ANPQP Revision: Feb 2011 ANPQP Maintenance Committee

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ANPQP Revision

Version 2.2

Feb 2011
ANPQP Maintenance Committee


New Revision Summary

New Revision Contents

1. Commonised Renault/Nissan Requirements

2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

4. Removal of Duplicated Requirements

5. Other Changes

New Revision Summary

Main Request
 Collect all requirements deployed since V2.1 publication and incorporate into the new

Study and improve commonisation to support optimised joint procurement e.g.
Alliance “High Volume Parts”.
Implement changes in global supplier training.

Incorporate new requirements for “Important C” to improve customer satisfaction.
Incorporate reinforced requirements such as “Examples of Process/Facility Site
Changes” to clarify change management requirements and reduce concerns caused by
un-approved changes.

Reduce the number of ANPQP requirements and focus on the product and process
Ensure consistency with the V3P milestones.
New Revision Summary

1. Commonised Renault/Nissan Requirements

Commonised “Process Potential FMEA”, “Supplier Digital Test Report” and
“Part Submission Warrant (PSW)”.

2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

Reinforced “Sub-Supplier Management” and reviewed “Change Management”
and “Identification and Traceability” to prevent an issue and/or contain it

New Revision Summary

3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

Standardised Nissan unique requirements for “Important C” and reinforced
requirements for change management through addition of “Examples of
Process/ Facility Site Changes”.
Incorporated Renault/Nissan requirements for “Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)”.

4. Removal of Duplicated Requirements (Renault)

Removed the Environmental outputs and the EDI requirements as they are
not specific to a part but to a plant location.

5. Other Changes


New Revision Summary

New Revision Contents

1. Commonised Renault/Nissan Requirements

2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

4. Removal of Duplicated Requirements

5. Other Changes

New Revision Contents
1. Commonised Renault/Nissan Requirements

1) “Process Potential FMEA” (Activity 5.1)

Merged the Renault “Process AMDEC” into the “Process Potential FMEA”.

2) “Supplier Digital Test Report” (Activity 6.1)

Renault has commonised this requirement with Nissan to improve the
robustness of design and minimise the risk of having to introduce late

3) “Part Submission Warrant (PSW)” (Activity 7.1)

Merged the Renault “AFF” into the “Part Submission Warrant(PSW)” in
order to have a commonised PSW.


New Revision Summary

New Revision Contents

1. Commonised Renault/Nissan Requirements

2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

4. Removal of Duplicated Requirements

5. Other Changes

New Revision Contents
2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

1) Reinforced Sub-Supplier Management

Reinforced the Tier 1 responsibilities and Part Submission Warrant (PSW)
approval timing for their bought out products.
Reviewed the items covered in the CSCC*.
Added the requirement for “Sub-Supplier PSW or equivalent” (Renault)

Activity 2.1 Format “CSCC”

Notes Reviewed the items covered by the CSCC

“The Tier 1 supplier shall a and focus on features for “Supplier”,
system/procedure in place to select “Manufacturing Process” and “Product”.
new suppliers and to evaluate
current suppliers”.
Unique DCI
Activity – Phase 4
“Approve sub-supplier Part Added the requirement for “Sub-supplier
Submission Warrant (PSW) or PSW or equivalent”.

*) Component Supply Chain Chart 9

Note: Some details have been omitted for presentation purposes
New Revision Contents
2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

2) Reinforced Change Management (Design Change)

Reviewed and commonised the definition.

Activity 9.1

Mechanism or structure
Electrical function
DCI Material
 Mechanism or structure (incl. supporting material such as grease,
 Electrical function paint, welding rod etc. )
 Material Dimensions or mass
 Dimensions or mass Sub-component layout
 Other changes Affecting homologation/safety/regulation

Note: Some details have been omitted for presentation purposes

New Revision Contents
2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

3) Reinforced Change Management (Process Change)

Reviewed and reinforced the definition.

Activity 9.2 Activity 9.2

Example of Changes that require Renault/
Examples of changes: Nissan authorization include (but are not limited
Facility site transfer/relocation to):
Change to a Sub-supplier All changes to or within a sub-supplier
Change within a Sub-supplier All Facility site transfers / relocations
All changes affecting the process flow
Upgrade or rearrangement of
All changes relating to the addition,
existing tooling or equipment
modification or replacement of existing
Process related to a Special
Characteristic or Key Feature All changes relating to the manufacture or
Process related to new inspection of Special Characteristics or Key
technology Features
Control method used All changes relating to the manufacturing,
Process flow inspection or control method used
All changes relating to logistics or packaging

Note: Some details have been omitted for presentation purposes

New Revision Contents
2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

4) Reviewed Identification/Traceability Requirements

 Combined existing Lot Control and Parts Labeling activities.
 Developed a common activity description to clarify the Tier 1 responsibility.

Activity 11.2

Activity Purpose:
Renault/Nissan requires its suppliers to operate an effective identification and
traceability system.
The Tier 1 supplier shall;
-manage traceability for all products & components.
-deploy the requirements to their sub-suppliers.
Requirements may be specified on the drawings and/or data notes.
No particular requirements are specified, the supplier must comply with the
requirements contained in the ISO/TS 16949 and within the relevant company
specific requirements section.

Note: Some details have been omitted for presentation purposes


New Revision Summary

New Revision Contents

1. Commonised Renault/Nissan Requirements

2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

4. Removal of Duplicated Requirements

5. Other Changes

New Revision Contents
3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

1) Standardised Special Characteristics - “Important C”

Standardised previously deployed requirements to improve customer
satisfaction by reduction of variation.
Reviewed “Important A” and “Important B” definitions.
Nissan Specific Requirement - Activity. 4.5

Note: Some details have been omitted for presentation purposes

New Revision Contents
3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

2) Standardized “Example of Process/Facility Change”

Incorporateda list of examples of changes requiring Nissan authorisation to
reduce concerns caused by poor change management.
Example of "Process/Facility Site Change"

Applies to all Tier 1 suppliers and all Sub suppliers to Tier N.

Important Note:
Supplier shall review all changes by supplier internal cross functionally under Tier 1 responsibility.
Object of Process Change

1st layer Remark

2nd layer
3rd layer
Machine Production site change
Relocation/Move to a different site
To another site owned by the parent company
To a different company ( out sourced)
Relocation/Move within the current site
Layout Change
Relocate production line (inc inspection process)
Newly developed or Expansion to the current production line (inc inspection process)
Process sequence (inc adding or eliminating process steps)
Machine/Equipment on the production line change (inc inspection machine)
Installing new equipment
Addition or replacement of machine/equipment

Note: Some details have been omitted for presentation purposes

New Revision Contents
3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

3) Standardised “Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)”

Identifiedthe Renault/Nissan common minimum content requirements for
Fault Tree Analysis and standardised the requirement in a newly developed
Document Completion Instruction (DCI).

Note: Some details have been omitted for presentation purposes


New Revision Summary

New Revision Contents

1. Commonised Renault/Nissan Requirements

2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

4. Removal of Duplicated Requirements

5. Other Changes

New Revision Contents
4. Removal of Duplicated Requirements

1) Removal of the EDI requirements from ANPQP

 Removal of the “Supplier EDI Agreement” and “EDI Submission Warrant”
outputs from the ANPQP standard because they are related to plant location
and not to part, therefore are outside the scope of the ANPQP file.
 These requirements are already included in the Renault Suppliers Logistics
Guidebook and are applicable.

2) Removal of the Environmental outputs from ANPQP

 Removal of the “Substances & Recycled or Renewable Materials “, “TDR”
and “IMDS” outputs from the ANPQP standard because they are outside the
scope of the ANPQP file.
 These requirements are already included in the 00-10-415 standard and
are applicable.


New Revision Summary

New Revision Contents

1. Commonised Renault/Nissan Requirements

2. Reinforced Requirements for “High Volume Parts”

3. Standardisation of Requirements Deployed since V2.1

4. Removal of Duplicated Requirements

5. Other Changes

New Revision Contents
5. Other Changes
1) Added a description for each Category to explain its purpose.
2) Moved one Activity - “1.2 Product Quality and Reliability Management” -
from Category 3 to Category 1

ANPQP Phase Diagram

Element Activity Renault Nissan Documents Name *DCI Format Example L

Newly added Category description appears
1.1 Product & Process Concept when youProduct
clickandon each Category name.
Process Concept Proposal 2

Product Quality Targets Study Plan 2

1.2 Product Quality and Reliability

Activity 1.2 moved from category
Renault 3 (2)
Product Reliability Targets
Study Plan
Nissan 2


Component Supply Chain Chart (CSCC)

New Revision Contents
5. Other Changes
3) Changed the activity timings for “Supplier Master Schedule” and “Special
Characteristics and Key Features Diagram”.
4) Changed the document submission level for “Process Capability Study
Results” to reduce the supplier submission responsibilities.
3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Phase1 Phase2 Phase3 Phase4

Extended activity
Design Assurance Plan Nissan 3 2 2

3.2 Project Planning and Production Renault 1 1 1

Preparation Monitoring Supplier Master Schedule
(including Details)
Nissan 3 2 2

4. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Phase1 Phase2 Phase3 Phase4

Quality Function
Nissan (2) (2) (2)
Deployment (QFD)

HCPP Renault (2) Shortened activity

2 2

4.1 Identification and Deployment of

Supplier Feasibility
Special Characteristics and Key Commitment
Renault 2 2 2

Special Characteristics and

Renault (2) (2) (2)
Key Feature Diagram
(SC & KFD)
Nissan 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2

Process Capability Study Plan 3 2 2

5.4 Process Capability Study and

Renault (2) (2) 2 (2) (2) 2 (2)
Improvement Process Capability Study
Nissan 3 2 2 3 2 2

Changed submission level

New Revision Contents
5. Other Changes
5) Updated the “Other Supply Requirement” and “Glossary” in the Alliance
Supplier Guide (A.S.G.)


Updated requirement Updated glossary

End of Slides


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