasped the mighty truth as the Masters
do, you place yourself beyond the destructive attacks of doubt,
worry, fear and apprehension. This places you in the position to
operate according to the natural tendency of the Law to fulfil
its promise of satisfactorily producing “Whatsoever you ask in
my name it shall be done unto you.”
In order to thoroughly understand the relationship of faith
to the Omnipotent Omniscience, we must see that there is no
separation between us and the Father and that we possess the
Father’s gifts and nothing can be accomplished without Him.
The weakness in most people is that they do not take this
great truth into consideration, and if they did they fear they might
be considered foolish, but this is the height of ignorance caused
by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil—
otherwise the intellect. The intellectual you will notice is one who
is mostly devoid of wisdom. He is self-opinionated in his own
ignorance. A little reflection will reveal this fact. The more one is
steeped in the arrogance of intellectual nonsense the more difficult
it is to overcome this self-imposed stupidity because of the Law
of Being, and not until one becomes humble can the light of truth
dawn upon the mind.
We must accept the truth that the Superior Consciousness of
our mind “The Father” understands all that our personal conscious-
ness is trying to do and transcends our personal consciousness
in all things. It allows us to have the benefits of Its Supreme
Consciousness provided we collaborate with It wisely and do
not forget our true relationship as revealed by the Master, “I am
in the Father and the Father is in me and me in you.”
The only requirement of the Creative Mind is that we
include “It” in all our plans and schemes, even though Its activities
are unseen and become known to us only through their results
“one step at a time.”
When each step becomes for us a new experience added
to the sum total of all our accumulated experiences we are content
to allow the Law of Growth to take effect. But if we become
anxious and fearful we violate the Law of Growth and this hinders
its progress. When a seed is placed in the ground you do not
continually take it up to see if it is growing. You allow the Natural
Law of Growth to take effect. It is the same with the Universal
Mind. Even though each step in the first instance is to the
personal mind a blind operation. Nevertheless the employment of
this understanding is the method whereby we may consciously
increase our knowledge of the power invested in us, in the light
of the fact that we are made in His image and likeness.
The Creator has ordained that He will make Himself known
through our desires. Therefore we are born with an unquenchable
thirst for achievement. We are endowed with the ability to unite
ourselves consciously with the Creator making it possible that
whatever we are aware of the Intelligence will produce,—in other
familiar words, “Whatsoever ye ask in my name believing, the
same shall be done unto you.” This is God’s gift to man, but unless
man knows his relationship to God he is liable to err, and by
the law inherent in himself he reverses the process. It is God’s
will that man is equipped with faculties in order that he may
partake of the fruits at the Divine feast.
We must learn to employ these faculties wisely and thus with
the will of God intelligently play our part in His predetermined
scheme of Creation, consciously co-operating with the Creative
Power, and thereby successfully fulfilling our own Spiritual and
material needs.
Our desires then should be that God’s scheme of creation
should work through us individually and to do this efficiently
and effectively we must continue to employ the faculties God has
given us. So we learn through doing, and to be happy in your
doing is the key to further advancement.
So we have to be both passive and active. Passive when we
depend upon the all-pervading Intelligence, and active to keep on
keeping on, refusing to turn away or give up, or to be dominated
by fear, worry or apprehension.
To see the Creative Principle acting freely, uniting with
our “free will” in bringing from the unseen to the seen, is thus
proving that “Faith is the substance of all things hoped for, the
evidence of things not seen.” Heb. 11: 1.
Now because there are varying degrees of faith there are
different degrees of understanding and consequently corresponding
degrees of success and failure.
The natural tendency of the personal mind is to reduce all
new ideas to the terms of its own past experiences with the result
that by our past experiences we argue the possibility or the impos-
sibility of accomplishing the new idea. This deprives us of the use
of the Creative Law. Consequently we appreciate the need for greater
wisdom and understanding.
“Whosoever of you is defective in wisdom let him ask God
who gives to all men without question or reproach and the gift will
be his. Only let him ask in faith with never a doubt for the doubtful
man is like the surge of the sea whirled and swayed by the wind,
that man need not imagine he will get anything from the Lord
double-minded creature that he is wavering at every turn.”
James 1: 5-8. (Moffatt)
Now you can see that the Tree of Life is your salvation. This
is the Spring of Living Water that rises up to Eternal Life, and the
only creative power in man.
“The Eternal shepherds me, I lack for nothing; he makes
me lie in meadows green, he leads me to refreshing streams, he
revives life in me.
“He guides me by true paths, as he himself is true. My road
may run through a glen of gloom but I fear no harm, for thou
art beside me; thy club, thy staff—they give me courage.
“Thou art my host, spreading a feast for me, while my foes
have to look on! Thou hast poured oil upon my head, my cup is
brimming over; yes, and all through my life Goodness and
Kindness wait on me, the Eternal’s guest within his household