Culture and Society in The Globalizing World

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Culture and Society in the Globalizing World

Things that I believe in, but Things that my parents Things that we both believe
my parents don’t believe in believe in, but I don’t believe in
1. Feminism • Atheism equates to • Music is soothing.
being evil.
1. Divorce is okay. • Thin people need to • God is the creator of
eat more. all things.
2. Apoliticism equates to • Drinking alcohol is • Family first.
being an enabler. not okay.
3. Mental health is • Children should • Money is important.
important. always be prim and
4. Online gaming • Ultimate devoutness • Kindness is what truly
reduces stress. of life and resources matter in a person.
to religion.
5. Exploration of alcohol • Disciplining your • There is money in
during adulthood is child includes business.
okay. shouting.
6. Reincarnation • Too much exposure to • It is a necessary to
social media leads to help others in need
unpleasant behavior. every now and then.
7. Being part of the • Talking back to • Animals are lovable.
LGBTQIA+ is okay. parents is
8. Therapy is necessary • Spending time on the • Race doesn’t matter.
for people who need internet is a waste of
help. time.
9. Exploration of life, in • What your biological • It’s okay to be in a
general, is okay. sex should be your relationship.
10. It’s not okay to • Spoiling yourself is • Home chores is okay.
impose your beliefs to not okay.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking

Read, Highlight, Define, Answer
a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.
1. Juan replaced the broken pot by grounding the broken pot into fine pieces turning it into a
2. Juan did not face his mother’s wrath for her mother was very pleased that Juan was able to
earn a bag of coins. On the other hand, at first, Juan faced the people’s wrath by making
up a lie, implying that the dust was effective but their method in using the dust was not.
However, when the people caught him on his lie, he admitted to his lie. At the end, he faced
the people’s wrath by telling them the truth that leads to him, almost getting pounded.

Media and Information.

1. The smartphone revolution has brought the internet to citizens and consumers globally.
Individuals seek knowledge, self-determination, equality, opportunities, and voice. Groups
can collaborate. Downsides need to be mediated, e.g., addiction among digital natives. This
has all provided hope for international organizations concerned about governance,
economics, health, academics, innovation, sustainability, and peace.
2. The political scene has changed to a considerable amount over the most recent few decades.
The web has played a vital role in this change. One of the manners in which online life has
changed governmental issues is the sheer speed at which news, survey results, and gossips
are shared. While in the past days, individuals needed to sit tight for the following paper
or TV news show to get the most recent data, online news is a day in and day out wonder.
In the past, on the off chance that you needed to meet a government official, you had to go
to an event. Not every person can do this. With present-day innovation, it is conceivable to
go to virtual occasions where you can participate in live occasions and interact with
government officials. On the off chance that a politician needs to address the worries of
women, students, or some other group of voters, they would now be able to modify their
messages. Similarly, as posters on Facebook can utilize targeted promotion, so can
politicians. In this manner, on the off chance that you see that political messages appears
to talk to you by and by, this is no mishap.
3. First and foremost, media literacy helps students become wiser consumers of media as well
as responsible producers of their own media. In a larger context, media literacy also fosters
the skills that help people work together in collaboration because it encourages respectful
discourse and builds citizenship skills. Existing media resources can also be used to engage
students and facilitate active learning strategies which promote deeper learning. For
example, media provides a useful platform for teaching with cases, cooperative learning,
problem solving, and for giving more interactive lecture demonstrations.
4. The characteristics of competent producers describes how communication is affected by
media and information, identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy and
technology, editorialize the value of being a media and information literate individual.
Challenge Your Knowledge
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
B. F
Let’s Ponder
1. I would send a birthday greeting through email to my friend who is having a birthday. This
is because as soon as you send the message, they will immediately get. I believe that in this
busy world we live in, sending a message through email is not a question of whether you
are sincere or not. I believe that if you truly are genuine to the message you are sending to
the other person it doesn’t matter what medium you used in sending it.
2. I do agree with the government that they should impose tax on online shops, if they are
successful businesses earning from P10,000 above. As stated, they are earning profits and
it would be totally unfair if they are not charged like how the physical shops are charged.
3. If a celebrity I idolize and follow on social media makes a racist remark, I would feel really
disappointed and upset that I made time to support a lowly person like that. I would
immediately unfollow and cancel him.

Declaration of Independence of the United States of America

• I am free because I can do the things I want.

• I am free because I can choose the decision I truly want.
• I am happy that I am free.
• Every person should be free.
• Every person should be able to choose the life they want for themselves.
• Our freedom should be exercised in daily basis.
• Our freedom of expression should not trample other people or create black propaganda.
1. Positive Liberty
2. Negative Liberty
3. Natural or Human Rights
4. Legal Rights
5. Free Will
6. Free Action
7. Faculties Model
Moral Responsibility
Choices involve power. There is a responsibility to use that power responsibly. One
reason being that if other people had that power with respect to you, you would want them to use
that power responsibly. You would want to be acknowledge as someone with dignity and value
and worthy of basic respect as a person. For instance, often when we are performing a duty or
responsibility that we have an obligation that is held in trust (a fiduciary obligation), even if it’s
not contractual or explicit. There is an implicit level of reciprocity and fairness built into ethical
claims because they generally go both ways. That’s why the Golden Rule is such a great moral
principle, because of its flexibility, applicability, and simplicity. Our usual moral responsibilities
include honesty, keeping promises, acting fairly and justly etc.

Free Will
There is ample reason to believe that free will (defined as the ability to choose
rationally between different courses of action under conscious control) is at best limited. To what
extent can a choice be considered free if some circumstance constrains the ability of the individual
to choose? Example, insufficient information to make an informed decision. While this may not
seem to restrict one in deciding based on available information, it is, nevertheless, a limitation and
becomes particularly problematic when decisions are compromised by external factors such as
deception, trickery, and information asymmetry. The action of the subconscious mind
(psychological evidence). The psychology of decision making has shown evidence that much
filtering of alternatives is done subconsciously so that only a limited number of alternative choices
are made available to the conscious mind. You can see evidence of this in experiments that
demonstrate subconscious bias. You can notice this in yourself when you have knowledge that is
applicable to make a decision, but only recognize that you did not use that knowledge when you
made the decision (e.g., oops, I forgot to consider …). This can also be seen in Max Bazerman’s
research on bounded ethicality in decision making, which shows that conflicts of interest
subconsciously alter a person’s ability to make decisions consistent with their ethical codes without
any conscious awareness that their decision is inconsistent, indeed even believing their action is
ethically consistent though it objectively is not.
Norms of Conduct
RA 6713 also bears the eight (8) norms of conduct – commitment to public interest,
professionalism, justness and sincerity, political neutrality, responsiveness to the public,
nationalism and patriotism, commitment to democracy, and simple living.

1. A
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. D
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. D
14. D
15. D
16. B
17. D
18. C
19. C
20. A
21. D
22. B
23. A
24. C
25. C
26. A
27. A
28. D
29. B
30. A

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