Cre PP2 MS

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1. (a) With reference to specific incidents in Luke’s Gospel, show how

Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah.
- Malachi’s prophecy that God would send a forerunner to prepare the way
for the Messiah is fulfilled in the coming of John the Baptist.
- Nathan’s prophecy to David that God would rise up a heir from David’s
lineage to rule Israel forever is affirmed by angel Gabriel to Mary during
the annunciation.
- Isaiah’s prophecy about a young woman who would conceive is fulfilled in
the virgin conception of Mary.
- Isaiah’s prophecy that the Messiah would be named Emmanuel is fulfilled
in Angel Gabriel’s message to Joseph that Mary’s son would be called the
same name.
- Mary’s song (magnificent) echoes the Old Testament texts which have
reference to the ministry of the Messiah.
- The Psalmist prophecies about the Messiah who would bring salvation to
all the nations is fulfilled in Jesus a universal saviour as echoed by
Simeons prophecy.
- Micah’s prophecy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem is fulfilled
in the birth of Jesus which took place in Bethlehem.
- From heaven confirming that Jesus was God’s anointed Son, filfil O.T
ideas of God’s anointed.
- Isaiah’s prophecy that God would anoint the Messiah with His Spirit and
work miracles, is fulfilled when Jesus preached at Nazareth and claimed
that He was the Messiah that prophet Isaiah talked about.
- Zachariah’s prophecy of a peaceful king is fulfilled by Jesus when he rode
on a donkey during the triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
- Isaiah’s prophecy of a suffering servant is fulfilled in the passion (suffering
and death) and resurrection of Jesus.

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- Jeremiah’s teaching on the new covenant is fulfilled by Jesus during the
last supper.
- During His ministry, Jesus is referred to as Son of David and recognized
as a promised Messiah.
(8 x 1 = 8mks)

(b) Outline what Simeon and Ann revealed about the life of Jesus
when his
parents presented Him to the Temple for dedication.
- Jesus was the Messiah.
- He would bring salvation to Israel.
- Jesus mission was universal.
- He would be the light for revelation to the Gentiles.
- He was going to suffer for the sake of humankind.
- He would deliver the Israelites from bondage.
- He was to reveal God to human beings.
- The coming of Jesus would cause division among people in Israel.
- He would glorify and praise God.
- Jesus would restore Jerusalem back to its glory.
(6 x 1 = 6mks)

(c) Give six reasons why Kenyans are attracted to the church today.
- It gives them a sense of belonging.
- To join others in the worship
- To grow and develop spiritually
- To seek comfort and consolation
- To receive physical and spiritual healing - To seek material help.
- To uphold the family tradition
- To seek God’s blessings
- To appreciate the preacher or the choir
- Peer influence
- To go and see new fashions

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(6 x 1 = 6mks)

2. (a) Relate the transfiguration of Jesus. (Lk 9: 28 – 36)

- Jesus took John, Peter and James.
- Jesus went up the mountain to pray.
- As he was praying His face changed and His clothes were dazzling white.
- Moses and Elijah appeared speaking to Jesus about His death.
- The disciples were asleep.
- As they woke up they saw Jesus in His glory.
- They saw Moses and Elijah.
- Peter said they make 3 Tents; One for Jesus, Moses and Elijah.
- A thick cloud appeared and were afraid.
- A voice came from the cloud and declared Jesus as the son of God whom
He had chosen.
- Jesus was found alone after the voice.
- The disciples did not tell anyone what they had seen.
(1 x 8 = 8mks)

(b) State the importance of transfiguration in Jesus Ministry.

- The incidence prepared the disciples of Jesus for His death and
resurrection / show that there is life after death.
- The appearance of Moses showed that he had come to fulfil the law.
- The appearance of Elijah showed that he had come to fulfil the prophets
- The voice of God, “this is my Son” was a voice to confirm that He was the
son of God / the expected Messiah that the disciples were right in
following Him.
- The disciples witnessed the presence of God.
- The disciples witnessed the heavenly glory.
- The episode teaches that Jesus had come to usher in the heavenly
kingdom / the kingdom of God.
- The episode prepared Peter for the future leadership of the church.

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- It teaches the need for privacy during prayer.
- The comforting words of God encouraged Jesus to continue in His
- It straightened the faith of the disciples.
(6 x 1 = 6mks)

(c) State six ways in which Christians show respect to God.

- They set a day of worship.
- They build worshipping places e.g. churches.
- They do not mention the name of God carelessly.
- They obey God’s commandments.
- They pray to Him.
- They depend on God when they have problems.
- They give offerings and pay tithes to Him.
- They praise the Lord with songs.
- They help the needy in the society.
- They preach the gospel
- They observe Christian rituals e.g. baptism and marriage.
(6 x 1 = 6mks)

3. (a) Narrate the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke’s Gospel. (Lk
10: 25 – 37)
- He told / narrated a story of a man who was attacked by robbers on his
way from Jerusalem to Jericho.
- The man was seriously injured and left for the dead.
- A priest passed by and ignored him.
- A levite also passed by but paid no attention as well.
- However, when a Samaritan found the injured he had compassion on him
and nursed his wounds and took him to an inn and paid for his expenses.
He promised to come back and paid for the remaining expenses.
- Jesus asked the lawyer to say who among the three had proved a neighbor
to the injured man.

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- The lawyer answered that it was the Samaritan.
- Jesus told the lawyer to go and do as the Samaritan had done.

(b) Outline the instructions given to the seventy disciples by Jesus. (Lk
10:1 – 24)
- To go two by two.
- Pray because the harvest is plenty but labourers are few.
- Not to greet anyone on the way.
- Carry no purse , no bag, no sandals with them.
- Salute no one on the road.
- Say peace to any house they enter
- Remain in the house and eat what they are given.
- Heal the sick.
- Preach the good news
- Where you are not welcomed shake the dust with your feet.
(6 x 1 = 6mks)

(c) Identify six activities the church engages in to demonstrate love to

- Visiting through pastoral care.
- Worshipping together
- Praying for one another
- Preaching / evangelization
- By baptizing / sacrament
- Giving education
- Condemning of evil
- Offering employment
- Being involved in harambee projects
- Home for destitute / orphaned
- Providing water by digging of boreholes in arid and semi-arid areas.
- Providing for medical care
- Visiting the sick

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(6 x 1 = 6mks)

4. (a) Describe the triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem. (Lk 19:

- When Jesus neared Bethphage and Bethany he sent two disciples ahead.
- They were to find a colt that had never been hidden.
- They were to untie it and bring it to him.
- If anyone asked they were to respond that the Master needed it.
- The disciples did as they were told.
- Jesus rode on it.
- People laid their cloaks on the road.
- The multitude of disciples began to rejoice and praise God.
- They called upon God to bless the king who had come in the name of the
- They sang, “Peace in Heaven and glory in the highest.”
- The Pharisees wanted to silence them
- Jesus said that if they kept quiet, stones would cry out.
(1 x 8 = 8mks)

(b) What lessons can Christians learn from Jesus triumphant entry to
- They should be ready to accept Jesus like the crowds.
- They should imitate Jesus as channels of peace in their communities.
- They should be humble like Jesus in their service to others.
- They should be ready to face opposition in their ministry.
- They should thank and praise God for his intervention in their lives like
the crowds that followed Jesus.
- Christians should not give up in preaching the gospel.
- They should be courageous as they witness to Jesus like the crows that
followed Jesus and declared His as King.
- Jesus is the Messiah.
- Christians should not use their positions to prevent people from praising

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(7 x 1 = 7mks)

(c) Explain five possible solutions to the problems facing evangelism

- Praying for God’s guidance.
- Developing the spirit of tolerance
- Being willing to forgive
- Allowing dialogue with the congregation / members to discuss important
- Encouraging inter-denominational dialogue and cooperation.
- Building capacity for pastors and evangelists e.g. on theological guidance
and counseling and conflict resolution.
(1 x 5 = 5mks)

5. (a) Describe the actions taken by the Jewish leadership to ensure

that Jesus
was put to death.
- They paid Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus.
- They brought false witnesses to accuse him of blasphemy before the
Sanhedrin / blasphemy was punishable by stoning to death.
- They hurriedly tried him at night before the people knew what was
- They framed a treason charge against Jesus when he appeared before the
- Treason was punished through death sentence.

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They employed armed guards and Roman soldiers to deal with those who
would fight for Jesus.
- They blackmailed pilate into accepting their demands to have Jesus
- They organized a mob to shout of death for Jesus and for the release of
- They crucified him dead when they got permission from pilate. (1 x 8 =

(b) What was the reaction of the people who witnessed Jesus
- Some mocked Jesus.
- They divided his clothes among themselves
- Some wept
- Others shouted at him as King asking him to save himself.
- Soldiers offered him wine
- One of the criminal crucified with Jesus repented his sins - Others like the
Centurion praised God.
- Others acknowledged Jesus as innocent.
- Some were amazed
- Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for Jesus body for the burial - The
women watched at a distance.
- People who witnessed went home beating their breast.
(7 x 1 = 7mks)
(c) State five lessons that Christians can learn from the testimony of
the repentant thief.
- Christians should testify to the Lordship of Jesus.
- They should defend Jesus and the gospel.
- They should accept that they are sinners and therefore be ready to change.
- Christians who repent are assured of eternal life in heaven.
- Christians should turn to God or Jesus to have their sins forgiven.
- They should obey and respect those in authority.
(5 x 1 = 5mks)

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6(a) Explain eight teachings of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit is a Counsellor, helper, advocate.
- He is a comforter.
- He teaches the truth.
He judges and convicts the world / and teach of God’s judgement.
- He is a companion.
- He empowers / strengthens believers to witness.
- Reminds people of righteousness / Jesus teachings. - He glorifies Jesus.
- He reveals the things of God on what is yet to come.
- He is a guide of God’s people.
- Continue with the work of Jesus.
- To give various gifts to the disciples.
- To continue forgiving people as Jesus did.
(1 x 8 = 8mks)

(b) Outline the New Testament teaching of unity of believers as the

Revelation 21:1-12, 2 Corinthians 11:2.
- In the New Testament Christians are referred to as a bride married to
- The bridegroom represents Jesus.
- Christians are to be committed to Christ just as the bride is to the
- The church is loved by Christ just as the bride is loved by the bridegroom.
- The bride must preserve her purity as a way of waiting for the bridegroom.
- Christians should remain pure and holy through faith and love in Jesus.
- Committed Christians will be taken to a new home (new Jerusalem or
heaven) where life will be glorious and they will dwell with God forever,
just as a bride is taken home by her husband.
(1 x 6 = 6mks)
(c) How can a Christian know that a person is under the influence of
the Holy Spirit?
- If a person conforms to the teachings of Jesus Christ e.g. honesty and

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- If the person is faithful to the authority of Jesus.
- If the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are in line with Biblical
- If they bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit e.g. love, joy, peace etc.
- They should not be characterized by envy, idolatry and impurity.
- A person should recognise Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
If such a person does not use the gifts of the Holy Spirit for selfish gains /
enrich themselves.
- When believers give glory to God / Jesus after serving / performing
(1 x 6 = 6mks)

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