English 8 Written Works 2
English 8 Written Works 2
English 8 Written Works 2
Identify if
Direction: Read the following paragraphs carefully. Identify if the author’s BIAS is FOR or AGAINST. Explain how you
the author’s BIAS is FOR or AGAINST. Explain how you determine what an author’s bias is. (Use of evidence or Use of
determine what an author’s bias is. (Use of evidence or Use of diction) Underline the proof.
diction) Underline the proof.
1. I completely agree that regular exercise is essential for
1. I completely agree that regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health. It improves cardiovascular fitness,
maintaining good health. It improves cardiovascular fitness, strengthens muscles, and boosts mental well-being. Additionally,
strengthens muscles, and boosts mental well-being. Additionally, studies consistently show that individuals who exercise regularly
studies consistently show that individuals who exercise regularly have a lower risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease and
have a lower risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. Adopting an active lifestyle is one of the most effective
diabetes. Adopting an active lifestyle is one of the most effective ways to enhance overall quality of life.
ways to enhance overall quality of life. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
2. Fast food is nothing but unhealthy junk that ruins people’s
2. Fast food is nothing but unhealthy junk that ruins people’s health and contributes to obesity. It’s loaded with harmful
health and contributes to obesity. It’s loaded with harmful chemicals, excessive fats, and empty calories, and the
chemicals, excessive fats, and empty calories, and the companies behind it only care about profits, not public well-
companies behind it only care about profits, not public well- being. Anyone who eats fast food is making a reckless choice for
being. Anyone who eats fast food is making a reckless choice for their body.
their body. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
3. Social media is a toxic platform that destroys real relationships
3. Social media is a toxic platform that destroys real relationships and wastes countless hours of people’s lives. It spreads
and wastes countless hours of people’s lives. It spreads misinformation, encourages shallow connections, and promotes
misinformation, encourages shallow connections, and promotes harmful comparisons that damage mental health. People would
harmful comparisons that damage mental health. People would be much better off if they quit social media altogether.
be much better off if they quit social media altogether. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
4. I fully support the idea that access to quality education is a
4. I fully support the idea that access to quality education is a fundamental human right. Education empowers individuals,
fundamental human right. Education empowers individuals, fosters economic growth, and promotes equality by giving
fosters economic growth, and promotes equality by giving everyone the opportunity to reach their potential. Without it,
everyone the opportunity to reach their potential. Without it, societies struggle to progress and break the cycle of poverty.
societies struggle to progress and break the cycle of poverty. Ensuring that everyone has access to education is one of the
Ensuring that everyone has access to education is one of the most important investments we can make in our future.
most important investments we can make in our future. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
5. Public transportation is unreliable, dirty, and unsafe. It’s
5. Public transportation is unreliable, dirty, and unsafe. It’s always late, overcrowded, and filled with unpleasant
always late, overcrowded, and filled with unpleasant experiences. Anyone who uses public transit clearly values
experiences. Anyone who uses public transit clearly values convenience over their comfort and personal safety.
convenience over their comfort and personal safety. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
6. Online learning is an ineffective and lazy approach to
6. Online learning is an ineffective and lazy approach to education that deprives students of meaningful interactions and
education that deprives students of meaningful interactions and real-life skills. It’s filled with distractions, lacks discipline, and
real-life skills. It’s filled with distractions, lacks discipline, and produces poor academic outcomes compared to traditional
produces poor academic outcomes compared to traditional classroom learning. No serious learner can succeed in such a
classroom learning. No serious learner can succeed in such a flawed system.
flawed system. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
7. I do believe that regular physical activity is essential for
7. I do believe that regular physical activity is essential for maintaining overall health. Exercise improves cardiovascular
maintaining overall health. Exercise improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and helps manage weight. It’s clear that
health, boosts mood, and helps manage weight. It’s clear that incorporating even moderate exercise into daily routines can
incorporating even moderate exercise into daily routines can significantly enhance both physical and mental well-being, and
significantly enhance both physical and mental well-being, and everyone should make it a priority.
everyone should make it a priority. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
8. Video games are a complete waste of time that promote
8. Video games are a complete waste of time that promote violence and distract people from productive activities. They
violence and distract people from productive activities. They have no real value and only contribute to laziness, social
have no real value and only contribute to laziness, social isolation, and aggressive behavior. Anyone who spends hours
isolation, and aggressive behavior. Anyone who spends hours playing video games is clearly neglecting more important
playing video games is clearly neglecting more important aspects of their life.
aspects of their life. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
9. Mental health awareness is crucial in today’s society. The
9. Mental health awareness is crucial in today’s society. The stigma surrounding mental health often prevents individuals
stigma surrounding mental health often prevents individuals from seeking help, and increasing awareness can encourage
from seeking help, and increasing awareness can encourage open conversations and reduce shame. By prioritizing mental
open conversations and reduce shame. By prioritizing mental health, we can improve overall well-being, support those in need,
health, we can improve overall well-being, support those in need, and create a more compassionate society.
and create a more compassionate society. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
10. I can say that reading books is one of the best ways to
10. I can say that reading books is one of the best ways to expand knowledge and stimulate the mind. Books offer valuable
expand knowledge and stimulate the mind. Books offer valuable insights into different cultures, histories, and perspectives, while
insights into different cultures, histories, and perspectives, while also improving vocabulary and cognitive skills. In today’s fast-
also improving vocabulary and cognitive skills. In today’s fast- paced digital world, taking the time to read is essential for
paced digital world, taking the time to read is essential for personal growth and intellectual development.
personal growth and intellectual development. Author’s Bias:
Author’s Bias: Determine:
English 8 Written Works 2