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Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) 

User’s Guide Volume I

z/OS Version 1 Release 7.0

Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) 

User’s Guide Volume I

z/OS Version 1 Release 7.0

Before using this document, read the general information under “Notices” on page 213.

Fifth Edition (September 2005)

This edition applies to ISPF for Version 1 Release 7.0 of the licensed program z/OS (program number 5694-A01)
and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
IBM welcomes your comments. A form for comments appears at the back of this publication. If the form has been
removed and you have ISPF-specific comments, address your comments to:
IBM Corporation
Department J87/D325
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San Jose, CA 95141-1003

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v Title and order number of this document
v Page number or topic related to your comment
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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1980, 2005. All rights reserved.
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Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Selection Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Entering Commands in ISPF . . . . . . . . . 22
Types of Commands . . . . . . . . . . 22
National Language Support . . . . . . . . 23
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi ISPF Command Syntax Notation . . . . . . 24
About this document . . . . . . . . . . . xi Command Nesting . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Who should use this document . . . . . . . . xi Running in GUI mode . . . . . . . . . . . 26
What is in this document? . . . . . . . . . xi Starting a GUI Session . . . . . . . . . . 26
Using LookAt to look up message explanations . . xii What GUI Mode Looks Like . . . . . . . . 28
Using IBM Health Checker for z/OS. . . . . . xiii Switching Between GUI Mode and 3270 Mode . 38
Special characters or symbols . . . . . . . 38
Summary of Changes . . . . . . . . xv ISPF GUI Support of TSO Line Mode Output and
ISPF product and library changes . . . . . . . xv Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
ISPF Dialog Manager component changes . . . . xv Bi-directional Language Support . . . . . . 42
ISPF PDF Component changes . . . . . . . . xv Ending a GUI Session . . . . . . . . . . 44
ISPF SCLM component changes . . . . . . . xvi Closing the ISPF Client/Server Workstation
ISPF Client/Server component changes . . . . xvii Agent Component . . . . . . . . . . . 44
ISPF migration considerations . . . . . . . . xvii Splitting the Screen Horizontally or Vertically . . . 44
The SPLIT Command . . . . . . . . . . 44
What’s in the z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF The SWAP Command . . . . . . . . . . 45
library? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix The SWITCH Command . . . . . . . . . 47
3290 Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Part 1. Introduction to ISPF . . . . . 1 Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set

Lists and Library Lists . . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 1. Overview of ISPF . . . . . . 3 Personal List Modes . . . . . . . . . . . 52
ISPF Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Personal Data Set Lists . . . . . . . . . . 53
ISPF Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Personal Library Lists . . . . . . . . . . 53
View, Browse, Edit, Edit Macros, and Models . . 4 Reference Data Set List . . . . . . . . . 53
Dialog Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Reference Library List . . . . . . . . . . 54
Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 How to Get a List of Your Personal Lists . . . 54
Dialog Test, Foreground, and Batch . . . . . . 5 How to Create a Personal List . . . . . . . 54
TSO Commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs . . . 5 Retrieving Data From Personal Lists . . . . . 55
Software Configuration and Library Manager Using Personal Lists to Create Customized
(SCLM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. DSLIST Displays. . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Other IBM Program Development Products . . 5. Personal Data Set List Panel . . . . . . . . 56
Online Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Personal Data Set Lists Panel . . . . . . . 59
Supported Data Types . . . . . . . . . . 5. Shared Personal Lists . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Member Name Conventions . . . . . . . 6. Name Retrieval with the NRETRIEV command . . 62
Running ISPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. SCLM Considerations for NRETRIEV . . . . . 63
Starting ISPF . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Command Interface (Fast Path) to the Personal List
The Primary Option Menu panel . . . . . 8. Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
User Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Using Function Keys with Personal Lists . . . . 65
Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Example of an ISPF Panel That Uses a Referral List 65
Ending an ISPF Function or ISPF . . . . . . 12 Example of an ISPF Panel That Enables NRETRIEV 68

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface . . 13 Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function

Some Terms You Should Know . . . . . . . . 13 Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor
Understanding ISPF Panels . . . . . . . . . 14
Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Panel Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
ISPF System Commands . . . . . . . . . . 70
Panel Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Using the RETRIEVE, RETF, and RETP
Option Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Action Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Using the RETURN Command . . . . . . . 88
Point-and-Shoot Text Fields . . . . . . . . 20
Using the Jump Function . . . . . . . . . 89

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 iii

Using the Scrolling Commands . . . . . . . 90 Running a Sample ISPF Session . . . . . . . 141
Using the EXPAND Command . . . . . . . 92
Using Command Tables to Define Commands . . 92 Chapter 6. Getting Ready to Run on
SELECT Action Commands Temporarily Invoke a MVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
New Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Setting Up ISPF Libraries . . . . . . . . . 147
Assigning Command Aliases . . . . . . . 95
Allocating Required ISPF Libraries . . . . . . 147
Overriding System Commands . . . . . . . 97
Allocating Optional Table and File Tailoring ISPF
Passing Commands to a Dialog Function . . . 97
Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Specifying Command Actions Dynamically . . . 98
Allocating Optional Image ISPF Library . . . . 150
Using a Function Key . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Allocating CLIST, REXX, and Program Libraries 151
Defining Function Key Values . . . . . . . 100
Allocating DBCS Libraries . . . . . . . . . 151
Changing the Format of the Function Key Area 100
Selecting the National Language for ISPF Sessions 152
Saving Function Key Definitions . . . . . . 103
Using the Light Pen and Cursor-Select Key . . 103
How Program Access (PA) Keys Affect ISPF Part 2. Appendixes . . . . . . . . 153
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
AUTOTYPE - Automatic Data Set Name and Appendix A. Installing the
Member Name Completion . . . . . . . . . 105 Client/Server Component . . . . . . 155
How to Use AUTOTYPE . . . . . . . . 106
Installation Considerations for the Client/Server
Rules for Specifying the ’Other Data Set Name’
component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Rules for Library Fields - Project, Group, Type,
Required Hardware and Software . . . . . 156
Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . 156
Cursor Position Sensitivity . . . . . . . . 107
Downloading the Workstation Agent . . . . . 156
Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Download . . . . 157
Enabling Applications to Use AUTOTYPE . . . 107
Manual Download . . . . . . . . . . 160
Running the Installation Program . . . . . . 161
Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 109 The Workstation Agent Window . . . . . . . 162
Naming ISPF Libraries and Data Sets . . . . . 109 The System Register Panel . . . . . . . . 164
ISPF Library Names . . . . . . . . . . 109
Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set Names 110 Appendix B. Configuring
Volume Serials . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Library Concatenation . . . . . . . . . . 111
Communications for the ISPF
Concatenation during Editing . . . . . . . 113 Client/Server . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Concatenation during Language Processing . . 113 Configuring TCP/IP connections . . . . . . . 167
Using Member Selection Lists . . . . . . . . 114 TCP/IP Requirements Fast Path . . . . . . 167
Displaying Member Lists . . . . . . . . 115 TCP/IP Requirements Detail . . . . . . . 167
Ending Member Lists . . . . . . . . . . 116 TCP/IP additional tips . . . . . . . . . 170
ISPF Member Statistics . . . . . . . . . 116 Configuring APPC connections . . . . . . . 172
Load Module Library Member Statistics . . . 121 APPC Requirements Fast Path . . . . . . . 172
Member Selection List Commands . . . . . 122 APPC Requirements Detail . . . . . . . . 173
Member List Positioning . . . . . . . . 131 APPC additional tips . . . . . . . . . . 174
Data Set Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Format Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Appendix C. Listing Formats . . . . . 177
Mixed Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Source and Index Listings . . . . . . . . . 177
Partitioned Data Set Extended (PDSE) . . . . . 133 Source Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Packed Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Index Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
List and Log Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . 134 ISPF Log Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
List Data Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Member List Listings . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Log Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Member List Listings for Source Libraries . . . 181
Processing the Log and List Data Sets . . . . 135 Member List Listings for Load Libraries . . . 182
How to Specify Log and List Data Set Formats for Member List Listings . . . . . 183
Processing Options . . . . . . . . . . 135 Data Set List Listings . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Processing the Log and List Data Sets During an Format for Data Set List Listings . . . . . . 184
ISPF Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Log and List Data Set Processing at the End of a Appendix D. APL and TEXT Character
Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Data Set Processing Options . . . . . . . 138
Foreground and Batch Output Listings . . . . . 140
Other Temporary Data Sets . . . . . . . . . 141 Appendix E. Abbreviations for
Job Statement Information . . . . . . . . . 141 Commands and Other Values . . . . 187

iv z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Command Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . 187 The Current Data Set Allocations List . . . . . 191
Field Value Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . 187 Using Commands on the Displayed List . . . . 195
Keyword/Operand, Scroll Amount, and Allocation List Primary Commands . . . . . 195
Programming Language Abbreviations . . . . . 187 Allocation List Line Commands . . . . . . 202
Scroll Amount Abbreviations . . . . . . . 188 Browsing Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Programming Language Abbreviations . . . . 188 Defining Named Storage Locations . . . . . . 209

Appendix F. Allocation Data Sets . . . 189 Appendix H. Accessibility . . . . . . 211

SYSIN Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Using assistive technologies . . . . . . . . 211
SYSLIB Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Keyboard navigation of the user interface . . . . 211
SYSPRINT Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . 189 z/OS information . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
SYSTERM Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . 190
SYSLIN Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
SYSPUNCH Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Programming Interface Information . . . . . . 214
SYSUT1 Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
SYSUT2—SYSUT7 Data Sets . . . . . . . . 190
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic
Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

Contents v
vi z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
1. ISPF Primary Option Menu (ISR@PRIM) with 38. Library Utility after Print, Rename, and
license information . . . . . . . . . . 8 Delete (ISRUDMM) . . . . . . . . . 130
2. ISPF Primary Option Menu (ISR@PRIM) . . . 8 39. Log Data Set Defaults Panel (ISPLLP01) 136
3. Panel Format . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 40. List Data Set Defaults Panel (ISPLLP02) 136
4. Primary Option Menu showing key features 16 41. Specify Disposition of Log and List Data Sets
5. Panel with an Action Bar Pull-Down Menu 18 Panel (ISPPFT03) . . . . . . . . . . 138
6. An Unavailable Choice on a Pull-Down 19 42. Local Print Command Edit Panel (ISPCHPLP) 139
7. Pop-Up Selected from an Action Bar 43. ISPF Client/Server Installation Notice
Pull-Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 (ISPWSD02) . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
8. The Workstation Agent window. . . . . . 26 44. Second Client/Server Component Download
9. The Initiate Workstation Connection Panel 27 Panel (ISPWSD04) . . . . . . . . . . 159
10. WSA Connection Panel. . . . . . . . . 28 45. ISPF Client/Server Component Install
11. ISPF Primary Option Menu Displayed in Program Panel (ISPWSD07) . . . . . . . 160
Personal Communications . . . . . . . . 29 46. Client/Server Component Download Panel
12. ISPF Primary Option Menu Displayed Using (ISPWSD05) . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
ISPF Workstation Agent . . . . . . . . 30 47. Workstation Agent Install Program . . . . 161
13. ISPF Dialog Test Display Panel Displayed on a 48. The Workstation Agent window . . . . . 162
3270 Emulator . . . . . . . . . . . 35 49. System Register Panel . . . . . . . . . 164
14. ISPF Dialog Test Display Panel Displayed 50. Add System Pop-up Dialog . . . . . . . 164
Using ISPF Workstation Agent. . . . . . . 36 51. Add User Pop-up Dialog . . . . . . . 165
15. A Pull-Down Menu with an Unavailable 52. Sample Source Listing . . . . . . . . 178
Choice Displayed on a 3270 Emulator . . . . 37 53. Sample Index Listing - Managed Source
16. A Pull-Down Menu with an Unavailable Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Choice Displayed Using ISPF Workstation 54. Sample Index Listing - Managed Load
Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
17. ISPF/TSO GUI Window . . . . . . . . 40 55. Sample ISPF Log Listing . . . . . . . . 181
18. ISPF/TSO GUI Window with Pull-Down 56. Sample Member List Listing for a Source
Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
19. ISPF Task List . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 57. Sample Member List Listing for a Load
20. Splitting the 3290 Screen . . . . . . . . 49 Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
21. RefList Pull-Down Menu . . . . . . . . 52 58. Sample Data Set List Listing . . . . . . 184
22. RefMode Pull-Down Menu . . . . . . . 52 59. Internal Character Representations for APL
23. Personal Data Set List Panel (ISRPDSNL) 56 Keyboards . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
24. Personal Data Set Lists Panel (ISRPLTAB) 59 60. Internal Character Representations for Text
25. Defining Function Keys to Issue Referral List Keyboards . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 61. Current Data Set Allocations List panel 192
26. Example Panel Definition Using a Referral List 66 62. Data Set Attributes in ISRDDN . . . . . 193
27. Example Panel Definition Enabling NRETRIEV 68 63. Additional DD Information . . . . . . . 194
28. Tailor Function Key Definition Display Panel 64. Additional DD Information . . . . . . . 194
(ISPOPFA) . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 65. Current Data Set Allocations List in LONG
29. Use of Light Pen Attribute . . . . . . . 104 Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
30. Hierarchy of ISPF Libraries . . . . . . . 113 66. Results of the MEMBER Command . . . . 197
31. Member List Commands Pop-Up Window 67. The Duplicates List Display . . . . . . . 199
(ISRCMLEP) . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 68. The CSVQUERY Results Panel . . . . . . 200
32. Member List Display (ISRUDMM) . . . . 117 69. The System ENQ Status List Panel . . . . 202
33. Member List Display cont. (ISRUDMM) 117 70. Storage Viewed in FORMAT Mode . . . . 206
34. Member List Color Change Utility Panel 71. CHAIN Storage Format . . . . . . . . 207
(ISRMLCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 72. ARRAY Storage Format . . . . . . . . 208
35. Member List Sort Field View Panel (ISRMLIS) 119 73. ARRAYP Storage Format . . . . . . . . 209
36. Load Module Library Display (ISRUDMM) 121 74. Sample ISRDDN Named Storage File 209
37. Library Utility before Print, Rename, and
Delete (ISRUDMM) . . . . . . . . . 130

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 vii

viii z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
1. Entry Methods and Command Types . . . . 22 9. Required Partitioned Data Sets . . . . . . 147
2. Characteristics of the Line Command Field 24 10. LRECL Limits during ISPF Initialization 148
3. ISPF System Commands . . . . . . . . 70 11. Table and File-Tailoring Data Sets . . . . . 150
4. Function Key Arrangement . . . . . . . 99 12. Image Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5. Member Selection List Differences . . . . . 114 13. Format of Source Library Member List Listing 183
6. Sort Fields for Source Libraries. . . . . . 126 14. Format of Load Library Member List Listing 183
7. Sort Fields for Load Libraries . . . . . . 127 15. Format of Data Set List Listing . . . . . . 184
8. Examples of search strings . . . . . . . 127

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 ix

x z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
This document provides reference and usage information for programmers who
develop applications with ISPF. It also provides conceptual and functional
descriptions of ISPF.

About this document

This document contains two parts. The first part provides introductory information
about using ISPF:
v How to exploit the ISPF user interface
v An overview of ISPF
v How to use referral lists
v A description of ISPF commands
v How to use libraries and data sets
v How to prepare to run on MVS

The second part contains the appendixes and provides:

v Information you need before you install the ISPF Client/Server component
workstation interface
v APL and TEXT character conversion information
v Lists of abbreviations for commands, field values, keywords/operands, scroll
amounts, and programming languages
v Descriptions of allocation data sets
v Descriptions and examples of the output listing formats.

Information about using ISPF Options is contained in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide
Vol II.

Who should use this document

This document is for application programmers who use ISPF. Users should be
familiar with coding CLISTs, REXX EXECs, or programs in the MVS environment.

What is in this document?

Chapter 1, “Overview of ISPF,” describes ISPF uses and the functions provided by
the ISPF licensed program.

Chapter 2, “The ISPF User Interface,” provides an overview of the ISPF user
interface. This chapter also describes the Graphical User Interface (GUI); that is,
how ISPF runs on a workstation. Information is provided on:
v Panel formats and features
v Action bars
v Commands
v The ISPF Workstation Agent (which provides the GUI interface)
v The Primary Option Menu panel
v Splitting the screen

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 xi

Chapter 3, “Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists,” describes the four
types of referral lists, which are used to retrieve a stored data set or library to the
currently displayed panel:
v Reference data set list
v Reference library list
v Personal data set list
v Personal library list.

Chapter 4, “Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection,”
describes ISPF system commands, the function keys and their default assignments,
and the light pen and cursor select facilities.

Chapter 5, “Libraries and Data Sets,” describes how to allocate, create, and use
libraries and data sets.

Chapter 6, “Getting Ready to Run on MVS,” helps you prepare to use ISPF
data-element libraries.

Appendix A, “Installing the Client/Server Component,” provides information that

you need to know before you begin to install the ISPF Client/Server component
workstation software.

Appendix B, “Configuring Communications for the ISPF Client/Server” provides

information that you need for configuring your communications protocols so you
can use the ISPF Client/Server.

Appendix C, “Listing Formats,” describes and displays the kinds of listings you
can produce using ISPF. The sample listings shown are for illustration purposes
only. They are not intended to be exact replicas because printouts of ISPF listings
vary according to the kind of printer you are using.

Appendix D, “APL and TEXT Character Conversion,” describes how APL and
TEXT characters are converted by ISPF for internal storage.

Appendix E, “Abbreviations for Commands and Other Values,” lists commands,

field values, keywords/operands, and scroll amounts that can be abbreviated.

Appendix F, “Allocation Data Sets,” provides information on ALLOC commands

that ISPF issues based on ISPF libraries, data set names, list IDs, options, and
additional input libraries.

Appendix G, “ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility,” explains how to use ISRDDN, a

program shipped with ISPF as a service aid.

Using LookAt to look up message explanations

LookAt is an online facility that lets you look up explanations for most of the
IBM® messages you encounter, as well as for some system abends and codes.
Using LookAt to find information is faster than a conventional search because in
most cases LookAt goes directly to the message explanation.

You can use LookAt from these locations to find IBM message explanations for
z/OS® elements and features, z/VM®, VSE/ESA™, and Clusters for AIX® and
v The Internet. You can access IBM message explanations directly from the LookAt
Web site at

xii z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

v Your z/OS TSO/E host system. You can install code on your z/OS or z/OS.e
systems to access IBM message explanations using LookAt from a TSO/E
command line (for example: TSO/E prompt, ISPF, or z/OS UNIX® System
v Your Microsoft® Windows® workstation. You can install LookAt directly from
the z/OS Collection (SK3T-4269) or the z/OS and Software Products DVD Collection
(SK3T4271) and use it from the resulting Windows graphical user interface
(GUI). The command prompt (also known as the DOS > command line) version
can still be used from the directory in which you install the Windows version of
v Your wireless handheld device. You can use the LookAt Mobile Edition from
with a handheld device that has wireless access and an Internet browser (for
example: Internet Explorer for Pocket PCs, Blazer or Eudora for Palm OS, or
Opera for Linux handheld devices).

You can obtain code to install LookAt on your host system or Microsoft Windows
workstation from:
v A CD-ROM in the z/OS Collection (SK3T-4269).
v The z/OS and Software Products DVD Collection (SK3T4271).
v The LookAt Web site (click Download and then select the platform, release,
collection, and location that suit your needs). More information is available in
the LOOKAT.ME files available during the download process.

Using IBM Health Checker for z/OS

IBM Health Checker for z/OS is a z/OS component that installations can use to
gather information about their system environment and system parameters to help
identify potential configuration problems before they impact availability or cause
outages. Individual products, z/OS components, or ISV software can provide
checks that take advantage of the IBM Health Checker for z/OS framework. This
book refers to checks or messages associated with this component.

For additional information about checks and about IBM Health Checker for z/OS,
see IBM Health Checker for z/OS and Sysplex: User’s Guide. z/OS V1R4, V1R5, and
V1R6 users can obtain the IBM Health Checker for z/OS from the z/OS
Downloads page at

SDSF also provides functions to simplify the management of checks. See z/OS
SDSF Operation and Customization for additional information.

Preface xiii
xiv z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
Summary of Changes
z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF contains the following changes and enhancements:
v ISPF product and library changes
v ISPF Dialog Manager component changes (including DTL changes)
v ISPF PDF Component changes
v ISPF SCLM component changes
v ISPF Client/Server component changes

ISPF product and library changes

Changes to the ZENVIR variable. Characters 1 through 8 contain the product name
and sequence number, in the format ISPF x.y, where x.y indicates the version
number and release. Note that the x.y value is not necessarily the same as the
operating system version. For example, a value of ″ISPF 5.7″ represents ISPF for
z/OS Version 1 Release 7.0.

The ZOS390RL variable contains the level of the z/OS release running on your

The ZISPFOS system variable contains the level of ISPF that is running as part of
the operating system release on your system. This might or might not match
ZOS390RL. For this release of ISPF, the variable contains ISPF for z/OS 01.07.00.

ISPF Dialog Manager component changes

The DM component of ISPF includes the following new functions and
v A new optional keyword SFIHDR on the )MODEL statement provides support
for defining scroll field indicators in the model section of a panel.
v A new ISPFTTRC command supports tracing of File Tailoring service calls
(FTOPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE) and processing.
v A new ISPDPTRC command supports tracing of Panel Service calls (DISPLAY,
TBDISPL, and TBQUERY) and the processing of statements within the
)ABCINIT, )ABCPROC, )INIT, )REINIT, and )PROC sections of the panel.

ISPF Configuration Utility changes:

v New DEFAULT_LIBDEF_PROCESSING_OPTION keyword allows setting of the
default LIBDEF processing option.
v New DEFAULT_SYSTEM_NAME keyword controls displaying of the current
system name.
v New DEFAULT_USERID_DISP keyword controls displaying of the current user

Dialog Tag Language (DTL) changes:

v There are no changes to Dialog Tag Language (DTL) for this release.

ISPF PDF Component changes

The ISPF PDF component contains the following new functions and enhancements:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 xv

v New ISPF Table Utility enables users to work with data in an ISPF table in
full-screen mode, using the Browse and Edit functions.
v Support for large format sequential data sets (to a theoretical maximum of 16
million tracks per volume). Users can Browse, View, and Edit large format
sequential data sets, as well as Move and Copy data to and from them.
v Enhanced sort processing for member lists and data set lists. Users can now
specify the sort direction (A=ascending, D=descending).
v New SYSNAME command to display the current system name.
v New USERID command to display the current user ID.
v Because reported space utilization data is not meaningful for BDAM data sets,
question marks (?) are now returned in these fields in option 3.4 and the
v The DSINFO service has been enhanced to return two ISPF function pool
variables, ZDSAPF and ZDSLNK, which give the APF and LINKLST status of a
data set.
v The DSINFO service has been enhanced to return two ISPF function pool
variables. ZDSTOTAX contains the number of bytes allocated to a data set.
ZDSTOTUX contains the number of bytes used by a data set. These variables are
long enough to cater for the theoretical maximum size of a large format
sequential data set.
v The LIBDEF service has been enhanced to use the default LIBDEF processing
option set in the ISPF configuration table if one is not specified.
v The LIBDEF service has been enhanced to give a return code of 4 when a
STKADD processing option is requested and no current stack exists for the
specified lib-type.
v An optional keyword, NOLLA, has been added to the LMMFIND, LMMSTATS,
and LMPRINT services. If LLA is used to manage a PDS directory, this keyword
ensures that the cached entry is not used.
v Documentation has been added for the VIRTSIZE keyword on the TBSTATS
v HTML and XML have been added to the list of languages that can automatically
be identified by the EDIT HILITE function.
v The BROWSE DISPLAY command now allows data stored on the mainframe
using a Unicode CCSID to be displayed using the terminal CCSID.
v The BROWSE FIND function now allows users to search for a UTF8, ASCII, or
USASCII character string.
v 64-bit register values are now displayed for sub-task dumps.

ISPF SCLM component changes

The ISPF SCLM component contains the following new functions and
v If a language change is done for an SCLM part via the SPROF command, the
PDS directory is now updated with the user ID.
v The Delete Group function has been renamed Delete from Group to make it
more clear what it does.

xvi z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF Client/Server component changes
The ISPF Client/Server Component enables a panel to be displayed unchanged
(except for panels with graphic areas) at a workstation using the native display
function of the operating system of the workstation. ISPF documents call this
″running in GUI mode.″

There are no changes to the ISPF Client/Server for this release.

ISPF migration considerations

For details of migration actions relating to ISPF and other z/OS elements, see z/OS

This book contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes. Technical
changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical
line to the left of the change.

Starting with z/OS V1R2, you may notice changes in the style and structure
of some content in this book—for example, headings that use uppercase for
the first letter of initial words only, and procedures that have a different look
and format. The changes are ongoing improvements to the consistency and
retrievability of information in our books.

Summary of Changes xvii

xviii z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
What’s in the z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF library?
You can order the ISPF books using the numbers provided below.

Title Order Number

z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference SC34-4821–04
z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference SC34-4824–04
z/OS ISPF Edit and Edit Macros SC34-4820–04
z/OS ISPF Messages and Codes SC34-4815–04
z/OS ISPF Planning and Customizing GC34-4814–04
z/OS ISPF Reference Summary SC34-4816–04
z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Project Manager’s SC34-4817–04
and Developer’s Guide
z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Reference SC34-4818–04
z/OS ISPF Services Guide SC34-4819–04
z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol I SC34-4822–04
z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II SC34-4823–04

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 xix

xx z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
Part 1. Introduction to ISPF
Chapter 1. Overview of ISPF . . . . . . . . 3 What GUI Mode Looks Like . . . . . . . . 28
ISPF Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sample Screens . . . . . . . . . . . 34
ISPF Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Switching Between GUI Mode and 3270 Mode . 38
View, Browse, Edit, Edit Macros, and Models . . 4 Special characters or symbols . . . . . . . 38
Dialog Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ISPF GUI Support of TSO Line Mode Output and
Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Dialog Test, Foreground, and Batch . . . . . . 5 Restrictions for the TSO GUI Line Mode
TSO Commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs . . . 5 Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Software Configuration and Library Manager Bi-directional Language Support . . . . . . 42
(SCLM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Shortcut Keys . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Other IBM Program Development Products . . . 5 Bi-directional File Transfer Limitations . . . 43
Online Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ending a GUI Session . . . . . . . . . . 44
Supported Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Closing the ISPF Client/Server Workstation
Member Name Conventions . . . . . . . . 6 Agent Component . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Running ISPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Splitting the Screen Horizontally or Vertically . . . 44
Starting ISPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The SPLIT Command . . . . . . . . . . 44
The Primary Option Menu panel . . . . . . 8 The SWAP Command . . . . . . . . . . 45
ISPF Primary Options . . . . . . . . . 9 The SWITCH Command . . . . . . . . . 47
Primary Option Menu Action Bar Choices . . 10 Rules for Splitting and Swapping 3270 and
User Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 GUI Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SWITCH Command Restrictions . . . . . 48
Ending an ISPF Function or ISPF . . . . . . 12 3290 Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Exit Option (X) . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Jump Function . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and
Library Lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface . . . . . . 13 Personal List Modes . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Some Terms You Should Know . . . . . . . . 13 Personal Data Set Lists . . . . . . . . . . 53
Understanding ISPF Panels . . . . . . . . . 14 Personal Library Lists . . . . . . . . . . 53
Panel Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Reference Data Set List . . . . . . . . . 53
Panel Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Reference Library List . . . . . . . . . . 54
Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 How to Get a List of Your Personal Lists . . . 54
Data Entry Panels . . . . . . . . . . 16 How to Create a Personal List . . . . . . . 54
Option Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Retrieving Data From Personal Lists . . . . . 55
Action Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Using Personal Lists to Create Customized
How to Navigate in ISPF without Using DSLIST Displays. . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Action Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Personal Data Set List Panel . . . . . . . . 56
How to Navigate in ISPF Using the Action Bar Personal Data Set List Panel Action Bar
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Point-and-Shoot Text Fields . . . . . . . . 20 Personal Data Set List Panel Fields . . . . 58
Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Personal Data Set Lists Panel . . . . . . . 59
Selection Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Personal Data Set Lists Panel Action Bar
Entering Commands in ISPF . . . . . . . . . 22 Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Types of Commands . . . . . . . . . . 22 Personal Data Set Lists Panel Fields . . . . 60
TSO Commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs 23 Shared Personal Lists . . . . . . . . . . . 61
DM Component Commands . . . . . . . 23 Name Retrieval with the NRETRIEV command . . 62
PDF Component Primary and Line SCLM Considerations for NRETRIEV . . . . . 63
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 SCLM Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . 63
National Language Support . . . . . . . . 23 Stack Management for SCLM . . . . . . 63
ISPF Command Syntax Notation . . . . . . 24 Command Interface (Fast Path) to the Personal List
Stacking Commands . . . . . . . . . 24 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Dual Command Processing . . . . . . . 24 Using Function Keys with Personal Lists . . . . 65
Line Command Fields . . . . . . . . . 24 Example of an ISPF Panel That Uses a Referral List 65
PDF Component Line Commands . . . . . 25 Example of an ISPF Panel That Enables NRETRIEV 68
Command Nesting . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Running in GUI mode . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys,
Starting a GUI Session . . . . . . . . . . 26 and Light Pen or Cursor Selection . . . . . . 69

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 1

ISPF System Commands . . . . . . . . . . 70 Partitioned Data Set Extended (PDSE) . . . . . 133
Using the RETRIEVE, RETF, and RETP Packed Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 List and Log Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . 134
RETRIEVE Command . . . . . . . . . 86 List Data Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
RETF Command . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Log Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
RETP Command . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Processing the Log and List Data Sets . . . . 135
Using the RETURN Command . . . . . . . 88 How to Specify Log and List Data Set
Using the Jump Function . . . . . . . . . 89 Processing Options . . . . . . . . . . 135
Using the Scrolling Commands . . . . . . . 90 Processing the Log and List Data Sets During an
Using the EXPAND Command . . . . . . . 92 ISPF Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Using Command Tables to Define Commands . . 92 Conditions for Using the LOG and LIST
Command Table Format . . . . . . . . 92 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Customizing the ISPCMDS Command Table 93 Log and List Data Set Processing at the End of a
SELECT Action Commands Temporarily Invoke a Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
New Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Data Set Processing Options . . . . . . . 138
Assigning Command Aliases . . . . . . . 95 Editing the PRINTDS Command . . . . . 139
Overriding System Commands . . . . . . . 97 Foreground and Batch Output Listings . . . . . 140
Passing Commands to a Dialog Function . . . 97 Other Temporary Data Sets . . . . . . . . . 141
Specifying Command Actions Dynamically . . . 98 Job Statement Information . . . . . . . . . 141
Using a Function Key . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Running a Sample ISPF Session . . . . . . . 141
Defining Function Key Values . . . . . . . 100
Changing the Format of the Function Key Area 100 Chapter 6. Getting Ready to Run on MVS . . . 147
Saving Function Key Definitions . . . . . . 103 Setting Up ISPF Libraries . . . . . . . . . 147
Using the Light Pen and Cursor-Select Key . . 103 Allocating Required ISPF Libraries . . . . . . 147
How Program Access (PA) Keys Affect ISPF Allocating Optional Table and File Tailoring ISPF
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
AUTOTYPE - Automatic Data Set Name and Allocating Optional Image ISPF Library . . . . 150
Member Name Completion . . . . . . . . . 105 Allocating CLIST, REXX, and Program Libraries 151
How to Use AUTOTYPE . . . . . . . . 106 Allocating DBCS Libraries . . . . . . . . . 151
Rules for Specifying the ’Other Data Set Name’ Selecting the National Language for ISPF Sessions 152
Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Rules for Library Fields - Project, Group, Type,
Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Cursor Position Sensitivity . . . . . . . . 107
Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Enabling Applications to Use AUTOTYPE . . . 107

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets . . . . . 109

Naming ISPF Libraries and Data Sets . . . . . 109
ISPF Library Names . . . . . . . . . . 109
Standard ISPF Naming Conventions . . . . 109
Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set Names 110
Volume Serials . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Library Concatenation . . . . . . . . . . 111
Concatenation during Editing . . . . . . . 113
Concatenation during Language Processing . . 113
Using Member Selection Lists . . . . . . . . 114
Displaying Member Lists . . . . . . . . 115
Ending Member Lists . . . . . . . . . . 116
ISPF Member Statistics . . . . . . . . . 116
Member List Display Panel Action Bar . . . 117
Member List Display Panel Fields . . . . 120
Load Module Library Member Statistics . . . 121
Member Selection List Commands . . . . . 122
Primary Commands . . . . . . . . . 123
Line Commands . . . . . . . . . . 128
Updating a Member List . . . . . . . 130
Member List Positioning . . . . . . . . 131
Data Set Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Format Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Mixed Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

2 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Chapter 1. Overview of ISPF
ISPF is a multifaceted development tool set for the z/OS operating system. Since
1975, MVS programmers have used ISPF for host-based application development
productivity. ISPF forms the basis of many TSO and CMS applications and
provides extensive programmer-oriented facilities as well.

ISPF Components
ISPF helps programmers develop interactive applications called dialogs. Dialogs are
interactive because ISPF uses them to communicate with terminal users through a
series of panels while the users do application development tasks.

ISPF panels:
v Provide access to ISPF functions (menus)
v Request information (data entry panels)
v Provide information (scrollable data displays).

These are the main components of ISPF:

v Dialog Manager (DM): The Dialog Manager provides services to dialogs and end
users. These include display, variable services, input and output, user and
application profiles, table management, system interface services, dialog testing
and debugging aids, and other services.
v Program Development Facility (PDF): The Program Development Facility
provides services to assist the dialog or application developer. These include the
edit and browse functions, data set and catalog utilities, TSO or CMS command
interfaces, and data set search and compare functions.
v Software Configuration Library Manager (SCLM): The Software Configuration
and Library Manager facility provides library management capabilities such as
Versioning, Auditing, and Promotion. It also provides configuration management
capabilities to track how all of the pieces of an application fit together - not just
source, but objects, loads, test cases, documentation and other items. The Build
function tracks and invokes the necessary compilers, assemblers and linkage
v Client/Server component: The Client/Server component allows the users of ISPF
applications to use a workstation running Windows or UNIX to display the
panels of an ISPF application. It does this using the Graphical User Interface of
the workstation. Because of this, there is no requirement to change your existing
ISPF applications to run in a GUI environment.

The following sections describe the functions provided by the ISPF licensed

ISPF Functions
ISPF can be used in the following ways:
v Managers can use ISPF Edit, SCRIPT/VS, and the Hardcopy utility or another
print utility provided by their installation to prepare memos.
v Data processing administrators and system programmers can use ISPF to:
– Monitor and control program libraries
– Communicate with MVS through TSO commands, CLISTs, or REXX EXECs.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 3

ISPF Functions

v Programmers can use ISPF to develop a batch, interactive, or any other type of
program and its documentation.
v Terminal users can call dialogs that use Dialog Manager (DM) component and
Program Development Facility (PDF) component dialog services to do the work
of the application.

The View, Browse, and Edit functions, a wide range of utilities, foreground and
batch compilers, program library control, and other facilities are available to help
you develop ISPF dialogs.

View, Browse, Edit, Edit Macros, and Models

The View, Browse, and Edit functions allow you to look at the contents of a dialog.
While editing a dialog, you can change it by adding or deleting lines, typing over
the existing source code, or copying lines from another dialog to the one being

To enhance the existing Edit function, you can write edit macros. Edit macros
allow you to combine several often-used functions so that you do not have to call
each function separately. You can write initial edit macros that are automatically
run when the Edit option is selected. Other uses for edit macros include:
v Overriding Edit commands
v Calling DM and PDF component dialog services
v Accessing cursor position and data location.

Also, ISPF provides online models that you can insert into the dialog. A model is an
example of a service call, panel format, table format, or message that contains the
proper syntax and all the available parameters for the programming language
being used. Since these models are online, they can be called directly into the
member being edited.

Refer to z/OS ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for more information.

Dialog Services
The PDF component provides View, Browse, Edit, and library access services that
can be combined in a dialog with any of the ISPF services. The library access
services carry out functions involving members of a programming library. These
functions include adding, finding, and deleting members, and displaying member

The PDF component includes a separate edit model of each service call for each
programming language ISPF supports: CLIST, COBOL, EXEC, FORTRAN, PL/I,
Pascal, C, and REXX. See z/OS ISPF Services Guide for complete information about
the PDF component dialog services.

Note: For information about library access services that apply to the Software
Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM), refer to the z/OS ISPF Software
Configuration and Library Manager Project Manager’s and Developer’s Guide.

ISPF provides a wide range of utilities. Utilities enable you to:
v Display and print library and data set member lists
v Reset statistics for ISPF library members
v Define commands to be used with specific dialogs
v Compare data sets and search for strings of data

4 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF Functions

v Move, copy, and print library and data set members.

Dialog Test, Foreground, and Batch

ISPF provides special facilities for testing dialogs. The Dialog Test option allows
testing of individual dialog elements and complete dialogs.

After a program has been developed, you can either assemble it or compile and
link it using either the Foreground or Batch option. The Foreground option allows
you to watch the program being compiled. The Batch option frees the terminal,
which helps when you compile a long program. If errors occur, you can use the
debugging capabilities of the Dialog Test facility to correct them.

TSO Commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs

While using ISPF, you can call TSO commands, CLISTs, or REXX EXECs by:
v Prefixing a command with TSO and entering it from any command line
v Selecting the Command option and entering the TSO command, CLIST, or REXX
EXEC on the panel
v Entering a TSO command, CLIST, or REXX EXEC in the Line Command field on
a data set list display or a member list display.

Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM)

To help you maintain different levels or versions of a library member, ISPF
includes the Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM). SCLM is a tool
that helps you develop complex software applications. Throughout the
development cycle, SCLM automatically controls, maintains, and tracks all of the
software components of the application. And you can lock the version being edited
in a private library and then promote it. Refer to z/OS ISPF Software Configuration
and Library Manager Project Manager’s and Developer’s Guide for more information.

Other IBM Program Development Products

You might want to call another IBM program development product while using
ISPF. The IBM Products option allows you to call the Tivoli Information
Management, COBOL Structuring Facility, and Screen Definition Facility licensed
programs without leaving ISPF.

Online Tutorial
Learning to use ISPF is made easier by the online help and tutorial facilities, which
are available while using ISPF.

For example, if you need help filling in the data requested by an ISPF utility, you
can use the tutorial to help you understand the data entry requirements for that

Supported Data Types

ISPF supports partitioned (PDS), sequential (SEQ), and partitioned extended
(PDSE) data sets. These data sets can be used in any of the ISPF options, such as
Edit and Browse. ISPF does not support the following:
v VSAM data sets, except for creating and deleting data sets and obtaining data
set information.

Chapter 1. Overview of ISPF 5

Supported Data Types

Note: VSAM data sets are supported for Edit, Browse, and View if the ISPF
Configuration table has been customized to enable the support.
v Record format variable block spanned (VBS) data sets
v Direct access data sets
v Tape data sets
v Multivolume data sets for the ISRLEMX program, SCLM, and File Tailoring
v Generation data group (GDG) base data sets
v Deletion of data sets allocated with an esoteric device type
v Member aliases, except under the ISPF Move/Copy utility (option 3.3)
v PDSEs as the ISPF control file
v Unmovable data sets under the ISPF Move/Copy utility (option 3.3) or using the
LMMOVE or LMCOPY service
v Data sets allocated with the BUFNO parameter (ISPF handles its own buffering)
v Browse for packed multivolume data sets.

ISPF requires exclusive enqueues on data sets for many of its functions. If a data
set is allocated as SHAREd to a user and then is operated on by one of these
functions, the allocation will be converted to OLD by MVS dynamic allocation.
This allocation of OLD may remain after ISPF frees its enqueue. This is a
restriction of the MVS operating system.

Member Name Conventions

ISPF allows you to create member names that follow this ISPF naming convention:
1st character Alphabetic or special (@ # $)
2nd–8th characters Alphabetic, numeric, or special (@ # $)

Note: Special characters are as defined in the U.S. English code page (037):

@ (X’7C’), # (X’7B’), $ (X’5B’)

All member names created within ISPF are converted to uppercase. If you create
members outside of ISPF that do not meet these conventions, they are displayed in
ISPF member lists and can be selected from those lists. These member names can
also be specified for the Browse service with the exception of member names
containing lowercase alphabetics. (ISPF converts the member name to uppercase
before searching for the member and therefore cannot process a lowercase
member.) Member names not meeting the ISPF naming convention are not
supported for the other ISPF services.

Note: ISPF does not support using option M (member list) from a data set list and
then selecting E to edit a member whose name contains lowercase letters.
ISPF uses the Edit service in this case, and its services do not support
lowercase member names.

6 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running ISPF

Running ISPF
As an interactive dialog, ISPF communicates with you through panels and
messages. Ordinarily, the first panel you see when you enter the ISPF command is
the ISPF Primary Option Menu, shown in Figure 1 on page 8. Panels display data,
selection lists, and data-entry fields, such as a data set name or an ISPF command.

ISPF responds interactively to the information or command you enter by

displaying another panel, displaying a message, or carrying out a command. For
more information about how panels and messages are displayed, see
“Understanding ISPF Panels” on page 14.

One helpful aspect of your interaction with ISPF is the online tutorial. If you need
information about using the online tutorial, see the section on the ISPF Tutorial
Panels in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference.

Starting ISPF
To start ISPF:
1. Log on to TSO.
2. When the READY prompt appears, type ISPF or PDF and press Enter.
If your installation has established an alias for ISPF, such as SPF, you can enter
that instead.

The ISPF and PDF commands are aliases of ISPF module ISRPCP. When you run
ISRPCP or one of its aliases with no parameters, ISPF is started through this
ISPSTART PANEL(default_primary_panel) NEWAPPL(ISR)

The default primary panel is usually ISR@PRIM, the ISPF Primary Option Menu
(see Figure 1 on page 8).

You can specify any of the ISPSTART parameters when invoking ISPF, PDF, or
ISRPCP. However, if you do this you must ensure that you specify all the
parameters that ISPSTART needs to run your application in the correct
environment. This is because only those parameters you specify are passed to
ISPSTART. For example, if you specify:

ISPF is invoked with this command:


Note that in this case ISPF does not pass PANEL(ISR@PRIM), part of its normal
default string, to ISPSTART. Because the ISPSTART command generated does not
contain a PANEL(...), PGM(...) or CMD(...) keyword, there is no primary panel to

For information about the syntax and options for ISPSTART, including the rules for
specifying or overriding the default primary panel, refer to the z/OS ISPF Dialog
Developer’s Guide and Reference.

Chapter 1. Overview of ISPF 7

Running ISPF

The Primary Option Menu panel

Figure 1 shows the first panel, the ISPF Primary Option Menu, with the license

Menu Utilities Compilers Options Status Help

ISPF Primary Option Menu

0 Settings Terminal and user parameters User ID . : USERID

1 View Display source data or listings Time. . . : 11:38
2 Edit Create or change source data Terminal. : 3278
3 Utilities Perform utility functions Screen. . : 1
4 Foreground Interactive language processing Language. : ENGLISH
5 Batch Submit job for language processing Appl ID . : ISR
6 Command Enter TSO or Workstation commands TSO logon : ISPF
7 Dialog Test Perform dialog testing TSO prefix: USERID
9 IBM Products IBM program development products System ID : MVS8
┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┐ r MVS acct. : IBMGSA
│ Licensed Materials - Property of IBM │ Release . : ISPF 5.5
│ 5694-A01 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2003. │
│ All rights reserved. │ s
│ US Government Users Restricted Rights - │
│ Use, duplication or disclosure restricted │
│ by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. │
Option ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
F10=Actions F12=Cancel

Figure 1. ISPF Primary Option Menu (ISR@PRIM) with license information

Press the Enter key to dismiss the license information. The full Primary Option
Menu is displayed.

Menu Utilities Compilers Options Status Help

ISPF Primary Option Menu

0 Settings Terminal and user parameters User ID . : USERID

1 View Display source data or listings Time. . . : 11:49
2 Edit Create or change source data Terminal. : 3278
3 Utilities Perform utility functions Screen. . : 1
4 Foreground Interactive language processing Language. : ENGLISH
5 Batch Submit job for language processing Appl ID . : ISR
6 Command Enter TSO or Workstation commands TSO logon : ISPF
7 Dialog Test Perform dialog testing TSO prefix: USERID
9 IBM Products IBM program development products System ID : MVS8
10 SCLM SW Configuration Library Manager MVS acct. : IBMGSA
11 Workplace ISPF Object/Action Workplace Release . : ISPF 5.5

Enter X to Terminate using Log/List defaults

Option ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
F10=Actions F12=Cancel

Figure 2. ISPF Primary Option Menu (ISR@PRIM)

8 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running ISPF

ISPF Primary Options

When you select one of these options, ISPF displays the selected panel. These
options are described in detail in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II. Brief
descriptions follow:
Option Description
0 Settings displays and changes selected ISPF parameters, such as terminal
characteristics and function keys.
For more information, see the Settings (Option 0) chapter of the z/OS ISPF
User’s Guide Vol II.
1 View displays data using the View or Browse function. You can use View
or Browse to look at (but not change) large data sets such as compiler
listings. You can scroll the data up, down, left, or right. If you are using
Browse, a FIND command, entered on the command line, allows you to
search the data for a character string. If you are using View, you can use
all the commands and macros available to you in the Edit function.
For more information, see the View (Option 1) chapter of the z/OS ISPF
User’s Guide Vol II.
2 Edit allows you to create or change source data such as program code and
documentation using the ISPF full-screen editor. You can scroll the data up,
down, left, or right. You can change the data by using Edit line commands,
which are entered directly on a line number, and primary commands, which
are entered on the command line.
For more information, see the Edit (Option 2) chapter of the z/OS ISPF
User’s Guide Vol II, and refer to z/OS ISPF Edit and Edit Macros.
3 Utilities perform library and data set maintenance tasks, such as moving
or copying library or data set members, displaying or printing data set
names and volume table of contents (VTOC) information, comparing data
sets, and searching for strings of data.
For more information, see the Utilities (Option 3) chapter of the z/OS ISPF
User’s Guide Vol II.
4 Foreground calls IBM language processing programs in the foreground.
For more information, see the Foreground (Option 4) chapter of the z/OS
ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
5 Batch calls IBM language processing programs as batch jobs. ISPF
generates Job Control Language (JCL) based on information you enter and
submits the job for processing.
For more information, see the Batch (Option 5) chapter of the z/OS ISPF
User’s Guide Vol II.
6 Command calls TSO commands, CLISTs, or REXX EXECs under ISPF.
For more information, see the Command (Option 6) chapter of the z/OS
ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
7 Dialog Test tests individual ISPF dialog components, such as panels,
messages, and dialog functions (programs, commands, menus).
For more information, see the Dialog Test (Option 7) chapter of the z/OS
ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
9 IBM Products allows you to select other installed IBM program
development products on your system. Products supported are:

Chapter 1. Overview of ISPF 9

Running ISPF

v Tivoli Information Management

v COBOL Structuring Facility foreground dialog (COBOL/SF)
v Screen Definition Facility II (SDF II) licensed program
v Screen Definition Facility II-P (SDF II-P) licensed program.
For more information, see the IBM Products (Option 9) chapter of the z/OS
ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
10 SCLM controls, maintains, and tracks all of the software components of an
For more information, see the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library
Manager Project Manager’s and Developer’s Guide.
11 Workplace gives you access to the ISPF Workplace, which combines many
of the ISPF functions onto one object-action panel.
For more information, see the ISPF Object/Action Workplace (Option 11)
chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
X EXIT leaves ISPF using the log and list defaults. You can change these
defaults from the Log/List pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel action

Primary Option Menu Action Bar Choices

The Primary Option Menu action bar choices function as follows:
Menu This choice is available from most panels within ISPF. It displays
many of the options listed on the Primary Option Menu panel. See
the chapter on the Primary Option Menu in the z/OS ISPF User’s
Guide Vol II for details on each choice.
Utilities This choice is available from most panels within ISPF. It displays
the options listed on the Utility Selection panel (Option 3). See the
chapter on the Primary Option Menu in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide
Vol II for details on each choice.
Compilers The Compilers pull-down provides access to the foreground and
background compilers listed under options 4 and 5, as well as the
ISPPREP (Preprocessed Panel) utility and the ISPDTLC (Dialog Tag
Language Conversion) utility.
Options The Options pull-down provides access to many ISPF settings,
including CUA attributes and colors, keylists, and point-and-shoot
fields, and the Dialog Test Application ID pop-up. See the chapter
on Settings (Option 0) in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II for
details on each choice.
Status The Status pull-down enables you to control what is displayed in
the status area of the Primary Option Menu.

Note: The current setting is shown as an unavailable choice. That

is, in non-GUI mode it is colored blue (the default) with an
asterisk as the first digit of the selection number. In GUI
mode, the choice is grayed.
See the section about the status area on the Primary Option Menu
in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II for more information about
using these choices to tailor the status area.
Help The Help pull-down provides access to the online help and tutorial
topics for the main ISPF options.

10 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running ISPF

User Profiles
ISPF stores information in your user profile. This allows ISPF to insert a value in
panel input fields by using the values you last entered on either the same panel or
a similar type of panel. Sometimes default values are provided if you have not
specified otherwise. Information maintained in your user profile includes:
v Project name, group names, and type
v Job statement information 1
v SYSOUT class for printed output 1
v Defaults for list and log allocation and processing
v Terminal characteristics and function key definitions
v Edit profiles, including mask, tabs, and bounds
v Current scroll amount for Browse, Edit, Data Set List, and member lists
v Processing options for each of the language processors
v Data set allocation/information parameters.

ISPF maintains this information automatically from one session to another. If you
are a new user, you have to enter certain information the first time. But then, you
simply review the information and make whatever changes you want before

ISPF maintains sets of job statements for:

v JCL for printing the Log and List data sets
v The Hardcopy utility (3.6)
v The Outlist utility (3.8)
v The SuperC utility (3.12)
v The SuperCE utility (3.13)
v The Foreground Print Options panel (option 4, excluding SCRIPT/VS)
v The Batch option (5)
v The SCLM option (10)
v SCRIPT/VS draft output (4.9)
v SCRIPT/VS final output (4.9)
v Ending ISPF
Thus, you can provide different job statement parameters for each of these
functions. For more information, see “Job Statement Information” on page 141.

Getting Help
The HELP command (F1/13) shows you general information about an ISPF system
command, ISPF option, or panel, or offers more information about a message that
has been displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen.

For short messages, HELP displays a one-line explanation. To get further

information, enter the HELP command a second time for the appropriate section of
the tutorial. Long messages display (by default) in a pop-up window. Enter END
(F3/15) or RETURN (F4/16) to return to the screen that you were viewing when
you entered the HELP command.

1. This information is maintained separately for SCLM.

Chapter 1. Overview of ISPF 11

Running ISPF

Ending an ISPF Function or ISPF

To end an ISPF function without ending ISPF, enter END or RETURN.
1. If you are using the Hardcopy utility (option 3.6) or the Batch option (option 5),
entering END or RETURN submits your job for processing. Type CANCEL (or
press F12) to leave the Hardcopy utility without submitting a job.
2. If a SuperC or Search-For member list is displayed, END processes any
members you have selected. Enter CANCEL or RETURN to leave one of these
member lists without processing your selections.

To end ISPF from the ISPF Primary Option Menu, you can use the:
v EXIT command (F3)
v END command
v RETURN command
v Exit option (X).

If the display screen is split, taking one of the actions listed above ends ISPF on
the active logical screen only. Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and
Reference for more information.

Exit Option (X)

The Exit option ends ISPF using any defaults for processing log and list data sets
that you have specified using the Log/List pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel
action bar. If you have not specified any defaults and if a log or list data set has
been generated, the Exit option displays the Specify Disposition of Log and List
Data Sets panel.

Jump Function
If you are not in split-screen mode (see “Splitting the Screen Horizontally or
Vertically” on page 44), you can use the jump function to immediately leave ISPF
from any panel by entering =X. There are two exceptions: If you are using any of
the Dialog Test options (7.1–7.T) or the SCLM options (10.1–10.6), entering =X
returns you to the ISPF Primary Option Menu. If you are at the Dialog Test or
SCLM Primary Option Menu, enter either X or =X to return to the ISPF Primary
Option Menu, then enter X or =X to end ISPF.

12 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface
ISPF provides an interface based on panels and action bars, and exploits many of
the usability features of Common User Access® (CUA®) interfaces. Refer to
Object-Oriented Interface Design: IBM Common User Access Guidelines for additional

Action bars give you an additional way to move around in the product, as well as
the ability to nest commands. Command nesting allows you to suspend an activity
while you perform a new one rather than having to end a function to perform
another function.

This chapter primarily explains the panel structure, the action bar interface and the
use of ISPF’s graphical user interface (GUI).

Some Terms You Should Know

The following terms are used in this document:
action bar
The area at the top of an ISPF panel that contains choices that give you
access to actions available on that panel. When you select an action bar
choice, ISPF displays a pull-down menu.
pull-down menu
A list of numbered choices extending from the selection you made on the
action bar. The action bar selection is highlighted; for example, Utilities in
Figure 5 on page 18 appears highlighted on your screen. You can select an
action either by typing in its number and pressing Enter or by selecting the
action with your cursor. ISPF displays the requested panel. If your choice
contains an ellipsis (...), ISPF displays a pop-up window. When you exit this
panel or pop-up, ISPF closes the pull-down and returns you to the panel
from which you made the initial action bar selection.
Three dots that follow a pull-down choice. When you select a choice that
contains an ellipsis, ISPF displays a pop-up window.
pop-up window
A bordered temporary window that displays over another panel.
modal pop-up window
A type of window that requires you to interact with the panel in the
pop-up before continuing. This includes canceling the window or
supplying information requested.
modeless pop-up window
A type of window that allows you to interact with the dialog that
produced the pop-up before interacting with the pop-up itself.
point-and-shoot text
Text on a screen that is cursor-sensitive. See “Point-and-Shoot Text Fields”
on page 20 for more information.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 13

The ISPF User Interface

push button
A rectangle with text inside. Push buttons are used in windows for actions
that occur immediately when the push button is selected (available only
when you are running in GUI mode).
function key
In previous releases of ISPF, a programmed function (PF) key. This is a
change in terminology only.
select In conjunction with point-and-shoot text fields and action bar choices, this
means moving the cursor to a field and simulating Enter.
Action bar choices can be defined with a underscored letter in the action
bar choice text. In host mode you can access the action bar choice with the
ACTIONS command and parameter ’x’, where ’x’ is the underscored letter
in the action bar choice text. In GUI mode you can use a hot key to access a
choice on the action bar; that is, you can press the ALT key in combination
with the letter that is underscored in the action bar choice text.

Understanding ISPF Panels

A panel is a predefined display image that you see on a display screen. ISPF
formats all panels to fit on a 24-line by 80-character screen. On a 3278 Model 3 or
4, data that you can scroll occupies the full length of the screen (32 or 43 lines). On
a 3278 Model 5, ISPF normally displays information in default mode; that is, 24 lines
by 80 characters, with the same size characters as other models. ″Browse″ and
″Edit″ data that is wider than 80 characters is displayed with the smaller native
mode characters, that is, up to 132 per line. You can use the Settings option (0) to
override the automatic switching of modes.

Panel Format
Figure 3 shows how ISPF formats the first three and last few lines of each display:

Action Bar
Panel ID Title Short Message


Long Message
Option ===> Scroll ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap

Figure 3. Panel Format

Note: The “Panel display CUA mode” field on the ISPF Settings panel determines
where the Command or Option line and long messages are displayed. The
default setting selects “Panel display CUA mode”, which causes the
Command or Option line to be displayed on the bottom of the panel. The
default setting also selects “Long message in pop-up”, which causes long
messages to be displayed in a pop-up window directly above the Command
or Option line. To display the command or option line and long messages at
the top of the panel, select option 0, deselect the “Panel display CUA mode”
field, and deselect the “Command line at bottom” field. Refer to z/OS ISPF
Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference for more information about the “Panel
display CUA mode” and “Command line placement” fields.

14 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Understanding ISPF Panels

The fields on Figure 3 on page 14 function as follows:

Action Bar
The action bar provides access to pull-down menus that give you a new
and faster way to move around in the product as well as access to
command stacking. See Figure 5 on page 18 for more information about
using the action bar.
| Panel ID
| This area can be overlaid by the system commands SYSNAME, USERID,
| SCRNAME, or PANELID. The data displayed can be up to 17 characters
| wide. If none of these commands is in effect, data from the panel title line
| is displayed.
Title Identifies the function being carried out and, where appropriate, the library
or data set information.
Short Message
v Current line for Browse, and column positions for View, Browse, and
v Current row position in a table display if the short message area is not
overlaid by a function-requested message.
v Successful completion of a processing function.
v Error conditions (with an audible alarm, if one is installed). Refer to
z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference for information about
coding an alarm.
Allows you to enter a command or, on a menu, to enter either a command
or an option.
Scroll Indicates the scroll amount (if scrolling applies). You can type over it to
change it. The valid scroll amounts are 0–9999, PAGE, HALF, MAX, CSR,
and DATA.
Long Message
Displays an explanation of error conditions in a pop-up window when you
enter the HELP command (see “Getting Help” on page 11). On some
displays, data may be overlaid temporarily by a long message.
Function Keys
Displays settings for the function keys. These settings are controlled
through the Function keys pull-down on the action bar on the ISPF
Settings panel.

Panel Types
When using ISPF, you see three basic types of panels:
v Menus (selection panels)
v Data-entry panels
v Scrollable data displays.

A menu, or selection panel, allows you to type a number or letter in the Option
field and press Enter to select one of the listed items. The number or letter can be
typed in either uppercase or lowercase. Allowable numbers and letters are shown
in high intensity. You can also enter ISPF commands. See Figure 4 on page 16 for
an example of a menu.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 15

Understanding ISPF Panels

Note: If the word BLANK or blank is listed, leave the Option field blank and press
Enter to select that option. Do not type the word blank.

1 Menu Utilities Compilers Options Status Help

ISPF Primary Option Menu
0 Settings Terminal and user parameters User ID . : USERID
1 View Display source data or listings Time. . . : 13:13
2 Edit Create or change source data Terminal. : 3278
3 Utilities Perform utility functions Screen. . : 1
4 Foreground Interactive language processing Language. : ENGLISH
5 Batch Submit job for language processing Appl ID . : ISR
6 Command Enter TSO or Workstation commands TSO logon : ISPF
7 Dialog Test Perform dialog testing TSO prefix: USERID
9 IBM Products IBM program development products System ID : MVS8
10 SCLM SW Configuration Library Manager MVS acct. : IBMGSA
11 Workplace ISPF Object/Action Workplace Release . : ISPF 5.5
12 OS/390 System OS/390 system programmer applications
13 OS/390 User OS/390 user applications
14 IBMGSA IBMGSA Development and Service Apps
P PDF Tools PDF development tools
S SDSF Spool Display and Search Facility

Option ===>
3 F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
F10=Actions F12=Cancel

1 Action bar. You can select any of the action bar choices and display a pull-down.
2 Options Menu. The fields in this column are point-and-shoot text fields.
3 Function Key bar. Displays the Function Keys that are active on the current panel.

Figure 4. Primary Option Menu showing key features

Data Entry Panels

A data-entry panel is a panel on which you specify information, such as data set
names, job statement parameters, and language processing options. If you do not
enter a required value or if you enter inconsistent values, ISPF prompts you with a

Some data-entry fields retain their previous values. If so, the next time you use the
panel, you do not have to type them again. Just press Enter. If you do not want
those values, type over them and then press Enter.

The retained values come from your user profile, which ISPF automatically builds
and maintains across sessions. See “User Profiles” on page 11 for more information
about user profiles.

Edit modes and defaults are also maintained in the Edit portion of your user
profile. Refer to z/OS ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for more information.

Option Selection
You can select an ISPF option three ways:
v Select a choice from one of the pull-downs on the action bar. See Figure 5 on
page 18 for more information.

16 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Understanding ISPF Panels

v Select one of the point-and-shoot fields. See “Point-and-Shoot Text Fields” on

page 20 for more information.
v Type an option number on the Option line and press Enter.

Many options have a secondary list of options. To bypass the second menu, type
two selections, separating them with a period, on the ISPF Primary Option Menu.
For example, entering 3.1 on the ISPF Primary Option Menu is the same as
entering 3 on the ISPF Primary Option Menu and 1 on the Utility Selection Panel.

An even faster way to select an option is to bypass both the ISPF Primary Option
Menu and the secondary menus. To do this, include your options in the ISPF (or
alias) command. For example:
ISPF 2 To go directly to the Edit option.
ISPF 3.1 To go directly to the Library utility (3.1).

Action Bars
Action bars give you another way to move through ISPF. Most ISPF panels have
action bars at the top; the choices appear on the screen in white by default. Many
panels also have point-and-shoot text fields, which appear in turquoise by default.
The panel shown in Figure 4 on page 16 has both.

How to Navigate in ISPF without Using Action Bars

If you use a non-programmable terminal to access ISPF and you do not want to
take advantage of the command nesting function, you can make selections the
same way you always have; by typing a selection number and pressing Enter.

How to Navigate in ISPF Using the Action Bar Interface

If the cursor is located somewhere on the panel, there are several ways to move it
to the action bar:
v Use the cursor movement keys to manually place the cursor on an action bar
v Type ACTIONS on the command line and press Enter to move the cursor to the
first action bar choice.
v Press F10 (Actions) or the Home key to move the cursor to the first action bar
If mnemonics are defined for action bar choices, you can:
– In 3270 mode, on the command line, type ACTIONS and the mnemonic letter
that corresponds to an underscored letter in the action bar choice text. This
results in the display of the pull-down menu for that action bar choice.
– In 3270 mode, on the command line enter the mnemonic letter that
corresponds to an underscored letter in the action bar choice text, and press
the function key assigned to the ACTIONS command. This results in the
display of the pull-down menu for that action bar choice.
– In GUI mode, you can use a hot key to access a choice on an action bar or on
a pull-down menu; that is, you can press the ALT key in combination with
the mnemonic letter that is underscored in the choice text to activate the text.

Use the tab key to move the cursor among the action bar choices. If you are
running in GUI mode (see “Running in GUI mode” on page 26, use the right and
left cursor keys.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 17

Understanding ISPF Panels

1. ISPF does not provide a mouse emulator program. This document uses select in
conjunction with point-and-shoot text fields and action bar choices to mean
moving the cursor to a field and simulating Enter.

Note: Some users program their mouse emulators as follows:

v Mouse button 1 – to position the cursor to the pointer and simulate
v Mouse button 2 – to simulate F12 (Cancel).
2. If you want the Home key to position the cursor at the first input field on an
ISPF panel, type SETTINGS on any command line and press Enter to display the
ISPF Settings panel. Deselect the “Tab to action bar choices” option.
3. If you are running in GUI mode, the Home key takes you to the beginning of
the current field.

When you select one of the choices on the action bar, ISPF displays a pull-down
menu. Figure 5 shows the pull-down menu displayed when you select Utilities on
the ISPF Primary Option Menu action bar.

Menu Utilities1 Compilers Options Status Help

───── ┌────────────────────────┐ ─────────────────────────────────────────────
│ 1. Library │ rimary Option Menu
│ 2. Data set │
0 Se │ 3. Move/Copy │ r parameters User ID . : USERID
1 Vi │ 4. Data Set List │ ata or listings Time. . . : 11:44
2 Ed │ 5. Reset Statistics │ source data Terminal. : 3278
3 Ut │ 6. Hardcopy │ functions Screen. . : 1
4 Fo │ 7. Download... │ uage processing Language. : ENGLISH
5 Ba │ 8. Outlist │ anguage processing Appl ID . : ISR
6 Co │ 9. Commands... │ kstation commands TSO logon : ISPF
7 Di │ *0. Reserved │ esting TSO prefix: USERID
9 IB │ 11. Format │ lopment products System ID : MVS8
10 SC │ 12. SuperC │ Library Manager MVS acct. : IBMGSA
11 Wo │ 13. SuperCE │ on Workplace Release . : ISPF 5.5
12 OS │ 14. Search-For │ ogrammer applications
13 OS │ 15. Search-ForE │ ications
14 IB └────────────────────────┘ nt and Service Apps
P PDF Tools PDF development tools
S SDSF Spool Display and Search Facility

Option ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
F10=Actions F12=Cancel

1 The selected action bar choice is highlighted.

Figure 5. Panel with an Action Bar Pull-Down Menu

To select a choice from the Utilities pull-down menu, type its number in the entry
field (underlined) and press Enter or select the choice. To cancel a pull-down menu
without making a selection, press F12 (Cancel). For example, if you select choice
9, ISPF displays the Command Table Utility pop-up, as shown in Figure 7 on page

Note: If a choice displays in blue (the default) with an asterisk as the first digit of
the selection number (if you are running in GUI mode, the choice will be
grayed), the choice is unavailable for one of the following reasons:

18 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Understanding ISPF Panels

v Recursive entry is not permitted here

v The choice is the current state; for example, the Status is currently set to
Session in Figure 6.

Menu Utilities Compilers Options Status Help

──────────────────────────────────── ┌────────────────────────────┐ ──────────
ISPF Prim │ *. Session │
│ 2. Function keys │
0 Settings Terminal and user p │ 3. Calendar │ USERID
1 View Display source data │ 4. User status │ 15:09
2 Edit Create or change so │ 5. User point and shoot │ 3278
3 Utilities Perform utility fun │ 6. None │ 1
4 Foreground Interactive languag └────────────────────────────┘ ENGLISH
5 Batch Submit job for language processing Appl ID . : ISR
6 Command Enter TSO or Workstation commands TSO logon : ISPF
7 Dialog Test Perform dialog testing TSO prefix: USERID
9 IBM Products IBM program development products System ID : ISD1
10 SCLM SW Configuration Library Manager MVS acct. : IBMGSA
11 Workplace ISPF Object/Action Workplace Release . : ISPF 5.5
12 OS/390 System OS/390 system programmer applications
13 OS/390 User OS/390 user applications
14 IBMGSA IBMGSA Development and Service Apps
P PDF Tools PDF development tools
S SDSF Spool Display and Search Facility

Option ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
F10=Actions F12=Cancel

Figure 6. An Unavailable Choice on a Pull-Down

If you entered a command on the command line before selecting an action bar
choice, the command is processed, and the pull-down menu is never displayed.
The CANCEL, END, and RETURN commands are exceptions. These three
commands are not processed and the cursor is repositioned to the first input field
in the panel body. If there is no input field, the cursor is repositioned under the
action bar area. If you are running in GUI mode and select an action bar choice,
any existingcommand on the command line is ignored.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 19

Understanding ISPF Panels

Menu Utilities Compilers Options Status Help

─ ┌─────────────────────────────── Commands ────────────────────────────────┐
│ Command Table Utility │
│ │
0 │ Specifications Command table search order │
1 │ Application ID . . ISR Application table . : ISR │
2 │ Enter "/" to select option User table 1 . . . . : USER │
3 │ Show description field User table 2 . . . . : │
4 │ User table 3 . . . . : │
5 │ Site table 1 . . . . : SITE │
6 │ Site table 2 . . . . : │
7 │ Site table 3 . . . . : │
9 │ System table . . . . : ISP │
1 │ │
1 │ If no application ID is specified, the current application ID will be │
1 │ used. The name of the command table to be processed is formed by │
1 │ prefixing the application id to the string ’CMDS’. For example: │
1 │ Application ID . . TST results in a command table name of ’TSTCMDS’. │
P │ │
S │ Command ===> │
│ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward │
O │ F9=Swap F12=Cancel │
F10=Actions F12=Cancel

Figure 7. Pop-Up Selected from an Action Bar Pull-Down

Point-and-Shoot Text Fields

Point-and-shoot text fields are cursor-sensitive; if you select a field, the action
described in that field is performed. For example, if you select Option 0, Settings,
in Figure 4 on page 16, ISPF displays the ISPF Settings panel.

Note: If you have entered a command on the command line, this command is
processed before any point-and-shoot command unless you are running in
GUI mode.

The cursor-sensitive portion of a field often extends past the field name. Until you
are familiar with this new feature of ISPF, you might want to display these fields
in reverse video (use the PSCOLOR command to set Highlight to REVERSE).

Note: You can use the Tab key to position the cursor to point-and-shoot fields by
selecting the “Tab to point-and-shoot fields” option on the ISPF Settings
panel (Option 0).

Function Keys
ISPF uses CUA-compliant definitions for function keys F1–F12 (except inside the
Edit function). F13–F24 are the same as in ISPF Version 3. By default you see the
CUA definitions because your “Primary range” field is set to 1 (Lower - 1 to 12).

To use non-CUA-compliant keys, select the “Tailor function key display” choice
from the Function keys pull-down on the ISPF Settings (option 0) panel action bar.
On the Tailor Function Key Definition Display panel, specify 2 (Upper - 13 to 24)
in the “Primary range” field.

The following function keys help you navigate in ISPF:

20 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Understanding ISPF Panels

F1 Help. Displays Help information. If you press F1 (and it is set to Help)

after ISPF displays a short message, a long message displays in a pop-up
F2 Split. Divides the screen into two logical screens separated by a horizontal
line or changes the location of the horizontal line.

Note: If you are running in GUI mode, each logical screen is displayed in
a separate window.
F3 Exit (from a pull-down). Exits the panel underneath a pull-down.
F3 End. Ends the current function.
F7 Backward. Moves the screen up the scroll amount.
F8 Forward. Moves the screen down the scroll amount.
F9 Swap. Moves the cursor to where it was previously positioned on the
other logical screen of a split-screen pair.
F10 Actions. Moves the cursor to the action bar. If you press F10 a second time,
the cursor moves to the command line.
F12 Cancel. Issues the Cancel command. Use this command to remove a
pull-down menu if you do not want to make a selection. F12 also moves
the cursor from the action bar to the Option ==> field on the ISPF Primary
Option Menu. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference for
cursor-positioning rules.
F16 Return. Returns you to the ISPF Primary Option Menu or to the display
from which you entered a nested dialog. RETURN is an ISPF system

Selection Fields
z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF uses the following CUA-compliant conventions for selection
A single period (.)
Member lists that use a single period in the selection field recognize only a
single selection. For example, within the Edit function you see this on your
│EDIT USER1.PRIVATE.TEST ROW 00001 of 00002 │
│ Name VV MM Created Changed Size Init Mod ID │
│ . MEM1 01.00 94/05/12 94/07/22 40 0 0 USER1 │
│ . MEM2 01.00 94/05/12 94/07/22 30 0 0 KEENE │

You can select only one member to edit.

A single underscore (_)
Selection fields marked by a single underscore prompt you to use a slash
(/) to select the choice. You may use any nonblank character. For example,
the “Panel display CUA mode” field on the ISPF Settings panel has a
single underscore for the selection field:
Enter "/" to select option
_ Command line at bottom
_ Panel display CUA mode
_ Long message in pop-up

Note: In GUI mode, this type of selection field displays as a check box;
that is, a square box with associated text that represents a choice.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 21

Understanding ISPF Panels

When you select a choice, the check box is filled to indicate that the
choice is in effect. You can clear the check box by selecting the
choice again.
An underscored field (____)
Member lists or text fields that use underscores in the selection field
recognize multiple selections. For example, from the Display Data Set List
Option panel, you may select multiple members for print, rename, delete,
edit, browse, or view processing.

Entering Commands in ISPF

ISPF provides flexibility by accepting various types of commands and having
many methods for entering them. Table 1 provides an overview of the entry
methods and commands available.
Table 1. Entry Methods and Command Types
CLISTs, and DM Primary PDF Line WS
Entry Methods REXX EXECs Commands Commands Commands Commands
ISPF Command Shell X X
(option 6)
Option field X X X (1)
Command field X X X X (1)
Line Command fields X
(1–6 characters)
Line Command fields X X
(9 characters)
Note: (1) Available when prefixed by ″WS″

For example, to use the TSO ALLOCATE command, you could enter:
Command ===> TSO ALLOCATE

Also, CLIST names and REXX EXEC names can be preceded by a percent (%)
symbol, as in:
Option ===> TSO %CLIST

This symbol informs TSO that the command is a CLIST or REXX EXEC, not a TSO

You can also use two command entry methods not shown in the table: the PA keys
and the function keys. PA1 (ATTENTION) and PA2 (RESHOW) are hardware keys
that you cannot redefine. You can use function keys to enter all commands.

Types of Commands
Three types of commands operate at three levels:
v TSO commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs
You invoke high-level commands through the MVS/TSO operating system.
These include TSO commands, CLISTs, REXX EXECs, and the commands
assigned to the PA1 and PA2 keys.
v DM component commands
You call middle-level commands through the DM component of ISPF.

22 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Entering Commands in ISPF

v PDF component primary and line commands

You call low-level commands through the PDF component of ISPF.

TSO Commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs

ISPF gives you access to the MVS/TSO operating system by letting you enter TSO
commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs from within ISPF. z/OS TSO/E Command
Reference contains descriptions of all TSO commands.

You can enter most TSO commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs from all three panel
types: data entry; menu; and scrollable data display. However, some TSO
commands, such as LOGON and LOGOFF, can cause unwanted results when you
enter them from ISPF. This is also true of CLISTs and REXX EXECs that contain
these TSO commands. The rules for entering TSO Commands, CLISTs and REXX
EXECS are described in the Command (Option 6) chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s
Guide Vol II.

DM Component Commands
DM component commands are valid from all three types of panels. However, the
validity of some commands depends on the type of panel displayed or the type of
terminal you use. For example, the scroll commands—UP, DOWN, LEFT, and
RIGHT—are valid only on scrollable data displays, and the SPLITV command is
valid only on a 3290 display terminal.

For a description of the ISPF commands, default function key settings, and the PA1
and PA2 keys, see “ISPF System Commands” on page 70.

PDF Component Primary and Line Commands

These commands are valid only when you call them within the PDF component.
Exceptions are the primary and line commands for Edit (option 2), which are
defined in z/OS ISPF Edit and Edit Macros, and those for SCLM (option 10), which
are defined in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Project
Manager’s and Developer’s Guide. The ISPF primary option that you are using
determines which commands are valid. For example, the CAPS primary command
is valid only when using the Edit option.

For information about which commands are valid for a particular option, see the
relevant chapter in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II that describes the option.

PDF component primary commands can affect a complete data set or PDS member,
but the line commands can affect only one or more specified lines within a data set
(unless you specify all the lines in the data set). For example, the Edit COPY
command can copy a complete data set, whereas the C or CC Edit line command
can copy only lines or blocks of lines within a data set.

National Language Support

National Language Support (NLS) gives countries the option of translating
commands and keywords so that users can enter them in the country’s national
language. In addition, panels, messages, and literal modules are shipped with the
product. The supported languages are German, Swiss-German, and Japanese.

When national language support is enabled, users can be required to enter certain
keywords in the national language and not in English.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 23

National Language Support

When the Danish, French, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese,

Spanish, Brazilian-Portuguese, or Italian session language is specified, its respective
literal module is used. However, the ISPF product panels and messages are
displayed in English.

ISPF Command Syntax Notation

The notation conventions for ISPF command syntax follow.
v Uppercase commands and their uppercase parameters show required entry.
v Lowercase parameters show variables (substitute your values for them).
v Brackets([]) show optional parameters (required parameters do not have
v An OR (|) symbol shows two or more parameters you must select from.
v Stacked parameters show two or more parameters you can select from.
v Braces ({}) with stacked parameters show that you must select one.
v Underscores show defaults.

Stacking Commands
To enter more than one command, you can stack them by typing a special
delimiter between them. The default delimiter is a semicolon. Use the Settings
option (0) to change the delimiter. For example, to stack two Edit CHANGE
commands, use:

The system variable for the delimiter is ZDEL. Refer to Appendix E in the z/OS
ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference for more information about ZDEL.

Dual Command Processing

You can enter information on a command or option line in combination with
pressing a related function key. The command is called first. For example, typing 4
on the command line and pressing F7 (UP command) is the same as typing UP 4
on the command line and pressing Enter.

If the command you type is unrelated to the command assigned to a function key
you press, ISPF passes the entry to the function in control, which either processes
or ignores the entry. For example, if the Edit function is in control, ISPF may
display an error message. However, if the Tutorial is in control, the command is
ignored. ISPF processes any stacked valid commands.

Line Command Fields

Line command fields can take many forms. Some have headings, some do not.
Most are blank, but some contain single quotation marks or sequence numbers. For
some, you type one character; for others, you type up to nine characters (even
typing over data set names). Table 2 shows the functions that provide the line
command fields.
Table 2. Characteristics of the Line Command Field
Functions Providing Line Command Heading Characters Initial
Fields Displayed Allowed Contents
Member Selection List None 1–9 Blank
Edit (option 2) None 6 Quotes or
Data Set List utility (option 3.4) Command 9 Blank

24 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

National Language Support

Table 2. Characteristics of the Line Command Field (continued)

Functions Providing Line Command Heading Characters Initial
Fields Displayed Allowed Contents
Command Table utility (option 3.9) None 4 Quotes
Format Specification utility (option 3.11) None 1 Blank
SCRIPT/VS (option 4.9) Line Cmd 1 Quotes
Dialog Test (option 7): None 4 Quotes
Variables (option 7.3)
Tables (option 7.4)
Traces (option 7.7)
Breakpoints (option 7.8)

The line command field for member selection lists is blank and has no heading.
This includes typical member lists, which have a 1-character line command field,
and the member list displayed when you use option M of the Data Set List utility,
which has a 9-character line command field.

Quotes appear when you create a new data set or member, or when you insert one
or more lines. Sequence numbers appear if you have NUMBER ON in your Edit

Data set lists with 9-character line command fields allow you to type over data set
names, thus extending the length of the fields to allow you to type long TSO
commands, CLIST names, and REXX EXEC names. For information about entering
TSO commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs in a line command field, see the Data
Set List Utility (Option 3.4) chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II. Also, the
rules for entering TSO Commands, CLISTs and REXX EXECS from within ISPF are
described in the Command (Option 6) chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.

PDF Component Line Commands

Most PDF component line commands use only one letter, such as S, for selecting a
member from a member list. Others, such as many of the Edit line commands, use
more than one letter and sometimes allow you to add a number so the command
affects more than one line. For example, the UC line command plus the number 3,
as in UC3, converts three lines to uppercase.

Another type of line command is the block line command, which affects the block
of lines between and including the lines on which the commands are entered. For
example, the UCC line command, when entered beside two different lines,
converts all lines between and including the two commands to uppercase.

Command Nesting
You can use the action bars to suspend an activity while you perform a new one.

For example, if you are editing a data set and want to allocate another data set,
select the Data set choice from the Utilities pull-down on the Edit panel action bar.
ISPF suspends your edit session and displays the Data Set Utility panel. When you
have allocated the new data set and ended the function, ISPF returns you directly
to your edit session.

By contrast, if you used the jump function (=3.2), ISPF would end your edit
session before displaying the Data Set Utility.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 25

Running in GUI mode

Running in GUI mode

In addition to the standard interface seen in terminals and terminal emulators,
ISPF can be run from a workstation using the display functions of your
workstation operating system. In the ISPF library this is called running in GUI

The ability to run in GUI mode is provided via the ISPF Client/Server component,
also known as the ISPF Workstation Agent (WSA). The WSA is an application that
runs on your local workstation and maintains a connection between the
workstation and the ISPF host. The WSA also allows you to edit host data on your
workstation and workstation data on the host. In ISPF this is called distributed
editing. For more information about distributed editing, see the ’Download Data Set
to Workstation Utility (Option 3.7)’ section of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.

The ISPF WSA is supported on the following platforms:

v Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows NT
v Solaris

Starting a GUI Session

Before you can start a GUI session, you must have performed the following
v Successful installation and initialization of TCP/IP or APPC.
’Appendix B: Configuring Communications for the ISPF Client/Server’, in the
z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol I, contains procedures to help you to test whether
you have satisfied this requirement.
v Successful installation of the ISPF Workstation Agent component.
See ’Appendix A: Installing the Client/Server component’, in the z/OS ISPF
User’s Guide Vol I for additional information.
v Initialization of the ISPF WSA component.
To initialize the WSA:
– If you have created a shortcut on your desktop that automatically launches
the WSA, double-click the icon.
If you do not have a shortcut icon:
1. Go to a command line in your operating system (Windows or Unix).
2. Change to the directory that contains your WSA executable file.
3. Enter WSA.
The Workstation Agent window is displayed on your workstation.

Figure 8. The Workstation Agent window

This window represents the executing ISPF C/S workstation program. For
more information about this window, see “The Workstation Agent Window”
on page 162 . You can minimize this window but you cannot close it while
ISPF is running in GUI mode.

26 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running in GUI mode

Note: If you do not close the WSA window after you end an ISPF C/S
session, you will not have to repeat this step to start another ISPF C/S
session; that is, as long as the ISPF C/S component has been started,
you can start a workstation session.

To start a GUI session:

1. Display the Initiate Workstation Connection panel, using any of the following
v From the Primary Option Menu panel, select Option 0 (Settings), select
Workstation from the Action Bar, then enter 1 (Workstation Connection).
v From other panels, select Menu from the Action Bar, enter 1 (Settings), then
select Workstation from the Action Bar and enter 1 (Workstation Connection).
v On the Command line in any panel, enter the WSCON command.

─ │ Initiate Workstation Connection │ ──
│ More: + │
│ / Save values in system profile? (/=Yes) │
0 │ │
1 │ Workstation Connection GUI Network Protocol │
2 │ 1 1. With GUI display 1 1. TCP/IP │
3 │ 2. Without GUI display 2. APPC │
4 │ 3. Use ISPDTPRF file │
5 │ │
6 │ GUI Title │
7 │ ISPF Client/Server │
9 │ TCP/IP Address │
1 │ │
1 │ APPC Address │ 5
1 │ │
1 │ │
1 │ │
P │ Host Codepage . . . Host Character Set . . . │
S │ │
│ Command ===> │
O │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward │
│ F9=Swap F12=Cancel │
F └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

Figure 9. The Initiate Workstation Connection Panel

2. If necessary, type 1 in the Workstation Connection field. The remaining fields in

this panel usually contain values saved when the WSA was installed and
configured. For more information about the Workstation Connection panel, see
the Settings (Option 0) chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
3. Press Enter. The Incoming Connection dialog box is displayed.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 27

Running in GUI mode

Figure 10. WSA Connection Panel

4. Click Yes to accept the connection. The panel that was active in ISPF before you
opened the Workstation Connection panel is now displayed in the GUI dialog

What GUI Mode Looks Like

This section describes changes that you see when you run ISPF in GUI mode.

Figures 11 through 16 show the differences between ISPF panels displayed on a

3270 emulator and a GUI display. Emulator screens shown are from the Personal
Communications Workstation Program. The GUI display panels are shown as they
would be displayed on a workstation running Windows 2000.

Figure 11 on page 29 shows the ISPF Primary Option Menu in 3270 mode.

28 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running in GUI mode

Figure 11. ISPF Primary Option Menu Displayed in Personal Communications

Figure 12 on page 30 shows the same panel on a workstation using ISPF WSA.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 29

Running in GUI mode

Figure 12. ISPF Primary Option Menu Displayed Using ISPF Workstation Agent

Action Bars and Pull-Down Menus

Action bars are responsive entities at the workstation; that is, pull-down
menus display without issuing an interrupt to the host so you can browse
the action bars quickly and easily. If you have entered a command on the
command line, this command is ignored when you select a pull-down
Title Bars
Various types of data can be displayed in the title bar. What data appears
in the title bar depends on which of the following values ISPF finds data in
v The value defined in the application dialog variable ZWINTTL is used if
the panel is displayed in a pop-up.
v The value defined in the application dialog variable ZAPPTTL.
v The value specified in the title variable on the TITLE parameter of the
ISPSTART command.
v The value specified in the title variable on the TITLE parameter of the
WSCON service.
v The value specified in the “GUI Title” field on the Initiate GUI Session
panel available from option 0.
v Your user ID.
If PANELID is set to On, the panel ID displays in front of the window title
(or your user ID, if no window title is defined) rather than on the first line
of the panel.
30 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
Running in GUI mode

Push Buttons
Function keys display as push buttons if FKA or PFSHOW is set to On.
You can determine whether the F= prefix is shown on the push button by
specifying PREFIX or NOPREFIX on the FKA command. Point-and-shoot
output and text fields display as push buttons.

Note: If you entered a command on the command line, this command is

ignored when you push a point-and-shoot push button.
Point-and-shoot input fields are cursor-selectable.
Cursor Movement
The up and down cursor keys move the cursor vertically through a group
of input fields, point-and-shoot fields, and pull-down choices. Use the right
and left cursor keys to move through the choices on an action bar.
You can group pushbuttons and checkbox fields together by using Cursor
Groups. If you choose to use Cursor Groups in an application, the cursor
up and cursor down keys move the focus through each of the fields within
a group, and the TAB key moves the focus out of the group.
You can also set Radio buttons in an application. When the focus is within
a radio button group, the up and down keys move the focus and the
selection through the radio button choices.
Long and short messages are displayed as they are in non-GUI mode. If
the message would appear in a pop-up window, it will be displayed in a
message box. The message box will have CANCEL and HELP push
buttons as well as the appropriate CUA-defined icon:
v An i in a circle (the international symbol for information) signifies an
informational message.
v An exclamation point (!) signifies a warning message.
v A red circle with a diagonal line across it signifies an error message.

Note: You can force long messages into pop-ups using ISPF option 0.
You can use a hot key to access a choice on an action bar or on a pull-down
menu; that is, you can press the ALT key in combination with the letter
that is underscored in the choice to activate the choice.
Check Boxes
A selection field that is marked by a single underscore on the host displays
as a check box (that is, a square box with associated text that represents a
choice) if the attribute for the entry field has CKBOX(ON) and it is a valid
check box field.
When you select a choice, some operating systems make a character (e.g.
U) appear in the check box to indicate that the choice is in effect. You can
clear the check box by selecting the choice again. Some operating systems
(AIX and HP-UX) treat the check box as a pushbutton.
List Boxes
A control that enables you to display scrollable lists of choices in boxes.
You can select a choice by tabbing to the desired choice and pressing Enter,
or by positioning the mouse pointer on the desired choice. A single click
selects the choice, a double click selects the choice and processes an Enter

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 31

Running in GUI mode

action. The vertical scroll bar of the list box enables you to scroll through
the choices. The horizontal scroll bar enables you to scroll horizontally
through the choices.
Drop-down Lists
A variation of a list box. A drop-down list only displays one item until you
take action to display the other choices. You can select a choice by tabbing
to the desired choice and pressing Enter, or by positioning the mouse
pointer on the desired choice. A single click selects the choice, a double
click selects the choice and processes an Enter action. The vertical scroll bar
of the drop-down list enables you to scroll through the choices.
Combination Boxes
A combination box combines the functions of an entry field with a
drop-down list. It has an entry field and contains a list of choices to select
from to complete the entry field. The list of choices is hidden until you
take action to display it.
You can also type text directly into the entry field. The text does not have
to match one of the list choices.
The width of the combination box is the width of the input field.
Separator bars
You can provide visual distinction between two adjacent areas within a
pull-down menu by coding a separator bar between the two areas.
You can use an accelerator to invoke an application-defined function from
a pull-down menu. An accelerator is a key or combination of keys that you
Radio buttons
A radio button is a control that shows a fixed set of mutually exclusive
choices, one of which is usually chosen.
To select a radio button, you can use your mouse pointing device to press
the desired button. You can also use the TAB key to move the focus of
your session to the currently selected radio button group, then use the
cursor keys to move to the desired choice within the group. If the focus is
on a radio button choice, the TAB key moves the focus to the next field or
group of fields following the first radio button choice. After one of the
radio buttons is selected, you cannot blank it back out. Some applications
handle this situation by using a radio button choice of NONE.
Unavailable Choices
Radio button, checkbox, and push button choices can display as
unavailable choices. The unavailable choice is colored gray and audible
feedback occurs if you try to select it.
Function Keys
Function keys display as push buttons.
Panel Display CUA Mode
When you are running in GUI mode, the “Panel display CUA mode”
option on the ISPF Settings panel is set to On.
Enter Key
An Enter key appears as a push button, by default, on all panels. You can
control the display of this key from the GUI Settings panel (option 0).

32 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running in GUI mode

Color, Intensity, and Highlighting

The Global GUI Color Change Utility allows you to map host colors to
workstation colors. For more information, see the section on the Global
GUI Color Change Utility in the Settings (Option 0) chapter of the z/OS
ISPF User’s Guide Vol II. Character-level color, intensity, and highlighting
are not supported; field-level intensity and highlighting are not supported.
Split Screen
When you split a screen, the new screen is displayed as a new physical
window that is added to the window list. Each modeless window is
single-threaded to MVS. SPLIT without parameters always acts as SPLIT
NEW in GUI mode. Splitting a screen after the maximum number of
screens is reached acts as a SWAP command. If you have only two split
screens, SWAP simply toggles between the two. If you have more than two
split screens, SWAP displays the Swap List.
PRINT Command
not available in GUI mode.
WINDOW Command
The WINDOW command is not available in GUI mode.
WS Command
The WS command modelessly invokes the command you specify to
provide a seamless interface between host and workstation applications.
For example, this command opens a modeless window and invokes the
workstation editor on the file named “myfile”:
WS e.exe myfile
APL/TEXT Character Sets
The ZGE variable is set to Off when you are running in GUI mode. Any
character defined with the GE(ON) attribute displays as a blank.
Graphic Areas
Graphic areas are not supported. When a GRINIT statement is
encountered, you receive a message that panels with graphics cannot be
displayed. You may choose to continue. When a panel with graphics is
encountered, a pop-up is displayed that allows you to specify that the
panel be displayed on the host emulator session or on the workstation
without the graphic.
1. If you are in split screen mode, the graphic area panel cannot be
displayed on the host session.
2. If you specified GUISCRD or GUISCRW values on the ISPSTART
invocation that are different from the actual host screen size, GDDM®
cannot be initialized, and the GRINIT service ends with a return code
of 20.
Input Fields
See “Sample Screens” on page 34 for more information about how input
fields are displayed in GUI mode.

Note: Blank fields and trailing blanks are displayed as nulls in GUI mode
to avoid the need to delete blank characters when replace mode is
not available.
Fonts All GUI displays use the font that you specify in the Font option on the

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 33

Running in GUI mode

Workstation Agent window. If the GUI display of your panels does not
appear as you expect, try using a monospace font.
Codepages and Character sets
Users invoking ISPF GUI from a terminal or emulator that does not
support code pages (indicated in the terminal query response) should
specify code page and character set parameter values if values other than
English are preferred when translating host data to workstation data.
Use the CODEPAGE and CHARSET parameters of the ISPSTART
command, and the Host Codepage and Host Character Set fields on the
ISPF Settings Initiate Workstation Connection panel, to set your chosen
values. Refer to appendix on Extended Code Page Support in the z/OS
ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference for code page and character set
values supported by ISPF.
ISPF supports image files in Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) when
running in GUI mode.
ISPF ships sample files in the sample library SISPSAMP. The panel
ISR@PRIM uses three of the images (ISPFGIFL, ISPFGIFS, and ISPEXIT).
To use images, store the image files on the host in a partitioned data set
and allocate this image data set to ddname ISPILIB before invoking ISPF.
For more information about allocating this image library see “Allocating
Optional Image ISPF Library” on page 150.

Sample Screens
Note the following about GUI panels:
v Input fields appear as input boxes.
v If an input field wraps multiple lines on a 3270, the field scrolls horizontally in
the GUI input box. Blank lines are displayed for those lines of the input field
that would have wrapped on a 3270 display.
v For a panel not displayed in a pop-up window, only the amount of panel
necessary to display the information is used; that is, ISPF does not generate
useless blank space at the bottom of the panel. ISPF does display blank space
coded into the panel.
v ISPF maintains the original window size on a pop-up window. If the panel
exceeds the width or depth of the physical display, scroll bars are automatically
added to allow you to view the hidden portions of the screen.

34 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running in GUI mode

Figure 13 shows the ISPF Dialog Test Display Panel displayed on a 3270 emulator.

Figure 13. ISPF Dialog Test Display Panel Displayed on a 3270 Emulator

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 35

Running in GUI mode

Figure 14 shows this panel displayed on a programmable workstation using ISPF


Figure 14. ISPF Dialog Test Display Panel Displayed Using ISPF Workstation Agent.

36 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running in GUI mode

Figure 15 shows a pull-down with an unavailable choice (Session) displayed on a

3270 emulator.

Figure 15. A Pull-Down Menu with an Unavailable Choice Displayed on a 3270 Emulator

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 37

Running in GUI mode

Figure 16 shows this panel displayed on a programmable workstation using ISPF


Figure 16. A Pull-Down Menu with an Unavailable Choice Displayed Using ISPF Workstation

Switching Between GUI Mode and 3270 Mode

You can switch logical screens back and forth between GUI mode and 3270 mode
by issuing the SWITCH 3270 or SWITCH GUI commands. See “The SWITCH
Command” on page 47 for more information.

Special characters or symbols

This topic describes techniques that can be used to display special characters or
symbols while running ISPF in GUI mode. Although some are similar, the
techniques are platform specific. In each case, the text refers to a number
(sometimes in hexadecimal form) which is the codepoint of the character or symbol
within the current (in use) code page. Note that the codepoint for a symbol may
have different values depending on the code page being used.
Use Microsoft’s Character Map program to find the special character that
you want to insert into your document or entry field. The Character Map
program is available from the Start menu under the Accessories folder.
After you have found the special character, select it by clicking with your
mouse. Notice that the key sequence used to generate the character
displays in the lower right portion of the window. You can use this key

38 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running in GUI mode

sequence in an entry field or GUI editor to display the character.

Alternatively, you can use the Character Map program to copy the
character to the clipboard, then paste it into your document.
When entering a character using its key sequence, remember that you must
use the numeric keypad. For example, the key sequence for the host ’not’
sign (¬) is ALT+0172. To enter this key sequence, press and hold the ALT
key, then press the numbers 0172 on the keypad, then release the ALT key.
Note that the leading zero is important and must be specified in order to
display the character using the current (in use) character set. Without the
leading zero, the OEM (or DOS) character set is used. Also note that within
an entry field, some key sequences only work if NumLock is ON.
Refer to the Microsoft online help for the Character Map program for more
information about using the program.
On AIX you can enter a key sequence to generate a special character or
symbol. For example, the key sequence for the host ’not’ sign (¬) is
ALT+172. To enter this key sequence, press and hold the ALT key, then
press the numbers 172 on the keypad, then release the ALT key. Note that
within an entry field, some key sequences only work if NumLock is ON.
SOLARIS and HP do not support this transformation technique. Instead,
you can remap the keyboard. Remapping the keyboard works on all UNIX
systems (AIX, SOLARIS, and HP). The following example shows how to
remap shift 6 to be the host ’not’ sign (¬).
1. Execute the following command:
/usr/openwin/bin/xmodmap -pke > output.file

This will dump the current mapping into the file named output.file.
2. Edit output.file and replace keycode 42 = 6 asciicircum with keycode
42 = 6 0XAC (AC is the ASCII equivalent of the not symbol)
3. Execute /usr/openwin/bin/xmodmap output.file.
Once the keycode you are going to change is known, the change can also
be made by executing the following command: /usr/openwin/bin/xmodmap
-e ’keycode 42 = 6 0XAC’ (the single quotes are required).

Note: The remap only affects new windows created after the command is
run. Any existing windows will not honor the change. Also note that
the change is only for the life of the current session. You might want
to put the commands into some kind of startup that executes when
you start a session. For more information about xmodmap, check the
online documentation on your system.

ISPF GUI Support of TSO Line Mode Output and Input

When running ISPF in GUI mode, users connected by TCP/IP on a z/OS UNIX
system, and all users connected by APPC, have the option to display all
non-fullscreen TSO data in an ISPF/TSO GUI window. This window is scrollable
and it contains an input field for entering required user responses. The data in the
window can be selected and copied to a file of your choice.

This support enables you to minimize the emulator window from which you
logged on without missing any messages that might appear in the emulator

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 39

Running in GUI mode

Figure 17 shows the ISPF/TSO GUI window.

Figure 17. ISPF/TSO GUI Window

The ISPF/TSO window has one item on its action bar: Edit. Clicking on this option
causes a pull-down menu to appear.

Figure 18. ISPF/TSO GUI Window with Pull-Down Menu

The options on the menu are as follows:

Copy Enables you to copy the lines of the window that you have
marked. You designate a line to copy by clicking on it in the
Select All Mark all of the lines in the window for further action. The
ISPF/TSO window is scrollable, and can contain 30,000 bytes of
data in Windows, and 60,000 bytes of data in the other supported
Deselect All Unmark all lines in the TSO window.
Clear Erase everything in the ISPF/TSO window.

The ISPF/TSO Window title contains the system name of the host system that you
logged on to and your User ID. The system name is the SYSNAME value defined
by your system programmer in the IEASYSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. For ISPF

40 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running in GUI mode

to display the line mode data in this ISPF/TSO Window, you must log on to TSO
using a logon procedure that invokes the alternate entry point IKJEFT1I. In
addition, for users running TCP/IP communications, your system programmer
must update the ISPF Configuration table, changing the value of the
USE_MVS_OPEN_EDITION_SOCKETS keyword to YES, and rebuilding the
configuration table load module. For more details on installation requirements for
TSO line mode support, refer your system programmer to z/OS ISPF Planning and

When you make a connection to the workstation to run ISPF in GUI mode, an
additional connection is made for the ISPF/TSO Window. The window is created
on your workstation when the first TSO message needs to be displayed. All
messages are appended to this scrollable window until you end your ISPF session.
At that time, the ISPF/TSO Window is closed and all TSO data from that point on
is displayed on the 3270 emulator session.

Note: You cannot close the ISPF/TSO Window during the ISPF GUI session.

When running ISPF in GUI mode, if TSO input is required from the user, the
ISPF/TSO Window is displayed in the foreground and the input field is enabled
for you to enter your data.

Note: A maximum of 256 characters can be entered in this input field. When input
is not being requested, the input field is disabled.

The ISPF/TSO window has a maximum capacity of approximately 32000 bytes of

data in a Windows environment, and 60000 bytes of data in all other
ISPF-supported operating environments. After these limits are reached, a message
is displayed informing you that the ISPF/TSO window will be cleared before
appending the next line of data. This gives you a chance to use the data in the
window. Using the options under the Edit menu item, you can select lines from the
window, copy them, and paste them to any file of your choice. After you respond
OK to the informational message, the window is cleared and any following TSO
data is appended from the top of the window.

Restrictions for the TSO GUI Line Mode Support

Applications issuing TGETs must ensure that their TGET buffer is large enough for
the user’s response. The maximum allowable response is 256 characters. Normally,
exceeding this limit results in a return code of 12 or 28 being returned. With the
TSO GUI line mode support, a zero (0) return code is returned, and only the
amount of data that fits in the supplied buffer is returned.

Users running in a Session Manager environment in the 3270 session will see any
cross memory messages that appeared in the ISPF/TSO Window displayed again
in the session manager screen after the ISPF GUI session ends.

Fullscreen TSO Data: Fullscreen TPUTs will continue to be displayed in the 3270
emulator session. Required input to satisfy a fullscreen TGET must be entered in
the 3270 emulator session. For example, if the user from ISPF GUI mode invokes
SDSF through its fullscreen TPUT interface (that is, the user enters TSO SDSF from
an ISPF command line) the SDSF screens are displayed in the 3270 emulator

However, if the user invokes SDSF through the ISPF interface ISPEXEC SELECT
PANEL(ZSDSFOP2) NEWAPPL(ISF) then the SDSF screens are displayed in the ISPF
GUI mode window just like any other ISPF panel.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 41

Running in GUI mode

Users running fullscreen applications like RMFMON, CSP, and OMVS from an
ISPF GUI session with GUI TSO line mode support should first suspend the
ISPF/TSO Window. This forces all fullscreen and line mode data to appear in the
3270 screen until the completion of the fullscreen application. The ISPF/TSO
Window should be resumed at the completion of the fullscreen application

You can query the current status of the ISPF/TSO Window using the CONTROL
TSOGUI QUERY service. You can suspend and resume the window using one of the
following methods:
1. ISPF Service
Calls for the current status of the ISPF/TSO window. One of the
following return codes is shown:
v 0 — Either the user is not running ISPF GUI with TSO line mode
support or TSOGUI is off. All TSO input and output is directed to
the 3270 session.
v 1 — All TSO line mode output displays in the ISPF/TSO window
and line mode input must be entered into the ISPF/TSO window’s
input field.
OFF Specifies that the ISPF/TSO window is suspended and all fullscreen
and line mode data appears in the 3270 window until CONTROL
TSOGUI ON is issued.
ON Specifies that the ISPF/TSO window is resumed and all TSO line mode
output and input is directed to the ISPF/TSO window.
a. If you do not run ISPF GUI with TSO line mode support, issuing a
CONTROL TSOGUI results in no operation being performed (NOP).
b. CONTROL TSOGUI defaults to ON during ISPF GUI session initialization.
Example CLIST:
2. ISPF command — TSOGUI
The TSOGUI command is found in the ISPF command table as:
From any ISPF command line you can enter TSOGUI OFF or TSOGUI ON to
achieve your desired results.

Bi-directional Language Support

The ISPF workstation agent supports two bi-directional (bidi) languages: Arabic
and Hebrew. This enablement of the workstation agent is supported on Windows
2000 and Windows NT.
42 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
Running in GUI mode

Shortcut Keys
With bi-directional versions of the Windows operating systems, support for special
key sequences called shortcut, or “hot” keys, is provided to control bi-directional
behavior within an application.

The ISPF workstation agent supports these existing hot key combinations
whenever possible. However, the workstation agent does provide some new or
modified hot key combinations. The new or modified hot keys follow.

Note: The abbreviations “LtR” and “RtL” refer to the orientation of a field or
application. LtR means Left to Right orientation. RtL means Right to Left

Screen Reverse (Alt+Enter): The term “screen reverse” is a remnant of ISPF’s

native 3270 support. Within a Windows application, this hot key combination
reverses the application window, not the whole desktop screen. Alt+Enter is used
to toggle the orientation of the screen.

Note: On an Arabic 102 keyboard, the Enter key is called New Line.

Auto Reverse (Alt+Numpad5): This key combination is used to automatically

reverse the orientation of specific entry fields. Use Alt+Numpad5 to toggle
between Auto Reverse ON and Auto Reverse OFF.

When Auto Reverse is ON, all numeric only entry fields switch to LtR orientation,
and alphanumeric entry fields switch to RtL orientation.

When Auto Reverse is OFF, all entry fields have the same orientation as the
application screen.

Field Reverse (Ctrl+Left/RightShift): This combination has been modified from

its normal Windows processing.

On the Windows operating system, the key combination Ctrl+Left/RightShift

performs a field reverse. The effect of this is to change the keyboard language so
that it matches the new typing direction. In a standard Windows application, this
keyboard language change is global to the whole application window.

On a native 3270 display, the keyboard language change (resulting from a field
reverse) affects only the target field, not the whole screen.

The ISPF workstation agent follows the behavior of a native 3270 display when
this key combination is used on Windows.

Bi-directional File Transfer Limitations

Data files that contain all LtR text are not affected by the limitations described in
this section. Neither is the workstation build function.

The ISPF Workstation Agent does not perform any transformations on the contents
of files that are transferred to or from the host in text mode. The implications of
this depend on how the files are edited on the workstation. If your host files
contain Arabic or Hebrew text, consider the following points before editing them
on the workstation:
v Host data is stored in Visual form. If you download a file to the workstation and
edit it with an editor that expects the file contents to be in implicit form, the file
can become corrupted.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 43

Running in GUI mode

v On Arabic Windows, the contents of a data file can become corrupted if the file
is downloaded to the workstation then uploaded back to the host. This is
because the host Arabic code page (420) supports shaped characters, while the
Windows Arabic code page (1256) does not. Therefore, it is possible to lose
shaping during the file transfer process.

Attention: If your host files contain Arabic or Hebrew text, do not edit them in
GUI mode. Instead, edit these files on the host using the ISPF editor in its non-GUI

Ending a GUI Session

You can end a GUI session in one of the following ways:
v Terminate the ISPF session.
v Issue the WSDISCON command. See the WSDISCON entry of Table 3 on page
70 for more information.
v Invoke the WSDISCON dialog service. Refer to the z/OS ISPF Services Guide for
more information.

After invocation of WSDISCON, the GUI screen continues to display back in the
3270 emulator session.

Closing the ISPF Client/Server Workstation Agent Component

If the ISPF WSA component window is closed while ISPF is running in GUI mode,
ISPF issues a 989 abend on the host, unless the “3270 mode after losing
workstation connection” field is selected on the GUI Settings panel. If this field is
selected, the GUI session continues in your 3270 emulator session.

If the GUI session has been ended and the Client/Server WSA component is no
longer needed, the Workstation Agent window can be closed.

Splitting the Screen Horizontally or Vertically

While using a dialog, you can use the SPLIT command to partition the display into
two or more logical screens. The logical screens are treated as though they are
independent ISPF sessions.

The maximum number of screens available to you depends on the value of the
MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_SPLIT_SCREENS keyword in the ISPF Configuration
table. ISPF ships with a default figure of 8. Support for up to 32 split screens is
available for all terminal types except the 3290.

Note: If you are running in GUI mode, when you split a screen, the new screen is
displayed as a new physical window. If you want, representations of every
screen can be displayed at once. Although a 3270 screen can only display
two screens at one time, there can be other screens (up to 32) that are not
visible. You can select which logical screen to display by using the SWAP
LIST command to display a list of logical screens.

The SPLIT Command

You enter split-screen mode by using the SPLIT command. You also use this
command to reposition the horizontal line that separates the two logical screens on
a 3270 display. On a 3270 display the location of the cursor identifies the active
logical screen. On a 3270 display, the horizontal divider line that separates the
logical screens is not considered part of either logical screen. If the cursor is placed

44 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Splitting the Screen

on this horizontal divider line and a function key is pressed, the result is the same
as if the ENTER key was pressed and the cursor is positioned on the active logical
screen’s command line. Because ISPF runs in both host and GUI modes, the SPLIT
command behaves differently in each.

SPLIT command without parameters, in 3270 mode:

If only one screen is currently being used, the physical display is divided into two
logical screens with a divider at the cursor. If two or more screens exist, the
divider line is moved, but no new screen is started.

SPLIT command without parameters, in GUI mode:

A new logical screen is added each time the command is given, until the
maximum number is reached. After the limit is reached, a message appears when
the command is issued again.

SPLIT NEW command, in 3270 mode:

A new logical screen is added each time the command is given, until the
maximum number is reached. After the limit is reached, a message appears when
the command is issued again. Each new logical screen is added below the cursor,
where the split line appears. If two or more screens already exist, the new one
replaces the screen in which the SPLIT command was not entered.

SPLIT NEW command, in GUI mode:

This command behaves the same as the SPLIT command without parameters.

End split-screen mode by ending the application on all but one logical screen. The
remaining logical screen is then expanded to the full size of the display screen.

The SWAP Command

Although you can alternately use any logical screen, only one of the logical screens
is considered active at a time. The location of the cursor identifies the active screen.
You make a screen active by using the SWAP command and its parameters to
choose the desired screen.

The parameters on the SWAP command–LIST, PREV, NEXT, screen_name, and

n–control which screens you see displayed.

SWAP command without parameters in 3270 mode:

If only one screen exists, this command has no effect. If more than one screen
exists, this command moves the cursor between the two logical screens that are

SWAP command without parameters in GUI mode:

If only two screens are present, the cursor moves to the one that it is not currently
on. If more than two screens exist, this command defaults to the SWAP LIST
command and causes the ISPF task list to display in a pop-up window. See “SWAP
LIST command in GUI mode” on page 46 for more information.

SWAP PREV|NEXT|screen_name|n commands in both modes:

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 45

Splitting the Screen

Entering SWAP PREV changes the focus (for GUI mode) or display (for 3270
mode) to the next lower screen number from the one where the command is
entered. Repeatedly issuing the same command causes each lower-numbered
screen to display until screen number 1 is reached, then the counter wraps back to
screen number 32 (or your installation’s maximum number).

Entering SWAP NEXT changes the focus (for GUI mode) or display (for 3270
mode) to the next higher screen number from the one where the command is
entered. Repeatedly issuing the same command causes each higher-numbered
screen to display until screen number 32 (or your maximum) is reached, then the
counter wraps back to screen number 1.

Entering SWAP screen_name changes the focus (for GUI mode) or display (for 3270
mode) to the screen named screen_name if it is active.

Entering SWAP n changes the focus (for GUI mode) or display (for 3270 mode) to
the screen numbered n (ZSCREEN variable) if it is active.

SWAP LIST command in 3270 mode:

This command displays the ISPF Task List, from which you can select which screen
to display. The screen you select replaces the screen on which you entered the

SWAP LIST command in GUI mode:

This command displays the ISPF Task List (Figure 19), from which you can select
which screen to focus on.

Figure 19. ISPF Task List

46 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Splitting the Screen

All of the fields on the ISPF Task List panel are point-and-shoot fields. The results
when choosing one are as follows:
Start a new screen
Starts a new logical ISPF screen.
Start a new application
This field is used in conjunction with the Application Name field. If you
choose ″Start a new application″ you must enter an application name in
the ″Application Name″ field.
Application Name
The name of an application you want to start by choosing the
″Start new application″ field on the ISPF Task List panel. This
application is started in a new logical screen. ISPF invokes the
application through the ISPF START command, so any application
name and parameters that are valid for the START command are
valid in the Application Name input field. If you need more space
to enter the application name and parameters, press the Expand PF
key to display a pop-up window that contains a longer input field.
For example, if a user types ″keylist″ in the Application Name
input field and presses Enter, the ISPF KEYLIST application is
invoked in a new logical screen.
Select a screen from the list of active sessions
Provides a list of active sessions for you to choose from.

The SWITCH Command

In addition to using the swap command to change the focus of your session from
one screen to another, if you are running the ISPF Client/Server you can use the
SWITCH command to change the way the screen is displayed, either GUI mode or
3270 mode.

From any GUI screen you can enter the command SWITCH 3270. The GUI screen
disappears and the screen is then displayed full-screen on your 3270 display. The
3270 screen is now operational. If you had been in split screen mode, the
remaining GUI screens remain in GUI, but are disabled. To swap back and forth
between the GUI and 3270 sessions now, you must use the SWAP commands
(SWAP x, SWAP LIST, and so forth). The SWAP LIST panels ISPSLIST and
ISPTLIST have a field indicating the session type (GUI or 3270).

If you want to switch your 3270 screen back to GUI mode, enter SWITCH GUI on
the command line.

Rules for Splitting and Swapping 3270 and GUI Screens

The rules for splitting and swapping screens when you have combinations of both
3270 and GUI screens are as follows:
v If you have only one 3270 screen and enter split, the new logical screen is
displayed in GUI mode.
v If you have two or more 3270 screens and enter split from one of them, the next
3270 screen is displayed full-screen, but no new screen is started.
v If you enter split from a GUI screen, a new GUI screen is started (until the
maximum number is reached).
v If you enter split new from either a GUI or 3270 screen, the new logical screen is
displayed in GUI mode.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 47

Splitting the Screen

v If you have one 3270 screen and one GUI screen, then entering swap from either
of these screens causes a swap to the other.
v If you have two GUI screens and one 3270 screen, swap from one of the GUI
screens swaps you to the other GUI screen. Swap from the 3270 screen does
v If you have one GUI screen and two 3270 screens, swap from one of the 3270
screens swaps to the other 3270 screen. Swap from the GUI screen does nothing.
v If you have two GUI screens and two 3270 screens, swap from one of the GUI
screens swaps you to the other GUI screen. Swap from one of the 3270 screens
swaps you to the other 3270 screen.
v If you have more than two GUI screens and enter swap from one of them, the
SWAP LIST panel appears.
v If you have more than two 3270 screens and swap from one of them, you swap
to the next 3270 screen.
v Entering SWAP PREV|NEXT|screen_name|n commands in either GUI or 3270
mode swaps as described in “The SWAP Command” on page 45.
v After a GUI screen is enabled, you can swap to other GUI screens using your
mouse pointer.

SWITCH Command Restrictions

At the completion of ISPF command processing, ISPF does not reprocess the panel
from which the command was invoked. The panel is simply relaunched to the
screen without processing, for example, the panel’s )INIT section. Therefore, if
certain constructs are defined within the panel sections based on the ZGUI variable
(nonblank indicating connected in GUI mode), these constructs are not defined
properly until after the Enter key is pressed following the SWITCH invocation.

The following are some known restrictions for the SWITCH command:
v When switching to GUI mode, the first panel displayed in GUI mode cannot
contain group boxes and images that are defined on the panel. After the user
presses the Enter key, causing the panel to be reprocessed, then these constructs
are visible in GUI mode.
v When switching to 3270 mode, the name of any group boxes defined on the
panel that the SWITCH was issued from display on the screen in 3270 mode.
After the user presses the Enter key, causing the panel to be reprocessed, these
group box names disappear and any panel text under these names reappears.
v If a 3270 screen already exists when the SWITCH 3270 command is invoked
from another GUI screen, the screen from which the SWITCH was invoked is
displayed in the full 3270 emulator session without a split line, regardless of the
user’s “Always show split line” setting. The other 3270 sessions are hidden and
are available for display if the appropriate swap command is entered.
v If pop-up windows are displayed in GUI mode when the SWITCH 3270
command is invoked, those pop-up windows are suspended on the 3270 session
and the panels are displayed as full-screen panels. If new addpops are then
invoked, these new panels are displayed as pop-ups.
v The user cannot switch to 3270 mode when running in batch GUI mode.
v When running in GUI mode, if at least one screen has been switched to 3270
mode, then the user is not allowed to change the screen format in ISPF Settings.
v If you started GUI mode from ISPSTART and specified GUISCRD or GUISCRW
values different than your actual emulator session, then you are not allowed to
switch to 3270 mode.

48 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Splitting the Screen

3290 Terminals
On 3290 terminals, in addition to splitting the screen horizontally, you can use the
SPLITV command to split the screen vertically, for a total of four logical screens. In
the case of the 3290 terminal, four is the maximum number of screens possible.
(The SPLITV function is not active if the data being displayed on a screen is more
than 80 characters wide.) Figure 20 shows the effect of SPLIT and SPLITV, starting
in single-screen mode.

Figure 20. Splitting the 3290 Screen

1. ISPF logical screens are separate subtasks that do not share subpool 0 (attached
with SZERO=NO parameter.) Thus, VSAM data sets cannot be accessed from
more than one logical screen.
2. If you are in a VSAM application, perform a split screen operation, then enter
another VSAM application in the second session, you must be sure to end the
second session before you end the first session, or an abend can occur.
3. On 3290 hardware, using the jump function to move from screen to screen
might result in the loss of data that has been typed but not processed. The use
of the 3290 hardware jump is not recommended.
4. In split-screen mode, if you type a command on the command line and swap
screens before pressing Enter, the command is erased.
5. You cannot start ISPF in GUI mode if you are configured to run ISPF in 3290
partition mode.

Chapter 2. The ISPF User Interface 49

Splitting the Screen

50 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists
Personal lists are named lists of data sets and ISPF libraries that you can use to
speed up access to frequently used data sets. You can use personal lists to fill in
panel fields quickly and to create data set lists that are built from more than one
level name. Personal data set lists contain data set names and volumes. Personal
library lists contain lists of ISPF library names and concatenations.

ISPF provides four types of personal lists:

Personal data set list
Lists of up to 30 data set names. Each name can include a member name
or a volume name, or both. Personal data set lists can also contain
workstation file names and data set name levels. See “Personal Data Set
Lists” on page 53.
Personal library list
Lists of up to eight ISPF library names or ISPF library concatenations. ISPF
library names contain three qualifiers called project, group, and type.
Personal list entries can optionally contain a member name. See “Personal
Library Lists” on page 53.
Reference data set list
A special kind of personal data set list in which ISPF saves the names of
the most recently used data sets. This list is always named REFLIST. See
“Reference Data Set List” on page 53.
Reference library list
A special kind of personal library in which ISPF saves the names of the
most recently used ISPF libraries. This list is always named REFLIST. See
“Reference Library List” on page 54.

You can have a personal data set list with the same name as a personal library list.
ISPF reserves the name REFLIST as the name of the reference lists, so there is a
personal data set list called REFLIST, and a personal library list called REFLIST.

Reference lists are active lists of data sets and libraries that you have referenced in
your ISPF session. ISPF adds a data set name to the data set reference list when
you enter a data set name in the Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set Name
field. A library is added to the library reference list when you enter a library in the
ISPF Library field. Only data sets and libraries that are successfully allocated by
ISPF’s ALLOCATE routine are added to the reference lists.

Note: Reference lists can be manipulated just like any other personal list, but ISPF
might dynamically change reference lists when new data sets or libraries are
referenced by ISPF.

Current lists are the most recently opened or the last list to which something was
saved from within the personal list panels. One named data set list, and one
named library list, are the current lists at any time. The current list is used for the
NRETRIEV key, and in the RefList pull-downs. The current list names are shown
in the RefList pull-down choices, and in the lists of personal lists.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 51

Using Personal Data Set Lists

Menu RefList RefMode Utilities Workstation Help

───── ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐ ──────────────────────────────
│ 1. Current Data Set List (TEST) │
│ 2. Current Library List (MYLIST) │
ISPF │ 3. List of Personal Data Set Lists │
Pr │ 4. List of Personal Library Lists │
Gr └───────────────────────────────────────┘ . . .
Type . . . . SOURCE
Member . . . (Blank or pattern for member selection list)

Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set:

Data Set Name . . .

Figure 21. RefList Pull-Down Menu

Note: The RefList pull-down is unavailable from Utilities options 8, 9, and 13; it
does not offer library list choices from options 4 and 6.

You can use personal lists for data set selection from the View Entry, Edit Entry,
and most of the Utilities panels. You can access lists in two ways:
v From the RefList pull-down menu on the action bar of the View Entry, Edit
Entry, and most Utilities panels, as shown in Figure 21.
v Through the command interface (or fast path) described in “Command Interface
(Fast Path) to the Personal List Function” on page 64.

Personal List Modes

The action taken when you select a data set from a list depends on how you have
the Mode set. All personal lists can be set to either Retrieve or Execute mode from
the RefMode pull-down on the action bar of the View Entry, Edit Entry, and most
Utilities panels, as shown in Figure 22. List Retrieve displays in blue (the default)
with an asterisk as the first digit of the selection number (if you are running in
GUI mode, the choice is grayed), which indicates that RefMode is currently set to

Menu RefList RefMode Utilities Workstation Help

────────────── ┌─────────────────────┐ ───────────────────────────────────────
│ 1 1. List Execute │ ry Panel
│ *. List Retrieve │
ISPF Library: └─────────────────────┘
Project . . . USERID
Group . . . . TEST . . . . . . . . .
Type . . . . SOURCE
Member . . . (Blank or pattern for member selection list)

Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set:

Data Set Name . . .

Figure 22. RefMode Pull-Down Menu

The RefMode pull-down offers you the following choices:

List Execute Sets personal data set lists and personal library lists to Execute
mode; that is, when you select an entry from the list, the

52 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Personal Data Set Lists

information is placed into the ISPF Library or Other Data Set

Name field, and ISPF proceeds as if you also pressed the Enter key.
List Retrieve Sets personal data set lists and personal library lists to Retrieve
mode; that is, when you select an entry from the list, the
information is placed into the ISPF Library or Other Data Set
Name field, but the simulated pressing of the Enter key is not
performed. This allows you to set other options before you press

Personal Data Set Lists

You can build lists of personal data sets that contain up to 30 data set names. You
can have as many lists as you like as long as each has a unique name. Personal
data set lists are a good way to group (by project, for example) those data sets that
you use frequently. You can use personal data set lists to avoid typing in data set
names and to create customized data set lists similar to those using ISPF Option
3.4. To create or use a personal data set list, do one of the following:
v Select the Personal Data Set List choice from the RefList pull-down on the View
Entry, Edit Entry, or Utilities panel action bar
v Enter the REFACTD command from the command line.
v Use the ″Save As″ action when viewing the data set reference list (REFLISTD

The REFACTD command displays the Personal Data Set List panel, as shown in
Figure 23 on page 56. If you have one or more personal data set lists, ISPF displays
the current list. If you have no personal data set lists, ISPF displays the reference
list called REFLIST, which is updated by ISPF whenever a new data set is used by

Personal Library Lists

You can build personal library lists of up to eight ISPF libraries. You can have as
many lists as you like as long as each has a unique name. Personal library lists are
a good way to group (by project, for example) those libraries that you use
frequently. To create or use a personal library list, select the Personal Library List
choice from the RefList pull-down on the View Entry, Edit Entry, or Utilities panel
action bar. You can also use the REFOPENL command from any ISPF command
line and use the Save As action to save the reference library list as a personal
library list.

Note: Personal library lists are not available from RefList pull-downs for any
options that do not support library names. For example, the data set list
utility and data set print utilities do not support personal library lists.

Personal library list can be used with the NRETRIEV name retrieve command.

Personal library lists are used, created, and maintained with facilities similar to
those of personal data set lists. Select the library list options from the RefList
pull-downs to access the library list functions. As with personal data set lists, the
list named REFLIST is the reference list that contains the most recently referenced
ISPF libraries and library concatenations.

Reference Data Set List

The Reference Data Set List is a special personal data set list that contains a list of
up to 30 data set names (and the volumes on which they are located) that you

Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists 53

Using Personal Data Set Lists

have referenced (that is, entered on panels or called with services) throughout ISPF.
Data set names are also added to the list when ISPF refers to them; for example,
during a MOVE/COPY operation or a DELETE function.

The reference data set list is a personal data set list with the name REFLIST. The
name REFLIST is reserved by ISPF to refer to the reference list, but you can use the
list just like any other list. If you save a personal list under the name REFLIST, the
reference list reflects the names you save into it, but it is still updated when other
data set are referenced by ISPF.

You can turn off the automatic updating of reference lists by using the settings
panel on any personal list, or by using the DSLIST Settings panel of the data set
list facility (ISPF option 3.4).

ISPF does not automatically store workstation file names or data set name levels in
the data set reference list, though you can add them manually.

Reference Library List

The reference library list is a special personal library list named REFLIST that
contains a list of up to 30 library names that you have referenced through panels
or ISPF services. The reference library list is updated by the system when ISPF
uses ISPF libraries. In all other respects, it functions like a regular personal library

How to Get a List of Your Personal Lists

To see a list of your personal lists, do one of the following:
v Select the List of Personal Data Set Lists or the List of Personal Library Lists
choice from the RefList pull-down on the Edit Entry, View Entry, or Utilities
panel action bar.
v Select the Open List of Lists choice from the File pull-down on the Personal Data
Set List or Personal Library List panel action bar.
v Type MORE on the command line of the Personal Data Set List panel or the
Personal Library List panel.
v Enter the REFOPEND (for data set lists) or REFOPENL (for library lists) on any
ISPF command line.

How to Create a Personal List

There are several ways to create personal lists:
v Type data set names into an empty list.
1. Select the New choice from the File pull-down on the Personal Data Set List
panel action bar or use the NEW primary command to display an empty
temporary list.
2. Type in the data set names.
3. Save the list.
v Use the reference data set list as a starting point.
1. Display the reference data set list by selecting the Reference Data Set List
choice from the RefList pull-down on the View Entry, Edit Entry, or Utilities
panel action bar.
2. If you want to save this entire list as a personal data set list, select the Save
as... choice from the File pull-down on the Reference Data Set List panel
action bar.

54 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Personal Data Set Lists

3. If you want to save some subset of the reference data set list, see the next
item for more information.
v Use an existing list as a base, edit it, and save it.
1. Display an existing list.
2. Modify this list by typing over data set names or adding new ones. Do not
select any lists.
3. Select the Save choice from the File pull-down on the Personal Data Set List
panel action bar.

Note: Closing the list display by pressing Exit or End will Save the list. It is
possible to have a single list open on multiple screens. It is therefore
recommended that a list only be open on one screen if modifications
are to be made. This will prevent the loss of updates when an
unchanged list display is closed after a modified one.
v Use an existing list as a base and save it under another name.
1. Display an existing list.
2. Modify this list by typing over data set names or adding new ones. Do not
select a choice.
3. Select the Save as... choice from the File pull-down on the Personal Data Set
List panel action bar and assign a unique name to this list.
4. ISPF displays the new list.
v Issue the REFADDx command and specify a new list name.
– Issuing ’REFADDD NEWLIST’ from the command line creates a new personal
data set list called NEWLIST. The list will contain the last referenced data set
– Issuing ’REFADDL NEWLIST’ from the command line creates a new personal
library list called NEWLIST. The list will contain the last referenced library

Retrieving Data From Personal Lists

You have three choices for retrieving data from personal lists.
v Use the NRETRIEV function key. Assign a function key to the value
“NRETRIEV”. On panels where NRETRIEV is available (such as edit, view, and
some of the utilities), pressing the NRETRIEV key fills in the library name fields,
data set name field, or workstation name field based on where the cursor is
when the key is pressed. See “Command Interface (Fast Path) to the Personal
List Function” on page 64 for more information.
v Use the RefList pull-down on the View Entry, Edit Entry, Utilities, or other
panels that have the RefList pull-down available. From within these options, you
can point to a data set or library name and press enter to retrieve or use the
name you selected. See “Personal List Modes” on page 52 for more information.
v Use the command interface (fast path commands) described in “Command
Interface (Fast Path) to the Personal List Function” on page 64.

Using Personal Lists to Create Customized DSLIST Displays

You can use any personal data set list or personal library list to create a data set
list (similar to ISPF option 3.4) which contains multiple level names. The easiest
way to use a Personal Data Set List to create a DSLIST is to type DSLIST listname
on an ISPF command line. Listname is the name of the personal data set list. If you
are already viewing a DSLIST, you can add names listed in a personal data set list
by typing APPEND listname on the command line.

Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists 55

Using Personal Data Set Lists

You can also create a list with the L action while displaying a list or a list of lists.

Personal Data Set List Panel

File View Options Help

Personal Data Set List

Enter a list action to perform or select a data set entry to retrieve.

Action: S=Save A=Save As D=Delete this list E=Extended Edit L=DSLIST

Action Name Description Created Referenced

More: +
Select Partitioned, Sequential Data Set or DSLIST Level Volume
Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F11=ChgView F12=Cancel

Figure 23. Personal Data Set List Panel (ISRPDSNL)

You can work with your personal data set lists in three ways:
v Use the choices in the File, View, or Options pull-downs.
v Select one of the point-and-shoot options (for example, Save As).
v Type an action mnemonic in the Action field and press Enter. Actions are listed
at the top of the panel.

Note: The commands and actions on the Personal Data Set List panel are similar
to those on the Personal Library List panel. The descriptions here apply to
both panels, although the Library List panel does not contain the Sort

There are two commands you can use on this panel:

Displays the list of all of your personal data set lists. This is the same
action as selecting Open List of Lists from the File pull-down.
NEW Saves the current list and displays a new empty list. This is the same
action as selecting New List from the File pull-down.

Personal Data Set List Panel Action Bar Choices

The Personal Data Set List panel action bar choices function as follows:
File The File pull-down offers you the following choices:
1 New List Displays an empty (temporary) personal data set list. After
you save this list, it is permanent until you delete it.
2 Open List of Lists Displays a list of your personal data set lists. You
can open a list to change it and make it the current active list.
56 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
Using Personal Data Set Lists

3 Save Saves the current contents of a personal data set list.

4 Save as... Saves the current contents to a new personal data set list.
You are prompted for a list name and optional description.
5 Delete Deletes the current personal data set list. You are not asked to
confirm the delete action. After the current list is deleted, ISPF
displays an empty personal data set list as if you had requested a
New action.
6 Edit Enters the personal list edit dialog.
7 DSLIST Builds a DSLIST based on list entries.
8 Cancel Cancels the function.
9 Exit Returns you to the panel from which you accessed the personal
View The View pull-down offers you the following choices:
1 Show data sets The list contains the data set entries.
2 Show data sets and notes The list contains the data set entries with
3 Sort by data set name The data set list is sorted by the Data Set
Name field. The sort routine deletes duplicate names, sorts blank
entries to the end of the list, saves the list, and redisplays the
personal list.

Note: If a volume or entry description exists without a data set field

entry, the volume and description are deleted by the sort
4 Sort by data set volume The data set list is sorted by data set
volume field. The sort routine deletes duplicate names, sorts blank
entries to the end of the list, saves the list, and redisplays the
personal list.

Note: If a volume or entry description exists without a data set field

entry, the volume and description are deleted by the sort
5 Sort by data set note The data set list is sorted by data set note field.
The sort routine deletes duplicate names, sorts blank entries to the
end of the list, saves the list, and redisplays the personal list.

Note: If a volume or entry description exists without a data set field

entry, the volume and description are deleted by the sort
The Options pull-down offers you the following choices:
1 Personal List Settings Displays the Personal List Settings panel
(ISRRFOPT). From this panel, you can alter all settings that affect
personal lists.
2 Browse shared lists
Help The Help pull-down provides access to the online tutorial.

Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists 57

Using Personal Data Set Lists

Personal Data Set List Panel Fields

The fields on the Personal Data Set List Panel function as follows:
The following choices are valid in the Action field:

Note: The dots in the Action field are point-and-shoot selectable. If you
select a data set or library name, and you invoked this dialog from a
panel that supports the RefList pull-down, ISPF retrieves the
selected data set or library name, terminates this panel, and places
the name you selected in the ISPF Library or Other Data Set Name
field. If you have the RefMode set to “List Execute‘, ISPF also
simulates pressing the Enter key on the panel.’”
S=Save Saves the current list. If the list is new, you are prompted
to enter a name for the list.
A=Save as Saves the current list with a different list name.
D=Delete this list
Deletes the personal data set list that you are working
with. You are asked to confirm this delete action. The
currently active list cannot be deleted.
E=Extended edit
Invokes the personal list editor dialog. This enables you to
insert, repeat, and delete lines in the list.
L=DSLIST Invokes DSLIST based on list entries.
Name The name of the personal data set list.
A brief description of the personal data set list. The Description field is an
input field. You can change the description for all personal lists except the
reference list (REFLIST).
The date the personal data set list was created.
The last date/time the personal data set list was referenced.

58 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Personal Data Set Lists

Personal Data Set Lists Panel

File View Options Help

Active: TEST Personal Data Set Lists List 1 of 3

Action: O=Open A=Save As D=Delete E=Edit L=DSLIST

Name Description Created Referenced

_ REFLIST Last 30 referenced data sets 02/06/26 03/02/04 14:20
_ TEST Test list 02/10/01 02/10/01 12:06
_ TEST2 Second Test List 02/10/01 02/10/01 12:05

Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE

F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Settings F5=ShrList F11=ChgView F12=Cancel

Figure 24. Personal Data Set Lists Panel (ISRPLTAB)

The Personal Data Set Lists panel shows a list of your personal data set lists. You
can show the Personal Data Set Lists panel by selecting it from the RefList
pull-down or by using the REFOPEND command.

The Personal Library Lists panel is similar. You can display a list of personal
library lists by selecting the choice from the RefList pull-down or by using the
REFOPENL command.

Personal Data Set Lists Panel Action Bar Choices

The Personal Data Set Lists Panel action bar choices function as follows:

Note: The current setting is shown as an unavailable choice; that is, it displays in
blue (the default) with an asterisk as the first digit of the selection number.
If you are running in GUI mode, the choice is grayed.
File The File pull-down offers you the following choices:
1 New List Displays a new personal list.
2 Open Displays the personal list entries.
3 Save as... Saves the current list entries to a new list.
4 Delete... Deletes the list.
5 Edit Invokes the personal list edit dialog.
6 DSLIST Invokes DSLIST based on list entries.
7 Exit Returns you to the panel from which you accessed the Open
View The View pull-down offers you the following choices:

Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists 59

Using Personal Data Set Lists

1 Standard View Displays a list of personal lists with list name, list
description, and list statistics.
2 Extended View Displays a list of personal lists with list name, list
description, list statistics, and a partial view of list entries.
3 Sort by name Sorts the displayed list alphabetically by the Name
4 Sort by description Sorts the displayed list alphabetically by the
Description field.
5 Sort by created Sorts the displayed list in descending order by the
Created field.
6 Sort by referenced Sorts the displayed list in descending order by
the Referenced field.
The Options pull-down offers you the following choices:
1 Personal List Settings... Displays the Personal List Settings panel,
from which you can alter all settings that affect personal lists.
2 Browse shared lists... Displays shared personal data set lists. See
“Shared Personal Lists” on page 61 for additional information.
Help The Help pull-down provides access to the online tutorial.

Personal Data Set Lists Panel Fields

The fields on the Personal Data Set Lists Panel function as follows:
The following choices are valid in the Action field:

Note: The dots in the Action field are point-and-shoot selectable. If you are
in GUI mode and select the action field, ISPF displays the Personal
List Commands pop-up so that you can select the action you want
to take. In 3270 mode, selecting a list opens the list. This means that
you can open a list by moving the cursor to the action field and
pressing Enter.
N=New Displays an empty (temporary) personal data set list. Once
you save this list, it is permanent until you delete it.
O=Open Opens the selected list to modify it, perform actions, or
selections of data sets.
A=Save as Saves the current contents of the selected list to a personal
data set list. You will be prompted for a list name and
optional description.
D=Delete Deletes the selected personal data set list. You will be
asked to confirm the delete action. The currently active list
cannot be deleted.
E=Edit Invokes the personal list editor dialog.
L=DSLIST Invokes DSLIST based on list entries.
Name The name of the personal data set list. The Name field is a point-and-shoot
sort field. The current (Active) list is indicated to the left of the panel title.
A brief description of the personal data set list.

60 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Personal Data Set Lists

The date the personal data set list was created. The Created field is a
point-and-shoot sort field.
The last date/time the personal data set list was referenced. The
Referenced field is a point-and-shoot sort field.

Note: A personal list is updated whenever a save action is performed

against it.

The LOCATE command is supported as follows:

L xxxxxxxx
LOC xxxxxxxx
LOCATE xxxxxxxx

where: xxxxxxxx is the name of the list you wish to locate.

An asterisk is supported in the last position of the list name. For example, enter
LOCATE PRIV* to locate the list named PRIVATE.

The SELECT command is supported as supported as follows:

S nnnnnnnn A
SEL nnnnnnnn A
SELECT nnnnnnnn A

where: nnnnnnnn is the name of the list you want to select and A is the action to

An asterisk is supported in the last position of the list name. For example, enter
SELECT PRIV* L to select the list named PRIVATE, with a DSLIST action of “L”.

Shared Personal Lists

Personal lists (library and data set) can be shared with other users on the system.
Tables ISRPLSHR for data sets and ISRLLSHR for libraries are shared lists. They
are kept in an ISPTLIB concatenated data set. Private lists are tables ISRPLIST (for
data set lists) and ISRLLIST (for library lists). They are kept in the ISPPROF user
profile data set.

Shared lists are created by using ISPF option 3.3 to copy an existing personal list
table from a user profile data set to a data set concatenated to ISPTLIB. You must
rename the table to ISRPLSHR (for data set lists) or ISRLLSHR (for library lists)
during the copy operation. You can open a shared list and use it; you cannot
update or delete a shared list. You can also save it to a private list using the Save
As function available from the Personal Data Set Lists panel (ISRPLTAB) and the
Personal Library Lists panel (ISRLLTAB). You must save the shared list to a
personal list before you can retrieve names from it.

Use the Options pull-down on these two panels to view the shared lists and to
save them locally. When you specify shared lists, the following actions are
v Open (to interact with the list in any supported way)
v Save As (to save the contents of the current list to a new list)

Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists 61

Using Personal Data Set Lists

Name Retrieval with the NRETRIEV command

The ISPF command table contains an entry named NRETRIEV. On enabled panels
(such as edit and browse), NRETRIEV retrieves the library names from the current
library referral list, or data set or workstation file names from the current data set
referral list. The user is responsible for assigning the NRETRIEV command to a PF

When the cursor is not in the Other Data Set Name field, the Volume Serial field,
or the Workstation File Name field, and the NRETRIEV key is pressed, the ISPF
library fields are filled in from the current list. As long as the cursor is not placed
in these fields, subsequent presses of the NRETRIEV key will retrieve the next
library concatenation from the list.

When the cursor is in the Other Data Set Name field, the Volume Serial field, or
the Workstation File Name field, and the NRETRIEV key is pressed, the data set
name or workstation name is filled in from the current data set list. ISPF attempts
to determine if the name in the list is a workstation or data set name. As long as
the cursor is placed in these fields, subsequent presses of the NRETRIEV key will
retrieve the next data set or workstation name from the list.

Use the personal list settings panel to force the NRETRIEV command to verify the
existence of a data set before retrieving it. If verification is active, then a check is
made to see if a data set name exists before a retrieval attempt. If a volume name
is not in the personal list entry, then the catalog is checked to see if the data set
name is cataloged. If a volume name exists, an OBTAIN macro is used to check the
volume for the data set. Verification does not check ISPF library names or
workstation names, and does not check for the existence of PDS(E) members. In
the data set list Dsname Level field, verification is inactive and workstation names
are never retrieved.

NRETRIEV is enabled on the following options:

v View, including extended move, copy, create, and replace panels
v Edit, including extended move, copy, create, and replace panels
v Library Utility (Option 3.1)
v Data Set Utility (Option 3.2)
v Move/Copy Utility (Option 3.3)
v Data Set List (Option 3.4)
v Reset ISPF Statistics (Option 3.5)
v Hardcopy Utility (Option 3.6)
v Workstation Transfer (Option 3.7.2)
v SuperC (Options 3.12, old and new, and Option 3.14)
v SCLM Options:
– View (Option 1)
– Edit (Option 2)
– Member list (Option 3.1)
– Migration (Option 3.3)
– Build (Option 4)
– Promote (Option 5)

62 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Personal Data Set Lists

SCLM Considerations for NRETRIEV

The NRETRIEV command is enabled to work in several of the SCLM options.
There are certain restrictions and considerations to keep in mind when you choose
to use NRETRIEV in SCLM.

SCLM Restrictions
v The NRETRIEV key within SCLM does not use the standard reference list or
personal lists. Instead, it uses a stack that is stored internally. The stack is not
editable. The stack is saved from session to session as a single-line table called

Note: In the SCLM View option, the Other Data Set Name field does use the
standard reference list because the Other Data Set Name field has no
particular meaning to SCLM.
v In SCLM, there is no validation of saved or retrieved names. That means that if
you type in a library name and press Enter, it is added to the list of saved
names, even if SCLM does not process it. This contrasts with the standard
reference list processing, which does not add a data set or library name until the
data set or library is successfully allocated.
v On name retrieval (when the NRETRIEV key is pressed) there is no validation of
the existence of data sets or libraries.
v The regular NRETRIEV command is screen independent (it uses a separate list
indicator for each screen in split screen mode). There is only 1 position locator
for SCLM lists. This means that split screens with SCLM NRETRIEV will use the
same pointer into the list. An NRETRIEV on screen 1 followed by an NRETRIEV
on screen 2 will get list entries 1 and 2 respectively.

Stack Management for SCLM

A library name (or concatenation) is added to the list of saved library names by
pressing Enter on a panel that supports saving names. If the library or
concatenation exists in the list already, it is moved to the top of the list. Where the
Project field or the first Group field is an output field (SCLM options 2, 3, 4, and
5), the output fields are not used in the comparison between what was typed on
the panel and what is already in the list. This enables you to work in different but
similar projects.

In other words, on the edit screen that has both the Project and Group1 as output
fields, the concatenation:
SCLM Library:
Project...: PDFTDEV
Group ....: DGN ....STG ....INT ....SVT
Type .....: ARCHDEF
Member ...:

would match
SCLM Library:
Project...: PDFTOS25
Group ....: JSM ....STG ....INT ....SVT
Type .....: ARCHDEF
Member ...:

Similarly, where groups 2, 3, and 4 are not used, those groups are not used when
checking to see if the name already exists.

Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists 63

Using Personal Data Set Lists

If a match is found, the existing entry in the list is moved to the top of the list.

Command Interface (Fast Path) to the Personal List Function

You can use the following commands to access the referral list function rather than
using the action bar pull-down menus:
REFLISTD xx Start the personal data set list dialog with the reference data set list
and retrieve the data set in position xx. The xx parameter is
optional. This sets the current data set list to the reference list
REFLISTL xx Start the personal library list dialog with the reference library list
and retrieve the data set in position xx. The xx parameter is
optional. This sets the current library list to the reference list
REFACTD nnnnnnnn xx
Start the personal data set list named nnnnnnnn and retrieve the
data set in position xx. For example, enter

to retrieve the second data set from the personal data set list
named MYLIST and place it in the Data Set Name field. The
nnnnnnnn and xx parameters are optional.
REFACTL nnnnnnnn xx
Start the personal library list named nnnnnnnn and retrieve the
library in position xx. For example, enter

to retrieve the first library from the personal library list named
MYLIB and place it in the Library field. The nnnnnnnn and xx
parameters are optional.
REFOPEND Start the personal data set open dialog.
REFOPENL Start the personal library open dialog.
REFADDD nnnnnnnn
Update the personal data set list named nnnnnnnn with the most
recently referenced data set. For example, enter

to add the most recently referenced data set to the personal data
set list named NEWLIST.
REFADDL nnnnnnnn
Update the personal library list named nnnnnnnn with the most
recently referenced library. For example, enter

to add the most recently referenced library to the personal library

list named NEWLIB.
NRETRIEV Retrieve a name from the current library or data set list on panels
which support NRETRIEV commands. This command is normally
assigned to a program function (PF) key. NRETRIEV uses the
position of the cursor to determine what type of personal list to

64 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Personal Data Set Lists

use and what fields on the panel to fill in. See “Name Retrieval
with the NRETRIEV command” on page 62 for more information

Using Function Keys with Personal Lists

You can set function keys to process any of the fast path commands, as shown in
Figure 25.

┌────────────────────────────── Keylist Utility ──────────────────────────────┐

│ File │
│ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│ SHARED ISR Keylist ISRSAB Change Row 1 to 10 of 24 │
│ │
│ Make changes and then select File action bar. │
│ │
│ Keylist Help Panel Name . . . ISRSABH │
│ │
│ Key Definition Format Label │
│ F1 . . . HELP SHORT Help │
│ F2 . . . SPLIT LONG Split │
│ F3 . . . EXIT SHORT Exit │
│ F4 . . . REFACTD MYLIST 2 SHORT Refd2 │
│ F5 . . . REFACTL MYLIB 1 SHORT Refl1 │
│ F7 . . . BACKWARD LONG Backward │
│ F8 . . . FORWARD LONG Forward │
│ F9 . . . SWAP LONG Swap │
│ F10 . . ACTIONS SHORT Actions │
│ │
│ Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE │
│ F1=Help F3=Exit F10=Actions F12=Cancel │

Figure 25. Defining Function Keys to Issue Referral List Commands

If you used these function key settings, you could do the following:
v Press F4 to place the second data set name on the personal data set list named
MYLIST in the Data Set Name field.
v Press F5 to place the first library name on the personal library list named MYLIB
in the Library field.
v Press F6 to display the personal data set list named MYLIST so that you can
select a data set to process.

Note: You could also type a number on the command line and press F6 to place
the data set name in the specified position on the personal data set list
named MYLIST in the Data Set Name field; for example, if you type 6 on
the command line and press F6, the sixth data set on MYLIST would be
placed in the Data Set Name field.

Example of an ISPF Panel That Uses a Referral List

Figure 26 on page 66 shows the panel definition for a panel that uses a referral list.

Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists 65

Using Personal Data Set Lists

)ABC DESC(’RefList’)
PDC DESC(’Reference Data Set List’)
PDC DESC(’Reference Library List’)
PDC DESC(’Personal Data Set List’)
PDC DESC(’Personal Data Set List Open’)
PDC DESC(’Personal Library List’)
PDC DESC(’Personal Library List Open’)

Figure 26. Example Panel Definition Using a Referral List (Part 1 of 2)

66 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Personal Data Set Lists

)ABC DESC(’RefMode’)
PDC DESC(’List Retrieve’) UNAVAIL(ZRME2)
&zrme1 = 1
&zrme2 = 0
&listfile = 2
&zrme1 = 0
&zrme2 = 1
&listfile = 1
REFRESH (PRJ1,LIB1,LIB2,LIB3,LIB4,TYP1,MEM,DSN) /*refresh panel vars*/
/* the following is the logic for reference or personal data set list*/
VGET (ZRDSN) SHARED /* get data set reflist key var */
IF (&ZRDSN ^= ’ ’) /* if reflist has set dsname var */
&DSN = &ZRDSN /* set panel other dsname to zrdsn */
VGET (ZREFVOLM) PROFILE /* get volume retrieve mode */
IF (&ZREFVOLM = ’ON’) /* if volume retrieve on */
&VOL = &ZRVOL /* set panel volume to zrvol */
&ZRDSN = ’ ’ /* blank zrdsn */
&ZRVOL = ’ ’ /* blank zrvol */
VPUT (ZRDSN ZRVOL) SHARED /* return blank reflist vars */
.CURSOR = DSN /* set cursor to panel dsname field */
VGET (ZELIST) PROFILE /* get edit execute/retrieve mode */
IF (&ZELIST ^= ’EXECUTE’) /* determine if retrieve or execute */
.MSG = ISRDS003 /* force redisplay if retrieve mode */
/* End of logic for reference or personal data set list */
/* the following is the logic for reference or personal library list */
VGET (DSALSEL) SHARED /* get library reflist key var */
IF (&DSALSEL ^= ’ ’) /* if reflist has set lib indicator */
VGET (DSA1,DSA2,DSA3,DSA4,DSA5,DSA6,DSA7) SHARED /* get vars */
&PRJ1 = &DSA1 /* set panel project */
&LIB1 = &DSA2 /* set panel library 1 */
&LIB2 = &DSA3 /* set panel library 2 */
&LIB3 = &DSA4 /* set panel library 3 */
&LIB4 = &DSA5 /* set panel library 4 */
&TYP1 = &DSA6 /* set panel type */
&MEM = &DSA7 /* set panel member */
&DSN = ’ ’ /* blank panel other dsname */
&DSALSEL = ’ ’ /* blank reflist lib indicator */
VPUT (DSALSEL) SHARED /* return to shared pool */
.CURSOR = MEM /* set cursor to panel member field */
VGET (ZELIST) PROFILE /* get edit execute/retrieve ind */
IF (&ZELIST ^= ’EXECUTE’) /* determine if retrieve or execute */
.MSG = ISRDS003 /* setmsg if retrieve mode */
/* End of logic for reference or personal library list */

Figure 26. Example Panel Definition Using a Referral List (Part 2 of 2)

Chapter 3. Using Personal Data Set Lists and Library Lists 67

Using Personal Data Set Lists

Example of an ISPF Panel That Enables NRETRIEV

Figure 27 shows the panel definition for a panel that uses a referral list.

%--------------------------- NRETRIEV Test Panel ---------------------------%
+ Project ===>_PROJECT +
+ Group ===>_GROUP1 +===>_GROUP2 +===>_GROUP3 +===>_GROUP4 +
+ Type ===>_TYPE +
+ Member ===>_MEMBER +

+ DS Name ===>_OTHERDSN +
+ Volume ===>_VOLUME+

+ Workstation File ===>_WSFILE +

.NRET = ON /* Make NRETRIEV key active */
.NRET = ON /* Make NRETRIEV key active */
.NRET = OFF /*IMPORTANT - Make NRETRIEV key inactive */
IF (&ZVERB = NRETRIEV) /* if NRETRIEV was entered */
.NRET = LIB /* Reset data set counter */
IF (&ZNRLIB = YES) /* If library retrieve was OK*/
.CURSOR = MEMBER /* set cursor to member field*/
&PROJECT = &ZNRPROJ /* set library variables from*/
&GROUP1 = &ZNRGRP1 /* the variables set by */
&OTHERDSN = &Z /* Blank out odsn field */
&VOLUME = &Z /* Blank out volume field */
&WSFILE = &Z /* Blank out workstation file*/
.MSG = ISRDS013 /* Indicate good retrieval */
ELSE .MSG = ISRDS011 /* Else bad library list */
IF (&ZNRDS = YES) /* If dsname retrieve was OK */
IF (&ZNRWSN = H) /* If ISPF thinks it’s host */
.CURSOR = OTHERDSN /* Move cursor to dsn name */
&OTHERDSN = &ZNRODSN /* Set other dsn name */
&VOL = &ZNRVOL /* Set volume variable */
&WSFILE = &Z /* Blank out workstation file*/
ELSE /* ISPF thinks it’s a wsfile */
.CURSOR = WSFILE /* Set cursor to ws file */
&WSFILE = &ZNRODSN /* Set ws file name variable */
&VOL = &Z /* Blank volume and data set */
&OTHERDSN = &Z /* To avoid visual confusion */
.MSG = ISRDS014 /* Indicate good retrieval */
ELSE .MSG = ISRDS012 /* Else bad ds referral list */

Figure 27. Example Panel Definition Enabling NRETRIEV

68 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or
Cursor Selection
This chapter explains how to use the ISPF system commands, the function keys
and their default assignments, and the light pen and cursor-select facilities.

You can use commands to request processing functions. These are the levels of
System commands
Provided by the DM component and always available to a user, unless
explicitly overridden by an application, a user, or a site.
User or Site commands
Defined by the site administrator (in the ISPF Configuration table) and
available to a user, in addition to the system commands.
Application commands
Available to a user throughout the processing of an application.
Function commands
Meaningful only while using a particular function within an application.

System, user, site, and application commands are defined by using command
tables. The DM component processes these commands. System, user, site, and
application command processing is generally transparent to the dialog functions.
For example, HELP is a system command.

Function commands include all commands that are processed by a dialog function.
For example, the NUMBER command within the ISPF Editor (option 2) is a
function command.

You can enter a command by:

v Typing the information on the command line, or in the command field, and
pressing the Enter key. This includes the command field in View, Browse, Edit,
and Table Displays, as well as the command field on a panel.
v Pressing the function key set to the desired command.
v Selecting an Attention field by using the light pen or the cursor-select key. The
cursor-select key is a hardware feature on 3179, 3179G, 3180, 3278, 3279, and
3290 terminals.

ISPF intercepts all commands, regardless of whether the command is typed in the
command field or entered with a function key, light pen, or cursor-select key. The
DM component performs the command if it matches an entry in the application,
user, or system command table. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a function
command and is passed to the dialog function.

You can pass commands to the operating system by entering the appropriate
ISPF-provided command (TSO) followed by the actual TSO command. For

You can stack commands to be run by entering a special delimiter between the
commands. For example, entering:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 69

causes the UPDATE command to run first. When it completes, the MENU
command starts. The default delimiter is a semicolon (;), which you can change
with the ISPF SETTINGS option (see the Settings (Option 0) chapter of the z/OS
ISPF User’s Guide Vol II).

Commands cannot be stacked following the:

v HELP command. HELP processing deletes any remaining commands in the
v RETRIEVE command.

ISPF System Commands

Table 3 describes the ISPF system commands in alphabetical order.
Table 3. ISPF System Commands
Command Description
ACTIONS Moves the cursor between the action bar and the panel body.
AUTOTYPE Allows you to type a partial data set or member name, then press a
function key and have ISPF complete the name.
Note: AUTOTYPE is not a true ISPF system command because it is
not built into the base code of ISPF and it works only on panels that
are written to understand it.
BACKWARD Alias for the UP command. Scrolls toward the top of the data.
BOTTOM Alias for the DOWN MAX command. Scrolls to the bottom of the
CANCEL If CANCEL is requested from an action bar pull-down, the action
taken depends on whether you are running in host or GUI mode:
v In host mode, the pull-down is removed and the cursor is
positioned on the first action bar choice.
v In GUI mode, the CANCEL command is returned to the dialog.

If CANCEL is requested from a panel displayed using the DISPLAY,

TBDISPL, or SELECT service calls, the DM component places the
command in ZCMD and sets a return code of 0 from the display

If CANCEL is requested from a panel displayed using the DISPLAY

or TBDISPL service calls and the panel was defined with a PANEL
tag (DTL) or a )PANEL statement, the DM component returns the
command in ZVERB and sets a return code of 8 from the display
CMDE If CMDE is entered on any command line, a pop-up panel
(ISPCMDE) with a 234-character command input field is displayed.

You can enter up to 234 characters using the entry field provided.
ISPF allows TSO commands, CLISTS, and REXX execs and
parameters to be entered in the input field. This panel is processed
much like the PDF Option 6 panel. Data passed to this panel is
translated to uppercase characters. Data passed from this panel
remains as it appears on the panel.

If input has been entered on the panel from which CMDE was
called, it is saved and displayed when the pop-up panel ISPCMDE
is displayed.

70 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
COLOR Changes the default colors on seven-color display devices.
CRETRIEV The actions of the CRETRIEV (conditional retrieve) command are
based on the position of the cursor when you enter the command:
v If the cursor is within the primary input field when you enter the
CRETRIEV command, the command does the same processing as
the RETRIEVE command; the DM component places the previous
command entered, if any, in the command input field.
v If the cursor is not within the primary input field, the CRETRIEV
command does the same processing as a CURSOR command; the
DM component places the cursor at the beginning of the first
input field on the panel, which is usually the option or command
CUAATTR Changes the default values of panel colors, intensities, and
highlights for CUA panel element attributes.
CURSOR Moves the cursor to the first input field on the panel being
displayed, generally the option or command field, or moves the
cursor to the alternate command field if one has been designated on
the )BODY statement. If invoked a second time on a panel with
scrollable data, this command causes the cursor to be moved to the
second input field. Scrollable data panels include a View, Browse,
Edit, or table display panel or a panel with a scrollable dynamic
DOWN Scrolls toward the bottom of the data.
DSLIST [list name|DSname level] Enables you to build a data set list from any command line. You can
specify either a personal data set list name or a data set list name
level on the command. If you do not put quotation marks around
the dsname level, the TSO prefix is used as the first qualifier in the
dsname level.

By issuing the command with no parameters, you cause a list of

available personal data set lists to be displayed.
DTEST parameter number Enables you to start, or change the conditions of, a dialog test.
Specifying a parameter number is required, and different conditions
of dialog test result. For example, if you enter DTEST 8 while
running an application under Dialog Test, the 7.8 Breakpoints panel
is displayed. After setting the breakpoints, you return to your
application with the new breakpoints activated. The panels that you
can call up with DTEST are:
1 Invoke Functions panel
2 Invoke Display Panel panel
3 Invoke Variables panel
4 Invoke Tables panel
5 Display Browse log panel
6 Invoke Dialog Services panel
7 Invoke Traces selection panel
8 Invoke Breakpoint panel

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 71
ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
END Stops the current operation and returns to the previous menu. If the
ISPF Primary Option Menu is displayed, this command ends ISPF.
See “Log and List Data Set Processing at the End of a Session” on
page 137 for a description of the processing that occurs when the
END command is entered from the ISPF Primary Option Menu.

When entered on a selection panel displayed by the SELECT service,

the END command causes a redisplay of the next higher menu in
the hierarchy. When entered on a panel displayed by the tutorial
program, it stops the tutorial and causes a redisplay of the menu
from which the tutorial was started or the panel from which HELP
was requested.

When the END command is entered on a panel displayed by a

dialog function through the DISPLAY or TBDISPL service, the dialog
function must take whatever action is appropriate to terminate and
return control. Entry of the END command is signaled by a return
code of 8 from the DISPLAY or TBDISPL service.
ENVIRON [ENBLDUMP[ON|OFF]] Allows you to reduce service time by gathering data that can be
[TERMTRAC[ON|ERROR|DUMP|OFF]] helpful in diagnosing problems. Functions provided include:
[TERMSTAT [QUERY]] v Enabling Abend dumps when ISPF is not in TEST mode
v Tracing and dumping ISPF terminal input and output data and
v Collecting terminal characteristic information.
EPDF datasetname [Browse] [View] Enables you to edit, browse, or view a data set from a command
[Macro macroname] line.
[Profile profilename]
Browse Invoke Browse instead of edit.
[Panel panelname]
[Recover] View Use View mode (End/Save/Cancel disabled).
[Format formatname]
[Mixed YES|NO] Macro macroname
Invoke the editor or view using the initial macro specified
by macroname. Not valid with Browse.
Profile profilename
Invoke the editor or view using the edit profile specified by
profilename. Not valid with Browse.
Panel panelname
Use alternate panel name specified by panelname.
Perform edit recovery if a recovery is pending. If edit
recovery is used, the file name and macro specified on the
command are ignored. If no edit recovery session is
pending, the file is edited as usual. Not valid with Browse.
Format formatname
Invoke the editor using the format table specified by
Mixed YES|NO
Use mixed option for 5550 terminals.
EXHELP Provides general information about the contents of a panel.

72 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
EXIT Requests that the current function be ended. When entered on a
panel displayed by the tutorial program, EXIT stops the tutorial and
causes a redisplay of the menu from which the tutorial was started
or the panel from which HELP was requested.
v If EXIT is requested from a panel displayed using the DISPLAY,
TBDISPL, or SELECT service calls, the DM component returns the
command in ZCMD and sets a return code of 0 from the display
v If EXIT is requested from a panel displayed using the DISPLAY or
TBDISPL service calls and the panel was defined using a PANEL
tag (DTL) or a )PANEL statement, the DM component returns the
command in ZVERB and sets a return code of 8 from the display
EXPAND Displays a variable in a dynamic area in a pop-up expand window.
This only applies if the cursor is within a scrollable field. If the
scrollable field is input, you will be able to update the variable in
the expand window.
FKA [ON|SHORT|OFF| Toggles through the different forms of the function key area. The
PREFIX|NOPREFIX] first time you enter the FKA command (without parameters), the
long form of the function key area is displayed. The long form
includes the keys that have a format specified as either long or short
in the keylist. If you enter the command again, the short form is
displayed. The short form displays only those keys that have the
short format specified in the keylist. If you enter the command once
again, the keys are removed from the display. Therefore, if you
continue to enter the command, the different choices are toggled:
v Long form (default)
v Short form
v No display.

The form that you select affects all panels displayed in the session.
The DM component updates the system variable ZFKA to represent
the current state of the function key area form and saves the value
in the system profile.

FKA ON displays the long form of the function key area.

FKA SHORT displays the short form of the function key area.

FKA OFF specifies that the function key area will not be displayed.

If you are running in GUI mode, FKA PREFIX displays the F= prefix
on the push button.

If you are running in GUI mode, FKA NOPREFIX removes the F=

prefix from the push button.
FORWARD Alias for the DOWN command. Scrolls toward the bottom of the
HELP Displays additional information about an error message, or provides
tutorial/help information for panels, fields on panels, commands,
and options.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 73
ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
INT Starts the ISPF Workstation Tool Integration dialog. Use the dialog to
configure workstation tools and file extensions for ISPF actions and
services for Edit and View when used in conjunction with
workstation edit and view. For more information, see the section on
Workstation Tool Integration in the Settings (Option 0) chapter of the
z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
| ISPDPTRC [END] Invokes the panel trace utility, which allows you to trace both the
| [VIEW] execution of panel service calls (DISPLAY, TBDISPL, and TBQUERY)
| [QUIET] and the processing that occurs within the Dialog Manager panel
| [DISPLAY(None|In|Out|Both)] code. For more information, refer to the appendix on diagnostic
| [PANEL( *|panel_name|panel_mask)] tools and information in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and
| [READ( None|Summary|Detail)] Reference.
| [SCREEN( 0|*|screen_id)]
| [SECTION( *|All|None |
| [Init] [Reinit] [Proc] |
| [NOInit] [NOReinit] [NOProc])]
| [SERVICE( None|Detail)]
ISPDTLC Invokes the ISPF DTL Conversion Utility. See the z/OS ISPF Dialog
Tag Language Guide and Reference for additional parameters and
calling options.
| ISPFTTRC [END] Invokes the file tailoring trace utility, which allows you to trace both
| [VIEW] the execution of file tailoring service calls (FTOPEN, FTINCL,
| [QUIET] FTCLOSE, and FTERASE) and the processing that occurs within the
| [READ( None|Summary|Detail)] file tailoring code and processing of each statement. For more
| [RECORDS( *|All|None | information, refer to the appendix on diagnostic tools and
| [Src|Source] [Data] [Cntl] | information in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference.
| [NOSrc|NOSource] [NOData] [NOCntl])]
| [SCREEN( 0|*|screen_id)]
| [SERVICE( None|Detail)]
| [SKELETON( *|skel_name|skel_mask)]
| [TBVARS( None|Detail)]
ISPFVAR [LMSG(ON|OFF) | Sets the following system variables:
ABTAB(ON|OFF) | PSTAB(ON|OFF) | LMSG Display long message in pop-up
SESM(ON|OFF) | JUMP(ON|OFF) | ABTAB Tab to action bar choices
EDPRT(ON|OFF) | EURO(ON|OFF) | PSTAB Tab to point-and-shoot fields
SPLTLINE(ON|OFF) | SCRML(ON|OFF)] SESM Select Session Manager mode
JUMP Jump from leader dots
EDPRT Edit the PRINTDS command
EURO Enable the EURO currency symbol
SPLTLINE Always show split line
SCRML Scroll member list
ISPFWORK Starts the ISPF Workplace.
ISPLIBD [libtype] Invokes the LIBDEF Display Utility. The optional parameter, libtype,
identifies a specific LIBDEF library definition to be displayed. All
LIBDEF definitions for the current logical screen are displayed if the
parameter is omitted, if the parameter is longer than eight
characters, or if the parameter specifies ISPPROF as the library
name. See z/OS ISPF Services Guide for more information about
LIBDEF and the ISPLIBD command.
ISPPREP Allows you to create preprocessed panels, those for which ISPF has
partially processed the panel definition before it is stored in the
panel data set, either interactively or in batch mode.

74 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
ISRRLIST The action bar interface into referral lists.
ISRROUTE The action bar interface into the ISPF command stacking routing.
ISRROUTE also provides an interface to the SELECT service from
the ACTION/RUN statement within a pull-down choice. The
parameters are the same as the ISPEXEC interface to the SELECT
KEYLIST [PRIVATE|SHARED|OFF|ON] The parameters on this command determine where, or if, ISPF looks
for keylists. The default setting for KEYLIST is equivalent to issuing
the KEYLIST PRIVATE command, which means that the program
looks in the user’s profile table for the keylist specified on a panel
before looking in the xxxxKEYS table allocated in ISPTLIB.

The KEYLIST SHARED command means that ISPF looks only in the
xxxxKEYS table allocated in ISPTLIB for the keylist.

Using either the PRIVATE or SHARED parameter performs an

implicit KEYLIST ON command. Both of the parameters are local to
each application, so setting PRIVATE for application X does not
affect application Y, which might be using SHARED.

By specifying KEYLIST OFF, you cause ISPF to ignore the keylist on

all logical screens and use the ZPF variables for controlling function
keys. This is in effect only for the application for which you enter
the command.

The KEYLIST ON command causes ISPF to recognize keylists again,

with the parameter (SHARED or PRIVATE) that was in effect
immediately before the KEYLIST OFF command. KEYLIST ON and
OFF are equivalent to the Enable and Disable keylist choices on the
Function keys pull-down. Keylist Settings are discussed in the
Settings (Option 0) chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
SHARED and PRIVATE also appear on the Function keys pull-down
in ″Keylist Settings″.

The KEYLIST command with no parameters causes the Keylist

utility to start.
KEYS Displays the PF Key Definitions and Labels panel, which allows you
to change the ZPF variable settings (ZPFVARs), as in previous
versions of ISPF. However, if the KEYS command is issued from a
panel with an active keylist, the associated Keylist Utility panel
Change pop-up window is displayed.
Note: If the KEYLIST SHARED command has been issued, or the
SYSTEM parameter has been specified on the KEYLIST keyword on
the )PANEL statement, this action causes only a BROWSE of the
keylist. Refer to the z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference
for more information about the SYSTEM parameter in the )PANEL
KEYSHELP If KEYSHELP is defined, KEYSHELP provides you with a brief
description of each key defined for a panel.
LEFT Scrolls left. If your cursor is in a scrollable field, this scrolls towards
the beginning of the field.
LIST [PRINT|DELETE|KEEP] Allows you to process the list data set without exiting ISPF. See
“Processing the Log and List Data Sets” on page 135 for a
description of using the LIST command.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 75
ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
LOG [PRINT|DELETE|KEEP] Allows you to process the log data set without exiting ISPF. See
“Processing the Log and List Data Sets” on page 135 for a
description of using the LOG command.
MSGID [ON|OFF] With no parameters, displays a message indicating the message ID
of the last message displayed. With a parameter of ON or OFF,
indicates whether a message number is to be added to the beginning
of interactive long message text. During entry to ISPF, the mode is
initialized to OFF, and the message ID is not displayed as part of the
long message text on interactive displays. If the addition of the
message ID would cause long message text to be truncated, the
message is displayed in a pop-up window.

Messages that have the message number included in the long

message text will continue to display the message number, even
when MSGID OFF is in effect. Also, the message number will appear
twice when MSGID ON is in effect.

The MSGID ON/OFF command affects only the current logical

screen, so when you are running in split screen, one screen can have
MSGID ON and the other MSGID OFF. The MSGID command will
return only the MSGID of a message for its own logical screen.

An option on the Log Data Set Defaults and List Data Set Defaults
panels, which are choices on the Log/List pull-down on the ISPF
Settings panel,
Log Message ID . . . _ (/ = Yes)

allows you to select whether the message ID is written to the log

data set as part of the long message text. The initial default is
deselected. Note that not all lines in the log data set originate from a
message member. Therefore, not every line in the log data set will
have a message number associated with it.
Note: This facility does not affect long message text returned by the
GETMSG service, messages displayed in the Error Box, or messages
displayed by TRACEX.
NOP The classic no operation command.
NRETRIEV Data set and library name retrieved. See “Name Retrieval with the
NRETRIEV command” on page 62 for more information.
PANELID [ON|OFF] Indicates whether the panel identifier (ID) is to be displayed. If you
enter PANELID without any parameters, the command toggles the
display of the panel ID immediately below the action bar. If an
action bar is not present, the ID is displayed in line 1 on the panel.
In GUI mode, the panel ID is placed on the title bar.

During initial entry to ISPF, the PANELID is set to OFF. The ID is

displayed only if the panel contains a protected-field attribute byte
in row 1 column 1 (relative to the action bar) and is padded with
one blank.


| share the same 17-character area at the start of the Title line. If more
| than one of these commands are specified, ISPF displays as many as
| will fit, in the following order of priority: SYSNAME, if specified, is
| always displayed. Then, as long as there is enough room, USERID is
| displayed, then PANELID, then SCRNAME.

76 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
PFSHOW [ON |OFF|TAILOR]PANELID, and Toggles through the different forms of the function key area. The
SCRNAME first time you enter the PFSHOW command (without parameters),
the long form of the function key area is displayed. If you enter the
command again, the short form is displayed. If you enter the
command once again, the keys are removed from the display.
Therefore, if you continue to enter the command, the different
choices are toggled:
v Long form (default)
v Short form
v No display.

The form that you select affects all panels displayed in the session.
The DM component updates the system variable ZPFSHOW to
represent the current state of the function key area form and saves
the value in the system profile.

PFSHOW ON displays the long form of the function key area.

PFSHOW OFF specifies that the function key area will not be

PFSHOW TAILOR displays a panel that lets you specify the set of
function keys (primary, alternate, or all) for which definitions are to
be displayed and the number of keys per line to display in each
function key definition line.
PRINT Records a snapshot of the physical screen image in the list data set
for subsequent printing.

For the PRINT, PRINT-HI, PRINTL, and PRINTLHI commands, a

screen image can exceed 121 characters. When it does, the line must
be split when the output is being directed to a printer other than a
3800. The line length is obtained from a user-modifiable specification
on the ISPF Settings panel for the list data set. The default length for
printing is 121 characters.

Using Print Commands with DBCS

The print commands are affected in the DBCS environment as

v DBCS character printing
Because shift-out and shift-in characters do not occupy positions
on a printer, ISPF inserts a blank character before each shift-out
and after each shift-in.
v Fields affected by the OUTLINE keyword
Field-outlining information is embedded in the record as a
set-attribute (SA) order. Each SA order occupies three bytes. One
SA is required to start field-outlining, one to end field-outlining,
and one to change field-outlining. Therefore, each affected field
normally takes six additional bytes.
Thus, the record-length of print command output is larger than the
screen width. The LIST file should be large enough to contain the
expanded records. If not, the output might not print correctly.
Note: The PRINT command is disabled if you are running in GUI

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 77
ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
PRINTG Allows you to send the information on the current logical screen to
a Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) graphics printer.
1. In split-screen mode, ISPF adds the split line to the top logical
screen. If you issue the PRINTG command from the top screen,
the split line is printed along with the logical screen.
2. Also, in split-screen mode, PRINTG prints all data in the visible
portion of the logical screen, but only the graphics area data in
the nonvisible portion of the logical screen.

If you use the other print commands (PRINT, PRINT-HI, PRINTL,

and PRINTLHI) to print screen images containing a graphics area,
the part of the screen containing the graphics area prints as blanks.

If you issue the PRINTG command as a COMMAND option on a

DISPLAY service request, only data already defined to GDDM at the
time the service request is issued will be printed. Any GDDM fields
defined by the dialog (using GDDM commands) before issuing the
DISPLAY service request will be printed.

Before issuing the PRINTG command from a command line you

must first have initialized the GDDM graphic interface using the
GRINIT service.

PRINTG does not provide return codes to a dialog; however, it does

display completion or error messages.

For information about how to specify parameters related to using

the PRINTG command, see the section on Print Graphics Parms in
the Settings (Option 0) chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
Note: The PRINTG command is disabled if you are running in GUI
PRINT-HI Same as PRINT, except that high-intensity characters on the screen
are printed with overstrikes to simulate the dual-intensity display.

See Using Print Commands with DBCS under the PRINT command
on page 77.
Note: The PRINT-HI command is disabled if you are running in
GUI mode.
PRINTL Causes a snapshot of the logical screen image to be recorded in the
ISPF list file for subsequent printing. In split-screen mode, the
PRINTL command prints what would be seen if split-screen were
not in effect.

See Using Print Commands with DBCS under the PRINT command
on page 77.
Note: The PRINTL command is disabled if you are running in GUI
PRINTLHI Same as PRINTL, except that high-intensity characters on the logical
screen are printed with overstrikes to simulate the dual-intensity

See Using Print Commands with DBCS under the PRINT command
on page 77.
Note: The PRINTLHI command is disabled if you are running in
GUI mode.

78 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
PSCOLOR Globally alters the color, intensity, and highlighting of
point-and-shoot fields through a pop-up dialog. Valid choices
include the following:
Color Intensity Highlight


TURQ (Turquoise)

To restore the ISPF default values, delete any new values you have
entered (leaving the entry fields blank) and press Enter, or select the
Defaults field.
RCHANGE Repeats the action of the previous CHANGE command (change one
character string to another) (Edit and View only).
REFACTD nnnnnnnn xx Calls the personal data set list named nnnnnnnn and retrieves the
data set in position xx. See “Command Interface (Fast Path) to the
Personal List Function” on page 64 for additional information.
REFACTL nnnnnnnn xx Calls the personal library list named nnnnnnnn and retrieves the
data set in position xx. See “Command Interface (Fast Path) to the
Personal List Function” on page 64 for additional information.
REFADDD nnnnnnnn Updates the personal data set list named nnnnnnnn with the most
recently referenced data set. See “Command Interface (Fast Path) to
the Personal List Function” on page 64 for additional information.
REFADDL nnnnnnnn Updates the personal library list named nnnnnnnn with the most
recently referenced library. See “Command Interface (Fast Path) to
the Personal List Function” on page 64 for additional information.
REFLISTD xx Calls the reference data set list dialog and retrieves the data set in
position xx. See “Command Interface (Fast Path) to the Personal List
Function” on page 64 for additional information.
REFLISTL xx Calls the reference library list dialog and retrieves the library in
position xx. See “Command Interface (Fast Path) to the Personal List
Function” on page 64 for additional information.
REFOPEND Calls the personal data set open dialog. See “Command Interface
(Fast Path) to the Personal List Function” on page 64 for additional
REFOPENL Calls the personal library list open dialog. See “Command Interface
(Fast Path) to the Personal List Function” on page 64 for additional
RESIZE Increases the size of a pop-up window to fill the entire 3270 physical
display area. The initial RESIZE command increases the pop-up
window to its maximum size, and the following RESIZE reduces the
window to its original size.
RETF Retrieves commands from the command stack moving in the
direction from the oldest command in the command stack toward
the most recent commands in the command stack. Forward retrieve
(RETF) retrieves the oldest command on the command stack, if
RETF is entered immediately after a command is executed, before
performing a RETRIEVE. See “RETF Command” on page 87 for
more information.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 79
ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
RETP Causes a pop-up panel to be displayed with a list of the last 20
commands in the retrieve stack. Retrieve pop-up (RETP) enables you
to select by number the command to be retrieved. The command
selected is retrieved to the command line, as it is when using other
retrieve commands. You will not be able to change the commands in
the retrieve pop-up until the command is selected and retrieved to
the command line.

The RETP pop-up panel has an OPTIONS action bar choice that
allows you to set the minimum number of characters required to
save a command in the retrieve stack and to choose whether to
position the cursor at the beginning or end of the retrieved
command when the command is retrieved to the command line.
RETP displays the pop-up panel if the retrieve stack is empty, which
allows the user to change the retrieve options. See “RETP
Command” on page 87 for more information.
RETRIEVE Repeatedly entering RETRIEVE causes the commands most recently
entered from the primary input field, usually the ZCMD field, to be
displayed on the command line. The commands are displayed one at
a time, in the reverse sequence to which they were entered (last-in,
first-out). This allows you to easily recall a command for
resubmission from the command line. You can edit the command
before entering it if you wish. See “RETRIEVE Command” on page
86 for more information.
RETURN Causes an immediate return to a primary option menu or to the
display from which you entered a nested dialog. The RETURN
command simulates repeated END commands, up to some
appropriate stopping point, without displaying intervening panels.
See “Using the RETURN Command” on page 88 for more
RFIND Repeats the action of the previous FIND command (find one or
more occurrences of a specified character string) or the FIND part of
the most recent CHANGE command (Browse, Edit, and View only).
RIGHT Scrolls right. If your cursor is in a scrollable field, this scrolls
towards the end of the field.
SAREA Displays the Status Area pop-up window.

80 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
SCRNAME screen name [PERM|ON|OFF] Causes the logical screen in which the command is entered to be
given the screen name specified. The name can be any set of 2 to 8
characters that conform to member naming rules, except NEXT,

PERM is an optional parameter to indicate that ISPF does not allow

the SCRNAME parameter on a SELECT statement, or the setting of
the modifiable system variable ZSCRNAME, to override the value
being assigned by this SCRNAME command. The PERM setting lasts
for the duration of the logical screen. After you end the logical
screen, the setting is no longer active.

SCRNAME ON causes the name that you specify for the screen to
be displayed in the panelid area of the screen. SCRNAME OFF
removes the screen name from the visible display.


| share the same 17-character area at the start of the Title line. If more
| than one of these commands are specified, ISPF displays as many as
| will fit, in the following order of priority: SYSNAME, if specified, is
| always displayed. Then, as long as there is enough room, USERID is
| displayed, then PANELID, then SCRNAME.
SETTINGS Displays the ISPF Settings panel.
SPLIT [NEW] Causes the screen to be divided into two logical screens separated
by a horizontal line or changes the location of the horizontal line. If
you have de-selected the Always show split line option in Settings,
there is no split line in 3270 mode. In GUI mode, each screen is
shown as a separate physical window. See “Splitting the Screen
Horizontally or Vertically” on page 44 for more information.
SPLITV On 3290 terminals, causes the screen to be separated into two
vertical logical screens.

The SPLITV function is not active if the actual screen data display is
more than 80 characters wide.
START Starts a dialog in a new logical screen. If a logical screen does not
exist, it will be created.

You can use the START command to do the following:

v Issue a command from the ISPF command table; for example,
v Issue a command with parameters (in single quotes; for example,
v Start a dialog; for example, START PANEL(ISRUTIL)
1. If you are running in GUI mode, issuing the START command
creates a new window.
2. If you are running on the host and invoke START from a
pull-down choice, the screen will be split where your cursor is
located within the pull-down.
3. This function does not change the limitation number of logical
screens. If ISPF already has the maximum number of screens
when the START command is issued, the screen is re-split; that
is, the split line might move on the host, or a window is reused
if you are running in GUI mode.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 81
ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
SWAP When no parameters are given (in 3270 mode), moves the cursor to
[LIST|PREV|NEXT|screen name|n] where it was previously positioned on the other logical screen of a
split-screen pair.

When operating in split-screen mode, pressing the SWAP key (F9)

causes ISPF to ignore any entry on the command line.

When no parameters are given (in GUI mode) and there are more
than two screens present, defaults to SWAP LIST.

Entering SWAP LIST displays the ISPF task list. The task list
displays the following information about all of the active logical
v Screen ID (ZSCREEN)
v Screen name
v Panel ID
v Application ID
v Session type (GUI or 3270)
You can select from this list the screen you want to display or start a
new screen or application. The screen you select replaces the screen
from which you issued the command.

Using a listed parameter changes the focus (in GUI mode) or display
(in 3270 mode) to the PREVious, NEXT, or specified logical screen.

PREV changes the focus or display to the next lower screen number
until reaching 1, then wraps back to 32 or the last number used.

NEXT displays the next highest screen number until the last number
used is reached (ISPF maximum 32, your installation might vary),
then will wrap back to number 1.

SWAP screen name changes the display or focus to the screen called
screen name, if it is active. See the SCRNAME command for more
information about screen names.

SWAP n, where n is a number, changes the display or focus to the

specified screen number, if it is active.
SWITCH (3270 | GUI) Switches the mode of screen display between GUI and 3270.
| SYSNAME (ON | OFF) SYSNAME ON causes the name that you specify for the screen to be
| displayed in the panelid area of the screen. SYSNAME OFF removes
| the screen name from the visible display.


| share the same 17-character area at the start of the Title line. If more
| than one of these commands are specified, ISPF displays as many as
| will fit, in the following order of priority: SYSNAME, if specified, is
| always displayed. Then, as long as there is enough room, USERID is
| displayed, then PANELID, then SCRNAME.
TOP Alias for the UP MAX command. Scrolls to the top of the data.

82 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
TSO Allows the user to enter a TSO command, CLIST, or REXX
command procedure.

Do not enter the following commands after the TSO command:

v Commands that are restricted by TSO or PCF

You can enter a CLIST or REXX name after the TSO command, but
the following restrictions apply:
v The CLIST or REXX command procedure cannot invoke the
restricted commands shown in the preceding list.
v Restrictions that apply to CLIST attention exits are described in
z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference.
v TERMIN command procedure statements cause unpredictable
TSOCMD Displays the ISPF Command Shell panel.
TSOGUI [ ON | OFF ] ON specifies that the ISPF/TSO window is resumed and all TSO
line mode output and input is directed to the ISPF/TSO window.

OFF specifies that the ISPF/TSO window is suspended and all

full-screen and line mode data appears in the 3270 window until
TSOGUI ON command is issued.
TUTOR [panelid] Calls the ISPTUTOR program to display specified tutorial panels.

To display a particular tutorial panel, enter the TUTOR command

along with the panel identifier of the desired tutorial panel as a

If you issue the TUTOR command without a parameter, the general

tutorial help panel (ISP00000) is displayed.
UP Scrolls toward the top of the data.
| USERID (ON | OFF) USERID ON displays your user ID in the panelid area of the screen.
| USERID OFF removes your user ID from the visible display.


| share the same 17-character area at the start of the Title line. If more
| than one of these commands are specified, ISPF displays as many as
| will fit, in the following order of priority: SYSNAME, if specified, is
| always displayed. Then, as long as there is enough room, USERID is
| displayed, then PANELID, then SCRNAME.
WINDOW Moves a pop-up that is currently displayed.

If more than one pop-up is displayed on your logical screen, only

the active (or most recent) pop-up will move.

A pop-up can only be moved within the logical screen from which it
Note: The WINDOW command is disabled if you are running in
GUI mode.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 83
ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
WS Modelessly starts the command you specify, providing a seamless
interface between host and workstation applications. For example,
when running in GUI mode, you can enter the following command
to invoke a workstation editor on a file named test.fil: WS e.exe
WSCON Displays the Initiate Workstation Connection panel. Using this panel,
you can start a workstation connection. There are some restrictions
to consider if you choose to start a workstation connection with this
v At the completion of ISPF command processing, or program,
CLIST, or REXX exec execution, ISPF does not reprocess the panel
from which the command was invoked. The panel is simply
relaunched to the screen without processing, for example, the
panel’s )INIT section. So, if certain constructs are defined within
the panel sections based on the ZGUI variable (nonblank
indicating connection in GUI mode), these constructs are not
defined properly until after the Enter key is pressed following the
WSCON command.
v When connecting to the workstation in GUI mode, the first panel
displayed in GUI mode might not contain group boxes and
images that are defined on the panel. After you press the Enter
key, causing the panel to be reprocessed, these constructs are
visible in GUI mode.

84 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

Table 3. ISPF System Commands (continued)

Command Description
WSDISCON Disconnects your workstation connection. There are some restrictions
to consider if you choose to disconnect from a workstation with this
v At the completion of ISPF command processing, or program,
CLIST, or REXX exec execution, ISPF does not reprocess the panel
from which the command was invoked. The panel is simply
relaunched to the screen without processing, for example, the
panel’s )INIT section. So, if certain constructs are defined within
the panel sections based on the ZGUI variable (nonblank
indicating connection in GUI mode), these constructs are not
defined properly until after the Enter key is pressed following the
WSDISCON command.
v When disconnecting from GUI mode, the name of any group
boxes defined on the panel from which you issued WSDISCON,
will display on the screen in 3270 mode. After you press the Enter
key, causing the panel to be reprocessed, these names disappear
and any panel text under the names reappears.
v If in GUI mode and in split screen mode when you invoke the
WSDISCON command, you are disconnected from the
workstation and the screen from which you issued WSDISCON is
displayed in the full 3270 emulator session without a split line,
regardless of how “Always show split line” is set. The other ISPF
sessions are hidden and available for display after the swap
command is entered. Additional split requests cause the split line
to be redisplayed, provided the “Always show split line” setting
is selected.
v If pop-up windows are displayed in GUI mode when the
WSDISCON command is issued, those pop-up windows are
suspended on the 3270 session and the panels display as
full-screen panels. If new addpops are then invoked, these new
panels display as pop-up windows.
v You cannot disconnect using the WSDISCON command when
running in batch GUI mode.
v If the CODEPAGE and CHARSET parameters were specified (on
the WSCON service, the Initiate Workstation Connection panel, or
the ISPSTART GUI statement) when your workstation connection
was made, these values might no longer be the host code page
and character set in 3270 mode following a WSDISCON
command. The values returned from the terminal query are
restored as the active code page and character set. If your
emulator does not support code pages, the CODEPAGE and
CHARSET parameter values originally specified on your
ISPSTART statement are used. If these ISPSTART parameters were
not specified, ENGLISH is the default specification.
ZKEYS Displays a panel that lets you view and change the current function
key variables. This command is equivalent to selecting the Global PF
Key settings choice from the Function keys pull-down on the ISPF
Settings panel.

Using the RETRIEVE, RETF, and RETP Commands

This section describes how to use the RETRIEVE, RETF, and RETP commands.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 85
ISPF System Commands

The RETRIEVE command causes the most recently entered command to be
displayed on the command line. If the command recalled by RETRIEVE is longer
than the current primary input field, ISPF truncates the command to the size of the
primary input field for display purposes. Only the data displayed in the primary
input field is processed and stored in the command retrieval stack when you press
Enter or a function key. However, the original command retains its full length in
the retrieval stack.

If the current panel has no input fields, then the size of the primary input field is
zero and the retrieved command is not displayed. Normal stack processing occurs,
however, and the internal pointer is incremented to the next saved command. This
can result in an unexpected command being recalled when RETRIEVE is issued on
a subsequent panel that has input fields.

If you issue the RETRIEVE command when the stack is empty, ISPF presents you
with a blank command line with the cursor in the first position. If the stack is not
empty, ISPF places the cursor immediately following the retrieved command.

If you are in the process of recalling a string of commands by issuing successive

RETRIEVE commands, you can cause ISPF to recycle to the top of the command
retrieval stack by pressing Enter when the primary input field (normally the
command line) is blank.

When you are operating in split-screen mode, one stack retains commands for all
logical screens.

There are five cases for which ISPF does not retain an entered command for
v Commands entered using attention fields, such as light pen-selectable fields or
cursor-select fields.
v Commands entered through the use of function keys. This includes any portion
of a compound command that results from pressing a function key. For example,
if you key PAGE into the primary input field and then press the function key set
to the DOWN command, only the PAGE portion of the DOWN PAGE command
is retained as a single element in the retrieval stack. The entire character string
entered from the primary input field in conjunction with a function key is
always retained, whereas any portion of the command resulting from the
function key value is not retained.
v The RETRIEVE command, if entered as a single command. If RETRIEVE is one
of the commands of a chain being processed by ISPF, the entire chain is placed
on the retrieval stack. However, processing of the command chain ends when
ISPF interprets the RETRIEVE command and displays the next command in the
stack. Any commands following RETRIEVE in the chain are not processed.
RETRIEVE can be part of a stack element as a parameter of another command.
For example, you might enter FIND RETRIEVE as a command.
v Commands entered on the COMMAND option of the DISPLAY service.
v Jump function (extended return) commands entered from a nondisplay field.

You can issue any retrieved command, as is, while it is being displayed, or you can
edit the command line and then issue the modified version.

Command retrieval works on a last-in, first-out basis. For example, assume that the
last three commands you have issued are PRINT, DOWN, and RIGHT, in that

86 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

order. Now suppose that you want to again issue the PRINT command. Assuming
that F12 is set to RETRIEVE, the sequence of operations is:
1. Press F12. RIGHT displays on the command line.
2. Press F12 again. DOWN displays on the command line.
3. Press F12 a third time. PRINT displays on the command line.
4. Press Enter.

You can also use the RETRIEVE command to check and correct errors made in
keying commands. For example, suppose that you mistakenly enter PFSHOW
TAYLOR. When ISPF advises you that TAYLOR is not a valid parameter, you
1. Press F12. PFSHOW TAYLOR displays on the command line.
2. Type over the Y with an I.
3. Press Enter.

Each ISPF session supports only one command retrieval stack, to be shared by all
logical screens. The number of commands that ISPF saves for retrieval depends on:
v The size of the stack area allocated for this purpose by the installation. Refer to
z/OS ISPF Planning and Customizing for information on changing the size of the
stack area allocated for RETRIEVE command processing.
v The lengths of the individual command lines that are saved.
As a command is entered, it goes to the top of the stack, pushing all other
commands down. If there is not enough room at the bottom of the stack to hold
the entire bottom command, it is dropped from the stack.

Duplicate commands are allowed in the stack, except when the command being
entered is a duplicate of the command at the top of the stack. All command lines
(except the RETRIEVE command) are placed in the stack as entered, regardless of
validity. Actually, these commands can be any character string, up to 255 bytes
each, entered from the screen’s primary input field (not necessarily the ZCMD

Jump function commands are stored in the stack unless they are entered from a
nondisplay field, regardless of whether the field is the primary input field or not.

If the RETRIEVE command is repeatedly entered until the bottom command in the
stack displays, issuing the RETRIEVE command once more causes the command at
the top of the stack to be displayed again. To force a return to the top of the stack,
clear the command field and press Enter. Then, the next RETRIEVE command
causes the command line to be set to the command at the top of the stack.

RETF Command
The forward retrieve (RETF) command recalls commands from the command
retrieval stack from the oldest command in the stack towards the most recent
commands in the stack. This is useful when you RETRIEVE too many times in an
attempt to retrieve a specific command. RETF enables you to return to the desired
command without having to cycle through the entire retrieval stack.

RETP Command
The retrieve pop-up (RETP) command causes a pop-up panel to be displayed with
the last 20 commands in the command retrieval stack listed. You can select the
command you want to retrieve by number. The selected command is retrieved to
the command line. When using the RETP command, the following considerations

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 87
ISPF System Commands

1. If a command in the command retrieval stack is too long to fit in the retrieve
pop-up, the last visible character of the command is changed to a > to show
that some characters are not displayed. However, the entire command is
retrieved to the command line when it is selected to be retrieved.
2. The default for the minimum number of characters is one, so any command
entered is saved on the retrieval stack. The user has the option of setting the
value from 1–99 for the minimum number of characters to save. Therefore, if
you select three characters for the minimum number to be saved in the
retrieval stack and a one- or two-character command is entered, it is not added
to the retrieval stack. This prevents short commands that can be easily retyped
from taking up space in the retrieval stack. Changing the minimum number of
characters to save in the retrieval stack does not affect commands already in
the retrieval stack. This setting is saved in the variable ZRETMINL, which is
saved in the user’s ISPF system profile table ISPSPROF and across ISPF
3. The default for the cursor position when a command is retrieved is at the end
of the command. The cursor position setting is saved in the variable
ZRETPOSC, which is saved in the user’s ISPF system profile table ISPSPROF
and across ISPF invocations.

Using the RETURN Command

The RETURN command causes the immediate return to a primary option menu or
to the display from which you entered a nested dialog. When a RETURN
command is entered, the DM component takes the following action:
1. It simulates the END command on the panel that is currently displayed; that is,
the DISPLAY or TBDISPL service returns a code of 8.
2. For subsequent requests, made through the DISPLAY or TBDISPL service, for
display of a different panel, the panel is not displayed, and a return code of 8
is issued by the service.
3. However, when two consecutive display requests name the same panel, normal
operation of the DISPLAY and TBDISPL services is restored and processing
proceeds as though RETURN had not been entered. The DM component
decides whether to proceed. Generally, because RETURN signals the
application user’s desire to end the current processing, a developer can limit
processing after the RETURN is received to clean up and do final processing
before returning control to the dialog element from which the function was
4. If two consecutive requests do not specify the same panel, processing continues
in the mode described in item 2 until control is returned to a primary option
menu or a nested dialog completes. Then, normal operation of the DISPLAY
and TBDISPL services is restored.
It might be necessary to suspend processing of a panel temporarily so that other
panels can be displayed. Issue a CONTROL DISPLAY SAVE request to save the
contents and control information of the panel whose processing is to be suspended.
Before resuming the processing of this panel, issue CONTROL DISPLAY RESTORE
to reinstate the contents and control information for the panel. If non-ISPF screens
have been displayed, issue CONTROL DISPLAY REFRESH to clear the screen.

This mode of operation continues until either a primary option menu is

encountered or a nested dialog completes. If a primary option menu is
encountered, it is displayed. If a nested dialog completes, the panel from which it

88 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

was invoked is redisplayed. This panel is exactly as you last saw it, except that the
command field is blank. In either case, this completes the action of the RETURN

Note: A nested dialog is one invoked from any panel by a SELECT action
command. The HELP and KEYS commands invoke nested dialogs. In
addition, the TSO system commands invoke nested dialogs when they are
used to execute a CLIST procedure that displays panels through ISPF

If a dialog function needs to distinguish between END and RETURN, it can do so

in one of the following ways:
v If the panel was defined using the panel definition statements, upon return from
the DISPLAY or TBDISPL service, with a return code of 8, the function can
examine variable ZVERB in the shared pool. It contains either END or RETURN.
v If the panel was defined using the DTL, upon return from the DISPLAY or
TBDISPL service, with a return code of 8, the function can examine variable
ZVERB in the shared pool. It contains either EXIT or CANCEL.
v Upon return from the SELECT service when the PANEL keyword was specified,
the dialog function can examine the return code from SELECT. Return code 0
indicates that the END command was entered on the selected menu panel.
Return code 4 indicates that the RETURN command was entered on the selected
menu panel or on some lower-level menu.

Using the Jump Function

The jump function allows you to go directly to any valid option from the primary
option menu currently in effect. Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and
Reference for information about coding primary option menus. To use the jump
function, enter the option on the command line or in the command field of any
panel, preceded by an equal sign and followed by a blank. For example:
Command ===> =3.1

takes you directly to the first suboption of option 3 on the primary option menu in

The action is as follows:

v If not entered on a primary option menu, the jump function causes repeated
END commands to be simulated until a primary option menu is encountered.
What follows the equal sign is then used on the primary option menu, and
pressing of the Enter key is simulated. The primary option menu is not
v If entered on a primary option menu, the jump function equal sign is ignored
and the specified option is selected.
Unlike the RETURN command, the jump function is not affected by nested dialogs.
For example, from the ISPF Edit option, you enter a HELP command to enter the
tutorial. Then from the tutorial, you enter =1. This causes the tutorial to end, Edit
to end, and primary option 1 to be started.

For convenience, you can enter a jump function in two other places:
v Any field that is preceded by an arrow. The arrow must consist of at least two
equal signs followed by a greater-than sign (==>). Also, the arrow must
immediately precede the input attribute byte.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 89
ISPF System Commands

v Any field preceded by leader dots (that is, ... or . .). ISPF looks at the three
characters preceding the field; they must be either three consecutive dots or two
dots separated by a blank.

The command field is the only field that can be initialized to =n by the dialog and
have the jump function recognize it. Modifying the ZCMD field in the )PROC or
)INIT section can affect jump function operation.

If ISPF encounters an error during jump function processing, the processing stops
with the jump function in error displayed on the command line, unless that
function was entered from a nondisplay field.

Because a jump request generally signals a user’s desire to end the current
processing, the dialog developer must limit processing to cleaning up and
completing processing before returning control to the selection in the jump request.
Otherwise, the dialog developer can cancel the jump request/return mode by
providing two consecutive displays with the same panel name.

For compatibility with the SPF licensed program, the jump function can be entered
in conjunction with the RETURN command or RETURN function key. For example,
you type =2 and then press the RETURN function key rather than pressing Enter.
The action is just the same as if you had typed =2 and pressed Enter.

Using the Scrolling Commands

You can use the scrolling commands if the dialog function invokes the DISPLAY
service for panels with scrollable areas or scrollable dynamic areas, the table
display service (TBDISPL), or the interfaces to the PDF component VIEW,
BROWSE, and EDIT services. During processing of the tutorial, ISPF interprets
these commands as follows:
UP (F7/19) Same as the UP command
DOWN (F8/20) Same as the SKIP command
LEFT (F10/22) Same as the BACK command
RIGHT (F11/23) Same as the Enter key (display the next page).

When scrollable data is displayed, scrolling enables you to move the screen window
up, down, left, or right across the information. When the cursor is within a
scrollable field, scrolling enables you to move left or right within the variable data.
Only up and down scrolling is allowed for table displays and scrollable areas.

When scrolling is allowed, a scroll amount is commonly displayed at the top of the
screen (line 2). This amount determines the number of lines, or columns, scrolled
with each use of a scroll command. To change the scroll amount, move the cursor
to the scroll field and type over the displayed amount. Valid scroll amounts are:
The minimum and maximum scroll values as defined in the configuration
table. The defaults are 0–9999. Specifies the number of lines (up or down)
or columns (left or right) to be scrolled.

Note: If you specify a scroll amount of 0, no scrolling occurs.

PAGE Specifies scrolling by one page.
For scrolling purposes, a page is defined as the amount of information
currently visible on the logical screen. Function key definition lines are not
a part of the page. In split-screen mode, for example, a Browse display
might have 12 lines by 80 columns of scrollable data. In this case, a scroll

90 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

amount of PAGE moves the text up or down by 12 lines, or right or left by

80 columns. If the cursor is within a scrollable field, PAGE will move the
text right or left the equivalent of the display field length.
DATA For up and down scrolling, specifies scrolling by one line less than a page.
For left and right scrolling, it is one column less than a page. Within a
scrollable field, it is one column less than the display field length.
HALF Specifies scrolling by half a page. Within a scrollable field, it is half the
display field length.
MAX Specifies scrolling to the top, bottom, left margin, right margin, beginning
of field or end of field, depending upon which scrolling command is used
and the current cursor position. For scrollable fields, the maximum right
position is the field length minus the display length and the maximum left
position is 1.
CSR Specifies scrolling based on the current position of the cursor. The line or
column indicated by the cursor is moved to the top, bottom, left margin, or
right margin of the screen, depending upon which scrolling command is
used. If the cursor is not in the body of the data or if it is already
positioned at the top, bottom, left margin, or right margin, a full-page
scroll occurs.

Note: Scroll amount is not used for scrollable areas.

The current scroll amount is saved in the application profile. There are three scroll
amount values: one for Browse (ZSCBR), one for Edit and View (ZSCED), and one
for member lists (ZSCML). When you type over the scroll amount, the new value
remains in effect until you change it again. The value MAX is an exception.
Following a MAX scroll, the scroll amount reverts to its previous value.

The scroll amount field is optional. If the input field following the command field
in the panel body is exactly four characters long, it is assumed to be the scroll
amount field. If there Otherwise, the system variable ZSCROLLD, which can be set
by the dialog, is used to determine the default scroll amount. is no scroll amount
field and ZSCROLLD has not been set, the default is PAGE.

When you enter a scroll request, the variables ZSCROLLA and ZSCROLLN are set.
ZSCROLLA contains the value of the scroll amount field, such as MAX or CSR.
ZSCROLLN contains the number of lines or columns to scroll, computed from the
value in the scroll amount field. For example, if a dialog is in split-screen mode, 12
lines are currently visible and you request DOWN HALF, ZSCROLLN contains a 6.
The system variable ZVERB contains the scroll direction (DOWN in this case). If
the value of ZSCROLLA is MAX, the value of ZSCROLLN is not ignored.

You can also use any valid scroll amount as part of the scroll command. For
example, type:
Command ===> UP 3

and press Enter, or type:

Command ===> 3

and press the UP function key. Either form results in a temporary, one-time
override of the scroll amount.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 91
ISPF System Commands

If ISPF does not recognize the value specified on the command line as a valid
scroll amount, such as PAGE, DATA, HALF, MAX, CSR, or a positive integer, the
value is interpreted as a command and passed to the function in control.

Using the EXPAND Command

The expand panel displays the variable in a scrollable dynamic area. Standard up
and down scrolling is supported. You can display the variable in character and
hexadecimal using the following primary command. The setting will be
remembered for subsequent expand processing.
HEX ON/OFF Turn hexadecimal display on and off.

Using Command Tables to Define Commands

ISPF implements system, user, site and application commands through the use of
command tables.

A system command table (ISPCMDS) is distributed with ISPF in the table input
library. An application can provide an application command table by including a
table named xxxxCMDS in its table input library, where xxxx is a 1- to 4-character
application ID. You can also add up to 3 user command tables and up to 3 site
command tables to the ISPF Configuration table. This is a permanent place for
your set of user-defined commands. When IBM updates the ISPF command table,
you do not need to re-add your commands. By setting the Before or After option,
you can search the site command tables either before or after the ISP command
table. The default option is Before. If the application’s table input library is defined
with the LIBDEF service, the LIBDEF must be active when the SELECT service call
that invokes the application is issued, and the PASSLIB parameter must be

You can define an application command table using either:

v The command table utility described in the Command Table Utility (Option 3.9)
section of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
v The Dialog Tag Language (DTL) and ISPF conversion utility. Refer to the z/OS
ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference for the tags you must use.

When a user enters a command, the DM component searches the application

command table (if any), then the user command tables (if any), then the site
command tables (if any), and finally the system command table, ISPCMDS. This is
the default search order, which assumes the option Before for the site command
tables. If you choose the option After for these tables, they are searched after
ISPCMDS. If it finds the command, action is taken immediately. If it does not find
the command in the application or system tables, the command is passed to the
dialog, unaltered, in the command field. The dialog must then take appropriate

Command Table Format

A command table is an ISPF table in which each row contains the specification for
one command. Each column contains a variable for the command. The variables
ZCTVERB Specifies the name of the command. A command name must be
from 2–8 characters long and must begin with an alphabetic
character. Note that the terms command name and command verb are
synonymous and are used interchangeably.
ZCTTRUNC Specifies the minimum number of characters that you must enter

92 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

to find a match with the command name. If this number is zero or

equal to the length of the name, you must enter the entire name.
This number must not be one, or be greater than the length of the
ZCTACT Specifies the action to be performed when the command specified
in ZCTVERB is entered. Can be up to 240 characters.
ZCTDESC Contains a brief description of the purpose of the command. This
variable is optional. It is not used by the DM component in
processing the command, but it is displayed by the command table
utility. The description is limited to 80 characters.

The dialog manager treats ZCTVERB, ZCTTRUNC, ZCTACT, and ZCTDESC as

defined function variables. They are not accessible to dialogs.

The valid actions that can be performed (ZCTACT) are:

SELECT Followed by selection keywords causes the selected dialog
(command, program, or menu) to be given control immediately.
ALIAS Followed by another command and any parameters allows
specification of command aliases.
PASSTHRU Causes the command to be passed to the dialog instead of
continuing to search the system table.
SETVERB Causes the command to be passed to the dialog with the command
verb stored in ZVERB separately from the parameters. The ISPF
system commands distributed with the product that have
SETVERB as an action are not always passed through to the dialog.
Refer to “Passing Commands to a Dialog Function” on page 97 for
further discussion.
NOP Causes the command to be inactive. ISPF displays an inactive
command message in this case.
Blank (no action)
Causes the table entry to be ignored. Scanning continues, searching
for additional entries with the same name.
A variable name
The name begins with an ampersand and can be one of the actions
described in this list. This allows dynamic specification of
command action.

Additional action keywords are used to indicate system commands for which
special processing is required. These are CURSOR, PRINT, PRINTG, PRINT-HI,
valid actions, they are intended for use only in the system command table
distributed with ISPF and are intended to be used only with the associated
command verb. They are not intended for use in application command tables.

Customizing the ISPCMDS Command Table

Use the following steps to customize your ISPCMDS command table:
1. Copy the ISPCMDS into a data set concatenated before the ’*.SISPTENU’ data
set in the ISPTLIB DD statement.
v Name the new member using a unique prefix of up to 4 characters, for
example: RSMCMDS or MOD1CMDS.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 93
ISPF System Commands

v Allocate the copied-to data set to the ISPTABL DD card. You can use the
following CLIST to do a LIBDEF against ISPTABL if you have a ISPTABL DD

If your logon procedure does not allocate an ISPTABL DD card:

ALLOC F(ISPTABL) DA(the_dataset_name)
2. Using option 3.9, customize this member with your new commands.
v Option 3.9 will search the ISPTLIB DD for this member.
v Option 3.9 will save (UPDATE) this customized member to the output data
set pointed to by ISPTABL.
3. After you have customized this member, you can use option 3.1 or 3.4 member
list to rename this member to ISPCMDS.
4. Exit ISPF.
v This will nullify the LIBDEF on ISPTABL.
5. Re-invoke ISPF.
v When ISPF searches the ISPTLIB DD concatenation, your customized
ISPCMDS will be found first.

SELECT Action Commands Temporarily Invoke a New Dialog

A SELECT action command can be specified in a command table. The action is
coded exactly the same as for the SELECT service. All SELECT keywords are valid,
including NEWAPPL.

The selected dialog is started immediately when a SELECT action command is

entered on the command line of any panel. This temporarily suspends the current
dialog. When the selected dialog completes, the screen is refreshed and the
suspended dialog resumes.

Examples of SELECT action commands:



In the example, the ZCTTRUNC variable indicates that the UPDATE and MENU
command names cannot be truncated. PREPARE, however, can be truncated to
PREPAR, PREPA, or PREP. The functions and keywords in the ZCTACT field
indicate the actions that the commands perform.

The ZPARM variable that appears in the SELECT keywords indicates that
command parameters are to be substituted at that point. For example, if the
following commands were entered:

the following SELECT actions would result:

94 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
ISPF System Commands



ZPARM, a dummy variable, is used only to substitute user-entered parameters into

SELECT action commands. It is not stored in a variable pool and is not accessible
to dialogs.
1. Take care with ACTIONs that use ZPARM, as the ISPF parser will add a
matching parenthesis if one appears to be missing. Consider an entry of
″SELECT CMD(%CMD &ZPARM) NEWAPPL(ISR)″. If ″(XYZ″ is passed then
the command will receive ″(XYZ) NEWAPPL(ISR)″ as a parameter.
2. Use of SELECT action commands can cause recursive entry into dialog
functions, which the DM component allows. The dialog developer should either
design functions for recursive use or display a message if a user attempts to
reenter a nonrecursive function.

The ISPF DISPLAY and TBDISPL services can be used recursively. The current
display environment is automatically saved whenever a SELECT action command
is entered and is restored upon completion of the command.

Assigning Command Aliases

A command alias is an alternate way of expressing a command. For example, you
might assign to the command UP MAX an alias of TOP to make it easier to
remember and to issue. In the case of a command that includes lengthy
parameters, using an alias can be a much more efficient way of entering the
command. Also, using aliases can be helpful for writing dialogs in languages for
which single words can meaningfully replace multiword command-parameter
expressions. Normally, alias entries are used in an application command table to
refer to system commands, which might or might not include parameter fields.
Issuing the command or its alias causes the same result.

An alias must precede, in the command table, any reference to the command to
which it refers. You can establish an alias by setting values in two command table
variables. Set:
v ZCTVERB to the value you wish to use as the alias for an existing command
v ZCTACT to the keyword ALIAS followed by the command, including any
parameters, for which you are establishing the alias. Thus, the value of the
ZCTACT variable can be either a single-word command, such as HELP, or it can
be a multipart command, such as UP MAX.
You can set the value of ZCTTRUNC in the command table to the minimum
number of characters of the alias name that must be entered. For example, for the
alias FORWARD, if you set ZCTTRUNC to a value of 3, issuing the first three
characters (or more) has the same effect as issuing FORWARD. If you assign a
value of 0 in the ZCTTRUNC field, the complete alias name must be issued.

The maximum length of the value you can specify in ZCTACT, including the
keyword ALIAS, followed by a blank, and the command verb plus any parameters,
is 240 characters. This leaves a maximum of 234 characters for the command, at
least one blank following the command, and any parameters. ISPF interprets up to
the first 8 characters in the command name. ISPF issues an error message for
command names that do not contain from 2–8 characters.

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 95
ISPF System Commands

Any parameters included in the ZCTACT command table field take precedence
over any parameters included with that command’s alias issued from a command
line. Thus, if you issue a command alias that includes parameters, ISPF:
v Recognizes the command alias verb
v Ignores the parameters you specified with the alias
v Substitutes the parameters included with the command verb in ZCTACT.
If the command verb in ZCTACT does not include parameters, ISPF accepts
parameters specified with the command’s alias from a command line. This can be
useful when a command’s parameters do not fit into the 240 character spaces
available in ZCTACT.

You can create a chain of command-parameter aliases in a command table as long

as the result is a valid executable action. The last command verb and parameter
values that ISPF encounters in the alias chain within the command table are the
ones that are executed. The command verb and the parameter values do not
necessarily come from the same table entry. For example:



In this example, if you entered EASYKEY from a command line, the command that
would ultimately be executed would be CMD2 PARM3.

Some other examples of defining alias values are:



*These four entries represent two-level chaining.

This example defines QUIT as an alias of END, FORWARD as an alias of DOWN,

and so on. For example, if you enter QUIT, the system responds as though you
had entered END.

Looking at the two-level chaining examples, if you enter TOP, ISPF responds as
though you had entered UP MAX. This is because, at the second level when
BACKWARD is replaced with UP, there is no second-level parameter to replace
MAX. In the case of ENDFILE, ISPF responds as though you had entered DOWN
MAX. ISPF replaces the verb LOW with DOWN and the blank parameter value
with MAX.

Note: Command aliases shipped with ISPF in table ISPCMDS include TOP (UP

96 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF System Commands

Overriding System Commands

An application can override any system command simply by including the same
command name in the application command table. For example:



In this example, the dialog has overridden both the HELP and TSO commands.
During ISPF processing, if you enter HELP, the command is passed to the dialog
function in control, which determines the action to be taken. The action specified
for the TSO command is NOP, which disables the TSO command. ISPF displays an
inactive command message when a NOP action command has been processed.

Passing Commands to a Dialog Function

Any command that is not found in the application or system command table is
passed, unaltered in the command field, to the dialog. This occurs regardless of
whether the command was typed in the command field or entered by use of a
function key or the attention field.

You can force a command to be passed to the dialog, even if the command exists
in the command table, by typing a greater-than symbol (>) in front of the

Any command in the command table that has an action of PASSTHRU is processed
as though the command were not found in the table. It is passed in the command
field to the dialog.

Commands can also be passed to the dialog using the SETVERB action. This action
causes the dialog manager to separate the name from the command parameters, if
any. The command is stored in variable ZVERB, which is in the shared pool. The
left-justified command parameters are passed in the command field to the dialog.
For example:



The verb QUERY is stored in variable ZVERB and the character string, such as
DEPT 877 in the following examples, is passed in the command field.

The following actions produce the same results:

v Typing QUERY DEPT 877 in the command field and pressing Enter.
v Typing DEPT 877 in the command field and pressing a function key that has been
equated to the character string QUERY.
v Pressing a function key that has been equated to the character string QUERY DEPT
v Using the light pen or cursor-select key to select an attention field that contains
the character string QUERY DEPT 877.

The following system commands, distributed with the DM component, are defined
as SETVERB action commands:


Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 97
ISPF System Commands


The ZVERB variable can be used to distinguish between END and RETURN. The
effect of END and RETURN on the DISPLAY service is the same because RETURN
is used to simulate repeated END commands, until a primary option menu is

RFIND and RCHANGE are used only by ISPF View, Browse, and Edit. Thus, these
commands are not passed back to a user dialog in ZVERB.

The commands UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT are only active when a scrollable
panel is displayed. Use of these commands from a nonscrollable panel results in a
command is not active message.

Specifying Command Actions Dynamically

You can specify a command action dynamically (as part of function processing) by
the use of a dialog variable. A variable action can be used to share commands, such
as UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT, with the DM component. It can also be used to
enable or disable commands during certain points in the dialog. Suppose, for
example, an application command table includes the following entries:



You can use the variable SCRVERT to dynamically control the action of the UP and
DOWN vertical scroll commands as follows:
v If SCRVERT is set to NOP, the commands are not available.
v If SCRVERT is set to PASSTHRU, the commands are passed to the dialog.
v If SCRVERT is set to blank, command scanning continues. In this case, the
system definitions for UP and DOWN in the system command table take effect.
v If SCRVERT is set to an action that is not valid, the commands are not available,
as in NOP.

For this particular example, setting SCRVERT to SETVERB would have the same
effect as setting it to blank, because UP and DOWN are defined in the system
command table as SETVERB action commands.

If the dialog overrides or shares the use of the scroll commands, it becomes that
dialog’s responsibility to ensure that the commands have been redefined with an
action of blank, or with SETVERB. This must be done before starting any ISPF
function that requires View, Browse, Edit, and Table Display. The same rule applies
to the RFIND command used by Browse and Edit and the RCHANGE command
used by Edit.

Using a Function Key

Under ISPF, function keys are not automatically assigned to special functions. You
equate each function key to a character string. When you press a function key, it
simulates command entry. The processing is the same as if you had typed the
character string in the command field and pressed the Enter key.

98 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using a Function Key

Note: On a 3270 display, the horizontal divider line that separates the logical
screens is not considered part of either logical screen. If the cursor is placed
on this horizontal divider line and a function key is pressed, the result is the
same as if the ENTER key was pressed and the cursor is positioned on the
active logical screen’s command line.

A dialog function cannot distinguish the difference between a command entered by

a function key and a command entered by typing in the command field. If the
character string with which the function key is equated is longer than the screen’s
command field, the string is truncated without warning.

If you type information on the command line and then press a function key, the
function key definition, followed by a blank, is concatenated ahead of the contents
of the command field. For example, suppose F7 is equated to the character string
UP. If you type 4 in the command field and then press F7, the results are exactly
the same as if you had typed UP 4 in the command field and pressed the Enter

ISPF does not require function keys for its operation. Commands can be entered in
the command field of any display, including View, Browse, Edit, and Table Display.
However, for ease of use, function keys are strongly recommended.

The default function key assignments distributed with ISPF for the 3x4 key pad on
the right side of the keyboard are shown in Table 4. These are function keys 1–12
on a 12-key terminal or keys 13–24 on a 24-key terminal.
Table 4. Function Key Arrangement

Function keys can be displayed at the bottom of a panel. Using the FKA or
PFSHOW command, you can display either the long or short form of the keys, or
remove the keys from the panel. See “ISPF System Commands” on page 70 for a
complete description of how to display or remove the function keys.

For panels defined without the )PANEL section, the long and short form of the
function key area is the same. If you use a )PANEL section, you can use the
KEYLIST command or the “Keylist settings” choice from the Function keys
pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel to determine which keys appear in each
form. For more information on Keylist settings, see the Settings (Option 0) chapter
of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
Long Displays the keys that appear in the short form along with all other keys
you indicated should appear for the long form. The long form is the
default. An example of the long form follows:

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 99
Using a Function Key

Option ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
F10=Actions F12=Cancel

Short Displays the keys that appear in the short form. An example of the short
form follows:

Option ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F10=Actions F12=Cancel

No Removes the function key area, making the space available for the
application. The keys are still active but are not displayed.

Defining Function Key Values

You can define function key values three ways:
v Use the KEYS command to display the Keylist Utility panel or the PF Key
Definitions and Labels panel, then change the function keys for the panel you
are on.
v Use the ZKEYS command or select the “Non-Keylist PF Key settings” choice
from the Function keys pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel. Use this method
to define the function keys when the )PANEL statement has been coded on the
panel. All DTL-generated panels have a )PANEL statement. For more
information on working with Function Keys and Keylists, see the ’Settings
(Option 0)’ chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
v Use the KEYLIST command or select the “Keylist settings” choice from the
Function keys pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel. Use this method to define
the function keys when the application panels are defined with the DTL. For
more information on Keylist settings, see the ’Settings (Option 0)’ chapter of the
z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.

Changing the Format of the Function Key Area

The FKA and PFSHOW commands let you change the visual display of the
function keys on a panel. You can display the keys in long form or short form, or
remove them completely. You can also use the PFSHOW command with the
TAILOR parameter or the “Tailor function key display” choice from the Function
keys pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel to display the Tailor Function Key
Definition Display panel shown in Figure 28 on page 101.

100 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using a Function Key

┌───────────────────────────── ISPF Settings ─────────────────────────────┐

s │ Tailor Function Key Definition Display │
│ │
│ For all terminals: │
O │ Number of keys . . 2 1. 12 │
│ 2. 24 │
│ │
│ Keys per line . . . 1 1. Six │
│ 2. Maximum possible │
│ │
│ Primary range . . . 1 1. Lower - 1 to 12 │
│ 2. Upper - 13 to 24 │
│ │
│ For terminals with 24 PF keys: │
│ Display set . . . . 1 1. Primary - display keys 1 to 12 │
│ 2. Alternate - display keys 13 to 24 │
│ 3. All - display all keys │
│ │
│ Press ENTER key to save changes. Enter END to save changes and exit. │
T │ │
│ │
│ Command ===> │
C │ F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel │

Figure 28. Tailor Function Key Definition Display Panel (ISPOPFA)

This panel lets you select:

v The number of function keys available for display.
See the ’Tailor Function Key Definition Display’ section of the Settings (Option
0) chapter of z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II for a discussion of the rules governing
the number of keys available for display.
v The number of keys per line to display in each function key definition line.
System variable ZPFFMT holds the value selected.

Choice Description ZPFFMT value

Six Always displays six keys per line SIX
Maximum possible Displays as many keys as will fit MAX
on each line.

Note: The Maximum possible option is forced when you select the Panel display
CUA mode option on the ISPF Settings panel.
v The set of function keys that are to be the primary and alternate keys. System
variable ZPRIKEYS holds the value selected.

Choice Description ZPRIKEYS value

Lower - 1 to 12 Primary keys are 1–12 LOW
Upper - 13 to 24 Primary keys are 13–24. UPP

The default value is Lower - 1 to 12.

v The set of function keys on terminals with 24 function keys for which definitions
are to be displayed. System variable ZPFSET holds the value selected.

Choice Description ZPFSET value

Primary - display keys 1 to 12 Primary set (1–12) PRI
Alternate - display keys 13 to 24 Alternate set (13–24) ALT
All - display all keys All keys (1–24). ALL

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 101
Using a Function Key

ISPF ignores these values for terminals with only 12 function keys.

Variables ZPFFMT, ZPRIKEYS, and ZPFSET are stored in the application profile
pool. Dialogs can set these values directly by using the VPUT statement in a panel
definition, or by using the VPUT service in a dialog function.

Dialog developers can control how the PFSHOW command behaves by using the
ZPFCTL system variable. ZPFCTL is also stored in the application profile pool. Its
possible values are:
USER The user can control the display of function key definition lines by using
the PFSHOW command. This is the default value.
ON ISPF unconditionally displays function key definitions on all panels.
Issuing PFSHOW OFF, FKA OFF, or toggling to the no display setting
causes ISPF to issue an error message.
OFF ISPF does not display function key definition lines. If PFSHOW ON,
PFSHOW TAILOR, FKA ON, or toggling to the long or short form setting
of either command is issued, ISPF displays an error message.

Applications can set the ZPFCTL variable value to either USER, ON, or OFF by
using the VPUT service or by using a VPUT statement with the PROFILE

Note: The ZPFCTL variable is ignored if the PFSHOW/FKA command is invoked

from a panel containing a )PANEL statement or if the panel was created
using DTL.

Similarly, keylists can be controlled to some degree by the application.

The ZKLUSE can be set to Y or N. If KEYLIST is ON, the value in ZKLUSE in the
application profile is Y. If KEYLIST is OFF, it is N. If an application VPUTs the
variable to the application profile, the keylist setting is altered.

The following variables can be used by an application to determine what keylist is

being used, and where it comes from.
v ZKLNAME - If KEYLIST is ON and it is a panel with the )PANEL statement,
ZKLNAME contains the name of the keylist currently being used. Otherwise it is
v ZKLAPPL - If KEYLIST is ON and it is a panel with the )PANEL statement,
ZKLAPPL contains the application ID that the keylist currently being used came
from. Otherwise it is blank.
v ZKLTYPE - If KEYLIST is ON and it is a panel with the )PANEL statement,
ZKLTYPE contains either P (private) or S (shared), depending on the keylist
currently being used. Otherwise it is blank.

Function key definitions appear at the bottom of each logical screen. There can be
more than one logical screen, such as when you are using the split-screen function.
If the application has not issued an ADDPOP service call, ISPF displays no more
than four function key definition lines on one panel. If the application has issued
an ADDPOP service call and the set of keys to be displayed is primary or
alternate, ISPF displays no more than two lines. If all of the keys are to be
displayed, no more than four lines appear. If all of the keys will not fit on the
lines, ISPF wraps the keys and truncates the last keys.

102 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using a Function Key

Saving Function Key Definitions

This section applies only if you created your application panels using the ISPF
panel definition statements and used the ZKEYS command or selected the “Global
PF Key settings” choice from the Function keys pull-down on the ISPF Settings
panel. It does not apply for keys defined with the KEYLIST command or through
the “Keylist settings” choice from the Function keys pull-down on the ISPF
Settings panel.

Function key definitions are kept in a set of system variables named ZPF01, ZPF02,
... ZPF24. Labels are kept in a set of system variables named ZPFL01, ZPFL02, ...

When you set the “Primary range” field on the Tailor Function Key Definition
Display panel to Upper - 13 to 24, variables ZPF13–ZPF24 and ZPFL13–ZPFL24
contain the primary PF key definitions and labels. For 24-key terminals, these
definitions correspond to physical keys 13–24. For 12-key terminals, these
definitions correspond to physical keys 1–12. Variables ZPF01–ZPF12 contain the
alternate key definitions, and are meaningful only for terminals with 24 function

When you set the “Primary range” field on the Tailor Function Key Definition
Display panel to Lower - 1 to 12, variables ZPF01–ZPF12 and ZPFL01–ZPFL12
contain the primary PF key definitions and labels. For 24-key terminals, these
definitions correspond to physical keys 1–12. For 12-key terminals, these definitions
correspond to physical keys 1–12. Variables ZPF13–ZPF24 contain the alternate key
definitions and are meaningful only for terminals with 24 function keys.

Current values for all 24 keys (variables ZPF01–ZPF24 and ZPFL01–ZPFL24) are
kept in the application profile. Hence, unique function key definitions can be
associated with different applications.

An application can provide default function key settings for a new user by
providing a default profile. An application can prevent the user from changing the
default function key settings by overriding the ZKEYS command. It does this by
assigning the command to NOP in the application command table.

Using the Light Pen and Cursor-Select Key

ISPF permits fields on a panel to be detected with a light pen or the cursor-select
key. The cursor-select key is a hardware feature on 3179, 3179G, 3180, 3278, 3279,
and 3290 terminals. Only the attention mode of light pen selection is used.

Panel fields that are detectable by light pen or cursor selection can simulate a
command entry, or give you an alternate means of selecting options from a menu.
Each field must be defined as an attention field. Use an attribute character that has
been defined with the ATTN(ON) keyword. The panel designer must provide the
number of blank characters that are required by the terminal hardware before and
after the attention attribute character.

Processing of light pen or cursor-selected fields is handled in much the same way
as function key processing. The entire contents of the selected field are treated as a
command and processed as though they had been typed into the command field. If
the command is found in the tables, it is performed immediately. If the command
is not found in the tables, it is inserted into the command field, and the entire
command field is passed to the dialog. But unlike function keys, information in the
command field is not concatenated with the contents of the attention field. They

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 103
Using the Light Pen and Cursor Select Key

should not be used on data entry panels, because any information that is typed in
an input field, including command fields, is lost when the attention occurs.

Attention fields can be used on a menu to simulate option selection. The panel
designer must truncate any unwanted characters resulting from an attention entry
into the command field. An example is shown in Figure 29.

%------------------------------- SOME MENU -------------------------------

&ZCMD = TRUNC (&ZCMD, ’ ’)


Figure 29. Use of Light Pen Attribute

In Figure 29 a light pen or cursor-selection of the first option would place the
character string 1 – BROWSE in the ZCMD field and simulate the Enter key. In the
)PROC section, the contents of the ZCMD field are truncated at the first blank
before the ZSEL variable is set, based on a translation of the ZCMD field.

Panels that are shipped with the ISPF product do not contain the ATTN(ON)
keyword in the attribute section. If light pen or cursor selection is used, it is the
user’s responsibility to add the ATTN(ON) keyword to the attribute section of the
desired panel. Refer to the z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference for
complete descriptions of the various panel sections.

How Program Access (PA) Keys Affect ISPF Operation

The two Program Access (PA) keys are defined as follows. These definitions cannot
be changed.
Normally, you should not use this key while you are in ISPF full-screen
mode. The text following discusses exceptions.
Redisplays the contents of the screen. PA2 can be useful if you have
pressed the ERASE INPUT or CLEAR key accidentally or have typed
unwanted information but not yet pressed the Enter key or a function key.

Generally, PA1 is used to terminate TSO commands or CLISTs running under ISPF.
However, some TSO commands and CLISTs process PA1 in their own way.
1. If you are running in GUI mode, you must switch back to your host session to
process PA1.

104 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using the Light Pen and Cursor Select Key

2. If you are running in GUI mode, you must press Alt-Home (that is, hold down
the Alt key and press the Home key) to process PA2 from the GUI display.
Restrictions that apply to CLIST attention exits are described in the z/OS ISPF
Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference. Also, ISPF should not be started from a
CLIST that contains an attention exit because results are unpredictable.

If PA1 is pressed while ISPF is in full-screen mode after the keyboard has been
unlocked, it is treated as a RESHOW request. If PA1 is pressed again, the current
function is terminated and either the primary option menu or a top-level selection
panel supplied by the dialog developer is displayed.

When an ISPF function is running, if the RESET key is pressed to unlock the
keyboard and PA1 is pressed, ISPF attempts to terminate the current function and
redisplay the primary option menu. The attempt might not always be successful;
for example, if there is an error in MVS allocation, the attempt fails. A failure
might cause unpredictable results such as waits, loops, abends, or incorrect and
unrelated error messages.

AUTOTYPE - Automatic Data Set Name and Member Name Completion

The AUTOTYPE function is not available on all ISPF panels. It works only on
panels that are specifically written to understand it.

If you assign the value of AUTOTYPE to a function key, you can type a partial
name into a library, member, or data set name field, then press the function key to
have ISPF complete the name for you.

AUTOTYPE automatically searches the catalog or PDS directory to find names that
match what you entered. You can even type a pattern to limit the names that
AUTOTYPE will return. AUTOTYPE works only on panels that have been enabled
to use the function. You can also enable your own applications to use AUTOTYPE
(see “Enabling Applications to Use AUTOTYPE” on page 107).

If you are using a terminal emulator, you can assign an easily reachable key to the
function key that invokes AUTOTYPE. For example, you can use a control key
combination or any other key or combination that is within easy reach. You can
also use the function key directly.

Within ISPF, AUTOTYPE is enabled for the following panels:

v Edit, Browse, and View (options 1 and 2, including recursive edit/browse/view,
copy, replace and move panels).
v Library Utility panels (option 3.1)
v Data Set Utility panels (option 3.2, including Rename)
v Move/Copy (option 3.3)
v Data Set List entry panel (options 3.4)
v Reset ISPF Statistics (option 3.5)
v Hardcopy Utility (option 3.6)
v Download/Upload Data Set To/From Workstation (options 3.7.2)
v SuperC Compare (options 3.12 and 3.13 in all fields)
v SuperC Search (options 3.14 and 3.15, all fields)
v SCLM View and Edit (options 10.1 and 10.2)
v SCLM Library Utility (option 10.3.1)

Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 105
AUTOTYPE - Data Set Name Completion

v Sublibrary Management (option 10.3.2)

v SCLM Migration Utility (option 10.3.3)
| v SCLM Delete from Group Utility (option 10.3.9)
v SCLM Build and Promote (options 10.4 and 10.5)
v Preprocessed panel utility (ISPPREP)
v Dialog tag language compiler (ISPDTLC)

On panels that are not enabled for AUTOTYPE, pressing the AUTOTYPE key is the
same as pressing ENTER. The variable ZVERB is set to the value ’AUTOTYPE’.


1. Type a partial name (zero or more characters) into a Library field (project,
group, type, or member) or the Other Data Set Name field.
2. Press the function key that has been set to AUTOTYPE. ISPF sets the field to
the correct value.
3. If you immediately press the function key again, ISPF retrieves the next data
set or member name. Up to 100 data set names and 700 member names can be

Rules for Specifying the ’Other Data Set Name’ Field

The prefix or pattern you specify is that which is to the left of the cursor. For
example, if the field is ’CLIST(ABC)’, with the cursor under the letter ’S’, then the
pattern used is ’CLI’. For more information, see “Cursor Position Sensitivity” on
page 107.
v If the content of the Data Set Name field does not begin with a quote, your TSO
prefix is added. If the field does begin with a quote, no prefix is added.
Unquoted data set names are not processed if you do not have a TSO prefix
(except for on the Data Set List Utility panel).
v The pattern can be any pattern similar to what you use in your data set list
(except that you don’t have to specify your TSP prefix as described above).
Trailing wildcards are automatically added. For example, in a Data Set Name
field, typing ’CHR’ will result in a pattern of prefix.CHR*.** when searching the
v If you include a left parenthesis, followed optionally by a member name or
pattern, the data set is assumed to be a PDS and the member name is returned.
For example ’CLIST(XY’ would search prefix.CLIST for members matching the
pattern XY*. A trailing * is always added to the member name to create a

Rules for Library Fields - Project, Group, Type, Member

v If the cursor is in the Project field, the other fields are not used as part of the
data set name search and are erased.
v If the cursor is in a Group field, the project name and type name (if any) are
added to create the search pattern. Each group name is used only once, even if
there are many types in that group. As each group name is displayed, the first
type name found for that combination is also retrieved. The
member name, if any, is not used and is erased.
v If the cursor is in the Type field, the project and first group name are used to
create the pattern. The Type field is updated and the member name is erased.
v If the cursor is in the Member field, the project, first group, and type are used as
the data set name. The second, third, and fourth groups are not used.

106 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

AUTOTYPE - Data Set Name Completion

Cursor Position Sensitivity

The pattern or prefix used to search for names is only that which is to the left of
the cursor. In this way you can refine your search simply by moving the cursor.

For example; suppose you have one hundred data sets called ’SYS1.A234.RGG.*’
and you plan to use one named ’SYS1.A234.RGG.DBD0223.L422.FEB0299.TERRA’.
You could type ’SYS1.A234.RGG’ and press the AUTOTYPE key. That might return
’SYS1.A234.RGG.DBD0211.X331.AUG0599.FIRMA’. You can refine the next value
returned by typing a ’2’ over the first ’1’ in ’DB0211’ and then pressing the
AUTOTYPE key again. This will use the new pattern and get you closer to the
desired value.

AUTOTYPE only retrieves cataloged alias names. It will not retrieve generation
data group or generation data set names. AUTOTYPE does not use the Volume
field on any panel. It sets the Volume field associated with the current data set
name field to blank.

AUTOTYPE does not use any ISPF name change exits or data set list retrieval

AUTOTYPE retrieves a maximum or 100 data sets and 700 member names before
cycling through the list from the beginning.

Enabling Applications to Use AUTOTYPE

You can enable applications to use AUTOTYPE by making some minor panel
modifications as follows:
1. At the beginning of the )REINIT section, add the following lines. Make sure the
subsequent line in the )REINIT section starts in column 1 so that it does not
become part of the IF clause you have inserted.
2. At the end of the )REINIT section add the following line in column 1.
3. At the beginning of the )PROC section add the following lines. Make sure the
subsequent line in the )PROC section starts in column 1 so that it does not
become part of the IF clause you have inserted. If there is a line that says: .RET
= OFF in the )PROC section, it should go before these lines.
Modify the line that assigns the variable &ZNAMES. This assignment contains
a list of variable names on the panel. They must all be specified in order. Use
an asterisk (*) for names that are not relevant for your panel.

The values in the &ZNAMES variable are:

1. The variable containing the Cursor field name
2. The variable containing the cursor offset
3. The name of the Project variable on the panel
4. The name of the first Group variable.
5. The name of the second Group variable
Chapter 4. Using Commands, Function Keys, and Light Pen or Cursor Selection 107
AUTOTYPE - Data Set Name Completion

6. The name of the third Group variable

7. The name of the fourth Group variable
8. The name of the Type variable
9. The name of the Member variable
10. The name of the Other Data Set Name variable
11. The name of the command line variable (clears the command line)

The cursor and name variables (described here as ZCSRV, ZCSRP, and ZNAMES)
can have any names you choose but they must match the names used in the )INIT
section and the PANEXIT statement in the )PROC section.

If a name references a read-only field, add a dash to the end of the name. If you
need to limit the size of the returned name, you can append the maximum length,
after a period, to the name; for example, ODSN.44. You can disable member searches
for a data set name field by adding a percent sign to the end of the field name; for
example, ODSN.44% or ODSN%.

Panels defined in Dialog Tag Language (DTL) can be enabled for AUTOTYPE
through DTL keywords. See the z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference
for more information.

108 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets
An ISPF library is a cataloged partitioned data set or a partitioned data set
extended (PDSE). For more information about PDSE, see “Partitioned Data Set
Extended (PDSE)” on page 133.

The ISPF library has a three-level name consisting of a project, group, and type. An
optional library member name can also be included. A member consists of
programming code, data, or text.

ISPF displays library names on line 1 of a data display, such as the member list
shown in Figure 32 on page 117. Each library generally contains members with the
same type of information.

Before you can create and use a new ISPF library or data set, you must allocate it
using option A of the Data Set utility (option 3.2). The following section explains
how to name the ISPF library or data set. See the section on the Data Set Utility
(Option 3.2) in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II for step-by-step instructions on
allocating data sets.

Naming ISPF Libraries and Data Sets

On data entry panels that require a library or other data set name, such as the
Data Set Utility (option 3.2) and Edit Entry (option 2) panels, two groups of fields
are provided: one for entering an ISPF library name and one for entering another
partitioned or sequential data set name. The next two sections explain these two
groups of fields.

ISPF Library Names

To name an ISPF library, you must specify at least a project, group, and type. For
Project . . ISPFPROJ
Group . . . TEST
Type . . . . PLI
Project The common identifier for all ISPF libraries belonging to the same
programming project. This name must be your user ID unless you
are using a specific project name that has been predefined in the
MVS master catalog.
Group The identifier for a particular set of ISPF libraries, that is, the level
of the libraries within the library hierarchy. For example, the group
name of your private library could be PRIVATE or perhaps your
first name, such as Joe in the example in Figure 30 on page 113.
Type The identifier for the type of information in the ISPF library, such

Standard ISPF Naming Conventions

Each component of the library name can be up to 8 alphanumeric or national
characters; the first one must be alphabetic. This conforms to standard TSO data
set naming conventions. For convenience, any cataloged data set (sequential or
partitioned) with a three-level name can be entered in the Project, Group, and Type
fields, with one level of the name in each field. If a cataloged data set with four or

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 109

Naming ISPF Libraries and Data Sets

more levels is to be entered, multiple levels of the name may be entered in each
field, with each level being separated by a period.

If both a library and a data set name are specified on the same panel, the data set
name takes priority. Therefore, to specify a library, leave the Data Set Name field

When the library identification appears in a title line or message, the project name,
group name, and type name are separated with periods. A member name, if
applicable, is enclosed in parentheses. For example:

On most data entry panels that allow a library name to be specified, a Member
field is available:
Member . . . PROJ1
The name of an ISPF library or other partitioned data set member. Leaving
this field blank or entering a pattern causes ISPF to display a member list.
See “Displaying Member Lists” on page 115 for more information.
A pattern is a partial member name that uses either an * (asterisk) or %
(percent sign) as place holders:
v A * symbol represents a string of characters
v A % symbol represents only 1 character
ISPF matches the pattern to any like member names in the specified data

The ISPF library’s project, group, and type must always accompany the member
name, if entered. If you try to edit a member that does not exist, ISPF provides an
Edit display screen with a blank data area.

Member names entered in the Member field or those enclosed in parentheses and
entered in the Data Set Name field must follow standard ISPF naming conventions.

If you have a partitioned data set with members whose names do not follow ISPF
naming conventions, ISPF allows limited processing, as follows:
v View (option 1) allows any character string as a member name in either the
Member or Data Set Name field and attempts to View or Browse the specified
v Edit (option 2) allows an existing member with a nonstandard member name to
be edited. You cannot create a member with a nonstandard member name.

ISPF cannot process member names that begin with a blank or have embedded
blanks which can cause unpredictable results. Also, ISPF cannot process member
names that include special characters, such as an ampersand (&). CLIST processing
in both Foreground (option 4) and Batch (option 5) can result in a runtime error.

Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set Names

You can use the following field to specify any partitioned or sequential data set:
Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set:
Data Set Name . . .
Data Set Name
Any fully qualified data set name, such as:

110 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Naming ISPF Libraries and Data Sets

Data Set Name . . . ’USERID.SYS1.ASM’

You can include either a TSO user prefix or user ID as the first-level
qualifier of the data set name. If you omit the single quotes and if you
have created a TSO user prefix, that prefix is automatically added to the
beginning of the data set name. If you omit the single quotes and if you do
not have a TSO user prefix, no prefix is added, and the name is used
exactly as it appears.

If you include your user prefix or user ID, enclose the data set name with
apostrophes. If you include the apostrophe at the beginning of the data set
name but omit the one at the end, ISPF inserts it for you.

Note: ISPF does not support multivolume data sets or partitioned data sets with
record format FBS or VBS.

For partitioned data sets, a member name enclosed in parentheses can follow the
data set name. For example:
Data Set Name . . . ’SYS1.PROCLIB(ASMHC)’

If you include the parenthesis at the beginning of the member name but omit the
one at the end, ISPF inserts it for you.

When you omit the member name and parentheses or use a pattern ISPF displays
a member list. See “Displaying Member Lists” on page 115 for more information.

You can refer to generation data sets by using a signed or unsigned number in
place of a member name in the Data Set Name field only. For example:
Data Set Name . . . ’gds.test(0)’

This example refers to the most recently allocated data set in the generation data
group. Minus numbers refer to previously allocated data sets; positive refer to

Note: For Edit, Browse, and View, a VSAM data set can be specified if the ISPF
Configuration Table enables VSAM processing.

Volume Serials
Along with a data set name, you can optionally specify a volume serial. If you do,
the system catalog is not used. For example:
Volume Serial . . . ______ (If not cataloged)
Volume Serial
A real DASD volume or a virtual volume residing on an IBM 3850 Mass
Storage System. To access 3850 virtual volumes, you need MOUNT
authority, which is acquired through the TSO ACCOUNT command or the

Library Concatenation
Whenever the first Group field is accompanied by three additional fields
horizontally across the screen, you can enter a library concatenation sequence, which
is a series of group names chained together. ISPF searches these groups in the
sequence that you enter them.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 111

Library Concatenation

You can concatenate libraries of the same type, but only libraries that belong to the
same project. You will usually concatenate the lowest-level library ahead of the
next higher-level library, and so on, in bottom-to-top order. Therefore,
concatenation is usually most effective if this search sequence is the same as the
library hierarchy.

For example, new library members or members undergoing changes generally

reside in libraries used by program developers. A test library may contain
members that have been unit tested and are ready for integration test. A master
library might contain fully tested members that correspond to a previously
released version of the program.

Concatenated libraries must have consistent record formats and logical record
lengths. You can use concatenation with the following ISPF functions:
v Viewing
v Browsing
v Editing
v Selecting Library Utility (option 3.1) functions:
– Print index or complete data set
– Browse, delete, edit, print, rename, or view members
– Compress data set.
v Copying data sets or members
v Compiling
v Assembling
v link-editing
v SCRIPT/VS processing.

Note: You can also use additional input libraries for compilations and assemblies.

Figure 30 on page 113 shows a sample three-level hierarchy consisting of a set of

master libraries, a set of test libraries, and three sets of private development
libraries identified by user ID. Using this hierarchy, a typical concatenation
sequence for a project of ISPFPROJ, a type of DATA, and a member PGM1 is:
ISPF Library:
Project . . . ISPFPROJ
Group . . . . JOE . . . TEST____ . . . MASTER__
Type . . . . DATA
Member . . . PGM1____

112 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Library Concatenation



















Figure 30. Hierarchy of ISPF Libraries

In this example, the search for member PGM1 goes through libraries:

Concatenation during Editing

Using concatenation during editing provides a way to copy members to your
development library. Use the concatenation sequence to search the libraries for the
member to edit. The edited member is saved in your development library, the first
library in the concatenation sequence, while the unchanged version remains in the
test or master library. When the new version is fully tested, you can use the
Move/Copy utility (option 3.3) to:
v Move the new version to a higher-level library.

Concatenation during Language Processing

The purpose of concatenation during language processing is to:
v Help you include source segments in their proper order when using INCLUDE
or COPY statements or when using SCRIPT imbed controls

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 113

Library Concatenation

v Allow debugging of new or changed programs without altering the contents of

the test or master libraries.

The output from a compilation or assembly (an object module) or from a link-edit
(a load module) is stored in the lowest-level OBJ or LOAD library, the first library
in the concatenation sequence.

Using Member Selection Lists

A member selection list, also called a member list, is initially an alphabetic list of the
members of an ISPF library or TSO partitioned data set. Table 5 provides a quick
reference to the primary options that display member lists and their differences. In
the Type of Selection column, “Single” means that ISPF processes only the line
command that is the closest to the top of the list, ignoring all others. “Multiple”
means that you can enter more than one line command simultaneously. The
numbers in parentheses refer to notes following the table. See “Member Selection
List Commands” on page 122 for more information about the line commands
shown in the table.
Table 5. Member Selection List Differences
Type of Prompt Field
Primary Options Selection Valid Line Commands Available
View (1) Single S,V (4) No
Browse (1) Single S,B (4) No
Edit (2) Single S,E (4) No
Library (3.1) Multiple B,C,D,E,G,M,P,R T,V,W Yes
Move/Copy (3.3) Multiple B,S (1) Yes
Data Set List (3.4) Multiple B,C,D,E,G,M,P,R T,V,W (2) Yes
Reset (3.5) Multiple S No
Convert (3.10) Multiple S Yes
SuperC (3.12) Multiple S No (3)
SuperCE (3.13) Multiple S No (3)
Search-For (3.14) Multiple S No
Foreground (4) Single S No
Batch (5) Single S No
Workplace (11) Multiple B,C,D,E,G,P MO,R,S,T,V,W No

1. For the Move/Copy utility, B (browse member) enables you to browse
members of an ISPF library or another partitioned data set before moving or
copying them without having to use browse on another panel. Then, use S
(select) to select the member or members to move or copy. See “Line
Commands for the Move/Copy Utility” on page 128 for more information.
2. When you select M (display member list) line command on a data set list, you
can use B (browse member), D (delete member), E (edit member), P (print
member), R (rename member), and V (view member). You can also enter TSO
commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs.
S (select) is valid also, but only when the B, CO, E, MO, RS, or V line
commands are used on a data set list.

114 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Member Selection Lists

3. Instead of a Prompt field, this member list has an OLDMEM field, which you
can use to enter the name of a member in the old data set. For more
information about this field, see the section on SuperC Member Lists in the
SuperC Utility (Option 3.12) chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
4. For your convenience ISPF supports E as a select character from Edit member
lists in addition to S and point-and-shoot selection. Similarly, V is supported
from View member lists, and B is supported from Browse member lists.
5. When multiple members are selected from a member list that supports multiple
selection and all members have been processed, the member list is scrolled such
that the last member processed is positioned to the top of the member list

Displaying Member Lists

For each of the primary options listed in the preceding table, except Data Set List
(option 3.4), you can display a member list by:
v Leaving the Member field blank for an ISPF library
v Omitting the member name from the name of another partitioned data set
v Entering a pattern as the member name.
You can use a combination of asterisks and percent signs in the same pattern.
However, the pattern, including the asterisks and percent signs, can contain no
more than 8 characters. For example, entering the following pattern in the
Member field:
Member . . . *prof___

could display this member list:


When using the Data Set List utility (option 3.4), you can display a member list by:
v Entering the M (display member list) line command
v Entering the V (view), B (browse), or E (edit) line command and then using one
of the methods described in the preceding list. This applies only if you are
editing or browsing members of a partitioned data set.
v Entering the CO (copy) line command
v Entering the MO (move) line command
v Entering the RS (reset) line command.

On any member list, PF10 and PF11 toggle between two different views of the
member list data.
1. The column headers on a member list display (with the exception of Prompt)
are point-and-shoot sort fields.
2. If you enter a slash in the line command field, the Member List Commands
pop-up window shown in Figure 31 is displayed so that you can select the
command you want to use.
3. The line command field is a point-and-shoot field. If you select the line
command field beside a member name, the Member List Commands pop-up
window shown in Figure 31 is displayed so that you can select the command
you want to use.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 115

Using Member Selection Lists

4. Member list count fields show an accurate count when the number of members
in a PDS or PDSE is less than 100 000. The row value will be truncated after
member 99 999 and the total value will be truncated on display of the list if
more than 99 999 members exist.

Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help

─ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ──────────────────────
B │ Action for Member FILEMDB2 │ Row 00001 of 00047
/ │ Member Action │ 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 1. Edit 8. Copy │ 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 2. View 9. Reset │ 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 3. Browse 10. Open Edit │ 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 4. Delete 11. Submit │ 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 5. Rename 12. TSO Cmd │ 006E04 01 31 ANY
_ │ 6. Print 13. WS Cmd │ 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 7. Move 14. Select BROWSE │ 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ │ 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ Prompt Action . . (For prompt field) │ 00000C 00 31 ANY
_ │ │ 001F15 01 31 ANY
_ │ Select a choice and press ENTER to continue │ 001D05 01 31 ANY
_ │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit │ 006B05 01 31 ANY
_ │ F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap │ 001D0D 01 31 ANY
_ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 006D0A 01 31 ANY
_________ FMNMODT 0000F398 001E06 01 31 ANY
_________ FMNMODTR 00000500 00201B 01 31 ANY
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 31. Member List Commands Pop-Up Window (ISRCMLEP)

Ending Member Lists

With two exceptions, you can end a member list by entering END (F15) or using =
(the jump function) to go to another option. For the two exceptions, SuperC and
Search-For member lists, enter RETURN (F16), CANCEL, or =. On these member
lists, the END command processes your selections.

ISPF Member Statistics

On member lists, column headings appear in the national language. The
information shown under the column headings contains the ISPF statistics
generated for each member. You can print these statistics using option X (print
index listing) of the Library utility (option 3.1) or option P (print data set list) of
the Data Set List utility (option 3.4). You can also use the SAVE command to write
a member list or data set list to the ISPF list data set or to a sequential data set.
The statistics are displayed next to each member name.

Figure 32 on page 117 shows an example of a member list with statistics and the
1-character line command field to the left of the member names.

116 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Member Selection Lists

Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help

LIBRARY USERID.EXEC Row 00001 of 00146
Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID
_ ALLOCEXT 5 2002/07/25 2002/07/25 16:28:48 USERID
_ AMBLIST 7 2001/01/04 2001/09/11 12:02:41 USERID
_ AOPST 10 2002/05/27 2002/05/27 10:38:15 USERID
_ APCTOOLS 20 2002/11/29 2003/01/21 09:59:50 USERID
_ APCTOOLX 193 2002/11/29 2003/01/21 10:16:42 USERID
_ APCT2AZ 2610 2002/11/29 2003/01/21 10:23:24 USERID
_ APPLT1 4 2002/05/22 2002/05/22 09:32:20 USERID
_ APPLT2 8 2002/05/22 2002/05/22 09:32:49 USERID
_ APPLT3 4 2002/05/22 2002/05/22 09:28:59 USERID
_ ASMPROG1 3 2002/01/23 2002/01/23 12:41:02 USERID
_ BATCHCMP 4 2002/02/21 2002/02/21 13:04:48 USERID
_ CLEDIT 3 2002/06/11 2002/06/11 09:31:02 USERID
_ CMSED 39 2002/12/06 2002/12/06 14:10:55 USERID
_ COMP 10 2002/10/09 2002/10/09 15:14:44 USERID
_ CRZDIFF 58 2002/11/18 2002/11/18 13:39:48 USERID
_ CRZDISP 14 2002/11/14 2002/11/14 15:02:03 USERID
_ CRZLOAD 105 2002/11/13 2002/11/18 14:30:48 USERID
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 32. Member List Display (ISRUDMM)

If you want to see all of the statistics, you can scroll the screen either right or left
by using PF keys 10 and 11. If you scroll right in this example, the screen looks
like the one shown in Figure 33. Pressing either key repeatedly results in recycling
of the screens.

Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help

LIBRARY USERID.EXEC Row 00001 of 00146
Name Prompt Size Init Mod VV MM ID
_ ALLOCEXT 5 1 0 01.04 USERID
_ AMBLIST 7 7 0 01.08 USERID
_ AOPST 10 10 0 01.01 USERID
_ APCTOOLS 20 19 0 01.03 USERID
_ APCTOOLX 193 212 0 01.04 USERID
_ APCT2AZ 2610 2647 0 01.16 USERID
_ APPLT1 4 3 0 01.02 USERID
_ APPLT2 8 5 0 01.03 USERID
_ APPLT3 4 4 0 01.00 USERID
_ ASMPROG1 3 1 0 01.17 USERID
_ BATCHCMP 4 3 0 01.03 USERID
_ CLEDIT 3 2 0 01.01 USERID
_ CMSED 39 37 0 01.03 USERID
_ COMP 10 10 0 01.00 USERID
_ CRZDIFF 58 12 0 01.02 USERID
_ CRZDISP 14 14 0 01.01 USERID
_ CRZLOAD 105 57 0 01.15 USERID
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 33. Member List Display cont. (ISRUDMM)

Member List Display Panel Action Bar

The Member List Display panel action bar choices function as follows:

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 117

Using Member Selection Lists

Menu See the chapter on the Primary Option Menu in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide
Vol II for information about the Menu pull-down.
The Functions pull-down offers the following choices:
1 Save List. Saves the member list into the list data set.
2 Change Colors... Displays the Member List Color Change Utility
panel (Figure 34) to allow you to change one or more of the Member
List Field Attributes and press Enter to see the effect immediately.
Clearing a field or selecting the Defaults field restores defaults.

Note: You can also display this panel by typing MLC on the
Command line and pressing Enter.

Member List Color Change Utility

Change one or more of the Member List Field Attributes and press Enter
to see the effect immediately. Clearing a field restores defaults.

Field: Color: Intens: Hilite: Defaults:

Member Name . . . . BLUE . . . LOW . . . NONE Blue
Member Stats . . . GREEN . . . LOW . . . NONE Green
Prompt field . . . TURQ . . . HIGH . . . NONE Turq

Use ISPF Settings input field pad for member selection field

-------------------------------- Example -----------------------------------

LIBRARY ISR.V4R2M0.ISRPENU Row 00001 of 00003

Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID
_ ISRBRO01 / 231 1993/03/22 1995/05/31 08:53 HEATHER
_ ISREDM01 *Reset 207 1990/02/13 1994/01/25 13:14 EMILY
_ ISRUDLP *Copied 123 1989/02/03 1994/01/25 13:14 X657188

Command ===> Defaults

F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap

Figure 34. Member List Color Change Utility Panel (ISRMLCP)

3 Initial Sort View... Displays the Member List Sort Field View panel
(Figure 35 on page 119) to enable you to select the member list field
to be sorted on, before the display of an enhanced member list.
Member Name is the default View. Some other sort views that you
can choose are:
v RECFM=BLK sets the initial view for blocked (FB,VB,...) data set
v RECFM=U sets the initial view for unformatted (Load,...) data set
v Any of the following conditions result in a default sort view on
member name.
– Library field selected as initial sort view and member list is
based on a single data set.
– Created or Alias selected as initial sort view and extended
command member list.

118 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Member Selection Lists

– A member name is given as input to member list action.

Note: You can also display this panel by typing MLS on the
Command line and pressing Enter.

Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help

─ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐ ────────────────────────────────
│ Enhanced Member List Initial Sort │ Row 00001 of 00047
│ │ Size TTR AC AM RM
_ │ RECFM=BLK RECFM=U │ 0133AC0 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 1 1. Name 1 1. Name │ 0133AC0 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 2. Library 2. Library │ 0133AC0 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 3. VV 3. Size │ 0133AC0 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 4. MM 4. TTR │ 0133AC0 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 5. Created 5. Alias │ 0002A20 006E04 01 31 ANY
_ │ 6. Changed 6. AC │ 0133AC0 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 7. Size 7. AM │ 0133AC0 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 8. Initial 8. RM │ 0133AC0 004F1B 01 31 ANY
_ │ 9. MOD 9. Attr │ 002C4A8 00000C 00 31 ANY
_ │ 10. Userid 10. SSI │ 0000200 001F15 01 31 ANY
_ │ │ 0000BD0 001D05 01 31 ANY
_ │ Select an initial sort field view │ 0010390 006B05 01 31 ANY
_ │ for Enhanced member lists. │ 000BCF0 001D0D 01 31 ANY
_ │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit │ 0004D38 006D0A 01 31 ANY
_ │ F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap │ 000F398 001E06 01 31 ANY
_ └─────────────────────────────────────────┘ 0000500 00201B 01 31 ANY
Command ===> MLS Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 35. Member List Sort Field View Panel (ISRMLIS)

Note: When using LLA in FREEZE mode, member lists might appear
to be out of SORT order because ISPF uses direct reads of the
data set directory for initial member list build and SORT, and
uses BLDL for the displayed statistics.
Select 1 or 2 to set delete confirmation ON or OFF.
See the chapter on the Primary Option Menu in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide
Vol II for details on the Utilities pull-down.
Help The Help pull-down offers the following choices:
1 Workplace General
2 Library/DSLIST General
3 Scrolling
4 Pattern matching
5 LOCATE command
6 SORT command
7 SAVE command
8 RESET command
9 SELECT command
10 MLC command (member list color)
11 MLS command (member list sort)
12 S line command
13 Statistics
14 Appendices
15 Index

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 119

Using Member Selection Lists

Member List Display Panel Fields

ISPF generates statistics each time you edit a member, unless your edit profile is
set to STATS OFF. The following fields identify the statistics in a member list:

Note: The column headers on a member list display (with the exception of
Prompt) are point-and-shoot sort fields.
Name Name of the member.
The Prompt field serves a variety of purposes. You can rename a member
by typing the new name to the right of the member name. You can type a
slash character (/) in the first position of the Prompt field so you can
define additional behaviors for a given action.
Also, the Prompt field acts as a status field, showing information about the
last action taken for a member. If you run an edit macro or TSO command
against a member, the 7-character informational status that is returned in
the dialog variable ZPROMPT at the completion of the service is shown in
this field.
Lib Library number. The Lib field appears only if you specify a concatenated
sequence of libraries. It shows the library that contains the member. In this
example, if the member resides in the second library in the sequence, a 2
appears in the Lib field.
Version number and modification level. The version number is set to 1 and
the modification level is set to 0 when the member is created. The
modification level is the number of times this version has been modified.
For example, 02.15 means version 2, modification 15.
If a member name is just an alternate name for another member, ALIAS
appears in this field.
Date this version was created. The format used depends on your national
format. For example, 90/06/27 means June 27, 1990 to some, but so does
06/27/90 and 27/06/90 mean it for others.
Date and time this version was last modified; date is shown in the national
format (see Created). Time is shown using a 24-hour format. For example,
17:20 means 5:20 p.m..
Size Current number of lines. The largest number this field can display is
65 535.
Init Number of lines when the member was first saved. The largest number
this field can display is 65 535.
Mod Number of lines in the current member that have been added or changed.
If the data is unnumbered, this number is zero. The largest number this
field can display is 65 535.
ID The user ID of the person who created or last updated this version.

When you use View, Browse, and Edit, the current version and modification level
are displayed in the title area, line 1, following the library and member name. You
can change the version number, the user ID, or both, with the Reset ISPF Statistics
utility (option 3.5) or with the LEVEL and VERSION Edit primary commands.
Changing the version number updates most of the other statistics.

120 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Member Selection Lists

If you use the ISPF editor to delete all lines in a member of an ISPF library and
then save the member, the statistics show that the member still exists but has a
length of zero. To delete a member, including its statistics, use the Library utility

Load Module Library Member Statistics

Figure 36 shows that the ISPF library statistics displayed in a member list have a
different format for load module libraries. See “Member List Display Panel Action
Bar” on page 117 for a description of the action bar choices on this panel.

Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help

Name Prompt Alias-of Size TTR AC AM RM
_ FLM$CP FLMIO24 0000A938 01E70E 00 24 24
_ FLM$CPI 000000E8 01820C 00 31 ANY
_ FLM$DE FLMIO24 0000A938 01E70E 00 24 24
_ FLM$DT FLMIO24 0000A938 01E70E 00 24 24
_ FLM$99 FLMIO24 0000A938 01E70E 00 24 24
_ FLMB 000A9970 01EF16 00 31 ANY
_ FLMBCMD FLMDDL 00122360 029008 00 31 ANY
_ FLMBD$ FLMDDL 00122360 029008 00 31 ANY
_ FLMCMD FLMS7C 000E62B8 02AE13 00 31 ANY
_ FLMCNTGN 0001E838 028C1D 00 31 ANY
_ FLMCPCS 00000150 01822A 00 31 ANY
_ FLMCSLNK FLMIO24 0000A938 01E70E 00 24 24
_ FLMCSPDB 00001940 01E80A 00 31 24
_ FLMCXCMD FLMIO24 0000A938 01E70E 00 24 24
_ FLMCXCPD FLMIO24 0000A938 01E70E 00 24 24
_ FLMCXCPM FLMIO24 0000A938 01E70E 00 24 24
_ FLMCXCTN FLMIO24 0000A938 01E70E 00 24 24
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 36. Load Module Library Display (ISRUDMM)

If you want to see all of the statistics, you can scroll the screen either right or left
by using PF keys 10 and 11. Pressing either key repeatedly results in recycling of
the screens.

The fields on a member list display for a load module library are:

Note: The column headers on a member list display (with the exception of
Prompt) are point-and-shoot sort fields.
Name Name of the member.
Prompt The Prompt field serves a variety of purposes. You can rename a
member by typing the new name to the right of the member name.
You can type a slash character (/) in the first position of the
Prompt field so you can define additional behaviors for a given
action. Also, the Prompt field acts as a status field, showing
information about the last action taken for a member.
Lib Library number. The Lib field appears only if you specify a
concatenated sequence of libraries. It shows the library that
contains the member. In this example, the member resides in the
second library in the sequence.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 121

Using Member Selection Lists

Size Size of the member in hexadecimal. The largest number this field
can display is ’FFFFFFFF’X.
TTR Relative block address.
Alias-of Name of the member for which this member is an alias. See
following note.
AC Authorization code.
AM Addressing mode.
RM Residency mode.
Attributes The member’s attributes:
NX Not executable
DATA Can be loaded only
OVLY In overlay structure
RF Refreshable
RN Can be reentered
RU Reusable
TEST Module to be tested.
SSI System Status Index

Note: Question marks (?) are placed in the member list of a load module library
for members that have load module directory fields that are not valid. For
example, module 14, shown in Figure 36 on page 121, contains alias and
authorization code information that is not valid.

Load module library lists displayed using the Data Set List utility (option 3.4)
contain an extended line command field and do not display the created date.

Member Selection List Commands

If the member list is too large for the screen, you can see other parts of the list by
using the UP and DOWN scroll commands. These commands are valid for all
member list displays. However, because a member list display can be no wider
than 80 characters, you cannot use the LEFT and RIGHT scroll commands. Refer to
the z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference for more information about
scroll commands.

The following primary commands are valid for all member list displays. You enter
these commands on the Command line:
v LOCATE string
v SAVE [list-id]
v SELECT pattern [lcmd]
| v SORT [field1 [A|D] [field2 [A|D]] ]

The following line commands can be used with member lists. These are 1-character
commands that are entered to the left of the member name. The option you are
using determines:

122 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Member Selection Lists

v Whether you can enter more than one line command simultaneously
v Which line commands are valid
v Whether a Prompt or OLDMEM field is available.

Table 5 on page 114 provides a quick reference to the differences between member
lists and the line commands available on each one. The line commands are:
v B (browse member)
v C (copy member)
v D (delete member)
v E (edit member)
v G (reset member)
v M (move member)
v P (print member)
v R (rename member)
v S (select member)
v T (TSO command)
v V (view member)
v W (WS command)
v = (repeat last command).

The S line command is available for all member list displays except the Library
and Data Set List utilities. See “S Line Command” on page 126 for more

The B line command is available only for the Library, Move/Copy, and Data Set
List utilities. The D, E, P, R, and V line commands are available only for the
Library and Data Set List utilities.

Note: For the Data Set List utility, these line commands are valid only after you
enter the M (display member list) line command. See “Library and Data Set
List Utility Line Commands” on page 129 for information.

ISPF ignores any unprocessed member list commands when you leave a member

Primary Commands
Confirming a Delete Command: The CONFIRM primary command controls
display of the Confirm Delete panel. Use the following format:


You can use the following operands with the CONFIRM command:
ON Tells ISPF to display the Confirm Delete panel when you enter the D
(delete data set) line command or TSO DELETE command. This is the
default setting.
OFF Tells ISPF not to display the Confirm Delete panel.

For example, the following command would tell ISPF not to display the Confirm
Delete panel:

Note: Confirm is forced on from the workplace member list with a default action
of “D”.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 123

Using Member Selection Lists

Find a Character String: To find a character string within the specified field use
the FIND or the RFIND command. Only one of the fields on the member list can
be specified at a time for the search. Use the following format:

FIND string field [NEXT]

[[ALL ] [PREfix]

[[FIRST ] [SUFfix]

[[LAST ] [WORD ]


NAME is the default field. NEXT is the default operand. For example, the
following command tells ISPF to find the last occurrence of the character string
XLC in the NAME field.

ISPF automatically scrolls to bring the line containing the character string to the
top of the list.

Use the RFIND command to repeat the search without reentering the character

Locating a Data String: To find a data string, you can enter a LOCATE command
in the Command field on any member list display. The format of the command is:

LOCATE string

string A data string that is used to find an entry based on how the member list is

ISPF searches the field by which the member list was sorted for an entry equal to
string. Either the entry, if found, or else the entry that immediately precedes the
entry that you are searching for is scrolled to the top of the list.

For example, if the member list shown in Figure 36 on page 121 is sorted by name,
the following command causes member MODULE12 to scroll to the top of the list:

Removing Unwanted Line Commands and Messages: The RESET command

removes unprocessed line commands and messages that show the result of line
command processing. This command has no operands.

Writing a Member List to a Sequential Data Set: The SAVE primary command
writes a member selection list to a sequential data set. The format of the SAVE
command is:

SAVE [list-id] [LONG]

list-id Optional. A user-specified qualifier of the sequential data set to which the
member list is written.

124 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Member Selection Lists

Optional. LONG formats all dates in yyyy/mm/dd format for the member.
Additionally, for PDS data sets not containing load libraries, the
untranslated member name is written after the member name.

ISPF names the data set:

prefix Your data set prefix, as specified in your TSO user profile. If you have no
prefix set, or if your prefix is the same as your user ID, the prefix is
omitted and the data set name is userid.list-id.MEMBERS.
userid Your TSO user ID.
The data set is created if it does not exist, or written over if it exists and
has compatible attributes.

ISPF writes the member list in the current sort order and as it appears on the
display, except for the column headings, line command fields, and anything you
have typed on the display.

If you omit the list ID, ISPF writes the member selection list in the current sort
order, including column headings, to the ISPF list data set. Processing is the same
as using option X of the Library utility (primary option 3.1), except that data set
information is not printed.

Selecting a Member: You can use the SELECT, or S, command as either a primary
command or a line command.

SELECT Primary Command: The SELECT primary command allows you to select
one or more members in a member list, whether they are displayed or not. When
you enter it on a member list displayed using the Edit option, this command even
creates a member if you specify the complete member name of a member that does
not exist.

The SELECT command optionally provides a quick method of calling the same line
command for one or more members. The format of the SELECT command is:

SELECT { pattern | * }[lcmd]

Either a complete member name or a partial member name that contains one
or more asterisks (*), percent signs (%), or both as place holders. See
“Displaying Member Lists” on page 115 for more information about using
* An asterisk, which means you want to select all members in a member list.
One of the following optional line commands: S (select), B (browse), V (view),
D (delete), E (edit), or P (print). On a member list that has an expanded line
command field, such as one generated by the M (member list) line command
in the Data Set List utility (option 3.4), you can also enter a TSO command,
CLIST, or REXX EXEC. If you do not enter a line command, S is the default.

The member list shown in Figure 32 on page 117 contains members INT and
INTTOOL. The following command selects these members for printing:

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 125

Using Member Selection Lists


S Line Command: You can enter the S line command at the beginning of a line,
ahead of one or more member names. For example, in Figure 36 on page 121, you
could select member MODULE9 by moving the cursor to the left of the member
name, typing S, and pressing Enter.

Note: On member lists displayed with the View, Browse, Edit, Foreground, and
Batch options, ISPF processes only the first S entered, ignoring all others.

With the Move/Copy utility and the Convert utility, you can rename members by
entering new member names in the Prompt field to the right of the member name.

Sorting a Member List: The SORT primary command arranges a member list
according to the fields you specify. The sort sequence, ascending or descending, is
determined by the fields you choose and is maintained between member list

The format of this command is:

| SORT [ field1 [A|D] [field2 [A|D]]]

field1 The primary field by which the member list is sorted.
field2 The secondary field by which the member list is sorted.
| A|D The direction in which values are sorted for this field
| (A=ascending, D=descending).

Table 6 and Table 7 show:

v Valid values for field1 and field2
| v The default sort sequence used for each field
v A description of each field name.

Note: When National Language Support is enabled, the field names listed in
Table 6 and Table 7 on page 127 may be displayed in the national language.
If they are then the SORT command will expect field1 or field2 to be entered
in the national language, or the standard abbreviation to be used.
Table 6. Sort Fields for Source Libraries
Field Sequence Description
Name Ascending Member name
Lib Ascending Library in concatenation sequence
VV Ascending ISPF version number
MM Ascending ISPF modification level
Created Descending Creation date
Changed Descending Date and time last changed
Size Descending Current number of records
Init Descending Initial number of records
Mod Descending Number of modified records
ID Ascending Last user
Prompt Descending Prompt field

126 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Member Selection Lists

Table 7. Sort Fields for Load Libraries

Field Sequence Description
Name Ascending Member name
Lib Ascending Library in concatenation sequence
Size Descending Load module size
TTR Ascending TTRN of beginning of load module
Alias-Of Ascending Member this is an alias of
AC Ascending Authorization code
AM Descending Addressing mode
RM Descending Residency mode
Attributes Descending Load module attributes
SSI Ascending System Status Index
Prompt Descending Prompt field

For example, to sort a member list by size and then by track record, you could

| To sort a member list by creation date in ascending order, enter:


Searching for Members: Use the SRCHFOR primary command to search the
members in the member list for one or more strings of data using the SuperC
Utility (see Option 3.14). You may limit the search to excluded or non-excluded
members, and control whether migrated members are recalled and searched or not.
Use the following format:
SRCHFOR string

The string parameter is optional and if specified is used to prefill the first search
string on the subsequent MEMLIST Srchfor Options panel.

WORD, SUFFIX, and PREFIX are available operands for search string specification.
Note that the search strings are case sensitive and must match exactly as specified.
Consider the ’Any case’ process option if you want to disregard case.

You can use the C (continuation) operand to specify that both the current and
previous string must be found on the same line to constitute a match. Otherwise,
lines with either string are treated as matching.
Table 8. Examples of search strings
Example Search strings: Explanation:
===> ABC Either string ABC or EFG may be found in the search
===> EFG members.
===> ABC WORD The two strings (ABC and EFG) must be found on the same
===> EFG C line. ABC must be a complete word, while EFG (a
continuation definition) can be part of any word.

2. For the AM and RM columns, the value ANY is considered to be the largest value and will therefore sort to the top of the list.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 127

Using Member Selection Lists

Table 8. Examples of search strings (continued)

===> ABcD prefix The string (ABcD) is detected if the case of each letter
matches and it is a prefix of a word.
===> X’7b00’ The hex string is specified as the search string. The listing
must be browsed with ’HEX ON’.
===> ’AB C’’D’ The string (AB C’D) is specified.

To start the search, press the Enter key from the MEMLIST Srchfor Options panel.
To cancel the request and return to the Member List, enter END or CANCEL.

Output is in the listing DSN you specify and in the MESSAGE field in the DSLIST.
Sort on this field to consolidate results.

Changing Member List Field Attributes: The MLC command enables you to
change one or more of the member list field attributes and to see the change
immediately. Clearing a field restores the field’s default setting. Use the Defaults
point-and-shoot field to restore all field attributes to ISPF default settings.

You can also change the member selection field to use the ISPF Settings input field
padding character instead of the member list field default padding character. The
member list default padding character for single command selection lists is a
period (.), and for multiple command selection lists it is an underscore (_).

Changing the Default Sort Order for Member Lists: The MLS command enables
you to change the default sort order for all ISPF member lists. You can specify
separate sort orders for Load and non-Load data sets. These sort orders apply only
to ISPF Enhanced Member lists.

Refreshing the Member Lists: The REFRESH command refreshes the member
list, adding new members, adding renamed members under their new names, and
deleting members that have been removed from the list. It also resets the line
command field and prompt field on the member list. Unprocessed line commands
and input or messages in the prompt fields are erased by the Refresh command.

Line Commands
Line Commands for the Move/Copy Utility: On member list displays for the
Move/Copy utility (option 3.3), you can enter the following line commands at the
beginning of a line, ahead of one or more member names.
B Browse the member
S Select the member.

The B (browse) line command allows you to browse a member or members to

determine whether you really want to move or copy them. You can enter the B line
command beside as many members as you want to. The first member that has a B
line command beside it is browsed when you press Enter. When you finish
browsing each member, the member list is redisplayed along with the unprocessed
line commands. Press Enter again to browse the next member.

Once you have decided which members to move or copy, use the S (select) line
command to select those members.

128 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Member Selection Lists

Library and Data Set List Utility Line Commands: On member list displays for
the Library utility (option 3.1) and the Data Set List utility (option 3.4), you can
enter the following line commands at the beginning of a line, ahead of one or more
member names.
B Browse the member
C Copy the member
D Delete the member
E Edit the member
G Reset the member
J Submit the member
M Move the member
P Print the member
R Rename the member
T TSO command
V View the member
W WS command

Note: Member lists displayed with the M line command have a 9-character line
command field to accommodate TSO commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs.
For more information, see the sections titled “M-Display Member List” and
“TSO Commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs” in the Data Set List Utility
(Option 3.4) chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.

When you use the R line command, enter the new member name in the Prompt
field to the right of the member name.

When you press Enter, each member preceded by a line command is processed
v The V (view), B (browse), or E (edit) line command is followed by another line
command. When you return to the member list after Viewing, Browsing, or
Editing a member, you must press Enter again to call any remaining line
v You enter a line command for a member that was deleted. The names of deleted
members are not removed from the member list until it is updated. Remove the
line command that precedes the deleted member, and press Enter again. See
“Updating a Member List” on page 130 for more information.
v You enter an R (rename) line command, but do not put a new name in the
Prompt field. Enter a new member name, and press Enter again.

You can then do one of the following:

v Enter additional primary or line commands
v Scroll, if necessary, to bring additional members into view
v Enter the END command to return to the previous panel.

Figure 37 and Figure 38 on page 130 show before and after examples that print
members TEST and TEST1, delete member TEST8, and rename member TEST4 to

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 129

Using Member Selection Lists

Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help

Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID
P TEST 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
P TEST1 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
TEST2 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:23 USERID
TEST3 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
R TEST4 OLDTEST 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
TEST5 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
TEST6 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
TEST7 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
D TEST8 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID

Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE

F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 37. Library Utility before Print, Rename, and Delete (ISRUDMM)

Menu Functions Confirm Utilities Help

Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID
_ TEST *Printed 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
_ TEST1 *Printed 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
_ TEST2 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:23 USERID
_ TEST3 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
_ TEST4 *Renamed
_ TEST5 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
_ TEST6 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
_ TEST7 1 2003/02/03 2003/02/03 17:04:14 USERID
_ TEST8 *Deleted

Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE

F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 38. Library Utility after Print, Rename, and Delete (ISRUDMM)

Updating a Member List

When the member list is displayed again following completion of a function or
command, it does not include:
v For View, Browse, and Edit:
– New members created by recursive Edit calls

130 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Using Member Selection Lists

– New members created using the CREATE command in EDIT do not display
in an Enhanced Member List display, but do display when using the
traditional member list processing.
– Members created by another user
– In split-screen mode, members created on another logical screen.
v For Library, Move/Copy, Data Set List, and Convert:
– New names of members that have been renamed
– Fewer member names when members are deleted (Library and Data Set List)
or moved (Move/Copy).

To display an up-to-date list, return to the previous panel, leave the member name
blank or enter a pattern. See “Displaying Member Lists” on page 115 for more
information about displaying member lists.

To set your system to display a traditional member list when using the E, V, or B
commands (Edit, View, Browse) specifically, see the section on DSLIST Settings in
the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II. This can be found in the Utilities (Option 3)
chapter, in the section on Data Set List Utility Options.

Member List Positioning

After selected members have been processed, the member list is redisplayed and
positioned based on the members selected and the setting of the Scroll Member
List option.

When the Scroll Member List option is selected:

v If a single member is selected, the member list is redisplayed with the selected
member scrolled to the top of the display. However, if the CANCEL command is
used to exit the selected member, the member list is not scrolled.
v If multiple members are selected and some selections are contained in the last
screen displayed before the Enter key was pressed, the first selected member on
that screen is scrolled to the top of the display.
v If multiple members are selected and none of the selections are contained in the
last screen displayed before the Enter key was pressed, the first selected member
in the member list is scrolled to the top of the display.

When the Scroll Member List option is not selected:

v If only single selections are allowed and the selection is contained in the last
screen displayed before the Enter key was pressed, the member list is not
scrolled. The cursor is positioned in front of the selected member.
v If only single selections are allowed and the selection is not contained in the last
screen displayed before the Enter key was pressed, the member list is
redisplayed showing the last screen containing the selected member. The cursor
is positioned in front of the selected member.
v If multiple selections are allowed and the last selected member is contained in
the last screen displayed before the Enter key was pressed, the member list is
not scrolled. The cursor is positioned in front of the last selected member.
v If multiple selections are allowed and the last selection is not contained in the
last screen displayed before the Enter key was pressed, the member list is
redisplayed with the last selected member scrolled to the top. The cursor is
positioned in front of the last selected member.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 131

Data Set Passwords

Data Set Passwords

A Data Set Password field is included on library and data set entry panels:
Data Set Password . . (If password protected)

The Data Set Password field contains the password for OS password-protected
data sets. By assigning more than one password to the same data set, you can give
some users read-only access while giving others read/write access.

Nondisplay input fields are used so that the passwords do not appear on the
screen. When you specify a concatenated sequence of libraries, the password
applies to all data sets in the sequence.

If you replace a long password with a shorter password, blank out the remaining
spaces of the Data Set Password field.

You can use ISPF with either the TSO/VS2 Programming Control Facility (PCF) or
the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF®). PCF and RACF provide extensive
facilities for data set security. However, when using either PCF or RACF, do not
enter a password on the ISPF panels, because both facilities rely on your TSO
user ID and logon password to identify you and check for proper authorization.

Format Definitions
A Format Name field is included on the View Entry Panel and on the Edit Entry
Format Name . . . ________

The Format Name field contains the name of a format definition, which is used to
view, browse, or edit a formatted data set. A formatted data set contains records
that consist of subfields. The locations and lengths of these subfields are fixed
throughout the data set. The formatted data set support in View, Browse, and Edit
is particularly useful for data that contains double-byte character (DBCS) data but
does not contain shift-out (SO) and shift-in (SI) characters.

The format name can consist of up to eight alphanumeric characters; the first one
must be alphabetic.

A format definition can include Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
(EBCDIC) fields, DBCS fields, and mixed fields. If the specified format includes a
mixed field definition, the Mixed Mode field is ignored, even if you select it. See
“Mixed Mode” on page 133 for information. For information about defining
formats for formatted data sets, see the section on the Format Specifications Utility
(Option 3.11) in the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II. The Format Specifications utility
is provided to support the IBM 5550 terminal that uses DBCS.

When formatted data is displayed, an attribute character that does not reside in the
data set and is not stored in the data set precedes each field. Therefore, the column
position on the display is different from the column position in the data set.

The allowable maximum length is decreased two bytes per field definition from
the standard View, Browse, and Edit allowable maximum length.

132 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Mixed Mode

Mixed Mode
A Mixed Mode field is included on the View Entry Panel and on the Edit Entry
_ Mixed Mode

The Mixed Mode field specifies whether you want to view, browse, or edit
unformatted mixed data that contains both EBCDIC (single-byte) and DBCS
(double-byte) characters. Use a slash to select mixed mode. If your terminal does
not support DBCS, the value in this field is ignored.

DBCS strings are enclosed with SO (X’0E’) and SI (X’0F’) characters in

unformatted mixed data. The SO character precedes the DBCS character string and
the SI character follows the string.

If the view, browse, or edit line contains mixed data that are not valid, ISPF
assumes the line can contain only EBCDIC characters. Examples of mixed data that
are not valid include:
v Unpaired SO and SI characters
v Incorrect DBCS characters between SO and SI characters
v An odd number of bytes between SO and SI characters.

If you call View, Browse, or Edit from the Library utility (option 3.1) or the Data
Set List utility (option 3.4), ISPF assumes that you want to use mixed mode.

If you want to view, browse, or edit DBCS data as EBCDIC data, you must do so
in non-mixed mode. You can do this by operating from a terminal that does not
support DBCS or by deselecting the Mixed Mode field.

In non-mixed mode, SO and SI characters are not treated as special characters;

instead, they are treated as characters that cannot be displayed. Thus, you can
view, browse, or edit the data in the conventional way.

You can also view, browse, or edit DBCS data in hexadecimal format, just as you
would EBCDIC data. For information about specifying hexadecimal display, see the
section titled HEX-Displaying Data in Hexadecimal Format in the View (Option 1)
chapter of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.

Note: Do not edit a record in hexadecimal format when a DBCS string encroaches
on the display boundary.

DBCS data that is not valid is not supported. If DBCS fields or DBCS strings in a
mixed field contain any bytes with hexadecimal code ranging from X’00’ to X’3F’,
you may get unwanted results.

Partitioned Data Set Extended (PDSE)

Partitioned Data Set Extended (PDSE) is a data set type that is managed by
DFSMS. Externally, a PDSE is very similar to a PDS. Internally, the PDSE has a
different directory structure, member format, and record format. A PDSE is
indistinguishable from a PDS through most interfaces used to access a PDS
directory or member. All ISPF functions support the PDSE.

You can concatenate a PDSE library with a PDS library if they have consistent
record formats and logical record lengths. All functions in the Library Utility
(option 3.1) support PDSEs with the exception of the compress function.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 133

Packed Data Sets

Packed Data Sets

The packed data set format allows you to use direct access storage devices (DASD)
more efficiently. In this format, ISPF replaces any repeating characters with a
sequence showing how many times the character is repeated. Before you can
properly use data stored in this format as input to processing programs, such as
compilers, you must first tell ISPF to unpack and expand the data.

The two requirements for using packed data sets are:

v To store data in packed format:
– Enter the PACK ON Edit primary command while editing a data set or PDS
– Select the Pack Option field (under To Data Set Options:) when copying or
moving members using the Move/Copy utility (option 3.3).
v To unpack and expand packed data for processing, select the Source Data
Packed field on the Foreground Selection panel or the Batch Selection panel. You
must select this field if any of the input data, including that referred to in COPY
or INCLUDE statements, is in packed format.

List and Log Data Sets

ISPF helps you get hardcopy listings of source modules, and maintains a log of
significant user activities. These items are kept in data sets called the list data set
and the log data set, respectively.

When needed, the two data sets are allocated automatically. They are temporary
data sets named:
prefix The data set prefix in your TSO profile. Used only if it is different from
your user ID.
userid Your user ID.
n A number from 0 to 9.

If you have specified in your TSO profile a data set prefix that differs from your
user ID, the data set names begin with your data set prefix, followed by your user
ID. Once generated, these data sets remain open throughout your ISPF session.
However, even though they are open, you can still process them by using the ISPF
LIST and LOG commands.

List Data Set

The list data set is used for temporary storage for data to be printed at a later time.
This data includes, for example, data written as a result of:
v Using the LIST service
v Issuing the PRINT, PRINT-HI, PRINTL, or PRINTLHI commands (but not
v Using Option 3 utilities.

To avoid generating an ISPF list data set, do not request any print functions.

134 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

List and Log Data Sets

Log Data Set

The log data set is used to capture data that can be useful for such things as
diagnosing problems. This data includes, for example, data written as a result of:
v Using the LOG service
v Test and trace data such as:
– ISPF TRACE mode data
– Dialog Test option 7.7 dialog trace data.

Use the Log/List pull-down from the ISPF Settings panel action bar to prevent
generating the ISPF log data set. However, if you use the Dialog Test option (7),
allow generating the log data set because Dialog Test writes trace data to the log
when you request it. Also, if Dialog Test finds an unexpected condition, problem
data and error messages are written to the log.

Processing the Log and List Data Sets

You can process the log and list data sets either:
v During an ISPF session, using the LOG and LIST commands
v At the end of a session.
ISPF processes (prints, keeps, deletes) only data sets that it has allocated. Any
attempt to process a log or list data set that has been preallocated by the user
results in an appropriate ISPF message. Any references to ISPF processing of log or
list data sets refer to data sets that ISPF has allocated. Users can supply routines to
process preallocated data sets after ISPF has terminated.

How to Specify Log and List Data Set Processing Options

The log and list data set processing options can be specified through any of the
v Use of the LOG and LIST commands during an ISPF session.
v Use of the Log/List pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel for setting default
v The ISPF termination panel, which can display when you exit from ISPF. See
“Log and List Data Set Processing at the End of a Session” on page 137 to find
out under what conditions ISPF will display this panel.

Processing the Log and List Data Sets During an ISPF

The LOG and LIST commands allow you to process the log and list data sets,
respectively, at any time during an ISPF session. The log and list data sets must
have been allocated. You control the data set processing by specifying on the LOG
or LIST command one of the three keyword options: PRINT, DELETE, or KEEP.

If you issue the LOG or LIST command with no parameter specified, ISPF displays
a panel that allows you to select the data set processing options. The panels for the
LOG and LIST commands are shown in Figure 39 on page 136 and Figure 40 on
page 136, respectively.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 135

List and Log Data Sets

Specify Disposition of Log Data Set

Log Data Set (USERID.SPFLOG2.LIST) Disposition:

Process Option . . . . 1. Print data set and delete
2. Delete data set without printing
3. Keep existing data set and
continue with new data set
Batch SYSOUT class . .
Local printer ID or
writer-name . . . . .
Local SYSOUT class . .

Press ENTER key to process the log data set.

Enter END command to exit without processing the log data set.

Job statement information: (Required for system printer)


Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap

Figure 39. Log Data Set Defaults Panel (ISPLLP01)

Specify Disposition of List Data Set

List Data Set (USERID.SPF1.LIST) Disposition:

Process Option . . . . 1. Print data set and delete
2. Delete data set without printing
3. Keep existing data set and
continue with new data set
Batch SYSOUT class . .
Local printer ID or
writer-name . . . . .
Local SYSOUT class . .

Press ENTER key to process the list data set.

Enter END command to exit without processing the list data set.

Job statement information: (Required for system printer)


Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap

Figure 40. List Data Set Defaults Panel (ISPLLP02)

With the appropriate panel displayed, type in the process option of your choice. If
you specify Print data set and delete, you must also specify a Batch SYSOUT class,
or local printer ID or writer name. After you have typed in all information that
you wish to specify, press Enter to pass the input to ISPF. ISPF takes the specified
action for the data set and then returns you to the panel from which you issued
the LOG or LIST command. ISPF issues a message indicating whether the action
requested was successful.

136 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

List and Log Data Sets

If you issue the END command from the Log or List Data Set Defaults panel, ISPF
returns you to the panel from which you issued the LOG or LIST command
without processing the data set.

ISPF initializes the Log or List Data Set Defaults panel fields with the default
values specified with the Log/List pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel. If a
default disposition of Keep data set has been specified, ISPF translates the value to
Keep data set and allocate new data set before displaying the panel. If you modify
the process option field, the new value is used to process the data set; however, it
is not saved in the system profile. All other fields modified on the panel are saved
in the system profile and become the default values the next time the data set is

If you issue the LOG or LIST command with the PRINT, DELETE, or KEEP option,
ISPF does not display a panel. Specifying PRINT, DELETE, or KEEP on the
command causes data set processing equivalent to specifying Print data set and
delete, Delete data set, and Keep data set and allocate new data set, respectively,
on the Log or List Data Set Defaults panel.

Two system variables, ZLOGNAME and ZLSTNAME, contain the fully qualified
names of the log and list data sets, respectively. If either data set is not allocated or
has not been used in the session, the corresponding system variable value is blank.

Note: The values of ZLOGNAME and ZLSTNAME are set to blank immediately
after the log and list data sets have been processed because the data sets are
freed by the LOG/LIST command processing. A new data set will not be
allocated until it is written to. If you intend to use the log or list data set
name for your processing, be sure to retrieve it before issuing the LOG or
LIST command.

The system variables are summarized in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and

Conditions for Using the LOG and LIST Commands

You can issue the LOG or LIST command from any command line except when
any of the following applies:
v The command panel for the related log or list data set is active in any logical
v The ISPF termination panel is active.
v The data set to be processed is not allocated or was preallocated.
v Dialog Test option 7.5 (Browse ISPF log) is active, and you are attempting to
process the log data set.
An attempt to issue the LOG or LIST command in violation of any of these
conditions results in ISPF issuing an appropriate message.

Log and List Data Set Processing at the End of a Session

Figure 41 shows the panel that ISPF displays at the end of a session if one of the
following is true:
v The initial dialog began with the display of a menu, and the dialog is ended
with the END command issued from that menu.
v The initial dialog began with the performance of a function, and the function
ends with a return code of 0.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 137

List and Log Data Sets

v The log and list data set processing defaults have not been specified, or the
default values are not valid.

If the application ends with a nonzero return code, the termination panel is not

If the termination panel does not display for one of these reasons, the log and list
data sets are processed using the default options.

Specify Disposition of Log and List Data Sets

More: +
Log Data Set (USERID.SPFLOG2.LIST) Disposition:
Process Option . . . . 1. Print data set and delete
2. Delete data set without printing
3. Keep data set - Same
(allocate same data set in next session)
4. Keep data set - New
(allocate new data set in next session)
Batch SYSOUT class . .
Local printer ID or
writer-name . . . . .
Local SYSOUT class . .

List Data Set (USERID.SPF1.LIST) Disposition:

Process Option . . . . 1. Print data set and delete
2. Delete data set without printing
3. Keep data set - Same
(allocate same data set in next session)
4. Keep data set - New
(allocate new data set in next session)
Command ===>
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap

Figure 41. Specify Disposition of Log and List Data Sets Panel (ISPPFT03)

The valid process options shown in Figure 41 are described below.

Data Set Processing Options

For each term defined below, the first value shown is the processing option that
you can specify on the Log/List pull-down from the ISPF Settings panel, on the
Specify Disposition of Log and List Data Sets panel, or on the Log or List Data Set
Defaults panel. The value in parentheses is the corresponding LOG or LIST
command parameter.
1. Print data set and delete (PRINT)
Print the data set, then delete it. You must specify a Batch SYSOUT class or
local printer ID or writer name.
v If the Batch SYSOUT class is specified, ISPF submits a background job to
print and deletes the data set or sets.
v If a local printer ID or writer name is specified, ISPF uses the TSO PRINTDS
command to route the data set to the specified printer or external writer
program and then deletes the data set.

Note: If you have selected Edit PRINTDS Command on the ISPF Settings
panel (option 0), ISPF displays the Local Print Command Edit panel
to allow you to intercept and edit the PRINTDS command before it
processes. See “Editing the PRINTDS Command” on page 139 for
additional information.

138 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

List and Log Data Sets

ISPF uses file tailoring services to print data on a system printer. Therefore, if
this option is specified during an ISPF session, along with a Batch SYSOUT
class, file tailoring must not be active on the logical screen from which the
LOG or LIST command is issued. If an FTOPEN or FTINCL has been issued
without a subsequent FTCLOSE, ISPF issues an appropriate message.
2. Delete data set without printing (DELETE)
Delete the data set.
3. Keep data set - Same
Not applicable to LOG or LIST command. Close and free the data set. Allocate
the same data set the next session.
4. Keep data set - New (KEEP)
Close and free the data set. Allocate a different data set for the next session or
the next time log or list information is generated in this session.

Editing the PRINTDS Command

If you have selected Edit PRINTDS Command on the ISPF Settings panel (option
0) and you specify a local printer ID or writer name on either the Log and List
Data Set Termination Options panel or the Hardcopy Utility panel, ISPF displays
the Local Print Command Edit panel shown in Figure 42 to allow you to edit the
PRINTDS command before it processes.

Local Print Command Edit

Select function to perform and press Enter to exit and print.

End or Cancel will exit without printing.

Local Print Command Options:

Function to perform . . . 1 1. Exit and issue PRINTDS command
2. Exit without printing


Configuration table PRINTDS operands:

. . . NONUM

User PRINTDS operands:

. . .

F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap


Figure 42. Local Print Command Edit Panel (ISPCHPLP)

The fields on this panel function as follows:

Function to perform
Specify the print function you want ISPF to perform:
1 Exit ISPF and issue the PRINTDS command (as edited below)
2 Exit ISPF without printing.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 139

List and Log Data Sets

Note: If you arrive at this panel from ISPF termination processing,

you will continue with termination and exit the product after
your print request is issued or canceled.
This field cannot be edited. It contains the PRINTDS command, the data
set name, the printer ID or writer name, and the CCHAR operand, if
Configuration table PRINTDS operands
These operands operate at a system level and can be altered only in the
ISPF Configuration table.
User PRINTDS operands
Enter additional operands (for example, COPIES or FORMS). These
operands can be edited and are saved in the application command table.

If you enter CANCEL (or select Cancel), the PRINTDS command is not issued. If
you enter END or RETURN or use a jump function, the PRINTDS command is
issued and you receive a completion message.

Foreground and Batch Output Listings

The following additional listing data sets are allocated as needed for foreground or
batch processing:
prefix The data set prefix in your TSO profile. Use it only if you have one and it
is different from your user ID.
userid Your user ID.
list-id The name specified in the List ID field on the foreground or batch data
entry panel. This name is required for sequential data sets. However, for
partitioned data sets, the member name becomes the default list-id if the
List ID field is blank.

The particular data set names you use depend on the foreground or batch
processing option chosen.

For batch processing, the output can either be directed to a list data set or printed
as part of the batch job. When batch processing is finished, you can browse the list
data set, and then use the Hardcopy utility (option 3.6) to print it. Using this
utility, show whether you want to keep the data set or delete it after printing. ISPF
does not delete these data sets when you end ISPF.

For the foreground option, the output listing is directed to a list data set and
automatically displayed for browsing. When you end the browse function, ISPF
displays a selection panel that allows you to choose whether to print, keep, or
delete the list data set. Again, ISPF does not delete this data set when you end

140 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Other Temporary Data Sets

Other Temporary Data Sets

If you are using virtual I/O (VIO), you can allocate space for temporary data sets,
and then VIO assigns them system-generated names. Otherwise, ISPF allocates
temporary control and listing data sets, as needed, for its own internal use. You are
usually not aware of their existence. They are assigned the following names:
prefix The data set prefix in your TSO profile. It is used only if you have
one and it is different from your user ID.
userid Your user ID.
n A number from 1–4, depending on which logical screen is active.
appl-id The application ID.
zzzz A number from 0001–0008, or higher if customized, controlled by
the edit recovery table (appl-id EDRT for the EDREC service and
appl-id EIRT for the EDIREC service) and the number of concurrent
edit calls that are active.
xxx A number generated by ISPF, which has a range of 100–999.

These data sets are deleted:

v By edit recovery when the data sets are no longer needed
v When you specifically request that they be deleted.
v By Move/Copy when no IEBCOPY errors are encountered.

Job Statement Information

ISPF allows you to submit Batch jobs for printing and language processing.
However, before submitting a Batch job, you must supply job statement
information. For this purpose, four lines are provided on each job submission

You can use the lines that contain //*:

v As continuation lines by removing the asterisk (*)
v To enter other JCL statements, such as JOBLIB DD.

If you do not need these lines, you can blank them out. Blank lines are not
submitted to the job stream.

Running a Sample ISPF Session

This section provides an example of an ISPF session. For new users, it is a quick
introduction to ISPF. For users with previous ISPF experience, it is a quick review.
It can also be used to demonstrate that ISPF has been properly installed and is

The scenario requires the installation of a data set named SYS1.SAMPLIB. This
data set is included on the ISPF basic distribution tape and should contain the
following four members:
ISRASM Sample assembler source

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 141

Running a Sample ISPF Session

ISRCOBOL Sample COBOL source

ISRPLI Sample PL/I source.

During this scenario, member ISRASM is copied from SYS1.SAMPLIB to a user

data set. The other three members are not used.

For this scenario, the TSO Assembler Prompter, program number 5734-CP2, is
installed and available. If the Assembler Prompter is not available at your
installation, skip steps 35 through 48.

Action Result
1. Log on to TSO. READY is displayed on your screen.
2. Type ISPF (or the appropriate alias) and press Enter. The ISPF Primary Option Menu is displayed.
3. On the Option line, type 3 to select the Utilities option. The Utility Selection Panel is displayed.
Then press Enter.
4. On the Option line, type 2 to select the Data Set utility. The Data Set Utility panel is displayed.
Then press Enter.
5. On the Option line, type A to allocate a new data set. The Allocate New Data Set panel is displayed. Note:
Specify an ISPF library by typing the following information, The Project name must be defined as a valid
but substitute your first name in the Group field: high-level identifier on your installation. Generally,
Project . . your_user_id user-ids are defined as such. If this is not true for your
Group . . . name installation, ask your system programmer what project
Type . . . . ASM names are valid for your system.

Now press Enter.

6. Type the following information: Data set is allocated on scratch
Note: Leave ALL fields blank except the following. volume. The Data Set Utility panel is displayed.
Space units . . . . . . TRKS
Primary quantity. . . . 2
Secondary quantity. . . 1
Directory blocks. . . . 1
Record format . . . . . FB
Record length . . . . . 80
Block size . . . . . . 3120

Now press Enter.

7. Select option A again and specify the following ISPF The Allocate New Data Set panel is displayed.
library, again substituting your first name in the Group
Project . . your_user_id
Group . . . name
Type . . . . OBJ

Press Enter.
8. Leave everything the same. Just press Enter. Data set is allocated. The Data
Set Utility panel is displayed.
9. Press F3. The Utility Selection Panel is displayed.
10. Press F3 again. The ISPF Primary Option Menu is displayed.
11. Type 3.3 to select the Move/Copy utility, bypassing the The Move/Copy Utility panel is displayed.
Utility Selection Menu. Press Enter.

142 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running a Sample ISPF Session

Action Result
12. Now you will copy a data set. On the Option line, type A panel titled COPY FROM SYS1.SAMPLIB(ISRASM)
C to select Copy data set or member(s). Then, under From is displayed.
Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set:, enter the
following data set name:
Data Set Name . . . ’SYS1.SAMPLIB(ISRASM)’

Press Enter.
13. Under To ISPF Library:, type the following values: Member ISRASM is copied from data set
Project . . your_user_id SYS1.SAMPLIB to ISPF library
Group . . . name Then, the Move/Copy Utility panel is displayed.
Type . . . . ASM

Press Enter.
14. Press F3. The ISPF Primary Option Menu is displayed.
15. Now you will browse member ISRASM. On the Option The View Entry Panel is displayed. Select Browse
line, type 1 to select View and press Enter. Mode.
16. Type the following under ISPF LIBRARY: A member list is displayed, showing ISRASM as the
Project . . your_user_id only member in the library.
Group . . . name
Type . . . . ASM

Note: Leave the Member field blank.

Press Enter.
17. Move the cursor to the left of ISRASM. Then type S to A panel titled BROWSE
select ISRASM and press Enter. (ISRASM) is displayed. This is the first page of
member ISRASM.
18. Press F8 to scroll ahead one page. The second page of ISRASM is displayed.
19. Press F7 to scroll backward one page. The first page of ISRASM is displayed.
20. Type FIND COMMENT on the Command line and press The cursor moves to the first occurrence of the
Enter. character string COMMENT and the string is intensified.
Also, the message CHARS ’COMMENT’ FOUND is displayed
in the upper-right corner of the screen.
21. To find the next occurrence of COMMENT, press F5, the The cursor moves to the second occurrence of COMMENT
RFIND command. and once again the string is intensified.
22. Press F3. The member list is displayed.
23. Press F3 again. The View Entry Panel is displayed.
24. Press F3 one more time. The ISPF Primary Option Menu is displayed.
25. Now you will edit member ISRASM. On the Option The Edit Entry Panel is displayed.
line, type 2 to select Edit and press Enter.
26. Type ISRASM in the Member field and press Enter. A panel titled EDIT
is displayed. This is the first page of member ISRASM.
27. On the Command line, type FIND COMMENT and press The cursor moves to the first occurrence of the
Enter to find the line containing the character string character string and the line number is intensified.
28. Delete COMMENT by pressing the Erase EOF key. COMMENT is erased. Any characters to the right of
COMMENT are erased, also.
29. Press F5 to find the next occurrence of COMMENT. The cursor moves to the second occurrence of COMMENT
and the line number is intensified.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 143

Running a Sample ISPF Session

Action Result
30. Move the cursor to the sequence number of the line The line is repeated.
below COMMENT, then move the cursor up one line. Repeat
the COMMENT line by typing R over the first digit of the line
number and pressing Enter.
31. On the Command line, type AUTOLIST ON, and press Sets autolist mode on for automatic source listings.
32. Try out more Edit commands if you like, but remember: HAVE FUN!
this program will be assembled later.
33. Press F3. Member ISRASM is saved in data set and a listing of the member is
placed in the ISPF list data set. The Edit Entry Panel is
34. Press F3 again. The ISPF Primary Option Menu is displayed.
35. Now you will assemble the program. On the Option The Foreground Selection Panel is displayed.
line, type 4 and press Enter to select the Foreground option.
36. On the Option line, type 1 and press Enter to select The Foreground Assembler panel is displayed.
37. Type the following values: The Assembler Prompter is called. Terminal output is
Project . . .your_user_id written at the bottom of a blank screen. When *** is
Group . . . .name displayed, press Enter to continue.
Type . . . .ASM Note: The assembly may take a few minutes.
Member . . .ISRASM
The assembly listing is displayed in Browse mode.
List ID . . .ASMTEST1
Assembler Options:

Press Enter.
38. Browse the listing using the scroll commands. Then The Foreground Print Options panel is displayed.
press F3.
39. On the Option line, type K to select Keep data set The assembled program is saved in the list data set
(without printing) and press Enter. and the Foreground Assembler panel is displayed.
40. Press F3. The Foreground Selection Panel is displayed.
41. Press F3 again. The ISPF Primary Option Menu is displayed.
42. On the Option line, type 5 to select the Batch option and The Batch Selection Panel is displayed.
press Enter.
43. On the Option line, type 1 to select Assembler, enter job The Batch Assembler panel is displayed.
statement information as required by your installation, and
press Enter.
44. Type the following values: JCL for assembling ISRASM is generated. The Batch
Project . . . your_user_id Selection Panel is displayed. The message ″Job step
Group . . . . name generated″ appears in the upper right corner of the
Type . . . . ASM panel.
Member . . . ISRASM
List ID . . . . . ASMTEST2
Assembler options:
Term . . . TERM (TERM or NOTERM)

Press Enter.
45. Press F3. The job is submitted. The job name is displayed at the
bottom of the screen. When *** is displayed, press
Enter. The ISPF Primary Option Menu is displayed.

144 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Running a Sample ISPF Session

Action Result
46. On the Option line, type 6 to select the Command The ISPF Command Shell panel is displayed.
option. Press Enter.
47. Type the following command: The status of your job is displayed. When *** is
===> STATUS displayed, press Enter. The ISPF Command Shell
panel is displayed again with the previous command
Press Enter. still showing.
48. Press F3. The ISPF Primary Option Menu is displayed.
49. Move the cursor to Help on the action bar. Press Enter. The beginning of the ISPF tutorial is displayed. Follow
On the resulting pop-up window, select 18. the directions to learn more about ISPF. When you
have finished, press F3 to return to the ISPF Primary
Option Menu.

If you have followed this scenario, you should have an Assembler listing in a data
set named either prefix.userid.ASMTEST1.LIST or userid.ASMTEST1.LIST. Also,
when the job that you submitted has finished, you will have another listing in a
data set named either prefix.userid.ASMTEST2.LIST or userid.ASMTEST2.LIST. Try
the Browse option to review the listings and try experimenting with other ISPF
options. When you have finished, return to the ISPF Primary Option Menu.

Action Result
50. With the ISPF Primary Option Menu on the screen, The ISPF Specify Disposition of Log and List Data Sets
press F3. panel is displayed.
51. Select the process option to print and delete both the log Data sets will be printed, then deleted through batch
and list data sets, and fill in the job statement information jobs submitted by ISPF. The job name is displayed at
as required by your installation. Press Enter. the bottom of the screen.
52. You are now out of ISPF. To leave TSO, type LOGOFF and This is the end of this usage scenario.
press Enter.

Chapter 5. Libraries and Data Sets 145

Running a Sample ISPF Session

146 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Chapter 6. Getting Ready to Run on MVS
This chapter helps you prepare to use ISPF data-element libraries. ISPF data
elements include such things as panels and messages. Libraries to be accessed
during processing of a dialog must be defined to ISPF. This chapter describes the
kinds of data-element libraries required when ISPF is active. It also describes and
provides examples of how to define library data sets to ISPF, both before starting a
session, and dynamically during a session.

Setting Up ISPF Libraries

To set up libraries for developing and testing dialogs, follow these steps:
1. Set up the panel, message, skeleton, table, and program libraries for the
application. Allocate new partitioned data sets.
2. Create a CLIST or REXX command procedure that contains the necessary
ALLOCATE statements to allocate the libraries. Concatenate the application
libraries ahead of the libraries required by ISPF, as described in “Library
Concatenation” on page 111.

Note: You can use the LIBDEF service to dynamically allocate libraries instead
of allocating them before invoking ISPF. For more information see the
z/OS ISPF Services Guide.
3. Create the panels, messages, and skeletons by editing directly into the
application libraries.
4. Create the dialog functions and ensure that the load modules are in libraries
accessible to ISPF.
Functions coded as program modules must be link-edited. When a function is
link-edited, the ISPLINK subroutine must be included (explicitly or by
automatic call) in the load module. ISPLINK is distributed in load module
format and can be placed in a system library for automatic call during link-edit.
5. Invoke the application. To do this, add an ISPSTART command to the
command procedure created in step 2. The ISPSTART command should start
the application using the appropriate PANEL, CMD, or PGM parameter. Users
can start the application by using this command procedure or by selecting the
application from the master menu or another menu.

Allocating Required ISPF Libraries

The libraries described in Table 9 are partitioned data sets required for operation of
ISPF in the MVS/TSO environment:
Table 9. Required Partitioned Data Sets
ISPPLIB Panel Library FB 80 3120
ISPMLIB Message Library FB 80 3120
ISPSLIB Skeleton Library FB 80 3120
ISPTLIB Table Input Library FB 80 3120
ISPPROF User Profile Library FB 80 (see note)
SYSPROC Command Procedures Lib FB 80 3120

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 147

Getting Ready to Run on MVS

Note: The block size can be established by the application. It must be a multiple of

The panel, message, skeleton, and table input libraries are distributed with ISPF.
As distributed, the libraries have the characteristics listed above. These libraries
can be reblocked by the installation to a larger block size. In addition, the panel,
message, and skeleton libraries can be copied into a variable record format. The
maximum length records supported are 160 for panels, 80 for messages, and 255
for skeletons. If data sets having unequal record lengths are to be concatenated, the
record format must be variable. If you have preprocessed any panels in the panel
library, they must be reprocessed using the ISPPREP utility after changing the
panel library’s record size or record format. Preprocessed panels will not function
correctly if copied directly to a data set with a different record size or format.

Table 10 contains the LRECL limits which are enforced during ISPF initialization:
Table 10. LRECL Limits during ISPF Initialization
Minimum Maximum
ISPPLIB Panel Library FB VB 80 84 160 164
ISPMLIB Message Library FB VB 80 84 80 84
ISPSLIB Skeleton Library FB VB 80 84 255 259

The VB libraries require the LRECL to contain 4 extra bytes for the record
descriptor word.

Note: Use of the BUFNO parameter on allocation of ISPF libraries is not


Problems can occur when using file tailoring services together with other services
(EDIT, COPY, ...) that result in modifying the data set members in the ISPSLIB
concatenation. ISPSLIB is the input skeleton library, and it is assumed to be a static
library. FTINCL obtains existing DCB/DEB information based on the last OPEN
done against ISPSLIB by ISPF.

It is recommended that applications that use file tailoring and that also modify
members of ISPSLIB use the LIBDEF service for ISPSLIB to point to the
application’s skeleton library. Additionally, the application should check for any
changes to the data set information (DCB/DEB) before invoking file tailoring
services. If there has been a change, then the application should issue a NULL
LIBDEF for ISPSLIB and then re-issue the original LIBDEF for ISPSLIB. This forces
the ISPSLIB library to close and then re-open.

ISPF assumes that ISPSLIB is a static library. When you make allocations, consider
limiting the possibility of extents by allocating the skeleton with the largest
optimal block size.

There is a separate profile library for each end user. Its contents are dynamically
generated and updated while ISPF is running. There is also a unique profile library
for each national language version.

148 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Getting Ready to Run on MVS

The recommended data set names for these libraries are shown below. Check with
your ISPF system administrator to determine if these are the actual data set names
used at your installation.
ISPPROF User-selected. Unique for each national language used.

xxx is a placeholder that represents the specific language you are using:
xxx Language
ENU US English
DES Swiss German
DEU German
JPN Japanese
ENP Uppercase English.

You should concatenate application libraries for panels, messages, skeletons, and
tables ahead of the corresponding ISPF libraries using the DDNAMEs shown
above. The application libraries must have the same data set characteristics as the
required libraries, as described above. For example, assume that application XYZ
uses the following partitioned data sets for panels, messages, skeletons, and tables:

You would issue the following allocations:







These allocations must be performed before you start ISPF. They can be done in
the user’s TSO LOGON procedure by using DD statements, as shown above, or in
a CLIST or REXX command procedure by using the corresponding TSO
ALLOCATE commands.

Chapter 6. Getting Ready to Run on MVS 149

Getting Ready to Run on MVS

Allocating Optional Table and File Tailoring ISPF Libraries

The data sets described in Table 11 are optional. You must allocate them only if an
application uses table or file-tailoring services.
Table 11. Table and File-Tailoring Data Sets
ISPTABL Table Output Library FB 80 (See note)
ISPFILE File-Tailoring Output FB/VB 255 max.

Note: The block size can be established by the application. It must be a multiple of

The table output library must be a partitioned data set. The ISPTABL DDNAME
that defines the table output library can specify the same data set as the table input
library, DDNAME ISPTLIB. The output and input data sets must be the same if the
updated version of a table is to be reprocessed by the same dialog that updated it.

You must allocate the table output library to DDNAME ISPTABL before using table
services. ISPF includes ENQ logic to prevent simultaneous updates. ISPTABL must
not specify a concatenated sequence of data sets.

The dialog can dynamically allocate ISPTABL, and can free it upon completion of
its use. ISPTABL should be allocated with DISP=SHR, even though it specifies an
output data set. The TSO Programming Control Facility II (PCF) cannot protect the
table output library from unauthorized updating if the library is allocated
DISP=SHR. The library can be either protected by RAC or allocated with
DISP=OLD and protected by PCF.

File-tailoring output can be written to a temporary sequential data set provided by

ISPF. The temporary data set is allocated automatically, so there is no need for the
dialog to allocate a data set. The fully qualified name of the temporary data set is
available in system variable ZTEMPF. The DDNAME is available in ZTEMPN. This
temporary data set always uses 80-character fixed-length records.

If the temporary data set is not used, file-tailoring output can be written to either a
partitioned or a sequential data set. Both fixed-length and variable-length records
are permitted. The maximum logical record length is 255 bytes. A data set must be
allocated to DDNAME ISPFILE before starting file-tailoring services. The dialog
can dynamically allocate the output library, and can free it upon completion. For a
sequential data set, ISPFILE must be allocated with DISP=OLD. For a partitioned
data set, it can be allocated with DISP=SHR but cannot be protected by the
Program Control Facility II (PCF) unless it is allocated with DISP=OLD. ISPFILE
must not specify a concatenated sequence of data sets.

Allocating Optional Image ISPF Library

The data set described in Table 12 is not a required ISPF library. You must allocate
it only if an application in GUI mode uses images.
Table 12. Image Data Set
ISPILIB Image Input Library FB 80 (See note)

150 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Getting Ready to Run on MVS

Note: The block size can be established by the application. It must be a multiple of

If you plan to use ISPF’s image support, you must allocate the image input data
set to ddname ISPILIB before using the images. You can accomplish this by
allocating the image input data set before you invoke ISPF. Image files in Graphic
Interchange Format (GIF) should reside in this input data set. This data set must
be a partitioned data set. It can be allocated with DISP=SHR.

Note: The LIBDEF service does not result in the allocation of ISPILIB.

ISPF ships sample image files in the sample library SISPSAMP. The ISPF panel
ISR@PRIM uses three of the sample image files: ISPFGIFL, ISPFGIFS, and ISPEXIT.
You can copy the sample image files to your own image input data set allocated to
ddname ISPILIB.

Allocating CLIST, REXX, and Program Libraries

Dialog functions that are coded as CLIST or REXX command procedures can be in
a procedure library that has been allocated to DDNAME SYSPROC prior to
starting ISPF. A REXX command procedure can also be allocated to the SYSEXEC
DDNAME. The SYSEXEC DDNAME is described in z/OS TSO/E REXX User’s

You must link-edit dialog functions that have been coded as programs. The load
module can reside in a step library, a system link library (such as SYS1.LINKLIB),
or the link pack area. Alternatively, it can be in a partitioned data set (RECFM=U)
allocated to DDNAME ISPLLIB(DISP=SHR). This library (the ISPF Link Library)
can be used for testing new dialogs that contain program-coded functions. If used,
it must be allocated prior to starting ISPF. ISPLLIB can specify a concatenated
sequence of partitioned data sets.

ISPLLIB is used as a task library when fetching load modules. It is searched before
the system link libraries and the link pack area. If ISPF product modules are kept
in a step library and a task library (ISPLLIB) is used, the data sets containing the
ISPF product modules should be included in the ISPLLIB concatenation sequence
as well as the step library concatenation. If a program is to be used in split-screen
mode it should be linked as reentrant or nonreusable.

The exception to this search order is the SISPSASC library. Modules in it are not
searched for using the ISPLLIB task library. SISPSASC must be in STEPLIB or
LNKLST if you are using the ISPF C/S feature. For more information about
SISPSASC, refer to z/OS ISPF Planning and Customizing.

Allocating DBCS Libraries

DBCS users can use alternate message, panel, and skeleton libraries. To do so, the
DBCS versions of the libraries must have been allocated using these DDNAMEs:
ISPMALT Alternate message library
ISPPALT Alternate panel library
ISPSALT Alternate skeleton library.

Chapter 6. Getting Ready to Run on MVS 151

Getting Ready to Run on MVS

You can allocate these libraries when you allocate the distributed ISPF libraries. If
the alternate libraries are allocated and the terminal has DBCS capability, ISPF uses
the alternate libraries. If either of these two conditions is not satisfied, ISPF uses
the distributed libraries.

Selecting the National Language for ISPF Sessions

An ISPF session can be run in any installation-supported national language. Before
starting ISPF with the ISPSTART command, a user must perform the necessary
allocations. For example, command procedure ISPFE might be issued for an
English session or ISPFG for a German session.

must be allocated regardless of the command procedure used. At logon time, the
necessary allocations for the national language at an installation can be performed
by a CLIST or REXX logon procedure.

The language in which a session runs reflects the value (not always the full
language name) in the read-only system variable ZLANG, which is available to
dialogs running under ISPF. The default value for session languages is specified
when ISPF is installed, and is discussed in z/OS ISPF Planning and Customizing. You
can override the default session language with an alternate language keyword on
the ISPSTART command. See the z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and Reference
for the exact syntax to use.

By specifying a default session language, the installation can ensure that both ISPF
initialization messages and the normal session messages are in the default
language. Even if you override the session default language with an alternate
language using an ISPSTART language keyword, some of the first initialization
messages, issued before the command scan, are in the default session language.
However, any messages issued after processing of the ISPSTART parameters are in
the language specified by the keyword.

If the terminal does not support DBCS, and the default language (or the alternate
language selected by the language keyword) requires DBCS, ISPF uses English as
the session language.

In cases where the session language requires DBCS, certain messages are always
issued in English. These messages are:
v ISPF Main task abend.
v ISPF Subtask abend.
v The following required module for the selected language could not be loaded.
v ISPF command not allowed. You are already under ISPF.
v Invalid environment; TSO/E version 2.1 or later required.

152 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Part 2. Appendixes

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 153

154 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
Appendix A. Installing the Client/Server Component
The Client/Server component of ISPF takes the form of an application called the
ISPF Workstation Agent (WSA). The WSA runs on your local workstation and
maintains a connection between the workstation and the ISPF host. The WSA
v The ability to display the ISPF panels using the display function of your
workstation operating system (known as running in GUI mode).
v The ability to edit host data on your workstation and workstation data on the
host (known as distributed editing).

The WSA installation file is supplied with ISPF and must be downloaded from the
host to the local workstation and then installed and initialized before these
functions are available.

Installation Considerations for the Client/Server component

This section provides information on the following topics that you need to be
aware of before you install the WSA component on your workstation:
v Assumptions
v Required hardware and software
v Configuration parameters

The Workstation Agent assumes that you have already established one of the
following environments:
v A TCP/IP connection exists between your workstation and the host, and your
workstation is running under one of the following supported operating systems:
– Microsoft Windows 2000/NT
– Solaris (SUN)
v An APPC connection exists between your Windows workstation and the host

All necessary APPC or TCP/IP communications software must be initialized fully

before starting the WSA. The WSA does not attempt to initialize the
communications protocol again after it receives the first initialization error.

For information about installation and customization of the APPC or TCP/IP

software used on your workstation, consult the documentation supplied by your
software vendor. Additional information can be found in Appendix B,
“Configuring Communications for the ISPF Client/Server,” on page 167.

The WSA installation file is downloaded using the ISPF C/S Component Install
Utility. This utility provides three ways of obtaining the file:
1. Using File Transfer Protocol (FTP): This option assumes that you have a
TCP/IP connection (not APPC), that the TCP/IP on your workstation supports
the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and that FTP is operational at your workstation.
An operational FTP requires that:
v FTP be configured and started on the workstation.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 155

Installing the Client/Server Component

v The workstation FTP server (FTPD), or “Daemon,” be active.

v The users have the authority to transfer files. Users are authorized through
entries in the FTP Daemon access protection file. See “Configuration
Parameters” for additional information.
2. Using an existing WSA connection to get a new or updated version: This option
assumes that you have already downloaded and installed a previous version of
the WSA and is suitable for use by those with TCP/IP or APPC connections.
3. Using a manual method: If your workstation does not support FTP, or you do
not have an established connection, it is assumed that you have a means of
transferring the ISPF C/S workstation programs down from the host files to the
workstation. Although the ISPF C/S Install Utility does not provide an
automated download procedure for all users, it does provide information that
can assist in the download process.

Required Hardware and Software

For the hardware and software requirements for ISPF, refer to z/OS and z/OS.e
Planning for Installation.

Configuration Parameters
Before you run the ISPF C/S Install Utility, gather the following installation-unique
IP Address The TCP/IP address, Internet address, workstation ID, or Internet
address alias. Required for download options 1 (FTP) or 2 (existing
WSA connection).

Note: for information about how to obtain your IP Address, see

“TCP/IP Requirements Detail” on page 167.
User ID This is the FTP user name that must have write access to the
directory where the workstation ISPF Workstation Agent code is to
be installed. Required for download option 1 (FTP) only.

Note: The user authorization is granted through an entry in the

FTP Daemon access protection file. If you do not have an
entry in this file, you will need to create one. Refer to the
TCP/IP documentation for details on creating a user entry
in the FTPD Access Protection file.
Password Password for the FTP User ID specified. Required for download
option 1 (FTP) only.
Directory The workstation directory where you want the utility to install the
programmable workstation programs. The user must have write
access to this directory. Required for all download options.

Downloading the Workstation Agent

This section provides a step-by-step method for downloading and installing the
Workstation Agent for the first time. For additional information about the ISPF
panels used in the process, see the ’Download Data Set to Workstation Utility
(Option 3.7)’ section of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
1. From the Primary Option Menu panel, enter 3.7 (Utilities/Download Data Set
to Workstation).
2. On the Download Data Set to Workstation panel, enter option 1 (ISPF C/S
Download ISPF C/S component).

156 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Installing the Client/Server Component

3. On the Client/Server Component Download panel, choose your download

v 1. FTP (requires workstation FTP server).
Download using FTP. ISPF invokes the host FTP client to connect with the
FTP server on your workstation and transfer the WSA installation program.
v 2. ISPF C/S (requires workstation connection).
Download using ISPF Client/Server. If you already have a workstation agent
installed on your workstation, you can use the built-in file transfer services
to download a new WSA installation program. This process is described in
detail in the ’Download Data Set to Workstation Utility (Option 3.7)’ section
of the z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol II.
v 3. Manual.
ISPF tells you the name of the file you need to copy. You can copy it with
any method you prefer as long as you maintain the data integrity of the
WSA installation program. For example, you could use the File Transfer
facility in your terminal emulator software. The file must be downloaded as
4. Specify the type of workstation environment in which you want to use the
You must indicate which workstation operating system you want the WSA to
run in, by typing the appropriate number in the Workstation Type entry field.
5. In the “Directory to copy file to:” field, specify a directory on your workstation
where you want to store the WSA installation program. You can specify a full
path name or a relative directory, or leave this field blank. If you leave it blank,
the download is made to your home directory (in the case of FTP downloads)
or the current directory (in the case of client/server downloads). If you specify
a relative directory (one that does not start with a drive letter or slash
character) the directory is relative to the FTP home directory or the
client/server current directory.
6. You can download into an existing directory, or you can have ISPF create the
directory you specify on the panel. If you want ISPF to create the directory on
your workstation before copying the WSA installation program, select the Create
directory to which the file is to be copied field.
7. By default, the Data set to copy file from: entry field displays the name of the
host data set that contains the WSA installation program. This field value varies
depending on the naming convention that was used when ISPF was installed. If
the WSA installation program has been moved or copied elsewhere, you can
change the name of this data set.
8. Press Enter. The remaining steps will differ according to the download method

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Download

When you select choice 1 FTP (requires workstation FTP server) under Download
methods on the ISPF Client/Server Component Download panel, ISPF displays the
ISPF Client/Server Installation Notice panel shown in Figure 43 on page 158.

Appendix A. Installing the Client/Server Component 157

Installing the Client/Server Component

─ │ Client/Server Installation Notice │
I │ │
│ For successful FTP download of the client server component: │
1 │ │
2 │ o There must be TCP/IP connectivity between the z/OS host and the │
│ workstation. │
│ │
│ o An FTP server must be running on the workstation. │
│ │
│ If either of these conditions does not exist, you must choose another │
│ method to download the installation program. │
│ │
│ ENTER to continue, END or CANCEL to return to the previous screen. │
│ │
│ │
│ Command ===> │
│ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F9=Swap F12=Cancel │

Option ===> 1
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap
F10=Actions F12=Cancel

Figure 43. ISPF Client/Server Installation Notice (ISPWSD02)

This panel is a reminder to you that certain conditions must be present for you to
use the FTP download method. Aside from the two specific conditions mentioned
on the panel, you must also ensure that:
v the path specified in step 5 on page 157 has write access (review your TRUSERS
v you have read access to the MVS data base where the ISPF Client/Server
Component is stored; and
v the directory where you want to copy the component exists, OR you have
selected the Create directory option on the previous panel.

To complete the download:

1. Press Enter. ISPF displays the panel shown in Figure 44 on page 159.

158 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Installing the Client/Server Component

─ │ Client/Server Component Download │ ──
I │ │
│ Enter the following information to download the ISPF Client/Server │
1 │ Component via FTP: │
2 │ │
│ │
│ IP Address or Host Name of workstation: │
│ │
│ User to login: (Case sensitive) │
│ │
│ Password for login: (Case sensitive) │
│ │
│ │
│ Enter "/" to select option │
│ / Browse FTP output only if an error occurs. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ Command ===> │
O │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward │
│ F9=Swap F12=Cancel │
F └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

Figure 44. Second Client/Server Component Download Panel (ISPWSD04)

2. Complete the fields on this panel with the appropriate information:

IP Address or Host Name to OPEN
The dotted IP address or name of the workstation ID to which you
want to copy the ISPF Workstation Agent installation program.
User to login
The file transfer protocol (FTP) user name. This name must have write
access to the directory where the ISPF Workstation Agent code will be
installed and is case sensitive.
Password for login
The password for the user ID you want to use at the FTP server. You
can leave this field blank if the user id is ″anonymous″, but be aware
that most FTP servers expect a password, even if only an e-mail
Browse FTP output only if an error occurs
You can choose to display FTP output only if something wrong
happens. Enter ″/″ in this field to have the option active. If you do not
choose this option, ISPF displays all output from the FTP transfer.
3. Press Enter to process this panel.
If you chose not to override the ISPF default concerning display of FTP output,
your screen will now show that output. Press Enter to proceed to the next
download panel.
If you chose to browse the FTP output only if an error occurs, and there is an
error, the error information is displayed. If no error occurred, you proceed to
the next download panel.
After a successful FTP download, the following panel appears on your screen,
telling you to complete the installation from your workstation.

Appendix A. Installing the Client/Server Component 159

Installing the Client/Server Component

─ │ │ ──
I │ │
│ The ISPF Client/Server Component workstation install program has been │
1 │ copied to workstation: │
2 │ │
│ │
│ │
│ in directory: │
│ │
│ C:\TEMP │
│ │
│ Run the ISPFINST program to complete the install on your workstation │
│ in the directory specified. The program is a self extracting │
│ executable that will result in additional files being generated on │
│ your workstation. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ Command ===> │
F └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

Figure 45. ISPF Client/Server Component Install Program Panel (ISPWSD07)

Manual Download
When you select choice 3 Manual under Download methods on the ISPF
Client/Server Component Download panel, you are choosing to use your own
preferred download method. ISPF displays a panel of instructions necessary for
you to do this, as shown in Figure 46.

─ │ ISPWSD05 Client/Server Component Download │ ────────
I │ │
│ In order to install the ISPF Client/Server Component │
1 │ workstation code you will need to download (Binary) from the │
2 │ MVS data set where the ISPF Client/Server Component install │ set
│ executable resides to a directory on your workstation. │
│ Complete the install by running the install program on your │
│ workstation. The program is a self extracting executable and │
│ will result in files being generated on your workstation. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ Copy member . : ISPGUINX │
│ │
│ From data set : ’ISP.SISPGUI’ │
│ │
│ To file . . . : ispfinst.exe │
│ │
│ │
│ Command ===> │
O │ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward │
│ F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel │ wap
F └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

Figure 46. Client/Server Component Download Panel (ISPWSD05)

160 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Installing the Client/Server Component

The non-editable fields on this panel are:

Copy member
The name of the data set member that contains the appropriate installation
executable for the selected workstation type.
From data set
The name of the MVS data set in which the installation members reside.
To file The name of the file to be created on the selected workstation type.

Running the Installation Program

After you have downloaded the Workstation Agent Installation program, resume
the installation by running the program called ISPFINST.EXE (ispfinst on UNIX
platforms). This is a self-extracting executable program that generates additional
necessary files on your workstation. Follow this procedure:
1. Go to a command line.
2. Change to the directory to which you downloaded the ISPF C/S workstation
code. (For AIX, Solaris, and HP UX, use the chmod command to give the file
execute permission).
3. Enter ISPFINST.
4. A dialog box called Workstation Agent Install Program is displayed.

Figure 47. Workstation Agent Install Program

A Base Install Directory and a national language (such as English) are

displayed in this box. Be sure this is the Base Install Directory and the national
language that you want to use for the installation of ISPFINST. If the directory
is incorrect, type in the correct directory name. If the language is incorrect,
scroll down the list of languages and pick the one that is correct.
5. Press Enter or select the Install push button.
6. WSA.EXE, along with several other files, is created in the Base Install Directory
that you specified. (For AIX and HP UX, the executable file, called wsa, is
7. A final dialog box will appear, instructing you to be sure that the name of the
Base Install Directory is in your libpath (or for AIX and HP UX, the PATH
environment variable). Select OK to close the dialog box.

Appendix A. Installing the Client/Server Component 161

Installing the Client/Server Component

8. If the Workstation Agent Install Program dialog box still appears on your
screen, select Quit to remove it from your display.

The Workstation Agent Window

The Workstation Agent (WSA) window is displayed when you have prepared your
workstation to make a connection to the host, by downloading and executing the
workstation portion of the Client/Server software.

Figure 48. The Workstation Agent window

The functions available from the Options pull-down menu on the Workstation
Agent window are:
Displays the ISPF WSA Information dialog window. The Information
dialog shows you the number of active sessions. Each active session
represents a connection between the ISPF Client/Server workstation agent
and an ISPF host. The dialog also indicates which communications
interfaces (such as TCP/IP or APPC) have been initialized on the
workstation, and the TCP/IP Port Number, or APPC Transaction Program
(TP) Name. Additionally, the WINSOCK Path, if required, is shown in this
dialog. The WINSOCK Path is applicable to Windows environments only.
Enable TCP/IP
This selection toggles between active and inactive when you click it. The
change does not take affect until you restart the Workstation agent.
Enable APPC
This selection toggles between active and inactive when you click it. The
change does not take affect until you restart the Workstation agent.
Set TCP/IP Port
Displays the ISPF Client/Server Configuration dialog. The Configuration
dialog enables you to change the TCP/IP port number. From a TCP/IP
perspective, the port number represents the ISPF Client/Server
Workstation Agent. If a port number is not specified in the Configuration
dialog, the default ISPF Client/Server port number is used.
If you specify a port number, the change takes effect after the ISPF
Client/Server Workstation Agent is closed and restarted. The change
remains in effect for subsequent invocations of the ISPF Client/Server
Workstation Agent. If you later decide to change back to the ISPF
Client/Server default port number, delete the port number in the
Configuration dialog and restart the ISPF Client/Server Workstation Agent.
If you change the port number, you must also change the port number
specified in the ISPF GUI initialization.
Set SNA TP Name
Displays the ISPF Client/Server Configuration dialog. The Configuration
dialog enables you to change the SNA Transaction Program name. From an
SNA APPC perspective, the TP name represents the ISPF Client/Server
Workstation Agent.

162 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Installing the Client/Server Component

If specified, the name is used to construct the names of the two transaction
programs required to support an ISPF Client/Server connection. The ISPF
Client/Server function appends different single letters to the supplied
name to form the actual names of the two APPC transaction programs. The
letter S is appended to the name selected to indicate the send conversation
TP name used on the workstation and host. The letter R is appended to the
name to indicate the receive conversation TP name.
This option is available if your workstation operating system is Windows
APPC. For all other operating systems this option is disabled.
If a TP name is not specified in the Configuration dialog, the default ISPF
Client/Server TP name is used. If you specify a TP name, the change takes
effect after the ISPF Workstation Agent is closed and restarted. The change
remains in effect for subsequent invocations of the ISPF Workstation Agent.
If you later decide to change back to the ISPF Client/Server default TP
name, delete the TP name in the Configuration dialog and restart the ISPF
Workstation Agent.
If you change the TP name, you must also change the TP name specified in
the ISPF GUI initialization.
This option enables you to specify an explicit path to the socket DLL used
by the active TCP/IP subsystem in a Microsoft Windows workstation
environment. The specification of an explicit path overrides the default
DLL search order for Windows.
For example, if the desired DLL is located in directory D:\TCPDOS\BIN
then the path would be specified as follows:

The setting takes effect after the ISPF Client/Server workstation agent is
closed and restarted. The setting remains in effect for subsequent
invocations of the ISPF workstation agent.

This option is only available in a Microsoft Windows environment. For

other operating systems this option is disabled.
Set Font
This option enables you to specify the font of your connection through the
Workstation Agent window. When you choose “Set font” from the Options
pull-down, the Font dialog window appears. Choose from one of the
available fonts and sizes that appear in the list. The list of fonts shows the
fonts that are registered with your operating system. The change takes
place after you re-start the agent, and affects all text in the interface
windows except the menu bar and title bar text.
Because the layout of the data in a workstation panel is based on row and
column positions, you should use a non-proportional (that is, fixed width
or monospaced) font. Using a non-proportional font ensures that the data
within the panels lines up correctly. If you use a proportional font, data
within columns might not align correctly.

Note: If you are using an AIX platform, you can change the font of the
Workstation Agent by entering the following in your .Xdefaults file:
DtProcess*dtFont: <font name>

For example:

Appendix A. Installing the Client/Server Component 163

Installing the Client/Server Component

DtProcess*dtFont: fixed

gives you a fixed font for the Workstation Agent application.

However, this setting is overridden when you use the Set Font
option on the Workstation Agent window.
System Register
This option enables you to bypass the Workstation Agent connection panel
when you make a client/server connection. Choosing this function on the
Options pull-down on the Workstation Agent window displays the System
Register panel.

The System Register Panel

Figure 49 shows the System Register panel, which is displayed when you select
System Register from the Options pull-down on the Workstation Agent panel. The
main panel is divided into four parts.

Figure 49. System Register Panel

The Systems section of the panel is where you name the system you want to
connect from. Click the Add pushbutton to add a new entry to the systems list. A
pop-up dialog box like the one shown in Figure 50 appears.

Figure 50. Add System Pop-up Dialog

There are entry fields for the system name and an IP or SNA address. If you do
not know the system address, you can get it from the WSA connection panel. Until

164 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Installing the Client/Server Component

you set up the system register to bypass that panel, it will show you the address of
the system that you are connecting from. Simply make your client/server
connection, and before accepting the connection, note the address of the system.

After filling in the appropriate information, click OK. After you finish your session
with the System Register panel, this system will be available to the users you select
without it being necessary for them to see the Workstation Agent connection panel.

You can update or delete system information in the same area of this panel. To
update a system, first highlight it in the list by clicking on it. Then click the
Update pushbutton. A Change System pop-up dialog box, similar to the Add
System window, appears on your screen with the system name and its IP or SNA
address already filled in. Modify the information, then click OK.

To delete a system from the System Register files, first highlight the desired system
in the list by clicking on it. Then, click the Delete pushbutton. The system and any
user IDs associated with it in the System Register files are deleted.

The Connections part of the panel enables you to define how to set the connections
that you want to make. The Connections choices are:
No Auto Connect
Selecting this choice means that no one connecting to the Workstation
Agent can bypass the WSA connection panel for the specified system. In
other words, everyone connecting to the WSA must use the connection
panel to accept the connection from that system before continuing.
Auto Connect All
Everyone connecting to the WSA from the specified system will bypass the
connection panel.
Auto Connect List
Selecting this choice activates the User IDs section of the System Register
panel. When you make this selection, you must enter the ID of at least one
user you want to be able to bypass the WSA connection panel when
connecting from the specified system. Enter user IDs by clicking on the
Add button in the User IDs section of the panel. A pop-up dialog like the
one shown here is displayed.

Figure 51. Add User Pop-up Dialog

Enter the user ID of each user you want to automatically connect from the
highlighted system. If you are entering only one user ID at this time, click
OK to update the list and return to the System Register panel. If you are
entering a list of IDs, click Apply after each entry, then click OK after the
last one. As you enter IDs, they are added to the list appearing in this
section of the System Register panel.

Appendix A. Installing the Client/Server Component 165

Installing the Client/Server Component

To delete IDs from the list, highlight the line in the list, then click on the
Delete button located next to the list.

The System Information section of the System Register panel shows the name of
the system highlighted in the Systems section of the panel, and its IP or SNA
address. This is the system that you are currently working with on the System
Register panel. You cannot change the information in the System Information

When you are finished working with the System Register panel, you can dismiss it
by clicking the OK button at the bottom of the panel. During long sessions where
you are making many entries, it is recommended that you occasionally click Apply
to save your entries.

166 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Appendix B. Configuring Communications for the ISPF
Either a TCP/IP or an SNA APPC connection must be enabled to support ISPF
Client/Server (C/S) communication between an MVS host and a workstation. The
following sections describe what must be configured at the host and at a
workstation for both TCP/IP and SNA APPC connections. Configuration of 3270
terminal type connections that support user logon to MVS TSO is not described
here. A configuration fast path is provided at the beginning of the discussion of
each type of connection.

Although a few elements of ISPF C/S configuration must be coordinated between

a workstation and the MVS host, ISPF users will generally be more concerned with
workstation requirements. MVS system or network support personnel will
generally be more concerned with MVS host requirements.

Note: All necessary TCP/IP or APPC communications software must be initialized

fully before starting the ISPF Workstation Agent component. The WSA does
not attempt to initialize the communications protocol again after it receives
the first initialization error.

Configuring TCP/IP connections

The following table provides a fast path for configuring TCP/IP communications
to support ISPF C/S.

TCP/IP Requirements Fast Path

Workstation MVS host
A numeric internet address must The numeric internet address defined for TCP/IP on the
be defined for TCP/IP on the workstation must be specified on the ISPSTART
workstation (such as, command or from the GUI settings panel to invoke ISPF
No workstation requirement It must be possible for ISPF to locate the TCP/IP
matching this host requirement → configuration data set containing the TCP/IP started
task name. Keywords SAS/C_TCPIP_DATA_VALUE and
Configuration Table Keyword File can be used to
determine the appropriate data set.

TCP/IP Requirements Detail

An internet address is the 32-bit address assigned to a TCP/IP host and usually
represented in dotted decimal form. For example: The address
identifies both a physical network within the internet and an individual host
within that network.

A TCP/IP host can be an MVS system or a Windows or UNIX workstation. To

configure ISPF C/S communications you need to know the dotted decimal internet
address associated with the workstation on which the ISPF WSA graphical user
interface is to be displayed. In many enterprises the workstation internet address is
obtained from a network administrator and assigned to the workstation during

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 167

installation and customization of the TCP/IP workstation software. For information
about installing and customizing the TCP/IP software used on your workstation,
consult the documentation supplied by your TCP/IP software vendor. If you have
already installed TCP/IP on your workstation and you do not know your TCP/IP
internet address, but you do know your TCP/IP workstation host name (such as
JSMITH, ACCT23), you can determine the internet address as follows:

If you have this TCP/IP

workstation software do this on the workstation

v Windows TCP/IP From a Windows command prompt enter ipconfig (or

winipcfg in some systems). The numeric internet address of the
workstation should display in the IP Configuration panel.

v AIX TCP/IP From the AIX command prompt enter host <hostname>. The
numeric internet address of the workstation identified by
<hostname> should appear in the reply.

v HP-UX TCP/IP From the HP-UX command prompt enter ping <hostname>.
The numeric internet address should appear in the output of
the command. Use <Ctrl-c> to end the command.

v Solaris TCP/IP From the Solaris command prompt enter ping -s <hostname>.
The numeric internet address of the workstation identified by
<hostname> should appear in the reply.

UNIX users might need to specify a unique port on the workstation to be used for
communication, in addition to the internet address. This is necessary because
multiple ISPF WSA components can run on any one UNIX workstation at the same
time. The port is specified by appending :<port#> to the end of the internet
address. By default, all of the TCP/IP protocols are defined in the /etc/services
file. This file can be viewed so you can choose a port that is not currently reserved
by another application. Ports 0 through 1024 are reserved for system use. The port
number must also be specified in the ISPF WSA graphical user interface. Do this
through the Options pull-down menu, Set TCP/IP Port choice. The port number
specified on the host must be the same as the port entered in the ISPF WSA
graphical user interface.

The ISPF C/S component uses the C-socket interface for TCP/IP communications.
C-sockets are enabled by the SAS/C runtime support code distributed with ISPF.
The SAS/C runtime library supports z/OS Communications Server: IP as well as
other common socket implementations.

Determining the TCP/IP sockets started task : procedure name

With the enablement of SAS/C socket support the TCP/IP started task procedure
name for TCP/IP sockets is determined by reading the TCP/IP configuration data
set. The default name for this data set is TCPIP.TCPIP.DATA.

The SAS/C runtime code locates the configuration data set by testing for data set
access as determined by the elements of the following search order:
=TCPIP_DATA is a SAS/C environment variable. The parameter
SAS/C_TCPIP_DATA_VALUE in the ISPF Configuration table can be used to
set the value of this variable. The value DEFAULT indicates that no value is set
by ISPF.
Options for setting the value are:

168 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

v DDN:ddname - indicates that SAS/C will search for the data set identified
by ″ddname″. If the SAS/C style prefix is omitted the style prefix value is
assumed to be ″DDN:″. For example,

(if the TSO logon procedure contains this JCL statement:


SAS/C will search for the data set MYTCPIP.CONFIG)

v TSO:dataset - indicates that SAS/C will search for the data set
″userid.dataset″ where userid is the TSO userid. For example,

(if the TSO userid is SMITHJ, SAS/C will search for the data set
v DSN:dataset - indicates that SAS/C will search for the data set ″dataset″.

(SAS/C will search for the data set MYTCPIP.CONFIG)

//SYSTCPD DD or TSO ALLOC FI(SYSTCPD) indicates that SAS/C will search
for the data set associated with the ddname ″//SYSTCPD″. For example,

(if the TSO logon procedure contains the //SYSTCPD DD JCL statement, then
SAS/C will search for the data set TCPIP.TCPIP.DATA)
3. userid.TCPIP.DATA
userid.TCPIP.DATA indicates that SAS/C will search for the data set identified
by concatenating the TSO userid to the character string ″.TCPIP.DATA″. If the
prefix value set in the user’s TSO profile differs from the TSO userid the prefix
value will be used instead of the TSO userid. Some examples follow:

(if the TSO userid is ″SMITHJ″ SAS/C will search for the data set

(if the TSO userid is ″SMITHJ″ and the TSO prefix is set to ″JONESB″, SAS/C
will search for the data set JONESB.TCPIP.DATA)
SYS1.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) indicates SAS/C will search for the data set
SYS1.TCPPARMS and the member TCPDATA.
5. =TCPIP_PREFIX=prefix
=TCPIP_PREFIX is a SAS/C environment variable. The parameter
SAS/C_TCPIP_PREFIX_VALUE in the ISPF Configuration table can be used to
set the value of the variable. The value ″DEFAULT″ indicates that no value will
be set by ISPF. If a string other than ″DEFAULT″ is specified for
SAS/C_TCPIP_PREFIX_VALUE, SAS/C will concatenate the string to the
characters ″.TCPIP.DATA″.

Appendix B. Configuring Communications for the ISPF Client/Server 169

(SAS/C will search for the data set TCPIP.TCPIP.DATA)
6. zap_prefix.TCPIP.DATA
zap_prefix.TCPIP.DATA - indicates that SAS/C will search for the data set
identified by concatenating the SAS/C runtime internal prefix string to the
string ″.TCPIP.DATA″. The default value for the prefix string is ″TCPIP″ which
implies the data set name TCPIP.TCPIP.DATA. Information on applying a zap
to change the prefix to a string other than ″TCPIP″ is available with SAS/C
compiler documentation if the SAS/C compiler is installed on your MVS
system. If you simply use the SAS/C runtime support supplied with ISPF you
should control the search for the TCPIP.DATA set by using one of the other
search options.

The elements in the search order list are examined one by one. The search ends
when an element in the list enables a data set to be located. That data set is
considered to be the TCP/IP configuration data set. The content of the data set is
not validated. If the selected data set does not contain valid configuration data for
the installed TCP/IP subsystem, TCP/IP socket calls made from the ISPF
Client/Server component to the SAS/C runtime might fail and an ISPF
Client/Server connection to a workstation might not be possible for TCP/IP.

Search order specification for the TCPIP.DATA data set is currently not required for
the ISPF interface to z/OS Communications Server: IP sockets.

Selecting the z/OS Communications Server: IP socket

If you want to use the z/OS Communications Server: IP socket implementation, set
the ISPF Configuration table keyword USE_MVS_OPEN_EDITION_SOCKETS to
YES. The default value NO indicates that the common TCP/IP socket
implementation will be used.

Changing ISPF defaults

The ISPF Configuration table must be modified if the value of either of the ISPF
defaults keywords is to be changed to a value other than the default value shipped
by ISPF. For information about customizing the ISPF Configuration table, see z/OS
ISPF Planning and Customizing.

TCP/IP additional tips

The ISPF Workstation Agent is not linked with the application programming
interface (API) modules provided by any specific communications software vendor.

The default behavior for accessing a TCP/IP subsystem in Microsoft Windows

environments is for the ISPF WSA to try to locate WINSOCK.DLL. In the Microsoft
Windows environment, many different vendors supply a winsock.dll so it is critical
that the first winsock.dll located by the ISPF WSA contains the TCP/IP API
modules actually used by the active TCP/IP subsystem on the workstation. The
difficulty of managing multiple winsock.dll files in a given workstation
environment is compounded by the fact that the search order used by Windows to
locate a dynamic link library is not constrained by something equivalent to the
CONFIG.SYS LIBPATH statement in OS/2. The Windows search order is as
1. current directory
2. WINDOWS directory
3. WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory
4. directory containing the executable file for the current task

170 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

5. directories listed in the PATH environment variable
6. list of directories mapped in a network
If the dynamic link library cannot be located or if the TCP/IP API modules cannot
be loaded successfully from the selected library then TCP/IP communication will
be inoperative.

You can specify an explicit path to the socket DLL used by the active TCP/IP
subsystem in a Microsoft Windows workstation environment. Specifying an explicit
path overrides the default DLL search order for Windows. The directory defined
by the explicit path is searched for WINSOCK.DLL. The explicit path to the
TCP/IP socket DLL is specified by using the Set WINSOCK Path function available
from the Options pull-down found on the Client/Server Agent Window (see “The
Workstation Agent Window” on page 162). This function is useful in environments
such as those using LAN operating systems, in which the directories containing
software from several TCP/IP vendors can be accessed by a workstation.

The Client/Server feature of ISPF (ISPF WSA) takes advantage of the TCP/IP
keepalive socket option to enable ISPF on the host to detect an abnormal end to a
session with the ISPF Workstation Agent on the workstation. Abnormal endings
include such events as powering off or rebooting the workstation before closing the
session with the ISPF WSA agent. The behavior of the keepalive facility differs for
each workstation platform and TCP/IP product supported by ISPF:
Workstation Platform Keepalive behavior
Windows Reboot (CTRL-ALT-DELETE), power off, and
Program Manager close are detected.
AIX Reboot, power off, and shutdown of an AIX host
are detected. Reboot (CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE) of
an X-station client is detected, but power off of an
X-station client is detected only when the X-station
is powered on again.
HP-UX Reboot, power off, and shutdown of an HP-UX
host are detected.
Solaris Reboot, power off, and shutdown of a Solaris host
are detected.

If no transmissions have been received over a socket connection to the workstation

during the specified timer interval, TCP/IP sends a keepalive packet to the
workstation. If there is no response on the socket connection or if the socket
connection has been reset, an error is returned and the ISPF C/S session ends on

The keepalive timer value for z/OS Communications Server: IP is controlled by the
KEEPALIVEOPTIONS statement in the TCP/IP configuration data set. The
INTERVAL parameter specifies the number of minutes that TCP/IP waits after the
last transmission from the workstation before sending a keepalive packet. The
SENDGARBAGE parameter specifies whether the packet contains any data. ISPF
C/S was tested with the INTERVAL value set to 1 and the SENDGARBAGE value
set to TRUE.

Enabling the z/OS Communications Server: IP socket

The TCP/IP started task must be active for you to use ISPF Client/Server with the
z/OS UNIX System Services socket implementation. Failure to start z/OS UNIX

Appendix B. Configuring Communications for the ISPF Client/Server 171

will result in a SAS/C runtime message such as LSCX902 when an ISPF
Client/Server session is started from MVS. This indicates that the socket failed
because the kernel is not running.

The TSO/ISPF user ID must be authorized to use z/OS UNIX services if the z/OS
UNIX socket implementation is selected. Failure to obtain proper authorization will
result in an MVS abend code ″EC6″ when an ISPF Client/Server connection is
attempted. The ″EC6″ abend code indicates a failure of the z/OS Communications
Server: IP interface. Authorization status for basic z/OS UNIX services can be
determined by entering the OMVS command from the TSO READY prompt. The
following example indicates that the TSO user is not authorized to use z/OS UNIX
FSUM2057I No session was started. This TSO/E user ID does not have
access to OpenMVS.+

It is not necessary to run the z/OS UNIX shell to use the z/OS UNIX socket
implementation with ISPF.

Understanding SAS/C socket TCP/IP error codes

ISPF continues to return a TCP/IP error code in the ″network data″ portion of ISPF
messages indicating a TCP/IP communication failure. The TCP/IP error codes
returned for failing socket calls are not defined in the z/OS Communications
Server documentation. Instead, the error codes are those used by the SAS/C socket
implementation. The codes are found in the SAS/C file errno.h. Refer to z/OS ISPF
Messages and Codes for more information.

Configuring APPC connections

The following table provides a fast path for configuring APPC communications to
support ISPF C/S.

APPC Requirements Fast Path

Workstation MVS host
A fully qualified network name The fully qualified network name defined for an
must be defined for an SNA-independent LU type 6.2 on the workstation must
SNA-independent LU type 6.2 on be included in an MVS VTAM® definition for the
the workstation (for example, workstation node and must be specified on the
USIBMNR.NRI41G00). ISPSTART command or from the GUI settings panel to
invoke ISPF WSA.
No workstation requirement Either a NOSCHED LU defined with the BASE option or
matching this host requirement → a LU defined with the BASE and SCHED(ASCH)
options in the MVS parmlib member APPCPMxx is
required to support outbound conversation requests
from ISPF to the workstation.
No workstation requirement A VTAM application LU must be defined such that the
matching this host requirement → label of the APPL definition statement and its
ACBNAME parameter value match the ACBNAME of
the APPC LU defined in MVS parmlib member
The mode #INTER must be The mode #INTER must be defined as an entry in a
defined on the workstation. MVS VTAM mode table associated with the VTAM
definition of the workstation node.

172 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Workstation MVS host
No workstation requirement The SYS1.CSSLIB data set containing the APPC callable
matching this host requirement → system services modules must be accessible by ISPF.

APPC Requirements Detail

A fully qualified SNA network name is an identifier up to 17 bytes in length
assigned to a SNA logical unit (LU) and represented as two symbols, each up to 8
bytes in length, separated by a period. For example:

The symbol preceding the period specifies the name of an SNA network and the
symbol following the period specifies the name of an LU within that network. For
ISPF C/S communications you need to know the fully qualified network name of
an independent SNA LU type 6.2 associated with the workstation on which the
ISPF WSA graphical user interface is to be displayed. The LU type 6.2 is required
by the SNA communications software to support APPC connections to the
workstation. for information about installation and customization of the SNA
APPC software used on your workstation consult the documentation supplied by
your software vendor. If you have already installed SNA APPC communications
software on your workstation and you do not know the fully qualified network
name of an independent SNA LU type 6.2 you can identify a candidate name as

If you have this SNA APPC

workstation software do this on the workstation

v IBM APPC Networking From the ″IBM APPC Networking Services″ program group
Services for Windows select the icon for the Configure program item. Select the
1.00.02 (base product with Step 1 pushbutton from the Networking Services
CSD #2). Configuration window. The fully qualified local LU name
for APPC communications will appear in the General
Configuration window.

The fully qualified name of the independent LU selected for the ISPF WSA
connection on the workstation must also be identified to VTAM on the MVS
system on which the ISPF C/S host agent will be invoked. The workstation
independent LU can be identified to VTAM by one of the following methods:
v by dynamic definition by VTAM during session establishment
v by CDRSC definition statements
v by standard LU definition statements with LOCADDR=0 coded
The VTAM Network Implementation Guide and the VTAM Resource Definition
Reference provide details on each method.

An LU definition must also be associated with the ISPF C/S agent on the MVS
host to enable the connection to an ISPF WSA agent on a workstation. This LU
must be made available to ISPF C/S by an APPC/MVS definition of a base LU to
handle outbound connection requests from MVS to the workstation. The LU can be
defined in one of two ways in the APPCPMxx member of the MVS parmlib data
set by using a LUADD statement that includes one of the following combinations
of parameters:
v the NOSCHED and BASE parameters
v the SCHED(ASCH) and BASE parameters

Appendix B. Configuring Communications for the ISPF Client/Server 173

If neither LU option is defined outbound session requests from the ISPF C/S agent
on the MVS host will be rejected.

A VTAM application LU must be defined in VTAMLST to match the definition in

APPCPMxx. Both the label of the APPL statement and the ACBNAME= parameter
value must be identical to the value specified for the ACBNAME parameter on the
LUADD statement for the APPC/MVS LU defined in MVS parmlib member

A logical connection called a session must exist between the LU associated with the
ISPF C/S agent on the MVS host and the LU associated with the ISPF WSA agent
on the workstation to support APPC communication. To establish a session the LU
on the MVS host must send a set of session control parameters called a bind to the
LU on the workstation. The parameters are selected based on a mode definition.
The ISPF C/S agent on MVS uses the #INTER definition, which is located in the
IBM-supplied default VTAM mode table ISTINCLM. The #INTER mode definition
is also included among the default definitions supplied by the supported APPC
communications software for workstations.

The VTAM node definition for the independent LU used by APPC Networking
services for Windows cannot be the same VTAM node definition used for your
native or emulated 3270 terminal support. A single node definition cannot be
shared by APPC Networking Services for Windows and your 3270 terminal
support. Likewise, if you are using a 3270 emulator on the Windows system on
which you intend to use APPC Networking Services for Windows you must ensure
that different local SNA service access point (SAP) addresses are used by the 3270
emulator and by APPC Networking Services for Windows.

To change the local SAP address for APPC Networking Services for Windows,
select the icon for the Configure program item from the IBM APPC Networking
Services program group. Select the Step 2 pushbutton from the Networking
Services Configuration window, then select Advanced from the LAN Configuration
window. The local SAP can be changed on the Advanced LAN Configuration

APPC additional tips

To activate APPC Networking Services for Windows and Personal
Communications/3270 in any order in that environment it was necessary to
increase the values of the MINSAP and MINLINK parameters for the IEEE 802.2
protocol driver for NDIS in the CONFIG.SYS file as follows:

where C:\LSP specifies the LAN Support Program directory in which the IEEE
802.2 protocol driver (DXME0MOD.SYS) was installed.

The final two positional parameters specify the minimum service access point and
minimum link station values required to support activation of an independent LU
6.2 for APPC Networking Services for Windows and activation of a dependent LU
2 for Personal Communications/3270. If additional LUs are required, for example
to support additional dependent LU 2 connections, the minimum service access
point and minimum link station values might need to be increased.

Configuration of network support for SNA APPC communications is somewhat

more complex than configuration for TCP/IP owing largely to the transition that
SNA has made from an essentially static hierarchical networking model to a

174 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

dynamic peer-to-peer networking model. Recognizing the difficulty that this
transition presents to customers trying to configure APPC application support and
APPN network support, networking specialists at IBM have produced the
Multi-platform APPC Configuration Guide (GG24-4485). This guide is a valuable aid
for anyone who wants to understand how to configure APPC and APPN
communications in any of the environments in which the ISPF C/S capability can
be enabled. It is available from the IBM Redbooks site:

One way to simplify APPC configuration is to use the fully qualified network
name of the SNA control point defined for your workstation as the independent
SNA LU type 6.2 that will support ISPF C/S connections. The control point for
your workstation represents various subsystem functions associated with your
communications software. The fully qualified network name for the control point
can be used not only to identify that set of subsystem capabilities but also to
support applications such as the ISPF workstation agent that use an independent
SNA LU type 6.2. If you do not know, or cannot remember, the fully qualified
name associated with your workstation control point you can determine the name
as follows:

If you have this SNA APPC

workstation software do this on the workstation

v IBM APPC Networking From the ″IBM APPC Networking Services″ program
Services for Windows 1.00.02 group select the icon for the Configure program item.
(base product with CSD #2). Select the Step 1 pushbutton from the Networking
Services Configuration window. The fully qualified local
LU name for APPC communications will appear in the
General Configuration window.

Appendix B. Configuring Communications for the ISPF Client/Server 175

176 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
Appendix C. Listing Formats
This appendix describes and displays the kinds of listings you can produce using
ISPF. The sample listings shown on the following pages are for illustration
purposes only. They are not intended to be exact replicas, because printouts of
ISPF listings vary according to the kind of printer you are using.

Source and Index Listings

If autolist mode is on, the ISPF editor automatically generates a source listing
when you finish editing. You can also get source listings and index listings by
using the following utility options:

Library (3.1) P - Print member

Move/Copy (3.3)
CP - Copy and print
MP - Move and print
Data Set List (3.4)
P - Print data set list
PV - Print VTOC entries
Hardcopy (3.6)
PK - Print and keep data set
PD - Print and delete data set

Outlist (3.8) P - Print job output

Source Listings
Figure 52 on page 178 shows a sample source listing.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 177

Source and Index Listings

Figure 52. Sample Source Listing

Information at the top of the page includes project, group, type, and member
name, current version and modification level, user ID, date and time that the
listing was produced, and page number.

A column-positioning line is printed following the heading and preceding the

actual data. The start column is printed to the left of each line, indicating the
position of the first character in each line that is not a blank.

For ISPF library members with statistics, asterisks are either printed or not printed
to the right of each line according to the setting of the modification flag, as follows:
v If the modification flag (columns 79-80) in the line is 00, no asterisks are printed.
v If the modification flag is nonzero but differs from the current modification level
of the member, a single asterisk (*) is printed.
v If the modification flag is nonzero and has the same value as the current
modification level of the member, two asterisks (**) are printed.

The asterisks allow you to scan the listing quickly for lines that were added or
changed since the version was created (*) and for lines that were added or changed
during the last update (**).

Index Listings
ISPF provides index listings at your request through the X (Print index listing)
option of the Library utility (3.1), or the X or PX options of the Data Set List utility

Index Listings for Source Libraries

Figure 53 on page 179 shows a sample index listing for an ISPF library.

178 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Source and Index Listings

Figure 53. Sample Index Listing - Managed Source Library

The sample index listing shown here is for a source library that is managed by the
Storage Management Subsystem.

Note: This index listing format is available only when Data Facility Product (DFP)
Version 3 Release 1 is installed and available, and when Storage
Management Subsystem is active.

The heading information includes:

v Project, group (library), and type
v Date and time the listing was produced
v Page number.

This is followed by general information about the data set, including current space
allocation and utilization. The only differences between this index listing and one
for a non-managed source library are the following:
v Management, storage, and data classes are shown under the GENERAL DATA
v The 1st extent size, secondary quantity, current allocation, and current utilization
sizes can be shown in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes, in addition to tracks,
blocks, or cylinders.

The 1st extent quantity, secondary quantity, current allocation, and current
utilization sizes are shown in tracks for data sets that are allocated in bytes,
kilobytes, or megabytes on a non-managed volume. Following this, the member
name and statistics are printed for each member in the data set, arranged in
alphabetical order. For sequential data sets, the index listing contains only the
general information.

Appendix C. Listing Formats 179

Source and Index Listings

Index Listings for Load Libraries

An index listing for an OBJ library is similar to an index listing for a source library,
except that no statistics are maintained. A sample index listing for a LOAD library
that is managed by the Storage Management Subsystem is shown in Figure 54.

Note: This index listing format is available only when Data Facility Product (DFP)
Version 3 Release 1 is installed and available, and when Storage
Management Subsystem is active.

Here, the module attributes are printed to the right of each member name.

Figure 54. Sample Index Listing - Managed Load Library

The only differences between this index listing and one for a non-managed LOAD
library are the following:
v Management, storage, and data classes are shown under the GENERAL DATA
v The 1st extent size, secondary quantity, current allocation, and current utilization
sizes can be shown in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes, in addition to tracks,
blocks, or cylinders.

As in the source library index listing, the 1st extent quantity, secondary quantity,
current allocation, and current utilization sizes are shown in tracks for data sets
that are allocated in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes on a non-managed volume.

180 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

ISPF Log Listings

ISPF Log Listings

Figure 55 shows a sample ISPF log listing. The log contains a message for each
significant user action, such as saving edited data, moving members from one data
set to another, or submitting a batch job.

Figure 55. Sample ISPF Log Listing

Member List Listings

This section shows samples of member list listings created by the SAVE command.
With this command, you can create listings for both source and load libraries.

The following sample listings show the format used when you do not specify a list

Member List Listings for Source Libraries

Figure 56 on page 182 shows a sample member list listing for a source library.
These listings contain the relative block address of each member, shown in
hexadecimal format, and other characteristics when available.

Appendix C. Listing Formats 181

Member List Listings

Figure 56. Sample Member List Listing for a Source Library

Member List Listings for Load Libraries

Figure 57 shows a sample member list listing for a source library. These listings
contain the size of each load module, shown in hexadecimal format, and other
characteristics when available.

Figure 57. Sample Member List Listing for a Load Library

182 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Member List Listings

Formats for Member List Listings

The following is the format used by the SAVE command to create a member list
listing for a source library. The members of a source library have formatted records
Table 13. Format of Source Library Member List Listing
Starting Column Length in Characters Description
4 8 Member name
19 6 Relative block address in hexadecimal format
25 2 Version number
28 2 Modification level
31 8 Creation date
40 8 Date last modified
49 5 Time last modified
55 5 Current number of lines
61 5 Initial number of lines
67 5 Number of modified lines
73 7 User ID

The following is the format used by the SAVE command to create a member list
listing for a load library. The members of a load library have unformatted records
Table 14. Format of Load Library Member List Listing
Starting Column Length in Characters Description
4 8 Member name
24 6 Load module size in hexadecimal format
33 6 Load module relative block address in
hexadecimal format
40 8 Alias
49 2 Authorization code
53 3 Addressing mode
56 3 Residency mode
61 18 Load module attributes

Data Set List Listings

The sample listing in Figure 58 on page 184 shows the format used when you do
not specify a data set list ID.

Appendix C. Listing Formats 183

Data Set List Listings

Figure 58. Sample Data Set List Listing

Format for Data Set List Listings

Table 15 shows the format of the data set list written by the SAVE command when
a data set list ID is specified.
Table 15. Format of Data Set List Listing
Starting Column Length in Characters Description
1 44 Data set name
46 7 Volume and volume indicator
53 4 Data set organization
58 5 Data set record format
64 5 Data set logical record length
70 5 Data set block size
76 6 Data set size in tracks
83 3 Percentage of used tracks or pages (PDSE)
87 3 Number of extents used
91 8 Device type
100 10 Creation date
111 10 Expiration date
122 10 Last reference date

184 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Appendix D. APL and TEXT Character Conversion
You can use APL keyboards for all models of 3270 terminals, and TEXT keyboards
for 3278 and 3279 terminals with ISPF. Figure 59 and Figure 60 on page 186 show
that the 2-byte transmission codes for APL and TEXT characters are converted by
ISPF into 1-byte codes for internal storage.

3278 only; character

is not valid on 3277

National use character.

Graphics shown are for U.S. Keyboards;
graphics differ in other countries.





40 sp A B C D E F G H I ¢ . ( +

50 & J K L M N O P Q R ! $ * ) ;

60 / S T U V W X Y Z , %

70 v : # @ =

80 a b c d e f g h i

90 j k l m n o p q r o

A0 s t u v w x y z


C0 A B C D E F G H I

D0 J K L M N O P Q R

E0 S T U V W X Y Z

F0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Figure 59. Internal Character Representations for APL Keyboards

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 185

3278 only; character
is not valid on 3277





40 sp ¢ . ( +

50 & 1 2 3 ! $ * ) ;

60 / , %

70 n o : # @ =

80 a b c d e f g h i

90 j k l m n o p q r

A0 s t u v w x y z

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

C0 A B C D E F G H I

D0 J K L M N O P Q R

E0 S T U V W X Y Z

F0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Figure 60. Internal Character Representations for Text Keyboards

186 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Appendix E. Abbreviations for Commands and Other Values
The following list includes the commands, field values, keywords/operands, and
scroll amounts that can be abbreviated, followed by the allowable abbreviations. To
improve readability, avoid using abbreviations in edit macros.

Command Abbreviations

Field Value Abbreviations


Keyword/Operand, Scroll Amount, and Programming Language


© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 187

Keyword/Operand Abbreviations


Scroll Amount Abbreviations


Programming Language Abbreviations


188 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Appendix F. Allocation Data Sets
ISPF issues ALLOC commands based on the ISPF libraries, data set names,
list IDs, options, and additional input libraries you enter on the Foreground
Assembler H and Foreground VS COBOL II Compile panels. All allocations are
done before Assembler H and the VS COBOL II compiler are called.

Because Assembler H and VS COBOL II do not provide a language prompter, ISPF

allocates the required data sets for you. The following sections describe the data
sets ISPF allocates when you use Assembler H or the VS COBOL II compiler.

SYSIN Data Set

The SYSIN data set is the main input into Assembler H and VS COBOL II. It
contains the ISPF libraries or other partitioned or sequential data sets that you
enter on the Foreground Assembler H and VS COBOL II Compile panels. This data
set is used to find the member that contains the program to be assembled or
compiled. For a PDS, the ALLOC command would be:
ALLOC FI(SYSIN) DA(’proj.lib.type(mem)’)

For a sequential data set, the ALLOC command would be:

ALLOC FI(SYSIN) DA(’proj.lib.type’)

In both commands, lib is the library in which the member or data set was found.


The SYSLIB data set contains the ISPF library concatenation sequence used to
resolve any copy statements specified in your program. It contains the ISPF
libraries or other partitioned or sequential data sets and the additional input
libraries you specify on the Foreground Assembler H and VS COBOL II Compile
panels. For example:
ALLOC FI(SYSLIB) DA(’SYS1.MACLIB’,’proj.lib1.type’,...,
’proj.lib4.type’,’additional lib1’,’additional lib2’)


The SYSPRINT data set contains the generated output listing. The entry in the List
ID field determines the destination of the output listing. If you enter a name in the
List ID field, the output listing is stored in a sequential data set:
ALLOC FI(SYSPRINT) DA(’prefix.listid.LIST’)

where listid is the name entered in the List ID field. However, if you leave the
List ID field blank, ISPF uses the name of the member being assembled or
compiled instead of the list ID:
ALLOC FI(SYSPRINT) DA(’prefix.member.LIST’)

If you enter an asterisk (*) in the List ID field, ISPF displays the output listing at
your terminal, using the following command:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 189


See the section on list data sets in the Foreground (Option 4) chapter of the z/OS
ISPF User’s Guide Vol II for more information.


The SYSTERM data set contains a summary of the information in the listing data
set (SYSPRINT). It is displayed at the terminal if the TERM option is used:


The SYSLIN data set must be preallocated before running Foreground (option 4) or
Batch (option 5). The SYSLIN data set contains the object module. This object
module will be the input when you link-edit. For a PDS, the ALLOC command
would be:
ALLOC FI(SYSLIN) DA(’proj.lib1.OBJ(mem)’)

For a sequential data set, the ALLOC command would be:

ALLOC FI(SYSLIN) DA(’proj.lib1.OBJ’)


The SYSPUNCH data set is the same as the SYSLIN data set. ISPF does not use
this data set. The DUMMY parameter on the ALLOC statement means it should
not be used:

SYSUT1 Data Set

The SYSUT1 data set is a temporary utility data set used during processing. It is
deleted after it is used.

For Assembler H, the format is:


For VS COBOL II, the format is:



The SYSUT2, SYSUT3, ..., SYSUT7 data sets are temporary utility data sets used by
VS COBOL II only during processing. They are deleted after they are used:

Note: SYSUT6 and SYSUT7 are required only if VS COBOL II Version 1, Release 3
is being used.

190 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility
ISRDDN is a utility that assists IBM support in evaluating and solving problems. It
provides a list of allocated DD names, a list of system ENQs, a list of data sets
causing system ENQ contention, and a means of viewing storage within a TSO
user’s address space. ISRDDN also provides some facilities for gathering
information about your system environment.

You can start ISRDDN by issuing the commands TSO ISRDDN or DDLIST from
any ISPF command line.

The allocated DD name list shows you all of the DD names allocated to your TSO
session. From the list you can perform functions such as Edit or Compress against
individual data sets, DD names, or sets of DD names. You can also perform actions
against the entire list of displayed DD names.

The ENQ list, available by typing ENQ on the allocation list command line, shows
you ENQs on your system. You can limit the size of the list by specifying the
QNAME, RNAME, job, user or address space name, and system name.

The ENQ contention list, available by typing CON on the allocation list command
line, shows you ENQ contentions on your system for data sets (QNAME SYSDSN).

You can Browse storage using the BROWSE primary command from the allocation
list. You can only browse storage which an unauthorized program can see (private
and common).

ISRDDN can be used to manipulate the data sets that are allocated, but it also
provides the ability to answer questions like:
v Where did a module the user has loaded come from?
v What data sets contain a specific member?
v Are the I/O errors and ABENDs the user is getting due to mixed record format
v Who is currently allocated to ″SYS1.BRODCAST″?
v What member names or LPA load modules are duplicated in the user’s current
v How many members are in the allocated libraries and which libraries are
v Is the user running ISPF out of LPA or from STEPLIB?

To invoke the ISRDDN program, type TSO ISRDDN on any ISPF command line.

The Current Data Set Allocations List

When you start ISRDDN, the Current Data Set Allocations list displays, as shown
in Figure 61 on page 192.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 191

Current Data Set Allocations Row 1 of 197

Volume Disposition Act DDname Data Set Name Actions: B E V M F C I Q

D$IS03 SHR,KEEP > _ [email protected]
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 61. Current Data Set Allocations List panel

On the right side of the display is a list of DD names and their associated data
sets. The list of data sets can also contain indicators of DUMMY allocations,
subsystem files, or allocations to the terminal. The DD name is shown in white,
unless the first data set in the concatenation is scrolled off the top of the screen. If
the first data set in a concatenation is not on the screen, the DD name is shown in

In the center of the display is a column of 1-character input fields, preceded by

greater-than signs (>). These input fields are used for line commands such as E for
Edit and I for Information.

The left side of the display contains columns of information about individual data
sets. When you scroll right or left, the left side of the screen changes. Initially, the
left side of the screen contains the volume name and disposition. If the disposition
is red, there are other jobs waiting to use this data set as shown. You can use the Q
line command to see what jobs are waiting. You can view the VTOC information
for a volume by placing the cursor on the volume name and pressing the Enter

ISRDDN automatically checks for mixed concatenations when it is started. If you

have concatenations of mixed data set types or formats, you are shown a message
to that effect when you press the Enter key or scroll the first time. ISRDDN also
checks for mixed concatenations when you use the RESET command.

If you scroll right once, you see the attributes of each data set, as shown in
Figure 62 on page 193.

192 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Current Data Set Allocations Row 1 of 197

Blksz Lrecl RCFM Org Act DDnameData Set Name Actions: B E V M F C I Q

27920 80 FB PO > _ ALLOCPDS
27998 1017 VB PO > _ ASMLANGX
4096 4096 F PS > _ HASPINDX
27920 80 FB LIB > _ ISPILIB
27920 80 FB PO > _ PDFTDEV.SVT.GIF
6144 ** U PO > _ [email protected]
32760 ** U PO > _ SYS1.DFQLLIB
32760 ** U PO > _ SYS1.DGTLLIB
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 62. Data Set Attributes in ISRDDN

For some types of allocations, such as subsystem allocations, you might see
different information. If you have mixed concatenations, a message with this
information appears when you press the Enter key or scroll the first time. You can
suppress this message for future innovations of ISRDDN by using the CHECK OFF

If you scroll right a second time, you see information that includes whether the DD
name is open and if so, by how many active DCBs, as shown in Figure 63 on page

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 193

Current Data Set Allocations Row 1 of 197

Open SMS ENQWait Act DDname Data Set Name Actions: B E V M F C I Q

Open(2) SMS > _ [email protected]
Open(2) > _ SYS1.DFQLLIB
Open(2) > _ SYS1.DGTLLIB
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 63. Additional DD Information

You also see the indicator *SMS* if the data set is SMS-managed, and information
about jobs waiting on the resource. For JES files you might see additional
information such as the class and the writer name.

Some primary commands, MEMBER and COUNT, for example, put messages in a
fourth status screen (Figure 64.

Current Data Set Allocations Row 1 of 197

Message Act DDname

Data Set Name Actions: B E V M F C I Q
Members: 10 > _ ALLOCPDS
Members: 0 > _ ASMLANGX
Members: 0 > _ ISPILIB
Members: 0 > _ PDFTDEV.INT.GIF
Members: 0 > _ PDFTDEV.FVT.GIF
Members: 26 > _ PDFTDEV.SVT.GIF
Members: 2 > _
Members: 138 > _ PDFTOOL.COMMON.LOAD
Members: 5 > _ PDFTDEV.STG.LOAD
Members: 0 > _ PDFTDEV.INT.LOAD
Members: 0 > _ PDFTDEV.FVT.LOAD
Members: 480 > _ PDFTDEV.SVT.LOAD
Members: 1 > _ [email protected]
Members: 5 > _ ISPFTEST.LOAD
Members: 13 > _ SYS1.DFQLLIB
Members: 568 > _ SYS1.DGTLLIB
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 64. Additional DD Information

194 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

If messages exist and you scroll right again, you see the messages. The message
screen is only shown if messages exist. If messages do not exist, a third scroll to the
right returns you to the initial screen.

Using Commands on the Displayed List

The Current Data Set Allocations list supports both primary commands and line
commands. The displayed list is the list of DD names that you can see by scrolling
up and down. You can use primary commands to limit what is displayed in the
list. Many of the primary commands work only on the contents of the displayed

ISRDDN can also create pseudo-DD names that show useful data set names. For
example, the LPA command adds two pseudo-DD names, LINKLIST and LPALIB,
which contain lists of the current link list and LPA libraries.

Allocation List Primary Commands

Primary commands are used to limit the contents of the displayed list, to add
pseudo-DD names, to operate on all the contents of the displayed list and to
invoke other ISRDDN options.

All primary commands can be invoked with their minimum unique names. For
example, MEMBER can be abbreviated as M, while CLIST can be abbreviated as
CL. The allocation list primary commands follow.

You can specify an initial primary command when you start ISRDDN. For
example, if you enter DDLISTB 10.??? on an ISPF command line, you will
immediately browse the storage containing the TCB control block. When you exit
the Browse screen, you are not returned to the DD allocation list. This feature is
useful for calling ISRDDN from within a program when, for example, you want to
limit the list to specific dd names, view ENQs, save the current allocations, or
browse storage.

Only (O) and Exclude (EX, X)

ONLY and EXCLUDE are used to limit the DD names in the displayed list. They
take one operand—a whole or partial DD name. For example, the command O PLI
causes the list to contain only DD names that contain the string ″PLI″, such as

The ONLY and EXCLUDE commands are useful when you want to limit the DD
names or pseudo-DD names that are operated on by commands like MEMBER and
DUPLICATES. They are also helpful in reducing the size of the displayed list for
easier viewing.

Find (F) and Locate (L)

FIND and LOCATE search the list for a string. LOCATE looks only at DD names
and always locates the first matching DD name. FIND looks at everything
currently in the displayed list and finds the next occurrance of the string following
the current cursor position. You can repeat a FIND opeartion by pressing the
RFIND key.

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 195

When a string is found by FIND, the string is highlighted and the cursor is placed
on the string. When a string is found by LOCATE, the string is highlighted and the
cursor is placed in the line command area next to the located DD name.

Reset (R)

The RESET command rebuilds the list. In most screen formats the list is
automatically rebuilt when you press Enter. However, if you have used the
COUNT command or the MEMBER command and have messages showing in the
list, you might need to use the RESET command to refresh the list.

Short (S) and Long (LON)

The SHORT and LONG commands alter the format of the list. The SHORT
command places the DD name of a concatenation next to the first data set (as
shown in Figure 61 on page 192). The LONG command formats the list with DD
names of concatenations placed on a separate line before the data set names (as
shown in Figure 65).

Current Data Set Allocations Row 1 of 206

Volume Disposition Act DDname Data Set Name Actions: B E V M F C I Q

D$IS03 SHR,KEEP > _ [email protected]
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 65. Current Data Set Allocations List in LONG Format

The SHORT format shows more information on one screen. Use the LONG format
when you want to use line commands that operate on whole concatenations, such
as E and V, on only the first data set in a concatenation.

Member (M)

The MEMBER command is a very useful command in ISRDDN. MEMBER searches

the displayed list (or just DD names containing a given string) for a member
whose name matches a pattern. For example, the command M ISRSUBS searches
the data sets in the displayed list, the job pack area, and the link pack directory for
members named ISRSUBS. Data sets that contain the member are flagged with a
message on the left side of the list, as shown in Figure 66 on page 197.

196 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

Current Data Set Allocation Member was found

Message Act DDname

Data Set Name Actions: B E V M F C I Q
> _ [email protected]
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 66. Results of the MEMBER Command

If the name is the name of a loaded module in the job pack area or LPA, you also
see a panel similar to the one in Figure 68 on page 200.

When a member name is used on the MEMBER command (such as, M ISRSUBS)
and an E, V, or B line command is used next to a data set in which that member is
found, ONLY that member is Edited, Viewed, or Browsed. When the M line
command is used, the member list is shown with the selected member at the top of
the list.

When a member name pattern is used on the member command (such as, M ISR*),
the E, V, B, and M line commands display member lists with members that match
the given pattern.

Use the MEMBER command in situations when you do not know from where a
member is coming or when you suspect that you might be accessing the wrong
copy of a member. For example, if you are developing ISPF panels and you do not
see your version of the panel being displayed, you can issue the MEMBER
command to search for other copies of the panel.

Usually the MEMBER command operates on the entire displayed list. You can add
a second operand that is a partial DD name. For example, the command M
ISRSUBS PL searches only DD names containing the string PL, such as ISPLLIB
and STEPLIB. This avoids having to use the ONLY command to limit the search.

Clist (CL) or Save (SA)

The CLIST command creates a CLIST that contains TSO ALLOCATE statements to
reproduce the allocations in the displayed list. The CLIST name is
’userid.ISRDDN.CLIST’ or ’prefix.userid.ISRDDN.CLIST’. You can use the
command name SAVE instead of CLIST.

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 197

Use this command when you want to change allocations for testing purposes. For
example, to add a panel library to your ISPPLIB concatenation:
v Enter ISRDDN
v Type O ISPPLIB to limit the displayed list to DD name ISPPLIB
v Type CLIST to create and edit the ISRDDN.CLIST data set
v Change the ALLOCATE statement to add your data set
v Exit ISPF
v Execute the CLIST (that is, EX ISRDDN)

Like the MEMBER command, you can add a whole or partial DD name to limit the
number of DD names that are included in the generated CLIST. For example, to
create a CLIST that only contains allocation statements for DD names containing
the string ISP, type CLIST ISP or SAVE ISP.

Check (CH)

The CHECK command turns on or off automatic checking for mixed

concatenations. CHECK or CHECK ON enables automatic checking, and CHECK
OFF disables it. When checking for mixed concatenations is enabled, ISRDDN
checks for concatenations with mixed record formats, mixed fixed record lengths,
and mixed data set organizations. Because there are times when these
concatenations are intended, you might want to turn off the warning generated by

Count (C)

The COUNT command displays the number of members in a partitioned data set.
The number of members is shown in the message area on the left side of the list.

COUNT can be used to find out if you have empty data sets in your
concatenations. For example, if you want to find out if all members of an
SCLM-controlled library system were successfully promoted, you can edit the
hierarchy, invoke ISRDDN, and use the COUNT command to verify that all of the
expected libraries in the concatenation are empty.

Like the MEMBER command, you can add a whole or partial DD name to limit the
number of DD names that are searched.

Duplicates (DUP)

The DUPLICATES command searches all of the partitioned data sets in the
displayed list and the LPA and displays a list of duplicate names. From the
duplicates list, you can use the E (edit), B (browse), and V (view) line commands
to view the PDS member or LPA storage. Use the DUPLICATES command to see
where you might have potential conflicts with old or modified versions of load
modules, REXX or CLIST programs, ISPF panels, or other PDS members.

For module names found in the Link Pack directory, the address of the module
and its size are shown on the left side of the screen. If the name is an alias of a
different module, the real name (major name) is shown instead of the size.

The duplicates list is shown in Figure 67 on page 199. Like the MEMBER
command, you can add a whole or partial DD name to limit the number of DD

198 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

names that are searched. For example, to search only DD names that contain the
string LLIB, enter DUP LLIB.

Duplicate members list Row 1 of 562

Address Siz/Maj DDname Act Member Data set name Actions: B, E, V

00D8A5F8 FLMIO24 --LPA--- > _


04668F20 000000E0 --LPA--- > _


00D8B218 FLMIO24 --LPA--- > _


00D8B9D8 FLMIO24 --LPA--- > _


00D88DF8 FLMIO24 --LPA--- > _


ISPLLIB > _ [email protected]

Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE

F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 67. The Duplicates List Display

APF, Linklist (LI), Parmlib, and Lpa (LP)

The APF, LINKLIST, PARMLIB, and LPA commands add and remove pseudo-DD
names that show the defined APF libraries, link list libraries, PARMLIB libraries,
and LPA libraries respectively. These pseudo-DD names are shown as if they are
allocated DD names, but no actual allocation to the libraries is made. You can use
most of the primary and line commands with these names, just as you would with
real DD names.

In the confirmation panel, you can type YES to process the libraries, or SKIP to
process the libraries and avoid the confirmation panel in the future. Dynamic LPA,
Link lists, PARMLIB, and APF lists are all supported.

The LINKLIST and LPA commands add both the LINKLIST and LPALIB
pseudo-DD names. To delete any pseudo-DD name, enter the appropriate
command a second time. For example, to add APF libraries to the list, use the APF
commmand. To remove the APF libraries from the list, enter the APF command a
second time.

Select (S) and Load (L)

The SELECT command searches the job pack area (JPA) and link pack area (LPA)
to see if a module is loaded. If the module is found, you see the CSVQUERY
Results panel shown in Figure 68 on page 200.

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 199

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ 197
│ CSVQUERY Results │
│ More: + │ Q
│ Module ISRSUBS was found to be already loaded. Note that │
│ invocations of this program name may pick up another copy from │
│ STEPLIB or a LIBDEF’ed data set or from a tasklib such as ISPLLIB. │
│ Tab to a box and press enter to view the module in storage. │
│ +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ │
│ | Job pack area resident | | PLPA resident | │
│ | Resident above 16 Meg | | Resident above 16 Meg | │
│ | Loaded by program fetch | | Module address:05437000 | │
│ | from ISPLLIB (Lib 4) | | Module size: 000D03C0 | │
│ | PDFTDEV.STG.LOAD | | Reentrant | │
│ | Module address:15EC6000 | | Serially reusable | │
│ | Module size: 000D3000 | | Not loadable only | │
│ | Reentrant | | AMODE 31 | │
│ | Serially reusable | | Authorized library | │
│ | Not loadable only | | Not Authorized program | │
│ | AMODE 31 | +-------------------------+ │
│ | Not Authorized program | │
│ +-------------------------+ │
C │ Command ===> │ PAGE
│ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F9=Swap F12=Cancel │
F └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

Figure 68. The CSVQUERY Results Panel

The information shown in the CSVQUERY Results panel is mostly derived by

issuing a CSVQUERY macro. The data set name from which the module was
loaded is shown if it can be determined. However, because of the way this
information is gathered, the data set name can be incorrect if the original DD name
from which the data set was loaded has been reallocated since the module was

On the CSVQUERY Results panel, you can use the TAB key to place the cursor
inside the boxes describing the load module. If you then press Enter, you can
browse the load module in storage.

The SELECT command is useful in situations where you need to know where a
loaded program came from, for example, when you think you might be running
mixed levels of ISPF or of an application under ISPF.

If a module is not loaded but you want to see its attibutes, you can use the LOAD
command instead of the SELECT command. LOAD uses the current tasklib such as
ISPLLIB, but you should verify that the loaded module came from the source you
were expecting it to come from. LOAD automatically browses the load module

Custom (CU)

The CUSTOM command shows several settings about your ISPF installation. It
shows the values that used to be set in the ISPDFLTS CSECT but are now in the
ISPF Configuration table, and it shows the values configurerd in module ISPTCM.
This command is helpful when you are having trouble with the way certain
programs are invoked. For more information about ISPTCM, refer to z/OS ISPF
Planning and Customizing.

MList (ML)

200 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

The MLIST command displays the eyecatchers for some of the ISPF CSECTs
contained in modules ISPSUBS and ISRSUBS. This command can sometimes be
used to verify that you are running with a particular level of maintenance because
the eyecatchers in most ISPF modules contain a release number or a PTF level.

Browse (B)

ISRDDN provides a method of browsing storage using ISPF BROWSE. The storage
can be browsed as unformatted data, as minimally formatted data, or as a
side-by-side hexadecimal and EBCDIC dump format. ISRDDN also enables you to
automatically chain lists, view arrays, and view the data pointed to by control
blocks that are mainly lists of pointers (such as CVT).

The BROWSE primary command accepts a storage address, module name, or TSO
TEST address locator string. Some examples invoking BROWSE are:

B ISRSUBS Browse the already loaded module named ISRSUBS.

B 10. Browse storage at hexadecimal location 10. To distinguish
hexadecimal addresses from module names, absolute addresses
must end with a period.
B 0.+21c?+b4?+108?+8 Browse storage based on a TSO TEST style string. In this case,
the control block called the Protected Step Control Block or
PSCB is shown.
B ISRSUBS+60? Browse the address pointed to by the 4 bytes at offset
hexadecimal 60 into module ISRSUBS.
B ? or B +0? When executed from within the storage browser, this command
uses the address 0 bytes from the beginning of the displayed
storage as a pointer and starts a new browse session to show
that storage.

Enq (E)

You can view ENQs on the system using the ENQ command. A display similar to
the one shown in Figure 69 on page 202 appears. You can reduce the size of the list
by specifying a QNAME, RNAME, address space name, and a system name. All
entries are treated as prefixes, so you might not need to specify complete names.

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 201

System ENQ Status Row 1 of 183

Scroll LEFT or RIGHT to see type or system name.

Major name prefix . . . SYSDSN (SYSDSN, SPFEDIT, etc)

Minor name prefix . . . (dsn etc)
Address id prefix . . . USERID (Job name, User id, etc)
System prefix . . . . . (System name)
Major Minor Job Name
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Rfind F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap
F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 69. The System ENQ Status List Panel

The Major column shows the QNAME. The Minor field shows the RNAME and if
the RNAME is 8 bytes or less, it shows the hexadecimal representation of the
RNAME next to the EBCDIC representation.

In the System ENQ Status list, the Job Name field is color-coded to indicate the
type of ENQ that the address space holds or is waiting for. Green indicates a
shared ENQ. Red indicates an exclusive ENQ.

If an address space does not hold the ENQ but is waiting for it, the job name is
shown highlighted in reverse video.

On narrow screens, you can scroll right or left for more information. By scrolling
left and right you see the system name and ENQ options (SYS (system), SYSS
(systems), STEP, G (global), and R (reserve)). On wide screens you see all of the
information on one screen without scrolling left or right.

On the System ENQ Status display, press END to return to the Current Data Set
Allocations list, or enter CON to view the System ENQ Contention display. You
can also use the ALL command to view all ENQs or use the RESET command to
see only the data set ENQs (QNAME SYSDSN) for your TSO user id.

Con (C)

You can view ENQ contention on the system by using the CON command. When
ENQ contention exists, you see a screen similar to the one in Figure 69, but
without the input fields. When no contention exists, a message displays instead of
the list.

Allocation List Line Commands

Allocation list line commands are entered next to a DD name or data set. By
default the allocation list is in short format. This means that for concatenations, the
DD name is next to the first data set name in the concatenation.

202 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

When a line command is entered next to a DD name, the command is intended to
work on the DD allocation rather than the data set name on that line. For example,
an E command next to the DD name that refers to a concatenation edits the whole
concatenation. If you want to edit just the first data set in a concatenation, use the
LONG command to place the list in long format. In long format, the DD name for
a concatenation is on a separate line so that you can place line commands next to
the first data set name in the concatenation.

The Edit, Browse, View, and Member list commands are sensitive to the results of
the MEMBER primary command. When the MEMBER primary command searches
the displayed list for a member or members matching a name pattern, the member
or pattern is shown in the list. Placing an E, B, V, or M next to a name in which
the member or pattern was found displays either a member list with member
names matching the pattern or the specific found member.

E - Edit

The E line command edits a data set or concatenation. It can be used on any data
set or any DD name allocated to a data set (real or VIO). You might want to use
the E line command for editing temporary files such as JCL that was created by file
tailoring and written to the ISPCTLn DD name.

B - Browse

The B line command browses a data set or concatenation. It can be used on any
data set or any DD name allocated to a data set (real or VIO). You can use the B
line command for browsing allocated files. For example, the compress option in the
PDF utilities, option 3.1, creates a listing data set that is sometimes allocated to the
ISPCTL1. When you press the HELP key after compressing a data set in option 3.1,
you might see that the listing was saved in a temporary data set. The B line
command in ISRDDN is an easy way to browse that data set.

V - View

Use the V line command to view a data set or concatenation. This is similar to E
(Edit) but there is no SAVE command. Use this when you want to view a data set
and modify it for easier viewing without risking changes to the data set.

M - Member list

The M command displays an enhanced member list for a data set or concatenation.
This gives you greater flexibility in working with allocated data sets. You might
use this command when you have several different operations to perform on

F - Free

Use the FREE command to free an allocation. The Free command must be specified
next to a DD name. F commands next to data sets in a concatenation with an F
next to the DD name are ignored because those data sets are removed from the list
before the F commands are processed.

The F command uses SVC 99 (dynamic allocation) to free the DD name. However,
if SVC 99 cannot free the data set, ISRDDN invokes TSO’s FREE command. The
TSO FREE command might write a message to the screen with information on why

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 203

the free failed. This command is useful when you need to free allocations such as
those left by prematurely terminated or poorly behaved programs.

C or Z - Compress

Use the COMPRESS command to compress partitioned data sets. The COMPRESS
command can be used with data sets that are allocated as shared and can be used
next to data set names or DD names.

I - Information

The I command attempts to invoke the PDF data set information utility to display
information about a data set. It can be used next to any real data set name. VIO
data sets are not supported. This command can provide information such as the
number of allocated directory blocks or a data set’s SMS management class, or
other information that is not shown by scrolling the Current Data Set Allocations
list left or right.

Q - Query ENQs

The Q command shows all SYSDSN and SPFEDIT ENQs that exist for a data set.
This command is useful when you want to see what other users or jobs are using a
data set you have allocated. Using the Q command provides the same information
as using the ENQ primary command and selecting an RNAME of the data set

T - Test Directory

The T line command reads the directory of a PDS directly, and performs a BLDL
command on each member to see if the BLDL service returns accurate information
for the directory. The results are displayed in a separate Browse session. The T
command can be used to debug problems such as I/O errors or the need to refresh
LLA or other directory caching systems.

K- VTOC Information

The K line command displays VTOC information for the first volume on which the
data set resides. The information returned is the same as in the Data Set List utility
(option 3.4, command V). You can also view VTOC information by placing the
cursor on the volume name and pressing Enter. If the data set is not on a physical
volume, the K command does not provide any information.

Browsing Storage
You can use the BROWSE command within ISRDDN to view the contents of
storage within your address space. When you are browsing storage, you can use
any of the standard ISPF Browse primary commands. In addition, there are several
primary commands you can use to format and move around in the storage list.

If you are not using one of the special display formats (CHAIN, ARRAY, or
ARRAYP), you can scroll UP even when the ″Top of Data″ line is displayed so that
you can see what data exists before your requested storage location. After you
scroll up once, you can scroll up or down to the limits of the contiguous
addressable storage.


204 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

When the BROWSE command is invoked within an existing browse session, a new
browse session is started. The END command returns you to the previous Browse
session. To end all of the sessions and return to the Current Data Set Allocations
list, use the CANCEL command.

Browse can also be used with point and shoot. Place the cursor over an address
within the display and press Enter. A new browse session is started to view the
storage pointed to by the cursor. If the cursor is not on a valid, accessible address,
an error message displays.


Display storage data as unformatted text. Storage is shown on the screen without
any formatting. The data on a line is the data that immediately follows the data on
the previous line. Because the FIND command is actually searching the screen
image and not storage itself, it is best to search storage while in the RAW display
format. Note that even in unformatted displays, if your search string would span
lines, FIND does not locate the string. To avoid this, search for the string in RAW
format, then enter the command B +20 to find the string again. This shifts the
display by 32 bytes (hexadecimal 20) and the line breaks occur in different places.


Display the storage as an unformatted string of data with offsets shown on the left
side of the screen. Use this format to give you a better context of the storage you
are browsing.


Display the storage in both hexadecimal and EBCDIC, the way you might see the
format in a data dump (see Figure 70 on page 206). On wide screens such as a 3278
Mod 5, the format includes 16 bytes per line (8 sets of 4 bytes). On narrower
screens, the format contains 8 bytes per line (4 sets of 4 bytes). FORMAT is the
default format that appears whenever a storage browse session is started.

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 205

BROWSE ISPSUBS JPA Start:15D8C890 Size:000E5770 Line 00000000 Col 001 080
********************************* Top of Data **********************************
+0 (15D8C890) C9E2D7E3 E2C3F040 000003BC 15E03450 * ISPTSC0 ...!.\.& *
+10 (15D8C8A0) 15DCE850 15DB0C48 15E1EDB0 15DE49A0 * .³Y&.¹.þ.qÊ^.·±Á *
+20 (15D8C8B0) 15DE7BF8 15E21780 15E00E48 15E71848 * .·#8.S.Ï.\.þ.X.þ *
+30 (15D8C8C0) 15E1E1A0 15DCEA40 15E1F400 15E1FEE0 * .qqÁ.³. .q4..q┌\ *
+40 (15D8C8D0) 15E0D540 15E0E148 15E20038 15E6BE98 * .\N .\qþ.S...W┤q *
+50 (15D8C8E0) 15E106D0 15E202B8 15E0E950 15DDD380 * .q.}.S.¢.\Z&.}LÏ *
+60 (15D8C8F0) 15D8DC30 15E0F7C0 15E10308 15E0F1A0 * .Q³..\7{.q...\1Á *
+70 (15D8C900) 15E1EB98 15E20700 15DBA490 15E0B518 * .qÈq.S...¹u..\º. *
+80 (15D8C910) 15E6D018 15DA8AC0 15DA5D58 15E20AE0 * .W}...½{..)ý.S.\ *
+90 (15D8C920) 15E25D20 15DA9A30 15E6D3D0 15E6DB98 * .S)...¬..WL}.W¹q *
+A0 (15D8C930) 15E212C0 15E21540 15DFFB08 15E6F128 * .S.{.S. .....W1. *
+B0 (15D8C940) 15DAE7D8 15E083C8 15DB0428 15E0EFB0 * ..XQ.\cH.¹...\ı^ *
+C0 (15D8C950) 15E0F628 15E0F290 15E0AB60 15E209D8 * .\6..\2..\┐-.S.Q *
+D0 (15D8C960) 15E224F0 15DFDBE0 15E0D050 15DCD0B0 * .S.0..¹\.\}&.³}^ *
+E0 (15D8C970) 15DCD3D0 15DCD190 15E23A80 15E6F480 * .³L}.³J..S.Ï.W4Ï *
+F0 (15D8C980) 15E23B58 15E24BE8 15D8D630 15E24E40 * .S.ý.S.Y.QO..S+ *
+100 (15D8C990) 15D8CC50 15E252A8 15E25468 15E25B20 * .Q÷&.SÛy.SÞÃ.S$. *
+110 (15D8C9A0) 15E29E30 15E6FDA8 15E2B778 15E0D358 * .Sã..W┘y.S...\Lý *
+120 (15D8C9B0) 15E70AC8 15DCEB10 15E2B998 15DFF458 * .X.H.³È..S¥q..4ý *
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE

Figure 70. Storage Viewed in FORMAT Mode


The WIDE and NARROW commands switch the display between wide and narrow
formats regardless of the type of terminal you are using. If the screen is too narrow
to handle the wide format, you must scroll right and left to see all of the data.


Use the REFRESH command to scroll the display back to the +0 offset. REFRESH
is useful if you have scrolled up past the initial ″Top of Data″ line and want to
return to your original referenced storage location.

REFRESH is not available in CHAIN, ARRAY, or ARRAYP formatted displays.


When you are viewing a linked list, you can use the CHAIN command to view
more than one link at a time. The syntax for CHAIN is
CHAIN [offset [length]]

The offset is a hexadecimal offset of the 4–byte pointer to the next link. The length is
a hexadecimal minimum length to show for each link. The default for offset is
zero. The default for length is whatever fits on one line in the current display
format. The chain is considered terminated when a pointer of zero is found, a
pointer to the first node is found, or a pointer to unavailable storage is found.
Entering the CHAIN command a second time turns the CHAIN formatting off.

For example, to see the current ASCB chain, enter ISRDDN and type
B 10.??+C?
CHAIN 4 20

206 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

You see a screen similar to Figure 71.

BROWSE STORAGE Start:00F90100 Line 00000001 Col 001 080

+0 (00F90100) C1E2C3C2 00F92B80 00F90280 00000000 * ASCB.9.Ï.9.Ï.... *
+10 (00F90110) 008FD788 00029982 00000000 00000000 * ..Ph..rb........ *

+30 (00F92B80) C1E2C3C2 00F98500 00F90100 00000000 * ASCB.9e..9...... *

+40 (00F92B90) 008FD880 000005B4 00000000 00000000 * ..QÏ...®........ *

+60 (00F98500) C1E2C3C2 00F90700 00F92B80 00000000 * ASCB.9...9.Ï.... *

+70 (00F98510) 008FD598 0000E527 00000000 00000000 * ..Nq..V......... *

+90 (00F90700) C1E2C3C2 00F90580 00F98500 00000000 * ASCB.9.Ï.9e..... *

+A0 (00F90710) 008FD690 00009130 00000000 00000000 * ..O...j......... *

+C0 (00F90580) C1E2C3C2 00000000 00F90700 00000000 * ASCB.....9...... *

+D0 (00F90590) 008FD788 00007EC0 00000000 00000000 * ..Ph..={........ *

******************************** Bottom of Data ********************************

Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE


Figure 71. CHAIN Storage Format

In the CHAIN format display, the offsets on the left are the offsets within a
particular link followed by the actual address of the start of the line.


When you are viewing that is an array, you can show the array elements as
separate blocks of storage. The syntax for ARRAY is
ARRAY [dimension [length]]

The dimension is the number of array elements in decimal. The length is the length
of each element in hexadecimal. The default for length is 4.

For example, the static link list table is an array. Assuming that each element is 45
bytes (hexadecimal 2D) and that you want the first 30 entries, enter ISRDDN and
B 10.?+4DC?+8

You see a screen similar to Figure 72 on page 208.

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 207

BROWSE STORAGE Start:00F3E6C0 Line 00000001 Col 001 080
+1 (00F3E6C0) 0CE2E8E2 F14BD3C9 D5D2D3C9 C2404040 * .SYS1.LINKLIB *
(00F3E6D0) 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 * *
(00F3E6E0) 40404040 40404040 40404040 40 * *

+2 (00F3E6ED) 0BE2E8E2 F14BD4C9 C7D3C9C2 40404040 * .SYS1.MIGLIB *

(00F3E6FD) 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 * *
(00F3E70D) 40404040 40404040 40404040 40 * *

+3 (00F3E71A) 0BE2E8E2 F14BC3E2 E2D3C9C2 40404040 * .SYS1.CSSLIB *

(00F3E72A) 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 * *
(00F3E73A) 40404040 40404040 40404040 40 * *

+4 (00F3E747) 11E2E8E2 E74BC9E2 C4F14BD3 C9D5D2D3 * .SYSX.ISD1.LINKL *

(00F3E757) C9C24040 40404040 40404040 40404040 * IB *
(00F3E767) 40404040 40404040 40404040 40 * *

+5 (00F3E774) 15E2E8E2 E74BE2E8 E2D7D3C5 E7C44BD3 * .SYSX.SYSPLEXD.L *

(00F3E784) C9D5D2D3 C9C24040 40404040 40404040 * INKLIB *
(00F3E794) 40404040 40404040 40404040 40 * *

Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE


Figure 72. ARRAY Storage Format

In the ARRAY format display, the offsets on the left are the array element number
followed by the address of the displayed line.


Many control blocks are mainly list of pointers. For example, the Communications
Vector Table (CVT) is an MVS control block that points to many other control
blocks. The ARRAYP command shows the data pointed to by the pointers in a
control block. Use the ARRAYP command when you are looking for the offset of a
pointer to a particular storage location. The syntax for ARRAYP is
ARRAYP [dim [length]]

The dim is the decimal number of pointers in the array. The length is a hexadecimal
length of each element pointed to by the pointer. The default for length is
whatever fits on one line in the current display format.

For example, to see what is pointed to by the elements of CVT, enter ISRDDN and
B 10.?

You see a screen similar to Figure 73 on page 209.

In the ARRAYP format display, the offsets on the left are the offsets within the
array of pointers followed by the pointer itself. This is followed by the data to
which the pointer refers.

208 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

BROWSE STORAGE Start:00FC6CB8 Line 00000001 Col 001 080
+0 (00000218) 00889E88 00889E88 00FC4D80 00F90100 * .hãh.hãh..(Ï.9.. *
+4 (00FDEFC4) 0DA01211 A7240008 10114111 00001111 * .Á..x.....á..... *
+8 (00FC6C34) 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 * ................ *
+C (00FC72A0) C1E4E2C3 C2010000 00FCA440 40404040 * AUSCB.....u *
+10 (00000000) 000A0000 000130E1 00000000 00000000 * .......q........ *
+14 (00FEB70C) 00FEB63C 00FEB63C 00FEB63C 00FEB63C * .┌Â..┌Â..┌Â..┌Â. *
+18 (00FE7096) 58F00224 58F0F06C 58F0F070 58F0F004 * ý0..ý00%ý00°ý00. *
+1C (00FDA0E8) 47F0F028 47F0F034 47F0F020 47F0F018 * Õ00.Õ00.Õ00.Õ00. *
+20 (00FD9F1C) 47F0F028 47F0F0E6 47F0F020 47F0F018 * Õ00.Õ00WÕ00.Õ00. *
+24 (0181B7F8) D3D3C3C2 04820000 00000000 00F8BB00 * LLCB.b.......8]. *
+28 (0126F150) 47F0F01C 16C3E2E5 D3D3E3D9 D440F0F2 * Õ00..CSVLLTRM 02 *
+2C (00FD8C50) 05F047F0 F00600E6 05A04AF0 F00407FF * .0Õ00..W.Áó00... *
+30 (00F29C70) 0088FF8E FA0E0000 00000000 00E4C3C2 * .h.u│........UCB *
+34 (00FDC2F0) 0DF058F0 F2020BEF 00FDC34C 00FDC360 * .0ý02..ı.┘C<.┘C- *
+38 (0103034F) 0C4104A0 045000E1 08961060 7E584000 * .á.Á.&.q.o.-=ý . *
+3C (00FC72C8) 15C7A300 D4E2C5D9 15CD6B40 000000FF * .Gt.MSER.‗, .... *
+40 (00F16000) 02000000 52000000 00000000 1000263C * ....Û........... *
+44 (00FEDE78) 47F0F008 41EE0002 1FCC43CE 00009110 * Õ00.áË...÷õ¾..j. *
+48 (00FDEFE8) 0DF04111 00000BE0 58F0F00E 0BEF0000 * .0á....\ý00..ı.. *
+4C (00000000) 000A0000 000130E1 00000000 00000000 * .......q........ *
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE

Figure 73. ARRAYP Storage Format

Defining Named Storage Locations

If you browse the same storage locations or control blocks frequently, you might
want to set up a file that names those storage locations so that you can use a name
in the BROWSE command.

To enable the BROWSE command to use a named reference to storage, you must
allocate a sequential file to the DD name ISRDDN. Within that file each line is
either a comment or a named storage location. Comments start with a semi-colon

Location definitions have a name as the first word, followed by a TSO TEST style
locator string. Anything after the locator string is ignored. The TSO TEST locator
string can use another defined name as a starting point. If the locator string cannot
be resolved because of syntax or other errors, the line is ignored.

For example, if you allocate a sequential file like the one shown in Figure 74 to DD
name ISRDDN, you could then browse your User Profile Table, which stores your
TSO PROFILE settings, by typing B UPT on the command line.

CVT 10.? Communications Vector Table

PSCB JSCB+108? TSO Protected Step Control Block
JSCB TCB+B4? Job/Step Control Block
TCB CVT?? Task Control Block
UPT PSCB+34? User Profile Table

Figure 74. Sample ISRDDN Named Storage File

Appendix G. ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 209

210 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
Appendix H. Accessibility
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. The major
accessibility features in z/OS enable users to:
v Use assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifier software
v Operate specific or equivalent features using only the keyboard
v Customize display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size

Using assistive technologies

Assistive technology products, such as screen readers, function with the user
interfaces found in z/OS. Consult the assistive technology documentation for
specific information when using such products to access z/OS interfaces.

Keyboard navigation of the user interface

Users can access z/OS user interfaces using TSO/E or ISPF. Refer to z/OS TSO/E
Primer, z/OS TSO/E User’s Guide, and z/OS ISPF User’s Guide Vol I for information
about accessing TSO/E and ISPF interfaces. These guides describe how to use
TSO/E and ISPF, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or function keys (PF
keys). Each guide includes the default settings for the PF keys and explains how to
modify their functions.

z/OS information
z/OS information is accessible using screen readers with the BookServer/Library
Server versions of z/OS books in the Internet library at:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 211

212 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
This information was developed for products and services offered in the USA.

IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in
other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the
products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM
product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM
product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product,
program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may
be used instead. However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the
operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter
described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you
any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:
IBM Director of Licensing
IBM Corporation
North Castle Drive
Armonk, NY 10504-1785

For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM
Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to:
IBM World Trade Asia Corporation
2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku
Tokyo 106, Japan

The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other
country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:
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implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply
to you.

This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be
incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements
and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this
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Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for
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IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it
believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 213

Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose
of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created
programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the
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IBM Corporation
Mail Station P300
2455 South Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-5400

Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions,

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The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material
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IBM International Program License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement
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If you are viewing this information softcopy, the photographs and color
illustrations may not appear.


This information contains sample application programs in source language, which

illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy,
modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to
IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application
programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating
platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not
been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or
imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy,
modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to
IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application
programs conforming to IBM’s application programming interfaces.

Programming Interface Information

This publication primarily documents information that is NOT intended to be used
as Programming Interfaces of ISPF.

This publication also documents intended Programming Interfaces that allow the
customer to write programs to obtain the services of ISPF. This information is
identified where it occurs, either by an introductory statement to a chapter or
section or by the following marking:
+---------------------Programming Interface information----------------------+

+------------------End of Programming Interface information------------------+

214 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both:

BookManager Language Environment
BookMaster MVS
COBOL/370 OS/390
Common User Access RACF
DFSMSrmm Systems Application Architecture

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in

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UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or


Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks
of others.

Notices 215
216 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I
Special characters Allocation List Primary Commands
? (invalid load module directory Check 198 B (browse) line command
fields) 122 Clist 197 Data Set List utility (option 3.4) 129
//* lines, job statement information 141 Con 202 Library utility (option 3.1) 129
* (in source listing) 178 Count 198 Move/Copy utility (option 3.3) 128
> (greater than) Custom 200 BACKUP temporary data sets 141
using to pass a command to a dialog Duplicates 198 BACKWARD
function 97 Enq 201 scrolling command 70, 96
| (OR symbol) 24 Exclude 195 system command 70
= (equal sign), used to initiate jump Find 195 Batch (option 5)
function 89 Linklist 199 output listings 140
= (jump function) 12 Load 199 overview 9
{ } (one operand required) 24 Locate 195 Bi-directional file transfer limitations 43
Long 196 Bi-directional language support 42
LPA 199 blank options 16
Numerics Member 196 block line command, defined 25
BOTTOM scrolling command 96
1 to 9999 parameter, Scroll field 15 Mlist 200
Only 195 BOTTOM system command 70
3850 virtual volumes
Parmlib 199 Browse Mode
accessing 111
Reset 196 browsing DBCS data as EBCDIC
Save 197 data 133
mixed mode 133
A Select 199
Short 196 overview 9
abbreviations for commands and other Allocations List, Current Data Set 191 BUFNO parameter 6
values alternate DBCS libraries 152 bypassing display using jump
commands 187 APPC connections 172 function 89
field values 187 APPC requirements detail 173 bypassing menus 17
keywords/operands 187 APPC requirements fast path 172 bypassing the WSA connection
programming languages 188 application commands description 69 panel 164
scroll amounts 188 Arabic language support 42
AC field, load module library Assembler H (option 4.1) allocation data
display 122
accelerator 32
sets C
SYSIN 189 CANCEL system command 70
accessibility 211 SYSLIB 189 Changed field, member list display 120
ACCOUNT command, TSO 111 SYSLIN 190 Changing Member List Field
ACTIONS system command 70 SYSPRINT 189 Attributes 128
activities SYSPUNCH 190 Changing the Default Sort Order for
nesting 25 SYSTERM 190 Member Lists 128
ALIAS command action, specified by SYSUT1 190 character conversion for APL and TEXT
ZCTACT 93, 95 asterisk (*) parameter, SELECT keyboards 185
Alias-of field, load module library command 125 Character sets, in a GUI display 34
display 122 attention field check boxes, GUI mode 31
alias, as substitute for ISPF 17 command entry 97, 103 client/server communications,
aliases for commands 95 selection 103 configuring 167
aliases for scrolling commands 96 attention key (PA1) 104 CLIST
allocating ISPF libraries 149 ATTN keyword, defining attention allocating library 151
allocating libraries, defined 109 fields 103 restrictions 105
Allocation List Line Commands 202 Attributes field, load module library CMDE system command 70
Browse 203 display 122 CNTL temporary data sets 141
Compress 204 automatic completion Codepages, in a GUI display 34
Edit 203 data set and member names 105 COLOR
Free 203 AUTOTYPE 70 system command 71
Information 204 automatic completion combination box 32
Member list 203 data set name 105 Command (option 6)
Query ENQs 204 member name 105 overview 9
Test Directory 204 cursor position sensitivity 107 command abbreviations 187
View 203 enabling applications to use 107 command alias 95
VTOC Information 204 function key for 105 command error processing 24
Allocation List Primary Commands 195 restrictions 107 command field
APF 199
entering commands 69
Browse 201

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2005 217

command field (continued) copy commmand 129 direct access storage device, using with
use with jump function 89 Created field packed data 134
Command field, ISPF panels 15 member list display 120 disability 211
command line 24 CRETRIEV system command 71 display format 14
command notation 24 CSR (cursor) scrolling amount 91 double-byte character set (DBCS)
command retrieving 80 CUAATTR system command 71 Browse or Edit DBCS data as EBCDIC
command stacking Current Data Set Allocations List 191 data 133
restriction with HELP command 70 line commands 202 Edit and Browse 133
restriction with RETRIEVE primary commands 195 format definition 132
command 70 using commands 195 Format Specification utility (option
command tables current lists 3.11) 132
action commands 92 definition 51 formatted data, View, Edit, and
dynamically specified command cursor control of scrolling 91 Browse 132
actions 98 CURSOR parameter, Scroll field 15 hexadecimal format 133
format of 92 Cursor position sensitivity, invalid mixed data 133
ISPCMDS system command table 92 AUTOTYPE 107 Mixed Mode field 133
used for assigning command CURSOR system command 71 DOWN system command 71, 90
aliases 95 cursor-select key drop-down list 32
used for overriding system processing of selected fields 103 DSLIST displays 55
commands 97 selection of attention field 103 DSLIST system command 71
used for passing commands to a DTEST system command 71
dialog function 69, 97 dual command processing 24
Command, SWITCH 47
D (delete lines)
aliases 95
application 69
Data Set List utility (option 3.4) 129 E
Library utility (option 3.1) 129 Edit (option 2)
entering 15
data entry panels 16 editing DBCS data as EBCDIC 133
error processing 24
DATA parameter mixed mode 133
function 69
Scroll field 15 overview 9
how to enter 69
DATA scrolling amount 91 EDIT command 129
interception by ISPF 69
Data Set Allocations List, Current 191 END
ISPF notation 24
Data Set List utility (option 3.4) system command 72
levels 69
data set list listings 183 END command
line 9, 23
member list line commands 129 ISPF 12
nesting 25
primary commands ending
passing to a dialog function 97
CONFIRM 123 a function or a dialog
PDF command
source and index listings 177 END system command 72
using an alias 17
data set lists RETURN system command 80
using option parameter 17
personal 51, 53 display, END system command 72
primary 9, 23
reference 51 ending ISPF or an ISPF function, Exit
processing, by ISPF 69
Data Set Name field option (X) 12
specifying action dynamically 98
data entry panels 110 ending member lists 116
stacking for execution 69
Data Set Password field, library/data set entering a command 69
stacking with delimiter 24
entry panels 132 entering a command, defined 22
system 70
DBCS ENVIRON system command 72
commands, entering 24
allocating alternate libraries 152 EPDF system command 72
command error processing 24
session messages in English 152 equal sign used to initiate jump
ISPF command notation 24
default function key assignments 99 function 89
commands, member selection list 122
default function key settings EXHELP system command 72
communications, configuring for
ending ISPF or an ISPF function 12 Exit (option X)
client/server 167
getting help 11 ending ISPF from the ISPF Primary
default mode, defined 14 Option Menu 12
during editing 113
default operands 24 overview 10
during language processing 113
Default Sort Order for Member Lists, use of log/list defaults 12
of function key-entered value with
Changing 128 used with jump function (=) 12
command entry, restrict 99
DELETE command, TSO 123 EXIT system command 73
conditional retrieve 71
delimiters, used to stack commands 24 EXPAND system command 73, 92
Configuring APPC connections 172
Diagnostic Utility, ISRDDN 191 extended binary coded decimal
Configuring Communications for ISPF
dialog interchange code (EBCDIC)
C/S 167
development of 147 Browse or Edit DBCS data as
Configuring TCP/IP connections 167
nested 88 EBCDIC 133
CONFIRM command
recursive entry into 95 format definition 132
Data Set List utility (option 3.4) 123
Dialog Test (option 7) hexadecimal format 133
exiting with jump function (=) 12 invalid mixed data 133
OFF 123
overview 9 Mixed Mode field 133
ON 123
dialog, defined 3
Control TSOGUI Query 42
direct access data sets 6

218 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

F I ISPF Client/Server Component
field selection IBM Products (option 9) GUI mode, how it looks (continued)
using cursor position 103 overview 9 input fields 33
using light pen 103 ID field, member list display 120 long messages 31
field value abbreviations 187 IKJEFT1I 40 mnemonics 31
field1 parameter, SORT command 126 image library, allocating 150 pull-down menus 30
field2 parameter, SORT command 126 Images, in a GUI display 34 push buttons 31
file tailoring index listings sample screens 34
allocating 150 for load libraries 180 short messages 31
image library 150 for source libraries 178 split screen 33
output libraries 150 Init field, member list display 120 title bars 30
FKA system command 73 Installation WINDOW command 33
Fonts, in a GUI display 33 ISPF Client/Server (ISPF C/S) Restrictions
fonts, setting for WSA 163 configuration parameters 156 closing the ISPF C/S
Foreground (option 4) ISPF Workstation Agent (ISPF WSA) component 44
output listings 140 assumptions 155 ISPF commands
overview 9 Installation program END 12
format definition 132 Workstation agent 161 HELP 11
Format Name field INT system command 74 taking a screen snapshot 134
Edit Entry Panel 132 interactive application, defined 3 ISPF library names 109
effect on Mixed Mode field 132 internal character representations ISPF library setup 147
View Entry Panel 132 for APL keyboards 185 ISPF library, defined 109
Format Selection List panel 132 for TEXT keyboards 186 ISPF log listings 181
Format Specification utility (option 3.11) ISPCMDS system command table 92, 96 ISPF member statistics 116
IBM 5550 terminal support 132 ISPDPTRC system command 74 ISPF Settings (option 0 ), overview 9
format, panel 14 ISPDTLC system command 74 ISPF Workstation Agent installation,
FORWARD ISPF prerequisites
scrolling command 96 command notation 24 assumptions 155
system command 73 command types 22 ISPFILE file tailoring output library 150
FORWARD system command 73 ending 12 ISPFINST.EXE 161
FTP download 157 entering commands 22 ISPFTTRC system command 74
fullscreen TSO data 41 functions 3 ISPFVAR system command 74
function (F) keys getting help 11 ISPFWORK system command 74
See function keys interacting with 7 ISPILIB image input library 150
function commands 69 member name conventions 6 ISPLIBD system command 74
function key option selection 16 ISPLLIB link library 151
AUTOTYPE 105 overview 3 ISPMALT alternate message library 151
function keys 99 primary options, option selection 16 ISPMLIB message library 147
changing content and format starting 7 ISPPALT alternate panel library 151
(TAILOR) 77, 100 supported data types 5 ISPPLIB panel library 147
command entry 98 understanding panels 14 ISPPREP system command 74
defining functions 100 user profiles 11 ISPPROF default application profile
PFSHOW system command 77 ISPF C/S download 160 pool 147
providing default settings 103 ISPF C/S Download Utility ISPSALT alternate skeleton library 151
saving definitions 103 FTP method 157 ISPSLIB skeleton library 147
used for command entry 69, 98 Manual method 160 ISPSTART command, session language
ISPF C/S Install Utility override 152
ISPFINST.EXE 161 ISPTABL table output library 150
G the C/S agent window 162
ISPF C/S installation, prerequisites
ISPTLIB table input library 147, 150
generation data group (GDG) data ISRDDN
configuration parameters 156 allocation list primary
sets 6
ISPF client/server 171 commands 195
generation data sets 111
ISPF Client/Server Component ISRDDN Diagnostic Utility 191
Group field, data entry panels 109
check boxes Browsing storage 204
fonts 33 Browsing storage commands
panel display CUA mode 32
H PRINT command 33
HALF parameter, Scroll field 15 WS command 33 BROWSE 204
HALF scrolling amount 90 GUI mode, how it looks CHAIN 206
Hardcopy utility (option 3.6) action bars 30 DATA 205
source and index listings 177 APL/TEXT character sets 33 FORMAT 205
Hebrew language support 42 color, intensity, and NARROW 206
HELP command highlighting 33 RAW 205
ISPF 11 cursor movement 31 REFRESH 206
HELP system command 70, 73 Enter key 32 WIDE 206
horizontal split-screen mode 44 Function keys 32 ISRRLIST system command 75
graphic areas 33

Index 219
ISRROUTE system command 75 line commands
defined 9, 23
definition of 122 managed data set
defined 133
J member selection list 123
Line Commands, Allocation List 202 Manual download 160
JCL for allocating libraries for MVS 149 MAX parameter, Scroll field 15
linking requirement for split-screen
job statement information MAX scrolling amount 90
mode 151
parameters Member field, data entry panels 110
list and log data sets
//* lines 141 member list display
foreground and batch output listings
jump function 25, 89 example 117
list-id parameter 140
jump function (=), ISPF 12 Member List Field Attributes,
prefix parameter 140
userid parameter 140 Changing 128
job statement information 141 member list listings
K list data set 134 formats 183
keepalive socket option 171 log data set 135 load libraries 182
keyboard 211 other temporary data sets 141 source libraries 181
KEYLIST system command 75 prefix parameter 134 member list lists 181
KEYS system command 75 printing list/log data sets 138 Member List Positioning 131
KEYS system command, defining taking a screen snapshot 134 member list primary commands
function key functions 100 temporary names 134 SRCHFOR 127
KEYSHELP system command 75 userid parameter 134 Member Lists, Refreshing 128
keyword/operand abbreviations 187 list box 31 member name conventions 6
list data set member selection list
list-id 125 defined 114
displaying member lists 115
L prefix 125
processing 135 ending member lists 116
language for ISPF session, fields
list modes 52
specifying 152 load module library 121
LIST system command 75
lcmd parameter, SELECT command 125 source library 120
LIST temporary data sets 141
LEFT system command 75, 90 ISPF member statistics 116
list-id parameter
levels of ISPF commands 69 line commands
Foreground and Batch output
LIB field B (browse) 128, 129
listings 140
load module library display 121 D (delete) 129
SAVE command 124
member list display 120 E (edit) 129
List, Current Data Set Allocations 191
libraries and data sets P (print) 129
LIST, system command
data set passwords 132 R (rename) 129
conditions for using 137
format definitions 132 S (select) 126, 128
description 135
list and log data sets 134 V (view) 129
using 135
member selection lists 114 list data set 125
listing formats
mixed mode 133 load module library member
data set list listings 184
naming ISPF libraries and data statistics 121
ISPF log listings 181
sets 109 primary commands
member list listings 183
packed data sets 134 LOCATE 124
source and index listings 177
partitioned data set extended RESET 124
load module library
(PDSE) 133 SAVE 124
invalid directory fields (?) 122
sample ISPF session 141 SELECT 125
member statistics 121
library concatenation SORT 126
load module library display
during editing 113 table of differences 114
example 121
during language processing 113 updating a member list 130
LOCATE command
functions that use concatenation 112 Member selection list commands 122
member selection list 124
Group field 111 Member Selection List Primary
overview 111 Commands
string 124
library lists MLC 128
log data set
personal 51 MLS 128
processing 135
library member Refresh 128
LOG system command
definition of 109 menu 15
conditions for using 137
Library utility (option 3.1) message retrieval tool, LookAt xii
description 76, 135
member list line commands 129 messages
Log/List (option 0)
Library utility (option 3.1), source and as means of communication 7
changing defaults 10
index listings 177 conditions for display 24
effect on Exit (X) option 12
light pen displayed by HELP command 11
logical screens (split-screen mode) 44
processing of selected fields 103 English for DBCS session 152
Long Message field, ISPF panels 15
sample panel 104 failure to enter required value 16
LookAt message retrieval tool xii
selection of attention field 103 inconsistent values 16
using 103 Long Message field 15
limitations, bi-directional files 43 Short Message field 15
line command fields 24 mixed data
assumed 133

220 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

mixed data (continued) operand notation (continued) panels (continued)
format definition 132 uppercase 24 native mode 14
invalid, examples of 133 operating system, passing commands 69 panel format 14
Mixed Mode field 133 Option field, ISPF panels 15 retaining previous values 16
non-mixed mode 133 option selection what they display 7
unformatted 133 0 - ISPF Settings 9 parameter
Mixed Mode field 1 - View 9 parenthesis added to 95
Edit Entry Panel 133 10 - SCLM 10 parenthesis, added to command
View Entry Panel 133 2 - Edit 9 parameter 95
MLC Command 128 3 - Utilities 9 partitioned data set extended
MLS Command 128 4 - Foreground 9 (PDSE) 133
mnemonics, GUI mode 31 5 - Batch 9 partitioning the display, screen-split
Mod field, member list display 120 6 - Command 9 screen mode 44
MOUNT authority 111 7 - Dialog Test 9 passing commands
move members 113 9 - IBM Products 9 to a dialog function 97
move the member 129 X - Exit 10 to the operating system 69
Move/Copy utility (option 3.3) optional ISPF libraries 150 PASSTHRU action
member list line commands 128 Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set specified using ZCTACT 93, 97
Move/Copy utility (option 3.3), source Names 110 pattern parameter, SELECT
and index listings 177 other temporary data sets 141 command 125
MSGID system command 76 OUTLINE keyword pattern, defined 110
multiple, defined for line commands 114 fields affected by 77 PCF (TSO Programming Control
multivolume data sets 6 on PRINT system command 77 Facility) 150
OUTLIST temporary data sets 141 PDSE 133
Outlist utility (option 3.8), source and personal data set list 53
N index listings 177
OV parameter, Attributes field 122
action bar choices 56
how to create 54
Name field
overriding, system commands 97 how to display the list of lists 54
load module library display 121
overview of ISPF personal data set list panel
member list display 120
commands, entering 22 fields 58
naming ISPF libraries and data sets
interacting with ISPF 7 personal data set lists 51, 58
ISPF library names 109
ISPF primary options 9 personal data set lists panel
Other Partitioned or Sequential Data
starting ISPF 7 action bar choices 59
Set Names 110
understanding ISPF panels 14 fields 60
volume serials 111
user profiles 11 personal library list 53
national language for ISPF session 152
personal library lists 51
National Language Support (NLS) 23
personal list commands
native mode, defined 14
nested commands 25 P command line 64
function keys 65
nested dialogs 89 P (print) line command
personal lists 52, 54, 55
NLS Data Set List utility (option 3.4) 129
command interface (fast path) 64
See National Language Support Library utility (option 3.1) 129
example of ISPF panel using
non-ISPF displays, using REFRESH 88 PA keys
NOP action, specified using ZCTACT 93 definition 104
function keys 65
NOP system command 76 PA1 104
library 53
notation conventions 24 PA2 104
NRETRIEV command 62
Notices 213 packed data
personal data set list 53
NRETRIEV command 62 format defined 134
private lists 61
SCLM considerations 63 requirements for using 134
reference data set list 53
NRETRIEV key 51 PAGE parameter, Scroll field 15
reference library list 54
NRETRIEV system command 76 PAGE scrolling amount 90
retrieving names from 55
NX parameter, Attributes field 122 panel format 14
shared lists 61
panel ID field, ISPF panels 15
PFSHOW system command
panel types
changing content and format
O data entry panels 16
menus 15
(TAILOR) 77, 100
OFF parameter ZPFCTL system variable 102
overview 15
CONFIRM command 123 ZPFFMT system variable 101
PANELID system command 76
OL parameter, Attributes field 122 ZPFSET system variable 101
ON parameter ZPRIKEYS system variable 101
as means of communication 7
CONFIRM command 123 positioning, member list 131
basic types 15
operand notation prefix parameter
default mode 14
lowercase 24 Foreground and Batch output
defined 14
one required({ }) 24 listings 140
load module library display
optional([ ]) 24 list and log data sets 134
example 121
OR symbol (|) 24 primary commands
member list display
stacked 24 defined 9, 23, 122
example 117
underscored defaults 24 member selection list 122
menus 15

Index 221
Primary Commands, Allocation List 195 RESIZE system command 79 Short Message field, ISPF panels 15
PRINT command, in GUI mode 33 Resource Access Control Facility shortcut keys 211
PRINT system command 77 (RACF) 132 single selection, defined for line
PRINT-HI system command 78 RETF system command 79, 87 commands 114
PRINTDS RETP system command 80, 87 Size field
editing the command 139 RETRIEVE system command 80, 86 load module library display 122
printing the Log and List data RETURN system command 80, 88 member list display 120
sets 138 REXX - allocating library 151 skipping panel display using jump
PRINTG system command 78 RF parameter, Attributes field 122 function 89
PRINTL system command 78 RFIND system command 80 snapshot of a screen 134
PRINTLHI system command 78 RIGHT system command 75, 80, 90 sockets 168
profiles, user 11 RN parameter, Attributes field 122 SORT command
program access (PA) keys 104 RU parameter, Attributes field 122 member selection list 126
program library, allocating 151 rules for AUTOTYPE 106 parameters
program linking requirement for field1 126
split-screen mode 151 field2 126
Programming Control Facility (PCF) 132
programming language
S Sort Order for Member Lists, Changing
the Default 128
S (select) line command
abbreviations 188 source listings 177
member selection list 126
Project field, data entry panels 109 source segments 113
Move/Copy utility (option 3.3) 128
PSCOLOR system command 79 specifying action dynamically 98
sample ISPF session 141
SPFTEMP temporary data sets 141
SAREA system command 80
SPLIT command 44
SAS/C 168
Q SAVE command
SPLIT system command 81
split-screen mode
Query ENQs 204 Data Set List utility (option 3.4) 181
entering 44
member selection list 124
logical screens 44
maximum number 44
R asterisk (*) 125
lcmd 125
partitioning display screen 44
R (rename) line command program linking requirement 151
list-id 124
Data Set List utility (option 3.4) 129 RETRIEVE function 86
pattern 125
Library utility (option 3.1) 129 terminating 44
saving function key definitions 103
RACF (Resource Access Control VSAM restrictions 49
SCLM (option 10)
Facility) 132 split-screen mode, maximum number 44
exiting with jump function (=) 12
radio button 32 SPLITV system command 49, 81
overview 10
RCHANGE system command 79 SRCHFOR command, Member List
SCRNAME system command 81
recursive entry into dialog functions 95 utility 127
scroll amount abbreviations 188
redisplaying contents of a screen using stack - (RETRIEVE command) 86
Scroll field, ISPF panels 15
PA key 104 stacked operands 24
REFACTD system command 79 stacking commands
command aliases 96
REFACTL system command 79 for execution 69
commands to control 90
REFADDD system command 79 restrictions 70
scroll amount 90
REFADDL system command 79 start column, defined 178
tutorial panels 90
reference data set list 53 Start GUI Session 26
SELECT action
reference data set lists 51 START system command 81
command 94
reference library list 54 statistics
specified by ZCTACT 93
reference library lists 51 ISPF members 116
SELECT command
referral lists 51 load module libraries 121
member selection list 125
example of ISPF panel using referral string parameter
separator bar 32
list 65 LOCATE command 124
Settings (option 0)
REFLISTD system command 79 submit the member 129
changing default delimiter 24
REFLISTL system command 79 SuperC listing title lines
overriding mode switching 14
RefMode 52 index listings 178
SETTINGS system command 81
REFOPEND system command 79 source listings 177
SETVERB action
REFOPENL system command 79 suspending an activity 25
specified by ZCTACT 93
Refresh Command 128 SWAP system command 82
shared personal lists 61
Refreshing Member Lists 128 SWITCH
shift-in characters
Rename field on member list system command 82
DBCS character strings 133
display 120, 121 SWITCH Command 47
formatted data, Edit, View and
repeating, commands (RETRIEVE) 80 3270 screens 47
Browse 132
required ISPF libraries 147 GUI screens 47
invalid mixed data, examples of 133
RESET command restrictions 48
treatment in non-mixed mode 133
member selection list 124 rules for splitting and swapping 47
shift-out characters
RESET key SWITCH system command 82
DBCS character strings 133
description 105 SYSIN data set
formatted data Edit and Browse 132
reset the member 129 Assembler H 189
invalid mixed data, examples of 133
reshow key (PA2) 104 VS COBOL II 189
treatment in non-mixed mode 133

222 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

SYSLIB data set System Commands (continued) terminating (continued)
Assembler H 189 PRINTL 78 display by using END system
VS COBOL II 189 PRINTLHI 78 command 72
SYSLIN data set PSCOLOR 79 TSO commands of CLIST by using PA
Assembler H 190 RCHANGE 79 Key 104
VS COBOL II 190 REFACTD 79 Title field, ISPF panels 15
system command 82 REFADDD 79 scrolling command 96
SYSNAME system command 82 REFADDL 79 system command 82
SYSPRINT data set REFLISTD 79 TOP system command 82
Assembler H 189 REFLISTL 79 transmission codes 185
VS COBOL II 189 REFOPEND 79 TS parameter, Attributes field, load
SYSPUNCH data set REFOPENL 79 module library 122
Assembler H 190 RESIZE 79 TSO
VS COBOL II 190 RETF 79 commands
system commands RETP 80 ACCOUNT 111
description 69 RETRIEVE 80 DELETE 123
overriding by use of command RETURN 80 Programming Control Facility 150
tables 97 RFIND 80 TSO command 129
System commands RIGHT 75, 80 TSO line mode support
function key defaults 70 SAREA 80 alternate entry point 40
list of 70 SCRNAME 81 fullscreen TSO data 41
System Commands SETTINGS 81 general information 39
ACTIONS 70 SPLIT 81 how to use 40
BACKWARD 70 SPLITV 81 restrictions 41
BOTTOM 70 START 81 TSO system command 83
CANCEL 70 SWAP 82 TSOCMD system command 83
COLOR 71 SYSNAME 82 TSOGUI system command 83
CRETRIEV 71 TOP 82 TTR field, load module library
CUAATTR 71 TSO 83 display 122
CURSOR 71 TSOCMD 83 TUTOR system command 83
DOWN 71 TSOGUI 83 Tutorial (Option T), finding ISPF
DSLIST 71 TUTOR 83 information 7
DTEST 71 UP 83 Type field, data entry panels 109
WS 84
unavailable choices 32
underscored operands 24
understanding ISPF panels
FORWARD 73 system register for WSA 164
overview 14
HELP 73 system variables, saving function key
panel format 14
INT 74 definitions 103
panel types 15
ISPDTLC 74 Assembler H 190
scroll command 83, 90
system command 83, 90
ISPFVAR 74 SYSUT1 data set
updating a member list 130
ISPFWORK 74 Assembler H 190
user profiles 11
system command 83
userid parameter
Foreground and Batch output
listings 140
T list and log data sets 134
table libraries, allocating 150 USERID system command 83
TAILOR operand on PFSHOW using AUTOTYPE 106
command 77, 100 Utilities (option 3)
LOG 76
tape data sets 6 overview 9
TCP/IP connections 167
NOP 76
TCP/IP requirements detail 167
TCP/IP requirements fast path 167
temporary data sets 141
PFSHOW 77 V (view) line command
PRINT 77 Data Set List utility (option 3.4) 129
a function or dialog
PRINT-HI 78 Library utility (option 3.1) 129
END system command 72
RETURN system command 80

Index 223
variable block spanned (VBS) data ZSCBR system variable 91
sets 6 ZSCED system variable 91
vertical split-screen mode 49 ZSCML system variable 91
VIO, allocating temporary data sets 141 ZSCROLLAsystem variable 91
Volume Serial field ZSCROLLD system variable 91
data entry panels 111 ZSCROLLN system variable 91
VS COBOL II compiler (option 4.2) ZTEMPF system variable 150
allocation data sets ZTEMPN system variable 150
SYSIN 189 ZVERB system variable 98
SYSUT1 190
VSAM restrictions, split-screen mode 49
VTOC Information 204
VV.MM field, member list display 120

WINDOW system command 83
WORK temporary data sets 141
Workplace option description 10
workstation agent
setting fonts 163
system register 164
Workstation agent 161
installation program 161
workstation agent window 162
writing a list to a list data set
member list 124
writing dialogs 147
WS command 129
WS system command 84
WSCON system command 84
WSCON System command 27
WSDISCON system command 85

z/OS Communications Server: IP 168
z/OS UNIX sockets 168
command table field 95
system variable 92
ZCTDESC system variable 92
ZCTTRUNC system variable 92
command table field (alias value) 95
system variable 92
ZKEYS system command 85
ZLANG system variable 152
ZPARM system variable 94
parenthesis added to 95
ZPF01, ZPF02, ... ZPF24 system
variables 103
ZPFCTL system variable, on
ZPFFMT system variable on
ZPFSET system variable, on
ZPRIKEYS system variable on PFSHOW
system command 101

224 z/OS V1R7.0 ISPF User’s Guide Vol I

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