Mrs Riley Bought Five Itchy Aardvarks and Other Painless
Tricks for Memorizing Science Facts Brian P. Cleary
The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms 2nd Edition Judith
A Survey of
with Applications
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ISBN-10: 0-321-75966-4
www.pearsonhighered.com ISBN-13: 978-0-321-75966-5
To my wife, Kathy Angel (photo on page 56)
A. R. A.
1.2 Estimation 9
2 Sets 42
2.2 Subsets 51
3 Logic 93
8.1 Basic Terms and Conversions Within the Metric System 435
9 Geometry 478
12 Probability 674
13 Statistics 773
To the Student
M athematics is an exciting, living study. Its applications shape the world around
you and influence your everyday life. We hope that as you read this book you
will realize just how important mathematics is and gain an appreciation of both its
usefulness and its beauty. We also hope to teach you some practical mathematics that
you can use every day and that will prepare you for further mathematics courses.
The primary purpose of this text is to provide material that you can read,
understand, and enjoy. To this end, we have used straightforward language and tried
to relate the mathematical concepts to everyday experiences. We have also provided
many detailed examples for you to follow.
The concepts, definitions, and formulas that deserve special attention are in boxes
or are set in boldface, italics, or color type. In the exercise sets, within each category,
the exercises are graded, with more difficult problems appearing at the end. At the
end of most exercise sets are Challenge Problems/Group Activities Exercises that
contain challenging or exploratory exercises. At the end of each chapter are Group
Projects that reinforce the material learned or provide related material.
Be sure to read the chapter summary, work the review exercises, and take the
chapter test at the end of each chapter. The answers to the odd-numbered exercises,
all review exercises, and all chapter test exercises appear in the answer section in
the back of the text. You should, however, use the answers only to check your work.
The answers to all Recreational Mathematics exercises are provided in either the
Recreational Mathematics boxes themselves, or in the back of the book.
It is difficult to learn mathematics without becoming involved. To be successful,
we suggest that you read the text carefully and work each exercise in each assignment
in detail. Check with your instructor to determine which supplements are available
for your use.
We welcome your suggestions and your comments. You may contact us at the
following address:
Allen Angel
c/o Marketing
Mathematics and Statistics
75 Arlington St., Suite 300
Boston, MA 02116
or by email at:
[email protected]
Subject: for Allen Angel
Good luck with your adventure in mathematics!
Allen R. Angel
Christine D. Abbott
Dennis C. Runde
Math We Use It Every Day!
Content Revision
In this edition, we have revised and expanded certain topics to introduce new material
and to increase understanding.
Chapter 1 “Critical Thinking Skills,” includes exciting and current examples and
MATH We Use It Every Day! xi
Chapter 5 “Number Theory and the Real Number System,” has updated informa-
tion regarding the largest prime number found and the most calculated digits of pi.
We updated exercise sets to reflect current economic numbers involving the national
debt, the gross domestic product, population growth and so on.
Chapter 6 “Algebra, Graphs, and Functions,” has updated examples and exercises
dealing with real-life situations. We moved material on exponential equations from
Section 6.3 to Section 6.10 and updated it to include examples and exercises on popu-
lation growth.
Chapter 8 “The Metric System,” has many new up-to-date examples, exercises,
and photographs of real-life metric use throughout the world.
Chapter 12 “Probability,” has updated examples and exercises that deal with real-
life applications, including video games, smart phones, and Facebook.
Chapter 13 In “Statistics,” the authors combined Sections 13.3 and 13.4 to empha-
size the relationship between frequency distributions and statistical graphs. We re-
wrote material in Section 13.7, The Normal Curve, for greater clarity, and we updated
many examples and exercises with real-life applications.
● Maintain records of all student work tracked in MathXL’s online gradebook.
Video Resources
These digitized videos review chapter content for student use at home or on the go.
They are ideal for distance learning and supplemental instruction.
Supplements for Instructors
Annotated Instructor’s Edition
ISBN 13: 978-0-321-63928-8; ISBN 10: 0-321-63928-6
This special edition of the text includes answers next to the exercises, for quick refer-
ence. Answers that do not fit next to the exercise are placed in a separate section in
the back of the book. Answers to all text exercises are included.
Online Supplements
Online supplements are available for download only at www.pearsonhighered.com/irc.
Insider’s Guide
This manual includes resources and helpful section-specific teaching tips designed to
assist both new and adjunct faculty with course preparation.
TestGen enables instructors to build, edit, print, and administer tests using a comput-
erized bank of questions developed to cover all the objectives of the text. TestGen is
algorithmically based, allowing instructors to create multiple but equivalent versions
of the same question or test with the click of a button. Instructors can also modify test
bank questions or add new questions. Tests can be printed or administered online. The
software and testbank are available for download from Pearson Education’s online
W e thank our spouses, Kathy Angel, Jason Abbott, and Kris Runde, for their sup-
port and encouragement throughout the project. They helped us in a great many
ways, including proofreading, typing, and offering valuable suggestions. We are
grateful for their wonderful support and understanding while we worked on the book.
We also thank our children: Robert and Steven Angel; Matthew and Jake Abbott;
and Alex, Nick, and Max Runde. They also gave us support and encouragement and
were very understanding when we could not spend as much time with them as we
wished because of book deadlines. Without the support and understanding of our
families, this book would not be a reality.
We thank Patricia Nelson of the University of Wisconsin–LaCrosse and James Lapp
for their conscientious job of checking the text and answers for accuracy. We also
thank Sherry Tornwall of the University of Florida for continually making valu-
able suggestions for improving the book. And thanks to Becky Troutman for pre-
paring the Index of Applications.
Many people at Pearson deserve thanks, including all those listed on the copy-
right page. In particular, we thank Anne Kelly, Editor in Chief; Marnie Greenhut,
Acquisitions Editor; Chere Bemelmans, Senior Content Editor; Elle Driska, Assistant
Editor; Peggy McMahon, Senior Production Project Manager; Roxanne McCarley,
Executive Marketing Manager; Caitlin Crain, Marketing Assistant; Tracy Menoza,
Media Producer; and Beth Paquin, Senior Designer. We also thank Judith Bucci of
Nesbitt Graphics, Inc., for her assistance as Project Manager for this edition.
Tamsen Herrick of Butte College also deserves our thanks for the excellent work
she did on the Student’s and Instructor’s Solutions Manuals.
Finally, we thank the reviewers from all editions of the book and all the students
who have offered suggestions for improving it. A list of reviewers for all editions of
this book follows. Thanks to you all for helping make A Survey of Mathematics with
Applications the most successful liberal arts mathematics textbook in the country.
Allen R. Angel
Christine D. Abbott
Dennis C. Runde
Why This is Important
Life constantly presents new
Thinking Skills
problems. The more
sophisticated our society
becomes, the more complex the
problems. We as individuals are
constantly solving problems. For
example, when we consider ways
to reduce our expenses or when
we plan a trip, we make problem-
solving decisions. We also
have to make problem-solving
decisions when we figure out
how to divide our time between
studying, friends, family, work,
and recreational activities.
Additionally, businesses are
constantly trying to solve
problems that involve making
a profit for the company and
keeping customers satisfied.
The goal of this chapter is
to help you master the skills
of reasoning, estimating, and
problem solving. These skills
will aid you in solving problems
in the remainder of this book
as well as those you will encoun-
ter in everyday life.
2 CHAPTER 1 Critical Thinking Skills
Why This is Important As you will see in this section, we use a type of reasoning,
called inductive reasoning, every day when we make decisions based on past
Inductive Reasoning
Before looking at some examples of inductive reasoning and problem solving, let us
first review a few facts about certain numbers. The natural numbers or counting
numbers are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, . p The three dots, called an ellipsis,
mean that 8 is not the last number but that the numbers continue in the same manner.
A word that we sometimes use when discussing the counting numbers is “divisible.”
If a , b has a remainder of zero, then a is divisible by b. The counting numbers that
are divisible by 2 are 2, 4, 6, 8,. c These numbers are called the even counting
numbers. The counting numbers that are not divisible by 2 are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,. c These
numbers are the odd counting numbers. When we refer to odd numbers or even num-
bers, we mean odd or even counting numbers.
Recognizing patterns is sometimes helpful in solving problems, as Examples 1
and 2 illustrate.
3 + 4 = 7 9 + 6 = 15 23 + 18 = 41
MATHEMATICS TODAY 5 + 12 = 17 5 + 14 = 19 81 + 32 = 113
All these sums are odd numbers. Therefore, we might predict that the sum of an
The Eyes Tell It All odd number and an even number is an odd number. ■
In Examples 1 and 2, we cannot conclude that the results are true for all counting
numbers. From the patterns developed, however, we can make predictions. This type
of reasoning process, arriving at a general conclusion from specific observations or
examples, is called inductive reasoning, or induction.
Induction often involves observing a pattern and from that pattern predicting a
conclusion. Imagine an endless row of dominoes. You knock down the first, which
knocks down the second, which knocks down the third, and so on. Assuming the pat-
A utomated teller machines
(ATMs) are now experiment-
ing with determining identity by
tern will continue uninterrupted, you conclude that any one domino that you select in
the row will eventually fall, even though you may not witness the event.
scanning the iris of a person’s eye. Inductive reasoning is often used by mathematicians and scientists to predict an-
When you open a bank account, swers to complicated problems. For this reason, inductive reasoning is part of the
your iris is scanned and the im- scientific method. When a scientist or mathematician makes a prediction based on
age is entered into a computer. specific observations, it is called a hypothesis or conjecture. After looking at the
When you use an ATM, a power-
products in Example 1, we might conjecture that the product of two even numbers
ful camera automatically checks
the veins in your iris against the
will be an even number. After looking at the sums in Example 2, we might conjecture
computer’s files. Iris scanning is that the sum of an odd number and an even number is an odd number.
also used now by law enforcement Examples 3 and 4 illustrate how we arrive at a conclusion using inductive reasoning.
to locate missing children. In the
future, iris scanning may also be
used to track down Alzheimer’s Example 3 Fingerprints and DNA
and mentally disabled patients. Iris
What reasoning process has led to the conclusion that no two people have the same
scanning can be done in a matter
of seconds, so it can be a much
fingerprints or DNA? This conclusion has resulted in the use of fingerprints and
quicker procedure than fingerprint- DNA in courts of law as evidence to convict persons of crimes.
ing and is just as accurate. Because
Solution In millions of tests, no two people have been found to have the same
the iris-scanning method of iden-
tification relies on the observation
fingerprints or DNA. By induction, then, we believe that fingerprints and DNA
of specific cases to form a general provide a unique identification and can therefore be used in a court of law as
conclusion, it is based on inductive evidence. Is it possible that sometime in the future two people will be found who
reasoning. do have exactly the same fingerprints or DNA? ■
In each case, we find that if the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 3, then
Did You Know?
the number itself is divisible by 3. From these examples, we might be tempted to
An Experiment Revisited generalize that the conjecture “If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 3,
then the number itself is divisible by 3”* is true. ■
Deductive Reasoning
A second type of reasoning process is called deductive reasoning, or deduction.
Mathematicians use deductive reasoning to prove conjectures true or false.
Solution To use deductive reasoning, we begin with the general case rather than
specific examples. In Example 5, specific cases were used. Let’s select the letter n
to represent any number.
Pick any number: n
Multiply the number by 4: 4n 4n means 4 times n
Add 2 to the product: 4n + 2
2 1
4n + 2 4n 2
Divide the sum by 2: = + = 2n + 1
2 2 2
1 1
In Example 5, you may have conjectured, using specific examples and inductive
reasoning, that the result would be twice the original number selected. In Example 6,
we proved, using deductive reasoning, that the result will always be twice the original
number selected.
Warm Up Exercises 10. You have purchased one lottery ticket each week for many
months and have not won more than $5.00. You decide,
In Exercises 1–8, fill in the blank with an appropriate
based on your past experience, that you are not going to win
word, phrase, or symbol(s). the grand prize and so you stop playing the lottery. What
1. Another name for the natural numbers is the type of reasoning did you use? Explain.
2. If a , b has a remainder of 0, then a is by b. Practice the Skills
In Exercises 11–14, use inductive reasoning to predict the
3. A belief based on specific observations that has not been
proven or disproven is called a conjecture or . next line in the pattern.
Times 0 19 0
Herald 0 19 0
Press 0 19 0
Tribune 0 19 0
American 0 19 2
World 0 19 2¼
Sun 0 19 4½
Call 63 19 61