6–9 Months
6–9 Months
6–9 Months
I am learning to think and solve problems. omment on what your baby does to make
• When a toy drops to the floor, I look to things happen. You used your voice to let me
see where it went. know you wanted me to keep playing peek-boo.
• I figure out how things work by copying what Let your baby explore interesting objects—
I see you and others do. like toys with buttons to push.
I am working hard to communicate with you. Use words to describe your baby’s
• I babble a lot. When someone talks to me, feelings: You are mad that Daddy took away
I make sounds back. the crayon. You can chew on this rattle instead.
• I use my voice to express feelings, like joy If your baby is looking at something, point at
and anger. it and explain: That’s a radio. It plays music.
• I copy actions you make, like waving “bye-bye” Copy your baby’s sounds and actions. If she
and shaking my head “no-no.” waves, wave back and say Hello!
My personality is starting to show. otice how your baby likes to play and
• I may love to meet new people or need time to explore. Does she like to move or does
feel comfortable with someone I don’t know yet. she prefer to sit and watch the world
• I may like lots of sound and activity or around her?
I may prefer things to be more quiet and calm. ee how your baby reacts to sounds,
• I may be very active or more interested in sights, and social activity. What does
watching. she seem to enjoy? What does she seem
to dislike or get overwhelmed by?
As you use this resource, remember that your child may develop skills faster or slower than indicated here and still be
growing just fine. Talk with your child’s health care provider or other trusted professional if you have questions.
Your family’s cultural beliefs and values are also important factors that shape your child’s development.
For more information on parenting and child development, go to: www.zerotothree.org.
Your Baby’s Development
6 to 9 Months
Authors: Rebecca Parlakian and This handout was made possible Photo credit: Eyewire/Babies/Getty Images
Claire Lerner, LCSW, ZERO TO THREE by a generous grant from
Endorsed by: Copyright 2008 ZERO TO THREE
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
ISBN 978-1-934019-28-3