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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Higher School of Medicine

Medical Histology:

Epithelium tissue
Learning outcomes:
As a result of the lesson you will be able to:

• Describe the functions and identify the cells commonly found in

• Distinguish between types of epithelium tissue
• Identification of different types of simple and stratified epithelium under
a microscope, and photomicrographs:
• Structural features of simple epithelium.
• Pseudostratified ciliated epithelium.
• Stratified squamous epithelium.
• Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium.
• Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium.

• Transitional epithelium .
• Epithelial Tissue: is a sheet of cells
that covers a body surface or lines a
body cavity
• Nearly all substances received or given
off by the body must pass through an
epithelium layer.
Epithelial Tissue
Epithelial Tissue lacks
of blood vessels,
contains little
intercellular material
and are continually
being replaced
They function in
protection, secretion,
absorption, filtration,
excretion, and sensory
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

• This tissue consists of a single layer of

cube-shaped cells. Usually have a
centrally located spherical nuclei
• It carries on secretion and absorption.
Secretes glandular products.
• Covers the ovaries, lines the kidneys,
tubules and ducts of certain glands like
pancreas and the liver.
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Simple Columnar Epithelium

• The tissue is composed of a single layer of elongated cells

whose nuclei are usually at about the same level, near the
basement membrane.
• Some have cilia some do not
• Secretes and absorbs…this tissue is thick!!
• This tissue lines uterus and portions of the digestive tract like
small/large intestines and stomach.
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Pseudostratified Columnar
• They appear stratified but are NOT, They appear to
have two or more nuclei but they each reach the
basement level.
• Goblet cells scattered throughout the tissue that
secret mucus, which the cilia sweep away.
• It lines tubes of the respiratory system. The mucus
and cilia created by this tissue trap the dust and
microorganisms that enter the airway.
Pseudostratified Columnar
Stratified Squamous
• Named for the shape of the cells,…consists of
many layers, relatively thick. Cells nearer the
surface are flat where as the deeper are
cuboidal and columnar.
• Tissue can contain Keratin, which is a protein
that accumulates and protect the underlying
• Epidermis-outer most layer of the skin
• Also lines the skin and lines the oral cavity,
throat, vagina, and anal canal.
Transitional Epithelium
• This tissue is specialized to change in
response to tension..
• Transition epithelium is unstretched and
consists of many layers when the
organs wall contract the tissue stretches
and appears thinner when the organ is
• Forms the lining of the urinary bladder
and lines the ureters and part of the
Basement membranes vary in thickness
Thick Thin -- requires special stain to visualize


University of Michigan Ross,M, Pawlina, W. Wheater’s Functional Histology:
Histology Collection A Text and Atlas. Fifth Edition. 2006. Figure 4.4.

Intestinal glands, PAS

trachea, H&E PAS reacts with carbohydrate-rich molecules such as perlecan, laminin
and type III collagen associated with the basement membrane.
Basement Membrane(LM): Three layers in the EM


basal lamina
1. lamina lucida
(LL) or rara 10-50
2. lamina densa

fibroreticular lamina
(LD) 20-300 nm
(type IV collagen)

3. Fibroreticular
FL LL LD lamina (FL)
merges with
underlying CT
(type III* and type VII
collagen fibrils)
Connective tissue
*basement membranes can also
Source Undetermined be visualized with silver stain

So, the “basement membrane” is the basal lamina + the fibroreticular lamina
• 1. Michael H.Ross 3 edition 2012,p.105-150
• 2. R.I. Yuy, R.B. Abildinov ATLAS 2010,

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