BCS 052

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of Printed Pages : 3 I BCS-0521

(BCA) (Revised)

Term-End Examination
9-7 7.3
December, 2018



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Answer any

three questions from the rest.

1. (a) Assume Class B network uses 18 out of

32 bits to define a network address. How
many Class B networks are possible in that
case ? Give justification for your answer.

(b) How does TCP manage "out-of-order"

segment problem ? Explain through
illustration.. 6

(c) Why does FTP use two TCP connections ?

Also briefly explain the working of FIT. 5

BCS-052 P.T.O.
(d) Explain the significance of the following
header fields of IP datagram : 8

(i) HLEN
(ii) Time to Live
(iii) Identification
(iv) Flags
(e) Differentiate between POP and IMAP
(f) What is DNS ? Compare between primary
DNS and secondary DNS. 5

(g) Describe the different security levels,

implemented in SNMP. 5

2. (a) How is the "Disc User" checked in Linux ?

Explain with the help of an example. 5

(b) What are the data types defined by socket

interface ? Also explain the purpose of any

(c) Write any four differences between TCP/IP

and OSI model. Also draw the layer diagram
of each, showing the mapping of OSI and
TCP/IP layers.
3. Write an algorithm for UDP Client and UDP
Server with the following specifications : 20

• UDP Client sends any alphanumeric

character randomly to the UDP Server.
• UDP Server accepts the character and
returns back the ASCII value of the
character to the respective client.

4. (a) What is DHCP ? Explain the working of

DHCP with the activities performed
between DHCP Server and DHCP Client. 10

(b) Differentiate between ARP and RARP. With

the help of suitable diagram, explain the
working of each ARP and RARP. 10

5. Write short notes on the following : 4x5=20

(a) ICMP
(b) Sliding Window Protocol
(c) Distance Vector Routing
(d) Virtual Private Network

BCS-052 3 6,000

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