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IBM Confidential
Tivoli IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS
IBM Confidential
IBM Confidential
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 193.
Edition Notice
Beta draft version (May 7, 2009)
This edition applies to Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS, Version 7, Release 2 (product number 5698B39) and to all
subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2009.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
IBM Confidential
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Verifying your installation . . . . . . . . 31
Tivoli Common Reporting User Roles . . . . 31
About this document . . . . . . . . vii
Chapter 7. Migration . . . . . . . . . 33
Chapter 1. Overview of Tivoli Asset TLCMz conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Migration from Dorana Version 5 Release 4. . . . 35
Discovery for z/OS . . . . . . . . . . 1 Migration from Hardware and Software
Data Capture phase tasks . . . . . . . . . . 3 Identification for z/OS Version 7 Release 1 . . . . 37
Running the Inquisitor . . . . . . . . . . 3 DB2 objects affected by migration . . . . . . . 39
Running the Usage Monitor . . . . . . . . 4
Computation phase tasks . . . . . . . . . . 4
Importing the Inquisitor captured data . . . . 4
Chapter 8. Inquisitor for z/OS . . . . . 43
Matching captured data to the Knowledge Base . 4 Inquisitor JCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Loading the matched information into the Files used by the Inquisitor . . . . . . . . . 44
Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Functions performed by the Inquisitor . . . . . 45
Importing the Usage captured data . . . . . . 5 Syntax of Inquisitor requests. . . . . . . . . 46
Running Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Control statement specification . . . . . . . 47
Reporting phase tasks . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Designing requests . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Processing migrated libraries . . . . . . . . 55
Chapter 2. Deployment Scenarios. . . . 7 Collection of Inquisitor output . . . . . . . . 56
Inquisitor for z/OS UNIX . . . . . . . . . 57
Chapter 3. Installation requirements . . 13 Inquisitor JCL for z/OS UNIX . . . . . . . 57
Hardware requirements . . . . . . . . . . 13 Files used by the Inquisitor for z/OS UNIX . . 58
Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Security considerations when running the
Software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Inquisitor against z/OS UNIX files . . . . . 59
z/Architecture software . . . . . . . . . 13
Tivoli Common Reporting Software . . . . . 14 Chapter 9. Usage Monitor. . . . . . . 61
Security and authorization . . . . . . . . 14 Usage Monitor JCL . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Files used by the Usage Monitor . . . . . . . 61
Chapter 4. Installation . . . . . . . . 15 The use of exclusion masks to reduce data . . . . 62
Installing Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS . . . . 15 Program name exclusion masking . . . . . . 62
Installing Tivoli Common Reporting . . . . . . 15 Data set name exclusion masking . . . . . . 62
Starting the Usage Monitor . . . . . . . . . 63
Chapter 5. Post-installation Stopping the Usage Monitor . . . . . . . . . 63
customization. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Refreshing Usage Monitor settings. . . . . . . 64
z/OS Customization . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Usage Monitor commands . . . . . . . . . 65
DB2 customization . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Installing DB2 Connect (if required) . . . . . 18 Chapter 10. Inquisitor Import . . . . . 85
Creating post-installation jobs . . . . . . . . 18 Running Inquisitor Import . . . . . . . . . 85
Running post-installation jobs . . . . . . . 26 TPARAM parameters . . . . . . . . . . 85
Customizing tasks for Japanese messages . . . . 26
Chapter 11. The Match Engine. . . . . 87
Chapter 6. Post-installation tasks for Running the Match Engine . . . . . . . . . 87
Tivoli Common Reporting . . . . . . 29 TPARAM parameters . . . . . . . . . . 87
Installing the DB2 JDBC driver and license JARs . . 29
Starting Tivoli Common Reporting . . . . . 29 Chapter 12. Load to Repository . . . . 89
Transferring the Tivoli Common Reporting report Continuous Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . 89
package from the host system . . . . . . . 30 Adding Inquisitor data to an existing Inventory . . 89
Importing the Tivoli Common Reporting report Running Load to Repository. . . . . . . . . 90
package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 TPARAM parameters . . . . . . . . . . 90
Determining Tivoli Common Reporting JDBC
data sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Chapter 13. Usage Import. . . . . . . 91
Configuring the Tivoli Common Reporting Running Usage Import . . . . . . . . . . 91
Report Data Sources for JDBC . . . . . . . 30 TPARAM parameters . . . . . . . . . . 91
1. Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS workflow 2 7. Tivoli Common Reporting navigation tree 94
2. Hierarchical view of Inventory association 7 8. Tivoli Common Reporting Right-click View As 95
3. Four LPARS, each with own set of DASD 9 9. Tivoli Common Reporting Example Parameter
4. Four LPARs, all with Shared DASD, Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Non-Sysplex . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 10. Tivoli Common Reporting Edit User
5. Sysplex of four LPARs all with Shared DASD 11 Preferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
6. Four LPARs, one set of shared DASD, plus a 11. Tivoli Common Reporting Example Trend
set of nonshared DASD for each LPAR . . . 12 Chart with Hyperlinks . . . . . . . . . 98
This document is intended for system administrators who install and configure
Tivoli Asset Discovery, or who perform daily system management tasks such as
inventory gathering and reporting of software distribution.
This diagram shows the Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS workflow.
Capture phase
1b 1a
Usage IQ Scan Product
Monitor PDS/UNIX tagger
Tagged data
Computation phase
5 2
Usage IQ Import
IQ filters
Tagged data
Match Engine
4 Engine
Load to
6 Batch
Leg end
IQ - Inquisitor 1.The data as described in the Computation Phase
LKB - Local Knowledge Base belongs to the same database. They are just different
GKB - Global Knowledge Base sets of DB2 tables.
TCR - Tivoli Common Reporting 2.Inquisitor scan and Usage Monitor can be run concurrently.
A set of programs which find load modules and UNIX System Services
load modules. One program locates load libraries on z/OS DASD devices,
opens these load libraries, and captures information from the load modules
located in the libraries. This program is targeted to specific devices,
libraries, or groups of libraries. It creates a compressed data set, which is
then used as input to the Inquisitor Import process.
Another program locates and scans z/OS UNIX directories for executable
files, and captures this information. It creates a compressed data set, which
is then used as input to the Inquisitor Import for z/OS UNIX processing.
Product Tagger
A utility that allows the identification of software, which has not been
predefined in the Global Knowledge Database. It can also be used to
supersede GKB entries without changing the GKB contents.
Usage Monitor
A program which attaches to the z/OS program management functions,
using standard IBM attachment protocols. It is able to monitor the
execution of load modules and to record these events.
Inquisitor Import
A set of programs that load raw Inquisitor data into DB2 tables on z/OS,
for both z/OS load modules and z/OS UNIX load modules.
Match Engine
The process whereby the imported Inquisitor data is matched against a
Global Knowledge Database. This database is provided by IBM. The Local
Knowledge Database, populated by the user, can also be used during the
match process.
Load to Repository
The process whereby the matched Inquisitor data is copied into the
Repository. The Repository is where all data resides.
Usage Import
The process whereby the raw Usage Monitor data is copied into the
Repository against matching load modules. Once completed, the user
views the Usage results by way of the TCR reports, or by submitting batch
Also known as Tivoli Common Reporting, and Batch Reporting provide
the basis for reporting the results of the scanned systems. The product
provides several reports that are accessed from TCR or Batch. These
reports determine what and where the products are located on the system.
system schemas, you only have to run one job for each sysplex or shared system.
The job can run on any member of the sysplex, or any system, in the shared
The output of the Inquisitor PDS/E for the ZIQ* members, and z/OS UNIX for
UIQ* members, are data sets that contain the results of the scan.
The monitor runs continuously, capturing data on what programs the system is
running. This information is written to a data space. The data is available for
further processing whenever it is off-loaded to a data set from the data space. This
occurs by default at midnight, or you can set a switch to force the offload to occur.
The computation phase tasks all run on the DB2 system. They involve:
1. Importing the Inquisitor captured data.
2. Matching the captured data with known product information from the Global
and Local Knowledge bases.
3. Loading the matched information into the Repository.
4. Importing the Usage captured data into the Repository.
5. Running Utilities to manage and maintain your data. These tasks are optional.
When this has been done, you can run the various reports to see what products are
installed on your various systems.
Running Utilities
Utility jobs are provided to manage and maintain data that has been captured and
loaded into the system. These jobs are mainly for housekeeping and are optional.
This diagram explains the Hierarchical view of these Tivoli Asset Discovery for
z/OS concepts.
Inquisitor data
Inventory Inventory
It utilizes the concepts mentioned in the preceding paragraph for each Inventory to
run in three distinct modes. A Repository can have any number of Inventories
running in any combination of modes.
Single or stand-alone mode
Single or stand-alone mode Inventory represents a single z/OS system
with access to a set of nonshared DASD. For example, if you have one
z/OS system that has access to a set of nonshared DASD, then you would
run the resulting Inventory in stand-alone mode. There would be an
Inquisitor and a Usage Monitor running on the single z/OS system.
Sysplex mode
A sysplex mode Inventory represents a group of z/OS systems running in
a sysplex configuration. There would be one z/OS system running the
Inquisitor and all systems running the Usage Monitor. All Inquisitor and
Usage Monitors would need to be run in sysplex mode, and Usage Data
would be matched to an Inventory using the sysplex name instead of the
Shared DASD mode
A Shared DASD mode Inventory represents a group of z/OS systems that
have a shared pool of DASD, but are not in a sysplex environment and do
not have a common sysplex name. As in sysplex mode, a single system can
run the Inquisitor scan on behalf of all the other systems, and all systems
would also run the Usage Monitor. However, the Usage data would be
matched to the Inventory based upon SMF ID, instead of the sysplex name.
For more information, refer to Inventory Association on page 118.
Nonshared Nonshared
Nonshared Nonshared
IQ - Inquisitor
UMON - Usage monitor
In this example there are four Inventories, with one SMF ID associated to each
Inventory. The Usage Monitor and the Inquisitor run on all four z/OS systems and
DASD, respectively. In this case all four inventories are run in the Single or
Stand-alone mode
IQ - Inquisitor
UMON - Usage monitor
In this example, there is one Inventory, the shared DASD, and four SMF IDs that
are linked to that Inventory. The Usage Monitor runs on all four z/OS systems, but
there is only a need for one Inquisitor, as all the z/OS systems have access to the
same Load Modules. In this case the Inventory is in the Shared DASD mode, as
the z/OS systems are not in a Sysplex configuration.
IQ - Inquisitor
UMON - Usage monitor
In this example there is one Inventory, the shared DASD, and as this is a sysplex
configuration, the Usage data is linked to the Inventory through the SYSPLEX
name. The Usage Monitors and the Inquisitor are run in PLX=Y mode. Only one
Inquisitor needs to be run on the Shared DASD. The Usage Monitor needs to be
run on each z/OS system. In this case the inventory is run in the Sysplex mode
Nonshared Nonshared
Nonshared Nonshared
IQ - Inquisitor
UMON - Usage monitor
Figure 6. Four LPARs, one set of shared DASD, plus a set of nonshared DASD for each LPAR
This diagram shows four z/OS systems, all with access to shared DASD, as well as
a set of non shared DASD. There will be five Inventories, one for the shared
DASD, and one for each of the nonshared DASD. Each z/OS system would be
associated with the shared DASD Inventory through the SMF ID, and also with the
nonshared DASD, in a single or stand-alone mode, also through the SMF ID. The
Usage Monitor and the Inquisitor both run on all four systems. Three of the
systems need to run the Inquisitor against just the nonshared DASD, and one
system needs to run the Inquisitor against the shared and its nonshared DASD. In
this case there is one shared DASD mode Inventory and four single or stand-alone
mode Inventories.
Data Capture and Computation phases
These phases require a z/Architecture machine capable of running z/OS
Version 1 Release 8 or later.
Reporting phase
The Batch Reports require a z/Architecture machine capable of running
z/OS Version 1 Release 8 or later. The Tivoli Common Reporting systems
requires either an Intel x86 architecture server, or z/Linux LPARs, in
which case a z/Architecture machine is used.
Software requirements
The software requirements for running Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS are:
z/Architecture software
Installation v z/OS Version 1 Release 8 or later
v SMP/E Version 3 Release 3 or later
v DFSMSDSS Version 1 Release 8 or later
Data Capture phase v z/OS Version 1 Release 8 or later
Computation phase v z/OS Version 1 Release 8 or later
v Language Environment for z/OS
v DB2 Version 8 Release 1 or later
v DDF enabled for DB2
v CLI (ODBC) enabled for DB2
v REXX enabled for DB2
Reporting phase v z/OS Version 1 Release 8 or later
v DB2 Version 8 Release 1 or later
v DDF enabled for DB2
v CLI (ODBC) enabled for DB2
v REXX enabled for DB2
If the TCR component is to run on
v z/Linux (SUSE Version 10 or later)
You require a TSO user ID with the appropriate RACF access to run jobs in the
Data Capture phase, Computation phase, and Reporting phase.
For more information refer to Security considerations when running the Inquisitor
against z/OS UNIX files on page 59.
Chapter 4. Installation
Installing Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS
See the Program Directory for details of how to install Tivoli Asset Discovery for
See the Tivoli Common Reporting Users Guide for details of the process required to
install Tivoli Common Reporting.
z/OS Customization
Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS requires some post-installation tasks to enable the
product to run efficiently in the z/OS environment.
APF Authorization
Some of the products components use z/OS authorized system services
and can only be run from an APF authorized library. It is recommended
that the load library SHSIMOD1 is APF authorized. Alternatively, the
modules listed here can be copied to an APF authorized library.
The Monitor module HSIZMON can only be run from an APF library.
The Inquisitor module HSIPINQ, by default, requires APF. However, it can
be run from a non-APF library when using the NOAPF parameter. When
using NOAPF mode, the Inquisitor bypasses the use of z/OS authorized
system services and is only able to collect a subset of the data. APF mode
is recommended for scanning accuracy and speed.
All other modules can be run from an APF library or non-APF library.
MAXCAD parameter
The Usage Monitor uses a SCOPE=COMMON data space for its repository.
For this reason, it is necessary to have available at least two additional
system wide data space PASN entries. Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS
uses one data space, but after a switch, a new one is created. The older
data space is not deleted until it has been processed by the writer task.
To allow the creation of the Usage Monitor data spaces, the MAXCAD
system parameter must be set to a large enough value. The MAXCAD
parameter, if specified, is located in the IEASYSxx member of the systems
PARMLIB library. Consult the relevant MVS Initialization and Tuning
Reference manual for the default and valid value range. The default value
must be considered as the minimum value for practical purposes. Other
products also make use of this facility, and the MAXCAD value used must
take into account all the various product requirements for this facility.
DB2 customization
Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS requires post-installation tasks to enable DB2
functions and define DB2 resources for the product to use. An authorized database
personnel with the appropriate authorities needs to perform these tasks:
v Bind Call level interface/ODBC support
The product uses the DB2 supplied DSNACLI plan. Bind the DSNACLI plan
using the job hlq.SDSNSAMP(DSNTIJCL).
v Bind REXX language support
uses the DB2 supplied DSNREXX plan. Bind the DSNREXX plan using the job
v DB2 accesses
Copyright IBM Corp. 2009 17
IBM Confidential
It is necessary for the product administrator to have DBADM access to the DB2
database, as the computation phase utilities require write and drop access to the
schemas and tables.
For TCR and Batch Reporting accesses to DB2 resources, the definitions are
found in HSISGRNT, GI*, and GX*. See Customizing job outputs
Parameter Description
SET HSI This JCL parameter must be set to the high level qualifiers of the
target libraries created by the SMP/E installation process. These
data sets all have low level qualifiers beginning with SHSI.
SET ISP The Customization tool uses ISPF services to customize the
parameters and JCL for the user.
This parameter specifies the high level qualifiers for the ISPF target
libraries. These libraries all have low level qualifiers beginning
with SISP.
MODE The parameter is set in the PARM option of the EXEC statement.
Members beginning with HSIS are replaced. They are not
related to IQ schemas.
Members not beginning with HSIS are replaced. These are
related to IQ schemas.
All members are replaced. No members are ever deleted.
This parameter specifies the high level qualifiers of the JCLLIB and
PARMLIB data sets that are created by running the HSISCUST job.
If the JCLLIB and PARMLIB data sets already exist, they are reused
and members can be replaced with updated information.
The name specified for this parameter must be less than or equal
to 18 characters in length.
DB2LOAD The DB2LOAD parameter is in the //SYSIN part of the job.
If the DB2EXIT library does not exist, use the same value as the
DB2LOAD parameter.
DB2RUN The DB2RUN parameter is in the //SYSIN part of the job.
This parameter specifies the fully qualified RUNLIB data set name.
CEERUN The CEERUN parameter is in the //SYSIN part of the job.
You can use the DB2 DISPLAY DDF command to determine the
This parameter specifies the name of the DB2 PLAN used by the
DSNTIAD utility.
This utility allows for the execution of dynamic SQL in a batch job
and is required by the post- installation jobs. The name of this
PLAN is obtained from the DB2 Administrator.
SGTABCAT The SGTABCAT parameter is in the //SYSIN part of the job.
This parameter specifies the prefix of the DB2 table space data set
names for small tables in the database. Consult your DB2
administrator for security implications and disk storage
This parameter specifies the names of the volumes that the table
space data sets, for small tables, are allocated on.
This parameter specifies the prefix of the DB2 table space data set
names for large tables in the database. Consult your DB2
administrator for security implications and disk storage
This parameter specifies the names of the volumes that the table
space data sets, for large tables, are allocated on.
This parameter specifies the prefix of the DB2 table space data set
names for table indexes in the database. Consult your DB2
administrator for security implications and disk storage
This parameter specifies the names of the volumes that the table
space data sets, for table indexes, are allocated on.
This parameter specifies the name of the DB2 database that the
product uses to store all the information that it gathers.
DBADMIN The DBADMIN parameter is in the //SYSIN part of the job.
This parameter specifies the list of user IDs that are to be granted
ADMIN access to the database and its contents.
See the KBMGMTC entry for details. You must specify either
KBCPYPND The KBCPYPND parameter is in the //SYSIN part of the job.
See the ASMGMTC entry for details. You must specify either
GKBSCHMA The GKBSCHMA parameter is in the //SYSIN part of the job.
This parameter specifies the DB2 Schema name for the tables
holding the Global Knowledge Base.
This parameter specifies the DB2 Schema name for the tables
holding the z/OS UNIX Global Knowledge Base.
This parameter specifies the DB2 Schema name for the tables
holding the Local Knowledge Base.
This parameter specifies the DB2 Schema name for the tables
holding the z/OS UNIX Local Knowledge Base.
This parameter specifies the DB2 Schema name for the tables
holding the Repository.
This parameter specifies the DB2 Schema name for the tables
holding the Match Engine data.
This parameter specifies the DB2 Schema name for the tables
holding the Inquisitor Import Filter data.
The job must create or reuse two output libraries. These are:
The library contains JCL jobs to create DB2 resources, and to run the
products functions.
The library is referenced by jobs in the JCLLIB, and contains pre-tailored
Once you have made the appropriate changes to the copy of the customization job,
submit it to run.
Table 6. Housekeeping/Utilities
HSIASALC Job to allocate the Automation Server control file.
HSIASSCT Job to run the Automation Server Scout Utility.
HSISPTAG Job to run the Product Tagging Utility.
HSISREGN Job to run the Region Association Utility.
HSISINVA Job to run the Inventory Association.
HSISUSUM Job to run the Usage Summary.
HSISUDEL Job to run the Usage Deletion.
HSISDINV Job to Delete an inventory from the Repository.
HSISLLST Job to create an HLQ listing for the Usage Monitor.
HSISMERG Job to merge Repositories.
HSISTPRM Job to update the Repository TPARAM table.
HSISMCMP Job to compile Japanese messages for MMS.
HSISSCRT Job to read SCRT CSV files and populate the Repository.
HSISKBT Job to run the XML Export Utility.
Note: The XML output is for Tivoli Asset Management for IT
HSISZCAT Job to concatenate Usage Monitor data sets..
After the completion of the customization jobs, the product must be made
available to all systems that the various phases are run on.
Note: The APF authorization of the SHSIMOD1 library must be done on all
systems that the product is to be run on
If changes are made to the JCLLIB and PARMLIB data sets, either manually or by
rerunning the HSISCUST customization job, they must be redistributed to all
systems that run the product.
MMS message information for each language will be contained in the following
1. hlq.SHSIMJPN (Japanese)
The MMS message file must be compiled using the MMS message compiler. See
the MVS Assembler Services Guide for more information on loading MMS messages.
The HSISCUST post-installation customization job creates JCL jobs in the JCLLIB to
compile MMS files. Member HSISMCMP contains JCL to run the job.
Here is an example of how to create a new Japanese system runtime message file
and install it:
1. Compile MMS files into system runtime message file hlq.MMSJPN99
2. Create a new entry in PARMLIB called MMSLSTJ9
3. Install the latest system runtime message file using the following MVS system
The following components of the product do not use the MVS message service
v Inquisitor Import
v Match Engine
v Load to Repository
v Usage Import
v Usage Summary
v Usage Deletion
v Delete Inventory
v Delete Repository
Japanese customers can enable Japanese messages to the MSGFILE for these
components if the Language Environment NATLANG(JPN) option is in effect. For
more information on the Language Environment MSGFILE and NATLANG
options, refer to the Language Environment Programming Reference (SA227562).
For more information on specifying Language Environment runtime options, refer
to the Language Environment Programming Guide (SA227561). For more
information on setting NATLANG(JPN) as an installation default, refer to the
Language Environment Customization (SA22-7564). When the NATLANG(JPN)
option is not in effect, the components listed above will always output messages in
mixed case English.
For example the Inquisitor import JCL can be modified to produce Japanese
messages (assuming the default installation NATLANG is not already set to
Japanese) by modifying the following line in members beginning with ZIM (UIM
for z/OS UNIX) and suffixed with the schema name :
to :
Before installing the JDBC JARs, ensure the Tivoli Integrated Portal (TIP) service is
To install the DB2 JDBC Driver and License JARs, copy the required JARs from the
source directory to the destination directory.
Source directory:
C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java
3. Login to the Tivoli Common Reporting Browser using the userid and password
configured when Tivoli Common Reporting was installed.
The above applies only to the Windows environment. For other platforms see the
Tivoli Common Reporting Users Guide
The HSISCUST post-installation customization job creates JCL jobs in JCLLIB to list
the JDBC URLs. Member HSISTCRR contains JCL to run the job. Listed here is the
output you can expect
DATA_SOURCE JDBC_URL_______________________________________________________
HSIzREP jdbc:db2://exampsys.ibm.com:5000/QXPOMU1DE81:currentSchema=SI1;
The sample above contains the JDBC URL for a Repository schema. Tivoli
Common Reporting is configured to connect to this schema in the next
step,Configuring the Tivoli Common Reporting Report Data Sources for JDBC
Two groups need to be created for Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS users to select
the reports relevant to their job role.
Repository View Group: These reports are concerned with the software products
discovered, where they are located, and who has been using them.
Administration View Group: These reports show the information relating to the
Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS components. The data source verification. The
data captured by the Inquisitor. The Knowledge Bases used by the Match Engine,
and user software that is yet to be fully identified. This view will also have access
to all repository view reports.
For the repository view add a group called TADzREP using the Manage Group
functions. For the Administration view add a group called TADzADMIN. Then
using the Administrative Group Roles function, add the two groups and provide
each of them with the tcrOperator role. This will allow members of these groups to
log on to Tivoli Common Reporting. Add Users using the Manage Users function
and then add them to their relevant job role group.
At this stage your new users can login to the Tivoli Integrated Portal but can not
see any reports when they select Common Reporting. The groups need to be
authorized to access the nodes in the report hierarchy. Right mouse click on each
node in the report hierarchy and select Authorizations from the popup menu. Add
the group to the authorized user and groups list. When a group is added to the
authorization list it has a default role of tcrReportViewer. Select each added group
and set the roles as described in the table below.
Chapter 6. Post-installation tasks for Tivoli Common Reporting 31
IBM Confidential
Table 7. TADzREP
Report Navigation Hierarchy Roles
Report Sets tcrSetViewer 1
Tivoli Products tcrSetViewer
Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS tcrSetViewer
Advanced Reports tcrSnapshotAuthor, tcrReportDistributor 2
Asset Reports tcrSnapshotAuthor, tcrReportDistributor
Standard reports tcrSnapshotAuthor, tcrReportDistributor
Tivoli Common Reporting tcrReportViewer 3
Table 8. TADzADMIN
Report Navigation Hierarchy Roles
Report Sets tcrSetViewer 1
Tivoli Products tcrSetViewer
Tivoli Common Reporting tcrReportViewer 3
1 Allows the user to navigate to a report set. Using this role will allow a user
access to a child report set without granting full access to the parent sets.
2 Allows the user to view, but not modify the reports, create and distribute
snapshots and schedule a report.
3 Allows the user to view, but not modify the report set.
For further details on Users and Groups see Administering users in the Tivoli
Common Reporting Users Guide.
Chapter 7. Migration
If your site is currently running Hardware and Software Installation for z/OS
Version 7 Release 1, Dorana Version 5 Release 4 or TLCMz, and if you want to
migrate your application data to Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS Version 7.2., then
you should follow the instructions as listed below.
TLCMz conversion
The data conversion process converts MONDETL and SURVDATA files from
TLCMz; Version 3 Release 2, Version 4 Release 1, and Version 4 Release 2, to the
format required by Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS. No other data is converted.
The conversion process allows you to control when each system within the
enterprise is to be converted from TLCMz to Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS. This
staged approach to conversion allows TLCMz and Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS
to run concurrently until you decide to cut over to Tivoli Asset Discovery for
z/OS. Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS and DB2 can be installed on the system of
your choice, with TLCMz continuing to run on all existing systems within the
Conversion allows you to start using the new product database and reporting
capabilities against your entire enterprise without having to uninstall TLCMz and
install Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS on every system. It enables the data
generated by your existing TLCMz data gatherers to be used by the new product.
Once you are satisfied with the converted data, you can discontinue the TLCMz
data analysis and reporting process that runs on each system where TLCMz is
The record format of the TLCMz SURVDATA file has changed between Version 3
Release 2, and Version 4 Release 1. The Surveyor conversion process only converts
TLCMz Version 4 Release 1 format SURVDATA files into Tivoli Asset Discovery for
z/OS Version 7 Release 2 format.
For TLCMz SURVDATA Version 3 Release 2 files, an intermediate step called the
UPGRADER is required and is already included in the conversion job. The
UPGRADER converts TLCMz SURVDATA Version 3 Release 2 format files into
TLCMz SURVDATA Version 4 Release 1 format.
By default, the SURVOUT DD is a temporary PDS/E data set. This is adequate for
most conversions. For a larger Surveyor file that needs to be converted by the
UPGRADER, increase the size of the SURVOUT data set by approximately 40% of
the SURVIN data set.
Before you migrate to the new product, you need to step through the sections,
Creating post-installation jobs on page 18 and Running post-installation jobs
on page 26. Once you have completed the customization jobs as described in the
two sections, you now have a product ready for use.
For the migration implementation, use the JCLLIB members to submit jobs in the
sequence as listed here:
HSISDB01 Job to define DB2 Storage Groups and the Database name.
HSISDB02 Job to create the DB2 table spaces for the Global Knowledge Base.
HSISDB03 Job to load the Global Knowledge Base.
HSISDB04 Job to create the DB2 table spaces for the z/OS UNIX Global
Knowledge Base.
HSISDB05 Job to load the z/OS UNIX Global Knowledge Base.
HSISDB06 Job to create the DB2 resources for the Local Knowledge Base and
z/OS UNIX Local Knowledge Base.
HSISDB07 Job to create the DB2 resources for the Repository.
HSISDB10 Job to create the DB2 resources for the Match Engine.
HSISDB11 Job to create the DB2 resources for the Inquisitor Filters and to
load the filters.
DI* Jobs (per IQ schema) to create DB2 resources for the Inquisitor
DX* Jobs (per IQ schema) to create DB2 resources for the z/OS UNIX
Inquisitor Import.
HSISGRNT Job to grant general (non IQ schema) access to DB2 resources..
GI* Job (per IQ schema) to grant access to DB2 resources.
GX* Job (per IQ schema) to grant access to DB2 resources for z/OS
Loading the converted TLCMz data to Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS:
ZIM* Job (per IQ schema) to run the Inquisitor Import. Input data is
from output of HSISS2D1 or HSISS2D2
HSISUIMP Job to run the Usage Import. Input data is from output of
Post-conversion tasks
v You can continue to run your existing Monitor and Surveyor as before.
v Convert and import TLCMz Monitor and Surveyor data into the new Tivoli
Asset Discovery for z/OS Version 7 Release 2.
v When Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS Version 7 Release 2 has been fully
implemented, and the new Usage Monitor and Inquisitor Scan are ready for use,
the TLCMz version of the Monitor and Surveyor can be discontinued.
v Once you have discontinued using the previous product, you can proceed to run
the remaining jobs as described in the Capture, Computation, and Reporting
Some fields cannot be generated as they were in TLCMz. These fields are marked
with a question mark (?) to signify this.
The description, function, and JCL required to run these samples is documented in
each member.
The REXX samples TRNMODS, TRNUSGM, and TRNUSGP are provided with
TLCMz. They transform each record into transaction file format for import into a
spreadsheet. If you run these during migration, the date fields not available from
Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS are displayed as 6F; the hexadecimal EBCDIC
representation of ?.
Before using these samples, ensure the DB2 REXX environment for the target DB2
system has been successfully set up .
For improved migration performance, it is recommended that the tasks listed here
are run on the existing Dorana database.
v Run the Usage Summary job
v Run the Usage Deletion job
v Reorganize the Repository table spaces
Migration tasks
To migrate Dorana Version 5 Release 4 to Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS Version
7 Release 2, complete the step as explained in section Creating post-installation
jobs on page 18. The HSISCUST parameters listed below must be customized with
different values as used in your Dorana Version 5 Release 4 system. This is to
avoid any duplicate names that have already been used.
1. DB - database
2. Schema Names
Chapter 7. Migration 35
IBM Confidential
Once you have made the appropriate changes to HSISCUST, submit this job to run.
The job must create or reuse two output libraries. These are:
1. JCLLIB - The library contains JCL jobs to create DB2 resources, and to run the
products functions.
2. PARMLIB - The library is referenced by jobs in the JCLLIB, and contains
pre-tailored parameters.
For the migration implementation, use the JCLLIB members to submit jobs in the
sequence as listed here:
HSISDB01 Job to define DB2 Storage Groups and the Database name.
HSISDB02 Job to create the DB2 table spaces for the Global Knowledge Base.
HSISDB03 Job to load the Global Knowledge Base.
HSISDB04 Job to create the DB2 table spaces for the z/OS UNIX Global
Knowledge Base.
HSISDB05 Job to load the z/OS UNIX Global Knowledge Base.
HSISDB06 Job to create the DB2 resources for the Local Knowledge Base and
z/OS UNIX Local Knowledge Base.
HSISDB07 Job to create the DB2 resources for the Repository.
HSISDB10 Job to create the DB2 resources for the Match Engine.
HSISDB11 Job to create the DB2 resources for the Inquisitor Filters and to
load the filters.
DI* Jobs (per IQ schema) to create DB2 resources for the Inquisitor
DX* Jobs (per IQ schema) to create DB2 resources for the z/OS UNIX
Inquisitor Import.
HSISGRNT Job to grant general (non IQ schema) access to DB2 resources.
GI* Job (per IQ schema) to grant access to DB2 resources.
GX* Job (per IQ schema) to grant access to DB2 resources for z/OS
If your site does not have any data from LKB and LKU to migrate, then ignore
running the following 4 jobs (HSISMI20, HSISMI21,HSISMI22, and HSISMI23).
Post-migration tasks
v You can continue to run your existing Usage Monitor and Inquisitor Scan as
v Importing Dorana Version 5 Release 4 Usage and Inquisitor data into the new
Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS Version 7 Release 2 is tolerated, as the data
structures are compatible.
v When Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS Version 7 Release 2 has been fully
implemented, and the new Usage Monitor and Inquisitor Scan are ready for use,
the previous version of the Usage Monitor and Inquisitor Import can be
v Once you have discontinued using the previous product, you can proceed to run
the remaining jobs as described in the Capture, Computation, and Reporting
v Reorganization and backup of the new database is also recommended.
For improved migration performance, it is recommended that the tasks listed here
are run on the existing Hardware and Software Identification for z/OS database.
v Run the Usage Summary job
v Run the Usage Deletion job
v Reorganize the Repository table spaces
Migration tasks
To migrate Hardware and Software Identification for z/OS V7.1 to Tivoli Asset
Discovery for z/OS V7.2, complete the step as explained in section Creating
post-installation jobs on page 18. The HSISCUST parameters listed below must be
customized with identical values as used in your Hardware and Software
Identification for z/OS system:
1. DB - database
2. Schema Names
Chapter 7. Migration 37
IBM Confidential
Once you have made the appropriate changes to HSISCUST, submit this job to run.
The job must create or reuse two output libraries. These are:
1. JCLLIB - The library contains JCL jobs to create DB2 resources, and to run the
products functions.
2. PARMLIB - The library is referenced by jobs in the JCLLIB, and contains
pre-tailored parameters.
For the migration implementation, use the JCLLIB members to submit jobs in the
sequence as listed here:
b) Drop table spaces for Global Knowledge Base for z/OS UNIX
Post-migration tasks
v You can continue to run your existing Usage Monitor and Inquisitor Scan as
v Importing Hardware and Software Identification for z/OS Version 7 Release 1
Usage and Inquisitor data into the new Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS Version
7 Release 2 is tolerated, as the data structures are compatible.
v When Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS Version 7 Release 2 has been fully
implemented, and the new Usage Monitor and Inquisitor Scan are ready for use,
the previous version of the Usage Monitor and Inquisitor Import can be
v Once you have discontinued the previous release, you can proceed to run the
remaining jobs as described in the Capture, Computation, and Reporting phases.
v Some table spaces and indexes are set to advisory REORG-pending (AREO*)
status as a result of the migration. To set the table spaces and indexes back to
their normal (RW) state, a reorganization of these resources needs to be
v Reorganization and backup of the new product is also recommended.
Chapter 7. Migration 39
IBM Confidential
Chapter 7. Migration 41
IBM Confidential
While the simplest Inquisitor request is to scan all online load libraries, facilities
are provided to limit processing to specific subsets of libraries.
Inquisitor JCL
The HSISCUST post-installation customization job creates JCL jobs in the JCLLIB to
run the z/OS Inquisitor. Members beginning with ZIQ, and suffixed with the
Inquisitor schema name contain JCL to run the Inquisitor for a given schema.
If you choose to run SCANPGM requests, ensure that the MEMLIMIT value is
large enough to permit the relevant Program Binder processing of the largest
program object that the Inquisitor will encounter.
The optional program parameter allows the specification of a report message level,
a job run identifier, and an override to the system identifier.
Modify the high level qualifier of the STEPLIB DSNAME so that the correct load
library is referenced. If FDRABR is used, ensure the load library contains the
HSIPINQ and HSIPINQA programs.
Ensure the HSIPZIP output file has an appropriate data set name specified, and the
UNIT and SPACE are correct.
The output volumes of an Inquisitor run are large, depending on the data present
in the installation and the scope of specified requests.
The HSIPZIP file must not undergo any translation when being
transferred, whatever the architecture of the target system. Only BINARY
transfers are to be used to transport the file.
The optional output file containing uncompressed Inquisitor data. It is not
specified in the packaged sample, as the use of HSIPZIP is preferred due
to its reduced space requirements. HSIPOUT also contains variable-length
records. The program supplies the appropriate LRECL. By default, system
determined block size is used.
If the Inquisitor output is to be directed to a compressible extended-format
data set, then the HSIPOUT file must be used. The HSIPZIP file employs
some update-in-place processing which prevents the use of DFSMS
The request input file. Fixed-length, variable-length, and undefined record
formats are processed. Short records are extended to 72-bytes in length
with blanks, if necessary.
This file allocates the HSM MCDS data set, and is required if any requests
contain the REMIGRATE or NOML2 operands. Further, if supplied for
other requests, it is used to avoid the recall of data sets which are not load
libraries. If the HSM MCDS is spread over more than one data set, the DD
names MCDS2, MCDS3, and MCDS4 are to be used consecutively to
allocate all the MCDS data sets in key range order.
The SYSIN file of the FDRABRP utility program is required if any requests
contain the ABRMIG or ABRARC operands. It is primed by the Inquisitor
during execution. For this reason, a single track VIO file is an ideal
The SYSPRINT file of the FDRABRP utility program is required if any
requests contain the ABRMIG or ABRARC operands. It is an output-only
file, and is not processed by the Inquisitor.
The Inquisitor can process many requests in a single program run. Output from all
requests of a given run is contained in the same file. For example:
The SCANCMD verb is used to allow command syntax and operand
consistency to be checked by the Inquisitor without initiating Load Library
processing. It performs a parse only operation, although output files are
Error messages relating to syntax and operand errors are produced as
usual. This verb is of use while users are formulating the best request
combination to implement for any given system.
The SCANDIR verb is used to collect data from program library directory
entries. Contents of program members are not accessed.
Compared to SCANPGM, its reduced data collection allows it to run faster.
Although all syntactically correct operands are allowed, some operands
relating to data from member contents are ignored during processing.
SCANDIR collects all of the information needed for automated software
identification, and is the verb of choice for a production environment.
The SCANPGM verb collects all data collected by SCANDIR, as well as
information from member contents. Such information relates to program
structure and history.
Your IBM representative may request SCANPGM output data to assist with
problem diagnosis and resolution.
The SCANMOD verb performs the same function as SCANPGM, except
that PDSEs are excluded from processing. Only the load modules in the
PDSes are processed.
The SCANOBJ verb is used to collect data from program library directory
entries. Contents of program members are not accessed.
Compared to SCANPGM, its reduced data collection allows it to run faster.
Although all syntactically correct operands are allowed, some operands
relating to data from member contents are ignored during processing.
SCANDIR collects all of the information needed for automated software
identification, and is the verb of choice for a production environment.
v The part of the record following a continuation character is ignored and can be
used for comments.
v Blanks, commas, parentheses, and continuation characters, are the only
v Blanks and commas are equivalent.
v Records beginning with an asterisk are comment records.
v Records containing only blanks or commas are comment records.
v Comment records are ignored by syntax parsing logic, and do not alter
continuation status.
v If the input record contains an ampersand, the system symbol substitution
routine ASASYMBM is called to perform symbol substitution processing.
v All input requests are parsed and stored before the first request is processed. If a
syntax error is encountered, no requests are processed. This is to reduce the
instance of incorrect or unproductive requests triggering lengthy DASD
subsystem scans. The error is in the last record echoed in SYSPRINT.
v TSO conventions apply to abbreviations. That is, operands can be abbreviated to
the minimum unambiguous length. Verbs cannot be abbreviated.
v Subparameters of value operands are specified in parentheses.
v Value masks are character strings which are compared to data found at run time.
Comparison is performed one byte at a time, from left to right. For a match, the
characters must compare equal, unless a generic mask character is found.
v System static symbols can be used to construct value masks.
v Valid generic mask characters are a percent (%), to flag a match for any single
character, and an asterisk (*), to flag a match for any character string segment of
zero or greater length.
SCANDIR DATASET (dsn-mask) XDATASET (dsn-masks)
VOLUME (volser-masks) XVOLUME (volser-masks)
PROGRAM (pgmname-masks) XPROGRAM (pgmname-masks)
MODULE (modname-masks) XMODULE (modname-masks)
STOGROUP (storage-group-masks)
XSTOGROUP (storage-group-masks) NONSMS LINKLIST
Defaults are:
v No operands are required.
v All operands are optional.
Possible operands:
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 44 byte data set name masks. Only
data sets with names matching any masks specified here are processed.
Data sets with names not matching any masks specified here are not
processed. Multiple masks must be separated by one or more delimiters.
This operand can be specified more than once in a request, whereupon all
masks specified in all occurrences of this operand are checked for selection
matching. The precise treatment of asterisks in these masks is altered by
the presence of the CATALOG keyword in the request. When CATALOG is
specified, mask matching becomes qualifier aware and a single asterisk
represents one, or part of, one qualifier only. When CATALOG is specified,
use a double asterisk to specify any number of qualifiers. The data set
name selection mask is the only mask affected by the CATALOG keyword.
When the CATALOG keyword is present, exactly one DSNAME mask
must be specified.
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 44 byte data set name masks. Data
sets with names matching any mask specified here are not processed.
Multiple masks must be separated by one or more delimiters. This operand
can be specified more than once in a request, whereupon all masks
specified in all occurrences of this operand are checked for exclusion
matching. If this operand is used, each mask must specify a subset of a
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 6 byte volume serial number
masks. Only volumes with serial numbers matching any mask specified
here are processed. Volumes with serial numbers not matching any mask
specified here, are not processed. Multiple masks must be separated by one
or more delimiters. This operand can be specified more than once in a
request, whereupon all masks specified in all occurrences of this operand
are checked for selection matching. A volume serial number mask of six
asterisks specifies the current IPL volume, which is ascertained during
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 6 byte volume serial number
masks. Volumes with serial numbers matching any mask specified here are
not processed. Multiple masks must be separated by one or more
delimiters. This operand can be specified more than once in a request,
whereupon all masks specified in all occurrences of this operand are
checked for exclusion matching. If this operand is used, each mask must
specify a subset of a VOLUME mask. A volume serial number mask of six
asterisks specifies the current IPL volume, which is ascertained during
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 8 byte program name masks. Only
programs with names matching any mask specified here are processed.
Programs with names not matching any mask specified here, are not
processed. Multiple masks must be separated by one or more delimiters.
This operand can be specified more than once in a request, whereupon all
masks specified in all occurrences of this operand are checked for selection
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 8 byte program name masks.
Programs with names matching any mask specified here are not processed.
Multiple masks must be separated by one or more delimiters. This operand
can be specified more than once in a request, whereupon all masks
specified in all occurrences of this operand are checked for exclusion
matching. If this operand is used, each mask must specify a subset of a
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 8 byte module name masks. The
presence of this operand means that extra information about program
routines is collected. Only CSECTs with names matching at least one mask
encountered in processed programs can have this extra information
collected. Multiple masks must be separated by one or more delimiters.
This operand can be specified more than once in a request, whereupon all
masks specified in all occurrences of this operand are checked for selection
matching. This operand is ignored for a SCANDIR request.
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 8 byte module name masks.
CSECTs with names matching any mask specified here cannot have extra
information collected. Multiple masks must be separated by one or more
delimiters. This operand can be specified more than once in a request,
whereupon all masks specified in all occurrences of this operand are
checked for exclusion matching. If this operand is used, each mask must
specify a subset of a MODULE mask. This operand is ignored for a
SCANDIR request.
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 8 byte storage group name masks.
SMS-managed volumes in a storage group with a name matching any
mask specified here is processed. SMS-managed volumes in a storage
group with a name that does not match any mask specified here, are not
processed. Multiple masks must be separated by one or more delimiters.
This operand can be specified more than once in a request, whereupon all
masks specified in all occurrences of this operand are checked for selection
matching. Volumes which are not SMS-managed are not processed unless
the NONSMS keyword operand is specified.
This operand specifies one or more 1 to 8 byte storage group name masks.
SMS-managed volumes in a storage group with a name matching any
mask specified here are not processed. Multiple masks must be separated
by one or more delimiters. This operand can be specified more than once
in a request, whereupon all masks specified in all occurrences of this
operand are checked for exclusion matching. If both this mask and a
STOGROUP mask are used, then each mask must specify a subset of a
This keyword operand specifies that volumes which are not SMS-managed
are eligible for processing. The presence of this operand means that
SMS-managed volumes are not processed unless the STOGROUP operand
was used to supply a storage group name mask.
This keyword operand specifies that all linklist data sets are to be
unconditionally included for processing.
This keyword operand specifies that all APF authorized data sets are to be
unconditionally included for processing.
This keyword operand specifies that any program member marked as an
alias is to be excluded from processing.
This keyword operand specifies that data sets to be processed are located
from a catalog search rather than VTOC searches. Data set alias names are
not processed. The Inquisitor triggers and waits for a RECALL operation
for each migrated data set which passes data set name mask processing,
unless NORECALL is also specified.
This keyword specifies that migrated data sets are not to be recalled and
are excluded from processing. This operand only has effect when the
CATALOG operand is also specified. Data sets with a catalog entry
indicating a volume serial number of MIGRAT, or ARCIVE, are deemed to
be migrated.
This keyword operand specifies that a full scan of CESD and IDR records
is to be performed, even when a module would not have been selected for
such processing. Depending upon the exact nature of the request being
run, this operand can significantly elongate the elapsed time of Inquisitor
This keyword operand specifies that when a load library resides on the IPL
volume, or on a volume with a serial number which matches the value of a
system static symbol, then the output does not contain the actual volume
serial number, but six asterisks for the IPL volume or the symbol name for
other volumes. Only symbols with names which are six characters long,
including the leading ampersand and excluding the trailing period, are
considered for this processing.
If you use this keyword to collect your data, then you must also use the
corresponding keyword SYM in the Usage Monitor. You cannot use the
SYMVOL parameter in the Inquisitor without using the SYM keyword in
Usage Monitor. This way the Inquisitor data match the Usage Data,
otherwise the usage data is not imported to the correct products.
This keyword operand specifies that when a data set which had to be
recalled has been processed, HSM is requested to migrate the data set
again asynchronously. Migrated data sets can only be processed when the
CATALOG operand is also specified. Only data sets with a catalog entry
indicating a volume of MIGRAT are remigrated.
The presence of this operand requires that the MCDS file is allocated to the
HSM MCDS. Access to the MCDS allows the Inquisitor to avoid recalls for
data sets which are not partitioned, do not have an undefined record
format, and do not have a block size of at least 1024.
This keyword operand specifies that data sets migrated to level two are not
to be recalled and are excluded from processing. Migrated data sets can
only be processed when the CATALOG operand is also specified. Only
data sets with a catalog entry indicating a volume of MIGRAT are checked
for level two status.
The presence of this operand requires that the MCDS file is allocated to the
HSM MCDS. Access to the MCDS allows the Inquisitor to avoid recalls for
data sets which are not partitioned, do not have an undefined record
format, and do not have a block size of at least 1024.
This keyword operand indicates that when a catalog entry with a volume
of MIGRAT is encountered, the FDRABR product is to be invoked to
determine whether a recallable archived copy of the data sets is available
or not. If it is, then the data set is processed. If not, then the data set is not
These examples are provided to illustrate some possible scenarios where the scope
and type of processing is customized. The first three examples are equivalent, and
request data collection for all programs on all online DASD volumes.
Example 1:
Example 2:
To scan all SMS-managed volumes except volumes in storage group SGWORK use:
Example 3:
To scan all volumes except volumes in storage groups with names beginning with
SGW use:
Example 4:
To scan all volumes with serial numbers beginning with TSO and WRK, these two
requests are used in a single program run:
Example 5:
To scan all volumes except those with serial numbers beginning with TSO and
WRK use:
Example 6:
To scan all volumes with serial numbers beginning with USR, which are also in
SMS storage groups with names beginning with SG. Also, to scan for programs
with names beginning with UTIL, and to collect extra information about CSECTs
with names beginning with DATE, except DATENCOD, use:
Example 7:
To scan all data sets with high level qualifiers of SYS1, SYS2, SYS3, except z/OS
distribution libraries, use:
Example 8:
Note: Note the extra asterisk in the data set name selection mask. Without this,
only data set names with two qualifiers are selected. Data set name exclusion
processing is not changed by the CATALOG operand.
Example 9:
To scan the current IPL volume, and any other link, list, and APF authorized
libraries use:
Example 10:
To scan the single cataloged data set SYS1.PPLIB without a lengthy DASD
subsystem scan use:
Example 11:
To scan all cataloged SYS1 and SYS2 data sets use (a) two requests in a single
program run, or (b) a single request. The two approaches exhibit similar resource
Where the XDSN operand lists all 4-character high-level qualifiers in the system
beginning with SYS except for SYS1 and SYS2.
Example 12:
These examples are all equivalent. They scan the entire DASD subsystem for all
data sets with a first qualifier of SYS1 or SYS2, excluding those with a second
qualifier beginning with A.
SYS2.*) +
DA(SYS2.*) +
XDA(SYS1.A*) +
Example 13:
Here, the entire DASD subsystem is processed, but the volume serial numbers are
replaced in the output data by the name of a corresponding symbol, if one is
defined, or by six asterisks for the IPL volume.
The SYMVOL operand must be used in conjunction with the SYM command of the
Usage Monitor otherwise the Usage data does not match the Inquisitor data.
Designing requests
For an individual Inquisitor request, a given volume is never scanned more than
once. When a series of requests is based upon separate groups of volumes, using
volume serial number or SMS storage group selection criteria, it also follows that a
volume would not be scanned more than once. However, when a series of requests
for separate groups of data sets based solely upon data set name selection criteria
is made, a volume is scanned once for each request.
To illustrate this further, consider a system with these DASD subsystem usage
System platform
Non-SMS and storage group SYSTEM
Work pool
Storage group TEMP containing temporary and short-lived (two days)
permanent files
TSO Storage groups TSOONE and TSOTWO
Non-DB application
Non-SMS and storage groups BATCH1 and BATCH2
Non-SMS volumes DBA001 to DBA099 and SMS storage groups DB01,
DB02 and DB03
To acquire Inquisitor data from all useful sources without processing volumes
more than once, and without processing irrelevant volumes, these requests could
be specified in a single Inquisitor run. For example:
This is consolidated into a single request giving the same result. For example:
With the CATALOG operand specified, migrated program libraries are eligible for
processing, unless the NORECALL operand is also coded. Specifying NORECALL
causes libraries cataloged on volumes MIGRAT or ARCHIVE (if no MCDS DD
statement is present) to be considered as migrated by the Inquisitor. These are
consequently not processed, thereby avoiding their recall to primary volumes.
The presence of a usable HSM MCDS data set allocated to the MCDS file informs
the Inquisitor the system has HSM installed. As a consequence, the data sets
cataloged on a volume called ARCIVE are not considered to be migrated.
If a specific data set record cannot be read from the MCDS, then it is assumed that
the migrated data set does not exist and it is not processed.
The NOML2 keyword forces the exclusion of data sets migrated to level 2.
The REMIGRATE keyword specifies that after a recalled data set has been
processed by the Inquisitor, the Inquisitor requests HSM to remigrate the data set.
The Inquisitor does not wait for the migration, but begins to process the next data
set immediately after making the request to HSM. Migration level two is never
specified by the Inquisitor for the migration, even if the data set was recalled from
ML2. However, it might be selected by HSM as a result of SMS management class
If none of the NORECALL, REMIGRATE, and NOML2 keywords are present for a
catalog request, then the HSM MCDS is not required to be allocated. However, if
the MCDS file is allocated, the Inquisitor can use it to avoid recalling data sets
which are not program libraries. If the MCDS file is not present, a CATALOG
request without the NORECALL operand can trigger recalls for data sets of any
data set organization and record format. In all cases, generation data sets are not
recalled for Inquisitor processing.
The SYSPRINT file contains statistics of processing carried out by the Inquisitor,
and the status on any errors encountered.
All SYSOUT data sets created by the job, including the job log, JCL, and message
streams accumulated by the system, form a key resource in problem determination.
If there is a problem with the Inquisitor, these files are required in order to
diagnose the problem.
The creation of an output file is the main purpose of an Inquisitor execution run. It
contains detailed information about programs encountered, as well as audit data
which is used in problem diagnosis.
As the size of the HSIPOUT data set is 200MB or more, it is recommended that the
HSIPOUT file is replaced by the HSIPZIP file. HSIPZIP data is HSIPOUT data that
has been translated from EBCDIC to ASCII and compressed by the ZIP process.
This reduces the space and time required on z/OS to contain and transfer the file.
Using a compressed form of the data set not only reduces the space used on the
DASD, but reduces the transfer time when the file needs to be transmitted to other
The ZIP process used by the Inquisitor requires some update-in-place processing,
so the HSIPZIP file must be allocated to a DASD sequential data set which is not
compressible. To collect the output in a compressible extended-format sequential
data set, allocate the data set to the HSIPOUT file.
The Inquisitor for z/OS UNIX produces a set of record types which is different
from that produced by the Inquisitor for z/OS. Nonetheless, both jobs collect the
same types of information about executable programs.
The Inquisitor for z/OS UNIX processes the HFS root directory, as well as all
subdirectories. For this reason it needs to run with a UID, which allows access to
all directories and programs which need to be examined. If the Inquisitor for z/OS
UNIX does not have permission to access a directory, then no information is
collected from that directory, or any of its subdirectories.
Apart from the HSIXROOT file, there are no inputs which can restrict, alter, or
filter the type of processing to be carried out. Unlike the Inquisitor for partitioned
data sets, the Inquisitor for z/OS UNIX does not have any control statements.
Note: In order to collect all relevant z/OS UNIX data, the user running the
Inquisitor for z/OS UNIX must have access to all HFS directories, including the
root. This ensures that all z/OS UNIX data is collected.
Modify the STEPLIB DSNAME statement with the correct high-level qualifier so
that it points to the correct load library.
Ensure the HSIXZIP output file has an appropriate data set name specified, and
that the UNIT and SPACE are correct.
The files needed to run the Inquisitor for z/OS UNIX are:
Report file used by HSIXINQ.
Used by Language Environment (LE), which is required to be in the
standard module search path.
Used by Language Environment (LE), which is required to be in the
standard module search path.
The output file containing compressed Inquisitor for z/OS UNIX data. It is
written using a variable-length record format. DCB information must be
provided to ensure optimal use of DASD space.
For a 3390, the use of RECFM=VB,LRECL=27994,BLKSIZE=27998 is
For a 3380, the use of RECFM=VB,LRECL=23472,BLKSIZE=23476 is
The HSIXZIP file must never undergo any translation when being
transferred, whatever the architecture of the target system. That is, only
BINARY transfers are to be used to transport the file.
The output file containing uncompressed Inquisitor for z/OS UNIX data,
although the use of HSIXZIP is preferred due to its reduced space
requirements. HSIXOUT also contains variable-length records. The program
supplies the appropriate LRECL. By default, system determined block size
is used.
HSIXROOT can contain one or more optional 80byte records, each of
which specifies a directory path to be considered, and a root directory to
be processed. If HSIXROOT is empty, then slash (/) is considered to be the
only root directory to be processed. Any HSIXROOT record that is present
must contain a path name beginning with a slash in column one, and end
with one or more blanks or the end of the record. If the specified path does
not end in a slash, one is added. HSIXROOT records with a blank in
column one are discarded.
The points made earlier when discussing the Inquisitor output files about the
update-in-place file I/O performed by the ZIP process, and its consequences for
compressible files, also apply to the Inquisitor z/OS UNIX output files.
Two different types of work can run in the server address space. The first is the
moving of captured data into the data space repository. This is CPU bound, but of
short duration. The second is the writing of the accumulated program usage data
from the data space to a sequential file by the writer task, which is usually I/O
Parameters for the Usage Monitor job are found in PARMLIB member
The SRT command controls whether or not output is sorted. Sorted data is
imported into the appropriate databases more quickly than unsorted data.
Output files containing program usage data are dynamically allocated by the
Usage Monitor. The data set name prefix, the allocation unit, and the primary and
secondary space allocation quantities (in tracks) need to be customized for the
target system.
Output data sets have names with Dyyyyddd.Thhmmsst appended to the specified
prefix. The yyyyddd is the Julian calendar date, and hhmmsst is the time to tenths
of a second that the writer task is initiated.
Each table entry contains a program name compare string up to eight bytes long.
The string is either an eight-byte program name, or a shorter program name prefix.
When entering these strings with the EXC command, a prefix is denoted by using
an asterisk as the last character.
The program name exclusion table resides in key zero common storage, and its
size is always a multiple of 4,096 bytes. The minimum table size can house up to
339 entries, and the table size increases dynamically as required. The default
program name exclusion table contains entries to exclude data pertaining to usage
of many programs which are part of the operating system.
Use the EXC command to add entries to the program name exclusion table, or to
reset the table to its default contents.
Use the DEL command to remove some, or all, entries from the table.
Use the D-X command to display the current contents of the table.
so that specific exceptions to broad exclusion rules may be specified. Unless data
set name exclusion is to be used, the inclusion list cannot provide any useful
Elements of both lists reside in key zero common storage. Each element occupies
48 bytes, and contains a data set name mask up to 44 bytes in length. The mask
can contain a percent sign in any location, which signifies that any character in
that position is considered a match. The mask can end with an asterisk, which
signifies that no more characters need be tested in the left-to-right comparison scan
of the captured data set name and the data set name mask.
v Use the XDS command to add a data set name mask to the exclusion list.
v Use the IDS command to add a data set name mask to the inclusion list.
v Use the XDD command to deactivate a data set name exclusion mask.
v Use the IDD command to deactivate a data set name inclusion mask.
v Use the D-D command to display the currently active masks in both lists.
Both lists have no elements until an XDS or IDS command is processed. Storage is
dynamically acquired for each element as required. To ensure system integrity,
XDD and IDD commands do not cause the storage of a deactivated element to be
freed, but simply mark the element as inactive. When a deactivated mask is
reactivated, the existing entry is marked as active without the further acquisition of
When the Usage Monitor address space first initializes, all elements of both lists
left in storage from a previous run of the Usage Monitor are freed before the
processing of initial commands and the commencement of data collection. There is
no requirement to use either data set name mask list at any stage.
Note: PASSIVE is the only valid value of the optional program parameter.
PASSIVE mode means that the Usage Monitor is running, but not collecting any
usage data.
These commands cause the address space to stop data collection, attach a writer
task to process the existing data in the repository, wait for the writer task to
complete, sort the data, and then terminate.
This command causes the server address space to stop collecting data, attach a
writer task to process the existing data in the data space, wait for the writer task to
complete, and then terminate without sorting the data. For immediate termination,
This command causes the server address space to stop data collection, detaches
any running writer task which renders the output data set unusable, deletes the
current data space without writing out its contents, and terminates.
Refresh processing involves the execution of the command stream placed in the
HSIZIN file without the requirement of stopping and restarting the Usage Monitor.
As a result, refresh processing can verify the validity of the initialization command
stream so that changes are made and tested dynamically, ensuring that future
Usage Monitor sessions do not encounter initialization command stream errors.
The response to each command in the HSIZIN file is written to the HSIZMSG file.
A summary WTO message, indicating whether any errors are found or not, is
issued after refresh processing has finished.
Some commands set a switch for logic control, or set a numerical value to be used
during some processing. These commands specify the values to be used in the
future. Other commands pertaining to inclusion and exclusion masking add a
mask to, or remove a mask from, the active mask list, and so are part of an
accumulation of commands which specify future processing.
Consider the case where several exclusion masks are active, and a change to
deactivate one of the masks is required. A command to deactivate the mask is
issued dynamically, but if this change is to be made permanent, then the HSIZIN
file needs to be updated. This update would usually consist of deleting the
command which specifies the exclusion mask in question.
In this scenario, simply issuing the commands remaining in HSIZIN would not
deactivate the mask now omitted from the command stream in the general case.
So, to allow such a change to be implemented by deleting a masking command
from HSIZIN and performing a refresh, the Usage Monitor performs extra actions
before executing the commands in HSIZIN.
Before the first HSIZIN command is run during refresh processing, the program
mask exclusion list is set to the default list. Further, all data set name exclusion
masks are deactivated, and all data set name inclusion masks are deactivated. This
order of deactivation ensures that there is no loss of data that would otherwise be
collected. However, there is the possibility that data which would have been
excluded is collected during the short window between the reset of the mask lists
and the processing of the HSIZIN commands.
Stopping the Usage Monitor and restarting it, produces the same active exclusion
masks as a refresh. It also produces a data collection outage. See the section
detailing the REF command for a list of the processes performed during a refresh
It is advantageous to have this command in the HSIZIN file, after the DSN
command, to confirm initial allocation values.
Example 1
Display the current dynamic allocation values.
D-C - Display the counters and statistics
D-C is used to show the Usage Monitor activity and status indicators. The
purpose of this command is to assist IBM technical support in problem
Example 1
Display the current value of internal Usage Monitor counters.
D-D - Display the data set name inclusion/exclusion lists
D-D is used to show the data set name masks in the inclusion list,
followed by the data set name masks in the exclusion list.
If the program library of a program is ascertained when the program usage
is detected, the inclusion list is scanned for a match. If no match is found,
then the exclusion list is scanned for a match. If a match is found then the
program usage data is discarded, otherwise it is collected.
Neither list need be populated in order to collect data. The absence of any
entries in the exclusion list means that data collection is not affected by
program library data set names.
Display the current the current system identifier used by the Usage
D-S - Display the Status settings
D-S is used to verify several miscellaneous settings. Other commands are
used to alter the individual settings, but this command provides a
convenient way to list the current values.
Use this when the output device has 3390 compatible geometry.
DCB(3380) sets the output DCB to
Use this when the output device has 3380 compatible geometry.
DCB(UNKN) sets the output DCB to
so that the system determines the optimal block size for the device chosen
by dynamic allocation. Use this when the output device type is not known
until allocation time.
Some third party FTP products do not process a file with RECFM=VBS
correctly, even when no records are actually spanned.
DEL - Deleting Program Mask Entries
DEL can be used to remove program name masks from filter tables. Both
default and user-added entries can be removed. The required operand
specifies one or more program name masks.
DEL(mask ) DEL(*ALL*)
mask specifies a one to eight character program name mask. If the mask
ends in an asterisk, only characters before the asterisk are
compared, otherwise an exact program name is deemed to have
been specified.
*ALL* specifies every currently active mask. This mask cannot be
specified with any other mask.
Except for short test periods, it is expected that default exclusion masks
such as IGG* remain active.
Example 1
Remove all entries, so that all possible programs are monitored.
Example 2
Remove an exclusion mask to allow the monitoring of LE and REXX
Example 3
Remove an exclusion mask to allow the monitoring of the program called
DSN - Setting the Data Set Name prefix
DSN is used to specify the first part of the data set names used for the
output files. The prefix is specified in the required operand.
Symbols are employed in the construction of the data set name prefix.
Available symbols include all z/OS static symbols, as well as &SMF, the
systems SMF identifier, and &SYSLPAR, the systems logical partition
F HSIJMON,DSN(dsnpref)
specifies a 1 to 26 character data set name prefix. It can contain one
or more data set qualifiers, and must not end in a period after any
symbol substitution.
Example 1
To get output files with names of the form
EXC - Adding program mask exclusion entries
EXC is used to add program name masks to the exclusion table. The
required operand specifies one or more program name masks.
mask specifies a one to eight character program name mask. If the mask
ends in an asterisk only, characters before the asterisk are
compared. Otherwise, an exact program name is deemed to have
been specified.
specifies every supplied default entry in the exclusion table is to be
made active, and that all user-added entries are to be removed
from the exclusion table. This mask cannot be specified with any
other mask.
Except for short test periods, it is expected that default exclusion masks
such as IGG* would remain active
Example 1
Reset the exclusion table to its default status.
Example 2
Exclude the collection of data for Language Environment modules and
REXX modules.
Example 3
Exclude the collection of data for the program CEE.
IDD - Deleting data set name inclusion entries
IDD is used to remove data set name masks previously added by the IDS
mask specifies a 1 to 44 character data set name mask. If the mask ends
in an asterisk only, characters before the asterisk are compared.
Percent signs in the mask indicate that any character in that
location is considered a match.
Example 1
Deactivate the SYS3.LINKLIB inclusion mask.
IDL - Control Idle Work Element usage
IDL is used to control whether the Usage Monitor allows idle work
elements. When the data in a work element has been processed, the
element is normally freed in order to return the storage to the system.
Allowing idle elements means that processed elements are retained on the
idle chain, which is used before acquiring more storage when a new work
element is needed.
Allowing idle elements is beneficial as it reduces system storage
management overhead. The storage used by idle elements is included in
the storage limit set by the CSA command.
Example 2
Prevent further additions to the idle element chain.
IDS - Adding Data Set Name inclusion entries
IDS is used to supply data set name masks, which specify data set names
to be excluded from exclusion processing. Program usage data fetched
from data sets with names matching inclusion masks, is collected without
reference to the data set name mask exclusion list.
Inclusion masks are only useful if there are active exclusion masks. An
inclusion mask is normally expected to match a subset of data set names,
w hich would match an exclusion mask.
mask specifies a 1 to 44 character data set name mask. If the mask ends
in an asterisk only characters before the asterisk are compared.
Percent signs in the mask indicate that any character in that
location is considered a match.
Example 1
Consider the case where the intention is to not collect program usage data
for data sets with a high level qualifier of SYS3, except for SYS3.LINKLIB.
SYS3.LINKLIB is the only data set with a high level qualifier of SYS3 for
which program usage data is to be collected. Given an active exclusion
mask of SYS3.*, this command would satisfy the requirement.
JAC - Set job account collection status
JAC can be used to specify if the Usage Monitor is to consider the account
code of jobs significant when aggregating data. The Usage Monitor
normally aggregates data based on the program name, the job name, and
the user ID. The JAC setting is used to add the job account, truncated after
20 characters, to the aggregation key.
Do not instruct the Usage Monitor to collect and preserve all job account
codes if they are not important to the administration of your system.
Collecting and preserving job accounts increases data volumes.
A change to this setting will not take effect until the next data space
repository switch.
Example 2
Ignore job account codes.
LLC - Link List Correction
LLC can be used where sites make a number of dynamic link list changes.
This command updates the HSIJMON data to point to the correct load
library. Only use this command if you allow dynamic link list updates,
which alter the relative concatenation numbers of persisting libraries.
Example 2
Stop the collecting LPA program usage information.
MOD - Alter the operational Mode
MOD is used to set the Usage Monitor into passive mode where no data is
collected, or collect mode where data collection is active.
Mode specifies PAS for passive mode, or COL for collect mode.
If no MOD command is issued the Usage Monitor operates in collect
Example 1
Stop the collection of program usage data.
Example 2
Allow the collection of program usage data.
PLX - Alter the Sysplex-Wide software flag
PLX is used to set the sysplex-wide software flag. This flag is copied to the
header record of each program usage data output data set. It is used by
later database processing to indicate that usage data is matched against a
single software inventory, as all sysplex members share DASD volumes.
Example 2
Reset the sysplex-wide common software inventory flag.
PRI - Set the data set space Primary Allocation
PRI is used to specify the primary space allocation quantity in tracks. This
is used for output data set allocations.
Example 2
Do not collect registered software data.
REF - Refresh Usage Monitor settings
REF is used at any time to reset Usage Monitor settings according to
commands in the HSIZIN file, without having to stop and start the Usage
Monitor. The detailed results of the refresh operation are written to the
The processes of a refresh operation include:
v Verify that HSIZIN is still allocated.
v Open HSIZIN.
v Set the program exclusion list to the default list.
v Deactivate all data set exclusion list elements.
v Deactivate all data set inclusion list elements.
v Process the commands in HSIZIN.
v Close HSIZIN.
v Issue either HSIZ059I or HSIZ060I, as appropriate.
Example 1
Change Usage Monitor settings to updated values from HSIZIN.
SEC - Set the data set space secondary allocation
SEC is used to specify the secondary space allocation quantity in tracks.
This is used for output data set allocations.
F HSIJMON,SIZ(entries)
Example 1
Manually switch to a new repository.
SYM - Set the Symbolic volume serial on output switch
SYM allows the logged volume serial number of a load library to be either
the actual volume serial number or a symbolic value. When symbolic
volume serial numbers are allowed, the IPL volume is always reported as
six asterisks. For other volumes, if the serial number is found to match the
value of a static system symbol, then the name of the symbol is reported
instead of the actual volume serial number. Only symbols with names
exactly six characters long are considered for this processing. For the
purposes of this discussion, the symbol name includes the leading
ampersand (&), but excludes the trailing period (.).
Example 2
Disallow the output of symbolic volume serial numbers.
TRG - Set the cache trigger event count
TRG allows the setting of the program usage event cache trigger.
Repository entries with usage counts less than the trigger value are not
cached. When usage events are captured for cached entries, usage of
common storage and cross-memory POST processing is avoided.
When the cache is full, no additional entries can be cached. About every
two hours, a status report, indicating cache usage, is written to the
HSIZMSG file. After this the cache is emptied, if at least half full. The
cache is also emptied when the collection for a repository is terminated.
That is, when the repository is switched or when the Usage Monitor is
The cache trigger value is not to be set too low, or little benefit results. The
maximum benefit of the cache occurs when the cache contains the entries
which are collecting the most frequent program usage events.
The regular status reports in the HSIZMSG file should be examined to help
determine the optimal cache trigger count which is often orders of
magnitude larger than the default value.
characters long), and the contents of the name field (up to 20 characters
long),as part of the data collection performed when programs are used.
UNM is used to specify whether the names of users collected from the
security package will be output. The user ID is always output. This setting
is checked by the writer task when the data in a data space repository is
being processed for output.
Example 2
Prevent user names from appearing in any program usage reports.
UNT - Set the data set allocation Unit
UNT is used to specify the allocation unit to be used for output data set
F HSIJMON,UNT(unitname)
specifies a 1 to 8 character long unit name.
If no UNT command is issued, SYSALLDA is used.
Example 1
Set the allocation unit to WORKDA.
USS - Set UNIX Program monitoring status
USS is used to determine whether or not the monitoring of programs
retrieved from Hierarchical File System (HFS) files is to occur.
Example 2
Stop collecting HFS program usage information.
VOL - Set the data set allocation Volume
VOL is used to specify the allocation volume to be used for output data set
allocations. The explicit nomination of a specific volume is necessary when
there are no PUBLIC or STORAGE volumes in the allocation unit pool.
Example 2
Set the automatic switch-and-write time to ten minutes before midnight.
XDD - Deleting data set name Exclusion entries
XDD is used to remove data set name masks which were added by the
XDS command.
mask specifies a 1 to 44 character data set name mask. If the mask ends
in an asterisk, then only characters before the asterisk are
compared. Percent signs in the mask indicate that any character in
that location is considered a match.
Example 1
Deactivate the SYS3.* exclusion mask.
XDS - Adding data set name Exclusion entries
XDS is used to supply data set name masks which specify data set names
to be excluded from data collection. Program usage data for programs
fetched from data sets with names matching exclusion masks is discarded.
When the captured data set name has been matched to an inclusion mask,
set by the IDS command, the data is collected without reference to the
exclusion mask list.
mask specifies a 1 to 44 character data set name mask. If the mask ends
in an asterisk, only characters before the asterisk are compared.
Percent signs in the mask indicate that any character in that
location is considered a match.
Example 1
Exclude program usage data from collection for programs fetched from
data sets with a high level qualifier.
ZIP - Set the compressed output data switch
ZIP is used to control whether the writer task is to compress output data
or not. Compressing the output data reduces data volumes which
subsequently reduces data transfer time and storage space requirements.
The three tables TSYSTEM, TLIBRARY, and TMODULE, are the core Inquisitor
tables created by DIiqschemas
A one-row table with system details.
A small to medium-sized table with one row for each load library, and a
row length of 185 bytes.
A larger table with one row for each load module, and a row length of
between 398 and 652 bytes.
Note: Data created from the previous Inquisitor import has to be deleted. For
performance reasons, Inquisitor tables are dropped and then recreated when this
job is run.
TPARAM parameters
SSID= DB2 subsystem name. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
DSN= DB2 location. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Name of database. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Inquisitor schemas. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is GKB7. Global Knowledge Base schema. No value specified for
Inquisitor Import for z/OS UNIX.
Default is LKB7. Local Knowledge Base schema. No value specified for
Inquisitor Import for z/OS UNIX.
Default is IQF7. Inquisitor Filter schema.
Default is 1000. Number of records stored before issuing a COMMIT.
Note: In DB2 Version 8, Declare Global Temporary Table requires 8K TEMP table
space, which is not automatically defined as part of the work file database.
TPARAM parameters
SSID= DB2 subsystem name. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
DSN= DB2 location. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Name of Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS database. Value assigned, as
defined in job HSISCUST.
Inquisitor schemas. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is GKB7. Global Knowledge Base schema.
Default is LKB7. Local Knowledge Base schema.
Default is ME7. Match Engine schema.
Default is 1000. Number of records stored before issuing a COMMIT.
Default is 7. Amount of detail produced in ME report.
Default is 2. This will clear all matches from the Inquisitor. A value of 0
means you should not clear the Inquisitor. A value of 1 means clear
unknowns only.
Default is 153600000. This is the amount of REAL memory that will be
allocated to the Match Engine in order to store the scorecard entries. The
size of this parameter determines the performance of the Match Engine.
Default is DB2I81. High level qualifier for temporary flat files. This is used
when the memory defined in UDAMBUFSIZE is exceeded.
Default is BP1. Bufferpool for Indexes created on declared temporary
Continuous Inventory
It is possible to replace an already existing Inventory in the Repository, with data
from an updated Inquisitor. You might have added a new version of a product to
production, and because the product resides in the same library as the old one did,
it is much easier to just do an Inquisitor of the updated library and then replace
the old version in the Repository, without losing the usage data from the previous
A check is done by the system to see if a library in the Inquisitor matches one
currently in the Repository. If it is an exact match, a further check is performed to
see if the load module names match. If the two matches agree, then rename the old
modules with an extension of VRM, for example, HSICKBME_4.1.0, and copy in
the new modules from the Inquisitor. This enables you to only update a single
Inventory, rather than create a new one each time you run an Inquisitor. This forms
the basis of having a Continuous Inventory where the INVNAME you specify is
used to check if an Inventory already exists. The Inventory name specified here
must be identical to the Inventory name you want to replace, otherwise a new
Inventory name is created.
If you need to refresh your Repository with a complete Inquisitor data, then use
parameter REPLACEFULL=Y. This parameter marks as deleted any products that
no longer exist in the Inquisitor data, but an entry still exists in the Repository.
This allows you to report on products that have been deleted.
This lists the Inventories currently in the selected repository. Make a note of the
Inventory name.
Edit the ZLRschema (ULRschema for z/OS UNIX) job and add the keyword
INVNAME=, and the name of the Inventory you wish to add to the TPARAM DD
statement. The name has to be exactly the same as an existing Inventory name.
Modify the other statements as required. Submit the job. This adds new Inquisitor
data to an existing Inventory in the Repository.
TPARAM parameters
SSID= DB2 subsystem name. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
DSN= DB2 location. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Name of database. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Default value is the same as the IQ schema name. This is the name of the
Inquisitor schemas. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is GKB7. Global Knowledge Base schema.
Default is SI7. Repository schema.
Default is 1000. Number of records stored before issuing a COMMIT.
Default is N. Y means that you wish to replace the current Inventory with
a complete Inquisitor.
Default is N. Y means that you wish to load all modules, including
unidentified modules.
Default is N. Change to Y if you do not wish to rebuild Summary tables.
For performance reasons, set to Y to import a large amount of usage data.
Subsequently, you need to run the HSISMERG job to recreate the Summary
Summary tables used are TUSEPO, TUSEPOV, and TUSEPOVLIB.
TPARAM parameters
SSID= DB2 subsystem name. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
DSN= DB2 location. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Name of database. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is SI7. Repository schema.
Default is N. Change to Y if you are in a sysplex environment.
Default is 1000. Number of records stored before issuing a COMMIT.
Default is N. Change to Y if you do not wish to rebuild Summary tables.
For performance reasons, set to Y to import a large amount of usage data.
Subsequently, you need to run the HSISMERG job to recreate the Summary
Summary tables used are TUSEPO, TUSEPOV, and TUSEPOVLIB.
The reports are generated by clicking on the icon next to the report title. By
default, the reports are shown in your HTML Browser. These reports can be saved
by using your Browser Menu File + Save.
All reports can also be generated in PDF and Excel formats by right-clicking the
report and selecting View As.
Most reports have parameter prompts, including drop down selection lists that are
dynamically generated from queries of the database.
Click on the / icon on the top right to change the default settings. For clearer
parameter prompting, it is recommended to un-check the Show dialog description
area setting. The settings are saved using Tivoli Common Reporting user ID.
Most reports have hyper links than can be clicked to drill down for more details.
This is particularly valuable for inspecting trend charts.
Figure 11. Tivoli Common Reporting Example Trend Chart with Hyperlinks
Asset Reports
Hardware and Software Assets reports.
Table 10.
Report Title Report Description
Product Inventory Product version inventory, with drill down to trend charts
and details
Product Inventory Global Knowledge Base catalog showing what has been
Verification discovered
Product Use Trend Product version use trend chart, with drill down to details
Product Use by Machine Cross Reference of Product versions used per Machine, with
hyperlink to Product Use Trend
Product Use by System Cross Reference of Product versions used per System, with
hyperlink to Product Use Trend
SCRT Summary by Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool (SCRT) data summary, with
Machine hyperlink to Product Use Trend
Machine Inventory System z machine inventory, with drill down to trend charts
and details
Machine Capacity Trend System z machine capacity trend chart, with drill down to
trend charts and details
Batch reporting
Ad hoc batch reports are provided as part of this product, and are run from a
supplied batch job. SQL queries to produce these reports are supplied as members
in the PARMLIB data set.
As part of online reporting, you can also run the same SQL queries using SPUFI or
The reports are listed here, some of which might be familiar if you are a user of
When running in batch, ensure that the DB2 REXX environment for the target DB2
system has been successfully setup before using the samples.
Before running this job, ensure it has been updated with the following information:
1. The DB2 target subsystem name where Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS is
2. Remove the comments in the SYSIN DD for the report that you wish to run.
Note that multiple reports can be executed in a single job.
3. Ensure that DB2 has been bound for REXX language support.
In order to avoid producing large amounts of data, a ceiling of 1000 rows has been
set as an output limit for all reports. This can be removed or modified by editing
the SYSIN member corresponding to the report you would like to run.
Delete or modify the following SQL statement at the bottom of each member:
This restricts the output to only product names containing the string IBM, and data
set names that begin with the string SYS. You may wish to review the SQL before
For performance reasons, when running SQL queries in DB2 that produce a lot of
output, you have to increase the sizes of the table spaces of the work file database.
Download this file as Binary. You will then need to upload this file to the
mainframe to a preallocated file with attributes FB 80.
The name of the file is important as it will be used as input to the KB load jobs.
This will restore the KB file making it ready to be used to update the Knowledge
Once you have restored the KB, you now need to run the KB load jobs.
1. Before you submit any job, ensure that the input file is changed to the name of
the file you have received from.
2. For HSISDB03 in the JCLLIB
v uncomment STEP3 - this will drop the Global Knowledge Base tables
v submit HSISDB03
3. For HSISDB05 in the JCLLIB
v uncomment STEP3 - this will drop the Global Knowledge Base for z/OS
UNIX tables
v submit HSISDB05
4. For HSISDB11 in the JCLLIB (optional)
v comment STEP1 - prevents creation of table space
v uncomment STEP3 - this will drop the IQ Filter tables
v submit HSISDB11
5. If you want to be notified about Knowledge Base updates by email, send an
email to [email protected] and we will include you in the mailing
The Automation Server runs in its own address space as a started task. Ensure that
the user ID used by the Automation Server has an OMVS segment and UID, or use
of a default UID.
Associated with each action definition is one or more data set name masks.
Periodically, a catalog search is performed to determine if any data sets with
names matching the mask need to be processed. When a new data set is found, the
associated action is performed.
A VSAM control data set is updated with the status of each data set action to
allow for FTP retries, and to ensure that each data set action is only performed
once for each data set.
The following parameters are used to tailor the JCL for the Automation Server in
the Start Command:
specifies a partitioned data set containing fixed- length 80-byte records.
This is usually the control library. Member HSIAPARM contains the
Automation Server control statements, which specify the actions to be
performed. For each action named in the HSIAPARM member, there is a
member with the same name as the action name which contains the
template data for that action. The template data is to be JCL or an FTP
command stream, containing symbolic references to be resolved by
Automation Server whenever the action is performed.
specifies a VSAM KSDS used by the Automation Server to keep track of
the action processing status of each eligible data set.
specifies the message report file for the Automation Server. Initialization
statements, error messages, and activity logging messages are written to
this file.
specifies the message report file for PL/I.
specifies the message report file for Language Environment.
specifies the message report file for the FTP program. Its contents are
determined by the FTP program installed in the system.
specifies a fixed-length 120-byte record file containing FTP commands read
by the FTP program. The FTP commands are written to this file before FTP
is attached by the Automation Server whenever an FTP action is to be
specifies a fixed-length 80 byte record file to be directed to the systems
internal reader. The Automation Server writes a job stream to this file
whenever a JOB action is to be performed.
The Automation Server control data set is a VSAM KSDS which the Automation
Server accesses by way of the HSIACDS file name.
Note: If the resulting VSAM data set is not automatically SMS-managed, then
extra operands would normally be required on the DEFINE CLUSTER command.
For example, the MGMTCLAS operand could be used to specify that the new
cluster is to be SMS-managed, or the VOLUME operand could be used to specify
the target volume serial number for the data set allocation.
The Automation Server control data set must have sufficient space allocated to
handle the workload required by the installation. One 96-byte record including the
52-byte key is required for each data set processed by the Automation Server. The
priming record is only required so that the file is opened for UPDATE, even when
the file has no data set records, and is not required for subsequent processing.
Any data set you want excluded from the Automation Server processing, even if
its name satisfies a selection mask pattern, must have a record in the Automation
Server control data set indicating that the data set has already been processed. The
easiest way to do this is to use the Automation Server Data Set Name Scouting
The HSIADSN program can read the HSIAPARM member of the HSISPARM
library and perform catalog searches for every specified data set name mask. It
writes a record for every data set it finds which, after being sorted into key order,
is copied into the VSAM control data set.
Every record loaded into the control data set in this way indicates a specific action
name and data set name, and has the action flagged as complete.
You can edit the sequential before the data is copied into the control data set to
manually delete any records for data sets which, although pre-existing, have not
been processed, and which you therefore want processed by the Automation
The HSISCUST post-installation customization job creates a JCL job in the JCLLIB
to preinstall the Automation Server Control data set. Member HSIASSCT contains
JCL to run a job to discover and register data sets to be added to the control data
Action processing
Currently the Automation Server can perform two different actions, FTP and JOB.
In both cases, when an action is to be performed, the nominated template member
is used as input. If the template member cannot be found, an error message is
written to the HSIAMSG file. The Automation Server checks every 10 minutes to
see if there is any work to perform.
Each 80-byte record is read from the template member and searched for the
ampersand character, the presence of which triggers a call to the systems symbol
substitution routine ASASYMBM.
It is by using symbols that the name of the specific data set, found in the catalog
search which triggered the action, is fed into the output stream.
After any necessary symbol substitution, the records are written to a sequential file
which is closed when the end of the template data is reached. For the FTP action,
the file is INPUT. For the JOB action, the file is INTRDR.
For the FTP action, the FTP utility is attached as a subtask. FTP scans the INPUT
file and processes the FTP requests therein. FTP writes its report messages to the
OUTPUT file. For the Automation Server, the INPUT file must be a temporary data
set. VIO is ideal for this purpose.
When the FTP subtask completes, the Automation Server examines the completion
code. If the FTP program ended normally with a zero return code, then the
Automation Server deems the action to have been successful and, as a result,
updates the action status in the HSIACDS file. This way, the action is not repeated
for the data set.
If the FTP program abends, or does not end normally with a return code of zero,
the Automation Server deems the action to have failed. A failed transfer is retried
at a later time.
Retries are subject to any specified time-of-day window constraints. You should
examine the OUTPUT FTP report file to determine the exact cause of any transfer
For the JOB action, it is expected that the INTRDR file is directed to the systems
internal reader. When this is done, the jobs submitted by the Automation Server
become available for JCL conversion as soon as the INTRDR file is closed, or
another JOB card image is encountered by the reader.
The Automation Server deems all job submissions successful so there are no retries
performed for JOB actions. There is no feedback from the job execution to the
Automation Server.
It is expected that installations have various software packages, such as job re-run
products, and the appropriate procedures in place to handle any failures in jobs
submitted by the Automation Server.
Note: The Automation Server does not check the validity of JOB or FTP streams,
but copies the records from the template member to the file appropriate for the
action type, performing symbol substitution where necessary. In particular, if JOB
action templates do not contain valid JOB statements, the data submitted to the
internal reader can disappear from the system with little or no indication.
If a processed data set is deleted, then there is no reason to keep a record of that
data set in the ASCDS. Similarly, if a data set name mask is removed from the set
of masks processed by the Automation Server, there is no need to keep a record of
the data sets processed.
The cleanup cycle consists of reading the ASCDS sequentially, and deleting records
for data sets which have not been found by any catalog search; based on the
relevant data set name mask in the current calendar month, or in the calendar
month prior to the current month.
As with most VSAM data sets with ongoing record insertion and deletion activity,
it is advisable to reorganize the ASCDS from time to time.
A backup regime for the ASCDS must have the robustness and frequency which
corresponds with the adverse consequences of reprocessing any already processed
data set.
action( template )
DSN(data-set-name-mask )
where data-set-name-mask does not exceed 44 characters in
length, and specifies a data set name mask pattern
acceptable to the Catalog Search Interface. The generic
match mask for a single character is the percent sign. The
generic match mask variable number of characters is the
asterisk, and a double asterisk can be used to match a
variable number of data set name qualifiers.
Control statement examples
Example 1:
Files created by the Usage Monitor are to undergo two
independent processes, both within the 8:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
window. First, they will be processed by a job based on the JCL
template member HSISJOB1 of the HSIACNTL file, and then they
will be transferred be transferred to a z/OS system using the FTP
commands in member HSISFTP1 of the HSIACNTL file.
JOB(HSISJOB1) TIME(0800-2330)
FTP(HSISFTP1) TIME(0800-2330)
Example 2:
Files created by the Usage Monitor are to be imported to the appropriate
Note: The JCL can route the job to any connected NJE node, or specify
affinity to any system sharing the SPOOL. Therefore, the job does not have
to run on the z/OS system where the Automation Server is running. The
template name, HSISUIMP in this example, need not match the job name
submitted by the Automation Server action.
Automation Server symbol processing
Whenever an action is performed, the contents of the template
member are written to an appropriate output file. Each 80-byte
record is written unchanged, unless symbol substitution is
required. If an ampersand character is present in a record from the
template member, the system symbol substitution routine
ASASYMBM is invoked to process the record before it is written.
or equally:
Product tagging is currently a manual process where the details of the product,
such as name and vendor, are provided, together with the location of the products
programs. The Tagger scans the programs in a similar fashion to the Inquisitor, and
records the results for later collection and storage into the Local Knowledge Base
(LKB), where it is used for software identification.
The SYSIN file contains several control statements describing the program product
to be tagged, such as its name, the vendors name, the product identifier, and
version information. There is also one or more TAGLIBS statements supplied,
which provide the Tagger with the information needed to find the program
libraries containing the products executable software.
The Tagger uses the TAGLIBS specifications to locate the relevant program libraries
which are dynamically allocated and analyzed. Data sufficient to perform software
identification for each relevant program is extracted.
Installations can choose to keep all tag data separate from executable program
product software by using the optional HSIREDIR file. If this is done, ensure that
all relevant HSIREDIR file data sets are included in the normal Inquisitor scan
processing, even if those data sets contain no other programs.
The Tagger can only process one software product or optional feature of a product
in a single execution run.
All program object and load module libraries, excluding distribution libraries, of a
product or product optional feature, are to be processed in the same Tagger
execution run.
You can choose to overwrite the default output member name of @HSIPTAG by
specifying a TAGMEM statement. All Tagger output members are flagged with an
SSI value of XD7E3C1C7, which is PTAG in EBCDIC.
To erase the effects of Tagger processing, simply delete the tag data members
which can be identified by their SSI value. If you are using ISPF to achieve this,
the SORT SSI member list command is useful.
The tag data members created by the Tagger are recognized by the Inquisitor (by
their SSI value) during normal program library scanning activity. The Inquisitor
extracts the tag data from the member contents and writes it to its output file. The
Inquisitor Import process uses these program tags to maintain entries for the
programs in the Local Knowledge Base, thus enabling accurate identification by
the Match Engine for the tagged product level, no matter which library the
product is deployed to, and which system the Inventory data is collected from.
The software piece processed in a Tagger execution run is considered to have a key
of {VENDOR + PRODUCT + OPTION + VERSION}. This means that, if non-key
data items such as the values specified in the PPNUM, or LICENSED statements,
are incorrect, they can be corrected by fixing the input statement values and
rerunning the Tagger job, thereby replacing all non-key tag data.
It also means that if a key data item is incorrect, it cannot simply be erased by
running a Tagger job with the correct data.
When processing libraries which are not dedicated to a single program product,
use member name masking to prevent the tagging of programs not related to the
specified product. Some installations deploy multiple software products in a
combined common library. If the products are tagged before they are combined,
use different tag data member names to allow all the tag data to reside in the
common library.
TAGLIBS is not a value-oriented statement type, but has operands which have
values specified in parentheses much like Inquisitor control statements. TAGLIBS
does not currently have any keyword operands.
If the Tagger finds an ampersand (&) in a TAGLIBS statement record it invokes the
system symbol substitution routine ASASYMBM to perform symbol substitution.
The Tagger stops parsing a TAGLIBS record and expects the current statement to
continue on the next record whenever a continuation character is encountered.
Valid continuation characters are plus (+) and dash (-). Continuation characters
also function as delimiters, so a continuation cannot occur within an operand
name, or a value mask.
XDATASET VOLUME ( volume-mask list )
XDSNAME ( dsname-mask list )
XVOLUME ( volume-mask list ) PROGRAM
PGM ( member-mask list )
XPGM ( member-mask list )
a string up to 44 bytes in length, representing one or more possible data
set names.
is a string up to 6 bytes in length, representing one or more possible
volume serial numbers. A mask of six asterisks is deemed to represent the
IPL volume, which is ascertained during execution.
is a string up to 8 bytes in length representing one or more possible
member names of a PDS and/or PDSE.
Masks in a mask list within the same set of parentheses must be separated by at
least one delimiter. Acceptable delimiter characters are a blank, a comma, and a
continuation character.
Multiple masks are allowed in each mask list. At least one data set name selection
mask must be specified on each TAGLIBS statement. If an operand is specified
more than once, then all masks specified in all occurrences of the operand are
Program libraries are located either by invoking the Catalog Search Interface, or by
scanning the VTOC of each volume which passes the volume selection and
exclusion criteria. VTOC scans are performed if VOLUME or XVOLUME is
specified; otherwise the catalog is searched.
Catalog searches are limited to entry type A non-VSAM entries, so data set aliases
and GDG members are not processed. The Tagger does not process a data set
unless it has partitioned organization, an undefined record format, and a block size
of at least 1024. A PDSE is only processed if it is a program library.
When using generic masks, use percent to signal that any single character is to be
considered a match in that exact location of the compared character string, and use
an asterisk to signal that any zero or more characters are a match, with one
exception now described.
Data set name mask matching performed by the Catalog Search Interface is
qualifier-aware. The Catalog Search Interface treats an asterisk as part or whole of
a single data set name qualifier. To specify any number of data set name qualifiers,
use the double-asterisk. Only the masks specified in a DATASET or DSNAME
operand are ever passed to the Catalog Search Interface by the Tagger.
When using generic data set name selection masks, you need to adjust the mask,
depending on whether the data sets are to be located by catalog or VTOC searches.
Do not use double asterisks in any mask other than data set name selection masks.
TPARAM parameters
SSID= DB2 subsystem name. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is SI7. Repository schema.
Name of database. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
SYSIN commands
The SYSIN commands specified in the SYSIN DD.
REGion region
INVentory inventory
region specifies the name of a region and can be ALL, a region name, or
a region name including masking characters. If a region name
includes spaces, enclose the name in quotes ().
specifies the name of an inventory and can be ALL, an inventory
name, or an inventory name including masking characters.
Masking characters are:
* for one or more characters of any value.
% for exactly one character of any value.
The keywords REGION and INVENTORY can be abbreviated to REG or
The Define command creates region names that can be used to group
inventories or other regions.
ASSIGN TO region2
REGion region1
INVentory inventory
region 1
specifies the name of a region to be assigned.
region 2
specifies the name of a region that the region or inventory is to be
assigned to.
specifies the name of an inventory.
If a region name includes spaces, enclose the name in quotes().
The keywords REGION and INVENTORY can be abbreviated to REG or
The Remove command will remove an inventory assignment to a region.
specifies the name of an inventory that might have masking
region specifies the name of a region that the inventory is to be removed
Masking characters are:
* for one or more characters of any value.
% for exactly one character of any value.
If a region name includes spaces, enclose the name in quotes().
The keyword INVENTORY can be abbreviated to INV.
The Delete command will delete a region name.
Inventory Association
When an inventory is run in Shared DASD-mode, all systems that provide usage
data for the Inventory need to be manually associated with an Inventory.
Creating an association
In order to create an association ,you must first ascertain what Inventories have
already been loaded into the Repository, and the corresponding Inventory ID. Use
the sample member HSISBATR from the customized JCLLIB data set. Uncomment
the SYSIN DD statement which uses member HSISLINV from the customized
PARMLIB data set as input. You can expect output similar to the output shown in
this example:
__________ ________ ______ __________ _____________ __________ ___________ _______ ________ ________ ______
SYSPLEXD HBB7730 ISD1 0 0 7 435 7523 Y 1 IQ33
SYSPLEXE HBB7730 FAE1 0 0 6 235 1701 Y 1 IQ34
SYSPLEXR HBB7730 BMR1 0 0 5 300 1281 Y 1 IQ35
For example, using the output produced by the SQL in member HSISLINV, it
associates the SMFID FAE1 to the Inventory ID of two, in this case Inventory
INSERT INTO REPschema.TUIMPORTCTRL VALUES(2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ' ', 'FAE1');
With this utility, you can associate a single SMFID to eight different Inventories.
Usage import checks the first Inventory to see if it has matching data. If so, then
the usage data is added to that Inventory. If not, then the next Inventory is
SYSIN Parameter
INSERT INTO &REPSCHMA..TUIMPORTCTRL VALUES(2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ' ', 'AAV1');
Usage Summary
Usage Summary is the process of summarizing usage data in the Repository. This
can save you space and time by reducing the number of DB2 rows used to
represent your older data. This process deletes detail usage records and creates
monthly summary records.
We recommend that you keep 3 months of Usage data. This is to minimize space
utilization and improve SQL query performance.
TPARAM parameters
DSN= DB2 location. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Name of Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS database. Value assigned, as
defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is SI7. Repository schema.
The parameter is used to summarize the usage data by either Consumer
(SUMBY=1), by Module (SUMBY=2), or both (SUMBY= 3).
Summarize by Consumers. Consumer information (JOB NAME &
USER ID) is ignored, with usage events being attributed to the JOB
Summarize by Module. Load module (=program) names are
ignored, with the value *MODULE* as a placeholder.
Summarize by both Consumers and Modules. The rules for
SUMBY=1 and SUMBY=2 apply.
Note: You can choose to summarize by module only, and later on
summarize the same data, except this time you choose consumer.If
you choose to summarize by consumer, then all usage queries
would no longer display the Consumer name, but the type of
process that the user was using. For example, you would have
Consumer names like TSO, DB2, and Batch . For module usage,
queries would only have a Module name of *MODULE* as the
Start of the first date range. This is in the form YYYYMM. Only complete
months are chosen.
End of the last date range. This is in the form YYYYMM.
Usage Deletion
Usage Deletion is the process of deleting Usage data in the Repository. This
process deletes detail and summary Usage records for the period specified for all
inventories in the Repository.
We recommend that you run this job on a periodic basis to minimize space
utilization and improve SQL query performance.
TPARAM parameters
DSN= DB2 location. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Name of database. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is SI7. Repository schema.
Value must be specified. Inventory ID where you need to delete Usage
data from. If UDELINVID=0, then all inventories are deleted if it falls
between the FIRSTDATE and LASTDATE.
Start of the first date range. This is in the form YYYYMM. Only complete
months are chosen.
End of the last date range. This is in the form YYYYMM.
Note: The date range of deletion is inclusive of the month specified in the
FIRSTDATE and LASTDATE parameters.
Default is 1000. Number of records stored before issuing of COMMIT.
Delete Inventory
Delete Inventory is a facility where you can delete an individual Inventory from a
Repository. A Repository is made up of many individual Inventories that do or do
not contain usage data. Deleting an Inventory means all data associated with an
Inventory is deleted. This includes usage data if it has been imported.
We recommend that you run this job on a periodic basis to minimize space
utilization and improve SQL query performance.
TPARAM parameters
DSN= DB2 location. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is SI7. Repository schema.
Value must be specified. Inventory ID to be deleted.
With the large amounts of Usage Data that is collected, it is best practice to only
monitor products that are identified, and to exclude data that is not identified. In
order to do this, the Usage Monitor has been modified to only include libraries
that identify products. This is done by creating a utility that scans the Repository
in order to create a list of high level qualifiers for products that are identified.
Using this list as input to the Usage Monitor control file, HSIZIN, you are able to
exclude all usage events, except for those that have been included by way of the
high level qualifier.
Here is an example of an HSIZIN control file that excludes all usage, but includes
usage for the specified high level qualifiers.
TPARAM parameters
DSN= DB2 location. Value assigned, as defined in HSISCUST.
Default is S17. Repository schema.
Default is 1000. Number of records stored before issuing a COMMIT.
Repository Merge
Repository Merge is a facility where the Source Repository is merged or combined
with another existing Repository, known as the Destination Repository. Running
Repository Merge facility repeatedly, with the same destination Repository, but
different source repositories, enables the combining of several separate repositories
into one.
Both Load to Repository and Usage Import have a parameter that allows you to
skip the summary table rebuild. This saves time when you have many loads or
usage imports to perform. After completing the loads and imports, you must run
the Repository Merge to rebuild the summary tables.
Destination Repository
The Destination Repository after a merge contains all the information it contained
prior to the merge, plus all the information contained in the Source Repository.
TPARAM parameters
SSID= DB2 subsystem name. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
DSN= DB2 location. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Schemas for the source Repositories.
Schema for the target Repository.
Name of Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS database. Value assigned, as
defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is 1000. Number of records stored before issuing a COMMIT.
SYSIN parameter
DDNAME CSVIN, which will contain the CSV output from the IBM SCRT tool.
This may be from a data set with DSORG of PS or PO. Binary uploaded CSV files
are supported.
Several DB2 tables will be populated from the data contained in CSVIN, including
CSVIN DD points to the .CSV output file created by the IBM SCRT tool. This may
be a DSORG=PO or PS data set.
TPARAM parameters
DB2 subsystem name. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST
Default is SI7. Repository schema name
Default is GKB7. Schema name for the Global Knowledge Base
The output XML file generated from this utility needs to be ftp to a distributed
environment and then loaded into TAMIT. Also the XML file needs to be translated
from EBCDIC to ASCII. Here is an example on how to perform the ftp process.
1. C:\temp ftp host name (Using command line FTP connect to the host system)
2. When prompted enter your user name and password.
3. ftp > quote type a (set to ASCII)
(ftp file from host to local workstation)
5. ftp > exit
If you need to ftp non ASCII characters, then issue ENCODING statement as
this extra command before the GET command :
(this example is for a Japanese codepage)
TPARAM parameters
DB2 subsystem name. Value assigned, as defined in job HSISCUST.
Default is SI7. Repository schema.
a) Using the Repository schema value means that a catalog of products
installed on your site is selected
b) You can also use the GKB schema value. This would mean that a catalog of
all products defined in the GKB is selected.
The Usage Monitor produces at least one raw Usage data set each day. The ZCAT
Utility (PGM=HSICZCAT) can be used to concatenate multiple Usage Monitor data
sets into one single data set on the mainframe.
HSISZCAT will scan for data sets with a predetermined naming convention using
the following dsn construct:
The data sets are logically concatenated to a single output dataset and the input
files are renamed to:
the output data set will be dynamically allocated with the following name:
umon-dsn-prefix.dyyyyddd.uhhmmsst .
The HSISCUST post-installation customization job creates JCL jobs in the JCLLIB to
run the concatenation of Usage Monitor data sets. Member HSISZCAT contains
JCL to run the job.
Check the SYSPRINT DD for messages, output similar to the following will be
displayed on execution:
DELETE option specified in the Parm string
input dataset identified: 'MACNIVE.MONITOR.FAE3.D2009105.T0000000'
input dataset identified: 'MACNIVE.MONITOR.FAE3.D2009106.T0000001'
input dataset identified: 'MACNIVE.MONITOR.FAE3.D2009107.T0000004'
Info: Catalog CATALOG.USER.SYSPLEXE had 3 dsnames.
Info: 3 'MACNIVE.MONITOR.FAE3.D%%%%%%%.T%%%%%%%' entries found
Info: 3 datasets ready for input processing
Return Codes:
RC=00 ok
RC=01 No eligible input
RC=04 Some output okay with warnings
RC> 4 Serious error
Appendix A. Messages
This section lists the various messages output by Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS
1 The return code from EXECIO System action: The program terminates and takes no
System action: The program terminates and takes no
actions. User response: Check the return code from the
allocate command in the TSO commands manual.
User response: Correct the JCL and provide a SYSIN
Correct the options and try running the program again.
DD with valid control statements.
The probable option in error is HSIINST.
Programmer response: None.
Programmer response: None.
System action: The program continues and uses the Explanation: The HSIICUST program could not find
default as documented in the message. the SHSISAMP dataset created during installation.
User response: Supply the option and re-run the System action: The program terminates and takes no
customization program if the default is unacceptable. actions.
Programmer response: None. User response: Check that the HSI option is correctly
specified and that the installation target libraries are
Module: HSIICUST available to the customization program.
Programmer response: None.
HSII004I Allocation of dataset 1 to 2 failed, RC=3
The HSIICUST program could not allocate the dataset HSII010I 1 statement verb not one of 1
to the ddname for some reason.
In the message text:
During syntax parsing for a statement the verb found
1 The name of the dataset that failed allocation. does not match any of the valid verbs for the program.
2 The DD name to be allocated. In the message text:
3 The return code from the allocate command.
1 The word that is not a valid verb. User response: Change the DEFINE REGION
statement to refer to a region name that does not
System action: The program terminates and takes no
already exist.
Programmer response: None.
User response: Update the statements to the program
to correct the verb in error and supply a correct verb. Module: HSIIREGN
Programmer response: None.
HSII102I Region 1 has not been defined.
HSII011I 1 not valid for verb 1 The ASSIGN REGION statement contains a region
name that does not exist.
In the message text:
During syntax parsing for a statement, a word was
found that does not match the syntax of the statement 1 Region to be assigned.
for the verb that is being processed.
System action: The program does not process this
In the message text: statement. Statements following the statement in error
are not processed.
1 A word that is not valid for the statement syntax
for a verb. User response: Change the ASSIGN REGION
statement to refer to a region name that exists.
System action: The program terminates and takes no
actions. Programmer response: None.
User response: Update the statements to the program Module: HSIIREGN
to correct the statement in error.
Programmer response: None. HSII103I Inventory 1 has not been defined.
Module: HSIIREGN Explanation:
The ASSIGN INVENTORY statement contains an
HSII100I 1 Missing from configuration. inventory that does not exist.
Explanation: In the message text:
The Region Assignment utility requires the parameter 1 Inventory to be assigned.
in the TPARAM dataset.
System action: The program does not process this
In the message text: statement. Statements following the statement in error
are not processed.
1 Parameter that is missing.
User response: Change the ASSIGN INVENTORY
System action: The program terminates and takes no
statement to refer to an inventory name that exists.
Programmer response: None.
User response: Update the parameters in the
TPARAM DD to add the missing parameter. Module: HSIIREGN
Programmer response: None.
HSII104I Region 1 is already assigned to 2
HSII101I Attempt to define region 1 failed, region The ASSIGN REGION statement contains a region
already exists. name that is to be assigned to another region, but the
region being assigned is already assigned to a region.
In the message text:
The DEFINE REGION statement contains a region
name that already exists. 1 Region to be assigned.
In the message text: 2 Parent region name.
1 Region to be defined. System action: The program does not process this
statement. Statements following the statement in error
System action: The program does not process this
are not processed.
statement. Statements following the statement in error
are not processed.
User response: Do not attempt to assign regions that this probably means that the resource specified
are already assigned. (ddname) is missing or empty. For all other error,
report the problem to IBM Service.
Programmer response: None.
An error has occurred executing the service for the Programmer response: Report the problem to IBM
resource specified. The service issued the return code Service.
mentioned. Module: HSIIREGN
In the message text:
1 Service that failed. HSII110I Inventory 1 removed from 2
3 Return code from service. The inventory specified has been successfully removed
from the region specified.
System action: The program stop processing
statements. The current statement changes to DB2 In the message text:
tables are backed out. 1 Inventory name.
User response: Report this error to the System 2 Region name.
System action: The program continues processing.
Programmer response: For EXECIO READ service,
System action: The program terminates and takes no Programmer response: None.
User response: Add the CSVIN DDname to the JCL
and include the required input dataset containing data
HSII204I 1.
from the IBM SCRT tool.
Programmer response: None.
SCRT Import Utility Summary Report heading.
In the message text:
1 Summary Report heading.
System action: The program continues and takes no User response: Informational message, no action
actions. required.
User response: Display summary heading of SCRT Programmer response: None.
Import Utility. This will be followed by information
lines detailing counts of CPC, LPAR and PIDs added to
DB2 tables.
HSII302I SQL warning for 1.
Programmer response: None.
SQL warning from a command
HSII205I 1. In the message text:
Explanation: 1 SQL warning.
Summarize all table additions at the conclusion of the System action: The program continues.
SCRT Import Utility.
User response: Issue a warning message if the
In the message text: SQLCODE is not equal to 0 or 100.
1 Table additions from SCRT Import Utility Programmer response: None.
System action: The program continues and takes no Module: HSIIKBT
User response: Display a summary detailing counts of HSII303I SQL error for 1.
CPC, LPARs and PIDs, LPAR and PIDs added to DB2
tables. Explanation:
Programmer response: None. The XML Export Utility has encountered an error.
The XML Export utility has a problem writing the XML User response: Examine the SQL return code to
file determine the cause of the error. Contact IBM support
with this information.
In the message text:
Programmer response: None.
1 Error writing to DDNAME
System action: The program terminates and takes no
further actions.
HSII304I 1.
User response: Check the Return Code and any
preceding messages. Explanation:
Programmer response: None. The XML Export Utility has encountered a DSNREXX
In the message text:
No. of Lines written to SWKBTXML DD by the XML User response: Examine the preceding error messages
Export utility. to determine the error. Contact IBM if you cannot
resolve the problem
In the message text:
Programmer response: None.
1 Lines written to SWKBTXML DD.
System action: The program continues and takes no
User response: Correct the SYSIN file contents and Explanation: Parsing did not detect the expected left
rerun the program. parenthesis.
User response: Correct the SYSIN file contents and Explanation: End-of-file was detected for SYSIN
rerun the program. before an expected right parenthesis was detected.
Programmer response: None. System action: The request is accepted and processing
User response: Correct the SYSIN file contents to
avoid this message.
System action: Terminates with a condition code of System action: Processing continues.
12. User response: None required.
User response: Correct the SYSIN file contents and Programmer response: None.
rerun the program.
Programmer response: None.
A data set could not be dynamically. allocated. See
Explanation: message HSIP080I for the name of the. dataset that
Processing of a request has been completed. A incurred the problem.
HSIP015I message follows containing the statistics for In the message text:
the request.
1 return code of the DYNALLOC macro.
In the message text:
2 dynamic allocation return code (DARC).
1 sequence number of the request.
3 dynamic allocation information code.
System action: Processing continues.
4 volume serial number of the data set.
User response: None.
System action: Processing of this data set is
Programmer response: None. terminated.
Module: HSIPINQ User response: If necessary, rerun when the file is
available for use. Note: The meanings of many DARC
values are usually available in Appendix A of the ISPF
Programmer response: None.
System action: Processing of this data set continues. User response: If this data set is a program library
which should be processed by the Inquisitor then
User response: None required. modify or remove the conflicting selection criteria.
Programmer response: None. Programmer response: None.
Programmer response: None. System action: The MODULE operand is ignored and
processing continues.
User response: Remove the MODULE operand to
avoid this message.
POSSIBLE DASD VOLUMES ARE Programmer response: None.
Explanation: An exclusion mask has been specified
which excludes all possible DASD volumes included by
a selection mask. Both masks are shown after this
Explanation: An XMODULE operand was
System action: Terminates with a condition code of
encountered for a SCABDIR request. That is, the output
of program structure data was implied in a request
User response: Modify or remove the conflicting which does not have access to this data.
selection criteria.
System action: The XMODULE operand is ignored
Programmer response: None. and processing continues.
HSIP057E ABEND 1 IN OPEN FOR VTOC OF 1 name of the member being processed.
VOLUME 2 ON UNIT 3 2 hexadecimal Binder FDA API return code.
Explanation: 3 hexadecimal Binder FDA API reason code.
A request without the CATALOG keyword attempted System action: Terminates data collection for this
to open a DASD volume VTOC and the OPEN member, writes out data already collected and
abended. The volume is not usable. continues processing the next member.
In the message text: User response: None required.
1 Hexadecimal system abend and reason codes. Programmer response: None.
2 Serial number of volume being processed. Module: HSIPINQ
3 Device number of volume being processed.
System action: Processing of this volume is HSIP060S PROCESSING TERMINATED -
User response: Vary the volume offline, and/or
reformat the volume. Institute any appropriate volume Explanation:
recovery procedures. The system symbol substitution routine could not
Programmer response: None. successfully perform symbol substitution. Data before
and after substitution is shown in the SYSPRINT file.
In the message text:
1 hexadecimal return code.
System action: Terminates with a condition code of
Programmer response: None. User response: The PDS is probably corrupt and
should be deleted. Recreate it from a backup if
Module: HSIPINQ appropriate.
Programmer response: None.
The Catalog Search Interface returned an entry which is HSIP071W IGNORING INVALID DSNAME IN 1
flagged as being in error by Catalog Management.
In the message text:
The Catalog Search Interface (CSI) returned a data set
1 Catalog Management decimal return code. name with invalid characters. Although VTOC entries
2 Catalog Management decimal reason code. can contain keys that are not valid data set names, such
entries cannot be cataloged. Therefore the entry
3 Catalog Management module identifier. returned from the CSI does not represent an actual data
4 name of catalog entry in error. set.
Programmer response: None. User response: Verify that the named data set contains
no unusable modules. If necessary, delete any modules
Module: HSIPINQ that are of no further use.
Programmer response: None.
Explanation: A request had ABRMIG and/or HSIP077E ISITMGD RC=1 RSN=2 FOR 3
ABRARC specified but at least one of the required Explanation:
ABRIN and ABRPRINT files was not defined in the
JCL. The Inquisitor executed an ISITMGD macro for the
named data set, but ISITMGD issued a non-zero return
System action: Terminates with a condition code of code.
In the message text:
User response: Ensure the required files are
pre-allocated for the Inquisitor. 1 decimal return code issued by ISITMGD.
User response: Consult the applicable DFSMS Macro 1 return code from the Catalog Search Interface.
Instructions for Data Sets manual to determine the
System action: Processing catalog entries for the
meaning of the ISITMGD return and reason codes.
request is terminated.
Ensure that the named data set is a valid and accessible
partitioned data set. If necessary, gather appropriate User response: Correct any related catalog errors.
diagnostic materials and contact IBM support.
Programmer response: None.
Programmer response: None.
HSIT001U HSITAGP could not open the input file HSIT002S Unrecognized statement type: 1
Input text was encountered which does not match any
A required file could not be opened successfully. known statement type.
In the message text: In the message text:
1 name of file. 1 encountered input data.
System action: Processing terminates with condition System action: Processing terminates with condition
code 16. code 12.
Operator response: None. Operator response: None.
User response: Correct the file definition and rerun User response: Correct the input and rerun the job.
the job.
Programmer response: None.
Programmer response: None.
HSIT003S Duplicate value supplied for 1
Explanation: was not specified. One cause for this condition is the
ommission of a parenthesis.
More than one occurrence of the named statement type
was encountered but only one value can be accepted. In the message text:
In the message text: 1 name of the parameter or operand being processed
when the error is detected.
1 name of the statement verb.
System action: Processing terminates with condition
System action: Processing terminates with condition
code 12.
code 12.
Operator response: None.
Operator response: None.
User response: Correct the input and rerun the job.
User response: Remove the redundant statement and
rerun the job. Programmer response: None.
Programmer response: None. Module: HSITAGP
HSIT007I A closing parenthesis assumed for 1
HSIT004S Value missing in 1 statement Explanation:
Explanation: End-of-file was raised when processing input
statements before an expected close parenthesis was
An input statement of the type indicated was
encountered but no non-blanks followed the statement
type name. In the message text:
In the message text: 1 name of the parameter or operand being processed
when the error is detected.
1 name of the statement verb.
System action: Processing continues as if the expected
System action: Processing terminates with condition
close parenthesis had been specified.
code 12.
Operator response: None.
Operator response: None.
User response: Check that the resulting processing is
User response: Supply an appropriate value after the
as expected. Correct the input file for future use, and
statement type name.
rerun the job if the desired processing was not
Programmer response: None. performed.
User response: Correct the value and rerun the job. In the message text:
User response: Correct the input file and rerun the 1 encountered input data.
2 name of the parameter or operand being processed
Programmer response: None. when the error is detected.
1 the type of input statement required to specify the 2 the hexadecimal reason code issued by DESERV.
missing value.
3 the name of the data set being processed by Operator response: None.
User response: Consult the applicable MVS
System action: The named data set is not processed, Authorized Assembler Services Guide to determine the
and processing continues with the next relevant data meaning of the dynamic allocation return, error, and
set, if any. information codes. Check that the named data set is
accessible and available for allocation.
Operator response: None.
Programmer response: None.
User response: Consult the applicable DFSMS Macro
Instructions for Data Sets manual to determine the Module: HSITAGP
meaning of the DESERV return and reason codes.
Ensure that the named data set is a valid and accessible
HSIT022S Return code 1 was returned by program
program library. If necessary, gather appropriate
diagnostic materials and contact IBM support.
Programmer response: None.
Either the High Level Assembler (program ASMA90) or
the Program Binder (program IEWL) was dynamically
invoked to assist with creating the output data, but the
HSIT020S Dynamic allocation failure - BPXWDYN named program issued a non-zero return code.
In the message text:
1 the decimal return code issued by the named
BPXWDYN was called to dynamically allocate a program.
required work file but BPXWDYN issued a non-zero
2 the name of the program that was invoked.
return code. As a result, processing cannot proceed.
System action: Processing terminates with condition
In the message text:
code 12.
1 the hexadecimal return code issued by BPXWDYN.
Operator response: None.
System action: Processing terminates with condition
User response: Examine all associated job output to
code 12.
determine if the problem is caused by a correctable
Operator response: None. environmental error. If so, make the correction and
rerun the job. If not, gather all relevant diagnostic
User response: Consult the applicable Using REXX
materials and contact IBM support.
and z/OS UNIX System Services manual to determine
the meaning of the return code. Examine the job log Programmer response: None.
and messages to see any associated dynamic allocation
error message.
Programmer response: None.
HSIT023I Processing terminated due to
Module: HSITAGP encountered error condition
Explanation: Because of a previously reported error,
HSIT021E DYNALLOC failed - RC=1 Error=2 the Product Tagging Utility is terminating unilaterally,
Infor=3 for data set 4 quite possibly without processing all of the specified
program library data sets, and without generating all of
the requested program product tagging data.
A DYNALLOC macro was issued to dynamically
System action: Processing terminates.
allocate a program library for processing but
DYNALLOC issued a non-zero return code. Operator response: None.
In the message text: User response: Investigate any previously reported
error conditions as appropriate.
1 the decimal return code issued by DYNALLOC.
Programmer response: None.
2 the contents of S99ERROR in hexadecimal.
3 the contents of S99INFO in hexadecimal.
4 name of the data set which could not be allocated.
System action: Processing continues with the next
data set, if any.
HSIT025I 1 programs found to tag from data set 2 3 the contents of S99INFO in hexadecimal.
1 the number of programs processed. User response: Consult the relevant MVS Authorized
Assembler Services Guide to determine the meaning of
2 the data set name containing the processed the dynamic allocation return, error, and information
programs. codes. Check that the named volume is accessible and
available for allocation.
System action: Processing continues.
Programmer response: None.
Operator response: None.
User response: None required.
Programmer response: None.
HSIT028W Unable to acquire any product
Module: HSITAGP maintenance level date
Explanation: After having processed all of the relevant
HSIT026I Processing complete - CC=1 - 2 programs HSITAGP was unable to acquire any date
programs tagged in total stamp for use as a maintenance level indicator.
Explanation: System action: Blanks are placed in the maintenance
level field and processing continues.
The Product Tagging Utility program HSITAGP has
completed processing. This message reports the Operator response: None.
condition code issued by HSITAGP and the number of
User response: None required.
HSIX003I PROGRAM PARAMETER 1 The named path was not successfully processed by the
DISCARDED z/OS UNIX system service named in the preceding
HSIX004I message. Data will not be collected from
Explanation: directories and files which could not be opened.
The program parameter contained some unrecognized In the message text:
1 Path in error
In the message text:
System action: Processing continues.
1 Parameter in error
User response: Ensure that all necessary parts of the
System action: The displayed part of the program z/OS UNIX file system are accessible.
parameter is ignored.
Programmer response: None.
User response: Correct the program parameter.
Programmer response: None.
0 Normal termination.
16 Initialization failed.
I Information Message 0
W Warning Message 4
E Error Message 8
S Severe Error Message 12
U Unrecoverable Error Message 16
Programmer response: If the return code is 312, then Programmer response: If necessary, contact IBM
you must increase your MAXCAD parameter. This support.
requires an IPL. For any other return codes, retain any
diagnostic materials and contact IBM support.
A writer task has ended abnormally.
In the message text:
An Anchor Vector Table (AVT) has been acquired or
reacquired, and has been updated for the current server 1 current system identifier.
address space.
2 Abend code from writer task.
In the message text:
System action: Processing continues.
1 current system identifier.
User response: Notify the system programmer.
2 ASID number.
Programmer response: Local reasons for system
3 AVT Address. abends should be investigated. If necessary, retain all
diagnostic materials and contact IBM support.
System action: Processing continues.
User response: None.
Programmer response: None.
It is likely that Usage Monitor data has been lost
because of unexpected behaviour by a writer task. Any
Explanation: compressed output data that has been written will
probably be unusable.
Usage Monitor data has been written to the named
data set. In the message text:
In the message text: 1 data set name of the created output file.
1 data set name of the created output System action: Processing continues.
System action: Processing continues. User response: Examine any preceding messages to
determine the likely cause of the writer task error. If
User response: Transfer the named data set to the
the output data set is complete it can be used,
system where the HSIz data base resides so it can be
otherwise if the data is compressed it is unusable. If the
data set is empty then this fact can be noted and the
Programmer response: None. data set can be deleted. Unless retaining an unusable
data set for diagnosis reasons it can be deleted.
Programmer response: Investigate any writer task
A writer task has ended with a non-zero completion UNRECOGNISED PROGRAM
In the message text: Explanation:
1 current system identifier. An unrecognised program parameter was specified.
2 Return code of writer task. In the message text:
System action: Processing continues. 1 current system identifier.
User response: Notify the system programmer. System action: Processing continues.
NEXT IPL Before a writer task was initiated to output the contents
of a Usage Monitor repository, it was found that the
Explanation: The Usage Monitor has attempted to
repository contained no data, and that therefore data
acquire storage from ECSA, but was given CSA storage
output processing could be omitted.
by the system. This indicates that there is insufficient
ECSA for the current workloads, and that it should be In the message text:
increased for the next IPL.
1 current system identifier.
System action: Processing continues.
System action: Processing continues.
User response: Notify the system programmer.
User response: None required.
Programmer response: Add around 50 to 100
Programmer response: None.
megabytes to the ECSA size in the system IPL
parameters. Check the capacity of the COMMON page Module: HSIZMON
data set.
TO BE EXHAUSTED - INCREASE A switch (SWI) command was issued and the requested
ECSA NEXT IPL action is being initiated.
1 current system identifier. System action: Data collection is suspended. Wait for
the current writer task to complete whereupon a new
2 name of the issued command. writer task is created, and a new repository is created,
Either a TRG command was issued to change the cache User response: None required.
trigger event count or a D-S command was issued. Programmer response: None.
When a job uses the same program a number of times,
the repository entry may be cached if the number has Module: HSIZMON
reached the cache trigger event count. The updating of
cached entries is a synchronous process which does not HSIZ055I 1 FLAG SYSPLEX-WIDE COMMON
use common storage. A limited number of cache entries SOFTWARE? 2
are available. The cache is cleared when the repository
is switched. Explanation:
In the message text: Either a PLX command was issued to change the
sysplex status flag or a D-S command was issued. This
1 current system identifier. flag setting is copied to the header record every time a
2 event count required to cause data set is written by the Usage Monitor. This flag can
be used to determine how usage data relates to
System action: Processing continues. Inquisitor data. In particular, if more than one
User response: None required. Operating System image entirely shares a common
DASD subsystem, a YES value can enable the usage
Programmer response: None. data of more than one system to relate to a single
Inquisitor data collection.
In the message text:
HSIZ053I 1 MONITORING UNIX PROGRAMS? 2 1 current system identifier.
Explanation: 2 YES or NO.
Either a USS command was issued to change the UNIX System action: Processing continues.
program monitoring status or a D-S command was
issued. When the answer is YES the usage of programs User response: None required.
fetched from UNIX files is monitored. When the answer Programmer response: None.
is NO only the usage of programs from PDS and PDSE
libraries is monitored. Module: HSIZMON
Explanation: Explanation:
Either a SYM command was issued to change the A REF command was issued to refresh settings from
volume symbol status or a D-S command was issued. commands in the HSIZIN file, but the HSIZIN file had
When the answer is YES the volume serial number been freed, and was no longer allocated to the Usage
field of data records contains six asterisks instead of the Monitor.
IPL volume serial (system residence volume) and
In the message text:
symbol names for other volumes if a system static
symbol can be found with a value matching the 1 current system identifier.
captured volume serial number. Otherwise the volume
serial number is written as normal. When the answer is System action: The refresh operation is suppressed
NO the captured volume serial number is always and processing continues.
output. A YES setting may be useful to improve data User response: Ensure FREE=CLOSE is not specified
matching when system software platform volume in the HSIZIN JCL DD statement. Recycle the Usage
switches take place. Monitor to refresh the settings if necessary.
In the message text: Programmer response: None.
1 current system identifier. Module: HSIZMON
2 YES or NO.
System action: Processing continues. HSIZ059I 1 REFRESH PERFORMED WITH NO
User response: None required.
Programmer response: None.
A REF command was issued to refresh settings from
Module: HSIZMON commands in the HSIZIN file. All commands in the
HSIZIN file were completed successfully.
HSIZ057I 1 WILL WRITER TASK SORT THE In the message text:
1 current system identifier.
System action: Processing continues.
Either a SRT command was issued to change the SORT
status or a D-S command was issued. When the answer User response: None required.
is YES the writer task attaches the sites SORT utility to Programmer response: None.
sort the data before it is written to the output data set.
When the answer is NO data is written in the (hashed) Module: HSIZMON
order it is stored in within the repository. Usage import
processing time may be significantly reduced when the HSIZ060I 1 REFRESH PERFORMED BUT
data is sorted. The Usage Monitor address space ERROR(S) FOUND
consumes more resources if the writer task is to sort
the data. Local customization of SORT settings and/or Explanation:
Usage Monitor JCL may be required to ensure that A REF command was issued to refresh settings from
sufficient SORTWORK space is available when sorting commands in the HSIZIN file. At least one command in
is to be performed. the HSIZIN file resulted in an error.
In the message text: In the message text:
1 current system identifier. 1 current system identifier.
2 YES or NO. System action: Processing terminates.
System action: Processing continues. User response: Examine the output in the HSIZMSG
User response: None required. file to determine the problem(s).
A D-S command was issued. When the answer is YES
job account data is currently being collected as program Either a PRS command was issued or a D-S command
usage events are recorded. When the answer is NO job was issued. When the answer is YES registered
account data is not being collected currently. software product data from SMF will be collected after
the next Usage Monitor collection repository switch.
In the message text: When the answer is NO this SMF data will not be
collected after the next switch.
1 current system identifier.
In the message text:
2 YES or NO.
1 current system identifier.
System action: Processing continues.
2 YES or NO.
User response: None.
System action: Processing continues.
Programmer response: None.
User response: None.
Programmer response: None.
Either a JAC command was issued or a D-S command
NOW? 2
was issued. When the answer is YES job account data
will be collected after the next Usage Monitor collection Explanation:
repository switch. If the answer is NO job account data
will not be collected from that time onwards. A D-S command was issued. When the answer is YES,
hardware capacity information is currently being
In the message text: collected by the Usage Monitor. When the answer is
NO, hardware capacity information is not being
1 current system identifier.
currently collected.
2 YES or NO.
In the message text:
System action: Processing continues.
1 current system identifier.
User response: None.
System action: Processing continues. User response: Correct the error described in the
message from the compression subroutine. If necessary,
User response: None.
Programmer response: None.
Programmer response: None.
Module: HSIZ0203
3 decimal return code of the sort subtask. System action: The message is preceded by message
System action: The output data set is closed, and the
writing of unsorted data to the same data set is User response: Examine the message for further
attempted. information.
User response: Consult the documentation of the Programmer response: None.
SORT utility. The contents of the SORT report file
Module: HSIZ0203
(DDNAME=SYSOUT) may be helpful.
Programmer response: None.
Module: HSIZ0203
DESERV FUNC=EXIT issued a non-zero return code.
-1 In the message text:
Explanation: 1 Return code from DESERV.
While sorting repository data the SORT task ended 2 Reason code from DESERV.
abnormally. This message is followed by message
HSIZ205I. System action: The DESERV exit is not installed.
1 the abend code of the sort subtask. Programmer response: Research the DESERV feedback
to determine why the exit could not be installed.
System action: The output data set is closed, and the
writing of unsorted data to the same data set is Module: HSIZ0303
User response: Investigate why such an abend could HSIZ302I CSVDYNEX ADD (1) RC=2 REASON=3
occur. The contents of the SORT report file Explanation:
(DDNAME=SYSOUT) may be helpful.
CSVDYNEX ADD issued a non-zero return code.
Programmer response: None.
In the message text:
Module: HSIZ0203
1 xxxxx
HSIC003U The internal message repository is User response: Refer to additional message, or to the
corrupted. Return codes on page 174 section, and to the log for
more details on the specific error. If necessary, contact the database and the version of the product. If
your IBM representative. necessary, contact your IBM representative.
HSIC021S application-name encountered fatal errors. HSIC027S Inquisitor Import table tablename is
Error code = error-code missing a column.
Explanation: The Application has encountered fatal Explanation: The given table is missing an expected
errors during processing. column. This suggests a mismatch between the
database and this version of the product.
System action: Terminates with given error code
System action: The application terminates without
User response: Refer to additional message, or to the
processing any records.
Return codes on page 174 section, and to the log for
more details on the specific error. If necessary, contact User response: Check for a version mismatch between
your IBM representative. the database and the version of the product. If
necessary, contact your IBM representative.
HSIC023E Inquisitor Import error occurred in
opening: filename HSIC028S Inquisitor Import table tablename
appears to be an old version.
Explanation: The Inquisitor import could not open the
given file. Explanation: The given table in the database does not
have the expected format.
System action: Terminates without processing any
records. System action: The application terminates without
processing any records.
User response: Check that the file exists, and if it
does, check for any additional log message identifying User response: Check for a version mismatch between
the error. If necessary, contact your IBM representative. the database and the version of the product. If
necessary, contact your IBM representative.
HSIC024E Inquisitor Import input file is in error.
It looks like a usage data file HSIC029S Inquisitor Import error when writing to
table tablename
Explanation: The inquisitor import has encountered
an invalid input file. Explanation: An SQL error when attempting to write
to the given table.
System action: Terminates without processing any
records. System action: The application terminates.
User response: Check that the input file is a valid file. User response: Check the log for additional details
If necessary, contact your IBM representative. about the given error. If necessary, contact your IBM
HSIC025E Inquisitor Import input file is in error.
It looks like a hardware data file HSIC030S The Inquisitor Import did not find a
valid system header record in the input
Explanation: The Inquisitor Import has encountered
an invalid input file.
Explanation: The input file does not follow the
System action: Terminates without processing any
expected format.
System action: The application terminates.
User response: Check that the input file is a valid file.
If necessary, contact your IBM representative. User response: Check that the correct input file is
supplied, and that there is no version mismatch. If
necessary, contact your IBM representative.
HSIC026E Inquisitor Import detected that table
tablename is missing or invalid.
HSIC034S Error reading Repository TPARAM table
Explanation: The expected table is missing from the
database or has invalid format. This suggests a Explanation: An error occurred while reading the
mismatch between the database and this version of the TPARAM Repository table.
System action: The application terminates.
System action: Terminates without processing any
User response: Check the log for any additional
messages indicating the cause of the error. If necessary,
User response: Check for a version mismatch between contact your IBM representative.
HSIC035E The Repository is in use by the HSIC040E Reserved word: reservedword in param:
application-name param
Explanation: The application cannot run because the Explanation: A reserved word or system value schema
Repository is already in use by another application. ID was chosen as a parameter value.
Wait untilapplication-name completes before running the
System action: The application terminates.
current application. If the Repository is not in use by
application-name, then the cause could be that it was User response: Specify a different parameter value
previously run, but did not run to completion. To
correct the problem, either rerun the application-name
identified in this message, or alternatively, run the HSIC041W value:value in param:param is not a
HSISTPRM supplied job to reset FVALUE to 0 where recommended schema ID
FKEY = PROCRUN in the TPARAM table. Explanation: The value is not recommended because
System action: The application terminates. of possible conflicts with existing values.
User response: Check the application is not already in System action: The application continues.
use, before running this application. User response: Please choose a different value to
avoid any conflicts
HSIC036E Syntax error scanning TPARAMS file on
line linenumber HSIC042E TPARAM file: param:param has an
Explanation: The TPARAM file does not conform to invalid proposed value: value
the required syntax on the given line. Explanation: The parameter cannot be set to the given
System action: The specified option or value is value, because the value is not valid..
ignored, and its default value is used where applicable. System action: The value is ignored, and the
User response: Check that valid options/values are application continues.
supplied as specified in the documentation of the User response: Please choose a valid value as per the
application that you are running. documentation of the given application
HSIC037E Schema schemavalue is too long in param HSIC043E The application has failed to open the
param TPARAM file. Error: errordescription
Explanation: A schema id that is too long has been Explanation: The application could not open the
specified. TPARAM file. The error description contains more
System action: The application terminates. details regarding the reason for the error.
User response: Check that the schema id does not System action: The application terminates.
exceed 8 characters in length. User response: Check that the TPARAM file exists and
is valid.
HSIC038E Unbalanced quote for value: value in
param: param HSIC045E String string cannot exceed numberchars
Explanation: A starting quote was found for the given in length
parameter that has no matching end quote. Explanation: A parameter length limit has been
System action: The application terminates. exceeded.
User response: Check that the given parameter has System action: The application terminates.
matching quotes User response: Ensure that the specified parameter
length is not exceeded.
HSIC039E Illegal character in value:value of
param:param HSIC050E The program-name program has detected
Explanation: An invalid character was found in the an invalid date parameter
given value. Explanation: A date parameter was found to be
System action: The application terminates. invalid.
User response: Check that the given parameter value System action: The application terminates.
is valid for its type. User response: Ensure that the date format is valid,
and start dates do not overlap end dates.
Return codes
6016 Input text file open error 6204 MVS system header record not found in
input file
6060 Input Parameter error
6205 Unix System Services header record not
found in input file
6061 Database open error
6213 Fatal error writing module record 6409 TDECISION table open error
6218 Input file looks like a usage data file 6413 Error creating scorecard tables for Match
6219 Input file looks like a hardware data
file 6428 Local KB TRULES table open error
6221 Vendor product version table processing 6435 Error creating index
6436 Error setting current index
6222 Tagged module key table processing
6437 Search KB phase error
6238 Inquisitor Import table does not exist 6444 LPA phase error
6239 Inquisitor Import table appears to be an 6448 Error while clearing LMOD count
old version.
6449 TDECISION Table is missing
6240 Error updating fGPassLibID record FDECRPTION and/or FCATEGORY
6241 Error deleting empty libraries
6450 GKB TPRODUCT record seek error
6244 Error assigning package information to
TMODULE records 6451 LKB TPRODUCT record seek error
6619 Error opening TPACKAGE table 6640 Error updating FINVID field in
6620 Repository table initialization failed
6641 Error updating FINVID field in
6621 Failure opening IQ table
6636 Product version key error 6810 Error adding TUSELIBRARY record
6813 Error reading import control record 7027 TUSEPOVLIB record edit error
7000 At least one table failed initialization 7029 TUSEPOV record add error
7002 Invalid usage summary parameters 7030 TUSEPOV record edit error
7005 TMODULE record seek error 7036 TVERSION record seek error
7011 Error inserting record into TMODULE 7037 TUSEPO record seek error
7038 TUSEPO record seek error
7013 TJOBDATA record seek error
7039 TUSEPO record edit error
7014 TJOBDATA record add error
7040 TUSEPO record delete error
7015 TUSERDATA record seek error
7043 TMODULE record edit error
7016 TUSERDATA record add error
7044 TUSEPOVLIB record delete error
7017 TUSEMTD record seek error
7045 TUSEPOV record delete error
7018 TUSEMTD record add error
7046 TPERIODS record delete error
7019 TUSEMTD record edit error
7051 TUSELIB record delete error
7020 TUSEMTD record delete error
7021 TPOVINV record seek error
7055 TLPAR record edit error
7022 TPERIODS record seek error
7056 TUSELIB record seek error
7023 TPERIODS record add error
7057 TUSELIB record add error
7024 TPERIODS record edit error
7058 TPOVLIB record seek error
7025 TUSEPOVLIB record seek error
7060 TLPAR record seek error
7026 TUSEPOVLIB record add error
7061 Join record seek error 7606 TLIBRARY record seek error
7062 TLIBRARY record edit error 7607 TLIBRARY record edit error
7063 TLIBRARY record seek error 7608 TLIBRARY record add error
7201 Inventory to be deleted does not exist in 7610 Transfer product version join seek error
7611 TPOVLIB record seek error
7203 TLIBRARY record delete failure
7612 TPOVLIB record edit error
7204 TPOVINV record delete failure
7613 TPOVLIB record add error
7205 TPERIODS record delete failure
7614 TPOVLIB record delete error
7206 TLPAR record delete failure
7615 TPOVINV record seek error
7207 TUIMPCTRL record delete failure
7616 TPOVINV record edit error
7208 Failure updating Delete Inventory ID
7617 TPOVINV record add error
7602 TINVCTL record seek error 7624 Table TVERSION open failed
7603 TINVCTL record edit error 7625 TPRODUCT record seek error
7604 TINVCTL record add error 7626 TPRODUCT record edit error
7605 TINVCTL record delete error 7627 TPRODUCT record add error
7628 TPRODUCT record delete error 7650 TREGLEAF record delete error
7630 TVENDOR record seek error 7652 TINVREG record edit error
7631 TVENDOR record edit error 7653 TINVREG record add error
7632 TVENDOR record add error 7654 TINVREG record delete error
7633 TVENDOR record delete error 7655 TJOBDATA record seek error
7635 TMODULE record seek error 7657 TJOBDATA record add error
7636 TMODULE record edit error 7658 TJOBDATA record delete error
7637 TMODULE record add error 7659 TUSERDATA record seek error
7638 TMODULE record delete error 7660 TUSERDATA record edit error
7639 TREGCLASS record seek error 7661 TUSERDATA record add error
7640 TREGCLASS record edit error 7662 TUSERDATA record delete error
7641 TREGCLASS record add error 7663 TLPAR record seek error
7642 TREGCLASS record delete error 7664 TLPAR record edit error
7643 TREGION record seek error 7665 TLPAR record add error
7644 TREGION record edit error 7666 TLPAR record delete error
7645 TREGION record add error 7667 TUSEMTD record seek error
7646 TREGION record delete error 7668 TUSEMTD record edit error
7647 TREGLEAF record seek error 7669 TUSEMTD record add error
7648 TREGLEAF record edit error 7670 TUSEMTD record delete error
7649 TREGLEAF record add error 7671 TUSELIB record seek error
7672 TUSELIB record edit error 7694 TUIMPORTCTRL record seek error
7673 TUSELIB record add error 7695 TUIMPORTCTRL record edit error
7674 TUSELIB record delete error 7696 TUIMPORTCTRL record add error 7697
7675 TPERIODS record seek error 7697 TUIMPORTCTRL record delete error
7676 TPERIODS record edit error 7698 Source and destination repositories are
not the same type
7677 TPERIODS record add error
7699 Source and/or Destination Repositories
are not the correct category database
7678 TPERIODS record delete error
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Notices 195
IBM Confidential
A C DB2 Connect
installing 18
ABRARC cache Trigger event count DB2 JDBC driver 29
Inquisitor request verb 52 setting 79 DB2 objects 39
ABRMIG CAP DCB usage monitor command 69
Inquisitor request verb 51 usage monitor command 65 DEL usage monitor command 69
action processing 106 captured data delete Inventory 121
action statement 108 matching, to Knowledge Base 4 Delete Inventory
function 108 captured data, Inquisitor running 121
syntax 109 importing 4 deployment scenarios 7
active exclude list CATALOG Designing requests 54
displaying 68 Inquisitor request verb 50 Destination Repository 123
affected by migration 39 compressed output data switch Dorana Version 5 Release 4 35
Alias: CSECT setting 84 DSN usage monitor command 70
Inquisitor request verb 49 Computation phase
Alias: DSNAME tasks 4
Inquisitor request verb 48 continuous inventory 89
Alias: PGM Control statement specification 47 E
Inquisitor request verb 49 counters and statistics EXC usage monitor command 71
Alias: SG display 66 exclusion masking
Inquisitor request verb 50 CSA dataset name 62
Alias: XCSECT usage monitor command 66 program name 62
Inquisitor request verb 50 exclusion masks
Alias: XDSNAME use of to reduce data 62
Inquisitor request verb 49
Alias: XPGM
Inquisitor request verb 49
usage monitor command 66 F
Inquisitor request verb 50 Inquisitor request verb 51
usage monitor command 66
D-D usage monitor command 67
creating 119
D-I usage monitor command 67
Inquisitor request verb 50
D-S usage monitor command 68 G
D-T usage monitor command 68 globalization
authorization 14
D-X usage monitor command 68 message suffix codes 171
automatic switch-and-write time of day
Data Capture phase message texts and explanations 171
setting 82
tasks 3 return codes 171
automatic switch-and-write time setting
data eet name inclusion entries globalization messages
displaying 68
adding 72 HSIC 171
automation server
data set allocation unit
data set cleanup 108
setting 81
Automation Server
data set allocation volume
creating the control data set 105
setting 82 H
files used by 104 hardware requirements 13
data set name
JCL 104 high level qualifier
syntax 110
message suffix codes 127 running
data set name exclusion entries
message texts and explanations 127 for Usage Monitor 122
adding 83
messages HSISZCAT 125
deleting 83
HSIA 127 deleting input data sets 126
data set name inclusion entries
preinstalling the control data set 106 running 126
deleting 71
request control statements 108 HSIZ - Usage Monitor
data set name inclusion/exclusion lists
return codes 127 messages 156
displaying 67
starting 106
data set name prefix
stopping 106
setting 70
Automation Server for z/OS 104
data set space primary allocation I
setting 75, 77 IDD usage monitor command 71
data space repository size
B setting 77
IDL usage monitor command
idle work element usage
Index 199
IBM Confidential
customization 17
ZIP usage monitor command 84
IBM Confidential
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