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UNIX System Services

Version 2 Release 1

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 449.

This edition applies to Version 2 Release 1 of z/OS (5650-ZOS) and to all subsequent releases and modifications
until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2013.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Checking the mode of the kernel in a running
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Evaluating virtual memory needs . . . . . . . 17
Using extended common service area (ECSA) . . 17
Using extended system queue area (ESQA) . . . 17
About this document . . . . . . . . xv Prioritizing kernel work on your system. . . . . 19
Using this document . . . . . . . . . . . xv Defining service classes for kernel work . . . . 20
z/OS information . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Defining classification rules as needed . . . . 21
IBM Systems Center publications . . . . . . xvi Defining the BPXPRMxx members in IEASYSxx . . 22
Porting information for z/OS UNIX . . . . . xvi Customizing the BPXPRMxx member of
z/OS UNIX courses . . . . . . . . . . xvi SYS1.PARMLIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
z/OS UNIX home page . . . . . . . . . xvi Checking the BPXPRMxx syntax . . . . . . 23
Discussion list . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi Defining file systems . . . . . . . . . . 26
Defining system limits . . . . . . . . . . 29
How to send your comments to IBM xix Defining system features . . . . . . . . . 36
If you have a technical problem . . . . . . . xix Customizing other members of SYS1.PARMLIB . . 41
ALLOCxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
z/OS Version 2 Release 1 summary of COFVLFxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi CTnBPXxx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
IEADMR00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
IKJTSOxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Chapter 1. Introduction to z/OS UNIX . . 1 SMFPRMxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
The API interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Customizing /etc . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
The interactive shell interface . . . . . . . . . 2 Initializing the kernel using a cataloged procedure 45
Interacting with elements and features of z/OS . . . 2 Running a physical file system in a colony address
Workload Manager (WLM) . . . . . . . . 3 space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
System Management Facilities (SMF) . . . . . 4 Starting colony address spaces . . . . . . . 45
XL C/C++ compiler . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Starting colony address spaces outside of JES . . 46
Language Environment . . . . . . . . . . 4 Running a temporary file system in a colony
DFSMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 address space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Security Server (RACF) . . . . . . . . . . 5 Steps for creating a cataloged procedure for a
Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) . . . . . 5 temporary file system . . . . . . . . . . 47
System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) . . . 5 Enabling certain TSO/E commands to z/OS UNIX
Time Sharing Options Extensions (TSO/E) . . . 5 users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Communications Server . . . . . . . . . 6 Globalization on z/OS systems . . . . . . . . 50
Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) . . 6 Checking for setup errors. . . . . . . . . . 51
Network File System (NFS) . . . . . . . . 6
z/OS File System (zFS) . . . . . . . . . . 6
Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 53
Hardware considerations for z/OS UNIX . . . . . 6
List of subtasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Requirements for accessing kernel services using
Preparing RACF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
TSO/E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Steps for preparing RACF . . . . . . . . 54
Tasks that z/OS UNIX application programmers do 9
Using RACF with z/OS UNIX . . . . . . . . 58
Administrative tasks using the ISPF shell . . . . 10
RACF performance considerations . . . . . . 58
Setting up users and groups . . . . . . . . 58
Chapter 2. Installing z/OS UNIX . . . . 11 Activating supplemental groups . . . . . . 59
Methods of installing z/OS UNIX . . . . . . . 11 Defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF . . . . . . 59
Installing z/OS UNIX for ServerPac customers . 11 Steps for defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF . . 60
Installing z/OS UNIX for CBPDO customers . . 11 Storing user-specific information in OMVS segments 62
Establishing an /etc file system for a new release. . 12 Automatically generating UIDs and GIDs . . . 62
Security implications . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX . . . 15 Checking user and group authority . . . . . . 64
Setting up kernel services in minimum mode . . . 15 Obtaining security information about groups . . . 65
Setting up kernel services in full function mode . . 15 Steps for obtaining security information about a
Setting up for full function mode . . . . . . 15 group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Obtaining security information about users . . . . 65

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 iii

Steps for obtaining security information about Steps for creating a sanction list . . . . . . 105
users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Steps for activating the sanction list . . . . . 106
Setting up field-level access for the OMVS segment Maintaining the security level of the system . . . 108
of a user profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Steps for maintaining the security level of the
Steps for setting up field-level access . . . . . 66 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Defining group identifiers (GIDs) . . . . . . 67 Controlling access to applications. . . . . . . 108
Defining user identifiers (UIDs) . . . . . . 67 Restricting access to z/OS UNIX file systems . . . 109
Defining protected user IDs . . . . . . . . . 69 Using the FSACCESS class profile to restrict
Defining the terminal group name . . . . . . . 69 access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Managing user and group assignments . . . . . 69 Steps for giving selected users or groups access
Assigning UIDs and GIDs in an NFS network . . 69 to a z/OS UNIX file system . . . . . . . 110
Assigning identifiers for users . . . . . . . 69 Setting up TCP/IP security . . . . . . . . . 111
Assigning identifiers for groups . . . . . . 70 Selecting a security level for the system. . . . . 111
Upper limits for GIDs and UIDs . . . . . . . 70
Creating z/OS UNIX groups . . . . . . . . 71 Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX
Steps for creating z/OS UNIX groups . . . . 71 file system . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Superusers in z/OS UNIX . . . . . . . . . 72
Lists of subtasks . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Using UNIXPRIV class profiles . . . . . . . . 73
Basics of the z/OS UNIX file system. . . . . . 113
Assigning superuser privileges . . . . . . . 76
Structure of the z/OS UNIX file system . . . . 114
Allowing z/OS UNIX users to change file
Command differences due to symbolic links . . 115
ownerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Suggested file system structures for user
Using the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the
directories and files . . . . . . . . . . 115
FACILITY class . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Using the Network File System (NFS) . . . . . 116
Steps for setting up BPX.SUPERUSER . . . . 78
Using the z/OS File System (zFS) . . . . . . 116
Deleting superuser authority . . . . . . . 79
How does zFS differ from HFS? . . . . . . 117
Changing a superuser from UID(0) to a unique
Implications of zFS ownership versus z/OS
nonzero UID . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
UNIX ownership of file systems . . . . . . 117
Switching in and out of superuser authority . . 80
Migrating the HFS file system to the zFS file
Assigning a UID of 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 81
system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Setting up the UNIX-related FACILITY and
Migrating the sysplex root file system from HFS
SURROGAT class profiles . . . . . . . . . 82
to zFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Security requirements for ServerPac and CBPDO
Mounting considerations for zFS . . . . . . 118
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Determining the zFS file system owner . . . . 118
If you use uppercase group and user IDs . . . 88
Setting up the z/OS UNIX file system . . . . . 119
If you use mixed-case group and user IDs . . . 89
Naming rules for file names and path names 119
If you have problems with names such as UUCP,
Allocating a file system for the root file system 119
UUCPG, and TTY . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Defining the root file system . . . . . . . 121
Defining cataloged procedures to RACF . . . . . 90
What happens when file systems are mounted? 121
Controlling access to files and directories . . . . 91
Mounting file systems . . . . . . . . . . 123
Setting classes for a user's process . . . . . . 91
Security considerations when mounting . . . 123
Accessing files . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Privileged mount and unmount authority . . . 123
Changing the permission bits for a file . . . . 93
Nonprivileged mount and unmount authority 124
Changing the owner or group for a file . . . . 93
Steps for mounting file systems . . . . . . 125
Creating a set-user-ID or set-group-ID executable
Restrictions on mounting file systems . . . . 127
file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Automatically replacing the sysplex root file
Protecting data . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
system with the alternate sysplex root file system if
Obtaining security information for a file . . . . 94
it becomes unowned . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Creating a sticky bit file or external link for an
Steps for setting up the alternate sysplex root
MVS APF-authorized program . . . . . . . 96
for the dynamic replacement of the current
Using access control lists (ACLs) . . . . . . . 96
sysplex root . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
ACLs and ACL entries. . . . . . . . . . 97
Steps for removing the alternate sysplex root
Managing ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Using security labels . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Dynamically replacing the sysplex root file system 130
Setting security labels on z/OS UNIX . . . . 102
Steps for dynamically replacing the sysplex root
Symbolic link restrictions . . . . . . . . 102
file system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Using multilevel security . . . . . . . . . 102
Managing file systems . . . . . . . . . . 132
Security labels for zFS files and directories . . 102
Reducing the size of the file system . . . . . 133
Auditing access to files and directories . . . . . 103
Increasing the size of the HFS file system . . . 133
Specifying file audit options . . . . . . . 103
Removing unnecessary files from directories . . 134
Using sanction lists . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Improving accesses to file systems . . . . . 134
Formatting rules for sanction lists . . . . . 104
Unmounting file systems . . . . . . . . 134

iv z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Mounting the root file system for execution . . . 134 Summary of various file systems in a shared
Deciding how to mount your root . . . . . 135 environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Leaving the root file system mounted in Illustrating file systems in single system and
read/write mode . . . . . . . . . . . 135 sysplex environments. . . . . . . . . . . 175
Post-installation actions for mounting the root File systems in single system environments . . 176
file system in read-only mode . . . . . . . 136 Establishing a shared file system in a sysplex. . . 177
Mounting the root file system in read-only Creating the sysplex root file system . . . . 178
mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Adding a system-specific or version root file
Customizing the cron, uucp, and mail utilities for a system to your shared file system configuration . 179
read-only root file system . . . . . . . . . 137 Creating a system-specific file system . . . . 179
Migration considerations for the cron, uucp, and Mounting the version file system . . . . . . 180
mail utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Creating a couple data set (CDS) . . . . . . 181
Customizing the cron, uucp, and mail utilities 139 Customizing BPXPRMxx for a shared file
Remounting a mounted file system . . . . . . 143 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Copying the file system . . . . . . . . . . 144 Using system lists . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Backing up file systems . . . . . . . . . . 144 Sysplex scenarios showing shared file system
Ways to back up file systems . . . . . . . 144 capability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Creating the user file systems . . . . . . . . 146 Scenario 1: First system in the sysplex . . . . 192
Making user file systems available . . . . . . 147 Scenario 2: Multiple systems in the sysplex
Using direct mount . . . . . . . . . . 148 using the same release level . . . . . . . 195
Using file locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Scenario 3: Multiple systems in a sysplex using
Creating special files . . . . . . . . . . . 152 different release levels . . . . . . . . . 199
Pseudoterminal files . . . . . . . . . . 153 Using the automount policy . . . . . . . . 201
Null file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 File system availability . . . . . . . . . . 202
Zero file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Minimum setup required for file system
Random number files . . . . . . . . . 153 availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
File descriptor files . . . . . . . . . . 154 Situations that can interrupt availability . . . 204
UNIX domain socket name special file . . . . 154 Moving file systems in a sysplex . . . . . . . 204
System console files . . . . . . . . . . 154 Moving file systems to a back-level system . . 205
Handling file system failures . . . . . . . . 155 zFS sysplex considerations when moving file
Restoring the root file system . . . . . . . 155 systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Recovering from file system problems with the Implications of shared file systems during system
root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 failures and recovery . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Installing service into the z/OS UNIX file system 157 Managing the movement of data . . . . . . 207
Example of installing service . . . . . . . 158 Shared file system implications during a planned
Transporting the file system from the driving shutdown of z/OS UNIX . . . . . . . . . 209
system to the target system. . . . . . . . 159 State of file systems after shutdown . . . . . 210
Making changes to /etc and /var . . . . . 160 Initializing the file system . . . . . . . . . 210
Installing products into the file system . . . . . 161 Locking files in the sysplex . . . . . . . . . 211
Mounting file systems using symbolic links . . . 211
Chapter 6. Using the automount Mounting file systems using NFS client mounts 212
facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Tuning z/OS UNIX performance in a sysplex . . 213
DFS and SMB considerations when exporting file
Automounting both HFS and zFS file systems . . 163
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Automounting NFS file systems . . . . . . . 163
Automounting in a shared file system . . . . . 164
How does the automount facility work? . . . . 164 Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and
Setting up the automount facility . . . . . . . 164 utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
/etc/auto.master . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Lists of subtasks . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
MapName . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Connecting to the shell . . . . . . . . . . 215
Steps for setting up the automount facility . . 166 Invoking the shell automatically under TSO/E . . 215
What happens when you start the automount Steps for enabling shell users to invoke the shell
facility from the shell? . . . . . . . . . 168 automatically . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Naming specific directories . . . . . . . . 170 Invoking the shell automatically when logging
Changing which file systems are automounted 170 on to TSO/E . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Stopping the automount facility . . . . . . 171 Determining the CPU time limit . . . . . . . 217
Supplying an alternative shell . . . . . . . . 217
Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a Customizing the z/OS UNIX shells . . . . . . 217
sysplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Customizing the shell environment variables 218
Customizing the RACF user profile . . . . . 219
What does shared file system mean? . . . . . 173
Customizing files for the z/OS shell. . . . . . 219
How the end user views the shared file system . . 174
Customizing /etc/profile . . . . . . . . 219

Contents v
Customizing $HOME/.profile . . . . . . . 225 Contacting the remote site . . . . . . . . 276
Customizing /etc/init.options . . . . . . . 227 Calling system login . . . . . . . . . . 276
Customizing /etc/rc . . . . . . . . . . 229 Maintaining UUCP . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Customizing /etc/inittab . . . . . . . . 232 Cleaning up UUCP files . . . . . . . . . 276
Customizing files for the tcsh shell . . . . . . 235 Displaying information about recorded UUCP
Customizing /etc/csh.login . . . . . . . 235 events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Customizing $HOME/.login . . . . . . . 236 Notifying remote systems about password
Customizing /etc/csh.cshrc . . . . . . . 236 changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Customizing /etc/complete.tcsh . . . . . . 237
Copying configuration files . . . . . . . . . 237 Chapter 11. Converting files between
Enabling the man pages . . . . . . . . . . 238 code pages . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Setting up for mesg, talk, write, and UUCP . . . 239
List of subtasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Customizing c89, cc, and c++ (cxx) compilers. . . 239
Using Enhanced ASCII . . . . . . . . . . 279
Using non-default high-level qualifiers . . . . 240
Setting up Enhanced ASCII. . . . . . . . 280
Using a system that does not have
Using Unicode Services in a z/OS UNIX
UNIT=SYSDA . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Selecting z/OS XL C/C++ compilers . . . . 240
Considerations beyond that of Enhanced ASCII 282
Targeting a z/OS release earlier than the current
Steps for setting up Unicode Services . . . . 282
one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Customizing the terminfo database . . . . . . 243
Steps for defining terminals or workstations for Chapter 12. Managing operations . . . 285
a terminfo database . . . . . . . . . . 243 List of subtasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Re-creating the terminfo database . . . . . 244 Steps for ending a specified process . . . . . . 285
Customizing electronic mail . . . . . . . . 244 Ending threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
For the z/OS shell. . . . . . . . . . . 244 Planned shutdowns using F
For the tcsh shell . . . . . . . . . . . 244 BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=... . . . . . . . . 287
Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using F
BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=... . . . . . . . 288
Chapter 9. Customizing for your
Partial shutdowns for JES2 maintenance . . . 290
national code page in the shell . . . . 247 Planned shutdowns using F OMVS,SHUTDOWN 291
Lists of subtasks . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 What F OMVS,SHUTDOWN does . . . . . 292
Steps for setting up your national code page . . . 247 Successful shutdowns . . . . . . . . . 292
Customizing for Japanese and Simplified Chinese 250 Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using F
Steps for customizing the login file for the z/OS OMVS,SHUTDOWN . . . . . . . . . . 293
shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Dynamically activating the z/OS UNIX component
Steps for customizing the login file for the tcsh service items . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Identifying service items to be activated . . . 295
Steps for displaying messages in Japanese . . . 251 Activating service items . . . . . . . . . 295
Steps for activating MVS Message Service Deactivating service items . . . . . . . . 296
(MMS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Displaying activated service items . . . . . 296
Concatenating target libraries to ISPF . . . . 252 Dynamically changing the BPXPRMxx parameter
PROFILE PLANGUAGE and the OMVS command 252 values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Dynamically changing certain BPXPRMxx
Chapter 10. Configuring the parameter values . . . . . . . . . . . 298
UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) . 255 Dynamically switching to different BPXPRMxx
Transferring files . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Executing commands from a remote location . . . 255 Dynamically adding FILESYSTYPE statements in
Tailoring UUCP for custom applications . . . . 256 BPXPRMxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
UUCP commands and daemons . . . . . . . 256 Steps for activating the HFS file system for the
UUCP directories and files . . . . . . . . . 256 first time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
The UUCP communications network . . . . 257 Activating a single sockets file system for the
Configuring your local system. . . . . . . . 260 first time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Configuring communication with remote systems 262 Activating a multiple sockets file system for the
Obtain information about remote systems . . . 262 first time with Common INET (CINET). . . . 302
Create or edit UUCP configuration files . . . 263 Specifying the maximum number of sockets . . 302
Compile the configuration files . . . . . . 272 Adding another sockets file system to an
Create working directories for the local and existing Common INET (CINET) configuration . 303
remote systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Tracing events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Schedule periodic UUCP transfers with cron 273 Tracing events in z/OS UNIX . . . . . . . 304
Testing the connection . . . . . . . . . . 275 Tracing DFSMS events . . . . . . . . . 305
Checking the configuration for connections . . . 276 Re-creating problems for IBM service . . . . 305

vi z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Displaying the status of the kernel or process . . 305 Parameter key options for the mount statement
Displaying the status of system-wide limits and mount commands . . . . . . . . . 329
specified in BPXPRMxx . . . . . . . . . . 307 Parameter key options for the FILESYSTYPE
Taking a dump of the kernel and user processes 308 statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Displaying the kernel address space . . . . . 308 Monitoring space in the TFS . . . . . . . . 331
Displaying process information . . . . . . 309 Determining the default setting for FSFULL
Displaying global resource information . . . . 309 monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Displaying information about local and network Changing the default FSFULL setting . . . . 331
sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Dynamically extending the size . . . . . . 331
Detecting latch contention . . . . . . . . 309 Using the TFS in a shared file system . . . . . 332
Preallocating a sufficiently large dump data set 311
Taking dumps . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 333
Reviewing dump completion information . . . 311 Lists of subtasks . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Recovering from a failure . . . . . . . . . 312 Comparing UNIX security and z/OS UNIX
z/OS UNIX system failure . . . . . . . . 312 security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
File system type failure . . . . . . . . . 312 Establishing the correct level of security for
File system failure . . . . . . . . . . . 312 daemons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Managing Interprocess Communication (IPC) . . 313 UNIX level . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
z/OS UNIX level . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Chapter 13. Managing processing for Customizing the system for IBM-supplied daemons 338
z/OS UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Defining modules to program control . . . . 338
List of subtasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Checking UNIX files for program control . . . 340
Controlling printing . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Defining UNIX files as APF-authorized
Designating printers . . . . . . . . . . 315 programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Setting up default printers . . . . . . . . 315 Defining UNIX files as shared library programs 341
Controlling output print separators . . . . . 316 Handling dirty address spaces. . . . . . . 342
Controlling code page conversion . . . . . . 316 Using enhanced program security . . . . . 342
Converting single-byte data . . . . . . . 317 Customizing the system for IP-supplied daemons 344
Converting double-byte data . . . . . . . 317 Steps for customizing the system for IP-supplied
Using character conversion tables . . . . . 317 daemons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Customizing code page conversion . . . . . 318 Customizing the IBM-supplied daemons . . . . 345
Managing z/OS UNIX in relation to other Customizing the inetd daemon . . . . . . 345
processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Customizing the uucpd daemon . . . . . . 346
JES2 processing. . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Customizing the rlogind daemon . . . . . . 346
JES3 processing. . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Customizing the cron daemon . . . . . . . 347
Accessing the Language Environment runtime Starting daemons . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Using & at the end of a command . . . . . 352
Steps for making the runtime library available Starting and restarting daemons . . . . . . 352
through STEPLIB . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Setting up security procedures for daemons . . . 354
Fastpath support for System Authorization Facility Steps for setting up security procedures for
(SAF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 daemons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Enabling the SAF fastpath support . . . . . 321 Giving daemon authority to vendor-written
Disabling the SAF fastpath support . . . . . 322 programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Determining problem causes . . . . . . . . 322 Tracking down problems when setting up daemons
Abends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 and servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Return codes and reason codes . . . . . . 322 Verifying the user OMVS segment . . . . . 356
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Verifying the group OMVS segment . . . . . 356
Component identifiers . . . . . . . . . 323 Verifying that the sticky bit is on . . . . . . 357
Formatting dumps. . . . . . . . . . . 324 Using external links to access MVS load
Diagnosing problems . . . . . . . . . . 324 libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Diagnosing problems in application programs 325 Finding modules that were not defined to
Diagnosing hangs during z/OS UNIX program control . . . . . . . . . . . 358
initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Checking the daemon authority . . . . . . 359
Checking the server setup . . . . . . . . 360
Chapter 14. Managing the temporary Setting up for rlogin . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Steps for setting up for rlogin . . . . . . . 361
file system (TFS) . . . . . . . . . . 327 Solving problems with rlogin setup . . . . . 362
Features of the TFS . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Security considerations . . . . . . . . . . 327
Creating the TFS . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Checking the size of the TFS . . . . . . . 328

Contents vii
Chapter 16. Preparing security for What happens if an identity change does not
servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 take place when a child is created? . . . . . 395
List of subtasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 What happens if an identity change does not
Designing security for servers . . . . . . . . 365 take place when a new process image is created
Setting up threads and security . . . . . . 366 by exec()? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Checking authority to use protected resources 367 Specifying a new identity . . . . . . . . 395
Limitations of RACF client ACEE support . . . 367 Setting process limits in z/OS UNIX . . . . 395
Documenting the security requirements . . . 368 Steps for setting process limits in z/OS UNIX 397
Establishing the correct level of security for servers 368 Using the IEFUSI installation exit to set process
UNIX level: BPX.SERVER is not defined . . . 368 limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
z/OS UNIX level: BPX.SERVER is defined. . . 368 Displaying process limits . . . . . . . . 399
RACF with enhanced program security, Changing process limits . . . . . . . . . 400
BPX.SERVER, and BPX.MAINCHECK . . . . 369 Steps for changing the process limits for an
BPX.SERVER . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 active process . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Defining servers to use thread-level security . . . 369 Reference information . . . . . . . . . 401
Steps for setting up servers . . . . . . . . 370 Improving performance of the z/OS shell . . . . 402
Defining servers to process users without Setting _BPX_SHAREAS and
passwords or password phrases . . . . . . . 372 _BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT . . . . . . . . . 402
Steps for defining servers to process users Controlling use of STEPLIBs . . . . . . . 403
without passwords or password phrases . . . 372 Checking that the sticky bit is set. . . . . . 403
Organizing file systems to improve performance 404
Improving performance of security checking . . . 404
Chapter 17. Monitoring the OMVS command and TSO/E response time . . . 404
environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Reporting on activities using SMF records . . . . 375 Chapter 19. Setting up for sockets 405
SMF record type 30 . . . . . . . . . . 375
List of subtasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
SMF record types 34 and 35 . . . . . . . 376
Using single stacks . . . . . . . . . . . 405
SMF record type 74 . . . . . . . . . . 376
Using multiple stacks. . . . . . . . . . . 406
SMF record type 80 . . . . . . . . . . 376
Choosing between INET or CINET . . . . . . 407
SMF record type 92 . . . . . . . . . . 376
Setting up for INET . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Monitoring process activity . . . . . . . . . 380
Setting up for CINET. . . . . . . . . . . 408
Using installation exits . . . . . . . . . 380
The internal routing table . . . . . . . . 409
Transport providers . . . . . . . . . . 410
Chapter 18. Tuning performance . . . 383 Limitations of IP configurations using CINET 410
List of subtasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Customizing BPXPRMxx for CINET . . . . . 411
Improving performance of runtime routines . . . 383 Using specific transports under CINET . . . . 413
Tuning tips for the compiler utilities. . . . . . 384 Resolver configuration files. . . . . . . . . 416
Improving performance by updating the Host information . . . . . . . . . . . 416
PROGxx member . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Service information . . . . . . . . . . 416
Caching RACF user and group information in VLF 384 Protocol information . . . . . . . . . . 416
Steps for caching UID and GID information in Resolver information . . . . . . . . . . 417
VLF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Displaying information about sockets . . . . . 417
Moving z/OS UNIX executables into the LPA . . 385
Steps for moving an executable in the file Chapter 20. Managing accounting
system into the LPA . . . . . . . . . . 385
Binding the executable or DLL into a PDSE . . 386
work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Using the shared library extended attribute . . . 387 List of subtasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Tuning tips for the file system . . . . . . . . 388 Using system management facilities (SMF) . . . 419
Tuning limits in BPXPRMxx . . . . . . . . 388 Assigning account numbers for forked address
Monitoring system and process limits . . . . 388 spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
Monitoring use of system resources . . . . . 389 Modifying the accounting information for the
Controlling use of ESQA . . . . . . . . 390 OMVS and BPXOINIT address spaces . . . . . 420
Controlling dispatching priorities. . . . . . 391 Steps for modifying accounting information . . 420
System limits and process limits . . . . . . 392 Validating user accounts using the IEFUAV exit 421
What are hard limits? . . . . . . . . . 393 Checking job names and accounting information
What are soft limits? . . . . . . . . . . 393 using the IEFUJI exit . . . . . . . . . . . 422
How are limits handled after an identity Steps for activating the IEFUJI exit for OMVS
change? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
Inheriting soft limits . . . . . . . . . . 394 Using the IEFUJV job validation exit . . . . . 424
What happens when an identity change occurs? 394 Using the IEFUSI step initiation exit . . . . . . 424
Generating job names for OMVS address spaces 425

viii z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Chapter 21. IBM Health Checker for Using assistive technologies . . . . . . . . 445
z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Keyboard navigation of the user interface . . . . 445
Dotted decimal syntax diagrams . . . . . . . 445
Appendix A. Commonly used
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
environment variables . . . . . . . 429
Policy for unsupported hardware. . . . . . . 450
_BPX environment variables . . . . . . . . 429
Minimum supported hardware . . . . . . . 451
_BPXK environment variables . . . . . . . . 431
Programming Interface Information . . . . . . 451
_CEE environment variables . . . . . . . . 436
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

Appendix B. Modules for the login Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453

and logout functions . . . . . . . . 439
FOMTLINP module for the login function . . . . 439
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
FOMTLOUT module for the logout function . . . 442

Appendix C. Accessibility . . . . . . 445

Accessibility features . . . . . . . . . . . 445

Contents ix
x z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
1. z/OS operating system with z/OS UNIX 3 28. What a version file system looks like 181
2. How fork() creates a new process . . . . . 3 29. COUPLExx parmlib member . . . . . . 185
3. Example of workstation and network 30. BPXPRMxx setup — sharing file systems 193
connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 31. Shared file systems in a sysplex . . . . . 194
4. BPXPRMXX member of SYS1.PARMLIB (Part 32. Sharing file systems: one version file system
1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 and one BPXPRMxx for the entire sysplex . . 196
5. BPXPRMXX member of SYS1.PARMLIB (Part 33. Sharing file systems: one version file system
2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 and separate BPXPRMxx members for each
6. A sample sanctioned list file . . . . . . . 38 system in the sysplex . . . . . . . . . 197
7. CTIBPX00 member of SYS1.PARMLIB . . . . 42 34. Sharing file systems in a sysplex: multiple
8. Customized CTCBPX08 parmlib member 43 systems in a sysplex using the same release
9. How unique UIDs and GIDs are assigned 63 level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
10. Logical view of the hierarchical file system for 35. BPXPRMxx setup for multiple systems
the user . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 sharing file systems and using different
11. Mounting a file system . . . . . . . . 122 release levels. . . . . . . . . . . . 199
12. Direct mount. . . . . . . . . . . . 147 36. Sharing file systems between multiple
13. Automount facility. . . . . . . . . . 148 systems using different release levels . . . 200
14. Mounting the new intermediate file system 149 37. One BPXPRMxx parmlib member for multiple
15. Creating a mount point directory for a user 150 systems sharing file systems and using
16. Mounting the new file system . . . . . . 151 different release levels . . . . . . . . 201
17. How a pipe works . . . . . . . . . . 152 38. Contents of /samples/.profile . . . . . . 225
18. Preparation for installing service . . . . . 159 39. Partial contents of the /samples/inittab file 234
19. Example of an /etc/auto.master file. It is 40. Partial contents of the /samples/csh.login file 236
named /etc/u.map. . . . . . . . . . 165 41. Partial contents of the /samples/csh.cshrc file 237
20. Example of a generic entry in a MapName 42. A simple UUCP network. . . . . . . . 257
file, /etc/u/map . . . . . . . . . . 166 43. Sample D OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE
21. Follow-up steps when using the automount output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 44. Second example of D
22. Specific entry in a MapName file . . . . . 170 OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE . . . . . . 297
23. Logical view of a shared file system for the 45. Job for placing a program in the LPA 387
end user . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 46. A z/OS UNIX system using a single stack 406
24. BPXPRMxx parmlib member for a single 47. A z/OS UNIX system using multiple stacks. 407
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 48. Multiple transport provider support with two
25. Illustration of a single system . . . . . . 177 z/OS UNIX systems . . . . . . . . . 409
26. What the file system structure of a sysplex 49. Partial extract of the services information 416
root looks like . . . . . . . . . . . 178
27. What the structure of a system-specific file
system looks like . . . . . . . . . . 180

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 xi

xii z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
1. Accessing z/OS UNIX . . . . . . . . . 9 22. PFS termination for various AUTOMOVE
2. Task list for customization in full function settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 23. Move a specific file system to any system for
3. Types of file systems . . . . . . . . . 27 various AUTOMOVE settings . . . . . . 190
4. System-wide and process-level limits . . . . 29 24. Move all file systems from a system to a
5. Copying /samples/rc and specific target system for various
/samples/init.options to /etc/rc and AUTOMOVE settings . . . . . . . . . 190
/etc/init.options . . . . . . . . . . . 44 25. AUTOMOVE options supported by the
6. Copying /samples/inittab to /etc/inittab 44 MOUNT command . . . . . . . . . 207
7. Resource names in the UNIXPRIV class for 26. Environment variables that you can
z/OS UNIX privileges . . . . . . . . . 73 customize for $HOME/.profile. . . . . . 226
8. Permissions for defined and undefined 27. Files that are associated with /usr/sbin/init 227
FACILITY class profiles . . . . . . . . 86 28. Copying configuration files in order to use
9. File access types and permission bits . . . . 93 z/OS UNIX shells and utilities . . . . . . 237
10. Explanation of the characters in tfffggoooa 29. UUCP configuration files . . . . . . . 263
format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 30. Escape characters that can be used in chat
11. Explanation of the characters in fff, ggg, and scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
ooo format . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 31. Default printers . . . . . . . . . . . 315
12. ACL tasks and their associated commands 101 32. List of component identifiers that are used in
13. Methods for activating the sanction list 106 dumps and symptom strings . . . . . . 323
14. Comparing read-only and read/write mode 33. List of maximum file sizes that the TFS
for the root file system of the execution supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 34. Comparing traditional UNIX, MVS, and z/OS
15. Required post-installation activities for UNIX security . . . . . . . . . . . 334
mounting a root file system in read-only 35. Verifying that the sticky bit is on . . . . . 357
mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 36. Subtypes for SMF record type 92 . . . . . 377
16. Ways of starting the automount facility 167 37. Calculating initial settings when tuning
17. Various file systems that exist in a sysplex 174 process activity . . . . . . . . . . . 390
18. Parameters used when setting up shared file 38. System-wide limits that can be defined in
systems in a sysplex . . . . . . . . . 185 BPXPRMxx . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
19. Soft shutdown actions for various 39. Process-level limits that can be defined in
AUTOMOVE settings . . . . . . . . . 188 BPXPRMxx . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
20. OMVS shutdown actions for various 40. Hard limits that can be defined in the RACF
AUTOMOVE settings . . . . . . . . . 188 user profile . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
21. Dead system (member gone) takeover for
various AUTOMOVE settings . . . . . . 189

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 xiii

xiv z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
About this document
This document presents the information you need to plan for and run an IBM®
z/OS® system with support for z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX). This
element and the Language Environment® element and z/OS XL C/C++ compiler
provide an application programming interface (API) and a shell interface based on
the open systems standards of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) project, the Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS), and the X/Open Portability Guide Issue 4

The z/OS Network File System and the z/OS Distributed File Service provide
additional capability.

Using this document, the people who run the installation will be able to do the
following tasks for z/OS UNIX:
v Customize it
v Manage operations
v Manage processing by shell users and application programs
v Manage file systems
v Control security
v Monitor and tune performance
v Collect data for accounting

Using this document

This document is for the system programmers, storage administrators, security
administrators, and security auditors who run a z/OS system with z/OS UNIX.
On other open systems, some system programmer tasks might be done by an

This document supports z/OS (5650-ZOS).

It assumes the readers are familiar with z/OS systems and its accompanying

This document also assumes that you are using Security Server for z/OS. RACF® is
a component of the Security Server for z/OS. Instead of RACF, you can use an
equivalent security product if it supports the system authorization facility (SAF)
interfaces required by z/OS UNIX, which are documented in z/OS Security Server
RACF Callable Services.

z/OS information
This information explains how z/OS references information in other documents
and on the web.

When possible, this information uses cross document links that go directly to the
topic in reference using shortened versions of the document title. For complete
titles and order numbers of the documents for all products that are part of z/OS,
see z/OS Information Roadmap.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 xv

To find the complete z/OS library, including the z/OS Information Center, see
z/OS Internet Library (http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/bkserv/).

IBM Systems Center publications

IBM Systems Centers produce IBM Redbooks® publications that can be helpful in
setting up and using z/OS UNIX. See the IBM Redbooks site at

These documents have not been subjected to any formal review nor have they been
checked for technical accuracy, but they represent current product understanding at
the time of their publication and provide information on a wide range of topics.
You must order them separately. A selected list of these documents is on the z/OS
UNIX website at http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/features/unix/library/.

Porting information for z/OS UNIX

A Porting Guide is available at http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/features/
unix/bpxa1por.html. It covers a range of useful topics, including sizing a port,
setting up a porting environment, ASCII-EBCDIC issues, performance, and much

The porting page also features a variety of porting tips and lists porting resources
that will help you in your port.

z/OS UNIX courses

For a current list of courses that you can take, go to http://www.ibm.com/

z/OS UNIX home page

Visit the z/OS UNIX home page at http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/

Some of the tools available from the website are ported tools, and some are
unsupported tools designed for z/OS UNIX. The code works in our environment
at the time we make it available, but is not officially supported. Each tool has a
readme file that describes the tool and lists any restrictions.

The simplest way to reach these tools is through the z/OS UNIX home page. From
the home page, click on Tools and Toys.

The code is also available from ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/s390/zos/unix/ through

anonymous FTP.

Because the tools are not officially supported, APARs cannot be accepted.

Discussion list
Customers and IBM participants also discuss z/OS UNIX on the mvs-oe
discussion list. This list is not operated or sponsored by IBM.

To subscribe to the mvs-oe discussion, send a note to:

[email protected]

Include the following line in the body of the note, substituting your given name
and family name as indicated:

xvi z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

subscribe mvs-oe given_name family_name

After you have been subscribed, you will receive further instructions on how to
use the mailing list.

About this document xvii

xviii z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
How to send your comments to IBM
We appreciate your input on this publication. Feel free to comment on the clarity,
accuracy, and completeness of the information or provide any other feedback that
you have.

Use one of the following methods to send your comments:

1. Send an email to [email protected].
2. Send an email from the "Contact us" web page for z/OS (http://
3. Mail the comments to the following address:
IBM Corporation
Attention: MHVRCFS Reader Comments
Department H6MA, Building 707
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4. Fax the comments to us, as follows:
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Include the following information:

v Your name and address.
v Your email address.
v Your telephone or fax number.
v The publication title and order number:
z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
v The topic and page number that is related to your comment.
v The text of your comment.
When you send comments to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or
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IBM or any other organizations use the personal information that you supply to
contact you only about the issues that you submit.

If you have a technical problem

Do not use the feedback methods that are listed for sending comments. Instead,
take one of the following actions:
v Contact your IBM service representative.
v Call IBM technical support.
v Visit the IBM Support Portal at z/OS support page (http://www.ibm.com/

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 xix

xx z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
z/OS Version 2 Release 1 summary of changes
See the following publications for all enhancements to z/OS Version 2 Release 1
v z/OS Migration
v z/OS Planning for Installation
v z/OS Summary of Message and Interface Changes
v z/OS Introduction and Release Guide

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 xxi

xxii z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 1. Introduction to z/OS UNIX
The UNIX System Services element of z/OS is a UNIX operating environment,
implemented within the z/OS operating system. It is also known as z/OS UNIX.
The z/OS support enables two open systems interfaces on the z/OS operating
system: an application programming interface (API) and an interactive shell

Many users use similar interfaces on other systems and use terminology different
from z/OS terminology. For example, they call virtual storage memory. The work
done by their system administrators is handled by system programmers in z/OS
systems. Where possible, individual terms and phrases are indicated.

To sum up z/OS UNIX:

v z/OS UNIX System Services (a component of the BCP FMID) provides:
– XPG4 UNIX 1995 conformance
– Assembler callable services
– TSO/E commands to manage the file system
– ISPF shell environment
v z/OS UNIX System Services Application Services (FMID HOTxxxx) interprets
commands from users or from programs, called shell scripts, and requests MVS™
services in response to the commands. It provides:
– A TSO/E command to enter the shell environment
– A shell environment for developing and running applications
– Utilities to administer and develop in a UNIX environment
– Support for socket applications
– Remote login (rlogin) and inetd functions
– Direct telnet based on TCP/IP protocol
– A dbx debugger to enable the application programmer to debug source
programs written in C or C/C++.
– Support for full-screen applications (curses support)
– The ability to run programs interactively in the foreground, or in the

The API interface

With the application programming interface, programs can run in any
environment. For example, the programs can run in batch jobs, in jobs submitted
by TSO/E users, and in most other started tasks. The programs can also run in any
other MVS application task environment. The programs can request only MVS
services, z/OS UNIX, or both MVS and z/OS UNIX.

The application interface is composed of C interfaces. Some of the C interfaces are

managed within the C/C++ Runtime Library and others access kernel
interfaces to perform authorized system functions on behalf of the unauthorized

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 1

The interactive shell interface
z/OS UNIX responds to requests from programs and the shells. z/OS UNIX has
two shells, the z/OS shell and the tcsh shell. They are collectively called the z/OS
UNIX shell. The interactive shell interface is an execution environment analogous
to TSO/E, with a programming language of shell commands analogous to the
Restructured eXtended eXecutor (REXX) Language. The shell work consists of:
v Programs run by shell users
v Shell commands and scripts run by shell users
v Shell commands and scripts run as batch jobs

Interacting with elements and features of z/OS

z/OS provides a number of facilities to enable users to interact directly with the
operating system. The z/OS UNIX facility enables users to write and invoke shell
scripts and utilities, and to use the shell programming language.

z/OS UNIX also interacts with the following elements and features of z/OS:
v BCP (WLM and SMF components)
v z/OS XL C/C++ compiler, to compile programs. In V1R6 and earlier, the
compiler was known as the z/OS C/C++ compiler.
v Language Environment, to execute the shell and utilities or any other
XPG4-compliant shell application
v Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS). HFS is a component of
v Security Server for z/OS. (RACF is a component of the Security Server.)
v Resource Measurement Facility™ (RMF™)
v System Display and Search Facility (SDSF)
v Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E)
v Communications Server (TCP/IP)
v ISPF, to use the dialogs for OEDIT, OBROWSE, OPUTX, OGETX, or ISPF/PDF
for the ISPF shell
v Network File System (NFS)
v z/OS File System (zFS)

Figure 1 on page 3 shows how z/OS UNIX, the shell interface, and the API relate
to the rest of the z/OS operating system.

2 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Interface HFS
(C functions)


Language NFS
Environment Kernel


Services WLM
(commands) SMF

Figure 1. z/OS operating system with z/OS UNIX

Workload Manager (WLM)

The workload manager is a component of z/OS that provides the ability to
manage multiple workloads at the same time within one z/OS image or across
multiple images. When using WLM, you do not need to do any tuning or issue
any commands. The kernel uses WLM to create child processes while running in
goal mode.

When programs issue fork() or spawn(), the BPXAS PROC found in SYS1.PROCLIB
is used to provide a new address space. For a fork(), the system copies one
process, called the parent process, into a new process, called the child process. The
forked address space is provided by WLM. Figure 2 shows how a fork() creates a
new process.

Program A Program A’

Parent Process Child Process

Figure 2. How fork() creates a new process

Existing MVS address space types such as TSO, STC, Batch, and APPC can request
z/OS UNIX services. When one of those address spaces makes its first request to
the z/OS kernel, the kernel dubs the task; that is, it identifies the task as a z/OS
UNIX process. There are two types of processes: user processes, which are associated

Chapter 1. Introduction to z/OS UNIX 3

with a user, and daemon processes, which perform continuous or periodic
system-wide functions such as a Web server.

Daemons are programs that are typically started when the operating system is
initialized and remain active to perform standard services. Some programs are
considered daemons that initialize processes for users even though these daemons
are not long-running processes. Examples of daemons are:
v cron, which starts applications at specific times
v inetd, which provides service management for a network
v rlogind, which starts a user shell session when one is requested, using a remote
rlogin command
In similar systems, initialization typically starts a telnet daemon to perform
terminal services.Daemons are not restarted if they stop. You can restart them in
any of several ways:
v The z/OS operator can restart daemons using a cataloged procedure. For more
information, see “Starting daemons” on page 351.
v A system programmer can restart the daemon from a shell.
v You can use automation products such as Tivoli® NetView® for z/OS to notice
daemons terminating and then restart them using cataloged procedures.

A process can have one or more threads; a thread is a single flow of control within
a process. Application programmers create multiple threads to structure an
application in independent sections that can run in parallel for more efficient use
of system resources.

For more information about threads, refer to the pthread_create service

(BPXB1PTC) in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services

System Management Facilities (SMF)

System management facilities (SMF) is a component of z/OS that provides the
ability to run multiple workloads at the same time within one z/OS image or
across multiple images. SMF job and job step accounting records identify processes
by user, process, group, and session identifiers. Fields in these records also provide
information about resources used by the process. SMF file system records describe
file system events such as file open, file close, and file system mount, unmount,
quiesce, and unquiesce.

Use the JWT, SWT, or TWT value in the SMF parmlib member SMFPRMxx in
conjunction with the BPXPRMxx PWT value to specify when to time out an idle
address space that is waiting for terminal activity. For more information, see
“SMFPRMxx” on page 43.

XL C/C++ compiler
C is a programming language designed for a wide variety of programming
purposes including system-level code. To compile C code using the c89 command,
or to compile C/C++ code using cxx, you need the z/OS XL C/C++ compiler that
is available with z/OS.

Language Environment
Language Environment establishes a common language development and
execution environment for application programmers on z/OS. To run a shell

4 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

command or utility, or any user-provided application program written in C or
C++, you need the C/C++ runtime library provided with Language Environment.

Data Facility System-Managed Storage (DFSMS) manages the data sets used for
processing the hierarchical file system which is z/OS. These data sets make up a
file hierarchy which consists of files and directories.
v Files contain data or programs. A file containing a load module or shell script or
REXX program is called an executable file. Files are kept in directories.
v Directories contain files, other directories, or both.
Additional local or remote file systems can be mounted within the file hierarchy.

Security Server (RACF)

The RACF component of the Security Server authenticates users and verifies
whether they are allowed to access certain resources. An equivalent security
product can be used to do those tasks.

A user is identified by a UID, which is kept in the OMVS segment of the RACF
user profile, and a GID, which is kept in the OMVS segment of the RACF group
profile. z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide contains
information about OMVS segments.

Resource Measurement Facility (RMF)

Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) collects data used to describe z/OS UNIX
performance. RMF reports support an address space type of OMVS for address
spaces created by fork or spawn callable services and support two swap reason
codes. It also monitors the use of resources.

System Display and Search Facility (SDSF)

System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) is an IBM-licensed program that
provides a menu-driven full-screen interface that is used to obtained detailed
information about jobs and resources in a system. Shell users can enter TSO/E
sessions and use SDSF to monitor z/OS activities. For example, they can:
v Monitor printing
v Monitor and control a batch job
v Monitor and control forked address spaces
v Find out which users are logged on to TSO/E sessions

Time Sharing Options Extensions (TSO/E)

Time Sharing Options Extensions (TSO/E) is a licensed program that is based on
Time Sharing Option (TSO). With TSO/E, users can interactively share computer
time and resources. They can also enter the shell environment by logging on to a
TSO/E session and entering the OMVS command. Other TSO/E commands
logically mount and unmount file systems, create directories in a file system, and
copy files to and from MVS data sets. Users can switch from the shell to their
TSO/E session, enter commands or do editing, and switch back to the shell. For
information about how to perform these tasks using TSO/E commands, see z/OS
UNIX System Services User's Guidez/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide.

Chapter 1. Introduction to z/OS UNIX 5

Communications Server
Communications Server offers mainframe network security and enables SNA and
TCP/IP applications running on z/OS to communicate with partner applications
and users on the same or different systems. It enables users to enter the shell
environment by using rlogin or telnet from a workstation in the TCP/IP network.

User-written socket applications can use TCP/IP services as a communication

vehicle. Both client and server socket applications can use the socket interface to
communicate over the Internet (AF_INET and AF_INET6) and between other
socket applications by using local sockets (AF_UNIX). An assembler interface is
also provided for those applications that do not use the C/C++ runtime library.

For information about multiple transport providers, see Chapter 19, “Setting up for
sockets,” on page 405.

Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF)

Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) offers mainframe network security
and enables SNA and TCP/IP applications running on z/OS to communicate with
partner applications and users on the same or different systems. Users of ISPF can
use the ISPF shell environment to create, edit, browse, and perform other functions
for files and directories in the z/OS UNIX file system.

Network File System (NFS)

Network File System (NFS) enables users to access files on other systems in a

z/OS File System (zFS)

z/OS File System (zFS) is a UNIX file system that can be used, along with HFS.
For more information, see “Using the z/OS File System (zFS)” on page 116.

Hardware considerations for z/OS UNIX

You can use the same hardware as the other components of the z/OS system. Use
the same network connections that TSO/E uses and the processor and network
connections that JES uses.

Additional hardware considerations are:

v If you want to use rlogin, the connections are different from those for TSO/E
v The optional Suppression on Protection feature, if not present, negates certain
functions such as mmap() and fork() copy-on-write.
v For improved TCP/IP performance, install the CHECKSUM hardware
v To take advantage of improved performance in semaphore processing, you must
be running on hardware that supports the PLO (Perform Locked Operation)

Requirements for accessing kernel services using TSO/E

To access kernel services using TSO/E, you need the same hardware as other z/OS
components. You also need the workstation connections that TSO/E uses and the
processor and network connections that JES2 or JES3 uses. Network connections
can be made through:

6 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v Systems Network Architecture (SNA) network: Configure the workstation
hardware and software to access TSO/E through z/OS Communications Server,
formerly known as Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM®).The
system requires no additional network definitions for access to z/OS UNIX
through TSO/E.
v TCP/IP network: Configure the workstation hardware and software to
communicate with z/OS Communications Server, . For the Telnet (TN3270)
server, define the Telnet VTAM parameters.
v rlogin or telnet: For rlogin or telnet, configure the workstation hardware and
software to communicate with z/OS Communications Server. If you use rlogin,
you might need additional network capacity to support additional rlogin users.

Figure 3 on page 8 shows an example of workstation and network connections for

the z/OS system with kernel services.

Chapter 1. Introduction to z/OS UNIX 7

TSO/E z/OS rlogin-S
Shell telnet-S



Network Network

TN3270-C telnet-C rlogin-C

3270 Windows AIX AIX

Terminal Workstation Workstation

TN3270-C -- TELNET 3270 Client

TN3270-S -- TELNET 3270 Server
rlogin-C -- rlogin Client
rlogin-S -- rlogin Server
telnet-C -- telnet Client (not shown)
telnet-S -- telnet Server

Figure 3. Example of workstation and network connections.

In a z/OS system with kernel services, the workstation and network connections are interrelated.

Table 1 on page 9 shows several ways that you can access the z/OS UNIX shells:
v The TSO/E OMVS command, which provides a 3270 interface
v The rlogin command, which provides an ASCII interface
The telnet command, which provides an ASCII interface

When you first log in to one of the z/OS UNIX shells, you are in line mode.
Depending on how you access the shell, you might be able to use utilities that
require raw mode (such as vi) or run an X-Windows application.
Line mode
Input is processed after you press <Enter>. Line mode is also called
canonical mode.

8 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Raw mode
Each character is processed as it is typed. Raw mode is also called
non-canonical mode.
A graphical user interface for X-Windows applications.
Table 1. Accessing z/OS UNIX
Software at the Supported
Terminal terminal Connection to the host Shell access modes
3270 Front-end processor such as OMVS (TSO Line
3174 or 3172 command)
Workstation 3270 emulator (such as Front-end processor such as OMVS (TSO Line
pc3270 or tn3270) 3174 or 3172 command)
rlogin or telnet client Front-end processor such as rlogin or telnet Line or raw
3174 or 3172
X-Window server Front-end processor such as X-Window client Graphical
3174 or 3172
X-terminal rlogin or telnet client Front-end processor such as rlogin or telnet Line or raw
3174 or 3172
X-Window server Front-end processor such as X-Window client Graphical
3174 or 3172

Noncanonical mode cannot be used with a 3270 because a 3270 does not send data
until ENTER, PA, CLEAR, or PF keys are pressed.

Tasks that z/OS UNIX application programmers do

Application programmers are likely to do the following when creating
UNIX-compliant application programs:
1. Design, code, and test the programs on their workstations using XPG4
UNIX-conforming systems.
2. Send the source modules from the workstation to z/OS.
3. Copy the source modules from the MVS data sets to z/OS UNIX files.
4. Compile the source modules and link-edit them into executable programs.
5. Test the application programs.
6. Use the application programs.

A z/OS UNIX program can be run interactively from a shell in the foreground or
background, run as an MVS batch job, or called from another program.

The following types of applications exist in z/OS UNIX:

v Strictly conforming XPG4-conforming applications
v Applications using only kernel services
v Applications using both kernel and MVS services
v Applications using only MVS services

A z/OS program submitted through the job stream or as a job from a TSO/E
session can request kernel services through the following:
v C/C++ functions
v Shell commands, after invoking the shell

Chapter 1. Introduction to z/OS UNIX 9

v Callable services

At the first request for a kernel service, the system dubs the program as a z/OS
UNIX process. C/C++ applications that use RUNOPT 'POSIX(ON)' are always
dubbed implicitly. POSIX(OFF) or non-C/C++ applications are not dubbed until an
explicit kernel service request is issued.

Administrative tasks using the ISPF shell

The ISPF shell is a panel interface that you can use instead of TSO/E commands or
shell commands to perform certain tasks. For example, you can use the ISPF shell
to display all mounted file systems or its attributes such as total blocks.

You can also use the ISPF shell to perform the following tasks, which require
superuser authority or the RACF SPECIAL attribute or both.
v Create character special files
v Mount a file system
v Unmount a file system
v Reset a pending unmount
v Reset a quiesce status
v Change attributes for z/OS UNIX users
v Display a list of users and sort by name, UID, GID
v Print a list of users
v Set up z/OS UNIX users
v Set up z/OS UNIX groups
v Permit users to alter their own home directory and initial program

See z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide for more information about using the
ISPF shell.

10 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Chapter 2. Installing z/OS UNIX
You will read about the actions to take before you start to perform the installation
steps outlined in z/OS ServerPac: Installing Your Order (for ServerPac users) and
z/OS Program Directory (for CBPDO users).

For migration information, go to z/OS Migration.

Methods of installing z/OS UNIX

Two methods of installing z/OS are provided with your z/OS license: ServerPac
and CBPDO. For each of these, z/OS Planning for Installation describes what IBM
does for you, what you receive from IBM, and what actions you need to take.

It is important that you are familiar with the information that comes with those
two installation methods. The information is needed when you install z/OS UNIX,
along with the other elements and features. The custom-built z/OS ServerPac:
Installing Your Order describes the installation jobs that you run to replace an
existing system or install a new one. For CBPDO users, the Program Directory
describes how to use the SMP/E RECEIVE, APPLY, and ACCEPT commands to
install your order. Both describe the installation verification procedures (IVPs) that
you perform to ensure that your installation is proceeding successfully. They also
contain some customization information.

Installing z/OS UNIX for ServerPac customers

For z/OS ServerPac customers, IBM delivers a single root file system. This file
system is unloaded when you do "Establishing UNIX Services" in the ServerPac
installation process. Not only does the single-root file system make cloning of file
systems easier, but it also dramatically reduces the number of jobs run by system
programmers to establish z/OS UNIX.

Requirement: Performing ServerPac installation requires that you be a superuser

with UID(0) or have access to the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY
class. See “Security requirements for ServerPac and CBPDO installation” on page
87 for a complete description of the security requirements necessary to perform
your ServerPac instal

The information that IBM products keep within /var is not intended for you to
directly edit or modify. It is for IBM use only. Like /etc, IBM products create
directories under /var during installation. Unlike /etc, IBM products (during
execution or customization) also create files in /var. However, IBM products do not
install files into /var during the SMP/E installation.

IBM also delivers a separate file system for /etc. See “Establishing an /etc file
system for a new release” on page 12.

Installing z/OS UNIX for CBPDO customers

For customers who use the CBPDO (Custom-Built Product Delivery Option)
software delivery package, two sample jobs in SYS1.SAMPLIB are available.
v BPXISZFS for zFS file systems
v BPXISHFS for HFS file systems

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 11

They allocate the root and /etc data sets and then mount them at a given mount
point. A file system is allocated and mounted on the /etc directory so that
z/OS-delivered code is part of a single file system (either zFS or HFS), while
customized data can be kept separate. Because there is only one file system, it is
easier to clone file systems.

The sample job accepts a mount point directory (commonly referred to as a service
directory) to allow you to install new releases of z/OS without affecting your
production root file system.

Rule: You must be a superuser with UID(0) or have access to the BPX.SUPERUSER
resource in the FACILITY class. See “Security requirements for ServerPac and
CBPDO installation” on page 87 for a complete description of the security
requirements necessary to perform your install.

Elements and features that install into the file system are installed in both WAVE 1
and WAVE 2 of the CBPDO process and are listed in the z/OS Program Directory.

Setting up BPXOINIT as a started procedure

BPXOINIT is the started procedure that runs the initialization process. If you are
using CBPDO, you have to set up BPXOINIT as a started procedure by adding it
to either the RACF STARTED class or the RACF started procedures table, module
ICHRINO3, as explained in “Steps for preparing RACF” on page 54.

BPXOINIT is also the job name of the initialization process and is shipped in

The STEPLIB DD statement is propagated from OMVS to BPXOINIT. If there is a

STEPLIB DD statement in the BPXOINIT procedure, it is not used if a STEPLIB DD
statement was specified in the OMVS procedure.

Establishing an /etc file system for a new release

The /etc file system is the location for your own customization data for products.
You set up the /etc files and you maintain their content. IBM products create
directories under /etc during installation, but IBM does not create files under /etc
during SMP/E installation. Because IBM products do not create files into /etc, there
is no possibility that SMP/E installation of an IBM product or service will overlay
your own files within /etc.

Guideline: Establish the /etc file system before you perform the first IPL of the
new system. How you establish the directory differs, depending on whether you
already have an /etc file system.
v If you do not have one, create it using instructions in “Customizing the z/OS
UNIX shells” on page 217. For information about handling files in the /etc
directory of other z/OS elements and features that install into the z/OS UNIX
file system, see z/OS Migration. You might also have /etc file system impacts for
non-z/OS products that you are installing. For that information, see migration
and customization information for those products.
v If you already have an /etc file system, the /etc directory for the new z/OS
system is based on a copy of the /etc file system for your existing system. You
make this copy and migrate your existing /etc file system, following instructions
in ServerPac: Installing Your Order (for those choosing ServerPac) and the
Program Directory (for those choosing the CBPDO method of installation).

12 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Because the configuration and customization data in your existing /etc file
system might not be correct for the new system, you might need to make
changes to the copy.

Chapter 2. Installing z/OS UNIX 13

14 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX
Before customizing z/OS UNIX, you must decide whether you want to set up
kernel services in minimum mode or full function mode. If you want to use any
z/OS UNIX service, TCP/IP, or other functions that require the kernel services,
you must use full function mode; otherwise, you can use minimum mode.

Requirement: In order to apply service to the file system, you need at least one
system that can run in full function mode.

SMS (System Managed Storage, which is part of the DFSMSdfp element of z/OS)
must be configured, whether you define the kernel in minimum mode or full
function mode.

Setting up kernel services in minimum mode

In minimum mode, the kernel cannot support some functions, such as the z/OS
shell and TCP/IP.

If you specify OMVS=DEFAULT in the IEASYSxx parmlib member and then

re-IPL, the kernel services start in minimum mode and use the default values for
all BPXPRMxx parmlib statements. See the BPXPRMxx section in z/OS MVS
Initialization and Tuning Reference for information about the default values.

In minimum mode, a temporary file system named SYSROOT is used as the root
file system. It is initialized and primed with a minimum set of files and directories.
Any data written to this file system is not written to DASD. (See Chapter 14,
“Managing the temporary file system (TFS),” on page 327 for a description of a
temporary file system.) The temporary file system does not have any executables;
that is, the shell will not be available. Do not install z/OS UNIX System Services
Application Services in the TFS, because data will not be written to DASD.

To switch to using kernel services in full function mode, complete the tasks that
are described in “Setting up for full function mode.” The task list in Table 2 on
page 16 applies to those who want to use full function mode.

Setting up kernel services in full function mode

If you specify one or more BPXPRMxx members on the OMVS= statement in the
IEASYSxx member, then the kernel services start up in full function mode when
the system is IPLed. To use the full function mode, you need to perform the tasks
listed in Table 2 on page 16.

Before installing the remainder of z/OS, you need to customize SMS, RACF, and
the z/OS UNIX file system.

The setup process is listed in “Setting up for full function mode.”

Setting up for full function mode

The following list identifies the tasks that you do to set up the kernel in full
function mode. It is important to follow the order of the tasks listed here.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 15

Some tasks require superuser authority. In that case, that authority might be gained
through authority to profiles defined in the UNIXPRIV class that grant certain
superuser privileges to users who do not have superuser authority. See “Using
UNIXPRIV class profiles” on page 73 for more information.
Table 2. Task list for customization in full function mode. This table contains a list of tasks
for customizing in full function mode.
“Evaluating virtual memory needs” on page 17
Chapter 4, “Establishing UNIX security,” on page 53
“Prioritizing kernel work on your system” on page 19
“Defining the BPXPRMxx members in IEASYSxx” on page 22
“Customizing the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB” on page 23
“Customizing other members of SYS1.PARMLIB” on page 41
“Initializing the kernel using a cataloged procedure” on page 45
“Running a physical file system in a colony address space” on page 45
“Enabling certain TSO/E commands to z/OS UNIX users” on page 48
Chapter 8, “Customizing the shells and utilities,” on page 215, “Customizing the z/OS
UNIX shells” on page 217
Chapter 15, “Setting up for daemons,” on page 333
“Enabling the man pages” on page 238
“Setting up for rlogin” on page 361
Chapter 16, “Preparing security for servers,” on page 365
“Creating the user file systems” on page 146
Chapter 18, “Tuning performance,” on page 383
“Setting up TCP/IP security” on page 111
Chapter 19, “Setting up for sockets,” on page 405
“Checking for setup errors” on page 51

Checking the mode of the kernel in a running system

To check the mode of the kernel on a running system, issue D OMVS from the
console. If the kernel is running in full function mode, you will see output similar
to the following:

where OMVS=(2W) represents the parmlib setting that was used.

If the kernel is running in minimum mode, you will see output similar to the

where DEFAULT indicates that an OMVS setting was not specified in IEASYSxx.

16 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Evaluating virtual memory needs
The kernel services use storage based on expected use as defined by the
BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB, as well as by actual use. If you follow the
guidelines for Extended Common Service Area (ECSA) and Extended System
Queue Area (ESQA), you should avoid running out of storage.

Using extended common service area (ECSA)

The extended common service area (ECSA) is a major storage area above the 16
MB line, containing pageable system data areas addressable by all active virtual
address spaces. Use of ECSA is based on the following formulas:
#tasks_using_Openmvs * 150 bytes
#processes * 500 bytes
#dubbed_address_space * 500 bytes

For example, if your system supports 200 dubbed address spaces, 500 processes,
and 2000 threads, the kernel service consumes an additional 650KB of ECSA.

In addition to this ECSA usage,

v The workload manager (WLM) also uses some ECSA for each initiator to satisfy
a fork request.
v The OMVS address space uses an additional 20 KB of ECSA. The kernel also
uses ECSA to process spawn requests. This storage is freed when no longer
needed. Allocate an additional 100K of ECSA for spawn usage.
v Each process that has a STEPLIB that is propagated from parent to child or
across an exec will consume about 200 bytes of ECSA. If STEPLIBs are used for
all processes and you have 400® processes, an additional 80K of ECSA is

Using extended system queue area (ESQA)

The extended system queue area (ESQA) is a major element of z/OS virtual
memory above the 16MB line. This storage area contains tables and queues relating
to the entire system, and duplicates above the 16MB line the system queue area
(SQA). Kernel services use ESQA in support of several functions. You can use
formulas to predict some of the ESQA usage, but others can only be estimated. The
maximum amount of ESQA consumed by z/OS UNIX shared memory functions
can be limited by the value specified in MAXSHAREPAGES.

The following functions consume ESQA:

1. Signaling uses SRBs to notify the target of a signal. Signaling frequency is
typically not very high and the SRBs are short-lived. For most installations,
additional ESQA does not need to be allocated in order to support signaling. If
you run applications that use signals frequently, increase your ESQA allocation.
2. Using asynchronous socket services causes SRBs to be allocated. Allocate an
additional 100KB of ESQA if there is heavy use of asynchronous socket
3. The following functions use an MVS service called IARVSERV:
v ptrace(), debugger support
v shmat(), shared memory attach
v mmap(), memory map files
v fork() when fork is using Copy on Write (COW) mode

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 17

For each real page of shared storage affected by IARVSERV, RSM allocates a
32-byte anchor block in ESQA. For each virtual page connected to a shared real
page, RSM allocates a 32-byte control block in ESQA.

Predicting and limiting ESQA usage

The following formulas and examples should help you to predict and limit ESQA
1. Shared memory, shmat(), is typically used by server address spaces to
communicate with clients.
The __IPC_MEGA option enables applications to use large quantities of shared
memory without system overhead. If you have applications taking advantage
of this __IPC_MEGA support, you do not need to be concerned with the
following calculations. The current usage can be calculated by multiplying the
number of pages by the number of (connections plus 3) by 32.
Example: If a server that is not using 500000 bytes of shared memory and has
49 clients connected to it, the consumption of ESQA can be calculated as:
500000 * (49 + 3) / 4096 * 32 = 203125

You will find that 203125 bytes of ESQA, or approximately 200K, is needed.
The 49 plus 3 comes from 49 clients, 1 server, 1 anchor block, and 1 connection
to a kernel data space that is used to manage the storage. Some servers use
large amounts of shared memory that is shared by hundreds or thousands of
clients. This can require large amounts of ESQA (up to one gigabyte).
2. mmap() is typically used by a single process to map a file into virtual memory
using the same sort of logic used by DIV (Data In Virtual). Used in this
manner, each page of the file requires 3 RSM control blocks (anchor block, user
page, and kernel data space page). Each additional user sharing an mmap page
of a file will consume an additional control block.
The __MAP_MEGA option of mmap() enables applications to map very large
files without the system overhead in ESQA. If you have applications using the
__MAP_MEGA option, you do not need to be concerned with the above
calculations. If you are not using _MAP_MEGA and issue mmap(), you can
estimate the ESQA usage just as you would for shared memory.
3. fork() uses IARVSERV to capture the parent's pages for the child's use. Each
page captured represents a requirement for three 32-byte RSM control blocks
(parent, child, and an anchor block per page). Since the child typically issues
the exec call soon after the fork, the ESQA used is short term. This is countered
by the probability that there are multiple forks going on concurrently. Again,
the amount of required ESQA can be calculated by multiplying the size of the
data area (in pages) to be copied by the number of concurrent forks + 3 by 32.
Example: Assuming the Language Environment runtime library is not in LPA, a
typical shell will have 5 MB of private to copy on fork. If there are, on average,
10 forks running concurrently, then the following ESQA is needed:
5MB * 256 pages/MB * (10 forks + 3) * 32 bytes/page

You will find that 532 KB of ESQA is needed.

If the runtime library does reside in LPA and each process has an average of 1
MB of private to copy, then:
1MB * 256 pages/MB * (10 forks + 3) * 32 bytes/page

You will find that 106 KB of ESQA is needed.

4. ptrace() uses captured storage to allow the debugger to map the program being
debugged into private storage that the debugger can refer to frequently. The

18 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

amount of ESQA that is required can be calculated as the number of pages of
storage required times the number of concurrent debug sessions +2 by 32.
Example: To calculate the amount of storage that will be needed if a
programmer is debugging a 1-MB program and a 200 KB automatic data stack
that are both captured:
1.2MB * 256 pages/MB * (1 debug session + 2) * 32 bytes/page

The answer is 29 KB of ESQA.

To predict the amount of ESQA required to support applications, you need to

understand which applications use shmat() and mmap(). You need to approximate
the amount of fork() and dbx debugger activity as well. Then plug your numbers
into the equations for each function to determine the amount of ESQA needed.

In BPXPRMxx, specify the maximum number of shared storage pages that can be
used on the MAXSHAREPAGES statement. By limiting the amount of shared
storage pages used, MAXSHAREPAGES lets an installation control the amount of
ESQA storage that is consumed by users.

This limit applies to the mmap(), shmat(), ptrace(), and fork() callable services.

The fork() and ptrace() callable services use shared storage pages to improve
performance. Because use of shared storage pages is not critical to completion of
these functions, when the amount of shared storage pages in use reaches about
60% of the specified limit, these functions no longer use shared storage pages. The
mmap() service continues to use the shared storage pages until the total resource
consumption reaches about 80% of the limit. The shmat() callable service continues
to use shared storage pages until the total resource consumption reaches the
specified limit.

The mmap() and shmat() callable services return an out-of-memory condition when
they can no longer obtain shared storage without exceeding their respective shared
storage limits.

There is also a FORKCOPY parameter in BPXPRMxx that prevents fork from using
the IARVSERV function.

Reducing the amount of ESQA needed to support servers

To reduce the excessive amounts of EQSA that are required to support a server like
System Authorization Facility (SAF) that needs to access more than 2 GB of
storage, you can use the following services:
v _map_init, which invokes the map service function.
v _map_service, which enables applications to create new data blocks and to
specify which map area block is to be used to view the new data block.

Prioritizing kernel work on your system

Goal mode is a workload manager (WLM) mode for prioritizing kernel work in
your system. The nice() and setpriority() functions use definitions in BPXPRMxx
for goals. These definitions are optional, but if they are not specified, the nice() and
setpriority() functions do not change the performance level. The following are
some reasons for enabling nice() and setpriority() functions:

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 19

v If you are running applications that require the ability to control the priority of
different processes, you must define appropriate priority levels for the
application to use. This is typically done for real-time systems that are dedicated
to running a single application.
v If you have enabled the batch, at, and cron shell functions, you need to define
priority groups or goals that are appropriate for running batch jobs as in a UNIX

For more information, see “Controlling dispatching priorities” on page 391.

Installations that run in goal mode can take the following steps to customize
service policies in their WLM definition:
v Define a workload for kernel work.
v Define service classes for kernel work:
– Define a service class for forked child processes. You should specify a number
of performance periods. Performance periods for short-running work can be
given response-time goals or percentage response-time goals. Performance
periods for long-running work should be given velocity goals.
– Define a service class for startup processes, which are forked by the
initialization process, BPXOINIT. This service class should be given a velocity
goal that is higher than that of other forked child processes.
v Define classification rules:
– By default, put forked child processes (subsystem type OMVS) into the
service class defined for forked child processes.
– Put the kernel (with TRXNAME=OMVS) into a high-priority Started Task
(subsystem type STC) service class. Another option is to keep the OMVS
started procedure in the default started class category, which generally has
high priority.
– Put the initialization process BPXOINIT (with TRXNAME=BPXOINIT) into a
high-priority Started Task (subsystem type STC) service class. Another option
is to keep the BPXOINIT started procedure in the default started class
category, which generally has high priority.
– Startup processes that are forked by the initialization process, BPXOINIT, fall
under SUBSYS=OMVS. These processes are identified by
USERID=OMVSKERN. Put them in a separate service class.
– Other forked child processes (under subsystem type OMVS) can be assigned
to different service classes based on USERID, ACCTINFO, or TRXNAME.
– Put the DFSMS buffer manager SYSBMAS (with TRXNAME=SYSBMAS) into
a high-priority Started Task (subsystem type STC) service class. Another
option is to allow the SYSBMAS started procedure to remain in the default
started class category which generally has high priority.

Defining service classes for kernel work

A service class is a group of work that has the same service goals or performance
objectives, resource requirements, or availability requirements. For workload
management, a service goal and, optionally, a resource group is assigned to a
service class.

When you define a service class for forked child address spaces, it should normally
have three performance periods because it must support all types of kernel work,

20 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

from short interactive commands to long-running background work. You can set
duration values using the service-units-per-second value reported in the RMF
Monitor I Workload Activity report.

The next example is a sample service class for forked child processes. Change these
values as appropriate for your installation.
* Service Class OMVS - OMVS forked child processes

Base goal:

# Duration Imp Goal description

- --------- - ----------------------------------------
1 2000 2 Response Time 80% 1 second
2 4000 3 Response Time 60% 2 seconds
3 5 Execution velocity of 10

Also, define a service class for daemons. This service class should normally have
only one period with a velocity goal higher than the velocity goals of other forked
child processes.

* Service Class OMVSKERN - OMVS startup processes

Base goal:

# Duration Imp Goal description

- --------- - ----------------------------------------
1 1 Execution velocity of 40

Your installation might have other special classes of users. If so, you might want to
define other service classes for kernel work.

If you have used the PRIORITYGOAL statement in the BPXPRMxx member of

SYS1.PARMLIB to enable the nice(), setpriority(), and chpriority() functions,
additional service classes for kernel work must be added. See “Controlling
dispatching priorities” on page 391 for details.

Defining classification rules as needed

A classification rule is rule used by the workload manager to assign a service class.
Specify the classification rules needed to separate daemons (for example, inetd)
from other forked child processes.

Example: This example is a sample classification for subsystem type OMVS:

* Subsystem Type OMVS


Default service class is OMVS

There is no default report class.

Qualifier Qualifier Starting Service Report

# type name position Class Class
- ---------- -------------- --------- -------- --------

Forked spaces can be classified by transaction name.

If you do not define any classification rules, OMVS and BPXOINIT will run under
the rules for subsystem type STC, which typically is defined to have high priority.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 21

If needed, you can define a classification rule for subsystem type STC to ensure
that the kernel, the initialization process, BPXOINIT, and the DFSMS buffer
manager, SYSBMAS, run as a high-priority started tasks.

Example: In this example, STC1 is a service class for high-priority started tasks:
* Subsystem Type STC


Default service class is STC2.

There is no default report class.

Qualifier Qualifier Starting Service Report

# type name position Class Class
- ---------- ------------- ------------- -------- -------
. . . STC1
. . . ...

Defining the BPXPRMxx members in IEASYSxx

After you complete the installation, you need to specify OMVS=xx in the
IEASYSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB if you want to start in full function mode. If
you do not specify the OMVS parameter or if you specify OMVS=DEFAULT, the
kernel is started in minimum mode with all parmlib statements taking their default
values. You can specify:
v OMVS=nn, where nn is the BPXPRMnn member
v OMVS=(nn,mm,...), where (nn,mm,...) is the set of BPXPRMxx members to use
when locating parmlib statements to configure the system services. The first
value set for a parameter is the one that is used; if a later member in the list
specifies a different value, that value is ignored.
For example, say you have three systems that share parmlib members but do not
want to share file systems. Define these parmlib members:
– BPXPRMLI, which specifies system limits for systems 1 and 2
– BPXPRML3, which specifies system limits for system 3, which needs more
processes than the other two systems
– BPXPRMF1, which specifies file system setup for system 1
– BPXPRMF2, which specifies file system setup for system 2
– BPXPRMF3, which specifies file system setup for system 3
For system 1, the OMVS parameter on the IEASYSxx parmlib member is:
For system 2, the OMVS parameter on the IEASYSxx parmlib member is:
For system 3, the OMVS parameter on the IEASYSxx parmlib member is:
If you want the BPXPRMxx member to be shared by more than one system, you
must define system symbols in the IEASYMxx member. Symbols such as system
name (&SYSNAME) can be used in BPXPRMxx when referring to file system
Example: In order to have different file systems mounted at /etc on each system
in the sysplex:

22 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning


Customizing the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB

The BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB contains the parameters that control
processing and the file system. This topic only discusses the BPXPRMxx statements
that have planning considerations. For a complete list and descriptions of
BPXPRMxx statements, see z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference

You should have two BPXPRMxx members, one defining the values to be used for
system setup and the other defining the file systems. Using these two members
makes it easier to migrate from one release to another, especially when using the
ServerPac method of installation.

When you complete your installation activities, you have one or two BPXPRMxx
members, depending on whether you used ServerPac or CBPDO:
v With ServerPac, you receive two members, as IBM recommends.
v With CBPDO, after you complete all the instructions in the z/OS Program
Directory, you have the one member that you copied from SYS1.SAMPLIB.
In this case, you should define a second BPXPRMxx member so that the system
setup parameters are in one member and the parameters that define the file
systems are in the other.

When you customize the BPXPRMxx members, use columns 1 through 71 for data;
columns 72 through 80 are ignored.

Checking the BPXPRMxx syntax

You can use the SETOMVS SYNTAXCHECK operator command to check the
syntax of BPXPRMxx before doing an IPL.

Also, the USS_PARMLIB check provided by IBM Health Checker for z/OS can be
used to determine whether there are differences between current system settings
and the settings defined in the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. If a
difference is found, an exception message is issued. You receive a report that lists
the differences.

Be aware that when system and parmlib settings are compared, values with
regards to the PARM setting on the MOUNT statement are considered to be
case-sensitive. Thus, the same setting value expressed in uppercase or lowercase in
a system setting are flagged as a difference if that same setting is expressed in the
opposite case in the relevant BPXPRMxx member.

For more details about IBM Health Checker for z/OS, see Chapter 21, “IBM Health
Checker for z/OS,” on page 427 or IBM Health Checker for z/OS: User's Guide.

Figure 4 on page 24 shows an example of the IBM-supplied BPXPRMXX member

of SYS1.PARMLIB of the current release.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 23

/*STEPLIBLIST(’/etc/steplib’) */
/*USERIDALIASTABLE(’/etc/tablename’) */

PARM(’ ’)



/* PARM(’biod(6)’) */








/* TYPE(INET) */


/* MAXSOCKETS(64000) */

Figure 4. BPXPRMXX member of SYS1.PARMLIB (Part 1)

24 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning



/* MKDIR(’...’)

/* TYPE(HFS) */
/* MODE(RDWR) */
/* MOUNTPOINT(’/u/joe’) */
/* TAG(NOTEXT,0) */
/* MKDIR(’...’ */

/* MOUNTPOINT(’/sysalt’) */
/* PARM(’ ’) */

/*PRIORITYGOAL (n,...,n) */
/*PRIORITYPG (n,...,n) */

IPCMSGQBYTES (2147483647)

/* STARTUP_EXEC(’Dsname(Memname)’,SysoutClass) */
/* RUNOPTS(’runtime options’) */
/*SERV_LPALIB(’LibraryName’,Volser’) */
/*SERV_LINKLIB(’LibraryName’,Volser’) */

Figure 5. BPXPRMXX member of SYS1.PARMLIB (Part 2)

You can change some BPXPRMxx values without an IPL.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 25

v The SET OMVS and SETOMVS operator commands dynamically change the
settings system-wide. “Dynamically changing the BPXPRMxx parameter values”
on page 297 indicates which parameter statements can and cannot be
dynamically changed.
v The RACF ALTUSER or ADDUSER commands apply settings on a per-process
basis for a particular user, such as Lotus® Domino®. You can use them for the

You can use the SETOMVS SYNTAXCHECK operator command to check the
syntax of BPXPRMxx before doing an IPL.

Defining file systems

You can customize the FILESYSTYPE, ROOT, MOUNT, NETWORK, and
SUBFILESYSTYPE statements to define your file systems.

For sharing files across a sysplex, the SYSPLEX(YES) parameter is required, and
you must also specify a value for the VERSION statement. See Chapter 7, “Sharing
file systems in a sysplex,” on page 173 for more information.

The FILESYSTYPE statement defines the type of physical file system to be used.

When you specify SYSPLEX(YES), you must define the file system type for all
systems participating in a shared file system. The easiest way to define it is to have
a single BPXPRMxx member that contains file system information for each system
participating in a shared file system. If, however, you decide to define a
BPXPRMxx for each system, the FILESYSTYPE statement must be identical on each
system. See “Customizing BPXPRMxx for a shared file system” on page 185 for
more information about configuring BPXPRMxx in a sysplex.

Tip: To facilitate migrating file systems from HFS to zFS, some steps are taken to
support existing mount commands that were not changed after the HFS data set
that was mounted was converted to zFS file system. When you specify either ZFS
or HFS, the selection that is made depends on the type of the file system that is
v If you specify TYPE(HFS), a search is done for a data set that matches the file
system name.
– If the data set is found and it is not an HFS data set, the type is changed to
– If a data set is not found, the type is changed to ZFS in case the file system is
a zFS file system such as a cloned file system.
In both cases, the mount proceeds as though TYPE(ZFS) had been specified.
However, any PARM string that was specified is ignored.
v If you specify TYPE(ZFS) and it is an HFS data set, then the type is changed to
HFS. The mount proceeds as though TYPE(HFS) had been specified. However,
any PARM string that was specified is ignored.

Requirement: Facilities required for a particular file system must be initiated on

that system. For example, NFS requires TCP/IP, so, if you specify a file system
type of NFS, you must also initialize TCP/IP when you initialize NFS, even if
there is no network connection.

26 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 3 lists some types of physical file systems (TYPE parameter) and module
names (ENTRYPOINT parameter).
Table 3. Types of file systems. The table lists the file system type and the corresponding module name.
File system type Description Module name
AUTOMNT Handles automatic mounting and unmounting of file systems. BPXTAMD

The AUTOMNT file system is mounted as AUTOMOVE(YES).

However, if the parent file system has the automove unmount
attribute, then the automount file system will have that attribute
instead of AUTOMOUNT(YES).
CINET Handles requests for the AF_INET and AF_INET6 family of sockets. BPXTCINT
This enables many different AF_INET or dual AF_INET/AF_INET6
physical file systems to be active on the system. See Chapter 19,
“Setting up for sockets,” on page 405 for information about setting
up sockets.

If you want to use CINET, you must be using z/OS

Communications Server (TCP/IP Services).

If you use CINET, you cannot use INET.

HFS Processes file system requests. The HFS statement is necessary if GFUAINIT
you want to use regular local files.
INET Handles requests for the AF_INET and AF_INET6 family of sockets. EZBPFINI
You must be using z/OS Communication Services (TCP/IP

If you use INET, you cannot use CINET.

NFS Handles Network File System requests for access to remote files. GFSCINIT

For NFS Client you must create a procedure to run a PFS in a

colony address space. For more information, see z/OS Network File
System Guide and Reference. You can also find information in
“Running a physical file system in a colony address space” on page
TFS Handles requests to the temporary file system (TFS). BPXTFS
UDS Handles socket requests for the AF_UNIX address family of sockets. BPXTUINT
ZFS Handles z/OS File System requests. IOEFSCM

Restrictions on VIRTUAL(max): The VIRTUAL(max) value on the FILESYSTYPE

PARM('') keyword specifies the maximum amount of virtual memory (in
megabytes) that file system data and meta data buffers should use. If you do not
specifically set a value for VIRTUAL(max), the system assigns to max a default
value that is equal to half the amount of real storage available to the system at
initialization. (The sample BPXPRMxx member provided in SYS1.SAMPLIB uses
this default). If you change the storage, consider beforehand how the change will
affect your current system storage usage.

You should monitor the paging of your system. If paging is increasing, you might
need to set a lower value on the VIRTUAL parameter to relieve the situation.

For more information about VIRTUAL(max) and other FILESYSTYPE PARM('')

keywords, see the BPXPRMxx topic in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 27

The MOUNT statement defines the file systems to be mounted at initialization and
where in the file hierarchy they are to be mounted. All HFS data sets specified on
MOUNT statements in BPXPRMxx must be available at IPL time. If an HFS data
set is migrated by hierarchical storage management (HSM), then the initialization
of z/OS UNIX and HSM will cause an indefinite wait for kernel services. DFHSM
will initialize, but any msgARC0055A issued for the migrated data set will need a

If you specify the NOSETUID option, the setuid and setgid mode bits are not
respected when a program in this file system is run. The program runs as though
the setuid and setgid mode bits were not set. Also, the APF extended attribute (+a)
and the program control extended attribute (+p) are not honored

Rule: The MOUNTPOINT keyword must specify an absolute path name.

Systems using shared file systems will have I/O to a z/OS UNIX couple data set
(CDS). Because of these I/O operations to the CDS, each mount request requires
additional system overhead. You will need to consider the effect that this change
will have on your recovery time if a large number of mounts are required on any
system that has shared file systems. For more information about shared file
systems, see Chapter 7, “Sharing file systems in a sysplex,” on page 173.

You can use multiple MKDIR keywords on the MOUNT statement to define mount
points in BPXPRMxx so that one or more directories is created in the mounted file
system during z/OS UNIX initialization.

Restriction: MKDIR is intended to run during synchronous mounts on the system

that is initializing. The directory might not be created if any of these situations
v The file system is mounted asynchronously, such as with NFS.
v The SYSNAME value identifies a remote system.
v The file system is already mounted on a remote system.

Tip: To ensure that the mounts will succeed, use SETOMVS SYNTAXCHECK to
check the MVS catalog for the existence of the HFS or zFS file system name that is
listed on each MOUNT statement.

The NETWORK statement defines address families for sockets. It is necessary if the
facility needs the socket domains.

Example: If you are activating IPv6, add a second NETWORK statement.


Rule: You must configure just AF_INET or both AF_INET and AF_INET6. You
cannot configure AF_INET6 alone.

Some tips:
1. You can specify separate MAXSOCKETS values. The default MAXSOCKET
value for AF_INET6 is the value that was specified or defaulted to for

28 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

2. The INADDRANYPORT range for CINET is shared across both address
families and the values are taken from the AF_INET statement. Any value
specified on the AF_INET6 statement is ignored.
3. You can also add the second NETWORK statement with SETOMVS RESET, but
the TCP/IP stacks will have to be recycled in order to activate IPv6.

The ROOT statement defines and mounts the root file system. The root file system
can be either HFS and zFS. The zFS file system is the preferred file system, and
continued use of HFS is not encouraged.

You can use multiple MKDIR keywords on the ROOT statement to define mount
points in BPXPRMxx so that one or more directories is created in the mounted file
system during z/OS UNIX initialization.

Restriction: MKDIR is intended to run during synchronous mounts on the system

that is initializing. The directory might not be created if any of these situations
v The file system is mounted asynchronously, such as with NFS.
v The SYSNAME value identifies a remote system.
v The file system is already mounted on a remote system.

Tip: To ensure that mounts succeed, use SETOMVS SYNTAXCHECK to check the
MVS catalog for the existence of the HFS or zFS file system names listed on each
MOUNT statement.

The SUBFILESYSTYPE statement identifies each of the AF_INET or dual
AF_INET/AF_INET6 socket physical file systems that are to run underneath the
Common INET socket file system. SUBFILESYSTYPE is an optional statement.

If you plan to support more than one AF_INET or dual AF_INET/AF_INET6

physical file system, such as two TCP/IP networks, the CINET physical file system
must be started to manage the multiple file systems

Changes to BPXPRMxx for sockets might also require changes in the user's TCP/IP
security system. For more information, see “Setting up TCP/IP security” on page

Defining system limits

You can customize your BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB to provide the
performance needed for the way your installation uses kernel services.

Table 4 lists the system-wide and process-level limits that can be set in BPXPRMxx.
Not all of the statements are explained in this table; see the BPXPRMxx topic in
z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for a complete description of each
statement. If you specify the SHRLIBMAXPAGES parameter, it will be accepted but
will not have any impact on the system. The value that you specify will never be
reached, because user-shared library objects are no longer supported.
Table 4. System-wide and process-level limits
System-wide limits Process-level limits

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 29

Table 4. System-wide and process-level limits (continued)
System-wide limits Process-level limits

Note 1: The limit is sysplex-wide when it is in the shared file system configuration.

Use the CTRACE statement to provide tracing while the kernel is starting and to
avoid having to issue a TRACE operator command to set tracing options.

The only way to change any CTRACE value is with the TRACE command. You
cannot use the SETOMVS or SET OMVS command to change the value.

Use the LIMMSG statement to control the display of console messages that indicate
when parmlib limits are reaching critical levels. For more information, see
“Displaying the status of system-wide limits specified in BPXPRMxx” on page 307.

MAXASSIZE is the maximum region size (in bytes) for an address space that was
created by rlogind, telnetd, and other daemons. You can set a system-wide limit in
BPXPRMxx and then set higher limits for individual processes. Use the RACF
ADDUSER or ALTUSER command to specify the ASSIZEMAX limit on a
per-process basis as follows:

MAXCPUTIME is the time limit (in seconds) for processes that were created by
rlogind, telnetd, and other daemons. You can set a system-wide limit in
BPXPRMxx and then set higher limits for individual users. Use the RACF
ADDUSER or ALTUSER command to specify the CPUTIMEMAX limit on a
per-process basis as follows:

30 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning


Specifying a MAXCPUTIME or CPUTIMEMAX of 86400 seconds disables the JWT,

SWT, or TWT timeout the same way that JCL TIME=1440 does.

Use MAXFILEPROC to set the maximum number of file descriptors that a single
process can have open concurrently, such as all open files, directories, sockets, and
pipes. By limiting the number of open files that a process can have, you limit the
amount of system resources a single process can use at one time.

You can use the USS_MAXSOCKETS_MAXFILEPROC check provided by IBM

Health Checker for z/OS to determine whether the MAXFILEPROC value is set
too low. For more details about IBM Health Checker for z/OS, see IBM Health
Checker for z/OS: User's Guide.

When selecting a value, consider these factors:

v For conformance to standards, set MAXFILEPROC to at least 16 to conform to
the POSIX standard or at least 25 to conform to the FIPS standard.
Guideline: Set this value to 64000.
v The minimum value of 3 supports stdin, stdout, and stderr.
v The value must be larger than 3 to support shell users. If the value is too small,
the shell might issue the message “File descriptor not available.” If this message
occurs, increase the MAXFILEPROC value.

A process can change the MAXFILEPROC value using the setrlimit() function.
Only users with appropriate privileges can increase their limits.

You can set a system-wide limit in BPXPRMxx and then set higher limits for
individual processes. Use the RACF ADDUSER or ALTUSER command to specify
the FILEPROCMAX limit on a per-process basis as follows:

“Dynamically changing certain BPXPRMxx parameter values” on page 298 explains

how to dynamically change the MAXFILEPROC value.

MAXIOBUFUSER limits each user’s (for example, a single UID) use of persistent
kernel storage for I/O buffers when used in a Unicode Services conversion
environment. (See “AUTOCVT” on page 36 or the description of the
_BPXK_AUTOCVT environment variable in “_BPXK environment variables” on
page 431.) This storage remains allocated for the life of an open file. The amount
allocated for each open depends on the CCSID of the file and the size of a read or
write requests used by the process. The limit does not apply to UID 0 processes.

z/OS UNIX only tracks such storage for the user that opens the file. If the file is
inherited by a different user ID, the amount is not propagated. This can occur, for
example, when the user identity changes during spawn or exec. A user identity
change is an authorized operation, so the extra tracking is not needed.

MAXPMMAPAREA specifies the maximum number of data space pages that can
be allocated for memory mapping of z/OS UNIX files. Storage is not allocated
until memory mappings are active.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 31

For MAXMMAPAREA, you can set a system-wide limit in BPXPRMxx and then set
higher limits for individual processes. Use the RACF ADDUSER or ALTUSER
command to specify the MMAPAREAMAX limit on a per-process basis. For

The total amount of allocated mmap pages includes those pages in use by
processes limited by the system limit MAXMMAPAREA and also those processes
limited by the MMAPAREAMAX process limit for their OMVS segment.

When system limits are being monitored (LIMMSG=SYSTEM/ALL), the BPXI039I

resource shortage message is only issued for processes limited by the

Because processes with process limits contribute to the total amount of allocated
mmap pages, processes limited by the MAXMMAPAREA value might fail an
mmap request before a BPXI039I message is issued. Also, processes with
MMAPAREAMAX values for the OMVS segment might be successfully allocating
mmap storage even though the BPXI039I message might be displayed with 100%

The SHMEMMAX and MEMLIMIT parameters enable installations to manage the

64-bit space more effectively.

The MAXPIPES limit refers to the maximum number of named or unnamed pipes
that can be open in the system at any one time. MAXPIPES is a hard system limit
and is not configurable. The limit is monitored, and you can view the current
usage with the DISPLAY OMVS,LIMITS system command.

For more information about monitoring MAXPIPES, see “Monitoring system and
process limits” on page 388.

Use MAXPIPEUSER to set the maximum number of named or unnamed pipes that
a user (that is, a UID) can open and use concurrently. By limiting the number of
pipes that a user can open, you limit the amount of the pipe system resources that
a user can use at one time.

The MAXPIPEUSER limit is a hard limit and applies to all non UID=0 users. The
MAXPIPEUSER value cannot be changed on a user basis, and there is no resource
limit (setrlimit) support to alter a soft or hard limit. For UID=0 users, the
MAXPIPEUSER limit of 8,730 (the maximum allowable value) is always enforced.

The MAXPIPEUSER value can be changed dynamically using the SETOMVS

command. For more information, see “Dynamically changing the BPXPRMxx
parameter values” on page 297.

MAXPROCSYS specifies the maximum number of processes that can be active at
the same time.

You can manage system resources by limiting the number of processes that the
system is to support. The values that you specify for MAXPROCSYS,
MAXPROCUSER, and MAXUIDS are interrelated. When selecting a value for
MAXPROCSYS, remember that these processes are needed:

32 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v The initialization process (BPXOINIT)
v /usr/sbin/init, for starting and processing
v exec sh to run a shell script
v The process in which the shell script runs
Plan on one process for each daemon (for example, inetd and cron) that you start
from a shell script such as /etc/rc. In addition, each shell user needs a minimum of
three processes and possibly a few more for piping between shell commands.

Do not specify a higher value for MAXPROCSYS than your system can support
because most processes use an entire MVS address space. This value will vary,
depending on your environment. If you set the value too high, failures (EAGAIN)
for fork or spawn might occur because WLM could not provide enough fork

“Dynamically changing certain BPXPRMxx parameter values” on page 298 explains

how to dynamically change the MAXPROCSYS value.

For an example of MAXPROCSYS settings in BPXPRMxx, see “Monitoring use of

system resources” on page 389.

MAXPROCUSER specifies the maximum number of processes that a single user
(that is, with the same UID) can have concurrently active.

To improve performance, use MAXPROCUSER to limit user activity.

When selecting a value, consider these factors:

v Set MAXPROCUSER to at least 16 to conform to the POSIX standard for
CHILD_MAX, or to at least 25 to conform to the FIPS standard.
v A low MAXPROCUSER value limits the number of concurrent processes that a
user can run. A low value limits a user's consumption of processing time, virtual
memory, and other system resources.
v Some daemons or users run without UID(0), and might create many address
spaces. In these cases, give the daemon ID a high enough PROCUSERMAX
value in the OMVS segment.
A user with a UID of 0 is not limited by the MAXPROCUSER value because a
superuser might need to be able to log on and use kernel services to solve a

Though not suggested, the security administrator can give the same z/OS UNIX
UID to more than one TSO/E user ID. Therefore, the number of users can be
greater than the number of UIDs that are defined. Check with the security
administrator; if users share UIDs, you will need to define a greater number of
processes for each user.

You can set a system-wide limit in BPXPRMxx and then set higher limits for
individual processes. Use the RACF ADDUSER or ALTUSER command to specify
the PROCUSERMAX limit on a per-process basis. For example:

For an example of MAXPROCUSER settings in BPXPRMxx, see “Monitoring use of

system resources” on page 389.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 33

Use MAXPTYS to manage the number of interactive shell sessions, where each
interactive session requires one pseudo-TTY pair. Do not specify an arbitrarily high
value for MAXPTYS.

Guideline: Because each user might have more than one session, you should allow
four pseudo-TTY pairs for each user (MAXUIDS * 4). Specify a MAXPTYS value
that is at least twice the MAXUIDS value.

“Dynamically changing certain BPXPRMxx parameter values” on page 298 explains

how to dynamically change the MAXPTYS value. For more information about
pseudoterminal files, see “Pseudoterminal files” on page 153.

For an example of MAXPTYS settings in BPXPRMxx, see “Monitoring use of

system resources” on page 389.

MAXSOCKETS specifies the maximum number of sockets that can be obtained for
a given file system type.

If you are using AF_UNIX, MAXSOCKETS is ignored and the system uses a value
of 10000.

You can use the USS_MAXSOCKETS_MAXFILEPROC check provided by IBM

Health Checker for z/OS to determine whether the MAXFILEPROC value is set
too low. For more details about IBM Health Checker for z/OS, see Chapter 21,
“IBM Health Checker for z/OS,” on page 427 or IBM Health Checker for z/OS: User's

MAXTHREADS is the maximum number of threads that a single process can have
active concurrently. If an application needs to create more than the recommended
maximum in SAMPLIB, it must minimize storage allocated below the 16 M line by
specifying C run-time options. For information about BPX1STL (the
set_thread_limit service), see z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler
Callable Services Reference.

You can set a system-wide limit in BPXPRMxx and then set higher limits for
individual users by using the RACF ADDUSER or ALTUSER command to specify
the THREADSMAX limit on a per user basis as follows:

MAXTHREADTASKS is the maximum number of MVS tasks that a single process
can have concurrently active.

A high MAXTHREADTASKS value might affect storage and performance. Each

task requires additional storage for the following:
v The control blocks built by the kernel
v The control blocks and data areas required by the Run-Time Library
v System control blocks such as the TCB and RB

You can set a system-wide limit in BPXPRMxx, and then set higher limits for
individual users by using the RACF ADDUSER or ALTUSER command to specify
the THREADSMAX limits on a per-user basis, as follows:

34 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning


MAXUIDS specifies the maximum number of unique UIDs that can use kernel
services at the same time. The UIDs can be for interactive users or for programs
hat requested kernel services.

MAXUIDS limits the number of active UIDs. When you select a value for
MAXUIDS, consider these factors:
v Because users are likely to run with three or more concurrent processes each,
they require more system resources than typical TSO/E users.
v If the MAXUIDS value is too high relative to the MAXPROCSYS value, too
many users can invoke the shell. All users might be affected, because forks
might begin to fail.
For example, if your installation can support 400 concurrent processes—
MAXPROCSYS(400)—and each UID needs an average of 4 processes, then the
system can support 100 users. For this operating system, specify MAXUIDS(100).

For an example of MAXUIDS settings in BPXPRMxx, see “Monitoring use of

system resources” on page 389.

Use the MAXUSERMOUNTSYS statement to specify the maximum number of
nonprivileged user mounts in the system. For more information about
nonprivileged authority, see “Nonprivileged mount and unmount authority” on
page 124.

Use the MAXUSERMOUNTUSER statement to specify the maximum number of
nonprivileged user mounts allowed for each nonprivileged user. For more
information about nonprivileged authority, see “Nonprivileged mount and
unmount authority” on page 124.

PRIORITYGOAL specifies a list of service class names of 8 characters or less that
are used with the nice(), setpriority(), and chpriority() callable services when the
system is running in goal mode.

If you are using your system to run a critical real-time application program, specify
a list of service class names. It is difficult to run both real-time application
programs and general users on the same z/OS UNIX system because you cannot
restrict any set of users from access to the nice() and setpriority() functions. For
more information, see “Controlling dispatching priorities” on page 391.

PRIORITYPG specifies a list of performance group numbers that are used with the
nice(), setpriority(), and chpriority() callable services when the system is running in
goal mode.

If you are using your system to run a critical real-time application program, specify
a list of performance group numbers. It is difficult to run both real-time application
programs and general users on the same z/OS UNIX system because you cannot
restrict any set of users from access to the nice() and setpriority() functions. For
more information, see “Controlling dispatching priorities” on page 391.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 35

Defining system features
Use the AUTOCVT statement in BPXPRMxx to enable Enhanced ASCII or Unicode
Services. When AUTOCVT is set, every read and write operation for a file is
checked to see if any conversion is necessary.

Tip: Use AUTOCVT(OFF). If you want to use another method to enable Enhanced
ASCII, see Chapter 11, “Converting files between code pages,” on page 279.

You can also use AUTOCVT(ALL) to enable Unicode Services support. When
AUTOCVT(ALL) is set, every read and write operation for a file is checked to see
if conversion is necessary.

Use the NONEMPTYMOUNTPT statement to control the mounting of file systems
on non-empty mount point directories. For more information, see “Restrictions on
mounting file systems” on page 127.

LOSTMSG(ON) detects lost and duplicate XCF messages in a shared file system
configuration. It is ignored if the file system does not have a shared file system
configuration; for example, when SYSPLEX(NO) is specified. While LOSTMSG can
be specified differently for each member in the sysplex, the same LOSTMSG setting
should be specified throughout the sysplex. To disable the detecting of lost and
duplicate messages, specify LOSTMSG(OFF).

Tip: Do not use LOSTMSG(ON) when z/OS UNIX sysplex traffic is high, such as
when many file systems that are not sysplex-aware are being accessed remotely,
because performance might be affected.

LOSTMSG(ON) is the default.

The PWT (process wait time) statement indicates whether processes waiting on
terminal input should be timed out. To force a timeout for all processes, set PWT
to SMF.

STEPLIBLIST specifies the path name of the file in the file system that contains the
list of MVS data sets to be used as step libraries for programs that have the
set-user-id and set–group-id bit set on.

Step libraries have many uses; one is so that selected users can test new versions
of run-time libraries before the new versions are made available to everyone on the
system. Customers who do not put the Language Environment library SCEERUN
into the linklist should put the SCEERUN data set name in this file.

If your installation runs programs that have the setuid or setgid bit turned on, only
those load libraries that are found in the STEPLIBLIST sanction list are set up as
step libraries in the environment that those programs will run in. Because
programs with the setuid or setgid bit turned on are considered privileged
programs, they must run in a controlled environment. The STEPLIBLIST sanction
list provides this control by allowing those programs to use only the step libraries
that are considered trusted by the installation.

36 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Tip: The path name of the file should be /etc/steplib. This naming strategy fits
in with the IBM strategy to place all customized data in the /etc directory.

If you do not specify a value for STEPLIBLIST, step libraries will not be set up for
set-user-ID and set-group-ID executable files.

These step libraries are set up as a result of the invocation of an executable file
using the exec service (BPX1EXC), the attach_exec service (BPX1ATX) or spawn
(BPX1SPN) service. After one of those services has been invoked, the step libraries
can be propagated from the calling task's environment. They can also be specified
by using the STEPLIB environment variable that is passed to the exec service.
When the exec service invokes a set-user-ID or set-group-ID executable file, only
those libraries that are found in the sanctioned list are set up as step libraries in
the environment that the executable file will run in.

If the file does not follow these formatting rules, the sanctioned list is not built
using the file.
v You can include comment lines in the list. Each comment line must start with /*
and end with */.
v You must follow standard MVS data set naming conventions in naming the files
in the list.
v Each data set name must be fully qualified and cannot be enclosed in quotation
v Each data set name must be on a line by itself, with no comments.
v You must use uppercase letters for data set names.
v You can put blanks before and after each data set name. Entirely blank lines in
the list are ignored.
v You can use the * character to specify multiple files that begin with the same
characters. For example, if you list SYS1.*, you are sanctioning any file that
begins with SYS1. as a step library.

You should catalog each data set listed in the file to prevent user versions of the
data set from being used.

Figure 6 on page 38 shows a sample sanctioned list file:

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 37

/* */
/* Name: Sample Sanctioned List for set-user-ID and set-group-ID */
/* files */
/* */
/* Updated by: May only be updated by OSTEPLIB TSO/E command */
/* */
/* Description: Contains a list of data set names that may */
/* be used as STEPLIB libraries for SETUID */
/* programs */
/* */
/* Wild cards may be used to specify multiple */
/* data set names that have the same prefix */
/* characters. */
/* */

/* Sanction all data set names beginning with CEE.SCEERUN */

Figure 6. A sample sanctioned list file

To create or update the sanctioned list file, use the OSTEPLIB command, which
specifies read and execute permissions for all users (permissions 555). Because the
sanctioned list file must be protected from update by nonprivileged users, only
users with superuser authority should be given update access to it.

Updates to the file take effect only when the next setuid(0) program is run from a
process with read access to the STEPLIBLIST file because a working copy of the
sanctioned list is maintained in storage.

Use the SETOMVS or SET OMVS command to dynamically change the value of
STEPLIBLIST. However, this action only changes the current settings of the system.
To make a permanent change, edit the BPXPRMxx member that will be used for

On most UNIX systems, you use lowercase IDs. With z/OS UNIX, typically you
will use the uppercase user IDs and group names specified in your security
database. In some cases, however, you might want to use lowercase or mixed case
names in z/OS UNIX processing. Or perhaps certain names do not conform to
your installation's naming conventions. You then need to create an alias table to
associate lowercase or mixed case alias names with uppercase z/OS user ID and
group names. Note that when lowercase or mixed case alias names are not found
in the alias table, they are folded to uppercase.

Using the USERIDALIASTABLE statement degrades performance slightly. The

more names that you define, the greater the performance degradation. Installations
are encouraged to continue using uppercase-only user IDs and group names
defined in their security databases.

Tip: The path name of the file should be /etc/tablename. This naming structure
fits in with the IBM strategy to place all customized data in the /etc directory. If a
value for USERIDALIASTABLE is not specified, alias names are not used.

Formatting rules for the alias table:

38 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v You can include comment lines in the list. Each comment line must start with /*
and end with */.
v You must follow standard MVS user ID and group name naming conventions in
the first column.
v You must follow XPG4 standard naming conventions in the second column.
v Do not enclose the names in quotation marks.
v Each user ID or group name and associated alias name must be on a line by
itself, with no comments.
v The MVS user IDs and group names must be located in columns 1-8 and the
associated aliases must be located on the same line in columns 10-17.
v The MVS name and the alias name must be separated by 1 or more blanks.
v The tags :user IDs and :groups must be used to delineate between user IDs
and group names.
– If no tags are present in the file, then all names in the file are assumed to be
user IDs.
– If there are any names listed before a tag, those names are considered to be
user IDs.
– If a :userids tag is present, then all name lines following it and up to the
next tag are considered to be user IDs.
– If a :groups tag is present, then all name lines following it and up to the next
tag are considered to be group names.
– If specified, the tag must start in column 1.
– The tag names are not case-sensitive.

If the file does not follow these formatting rules, the alias name might not be
recognized and various functions relating to the attempted use of the alias might

The next example is a sample alias table for user IDs and group names.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 39

/* */
/* Name: Sample user ID/group name alias table */
/* */
/* Description: Contains a list of MVS user IDs and their */
/* associated alias names. */
/* */
/* Alias names can be constructed from uppercase and */
/* lowercase alphabetic characters. Numbers from 0-9 */
/* can be used as well as the period, underscore, and */
/* hyphen characters. Do not use the hyphen as the first */
/* character. */
/* */

/* Mixed case group names */
DEPTD10 DeptD10
DEPTD20 DeptD20

/* Non-alphanumeric alias user IDs and group names */
/* Mixed case alias names */

/* Easier to remember alias names */
K61XDLBC Daniel


For installation security reasons, you might have to use an alias table for user IDs.
See “Security requirements for ServerPac and CBPDO installation” on page 87 for
more information.

Rule: You must protect the alias table for user IDs and group names. Only users
with superuser authority should be given update access to it. All users should be
given read access to the file.

Once a user is logged into the system, changing the alias table does not change the
alias name immediately. Database queries, however, will yield the new alias if the
user ID performing the query has read or execute access to the alias table. The
table is checked every 15 minutes and refreshed if it has been changed. If a change
needs to be activated sooner, you can use the following command:

where /etc/tablename is the name of the alias table used for the user IDs.

40 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

AUTHPGMLIST specifies the path name of a z/OS UNIX file that contains the lists
of APF-authorized path names and program names.Those lists are called sanction
lists. For more information about setting up and activating sanction lists, see
“Using sanction lists” on page 104. For example:

To dynamically change the value of AUTHPGMLIST, you can use the SETOMVS or
SET OMVS =(xx) operator command, where xx specifies which BPXPRMxx file is
to be used to reset the various z/OS UNIX parameters.

If the AUTHGPGMLIST statement contains a nonexistent value, you will not get
an error message.

Tip: Using the AUTHPGMLIST statement degrades performance slightly. The more
path names or program names that you specify, the greater the performance
degradation. However, the tradeoff is increased security.

Customizing other members of SYS1.PARMLIB

You might want to customize other members of SYS1.PARMLIB, besides

The ALLOCxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB is used to control allocation requests.

Forked address spaces are perceived to be batch jobs by MVS allocation. If a

forked address space attempts to allocate a data set on a volume that is not
mounted, the request either waits (with or without an operator prompt) or it fails.
The ALLOCxx parmlib member controls the behavior of allocation requests of this
type. If you do not want the request to wait, specify ALLOCxx statements as

Use this policy so that forked addresses do not go into allocation waits. Be aware
that using this policy can disrupt your system, because it will cause a failure rather
than a wait.

For complete details on using the ALLOCxx parmlib member to prevent waits,
refer to z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

The virtual lookaside facility (VLF) enables an authorized program to store named
objects in virtual storage that is managed by VLF and to retrieve these objects by
name on behalf of users in multiple address spaces. VLF is designed primarily to
improve performance by retrieving frequently used objects from virtual storage
rather than performing repetitive I/O operations from DASD. Certain IBM
products or components such RACF use VLF as an alternate way to access data.

If you are using the virtual lookaside facility (VLF), update the VLF parmlib
member, COFVLFxx. Add CLASS and EMAJ statements to activate a RACF
performance option for z/OS UNIX. The following example shows the added
statements in an example of a COFVLF33 member.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 41

CLASS NAME(IRRGMAP) /* GMAP table for z/OS UNIX System Services */
EMAJ(GMAP) /* Major name = GMAP */
CLASS NAME(IRRUMAP) /* UMAP table for z/OS UNIX System Services */
EMAJ(UMAP) /* Major name = UMAP */

Start VLF, specifying the updated member, with the following operator command:

For information about caching UIDs and GIDs, see “Caching RACF user and group
information in VLF” on page 384.

The CTnBPXxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB is used to control tracing. It specifies
the tracing options for a component trace of z/OS UNIX events.
v One member should control initial tracing, which automatically starts when the
OMVS address space is started. It should store trace records in a buffer, which
could be read if a dump is written. This member should be considered the
operating system's default member.
The CTRACE parameter in the BPXPRMxx member specifies the member; see
Figure 4 on page 24, where CTIBPX00 is specified.
v One member can be set up to trace all z/OS UNIX events. This member is
CTIBPX01. This method enables a site to change trace information on the fly to
obtain suitable component trace information for a dump. (CTIBPX00 traces
minimum information.)
v Create other members as needed or when requested by the IBM Support Center.

To change the tracing to collect data needed for a particular problem, ask the
operator to enter a TRACE CT command that specifies a different, customized
CTnBPXxx member that you have placed in parmlib. When you want to resume
normal tracing operations, enter another TRACE CT command specifying the
normal CTIBPXxx that your installation uses.

Figure 7 shows the IBM-supplied CTIBPX00 member in SYS1.PARMLIB.

/* OPTIONS( */
/* ’ALL ’ */
/* ,’CHARS ’ */
/* ,’DEVPTY ’ */
/* ,’FILE ’ */
/* ,’LOCK ’ */
/* ,’PIPE ’ */
/* ,’PROCESS ’ */
/* ,’PTRACE ’ */
/* ,’SIGNAL ’ */
/* ,’STK ’ */
/* ,’STORAGE ’ */
/* ,’SYSCALL ’ */
/* ,’DEVRTY ’ */
/* ,’IPC ’ */
/* ,’XCF ’ */
/* ) */

Figure 7. CTIBPX00 member of SYS1.PARMLIB

The statements in CTIBPX00 do the following:

42 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
v ON turns on the tracing.
v BUFSIZE sets the buffer size at 128KB.

You can specify a buffer size between 16KB and 64MB on the BUFSIZE statement.
Use the TRACE CT operator command to change the size of the trace buffer.

Use any of the listed options to specify which events can be traced. For
performance reasons, set component tracing off during normal operations. With
CTRACE set to OFF, minimal tracing is done.

Customize tracing by adding CTnBPXxx members and storing them in

SYS1.PARMLIB. In these members, anticipate events to be traced for diagnosis. The
initial CTIBPX00 member specifies minimal tracing. The TRACE CT operator
command specifies the customized member name.

Figure 8 shows a member, CTCBPX08, with an OPTIONS statement that requests

tracing of events in files and pipes.


Figure 8. Customized CTCBPX08 parmlib member

The WTRSTART statement specifies a CTWTR cataloged procedure, which the

installation wrote and which starts a component trace external writer. The buffer
size is set at 4M.

When re-creating a problem for IBM service, you should increase the buffer size to
its maximum.

The IEADMR00 member of SYS1.PARMLIB is used to gather dump data.

To gather adequate data without an excessive dump size, change IEADMR00

(SYSMDUMP and core dump defaults) to specify:

One of the functions of the IKJTSOxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB is to specify the
commands and programs to run on the TSO/E command and program invocation
platform. These commands are included as entries in the PLATCMD and
PLATPGM statements of that member.

Restriction: Do not list any of the z/OS UNIX TSO/E commands, including OGET,
as PLATCMD entries.

To have z/OS shell users be timed out and logged off, you can use the PWT
parmlib option, the _BPXK_TIMEOUT environment variable, or the TMOUT

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 43

environment variable. When PWT is set to SMF, all z/OS UNIX processes waiting
in the shell are timed out based on the JWT, TWT, and SWT values of SMFPRMxx.

The PWT and _BPXK_TIMEOUT options will affect shell users waiting in the shell
and also processes (such as vi or oedit) executing in the shell. The TMOUT
environment variable will only affect shell users waiting in the shell. When both
PWT and TMOUT are specified, TMOUT is only honored when it is less than the
JWT, TWT, and SWT values of SMFPRMxx. For example, if SMFPRMxx
JWT=(0010) (10 minutes), PWT=SMF (honor the JWT value), and TMOUT=300 (5
minutes), the shell user will be timed out in 5 minutes.

The system administrator can set a TMOUT value in /etc/profile. The user can
override that value by specifying a TMOUT value in their .profile. The TMOUT
environment variable contains the number of seconds before user input times out
while the z/OS shell is waiting for input at the prompt. If user input is not
received, the z/OS shell ends.

To have z/OS shell users be timed out and logged off, you must specify the
TMOUT environment variable in /etc/profile. The TMOUT environment variable
contains the number of seconds before user input times out while the z/OS shell is
waiting for input at the prompt. If user input is not received, the z/OS shell ends.

Restriction: The time out value for a TSO user logging into the z/OS UNIX shell
with option NOSHAREAS will be more than the JWT value or TWT value when
TWT is specified greater than JWT. When z/OS UNIX is started with
NOSHAREAS, the sh session is in a different address space than the TSO user. If
JWT is set to 10 minutes and TWT is set to 20 minutes and there is no terminal
activity, the sh session will time out in 10 minutes and the TSO user will time out
20 minutes after that.

To have tcsh shell users be timed out and logged off, you must specify the
autologout variable in /etc/csh.cshrc or /etc/csh.login. The autologout variable
contains the number of minutes before user input times out while the tcsh shell is
waiting for input at the prompt. If user input is not received, the tcsh shell ends.

Customizing /etc
The /etc file system is the location for your own customization data for products.
You set up the /etc files and you maintain their content. You must copy the files
listed in Table 5 to the specified directory. These files are used during system
Table 5. Copying /samples/rc and /samples/init.options to /etc/rc and /etc/init.options. This
table shows the corresponding file when copying /samples/rc and /samples/init.options
Copied from: To:
/samples/rc /etc/rc
/samples/init.options /etc/init.options

Copying the /samples/inittab to /etc/inittab is optional.

Table 6. Copying /samples/inittab to /etc/inittab. This table shows the corresponding file
when copying /samples/inittab
Copied from: To:
/samples/inittab /etc/inittab

44 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Initializing the kernel using a cataloged procedure
A cataloged procedure is a set of job control statements that are stored in a system
library (for example SYS1.PROCLIB). The storage location for cataloged procedures
is installation-defined. For z/OS UNIX, the STARTUP_PROC statement in the
BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB specifies a cataloged procedure that
initializes the kernel. The default name is OMVS.

Following is the IBM-supplied cataloged procedure in SYS1.PROCLIB:


In the EXEC statement in the procedure, the PGM parameter identifies the name of
the initialization module. The REGION=0K parameter specifies that the kernel is to
use all of the available private area storage within the kernel address space. The
TIME=NOLIMIT parameter specifies that kernel is to have unlimited processor

Though not recommended, you can replace the OMVS procedure with a procedure
that has a different name. If you use a started procedure other than OMVS,
v The replacement started procedure must also be a single job step procedure that
invokes the BPXINIT program (EXEC PGM=BPXINIT). If it invokes any other
program, OMVS initialization will fail.
v You must change the procedure name in the RACF started procedures table or
change the definition in the STARTED Class. See “Steps for preparing RACF” on
page 54.

Started subtasks such as OMVS, BPXOINIT, and colony address spaces fall under
SUBSYS STC. These address spaces might be subject to IEFUSI limitations if
IEFUSI exits are allowed for SUBSYS STC. IBM strongly recommends that you
colony address spaces.

Running a physical file system in a colony address space

Physical file systems are sometimes initialized in an address space called a colony
address space. You can think of these address spaces as extensions of the kernel
address space. The NFS Client and DFS Client physical file systems must be set up
in a colony address space because they must use socket sessions to talk to their
remote servers, which cannot be done from the kernel. You can choose to set up
the TFS in a colony address space also; to make that decision see “Running a
temporary file system in a colony address space” on page 47.

Some physical file systems cannot be initialized in colony address spaces; for
example, the INET or CINET sockets file systems and HFS.

Starting colony address spaces

To set up a physical file system in a colony address space, create a cataloged
procedure in SYS1.PROCLIB to start the colony address space. Colony address
spaces cannot be started using the START operator command.

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 45

Rule: The name of the procedure must match the name specified on an ASNAME
operand on the FILESYSTYPE statement in BPXPRMxx that starts physical file
systems in this colony address space.

Example: An NFS Client with the cataloged procedure NFSCLNT is associated

with the following FILESYSTYPE statement:

The procedure must contain the statement:


For the complete sample NFS client cataloged procedure, see z/OS Network File
System Guide and Reference.

Starting colony address spaces outside of JES

If you do not want colony address spaces to be started under JES (which is the
default), you can change this by including the SUB=MSTR parameter with the
ASNAME keyword. The ASNAME keyword is specified as:

v The first value is required and is a 1-to-8-character name in SYS1.PROCLIB.
v The second value is optional and is a quoted string that is appended to the
procname when the address space is started. The string can be up to 100
characters long.

The start_parms are not validated; they are just passed to the system when the
address space is started with an internal start command as in
procname,start_parms. For example:

The colony address space runs outside of JES control and does not have to be
stopped if JES has to be stopped, which facilitates planned shutdowns of
individual systems in a sysplex that has shared file systems. The NFS Client, TFS,
and zFS physical file systems support running outside of JES and the following
information might help you to decide whether to move these z/OS UNIX colonies
outside of JES. The DFS Client PFS does not support being started outside of JES.

z/OS UNIX colony address spaces are started procedures. If you do not want to
run them under JES, you will need to change any DD SYSOUT= data sets that are
specified in these procedures. These must be changed because SYSOUT data sets
are only supported under JES. There are three ways you can change these data
1. Direct the output to a named data set by changing to DD DSN=.
2. Direct the output to a named file by changing to DD PATH=.
3. Throw the output away by changing to DD DUMMY.

Restriction: If the NFS or zFS colony address space is started at IPL time, then
PATH= cannot be used because the MOUNT statements have not been processed

46 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Additionally, there are some DD names that Language Environment will open
under certain conditions. If these data sets have not been allocated in the
procedure, Language Environment dynamically allocates them with SYSOUT=. The
DD names are:
For standard input.
For standard output. If SYSPRINT does not exist, Language Environment
looks for SYSTERM or SYSERR. If one of those exists, it will be used. But
Language Environment does not dynamically allocate either SYSTERM or
For standard error. It is also the default message file DD.
For capturing dumps formatted by Language Environment

If any of these names are not currently used in the colony procedure, you must
add them with DD DUMMY.

If any of the existing DD SYSOUT= statements are not changed, or any of those
dynamically allocated by Language Environment are not added, and an attempt is
made to open that DD name, the result will be an ABENDS013. Exactly which DD
names are opened and when varies by name and product and the situation.

There are also other consequences of running outside of JES that you might need
to consider:
v SDSF displays will not list the colony address space.
v There will be no JOBLOG or system messages data set.
v System messages will go to SYSLOG.
v SMF recording is different between JES and the master subsystem.

For information about setting up security for the colony address space, see Step 6
on page 57.

Running a temporary file system in a colony address space

In some situations, you might want to run a temporary file system in a colony
address space instead of the kernel address space. Because the temporary file
system can use up a large amount of kernel virtual memory, there might be some
environments in which the kernel can run out of private storage. This can happen
on large systems with many shell users or in some Lotus environments. By putting
the temporary file system in a colony, impact on the kernel is reduced, and you
can have a larger temporary file system.

Guideline: Because TFS uses virtual memory, your real and auxiliary storage
configurations must be large enough to accommodate the size of all of the
temporary file systems that you mount.

Steps for creating a cataloged procedure for a temporary file

Perform the following steps to create a cataloged procedure for a temporary file

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 47

1. Set up a FILESYSTYPE statement in BPXPRMxx. It must have the name of the
procedure on the ASNAME operand.
Example: For cataloged procedure XXXXXX, the FILESYSTYPE statement
would be:
2. Create the cataloged procedure XXXXXX in SYS1.PROCLIB. It must contain the
following statement:

When you are done, you have created a cataloged procedure for a temporary file

Some tips:
1. A temporary file system uses private storage for the file system in memory. If
you run it in the kernel, then you might run out of virtual memory. However,
by starting multiple temporary file systems in colonies, you can create many
temporary files or very large temporary files (about 1.5 gigabytes per
temporary file system colony).
2. Code REGION=0K, REGIONS=0M, or a specific MEMLIMIT value on the EXEC
statement in the TFS colony cataloged procedure. Doing so allows the TFS
address space to address storage above the bar for the TFS file system. For
more information about the MEMLIMIT parameter, see z/OS MVS Programming:
Extended Addressability Guide.

Enabling certain TSO/E commands to z/OS UNIX users

To make certain TSO/E commands (such as OEDIT, OBROWSE, OPUTX, OGETX
and ISHELL) and some shipped REXX execs available to users, concatenate the
following target libraries to the appropriate ISPF data definition names (ddnames).
The following data sets are for the English panels, messages, and tables:
v SYS1.SBPXPENU concatenated to ISPPLIB
v SYS1.SBPXMENU concatenated to ISPMLIB
v SYS1.SBPXTENU concatenated to ISPTLIB
v SYS1.SBPXEXEC concatenated to SYSEXEC or SYSPROC

To use the Japanese translation of the panels, messages, and tables, you must
concatenate the following target libraries to the appropriate ISPF data definition
names (ddnames):
v SYS1.SBPXPJPN concatenated to ISPPLIB
v SYS1.SBPXMJPN concatenated to ISPMLIB
v SYS1.SBPXTJPN concatenated to ISPTLIB
v SYS1.KHELP concatenated to SYSHELP

For more information about translation into Japanese, see Chapter 9, “Customizing
for your national code page in the shell,” on page 247.

Although the user can invoke these TSO/E commands from a TSO/E command
line, most users invoke TSO/E commands or programs from an ISPF menu. For

48 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

that reason, you should add these TSO/E commands to an ISPF selection panel. In
the following example, the ISR@PRIM (ISPF Primary Option Menu) was modified
to include these commands.
%----------------------- ISPF PRIMARY OPTION MENU ---------
% 0 +ISPF PARMS - Specify terminal and user parameters
% 1 +BROWSE - Display source data or output listings
% 2 +EDIT - Create or change source data
% 3 +UTILITIES - Perform utility functions
% 4 +FOREGROUND - Invoke language processors in foreground
% 5 +BATCH - Submit job for language processing
% 6 +COMMAND - Enter TSO Command, CLIST, or REXX exec
% 7 +DIALOG TEST - Perform dialog testing
% 8 +LM UTILITIES- Perform library administrator utility functions
% 9 +IBM PRODUCTS- Additional IBM program development products
% X +EXIT - Terminate ISPF using log and list defaults

% 1F - Browse files
% 2F - Edit files
% ISH - ISPF Shell

HELP = ISR00003
IF (&ZCMD ¬= ’ ’)
&ZQ = TRUNC(&ZCMD,’.’)
IF (&ZQ = ’ ’)
.MSG = ISRU000
’ ’,’ ’
*,’?’ )

You must make the following changes to an ISPF selection panel:

1. Add a statement to the list of options for Browse files. Be sure to include a
selection number with the statement. In this example, the statement is:
% 1F - Browse files
2. Add a statement to the )PROC section of the panel to invoke OBROWSE. In
this example, the statement is:

Be sure that the symbol at the start of this statement (1F in this example))
matches the number specified in the list of options.
3. Add a statement to the list of options for edit files. Include a selection number
with the statement. In this example, the statement is:
% 2F - Edit files
4. Add a statement to the )PROC section of the panel to invoke OEDIT. In this
example, the statement is:
Be sure that the symbol at the start of this statement (2F in this example)
matches the number that is specified in the list of options.
5. Add a statement to the list of options for the ISPF shell. Include a selection
number with the statement. In this example, the statement is:
% ISH - ISPF shell

Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 49

6. Add a statement to the )PROC section of the panel to invoke the ISPF shell
environment. In this example, the statement is:
Be sure that the symbol at the start of this statement (ISH in this example)
matches the number that is specified in the list of options.

Tip: If you customize your ISPF TSO Command Table (ISPTCM) to make your
default flag differ from the ISPF default of 61, you might have to create new
entries in your ISPTCM for some of the TSO/E commands that specify FLAG=61.
The OEDIT and OBROWSE commands do not run with some flag values. You can
correct this by adding ISPTCM entries for BPXWBRWS and BPXWEDIT, restoring
the ISPF defaults. If you changed the defaults and do not experience problems
with those commands, you should not have to add ISPTCM entries to restore
defaults for those commands.

See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference for information about
modifying ISPF selection panels.

Globalization on z/OS systems

Setting up your system or user environment for globalization on z/OS systems is a
little different from what most users are accustomed to when setting up
globalization on ASCII platforms. An extra step is typically needed when changing
your locale, which involves setting the ASCII/EBCDIC coded character set
conversion for the controlling terminal. The conversion is required because most
PC terminal emulators require ASCII data, but the z/OS shells use EBCDIC data.

For example, when using a PC emulator to interactively log into an ASCII UNIX
operating system, a user will:
v On the PC, change the emulator's coded character set to match the coded
character set of the remote session's locale.
v In the UNIX shell, assign the environment variable LC_ALL to a new locale,
where the ASCII coded character set of that locale matches the emulator's

When interactively logging into an EBCDIC z/OS UNIX operating system, the user
v On the PC, change the emulator's coded character set to match the ASCII coded
character set of the remote session's locale. For example, the user might change
the translation settings in their emulator to use coded character set ISO/IEC
8859-2 (Latin-2).
v In the UNIX shell:
– Assign the environment variable LC_ALL to a new locale, whose EBCDIC
coded character set is compatible with the ASCII coded character set used in
the emulator. To determine if a coded character set is compatible with a
particular locale, refer to the information about locales that are supplied with
z/OS XL C/C++ in z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide .
For example, a user might issue:
export LC_ALL=Hu_HU.IBM-1165
– If a tty is allocated, issue the chcp command to assign the EBCDIC and ASCII
coded character sets, as appropriate. Note that the specified ASCII coded
character set should match that of the client emulator's setting.
For example, a user might issue:

50 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

chcp -a ISO8859-2 -e IBM-1165

On z/OS systems, in daemons such as rlogind, telnetd, and sshd, conversion

between ASCII and EBCDIC occurs in the forked daemon process which handles
the user's connection. This process allocates the terminal (tty) for the end user. On
ASCII platforms, no conversion is necessary.

Checking for setup errors

After you complete the customization process, you might want to run the Setup
Verification Program (SVP) to check for potential setup errors.

Check the z/OS UNIX website for the program:


Chapter 3. Customizing z/OS UNIX 51

52 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security
To provide data and system security, the security administrator and security
auditor need to set up and maintain security. z/OS UNIX provides security
mechanisms that work with the security offered by the z/OS system. A security
product is required, either RACF or an equivalent security product. It is assumed
that you are using RACF. If you are using an equivalent security product, you
should refer to that product's documentation. If you do not have a security
product, you must write SAF exits to simulate all of the functions.

Your installation might need to meet the United States Department of Defense
Class C2 criteria specified in Department of Defense Trusted Computer System
Evaluation Criteria, DoD 5200.28-STD. RACF provides the system integrity and user
isolation required to meet the requirements for C2-level security.

Additionally, multilevel security functions for z/OS systems build on the work
done on MVS to meet the B1 criteria. Using multilevel security, an installation can
provide a high level of security on a z/OS system. For more information about
multilevel security, refer to z/OS Planning for Multilevel Security and the Common

When supported by the installed security products, mixed-case passwords and

password phrases are also supported by BPX1PWD, BPX1SEC, and BPX1TLS
callable services.

Use the following documents as references:

v z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide
v z/OS Security Server RACF System Programmer's Guide
v z/OS Security Server RACF Command Language Reference

List of subtasks
Subtasks Associated procedure
Preparing RACF “Steps for preparing RACF” on page 54
Defining z/OS users to RACF “Steps for defining z/OS UNIX users to
RACF” on page 60
Managing group identifiers and user “Steps for obtaining security information
identifiers (GIDs and UIDs) about users” on page 65

“Steps for setting up field-level access” on

page 66
Defining groups to RACF “Steps for creating z/OS UNIX groups” on
page 71
Allowing users to transfer file ownership to “Steps for authorizing selected users to
any UID or GID on the system transfer ownership of any file” on page 76

“Steps for setting up the

CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile” on page
Giving superuser authority to users. “Steps for setting up BPX.SUPERUSER” on
page 78

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 53

Subtasks Associated procedure
Changing superusers from UID(0) to a “Steps for changing a superuser from UID(0)
unique nonzero UID to a unique nonzero UID” on page 79
Setting up the FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID “Steps for setting up the
profile FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID profile” on
page 92
Creating and activating sanction lists “Steps for creating a sanction list” on page

“Steps for activating the sanction list” on

page 106
Maintaining the security level of the system “Steps for maintaining the security level of
the system” on page 108
Activating FSACCESS checking “Steps for giving selected users or groups
access to a z/OS UNIX file system” on page

If you require a high level of security in your z/OS system and do not want
superusers to have access to z/OS resources such as SYS1.PROCLIB, read the
following topics:
v “Comparing UNIX security and z/OS UNIX security” on page 333.
v “Establishing the correct level of security for daemons” on page 335.

Preparing RACF
The security administrator needs to prepare RACF to provide security and to
define users to RACF. To be a z/OS UNIX user, the user's default group must be a
z/OS UNIX group.

Other security topics include:

v Chapter 15, “Setting up for daemons,” on page 333, for rlogin security
v Chapter 16, “Preparing security for servers,” on page 365, for information about
preparing security for servers
v “Steps for preparing the security program for daemons” on page 337

Steps for preparing RACF

Before you begin: You need to have installed a z/OS system and to be aware that
a SAMPLIB member, BPXISEC1, is provided with z/OS UNIX. This sample TSO/E
CLIST provides all the RACF commands needed for the security setup. Use this
sample member to set up your security environment.

Perform the following steps to prepare RACF for z/OS UNIX.

1. The OMVS cataloged procedure runs a program that initializes the kernel. Issue
ADDGROUP and ADDUSER commands to define the user ID and group ID
specified for OMVS. For example:
OMVS(UID(0) HOME(’/’) PROGRAM(’/bin/sh’))

54 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v When you create the RACF user ID for OMVSKERN, use the
NOPASSWORD option to create it as a protected user ID. Protected user IDs
cannot be used to log on to the system or be revoked by incorrect password
or passphrase attempts.
v Specify the RACF name for the group: OMVSGRP in the example. Because
the processes created by /usr/sbin/init inherit the GID of the BPXOINIT,
do not permit OMVSGRP to any resources, unless programs you start using
/etc/rc need to be permitted to these resources. For more information, see
“Customizing /etc/rc” on page 229.
In this example, the GID is 1. However, OMVSGRP can have any group ID.
The GID assigned to this group should be consistent with the GID assigned
to the basic files that are installed in the root directory. ServerPac assumes
that the default of GID(1) will be used. If you want to change the GID
value, then you must also change all files and directories in the entire z/OS
UNIX file system that currently has GID(1) to the new GID value.
v The TSO/E segment is not needed because NOPASSWORD prevents the
OMVSKERN user ID from being used with TSO/E. This prevents a user
logon from interfering with the OMVSKERN user ID.
v Assign UID(0) to the kernel user ID (OMVSKERN). Any programs forked by
/etc/rc receive their authority from the user ID assigned to the BPXOINIT
process. Use the same user ID for BPXOINIT as you assigned to the kernel
(OMVS). The BPXOINIT process and any programs forked by the kernel's
descendants have superuser authority.
v Specify the home directory for the kernel: the root (/).
v To define the default shell for processes run with the OMVSKERN user ID,
v The initialization process BPXOINIT controls the accounting information for
/usr/sbin/init, /etc/rc, and any other programs it starts. If you want to
tailor accounting information for the kernel and startup processes, consider
the following:
– OMVS and BPXOINIT get their account data independently. You can
control the account data in the same way that you set up accounting data
for any cataloged procedure.
– The accounting data for /usr/sbin/init, /etc/rc, and any processes
created by /etc/rc is obtained from the security product database for user
OMVSKERN (the same user ID should be assigned to the BPXOINIT
cataloged procedure).
– The account data for a process started by /etc/rc can be set with the
_BPX_ACCOUNT environment variable. For example:
HOME(’/’) export _BPX_ACCOUNT=AccountingData
2. Add the OMVS procedure either to the RACF STARTED class or to the RACF
started procedures table, module ICHRIN03. When deciding which method to
use, keep in mind that the STARTED class profiles are checked before
ICHRIN03, and that any changes made to ICHRIN03 do not take effect until
the next IPL. The entry for the OMVS cataloged procedure defines the user ID
and group name that the OMVS address space will be assigned.
v You must decide whether to mark OMVS (the kernel) trusted for access.
Making the kernel trusted is useful for giving the kernel access to any local
data set that it wants to mount. If you do not mark the kernel trusted for
local access, set up profiles so that the kernel user ID has access to any local

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 55

data set that it needs to mount. For information about trusted attributes, read
about associating started procedures with user IDs in z/OS Security Server
RACF System Programmer's Guide.
v Give the entry for the BPXOINIT started procedure the same identity as
OMVS. Do not mark BPXOINIT trusted.
v If you have decided to add OMVS as a trusted procedure, give the kernel the
trusted attribute. With the trusted attribute, the kernel can work with the
local data sets containing the file systems. Use one of these methods:
– Add it to the RACF STARTED class:

If you add any other entries after this, you issue SETROPTS
RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH and they will be picked up on the next START.
This defines the BPXOINIT task to run under the user ID OMVSKERN,
which should be NOPASSWORD.
– Add the following entries to ICHRIN03.
v If OMVS is not a trusted procedure, add OMVS without making it trusted,
using one of the following methods. (See step 5 on page 57 for additional
measures needed if the kernel is not trusted.)
– Add it to the RACF STARTED class:

If you add any other entries after this, issue


They will be picked up on the next START.

– Add it to ICHRIN03, as shown in the following example:
3. Add the BPXOINIT procedure (it runs the initialization process) without
making it trusted, using either one of these methods:
v Add it to the RACF STARTED class:
v Add it to ICHRIN03:

56 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

4. Add the BPXAS procedure without making it trusted. (When programs issue
fork or spawn requests, the BPXAS procedure is used to provide a new address
space.) Use one of the following methods:
v Add it to the RACF STARTED class:
v Add it to ICHRIN03:
5. If you did not make the kernel address space trusted, you need to give the
kernel access to the local data sets in one of two ways.
You will need to either fulfill the three following conditions:
v Use consistent qualifiers for the local data set names. For example, use
OMVS.xxxxxxxx, where OMVS.xxxxxxxx is the name for a data set.
v Create a generic RACF profile for the OMVS.* data sets, giving the kernel's
user ID (that is, OMVSKERN) ALTER authority. For example:
v Authorize administrators who will be allocating local data sets by adding
their user IDs to the OMVS.* access list in the data set profile and giving
them ALTER authority.
v Make sure your administrators who create local data sets give the kernel
permission before having the file system mounted. For each local data set,
the creator defines a data set profile with UACC(NONE) and gives the
kernel address space ALTER authority. For example:
6. If you are defining colony address spaces for a physical file system (for
example, for the NFS Client), set up the security by adding an entry to the
RACF STARTED class or to the RACF started procedures table for each colony
address space. The procedure name specified in the entry must match the
ASNAME specified on the FILESYSTYPE statement in the BPXPRMxx member.
For example, if you specified the following:
Then use one of these methods to specify the procedure name:
v Add it to the RACF STARTED class:

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 57

v Add the following entry to ICHRIN03, to allow the colony address space to
be dubbed as a process with UID(0):

When you are done, you have prepared RACF for z/OS UNIX.

Using RACF with z/OS UNIX

The security functions provided by RACF include validating users, file access
checking, privileged user checking, and user limit checking. z/OS UNIX users are
defined with RACF commands. When a job starts or a user logs on, RACF verifies
the user ID and password or password phrase. When an address space requests a
z/OS UNIX callable service for the first time, RACF:
1. Verifies that the user is defined as a z/OS UNIX user.
2. Verifies that the user's current connect group is defined as a z/OS UNIX group.
3. Initializes the control blocks needed for subsequent security checks.

For complete information about auditing in the RACF environment, see z/OS
Security Server RACF Auditor's Guide.

RACF performance considerations

Associating RACF user IDs and groups to UIDs and GIDs has important
performance considerations. Both the UNIXMAP class and virtual lookaside facility
(VLF) should remain active and the VLF classes IRRUMAP and IRRGMAP should
be defined to VLF. To understand how VLF can affect performance, refer to the
following RACF documentation:
v The section on mapping UIDs to user IDs and GIDs to group IDs in z/OS
Security Server RACF System Programmer's Guide.
v The section on using UNIXMAP and VLF in z/OS Security Server RACF Security
Administrator's Guide.

Setting up users and groups

The system provides security by verifying a user and verifying that a user or
program can access a process or file. It verifies the user IDs and passwords or
password phrases of users when they log on to a TSO/E session or when a job
starts. Then it does the following:
v When a user in a TSO/E session invokes the shell: RACF verifies that the
interactive users are defined as z/OS UNIX users before the system initializes
the shell.
v When a daemon creates a process for a user: RACF verifies that the user is
properly defined before the system initializes the process.
v When a program requests a kernel service for the first time: RACF verifies that
z/OS UNIX users are running the program before the system provides the
service. The types of programs are:

58 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

– Application programs
– Started procedures
– Products that use kernel services, such as Resource Measurement Facility

Authorize a user to access z/OS UNIX resources by:

v Adding a GID to the RACF group profile for an existing or new RACF group,
which is to be defined as the default group of the user
v Adding a UID to the RACF user profile for an existing or new user and
connecting each user to a RACF group that has a GID

Activating supplemental groups

When RACF list-of-groups checking is active, a user can access z/OS UNIX
resources if they are available to members of any group the user is connected to
and if the group has a GID in its RACF group profile. The additional groups are
called supplemental groups. To activate the RACF list-of-groups checking, specify the
GRPLIST option on the RACF SETROPTS command.

Restrictions: Note these restrictions:

v The maximum number of supplemental groups that can be associated with a
process is 300.
v NFS Client only uses the first 16 groups as supplemental groups when
communicating with a remote NFS server.
v A user can be connected to more than 300 groups, but only the first 300 group
IDs are identified as the user's supplemental groups. When you issue a
LISTUSER command, these are shown as associated with a user's process. It is
recommended that all groups be assigned an OMVS GID.

For more information about list-of-groups checking, see z/OS Security Server RACF
Security Administrator's Guide.

Defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF

You can define z/OS UNIX users to RACF. Alternatively, you can use the ISPF
shell to set up existing users with unique UIDs.

Rules: Note these rules:

v You must define the user to your security product as a z/OS UNIX user before
you try to make the user's file system available. If you do not, you will get error
messages when you try to make it available.
v The OMVS segment also contains the HOME directory and the first PROGRAM
that is executed when this user logs into z/OS UNIX or invokes the OMVS
TSO/E command. Make sure the HOME directory in the OMVS segment
matches the home directory that is defined for that user in the file system.
v The recommended home directory for a user is /u followed by the user ID; for
example, /u/user1 would be the home directory for the user1 ID.
v Make sure that unique UIDs are assigned to each user.
Although you can assign the same UID to multiple users, it is not
recommended. However, it may be necessary for some cases, such as superusers.
If you assign the same UID to multiple users, control at an individual user level

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 59

is lost because the UID is used in z/OS UNIX security checks. Users with the
same UID assignment are treated as a single user during z/OS UNIX security

Restriction: The limit on the number of user IDs that can share a UID when the
RACF database is using AIM is 129.

Steps for defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF

About this task

This task explains the steps for defining z/OS UNIX to RACF

Before you begin: You need to log on the user ID with RACF SPECIAL authority.

Perform the following steps to define z/OS UNIX users to RACF.

1. Authorize a user to z/OS UNIX by entering:
v A RACF ADDUSER command for each new user to be given access to z/OS
UNIX resources. The ADDUSER command creates a RACF user profile.
v A RACF ALTUSER command for each current user who is to be given access
to z/OS UNIX resources. The ALTUSER command changes a current RACF
user profile.
To provide access to z/OS UNIX resources, both ADDUSER and ALTUSER
have an OMVS parameter. The UID subparameter specifies the UID, while the
AUTOUID subparameter specifies that RACF is to assign an unused UID value.
2. Assign a home directory for each user through the HOME subparameter on the
Example: If the home directory is /u/john, specify:
The home directory should be fully qualified ('/u/john'). If a home directory is
partially specified (for example, john) problems might during process
initialization. Then create that home directory for each user. The home
directory, like all file names, is case-sensitive. It is recommended that the user
name in the home directory be entered in lowercase.
Alternatively, you can use the ISPF shell to define a home directory for each
Example: If the home directory is the root, specify:
In similar open systems, the directory used for users is /u and the name of the
user's home directory is the username associated with the user. In a z/OS
system, the user name is the user ID:
v If a user accesses the shell from TSO/E, the user ID is folded to uppercase
v With rlogin, the user ID is case-sensitive. If the alias table
(USERIDALIASTABLE) is not set up, then case does not matter and the user
ID is folded. If the alias table is being used and the user ID is found in it,
then the case-sensitive user ID for UNIX activity is used.
3. Specify an initial program for each user through the PROGRAM subparameter
of the ADDUSER or ALTUSER command.

60 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Alternatively, you can use the ISPF shell to specify an initial program for each
The system gives control to the user program when the user logs in or invokes
the OMVS command. The PROGRAM value is also used for the rlogin,
otelnetd, su, and newgrp commands, where a shell is to be created.
4. Do one of the following tasks to connect a user to an already-defined RACF
group. The RACF group must have an OMVS GID for the user to access z/OS
UNIX resources.
v Specify the RACF group on the DFLTGRP parameter on the RACF
ADDUSER command. The specified group becomes the user's default group.
If you do not specify a RACF group on the RACF ADDUSER command,
your current group becomes the user's default group
v Enter a RACF CONNECT command to connect a user to the RACF group.
Specify the DFLTGP parameter on the RACF ALTUSER command to change
the user's default group to the RACF group with an OMVS GID.
To use z/OS UNIX resources, the default group of the user must have a GID
5. z/OS UNIX performs SYSOUT tailoring for every forked address space. When
defining the users, code the WORKATTR parameter to specify the user's name
and address. The name and address appear on the user's SYSOUT output.


When you are done, you have defined z/OS UNIX users to RACF.

In similar open systems, the /etc/passwd file contains definitions for the HOME,
SHELL, and LOGNAME environment variables. z/OS UNIX provides better
security by keeping these values in the RACF user profile.

Example: The following example shows an ADDUSER command to create a new

user ID, JOHN, with authority to use z/OS UNIX.
OMVS(UID(314) HOME(’/u/john’) PROGRAM(’/bin/sh’))

The DFLTGRP parameter places user ID JOHN in the RACF group ENGNGP7,
which has a GID of 678. The OMVS parameter on the ADDUSER command does
the following:
v Gives JOHN an UID of 314.
v Invokes the shell in the file /bin/sh when John Doe enters a TSO/E OMVS
v Gives JOHN a home directory of /u/john. The home directory needs to be added
to the file system.
On an open system, a working directory is normally defined in lowercase letters
and typically has the user's user ID as its name—for example, /u/john. If a REXX

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 61

exec or CLIST extracts the user ID with a &userid variable, the value returned is
in uppercase: JOHN. If the REXX exec or CLIST appends the returned value to
/u, the result is /u/JOHN. /u/john and /u/JOHN are two different directories. You
should consider this behavior in using REXX execs, CLISTs, C programs, or
programs using the callable services where the functions return user IDs.
v Specifying the WORKATTR for user ID JOHN allows daemons to create
processes with the correct accounting and SYSOUT defaults. For example, if
JOHN logs into the system using a rlogin command from a workstation, a new
process will be created for JOHN using the attributes from the WORKATTR.

Storing user-specific information in OMVS segments

Information specific to the user is kept in the OMVS segment of the user profile,
while information specific to groups is kept in the OMVS segment of the group
v The OMVS segment of the user profile contains information such as the user
identifier (UID) and the path name of the HOME directory.
v For the group profile, the OMVS segment contains the group identifier (GID).

Before users and groups can request access to z/OS UNIX services, the OMVS
segments of the profiles associated with them must be defined.

Automatically generating UIDs and GIDs

Unique UIDs and GIDs can be generated on demand for users and groups that do
not have OMVS segments defined. RACF saves the generated UIDs and GIDs in
new OMVS segments created for user and group profiles in the RACF database.
For more information about automatic UID and GID generation, see z/OS Security
Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.

Automatic UID and GID generation is enabled when the BPX.UNIQUE.USER

profile is defined in the FACILITY class. An optional model user (USER00) can be
specified by the APPLDATA field for BPX.UNIQUE.USER. The OMVS segment
from the model user is used to initialize new OMVS segments for the user profile;
this includes all attributes (HOME, PROGRAM and user limits) except the UID.

The BPX.NEXT.USER profile in the FACILITY class is used by RACF to derive

unused UID and GID values. The FACILITY class does not have to be active for
RACF to use BPX.NEXT.USER. When creating the BPX.NEXT.USER profile, generic
characters cannot be used in the name. The APPLDATA field for BPX.NEXT.USER
can specify either a starting UID or GID value or range of values for generating
unique UIDs and GIDs. After RACF determines the next unique UID, the UID is
saved in the newly created OMVS segment for the user profile. Similar processing
is done when a starting GID or range of values is specified; if the group associated
does not have a GID, the GID is saved in a newly created OMVS segment for the
group profile.

Figure 9 on page 63 illustrates how the unique UID assignment process derives the
UID and GID values from the BPX.NEXT.USER profile and saves the values in the
OMVS segment for the user profile (MYUSER) and the OMVS segment for the
group profile (MYGROUP). The figure also shows how a user profile indicated in
the BPX.UNIQUE.USER profile can be the source of other OMVS information
copied to the user profile (MYUSER).

62 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning


USER00 101/505


101 /bin/sh /tmp ...
and so on

99 /bin/sh /tmp ...
and so on

Figure 9. How unique UIDs and GIDs are assigned

For the requirements to enable automatic UID and GID assignment, see the section
on enabling the automatic assignment of UNIX identities in z/OS Security Server
RACF Security Administrator's Guide.

You can specify the RACF string &racuid as a placeholder for the user ID in the
home directory path name. When RACF creates the OMVS segment, it will
substitute the user ID for which the OMVS segment is being created. When
automount is implemented, a user file system will be is allocated, mounted, and
assigned the user ID as its owner. For more information about specifying &racuid
and considerations for sharing the RACF database, see the topic on automatic
assignment in z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.

Security implications
Executable programs are generally categorized as coming from authorized or
unauthorized libraries. Programs in authorized libraries are considered safe for
anyone to run. That is, the code should be free of viruses and should uphold the
integrity and security classification of the operating system.

Programs in unauthorized libraries can be further divided into system-controlled

libraries, which are protected from general user modification, and libraries that are
not system-controlled. Libraries that are not system controlled are not considered
safe for anyone to run. This code is generally a local version of a program that the
owner has created or modified. Users with special privileges, must use caution
when running such programs. If a programmer with RACF SPECIAL or authority
to update APF-authorized libraries runs a program from an uncontrolled library, it
is possible for the program to take advantage of the caller's authority to
compromise the integrity of the system.

The BPX.DEBUG resource in the FACILITY class enables you to debug

APF-authorized programs, using ptrace via dbx. For more information about
BPX.DEBUG, see “Setting up the UNIX-related FACILITY and SURROGAT class
profiles” on page 82.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 63

There are additional considerations when combining traditional MVS services and

The entire file system is considered to be an unauthorized library. You can

authorize individual programs within the file system as APF-authorized by setting
the APF-extended attribute. Programs that are APF-authorized behave the same as
other programs that are loaded from APF-authorized libraries. If a program
running in an APF-authorized address space attempts to load a program from the
file system that does not have the APF-extended attribute set, the load is rejected.
This applies to non-jobstep exec, local spawn, attach_exec, and DLL loads. This is
consistent with the way that Contents Supervisor rejects requests to LINK, LOAD,
or ATTACH unauthorized programs from an authorized environment.

In order to run a program from the file system in an APF-authorized address

space, you have two choices:
1. You can link-edit the program into an APF-authorized library and turn on the
sticky bit, using the chmod command.
2. You can use the extattr command to set the APF-authorized extended attribute
of the file.

If an APF-authorized program is the first program to be executed in an address

space, then you also need to set the authorization code to 1 (AC=1) when your
program is link-edited. If a program is loaded into an APF-authorized address
space but is not the first program to be executed, it should not have the AC=1
attribute set.

Checking user and group authority

The system uses two types of user and group IDs to check a user's authority to
access different RACF-protected resources. Examples of two RACF-protected
resources are MVS data sets and local files.
v MVS data sets: The system uses:
– The user's RACF profile
– The RACF group name for the user's current group
– The RACF group name for each group the user is connected to, if
list-of-group checking is active
v local files: The system uses:
– The effective UID
– The effective GID
– The GIDs for the supplemental groups, if list-of-group checking is active

Users must have a UID and GID defined when entering the TSO/E OMVS
command and for certain kernel services.

Users also need search authority to all directories in the path name for their home
directory. Set these permissions for each directory using the chmod command and
either the MODE operand of the TSO/E MKDIR command or the mode option of
the mkdir command that creates a directory. For more information, see
“Controlling access to files and directories” on page 91.

64 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Obtaining security information about groups
Use the RACF LISTGRP command to list details of specific RACF group profiles. A
group profile consists of a RACF segment and, optionally, other segments such as
DFP and OMVS. The LISTGRP command provides you with the option of listing
the information contained in the entire group profile (all segments), or listing the
information contained only in a specific segment of the group profile.

Steps for obtaining security information about a group

Before you begin: You need to have a user ID that has the needed RACF authority.
For the RACF authority you need, see the LISTGRP command in z/OS Security
Server RACF Command Language Reference.

Perform the following steps to check the OMVS security information for a group.
1. Log on to your user ID.
2. Issue a RACF LISTGRP command with the OMVS operand and the RACF
group name.
Example: To list the GID information for the RACF group ENGNP7:

You should now see information from the RACF group profile. If the RACF group
was assigned a GID, the profile identifies the GID. All groups that OMVS users
belong to should have OMVS GIDs.

Obtaining security information about users

You can obtain security information for users if the security administrator has set
up field-level access for users for the OMVS segment of the RACF user profile.

Steps for obtaining security information about users

Before you begin: You need to have a user ID that has the needed RACF authority.
For the RACF authority you need, see the LISTUSER command in z/OS Security
Server RACF Command Language Reference.

Perform the following steps to check the OMVS segment of the security
information for a user.
1. Log on to your user ID.
2. Issue a RACF LISTUSER command with the OMVS operand and the user ID.
Example: To list the OMVS information for user ID JOHN:

You should now see lists from the user's RACF user profile the fields the user has
authority to see. The fields can be:
v The user's home directory
v The program (typically the shell, called when the user invokes it by using the
TSO/E OMVS command, rlogin, or telnet)

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 65

v The user limits

Setting up field-level access for the OMVS segment of a user profile

To allow a user to see or change OMVS fields in a RACF user profile, you can set
up field-level access. You can authorize a user to specified fields in any profile or
to specified fields in the user's own profile. To authorize users to the OMVS fields
in their own profiles, use the ISPF shell, or issue the RACF and PERMIT
commands as described in “Steps for setting up field-level access.”

Steps for setting up field-level access

Before you begin: You need to know which users need to have field-level access.

Perform the following steps to set up field-level access for the OMVS segment of a
user profile.
1. Define a profile for each of the OMVS fields with a RACF RDEFINE command.
For example:
2. Permit users to access the fields with RACF PERMIT commands.
Example: The following example shows commands for the three fields.
v &RACUID allows all users to look at their own fields.
v READ access allows users to read the UID field.
v UPDATE access allows users to change their home directory in the HOME
field or the program invoked for a TSO/E OMVS command in the
PROGRAM field.
Give only selected users update access to the UID field and the user limits
field. Users with UPDATE access can become a superuser by changing the UID
to 0.
3. Activate the FIELD class with the RACF SETROPTS command. For example:

When you are done, you have set up field level access.

For the other parameters on the RDEFINE, PERMIT, and SETROPTS commands,
see z/OS Security Server RACF Command Language Reference.

66 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Defining group identifiers (GIDs)
You can assign a group identifier (GID) to a RACF group by specifying a GID
value in the OMVS segment of the RACF group profile or by using the AUTOGID
keyword. When a GID is assigned to a group, all users connected to that group
who have a user identifier (UID) in their user profile and whose default or current
connect group has a GID in the group profile can use z/OS UNIX functions and
can access z/OS UNIX files based on the GID and UID values assigned.

Restriction: The limit on the number of groups that can share a GID when the
RACF database is using AIM is 129.

Guideline: Do not assign the same GID to multiple RACF groups. If you
do,control at an individual group level is lost because the GID is used in z/OS
UNIX security checks. RACF groups that have the same GID assignment are
treated as a single group during z/OS UNIX security checks. They must use the
SHARED keyword of the RACF ADDGROUP or ALTGROUP command if the
SHARED.IDS profile is defined in the UNIXPRIV class. For more information
about SHARED.IDS, see z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.

If you are using NFS, see “Assigning UIDs and GIDs in an NFS network” on page
69 for more information.

For special considerations when using the RACF list-of-groups checking (GRPLIST)
option for access to the files and directories in the z/OS UNIX file system, see z/OS
Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.

Defining user identifiers (UIDs)

Restriction: The limit on the number of user IDs that can share a UID when the
RACF database is using AIM is 129.

Assigning UIDs to single users

You can assign a z/OS UNIX user identifier (UID) to a RACF user by specifying a
UID value in the OMVS segment of the RACF user profile or by using the
AUTOUID keyword.

Rule: When assigning a UID to a user, make sure that the user is connected to at
least one group that has an assigned GID. This group should be either the user's
default group or one that the user specifies during logon or on the batch job. A
user with a UID and a current connect group with a GID can use z/OS UNIX
functions and access z/OS UNIX files based on the assigned UID and GID values.
If a UID and a GID are not available as described, the user cannot use z/OS UNIX

If you are using NFS, see “Assigning UIDs and GIDs in an NFS network” on page
69 for more information.

Assigning UIDs to multiple users

Do not assign the same UID to multiple user IDs because the sharing of UIDs
allows each user to access all of the resources associated with the other users of
that shared user ID. The shared access includes not only z/OS UNIX resources
such as files, but also includes the possibility that one user could access z/OS
resources of the other user that are normally considered to be outside the scope of

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 67

However, you might want to assign the same UID to multiple user IDs if these
user IDs are used by the same person or persons. It might also be necessary to
assign multiple users a UID of 0 (superuser authority). When doing this, it is
important to remember that a superuser is implicitly a trusted user who has the
potential of using UID(0) to access all z/OS resources.

Rule: If the SHARED.IDS profile is defined in the UNIXPRIV class, in order to

assign a UID that is already in use to another user ID you must specify the
SHARED keyword with the UID keyword on the RACF ADDUSER or ALTUSER

By default, RACF does not prevent the sharing of UIDs and GIDs. However, you
can enforce unique UNIX identifiers by defining a profile called SHARED.IDS in
the UNIXPRIV class. For more information about SHARED.IDS, see z/OS Security
Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.

Setting limits for users

You can control the amount of resources consumed by certain z/OS UNIX users by
setting individual limits for these users. The resource limits for the majority of
z/OS UNIX users are specified in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. Instead of
assigning superuser authority to application servers and other users so they can
exceed BPXPRMxx limits, you can individually set higher limits to these users, as
discussed in “System limits and process limits” on page 392. Setting user limits
allows you to minimize the number of assignments of superuser authority at your
installation and reduces your security risk.

Specify limits for z/OS UNIX users by choosing options on the ADDUSER or
ALTUSER commands. The limits are stored in the OMVS segment of the user
profile. You can set the following limits in the OMVS user segment:
Maximum address space size (RLIMIT_AS)
Maximum CPU time (RLIMIT_CPU)
Maximum number of concurrently open files per process
Maximum size of storage above the bar
Maximum memory map size
Maximum number of processes for this UID
Maximum size of shared memory
Maximum number of threads per process

After you set individual user limits for users who require higher resource limits,
you should consider removing their superuser authority, if they have any. You
should also reevaluate your installation's BPXPRMxx limits and consider reducing
these limits. See “Customizing the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB” on
page 23 for more information.

68 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Defining protected user IDs
You can define protected user IDs for started procedures associated with z/OS
UNIX, such as the kernel, the initialization started procedure, and daemons that
are critical to the availability of your z/OS UNIX system. Defining the protected
user IDs will prevent these user IDs from being revoked through inadvertent or
malicious incorrect password or password phrase attempts, or from being used for
other purposes, such as logging on to the system. For more information about
protected user IDs, see z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.

Defining the terminal group name

Certain shell commands, such as mesg, talk, and write require pseudoterminals to
have a group name of TTY. When a user logs in, or issues the OMVS command
from TSO/E, the group name associated with these terminals is changed to TTY.
As part of installation, you had to define the group TTY or use the group alias
support as described in “Security requirements for ServerPac and CBPDO
installation” on page 87.

Rule: Give this group a unique GID and do not connect users to this group.

Tip: To make it easier to transport the data sets from test systems to production
systems, check that this entry is duplicated in all of your security data bases,
including the same UID and GID values in the OMVS segment.

Managing user and group assignments

To prevent duplication, only one or two administrators should assign UIDs and
GIDs. To manage UID and GID assignments, do one of the following:
v Use AUTOGID or AUTOUID keywords to have UIDs and GIDs automatically
assigned to the user. These are keywords on RACF commands that you use to
define users and groups. This is the suggested method.
v Use the RACF database unload utility to move RACF data into a DB2® database
and then use the Structured Query Language (SQL) to query the database.
v Use the ISPF shell to perform the tasks of defining users and groups.

Assigning UIDs and GIDs in an NFS network

Network File System (NFS) enables users to mount file systems from other systems
so that the files appear to be locally mounted. You end up with a mixture of file
systems that come from systems where the UIDs and GIDs might be
independently managed. To maintain good security on your local files in an NFS
network, the system programmer or the UNIX system programmer must
coordinate the UIDs and GIDs on all of the systems. For example, you don't want
user RALPH to have UID(7) on system 1 and user SMORG to have UID(7) on
system 2. If you use NFS to mount a file system from system 2 on system 1, then
user RALPH can access any of user SMORG's files because they both have UID(7).

Assigning identifiers for users

Assigning the same UID to more than one person is strongly discouraged. If you
assign the same UID to more than one user ID, z/OS UNIX and RACF treat, in
some ways, the users as if they were a single z/OS UNIX user. For example:
v The users share the same MAXPROCUSER limit, which is defined in the
BPXPRMxx member, unless each user profile contains its own user limit for

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 69

v The users count as a single user for the MAXUIDS limit in BPXPRMxx.
v One user can enter the kill command for the other's processes.
v The users share ownership and access to the same files.
v Services such as the getpwuid() callable service cannot distinguish which user is
meant. Such services return data about one of the users, but which user is

If you assign users the same UID, you should warn them of the effects. For UID(0),
the effects are less significant, because superusers have access to all processes and
files and because most BPXPRMxx limits are not enforced against superusers.

To assign a non-unique UID, you can use the SHARED keyword of the RACF
ADDGROUP or ALTGROUP command if the SHARED.IDS profile is defined in the

Assigning identifiers for groups

All groups should be assigned unique GIDs. If you assign groups the same GIDs,
you should warn users of the following effects:
v The groups share ownership and access to the same files.
v Security audit records show the GID, but do not show the RACF group if it was
in the supplemental group list; see “Activating supplemental groups” on page
v Services such as the getgrgid() callable service cannot distinguish which group is
meant. The services return data about one of the groups, but which group is

To assign a non-unique GID, you can use the SHARED keyword of the RACF
ADDGROUP or ALTGROUP command if the SHARED.IDS profile is defined in the

Upper limits for GIDs and UIDs

RACF allows for UIDs and GIDs within the range of 0-2,147,483,647. However, the
tar command and some interchange formats supported by the pax command might
not be able to properly handle values above 2,097,151. Because they are used often,
you should take these limitations into consideration when assigning UIDs and

When using pax or tar, UIDs and GIDs greater than 2,097,151 will not be restored
correctly unless one of the following conditions are met:
v The archive is created using the pax format with the pax command.
v The archive is created using the USTAR format and the user or group name
associated with the UID or GID exists on the target system. However, an
incorrect UID or GID might be restored. The reason that might happen is
described next.

When restoring a UID or GID, if the pax or USTAR format was used during
writing, pax and tar will first attempt to set the UID or GID during the restore
using the user or group name stored in the archive. (Of course, the user must have
the appropriate privileges to set the UID or GID). If this name is defined on the
target system, then the UID or GID is set to whatever UID or GID is associated
with the name defined on the target system. (The UID or GID is set, whether or

70 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

not it matches the UID or GID in the archive, which means that this could be a
problem if the name stored on the target system is coincidental rather than

If the user or group name is not defined on the target system, or if the archive is
using the original tar format, then the UID or GID stored in the archive is used. If
the UID or GID was originally greater than 2,097,151, and the archive was not
created with the pax format, then the archive contains an incorrect version of the
UID or GID value due to truncation. This situation will then result in that same
incorrect UID or GID value being restored. However, if the archive was created
with the pax format, then the original correct UID or GID is restored. The correct
values are restored because the pax format supports UID or GID values up to 2147

In summary, large UIDs and GIDs might not be correctly restored by pax and tar.
Using the pax format (the preferred method) can avoid this situation, because it
supports values up to 2,147,483,647. (the maximum supported by RACF). Using the
USTAR format might also avoid this situation, but only if the target system has the
same user or group name defined and that name represents the same user or
group as it did on the source system. Or, use UID or GID values within the limits
for the archive format being used. See the description of pax and tar in z/OS UNIX
System Services Command Reference for more information about these commands.

Creating z/OS UNIX groups

A user must belong to at least one group and can be connected to additional
groups. When a user connects to the system (that is, logs on to a TSO/E session),
one of the groups is selected as the user's current group. For a user to be able to
request kernel services and invoke the shell, the user's current RACF group must
have a z/OS UNIX group ID (GID) assigned to it. All groups that a user belongs to
should be assigned an OMVS GID. Also, the user's default group must have a GID
assigned for POSIX standards conformance.

Steps for creating z/OS UNIX groups

Before you begin: You need to know which RACF group profiles will be used as
z/OS UNIX groups.

Perform the following steps to define RACF groups that can be used as z/OS
UNIX groups.
1. Log on to the user ID with RACF SPECIAL authority.
2. Issue one of the following commands. Base your choice on your particular
This table shows the tasks for creating z/OS UNIX groups.
If you want to . . . Then issue. . .
Define a new RACF group profile and The ADDGROUP command.
have it be used as a z/OS UNIX group
Example: To define a RACF group profile
named SYS1 and to give it a GID of 575, issue:

Result: You have defined a RACF group profile

and created a z/OS UNIX group.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 71

This table shows the tasks for creating z/OS UNIX groups.
If you want to . . . Then issue. . .
Change a current RACF group profile and The ALTGROUP command.
have it used as a z/OS UNIX group
Example: To add a GID of 678 to the current
RACF group ENGNGP7, issue:

Result: You have created a z/OS UNIX group.

Use AUTOGID to automatically assign an

unused GID. For example:

To assign OMVS GIDs to all groups, use the

ISPF shell.

Tip: For useful reports and auditing, assign a unique GID to each RACF group
name. Reports for the RACF group name will then supply information about
the corresponding GID.

When you are done, you have created a z/OS UNIX group. When the user
connects to the system (for example, logs on to a TSO/E session), one group is
selected as the user's current group. When a user becomes a z/OS UNIX user, the
GID of the user's current group becomes the effective GID of the user's process.
The user can access resources available to members of the user's effective GID.

Superusers in z/OS UNIX

Your installation defines certain system programmers, users, and started
procedures as superusers. Superusers pass all security checks and can access any
file in the file system. They can do administrative activities such as the following:
v Change the contents of any file
v Install products
v Manage processes
v Change identity from one UID to another.
v Use setrlimit() to increase any of the system limits for a process.
Superusers can also have an unlimited number of processes running concurrently.
For a started procedure, this is true only if it has a UID of 0. It is not true for a
trusted or privileged process with a different UID.

When not doing activities that require superuser authority, the superuser joins the
majority of users or programs with user authority, which permits access to their
own files and certain files to which they have access, according to permission bits.

Rule: The user ID associated with a started procedure needing superuser authority
must have a UID, but the UID can have any value. Users running with the trusted
or privileged attribute are considered superusers even if their assigned UID is a
value other than 0.

The parent process propagates its UID and TRUSTED or PRIVILEGED attribute to
a forked child process. Thus, a UID of 0 is propagated to a forked child.

72 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

As you are defining users, you might want to define some of them with
appropriate superuser privileges. There are three ways to assign superuser
v Using the UNIXPRIV class profiles, the preferred way. See “Using UNIXPRIV
class profiles.”
v Using the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY class. See “Using the
BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY class” on page 78.
v Assigning a UID of 0, which is the least desirable way. See “Assigning a UID of
0” on page 81.
For specific installation requirements regarding superuser authority, see
“Security requirements for ServerPac and CBPDO installation” on page 87.

While some functions require a UID of 0, in most cases you can choose among the
three ways. When choosing among them, try to minimize the number of "human"
user IDs (as opposed to started procedures) set up with UID(0) superuser
authority. To summarize the choices, UID(0) gives you access to all UNIX functions
and resources, as is true for all UNIX systems. However, in z/OS, RACF allows
certain users to perform specific privileged functions without being defined as
UID(0). BPX.SUPERUSER allows you to request that you be given such access, but
you do not have the access unless you make the request. And, the UNIXPRIV class
allows you to do other privileged functions, such as mounting a file system. Both
these definitions are similar to having UID(0) in that, before RACF grants access to
a system resource or use of it, the system checks these definitions.

Do not confuse superuser authority with MVS supervisor state. Being a superuser
is not related to supervisor state, PSW key 0, and using APF-authorized
instructions, macros, and callable services.

Using UNIXPRIV class profiles

You can define profiles in the UNIXPRIV class to grant RACF authorization for
certain z/OS UNIX privileges. By defining profiles in the UNIXPRIV class, you can
specifically grant certain superuser privileges with a high degree of granularity to
users who do not have superuser authority. This allows you to minimize the
number of assignments of superuser authority at your installation and reduces
your security risk.

Resource names in the UNIXPRIV class are associated with z/OS UNIX privileges.
You must define profiles in the UNIXPRIV class protecting these resources in order
to use RACF authorization to grant z/OS UNIX privileges. The UNIXPRIV class
must be active and SETROPTS RACLIST must be in effect for the UNIXPRIV class.
Global access checking is not used for authorization checking to UNIXPRIV

Table 7 shows each resource name available in the UNIXPRIV class, the z/OS
UNIX privilege associated with each resource, and the level of access required to
grant the privilege.
Table 7. Resource names in the UNIXPRIV class for z/OS UNIX privileges
Minimum access
Resource name z/OS UNIX privilege required
CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED1 Allows users to use the chown command to None required
transfer ownership of their own files.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 73

Table 7. Resource names in the UNIXPRIV class for z/OS UNIX privileges (continued)
Minimum access
Resource name z/OS UNIX privilege required
FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID Specifies that a directory's set-gid bit is used None required
to determine the group owner of any new
objects created within the directory.
RESTRICTED.FILESYS.ACCESS Specifies that RESTRICTED users cannot None required
gain file access by virtue of the 'other '
permission bits.
Can be overridden for a specific user/group. READ
SHARED.IDS Allows users to assign UID and GID values READ
that are not unique.
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.ACLOVERRIDE Specifies that ACL contents override the None required
access that was granted by
Can be overridden for specific users or See note.

The user or group must have the same

access that would be required to
SUPERUSER.FILESYS while accessing the
SUPERUSER.FILESYS2 Allows user to read any local file, and to READ
read or search any local directory.
Allows user to write to any local file, and UPDATE
includes privileges of READ access.
Allows user to write to any local directory, CONTROL (or higher)
and includes privileges of UPDATE access.
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHANGEPERMS Allows users to use the chmod command to READ
change the permission bits of any file and to
use the setfacl command to manage access
control lists for any file.
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHOWN Allows user to use the chown command to READ
change ownership of any file.
command or the mount shell command with
the nosetuid option. Also allows users to
unmount a file system with the TSO/E
UNMOUNT command or the unmount shell
command mounted with the nosetuid

Users permitted to this profile can use the

chmount shell command to change the
mount attributes of a specified file system.
Allows user to issue the TSO/E MOUNT UPDATE
command or the mount shell command with
the setuid option. Also allows user to issue
the TSO/E UNMOUNT command or the
unmount shell command with the setuid

Users permitted to this profile can issue the

chmount shell command on a file system
that is mounted with the setuid option.

74 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 7. Resource names in the UNIXPRIV class for z/OS UNIX privileges (continued)
Minimum access
Resource name z/OS UNIX privilege required
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.QUIESCE Allows user to issue quiesce and unquiesce READ
commands for a file system mounted with
the nosetuid option.
Allows user to issue quiesce and unquiesce UPDATE
commands for a file system mounted with
the setuid option.
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.PFSCTL Allows user to use the pfsctl() callable READ
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.USERMOUNT Allows nonprivileged users to mount and READ
unmount file systems with the nosetuid
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.VREGISTER3 Allows a server to use the vreg() callable READ
service to register as a VFS file server.
SUPERUSER.IPC.RMID Allows user to issue the ipcrm command to READ
release IPC resources.
SUPERUSER.PROCESS.GETPSENT Allows user to use the w_getpsent() callable READ
service to receive data for any process.

Allows users of the ps command to output

information about all processes. This is the
default behavior of ps on most UNIX
SUPERUSER.PROCESS.KILL Allows user to use the kill() callable service READ
to send signals to any process.
SUPERUSER.PROCESS.PTRACE4 Allows user to use the ptrace() callable READ
service through the dbx debugger to trace
any process.
SUPERUSER.SETPRIORITY Allows user to increase own priority. READ
SUPERUSER.SHMMCV.LIMITS Allows the user to create up to 4,194,304 READ
mutexes or condition variables to be
associated with a single shared memory
segment. The overall system total of
mutexes and condition variables for
authorized users must be less than
134,217,729. When authorized applications
create the maximum number of mutexes and
condition variables, the system requires
significantly more auxiliary storage to be
available. System dumps that include the
OMVS address space also require larger
dump data sets to contain the increased size
of that address space. It is unlikely that
applications will create the maximum
number of structures allowed. If the
maximum number is created, the increase in
auxiliary storage and dump data set size is
roughly 350 gigabytes.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 75

Table 7. Resource names in the UNIXPRIV class for z/OS UNIX privileges (continued)
Minimum access
Resource name z/OS UNIX privilege required
1. See “Steps for setting up the CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile” on page 77.
2. Authorization to the SUPERUSER.FILESYS resource provides privileges to access only local files. No
authorization to access Network File System (NFS) files is provided by access to this resource.
3. The SUPERUSER.FILESYS.VREGISTER resource only lets a server such as NFS initialize. Users who are
connected as clients through facilities such as NFS do not get special privileges based on this resource or other
resources in the UNIXPRIV class.
4. Authorization to the BPX.DEBUG resource is also required to trace processes that run with APF authority or
BPX.SERVER authority.

Tip: If you are debugging a daemon, use the SUPERUSER.PROCESS.GETPSENT,


Assigning superuser privileges

The example in “Steps for authorizing selected users to transfer ownership of any
file” applies to the superuser privileges shown in Table 7 on page 73, except the
privilege associated with the CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED resource (see “Steps for
setting up the CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile” on page 77).

Steps for authorizing selected users to transfer ownership of any

Before you begin: You need to know which users will be assigned superuser

Perform the following steps to authorize selected users to transfer ownership of

any file.
1. Define a profile in the UNIXPRIV class to protect the resource called
In general, generic profile names are allowed for resources in the UNIXPRIV
class (with a few exceptions, such as SHARED.IDS and
Tip: To assign all file system privileges, you can define a profile called
2. Assign selected users or groups as appropriate.
ID(appropriate-groups-and-users) ACCESS(READ)
3. Activate the UNIXPRIV class, if it is not currently active at your installation.

If you do not activate the UNIXPRIV class and activate SETROPTS RACLIST
processing for the UNIXPRIV class, only superusers are allowed to transfer
ownership of any file.
4. Activate SETROPTS RACLIST processing for the UNIXPRIV class, if it is not
already active.

76 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning


If SETROPTS RACLIST processing is already in effect for the UNIXPRIV class,

you must refresh SETROPTS RACLIST processing in order for new or changed
profiles in the UNIXPRIV class to take effect.

When you are done, you have authorized selected users to transfer ownership of
any file.

Allowing z/OS UNIX users to change file ownerships

On z/OS UNIX systems, superusers can change the ownership of any file to any
UID or GID on the system. General users can only change the ownership of files
that they own, and only to one of their own associated GIDs. This is considered
the more secure implementation, and is the one recommended by IBM. However,
you can allow selected z/OS UNIX users to transfer ownership of files they own to
any UID or GID on the system.

To allow z/OS UNIX users to transfer ownership of files they own to any UID or
GID on the system, create a discrete profile in the UNIXPRIV class called
CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED, and permit users with the appropriate access.

Steps for setting up the CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile

Before you begin: CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED must be a discrete profile. Matching
generic profiles are ignored.

Perform the following steps to set up the CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile.

1. Define the discrete profile in the UNIXPRIV class called
2. Permit the user or group with the appropriate access level. UPDATE access is
required in order to change ownership to UID 0. READ access is required to
change ownership to any other UID value, or to the GID of a group to which
the user is not connected. For example:

If you do not activate the UNIXPRIV class and activate SETROPTS RACLIST
processing for the UNIXPRIV class, only superusers are allowed to transfer
ownership of files to others.
3. Activate the SETROPTS RACLIST processing for the UNIXPRIV class, if it is
not already active.

If SETROPTS RACLIST processing is already in effect for the UNIXPRIV class,

you must refresh SETROPTS RACLIST processing in order for the
CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile to take effect.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 77

When you are done, you have set up the CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile in the

Using the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY class

Using the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY class is another way for
users to get the authority to do most of the tasks that require superuser authority.

Steps for setting up BPX.SUPERUSER

Before you begin: You need to know which users need to have superuser

Perform the following steps to set up BPX.SUPERUSER.

1. Define the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY class.
Rule: You must use the name BPX.SUPERUSER. Substitutions for the name are
not allowed.
2. If this is the first FACILITY class profile that the installation has defined,
activate the FACILITY class with the SETROPTS command.
3. Permit all users who need superuser authority to this profile. Use the RACF
commands shown in the following example, which give the user ID SYSPROG
permission to use the su command to obtain superuser authority. It is assumed
that the default group for SYSPROG is set up with a GID.
ALTUSER SYSPROG OMVS(UID(7) HOME(’/u/sysprog’) PROGRAM(’/bin/sh’))

When you are done, you have set up the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the
FACILITY class and permitted the users who need to have superuser authority.
When they need to perform superuser tasks, they can switch to superuser mode
using the su command or the "Enable superuser mode (SU)" option in the ISPF

Tips: Note these tips:

1. Instead of using BPX.SUPERUSER to permit users to have superuser authority,
you could define a group, for example, SUPERUSR. You could then add users
who need superuser permission to the group.
Example: To add the user ID SYSPROG to the SUPERUSR group:

Then permit this group to BPX.SUPERUSER.

2. As an alternative to assigning superuser authority, you can define which
superuser attributes a given user is to have, and which system resource limits
are to be defined for the user.

78 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Deleting superuser authority
If the installation determines that a user no longer requires superuser authority, the
RACF administrator can remove the user from the access list with the PERMIT

Example: To remove superuser authority from user ID JOHN:


Changing a superuser from UID(0) to a unique nonzero UID

Give each user a unique UID and have them use the su command to obtain the
authority they need. You can give them the ability to use the su command by
giving them READ authority to the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY
class. For more information about the su command, see z/OS UNIX System Services
Command Reference.

Rule: To run SMP/E jobs, the user must have UID(0) or be permitted to the
BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY class.

Steps for changing a superuser from UID(0) to a unique nonzero

Before you begin: You need to know which superusers you want to change from
UID(0) to a unique nonzero UID.

Perform the following steps to change a superuser from a UID of 0 to a unique

nonzero UID.
1. Change the UID for the superuser from 0 to a unique UID. Base your choice on
your particular situation.
Choices for changing superusers
If you choose this method . . . Then . . .
Have RACF automatically assign an 1. Delete the UID from the user's OMVS segment.
unused UID. For example:
2. Issue the ALTUSER command with the
AUTOUID keyword. For example:
Message IRR52177I identifies the new UID.
Use the ISPF shell to assign the next 1. Delete the UID from the user's OMVS segment.
available UID. For example:
2. Assign a new UID, using the ISPF shell.
Tip: You can display the user's OMVS segment
to see the UID that was assigned by the
ISHELL. For example:

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 79

Choices for changing superusers
If you choose this method . . . Then . . .
Manually assign the UID. If the Use the ALTUSER command.
installation manually manages the UIDs
assigned to users, select the next Example: Assume that the next available UID is 7
available UID and assign it to the user. and the user ID is JOHN. To reassign the UID,
Tip: To make sure the UID you selected ALTUSER JOHN OMVS(UID(7))
is not already in use by another user,

2. Permit the user to the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY class.
Example: For user ID John:
Tip: You can choose to RACLIST the FACILITY class afterward. This step is
optional. If you do so, then you will have to do a REFRESH after the user ID is
permitted to the FACILITY class. For example:
3. Change the ownership of the user's private files to the new UID. These files are
typically those defined in the home directory.
Example: The home directory is /u/john. Issue the following command to
update the ownership of the files.
cd /u/john
chown -R john /u/john
Result: The owning UID of the /u/john directory is changed to 7. The owning
UID of all files and subdirectories of the /u/john directory is also changed.
Tip: The chown command requires a UID of 0, the ability to su to 0, or

When you are done, you have changed the superuser from a UID of 0 to a unique
nonzero UID.

Switching in and out of superuser authority

You can switch in and out of superuser authority. This discussion assumes that the
installation has not assigned UID(0) to its superusers. Instead, each user has a
unique UID and has been permitted to the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the

You can use any of the following methods to gain superuser authority:
v Enter the shell using the OMVS command and then issue the su command with
no operands. This creates a nested shell that runs with superuser authority.
Programs that change the security environment cannot run in a multiprocess
address space.
Tip: When running in this manner, editing a file with the OEDIT command
(OEDIT with PF6) returns you to the TSO/E address space where your original
authority is still in place.

80 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v Enter the ISPF shell using the ISHELL command or a dialog selection. From the
ISPF shell, you can select the option to switch to superuser state. You can then
manage the file system using ISPF shell functions while in the superuser state.
If you enter the ISPF shell, switch to superuser and then exit the ISPF shell, you
might lose superuser authority. If the ISPF shell is the only process in the
address space, you will lose all connection to kernel services when the ISPF shell
terminates. If there is another dubbed process in this address space (for example,
another ISPF shell, or a local shell), it will share the UID with the ISPF shell
process. For example, you can open an ISPF shell on both sides of a split screen.
When you toggle to superuser in one ISPF shell, it affects the address space and
therefore, both ISPF shells are now superuser. Regardless of which ISPF shell
terminates first, the address space retains its UIDs until the ISPF shell is used to
toggle back, or the last process is undubbed.
v Enter the shell using rlogin or telnet. Once in the shell, enter the su command to
create a nested shell that runs with superuser authority.
v After gaining superuser authority in the ISPF shell, you can split the screen in
ISPF and enter the OMVS command. The shell that is started inherits the
superuser authority set up in the ISPF shell. For privileged shells (when the
effective UID does not match the real UID, or the effective GID does not match
the real GID) $HOME/.profile is not run. If the file /etc/suid_profile exists, it
will be run.
v If you are permitted to the BPX.SUPERUSER resource, then you can get
superuser access through REXX.
v Use the su command from BPXBATCH. Run a job using BPXBATCH following
one of these examples that shows a copy of the file:
– On the PARM= statement, include:
SH echo cp /etc/profile /etc/junk | su

This pipes the result of the echo command (that is, the copy command) into
the su command.
– With PARM=’SH su’, code:
//STDIN DD PATH ’/yourpath/input.stuff’,PATHOPTS=(ORDONLY)
– With no parameters coded at all, create a file that has the su command in it.
//STDIN DD PATH=’/yourpath/suinput.stuff’,PATHOPTS=(ORDONLY)

In the suinput.stuff section, you would have the su command followed by the
copy command. These are commands as you would have entered them from
the console if you had been running in the z/OS UNIX shell.

Also, when you set up your own $HOME/.profile as superuser, specify the
/usr/sbin directory in your PATH environment variable because certain superuser
utilities are in that directory instead of the /bin directory, such as automount. For
more information about the profile, see “Customizing $HOME/.profile” on page

Assigning a UID of 0
Although sometimes appropriate, the least desirable method of defining superusers
is to assign a UID of 0 in the UID parameter in the OMVS segment of the
ADDUSER or ALTUSER commands. In this environment, you risk entering
commands that can damage the file system.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 81

Tip: If you want to assign a UID of 0, also assign a secondary user ID with a
nonzero UID for activities other than system management. For example, you
would assign:
User ID SMORG UID(0) - used for system maintenance
User ID SMORG1 UID(7) - used for regular programming

Example: In the following example, the ALTUSER command gives the user ID
SMORG superuser authority, makes the root directory the home directory, and
causes invocation of the shell in response to a TSO/E OMVS command. If the shell
is to be installed, specify the HOME and PROGRAM parameters; if a shell is not to
be installed, omit the HOME parameter. This user must be in a RACF group,
typically SYS1, and the group must have an OMVS GID associated with it.

You might choose to assign UID(0) to multiple RACF user IDs. However, try to
minimize the use of UID(0). Assignment of UID(0) should be limited to the user
associated with started procedures such as the OMVS kernel and the user who
installs the ServerPac. It should be avoided for the user IDs belonging to the real
users whenever possible.

Tip: If the SHARED.IDS profile is defined in the UNIXPRIV class, you might need
to use the SHARED keyword because UID(0) is likely to be used by several IDs.
For example:

Setting up the UNIX-related FACILITY and SURROGAT class profiles

You can control who can use certain UNIX functions when you define RACF
profiles with UACC(NONE) to protect the appropriate resources in the FACILITY
and SURROGAT classes. The UNIX-related resources start with the prefix BPX.
Generally, authorized users need at least READ access to the FACILITY resources
in order to use the UNIX function.

Do not define the generic profile BPX.* or unintended security-related behavior

might occur. If BPX.* is defined, then the OMVS address space identity must be
permitted to it and BPXOINIT must have a different user identity than OMVS.
Following these guidelines will prevent unintended security-related behavior from
occurring on your system, such as BPX.DAEMON activation, BPX.MAINCHECK
checking and BPX.SAFFASTPATH activation.

To activate RACF control of UNIX functions, use the RACF SETROPTS CLASSACT
FACILITY command. Permit your authorized users to the appropriate resources
before you activate the FACILITY class or else users will be not be able to use
protected UNIX functions.

For security reasons, you might need to define these class profiles. All of the
following are FACILITY class profiles, with the exception of BPX.SRV, which is a
SURROGAT class profile.
Controls access to the _cpl service.
Allows a permitted user the ability to use the _console() or _console2() services.

82 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

BPX.DAEMON serves two functions in the z/OS UNIX environment:
– Any superuser permitted to this profile has the daemon authority to change
MVS identities via z/OS UNIX services without knowing the target user ID's
password or password phrase. This identity change can only occur if the
target user ID has an OMVS segment defined.
If BPX.DAEMON is not defined, then all superusers (UID=0) have daemon
authority. If you want to limit which superusers have daemon authority,
define this profile and permit only selected superusers to it.
– Any program loaded into an address space that requires daemon level
authority must be defined to program control. If the BPX.DAEMON
FACILITY class profile is defined, then z/OS UNIX will verify that the
address space has not loaded any executables that are uncontrolled before it
allows any of the following services that are controlled by z/OS UNIX to
- seteuid
- setuid
- setreuid
- pthread_security_np()
- auth_check_resource_np()
- _login()
- _spawn() with user ID change
- _passwd()
Daemon authority is required only when a program does a setuid(), seteuid(),
setreuid(), or spawn() user ID to change the current UID without first having
issued a _passwd() call to the target user ID. In order to change the MVS
identity without knowing the target user ID's password or password phrase, the
caller of these services must be a superuser. Additionally, if a BPX.DAEMON
FACILITY class profile is defined and the FACILITY class is active, the caller
must be permitted to use this profile. If a program comes from a controlled
library and knows the target UID's password or password phrase, it can change
the UID without having daemon authority.
The RACF WARNING mode is not supported for BPX.DAEMON.
For more information about BPX.DAEMON, see “Establishing the correct level of
security for daemons” on page 335.
Controls which users with daemon authority are allowed to load uncontrolled
programs from MVS libraries into their address space.
Restriction: BPX.DAEMON.HFSCTL does not allow generic profiles.
Users with READ access to BPX.DEBUG can debug certain types of restricted
processes. These do not include processes that have a PID of 1. To debug
programs that run with APF authority or with BPX.SERVER authority, they can
use dbx to call the ptrace callable service.
v BPX.EXECMVSAPF.program_name
Allows unauthorized callers of the execmvs callable service to pass an argument
that is greater than 100 characters to an authorized program.
If the FACILITY class resource exists, then unauthorized callers can pass
arguments greater than 100 characters to the program name that is specified in
the FACILITY class profile. Individual users do not need to be given access to
the profile. If you do not want unauthorized callers to pass an argument greater
than 100 characters to any authorized programs, do not define any
BPX.EXECMVSAPF.program_name profiles.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 83

To allow certain authorized programs to be called with an argument greater than
100 characters, define a profile for each program:
To allow a group of commonly named authorized programs to be called with an
argument greater than 100 characters, define a profile that allows for pattern
matching. For example, if you have a set of related programs that all begin with
the same three characters, MYP, define:

As a result, all unauthorized callers can pass an argument greater than 100
characters to any authorized program that begins with the characters MYP.
To allow all unauthorized users the ability to pass any argument up to 4096
characters long to any authorized program, then define one profile:

However, IBM does not recommend defining this type of profile.

Controls which users are allowed to set the APF-authorized attribute in a z/OS
UNIX file. This authority allows the user to create a program that will run
APF-authorized. This is similar to the authority of allowing a programmer to
Controls which users are allowed to set the program control attribute. Programs
marked with this attribute can execute in server address spaces that run with a
high level of authority. See “Defining programs in UNIX files to program
control” on page 339 for more information.
Indicates that extra privilege is required when setting the shared library
extended attribute via the chattr() callable service. This prevents the shared
library region from being misused. See “Defining UNIX files as shared library
programs” on page 341 for more information.
Controls which users are allowed to set their own job names by using the
_BPX_JOBNAME environment variable or the inheritance structure on spawn.
Users with READ or higher permissions to this profile can define their own job
Extends the enhanced program security protection to your UNIX daemons and
servers that do not make use of RACF execute-controlled programs. For more
information, see “RACF with enhanced program security, BPX.DAEMON, and
BPX.MAINCHECK” on page 335 and “RACF with enhanced program security,
BPX.SERVER, and BPX.MAINCHECK” on page 369.
Restriction: BPX.MAINCHECK does not allow generic profiles.
Controls access to the _map and _map_init services.
Enables automatic assignment of UIDs and GIDs. The APPLDATA field of this
profile specifies a starting value, or range of values, from which RACF will
derive unused UID and GID values. z/OS Security Server RACF Security
Administrator's Guidehas more information about BPX.NEXT.USER.

84 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Controls access to the _poe service.
Enables faster security checks for file system and IPC constructs. For more
information, see “Fastpath support for System Authorization Facility (SAF)” on
page 321.
Restriction: BPX.SAFFASTPATH does not allow generic profiles.
Restricts the use of the pthread_security_np() service. A user with at least READ
or WRITE access to the BPX.SERVER FACILITY class profile can use this service.
It creates or deletes the security environment for the caller's thread.
This profile is also used to restrict the use of the BPX1ACK service, which
determines access authority to z/OS resources
Servers with authority to BPX.SERVER must run in a clean program-controlled
environment. z/OS UNIX will verify that the address space has not loaded any
executables that are uncontrolled before it allows any of the following services
that are controlled by z/OS UNIX to succeed:
– seteuid
– setuid
– setreuid
– pthread_security_np()
– auth_check_resource_np()
– _login()
– _spawn() with user ID change
– _passwd()
For more information about BPX.SERVER, see Chapter 16, “Preparing security
for servers,” on page 365 and “Establishing the correct level of security for
daemons” on page 335.
Checks if the caller attempting to cut an SMF record is allowed to write an SMF
record. It also tests if an SMF type or subtype is being recorded.
Controls access to the oe_env_np service to register and block for OMVS
v BPX.SRV.userid
Allows users to change their UID if they have access to BPX.SRV.userid, where
uuuuuuuu is the MVS user ID associated with the target UID. BPX.SRV.userid is a
RACF SURROGAT class profile.
Controls which users can make address spaces nonswappable. Users permitted
with at least READ access to BPX.STOR.SWAP can invoke the __mlockall()
callable service to make their address space either nonswappable or swappable.
When an application makes an address space nonswappable, it might cause
additional real storage in the system to be converted to preferred storage.
Because preferred storage cannot be configured offline, using this service can
reduce the installation's ability to reconfigure storage in the future. Any
application using this service should warn the customer about this side effect in
their installation documentation.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 85

Allows users to switch to superuser authority. For more information about
BPX.SUPERUSER, see “Superusers in z/OS UNIX” on page 72.
Allows users to use the _BPX_UNLIMITED_OUTPUT environment variable to
override the default spooled output limits for processes.
Controls access to the WLM server functions _server_init() and _server_pwu(). It
also controls access to these C language WLM interfaces:
– QuerySchEnv()
– CheckSchEnv()
– DisconnectServer()
– DeleteWorkUnit()
– JoinWorkUnit()
– LeaveWorkUnit()
– ConnectWorkMgr()
– CreateWorkUnit()
– ContinueWorkUnit()
A server application with read permission to this FACILITY class profile can use
both the server functions and the WLM C language functions to create and
manage work requests.

Table 8 lists whether the caller is permitted to use the services with the indicated
profile if that profile is defined and if the caller's user ID is permitted to the
specified RACF FACILITY class profile.
v YES indicates that the caller is permitted to use the services associated with the
v NO indicates that the caller is not permitted to use the services associated with
the profile.

For example, if BPX.DAEMON is not defined and the caller has a UID of 0, then
that caller would be permitted to use setuid. However, if BPX.DAEMON is defined
and the caller is permitted to it but has a nonzero UID, then that caller would not
be permitted to use setuid.
Table 8. Permissions for defined and undefined FACILITY class profiles
Profile is not defined Profile is defined
(Not applicable) Not permitted Permitted
If UID(0) If not UID(0) If UID(0) If not UID(0) If UID(0) If not UID(0)
BPX.CF No No No No Yes Yes
BPX.CONSOLE (1) Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
BPX.DAEMON Yes No No No Yes No
BPX.DEBUG No No No No Yes Yes
BPX.EXECMVSAPF.program_name No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
BPX.JOBNAME Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
BPX.MAP Yes No No No Yes Yes
BPX.NEXT.USER (2) – – – – – –

86 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 8. Permissions for defined and undefined FACILITY class profiles (continued)
Profile is not defined Profile is defined
(Not applicable) Not permitted Permitted
BPX.POE Yes No No No Yes Yes
BPX.SERVER Yes No No No Yes Yes
BPX.SMF No No No No Yes Yes
BPX.SRV.userid (3) No No No No Yes Yes
BPX.STOR.SWAP Yes No No No Yes Yes
1. The BPX.CONSOLE profile is used to control access to authorized features of the _console() service and is not used to control which users can use
the base _console() service.
2. The BPX.NEXT.USER profile is used by RACF to assign UIDs and GIDs when creating or altering a user ID's OMVS segment and is not processed
directly by z/OS UNIX.
3. BPX.SRV.userid profiles are defined in the RACF SURROGAT class.

Security requirements for ServerPac and CBPDO installation

Before you can do the ServerPac or CBPDO installation, or install maintenance,
you need to satisfy certain security requirements.
1. The user ID must be UID=0 or permitted to the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in
the FACILITY class, and be connected to a group that has a GID.
2. The user ID must be permitted READ access to the BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB,
class (or BPX.FILEATTR.* if you choose to use a generic name for both
resources). These commands are also provided in SYS1.SAMPLIB(BPXISEC1).

These commands are also provided in SYS1.SAMPLIB.

Or, if you choose to use a generic facility:
3. Define the following user ID and group IDs in your security data base. Even
though they are lowercase in the example, these names should be defined in
uppercase for ease of use and manageability.
v Group IDs

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 87

– uucpg
v User IDs
– uucp
Note these rules:
a. The GID and UID values assigned to these IDs cannot be used by any other
IDs. They must be unique. If you assign the same GID to multiple groups,
control at an individual group level is lost, because the GID is used in z/OS
UNIX security checks. Because RACF groups that have the same GID
assignment are treated as a single group during the z/OS UNIX security
checks, the sharing of resources between groups might happen
unintentionally. Likewise, the sharing of UIDs allows each user access to all
of the resources associated with the other users of that shared UID. The
shared access includes not only z/OS UNIX resources such as files, but also
includes the possibility that one user could access UNIX resources of the
other user that are normally considered to be outside the scope of z/OS
b. You must duplicate the required user ID and group names in each security
database, including the same UID and GID values in the OMVS segment.
Duplicating the IDs simplifies the process of transporting the HFS data sets
from test systems to production systems. For example, the group name TTY
on System 1 must have the same GID value on System 2 and System 3. If
you cannot synchronize your databases, you will need to continue running
the FOMISCHO job against each system after z/OS UNIX is installed.

The following topics describe how to define these IDs to RACF. (If you are using
an equivalent security product, refer to that product's documentation.) All the
RACF commands are issued by a user ID with RACF SPECIAL authority. Three
procedures are described:
v “If you use uppercase group and user IDs”
v “If you use mixed-case group and user IDs” on page 89
v “If you have problems with names such as UUCP, UUCPG, and TTY” on page

If you use uppercase group and user IDs

If you use only uppercase group and user IDs on your system, RACF users can use
the BPX1SEC1 sample in SAMPLIB. They can also use the ADDGROUP or
ADDUSER commands to define the group IDs and user IDs, as shown in the
following examples.
1. To define the TTY group:

where 2 is an example of a unique group ID on your system. Do not connect

users to this group. This is the same group that is specified on the TTYGROUP
statement in the BPXPRMxx member on your target system.
2. To define the UUCPG group:

where 8765 is an example of a unique group ID on your system.

3. To define the UUCP user ID, issue:

88 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

OMVS(UID(396) HOME(’/usr/spool/uucppublic’)

v 396 is an example of a unique OMVS UID. Do not use UID(0).
v HOME(’/usr/spool/uucppublic’) is a required parameter that specifies the
initial directory path name for the user ID.
v PROGRAM(’/bin/sh’) is a required parameter that specifies the path name in
the shell program for the user ID.

If you use mixed-case group and user IDs

If you already use mixed-case group and user IDs on your system and the user
(uucp) and group (uupcg) do not conflict with existing names, perform the steps for
uppercase IDs in “If you use uppercase group and user IDs” on page 88.

It is not necessary to add the lowercase or mixed-case names to your alias table,
mapping them to uppercase. Using the alias table degrades performance and
increases systems management and complexity. When lowercase or mixed-case
names are not found in the alias table, or there is no table active, they are folded to
uppercase. For more information about the alias table, see “USERIDALIASTABLE”
on page 38.

If you have problems with names such as UUCP, UUCPG, and

If names such as uucp, uucpg, and TTY are not allowed on your system (or if they
conflict with existing names), the following examples show the RACF commands
to define the group ID and user IDs.
1. To define a group ID instead of the TTY group, issue:

where 2 is an example of a unique group ID on your system, and XXTTY is

replaced by a 1-to 8-character group ID of your choice. Do not connect users to
this group. This would be the same group name to be specified in the
TTYGROUP statement in the BPXPRMxx member on your target system.
2. To define a group ID instead of the UUCPG group, issue:
ADDGROUP xxuucpg OMVS(GID(8765))

where 8765 is an example of a unique group ID on your system, and xxuucpg is

replaced by a 1-to 8-character group ID of your choice.
3. To define a user ID instead of the UUCP user ID, issue:
OMVS(UID(396) HOME(’/usr/spool/uucppublic’)

v 396 is an example of a unique UID. Do not use UID(0).
v xxuucp is replaced by a user ID of your choice. This is a normal user ID
which owns all the UUCP files and directories. Use this user ID when editing
configuration files or performing other administrative tasks.
v HOME(’/usr/spool/uucppublic’) is a required parameter that specifies the
initial path name for the user ID.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 89

v PROGRAM(’/bin/sh’) is a required parameter that specifies the path name in
the shell program for the user ID.
4. Set up a user ID alias table.
Tip: Using the alias table reduces performance and increases systems
management costs and complexity. For more information about the alias table,
see “USERIDALIASTABLE” on page 38.
If you do not have a user ID alias table defined, you will need to create one.
Create it first on your driving system and then on any system image using this
product. This fits in with the IBM strategy to place all customized data in the
/etc directory. This table is specified by the USERIDALIASTABLE keyword in
the BPXPRMxx member. Because the user ID name alias table must be
protected from update by nonprivileged users, only users with superuser
authority should be given update access to it. All users should have read access
to the file.
Your user ID alias table will need to contain your MVS chosen names and the
associated required names. Your chosen MVS user ID and group names must
be located in columns 1-8 and the associated aliases must be located on the
same line in columns 10-17.
5. Activate the user ID alias table. If you are already using the user ID alias table,
new database queries will yield the new alias if the userid performing the
query has read/execute access to the userid/group name alias table. The table
is checked every 15 minutes and refreshed if it has been changed. If a change
needs to be activated sooner, you can use the SETOMVS or SET OMVS
operator commands.
If you are not using the user ID alias table, you can use the SET OMVS
operator command to activate it now. For example:

where /etc/tablename is the name of your user ID alias table. You can also use
the SETOMVS operator command.
6. Specify USERIDALIASTABLE in your BPXPRMxx member to make this change
permanent for your next IPL.
7. Perform these tasks on all of your driving, test, and production system images.

For more information, see:

v “Defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF” on page 59
v “Defining group identifiers (GIDs)” on page 67
v z/OS MVS System Commands
v z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide
v z/OS Security Server RACF Command Language Reference

Defining cataloged procedures to RACF

If a cataloged procedure starts a program that uses z/OS UNIX or its resources,
the procedure should be defined to RACF. An example is the Resource
Measurement Facility (RMF) Monitor III Gatherer (RMFGAT).

90 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

The RMFGAT started task must be associated with a user ID using ICHRINO3 or
the STARTED class, and the user ID that you assign to it must be defined to RACF
and needs to have a UID. The user ID must also belong to a group that has a GID.
You can use the user ID RMFGAT, but it can be any RACF-defined user ID.

Example: The following example gives RMFGAT a UID of 123 and designates the
root directory as its home directory:

Controlling access to files and directories

The system provides security for local files by verifying that a z/OS UNIX user
can access a directory, a file, and every directory in the path to the file.

The system does a security check for a file, FIFO special file (named pipe),
character special file, and directory. It does not check an unnamed pipe, because
this pipe can be accessed only by the parent process that created the pipe and by
child processes of the creating process. When the last process using an unnamed
pipe closes it, the pipe vanishes.

Every file and directory has security information, which consists of:
v File access permissions (including an ACL, if one exists)
v UID and GID of the file
v Audit options that the file owner can control
v Audit options that the security auditor can control

The file access permission bits that accompany each file provide discretionary
access control (DAC). These bits determine the type of access a user has to a file or

The following topics assume that ACLs are not being used. Go to “Using access
control lists (ACLs)” on page 96 for more information about ACLs.

Setting classes for a user's process

The access permission bits are set for three classes. When a user's process accesses
a file, the system determines the class of the process and then uses the permission
bits for that class to determine if the process can access the file. For a file, a process
can be in only one class. The class for a process can be different for each file or

The class is one of the following:

v Owner class: Any process with an effective UID that matches the UID of the
v Group class: Any process with an effective GID or supplemental group GID that
matches the GID of the file when the UIDs do not match.
v Other class: Any process that is not in the owner or group class, such as when
the UIDs or GIDs do not match.

By default, the system sets the UID and GID of the file when the file is created:
v The UID is set to the effective UID of the creating process.
v The GID is set to the GID of the owning directory. You can define
FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID to change this behavior; see “Steps for setting up
the FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID profile” on page 92.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 91

To change the UID of a file, a person with superuser authority, or the file owner
with appropriate access to the CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile in the UNIXPRIV
class, can enter a chown command or use the chown() callable service. To change
the GID of a file, a superuser or the file owner (that is, a process in the owner
class) can enter a chgrp command or use the chgrp() function. You can define
profiles in the UNIXPRIV class to grant RACF authorization for certain z/OS
UNIX privileges, as explained in “Using UNIXPRIV class profiles” on page 73.

If you want to specify that, by default, the group owner of a new file is to come
from the effective GID of the creating process, you need to set up a profile in the
UNIXPRIV class called FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID. “Steps for setting up the
FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID profile” describes the process.

Steps for setting up the FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID profile

Perform the following steps to set up the FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID profile.
1. Define the FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID profile.
2. Activate the UNIXPRIV class, if it is not currently active at your installation.
3. Activate the SETROPTS RACLIST processing for the UNIXPRIV class, if it is
not already active.

If SETROPTS RACLIST processing is already in effect for the UNIXPRIV class,

you must refresh SETROPTS RACLIST processing in order for the
FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID profile to take effect.

When you are done, you have set up the FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID profile.
The set-gid bit for a directory determines how the group owner is initialized for
new objects created within the directory.
v If the set-gid bit is on, then the owning GID is set to that of the directory.
v If the set-gid bit is off, then the owning GID is set to the effective GID of the

Tip: When a new file system is mounted, you must turn on the set-gid bit of its
root directory if you want new objects within the file system to have their group
owner set to that of the parent directory.

Accessing files
To access local files, users need:
v Read and search permission to all directories in the path names of files the user
should use. Read permission is required for some options of some commands.
v Write permission to all directories in which the user will be creating or deleting
files or directories.
v Read permission, write permission, or read and write permission, as appropriate
to all files that the user needs to access.
v Execute permission to executable files that the user needs to run.

92 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 9 shows types of access and the permissions granted by the accesses.
Table 9. File access types and permission bits. This table shows the permissions needed
for each access type.
Access Permission for file Permission for directory
Read Permission to read or print the Permission to read, but not search,
contents. the contents.
Write Permission to change, add to, or Permission to change, add, or
delete from the contents. delete directory entries.
Execute or Search Permission to run the file. This Permission to search the directory.
permission is used for executable

With read permission, you can see the names of the entries stored in the directory
but you cannot see the attributes stored in the entries nor access the contents of the
directory. With search permission, you can read the attributes from a specific entry
and locate a specific entry of the directory.

Changing the permission bits for a file

To change the permission bits for a file, use one of the following:
v The ISPF shell
v The chmod command. You can use it to change individual bits without affecting
the other bits. You can also use the setfacl command to change permission bits
(see “Managing ACLs” on page 97).
v The chmod() callable service in a program. The callable service changes all
permission bits to the values in the mode argument.

The file owner or a superuser can use the chmod command or chmod() callable
service, or you can define a profile in the UNIXPRIV class to grant RACF
authorization. The file mode creation mask does not affect the permission value
that was specified by either chmod or chmod().

Changing the owner or group for a file

An interactive user might need to change the UID or GID for a file. To protect the
data in a file from unauthorized users, the system controls who can change the file
v To change the owner and, optionally, the group, the superuser can enter a
chown command. The new owner can be identified with a user ID or a UID.
The group, if specified, can be identified with a RACF group name or a GID.
The CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile allows users to use the chown command
to transfer ownership of their own files. SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHOWN allows
users to use chown to change ownership of any file.
v To change the group owner to a specified GID, the superuser or the file owner
can enter a chgrp command. The new group can be identified with a group ID.

Creating a set-user-ID or set-group-ID executable file

A superuser or the file owner can use a chmod command or chmod() callable
service to change two options for an executable file. The options are set in two file
mode bits:
v Set-user-ID (S_ISUID) with the setuid option
v Set-group-ID (S_ISGID) with the setgid option

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 93

If one or both of these bits are on, the effective UID, effective GID, or both, plus
the saved UID, saved GID, or both, for the process running the program are
changed to the owning UID, GID, or both, for the file. This change temporarily
gives the process running the program access to data the file owner or group can

In a new file, both bits are set off. Also, if the owning UID or GID of a file is
changed or if the file is written in, the bits are turned off.

In shell scripts, these bits are ignored.

Protecting data
Local files and directories are protected by RACF security rules. You can use
permission bits to control access; access control lists (ACLs) can also be used in
conjunction with permission bits. For more information, see “Using access control
lists (ACLs)” on page 96.

Permission bit information is stored in the file security packet (FSP) within each
file and directory. (ACLs can also be stored with the file.) Permission bits allow
you to specify read authority, write authority, or search authority for a directory.
They also allow specification of read, write, or execute authority for a file. Because
there are three sets of bits, separate authorities can be specified for the owner of
the file or directory, the owning group, and everyone else (such as RACF's
universal access authority, or UACC). The owner is represented by a UID. The
owning group is represented by a GID. Access checking compares the user's UID
and GID to the ones stored in the FSP.

When a security decision is needed, the file system calls RACF and supplies the
FSP (and ACL, if one exists). RACF makes the decision, does any auditing, and
returns control to the file system. RACF does not provide commands to maintain
the FSP (and ACL). System Authorization Facility (SAF) services handle the FSP
(and ACL) maintenance. z/OS UNIX provides commands that invoke these SAF

For information about using RACF authorization to grant privileges for use of local
files and directories, see Table 7 on page 73.

Obtaining security information for a file

Users with search access to the directories in the path name and, for some options,
read access to the directories can check a file's security information, including the
access permissions. They do not need read access to the file being checked.
Programs can also check security information for files.

To check the security information, do one of the following:

v Use the ISPF shell
v Enter the ls -l or ls -E shell command.
v Run a stat() or fstat() callable service in a program.

In response, the system displays the user ID and the RACF group name that
correspond to the file's UID and GID. The system displays the UID and GID only
if it cannot find the corresponding user ID and RACF group name.

For ls -l, the permission bits appear as 11 characters.


94 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

The characters in this format mean:
Table 10. Explanation of the characters in tfffggoooa format. This table lists the meanings of
each character.
Character Meaning
t Identifies the type of file or directory:
— Regular file
b Block special file (not supported for z/OS UNIX )
c Character special file
d Directory
e External link
l Symbolic link
p FIFO special file
s Socket file type
fff Owner permissions
v First character: Read access
v Second character: Write access
v Third character: Execute or, for a directory, search
ggg Group permissions
v First character: Read access
v Second character: Write access
v Third character: Execute or, for a directory, search
ooo Other permissions
v First character: Read access
v Second character: Write access
v Third character: Execute or, for a directory, search
a If 'a' is a plus sign, then the file contains extended ACL entries. Use the
getfacl command to display the ACL entries.

The permissions fff, ggg, and ooo are displayed as:

Table 11. Explanation of the characters in fff, ggg, and ooo format. This table lists the
meanings and position for each character for the fff permission.
Character Position Meaning
– Any No access
r First Read access
w Second Write access
x Third Execute (or, for a directory, search)
s Third (owner only) Execute permission for owner, set-user-ID set

S Third (owner only) No execute permission for owner, set-user-ID set

s Third (group only) Execute permission for group, set-group-ID set

S Third (group only) No execute permission for group, set-group-ID set

t Third (other only) Execute permission for other, sticky bit set

T Third (other only) No execute permission for other, with sticky bit set

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 95

For example, rwx means read, write, and execute permission. Permission for a
directory is often r-x, which means read and search. If a plus sign follows the
permissions, then the file contains extended ACL entries. Use the getfacl command
to display the ACL entries.

If you issue ls –E, it displays extended attributes for regular files. An additional
four characters follow the original 10 characters:
total 11
-rwxr-xr-x+ -ps- 1 ROOT SYS1 101 Mar 12 19:32 her
-rwxrwxrwx a-s- 1 ROOT SYS1 654 Mar 12 19:32 test
-rwxr-xr-x a--- 1 ROOT SYS1 40 Mar 12 19:32 temp
-rwxr--r-- ap-l 1 ROOT SYS1 572 Mar 12 19:32 foo
-rwxr--r-- --sl 1 ROOT SYS1 640 Mar 12 19:33 abc

a The program runs APF-authorized if linked AC=1.

p The program is considered program controlled.
s The program is enabled to run in a shared address space.
l The program is considered a system-shared library object
— The extended attribute is not set.

Creating a sticky bit file or external link for an MVS

APF-authorized program
If there is a need from a z/OS UNIX environment to invoke an MVS program that
is link-edited AC=1 and in an APF-authorized library, a sticky bit file or external
link can be set up to point to this program. Ensure that the sticky bit file is
installed with an owning UID of 0 or with the APF extended attribute, or that the
external link is installed with an owning UID of 0. Because a file system mounted
as NOSECURITY is considered untrusted, any file or link that is installed in a file
system that is mounted as NOSECURITY is not considered trusted for this type of
invocation. Also, a file with the APF extended attribute is not honored if found in
a file system that is mounted as NOSETUID. Not following this setup will cause
the execution of the program to fail when invoked via the z/OS UNIX spawn, exec
or attach_exec callable service.

Using access control lists (ACLs)

Use access control lists (ACLs) to control access to files and directories by
individual user (UID) and group (GID). ACLs are used in conjunction with
permission bits. They are created, modified, and deleted using the setfacl shell
command. To display them, use the getfacl shell command. You can also use the
ISHELL interface to define and display ACLs.

The HFS, zFS, and TFS file systems support ACLs. It is possible that other physical
file systems will eventually support z/OS ACLs. Consult your file system
documentation to see if ACLs are supported.

Before you can begin using ACLs, you must know what security product is being
used. The ACLs are created and checked by RACF, not by the kernel or file system.
If a different security product is being used, you must check their documentation
to see if ACLs are supported and what rules are used when determining file


96 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

1. The phrases default ACLand model ACLare used interchangeably throughout
z/OS UNIX documentation. Other systems that support ACL have default
ACLs that are essentially the same as the directory default ACLs in z/OS
2. According to the X/Open UNIX 95 specification, additional access control
mechanisms can only restrict the access permissions that are defined by the file
permission bits. They cannot grant additional access permissions. Because z/OS
ACLs can grant and restrict access, the use of ACLs is not UNIX 95-compliant.

ACLs and ACL entries

There are three kinds of ACLs:
v Access ACLs are ACLs that are used to provide protection for a file system object.
v File default ACLs are default ACLs that are inherited by files created within the
parent directory. The file inherits the default ACL as its access ACL. Directories
also inherit the file default ACL as their file default ACL.
v Directory default ACLs are default ACLs that are inherited by subdirectories
created within the parent directory. The directory inherits the default ACL as its
directory default ACL and as its access ACL.

Inheritance is the act of automatically associating an ACL with a newly created

object. Administrative action is not needed. See “Working with default ACLs” on
page 99 for more information.

There are two kinds of ACL entries:

v Base ACL entries are the same as permission bits (owner, group, other). You can
change the permissions using chmod or setfacl. They are not physically part of
the ACL although you can use setfacl to change them and getfacl to display
v Extended ACL entries are ACL entries for individual users or groups; like the
permission bits, they are stored with the file, not in RACF profiles. Each ACL
type (access, file default, directory default) can contain up to 1024 extended ACL
entries. Each extended ACL entry specifies a qualifier to indicate whether the
entry pertains to a user or a group, the actual UID or GID itself, and the
permissions being granted or denied by this entry. The allowable permissions
are read, write, and execute. As with other UNIX commands, setfacl allows the
use of either names or numbers when referring to users and groups.

Managing ACLs
Rules: You need to be aware of the following rules when managing ACLs for files
or directories.
v You must either be the file owner or have superuser authority (UID=0 or READ
v You must activate the FSSEC class before ACLs can be used in access decisions.
Example: The following RACF command activates the FSSEC class:

You can define ACLs prior to activating the FSSEC class. If you define default
ACLs, they can be inherited by new objects when the FSSEC class is inactive. If
the FSSEC class is not active, the standard POSIX permission bit checks are
done, even if an access ACL exists. You can still display ACL information.

If files are deleted, ACLs are automatically deleted.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 97

Working with access ACLs
The getfacl and setfacl commands are used to manage ACLs. Following are a few
examples to help you get started. For details on these commands, and on other
commands that support ACLs, see z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference.
1. Permit user Joe and group Admins to the file named /etc/inetd.conf with
read and write authority.
setfacl -m user:joe:rw-,group:admins:rw- /etc/inetd.conf

The -m option modifies ACL entries, or adds them if they do not exist.
2. Display the ACL that was created in Step 1.
getfacl /etc/inetd.conf
#file: /etc/inetd.conf
#owner: BPXROOT
#group: SYS1
3. Perform the same operation as in Step 1, but at the same time, set the base
permission bits to prevent access by anyone other than the file owner.
setfacl -s user::rw-,group::---,other::---,user
user:joe:rw-,group:admins:rw- /etc/inetd.conf

The -s option replaces the contents of an ACL with the entries specified on the
command line. It requires that the base permissions be specified. The base
permissions are specified similarly to extended ACL entries, except that there is
no user or group name qualifier.
4. Delete the ACL that was created in Step 3.
setfacl -D a /etc/inetd.conf

The -D a option specifies that the access ACL is to be deleted. The permission
bits remain as specified in Step 3. When a file is deleted, its ACL is
automatically deleted; there is no additional extra administrative effort
5. Take the ACL from FileA in the current directory, and apply it to FileB, also in
the current directory.
getfacl FileA | setfacl -S - FileB

The shell pipes the output of getfacl to the input of setfacl. The -S option of
setfacl says to replace the contents of the file's ACL with ACL entries specified
within a file, and the "-" is a special case file name designating stdin. Thus, you
can maintain a list of ACL entries within a file, and use that file as input to a
setfacl command. You might use this ability to implement a "named ACL" for a
given project, such as in Step 6.
6. The file /u/joeadmn/Admins contains a list of ACL entries for users and groups
who need to support some administrative work. The file contains ACL entries,
one per line, in the format that setfacl expects and which getfacl displays.
These people must be granted access to all of the directories within the file
system subtree starting and including /admin/work.
setfacl -S /u/joeadmn/Admins $(find /admin/work -type d)

This example uses shell command substitution to use the output of the find
command as input to the setfacl command. The /u/joeadmn/Admins file might,
for example, contain:

98 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

7. Give Lucy read and write access to every file within Fred's home directory for
which Ricky has read and write access.
setfacl -m user:lucy:rw- $(find ~fred -acl_entry user:ricky:+rw)

You can use the find command to search for various ACL criteria. In this
example, it is used to find files containing ACL entries for Ricky, in which
Ricky has at least read and write access.

Tip: You can use an access ACL on the parent directory to grant search access only
to those users and groups who should have file access. The access ACL of the
parent directory can have been automatically created as the result of a directory
default ACL on its parent. Make sure that the 'other' and perhaps the 'group'
search permission bit is off for the parent directory.

Guideline: When creating ACLs, consider the following guidelines:

v To minimize the impact to performance, keep ACLs as small as possible, and
permit groups to files instead of individual users. The pathlength of the access
check will increase with the size of an ACL, but will be smaller than the
associated checking would be for a RACF profile with the same number of
entries in its access list.
v Do not disable ACLs after you have used ACLs for a while and have created
many entries. Only consider disabling ACLs if you have not used them very
long. If you have been using ACLs to grant, rather than deny, access to
particular users and groups, then disabling ACLs will likely result in a loss of
file access authority rather than a gain.

Working with default ACLs

To facilitate management of ACLs, you can define a default ACL in a directory; it
will then be automatically inherited by an object.
v The file default ACL is copied to a newly created file as its access ACL. It is also
copied to a newly created subdirectory as its file default ACL.
v The directory default ACL is copied to a newly created subdirectory as both its
access ACL and directory default ACL. You can modify or delete inherited ACLs

Default ACLs have the same format as access ACLs.

Examples: Following are examples of working with default ACLS:

1. Define a directory default ACL for the directory named /u/ProjectX.
setfacl -m default:group:admins:r-x,default:group:dirgrp:rwx /u/ProjectX

The entries contain an extra qualifier to designate the directory default ACL.
The groups named admins and dirgrp will automatically get access to any new
subdirectories created within /u/ProjectX. Creating a default ACL will not grant
access to directories that already exist.
2. Display the directory default ACL created in Step 1.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 99

getfacl -d /u/ProjectX
#file: /u/ProjectX
#owner: TCPAUTO
#group: SYS1

The -d option says to display only the extended ACL entries in the directory
default ACL.
3. Define a file default ACL for the directory named /u/ProjectX, and all of its
setfacl -m fdefault:group:admins:r--, \
fdefault:group:dirgrp:rw- $(find /u/ProjectX -type d)

The extra entry qualifier in this case designates the file default ACL. The
groups named admins and dirgrp will automatically get access to any new files
created within the /u/ProjectX subtree. Creating a default ACL will not grant
access to files that already exist.
4. Display the contents of all of the ACL types for the directory named
getfacl -adf /u/ProjectX
#file: /u/ProjectX
#owner: TCPAUTO
#group: SYS1

This example requests the access ACL (the a option), the directory default ACL
(the d option), and the file default ACL (the f option). The base permission bits
are displayed when the a option is specified (or defaulted).

Guideline: Analyze your file system space utilization before implementing default
ACLs in your file system. If you use both file and directory default ACLs in every
directory in the file system, a separate physical ACL is created for every new file
and directory. Using an access ACL for every directory will probably not cause
concerns about space utilization. However, the same cannot be said of files,
especially if the inherited ACLs are large.

Tip: ACLs are not inherited across mount points. Suppose that you have a default
ACL defined on the directory /dir1/dir2. You decide to create another directory,
/dir1/dir2/dir3, and use it as a mount point on which to mount another file system.
However, if you do so, the root directory of the mounted file system will not
inherit the default ACL which had been established at /dir1/dir2. If you want the
default ACLs of dir2 to apply to dir3, you must copy them to dir3 after dir3 has
been mounted.

Summary of tasks and their associated commands

Table 12 on page 101 summarizes the tasks that you might want to do and their
associated commands.

100 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 12. ACL tasks and their associated commands. This table lists each task and the
associated shell command.
Task Shell command
Add, delete, or update an ACL setfacl
Display contents of an ACL getfacl
Update permission bits setfacl or chmod
Display permission bits ls or getfacl
Find out whether files have extended ACL ls
Search for files or directories that have find
various ACL properties
Determine if the file system and security df
product support ACLs
Determine if the file system supports ACLs getconf
(_PC_ACL) and also determine the
maximum number of ACL entries that the
file system can support
Restore ACL information or store the pax or tar
information in an archive
Preserve the ACLs for files and directories The -p option for cp and the -Z option for
Test files and directories for extended ACL filetest, test, [...] and [[...]] reserved-word
information. Also test for directory ACLs command
and file default ACLs on directories.

How ACLs are used in file access checks

The algorithm for access checking is up to the security product that is being used.
If the physical file system supports ACLs, then it uses the SAF ck_access
(IRRSKA00) callable service when passing the ACL to the security product.

If the security product supports ACLs, it applies its own rules to the file access
request. RACF uses the permission bits, access ACL, and various UNIXPRIV class
profiles to determine whether the user is authorized to access the file with the
requested access level. Read about protecting file system resources in z/OS Security
Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide for details on how RACF uses ACLs
when enforcing file security.

Auditing changes to ACLs

You can audit the creation, alteration, and deletion of ACLs by using SETROPTS
LOGOPTIONS for the FSSEC class. The FSSEC class controls auditing for changes
to all file security information, including file owner, permission bits, and auditing
options. See z/OS Security Server RACF Auditor's Guide for more information.

Using security labels

Traditionally, access to z/OS UNIX resources is based on POSIX permissions. With
the SECLABEL class active, authorization checks are performed for security labels
in addition to POSIX permissions, to provide additional security. Security labels are
used to maintain multiple levels of security within a system. By assigning a
security label to a resource, the security administrator can prevent the movement
of data from one level of security to another within the z/OS UNIX environment.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 101

Setting security labels on z/OS UNIX
When the SECLABEL class is active, security labels can be set on z/OS UNIX
resources in the following ways:
v When a physical file system or zFS aggregate is created, the file system root will
be assigned the security label that is specified in the RACF data set profile that
covers the data set name. If a security label is not specified or if a data set
profile does not exist, then a security label will not be assigned to the file system
v zFS file systems support the chlabel command which allows the setting of an
initial security label on a file or directory. Use this command to set security
labels on zFS files and directories after they have been created.
v If a directory has been assigned a security label, then new files and directories
created within that directory will inherit a security label as follows:
– If the parent directory is assigned a security label of SYSMULTI, the new file
or directory is assigned the security label of the user. If the user has no
security label, no label is assigned to the new object.
– If the parent directory is assigned a security label other than SYSMULTI, the
new file or directory is assigned the same security label as the parent
v The rules for security label assignment are more extensive when running in a
multilevel-secure environment. For more information, see z/OS Planning for
Multilevel Security and the Common Criteria.

Symbolic link restrictions

When using security labels, z/OS UNIX restricts the use of certain character strings
within symbolic links to allow for dynamic substitution of a user's security label
within a path name.

The character strings '$SYSSECA/' and '$SYSSECR/' have special meaning to z/OS
UNIX when they appear as the first nine characters in a symbolic link. For more
information about the use of these strings, read about assigning a home directory
and initial program, depending on security label in z/OS Planning for Multilevel
Security and the Common Criteria .

Using multilevel security

Multilevel security is a security policy that allows the classification of data and
users on a system of hierarchical security levels combined with a system of
non-hierarchical security categories.

In a multilevel-secure z/OS UNIX environment, security labels are used as

described in “Using security labels” on page 101. To set the security label on z/OS
UNIX files and directories, use the chlabel command.

Restriction: Use DFDSS to back up and restore files while maintaining security
labels. You cannot use the pax and tar commands.

Security labels for zFS files and directories

The zFS file system is the only physical file system with support for security labels
in a multilevel-secure environment. The HFS file system does not provide support
for security labels in a multilevel-secure environment. There is setup that can allow
for the use of HFS file systems in this environment, but capability is limited to

102 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

read-only access. For more information about multilevel security, see z/OS Planning
for Multilevel Security and the Common Criteria.

Auditing access to files and directories

The security auditor uses reports formatted from RACF system management
facilities (SMF) records to check successful and failing accesses to kernel resources.
An SMF record can be written at each point where the system makes security

Six classes are used to control auditing of security events. These classes do not
have any profiles. They do not have to be active to control auditing. Use the
SETROPTS command to specify the auditing options for the classes. For a list of
the classes used for auditing and an explanation of how to specify the audit
options, see z/OS Security Server RACF Auditor's Guide.

Audit records are always written for the following events:

v When a user not defined as a z/OS UNIX user tries to dub a process
v When a user who is not a superuser or not permitted to the
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.USERMOUNT RACF profile tries to mount or unmount a
file system.

You cannot turn off these audit records.

You can also specify auditing at the file level in the file system. Activate this option
1. Specifying DEFAULT in the class LOGOPTIONS on the SETROPTS command
2. Using the chaudit command to specify audit options for individual files and

If you activate auditing for additional levels of file system access, you might
generate excessive amounts of SMF Type 80 records.

You can also specify, in a RACF user profile, that all actions taken by the user be
audited. Actions taken by superusers can be audited or not, determined by RACF
commands. If you are using RACF profiles in the UNIXPRIV class to control
certain superuser functions, you can use those same profiles to audit those
superuser functions.

Specifying file audit options

Specify file audit options using the ISPF shell, or a chaudit command. The
command can be used to specify either user audit options or auditor audit options.
To specify user audit options, you must be a superuser or the owner of the file. To
specify auditor audit options, you must have RACF AUDITOR authority.

If you have AUDITOR authority, you do not need access in the permission bits to:
v Search and read any directory in the file system
v Use the chaudit command to change the auditor audit options for any file in the
file system

If both user and auditor audit options are set, RACF merges the options and audits
all the set options.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 103

For information about setting audit control, see z/OS Security Server RACF Auditor's

Using sanction lists

You can compile a list to contain the lists of path names and program names that
are sanctioned by the installation for use by APF-authorized or program controlled
calling programs. This file contains properly constructed path names and program
names as defined in z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide.

Be sure that you are familiar with the activation instructions before using
sanction lists. It is possible to unintentionally activate only part of this feature.

Sanction lists contain three separate lists delineated by three keywords:

This keyword is the start of a list of directories that is only used in the
execution of a hfsload (or C dlload), exec, spawn, or attach_exec from an
authorized program.
This keyword is the start of a list of directories that is only used in the
execution of a hfsload (or C dlload), exec, spawn, or attach_exec from an
executable that is running program controlled.
This keyword is the start of a list of program names that are allowed to get
control of APF-authorized programs as a result of an exec or spawn. These
names are MVS program names.

Formatting rules for sanction lists

Restriction: You cannot use symbolic links (for example, $SYSNAME) in sanction
lists. They will not work.

You have to follow certain formatting rules when creating sanction lists.
v Only use absolute path names.
v Path names cannot start with /*.
v Each list element must be on a line by itself, with no comments. Lines are
terminated with the newline character, as is consistent with the stepliblist and
useridaliastable files. Leading blanks can be on the list element line and are
ignored. Use the newline character to delimit a path name. Trailing blanks are
ignored. Other white space is considered part of the path name.
v Follow standard z/OS UNIX path naming conventions.
v You must follow standard MVS program naming conventions.
v Encode the sanction list file in the IBM-1047 code page.
v You can include comment lines in the list. Each comment line must start with /*
and end with */. They cannot be on the same line with any other type of line.
v Do not enclose the path names or program names in quotation marks.

The tags :authprogram_path, :programcontrol_path, and :apfprogram_name must

be used to delineate between the different types of sanction lists.
v If there are no tags in the file, then all data in the file is ignored and you will get
a parsing error. If a tag is missing, then the subsequent processing of
hfsload/dlload, exec or spawn will not change, based on the tag that was
missing. The effect of different sanction lists is not cumulative. Once a sanction

104 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

list is parsed and accepted, the contents provide the only active lists of path
names and program names for hfsloads, execs, and spawns.
v List elements (path names or program names) before a tag are ignored.
v Lines after the last valid entry line (such as a path name or a program name) are
v If an :authprogram_path tag is present, then all lines following it and up to the
next tag are considered to be approved path names from which authorized
programs can be invoked.
v If a :programcontrol_path tag is present, then all lines following it and up to the
next tag are considered to be approved path names from which program
controlled programs can be invoked.
v If an :apfprogram_name tag is present, then all lines following it and up to the
next tag are considered to be approved program names that can get control
v If specified, the tag must start in column 1.
v The tag names are not case-sensitive.
v The list element names (for example, the path names and program names) are

If the file does not follow these formatting rules, the sanction lists might not be
recognized properly and various functions relating to the attempted use of the lists
might fail.

Steps for creating a sanction list

Before you begin: You need to know what directories and what programs are to
be set into this file. You can partially construct this file and add path names and
program names as you go along. A partially complete file can be activated and
when additional entries are known, this file can be updated. A background task
will automatically check this file every 15 minutes for updates and then
incorporate them.

You also need to be aware that only one sanction list check is done for each
program invocation. Although links in directories are supported, sanction list
processing only performs one check. This check uses the path name or program
name that was specified by the user.

Tip: The installation can construct the sanction lists with link path names or actual
path names, or both. The decision depends on how the site would like the users to
invoke the programs. For example, if the actual directory is in the sanction list
instead of the directory that contains the link, and the associated program is
invoked via the link, the program would not be executed. The program is only
executed if the directory where the link was defined or resides is specified in the
sanction list and the associated program is invoked via the link. Alternatively, both
the actual directory and directory where the link resides could be placed in the
sanction list. This method gives users the option of invoking the program either
way. Likewise, if only the actual directory was placed in the sanction list, the user
would be forced to use actual path names and not links.

Perform the following steps to create a sanction list.

1. Create a sanction list, following the rules listed in “Formatting rules for
sanction lists” on page 104. You can cut and paste the following sample.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 105

/* */
/* Name: Sample authorized program list */
/* */
/* Description: Contains lists of approved directories and */
/* program names from which privileged programs */
/* may be invoked */
/* */
/* Authorized program directories */

/* Program control directories */

/* APF authorized programs */
2. Give the sanction list a name.
Guideline: The path name of the sanction file should be /etc/authfile, in
keeping with IBM's strategy to place all customized data in the /etc directory.

When you are done, you have created a sanction list and named it. To activate it,
see “Steps for activating the sanction list.”

Only users with superuser authority should be given update access to sanction

Steps for activating the sanction list

Before you begin: You must know what the file name is for your sanction list. This
file might or might not exist, or it might not be complete, or both. If this file exists,
it must be properly constructed as described in “Formatting rules for sanction
lists” on page 104 even though it might not be complete.

Perform the following steps to activate the sanction list.

1. Activate the sanction list processing by specifying a value for AUTHPGMLIST.
If you do not specify a value, the sanction list will not be processed. Base your
choice on your particular situation.
Table 13. Methods for activating the sanction list. This table lists the methods of activating
the sanction list.
If you choose this method. . . Then. . .
Use the AUTHPGMLIST statement in Customize BPXPRMxx to include the
BPXPRMxx. The sanction list might or might AUTHPGMLIST parameter. For example:
not have already been set up. AUTHPGMLIST(’/etc/authfile’)

106 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 13. Methods for activating the sanction list (continued). This table lists the methods of
activating the sanction list.
If you choose this method. . . Then. . .
Use SETOMVS. Issue the SETOMVS command. For example:
Guideline: You should already have set up
the sanction list. Otherwise, you will get an Tip: To turn off sanction list checking, issue:
error message warning you that the file does
not exist. The path name, however, will be
set. If you issue the same command with the
same file name, you will not get an error
message. The DISPLAY OMVS command
will show the AUTHPGMLIST parameter
being set. This file name is used by the
background task to check whether a
sanction list has been created or updated.
A nonexistent sanction list. Use either method described in this table
(customize the BPXPRMxx member of
Guideline: Use this feature only if the SYS1.PARMLIB or use SETOMVS).
sanction list must not exist before it is
activated. It is possible to set the sanction
list value and forget that the sanction list
has not been completely set up. The system
might appear to be operating with sanction
list processing, but in fact it is not. The
background task will routinely check for the
nonexistent file, but sanctioning will not
occur for spawns, execs, and so on. This
sanction list file must be set up for
sanctioning to occur. The background task
will not warn that the sanction list does not

2. If the sanction list has not already been created (see “Steps for creating a
sanction list” on page 105), create one now.

When you are done, you have activated the sanction list. A background task will
sweep in the background every 15 minutes for updates. Its only job is to check for
the sanction list, and if it is there, to process it. Alternatively, if a change needs to
be activated sooner, you can use SETOMVS or SET OMVS =(xx), where xx specifies
which BPXPRMxx file is to be used to reset the various z/OS UNIX parameters.

Tip: You can turn off sanction list checking with the SETOMVS command:

1. If the sanction list was not created when the system is IPLed, you can create it
later and then use the SETOMVS command to dynamically add it. Be careful
because you will not get a message saying that the sanction list file does not
exist, although z/OS UNIX will continue to check every 15 minutes.
2. If the sanction list was created before the system is IPLed, and there are errors,
the sanction list processing is disabled.
3. If the AUTHGPGMLIST statement in the BPXPRMxx member contains a
nonexistent value, you will not get an error message.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 107

4. If the sanction list is running on the system, you will get error messages when
you try to run program-controlled or APF-authorized programs that are not in
the sanction list. You will have to add them to the sanction list.

Maintaining the security level of the system

After you set up a secure environment for your system, you must ensure that it
stays secure.

Steps for maintaining the security level of the system

Before you begin: You need to have set up a secure environment for your system.

Perform the following steps to ensure that the system stays secure.
1. Check each program that you want to introduce into the system. Add a
program only if you are certain that it will not lower the level of security.
2. For users of the system, set up rules for:
v Sharing data in files
v Specifying permission bits when creating files or using the chmod command
or chmod() callable service
3. Require that users set the permission bits for their files to deny access to all
users except themselves, as the file owners.
4. Protect all local data sets with a RACF profile that specifies UACC(NONE).
Only administrators with responsibility for creating, restoring, or dumping local
data sets should be permitted to this profile.

When you are done, you have taken steps to ensure that your system stays secure.

Controlling access to applications

If the APPL class for the security product is active, you can use a combination of
profiles in the APPL class and the APPL operand on the RACROUTE
REQUEST=VERIFY macro to determine which users are allowed to use specified
applications as they enter the system. For example, if you do not want all of your
users to use certain applications, you can activate the APPL class and create a
profile with an access list that contains only those users who are allowed to access
these applications.

When specifying a profile, you have two choices: use the OMVSAPPL application
ID (APPLID) or create a customized APPLID. In some cases, OMVSAPPL is the
value that is always used for the APPLID parameter.

If no customization is done, the following services specify OMVSAPPL for the

APPLID value. If the APPL class is active, use of these services can be limited to
those users who have access to the OMVSAPPL resource in the CLASS(APPL).
v __login
v pthread_security_np
v __passwd when there is no password or password phrase change specified
v __passwd when the calling process did not call pthread_security_np

108 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

In certain cases, if you customize the APPLID-related fields in the BPXYTHLI, you
can change the value used for the APPLID parameter for these services:
v pthread_security_np
v __passwd

The following C functions allow the APPLID to be specified other than

OMVSAPPL when invoking the service:
v __login _applid
v __passwd_applid
v pthread_security__applid_np

For more information about protecting applications, see z/OS Security Server RACF
Security Administrator's Guide.

Restricting access to z/OS UNIX file systems

There are several ways to restrict user and group access to z/OS UNIX file
v A z/OS UNIX administrator can control access to file systems at their mount
points by using the setfacl command to create, modify, and delete ACLs for
specific users and groups.
v At a higher level, the security administrator can choose to restrict access to the
z/OS UNIX file system for all authorization checks that involve mount point
traversal. The check is performed at every mount point crossover to see if the
user or group has authority to access the file system. Only those who have been
given permission to covering RACF resource profiles are eligible for access.
Access to objects within the file systems are subject to the superuser, owner,
permission bit, ACL, and UNIXPRIV rules. Users designated as RACF auditors
are exempt from this restriction. This check, which is optional, uses the RACF
FSACCESS class profile to validate the authority of users or groups who are
accessing the z/OS UNIX file system, as described in “Using the FSACCESS
class profile to restrict access.”

Restrictions: These restrictions apply:

v This additional access check using the FSACCESS class profile is only supported
on zFS file systems
v For z/OS UNIX, zFS file systems that are mounted with the NOSECURITY
option are not subject to this access control check.
v The root file system is excluded from this access restriction.
v A given zFs file system can be protected from the whole NFS network by not
permitting the NFS Server's MVS UserID to the FSACCESS class profile for that
specific zFS file system. Note that when the NFS Server is configured with
Security(SAF) or Security(SAFEXP), the NFS Client remote MVS UserID might
also need to be permitted to the FSACCESS class profile to avoid unexpected

Using the FSACCESS class profile to restrict access

Using the FSACCESS class profile to restrict access provides a coarse-grained
control to z/OS UNIX file systems and acts as a gatekeeper to the z/OS UNIX file
system. When the user is permitted to access the file system, any subsequent
decisions to allow file access are based on z/OS UNIX permissions and ACLs. If a
security decision is needed during access validation, the ck_access (IRRSKA00)
callable service is used to determine whether they have access to the file system.

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 109

RACF provides authorization checking and auditing and then returns control to
the file system. For more information about the ck_access callable service, see z/OS
Security Server RACF Callable Services.

The basic steps to restrict access to the z/OS UNIX file system are to create a
resource with the identical z/OS UNIX file system name in the FSACCESS class
profile, permit selected z/OS UNIX users with UPDATE access to the resource, and
then activate the FSACCESS class. When the FSACCESS class profile is active,
RACF first uses the FSACCESS class profile resources to determine whether the
user is authorized to access the file system. If the user is authorized to access the
file system resource, then RACF uses the permission bits, access ACLs, and various
UNIXPRIV class profiles to determine whether the user is authorized to access the
individual file system objects with the requested access level. Read the section on
protecting file system resources in z/OS Security Server RACF Security
Administrator's Guide for details on how RACF uses FSACCESS when enforcing file
system security.

Steps for giving selected users or groups access to a z/OS

UNIX file system
About this task

To give selected users or group access to a z/OS UNIX file system, follow these

Before you begin: You need to know which users or groups will be given access to
the specified file system.

Perform the following steps to give selected users and groups access to the
specified file system and then activate FSACCESS checking.

1. Define a profile in the FSACCESS class for each z/OS UNIX file system that
you want to grant permission. To define a profile for
OMVS.ZFS.WEBSRV.TOOLS, for example, issue:

In general, generic profile names for file systems are allowed for resources in
the FSACCESS class.
Tip: To control a set of file systems with similar names, define a generic profile.
For example, after ensuring that generic profiles were enabled for the class,
define OMVS.ZFS.WEBSRV.** as a generic profile, issue:
2. Assign UPDATE access to the selected users or groups.
3. Activate the FSACCESS class profile, if it is not currently active at your
installation. By default, it is inactive and is not used for authorization checking.

110 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

4. Activate SETROPTS RACLIST processing for the FSACCESS class, if it is not
already active.
If SETROPTS RACLIST processing is already in effect for the FSACCESS class,
you must refresh SETROPTS RACLIST processing in order for new or changed
profiles in the FSACCESS class to take effect.


When you are done, you have restricted access to the specified z/OS UNIX file
system to users and groups who have been explicitly permitted to covering
resource profiles.

Setting up TCP/IP security

When setting up security for TCP/IP, the TCP/IP started task's user ID and its
default group must both have an OMVS segment defined. The user ID, assigned
using ICHRIN03 or the STARTED class, must have UID(0). For information about
defining a z/OS UNIX user to RACF, see “Defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF”
on page 59.

Other TCP/IP tasks such as ftp and routed must be assigned a RACF user ID
using ICHRIN03 or the STARTED class. If ftpd and routed use a different started
task user ID from the TCP/IP user ID, they must have UID(0) and HOME(‘/’).

Selecting a security level for the system

If you run daemons and servers, you need to set up the appropriate security for
them. Two levels of privileges are available for servers and daemons: UNIX level
and z/OS UNIX level. In providing security, you need to understand the
differences between the two levels. For discussions of the levels, see:
v “Establishing the correct level of security for daemons” on page 335
v “Establishing the correct level of security for servers” on page 368

Chapter 4. Establishing UNIX security 111

112 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system
The z/OS UNIX file system, like other UNIX systems, is a hierarchical file system.
A brief overview of hierarchical file system concepts is provided, and then tasks
involved with managing file systems are discussed. While HFS is used in many of
the examples, the use of the zFS file system is preferred.

The HFS and zFS file system types in mount statements and command operands
are now generic file system types that can mean either HFS or zFS. Based on the
data set type, the system determines which is appropriate. You must still specify a
type (HFS or zFS and it cannot be defaulted), and if the type you specify is not
correct for the file system being mounted, any associated parameter string setting
in the mount statement or command is ignored, even though the system sets the
type correctly and processes the mount.

Lists of subtasks
Subtask Associated procedure
Mounting file systems “Steps for mounting file systems” on page
Setting up the alternate sysplex root “Steps for setting up the alternate sysplex
root for the dynamic replacement of the
current sysplex root” on page 128
Disabling support for the alternate root file “Steps for removing the alternate sysplex
system root support” on page 130
Dynamically replacing the sysplex root file “Steps for dynamically replacing the sysplex
system root file system” on page 130
Customizing the cron, uucp, and mail “Customizing the cron, uucp, and mail
utilities utilities” on page 139
Recovering from file system problems with “Steps for recovering from file system
the root problems with the root” on page 155

Basics of the z/OS UNIX file system

The z/OS UNIX file system, like other UNIX systems, is a hierarchical file system
consisting of the root file system and all the file systems that are added to it. Files
are members of a directory, and each directory is in turn a member of another
directory at a higher level. The highest level of the hierarchy is the root directory.
Each instance of the system contains only one root directory. Under the /usr/lpp
directory are directories for z/OS elements and features; in this case, BookServer
and TCP/IP. For more information about hierarchical file systems, seez/OS UNIX
System Services User's Guide.

A hierarchical file system consists of files, directories, and additional file systems.
v The files contain data or programs. A file containing a load module or shell
script or REXX program is called an executable file. Files are kept in directories.
v The directories contain files, other directories, or both. Directories are arranged
hierarchically, in a structure that resembles an upside-down tree, with the root

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 113

directory at the top and the branches at the bottom. The root is the first
directory for the file system at the top of the tree and is designated by a slash
v The additional local or remote file systems are mounted on directories of the
root file system or other file systems.

u bin usr lib opt samples SYSTEM dev tmp var etc

booksrv tcpip
Figure 10. Logical view of the hierarchical file system for the user

Some notes to consider:

v During the first quarter of 2000, PTFs removed the requirement that file systems
reside on SMS-managed volumes. File systems still need to be cataloged in the
master or user catalog in order for the file systems to be mounted by z/OS
UNIX. However, you do not need to catalog the file systems if you plan on
dumping them using DFSMSdss. The PTFs you need to apply are among those
that are listed in the driving system requirements in z/OS Planning for
v File systems have multiple volume support. The support allows a file system to
span a total of 59 volumes with limits of 123 extents per volume and 255 extents
across all volumes. The maximum size of a file stored in a file system is the
– 2**31 pages (4K bytes/page) = 2**43 bytes
The volume and extent limits are MVS limits, not file system limits.
v If you are sharing file systems in a sysplex, you know that the term "root file
system" is called the version file system. Think of the version file system when
you see "root file system".

Structure of the z/OS UNIX file system

If you follow the instructions for ServerPac and CBPDO installations, all z/OS
elements and features that store into the z/OS UNIX file system are installed into a
consolidated file system, instead of having separate product-related file systems.
Continue this consolidated approach as you install additional products on the
platform. This method makes maintaining and cloning the file system easier, and it
simplifies the MOUNT statements in the BPXPRMxx member.

Rule: You must maintain a separate file system for each of the following
directories. When you are sharing a file system between systems, those four
directories must have individual copies on each system. That is, each system
should have their own copy of those four file systems mounted under those
directories. You cannot share them between systems.
v /etc, which contains customization data. Keeping the /etc file system in a file
system separate from other file systems allows you to separate your
customization data from IBM's service updates. It also makes migrating to

114 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

another release easier. As described in “Establishing an /etc file system for a
new release” on page 12, after you complete instructions for a ServerPac or
CBPDO installation, you will have an /etc file system in its own file system.
v /dev, which contains character special files that are used when logging into the
shell environment and also during c89 processing. It is shipped empty. The
necessary files are created when the system is IPLed, and on a per-demand
v /tmp, which contains temporary data that are used by products and applications.
/tmp, is created empty, and temporary files are created dynamically by different
elements and products. You have the option of mounting a temporary file
system (TFS) on /tmp. For more information, see Chapter 14, “Managing the
temporary file system (TFS),” on page 327.
v /var, which contains dynamic data that is used internally by products and by
elements and features of z/OS. Any files or directories that are needed are
created when code is executed or customized. An example is caching data. In
addition, you can be assured that IBM products will only create files under /var
when code is executed or customized.

Command differences due to symbolic links

Certain directories such as /etc, /dev, /tmp, and /var were converted to symbolic
links. Some shell commands have minor behavioral differences when referring to
symbolic links than for regular files or directories. For example, ls does not follow
symbolic links by default. Before Release 9, /etc was a directory, so ls /etc would
display all files in /etc. Beginning in Release 9, /etc became a symbolic link, so ls
/etc displays only the symbolic link. In this case, it is /etc.

In order to follow symbolic links, you must specify ls -L or provide a trailing

slash. For example, ls -L /etc and ls /etc/ both display the files in the directory that
the /etc symbolic link points to.

Other shell commands that have differences due to symbolic links are chmod, du,
find, pax, rm, and tar.

While these behavioral changes should be minor, users can tailor command
defaults by creating aliases for the shell command. For example, if you want ls to
follow symbolic links, you can issue the command:
alias ls="ls -L"

Aliases are typically defined in the user's ENV file. See the alias command
description in z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference for more information
about alias.

After you establish the alias, ls will follow all symbolic links.

An administrator can put alias commands in the /etc/profile directory, which

might affect login shells. This action is not suggested, because changing the default
behavior in /etc/profile might produce unexpected results in shell scripts or by
shell users.

Suggested file system structures for user directories and files

For users, you should logically mount other file systems on the root file system.
Have your users place their directories and files in the mounted file systems.
Separate user file systems offer several advantages:

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 115

v Managing storage is more efficient because the system administrator only needs
to allocate data sets that are large enough to accommodate the needs of
individual users.
v Isolating failures is easier because the system administrator can unmount the
user file system that caused an error without affecting other users' data or
causing z/OS UNIX to fail.
v They relieve the contention for system resources that might occur by having
multiple users in a single file system.

Rules: When working with file system structures, follow these rules:
v Name each user's home directory /u/userid where userid is the user ID in
v Keep system file systems separate from user file systems by putting the file
systems on different volumes.

Tip: For easier management of file systems, use the automount facility. It is
described in Chapter 6, “Using the automount facility,” on page 163.

Using the Network File System (NFS)

A workstation user connected to a host through TCP/IP can mount all or part of a
file system that is at the host so that it appears as part of the user's local file
system. A combination of the TCP/IP server and Network File System (NFS)
makes this possible.

If you are using the NFS server, you can make both traditional MVS data sets and
hierarchical files appear as part of the user's workstation file system. The user can
create, delete, read, write, and otherwise treat the host-located files as an extension
of the workstation's own file system. ASCII-EBCDIC conversion for single-byte text
files is performed automatically by means of default standard conversion tables.
(NFS does not provide conversion of double-byte text files.)

Using the NFS client, you can access hierarchical files and MVS data sets on other
z/OS systems. You can also access hierarchical files on any system with an NFS
server and the proper protocol support.

For more information about NFS, refer to z/OS Network File System Guide and
Reference. For more information about TCP/IP, refer to:
v z/OS Communications Server: New Function Summary
v z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference
v z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands

Using the z/OS File System (zFS)

zFS is a UNIX file system that can be used in addition to the HFS file system. It
contains files and directories that can be accessed with APIs. They can also be
mounted into the z/OS UNIX hierarchy along with other local or remote file
systems types such as HFS, TFS, and NFS. You can use either the HFS or ZFS file
system type when installing z/OS or as the root file system.

You can use ISPF panels to create and manage the zFS file system. For more
information about working in the ISPF shell, see z/OS UNIX System Services User's

116 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

The automount facility can be used for zFS, as described in “Automounting both
HFS and zFS file systems” on page 163.

You can set up read-only basic partitioned access method (BPAM) access to zFS
files. Each zFS directory is treated as if it were a PDSE or PDS directory. For more
information about BPAM, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets.

For more information about setting up and using zFS, see z/OS Distributed File
Service zFS Administration.

How does zFS differ from HFS?

zFS and HFS are both UNIX file systems and both can participate in a shared file
system. HFS always has a single file system per data set.

zFS also contains a single file system in the data set. The zFS data sets are VSAM
linear data sets called aggregates.

HFS compatibility mode

Restriction: For zFS, only one file system can be defined inside the aggregate, and
the name of the file system must be the same as the aggregate name. Because zFS
can easily determine the data set name from the file system name, these file
systems to be mounted without being attached. This concept is called HFS
compatibility mode.

Implications of zFS ownership versus z/OS UNIX ownership of

file systems
It is important to understand the implications of zFS ownership versus z/OS
ownership of file systems when zFS runs sysplex-aware for read/write mounted
file systems. In that situation, zFS takes responsibility for function-shipping file
requests. For more information about these implications, see z/OS Distributed File
Service zFS Administration .

Migrating the HFS file system to the zFS file system

Because zFS has higher performance characteristics than HFS and is the strategic
file system, you should migrate HFS file systems to zFS. See z/OS Migration for
more information about the migration action.

To compile a list of all mounted HFS file systems, use the USS_HFS_DETECTED
check. For more information about the check, see IBM Health Checker for z/OS:
User's Guide.

You can use the BPXWH2Z tool to migrate HFS file systems to zFS file systems.
With this ISPF-based tool, you can change the space allocation, placement, SMS
classes, and data set names. Invoke it from the ISPF command panel.

Requirement: The zFS address space must be successfully configured and

initialized before you can use the BPXWH2Z tool. For more information about the
customization and initialization of zFS, see the topic on post-installation processing
in z/OS Distributed File Service zFS Administration.

To summarize, you can accomplish the following tasks with BPXWH2Z:

v Migrate HFS file systems (both mounted and unmounted) to zFS file systems. If
the HFS being migrated is mounted, BPZWH2Z automatically unmounts it and
then mounts the new zFS file system on its current mount point.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 117

v Define zFS aggregates by default to be approximately the same size as the HFS
file system. The new allocation size can also be increased or decreased.
v Have the migration run in TSO foreground or UNIX background.

You can use the JCL sample ISPBTCH in SYS1.SAMPLIB to invoke BPXWH2Z as
an ISPF batch job. Read the notes section before running the job. If you manually
migrate from an HFS to a zFS file system without using the BPXWH2Z tool, you
must allocate and format the target zFS file systems.

Migrating the sysplex root file system from HFS to zFS

You can migrate the sysplex root file system in a shared file system configuration
from HFS to zFS dynamically without disrupting active workloads. See z/OS
Migration for information about the migration task. Although the shared file system
configuration is required, the sysplex can be a single system.

Mounting considerations for zFS

Keep in mind that the TYPE option is generic. When you specify either ZFS or
HFS, the data set type is determined by the type of the data set.
v If you specify TYPE(HFS), a search is done for a data set that matches the file
system name.
– If the data set is found and it is not an HFS data set, the type is changed to
– If a data set is not found, the type is changed to ZFS.
In both cases, the mount proceeds as though TYPE(ZFS) was specified.
v If you specify TYPE(ZFS) and it is an HFS data set, then the type is changed to
HFS. The mount proceeds as though TYPE(HFS) was specified.

If the file system type that was specified on the mount does not match the type of
the file system and it is changed, the PARM parameter used by the mount is not

Restriction: zFS does not support the DDNAME() keyword on the BPXPRMxx
ROOT and MOUNT parmlib statements. The FILESYSTEMNAME() keyword must
be used instead.

Mount behaviors of zFS

This topic describes the mount behaviors of zFS.
v You can use /// as a placeholder in file system names for mount processing to
substitute ZFS or HFS as appropriate.
1. The system first substitutes the characters ZFS and checks the file system. If
the system determines that it is not a ZFS file system, it gives the mount to
zFS to process.
2. If it is an HFS file system, then the system substitutes the characters HFS
and checks the file system. If the system determines that it is an HFS file
system, it gives the mount to HFS to process. If it is not an HFS file system,
it gives the mount to zFS to process.

Determining the zFS file system owner

Beginning with z/OS V1R11, the zFS file system owner can be different than the
z/OS UNIX file system owner when zFS is running sysplex-aware. For an
explanation on how to determine the owner of a zFS file system, see the topic on
zFS ownership versus z/OS UNIX ownership of file systems in z/OS Distributed

118 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

File Service zFS Administration. Instead of the typical commands used to determine
the z/OS UNIX user (for example, df -v, D OMVS,F, or F
BPXOINIT,FILESYS=D,ALL), the zfsadm lsaggr command is used.

Setting up the z/OS UNIX file system

If you are a system programmer, you will set up and manage the z/OS UNIX file
system, including the following tasks:
v Allocating the root file system.
v Mounting the root file system by placing a ROOT statement in the BPXPRMxx
member of SYS1.PARMLIB. During initialization, the system mounts the file
systems in the ROOT statement and in all MOUNT statements in BPXPRMxx.
You can also change the active MOUNT attributes of the root without having to
reIPL by using the TSO/E MOUNT and UNMOUNT commands. However, if
you have any users logged on or applications running, this method can be
v Adding directories to the root file system. You can use an empty directory as a
mount point for a file system that you are mounting.
v Adding MOUNT statements in BPXPRMxx for all file systems that you mount
so that they are mounted whenever the system is IPLed.
If a file system is not mounted, the user does not have access to it. The
BPXPRMxx member can contain MOUNT statements for each of the file systems
that you created. You can also create a REXX exec that contains multiple
MOUNT statements, one for each of the file systems.
Various methods for mounting are:
– Using the automount facility
– Using a TSO/E CLIST or REXX exec
– Issuing the TSO/E MOUNT command from /etc/rc using the tso or tsocmd
shell command. For example:
/bin/tso "mount filesystem(OMVS.ZFS.F96) mountpoint(’/u/d96’) type(zfs) mode(read)"
– Running the REXX exec /usr/sbin/mount from /etc/rc. For example:
/usr/sbin/mount -f OMVS.ZFS.D96 /u/d96
– Using the /sample/samples/mountx utility
– Using the mount shell command
– Using an automation product such as Tivoli NetView for z/OS for mounting
a file system

Naming rules for file names and path names

In the JCL used for files, the file names and path names can be in lowercase letters,
in uppercase and lowercase letters, or in uppercase letters. The case of letters is

Rule: The editor used to create the JCL must not change the file names and path
names into uppercase.

Allocating a file system for the root file system

In open systems analogous to z/OS UNIX, allocation might be called making the file
system. The root file system must be allocated by a user who has an UID of 0,
indicating superuser authority. To create file systems, a security product that
supports the SAF calls made during the system processing must be running.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 119

Example: This example shows a sample job that defines the zFS root file system.
Two steps are required. The file system must first be defined and then formatted.
The allocation specified in this sample does not reflect the amount of space needed
for the root file system. For exact size information, consult z/OS Program Directory.
Later, during customization, put the specified aggregate name of the root file
system in the ROOT statement in the BPXPRMxx member. In this example the
owner of the file system is assigned to UID (-owner 0) and the file system
permissions are 0755 (-perms o755).
//USERIDA JOB ,’Compatibility Mode’,
// PARM=(’-aggregate OMVS.ROOT -compat -owner 0 -perms o755’)

Example: This example shows a sample job that defines the root file system in an
MKFS DD statement for a HFS file system. The allocation specified in this sample
does not reflect the amount of space needed for the root file system. For exact size
information, consult z/OS Program Directory. When you specify space for the file
system, you must provide a nonzero value for the directory space parameter,
which is not used. Or you can specify DSORG=PO to create a data set with
partitioned organization. The DSNAME is in the ROOT statement. Later, during
customization, put the DSNAME of the root file system in the ROOT statement in
the BPXPRMxx member.
// SPACE=(CYL,(40,1,1)),DCB=(DSORG=PO),

Other MVS data sets can reside in available parts of the volume containing the file
system. You can also use the ISPF shell, or the TSO/E ALLOCATE command to
create a file system.

See the following topics:

v To learn more about creating zFS file systems, see the section on creating and
managing zFS file systems using compatibility mode aggregates in z/OS
Distributed File Service zFS Administration.
v For JOB, EXEC, and DD statements, see z/OS MVS JCL Reference.
v For reference information about BPXPRMxx, go to z/OS MVS Initialization and
Tuning Reference. For guidance information, see “Customizing the BPXPRMxx
member of SYS1.PARMLIB” on page 23.

120 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v To learn more about setting up the root file system structure, see “Structure of
the z/OS UNIX file system” on page 114.

File systems can be allocated by systems other than the one on which the data set
will be used, as long as the allocating system has the correct level of DFSMS. The
system where the file system will be used must share the catalog with the
allocating system or have a catalog entry for the same file system name.

Defining the root file system

Use the ROOT statement in the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB to define
which file system is the root file system. You have two choices: HFS and zFS. The
zFS file system is the preferred file system, and continued use of HFS is not

Figure 4 on page 24 shows the sample BPXPRMxx member. The ROOT statement is
as follows:

The root file system is the starting point for the overall hierarchical file system. It
contains the root directory and any related files or subdirectories.

What happens when file systems are mounted?

After you mount a new file system for the first time (as described in “Mounting
file systems” on page 123), you need to change the owner and group owner. This
topic explains why this step is necessary.

To begin with, the hierarchical file system is used to store data and organize it in a
hierarchical way by using file system entries such as directories and files. These file
system entries have certain attributes, such as ownership, permission bits, and
access time stamps. The data and the attributes of a file are stored with the file in
the file system. All file attributes are stored in a control block that is sometimes
called the inode.

Mounting a file system creates a binding for the duration of the mount. The
binding is between a directory that is already in the file system hierarchy, called
the mount point, and the entry point into the file system about to be mounted,
called the root of this file system. The mount point directory and the root are
connected until unmount time. When a file system is mounted on a mount point, it
overlays the contents of the mount point directory. Files, symbolic links, and
subdirectories within the mount point directory are no longer accessible and are
hidden until the file system is unmounted.

See Figure 11 on page 122 to see what happens when Jane's file system is mounted
on directory /u/jane.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 121


bin dev u inode of directory jane

Active before mount

Owner admin
jane Group std
Mode 700

Attributes of directory jane

as long as OMVS.JANE.HFS is mounted

inode of directory /
Owner jane
/ Group sysprog
Mode 755


Figure 11. Mounting a file system

The root directory of a file system, like any other entry, also has attributes, but the
directory does not have a name. At mount time, the mount point directory lends
its name to the root directory of the file system that is to be mounted. The root,
however, keeps its attributes. Logically, the directory (which is an entry in another
directory, one level up the hierarchical tree) no longer points to its own inode.
Instead, it points to the inode of the mounted root. Thus, the attributes and the
content of a directory are hidden as long as a file system is mounted on it.

Remember that the root of a file system always keeps the attributes that it had at
unmount time. The same attributes are used again when the file system is
mounted later. The attributes do not depend on the actual mount point.

The automount facility and the ISPF shell can be used to define either a HFS or
zFS file system. For more information about the automount or ISHELL z/OS UNIX
System Services Command Reference.

When HFS file systems are mounted

A newly created file system is empty except for an unnamed root directory.
Because this directory needs attributes, which will be stored in its inode, the
creating routine must set some start values. The DFSMS allocation routines set
ownership to the user who allocates the data set. The routines also set the file
mode to 700 in order to ensure that only this user can access it until that user
permits other access. When you create file systems for other users, you must
change the attributes of the root directory of the new file system. To do so, mount
the new file system, and then change the attributes. You need to change the
attributes only once because your changes are saved in the root's inode. Assuming
that the file system was mounted on a directory called mount-point-name, follow
these steps:

122 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

1. For a user file system, change the ownership and leave it up to the user to set
the mode:
chown target-userid:target-groupid mount-point-name
2. For public file systems, change the file mode and assign the correct ownership:
chmod 755 mount-point-name
chown system-userid:system-groupid mount-point-name

The system-userid and system-groupid must match the purpose of the file system.
The same applies to the mode. A mode of 755 allows anyone to make this
directory the current working directory, but only the owner can write to it. For
other situations, a mode of 750 might be more appropriate.

When zFS file systems are mounted

For zFS file systems, the owning user, owning group and permissions can be
specified when the file system is defined. For more information, see z/OS
Distributed File Service zFS Administration .

Mounting file systems

After installation is complete, you need to create file systems and mount them to
your root file system or somewhere else in the hierarchy.

To have mount processing substitute "ZFS" or "HFS" as appropriate, you can use
"///" as a placeholder in file system names. When the system encounters "///" in
the name, the following happens:
1. It first substitutes the characters "ZFS" and checks the file system. If the system
determines that it is not a HFS file system, it gives the mount to zFS to process.
2. If it is a HFS file system, then the system substitutes the characters "HFS" and
checks the file system. If the system determines that it is a HFS file system, it
gives the mount to HFS to process. If it is not a HFS file system, it gives the
mount to zFS to process.

Tip: To verify that file systems specified in BPXPRMxx are currently mounted, use
the USS_FILESYS_PARMLIB_MOUNTS check provided by IBM Health Checker for

Security considerations when mounting

Taking the following into consideration, you should specify "setuid no" when
mounting (the default is yes):
v UNIX files and directories are contained in MVS data sets.
v UNIX users using these files and directory do not need access to these MVS data
v Only the kernel and the storage administrators needs access to the data sets.
v If you give the users direct access to the MVS data sets by giving them UPDATE
access in a RACF profile protecting the data sets, or by naming the data sets
with the user ID as the HLQ, and you do not specify "setuid no" when
mounting, you have a security exposure

Privileged mount and unmount authority

Mounting and unmounting z/OS UNIX file systems are privileged operations. A
user must have UID(0) or have read access to the MOUNT resource in the
UNIXPRIV class before file systems can be mounted or unmounted.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 123

The TSO MOUNT and UNMOUNT commands will perform privileged operations
if the user has read access to the BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY class.

Nonprivileged mount and unmount authority

Nonprivileged users must meet certain requirements before they can mount z/OS
UNIX file systems. They must have the following access permissions:
v Read access to SUPERUSER.FILESYS.USERMOUNT profile. The
allows nonprivileged users to mount and unmount file systems with the
nosetuid option.
v Read-write-execute (rwx) access to the directory that the file system will be
mounted on.
v Read-write-execute (rwx) access to the file system root.
If the file system being mounted is an NFS client file system or if the mount
point directory is in an NFS client file system, the access check is sent to the
NFS server and the user must be permitted to the directory by that server. For a
z/OS NFS server, this means that the user might have to be in the server's
export list or the user might have to do an MVSLOGIN.
If the file system being mounted is an NFS remote file system, or if the mount
point directory is in an NFS remote file system, the access check is sent to the
server for processing. In order for the access check to succeed, the user must
have already been permitted to the root or mount point directory, respectively, at
that remote server. For a z/OS NFS server, this is controlled by the server's site
security attribute. The user may have to be listed in the server's export data set,
or may have to issue an mvslogin command to log in to the remote z/OS NFS
server, before issuing the mount command.

In addition, the directory that the file system is to be mounted on must be an

empty directory. If it has the sticky bit on, the user must be the owner of that
directory. If the mount point directory is in a remote type file system (for example,
NFS), then the owner UID of the mount point directory must match the UID of the
user. If the file system root has the sticky bit on, the user must be the owner of the
root. For remote type file systems (for example, NFS), the owner UID of the file
system root must match the UID of the user.

To unmount file systems, the nonprivileged user must have read access to
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.USERMOUNT profile. The file to be unmounted must have
been mounted by that nonprivileged user. The nonprivileged user must also still
have access to the file system root and if the sticky bit is on, must still be the

When a nonprivileged user mount fails, message BPXF084I is issued to the

hardcopy log.


BPXPRMxx parmlib member to specify mount limits for nonprivileged users.
v MAXUSERMOUNTSYS is the maximum number of nonprivileged user mounts
for the system or for the shared file system configuration.
v MAXUSERMOUNTUSER is the maximum number of nonprivileged user
mounts for each nonprivileged user in the system or in the shared file system

The most recent specification is used for each system that is participating in a
shared file system configuration. To set these values, you must specify them in the

124 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

BPXPRMxx parmlib member. You can use the SETOMVS or SET OMVS command
later to dynamically increase or decrease each of them. However, dynamically
changing the values does not affect currently mounted file systems. If you want to
use nonprivileged user mounts, you must ensure that MAXUSERMOUNTSYS and
MAXUSERMOUNTUSER are both nonzero.

If a value for MAXUSERMOUNTSYS or MAXUSERMOUNTUSER is not specified

in BPXPRMxx, the system uses the default value for them. For a single system, the
default value is 0. For the first IPLed system in the shared file system
configuration, the default value is 0. For a subsequently IPLed system in the
shared file system configuration, the default value is what other systems have at
the time when the subsequent system is being IPLed.

Restrictions: A list of restrictions is provided:

1. The file system type must be HFS, ZFS, or NFS.
2. The SYSNAME option, which specifies the name of the system to be mounted
on, is not supported.
3. The use of /// as a placeholder in the file system name is not supported.
4. Nonprivileged users cannot use the /usr/sbin/chmount function.
5. Nonprivileged users cannot use the remount function.
6. Nonprivileged user mount is a nosetuid mount. The SETUID option is not
7. Nonprivileged user mount is a security mount. The NOSECURITY option is
not allowed.
8. The mount operation fails if either MAXUSERMOUNTSYS or
9. The BPX1MNT callable service is not supported for the user mount.
10. Mounting on a non-empty mount point is not allowed regardless of the
11. Errors from the security restriction are not recorded in the mount failure
database. Use unique return codes and reason codes to identify the problem
along with the audit failures.
12. The automount facility must be running in order to mount HSM-migrated file

Steps for mounting file systems

Before you begin: You need to know that the mount point should be an empty
directory. If it is not, then its contents will be hidden for the duration of any
subsequent mounts.

Perform the following steps to mount a file system.

1. Build a directory in the root file system. A directory can be used as a mount
point for a file system.
To build the directory, use one of the following methods:
v The TSO/E MKDIR command interactively; in an in-stream data set in the
JCL, such as SYSIN; or in a CLIST or REXX exec.
v The mkdir shell command.
v The TSO/E ISHELL command.
v The MKDIR keyword in a ROOT or MOUNT statement in the BPXPRMxx
member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 125

2. If you are allocating an additional zFS file system, do this step. If you are
allocating another HFS file system, go to Step 3.
Allocate another zFS file system, using one of the following methods:
v The zfsadm define and zfsadm format commands, which are described in
z/OS Distributed File Service zFS Administration.
v The TSO/E ISHELL command.
v A JCL job. For more information, see the section on creating and managing
zFS file systems using compatibility mode aggregates in z/OS Distributed File
Service zFS Administration.
After you have completed this step, go to Step 4.
3. To allocate another HFS file system, using one of the following methods:
v The TSO/E ALLOCATE command
v The TSO/E ISHELL command
v The JCL DD statement
v ISPF option 3.2
Sample TSO/E ALLOCATE commands are:

Tip: To allocate a file system with no secondary space, use the following
ALLOCATE command:

Because the file system was allocated with no secondary space, it cannot
dynamically grow. However, it can grow if you use confighfs.
Then free the data sets as shown in the following example:
4. Logically mount the new file system in the directory of an existing file system
by using the TSO/E MOUNT command under a user with mount authority.
Example: The directory /u/joe is a mount point for OMVS.USER.JOE and
/u/jane is a mount point for OMVS.USER.JANE.
v If you are mounting a new zFS file system:
v If you are mounting a new HFS file system:

When you are done, you have mounted a file system.

For a HFS file system, after you mount the new file system for the first time,
change the owner and group owner. These values are saved in the new file system
and are reused when the file system is remounted later. To change the owner and
group owner, you have two options:
v Use the chown command. You might need superuser authority to issue the
chown command, depending on your installation.
Example: For the /u/joe directory, to set the user name and group name (if they
have already been defined to the security product), issue:

126 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

chown joe:devgrp /u/joe
v Use the ISPF shell.

Restrictions on mounting file systems

The restrictions on mounting file systems are:
v The mount point must be a directory. If it is not an empty directory, files in that
directory are not accessible while the file system is mounted. The BPXPRMxx
parmlib statement NONEMPTYMOUNTPT can be used to control how the
system mounts the file systems on the non-empty mount points. The NOWARN
option specifies that the mount is to take place without any warning message
when the mount point is a non-empty directory. The contents of that directory
are hidden for the duration of the mount. The WARN option specifies that the
mount is to take place with a warning message when the mount point is a
non-empty directory. The contents of that directory are hidden for the duration
of the mount. The DENY option specifies that mounting is not to take place
when the mount point is a non-empty directory. During OMVS initialization, if
the mount point is contained in an NFS file system, the NONEMPTYMOUNTPT
setting is not honored.
v Only one file system can be mounted at a directory (mount point) at any one
v Systems participating in shared file system capability can mount file systems
that will be shared in read/write mode.
v The file systems in the same file hierarchy cannot have the same name even if
they are mounted on different mount points. This remains true whether real
names or alias names are specified on the FILESYSTEM operands in BPXPRMxx
or on the MOUNT command. If two file systems have the same name, they
cannot be mounted.
v There is an upper limit to the number of HFS or zFS file systems that can be
mounted at one time in your system. For planning purposes, about 1K of
storage is consumed below the 16M line for each mounted file system. You can
limit the amount of storage that is consumed. To limit the amount, use the
timeout capabilities of automount so that file systems are unmounted when they
are not being used. This storage below the line is used for the data set
allocation. If storage is not available and another data set allocation is requested,
the system may be placed in a nonrestartable wait state.
Alternatively, you can specify SWA(ABOVE) in the BPXPRMXX parmlib member
to force the storage for data set allocation to be obtained above the 16M line. See
the BPXPRMxx topic in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Referencefor more
details about the SWA parmlib statement.

Automatically replacing the sysplex root file system with the alternate
sysplex root file system if it becomes unowned
In a sysplex configuration, the alternate sysplex root file system is a hot standby for
the sysplex root file system that is used to replace the current sysplex root file
system when the sysplex root file system becomes unowned. The alternate sysplex
root file system is established by using the ALTROOT statement in the BPXPRMxx
parmlib member during OMVS initialization or by using the SET OMVS command.

Requirements: When replacing the sysplex root file system, take the following
requirements into consideration:
v A shared file system configuration is required. However, the sysplex can be a
single system.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 127

v All systems in the shared file system environment must be at z/OS V1R11 at the
v The alternate sysplex root must have the same mount points and symbolic links
as the current sysplex root. The mount points are validated during processing,
but the symbolic links are not. If mount points are missing, the current sysplex
root is not replaced by the alternate sysplex root.
v The file system type for the alternate sysplex root and the current sysplex root
must be either HFS or ZFS. They do not have to be identical.
v The alternate sysplex root PFS must be active on all systems in the shared file
system configuration.
v If the SECLABEL class is active and the MLFSOBJ option is active, then the
multilevel security label for the alternate sysplex root must be identical to the
assumed multilevel security label of the current sysplex root.
v The sysplex root or any directories in the sysplex root file system must not be
exported by the DFS or SMB server.
v The real path name for the mount points in the current sysplex root must not
exceed 64 characters in length.

Restriction: The ALTROOT statement is ignored during processing of the F

BPXOINIT,FILESYS=REINIT system command. You will have to manually issue
SET OMVS=(xx) where BXPRMxx is the parmlib member containing the original
ALTROOT statement.

Steps for setting up the alternate sysplex root for the dynamic
replacement of the current sysplex root
About this task

This topic shows how to establish an alternate sysplex root in a shared file system

Before you begin: You need to ensure that the alternate sysplex root does not
reside in the same volume, device, and control unit as the current sysplex root.

To minimize the single point of failure, the alternate sysplex root file system
should be a different PFS type than that of the current sysplex root file system.

1. Allocate a new file system to be used as the alternate sysplex root file system,
following these rules:
a. The UID, GID and the permission bits of the root directory in the alternate
sysplex root file system must match the root directory in the current sysplex
root file system
b. If the SECLABEL class is active and the MLFSOBJ option is active, then the
multilevel security label for the alternate sysplex root must be identical to
the assumed multilevel security label of the current sysplex root.
2. On the alternate sysplex root, set up the mount points and the symbolic links.
The mount points and the symbolic links must be same as the ones on the
current sysplex root.
a. Mount the alternate sysplex root file system at a temporary mount point
(for example, /altroot).

128 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

b. Select one of the following suggested ways to set up mount points and
symbolic links:
v Use the pax shell command to populate the alternate sysplex root file,
using the current sysplex root as a source. For example:
cd /
pax -wr -pe -XCM ./ /altroot
v Use copytree to populate the alternate sysplex root, using the current
sysplex root as a source. For example:
copytree -as / /altroot
v Manually issue mkdir and ln -s shell commands to create the mount
point directories and symbolic links similar to the current sysplex root.
c. Unmount the alternate sysplex root.
3. Specify ALTROOT in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member with the mount point in
the root directory of the current sysplex root file system.

Restriction: The ALTROOT mount point must not exceed 64 characters in


Example: To specify ALTROOT:

MOUNTPOINT(’/sysalt’) PARM (’FSFULL(70,10)’)

You can use the SETOMVS SYNTAXCHECK operator command to validate the
ALTROOT syntax.
4. Make sure that all systems in the shared file system environment have direct
access to the new file system and can locally mount it.
5. Process the ALTROOT statement by using the SET OMVS command or by
initializing the OMVS with the updated BPXPRMxx parmlib member. For

When you are done, you have established an alternate sysplex root in the shared
file system configuration. The alternate sysplex root is mounted in read-only mode
at the specified mount point and designated as AUTOMOVE. When the alternate
sysplex root becomes the current sysplex root, it is mounted in read-only mode
and designated as AUTOMOVE regardless of the current sysplex root settings.

Requirement: If you make changes to the current sysplex root after the alternate
sysplex root was established, you must make the same changes to the alternate
sysplex root as well.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 129

Steps for removing the alternate sysplex root support
About this task

This topic shows how to remove support for the alternate sysplex root.

Perform the following steps to remove the alternate sysplex root support.

1. In the BPXPRMxx parmlib member, replace the ALTROOT FILESYSTEM
statement with the following statement:
Because the ALTROOT NONE and ALTROOT FILESYSTEM statements are
mutually exclusive, only one can be specified in the BPXPRMxx parmlib
If concatenating parmlib members result in multiple ALTROOT statements,
then the first parmlib member specified on the OMVS= operator command that
contains the ALTROOT statement will take effect.
2. Issue a SET OMVS operator command to process the ALTROOT NONE
statement. For example:


When you are done, you have removed the alternate sysplex root support and
deleted any outstanding BPXF253E messages. The alternate sysplex root file system
can be left mounted as a regular file system on all systems in the sysplex. If you
need to reestablish the alternate sysplex root support with the same file system
name, the file system will have to be unmounted globally before it can be used in

Use your preferred unmount method to unmount the alternate sysplex root.

Dynamically replacing the sysplex root file system

This section describes how to dynamically replace the sysplex root file system.

Steps for dynamically replacing the sysplex root file system

About this task
Before you begin: You need to ensure that the following requirements have been
v All systems in the sysplex are at the V1R10 or later level.
v The current sysplex root PFS, and the new sysplex root PFS, are up in all the
systems in shared file system configuration.

Also, be aware of the following restrictions:

v The sysplex root must be locally mounted on all systems in the shared file
system configuration.
v Byte range locks must not be held on the sysplex root during replacement

130 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v The current sysplex root and the new sysplex root must be either HFS or zFS in
any combination.
v The sysplex root or any directories on it cannot be exported by the DFS or SMB
Note the following facts:
v Remote NFS mounts of the sysplex root or any directories on it are considered
active use of the current sysplex root file system.
v During the replacement, the new sysplex root must not be HSM-migrated,
mounted, or in use.
v Mount parameters are preserved during the replacement of the sysplex root of
the same file system type (PFS). They are dropped if the file system type is
v Directories, data, files, and links are not copied from one file system to another.

Perform the replacement as follows:

1. To verify that the sysplex root is locally mounted on all systems, issue:
Ro *all, D OMVS,F,NAME=root_file_system_name

You should see CLIENT=N for each system.

2. Allocate a new file system to be used as the new sysplex root file system.
Rules: When allocating new file systems:
v The UID, GID and the permission bits of the root directory in the new
sysplex root file system must match those of the root directory in the current
sysplex root file system.
v If the SECLABEL class is active and the MLFSOBJ option is active, then the
multilevel security label for the new sysplex root must be identical to the
assumed multilevel security label of the current sysplex root.
3. On the new sysplex root, set up the mount points and the symbolic links. The
mount points and the symbolic links must be same as the ones on the current
sysplex root.
a. Mount the new sysplex root file system at a temporary mount point (for
example, /newroot).
b. Verify that all systems in the shared file system configuration have direct
access to the new sysplex root file system and can locally mount it. Issue
Ro *all, D OMVS,F,NAME=new_sysplex_root_file_system_name

and verify that CLIENT=N for each system.

c. Select one of the following recommended ways to set up mount points and
symbolic links:
v Use the pax shell command to populate the new sysplex root file, using
the current sysplex root as a source. For example:
cd /
pax -wr -pe -XCM ./ /newroot
v Use copytree to populate the new sysplex root, using the current sysplex
root as a source. For example:
copytree -as / /altroot
v Manually issue mkdir and ln -s shell commands to create the mount
point directories and symbolic links similar to the current sysplex root.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 131

d. Unmount the new sysplex root.
4. On any system in the shared file system configuration, issue:
F OMVS,NEWROOT=new.root.file.system.name,COND=<YES|NO|FORCE>
YES Proceed conditionally. The system checks for active usage in the current
sysplex root file system and reports the active usage in a BPXF245I
message. If file activity is found, the command fails with EBUSY return
code and JrActivityFound reason code; message BPXF244E is also
displayed. If file activity is not found, the command continues
processing to replace the sysplex root. YES is the default.
NO Proceed unconditionally. The system checks for active usage in the
current sysplex root and reports the active usage in a BPXF245I
message. Replacement of the sysplex root will continue.
Forces the replacement of the current sysplex root with the new sysplex
root. This option allows user to replace a failing sysplex root with the
user-specified new sysplex root.
A BPXI085D WTOR message is issued to the console to confirm the
FORCE option. Mount points are validated. Symbolic links are not
In addition to the restrictions listed “Steps for dynamically replacing
the sysplex root file system” on page 130, these restrictions must be met
in order to use the FORCE option:
v All systems in the sysplex must be at the V1R11 or later level.
v The real path name for the mount points in the current sysplex root
must not exceed 64 characters in length.
The replacement of the sysplex root file system begins. During the replacement,
active connections to files and directories in the current sysplex root file system
are broken.
After the replacement completes:
v The root (/) is updated on all systems in the sysplex to point to the new
sysplex root file system.
v New opens go to the new sysplex root file system. The current sysplex root
for the root directory is replaced for all processes in all systems. The current
directory for root directory is replaced for any processes using it
v Old connections in the previous sysplex root file system might get EIO
5. Update the TYPE parameter and name of the sysplex root file system in the
BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.
When you are done, you have dynamically replaced the sysplex root file system

Managing file systems

DFSMS manages the location of all file systems on volumes. However, a file
system can outgrow the space on its volume and need more space. Or activity in a
file system can become so great that it slows response time. In these cases, the file
system needs to be managed.

132 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

File systems can span volumes. As users add files and extend existing files, each
data set can increase in size to a maximum of 123 extents if secondary extents are
specified in the allocation. The system programmer can:
v Remove other data sets from the volume on which the full volume condition
v Move individual UNIX files and subtrees to other volumes.
v Move the entire full file system to another file system.

The storage administrator or system programmer can monitor the space in a file
system by mounting a file system with the FSFULL parameter. For example, you
would see message IGW023A when the file system is 70 percent full. Then it
would issue another message when the file system is 80 and 90 percent full:
mount parm(’FSFULL(70,10)’)

You can set up read-only basic partitioned access method (BPAM) access to UNIX
files, including HFS, zFS, NFS, and TFS files. Each z/OS UNIX directory is treated
as if it were a PDSE or PDS directory. For more information about BPAM access to
z/OS UNIX directories, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets.

Reducing the size of the file system

If the file system becomes too big for the volume, you can try to reduce the size of
the file system:
v Create a new file system on another volume and move some files from the full
file system to the new file system. Mount the new file system onto the
previously full file system.
v Move a subtree from the active file system into a new file system on a different
volume. Mount the new file system onto the now-empty directory that was the
head of the subtree. Accesses are divided between two volumes.
Moving a subtree, rather than individual files, retains the hierarchical structure
of the file system.

Increasing the size of the HFS file system

This topic discusses how to make more space available for the HFS file system. To
make more space available for the HFS file system, you can move the entire full
file system to another file system, as follows:
1. Have an authorized user enter a TSO/E UNMOUNT command to logically
unmount the file system.
Tip: The REXX exec /usr/sbin/unmount performs essentially the same functions
that the UNMOUNT statement performs. You can run it from the shell.
2. Use the DFSMSdss dump utility to logically dump the old file system to a
sequential data set.
3. Rename the old file system.
4. Preallocate a new file system with a larger size and give it the original file
system name.
5. Use the DFSMSdss restore utility to restore the old file system to the new file
6. Have an authorized user enter a TSO/E MOUNT command to logically mount
the new file system. You can also run the REXX exec /usr/sbin/mount from the
7. After you check the new file system, you can delete the old file system and the
corresponding sequential data set.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 133

You can also use the confighfs command to manage or expand the HFS file
system. It resides in /usr/lpp/dfsms/bin/confighfs.

For zFS file systems, use the zfsadm grow command to extend the size of an

Removing unnecessary files from directories

You can use the skulker shell script to remove files whose access times are older
than a specified number of days from any directory. It can be run manually or
invoked automatically using cron.

The skulker shell script, which is located in /samples, should be copied. You can
modify it to suit your particular needs. Possible locations for the script include
/bin or /usr/sbin, especially if skulker is to be run from a UID(0) program. If
skulker is to be run by users, a locally created directory called, /usr/bin is a
possibility, but ensure that the sticky bit is on in that directory.

For more information about skulker, see z/OS UNIX System Services Command

Improving accesses to file systems

If activity for a file system becomes so extensive that accesses are slow, take one of
the following actions:
v Move the file system to a volume chosen for speed because it has, for instance, a
faster channel or buffered controller.
v Move a subtree from the active file system into a new file system on a different
volume. Mount the new file system onto the now-empty directory that was the
head of the subtree. Accesses are divided between two volumes.
Moving a subtree, rather than individual files, retains the structure of the file

Unmounting file systems

To unmount all active file systems, issue the following operator command:

It unmounts the file systems on the system that the command was issued from.

Mounting the root file system for execution

This topic describes the mounting of the root file system.The root file system
contains system code and binaries, including the /bin, /usr, /lib, /opt, and
/samples directories. These directories contain files that are installed and serviced
by SMP/E.

For systems with shared file system support, mounting the root file system
read-only is optional. For more information about the version file system, which is
also known as the root file system, see Chapter 7, “Sharing file systems in a
sysplex,” on page 173.

Rule: In a sysplex, the /etc, /dev, /tmp, and /var directories must have their own
file system, separate from the root file system. Having those files in their own file
system is also good practice for non-sysplex systems.

134 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

To ensure the integrity of file systems, users must configure their systems to
propagate SYSTEM ENQs on file systems. The serialization used by file system
mount is a SYSTEMS ENQ on SYSZDSN and the data set name. If this ENQ is not
properly maintained, the file system will be damaged. The SYSZDSN ENQ is held
on the file system until the file is unmounted. A file system can be mounted
read/write on a single system, or read on multiple systems. A file system that is
mounted read/write cannot be shared by multiple systems. For more information
about SYSZDSN, see the IBM Redbooks publication Hierarchical File System Usage

Deciding how to mount your root

This topic helps you decide whether to keep your root file system read/write or
change it to read-only for execution. Table 14 describes the benefits and drawbacks
of the two mount modes for the production system's root file system.
Table 14. Comparing read-only and read/write mode for the root file system of the execution system. This table
compares the modes for the root file system of the execution system.
Mount mode Benefits Drawbacks
Read/write v You can create directories or files v Poorer performance for SYSPLEX file
dynamically in the root file system. system operations because I/O must be
v You do not have to perform the actions directed between system images in a
listed in Table 15 on page 136. sysplex.
v Someone might modify files or
directories inadvertently.
Read-only v Better performance for sysplex file v No one can create new directories or
system operation because I/O will not files dynamically in the root file system.
need to be directed between system v You must perform the actions listed in
images in a sysplex. Table 15 on page 136.
v No one can modify directories or files v You have extra tasks related to leaving
within the root file system inadvertently. some directories in read/write mode
such as /dev, /tmp, /etc, and /var,
when these do not have their own file
system separate from the root file

To decide whether you should leave the root file system read/write or change it to
read-only, use the information in Table 14, and any other information that you
might have. You should consider mounting the root file system in read-only mode,
especially if you are mounting the root file system in a shared file system

Leaving the root file system mounted in read/write mode

To leave the root file system mounted in read/write mode, make sure that the
MODE parameter of the BPXPRMxx member has been specified RDWR. For
ROOT FILESYSTEM(’OMVS.ZFS.ROOT’) /* Root file system */
TYPE(ZFS) /* File system type ZFS */
MODE(RDWR) /* Mounted for read/write */

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 135

Post-installation actions for mounting the root file system in
read-only mode
If you want to mount the root file system in read-only mode, look at Table 15 to
see if you must take any actions. The table includes all z/OS base and optional
elements that install into the file system.

These actions can be taken in any order, and do not need to be performed in a
certain sequence.
Table 15. Required post-installation activities for mounting a root file system in read-only mode. List of required
actions when mounting the root file system in read-only mode for elements or functions
Element or function Required action
Common Information Model (CIM) No required actions.
Communications Server No required actions.
Cryptographic Services Open No required actions.
Cryptographic Services Facility (OCSF)
Cryptographic Services PKI Services No required actions
Cryptographic Services System Secure No required actions.
Sockets Layer Programming
DFSMSdfp, DFSMSdss, DFSMShsm, No required actions.
DFSMSrmm, and DFSMStvs
Distributed File Service (DFS) No required actions.
Hardware Configuration Definition No required actions.
Hardware Configuration Manager (HCM) No required actions
IBM HTTP Server For the directives that must be changed, see HTTP Server: Planning,
Installing, and Using, which can be found at:
IBM Tivoli Directory Server No required actions.
Infoprint Server Change ownership of the Infoprint Server files to the Infoprint Server
GID by running the aopsetup customization script. Also, a separate file
system must be mounted read/write on the /var mount point. See z/OS
Infoprint Server Customization for more information.
Integrated Security Services Open No required actions.
Cryptographic Enhanced Plug-ins (OCEP)
Integrated Security Services - Enterprise No required actions.
Identity Mapping (EIM) and Network
Authentication Service
Language Environment No required actions.
Library Server See the topic on advanced customization parameters in z/OS Program
Metal C Runtime Library No required actions.
Network File System (NFS) No required actions.
Runtime Library Extensions No required actions.
SMP/E No required actions.
XL C/C++ No required actions.
z/OS Font Collection No required actions.

136 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 15. Required post-installation activities for mounting a root file system in read-only mode (continued). List of
required actions when mounting the root file system in read-only mode for elements or functions
Element or function Required action
z/OS UNIX System Services Post-installation activities might be necessary for some installations. To
determine whether actions are required, see “Customizing the cron,
uucp, and mail utilities for a read-only root file system.” The actions
include moving the files associated with the cron, uucp and mail
utilities from the root file system.

Mounting the root file system in read-only mode

After you perform the actions in Table 15 on page 136, update the BPXPRMxx
member of SYS1.PARMLIB as follows:
ROOT FILESYSTEM(’OMVS.ROOT’) /* Root file system */
TYPE(ZFS) /* File system type ZFS */
MODE(READ) /* Mounted for read */

With the root file system mounted in read-only mode, you must define other
BPXPRMxx parameters for the directories that remain read/write.

Example: You might also have the following BPXPRMxx entry for /etc:
MOUNT FILESYSTEM(’OMVS.ETC’) /* The /etc file system */
MOUNTPOINT(’/etc’) /* Mount at /etc file system */
TYPE(ZFS) /* File system type ZFS */
MODE(RDWR) /* Mounted for read/write */

Customizing the cron, uucp, and mail utilities for a read-only root file
As of z/OS V1R13, ServerPac is delivered with the /usr/lib/cron, /usr/mail and
/usr/spool directories as symbolic links. The required directories and symbolic
link structure are created during installation by the BPXKMDIR REXX exec in
SYS1.SAMPLIB. The exec is invoked by BPXISMKD and can also be invoked at
other times as needed.

For systems without shared file support, symbolic links must be created for the
cron, uucp, and mail utilities before the root file system can be mounted in
read-only mode. Files that were written to by those utilities must be moved out of
the root file system and into a directory in a file system that was mounted in
read/write mode.

Typically, no action is needed in order for the BPXKMDIR exec to set up the
required directories and symbolic links. However, if files have been generated by a
previous customization of the cron, uucp, and mail utilities, they must be moved
to the appropriate /var directories before BPXMKDIR can create the needed files
and symbolic links. The procedure is described in “Customizing the cron, uucp,
and mail utilities” on page 139. In order to retain the customization, they should
be moved to the directories that the symbolic links will point to.

The symbolic links are directed to /var directories as follows:

File Linked to

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 137


For files used by uucp, these files are delivered as symbolic links that are directed
to the /var/uucp directories as follows:
File Linked to

Certain directories must be in the /var directory and have the appropriate
v For the mail utility:
– /var/mail with permissions set to 755
v For the cron utility:
– /var/cron with permissions set to 755
– /var/spool with permissions set to 755
– /var/spool/cron with permissions set to 755
– /var/spool/cron/atjobs with permissions set to 755
– /var/spool/cron/crontabs with permissions set to 755
v For the uucp utility:
– /var/uucp with permissions set to 774
– /var/spool with permissions set to 755
– /var/spool/locks with permissions set to 774
– /var/spool/uucp with permissions set to 774
– /var/spool/uucppublic with permissions set to 777
– /var/spool/uucp/.Xqtdir with permissions set to 774
– /var/spool/uucp/.Sequence with permissions set to 774
– /var/spool/uucp/.Status with permissions set to 774
The uucp files must be in the /var directory:
– /var/uucp/Systems
– /var/uucp/Devices
– /var/uucp/Dialers
– /var/uucp/Dialcodes
– /var/uucp/Permissions

138 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

– /var/uucp/config

Migration considerations for the cron, uucp, and mail utilities

When migrating to a new release, verify that all necessary files and directories
have been created in each /var directory in each file system on all system images.
If you use the /var directories and the provided symbolic links, you do not need to
customize the cron, uucp, and mail utilities in order for the root file system to be
mounted in read-only mode.

However, if you decide not to use the /var directory and the provided symbolic
links, you can create symbolic links from the /var directory or file to your
preferred directory or file. With that setup, each time you migrate to a new release,
you will have to customize the z/OS Migration in order for the root file system to
be mounted read-only.

Customizing the cron, uucp, and mail utilities

This topic contains steps that are needed to set up the cron , uucp, and mail
utilities for read-only file systems. See z/OS UNIX System Services Command
Reference for additional customization instructions for configuring these utilities.

The instructions work for most customer environments. Customers with different
customized environments should use this information as a basis to make their
respective changes. The instructions are based on the following assumptions:
v The target system was IPLed in your test environment, the root file system data
set is mounted on / (slash = the root) in read/write mode
v The /var file system is mounted on the /var mount point in read/write mode
v File systems such as the sysplex root and the system-specific file systems are not
being used or being mounted while the customization is taking place.

Steps for customizing the cron, uucp, and mail utilities

Steps for customizing the cron, uucp, and mail utilities
The steps assume that you have used cron, uucp and mail and have not followed
the recommended customization in z/OS Migration. These changes to the /var
directories must be performed on every /var directory on every system image in
the sysplex.

Requirements: Before beginning these tasks, you must meet the following
v Have superuser authority, such as UID(0). If you have READ access to the
BPX.SUPERUSER resource in the FACILITY class, you can execute setuid(0) or
the su command to gain superuser authority. If you have permission to the
corresponding UNIXPRIV class profile, you will have authority to use specific
authorized services.
v Log in to the shell environment through TSO, telnet, rlogin, or OpenSSH.

First step: If you have used cron, uucp, or mail and have not followed the
recommended customization in z/OS Migration you must move the contents of the
/usr/spool directory to the /var directory and create a symbolic link. Ensure that
no file systems are mounted on the /usr/spool directory or on any mount point
under this directory. If there are any, they must be unmounted.
1. Create a directory called /var/spool. Issue:
mkdir /var/spool

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 139

2. Optional. Because spool directories tend to be used heavily, it is good practice
to create a new file system and mount it on /var/spool.
3. Change the permission setting of the /var/spool directory to 755. Issue:
chmod 755 /var/spool
4. Change the current working directory to /usr/spool. Issue:
cd /usr/spool
5. Copy the contents of the /usr/spool directory into /var/spool. Issue:
pax -rw -pe ./ /var/spool
You can choose to move the contents to a directory other than /var/spool (for
example: /etc/spool). If you do, you will have to create another symbolic link
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for every system image in your sysplex.
7. Check that the copy was successful. If the copy was successful, then remove the
/usr/spool directory. Issue:
rm -fr /usr/spool
8. Create a symbolic link for /usr/spool that points to /var/spool. Issue:
ln -s ../var/spool /usr/spool

When you are done, you have moved the contents of the /usr/spool directory to
the /var/spool directory and created a symbolic link for /usr/spool that points to

If you moved the contents of the /usr/spool directory to a directory other than
/var/spool (for example: /etc/spool), you will have to create another symbolic
link from /var/spool that points to /etc/spool. Use these steps:
1. Change the current working directory to the /var directory. Issue:
cd /var
2. Remove the /var/spool directory after making sure that it is empty. If it is not
empty, then move the items from this directory into /etc/spool. Issue:
rmdir /var/spool
3. Create a symbolic link for /var/spool that points to /etc/spool. Issue:
ln -s ../etc/spool /var/spool

Second step: If you have used cron, uucp, or mail and have not followed the
recommended customization in z/OS Migration, you must move the contents of the
/usr/lib/cron directory to the /var directory and create a symbolic link. Ensure
that no file systems are mounted on the /usr/lib/cron directory or on any mount
point under this directory. If there are any, they must be unmounted.
1. Create a directory called /var/cron. Issue:
mkdir /var/cron
2. Change its permission setting to 755. Issue:
chmod 755 /var/cron
3. Change the current working directory to /usr/lib/cron. Issue:
cd /usr/lib/cron
4. Copy the contents of the /usr/lib/cron directory into/var/cron. Issue:
pax -rw -pe ./ /var/cron
You can choose to move the contents to a directory other than /var/cron (for
example: /etc/cron). If you do, you will have to create another symbolic link
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for every system image in your sysplex.

140 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

6. After you are sure that the copy was successful, you can remove the
/usr/lib/cron directory. Issue:
rm -fr /usr/lib/cron
7. Create a symbolic link for /usr/lib/cron that points to /var/cron. Issue:
ln -s ../../var/cron /usr/lib/cron

When you are done, you have moved the contents of the /usr/lib/cron directory
to the /var/cron directory and created a symbolic link for /usr/lib/cron that
points to /var/cron.

If you chose to move the contents of the /usr/lib/cron directory to a directory

other than /var/cron (for example: /etc/cron), you will need to create an
additional symbolic link from /var/cron to /etc/cron. Use these steps:
1. Change the current working directory to the /var directory. Issue:
cd /var
2. Remove the /var/cron directory after making sure that it is empty. If it is not
empty, then move the items from this directory into /etc/cron. Issue:
rmdir /var/cron
3. Create a symbolic link for /var/cron that points to /etc/cron. Issue:
ln -s ../etc/cron /var/cron

Third step: If you have used cron, uucp, or mail and have not followed the
recommended customization in z/OS Migration, you must move the uucp files and
create a symbolic link.
1. Create a directory called /var/uucp. Issue:
mkdir /var/uucp
2. Change its permission setting to 774. Issue:
chmod 774 /var/uucp
3. Change the current working directory to /usr/lib/uucp. Issue:
cd /usr/lib/uucp
4. Issue ls -al to see if the following files are in /usr/lib/uucp.

If none of these files show up in the directory listing, then you are done.
5. If any of the files listed in Step 4 exist, copy them to the /var/uucp directory by
using the cp command. For example, if all the files exist, then you must copy
them to the /var directory. Issue:
cp -p Systems /var/uucp/Systems
cp -p Devices /var/uucp/Devices
cp -p Dialers /var/uucp/Dialers
cp -p Dialcodes /var/uucp/Dialcodes
cp -p Permissions /var/uucp/Permissions
cp -p config /var/uucp/config
You can choose to move the contents to a directory other than /var/uucp (for
example: /etc/uucp). If you do, you will have to create an additional symbolic
link later.
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 for every system image in the sysplex.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 141

7. After you are sure that the files were copied successfully, you can remove them
from the /usr/lib/uucp directory. Issue:
rm Systems
rm Devices
rm Dialers
rm Dialcodes
rm Permissions
rm config
8. Create symbolic links for these files from /usr/lib/uucp to /var/uucp. Issue
ln -s ../../../var/uucp/Systems Systems
ln -s ../../../var/uucp/Devices Devices
ln -s ../../../var/uucp/Dialers Dialers
ln -s ../../../var/uucp/Dialcodes Dialcodes
ln -s ../../../var/uucp/Permissions Permissions
ln -s ../../../var/uucp/config config

If you chose to copy the files from the /usr/lib/uucp directory to a directory other
than /var/uucp (for example: /etc/uucp), you must create additional symbolic links
from /var/uucp to this directory. You can use these commands to perform these
1. Change the current working directory to the /var directory. Issue:
cd /var
2. If the following files exist, copy them to /etc/uucp. Issue:
cp -p Systems /etc/uucp/Systems
cp -p Devices /etc/uucp/Devices
cp -p Dialers /etc/uucp/Dialers
cp -p Dialcodes /etc/uucp/Dialcodes
cp -p Permissions /etc/uucp/Permissions
cp -p config /etc/uucp/config
3. Remove the following /var/uucp files, if they exist. Issue:
rm Systems
rm Devices
rm Dialers
rm Dialcodes
rm Permissions
rm config
4. Create symbolic links for these files from /var/uucp to /etc/uucp. Issue:
ln -s ../../etc/uucp/Systems Systems
ln -s ../../etc/uucp/Devices Devices
ln -s ../../etc/uucp/Dialers Dialers
ln -s ../../etc/uucp/Dialcodes Dialcodes
ln -s ../../etc/uucp/Permissions Permissions
ln -s ../../etc/uucp/config config

Fourth step: If you have used cron, mail, or uucp and have not followed the
recommended customization in z/OS Migration, you must move the contents of the
/usr/mail directory to the /var directory and create a symbolic link. Ensure that
no file systems are mounted on the /usr/mail directory or on any mount point
under this directory. If there are any, they must be unmounted.

Before you begin: You need to login to the shell environment through TSO, telnet,
rlogin, or OpenSSH.

Perform the following steps to customize the mail utility.

1. Create a directory called /var/mail.
mkdir /var/mail
2. Change its permission setting to 775.

142 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

chmod 775 /var/mail
3. Change the current working directory to /usr/mail.
cd /usr/mail
4. Copy the contents of the /usr/mail directory into /var/mail. Issue:
pax -rw -pe ./ /var/mail
You can choose to move the contents to a directory other than /var/mail (for
example: /etc/mail). If you do, you will have to create an additional symbolic
link later.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for every system image in your sysplex.
6. After you are sure that the copy was successful, you can remove the /usr/mail
rm -fr /usr/mail
7. Create a symbolic link for /usr/mail that points to /var/mail. Issue:
ln -s ../var/mail /usr/mail

When you are done, you have customized the mail utility. If you unmounted any
file systems that were mounted on or below /usr/mail, you can mount them now
using the same mount point as before. That directory must contain the contents of

If you chose to move the contents of the /usr/mail directory to a directory other
than /var/mail (for example: /etc/mail), you will need to create an additional
symbolic link from /var/mail to this directory using these instructions:
1. Change the current working directory to the /var directory. Issue:
cd /var
2. Remove the /var/mail directory after making sure that it is empty. If it is not
empty, then move the items from this directory into /etc/mail.
rmdir /var/mail
3. Create a symbolic link for /var/mail that points to /etc/mail. Issue:
ln -s ../etc/mail /var/mail

Remounting a mounted file system

To remount the file system, use the TSO/E UNMOUNT command or the ISPF
shell. The REMOUNT operand on the UNMOUNT command specifies that the
specified file system be remounted, changing its mount mode.

Conditions under which you would remount a mounted file system are as follows:
v Maintenance cannot be performed on a read-only file system. The file system
must be unmounted and then mounted again as read/write. If there are
cascaded mounts, all of the file systems mounted on top of that file system must
also be unmounted. You can unmount and remount a root file system. However,
if the file system is a shared read-only root file system in a sysplex, you must
unmount the root on all other systems in the sysplex.
v When you are not using shared file systems, you can use the remount facility to
mount file systems as read-only under normal operating situations and as
read/write to perform maintenance.
If a file is opened for a write, this is not checked if a remount operation changes
the file system from read/write to read-only. Subsequent writes to the file will fail.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 143

If a problem occurs with the remount, determine the failure, correct the problem,
and try the remount again. The file system might be unavailable until the problems
are corrected.

Copying the file system

To copy file systems, use the DFSMSdss COPY DATASET command.

Backing up file systems

Many new applications in z/OS exploit z/OS UNIX and store data into the file
system. Some customers have ported their applications over from other UNIX or
NT platforms, but might not be familiar with the licensed programs available to
back up those applications on the z/OS platform. Other customers have used MVS
and z/OS for a while, and assume that the backup techniques that they use for
their MVS data sets are adequate for z/OS UNIX files as well. This topic addresses
these issues and helps you plan your backup strategies for your file system data.

Guideline: The /dev file system contains character special files that are created on
a per-demand basis. Backing up the /dev file system is not necessary because all
files are created when first referenced. Avoid backing up the /dev file system
because the pseudoterminal files (/dev/ttyp*) might not close correctly when the
process is terminated. For example, pseudoterminal slave file attributes might not
be restored on CANCEL flows if the /dev file system is quiesced when the close()
is processed, which might result in ICH408I security error messages on subsequent
open attempts. Consider mounting /dev as a TFS file system, which is typically not
included in backup policies.

Ways to back up file systems

There are three models for backing up applications:
v The application maintains a transaction log for each transactional unit of work.
A backup can be taken any time the application is running. If the data is
recovered, the transaction log can be used to either back out, or redo, the
transactions to reach a known sync point for the application.
v The application provides a quiesce capability, during which time transactional
updates are suspended.
v The application does not provide either a transaction log or quiesce capability. In
this simplest case, it is suggested that the backups occur only when the files are
closed. If backups are taken while the files are open, it might be difficult to
determine which transactions were fully recorded, and which others were still in

IBM offers three ways to perform backups and maintain an inventory of their
v DFSMShsm
v Tivoli Storage Manager, formerly known as ADSTAR Distributed Storage
Manager (ADSM)
v DFSMSdss

Unlike other non-VSAM data sets that can be opened and closed repeatedly
throughout the day, some file systems are often mounted for several days or weeks
at a time, with the individual file members inside opened as needed. Normally,
DFSMShsm's automatic backup (AUTOBACKUP) processes file systems at most

144 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

once per mount, so a file system mounted for a week would only have one backup
taken for that week. For some applications, that might not be frequent enough.
Fortunately, DFSMShsm provides some alternatives to ensure that backups are
taken more frequently.
v An SMS-managed storage group can be defined with guaranteed backup
frequency (GBF). For example, if GBF=3 days, then if a backup has not been
taken for a particular data set in the last three days, a fresh backup is taken,
whether the file has been updated or not. Since this applies to all data sets on a
storage group, some customers have placed their file systems into a unique
storage group with a specification of GBF=1, so as not to affect other types of
v Backups once a day might not be frequent enough. DFSMShsm provides
commands to invoke backups to be taken, independent of the standard
autobackup cycle and window. The BACKVOL TOTAL command can be used to
back up all the files on a single DASD volume, a list of DASD volumes, a single
storage group, or a list of storage groups. This command can be invoked from a
job scheduling package such as Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS, or console
automation package, such as Tivoli NetView for z/OS.
v If file systems are intermixed on the DASD volumes with other data set types,
you might want to back up the file systems individually. You can use the
DFSMShsm command BACKDS to back up a single data set, or a set of data sets
that match a particular mask filter. The DFSMShsm batch program ARCINBAK
can be used to back up a list of data sets that support JCL backward reference
and variable substitution. DFSMShsm also provides ABACKUP, which identifies
which file systems are part of a single aggregate list, and backs these up as a
single entity. You can invoke both the BACKDS and ABACKUP commands from
job scheduling or console automation software.
v If the application was developed in-house, you can modify it to perform the
backups internally. It might be able to perform its own quiesce process, or
coordinate time stamps with its own transactional log. DFSMShsm provides the
ARCHBACK assembler macro interface.

If a file system is mounted for read/write to a single MVS image, back it up by

DFSMShsm from the MVS image that has it mounted. For automatic backup, you
might need to designate host affinity by specifying a system name associated with
AUTOBACKUP for each storage group. For command-initiated backups, you
might need to ensure that the commands or batch jobs are issued to the correct
MVS image.

If the file system being dumped by DFSMShsm is currently mounted as

read/write, then this file system can only be dumped from the system on which it
is mounted. If the file system is mounted as read-only or is in a sysplex (mounted
read-only or read/write), then it can be dumped from any system that has access
to it.

If you use DFSMShsm, you must define a user ID for the DFSMShsm address
space. For DFSMShsm to access the file systems, it must run under a user ID that
is set up for access to a z/OS UNIX system. When you set up this access:
v The default group for the DFSMShsm user ID must have an OMVS segment
defined and a group ID associated with it.
v The home directory must be the root file system.

Tivoli Storage Manager

Tivoli Storage Manager offers another way to back up file systems. You can use
this program in combination with, or instead of, DFSMShsm for your backup
Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 145
needs related to file systems. Tivoli Storage Manager is a client/server based
product and offers some additional features that are not available from
v The z/OS UNIX System Services Client is available to back up the individual
files and directories within a file system.
v Tivoli Storage Manager features a Central Scheduling component which can
schedule z/OS UNIX client activity, such as "Selective Backup" at defined
intervals. For example, you can back up the files in a specific subdirectory every
four hours.
v Separate policies can be applied to a specific client node such that individual
directories and files within a given file system can be effectively managed using
retention, expiration and versioning attributes. These sophisticated features of
Tivoli Storage Manager used in conjunction with a comprehensive
INCLUDE/EXCLUDE list on the z/OS UNIX client platform provide a great
deal of control over what is backed up and how the data is managed.
v End users can recover individual files that they have appropriate authority
access to.

If you use DFSMSdss to dump or restore an active file system, the user ID must be
set up to have superuser authority to quiesce and unquiesce a file system. If file
systems are not mounted, then it is treated as an MVS data set and the user ID
must have read authority for dump purposes and update authority for restore

Creating the user file systems

A user file system is allocated in the same way as you created the root file system.
Choose a data set name that has the user name as one of the qualifiers and a size
that provides sufficient space for the user's requirements.

Although the file system does not have to be SMS-managed, it is still highly
suggested. Multivolume file systems are only supported as SMS-managed. (That is,
you cannot have multivolume non-SMS-managed data sets.) As a user adds files
and extends existing files, the data set increases in size to a maximum of 123
extents if secondary extents are specified in the allocation.

If more space is required, you might want to increase the size on the allocation or
you might want to create additional file systems on different DASD volumes for a
user and mount them at different mount points in the user's hierarchy.

The newly allocated data set has a root whose permission bits are set at 700. You
can change the permissions only after the data set is mounted. See “Changing the
permission bits for a file” on page 93 for more information about changing
permission bits for a file or directory.

Example: The following is a sample JCL to create a file system. Change the JCL
where needed.
//USERIDA JOB ,’Compatibility Mode’,

146 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

// PARM=(’-aggregate OMVS.USER1 -compat -owner 11 -perms o755’)

Making user file systems available

After the user's file system is allocated, you need to mount it at a mount point off
the root directory to make it available. The preferred place to mount all user file
systems is a user directory under the /u user directory. In the z/OS system, there
are two ways to accomplish this:
1. Direct mount. For a direct mount, allocate an intermediate file system (we
called it OMVS.USERS) to be mounted between the root file system and all
user file systems. Create a mount point using the mkdir command and issue
the mount command. (To make the mount permanent, you will need to add the
file system name and its mount point to the BPXPRMxx member.) Figure 12
shows this.
For more information, see “Using direct mount” on page 148.

Root file system


u D


user1 user2





Figure 12. Direct mount. To permanently mount file systems, code MOUNT statements in

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 147

2. Automount facility. You must customize the automount facility to control all
user file systems to automatically mount them when they are needed. This
method is the preferred way of managing user file systems because it saves
administration time. Figure 13 shows this. See “/etc/auto.master” on page 165
for more information.

Root file system


u D


user1 user2 userx



Figure 13. Automount facility. The automount facility dynamically allocates pseudodirectories
to act as mount points and mount file systems only when files are accessed.

Using direct mount

The root file system should be set up so that it does not require frequent changes
or updates outside of SMP/E maintenance. To achieve this, we will allocate an
intermediate file system called OMVS.USERS and mount it at /u.

All user directories that are added will reside in this new file system and not in the
root file system.

Example: Following is a sample JCL to allocate the intermediate file system.

Change the JCL to fit your environment.
//USERIDA JOB ,’Compatibility Mode’,

148 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

// PARM=(’-aggregate OMVS.USERS -compat -owner 11 -perms o755’)

The next thing to do is mount this new intermediate file system at /u. The mount
can be performed from an ID that has superuser authority by:
v Using the usr/sbin/mount REXX exec from the shell
v Using the TSO MOUNT command
v Using the mount shell command
v Using the ISHELL File_Systems pull-down
v Adding an entry to the BPXPRMxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB so that it will be
mounted when the system reIPLs.

An example of the commands required, including issuing the mount command

from the shell is shown in Figure 14. Type OMVS from ISPF option 6 to enter the
shell. Then execute the highlighted commands to mount the file system
OMVS.USERS. In Figure 14, the user ID is ADMIN and it has superuser authority.

Licensed Material - Property of IBM
5655-068 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 1995
(C) Copyright Mortice Kern Systems, Inc., 1985, 1994
(C) Copyright Software Development Group, Univ. of Waterloo, 1989

U.S. Government users - RESTRICTED RIGHTS - Use, Duplication, or

Disclosure restricted by GSA-ADP schedule contract with IBM Corp.

IBM is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Improve performance by preventing the propagation -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# /usr/sbin/mount /u omvs.users 1
OMVS.USERS is now mounted at
# df -P 2
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted
OMVS.USERS 7200 40 7160 1% /u
OMVS.ROOT 82800 79608 3192 97% /
# chmod 755 /u 3


ESC=¢ 1=Help 2=SubCmd 3=HlpRetrn 4=Top 5=Bottom 6=TSO

7=BackScr 8=Scroll 9=NextSess 10=Refresh 11=FwdRetr 12=Retrieve

Figure 14. Mounting the new intermediate file system. This figure shows an example of the
process to mount thef file system OMVS.USERS.

v 1 Use the mount command to mount the file system, OMVS.USERS, on mount
point /u.
v 2 Run the display free space command to display the mounted file systems.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 149

v 3 Change the permission bits to allow access to /u.

Now that the OMVS.USERS file system is mounted at mount point /u you can
create the user1 mount point from a superuser ID by using:
v The mkdir command in the shell
v The TSO/E MKDIR command
v The ISHELL Directory pull-down
Figure 15 shows the sequence of commands performed by a superuser in the shell
to create a mount point for a new user off /u. Before you begin, be sure that the
new user is defined to the OMVS segment that your security product uses. Type in
OMVS from ISPF option 6 to enter the shell and execute the highlighted
commands to create the mount point for user1.

# cd /u 1
# pwd 2
/u 3
# mkdir -m 700 user1 4
#ls -l 5
total 16
drwx------ 2 ADMIN OMVSGRP 0 Nov 7 09:07 user16

ESC=¢ 1=Help 2=SubCmd 3=HlpRetrn 4=Top 5=Bottom 6=TSO

7=BackScr 8=Scroll 9=NextSess 10=Refresh 11=FwdRetr 12=Retrieve

Figure 15. Creating a mount point directory for a user. This figure shows how to create a
mount point for a new user.

v 1 Change to make /u your current working directory.

v 2 Check to make sure /u is the current working directory.
v 3 /u is the current working directory.
v 4 Create a new directory for user1 setting the permission bits to 700. See
“Controlling access to files and directories” on page 91 for information about
permission bit settings.
v 5 List the contents of the /u directory.
v 6 The user1 directory entry.

The user file system that was previously created can now be mounted at /u/user1.
The mount can be performed by:
v Using the /usr/sbin/mount REXX exec from the shell
v Using the TSO/E MOUNT command
v Using the ISHELL File_systems pull-down
v Adding an entry to the BPXPRMxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB so that it is
remounted when the system reIPLs.

Figure 16 on page 151 shows an example of the commands required, including

issuing the mount command from the shell. Type OMVS from ISPF option 6 to
enter the shell and execute the highlighted commands to mount the file system

150 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

# /usr/sbin/mount /u/user1 omvs.user1 1
OMVS.USER1 is now mounted at
# df -P 2
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted
OMVS.USER1 12960 40 12920 1% /u/user1
OMVS.ROOT 82800 79608 3192 97% /
# chown user1:grpoe /u/user1 3
# ls -l /u/user1 4
total 16
drwx------ 2 USER1 GRPOE 0 Nov 7 09:09 user1


ESC=¢ 1=Help 2=SubCmd 3=HlpRetrn 4=Top 5=Bottom 6=TSO

7=BackScr 8=Scroll 9=NextSess 10=Refresh 11=FwdRetr 12=Retrieve

Figure 16. Mounting the new file system. The sequence of commands needed to mount the
file system OMVS.USER1

v 1 Issue the mount command to mount the file system, OMVS.USER1, on
mount point /u/user1.
v 2 Run the display free space command to display the mounted file systems.
v 3 In order for USER1 to use this new file system, you must issue the chown
command to change the ownership and to change the group to the user's default
group. Issue this command to set the owner and group fields of this mount
point directory for the USER1 ID. You only need to issue the chown command
once because the values will be saved in the new file system and will be reused
even when the file system is remounted later.
v 4 Issue a list command to display the new directory for USER1.

To make the mounting of the OMVS.USERS and OMVS.USER1 file systems

permanent, add an entry in the BPXPRMxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB. These two
mount statements must follow the ROOT statement for the root file system.


Using file locks

Programs using files can specify locks. Locks are used to lock byte ranges in files
and are intended for use by cooperating application programs. For information
about how systems participating in a shared file system handle file locks, see
“Locking files in the sysplex” on page 211.

Programs can use file locks via fcntl().

v For more information about the fcntl callable service, seez/OS UNIX System
Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference.
v z/OS XL C/C++ Runtime Library Reference has details about the fcntl() function.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 151

Locks are advisory. (Advisory locking is used in UNIX systems.) Consequently,
more than one program can update a file at the same time. Keep advisory locking
in mind during problem determination.

Creating special files

There are several types of special files:
v A character special file is a file that provides access to an input/output device.
Examples of character special files are: a terminal file, a NULL file, a file
descriptor file, or a system console file. Each character special file has a device
major number, which identifies the device type, and a device minor number,
which identifies a specific device of a given device type. Character special files
are customarily defined in /dev; these files are defined with the mknod
command. You must have UID(0) to create a character special file. The best way
to obtain UID(0) is to be defined to BPX.SUPERUSER FACILITY class. Then
issue the su command to switch to UID(0) before issuing the mknod command.
You cannot share character special files in read/write mode among systems
participating in a shared file system in a sysplex.
v A pipe is a way to communicate in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order from one or
more processes to one or more processes. Pipes are treated as though they were
Figure 17 shows how a pipe works.

Figure 17. How a pipe works

A pipe sends data from one process to another or back to itself. By forking
processes, a pipe can be shared by a number of processes; for example, written
to by three processes and read by seven.
A program creates a pipe with a pipe() function. The pipe vanishes when the
last process closes it. A pipe does not have a name in the file system; a pipe is
also called an unnamed pipe.
v A FIFO special file sends data from one process to another so that the receiving
process reads the data first-in-first-out (FIFO). A FIFO special file is also called a
named pipe, or a FIFO. A FIFO special file can also be shared by a number of
processes that were not created by forks. A FIFO special file can be written into
and read by the same process using multiple threads.
FIFO special files can be shared between systems that use shared file systems.
For more information about shared file systems, see Chapter 7, “Sharing file
systems in a sysplex,” on page 173.
A program creates a FIFO special file with a mkfifo command or a mkfifo()
function. The name is maintained in the file system until the named pipe is
deleted by an rm command or an unlink() function.
v A UNIX domain socket address file represents socket addresses in the UNIX
These files cannot be shared in read/write mode among systems participating in
a shared file system in a sysplex.

152 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

To prepare for using AF_UNIX (local) sockets, the AF_UNIX physical file system
(PFS) creates a socket address file in the file hierarchy during the bind() function
call. The files are defined as specified by the program that calls bind() and are
typically in the user's home directory, the root directory, or in /tmp.
Because they are part of the file system, be careful not to delete any of these
socket address files by accident. If you do delete them, programs will not be
able to connect to or send datagrams to the program that created the file.

Pipes and FIFO special files are created by programs and users; character special
files are typically created by the system programmer.

Pseudoterminal files
Pseudoterminals (pseudo-TTYs) are used by users and applications to gain access
to the shell. A pseudo-TTY is a pair of character special files, a master file and a
corresponding slave file. The master file is used by a networking application such
as OMVS or rlogin. The corresponding slave file is used by the shell or the user's
process to read and write terminal data.

The convention for the names of the pseudo-TTY pair is:

v /dev/ptypNNNN for the master (major 1)
v /dev/ttypNNNN for the slave (major 2)

The NNNN is between 0000 and one less than the MAXPTYS value in the
BPXPRMxx member.

When a user enters the TSO/E OMVS command or logs in using rlogin or telnet to
initialize a shell, the system selects an available pair of these files. The pair
represents the connection. The maximum number of pairs is 10000. You can specify
an appropriate number of pairs in the MAXPTYS parameter; see “MAXPTYS” on
page 34.

The default controlling terminal can be accessed through the /dev/tty special file
(major 3). This file is defined the first time the system is IPLed.

Pseudo-TTY files are dynamically created by the system when they are first

Null file
The null file, /dev/null, (major 4, minor 0) is analogous to an MVS DUMMY data
set. Data written to this file is discarded. The standard null file, named /dev/null,
is created the first time the system is IPLed, or when referenced, if it does not exist

Zero file
The zero file, /dev/zero (major 4, minor 1), is similar to /dev/null in that data
written to this file is discarded, but when the file is read from, it provides an
inexhaustible supply of binary zeros. The standard zero file, named /dev/zero, is
created the first time the system is IPLed or when referenced, if it does not exist

Random number files

The random number files, /dev/random and /dev/urandom (major 4, minor 2)
provide cryptographically-secure random output that was generated from the

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 153

available cryptographic hardware. The foundation of this random number
generation is a time-variant input with a very low probability of recycling.

Requirement: In order to use these device files, Integrated Cryptographic Service

Facility (ICSF) must be started, and the cryptographic hardware is required,
depending on the model of the server. For more information about the
requirements, see the usage notes for the Random Number Generate callable
service in z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator's Guide.

The hardware is designed to produce 8-byte random numbers but any amount of
data might be read. Reads will fail if ICSF or the hardware is not available or if
any addresses passed are invalid. Reads will not block. Data written to these
devices will be ignored without being referenced.

These files are created whenever the system is started or when referenced if they
do not exist. The default permissions are 666, RW-RW-RW-. You can change these
permissions with chmod or by explicitly defining the devices with mknod.

Rules: Note these rules:

v To read from these devices, the user must be authorized to use ICSF, or ICSF
must have been started with the CHECKAUTH(NO) option.
v For specific authority, if the CSFRNG resource in the CSFSERV class has been
protected, then the user must be permitted to the CSFRNG profile.

File descriptor files

A file descriptor file, /dev/fdn or /def/fd/n (major 5, minor n) is used to refer to the
same file as a previously opened file, as indicated by file descriptor n. If file n is a
regular file or a character special file, the open for /dev/fdn or dev/fd/n will be
done as a real open of the file with file descriptor n. Otherwise, the dup protocol
will be used for that open.

When naming file descriptor file, the n in /dev/fdn or /dev/fd/n is the same as the
minor number. The minor number determines which file descriptor number to
duplicate. For example, opening /dev/fd1 creates a file descriptor that is a
duplicate of file descriptor 1. This might be useful for a program that expects a file
name for output, but you might want it to write its output to stdout instead.

/dev/fdn files are used by c89 to avoid the name-length limitations imposed by the
DD statement PATH parameter.

Use of c89 assumes that you follow the naming conventions for file descriptor files.

File descriptor files are created dynamically as needed by the system when they
are first referenced.

UNIX domain socket name special file

A path name specifies the socket address for a UNIX domain socket. The path
name is assigned by the application programmer. There is no convention for the
name. The operating system creates the file (major 6).

System console files

The following are system console files:
v /dev/console (major 9, minor 0). Data written to the /dev/console file is sent to
the console and is displayed in message BPXF024I by means of a

154 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

write-to-operator function. This message also contains the user ID of the process
that wrote to the console. It is automatically created the first time the system is
IPLed and is created with minor number 0.
v /dev/operlog (major 9, minor 1). This device file is intended for the syslog
daemon. Data written to the /dev/operlog file is sent directly to the sysplex
message log, OPERLOG, which must be active, and is displayed in message
BPXF060I. For each write operation to /dev/operlog, the first character is
removed from the message and used as a message indicator code with the
following values:
'00'x The message originated on a remote system.
'80'x The message originated on the local system.

Messages written to /dev/operlog that are not properly formatted results in an

error return code with EINVAL as the errno.
Using /dev/operlog is a quick way of logging messages.

Handling file system failures

If the file system fails, the operator must take several steps to restore it. See “File
system failure” on page 312 for this information.

Restoring the root file system

If the physical file system owning the root fails, all work in progress when a
failure occurs is lost, and it must be restarted from the beginning.

Unmounting and remounting a root file system is disruptive to the system. Any
work in progress must be undubbed and redubbed.

Rule: The person who restores a failed root file system or an unmounted root file
system must be a superuser who is defined with a home directory of / (root).

Recovering from file system problems with the root

If the root file system becomes corrupted, you can restore to the last known good
copy and IPL the system, or you can avoid doing an IPL by following the steps
described in this topic. This procedure, while it does not require an IPL, is
disruptive to all UNIX processes. For example, any work that depends on TCP/IP
will be affected.

Tip: If your file system becomes full, you can follow the generic recovery
procedure described in z/OS Problem Management.

Steps for recovering from file system problems with the root
Before you begin: You need to have a terminal that does not depend on TCP/IP,
and the user ID doing the unmounts must be defined as UID(0) or have
appropriate privileges under UNIXPRIV.

Perform the following steps to recover from file system problems with the root.
1. List the applications that are running. Issue:
2. Bring down all the processes listed, except for BPXOINIT.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 155

3. Make sure that all the processes except for BPXOINIT have been shut down.

The display will look like the following:

BPXO040I 07.31.14 DISPLAY OMVS 017
IBMUSER BPXOINIT 0013 1 0 MR---B 07.21.27 .034
SERVER=Init Process AF= 0 MF=00000 TYPE=FILE

4. Identify the file systems that are mounted.
Result: You will see a display that shows the mounted file systems.
5. Unmount the file systems by using the TSO/E ISHELL command.
Rule: The root file system must be unmounted last and you must use the
IMMEDIATE option when unmounting the root file system. After the root has
been unmounted, the mount table should show SYSROOT.
6. Check the display again.
Result: You should see a display similar to the following:
BPXO044I 10.38.16 DISPLAY OMVS 054

7. Follow your recovery actions for the root file system.
8. Mount the root.
Example: From TSO READY or ISPF Option 6, issue:
Result: The root is mounted at / in read/write mode. If your root is read-only,
add MODE(READ) to the MOUNT FILESYSTEM command.
9. Mount the individual file systems at their respective mount points by using
the TSO/E ISHELL command.
Tip: To determine the output from the first D OMVS,F command, or the
BPXPRMxx member that you IPL with.
10. After the file systems are mounted (check by issuing D OMVS,F again), have a
superuser (UID=0) enter the shell and issue /etc/rc from the prompt to run the
shell initialization script.

156 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

11. Follow your procedures to restart other applications (such as TCP/IP, NFS,
FTP, and WebServer) and confirm that all functions are working.

You know you are done when you have rebuilt the z/OS UNIX environment and
all functions are working.

Installing service into the z/OS UNIX file system

Some customers install service in response to a particular problem that they
experience; some customers install service to prevent problems from occurring.
This latter method is called preventive service. In either case, service is installed into
the file system in a way similar to how it is installed into MVS data sets. This topic
describes how to install service.

To install service, system programmers create a copy of the system that they are
migrating from onto another pack. Sometimes the system that they are migrating
from is the active production-level system, called the driving system. This new copy
is called the target system. The DDDEFs or the DD statements in the cataloged
procedure that is used when applying service are updated to point to the libraries
on the target system. When service is applied, updates are made to the target

After service is installed, the new target libraries are tested, and if successful, are
put into production as the new driving system.

As you prepare to install service into the file system, keep the following facts in
v There is only one file hierarchy active at any given time. You might have
multiple file systems on your system. But z/OS UNIX does not recognize them
unless they are mounted at a directory (mount point) within the file hierarchy.
v If you install service directly on the production file system, you will copy new
load modules over existing ones. This causes potential tracking and system-level
problems. Therefore, you should create a copy of the production file system
before installing service.
In most cases, you will copy the root file system. However, you can use this
same concept to duplicate other production file systems that are mounted in the
file hierarchy or in individual directories. For help copying the root file system,
see “Copying the file system” on page 144.
This new copy must be mounted at a directory (mount point) within the active
file hierarchy. The directories in the newly mounted file system will be the target
libraries when installing service.
v The distribution libraries for elements installing into the file system are still
partitioned data sets.

Installing service into the file system involves the following steps. In these steps,
the new file system is called the service file system. The first two steps are shown in
Figure 18 on page 159.
1. Create a clone of the system that you are migrating from. This includes copying
all necessary partitioned data sets and file systems. A number of utilities such
as IEBCOPY or DFSMSdss can be used to copy partitioned data sets.
2. With a superuser ID, mount the service file system at a mount point within the
active file hierarchy. To do this, first create a directory (mount point) for the
/service directory:

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 157

a. Issue the TSO MKDIR command and create a directory called /service:
MKDIR ’/service’
b. Issue the TSO/E MOUNT command to mount the service file system to the
root file system.
c. At this time, the /service directory has permission bits of 755. This prevents
unauthorized users from corrupting the service file system.
3. Change the DDDEFs or DD statements used by the SMP/E cataloged
procedure to point to the new target directories. For example, the DDDEFs
must now point to /service/bin/IBM instead of to /bin/IBM.

Note: With SMP/E, you can perform the ZONEEDIT function for all
directories. You no longer need to change individual DDDEFs for directories
Also change the VOLSER information of the DDDEFs or DD statements for the
partitioned data sets.
4. Install the service.
5. Test out the new target libraries.
6. After the target libraries have been successfully tested, you can move them into
production. To replace the original file system with the service file system,
using either one of the following methods:
v Use DFSMSDss DUMP and RESTORE to copy the service file system to the
original file system.
v Unmount the original file system. Next, unmount the service file system
from /service and mount it on the original file system mount point. This step
might require changes to the BPXPRMxx member. A reIPL is also required.
7. Keep the target system SYSRES and the target system file system synchronized,
because service might affect both files into the file system and members of the
partitioned data set. Make both the target system SYSRES and the target file
available at the same time.

Example of installing service

Figure 18 on page 159 shows a target system that was created by making a copy of
the driving system on another pack and by making a copy of the root file system.
The root file system is copied into another file system and is mounted within the
file hierarchy. In this example, it is mounted to the /service directory.

158 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning


(Copy of the
Driving Target driving system)
System COPY System

Root file system


(The target system

is an exact copy
of the root file system

Figure 18. Preparation for installing service

The DDDEFs or the DD statements used by the cataloged procedure when

applying service must point to the target system.

Example: The following example shows sample DDDEFs pointing to new target

SFSUMBIN DD PATH=’/service/bin/IBM’

Transporting the file system from the driving system to the

target system
It is possible to install products and service on one system and then transport this
system image to the rest of their enterprise. Using the DFSMSdss DUMP and
RESTORE utilities, you can dump individual product libraries or full volumes,
transport them to other systems, and restore them.

However, because the individual file systems that make up the active file hierarchy
might be on SMS-managed volumes, there are some special considerations for
making a transportable copy:
v You can dump each file system to be transported into individual sequential data
sets using the DFSMSdss dump utility. These sequential data sets contain all the
necessary information about the files and can also exist with other product
libraries that need to be transported.
v After the system image has been transported to the target system, you can
restore individual product libraries or full volumes using the DFSMSdss restore
v After the data sets have been unloaded on the target system, you can use the
DFSMSdss restore utility to restore the sequential data sets into individual file
systems. These file systems will make up the active file hierarchy on the target

Using the process just outlined, you can duplicate system images across the

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 159

This process is also known as using a “one-pack system.” A one-pack system
consists of one logical SYSRES volume.

See z/OS DFSMSdss Storage Administrationfor information about dumping HFS data

Making changes to /etc and /var

Because /etc and /var are symbolic links, and not directories, this difference
affects how you install service and make updates when doing a system replace.
Use the procedures in this topic if the installation process must create one or more
directories, or you would like to copy files from one /etc or /var file system to
another/etc or /var file system.

The /etc file system is the location for your own customization data for products.
You set up the /etc files and you maintain their content. The /var file system is
the location for IBM product information, that is created, used, and maintained by
IBM products.IBM products might create directories under /etc or /var during
installation, but IBM does not create files under /etc or /var during SMP/E
installation. Because IBM products do not create files into /etc or /var, there is no
possibility that SMP/E installation of an IBM product or service will overlay your
own files within /etc or /var.

Because /etc and /var are symbolic links, not directories, they cannot receive
product or service code. If you are installing service or products that must write to
/etc or /var, you need to change /etc or /var to a directory, install the code, and
then change /etc or /var back to a symbolic link. The sample JCL for those tasks
are in SYS1.SAMPLIB; they are:
1. Mount a clone of the system that you are installing into the /service mount
2. Run the sample job BPXISETD to convert the /service/etc and /service/var
symbolic links to directories. Pass the /service parameter to the REXX exec.
Optionally, you can use BPXISJCL to submit the job in the background.
3. Mount the clone of the serviceETC.HFS of the system you need to service at
/service/etc. For /var directory updates, mount the clone of serviceVAR.HFS
of the system you need to service at /service/var.
4. Install the service, which might include running REXX execs that create
directories under /service/etc or /service/var. At this point, you can copy
/etc files from an existing file system's /etc to /service/etc, if you wanted to
bring forward any configuration files, and change them properly.
5. Unmount the /etc after everything is installed from /service/etc. Unmount
the /var after everything is installed from /service/var.
6. Run the sample job BPXISETS to convert the /etc and /var back to symbolic
links at /service/etc and /service/var, respectively.


If you are mounting a maintenance file system named MAINT.ETC at a symbolic

link (/service/etc) that points to the /SYSTEM/etc mount point where the active
file system (PROD.ETC) is mounted, you must convert the symbolic link to a
directory first.

Guideline: While you can mount on a symbolic link that points to a directory, you
must make sure that the mount point that your symbolic link is pointing to is not
still mounted on by the original /etc file system.

160 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

For information on how to migrate the /etc and /var file systems during a system
replace, see z/OS V2.1 Migration "Migrate /etc and /var system control files

Installing products into the file system

When you install other products into the file system, create new directories where
the files associated with the new product will be installed. You might also need to
create a new file system for the new product and mount it to a new directory.

To help you decide how many file systems you need, see the information about
product sets in the topic that discusses placing data sets on specific volumes in
z/OS Planning for Installation.

The procedures in this topic apply to those installing products into the /etc file
system on a production system.

Because /etc is a symbolic link, it cannot receive product or service code. You need
to run jobs that change /etc to a directory, install the code, and change /etc back to
a symbolic link. The jobs you use are in SYS1.SAMPLIB.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Mount a clone of the root file system at the /service mount point.
2. Run the sample job BPXISETD to convert the /etc symbolic link to a directory.
Pass the /etc as a parameter to the REXX exec.
Optionally, you can use BPXISJCL to submit the job in the background.
3. Mount the /etc file system.
4. Install the products or service.
5. Unmount the /etc file system after everything is installed.
6. Run the sample job BPXISETS to convert the /etc back to a symbolic link.
Follow these steps each time you install code into /etc.

Chapter 5. Managing the z/OS UNIX file system 161

162 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 6. Using the automount facility
The automount facility automatically mounts file systems at the time they are
accessed. It manages the creation of the mount point and the mount of the user file
system for you. Whenever someone accesses a directory managed by the
automount facility, the mount is issued automatically.

Using the automount facility provides the following advantages:

v It is easier to manage file systems. You do not need to mount most file systems
at initialization. You also do not need to request that operators perform mounts
for other file systems. It is easier to add new users because you can keep your
parmlib specification stable. You can establish a simple automount policy to
manage user home directories.
v Resources are not consumed until they are requested. A file system that is
managed by the automount facility remains unmounted until its mount point is
v You can reclaim system resources used by a mount if that file system has not
been used for a period of time. You can specify how long the file system should
remain mounted after its last use.

You can use the automount facility for the zFS and HFS file systems in addition to
other file system such as NFS.

Restriction: If you are using system-specific security labels, do not use the
automount facility.

Automounting both HFS and zFS file systems

You can use a single automount policy to manage both HFS and zFS file systems
in the same managed directory. An automount policy specifies the file systems that
are to be mounted by the automount facility.

For more information about the automount command, see z/OS UNIX System
Services Command Reference.

You can use IBM Health Checker for z/OS to check the file system configuration.
It is a base function that provides a foundation to help simplify and automate the
identification of potential configuration problems before they affect system
availability. It compares active values and settings to those suggested by IBM or
defined by your installation. For more information about IBM Health Checker for
z/OS, see Chapter 21, “IBM Health Checker for z/OS,” on page 427.

Automounting NFS file systems

You can use the automount facility for Network File System (NFS). For information
about the parameter requirements for NFS client mounts, see z/OS Network File
System Guide and Reference.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 163

Automounting in a shared file system
The most recent automount policy that was loaded prevails for all the systems
participating in a shared file system.

Tip: Keep automount policies consistent across systems.

The default delay time for automount is 10 minutes. Do not use a value less than
10. You can use the USS_AUTOMOUNT_DELAY check provided by IBM Health
Checker for z/OS to verify the setting of the delay time. For more information
about IBM Health Checker, see IBM Health Checker for z/OS: User's Guide.

How does the automount facility work?

You create an automount policy that specifies directories containing only mount
points, which is the recommended method of managing file systems. An automount
policy specifies the file systems that are to be mounted by the automount facility.
As each mount point is accessed, an appropriate file system is mounted. The
mount point directories are created as they are required. If the file system is no
longer used, the mount point directories are deleted.

Think of the automount facility as an administrator that has total control over a
directory. When a name is accessed in this directory, the automount facility checks
the automount policy for the file system that is supposed to be associated with that
name. Then it performs a mkdir followed by a mount and moves out of the way.
Now the root directory of that newly mounted file system can be accessed as that

For example, suppose that you had created the USER1 directory with the mkdir
command. If you had set up the automount facility and put the automount policy
in place, you would not have needed to do that. The USER1 directory would have
been dynamically created and the OMVS.USER1 data set automatically mounted at
the /u/user1 mount point.

Later, if the /u/user1 file system was not accessed based on certain criteria in your
automount policy, the OMVS.USER1 data set is automatically unmounted and the
USER1 directory removed.

The automount facility will not manage any directory until it can process the entire
policy without encountering any errors.

You can use a prefilter by updating the automount master file to include the name
of the filter utility. For more information, see the automount description in z/OS
UNIX System Services Command Reference.

The automount file system is mounted with an automove attribute of either

AUTOMOVE or UNMOUNT. The automove attribute is set to UNMOUNT only
when its parent file system has its automove attribute set to UNMOUNT.

If the automount policy is loaded, you will get a return code of 0. A nonzero
return code indicates that the policy was not loaded.

Setting up the automount facility

You need to customize the configuration files before you can start using the
automount facility.

164 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v The /etc/auto.master file must contain the directory or directories that the
automount facility will monitor.
v The MapName file must have entries for the mapping between the subdirectory
of a directory managed by the automount facility and the mount parameters. For
an example of a MapName file, see “MapName.”

You can also refer to the automount command in z/OS UNIX System Services
Command Reference for more information about both files.

Restriction: File system name templates using symbol symbolics cannot be more
than 44 characters long. Symbolics used for the automount facility (&SYSNAME.,
<asis_name>, <us_name>) are resolved within automount as part of checking the
length of the file system name template.

The /etc/auto.master file contains the directory or directories that the automount
facility will monitor. It also contains an associated MapName file that contains the
mount parameters.

Figure 19 is an example of a /etc/auto.master file. It specifies that the automount

facility is to manage the /u directory. If someone using kernel services tries to
access a directory in the /u directory, the automount facility automatically mounts
the data set based on the MapName policy in Figure 20 on page 166.

/u /etc/u.map

Figure 19. Example of an /etc/auto.master file. It is named /etc/u.map.

The name of the map file can be specified as a data set name. The data set name
must be specified as a fully qualified name and can be uppercase or lowercase.
Single quotation marks are not needed. For example:
/u //sys1.parmlib(amtmapu)

The MapName file contains the mapping between a subdirectory of a directory
managed by the automount facility and the mount parameters. It can contain both
specific entries and a generic entry. When the automount facility tries to resolve a
lookup request, it attempts to find a specific entry. If a specific entry does not exist
for the name being looked up, it will then attempt to use the generic entry.

Tip: The MapName file can contain only one generic entry, and it has to be the
first entry in the MapName file. When using generic entries, you should have a
consistent naming criterion. The file system in Figure 20 on page 166 has a
high-level qualifier of OMVS, and the lower level qualifier is equal to the user ID.

Figure 20 on page 166 shows an example of a MapName file. It contains the mount
parameters for the user directories.

Chapter 6. Using the automount facility 165

name *
type ZFS
filesystem OMVS.&SYSNAME.<uc_name>
mode rdwr
duration nolimit
delay 10
setuid no | yes

Figure 20. Example of a generic entry in a MapName file, /etc/u/map

In the example, &SYSNAME. represents the system name while <uc_name> specifies
that the name being looked up is to be represented in uppercase. The automount
facility creates a directory containing that name and uses it as a mount point for
the file system to be mounted. You can use <uc_name> to replace any level qualifier.
For example, if the name of the directory that is being looked up is USER1, the
automount facility will resolve the name in the following ways:
OMVS. <uc_name> = OMVS.USER1
OMVS. <uc_name>.ZFS = OMVS.USER1.ZFS

For a complete list of supported keywords, see the automount command in z/OS
UNIX System Services Command Reference.

Security considerations for the automount policy

In the MapName file, the setuid keyword specifies whether to support or ignore
the setuid or setgid mode bits on executable files loaded from the file system. The
default is yes.

For security reasons, consider specifying "setuid no" . If you do, then the setuid
and setgid flags in the permission bits are ignored, as well as the program control
extended attribute (+p) and the APF-authorized extended attribute (+a). Consider
the following:
v UNIX files and directories are contained in MVS data sets.
v UNIX users using these files and directory do not need access to these MVS data
sets. Only the kernel and your storage administrators need access to the data
v If you give the users direct access to the MVS data sets by giving them
UPDATE access in a RACF profile protecting the data sets, or by naming the
data sets with the user ID as the HLQ, and you do not specify "setuid no" when
mounting, you have a security exposure.

Using map files from other systems

If you have been using a map file on another system and want to use it on z/OS
UNIX, you will have to use a conversion utility to reformat it. If you want to use a
map file with syntax different from that supported by z/OS UNIX, such as a map
file from another type of system, you can implement a conversion utility that
converts the file to syntax supported by z/OS UNIX. Then you can direct the
automount utility to run it and use the output of your conversion utility as the
map file. For more information, see the automount command in z/OS UNIX System
Services Command Reference..

Steps for setting up the automount facility

Before you begin: You must have a superuser ID in order to activate the
automount facility from the shell.

Perform the following steps to set up the automount facility.

1. Add the following statement to your BPXPRMxx parmlib member.

166 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

2. Either restart z/OS UNIX or issue SETOMVS RESET to activate the automount
3. Customize the /etc/auto.master file. For more information about the
/etc/auto.master file, see “/etc/auto.master” on page 165 and z/OS UNIX
System Services Command Reference.
Guideline: You should set the permission bits so that the file is protected from
write by ordinary users like other system files. The files should be owned by
UID(0) and have write permission only for owner, such as 644. If the group for
the file is a properly restricted group, 664 would also be appropriate.
4. Customize the MapName file
5. Activate the automount facility from the shell. You can activate the automount
facility in one of two ways. Base your choice on your particular situation.
Table 16. Ways of starting the automount facility. This table lists the ways of starting the
automount facility (from the shell and during initialization)
If you want to start the Then . . .
automount facility . . .
From the shell Issue:
Rule: You must have a superuser
ID. If the automount facility was started from the shell, do
not submit any job that requires an automount-managed
file system until automount initialization is complete.
During initialization Add the following lines to the /etc/rc file:
# Start the automount facility

If the automount has been started from /etc/rc, do not

submit jobs that require an automount-managed file
system before you get the message BPXI004I, or they
may fail due to allocation errors.

Tips: When working with the automount facility:

v If arguments are not used, the automount facility reads the /etc/auto.master
and MapName files. If a master file name is specified, that file name is used
instead of /etc/auto.master.
v The -s option only checks the syntax of the configuration file. The automount
policy is not activated.
v Use the -a option if you want to append the new automount policy to the
original policy instead of replacing it. It is mutually exclusive with the -q

When you are done, you have activated the automount facility.

Chapter 6. Using the automount facility 167

What happens when you start the automount facility from the
Figure 21 shows what happens when the automount facility is started from the
shell. It shows how file systems are automatically mounted. To access the shell,
type OMVS from ISPF option 6.

# df
Mounted on Filesystem Avail/Total Files Status
/ (OMVS.ROOT) 1432/89280 0 Available
# /usr/sbin/automount 1
FOMF0107I Processing file /etc/u.map
FOMF0108I Managing directory /u 2
# df 3
Mounted on Filesystem Avail/Total Files Status
/u (*AMD/u) 0/8 0 Available
/ (OMVS.ROOT) 1432/89280 0 Available
# cd /u/user1 4
# cd /u/slekka/testdir 4
# cd /u/rpetri 4
# df 5
Mounted on Filesystem Avail/Total Files Status
/u (*AMD/u) 0/8 0 Available
/u/rpetri (OMVS.RPETRI) 4256/4320 0 Available
/u/slekka (OMVS.SLEKKA) 4232/4320 0 Available
/u/user1 (OMVS.USER1) 4232/4320 0 Available
/ (OMVS.ROOT) 1432/89280 0 Available
# ls -l /u 6
Total 496
drwxr-xr-x 2 RPETRI OMVSGRP 0 Nov 2 09:59 rpetri
drwxr-xr-x 2 SLEKKA OMVSGRP 0 Nov 1 09:47 slekka
drwx------ 2 ADMIN OMVSGRP 0 Nov 7 09:07 user1
# chown user1 /u/user1 7
# ls -l /u 8
Total 496
drwxr-xr-x 2 RPETRI OMVSGRP 0 Nov 2 09:59 rpetri
drwxr-xr-x 2 SLEKKA OMVSGRP 0 Nov 1 09:47 slekka
drwx------ 2 USER1 OMVSGRP 0 Nov 7 09:07 user1


ESC=¢ 1=Help 2=SubCmd 3=HlpRetrn 4=Top 5=Bottom 6=TSO

7=BackScr 8=Scroll 9=NextSess 10=Refresh 11=FedRetr 12=Retrieve

Figure 21. Follow-up steps when using the automount facility

v 1 The automount command is being issued from a superuser ID to start the
automount facility from the shell.
v 2 The automount facility scans the /etc/auto.master file first to see what
MapName file or files should be read. Here, the /u directory is being managed.
Calling the automount command twice by mistake does not cause problems
regardless of whether a file system is already mounted. The automount facility
reads the /etc/auto.master file and associated MapName file or files again and
then picks up any changes.
v 3 The display free space command (df) is issued. It shows that the automount
facility has been started and is managing the /u directory. Notice the (*AMD/u).
v 4 Change directory (cd) commands are issued to access directories in the three
file systems that are to be mounted from the /u directory. In this case, the
directories USER1, RPETRI, and SLEKKA are used to resolve the <uc_name>
168 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
symbol in the /etc/u.map file. The RPETRI, SLEKKA, and USER1 directory
names are translated to uppercase and substituted to build the data set names
SLEKKA, and USER1 directories do not physically exist in any file system but
will be created as pseudo mount points by the automount facility on which the
HFS data sets OMVS.RPETRI, OMVS.SLEKKA, and OMVS.USER1 are mounted.
v 5 Output from another df command shows that (*AMD/u) is managing the /u
directory. It also shows that the OMVS.RPETRI, OMVS.SLEKKA and
OMVS.USER1 data sets are now mounted at pseudo mount points /u/rpetri,
/u/slekka, and /u/user1, respectively.
When automount is actively managing a particular mount point (in this case /u)
you cannot add a file to this directory (/u) or create a new subdirectory off the
/u directory using the mkdir command. If you try, you will see an allocation or
catalog error.
v 6 The ls -l /u command is issued against the /u directory and the directory
attributes are displayed.
v 7 The chown is issued to change the ownership of /u/user1 directory from
v 8 The ls -l /u command is issued again to show that the owner field of the
/u/user1 directory is now set to USER1.

Figure 21 on page 168 shows how <uc_name> works with the /etc/auto.master and
/etc/u.map files from Figure 19 on page 165. The OMVS.RPETRI, OMVS.SLEKKA
and OMVS.USER1 data sets have already been allocated. The low-level qualifier of
the data sets is the user ID which is also the directory mount point that automount
will dynamically allocate. With the automount facility, if a user tries to access any
directory in their file system, the data set is automatically mounted under the /u

Tips: When working with the automount facility:

v You can use specific entries for directory names when the parameters you want
to use differ from the generic entry. Any parameters that are not specified are
inherited from the generic entry. A specific entry defines a directory name called
wjs in the name parameter of the MapName file rather than an * as shown in
Figure 22 on page 170.
In this example, the duration for generic mounts is set to unmount idle file
systems after 60 minutes. But in this specific mount entry, idle file systems will
stay mounted indefinitely. Also, a specific file system is specified because the file
system name does not conform to the format in the generic entry. All other
attributes are inherited from the generic entry.
v To display the current automount policy, issue
/usr/sbin/automount -q
v You can specify the allocation parameters when using automount to allocate a
data set. The specifications for the automount map file have keywords that you
can use to specify allocation keywords.

1. When a new file system of the type HFS is created and allocated to a new user,
the owner UID and GID are based on that user. The setting of the permission
bits is 700. By default, the automount process uses the UID and GID of the user
ID that owns the process. If the euid keyword is specified for allocany or
allocuser, the thread level UID and GID are used instead.

Chapter 6. Using the automount facility 169

2. When a new file system of the type ZFS is created and allocated to a new user,
the owner UID and GID are based on that user. The setting of the permission
bits is 750. By default, the automount process uses the UID and GID of the user
ID that owns the process. If the euid keyword is specified for allocany or
allocuser, the thread level UID and GID are used instead.

Naming specific directories

Given the /etc/auto.master and /etc/u.map files as shown in Figure 22, whenever
the directory /u/wjs is referred to by a command such as cd or cp, the automount
facility mounts the OMVS.WJS.HFS data set.

------ /etc/auto.master ------

/u /etc/u.map

------ /etc/u.map ---------

name *
type HFS
filesystem OMVS.<uc_name>
mode rdwr
duration 60
delay 10
name wjs
filesystem OMVS.WJS.HFS
duration nolimit

Figure 22. Specific entry in a MapName file

Restrictions: For generic and specific entries:

v Do not use a / in front of the name of the directory to be mounted in a specific
entry in a MapName file. For example, in /etc/u.map, the following is correct:
name wjs

But the following is not correct:

name /wjs
v The directory name and the data set name qualifier for the data set which is
replaced by the variable <uc_name> must be the same. Otherwise you will
receive such error messages as:
DC129I No such file or directory
EDC515I Dynamic allocation error

Changing which file systems are automounted

The automount facility is a physical file system (PFS) that is started with a
FILESYSTYPE statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. After the PFS is
started, the automount facility manages the policy that you make active by using
the /usr/sbin/automount command. You can change the automount policy at any
time, although you cannot set it to null. To change it, update the automount
configuration files (/etc/auto.master and MyMap). Then activate that configuration
with the /usr/sbin/automount command.

170 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Stopping the automount facility
You cannot stop the automount facility after it has been started. Instead, change
the automount configuration files (/etc/auto.master and MyMap) so that the
automount facility is set to manage a dummy directory. Then activate that
configuration with the /usr/sbin/automount command. Or you can simply
unmount any *AMD/ file system.

Chapter 6. Using the automount facility 171

172 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex
Some terms were changed in V1R7.
v The term "shared HFS” was renamed to “shared file system”.
v The term "root HFS” was changed to "root file system”.
v The term "version HFS” was changed to "version file system”.

You will read about the shared file system capability in a multisystem sysplex
environment. It is assumed that you already have completed the other setup
activities for a sysplex environment. You will learn about the shared file system
concept, the different file systems that exist in a sysplex, and how to establish that

Although it is suggested that you exploit shared file system support when running
in a sysplex environment, you are not required to do so. If you choose not to, you
will continue to share file systems as you have before. To see how the file system
structure has changed to support the shared file system environment, even when
running on a single system, see “Illustrating file systems in single system and
sysplex environments” on page 175.

z/OS Parallel Sysplex Test Report describes how IBM's integration test team
implemented a shared file system.

Use the IBM Health Checker for z/OS to check the file system configuration, as
described in Chapter 21, “IBM Health Checker for z/OS,” on page 427.

What does shared file system mean?

By establishing the shared file system environment, sysplex users can access data
throughout the file hierarchy from any system in the sysplex.

The best way to describe the benefit of this function is by comparing what was the
file system sharing capability prior to the introduction of shared file system
support with the capability that exists now. Consider a sysplex that consists of two
systems, SY1 and SY2:
v Users logged onto SY1 can write to the directories on SY1. For users on SY1 to
make a change to file systems mounted on SY2's /u directory, they would have
to log onto SY2.
v The system programmer who makes configuration changes for the sysplex needs
to change the entries in the /etc file systems for SY1 and SY2. To make the
changes for both systems, the system programmer must log onto each system.

With shared file system support, all file systems that are mounted by a system
participating in a shared file system are available to all participating systems. In
other words, once a file system is mounted by a participating system, that file
system is accessible by any other participating system. It is not possible to mount a
file system so that it is restricted to just one of those systems. Consider a sysplex
that consists of two systems, SY1 and SY2:
v A user logged onto any system can make changes to file systems mounted on /u,
and those changes are visible to all systems.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 173

v The system programmer who manages maintenance for the sysplex can change
entries in both /etc file systems from either system.

The term participating group is used to identify those systems that belong to the
same SYSBPX XCF sysplex group and have followed the required installation and
migration activities to participate in a shared file system.

There is also greater availability of data in case of system outage, and a greater
flexibility for data placement and the ability for a single BPXPRMxx member to
define all the file systems in the sysplex.

How the end user views the shared file system

You will read about the kinds of file systems and data sets that support the shared
file system capability in the sysplex. Figure 23 shows that, to the end users, the
logical view of the hierarchical file system does not change. From their point of
view, accessing files and directories in the system is just the same. That is true for
all end users, whether they are in a sysplex or not.

u bin usr lib opt samples SYSTEM dev tmp var etc

booksrv tcpip
Figure 23. Logical view of a shared file system for the end user

This logical view applies to the end user only. However, system programmers need
to know that the illustration of directories found in Figure 23 does not reflect the
physical view of file systems. For example, some of the directories are actually
symbolic links, as is described in the following information.

Summary of various file systems in a shared environment

This topic introduces the various file systems and terms needed to use the shared
file system support. Table 17 summarizes the file systems that are needed in a
sysplex environment. As you study the illustrations of file system configurations,
you can refer back to this table.
Table 17. Various file systems that exist in a sysplex. This table lists a summary of the various file systems in a
shared environment
Name Characteristics Purpose How created
Sysplex root It contains directories and The sysplex root is used by the For the zFS file system, the
symbolic links that allow system to redirect addressing user runs the BPXISYZR job.
redirection of directories. to other directories. It is very
Only one sysplex root file small and is mounted For the HFS file system, the
system is allowed for all read-only. user runs the BPXISYSR job.
systems participating in a
shared file system.

174 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 17. Various file systems that exist in a sysplex (continued). This table lists a summary of the various file
systems in a shared environment
Name Characteristics Purpose How created
System specific It contains data specific to The system-specific file system For the zFS file system, the
each system, including the is used by the system to mount user runs the BPXISYZS job on
/dev, /tmp, /var, and /etc system-specific data. It contains each participating system.
directories for one system. the necessary mount points for
There is one system-specific system-specific data and the For the HFS file system, the
file system each system symbolic links to access user runs the BPXISYSS job on
participating in a shared file sysplex-wide data, and must be each participating system.
system. mounted read/write.

When using the TSO/E

MOUNT command to set up
system-specific file systems,
specify the UNMOUNT
parameter. Then, if data sets
are replaced during a reIPL,
the new data sets will be
mounted as the original file


mount parameter to mount
zFS system-specific file
Version It contains system code and The version file system has the IBM supplies this file system
binaries, including the /bin, same purpose as the root file in the ServerPac. CBPDO users
In a sysplex, the /usr, /lib, /opt, and /samples system in the non-sysplex create the file system by
version file system is directories. IBM delivers world. It must be mounted following steps defined in the
the new name for only one version root; you read-only. See “Mounting the Program Directory.
the root file system. might define more as you version file system” on page
add new system levels and 180 for a complete description
new maintenance levels. of the version file system.

Illustrating file systems in single system and sysplex environments

The illustrations in this section show you how the file system structures have
changed since the introduction of the shared file system support. These
illustrations build upon IBM's long-standing suggestions that you separate the
system setup parameters from the file system parameters so that each system in
the sysplex has two BPXPRMxx members: a system limits member and a file
system member.

In the shared file system environment, that separation of system limit parameters
from file system parameters is even more important. Each system will continue to
have a system limits BPXPRxx member. As you will see in sections that follow,
with shared file system support, you can have a file system BPXPRMxx member
for each participating system or you can replace those individual file system
BPXPRMxx members with a single file system BPXPRMxx member for all
participating systems.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 175

File systems in single system environments
Figure 24 shows what BPXPRMxx file system parameters would look like in a
single system environment, and Figure 25 on page 177 shows the corresponding
single system image. SYSPLEX(NO) is specified (or the default taken), and the
mount mode is read-only.

The root can be mounted either read-only or read/write.









Figure 24. BPXPRMxx parmlib member for a single system

176 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

dev $SYSNAME/dev
tmp $SYSNAME/tmp
var $SYSNAME/var
etc $SYSNAME/etc


bin dev OMVS.DEV.ZFS

usr tmp OMVS.TMP.ZFS
samples etc
u bin /bin
usr /usr
lib /lib
opt /opt
samples /samples

Figure 25. Illustration of a single system

The presence of symbolic links is transparent to the user. In the illustrations used
throughout this section, symbolic links are indicated with an arrow.

In Figure 25, the root file system contains an additional directory, /SYSTEM;
existing directories, /etc, /dev, /tmp and /var are converted into symbolic links.
These changes, however, are transparent to the user who brings up a single system

If the content of the symbolic link begins with $SYSNAME and SYSPLEX is
specified NO, then $SYSNAME is replaced with /SYSTEM when the symbolic link
is resolved.

Establishing a shared file system in a sysplex

When setting up a shared file system in a sysplex, do not assume that with shared
file systems, two systems can share a common file system for /etc, /tmp, /var, and
/dev. This is not the case. Even with shared file systems, each system must have
specific file systems for each of these mount points. The file systems are then
mounted under the system-specific file system (see Figure 34 on page 198). With
shared file system support, one system can access system-specific file systems on
another system. (The existing security model remains the same.) For example,
while logged onto SY2, you can gain read/write access to SY1's /tmp by specifying

Be aware that when SYSPLEX(YES) is specified, each FILESYSTYPE in use within

the participating group must be defined for all systems participating in a shared
file system. The easiest way to accomplish this is to create a single BPXPRMxx
member that contains file system information for each system participating in a
shared file system. If you decide to define a BPXPRMxx member for each system,
the FILESYSTYPE statements must be identical on each system. To see the
differences between having one BPXPRMxx member for all participating systems

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 177

and having one member for each participating system, see the two examples in
“Scenario 2: Multiple systems in the sysplex using the same release level” on page

In addition, facilities required for a particular file system must be initiated on all
systems in the participating group. For example, NFS requires TCP/IP; if you
specify a FILESYSTYPE of NFS, you must also initialize TCP/IP when you
initialize NFS, even if there is no network connection.

Tip: When using the TSO/E MOUNT command to set up system-specific file
systems, specify the UNMOUNT parameter. Then, if data sets are replaced during
a reIPL, the new data sets are mounted as the original file systems.

Creating the sysplex root file system

The sysplex root is a file system that is used as the sysplex-wide root. This file
system must be initially mounted read/write and designated AUTOMOVE. (See
“Customizing BPXPRMxx for a shared file system” on page 185 for a description
of the AUTOMOVE parameter in BPXPRMxx.) Only one sysplex root is allowed
for all systems participating in a shared file system.

The sysplex root is created in one of two ways:

v For the zFS file system, it is created by invoking the BPXISYZR job in
v For the HFS file system, it is created by invoking the BPXISYSR sample job in

After the job runs, the structure of a sysplex root file system would look like
Figure 26:

Sysplex root

/bin $VERSION/bin
/usr $VERSION/usr
/lib $VERSION/lib
/opt $VERSION/opt
/samples $VERSION/samples
/dev $SYSNAME/dev
/tmp $SYSNAME/tmp
/var $SYSNAME/var
/etc $SYSNAME/etc


Figure 26. What the file system structure of a sysplex root looks like

178 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

No files or code reside in the sysplex root file system. It consists of directories and
symbolic links only, and hence the size of the data set representing the sysplex root
is very small.

The sysplex root provides access to all directories. Each system in a sysplex can
access directories through the symbolic links that are provided. Essentially, the
sysplex root provides redirection to the appropriate directories.

Guideline: After you create the directories for each system-specific file system and
the version root file system, use the TSO UNMOUNT command to remount the
sysplex root as read-only. Remounting the sysplex root file system as read-only
prevents accidental corruption or full-file system problems with the sysplex root,
both of which might require a sysplex IPL to recover. Additionally, most
configurations will show improved performance if the file system is mounted as
read-only. If a new directory needs to be added to the sysplex root file system, you
can do the following tasks without disrupting the availability of the file system:
1. Use the TSO UNMOUNT command to remount the read-only file system to
read/write mode.
2. Create the new directories.
3. Remount the file system in read-only mode.

Adding a system-specific or version root file system to your

shared file system configuration
In general, the contents of the sysplex root should only change when you need a
new version root or system-specific root file system directory for your shared file
system configuration. When a system is IPLed (initialized), the mount processing
for the sysplex root file system will include defining the appropriate $SYSNAME
or $VERSION directory in the sysplex root file system if the sysplex root is
mounted as read/write. Assuming that you have the sysplex root file system
mounted as read-only, the procedure to use to create a new version root or
system-specific file system directory is as follows:
1. Use the following TSO command to change the file system from read-only to
read/write mode:
2. IPL the new system. When OMVS is initialized on the new system, the new
directories will be defined automatically. If the system is already active, you
can manually define the appropriate directories using ISHELL or the shell
mkdir command.
3. To change the file back to read-only mode, use the following TSO command:

Creating a system-specific file system

Directories in the system-specific file system are used as mount points, specifically
for /etc, /var, /tmp, and /dev.

Rule: To create the system-specific file system, you need to run the appropriate
sample job in SYS1.SAMPLIB on each participating system. In other words, you
must run the sample job separately for each system that will participate in a file
v For the zFS file system, run the BPXISYZS sample job in SYS1.SAMPLIB.
v For the HFS file system, run the BPXISYSS sample job in SYS1.SAMPLIB.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 179

After you invoke the job, the system-specific file system structure would look like
Figure 27:

System-specific file system

bin /bin
usr /usr
lib /lib
opt /opt
samples /samples


Figure 27. What the structure of a system-specific file system looks like

The system-specific file system should be mounted read/write. When specifying

MOUNT statements in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member for system-specific file
systems, specify the UNMOUNT parameter. Then, if a system is removed from the
sysplex, its file systems will be unmounted. If data sets are replaced during a
reIPL, the new data sets are mounted as the original file systems.

If the system-specific file system is a zFS file system, specify the

PARM('NORWSHARE') parameter in the BPXPRMxx MOUNT statement.
Specifying NORWSHARE reduces zFS storage requirements for the file system and
simplifies recovery flows.

Also, /etc, /var, /tmp, and /dev should be mounted similarly.

Guideline: In order to use the &SYSNAME symbolic (defined in IEASYMxx) in the

BPXPRMxx parmlib member, make sure that the name of the system-specific data
set contains the system name as one of the qualifiers.

If you mount a system-specific file system on other than the correct

(system-specific) owner, either explicitly or due to AUTOMOVE, loss of function
might occur. For example, if the system-specific file system mounted at /dev for
SY1 is moved to SY2 so that ownership is now SY2, the OMVS command on SY1
will fail.

Mounting the version file system

The version file system is the IBM-supplied root file system. To avoid confusion
with the sysplex root file system, "root file system" has been renamed to "version
file system".

Figure 28 on page 181 shows a version file system.

180 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Version file system
dev $SYSNAME/dev
tmp $SYSNAME/tmp
var $SYSNAME/var
etc $SYSNAME/etc

bin /bin
usr /usr

lib /lib
opt /opt
samples /samples

Figure 28. What a version file system looks like

Guidelines: When mounting the version file system, keep these guidelines in
1. Mount the version file system read-only in a sysplex environment, and
designate it AUTOMOVE. The mount point for the version file system is
dynamically created if the VERSION statement is used in BPXPRMxx.
2. &SYSNAME as one of the qualifiers for the version file system data set name.
In “Sysplex scenarios showing shared file system capability” on page 192, REL9
and REL9A are used as qualifiers, which correspond to the system release
levels. However, you do not necessarily have to use the same qualifiers. Other
appropriate names are the name of the target zone, &SYSR1, or another
qualifier meaningful to the system programmer.

IBM supplies the version file system in ServerPac. CBPDO users obtain the version
file system by following directions in the Program Directory. There is one version
file system for each set of systems participating in a shared file system and who
are at the same release level (that is, using the same SYSRES volume). In other
words, each version file system denotes a different level of the system or a
different service level. For example, if you have 20 systems participating in a
shared file system, and 10 of those systems are at Release 9 and the other 10 are at
Release 9A, then you'll have one version file system for the Release 9 systems and
one for the Release 9A systems. In essence, you will have as many version file
systems for the participating systems as you have different levels running.

Before you mount your version file system read-only, you might have some
element-specific actions. These are described in “Post-installation actions for
mounting the root file system in read-only mode” on page 136.

Creating a couple data set (CDS)

The TYPE(BPXMCDS) couple data set (CDS) contains the sysplex-wide mount
table and information about all participating systems, and all mounted file systems

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 181

in the sysplex. To allocate and format a TYPE(BPXMCDS) CDS, customize and
invoke the BPXISCDS sample job in SYS1.SAMPLIB. The job will create two couple
data sets: one is the primary and the other is a backup that is referred to as the
alternate. In BPXISCDS, you also specify the number of mount records that are
supported by the CDS.

Use of the CDS functions in the following manner:

1. The first system that enters the sysplex with SYSPLEX(YES) initializes the CDS
for z/OS UNIX System Services. The z/OS UNIX CDS controls shared file
system mounts and will eventually contain information about all systems
participating in the shared file system configuration.
This system processes its BPXPRMxx parmlib member, including all its ROOT
and MOUNT statement information. The MOUNT and ROOT information are
logged in the CDS so that other systems that eventually join the participating
group can read data about systems that are already using shared file system.
2. Subsequent systems joining the participating group will read what is already
logged in the CDS and will perform all mounts. Any new BPXPRMxx mounts
are processed and logged into the CDS. Systems already in the participating
group will then process the new mounts added to the CDS.

Following is the sample JCL with comments. The statements in bold contain the
values that you specify based on your environment. Place the primary and
alternate couple data sets on separate volumes.

182 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

/* Begin definition for OMVS couple data set(1) */
/* Name of the sysplex in which the OMVS couple data set is to be used.*/
/* The name and volume for the OMVS couple data set.
The utility will allocate a new data set by the name specified on the
volume specified.*/
/* Specifies the number of systems to be supported by the z/OS UNIX CDS.
Default = 8 */
/* Default is not to CATALOG */
/* The type of data in the data set being created for OMVS.


/* Specifies the number of MOUNTS that can be supported by OMVS.*/
Default = 100
Suggested minimum = 10
Suggested maximum = 35000 */
/* Specifies the number of automount rules that can be supported by OMVS.*/
Default = 50
Minimum = 50
Maximum = 5000 */

/* Begin definition for OMVS couple data set(2) */

/* Name of the sysplex in which the OMVS couple data set is to be used. */
/* The name and volume for the OMVS couple data set. The utility will
allocate a new data set by the namespecified on the volume specified. */
/* Specifies the number of systems to be supported by the z/OS UNIX CDS.
Default = 8 */
/* Default is not to CATALOG */
/* The type of data in the data set being created is for OMVS.
BPXMCDS is the TYPE for OMVS. */
/* Specifies the number of MOUNTS that can be supported by OMVS.
Default = 100
Suggested minimum = 10
Suggested maximum = 35000 */
/* Specifies the number of automount rules that can be supported by OMVS.
Default = 50
Minimum = 50
Maximum = 5000 */

AMTRULES specifies the number of automount rules that can be supported by

z/OS UNIX. It must be large enough to describe each automount-managed
directory in your automount policy. The maximum value is 5000. Generally, each
managed directory requires one AMTRULE, and each generic or specific rule for
that managed directory requires one-half of an AMTRULE. For example, an
automount policy consisting of two managed directories where the first managed
directory contains a single generic rule and the second managed directory contains
Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 183
three specific rules would require a total of four AMTRULES. The first managed
directory requires 1.5 AMTRULES and the second managed directory requires 2.5

Rule: Automount mounts must be included in the MOUNTS value. The number of
automount mounts is the expected number of concurrently mounted file systems
using the automount facility. For example, you might have specified 1000 file
systems to be automounted, but if you expect only 50 to be used concurrently, then
factor these 50 into your MOUNTS value.

For more information about setting up a z/OS system to run in a sysplex, see z/OS
MVS Setting Up a Sysplex.

The NUMBER(nnnn) specified for mounts and automount rules (a generic or

specific entry in an automount map file) is directly linked to function performance
and the size of the CDS. If maximum values are specified, the size of the CDS will
increase accordingly and the performance level for reading and updating it will

Conversely, if the NUMBER values are too small, the function (for example, the
number of mounts supported) would fail after the limit is reached. However, a
new CDS can be formatted and switched in with larger values specified in
NUMBER. To make the switch, issue the SETXCF COUPLE,PSWITCH command.
The number of file systems required (factoring in an additional number to account
for extra mounts), determines your minimum and maximum NUMBER value.

After the CDS is created, it must be identified to XCF for use by z/OS UNIX.

Updating COUPLExx to define the z/OS UNIX CDS to XCF

Update the active COUPLExx parmlib member to define a primary and alternate
z/OS UNIX couple data sets to XCF. Place the primary and alternate couple data
sets on separate volumes. (The sample JCL in “Creating a couple data set (CDS)”
on page 181 shows the primary CDS on volume 3390x1 and the secondary CDS on

Figure 29 on page 185 shows the COUPLExx parmlib member; statements that
define the CDS are in bold.

184 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

/* For all systems in any combination, up to an eightway */
COUPLE INTERVAL(60) /* 1 minute */
OPNOTIFY(60) /* 1 minute */

Figure 29. COUPLExx parmlib member

The MVS operator commands (DISPLAY XCF, SETXCF, DUMP, CONFIG, and
VARY) enable the operator to manage the z/OS UNIX CDS.

Customizing BPXPRMxx for a shared file system

You can use one BPXPRMxx member to define all the file systems in the sysplex.
Each participating system has its own BPXPRMxx member to define system limits,
but shares a common BPXPRMxx member to define the file systems for the
sysplex. The sharing is done through the use of system symbolics. Figure 32 on
page 196 shows an example of this unified member. You can also have multiple
BPXPRMxx members defining the file systems for individual systems in the
sysplex. An example of this is Figure 33 on page 197.

Tip: You can use the USS_CLIENT_MOUNTS check provided by IBM Health
Checker for z/OS to verify that, in a shared file system configuration,
sysplex-aware file systems are not function-shipping.

When setting up a shared file system in a sysplex, use the parameters described in
Table 18.
Table 18. Parameters used when setting up shared file systems in a sysplex. This table lists the parameters that are
used when setting up shared file systems in a sysplex.
Parameter What it does
SYSPLEX(YES) Indicates that this system is to participate in the shared file system configuration.
This involves joining the SYSBPX XCF group. Those systems that specify
SYSPLEX(YES) make up the systems that participate in the shared file system
configuration and are members of the SYSBPX XCF group.

If SYSPLEX(YES) is specified in the BPXPRMxx member, but the system is

initialized in XCF-local mode, either by specifying COUPLE SYSPLEX(LOCAL) in
the COUPLExx member or by specifying PLEXCFG=XCFLOCAL in the IEASYSxx
member, then the kernel will ignore the SYSPLEX(YES) value and initialize with
SYSPLEX(NO). This system will not participate in a shared file system support
after the initialization completes.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 185

Table 18. Parameters used when setting up shared file systems in a sysplex (continued). This table lists the
parameters that are used when setting up shared file systems in a sysplex.
Parameter What it does
VERSION('nnnn') Allows multiple releases and service levels of the binaries to coexist and
participate in a shared file system. nnnn is a qualifier to represent a level of the
version file system. The most appropriate values for nnnn are the name of the
target zone, &SYSR1, or another qualifier meaningful to the system programmer. A
directory with the value nnnn specified on VERSION will be dynamically created
at system initialization under the sysplex root and will be used as a mount point
for the version file system.

There is one version file system for every instance of the VERSION parameter.
More information about version file system appears in “Mounting the version file
system” on page 180.
The SYSNAME(sysname) Specifies the particular system on which a mount is to be performed. sysname is a
parameter on the MOUNT 1-to-8 alphanumeric name of the system. This system will then become the owner
statements of the file system that is mounted. The owning system must also be IPLed with

Tip: Only specify a SYSNAME() value if you want only the specified system to be
the file system owner.

The MOUNT statement is ignored during z/OS UNIX initialization processing if

SYSNAME() specifies another system. Once mounted on the specified owner, the
file system will become locally available as a client or non-owner system.

For SET OMVS and SETOMVS processing, the MOUNT statement is processed
and the MOUNT is function-shipped to the system specified by SYSNAME(). If
SYSNAME() is used with a value other than &SYSNAME. then there should not
be any subsequent parmlib MOUNT statements that specify a MOUNTPOINT()
with a path name that includes a directory in this file system

The SYSNAME parameter is also used with SETOMVS when moving file systems,
as demonstrated in “Moving file systems in a sysplex” on page 204.
The AUTOMOVE, Indicate what happens to the file system if the system that owns that file system
NOAUTOMOVE, and goes down. Note that the system list form of the AUTOMOVE parameter only
UNMOUNT parameters on the applies to the MOUNT statement, and not to the ROOT statement.
ROOT and MOUNT statements v AUTOMOVE without a system list specifies that ownership of the file system is
automatically moved to another system. It is the default.
v AUTOMOVE with a system list (SYSLIST) indicates which systems the file
system should or should not be moved to when the owning system leaves the
v NOAUTOMOVE specifies that the file system will not be moved if the owning
system goes down and the file system is not accessible.
v UNMOUNT specifies that the file system will be unmounted when the system
leaves the sysplex. This option is not available for automounted file systems.

Define your version and sysplex root file system data as AUTOMOVE, and define
your system-specific file systems as UNMOUNT. Do not define a file system as
NOAUTOMOVE or UNMOUNT and a file system underneath it as AUTOMOVE.
If you do, the file system defined as AUTOMOVE will not be recovered after a
system failure until that failing system has been restarted.

Tip: To ensure that the root is always available, use the default, which is

Guideline: For file systems that are exported by the Distributed File System (DFS)
or System Message Block (SMB) server to their remote clients, consider specifying

186 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

NOAUTOMOVE on the MOUNT statement. Then the file systems will not change
ownership if the system is suddenly recycled, and they will be available for
automatic reexport. Specifying NOAUTOMOVE is suggested because a file system
can only be exported by the DFS or SMB server at the system that owns the file
system. Once a file system has been exported, it cannot be moved until it has been
unexported by the server that exported it. When recovering from system outages,
you need to weigh sysplex availability against availability to the server. When an
owning system recycles and a DFS-exported file system has been taken over by
one of the other systems, the server cannot automatically reexport that file system.
The file system will have to be moved from its current owner back to the original
system, the one that has just been recycled, and then exported again.

The owner of a file system is the first system that processes the mount. This
system always accesses the file system locally; that is, the system does not access
the file system through a remote system. Other non-owning systems in the sysplex
access the file system either locally or through the remote owning system,
depending on the PFS and the mount mode. If a PFS allows a file system to be
locally accessed on all systems in a sysplex for a particular mode, then the PFS is
sysplex-aware for that mount mode.

Even if a PFS is sysplex-aware for a particular mode, if a non-owning system does

not have DASD connectivity, the file system is accessed remotely through the
owning system. For example, HFS is non-sysplex aware for read/write mode,
because all non-owning systems must access read/write file systems through the
remote owning system. The non-owning systems are said to be sysplex clients.
However, HFS is sysplex-aware for read-only mode, which means that each system
can access read-only file systems locally, and do not need to contact the owning
system. For more information, see “File system availability” on page 202.

TFS file systems do not participate in move operations, regardless of the

AUTOMOVE setting. They are unmounted if the file system owner becomes

Restrictions: Keep the following restrictions in mind:

1. An AUTOMOVE file system cannot be moved to a system where z/OS UNIX
was shut down or where F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=fileowner was issued.
2. Automount-managed file systems are handled as AUTOMOVE if the file
system is being locally used.
3. NOAUTOMOVE and system list are permitted for a sysplex-aware file system
and are honored on a V1R9 system. However, if the file system is moved to a
system at an earlier release, the automove setting is changed to AUTOMOVE.

Table 19 on page 188 shows what happens during soft shutdown for various
AUTOMOVE settings. Soft shutdown is done by issuing one of the following
MODIFY commands:

A leaf file system refers to a file system that does not contain any file systems that
are mounted on a directory within that file system. A subtree is the file system and
all file systems that are mounted beneath that file system.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 187

Table 19. Soft shutdown actions for various AUTOMOVE settings. This table lists the soft shutdown actions for
various AUTOMOVE settings.
Automove value Action taken
NOAUTOMOVE or UNMOUNT An attempt to unmount the file system occurs. The unmount fails
if it is not a leaf file system.
AUTOMOVE without a system list Moves the file system to any system. If the move fails, the
unmount is not attempted.
AUTOMOVE with a system list Moves the file system to any system. If the file system cannot be
moved, then the unmount is not attempted.

Table 20 shows what happens during soft shutdown for various AUTOMOVE
settings for an OMVS shutdown, performed by using the F OMVS,SHUTDOWN
system command.
Table 20. OMVS shutdown actions for various AUTOMOVE settings. This table lists the shutdown actions taken by
OMVS for various AUTOMOVE settings.
Automove value Action taken
NOAUTOMOVE An attempt to unmount the file system occurs. The unmount fails
if is not a leaf file system and the file system becomes unowned.
The file system remains unowned until the last owning system
restarts, or until the file system is unmounted. Because the file
system still exists in the file system hierarchy, the file system
mount point is still in use.
UNMOUNT The file system is unmounted, and all the file systems mounted
within it are also unmounted.
AUTOMOVE without a system list Moves the file system to any system. If the move fails, the file
system becomes unowned. The file system remains unowned until
the last owning system restarts or until the unowned recovery
daemon can establish a new file system owner.
AUTOMOVE with a system list An attempt to move ownership of the file system to eligible
systems (as defined by the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE system list) is
performed. If no systems could become the file system owner, the
file system is unmounted, as well as all the file systems mounted
within it.

Automount-managed file systems are unmounted by a soft shutdown operation if

the file system is not referenced by any other system in the sysplex. If it is
referenced by another system or systems, ownership of the file system is moved. If
the move fails, an unmount is not attempted and ownership does not change.

Table 21 on page 189 shows what happens during dead system takeover for
various AUTOMOVE settings for sysplex-aware file systems. Dead system takeover
(otherwise known as Member Gone Recovery) is the action taken by systems in a
sysplex when they attempt to take over ownership of file systems that were
previously owned by a system that has just left the XCF BPXGRP member group.

188 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 21. Dead system (member gone) takeover for various AUTOMOVE settings. This table lists the action taken
for deaf system takeover for various AUTOMOVE settings.
Automove value Action taken
NOAUTOMOVE The file system becomes unowned. The file system remains
unowned until the last owning system restarts, or until the file
system is unmounted. Because the file system still exists in the file
system hierarchy, the mount point for the file system is still in use.
UNMOUNT The file system is unmounted, and all the file systems mounted
within it are also unmounted.
AUTOMOVE without a system list An attempt to move ownership of the file system to all other
eligible systems in the participating group is performed. If another
file system cannot become the owner of the file system, the file
system becomes unowned. The file system remains unowned until
the last owning system restarts or until the unowned recovery
daemon can establish a new file system owner.
AUTOMOVE with a system list An attempt to move ownership of the file system to eligible
systems (as defined by the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE system list) is
performed. If another system could not become the file system
owner, the file system is unmounted, in addition to all the file
systems mounted within it.

There is no attempt to take over automount-managed file systems if the file system
is not being used locally. Automount-managed, unowned file systems are

Table 22 shows what happens during PFS termination for various AUTOMOVE
Table 22. PFS termination for various AUTOMOVE settings. This table discusses what happens if PFS is terminated
What happens if . . . Action taken
NOAUTOMOVE The file system is unmounted, and all the file systems mounted
within it are also unmounted.
UNMOUNT The file system is unmounted, and all the file systems mounted
within it are also unmounted.
AUTOMOVE without a system list An attempt to move ownership of the file system to all other
eligible systems in the participating group is performed. If another
system cannot become the owner of the file system, the file system
is unmounted, in addition to all the file systems mounted within
AUTOMOVE with a system list An attempt to move ownership of the file system to eligible
systems (as defined by the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE system list) is
performed. If another system cannot become the file system
owner, the file system is unmounted, in addition to all the file
systems mounted within it.

Table 23 on page 190 shows what happens when a move file system is requested to
move a specific file system to any target system (wildcard is used). A move file
system request can be issued with a SETOMVS operator command or a chmount
shell command.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 189

Table 23. Move a specific file system to any system for various AUTOMOVE settings. This table lists what happens
during an automove for a fixed file system.
What happens if . . . For sysplex-aware file systems
NOAUTOMOVE Move is attempted to all systems.
UNMOUNT Move is attempted to all systems.
AUTOMOVE without a system list Move is attempted to all systems.
AUTOMOVE with a system list Move is attempted only to systems in the system list.

Table 24 shows what happens when a move filesystem is requested to do a

multi-file system move, moving all file systems from a system to a specific target
system. A move file system request can be issued with a SETOMVS operator
command or a chmount shell command.
Table 24. Move all file systems from a system to a specific target system for various AUTOMOVE settings. This table
lists what happens when all file systems are moved to a specific target system.
What happens if . . . Action taken
NOAUTOMOVE Move is not attempted.
UNMOUNT Move is not attempted.
AUTOMOVE without a system list Move is attempted to the target system.
AUTOMOVE with a system list Move is attempted to the target system and the system list is

Rules: Define your version and sysplex root file system as AUTOMOVE. Also:
1. Define your system-specific file systems as UNMOUNT.
2. Do not define a file system as NOAUTOMOVE or UNMOUNT and a file
system under it as AUTOMOVE. If you do, the file system defined as
AUTOMOVE will not be recovered after a system failure until that failing
system is restarted.

Guidelines: To ensure that the root is always available, use the default, which is
1. For non-sysplex aware file systems that are mostly exported by the DFS or SMB
server to their remote clients, consider specifying NOAUTOMOVE on the
MOUNT statement. Then the file systems will not change ownership if the
system is suddenly recycled, and they will be available for automatic re-export
by DFS or SMB.
Tip: Consider NOAUTOMOVE because a file system can only be exported by
the DFS or SMB server at the system that owns the file system. Once a file
system has been exported by DFS, it cannot be moved until it has been
unexported by DFS. The same holds true of file systems exported by SMB.
When recovering from system outages, you need to weigh sysplex availability
against availability to the DFS or SMB clients.
v When an owning system recycles and a file system exported by DFS or SMB
has been taken over by one of the other systems, DFS or SMB cannot
automatically re-export that file system.
v When an owning system is recycled and an exported file system has been
taken over by one of the other systems, that file system will not be
automatically reexported. The file system will have to be moved from its
current owner back to the original system, the one that has just been
recycled, and then exported again.

190 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

2. If a file system that is mounted as AUTOMOVE with or without a SYSLIST is
not moved or recovered as expected, use D OMVS,MF on all systems to review
MOUNT or MOVE failures relating to the specific file system.

For more information about VERSION, SYSPLEX, SYSNAME and AUTOMOVE,

NOAUTOMOVE, and UNMOUNT, see z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Using system lists

When mounting file systems in the sysplex, you can specify a prioritized system
list to indicate where the file system should or should not be moved to when the
owning system leaves the sysplex changes due to any of the following situations:
v A soft shutdown request was issued.
v A dead system takeover took place (when a system leaves the sysplex without a
prior soft shutdown).
v A PFS terminates on the owning system.
v A request to move ownership of the file system was issued.

There are different ways to specify the system list.

v On the MOUNT statement in BPXPRMxx, specify the automove keyword,
including the indicator and system list.
v For the TSO MOUNT command, specify the automove keyword, including the
indicator and system list.
v Use the mount shell command.
v Use the ISHELL MOUNT interface.
v Specify the MNTE_SYSLIST variable for REXX.
v Specify the indicator and system list for the AUTOMOVE option in the chmount
shell command.
v Specify the indicator and system list for the AUTOMOVE option in the
SETOMVS operator command.

Using wildcards
When you specify the system list, you can use wildcards in certain situations.

Example: If you have many systems in your sysplex, you can specify only the
systems that should have priority and use a wildcard to indicate the rest of the

At first glance, AUTOMOVE INCLUDE (*) appears to work the same way as
AUTOMOVE because all of the systems will try to take over the file system.
However with AUTOMOVE INCLUDE (*), if none of the systems can take over the
file system, it is unmounted. If AUTOMOVE is used, the file system remains
mounted but becomes unowned.

You can use the wildcard support on all methods of mounts, including the
MOUNT statement in BPXPRMxx, the TSO MOUNT command, the mount shell
command, the ISHELL MOUNT interface, the MNTE_SYSLIST variable for REXX,
C program, and assembler program.

Restrictions: The wildcard is only allowed in an INCLUDE list. It is not allowed in

an EXCLUDE list. Also, it must be the last item (or the only item) in the system

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 191

zFS sysplex considerations when using system lists
zFS file systems in a mixed zFS sysplex-aware and non-sysplex aware
configuration typically cannot be moved from a zFS sysplex-aware system to a zFS
non-sysplex aware system. For more details, refer to the section about running
mixed zFS systems in z/OS Distributed File Service zFS Administration .

Sysplex scenarios showing shared file system capability

The BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB needs to reflect the requirements for
the sysplex configuration. Update it according to your needs.

Scenario 1: First system in the sysplex

Figure 30 on page 193 and Figure 31 on page 194 show a z/OS UNIX file system
configuration for a shared file system. SYSPLEX(YES) and a value on VERSION are
specified, and a directory is dynamically created on which the version file system
data set is mounted. This type of configuration requires a sysplex root and
system-specific file system.

Guideline: After you create the directories for each system-specific file system and
the version root file system, use the TSO UNMOUNT command to remount the
sysplex root as read-only. Remounting the sysplex root file system as read-only
prevents accidental corruption or full-file system problems with the sysplex root,
both of which might require a sysplex IPL to recover. Additionally, most
configurations will show improved performance if the file system is mounted as
read-only. If a new directory needs to be added to the sysplex root file system, you
can do the following tasks without disrupting the availability of the file system:
1. Use the TSO UNMOUNT command to remount the read-only file system to
read/write mode.
2. Create the new directories.
3. Remount the file system in read-only mode.

192 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

BPXPRMxx for (SY1)








Figure 30. BPXPRMxx setup — sharing file systems

v 1 This is the sysplex root file system and was created by running the
BPXISYZR job. To create a sysplex root file system that is a HFS, run the sample
job BPXISYSR. Because AUTOMOVE is the default, another system can take
ownership of this file system when the owning system goes down.
v 2 This is the system-specific file system, and was created by running the
BPXISYZS job. To create a system-specific file system that is a zFS, run the
sample job BPXISYSS. It must be mounted read/write. UNMOUNT is specified
because this file system is system-specific and ownership of the file system
should not move to another system if the owning system go down. The
MOUNTPOINT statement /&SYSNAME. will resolve to /SY1 during parmlib
processing. This mount point is created dynamically at system initialization.
v 3 This is the previous root file system (version file system).
Guideline: It should be mounted read-only. Its mount point is created
dynamically and the name of the file system is the value specified on the
VERSION statement in the BPXPRMxx member. AUTOMOVE is the default and
therefore is not specified, allowing another system to take ownership of this file
system when the owning system goes down.
v 4 This file system contains the system-specific /dev information. UNMOUNT
is specified because this file system is system-specific; ownership should not

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 193

move to another system should the owning system go down. The
MOUNTPOINT statement /&SYSNAME./dev will resolve to /SY1/dev during
parmlib processing.
v 5 This file system contains system-specific /tmp information. UNMOUNT is
specified because this file system is system-specific; ownership should not move
to another system if the owning system goes down. The MOUNTPOINT
statement /&SYSNAME./tmp will resolve to /SY1/tmp during parmlib

Sysplex root file system System-specific file system

SY1 /
bin /bin
usr /usr
lib /lib
bin $VERSION/bin opt /opt
usr $VERSION/usr samples /samples
lib $VERSION/lib
opt $VERSION/opt dev OMVS.SY1.DEV
samples $VERSION/samples
dev var OMVS.SY1.VAR
tmp $SYSNAME/tmp etc OMVS.SY1.ETC
var $SYSNAME/var
etc $SYSNAME/etc

Version file system

dev $SYSNAME/dev
tmp $SYSNAME/tmp
etc $SYSNAME/etc


bin dev Not used in

usr tmp a sysplex
lib var environment
opt etc
samples bin /bin
usr /usr
… lib /lib
opt /opt
samples /samples

Figure 31. Shared file systems in a sysplex

If the content of the symbolic link begins with $VERSION or $SYSNAME, the
symbolic link will resolve in the following manner:
v If you specify SYSPLEX(YES) and the symbolic link for /dev has the contents
$SYSNAME/dev, the symbolic link resolves to /SY1/dev on system SY1 and
/SY2/dev on system SY2.
v If you specify SYSPLEX(YES) and the content of the symbolic link begins with
$VERSION, $VERSION resolves to the value nnnn specified on the VERSION
parameter. Thus, if VERSION in parmlib is set to REL9, then $VERSION resolves

194 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

to /REL9. For example, a symbolic link for /bin, which has the contents
$VERSION/bin, resolves to /REL9/bin on a system whose $VERSION value is
set to REL9.

In the previous scenario, if ls –l /bin/ is issued, the user expects to see the contents
of /bin. However, because /bin is a symbolic link pointing to $VERSION/bin, the
symbolic link must be resolved first. $VERSION resolves to /REL9 which makes
the path name /REL9/bin. The contents of /REL9/bin will now be displayed.

Scenario 2: Multiple systems in the sysplex using the same

release level
Figure 34 on page 198 shows another SYSPLEX(YES) configuration. In this
configuration, however, two or more systems are sharing the same version file
system (the same release level of code). Figure 32 on page 196 shows a sample
BPXPRMxx for the entire sysplex (what IBM suggests) using &SYSNAME. as a
symbolic name, and Figure 33 on page 197 shows a configuration where each
system in the sysplex has its own BPXPRMxx. For our example, SY1 has its own
BPXPRMxx and SY2 has its own BPXPRMxx.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 195

One BPXPRMxx member to define file systems for the entire sysplex









Figure 32. Sharing file systems: one version file system and one BPXPRMxx for the entire

196 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

BPXPRMS1 (for SY1) BPXPRMS2 (for SY2)











Figure 33. Sharing file systems: one version file system and separate BPXPRMxx members for each system in the

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 197

System-specific file system
bin /bin
usr /usr
lib /lib
opt /opt
samples /samples



Sysplex root file system

bin $VERSION/bin
usr $VERSION/usr System-specific file system
lib $VERSION/lib /
opt $VERSION/opt bin /bin
samples $VERSION/samples usr /usr
dev $SYSNAME/dev samples /samples
tmp $SYSNAME/tmp
etc $SYSNAME/etc


Version file system

dev $SYSNAME/dev
tmp $SYSNAME/tmp
var $SYSNAME/var
etc $SYSNAME/etc

bin Not used in
usr a sysplex
lib environment
samples /bin
usr /usr
lib /lib

opt /opt
samples /samples

Figure 34. Sharing file systems in a sysplex: multiple systems in a sysplex using the same release level

In this scenario, where multiple systems in the sysplex are using the same version
file system, if ls –l /bin/ is issued from either system, the user expects to see the
contents of /bin. However, because /bin is a symbolic link pointing to

198 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

$VERSION/bin, the symbolic link must be resolved first. $VERSION resolves to
/REL9 which makes the path name /REL9/bin. The contents of this directory are

Scenario 3: Multiple systems in a sysplex using different

release levels
If your participating group is in a sysplex that runs multiple levels of z/OS, your
configuration might look like the one in Figure 36 on page 200. In that
configuration, each system is running a different level of z/OS and, therefore, has
different version file system data sets; SY1 has the version file system named
OMVS.SYSR9A.ROOT.ZFS and SY2 has the version file system named
OMVS.SYSR9.ROOT.ZFS. Figure 35 shows two BPXPRMxx parmlib members that
define the file systems in this configuration. Figure 37 on page 201 shows a single
BPXPRMxx parmlib member that can be used to define this same configuration; it
uses &SYSR1. as the symbolic name for the two version file system data sets.

BPXPRMxx (for SY1) BPXPRMxx (for SY2)








Figure 35. BPXPRMxx setup for multiple systems sharing file systems and using different release levels

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 199

System-specific file system
bin /bin
usr /usr
lib /lib
opt /opt
samples /samples

dev OMVS. SY1. DEV

tmp OMVS. SY1. TMP

var OMVS. SY1. VAR

Sysplex root file system etc

bin $VERSION/bin
usr $VERSION/usr System-specific file system
lib $VERSION/lib /
$VERSION/opt bin /bin
samples $VERSION/samples usr /usr
dev $SYSNAME/dev samples /samples
tmp $SYSNAME/tmp
var $SYSNAME/var dev OMVS. SY2. DEV
etc $SYSNAME/etc
tmp OMVS. SY2. TMP
u var OMVS. SY2. VAR
Version file system
dev $SYSNAME/dev
tmp $SYSNAME/tmp
var $SYSNAME/var
etc $SYSNAME/etc


bin dev Not used in

usr tmp a sysplex
Version file system
lib var environment
opt etc
dev $SYSNAME/dev bin
samples /bin
tmp $SYSNAME/tmp usr /usr
var $SYSNAME/var lib
… /lib
etc $SYSNAME/etc
u opt /opt
SYSTEM/ samples /samples

bin dev Not used in

usr tmp a sysplex
lib var environment OMVS. SYSR9. ROOT. ZFS
opt etc
samples bin /bin
usr /usr
… lib /lib
u opt /opt
samples /samples


Figure 36. Sharing file systems between multiple systems using different release levels

In this scenario, for example, if ls –l /bin/ is issued on SY1, the user expects to see
the contents of /bin. However, because /bin is a symbolic link pointing to
$VERSION/bin, the symbolic link must be resolved first. $VERSION resolves to
/SYSR9A on SY1, which makes the path name /SYSR9A/bin. The contents of this
directory will now be displayed. If ls –l /bin/ is issued on SY2, the contents of
/SYSR9/bin will display.

From SY2 you can display information on SY1 by fully qualifying the directory.

Example: To view SY1's /bin directory:

ls –l /SY1/bin/

200 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

One BPXPRMxx member to define file systems for the entire sysplex
using different releases

PARM(’ ’)







Figure 37. One BPXPRMxx parmlib member for multiple systems sharing file systems and
using different release levels

In order to use one BPXPRMxx parmlib file system member, we have used another
system symbolic like &SYSR1. This system symbolic is used in the VERSION
parameter and also as a qualifier in the version file system data set name.

Using the automount policy

The default delay time for automount is 10. Do not use a value less than 10. To
verify the setting of the delay time, use the USS_AUTOMOUNT_DELAY check
provided by IBM Health Checker for z/OS.

Rule: You must keep the automount policy consistent across all the participating
systems in the sysplex. The automount facility will not manage any directory until
it can process the entire policy without encountering any errors.

Your automount policy most likely resided in the /etc/auto.master and /etc/u.map
files. For those using shared file systems, each participating system has a separate
/etc file system. In order for the automount policy to be consistent across

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 201

participating systems, the same copy of the automount policy must exist in every
system's /etc/auto.master and /etc/u.map files.

AUTOMOUNT is the preferred method of managing the /u directory. You do not

need a mount statement for /u in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member.

For example, both SY1 and SY2 have the following files:
v /etc/auto.master
/u /etc/u.map
v /etc/u.map
name *
type ZFS
filesystem OMVS.<uc_name>.ZFS
mode rdwr
duration 60
delay 60

When the automount daemon initializes on SY1, it will read its local
/etc/auto.master file to identify what directories to manage; in this case, it is /u.
Next, the automount daemon will use the policy specified in the local /etc/u.map
file to mount file systems with the specified naming convention under /u. The
automount daemon on SY2 will perform similar actions. Because all mounted file
systems are available to all participating systems in the sysplex, your automount
policy must be consistent. This is true for the file system name specified in
/etc/u.map and the values for other parameters in /etc/u.map and /etc/auto.master.

File system availability

In the shared file system environment, file system availability and accessibility
depend on a number of important factors. These factors can vary depending on
how a file system is mounted and the capability of the file system to manage itself
in a sysplex environment. After you set up the shared file system environment for
cross-system communication, it will be helpful to understand how file system
availability is provided to your systems, and what kinds of actions can cause
interruptions to that availability.

Minimum setup required for file system availability

For DASD file systems, at least one system in the shared file system group needs
to have a physical I/O path to the volume where the file system resides and the
volume is varied online. Without connectivity from at least one system, the file
system will not be available to any of the systems in the shared file system group.
Connectivity from one system can provide shared file system accessibility to the
file system for all other systems in the shared file system group.

All systems need to have the physical file system (PFS) started. Accomplish this by
placing the appropriate FILESYSTYPE statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib
member that is used in the configuration. Additionally, any necessary subsystems
required by the PFS must be started and configured, especially if this system is to
function as the file system owner. For example, the NFS Client PFS requires that
the TCP/IP subsystem be started and a network connection configured.

Read-write connections for non-sysplex aware file systems

Most physical file systems (PFSes) allow only one connection for update at a time.
Such file systems are called non-sysplex aware for update. This is directly related to

202 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

the mount mode of the file system. With HFS, for example, only one system can
actually connect to the file system with a mode of RDWR. That system is called the
file system owner.

The other systems that want to participate in shared file systems will also request
an RDWR mount, but their access will be provided via cross-system messaging
with the file system owner which has already established the read-write
connection. These systems are called file system clients. When the file system owner
becomes unavailable (for example, through system shutdown), it will be important
for another system (one of the file system clients) to have the file system volume
varied online so that a new owner can be established. This helps ensure maximum
file system availability in the shared file system group.

Read-write connections for sysplex-aware file systems

Some PFSes can handle multiple concurrent connections for update. They can
manage the serialization of such requests. Such file systems are called sysplex aware
for update. Most network file systems have this capability. NFS Client is one such
file system type.

For a read/write mount to NFS Client, each system in the shared file system group
will make a direct connection to NFS. The first system to make such a connection
is still called the file system owner. All subsequent systems to make a direct
connection are considered non-owners, rather than clients. This type of multiple
direct connection for read/write access allows for maximum I/O performance by
eliminating the need to send requests to the file system owner.

However, sometimes a non-owning system cannot make a direct connection to the

PFS even after meeting the minimum requirements (for example, sometimes
requests to NFS Client time out before they are satisfied). That system might be
given a cross-system messaging connection, making it a client to the file system.
While this is not the optimal mount mode for this type of file system, it does allow
access to the file system.

As of z/OS V1R11, zFS provides the capability for sysplex-aware for update. This
support is configurable and can provide the following levels of support:
v No support for sysplex-aware for update. Like HFS file systems, zFS only
allows a single system to connect to the file system for update. All other systems
will function as client systems and will function-ship requests to the file system
owner system.
v Global support for sysplex-aware for update. zFS supports multiple concurrent
connections for update for all file systems.
v "Per file system" support for sysplex-aware for update. This level of support
requires z/OS UNIX APAR OA29712 and zFS APAR OA29619. It provides the
capability for specific file systems to be configured as sysplex-aware or
non-sysplex aware for update. Refer to z/OS Distributed File Service zFS
Administrationfor more information about configuring ZFS for sysplex-aware

Read-only connections for non-sysplex aware file systems

Some physical file systems such as TFS do not support multiple concurrent
connections for read-only access. These are called non-sysplex aware for read-only,
and are handled the same as the read/write connections for non-sysplex aware file

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 203

Read-only connections for sysplex-aware file systems
Physical file systems that support multiple concurrent connections for read-only
access are called sysplex aware for read-only. The zFS physical file system falls into
this category. Such file systems are handled the same as the read/write connections
for sysplex aware file systems. The read-only connections are attempted locally for
each system in the shared file system group, but if the file system volume is not
online to a system, then the system becomes a client to the file system by means of
cross-system messaging with the owner.

Situations that can interrupt availability

Some situations might cause interruptions to file system availability on one or
more systems. Following is a list of some of the most common causes. It is not
meant to be an exhaustive list.
v Loss of the file system owner. If the file system owner leaves the shared file
system group (through system failure, soft shutdown, VARY, XCF, OFFLINE, or
some other means), an attempt might be made to establish another file system
owner if requested by the AUTOMOVE specification of the mount. If a new file
system owner cannot be established, the file system will become unowned. It
will be unavailable until the original owner can reclaim it, or until another
owner is established through subsequent automated recovery actions performed
by shared file system.
v PFS termination. If a PFS terminates on one system, it can affect file system
availability on other systems. If a PFS terminates on one system, any file systems
of that type that are owned by other systems are not affected. File systems of
that type are moved to new owners whenever possible if they are owned by the
system where the PFS is terminating and if they can be automoved. These file
systems remain accessible to other systems. If they cannot be moved to new
owners, they are unmounted across the sysplex. It might not be possible to
move a file system due to a lack of connectivity from other systems, or if the file
system containing the mount point for the file system needed to be moved but
could not be.
v VARY volume,OFFLINE. When the volume for a file system is varied offline, it
will make that file system inaccessible to that system. However, if the volume is
online to other systems, it might still be accessible to those systems and to other
systems via cross-system messaging. This would be the case for sysplex-aware
file systems for read/write or read-only access. Unlike loss of the file system
owner, varying a file system volume offline will not result in any attempt by the
system to restore accessibility to systems on which it is lost.

Moving file systems in a sysplex

You might need to change ownership of the file system for recovery or reIPLing.

Tips: When working with file systems in a sysplex, consider these tips:
v To check for file systems that have already been mounted, use the df command
from the shell.
v To move a file system in a sysplex, use the SETOMVS command used with the
FILESYS, FILESYSTEM, mount point and SYSNAME parameters. You can also
use the chmount command from the shell. However, do not move these two
types of file systems:
System-specific file systems
File systems that are being exported by DFS. You have to unexport them from
DFS first and then move them

204 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Examples: These examples assume you are working with file systems in a sysplex.
1. To move ownership of the file system that contains /u/wjs to SY1:
chmount -d SY1 /u/wjs
2. To move ownership of the payroll file system from the current owner to SY2
using SETOMVS, issue:

or (assuming the mount point is over directory /PAYROLL)


If you mount a system-specific file system on other than the correct

(system-specific) owner, either explicitly or due to AUTOMOVE=YES, loss of
function might occur. For example, if the system-specific file system mounted at
/dev for SY1 is moved to SY2 so that ownership is now SY2, the OMVS command
on SY1 will fail.

Also, opened FIFO files are automatically closed before the file system containing
the FIFO is moved. They are closed because the in-storage FIFO data on the old
system is not moved and is no longer accessible on new owning system.

Moving file systems to a back-level system

If you move a file system to a back-level system, existing NFS client connections to
the files in that file system might be broken if Share Reservations are used. With
Share Reservations, remote NFS clients can open files on z/OS in such a way that
no one else can open that file until the first program finishes and closes the file.
For more information about Share Reservations, see the BPX1VOP callable service
in z/OS UNIX System Services File System Interface Reference.

Share Reservations that attempt to deny reading or writing for files in a read-only
file system are accepted but will not be enforced.

File systems cannot be remounted from read/write to read-only or from read-only

to read/write while there are Share Reservations established on any file in that file

Restrictions: A file system cannot be moved to a back-level system while there are
active Share Reservations on any file in the file system. You will have to move the
file system to a sysplex member at the z/OS V1R7 release level or later.
Alternatively, you can stop the applications at the NFS clients who have put
reservations on the files, or wait for them to finish.

If an NFS client is going to open a file that has Share Reservations set:
v That file must be owned by a system at the z/OS V1R7 level or higher before it
can be opened.
v If the file is owned by a remote system that supports Share Reservations, they
are enforced at the owner for all opens within the sysplex.
v If the file is owned by a remote system at a lower level, the client's open will
fail. The reason code of the failure will indicate that the file system has to be
moved to a sysplex member that is at the z/OS V1R7 release or later.

If the system goes down and there are Share Reservations on a file owned by a
remote system:

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 205

1. If the file system is taken over by another z/OS V1R7 or later system, the
reservations are reestablished at the new owner and enforced there.
2. If the file system is taken over by an owner that does not support Share
Reservations, the NFS client's open is invalidated and subsequent operations
from that client for this open are rejected. If you move the file system to a
sysplex member that supports Share Reservations, the file can be reopened as it
was before. You can use the AUTOMOVE parameter of the MOUNT command
to restrict these takeovers to the systems that do support Share Reservations.

zFS sysplex considerations when moving file systems

zFS file systems in a mixed zFS sysplex-aware and non-sysplex aware
configuration typically cannot be moved from a zFS sysplex-aware system to a zFS
non-sysplex aware system. For more details, refer to the section about running
mixed zFS systems in z/OS Distributed File Service zFS Administration .

Implications of shared file systems during system failures and

File system recovery in a shared file system environment takes into consideration
file system characteristics such as the PFS capabilities, whether or not the file
system is automount-managed, and the AUTOMOVE value. “Customizing
BPXPRMxx for a shared file system” on page 185 describes the various
AUTOMOVE values and the system actions taken for the various shutdown and
recovery flows.

Generally, when an owning system fails, ownership of a file system that is

mounted as AUTOMOVE is moved to another system and the file system remains
usable. However, if a file system is mounted as read/write and the owning system
fails, then all file system operations for files in that file system will fail. This
happens because data integrity is lost when the file system owner fails. All files
should be closed (BPX1CLO) and reopened (BPX1OPN) when the file system is
recovered. See z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services
Reference for more information about BPX1CLO and BPX1OPN.

For file systems that are mounted as read-only, specific I/O operations that were in
progress at the time the file system owner failed might need to be started again.

In some situations, even though a file system is mounted as AUTOMOVE,

ownership of the file system might not be immediately moved to another system.
This can occur, for example, when a physical I/O path from another system to the
volume where the file system resides is not available. As a result, the file system
becomes unowned; if this happens, you will see message BPXF213E. This is true if
the file system is mounted either read/write or read-only. The file system still
exists in the file system hierarchy so that any dependent file systems that are
owned by another system are still usable. However, all file operations for the
unowned file system will fail until a new owner is established. The shared file
system support will continue to attempt recovery of AUTOMOVE file systems on
all systems in the sysplex that are enabled for shared file system. If a subsequent
recovery attempt succeeds, the file system moves from the unowned to the active

Applications using files in unowned file systems will need to close (BPX1CLO)
those files and reopen (BPX1OPN) them after the file system is recovered. File
systems that are mounted as NOAUTOMOVE will become unowned when the file
system owner exits the sysplex. The file system will remain unowned until the

206 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

original owning system restarts or until the unowned file system is unmounted.
Because the file system still exists in the file system hierarchy, the file system
mount point is still in use. File systems that are mounted below a NOAUTOMOVE
file system will not be accessible via path name when the NOAUTOMOVE file
system becomes available.

Restriction: Do not mount AUTOMOVE file systems within NOAUTOMOVE file

systems. When a NOAUTOMOVE file system becomes unowned and there are
AUTOMOVE file systems mounted within it, those AUTOMOVE file systems will
retain a level of availability, but only for files that are already open. When the
NOAUTOMOVE file system becomes unowned, it will not be possible to perform
path name lookup through it to the file systems mounted within it, which will
make those file systems unavailable for new access. When ownership is restored to
the unowned file system, access to the file systems mounted within it is also

Guideline: If a file system that is mounted as AUTOMOVE with or without a

SYSLIST is not moved or recovered as expected, use D OMVS,MF on all systems to
review MOUNT or MOVE failures relating to the specific file system.

Managing the movement of data

File systems can be managed so as to maximize their availability when systems
exit the participating group. You have more control over this when the outage is
planned, but there are steps you can take to help manage the placement of data in
the event of a system failure.

Recovery processing for the file systems that are owned by a failed system is
managed internally by all the systems in the participating group. If you want
special considerations for the placement of certain file systems, you can use the
options provided by the various mount services to specify the original owner and
subsequent owners for a particular file system.

“Customizing BPXPRMxx for a shared file system” on page 185 describes the
behavior of the various AUTOMOVE options.

Table 25 shows the AUTOMOVE options that you can use with the MOUNT
command to manage file systems.
Table 25. AUTOMOVE options supported by the MOUNT command. This table lists the automove options supported
by the MOUNT command.
Automove option Action
UNMOUNT Attempts will not be made to keep the file system active when the current owner fails.
The file system is unmounted when the owner is no longer active in the participating
group, as well as all the file systems mounted within it.

Tip: Use UNMOUNT when mounting system-specific file systems, such as those that
would be mounted at /etc, /dev, /tmp and /var.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 207

Table 25. AUTOMOVE options supported by the MOUNT command (continued). This table lists the automove
options supported by the MOUNT command.
Automove option Action
NOAUTOMOVE Attempts are not made to keep the file system active when the current owner fails. The
file system remains in the hierarchy for possible recovery when the original owner
reinitializes. Use this option on mounts for system-specific file systems if you want to
have automatic recovery when the original owner rejoins the participating group.

When the NOAUTOMOVE option is used, the file system becomes unowned when the
owning system exits the participating group. The file system remains unowned until the
last owning system restarts, or until the file system is unmounted. Because the file system
still exists in the file system hierarchy, the mount point for the file system is still in use.

An unowned file system is a mounted file system that does not have an owner. Because it
still exists in the file system hierarchy, it can be recovered or unmounted.
AUTOMOVE without a Recovery of the file system is performed when the current owner fails. Use this option on
system list mounts of file systems that are critical to operation across all the systems in the
participating group. AUTOMOVE is the default.
AUTOMOVE with a AUTOMOVE(EXCLUDE|INCLUDE,sysname1,sysname2,...sysnameN) specifies managed
system list recovery of the file system if the current owner fails.
v Use the EXCLUDE list to prevent recovery of a file system from transferring ownership
to a particular system, or set of systems, in the participating group. When the current
owner fails, recovery of the file system is performed to an owner outside the exclude
list. When the current owner fails, recovery of the file system is performed to a
randomly selected owner outside the exclude list.
v Use the INCLUDE list to ensure that recovery of a file system will transfer ownership
only to a particular system or set of systems in the participating group. Recovery of the
file system is performed in priority order only by the list of systems specified in the

Restriction: Only use this option on mounts of file systems that are critical to operation
across a subset of systems in the participating group, or when you do not want certain
systems in the participating group to have ownership of the file system.

If recovery processing fails to establish a new owner for the file system, the file system is
unmounted, along with all the file systems mounted within it.

Most of the z/OS UNIX interfaces that provide for mounting file systems (such as
TSO, shell, ISHELL, and BPX2MNT) support some form of the options described in
“Customizing BPXPRMxx for a shared file system” on page 185. See the associated
documentation for the exact syntax.

Guideline: To ensure that the root is always available, use the default, which is

For file systems that are exported by the Distributed File System (DFS) or System
Message Block (SMB) server to their remote clients, consider specifying
NOAUTOMOVE on the MOUNT statement. Then the file systems will not change
ownership if the system is suddenly recycled, and they are available for automatic
re-export. Specifying NOAUTOMOVE is suggested because a file system can only
be exported by the DFS or SMB server at the system that owns the file system.
Once a file system has been exported, it cannot be moved until it has been
unexported by the server that exported it.

In addition, when recovering from system outages, you need to weigh sysplex
availability against availability to the server. When an owning system recycles and

208 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

a DFS-exported file system has been taken over by one of the other systems, the
server cannot automatically re-export that file system. The file system will have to
be moved from its current owner back to the original system, the one that has just
been recycled, and then exported again.

Tip: When an original owner system reinitializes, you might want to move the
read/write file system back to this original owner if the original owner is the
primary system that accesses the file system and if the PFS does not support
accessing the read/write file system in a sysplex-aware mode. Better performance
should occur when the file system is locally mounted (owned) at the system that
most frequently accesses the file system. See also “File system availability” on page
202 and “Tuning z/OS UNIX performance in a sysplex” on page 213.

Shared file system implications during a planned shutdown of z/OS

These sections contain the procedures to use when shutting down z/OS UNIX.
v “Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using F OMVS,SHUTDOWN” on page
v “Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=...” on
page 288
It is important that you understand the system actions that result when you use
those procedures.

The current AUTOMOVE option dictates if and how the participating group
recovers file system ownership from an exited system. It has no effect on the
manual movement of the file system. However, when you are using the procedures
for shutting down z/OS UNIX to prepare for a planned system outage, the
AUTOMOVE option does apply. This can be explained with the following
v A system failure does not provide any means for manual intervention. The
AUTOMOVE option provides a set of rules for automatic recovery.
v A request to move a file system manually is a deliberate action on behalf of an
authorized user or administrator, and should override any rules for automatic
v Using tools to prepare for a system outage is also a deliberate action on behalf
of an authorized user or administrator, but you are using these tools in an
environment that can be customized to allow for additional manual intervention.
You can synchronize data before the system outage, and then manage the
planned outage in the same way as the unplanned outage, by making use of the
automatic recovery rules that are supplied by the automove options. If you
prefer some other action, you can perform manual intervention to move specific
file system ownership before you use these methods for shutdown preparation.

Use F OMVS,SHUTDOWN to shut down file systems. It is described in “What F

OMVS,SHUTDOWN does” on page 292. If this is not appropriate for your
installation, use the F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=... procedure described in “Planned
shutdowns using F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=...” on page 287.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 209

State of file systems after shutdown
File systems on the system where the shutdown was issued are immediately
unmounted. As a result, data is synched to disk. For shared file systems, one of the
following actions is done on the file systems that are owned by the system where
the command was issued.
v Unmount if automounted or if a file system was mounted on an automounted
file system.
v Move to another system if an AUTOMOVE was specified.
v Unmount for all other file systems.

File systems that are not owned by the system on which the shutdown was issued
are not affected.

Initializing the file system

When you are preparing to bring a system back into the participating group after
it has left, it is helpful to understand the coordination that occurs among the
systems that are already participating in the group. You might see delays in the
availability of the entering system because of activity occurring elsewhere in the
sysplex. Although it is possible to bring up multiple systems simultaneously, when
they reach the point of z/OS UNIX initialization, their processing is serialized so
as to allow only one system at a time to initialize z/OS UNIX.

Other examples of activities occurring on other active systems that can cause the
initializing system to experience delays are
v Unmounting a file system
v Changing ownership of a file system
v Recovering for systems that have left the participating group

Before it rejoins the participating group, a system processes all the file systems that
are listed in the current hierarchy of the participating group. It also attempts to
reclaim any unowned file systems that it previously owned when it was part of the
participating group. It does not attempt to reclaim those file systems that were
successfully moved or recovered to another system in the sysplex.

During initialization, any new MOUNT statements in the BPXPRMxx parmlib

member are processed, which makes those file systems available for use within the
participating group after they are successfully mounted.

While a system is initializing in a sysplex, critical file systems that are necessary
for initialization to complete successfully might become unavailable due to a
system outage. When a system is removed from the sysplex, there is a window of
time during which any file systems it owned will become inaccessible to other
systems. This window of time occurs while other systems are being notified of the
system's exit from the sysplex and before they start the cleanup for that system.

Ideally, ownership of critical file systems will have been moved to other systems
before the system exits. If that has not happened, there will be a window of time
during which these critical file systems are unowned. If the initializing system
requires access to these critical file systems during this window, there will likely be
mount failures that prevent the initialization from completing successfully. To
avoid this situation, you must make sure that any system that is being removed
from the sysplex does not own any critical file systems.

210 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Locking files in the sysplex
You can lock all or part of a file that you are accessing for read/write purposes by
using the byte range lock manager (BRLM).

The lock manager is initialized on every system in the sysplex. This is known as
distributed BRLM, and it is the only supported byte range locking method. Each
BRLM is responsible for handling locking requests for files whose file systems are
mounted locally in that system.

z/OS UNIX backs up each lock in the application's system when the actual lock is
stored in another system. This redundant locking provides recovery of locks when
a system in the sysplex terminates abnormally. If z/OS UNIX is able to
successfully recover a file system, then it restores the locks held for files in that file
system. Doing so prevents error conditions from occurring.

If the following situations occur, the locks for the corresponding files are
considered to be lost:
v z/OS UNIX cannot recover the file system and unmounts it, including
unmounting due to a MODIFY OMVS,STOPPFS command.
v NOAUTOMOVE was specified for the file system.
v Any lock for a file was not successfully backed up.
Existing applications that have locked those files are prevented from accessing
those files. Specifically, after a failure where byte range locks are lost, z/OS UNIX
provides the following information to processes that have used byte range locking:
v Access to open files for which byte range locks are held by any process will
result in an I/O error. The file must be closed and reopened before use can
v A signal is issued to any process which has made use of byte range locking. By
default, a SIGTERM signal is issued against every such process and an EC6
abend with reason code 0D258038 will terminate the process. If you do not want
the process to be terminated, the process can use BPX1PCT (the physical file
system control callable service) to specify a different signal for z/OS UNIX to
use for notifying the process that the BRLM has failed. Any signal can be used
for this purpose, thus allowing the user or application the ability to catch or
ignore the signal and react accordingly.
z/OS MVS System Codes describes the system completion code EC6 and its
associated reason codes. See z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler
Callable Services Reference for more information about BPX1PCT.


OMVS,SHUTDOWN commands do not cause a signal to be generated just because
an application has lost byte range locks, although a signal might be generated for
other reasons during shutdown processing.

Mounting file systems using symbolic links

You can mount different file systems at a logical mount point that resolves to a
different path name on different systems.

While $VERSION/ can be used to differentiate a path based on the version level of
a system and $SYSNAME/ can be used to differentiate on each system, you can
use special identifiers to mount file systems using symbolic links. These are
$SYSSYMR/template and $SYSSYMA/template.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 211

Restrictions: When mounting file systems using symbolic links, observe these
1. Like $VERSION/ and $SYSNAME/, the identifiers need to be at the beginning
of the link name.
2. Only the first occurrence of $SYSSYMR/ or $SYSSYMA/ in the link name is
recognized as an identifier for which the remaining text requires substitutions.
Any other identifiers after the first one will remain as is in the resolved
3. Text must follow a $SYSSYMR/ or $SYSSYMA/ in order for it to be recognized
as a valid identifier with text containing symbols to be resolved.
4. Any system symbol in the symbolic link text that is recognized by the
ASASYMBM service are resolved. However, only static system symbols should
be used in order to avoid unexpected results. These symbols are assigned a
value at initialization. For information about system symbols, see z/OS MVS
Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Tip: You can use D SYMBOLS to display the current settings of system symbols.

These examples assume that the standard MVS symbol &SYSR1. resolves to
OSV315 on SY1 and resolves to OSV315B on SY2.
1. If the symbolic link is /x/y/sym1, and the symbolic link contains
$SYSSYMR/&SYSR1./resdir, a path name lookup on /x/y/sym1 from SY1 will
resolve the symbolic link to OSV315/resdir. Because it is a relative path name
(the identifier was $SYSSYMR/), the resulting path name will be
Example: On a mount, passing /x/y/sym1 as the input mount point path
name, the mount point would be: /x/y/OSV315/resdir on SY1.
v If the symbol &SYSR1. resolves to OSV315B on SY2, a lookup of the same
path name would result in a mount point of /x/y/OSV315B/resdir.
v On a v_readlink syscall, passing the VnToken for the symbolic link, the
output linkname would be OSV315/resdir on SY1 or OSV315B/resdir on
2. If the symbolic link is /x/y/sym1, and the symbolic link contains
$SYSSYMA/&SYSR1./resdir, a path name lookup on /x/y/sym1 from SY1 will
resolve the symbolic link to /OSV315/resdir. Because it is an absolute path
name (the identifier was $SYSSYMA/), the resulting path name will be
Example: On a mount, passing /x/y/sym1 as the input mount point path
name, the mount point would be /OSV315/resdir on SY1.
v If the symbol &SYSR1. resolves to OSV315B on SY2, a lookup of the same
path name from SY2 would result in a mount point of /OSV315B/resdir.
v On a v_readlink syscall, passing the VnToken for the symbolic link, the
output linkname would be /OSV315/resdir on SY1 and /OSV315B/resdir on

Mounting file systems using NFS client mounts

With the z/OS NFS server, the client has remote access to z/OS UNIX files from a
client workstation. Using the Network File System, the client can mount all or part
of the file system and make it appear as part of its local file system. From the
workstation, the client user can create, delete, read, write, and treat the
host-located files as part of the workstation's own file system.

212 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

In a similar way, the z/OS NFS client gives users remote access to files on an NFS
server. Using NFS, the user can mount all or part of the remote file system and
make it appear as part of the local z/OS UNIX file hierarchy. From there, the user
can create, delete, read, write, and treat the remotely located files as part of their
own file system.

In a sysplex, the NFS Client-NFS Server relationship is as follows: the data that
becomes accessible is accessible from any place in the sysplex as long as at least
one of the systems has connectivity to the NFS server. Entries in the NFS Server
Export Data Set can control which UNIX directories can be mounted by client
users. You can specify either fully qualified path names or symbolic links.

Tuning z/OS UNIX performance in a sysplex

The intersystem communication required to provide the additional availability and
recoverability associated with z/OS UNIX shared file system support, affects
response time and throughput on R/W file systems being shared in a sysplex.

For example, assume that a user on SY1 requests a read on a file system mounted
R/W and owned by SY2. Using shared file system support, SY1 sends a message
requesting this read to SY2 via an XCF messaging function:
SY1 ===> (XCF messaging function) ===> SY2

After SY2 gets this message, it issues the read on behalf of SY1, and gathers the
data from the file. It then returns the data via the same route the request message
SY2 ===> (XCF messaging function) ===> SY1

Thus, adding z/OS UNIX to a sysplex increases XCF message traffic. To control
this traffic, closely monitor the number and size of message buffers and the
number of message paths within the sysplex. It is likely that you will need to
define additional XCF paths and increase the number of XCF message buffers
above the minimum default. For more information on signaling services in a
sysplex environment, see z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex.

Be aware that because of I/O operations to the CDS, every mount request requires
additional system overhead. Mount time increases as a function of the number of
mounts, the number of members in a sysplex, and the size of the CDS. You will
need to consider the effect on your recovery time if a large number of mounts are
required on any system participating in a shared file system.

DFS and SMB considerations when exporting file systems

A file system can only be exported by the Distributed File System (DFS) or Server
Message Block (SMB) server at the system that owns the file system. Once a file
system has been exported by DFS, it cannot be moved until it has been unexported
by DFS. The same holds true of file systems exported by SMB.

To recover from system outages, you need to weigh sysplex availability against
availability to the DFS and SMB clients. When an owning system is recycled and
an exported file system has been taken over by one of the other systems, that file
system will not be automatically reexported. The file system will have to be moved
from its current owner back to the original system, the one that has just been
recycled, and then reexported.

Chapter 7. Sharing file systems in a sysplex 213

For file systems that are mostly for use by DFS or SMB servers, consider specifying
NOAUTOMOVE on the MOUNT statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. If
you specify NOAUTOMOVE, the file systems will not be taken over if the system
is recycled, and they will be available for automatic reexport by DFS.

In order for either the DFS or SMB server to move file systems to itself when they
are not owned locally, the following server configuration option can be specified:

214 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities
This topic discusses how to customize the z/OS and tcsh shells and the common
tasks that need to be done when setting up the utilities.

Lists of subtasks
Subtask Associated procedure
Invoking the shell automatically under “Steps for enabling shell users to invoke the
TSO/E shell automatically” on page 216
Customizing the /etc/profile file “Steps for customizing /etc/profile” on page
Customizing the /$HOME/.profile file “Steps for customizing $HOME/.profile” on
page 225
Customizing the /etc/rc file “Steps for customizing /etc/rc” on page 231
Customizing the /etc/inittab file “Steps for customizing /etc/inittab” on page

Connecting to the shell

To work interactively, the shell user connects to the system in one of the following
v Logs on to TSO/E and enters the TSO/E command OMVS, which invokes a
shell. The OMVS command provides a 3270 terminal interface to the shell, and
you can use the options to customize the interface - for example, function key
v Issues the rlogin command, which invokes the shell. It provides an
asynchronous terminal interface to the shell, which is familiar to UNIX users.
v Issues the telnet command, which invokes the shell. It provides an
asynchronous terminal interface to the shell, which is familiar to UNIX users.

See z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide for a description of these interfaces to
the shell.

After the user logs in to the shell, the system initializes the shell. See “Customizing
the z/OS UNIX shells” on page 217 for information about customizing the shell

Invoking the shell automatically under TSO/E

A shell user can invoke the shell automatically at the end of logging on to TSO/E.
For the automatic invocations, the system invokes the shell after the TSO/E logon
completes initialization. Automatic invocation is a handy way to enter the same
OMVS command with options each time.

The automatic invocation can be set up by the system programmer or by the shell

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 215

Steps for enabling shell users to invoke the shell
Before you begin: You need to know which shell users want to invoke the shell
automatically when they log on to TSO/E, and you must be the system

Perform the following steps to enable shell users to invoke the shell automatically
when they log on to TSO/E.
1. Select or create a TSO/E logon procedure for users who want to invoke the
shell automatically when they log on to TSO/E
2. In the logon procedure, add a PARM parameter to the EXEC statement for
program IKJEFT01.
3. Tell users to specify the procedure on the TSO/E logon panel on the line:
Procedure ===>

When you are done, you have enabled shell users to invoke the shell automatically
when they log on to TSO/E.

v To customize the OMVS command for all shell users, you can create a REXX
exec with the customized options. Then specify the name of the REXX exec in
the PARM parameter, instead of with the OMVS command. In the exec, for
example, you can specify the following changes:
– Use of the 3270 alarm.
– Number of sessions. (The default is 1.) For example:
– The key or keys to be used for escape.
– The settings for the function keys.
– The table to be used for code page conversion.
– Shared address space.
v To customize any of the default function key settings, type your selection within
the parentheses after the function key name.
To make function key 1 (<PF1>) the Control key, issue:

Use it to type an escape sequence such as <Ctrl-D>. (First type d on the

command line and then press the function key.)

You can now perform the steps for the decision you have made.

Invoking the shell automatically when logging on to TSO/E

A TSO/E user can invoke the shell automatically when logging on to TSO/E.
When logging on, you can invoke the shell by adding one of the following to the
TSO/E logon panel:
v The OMVS command.

216 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Example: If the default options are required:
Command ===> OMVS
v The name of the REXX exec that contains an OMVS command with operands for
required options.
Example: If the exec name is MYOM:
Command ===> MYOM

TSO/E processes this command each time the user logs on until the user deletes
the command from the panel or changes it.

Tip: You might want to invoke OMVS from ISPF for the following reasons:
1. It is faster to invoke an ISPF dialog such as OEDIT or OBROWSE because ISPF
does not need to start and stop to run the command.
2. It is not necessary to type *** and press <Enter> after running an ISPF dialog;
control returns to the shell.
3. You can use split-screen support when using an ISPF dialog.

For information about REXX, see z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference and z/OS TSO/E
REXX Reference

Determining the CPU time limit

The time limit for using a shell is the same as the TSO/E timeout. In determining
the time, the system does not count the processing time for shells running in
separate address spaces or processes forked by the shell. If you specify
environment variable _BPX_SHAREAS=YES, then the shell processes and possibly
one shell command are created in local processes. The CPU time consumed by
local processes comes out of the TSO/E address space's time limit.

Supplying an alternative shell

If your installation decides to supply its own shell, consider doing the following
v Install the alternative shell in the file system.
v Set the sticky bit on and put the alternative shell in the link pack area (LPA).
v Specify the path name of the shell in the PROGRAM parameter for the OMVS
RACF profile for users who want to use this as their default shell.
v Customize /etc/init.options if the shell script used for system initialization will
use this shell.
v Identify the alternative shell in an input parameter in the /etc/init.options file.

If you are using the /etc/profile for the z/OS shell or /etc/csh.login for the tcsh
shell, you might need to review them and make any necessary adjustments.

For an example of MAXPROCSYS settings in BPXPRMxx, see “Monitoring use of

system resources” on page 389.

Customizing the z/OS UNIX shells

After a user logs in to the shell, the system initializes the shell for that user. During
the initialization, the system does the following:

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 217

1. Determines whether the user is authorized to use the shell by checking for a
UID value in the user's RACF user profile. It also checks that the user's RACF
group has a GID assigned to it.
2. Sets the LOGNAME, HOME, and SHELL environment variables from data in
the RACF user profile, which was specified in the RACF ADDUSER and
ALTUSER commands. See “Customizing the RACF user profile” on page 219.
3. Connects the user to the initial working directory that was identified in the
HOME environment variable in the RACF user profile. If the RACF user profile
does not identify a working directory, the system uses the root as the user's
working directory and issues a message.
4. Invokes the shell named in the PROGRAM statement of the OMVS segment in
the RACF user profile.
v For the z/OS shell, it is named /bin/sh.
v For the tcsh shell, it is named /bin/tcsh.

Similar systems typically have an /etc/passwd file, which contains the HOME and
PROGRAM environment variables. The file also contains the passwords and
password phrases that are used. To provide better security, the z/OS shell does not
use the /etc/passwd file; instead, it uses the initial values assigned to these
variables in the RACF user profiles. RACF maintains the passwords and password

Customizing the shell environment variables

If an environment variable is not set, it has no value. Setting an environment
variable is optional.

For the z/OS shell

The places to set environment variables, in the order that the system sets them, are:
1. The RACF user profile.
2. The /etc/profile file, which is a system-wide file that sets environment variables
for all z/OS shell users. This file is only run for login shells.
3. The $HOME/.profile file, which sets environment variables for individual
users. This file is only run for login shells.
4. The file named in the ENV environment variable. This file is run for both login
shells and subshells.
5. A shell command or shell script.

Later settings take precedence. For example, the values set in $HOME/.profile
override those in /etc/profile.

Depending on the commands used to set it, an environment variable can be local
(used only for the current process) or exported (used for the current process and for
any other processes spawned by the current process).

For the tcsh shell

The places to set environment variables, in the order that the system sets them, are:
1. The RACF user profile
2. The /etc/csh.login file, which is the system-wide file that sets environment
variables. This file is only run for login shells.
3. The $HOME/.login file, which sets environment variables for individual users.
This file is only run for login shells.

218 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

4. The /etc/csh.cshrc file, which is the system-wide file that sets shell variables,
some environment variables (like PATH), and umask. It also defines command
aliases. It is used by subshells.
5. The $HOME/.tcshrc file, which sets environment variables for individual users.
It is used by subshells.
6. The $HOME/.cshrc file, if it is provided for compatibility with the C shell.

Later settings take precedence. For example, the values set in $HOME/.login
override those in /etc/csh.login.

Customizing the RACF user profile

The security administrator defines a user by creating a RACF user profile with an
ADDUSER command or alters the user profile with an ALTUSER command. The
RACF user profile contains values that are used to set the following environment
The TSO/E user ID.
The path name of the user's home directory as specified in the HOME
parameter of the RACF command. If the HOME parameter was not
specified, HOME is the root directory. Unpredictable results might occur if
an invalid or nonexistent directory is specified for the HOME parameter.
For more information about setting up home directories for users, see
“Defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF” on page 59.
The path name of the file containing the shell program as specified in the
PROGRAM parameter on the RACF command. If PROGRAM was not
specified, SHELL is /bin/sh.

The PROGRAM parameter can specify a special-purpose shell or another kind of


Customizing files for the z/OS shell

There are several system-wide profiles that you might want to customize to meet
the needs of your installation.
v “Customizing /etc/profile”
v “Customizing $HOME/.profile” on page 225
v “Customizing /etc/init.options” on page 227
v “Customizing /etc/rc” on page 229
v “Customizing /etc/inittab” on page 232

Customizing /etc/profile
The /etc/profile file is the system-wide profile for the z/OS shell users. It
contains environment variables and commands used by most shell users. To
improve system performance, use STEPLIB=none.

Note: Because /etc/profile is the z/OS shell equivalent to /etc/csh.login for

tcsh, you must keep system-wide information for both sets of users in synch. Any
customization that you have done for /etc/profile (such as setting environment
variables) must be duplicated in C-shell syntax in /etc/profile. Future changes to

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 219

/etc/profile also must be made to /etc/csh.login. If you maintain a non-z/OS
UNIX system, you could consider porting /etc/profile

and /etc/csh.login from that system to the z/OS system and merging them with
the z/OS samples.

Copy the IBM-supplied /samples/profile file to /etc/profile. (See “Steps for

customizing /etc/profile” on page 223 for the procedure.) The following extract
shows an excerpt of /samples/profile.
# ======================================================================
# STEPLIB environment variable
# ----------------------------
# Specifies a list of data sets to be searched ahead of the normal
# search order when executing a program. To improve the shell’s
# performance for users from ISPF or users with data sets allocated to
# STEPLIB DD statements, specify "STEPLIB=none" .
# This performance improvement is not applicable to non-interactive
# shells, for example those started with the BPXBATCH and OSHELL
# utilities.
# The exec will restart the current shell, as a login shell with the
# same argv[0] name.
# ==================================================================

if [ -z "$STEPLIB" ] && tty -s;

export STEPLIB=none
exec -a $0 $SHELL

# ======================================================================
# TZ environment variable
# -----------------------
# Specifies the local time zone.
# =====================================================================
export TZ
# ======================================================================
# LANG environment variable
# -------------------------
# Specifies the language you want the messages to displayed in.
# For Japanese: LANG=Ja_JP
# ======================================================================
export LANG

# ======================================================================
# LOGNAME environment variable
# ----------------------------
# This environment variable is set when ’logging’ into the shell
# environment. You can avoid accidental modification to this variable
# by making the LOGNAME variable read-only.
# ==================================================================
readonly LOGNAME

# ======================================================================
# PATH environment variable
# -------------------------
# Specifies the list of directories that the system searches for an
# executable command. If you want to include the current working
# directory in your search order, then the enviroment variable would
# be
# PATH=/bin:.

# The current working directory is represented by dot (’.’) .

220 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

# =================================================================
export PATH# ======================================================================
# LIBPATH environment variable
# ----------------------------
# Specifies the list of directories that the system searches for a DLL
# (Dynamic Link Library) filename. If not set, the current working
# directory is searched.

export LIBPATH

# ==================================================================
## NLSPATH environment variable
# --------------------------–-
# Specifies the list of directories that the system searches for
# message catalogs (NLS files). The %L represents the language currently
# set by the LANG environment variable, and %N represents the name
# of the message catalog.
# ================================================================

export NLSPATH

# ======================================================================
# MANPATH environment variable
# ----------------------------
# Specifies the list of directories that the system searches for man
# pages (help files). The %L represents the language currently set by
# the LANG environment variable.
# ======================================================================
export MANPATH

# ======================================================================
# MAIL environment variable
# -------------------------
# Sets the name of the user’s mailbox file and enables mail
# notification.
# ========================================================
export MAIL

# ======================================================================
# umask variable
# --------------
# Sets the default file creation mask - reference umask in the z/OS
# UNIX System Services Command Reference
# ======================================================================
umask 022# ======================================================================
# Start of c89/cc/c++ customization section
# ======================================================================
# The following environment variables are used to provide information
# to the c89/cc/c++ utilities, such as (parts of) data set names which
# are dynamically allocated.
# ######################################################################
# for _CMP in _C89 _CC _CXX; do
# High-Level Qualifier "prefixes" for data sets used by c89/cc/c++:
# ======================================================================
## C/C++ Compiler:
# ----------------------------------------
# export ${_CMP}_CLIB_PREFIX="CBC"

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 221

# Prelinker and runtime library:
# ----------------------------------------
# export ${_CMP}_PLIB_PREFIX="CEE"
# z/OS system data sets:
# ----------------------------------------
# export ${_CMP}_SLIB_PREFIX="SYS1"
# Compile and link-edit search paths:
# ======================================================================
# Compiler include file directories:
# ----------------------------------------
# export ${_CMP}_INCDIRS="/usr/include /usr/lpp/cbclib/include"
# Link-edit archive library directories:
# ----------------------------------------
# export ${_CMP}_LIBDIRS="/lib /usr/lib"
# Esoteric unit for data sets:
# ======================================================================
# Unit for (unnamed) work data sets:
# ----------------------------------------
# export ${_CMP}_WORK_UNIT="SYSDA"
# done; unset _CMP
# ======================================================================
# End of c89/cc/c++ customization section

Some of the statements in /etc/profile are explained in the following list:

Indicates that STEPLIBs should be not propagated. Running the shell with
STEPLIB=none assumes that the Language Environment runtime library
resides in LINKLIST or in LPA. It is run only on the first invocation of an
interactive shell.
exec -a $0 $SHELL
Restarts the current shell in the current address space with the environment
variables that you have just defined. The "if test" causes this to be run only on
the first invocation of an interactive shell. The tty -s test prevents the shell
from being run by noninteractive invocations such as those started with
Sets the time zone as appropriate. In the sample profile, TZ is set to EST5EDT,
which is Eastern Daylight Time.
Specifies the name of the default locale. C specifies the POSIX locale and Ja_JP
specifies the Japanese locale.
readonly LOGNAME
Sets the LOGNAME variable to read-only so that it is not accidentally
Sets a default command search path to search only the /bin directory.

222 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Specifies the directory to search for a dynamic link library (DLL) file name. If
this is not set, only the working directory is searched.
Sets the path for message catalogs.
Sets the path for the man pages.
Sets the name of the system mail file and enables mail notification.
umask 022
Sets the default file creation mask. In the sample, the mask is set to 022. This
causes a file created with mode 777 to have permissions of 755. The creator
cannot set the group write or other write bits on in the file mode field, because
the mask sets them off.
Exports the values so the system will have access to them.

Steps for customizing /etc/profile

Before you begin: You need to have access to /samples/profile.

Perform the following steps to customize /etc/profile.

1. Copy /samples/profile to /etc/profile. If you already have /etc/profile, then
compare it to /samples/profile and retrofit any new updates. For example:
cp /samples/profile /etc/profile
2. Edit /etc/profile to change and add environment variables. For more
information about environment variables that you can use, see “Environment
variables that you can customize for /etc/profile.”

When you are done, you have customized /etc/profile.

Environment variables that you can customize for /etc/profile

TZ Identifies the time zone used by most of your users. It gives the standard
time zone, the number of hours offset from Coordinated Universal Time
Coordinated (UTC) – also called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) – and the
daylight saving time zone.
1. For a system whose users are mostly in New York and Boston, this
variable would be:
2. For a system with most users in Houston, this variable would be:
PATH Defines the default command path. This variable should name all
directories in which the installation plans to put utilities and licensed
If you plan to place all standard utilities in the /bin directory, this variable
If you want your users to access another product's binaries that was
installed into /usr/lpp/xxxxxxxx/bin, the variable becomes:

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 223

The order of the directories in the PATH environment variable controls the
search order.
To add the working directory to the search, add a colon and a period (:.)
as follows:
To search the working directory first, specify:
Contains a list of directories that the z/OS shell searches to find shell
functions. The /samples/profile file does not have a default FPATH
setting. Add the definition of the FPATH environment variable to point to
the directories in /etc/profile that contain the shell function definitions.
Directories in this list are separated by colons. Every directory is searched
in the order specified in the list until a matching function definition file is
found. If you have shell functions that you want to make available to all
users, do the following:
1. Define a directory that is readable by all users.
2. Put the shell function definitions in files within this directory.
3. Add the definition of the FPATH environment variable to /etc/profile.
Mark it as an exported variable with the export command.
Example: A function named buildapp is in a file named
/usr/lib/appdev/functions/buildapp. Add the following statement to
export FPATH=/usr/lib/appdev/functions

The user can then just issue buildapp. The first time buildapp is run, it is
found in FPATH, defined in the current shell, and executed. After that first
time, every time buildapp is issued (within the same shell), the shell
executes buildapp without first searching for that function.
FPATH follows the same format as the PATH environment variable.
Specifies the path that the messaging service will use to find a message
Contains the default locale name.
MAIL Define the name of the system mail file and enables notification of mail. If
you plan to use a mail file other than /usr/mail (for example, /usr/notes),
set the variable as follows:
Defines libraries that should be searched to load MVS load modules.
Normally, installations should specify STEPLIB=NONE to prevent the
propagation of STEPLIBs. If a STEPLIB environment variable is needed,
specify only the required library. For example:

224 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

If you do not specify the STEPLIB environment variable, STEPLIBs are
propagated from the user's TSO/E user ID. Specifying a value other than
STEPLIB=NONE can affect performance for the following reasons:
v Each time a fork or exec is invoked, STEPLIB data sets are dynamically
allocated for the user.
v Each time an MVS load module is loaded, the STEPLIB data set
directories are searched.
v Each time an MVS load module is found in the STEPLIB concatenation,
the module is loaded from there into the user's private area storage.
Tells the setlocale() function the name of the directory from which to load
locale object files. If LOCPATH is not defined, the default directory
/usr/lib/nls/locale is searched.
LOCPATH is similar to the PATH environment variable. It contains a list of
z/OS UNIX directories separated by colons.
For information about how setlocale() searches for locale object files, see
the description of setlocale() in z/OS XL C/C++ Runtime Library Reference.

Customizing $HOME/.profile
The optional $HOME/.profile file contains commands that set or change the values
of environment variables for an individual user. (HOME is a variable for the path
name for a user's home directory.) The values set in $HOME/.profile can override
those in /etc/profile.

Note: Because $HOME/.profile is the z/OS shell equivalent to $HOME/.login for

tcsh, you must keep system-wide information for both sets of users in synch. Any
customization that you did for $HOME/.profile (such as setting environment
variables) must be duplicated in C-shell syntax in $HOME/.login. Future changes
to $HOME/.profile also must be made to $HOME/.login. If you maintain a
non-z/OS UNIX system, you could consider porting $HOME/.profile and
$HOME/.login from that system to the z/OS system and merging them with the
z/OS samples.

Figure 38 shows the IBM-supplied /samples/.profile.

# ENV=$HOME/.setup
# export ENV



PS1=’$LOGNAME’:’$PWD’:’ >’


Figure 38. Contents of /samples/.profile

Steps for customizing $HOME/.profile

Before you begin: You need to have access to /samples/.profile.

Perform the following steps to customize $HOME/profile.

1. Copy /samples/.profile to your $HOME directory. For example:
cp /samples/.profile $HOME/.profile

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 225

2. Edit .profile to change and add environment variables. For more information
about environment variables that you can use, see “Environment variables that
you can customize for $HOME/.profile.”

When you are done, you have customized $HOME/.profile.

Environment variables that you can customize for $HOME/.profile

Table 26 lists the environment variables that you can customize for $HOME/.profile.
Table 26. Environment variables that you can customize for $HOME/.profile
Environment variable What it does
ENV Specifies the name of the user's environment file, which is a
shell script. ENV=$HOME/.setup specifies a file called .setup,
which the user added to the home directory.
STEPLIB Specifies STEPLIBs for individual users who have STEPLIB
requirements that are different from those of other users.
Tip: Use STEPLIB=none. However, there might be cases in
which a specific library is needed; for example,
PATH Appends your home directory to the current path.

When you set up your own $HOME/.profile as superuser,

specify the /usr/sbin directory in your PATH variable
because some superuser utilities are in that directory
instead of the /bin directory. Those utilities include
automount, inetd, lm, mknod, ocsconfig, rlogind, uucpd,
chroot and cron
PS1 Specifies the prompt character or string.
TZ Specifies a different time zone if the user is in a remote
MAILRC Specifies the name of the user's mail startup file. The
default is $HOME/.mailrc.
MAIL Specifies the name of the user's file for mail that the user
does not save in some other file. The default is $HOME/mbox.
MBOX Specifies the name of the user's file for mail that the user
does not save in some other file. The default is $HOME/mbox.
DEAD Specifies the name of the user's file for partial messages
when an interrupt or error occurs when creating a message
or delivering it. The default is $HOME/dead.letter.

In order for system programmers and administrators to run authorized utilities

and to start daemons found in /usr/sbin, they must have a $HOME/.profile file
with the PATH environment variable set as follows:

Using an ENV environment variable file

When the shell is invoked as a login shell, /etc/profile and $HOME/.profile are
used. If you want environment variables in a shell invoked from the current shell,
you should identify a file in an ENV environment variable and place shell
commands in the file. The shell interprets the file named in ENV each time a new
shell is invoked.

226 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Using a shell command or shell script
For the current shell invocation, a user can enter a shell command to set the value
of any environment variable. Any variables set in a shell script are set only while
the script is running and do not affect the shell that invoked the shell script (unless
the script is “sourced” by running it with the dot command).

Customizing /etc/init.options
The file /etc/init and /usr/sbin/init are referred to synonymously as the
initialization program that is run when the OMVS address space is initialized.

The /usr/sbin/init program invokes a shell to execute an initialization shell script

that customizes the environment. When this shell script finishes or when a time
interval established by /usr/sbin/init expires, kernel services become available for
general batch and interactive use. Standard output (stdout) and standard error
output (stderr) are redirected to /etc/log.

Table 27 lists the files that are associated with /usr/sbin/init.

Table 27. Files that are associated with /usr/sbin/init
File What it is
/bin/sh The default shell that /usr/sbin/init invokes to execute
/etc/rc or another shell script that is specified in the
/etc/init.options file.
/etc/init.options The customized initialization options file, which is read by
/etc/rc The default shell script that is used for initialization.
/etc/log The file that output is written to.
Other utilities Services that are called by the initialization shell script.

/usr/sbin/init and the customized /etc/init.options and /etc/rc are run at IPL.
There is no other way to invoke them explicitly.

Before /usr/sbin/init invokes the shell to execute the system initialization shell
script, it reads the file /etc/init.options for values of various options. The
IBM-supplied default is in /samples/init.options. Copy this file to
/etc/init.options and make the appropriate changes. If you already have
/etc/init.options, then compare it to /samples/init.options and retrofit any
new updates.

/usr/sbin/init treats all lines in /etc/init.options that do not start with a

hyphen (-) as comment lines. Lines that start with a hyphen are used to specify
options. The format of lines specifying options is as follows:
-oo vvvvv comment

v oo is a field of one or more nonblank characters immediately following the
hyphen that identifies the option. The end of the option field is delimited by one
or more blanks.
v vvvvv is a field of one or more nonblank characters that specify an option value.
These characters are numeric, alphabetic, or a combination of both, depending
on the option being specified. The end of the value field is delimited by one or
more blanks.

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 227

Option and option value characters must appear in columns 1 through 79 of an
option line in /etc/init.options. /usr/sbin/init ignores characters beyond
column 79. However, a backslash (\) immediately following nonblank value
field characters is recognized as a continuation character. If the continuation
character is found, nonblank characters at the beginning of the next line are
treated as option value characters. The first blank character delimits the end of
the value field.
Option value characters on a continuation line are limited to columns 1 through
The continuation character is recognized on continuation lines as well as the
option line.
v Any characters after a blank delimiting the end of the option value field on the
same line are treated as comment characters.

Options and option value ranges are listed as follows:

-a nnnn
Alarm option. Specifies the maximum time in seconds allowed for the shell
script to complete. You must specify enough time for the system
initialization script to complete if this is a requirement at your installation.
The default is 180 seconds.
The maximum is 9999 seconds.
If the shell does not signal completion of the script before this time elapses,
/usr/sbin/init writes the timeout error message, FSUM4013I, in /etc/log
and exits.
If the value 0 is specified, no timeout interval is set. The decision to specify
the value 0 for the alarm option should be made carefully and only after
you know that the initialization script is error-free.
-t n Terminate option. Specifies whether to end the shell script initialization if
the timeout specified by the alarm option (-a) occurs.
0 Allows the shell script to continue
>0 Ends the shell script
1 The default; ends the shell script.
If you specify terminate and the timeout waiting for the initialization shell
script occurs, /usr/sbin/init sends a stop signal to the shell process
It is your responsibility to decide if the initialization shell script can
continue concurrently with batch and interactive use of the shell.
-e string
Environment variable option: string in the form name=value specifies the
environment variable name and the value that /usr/sbin/init passes to
the shell that it is invoking
The maximum length is 255 characters.
/etc/init.options can contain up to 25 -e option lines specifying names
and values for different environment variables. /usr/sbin/init passes the
resultant environment variable array to the shell that it invokes. In turn,
the shell uses this array to set up an execution environment for the
initialization shell script that is appropriate for the installation. TZ is an
example of an environment variable that should be considered.

228 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

These environment variables should also be set up in /etc/profile or
$HOME/.profile for each interactive user. Examples of variables that you
could specify are TZ, LANG, and NLSPATH.
-sc pathname
The path name of the initialization shell script.
The default is /etc/rc.
The maximum length is 255 characters.
-sh pathname
pathname specifies the shell to be invoked by /usr/sbin/init to run the
initialization script. /usr/sbin/init cannot set environment variables for
the rest of the system.
The default is /bin/sh.
The maximum length is 255 characters.
-sh <blanks> tells /usr/sbin/init not to run the shell. Instead,
/usr/sbin/init signals that multiuser mode is to be entered and then exits.

Following is a sample /etc/init.options file showing the time zone, the Japanese
language, and the locale:
-e TZ=JST-9
-e NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N

/etc/init opens the message catalog fsumucat.cat in directory

/usr/lib/nls/msg/C unless an NLSPATH environment variable naming a different
directory is specified in the /etc/init.options file.

For more information about national language support, see Chapter 9,

“Customizing for your national code page in the shell,” on page 247.

Tip: You can use a REXX exec in an MVS data set as an alternative to running the
/etc/init initialization program. To activate the REXX exec for initialization, you
must specify its name on the STARTUP_EXEC statement in the BPXPRMxx
parmlib member.

Customizing /etc/rc
The /etc/rc file contains customization commands for z/OS UNIX System
Services Application Services. Copy the IBM-supplied /samples/rc file to /etc/rc,
as described in “Steps for customizing /etc/rc” on page 231 and customize it.

If the /etc/inittab file is installed, z/OS UNIX installation processes the

/etc/inittab file instead of executing the /etc/rc file. If you want to use
/etc/inittab in addition to the existing /etc/rc file, then include an entry in the
/etc/inittab file to start /etc/rc.

The following IBM-supplied /samples/rc file includes the set -v -x command,

which specifies that a verbose shell command trace of /etc/rc is to be written to
/etc/log. Certain comments are also commented out.
# Initialization shell script, pathname = /etc/rc


# 5694-A01 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP, 1993, 2008)
# Initial setup for z/OS UNIX

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 229


# Provide z/OS UNIX Startup Diagnostics

set -v -x

# Setup utmpx file

chmod 644 /etc/utmpx

# Reset all slave tty files

chmod 666 /dev/tty*
chown 0 /dev/tty*

# Allow only file owner to remove files from /tmp

chmod 1777 /tmp

# Allow only file owner to remove files from /var

chmod 1777 /var

# Allow only file owner to remove files from /dev

chmod 1755 /dev

# Setup write, talk, mesg utilities

# chgrp TTY /bin/write
# chgrp TTY /bin/mesg
# chgrp TTY /bin/talk
# chmod 2755 /bin/write
# chmod 2755 /bin/mesg
# chmod 2755 /bin/talk
# Performed at install in HOT7707
# Commented out in HOT6609 and performed in SAMPLIB job FOMISCHO

# Setup mailx utility

# No need to CHGRP /usr/mail directory
# No need to CHGRP mailx utility
# No need to CHMOD mailx to turn on SETGID
# Setup uucp utility
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp/IBM
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/locks
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucppublic
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp/.Xqtdir
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp/.Sequence
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp/.Status
# chown uucp:uucpg /bin/uucp
# chown uucp:uucpg /bin/uuname
# chown uucp:uucpg /bin/uustat
# chown uucp:uucpg /bin/uux
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp/uucico
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp/uucc
# chmod 4775 /bin/uucp
# chmod 4775 /bin/uuname
# chmod 4775 /bin/uustat
# chmod 4775 /bin/uux
# chmod 4754 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico
# chmod 4754 /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt
# chmod 4774 /usr/lib/uucp/uucc
# Performed at install in HOT7707
# Commented out in HOT6609 and performed in SAMPLIB job FOMISCHO

# Invoke vi recovery

230 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

# mkdir -m 777 /var/tmp
# export TMP_VI="/var/tmp"
mkdir -m 777 /etc/recover

# Create TERMINFO database

# tic /usr/share/lib/terminfo/ibm.ti
# tic /usr/share/lib/terminfo/dec.ti
# tic /usr/share/lib/terminfo/wyse.ti
# tic /usr/share/lib/terminfo/dtterm.ti
# commented tic out in HOT1180 - all TERMINFO files are shipped

# Added in HOT7750 to eliminate a manual migration action.
# Remove all files in the man cache that were created by the
man command for the default MANPATH directory.
# NOTE: This loop only removes files for a subset of the LANG values
# possible. Administrators should customize the loop to include
# the LANG values supported on their system.
for MAN_CACHE_LANG in C Ja_JP Zh_CN ; do
[[ -d /var/man/$MAN_CACHE_LANG ]] && rm /var/man/$MAN_CACHE_LANG/*.[0-9].*

# Start the INET daemon for remote login activity

#_BPX_JOBNAME=’INETD’ /usr/sbin/inetd /etc/inetd.conf &

sleep 5
echo /etc/rc script executed, `date`

The following setup sections have been commented out:

v For the mailx utility because the mailx utility no longer requires these entries.
v For creating the terminfo database because IBM ships the individual files that
make up the terminfo database.
v For the mesg, talk, write and uucp because this customization is now done
when running the FOMISCHO sample job.

Steps for customizing /etc/rc

Before you begin: You need to have access to /samples/rc. If you already have
/etc/rc, then compare it to /samples/rc and retrofit any new updates.

Perform the following steps to customize /etc/rc.

1. Copy /samples/rc to the /etc/rc file. For example:
cp /samples/rc etc/rc
2. Edit /etc/profile to add additional entries, such as those for shell commands.
For instance, you could add a command to start an installation-supplied
daemon. The script can also invoke other scripts such as an rc.tcpip script to
start tcp daemons.
3. Save the file.

When you are done, you have customized /etc/rc.

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 231

Customizing /etc/inittab
The /etc/inittab file lists system processes (for example, commands and shell
scripts) that are started when z/OS UNIX is initialized. The file also identifies
processes that can be restarted automatically when they end.

To create the/etc/inittab file, copy the /samples/inittab file to /etc/inittab as

described in “Steps for customizing /etc/inittab” on page 234 and add additional
entries to it. For example, if you want to take advantage of the respawn capability,
you can add an inittab entry to start daemons such as syslogd and cron from
/etc/inittab instead of from /etc/rc. When the respawn capability is used,
programs that end are automatically restarted or respawned.

Tip: When the /etc/inittab file is installed, it is processed instead of the

/etc/rcfile. Do not create the /etc/inittab file if you want the /etc/rc file to be
run directly from the initialization process. If you want to use /etc/inittab in
addition to the existing /etc/rc file, then include an entry in the /etc/inittab file
to start /etc/rc. For example:
etcrc::wait:/etc/rc >/etc/log 2>&1

Rule: The /etc/inittab file must be installed into the file system before the
system is IPLed or before it is restarted. It is processed only once during
initialization and also once during OMVS restart.

Format of the /etc/inittab file

The /etc/inittab file is composed of entries that are position-dependent and have
the following format:

The colon character (:) is used as a delimiter. To comment out an entry in the
/etc/inittab file, add : or # at the beginning of the entry.

Example: The following entry is commented out.


Each entry is delimited by a newline character. A backslash (\) character preceding

a newline character indicates the continuation of an entry. There are no limits on
the number of entries in the /etc/inittab file. The maximum entry size is 1024
characters. The entry fields are:
A string of 1 to 7 characters that uniquely identifies the entry. The ID is
used as the job name for the process.
v The identifier must start in column 1 of the file.
v Valid characters are A-Z and 0-9. Lowercase characters are converted to
v The identifier must start with an alphabetic character.
The identifier is required; there is no default.
Not supported on z/OS UNIX. Identifies the run levels in which this entry
can be processed. Even though the RunLevel field is not supported, it is in
the inittab entry for compatibility with other UNIX implementations. The
run level field can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters. If it is specified, it
will be checked for validity and the inittab entry will be skipped if it is in

232 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Specifies how to handle the process that is started in the command field.
The supported actions are:
once Starts the process and does not wait for it to end. Continues
scanning the /etc/inittab file and processes the next entry. When it
ends, the process is not restarted.
Starts the process and does not wait for it to end. Continues
scanning the /etc/inittab file and processes the next entry. The
process is restarted when it ends. When a process is spawned
again, it is restarted with the same file descriptors and
environment variables that it was started with originally.
If a process ends due to a shutdown of all fork activity, the process
is not restarted until fork activity is re-enabled. If a respawnable
process ends and then ends again after being restarted within 15
minutes of its first ending, then message BPXI082D is displayed.
The message identifies the process entry and asks whether to try
again or ignore the error. A process identified for respawn will not
be able to register as a permanent process that can survive a
shutdown and restart cycle because the /etc/inittab file will be
processed again during restart.
Restriction: Daemons, such as cron, inetd, and sshd (the OpenSSH
daemon), cannot be restarted using the respawn attribute. These
processes fork themselves. The respawn attribute is associated with
the parent process that is started, not the forked child processes.
To check the status of the respawn attribute, issue the D OMVS
operator command and check the STATE field. You can also use
the -o attr option of the ps shell command, which displays the
process attributes.
Tip: To avoid excessive consumption of common storage, limit the
number of processes started with the respawn attribute to 100 or
Starts the process and does not wait for it to end. Continues
scanning the /etc/inittab file and processes the next entry.
v If the process never issues a fork command, then this action
behaves the same way as the respawn action.
v If the process issues a fork, then the respawn attribute is
transferred to the forked child process. When the child process
ends, the original parent process is spawned. This process will
fork itself, thus restarting the daemon process.
v If the original process issues any additional forks, the respawn
attribute is not transferred to those forked children. It is only
transferred the first time the fork is issued.
The respfrk option is intended for a program that forks itself to
create a child process which then continues running while the
parent process ends. For example, the cron and inetd daemons are
written this way.

This option is not found on any other UNIX platforms.

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 233

Restriction: Daemons such as the OpenSSH daemon cannot be
respawned with the respfrk attribute. The OpenSSH daemon also
forks itself to create a child process which then continues running
while the parent process ends. However, it does additional forks
before actually forking the daemon process.
wait Starts the process and waits for it to end. The process is not
restarted when it ends. Any subsequent /etc/inittab entries are not
processed until this process ends.
Identifies a shell command, script, or executable program to be run. The
name must be a fully qualified path name. The entire command is, by
default, executed by the shell as:
/bin/sh -c "exec command"

You can change the path name of the target shell via the -sh option in the
/etc/init.options file, but if respawn is required, this action is not

Tip: You might see a message indicating that an inittab entry was started
successfully although the command might not have run successfully. This is the
case if the syntax of the inittab entry was correct but the command path was not a
valid path name.

The /samples/inittab file

A partial sample file, /samples/inittab, is shown in Figure 39.

inetd::respfrk:/usr/sbin/inetd /etc/inetd.conf
msgend::once:/bin/echo Done processing /etc/inittab >/dev/console

Figure 39. Partial contents of the /samples/inittab file

Because the first entry, /etc/rc, does not have redirection specified, standard output
and standard error are both directed to /etc/log.

In the sample file:

v The following entry invokes /etc/rc:
v The following entry invokes the inetd daemon by means of the /etc/initttab file.
You can use this entry instead of starting the inetd daemon from /etc/rc. The
sample inittab entry for inetd causes the inetd daemon to be started under
jobname INETD1 with the respawn capability:
inetd::respfrk:/usr/sbin/inetd /etc/inetd.conf

Steps for customizing /etc/inittab

Before you begin: You need to have access to /samples/inittab. You should also
check that the value for the -a option in the /etc/init.options file specifies enough
time for the system initialization script to complete.

Perform the following steps to customize /etc/inittab.

1. Copy /samples/inittab to /etc/inittab. For example:
cp /samples/inittab /etc/inittab

234 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

2. Add entries to /etc/inittab for system processes that you want to be started
when the system is initialized. The sample file has an entry for inetd. You can
add any other system processes to the file. Some examples are provided:
v The following entry is defined in /etc/rc for starting the cron daemon:
_BPX_JOBNAME=’CRON’ /usr/sbin/cron &

You want to get the equivalent function using /etc/inittab. To do so, add the
following entry to the /etc/inittab file:

The first positional, the identifier, is CRON. This will assign the job name of
CRON to the started process. You do not need to set _BPX_JOBNAME. The
& at the end of the /etc/rc entry is not needed in the /etc/inittab file. The &
indicates the process is to be started in the background and should be
forked, ensuring it gets the job name specified by _BPX_JOBNAME. Starting
the process from the /etc/inittab file ensures the started process gets the job
name as the specified identifier.
v To start cron the same way but with the additional function of assigning it
the respawn capability, add the following entry to the /etc/inittab file:
Guideline: For commands that are only run once (during initialization),
consider keeping them in /etc/rc. Consider starting daemons (long-running
commands that service user requests) from /etc/inittab.
3. If you have an entry for /etc/rc, remove any command entry from /etc/rc that
you have added to /etc/inittab.
4. Save the file.

When you are done, you have customized the /etc/inittab file.

Customizing files for the tcsh shell

This section lists the following customization tasks:
v “Customizing /etc/csh.login”
v “Customizing $HOME/.login” on page 236
v “Customizing /etc/csh.cshrc” on page 236
v “Customizing $HOME/.tcshrc” on page 237
v “Customizing /etc/complete.tcsh” on page 237

Customizing /etc/csh.login
The /etc/csh.login file is used for setting environment variables such as TERM
and is only read by tcsh when it is a login shell.

Important: Because /etc/csh.login is the tcsh equivalent to /etc/profile for sh,

you need to keep system-wide information for both sets of users in synch. Any
customization that you have done for /etc/profile (such as setting environment
variables) must be duplicated in tcsh syntax in /etc/csh.login. Future changes to
/etc/profile also need to be made to /etc/csh.login. If you maintain a non-z/OS
UNIX system, you could consider porting /etc/csh.cshrc and /etc/csh.login

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 235

from that system to z/OS and merging them with the z/OS samples.

Figure 40 shows a sample /samples/csh.login file:

tty -s
set tty_rc=$status
if (($?STEPLIB == 0 ) && ($tty_rc == 0)) then
setenv STEPLIB none
exec tcsh -l
unset tty_rc

setenv TZ EST5EDT
setenv LANG C
setenv LIBPATH /lib:/usr/lib:.
setenv MAIL /usr/mail/$LOGNAME

# ==============================================================
# Start of c89/cc/c++ customization section
# ==============================================================
# foreach _CMP(_C89_CC_CXX)
# setenv ${_CMP}_CLIB_PREFIX "CBC"
# setenv ${_CMP}_PLIB_PREFIX "CEE"
# setenv ${_CMP}_SLIB_PREFIX "SYS1"
# setenv ${_CMP}_INCDIRS "/usr/include /usr/lpp/cbclib/include"
# setenv ${_CMP}_LIBDIRS "/lib /usr/lib"
#Esoteric unit for data sets:
# setenv ${_CMP}_WORK_UNIT "SYSDA"
# unset _CMP
# =================================================================
# End of c89/cc/c++ customization section
# =================================================================

Figure 40. Partial contents of the /samples/csh.login file

Use the cp command to copy /samples/csh.login to /etc/csh.login. Edit

/etc/csh.login to change or add environment variables.

Customizing $HOME/.login
To change or add environment variables such as TERM that are customized for
individual users, first use the cp command to copy /samples/.login to
$HOME/.login. Then edit the file to change or add environment variables. The
$HOME/.login file is only read by tcsh when it is a login shell.

Important: Because $HOME/.login is the tcsh equivalent to $HOME/.profile for sh,

you must keep system-wide information for both sets of users in synch. Any
customization that you have done for $HOME/.login (such as setting environment
variables) must be duplicated in C-shell syntax in$HOME/.profile. Future changes
to $HOME/.login also must be made to $HOME/.profile. If you maintain a non-z/OS
UNIX system, you could consider porting $HOME/.login and $HOME/.profile from
that system to the z/OS system and merging them with the z/OS samples.

Customizing /etc/csh.cshrc
The /etc/csh.cshrc file is the system-wide profile for tcsh shell users and is read by
236 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Figure 41 shows suggested settings for /etc/csh.cshrc provided in the IBM-supplied

# =================================================================
# path shell variable
# =================================================================
# Specifies the list of directories that the system searches for an
# executable command.
set path = (/bin)
# =================================================================
# umask variable
umask 022
# ==================================================================

Figure 41. Partial contents of the /samples/csh.cshrc file

Use the cp command to copy the /samples/csh.cshrc file to /etc/csh.cshrc. Then edit
/etc/csh.cshrc to change or add shell variables.

Customizing $HOME/.tcshrc
The $HOME/.tcshrc file contains commands that set or change the values of shell
variables for individual users and is read by subshells. HOME is a variable for the
path name for a user's home directory. The values set in $HOME/.tcshrc override
those in /etc/csh.cshrc.

Use the cp command to copy /samples/.tcshrc to your $HOME directory. Then edit
the new file to change or add shell variables.

Customizing /etc/complete.tcsh
The /etc/complete.tcsh file contains programmed completions that might be useful
to the user. Programmed completions associate specific types of completion with
individual commands.

Use the cp command to copy /samples/complete.tcsh to /etc/complete.tcsh. Then

edit the new file.

Copying configuration files

In order to use z/OS UNIX shells and utilities, you must copy the configuration
files listed in Table 28 to the specified directory.
Table 28. Copying configuration files in order to use z/OS UNIX shells and utilities
Utility Copied
From: To:
cron /samples/queuedefs /usr/lib/cron/queuedefs
file /samples/magic /etc/magic
inetd /samples/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf
lexx /samples/yylex.c /etc/yylex.c
mailx /samples/mailx.rc /etc/mailx.rc
make /samples/startup.mk /etc/startup.mk

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 237

Table 28. Copying configuration files in order to use z/OS UNIX shells and utilities (continued)
Utility Copied
From: To:
sh /samples/profile /etc/profile
/samples/.profile $HOME/.profile
tcsh /samples/complete/tcsh /etc/complete.tcsh
/samples/csh.cshrc /etc/csh.cshrc
/samples/csh.login /etc/csh.login
/samples/.tcshrc $HOME/.tcshrc
/samples/.login $HOME/.login
uucp /samples/Devices /usr/lib/uucp/Devices
/samples/Dialers /usr/lib/uucp/Dialers
/samples/Dialcodes /usr/lib/uucp/Dialcodes
/samples/Permissions /usr/lib/uucp/Permissions
/samples/Systems /usr/lib/uucp/Systems
yacc /samples/yyparse.c /etc/yyparse.c

Enabling the man pages

The man command displays help information about both shell commands and the
z/OS UNIX set of TSO/E commands. To use man pages on z/OS UNIX, you must
have a SEPHTAB data set cataloged in your system, and the SEPHTAB data set
name must be available to the BookRead service called by the man command.

When configuring your system to use man pages:

1. Catalog a SEPHTAB data set in your system and make the SEPHTAB data set
name available to the BookRead service called by the man command. The
SEPHTAB data set contains translation tables used to translate data from the
internal BookManager® softcopy format to the code page displayed by
2. Make sure that the BookServer-supplied EPH.SEPTHTAB data set is available.
If you are using the default IBM-supplied prefix on data set EPH.SEPHTAB, the
setup for man pages is simple. All you have to do is let the shell know where
to find the man pages by setting the MANPATH environment variable.
3. Tell the shell where to find the man pages by setting the MANPATH
environment variable:

After you configure the system for man pages, you can use the man command
(which works from within the z/OS UNIX shell) to view the available commands
online in man page format.

If you are not using the default data set EPH.SEPHTAB, you will have to copy the
sample EPHWP00 parmlib member from SEPHSAMP into SYS1.PARMLIB. The
EPHWP00 sample member contains one line of left-aligned text, "EPH" , which is
the IBM-supplied prefix for the SEPHTAB data set. If you change this prefix, you
must then change the "EPH" statement to match the new prefix. Make sure that the
prefix is left justified on the first line of the EPHWP00 member

238 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

If you rename the SEPTHTAB data set to another suffix, the first line of
/etc/booksrv/bookread.conf must contain:

The preferred location of the BookRead configuration file is /etc/booksrv/

bookread.conf. If that location is not found, the system uses
sys1.parmlib(ephwp00). In other words, if you use the default name
EPH.SEPHTAB, you have nothing more to do. However, if you have a
/etc/booksrv/bookread.conf file, it must contain the name of the data set. If you
decide not to use the /etc/booksrv/bookread.conf file, you must set an
environment variable (EPHBookReadConfig) to let the shell know where to find
the BookRead configuration file.

Setting up for mesg, talk, write, and UUCP

The customization required for the mesg, write, and talk utilities is done at
installation time. Likewise, part of UUCP customization is done at installation
time. For more information, see “Security requirements for ServerPac and CBPDO
installation” on page 87. In the past, these tasks were done with the FOMISCHO
job from SYS1.SAMPLIB.

The FOMISCHO job remains available in SYS1.SAMPLIB for installations that

cannot synchronize their security databases for the required user ID uucp and
group IDs uucpg and TTY. To complete this customization step, these installations
must run FOMISCHO against each system image.

Customizing c89, cc, and c++ (cxx) compilers

The c89 utility is customized by setting environment variables. The ones that most
commonly require setting are specified in the c89 customization section.
v For the z/OS shell, the customization section is in /etc/profile.
v For the tcsh shell, the customization section is in /etc/csh.login.
z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference lists the rest of the variables that
might require setting for typical c89 usage.

z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference, in its c89 section, assumes that the
current level of the z/OS XL C/C++ compiler and Language Environment runtime
library will be used. If you must use a previous level of the compiler, then you
must customize other environment variables, which are only documented here.

The environment variables used by the cc command have the same names as the
ones used by c89, except that the prefix is _CC instead of _C89. Likewise, for the
c++ (cxx) command, the prefix is _CXX instead of _C89. Normally, you do not
need to explicitly export the environment variables for all three commands; the "for
loop" at the bottom of the c89 customization section can be used. This "for loop"
sets the variables for all the c89/cc/c++ (cxx) commands.

By putting any customization statements for c89 into /etc/profile for the z/OS
shell (or /etc/csh.login for the tcsh shell) and commenting out those lines, the
environment variables are automatically exported for c89, cc, and c++ (cxx). See
“Customizing /etc/profile” on page 219 and “Customizing /etc/csh.login” on
page 235 for more information.

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 239

After you customize the profile, you probably will not need to change it again.
However, you can change the variables at any time; the next time a user logs into
the shell, they will get the new settings.

Using non-default high-level qualifiers

If any of the listed installed products did not use the installation default for the
high-level qualifier, then the appropriate environment variable must be exported to
make c89 aware of this. The environment variables in this table are set to the
default values for the current level of z/OS, but you will need to set them to your
high-level qualifiers. These high-level qualifiers are used to construct the names of
data sets used by c89. All named data sets used by c89 must be cataloged.
c89 environment variable
z/OS XL C/C++ compiler
Language Environment

Using a system that does not have UNIT=SYSDA

If the system is not configured with an esoteric unit SYSDA, or some other esoteric
unit is to be used for VIO temporary unnamed work data sets set by c89, the
_C89_WORK_UNIT=SYSDA environment variable must be set. Specifying a null
value for this variable ("") results in c89 using an installation-defined default for
the UNIT. The environment variable is shown being set to the default value:
c89 environment variable
All c89–allocated work data sets

Selecting z/OS XL C/C++ compilers

This section lists the compiler choices; the environment variable settings for each
compiler are identified.

The c89/cc/c++ commands use a number of environment variables. The default

values are specified as comments in the /samples/profile file that is shipped with
each release. The environment variables for:
v c89 begin with the prefix _C89
v cc begin with the prefix _CC
v c++ begin with the prefix _CXX
If the C/C++ Class Library DLLS are used in building your executables (the
default for the c++ command), then this will also target your executable for the
same level of C/C++ Class Library

Using the same compiler for the entire system

If you are using the same compiler for the entire system, then put the compiler
data set name in the linklist. By default, the linklist contains the name of the
default compiler

240 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

If you are using a compiler that is not the system-wide default, then you must
specify the compiler data set name in the STEPLIB environment variable and
export it. Performance might be somewhat affected.

Using the command names common to the xlc and c89 utility
The c89 and xlc commands support the c89, cxx, cc, and c++ command names.
Users can use the c89 or xlc versions of these commands.

The c89 utility is installed in the /bin directory. To use the c89 version of these
commands, the /bin directory must precede the /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin directory in
the PATH environment variable.

xlc is installed in the /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin directory. To use the xlc version of

these commands, that directory must precede the /bin directory in the PATH
environment variable.

If the /bin directory precedes the /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin directory, you can still use
the xlc version of these commands. To do so, use one of xlc, xlC, xlc++ and related
command names (such as those with the _x and _64 suffix) and the -F option.

Example: To invoke the xlc utility using the c89 command names, issue:
xlc -F:c89

Setting up c89 to work with the current z/OS XL C/C++ compiler

These are the export statements for each compiler version, assuming that the
default high-level qualifiers are being used. Where the c89 environment variables
are shown, the environment variables for c++ and cc must also be set.
v For the current z/OS XL C/C++ compiler:
– If you are using the z/OS shell, issue the following command:
– If you are using the tcsh shell, issue the following command:
Because the current z/OS XL C/C++ compiler supports compiling code that is
to run on previous releases of z/OS, you do not need to use any additional c89
environment variables. All you need to do is specify the c89 option
-Wc,"target(LEVEL)", where LEVEL is the level of z/OS on which the program
is to be executed. For more information see the description of the TARGET
option in z/OS XL C/C++ User's Guide.
v For the IBM C/C++ V3R2 compiler:
– If you are using the z/OS shell, issue the following commands:
export _C89_CVERSION=Ox13020000
export _C89_CLIB_PREFIX=CBC.V3R1M0
– If you are using the tcsh shell, issue the following commands:
setenv _C89_CVERSION Ox13020000
setenv _C89_CLIB_PREFIX CBC.V3R1M0
v For the AD/Cycle C/370™ V1R2 compiler:
– If you are using the z/OS shell, issue the following commands:
export _C89_CVERSION=Ox11020000
export _C89_CLIB_PREFIX=EDC.V1R2M0)
– If you are using the tcsh shell, issue the following commands:

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 241

setenv _C89_CVERSION Ox11020000
setenv _C89_CLIB_PREFIX EDC.V1R2M0)
Because this compiler only supports the C language, it cannot be used with the
c++ command.

Setting up xlc to work with the current z/OS XL C/C++ compiler

The xlc utility uses an external configuration file to control the invocation of the
compiler. Before you can compile C and C++ programs, you must set up the
environment variables and the configuration file for your application. For more
information about those, see the xlc utility description in z/OS UNIX System
Services Command Reference.

If you are using the z/OS shell, issue the following commands to set the
environment variables:

If you are using the tcsh shell, issue the following commands to set the
environment variables:
setenv LANG=En_US
setenv NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N.cat
setenv PATH=/bin/c89:/usr/lpp/cbclib/xlc/bin${PATH:+${PATH}}

Before using the compiler, you need to install the message catalogs and set the
environment variables as described in the xlc utility description in z/OS UNIX
System Services Command Reference.

Targeting a z/OS release earlier than the current one

The current release of Language Environment supports creating executables that
will run on previous releases of the operating system. You can use the current
system to build programs to run on previous releases, but the release that the
program is executed on still determines what functionality is available. The C
runtime library headers will detect attempts to use new function when targeting
for an older releases. There is runtime detection of attempts to use new functions
on all supported older releases.

Targeting an earlier release

When targeting an earlier release, you might need to pass the 'compat' option to
the binder. For example:

A convenient way to do this as part of the setup is to use ${prefix}_OPTIONS

(along with the other environment variables like ${prefix}_VERSION). Some
examples are provided:
v For the z/OS shell, issue:
export _C89_OPTIONS="-Wl,compat=min"
v For the tcsh shell, issue:
setenv _C89_OPTIONS "-WI,compat=min"

You can set {_INCDIRS} to a null string. Some examples are provided:
v For the z/OS shell:
export _C89_INCDIRS=" "

242 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v For the tcsh shell:
setenv _C89_INCDIRS " "

Or, if you have other directories that you want to be automatically searched, you
can add them to {_INCDIRS}, as long as the default directories are not used with
this environment variable.

Customizing the terminfo database

Full-screen application programs such as the vi editor and the more utility require
a terminfo database. The terminfo database contains the characteristics of different
terminal types that are used to run these full-screen applications.

The terminfo database is shipped as part of z/OS UNIX System Services

Application Services. The database is populated with the terminal types defined by
ibm.ti, dec.ti, wyse.ti, ansi.ti, and dtterm.ti. The database is in the directory
/usr/share/lib/terminfo and the source files are in /samples.

If you need to define other terminal or workstations for a terminfo database, see
“Steps for defining terminals or workstations for a terminfo database.”

Steps for defining terminals or workstations for a terminfo

Before you begin: You need to know what terminals or workstation you want to
define. You also need to know what directory the terminal definitions are in.

Perform the following steps to define terminals or workstations for a terminfo

1. Create a subdirectory in your home directory for the terminfo database
terminal definition. For example:
mkdir /u/myhome/terminfo

where myhome is the name of the home directory.

2. Copy the .ti file for the terminal that you are building the terminfo database for
into the directory that you just created. You can obtain the terminal file from
another UNIX operating system, if necessary.
Example: Copy the file pc.ti into the directory:

where myhome is the name of the home directory.

3. Set the TERMINFO environment variable to the directory that the terminal
definitions are in. Base your choice on the shell that you want to use.

For the . . . Then issue . . .

z/OS shell export TERMINFO=/u/myhome/terminfo
tcsh shell setenv TERMINFO=/u/myhome/terminfo

4. Issue the tic command, specifying the terminal file. For example:
tic /u/myhome/terminfo/pc.ti

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 243

5. Set the TERM environment variable to the name of the terminal that you want
to use. Base your choice on the shell that you want to use.

For the . . . Then issue . . .

z/OS shell export TERM=sun
tcsh shell setenv TERM=sun


When you are done, you have defined terminals or workstations for the terminfo

Re-creating the terminfo database

If you need to re-create the terminfo database, use the tic utility. Each type of
terminal that is defined has a corresponding file with the suffix .ti. Some examples
are provided:
1. To define an IBM terminal for the terminfo database, specify from the shell
tic /samples/ibm.ti
2. To define terminal types such as VT100 and VT220, specify from the shell
tic /samples/dec.ti

For information about curses, see z/OS C Curses.

Customizing electronic mail

The mailx shell command sends electronic mail between shell users on the same

For the z/OS shell

To enable mailx processing, do the following:
v Set up a system startup file, /etc/mailx.rc, which contains variable values and
definitions common to all shell users. The IBM-supplied sample is in
/samples/mailx.rc. Copy this file to /etc/mailx.rc.
v If you use a system mailbox directory other than /usr/mail, identify it in the
$MAIL environment variable in /etc/profile. See “Customizing /etc/profile” on
page 219.

Users can give names to mail files using variables in $HOME/.profile or they can
use files with the default names. See “Customizing $HOME/.profile” on page 225.

For the tcsh shell

To enable mailx processing, do the following:
v Set up a system startup file, /etc/mailx.rc, which contains variable values and
definitions common to all shell users. The IBM-supplied sample is in
/samples/mailx.rc. Copy this file to /etc/mailx.rc.
v If you use a system mailbox directory other than /usr/mail, identify it in the
$MAIL environment variable in /etc/csh.login. See “Customizing /etc/csh.login”
on page 235.

244 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Users can give names to mail files using variables in $HOME/.login or they can
use files with the default names. See “Customizing /etc/csh.login” on page 235.

Chapter 8. Customizing the shells and utilities 245

246 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 9. Customizing for your national code page in the
You can set up a default language for all users of the z/OS shell. You can also
customize your system so that z/OS UNIX messages are displayed in Japanese or
Simplified Chinese. (They are available in English, Japanese, or Simplified
v For the z/OS shell, if you want to set the language for yourself, or for just one
user, you can make these changes in the $HOME/.profile, or log on to the z/OS
shell and export the LANG and NLSPATH environment variables.
v For the tcsh shell, if you want to set the language for yourself, or for just one
user, you can make these changes in the $HOME/.login, or log on to the z/OS
shell and set the LANG and NLSPATH environment variables.

See z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide for information about locale objects,
source files, and charmaps that the UNIX System Services Application Services

Lists of subtasks
Subtask Associated procedure
Setting up your national code page “Steps for setting up your national code
Customizing for Japanese and Simplified “Steps for customizing the login file for the
Chinese z/OS shell” on page 250

“Steps for customizing the login file for the

tcsh shell” on page 250

“Steps for displaying messages in Japanese”

on page 251

“Steps for activating MVS Message Service

(MMS)” on page 251

Steps for setting up your national code page

If you will be using Japanese or Simplified Chinese, you still need to do these
steps first before going on to “Customizing for Japanese and Simplified Chinese”
on page 250.

Before you begin: You need to have the login file for your shell.
1. For the z/OS shell, copy /samples/profile to /etc/profile. You might have
already done this, as described in “Customizing /etc/profile” on page 219.
2. For the tcsh shell, copy /samples/csh.login to /etc/csh.login. You might have
already done this, as described in “Customizing /etc/csh.login” on page 235.

Perform the following steps to set up your national code page for shell users.
1. Customize the login file for your shell.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 247

For this shell Do this . . .
z/OS shell Customize /etc/profile so that your selected national
page is enabled when the shell is first invoked. Be careful
that the shell, with the updated /etc/profile, does not
keep restarting itself after you restart the shell.

Tip: To make sure that exec sh -L is executed only once,

you can copy the code in the sample /etc/profile and
update it with your national code page.
tcsh shell Customize /etc/csh.login so that your selected national
page is enabled when the tcsh shell is first invoked. Be
careful that the shell, with the updated /etc/csh.login
does not keep restarting itself after you restart the shell.

Tip: To make sure that exec sh -l is executed only once,

you can copy the code shown in the sample
/etc/csh.login, and update it with your national code

2. Convert from ASCII to your national code page. Use the chcp command to
change the data conversion for rlogin sessions.
v For the z/OS shell, the following sample /etc/profile shows examples of
statements to convert the terminal session data using ASCII code page
ISO8859-1 and EBCDIC code page IBM-277. This example uses the Danish
if test -z "$LOCALE_SWITCH" && tty -s
echo " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
echo " - Logon shell will now be invoked to reflect - "
echo " - code page IBM-277 - "
echo " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "

# Issue chcp if not using OMVS command

if test "$?_BPX_TERMPATH != "OMVS" ) then
chcp -a IS08859-1 -e IBM-277
exec sh -L
echo " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
echo " - Welcome to z/OS UNIX System Services -"
echo " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "

v For the tcsh shell, the following sample /etc/csh.login shows examples of
statements to convert the terminal session data using ASCII code page
ISO8859-1 and EBCDIC code page IBM-277. This example uses the Danish

248 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

tty -s
set tty_rc=$status
if (($?LOCALE_SWITCH == 0 && tty_rc == 0)) then
echo " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
echo " - Logon shell will now be invoked to reflect - "
echo " - code page IBM-277 - "
echo " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
setenv LANG=C
setenv LC_ALL=Da_DK.IBM-277
# Issue chcp if not using OMVS command
if ($?_BPX_TERMPATH != "OMVS" ) then
chcp -a ISO8859-l -e IBM-277
exec tcsh -l
unset tty_rc

3. Convert these files to your selected locale, using the iconv command.
v /etc/yylex.c
v /etc/mailx.rc
v /etc/startup.mk
v /etc/yyparse.c
The lex, mailx, make, and yacc utilities expect both system files and user files
to be in the same code page.
Example: To convert /etc/mailx.rc to be used in the Da_DK.IBM-277 locale,
iconv -f IBM-1047 -t IBM-277 /etc/mailx.rc >/etc/mailx.rc.277
4. Update BPXBATCH or OSHELL, if necessary.
Tip: If you use BPXBATCH or OSHELL (which uses BPXBATCH), you must do
this step in order to get the code page working immediately under BPXBATCH
and OSHELL. Use the STDENV ddname to point to a file or data set that
contains the environment variable definitions for the code page. The code page
you specify will not affect the shell because ddname is read before the first
shell is invoked, (Because the STDENV DD statement does not affect the OMVS
command, you need to put the environment variables in /etc/profile.)
For more information about BPXBATCH and STDENV, see z/OS UNIX System
Services User's Guide.
5. If you need to customize for Japanese or Simplified Chinese, go to
“Customizing for Japanese and Simplified Chinese” on page 250.
6. If you do not need to customize for Japanese or Simplified Chinese, save the
login file.
v For the z/OS shell, it is /etc/profile.
v For the tcsh shell, it is /etc/csh.login.

When you are done, you have set up your national code page.

Tip: To verify your code page, issue:

echo $HOME

Chapter 9. Customizing for your national code page in the shell 249
If you entered the shell before the code page was set up, you will see $HOME.
Otherwise, the shell will display the path name of your home directory. The $
should be read as your code page's dollar sign.

Customizing for Japanese and Simplified Chinese

If you are customizing for Japanese or Simplified Chinese, you need to make more
changes to your login file after completing the steps in “Steps for setting up your
national code page” on page 247. If you want to display your messages in
Japanese or Simplified Chinese, you need to customize /etc/init. These changes
take effect the next time OMVS is started.

Tip: You can set the system default to display translated messages. “Steps for
activating MVS Message Service (MMS)” on page 251 describes the procedure.

The examples are for Japanese. Equivalent changes are required to customize for
Simplified Chinese.

Steps for customizing the login file for the z/OS shell
Before you begin: You need to have /etc/profile set up so that you can edit it.

Perform the following steps to customize the login file for the z/OS shell so that it
runs in the Japanese locale.
1. Change the line LANG=C to LANG=Ja_JP.
2. Add the following line:
3. Enable man to use the more command as its pager:
setenv MANPAGER /bin/more
4. Ensure that LANG and LC_ALL are specified on the line containing export.
5. Save /etc/profile.

When you are done, you have customized the login file for the z/OS shell so that
it runs in the Japanese locale.

Steps for customizing the login file for the tcsh shell
Before you begin: You need to have /etc/csh.login set up so that you can edit it.

Perform the following steps to customize the login file for the tcsh shell so that it
runs in the Japanese locale.
1. Change the line setenv LANG=C to LANG=Ja_JP.
2. Add the following line:
setenv LC_ALL Ja_JP.IBM-939
3. Enable man to use the more command as its pager:

250 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

setenv MANPAGER /bin/more
4. Save /etc/csh.login.

When you are done, you have customized the login file for the tcsh shell so that it
runs in the Japanese locale.

Steps for displaying messages in Japanese

Before you begin: You need to have /etc/init.options set up so that you can edit it.

Perform the following steps to display messages in Japanese.

1. Locate the following line:
*e LANG=En_US.IBM-1047
2. Replace it with:
3. Locate the line:
*e NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N
4. Replace it with:
-e NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N
5. Save /etc/init.options.

When you are done, you have customized the /etc/init to display messages in

Steps for activating MVS Message Service (MMS)

Before you begin: Because MVS Message Service does not support translating
messages to the MVS operator console, you must set up a TSO/E console that
mirrors the operator's console in order to see the translated messages. TSO/E
displays Japanese and Simplified Chinese messages to DBCS terminals only.

Perform the following steps to activate the MVS Message Service.

1. Compile the English and translated message skeletons.
2. Create or update the following SYS1.PARMLIB members to initialize values for
MVS Message Service:
v CNLcccxx
v CONSOLxx to define the MMSLSTxx member in effect for the system
3. Activate MVS Message Service.
Tip: One way to activate MVS is to issue SET MMS=xx from the MVS operator
console, where xx refers to the MMSLSTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

Chapter 9. Customizing for your national code page in the shell 251
When you are done, you have activated the MVS Message Service; translated
messages will be displayed.

TSO/E messages
TSO/E messages are issued through MVS Message Service. For more information,
see the topic on providing translated messages in z/OS TSO/E Customization.

If you do not want Japanese or Simplified Chinese to be the default language, but
want to see translated messages on your terminal, follow these instructions:
v For Japanese, issue PROFILE PLANGUAGE(JPN) at the TSO/E READY prompt
on your DBCS terminal. This TSO/E command sets the primary language. The
code JPN must match the LANGCODE statement in
v For Simplified Chinese, issue PROFILE PLANGUAGE(CHS) at the TSO/E
READY prompt on your DBCS terminal. The code CHS must match the

TSO/E help panels

The TSO/E help panels must be set up separately. Edit your
SYS1.PARMLIB(IJKTSOxx) member in effect and ensure that the HELP statement
refers to where the TSO/E help files are.

Tip: If you allocate a SYSHELP DDNAME in SYS1.PARMLIB, TSO/E searches

there, rather than in the data sets pointed to by the TSO/E HELP statement.

See the topic in z/OS TSO/E Customization for more information about setting up
help data sets.

Concatenating target libraries to ISPF

To use the Japanese translation of the panels, messages, and tables, you must
concatenate the following target libraries to the appropriate ISPF data definition
names (ddnames):

To use the Simplified Chinese translation, concatenate the following target libraries
to the appropriate ISPF ddnames:


The PROFILE PLANGUAGE setting in effect when the OMVS TSO/E command is
first issued determines the language for all OMVS command messages not from
TSO/E, until you exit OMVS and return to TSO/E.

If PROFILE PLANGUAGE(JPN) is specified, and later you go to TSO/E and enter

PROFILE PLANGUAGE(ENU), most TSO/E messages appear in
English—including TSO/E messages about the OMVS command.

252 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

However, any OMVS command message not from TSO/E (such as the help panels
invoked from <PF1> or the FSUM23-prefix messages) is displayed in Japanese. In
particular, the TSO/E prompt message “OMVS - enter a TSO/E command” is still
displayed in Japanese but all other messages are displayed in English while you
are in TSO/E.

Chapter 9. Customizing for your national code page in the shell 253
254 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program
UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) is a group of programs, directories, and files
that can be used to communicate with any UNIX system that is running a version
of the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP). A UUCP network traditionally
consists of a group of computers joined in a network using serial connections or
TCP/IP. The z/OS UNIX implementation of UUCP uses TCP/IP; it does not
provide modem support. It is also XPG4-compliant.

The UUCP functions are used to automatically transfer files and requests for
command execution from one UUCP system to another, typically in batch mode at
scheduled intervals. You can use UUCP for file transfer, remote command
execution, and custom applications.

If you use a UUCP utility to transfer a file or execute a remote command, a job
request is created and queued. Depending on how UUCP has been configured at
your system, the job might be processed immediately or remain queued and only
be processed at scheduled times. At some point, either your system will contact the
remote system, or be contacted by the remote system at which time the queued
jobs will be processed. For security purposes, configuration files on each system
control which transfers can take place and which commands can be executed. (See
“Create or edit UUCP configuration files” on page 263.)

You must decide if you want to have your system participate in a UUCP network.
If you already have made that decision, go to “Configuring your local system” on
page 260.

Restriction: UUCP is restricted to an 8-character password. It does not support

password phrases.

Transferring files
UUCP can send and receive files between systems. The uucp command queues
requests for file transmission or retrieval, and invokes uucico to establish the
connection with the remote system and complete the transfer. Based on
configuration specifications, file transfers with the remote system might not be
allowed. The cron daemon can be used to invoke uucico to send the queued files
in the background when appropriate. After uucico has made a connection with a
remote system, and local uucp requests have been processed, file transfer requests
created on the remote system are processed.

Executing commands from a remote location

The uux command allows you to run a program at another system, with the
appropriate permissions. An execute file is sent to the remote system where it is
treated as a command (like a batch file).

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 255

Tailoring UUCP for custom applications
You can also tailor UUCP for custom applications, which can send or collect data
from remote systems and execute commands remotely. A common application built
on UUCP is public discussion groups, called netnews, or simply news. The net is a
public forum (consisting of member systems) for the exchange of ideas in the form
of news articles. Users belonging to the member systems can post, read, and reply
to news.

UUCP commands and daemons

UUCP provides the uucp command, which schedules files to be exchanged with
other UUCP systems, and the uux command, which schedules commands to be
executed by other UUCP systems. However, the uucp and uux commands do not
cause any files to be exchanged or commands to be executed. For this, UUCP
provides two daemons called uucico and uuxqt which establish communication
sessions, transfer data, and execute commands according to the requests scheduled
by uucp and uux.

The commands associated with UUCP are:

uucc Compile UUCP configuration files
uucp Copy files between remote systems
uulog Display log information about UUCP events
Display a list of UUCP systems
Manage files sent to you via uuto
uustat Display the status of pending UUCP transfers
uuto Copy files to users on remote systems
uux Request command execution on remote systems

The daemons associated with UUCP are:

cron Starts the uucico daemon according to the schedule specified
inetd This TCP/IP daemon starts the uucpd daemon
uucico Processes uucp and uux file transfer requests
uucpd Invokes the uucico daemon for TCP/IP connections from remote uucp
uuxqt Run commands from other systems

UUCP directories and files

The directories associated with UUCP are:
v /usr/spool/uucppublic, the public UUCP directory that is the default directory
for storing files that have been transferred to the local system by uucp.
v /usr/spool/uucppublic/receive, a subdirectory in the public directory for files
sent from remote systems using uuto.
v /usr/spool/uucp, the spool directory that holds all work requests and all log files
for UUCP.

256 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v /usr/spool/uucp/.Sequence, a subdirectory for sequence files used by uucp and
v /usr/spool/uucp/.Status, a subdirectory containing status files for each remote
v /usr/spool/uucp/.Xqtdir, the working directory for uuxqt.
v /samples, the directory that sample configuration files are shipped in.
v /usr/lib/uucp, the directory that customized configuration files reside in.

As of z/OS V1R13, /usr/spool is configured as a symbolic link to /var/spool.

Also, the configuration files now reside in /var/uucp with symbolic links directed
from /usr/lib/uucp for each file. The setup commands in this chapter can still be
performed using the original root directory as documented, whereby the symbolic
link will redirect them as necessary. See “Customizing the cron, uucp, and mail
utilities for a read-only root file system” on page 137 for more information.

For a discussion of configuration files, see “Create or edit UUCP configuration

files” on page 263.

For a discussion of system files, see “Log files, lock files, status files, and working
files” on page 277.

The UUCP communications network

A UUCP network consists of a number of systems that exchange information. Each
system has a working copy of UUCP and a unique name that identifies it in the
network. There is no central control system for a UUCP network; each system
controls its own connections. In a UUCP network, computers connect computers in
the same building or to networks that include computers around the world.

In a UUCP network, every system (also known as a site) communicates with at

least one other system, but does not have to call all the sites. See Figure 42 for a
diagram of a simple network. This network has four sites named North, South,
East, and West.

Figure 42. A simple UUCP network

The lines indicate a direct connection between two systems:

North Connects to East, South, West
East Connects to North, South
South Connects to North, East

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 257

West Connects to North

Each system exchanges files with the systems it calls directly. Users on North can
send files directly to any of the other three systems, but users on West can only
send files directly to North. These are called direct connections to distinguish them
from connections made through intermediaries. Someone on West can send a file to
someone on East indirectly through North, if North has agreed to pass along file
requests from West to East. This makes North an intermediary node.

Alternatively, North could set up its configuration so that West could not transfer
files through North, but only to North. This is called a terminal or leaf-node
connection. For information on how to define a connection between two nodes, see
the description of the COMMANDS option in “The Permissions file” on page 268.

Securing your system

UUCP gives users on other systems access to your computer. By default, remote
users can only write data to your public directory; they cannot read any data nor
can they execute any commands.

However, remote users potentially could copy files to your file system or from
your file system. They could also run commands on your system. How do you
ensure that they do not remove files you want, read your private files, or run
commands that damage your system? In short, how do you keep your UUCP
system secure?

There are three things to consider in security:

v Authorization—Who is authorized to access your system?
v Access—What files can users on other systems read and write?
v Execution—What commands can users on other systems run on your system?

Authorization is the highest level of security. Only those with the current NUUCP
password can access your system and even then, only authorized systems can use
it. There is one catch, however, and that is when more than one system is involved
in the file transfer (a multi-hop transfer). If South allows North access, there is
nothing South can do to prevent North from giving West the ability to use North
as an intermediary node between South and West. South cannot differentiate
between requests originating from North and requests being forwarded through

To deal with the security issues of access and execution, UUCP uses the concept of
permissions. For each directly connected system, you assign access permissions to
look at a specific portion of your file system and execute permission to run certain

Permissions can be broad or restrictive. If you are using UUCP to connect a group
of machines in your office, you might want everyone to have access to all the files
and be able to run all of the commands on each machine. On the other hand, you
might not want private files to be made public.

For example, imagine a central office with many branch offices. The central office
uses remote commands to run reports in each branch office, and send the results
back to the central office. The central office needs permission to run the command
that produces reports, and it needs permissions to read and write the associated
files. People on other systems do not need those files or permissions. In fact, it
could be dangerous to the company to allow those permissions to anyone else.

258 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

If one of the branch offices has a connection to a different UUCP network, private
information could go out worldwide. The branch office denies that outside
connection permission to run any commands which produce reports or to read
those files. It limits the outside system to reading and writing in a small part of the
file system, perhaps one directory. This directory is the only part of the file system
that all other UUCP systems can read or write — it's public. Not surprisingly, this
directory is called the public UUCP directory.

The public UUCP directory

The public UUCP directory is the default destination for files that have been
transferred to the local system from other systems. Additionally, if a remote user
has read access to the local system, by default the directory he can read from is the
public directory. The files remain in the public directory until users claim them.

Typically, users on the local system have read access to the public directory (and
sometimes write and execute access as well). So users can access files in the public
directory using normal file access methods (for example, cp, cat, or vi)—or for files
sent by uuto, they can use uupick to handle them. The uuto command, a
simplified method of using uucp, uses the receive subdirectory of the public
directory as its target. Within that subdirectory, each user on the local system has a

The public UUCP directory is called /usr/spool/uucppublic, and it is created when

the BPXISMKD job is run as part of the z/OS installation. (Other UUCP systems or
operating systems might use different names for the public directory.) Within the
public directory, UUCP creates a subdirectory for each remote system that sends
files to the local system.

As of z/OS V1R13, /usr/spool is configured as a symbolic link to /var/spool. The

public UUCP directory must reside in the /var directory and the subdirectories
created by UUCP are created in /var/uucppublic. See “Customizing the cron,
uucp, and mail utilities for a read-only root file system” on page 137 for more

To make file transfers easier, you can use a special character in path names for the
public UUCP directory: when tilde ( &tilde;) is written as the first directory in a
destination path name, the &tilde;/ stands for the public UUCP directory. You can
specify the public UUCP directory with the path name &tilde;/. The public UUCP
directory is defined as the home directory of the user uucp, so you can also specify
it as &tilde;uucp.

Execute permissions
By default, UUCP does not give permission for remote systems to run any
commands; you must specify the commands that remote systems can run at the
local system.

If you are willing to pass along files copied with uucp, or if you want to allow
other direct systems to use wild cards when requesting files from your system,
give the remote system permission to run the uucp command. If you do not assign
execute permissions for the uucp program to another system, it can transfer files
only to your system (meaning your system is a terminal node, or leaf-node) but not
through your system (meaning your system is an intermediary node).

If a remote system has permission to run uucp, it can be an intermediary for

another system to which it is connected. Your local system cannot distinguish if an
incoming request from an authorized system originated at that system or at a

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 259

system to which it is connected. Therefore, you must assume that the execute
permission you give to a remote system can be inherited, or used, by another
system to which it is connected.

To use wild cards to request files from your system, the remote system must have
permission to run uucp and also have read permission on the directory holding
the files.
v For an example of a multiple system uucp transfer, see the uux command in
z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference.
v For an example of how to give a remote system permission to run uucp, see
“The Permissions file” on page 268.

Configuring your local system

To configure your local system for UUCP access, you must: take the following
1. Determine your local system name.
2. Create or edit configuration files.
3. Define the new user ID, NUUCP, to RACF. The other required user ID, uucp,
and group ID, uucpg, were already defined at installation time.

Determine your local system name

To determine what your system is called in the shell, issue:

uname –n

You will see the name by which your system is known in a communications
network. It is the name specified by the IPL parameter SYSNAME. In z/OS UNIX,
UUCP recognizes the first eight characters of this name. Other UNIX systems
might recognize more or fewer characters.

Add an entry to the permissions file

UUCP uses five different configuration files to describe various aspects of your
UUCP setup. (To learn more about the configuration files, refer to “Create or edit
UUCP configuration files” on page 263 before proceeding with this section.)

The Permissions file is used to control the access that remote systems have to data
and programs on the local system. You might want to change some of the default
settings of the Permissions file.

If you need to change some of the default permissions for your local system (such
as PUBDIR, READ, WRITE, NOREAD, or NOWRITE) then you will need an
additional entry in the Permissions file for your local system. If you do not need to
change the default permissions then you do not need an entry in the Permissions
file for your local system.

For example, if you wanted to change your uucp public directory, your
Permissions file might look like this:
MACHINE=local \
READ=/readall \
MACHINE=site1:site2:SITE3 \
READ=/readall \

260 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

READ=/readall \
PUBDIR=/free \

Define the group ID and the user ID to RACF

As a customization step for UUCP, a UUCP-specific group ID (uucpg), and at least

two user IDs are defined. The user IDs are:
v uucp, the user ID that owns all the UUCP files and directories. Use it when
editing configuration files or performing other administrative tasks. The user ID
uucp and group ID uucpg are now requirements for ServerPac and CBPDO
installations. See “Security requirements for ServerPac and CBPDO installation”
on page 87.
v A LOGNAME user ID that remote systems use when dialing in to your system.
Traditionally, this user ID begins with NUUCP. For purposes of example here,
we use NUUCP as the user ID. You might want to establish more than one
LOGNAME user ID to handle different levels of access for remote systems.

You need to define these IDs to RACF. (If you are using an equivalent security
product, refer to that product's documentation for more information about defining
IDs to the security product.) All the RACF commands are issued by a TSO/E user
ID with RACF SPECIAL authority. To make it easier to transport data sets from
test systems to production systems, duplicate these entries in all of your security
data bases, including the same UID and GID values in the OMVS segment.

If you use only uppercase IDs on your system, follow these steps to define the
group ID and user IDs:
1. To define the LOGNAME user ID (in this example, it is specified as NUUCP),
issue the following command:
OMVS(UID(397) HOME(’/usr/spool/uucppublic’)

v 397 is an example of a unique UID. Do not use UID(0).
v HOME(’/usr/spool/uucppublic’) is a required parameter that specifies the
initial path name for the directory.
v PROGRAM(’/usr/lib/uucp/uucico’) is a required parameter that specifies the
initial path name for the shell program.
2. Consider defining other user IDs similar to NUUCP to provide different access
to your systems resources to the different remote systems issuing requests to
your system. Each would have a unique UID, but would have the same
attributes as NUUCP. In particular, each must have home directory of
/usr/spool/uucppublic and initial program of /usr/lib/uucp/uucico. The
UUCP permissions file is used to specify what these user IDs can access, as
explained in “The Permissions file” on page 268.

Also follow these steps if you already use mixed-case group and user IDs on your
system and the users do not conflict with existing names. You might want to add
the lowercase names to your alias table, mapping them to uppercase names. This is
not necessary, because when the lowercase names are not found in the alias table,
they are folded to uppercase. For more information about the alias table, see

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 261

If a name such as NUUCP is not allowed on your system (or if it conflicts with an
existing name), these are the RACF commands to define the user ID.

To define a LOGNAME user ID of xxnuucp):

OMVS(UID(397) HOME(’/usr/spool/uucppublic’)

where: xxnuucp is replaced by a 1- to 7-character user ID of your choice. This is the

user ID that remote systems use when communicating with your system.397 is an
example of a unique UID. Do not use UID(0). HOME(’/usr/spool/uucppublic’) is a
required parameter that specifies the initial path name for the directory.
PROGRAM(’/usr/lib/uucp/uucico’) is a required parameter that specifies the path
name for the shell program.

You might want to define other user IDs similar to NUUCP to provide different
access to your system resources to the different remote systems issuing UUCP
requests to your system. Each would have a unique UID, but would have the same
attributes as NUUCP. Each must have home directory of /usr/spool/uucppublic
and initial program of /usr/lib/uucp/uucico. The UUCP Permissions file is used
to specify the accessibility of each of these user IDs.

Define an alias for the xxnuucp user ID in your user ID and group name alias
xxnuucp nuucp

Tip: Using the alias table causes poorer performance and increases systems
management costs and complexity. For more information about the alias table, see

Configuring communication with remote systems

To configure UUCP so that it can communicate with remote systems, you must
establish the appropriate communication protocols in the Systems file and create
working directories for each supported remote system. To do this:
1. Obtain information about remote systems.
2. Create or edit the required configuration files.
3. Compile the configuration files with the uucc utility.
4. Create working directories for local and remote systems.
5. Schedule UUCP transfers with cron.

Obtain information about remote systems

Before attempting remote system configuration, contact the system administrator
for that system. Together, you must decide if your system can call the other
system, the other system can call your system, or either system can call each other.

If your system is going to call the remote system, you need the following
v The UUCP name of the remote system.
v A UUCP login account on that system. You need a login name and a password,
so your system can log into the remote system.
v The login procedures. Ask whether any special send/expect sequences are used.
Send/expect sequences are explained in the description of chat scripts in “The

262 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

systems file” on page 264. Alternatively, you can attempt a remote login and
note the sequence of prompt strings and commands required to login.
v You might need scheduling information, because there might be times when
UUCP connections are not allowed. You can control the time when calls are
made—for example, when lower rates are available—either with the scheduling
information in the Systems file or when setting up cron.

If the remote system will call your system, you must provide the following
v Your system name.
v A login name for the remote system.
v A UUCP password for the remote system.
v The send/expect sequence. For z/OS systems, this would typically be in the
following format:
in:--in: uucp_login_user password: password

– uucp_login_user is the login user ID that the remote system is authorized to
use—such as NUUCP.
– password is the password for the login user ID.

Create or edit UUCP configuration files

UUCP uses five different configuration files to describe various aspects of your
UUCP setup. Sample configuration files are shipped in the /samples directory. You
can customize them. To do this, log in as the UUCP user or use the su command
to switch to the user uucp so that you can create or change configuration files.
Copy each configuration file into the /usr/lib/uucp directory and customize it with
entries for your local system. Table 29 lists these files and summarizes the
information each one contains. Because the UUCP configuration files are delivered
as symbolic links that are directed to files in the /var/uucp directory, you can copy
the files directly to /var/uucp if you prefer. See “Customizing the cron, uucp, and
mail utilities for a read-only root file system” on page 137 for more information.
Table 29. UUCP configuration files. List of UUCP configuration files and their contents
File Contents
Systems Lists each supported system and describes when and how to establish a
connection for each system. See “The systems file” on page 264.
Devices Describes communications hardware on your system. See “The Devices
file” on page 268.
Dialers Contains dialing instructions for your system's modems. See “The
Dialers file” on page 268.
Dialcodes Defines abbreviations that can be used as part of phone numbers. See
“The Dialcodes file” on page 268.
Permissions Defines for each remote system the sections of your file system that can
be read from or written to and the commands which can be executed
on your system by that system. Also defines how your system
exchanges queued work with remote systems. See “The Permissions
file” on page 268.

If you need to make changes to your configuration, edit the configuration files and
then run the uucc command to compile them.

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 263

Editing a configuration file
If you need to extend an entry in the configuration file over two or more lines, end
all lines, except the last one, with a backslash (\).

Example: Look at this Permissions file, for example:

COMMANDS=uucp:cat NOREAD=/usr/private \
NOWRITE=/usr/private SENDFILES=yes REQUEST=yes \



The systems file

The Systems file contains at least one entry for each remote system that your
system is going to call. It provides information for the uucico utility to use when it
is invoked. Each entry in the file has the format:
system sched device_type speed phone chat_script

For example,
sys2 Any TCP - sys2.kgn.ibm.com in:--in: nuucp ssword: uupasswd

The following list describes what each field represents:

system The name of a remote system. This name must be unique (compared to
other remote system names in the Systems file) in its first seven characters.
sched The times when your local system is permitted to call system. There are
four subfields in the sched field: day, time, grade, and retry.
An example sched field looks like this:

where Mo is the day subfield, 1200 is the time subfield, /C is the grade
subfield, and 5 is the retry subfield.
The description of each subfield follows:
day Indicates which days of the week your system can call the remote
system named by system. The abbreviations Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa,
and Su represent individual days. You can also use the following
Any Your system can call the remote system on any day.
Never Your system should never call the remote system. It should
only wait to be called.
Wk Your system can call the remote system on any weekday
(that is, Monday-Friday).
time The range of times during which your system can call the remote
system named by system. This subfield immediately follows the day
subfield with no intervening spaces. The times given apply only to
days specified by day. If you do not specify a time subfield, your
system can call the remote system any time during the given days.
The format of this subfield is:

where both time1 and time2 are 24-hour clock times. For example,

264 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning


means that your system can call the remote system between 7:30
a.m. and 2:15 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This time range
can extend over 0000 (midnight), but be careful. It doesn't quite
work the way you might expect it to. For example,

does not indicate 11:00 p.m. on Monday through 7:00 a.m. on

Tuesday, but rather midnight through 7:00 a.m. on Monday
morning and 11:00 p.m. through 11:59 p.m. on Monday evening.

You can specify multiple day/time combinations in an entry by

separating them with a comma. For example a Systems file entry

indicates your system can call the remote system during the
following times:
v 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. on Thursday
v 12:15 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. on Friday
v Anytime on Saturday or Sunday
grade An optional subfield that lets you specify the minimum grade of
work file that uucico will send during a given time period (as
indicated by the day/time subfields). A grade is a single digit, or a
single uppercase or lowercase letter. In order of priority, from
highest to lowest, the grades are arranged
0 1 2 ... 9 A B ... Z a b ... z

That is, 0 has the highest priority and z has the lowest).
As work files are created for UUCP file transfers, they are
automatically assigned grades that determine the order in which
they are sent. By default, uux requests have a grade of A and uucp
requests have a grade of n.
This optional subfield is separated from a day/time pair by a
slash. For example,
indicates that only work files with a grade of C or higher will be
sent during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to noon on Mondays.
The grade subfield only controls outgoing files during the given
time period. It does not affect incoming files.
retry An optional subfield that indicates how many minutes after an
unsuccessful call to a remote system, uucico should wait before
trying to call that system again. This subfield, if specified, appears
at the end of the sched field (separated by a semicolon). For
example, a sched field of

indicates that your system can try to call the remote system at any
time and if it is not successful in connecting, it will not try again
for 60 minutes.

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 265

If you do not include the retry subfield, uucico waits five minutes
after the first unsuccessful connection attempt. This waiting period
doubles after each subsequent failure.
Only TCP/IP connections are supported, so specify TCP.
speed Only TCP/IP connections are supported, so specify – (hyphen).
phone Only TCP/IP connections are supported, so this field must contain the IP
address of the remote system, or a host name by which the IP address is
known. You should be able to ping this address. For example, from TSO/E:
ping omvsoe2a
A text string that defines the initial login conversation that takes place
between your system and the remote system. It has the format:
expect_string send_string expect_string send_string ...

where expect_string is the text string that you expect to receive from the
remote system and send_string is the text_string that you want to send in
response. These two strings are separated by blanks. For example, when
you login to a remote system, it responds with


and press ENTER. The remote system then replies


Enter your password


and press ENTER.

This conversation can be expressed as the following chat script:

login: nuucp password: Shazam!
This chat script tells uucico to expect the string login. After it is received,
reply by sending the string nuucp (automatically sending a newline
afterwards). uucico then waits for the string password and replies with
The expect_string can be any part of the string expected from the remote
string. Thus, the sample chat script could be written:
ogin: nuucp ssword Shazam!

and yield the same result.

Tip: Omit the first letter of the login and password because some systems
might use capital letters for one or both of the words and some might not.
To avoid having to find out which way a system is and possible changes
on the remote system, the first letters are omitted from the expect string.
The expect_string can be replaced with a string of the format:

266 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

where subsend_string and subexpect_string are text strings similar to
send_string and expect_string. Hyphens separate the expect_string, the
subsend_string, and the subexpect_string. With this format, your system waits
for expect_string from the remote system and if it is received within a
reasonable length of time, uucico responds with the send_string. If it is not
received, uucico sends the subsend_string, waits for the subexpect_string, and
then finally sends the send_string.
For example, if you were using a chat script and there was noise on the
line that garbled the login: string, the chat script would fail. However, the
following chat script might work:
ogin:--login: nuucp ssword: Shazam!
This script waits for login: from the remote system. If it is not received,
uucico replies by sending a null string (there is nothing between the two
hyphens) followed by a newline. uucico then again waits for login:. When
it is received, nuucp is sent. The remainder of the script is identical to the
earlier example.
If you want an expect_string to wait a specific length of time for a match,
you can suffix the expect_string with a tilde (&tilde;) followed by a number.
The number is the number of seconds to wait for the expect_string. For
example, the chat script
ogin:&tilde;10--login: nuucp ssword: Shazam!

waits 10 seconds for the string login: before continuing. You can use this
suffix with subexpect_string as well.
Table 30 shows the escape sequences which you can use in a chat script.
Table 30. Escape characters that can be used in chat scripts
Escape Description
"" Expect a null string
EOT Send the end-of-transmission character
\c Suppress newline or carriage return
\d Delay for one second
\K Send a BREAK
\n Send a newline
\N Send a NULL
\p Pause for a fraction of a second
\r Carriage return
\s Send a space
\t Send a tab
\\ Send a backslash
\ &tilde; Expect a tilde
\ddd Send the EBCDIC character with octal code ddd. For example, use \100
to represent a space character.

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 267

The Devices file
The Devices file contains information for direct links and network connections.
Each entry has the format:
type dataport – speed dialer-arg ...

Only TCP/IP connections are supported. Specify this entry in the Devices file:
TCP - - -

The following list describes what each field represents:

type Describes the type of link. The following keyword is a valid entry for this
TCP A link through TCP/IP. When TCP is specified, each of the other
fields should contain a hyphen. You must also specify TCP in the
dialer field of the Dialers file.
Is the device name of the port used to make the connection. For TCP/IP,
specify a – (hyphen).
– An obsolete field, dialer-port. Specify a hyphen.
speed This speed must match the value of the speed field in the corresponding
Systems file entry. For TCP/IP, specify a – (hyphen).
Contains a list of one or more pairs with the format
dialer arg

where dialer is the dialer name and arg is an argument to pass to that
dialer. For TCP/IP, leave this blank.

The Dialers file

The Dialers file provides dialing instructions for the dialers referred to in the
Devices file. Each entry has the following format:
dialer subs expect-send [expect-send ...]

Only TCP/IP is supported, so the entry that must appear in this file is:

The following list explains what each of these fields represents:

dialer The type of dialer. For TCP/IP, specify TCP.
subs Contains a string of characters. For TCP/IP, leave this blank.
Is similar to the chat_script field in the Systems file. The major difference is
the set of escape characters which can be used.

The Dialcodes file

The Dialcodes file contains abbreviations that can be included in the phone
numbers specified in the Systems file. For TCP/IP, in this file you specify:
- -

The Permissions file

The Permissions file is used to control the access that remote systems have to data
and programs on the local system. Specifically, it is used to specify:

268 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v Which systems can establish a uucico connection
v The areas in the file system that a remote system can read or write from
v The commands that the remote system can run on the local system
v If the local system will process its waiting work when contacted by another
v An alias for the local system
v A different public directory

The format of each entry in the Permissions file is:

LOGNAME=userid [MACHINE=system] option=value [option=value] ...

MACHINE=system [LOGNAME=userid] option=value [option=value] ...

where option is one of the options and value is one or more values that you want to
set for that option. Options and values are case-sensitive. When specifying multiple
values for an option, separate the values with a colon (:). Here is a sample entry:
MACHINE=site1:site2:SITE3 \
READ=/ \
READ=/ \

The Permissions file can also contain blank lines (which are ignored) and comment
lines. To indicate that a line is a comment line, use a number sign (#) as the first
character in the line.

Each entry must contain the LOGNAME option or the MACHINE option, or both. Both
options are used to identify an entry that applies to a remote system when it is
processing its file transfer requests. The difference between them is based on which
system initiates the connection:
v LOGNAME=userid entries apply to a remote system when it initiates the connection
by logging onto your system as userid.
v MACHINE=system entries apply to a remote system when your system initiates the
call to system.

If your system initiates the connection, your system first processes any queued file
transfer requests that it has. When this is complete, the remote system can indicate
that it has file transfer requests queued on its system that it would like to process.
If the correct permissions are set, control switches to the remote system which then
processes its file transfer requests. At this point, the MACHINE entry options are used
for the remote system.

If your system does not need to differentiate Permissions options based on which
system initiates the call, then LOGNAME and MACHINE can appear in the same entry.

These are the LOGNAME and MACHINE options:

Indicates the user IDs that remote systems can use when logging on to

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 269

your system. For z/OS systems, these names must be specified in
uppercase unless USERIDALIASTABLE is used to define lowercase or
mixed-case aliases. See “USERIDALIASTABLE” on page 38 for more
information about defining user aliases.
Specified as MACHINE=system, this indicates the remote systems that your
system can call using the other options specified in this entry. The system
name specified here must also be specified as a system in the systems file.
If you set this option to OTHER, the options specified apply to any remote
system not specified by a MACHINE option in another entry. For remote
systems, these names are typically uppercase. Contact the remote system's
UUCP administrator to make sure that the names are uppercase.
Permissions for uux commands (which are executed by uuxqt) are based
on MACHINE entries regardless of which system initiates the call.

These are the valid options that are used with either LOGNAME or MACHINE entries, or
with both. Options are marked with an (L) or an (M) to indicate that they are
intended for LOGNAME or MACHINE entries or for both (L,M). An option used in an
entry for which it is not intended will be ignored.
READ (L,M) Indicates which directories uucico can read. By default, this is the
home directory of user uucp (/usr/spool/uucppublic). Remember that
uucico runs with the effective UID of UUCP, so you must permit the uucp
user or uucpg group to read from these directories.
(L,M) Indicates which directories uucico can write to. By default, this is
/usr/spool/uucppublic, the home directory of user uucp. Remember that
uucico runs with the effective UID of UUCP, so you must permit the uucp
user or uucpg group to write to these directories.
(L,M) Indicates that files in the specified directories cannot be read. If a
directory is specified by both READ and NOREAD, files in that directory cannot
be read. The public directory can always be read (even if specified on
(L,M) Indicates that files in the specified directories cannot be written to. If
a directory is specified by both WRITE and NOWRITE, files in that directory
cannot be written to. The public directory can always be written to (even if
specified on NOWRITE).
(L,M) Indicates the public directory. By default, this is the home directory
of user uucp (/usr/spool/uucppublic).
If you are going to change PUBDIR on your system, you need to have an
additional MACHINE entry for your local site. Consider this example:
uucp remote_site!/file1 local_site!&tilde;/file1

When uucp processes this command it looks for a MACHINE=local_site

entry to find the value for PUBDIR.
(L,M) Indicates the verbosity of the debugging information. Set this to a
number between 0 and 9. Level 0 provides terse debug messages while
level 9 provides verbose output. This output is stored in

270 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

/usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE to aid you in debugging communications
problems when remote systems call you.
(L,M) Indicates whether requests made by remote systems to transfer data
from your system are allowed. This option can be used to protect data on
your system from being read by remote systems.
v If set to yes, remote systems can read data from those directories it is
authorized to read from.
v If set to no, a remote system can write data to your system, but cannot
read data irrespective of the value of the READ option. This is the
This option only applies to requests originating from the remote system.
This option has no effect on file transfer requests that originate on your
(L) Indicates if your system will process its own queued file transfer
requests after the remote system has initiated the connection and
completed its file transfer requests. The SENDFILES option allows the local
system to control when its queued file transfer requests are processed.
v If this option is set to yes, your system will process its queued requests
after the remote system has completed processing its own.
v If this option is set to call, your system will only process its own file
transfer requests when it initiates the connection with the remote system.
This is the default.
(L) Names the remote systems that can login to your system using the user
IDs given by LOGNAME. If another system attempts to login using this user
ID, uucico refuses the connection.
(M) Indicates the commands that the remote system can execute on your
By default, the uucp command is not permitted, which means that by
default your local system is a terminal, or leaf-node, connection. To allow a
remote system to transfer files through your local system, specify uucp for
the COMMANDS option.
v To specify more than one command, separate the command names with
a colon (:). For example, COMMANDS=uucp:ls.
v To prohibit all commands, do not use the COMMANDS option.
v To allow access to all commands, set this option to ALL.
(M) Tells the remote system that the name of your local system is the
specified value rather than the name given by uname -n.

An example might help to explain how the entries in the Permissions file work.
Suppose that the system named North in the sample network has the following
Permissions file.
COMMANDS=uucp:mail NOREAD=/usr/private \
NOWRITE=/usr/private SENDFILES=yes REQUEST=yes \

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 271




The first entry in this file specifies the options that are in effect when a remote
system logs in as uwest. Because of the VALIDATE=west option, the only remote
system that can use this user ID is West. When West calls North and logs in as
uwest, it can read from and write to all directories except the ones starting with
/usr/private and can execute the commands uucp and mail on North's system.
This entry also includes the MACHINE=west option, meaning the options given
also apply when North has called West and control has been transferred to North's
uucico utility. Because REQUEST=yes and SENDFILES=yes, either system can
request or send working files.

The second entry specifies the options in effect when a remote system logs in with
the NUUCP user ID. Because MACHINE=OTHER, these options will also apply when
North has called any remote system except west (which has its own entry) and
control has been transferred to North's uucico. Files can only be read from or
written to the /usr/spool/uucppublic directory (no READ or WRITE options to
change the default). Either system can request files from the other, but working
files are only transferred from north when it calls the remote system.

Tip: Whenr a z/OS system or uucp login is specified, the name must be specified
in uppercase.

How uucico uses configuration files

When uucico is invoked, it searches the information provided by the Systems file
(and compiled into the configuration file) for the remote system indicated on its
command line. If the sched field of the matching entry indicates that it is valid to
contact the remote system at that time, uucico then checks to see if a connection
with the remote system is already in progress (a lock exists in /usr/spool/locks for
the system or system IP address). If a connection is already in progress, uucico will
not initiate another connection at this time. Otherwise, uucico will attempt to open
a TCP/IP connection using the remote system's IP address. If successful, it uses the
contents of the chat_script field to complete the connection.

Compile the configuration files

In z/OS UNIX, UUCP does not use the configuration files directly. Instead, it uses
a special configuration file named config which is created when the administrator
runs the uucc utility to compile the configuration files.

After you set up the configuration files, change directories and then issue:
cd /var/uucp

A compiled configuration file is created in the /var/uucp directory using the uucc
command from /usr/lib/uucp. It contains all of the information specified in the
individual configuration files.

Rule: The configuration file must be owned by the uucp user ID. If you run uucp
from any other user ID, you must change the owner of the configuration file from
that user ID to uucp.

Do not edit the configuration file directly. If you need to change your
configuration, first edit the configuration files and then run uucc again.

272 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Create working directories for the local and remote systems
UUCP requires a working directory in /usr/spool/uucp for the local system and for
each system defined in the Systems file. Each directory must be owned by uucp
and have uucpg as its group ID. If you create the directories with the uucp user ID,
this will happen automatically. Otherwise, you will need to chown these directories
from a superuser user ID.
v Create a working directory for the local system. Enter:
mkdir -m 774 /usr/spool/uucp/$(uuname -l)

($(uuname -l) will be replaced with the name of your system). If the directory is
not owned by uucp and uucpg, enter:
chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp/$(uuname -l)
v Create working directories for remote systems. (If you are setting up your uucp
environment for the first time, see the Tip at the end of this step.) For each
remote system, enter:
mkdir -m 774 /usr/spool/uucp/system

where system is the name of the remote system.

If the directories are not owned by uucp and uucpg, enter:
chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp/system

where system is the name of the remote system.

Tip: If you are setting up your UUCP environment for the first time,
cd /usr/spool/uucp
mkdir -m 774 $(uuname)
chown uucp:uucpg $(uuname) # if necessary.

$(uuname) will be replaced with a list of all systems defined in the Systems file

Schedule periodic UUCP transfers with cron

UUCP provides two daemons (uucico and uuxqt) which establish communication
sessions, transfer data, and execute commands according to the requests scheduled
by uucp (for file exchange) and uux (for command execution). uux will invoke
uucico unless the command is a local one, in which case it will invoke uuxqt to
process the local command immediately. While you can invoke these daemons
interactively as the need arises, this becomes inconvenient if many users become
dependent on UUCP's capabilities, or if the system must receive data from other
UUCP systems according to some regular schedule.

You might need to use cron for two reasons:

1. To process requests that were left on the request queue when uucico could not
2. To get files that are waiting to be received from other systems.

The cron facility can be used to run the UUCP daemons according to a fixed
schedule such as:
v Monday through Friday at 7:30 p.m.
v Each day at 8:00 a.m. and noon
v Every 15 minutes starting at midnight

It is also used to initiate work on behalf of others at predefined times. A crontab

file defines the work to be done for a user and the schedule for running it. Use the

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 273

crontab command to create the crontab file. After a user creates a crontab file
(assuming that the cron facility has been configured by the administrator), cron
initiates the work according the schedule specified.

If the UUCP daemons are running from cron and encounter an error, they send
mail to the user who ran the uucp or uux command that the daemons are
processing. The daemons log their status and errors in two files:
/usr/spool/uucp/ERRLOG is used to log errors and /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE is
used to log non-error status. Check those files if the daemons uucico or uuxqt do
not seem to be running correctly.

Creating a crontab entry

You can use cron to run the UUCP daemons on a fixed schedule. For example, if
you want to run the UUCP daemons every Monday through Friday at 7:30 p.m.,
you would:
1. Log on as UUCP or su to the UUCP user ID
2. Enter the following echo command to create a working copy of the desired
crontab entry:
echo ’30 19 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico; /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt;’ >tfile
v 0 means zero minutes
v 19:30 means 7:30 p.m.
v * means no selected day of the month
v * means no selected month of the year
v 1-5 means Monday through Friday
v /usr/lib/uucp/uucico; /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt; are the commands to be run
v >tfile directs the output to a temporary file
3. Enter the crontab command to activate your request.
crontab tfile
4. To display your current crontab entries, enter the following command:
crontab -l

Tip: Do not issue the crontab command without any options. If you do, the system
will erase your current crontab entries and accept new crontab entries from the
terminal. If you accidentally enter crontab without any options, end it with the
INTERRUPT key, which by default is <Crtl-C>.

Example of schedules
Here are some examples of other schedules and their crontab entries:
1. Every day at 8:00 a.m. and noon:
0 8,12 * * * /usr/lib/uucp/uucico; /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt;

v 0 specifies what minute
v 8 and 12 specify 8 a.m. and noon
v * is every day of the month
v * is every day of the year
v * is every day of the week
2. Every fifteen minutes starting at midnight:
0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/lib/uucp/uucico; /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt;

274 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v 0, 25, 30, 45 indicates every 15 minutes
v * specifies every hour of the day
v * specifies every day of the month
v * specifies every month of the year
v * specifies every day of the week

There are many other scheduling possibilities. For more information, see the
crontab command in z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference.

Controlling calls to each system

By default, uucico attempts connection to every system listed in the Systems file.
To reduce these attempts, you can code acceptable callout times for each system in
the Systems file. In addition, each system will be contacted even if no data
transfers or remote command executions have been requested on the local system.
(This is to receive data transfers or local command executions that were requested
on the remote system.)

You can specify different crontab entries for different systems. Each of these
crontab entries will specify a command of the form
uucico -r1 -s site

where site is the name of the remote site to be called.

Example: This sample crontab entry calls the system named North every hour on
the hour:
0 * * * * /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -s north

Example: This sample crontab entry calls the system named East at 12:00 noon and
7:00 p.m. each day from Monday to Friday:
0 12,19 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -s east

Testing the connection

Once your local system is configured and a remote system is configured, you must
test the connection.
1. Change directories to the public UUCP directory.
cd /usr/spool/uucppublic
2. Queue a file request with this command:
uucp -mr testfile remote!&tilde;/

where testfile is the name of a file in the public UUCP directory and remote is
the name of the remote system.
3. Force a connection:
a. If the remote system calls your system, have the remote system
administrator attempt a connection.
b. If your system calls the remote system, force a connection with this
/usr/lib/uucp/uucico -f -r 1 -s remote -x 5

where remote is the name of the remote system.

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 275

4. If everything has been configured correctly, the file is transferred and you can
read the mail with mailx.

Checking the configuration for connections

If there are problems, check the configuration for this connection. In solving UUCP
problems, try to determine how far the connection proceeds before failing. Every
UUCP connection goes through these stages:
1. One system establishes a TCP/IP connection with another.
2. The contacted system sends a login prompt and the calling system logs in.
3. The systems negotiate protocols.
4. Files are exchanged.
5. The calling system hangs up.
Try to determine at what stage your connection breaks down. Examine the file
/usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE for clues.

Contacting the remote site

If uucp cannot establish a connection with the remote system, one of the IP
address for the remote system might be wrong or the network path between your
system and the remote system might be down. You should be able to ping the
remote system to confirm this.

Example: If the address of the remote system west is west.ibm.com, enter:

tso ’ping west.ibm.com’

The following display indicates a successful connection:

PING V3R1: PINGING HOST west.ibm.com (

Calling system login

If the call is made but is not answered, then the login sequence might be at fault.
Check /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE for the record of the sequence exchanged.
v Check the login send/expect sequences specified in the Systems file.
v If the log shows failed logins and the message “you are unknown to me,”
confirm that both systems have the correct login name and password and their
configurations are set up correctly.

Maintaining UUCP
To maintain UUCP, you need to:
v Read and remove log files periodically—check /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE.
v Use the uustat command to check the status file to ensure that files are
transferring to remote systems. Periodically update the configuration files to
reflect changes in your system.

Cleaning up UUCP files

Some UUCP files will reside on your UUCP system after it is configured. Here are
some pointers on how to clean up old files and make sure that all necessary files
are present.

276 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

The spool directory
The spool directory holds all work requests and all log files for UUCP. File
transfers can be requested by the uucp and uux.

For each remote system specified in the Systems configuration file, there is a
subdirectory in the /usr/spool/uucp directory named for the system (for example,
the subdirectory for a remote system named South is /usr/spool/uucp/south). This
subdirectory contains:
v File transfer requests for a remote system.
v Data files for file transfer requests for a remote system.
UUCP data files are created from:
v uucp with the -C option.
v uux requests whose arguments are files that are not on the system running the
requested command.
v Execute files, commands that a user on the remote system has requested be run
on your system. When you run uuxqt, it looks for files in those directories and
runs the commands indicated (if all of the permissions are correct).
v The .Xqtdir subdirectory, which acts as a working directory when uuxqt runs
remote commands. After finishing a command, uuxqt removes working files
from this directory.

Log files, lock files, status files, and working files

UUCP creates system files in the spool directory or in its system subdirectories. The
following types of system files are created:
Log files
Records of events such as file transfers, deletions, attempts to connect with
other systems, and system errors. The spool directory contains the
following log file: /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE. It contains the record of
when jobs were queued and executed.
Tip: This log file can grow indefinitely. You should edit or delete it on a
regular basis.
Lock files
Temporary files created to prevent two programs writing to a file or device
simultaneously. These files will have a name of LCK..site and
Status files
Records of the most recent unsuccessful attempt to contact a remote
system. There is one status file for each remote system you contact; status
files are named /usr/spool/uucp/.Status/site, where site is the remote
site's name.
You can use the uustat -q command to view the contents of the status file.
A status file is only created if the last attempt to contact a system was
unsuccessful. The status file is not required for UUCP to attempt another
Working files
Command, data, and execute files for the UUCP file transfer programs,
stored in the appropriate subdirectory for the system. These files are
described in z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference.

Chapter 10. Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program (UUCP) 277

Displaying information about recorded UUCP events
You can use the uulog command to display information about recorded UUCP
events, such as file transfers and remote command execution.

Notifying remote systems about password changes

When you change the password of a user ID (for example, NUUCP) that is used
for a remote system to login to the local system, you must notify each remote
system to update its Systems file chat script with the new password.

278 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Chapter 11. Converting files between code pages
This topic discusses the conversion and tagging of files between code pages.

z/OS is an EBCDIC platform. It has devices that are configured for EBCDIC; it also
has programs that are compiled to handle the EBCDIC encoding of characters. If
you implement Enhanced ASCII or exploit Unicode Services, the basic EBCDIC
nature of a z/OS platform remains. For example, the z/OS shell and utilities
continue to be EBCDIC programs. However, if C programs have been compiled as
ASCII, the EBCDIC nature can be partially hidden.

This topic discusses the conversion and tagging of files between various code
pages. Before Enhanced ASCII and Unicode Services were available, you could use
iconv to convert characters from one code page set to another. The converted text
is written to standard input (stdout). See z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide for
more information about the supported code sets.

C programs that have been compiled as ASCII use ASCII locales. These ASCII
locales are produced by using the -A option of localedef.

List of subtasks
This topic covers the following subtask:

Subtask Associated procedure

Setting up enhanced ASCII “Setting up Enhanced ASCII” on page 280
Setting up Unicode Services “Steps for setting up Unicode Services” on
page 282

Using Enhanced ASCII

Enhanced ASCII introduces automatic conversion which, in some cases, is an
alternative to iconv. z/OS UNIX System Services Porting Guide contains examples of
automatic conversion. The enhanced ASCII functionality makes it easier to port
internationalized applications developed on ASCII platforms, or for them, to z/OS
platforms by providing conversion from ASCII to EBCDIC, and from EBCDIC to
ASCII. Enhanced ASCII also provides support for file tagging. File tags are a way
to identify the code set of text data within files and are used during automatic

Enhanced ASCII provides limited conversion of ASCII to EBCDIC, and EBCDIC to

ASCII. The character set or alphabet that is associated with any locale consists of
the following:
v A common, XPG4-defined subset of characters such as POSIX portable characters
v A unique, locale-specific subset of characters such as NLS characters

Restriction: The conversion only applies to the portable subset of characters that
are associated with a locale. Only the EBCDIC IBM-1047 encoding of portable
characters is supported.

You might encounter unexpected results in the following situations:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 279

v If Enhanced ASCII applications run in locales that contain non-Latin Alphabet
Number 1 characters, C-RTL functions might copy some of the locale's non-Latin
1 characters into buffers that the application is writing to stdout or another file.
The non-Latin Alphabet Number 1 characters would then cause problems during
automatic conversion.
v Language Environment applications might select non-English message files. If
the NATLANG runtime option is not ENU or UEN, then conversion does not
take place. The messages are presented to the file system write routine in
EBCDIC, before any automatic conversion takes place. If the automatic
conversion is to EBCDIC, then there will be a problem because EBCDIC cannot
be converted to EBCDIC.

A subset of C headers and functions is provided in ASCII. For a list of all C/C++
runtime library functions that support Enhanced ASCII, see z/OS XL C/C++
Runtime Library Reference.

The only way to get to the ASCII version of functions and the external variables
environ and tzname is to use the appropriate IBM header files. ASCII applications
may read, but not update, environment variables using the environ external
variable. Updates to the environment variables using environ in an ASCII
application causes unpredictable results and might result in an abend. Language
Environment maintains two equivalent arrays of environment variables when
running an ASCII application, one with EBCDIC encodings and the other with
ASCII encodings. All ASCII compile units that use the environ external variable
must include <stdlib.h> so that environ can be mapped to access the ASCII
encoded environment strings. If <stdlib.h> is not included, environwill refer to the
EBCDIC representation of the environment variable strings.

To execute ASCII shell scripts and REXX execs, use spawn (BPX1SPN).

Setting up Enhanced ASCII

Guideline: Limit the enabling of automatic conversion to the smallest environment
possible. One way to accomplish this is by using the _BPXK_AUTOCVT
environment variable, optionally with the FILETAG runtime option.

It is important to understand that file tagging and enabling automatic conversion

are independent operations. Because you can tag files without enabling automatic
conversion, and vice versa, it is possible to have many tagged files without any
conversion occurring. However, if you enable automatic conversion for the entire
system by using the AUTOCVT statement in BPXPRMxx, each tagged file becomes
subject to conversion by any program that reads from or writes to those tagged
files. Thus, programs may be processing converted data even though they do not
support it. (An example would be an EBCDIC program that expects to read an
ASCII file as ASCII data.) For those reasons, it is a good idea to limit the enabling
of automatic conversion to the smallest environment possible using
_BPXK_AUTOCVT and, if applicable for the C run time environment, the
FILETAG runtime option.

Before you begin: You need to have an overall understanding of the limitations of
Enhanced ASCII, as explained in Chapter 11, “Converting files between code
pages,” on page 279.

Perform the following steps to set up Enhanced ASCII.

1. Set up Enhanced ASCII. Base your choice on your particular situation.

280 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

If this situation exists . . . Then use . . .
The application is written in C/C++. The FILETAG runtime option with the
_BPXK_AUTOCVT environment variable.
The application is run in the z/OS UNIX The _BPXK_AUTOCVT environment
shell or BPXBATCH. variable.
You are enabling automatic conversion for AUTOCVT(ON) statement in the BPXPRMxx
the z/OS UNIX environment. parmlib member.

Tip: You can use the SETOMVS and SET

OMVS operator commands to turn
AUTOCVT on or off.

2. Assign the appropriate file tag for each file that is to be converted. Base your
choice on your particular situation.

If you choose this method . . . Then this happens . . .

Issuing the chtag command. Files are permanently tagged.
Mounting a file system with the TAG Files are temporarily tagged. All untagged
parameter. files in the file system that is being mounted
are implicitly tagged. When the file system is
unmounted, the tags are lost.
Issuing the F_SETTAG subcommand of the Files are either temporarily or permanently
BPX1FCT (fcntl) callable service from a tagged, depending on the input parameters.
program. For more information about BPX1FCT, see
z/OS UNIX System Services Programming:
Assembler Callable Services Reference.
Issuing BPX1CHR (chattr) callable service Files are permanently tagged. For more
from a program. information about BPX1CHR, see z/OS UNIX
System Services Programming: Assembler Callable
Services Reference.
Issuing fopen() or popen() with the 'text' New or empty files are automatically tagged
option and the C-RTL FILETAG(,AUTOTAG) at first write(). Programs that use this form of
runtime option. opening a file are already set up for tagging,
and require the least effort to set up
automatic conversion.

3. Assign a coded character set identifier (CCSID) to each program or thread in
the shell. By default, the initial CCSID for every thread is IBM-1047 (EBCDIC).
v For entire programs written in C/C++, use the ASCII compiler to change it
to 819 (ISO8859-1 ASCII).
v For C/C++ threads, use the F_CONTROL_CVT subcommand of fcntl().
v For Assembler programs and threads, use the F_CONTROL_CVT
subcommand of the BPX1FCT callable service. F_CONTROL_CVT sets the
CCSID of the program associated with each opened file. (That is, the
program CCSID can be different depending on which file is chosen.)
v Use the mapping macro BPXYTHLI to set field Thliccsid. IBM no longer
recommends this method.

When you are done, you have set up Enhanced ASCII.

Chapter 11. Converting files between code pages 281

Using Unicode Services in a z/OS UNIX environment
z/OS UNIX exploitation of Unicode Services is functionally similar to that
provided for Enhanced ASCII, which is described in “Using Enhanced ASCII” on
page 279. The basic EBCDIC nature of the z/OS platform remains. Likewise,
programs cannot alter their EBCDIC nature as compiled units, except for C
programs, which can be compiled as ASCII. Locale restrictions that apply to
Enhanced ASCII functions apply to Unicode Services functions as well.

Files that are tagged can be converted between any CCSID of the program or user
and the CCSID of the file, if Unicode Services supports that conversion. Unlike
Enhanced ASCII, which affects conversion of regular file, pipes, and character
special files, an environment enabled for Unicode Services environment affects
regular files and pipes only. No character special support beyond that provided for
Enhanced ASCII is included.

For more information about Unicode Services, see z/OS Unicode Services User's
Guide and Reference.

Considerations beyond that of Enhanced ASCII

Because POSIX standards apply, z/OS UNIX still treats text that is to be (or has
been) converted as a series of bytes. Read and write request sizes, return values,
file offsets, file sizes, and so on, remain byte-designated values. However, because
one byte does not always equal one character, complications can result when the
LFS is requested to perform text conversion. For example, for a write operation, a
program might receive a return value equal to the number of bytes that the
program requested, but z/OS UNIX might write a different amount due to
converting the data. Typically, a program would not be aware of this action, but
file sizes increase or decrease differently due to conversion. A large write operation
might fail because the maximum number of bytes that are allowed (2 G default for
a regular file) was exceeded, even though the program specified less than 2 G.

Incomplete characters at the end of an I/O stream might cause problems. This
situation occurs, for example, when z/OS UNIX receives data that does not end on
a character boundary. z/OS UNIX tries to resolve this problem by caching the end
of this data for the next I/O operation. But unconverted data will not be hardened.
Consequently, an fsync operation will not cause a partial character to be written to
the file. Likewise, closing a file with a partial character held by z/OS UNIX causes
that partial character to be lost. Partial characters occur only when multibyte
characters sets are being converted.

Additionally, when certain multibyte character sets are being converted, a lseek
operation can cause the file offset to jump to a location in the file that is not on a
character boundary or that contains a different character set. These jumps can
cause a subsequent read or write operation to fail with an I/O error or a
conversion error. Sequential reading and writing is the preferred I/O method to
use when different character sets exist in the file.

Steps for setting up Unicode Services

Setting up for Unicode Services conversion is similar to setting up for Enhanced
ASCII with the following changes:
v _BPXK_AUTOCVT can be set to ALL, which enables a Unicode Services
conversion environment for the program or user.

282 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v AUTOCVT(ALL) can be specified in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member, which
enables a Unicode Services conversion program for all programs and users. The
SETOMVS or SET OMVS operator commands can turn AUTOCVT to ALL.
v Instead of setting the ThliCcsid field the environment variable _BPXK_PCCSID
should be set. For a description of the _BPXK_PCCSID environment variable, see
“_BPXK environment variables” on page 431.

Before you begin: You need to have an overall understanding of the limitations of
Unicode Services, as explained in “Considerations beyond that of Enhanced ASCII”
on page 282.

Perform the following steps to set up Enhanced ASCII.

1. Set up Unicode Services. Base your choice on your particular situation.

If this situation exists . . . Then use . . .

The application wants to exploit Unicode The _BPXK_AUTOCVT environment variable
Services when enabling automatic can be set to ALL or fcntl(), or BPX1FCT can
conversion. be called to enable to conversion. For the XL
C/C++ runtime environment, refer to z/OS
XL C/C++ Programming Guide.
The application is run in the z/OS UNIX The _BPXK_AUTOCVT environment
shell or BPXBATCH. variable. _BPXK_AUTOCVT can be set to
ALL, which enables a Unicode Services
conversion environment for the program or
You are enabling automatic conversion for AUTOCVT(ALL) in BPXPRMxx, which
the z/OS UNIX environment. enables Unicode Services conversion
environment for all programs and users.
Tip: Use the SETOMVS and SET OMVS
operator commands to turn AUTOCVT on or

2. Assign the appropriate file tag for each file that is to be converted. Base your
choice on your particular situation.

If you choose this method . . . Then this happens . . .

Issuing the chtag command. Files are permanently tagged.
Mounting a file system with the TAG Files are temporarily tagged. All untagged
parameter. files in the file system that is being mounted
are implicitly tagged. When the file system is
unmounted, the tags are lost.
Issuing the F_SETTAG subcommand of the Files are either temporarily or permanently
BPX1FCT (fcntl) callable service from a tagged, depending on the input parameters.
program. For more information about BPX1FCT, see
z/OS UNIX System Services Programming:
Assembler Callable Services Reference.
Issuing BPX1CHR (chattr) callable service Files are permanently tagged. For more
from a program. information about BPX1CHR, see z/OS UNIX
System Services Programming: Assembler Callable
Services Reference.

3. Assign a coded character set identifier (CCSID) to each program or thread in
the shell. By default, the initial CCSID for every thread is IBM-1047 (EBCDIC).

Chapter 11. Converting files between code pages 283

v For entire programs written in C/C++, use the ASCII compiler to change it
to 819 (ISO8859-1 ASCII).
v For C/C++ threads, use the F_CONTROL_CVT subcommand of fcntl().
v For Assembler programs and threads, use the F_CONTROL_CVT
subcommand of the BPX1FCT callable service. F_CONTROL_CVT sets the
CCSID of the program associated with each opened file. (That is, the
program CCSID can be different depending on which file is chosen.)
v Set environment variable _BPXK_PCCSID.

When you are done, you have set up Unicode Services.

284 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Chapter 12. Managing operations
The z/OS UNIX element is designed to be continually available. This topic
discusses tasks that are done by operators.

List of subtasks
Subtasks Associated procedure
Ending a specified process “Steps for ending a specified process”
Shutting down z/OS UNIX “Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using
F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=...” on page 288

“Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using

F OMVS,SHUTDOWN” on page 293
Doing partial shutdowns for JES maintenance “Steps for partial shutdowns for JES2
maintenance” on page 290
Dynamically adding FILESYSTYPE “Steps for activating the HFS file system for
parameters in BPXPRMxx the first time” on page 300

“Steps for activating a single sockets file

system for the first time” on page 301

“Steps for activating a multiple socket file

system for the first time with Common
INET” on page 302

“Steps for increasing the MAXSOCKETS

value” on page 302

“Steps for adding another sockets file system

to an existing CINET configuration” on page

If you require a high level of security in your z/OS system and do not want
superusers to have access to z/OS resources such as SYS1.PROCLIB, read the
following topics:
v “Comparing UNIX security and z/OS UNIX security” on page 333.
v “Establishing the correct level of security for daemons” on page 335.

Steps for ending a specified process

A process is the execution of a program. MVS calls the basic unit of execution a job
or a task; in UNIX, it's called a process. You can find out whether a process is
active, and you can end it.

Before you begin: You need to know which processes you want to end and
whether they are active.

Examples: Use the DISPLAY OMVS operator command or the ps command to

display all active processes.
1. To list the address space identifiers for processes, issue:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 285

2. To display a particular ASID, where asid is a specified ASID:
3. To display information about all accessible processes, providing that you have
the appropriate privileges:
ps -elf

Perform the following steps to end a specified process, where pppp is the process
identifier (pid).
1. Send a SIGTERM signal using the shell kill command or use the TERM
parameter of the MODIFY operator command. For example:
a. kill -s term pppp
If the process is not ended, then go to Step 2. Otherwise, you have canceled the
process and you are finished.
2. Send a SIGKILL signal using the shell kill command or use the FORCE
parameter of the MODIFY operator command. For example:
a. kill -s kill pppp
If the process is still not ended, then go to Step 3. Otherwise, you have
canceled the process and you are all done.
3. Send a stronger SIGKILL signal using the shell kill command or use the
SUPERKILL parameter of the MODIFY operator command. For example:
v kill -K pppp
If the process is still not ended, then go to Step 4. Otherwise, you have
canceled the process and you are finished.
4. If the previous steps did not end the process, then use the CANCEL command.
CANCEL jobname,a=asid
Example: The following example shows how to obtain the ASIDs for a user
with the TSO/E user ID JOE and then cancel the user's process that is running
the sleep 6000 command.
display omvs,u=joe
BPXO001I 17.12.23 DISPLAY OMVS 361


JOE JOE 001D 5 1 1RI 17.00.10 1.203
JOE JOE3 001B 131076 262147 1SI 17.00.10 .111
LATCHWAITPID= 0 CMD=sleep 6000
JOE JOE1 0041 262147 5 1WI 17.00.10 .595

cancel joe3,a=1b


When you are done, you have ended the specified process.

286 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Ending threads
A thread is a stream of computer instructions that is in control of a process. Several
threads can run concurrently, performing different jobs. An operator can use the
MODIFY command to end a thread without disrupting the entire process. The
syntax is:
F BPXOINIT,{TERM}=pid[.tid]

v pid indicates the process identifier (PID) of the thread to be ended. The PID is
specified in decimal form as displayed by the D OMVS command.
v tid indicates the thread identifier (TID) of the thread to be ended. The TID is 16
hexadecimal (0-9,A-F) characters as displayed by the following command:
D OMVS,PID=pppppppp
v TERM= indicates the signal interface routine will be allowed to receive control
before the thread is ended.
v FORCE= indicates the signal interface routine will not be allowed to receive
control before the thread is ended.
Although abnormal termination of a thread typically causes a process to end,
using the MODIFY command to end a thread will not cause the process to end.

You will typically want to end a single thread when the thread represents a single
user in a server address space. Otherwise, random termination of threads can
cause some processes to hang or fail. If a thread in a process is hung, use the
MODIFY operator command to terminate the thread without ending the entire
process. Use the TERM keyword first. If that does not succeed, then use FORCE.
For example:
v To allow the signal interface routine to receive control before the thread is
F BPXOINIT,TERM=pppppppp.tttttttttttttttt

where pppppppp is the process identifier and tttttttttttttttt is the thread

v To end the thread without allowing the signal interface routine to receive
F BPXOINIT,FORCE=pppppppp.tttttttttttttttt

where pppppppp is the process identifier and tttttttttttttttt is the thread


Planned shutdowns using F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=...

When you are doing a planned shutdown of z/OS UNIX, follow the instructions in
“Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=...” on
page 288. As part of a planned shutdown, you need to prepare the file systems
before shutting down z/OS UNIX by issuing one of these commands:

Issuing one of these commands synchronizes data to the file systems and possibly
unmounts or moves ownership of the file systems. If you use
SHUTDOWN=FILEOWNER, the system is disabled as a future file system owner
via move or recovery operations until z/OS UNIX has been restarted.
Chapter 12. Managing operations 287
Restriction: SHUTDOWN=FILEOWNER is valid only in a shared file system

If you get message BPXM048I saying that the file system shutdown was
incomplete, a local mount might have been performed while the shutdown was in
progress. To identify the file systems that were not moved or unmounted, issue D
OMVS,F,O on the source system to see which file systems are still owned by this
system. You can try to move individual file systems by issuing the following
operator command for each file system in question:

If a move fails, you will see message BPXO037E.

Automounted file systems are not mounted during the processing of F

BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=FILEOWNER, or after it completes in order to provide
the ability to handle unexpected mounts that occur when a file system is shut

In a shared file system configuration, the resulting system actions are more
complex, because they might involve the movement of file system ownership
between systems in the shared file system. For more information about the system
actions that might occur in a shared file system, see “Implications of shared file
systems during system failures and recovery” on page 206.

To shut down the system as part of JES maintenance without reIPLing the system,
see “Partial shutdowns for JES2 maintenance” on page 290.

Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using F

About this task

You will shut down z/OS UNIX using the F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=... system

Before you begin: You need to notify users that the system is being shut down
and ask them to log off. If you do not shut down and quiesce the UNIX workload,
these critical system functions might be ended abnormally during the shutdown,
which might cause several failures on the system. As a result, the system might not
be shut down successfully.
1. Use the operator SEND command to send a note to all TSO/E users telling
them that the system will be shut down at a certain time. For example:
send ’The system is being shut down in five minutes. Log off.’,NOW
2. Use the wall command to send a similar note about the impending shutdown
to all shell users who are logged on. For example:
wall The system is being shut down in five minutes. Please log off.

Perform the following steps to shut down z/OS UNIX using F


1. Prevent new TSO/E logons and shut down other z/OS subsystems (such as
CICS® and IMS™), following your typical procedures.

288 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

2. Shut down all JES initiators.
3. Move or unmount all of the NFS file systems by issuing the following
4. Use normal shutdown procedures to end all file system address spaces such as
TCP/IP and DFSS. Do this after the final warning has been sent to users that
the system is ending.
5. End running daemons such as inetd. Then end any remaining processes.
To obtain a list of daemons that are running, issue:

OMVSKERN is the user ID that is used for the kernel and daemons.
To display all processes (most daemons have recognizable names), issue:

Then use the F BPXOINIT,TERM=xxxxxxxx operator command or the kill

command to terminate those processes.
6. Move or unmount all file systems (including the root file system). Issue:

7. Take down JES. At this point, there might still be a number of initiators that are
provided by WLM for use on fork and spawn. These initiators time out after 30
minutes on their own, but you can end them by issuing:


When you are done, you have ended all of the processes. You can do any of the
v Power® off
v Take down JES, restart JES, and then rebuild your environment. For example:
– Remount any file systems that you unmounted. To do all the mounts, you
must issue mount commands or construct a REXX exec or CLIST. If you are
using automount for user file systems, there will be less work involved.
– If you terminated the address spaces for TCP/IP and DFSS, you must restart
– If you terminated daemons, log on to TSO as superuser and run /etc/rc from
a shell or from the ISHELL.
– Notify users that the system is once again available for UNIX processing.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 289

Partial shutdowns for JES2 maintenance
Before JES2 can be shut down for maintenance purposes, part of z/OS UNIX must
be shut down. This topic explains how you can terminate all of the forked
processes without having to reIPL the entire system. (The kernel remains active but
new forked processes are not allowed.) Use this procedure for JES2 maintenance

Guideline: Do the partial shutdown as infrequently as possible because it is a

disruptive shutdown; all the user processes that are either forked or non-local
spawned are terminated.

After the forked processes have been terminated, you can end the colony address
spaces. Now JES2 can be shut down for maintenance. z/OS UNIX can be
reinitialized after JES2 has been restarted, and forked processes will start being
dubbed again. The file system colonies can then be restarted manually.

Steps for partial shutdowns for JES2 maintenance

Before you begin: You need to notify users that the system is being shut down
and ask them to log off. If you do not shut down and quiesce the UNIX workload,
these critical system functions might be ended abnormally during the shutdown,
which might cause several failures on the system. As a result, the system might not
be shut down successfully.
1. Use the operator SEND command to send a note to all TSO/E users telling
them that the system will be shut down. For example:
send ’The system is being shut down in five minutes. Please log off.’
2. Use the wall command to send a similar note to all shell users that are logged
on. For example:
wall The system is being shut down in five minutes. Please log off.

Perform the following steps to accomplish a partial shutdown.

1. Shut down z/OS UNIX.
Result: You have ended all forked and non-local spawned address spaces on
the system. If the operator receives a success message, the shutdown can be
failure message means that some forked processes or non-local spawned
address spaces could not be ended. To find these processes, issue:

To terminate them, issue:

If that does not work, use the CANCEL or FORCE operator commands.
2. Stop the file system colonies that were started under JES (those without
SUB=MSTR specified when they were defined). Use normal shutdown
procedures to close all file system address spaces such as Network File System
Client (NFSC).
For NFSC use the F OMVS,STOPPFS=NFS command to bring down NFSC.
For all other colonies, use the procedures documented in their publications.

290 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

When you are done, you have partially shut down z/OS UNIX. New fork and
spawn activity cannot be done; however, it is still possible for batch jobs and TSO
users to use z/OS UNIX services. Now you can do whatever corrective or
maintenance actions that were needed for JES2, such as restarting it.

Tip: To restart z/OS UNIX:

1. Issue the MODIFY (F) command.
2. Restart the file system address spaces.
For NFSC, respond to the operator message BPXF032D issued when you
previously stopped NFSC using F OMVS,STOPPFS=NFS command. Then
reissue all the mounts if required.
For DFSCM, respond to the operator message BPXF032D.
For all other colonies, use the procedures that were documented in their
product publications.

Planned shutdowns using F OMVS,SHUTDOWN

“Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using F OMVS,SHUTDOWN” on page 293
describes how to use the F OMVS,SHUTDOWN operator command for a planned
shutdown and reIPL. Consider using it if you plan to recustomize and reinitialize
the z/OS UNIX environment without reIPLing. Using F OMVS,SHUTDOWN along
with F OMVS,RESTART might allow you to avoid a system outage by providing
the ability to shut down and then reinitialize the z/OS UNIX environment without
the need for a reIPL.

F OMVS,SHUTDOWN is an alternative to F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=...

commands for synchronizing data to the file systems and unmounting or moving
file system ownership before a planned shutdown.

Guideline: Sometimes F OMVS,SHUTDOWN cannot shut down z/OS UNIX

completely and you must do a reIPL in order to correct the condition that is
requiring the shutdown. With F OMVS,SHUTDOWN and F OMVS,RESTART, some
reconfiguration tasks can be accomplished that otherwise would have required a
reIPL. These tasks include the following steps:
v Reconfiguring a system to go from a non-shared file system to a shared file
v Completely applying a new file system file structure.
However, there are some tasks that you cannot accomplish using these commands,
as follows:
v Installing maintenance to the z/OS UNIX component.
v Resolving severe system outages.
Follow the recommended pre-shutdown procedure described in “Steps for shutting
down z/OS UNIX using F OMVS,SHUTDOWN” on page 293 when using
F,OMVS,SHUTDOWN. If you do not, the risk of having to do a reIPL is far greater.

If you want to shut down the system as part of JES2 maintenance and do not want
to reIPL the system, issue F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=FORKS as described in
“Partial shutdowns for JES2 maintenance” on page 290.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 291

Use the F OMVS,SHUTDOWN operator command when you want to do a
planned shutdown, and might or might not be reIPLing the system. You will be
shutting down the entire z/OS UNIX system and all processes.

Only eligible running processes are shut down. Some processes might not be shut
down because they have registered as a permanent process. Additionally, some
applications might register to block a shutdown, which delays the shutdown
request until the blockers end or unblock. Also, an application exit can be set up to
be given control when a shutdown request is initiated in order to allow specific
shutdown actions to be taken. This might include initiating the shutdown of the
application or sending messages that indicate the specific steps that are required to
shut down the application.

If any blocking jobs or processes are active when a shutdown request is initiated,
the shutdown is delayed until all blocking jobs or processes either unblock or end.
If the delay exceeds a certain time interval, you will receive messages telling you
that the shutdown is delayed and which jobs are delaying the shutdown. At this
point, you can either attempt to end the jobs that are identified as blocking
shutdown or issue F OMVS,RESTART to restart the z/OS UNIX environment,
which will cause the shutdown request to be ended.

Successful shutdowns
The shutdown succeeds only if all non-permanent z/OS UNIX processes end, all
permanent processes are successfully checkpointed, and if all physical file systems
are successfully quiesced. Otherwise, the shutdown request will fail.
Nonpermanent processes within jobs that are not prepared for shutdown cause the
shutdown request to fail. These jobs are identified in messages so that you can
force these jobs to end. At this point, because most processes have been ended, you
should force the hung jobs to end and then try the shutdown again. Because some
jobs might have ended abnormally, JES spool resources might have accumulated
for these jobs; you will have to purge them using commands such as

At each phase of shutdown, it is possible that there could be a stall where no

shutdown activity is occurring. That situation could cause the shutdown to hang. If
such a situation is detected, the shutdown will wait approximately six minutes for
the stall to resolve itself. If the stall does not resolve itself by then, the shutdown
request will fail.

Because some resources are tied to components outside of the scope of the kernel
(shared memory, mmap, shared libraries, for example), you must end any
application that is using any of these resources before z/OS UNIX can be ended,
including applications that are registered as permanent.

Tip: Because the F OMVS,SHUTDOWN support encompasses the existing support

in the F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN= command, you do not need to issue F
OMVS,SHUTDOWN fails, z/OS UNIX services are reenabled whether or not a F
BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN= was done prior to the F OMVS,SHUTDOWN command.
An F BPXOINIT command of any kind issued when OMVS is shut down is

Guideline: Use F OMVS,SHUTDOWN carefully because this method will take

down other system address spaces. As a result, some system-wide resources might

292 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

not be completely cleaned up during a shutdown and restart. Do not use this
command to shut down and restart the z/OS UNIX environment on a frequent
basis. (If you do so, you will eventually have to do a reIPL.) An example of a
system-wide resource that can be consumed due to the shutdown are non-reusable
ASIDs. If colony address spaces are being used, a non-reusable ASID will be
consumed for each colony address space that is shut down. For this reason,
installations should plan on increasing the value set for the RSVNONR= parameter
in the IEASYSxx parmlib member to account for the consumption of non-reusable
ASIDs due to each shut down of OMVS. If this value is not increased, the
installation might receive an error message after shutting down the system
multiple times.

If a shutdown does not succeed, a critical z/OS UNIX resource might not have
been available during the shutdown, due to a prior system problem, such as latch
contention. If a resource such as the z/OS UNIX file system MOUNT latch could
not be obtained, the shutdown request to likely to stall and then fail.

Steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX using F

Before you begin: You need to notify users that the system is being shut down
and ask them to log off. If you do not shut down and quiesce the UNIX workload,
these critical system functions might be ended abnormally during the shutdown,
which might cause several failures on the system. As a result, the system might not
be shut down successfully.
v Use the operator SEND command to send a note to all TSO/E users telling them
that the system will be shut down. For example:
send ’The system is being shut down in five minutes. Please log off.’,NOW
v Use the wall command to send a similar note to all logged-on shell users. For
wall The system is being shut down in five minutes. Please log off.

Perform the following steps to shut down z/OS UNIX using F

1. Prevent new TSO/E logons.
2. Quiesce your batch and TSO workloads. Having batch jobs and TSO users
running during the shutdown might cause these jobs to experience unexpected
signals or abends. Additionally, these jobs and users might end up being hung,
waiting for z/OS UNIX services to be restarted, if they first access z/OS UNIX
services during a shutdown.
Quiesce those application and subsystem workloads using z/OS UNIX services
in the manner that each application or subsystem recommends. Doing so will
allow subsystems such as DB2, CICS and IMS, and applications like SAP, Lotus
Domino, Tivoli NetView for z/OS, and WebSphere® to be quiesced in a more
controlled manner than this facility will provide.
Tip: You can use the D OMVS,A=ALL operator command to determine which
applications, if any, require quiescing.
3. Move or unmount all of the NFS file systems by issuing: F
OMVS,STOPPFS=NFS. Doing so prevents the NFS file system from losing data.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 293

4. Terminate all file system address spaces such as TCP/IP and DFSS, using their
recommended shutdown methods. If you do not shut them down before
issuing F OMVS,SHUTDOWN, these system functions might terminate
abnormally when the shutdown takes place. Do not shut down existing PFS
colony address spaces such as zFS because they are shut down as part of F

Result: Now you can issue F OMVS,SHUTDOWN.

1. After an F OMVS,SHUTDOWN request is accepted, jobs that attempt to use
z/OS UNIX services for the first time will be delayed until the system is
restarted. Terminating signals are sent to jobs that are already connected; these
jobs will be ended abruptly.
2. After F OMVS,SHUTDOWN has completed, you can shut down the system
completely via an IPL or by powering off.
Tip: You can completely restart and reinitialize the z/OS UNIX environment by
issuing F OMVS,RESTART. You can also use it to change the configuration of
z/OS UNIX services by specifying a different set of BPXPRMxx members when
z/OS UNIX is started. For more information about F OMVS,RESTART, see z/OS
MVS System Commands.
3. Using F OMVS,SHUTDOWN, the steps for shutting down z/OS UNIX are the
same whether or not the system is participating in a shared file system.
However, in a shared file system, the resulting system actions are more
complex because they might involve the movement of file system ownership
between systems in the shared file system. For more information about system
actions that might occur in a shared file system, see “Implications of shared file
systems during system failures and recovery” on page 206.

Dynamically activating the z/OS UNIX component service items

You can dynamically activate and deactivate some service items (PTFs, ++APARs,
++Usermods) that affect the z/OS UNIX component modules without having to
reIPL. This capability is primarily intended to allow an installation to activate
corrective service to avoid unplanned reIPLs of your systems. Additionally, this
capability can be used to activate temporary code that can be used in gathering
additional documentation for a recurring system problem. Although this capability
can be used to activate preventive service on an ongoing basis, it is not intended
for this purpose.
v F OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE activates the service.
v F OMVS,DEACTIVATE=SERVICE backs off the service.
v D OMVS,ACTIVATE displays the current set of services that were dynamically

Those PTFs that are capable of being activated dynamically will have ++HOLD
REASON(DYNACT) included within their PTF. Additionally, any ++USERMOD or
++APAR provided from IBM will have explicit instructions provided by the IBM
Service Team indicating whether the ++Usermod or ++APAR can be dynamically
activated. Although a service item might be identified as being capable of dynamic
activation, the level of a given system might not be current enough to allow the
activation of the service item. The ++HOLD REASON(DYNACT) will identify the
service level required to activate the PTF. In order to properly activate the PTF,
follow the directions in the ++HOLD in the PTF.

294 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Restriction: Dynamically activating a PTF on top of a superseded ++APAR is not
allowed. If the ++APAR was activated dynamically, you can deactivate it and then
activate the PTF. Otherwise, the PTF will need to be applied with an IPL.

In order to be prepared to exploit dynamic service activation, you must stay

current on z/OS UNIX Component maintenance. Staying current makes it more
likely that any given service item can be activated dynamically, because the
running system will be at a high enough level to accept the service item. On a
periodic or as-needed basis, you will have to determine the selected PTFs that you
would be interested in activating dynamically for corrective purposes. These would
likely be the PTFs that are of highest severity and highest impact related to your

To ensure that you activate only those service items that are of interest, it is
recommended that you additionally install these service items into a separate load
library from the LPALIB or LINKLIB libraries that are used for your normal install
process. You can copy (or clone) the SMP/E environment for the currently running
z/OS system and then install the applicable PTFs using the cloned SMP/E
environment and cloned target libraries. The applicable PTFs are the ones that
have been identified with ++HOLD REASON(DYNACT).

Identifying service items to be activated

Service items are activated from service activation libraries that have been
identified via the SERV_LPALIB and SERV_LINKLIB parameters in the BPXPRMxx
member. The service activation libraries contain the service items that have already
been SMP/E-installed and that you want to activate on the next F
OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE command. The libraries enable you to identify for a
given activation request the normal LPALIB and LINKLIB target libraries where
you install service via SMP/E for future IPLs or a specific library where you have
installed a specific fix. For example:

The SERV_LINKLIB statement identifies the target service library where the z/OS
UNIX modules that are normally loaded from SYS1.LINKLIB into the private area
of the OMVS address space are located.
v The dsname parameter identifies a 1-to-44 character value that represents a valid
data set name for the specified MVS load library. This library must be
APF-authorized. The alphabetic characters in the load library name must be
v The volser parameter identifies a 1-to-6 character value that represents a valid
volume serial number for the volume that contains the specified MVS load
library. The alphabetic characters in the volume serial number must be

Because you can set these new statements via SET OMVS, different target service
libraries can be used for any given F OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE command

Activating service items

After you identify the target service activation libraries via the SERV_LPALIB and
SERV_LINKLIB parameters in the BPXPRMxx member, you can then activate the
service items.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 295

For most service items that can be activated dynamically, issuing F
OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE is sufficient to activate the service item. But for a
small number of service items, the procedure to activate a fix or set of fixes might
require the dynamic LPA add of BPXINLPA and its ALIASes. This is the case only
if the maintenance to be activated affects one of the ALIASes of BPXINLPA. The
accompanying documentation provided by IBM for a service item (for example,
.++HOLD) will indicate if this extra step is required to activate a service item.

Restrictions: Note the following restrictions:

1. Only those service items found in the target libraries that are identified
internally by z/OS UNIX as capable of being dynamically activated are
activated. Service items that are not explicitly identified as such cannot be
2. If a fix capable of dynamic activation is found that cannot be activated due to
earlier service on the active system or missing parts in the target activation
libraries, the activation will fail.

The set of service items to be activated and the amount of ECSA and OMVS
address space storage consumed for those service items are indicated in messages
displayed by the F OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE command. The issuer of the
command is then prompted on whether to proceed with the activation based on
this information.

Tip: The activation of a set of service items potentially causes the additional
consumption of both ECSA and OMVS address space storage that is permanent
regardless of whether the service items are deactivated. A dynamic activation that
involves fixes to modules in LPA resident load modules will cause additional
consumption of ECSA. Careful consideration should be given to ensure that this
additional ECSA storage consumption does not cause a problem for your system.

To activate the component service items, issue:


If a fix capable of dynamic activation is found that cannot be activated due to

earlier service found on the active system or missing parts in the target activation
libraries, the activation will fail.

Deactivating service items

You can back off a set of dynamically activated service items, if you need to. This
might be necessary if, for example, a problem is encountered with a dynamically
activated service item or if a particular service item is no longer necessary.

To deactivate the service items, issue:


Only the service items that were activated when F OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE was last
issued are backed off. You will see a list of service items to be deactivated and you
will be asked whether the deactivation should proceed.

Displaying activated service items

Use the D OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE command to display all of the service
items that were dynamically activated using F OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE. It
displays only those service items that are currently active dynamically. Once a fix
has been deactivated, it will no longer show up in this command's display output.

296 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Additionally, D OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE reports the library and volume where
each set of fixes was activated from and the amount of ECSA and OMVS address
space storage that is being consumed for all dynamically activated fixes. The
amount of storage consumed will not decrease when a deactivation is done.

Example: To display all the service items that were dynamically activated, issue:

Result: The following is a sample output:

BPXO059I 08.51.42 DISPLAY OMVS 284

OA12345 OA23456 OA34567 OA45678 ANLATC1
SET #2:
OA02001 OA02002 OA02003 OA02004 OA02004 OA02005
OA02007 OA02008 OA02009
SET #1:
OA01001 OA01002 OA01003

Figure 43. Sample D OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE output

The service items are listed in groups based on when they were activated. All
service items activated by a given F OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE command are
listed together as one set of activated service items. The most recently activated set
of service items is listed first followed in descending order by the next most recent
activation set and so on. The most recent set of service items is the only service
items that are deactivated if a F OMVS,DEACTIVATE=SERVICE command is

Example: As an example, if a F OMVS,DEACTIVATE=SERVICE was done on a

system with the service items activated, the following would then show up on a D
OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE after the deactivation:

BPXO059I 08.58.26 DISPLAY OMVS 296

SET #2:
OA02001 OA02002 OA02003 OA02004 OA02005 OA02006
OA02007 OA02008 OA02009
SET #1:
OA01001 OA01002 OA01003

Figure 44. Second example of D OMVS,ACTIVATE=SERVICE

Dynamically changing the BPXPRMxx parameter values

The SETOMVS command enables you to modify BPXPRMxx settings without

You can dynamically change process-wide limits separately for each process. For

Chapter 12. Managing operations 297

The SET OMVS command enables you to dynamically change the BPXPRMxx
parameters that are in effect. Because you can have multiple BPXPRMxx
definitions, you can easily reconfigure a large set of the system characteristics. You
can keep the reconfiguration settings in a permanent location for later reference or
reuse. A sample SET OMVS command is:

If a parameter is specified more than once with different values, in the parmlib
members, the first value that is specified is the first value that is used. For
example, if you specify SET OMVS=(AA,BB) where AA has a MAXPROCUSER=10
value and BB has a MAXPROCUSER=5 value, MAXPROCUSER =10 is used.

You can use the SETOMVS RESET command to dynamically add the
FILESYSTYPE, NETWORK, and SUBFILESYSTYPE statements without having to
reIPL. However, if you change the values, a reIPL will be necessary. For more
information, see “Dynamically adding FILESYSTYPE statements in BPXPRMxx” on
page 300.

SET OMVS=xx can be used to execute the ROOT, MOUNT, FILESYSTYPE,

SUBFILESYSTYPE, and NETWORK statements in the BPXPRMxx member.

Dynamically changing certain BPXPRMxx parameter values

These parameters specify maximum values: MAXPROCSYS, MAXPTYS,
SHLIBRGNSIZE. You can use the SETOMVS or SET OMVS command to
dynamically increase the current system setting, but if you specify a value that is
too low or too high, you will get an error message. To use a value outside the
range, you must change the specification in BPXPRMxx and reIPL.

While you can specify the SHRLIBMAXPAGES parameter to specify a maximum

value, it will be accepted but will not have any impact on the system. The value
that you specify will never be reached, because user-shared library objects are no
longer supported.

To avoid specifying a value that is too low or too high, you can use a formula to
calculate the maximum values. The minimum value is sometimes the current
setting of the parameter and sometimes lower than that, as identified in the
description of each parameter.

Example: The following example shows you how to perform the calculations using
the IPCMSGNIDS parameter, which determines the highest number of unique
message queues in the system. To use SETOMVS IPCMSGNIDS=xxx to increase the
current setting, you must calculate the highest number that you can specify.
According to the description of IPCMSGNIDS in “IPCMSGNIDS and
IPCSEMNIDS” on page 299, the formula is:
MIN(20000,MAX(4096,3*initial value))

For this example, the current value of IPCMSGNIDS is 1000; the value of
IPCMSGNIDS at IPL is also 1000 (that is, 1000 is the initial value). Use the formula
in the following way:
1. Compare 4096 with 3 times 1000 to find the higher number (the MAX). 4096 is
the higher number.
2. Compare 20000 with 4096 to find the smaller number (the MIN). 4096 is the
smaller number.

298 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Therefore, the highest number that you can specify on SETOMVS IPCMSGNIDS is
4096. The range of numbers that you can specify is 1000 (the current value) to
4096. The correct SETOMVS command for increasing the message queue limit to
the maximum (assuming a starting value of 1000) would be:

To change to a number higher than 4096 (but lower than 20000), you will have to
change BPXPRMxx and reIPL.

The range that you can use has a minimum value of 5; the maximum value is
based on the following formula:
MIN(32767,MAX(4096,3*initial value))

The initial value is the MAXPROCSYS value that was specified during BPXPRMxx
initialization. You cannot use a value less than 5. If you want to use a value greater
than the current maximum (as calculated by the formula) but lower than the initial
maximum (32767), you will have to change the value in BPXPRMxx and reIPL.

The range's minimum value is 1 and the maximum is based on the following
MIN(10000,MAX(256,2*initial value))

The initial value is the MAXPTYS value that was specified during BPXPRMxx


The range's minimum value is the current setting of IPCMSGNIDS or
IPCSEMNIDS, and the maximum is based on the following formula:
MIN(20000,MAX(4096,3*initial value))

The initial value is the value that was specified during BPXPRMxx initialization. If
you want to use a value greater than the current maximum (as calculated by the
formula) but lower than the initial maximum (20000), you will have to change the
value in BPXPRMxx and re-IPL.


Use the D OMVS,L command to determine shared library usage and adjust your

If you specify the SHRLIBMAXPAGES parameter, it will be accepted but will not
have any impact on the system. The value that you specify will never be reached,
because user-shared library objects are no longer supported.


The range's minimum value is the current setting of IPCMSGNIDS or
IPCSHMSPAGES, and the maximum is based on the following formula:
MIN(20000,MAX(4096,3*initial value))

The initial value is the value that was specified during BPXPRMxx initialization. If
you want to use a value greater than the current maximum (as calculated by the
formula) but lower than the initial maximum (20000), you will have to change the
value in BPXPRMxx and re-IPL.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 299

Dynamically switching to different BPXPRMxx members
Another way to dynamically reconfigure parameters is to use the SET OMVS
command to change the BPXPRMxx members that are in effect. With the SET
OMVS command, you can have multiple BPXPRMxx definitions and use them to
easily reconfigure a set of the z/OS UNIX system characteristics. You can keep the
reconfiguration settings in a permanent location for later reference or reuse.

For example, you could keep the system limits parameters that can be reconfigured
in parmlib member BPXPRMLI. When you need to change any of the limits, edit
the parmlib member and then issue SET OMVS. For example:

Changes to system limits (for example, MAXPROCSYS) take effect immediately.

Changes to user limits (for example, MAXTHREADS) are set when a new user
enters the system (for example, rlogin or a batch job). These limits persist for the
length of the user connection to z/OS UNIX.


IPCSHMNIDS and IPCSHMSPAGES values can be changed dynamically, the
changes are limited by the initial value that was used at IPL time, as described in
“Dynamically changing certain BPXPRMxx parameter values” on page 298.
SHLIBRGNSIZE and SHLIBMAXPAGES are not affected by this restriction.

SET OMVS=xx can be used to execute the ROOT, MOUNT, FILESYSTYPE,

SUBFILESYSTYPE, and NETWORK statements in the BPXPRMxx member.

Dynamically adding FILESYSTYPE statements in BPXPRMxx

When you dynamically add the FILESYSTYPE, NETWORK, and SUBFILESYSTYPE
statements, you can make the change permanent without having to reIPL by using
the SETOMVS RESET command. If you want to change the values, you will have
to edit the BPXPMRxx member that is used for IPLs. You can also dynamically add
the parmlib statements currently supported by SETOMVS, such as MAXPROCSYS.

To display information about the current FILESYSTYPE, NETWORK, or

SUBFILESYSTYPE statements, issue the following command:

The following list shows examples of some of the more common configuration
changes, adding the file system and adding sockets.
1. “Steps for activating the HFS file system for the first time”
2. “Steps for activating a single sockets file system for the first time” on page 301
3. “Steps for activating a multiple socket file system for the first time with
Common INET” on page 302
4. “Steps for increasing the MAXSOCKETS value” on page 302
5. “Steps for adding another sockets file system to an existing CINET
configuration” on page 304

Steps for activating the HFS file system for the first time
Perform the following steps to activate the HFS file system for the first time.
1. Set up a root file system by putting the following statement in BPXPRMxx.

300 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

2. Create a temporary BPXPRMtt member that has the following statement.
3. Dynamically add the statements to BPXPRMtt.
4. From TSO or the ISHELL, do the following:
a. Unmount the current root file system.
b. Mount the root data set as the new root file system.
c. Mount any additional HFS data sets as needed.
5. Add the following statements to the BPXPRMxx member that is used on IPL:
a. The FILESYSTYPE statement used in Step 2.
b. A ROOT statement for the root file system.
c. MOUNT statements for the additional mounts that should be done initially.

When you are done, you have activated the HFS file system for the first time.

Activating a single sockets file system for the first time

About this task

This topic explains how to activate a single sockets file system for the first time. It
uses the TCP/IP Socket File System for network sockets and also brings up
support for local sockets.

Steps for activating a single sockets file system for the first time
Before you begin: You need to know what MAXSOCKETS value to use. The value
used in the example might be different from the value that you want to use.

Perform the following steps to activate a single sockets file system for the first
1. Create a temporary BPXPRMtt member with the following statements:
/* Start Address Family AF_INET for Network Sockets /*

/* Start Address Family AF_UNIX for Local Sockets */

2. Dynamically add the statements to BPXPRMtt.
3. Add the statements in Step 1 to the BPXPRMxx member that is used on IPL.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 301


When you are done, you have activated a single sockets file system for the first

Activating a multiple sockets file system for the first time with
About this task

You will activate multiple sockets file systems for the first time with Common
INET. In the example, two TCP/IP stacks are started.

Steps for activating a multiple socket file system for the first
time with Common INET
Before you begin: You need to know what MAXSOCKETS value to use. The value
used in the example might be different from the value that you want to use.

Perform the following steps to activate a multiple file system for the first time with
Common INET (CINET).
1. Create a temporary BPXPRMtt member with the following statements:
/* Start Address Family AF_INET for Common INET */
/* Start nultiple TCP/IP stacks under Common INET */
2. Dynamically add the statements to BPXPRMtt.
3. Restart TCP/IP.
4. Add the statements in Step 1 to the BPXPRMxx member that is used on IPL.

When you are done, you have activated a multiple sockets file system for the first
time with Common INET.

Rule: The names used in the example, TCPIP and TCPIP2, must match those used
when configuring the associated products.

Specifying the maximum number of sockets

The MAXSOCKETS parameter in the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB is
used to specify the maximum number of sockets that can be obtained for a given
file system type.

Steps for increasing the MAXSOCKETS value

The following steps assume that you want to make a permanent change to the
MAXSOCKETS value without having to stop and then restart z/OS UNIX.

302 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Restriction: This procedure can only be used if you have specified
always set to 10000 for AF_UNIX and any MAXSOCKETS value specified on the
NETWORK statement is ignored.

Before you begin: You need to know what MAXSOCKETS value you want to use,
and you must have specified either DOMAINNAME(AF_INET) or

Perform the following steps to increase the MAXSOCKETS value.

1. Create a temporary parmlib member, BPXPRMtt, and add the following
2. Activate the updated BPXPRMtt member.
3. To make the change permanent, update the MAXSOCKETS value in the
BPXPRMxx member that is used on IPL.

When you are done, you have increased the MAXSOCKETS value.

Tip: You can add support for AF_INET6 to a running system for the first time. To
do so, the NETWORK statement would specify DOMMAINNAME(AF_INET6) and
DOMAINNUMBER(19). TCPIP would have to be recycled for this to take effect.
You can add AF_INET6 in this way to an INET or as discussed in the next step to
a CINET configuration. You can also change the MAXSOCKETS value for a CINET
configuration with a similar procedure:
1. The TYPE() keyword of the NETWORK statement would specify the TYPE
name of the CINET INET PFS, which was "CINET" in the previous examples.
2. INADDRANYPORT cannot be changed.
INADDRANYCOUNT for AF_INET6 is ignored. The reserved port range for
CINET is shared across both address families and the values are taken from the
AF_INET statement. The maximum value allowed for INADDRANYCOUNT is
4. If you only want to increase MAXSOCKETS, and if INADDRANYCOUNT and
INADDRANYPORT were specified on the NETWORK statement used during
initialization, specify INADDRANYCOUNT and INADDRANYPORT the same
way for the SET OMVS. If you omit them from the NETWORK statement, the
default value of INADDRANYCOUNT=1000 is used.
5. Before INADDRANYCOUNT is increased, the PORTRANGE statement in the
TCP/IP profile might need to be modified to reserve the additional ports for
z/OS UNIX and the TCP/IP stacks recycled. For information about reserving
the additional ports, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference .

Adding another sockets file system to an existing Common

INET (CINET) configuration
This topic explains how to start a second TCP/IP sockets file system.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 303

Steps for adding another sockets file system to an existing
CINET configuration
Before you begin: You need to know what socket file system you want to add.

Perform the following steps to add another sockets file system to an existing
CINET configuration.
1. Create a temporary BPXPRMtt member with the following statements:
2. Dynamically add the statements to BPXPRMtt.
3. Start the TCPIP2 address space.
4. Update the SUBFILESYSTYPE value in the BPXPRMxx member that is used on

When you are done, you have added another sockets file systems to an existing
Common INET configuration.

Tracing events
To provide problem data, events are traced. When the OMVS address space is
started, the trace automatically starts. The trace cannot be completely turned off.

Tracing events in z/OS UNIX

Your installation specifies events to be traced in CTnBPXxx parmlib members. Each
member should specify one or more events; keep the number of events small
because tracing affects system performance. The installation can filter the events by
address spaces, user IDs, and level of detail.

The CTnBPXxx member to be used when the OMVS address space is initialized is
identified on the CTRACE parameter of the BPXPRMxx member. You also specify
the size of the trace buffers in the CTnBPXxx member used when the system is
IPLed. You can change the buffer size while z/OS UNIX is running. The buffer can
be 16 KB minimum to 32 MB maximum. If you need a different buffer size, change
buffer size (BUFSIZE) in a CTnBPXxx member and issue:

An operator starts and stops tracing events in the z/OS UNIX system with the

The operator can resume full tracing, with the previously used CTnBPXxx parmlib
member or a different member, with the command:

The PARM operand specifies the parmlib member with the tracing options.

304 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Tracing DFSMS events
To trace DFSMS events, issue:


Attention: SMS trace buffers are allocated in every initiator running kernel
workloads. They are allocated in DREF ELSQA, which can cause a shortage of real

For information about how to set up and use a trace, and for diagnosis information
about interpreting a trace, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis.

Re-creating problems for IBM service

You might be asked to re-create a problem for IBM service to aid in diagnosis.

Tip: If you are re-creating a problem for IBM service, you should increase the
OMVS CTRACE buffer size to 8 MB.

Example: To increase the OMVS CTRACE buffer size to 8 MB, with the parmlib
member specifying the required options:

As an alternative, you can change the parmlib member to specify the required
buffer size. After you capture the dump for the problem, you can reset the trace
buffer size to the original setting.

Example: To reset the trace buffer size to the original setting:


where xxxK is the size of the required trace buffer.

Filtering trace data

Use the JOBNAME= parameter on the TRACE CT command to filter trace data.
The JOBNAME= parameter can be used for the OMVS CTRACE to trace data just
for jobs that run with the specific user ID or user IDs that are specified in the
JOBNAME list. It is important to note that this filtering is based on the user ID of
the job, not its job name.

Displaying the status of the kernel or process

Display information about the kernel or processes as follows:
v The operator enters a DISPLAY OMVS command to display the status of the
kernel and processes.
v The operator enters the DISPLAY TRACE,COMP=SYSOMVS command to
display the status of the kernel trace.
v A shell user enters the ps command or the PS ISHELL command to display the
status of the user's processes.
v A superuser enters the ps command or the PS ISHELL command to display the
status of all processes.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 305

The operator displays the status for kernel services with the command:

The command can be used to show information about a user ID, about the parmlib
members that are in effect, or about the current values of reconfigurable parmlib
member settings.

Example: To display the status of address spaces that the user ID JANES is using
and the processor resources used by each address space, the operator enters:

For another example, see the one in “Steps for ending a specified process” on page

If the system IPLed with the specification of OMVS=(XX,YY,ZZ), the output for the
D OMVS command is:
BPXO004I 10.17.23 DISPLAY OMVS 869

The keyword OPTIONS lets you display the current configuration of the
BPXPRMxx statements that are reconfigurable via the SET OMVS or SETOMVS
command. The updated output from D OMVS,OPTIONS reflects any changes that
resulted from a SETOMVS or a SET OMVS= operator command invocation.

In this example, when the PID option is used to obtain the thread identifiers, the
output is:
D OMVS,PID=117440514

BPXO040I 14.16.58 DISPLAY OMVS 177

MEGA TC1 0021 117440514 117440515 HKI 14.16.14 .170
0496146000000000 009E0438 .050 PTJ KU
04961D0800000001 009D5E88 .002 SLP JSN
049625B000000002 009D8798 .003 SLP JSN
04962E5800000003 009D5090 .012 SLP JSN
0496370000000004 009D5228 .011 SLP JSN
04963FA800000005 009D5A88 .010 SLP JSN
0496485000000006 009D8048 .011 SLP JSN
049650F800000007 009D81E0 .011 SLP JSN
049659A000000008 009D8378 .011 SLP JSN
0496624800000009 009D8510 .011 SLP JSN
04966AF00000000A 009D8930 .030 SLP JSN

Tip: Message BPXO040I contains a complete description of the DISPLAY OMVS

output. To look up that message, go to z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 3

You can cancel selected threads. For example:

F BPXOINIT,FORCE=117440514.04962E5800000003

F BPXOINIT,TERM=117440514.0496624800000009

306 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

An operator displays status for the rest of the z/OS system with the commands:
v DISPLAY TS,LIST: The number of time-sharing users, including the number of
v DISPLAY JOBS,LIST: The number of active jobs, including the number of address
spaces that were forked or that were created in other ways but requested kernel
v DISPLAY A,LIST: The combined information from the DISPLAY TS,LIST and

Displaying the status of system-wide limits specified in BPXPRMxx

You can display information about current system-wide limits, including current
usage and high-water usage, with the DISPLAY OMVS,LIMITS command:

BPXO051I 14.05.52 DISPLAY OMVS 904
MAXUIDS 0 0 200
MAXPTYS 0 0 256
IPCMSGQBYTES --- 0 262144
IPCMSGQMNUM --- 0 10000
SHRLIBRGNSIZE 0 0 67108864
MAXPIPES 28 51 15360

An * displayed after a system limit indicates that the system limit was changed via
a SETOMVS or SET OMVS= command. For the sysplex-wide limits, the command
can be issued from any of the systems in the shared file system configuration
environment, and the change can also be caused by subsequent OMVS
initialization on the other systems.

The display output shows for each limit the current usage, high-water (peak)
usage, and the system limit as specified in the BPXPRMxx member. The displayed
system values might be the values as specified in the BPXPRMxx member, or they
might be the modified values resulting from the SETOMVS or SET OMVS

You can also use the DISPLAY OMVS,LIMITS command with the PID= operand to
display information about high-water marks and current usage for an individual

The high-water marks for the system limits can be reset to 0 with the D
OMVS,LIMITS,RESET command. High water marks for process limits cannot be

Chapter 12. Managing operations 307

Taking a dump of the kernel and user processes
If you have a loop, hang, or wait state in a process and need a dump for diagnosis,
you need to dump several types of data:
v The kernel address space.
v Any kernel data spaces that might be associated with the problem.
v Any process address spaces that might be associated with the problem.
v Appropriate storage areas containing system control blocks (for example, SQA,

The steps are:

1. Use the DISPLAY operator command to display information about currently
active address spaces and data spaces.
2. Allocate a sufficiently large dump data set.
3. Take the dump.
4. Review the dump completion information.

Displaying the kernel address space

To find the kernel address space and associated data spaces, issue:

The output will be similar to the following:

d a,omvs
IEE115I 14.18.59 2011.339 ACTIVITY 491
00000 00007 00000 00029 00001 00000/00020 00006
CT=000.572S ET=02.05.49

The display output shows the kernel address space identifier (ASID) as A=nnnn
where nnnn is the hexadecimal ASID value. In this example, A=000E. The display
output also shows the data space names that are associated with the kernel
address space.

When the list of address spaces being dumped includes a dubbed address space or
the kernel (OMVS) address space, the CTRACE buffers are automatically included
in the dump and need not be explicitly added to a DUMP command or SLIP trap.

308 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Dump other data spaces if there is reason to believe that they contain data that
could be useful in analyzing the problem.

Displaying process information

Example: To display the process information for address spaces, issue:

Result: The output will be similar to the following example:



MVS TCPIP 002B 65538 1 MR
TS65106 TS65106 0032 9 1 1RI
TS65106 TS65106 0032 10 9 1CI

The display output shows the active processes, ASIDs, process identifiers, parent
process IDs, and states. Use this to obtain ASIDs of processes that you want to

Tip: A complete description of the D OMVS output can be found in message

BPXO040I. To look up that message, go to z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 3

Displaying global resource information

To display global resource serialization information to see possible latch contention,

This display might show latch contention, which could be the cause of the
problem. You should dump the address space of the process holding the latch. If
the latch is a file system latch, dump the file system data space SYSZBPX2 also.

Displaying information about local and network sockets

You can display information about local and network sockets.
v To display information about network sockets (AF_INET and AF_INET6), use
the TSO NETSTAT command. You can also use the z/OS UNIX onetstat or
netstat command. (The netstat command is a synonym for the onetset
command.) For more information about these commands, see z/OS
Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands.
v To display information about AF_UNIX sockets (which are local sockets and
therefore do not have any network connections), issue D OMVS,Sockets. For
more information about D OMVS and an example of the display output, see
z/OS MVS System Commands.

Detecting latch contention

This topic discusses latch contention.

For shared memory mutexes and conditional variables

To isolate contention problems for shared memory mutexes and condition
variables, issue the D OMVS,SER operator command. It will display serialization
data that you can use in problem determination.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 309

v Each mutex and condition variable is identified by the shared memory ID and
location of the shared memory object.
v If the object is in an above-the-bar shared memory segment, the location
information indicates the address of the mutex or condition variable.
v If the object is in a below-the-bar segment, the location information indicates the
offset within the shared memory segment. The offset is displayed, in this case,
because each address space sharing a below-the-bar segment can map it at a
different virtual address.
v For each mutex, the output shows the owner's TCB address, process ID and
ASID, and the same for the waiters, if the information can be determined.
v For each condition variable, the output shows the same information for the
owner and waiter of the mutex or conditional variable.
v If Language Environment is the caller of BPX1SMC, the user data represents the
address of the Language Environment data area for the waiting or owning task.

If there is no contention, the output will be similar to the following:

BPXO057I 08.51.42 DISPLAY OMVS 284

If there is contention, the display will be similar to the following:

BPXO0xxI 08.51.42 DISPLAY OMVS 284
NAME=SHARED MUTEX DATA: SHMID=00000648 OFFS/ADDR=0000000000002428


DOMINO1 013A 008EF190 16777220 0000000024780148 EXC OWN
DOMINO2 02B2 008FA190 16908357 0000000024825220 EXC WAIT
DOMINO3 0206 008FF458 16973924 0000000024824778 EXC WAIT
DOMINO2 02B6 008FA190 16908357 0000000024825220 EXC WAIT
DOMINO3 0206 008FF458 16973924 0000000024824778 EXC WAIT
NAME=SHARED MUTEX DATA: SHMID=00000648 OFFS/ADDR=0000000000002428

For user tasks

The kernel keeps track of latch contention caused by z/OS UNIX user tasks and
takes action if a latch causing contention has been held for an excessive amount of
time. If the problem is not corrected, an error message is issued, and you will be
asked to issue the D GRS operator command to gather information about the latch
resource, latch owners, and latch waiters. Try using the methods described in
“Steps for ending a specified process” on page 285 to end the latch contention.

If the latch contention is not ended, then use the F

BPXOINIT,RECOVER=LATCHES operator command. It ends user tasks that are
holding latches for an excessive period of time. Only individual tasks are ended,
not entire processes.

Note: F BPXOINIT,RECOVER=LATCHES might not be able to resolve latch hangs

in the kernel address space.

310 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Preallocating a sufficiently large dump data set
Because you are dumping multiple address spaces, multiple data spaces, and
multiple storage data areas, you might need a much larger dump data set defined
than is normally used for dumping a single address space. You should preallocate
a very large SYS1.DUMPnn data set.

SDUMP has a limit on how much storage it allows in a single dump. It is called
MAXSPACE. To determine the current value of MAXSPACE, issue:

The default value is 500 megabytes. To change this value, issue:


Tip: In a large server environment, you might need to increase MAXSPACE to

2000M (2 gigabytes) or more.

Taking dumps
To initiate the dump, enter this command:
DUMP COMM=(dname)

where dname is a descriptive name for this dump. You can specify up to 100
characters for the title of the dump. The system responds and gives you a prompt
ID. You reply by specifying the data to be included in the dump. If you specify the
operand CONT, the system will prompt you for more input.

In the following examples of replies you can give, rn is the REPLY number to the

The data areas in the following reply contain system control blocks and data areas
generally necessary for investigating problems:

In the next reply, x’E’ is the OMVS address space. The other address space IDs
specified are those believed to be part of the problem. You can specify up to 15
R rn,ASID=(E,3A,32),CONT

This example specifies data spaces:


The file system data space, SYSZBPX2, is useful if the hang condition appears to be
due to a file system latch.

For more information about the DUMP command, particularly on specifying a

large number of operands, see z/OS MVS System Commands.

Reviewing dump completion information

After the dump completes, you receive an IEA911E message indicating whether the
dump was complete or partial. If it was partial, check the SDRSN value. If
insufficient disk space is the reason, delete the dump, allocate a larger dump data
set, and request the dump again.

Chapter 12. Managing operations 311

Recovering from a failure
The operator needs to recover if a failure occurs.
v If the kernel fails, both interactive processing in the shell and z/OS UNIX
applications fail.
v If a file system type fails, z/OS UNIX continues processing even though the file
system type is not operational. Requests to use the files in any file systems of
that file system type will fail.
v If a file system fails, programs might fail because some files cannot be used.

The operator starts recovery by collecting messages and a dump, if written.

z/OS UNIX system failure

If the z/OS UNIX system fails, the operator collects problem data, which includes
messages, SVC dumps, and SYS1.LOGREC records for abends and decides if re-IPL
is warranted.

The work in progress when the failure occurred is lost and must be started from
the beginning.

File system type failure

After a failure of a file system type, the system issues message BPXF032D. In
response, the operator or automation corrects the problem as indicated by previous
messages and then enters R in reply to message BPXF032D.

If a file system type fails to initialize, the system normally issues message
BPXF006I. If the failing file system type was specified with the option to prompt
for restart (the default), the error that caused the problem can be corrected, and
then the prompt responded to. If it was specified with the option to not prompt for
restart, the system continues to run without that file system type, but requests to
use the files in any file systems of that file system type will fail.

In rare cases, the initialization of a file system type might fail due to a
programming or environmental error, such as a severe storage shortage in the
kernel address space. The failure can occur before the file system type is initialized,
and, on rare occasions, the BPXF006I message is not issued. In these cases, the
severe programming or environmental error should be addressed first. After the
severe condition that prevented the initialization of the file system type is resolved,
the operator can manually initialize the file system type with the SETOMVS
RESET=xx operator command.

File system failure

These events can be symptoms of file system failure:
v 0F4 abend
v EMVSPFSFILE return code
v EMVSPFSPERM return code
v A file becomes unrecognizable or cannot be opened

After a failure of a file system, the operator:

1. Restores the file system with the file system from the previous level.
2. Asks a superuser to logically mount the restored file system with a TSO/E
MOUNT command.

312 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

3. Notifies all shell users that when they invoke the shell they will mount an
earlier file system, telling them the mount point. (Use the wall command to
broadcast a message to all shell users.)

Files added since the earlier file system was saved must be created again and then
added again.

If the physical file system owning the root fails, or if the root file system is
unmounted, the operator must restore the root file system. A superuser who is
defined with a home directory of /; (root) can also restore the file system. All work
in progress when the failure occurred is lost and must be started from the

Managing Interprocess Communication (IPC)

Users can invoke applications that create IPC resources and wait for IPC resources.
IPC resources are not automatically released when a process is ended or a user
logs off. Therefore, it is possible that an IPC user might need assistance to do
either of the following:
v Remove an IPC resource using the shell's ipcrm command
v Remove an IPC resource using the shell's ipcrm command to release a user from
an IPC wait state

Example: To display IPC resources and which user ID owns the resource:
ipcs -w

Tip: To delete message queue IDs, use the ipcrm -q or ipcrm -Q command.

Another problem might occur when a user waits a long time for a resource such as
semaphores or a message receive. Removing a message queue ID or semaphore ID
brings any user in an IPC wait state out of the wait state.

Example: To display which users are waiting for semaphores and message queues:
ipcs -w

Chapter 12. Managing operations 313

314 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 13. Managing processing for z/OS UNIX
Managing processing for z/OS UNIX involves tasks such as controlling printing
and code page conversion.

List of subtasks
Subtask Associated procedure
Making the Language Environment runtime “Steps for making the runtime library
library available through STEPLIB available through STEPLIB” on page 320

Controlling printing
Control printing by doing the following:
v Designate printers to be used for shell users and applications
v Set up default printers for each user
v Control output print separators

You can arrange for all printing to be done by one or two printers by assigning
one or more output classes for all users. Then you and the users can look at the
printer queues for those output classes to check for all output.

Tip: Infoprint Server provides an alternate version of the lp command, as well as

related utilities. For more information, see z/OS Infoprint Server User's Guide.

Designating printers
Tell the application programmers the destinations or symbolic names for printers
you specified in JES initialization statements. The dest option of the lp command
uses the same destinations as the DEST parameter in the OUTPUT JCL statement.

The dest option on lp can be:

v LOCAL for any installation printer.
v A destination that is defined in a JES2 DESTID initialization statement.
v Omitted. The system uses the default printer.

For information about DESTID, see z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Setting up default printers

Each user has a number of default printers specified in different ways, as shown in
Table 31. The system will use printer number 1, if designated; if not, the system
will use printer number 2; and so on.
Table 31. Default printers
Printer number Printer designation Specified by
1 The printer in the dest option of the lp shell User or application programmer
command, or the printf() or fprintf() functions.
2 The printer LPDEST environment variable User or system programmer

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 315

Table 31. Default printers (continued)
Printer number Printer designation Specified by
3 The printer PRINTER environment variable User or system programmer
4 The printer in the RACF user profile. It is specified Security administrator
by the DEST parameter of the RACF ADDUSER or
ALTUSER command.

Controlling output print separators

JES controls the print separators, also called cover pages and banner pages, for
SYSOUT output for all users, including z/OS UNIX users.

To place a user's name and address in the print separator for forked processes,
specify the user's name and address in the WORKATTR segment of the RACF user
profile. See “Defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF” on page 59.

Controlling code page conversion

For an overview of character sets and code pages, refer to National Language
Support Reference Manual, Volume 2, SE09-8002.

A code page for a character set determines the graphic character that is produced for
each hexadecimal code. The code page is determined by the programs and national
languages being used.

The z/OS UNIX Application Services can process data in the following code pages:
v Any of the EBCDIC Latin 1 Country-Extended Code Pages
v Japanese (Latin) Extended Code Page 01027, which defines single-byte
encodings for character set 01172 (Japanese Extended EBCDIC/PC Common)
v Japanese Combined Code Page 00939, which is the combination of code page
01027 and code page 00300. Code page 00300 (Japan [Kanji]–Host, DBCS) defines
DBCS encodings for character set 00370 (IBM Japanese Graphic Character Set,

Data intended for processing by the z/OS shell might require conversion to one of
the preceding code pages. This data might be encoded in:
v Latin 1 code page 00500, which is used for Systems Application Architecture®
v An ASCII code page, for example, for a file from a workstation. A source
program on a tape archive (TAR) tape might be stored in the ASCII code set.
v Code page 00293, which the z/OS XL C/C++ compiler can optionally use.
v Code page 00290, Japanese (Katakana) single-byte.
v Code page 00930, the Japanese combined code page (code page 0290 plus DBCS
code page 300).

For code page 00037, only two characters are different from code page 01047:
v Right square bracket (])
v Left square bracket ([)

Rule: If you have characters from the preceding list in your data, you must convert
from one code page to another when, for example, you are doing one of the

316 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

v Transferring files between a workstation and the file system.
v Copying data between an MVS data set and a UNIX file.
v Placing data in SYSOUT data sets.
v Passing JCL path name data to programs, unless the name contains only
characters in the portable filename character set.
v Passing JCL parameters and path names to a shell invoked from a batch
program, unless the parameters and names contain only characters in the
portable filename character set.
v Using the lp command to print. You need to convert the data before sending it
to the printer.
v Using the pax command.

Converting single-byte data

If MVS data is single-byte, you can specify the conversion at the same time that
you copy the data.

Rule: You must specify the CONVERT operand in the TSO/E OCOPY, OGET,
OPUT, OGETX, and OPUTX commands to convert the data that the command is
copying. Copying can be from data sets or UNIX files and to data sets or UNIX

Converting double-byte data

Double-byte data that is already in a supported DBCS code page, such as IBM-939,
does not need to be converted.

Rule: DBCS data not in code page IBM-939 must be converted to IBM-939 with the
iconv command so that it can be processed in the z/OS UNIX environment.

Guideline: If the data is in a code page not supported by the shell, you can copy
the data with the OCOPY command first and then convert it using the iconv
command. Or you can convert the data with the TSO/E ICONV CLIST and then
copy it using the OCOPY command.

For more information about code page conversion, see:

v z/OS XL C/C++ User's Guide
v z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide

Using character conversion tables

A character conversion table is a table that converts one or more characters to
alternative characters using hexadecimal encoding for the character sets. The
character sets are defined in code pages. IBM supplies these character conversion
tables as members in SYS1.LINKLIB:
v BPXFX100 (code page 00037 to and from 01047 for non-APL 3270)
v BPXFX111 (null conversion)
v BPXFX211 (code page 00037 to and from 01047 for APL 3270)
v BPXFX311 (ASCII code page 008859 to and from 01047)

In particular, for the OMVS command, BPXFX100 is the default conversion table.
As shipped, FSUMQ000 is an alias for BPXFX100. To change the OMVS default
table, move the FSUMQ000 ALIAS to the new default, or rename the new default
table to FSUMQ000.

Chapter 13. Managing processing for z/OS UNIX 317

Tip: Users who need different conversion tables can manually override the default
table by using the CONVERT operand. In addition, the system programmer can
write a REXX exec or CLIST to invoke the OMVS command with the proper table.

The source for these members is shipped in SYS1.SAMPLIB. If you need to change
them, see “Customizing code page conversion.”

Example of data conversion specified by a user

Use the OPUT command for conversion of single-byte data. You can copy a
sequential data set or partitioned data set member to a UNIX file. Code page
conversion is an option.

Example: Issue:
OPUT WORKLOAD.TOTALS(OCT17) ’u/turbo/wkld/totals/oct17’ TEXT CONVERT(YES)

Result: The user ID TURBO copied a member from a PDSE into a file. The
partitioned data set member OCT17 was copied from the data set
TURBO.WORKLOAD.TOTALS to a text file with the path name
/u/turbo/wkld/totals/oct17. Data was converted from the z/OS UNIX
country-extended code page to code page 01047, using the default conversion table
because YES was specified. To use a different conversion table, specify its
name—for example, BPXFX311 for conversion from the ASCII conversion table. If
you do not want conversion, omit the CONVERT operand.

Customizing code page conversion

If the installation has special conversion needs for single-byte data conversion,
create the needed character conversion table by customizing an existing table:
1. Copy the assembler source for a table from SYS1.SAMPLIB into a new data set.
2. Edit the new data set to customize the table. SYS1.SAMPLIB(BPXFX100) shows
the format of the conversion tables and, in its prolog, gives instructions and
examples of how to edit a table.
3. Assemble the table.
4. Link-edit the table into a load module in SYS1.LINKLIB or another partitioned
data set.

Each table is 1792 bytes long and contains the 8-bit codes that the system
substitutes for characters in the input data set or file. Each table contains nine
sections; you might have to change the data in all nine sections. Each member has
a TO and a FROM subtable:
v The TO subtable is used to translate data from another code page to 01047.
v The FROM subtable is used to translate data from code page 01047 to another
code page.

Example of code page conversion of OMVS command

For customization, suppose you change a table, name it WCOFXCHG, and place it
in a SYS1.LINKLIB member. Then you would use the following OMVS command
to invoke the shell, with SYS1.LINKLIB understood as the location of

To avoid conflicts in the names of modules containing tables, begin your name
with letter K through Z; letters A through J are reserved for IBM use.

318 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Managing z/OS UNIX in relation to other processing
The IMS batch message processing program (BMP) can request z/OS UNIX
services. However, the following applications cannot request z/OS UNIX services:
v Customer Information Control System/ESA (CICS/ESA): A CICS transaction
cannot access a file in a file system, because the access would put CICS in a
wait. Also, other z/OS UNIX functions could not be used and would abnormally
end CICS.
v Information Management System/ESA (IMS/ESA®): An IMS application cannot
access a file in a file system, because the access would put the IMS application
in a wait. Also, other z/OS UNIX functions could not be used and would
abnormally end the IMS application.

JES2 processing
In a JES2 multi-access spool (MAS) complex, a z/OS UNIX application might
experience the following situation:
v The system can convert the job on one system and interpret it on another. If
all systems do not have z/OS UNIX, the job processing can begin on a system
with z/OS UNIX installed and started, but continue on a system without z/OS
UNIX installed.

If a job requires z/OS UNIX or a file system, use a JES2 /*JOBPARM statement
with a SYSAFF keyword to direct the job to the correct system.

If you need to bring down JES2, there might still be a number of initiators that are
provided by WLM for use on fork and spawn. These initiators time out after 30
minutes on their own. To terminate the initiators, you can issue the following
operator command:

For more information, see “Partial shutdowns for JES2 maintenance” on page 290.

JES3 processing
In a JES3 global or local configuration, a z/OS UNIX application might experience
the following situation:
v One system can complete conversion and interpretation and another system
can run the job. If all systems do not have z/OS UNIX, the job might be
assigned to a system without z/OS UNIX. In this case, the job will fail. To
prevent this problem, use a JES3 //*MAIN statement with a SYSTEM keyword
to direct the job to a system with z/OS UNIX.

Accessing the Language Environment runtime library

For most z/OS UNIX applications, the Language Environment runtime library
(SCEERUN and SCEERUN2) is needed. The SCEERUN and SCEERUN2 data sets
can be placed in LNKLST or accessed via STEPLIB. (A STEPLIB is a set of private
libraries used to store a new or test version of an application program, such as a
new version of a runtime library.)

When choosing a method for runtime library access, consider the following
v Can the Language Environment runtime library be placed in LNKLST, without
adversely affecting other applications?

Chapter 13. Managing processing for z/OS UNIX 319

v Is the Language Environment runtime library heavily used at your installation?
v Does the RTL require frequent testing or replacement with new versions?

Placing the Language Environment runtime library (SCEERUN and SCEERUN2) in

LNKLST requires the least amount of setup. If this method is used, then consider
placing the SCEELPA data set (which contains key modules) in LPA for better
performance. See “Improving performance of runtime routines” on page 383.

However, sometimes the SCEERUN data set cannot be placed in LNKLST, because
other applications require the pre-Language Environment runtime libraries. In that
case, you can make the Language Environment runtime library available through
STEPLIB as described in “Steps for making the runtime library available through
STEPLIB.” In addition, you can use this approach to test new levels of the runtime

Steps for making the runtime library available through

Before you begin: You need to be aware that putting the Language Environment
runtime library in LNKLIST requires the least amount of setup. However, if your
applications require the pre-Language Environment runtime library, then make the
Language Environment runtime library available through STEPLIB.

Restriction: Do not include a STEPLIB DD statement in the BPXAS procedure.

Doing so can lead to recursive 0C4 abends when the BPXAS procedure is
processing a fork or spawn request.

Perform the following steps to make the runtime library available through
1. Add the SCEERUN data set on a STEPLIB DD statement to the OMVS startup
procedure found in PROCLIB.
Result: The STEPLIB data set is propagated to BPXOINIT and the /usr/sbin/init
program including all programs it invokes using fork or exec.
2. Add the SCEERUN data set to your TSO/E logon procedure by concatenating
it to the ISPLLIB DD statement (if it exists) and then concatenating it to the
STEPLIB DD statement (if it exists). You can also use the TSOLIB function to
add the SCEERUN data set.
Result: After you have added the SCEERUN data set, the TSO/E OMVS
command can begin to use it.
3. Add the following statement to the /etc/rc file:
Result: Daemons started in /etc/rc will use the SCEERUN data set.
4. In /etc/profile, remove:
if [ -z "$STEPLIB" ] && tty -s;
export STEPLIB=none
exec sh -L

and replace with


320 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

This is used when issuing commands and utilities in the shell environment.
Tip: If a small number of interactive users need a special version of the runtime
library, the STEPLIB environment variable can be set in the $HOME/.profile for
each of these users.
5. Add the SCEERUN data set on a STEPLIB DD statement to any job invoking
6. Add the SCEERUN data set to the STEPLIBLIST statement of the BPXPRMxx
parmlib member.
Rule: The SCEERUN data set must be APF-authorized.

When you are done, you have made the Language Environment runtime library
available through STEPLIB.

Tip: Place the SCEERUN2 data set in LNKLST, even though the SCEERUN data set
is accessed through STEPLIB. Because the SCEERUN data set does not contain
module names that conflict with pre-Language Environment runtime libraries,
adding it to LNKLST will not have any adverse effects.

For BPXBATCH processing, you still have to specify the SCEERUN data set on a
STEPLIB DD statement even though the RUNOPTS parameter has been set in the
BPXPRMxx member.

Fastpath support for System Authorization Facility (SAF)

System Authorization Facility (SAF) provides a system interface that conditionally
directs control to RACF or any other security product when a request is received
from a resource manager. To improve the performance of security checking done
for z/OS UNIX, define the BPX.SAFFASTPATH FACILITY class profile. Defining
the profile reduces overhead when doing z/OS UNIX security checks for a wide
variety of operations. These checks include file access checking, IPC access
checking, and process ownership checking.

When the BPX.SAFFASTPATH FACILITY class profile is defined, the security

product is not called if z/OS UNIX can quickly determine that file access will be
successful. When the security product is bypassed, better performance is achieved,
but the audit trail of successful accesses is eliminated.

If the security product is called, it is still possible that access will be successful,
and that audit records will be created; for example, when the permission bits do
not grant access, but UNIXPRIV authority, or an access control list, does.

Be aware that auditing successful accesses can generate enormous amounts of

audit records, particularly for directory searches.

Enabling the SAF fastpath support

If the BPX.SAFFASTPATH FACILITY class profile is defined when the system is
IPLed, the SAF fastpath support is enabled. If it is defined after the system is
IPLed, you must issue the SETOMVS or SET OMVS operator command to activate
the fastpath support. You can also start the refresh by issuing the following
command, where xx represents an empty BPXPRMxx member.

Chapter 13. Managing processing for z/OS UNIX 321


Users do not need to be permitted to the BPX.SAFFASTPATH profile.

Example: To define the BPX.SAFFASTPATH profile, issue the following RACF


Tip: If your installation uses the IRRSXT00 exit to control access to the file system,
do not define the BPX.SAFFASTPATH profile.

Disabling the SAF fastpath support

To disable the fastpath support, remove the BPX.SAFFASTPATH FACILITY class
profile and then issue the SET OMVS or SETOMVS operator command. You do not
need to reIPL.

Determining problem causes

If a problem occurs, the system might write a dump and issue messages or an
abend. Collect the problem data and determine the cause of the problem as you
would for any system problem. For information about how to take a dump, see
“Taking a dump of the kernel and user processes” on page 308.

z/OS UNIX services issues system completion codes: abend codes EC6 and 422.

All 422 abends and some EC6 abends might not be accompanied by an SVC dump,
because the IBM-supplied IEASLP00 parmlib member contains SLIP commands to
suppress the dumps.

Some abends are a normal result of a kill shell command, an exec shell command
or program function, or the ending of a process. Others are caused by errors.

Return codes and reason codes

If a z/OS system service fails, a failing return code and reason code is sent. Reason
codes are unique and should supply enough information to debug the problem.
You can set a slip trap on a specific reason code to gather further diagnostic data.
For information about setting the slip trap, see the section on reason codes listed
by value in z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes.

z/OS UNIX issues messages with the following prefixes:
BPX Messages from the System Services component
FDBX Messages from the dbx debugger
FOM Messages from the Application Services component
FSUM Messages from the Shell and Utilities

DFSMS issues messages with the prefix IGD.

Messages to the operator and system programmer have identifiers; messages from
the shell to the interactive user do not have identifiers.

322 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

You can refer to the following publications:
v For the BPX messages, go to z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes.
v The IGD messages are in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD).
v For the FDBX, FOM, and FSUM messages, see z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 3

Writing messages to a job log file

You can use the _BPXK_JOBLOG environment variable to specify that messages be
written to a job log. Set it to one of these values:
v nn specifies that job log messages are to be written to open file descriptor nn.
v NONE specifies that job log messages are not to be written. This is the default.
v STDERR specifies that messages are to be written to the standard error file
descriptor, 2.

Tip: You can change the file that is used to capture messages by calling the
oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) service and specifying _BPXK_JOBLOG with a different file
descriptor. Message capturing is turned off if the specified file descriptor is marked
for close on a fork or exec. Message capturing is process-related. All threads under
a given process share the same job log file, and any thread under that process can
initiate message capturing.

Multiple processes in a single address space can each have different files active as
the JOBLOG file. Some or all of them can share the same file, and some processes
can have message capturing active while others do not.

Guideline: When the file that is used as a job log is shared by several processes
(for example, by a parent and child), the file should be opened for append. If the
file is not opened, unpredictable results might occur. Only files that can be
represented by file descriptors can be used as job log files; MVS data sets are not

Message capturing is propagated on a fork or spawn.

v If a file descriptor was specified, the physical file must be the same before
message capturing can continue in the forked or spawned process.
v If STDERR was specified, the file descriptor can be remapped to a different
physical file. You can override message capturing on exec or spawn by
specifying the _BPXK_JOBLOG environment variable as a parameter to the exec
or spawn. Message capturing only works in forked (BPXAS) address spaces.

Messages that would normally go to the JESYSMSG data set are captured, but
messages that go to JESMSGLG are not captured.

Component identifiers
Table 32 lists the component identifiers that are used in dumps and symptom
Table 32. List of component identifiers that are used in dumps and symptom strings
Component identifier Code Module prefix
DF185 HFS physical file system GFU

Chapter 13. Managing processing for z/OS UNIX 323

Table 32. List of component identifiers that are used in dumps and symptom
strings (continued)
Component identifier Code Module prefix
SCPX2 Shell and Utilities, shell FSUM
initialization, TSO/E OMVS
command, and the c89 shell
SCPX3 dbx debugger FDBX
5696EFS00 zFS physical file system IOE

Formatting dumps
To format problem data in a stand-alone dump or SVC dump, use the interactive
problem control system (IPCS) OMVSDATA subcommand. OMVSDATA is not
useful in an SYSMDUMP dump or a core dump, which the system writes for an
application program, because these dumps do not contain the z/OS UNIX
programs or data structures.

See the following:

v z/OS MVS System Codes for the abend codes
v z/OS MVS IPCS Commands for the syntax of the IPCS OMVSDATA command
v z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference for information about formatting an SVC dump
v z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference for general problem determination procedures
v z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids for SYSMDUMP and SYSABEND
dumps produced by applications

Diagnosing problems
If the problem is in the shell or debugger, the system treats it as an application

For information about diagnosing problems, refer to z/OS Language Environment

Debugging Guide. There are suboptions for the TERMTHDACT runtime option that
enables you to specify the amount of dump data that is to be collected. For more
information about the suboptions, see z/OS Language Environment Programming

If you specify a dump by setting the _BPXK_MDUMP environment variable, you

do not have to allocate a SYSMDUMP data set for the TSO/E session. The dump is
written to either the MVS data set or the specified z/OS UNIX file.

If the _BPXK_MDUMP environment variable is not set, then you can specify a
dump by allocating a SYSMDUMP data set for the TSO/E session. The system
then does the following:
v Creates a file in the user's working directory.
v Names it coredump.pid, where pid is the process ID for the process being
dumped. It is in hexadecimal format.
v Writes a core dump in the file. The core dump is a SYSMDUMP dump.

Setting _BPX_SHARAS to NO causes the output to go to a UNIX file. If it is set to

REUSE (or YES), the dump is written directly to the MVS file, and the
coredump.pid file is not created.

324 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

To use the core dump, follow these steps:
1. Copy the file into an MVS data set with a record length (LRECL) of 4160, by
entering a TSO/E OGET command.
2. Use IPCS to analyze the dump. (Use the IPCS subcommands STATUS and

You can dynamically request a SYSMDUMP by using the SIGDUMP signal. Use
the _BPXK_MDUMP environment variable to specify where the SYSMDUMP is to
be written to. You can also use F BPXOINIT,DUMP=pid to request a SYSMDUMP.
A SIGDUMP signal is then sent to the specified process. For both the SIGDUMP
signal and the F BPXOINIT,DUMP command, the _BPXK_MDUMP environment
variable must be set to an MVS data set name. If it is set to a UNIX file name or
defaulted to OFF, then both the SIGDUMP signal and the F BPXOINIT,DUMP
command might be ignored.

Diagnosing problems in application programs

The dbx debugger helps in debugging application programs that are written in the
C language. With the debugger, the application programmer can set breakpoints at
source statements and function entry points, display and modify storage using
program variable names rather than absolute storage addresses, trace execution at
the source statement level, and so on.

Diagnosing hangs during z/OS UNIX initialization

If there is a hang during initialization, the hang is likely to occur during the
initialization process (/etc/init and etc/rc).

If you receive message BPXP006E indicating that z/OS UNIX is being initialized,
you can check the /etc/log file to see what the last command processed from
/etc/rc was. This might help you determine the cause of delay or hang.

The sample /etc/rc file that is shipped with z/OS UNIX includes the set -v -x
command. That command specifies that shell input lines are to be printed to
/etc/log as they are run, in addition to commands and their arguments.

Tip: If you are a superuser (permission to BPX.SUPERUSER is not sufficient), you

can view /etc/log during a hang in /etc/rc by starting a shell from a superuser
and issuing the following command:
cat /etc/log

Chapter 13. Managing processing for z/OS UNIX 325

326 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 14. Managing the temporary file system (TFS)
The temporary file system (TFS) is an in-memory physical file system that supports
in-storage mountable file systems and is not written to DASD. Putting the
temporary data in a separate file system makes it easier to manage the space used
by temporary files. Typically, a temporary file system runs in the kernel address
space, but it can be run in a logical file system (LFS) colony address space.

Tip: Run TFS in a colony address space if more space is needed than can fit in an
address space. When it is run in a colony address space, you can use the STOP and
MODIFY commands. For more information, see “Running a physical file system in
a colony address space” on page 45.

Features of the TFS

The temporary file system includes these features:
v Attributes unique to z/OS UNIX are supported (for example, external symbolic
links and the create time attribute) and is not part of a branded product.
v Access control lists (ACLs) are supported. The number of ACL entries that TFS
supports is limited by the block size. Each ACL takes one TFS block. For
example, if the TFS block size is set to 4K (the default is -b0), the number of
ACL entries in any ACL is limited to approximately 500. For more information
about ACLs, see “Using access control lists (ACLs)” on page 96.
v You can set up basic partitioned access method (BPAM) access to files in the
TFS. Each TFS directory is treated as if it were a PDSE or PDS directory. For an
introduction to BPAM, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets. For a discussion about
reading UNIX files with BPAM, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets.

Security considerations
If you require a high level of security in your z/OS system and do not want
superusers to have access to z/OS resources such as SYS1.PROCLIB, read these
v “Comparing UNIX security and z/OS UNIX security” on page 333.
v “Establishing the correct level of security for daemons” on page 335.

Creating the TFS

The TFS is automatically mounted if the kernel is started in minimum mode. In
this environment, the TFS is the in-storage file system and it defaults to the root
file system. If it is to be used in other situations, it is made available by mounting.
Because the TFS is a temporary file system, all data that is stored in the file system
is discarded after it is unmounted. If you mount another TFS, that file system has
only dot (.) and dot-dot (..) and nothing else.

If you are using kernel services in full function mode, you might want to mount a
temporary file system over /tmp. If you do, it can be used as a high-speed file
system for temporary files. However, you cannot recover vi files if the system goes
down because vi writes temporary files to TMPDIR (/tmp by default). To recover
these files, use the exrecover command, which automatically runs from /etc/rc.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 327

Restriction: You cannot mount a TFS using a DDname. If the TFS is unmounted,
all data stored in a TFS is lost; when remounted, the file system has only dot(.) and
dot-dot(..) entries.

ServerPac installation jobs define the following FILESYSTYPE definition in


Edit SYS1.PARMLIB(BPXPRMFS), that is, add the mount statement to mount a file
system at the /tmp mount point. For example, you can add the following mount
statement under the FILESYSTYPE TYPE(TFS) definition:
PARM(’-s 10’)

(-s 10) allocates 10 MB of storage

The following example shows the mount command for a TFS. Typically this
specification would be in BPXPRMxx.
PARM(’ -s 10’)

1. FILESYSTEM must be a unique name for the file system. Using the path name
of the mount point makes it easier to understand output produced by
commands such as df.
2. PARM specifies how much virtual storage the TFS can use. It can also be used
to specify other information as listed in “Parameter key options for the mount
statement and mount commands” on page 329. If PARM is omitted or is not
valid, the TFS defaults to 1 MB. If the mount request specifies a size in
megabytes that is too large for the address space, the request fails with an
EMVSERR (9D) error. Try the request again, using a smaller value.
3. MODE is either RDWR or READ.
4. To specify that the temporary files are to be written to a specified directory
instead of TMPDIR, use the TMP_VI environment variable.

Checking the size of the TFS

Because the TFS uses virtual storage, make sure that your real and auxiliary
storage configurations are large enough to accommodate the total size of the file
systems to be mounted on the TFS. The maximum file size that TFS supports is a
function of the TFS block size. To find the maximum file size, refer to Table 33,
which shows the approximate maximum file sizes based on the block size factor.
Table 33. List of maximum file sizes that the TFS supports
Block size factor size File size
0 2 GB
1 25 GB
2 240 GB
3 2 TB
4 17 TB

328 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Parameter key options for the mount statement and mount
The parameter key options for the mount statement and mount commands are as
-3 Specifies that the file system is to be allocated in 31-bit mode regardless of
system capabilities.
-b <block>
<block> specifies the blocking factor that is used to set the size of a TFS
The following chart shows how <block> relates to the TFS block size:
0 4K
1 8K
2 16 K
3 32 K
4 64 K

Default: 0
–c <cache>
<cache> is the amount of buffer storage in MB that TFS uses in the 32-bit
address range to support a 64-bit TFS. This parameter is ignored for file
systems that are allocated in the 31-bit range. The default is calculated
based on the TFS block size such that the numbers of cache buffers is 256.
-ea count
Allows the TFS file system to automatically grow count times. The TFS
grows 1-K blocks each time it grows. For the default 4-K block size, the
TFS grows 4 MB. The extension occurs when the file system fills up, before
the file system full message.

Restriction: The sum of auto-extend and manual extend cannot exceed

-em count
Allows the TFS file system to manually grow count times. The TFS grows
1-K blocks each time it grows. For the default 4-K block size, the TFS
grows 4 MB. If -em is specified, any excess block allocation space is added
to count.

Restriction: The sum of auto-extend and manual extend cannot exceed

Sets FSFULL monitoring to the specified values. When specified, this
option overrides the default setting.
v threshold is a number in the range 1-99. When the temporary file system
is threshold percent full, a message is issued.
v increment is a number in the range 1-99. When the temporary file system
becomes increment full or empty, any threshold messages that were
previously issued is deleted.
-fsfull can be specified in uppercase or lowercase.

Chapter 14. Managing the temporary file system (TFS) 329

-g <group>
<group> is the numeric GID that is to be assigned to the root directory of
the file system. The default is 0.
Sets FSFULL monitoring to the TFS default of fsfull(99,5). When
specified, this option overrides the TFS default setting.
-p <perm>
<perm> is the permission bits in octal to be assigned to the root directory
of the file system. The default is 0777.
-s <size>
<size> is the number of MB for the file system. If the value specified is
larger than the size that can be supported, the maximum size is used. The
default is 1.

Note: If the size specified for the file system size is too large, the
maximum file system size is used and a message is not issued. If the
extend factors will result in the file system size becoming larger than the
maximum size, the extend factors are ignored. A message is not issued and
the file system will not have extend capability.
-u <uid>
<uid> is the numeric UID that is to be assigned to the root directory of the
file system. The default is 0.

Invalid mount options are ignored.

Parameter key options for the FILESYSTYPE statement

The parameter key options for the FILESYSTYPE statement are as follows:
-ea count
Allows the TFS file system to automatically grow count times. The TFS
grows 1 K blocks each time it grows. For the default 4 K block size, the
TFS grows 4 MB. The extension occurs when the file system fills up, before
the file system full message. When specified, this option overrides the TFS
default setting.
Restriction: The sum of auto-extend and manual extend cannot exceed 500.
-em count
Allows the TFS file system to manually grow count times. The TFS grows 1
K blocks each time it grows. For the default 4 K block size, the TFS grows
4 MB. If -em is specified, any excess block allocation space is added to
count. When specified, this option overrides the TFS default setting.
Restriction: The sum of auto-extend and manual extend cannot exceed 500.
Sets FSFULL monitoring to the specified values. When specified, this
option overrides the default setting.
v threshold is a number in the range 1-99. When the temporary file system
is threshold percent full , a message is issued.
v increment is a number in the range 1-99. When the temporary file system
becomes increment full or empty, any threshold messages that were
previously issued is deleted.
-fsfull can be specified in uppercase or lowercase.

330 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

“FILESYSTYPE” on page 26 contains more information about FILESYSTYPE.
Complete reference information for FILESYSTYPE is in z/OS MVS Initialization and
Tuning Reference.

Monitoring space in the TFS

If the TFS was mounted with the FSFULL mount parameter, status messages are
issued as the file system fills up. To receive status messages for the TFS file system,
use the mount parameter statement. For example:
mount parm(’FSFULL(70,10)’)

The storage administrator or system programmer can monitor the space in a file
system by mounting a file system with the FSFULL mount parameter. For example,
message BPXTF009E is displayed when the file system is 70 percent full. Another
message is issued when the file system is 80 and 90 percent full:
mount parm(’FSFULL(70,10)’)

For TFS that are run in a colony, you can use the MODIFY ZFS command to
change the default FSFULL value. This value applies to subsequent TFS mounts
that do not specify FSFULL.

Determining the default setting for FSFULL monitoring

To display the current default setting for the -fsfull, -ea, and -em options, issue:

In addition to displaying the default settings, information is also displayed about

each mounted TFS.

Changing the default FSFULL setting

To change the default FSFULL setting:
F tfs,FSFULL(threshold,increment)
Specifies a number in the range 1-99. TFS issues a message when a TFS file
system is threshold percent full.
Specifies a number in the range 1-99. TFS updates or deletes a threshold
message that was issued when the file system fills or empties increment

Dynamically extending the size

To dynamically extend the size of the TFS, the maximum size or a maximum
number of extensions can be specified. For example:
F tfs,GROW filesysname

where filesysname is the name of the file system to be extended. Each extension is 1
K blocks.

The default extend settings can be changed. For example:

F tfs,EA number
F tfs,EM number

where number is the number of automatic or manual extends allowed for a file
system that is subsequently mounted without using the -ea or -em parameters.
Chapter 14. Managing the temporary file system (TFS) 331
Restriction: The sum of auto-extend and manual extend cannot exceed 500.

Using the TFS in a shared file system

A shared file system can include a temporary file system.If you are using a TFS for
/tmp, the FILESYSTEM name must be different because each system requires its
own copy. For
PARM(’-s 10’)

Because &SYSNAME is different on each system, ’/TMP&SYSNAME.’ has a different

file system name on each system.

332 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons
A daemon process is a process that runs in the background and is not associated
with any particular terminal or user. Daemons have superuser authority and can
issue authorized functions such as setuid(), seteuid() and spawn() to change the
identity of a user's process. When setting up daemons, security levels need to be
taken into consideration.

Lists of subtasks
Subtasks Associated procedure
Establishing the correct level of security for “Steps for preparing the security program for
daemon daemons” on page 337
Customizing the system for IBM-supplied “Steps for defining programs from load
daemons libraries to program control” on page 338

“Steps for checking UNIX files for program

control” on page 340

“Steps for setting up enhanced program

security” on page 343

“Steps for customizing the cron daemon” on

page 348
Customizing the system for IP-supplied “Steps for customizing the system for
daemons IP-supplied daemons” on page 344
Customizing the IBM-supplied daemons “Steps for customizing the inetd daemon” on
page 345

“Steps for customizing the uucpd daemon”

on page 346
Setting up security procedures for daemons “Steps for setting up security procedures for
daemons” on page 354
Tracking down problems when setting up “Steps for finding modules that were not
daemons and servers defined to program control” on page 358
Setting up for rlogin “Steps for setting up for rlogin” on page 361

If you require a high level of security in your z/OS system and do not want
superusers to have access to z/OS resources such as SYS1.PROCLIB, read the
following sections:
v “Comparing UNIX security and z/OS UNIX security.”
v “Establishing the correct level of security for daemons” on page 335.

Comparing UNIX security and z/OS UNIX security

Some of the people who perform z/OS UNIX tasks have a background in MVS,
while others have experience in UNIX systems other than z/OS UNIX.

MVS, traditional UNIX, and z/OS UNIX systems manage user identities
differently. Table 34 on page 334 contrasts various aspects of security on these

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 333

Table 34. Comparing traditional UNIX, MVS, and z/OS UNIX security. This table compares the aspects of security on
traditional UNIX, MVS, and z/OS UNIX systems.
Category Traditional UNIX MVS z/OS UNIX
User identity Users are assigned a unique Users are assigned a unique Users are assigned a unique
UID, a 4-byte integer and user ID of 1-to-8 characters. user ID with an associated
user name. UID.
Security identity UID User ID UID for accessing
traditional UNIX resources
and the user ID for
accessing traditional z/OS
Login ID Name used to locate a UID Same as the user ID Same as the user ID
Special user Multiple user IDs can be RACF administrator assigns Multiple user IDs can be
assigned a UID of 0. necessary authority to assigned a UID of 0 or
users. users can be permitted to
Data set access Superuser can access all All data sets controlled by Superuser can access all
files. RACF profiles. UNIX files; data sets
controlled by RACF
Identity change from Superuser can change the APF-authorized program There are two options:
superuser to regular user UID of a process to any can invoke SAF service to 1. If BPX.DAEMON is not
UID using setuid() or change identity. defined, the superuser
seteuid() functions. can change the UID of a
process to any UID
using setuid() or
seteuid() functions.
2. Or, the superuser must
be permitted to
BPX.DAEMON in order
to change UIDs.
Identity change from The su shell command No provision for The su shell command
regular user to superuser allows change if user unauthorized user to allows change if the user is
provides password for the change identity. permitted to
root. Password phrases are BPX.SUPERUSER or if the
not used in traditional user provides the password
UNIX security. or password phrase of a
user with a UID of 0.
Identity change of a regular The su shell command No provision for The su shell command
user from one UID to allows change if user unauthorized user to allows change if user
another UID provides password. change identity. provides password or
Password phrases are not password phrase.
used in traditional UNIX
Terminate user processes Superuser can kill any MVS operator can cancel Superuser can kill any
process. any address space. process.
Multiple logins Users can login to a single Users can only log on to Users can rlogin multiple
user ID multiple times. TSO/E once per user ID. times to a single user ID
and logon once to TSO/E
at the same time.

334 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 34. Comparing traditional UNIX, MVS, and z/OS UNIX security (continued). This table compares the aspects
of security on traditional UNIX, MVS, and z/OS UNIX systems.
Category Traditional UNIX MVS z/OS UNIX
Login daemons inetd, rlogind, lm, and TCAS and VTAM process Users can log on to TSO/E
telnetd process user user requests for logon. A or login using one of the
requests for login. A TSO/E address space login daemons. In all cases,
process is created with the (process) is created with the an address space is created
user identity (UID). user identity (user ID). with both an MVS identity
(user ID) and a UID.

Establishing the correct level of security for daemons

Kernel services support two levels of appropriate privileges: UNIX level and z/OS
UNIX level. This lets you distinguish superusers from daemons. You need to
determine which level of security is appropriate for your installation.

UNIX level
If the BPX.DAEMON resource in the FACILITY class is not defined, your system
has UNIX-level security. In this case, the system is less secure.

This level of security is for installations where superuser authority has been
granted to system programmers. These individuals already have permission to
access critical data sets such as PARMLIB, PROCLIB, and LINKLIB. These system
programmers have total authority over a system.

Programs that run with superuser authority have daemon level authority. They can
issue MVS identity-changing services such as setuid(), seteuid() and __spawn()
without having first issued a successful _passwd() for the target user ID.

To use the UNIX level of security, assign UID(0) to the superuser. Also assign
UID(0) to the user ID used for running daemon programs; for example, inetd or

z/OS UNIX level

There are two z/OS UNIX levels:
v RACF running with enhanced program security, BPX.DAEMON defined, and
BPX.MAINCHECK defined. You can use BPX.MAINCHECK for any privileged
z/OS UNIX application that requires a program controlled environment, because
the application uses a privileged z/OS UNIX service that requires one. An
example is the __passwd() service, which is used by applications such as telnet
and rlogin.

RACF with enhanced program security, BPX.DAEMON, and

If you enable enhanced program security, and you have any daemons or servers
that run execute-controlled programs (MVS programs defined to RACF in the
PROGRAM class using EXECUTE authority, or loaded from libraries using
EXECUTE authority), then you must define the initial program executed by your
daemon or server as a trusted ("MAIN") program to RACF via the PROGRAM
class. If this initial program resides in the z/OS UNIX file system, rather than in an
MVS library, you will need to move it to an MVS library.

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 335

Additionally, you can choose whether to extend the enhanced program security
protection to your UNIX daemons and servers that do not make use of RACF
execute-controlled programs. Enable this function by defining the profile
BPX.MAINCHECK to RACF in the FACILITY class. Again, need to ensure that the
initial program executed by your daemon or server resides in an MVS library and
you need to define it to RACF as a PROGRAM with the MAIN attribute.

Kernel services that change a caller's z/OS user identity require the target z/OS
user identity to have an OMVS segment defined. If you want to maintain this extra
level of control at your installation, you will have to choose which daemons to
permit to BPX.DAEMON FACILITY. You will also have to choose the users to
whom you give the OMVS security profile segments. To accomplish this, see
“Steps for preparing the security program for daemons” on page 337.

“Steps for setting up enhanced program security” on page 343 explains how to set
up enhanced program security.

If the BPX.DAEMON resource in the FACILITY class is defined, your system has
z/OS UNIX security. Your system can exercise more control over your superusers.

This level of security is for customers with stricter security requirements who need
to have some superusers maintaining the file system but want to have greater
control over the z/OS resources that these users can access. Although
BPX.DAEMON provides some additional control over the capabilities of a
superuser, a superuser should still be regarded as a privileged user because of the
full range of privileges the superuser is granted.

The additional control that BPX.DAEMON provides involves the use of kernel
services such as setuid() that change a caller's z/OS user identity. Any user can
issue a setuid() which follows a successful __passwd() call to the same target user
ID. However, a user with daemon authority can issue setuid() without knowing
the target user's password or password phrase. With BPX.DAEMON defined, a
superuser process can run these types of change services and identity if the
following statements are true:
v The caller's user identity was permitted to BPX.DAEMON.
v All programs running in the address space have been loaded from a library that
is controlled by a security product. A library that is identified to RACF program
control is an example. You can identify individual files as controlled programs.
For more information, “Customizing the system for IBM-supplied daemons” on
page 338.
Programs that were loaded from MVS libraries do not need to be controlled
programs if BPX.DAEMON.HFSCTL has been set up. Only UNIX files are
checked for program control. For information about setting up
BPX.DAEMON.HFSCTL, see “Checking UNIX files for program control” on page

Kernel services that change a caller's z/OS user identity require the target z/OS
user identity to have an OMVS segment defined. If you want to maintain this extra
level of control at your installation, you must choose which daemons to permit to
BPX.DAEMON. You will also have to choose the users to whom you give the
OMVS security profile segments. To accomplish this, see “Steps for preparing the
security program for daemons” on page 337.

The RACF WARN mode is not supported for BPX.DAEMON.

336 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Steps for preparing the security program for daemons
Before you begin: You need to follow the procedures for security as described in:
1. “Preparing RACF” on page 54.
2. “Defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF” on page 59 and “Defining group
identifiers (GIDs)” on page 67.
3. “Controlling access to files and directories” on page 91.

Perform the following steps to prepare RACF for daemons:

1. Define BPX.DAEMON to permit users that are known as daemons to query or
modify the z/OS security environment of a process.

Rule: You must use the name BPX.DAEMON. Substitutions are not allowed.
Tip: The system administrator must be defined to the daemon FACILITY class
so that if a daemon process fails, the system administrator can restart it. To
authorize a current RACF security administrator to be a superuser who can
restart daemons, issue:
2. If this is the first FACILITY class that the installation has defined, activate it.
3. Give daemon authority to the kernel. Most daemons that inherit their identities
from the kernel address space are started from /etc/rc.
Example: To authorize the OMVSKERN user ID to BPX.DAEMON, issue:
4. Define a superuser with a user ID of BPXROOT on all systems so that daemon
processes can invoke setuid() for superusers.
HOME(’/’) PROGRAM(’/bin/sh’))
The NOPASSWORD option indicates that BPXROOT is a protected user ID that
cannot be used to enter the system by using a password or password phrase.
The user ID will not be revoked due to invalid logon attempts.
5. On the SUPERUSER statement in BPXPRMxx, specify the user ID that the
kernel will use when you need a user ID for UID(0).
If you do not specify the SUPERUSER statement, the default is BPXROOT.
The BPXROOT user ID should not be permitted to the BPX.DAEMON
FACILITY class profile. The BPXROOT user ID is used when a daemon process
invokes setuid() to change the UID to 0 and the user name has not been
previously identified by getpwnam() or by the _passwd() function. This action
prevents the granting of daemon authority to a superuser who is not defined to

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 337

When you are done, you have prepared RACF for daemons. To complete the
security setup, you must also activate program control, as described in
“Customizing the system for IBM-supplied daemons.”

Customizing the system for IBM-supplied daemons

z/OS UNIX supplies these daemons:
v inetd—the network daemon
v rlogind—the remote login daemon
v cron—the clock daemon
v uucpd—the UUCP daemon

The syslogd daemon, which is used to route messages, is shipped with TCP/IP
and is documented in their library.

v If you are defining BPX.DAEMON for a higher level of security, you need to
customize the system for IBM-supplied daemons. Many daemons require
BPX.DAEMON authority and must have all modules loaded in their address
spaces identified as being defined to program control.
v All modules loaded from LPA are considered to be controlled.

See the topic on protecting programs in z/OS Security Server RACF Security
Administrator's Guide

Defining modules to program control

In most cases, programs loaded into an address space that requires daemon
authority must be controlled programs. All programs must be program controlled.
However, programs loaded from MVS libraries do not have to be program
controlled if BPX.DAEMON.HFSCTL has been set up. (See “Checking UNIX files
for program control” on page 340.) In that case, only UNIX files are checked for
program control.

If a program that is not a controlled program is loaded, the address space is

marked dirty and cannot perform daemon activities. For more information about
dirty address spaces, see “Handling dirty address spaces” on page 342.

Steps for defining programs from load libraries to program

Before you begin: You need to know which programs you want to define to
program control. If you run with enhanced program security, you might need to
define some programs with the MAIN attribute via the APPLDATA operand on the
PROGRAM profile.

Perform the following steps to define programs from traditional load libraries to
program control.
1. Activate the RACF program control (both access control to load modules and
program access to data sets).
2. Define one of the following profiles.
a. For a particular program, define a discrete RACF PROGRAM class profile:
RDEFINE PROGRAM membername ADDMEM(’datasetname’/volser/NOPADCHK) UACC(READ)

338 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

b. For all members in a data set:
3. Refresh the in-storage copy of the PROGRAM profile.


When you are done, you have defined a program from a load library to program

1. PROGRAM profile * provides the same function as PROGRAM profile **. If
you already have a PROGRAM profile * defined, do not create an ** profile.
Instead, issue the RALTER command against PROGRAM * with the same
operands shown in the RDEFINE PROGRAM example.
2. If you are running in a sysplex with a shared RACF data base and your system
libraries are also shared, then leaving the VOLSER off will allow you to use the
same RACF definitions on all systems in the sysplex.
3. Any time you add, change, or delete a profile in the PROGRAM class (with
RDEFINE, RALTER, PERMIT, or RDELETE), you must update the in-storage
copy of the PROGRAM profile.
4. Daemons that are shipped by z/OS reside in the file system and are controlled
programs, so you do not need to define them to program control. For example,
suppose you have a daemon named server1. The file /bin/server1 would have
the sticky bit on. Member SERVER1 would reside in SYS1.LINKLIB and be
defined as a controlled program.
Tip: You do not need to define the daemons that are shipped by z/OS if you
decide to define BPX.MAINCHECK, as discussed in “Using enhanced program
security” on page 342.
5. Daemons can load locales from the file system or from MVS load modules. If
they are loaded from MVS load libraries, then these modules must be marked
program-controlled. If they are loaded from the file system, the program control
extended attribute bit must be set. The locales shipped by IBM already have
this extended attribute bit set.

Defining programs in UNIX files to program control

Before you can define programs in UNIX files to program control, you need READ
access to the BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL resource in the FACILITY class. Then use
the extattr command with the +p option to set the program control extended

Example: To set the program control extended attribute in the file named proga,
extattr +p /user/sbin/proga

Tip: The attribute is turned off if there is any activity that can change the contents
of the file. If this happens, a system programmer with the appropriate privilege
will have to verify that the file is still correct. Then the programmer will have to

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 339

issue the extattr command to set the program control attribute back on. To find out
if the program control extended attribute has been set, use the ls -E command.

Using sanction lists

You can compile a list to contain the lists of path names and program names that
are sanctioned by the installation for use by program-controlled programs. This file
contains properly constructed path names and program names as defined in z/OS
UNIX System Services User's Guide. For more information, see “Using sanction lists”
on page 104.

Checking UNIX files for program control

If you want only UNIX files to be checked for program control, and do not want
programs loaded from MVS libraries to be checked, you can set up
BPX.DAEMON.HFSCTL. However, doing this weakens some of the security
provided by the BPX.DAEMON resource. It should be done only in restricted and
carefully considered cases, or if you do not already run with BPX.DAEMON but
want to gain only a subset of the benefits of running with BPX.DAEMON.

Steps for checking UNIX files for program control

Before you begin: You need to know whether BPX.DAEMON has already been

Perform the following steps to set up the BPX.DAEMON.HFSCTL resource in the

1. Activate BPX.DAEMON, if it is not already active. For more information about
that topic, see “Steps for preparing the security program for daemons” on page
2. Define the resource profile.
3. Give READ access to users.

When you are done, you have set up the BPX.DAEMON.HFSCTL resource in the

Defining UNIX files as APF-authorized programs

The authorized program facility (APF) allows your installation to identify system
or user programs that can use sensitive system functions. To be APF-authorized,
programs must reside in APF-authorized libraries, and be link-edited with
authorization code AC=1. The program must also be the initial program (that is, it
must be the job step task program), or it was invoked by a caller that is running

Rule: If the specified program is going to be invoked as a job step program, you
must link-edit it with AC=1. For example:
c89 -Wl, AC=1

To avoid possible integrity problems, do not set AC=1 if the program will be run
in an APF-authorized environment but not as the job step program (such as DLL).

340 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

The APF rules for programs that reside in the z/OS UNIX file system are similar to
those for programs that reside in authorized libraries. Setting the APF-authorized
extended attribute bit should be thought of as putting that program into an
authorized library. If you try to run a program from an authorized library that is
not linked AC=1, it will not run APF-authorized, but that same program could be
fetched by another that is running APF-authorized and executed in the
authorization state in which it is called, or even have its state changed.

Tip: To find out whether the APF-authorized extended attribute of the UNIX file
was set, use the ls -E command.

Compiling a list of sanctioned path names and program names

You can compile a list to contain the lists of path names and program names that
are sanctioned by the installation for use by APF-authorized programs. This file
contains properly constructed path names and program names. The path and path
name section in z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide discusses rules for path
names. For more information about sanction lists, see “Using sanction lists” on
page 104.

Controlling who can set the APF-authorized attribute

Use the BPX.FILEATTR.APF resource in the FACILITY class to control which users
are allowed to set the APF-authorized attribute in a z/OS UNIX file.

Example: The following example shows the RACF command that is used to give
the necessary permission to user Ralph Smorg with user ID SMORG:

Example: To set the APF-authorized extended attribute in an executable file, issue

the extattr command with the +a option. In the following example, proga is the
name of the file.
extattr +a /user/sbin/proga

Defining UNIX files as shared library programs

Shared libraries are programs that, when loaded, are put in the shared library
region for system-wide sharing. A program is loaded as a shared library program
if the executable file has the shared library extended attribute set.

Tip: To find out if the shared library extended attribute has been set, use the ls -E

Setting the shared library attribute

The BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB resource in the FACILITY class controls who can
set the shared library extended attribute. You need to have at least READ access
before you can set the shared library extended attribute.

Example: The following example shows the RACF command that was used to give
READ access to user Ralph Smorg with user ID SMORG:

To set the shared library attribute, issue the extattr command with the +l option.

Example: In the following example, progdll is the name of the file.

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 341

extattr +l /user/sbin/progdll

Note: Once the ST_SHARELIB bit has been set for a module, any program,
whether or not it has read access to the BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB FACILITY, will
be able to load modules into the system shared library and use those that are
already loaded.

Handling dirty address spaces

A dirty address space is an address space requiring daemon authority that has had
an uncontrolled program loaded into it. Dirty address spaces, which are also
known as dirty environments, cannot perform daemon activities.

If the BPX.DAEMON resource in the FACILITY class has been defined, then
programs that are loaded from MVS libraries are checked for program control. The
checking is bypassed only if BPX.DAEMON.HFSCTL is defined and the user is
permitted to it.

Programs in files are controlled programs if they have the program control
attribute set. If a program that is not a controlled program is loaded, the address
space is marked dirty and cannot perform daemon activities. If an address space
was marked dirty, you can load a controlled program but it will not be able to do
any controlled functions such as setuid(). All BPX.SERVER and BPX.DAEMON
privileges are revoked, including the right to check passwords and password

Programs can be defined to program control in the following ways:

v The load modules can be loaded from a load library, where all modules in the
library can be defined to program control, or specific modules in the library can
be defined to program control.
v The module can reside in the file system with the sticky bit on. The system then
searches the MVS search order and the rules for program control apply.
v The module can reside in the file system with the external attribute set for
program control.

RACF supports program control. Other security products might not. If you are
using a security product that does not support program control, you might still
have BPX.DAEMON defined. In this case, the only situation that will mark an
address space dirty is a load from the file system where the program is not defined
to program control.

Using enhanced program security

If you choose to use the enhanced program security function, and you have
daemons that use programs defined to RACF as execute-controlled programs (by
having EXECUTE access to the RACF PROGRAM profile that defines the program,
or EXECUTE access to the library containing the program), then you need to take
some special actions to configure your daemons so that they will run properly.

In an environment with enhanced program security, and using execute-controlled

programs, the initial program executed by a daemon must be defined to RACF
with a profile in the PROGRAM class, and that profile must specify the MAIN
option via the profile's APPLDATA. However, only programs loaded from an MVS
library can be defined using the RACF PROGRAM class; you cannot define
programs loaded from the z/OS UNIX file system. Therefore, if you have daemons

342 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

that use execute-controlled programs, you need to move their initial program from
the z/OS UNIX file system into an MVS library so that you can define it
completely to RACF.

Additionally, if you run with enhanced program security and have the
BPX.DAEMON FACILITY class profile defined, you can use another FACILITY
profile to request that z/OS UNIX apply tighter security controls to your daemons.
Typically, with BPX.DAEMON defined, z/OS UNIX will work with RACF to
enforce a clean environment for any daemon. In this case, the daemon can run
only those programs defined to the RACF PROGRAM class or marked controlled
via the extattr shell command with the +p option.

For additional security, you can define FACILITY profile BPX.MAINCHECK. When
you do that, z/OS UNIX and RACF will require that the first program your
daemon executes must be defined to RACF using a PROGRAM profile with the
MAIN option for use of execute-controlled programs. If you define
BPX.MAINCHECK, then you need to move the first program that any daemon
executes from to an MVS library if it currently resides in the UNIX file system.

Steps for setting up enhanced program security

Before you begin: You need to have:
1. RACF set up as your security product
2. Enabled RACF enhanced program security
4. Determined which privileged programs you run that are affected by setting up
RACF enhanced program security. The RACF programs that would be affected
are the main jobstep programs of one of the following types of privileged
v z/OS UNIX applications that require a program controlled environment. This
includes applications that require permission to BPX.DAEMON, BPX.SERVER
or BPX.SRV.userid or those that use a privileged function like __passwd().
Examples of applications that would be affected by this are rlogin, telnet and
v Applications that gain access to MVS data sets by using RACF program
access to data sets (PADS) via entries in a DATASET profile's conditional
access list.

Perform the following steps to set up ENHANCED program security mode.

1. Turn on RACF ENHANCED program security mode. For more information
about ENHANCED program security mode, see z/OS Security Server RACF
Security Administrator's Guide.
2. Ensure that all affected MAIN jobstep programs are in an MVS load library in
your MVS load library search order. They should have either the sticky bit
attribute turned on (see “Verifying that the sticky bit is on” on page 357) or
have been set up as an external link z/OS UNIX file (see “Using external links
to access MVS load libraries” on page 358).
If you use the warning mode provided by RACF enhanced program security as
a way to determine which programs will be affected by the new enhanced
security checking, note that in warning mode, the applications will not fail but
you will get messages that indicate which programs are affected
3. Define the BPX.MAINCHECK security profile.

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 343

4. Re-IPL.

When you are done, you have set up enhanced program security.

1. You can partially activate enhanced program security by defining the profile
before restarting OMVS or issuing a SET OMVS or SETOMVS command.
However, only address spaces that are started after enhanced program security
was enabled are affected. Use this partial enablement for testing purposes only.
2. Because the new RACF enhanced security checking requires a completely
controlled program environment, testing using dbx might be restricted because
it can cause the program environment to be considered uncontrolled. Testing a
trusted MAIN program under dbx might require that the RACF enhanced
security checking be set up in warning mode or that BPX.MAINCHECK be
undefined. Attempting to do otherwise might cause some privileged operations
to fail while under dbx control.

Guideline: Remain in warning mode until you have done at least one IPL, to
ensure that you have tested with all your daemons.

Customizing the system for IP-supplied daemons

The syslogd daemon, which is used to route messages, is shipped with z/OS
Communications Server, (TCP/IP Services). Other daemons provided by z/OS
Communications Server are otelnetd and orexecd.

Rule: Before you can use the daemons, you have to permit each daemon to the
BPX.DAEMON FACILITY class profile and then ensure that the library that
contains the daemon is added to the program control profile.

Steps for customizing the system for IP-supplied daemons

Before you begin: You need to know what IP-supplied daemons you will be using.

Perform the following steps to customize the system for IP-supplied daemons.
1. Permit each daemon to BPX.DAEMON.
Example: Set up the syslogd daemon, which is in the SEZALOAD library:
2. Add the library that contains the library to the program control profile.
Example: Define the SEZALOAD library to the PROGAM class:
Result: You have set up the syslogd daemon and then added the SEZALOAD
library to the program control profile. You can start using that daemon.
See “Customizing the system for IBM-supplied daemons” on page 338 for more
information about program control. z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration
Guide also has more information.

When you are done, you have customized the system for IP-supplied daemons.

344 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Customizing the IBM-supplied daemons
This section discusses customizing these IBM-supplied daemons: inetd, uucpd,
rlogind, and cron.

Customizing the inetd daemon

The inetd daemon provides service management for a network. It reduces system
load by invoking other daemons only when they are needed and by providing
several simple Internet services internally without invoking other daemons.

After it has been started, the inetd daemon monitors network sockets for services
listed in /etc/inetd.conf. That file tells the inetd daemon which services to support
and how to handle service requests. When inetd receives a request on one of these
sockets, it determines which service corresponds to that socket. Then it either
handles the service request itself or invokes the appropriate server. For more
information about the /etc/inetd.conf file, see the description of inetd in z/OS
UNIX System Services Command Reference.

For z/OS UNIX, inetd handles rlogin, telnet, rsch, rexec, and others. It uses a
configuration file in /etc/inetd.conf when handling the requests.

Steps for customizing the inetd daemon

Before you begin: TCP/IP must be properly configured and started.

Perform the following steps to customize the inetd daemon.

1. Copy /samples/inetd.conf to /etc/inetd.conf.
2. Decide which services you want to support, such as rlogin and telnet. There is
no list of daemons that can be started from inetd. To find out whether a
daemon can run under inetd, check its documentation. The documentation
should also tell you what its inetd.conf entry should look like.
3. Decide on a user name for the services. You can use the one in the sample
inetd.conf (OMVSKERN). You can also use a different user name for each
service. Some daemons might not require as many privileges as others.
4. Set up the user names in RACF, with appropriate privileges. You should
consider whether to use BPX.DAEMON support. (For more information, see
“Establishing the correct level of security for daemons” on page 335.)
For a multilevel secure environment: If the SAF FACILITY class resource
profile BPX.POE is defined, you must grant the user ID assigned to INETD to
at least READ access to this profile. For example:
5. Uncomment or add a line in inetd.conf for each service that you want to
support. Make any changes needed to the lines for supported services. See the
description of inetd in z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference for the
syntax of inetd.conf entries. Also see the appropriate documentation for the
various daemon programs for the requirements for each daemon.

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 345

6. Make sure that each service is listed in TCPIP.ETC.SERVICES or /etc/services
with the appropriate port number.
7. Arrange for inetd to be started on each IPL. The most common way to do this
is to start it from /etc/rc. It can also be started from a started task using
BPXBATCH with PARM='SH...' or from a shell session of a user with
appropriate authority.
If you start inetd from /etc/rc, then messages will be sent to /etc/log. If you
start inetd as a started task and you have syslogd running, then any inetd
messages will go to syslogd. You can have syslogd direct those messages to the
MVS console with a statement like the following in your /etc/syslog.conf file:
*.INETD*.daemon.debug /dev/console

When you are done, you have customized the inetd daemon.

Customizing the uucpd daemon

The uucpd daemon handles the communications between local and remote sites
for file transfer via TCP/IP connections in an UUCP network. For more
information, see Chapter 10, “Configuring the UNIX-to-UNIX copy program
(UUCP),” on page 255 and the descriptions of the various uucp commands in z/OS
UNIX System Services Command Reference.

Steps for customizing the uucpd daemon

Before you begin: You need to set up the uucpd daemon to /etc/inetd.conf.

Example: Add the following lines to /etc/inetd.conf:

uucp stream tcp nowait omvskern /usr/sbin/uucpd
uucpd -l0

If you want to have the uucpd daemon run with a user ID other than OMVSKERN
(for example, UUCPD), you need to decide what the new user ID will be.

Perform the following steps to customize the uucpd daemon.

1. Change the line in /etc/inetd.conf to:
uucp stream tcp nowait uucpd /usr/sbin/uucpd uucpd -l0
2. Define user ID UUCPD to RACF.
OMVS(UID(0) HOME(’/’) PROGRAM(’/bin/sh’))
The NOPASSWORD option indicates that this is a protected user ID that cannot
be used to enter the system by using a password or password phrase. The user
ID will not be revoked due to invalid logon attempts. In this case, you are
defining the UUCPD user ID without a TSO/E segment.

When you are done, you have customized the uucpd daemon so that it runs with
the UUCP user ID.

Customizing the rlogind daemon

The rlogind daemon validates rlogin requests. If you choose to have the rlogind
daemon run with a user ID other than OMVSKERN, you will have to customize it.

346 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Example: To customize the rlogind daemon so that it runs with a user ID other
than OMVSKERN (for example, RLOGIND), issue the following:

The NOPASSWORD option indicates that this is a protected user ID that cannot be
used to enter the system by using a password or password phrase. The user ID
will not be revoked due to invalid logon attempts.

v For all the other setup steps required for rlogin, see “Setting up for rlogin” on
page 361.
v If you are writing or porting your own command to process login requests, the
shell interface to rlogin is the FOMTLINP module, which is documented in
Appendix B, “Modules for the login and logout functions,” on page 439.
FOMTLINP has many parameters that can be used to tailor the rlogin
processing. FOMTLINP is the login function and FOMTLOUT is the logout

For more information about the rlogind daemon, see z/OS UNIX System Services
Command Reference.

Customizing the cron daemon

cron is a clock daemon that runs the at, batch and crontab jobs at specified times
and dates. crontab runs regularly-scheduled jobs, while at and batch are used for
jobs that are run only once.

Before customizing the cron daemon, you need to read either “Customizing the
cron daemon for the first time” or “Migrating from a previous release” on page
348 if you have mounted the root file system read-only.

Customizing the cron daemon for the first time

If you are customizing for the first time, you will have to perform some setup
steps. The steps assume that /usr/spool and /usr/lib/cron do not exist or that they
are empty directories. If these assumptions are not true, then you need to follow
the instructions in “Migrating from a previous release” on page 348.
1. Set up an /etc/spool (or /var/spool) directory. Consider using /var/spool rather
than /etc/spool and using a separate file system for the cron spool data.
Tip: The /var directory is the location for IBM products to put their own
customization and execution data. It is for IBM product usage only and cannot
be edited or modified by you. It is up to you to decide where to put the spool
directory. However, because those files are built by cron when it runs, they are
suitable for the /var directory. In addition, because /etc typically contains a lot
of data and /var does not, using /var might keep /etc from being overloaded.
a. Create the /etc/spool directory and set its permissions to 755.
mkdir -m 755 /etc/spool
chmod 755 /etc/spool
b. Remove the empty /usr/spool directory, if it exists.
rmdir /usr/spool
c. Create a symbolic link from /usr/spool to /etc/spool.

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 347

ln -s /etc/spool /usr/spool
2. Set up an /etc/cron directory.
a. Create the /etc/cron directory and set its permissions to 755.
mkdir -m 755 /etc/cron
chmod 755 /etc/cron
b. Remove the empty /usr/lib/cron directory, if it exists.
rmdir /usr/lib/cron
c. Create a symbolic link from /usr/lib/cron to /etc/cron.
ln -s /etc/cron /usr/lib/cron
3. Create the /etc/spool/cron, /etc/spool/cron/atjobs and /etc/spool/cron/crontabs
directories and set their permissions to 755.
mkdir -m 755 /etc/spool/cron
chmod 755 /etc/spool/cron

mkdir -m 755 /etc/spool/cron/atjobs

chmod 755 /etc/spool/cron/atjobs

mkdir -m 755 /etc/spool/cron/crontabs

chmod 755 /etc/spool/cron/crontabs

When you are done, you have customized the cron daemon for the first time.

Migrating from a previous release

If you are migrating from a previous release, do the following:
v Copy existing /usr/spool to /etc/spool as described in “Customizing the cron,
uucp, and mail utilities for a read-only root file system” on page 137.
v Copy existing /usr/lib/cron to /etc/cron as described in “Customizing the
cron, uucp, and mail utilities for a read-only root file system” on page 137.

Guideline: If you are moving from a read/write root to a read-only root, you
should follow the steps in “Customizing the cron, uucp, and mail utilities for a
read-only root file system” on page 137. If you do not mount the root read-only,
the procedure described in “Steps for customizing the cron daemon” will still
work. However, if you are using a shared file system, mounting in read-only mode
is suggested.

Steps for customizing the cron daemon

Before you begin: You need to make sure that several files have the correct
1. The at, batch, and crontab executable program files must be owned by a
UID(0) user, and the setuid bit must be set. To check the settings, issue:
ls -E /bin/at /bin/batch /bin/crontab
2. The cron executable program file must have the setuid bit off and the program
control attribute set. To check the settings, issue:
ls -E /usr/sbin/cron

Perform the following steps to set up the cron daemon.

1. Copy /samples/queuedefs to /usr/lib/cron/queuedefs.

348 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

cp /samples/queuedefs /usr/lib/cron/queuedefs
2. Set up the queue definitions in the /usr/lib/cron/queuedefs file.
c Queue name. The default queue name for crontab jobs isc.
5 Number of jobs running at the same time. Set this to the appropriate
value for your installation.
2 The nice value mapped to the PRIORITYGOAL or PRIORITYPG
statement in BPXPRMxx. Set this to the appropriate value for your
15 If five jobs are already running, wait 15 seconds before trying the next
3. Create lists for allowed and denied users for the crontab command:
v Allowed users: /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow
v Denied users: /usr/lib/cron/cron.deny
Tip: To give access to all users, create an empty cron.deny file and do not
create an cron.allow file.
4. Create lists for allowed and denied users for the at command:
v Allowed users: /usr/lib/cron/at.allow
v Denied users: /usr/lib/cron/at.deny
Tip: To give access to all users, create an empty at.deny file and do not create
an at.allow file.
5. Set the TZ environment variable as described in z/OS UNIX System Services
Command Reference. cron uses this time zone when matching the crontab entries.
at jobs use the TZ of the user.

When you are done, the cron daemon has been customized and can be started.
v It must be started by a user ID with READ permission to the BPX.DAEMON
resource profile in the FACILITY class. (For more information about
BPX.DAEMON, see “Setting up the UNIX-related FACILITY and SURROGAT
class profiles” on page 82 and “Establishing the correct level of security for
daemons” on page 335.)
v It is typically called from /etc/rc. The command is:
_BPX_JOBNAME=CROND /usr/sbin/cron &

As explained in “Using & at the end of a command” on page 352, using the & at
the end of a command starts the command in the background and the
_BPX_JOBNAME environment variable assigns a job name to the cron daemon.
v The cron daemon can only be started once because it will continue to run in the
For more information about starting daemons, see “Starting daemons” on page

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 349

1. Because cron might try to send mail, you might want to configure the mailx
utility as described in “Customizing electronic mail” on page 244.
2. The job log file is in /usr/spool/cron/log and can be used when debugging.
The log file must be periodically archived and cleaned up or it will grow too

Scheduling at and cron jobs

Schedule cron jobs by using at or crontab.

1. To run bigcopy.sh script at 11:00 p.m., issue:
at -f bigcopy.sh 23:00

To list the at jobs, issue at -l.

2. To schedule regular jobs, issue:
crontab myjobs

myjobs contains the following entries:

0 0 * * * /u/admin/daily_bup >>/etc/bup_log 2>>&1 #midnight daily
30 1 * * 6 /u/admin/weekly_bup >>/etc/bup_log 2>>&1 #1:30 every Saturday

Input consists of six fields, separated by blanks. All blank lines and any input
that contain a # as the first non-blank character is ignored. The first five fields
give a date and time in the following form:
v A minute, expressed as a number from 0 through 59.
v An hour, expressed as a number from 0 through 23.
v A day of the month, expressed as a number from 1 through 31.
v A month of the year, expressed as a number from 1 through 12.
v A day of the week, expressed as a number from 0 through 6 (with 0 standing
for Sunday).
Any of these fields can contain an asterisk (*) standing for all possible values.
For example, if you have an * as the day of the month, the job runs every day
of the month.
The sixth field of a crontab entry is a string that the shell executes at the
specified time.

To list the crontab jobs, issue crontab -l.

1. crontab jobs do not run with the shell variable definitions that exist when
crontab was invoked. Also, login profiles are not run. The only environment
variables that are set are HOME, LOGNAME, PATH, SHELL, and TZ.
However, at jobs inherit the current environment variables.
2. To ensure that user IDs that share a UNIX UID have the correct settings, the
user's HOME and LOGNAME environment variables are set according to the
MVS identity of the user.
3. PATH is set to the system default. If you want to invoke commands or scripts
in other directories, you need to specify the full path name or set the PATH
variable in your crontab job.
4. The shell variable is set to /bin/sh.

350 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Rule: Do not change or put other files in these spool directories:

Starting daemons
Daemons can be started by JCL and also by the shell. Some daemons such as inetd
can also be started by the shell. Interactive login shells, shell scripts run as
background jobs from a login shell, and batch jobs using BPXBATCH to run the
shell all can start daemons.

BPXBATSL is provided as an alias for BPXBATCH. BPXBATSL performs a local

spawn but does not require the resetting of environment variables. BPXBATSL
behaves exactly like BPXBATCH, and allows local spawning whether the current
environment is set up or not.

Many daemons can be started from the shell, both interactively and from shell
scripts. In general, processes started from the shell complete (either successfully or
with some error) before the parent shell itself exits. Any processes still running
receive a SIGHUP signal when the parent shell exits. The default action for
SIGHUP is to terminate the process. That is, when the shell exits, the system
terminates all running processes started by the shell.

Daemon processes are long-running and generally must continue to run even after
the invoking shell terminates. Those daemons started using the shell are therefore
written to ignore SIGHUP signals. They are also typically written to return control
to the shell immediately. If they did not return, the shell script would wait forever
for the daemon to exit.

v When started from the shell, most daemons should not be placed in the
background environment. That is, an ampersand should not appear on the shell
command line that starts a daemon. Doing so exposes the background job
containing the daemon to SIGHUP and causes the daemon to terminate
unexpectedly when the shell script exits.
v Some daemons either do not protect themselves from the SIGHUP signal or do
not return to the shell immediately. You have to have those daemons start in the
background environment. To do this, add an ampersand character at the end of
the command line that starts the daemon.
v When starting daemons in the background environment, it is very important to
include a sleep command at the end of the script. This command gives the
background processes time to get started and set up to ignore SIGHUP so that
when the shell exits, the daemons keep running when the shell script completes.
The amount of time required can be determined empirically. A value of 5
seconds is suggested for a start.

A shell script that starts a more simple daemon called slowpoke that does not
return control immediately to the shell would look like this:
slowpoke &
sleep 5

In summary, a shell script that starts the syslogd and cron daemons would look
like the following:
_BPX_JOBNAME=’SYSLOGD’ /usr/sbin/syslogd -f /etc/syslog.conf &
_BPX_JOBNAME=’CROND’ /usr/sbin/cron &
sleep 5

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 351

Although cron and syslogd return immediately and protect themselves from
SIGHUP, the & is included with syslogd because this is the only method of getting
_BPX_JOBNAME to take effect.

Using & at the end of a command

Using an & at the end of a command starts the command in the background. The
shell forks a child process, executes the command program, and then does not wait
for the command to complete. Some daemons must be started this way in order to
allow the invoking shell script (such as /etc/rc) to continue. cron does not need to
be started with an & because it forks itself to create the child process, which
continues running while the cron parent process returns to the invoker such as
/etc/rc. If the script does /usr/sbin/cron, the shell will spawn the cron program to
create a child process, and then the cron program will fork a child process to run
the daemon independently. The cron command returns to the shell, and the script

However, system programmers might want the cron daemon process to have a job
name. To do this from a shell script, you can use the _BPX_JOBNAME
environment variable. (This can be done on the command line, or in a prior export
command.) The _BPX_JOBNAME variable assigns the job name to executed
programs, running in forked processes, but not to locally spawned processes. As a
result, the shell command
_BPX_JOBNAME=CROND /usr/sbin/cron

cannot assign the job name to the cron daemon. (It depends if the spawn is done
within the same address space.) But, the shell command
_BPX_JOBNAME=CROND /usr/sbin/cron &

will assign the job name to the cron daemon, because it is run with a fork/exec.

Starting and restarting daemons

There are several ways to start and restart daemons. The method used depends on
the level of control the installation has chosen for daemons.

During initialization
Put the command in /etc/rc to start the daemon automatically during initialization.
For information about starting programs from /etc/rc, see “Customizing /etc/rc”
on page 229.

When UNIX systems are initialized (IPLed or restarted), the /etc/rc shell script is
run to perform system initialization functions and to start daemons. If a daemon
terminates, a superuser must restart the daemon.

Tip: You can use /etc/inittab instead of /etc/rc to start daemons.

The following explanation uses the syslogd daemon (which supplies logging
functions for programs) as an example of a daemon. Similar steps are required for
other daemons.

syslogd is typically started from /etc/rc.

Example: The _BPX_JOBNAME environment variable is set to assign a job name of

SYSLOGD to the syslogd daemon. The operator will then have better control over
managing the syslogd daemon.
_BPX_JOBNAME=’SYSLOGD’ /usr/sbin/syslogd -f /etc/syslog.conf &

352 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

When /etc/rc is started by /etc/init or /usr/sbin/init, stdin is /dev/null and both
stdout and stderr are open to the /etc/log file. The /etc/rc script then invokes the
requisite daemons with these files, as such. If the syslogd process fails, you could
re-IPL, but this would be very disruptive to the users.

Using a cataloged procedure

You can start syslogd with a cataloged procedure

// PARM=’POSIX(ON) ALL31(ON)/ -f /etc/syslogd.conf’

For this syslogd cataloged procedure to get control with superuser and daemon
authority, you must add an entry to the started procedures table, or define it in the
STARTED class.

It is suggested that you assign user ID OMVSKERN to SYSLOGD in the RACF

started procedures table.

DC CL8’OMVSKERN’ USER ID (to be used for SYSLOGD proc)

For more information about the started procedure table, see z/OS Security Server
RACF System Programmer's Guide.

To start syslogd, issue the following command from the console:


Whenever the syslogd daemon is deactivated, you can issue this command to
restart it.

You can use a cataloged procedure using BPXBATCH to invoke a daemon program
located in the file system.

// PARM=’PGM /usr/lpp/tcpip/sbin/syslogd -f /etc/syslogd.conf’
//* STDIN and STDOUT are both defaulted to /dev/null

Rule: syslogd requires superuser and daemon authority.

The JCL in the SYSLOGD PROC invokes BPXBATCH, which sets up the standard
file descriptors and environment variables before running /usr/lpp/tcpip/sbin/

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 353

Tip: In order to reference the syslogd messages from the message catalog files in
the file system, you must create a symbolic link to the syslogd.cat file. With a
superuser ID, in one of the z/OS UNIX shells, issue the following command:
ln -s /usr/lpp/tcpip/lib/nls/msg/C/syslogd.cat

For more information about the syslog daemon, see z/OS Communications Server: IP
Configuration Guide.

Setting up security procedures for daemons

Consider setting up security for daemons if you plan to take advantage of z/OS

Steps for setting up security procedures for daemons

Before you begin: You need to assume the following:
v You want the added system integrity of having BPX.DAEMON defined.
v Daemons will share the OMVSKERN user ID and be started from /etc/rc.

Perform the following steps to define and start daemons.

1. Define the group OMVSGRP.
2. Define the user OMVSKERN.
OMVS(UID(0) HOME(’/’) PROGRAM(’/bin/sh’))
NOPASSWORD indicates that OMVSKERN is a protected user ID; it cannot be
used to enter the system by using a password or password phrase. The user ID
will not be revoked due to invalid logon attempts.
3. Add the daemon cataloged procedure to the RACF STARTED class or the
Started Procedure table, module ICHRIN03. Do not make it trusted. See “Steps
for preparing RACF” on page 54.
4. Create the BPX.DAEMON FACILITY class profile.
5. Grant daemon authority to the kernel.
6. Activate program control if you have not already done so and ensure that the
daemon programs and Language Environment runtime library are in a library
that is controlled by z/OS.

354 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Change RTLPAK to the pack that the PDS resides on.
Tip: You can use PROGRAM PROFILE ** instead of PROGRAM PROFILE *.

When you are done, you have set up and defined daemons.

Giving daemon authority to vendor-written programs

If you are writing a program that uses z/OS UNIX services to change user identity
(such as using setuid and seteuid and so forth), you should refer to “Setting up the
UNIX-related FACILITY and SURROGAT class profiles” on page 82 to determine
whether your program's use of these services requires it to have DAEMON

If you determine that your program requires DAEMON authority, then you need
to do the following:
1. Document the requirement to assign a user ID to the daemon which has a UID
of 0.
2. Document the requirement to permit the daemon to the BPX.DAEMON
FACILITY class profile.
3. Document how to start the daemon from /etc/rc or as a started procedure.
4. The main program and all programs that it loads must be marked program
controlled in the file system or be loaded from an MVS program controlled
library. For more information about marking programs program-controlled, see
“Customizing the system for IBM-supplied daemons” on page 338. For more
information about placing your programs into MVS libraries, see “Moving
z/OS UNIX executables into the LPA” on page 385. This section describes steps
to move a program into LPA; similar steps can be followed to move a program
into a system linklist library or a step library. If you decide to use MVS
libraries, you need to also see “Steps for defining programs from load libraries
to program control” on page 338.

Tracking down problems when setting up daemons and servers

This section describes possible problems you might encounter when setting up
daemons and servers.
This table lists the problems that you might encounter when setting up daemons and servers.
Problem Reference
A user or daemon is not properly defined with an OMVS “Verifying the user OMVS segment” on page 356
A group is not properly defined with an OMVS segment. “Verifying the group OMVS segment” on page 356
A module that is not defined to program control was “Using external links to access MVS load libraries” on
loaded into the daemon's address space. page 358
The daemon module is coming from the file system. The “Verifying that the sticky bit is on” on page 357 and
sticky bit might be off or the program might not be in the “Using external links to access MVS load libraries” on
MVS search order. page 358
The executable file being loaded from the file system does “Finding modules that were not defined to program
not have the program control extended attribute set. control” on page 358
The file system containing a program control executable “Finding modules that were not defined to program
file was mounted with the NOSETUID option. This control” on page 358
makes the entire file system uncontrolled.

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 355

This table lists the problems that you might encounter when setting up daemons and servers.
Problem Reference
The daemon does not have READ or higher permission “Checking the daemon authority” on page 359
The server does not have READ or higher permission to “Checking the server setup” on page 360
The in-storage data that is managed by RACF might be “Refreshing RACF in-storage data” on page 360
out of date.
The server might not have been defined to the “Checking the SURROGAT class profile” on page 361
BPX.SRV.uuuuuuuu SURROGAT class profile.

Verifying the user OMVS segment

If a user or daemon is not properly defined with an OMVS segment, you need to
verify that the user or daemon has an OMVS segment with a UID.

Example: To verify that the DAEMONU daemon was properly defined with an
OMVS segment, issue:

Result: You will see output similar to the following:



UID= 0000000000
PROGRAM= /bin/sh

You should now see that the UID is 0. (The UID for all daemons must be 0, which
gives superuser authority to the daemon.)

Verifying the group OMVS segment

If a group is not properly defined with an OMVS segment, you need to verify that
the user has a group OMVS segment with a GID defined.

Example: To verify the group OMVS segment of user DAEMONG, issue:


Result: You will see output similar to the following:

356 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning


GID= 0000000500

In the output, the UID is 500. (Installations can choose the GID values for their

Verifying that the sticky bit is on

If the daemon module resides in an MVS load library, the file containing the
daemon module must have the sticky bit set on. For information about how to
verify that the sticky bit is on, see Table 35.
Table 35. Verifying that the sticky bit is on. This table summarizes how to verify that the
sticky bit is on in certain situations.
If you are using this. . . Then . . .
The ISPF shell From the ISPF shell, enter the file name of the daemon
(/usr/sbin/daemon1, for example) and request Attributes.

Result:You will see a display similar to the following:

Display File Attributes

Pathname : /usr/sbin/daemon1

Link count . . . . : 2
Set UID bit . . . : 0
Set GID bit . . . : 0
Sticky bit . . . . : 1

In the line for the sticky bit, 1 indicates that the sticky bit is
The z/OS UNIX shell Issue
ls -l

Result: You will see a display similar to the following:

-rwxr--r-T 2 SUPERU SYS2 131072
Oct 25 10:19 daemon1

T indicates that the sticky bit for daemon1 is on.

1. If the daemon module resides in the file system, the file containing the daemon
module must have the program control extended attribute set.
2. If the program does have the extended attribute set, you still need to verify that
the file system that it resides in is not mounted with the NOSETUID option. Do
one of the following:
v Check the MOUNT statement in BPXPRMxx.

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 357

v Display the file system information by using the df command. The file
system, the mount table, and ISHELL have attributes that enable you to see
this setting:
Ignore SETUID . . . . : 1

If the "Ignore SETUID" value is set to 1, loading modules from this file
system will mark your address space dirty. For more information about dirty
address spaces, see “Handling dirty address spaces” on page 342.

Using external links to access MVS load libraries

Instead of using the sticky bit for programs that are invoked via either exec() or
spawn(), or are loaded with the dllload() function, use an external link to an MVS
program name. Both functions search the MVS load library search order for the
MVS program.

Tip: If you use an external link, the MVS program defined by the external link
does not have to be part of the file name of the program that was invoked via
either exec() or spawn().

Example: Define a z/OS UNIX file /usr/lpp/internet/bin/wwwss.so as MVS

program name IMWYWWS in an external link.
ln -e IMWYWWS /usr/lpp/internet/bin/wwwss.so

When you are done, you have created an external link that can be used to access
an MVS load library.

Finding modules that were not defined to program control

If a module that was not defined to program control is loaded into an address
space and a process in the address space tries to invoke a restricted z/OS UNIX
service such as setuid(), you get the JRENVDIRTY reason code. It indicates a dirty
address space; see “Handling dirty address spaces” on page 342 for more

Steps for finding modules that were not defined to program

Before you begin: You need to check your job log and have the security
administrator check the security console for diagnostic messages.

Perform the following steps to find the module that was not defined to program
1. Search the RACF database for a list of the modules that are defined to program
Example: Issue the following TSO/E command:
Result: You will see output similar to the following:

358 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

2. Look for the daemon module (for example, DAEMON) and locations in the
format EDC$xxyy (in the output in Step 1, EDC$EUEY is the module for the
U.S. English locale).
3. If the output of the SEARCH module shows *, issue:

The * covers any module name in the libraries displayed in the output of the
RLIST command. If a VOLSER is displayed with a library name, make sure that
the VOLSER is also correct.
4. Gather data about which programs need to be defined to program control by
using SLIP. The complete details are in z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis
5. Because this SLIP produces GTF records, you must start GTF. Be sure that you
specify PARM TRACE=SLIP. Then use IPCS to format the data with the
GTFTRACE IPCS command. You will see output similar to the following:
SLIP S+U ASCB.... 00FAF580 CPU..... 0001 JOBN.... INETD8
0-3..... 7FFEB744 7FFEB748 00000000 007F2978
4-7..... 0000000C 007F0738 00000004 007F24D8
8-11.... 00000000 7FFEB6A8 80E2323E 007F2978
12-15... 00000000 7FFEB6A8 80E23616 0000000C

SLIP USR CPU..... 0001 EXT..... 0001 CNTLN... 00

0008 C3C5C5C2 C9D5C9E3 | CEEBINIT
002C C3C5C54B E2C3C5C5 D9E4D540 40404040 | CEE.SCEERUN
40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 |
40404040 40404040 40404040 |
0006 D6D7F2D9 E2F1 | OP2RS1

6. Look for a SLIP S+U entry where R15 has a value of 0000000C. Then look at
that entry to identify the module and library that needs to be defined to
program control.

You know you are done when you have identified the module and library that
needs to be defined to program control.

Tip: To define the module to program control, issue:


Checking the daemon authority

You might need to check to see if the daemon has READ or higher permission to

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 359

To check whether BPX.DAEMON has been properly defined with READ or higher
permission, issue:

You will see output similar to the following:


----- ----
---- ------ ------ -----

The output shows that daemon (DAEMONU in this example) has UPDATE
permission to BPX.DAEMON.

Checking the server setup

You can have similar problems setting up a server as when setting up daemons.
All of the steps for verifying program control apply to servers as well as daemons,
but instead of checking the BPX.DAEMON FACILITY class profiles, verify that the
BPX.SERVER profile is properly defined.

To check whether BPX.SERVER has been properly defined with READ or higher
permission, issue:

You will see output similar to the following:


----- ----
---- ------ ------ -----

The output shows that BPX.SERVER has been properly defined with READ or
higher permission.

Refreshing RACF in-storage data

RACF uses the RACLIST option of the SETROPTS command to define what profile
information is to be buffered in storage for faster performance. If you think that
you have defined everything correctly, try refreshing the various profiles relating to
the daemon and server support.

Following is the set of all relevant refresh commands:


360 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Checking the SURROGAT class profile
If your server processes user requests without a password or password phrase, it
must be defined to a SURROGAT class profile for the user ID. To check whether
the server has been defined to the BPX.SRV.uuuuuuuu SURROGAT class profile,
use the appropriate RLIST command.

Example: Assuming that your server needs to process requests from user ID
ANONYMOS, issue:

Result: You will get output similar to the following:


----- ----
---- ------ ------ -----

From the output, you can verify that the user ID that you are running your server
on (in this example, it is SERVERU) has READ or higher permission to the
BPX.SRV.userid SURROGAT class profile.

Setting up for rlogin

You can use rlogin to log on to a z/OS UNIX system from a remote system. Two
daemons are used when processing rlogin requests:
v The inetd daemon handles rlogin requests.
v The rlogind daemon is the server that validates the remote login request and
checks the password or password phrase. It does not have a customization file
in the file system.

The z/OS UNIX system does not use the .rhosts file that many UNIX systems use.
It indicates the remote hosts and users who can access your system without
specifying a password or password phrase. Either a password or password phrase
is always required to rlogin to a z/OS UNIX system.

Steps for setting up for rlogin

Before you begin:
1. You need to set up the appropriate security as described in:
a. “Preparing RACF” on page 54.
b. “Defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF” on page 59.
c. “Defining group identifiers (GIDs)” on page 67
d. “Controlling access to files and directories” on page 91.
e. “Setting up TCP/IP security” on page 111
2. You also need to customize the SUBFILESYSTYPE statement in BPXPRMxx to
include TCP/IP.

Perform the following steps to set up for rlogin.

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 361

1. Set up security for the inetd and rlogind daemons. See “Steps for preparing the
security program for daemons” on page 337.
2. Establish the connection between TCP/IP and z/OS UNIX; see z/OS
Communications Server for more information.
a. Define port 513 in /etc/services (if this file is to be used) or in the
hlq.ETC.SERVICES data set, where hlq is the prefix defined by
DATASETPREFIX in the TCP/IP profile ("TCPIP" by default). If /etc/services
is defined, it will be used instead of hlq.ETC.SERVICES. The format of the
line is:
login 513/tcp
b. IPL or re-IPL if needed.
c. Start TCP/IP.
3. Customize /etc/inetd.conf. It tells inetd how to handle Internet service requests
on Internet sockets. If you do not have that file, copy it from /samples.
cp /samples/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf
Make these changes in the file:
a. Change the user ID of the login server (which is rlogind) to an ID with
daemon authority.
login stream tcp nowait OMVSKERN /usr/sbin/rlogind rlogind -m
b. Comment out any servers that are not needed by putting a # in the first
4. Start the inetd daemon. It is typically started from /etc/rc, which is executed
when the system is initialized. Put these lines in /etc/rc, or uncomment them
out, as the case might be:
_BPX_JOBNAME=’INETD’ /usr/sbin/inetd /etc/inetd.conf&
v When you start inetd from the shell, you need to do it from an OMVS
v If TCP/IP is not yet up, you will receive error messages, but inetd will try
again in a few minutes.
v To obtain debugging information, issue:
/usr/sbin/inetd -d
v To verify that inetd is listening on port 513, issue the TSO NETSTAT
INTERVAL command and check the output.

When you are done, you can issue the rlogin command to log in from a remote
UNIX system.

Solving problems with rlogin setup

When debugging problems with rlogin setup, you can use any of the following:
v The -d option of the inetd command
v The -d option of the rlogind command
v The /tmp/.stderr file

362 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

If there are problems on the client side, you might get the following message:
v invalid logon name or password. This message is misleading and often is
caused by setup problems on the z/OS UNIX side. It is possible that security
was not set up correctly.

If there are problems on the server side, you might get the following messages:
v Resource temporarily unavailable. In this case, inetd will try initializing the
service every three minutes.
v service unavailable. This typically means that the port assignment is not correct.
Use the TSO NETSTAT INTERVAL command to verify that OMVS issued a
LISTEN for port 513. If 513 is not there, then inetd cannot find the port
assignment for 513 in /etc/services or hlq.ETC.SERVICES. You will need to
establish the connection between TCP/IP and z/OS UNIX by defining port 513
in /etc/services (if this file is to be used) or in the hlq.ETC.SERVICES data set,
where hlq is the prefix defined by DATASETPREFIX in the TCP/IP profile
("TCPIP" by default). If /etc/services is defined, it is used instead of

Chapter 15. Setting up for daemons 363

364 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 16. Preparing security for servers
You will read about security for your server applications. The word "server" is
taken to mean "server application" , which is an application that provides a service
for clients. This server could be part of a software product that will run on any
company's z/OS computing environment, or it might be written by your
application programmers for your own company's use. This topic is for both
v The application programmers designing the server. They must decide what kind
of security the server is to have so they can code for it and provide
documentation (either verbally or in writing) for those who will run the server.
v The security administrator at the company that runs the server. They must set
up the profiles based on the documentation provided with the server.

Security administrators, who might not be versed in developing programs, will

learn the rationale for setting up profiles in certain ways, and application
programmers writing the servers will be able to document the security
requirements of their products.

Appropriate decisions need to be made regarding server security. In the past,

applications had to run APF-authorized in order to be able to call RACF to build
task-level security. z/OS UNIX provides services for servers written in C to create
task-level security without being APF-authorized. A server can create a thread-level
security environment and control which servers have the ability to do so. You can
prepare a z/OS system for a server that uses thread-level security for its clients.
(Note that a thread on UNIX systems corresponds to a task on MVS; so,
thread-level security is the same as task-level security.)

List of subtasks
Subtasks Associated procedure (see . . .)
Setting up servers “Steps for setting up servers” on page 370
Defining servers to process users without “Steps for defining servers to process users
passwords without passwords or password phrases” on
page 372

Designing security for servers

Chapter 15, “Setting up for daemons,” on page 333 is prerequisite reading. If you
need a high level of security, read and follow the steps in that topic first.

This section is intended for the application developer who is designing and
developing servers that use z/OS UNIX. The section describes:
v Setting up the clients with the appropriate security; see “Setting up threads and
security” on page 366.
v Controlling access to resources; see “Checking authority to use protected
resources” on page 367.
v Using the RACF client ACEE support; see “Limitations of RACF client ACEE
support” on page 367.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 365

v Writing the documentation that supports your server; see “Documenting the
security requirements” on page 368.

Setting up threads and security

z/OS UNIX supports two fundamental types of application servers: multithreaded
servers and single-threaded servers.
v A multithreaded server has multiple sequential flows of control. In this family of
applications, the server can process more than one unit of work at a time.
v A single-threaded server has one sequential flow of control. In this family of
applications, the server processes one unit of work at a time.

z/OS UNIX provides the pthread_security_np() callable service and support

through the C runtime library. It enables unauthorized multithreaded servers to
create and delete a RACF security environment in a way that is mediated and
controlled by the kernel and RACF. Multithreaded servers can customize the
security environment of a thread, thus allowing it to be executed under a different
RACF identity than that of the server. You must authorize the server to use that

The term unauthorized refers to applications that are not APF-authorized and do
not run in supervisor state or in a system storage protection key.

A server that uses the pthread_security_np() service can customize the RACF
identity of a thread. This server initiates a thread that processes the client's request.
If the server customizes the thread that is initiated for the client with the client's
RACF identity, any resource access decisions to RACF-protected resources are
made using the client's RACF identity and authorizations.

Depending on the trust you place in a server, you have the option of enforcing
whether to use both the server's RACF identity and the RACF identity of the client
in resource access control decisions on z/OS.

You can choose one of the following:

v Only the RACF user ID of the client is used in local resource access control
decisions that are made by RACF on z/OS.
v Both the RACF user ID of the server and the RACF user ID of the client are
used in local resource access control decisions on z/OS.

The use of the pthread_security_np() service is in part protected by the RACF

FACILITY class profile BPX.SERVER. If this profile is defined, then the RACF user
ID that is associated with the server needs at least READ authority to use the
pthread_security_np() service.
v If the RACF user ID that is associated with a server is permitted with UPDATE
access to this profile, the server is allowed to establish a thread-level (task-level)
security environment for clients connecting to the server. With UPDATE
authority to BPX.SERVER in the RACF FACILITY class, the server can act as a
surrogate of the client. This means that the identity of the thread associated with
the request from the server's client executes with the z/OS user ID of the
server's client.
The RACF identity of the client determines the type of access that is allowed to
z/OS resources (such as data sets) and z/OS UNIX resources (such as UNIX
files), which are accessed by the client's thread in the server.
v READ access allows the server to establish a thread-level security environment
for the clients it services. However, the user ID of the server and the user ID of

366 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

the client must be authorized to the resources the server accesses. A thread-level
security environment in which both the client's and server's identities are used
in the access control decision, but a password or password phrase was not
supplied by the client, is called an unauthenticated client security environment.
Depending on the design and implementation of the client/server application, a
client might need to supply an authenticator to the server.
For example, the client might be prompted to supply a password, password
phrase, or a password substitute, such as a RACF PassTicket, to the server to
prove its identity. If a RACF password, password phrase, or PassTicket is
specified as an option on the pthread_security_np() service, and it is valid for
the client user ID, only the RACF user ID of the client is used in rendering
access control decisions. This task level security environment created by a server
is called an authenticated client security environment. Because the client has
trusted the server sufficiently to supply a RACF password, password phrase, or
PassTicket to the server, the server can act as a surrogate for that client.
This capability enables you to determine on behalf of which user IDs the server
can act and what resources the server can access when acting on behalf of one of
its clients.

Potentially, for additional security checking, two audit records can be produced to
audit the client accessing the resource and the server accessing the resource on
behalf of the client.

If you choose to implement this additional security checking, you might need to
authorize the identity that is associated with the server to the resource profiles that
protect the resources accessed by the server on behalf of its clients.

Checking authority to use protected resources

Application developers might want a server to check the authority of a user to
access RACF-protected resources. In this way, the server can control access to those
resources. The resources include printers and tapes, but not UNIX files and
directories and MVS data sets. Use the z/OS UNIX auth_check_resource_np
(BPX1ACK) callable service or the C/C++ runtime library
check_resource_auth_np() function call to invoke the RACF v_dceauth callable
services to do the necessary checking. The resources must be defined to RACF
general resource classes. The server must have read access to the BPX.SERVER
FACILITY class profile or have UID(0); in addition, all server modules must be
defined to RACF.

Limitations of RACF client ACEE support

If both the server's RACF identity and the client's RACF identity are used to make
access decisions, you should be aware of limitations of the RACF client ACEE
v RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH processing does not check both the server
and client RACF identities automatically.
Unauthorized servers cannot use the RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST instruction to
build in-storage profiles for RACF defined resources. Profiles must reside in
storage before RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH can verify a user's access to a
v The client/server relationship is not propagated from the server.

If your server controls access to resources by checking and authenticating both the
server's RACF identity and client's RACF identity, treat servers you do not trust as

Chapter 16. Preparing security for servers 367

end points on z/OS. These servers should not be allowed to submit batch jobs or
use the services of other servers that run exclusively under the identity of the
client. You must ensure that servers that do not meet this criteria are not
authorized to the profile BPX.SERVER in the RACF FACILITY class.

Documenting the security requirements

In documentation that accompanies your servers, you might need to give some
instructions to the security administrator whose installation will be running the
server. This might happen if your server uses services that require special
authority; these services include:
v The SAF R_dceruid() callable service
v The z/OS UNIX convert_id_np callable service
v The C library function __convert_id_np() function call

Without the appropriate authority set up at the installation, your server will not
run. Documentation that accompanies these services tells the security administrator
the kind of RACF definitions to set. For example, if the server uses the z/OS UNIX
convert_id_np() callable service, the server must have READ access or higher to
the IRR.RDCERUID FACILITY class profile.

Establishing the correct level of security for servers

The choice of security level is a decision more likely made by management than by
security administrators. That decision depends on answers to the questions "How
secure does our company's information need to be?" and "How much do we trust
our employees?" Regardless of who makes the decision, it is important that both
application developers and security administrators understand the two levels of
security supported by z/OS, and the differences between them. The two levels are:
UNIX level and z/OS UNIX level. Read the following descriptions to help you
decide which level of security is appropriate for your server.

UNIX level: BPX.SERVER is not defined

If the BPX.SERVER (or BPX.DAEMON) FACILITY class is not defined, your system
has UNIX-level security. In this case, the system is less secure. This level of security
is for installations where superuser authority has been granted to system
programmers. These individuals already have permission to access critical MVS
data sets such as PARMLIB, PROCLIB, and LINKLIB. These system programmers
have total authority over a system. Server programs that run with superuser
authority can issue pthread_security_np() service to change the MVS identity of a

To establish UNIX-level security, assign a UID of 0 to the superuser and assign a

UID of 0 to the user ID used for running server programs; for example,

z/OS UNIX level: BPX.SERVER is defined

There are two z/OS UNIX levels:
v RACF running with enhanced program security, BPX.SERVER defined, and
BPX.MAINCHECK defined. You can use BPX.MAINCHECK for any privileged
z/OS UNIX application that requires a program controlled environment, because
the application uses a privileged z/OS UNIX service that requires one. An
example is the __passwd() service, which is used by applications such as telnet
and rlogin.

368 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning


RACF with enhanced program security, BPX.SERVER, and

If you enable enhanced program security, and you have any daemons or servers
that run execute-controlled programs (MVS programs defined to RACF in the
PROGRAM class using EXECUTE authority, or loaded from libraries using
EXECUTE authority), then you must define the initial program executed by your
daemon or server as a trusted ("MAIN") program to RACF via the PROGRAM
class. If this initial program resides in the z/OS UNIX file system, rather than in an
MVS library, you will need to move it to an MVS library.

Additionally, you can choose whether to extend the enhanced program security
protection to your UNIX daemons and servers that do not make use of RACF
execute-controlled programs. You would enable this function by defining the
profile BPX.MAINCHECK to RACF in the FACILITY class. Again, you would need
to ensure that the initial program executed by your daemon or server resides in an
MVS library and you would need to define it to RACF as a PROGRAM with the
MAIN attribute.

Kernel services that change a caller's z/OS user identity require the target z/OS
user identity to have an OMVS segment defined. If you want to maintain this extra
level of control at your installation, you will have to choose which daemons to
permit to the BPX.DAEMON FACILITY class. You will also have to choose the
users to whom you give the OMVS security profile segments. To accomplish this,
refer to “Steps for preparing the security program for daemons” on page 337.

“Steps for setting up enhanced program security” on page 343 explains how to set
up enhanced program security.

If the BPX.SERVER (or BPX.DAEMON) FACILITY class is defined, your system has
z/OS UNIX-level security. In this case, the system is more secure than a traditional
UNIX system.

This level of security is for customers with very strict security requirements who
need superusers to maintain the file system but who do not want these users to
have the authority to change their identities to access existing MVS resources. To
accomplish this, take the additional steps described in “Defining servers to use
thread-level security.”

Defining servers to use thread-level security

When the profile BPX.SERVER is defined, there might be two authorization checks:
v The first check authorizes the use of the pthread_security_np() service.
v The second check authorizes for whom the server can establish a security
context. This check establishes the scope of users for whom the server can act as
a surrogate. See “Defining servers to process users without passwords or
password phrases” on page 372 for the steps required to enable servers to act as
surrogates for their clients when a password or password phrase is not specified
on the pthread_security_np() service.

Chapter 16. Preparing security for servers 369

You can also use the BPX.SERVER profile to set the scope of z/OS resources that
the server can access when acting as a surrogate for its clients. There are two levels
of authority that can be granted to the server using thread-level security services:
v UPDATE access
Lets the server establish a thread-level (task-level) security environment for
clients connecting to the server. When the RACF identity of the server has been
granted UPDATE authority to BPX.SERVER in the RACF FACILITY class, the
server is capable of acting as a surrogate for the client. This means that the
identity of the thread associated with the request from the server's client runs
with the z/OS user ID of the server's client. Access control decisions to z/OS
resources (such as data sets) and to z/OS UNIX resources (such as UNIX files)
which are accessed by the client's thread in the server are made using the RACF
identity of the client.
v READ access
Lets the server establish a thread-level security environment for the clients that it
services. However, the user ID of the server and the user ID of the client must
be authorized to the resources which the server will be accessing. A thread-level
security context in which both the client's and server's identity is used in the
access control decision and a password or password phrase was not supplied by
the client is called an unauthenticated client security context.
Depending on the design and implementation of the client/server application, a
client might have to supply an authenticator to the server. For example, the
client might be prompted to supply a password, password phrase, or a
password substitute, such as a RACF PassTicket to the server to prove its
identity. If a RACF password, password phrase, or PassTicket is specified as a
parameter on the pthread_security_np() service, and the password, password
phrase, or PassTicket is valid for the client user ID, even if the server's identity
has been granted READ access to the profile BPX.SERVER in the RACF
FACILITY class, the task level security environment is only used in access
control decisions. That is, only the RACF user ID of the client is used in making
access control decisions. This task level security environment created by a server
is called an authenticated client security context. Because the client has trusted the
server sufficiently to supply a RACF password, password phrase, or PassTicket
to the server, the server is granted the capability of acting as a surrogate for that
client (user).

Steps for setting up servers

Before you begin: You will need to know which programs are program-controlled.
To identify those programs, use the RACF RDEFINE command, which is discussed
in “Customizing the system for IBM-supplied daemons” on page 338.

Perform the following steps each time you add a server.

1. Define all programs that are loaded into an address space that requires server
authority, including the server program and any runtime library modules, to
program control. For more information about defining programs to program
control, see “Defining modules to program control” on page 338.
2. Assign a user ID to the server and define it to RACF.
Example: Assume that the user ID of the server is DATASRVR. Define user ID

370 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Tip: You can use the NOPASSWORD option with the ADDUSER command for
DATASRVR. This indicates that it is a protected user ID that cannot be used to
enter the system by means of a password or password phrase. The user ID will
not be revoked due to invalid logon attempts. In this case, you are defining the
DATASRVR user ID without a TSO/E segment.
3. Create a cataloged procedure. For example:
// PARM=’POSIX(ON) ALL31(ON)/ serverparms’
4. Enable the DATASRVR cataloged procedure to obtain control with the required
user identity. To do so, you must either add it to the RACF STARTED class or
add an entry to the started procedures table.
Example: To add an entry to the started procedures table:
5. Create the FACILITY class profile for the server.
6. Activate program control for the server, if you have not already done so for
daemon support.
7. Grant a level of authority to the server using thread-level security services. The
BPX.SERVER FACILITY class profile controls the server's access to the
pthread_security_np() service. There are two choices when setting the server's
v UPDATE access allows the server to establish a thread-level (task-level)
security environment for clients connecting to the server. Decisions about
access control for z/OS resources (such as data sets) and to z/OS UNIX
resources (such as UNIX files) that are accessed by the client's thread in the
server are made using only the RACF identity of the client.
Example: To give UPDATE access in the BPX.SERVER FACILITY class profile
to user ID DATASRVR:
v READ access allows the server to establish a thread-level security
environment for the clients that it services. However, unless the server has
specified a valid RACF password, password phrase, or PassTicket on the
pthread_security_np() service invocation, the user ID of the server and the
user ID of the client are used in resource access control decisions.
Example: To give DATASRVR server authority for unauthenticated clients:

Chapter 16. Preparing security for servers 371

If you are installing a product that uses thread-level security services, check
the documentation that is supplied with the product to determine if the
server requires READ or UPDATE access to the BPX.SERVER profile.
If you grant READ access to the BPX.SERVER profile in the FACILITY class,
and the server does not request a password, password phrase, or PassTicket
for its clients, both the server's user ID and the client's user ID are used in
decisions about resource access control. Additional security administration
will have to be performed to ensure that both the server's user ID and the
client's user ID were appropriately authorized to the resources that are
accessed by the server.

When you are done, you have set up the server.

Example: To start DATASRVR, issue the following command from the MVS

If the DATASRVR daemon is deactivated, you can also issue this command to
restart it.

Defining servers to process users without passwords or password

Depending on the design and implementation of a client/server application, a
client might not supply an authenticator to the server. For example, some servers
process user requests that come from generic user IDs representing anonymous
users, or use a method of authentication other than a user ID and password or
password phrase combination.

In this case, in which the RACF password, password phrase, or password

substitute (such as the RACF PassTicket) is not specified on the
pthread_security_np() service invocation, an additional check is made to ensure
that the server is authorized to act as the client. z/OS UNIX uses profiles defined
to the RACF SURROGAT class to authorize the server to act as a surrogate of a
client. Profiles defined to the SURROGAT class are of the form:

<userid> is the MVS user ID of the user that the server will act as a surrogate of.
See “Defining servers to use thread-level security” on page 369 for the steps to
authorize a server to act as a surrogate for client user IDs.

Some servers have the requirement to process user requests that come from generic
user IDs representing anonymous users. In order for servers to process requests for
thread-level security without passwords or password phrases, follow the steps
shown below.

Steps for defining servers to process users without

passwords or password phrases
Before you begin: You need to identify all MVS user IDs that the specified server
needs to access without any client authentication. You also need to determine the
level access, either ACCESS(READ) or ACCESS(UPDATE) that the server will have
while running with the client's identity. “Defining servers to use thread-level
security” on page 369 describes those two levels of authority.

372 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Perform the following steps to define servers to process users without passwords
or password phrases. The steps are for a sample server called DATASRVR that can
support user ID ANONYMOS without a password or password phrase. As you
add more servers, you will need to follow similar procedures.
1. Activate the SURROGAT class support in RACF, if it has not already been set
up on your system.
You only have to do this once on your system.
Tip: If a daemon or server you are running will use the SURROGAT support,
consider using the RACLIST command to keep the SURROGAT profiles in
storage. The following example shows how to cache the SURROGAT profiles in
2. If the SURROGAT profile is in the RACLIST, any changes to the SURROGAT
profiles must be followed by a REFRESH command. To create the SURROGAT
class profile for user ANONYMOS, issue:
A similar SURROGAT profile is required for each user ID that a server must
support without a password or password phrase.
3. Permit the server to create a thread-level security environment for a specified
Example: To permit server DATASRVR to create a thread-level security
environment for user ANONYMOS, issue the PERMIT command:

When you are done, you have defined a server to process users without passwords
or password phrases.

Chapter 16. Preparing security for servers 373

374 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 17. Monitoring the environment
NOT Programming Interface Information

You can monitor performance, use of resources, and the use of system resources by
users and programs. Use the information that is collected to tune the system.
Tuning the system might improve performance and reduce resource consumption.

Reporting on activities using SMF records

System management facilities (SMF) collects data for accounting. SMF job and job
step accounting records identify processes by user, process, group, and session
identifiers. Fields in these records also provide information about resources used
by the process. SMF file system records describe system events such as file open,
file close, and file system mount, unmount, quiesce, and unquiesce.

You can use SMF to report on the following activities:

v User applications
v Jobs and job step basis
v Mounted file stems and files

See z/OS MVS System Management Facilities (SMF) for the full contents of SMF
records provided for z/OS UNIX and for information about how to obtain the

SMF record type 30

SMF record type 30 reports activity on a job and job step basis. Even though file
system activity is included in the EXCP count for the address space, the process
section in the record breaks down the EXCP count into the following categories:
v Directory reads
v Reads and writes to regular files
v Reads and writes to pipes
v Reads and writes to character special files
v Reads and writes to network sockets

This section also provides information about file system lookups, which can use
significant resources on systems with hierarchical files.

You can monitor the file system activity of various classes of users by
postprocessing SMF type 30 records. This type of monitoring might be helpful in
forecasting DASD and other system resource requirements. If key jobs appear to be
doing many lookups, your installation might be able to reduce this processing
overload. To reduce the overload, reorganize the file system so that key files are
closer to the root of the file system.

Applications can reduce lookup activity by using the chdir command to change
the working directory and specifying only the file name when opening a file.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 375

SMF records contain a program name field for job steps that are initiated by fork(),
spawn(), or exec(). For interactive commands, this feature allows performance
analysts to determine what resources were required to complete a particular

If a user runs the OMVS command with the SHAREAS option or sets the
environment variable _BPX_SHAREAS to YES, two or more processes might be
running in the same address space. In this case, SMF provides process
identification only for the first process in the address space. However, resource
consumption is accumulated for all processes that are running.

With an exec that follows a setuid(), the exec processing no longer creates a
substep. Instead, the initiator stops the old job (ending type 30 record). Then a new
job is started with the user ID that was established on the setuid().

The CPU time for each syscall is accumulated for the process and saved in field
SMF30OST. The number of requested z/OS UNIX syscalls is reported in field
SMF30OSC. Data for SMF30OST and SMF30OSC is only collected when parmlib
option SYSCALL_COUNTS is set to YES.

When SYSCALL_COUNTS is set to NO, the CPU time and the count of syscalls is
not accumulated. If you always run with SYSCALL_COUNTS=NO, both
SMF30OST and SMF30OSC are always reported with a value of zero.


while collecting SMF data for an address space, the SMF 30 record data will not be

SMF record types 34 and 35

When a new address space is created as a result of a fork() or spawn() service,
SMF cuts a Type 34 record. When the process ends, SMF cuts a Type 35 record.
Type 34 is defined as TSO Logon and Type 35 is defined as TSO logoff. If you do
not have Type 34 or Type 35 active, you do not need to take any further action. If
you do use Type 34 and Type 35 for TSO accounting, then you need to suppress
these recordings for UNIX processes.

Example: To suppress these records, add the following:


SMF record type 74

SMF record type 74, subtype 3, reports kernel activity. For more information, see
z/OS MVS System Management Facilities (SMF).

SMF record type 80

SMF record type 80 includes an extended-length relocate section. For specifics on
auditing information in SMF record type 80, see z/OS Security Server RACF Macros
and Interfaces.

SMF record type 92

SMF record type 92 provides reports of activities related to the z/OS UNIX file

376 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Tip: The File System I/O counts displayed in the ISHELL mount table is available
if type 92 subtype 5 (unmount) is active at the time the file system was mounted.
To avoid the overhead associated with recording type 92 subtype 10, 11, and 14
(open, close, delete or rename), adjust the parameters in SMPFPRMxx using the
TYPE or NOTYPE operands to exclude the subtype 10, 11, and 14 records.

Table 36 lists the subtypes for SMF record type 92.

Table 36. Subtypes for SMF record type 92. This table lists the subtypes for SMF record
type 92 and explains how they are produced.
Subtype Produced ...
1 After the file system is mounted. I/O activity for a file system is
reported in a subtype 5 record when the file system is unmounted.
This activity is not accumulated unless subtype 5 is active when the
file system is mounted.

When a file system is mounted, SMF begins collecting accounting

data for the file system's I/O activity if subtype 5 for unmount is
active at the time of the mount. Partial SMF accounting does not
occur; either all the information for a file system is collected, or
none is collected.

Subtype 1 records are useful because they provide information

about the total space available in the file system and the total space
currently used. You can see if it is time to increase the size of a
mountable file system.
2 After the file system is quiesced (that is, suspended).

HFS file systems are quiesced when they are backed up by the
hierarchical storage manager (HMS). Any non-zFS system can also
be quiesced by programs that call the BPX1QSE (quiesce) callable
service. Any file system might be quiesced during certain sysplex
operations such as when a file system is moved within a shared file
system configuration.
4 After the file system is unquiesced (that is, resumed).
5 After the file system is unmounted. Unmount records provide the
following I/O data summarized for the entire mountable file
v Directory reads
v Read and write callable services requested
v Read and write EXCP counts
v Total bytes read and bytes written

To obtain this data, SMF recording for unmount must be active at

the same time that the file system is originally mounted.
6 After the file system is remounted.

If a file system is remounted to change modes between read-only

and read/write, a subtype 6 record is produced. It contains the
same information as in the type 5 (unmount) record. In order for
the remount records to contain data on I/O activity, unmount
recording must be active at the time the file system is originally
7 After the file system is moved.

If ownership of a file system is changed in a shared file system

configuration, a subtype 7 record is produced.

Chapter 17. Monitoring the environment 377

Table 36. Subtypes for SMF record type 92 (continued). This table lists the subtypes for
SMF record type 92 and explains how they are produced.
Subtype Produced ...
10 After a file is opened. I/O activity for particular open is reported in
a subtype 11 (close) record when the file is closed. This activity is
not accumulated unless subtype 11 is active when the file is opened.

When a file is opened, SMF begins collecting accounting data for

I/O activity related to this open if subtype 11 is active. Partial SMF
accounting does not occur; either all the information for an open
file is collected, or none is collected.

Because collecting file activity can be expensive, collect subtype 10

records only when file-level data is needed.
11 When a file is closed.

File-close records provide information about I/O activity of a user

or application against a specific file. These records provide the
following data for a specific user or application and a specific file:
v Read and write callable services requested
v Read and write EXCP counts
v Total bytes that are read and bytes that are written
v Path name of the file

To obtain a record of I/O activity, SMF recording must be active for

subtype 11 at the time a file is both opened and closed. Because
collecting file activity can be expensive, collect subtype 11 records
when file-level data is needed.
12 After mmap() is used to establish a mapping between a process's
address space and a file.
13 After munmap() is used to remove the mapping that was
established by a previous mmap() request.
14 After a file or file directory is deleted or renamed.

To gather information about the deleting of files and directories,

you can set up monitoring for SMF type 92 records with subtype
14. When files or directories are deleted, you will receive
information about the time the file or directory was deleted or
renamed, in addition to its file type, serial number, and unique
device number. In a shared file system, the recording occurs on the
user's system where the command was issued.

378 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 36. Subtypes for SMF record type 92 (continued). This table lists the subtypes for
SMF record type 92 and explains how they are produced.
Subtype Produced ...
15 When the security attributes for APF-authorized programs, shared
library programs, or programs defined to program control are

External calls to change these attributes are audited. The various

places where the system clears these attributes, such as if the file is
opened for write or if it is renamed, are not audited. In addition to
the regular user, file, and file system information for type 92
records, the following information is also included
v The old and the new security attributes, to show what was
v The file's RACF file ID, to help in correlating these records with
the XXXX_FILE_ID field of SMF 80 records for the same file .
v The full path name of the file. If the path name string that was
passed on the call to chattr() is an absolute path name, it is
copied here. If it is a relative path name, the input string is
appended to the realpath() value of the current working
directory. The path name will be as passed on the call to chattr()
for absolute path names. For relative path names the input path
name segment is appended to the realpath() value of the current
working directory.
16 For socket and character special files, when a file is closed.

File-close records provide information about I/O activity of a user

or application against a specific file. These records provide the
following data for a specific user or application and a specific file:
v Read and write callable services requested
v Read and write EXCP counts
v Total bytes that are read and bytes that are written
v Path name of the file

To obtain a record of I/O activity, SMF recording must be active for

subtype 16 at the time a file is both opened and closed. Because
collecting file activity can be expensive, only collect subtype 16
records when file-level data is needed.
17 Contains information about the number of times a file is accessed
throughout the life of an open. The information is written on the
SMF global recording interval and when the internal representation
(control block) of the file is freed. In some error flows (for example,
file system move failures and dead system recovery), some SMF
records might be lost.

Unmount records also provide the following I/O data summarized for the entire
mountable file system:
v Directory reads
v Read and write callable services requested
v Read and write EXCP counts
v Total bytes read and bytes written

File-close records provide information about I/O activity of a user or application

against a specific file. These records provide the following data for a specific user
or application and a specific file:
Chapter 17. Monitoring the environment 379
v Read and write callable services requested
v Read and write EXCP counts
v Total bytes that are read and bytes that are written
v Path name of the file

Monitoring process activity

To monitor process activity, you can display pending jobs. You can also enable
applications to monitor activities of z/OS UNIX processes.

While z/OS UNIX is being started or restarted, jobs are not processed. After the
start or restart process has been completed, jobs will begin processing again. An
operator message tells the system operator that jobs are waiting for z/OS UNIX to
become available again.

The system operator can also use the D OMVS,A=DUBW command to show which
jobs are in wait status. When the BPXO040I message is displayed in response, the
PID field shows a ''-" instead of a PID value and the STATE field is set to D,
indicating that the job is waiting to be dubbed. For example:

- 10.52.10 d omvs,a=dubw
00 10.52.12 BPXO040I 10.52.10 DISPLAY OMVS 266 C
TC 0022 - 0 1D---- .001

Using installation exits

You can use installation exits to enable applications to monitor process activities.
Preprocess initiation exit (BPX_PREPROC_INIT)
Receives control immediately before the creation of any new process. This
exit cannot use any z/OS UNIX callable service. When these exit routines
receive control, the Process Exit Data Block (PEDB) will contain data about
the creating process.
Post-process initiation exit (BPX_POSPROC_INIT)
Receives control immediately after the creation of any new process. When
this exit receives control, the Process Exit Data Block (PEDB) will contain
the creator and the new process data.
Process image initiation exit (BPX_IMAGE_INIT)
Receives control immediately before any new process image is initiated.
This occurs after a successful spawn, attach_exec, attach_execmvs, exec, or
execmvs callable service is done. The exit will receive control before the
new process image file is run. When this exit receives control, the Process
Exit Data Block (PEDB) will contain the data of the creator and the new
Preprocess termination exit (BPX_PREPROC_TERM)
Receives control immediately before the termination of a process. These
exits might receive control in the address space of the process or in the
master address space, if the address space of the process was terminated.
In the latter case (ASID=1), the exit cannot use z/OS UNIX callable
services. When these exits receive control, the Process Exit Data Block
(PEDB) will contain details about the terminating process.

380 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Exit routines can be added to each exit point. z/OS UNIX passes control to the exit
routine when an exit point is reached. Information about the current process and
its creator is then passed to the exit routine.

Defining exits
The kernel defines the four process start and end exits at kernel initialization time
by means of the CSVDYNEX service.

Rule: When you are adding exit routines to an exit, certain exit attributes are


v AMODE=31
v ABENDNUM=10000

v AMODE=31
v ABENDNUM=10000

Adding exit routines to exits

You can use any of the following methods to add exit routines to exits:
v PROGxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB
v SETPROG console command
v REQUEST=ADD via the CSVDYNEX service

Example: To add the DUBEXIT exit routine to the BPX_PREPROC_INIT exit via a
PROGxx member:

Example: To remove the DUBEXIT exit routine from the BPX_PREPROC_INIT exit:

End of NOT Programming Interface Information

Chapter 17. Monitoring the environment 381

382 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 18. Tuning performance
You need to take some tuning steps because you are combining MVS and UNIX.
Two tuning situations exist, depending on how your system is being used: as a
production system or a porting system. For both, you can take important steps and
control resource consumption.

Tip: If your system is running in a virtual server or as a VM guest, the storage

size should be at least 64 MB.

To learn how to improve performance on a porting system, read Chapter 8 of

Porting Applications to the z/OS UNIX Platform.

List of subtasks
Subtasks Associated procedure
Caching UID and GID information in VLF “Steps for caching UID and GID information
in VLF” on page 385
Moving an executable in the file system into “Steps for moving an executable in the file
the LPA system into the LPA” on page 385
Setting process limits “Steps for setting process limits in z/OS
UNIX” on page 397
Changing process limits “Steps for changing the process limits for an
active process” on page 400

Improving performance of runtime routines

When C programs (including the shell and utilities) are run, they frequently use
routines from the Language Environment runtime library, which come from the
SCEERUN data set. On average, about 4 MB of the runtime library are loaded into
memory for every address space running a Language Environment-enabled
program, and copied on every fork. If you have 200 address spaces running, this
uses 800 MB of pageable storage. It also increases your paging rates or reduces the
amount of work that the system can support. For information about the effect of
putting modules into the LPA, see z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide.

To reduce this overhead and improve performance, you can do one of the
v Put the SCEELPA data set in the LPA list. Because the SCEERUN data set has
many modules that are not reentrant, you cannot place the entire data set in the
link pack area using the LPALIST member of SYS1.PARMLIB. However, you can
take advantage of a SCEELPA data set that contains a subset of the SCEERUN
modules – those that are reentrant, reside above the line, and are heavily used
by z/OS UNIX.
To improve performance, put the SCEERUN data set in the link list (LNKLSTxx
member). Then use the LPALSTxx member to place the SCEELPA data set in the
LPA list. You can also add additional modules to the LPA, using the dynamic
LPA capability (SET PROG=). For more information about LPALSTxx and
LNKLSTxx, see z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 383

v Put libraries CEE.SCEERUN and CEE.SCEERUN2 into LLA. The library
lookaside facility (LLA) minimizes I/O by keeping heavily used modules in a
virtual lookaside facility (VLF) dataspace and keeping a version of the library
directory in its own address space. Assuming that the libraries CEE.SCEERUN
and CEE.SCEERUN2 are included in LNKLST, you might choose to include all
LNKLST modules in LLA. For example:
v Manage the runtime library in STEPLIBs. If you decide not to put the runtime
library in the link list, then you must set up the appropriate STEPLIB for each
application that needs to load modules from SCEERUN. Although this method
always uses additional virtual storage, you can improve performance by
defining the SCEERUN data set to LLA. This action reduces the I/O that is
needed to load the runtime modules.

Tuning tips for the compiler utilities

On systems where application development is a critical activity, you can improve
the performance of the compiler utilities c89, cc, cxx,c++ by loading
CBC.SCCNCMP into dynamic LPA if space allows. If common area space is an
issue, selected modules can be put into the LPA.

Example: If space allows, load the entire load library into dynamic LPA.
. . .
. . .
. . .

For more information about the PROGxx parmlib member, see z/OS MVS
Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Improving performance by updating the PROGxx member

On systems where application development is the primary activity, making certain
changes to the PROGxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB might improve performance.
For example:

Rule: Your primary Language Environment level must be the default level for the
release, and you must be using the default compiler. To verify your Language
Environment primary level, check that the library name (for example,
CEE.SCEERUN) appears first in the linklist concatenation in the LNKLSTxx
member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

Caching RACF user and group information in VLF

Caching UIDs and GIDs improves performance for commands such as ls -l, which
must convert UID numbers to user IDs and GID numbers to RACF group names.
RACF allows you to cache UID and GID information in virtual lookaside facility

384 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Guideline: To avoid performance degradation, VLF should be made active. For
more information about performance considerations, see “RACF performance
considerations” on page 58.

Steps for caching UID and GID information in VLF

Before you begin: You need to have access to the COFVLxx member of

Perform the following steps to cache UID and GID information in VLF.
1. Add these VLF options to the COFVLFxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.
2. Start VLF, specifying the updated member.
Example: In this example, the updated member is COFVLF33.

When you are done, you have cached GID and UID information in VLF.

Because VLF is started after RACF and OMVS, you might get a message from
RACF during the IPL saying that running without VLF will cause slower
performance. If VLF is being started, you can ignore this message.

For information about updating the VLF parmlib member COFVLFxx, see
“COFVLFxx” on page 41.

Moving z/OS UNIX executables into the LPA

Some executables in the file system can be commonly used by many concurrent
users, or they can be loaded and deleted frequently during normal production.
Such executables are performance sensitive, and they might be good candidates for
inclusion in the LPA. Moving such programs to the LPA can reduce storage
consumption, reduce DASD I/O activity for loads, and reduce the storage copied
on each fork().

Guideline: One thing to consider when you analyze which executables belong in
LPA is that modules with the sticky bit on are not eligible for local spawn(). If your
executable is normally invoked by spawn(), either by the shell or by another
application, turning on the sticky bit forces spawn() processing to execute the
program in a spawned child address space. In cases where local spawn() would be
used if the sticky bit were not on, this reduces the benefit of loading the executable
from the LPA.

Steps for moving an executable in the file system into the LPA
Before you begin: You need to know how long the executable or DLL name is.

Perform the following steps to move an executable in the file system into the LPA.
1. Select one of the following actions, depending on how long the executable or
DLL name is.

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 385

If . . . Then . . .
The executable or DLL name is no 1. Bind the executable or DLL into a PDSE member
more than 8 characters excluding (for example, LONGNAME)
the extension (such as longname.dll)
2. For the executable or DLL in the file system, turn
and contains no special characters
on the sticky bit. For example:
that are not valid for TSO PDSE
member names. chmod +t longname.dll
3. Verify that the executable is marked reentrant.
Tip: You can check that the executable is marked
reentrant by checking TSO browse on the PDSE,
locating the member in the member list, pressing
PF11 and then looking for the RN attribute.
4. Put the executable into dynamic LPA by
modifying the PROGxx parmlib member or by
issuing the SETPROG console command.
The executable or DLL name is 1. Bind the executable or DLL into a PDSE member
more than 8 characters long, with a valid member name (for example, REALLY)
excluding the extension (for
2. Rename the original executable or dll to save it.
example, reallylonglongname.dll), or
For example:
if the name contains special
characters. mv reallylonglongname.dll
3. Create an external link for the name. For example:
ln -e REALLY reallylonglongname.dll
4. Verify that the executable is marked reentrant.
Tip: Check that the executable is marked reentrant
by checking TSO browse on the PDSE, locating the
member in the member list, pressing PF11 and
then looking for the RN attribute.
5. Put the executable into dynamic LPA by
modifying the PROGxx parmlib member or by
issuing the SETPROG console command.


When you are done, you have moved an executable in the file system into the

Binding the executable or DLL into a PDSE

To bind the executable or DLL into a PDSE you can use sample JCL in Figure 45 on
page 387. While this JCL will work for most simple executables, the binder options
(specified as PARM= below) will not be appropriate for all executables or DLLs. If
you have a makefile for the executable or DLL, this will tell you what binder
options should be used.

Because most executables in the file system today are program objects (new load
module format), they must be bound into PDSE libraries. So, SYSLMOD DD
should point to a PDSE (Data Set Name Type = Library).

386 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

//* *
//* *
//* *
//* *
//INLMOD DD PATH=’/bin/’

Figure 45. Job for placing a program in the LPA

Use an SMP/E USERMOD to link any IBM-supplied programs from a UNIX file
system into another library, such as when loading it into LPA. Doing so
automatically keeps the two copies of the module at the same level when service is
installed. It also provides a record of modifications to your systems. See SMP/E for
z/OS User's Guide for more information about SMP/E usermods.

Also, not all modules are eligible for LPA. Modules placed in LPA must be both
reentrant and executable. For more information about PROGxx, see z/OS MVS
Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Using the shared library extended attribute

Shared object libraries contain subroutines that can be shared by multiple
processes. Programs using shared libraries contain references to the library routines
that are resolved by the loader at run time. The loadhfs topic in z/OS UNIX System
Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference discusses both shared
object library programs and the ST_SHARELIB extended attribute.

Executables that have the ST_SHARELIB extended attribute turned on are called
system shared library programs. They are an optimal way of sharing large executables
across many address spaces in the system. These executables are shared on a
megabyte boundary to allow for the sharing of a single-page table (similar to LPA).
The storage used in the user address space to establish the mapping to the shared
library region is from the high end of private storage; in most cases, it does not
interfere with the virtual storage used by the application program.

Guideline: The amount of storage that is carved out of the high end of private
storage of each address space that loads a system shared library object is based on
the value of the SHRLIBRGNSIZE parameter in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. If
this value is set too high, the storage set aside for the mapping of the shared
library region might interfere with the private storage requirements of each of
these address spaces. For this reason, the value specified for SHRLIBRGNSIZE
should be the minimum size that is required to contain all of the shared library
programs that are to be used on the system. Note that z/OS UNIX attempts to

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 387

map the entire SHRLIBRGNSIZE into the private region, not just the portion that
contains programs. If the private region is too small to map the entire
shrlibrgnsize, then this shared library region is not be used, A message is not
issued to indicate that the shrlibrgnsize was not mapped.

See “Defining UNIX files as shared library programs” on page 341 for information
about setting the ST_SHARELIB extended attribute.

Tuning tips for the file system

Use the following tips to fine-tune your file system:
v Make sure that all files in your file system have valid owning UIDs and GIDs. If
you restore files from an archive and accidentally keep a UID and GID that were
valid on another system, it can create problems that affect response time. For
example, say that there is an invalid UID associated with a file. When you use a
utility that checks the UID (such as ls -l), RACF searches the entire database for
the UID.
v Place HFS data sets on volumes that are cached with DASD Fast Write.
v Give each user a separate mountable file system. Doing so enables you to avoid
I/O contention by spreading user file systems across multiple DASD devices.
v Use the temporary file system (TFS) for /tmp.
v Customize the statements in the BXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB as
needed. See “Customizing the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB” on page
23 for guidelines and tips.

Tuning limits in BPXPRMxx

You can improve the performance of your z/OS UNIX environment by fine-tuning
your BPXPRMxx member. However, because each installation is unique, some of
the suggestions might not be appropriate for your system.

For more information, refer to these documents:

v z/OS MVS Planning: Workload Management
v z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide
v z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for parmlib members
v z/OS RMF User's Guide for RMF monitoring
v z/OS RMF Report Analysis for RMF reports

Monitoring system and process limits

You can monitor the status of the z/OS UNIX system and process limits with the
D OMVS, LIMITS operator command and console messages that indicate when
limits are reaching critical levels. Use SET OMVS or SETOMVS to change certain
system limits dynamically, or SETOMVS with PID= to change a process-level limit
for a specific process.

The LIMMSG statement in BPXPRMxx controls message activity for limits

checking. You can specify whether no console messages are to be displayed when
any of the parmlib limits have been reached (NONE); console messages are to be
displayed for all processes that reach system limits and for certain process limits
(SYSTEM); or console messages are to be displayed for all the system limits and
the process limits (ALL).

388 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

The LIMMSG options can be changed with the SETOMVS LIMMSG command. The
LIMMSG value appears in the D OMVS,O display.

If the LIMMSG statement is specified with SYSTEM or ALL, a warning console

message appears whenever a limit reaches 85%, 90%, 95%, and 100%, identifying
the process that has reached the limit. When the limit reaches the next limit level,
the prior message is removed from the console and a new message indicates the
new limit level that has been reached. When the limit falls below the 85%
threshold, a message indicates that the resource shortage has been relieved.

For limit MaxSharePages, the first warning message appears at 60% to warn the
installation when copy-on-write (COW) processing for fork() is about to be
disabled (which occurs at a usage of 62.5%). This message is replaced when the
next limit is reached or removed from the console when the limit falls under 60%.



Changing from LIMMSG(ALL) or LIMMSG(SYSTEM) to LIMMSG(NONE) with the

SETOMVS command stops any further monitoring of resources. However, existing
outstanding messages are not deleted from the screen for a process until the limit
is relieved for that process.

Tip: When LIMMSG(ALL) is in effect, a large number of messages can be issued.

This option is best suited for use during the initial configuration of a system, when
the installation has not yet determined the optimal settings for the z/OS UNIX
parmlib limits.

Monitoring use of system resources

z/OS UNIX provides the system programmer with a number of controls that
monitor and tune the use of system resources by users. As part of the tuning
process, you can follow these initial rules of thumb:
1. Assume that each user will consume up to double the system resources
required for a TSO/E user.
2. Assume that at most 4 PTYs will be required per average user.
3. Assume that the starting point for maximum processes per user is 25.
4. Assume that 4 concurrent processes will be required by the average active user.
5. Assume that 5 processes will be required for various daemons.
6. Assume that 3 concurrent address spaces will be required by the average active
user. This number will be high if your users are running with the
_BPX_SHAREAS environment variable set to YES.
7. Assume that no user, including servers or daemons, needs more than 2048 files
open at one time for Unicode Services conversion. In this case, the default
MAXIOBFUSER setting of 2048 (which equals 2 G of above the bar storage) is
enough and no changes to the initial setting is necessary.

Tip: If you have a few users who need a large number of processes, use the
PROCUSERMAX keyword in the OMVS segment to set the process limit for these

For example, assume that your system supports 600 TSO/E users and has enough
capacity for 20 additional users. Rather than adding more TSO/E work, you want

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 389

to allow TSO/E users to access z/OS UNIX. You have no other z/OS UNIX work
on your system at this time. In this example the initial settings in BPXPRMxx
might be:

Table 37 shows how the initial settings were calculated.

Table 37. Calculating initial settings when tuning process activity. This table lists the initial
settings for certain BPXPRMxx parameters.
Parameter Initial setting Note
MAXUIDS 20 If you allow 20 current TSO/E users to access
the z/OS UNIX system, each of them could
consume twice the resource they normally
used for TSO/E. This would require all your
remaining system resources.
MAXPTYS 80 Assume that 4 PTYs are needed per user.
Users can login with multiple sessions at the
same time
MAXPROCUSER 25 This should normally be a reasonable starting
point. Some users might require more
processes, depending on the work they are
doing. This value can be set only on a
system-wide basis.
MAXPROCSYS 85 Assume that you need 4 processes per user
and 5 processes for daemons. (20 users * 4) +
5 daemons = 85 processes.

Controlling use of ESQA

The extended system queue area (ESQA) is a major element of z/OS virtual
storage above the 16MB line. This storage area contains tables and queues relating
to the entire system, and duplicates above the 16MB line the system queue area
(SQA). A number of services use base z/OS functions that use ESQA storage.
Much of this storage is fixed, consuming main memory rather than only virtual
storage. Installations having constraints on virtual storage or main memory can
control the amount of ESQA storage used by the following services:
v Shared memory
v Memory map files
v ptrace
v fork (copy-on-write)

The following statements in the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB are the

primary means of controlling consumption by UNIX services:
v MAXSHAREPAGES controls the maximum number of shared pages to be used
for fork, shared memory, memory map files, and ptrace. ESQA storage is
required for each shared page.
v FORKCOPY determines whether fork should use copy-on-write support.
Copy-on-write support should normally reduce the cost of fork by removing the
need to copy all the parent's virtual storage to the child address space. However,
on systems with storage constraints, the benefit of copy-on-write might be
outweighed by the impact on ESQA storage.

390 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Follow these guidelines:
– If the runtime library is in the link pack area, specify FORKCOPY(COPY).
– If the runtime library is not in the link pack area, specify FORKCOPY(COW).
Other statements in the BPXPRMxx member provide more detailed control of how
shared memory, and memory map files can be used.

See the BPXPRMxx topic in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for a
complete description of each BPXPRMxx statement. For more detail on ESQA and
other storage requirements for MVS, see “Evaluating virtual memory needs” on
page 17.

Tip: Consider adjusting MAXSHAREPAGES on an active system. Dynamically

decreasing the number of pages available to ESQA might cause errors because, for
those jobs, the ESQA limit might be reached or exceeded. It is possible that shared
programs will not be able to be loaded and fork() might not succeed. This situation
will exist until the workload adjusts to the new lower limit.

Controlling dispatching priorities

The setpriority() and chpriority() functions let the caller set the dispatching priority
for a process, a process group, or a user. The priority value specified can range
from -20 to 19. On this scale, -20 is highest priority and 19 is lowest priority. The
nice() function allows a calling process to change its own priority.

Resulting nice() values can range from 0 to 39, with 0 being the highest priority
and 39 being the lowest. With all three services, appropriate privileges are required
to increase the priority of one or more processes.

Priority values (-20 to 19) and nice() values (0 to 39) are mapped one-to-one such
that nice() values are always 20 higher than priority values. All processes start with
a priority value of 0 and a nice() value of 20.
priority value nice value
(setpriority and chpriority) (nice)
---------------------------- ----------
-20 A 0
. | higher priority .
. | .
. | .
0 -- start here 20
. | .
. | .
. | lower priority .
+19 V 39

Guideline: In general, do not enable nice(), setpriority(), and chpriority() support.

Instead, you should only use normal SRM controls. However, nice(), setpriority(),
and chpriority() support is provided. This support interfaces with SRM and
workload manager to provide system control and monitoring support.

If your installation plans to support the cron daemon, setpriority() support might
be needed. cron allows interactive users to schedule work to run in the
background at various times in the future. Normally, this background work should
run at a lower priority than other interactive work. By default, cron uses
setpriority() to lower the priority of batch work it starts. The return code is not
checked, so if the setpriority() call fails, the batch work runs at the same priority as
other forked children. This could become a problem if background work started by
cron begins to affect the responsiveness of foreground interactive work. In this

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 391

case, it might be appropriate to customize your system to support three levels of
dispatching priority (as illustrated in the following example).

To enable the nice(), setpriority(), and chpriority() functions, an installation must

specify a PRIORITYPG statement or PRIORITYGOAL statement in BPXPRMxx. The
first value corresponds to a priority value of -20 (very high priority). The next
corresponds to a priority value of -19, and so on until the 40th value corresponds
with a priority value of 19. If fewer than 40 values are specified, the last value is
propagated through the remaining priority values. The same performance group
can be specified several times.

Installations that are running in goal mode to exploit MVS workload manager can
enable nice(), setpriority(), and chpriority() support using the PRIORITYGOAL
statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. They must specify a service class for
each possible priority value (-20 to 19). If fewer than 40 service classes are
specified, the last service class is propagated to all remaining priority values. The
same service class can be specified several times. All service classes specified must
appear in your current service policy.

Guideline: Do not specify PRIORITYPG and PRIORITYGOAL in BPXPRMxx

unless you need nice() and setpriority() support. It is simplest and best to give
MVS full control over priorities of work.

System limits and process limits

Limits can be set for the system (system-wide limits) or for individual processes
(process limits).

System-wide limits, which are limits that apply to every process, are set in the
BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. You can display limits defined in
BPXPRMxx by using the operator commands D OMVS,OPTIONS and D
v Limits associated with an MVS application derive their value from MVS. The
soft and hard limit might be different when an MVS unit of work is dubbed.
v Limits for processes initiated by z/OS UNIX that cause an identity change, such
as telnet, rlogin or a daemon process using setuid or exec, are created with the
same hard and soft limits.

Process limits are limits that apply to individual processes. You can set some
process limits by using the RACF user profile segment. Some process limits, such
as the disk space, allow for a file or the size of a dump are set in BPXPRMxx.
v You can control the amount of resources used by specified z/OS UNIX users by
setting individual limits for these users, as described in “Setting limits for users”
on page 68. These limits apply to all users except for those with a UID of 0.
Normally, when a process is initially dubbed, the soft limit is inherited from
MVS and the hard limit is set in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member.
For more information about UID(0) superuser authority, see “Obtaining security
information about users” on page 65. Users with UID(0) will still have a limit
but they can change it while other users can only change their soft limits.
v You can set limits on a process for resources such virtual storage space after you
know which resources the application will need, and how the operating system
affects application limits. For information about the types of processes and how
they are created, see “Setting process limits in z/OS UNIX” on page 395.
v You can use the RACF ADDUSER and ALTUSER commands to specify the
ASSIZEMAX limit on a per-user basis. See the topic on limiting the use of

392 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

memory objects in z/OS MVS Programming: Extended Addressability Guide, which
discusses the use of MEMLIMIT. Table 40 on page 396 lists the process limits
that you can set.

Before setting process limits as described in “Setting process limits in z/OS UNIX”
on page 395, you need to understand how z/OS UNIX applications interact with
the operating system and take into consideration all services that affect that
resource. Then you can decide what soft and hard limits the application needs. For
an explanation soft and hard limits, see “What are hard limits?” and “What are
soft limits?.”

What are hard limits?

The hard limit is the maximum value that a process's application can raise a soft
limit to. The hard limit is derived from z/OS UNIX or RACF.
v Use BPXPRMxx statements to define z/OS UNIX defaults. Defaults exist for
z/OS UNIX processes even when none are defined in BPXPRMxx. To find out
what the defaults are, see the BPXPRMxx topic in z/OS MVS Initialization and
Tuning Reference.
v Limits defined in the RACF user profile. See Table 40 on page 396 for a list of
hard limits that are defined in the RACF user profile.

z/OS UNIX mechanisms that affect limits are setrlimit(), inheritance from the
parent and spawn inheritance structure (BPXYINHE), identity change, and
dubbing. Any process can raise the soft limits to the hard limits. A superuser can
raise both the hard and soft limits. A fork/spawn child inherits the same limits
unless the parent changed the limits in the spawn inheritance structure or there is
an identity change. The SETOMVS operator command can also affect these

What are soft limits?

The soft limit is the value of the current process limit that is enforced by the
operating system. If a failure such as an abend occurs, the application might want
to temporarily change the soft limit for a specific work item, or change the limits
of child processes that it creates. For example, a larger server daemon might
reduce the amount of virtual memory available to a spawned child. New processes
receive the same limits as the parent process as long as the installation or the
application do not alter those values and an identity change does not occur. The
soft limits for CPUTIME, ASSIZE and MEMLIMIT can be affected by several MVS
limits mechanisms.

MVS limits are the soft limits provided to z/OS UNIX processes when z/OS UNIX
services are invoked using TSO login, STC, or JCL. At the first request for a kernel
service, the system dubs the program as a z/OS UNIX process. When a traditional
MVS unit of work is first dubbed, the soft limits are normally obtained from MVS.
The hard limit is normally obtained from BPXPRMxx if it is higher than the soft

New processes that are created by a dubbed user receive the same soft and hard
limits as the parent process if the installation has not changed the process limits
and an identity change has not occurred.

How are limits handled after an identity change?

When the installation does not use any other method to define a limit, then exec
and spawn handle limits after an identity change. After an identity change, an exec

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 393

sets hard and soft limits to z/OS UNIX values. The change to z/OS UNIX values
can also be accomplished by using a setuid() followed by an exec().

Spawn() can also cause an identity change. A spawned child that was created with
a different identity than the parent using InheUserid or _BPX_USERID sets the
hard and soft limits to the z/OS UNIX values for the new identity. A forked child
with no identity change inherits the settings of the parent.

Task-level security (pthread_security or _login) causes spawn to use the limits of

the new identity.

Resources values that processes receive when they are dubbed a process use the
RACF profile to determine the hard limit if it is higher than the soft (current) limit.
It is also used when processes are initiated by a daemon process using an exec
after setuid(). In this case, both the RLIMIT_AS hard and soft limits are set to the
address-space-size value.

Inheriting soft limits

Normally, soft and hard limits are not changed when a new process is created
unless the creating process requests a change. Both the soft limits and the hard
limits are set to the value that was specified the parent's inheritance structure, if it
is requested. The values of both limits are raised to the hard limit if a child was
spawned with a new identity, or if an exec occurred after the identity was

Setting a global value in BPXPRMxx (using the MAXASSIZE parameter) provides

the values that the system will use to assign to all processes. The RACF security
administrator can override these values by defining the MEMLIMIT value for
individual identities in the associated OMVS segment.

The only time MEMLIMIT or ASSIZE from the OMVS segment is used to define
these limits for inheritance is with a spawn with identity change or an exec after
setuid. For more details, see “What happens when an identity change occurs?.”

What happens when an identity change occurs?

When an identity change occurs, the new identity might or might not have an
OMVS segment associated with it. If an identity change takes place, the following
1. If the new identity has the limit defined by RACF, that limit overrides any
other system control including the IEFUSI installation exit and the parent's
inheritance structure.
2. If there is no RACF segment for the new identity, the IEFUSI installation exit
might override the inheritance structure and set the limit.
3. If a RACF limit was not set for the new identity and if IEFUSI did not set the
limit, the Inhe inheritance overrides the current values of the parent's
inheritance structure.
4. The setting of the MAXASSIZE parameter in BPXPRMxx is the default for a
new z/OS UNIX identity if none of the other values applied (except for
MEMLIMIT, which is set in SMFPRMxx).

Setuid() alone or child processes created by either fork or spawn after a setuid
retains the limits behavior of the previous identity.

394 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

What happens if an identity change does not take place when
a child is created?
Normally, the child inherits the parent's current hard and soft limits. However, a
change to the child's limit causes the child's hard and soft limit to be set to the
hard limit. The child's limit can be changed by the parent in the inheritance
structure on spawn() or by IEFUSI. How the system honors changes made in the
inheritance structure or IEFUSI will vary depending on the parent's security

When the same limit is not defined in the OMVS segment, the system will honor
IEFUSI even if the parent requests a change using the inheritance structure (Inhe).

After a limit has been defined for a parent identity by the security administrator,
that limit is trusted before other system components only if it is higher than the
MVS limits. When a limit is defined in the OMVS segment:
v The system ignores requests by IEFUSI to change the limit in the OMVS segment
if the limit in the OMVS segment is higher than the limit set in IEFUSI. The
OMVS segment is in control of ASSIZE and MEMLIMIT. If the OMVS segment
value is lower than IEFUSI, then IEFUSI sets hard and soft limits for both
v If the OMVS segment is in control of ASSIZE and MEMLIMIT for the parent, the
system also ignores requests by IEFUSI to change limits for child processes that
were created by that identity. In this case, the child is created with the parent's
current limits. If IEFUSI is in control of ASSIZE and MEMLIMIT for the parent,
the child's MEMLIMIT and ASSIZE will be set by IEFUSI. In both cases, if
IEFUSI is active in the system and is attempting to control limits for an OMVS
address space, the inheritance structure (Inhe) is ignored for MEMLIMIT and

What happens if an identity change does not take place when

a new process image is created by exec()?
When a new process image is created, limits are not affected unless a limit has
been defined in the OMVS segment, an IEFUSI exit modifies the limit, or an
identity change occurs. When the limit is controlled by system security or IEFUSI,
the hard and soft limit are changed to the hard limit in the new image.


are higher than the MVS limits, they are used for the hard limit.

Specifying a new identity

You can specify a new identity in the following ways:
v Inheritance structure
v The _BPX_USERID environment variable
v The pthread_security callable service
v _login
v The setuid() function

For more information about APIs that affect process limits, see z/OS UNIX System
Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference.

Setting process limits in z/OS UNIX

System-wide limits are defined in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. Table 38 on
page 396 lists the BPXPRMxx statements that you can use to set system-wide

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 395

limits. If you specify the SHRLIBMAXPAGES parameter, it will be accepted but
will not have any impact on the system. The value that you specify will never be
reached, because user-shared library objects are no longer supported.
Table 38. System-wide limits that can be defined in BPXPRMxx. This table lists the
system-wide limits that can be defined in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member.
System-wide limits

Process-level limits are defined in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. Table 39 lists
the BPXPRMxx statements that you can use to set process-level limits.
Table 39. Process-level limits that can be defined in BPXPRMxx
Process-level limits

MAXCPUTIME specifies the RLIMIT_CPU hard limit resource values that

processes receive when they are dubbed a process. RLIMIT_CPU indicates the CPU
time that a process is allowed to use, in seconds. The soft limit is obtained from
MVS. If the soft limit value from MVS is greater than the MAXCPUTIME value,
the hard limit is set to the soft limit. This value is also used when processes are
initiated by a daemon process using an exec after setuid(). In this case, both the
RLIMIT_CPU hard and soft limit values are set to the MAXCPUTIME value.
v For processes running in or forked from TSO or BATCH, the MAXCPUTIME
value has no effect. A superuser can override this value by specifying a new
time limit in the spawn inheritance structure on __spawn().
v For processes running in or forked from TSO or BATCH, the MAXCPUTIME
value has no effect. The TIME limit is inherited from the parent. If a TIME
parameter is specified on the JCL for the started task, then that value is used. If
not, then the TIME value is taken from the JES default TIME value.
v For processes created by rlogind or another daemon, MAXCPUTIME is the time
limit for the address space.

Table 40 lists the hard limits that can be defined in the RACF user profile.
Table 40. Hard limits that can be defined in the RACF user profile. This table lists the hard
limits that can be defined in the RACF user profile.
Hard limit Description
ASSIZEMAX The maximum address space size (RLIMIT_AS) for the z/OS
UNIX user.
CPUTIMEMAX The maximum CPU time (RLIMIT_CPU) for the z/OS UNIX

396 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Table 40. Hard limits that can be defined in the RACF user profile (continued). This table
lists the hard limits that can be defined in the RACF user profile.
Hard limit Description
FILEPROCMAX The maximum number of files per process for the z/OS UNIX
MEMLIMIT The maximum storage above the bar (nonshared memory
size). MEMLIMIT is initially set in the SMFPRMxx parmlib
MMAPAREAMAX The maximum memory map size for the z/OS UNIX user.
PROCUSERMAX The maximum number of processes per UID for thz/OS UNIX
SHMEMMAX The maximum size of shared memory
THREADSMAX The maximum number of threads per process for the z/OS
UNIX user.

Steps for setting process limits in z/OS UNIX

Before you begin: You need to understand how the MVS limits affect z/OS UNIX
processes. For an explanation of soft and hard limits, see “What are hard limits?”
on page 393 and “What are soft limits?” on page 393. You can modify some limits.
Parameters are provided by batch JCL, TSO logon, and started to limit region size
and high memory. Some MVS system-wide limits such as MEMLIMIT are initially
set in SMFPRMxx.

You also need to have planned the system-wide limits that will affect all z/OS
UNIX users. For more information, see “Defining system limits” on page 29.

Perform the following steps to set process limits in z/OS UNIX.

1. Determine the sources that your installation uses to control MVS limits and
z/OS UNIX limits. For more details, see “Tuning limits in BPXPRMxx” on page
388. Also see the topic on limiting the use of memory objects in z/OS MVS
Programming: Extended Addressability Guide, which discusses region sizes.
2. Specify the z/OS UNIX system-wide limits in BPXPRMxx. The system-wide
limits are listed in Table 38 on page 396. If you do not set them, defaults are
used. To look up the defaults, go to z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.
3. Specify higher limits for individual processes, if needed. For an explanation
about setting process limits in general, see “Setting limits for users” on page 68.
Also see the topic on limiting the use of memory objects in z/OS MVS
Programming: Extended Addressability Guide, which discusses the use of
You can use any of the following to change z/OS UNIX limits:
v The SETOMVS operator command
v z/OS UNIX programming APIs
v z/OS UNIX commands
v setrlimit
v spawn()

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 397

You can use the RACF ADDUSER and ALTUSER commands to specify the
ASSIZEMAX limit on a per-user basis. Table 40 on page 396 lists the process
limits that you can set.
Rule: To define or change information in the OMVS segment of a user profile,
including your own, you must have the SPECIAL attribute or at least UPDATE
authority to the segment through field-level access checking.
For more information about the OMVS segment in RACF user profiles and a
complete list of what you can specify, see z/OS Security Server RACF Security
Administrator's Guide.
Resource values that processes receive when they are dubbed a process will use
the RACF profile to determine the hard limit if it is higher than the soft
(current) limit. It is also used when processes are initiated by a daemon process
using an exec after setuid(). In this case, both the RLIMT_AS hard and soft
limits are set to the address-space-size value

When you are done, you have set process limits in z/OS UNIX.

Note: Limits defined in the RACF user profile or modified by the IEFUSI
installation exit override limits defined by z/OS UNIX processes.

Using the IEFUSI installation exit to set process limits

The IEFUSI and IEALIMIT installation exits control region size and memory above
the bar, but z/OS UNIX ignores changes made by IEALIMIT. Changes made by
IEFUSI to the region limit and hi memory limit are used if a RACF user profile is
not used to define these values for the user. The IEFUSI exit can change the values
used by the system for virtual storage available above and below the 16M line, and
hi memory. Normally, z/OS UNIX takes action to ensure that these changes are
honored. When a limit is specifically defined for a user via the OMVS segment,
z/OS UNIX will ignore the changes made by the IEFUSI exit if the ASSIZE or
MEMLIMIT in the OMVS segment is specified as a higher value than IEFUSI.

Because z/OS UNIX limits are normally inherited from MVS, the IEFUSI exit has
already had a chance to modify the region size and MEMLIMIT for TSO, batch,
and started task. The exit does not have to be called again during OMVS
subsystem processing. z/OS UNIX processes such as telnet and rlogin do not have
a chance to change the limits, so IEFUSI is not needed to control those limits.

Rule: If you install your own IEFUSI exit, update your SMFPRMxx parmlib
member to exclude OMVS work and use z/OS UNIX to control the process limit.

Started subtasks such as OMVS, BPXOINIT, and colony address spaces fall under
SUBSYS STC. These address spaces might be subject to IEFUSI limitations if
IEFUSI exits are allowed for SUBSYS STC. IBM strongly recommends that you
colony address spaces.

Message IEE968I is issued when the SET SMF= command is processed because
z/OS UNIX does not support the SSI Notify function. You can ignore this message.

After a hard limit is defined in the user RACF profile, the parents' hard and soft
values for that limit will override IEFUSI, MVS, and z/OS UNIX changes in any
child processes or executed programs. An executed or spawned process after an
identity change always set hard and soft limits to the OMVS limit of the new
398 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
identity. Other processes exhibit this behavior only if the value in the user RACF
profile was higher than the value provided by MVS when the process was dubbed.

For more information about the IEFUSI installation exit, see “Using the IEFUSI step
initiation exit” on page 424 and z/OS MVS Installation Exits.

Displaying process limits

You can use any of the following to display process limits:
v ps shell command
v ulimit shell command
v D OMVS,LIMIT operator command

You can display the RACF limit using the following RACF command:

For more information about how to obtain security information for users, see
“Obtaining security information about users” on page 65. You can obtain the
information if the security administrator has set up field-level access for users for
the OMVS segment of the RACF user profile as described in “Setting up field-level
access for the OMVS segment of a user profile” on page 66.

Example: Issue:

Result: Following is a sample output:

/shut/home/wellie2==>ps ; alias to ps -o ruser,pid,vsz,vsz64,vszlmt64,comm
Erin 24 2432 0 20M sh -L
Erin 29 2432 0 20M /tst/bin/ps -oruser,pid,vsz,vsz64,vszlmt64 -oargs

Example: Issue:
ulimit -a

Result: Following is a sample output:

core file 8192b
cpu time unlimited
data size unlimited
file size unlimited
stack size unlimited
file descriptors 256
address space 259192k
memory above bar 17592186040320m

Example: Assuming that the PID is 0050331651:

d omvs,limits,pid=0050331651

Result: Following is a sample output:

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 399

BPXO051I 16.42.32 DISPLAY OMVS 277
MEGA MEGA1 0020 0050331651 33554434 1CI--- 16.31.46 .051

MAXTHREAD 0 0 1000
MAXCORESIZE --- --- 4194304

If you do not specify the PID, the display will show the system-wide limits

Changing process limits

You can set a system-wide limit using these BPXPRMxx statements and then
specify the process limit using the RACF ADDUSER or ALTUSER command. The
OMVS operator command can also be used.
v MAXASSIZE (see “MAXASSIZE” on page 30
v MAXCPUTIME (see “MAXCPUTIME” on page 30)
v MAXFILEPROC (see “MAXFILEPROC” on page 31)
v MAXMMAPAREA (see “MAXMMAPAREA” on page 31)
v MAXPROCUSER (see “MAXPROCUSER” on page 33)
v MAXTHREADS (see “MAXTHREADS” on page 34)

To change the MEMLIMIT of a specific process (or to be more exact, to change the
MEMLIMIT value of the ASID that the process is running in), use the SETOMVS

Steps for changing the process limits for an active process

Before you begin: You need to know the PID of the process. To find the process,
issue D OMVS,A=ALL.

Perform the following steps to change the process limits for an active process.
1. Display information about the current parmlib limits for a process with the ID
Example: Issue:
d omvs,limits,pid=nnn
Result: You will get a display similar to the following:

400 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

BPXO051I 16.42.32 DISPLAY OMVS 277
MEGA MEGA1 0020 0050331651 33554434 1CI--- 16.31.46 .051

MAXCORESIZE --- --- 4194304

2. Change the high memory limit, MEMLIMIT, in the address space containing
PID nnn.
Example: Issue:
SETOMVS PID=nnn, memlimit=16M
Result: You will get a message that the SETOMVS command was successful.
3. Check that the limit has been changed.
Example: Issue:
Result: You will see a display similar to the following:
BPXO051I 16.44.40 DISPLAY OMVS 283 C
MEGA MEGA1 0020 0050331651 33554434 1CI--- 16.31.46 .051

MAXCORESIZE --- --- 4194304


When you are done, you have changed the process limit.

Reference information
For more information, see the following:
v “Defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF” on page 59
v “Storing user-specific information in OMVS segments” on page 62
v “Setting limits for users” on page 68
v “Steps for obtaining security information about users” on page 65

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 401

v For information about the RACF ADDUSER and LISTUSER commands, see z/OS
Security Server RACF Command Language Reference.
v z/OS MVS System Management Facilities (SMF)
v z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference
v z/OS MVS Programming: Extended Addressability Guide

Improving performance of the z/OS shell

You have several options if you want to fine-tune performance of the z/OS shell.
You can use the _BPX_SHAREAS and _BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT . Other helpful hints
include controlling the use of STEPLIBs and ensuring that the sticky bit is on.

Guideline: Do not specify PRIORITYPG and PRIORITYGOAL in BPXPRMxx

unless you need nice() and setpriority() support. It is simplest and best to give
MVS full control over priorities of work.


To improve the performance of z/OS UNIX shell utilities, use the following
environment variables: _BPX_SHAREAS and _BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT. Note that
they cannot be used for the tcsh shell.
v Set _BPX_SHAREAS to YES. (REUSE is the same as YES.) The shell will run
foreground processes in the same address space as the shell is running in, which
saves the overhead of a fork() and exec().
To improve performance for all shell users, /etc/profile or $HOME/.profile
should set BPX_SHAREAS=YES as follows:
The spawn() runs faster, the child process consumes fewer resources, and the
system can support more resources. However, when running multiple processes
with BPX_SHAREAS=YES, the processes cannot change identity information. For
example, setuid() and setgid() will fail. You cannot execute setuid() or setgid() in
the same address space as another process. Also, when the parent ends, the child
will end because it is a subtask.
If the extended attribute for the shared address space is not set, the program will
not run in a shared address space, regardless of the setting of _BPX_SHAREAS.
The attribute is set by extattr +s and reset by extattr -s. If the attribute is set,
_BPX_SHAREAS has precedence.
v To improve performance when running the shell scripts, set
_BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT to YES. The spawn() service will run files that are not in
the correct format to be either an executable or a REXX exec as shell scripts
directly from the spawn() function. Because the shell uses spawn() to run
foreground commands, setting this variable to YES eliminates the additional
overhead of the shell invoking fork after receiving ENOEXEC for an input shell
To provide this performance benefit to all shell users, set the environment
variable in /etc/profile or $HOME/.profile:

However, there might be exceptions, depending on your environment.

Guideline: Because spawn() uses system resources that require the user's private
storage, excessive use might lead to storage shortages in the user's address space.

402 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Controlling use of STEPLIBs
You can improve shell performance by controlling the use of STEPLIBs. A STEPLIB
is a set of private libraries used to store a new or test version of an application
program, such as a new version of a runtime library. To improve performance of
the z/OS shell, avoid propagating STEPLIBs by using one of the following options:
v If you enter the OMVS command either from ISPF or with STEPLIB data sets
allocated, include the statements in the shell profile. For example:
if [ -z "$STEPLIB" ] &&; tty -s;
export STEPLIB=none
exec sh -L
The STEPLIB data sets are not extensively searched or propagated from the shell
process to the shell command on exec(). They are also not propagated to shell
processes, which might have been necessary because a specific release level of
the Language Environment runtime library is needed.
v If you use the OMVS command to login to the shell, you can improve
performance by using a logon procedure that does not contain any JOBLIB or
STEPLIB DD allocations. Using that procedure reduces the amount of storage
that is copied for fork(). It also prevents excessive searching of STEPLIB data
sets and the propagation of STEPLIB data sets from the shell process to the shell
command processes on exec().
If you enter the OMVS command from ISPF or with STEPLIB data sets allocated,
you can put certain statements in either /etc/profile or $HOME/.profile.
v If you export a specific STEPLIB, you can have the Language Environment
runtime library (SCEERUN) data set allocated as part of ISPLLIB to invoke
OMVS from ISPF. In this case, you need to customize $HOME/.profile so that
subset of the STEPLIB data sets is propagated
Example: Customize $HOME/.profile so that only the STEPLIB data set
CEE.SCEERUN containing the Language Environment runtime library is
if [ -z "$STEPLIB" ] &&; tty -s;
exec sh -L
Result: A module found in CEE.SCEERUN is loaded from that library into the
user's private storage, even if the same module has been put into the LPA. This
action can become a concern if the STEPLIB points to a Language Environment
runtime library, because several loads are done for each exec() to initialize the
environment. If you have a number of users accessing this load library, you can
avoid directory I/O as well as I/O to load frequently used members by caching
the library in LLA and VLF.

Checking that the sticky bit is set

The z/OS shell is shipped with the sticky bit set on, which reduces I/O and
improves performance. Check to see that the sticky bit is still on by issuing:
ls -l /bin/sh

The first part of the output should be:


The t indicates that the sticky bit is on.

Chapter 18. Tuning performance 403

Organizing file systems to improve performance
How well the file system performs depends on how it is organized. Because a
mountable file system must reside on a single DASD volume, several file systems
on a volume or too much activity in a single file system can cause DASD I/O
response time to be a bottleneck. In addition, some file system locking is done on a
mountable file system basis. For these reasons, each user should normally have a
unique mountable file system.

Another consideration is the placement of files in the file system hierarchy. Files
deep in the hierarchy require several lookups each time they are opened.

Improving performance of security checking

To improve the performance of security checking done for z/OS UNIX, define the
BPX.SAFFASTPATH FACILITY class profile. This reduces overhead when doing
z/OS UNIX security checks for a wide variety of operations. These include file
access checking, IPC access checking, and process ownership checking. For more
information about the BPX.SAFFASTPATH profile, see “Fastpath support for
System Authorization Facility (SAF)” on page 321.

OMVS command and TSO/E response time

When a user goes into the shell environment using the OMVS command from
TSO/E, very long TSO/E response times (several seconds) might be recorded. This
can affect those WLM goals for TSO users that are based on response time.

Normally, a TSO/E transaction starts when a user enters a command and ends
when the command is completed. After the TSO/E command completes, a TGET
WAIT is issued, indicating that the current transaction has completed and a new
transaction will start when there is more work to be done.

In the OMVS shell environment, however, things work a little differently. A

transaction starts when a command is issued from the terminal. After the
command is issued, polling is done to wait for output to return from the
command. Every half second, there is a test for output and a test (TGET NOWAIT)
for terminal input. This goes on for 20 seconds before the session goes into INPUT
mode and does a TGET WAIT for terminal input only. TGET NOWAIT does not
end the current transaction unless terminal input is found. If there is no more
terminal input for over 20 seconds, the transaction does not end until the TGET
WAIT is issued and the session goes into INPUT mode.

In effect, TSO/E users in the shell environment can experience response times of
up to 20 seconds, often with little service consumption. Response times under 20
seconds occur only when users immediately enter the next command.

404 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Chapter 19. Setting up for sockets
A socket is a method of communication between two processes that allows
communication in two directions, in contrast to pipes, which allow communication
in one direction. The processes using a socket can be on the same system or on
different systems in the same network. A program creates a socket with the
socket() function.

When setting up for sockets, your two choices are INET and CINET (Common
INET). These are network sockets, and this topic describes those sockets in detail.
Local network sockets (AF_UNIX), which do not have network connectivity, are
also available, but are not discussed. INET and CINET are file systems that are in
the AF_INET and AF_INET6 family of sockets. This topic helps you decide which
file system is best for you to use and describes how to set it up. It contains
examples that are based on an assumed sample configuration. You will need to
modify the examples based on the requirements for your installation.

User-written socket applications can use TCP/IP as a communication vehicle.

TCP/IP is also the transport provider when users rlogin or telnet from a UNIX
workstation directly into the z/OS shell.

You can use CINET configured with just one stack, but this configuration will not
run as efficiently as INET. “Choosing between INET or CINET” on page 407
provides background information that you may need.

List of subtasks
Subtask Associated procedure
Customizing BPXPRMxx for CINET systems “Steps for customizing BPXPRMxx for
CINET” on page 411

Using single stacks

In a single stack environment, the socket application program is always associated
with the single TCP/IP stack. Figure 46 on page 406 shows an example of a z/OS
UNIX system that uses a single stack.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 405



INET physical file system


IP network

Figure 46. A z/OS UNIX system using a single stack

The TYPE(INET) parameter on the FILESYSTYPE statement defines INET.

INET is defined by the presence of a FILESYSTYPE statement for a socket file

system whose ENTRYPOINT is not BPXTCINT. By convention, and in this topic,
TYPE(INET) parameter for INET configurations is specified. The entry point for
INET is typically EZBPFINI, for z/OS Communications Server (TCP/IP Services).

Using multiple stacks

In the z/OS UNIX Common INET (CINET) environment, the application is
associated with multiple TCP/IP stacks unless the application specifically
associates itself with a particular stack using the socket call setibmopt(). Figure 47
on page 407 shows an example of a z/OS UNIX system that uses multiple stacks.

406 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning



CINET physical file system

stack stack

IP network IP network

Figure 47. A z/OS UNIX system using multiple stacks.

CINET is defined by the presence of a FILESYSTYPE statement with an

ENTRYPOINT of BPXTCINT and the presence of one or more SUBFILESYSTYPE
statements that define the actual TCP/IP stacks to be used. By convention, and in
this topic, TYPE(CINET) parameter for CINET configurations is used. The
entrypoints for the SUBFILESYSTYPE statements are typically EZBPFINI for
several instances of the daemon, which is used to route messages, is shipped with
(TCP/IP Services) or the entry point for a conforming TCP/IP stack that is
provided by a vendor.

For the example in Figure 47, you would have the two SUBFILESYSTYPE
statements to define the two stacks shown in the illustration.

Choosing between INET or CINET

Previous enhancements to TCP/IP have reduced the need for multiple TCP/IP
stacks. CINET may still be a viable choice if you are isolating access from different
networks to the same z/OS UNIX system. An example of such a situation would
be internal company networks versus internet access.

Both this topic and z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide contain
information about running one TCP/IP stack and multiple TCP/IP stacks

Local INET (LINET) has been retired. SUBFILESYSTYPE

ENTRYPOINT(BPXTLINT) was originally supplied as an alternative stack under
CINET for a performance enhancement for AF_INET socket sessions between
programs on the same system. The performance improvements that have been
made in the TCP/IP socket stack in the past have removed the need for LINET. If
LINET is started, an informational message is sent to the system console and
LINET will deactivate itself. This will not affect the use of sockets, and you can
delete the definition of LINET from your BPXPRMxx member at your convenience.

Chapter 19. Setting up for sockets 407

Setting up for INET
Guideline: Use INET unless you have a special reason to use CINET.

To use the single transport provider support, see the following example of the
statements that should be in the BPXPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

Tip: To use the single transport provider support, change the MAXSOCKETS value
to 64000.

IBM Communications Server for z/OS supports the AF_INET6 address family,
which allows socket applications to use the IPv6 APIs. See z/OS Communications
Server: IPv6 Network and Application Design Guide for more information about IPv6

If you want to use the single transport provider support with both AF_INET and
AF_INET6 address families, the following excerpt shows an example of the
statements that should be in the BPXPRMxx member.

Tip: You can activate AF_INET6 without recycling z/OS UNIX by adding this
NETWORK statement to a running configuration with the SETOMVS RESET=()
operator command. Specify a BPXPRMxx member that contains just this one
statement. However, the TCP/IP stack would have to be stopped and restarted in
order to pick up the new definition. You can specify a separate MAXSOCKETS
value for AF_INET6 or default to the value specified for AF_INET. In either case,
each family has its own separate maximum.

Setting up for CINET

The CINET support enables an installation to connect up to 32 transport providers
to z/OS UNIX. The user of the sockets library does not need to change any code to
take advantage of the multiple transports connected to the kernel services.

Note: The CINET support enables an installation to connect up to 32 transport

providers to z/OS UNIX. The user of the sockets library does not need to change
any code to take advantage of the multiple transports connected to the kernel
services. Note that only a maximum of eight z/OS Communications Server
TCP/IP stacks can be active concurrently.

z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference contains the sample TCP/IP

configuration files.

408 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

z/OS Common INET Common INET z/OS

OMPRoute OMPRoute OMPRoute OMPRoute




OSA Adapter OSA Adapter



Figure 48. Multiple transport provider support with two z/OS UNIX systems

Supporting multiple transports and providing a single AF_INET or AF_INET6

image to the user means that CINET must perform a set of management and
distribution functions that govern how a socket behaves with multiple transports.
A fundamental requirement for distributing work across multiple transports is the
need to understand the IP configurations of each. The IP configurations are needed
to determine which transport should handle a bind(), a connect(), or a sendto() to a
particular Internet Protocol (IP) address. An IPv4 address is a 32-bit address
defined by the Internet protocols, and an IPv6 address is a 128-bit address defined
by the Internet protocols.

When the CINET function processes a socket request that requires it to select only
a particular transport based on an input IP address from a user, CINET uses its
copy of each transport's IP configuration to select the correct transport to process
the user's request. Copies of the IP configurations are maintained by CINET
internally and are only used for prerouting a socket call to the correct transport.
The transport that is selected performs all of the official transport functions, such
as IP routing, once the socket request reaches the transport from CINET.

The internal routing table

Each transport connected to kernel services must provide CINET with a copy of its
internal routing table. The CINET function queries the routing tables of the
transports connected to the kernel services. After the CINET prerouter function has
successfully retrieved and stored routing information from a particular transport,
message BPXF206I is issued.

For example, IBM's TCP/IP may refresh its routing tables as part of the OBEYFILE
command. Message BPXF207I is issued to the hardcopy log whenever CINET

Chapter 19. Setting up for sockets 409

deletes internal routing information for a transport. For example, when a z/OS
UNIX-to-TCP/IP connection is severed, the CINET routing information for that
TCP/IP is deleted.

You can display the network routing information for all the active transport
providers being used by CINET prerouter by using the CINET operand of the
DISPLAY OMVS operator command. For example:

Transport providers
The transport providers are specified with the SUBFILESYSTYPE statements in
BPXPRMxx or specified with the SETOMVS command. The default transport
provider is one of the following:
v The transport provider specified as the default on the SUBFILESYSTYPE
statement in BPXPRMxx.
v If DEFAULT was not specified, the transport provider from the first
SUBFILESYSTYPE statement will become the default transport provider while it
is active.
v If DEFAULT was not specified, the first SUBFILESYSTYPE transport provider
specified is not active, and no other stacks are active, then the first transport
provider activated becomes the default. The selection of default transport
providers can become unpredictable if stacks are stopped and restarted while the
specified default transport provider and the first SUBFILESYSTYPE transport
provider are inactive.

Limitations of IP configurations using CINET

Restrictions: System programmers and network designers should be aware of the
following information about the CINET prerouting function:
1. Home IP addresses. Two or more transports running on z/OS that connect to
z/OS UNIX may contain home IP addresses on the same network or
subnetwork. However, load balancing across transports is not done.
2. Network destinations. Two or more transports may have network destinations
that are the same. Again, load balancing across transports is not performed.
3. Metrics for network routes. All routes are equal and their metrics are
If two or more transports maintain network routes to the same destination
network, metric information is needed from each transport in order to correctly
select the best route. For IBM's TCP/IP, this is best accomplished when each
TCP/IP is running with a dynamic routing daemon (OMPROUTE). When two
or more transports maintain indirect routes to the network, statically defined
indirect routes (routes to destinations that do not reside on a transport's
directly attached links) do not provide adequate metric information to select the
shortest route to a destination network.
4. If two or more transports contain network routes with no metric information or
duplicate metrics, then the default transport is called to process the request.
The default transport is either the file system that specified DEFAULT on the
SUBFILESYSTYPE statement (if active), or it is the first transport that was
5. Host routes. Host-defined routes are always searched before network routes.
6. Severed connection to z/OS UNIX services. If a transport should sever its
connection with z/OS UNIX, all routing information for the severed transport

410 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

is deleted. If the severed transport maintained duplicate home or network
routes, these routes are deleted. Subsequent requests for the duplicate routes
are routed to the remaining transports.

Customizing BPXPRMxx for CINET

“Steps for customizing BPXPRMxx for CINET” shows an example of the
statements in the BPXPRMxx member to use the multiple transport provider

Steps for customizing BPXPRMxx for CINET

Before you begin: You must know that:
v The names TCPIP1, TCPIP2, TCPIP3, and TCPIP4 are the names of the TCP/IP
started tasks. The names must match the job names that are associated with the
TCP/IP started task procedure.
v The first TCP/IP has been designated as the default (DEFAULT) transport
v The value specified for the TYPE operand can be any 8-character value, but that
value must match on the FILESYSTYPE statement for CINET, on the
SUBFILESYSTYPE statements for the transport providers, and on the NETWORK
statement for CINET.

Perform the following steps to customize BPXPRMxx for CINET.

1. Specify the following in BPXPRMxx:
2. Specify the AF_INET or dual AF_INET/AF_INET6 sockets physical file systems
that are to be activated.







When you are done, you have customized BPXPRMxx for CINET sockets

1. If you want to use IPv6, add the following NETWORK statement:

IPv6 support is optional.

Chapter 19. Setting up for sockets 411

2. For AF_INET6, you can specify a separate MAXSOCKETS value or let it default
to the value specified for AF_INET. In either case, each family has its own
separate maximum.
are ignored. You can activate AF_INET6 without recycling z/OS UNIX by
adding this NETWORK statement to a running configuration with the
SETOMVS RESET=() operator command. You would specify a BPXPRMxx
member that contains just this one statement. However, you would have to
stop and restart each TCP/IP stack in order to pick up the new definition.

After the default transport provider is assigned, the following actions are taken on
sockets calls unless transport affinity has been established. (For more information,
see “Transport providers” on page 410)
v getsockname(): If there is a single transport provider that has been connected or
bound to, that transport provider is used. Otherwise, the default transport
provider is used.
v gethostname() or gethostid(): The request is always to be routed to the default
transport provider.
v getsockopt() or setsockopt(): If there is a single transport provider that has been
connected or bound to, that transport provider is used. Otherwise, the default
transport provider is used.
v Route selection: When an application program makes a request that could be
sent to any of a number of transport providers (for example, a datagram
sendto() request, connect() request or bind2addrsel() request), the CINET
prerouter examines its internal routing table information and decides which
transport provider to send the request to. If matching host routes or network
routes are found, then following criteria is applied to select the best route in
1. If the route is an implicit and NON-DVIPA route, then it is selected to route
the request regardless of the interface state (active or inactive).
2. If the route is an implicit and DVIPA route, then it is selected to route the
request only if the interface is active.
3. If the route is a non-implicit route (DVIPA or NON-DVIPA), then it is
selected to route the request only if the interface is active.
4. If there are multiple matching non implicit routes, then the route with better
route type and routing metric is selected to route the request.
5. If no matching host routes are found, the CINET prerouter looks for most
specific matching network route.
6. If there are multiple specific matching network routes, then the route with
better route type and routing metric is selected to route the request.
7. If there are no matching host or network routes, then active best default
route is selected to route the request.

1. If there is more than one transport provider that maintains a route to the
destination with the same route type and routing metrics, then the transport
provider specified as the default is chosen.
2. When looking for default routes, if more than one transport provider
maintains a default route, then the transport provider with the better route
type and routing metric is chosen. If there are no active default routes, then
the default transport provider is chosen to route the request.

412 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

These parameters only apply to CINET.

Port reservation information for port 0, INADDR_ANY binds is required for the
AF_INET domain with a CINET configuration. Specify this information on the
statement for AF_INET in BPXPRMxx. This also includes the port 0,
IN6ADDR_ANY binds for AF_INET6.

If you omit both INADDRANYPORT and INADDRANYCOUNT, then those values

will be defaulted. Be careful when allowing the default values because they may
not be the values you want. If you do not want to support any reserved ports,
then specify INADDRANYPORT(xxx) without specifying INADDRANYCOUNT. In
this case, xxx can be any valid numeric value.

INADDRANYPORT specifies the starting port number to be reserved for use by

application programs that issue port 0, INADDR_ANY binds.
INADDRANYCOUNT specifies how many ports to reserve.

If you are running a CINET configuration and you specify the INADDRANYPORT
and INADDRANYCOUNT parameters, you must specify the same values to each
transport provider that is specified on the SUBFILESYSTYPE statement.

Refer to the documentation for that transport provider to determine how the port
reservation information is specified. For IBM's z/OS Communications Services, use
the PORTRANGE profile statement.

If the transport provider does not support the port reservation requirement, you
must still specify INADDRANYPORT and INADDRANYCOUNT to process port 0,
INADDR_ANY binds. In this case, you should specify a high port number for
INADDRANYPORT (for example, 4000) to improve the probability that the port
will be available on the transport provider. If the port is not available on any of the
transport providers connected to z/OS UNIX, a port 0, INADDR_ANY bind will
fail with an ERRNO of EADDRINUSE.

Using specific transports under CINET

The CINET layer performs a multiplexing and demultiplexing function between an
application program and the several transports that are active. When a socket is
initially created with the socket() call, it is generally available to all the transports.
Once the socket becomes associated with a single transport, all subsequent calls go
to that one transport; the other transports have no knowledge of the socket at all.
Server sockets typically remain associated with all the transports while client
sockets often become associated with just one.

Binding to a specific transport

Each transport under CINET has its own home IP addresses. When a program
binds a socket to a specific IP address, that socket becomes associated with the one
transport that supports that IP address.

When a program binds to INADDR_ANY or IN6ADDR_ANY, or an IP address of

all zeros, the socket remains available to all the transports. This is also true for
sockets that are never bound.

Chapter 19. Setting up for sockets 413

Connecting through a specific transport
When a stream, or TCP, socket is connected, it becomes associated with the single
transport that is chosen with the best route to the destination IP address specified
on the connect() call.

Sockets created from accept() are associated with just the one transport on which
the connection arrived.

Requesting transport affinity

When you set transport affinity, sockets are restricted to just one transport. A
program can associate a socket with a specifically-named transport in one of these
1. With setibmopt(IBMTCP_IMAGE), all future socket() calls for AF_INET or
AF_INET6 create sockets that are associated with only the one specified
transport. This can be invoked from non-C programs via
BPX1PCT(PC#SetIbmOptCmd). This specification of a specific transport is
inherited over fork() and propagated over exec().
SetIbmOpt can be issued more than once to change the chosen transport and
affect future sockets that are created. If a blank transport name is used, the
process is reset so that no transports are chosen.
When CINET is not configured, there is only one AF_INET or dual
AF_INET/AF_INET6 transport, and all socket() calls for AF_INET or AF_INET6
create sockets with that transport. In this case, setibmopt() has no effect and is
If the specific transport is not found, setibmopt() fails with
EIBMBADTCPNAME if CINET is installed, and with ENXIO if it isn't.
For more details, see setibmopt() in z/OS XL C/C++ Runtime Library Reference or
pfsctl (BPX1PCT) in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable
Services Reference.
2. Call ioctl(SIOCSETRTTD) associates an existing socket with the one specified
transport, removing the others, if any, from the socket.
3. The _BPXK_SETIBMOPT_TRANSPORT environment variable can be set to the
name of the desired transport before starting the program. This variable can
also be set in the PARM= parameter of a started procedure to have the
Language Environment runtime initialization issue a setibmopt() call on behalf
of the program being started. This variable can also be included in the
_CEE_ENV file.
4. Include a job step that invokes BPXTCAFF. BPXTCAFF is invoked as a job step
in front of an existing program in a started procedure or submitted job stream.
For example:

The desired transport is specified with the PARM= keyword and must be 1 to 8
uppercase characters. This is the same value that would be specified for
_BPXK_SETIBMOPT_TRANSPORT. If PARM= is not supplied, or is blank, then
the address space's transport affinity will be reset to no transport selected. This
can also be specified as PARM=&VAR, where VAR is a PROC keyword that is
passed in from the Start command or is a static system symbol.
BPXTCAFF sets transport affinity for an address space for the duration of that
address space or job. This affinity persists over job steps within the job, persists
over UNIX process termination and re-dubbing, and applies to all UNIX
processes running within that address space. BPXTCAFF is intended for use
with non-C or POSIX(OFF) programs where the

414 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

_BPXK_SETIBMOPT_TRANSPORT environment variable is not effective. It is
also intended for programs that do not make their own calls to setibmopt() or
BPX1PCT or that can not be modified to do so. BPXTCAFF exits with one of
the following return codes in register 15.
0 Successful. TPNAME matched an AF_INET socket transport
2 Minor failure. TPNAME did not match any transport but CINET is not
configured so transport affinity is moot.
8 Failure. CINET is configured and TPNAME did not match any
transport running under CINET.
12 Failure. The interface to the routine was not valid.

To set transport affinity for a TSO address space, you can also invoke
BPXTCAFF from TSO/E by issuing:
To set transport affinity for an address space using a REXX procedure, you can
invoke BPXTCAFF from REXX by issuing:
/* REXX */
Address Linkmvs BPXTCAFF ’TPNAME’
Exit rc
BPXTCAFF makes a call to BPX1PCT(PC#SetIbmOptCmd) with an Arg value of
1 specified to achieve transport affinity for a persistent address space. For more
details, see BPX1PCT in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler
Callable Services Reference.
Restriction: A BPXTCAFF job step must not be used with z/OS UNIX address
spaces that are set up for the NFS or DFS clients. The z/OS UNIX services that
are needed by BPXTCAFF are not available when the colony is started from the
BPXPRMxx member. However, z/OS UNIX cannot finish initialization until the
colonies are initialized, so the system will hang. The technique described in
Step 5 sets up affinity for NFS or DFS clients.
5. Use the PARM= parameter of the z/OS UNIX colony address space. To set
transport affinity for the NFS Client or DFS Client, use the PARM= keyword of
the EXEC statement that starts BPXVCLNY in the colony address space
procedure as follows:
where the PARM=value is the following:
v All in uppercase
v Starts with "TP("
v TPNAME is the left-aligned, 1-to-8-character name of the desired transport
If PARM= is specified and does not conform to these rules, the colony is
terminated by an EC6 abend with a reason code of 11BE8039. When CINET is
configured on the system and the specified transport is not configured under
CINET, the colony is terminated by an EC6 abend with a reason code of
11BE803A. In either case, the colony can be restarted after the procedure is
corrected by replying to the operator prompt that is issued.
Tip: The _BPXK_SETIBMOPT_TRANSPORT environment variable does not
work in a z/OS UNIX colony address space because it does not start under
Language Environment.
6. Specify a transport name when a socket is created.
Individual sockets can be created with transport affinity by passing the
transport name directly to the BPX1SOC callable service. This specific socket
affinity will override any process-level affinity that has been established. This

Chapter 19. Setting up for sockets 415

feature is not available to C programs through the standard socket() function,
but C programs can call BPX1SOC directly. For more information, see BPX1SOC
in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference.
7. Specify a transport name for GETHOSTID() or GETHOSTNAME().
A BPX1HST request for GETHOSTID or GETHOSTNAME can be directed to a
specific transport by using the BPX1PCT(PC#DIRGETHOST) function. This will
override any process-level affinity that has been established. For more
information, see BPX1PCT in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler
Callable Services Reference.

Resolver configuration files

The resolver acts on behalf of programs as a client that accesses name servers for
name-to-address or address-to-name resolution. The resolver can also be used to
provide protocol and services information. To resolve the query for the requesting
program, the resolver can access available name servers, use local definitions (for
example, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts, /etc/ipnodes, HOSTS.SITEINFO,
HOSTS.ADDRINFO, or ETC.IPNODES), or use a combination of both. How and if
the resolver uses name servers is controlled by TCPIP.DATA statements (resolver
directives). The resolver address space must be started before any application or
TCP/IP stack resolver calls can occur.

This topic explains the format of the resolver data sets and files when they are
stored in the z/OS UNIX file system.

Host information
Host information not obtained from a domain name server can be obtained from
local host tables. If you want to know what the options are for creating local host
tables and how the tables are searched, refer to z/OS Communications Server: IP
Configuration Guide.

Service information
Figure 49 shows an extract of the services file. You can copy the sample service
information from /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/services into your tcpip.ETC.SERVICES
data set or /etc/services file. See z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration
Reference for more information about the syntax rules for /etc/services and

echo 7/tcp
echo 7/udp
discard 9/tcp sink null
discard 9/udp sink null
systat 11/tcp users
daytime 13/tcp
daytime 13/udp
netstat 15/tcp
qotd 17/tcp
chargen 19/tcp

Figure 49. Partial extract of the services information

Protocol information
You can copy the sample protocol information from /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/
protocol into your tcpip.ETC.PROTO data set or /etc/protocol file.

416 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

To see the MVS version of the TCPIP.DATA data set, see the sample in the topic on
defining TCP/IP client system parameters in z/OS Communications Server: IP
Configuration Reference.

Resolver information
The TCPIP.DATA data set is the only one of the TCP/IP data sets for which a
unique copy is needed for each transport provider. This is because the
TCPIPJOBNAME statement identifies the TCP/IP address space and the
HOSTNAME statement identifies the host name of the TCP/IP address space.

The following example shows a typical TCP/IP syntax:

Datasetprefix TCPIP.TEST1 ; This stack’s data set prefix
TCPIPjobname TCPCO1 ; Stack name
NSinterAddr ; Name server (on this system)
NSportAddr 53 ; Name server port number
ResolveVia UDP ; Use UDP for Name server
ResolverTimeout 30 ; 30-second name server timeout;
ResolverUdpRetries 1 ; Retry name server once
HostName TCPIP1 ; My host name
DomainOrigin pok.ibm.com ; My domain origin
Messagecase mixed ; Issue mixed-case messages

The following example shows a typical z/OS UNIX syntax:

domain pok.ibm.com

The system processes this information during the initial request for service. It
accepts either format for the information supplied regardless of the source selected.

When they are mixed, only the last domain or DOMAINORIGIN data is used and
up to 16 name server's addresses are used for initialization. However, if you set up
/etc/resolv.conf to supply resolver information, you must specify the
DATASETPREFIX information in /etc/resolv.conf unless you have also set up
/etc/services, /etc/protocol, and /etc/hosts files.

Any mix of MVS data sets and z/OS UNIX files can be used. For example, you
could use the TCPIP.DATA information from SYS1.TCPPARMS, the service and
protocol information from ETC.SERVICE and ETC.PROTO and use the /etc
directory in the z/OS UNIX file system to record hosts names and addresses of the
z/OS UNIX hosts file.

Displaying information about sockets

You can display information about AF_INET, AF_INET6, and AF_UNIX sockets as
described in “Displaying information about local and network sockets” on page

Chapter 19. Setting up for sockets 417

418 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 20. Managing accounting work
You can measure, collect, and report accounting information.

List of subtasks
Subtasks Associated procedure
Modifying the accounting information for the “Steps for modifying accounting
OMVS and BPXOINIT address spaces information” on page 420
Checking job names and accounting “Steps for activating the IEFUJI exit for
information using IEFUJI OMVS work” on page 422

Using system management facilities (SMF)

To perform accounting for UNIX workloads, use system management facilities
(SMF). Basic accounting models that use address-space level data from SMF type
30 records should work correctly for UNIX processes. Be aware that:
v The TCB time in SMF type 30 record includes the time in the kernel address
v The address-space level EXCP (I/O) count includes the I/O for UNIX files.
v If the program in a user address space issues fork(), the child inherits the TSO/E
user ID and the UID.

To weigh central processor time or I/O or both, use the fields in SMF type 30
records to isolate the resources used. Record type 30 also includes the user
identification fields:
v Process ID (PID)
v Parent process ID (PPID)
v Process group ID (PGID)
v Session ID (SID)

For detailed file system and file open and close activity data, look in SMF record
type 92.

When you perform the accounting, one other major factor to be aware of is that
the exec() family of functions typically causes step termination and a new substep
is started. The new substep still has the same step number, but the substep number
is incremented. Therefore, accounting applications must look for substep_number
in addition to job name, job_start_time, and step_number.

The kernel creates other address spaces, such as BPXOINIT, and forks other
programs—for example, /etc/init. The kernel and all its child processes use the
same account number. BPXOINIT is the source of the account number propagated
to the /etc/rc and daemons.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 419

Because the kernel is a started procedure, you can assign accounting data only by
coding a JCL installation exit. Alternatively, you can allow the resources used by
the kernel and its forked address spaces to be accounted for as system overhead.

Assigning account numbers for forked address spaces

Account numbers for forked or spawned address spaces are set as follows:
v Forked or spawned address spaces inherit accounting data from the parent
address space.
v When daemon processes such as rlogind or cron create new work using setuid()
and exec(), accounting data comes from the user's RACF profile (the WAACCNT
value in the WORKATTR segment). If this value is not defined in RACF, the
address space will not have accounting data.
Guideline: The user ID starting the cron daemon should be different than the
user ID running the cron jobs in order to pick up the correct WAACCNT
information in the WORKATTR segment for the cron jobs that are running.
In addition, if you have multiple UID(0) users defined, and you want to track
SMF accounting data for the cron daemon itself, there is no guarantee you will
get the same user ID that started the cron daemon in your SMF type 30 records.
If there are multiple user IDs in the OMVS segments that share UID(0), it will
not be known which RACF profile will be used to create accounting data, so
results will be unpredictable.
v Accounting data can also be verified or changed using the IEFUAV or IEFUSI
installation exits.
Restriction: Your IEFUSI exit will not receive any step account information for
forked address spaces.
v With the _BPX_ACCT_DATA environment variable, users can change the
account data for a process that is about to be exec()'d or spawned.
v With the __spawn() service, the caller can define account information in the
spawn inheritance structure.

The IEFUAV exit is only passed control when the IEFUAV exit is activated for
subsystem OMVS (or all subsystems). This environment typically describes the
environment in which a daemon determines the identity of a client, sets up the
security environment, and passes the routine control.

In the case of a fork(), spawn(), or exec() where the accounting data is provided by
a superuser, the IEFUAV exit is not passed control.

Modifying the accounting information for the OMVS and BPXOINIT

address spaces
Account information for TSO users who log into the shell environment and run
utilities or shell scripts comes from the TSO/E logon panel account field. This is
true even for users who have a WORKATTR segment in the security product data

Steps for modifying accounting information

Before you begin: You must decide whether to put the IEFJOBS DD statement in
the MSTJCLxx member or in the MSTJCLxx module in SYS1.LINKLIB. The

420 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

advantage to using the MSTJCLxx member is that it is easier to make changes to
the master JCL. For more information about using the MSTJCLxx member, see z/OS
MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Perform the following steps to modify account information by putting the IEFJOBS
DD statement in the MSTJCLxx member.
1. Put an IEFJOBS DD statement in the MSTJCLxx member. The statement must
point to a data set called SYS1.STCJOBS, which is an FB 80 data set. For
// EXEC PGM=IEEMB860,DPRTY=(15,15)
2. Create a data member in the SYS1.STCJOBS data set that has the same name as
the started procedure.

If the started Then the data member should contain ...

procedure is ...

Account data for BPXOINIT is propagated to the /etc/init process (or

/usr/sbin/init) and all the processes that they create.
3. IPL the system.

When you are done, you have modified the accounting information in both OMVS
and BPXOINIT address spaces.

Validating user accounts using the IEFUAV exit

After the IEFUAV exit receives control for forked or spawned address space, the
accounting information can be checked.

If the _BPX_ACCT_DATA environment variable and the account data was not
specified in the spawn inheritance structure for _spawn only, then the account data
passed to the exit is the same as the account data of the parent of the
forked/spawned address space.

If the _BPX_ACCT_DATA environment variable or account data was specified in

the spawn inheritance structure for _spawn, then this is the account data that is
seen in this exit. For spawned address spaces, the account data in the spawn
inheritance structure takes precedence over account data from the
_BPX_ACCT_DATA environment variable.

Chapter 20. Managing accounting work 421

If the IEFUAV exit sets a return code indicating that the user is not to be allowed
to continue, the reason code 0BFC0432 is issued and the address space is
v 0BFC0432 — issued from module BPXPRJSR
v Reason code 0432 - JRJsrUavXit - The IEFUAV exit rejected the accounting data
If users are running in the shell, they might see the following message:
FSUM9209 cannot execute: reason code 0bfc0432

Message BPXP005I is written to the job log for the user:

BPXP005I A fork or spawn error was encountered.
Return code 00000070 Reason code 0BFC0432

Checking job names and accounting information using the IEFUJI exit
Use the IEFUJI installation exit to check job names, accounting information, or
both. You will have to customize your system setup in order to activate the IEFUJI
installation exit for z/OS UNIX services. (The OMVS, BPXOINIT and BPXAS
address spaces have a subsystem type of STC. Other address spaces that are
started by BPXOINIT have a subsystem type of OMVS.)

See z/OS MVS Installation Exits for more information about the IEFUJI installation

Steps for activating the IEFUJI exit for OMVS work

Before you begin: You must know that when defining OMVS, you must use the
keyword parameter form of the IEFSSNxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. Subsystems
defined in the keyword parameter form can use dynamic SSI services, while
positional format cannot.

Perform the following steps to activate the IEFUJI installation exit.

1. Define OMVS as a subsystem by adding it to the IEFSSNxx member.
Example: To define OMVS, using the keyword parameter form of the IEFSSNxx
If you define SUBSYS(OMVS) in IEFSSNxx and then use SET OMVS
commands, you might receive a warning message stating that the notification
of SUBSYS(OMVS) failed. Ignore this message.
If you want to use the positional parameter form, it is still supported. However,
subsytems defined using the positional parameter form cannot use dynamic SSI
services. For more information about the positional parameter form of the
IEFSSNxx member, see z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.
Example: To define OMVS, using the positional parameter form of the
IEFSSNxx member:
To learn more about writing subsystems, see z/OS MVS Using the Subsystem
2. Specify the subsystem type in the SMFPRMxx member. For example:

422 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Tip: Specify your installation-specific options for TYPE, INTERVAL, and
DETAIL in the SUBSYS statement. If you specify EXITS, then only those listed
are invoked for OMVS work. If EXITS is not specified, all SMF exits are
3. Specify IEFUJI in the EXITS option of PROGxx. If it is not specified, it will not
get control of work attributed to the address spaces (such as logging into the
shell environment, running utilities, or executing shell scripts).
Example: Use one of the following:
Result: IEFUJI is called for forked or spawned address spaces, or both.
4. Add system processes and any daemons you intend to start from /etc/rc to the
job names exclusion list.
Guideline: Add the following system processes to the job name exclusion list
for the IEFUJI installation exit:

When you are done, IEFUJI will have been activated.

Restriction: You cannot distinguish a forked or spawned address space as being

used for foreground or background activity. When the IEFUJI installation exit
obtains control for a forked or spawned address space, a flag is set in the interface
identifying it as a foreground job. In the past, the only time this flag was set was
for TSO address spaces. In a TSO address space, there is a TSB pointed to by
ASCBTSB. For an address space of subsystype OMVS, ASCBTSB is zero and no
TSB exists. Therefore, you cannot count on having a TSB just because the SMF flag
identifies it as a foreground job.

If the IEFUJI exit sets a return code indication that the user should not be able to
continue, the initiator will try again. An attempt is made to fork the address space
again and if the IEFUJI exit sets the same return code, then reason code 0BFC0434
is set and the address space is terminated.
v 0BFC0434 (issued from module BPXPRJSR)
v Reason code 0434 - JrJsrint (Internal error from BPXPRJSR)

If users are running in the shell, they might see the following message:
FSUM7726 cannot fork - reason code 0bfc0434

Message BPXP005I is written to the job log for the user:

BPXP005I A fork or spawn error was encountered.
Return code 00000070 Reason code 0BFC0434

Chapter 20. Managing accounting work 423

Using the IEFUJV job validation exit
At the time of the first fork or spawn, IEFUJV is entered with a subsystem value of
OMVS and a job name of BPXYOEJS, which is the job that is used to create the
SWA control blocks used by all subsequent forked or spawned address spaces. The
IEFUJV exit is not given control for forked or spawned address spaces under
subsystem OMVS.

The BPXAS initiators, in which the forked or spawned processes run, do go

through the IEFUJV exit with a subsystem value of STC. The IEFUJV exit is given
control when the BPXAS initiator is first started. When subsequent fork/spawn
requests use that BPXAS initiator address space, the IEFUJV exit is not called
because the BPXAS initiator is already active.

The account data that is on the job card for the BPXAS procedure is propagated
from the BPXOINIT job. If a BPXOINIT job is defined in SYS1.STCJOBS and the
SYS1.STCJOBS data set is set up so that it is used during IPL, then an installation
can define account data there that will be propagated to the BPXAS procedure.

The BPXOINIT job is started and the account data is saved in SWA blocks in
internal text format. Then, later, when the first BPXAS procedure is started, z/OS
UNIX reads the account data that was saved in the SWA blocks and adds the
account data to the default job card that it builds. The default job card looks like
the following:

z/OS UNIX takes the account data and reconstructs the internal text to a format
that can be placed on a JCL statement. The account data is reconstructed by
placing quotes around each account data field and then parentheses around the
account data. As a result, the account data might look different than it did when it
was defined on the BPXOINIT job. For example, if BPXOINIT had the account data
defined as (AA,BB), then when z/OS UNIX adds it to the BPXYOEJS job card, the
account data is reconstructed as (’AA’,’BB’).

Using the IEFUSI step initiation exit

When the IEFUSI exit receives control, one of the parameters that is passed is the
region size that was requested for the JOB or EXEC test JCL statement. For a
forked address space, this is displayed as 54M. This value comes from the default
SWA blocks that are defined in module BPXPRBS. This is the default JCL that is
used when creating forked address spaces.

If the IEFUSI exit does not change any of the region limit values, then the region
value is propagated from parent to child, overriding the 54M value. If the region
limit value is changed, then the region value is not propagated. The value set by
the IEFUSI exit is used instead.

If the IEFUSI exit sets a return code indication that the user should not be able to
continue, the initiator will try again. An attempt is made to fork the address space
again and if the IEFUSI exit sets the same return code, then reason code 0BFC0434
is set and the address space is terminated.
v 0BFC0434 — issued from module BPXPRJSR
v Reason code 0434 - JrJsrint - Internal error from BPXPRJSR
If users are running in the shell, they might see the following message:

424 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

FSUM7726 cannot fork - reason code 0bfc0434

Message BPXP005I is written to the job log for the user:

BPXP005I A fork or spawn error was encountered.
Return code 00000070 Reason code 0BFC0434

Generating job names for OMVS address spaces

When the kernel provides an address space for a fork or spawn request, the
following rules are used when generating the job name:
1. For fork and spawn requests that do not involve changing user IDs, the job
name of the child is set to the base job name with a number from 1 to 9
appended at the end. For example, if you logon to TSO, you will have a job
name that is the same as your user ID (for example, SMORG). The first fork or
spawn creates an address space with SMORG1. In this case, the base job name
is SMORG and all children inherit the same base job name.
Continuing this example, if address space SMORG1 does a fork or spawn, the
new child address space will have a job name of SMORG1 to SMORG9. It is
possible to have multiple address spaces with the same job name running
2. If you run a batch job with a job name that is 8 characters long (such as
PAYROLLX), then all child processes created by this job have the same job
3. When you use rlogin to enter the system, the rlogin daemon prompts for your
user ID and password or password phrase. The daemon then validates the
caller and performs a setuid() followed by an exec(). The setuid()/exec()
combination triggers the kernel to change the job name of the address space to
the user ID. Because rlogin supports 8-character user IDs, any children created
by this process will follow the rules defined in Step 1 and Step 2, depending on
the length of the user ID.
4. If a daemon issues a spawn() with user ID, the child address space is assigned
a job name that is the same as the user ID.
5. If a daemon does a spawn() or exec() with the _BPX_JOBNAME environment
variable set, the address space gets the requested job name.
Any time the job name is changed, the new job name becomes the base job name
for future children.

Restriction: JES attributes for a job with a job name assigned with
_BPX_JOBNAME cannot be displayed by job display commands under JES2 or

Chapter 20. Managing accounting work 425

426 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Chapter 21. IBM Health Checker for z/OS
IBM Health Checker for z/OS checks the current active z/OS and sysplex settings
and definitions for an image and compares their values to either those suggested
by IBM or defined by you. It identifies potential problems before they affect your
availability or, in worst cases, cause outages.

The z/OS UNIX checks are as follows:

Evaluates the delay times of the configuration.
Evaluates the configuration of the file system.
In a shared file system configuration, checks whether each file system that
can be locally accessed by a non-owning system is indeed locally accessed.
Checks all mounted file systems and issues a message if any file systems of
type HFS are found.
Verifies that file systems that are specified in the BPXPRMxx member were
mounted successfully. It checks the values that were specified in
BPXPRMxx at initialization time. If BPXPRMxx was updated after
initialization with different values, those changed values are not included
in subsequent checks. Only the initial values are checked.
Evaluates whether the MAXSOCKETS and MAXFILEPROC statements in
the BPXPRMxx member are set high enough.
Determines whether there are differences between current system settings
and the settings defined in the BPXPRMxx member. If a difference is
found, an exception message is issued. You will receive a report that lists
the differences.

For more information about IBM Health Checker for z/OS, see IBM Health Checker
for z/OS: User's Guide.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 427

428 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Appendix A. Commonly used environment variables
An environment variable is a variable that describes the operating environment of a
process and typically includes information about the home directory, command
search path, the terminal in use, and the current time zone. Setting an environment
variable is optional. If a variable is not set, it will not have any value. This topic
contains a partial list of _BPX, _BPXK, and _CEE environment variables.

For information about environment variables used by a particular command, read

the description of that command. See z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide for more
information about environment variables that are used by the C-RTL.

_BPX environment variables

This section contains a partial list of the _BPX environment variables.
Used by the exec callable service to change the account data of the new
process image. For the rules on specifying account data, see the description
of the exec callable service in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming:
Assembler Callable Services Reference.
Specifies whether BPXBATCH is to use spawn instead of either fork or
exec when executing programs.
Spawn is used to execute the program. Data definitions are carried
over into the spawned process.
Guideline: When using _BPX_BATCH_SPAWN, you should
consider two other environment variables that affect spawn
behavior, _BPX_SHAREAS and BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT. For more
details, see BPXBATCH in z/OS UNIX System Services Command
No Either fork or exec is used to execute the program. NO is
equivalent to the default
Modifies the permission bits on newly created files instead of using the
default mask, if PGM has been defined. For more details, see BPXBATCH
in z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference.
Specifies the job name of the process, or changes the name. You can specify
a string of 1-to-8 alphanumeric characters. Incorrect specifications are
ignored. The environment variable is processed on the next spawn() or
exec() service with the specified job name being used in the new image.
Requirement: Before the job name can be changed, the invoker must have
appropriate privileges. The privileges include either superuser authority or
READ permission to BPX.JOBNAME FACILITY class profile. The invoker
must also be running in a space created by the fork callable services.
Otherwise _BPX_JOBNAME is ignored.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 429

Used when you want to debug target programs.
YES Programs that are invoked by the spawn, exec, and attach_exec
callable services or by the C language spawn() and exec() functions
are loaded into user-modifiable storage. Then those target
programs can be debugged. The programs that are loaded into
storage when the target program is executed, except for modules
loaded from LPA, are also loaded.
Specifies whether the spawned child process is to be run in a separate
address space from the login shell's address space or in the same address
space. Use _BPX_SHAREAS is to improve performance in the z/OS shell.
The spawn callable service uses _BPX_SHAREAS when creating child
Restriction: If tcsh is your login shell, do not use BPX_SHAREAS.
YES The child process is created on a subtask in the parent's address
space. If the request cannot be honored, the child is created in
another address space.
NO The child process is created in a new address space. NO is the
The child process is created on a subtask in the parent's address
space. If the request cannot be honored, the request will not
Restriction: Sometimes the YES and MUST values cannot be used. For
more details, see the description of the spawn callable service in z/OS
UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference.
For a discussion of the benefits and side effects of using BPX_SHAREAS,
see “Setting _BPX_SHAREAS and _BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT” on page 402.
Indicates whether the specified file is to be treated as a shell script. Use
_BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT to improve performance when running z/OS shell
YES Treats the specified file as a shell script if it is not an executable
process image file or a REXX exec. The shell is also executed to run
the specified shell script. You can specify the path name for the
shell in the SHELL environment variable on spawn's environment
data list. You can also use /bin/sh as the default. The first
argument passed when spawning a shell script should be the path
name of the shell script.
NO If the specified file is not an executable process image file or a
REXX exec, the spawn callable service fails with the ENOEXEC
return code. NO is the default if _BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT is not
specified or if it contains an unsupported value.
For more information about performance considerations when using
_BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT” on page 402.
Restriction: If tcsh is your login shell, do not use _BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT
because it is only used for improving performance of /bin/sh scripts.

430 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Enables shell scripts to determine if the user logged on from TSO, rather
than from rlogin or telnet.
Specifies output limits that are processed only for non-local spawn
Rule: To use _BPX_UNLIMITED_OUTPUT, the caller must be a superuser
or be permitted to the BPX.UNLIMITED.OUTPUT FACILITY class profile
with READ access or greater.
YES Specifies unlimited spooled output.
NO Specifies that the default spooled output limits is to be used. Not
defining or specifying a value is the equivalent of specifying NO
and the defaults limits are not overridden.
Specifies that the child process is to be created with the specified MVS user
identity. _BPX_USERID is used by the spawn callable service.
Example: _BPX_USERID=DANIEL creates a child process with the
DANIEL user ID to run the spawned program. Authorization for use of the
_BPX_USERID is the same as that for the setuid() function. Child processes
running with a different user identity than the parent's are always created
in a new address space. _BPX_SHAREAS is ignored in this case.
Using _BPX_USERID can improve performance for a program. The
program can establish a new user identity for the child that runs the
spawned program, instead of creating a child with the original user
identity and having the child establish a new user identity. Otherwise, that
program would have forked a new address space before establishing a new
user identity for the new address space by issuing initgroups(), setgid(),
and setuid(), and so forth. Then it would have done an exec() of the
program that was to run under the new user identity.
Guideline: Be careful when using _BPX_USERID. Typically, environment
variables passed on spawn are still active in the child process. If
_BPX_USERID is set in the parent and not cleared in the child, any spawn
calls issued by the child picks up the same _BPX_USERID setting. This
behavior is likely to be undesirable. The support that allows the
specification of a user ID in the inheritance structure on spawn does not
have this drawback.

_BPXK environment variables

This section contains a partial list of the _BPXK environment variables.
Used when enabling automatic conversion of tagged files. When set, this
variable overrides the AUTOCVT setting in BPXPRMxx.
ON Activates the automatic file conversion of tagged files. This option
affects conversion for I/O for regular, pipe, and character-special
files that are tagged.
OFF Deactivates the automatic file conversion of tagged files. OFF is the
ALL Activates the automatic conversion of tagged files that are
supported by Unicode Services. This option affects conversion for

Appendix A. Commonly used environment variables 431

I/O for regular and pipe files that are tagged. Setting or unsetting
ALL has no effect after translation for a file begins. If the
conversion is between EBCDIC and ASCII, this option also affects
conversion for I/O for character special files.
Defines an EBCDIC/ASCII pair of valid coded character set IDs (CCSIDs)
to be used when automatically converting data or tagging new files. For
Attaches the security environment of the caller of either the setuid(),
seteuid(), or setreuid() services to the security environment of the target
UID. This combined security environment is called a nested ACEE. Using
the nested ACEE, the new client identity can then access RACF delegated
resources to which only the caller (for example, a daemon), but not the
client, is permitted. A RACF-protected resource is delegated if the profile
protecting the resource has the string ’RACF-DELEGATED’ in the application
data (APPLDATA) field. For more information about authorizing daemons
to use delegated resources, see z/OS Security Server RACF Security
Administrator's Guide.
YES Attaches the security environment of the caller of either the
setuid(), seteuid(), or setreuid() services to the security
environment of the target UID. The new client identity can then
access MVS resources that are protected by profiles with
NO Security environments are built the way that they normally are.
NO is the default.
Specifies whether normal system shared library program processing is
enabled (NO) or disabled (YES) for a process.
YES System shared libraries are disabled. When loading a program with
the system shared library extended attribute (st_sharelib), the
attribute is ignored and the program is loaded into the caller's
private storage. Virtual storage is not allocated from the caller's
region for system shared libraries.
NO System shared libraries are enabled, with normal processing of
system shared library programs. NO is the default setting.

1. The scope of _BPXK_DISABLE_SHLIB scope is process-wide.
2. In a multiple process address space each process must disable system
shared libraries to prevent SHRLIBREGSIZE bytes from being allocated
from the caller's region. All processes in the same address space share
the same region.
3. The _BPXK_DISABLE_SHLIB setting is propagated on both fork and
spawn from the parent to the child process.
4. The z/OS UNIX spawn (BPX1SPN), exec (BPX1EXC and BPX1ATX) and
oe_env_np (BPX1ENV) services have support for

432 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

5. The use of the_BPXK_DISABLE_SHLIB environment variable disables
the sharing of storage for system shared libraries and can increase the
amount of real or auxiliary storage consumed.
Controls the behavior of the pthread_cancel() service for the scope of the
process that sets this environment variable.
YES Specifies that the pthread_cancel() service is to cancel the target
thread even if it is not in a normally cancelable state. To
accomplish this task, the pthread_cancel() service can wait up to
three seconds to ensure that the targeted thread is terminated. If
the normal signal mechanism does not terminate the thread in that
time, then the nonresponding thread is terminated with a 422
ABEND, reason code 1A0. The threads that can be canceled with
this setting include:
v Threads that are waiting but do not use a z/OS UNIX service to
enter the wait.
v Threads that are running in an MVS service other than one
provided by z/OS UNIX.
v Threads that are running with a non-z/OS UNIX linkage stack
entry at the top of the stack
This environment variable does not override the interruptability
state set by pthread_setintr() or the interruptability type set by
pthread_setintrtype(). The behavior for a thread that has been
created but not yet assigned to a task control block (TCB) is not
affected by this environment variable. The cancel remains pending
and is delivered when the thread is assigned to a TCB. Threads
that are waiting in a z/OS UNIX service that is not defined as a
cancellation point are also not affected by this environment
variable. See the usage notes for the pthread_setintr() service in
z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services
Reference for the definition of thread cancellation points.
NO Specifies that the pthread_cancel() service retains the existing
behavior. NO is the default.
Specifies whether a process is to be dynamically started with the respawn
YES Specifies that a process is to be started with the respawn attribute.
Setting the YES attribute after the process has started does not
affect the setting of the respawn attribute. If a process is started by
a spawn with _BPXK_INITTAB_RESPAWN=YES (set by an export
shell command, for example), the shell invokes the target program.
The program will be automatically restarted when it ends, even if
it was not originally started from the /etc/inittab file.
To set the variable to YES, you must have superuser authority.
NO Disables the respawn capability of the process.
The NO setting must be set by an application (by a putenv call, for
example), while it is running.

Appendix A. Commonly used environment variables 433

You can choose the NO setting to allow for a problem to be fixed if
one forced the application to end. Doing so prevents the
application from being restarted automatically again with the same
Specifies whether WTO messages are to be written to an open job log file.
For more information about setting _BPXK_JOBLOG, see “Writing
messages to a job log file” on page 323.
nn The job log messages are to be written to open file descriptor nn.
Job log messages are not written. NONE is the default.
Messages are written to the standard error file descriptor, 2.
Specifies whether a SYSMDUMP is to be written to the current working
directory or an MVS data set.
OFF The dump is written to the current working directory. OFF is the
This dump is written only if the user allocates a SYSMDUMP data
set for the TSO/E session. The system creates a file in the user's
working directory, names it coredump.pid, where pid is the process
ID for the process being dumped, and writes the core dump
(SYSMDUMP) in hexadecimal format.
MVS data set name
The dump is written to an MVS data set. The data set name can be
up to 44 characters long. It can also be uppercase or lowercase. If it
is lowercase or mixed case, the data set name is folded to
The data set name must be a fully qualified name. It must also be
preallocated and cataloged.
z/OS UNIX name
The dump is written to a z/OS UNIX file. The file name can be up
to 1024 characters long.
The file name must be an absolute path name; that is, it must
begin with a slash. The slash refers to the root directory, and the
file is created in that directory.
Identifies the program CCSID for the running thread or user. It can be
used to override the internal default of 1047 (EBCDIC). Any value between
0 and 65535 can be assigned, but to avoid any subsequent errors, only
values that are supported by Unicode Services should be used. Setting or
unsetting this variable has no effect after translation for a file begins. When
unset, the internal value of the program CCSID reverts to the default of
Used in a Common INET configuration to choose a socket stack for a

434 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Specifies whether the setuid indicator is propagated to a child address
space that was created by a fork process.
YES The setuid indicator is propagated to child processes that were
created by a fork process. If those children perform a job step exec,
it is treated as a new job exec. A new job exec will update
job-related attributes to match the RACF identity.
NO The setuid indicator is not propagated to child processes that were
created by a fork process. A job step exec from the child will not be
a new job exec. NO is the default.
Specifies the Unicode Services conversion technique to use for the I/O
conversion operation. Setting or unsetting this variable has no effect after
conversion of the file starts. If _BPXK_TECHNIQUE is not specified, the
default is LMREC. For more information, see z/OS Unicode Services User's
Guide and Reference.
R Roundtrip
E Enforced subset
C Customized subset
L Language Environment behavior
M Modified for special use
0-9 User-defined conversions
Specifies whether the process should time out or not.
SMF Uses the JWT|TWT|SWT values specified in SMFRMxx.
Specifies that this process is not to be timed out.

The timeout value used is the SMF settings for JWT/TWT/SWT. The
_BPXK_TIMEOUT variable is ignored when PWT is set to SMF. It is
honored when BPXPRMxx PWT is set to ENV or SMFENV.
Specifies the Unicode Services conversion technique to use for the I/O
translation operation. Setting or unsetting this variable has no effect after
translation for a file starts. If _BPXK_UNICODE_TECHNIQUE is not
specified, the Unicode Services default applies. Any eight of the following
characters techniques can be specified. Do not specify spaces or commas.
For more information, see z/OS Unicode Services User's Guide and Reference.
R Roundtrip
E Enforced subset
C Customized subset
L Language Environment behavior
M Modified for special use
0-9 User-defined conversions
Specifies the Unicode Services substitution action to take for the translation
operation when a source character is malformed. Setting or unsetting this
variable has no effect after translation for a file begins.
_BPXK_UNICODE_SUB must be YES for this option to apply. For more
information, see z/OS Unicode Services User's Guide and Reference.

Appendix A. Commonly used environment variables 435

NO Unicode Services performs the substitution action. NO is the
YES Unicode Services and, therefore z/OS UNIX, terminates the I/O
with an error. _BPXK_UNICODE_SUB must be YES for this option
to apply. YES is the default.
Specifies the Unicode Services substitution action to take for I/O
translation operation when a source character is not convertible to a target
character. Setting or unsetting this variable has no effect after translation
for a file begins. For more information, see z/OS Unicode Services User's
Guide and Reference.
NO Instructs Unicode Services and, therefore z/OS UNIX, to terminate
the I/O with an error. NO is the default.
YES Instructs Unicode Services to place a substitute character in the
output buffer.
Controls propagation of WLM enclaves that were not created by the z/OS
UNIX kernel.
YES z/OS UNIX services propagates all enclaves (address spaces or
task). The services that propagate enclaves are fork(), exec(),
spawn(), pthread_create(), _osenv(), and FastCGI. YES is the
NO z/OS UNIX services does not propagate any enclaves that were
not created by the z/OS UNIX kernel.

_CEE environment variables

This section contains a partial list of the _CEE environment variables.
Enables a list of environment variables to be set from a specified file. It
does not strip trailing white spaces from each name=value read from a file.
Rule: _CEE_ENVFILE must be set through the ENVAR runtime option
during initialization of a parent program.
_CEE_ENVFILE is intended for use in batch programs. Because it can
supersede built-in shell environment variables such as LIBPATH, do not
use _CEE_ENVFILE in the shell environment. For more information about
the _CEE_ENVFILE environment variable, see z/OS XL C/C++ Programming
When both _CEE_ENVFILE and _CEE_ENVFILE_S are specified,
_CEE_ENVFILE_S takes precedence.
Enables a list of environment variables to be set from a specified file. It
strips trailing white spaces from each name=value line read from a file.
Rule: _CEE_ENVFILE must be set through the ENVAR runtime option
during initialization of a parent program.
For more information about the _CEE_ENVFILE_S environment variable,
see z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide.

436 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

When both _CEE_ENVFILE and _CEE_ENVFILE_S are specified,
_CEE_ENVFILE_S takes precedence.

Appendix A. Commonly used environment variables 437

438 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Appendix B. Modules for the login and logout functions
FOMTLINP module for the login function
The FOMTLINP module (/bin/fomtlinp) performs the login function. The login
command initiates sessions on the system for the user specified by the user
parameter. You can also specify environment variables to be added to the user's

The FOMTLINP module is the interface used by rlogin and telnet in z/OS UNIX.
In UNIX programs, rlogin calls the login command; for the z/OS shell, rlogin calls
this module. For z/OS UNIX, rlogin checks passwords and password phrases.

* Function:
* --------
* This routine is attach_exec()ed to or spawn()ed to from a
* non-superuser caller (unless UID 0 is logging on).
* It receives an open master and slave pseudo-TTY pair as input.
* It sets up file descriptors 0/1/2 as usual, sets up several
* environment variables, fork/exec()s /bin/fomtlinc to do the utmpx
* recording, and than exec()s to the shell.
* Parameters:
* ----------
* 1:IN argc -- usual main() parameter
* = 17 -- normal version
* 2:IN argv -- usual main() parameter
* note: all arguments are the usual NULL-terminated C/370
* strings
* max
* len argument description
* --- -------- -------------------------------------------
* 15 argv[0] = program name
* "fomtlinp"
* 16 argv[1] = magic number string (to prevent accidental
* invocation from shell command line)
* "*4OurhrEa)R0,H/h" (required value)
* 47 argv[2] = message catalog name for catopen()
* Empty string means use the default message
* catalog ="fomcmcat.cat".
* catopen() will supply the full path
* name by looking at any inherited settings

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 439

* for LC_MESSAGES, NLSPATH, etc. (note that
* catopen() is issued with the NL_CAT_LOCALE
* parameter.)
* -- argv[3] = message catalog set for catopen()
* "0" means to use the default catalog set,
* which is 2
* -- argv[4] = master pseudo-TTY file descriptor
* The correct value is required, if the master
* TTY file descriptor is open in the
* spawned process. If the master TTY is
* closed (perhaps because FD_CLOEXEC was set),
* this parameter must be the number of some
* closed file descriptor.
* -- argv[5] = slave pseudo-TTY file descriptor
* (correct value is required -- must be open)
* -- argv[6] = highest used file descriptor
* (This value is used only if fcntl(F_CLOSFD)
* fails (perhaps because one of the file
* descriptors was opened by an authorized
* program, etc.). fomtlinp will then close
* (one-by-one) all file descriptors from 3 to
* argv[6] + argv[7] onclusive.)
* This argument should not be needed by anyone
* other than the TSO/E OMVS command.
* -- argv[7] = extra file descriptors to close
* (This value is used only if fcntl(F_CLOSFD)
* fails (perhaps because one of the file
* descriptors was opened by an authorized
* program, etc.). fomtlinp will then close
* (one-by-one) all file descriptors from 3 to
* argv[6] + argv[7] inclusive.)
* This argument should not be needed by anyone
* other than the TSO/E OMVS command.
* -- argv[8] = debug level
* controls whether or not (hidden) debug
* messages are sent to the TTY slave file
* descriptor or STDERR (after it has been
* set up). These messages contain debug
* information, but are backspaced over and
* overwritten with blanks, so they would not
* usually appear on the screen. They will
* appear in traces, etc. This option is
* meant to work in conjunction with TSO/E
* OMVS command debug mode.
* 0 = don’t do any debug recording
* 1 = don’t do any debug recording
* 2 = don’t do any debug recording
* 3 = don’t do any debug recording
* 4 = do debug recording, with overwriting

440 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

* to hide message on display screen
* 5 = do debug recording, but don’t try to
* overwrite the debug text on the screen
* 6 = do debug recording to syslog
* -- argv[9] = screen width for debug messages
* This value should be set to the width of
* the display screen, if the debug level is
* set to 4. It is used when backspacing and
* erasing the debug messages.
* This value may be set to 0, if the debug
* level is not 4.
* 31 argv[10] = remote hostname (or null) -- only 15
* bytes of this will fit into the utmpx
* entry
* 255 argv[11] = text for TERM environment variable
* TERM is not set, if this is an empty
* string ("").
* 15 argv[12] = text for ROWS environment variable
* ROWS is not set, if this is an empty
* string ("").
* 15 argv[13] = text for COLUMNS environment variable
* COLUMNS is not set, if this is an empty
* string ("").
* 47 argv[14] = path name for SETUID utmpx recording
* routine
* Empty string ("") means use the default
* path, which is "/bin/fomtlinc"
* 15 argv[15] = program name for SETUID utmpx recording
* routine
* Empty string ("") means use the default
* program, which is "fomtlinc"
* -- argv[16] = SIGCHLD reset flag
* 1 = SIGCHLD will be reset to the default
* handling (This value should seldom
* (if ever) be needed -- the main
* purpose in the past was to be sure
* that NOCLDSTOP was off.)
* 0 = SIGCHLD handling will not be changed
* Other expected input conditions:
* -------------------------------
* 1) Slave TTY must be open, with no controlling terminal
* established yet.

Appendix B. Modules for the login and logout functions 441

* 2) All signals (except perhaps SIGCHLD) should be in their
* default handling state, before this routine is called.
* It is OK for signals to be blocked when this routine is
* called, however.
* 3) Any environment variables other than NLSPATH, LC_SYNTAX,
* LC_MESSAGES, LC_CTYPE, and LC_COLLATE will be passed through
* to the invoked shell. The environment variables named here
* will be gotten rid of before the shell is called. They
* will control message catalog processing before the shell is
* invoked.
* 4) Little validity checking is done on the parameters, which
* are expected to be correct. This command is not designed to
* be run from the shell command line.
* Return Value: Does not return to caller
* ------------
* Non-returning Exits: Does not return to caller
* -------------------

FOMTLOUT module for the logout function

The FOMTLOUT module (/bin/fomtlout) performs the logout function.

* Function:
* --------
* This function uses the utmpx
* functions to locate and remove the caller’s USERID from the utmpx
* file. This routine is a SETUID program, so that it can write to the
* utmpx file.
* note: This routine removes the caller’s session from the utmpx file
* whenever it is called. If this routine is called erroneously
* (when the user is not really logging off) it will go ahead and
* remove the session from the utmpx file. This will destroy the
* integrity of the utmpx file.
* Parameters:
* ----------
* 1:IN argc -- usual main() parameters
* 2:IN argv -- usual main() parameters
* argv[0] = program name ("fomtlinc")
* argv[1] = exit status (as a %d-coded integer value)
* argv[2] = (not used)
* argv[3] = (not used)
* argv[4] = debug level (as a %d-coded integer = 0 to 5)
* others -- test only arguments follow

442 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

* assumed file descriptors on entry:
* 0 -- master TTY (needed for ttyname()
* 1 -- might be a debug fd (debug messages written here)
* 2 -- might be an error fd (for system error messages)
* Return Value:
* ------------
* 1-byte exit status contains 2 bits of syscall ID and 6 bits of
* compressed errno information for the parent. This information is
* used only by the TSO/E OMVS command to put out logoff-oriented
* error messages to the user’s terminal.
* Non-returning Exits: none
* -------------------
* Main Side Effects:
* -----------------
* The caller’s session is removed from the utmpx file

Appendix B. Modules for the login and logout functions 443

444 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Appendix C. Accessibility
Accessible publications for this product are offered through the z/OS Information
Center, which is available at www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/bkserv/.

If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any z/OS information, please
send a detailed message to [email protected] or to the following mailing
IBM Corporation
Attention: MHVRCFS Reader Comments
Department H6MA, Building 707
2455 South Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-5400

Accessibility features
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. The major
accessibility features in z/OS enable users to:
v Use assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifier software
v Operate specific or equivalent features using only the keyboard
v Customize display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size.

Using assistive technologies

Assistive technology products, such as screen readers, function with the user
interfaces found in z/OS. Consult the assistive technology documentation for
specific information when using such products to access z/OS interfaces.

Keyboard navigation of the user interface

Users can access z/OS user interfaces using TSO/E or ISPF. Refer to z/OS TSO/E
Primer, z/OS TSO/E User's Guide, and z/OS ISPF User's Guide Vol I for information
about accessing TSO/E and ISPF interfaces. These guides describe how to use
TSO/E and ISPF, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or function keys (PF
keys). Each guide includes the default settings for the PF keys and explains how to
modify their functions.

Dotted decimal syntax diagrams

Syntax diagrams are provided in dotted decimal format for users accessing the
z/OS Information Center using a screen reader. In dotted decimal format, each
syntax element is written on a separate line. If two or more syntax elements are
always present together (or always absent together), they can appear on the same
line, because they can be considered as a single compound syntax element.

Each line starts with a dotted decimal number; for example, 3 or 3.1 or 3.1.1. To
hear these numbers correctly, make sure that your screen reader is set to read out
punctuation. All the syntax elements that have the same dotted decimal number
(for example, all the syntax elements that have the number 3.1) are mutually

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 445

exclusive alternatives. If you hear the lines 3.1 USERID and 3.1 SYSTEMID, you
know that your syntax can include either USERID or SYSTEMID, but not both.

The dotted decimal numbering level denotes the level of nesting. For example, if a
syntax element with dotted decimal number 3 is followed by a series of syntax
elements with dotted decimal number 3.1, all the syntax elements numbered 3.1
are subordinate to the syntax element numbered 3.

Certain words and symbols are used next to the dotted decimal numbers to add
information about the syntax elements. Occasionally, these words and symbols
might occur at the beginning of the element itself. For ease of identification, if the
word or symbol is a part of the syntax element, it is preceded by the backslash (\)
character. The * symbol can be used next to a dotted decimal number to indicate
that the syntax element repeats. For example, syntax element *FILE with dotted
decimal number 3 is given the format 3 \* FILE. Format 3* FILE indicates that
syntax element FILE repeats. Format 3* \* FILE indicates that syntax element *
FILE repeats.

Characters such as commas, which are used to separate a string of syntax

elements, are shown in the syntax just before the items they separate. These
characters can appear on the same line as each item, or on a separate line with the
same dotted decimal number as the relevant items. The line can also show another
symbol giving information about the syntax elements. For example, the lines 5.1*,
5.1 LASTRUN, and 5.1 DELETE mean that if you use more than one of the
LASTRUN and DELETE syntax elements, the elements must be separated by a
comma. If no separator is given, assume that you use a blank to separate each
syntax element.

If a syntax element is preceded by the % symbol, this indicates a reference that is

defined elsewhere. The string following the % symbol is the name of a syntax
fragment rather than a literal. For example, the line 2.1 %OP1 means that you
should refer to separate syntax fragment OP1.

The following words and symbols are used next to the dotted decimal numbers:
v ? means an optional syntax element. A dotted decimal number followed by the ?
symbol indicates that all the syntax elements with a corresponding dotted
decimal number, and any subordinate syntax elements, are optional. If there is
only one syntax element with a dotted decimal number, the ? symbol is
displayed on the same line as the syntax element, (for example 5? NOTIFY). If
there is more than one syntax element with a dotted decimal number, the ?
symbol is displayed on a line by itself, followed by the syntax elements that are
optional. For example, if you hear the lines 5 ?, 5 NOTIFY, and 5 UPDATE, you
know that syntax elements NOTIFY and UPDATE are optional; that is, you can
choose one or none of them. The ? symbol is equivalent to a bypass line in a
railroad diagram.
v ! means a default syntax element. A dotted decimal number followed by the !
symbol and a syntax element indicates that the syntax element is the default
option for all syntax elements that share the same dotted decimal number. Only
one of the syntax elements that share the same dotted decimal number can
specify a ! symbol. For example, if you hear the lines 2? FILE, 2.1! (KEEP), and
2.1 (DELETE), you know that (KEEP) is the default option for the FILE keyword.
In this example, if you include the FILE keyword but do not specify an option,
default option KEEP will be applied. A default option also applies to the next
higher dotted decimal number. In this example, if the FILE keyword is omitted,
default FILE(KEEP) is used. However, if you hear the lines 2? FILE, 2.1, 2.1.1!

446 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

(KEEP), and 2.1.1 (DELETE), the default option KEEP only applies to the next
higher dotted decimal number, 2.1 (which does not have an associated
keyword), and does not apply to 2? FILE. Nothing is used if the keyword FILE
is omitted.
v * means a syntax element that can be repeated 0 or more times. A dotted
decimal number followed by the * symbol indicates that this syntax element can
be used zero or more times; that is, it is optional and can be repeated. For
example, if you hear the line 5.1* data area, you know that you can include one
data area, more than one data area, or no data area. If you hear the lines 3*, 3
HOST, and 3 STATE, you know that you can include HOST, STATE, both
together, or nothing.

1. If a dotted decimal number has an asterisk (*) next to it and there is only one
item with that dotted decimal number, you can repeat that same item more
than once.
2. If a dotted decimal number has an asterisk next to it and several items have
that dotted decimal number, you can use more than one item from the list,
but you cannot use the items more than once each. In the previous example,
you could write HOST STATE, but you could not write HOST HOST.
3. The * symbol is equivalent to a loop-back line in a railroad syntax diagram.
v + means a syntax element that must be included one or more times. A dotted
decimal number followed by the + symbol indicates that this syntax element
must be included one or more times; that is, it must be included at least once
and can be repeated. For example, if you hear the line 6.1+ data area, you must
include at least one data area. If you hear the lines 2+, 2 HOST, and 2 STATE,
you know that you must include HOST, STATE, or both. Similar to the * symbol,
the + symbol can only repeat a particular item if it is the only item with that
dotted decimal number. The + symbol, like the * symbol, is equivalent to a
loop-back line in a railroad syntax diagram.

Appendix C. Accessibility 447

448 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. or

IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in
other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the
products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 449

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Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of

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This information might contain sample application programs in source language,

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Policy for unsupported hardware

Various z/OS elements, such as DFSMS, HCD, JES2, JES3, and MVS, contain code
that supports specific hardware servers or devices. In some cases, this
device-related element support remains in the product even after the hardware
devices pass their announced End of Service date. z/OS may continue to service
element code; however, it will not provide service related to unsupported
hardware devices. Software problems related to these devices will not be accepted

450 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

for service, and current service activity will cease if a problem is determined to be
associated with out-of-support devices. In such cases, fixes will not be issued.

Minimum supported hardware

The minimum supported hardware for z/OS releases identified in z/OS
announcements can subsequently change when service for particular servers or
devices is withdrawn. Likewise, the levels of other software products supported on
a particular release of z/OS are subject to the service support lifecycle of those
products. Therefore, z/OS and its product publications (for example, panels,
samples, messages, and product documentation) can include references to
hardware and software that is no longer supported.
v For information about software support lifecycle, see: IBM Lifecycle Support for
z/OS (http://www.ibm.com/software/support/systemsz/lifecycle/)
v For information about currently-supported IBM hardware, contact your IBM

Programming Interface Information

This book is intended to help the customer plan for, customize, operate, manage,
and maintain a z/OS system with z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX).

This book primarily documents intended Programming Interfaces that allow the
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This book also documents information that is NOT intended to be used as

Programming Interfaces of z/OS UNIX. This information is identified where it
occurs, either by an introductory statement to a chapter or section or by the
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Notices 451
452 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
This glossary includes terms and definitions for ensuring that users can access only those
z/OS UNIX System Services. resources of a computer system for which
they are authorized.
The following cross-references are used in this
access control list (ACL)
In computer security, a list associated
1. See refers the reader from a term to a with an object that identifies all the
preferred synonym, or from an acronym or subjects that can access the object and
abbreviation to the defined full form. their access rights.
2. See also refers the reader to a related or
access list entry token (ALET)
contrasting term.
A token that serves as an index into an
access list.
To view glossaries for other IBM products, go to
www.ibm.com/software/globalization/ access method
terminology. A technique for moving data between
main storage and input/output devices.
3270 pass-through mode
A mode that lets a program running in a access method services (AMS)
shell environment send and receive a data A multifunction utility named IDCAMS
stream or issue TSO/E commands. that is used to manage catalogs, devices,
and both VSAM and non-VSAM data
absolute address
access mode
An address that, without the need for
A form of access permitted for a file.
further evaluation, identifies a storage
location or a device. access permission
A group of designations that determine
absolute path name
the users who can access a particular file
A string of characters used to refer to an
and how the users can access the file. The
object, starting at the highest level (or
access permissions are read, write, and
root) of the directory hierarchy. The
run (execute).
absolute path name must begin with a
slash (/), which indicates that the path accessible
begins at the root. Pertaining to an object for which a client
has a valid designator or handle.
absolute value
The numeric value of a number regardless accessor environment element (ACEE)
of its algebraic sign (positive or negative). A control block that contains a description
of the current user's security environment,
access The ability to read, update, or otherwise
including user ID, current connect group,
use a resource. Access to protected
user attributes, and group authorities. An
resources is usually controlled by system
ACEE is constructed during user
identification and verification.
access ACL
An access control list (ACL) that provides
An entity that contains a set of
protection for a file system object.
parameters that define the
access authority application-specific attributes of a user,
One of a range of possible authority which include the identity, user profile,
levels that control access to protected and credentials.
ACEE See accessor environment element. .
access control
ACL See access control list.
In computer security, the process of

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 453

address uppercase and lowercase letters plus
A unique code or identifier for a register, special symbols (such as $ and _) allowed
device, workstation, system, or storage by a particular language.
alphabetic character
address space (ASID) A letter or other symbol, excluding digits,
The range of addresses available to a used in a language. Usually the uppercase
computer program or process. Address and lowercase letters A through Z plus
space can refer to physical storage, virtual other special symbols (such as $ and _)
storage, or both. allowed by a particular language.
address space identifier (ASID) alphanumeric character
A unique, system-assigned identifier for A lowercase or uppercase letter, number,
an address space. or special symbol.
Advanced Program-to-Program Communication American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
(APPC) A private, nonprofit organization whose
An implementation of the SNA LU 6.2 membership includes private companies,
protocol that allows interconnected U.S. government agencies, and
systems to communicate and share the professional, technical, trade, labor, and
processing of programs. consumer organizations. ANSI coordinates
the development of voluntary consensus
advisory lock
standards in the U.S.
A type of lock that a process holds on a
region of a file preventing any other American Standard Code for Information
process from locking the region or an Interchange (ASCII)
overlapping region. A standard code used for information
exchange among data processing systems,
data communication systems, and
A structured collection of data objects that
associated equipment. ASCII uses a coded
form a data type.
character set consisting of 7-bit coded
alert To cause the user's terminal to give some characters.
audible or visual indication that an error
AMS See access method services.
or some other event has occurred.
angle bracket
ALET See access list entry token.
Either the left angle bracket (<) or the
algorithm right angle bracket (>). In the portable
A set of well-defined rules for the character set, these characters are referred
solution of a problem in a finite number to by the names <less-than-sign> and
of steps. <greater-than-sign>.
alias An alternative name used instead of a ANSI See American National Standards
primary name. Institute.
alias address ANSI control character
An alternative address for a network A control character as defined by the
interface that can be used in place of the FORTRAN standards of American
real address. National Standards Institute (ANSI) and
International Organization for
alias name
Standardization (ISO). It appears at the
A name that is used to represent all or
beginning of each record.
part of a command.
APAR See authorized program analysis report.
To assign a resource to a specific task. APF See authorized program facility.
alphabetic APF-authorized
Pertaining to the set of letters and Pertaining to a program that is authorized
symbols, excluding digits, used in a by the authorized program facility (APF)
language. This set usually consists of the

454 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

to access restricted functions, such as asynchronous (ASYNC)
supervisor calls (SVC) or SVC paths. Pertaining to events that are not
synchronized in time or do not occur in
API See application programming interface.
regular or predictable time intervals.
APPC See Advanced Program-to-Program
attach In z/OS, to create a task that can execute
concurrently with the attaching code.
authorized program analysis report (APAR)
One or more computer programs or
A request for correction of a defect in a
software components that provide a
supported release of an IBM-supplied
function in direct support of a specific
business process or processes.
authorized program facility (APF)
application program
In a z/OS environment, a facility that
A program used to communicate with
permits the identification of programs
stations in a network, enabling users to
that are authorized to use restricted
perform application-oriented activities.
application programming interface (API)
automatic conversion
An interface that allows an application
In Enhanced ASCII, the conversion of text
program that is written in a high-level
data from EBCDIC to ASCII and from
language to use specific data or functions
ASCII to EBCDIC. This capability makes
of the operating system or another
it easier to port international applications
developed on, or for, ASCII systems to
archive z/OS systems.
To copy programs, data, or files to
automatic variable
another storage media, usually for
A variable allocated on entry to a routine
long-term storage or security.
and deallocated on the return.
archive library
automount rule
A facility for grouping
A generic or specific entry in an
application-program object files. The
automount map file.
archive library file, when created for
application-program object files, has a auxiliary storage
special symbol table for members that are All addressable storage other than main
object files. storage.See also memory.
array A number of items stored together, which awk A file processing language that is well
a user can quickly retrieve by supplying suited to data manipulation and retrieval
the correct index. of information from text files.
ASCII See American Standard Code for
Information Interchange.
B See byte.
ASID See address space identifier.
See address space. The conditions under which low-priority,
noninteractive programs are run.
A computer program that converts background process
assembly language instructions into object A process that does not require operator
code. intervention but can be run by the
computer while the workstation is used to
do other work.
The order for grouping operands with an
operator (either left-to-right or backslash
right-to-left). The character \. The backslash enables a
user to escape the special meaning of a
character. That is, typing a backslash
See asynchronous.

Glossary 455
before a character tells the system to binary file
ignore any special meaning the character A file format that does not consist of a
might have. sequence of printable characters (text).
backup binder
Pertaining to a system, device, file, or See linkage editor.
facility that can be used in the event of a
block special file
malfunction or loss of data.
A file that provides a low level block
base address access to an input or output device.See
An address that is used as a reference also character special file.
point for resolving symbolic references to
locations in storage.
Characteristic of an expression or variable
base address register that can only have a value of true or false.
See base register.
BPAM See basic partitioned access method.
base name
brace Either of the characters left brace ({) and
The last element to the right of a full path
right brace (}). When an object is enclosed
in braces, the left brace immediately
base register precedes the object and the right brace
A general purpose register that the immediately follows it.
programmer chooses to contain a base
Either of the characters left bracket ([) and
basic mode right bracket (]).
A central processor mode that does not
break condition
use logical partitioning.
In the TTY subsystem, a character
basic partitioned access method (BPAM) framing error in which the data is all
An access method that can be used to zeros.
create program libraries in direct access
break statement
storage for convenient storage and
A C or C++ control statement that
retrieval of programs.
contains the keyword break and a
batch A group of records or data processing semicolon (;). It is used to end an iterative
jobs brought together for processing or or a switch statement by exiting from it at
transmission. any point other than the logical end.
Control is passed to the first statement
Pertaining to a group of jobs to be run on
after the iteration or switch statement.
a computer sequentially with the same
program with little or no operator action. breakpoint
A marked point in a process or
batch job
programmatic flow that causes that flow
A predefined group of processing actions
to pause when the point is reached,
submitted to the system to be performed
usually to allow debugging or
with little or no interaction between the
user and the system.
build To convert a product from source code to
batch mode
a binary or executable software product.
The condition established so that batch
processing can be performed. built-in shell command
A command that is implemented as part
batch processing
of a shell program. Certain commands are
A method of running a program or a
built into the shell in order to improve
series of programs in which one or more
the performance of shell scripts or to
records (a batch) are processed with little
access the shell's internal data structures
or no action from the user or operator.
and variables.
byte (B)
A string that represents a character and

456 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

usually consists of eight binary digits that CDS See couple data set.
are treated as a unit. A byte is the
CECP See country extended code page.
smallest unit of storage that can be
addressed directly. cell A logical grouping of users, computers,
data, and other resources that share either
a common purpose or a common level of
C library trust.
A system library that contains common C
central storage
language subroutines for file access, string
Storage that is an integral part of the
operations, character operations, memory
processor unit. Central storage includes
allocation, and other functions.
both main storage and the hardware
C shell system area. UNIX-experienced users
A command line processor for UNIX that refer to central storage as memory.
provides interactive features such as job
character class
control and command history.
A named set of characters sharing an
C++ library attribute associated with the name of the
A system library that contains common class. The classes and the characters that
C++ language subroutines for file access, they contain are dependent on the value
memory allocation, and other functions. of the LC_CTYPE category in the current
call To start a program or procedure, usually
by specifying the entry conditions and character constant
transferring control to an entry point. A constant value whose data attribute is
callable service
A set of documented interfaces between character conversion table
the z/OS operating system and higher A table that converts one or more
level applications that want to access characters to alternative characters using
functions specified in the Single UNIX hexadecimal encoding for the character
Specification and earlier standards. sets. The character sets are defined in
code pages.
cancel To end a task before it is completed.
character set
canonical mode
A defined set of characters with no coded
See line mode.
representation assumed that can be
carriage control character recognized by a configured hardware or
A character that is used to specify a write, software system. A character set may be
space, or skip operation.See also control defined by alphabet, language, script, or
character. any combination of these items.
carriage return character special file
A keystroke generally indicating the end A special interface file that provides
of a command line. access to an input or output device, which
uses character I/0 instead of block I/0.
A directory of files and libraries, with character string
reference to their locations. A sequence of consecutive characters that
are treated as a unit.
cataloged procedure
A set of job control language (JCL) character type
statements that has been placed in a A data type that consists of alphanumeric
library and that is retrievable by name. characters.
CBPDO checksum
See Custom-built Product Delivery The sum of a group of data that is
Option. associated with a group of data and that
is used for error detection.
See coded character set identifier.

Glossary 457
child A node that is subordinate to another code point
node in a tree structure. Only the root A unique bit pattern that represents a
node is not a child. character in a code page.
child process coded character set identifier (CCSID)
A process that is created by a parent A 16-bit number that includes a specific
process and that shares the resources of set of encoding scheme identifiers,
the parent process to carry out a request. character set identifiers, code page
identifiers, and other information that
child resource
uniquely identifies the coded
A secured resource, either a file or library,
graphic-character representation.
that uses the user list of a parent resource.
A child resource can have only one parent collating element
resource. The smallest entity used to determine the
logical ordering of strings. A collating
child segment
element consists of either a single
In a database, any segment that is
character, or two or more characters
dependent on another segment above it
collating as a single entity. The value of
(its parent) in the hierarchy.
the LC_COLLATE category in the current
choice An option in a pop-up window or menu locale determines the current set of
used to influence the operation of the collating elements.
collating sequence
CINET A specified arrangement used in
See Common INET. sequencing.
classification rule colony address space
A rule used by the workload manager An address space in which a physical file
component of z/OS to assign a service system (PFS) can be initialized. The
class. address space can be viewed as a logical
extension to the kernel address space.
client A software program or computer that
requests services from a server. column
A vertical arrangement of characters or
client process
other expressions. Columns are positioned
A process that requests services from a
side by side on a page or display.
server process.
A statement used to initiate an action or
Pertaining to the model of interaction in
start a service. A command consists of the
distributed data processing in which a
command name abbreviation, and its
program on one computer sends a request
parameters and flags if applicable.
to a program on another computer and
awaits a response. The requesting command alias
program is called a client; the answering An abbreviation of a long command line
program is called a server. or a new name for a command. [OSF]
close To end processing by ending the command history
connection between the file and a An automatic listing of previously issued
program. commands.
code page command interpreter
A particular assignment of code points to See command language interpreter
graphic characters. Within a given code
command language interpreter
page, a code point can have only one
A program that reads commands and
specific meaning. A code page also
changes them into computer instructions.
identifies how undefined code points are

458 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

command line access data in the volume table of
The blank line on a display where contents (VTOC) and the VTOC index.
commands, option numbers, or selections
can be entered.
The process of sending or receiving data
command list between two points of a network.
A list of commands and statements
Communications Server
designed to perform a specific function
IBM SecureWay Software that supports (a)
for the user.
the development and use of application
command mode programs across two or more connected
A state of a system or device in which the systems or workstations, (b) multiple
user can enter commands. concurrent connections that use a wide
range of protocols, and (c) several
command name
application programming interfaces (APIs)
The first term in a command, a verb,
that may be called concurrently and that
which specifies the action to be performed
are designed for client/server and
and is usually followed by operands.
distributed application programs.
command processor
A module designed to perform a specific
The ability of a device or system to work
function for the user. Users can write
with another device or system without
command processors in assembler
language or in a high-level language.
Command processors are started as compilation unit
commands. A portion of a computer program
sufficiently complete to be compiled
command substitution
In UNIX-based operating systems, a shell
feature that makes it possible to use the compile
output from one command as an To translate all or part of a program
argument to another command. expressed in a high-level language into a
computer program expressed in an
command-line argument
intermediate language, an assembly
A part of a command line, delimited by
language, or a machine language.
white space. Arguments are used to
specify detailed behavior to a program. compiler
They are usually either command line A program that translates a source
options selecting variations in program program into an executable program (an
operation, or path names of files to be object program).
compiler option
comment A keyword that can be specified to
Explanatory text in a program or file that control certain aspects of compilation.
is not translated by the compiler. Compiler options can control the nature
of the load module generated by the
compiler, the types of printed output to
To end a unit of work by releasing locks
be produced, the efficient use of the
so that the database changes made by that
compiler, and the destination of error
unit of work can be perceived by other
processes. This operation makes the data
changes permanent. component
A part of a structured type or value, such
as an array element or a record field.
A physical file system layer for the
address families AF_INET and AF_INET6 condition
that multiplexes sockets across several An expression that can be evaluated as
other physical file systems or transports. true, false, or unknown. It can be
expressed in natural language text, in
common VTOC access facility (CVAF)
A set of macros that enables programs to

Glossary 459
mathematically formal notation, or in a elements of which are to be loaded into
machine-readable language. adjoining main storage locations.
condition code control statement
A code that reflects the result of a In programming languages, a statement
previous input/output, arithmetic, or that is used to interrupt the continuous
logical operation. sequential processing of programming
statements. Conditional statements such
condition variable
as IF, PAUSE, and STOP are examples of
An object that allows a thread to suspend
control statements.
execution when it finds an untrue
condition, and to resume execution when controlled program
another thread makes the condition true. A RACF function with which an
installation can control who can run
RACF-controlled programs.
The machines, devices, and programs that
make up a system, subsystem, or controlling process
network. A session leader that has control of a
To describe the interconnected controlling terminal
arrangement of the devices, programs, The active workstation from which the
communications, and optional features process group for that process was
installed on a system. started. Each session may have at most
one controlling terminal associated with
conformance document
it, and a controlling terminal is associated
A document provided by an implementer
with exactly one session.
(such as IBM) that contains
implementation details as described in the conversational
current POSIX.1 standard. Pertaining to a program or a system that
conducts a dialog with a terminal user,
alternately receiving and transmitting
In data communication, an association
established between entities for conveying
information. conversion
The process of changing from one form of
representation to another. Changing a
A language element that specifies an
code point that is assigned to a character
unchanging value. Constants are classified
in one code page to its corresponding
as string constants or numeric constants.
code point in another code page is an
constant field example of conversion.
A field defined by a display format to
conversion table
contain a value that does not change.
A table that contains a set of characters
context that can be replaced with alternative
The address space for a process, hardware characters.
registers, and related kernel data
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
The international standard of time that is
control block kept by atomic clocks around the world.
A storage area used by a program to hold
copy To read data from a source, leaving the
control information.
source data unchanged, and to write the
control character same data elsewhere.
A character whose occurrence in a
particular context initiates, modifies, or
A register or storage location used to
stops a control function.
accumulate the number of occurrences of
control section (CSECT) an event.
The part of a program specified by the
programmer to be a relocatable unit, all

460 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

country extended code page (CECP) SMP/E. CBPDO is one of the two entitled
An EBCDIC code page that is extended methods for installing z/OS; the other
by the addition of code points for method is ServerPac.
characters needed in the language used
by a specific country. Using country
The process of designing a data
extended code page (CECP) support, a
processing installation or network to meet
German panel, for example, can be
the requirements of particular users.
displayed on a French CECP terminal
Activities can include installing additional
with all common characters displayed
products, taking advantage of new
software features and functions, and
couple data set (CDS) enabling or disabling optional features.
A data set that contains information
CVAF See common VTOC access facility.
related to a sysplex, its systems,
cross-system coupling facility (XCF) cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
groups, and their members. A redundancy check in which the check
key is generated by a cyclic algorithm
coupling facility
A special logical partition that provides daemon
high-speed caching, list processing, and A program that runs unattended to
locking functions in a sysplex. perform continuous or periodic functions,
such as network control.
CRC See cyclic redundancy check.
cross-system coupling facility (XCF)
See direct access storage device.
A component that provides functions to
support cooperation between authorized data area
programs running within a sysplex. A memory area that is used by a program
to hold information.
See control section. data definition (DD)
A program statement that describes the
current directory
features of, specifies relationships of, or
See working directory.
establishes the context of data. A data
current file definition reserves storage and can
The file being edited. If multiple windows provide an initial value.
are in use, the current file is the file
data definition name (ddname)
containing the cursor.
The name of a data definition (DD)
current line statement that corresponds to a data
The line on which the cursor is located. control block that contains the same
current record
The record pointed to by the current line data definition statement (DD statement)
pointer. A job control statement that is used to
define a data set for use by a batch job
cursor A movable symbol on a display, often a
step, started task or job, or an online user.
blinking or solid block of light, that
identifies a choice to select, indicates Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem
where user interaction with the keyboard See DFSMS.
will appear, or indicates a position of
data integrity
interest on the display surface.
The condition that exists as long as
Custom-built Product Delivery Option accidental or intentional destruction,
(CBPDO) alteration, or loss of data does not occur.
A software delivery package consisting of
data security
uninstalled products and unintegrated
The protection of data against
service. Installation requires the use of
unauthorized disclosure, transfer,
modification, or destruction, whether
accidental or intentional.

Glossary 461
data set debugger
The major unit of data storage and A tool used to detect and trace errors in
retrieval, consisting of a collection of data computer programs.
in one of several prescribed arrangements
and described by control information to
Pertaining to a system of numbers to the
which the system has access. See also file.
base 10. The decimal digits range from 0
data space through 9.
A separate area of addressable storage
that contains only data. A data space can
In the C and C++ languages, a description
hold up to 2 gigabytes of data.
that makes an external object or function
data stream available to a function or a block
The commands, control codes, data, or statement.
structured fields that are transmitted
between an application program and a
Pertaining to an attribute, value, or option
device such as printer or
that is assumed when none is explicitly
nonprogrammable display station.
data structure
default access control list (default ACL)
In Open Source Initiative (OSI), the
A template used to generate access
syntactic structure of symbolic expressions
control lists (ACLs) for the files within a
and their storage allocation characteristics.
directory. A default ACL is not used to
data type verify permissions.
In programming languages, a descriptor
default ACL
of a set of values together with a set of
See default access control list.
permitted operations. A data type
determines the kind of value that a default directory
variable can assume or that a function can The directory name supplied by the
return. operating system if none is specified.
database (DB) definition
A collection of interrelated or A declaration that reserves storage and
independent data items that are stored can provide an initial value for a data
together to serve one or more object or define a function.
DB See database. A small, unsigned integer that a UNIX
system uses to identify an object
DBCS See double-byte character set.
supported by the kernel. Descriptors can
DD See device driver. represent files, pipes, sockets, and other
I/O streams.
See data definition.
device A piece of equipment. Devices can be
DD statement
workstations, printers, disk drives, tape
See data definition statement.
units, or remote systems.
device driver (DD)
See data definition name.
A program that provides an interface
deadlock between a specific device and the
Unresolved contention for the use of application program that uses the device.
DFSMS (Data Facility Storage Management
deallocate Subsystem)
To release a resource that is assigned to a An operating environment that helps
specific task. automate and centralize the management
of storage. To manage storage, the storage
debug To detect, diagnose, and eliminate errors
management subsystem (SMS) provides
in programs.
the storage administrator with control

462 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

over data class, storage class, DNS See Domain Name System.
management class, storage group, and
Domain Name System (DNS)
automatic class selection (ACS) routine
The distributed database system that
maps domain names to IP addresses.
dot A symbol (.) that indicates the current
Pertaining to the detection and isolation
directory in a relative path name.
of an error.
dot dot
digit A symbol that represents one of the
A symbol (..) in a relative path name that
nonnegative integers smaller than the
indicates the parent directory.
double quote
direct access storage device (DASD)
See quotation mark.
A device that allows storage to be directly
accessed, such as a disk drive. double-byte character set (DBCS)
A set of characters in which each
direct data set
character is represented by two bytes.
A data set that has records in random
These character sets are commonly used
order on a direct access volume. Each
by national languages, such as Japanese
record is stored or retrieved according to
and Chinese, that have more symbols
its actual address or its address relative to
than can be represented by a single byte.
the beginning of the data set. See also
sequential data set. double-precision
Pertaining to the use of two computer
words to represent a number in
A type of file that contains the names and
accordance with the required precision.
controlling information for objects or
other directories. DSECT
See dummy control section.
In a hierarchical file system, a grouping of
related files and directories. A directory dub To make an MVS address space known to
can contain zero or more entries, which z/OS UNIX.
refer to other directories and files.
dummy control section (DSECT)
directory default ACL A control section that an assembler can
A model access control list (ACL) that is use to format an area of storage without
inherited by subdirectories that are producing any object code.
created within the parent directory.
dump To record or copy, at a particular instant,
dirty address space data from one storage device onto another
An address space requiring daemon storage device to protect the data and
authority that has had an uncontrolled debug the program.
program loaded into it. A dirty address
space cannot perform daemon activities.
Pertaining to an operation that occurs at
discretionary access control the time it is needed rather than at a
A security mechanism that protects predetermined or fixed time.
information from unauthorized disclosure
dynamic link library (DLL)
or modification through owner-controlled
A file containing executable code and data
access to files.
bound to a program at load time or run
distributed computing time, rather than during linking. The code
A method of computing in which large and data in a DLL can be shared by
problems are divided into small tasks that several applications simultaneously.
are distributed across a network for
dynamic link pack area (dynamic LPA)
simultaneous processing. Individual
A facility for adding additional modules
results are then brought together to form
to the to the link pack area (LPA) after the
the total solution.
LPA has been created.
DLL See dynamic link library.

Glossary 463
dynamic LPA enforced lock
See dynamic link pack area. A type of lock that a process holds on a
region of a file preventing any other
dynamic storage
process from accessing that region with
An area of storage that is explicitly
read or write system calls. In addition, the
allocated by a program or procedure
create command is prevented from
while it is running.
truncating the files.
entry An element of information in a table, list,
EBCDIC queue, or other organized structure of
See Extended Binary Coded Decimal data or control information.
Interchange Code.
entry point
EBCDIC character The address or label of the first
Any one of the symbols included in the instruction processed or entered in a
EBCDIC set. program, routine, or subroutine.There
might be a number of different entry
editor program
points, each corresponding to a different
A computer program designed to perform
function or purpose.
such functions as rearrangement,
modification, and deletion of data in environment
accordance with prescribed rules. The settings for shell variables and paths
that are set when the user logs in. These
effective group ID
variables can be modified later by the
The current group ID, but not necessarily
the user's own ID. For example, a user
logged in under a particular group ID environment variable
might be able to change to another group A variable that defines an aspect of the
ID. The ID to which the user changes operating environment for a process. For
then becomes the effective group ID. example, environment variables can
define the home directory, the command
search path, the terminal in use, or the
The smallest unit in a table, array, list, set,
current time zone.
or other structure. Examples of an
element are a value in a list of values and EOF See end-of-file.
a data field in an array.
epoch The time and date corresponding to 0 in
ELPA See extended link pack area. an operating system's clock and
time-stamp values. For most versions of
empty string
the UNIX operating system, the epoch is
A character array whose first element is a
00:00:00 GMT, 01 January 1970. System
null character.
time is measured as the number of
emulation seconds past the epoch.
The use of software, hardware, or both by
equivalence class
one system to imitate another system. The
A grouping of characters or character
imitating system accepts the same data,
strings that are considered equal for
runs the same programs, and achieves the
purposes of collation. For example, many
same results as the imitated system.
languages place an uppercase character in
enclave the same equivalence class as its
A transaction that can span multiple lowercase form, but some languages
dispatchable units (service request blocks distinguish between accented and
and tasks) in one or more address spaces unaccented character forms for the
and is reported on and managed as a purpose of collation.
error condition
end-of-file (EOF) The state that results from an attempt to
A code that signals that the last record of run instructions in a computer program
a file has been read. that are not valid or that operate on data
that is not valid.

464 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

ESC See escape character. a language object that has a scope that
extends beyond one module, for example,
escape To return to the original level of a user
the entry names of a module.
external link
escape character (ESC)
A symbolic link that contains the name of
The control character in a text-control
an object that is outside the hierarchical
sequence that indicates the beginning of a
file system.
sequence and the end of any preceding
text. Extra Performance Linkage (XPLINK)
A type of call linkage that can improve
escape sequence
performance in an environment of
A character that is preceded by a \
frequent calls between small functions.
(backslash) and is interpreted to have a
special meaning to the operating system.
ESQA See extended system queue area. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
A standard produced by the National
executable file
Institute of Standards and Technology
A file that contains programs or
when national and international standards
commands that perform operations on
are nonexistent or inadequate to satisfy
actions to be taken.
the U.S. government requirements.
executable program
FIFO special file
A program in a form suitable for
A type of file with the property that data
execution by a computer. The program
written to such a file is read on a
can be an application or a shell script.
first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis.
exit routine
file A collection of related data that is stored
A program that receives control from
and retrieved by an assigned name.See
another program in order to perform
also data set.
specific functions.
file access permission
export In Network File System (NFS), to make
A designation that determines who can
file systems on a server available to
access a particular file and how the user
remote clients.
can access the file.
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
file default ACL
A model access control list (ACL) that is
A coded character set of 256 8-bit
inherited by files that are created within
characters developed for the
the parent directory.
representation of textual data.
file descriptor
extended link pack area (ELPA)
A positive integer or a data structure that
The portion of virtual storage above
uniquely identifies an open file for the
16MB that contains frequently used
purpose of file access.
file lock
extended system queue area (ESQA)
A means to limit or deny access to a file
A major element of z/OS virtual storage
by other users. A file lock can be a read
above the 16MB line. This storage area
lock or a write lock.
contains tables and queues relating to the
entire system. It duplicates above the file mode
16MB line the system queue area (SQA) . An object containing the file permission
bits and other characteristics of a file.
extent A continuous space on a disk,
direct-access storage volume, or diskette file mode creation mask
that is occupied by or reserved for a A pattern of characters that is used to
particular data set, data space, or file. establish maximum permissions that can
then be applied to individual access
control list (ACL) entries.
In programming languages, pertaining to

Glossary 465
file name floating-point number
A name assigned to identify a file. A real number represented by a pair of
distinct numerals. The real number is the
file offset
product of the fractional part, one of the
The byte position in the file where the
numerals, and a value obtained by raising
next I/O operation begins.
the implicit floating-point base to a power
file owner indicated by the second numeral.
The user who has the highest level of
floating-point register (FPR)
access authority to a file, as defined by
A register used to manipulate data in a
the file.
floating-point representation system.
file permission bit [I][A]
Information about a file that is used,
fold To translate the lowercase characters of a
along with other information, to
character string into uppercase.
determine whether a process has read,
write, or execute permission to a file. The foreground
use of file permission bits is described in In multiprogramming, the environment in
file access permissions. which high-priority programs are run.
file pointer foreground process group
An identifier that indicates a structure A group whose member processes have
containing the file name. privileges that are denied to background
processes when the controlling terminal is
file system
being accessed. Each controlling terminal
A collection of files and certain attributes
can have only one foreground process
associated with those files.
file system owner
foreign cell
The system that coordinates sysplex
A cell other than the one to which the
activity for a particular file system.
local machine belongs. A foreign cell and
file tag its binding information are stored in
A file attribute that identifies the either Global Directory Service (GDS) or
character set of the text data within a file the Domain Name System (DNS).
and indicates whether the file is eligible
fork To create and start a child process.
for automatic conversion.
forked address space
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
An address space created by a fork
In TCP/IP, an application layer protocol
function. A forked address space is
that uses TCP and Telnet services to
perceived by MVS to be a batch job.
transfer bulk-data files between machines
or hosts. formatted file
A file that is arranged with particular
filter A command that reads standard input
characteristics, such as line spacing,
data, modifies the data, and sends it to
headings, and number of characters and
standard output. A pipeline usually has
lines per page.
several filters.
FPR See floating-point register.
FIPS See Federal Information Processing
Standard. free space
The total amount of unused space in a
fixed-length record
page, data set, file, or storage medium.
A record whose length is established as
Free space is the space that is not used to
an attribute of the file in which it is
store records or control information.
stored, and cannot be changed. Every
record in such a file has the same length, FRR See functional recovery routine.
which is specified by the record length
FTP See File Transfer Protocol.
attribute (LRECL) of the file.
fully qualified name
flag An indicator or parameter that shows the
A qualified name that includes all names
setting of a switch.

466 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

in the hierarchical sequence above the Generic Security Services API
structure member to which the name See Generic Security Services application
refers, as well as the name of the member programming interface.
Generic Security Services application
function programming interface (Generic Security
Any instruction or set of related Services API, GSS API)
instructions that perform a specific A common application programming
operation. interface (API) for accessing security
function call
An expression that transfers the path of GID See group ID.
execution from the current function to a
globalization (G11N)
specified function (the called function). A
In computing, the provision of a single
function call contains the name of the
software solution that has (1)
function to which control is transferred
multicultural support and (2) a user
and a parenthesized list of values
interface and documentation that is
function key available in one or more languages.
A keyboard key that can be programmed
goal mode
to perform certain actions.
A mode of processing in which the active
functional recovery routine (FRR) service policy determines system resource
A z/OS recovery and termination management.
manager that enables a recovery routine
GPR See general purpose register.
to gain control in the event of a program
interrupt. graphic character
A visual representation of a character,
function shipping
other than a control character, that is
The process of requesting function from
normally produced by writing, printing,
the owning file system and returning the
or displaying.
response to the requester through XCF
communications. group A collection of users who can share access
authorities for protected resources.
group ID (GID)
G11N See globalization.
In the UNIX operating system, an integer
GDG See generation data group. that uniquely identifies each group of
users to the operating system.
GDS See generation data set.
group name
general purpose register (GPR)
A name that uniquely identifies a group
An explicitly addressable register that can
of users to the system. The group name
be used for a variety of purposes (for
contains 1 - 8 alphanumeric characters,
example, as an accumulator or an index
beginning with an alphabetic character or
one of these special characters: #, $, or >.
generation data group (GDG)
A chronological collection of historically
See Generic Security Services application
related data sets that do not use the
programming interface.
Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM);
each data set is called a generation data
H/W See hardware.
generation data set (GDS)
One of the data sets in a generation data
A contiguous sequence of bits or
group (GDG); a GDS is historically related
characters that constitutes half a computer
to the other data sets in the group.
word and can be addressed as a unit.
A software routine that controls a

Glossary 467
program's reaction to specific external HSM See hierarchical storage management.
events, such as an interrupt handler.
Huffman coding
hardware (H/W) A character-coding technique to compress
The physical components of a computer data.
i-node The internal structure that describes the
System-defined control information that
individual files in the UNIX file system.
precedes user data.
An i-node contains the node, type, owner,
header file and location of a file.
See include file.
i-node number
HFS See hierarchical file system. A number specifying a particular i-node
file in the file system.
hierarchical file system (HFS)
A system for organizing files in a I/O See input/output.
hierarchy, as in a UNIX system.
IAR See instruction address register.
hierarchical storage management (HSM)
ID See identifier.
A function that automatically distributes
and manages data on disk, tape, or both identifier (ID)
by regarding devices of these types and A sequence of bits or characters that
potentially others as levels in a storage identifies a user, program, device, or
hierarchy that range from fast, expensive system to another user, program, device,
devices to slower, cheaper, and possibly or system.
removable devices. The objectives are to
IEEE See Institute of Electrical and Electronics
minimize access time to data and
maximize available media capacity.
if statement
High Level Assembler
A conditional statement that specifies a
An IBM licensed program that translates
condition to be tested and the action to be
symbolic assembler language into binary
taken if the condition is satisfied.
machine language.
include file
high-level language (HLL)
A text file that contains declarations that
A programming language that provides
are used by a group of functions,
some level of abstraction from assembler
programs, or users.
language and independence from a
particular type of machine. index A table that contains key values or
referrences for locating information in an
indexed file.
The most significant; leftmost. For
example, bit 0 in a register is the informational message
high-order bit. A message that provides information
about the system and is not the result of
an error condition. This message does not
One of the two common Japanese
require a response.
phonetic alphabets (the other is katakana).
The symbols are cursive or curvilinear in inherit
style. Hiragana syllables are typically To copy resources or attributes from a
used in the representation of native parent to a child.
Japanese words and grammatical
initial program load
The process of loading the operating
history file system and other basic software into main
A file in which a record is kept of shell storage.
commands that are executed.
input Data entered for processing or storage.
HLL See high-level language.

468 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

input redirection Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF)
The specification of an input source other An IBM licensed program that serves as a
than the standard one. full-screen editor and dialog manager.
Used for writing application programs, it
input stream
provides a means of generating standard
A sequence of control statements and data
screen panels and interactive dialogs
submitted to an operating system by an
between the application programmer and
input device.
terminal user.
input/output (I/O)
Pertaining to a device, process, channel,
A shared boundary between independent
or communication path involved in data
systems. An interface can be a hardware
input, data output, or both.
component used to link two devices, a
installation convention that supports communication
A particular computing system, including between software systems, or a method
the work it does and the people who for a user to communicate with the
manage it, operate it, apply it to operating system, such as a keyboard.
problems, service it, and use the results it
International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) An international body charged with
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers creating standards to facilitate the
(IEEE) A professional society accredited by the exchange of goods and services as well as
American National Standards Institute cooperation in intellectual, scientific,
(ANSI) to issue standards for the technological, and economic activity.
electronics industry.
instruction The worldwide collection of
A program statement that specifies an interconnected networks that use the
operation to be performed by the Internet suite of protocols and permit
computer, along with the values or public access.
locations of operands. This statement
Internet Protocol (IP)
represents the programmer's request to
A protocol that routes data through a
the processor to perform a specific
network or interconnected networks. This
operation. [OSF]
protocol acts as an intermediary between
instruction address register (IAR) the higher protocol layers and the
A register in the processor that contains physical network.
the address of the next instruction to be
The ability of a computer or program to
integer work with other computers or programs.
A positive or negative whole number, or
interprocess communication (IPC)
The process by which programs send
integer expression messages to each other. Sockets,
An arithmetic expression with only semaphores, signals, and internal message
integer type values. queues are common methods of
interprocess communication.
Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS)
A component of MVS and z/OS that interrupt
permits online problem management, Suspension of a process, such as
interactive problem diagnosis, online execution of a computer program, caused
debugging for disk-resident abend by an external event and performed in
dumps, problem tracking, and problem such a way that the process can be
reporting. resumed.
interactive processing IP See Internet Protocol.
A processing method in which each
operator action causes a response from
the program or the system.

Glossary 469
IP socket job step
The port that is concatenated with the The execution of a computer program
Internet Protocol (IP) address. explicitly identified by a job control
statement. A job may specify that several
IPC See interprocess communication.
job steps be executed. [A]
IPCS See Interactive Problem Control System.
jump In the running of a computer program, a
ISO See International Organization for departure from the implicit or declared
Standardization. order in which instructions are being run.
ISPF See Interactive System Productivity justify To align text so that the margins are even
item The data in one line of an indexed field.
Kanji A graphic character set consisting of
symbols used in Japanese ideographic
alphabets. Each character is represented
JCL See job control language.
by 2 bytes.
JES See Job Entry Subsystem.
JES2 An MVS subsystem that receives jobs into A Japanese phonetic syllabary used
the system, converts them to internal primarily for foreign names and place
format, selects them for execution, names and words of foreign origin.
processes their output, and purges them
from the system. In an installation with
A network authentication protocol that is
more than one processor, each JES2
based on symmetric key cryptography.
processor independently controls its job
Kerberos assigns a unique key, called a
input, scheduling, and output processing.
ticket, to each user who logs on to the
JES3 An MVS subsystem that receives jobs into network. The ticket is embedded in
the system, converts them to internal messages that are sent over the network.
format, selects them for execution, The receiver of a message uses the ticket
processes their output, and purges them to authenticate the sender.
from the system. In complexes that have
kernel The part of an operating system that
several loosely coupled processing units,
contains programs for such tasks as
the JES3 program manages processors so
input/output, management and control of
that the global processor exercises
hardware, and the scheduling of user
centralized control over the local
processors and distributes jobs to them
using a common job queue. kernel address space
The address space containing the MVS
job control language (JCL)
support for z/OS UNIX services. This
A command language that identifies a job
address space can also be called the
to an operating system and describes the
job's requirements.
Job Entry Subsystem (JES)
An input device consisting of various
An IBM licensed program that receives
keys that allows the user to input data,
jobs into the system and processes all
control cursor and pointer locations, and
output data that is produced by those
control the dialog with the workstation.
job name
One of the predefined words of a
The name of the job as identified to the
programming language, artificial
system. For an interactive job, the job is
language, application, or command.
assigned the name of the workstation at
which the job was started; for a batch job, keyword parameter
the name is specified in the command A parameter that consists of a keyword
used to submit the job. followed by one or more values.

470 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

kill character library
A character that deletes a line of A collection of model elements, including
characters entered after a prompt. business items, processes, tasks, resources,
and organizations.
Korn shell
A command interpreter developed for library lookaside (LLA)
UNIX, which forms the basis for the z/OS A z/OS facility that reduces library I/O
shell. activity by keeping selected directory
entries and modules in storage, instead of
making repetitive searches of DASD
label One or more characters used to identify a
licensed program (LP)
statement or an item of data in a
A separately priced program and its
computer program.
associated materials that have a copyright
labeled statement and are offered to customers under the
A programming language statement that terms and conditions of a licensing
contains one or more identifiers followed agreement.
by a colon and a statement.
LIFO See last-in first-out.
last-in first-out (LIFO)
line On a terminal, one or more characters
A queuing technique in which the next
entered before a return to the first
item to be retrieved is the item most
printing or display position, or accepted
recently placed on the queue.
by the system as a single block of output.
Latin 1
line editor
See Latin alphabet no. 1.
An editor that displays data one line at a
Latin alphabet time and that allows data to be accessed
An alphabet composed of the letters a - z and modified only by entering
and A - Z with or without accents and commands.
line mode
Latin alphabet no. 1 (Latin 1, Latin-1) An input-processing mode in which input
The 190 characters used in most of is collected and processed one line at a
Western Europe, North America, Central time.
and South America . There are other Latin
link In a file system, a connection between an
alphabets such as Latin-2 and Latin-3 that
i-node and one or more file names
correspond to some of the other ISO/IEC
associated with it.
8859 character sets. The numbering
scheme is neither rational nor orderly. link count
The number of directory entries that refer
to a particular file. [POSIX.1]
See Latin alphabet no. 1.
link list
Lempel-Ziv (LZ)
The list of libraries searched by the
A technique for compressing data. This
control program (after the job pack, task
technique replaces some character strings,
library, step library, job library, and link
which occur repeatedly within the data,
pack area have been searched) for any
with codes. The encoded character strings
load that does not provide a specific data
are then kept in a common dictionary,
control block to be used. In MVS, the
which is created as the data is being sent.
system name is LNKLST.
level In a database, the successive vertical
link pack area (LPA)
dependencies in a hierarchical structure.
The portion of virtual storage below
lexical analyzer 16MB that contains frequently used
A program that analyzes input and breaks modules.
it into categories, such as numbers, letters,
or operators.
To create a loadable computer program by
means of a linkage editor.

Glossary 471
linkage editor logical operator
A computer program for creating load A symbol, such as AND, OR, or NOT,
modules from one or more object that represents an operation on logical
modules or load modules by resolving expressions.
cross-references among the modules and,
logical record
if necessary, adjusting addresses.
A group of logically related fields.
literal A symbol or a quantity in a source Portions of the same logical record may
program that is itself data, rather than a be located in different physical records,
reference to data. and several logical records or parts of
several logical records may be located in
LLA See library lookaside.
one physical record.
load To bring all or part of a computer
logically partitioned mode
program into memory from auxiliary
A capability provided by the Processor
storage so that the computer can run the
Resource/System Manager (PR/SM™) that
allows a single processor to run multiple
load module operating systems using separate sets of
A program in a form suitable for loading system resources, or logical partitions.
into main storage for execution.
login name
loader A program that copies an executable file A string of characters that uniquely
into main storage so that the file can be identifies a user to the system.
logon The process of connecting to a computer
local Pertaining to a device, file, or system that system, network, or terminal session
is accessed directly from a user's system,
loop A sequence of instructions performed
without the use of a communication line.
locale A setting that identifies language or
geography and determines formatting
The least significant, or rightmost,
conventions such as collation, case
example. For example, in a 32-bit register
conversion, character classification, the
(0 through 31), bit 31 is the low-order bit.
language of messages, date and time
representation, and numeric LP See licensed program.
LPA See link pack area.
lock A mechanism with which a resource is
LZ See Lempel-Ziv.
restricted for use by the holder of the
log in To connect to a computer system or machine instruction
network by entering identification and A binary number that directs the
authentication information at the operation of a processor. Compilers and
workstation. assemblers convert source instructions to
machine instructions.
logger A functional unit that records events and
physical conditions, usually with respect magic number
to time. A numeric or string constant in a file that
indicates the file type.
logical mount
A mount that attaches a file system to the main function
root directory or to a directory of another A function that has the identifier main.
file system so that the files and directories Each program must have exactly one
on the file system can be referenced. The function named main. The main function
attached file system can consist of a file or is the first user function that receives
many files and directories. control when a program starts to run.
main program
The first program unit to receive control
when a program is run.

472 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

main storage transmitted on a telecommunication line,
The part of internal storage into which and converts the analog signal received to
instructions and other data must be data for the computer.
loaded for running or processing.
mainline routine See modem.
The first subroutine encountered when
A program unit that is discrete and
master address space identifiable with respect to compiling,
The virtual storage used by the master combining with other units, and loading.
scheduler task.
mount To make a file system accessible.
MBCS See multibyte character set.
mount point
medium In Linux operating systems and in UNIX
The material on which computer operating systems such as AIX®, the
information is stored. Examples of media directory at which a file system is
are diskettes, CDs, and tape. mounted and under which other file
systems may be mounted.
A data object in a structure, a union, or a MPI See Message Passing Interface.
multibyte character set (MBCS)
memory A character set that represents single
Program-addressable storage from which characters with more than a single byte.
instructions and other data can be loaded
multilevel security
directly into registers for subsequent
A security policy that allows the
running or processing.See also auxiliary
classification of data and users based on a
system of hierarchical security levels
Message Passing Interface (MPI) combined with a system of
A library specification for message non-hierarchical security categories. The
passing. MPI is a standard application system imposes mandatory access
programming interface (API) that can be controls restricting which users can access
used with parallel applications and that data based on a comparison of the
uses the best features of a number of classification of the users and the data.
existing message-passing systems.
Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS)
message queue An IBM operating system that accesses
A set of messages that are waiting to be multiple address spaces in virtual storage.
processed by a program or to be sent to a
terminal, display, or workstation.
Simultaneous processing by multiple
metacharacter central-processing units.
In UNIX, a character that has special
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
meaning to the shell.
An Internet standard that allows different
migrate forms of data, including video, audio, or
To install a new version or release of a binary data, to be attached to e-mail
program to replace an earlier version or without requiring translation into ASCII
release. text.
MIME See Multipurpose Internet Mail mutual exclusion lock
Extensions. A lock that excludes all threads other than
the lock holder from any access to the
model ACL
locked resource.
See default access control list.
MVS See Multiple Virtual Storage.
modem (modulator-demodulator)
A device that converts digital data from a
computer to an analog signal that can be

Glossary 473
named pipe numeric
A pipe that an application opens by name Pertaining to any of the digits 0 through
in order to write data into or read data 9.
from the pipe. Using a named pipe
numeric constant
facilitates communication between a
A constant that expresses an integer, a
sending process and a receiving process.
real number, or a complex number.
In data communication, a configuration in
which two or more locations are object code
physically connected for the purpose of Machine-executable instructions, usually
exchanging data. generated by a compiler from source code
written in a higher level language. Object
Network File System (NFS)
code might itself be executable or it might
A protocol, developed by Sun
require linking with other object code
Microsystems, Incorporated, that allows a
computer to access files over a network as
if they were on its local disks. object file
A member file in an object library.
newline character (NL)
A control character that causes the print object library
or display position to move down one An area on a direct access storage device
line. used to store object programs and
NFS See Network File System.
object module
NL See newline character.
A set of instructions in machine language
node In communications, an end point of a that is produced by a compiler or
communication link or a junction assembler from a subroutine or source
common to two or more links in a module and can be input to the linking
network. Nodes can be processors, program. The object module consists of
communication controllers, cluster object code.
controllers, terminals, or workstations.
object program
Nodes can vary in routing and other
A fully compiled or assembled program
functional capabilities.
that is ready to be loaded into the
NUL See null character. computer. An object program consists of
object modules.
NULL In the C and C++ languages, a pointer
that does not point to a data object. OMVS
The portion of a RACF profile that
null character (NUL)
contains information about users of z/OS
A control character with the value of X'00'
UNIX System Services, such as attributes.
that represents the absence of a displayed
or printed character. OMVS segment
The portion of a RACF profile that
null string
contains logon information for z/OS
A character or bit string with a length of
UNIX users and groups.
open file
null value
A file that is currently associated with a
A parameter position for which no value
file descriptor.
is specified.
open system
null wide-character code
A system that complies with
A wide-character code with all bits set to
industry-defined interoperability
standards. An open system can be
null-terminated connected to other systems complying
Pertaining to a character string that ends with the same standards.
with a zero byte.

474 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

operand padding
An argument to a command that is Bytes inserted in the data stream to
generally used as an object supplying maintain alignment of the protocol
information to a utility necessary to requests on natural boundaries. Padding
complete its processing. Operands increases the ease of portability to some
generally follow the options in a machine architectures.
command line.
page A fixed-length block of instructions, data,
operating system (OS) or both instructions and data that can be
A collection of system programs that transferred between active physical
control the overall operation of a memory and external page storage.
computer system.
page frame
operation In real storage, a storage location having
A specific action (such as add, multiply, the size of a page.
or shift) that the computer performs when
parent directory
The directory one level above the current
optimize directory. An object's parent directory is
To improve the speed of a program or to the directory that contains the names and
reduce the use of storage during controlling information for the object. If
processing. the object is named in more than one
directory, it has multiple parent
option A specification in a statement that can
influence the running of the statement.
parent process
OS See operating system.
A process that is created to carry out a
output request or set of requests. The parent
The result of processing data. Output can process, in turn, can create child processes
be displayed, printed, stored, or passed to to process requests for the parent.
another process.
parent process ID (PPID)
output file An attribute of a new process identifying
A database or device file that is opened the parent of the process. The parent
with the option to allow records to be process ID of a process is the process ID
written. of its creator for the lifetime of the creator.
After the creator's lifetime has ended, the
output list
parent process ID is the process ID of an
A list of variables from which values are
implementation-dependent system
written to a file or device.
output redirection
parent segment
The specification of an output destination
In a database, a segment that has one or
other than the standard one.
more dependent segments (its children)
output stream hierarchically below it.
Messages and other output data that an
parity The state of being either even-numbered
operating system or a processing program
or odd-numbered.
displays on output devices.
parity check
overflow exception
A test to determine whether the number
A condition caused by the result of an
of ones or zeros in an array of binary
arithmetic operation having a magnitude
digits is odd or even.
that exceeds the largest possible number.
parse To break down a string of information,
owner In UNIX-based operating systems, the
such as a command or file, into its
user name associated with a file. The
constituent parts.
owner and the superuser control access to
the file. parser A program that interprets user input and
determines what to do with the input.

Glossary 475
partitioned data set (PDS) physical file
A data set on direct access storage that is A database file that describes how data is
divided into partitions, called members, to be presented or received from a
each of which can contain a program, part program and how data is actually stored
of a program, or data.See also sequential in the database. A physical file contains
data set. one record format and one or more
partitioned data set extended (PDSE)
A data set that contains an indexed physical file system (PFS)
directory and members that are similar to The part of the operating system that
the directory and members of partitioned handles the actual storage and
data sets (PDSs). manipulation of data on a storage
password phrase
A string consisting of mixed-case letters, physical unit (PU)
numbers, and special characters, In SNA, one of three types of network
including blanks, that is used to control addressable units (NAUs). A PU exists in
access to data and systems. each node of an SNA network to manage
and monitor, at the request of a system
path In a network environment, the route
services control point logical unit
between any two nodes.
(SSCP-LU) session, the resources (such as
path name attached links and adjacent link stations)
A name that specifies all directories of a node.
leading to a file plus the file name itself.
PID See process ID.
pattern matching
pipe An interprocess communication
The specification of a pattern of characters
mechanism that connects an output file
for search purposes.
descriptor to an input file descriptor.
PDS See partitioned data set. Usually the standard output of one
process is connected to the standard input
PDSE See partitioned data set extended.
of another, forming a pipeline.
A measure of a system's ability to
A direct, one-way connection between
perform its functions, including response
two or more processes.
time, throughput, and number of
transactions per second. pointer
A data element or variable that holds the
period The symbol ".". The term dot is used for
address of a data object or a function.
the same symbol when referring to a Web
address or file extension. This character is polling
named <period> in the portable character Interrogation of devices for such purposes
set. as avoiding contention, determining
operational status, or determining
permanent storage
readiness to send or receive data.
A storage device whose contents cannot
be modified. port An end point for communication between
applications, generally referring to a
logical connection. A port provides
The ability to access a protected object,
queues for sending and receiving data.
such as a file or directory. The number
Each port has a port number for
and meaning of permissions for an object
are defined by the access control list.
To modify a computer program that runs
PFS See physical file system.
on a given system to enable it to run on a
PGID See process group ID. different system.
phase A distinct part of a process in which port number
related operations are performed. The part of a socket address that
identifies a port within a host.

476 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

portability precision
The ability of a program to run on more A measure of the ability to distinguish
than one type of computer system between nearly equal values.
without modification.
predefined macro
portable file name character set In C/C++, an identifier predefined by the
The set of characters from which portable compiler, which will be expanded by the
file names must be constructed to be preprocessor during compilation.
portable across implementations
conforming to the ISO POSIX-1 standard
A routine that performs initial processing
and to ISO/IEC 9945.
and translation of source code or data
Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) prior to compiling the source code or
An IEEE family of standards designed to processing the data in another program
provide portability between operating such as an emulator.
systems that are based on UNIX. POSIX
print file
describes a wide spectrum of
A file that is created for the purpose of
operating-system components ranging
printing data. A print file includes
from C language and shell interfaces to
information to be printed and, optionally,
system administration
some of the data.
Portable Operating System Interface for
privileged user
Computer Environments
A user logged into an account with root
See Portable Operating System Interface.
user authority.
positional parameter
A variable within a shell program.
A sequenced set of statements that may
Positional parameters are assigned from
be used at one or more points in one or
the shell's arguments when the shell is
more computer programs, and that
usually has one or more input parameters
POSIX and yields one or more output
See Portable Operating System Interface. parameters. [T]
POSIX open system environment (POSIX OSE) process
The open system environment in which An instance of a program running on a
the standards included are not in conflict system and the resources that it uses.
with ISO/IEC and consist of: International
process accounting
Standards and Profiles, developed by ISO,
An analysis of the way that each process
IEC, or CCITT; Regional Standards and
uses the processing unit, memory, and
Profiles, developed by a group recognized
I/O resources.
as an official body by a regional
governmental entity, such as the process group
European Community; and National A collection of processes in a system that
Information Technology Standards and is identified by a process group ID.
Profiles, developed by a national
process group ID (PGID)
standards body recognized as such by
The unique identifier representing a
ISO, IEC, or CCITT, as appropriate.
process group during its lifetime. A
POSIX OSE process group ID is a positive integer that
See POSIX open system environment. is not reused by the system until the
process group lifetime ends.
PPID See parent process ID.
process ID (PID)
PPTP See protocol.
The unique identifier that represents a
precedence process. A process ID is a positive integer
The priority system for grouping different and is not reused until the process
types of operators with their operands. lifetime ends.

Glossary 477
processor between two or more devices or systems
In a computer, the part that interprets and in a communication network.
executes instructions. Two typical
PSW See program status word.
components of a processor are a control
unit and an arithmetic logic unit. PU See physical unit.
production system
A system on which application programs
qualified name
that are already developed and tested run
A data name explicitly accompanied by a
on a regular basis.
specification of the class to which it
profile belongs in a specified classification
A file containing customized settings for a system.
system or user.
program A modifier that makes a name unique.
A prepared sequence of instructions to the
query In interactive systems, an operation at a
system to accomplish a defined task. In
workstation that elicits a response from
POSIX.2, a program encompasses
the system.
applications written in the shell command
language, complex utility input queue A data structure for processing work in
languages, and high-level languages which the first element added to the
(HLLs). queue is the first element processed. This
order is referred to as first-in first-out
program CCSID
In Enhanced ASCII, a 16-bit value that
identifies the current character set of text quiesce
strings within a program. To end a process or shut down a system
after allowing normal completion of
program check
active operations.
A condition that occurs when
programming errors are detected by a quotation mark
processor during execution. The characters " and '.
program control quote To mask the special meaning of certain
An RACF function with which an characters, causing the characters to be
installation can control who runs taken literally.
RACF-controlled programs.
program counter
RACF See Resource Access Control Facility.
See instruction address register.
program status word (PSW)
Pertaining to a data set for which the
An area in storage used to indicate the
RACF indicator is set on. If a data set is
order in which instructions are executed,
RACF-indicated, a user can access the
and to hold and indicate the status of the
data set only if a RACF profile or an
computer system.
entry in the global access checking table
prolog A user-written definition of an application exists for that data set.
program, record, or table. A prolog is
used for documentation.
Pertaining to resources that are defined to
prompt RACF. A data set that is RACF-protected
A message or a displayed symbol that by a discrete profile must also be
requests information or user action. The RACF-indicated.
user must respond to allow the program
RE See regular expression.
to proceed.
read lock
protocol (PPTP)
A lock that prevents any other process
A set of rules controlling the
from setting a write lock on any part of
communication and transfer of data
the protected area.

478 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

real GID allows the same copy of the program or
See real group ID. routine to be used concurrently by two or
more tasks.
real group ID (real GID)
For each user, the group ID defined in the region A contiguous area of virtual storage that
password file. has common characteristics and that can
be shared between processes.
real storage
The main storage in a virtual storage register
system. Physically, real storage and main An internal computer component capable
storage are identical. Conceptually, of storing a specified amount of data and
however, real storage represents only part accepting or transferring this data rapidly.
of the range of addresses available to the
regular expression
user of a virtual storage system.
A mechanism for selecting specific strings
real UID from a set of character strings.
See real user ID.
A sequence of characters or symbols
real user ID (real UID) constructed according to the rules defined
For each user, the user ID that is specified in POSIX.2 2.8.
in the /etc/passwd file.
regular file
reason code A file that is a randomly accessible
A value used to indicate the specific sequence of bytes, with no further
reason for an event or condition. structure imposed by the system.
record In programming languages, an aggregate
that consists of data objects, possibly with relative path name
different attributes, that usually have A string of characters that is used to refer
identifiers attached to them. In some to an object and that starts at some point
programming languages, records are in the directory hierarchy other than the
called structures. root. The starting point is frequently a
user's current directory.
record name
A user-defined name for a record. The relative record number (RRN)
name is listed in a record description A number that expresses the location of a
entry. record in relation to a base position in the
file containing it.
recovery procedure
An action performed by the operator remote
when an error message appears on the Pertaining to a system, program, or
display screen. This action usually device that is accessed through a
permits the program to continue or communication line.
permits the operator to run the next job.
remote terminal
recursion A terminal attached to a system through a
A programming technique in which a data link.
program or routine calls itself to perform
reset To cause a counter to take the state
successive steps in an operation, with
corresponding to a specified initial
each step using the output of the
preceding step.
A facility of a computing system or
To divert data from a process to a file or
operating system required by a job, task,
device to which it would not normally go.
or running program. Resources include
redirection main storage, input/output devices, the
In a shell, a method of associating files processing unit, data sets, files, libraries,
with the input or output of commands. folders, application servers, and control or
processing programs.
The attribute of a program or routine that

Glossary 479
Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) root user
An IBM licensed program that provides A system user who operates without
access control by identifying users to the restrictions. A root user has the special
system; verifying users of the system; rights and privileges needed to perform
authorizing access to protected resources; administrative tasks.
logging unauthorized attempts to enter
the system; and logging accesses to
A program or sequence of instructions
protected resources.
called by a program. Typically, a routine
restore has a general purpose and is frequently
To return to an original value or image, used.
for example, to restore data to main
row A horizontal arrangement of characters or
storage from auxiliary storage.
other expressions.
restricted shell
RRN See relative record number.
A facility that provides controlled, limited
access to specified users. run To cause a program, utility, or other
machine function to be performed.
To continue execution of an application runtime library
after an activity has been suspended. A library that is loaded dynamically and
used during execution time.
To locate data in storage and read it so
that it can be processed, printed, or
SA See system administrator.
SAF See System Authorization Facility.
return code
A value returned by a program to SBCS See single-byte character set.
indicate the result of its processing.
Scalable Parallel 2 (SP2)
Completion codes and reason codes are
IBM's parallel UNIX system: effectively
examples of return codes.
parallel AIX systems on a high-speed
return statement network.
A control statement in a programming
language that contains the word "return"
A computer program that performs
followed by an optional expression and a
functions such as scheduling, initiation,
and termination of jobs.
return value
SDSF See System Display and Search Facility.
See return code.
reverse solidus
See system dump.
See backslash.
search path
A list of directories searched by the shell
The process of restoring data that was
when a command path name is not
changed by an application program or
root The UNIX definition for a directory that is
The protection of data, system operations,
the base for all other directories.
and devices from accidental or intentional
root directory ruin, damage, or exposure.
The directory that contains all other
security administrator
directories in the system.
A programmer who manages, protects,
root file system and controls access to sensitive
The basic file system onto which all other information.
file systems can be mounted. The root file
system contains the operating system files
that run the rest of the system.

480 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

segment shared address space
A part of a program that can be run A type of address space shared by
without the entire program being in main multiple UNIX System Services (z/OS
storage. UNIX) processors.
semaphore shared file system
An indicator used to control access to a An operating system extension that
file. For example, in a multiuser allows multiple users or computers to use
application, a semaphore is a flag that the same set of files at the same time,
prevents simultaneous access to a file. across a network. To each user, the shared
file system appears to be an extension of
the local file system.
A punctuation character that separates
parts of a command or file, or that shared library
delimits character strings. On Linux and UNIX operating systems, a
library that contains at least one
sequential data set
subroutine that can be used by multiple
A data set whose records are organized
on the basis of their successive physical
positions, such as on magnetic tape. shared library program
A program that, when loaded, is put in
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
the shared library region for system-wide
An Internet protocol that connects a
computer to the Internet using a serial
line. shared library region
The area of storage in the system in
which shared library objects are loaded.
The consecutive ordering of items.
shared object library
server A software program or a computer that
A collection of subroutines that can be
provides services to other software
shared by multiple processes.
programs or other computers.
shell A software interface between users and an
server process
operating system. Shells generally fall into
A process that provides services to client
one of two categories: a command line
shell, which provides a command line
ServerPac interface to the operating system; and a
A software-delivery package consisting of graphical shell, which provides a
products and service for which IBM has graphical user interface (GUI).
performed the System Modification
shell program
Program/Extended (SMP/E) installation
See shell.
steps and some of the post-SMP/E
installation steps. shell prompt
On operating systems such as AIX or
service class
UNIX, the character string indicating that
A group of work that has the same
the system can accept a command. The
service goals or performance objectives,
shell prompt is typically the dollar sign
resource requirements, or availability
requirements. For workload management,
a service goal and, optionally, a resource shell script
group is assigned to a service class. A program, or script, that is interpreted
by the shell of an operating system.
service request block (SRB)
A control block that represents a routine signal A mechanism by which a process can be
that performs a particular function or notified of, or affected by, an event
service in a specified address space. occurring in the system. Examples of such
events include hardware exceptions and
session leader
specific actions by processes. The term
A process that has created a session.
signal is also used to refer to the event

Glossary 481
signal handler source file
A subroutine or function that is called A file of programming code that is not
when a signal occurs. compiled into machine language.
signal mask source language
A collection of signals that are currently A programming language acceptable as
blocked from delivery to a process. input to a translator.
single precision source module
The use of one computer word to See source program.
represent a number, in accordance with
source program
the required precision.
A set of instructions that are written in a
single-byte character set (SBCS) programming language and must be
A coded character set in which each translated into machine language before
character is represented by a 1-byte code. the program can be run.
A 1-byte code point allows representation
source statement
of up to 256 characters.
A statement written in the symbols of a
slash The character /, also known as forward programming language. For example,
slash. This character is named <slash> in COBOL, RPG, and DDS statements are
the portable character set. source statements.
SLIP See Serial Line Internet Protocol. SP2 See Scalable Parallel 2.
SMF See System Management Facilities. space A site intended for storage of data, such
as a location in a storage medium.
SMF record
A collection of information about capacity spawn A function in which a calling process (the
and system management that is written to parent process) creates a new process
a Systems Management Facility (SMF) called a child process. The child process
data set. Each SMF record includes inherits attributes from the parent process.
information about the system's A new program is specified and starts
configuration, paging activity, and running in the child process.
spec See specification.
SMIT See System Management Interface Tool.
special character
socket An identifier that an application uses to A character other than a digit, a letter, or
uniquely identify an end point of one of these characters: $, #, @, ., or _. For
communication. The user associates a example, the following characters are
protocol address with the socket by special characters: *, +, and %.
associating a socket address with the
special file
A file that provides an interface to input
software or output devices. There is at least one
The programs, procedures, rules, and special file for each device attached to the
associated documentation pertaining to computer.
the operation of a system.
specification (spec)
sort To rearrange some or all of a group of A document that describes, in a complete,
items, based upon the contents or precise, verifiable manner, the
characteristics of those items. requirements, design, behavior, or
characteristics of a system or system
source A system, a program within a system, or
component, for the purpose of developing
a device that makes a request to a target.
or validating the system.
source code
square bracket
A computer program in a format that is
See bracket.
readable by people. Source code is
converted into binary code that can be SRB See service request block.
used by a computer.
stack An area in memory that typically stores

482 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

information such as temporary register station
information, values of parameters, and A computer or device that can send or
return addresses of subroutines and is receive data.
based on the principle of last in, first out
status The current condition or state of a
program or device, for example, the status
standard error (STDERR) of a printer.
The output stream to which error
messages or diagnostic messages are sent.
See standard error.
standard input (STDIN)
An input stream from which data is
See standard input.
retrieved. Standard input is normally
associated with the keyboard, but if STDOUT
redirection or piping is used, the standard See standard output.
input can be a file or the output from a
sticky bit
A type of access permission bit that
standard output (STDOUT) causes an executable program to remain
The output stream to which data is on the swap area of the disk. Only
directed. Standard output is normally someone with root authority can set the
associated with the console, but if sticky bit. This bit is also used on
redirection or piping is used, the standard directories to indicate that only file
output can be a file or the input to a owners can link or unlink files in that
command. directory.
stanza A group of lines in a file that together stop See cancel.
have a common function or define a part
stopped state
of the system. Stanzas are usually
A state that allows a device to be made
separated by blank lines or colons, and
unavailable although it is still known by
each stanza has a name.
the device driver, which remains loaded
started procedures table and bound in the kernel.
A function that provides a method for
assigning RACF identities to started
The location of saved information.
storage administrator
started task
A person in the data processing center
In MVS, a process that begins at system
who is responsible for defining,
start and runs unattended. Started tasks
implementing, and maintaining storage
are generally used for critical applications.
management policies.
The UNIX equivalent of a started task is a
daemon. storage device
A physical unit that provides a
mechanism to store data on a given
In programming languages, a language
medium so that it can be subsequently
construct that represents a step in a
sequence of actions or a set of
declarations. stream
A continuous sequence of data elements
static storage
being transmitted one character at a time,
An area that is allocated by the system
or intended for transmission, using a
when a program is activated. Static
defined format.
storage exists as long as the program
activation exists. If the program has not stream editor
been deactivated, the values in the A type of editor that is used to perform
storage persist from one call to another. basic transformations on text read from a
file or a pipe. The results are sent to a
standard output.

Glossary 483
structure supplementary group ID
A class data type that contains an ordered A process attribute that is used when file
group of data objects. Unlike an array, the access permissions are determined.
data objects within a structure can have
symbol table
varied data types.
A list of symbol names and their
stub A protocol extension procedure that associated values, usually in an object or
connects with the library but remains executable file, which gives the names of
outside the library. external symbols and their addresses.
subcommand symbolic link
A request for an operation that is within A type of file that contains a pointer to
the scope of work requested by a another file or directory.
previously issued command.
subdirectory Occurring with a regular or predictable
A directory contained within another time relationship.
directory in a file system hierarchy.
synchronous transmission
subprogram A method of transmission in which the
A program that is called by another sending and receiving of data is
program, such as a subshell. controlled by timing signals.
subroutine syntax The rules for the construction of a
A sequence of instructions within a larger command or statement.
program that performs a particular task.
A subroutine can be accessed repeatedly,
A set of z/OS systems that communicate
can be used in more than one program,
with each other through certain
and can be called at more than one point
multisystem hardware components and
in a program.
software services.
An integer or variable whose value selects
In zFS, pertaining to a physical file
a particular element in a table or array.
system that handles file requests for
subshell mounted file systems locally instead of
An instance of the shell program started shipping function requests through z/OS
from an existing shell program. UNIX.
substring sysplex CDS
A part of a character string. See sysplex couple data set.
suffix A character string attached to the end of a sysplex couple data set (sysplex CDS)
file name that helps identify its file type. A couple data set (CDS) that contains
sysplex-wide data about systems, groups,
and members that use cross-system
See root user.
coupling facility (XCF) services. All
superuser authority systems in a sysplex must be connected to
The unrestricted ability to access and the sysplex CDS.
modify any part of the operating system,
Sysplex Timer®
usually associated with the user who
An IBM unit that synchronizes the
manages the system.
time-of-day (TOD) clocks in processors.
The part of a control program that
A computer and its associated devices
coordinates the use of resources and
and programs.
maintains the flow of processor
operations. system administrator (SA)
The person who controls and manages a
computer system.

484 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

System Authorization Facility (SAF) TCP/IP
An MVS interface with which programs See Transmission Control
can communicate with an external Protocol/Internet Protocol.
security manager, such as RACF.
tcsh See Tenex C shell.
System Display and Search Facility (SDSF)
temporary file system (TFS)
An IBM-licensed program that provides a
A temporary, in-memory physical file
menu-driven full-screen interface that is
system that supports in-storage
used to obtained detailed information
mountable file systems. Normally, a TFS
about jobs and resources in a system.
runs in the kernel address space, but it
system dump (SDUMP) can be run in a logical file system (LFS)
A dump of all the storage in the system colony address space.
that can be used for problem
temporary storage
The section of computer storage in which
System Management Facilities (SMF) data is stored temporarily while a
A component of z/OS that collects and program is running.
records a variety of system and
Tenex C shell (tcsh)
job-related information.
An enhancement of the UNIX C shell
System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) (csh) that is compatible with csh.
An interface tool of the AIX operating
term The smallest part of an expression that
system for installing, maintaining,
can be assigned a value.
configuring, and diagnosing tasks.
system program
In data communication, a device, usually
A program providing services in general
equipped with a keyboard and display
support of the running of a system.
device, capable of sending and receiving
system programmer information.
A programmer who plans, maintains, and
terminal device file
controls the use of an operating system
See character special file.
with the aim of improving overall
productivity of an installation. Terminal Monitor Program (TMP)
The program that manages a Time
Sharing Option (TSO) session.
tag A mechanism used to identify certain
terminal type (tty)
attributes having some bearing on
A generic device driver for a text display.
handling of character data. Some
A tty typically performs input and output
examples are character set identifier, code
on a character-by-character basis.
page identifier, language identifier,
country identifier, and encoding scheme text editor
identifier. A program used to create, modify, and
print or display text files.
target The program or system to which a
request for files or processing is sent. text file
A file that contains only printable
task A unit of work to be accomplished by a
device or process.
TFS See temporary file system.
task control block (TCB)
A z/OS control block that is used to thread A stream of computer instructions that is
communicate information about tasks in control of a process. In some operating
within an address space that is connected systems, a thread is the smallest unit of
to a subsystem. operation in a process. Several threads
can run concurrently, performing different
TCB See task control block.
TCP See Transmission Control Protocol.
tilde One of the accent marks in Latin script

Glossary 485
Time Sharing Option (TSO) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
A base element of the z/OS operating A communication protocol used in the
system with which users can interactively Internet and in any network that follows
work with the system. the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
standards for internetwork protocol. TCP
Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E)
provides a reliable host-to-host protocol in
A licensed program that is based on Time
packet-switched communication networks
Sharing Option (TSO). With TSO/E, MVS
and in interconnected systems of such
users can interactively share computer
time and resources.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
time stamp
The value of an object that indicates the
An industry-standard, nonproprietary set
system time at some critical point in the
of communication protocols that provides
object's history.
reliable end-to-end connections between
timeout applications over interconnected networks
A time interval that is allotted for an of different types.
event to occur or complete before
trap A special statement used to catch signals
operation is interrupted.
within the z/OS shell.[OSF]
TMP See Terminal Monitor Program.
token The basic syntactic unit of a computing To shorten a field, value, statement, or
language. A token consists of one or more string.
characters, excluding the blank character
TSO See Time Sharing Option.
and excluding characters within a string
constant or delimited identifier. TSO/E See Time Sharing Option Extensions.
token number tty See terminal type.
A nonnegative integer that represents the
name of a token.
The process of adjusting an application, a
touch To set a flag in a window that indicates system, or system control variables to
that the information in the window could operate in a more efficient manner.
differ from the that displayed on the
terminal device.
UI See user interface.
trace To record data that provides a history of
events occurring in the system. underscore character
A character used in each position of an
track A circular path on the surface of a disk or
entry field to indicate its length. This
diskette on which information is
indicator of entry field length is used on
magnetically recorded and from which
display devices that do not have the
recorded information is read.
underscore attribute.
Pertaining to an application program that
To make an address space unknown to
is divided into segments, where each
segment typically requests an I/O
operation with a terminal user, giving up unformatted file
control to other application program A file that is arranged without such
segments for the duration of the I/O characteristics as a certain number of
operation. characters and lines per page, line
spacing, and headings.
Pertaining to a program or subroutine union A variable that can hold any one of
that does not reside in main storage. several data types, one data type at a
The sending of data from one place for
reception elsewhere.

486 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

union tag user name
An identifier that names a union data A string of characters that uniquely
type. identifies a user to a system.
UNIX A highly portable operating system that user profile
features multiprogramming in a multiuser In computer security, a description of a
environment. The UNIX operating system user that includes such information as
was originally developed for use on user ID, user name, password, access
minicomputers, but was adapted for authority, and other attributes that are
mainframes and microcomputers. The obtained when the user logs on.
AIX operating system is IBM's
UTC See Coordinated Universal Time.
implementation of the UNIX operating
system. UTF-8 Unicode Transformation Format, 8-bit
encoding form, which is designed for ease
UNIX file
of use with existing ASCII-based systems.
An object that exists in a hierarchical file
The CCSID value for data in UTF-8
system. Examples of UNIX files are HFS,
format is 1208.
ZFS, NFS, and TFS.
UNIX System Services
An element of z/OS that creates a UNIX valid Pertaining to that which is allowed, is
environment that conforms to XPG4 true, or conforms to some standard.
UNIX 1995 specifications and that
value In programming, the alphabetic or
provides two open-system interfaces on
numeric contents of a variable or a
the z/OS operating system: an application
storage location.
programming interface (API) and an
interactive shell interface. variable
A representation of a changeable value.
To logically disassociate a mountable file variable-length record
system from another file system. A record having a length independent of
the length of other records with which it
user Any individual, organization, process,
is logically or physically associated.
device, program, protocol, or system that
uses the services of a computing system. vector An array of one dimension.
user address space version file system
An address space that has at least one See root file system.
MVS task known to the kernel address
VFS See virtual file system.
space. This address space can contain a
shell or an application program that uses virtual file system (VFS)
UNIX System Services. A remote file system that has been
mounted so that it is accessible to the
user area
local user.
The parts of main storage and disk
available to the user. virtual lookaside facility (VLF)
A z/OS facility that enables named data
user ID
to be kept in virtual storage instead of
See user identification.
user identification (user ID)
virtual storage (VS)
The name used to associate the user
The storage space that can be regarded as
profile with a user when a user signs on
addressable main storage by the user of a
to a system.
computer system in which virtual
user interface (UI) addresses are mapped to real addresses.
The hardware, or software, or both that The size of virtual storage is limited by
enables a user to interact with a system, the addressing scheme of the computer
program, or device. system and by the amount of auxiliary
storage available, not by the actual
number of main storage locations.

Glossary 487
Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) boundaries in which an application
An access method for direct or sequential program or information is displayed or in
processing of fixed-length and which a dialog is presented.
variable-length records on disk devices.
word A fundamental unit of storage that refers
The records in a VSAM data set or file
to the amount of data that can be
can be organized in logical sequence by a
processed at a time. Word size is a
key field (key sequence), in the physical
characteristic of the computer architecture.
sequence in which they are written on the
See also halfword.
data set or file (entry sequence), or by
relative-record number. work area
That portion of central storage that is
Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
used by a computer program to hold data
An IBM licensed program that controls
communication and the flow of data in an working directory
SNA network. The active directory. When a file name is
specified without a directory, the current
VLF See virtual lookaside facility.
directory is searched.
working storage
A discrete unit of storage on disk, tape or
See temporary storage.
other data recording medium that
supports some form of identifier and workstation
parameter list, such as a volume label or A terminal or microcomputer at which a
input/output control. user can run applications and that is
usually connected to a mainframe or a
VS See virtual storage.
write To output characters to a file, such as
See Virtual Storage Access Method.
standard output or standard error. Unless
VTAM otherwise stated, standard output is the
See Virtual Telecommunications Access default output destination for all uses of
Method. the term write. [POSIX.2]
write access
In computer security, permission to write
wait A state allowing a parent process to
to an object.
synchronize with the execution of an exit
issued by a child process. write lock
A lock that prevents any other process
white space
from setting a read lock or a write lock on
A sequence of one or more characters,
any part of the protected area.
such as the blank character, the newline
character, or the tab character, that belong write to log (WTL)
to the space character class. A system service used to send messages
to the system log or hardcopy log.
wide character
A character whose range of values can write to operator with reply (WTOR)
represent distinct codes for all members A system service used to send messages
of the largest extended character set to an operator console informing the
specified among the supporting locales. operator of errors and system conditions
that might need correcting. A response is
wildcard character
A special character such as an asterisk (*)
or a question mark (?) that can be used to WTL See write to log.
represent one or more characters. Any
character or set of characters can replace
See write to operator with reply.
the wildcard character.
An area of the screen with visible

488 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

X Window System
A software system, developed by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
that enables the user of a display to
concurrently use multiple application
programs through different windows of
the display. The application programs can
execute on different computers.
XCF See cross-system coupling facility.
XCF couple data set
A data set that is created through the
cross-system coupling facility (XCF)
couple data set (CDS) format utility and,
depending on its designated type, is
shared by some or all of the systems in a
See Extra Performance Linkage.

z/OS An IBM mainframe operating system that

uses 64-bit real storage.
An IBM mainframe operating system that
acts as a hypervisor. z/VM can virtualize
all system resources, including processors,
memory, storage devices, communication
devices, and networking, and can
dynamically add or increase system
resources. z/VM supports the concurrent
operation of hundreds of operating
system instances.

Glossary 489
490 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning
Special characters /dev/random
special character file 153
__BPXK_UNICODE_MAL environment variable 435 /dev/ttypNNNN
__BPXK_UNICODE_SUB environment variable 436 specifying 153
__IPC_MEGA option for shmat() 18 /dev/urandom
__MAP_MEGA option for mmap() 18 special character file 153
_BKXK_FORCE_CANCEL environment variable 433 /dev/zero
_BPX_ACCT_DATA environment variable 420, 429 special character file 153
_BPX_BATCH_SPAWN environment variable 429 /etc
_BPX_BATCH_UMASK environment variable 429 installing service into 160
_BPX_JOBNAME environment variable 229, 429 /etc directory
customizing 84 customizing configuration files 44, 237
_BPX_PTRACE_ATTACH environment variable 430 putting USERIDALIASTABLE in 38
_BPX_SHAREAS environment variable 430 /etc file system
benefits and side effects of using 402 explanation of 115
improving performance with 402 migrating the 12
shared address space 402 /etc/complete.tcsh
_BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT environment variable 430 customizing 237
improving performance of shell scripts 402 /etc/csh.cshrc
_BPX_TERMPATH environment variable 431 customizing 236
_BPX_UNLIMITED_OUTPUT environment variable 431 /etc/csh.login
_BPX_USERID environment variable 431 customizing 235
_BPXK_AUTOCVT environment variable 431 national code page customization
using 280 for z/OS shell 249
_BPXK_CCSIDS environment variable 432 /etc/inetd.conf
_BPXK_DAEMON_ATTACH environment variable 432 customizing for rlogin 362
_BPXK_DISABLE_SHLIB environment variable 432 /etc/init
_BPXK_INITTAB_RESPAWN environment variable 433 customizing 227
_BPXK_JOBLOG environment variable 434 /etc/init.options
setting the 323 copying from /samples 44
_BPXK_MDUMP environment variable 434 customizing 227
dynamically requesting a SYSMDUMP 325 /etc/inittab
used in diagnosing problems 324 and the /etc/rc file 229, 232
_BPXK_PCCSID environment variable 434 copying from /samples 44
_BPXK_SETIBMOPT_TRANSPORT environment variable 414, customizing 232, 234
434 /etc/log
_BPXK_SUID_FORK environment variable 435 and /usr/sbin/init 227
_BPXK_TECHNIQUE environment variable 435 /etc/passwd
_BPXK_TIMEOUT environment variable 435 explanation of 218
_BPXK_UNICODE_TECHNIQUE environment variable 435 /etc/profile
_BPXK_WLM_PROPAGATE environment variable 436 customizing 219, 223
_C89_CLIB_PREFIX variable 240 national code page customization
_CEE_ENVFILE environment variable 436 for Japanese 250
_CEE_ENVFILE_S environment variable 436 for z/OS shell 248
_map_init 19 Simplified Chinese 250
_map_service 19 /etc/rc
_server_init() 86 and the /etc/inittab file 229, 232
/// copying from /samples 44
placeholder in mount processing (ZFS and HFS) 118, 123 customizing 231
/dev directory sample file 231
explanation of 115 /samples/init.options
/dev/console 155 copying to /etc/init.options 227
/dev/fd/n /samples/profile
special character file 154 sample of 219
/dev/fdn /tmp directory
special character file 154 explanation of 115
/dev/null managing the 327
special character file 153 /u directory
/dev/operlog 155 suggested file system structure 116
/dev/ptypNNNN /usr/sbin
specifying 153 specifying for superusers 226

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2013 491

/usr/sbin/ini 227 address space (continued)
/usr/sbin/mount 149 dirty (continued)
/usr/sbin/unmount 133 loading modules from the file system 358
/var directory displaying 308
explanation of 115 ending 287
.rhosts file 361 generating job names for 425
$HOME/.login loading programs into 338
customizing 236 making nonswappable 85
$HOME/.profile server 18
customizing 225 ADDUSER RACF command
environment variables that can be customized for 226 using with the OMVS segment 61
$HOME/.tcshrc administrator
customizing 237 in z/OS UNIX 1
mounting file systems using symbolic links 211 BPXPRMxx parmlib member 29
$SYSSYMR displaying 309
mounting file systems, using symbolic links 211 processing with common INET (CINET) 411
+ extended attribute 96 setting up 405
AF_INET6 sockets
BPXPRMxx parmlib member 29
A setting up 405
AF_INET8 sockets
a extended attribute 96
displaying 309
abend code
0F4 312
AF_UNIX sockets
422 322
displaying 309
EC6 322
aggregates 117
to directories 91
waits 41
to files 91, 93
ALLOCxx parmlib member 41
to z/OS UNIX resources 58
alternate sysplex root file system 127
access ACL 97
removing the 130
managing 98
setting up the 128
access control list (ACL)
access ACL 97
APF authorization for UNIX files
access checks 101
using sanction lists 341
auditing 101
APF-authorized extended attribute
base ACL entry 97
and sanction lists 341
defining default 99
description of 84
directory default ACL 97
APF-authorized extended attributes
inheritance 99
security implications 64
extended ACL entry 97
APF-authorized programs 96
file default ACL 97
application program
inheritance 99
problem determination 325
inheritance 97
application programmers
managing 97, 98
protecting data 94
Application Services
working with 100
customization commands in /etc/rc file 231
access permission bits
setting 91
controlling access to 108
accessibility 445
APPLID (customized)
contact IBM 445
using the 108
features 445
appropriate privilege
account number
determining for
assigning to forked address spaces 420
daemons 335
accounting information
checking 422
limitations of 280
for BPXOINIT address space 420
setting up 280
for OMVS address space 420
ASCII code page 316
MVS 419
assistive technologies 445
ACEE support
limitations of 367
at jobs
address space
scheduling 350
assigning account numbers for forked 420
at shell command
creating a forked 3
running one-time-only jobs 347
explanation of 342

492 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

accesses defining 83
to files 103 defining modules to program control 338
authenticated client security environment 367 handling dirty address spaces 342
authority checks 64 setting up 340
activating sanction lists 106 defining 83
AUTHPGMLIST statement BPX.EXECMVSAPF.program_name 86
customizing in BPXPRMxx 41 defining 83
customizing in BPXPRMxx 36 defining files as shared library programs 341
using 280 BPX.FILEATTR.APF 86
AUTOGID keyword defining 84
defining group identifiers (GIDs) 67 BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL 86
automatic conversion 279 defining 84
AUTOMNT file system type setting program control 339
automount facility defining 84
AUTOMOVE options supported by MOUNT BPX.JOBNAME 86
command 207 defining 84
changing data sets 170 BPX.MAINCHECK 86
delay time 164, 201 defining 84, 343
managing both zFS and HFS file systems 163 setting up for daemons 336
MapName file 165 setting up for servers 369
mounting BPX.MAP 86
in a sysplex 164 defining 84
NFS data sets 163 BPX.NEXT.USER 86
mounting zFS data sets 117 defining 84
naming specific directories 170 BPX.OUTPUT.UNLIMITED 86
prefilter support 164 BPX.POE 86
setting up the 166 defining 85
stopping 171 BPX.SAFFASTPATH 86
using in a shared file system 164 defining 85, 322
using multilevel security 163 BPX.SERVER 86
zFS considerations for sysplex 192, 206 defining 85
automount policy 201 setting up for servers 369
displaying 169 setting up security for servers 368
return codes 164 BPX.SHUTDOWN 86
security considerations 166 defining 85
AUTOMOVE parameter in BPXPRMxx 186 BPX.SMF 86
automove system list defining 85
wildcard support 191 BPX.SRV.userid 86
AUTOUID keyword defining 85
assigning UIDs to single users 67 BPX.STOR.SWAP 86
defining 85
B defining 85
defining superusers 78
banner page
print separator for output 316
defining 86
base ACL entry 97
BPAM (basic partitioned access method)
defining 86
access to TFS files 327
access to UNIX files 133
used by workload manager (WLM) 3
access to zFS files 117
BPXAS started procedure
BPX messages 322
adding 57
BPX_IMAGE_INIT (process image initiation exit) 380
BPX_PREPROC_INIT (preprocess initiation exit) 380
BPXABATSL alias 351
BPX_PREPROC_TERM (preprocess termination exit) 380
starting daemons 351
updating for code page support 249
defining 82
BPXBATSL entry point 351
BPXFX100 317
defining 82
BPXFX111 317
BPXFX211 317
defining 82
BPXFX311 317
handling dirty address spaces 342
BPXISCDS sample job
setting up for daemons 336
creating the couple data set 182
setting up security for servers 368

Index 493
BPXISETD REXX exec c89 utility
converting /etc symbolic link to directory 160 customizing 239
BPXISETS REXX exec setting up to work with compiler 241
converting /etc to symbolic link 160, 180 tuning 384
BPXISHFS sample job using the c89 versions of the c89 command names 241
role in installation process 12 caching UID and GID information in VLF
BPXISJCL steps for 385
converting /etc in background 160 CANCEL command
BPXISMKD 137 ending
BPXISYS1 REXX exec processes 287
using the 178 canonical mode 8
BPXISYS2 REXX exec 179 cataloged procedure
creating sysplex-wide root 175, 179 daemons 351
BPXISYSS sample job 181 defining to RACF 90
BPXISYZR sample job initializing the kernel 45
creating sysplex-wide root 175, 179 OMVS 55
BPXISZFS sample job loading into LPA 384
role in installation process 12 CBPDO installation
BPXMKDIR REXX exec 137 explanation of process 11
BPXOINIT address space security requirements for 88
modifying accounting information for 420 setting up BPXOINIT 12
BPXOINIT started procedure cc command
adding 55, 56 customizing 239
cataloged procedure 55 changing process limits for active processes
CBPDO installation 12 steps for 400
BPXP006E 325 character conversion table
BPXPRMLI parmlib member convert code page 317
keeping reconfigurable parameters in 300 customizing 318
BPXPRMXX (sample member) 23 character special file
BPXPRMxx parmlib member creating 152
changing values without reIPLing 26 CheckSchedEnv() WLM interface 86
customizing 23 CHECKSUM
CINET 411 used to improve TCP/IP performance 6
INET 408 Chinese, Simplified
customizing for a shared file system 185 customizing
dynamically adding filetypes to 300 for the z/OS shell 247
dynamically changing values of 297 CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED 73
parameters for common INET (CINET) using 77
INADDRANYCOUNT 413 chpriority()
INADDRANYPORT 413 enabling 391
setting limits for users 68 CICS/ESA (Customer Information Control System/ESA) 319
sharing 22 CINET (common INET)
specifying the initial values in IEASYSxx parmlib binding to a specific socket 413
member 23 connecting to a specific socket 414
switching to different members 300 customizing BPXPRMxx member 411
syntax checker 23 displaying network routing information 409
BPXTAMD module name setting up for sockets 406
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27 specifying parameters in BPXPRMxx member
BPXTCINT module name starting sockets processing 411
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27 transport affinity 414
BPXTFS module name using specific transports 413
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27 CINET file system type
BPXTUINT module name customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27 CINET operand of DISPLAY OMVS 409
BPXWH2Z tool classification rules
used to migrate HFS file systems to zFS 117 defining 21
byte range lock manager (BRLM) 211 code page
initializing 182 conversion 316
customizing 318
national 247
C code page 00037 316
code page 00290 316
c++ command
code page 00293 316
customizing 239
code page 00930 316

494 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

COFVLFxx parmlib member 41 COUPLExx parmlib
colony address space defining z/OS UNIX CDS to XCF 184
running a physical file system 45 cover page
setting up 45 print separator for output 316
setting up security for 57 CPU time limit 217
starting outside of JES 46 CPUTIMEMAX 68
commands CreateWorkUnit() WLM interface 86
executing from remote locations, with UUCP 255 cron daemon 256
common INET (CINET) assigning job name to 352
activating multiple file systems with, for the first time 302 customizing the 347
binding to a specific socket 413 removing files from directories 134
connecting to a specific socket 414 scheduling UUCP transfers 273
customizing BPXPRMxx member 411 starting from the shell 351
displaying network routing information 409 cron jobs
setting up for sockets 406 scheduling 350
specifying parameters in BPXPRMxx member cron shell command
INADDRANYPORT 413 customizing for read-only root file system 139
starting sockets processing 411 crontab
transport affinity 414 scheduling cron jobs with 350
using specific transports 413 crontab shell command
Communications Server running regularly-scheduled jobs 347
description of 6 CSVDYNEX service
compiler defining exits 381
selecting previous, for Language Environment 240 CTIBPX00 parmlib member 42
using the same one, for Language Environment 240 CTIBPX01 parmlib member 42
component identifiers 323 CTnBPXxx parmlib member 42
concatenating customizing 42
libraries to ISPF ddnames 48 CTRACE buffer size
for the z/OS shell 252, 256 increasing the 305
condition variable CTRACE statement
displaying latch contention 310 customizing in BPXPRMxx 30
confighfs shell command curses applications
expanding the file system 134 terminfo database 243
configuration customization
files /etc/complete.tcsh 237
TCP/IP 408 /etc/csh.cshrc 236
files, UUCP /etc/csh.login 235
compiling the 272 /etc/init.options 227
creating or editing 263 /etc/rc 231
how uucico uses 272 $HOME/.login 236
UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX copy program) 255 $HOME/.profile 225
configuration files $HOME/.tcshrc 237
customizing 237 ALLOCxx parmlib member 41
CONNECT RACF command BPXPRMxx parmlib member 23
connecting a user to a group with 61 c++ 239
ConnectWorkMgr() WLM interface 86 c89 239
console, system carriage conversion tables 318
file 154 cc 239
ContinueWorkUnit() WLM interface 86 COFVLFxx member 41
controlled programs CTIBPX00 parmlib member 42
defining modules 338 CTIBPX01 parmlib member 42
explanation of 342 CTnBPXxx member 42
conversion CTnBPXxx parmlib member 42
code page 316 daemons
using a character conversion table 317 cataloged procedure 351
CONVERT operand IEADMR00 member 43
OMVS command IEASYSxx parmlib member 23
converting data with the 318 IKJTSOxx member 43
COPY DATASET command (DFSMSdss) inetd daemon 345
copying a file system 144 ISPF selection panel 48
core dump RACF user profile 219
using the 325 service policies 19
couple data set (CDS) Setup Verification Program (SVP) 51
BPXISCDS sample job 182 shell
creating 182 _C89_CLIB_PREFIX environment variable 240
identifying to XCF 184 /etc/profile 219
electronic mail 244

Index 495
customization (continued) DFSMS 5
tcsh shell 215 managing file systems with 132
electronic mail 244 messages 322
environment variables 217 tracing events 305
uucpd daemon 346 DFSMSdfp
verifying setup choices 51 SMS (System Managed Storage) 15
z/OS shell 215, 217 System Managed Storage (SMS) 15
environment variables 217 DFSMSdss
customizing COPY DATASET command 144
z/OS shell DFSMShsm
Japanese 247 backing up files 144
Simplified Chinese 247 Dialcodes file, UUCP 268
Dialers file, UUCP 268
direct mount 148
D directory
auditing accesses to 103
controlling access to 91
displaying serialization data 309
file system 114
directory default ACL 97
showing jobs in wait status 380
inheritance 99
dirty address space
D OMVS,Sockets 309
defining modules to program control 338
explanation of 342
appropriate privileges for 335
loading modules from the file system 358
authorizing to use delegated resources 432
dirty environment
explanation of 342
customizing 347
loading modules from the file system 358
starting from the shell 351
DisconnectServer() WLM interface 86
inetd 345
information about processes
rlogind 346
ps shell command 305
customizing system for 338
DISPLAY command 305
defining a service class for 21
description of 4
IP-supplied 344
current PFSes 300
preparing security program for 337
transport providers 409
restarting 351
Distributed File System (DFS)
security considerations for 335
exporting considerations 213
security procedures 354
double-byte data
setup problems 355
converting 317
starting 351
driving system 157
starting from the shell 351
starting in background environment 351
formatting 324
sticky bit, checking the 357
how to take a 308
dynamic LPA 383
starting from the shell 351
customizing 346
data set E
changing automounted 170 EBCDIC Latin 1 country-extended code page 316
protecting 94 EBCDIC Latin 1/Open Systems Interconnection code page
dbx 1047 316
enhanced security checking 344 electronic mail 255
debug customizing
APF-authorized programs 83 tcsh shell 244
with BPX.SERVER authority 83 customizing in the shell 244
defining Enhanced ASCII
groups 71 enabling 36
z/OS UNIX users 59 limitations of 280
delegated resources (RACF) 432 setting up 280
DeleteWorkUnit() WLM interface 86 using 279
Devices file, UUCP 268 enhanced program security
DFS (Distributed File System) dbx 344
exporting considerations 213 setting up 343
DFS Client environment
colony address space 45 dirty
DFSMDss explanation of 342
backing up files 146 loading modules from the file ssytem 358

496 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

environment variable extended attributes (continued)
_BPX_ACCT_DATA 420, 429 shared library 341
_BPX_BATCH_UMASK 429 extended common service area (ECSA)
_BPX_JOBNAME 229, 429 evaluating virtual memory needs 17
defining 84 extended system queue area (ESQA) 17
_BPX_PTRACE_ATTACH 430 controlling use of 390
_BPX_SHAREAS 430 external link
improving performance with 402 accessing MVS load libraries 358
shared address space 402 for APF-authorized program 96
improving performance of shell scripts 402 customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27
requesting a SYSMDUMP 325
shutting down z/OS UNIX 288
_BPXK_JOBLOG 323, 434
dynamically requesting a SYSMDUMP 325
used in diagnosing problems 324
explanation of 292
using 291
defining 82
defining 82
defining 82
setting up for daemons 336
setting up security for servers 368
for shells 217
defining 83
defining modules to program control 338
in /etc/profile 222
handling dirty address spaces 342
setting up 340
tracing 304
defining 83
exec -a $0 $SHELL
running the shell command
defining 83
in sample /etc/profile 222
executable file 5
defining 84
changing owner and group 93
explanation of 113
setting program control 339
setting up 84
moving into the link pack area (LPA) 385
moving into the LPA
defining files as shared library programs 341
steps for 385
setting up 84
adding exit routines 381
defining 84
extended ACL entry 97
extended attributes
defining 84, 343
+ 96
setting up for servers 369
1 96
a 96
defining 84
APF-authorized 64
using sanction lists 341
defining 84
p 96
program control 339
defining 85
s 96
shared address space 402
defining 85

Index 497
FACILITY class (continued) file descriptor
BPX.SERVER specifying 154
defining 85 file descriptor not available message 31
setting up for servers 369 file security packet (FSP)
setting up security for servers 368 and RACF 94
BPX.SHUTDOWN definition of 94
defining 85 file system
BPX.SMF /dev
defining 85 explanation of 115
BPX.SRV.userid /etc
defining 85 explanation of 115
BPX.STOR.SWAP migrating 12
defining 85 /tmp
BPX.SUPERUSER explanation of 115
defining 85 /u
BPX.UNLIMITED.OUTPUT explanation of 116
defining 86 /var
BPX.WLMSERVER explanation of 115
defining 86 allocating the root 119
FACILITY class profiles back-level sysplex
setting up 82 moving to a 205
failure backing up 144
file system 155, 312 BPAM access 133
file system type 312 changing mount mode 143
kernel 312 copying 144
recovering from 312 creating 116
System Services 312 defining 26
fastpath support for SAF expanding the 134
disabling 322 failure 155
enabling 322 in-memory
fcntl() service managing 327
used in file locking 151 increasing size of 133
FDBX messages 322 installing products into 161
field level access installing service into 157
OMVS segment of RACF user profile 66 managing 114, 132
FIFO special file 152 mounting 121, 123
file HFS 122
accessing 93 mounting, using symbolic links 211
auditing accesses to 103 multivolume support 146
changing nonprivileged mount 124
character special nonprivileged unmount 124
creating 152 MAXUSERMOUNTSYS 124
checking for program control 340 MAXUSERMOUNTUSER 124
controlling access to 91 organization 404
description 5, 113 placement of files 404
in file system 5, 113 planned shutdown 287
locking 151 privileged mount 123
parallel sysplex 211 privileged unmount 123
obtaining security information for 94 recovering from root problems 155
permission bits reducing size of 133
changing 93 remounting 143
removing from directories 134 root
special 152 restoring a 155
transferring setting up the 119
UUCP 255 slow response time 134
transferring, by all users 77 steps for mounting 125
UUCP sysplex
Devices 268 mounting using NFS Client Mount 212
Dialcodes 268 moving in a 204
Dialers 268 transporting the 159
Permissions 268 unmounting
Systems 264 in a non-sysplex environment 134
file default ACL 97 in sysplex 186
inheritance 99 file system clients 203
file system owner 203

498 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

setting up 92
FILESYSTYPE statement during initialization 325
customizing in BPXPRMxx 26 hard limits
defining CINET 411 defining in RACF user profile 396
defining for INET 408 explanation of 393
dynamically adding 300 hardware
PARM('') installation 6
VIRTUAL(max) 27 Health Checker for z/OS
FILETAG runtime option checking the delay times 164, 201
using 280 MAXFILEPROC 31, 34
FOM messages 322 MAXSOCKETS 34
FOMISCHO sample job z/OS UNIX checks 427
using 239 HFS (hierarchical file system)
FOMTLINP module file ownership versus zFS file ownership 117
for login 439 migrating to zFS 117
FOMTLOUT module using the BPXWH2Z tool 117
for login 442 security labels 103
FORCE parameter of the MODIFY command 286 HFS compatibility mode 117
fork() service 18 HFS file system type
description of 3 customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27
forked address space hierarchical file system (HFS)
creating 3 mounting 122
defining a service class for 20 home directory
FSACCESS class profile setting up 59
activating 110
FSUM messages 322
full function mode I
explanation of 15 IARVSERV (MVS function) 17
switching from minimum mode 15 IBM service
re-creating problems for 305
iconv command
G using to convert data 317
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27 using to convert data 317
GFUAINIT module name identity
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27 specifying 395
GID (group ID) identity change
accounting for 419 how it affects limits 394
activating supplemental 59 what happens if it doesn't take place when a child is
assigning 70 created 395
in an NFS network 69 what happens if it takes place 394
defining 67, 71 IEADMR00 parmlib member 43
description 59 IEASYSxx parmlib member
upper limits 70 OMVS parameter 15
global resource information specifying the initial BPXPRMxx parmlib members 23
displaying 309 IEFUAVI installation exit 421
globalization IEFUJI installation exit 422
setting up for 50 IEFUJV installation exit 424
goal mode IEFUSI installation exit 424
running in 19 setting process limits 398
graphical mode 8 IGD messages 322
group IKJTSOxxparmlib member 43
changing 93 in-storage data
defining 71 refreshing 360
supplemental 59 INADDRANYCOUNT
group names in BPXPRMxx member
mapping GID to 67 customizing 413
in security 59 in BPXPRMxx member
GRPLIST option on the SETROPTS command 59 customizing 413
customizing BPXPRMxx member 408
setting up for sockets 405
INET file system type
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27

Index 499
inetd daemon 256 ISPTLIB
customizing 345 ISPF ddname 48
Infoprint Server for the z/OS shell 252, 256
alternate version of lp command 315
Information Management System/ESA (IMS/ESA)
batch message processing (BMP) program 319
diagnosing hangs during 325
initializing 45
for the z/OS shell 247
displaying messages 251
mounting file systems 121
issuing messages 252
seeing help panels 252
hardware 6
setting ISPF for 252
preparing RACF 54
Japanese (Latin) extended code page 01027 316
RACF, preparing for 54
Japanese combined code page 00939 316
security program, preparing the 337
security requirements for 88
relation to z/OS UNIX 319
system parmlib members 20
JES2 maintenance
installation exit
partial shutdown of z/OS UNIX 290
BPX_IMAGE_INIT (process image initiation exit) 380
BPX_PREPROC_INIT (preprocess initiation) 380
relation to z/OS UNIX 319
BPX_PREPROC_TERM (preprocess termination exit) 380
job control language (JCL)
IEFUJI 421, 422
couple data set format utility 181
job name
checking 422
monitoring process activity 381
job names
preprocess initiation (BPX_PREPROC_INIT) 380
rules used when generating 425
preprocess termination exit (BPX_PREPROC_TERM) 380
process image initiation exit (BPX_IMAGE_INIT) 380
displaying status of pending 380
installing 11
scheduling 347
internal routing table 409
JoinWorkUnit() WLM interface 86
Interprocess Communication (IPC)
JRENVDIRTY reason code 358
managing 313
IOEFSCM module name
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27
IPCMSGNIDS statement K
dynamically changing 299 kernel 45
IPCS checking status of 16
in formatting dumps 324 displaying address space 308
IPCSEMNIDS statement displaying status of 305
dynamically changing 299 failure 312
IPCSHMGPAGES statement taking dump of a 308
dynamically changing 299 keyboard
IPCSHMNIDS statement navigation 445
dynamically changing 299 PF keys 445
IPv4 shortcut keys 445
setting up 28
setting up 28
l extended attribute 96
customizing the menu 48
managing zFS file systems 116
for the z/OS shell 247
setting to display Japanese 252
Language Environment
shell 10
runtime library (SCEERUN)
tasks 10
putting in LNKLST 384
ISPF TSO Command Table (ISPTCM)
putting into LLA 384
customizing 50
runtime routines 383
ISPF ddname 48
using 319
for the z/OS shell 252, 256
using 319
ISPF ddname 48
selecting previous compilers 240
for the z/OS shell 252, 256
ISPTCM (ISPF TSO Command Table)
using STEPLIB to export 403
customizing 50
using the same compiler 240

500 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

latch contention MapName file 165
conditional variables 309 reformatting 166
detecting 309 master file
locating for pseudo-TTY
global resource information 309 specifying 153
shared memory mutexes 309 MAXASSIZE statement
Latin 1 code page 316 changing value 26
leaf-node connection, UUCP 258 customizing in BPXPRMxx 30
limits MAXCPUTIME statement
handling after an identity change 394 changing value 26
limits for active processes customizing in BPXPRMxx 30
changing 400 MAXFILEPROC statement
LIMITS parameter value changing value 26
DISPLAY OMVS command 307 customizing in BPXPRMxx 31
LIMMSG statement using IBM Health Checker for z/OS to check values 31,
customizing in BPXPRMxx 30 34
line mode 8 maximum mode
LINET 407 determining 16
link list (LNKLST) 383 MAXIOBUFUSER statement
link pack area (LPA) customizing in BPXPRMxx 31
dynamic 383 MAXMMAPAREA statement
inserting modules in 383 changing value 26
moving executables into the 385 customizing in BPXPRMxx 31
putting the runtime library in 337, 383 MAXPIPES statement
linkage editor customizing in BPXPRMxx 32
putting into dynamic LPA 384 MAXPIPEUSER statement
list-of-groups checking customizing in BPXPRMxx 32
activating 59 MAXPROCSYS statement
LISTGRP RACF command customizing in BPXPRMxx 32
obtaining a group profile value with 65 dynamically changing 299
obtaining a user profile value with 65 changing value 26
LNKLST (link list) 383 customizing in BPXPRMxx 33
load library MAXPTYS statement
accessing 358 customizing in BPXPRMxx 34
local system dynamically changing 299
configuring 260 customizing in BPXPRMxx 34
creating working directories 273 increasing the value 302
lock using IBM Health Checker for z/OS to check values 34
for files 151 MAXSPACE
login determining the value of 311
function 439, 442 increasing the value of 311
logon procedure, TSO/E MAXTHREADS statement
invoking the shell 216 changing value 26
LOSTMSG BPXPRMxx statement 36 customizing in BPXPRMxx 34
lp command MAXTHREADTASKS statement
Infoprint Server version 315 customizing in BPXPRMxx 34
ls shell command MAXUIDS statement
performance 384 customizing in BPXPRMxx 35
M customizing in BPXPRMxx 35
customizing in BPXPRMxx 35
customization 244
MEMLIMIT parameter 32, 68
tcsh shell
mesg shell command 69
customization 244
setting up 239
mail shell command
customizing for read-only root file system 139
BPXF032D 312
mail, electronic 255
BPXP006E 325
mailx shell command 244
man pages
BPX 322
enabling the 238
dbx 322
setting the path for 223
FDBX 322
FOM 322
system limits 388

Index 501
messages (continued) mounting (continued)
FSUM 322 zFS data sets 117
IGD 322 considerations for 118
writing to job log multilevel security
using _BPXK_JOBLOG 323 automount issues 163
migrating HFS file system 103
/etc file system 12 using 102
migrating to new releases 11 zFS file system 103
minimum mode multiple sockets
determining 16 activating for first time 302
explanation of 15 multithreaded server 366
switching to full function mode 15 MVS Message Service (MMS)
mixed-case password and password phrase activating 251
support for 53
MKDIR keyword
defining multiple mount points 29
mkdir shell command 150
national code page
MKDIR TSO/E command 150
customizing 247
MKNOD TSO/E command
specifying pseudo-TTY files with 153
keyboard 445
mmap() 18
nested ACEE
creating 432
NETSTAT command (TSO command) 309
specifying in BPXPRMxx 31
netstat command (z/OS UNIX command) 309
MMAPSIZE parameter 32
connections for z/OS UNIX 7
UCP 257
running in 19
Network File System (NFS) 6
MODIFY command
assigning UIDs and GIDs 69
ending processes 285
BPAM access 133
ending threads 287
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27
FORCE parameter 286
managing files 116
SUPERKILL parameter 286
mounting data sets 163
TERM parameter 286
NETWORK statement
customizing in BPXPRMxx 28
not defined to program control 358
NFS Client
colony address space 45
processing 375
defining colony address spaces 57
shell processing 375
mounting in a sysplex 212
using supplemental groups for remote communication 59
direct 148
mount authority 123
enabling 391
prioritizing kernel work 19
NOAUTOMOVE parameter in BPXPRMxx 186
privileged mount 123, 124
non-canonical mode 8
privileged unmount 123, 124
non-sysplex aware file systems 203
mount authorization 123
non-sysplex aware for read-only 203
MOUNT command
AUTOMOVE options 207
customizing in BPXPRMxx 36
mount mode
nonprivileged mount 124
remounting 143
mount point
defining multiple 28, 29
nonprivileged unmount 124
mount processing
/// used as placeholder 118, 123
MOUNT statement
Notices 449
customizing in BPXPRMxx
defining multiple mount points 28
for ServerPac and CBPDO installation 261
mounting 123
file systems
logical 119
root 155 O
in a shared file system 164 OBROWSE TSO/E command
NFS data sets 163 putting in ISPF menu 48
restrictions 127 OEDIT TSO/E command
security considerations 123 putting in ISPF menu 48
user file systems directly 148

502 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

OMVS address space password and password phrase
modifying accounting information for 420 support for mixed-case 53
OMVS parameter UUCP restrictions 255
IEASYSxx parmlib member 15, 23 pax command
TRACE command 305 limitations of 70
OMVS segment Perform Locked Operation (PLO) instruction
ADDUSER RACF command 61 used to improve semaphore processing 7
RACF user profile performance
field level access 66 file system
TCP/IP user 111 improving 404
verifying 356 ideal storage size 383
OMVS TSO/E command ls shell command 384
customizing code page conversion 318 parmlib limits 388
invoking the z/OS shell with 215 setting duration values 20
response time 404 STEPLIB data sets, using 403
specifying Japanese language 252 z/OS UNIX 383
OMVSAPPL application ID (APPLID) collecting data 375
using the 108 permission bits
OMVSAPPL profile access 91
defining the 108 changing 93
OMVSDATA subcommand for file access types 93
to format problem data 324 Permissions file, UUCP 268
one-pack system 160 PERMIT RACF command
onetstat command 309 permitting field access with 66
OPEN_MAX variable 31 PGID (process group ID)
operation accounting for 419
managing 285 physical file system
OPERLOG (system message log) 155 colony address space 57
orexecd daemon running in a 45
defining to PROGRAM class 344 PID (process ID)
OSHELL using for dump naming 324
updating for code page support 249 pipe
owner communication between processes 152
changing 93 planned shutdown
PLO (Perform Locked Operation) instruction
P used to improve semaphore processing 7
PPID (parent process ID)
p extended attribute 96
accounting for 419
PADS (program access to data sets) 343
preprocess initiation exit (BPX_PREPROC_INIT) 380
pageable storage
preprocess termination exit (BPX_PREPROC_TERM) 380
evaluating virtual memory needs 17
preventive service 157
parameter key options
print separator
for mount statement and mount commands 329
output 316
for the FILESYSTYPE statement 330
parent process
designating 315
setting up default 315
accounting for 419
parmlib member
controlling 315
ALLOCxx 41
kernel work 20
customizing in BPXPRMxx 35, 392
PRIORITYPG statement
defining the z/OS UNIX CDS to XCF 184
customizing in BPXPRMxx 35, 392
privileged mount 123
privileged unmount 123
CTnBPXxx 42
problem data
formatting 324
problem determination
OMVS parameter 15
application program 325
daemon setup 355
SMFPRMxx 4, 44
debugger 324
partial shutdown
server setup 355
for JES2 maintenance 290
shell 324
participating group
taking a dump 308
definition of 174
z/OS UNIX 322

Index 503
re-creating for IBM service 305
process RACF (Resource Access Control Facility)
child 3 classes
displaying information about 309 activating 41
displaying status of 305 description of 5
ending 285, 287 establishing 53
group ID (PGID) GIDs, caching 384
accounting for 419 installing 54
parent 3 UIDs, caching 384
process activity user profile, OMVS segment
monitoring 380 field level access 66
tuning 389 verifying users 58
process ID (PID) RACF user profile
used for dump naming 324 customizing
process image initiation exit (BPX_IMAGE_INIT) 380 for z/OS shell 219
process limits raw mode 8
changing 400 RDEFINE RACF command
displaying 399 defining a field profile with 66
explanation of 392 reason codes 322
setting 396 JRENVDIRTY 358
steps for 397 recovery
using IEFUSI exit 398 file system 312
processing file system type 312
z/OS UNIX System Services 312
managing 315 remote locations
relation to other processing 319 executing commands from, with UUCP 255
PROCUSERMAX 68 remote system
program access to data sets (PADS) 343 configuring communication with 262
program control creating working directories 273
checking in UNIX files 340 report class
defining modules to 338 defining 20
dirty address space 342 Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) 5
enhanced program security 342 defining 90
finding modules not defined to 358 Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) Monitor III Gatherer
using sanction lists 340 defining 90
program control extended attribute resource name
marking files with the 339 SHARED.IDS 74
program security SUPERUSER.FILESYS.MOUNT 73
protected resources SUPERUSER.FILESYS.VREGISTER 73
checking authority for using 367 SUPERUSER.IPC.RMID 73
ps shell command SUPERUSER.PROCESS.PTRACE 73
displaying processes with 305 SUPERUSER.SETPRIORITY 73
pseudo-TTY resources
specifying 153 collecting usage data 375
ptrace response time
debugging TSO/E 404
APF-authorized programs 83 restarting
programs with BPX.SERVER authority 83 daemons 351
public UUCP directory 259 RESTRICTED.FILESYS.ACCESS 74
PWT BPXPRMxx statement 36 return code 322
REXX exec
QuerySchedEnv() WLM interface 86 converting /etc to symbolic link 180
problem determination 362

504 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

rlogin (continued) security (continued)
setting up for 361 improving performance of 404
rlogind daemon information for files 94
customizing the 346 level 108
RMFGAT multilevel security 102
defining 90 Network File System Client (NFSC) 57
root directory obtaining security information
creating 119 about users 65
in file system 114 for groups 65
root file system preparing 54
mounting for execution 134 preparing for daemons 337
recovery procedure 155 selecting levels for system 111
restoring a 155 setting up 366
root HFS setting up for TCP/IP 111
renamed to root file system 173 threads 366
ROOT statement UUCP 258
customizing in BPXPRMxx 29 security environment
defining multiple mount points 29 authenticated client 367
runtime library unauthenticated client 367
managing 319 security labels
putting in the LNKLST 384 automount issues 163
putting into the LLA 384 HFS file system 103
using STEPLIBs 385 using 101
zFS file system 103
semaphore processing
S improving performance 7
sending comments to IBM xix
s extended attribute 96
serialization data
sample job
displaying 309
displaying latch contention 310
role in installation process 12
address space 18
BPXISYSR 175, 179
BPX.SERVER not defined 368
checking authority 360
BPXISYZR 175, 179
processing users without passwords 372
setting up 370
setting up security level 368
role in installation process 12
setup problems 355
using thread-level security 369
using 239
sanction lists
SMF records 375
activating 106
WLM server 86
creating 105
server message block (SMB)
formatting rules 104
exporting considerations 213
sample 105
ServerPac installation 11
used by APF-authorized programs 341
explanation of process 11
used by program-controlled programs 340
security requirements for 88
SCEELPA data set
putting in the link pack area 383
installing into
putting in the LPA list 383
/etc 160
file system 157
putting in the LNKLIST 384
restricting access to 82
putting into LLA 384
transporting the file system 159
used by Language Environment 319
service classes
using STEPLIBs 385
defining for kernel work 20
service items
used by Language Environment 319
activating 294, 296
displaying 296
checking for user authorization to resources 64
service policies
comparison of UNIX with z/OS UNIX 333
customizing 19
service terms
for daemons 335
deactivating 296
for servers 368
controlling access to 108
accounting for 419
checklist for 354
SET OMVS command
defining cataloged procedures 90
changing values of BPXPRMxx parameters 297
establishing 53

Index 505
SET OMVS command (continued) shell (continued)
for a process 297 improving performance of
NETWORK statements 298, 300 using _BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT 402
RESET operand 298 initialization of 215
switching to different BPXPRMxx members invoking the 215
dynamically 300 automatically 215
set-group-ID with OMVS command 215
of executable file setting up 215
creating 93 starting daemon from the 351
set-user-ID starting in background environment 351
of executable file supplying installation-provided shell 217
creating 93 SHMEMMAX parameter 32, 68
SETOMVS command shortcut keys 445
activating sanction lists 106 shutdown
changing values of BPXPRMxx parameters 297 partial 290
for a process 297 planned 287, 293
SYNTAXCHECK operand 23 shared file system implications 209
SETOMVS RESET command shutting down
changing values of BPXPRMxx parameters 297 partial, for JES2 maintenance 290
dynamically adding physical file systems to system before an IPL 293
BPXPRMxx 300 shutting down z/OS UNIX
SETOMVS SYNTAXCHECK=parmlibmember 28, 29 SID (session ID)
setpriority() accounting for 419
enabling 391 SIGDUMP signal 325
prioritizing kernel work 19 signal
activating field access with 66 Simplified Chinese
Setup Verification Program (SVP) 51 customizing
Share Reservations 205 for the z/OS shell 247
shared address space 96 single sockets
extended attributes 402 activating for first time 301
shared file system single stack
automount facility 164 See INET 408
availability 202 single-byte data
customizing BPXPRMxx 185 converting 317
definition of 173 single-threaded server 366
description of 173 skulker shell script
DFS considerations 213 removing files from directories 134
exporting by DFS 213 slave file
exporting by SMB 213 for pseudo-TTY
file system clients 203 specifying 153
file system owner 203 SMB (server message block)
implications during recovery 206 exporting considerations 213
interruptions to file availability 204 SMFPRMxx parmlib member
mounting 164 customizing the 44
non-sysplex aware file systems 203 used in JWT 4
non-sysplex aware for read-only 203 SMP/E
setting up 178, 202 running 79
sysplex aware for read-only 204 sockets
sysplex aware for update file system 203 activating
using TFS 332 multiple 302
shared HFS single 301
renamed to shared file system 173 AF_INET 405
shared library extended attribute 341, 387 AF_INET6 405
shared library object 96 binding to a specific 413
shared library program CINET 405
defining files as 341 connecting through a specific transport 414
shared memory mutexes considerations for a file system 153
displaying latch contention 310 INET 405
assigning UIDs to multiple users 68 processing for
when UID(0) is assigned 82 common INET (CINET) 411
shell specifying maximum number of 302
customizing TCP/IP security setup 111
z/OS 217 UNIX domain 154

506 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

explanation of 393 SUPERUSER.IPC.RMID 75
specifying 153 supplemental group
file descriptor 154 activating 59
null SURROGAT class
specifying 153 defining servers to process users without passwords 372
types 152 SURROGAT class profile
UNIX domain socket 154 checking the 361
zero SURROGAT class profiles
specifying 153 setting up 82
spool directory, UUCP 277 surrogate profile 369
ST_SHARELIB extended attribute 387 SVC dump
start/end exits problem
defining 381 suppressing 322
started procedure symbolic link 179
accounting data 420 command differences 115
BPXOINIT cron and uucp 139, 142
CBPDO installation 12 mounting file systems 211
starting syntax checker (BPXPRMxx) 23
daemons 351 SYS1.KHELP
STEPLIB concatenating 48
definition of 403 for the z/OS shell 252
eliminating propagation 403 SYS1.LINKLIB system library
exporting only Language Environment 403 character conversion tables 317
improving shell performance 403 SYS1.PARMLIB
preventing excessive searches of 403 tuning 388
using to manage the runtime library 385 SYS1.PHELP
STEPLIB environment variable concatenating
in /etc/profile 222 for the z/OS shell 256
customizing in BPXPRMxx 36 sample BPXPRMXX member 23
sticky bit SYS1.SBPXEXEC
checking 357 concatenating 48
checking if it is on 403 SYS1.SBPXMCHS
sticky bit file concatenating
for APF-authorized programs 96 for the z/OS shell 256
evaluating virtual 17 concatenating 48
customizing in BPXPRMxx 29 concatenating 48
Summary of changes xxi for the z/OS shell 252
SUPERKILL parameter of the MODIFY command 286 SYS1.SBPXPCHS
superuser concatenating
assigning attributes 72 for the z/OS shell 256
assigning privileges 76 SYS1.SBPXPENU
changing from a UID of 0 79 concatenating 48
defining 72 SYS1.SBPXPJPN
assigning UID(0) 81 concatenating 48
using BPX.SUPERUSER 78 for the z/OS shell 252
setting up $HOME/.profile 226 concatenating
switching in and out 80 for the z/OS shell 256
superuser granularity SYS1.SBPXTENU
managing z/OS UNIX privileges 73 concatenating 48
SUPERUSER.FILESYS.USERMOUNT 75, 124 for the z/OS shell 252, 256

Index 507
syslogd daemon system limits (continued)
starting from the shell 351 managing 388
SYSMDUMP system list
dynamically requesting a 325 using 191
specifying 43 System Managed Storage (SMS)
SYSOMVS parameter value for file systems 114
DISPLAY TRACE command 307 used in full function mode 15
TRACE command 304 used in minimum mode 15
sysout (system output data set) system management facilities (SMF) 4
print separator for output 316 managing accounting for UNIX workloads 419
sysplex obtaining data 375
automount policy 201 record type 30 375
BPXISYS1 REXX exec 178 record type 34
BPXISYSR sample job 178 preventing 376
byte range lock manager (BRLM) 211 record type 35
character special files 152 preventing 376
couple data set (CDS) 182 record type 74 376
cross system coupling facility (XCF) 182 record type 80 376
customizing BPXPRMxx for a shared file system 185 record type 92 376
DFS considerations 213 user application support 375
exporting by DFS 213 web server 375
exporting by SMB 213 system output data set (sysout)
FIFO special files 152 print separator for output 316
file lock 211 system programmer
moving file systems in a back-level sysplex 205 in z/OS UNIX 1
moving file systems in a sysplex 204 system queue area (SQA) 17
NFS client mounts 212 system-shared library programs 387
sharing file systems 179 system-wide limits
signaling services 213 explanation of 392
SMB considerations 213 Systems file, UUCP 264
symbolic links 180 systems network architecture (SNA) 7
sysplex root 178 SYSZDSN 135
UNIX domain socket address file 152
unmounting file system 186
version file system
mounting read-only 180
talk shell command 69
zFS considerations for 192, 206
setting up 239
sysplex aware for read-only 204
tar command
sysplex aware for update file system 203
limitations of 70
sysplex HFS
target system 157
renamed to sysplex file system 173
sysplex root
using ISPF shell 10
creating the 178
sysplex root file system
activating a single sockets file system for the first time
dynamically replacing with the alternate sysplex root 127
steps for 301
migrating from HFS to zFS 118
activating multiple file systems for the first time with
replacing the 130
Common INET
steps for 302
explanation of 187
activating MVS Message Service (MMS)
steps for 251
ISPF ddname 48
activating sanction lists
steps for 106
system administrator
activating the file system for the first time
in z/OS UNIX 1
steps for 300
System Authorization Facility (SAF)
activating the IEFUJI installation exit
disabling fastpath support for 322
steps for 422
enabling fastpath support for 322
adding another sockets file system to an existing Common
z/OS UNIX services 94
INET configuration
system completion code 322
steps for 304
system console file
assigning UIDs and GIDs
/dev/console 155
steps for 79
/dev/operlog 155
authorizing selected users to transfer file ownership
specifying 154
steps for 76
System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) 5
checking OMVS security information about a group
system limits
steps for 65
defining 29
checking UNIX files for program control
displaying status 307
steps for 340

508 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

tasks (continued) tasks (continued)
converting files between code pages managing the z/OS UNIX file system
roadmap 279 roadmap 113
creating a cataloged procedure for a TFS modifying account information
steps for 47 steps for 420
creating sanction lists mounting file systems
steps for 105 steps for 125
customizing /etc/inittab obtaining security information about users
steps for 234 steps for 65
customizing /etc/profile preparing RACF
steps for 223 steps for 54
customizing /etc/rc preparing security for servers
steps for 231 roadmap 365
customizing $HOME/.profile preparing the security program for daemons
steps for 225 steps for 337
customizing BPXPRMxx for CINET recovering from file system problems with the root
steps for 411 steps for 155
customizing the cron daemon removing alternate sysplex root support
steps for 348 steps 130
customizing the login file for the tcsh shell setting the APF-authorized attribute in UNIX files
steps for 250 steps for 341
customizing the login file for the z/OS shell setting up and customizing your national code page
steps for 250 roadmap 247
customizing the shell and utilities setting up automatic invocation (to be done by the system
roadmap 215 programmer)
customizing the system for IP-supplied daemons steps for 216
steps for 344 setting up BPX.SUPERUSER
customizing the uucpd daemon steps for 78
steps for 346 setting up Enhanced ASCII
defining files as shared library programs steps for 280
steps for 341 setting up enhanced program security
defining programs from load libraries to program control steps for 343
steps for 338 setting up field-level access
defining RACF groups as z/OS UNIX groups steps for 66
steps for 71 setting up for rlogin
defining servers to process users without passwords or steps for 361
password phrases setting up for security
steps for 372 roadmap 53
defining terminals or workstations for a terminfo database setting up for sockets
steps for 243 roadmap 405
defining z/OS UNIX users to RACF setting up for your national code page
steps 60 steps for 247
displaying messages in Japanese setting up security procedures for daemons
steps for 251 steps for 354
dynamically replacing the sysplex root file system setting up servers
steps 130 steps for 370
ending processes setting up the alternate sysplex root
steps for 285 steps 128
finding modules that were not defined to program control setting up the automount facility
steps for 358 steps for 166
FSACCESS class profile, activating setting up the CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED profile
steps 110 steps for 77
increasing the MAXSOCKETS value setting up the FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID profile.
steps for 302 steps for 92
keeping automount policy consistent setting up the inetd daemon
steps for 201 steps for 345
maintaining the security level of the system setting up Unicode Services
steps for 108 steps for 282
making the Language Environment runtime library shutting down for JES2 maintenance
available via STEPLIB steps for 290
roadmap 315 shutting down z/OS UNIX
making the runtime library available through STEPLIB steps for 293
steps for 320 shutting down z/OS UNIX using F OMVS,SHUTDOWN
managing accounting work overview 291
roadmap 419 shutting down z/OS UNIX, using F
managing operations BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN
roadmap 285 steps for 288

Index 509
tasks (continued) time limit
tuning for performance CPU
roadmap 383 determining the 217
tuning performance Tivoli Storage Manager
overview 383 backing up files 146
using ACLs TMOUT environment variable
overview 96 used in job wait timeout 44
TCP/IP TRACE command 304
/etc/resolv.conf 417 trace data
AF_INET sockets 29 filtering 305
AF_INET6 29 tracing
configuration files 408 events 304
customizing BPXPRMxx 29 using the CTnBPXxx parmlib members 42
description of 6 tracing events
improving performance with CHECKSUM 6 DFSMS 305
protocol information 416 z/OS UNIX 304
resolver file 417 transfer files between systems with UUCP 255
security setup 111 transport affinity
service information 416 requesting 414
socket considerations transport provider
security setup 111 default 410
user, security setup for 111 transports
tcsh shell displaying network routing information 409
setting up 215 using for common INET (CINET) 413
telnet daemon 4 TSO/E (Time Sharing Option Extensions) 5
temporary file system Japanese messages 252
security 327 seeing translated help panels 252
temporary file system (TFS) seeing translated messages on terminals 252
ACL support 327 TTY group name
BPAM access 327 CS remote terminals 69
cataloged procedure 47 talk and write commands 69
changing the default FSFULL setting 331 tuning
changing the size 331 by updating PROGxx member 384
checking the size 328 c89/cc/cxx/c++ 384
creating 327 parmlib limits 388
determining the default FSFULL setting 331 process activity 389
extending the size 331 processing 375, 383
in a shared file system 332 SYS1.PARMLIB 388
managing 327 z/OS UNIX file system 388
monitoring space in the 331
running in a colony address space 47
running in colony address space 47
UDS file system type
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27
z/OS UNIX and z/OS equivalents 1
UID (user ID)
TERM parameter of the MODIFY command 286
assigning 69
terminal character special file
in an NFS network 69
specifying 153
to multiple users 67
terminal connection, UUCP 258
assigning to single users 67
terminal definitions
changing from UID(0) to a nonzero UID 79
terminfo database 243
terminal group name
to RACF 59
defining 69
defining protected 69
terminfo database
description 59
customizing 243
mapping UID to 68
TFS file system type
upper limits 70
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27
unauthenticated client security environment 367
Unicode services
Enhanced ASCII considerations 282
customizing the RACF identity of 366
Unicode Services 282
ending 287
enabling 36
setting up 366
setting up 282
tic utility
using a system that doesn't have it 240
customizing 243
UNIX domain socket 154

510 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

UNIX domain socket address file UUCP (continued)
socket considerations Devices file 268
for a file system 153 Dialcodes file 268
UNIX System Services checks Dialers file 268
for IBM Health Checker for z/OS directories 256
UNIXPRIV class leaf-node connection 258
managing z/OS UNIX privileges 73 local system
UNMOUNT parameter in BPXPRMxx 186 configuring the 260
unmounting creating working directories 273
in sysplex 186 lock files 277
user authority 72 log files 277
user file systems maintenance 276
creating 146 network 257
user interface password changes, notifying remote systems 278
ISPF 445 Permissions file 268
TSO/E 445 public directory 259
user limits recorded events, displaying 278
establishing 68 remote systems
user OMVS segment configuring 262
verifying 356 creating working directories 273
user processes security 258
taking dump of a 308 setting up 239
user profile, RACF spool directory 277
customizing status files 277
for z/OS shell 219 Systems file 264
in security 59 terminal connection 258
USERIDALIASTABLE statement testing the connection 275
customizing in BPXPRMxx 38 working files 277
users uucp shell command 256
RACF verification 58 customizing for read-only root file system 139
z/OS UNIX uucpd daemon 256
defining 59 customizing the 346
USS _HFS_DETECTED check for IBM Health Checker for uulog shell command 256, 278
z/OS 117, 427 uuname shell command 256
USS_AUTOMOUNT_DELAY 164, 201 uupick shell command 256
USS_AUTOMOUNT_DELAY check for IBM Health uustat shell command 256
Checker 427 uuto shell command 256
USS_CLIENT_MOUNTS check for IBM Health Checker for uux shell command 256
z/OS 427 uuxqt daemon 256
USS_FILESYS_CONFIG check for IBM Health Checker for
z/OS 427
USS_FILESYS_MOUNTS check for IBM Health Checker for
z/OS 185
vendor-written programs
giving daemon authority to 355
Checker 123
version file system
mounting read-only 180
Checker 31, 34
virtual lookaside facility (VLF)
caching UIDs and GIDs 384
Checker for z/OS 427
updating COFVLFxx 41
USS_PARMLIB check for IBM Health Checker 23, 427
USS_PARMLIB_MOUNTS check for IBM Health Checker for
storage use 27
z/OS 427
virtual memory 27
uucc shell command 256
uucico daemon 256
configuration files, using 272
chat script 266 waits
escape characters 267 allocation 41
commands 256 wildcard support
configuration 255 for automove system list 191
configuration files workload manager (WLM)
compiling the 272 BPXAS PROCLIB member 3
creating or editing 263 controlling access to server functions 86
controlling calls to each system 275 description of 3
cron transfers 273 facility class profile 86
daemons 256 interfaces 86

Index 511
workload manager (WLM) (continued)
prioritizing kernel work 20
response time goals 404
running in goal mode 19
service policies 19
write shell command 69
setting up 239

XCF (Cross System Coupling Facility)
initializing 182
XL C/C++ compiler
selecting a previous version 240
setting up c89 241
setting up xlc 242
using the same compiler 240
xlc utility
setting up to work with compiler 242
using the xlc versions of the c89 command names 241

z?OS UNIX checks
for IBM Health Checker for z/OS
z/OS shell
customizing 217
setting up 215
z/OS UNIX checks
for IBM Health Checker for z/OS
z/OS UNIX System Services Application Services
description of 2
zFS (z/OS File System) 6
automount facility 117
automount policy 163
BPAM access 117
determining file system owner 118
differences from HFS 117
file ownership versus z/OS UNIX file ownership 117
generic file system type 118
HFS compatibility mode 117
ISPF shell 116
migrating from HFS 117
using the BPXWH2Z tool 117
mount behavior 118
mounting 123
mounting data sets 117
multilevel security 103
security labels 103
sysplex considerations for 192, 206
ZFS file system type
customizing in FILESYSTYPE 27
zfsadm grow command 133

512 z/OS V2R1.0 UNIX System Services Planning

Product Number: 5650-ZOS

Printed in USA


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