101 Writing Prompts For Fantasy - Laura Grant
101 Writing Prompts For Fantasy - Laura Grant
101 Writing Prompts For Fantasy - Laura Grant
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Using These Prompts
The First 25
The Second 25
The Third 25
The Final 25, and an Extra Prompt for
Good Luck
Thank You!
Dear Writer,
I wanted this book to be more than just a
list of writing prompts, though it
certainly delivers that.
I hope to show you, a writer of
speculative and outlandish fiction, a way
of generating your own prompts for
fantasy and sci-fi stories using history,
personal and anecdotal experiences, and
the fascinating origins of common words
and phrases.
Many pages of this book offer not just a
[email protected]
The First 25
There is a village in West Africa known
as the Land of Twins because an
unusually large number of twins are born
there, nearly four times the global
average. Additionally, some scientists
say that this high rate of twins is caused
by the local diet, specifically yams that
contain a hormone that causes a woman
to release two eggs at once.
Imagine a place called the Land of
Twins, where everyone is somebodys
twin. Now imagine that there is one
person who was born with no twin.
Blood oranges gain their eponymous
color overnight, and only when the night
is cold. They are sometimes called
vampire oranges.
Imagine an orchard tended by vampires
(or a similar night-dwelling creature).
What kind of fruit would these creatures
grow? What special properties or
powers could it have? How would they
defend it during the day? What about a
fruit that has certain properties when
harvested during the day and quite
different properties when harvested at
night? Eaten during the day vs. at night?
In 2010, Ladys Slipper orchids were
found on a golf course in the U.K.
Because they are endangered, and
because they fetch a high price for
poachers, local police were dispatched
to guard them around the clock while
they were blooming.
Imagine a plant so valuable that it had to
be guarded by force. What properties (or
even powers) could it possess? Write
about one of the guards. Write about a
you character gets onto a subway car
in a metro area. In his/her briefcase is a
very special package. What is it, how
did he/she get it, where is he/she going,
and does he/she make it alive?
Your character has to spend the night
sleeping in a tree after two days of
running from the Kings guards. He/she
awakens to find that the guards have set
up camp beneath his tree, but do not
seem to know hes up there. What
happens next?
In a small house on the outskirts of town,
a brilliant but underfunded and
unrecognized botanist lives and works.
One morning, he heads out to his
greenhouse, where something
unexpected has blossomed overnight. As
he enters, describe: what he smells,
hears, sees, etc. Who will he tell first?
How will this discovery change him,
and the world he lives in?
Your character has a Polaroid camera
that can photograph ghosts. How does
he/she use it to get out of a sticky
Your characters escape pod has landed
on a strange planet. As he/she watches
his/her ship disintegrate outside the
planets atmosphere, he/she struggles to
set up a communication tower quickly to
signal the mother ship. This planet has
some notoriously hostile inhabitants.
Two men have just kidnapped a twelveyear-old for ransom. Little do these
abductors know about their victims
secret ability.
Coral inflates and deflates itself to move
around and get out of sticky situations.
Your character also has this ability. Send
him/her out on a blind date that goes
badly. Now send him/her to
Thanksgiving dinner. Have a cop pull
him/her over.
While writing, be sure to use your
descriptive powers to help your reader
know what is looks like, sounds like,
smells like, etc., when your character
Harlequin ladybugs were imported to
Europe to help with pest control, but
now they are nudging out the native
species of ladybug.
Your character is a native ladybug, and
he/she discovers that all the other
ladybugs in the neighborhood are the
alien species. How does he/she react?
Does he/she fight back? Does he/she
shut the blinds, drink his/her tea and
reminisce about the old days?
Interesting words to utilize: Harlequin (a
comic servant); Ladybird (the European
name for ladybugs)
Your character has an outer shell, and it
secretes a substance that is defensively
toxicbut only when he/she eats well.
What kind of environment makes this
defense necessary? If there is a dearth of
food, what will your character do to
fend off the enemies chasing him/her?
Scientists have discovered a massive
lake in the arctic beneath a mile of ice.
When they send down an exploratory
team (including your character), the
sonar and other navigational equipment
The Second 25
Fracas, n: a noisy quarrel, brawl
swarm spore, n: any of various minute
motile sexual or asexual spores
Your character has found a way to bottle
stardust, and brings back a bottle of it to
his/her town. When a beautiful woman
buys it and rubs it onto her skin,
something unexpected happens.
Several characters are feasting on a
hillside in honor of a) a victory in battle,
b) an ascension by one of their number
to the position of chief or king, or c) a
wedding/birthday. Suddenly a ghibli (a
hot desert wind) hearkens the approach
of a massive storm. Write a two
paragraph scene.
Now write the ghibli as a character, with
human emotions and senses. How does
this feast look to your ghibli?
samara, n: a dry, one-seeded winged
squamation, n: the state of being scaly.
the arrangement of scales on an animal
Use this as the first sentence: At first,
all ________ could see was a vague,
gray squamation filling his/her vision
and moving in and out of focus, as if
something very large was breathing
Tree surgeons trim trees, cutting
branches in such a way that helps the
tree grow healthier by controlling decay
and preventing the spread of disease.
Abbondanza Dulsis
Fallawater Lambourne
Belle of
Black Mac
Flower of
One of the lunar plains is named Hell.
Your character works at a space station
built in Hell, along with about 200 other
astronauts, scientists and moon
colonists. Your character is in the
cafeteria when the power suddenly goes
off. Out the giant windows of the
cafeteria, the Earth is slowly setting at
Your character is mining cadmium on a
distant planet. Like the other men and
women in the mineshaft, your character
misses his/her significant other, the sight
of the twin suns that this plant circles,
and the feel of a cool breeze coming off
of the glacial lake he/she lives near.
Your character has been working
underground for two weeks, and has
only five hours and thirty-five minutes to
go before work is over. What could
possibly go wrong?
Your character is exploring a jungle on a
The Third 25
Your character is at the beach, walking
along the shore, when he/she spies a
bright object shining in the sand. The sun
is setting/rising, yet the object seems to
glow with its own bright warmth.
Your character is walking down a road
when he/she finds a long bundle laying
in the ditch. Upon opening the bundle,
he/she finds a sword
Your character comes home from work
one afternoon to find an extra door in the
living room. When he/she opens the
door, he/she beholds a spiral staircase
winding upwards.
Now write it as if the staircase wound
H.M.R. (His Royal Majesty) RexGoliath a 47-pound rooster belonging
to a Texas circus, purported to be the
largest rooster on record.
The first sentence of a story or novel is
vitally important. It sets the tone, grabs
the reader and pulls her kicking and
screaming into the story.
For this prompt, grab a stack of fantasy
or sci-fi novels off of your bookshelf. If
you have a collection of short stories,
Your character visits the National
Gallery of Art and gets separated from
the group. He/she has wandered into a
room with only one large painting on the
wall, and no other visitors. Your
character is drawn toward the painting.
Then, the man in the painting moves.
Your character lives in a suburban
complex built for upper-middle-class
families, far from the rabble. Rather than
hire unwashed undesirables, your
characters family purchases a
Famous 16th Century astronomer Tycho
Brahe lost part of his nose in a duel over
the legitimacy of a mathematic formula.
Neither he nor his opponent could prove
their case, so they dueled to decide the
Write about a duel (your choice of
weapon) between two men/women of
science who have decided to settle an
intellectual matter with physical
violence. Focus on fleshing out the two
characters. There might be other people
observing, but concentrate your energy
on the duelists. What kind of
man/woman would settle a matter of
Starter sentence:
The sky was blue, but the breeze
brought with it the stench of corpses and
the ever-louder grinding of machines.
You character is a sellsword who finds
two orphans in the burnt out shell of a
village. A week before, an army had
come through, burned the village and put
all the villagers to the sword.
Right away, your character can tell that
Write #92 from the perspective of the
Write #92 from the perspective of the
alien captain
Scientists at the University of South
Carolina have developed a form of
cotton which is highly conductive. They
believe they will soon be able to
develop clothing that can generate
energy for devices like phones and
Your character is on a boat in the middle
of the ocean. Describe an encounter with
a mermaid.
Now a merman.
Thank You!
Yes, you, writer. Thank you, for
spending your hard-earned cash to
purchase my book. I hope we got the
juices flowing (insert lewdly winking
emoticon here), and that youre now
bursting with great stories.
As I said in the preface, Im here to
answer your questions, and Im dying to
read what you came up with. Please
send an email my way
([email protected]), or visit
https://editsbylauragrant.blogspot.com to
read more about writing, editing and
what I had for breakfast.