Enoch Tan - Matrix of Mind Reality
Enoch Tan - Matrix of Mind Reality
Enoch Tan - Matrix of Mind Reality
Discover The Greatest Secrets Of The Mind And Reality That Will Get You Anything You Desire, Almost Like Magic!
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have always dreamed of then register as member of Mind Reality now!
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Mind Reality contains Universal Secrets that govern every area of life and reality. The deeper the knowledge, the more powerful the knowledge. The more powerful your knowledge, the easier it is to achieve success, because deep, powerful knowledge is the key to inspired thinking and finding intelligent solutions to problems. This book answers a great many questions that you've always been curious about such as: What is the nature of all reality and how the universe really works? Why gaining understanding and truth will get you everything you ever wanted? Why purchasing spiritual knowledge will tremendously accelerate your progress in life? And plenty more incredible knowledge inside.... The VERY reason why I created this free ebook with SOME of my articles is to give a preview of the immense QUALITY and QUANTITY information on Mind Reality. What you get from this ebook is ONLY the TIP of the iceberg. The amount of super high quality information found in Mind Reality is More Than Enough to FILL Many Books, not of the ordinary standard, but the Legendary Kind! If there was just ONE Membership Site in the world you should join, this would be it!
The Nature of All Reality and the Universal Construct The World Within and the World Without Predict the Future by Creating it Mental Matrix of Reality - World is Simulation Being Enlightened Gets You Everything In Life Experiencing Total Bliss and Serenity of Being Freeing Yourself to Receive Abundance of Money Making Money through Sharing of Spiritual Gifts Mental Knowledge - All knowledge is One Knowledge Life Manifest by Varying Degrees of Intelligence
and subatomic particles of an atom are held together in their precise position and orbit by an invisible force, by which without it, everything would fall apart and reality as we know it, would cease to exist in an instant. Christ the center of the universe, whose center is everywhere but circumference nowhere. Christ is the Superconscious, Information and infinite intelligence. Ultimately all matter, energy and information are one and the same. All matter is energy, all energy is information. Information is thought, thought is consciousness. Consciousness is Mind. The Universal Construct is Mind. Mind is Reality. Reality is Mind. The entire Universe from the Source, The First Cause, God is Energy vibrating relative to the frequency of The Source, The Source being the very centre of the Universe of Energy and the physical world being the outermost shell, the physical three dimensional Universe as observed by means of the physical senses, existing at the lowest rate of vibration and the highest density. The physical Universe of matter represents only a tiny fraction of the Universe of Energy and vibration in its entirety. All Energy is influenced by thought and structures itself into taking form as an observable effect. Everything that happens, has happened and will happen in the entire Universe, first originated as a thought originating from the Mind of a Being, which in turn has its corresponding effect on Energy and becomes a corresponding and potentially observable effect. The Ultimate act of Creation by the First Cause, The Source, God of the entire Universe in all its glorious spheres, planes and dimensions originated in the very beginning as a thought in the Mind of God. It can be truly said therefore that we all exist as expressions, within the Mind of God, made in the true Spiritual image of God. So by seeing things from a unified perspective, we know that the physical state of matter and energy are created and destroyed by being converted from one form to another. All things preexist in spiritual form and are converted to physical form and back. Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. God is Mind. Mind is Totality.
There really is no external or internal for everything is at one place where Mind is. Mind is everywhere yet nowhere. Mind is nowhere but Here, Now. Everything is created by consciousness and nothing is outside of consciousness. Our heart is our subconscious mind. The Universal Field of Subjectivity is the key to understanding what it means when we say someone is always with us because that person is in our heart. We might see, hear and touch the person, but that is just a means of experiencing each other through physical form. Of course Spirit must manifest into form in order to express itself. But once we experienced each other physically, we know that we are always connected to each other no matter where we are. There is no separation. The person exist in Universal Subconscious which is in our heart. That person is in us literally. Metaphysics of Time, Space and Things. Time simply measures change. Beyond that simple function, time is nonexistent. There is really only the now. Time is a sequence of events in a Unitary Whole. Time is not a thing of itself, it is simply a measure of experience in eternity. Time does not contradict Eternity, but allows It to become expressed in terms of definite experience. Time is necessary since it allows experience to take place within the One, but time is never a thing of itself. It is really impossible to measure time. For yesterday is gone and tomorrow has not come, and today is rapidly slipping into the past. If we were to attempt to put a finger on any period of time it would be gone before we could point to it. But, illusive as time is, it is still necessary to experience. Space, like time, is not a thing of itself, but is only the outline of form. It is a relative distance within the Absolute. Space is also necessary to the expression of Spirit, for without it no definite form could be produced. We must not be confused over the ideas of time and space, as they are not things of themselves. They are entirely relative, but none the less necessary. Things are mean forms in time and space. Things are always results and never make themselves; they are the objectifications of Spirit. Things are necessary to the manifestation of Spirit. They are the result of the Self-Knowingness of the Word of God. Things vary in size and shape, in time and duration, from the planet to the peanut, from a moment to an eternity. It is necessary that Spirit should manifest in SOME KIND OF FORM in order that It may come into Self-Expression through Self-Realization. The world is waking up to the fact that things are not at all what they appear to be, that matter and form are but the one substance appearing and disappearing, and that form is simply used to express something which is formless, self-conscious life. Form in the astral world is not as definite as form in the physical world. But the physical world is not as definite as it seems because it is governed by true reality, and true reality is highly fluid. Physical reality and mental reality and different levels of the same program, running with a different set of parameters. The difference between the physical world and the astral world is that of time. Change happens slower on the physical plane because energy moves at a slower rate on their plane but on the astral plane, things can happen very quickly. There is only one place that is far more definite than physical reality. It is a place where you really cant change the conditions in it with your mind. Its vibrations are the lower and denser than Earth. That place is Hell. Beings that exist there will forever be tormented with fire in anguish, pain and misery. It is where things are truly hopeless and there is nothing you can do about it. Hell is the condition of having no alternatives. Both heaven and hell are real places, but while on Earth, your experience can either be a heaven or hell depending on whether you live in higher consciousness where anything is possible and change can happen fast, or hell consciousness where things are hopeless and impossible. The physical plane is where the challenge is. It is a loss to give up living in the physical world and to enter the astral world just because one is in despair of the difficulties in manifesting desires on that plane. It is precisely for that reason that we are truly able to develop and test our powers of mind in order to fulfill our
realization as spirit beings. The purpose of physicality is to lock different beings into common dimensional arenas of interaction, so they can evolve via that interaction. Gaining the ability to be in control of reality at the physical level is gaining the ability to be in control of our own minds to the fullest degree. Ruling and reigning over reality is expressing who we are as sons and daughters of God, created in the true spiritual image of God.
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having. That is why it has always been said that you will finally be able to have what you want when you no longer want it. It does not mean you do not want it, but you are no longer in a state of wanting it. All that we want is peace and bliss. We think that when we have all the material things we want, we will have peace and bliss. But that is because we dont really know what peace and bliss are. It is peace and bliss that bring us everything else in life. Peace is total transcendence. Bliss is an untouchable happiness. When we transcend all illusions of the material world, we are in a state of peace where we can manifest anything we want. When we have no attachments, we have a happiness that cannot go. Enlightenment is the key to everything. The unenlightened may ask what enlightenment has got to do with making the money or getting the girl that you want. The answer is everything. When you are enlightened, you realize that it is not about getting this or that, but it is all about knowing what reality is, and who you really are. Then from that space of knowingness and beingness, you are free to create whatever you wish. Youre free to play with illusions without being trapped by any, as it is all just a game.
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have always dreamed of then register as member of Mind Reality now!
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in whatever area you wish to play and win beyond the usual standards of winning. There is a gleeful kind of feeling you experience when you are enlightened about the world and how you can totally own it. Experiencing Nirvana makes you feel like the luckiest and the happiest person on earth. You realize that the whole universe belongs to you and that you are a master of life. There is no one else like you and who has what you have. It is the feeling of having arrived and being there to stay forever. You feel that your life is in the best possible state there is and will continue to be the best onwards. You no longer have to go through ups and downs like the rest but you live on a plane that is continually ascending. You polarize yourself above the pendulum swing of human drama with perception and intention. The experience of feeling safety, security and nurturing by the combined power of the universe and of yourself is also the experience of self love. When you feel such absolute feeling of security, power and happiness about yourself, you can also cause others around you to feel that way with you. You have total peace and bliss. You feel like you are a god in this world. Like a Buddha. You transcend all areas of life.
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have always dreamed of then register as member of Mind Reality now!
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we want to us, and helps to move what we have to offer to others. Both health and wealth are really different forms of the same thing called well being, which depends on free flowing of energy. Stop holding back paying for something you know will contribute to your progress. The more unlimited you become, the faster you will achieve everything you desire in life. Stop holding back offering your value for payment because when you make others pay for what you offer, you are allowing them to express abundance as well. You are perceiving them as having the money to pay and also the willingness to give it to you. You are saying that you are worth giving money to and others have money to give. Since the flow of money is the flow of value, you should facilitate as much flow as possible in order to facilitate as much flow of value. Be flexible in your pricing of things in both directions. Set your price at a level where it is able to make the best amount of sales for the best amount of profits so that you and others would gain the best. If you under price or overprice, you are undervaluing yourself and others. Because you are saying that you are not worth it or others are not good enough for what you are offering. Have a wealth consciousness by believing there is plenty of money to go around, because there really is. The world is awash in money. It is like Niagara falls. It is flowing for everyone but most of you are showing up with teaspoons. If you saw the world from a perspective of abundance, you would see that others have abundance of money to give to you and never have lesser for themselves. You would be willing to take as much as you desire freely and by doing so, you free others to take more for themselves.
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have always dreamed of then register as member of Mind Reality now!
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they market spiritual products and services intensely and charge premium prices for them, they increase peoples perception of such things, and obtain great financial rewards from providing such value. These wiser spiritual masters are then able to use their great spiritual and financial wealth to do even greater good in this world than all other spiritual masters and wealthy businessmen put together. Those who provide the best of their spiritual gifts and charge the best prices for them are the ones we should seek to learn and benefit from the most. It is because they have the higher consciousness to do what most people are not doing. They have the ultimate combination of higher and lower things in this world. The most unlimited ones have the greatest power, freedom and wealth in this world. The more unlimited you want to be, the more unlimited your mind must become. The more unlimited you are in paying for spiritual things, the more of such things you can attain. The more unlimited you are in charging for your spiritual work, the more you will be able to give of those very same works. The ultimate enlightenment is to overcome all limitations that get in the way of being, doing and having all that we truly want.
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have always dreamed of then register as member of Mind Reality now!
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The greatest thing in the universe is mind. Therefore the greatest knowledge is knowledge of mind. Mind is the governing dynamic over all governing dynamics of reality. Mental knowledge is mental power. Mental power is the ultimate power of all. The ultimate mind is the universal mind. The universal mind is the universal spirit. Knowledge of the universal mind is ultimate mental power. Mental knowledge is spiritual knowledge. Mental power is spiritual power because Mind and Spirit are one. Transformation comes from renewing of mind. When your awareness advances to the next level, change automatically happens. What you know, you are. Knowing is being. Being leads to doing. The ability to do anything comes from knowledge. Knowledge is what enables us to move anywhere. All action is movement. All movement is mental. Knowledge can come in all ways. The aim is to acquire as much as possible so that we can gain more range of movement. The more we know, the more freedom we have to maneuver and the further we can transverse in any direction. The more freely we can move, the more unstoppable we are. The more nothing can hold us back or stand in our way, the more powerful we are. Knowledge is power. Freedom comes from knowing the truth. Knowledge, power and freedom are one. Get to the core and the essence. Understand how things happen in the natural way, and how to do things in the natural way. There is no doing but nondoing in that way. Ones inferior natural work is better than superior unnatural work. It is the simplest knowledge and first principles you need that can bring you everything you want in life. Every other supposedly advanced forms of knowledge are just spin offs from the simple ones. There is not a lot but only a little to know, for the little is everything. All you need is the simple awareness that helps you realize the truth in order to free your mind in the natural direction. And to keep being reminded of those knowledge from one to the next, from time to time in order to bring them all back to our yet to be fully solidified consciousness in physical reality. This is the process of our mental shaping and spiritual completion. You have to get the right foundation in order to engage everything else with it. All knowledge can be organized and reorganized. Essence is the primary thing. Organization is the secondary. As long as everything written in a particular work of knowledge is real substance and not fluff, it is well written. The less fluff there is, the less wastage of mind. The better organized the knowledge, the greater order of mind. The more focused, ordered and clear the mind is, the more powerful it is. No young man can hope to do anything above the commonplace who has not made his life a reservoir of power on which he can constantly draw, which will never fail him in any emergency. Be sure that you have stored away, in your power-house, the energy, the knowledge that will be equal to the great occasion when it comes. If I were twenty, and had but ten years to live, said a great scholar and writer, I would spend the first nine years accumulating knowledge and getting ready for the tenth. They say that applied knowledge is power. The truth is, action naturally follows consciousness. To know and not do, is not yet to know. When you know and not do, it means you have not really known enough to be compelled to act automatically yet. You just have to know some more until your actions begin to flow with your intentions. When knowledge becomes your thoughts, your thoughts control your being and doing. It is also true that knowing alone is not enough but you have to use what you know. This is what you have to know as well. Know that you have to use what you know and use it.
If any man thinks he knows (Eido - understand spiritually) any thing, he knows (Ginosko - experiential knowing) nothing yet as he ought to know. Head knowledge needs to be accompanied by experiencial knowing. Spiritual Evolution is about acquiring Gnosis, Illumination, Enlightenment and Awareness. Reading the word of God is for the purpose of increasing in wisdom, understanding, spiritual intelligence and discernment. Transformation of Mind is transformation of Being. Some people have the idea that believing in spiritual things is enough without experiencing. But that is so wrong. Experience is crucial for true knowing. Intellectual comprehension of faith, love and the workings of the universe is important and absolutely necessary. But these things must also be experienced to be truly known. We are here to live and to experience the things of God as a reality. When you experience something powerfully, nothing can take it away from you. Remember that all experiences are mental in whatever form or level they take place. Even if you have all knowledge, you still have the free will to choose your thoughts. Since thought and knowledge are one, to know correctly is to think correctly. Wrong thinking is ignorance. Right thinking is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance. The only good is knowledge. To sin is to sin through ignorance. Ignorance is the only evil that leads to all other forms of evil including pride, malice and hatred. Choose to think correctly. All knowledge is mental. All knowledge is one knowledge.
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have always dreamed of then register as member of Mind Reality now!
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being eaten by humans. Less intelligent humans have no choice in being controlled by adverse circumstances and other humans. The more you know how your thoughts create reality, the more of a conscious and powerful creator of your reality you become. One must choose to have a choice, to have a choice. We inherit a certain amount of our thoughts just as we inherit a certain amount of physical traits. We inherit those qualities from the DNA and collective consciousness of our ancestral link. If you want greater freedom and life, you must think for yourself, and in your own way, irrespective of what your ancestors thought, even though some of them might have brought desired results. This is to exercise intelligence and freewill. It is to be a leader instead of a follower, and a creator of your reality instead of a victim. Infinite intelligence expresses itself as all things but most of all as joy. We are all here to experience the joy of living. Joy is the happiness of love. The more intelligence you have, the more freedom, power and joyful state of life you would experience. Ones efforts therefore should be wholly directed to the attainment of a higher degree of intelligence, rather than to the acquiring of material things. When you increase in intelligence, you can get all you want in greater quality and quantity through better ways.
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have always dreamed of then register as member of Mind Reality now!
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Discover The Greatest Secrets Of The Mind And Reality That Will Get You Anything You Desire, Almost Like Magic!
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have always dreamed of then register as member of Mind Reality now!
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You have permission to pass this ebook to everyone you know today! They will greatly thank you for it! Best Regards, Enoch Tan Creator of Mind Reality