Top Notch Fundamentals at Credits

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Top Notch: English For Today’s World Fundamentals, Third Edition


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Pearson Education, 10 Bank Street, White Plains, NY 10606 USA

Staff credits: The people who made up the Top Notch team are Peter Benson, Kimberly Casey,
Jennifer Castro, Tracey Munz Cataldo, Rosa Chapinal, Aerin Csigay, Dave Dickey, Gina
DiLillo, Nancy Flaggman, Irene Frankel, Shelley Gazes, Christopher Leonowicz, Julie Molnar,
Laurie Neaman, Sherri Pemberton, Pamela Pia, Rebecca Pitke, Jennifer Raspiller, Charlene
Straub, and Kenneth Volcjak.

Student Book and FlashCards

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Text credit: Page 86: Recipe for “Hungarian Cabbage and Noodles” by Rozanne Gold.
Reprinted by permission.

FlashCards photo credits:

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Vocabulary Flashcards: Places in the neighborhood: (a pharmacy) JGI/Tom Grill/Blend
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Hurst/Fotolia, (woman in suit) Alliance/Fotolia, (woman in blouse and pants) Phil
Date/Thinkstock/Getty Images; Unit 6, Lesson 2, Vocabulary Flashcards: Colors and sizes:
(white spool) Kenishirotie/Fotolia, (black spool) Kenishirotie/Fotolia, (red spool)
Kenishirotie/Fotolia, (orange spool) Kenishirotie/Fotolia, (yellow spool) Kenishirotie/Fotolia,
(green spool) Kenishirotie/Fotolia, (blue spool) Kenishirotie/Fotolia, (purple spool)
Kenishirotie/Fotolia, (gray spool) Kenishirotie/Fotolia, (brown spool) Kenishirotie/Fotolia; Unit
6, Lesson 3, Vocabulary Flashcards: Adjectives to describe clothes: (purple sneakers) Uluc
Ceylani/Shutterstock, (red sneakers) Cloki/Shutterstock, (dirty shirt) Vichly4thai/Fotolia, (clean
shirt) Vichly4thai/Fotolia, (light suit) Elnur/Fotolia, (dark suit) Elnur/Fotolia, (long skirt)
Yo/Fotolia, (short skirt) Serkucher/Fotolia; Unit 8, Lesson 1, Vocabulary Flashcards: Places
in the neighborhood: (bus station) Javier Larrea/AGE Fotostock, (train station) Dmitry Pistrov
/Fotolia, (stadium) Frank Boston/Fotolia, (park) Ed Brennan/Fotolia, (mall) Janine Wiedel
Photolibrary/Alamy, (museum) Robert Harding World Imagery/Alamy, (airport)
Shutterbas/Fotolia, (hospital) Spotmatikphoto/Fotolia; Unit 11, Lesson 3, Vocabulary
Flashcards: Outdoor activities: (beach) Haveseen/Fotolia, (running) Rido/Fotolia, (biking)
Purestock/Getty Images, (walking) Michael Jung/Fotolia, (swimming) Claro
Alindogan/iStock/Thinkstock/Getty Images, (driving) Bikeriderlondon/Shutterstock; Unit 12,
Lesson 1, Vocabulary Flashcards: Adjectives to describe hair: (black hair) Creativa/Fotolia,
(brown hair) Sanneberg/Fotolia, (red hair) Alinute/Fotolia, (blonde hair) Goodluz/Fotolia, (gray
hair) Digitalefotografi en/Fotolia, (white hair) Contrastwerkstatt/Fotolia, (straight hair) BigLike
Images/Fotolia, (wavy hair) Auremar/Fotolia, (long hair) Zea Lenanet/Fotolia, (short hair)
Eurobanks/Fotolia, (bald man) Jose Manuel Gelpi Diaz/Hemera/Thinkstock/Getty Images; Unit
12, Lesson 2, Vocabulary Flashcards: Parts of the body: (hand) Christian Schwier/Fotolia,
(foot) Vibe Images/Fotolia; Unit 14, Lesson 1, Vocabulary Flashcards: Academic subjects:
(architecture model) APG/Alamy, (operating room) Uwimages/Fotolia, (psychologist) Michael
Jung/Fotolia, (business meeting) Apops/Fotolia, (teacher) Igor Mojzes/Fotolia, (mathematics)
Andres Rodriguez/Fotolia, (man with laptop) Michael Jung/Fotolia, (nursing) Michael
Jung/Fotolia, (engineer) Mitarart/Fotolia, (courtroom) John Neubauer/PhotoEdit, Inc.; Unit 14,
Lesson 3, Vocabulary Flashcards: Dreams for the future: (bride and groom)
Paylessimages/Fotolia, (family with two children) Tyler Olson/Fotolia, (retirement party)
Cohen/Ostrow/Photodisc/Getty Images, (chef) Duckman76/Fotolia, (doctor)
Duckman76/Fotolia, (signposts) Mc Xas/Fotolia, (woman holding money) Ryanking999/Fotolia,
(donation box) Feng Yu/Shutterstock, (birthday cake) Claudia Paulussen/Fotolia;

Lesson Planner
Written by Sarah Lynn and Penny Laporte

Text composition: TSI Graphics

Teacher Resources
Text composition: TSI Graphics

Speaking Activities written by Wendy Pratt Long

Photo credits:
Inductive Grammar Charts
Unit 4, p. 32 Igor Mojzes/Fotolia; Unit 6, p. 44 Original photography by Sharon Hoogstraten and
David Mager; Unit 13, p. 105 (top left) Edyta Pawlowska/Fotolia, (top right) Studio-
Annika/iStock/Thinkstock/Getty Images.

Learning Strategies
Unit 3, p. 26 (1) Iofoto/Fotolia, (2) Eurobanks/Fotolia, (3) BananaStock/Thinkstock/Getty
Images, (4) Phovoir/YAY Media AS/Alamy; Unit 5, p. 42 (party) Monkey Business/Fotolia,
(movie) United Artists/Album/Newscom, (dance) WaveBreakMediaMicro/Fotolia, (meeting)
Fuse/Fotolia, (game) Galina Barskaya/Fotolia.

Speaking Activities
Unit 2, Lesson 3, p. 6 (top left) Jasmin Merdan/Fotolia, (top right) Eurobanks/Fotolia, (bottom
left) Kitty/Shutterstock, (bottom right) WaveBreakMedia Ltd/Thinkstock/Getty Images.
Student Book Video:
Video production: EUXmedia, LLC, NY and LA.
Conversation Activator script writing: Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher
Pronunciation Activator script writing: Sharon Goldstein

Conversation Activator photo credits:

Unit 1, Lesson 3
Scene 1, (conference room) Basileus/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (conference hall) Atiketta Sangasaeng/Shutterstock

Unit 2, Lesson 3
Scene 1, (office space interior) Basileus/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (office space interior) Basileus/Shutterstock

Unit 3, Lesson 2
Scene 1, (University campus building) Konstantin/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (Central Park, NY) Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH/Shutterstock

Unit 4, Lesson 3
Scene 1, (game room) Basileus/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (reception area) pics721/Shutterstock

Unit 5, Lesson 3
Scene 1, (hallway with pillar in the mall) JJ Studio/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (modern office) Zastolskiy Victor/Shutterstock

Unit 6, Lesson 3
Scene 1, (clothes shop) fiphoto/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (clothes store) fiphoto/Shutterstock

Unit 7, Lesson 3
Scene 1, (kitchen)
Scene 2, (dining room) romakoma/Shutterstock

Unit 8, Lesson 2
Scene 1, (office space interior) Basileus/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (library) SharonPhoto/Shutterstock

Unit 9, Lesson 2
Scene 1, (living room and dining room)
Scene 2, (Victorian terraced houses) Ron Ellis/Shutterstock
Unit 10, Lesson 1
Scene 1, (kitchen) JPagetRFPhotos/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (kitchen) LuckyPhoto/Shutterstock

Unit 11, Lesson 3

Scene 1, (office space interior) Basileus/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (corporate office) imging/Shutterstock

Unit 12, Lesson 3

Scene 1, (living room)
Scene 2, (empty vintage room - rendering) archideaphoto/Shutterstock

Unit 13, Lesson 2

Scene 1, (loft/flat space) Adas Vasiliauskas/Shutterstock
Scene 2, left (living room) PlusONE/Shutterstock
Scene 2, right (bedroom) karamysh/Shutterstock

Unit 14, Lesson 2

Scene 1, (living room) PlusONE/Shutterstock
Scene 2, (airport corridor) Aleksandr Kurganov/Shutterstock

Top Notch TV:

Video production: EUXmedia, LLC, NY and LA.

Sitcoms: Wade Steadman (Director/Producer), Rich Scanlon (Associate Producer/Editor),

Wayne Simpson (Director of Photography), Jessica Jennings (Second Camera), Matt Campbell
(Assistant Director), Anton Gold (Audio), Gioia Birkett-Foa (Boom), Michael Cataldo (Art
Director), Paul Coggins (Set Design), Sherryn Smith (Makeup/Wardrobe), Rosa Colon
(Wardrobe Supervisor)

Cast: Chris Cook (Bob), Larry J. Tish (Paul), Bill Thorpe (Mr. Evans), Stephanie Biernbaum
(Cheryl), Lordan Napoli (Marie), Robert Saoud (Mr. Rashid), Mark Van Savage (Giorgio
Moretti), Maija Gray (Mrs. Beatty), Mara Sidmore (Ms. Novak), Richard Lindley (David
Doolittle), Sharon Evans (Cheryl’s mother), Christina Everett (Dr. Anderson), Stacey Fisher
(Waitress), Ellen Pyzik (Tourist)

Interviews: Doug Latham (Producer/Director), Christine Andacic (Associate Producer), Vernise

Cardillo (Camera), Keith Lombardi (Audio), Alexandra de Gonzalez (Editor)
Photo credits: Unit 4, page 3: (baby) Ana Blazic Pavlovic/Fotolia, (girls) Yupiramos
Group/Fotolia, (tall man) Gary Salter/Corbis, (elderly woman and child) Sergey
Khamidulin/Fotolia; Unit 11, page 2: (family in car) Monkey Business/Fotolia, (family on walk)
michaeljung/Fotolia, (family bicycling) Monkey Business/Fotolia, (jogging) PictureArt/Fotolia;
Units 8-14 Review Test, page 6: (train station) Dmitry Pistrov /Fotolia, (swimming) Felix
Mizioznikov/Fotolia, (hospital) Spotmatikphoto/Fotolia, (park) Ed Brennan/Fotolia, (skiing)
dell/Fotolia; Final Exam, page 8: (left) Kathy Burns-Millyard/Fotolia, (middle) .shock/Fotolia,
(right) Andrey Armyagov/Fotolia.

Illustrations: Kenneth Batelman, John Ceballos, Leanne Franson, Scott Fray, Stephen
Hutchings, Karen Minot, Suzanne Mogensen, Sandy Nichols, Dušan Petričić, Phil Scheuer,
Steve Schulman, Neil Stewart, Mary Treatner, TSI Evolve, Chris Vallo, Anna Veltfort

Recording and audio production services: CityVox, Inc.

Top Notch Pop: Music and lyrics by Everett Bradley, Dave Clark, Steve Conte, Amanda Homi,
Kati Mac, Rob Morsberger, and Catherine Russell. Animation by Rich Scanlon and Chi-Yun

ActiveTeach development and production

Magic Software

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