Geomatics Products & Services Control Procedures
Document Responsibility: Geomatics Standards Committee
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This document describes the requirements and areas of responsibility necessary to request
and receive geomatics products and services from the Geomatics Services Division (GSD).
GSD provides geospatial data, geospatial services, geospatial consultancy, and geospatial
governance across the company in support of Saudi Aramco emergency responses, projects
planning, engineering, projects construction, safety and operational needs. GSD manages
Saudi Aramco’s onshore and offshore base maps, charts, and imagery; conducts and manage
Kingdom-wide land, aerial, satellite remote sensing, LUP coordination and offshore surveys;
and provides photogrammetric, geodetic, satellite remote sensing and geographic information
systems (GIS) services. All requests for such services should be directed to this organization.
The following sections detail the requirements and areas of responsibility necessary to request
and receive Geomatics services in an effective and controlled manner.
Any conflict between this document and any Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed in writing to the EK&RD Coordinator.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-
302, Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement.
All referenced specifications, standards, codes, drawings, and similar material are considered
part of this engineering procedure to the extent specified, applying the latest version, unless
otherwise stated
Internal Administration Procedures for Release Purchase Order for GSS Contracts
GI General Instruction
PO Purchase Order
Capital Project Program: Capital projects are included in the Capital Program which is the
overall plan for capital investment during the Business Plan cycle and consists of the
aggregate of facilities, additions and improvements required to accomplish corporate strategic
Proponent: For the purpose of this document, the Proponent is any Saudi Aramco
organization or its representative requesting work from Geomatics Services Division (GSD).
Proponent Liaison: For the purpose of this document, the Proponent Liaison is the GSD
customer care center or a position in one of GSD’s operational (production) sections or unit
handling the requests and communicate with the Proponents.
Release Purchase Order (Release PO, RPO): A written direction to the contractor to perform
specified work under the terms and conditions of the contract.
Scope of Work: A detailed, precise description of what needs to be done to fulfill a project’s
Survey Work Order: The number created by CRM after the services request approval. All
the activities on the survey requests will be reccorded and controled under the Survey Work
Order (SWO).
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The forecasted Survey Requests are geared to the Business Plan and therefore they will be
placed in a higher priority than un-forecasted requests. In addition, approval levels are
different for both types of requests.
GSD will analyze the input from proponents to determine future allocation of its
resources. GSD will only include the contractor’s invoice costs for expense jobs in
its next year business plan. Contractor’s invoice costs for capital work will be
charged to capital projects under cost element 7403074.
The following year, proponents shall confirm their need for the approved forecasted
Survey Requests through CRM. Once confirmed, SWOs will be automatically
generated. (No SWO will be initiated until the proponents confirms their needs
through CRM).
All surveying operating sections shall match their forecasted requests estimated
hours with the approved business plan resources.
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For rejected un-forecasted request, a proponent has the option to utilize GSD
general survey services contract and charges will be against the requester own
organization, or forecast the request in the next business cycle.
All GSD operating section proponent liaisons shall provide a quarterly report of their
forecasted/un-forecasted projects.
Name of the responsible person (Group Leader) the job has been assigned to
Reference jobs
Total estimated hours (the CRM will auto calculate the cost) (rough estimate)
• The Proponent Liaison shall send cost estimates to the proponent for review,
acceptance and required approvals (for capital projects) as indicated in Table-1.
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On-line geospatial database Division Head or equivalent with GSD On-line Access
access concurrence from GSD Request
Contract Release
Satellite imagery acquisition
E Division Head or equivalent Purchase Order (CRPO)
order up
authorization letter
* Signature by requestor authority verifies intended user has a business need to know for the requested product and/or service.
GSD will not accept any work request, scope of work changes and other correspondence
directly from contractors. These must be initiated by the proponent in charge of the project.
Delivery of aerial and non-aerial imagery products to a contractor must be approved in writing
by the proponent Department Head.
All corporate GIS applications desktop and web solutions utilizing GSD's geospatial
information must be registered to authorize access through Application Registration for Map
Service Consumption CRM service in Geospatial Info Services.
Access to GSD data requires approval from the requestor’s Division Head or higher as
defined in the approval level section of the authorization role in MyAccess system.
Access authorization to GIS applications and GSD's databases will be valid for up to one year
contingent on the user belonging to the same organization that approved access.
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The user organization shall be fully responsible for the security of this data as per GI-
0710.002. This data should only be distributed to others on a need-to-know basis. All existing
Company regulations will apply to the use and security of this data.
Proponent Responsibilities
Forecasted Survey Requests with a detailed scope of work shall be confirmed early
enough to allow GSD to complete the work by the requested target completion date.
A minimum notice of four (4) weeks is Mandatory. All services required in less than
(4) weeks shall be communicated through manager to manager correspondence.
If the scope of the SWO requires work to be done by more than one GSD
section/unit, the proponent will be requested to issue separate SWOs to all GSD
sections/units involved in completing the request.
Supervision of the work and certification of work completion will be the responsibility
of the proponent.
GSD shall provide onsite Quality Control and Quality Assurance survey’s
services/activities on approval of SWO request from Proponent.
Proponent shall allocate enough time for the review of survey documents throughout
the different project phases
GSD Responsibilities
GSD will prioritize projects based on its business plan, workload and commitments
to other proponents’ projects. The Survey Request approval is in accordance with
the ERP Approval Authority Engine.
Note 1:
Survey Work Order (SWO) – Normally, requested survey information, mapping, charts,
Geospatial Information and aerial/satellite photo products, including digital files, will be
transmitted to and received by the originator (Saudi Aramco personnel only) or approver
of the SWO unless otherwise directed in writing by the approver of the SWO. A letter or
e-mail authorizing an individual other than originator or approver must identify the
receiver (Saudi Aramco employee or contractor) by name, badge number and e-mail
address. For any aerial products, this letter must be signed by the proponent’s
department head.
Note 2:
Survey Information Request (SIR) – This form is used for requesting existing survey
information, mapping, charts and aerial photo products including digital files, and is
limited to two (2) hours of work.
Note 3:
Distribution of survey products shall be done in accordance with GSD internal operating
procedures for handling and distribution of survey products which are in alignment with
Setting up Work Priority – Normally, work will be performed in the order of received
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The Contracts & Cost Control Group (C&CCG) of GSD processes the required
release purchase order as described in GSD’s internal procedure, “Internal
Administration Procedures for Release Purchase Order for GSS Contracts”.
Maintains and controls access to all survey data and documents except
for the cost reports.
Proponent Liaison
Obtains an internal GSD SWO number and legacy number and then
assigns a Project Supervisor to manage production.
Cost Estimators
Cost Estimators shall compare the work requirements of the project to be estimated
with their historic templates. The cost estimate is performed on-line in ERP and also
in spreadsheet for automatic calculations of project hours. The estimate provides
the start and finish dates and the number of hours the group will need to perform the
work. To ensure smooth workflow, the cost estimate will be sent to the groups in
sequence starting with the group which will initiate the work on the project.
In the case of delay of completion and consequently delivery of the project, the
Proponent Liaison will provide information about and justification for the delay.
Proponent Liaison will request an SWO revision in terms of the dates and/or project
After section/unit head’s concurrence, information about the project’s delay and new
expected completion date will be sent to the proponent.
For Surveying Services: The proponent’s request for a change in the scope of work shall be
submitted in writing to the appropriate GSD Proponent Liaison by the approver of the SWO. If
this change requires re-estimating the cost and/or a change in the estimated completion date,
then the section/unit shall issue a Revision Notification Memo to the proponent.
For Geospatial Info Services: The proponent’s request for a change in the scope of work shall
be submitted in a new CRM request that includes the changed or additional requirements.
GSITU will assess and determines the impact of the changes and decide whether to proceed
with them or defer their implementation to next year’s plan.
An automated completion e-mail is addressed to the originator of the SWO upon the
completion of all work. The completion date of the SWO will be the most recent delivery date
stated in the e-mail.
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Saudi Aramco crews and office personnel performing work on an SWO are required to submit
weekly time sheets.
Contractor crews and office personnel performing work on an SWO under a Release PO
(RPO) will submit timesheets in CRM, as regulated by their representative contracts, by the
terms of GSD’s Internal Administration Procedure for Release Purchase Order for GSS
For Saudi Aramco and contractor hydrographic vessel(s), the Party Chief reports the daily
activities of the vessel to the Hydrographic Survey Unit (HSU) office via e-mail. Hard copies of
daily log sheets are printed at the HSU office on a daily basis. The daily log sheets are
checked by the Offshore Operation Coordinator and then entered into CRM and SMIS for
charging and other purposes.
Cost Reports
The charges will be based on total surveying hours spent on proponent’s job
multiplied by the respective service rate as per GI-216.965.
The cost of geomatics services for surveying services will be charged under cost
element 8000500.
The cost of geomatics services for mapping services will be charged under cost
element 8000501
Capital project work will be charged for the contractor invoice costs under cost
element 7403074.
Proponents who directly supervise contractor survey personnel will be required to approve
their RPOs, timesheets and Service Entry Sheets.
Land Survey
• Alignment survey
• As-built survey
• Deformation survey
• Planimetric survey
• Route survey
• Staking of points
• Tank settlement
• Topographic survey
• Reservation surveys
Aerial imagery
• Mosaics
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• Planimetric maps
• Topographic maps
• Thematic maps
• Plan & profiles map (for pipelines, roads, power lines, etc.)
• 3D reality modelling
Hydrographic Survey Products and their minimum specifications are stated in SAES-A-
Site surveys
• Site specifics
• General bathymetric
• As-laid
Hazard surveys
• Platform debris
• Navigation hazard
• Pipeline inspection
• ROV inspections
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Dredging/siltation surveys
• Siltation surveys
• Pre-dredging surveys
• Post-dredging surveys
Positioning services
• Rig moves
Cartographic services
• Volume computation
• Digital data
Support services
• Tidal data
• Vessel inspections
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GSD’s digital database can be accessed by proponents with prior approval for use in engineering design,
planning, maintenance, operations, etc.
Document History
09 December 2021 Revised the general notes. Updating related documents based on the new standards, procedures
and GIs, In Acronyms, Change the Aerial Mapping Section (AMS) name from the old name
G&PSS, adding Remote Sensing Services Group (RSSG) and adding Land Use Permit (LUP).
Adding points 5.1.5, 5.1.6 and 5.1.7 under forecast request to streamline proponent liaison
responsibility about executing and monitoring forecasted requests. Adding points 5.2.3 and 5.2.4
showing the proponents their option in case of rejected un-forecasted requests. In Table-1,
adding the Satellite imagery approval authority level. Adding point 7.3 explaining proponent
responsibility during contracting or sub-contracting survey work. Revised the cost reports
reflecting the new methodology of cost reporting after e-Site. In Survey Products and Services,
adding the remote sensing products under AMS and adding the list of services under GIS
11 December 2014 Editorial revision due to the document name change from Surveying Services Division (SSD) to
Geomatics Services Division (GSD).
11 June 2013 Revised the “Next Planned Update.” Reaffirmed the content of the document and reissued with
minor revision that includes; GI-0710.002 has a new title, GI-0299.223 has been added, and also
the Scope and Definitions of Terms and Acronyms have been added. Current version includes
responsibilities of both proponent and SSD. The document now includes Time Reporting
procedures. Due to introduction of Computer Based System /CRM applications, the workflow of
SWO has changed significantly.
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