Haymarket Books Fall 2017 Catalog
Haymarket Books Fall 2017 Catalog
Haymarket Books Fall 2017 Catalog
Fall 2017
Books can be the sparks for revolution. I am so grateful for all Haymarket Books has
done for the past fifteen years to fuel the subterranean fire of protest. They are my go-to
publisher for radical politics and the ideas we need for our struggles. Tom Morello
Haymarket has always led with the notion that ideas sell books, not gimmicks, empty
platitudes, or mainstream marketing hooks. Bringing grassroots organizing to ground-up
publishing, its inimitable staff carries the passion and creativity required to set its authors
words in motion. In an era of right-wing racism and neoliberal conformity, Haymarket is
a critical platform promoting ideas for mass mobilization and community action.
Remi Kanazi, poet and Haymarket author
Haymarkets books are vital: they provoke the mindset shifts necessary to fuel chal-
lenges to dominant systems. Im so grateful that Haymarket exists, because I think that
without it, a lot of really crucial books just wouldnt be published. In general, publishers
dont like to take risks. Haymarket, on the other hand, realizes that taking risks is at the
core of doing transformative work. Congratulations on your fifteenth anniversary! The
world is a better place with you all in it.
Maya Schenwar, Truthout editor in chief and Haymarket author
In No Is Not Enough, Naomi Klein explains that Trump, extreme as he is, is not an aberration
but a logical extension of the worst and most dangerous trends of the past half-century.
In exposing the malignant forces behind Trumps rise, she puts forward a bold vision for a
mass movement to counter rising militarism, nationalism, and corporatism in the United
States and around the world.
The Combahee River Collective, a pathbreaking group of radical Black feminists, was one of the
most important organizations to develop out of the antiracist and womens liberation move-
ments of the 1960s and 70s. In this collection of essays and interviews edited by activist-scholar
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, founding members of the organization and contemporary activists
reflect on the legacy of its contributions to Black feminism and its impact on todays struggles.
Her visual art is spare, playful, and poignanta cereal box decoder ring that allows the
wearer to understand what Black girls are saying; a teachers angry, subversive message
scrawled on the chalkboard.
Electric Arches invites fresh conversations about race, gender, the city, identity, and the joy
and pain of growing up.
Eve L. Ewing is a writer, scholar, artist, and educator from Chicago. Her work
has appeared in Poetry, the New Yorker, New Republic, the Nation, the Atlantic,
and many other publications. She is a sociologist at the University of Chicago
School of Social Service Administration.
Black Girl Magic continues and deepens the work of the first BreakBeat Poets anthology by
focusing on some of the most exciting Black women writing today. This anthology breaks up
the myth of hip-hop as a boys club, and asserts the truth that the cypher is a feminine form.
Poet and vocalist Jamila Woods was raised in Chicago and graduated from
Brown University, where she earned a BA in Africana Studies and Theatre &
Performance Studies. Influenced by Lucille Clifton and Gwendolyn Brooks,
much of her writing explores Blackness, womanhood, and the city of Chicago.
Mahogany L. Browne is a Cave Canem and Poets House alumna and the au-
thor of several books, including Smudge and Redbone. She directs the poetry
program of the Nuyorican Poets Caf.
Idrissa Simmonds is a fiction writer and poet. Her work has appeared in Black
Renaissance Noire, The Caribbean Writer, Fourteen Hills Press, and elsewhere. She
is the 2014 winner of the Crab Creek Review poetry contest, and a New York
Foundation for the Arts and Commonwealth Short Story Award finalist.
From the mines to the factories to the fields, Weber shares the experiences of the real-life
men and women who organized, heroically resisted, and battled the bosses and corrupt
politicians. In the spirit of A Peoples History of the United States, this book conveys engag-
ing and accessible narratives of ordinary people who led labor struggles that have indelibly
shaped American history.
Essays include vivid accounts of workplace resistance like the Ludlow miners strike and or-
ganizing at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, as well as broader pieces on cultural figures like
Woody Guthrie, Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the fight for the eight-hour day.
An invaluable tool for learning the lessons of grassroots struggle, Class War, USA is the per-
fect counternarrative to the myth that change comes only from the top, and will appeal to
students of history and labor activists alike.
Brandon Weber writes for the online news site Upworthy, where he has written
extensively on labor history and current events.
In his latest book, Kim Moody analyzes how recent changes in capitalism have altered both
the composition of the working class and the economic and political ground of its struggles.
On New Terrain challenges conventional wisdom about a disappearing working class and
the inevitability of a two-party political structure as the only framework for struggle.
Through in-depth study of the economic and political shifts at the top of society, Moody
shows how recent developments in capitalist production impact the working class and its
power to resist the status quo. He argues that this transformed industrial terrain offers new
possibilities for organization in the workplace and opens doors for grassroots, independent
political action strengthened by reemerging labor and social movements.
From the logistics revolution to the unprecedented concentration of business and wealth in
the hands of the one percent, On New Terrain examines the impact of the current economic
terrain on the working class in the United States. Looking beyond the clichs of precarity
and the gig economy, Moody shows that the working class and its own self-activity are es-
sential in the global battle against austerity.
The election of Donald Trump has sent the United States and the world into uncharted wa-
ters, with a bigoted, petty man-child at the head of the planets most powerful empire. Dan-
ny Katch indicts the hollowness of the US political system that led to Trumps rise and puts
forward a vision for a real alternative: a democracy that works for the people.
Danny Katch is an activist and humorist often accused of not knowing the dif-
ference. He writes a regular column for SocialistWorker.org and his articles
have appeared in Truthout, ZNet, and the New York Daily News. He is the au-
thor of Socialism . . . Seriously: A Brief Guide to Human Liberation and Americas
Got Democracy! The Making of the Worlds Longest-Running Reality Show.
As contributor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor puts it, Donald Trump has been inaugurated as the
forty-fifth president of the United States. The shock and disbelief must now give way to defi-
ance and organizing. Part of that pivot demands that we understand how we got here in the
first place, but more importantly how we move forward. US Politics in an Age of Uncertainty
takes on the measure of the Democratic Party and mainstream liberal organizations, which
have shown themselves to be completely inadequate in addressing the key questions fac-
ing working people today. Sharon Smith, Mike Davis, Charlie Post, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor,
and other prominent socialist thinkers and activists provide concrete strategies for fighting
against Trump.
This first book in English by Yassin Al-Haj Saleh, the intellectual voice of the Syrian Rev-
olution, describes with precision and fervor the events that led to the Syrian uprising of
2011the metamorphosis of the popular revolution into a regional war and the three mon-
sters Saleh sees treading on Syrias corpse: the Assad regime and its allies, ISIS and other
jihadists, and the West. Where conventional wisdom has it that Assads army is now battling
religious fanatics for control of the country, Saleh argues that the emancipatory, democratic
mass movement that ignited the revolution still exists, though it is beset on all sides.
Saleh offers incisive critiques of the impact of the revolution and war on Syrian governance,
identity, and society to produce a powerful and compelling response to the traumas that
define the contemporary Syrian experience. All those concerned with the conflict should
take note.
Yassin al-Haj Saleh is widely regarded as Syrias foremost thinker and the intel-
lectual authority of the Syrian uprising. Born in Raqqa, he spent sixteen years as
a political prisoner in Syria (19801996) and has been living in exile in Turkey
since 2013. He is the author of six books.
Extracting Profit explains why Africa, in the first decade and a half
of the twenty-first century, has undergone an economic boom. This
period of Africa rising has not led to the creation of jobs but has instead fueled the growth of the
extraction of natural resources and an increasingly wealthy African ruling class.
Lee Wengraf is a socialist and activist based in New York City. She writes on Africa for
the International Socialist Review and Socialist Worker.
An urgent history of the creation of the police in the United States, focusing on the cities of the indus-
trial heartland. The book also provides a critical analysis of how ruling elites use the police to control
working-class communities.
C. L. R. James was one of the most influential Marxists of his generation. His important contributions
range from the subjects of Black liberation to contemporary philosophy and even touch on the anti-
colonial potential of cricket. In this collection of hard-to-find articles and essays, his towering intellect
and engaging style cover a diverse array of topics. This edition features a new foreword by the editors.
Scott McLemee writes the weekly column Intellectual Affairs for Inside Higher Ed.
Paul Le Blanc is a professor of history at La Roche College, and he has written on and
participated in the US labor, radical, and civil rights movements.
Clara Zetkin (18571933) was a German Marxist theorist, activist, and advocate for
womens rights. In 1911, she organized the first International Womens Day.
George Orwells story told in full, with a light touch and copious
With alternative facts and newspeak the order of the political day,
a growing audience for George Orwells work has emerged. Orwell is
one of the most celebrated twentieth-century literary figures, and his
dystopian novel, 1984, continues to be widely read. This illustrated
narrative of his life is uniquely accessible and provides the insight needed to understand Orwell, with
the kind of light touch that Orwell himself would appreciate.
Paul Heideman is a PhD student in sociology at New York University and is a frequent
contributor to Jacobin and the Historical Materialism Conference.
Workers in the United States have a rich tradition of fighting back and
achieving previously unthinkable gains, from the weekend to healthcare to the right to organize a
union. Sharon Smith shows that a return to the fighting traditions of US labor history, with an em-
phasis on rank-and-file strategies for change, can turn around the labor movement. Subterranean Fire
brings working-class history to light and reveals its lessons for today.
Sharon Smith is the author of Women and Socialism: Class, Race, and Capital.
No One Is Illegal
Fighting Racism and State Violence
on the USMexico Border
Revised and Updated Edition
Justin Akers Chacn and Mike Davis
Justin Akers Chacn is the author of the forthcoming Radicals in the Barrio: Magonistas,
Socialists, Wobblies, and Communists in the Mexican-American Working Class.
Mike Davis is the author of many books, including Ecology of Fear and Planet of Slums.
ISBN: 9781608468492 | $18 | Paperback | 245 pages | October 17, 2017 13
October Song
Bolshevik Triumph, Communist Tragedy, 19171924
Paul Le Blanc
Paul Le Blanc is the author of Left Americana, Lenin and the Revolutionary Party, and
From Marx to Gramsci.
ISBN: 9781608468898 | $27.95 | PAPERBACK | 1,000 pages | January 16, 2018
Red Petrograd
Revolution in the Factories, 19171918
S. A. Smith
When the Russian autocracy fell in February 1917, workers across Petrograd took it as a signal to begin
democratizing every aspect of their lives, including their working lives. In this classic study, S. A. Smith
vividly captures the creation, development, and expansion of the factory councils across the city.
S. A. Smith taught at Essex University and the European University in Florence, was
a senior research fellow at All Souls College, Oxford, and currently teaches at Oxford
University. He edits the journal Past and Present.
to the Russian Revolution
Edited by Todd Chretien
The Russian Revolution turned the world upside down. This reader
tells the story of what happened with riveting eyewitness accounts.
One hundred years ago, workers and peasants in Russia turned the
world upside down when they overthrew their tsar, took over their facto-
ries, farms, and schools, and set out to build a new society. In this grip-
ping reader, participants and firsthand observers of the revolution tell
the inspiring, heroic, and sometimes tragic story of what happened over the course of 1917. Includes
contributions from Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin, John Reed, Louise Bryant, and others.
In 1932, despite being forced into exile and harried by the regime
brought to power in its wake, Leon Trotsky delivered a rousing de-
fense of the Russian Revolution to an audience of social-democratic
students. In 2017, Ahmed Shawki undertakes the same task, with a
similar audience in mind. This stirring book combines these two defenses of the revolution for its
Ahmed Shawki is on the editorial board of the International Socialist Review and is the
author of Black Liberation and Socialism.
Leon Trotsky (18791940) was a key leader of the Russian Revolution.
Ralph Miliband
From [this book] there emerges a living and eminently revolutionary Lenin,
not a blunted onethat is, a Lenin who sometimes hesitates and makes
mistakes, who seeks his way forward with the help of a theory which is not
a ready-made answer to every problem. . . . There is a striking similarity
with the masterly biography of Trotsky by Isaac Deutscher.
Ernest Mandel
Under Lenin
Leninism under Lenin
It is hardly an exaggeration to say, writes For Lenin, theory and practice were
Marcel Liebman, that Lenins chief contribu- united in revolutionary activity. As such, his
tion to the political reality of our time was his writings and speeches must be situated in
creation of the Bolshevik Party, of a tool to their precise historical context. In assessing
make revolutions withindeed, the tool for the successes and failures, the great achieve-
making revolutions. ments and glaring mistakes of Lenins
Decades after the death of one of the men thought, Liebman also provides a history of
Marcel Liebman
who did the most to shape the world of today, the Russian Revolution and the earliest
those interested in Lenin are confronted with developments of political, economic, social
a body of writing about him that, although and cultural life in the Soviet Republic.
abundant, is largely constrained by the The Lenin who emerges from Liebmans
ideological battles of the Cold War. Marcel reconstruction stands unambiguously for
Marcel Liebman
Liebmans classic work presents Leninism as human liberation and revolutionary democ-
Lenin himself understood it: not as a dead racy. With a new generation drawn toward
dogma, but as a living engagement with the socialism and Marxism, this is an indispens-
world, an attempt to overthrow society as we able guide to one of the traditions towering,
Marcel Liebman (19291986) was a Belgian Marxist historian of political sociology and
theory. A winner of the prestigious Deutscher Prize, he was the author of numerous books,
including The Russian Revolution and Born Jewish: A Childhood in Occupied Europe.
Political Science $19.95
Marcel Liebman
dimensions of Lenins thinking as it developed over twenty-five years.
9781608466726 | $19.95 | PAPERBACK | 480 pages
Lenins Moscow
Alfred Rosmer, introduction by Ian Birchall
When Rosmer arrived in 1919, Russia was considered the center of world
revolution. It was also beleaguered by civil war and encircled by hostile powers
seeking to snuff out the inspiration of the first successful workers revolution.
9781608466153 | $19.95 | PAPERBACK | 304 pages
Leon Trotsky
An Illustrated Introduction
Tariq Ali, illustrated by Phil Evans
This illustrated introductions irreverent cartoons will amuse readers and sur-
prise them with its sophisticated portrait of Trotskys life and works.
16 9781608461868 | $15.00 | PAPERBACK | 175 pages
Reminiscences of Lenin
Nadezhda Konstantinova Krupskaya
A personal account of Lenins life and thought, written by the person who
knew him best.
9781608467891 | $24.00 | PAPERBACK | 584 pages
Trotsky on Lenin
Leon Trotsky
Combining Young Lenin and On Lenin in one volume, this is a fascinating
political biography by fellow revolutionary Leon Trotsky.
9781608467914 | $22.00 | PAPERBACK | 440 pages
A Beautiful Ghetto
Photographs by Devin Allen, introduction by D. Watkins
Allens work demonstrates a connection between resistance as a daily activity,
a way of life in the ghetto, and resistance as a political act, as played out in the
streets last spring. Washington Post
9781608467594 | $24.95 | HARDBACK | 128 pages
A Ghost Story
Arundhati Roy
With anger and compassion, Roy exposes the sordid underbelly and dark
inhumanity of capitalism in India and around the globe.
9781608463855 | $14.95 | PAPERBACK | 136 pages
Democracy at Work
A Cure for Capitalism
Richard D. Wolff
Richard Wolff is the leading socialist economist in the country. This book
is required reading for anyone concerned about a fundamental transforma-
tion of the ailing capitalist economy. Cornel West
9781608462476 | $15.00 | PAPERBACK | 220 pages
The End of Imagination Roy
Arundhati Roy
The End of
Five of Arundhati Roys acclaimed books of essays in one comprehensive Imagination
volume for the first time, with a new introduction by the author. Booker Prize-winning author of The God of Small Things
Exoneree Diaries
The Fight for Innocence, Independence, and Identity
Alison Flowers
An in-depth and personal look into the lives after prison of four people
wrongfully imprisoned for crimes they didnt commit.
9781608466757 | $17.95 | PAPERBACK | 288 pages
Masters of Mankind
Essays and Lectures, 19692013
Noam Chomsky, foreword by Marc Raskin
Chomsky examines the nature of state power, from the ideologies driving the
Cold War to the war on terror, and reintroduces the moral and legal questions
that all too often go unheeded.
9781608463633 | $12.95 | PAPERBACK | 162 pages
Night Thoughts
Wallace Shawn
Writer and actor Wallace Shawns probing, honest, and self-critical take on
civilization and its discontents.
9781608468126 | $14.95 | HARDBACK | 112 pages
On Antisemitism
Solidarity and the Struggle for Justice
Jewish Voice for Peace, foreword by Judith Butler
Antisemitism is harmful and real in our society. What must also be addressed
is how the deployment of false charges of antisemitism or redefining antisemi-
tism can suppress the global progressive fight for justice.
9781608467617 | $19.95 | PAPERBACK | 288 pages
On Palestine
Noam Chomsky and Ilan Papp, edited by Frank Barat
Two leading voices in the struggle to liberate Palestine discuss the road ahead
for Palestinians and how the international community can pressure Israel to
end its human rights abuses against the people of Palestine.
9781608464708 | $11.95 | PAPERBACK | 224 pages
Shadow Government
Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State
in a Single-Superpower World
Tom Engelhardt, foreword by Glenn Greenwald
A powerful survey of a militarized America building a surveillance structure
unparalleled in history.
9781608463657 | $15.95 | PAPERBACK | 192 pages
Socialism . . . Seriously
A Brief Guide to Human Liberation
Danny Katch
Warning to all Democrats, Republicans, and libertarians: this book might turn
you into a closet socialist. Judah Friedlander
9781608465156 | $13.95 | PAPERBACK | 182 pages
Undivided Rights
Women of Color Organizing for Reproductive Justice
by Jael Silliman, Marlene Gerber Fried, Loretta Ross, and Elena Gutirrez
Undivided Rights captures the evolving and largely unknown activist history of
women of color organizing for reproductive justice.
9781608466177 | $19.00 | PAPERBACK | 384 pages
Vive la Revolution
A Stand-up History of the French Revolution
Mark Steel
A cross between a history of the French Revolution and a spirited defense of
the ideals that inspired it. Independent
9781931859370 | $15.00 | PAPERBACK | 293 pages
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