1 Year
1 Year
1 Year
First Wish
A h a
1 Year Old
p p y & h e a
Cooperative Extension Service
New Mexico State University
t h y l i f e
Your baby is
now 1 year old.
You made it through a
whole year!
Both you and your baby have
come a long way. You’ve helped
your baby grow into someone who
can sit, stand, climb, and reach for
things and who can think, feel,
understand you, and maybe even
say a few words.
You can look back with pride
on the past year and give your- I am me. In all the world, there is no one else like me... I have
self a well-deserved pat on the
back. At times it was hard, but the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive,
you managed well. From now on, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and
your baby will be growing and things outside of me.
learning at an amazing rate. You
can look forward to the coming Excerpted from “Self Esteem” by Virginia Satir, Celestial Arts,
years, confident that you will Millbrae, Calif. 1970.
help him develop into a responsi-
ble human being.
A m o n t h - b y - m o n t h n e w s l e t te r f o r y o u a n d y o u r b a b y 25 & 26 Months 1
What’s It Like To Be
• I hold things with one hand
How I Grow while I’m doing something else
with the other hand.
• I may walk, but still prefer to
crawl—it’s faster! • I use my index finger to point to
• I may also try to do other
things while I’m walking like • I try to dress or undress myself,
wave to you, or pick up my but I’m not very good at it yet.
favorite blanket.
• I insist on feeding myself.
• I stand by pushing up from a
squatting position.
How I
• I trust people I know well.
How I Feel
• I feel great that I have a person-
ality all my own
1 Year 3
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Looking back, you have many You could go on and on reliving • You are your baby’s first teacher.
memories of all the things you the memories, some of them Teach the things that you think
have shared with your baby. Do happy and some of them not so are important in life.
you remember the times when you pleasant. • Follow your common sense when
stayed up all night? How about But now you and your baby are you have a problem. Do what
the times that you thought the cry- ready to move on to the second you feel is best for you and your
ing would never stop, or the times year. There are many more baby.
that your baby smiled and laughed “firsts” to look forward to: the first • Try to take some time out for
and you felt good sharing his joy? walking steps taken alone, the yourself—your needs are impor-
first words read out of a book, the tant, too.
Do you remember when your baby: first day at school, and so many Your role as a parent has not
• Made his first sound besides others. ended. For your baby, life has bare-
crying? It is often easy to forget the ly started. He is just beginning to
• Held his first toy? things that work well in the learn about the world around him,
• Used a spoon the first time? process of raising a child. Here are and there will be many new adven-
• Took his first steps? a few thoughts to keep in mind: tures to share through the years.
1 Year 7
New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.
1 Year