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Big English CD-ROM Level 6

Photo credits: Unit 1: Activity 1, (graph) Kolopach/Fotolia; (students walking to

class)/Joe Gough/Shutterstock; (boys laughing in playground) Leland Bobbe/Getty
Images; (teen girls on swings in park using cell phones) Ron Levine/Getty Images;
(students in hallways with lockers) Barros & Barros/Getty Images; (bar graph)
masterzphotofo/Fotolia; (Teenagers studying in school library) Hill Street
Studios/Matthew Palmer/Getty Images; (students at the University of Kiev)
Andia/Alamy; (High School class schedule) Ryan R Fox/Shutterstock; (class schedule on
blackboard) Radius Images/Corbis; (girl looking at her watch) Ermolaev
Alexandr/Fotolia; (student on cell phone looking at watch) Dmytro Panchenko/Fotolia;
(students walking to classes) Barry Winiker/Getty Images; Activity 2, (girl studying)
Yuri Arcurs/Fotolia; (girl with laptop) Hemera/Thinkstock; (girls at library) Peeter
Viisimaa/Getty Images; (students in science lab) VStock/Thinkstock; (boy writing on
chalkboard) Comstock/Thinkstock; Activity 3, (kids in computer lab) Ron Nickel/Design
Pics Inc./Alamy; (mathematical compass) Andrzej Tokarski/Shutterstock; (dictionaries)
GVictoria/Shutterstock; (notebook) Upstudio/Shutterstock; (MP3 player)
pizuttipics/Fotolia; (Nintendo Wii Console) Presselect/Alamy; (movie ticket )
maresz_1980/Fotolia; (skateboard) Hemera Technologies/Thinkstock; Activity 4, (high
school class schedule) Ryan R Fox/Shutterstock; (girl doing homework)
littleny/Shutterstock; (students in library) Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock; (people
doing Tai Chi) Luca Tettoni/Alamy; (boy with bar graph) Julian Rovagnati/Shutterstock;
Activity 5, (boy with bar graph) Julian Rovagnati/Shutterstock; (smiling boy)
biker3/Fotolia; (boy with hands on head) Jupiterimages/Thinkstock; Activity 6,
(classroom) PRCreativeTeam/Fotolia; (laptop) Peter Atkins/Fotolia; Activity 7, (boy
painting) cmlndm/Fotolia; (students taking test) lightpoet/Fotolia; (students in art class)
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock; (girl with laptop) Hemera/Thinkstock; Activity 8,
(boy checking watch) Peter Alvey People/Alamy; (girl doing homework)
littleny/Shutterstock; (girl reading book) F1online/Thinkstock; (father and son watching
TV) Image Source/Getty Images; (girl riding bike) Jacek Chabraszewski/Fotolia; Activity
9, (student writing in notebook) Fuse/Getty Images; (High School class schedule) Ryan R
Fox/Shutterstock; (boy with headphones and microphone) Pavel L Photo and
Video/Shutterstock; (father helping daughter with homework) Jupiterimages/Thinkstock;
Activity 12, (pencil) studioVin/Shutterstock; (classroom) AISPIX by Image
Source/Shutterstock; Unit 2: Activity 1, (squash player wearing medal) Fuse/Thinkstock;
(symphony conductor) James Steidl/Shutterstock; (girl and boy on a chain) Image
Source/Getty Images; (girl and boy on a chain) Image Source/Getty Images; (winners
cup) Elnur/Fotolia; (gold medal) Brian Jackson/Fotolia; (person reading by Braille)
George Doyle/Thinkstock; (fingers on Braille) thelefty/Fotolia; (art gallery) Nagy-Bagoly
Arpad/Shutterstock; (art gallery) Pavel L Photo and Video/Shutterstock; (gymnast)
Fuse/Getty Images; (gymnast doing floor exercises) Image Source/Getty Images; (music
conductor) James Steidl/Shutterstock; Activity 2, (boy writing on blackboard ) AISPIX
by Image Source/Shutterstock; (man fixing computer) Blend Images/Getty Images;
(tourist on elephant) Andrew Woodley/Alamy; (girl on top of mountain)
photogl/Shutterstock; (flute players) Steve Skjold/Alamy; Activity 3, (girl with
microscope) Anetta/Fotolia; (Bunsen burner) Donald Iain Smith/Getty Images; (Test-
tube) studioVin/Shutterstock; (flask) pressmaster/Fotolia; (potter making jar)
grthirteen/Fotolia; (easel) Tiler84/Fotolia; (palette with brushes) Africa Studio/Fotolia;
(paintbrushes) maria1001/Fotolia; Activity 4, (opera singer) Comstock/Thinkstock; (art
gallery) Nagy-Bagoly Arpad/Shutterstock; (cellists) Digital Vision/Thinkstock; (chef)
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock; (gymnast with medal) Blend Images/Getty
Images; Activity 5, (teenage boy with new car) Verity Jane Smith/Getty Images; (boy
working on laptop) Pressmaster/Shutterstock; Activity 6, (kids thinking) Gelpi/Fotolia;
(hand on soundboard) amfroey01/Fotolia; Activity 7, (girl playing violin)
wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock; (young man run jogging) Sergio Stakhnyk/Shutterstock;
(girl performing science experiment) Jupiterimages, Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock;
(student making presentation) Fuse/Getty Images; Activity 8, (boy working on laptop)
Pressmaster/Shutterstock; (man in front of windmills) ZUMA
Wire Service/Alamy; (girl playing piano) prudkov/Fotolia; (hiker) Maygutyak/Fotolia;
(girl playing chess) Franziska Tetzner/Corbis; Activity 9, (hike) Galyna
Andrushko/Shutterstock; (man fixing computer) Blend Images/Getty Images; (CPR)
Smith Collection/Getty Images; (windmill) Lucas Oleniuk/ZUMApress/Newscom;
Activity 12, (musical note) beermedia/Fotolia; (kids playing in a band) artisticco/Fotolia;
Unit 3: Activity 1, (depressed businessman) Minerva Studio; (photocopier) Jupiter
Images/Thinkstock; (father helping son with homework) Purestock/Thinkstock; (mother
and daughter looking happy) Comstock/Thinkstock; (“right” “wrong” sticky notes)
Marek/Fotolia; (woman looking stressed) Stockbyte/Thinkstock; (lost wallet)
mapichai/Shutterstock; (wallet on ground in parking lot) Photodisc/Thinkstock; (answer
key) Dusit/Shutterstock; (pencil on test sheet) Hemera/Thinkstock; (person cheating on
test) Jupiterimages/Thinkstock; (person with cheat sheet for test) VIPDesign/Fotolia;
(copier and fax) IrinaPolyakova/Fotolia; Activity 2, (boy and girl talking) Jacek
Chabraszewski/Fotolia; (students in library) wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock; (woman with
towels) lev dolgachov/Shutterstock; (girl helping woman off subway) Anna Peisl/Corbis;
(woman with broken vase) Image Source/Getty Images; Activity 3, (girl holding door for
man on crutches) Andersen Ross/Getty Images; (man helping hikers with directions)
PhotoAlto/Frederic Cirou/Getty Images; (mother helping daughter with homework) Ryan
McVay/Thinkstock; (girls helping person who fell on ice) Westend61/Getty Images; (two
girls laughing at another girl) ColorBlind Images/Getty Images; (man tripping with
boxes) A.B./Getty Images; (boy cheating on test) Digital Vision/Thinkstock; (boy
stealing a book in a library) STOCK4B/Getty Images; Activity 4, (girl holding test with
grade "A") Yuri Arcurs/Shutterstock; (parents reprimanding son) Nancy Ney/Getty
Images; (completed test and apple) Vixit/Shutterstock; (woman holding award)
Comstock/Thinkstock; (boy cheating on a test) Digital Vision/Thinkstock; Activity 5,
(girl reading) Hill Street Studios/Getty Images; (elderly woman in wheelchair) Jim
Powell/Alamy; Activity 6, (boy) milias1987/Shutterstock; (girl reading to woman in
wheelchair) Peter Teller/Getty Images; Activity 7, (wallet) meryll/Fotolia; (girl helping
woman off subway) Anna Peisl/Corbis; (kids at lunch) Baerbel Schmidt/Getty Images;
(student deep in thought) milias1987/Shutterstock; Activity 8, (students in classroom)
ULTRA.F/Getty Images; (person cheating on test) Jupiterimages/Thinkstock; (girl
stealing) Image Source IS2/Fotolia; (lost wallet) Meryll/Shutterstock; (mother talking to
daughter) Tomasz Trojanowski/Shutterstock; Activity 9, (mother helping daughter with
homework) Ryan McVay/Thinkstock; (Lost and Found center) Age
fotostock/SuperStock; (woman with broken vase) Image Source/Getty Images; (stealing)
William Perugini/Shutterstock; Activity 12, (wallet with money) J_Foto/Fotolia; (teen
helping elderly woman with walker); Lisa F. Young/Shutterstock; Unit 4: Activity 1,
(superhighway in space) NASA; (green electrocal cord) Hemera/Thinkstock;
(smartphone) bloomua/Fotolia; (smartphone) jojje11/Fotolia; (DNA) Adimas/Fotolia;
(satellite) NASA; (white train) Oleksiy Mark/Shutterstock; (red and white train)
Scanrail/Fotolia; (futuristic glasses) Lev Dolgatsjov/Fotolia; (man with virtual reality
glasses) Syda Productions/Fotolia; (nanotube structure ) Ekaterina Shilova/Fotolia;
(nanotechnology) Lonely/Fotolia; (network damage) salita2010/Fotolia; Activity 2,
(shuttle liftoff) Scott Andrews/NASA; (woman using a microwave) Comnet; (boy taking
picture with camera) Sabphoto/Fotolia; (boy talking on cell phone) Somos
Images/Alamy; (woman shopping online) wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock; Activity 3,
(electric car) Petair/Fotolia; (cell phone) Scanrail/Fotolia; (MP3 player)
pizuttipics/Fotolia; (laptop) Peter Atkins/Fotolia; (cash register) SIN/Fotolia; Sam
Chadwick/Shutterstock; (phonograph);
(woman on rotary dial phone) Glowimages/Superstock; Activity 4, (chef)
Kzenon/Fotolia; (family) Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock; (inset)
Andresr/Shutterstock; (mountain climbing in snow) Hemera/Thinkstock; (woman by
Eiffel Tower) Ariwasabi/Fotolia; (man singing) Vladimir Koletic/Fotolia; Activity 5,
(clock and calendar) Freshidea/Fotolia; (boy playing a virtual reality game) DAJ/Getty
Images; Activity 6, (processor) Hemera/Thinkstock; (robot ) DM7/Shutterstock; Activity
7, (children communicating online) Tatyana Gladskih/Fotolia; (robot) PAO joke/Fotolia;
(car) Skalapendra/Shutterstock; (teenagers using camera phone) Comstock/Thinkstock;
Activity 8, (green car) Deusexlupus/Fotolia; (Manhattan) Sandra Baker/Alamy; (Hong
Kong) Friday/Fotolia; (train) Scanrail/Fotolia; (Earth) NASA/GSFC/Arizona State
University; Activity 9, (shuttle liftoff) Scott Andrews/NASA; (news On tablet PC)
Bloomua/Fotolia; (robot surgery) Menzel/Science Source; (superhighway in space)
NASA; Activity 12, (pen) nIxOiD/Fotolia; (man at computer controls) Dmitry
Vereshchagin/Fotolia; Unit 5: Activity 1, (gecko, overhead view) chawalitpix/Fotolia;
(pattern) nikolya/Fotolia; (duct tape) Anterovium/Fotolia; (roll of tape) design56/Fotolia;
(superhero kid) robhainer/Fotolia; (gecko, side view) Hakoar/Fotolia; (X-ray vision)
Rudall30/Shutterstock; (x-ray vision of man) LANBO/Shutterstock; (aktive nervenzelle)
Sebastian Kaulitzki/Fotolia; (blue neuron) Sebastian Kaulitzki/Fotolia; (radar with world
map) Foxaon/Fotolia; (radar) Petersim/Fotolia; (binary code) Kotkoa/Fotolia; Activity 2,
(thermographic photography) David Pedre/Getty Images; (lifting weights) SW
Productions/Getty Images; (superhero) Christos Georghiou/Fotolia; (girl with hands on
ears) Lev Dolgatsjov/Fotolia; Activity 3, (nurse taking X-ray of dog) Monty
Rakusen/Getty Images; (electronic thermometer) Only4denn/Fotolia; (blood pressure
measurement) WithGod/Fotolia; (doctor performing an EKG test)
StockLite/Shutterstock; (plasma TV on wall) Semisatch/Fotolia; (DVD player)
Robertkoczera/Fotolia; (portable music system) Sergey Rusakov/Fotolia; (woman
holding tablet PC) Ammentorp/Fotolia; Activity 4, (woman with headache touching
head) Piotr Marcinski/Shutterstock; (plugging cord into outlet) Comstock/Thinkstock;
(angel) Zoonar/Thinkstock; (lunar rover) NASA; (old metal letters) Adimas/Fotolia;
Activity 5, (gecko) chawalitpix/Fotolia; Activity 6, (person wearing cap with electrodes)
Annedde/Getty Images; (scientists doing research) Kasto/Fotolia; Activity 7, (hearing
aid) Piotr Marcinski/Fotolia; (woman trying on glasses) Comstock/Thinkstock; (man with
prosthetic leg next to person in wheelchair) Huntstock/Getty Images; (football player
wearing helmet) Bernanamoglu/Fotolia; Activity 8, (school bus) Kurt Holter/Fotolia;
(woman putting fingers to head) S_l/Fotolia; (pocket watch and old letter)
Dubova/Fotolia; (unmade bed in room) Hemera/Thinkstock; (girl swimming)
JaySi/Shutterstock; Activity 9, (fortune teller) Pete Saloutos/Fotolia; (superhero)
heywoody/Fotolia; (spy taking photo) Michael Blann/Getty Images; Activity 12, (sword)
LostINtrancE/Fotolia; (knights on horses) Kasienka/Fotolia; Unit 6: Activity 1, (Galileo
Galilei) Georgios Kollidas/Shutterstock; (algae) buket bariskan/Shutterstock; (chair in
front of a painted wall) Medioimages/Photodisc/Thinkstock; (dog lying in front of a
mural by paint tins, outdoors) Grant Faint/Getty Images; (Isaac Newton) Georgios
Kollidas/Shutterstock; (portrait of astronomer); (agriculture)
Jupiterimages/Thinkstock; (terraced farming) Medioimages/Photodisc/Thinkstock; (sloth
hanging upside down) Eric Isselée/Fotolia; (sloth upright) vilainecrevette/Fotolia;
(grasshopper) Zoonar/Thinkstock; (grasshopper) Zoonar/Thinkstock; (tire in pond)
Hemera Technologies/Thinkstock; Activity 2, (signing of Declaration of Independence)
Lebrecht Music and Arts Photo Library/Alamy; (geometry) Andrii Muzyka/Shutterstock;
(kids looking at a brain) Corbis Super RF/Alamy; (mural) Blue Moon/Fotolia; Activity 3,
(student writing on blackboard) Fuse/Thinkstock; (timeline) ZUMA Press/Alamy; (girl
performing science experiment) Jupiterimages, Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock; (girl
reading) ACE STOCK LIMITED/Alamy; (students in art class) Monkey Business
Images/Shutterstock; (boy taking picture) Rich Reid/Getty Images; (marching band)
Comstock/Thinkstock; (students working on car) Echo/Getty Images; Activity 4, (boy
holding painting) Tanya Constantine/Getty Images; (William Shakespeare)
Stocksnapper/Shutterstock; (scientist working in laboratory) Alexander Raths/Fotolia;
(children playing soccer) Siri Stafford/Thinkstock; (boy writing on chalkboard)
Comstock/Thinkstock; Activity 5, (statue of Athena) Dimitrios/Shutterstock; (statue of
Juno); (women statue) Anekoho/Shutterstock; Activity 6, (statue
of Helen of Troy) NICK FIELDING/Alamy; (Trojan War) David Barnett/Alamy;
Activity 7, (panda) silver-john/Shutterstock; (sloth hanging upside down) Eric
Isselée/Fotolia; (pitcher plant) faizzaki/Fotolia; (elephant) Johan Swanepoel/Fotolia;
Activity 8, (“good idea” light bulb) ronstik/Fotolia; (elephants) Ekaterina
Myshenko/Fotolia; (sloth hanging upside down) Eric Isselée/Fotolia; (scales of justice)
silvae/Fotolia; (William Shakespeare) Stocksnapper/Shutterstock; Activity 9, (antique
telephone) Adrio/Fotolia; (giant sandwich) Jabiru/shutterstock; (old Model T car)
Douglas Tomko/Fotolia; (running the baton) Soupstock/Fotolia; Activity 12, (book)
Paulista/Fotolia; (kids in classroom) auremar/Fotolia; Unit 7: Activity 1, (image of Earth
from space) NASA/JPL/UCSD/JSC; (Kryptos on building) Landov; (digital background)
Evgeniya_m/Fotolia; (code) arturaliev/Fotolia; (solar winds) Casey Reed/NASA; (Earth's
atmosphere) NASA; (crop circles) maurosessanta/Fotolia; (crop circles)
Maurosessanta/Fotolia; (aurora borealis of lake and trees) SuperStock/Glow images;
(aurora borealis with animals) SuperStock/Glow Images; (atom structure) Matthew
Cole/Fotolia; (atom) Hemera/Thinkstock; (sculpture) MAI/Landov; Activity 2, (crop
circles) Hemis/Alamy; (Oceania) Frozenstarro/Fotolia; (Northern Lights) Enno
Kleinert/dieKleinert/Alamy; (Great Pyramid of Egypt) feferoni/Fotolia; (Bermuda
Triangle) PiLensPhoto/Fotolia; Activity 3, (crop circles) Maurosessanta/Fotolia; (Paracas
Candelabra, prehistoric geoglyph) MKworldphotography/Shutterstock; (oceania)
Frozenstarro/Fotolia; (map of Bermuda Triangle) dieKleinert/Alamy; (compass)
sergign/Shutterstock; (plugging cord into outlet) Comstock/Thinkstock; (Northern
Lights) PiLensPhoto/Fotolia; (moon) Gina Marie Bovara/Fotolia; Activity 4, (oceania)
Frozenstarro/Fotolia; (pyramids of Egypt) Sergii Figurnyi/Fotolia; (sculpture)
MAI/Landov; (Paracas Candelabra, prehistoric geoglyph)
MKworldphotography/Shutterstock; (Sasquatch sighting) Andrew Rich/Getty Images;
Activity 5, (mountain valley) lichtmeister/Fotolia; (Death Valley) Anatoliy
Lukich/Shutterstock; Activity 6, (Death Valley) EdBookPhoto/Alamy; (man taking
pictures) Jason O. Watson/Alamy; Activity 7, (crop circles) Maurosessanta/Fotolia;
(Northern lights) Pilens Photo/Fotolia; (Great Pyramids of Giza) hiro008/Fotolia;
(Double Rock Trails) Mikenorton/Shutterstock; Activity 8, (Northern lights) Pilens
Photo/Fotolia; (Death Valley rock with track) Natalia Bratslavsky/Shutterstock;
(sculpture) MAI/Landov; (oceania) Frozenstarro/Fotolia; (pyramids of Egypt) Sergii
Figurnyi/Fotolia; Activity 9, (map of Bermuda Triangle) dieKleinert/Alamy; (Northern
lights) Pilens Photo/Fotolia; (Great Pyramids of Giza) hiro008/Fotolia; (crop circles)
Maurosessanta/Fotolia; Activity 12, (Great pyramids with Bedouin and camels) Maksym
Gorpenyuk/Fotolia; Unit 8: Activity 1, (Great Wall of China) fotohunter/Shutterstock;
(Easter Island) Celsius/Fotolia; (Stonehenge, clouds across sky) Matthew
Jacques/Shutterstock; (Stonehenge, clouds only to the left) Alexander Reitter/Fotolia;
(King Tut's burial mask) Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock; (Great Wall of China) bourbon
numérik/Fotolia; (Aerial view of Christ the Redeemer Monument) sfmthd/Fotolia; (Christ
Redeemer statue) sfmthd/Fotolia; (Taj Mahal, white tint) Nestor Noci/Shutterstock; (Taj
Mahal, gold tint) DeVIce/Fotolia; (Big Ben) Nella/Shutterstock; (Big Ben)
samott/Fotolia; (Easter Island statues) Viktor Gmyria/Fotolia; Activity 2, (Stonehenge)
Alexander Reitter/Fotolia; (Forbidden City) chungking/Shutterstock; (Sydney Opera
House) ILYA GENKIN/Alamy; (Victoria Falls) Przemyslaw Skibinski/Shutterstock; (St.
Basil’s Cathedral) Iva/Fotolia; Activity 3, (Eiffel Tower) Beboy/Fotolia; (Statute of
Liberty) Somchai Som/Shutterstock; (Taj Mahal) Nestor Noci/Shutterstock; (Kukulcan)
Subbotina Anna/Fotolia; (Victoria Falls) Inna Felker/Fotolia; (Galapagos Islands) Steve
Herrmann/Shutterstock; (Toroweap Point) Sumikophoto/Fotolia; (Mount Everest)
Marta/Fotolia; Activity 4, (flute) Bert Folsom/Fotolia; (archaeologist working on a skull)
Zoonar/Thinkstock; (treasure chest) Comstock/Thinkstock; (Macchu Picchu) Amy
Nichole Harris/Shutterstock; (Colosseum in Rome) aleniaivanova/Fotolia; Activity 5,
(Easter Island statues) Viktor Gmyria/Fotolia; (Easter Island, front view of moai statues)
ALCE/Fotolia; Activity 6, (Easter Island moai statues) Christophe Schmid/Fotolia;
(Easter Islanders erecting statue) A+E Networks, Joe Alblas/AP Images; Activity 7,
(Statute of Liberty) Somchai Som/Shutterstock; (Great Sphinx of Giza) Pius
Lee/Shutterstock; (Taj Mahal) DeVIce/Fotolia; (Sydney Opera House) Simone80/Fotolia;
Activity 8, (King Tut) julia/Shutterstock; (Statute of Liberty) Somchai Som/Shutterstock;
(Great Sphinx of Giza) Pius Lee/Shutterstock; (Taj Mahal) Nestor Noci/Shutterstock;
Activity 9, (Statute of Liberty) Somchai Som/Shutterstock; (Eiffel Tower) Beboy/Fotolia;
(Taj Mahal) DeVIce/Fotolia; (Big Ben) samott/Fotolia; Activity 12, (cane)
WimL/Fotolia; (St. Basil’s Cathedral) andreykr/Fotolia; Unit 9: Activity 1, (alpine horn)
Eckhard Eibner/Glow Images; (steel drums) Alan Crawford/Getty Images; (coins) Hugh
O'Neill/Fotolia; (coins) caruso13/Fotolia; (cellists) Digital Vision/Thinkstock; (alpine
horn) Eckhard Eibner/Glow Images; (people at video arcade) Creatas/Thinkstock; (boy
and man at arcade) Jupiterimages, Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock; (younger bagpiper)
Dieter H/Shutterstock; (older bagpiper) Yuri Arcurs/Shutterstock; (sitar) Miriam
Doerr/Shutterstock; (sitar) Miriam Doerr/Shutterstock; (steel drum player) Andrew
Woodley/Alamy; Activity 2, (comic exhibit) Jamie Pham Photography/Alamy; (concert)
Anna Omelchenko/Shutterstock; (movie premier) egd/Shutterstock; (family vacation
photo) micromonkey/Fotolia; (book signing) Jeff Morgan 14/Alamy; Activity 3, (concert)
KR MEDIA Productions/Fotolia; (people in line at theater) I love images/Getty Images;
(touring the Coliseum in Rome) Eléonore H/Fotolia; (shaking hands with President
Obama) Presselect/Alamy; (library scene) Hill Street Studios/Matthew Palmer/Getty
Images; (vacuuming) BananaStock/Thinkstock; (watching TV) Kenneth C. Zirkel/Getty
Images; (having lunch in school cafeteria) Jupiterimages/Thinkstock; Activity 4,
(festival) Image Source Plus/Alamy; (people at video arcade) Creatas/Thinkstock;
(bagpiper, photo from below) Yuri Arcurs/Shutterstock; (sitar) Miriam
Doerr/Shutterstock; (steel drums) Alan Crawford/Getty Images; Activity 5, (girls
shopping for CDs) Color Day Production/Getty Images; (boy singing) Hugo
Felix/Shutterstock; (album cover) Color Day Production/Getty Images; Activity 6, (girl
with laptop) Hemera/Thinkstock; (girls shopping for CDs) Color Day Production/Getty
Images; Activity 7, (video arcade) Presselect/Alamy; (bowling on Nintendo Wii)
Kentucky New Era, Emily Parrino/AP Images; (bagpiper) Yuri Arcurs/Shutterstock;
(sitar) Miriam Doerr/Shutterstock; Activity 8, (festival) Image Source Plus/Alamy;
(movie premier) egd/Shutterstock; (alpine horn) Eckhard Eibner/Glow Images; (boy
listening to music on headphones) altrendo images/Getty Images; (steel drums) Alan
Crawford/Getty Images; Activity 9, (Harry Potter books) Bizuayehu Tesfaye/AP Images;
(Taylor Swift) Everett Collection/Newscom; (Poster for the Twilight movie) Mim
Friday/Alamy; (stack of money) designsoliman/Fotolia; Activity 12, (book)
Paulista/Fotolia; (castle) Gail Johnson/Fotolia

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