MCA 3rd sem question papers

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Code No.

M.C.A. IV-Semestor (CBC8) (Maln) Examinatlon, November 2020

Subloct: ComputorNetworks
TIme 2 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer any four
1 (a) Discuss
quostlons. 4x 171-70Marks)
briofly about protocols and standards
(b) How would you correlate the layers of TCP/IP to the
models? Describe with relevant diagrams.
layer of0Sreference

2 (a) Compare different types of Transmission media.

(b) Discuss about RS232 Interfacing.
3 (a) How does Go Back -N ARQ work during following cases?
() Normal (i) Lost Frame (ii) Lost
(b) Briefly explain about Sliding window Acknowledgement
4 (a) Explain pure and sloted ALOHA with example.
(b) Compare IEE 802.3 and IEF802.4.
5 (a) Write about Intenetwook with Virtual circuits and
(b) Write short notes oo CIDR. datagram.
6 (a) Explain about Distance Vector Routing Algorithm.
(b) Elaborate OSPF.

7 (a) Explain în detail three way handshaking for connection

(b) How'does VDP differ from TCP. Explain establishment in TCP.

8 (a) Vhat re the TCP Congestion Control mechanisms.

(b) Dlscuss about Quality of Service (QOS).
9 (a) Discuss the
importance of DNS in Application Layer.
(b) Explain SMTP in detail.
10 (a) What is FTP? What are the
three transmission modes in FTP?
(b) Write short notes on HTTP and WWW. Discuss.
Code No. 3404/CBCS/M

M.C.A. IV-Semester (CBCS) (Main) Examination, December 2020

Subject: Web Programming

Time 2 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer any Four questions. (4x 17 % =70Marks)

1. a) What is the differences between htmL and dynamic html?Défine comman tags
b)What are Linking images, fomatting text and unordered listsgivé an example
2. a) Mention cascading sheets given an example code for llin style.
b) What do you mean by text flow and box model give ap example

3. a) Enlist object referencing and collection all

b) List out the even model? Give an examplefor on click and onload
4. a) What are the purpose of filters and Trañsitions give an example
b) How to build data with tabular datacontobinding to IMO and tables
5. a) What are the Java Script control structdres? give an example
b) What are reference and reference parameters Explain with a suitable example
6. a) Mention recursion Vs iteration'global functions and arrays in detail
b) Define string? Write a pfogram for Transpose of a given matrix using Java Script
7. a) What is client sida scriptihg What is the purpose of VB script
b) List out the data types and operations

8. a) How the functións works in VB script explain with a suitable example

b) Why web servers are needed? What are they
9. a) Why active Server pages used Enlist sever side active X
b) Explain File system objects and session tracking component and ADO
10. a) Elaborate processing and
regular expression
b) Differentiate XmL HTML and perl
Code No. 3404/CBCS/M
M.C.A. IV-Semester (CBCS) (Main) Examination, December 2020
Subject: Web Programming
Time:2 Hours
Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer any Four
questions. (4x 17 % =70Marks)
1. a) What is the
differences between htmL and
b) What are Linking dynamic htmL? Define comman tags
images, formatting text and
2. a) Mention cascading sheets unordered lists givé an example
b) What do you mean by text given an example code
flow and box model for inlin style.
give an example
3. a) Enlist object
referencing and collection all
b) List out the even model? Give an
4. a) What are the example for on click and onload
purpose of filters and
b) How to build data with tabular Transitions give an example
data contol binding to IMO and tables
a) What are the Java
b) What are referenceScript
control structures?
give an example
6. a) Mention reference parameters Explain with a suitable
recursion Vs
b) Define string? iterationglobal functions and arays in detail
Writea program for Transpose of a
7. a) What is given matrix using Java
client sida Script
b) List out the data scrigting What is the purpose of VB
types andoperations script
8. a) How the
b) Why webfunctiónsare
works in VB
script explain with
servers needed? What are they
a suitable example
9. a) Why active Server pages used
b)Explain File system objects andEnlist sever side active X
session component and ADO
10. a) Elaborate
processing regular expression
b) Differentiate XmL
HTML and perl
Code No. D-0403

M.C.A. (CBCS) IlI Semester 2 Years Course (Main) Examination, April 2022

Subject: Computer Networks

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

(Missing data,if any, may be suitably assumed)

Note: Answer any five questions from the following.
All questions carry equal marks.

1 a) Explain about Coaxial Cable and Fiber Optic Cable?

b) Discuss about TOCP/IP Model? 2
2 a) Discuss about Polar Line Coding Schemes?
b) Explain about Bus and Star Topologies, its advantagas and Disadvantages?

3 a) Explain about Sliding Window Protocol?

b) Discuss about ARP and RARP?

4 a) Explain about Bridge and different types of Bridges?

b) Discuss about Cyclic Redundancy Check?
5 a) Discuss about Link State Routing Algorithm?
b) Explain about CMP and its different types of messages?
) D i c o u c . ohst Oocolon t
Code No. D-0403

M.C.A. (CBCS) II Semester 2 Years Course (Main) Examination, April 2022
Subject: Computer Networks
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

(Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed)

Note: Answer any five questions from the following.
All questions carry equal marks.

1 a) Explain about Coaxial Cable and Fiber Optic Cable?

b) Discuss about TCP/IP Model?
2 a) Discuss about Polar Line Coding Schemes?
b) Explain about Bus and Star Topologies, its advantagas and Disadvantages?

3 a) Explain about Sliding Window Protocol?

b) Discuss about ARP and RARP?

4 a) Explain about Bridge and different typesof Bridges?

b) Discuss about Cyclic Redundancy Ghec?
5 a) Discuss about Link State Routing Algorithm?
b) Explain about ICMP and its eifferent types of messages?

6 a) Discuss about Classless iter Domain Routing (CIDR).

b) Explain about IPv6.

7 a) Explain about TCP segment with a neat Diagram?

b) Explain about different types of timers in tcp.

8 a) Explain about leaky bucket algorithm in detail?

b) DscosS about UDP.
9 a) Exptah about Advance System calls.
b) Discuss about FTP.
10 a) Explain about Primitive System calls.
b) Discuss about HTTP.
Code No. D-04100

M.C.A. (CBCS) I-Semester 2 Years Course (Main) Examination,
April 2022

Time: 3 Hours
Subject: Network Security (E2)
Max. Marks: 70
(Missing data, if any, may be
suitably assumed)
Note: Answer any five
questions from the following.
All questions carry equal marks.
1 a) Define integrity.
b) Explain Types of attacks? .151 (4)
2 a) What is Authorization? Give an OU1

b) Explain IP example. (5)

Spoofing? (9)
3 a) What is the key length of DES?
b) Explain DES Algorithm? ou (3)
4 a) What is key distribution?
b) Explain different types of (5)
Attecks? (9)
5 a) What is Hash
b) Explain MD5
Function? (4)
Algorithrp2 (10)
6 a) Define Digital
b) Explain DSA
Signature (4)
a) Define Firewal's.
b) Explain VPN's and its (4)
a)What is smart card?
b) Explain Zero Knowledge (4)
9 a) Define (10)
b) Explain about Kerberos
Authentication? (4)
10 a) What is (10)
electronic payment system?
b) Explain Secure
Electronic Transaction with example? (4)
Code No. D-0405

M.C.A. (CBcS) Il1-Semester 2 Years Course (Main) Examination, April 2022

Subject: Web Technologies

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer any five questions from the following. All questions carry equal

1. Descnbe the components of form and tags their attributes with suitable example
pgram? (Hint: components of form are Label, text box, text
check box and list, buttons, etc) area, radio button,

2. Explain the CSS types with example program?

3. Write a web program for use CSS
absolute positioning, onmousemove and
event.x/event.y to have a sentence of text follow the
mouse as the user moves the
mouse over the Web
page. Disable this featufe
if the user double-clicks
4. (a) Create a Web page that applies the
the mouse glow filter to a
hyperlink if the user moves
over the link.
(b) Write a script that uses the
BlendTrans filter to
image fully loads (use event ohload for the transition into an inmage after the
5. Write a Java Script
palindrome. the
thatreads in a five-digit
integer and determines whether it is a
númber t[ not five digits
an alert
dialog indicating the problem to thelong, output XHTML text that displays
alert dialog, allow the user. When the user
user to enter a new
dismisses the
6. Write a function minimum 3 numbers
point numbers. Use the that returns the
Math.min function to smallest of three
Incorporate the function into a implement minimum
of 3 numbers.
determines the smallest script that reads three values
value. from the
the user and
result in the status bar

Code No. 04406
7. Write a vBScript that generates from the string "abcdelghijklmnopqrstuvwryut" he

nopqrstuvwxyz { zyxwvutsrqpon
8. Explain the Installation procedure of web servérs?

active X components?
9. Describe the active server pages and server side

10.Write short note on XML parsprsand Document Type

3 a) Discuss the value of Good SRS
Use cases
b) Explain functional specficatons with

a) Describe the architectural styles for C &C i

b) How do you doaument Architecture Dees

a) Describe the effort
b) Explain Risk management piaonin9

6 a) Describe Object-Orientegdesg
v a n i o u s verificetión mpthics
b) Explain
& guidelines
7 a) Discuss the ooincepts in detal
b) Expiain testing
evolving code
8 a) How to managé
Blackbox testing
b) DiscuSs thie
the business process
9 a) Eplain software maintenance

b) Dscusé
&other SPI trameworks atinn
Code No. D-0402

M.C.A. (CBCS) IlI -

Semester 2 Years Course (Main) Examination, April 2022
Subject: Software Engineering
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer any five questions from the following. All questions carry equal

1 software problems cost, schedule, and quality.
a)b) Discuss the
Explain Process and project in detail.

2 a) Discuss various components of the software process.

b) Explain the Project management process.
3 a) Discuss the value of Good SRS.
b) Explain functional specifications with Use cases.
4 a) Describe the architectural styles for C &C view.
b) How do you document Architecture Design?
5 a) Describe the effort estimation.
b) Explain Risk management
6 a) Describe Object-Oriented
b) Explain various verifiçatióndesign
7 a) Discuss the
programminginprinciples & guidelines.
b) Explain testing concepts detail.
8 a) How to
b) Discussmanagé
evolving code.
Blackbox testing.
a)Explain the business process
b) Discuss software maintenance.reengineering.
10 a) Describe SPl
b) Discuss aboutprocess & other SPI frameworks.
Capability Maturity Model
Code No. D-0420/N
(2020-2021 Batch)
M.C.A. (CBcs) I-Semester (New) (Backlog)
Examination, April 2022
Subject: Software Engineering9
Max. Marks: 70
Time: 3 Hours
(Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed)
Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

a) What are the different attributes of software quality? If for an accounting

software we are most interested in ensuring that the software does not make
any computation mistakes, then which of the quality attributes should be most
concemed about?
b) Why is the CM process needed in addition to the development process?

a) Wnite in detail about the following

i) Phased Development process.
i) Managing the process.
b) How does a phased process help in achieving high Q 4P. When it scams that
we are doing more tasks in a
phased process as compassed to an hoc

3 a) Wite the functional require for the restaurant example using use cases
b) Explain why architecture is not just
and their relationship
one structure consisting of different pats

4 a) Explain in detail about the folláwing

i) Characteristics of an SRS
i) Components of an SRS
b) Make a friend of yours as a ciient
Oriented analysis for the
perform structured analysis and object
i) A simple student
registration system
i) An electronic mail system
Asystem to manage recipes for a house hold.
5 a)
Wrtgin detail about the Project Monitoring plan
b)What the
difference between a flow chast and a
structure chast?
6 What
a) is the
relationship between 00A, SRS, and OOD?
b) What features would you like to add to
supports data abstraction? PDL if the
target source language
7. a) What is structured
b) What are the programming
and how does it
For each level, levels of testing and the goals of improve code
the different quality?
specify which of the testing levels?
8. a) What are
approaches in most
b) Take three major concepts that help make a
test cases that witl A,B, and C, each having two program more readable?
exercise all pairs values Gave rate a set

-2- Code No. D-0420/N
9. a) Write
about the following
i) Forward Engineering
i) BPR model
10. a) How is
b) What is the management applied within the
and a "to be"difference between an "as is"
context of SPI?
process? process, a "here to these"

OU -1512

Code No. D-0404

Semester 2 Years Course (Main) Examination, April 2022
Subject: Data Science

Max. Marks: 70
Time: 3 Hours

(Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed)

Note: Answer any five questions from the following.
All questions carry equal marks.

1 a) Explain how to manipulate text in data using inbuilt string functions

b) Write notes on IDEs and Text Editors for writing R scripts. 1512
2 a) Give an account of data types in R.
b) What are the challenges of analytical data processing?

3 a) Explain accessing data frame using index numbers.

b) Illustrate histograms with an example.

4 a) Explain reading from a csv file.

b) Discuss finding the missing values O U

5 a) Give overview of model fitting.

b) Validate linear regression using scatter plot.

6 a) Introduce binary logistic regression

b) Specify the significance of ROC&urve

7 a) Explain ID3 algorithm/

b) Give an overview of information gain.

8 a) Decompose tige series seasonal data.

b) Describe Holt's xponential smoothing.

9 a) Explain hierarchical clustering in non-Euclidean space.

b) How to initfalize clusters for k-means.

10 a) Represent clusters in GRGPF algorithm.

Code No. D-0404


Semester 2 Years Course (Main) Examination, April 2022


Subject: Data Science

Max. Marks: 70
Time: 3 Hours
(Missing data, if any, may be suitably
from the following.
Note: Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks.

inbuilt string functions

1 a) Explain how to manipulate text in data using
R scripts.
b) Write notes on IDEs and Text Editors for writing

2 a) Give an account of data types in R.

b) What are the challenges of analytical data processing?

3 a) Explain accessing data frame using index numbers.

b) Ilustrate histograms with an example.

4 a) Explain reading from a csv file. O


b) Discuss finding the missing values.

5 a) Give overview of model fitting
b) Validate linear regression using scatter plot.

6 a) Introduce binary logistic regression

b) Specify the significance of ROCCurve
a) Explain ID3 algorithm
b) Give an overview of information gain.

8 a) Decompose tBipe series seasonal data

b) Describe Holt's exponential smoothing.
9 a) Explain hietarchical clustering in non-Euclidean space
b) How to nitlalize clusters for k-means.
10 a) Represent clusters in GRGPF algorithm
b)Introduce stream clustering algorithm.
Code No. D-04C

Years Course (Main) Examination, April 2022
M.C.A. (CBCS) II Semester 2
Subject: Data Science

Max. Marks: 70
Time: 3 Hours

(Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed)

Note: Answer any five questions from the following.
All questions carry equal marks.

1 a) Explain how to manipulate text in data using inbuilt string functions

b) Write notes on IDEs and Text Editors for writing R scripts.

2 a) Give an account of data types in R. 151

b) What are the challenges of analytical data processing?
3 a) Explain accessing data frame using index numbers.
b) Illustrate histograms with an example.
4 a) Explain reading from a csv file.
b) Discuss finding the missing values. O U

5 a) Give overview of model fitting.
b) Validate linear regression using
scatter plot.
6 a) Introduce binary logistic regression
b) Specify the significance
of ROC curve
7 a) Explain ID3 algorithm/
b) Give an overview of information gain.
8 a) Decompose time series seasonal
b) Describe Holt's
exponential smoothing.
9 a) Explain hiearchical
b) How clustering in non-Euclidean space.
to initialize clusters for k-means.
10 a) Represent clusters in GRGPF algorithm.
b) Introduce stream
clustering algorithm.
Code No. D-0402
M.C.A. (CBCS) II - Semester 2 Years Course (Main) Examination, April 2022
Subject: Software Engineeringg
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer any five questions from the following. All questions carry equal

b) Explain Process and project in detail.

2 a) Discuss various components of the software process.

1 a) Discuss the software problems cost, schedule, and quality.
b) Explain the Project management process.

3 a) Discuss the value of Good SRS.

b) Explain functional specifications with Use cases.

4 a) Describe the architectural styles for C &C view.

b) How do you document Architecture Design?

5 a) Describe the effort estimation.

b) Explain Risk management planning.

6 a) Describe Object-Oriented design

b) Explain various verification metrics.

7 a) Discuss the programming principles & guidelines.

b) Explain testing concepts in detail.
88 a) How to manage evolving code.
b) Discuss the Blackbox testing.

9 a) Explain the business process reengineering.

b) Discusa software maintenance.

10 a) Describe SPI process & other SPI frameworks.

b) Discuss about Capability Maturity Model integration.

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