Law Exam Reviewer

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1. A line 100 m long was paced by a surveyor for four times with the 7. A map made as a result of a Cadastral Survey, drawn to appropriate
following data: 142, 145, 145.5 and 146. Then another line was scale and showing all land parcels and important natural and man-
paced for four times also with the following results: 893, 893.5, 891 made features within a municipality/project, for purposes of
and 895.5. What is the distance of the new line? describing and recording ownership.
a) Reference Map
2. A surveyor used a 30m tape in measuring an inclined distance. The b) Municipal Map
measured length on the slope was recorded to be 459.20 m long. The c) Projection Map
difference in elevation between the initial point and the end point d) Cadastral Map
was found to be 1.25m. The 30m tape is of standard length at a
temperature of 100C and a pull of 50 N. During measurement the 8. The establishing of precise horizontal and vertical control points for
temperature reading was 150C and the tape was supported at both the detailed survey is one of the functions of:
ends with an applied pull of 75N. The cross-sectional area of the tape a) Bureau of Standards
is 6.50 mm2 and the modulus of elasticity is 200 000 MPa. The tape b) Corps of Engineers
has a mass of 0.075 kg/m. Coefficient of thermal expansion is c) Coast and Geodetic Survey
0.0000116 m/0C. What is the true horizontal distance? d) General Land Office
3. A line was determined to be 2395.25m when measured with a 30m 9. The type of scale used most often by draftsmen to determine
steel tape supported throughout its length under a pull of 4 kg at
distances is:
mean temperature of 350C. Tape used is of standard length at 20 0C
a) engineer’s
under a pull of 5 kg. Cross-sectional area of tape is 0.03 cm 2.
Coefficient of thermal expansion is 0.0000116 m/ 0C, modulus of b) architect’s
elasticity of tape is 2 x 106 kg/cm2. What is the corrected length of c) graphical
the line? d) rhumba

4. A line was measured to have 5 tallies, 6 marking pins and 63.5 links. 10. The term “station“ when used in connection with distance is
How long is the line in feet? generally considered its broadest sense to be:
a) a unit of distance equal to 100ft
5. A line was measured with a 50 m tape. There were 2 tallies, 8 pins b) any point on a line occupied by a transit or level
and the distance from the last pin to the end of the line was 2.25 m. c) any point a line set by continuous chaining from a point of
How long is the line in meters? beginning
d) any point on a line where a rod reading is to be taken
6. A distance was measured and was recorded to have a value
equivalent to 8 perch, 6 rods and 45 vara. What is the total distance 11. The usual manner of supporting a steel tape when using it under
in meters? general condition is
a) at both ends
b) at ends and quarter points
c) at ends and center
d) throughout its length on a level surface

12. The following interior angles of a triangle traverse were measured 15. From the measured values of distance AB, the following trials were
with the same precision: recorded.
Angle Value No. of Measurements Trials Distance
A 410 5 1 120.68
B 770 6 2 120.84
C 630 2 3 120.76
4 120.64
What is the probalble value of angles A, B and C?
What is the probable error, the standard deviation, the standard error?
13. Measured from point A, angles BAC, CAD and BAD were recorded
as follows: 16. A level surface which is used as a reference for measuring vertial
distances is called:
Angle Value No. of Measurements a) bench mark c) datum plane
b) grade surface d) horizontal surface
BAC 280 34’ 00” 2
CAD 610 15’ 00” 2 17. The term “ backsight “ in leveling means
BAD 890 49’ 40” 4
a) a sight in the general direction to the rear
What is the probable value of angles BAC, BAD and CAD? b) the vertical distance from the line of sight to a point whose
elevation is to be determined
14. From the given data of a differential leveling as shown in the c) a rod reading on a point whose elevation is known
tabulation: d) a rod reading on a turning point

STA BS FS ELEV 18. The height of instrument as used in leveling means

a) tance from the ground to the line of sight
1 5.87 392.25 b) elevation of the line of sight above the datum plane
2 7.03 6.29 c) height of the line of sight above the turning point or bench mark
3 3.48 6.25 d) overall height of the tripod and level combined
4 7.25 7.08
5 10.19 5.57 19. On a contour map, closely spaced contour lines indicate
6 9.29 4.45 a) flat slope c) a relatively sharp slope
7 4.94 b) very irregular land d) straight converging lines
What is the difference in elevation of station 7 and station 4?
20. In two-peg test method of a dumpy level the following observations 24. A trigonometric leveling between two points A and B of a certain
were taken rough terrain are each distance 2000 m from a third point C, from
Instrument Instrument which the measured vertical angle to A is 3 0 30’ and to B is 10 30’.
set-up near A set-up near B Point C is located between A and B at elevation 342.60 m.
Rod reading on A 1.505 m 0.938 m
Rod reading on B 2.054 m 1.449 m 1 What is the difference in elevation between A and B considering
the effect of curvature and refraction?
1 What is the difference in elevation between A and B? 2 What is the elevation of A, considering the effect of curvature
2 What is the error in the line of sight? and refraction?
3 What is the correct rod reading on A with the instrument set up
at B? 25. A point observed by a level or transit appears to be higher than it
really is, because of:
21. A line of levels 10 km long was run over soft ground starting from a) curvature of the earth’s surface
BM1 with elevation 22.5 m to BM2 , the elevation of BM2 was b) parallax of the telescope
computed to be 17.25 m. It was found out however that the level
c) refraction of air
settles 5 mm between the instant of every backsight reading, the rod
also settles 2 mm between the instant of every tuning point reading.
d) convergence of light rays within the telescope
If the backsight and foresight distance average 100 m, what is the
corrected elevation of BM2? 26. Short lines of various widths drawn on a map in the direction of
greatest slope are commonly called
a) form lines c) hachures
22. A line of levels is run from BM 1 to BM2 which is 12 km long.
b) contours d) slope lines
Elevation of BM1 was found to be 100 m and that of BM 2 is 125.382
m. Backsight and foresight distances were 150 m and 100 m
respectively. What would be the corrected elevation of BM 2 27. The following type of fields notes can best be studied under normal
considering the effect of curvature and refraction correction? conditions to construct a contour map of a 35 acre golf course:
a) cross-section notes c) BM level notes
b) slope stake notes d) precise level notes
23. A man’s eyes 1.75 m above sea level can barely see the top of a
lighthouse which is at a certain distance away from the man.
28. In leveling, if the rod is not held vertical, the reading is
1 How far is the lighthouse from the man if the top of the a) usually too small
lighthouse is 14.86 m above sea level, considering the effect of b) usually too large
curvature and refraction? c) equal too large or small
2 What is the height of the tower at a distance 20 km away from d) always too large
the man that will just be visible without the line of sight
approaching nearer than 1.75 m to the water, considering the
effect of curvature and refraction?

29. Two hills A and C have elevations of 600 m and 800 m respectively. 33. The surveyor’s compass is an instrument which
In between A and C is another hill B which has an elevation of 705 m
and is located at 12 km from A and 10 km from C. a) reads horizontal angles
b) gives the horizontal direction of a line
1 What is the clearance or obstruction of the line of sight at hill B c) is relatively free of all types of errors
if the observer is at A so that C will be visible from A? d) is an essential part of the engineers transit
2 If C is not visible from A, what height of tower must be
constructed at C so that it could be visible from A with line of 34. A clinometer measures
sight having a clearance of 2 m at hill B?
a) angles
3 What height of equal towers at A and C must be constructed in
order that A, B and C will be intervisible? b) distances
c) elevations
30. The observed compass bearing of a line in 1981 was S 37 0 30’ E and d) barometric pressures
the magnetic declination of the place then was known to be 3 0 10’ W.
It was also discovered that during observation local attraction of the 35. Turning angles with the transit telescope first in the normal or direct
place at that moment of 5 0 E existed. Find the true azimuth of the position and then in the reversed position corrects the error due to:
line? a) plate bubbles not being at right angles to the vertical axis
b) vertical hair not being truly vertical
31. In a particular year, the magnetic declination was 1 0 10’ E and the c) horizontal axis not being truly horizontal
magnetic bearing of line DE was N 16 0 30’ W. If the secular variation d) plates not being truly horizontal
per year is 30 E, determine the magnetic bearing of line DE 5 years
later. 36. A random line in surveying is
a) an offset line locating buildings
32. From the field notes of a closed traverse shown: b) a line produced to intersects a traverse line or some other line
c) a trial line run near a true line
LINES BEARING DISTANCE d) a line established by swinging a tape from a point to another
AB Due North 400.00 m line
BC N 450 E 800.00 m
CD S 600 E 700.00 m 37. The stadia is a method for measuring
DE S 200 W 600.00 m a) horizontal angles
EA S 860 59’ W 966.34 m
b) vertical angles
c) distances
1 What is the relative error or precision?
2 What is the adjusted distance of line EA using Transit Rule? d) azimuth of lines
3 What is the adjusted bearing of line EA using Transit Rule?

38. From the field notes of a closed traverse shown: 40. The stadia method of surveying is used when

LINES BEARING DISTANCE a) a rapid method measuring distances over rough ground is
AB Due North 400.00 m required
BC N 450 E 800.00 m b) an accurate representation of great amount of detail in a small
CD S 600 E 700.00 m area is required
DE S 200 W 600.00 m c) the survey is in open country
EA S 860 59’ W 966.34 m d) the area surveyed is to be reproduced on a small scale map

1 What is the adjusted distance of line CD using Compass Rule? 41. If it is necessary to climb over a fence in a field while carrying a
2 What is the adjusted bearing of line CD using Compass Rule? transit or level the instrument man should
a) lean the instrument against the fence, then climb over
39. From the given closed traverse: b) lay the instrument on the ground, then climb over the fence
c) place the instrument on the other side of the fence with the
LINES BEARING DISTANCE tripod legs well spread, then climb over
AB N 200 E 17.42 d) remove the head of the instrument and place it on the other side
BC N 680 E 18.46 of the fence
CD S 220 E 22.40
DE S 400 W 12.60 42. Which of the following charts should a Geodetic Engineer refer to
EF S 620 W 10.20 determine approximate magnetic declination in a particular
FA --- --- location?
a) an isogradient chart c) an isogonic chart
1. What is the distance of line FA? b) an isohaline chart d) an isonephlic chart
2. What is the bearing of line FA?
3. What is the area of the closed traverse in acres? 43. The North, South, East and West points of a compass are also
known as
40. Given the filed data below: a) occidental directions c) cardinal directions
b) collimation directions d) oriental directions
Stations Azimuths Distance
44. Who invented the solar compass where magnetic declination can be
T1 to T2 2560 40’ 53’ 43.520 m determined
T2 to T3 290 28’ 04” 51.784 m a) William Burt c) Thomas Gunter
T3 to T4 1040 19’ 39” 17.076 m b) Richard Young d) Charles Morse
T4 to T1 1790 23’ 37” 30.828 m

1. What is the linear error of closure?

2. What is the relative error?
3. What is the error of T3 to T4 by Transit Rule?

45. Given below is the technical description of lot 2081, Cebu Cadastre 49. The standard temperature which is adopted by the Bureau of Lands
at which each tape shall be of standard length is:
LINES BEARING DISTANCE a) 320C b) 420C c) 280C d) 250C
1–2 S 320 17’ W 22.04 m
2–3 N 360 25’ W 10.00 m 50. The standard tension which is adopted by the Bureau of Lands at
3–4 N 150 47’ W 5.00 m which each tape shall be of standard length is:
a) 12 kg b) 10 kg c) 15 kg d) 18 kg
4–1 N 730 07’ E 19.95 m
51. A scheme of triangulation maybe used for establishing points of
1 What is the area of the lot by DMD method? control in the survey of cadastral projects. One of the general
2 What is the area of the lot by DPD method? requirements is that the position of the triangulation stations shall
3 What is the DPD of line 3 – 4? be selected so that no angle maybe less than:

46. From the given closed traverse: a) 200 b) 300 c) 250 d) 150

LINES BEARING DISTANCE 52. If the area under survey is 2000 hectares, what quality of control
AB S 350 30’ W 44.37 m should be used?
BC N 570 15’ W 137.84 m a) primary c) tertiary
CD N 10 45’ E 12.83 m b) secondary d) none of the above
DE ? 64.86 m
53. If the area under survey is 30 000 hectares, what quality of control
EA ? 106.72 m should be used?
a) primary c) tertiary
1 What is the bearing of line DE? b) secondary d) none of the above
2 What is the bearing of line EA?
3 What is the area of the closed traverse in acres? 54. In reading traverse angles
a) two pointings are required for each direction per circle position
47. In an old survey made when the declination was 2 0 10’ W the with an optical reading theodolite
magnetic bearing of a given line was N 35 0 45’ E. The declination
b) four pointings are needed for each direction per repetition with a
in the same place is now 30 30’ E. What are the true bearing and the
present magnetic bearing that would be used in retracing the line?
c) less arithmetic is required with the optical-reading theodolite in
reducing the readings
48. The transit or theodolites used in official surveys of all types of
lands in the Philippines shall have a stadia constant of:
d) considerable time (reading and reduction) is saved by using the
optical-reading theodolite instead of the the transit
a) 98 b) 100 c) 30 d) 0.30

55. From the given closed traverse: 58. The movement of the outer spindle on an engineer’s transit is
controlled by
LINES BEARING DISTANCE a) upper tangent screw
1–2 S 730 21’ E 247.20 b) leveling screws
c) lower tangent screw
2–3 S 400 10’ E 154.30
d) upper clamp screw
3–4 S 260 42’ W 611.90
4–5 N 140 20’ W ? 59. The magnetic bearing of a line is
5–1 N 120 20’ E ?
a) the total horizontal angle measured from the south end of the
1 What is the distance of line 4 - 5? magnetic meridian
2 What is the distance of line 5 - 1? b) the total horizontal angle measured from north end of the
magnetic meridian
56. From the data shown below, determine the value of the unknown c) the acute angle which the line makes with the meridian
bearing and distance. d) the azimuth of the line minus 900
LINES BEARINGS DISTANCES 60. The process of determining direction on a map relative to the
AB N 320 27’ E 110.8 m earth’s surface is generally called
BC ? 83.6 m a) bearing c) geodetic
CD S 80 51’ E 126.9 m b) direction d) orientation
DE S 730 31’ W ?
EA N 180 44’ W 90.2 m 61. A planimeter is used to
a) measure horizontal and vertical angles
57. In running an azimuth traverse with true south as zero azimuth, at b) determine difference in elevation
each set-up the proper method of orienting the transit with c) enlarge maps
telescope inverted is to d) determine areas

a) backsight along preceding line with A vernier at azimuth of 62. The angle between the geometric meridian and magnetic
preceding line needle direction of a line is the
b) backsight along preceding line with A vernier at back azimuth a) interval c) azimuth
of preceding line b) bearing d) declination
c) backsight along preceding line with A vernier at 1800
d) sight toward true north with A vernier at 00

63. Three shore stations C, D and E are triangulation observation 68. The choice of field method for preparing a topographic map,
points with CD = 615 m and DE = 625 m. Angle EDC is assuming any type of equipment needed is available, is
1250. A hydrographer at point D wanted to know his position governed mainly by
with respect to the triangulation points, he measured angle a) the intended use of the map c) the map scale
CBD = 430 and DBE = 420 30’. What is the angle CDB and b) the area of the tract d) all of the above
the distance BC?
69. A closed hachured contour line represents a
64. Stations A and B along the bank of a river are measured and a) ridge c) summit
found to be 350 m apart. To find the width of the river, a third b) valley d) depression
station C is established on the opposite bank and the azimuth
as measured fom A is 2210 45’ and from B is 1430 20’. If the 70. Contour interval is the
azimuth of the line AB is 2660 20’, what is the width of the a) horizontal distance between adjacent contours
river? b) elevation above sea level
c) difference in elevation between adjacent contours
65. A series of perpendicular offsets were taken from a transit d) scaled distance between adjacent contour lines on a
line to a curved boundary line. These offsets were taken 9m map
apart and were taken in the following order: 2m, 3.2m, 4m,
3.5m, 5m, 4.5m and 6m. Determine the area included 71. Given the following:
between the transit line and the curved using,
Elevation of triangulation station A = 995 m
1 Trapezoidal Rule Elevation of triangulation station B = 2470 m
2 Simpson’s One Third Rule Elevation of mountain C = 1250 m
Height of theodoite at hill A = 1.5 m
66. The compass rule for balancing a traverse is based upon the Distance from A to C = 2000 m
assumption that the precision of angular measurement Distance from C to B = 3000 m
compared with linear measurement is
a) greater than b) consistent with From the given data above, you were instructed to build a
c) less than d) unrelated to tower at triangulation station B in such a way that the line of sight
will pass through mountain C with a clearance of 2 m. How high is
67. A mechanical instrument used exclusively in a field survey the tower at B?
with a plane table in making topographic sketches is
generally known as a
a) vernier b) alidade
c) transit d) head level

72. A transit with a stadia interval factor of 100.85 was set up at a 74. The areas bounded by the water line of a reservoir is
point C between points A and B, the following stadia reading determined by using a planimeter. A1 = 20,400 m2 , A2 =
were observed: 18,600 m2 , A3 = 14,300 m2 , A4 = 10,200 m2 , A5 = 8,000 m2
and A6 = 4,000 m2. The contour interval is 2m. Determine the
Stadia Vert Wire Reading volume of water using:
Rod Angle 1 End Area Method
Upper Middle Lower 2 Prismoidal Formula

A + 200 25’ 1.850 m 1.600 m 1.350 m 75. Given the following current meter notes. Determine the
B - 120 10’ 1.488 m 1.488 m 1.330 m discharge of the stream in liter per second. All measurements
are in meters.
If the stadia constant is 0.442, what is the horizontal distance
AB and the vertical elevation between A and B? Distance Depth Depth of Velocity Mean Area Discharge
from IP (meters) Observation Velocity
30 0
73. A survey party proceeded to do their stadia survey works as
40 3.0 1.8 0.28
follows. The transit was set up at A and with the line of sight
55 3.5 2.1 0.32
horizontal took tod readings at points B and C which is 300m
70 2.0 1.2 0.22
and 80m respectively.
With rod at B the stadia interval was recorded to be 78 0 0
3.001m and with the rod at C the stadia interval was recorded
to be 0.800m. The distance from the instrument to the 76. A map can be correctly called a topographic map if it shows
principal focus was recorded to be 0.30m. They then went to a) location of boundary lines and structures
survey other points with some of the data recorded as follows b) distances and dimensions
with the transit at point D, the two points E and F were c) a record of jurisdiction and owners of property
sighted. d) contours and natural features and work of man

Rod at E Stadia interval = 2.25 m 77. The procedure to be followed in performing the main
Vertical angle = +40 30’ adjustments of transit is based upon
Rod at F Stadia interval = 3.56 m a) carrying them out in proper order
Vertical angle = -30 30’ b) the principle that single reversion doubles the error,
1 What is the stadia interval factor? double reversion quadruples it
2 What is the horizontal distance DE? c) completing each adjustment exactly in all cases
3 What is the difference in elevation between E and F before beginning the next
assuming elevation of D is 350.42m above sea level? d) checking the adjustments after they have
82. Elimination of the errors due to curvature and refraction in
78. A simple curve has a central angle of 36 0 and a degree of leveling operation accomplished by
curve of 60. a) keeping lengths of sights less than 300 ft
1 Compute the radius of the curve using arc basis. b) keeping distance to backsights and foresights balanced
2 Compute the tangent distance. c) keeping bubble accurately centered at all times
3 Compute the external distance. d) keeping axis of line of sight perpendicular to the
4 Compute the middle ordinate. vertical axis
5 Compute the chord distance.
6 Compute the length of curve. 83. The purpose of the adjustment of the vertical hair in the
transit telescope is to get the
79. Two tangents making an angle of 620 from each other is a) line of sight to revolve in a vertical plane
connected by a simple curve. A point “x” on the curve is b) vertical hair to revolve in a plane
located by a distance along the tangent from the P.C. equal to c) vertical hair to revolve in a vertical plane
240 m and an offset from the tangent equal to 60 m. The P.C. d) line of sight to revolve in a plane
is at station 10+080.
1 Compute the radius of the curve. 84. The method of laying out points on a circular curve by
2 Compute the tangent distance of the curve deflection angles is based mainly upon the principle that
3 Compute the stationing of point “x” on the curve. a) an angle inscribed in the circumference of a circle is
measured by the intercepted arc
80. The tangents of a simple curve have bearings of N 20 0 E and b) the angle between a chord and a tangent at a point on a
N 800 E respectively. The radius of the curve is 200 m. curve is one-half the angle of arc intercepted by the
1 Compute the external distance of the curve. chord
2 Compute the middle ordinate of the curve. c) the intersection angle is equal to the central angle
3 Compute the stationing of point A on the curve having a d) the instrument will be set up on the P.C. or P.T.
deflection angle of 60 from the P.C. which is at 1+200.
85. In accuracies in measurements which occur because some
81. The index error of a transit causes incorrect reading of aspect of a surveying operation is performed with
a) horizontal angles because of eccentricity of the plate carelessness, poor judgement and improper execution
circles a) Error
b) horizontal angles because of errors in the graduation of b) Personal error
the plates c) Mistakes
c) vertical angles because the vertical arc is not properly set d) Instrumental error
d) vertical angles because the line of sight and the telescope
bubble are not parallel
86. Given a compound curve: 89. A type of error which will always have the same sign and
I1 = 240 ; I2 = 360 ; D1 = 60 ; D2 = 40 magnitude as long as field condition remain constant and
1 Compute the length of the common tangent of the curve. a) Natural errors c) Systematic errors
2 Compute the stationing of P.C.C if P.C. is at station b) Personal errors d) Accidental errors
3 Compute the stationing of P.T. 90. An instrument developed by the Greeks sometime in 130 B.C.
which was used for leveling, laying off right angles, and for
87. Two tangents intersect at station 26 + 050. A compound curve measuring horizontal and vertical angles.
laid on their tangents has the following data: a) Libella c) Diopter
I1 = 310 ; I2 = 360 ; D1 = 30 ; D2 = 50 b) Chorobates d) Merchet

1 Compute the stationing of the P.C. 91. A device used for measuring time and meridian.
2 Compute the stationing of the P.T. a) Libella c) Diopter
3 If the P.T. is moved 15 m. out from the center, compute the b) Chorobates d) Merchet
stationing of the new P.T. with the P.C.C. remaining
unchanged. 92. A type of leveling instrument which is often called
construction level or architects level.
88. On a rail road line, two tangents that intersect at station 10 + a) Automatic level c) Dumpy level
243 so as to form an angle of 360 28’ are to be connected by a b) Wye level d) Builders level
compound curve consisting of two simple curves. The simple
curve beginning at the P.C. which is at station 10 + 163 is to 93. A standard practice to hold the tape horizontally above the
be a 40 curve whose degree is based on a 20 m chord and is to ground and to plumb at one or both ends when taping on
have a central angle of 170. Using chord basis. sloping or uneven terrain surfaces. The procedure is known as:
a) breaking tape c) tallying tape
1 What should be the radius of the other simple curve that b) tape measuremnts d) slope taping
ends at the P.T.?
2 Compute the stationing of the P.C.C. 94. An imaginary surface of the sea which is midway between
3 What is the length of the tangent from the P.I. to the P.T. high and low tides.
of the compound curve? a) Mean Sea Level c) Level Surface
b) Datum d) Horizontal Surface

99. This line is generally adapted reference in surveying practice,
95. Two parallel tangents 10 m apart are connected by a reversed it passes through the geographic north and south poles of the
curve. The chord length from the P.C. to the P.T. equals 120 m. earth and the observes position.
1 Compute the length of tangent with common direction. a) Magnetic meridian c) Grid meridian
2 Determine the equal radius of the reversed curve. b) Assumed meridian d) True meridian
3 Compute the stationing of the P.R.C. if the stationing of
A at the beginning of the tangent with common direction 100. It is better to observe Polaris for true north at elongation
is 3 + 420. instead of at culmination because:
a) the star is moving faster at culmination
96. In a rail road layout, the centerline of two parallel tracks are b) the star is moving faster at elongation
connected with a reversed curve of unequal radii. The central c) watch time must be more nearly correct at culmination
angle of the first curve is 16 0 and the distance between parallel d) watch time must be more nearly correct at elongation
tracks is 27.60 m, stationing of the P.C. is 15 + 420 and the
radius of the second curve is 290 m. 101. True altitude of the sun observed by theodolite is the vertical
1 Compute the length of the long chord from the P.C. to angle to center,
P.T. a) plus parallax and refraction angles
2 Compute the radius of the first curve. b) minus parallax and refraction angles
3 Compute the stationing of the P.T. c) minus parallax angle plus refraction angle
d) plus parallax angle minus refraction angle
97. The method of leveling used to determine the difference in
elevation between two intervisible points located at a 102. The magnitude of scale error for an area mapped by a
considerable distance apart and between which points leveling Lambert Conformal projection is fixed by the
could not be performed in the usual manner. a) difference in elevation of land
a) Reciprocal leveling c) Profile leveling b) proximity to equator
b) Double rodded leveling d) Trigonometric leveling c) east and west limitation chosen
d) north and south limitation chosen
98. A type of leveling usually used in highway or railroad
construction which is often necessary to obtain a 103. Which grid system considers the portion of the earth between
representation of the ground surface on either side of the two selected parallel of altitude to be a horizontal slice of a
centerline. cone
a) Profile leveling c) Direct leveling a) World polyconic
b) Cross-section leveling d) Stadia leveling b) Orthomorphic
c) Transverse mercator
d) None of the above

104. A vertical summit parabolic curve has its P.I. at station 107. The maximum velocity in a transverse section of a stream
14+750 with elevation of 76.30 m. The grade of the back usually occurs
tangent is 3.4% and forward tangent of -4%. If the length of a) at the shallowest part of the cross section
the curve is 300 m: b) at the deepest part of the cross section
1 Compute the location of the vertical curve turning point c) near the banks
from the P.I. d) at the center of the stream
2 Compute the elevation of the vertical curve turning point.
3 Compute the stationing of the vertical curve turning 108. The solar compass used in running some original public land
point. surveys,
a) automatically corrects for local attraction
105. A symmetrical vertical summit curve has tangnets of +4% b) defines directions based upon the magnetic needle
and -2%. The allowable rate of change is 0.3% per meter c) cannot give even approximately correct results
station. Stationing and elevation of P.T. is at 10+020 and d) is designed for astronomical-type operation
142.63m respectively.
109. A solar observation for meridian is generally considered to be
1 Compute the length of curve. a) more accurate than an observation on any star other than
2 Compute the distance of the highest point of the curve Polaris
from the P.C. b) accurate within plus or minus 3 minutes of arc for an
3 Compute the elevation of the highest point of the curve. experienced surveyor
c) less accurate than a meridian observation made with a
106. A vertical symmetrical sag curve has a descending grade of good surveyor’s compass
-4.2% and ascending grade of +3% intersecting at station d) poor practice for section line retracement in
10+020 whose elevation is 100 m. The two grade lines are mountainous country
connected by a 260 m vertical parabolic sag curve.
110. A profile shows graphically
1 What distance from the P.C. is the lowest point of the a) cross sections
curve? b) the grade line along a route
2 What is the vertical offset of the parabolic curve to the c) contours of the area
point of intersection of the tangent grades? d) center-line elevations along a route
3 If a 1m diameter culvert is placed at the lowest point of
the curve with the top of the culvert buried 0.60m
below the subgrade, what will be the elevation of the
invert of the culvert?

111. Given the following cross section notes of an earthwork on a 113. In surveying, the effect of measuring an angle by repetition is
rolling terrain described as:
STA 5 + 000 a) making any mistakes obvious
 10 5 3 b) reducing a reading error by spreading it over a multiple
31 0 13.5 of the angle
c) reducing the effect of several reading errors by
STA 5 + 020 averaging them
 14 7  4.5 d) using a mechanical procedure as a substitute for
41 0 17.25 mathematical computation

The width of the road is 12m and the side slope is 2.5:1. 114. The geodimeter is a device which
a) measures slope distance
1 Compute the volume using End Area Method. b) operates on the same electrical principles as radar
2 Compute the volume using Prismoidal Formula. c) operates on the same electrical principles as the
3 Compute the volume using End Area with Prismoidal tellurometer
Correction. d) operates on the same electrical principles as the
112. Given the following cross section notes of an earthwork.
Assume both stations to have the same side slope and width 115. In direct leveling, which of the following is NOT true?
of the road a) a foresight is a rod reading taken on a point whose
STA 10 + 100 elevation is to be found
6.45 0 4.5 b) the height of the instrument is the elevation of the line of
 2.3  1.5  1.0 sight
c) a backsight relates to the direction in which the sight
STA 10 + 200 was taken
6.0 0 6.9 d) to determine the height of instrument involves the
 2.0 x  2.6 backsight

1 Compute the side slope of both sections. 116. Establishing precise horizontal and vertical control points for
2 Compute the value of x at station 10 + 200 if it has a detailed surveys is one of the functions of the:
cross sectional area of 14.64 m2. a) Bureau of Standards c) Corps of Engineers
3 Compute the volume using End Area Method with b) Coast and Geodetic Survey d) General Land Office
Prismoidal Correction.

119. A 90 m x 90 m square lot is to be divided into 9 square
117. In a certain portion of road to be constructed the following sections. The following data are the elevations of the ground
data were taken: surface at the corners of the square section of the lot.
STA 1 + 040
x 0 x A = 8.3 B = 7.9 C = 10.8 D = 6.8
 1.84  1.22  0.42 E = 7.6 F = 9.2 G = 10.6 H = 8.6
I = 7.2 J = 10.2 K = 9.4 L = 6.9
STA 1 + 100 M = 7.2 N = 6.2 O = 9.6 P = 8.9
x 0 x
 1.098  3.05  0.50 1 What is the volume of the earthworks excavated if the
ground surface is to be leveled to elevation 5 m using
Base for cut = 9 m Sideslope for cut is 1:1 unit area method?
Base for fill = 8 m Sideslope for fill is 1.5:1 2 What is the volume of the earthworks excavated if the
ground surface is to be leveled to elevation 5 m using
What is the volume of cut and fill using end area method? parallel section method?

118. The earthworks data of a proposed highway is shown on the 120. Maps which represents the earth’s surface in three dimensions
tabulated data: and which usually uses contours to indicate relief is termed as
a) planimeter map c) nautical map
Station Area b) topographic map d) location map
Cut Fill
2 + 440 50 m2 121. The sun and stars are located by the celestial coordinates
2 + 740 0 Balancing point a) right ascension and sidereal hour angle
3 + 040 70 m2 b) prime vertical and hour angle
c) declination and right ascension
Length of economical haul = 450 m d) hour angle and equation of time
Stationing of limits of economical haul is 2 + 498.03 and 2 + 948.03
Stationing of limits of free haul is 2 + 713.12 and 2 + 763.12 122. A fathometer is a measuring device which automatically
Free haul distance = 50 m records measurements of depth taken from
Assume the ground surface to be uniformly sloping. a) an aircraft c) a nearby shore station
b) a bridge d) a moving water vessel
1 What is the overhaul volume?
2 What is the volume of waste?
3 What is the volume of borrow?

123. A fracture in the earth’s crust along which slipping or 131. A vein has a strike of N 22 0 30’ E and a dip of 28 0 10 to the
shearing has occurred. east. What will be the bearing of the drift if it has a grade of
a) Fault b) Heave c) Dip d) Levels 3%.
132. A vein has a dip of 570 W. A drift is driven N 37 0 W in the
124. The portion of the vein exposed at the surface of the ground. plane of the vein on a grade of 5%. What is the bearing of the
a) Outcrop b) Floor c) Ore shoot d) Prop strike?

125. The line of intersection of the vein with a horizontal plane; 133. A vein has a strike of N 100 15’ W and a dip of 43 0 40’ W. A
also the direction of that line expresses as a bearing. It is drift in the vein has a grade of 2%.
always at right angles to the dip. 1 What is the horizontal angle between the strike and the
a) Strike b) Throw c) Stull d) Wall vertical projection of the drift?
2 What is the bearing of the drift?
126. The vertical distance between the planes representing two 3 What is the bearing of the vertical plane containing the
parts of the same vein which is divided by a fault. The term is dip?
used only in regard to deposits which are nearly horizontal.
a) Strike b) Throw c) Stull d) Wall 134. An approximately horizontal under ground passageway
running from the surface into the mine workings and used for
127. A relatively thin deposit of mineral between definite drainage and ventilation.
boundaries. It is a mineral body of flattened shape. a) Adit b) Bed c) Apex d) Back
a) Tunnel b) Vein c) Stull d) Wall
135. The portion of the surface of the undisturbed rock formation
128. The vertical angle between the plane of the vein and which is included between the walls or sides of the mineral
horizontal plane measured perpendicular to the strike. deposit.
a) Drift b) Dip c) Strike d) Vein a) Adit b) Bed c) Apex d) Back

129. An inclined passage driven in a particular direction. 136. A passageway which is driven from one accessible part of
a) Drift b) Dip c) Strike d) Vein the mine to another.
a) Cross-cut c) Connection
130. The rock on each side of the mineral body. The upper wall is b) Compartment d) Heading
called the hanging wall and the lower the feet wall.
a) Wall b) Vein c) Stull d) Winze 137. A passage driven into the rock or ore ahead of the main
a) Heading c) Cross-cut
b) Connection d) Compartment

A vertical summit parabolic curve has a vertical offset of 0.375 m. The following interior angles of a triangle traverse were measured
from the curve to the grade tangent at sta 10 + 050. The curve has with the same precision.
a slope of + 4% and - 2% grades intersecting at the P.I. The offset
distance of the curve at P.I. is equal to 1.5 m. If the stationing of Angle Value No. of Measurements
the P.C. is at 10 + 000, A 41˚ 5
B 77˚ 6
1. Compute the required length of curve. C 63˚ 2
a) 100 m b) 150 m c) 200 m d) 200 m
7. Determine the most probable value of angle A.
2. Compute the horizontal distance of the vertical curve turning
point from the point of intersection of the grades. 8. Determine the most probable value of angle B.
a) 30.42 m b) 33.33 m c) 42.15 m d) 26.54 m
9. Determine the most probable value of angle C.
3. Compute the elevation of the vertical curve turning point if the
elevation of P.T. is 86.42 m. A trigonometric leveling conducted by Jereza Surveying Company,
a) 80.22 m b) 84.54 m b) 91.36 m d) 87.08 m the two points A and B of a certain rough terrain are each distance
2000 m. from a third point C, from which the measured vertical
The perpendicular offset distance from point A on a simple curve angles to A is + 3˚30' and to B is + 1˚30'. Elevation at C is known
to Q on the tangent line is 64 m. If the distance from the P.C. to Q to be 342.60 m. above sea level. Point C is in between A and B.
on the tangent is 260 m,
10. Compute the difference in elevation between A and B
4. Compute the radius of the simple curve. considering the effect of the earth's curvature and refraction.
a) 560.13 b) 557.34 c) 549.25 d) 555.02 a) 66.05 b) 71.35 c) 69.96 d) 62.11
11. Compute the difference in elevation between B and C.
5. Compute the length of curve from P.C. to A. a) 59.136 b) 55.314 c) 49.172 d) 52.638
a) 273.04 b) 263.41 c) 267.95 d) 270.31
12. Compute the elevation of A.
6. If the angle of intersection of the curve is 64˚, compute the a) 475.37 b) 468.18 c) 465.20 d) 472.14
length of long chord from PC. To PT.
a) 935.12 b) 929.88 c) 932.37 d) 928.74

8. Find the locus of the center of the circle which is tangent to the
1. Solve for x: 3x · 5x + 1 = 6x +2 Ans: 2.153 y-axis and to the circle of radius one with center at (2,0).
Ans: y2 – 6x + 3 = 0
2. If party “A” can do a survey work in one day more, while party
“B” alone can do the same work in 6 days more and party “C” 9. From the given equations, find the points of intersections.
alone can do the same work in twice the time, in how many x2 – 6x + 3y + 11 = 0 and 4x2 – 24x + 4y2 – 8y + 15 = 0
days would party A, B, C together finish the same work? Ans: (1.767, -1.174) & (4.233, -1.174)
Ans: 2/3 days
10. Solve for x: log x2 – log = 7.58
3. A tower stands 42m from a flagpole on a horizontal plane. At 5
their bases the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is
twice that of the flagpole but at a point midway between their 11. Find the equation of the tangent to the parabola x 2 = 6y + 10
bases, the sum of the angle of elevation is complimentary. Find through point (7,5). Ans: 4x -3y – 13 = 0.
the height of the tower and the flagpole. Ans: 31.5 m, 14 m
12. Find the angle between the given lines.
4. From A, a man is set to travel at a velocity of 4 kph, when he 3x + 4y = 0
reaches B, he returned back to A with a velocity of 3 kph. If he 5x – 2y = 0
consumed 4 hrs and 5 min, what is the distance between A and
B? Ans: 7 km 13. A survey party started to walk from their field office to the bus
station at 3:00 o’clock P.M. After walking 16 km, they
5. Determine the other parts of the spherical triangle. increased their speed by 1 kph in order to reach their
A = 520 30’ B = 700 15’ C = 1200 15’ destination at 7:36 o’clock P.M. Had they not increased their
Ans: 570 16’ , 870 23’ , 1130 32’ first rate, they would have been late by 9 min. What distance
did they walk and what was their first rate? Ans: 19km , 4
6. A cylindrical tank has a diameter of 5ft and is 8ft long placed kph
horizontally. If it takes to fill the tank at the rate 15 gpm, how
long will it take to fill the tank up to a depth of 4ft. 14. In the spherical triangle ABC, find the values of A, B and a.
Ans: 1.12 hrs b = 450 48’ c = 1300 41’ C = 900

7. An object distance from concave mirror is 15 inches. It made 15. Find the equation of the line passing thru point (-1,3) making
an image at a distance 7.5 inches, find the focal length. If the an angle of arctan ¼ from the line x + 3y = 2.
length of object is 10 inches, find the size of the image. Ans: x + 13y – 38 = 0 , 7x + 11y -26 = 0
Ans: 5 , 5 in

If the length of the side of a square is increased by 6m, the area is

multiplied by 4. What is the side of the square? Ans: 6 m

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