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Marking scheme

1. (a) The prophecies about the suffering servant of yahweh according to prophet Isaiah.
- He will be despised and rejected.
- He would be arrested and sentenced to death.
- He would be humble and simple.
- He would suffer innocently.
-He would suffer according to the will of God.
- He would die for salvation of man kind.
-His suffering would bring reconciliation between God and human beings.
- His body would be buried in a rich mans tomb.
-He would endure suffering.
- He would be rejected harshly.
6 x1=6 marks
(b) Ways in which the birth of Jesus was extraordinary.
-His birth was announced by the angel.
- He was born of a Virgin Mary.
-He was conceived through the Holy Spirit.
- His name was given before his birth.
- His birth was initiated by God to bring salvation to mankind.
- His birth had been prophesied in the Old Testament.
6 x1=6 marks
(c) Ways in which Christians express their gratitude to God today.
- By building places of worship.
- By praying to God.
- By spreading the word of God.
- By giving offering and tithes.
- By caring for the environment.
-By visiting the sick.
-Promoting peace in the society.
-By shunning evil.
8 x1=8 marks
2. (a) The incident of the healing of the woman with the flow of blood by Jesus (Luke 8:43-
- Jesus was on his way to Jairus home/house.
-a large crowd followed/pressed against him.
-in the crowd there was a woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years.
-she approached Jesus from the back and touched the hem of his garment.
-the flow of blood stopped immediately.
-Jesus felt power had left him/asked who had touched him.
-Peter explained to Jesus that the crowd was pressing against him/said Jesus
was surrounded by a crowd.
-realizing that she could not hide any more the woman came forward trembling
and fell at Jesus feet.
-she explained why she had touched Jesus/how she had been healed immediately.
-Jesus told her that her faith had made her well.
- He told the woman to go in peace.
7 x1=7 marks
(b) Reasons why the miracles of Jesus are regarded as his saving works.
-The miracles liberated those who are sick from physical suffering/pain.
- They restored people back to the wholeness of life/to life in the community.
-Raising of the dead showed that Jesus conqured pain and death/liberation from death.
-Casting of demons liberated people from the power of Satan.
-The miracles manifested God’s saving power.
- They ascertained that Jesus is the Messiah who came to set free/liberate human beings
from sin.
-They brought peace upon those who were healed.
-Those who were healed praised and glorified God.
-They manifested Jesus love/mercy/compassion to the sick/suffering.
4 x2=8 marks
(c) Factors that may hinder Christians from assisting the sick in the society.
-Inadequate resources/funds/poverty.
- Indifference to the plight of the sick.
-Fear of being infected.
-Insecurity /hostility.
-Misappropriation of resources meant for the sick.
-Inaccessibility/poor infrastructure.
-Denominational differences.
-Some cases are not genuine but are meant for material gain.
-Tribal/ethnic leanings/considerations.
5 x1=5 marks
3. (a) Entry to Jerusalem
-As Jesus drew near Bethany he sent two of His disciples to go and bring a colt that
had not been sat on.
-They brought and threw their garments on it.
-Jesus sat on it and rode into Jerusalem.
-They spread their garment on the road.
-The disciples praised God referring to Jesus as the king who comes in God’s name.
-Some Pharisees told Jesus to rebuke the disciples to be silent
-Jesus said that if they were silent the stones would cry out.
-When he drew near the city, He wept over it and prophesied its destruction.
8 x1=8 marks
(b) Jesus teaching on eschatology.
-The temple would be destroyed.
-There would be wars/nation raising against each other.
-There would be natural disaster eg earth quakes and famine.
-His followers would be persecuted.
-They will be rejected by the relatives.
-Signs from heaven.
6 x1=6 marks

(c) Ways in which Christians prepare for the second coming of Christ today.
-Living holy lives.
-Helping poor and needy.
-Endure suffering.
-Obey Gods commandments.
-Preaching the gospel.
-Confessing their sins.
-Holding fellowships/praying together
6 x1=6 marks
4. (a) Ways in which the Holy Spirit was manifested on the day of Pentecost.
-Through the sound from heaven.
-Like a mighty rushing wind.
-As tongues of fire resting on each disciple.
-Disciples being able to speak in different tongues.
-By Peter becoming courageous to preach.
-By many people being convicted of their sins.
-By many repenting their sins and getting baptized.
6 x1=6 marks
(b) Causes of disunity in the church of Corinth.
-People in Corinth were divided according to leaders. Some claimed
to belong to Peter/Apollo’s/Paul.
-Some Christians ate the meat offered to idols and thus confusing the weaker Christians.
-Some spiritual gifts were seen to be inferior to others.
-Being in groups according to classes during the Lord ’s Supper.
- Some believed in resurrection and others did not.
-They differed on the issue of covering the head during the worship for women.
-Confusion on whether to marry or not.
-Taking cases to the civil courts instead of solving them as Christians.
8 x1=8 marks
(c) How the gift of the Holy Spirit are misused in the church today.
-People demand for payment when they perform miracles.
-People claim to be under influence of Holy Spirit when they are not.
-People emphasizing on superiority of speaking in tongues being over used.
-People misinterpreting the Bible.
-People breaking away from their mother churches claiming to have being instructed
by the Holy Spirit yet its all for finance gains.
-Speaking in tongues without an interpreter.
-People using them to instill fear on others.
6 x1=6 marks
5. (a) Reasons why polygamy is practiced in traditional African communities.
- To promote unity in the community.
-To get many children as assign of wealth.
-To get children if one of wives is barren.
-To raise social status of the man.
-For the sake of labour.
-In case of epidemics there were enough children to be left.
-To minimize unfaithfulness.
-To ensure that every woman got a husband.
-Source of wealth from the daughters.
8 x1=8 marks

(b) Reasons why some Christians may break marriage vows.
-Denial of conjugal rights.
-Poor health.
-Peer pressure.
-Financial constrains.
-Lack of spiritual maturity.
-Influence of western culture.
-Influence from the print and electronic media.
6 x1=6 marks
(c) The problems associated with polygamous marriage.
-It leads to jealousy and suspicion.
-The husband may not love all the wives equally.
-Financial constrains.
-It may lead to unfaithfulness.
- Stress and psychological problems.
-It can lead to spread of STIs and HIV& Aids.
-Disagreement over inheritance.
-There may be misunderstanding among the children.
-Overstretching of family resources.
6 x1=6 marks
6. (a) Ways in which Christian scan contribute towards the maintenance of law and order in
-Obeying the law of the land.
-Respecting the lawful authority.
-Rehabilitating criminals.
-Condemning acts which violate human rights.
-Educating the masses on their rights and responsibilities.
-Sharing what they have with the needy.
-Forgiving others freely.
-Condemning unjust laws.
-Living exemplary lives for others to emulate.
-Fighting against social evils.
-Preaching peace and playing reconciliatory roles.
-Reporting criminals to the relevant authority.
-Praying for peace and justice.
-Providing guidance and counseling services.
7 x1=7 marks
(b) Methods of disciplining errant members in traditional African community.
-Paying fines.
-Denying children food for sometimes.
-Reprimanding wrong doers.
-Giving unpleasant names to reflect the wrong that the person has done.
-Denying culprits access to social occasions.
-Summoning and indiscipline member before the council of elders.
-Excommunicating wrong does from the community.
-Canning and beating.
-Disowning by parents, relatives or friends.
-Refusing to name their children after errant members.
7 x1=7 marks
(c) Six obstacles to effective maintenance of law and order in society today.
-Increasing rate of crimes in urban areas.
-Unequal distribution of resources.
-Permissiveness in the society.
-Political instability.
-Extreme poverty.
-Social discriminations.
-Incitement by political leaders.
-Some cultural beliefs and practices.
-High rate of unemployment.
-Bribery and corruption.
-Greed for material wealth.
-Political interference in the judiciary.
6 x1=6 marks

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