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1. a) Isaiah`s prophecy about the Messiah on the suffering servant in Isaiah
53 (8marks)
- The servant will succeed in his work and will highly be honored.
- The servant is despised, rejected and ignored by those who are with him.
- He has nothing attractive. He is very ordinary and simple.
- He is harshly treated, arrested, sentenced to death and killed.
- His body is buried with those of the rich men.
- He accepts the suffering on behalf of others.
- Through his suffering, human beings are reconciled to God.
- It was the will of God that the servant should suffer.
- His suffering is a sacrifice to bring forgiveness of sins. (8 x 1= 8marks)

b)Message of Angel Gabriel to Mary according to Luke 1:26-38 (6marks)

- Mary had favour with God.
- She will give birth to a son to be named Jesus.
- The son would be Holy.
- The son will be great and called son of the Most high.
- The lord will give him the throne of his father David.
- The kingdom would never end.
- He would reign over the house of Jacob forever.
- Her cousin Elizabeth had also conceived in old age.
- With God, nothing would be impossible.

c) Six lessons on family relationship drawn from incident when Jesus accompanied his
parents to the temple at the Age of twelve. (6marks)
- Children should obey their parents.
- Parents should teach their children about the word of God.
- Parents should provide opportunity for their children to mix with others
- Parents should care /be concern about their children.
- Family ties should not be broken /should live in unity.
- God`s work takes priority over the family.
- Parents should recognize their children`s talents / abilities
- There should be open communication among family members

2. a)Relate the healing of Gerasene Demoniac.(Luke 8:26 – 39) (8marks)

- Jesus and the disciples arrived at the land of Gerasene.
- They met a man who was demon possessed and lived among the tombs.
- The man fell down and told Jesus not to torment him.
- This is because Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit out of the man.
- Jesus asked the man his name.
- The man replied that his name was legion which meant many demons.
- The demons begged Jesus not to let them go into the abyss but into the swine.
- The swine rushed and drowned in a nearby lake.
- The herdsmen then fled and went to tell people in the city concerning what had
- People came and found the man sitting at the feet of Jesus, healed, dreased and his
right mind.
- The people got afraid of Jesus and asked Him to leave their territory.
- The healed man asked Jesus whether he could accompany Him.
- Jesus told him to go and tell others what God had for him
- The man went through the town proclaiming the good news about
Jesus. (8 x 1 = 8marks)
b) Explain the significance of Miracle in the Ministry of Jesus
- Miracles were a proof that the Kingdom of God had come.
- Miracles proved that Jesus was the source of life.
- Miracles strengthened the faith of Jesus audience.
- Miracles were a proof that Jesus cared for both spiritual /bodily health/provide our
- Miracles show that Jesus had come for all.
- Miracles proved that God is powerful.
- Miracles form part of Jesus ministry/Teaching.
- Miracles of Jesus draw crowds to him/audience.
- Miracles were a sign of presence of God through Jesus. (7 x 1 = 7marks)
c) Five ways the church continues with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.
- Christians pray for/preach to the sick.
- Laying hands on the sick /anointing them.
- Providing guidance and counseling services.
- Constructing hospitals /health centres/rehabilitation centres.
- Providing preventive /curative /drugs /treating the sick.
- Paying medical expenses for the sick.
- Producing /disseminating literature/electronic media on health issues.
- Preaching against evil
- Providing food /clothing/shelter/finances to the sick.
- Visiting the sick.
- Training medical personnel.
- Educating through seminars/ workshops. (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

3. a )Describe the cleansing of the temple by Jesus in (Luke 19:41 – 48) (7marks)
- When Jesus drew near Jerusalem and saw the city he wept over it.
- People of Jerusalem had become sinful and he pitied them because they did not
know what was in store for them.
- He predicted a siege and destruction of Jerusalem by an enemy. Even the children
within them will not be spared.
- Then Jesus entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold.
- He told them that it was written ``my house shall be a house of prayer’’ yet they had
made God`s house a den of robbers.
- Then Jesus stayed in Jerusalem where he taught daily in the temple.
- The priests the scribes and the teachers of the law, the Pharisees sought to kill
- But they did not find anything they could do, for all the people hung upon his words.
(7 x 1 = 7marks)
b) Give seven reasons why Jesus wept and cleansed the temple. (7marks)
- Jesus wept over the city and the temple of Jerusalem because they had ceased to
serve the purpose for which they were intended.
- People had turned the temple, which was Gods house into a market where they over
reached in trade.
- Jerusalem had failed to serve as an example of holiness despite being Zion or David`s
- It was here in Jerusalem that Jesus was going to be excuted because it had rejected
his messiahship.
- Jerusalem together with the temple and the people were only good for destruction.
They had lost meaning and purpose.
- The Jews had failed to be good examples for brining Salvation to gentiles.
(7 x 1 = 7marks)

c) State the relevance of cleansing the temple to Christians today. (6marks)

- Today, the church building is a place where prayers and official worship ought to
take place.
- Some people have defiled the house of God by Commercializing Worship to enrich
- Some clergy ask their faithful too many levies to the point of making them to run
away from the church.
- Church premises and buildings should be used opportunity /for the right purpose.
- Christians should respect the church as house of God and prayers.
- Christians should have courage to condemn all evil practices by some leaders and
- Some Christians pay attention to outward observance of rituals without inner
righteousness. This is hypocrisy and should be condemned.
- All these deviation deserve Judgment which is a punishment from God.
- Some Christians are involved in adultery and their other forms of immorality.
This should be condemned as it goes against God`s commandments.

4. Identify the fruits of the Holy Spirit as taught by Saint Paul in Galatians 5:22 -
23) (5marks)
- Fruit of Love
- Fruit of Joy
- Fruit of Kindness
- Fruit of Goodness
- Fruit of Self- control
- Fruit of Gentleness
- Fruit of Patience
- Fruit of Faithfulness (5 x 1 = 5marks)
(students must mention fruit of…)

b) The teachings of Jesus about the Unity of Believers from the vine and the branches
(John 15:1-10) (8marks)
- God is the vine dresser/Jesus is the true vine.
- The followers of Jesus/the Christians are the branches.
- Christians are related to God through Jesus.
- The unfruitful Christians are the unfruitful branches which are cut away /destroyed.
- Christians can only bear fruits/do good things if they remain united to Christ
- Through Christ all Christians are joined to one another.
- Christians should rely on God for all providence.
- Love is passed on to the Christians from God through Christ.
- Christians should observe /keep Gods commandments.
- The faithful Christians/fruitful branches are pruned so as to produce more fruits.
(8x1 = 8marks)

c) Seven ways in which Christian can prevent division in the Church in Kenya today.
- Treat each other with love.
- Avoid discriminations/segregations /tribalism in the church/preach/ teach the word
of God /Bible truth to believers.
- Assist those in problems /poor /the less fortunate /the needy.
- Practice humility /avoid arrogance.
- Openly discuss issues affecting the church /respect the opinions of the other people.
- Pray for one another /problems affecting the church.
- Practice transparent leadership style.
- Give financial report with acceptable period of time .
- Follow the church doctrines /constitutions /manuals/educate members on church
- Repent /ask for forgiveness whenever they are wrong/accept their mistakes.
- Preparing a budget annually /seasonally and ensure that the resources are well
- Guidance and counseling. (7 x 1 = 7marks)

5. Eight Christian teaching on work. (8marks)

- Work is ordained by God/command from God.
- Human beings should work to subdue /conquer the earth.
- Work is good /God himself worked.
- God blesses a hard worker/work is rewarded.
- Laziness /idleness is condemned.
- Christians should work to acquire basic needs /necessities.
- Christians should work to assist those who are needy/less fortunate.
- Christians work as co-creators with God.
- People should work to emulate Jesus who was a worker/carpenter.
- Those who work should take to rest/leisure.
- People should work faithfully/diligently.
- Those who do not work should not eat /enjoy the benefit of work.
(8 x 1 =8marks)
b) With reference to the life and Ministry of Jesus show how Jesus is a worker.
- Preaching /teaching in synagogues all over.
- Healing the sick /miracles of healing.
- Raising the dead back to life eg.Jairus daughter.
- Praying /prayed to God the father.
- Being a carpenter he assisted his father.
- Jesus identifies with worker by drawing examples from field work eg.parable of the
- Feeding the people eg.5000 people /men.
- Washing the disciples feet during the last supper.
- Calming the storm.
- Fishing –Jesus went fishing with his disciples.
- Judging eg. The Adulterous woman.
- Trainer/instructor-He trained the disciples on how to carry out their work eg. 72
- Leadership –Appointed /commission of the disciples
(6 x 1 = 6marks)

c) Ways in which the church is helping to reduce the rate of unemployment in Kenya
today. (6marks)
- The church encourages people to start income generation activities.
- The provides loans to the unemployed to start small scale business.
- The church creates job opportunities through establishing church projects.
- It teaches the Youth about the dignity of manual work/encourages the youth to
participate in Agriculture/technical fields.
- It organizes seminars for the Youth /unemployed on how to utilize their potentials.
- It condemns a corrupt practice which interferes with the recruitment/economic
- It encourages its members to pay taxes promptly so that the government can have
the resources to employ / pay the workers.
- It trains /sponsors the youth on vocational skills that are necessary for employment
- The church tries to be fair when recruiting people for various jobs.
(6 x 1 = 6marks)
6. a )Unfair distribution of wealth can lead to social disorder in Kenya today.(8marks)
- it causes anger /hatred.
- Some people turn to crimes like stealing, grabbing in order to be at per /equal with
those who have.
- It widens the gap between the rich and the poor.
- May result into regional /Ethic clashes due to unequal distribution of wealth like
- It creates discontent /dissolotionment/empathy among the people.
- It forms bases of oppression of the poor by the rich.
- It makes the rich to look down upon the poor.
- It may lead to violence /murder.
- It may lead to sexual exploitation, sex immoralities like prostitution.
- It may lead to strikes/demonstrations /industrial actions.
- It may lead to strained relationships between the government and the people.
b) Methods of discipling errant members I traditional African communities.
- Paying fines.
- Denying children food for sometimes.
- Reprimanding wrong doers.
- Giving unpleasant names to reflect the wrong done by the persons.
- Denying culprits access to social occasion/being detained/isolated.
- Summoning indiscipline members before the council of elders.
- Ex-communicating wrong doers from community.
- Through canning / beating.
- Disowning by parents /relatives /friends.
- Being cursed by elders.
- Refusing to name children after offenders.

c) Five reasons why corruption is widespread in Kenya today. (5marks)

- Unemployment cases which make an individual desperate to secure an employment
chance by engaging in corrupt activities.
- Desire for instant services/make some people become corrupt.
- Some people feeling that they have not been adequately paid for work done hence
engage in corruption acts to compensate themselves.
- Fear of arrest / punishment make law breakers to engage in corrupt deals.
- Some people engage in corrupt deals in order to be served due to ignorance of
their rights.
- Lack of moral integrity by some people.
- Greed makes some people to engage in corruption.
- Due to tribal /ethic afflictions.
- There is inefficient machinery to curb corrupt practices.
- Poor role models/ some government agents abuse the powers given to them.
(5 x 1 = 5marks)

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