Story Prompts
Story Prompts
Story Prompts
Sixteen Scintillating Short Story Starters: 1. 1. It was a dark and stormy oops - thats been used before. Lets start again 1. 1. Harry was puzzled when the door didnt open. 2. 2. The headlights were coming straight towards Peter and he couldnt move. 3. 3. Only the flimsy wall of my tent separated me from the low rumbling growl. 4. 4. I was not expecting what was waiting for me just as I rounded the corner. 5. 5. Rosalie stifled her scream and cowered under the blanket. 6. 6. Those last few steps seemed the most difficult I had ever made in my life. 7. 7. As I read the contents of the letter, I was aware of the smile on my face. 8. 8. It happened so quickly I had no time to think, only react. 9. 9. Jenny finally became agitated by the monotonous ticking of the ornate clock on the mantlepiece. 10. 10. John stared open-mouthed as the ball soared majestically over the fence. 11. 11. Wendy didnt see the danger ahead. 12. 12. Paul couldnt resist shouting out his joy. 13. 13. The eagle swooped low over the trees. 14. 14. I didnt know until that moment that Nell was so afraid of spiders. 15. 15. Greg closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped. 16. 16. It was not the birthday gift I was expecting. Just to show how generous I can be, here is a bonus idea: Suddenly, nothing happened - but it happened suddenly. Happy writing.
Seven Short Story Starters: 2. 1. I think I shall never forget Angela. Especially that fateful day when she
3. 2. John is not one to suffer fools easily. Only last week he 4. 3. How could you do that? asked Jennifer. I always thought that you 5. 4. I didnt realise I was so close to the railway track until I heard the roar of the engine bearing down on where I stood crouched. How could I 6. 5. Stop! interrupted Tim. I think I can see the problem. Why dont we 7. 6. There is no use running. There is nowhere to go. Don paused to allow his statement to sink in. You might as well sit down and rest. Then we 7. Id never seen an elephant outside of a zoo. As I faced the monster in front of me
Seven More Short Story Starters +1 8. Peter wondered what would happen if pressed the green button. 9. Annie was devasted. How could she go on knowing what had happened to her friend. 10. Roger could hear terrified yelping coming from the near the back door. 11. The bright light blinded Karen momentarily, just before she fainted. 12. Corey could hardly believe his eyes. 13. Felicity stopped. This was not normal. She stared at the open window. 14. Franks eyes flickered. A sharp pain jabbed through his eyes. He sat up, not understanding what he was looking at. Bonus idea: I cant see anything, sobbed Anita.
Another Seven Short Story Starters: 15. Alison was angry. She had worked so hard for so long. Now it seemed to have been a total waste of time. 16. Ben wasted no time getting to the bank. This had to be his lucky day. 17. The sudden change in wind direction caught Carol by surprise. 18. Daniel gave a polite cough. It didnt attract the attention he wanted. He cleared his throat, took a deep breath and reached for the bell. It was now or never.
19. As the car tyres crunched on the gravel, Eliza realised 20. Im going now, announced Frank as he opened the door. Are you coming? Gina stared at the doctor. Her mind churned in confusion. How could she
21. Peter hesitated. Where was this path going? He 22. Renee was angry. How dare James treat like that? Leaving the room she 23. Susan seemed not to notice that the clock had stopped. She 24. The parcel was just what Trevor had been waiting for. He quickly 25. Vince pretended to be asleep. As Alison crept into the bedroom he 26. Wendy could not longer hold back the tears. As the Just as Yolanda opened the door, her phone rang. It
27. Jack was not impressed. After all, wasnt he the one who. 28. Angela hesitated. I can still walk away, she told herself as she moved her finger towards the doorbell. 29. It was the last thing Cindy wanted to hear. It was clear that her 30. Dan leaped through the opening. Yaaaah! he yelled. At last Ive. 31. Carol sat up like a guard dog alert to an intruders footsteps. 32. How can you possibly think THAT! yelled Tom. When I was Ellen noticed that her hands were shaking. Her stomach churned like a giant cement mixer. She felt like.
33. The moment I heard the old ravens mournful cry, I knew my day was going to be a challenge. 34. I looked around the room. It had been thoroughly trashed. A piercing screech from behind me made me jump. There was a large parrot sitting on the curtain rail. 35. Barney bounded off after the rabbit, barking wildly. A sudden yelp came from behind the bush. Barney came slinking back to me, blood dripping from his nose. 36. The first thing I noticed about the room was the dead goldfish. 37. The beautiful eagle swooped quickly towards me. I could see its
outstretched talons. 38. I peered past the tent flap. The red fox was not aware of my stealthy stare. 39. It was obvious at once that the pelicans wings were entangled in fishing line. Dont sit there, she commanded. Thats the cats chair. 1. Write a story which begins with the words, "Yes, it's true 2. Write a story about an executive and a gang member stuck in an elevator. (Note: The executive has a wallet full of cash. The gang member has a knife in his jacket.) 3. Write a story about a mysterious death of a pop star 4. Write a story about a vampire slayer named Steve who learns vampires have stolen his childhood teddy bear. And to a lesser extent his girlfriend... 5. Write a story about a world where everything is silver and lavendar. 6. Write a story about a naked alien in a lonely woman's garden. 7. the stones in Long Meg's stone circle were originally witches turned to stone when a pagan ritual went wrong. During a dare, Karen accidentaly brings the witches back to life. what happens next? 8. Write a short story about a kid and his suspicions about the next door neighbor, a tall pale guy with weird eyes and hair. 9. Write from the point of view of a teardrop. 10. Write a story about an author with writer's block. 11. Write a story about a princess trapped in a tower, guarded by a dragon. A valiant prince comes to her rescue and they live happily ever... AH! WHAT ARE YOU! NO, PLEASE MERCY! THE PAIN! AHHHHHHH!!! i appologize, i usually don't let him out 12. Read the following line and create a short story or poem using it as the opening line. What galaxy is this? (Thanks to the Muse's Alley for providing the line.) 13. 4*** Read the following line and create a short story or poem using it as the opening line. And then she died. (Thanks to the Muse's Alley for providing the line.) #5 Write a "silent scene" in your fiction. Create a powerful scene between two characters without using any dialogue. #6 Write a short story where freedom is won in some way. #15*** Pick a novel you enjoy and copy the first line. Now write your own short story or novel outline using that line as the opening line.
#25 What is your favorite color? Write a short reflective piece that begins: "People who like (color) are..." #37 Remember when the dark was scary and monsters lurked beneath your bed? Create a monster or other fantastical being to inhabit a story or poem. #39 Clichs are over used by definition, but they are also true. Choose a clich and write a story that could bear it as a title. #43 Write a recipe that is an antidote to writer's block. What ingredients would cure you? *Butterfly effect type story using time travel ability. Brainwashed person is saved by previously brainwashed but escaped person who was saved by the 1st brainwashed person. The end is the 2nd person after war with brainwashers, seeing the 1st person slightly older, looking different, but going to war with other time travelers, against other time travelers.